#being fast is good for sketching and getting ideas out
aiixen · 11 months
how do you draw so quickly?
I don't 😭 I'm actually super slow when it comes to drawing anything past the sketch/rough colors, it usually takes me few days to finish a fully clean piece (even if my art style it's still a bit messy!)
Most of the art I share here it's stuff that takes me around 2~4 hours, depending on how much I can focus on the piece and if I feel like cleaning it or not!
The real secret is... Getting obsessed with a character/media and/or having no free time so you need to force yourself to rush haha , if you stare at my pieces for half a second too long you can see that they are super messy 😭, but it doesn't really matter as long as you (as in the artist) are satisfied with how it looks + having the main focus cleaned up enough.
For example in my most recent art the character's hands /shirt and hair are not refined AT ALL. But the focus of th picture is the face, which I spent more time on it to have it look clean.
Beside this, I sometimes post art I had already done since a while but forgot to post... 🫣
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twstowo · 5 months
Hello! I absolutely love your work it's always such a joy to read them! So, when I saw your asks were open, I had to ask fast! Can I request for a fluffy work where Jade, Rook, and Vil are painting their S/O? You can add on more if you need to.
I hope you have a nice day! ₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗SYNOPSIS: They paint/sketch you.
♡︎I almost exploded on Vil’s part.
♡︎Includes: Jade, Rook and Vil
♡︎Warning: Jade smirking
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I can't picture him painting you, but I see him having some sketches of you in a notebook, probably filled with information about mushrooms.
After classes ended, you had a habit of lingering at Monstro Lounge. You'd order a drink, often covered by Jade's generosity. There, you would study, awaiting Jade's arrival whenever he was free. On one particular day, he observed you from a distance, engrossed in reading potionology books for an upcoming test. Although you were engaged in a mundane activity, he felt an unusual urge to capture you in his notebook, akin to documenting a rare mushroom.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
"Jade, is that me?" you questioned as you spotted a peculiar doodle of yourself in his mushroom-filled notebook. The two of you had gone on a hike, and to assist him in identifying mushrooms, he handed you his notebook. To your surprise, amidst the detailed fungi descriptions, you discovered a drawing of your face stuffed inside a book. Much to your dismay, Jade responded with a smirk rather than a straightforward answer.
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Now Rook would be the type to paint you and have those paintings of you on the walls of his room, no shame at all. If someone entered his room, he would spend hours talking about the artworks, explaining how divine you looked to the point that he had to capture it for eternity.
He would find you in the botanical garden, staring at some flowers, and out of nowhere, you'd see him with a canvas and an easel running towards you. You have no idea how he managed to get those so fast, as you were just talking seconds ago.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
“Is this really necessary?” You were already embarrassed by the fact that he wanted to paint you, but the constant remarks about your beauty made you almost pass out.
“Oh, mon Trickster, I only wish to capture forever what I deem worthy of being seen by millions, as your beauty is undoubtedly impossible to-” And he kept on talking about how much he loved you, how amazing you were, how breathtaking you looked, and how his actions were undoubtedly more than worth it. With each word, you felt your legs growing weaker.
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This might start with Rook wanting to paint the two of you together as a cute couple since he was your ultimate shipper. However, Vil never seemed pleased with the paintings, stating that something was missing. You thought he was talking about him not looking as good as he wanted, but after some days, he asks you to come over, and to your surprise, he tells you that he wants to paint you.
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
“Potato, stay still!” By the Seven, you only wanted to scratch your nose. It had been almost an hour, and you were starting to feel really hungry. You'd have to curse Grim for wasting money on his cans of tuna, leaving you with only sandwiches until the smell made you feel sick. You stared around his room, waiting for the work to be done. After all, it surely couldn’t take that much more. “Come see it.” You saw him lower the brush as he looked at you with a smile, and as you approached, you had to grab your jaw or it would drop to the floor. The way he had drawn you had nothing on Rook’s style. You looked so beautiful, it almost didn’t feel like that was you. So, that was how Vil saw you? And he was just mad that Rook couldn’t see the same thing he did.
“Oh, Vil!” You sounded so lovesick as you gave him a hug and a kiss.
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writers-potion · 2 months
I’m not a very scheming person, but one of my stories need political intrigue to work. Do you have any advice for how to write that?
Writing Political Intrigue
Creating Shades of Gray
Unlike most plots where the protgonist("the good") and the antagonist("the bad") is more or less clearly defined, political intrigue is all about being in the middle.
Those who are self-serving but respect the law
Those who work for the public good but break the law
Those who try to stay clean but is absolutely no help
The key is to reveal both sides of holding but a certain value. This is perhaps best demonstrated through the controversal topics in today's context:
Social Aid for the Poor: (1) Of course redistribution of wealth and aiding the economically underprivilleged is a good thing (2) but if governmental aid actually encourages people to not work, should we continue?
Honesty: (1) it's good to be honest (2) but not is all situations
Sticky your character in between two or more parties, into making difficult choices. Make them break and bend their own code or values in the face of trying to chase their own agendas.
Different Perspective is Everything
As stated, everything has two sides. Each party will have different goals, different ideals, different norms of doing the work.
Bad blood, feuds, competition for resources, desire to win an ego battle. There's plenty of plot material.
The key here is to let both sides have good, understandable reasons. If one side is clearly "bad" with the other opposing them, it's no different from a hero-villain plot!
Gossip and Rumors
Gossip is one of the most powerful weapons in politics. In other words, it's reputation. Saving face. Ego.
Spreading half-truths to get a character to watch their back
Scandals and failed apologies
Gossip as an undercurrent tension within a scene where the character needs to prove themselves.
No Room for Weaklings
No one without a strong personal code or goal will get trampled in a tight, fast-paced political scene.
If your character is forced into politics, they'll need to toughen up quick or drop out.
A character may think they're strong, only to be proven wrong the minute he enters politics.
A character may find himself being divorced from his previous values as he tries to be more "tough"
Draw the Big Picture
In a particular scene, your characters aren't going to know everything, sometimes acting even blindly in pursuit of a goal. As an author, though, you should have a clear idea which piece of the puzzle you're writing.
figure out a sketch of your setting, and figure out the big issues, crises and ideologies that political divisions could stem from.
Know what your characters are into, past the main plot. Where do they want to be, even after this story is over?
You'll get a much richer story by brining in layers of characterization.
Keep lots of notes to keep track of the above.
Research, Research, Research!
The best place to get ideas for political intigue: history.
Grab a handful of texts on the historical wars, figures, and regime changes that most interest you, and after reading them you’ll likely end up with enough intrigue material to plot through a book series.
The setting and governmental structure: Political intrigue is shaped by the underlying social background and politicla system, so plan these in a way that suits your plot.
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 📸
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kazumist · 1 year
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✩ — includes: various x gn!reader. fluff with a hint of crack. no cws. wc: 1040. please do reblog !! it helps me a lot :DD
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xiao — !
the one who would stay in his seat if you fell asleep in class. he doesn’t know why he’s staying—it’s already lunch break and he should be eating, not staying with you doing nothing but just looking at your sleeping face. with venti going up to him and wondering why he’s still in his seat, xiao just told him to eat lunch without him for now. 
he thought of waking you up; however, who knows what your reaction would be? would you be mad at him for disturbing your rest? or would you ignore him and continue dozing off? xiao didn’t get a chance to do anything because, as he was wondering, you had woken up. yawning, you look around and see the classroom empty except for the two of you still being there. but xiao soon left you alone after he pointed out that you had a bit of drool on the side of your lips. he left almost immediately, embarrassed, before you could even ask why he was still there with you.
childe — !
he’d simultaneously annoy the living hell out of you. poking your cheek, stealing your stuff, or even locking the classroom door on you if you’re about to walk in. anything that’ll piss you off, he’ll do it just to see your reaction. one time, he kept poking your cheek during class, and you accidentally yelled at him while the teacher was discussing. the ending was bad, but gladly, the teacher heard you out, and the two of you got kicked out of the class until the period was over. during the whole time you glared at childe, while he just cheekily smiled at you as if what he did was just something small and it wouldn’t be that bad at all. 
but you were mad at him—it’s been going on for what? weeks? months even? you were getting enough of it already. you had no idea why childe had been doing this but it pissed you off, really. (it’s his way of getting your attention because he can’t bring himself to actually hold a proper conversation with you.)
kaeya — !
he’s a bit similar to childe. but instead of annoying you, he flirts. he never shuts up, either. at every single conversation you have with him will always have a stupid pick up line from him, and you’ll just smile at him with an imaginary irk already forming on your forehead. he’s lucky that he’s pretty—but it’d be better if kaeya were to never speak a word in general. 
to those small walks together in the hallways, or to those small notes he silently passes onto you during class, his flirting gets worse and it eventually turns into a never-ending cycle of him just asking you out and you denying him every time. it tires you to decline him, thinking about why he doesn’t even bother to give up. but maybe it isn’t bad to accept his invitation to a cafe date once, right?
albedo — !
albedo is the one who’s really good at art. you always find albedo’s art to be beautiful. i mean, who wouldn’t? he really has a talent when it comes to art, especially when it’s sketching and painting. there was one time where you noticed that albedo’s sketchpad was in kaeya’s hands and he was skimming through it (with albedo’s permission, of course). 
you never know what that sketchpad contains. it’s not like albedo prevents you from touching it; you just never really asked if you could view the content of it. he called you to show some of albedo’s sketches, and you really thought you were going to see drawings of landscapes and such. you didn’t expect to see yourself in his sketchbook. you felt your mind go blank for a moment—albedo has been sketching you? it’s not even one sketch, there’s a few of them, actually. when albedo realized that kaeya was showing you his sketchpad, he never grabbed it out of his friend’s hands so fast. he also took a hold of your wrist and dragged you to somewhere more private to talk.
cyno — !
the famous class president. he’s got everything, really. the looks, the smarts, you name it. but one thing you didn’t expect from cyno is that he tells jokes. corny jokes, to be exact. after being assigned to be seatmates with him for one quarter of the school year, you honestly felt nervous about it. you haven’t properly talked to cyno unless it’s about school related things and all. so you didn’t really know how to act around him in general. 
but surprisingly, you just randomly heard a joke come out of his mouth once when you two decided to stay at school a bit longer to study. although the joke was, well, corny. what you didn’t expect, though, was for cyno to explain the joke in full detail as to why it was hilarious for him. who knew that the president of your class had such a side to him? even if you don’t find his jokes funny, you still find him cute when he tries to explain and reason out why they're funny to him.
tighnari — !
tighnari would notice your struggles when it comes to academics. it’s kind of weird for you, though, since you never really made it obvious. he doesn’t make fun of you, though. of course, he decided to help you with it. you two would meet up at the library, and he would do some small tutorials for you just in case you had difficulties with the lesson and all that. if the library seems packed (this usually happens during exam season), you two would either stay at each other’s residence or go to a cafe for a peaceful ambience.
you are honestly grateful for his help, but you can’t help but think, is he doing this for pity? but if it were to be caused by his pity for you, what’s the reason behind those cliché moments of you accidentally brushing your hands on the same book? or those times when he lets you stay at his place if you accidentally end up studying so late? there has to be another reason for it except for pity, right?
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wowa-bublord · 2 months
Just found your Zack lives au and I love it!!!! I have a question about tifa and barret tho if that's ok!! What's their thoughts about the whole situation?? About how they're on the run from shinra and what they did to them?
YAYYY BARRET AND TIFA OMG. i have soo many ideas for them but im still figuring out quite how i want 2 draw them so this post is going to be mostly words.
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both Tifa and Barret are initially suspicious of Zack, for good reason. With Barret recognizing him as a SOLDIER and Tifa recognizing him as specifically one of the SOLDIERs from Sephiroths mission in Nibelheim, theyre both not really sure what to make of him. Tifa, despite her suspicion, is grateful towards Zack for taking care of Cloud, and gets him the room he stays in to both get cloud a stable space to sleep, and keep him close enough to keep an eye on. Since they are suspicious of him, I imagine the timeline of missions would get a bit disorganized- Zack wouldn't be invited onto Avalanche as early as Cloud was, and he'd be hesitant to be so far from Clouds side even to take down Shinra. Slowly, though, since Tifa is also very interested in Clouds well being, Zack and her form an initially unsteady bond based on their care for him, which turns into a real friendship between the two of them!!
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Tifas eventual trust in Zack would leak into Barrets trust in him- as he trusts her judgement 100%, even if he's more open with his worries on the matter. I think Zack and Barret would become fast friends once Barret starts to lose his suspicion of him. They're both stubborn, easily agitated people who also have a tendency to act silly or goofy or make a joke when situations get tough to ease tension.
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And, in response to their warming up to them, Zack would be able to drop his own ":-)" mask a little bit and slowly open up about what he's been through and how Shinra has hurt him. Though, Zacks own trust in them does come with its ups and downs, especially when it comes to Cloud. (Sorry for the kinda off model barret here, it was my first ever sketch of him i will make more content of him soon >,<)
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cryptid-intraining · 2 years
Even More Jason Todd Headcanons
(Wholesome And Kinda Less Sad Version Because Everyone Was Crying In The Reblogs Of The Last One)
Jason keeps stealing the Batmobile's tires. He calls it 'keeping Bruce on his toes, one day someone else is going to steal his tires and when that day comes he'll be able to replace them so fast' and Bruce calls it 'genuinely baffling, I've upgraded the security measures on the outer perimeter of the Batmobile four times already, there are a whole host of sensors and mechanisms that are designed to prevent this very thing from happening, how does he keep doing it, Alfred?!'
Jason never says that he thinks of Damian as his brother, at least not in such clear words, but he does call him habibi when they talk in Arabic, a habit that slips over to English conversations sometimes, let's him sleep in his bed when he has nightmares, pretends not to notice when Damian is trying to secretly sketch him (but he sits very still for him because he notices the way his tight expression always falls away when he focuses on drawing), and whenever Damian withdraws from them and becomes distant Jason will make murtabak or manakish and quietly leave it in his room. Damian never says anything about it and Jason would never admit to it. But they don't have to. It's just how they are.
When Duke noticed how uncomfortable Jason was around the random crowbars and metal tools kicking around in the garage of the Cave he locked them all up out of sight. He didn't know the specifics but Jason's discomfort was enough of a reason for him.
He does illegal street racing in his free time with his motorcycle. Due to this he is an incredibly good driver in tactical situations.
The white streak isn't a solid chunk of white but rather his hair just started greying prematurely (which is a thing that can happen when you undergo immense trauma or stress so it's a bit more realistic).
Part of Jason and Dick's reconciliation after he came back as Red Hood was really just about getting to know each other. They only knew each other for a few years (?) when Jason was Robin and there was too much baggage between them for either to really feel like they could be brothers or even friends (Dick feeling bitter he was replaced and Jason feeling as if he was constantly being compared to, and falling short of, Dick's legacy). But even still when he came back as an adult it took Dick awhile to realise that he actually doesn't know much about Jay, especially after so many years, so he made an effort to reach out beyond their vigilante work, coming around to Jason's apartment with cheap pizza and pepsi (no beer because Dick knows about his issues with alcoholism) and they'd just hang. At first it was awkward but they filled the often uncomfortable silence with random movies from the years Jason was dead or gone that he wanted to catch up on. It became a routine for them and slowly over the months they started to open up and actually talk.
When things were still rough between Jason and Tim, Jay would make sure to stay out of Tim's sight and hearing whenever he swung by the Manor. He figured it was the least he could do, after what he did.
Tim absolutely notices this but doesn't say anything. He's grateful for the space and knows that Jason will listen to him when he's ready to talk about their relationship and what Jason did.
Jason knows that Duke, being the newest member of the family, likely feels left out or distant from them, something he knows they've all felt when they first joined, so he always makes sure to invite him out on patrol or just to stop by the Manor to chat with him when he has the time. They both have a shared interest in cars and racing and often end up talking for a hour or two about the F1 season.
Jason absolutely has taken Damian to a shooting range. Against Bruce's wishes of course but no one could say no to Jason and Damian when they get an idea in their heads. Plus Alfred said they could.
Alfred joins them at the range the next time because Jason kept nagging him to come with and he shares stories about his days in the service. Jay and Dams are both really interested in that period of history and the old espionage tactics people used.
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httpknjoon · 1 year
what a week! | the a-listers finale
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plot | Get ready. This is the busiest, craziest, and most intriguing week ever in your fandom with you coming back to the Hollywood scene with a bang, causing more tweets, more memes, and maybe drama about you and Jin.
words | 4.8k (oh my god)
genres | humor/crack, fluff, angst, actors!au
pairing | actor!jin x famous!reader
note | usernames used in the fic are all fictional. (more note at the end) have fun reading!
main masterlist | drabble series
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Hollywood Superstar YN to Make Comeback on Her Saturday Night Live Hosting Debut This December 2
‘From The Other Side’ actress and producer, YN will host NBC’s Emmy-winning live comedy show, Saturday Night Live for the first time this Saturday after her hiatus last year.
It was announced through social media today that the Oscar-nominated actress will make her hosting debut on the show this coming Saturday.
Along with YN, Indonesian singer-songwriter NIKI will also be having her SNL debut as the musical guest of the night.
It is worth mentioning that this will be YN's comeback in front of the cameras after taking an unexpected break in April 2022. She pulled out from projects with other big personalities from Hollywood such as Chris Evans and director, Wes Anderson. 
Fans were instantly delighted by the news and expressed their joy over Twitter, with YN’s name being listed on worldwide trends almost immediately after the announcement. 
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@/YNUpdates: YN is set to make an appearance on The Tonight Show this coming Wednesday.
Not even an hour after the announcement of your appearance on the live television show, your appearance on Jimmy Fallon’s show was also reported. You also acknowledge your SNL gig by sharing the post on your Instagram Stories. To say your fans were excited was an understatement.
@/l0verynjin: and this is a live show!! We’ll be seeing her on skits again!
@/ynflowerkid: with NIKI as the musical guest???? my two worlds are coming together
Everyone– the fans and the press– truly hyped up the upcoming show, prompting even the general audience to be aware. Some critics shared that you might be able to bring high ratings for the show because of your large and active fanbase. Success was already expected for you and the show.
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“Everyone, please welcome, YN!”
You enter through the big blue curtains, wearing a classy Gianni Versace Couture black long bell-sleeve dress from the 90s. You were looking like complete royalty with the matching diamond necklace and earrings you wore as you had your hair in a sleek low bun. The audience welcomed you with cheers and you cannot help but be surprised by everyone’s reaction.
“Oh, wow…” you mumbled, Turning your eyes from the audience to the host.
“Wow, right? That’s a lot of love.” Jimmy said, which you nodded at.
“Yeah, this is a little overwhelming… in a good way,” you said which made everyone laugh. Before you turned and waved to the viewers again, “Hi, everyone!”
They began cheering in response. You giggled with their enthusiasm. 
“This is what you get for suddenly taking a break last year!” Jimmy said, using a stern, sarcastic tone.
You chuckled with that, “This is actually great! Maybe I should take unexpected hiatus every once in a while–”
“No, no, no.” Jimmy cut you off, more worried, holding your hand that rests on his table. You two instantly laughed. “We missed you a lot!”
“So… you’ll be hosting Saturday Night Live for this week…” he began.
“Yes. Yes, I am.” you nod as you shifted in your seat.
“How was it? How does it feel?”
“Oh, it feels really awesome! I’ve been wanting to host for a long time now since I loved the show ever since I was little. And I was really nervous at first when I showed up there. But everyone has been pretty nice and so talented. Everyone works so fast.” you shared, making the viewers laugh. “I’m not kidding! I was with the cast and Lorne Michaels in his office. Then, they asked me if I have any sketch ideas. After I shared mine, everyone just started to pitch like a hundred sketches and I was just sitting there, watching everyone collaborate. It’s amazing to see.”
“Yeah, that’s how it goes in the show.” Jimmy agreed. “It’s the best crew up there. The writers, the cast, the makeup and hair crew.”
“They are all wonderful,” you added.
“Yes. And you are going to be fantastic this weekend. Knock ‘em dead in Studio 8H. We’ll be watching.” he clapped and the audience cheered. Your lips form into a smile as you felt relief growing in your chest. 
Jimmy continued as the applause lies low, “The last time you were here, we were talking about your then-upcoming film, From The Other Side. And now, you got nominations for it and even won a BAFTA’s Best Actress last February! Congratulation on that. You deserve it.”
Everyone clapped while you smiled, “Thank you.”
“And your director, Emerald Fennell, read your speech for you. In which you state that she made you make that speech hours before the ceremony?!”
“Ah, yes.” you chortled. “I wasn’t expecting to win that night. I mean, the lineup of other nominees for that category that night was really incredible. So I didn’t bother to write anything. But Em really pushed me to send something. She always believed in me and knew that I have a chance in winning that award. So I just texted her anything I could think of and said I love Brandon Fraser.”
The conclusion at the end made Jimmy and the audience laugh.
“I mean, who doesn’t?” the host backed you up. “Then, Academy Awards came by March and everyone was expecting you’ll show up. But during the red carpet event, you posted this…”
Jimmy showed a snapshot of you playing the piano. You grinned, “I did. I’ve been learning to play the piano since last year and I know my supporters are waiting for me. So I just showed them I’m at home so they won’t wait up.”
“That’s nice and you were really good with the piano.” Jimmy compliments. “But can we talk about your hiatus?”
You pause and nod. Now, this is the part Hailey gave you a heads-up on. You were aware that your unanticipated break will be talked about tonight. Your manager gave you a guide on how the show and host will discuss everything in order. 
Jimmy, on the flip side, was told earlier by his producers that he can ask about it. Admittedly, he was confused and worried if you knew that you were going to be interviewed about your break since everyone knows you have been private for the past couple of years. He doesn’t want to cause any discomfort to his guests. When he confirmed that you agreed with the topic of tonight’s interview, he agreed to discuss it with guide questions from his writers.
“Yeah, sure.”
The tension was rising in the room at the moment you replied. It was dead silent. But what made it lighter was when the production crew chose to play things off by setting the spotlight just on you two, making it seem like an interrogation scene. It made everyone laugh, even you and Jimmy.
“So… people were saying you took a break last year because of a lot of things.” the host spoke, emphasizing the word.
“Oh, yeah. I heard about it.” you raised an eyebrow. “How about let’s play a game of true or false with those headline rumors?”
The audience cheered with excitement. This is a rare time a big celebrity would debunk or confirm news about them personally.
“Okay, okay. Let's start with this one…” Jimmy reads, “True or false. YN, are you planning to retire from acting really soon?”
“False, Jimmy! I’m hosting SNL this week for goodness’ sake,” you answered dramatically. The host laughed.
“She’s hosting SNL this week, people!” he repeated, looking at the camera. “How about this one? YN, true or false, did you move away from the country and lived in South Korea for a year?”
You grinned, “Partially true.”
“Explain yourself, YN.”
“Okay, the only thing that was right in that rumor is that I did move.” you teased everyone. “And no, I am not telling where.”
“Understood. Okay, let’s move to another one… oooh, this is the most controversial yet.” Jimmy laughed as he looked at you. “True or false, you took an unexpected hiatus because you got into a bad heartbreak.”
The audience’s reaction was all ‘ooh’ in a curious and a little worried way. Like they just saw someone sprinkling salt on someone’s wound. You took your time before answering,
“False,” you replied, shaking your head. “Definitely untrue. I think everyone just knows it when I’m in a relationship.”
“No, I don’t think we do, YN.” Jimmy rebutted, making the viewers laugh as they relate too. With years of everyone romantically connecting you and Jin, they just cannot tell if you two are romantically together or not. The host continued, “But are you not really dating anyone right now?”
“Oh, I’m not. I’m not dating anyone right now…” your voice trailed off as you make a side eye at the audience. They showed their disapproval with that by playfully booing, and you giggled.
He copied your tone and action as he asked, “But is there anyone you’ve been seeing currently or…”
“I don’t know, Jimmy…” you sighed, shaking your head. You acted disappointed in a very obvious way.  “It’s really hard to find someone to date when you’re married. I mean, I think it’s a crime to go out with someone while–”
Big gasps. Everyone in the room– excluding you– gasped at the same time that it was audible. Their eyes were wide, a few have their hands on their chests, and someone screeched in surprise at what you said.
“Wait, what?” Jimmy asked as soon as he picked up what you just said.
“What?” you looked around the room, acting like you didn’t just say something of a big deal. “Oh, yeah. I’m married, you guys!”
Breaking the silence, the band played the drums as you showed off the wedding ring on your finger, hiding below the bell sleeve of your dress. Not just a wedding band, but a blinding engagement ring also sat on top of it. 
“Oh my god! Congratulations!” Jimmy stood up from his swivel chair and walked up to you. You stood up and you shared a hug. He whispered, “Congratulations!”
“This is wonderful!” he added, as he holds both of your arms.
You laughed as you nodded, “I know!”
Everyone laughed while applauding at the fact you are now married. Jimmy hugged you again before walking back to his spot. You can feel your cheeks hurt from how long you have been smiling throughout the interview. But you love it. You love that you finally shared the news with the public.
“When did you get married?” the host asked.
“Two years ago! It was in 2021, Jimmy!” you replied happily and you heard another series of reactions in surprise.
“What?!” Jimmy’s lips gaped. “You were already married when you went here last time?”
You nodded with chuckles, “Yes. My husband and I chose to be pretty private about the whole process. We value enjoying the first couple of years of our marriage without the whole attention of everyone. But now, we decided to share it with you, guys finally!”
“This is really great, YN. Thank you so much for coming to the show.” Jimmy smiled and you can feel that he was genuine. Jimmy turned to the camera again, “YN. Ladies and gentlemen! We’ll be right back.”
The camera still caught you waving to everyone before it cuts to the commercial. With this kind of news, it was expected how everyone will react. Showbiz websites and accounts began writing their articles. Your fans were expressing their emotions and surprise.
@/ynisthatgirl: the fuck you’re telling me yn been married since 2021
@/YNUpdates: Congratulations to our main girl and the lucky guy! 🥰🥰🥰
@/YNJINUpdates: 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️
Replying to @/YNJINUpdates
- @/versaceisyn: what’s with the candles
– @/walkingonsunshine: i think we all know what’re the candles for
@/frannycatfood: but who is the husband though 👀
@/ynilysm: i just woke up…
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Linked with you revealing your marital status is the identity of your husband. Everyone began taking their bets on who is your mystery spouse. Of course, topping the list is your three-time co-star and always rumored lover, JIN. One of the most memorable stories in the YNJIN fandom is when you two flew to South Korea with friends back in 2021.
@/outtahere: ur telling me ynjin prolly got married in seoul two years ago?
Then, the theory about you having a secret partner was brought up. Ever since the lockdowns, some people have believed that you are possibly dating someone who is not in Hollywood. They claimed that someone is a successful, private, and young entrepreneur.
It’s no secret that there are people and solo fans who think that you and Jin are only doing the whole ‘dating or not dating’ bit for attention and to keep your names floating on social media and articles. It helped you two become household names in Hollywood, other than your works. You two were everywhere online with your fans making edits, sharing their thoughts, and posting every picture of you. Although accidentally, the general public was always aware of what was going on with you.
And what’s going on with your always rumored lover, you might be wondering. 
Jin is still inactive on social media. His last online update was promoting the final episode of his limited series on HBO, which was a couple of months ago. But he had public appearances since the premiere. Two appearances to be specific.
Friday, almost two days after you announced your marriage and fans made their theories about your husband’s identity. Of course, the number of people who believed that Jin is your spouse was high. They were hoping to see Jin around New York since you will be doing SNL there for the weekend and they will take it as confirmation. But in lieu, he was seen walking out of a coffee shop in LA, where he was kinda hoarded by the press during the morning. He was alone as he tried to make his way to his car.
One of the camera guys cannot help but ask, “Did you know YN is married?”
“I did. She is one of my friends in the industry. Of course, I knew.” he answered simply, not bothering to look at the cameras. He just focused his eyes on the pathway to make sure he won’t stumble because of the press crowding around him.
“Any thoughts about it?” another one asked.
“I’m happy for her. She deserves happiness above all.”
His lips can be seen forming into a small smile as he replied. He finally got to the driver’s seat of his car. Before he hopped in, he answered one last question.
“Any hints about her husband?”
“Nice guy. A little childish sometimes but he makes good jokes.” he chuckled before driving away.
The video was uploaded by the paparazzi on the same day. Jin trended worldwide as fans expressed their thoughts about it.
@/1800JIN: i cannot believe how fast things are going rn this is crazy
@/YNJINUpdates: the first stage of grief is denial. so no, i don’t believe anything that is happening.
@/puhleaseynjin: idk what to feel rn but great to know that jin knows about her marriage after all
Replying to @/puhleaseynjin
- @/livelaughyn: yeah it means they really do trust each other 🙁
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And Saturday came. Since you were all over the news the whole week, your name was mentioned during the cold open. Hearing the people’s excitement as you prepare backstage made you breathe a little better. The intro began and the band began playing.
“Thirty seconds left, hon.” one of the staff members, who waits with you behind the door, whispered. “Good luck.”
You smiled at her, “Thank you. Donna.”
And as soon as you send that, you heard the announcer saying:
“Ladies and gentlemen, tonight’s host, YN!”
That’s your cue. Someone opened the door for you, you walked out and everyone sees you in a black blazer mini dress and strappy pumps. Standing in the middle of the stage, you cannot really see the audience properly because of the light pointed at you. Still, you put on a smile and tried to shake off the twisting feeling in your stomach. You jived to the melody and paused when it stopped. The audience was clapping the whole time.
“Thank you! Thank you very much. I am so happy to be finally here on the SNL stage for the very first time!” you began and they cheered once again. “And it’s great to be here, in front of everyone again, after ghosting y’all for almost two years!” waves of laughter erupt. “ Now, some of you may be heard of me from my first movie when I was 9, Little Miss Sunshine–” people cheered.  “Or my most recent film, From The Other Side. Or maybe you just heard a piece of certain news about me…” you winked.
“So in case you’re living under a rock, three days ago, I surprised everyone by announcing that I got married–” the audience erupted with claps and cheers. “–last 2021 to an actual person that nobody knows about.” you rolled your eyes, making everyone laugh.
“And every cast member here has been asking me this past few days: how did you got married? Where did you get married? Who’s the lucky guy? And you know what, let me just go give him a call–”
The audience screamed in excitement. You tapped on your dress’s pockets, searching for your phone. SNL cast member Kenan Thompson got on stage, handing you your phone.
“Hey, YN. You left your phone in the makeup chair.”
“Oh, thanks, Kenan.”
“And since I was the one who found it… can you please tell me who is your husband?” he said it in an excited kid way that made everyone cackle.
You tsked before shaking your head, “Oh, Keenan–”
A series of knocks were heard. A familiar tune from your past suspense movie played in the background. The audience laughed as you and Keenan looked at each other with wide eyes. You slipped your phone into your pocket and began acting alert like a spy.
“Does someone really knocks on that door?” you asked in the serious tone of your old character.
He shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t know. You were the last one who went from there.” 
The audience laughed and another knock was heard.
“Lemme go check on that.” Kenan was about to walk to the door but you stopped him.
“What if it’s The Creator?” you asked, referencing the antagonist.
“Who the hell is that? The only creator here is Lorne Michaels.” Kenan quipped, receiving laughs from everyone, before walking to the door.
You waited on the stage and the camera focused on Kenan, who peeked through the door instead of opening it directly. He was teasing. Then, he looked back to you, to the camera, and back to whoever was on the other side of the door. He was grinning. Everyone was wondering what was going on. It was just pure silence. And as he walked down the small set of steps, he spoke:
“Oh, YN! Someone is looking for you!”
You raised an eyebrow, “Who is it–”
Then suddenly the door just opens, showing a man in a dark casual suit and a bouquet of white tulips in his hands. He uttered,
“Hi, I’m actually looking for my wife–” 
Jin was cut off by screams from the audience. He bit his inner cheek to stop himself from smiling. But everyone can notice the corner of his lips forming into a smile. In live shows like this, the actor would usually wait for the intense audience response to die down for a few seconds. But the reactions are not getting smaller, so Jin resumed.
“She told me she’s going here tonight.”
“Oh, I’m here! I’m here! I’m the wife!”
You raised your hand with a proud grin on your face and Jin had to walk down with a bouquet in his hand. The audience laughed as the band plays a wedding march. Your husband laughs too. When you two stood next to each other in the middle of the stage, Keenan introduced you two:
“Everyone, please welcome, for the first time ever as a married couple, YN and Jin!”
The audience clapped, cheered, and somebody even whistled. He softly placed his hand on the small of your back before you turned to him. Your hand caresses his cheek as you two lean closer to each other. For the first time ever, you and Jin shared a kiss in front of the public. Everyone cheered louder. Pulling away, you two smiled slowly as you gazed into each other’s eyes. You noticed the slight tint of red growing on his cheeks and ears. It reminded you of so many moments in your relationship. It was like you got lost in the moment for a second before you turn to the camera.
“We got a great show tonight! Stick around. NIKI is here! We’ll be right back!”
The camera pans away as you wrapped your arms around Jin’s neck, pulling him in for a kiss again, while he holds your waist. 
You did a total of eight skits, two of which were pretaped. Your husband made another appearance during the show. He played a character with Michael Che, Colin Jost, and Mikey Day during the Weekend Update segment, playing as paparazzi who never did their job right. Jin had a line that was so ironic, it made the audience laugh and react from their seats.
“Yeah, last week, I heard that very beautiful actress got married…”
Michael asked, in character, amidst the giggles, “Who? What’s her name?”
“I think he’s talking about Scarlett Johansson.” Mikey chimed in, making Colin Jost smile, who replies, “No, I don’t think he’s not.”
“Oh, yeah. I forgot she already married that comedy guy three years ago.” Mikey replied, making Jost shake his head as he blush.
Jin finally answered, “It’s YN! You know, the one who posts cat pics all over the internet, won the BAFTA Best Actress this year, has been doing movies since she was nine, wrote songs with–”
“Okay, okay, Frank. I think everyone already knows who YN is.” Mikey cuts him off, making everyone laugh. “Why are you bringing her up by the way? Do you got any snaps from her wedding?”
“Ah, yes. I do!” Jin replied almost immediately as he acts clicking on his camera. The audience squealed, elated to catch a glimpse of whatever he was going to share. The TV screens in the studio glitched, causing confusion to the viewers. “Oh, I think my camera’s broken.”
“Let me see.” Mikey, in character, acted desperate as he reached for the camera. He checked and clicked on it before turning to Jin, “The memory card is not here, man!”
The bit ended with them arguing. NIKI performed two songs for the night. For the closing of the show, you had a graphic shirt on with pants. 
“Thank you so much to NIKI!” you began, turning to the singer beside you. You clapped along with the audience.  “To Lorne, to the amazing cast and studio crew…. And to my lovely husband,” everyone, including the cast members, cooed. You looked back at him who was standing in line with the cast members. He smiled as he saw your eyes sparkling with joy. You looked back to the front.
“Thank you so much, everyone!”
After the show, you and Jin were photographed together, walking hand in hand, as you enter the afterparty venue. As usual, you were wearing something Versace. You stun everyone with a light-reflecting metallic sparkly mini dress. It literally reflects with the flashes of the cameras pointed at you and your husband. You matched it with silver strappy heels and a small metallic Prada tote bag.
“Congrats, YN!”
You stopped in your tracks and turned your head when you heard that voice. Turning around, you spotted Greg in line with other paparazzi.
“Thanks, Greg!” you winked and Jin also waves at him.
You also posted a photo a day after.
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YN and JIN are married *Apparently For Almost Two Years Now*
It’s been a busy week for the whole YNJIN fandom this week! 
Just last week’s Saturday, it was announced that YN will be hosting the second show for SNL’s season 49. More than a year after her last public appearance and hiatus.  It was later followed by the actress-songwriter appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, in which she talked about her BAFTA win and cleverly announced her marriage. Although she didn’t disclose who’s the lucky guy, happiness was evident on her face as she replied to Jimmy’s questions. The fans were taken in surprise by the news, showering her with lovely congratulatory messages.
And just tonight, during her monologue as the show’s host, YN finally revealed who it was. Surprise, surprise! Joining her on the SNL stage is her longtime rumored lover, JIN. The ‘Still Alive’ actor showed up on stage unexpectedly, causing a loud reaction from the live viewers. SNL cast member Kenan Thompson, who was also in the bit for YN’s monologue, officially introduced the two as husband and wife. The couple shared a liplock to seal the news.
According to the shared statement of the A-lister couple’s publicists, YN and JIN were wed in an intimate ceremony two years ago, last November 2021, in their shared residence in Massachusetts. 
It was unclear where or when YN and JIN got engaged or began dating. But all we know was the two initially met for the production of their first movie, Cornelia Street, back in 2016. It was a hit, mainly due to the lead actors’ powerful chemistry, and birthed many supporters for the duo. But the rumors about their relationship began in 2018 when the two were seen hanging out often. 
The two never confirmed anything and trolled everyone about it. Even reaching the point where they became Instagram official. YNJIN even made a joke about buzzes about them breaking up when they posted a clip about it before. The two got crazier rumors over the years: living together, cheating (and breaking up again), and the actress writing love songs based on her relationship with JIN.
YN, 28, has previously dated other known names in the industry such as Jordan Fisher, Kim Taehyung, and Niall Horan. Meanwhile, JIN, 31,  was more private with his past relationships. But he was formerly linked to model Lee Sung Kyung and briefly to Selena Gomez. The wedded A-listers have worked together in a total of three films: Cornelia Street, Maybe Yes Maybe No, and Lonely People.
We are probably late but… Best wishes to Hollywood’s favorite couple!
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It was a big event in both social media and celebrity newsrooms. People shared their reactions online and even talked about you two in their real-life conversations. A lot of people made memes about the whole thing. The reveal of your husband was called iconic in one of the articles written. The number of edits, pictures, and just any type of content flooding all commonly used social media sites is crazy.
@/YNJINUpdates: YNJIN officially confirms marriage during SNL appearance 💚
@/IMMANEEDSP4CE: ynjin hard launching their relationship on snl is not in my 2023 bingo card
@/KellyDelaCruz: I just lost fifty dollars to my sister because of this whole thing!
@/bellisimayn: the whole fandom right now:
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@/tanginuhynjin4ever: we never got any dating confirmation but it’s all worth it!! 💗💗
Replying to @/tanginuhynjin4ever
- @/0283ynjinfan: TOTALLY WORTH IT
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Two days, after you publicized your marriage, it was Jin’s birthday. As to keep up with the tradition, you posted a simple greeting on Instagram. You literally just greeted them but you added some photos.
The first pic was taken during your trip together months before the reveal.
The second image is your hand, showing off the engagement ring, while Jin can be seen in the background grinning.
Then, on the third slide, a polaroid picture of you and Jin. It was taken through a selfie. You were grinning as Jin plants a smooch on your cheek. Unbeknownst to everyone, it was taken during your first wedding back in November 2021, in your then-newly bought home in Massachusetts.
And for the fourth one, Jin was seen carrying two babies, both heads turned away from the camera, on each arm. He was sat on a familiar couch with Francheskat resting beside him.
In the last slide, a screenshot of your conversation from a year ago. You did not put any context so the fans are left to think about it.
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author's note | that's it, folks! that's the end. oh my god, I didn't expect the love this series got. writing this series always brought me joy and it honestly brought me back here in tumblr. thank you so much for all the love you sent out for the a-listers. i truly appreciate everything. as always, my asks are open for questions about the whole series. also, if you have questions for the a-listers, feel free to send 'em. I'll be responding in a few days. also, just want to let y'all know, i'm planning for a spinoff. thank you so much, loves. 💕✨
taglist rules
@jub-jub @yoontaethings @kissme-ornot @sleepy-daydreams @veronawrites @cuteipat @ratherbefangirling @babystarcandy-gcf @akirawhore @alpacaparkaseok @rjsmochii @lovesickbangtan @rapmonie2047 @btsiguess-kpop @angelarin @walkinganxiety0 @bloopkook @yoooonie @amara-mars @firesighgirl @zwiehe @hiii-priestess @lojocas @juju-227592 @singukieee @eshtravagent @canarystwin @petalsofink
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414 notes · View notes
lorimnnn · 11 months
Vincent the voyeur. The second you come into town you can feel eyes on you but you don't know who they belong to, and you can't shake the feeling of being watched. But he's everywhere. He's sneaking peaks at you hiding in plain sight, shuddering as he completes his sketch, pencil moving frantically over every inch of the page. He can't move fast enough.
You're in awe of all the effort he takes into making the wax sculptures and beg to meet the artist himself, and he's scared shitless that the mask will bother you but you're just impressed it's molded so accurately to his face. Let's you touch it and guides your fingers over the contours of his mask, shaking at the miniscule tingles he can feel against his weathered skin.
obviously you're attracted to him
Bo the flirt, of course. The second he sees you he knows you'll be fun. Heat licks up your spine every time he looks at you and it's a burrowing, soul-squirming, slow and steady kind of stare that makes it feel like he's looking at every part of you, not just the parts that they all usually like.
And obviously you're this sweet, shy thing emboldened by his attraction. You can't get enough of it and he can't get enough of you. It really will be a shame to kill you.
All your friends are terrified of the goofy, scraggly driver and kind of dicks to him, and you're frowning and he's feeling his heart stutter at someone finally standing up for him and appreciating him the way he deserves. Lester giggles when you ask him more questions, normal questions, almost like you're trying to get to know him. Calls you a 'pretty thing' and gives you a little pendant made from a squirrels skull for good luck, knowing what lies ahead.
And he's falling all over himself too to be the perfect gentleman. Holding your hand to help you out the truck, the touch lingering a tad too long (he's not extending this gesture to your dick head friends of course) leaning against said truck to talk to you and missing like a complete dork, falling on his face. Embarrassed but it's all worth it when you laugh
and then all three of them when you're still roaming around and you can't find your friends, not knowing they're already dead and you're the only one left. You go to the gas station to ask around and they're all there and pretending they have no idea, smirking at your flustered expression when Bo flirts to redirect the conversation, backing you into Vincent as he does. Now you're a bit intimidated. Why are they cornering you like this? Even Lester isn't doing anything apart from an occasional 'knock it off, eh?" when you're too flustered to speak
Hehe you're in for a ride
Mini rant:
No because immediately what struck me watching it is that Carly and her friends are kind of asses??? Like yes I'm all for character flaws but just being an idiot is basically your death sentence. It was karma. The only one I feel bad for is Paige. Tell me why I had hope that they would deserve to live when it was a bunch of college kids - - - you can never trust them to be protagonists of a horror movie because WHERE IN UR RIGHT MIND DOES IT BECOME ACCEPTABLE TO TRESPASS INTO AN AREA THAT CLEARLY SAYS 'CLOSED' OR KEY A WALL FOR PROOF??? like what if I went to ur house and saw it was locked and was like "oh, that's just a decoration" and to prove your window was real glass I threw a brick at it??? Same energy really Carly's boyfriend had it coming.
p.s. i've started writing a reverse harem novel based on house of wax--- it's gonna be a slow burn that's kind of romantic and has a lot of sexual tension hehe. would any of you be interested if I posted it on ao3, or posted updates here so you know when you can perhaps... buy it? i feel like it's going to be around 150,000 - 200,000 words
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bowties8glasses · 7 months
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the latest fashion right now? being a silly trickster
COOLEST THING HAPPENED THIS WEEK, as I finally got a chance to make something for my long-time friend @foreversleepingbunny, as bun commissioned me to design her a jester-like bunny sona
so I had a interest in designing bun a sona for good while, then recently she voiced interest in one, whose idea fit (or rather, completed) the vibe I had in mind for a design
so in response I sent her rough mspaint sketch of what I had in mind (I was busy with other comms). she really liked it!
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fast forward to getting commissioned, I thought of making a small, simpler, more mascot-ish design, doing it before further working on the design sketched out prior
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this helped with nailing down the "core features" of sorts, a base to build off of when working on the main design
plus since she's a big Sanrio fan, it gives bun a design that fit right in with those :>
you may noticed the horizontal stripes in the ears, I initially thought of intead of a jester hat, the ears would be wearing socks instead to keep the vibe, that idea got scrapped
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I quickly sketched and lined one so to experiment with colors, it was basically a given that it would be pink, but I kept felling there was something missing, some spot I could include a additional color in (hazel-ish brown was the other iconic sugarbun color)
then I had a epiphany
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you might notice the sketch for this was used in the ref, but not these, that's just cause I wasn't happy with the line consistency
ok! now we get to the main form
my first sketch turned out a very direct anthro-fication of the design, I really liked it! but it kinda drifted of the initial intention of having the jester look be more like a fashion style, rather than a full-on jester (a sentiment bun also felt)
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second sketch was basically a recreation of the mspaint sketch, though you can see the influence of the small mode
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then, at the third pose, i nailed it down
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bringing attention to the skir (not just the pattern, but the cutout at the bottom) and the like, spacing of the white area in the shirt (being smaller)
the pose also turned out so nice that when I made a sketch to render I didn't like as much
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so I just did a second take on the sketch, making it more sturdy against canvas flips
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one last decision done when rendering things was making the shirt also have a hazel color, brought after experimenting with the skirt palette
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oh also! as a warmup I drew Olivia from Animal the Crossing, we share birthdays :>
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ashwhowrites · 1 year
Hi! I know you literally just posted Bratty Eddie™️, but I'd like to request another fic with him.
You and another anon talked about him not being allowed to touch reader while she gets off and I cannot get that thought out of my mind.
I just wanna see a whiny tantrum when he can't make his girl feel good. (Also if you wanna have him call her majesty or highness I'd be forever in your debt).
You just jumped the line with this request 🫡
Bratty Eddie is back again
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Eddie was in a mood today. He wasn't sure why he woke up so pissed off. He was grumpy, his hair wasn't working, his fan broke and he lost one of his rings.
When Eddie had a bad day, everyone had a bad day. He was a whiny fucking brat. Y/N knew that. She loved her baby but not his tantrums.
She's been trying to study for the past hour but Eddie has been slamming every possible door.
"Eddie knock it off!" She snapped as she looked over at him. She was sitting on his couch with a book in her lap.
"I CAN'T FIND MY CHIPS" he screamed. Stomping his foot into the floor.
"that is no reason to yell or throw a fit" she growled
Eddie rolled his eyes and turned back around to search for his snacks
"did you roll your eyes at me, you brat?"
"...no mommy" he said quietly
Trying to disappear into his pantry.
She let his attitude roll off of her shoulders, focusing back on her textbook.
She got a good five minutes in when her boyfriend made his way over to her.
"do you want to do something fun with me mommy?" Eddie asked, crawling to sit against her legs. Kissing her knees softly
"can't baby" she said quickly. All of her attention was focused on studying.
Eddie whined and threw his head back. His feet kicked the floor as he spazzed.
"but why not?"
"baby I'm busy. Maybe in a few minutes" she said, kissing his forehead and going back to studying.
Eddie huffed and nodded. But sitting this close to her body had his body burning. He could smell her lotion on her smooth legs. His hand softly trails the skin.
"can I at least have fun with myself?" He asked
"absolutely not"
"mommy please!" He whined. Once again his feet smacking the floor
"no means no" she growled as she yanked his hair. He moaned as she yanked harder, "if you sit good I'll suck you off. Okay?" She whispered
He nodded fast and went to his bedroom. Something to distract him.
His bedroom was a bad idea. Everything reminded him of her.
His desk- where she bent him over and fucked him when he refused to get ready for dinner.
His bed- where he got rewarded with cuddles and long kisses.
His wall- there was still a dent in it from when she teased him so bad he smacked his head as he orgasmed
Fuck even his floor was marked with her. When he was so desperate he laid on the floor and begged her to fuck him just right there.
He whimpered as his cock was growing harder. Checking his watch, it's been three minutes since he last bugged her.
He wanted to be good. He sat himself on his bed and looked through his hellfire sketches. Forgetting about the erotic ones he drew of his mommy the past few nights.
He drew the nastiest things they've done. A photo of him crying as she tied a belt around his throat. A close up of his mouth sucking on her clit while he was blindfolded. One of just her tits, a small E rested underneath her right tit. That was Eddie's favorite one.
Another one of him handcuffed to the bed, a plastic cock in his mouth as he choked. And his newest one- her pussy lips resting on top of his cumming cock. He whimpered remembering how she slid her pussy lips all over his cock. Refusing to slip it in, no matter how much he begged.
He quickly looked in the doorway, seeing she was buried in her book, Eddie slowly slid down his boxers. Sighing in relief as his cock was free. With one last look at his door he spit on his hand. Teasing his tip as he rested his fingertips on it. Teasing his head the way mommy does.
"EDDIE!" She screamed from the other room. He jumped up and tucked his cock in his boxers. Throwing his sketchbook underneath the bed.
"COMING MOMMY" he yelled back. He bounced on his feet as he walked over to her.
"play time?" He asked, dropping to his knees as he nudged her thighs apart with his head.
"not yet" she said, scratching his head with her nails.
"then why did you call me?" He whined. His hands slapped on the couch bedside of her. A dramatic sigh left his lips.
"why baby? Were you busy doing something?" She smirked. Finally looking up from her book.
His watery puppy eyes were found over the top of it.
"no" he said
But he said it too quickly
"hand" she demanded
Eddie tried to outsmart her, proudly giving her his left hand. A big smile on his face
She pecked his palm softly
"other" she demanded. That's when he grew nervous.
"mommy I'm hungry. Can I taste you for a little bit?" He tried to distract her. His face going back down between her thighs.
She yanked his right hand off of the couch.
Smirking as she smelled the skin and licked his palm. Sucking softly on his fingertips.
She moaned around his fingers, definitely tasting him.
"you touched yourself" she accused. Throwing his hand down. He let gravity take it. Dangling by the side of his body.
"no mommy I was good" he tried to lie. Shifting underneath her gaze
"don't fucking lie to me" she snapped. Her hand gripped his throat as he choked.
"I can taste you on your hand. I could taste your precum. And your hand smells like spit. You went in there and touched yourself. Even after I said I'd give you a treat."
Eddie felt ashamed. She was being nice and his attitude was getting in the way.
"I'm sorry" he sighed. Placing his cheek against the top of her thigh.
"thank you. If you can sit and be good until I'm done, I'll still give you your treat baby. Okay?"
He nodded happily. Throwing himself on the couch next to her.
He silently read over her shoulder, eyes growing heavy as he read the boring material.
Within seconds Eddie was shifting everywhere
"I'm going to go lay down and take a nap" he said, kissing her cheek. She smiled and smacked his ass as he got up.
He blushed and walked faster to his bedroom. Closing the door and throwing himself on the bed. Once again pulling out his cock, grabbing the pillow she sleeps on. He held it to his nose and smelled her shampoo.
Whimpering as he placed it underneath his body. His hands gripped his sheets as he slowly rocked his hips against the pillow.
Eddie knew he had to be quiet so he dug in his bedside table for a pair of her panties. Smirking as he found a pair and shoving it in his mouth.
He knew he had to be fast. He humped the pillow as fast as he could. Whimpering and moaning around the panties in his mouth. His hips were shaking as he sat up straight. Humping the pillow as he bounced on it. Imagining her cock filling him up. He twisted and pinched his nipples. Head throwing back as he pleased his body.
He was bouncing on the pillow so hard he could hear the headboard hitting the wall. He stopped his hips immediately. Fear filled him as he looked towards his door.
After a few minutes of being in the clear, he slowly moved his hips against the pillow again. His hand slowly moved down his body as he placed it on top of his cock. His palm resting flat as his cock moved on the pillow. Feeling his cock being touched on the top and underneath had him shaking.
"we playing with ourselves now?"
He froze. His hips stilled against her his pillow. His hands snapped away from his cock and he quickly yanked the panties out of his mouth.
"turn your ass around" she snapped. He moved off of her pillow, whimpering as his cock rocked against it.
She felt herself grow wet as she saw his red cock standing in the air. His tip was almost purple and his veins were bulging.
"is that my pillow?" She crossed her arms. She knew the answer. She's seen the cum stains on the other side of the pillow. He thinks just by flipping it over she wouldn't notice
"yes mommy. I'm sorry" he said fast. Holding his hands together
"well if you got to have some fun, I think I should be able to"
Eddie smiled and moved over. Allowing her body to slide next to him. He leaned over to kiss her lips when she placed a finger between them.
"mommy, you said we can have fun" he whined. Pouting as he dug his fists into his sheets
"no baby. I said I'm having fun now"
Eddie watched as she pulled down her shorts, slipping off her underwear and throwing it on his cock.
His cock twitched as the material landed on him. His hand was itching to touch it but knew if she didn't say he could, he couldn't.
She slipped her fingers in her mouth, moaning loudly as swirled her tongue.
She looked at Eddie as she filled herself with two fingers. Purposely moaning out his name as she threw her head back.
"can I help?" He pouted, his hand moving to touch her clit but she slapped it hard
"no" she snapped. But Eddie was grumpy and he wanted what he wanted.
"Mommy. I want to help" he demanded. His hand once again searching to find her clit but she snatched his wrist before he could touch her. Her other hand was still working inside of her.
Eddie could hear how wet she was
"no. You weren't good today so sit there and watch" she growled. Once again throwing his hand away from her.
"because you kept making me wait!" He growled back. His attitude was coming out. His eyes were getting angry and his forehead was scrunched. His nose scrunched up as he growled.
She knew he wanted to seem intimidating, but the way his face was scrunched up was adorable.
"so cute baby" she said
Making him angrier
"I'm not cute! I am mad at you" he snapped. Arms folding over his chest
"mad at me? Why?" Her fingers stopping inside of her.
"because you are being a bitch"
Y/N scoffed loudly. Eddie realized his mistake.
"mommy I'm sorry" he whined his hand moving to hold hers but she yanked it away.
She got up from the bed and marched over to his closet. Grabbing the pair of handcuffs and walking over to him.
"mommy no please" he whined. His feet kicking her away as she crawled on top of him.
"safe word?" She asked. Sometimes his no meant no. But sometimes it meant fuck him until he screams yes
Eddie shook his head no. Placing his hands out to her. She cuddled them tightly.
She took her place in the bed, right next to him
She slipped her fingers back into her cunt. Fucking herself fast and hard.
Eddie whimpered as he heard how wet she was.
He wished his hands weren't cuffed so he could cover his ears. Block out her sounds
"can you at least be quiet?" He started to cry as she moaned loudly. Her body shaking into the mattress as she circled her clit
She moaned even louder
"oh Eddie my pussy is so wet and tight"
"can you at least not say my name?"
He whimpered as he threw his body against the bed. Turning on his stomach, refusing to look at her
She fingered herself harder as his pale ass was in display. Small marks from his belt still lingered. Hickies covering the skin
"look at me baby" she demanded
"no mommy!" He pouted back. His face was still shoved in his pillow.
"look at me right fucking now or you won't cum for a week"
Eddie turned his head fast to look at her, the tears in his eyes fell as he sniffled. His nose and cheeks were red
His eyes trailed down to her cunt. Where her fingers were coated in her wetness as she played with herself. Rubbing her clit hard as she rocked into her own hand
"can I please help your highness? I can do so good" He begged again
"no baby" she said softly. Enjoying the way he threw his cuffed hands against the bed.
"It feels so good, Eds, such a shame you couldn't be good." she mocked
He was forced to watch as she came all over her fingers. Listening to her screaming and panting. Her cum dripped on his sheets
"want to taste?" She asked, moving her soaked fingers towards his face
"yes mommy please" he begged
His eyes watered as she got closer. He could smell her cum on her finger. His cock was dripping precum. Begging to be touched.
A big smile took over his face as her finger was just an inch away. He opened his mouth wide, her finger was just about to enter his mouth, she moved her head closer and shoved her finger in her mouth. Practically against Eddie's lips.
"too fucking bad" she snapped. Spitting in his mouth that still remained open.
He swallowed it immediately. Knowing that was all he was going to get for the night.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @slightlyvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee
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curlsandsnakes · 12 days
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Courting Penelope Featherington
It’s raining the day he comes home.
Dark, moody weather that sets the tone wonderfully for the rather lackluster greeting he gets from his preoccupied siblings and absolutely rung dry mother. With two girls out in society, 1 pair of newly weds, 2 youngsters, and a Benedict, he can’t quite blame his mothers half hearted declarations and wandering eyes. He’s fully aware they’re happy to see him, Hyacinth even cries, but they all have their own dramas going on and have no time to entertain his stories of travel.
It doesn’t matter any, there really is only person he’s desperate to talk too, desperate to thrill with detailed accounts and sketched photographs.
It’s a shame Penelope Featherington wants absolutely nothing to do with him.
Eloise is the only sibling who never responded to a letter he sent. It’s clear she’s fully aware of the horrible things he’d spoken in a drunken haze nearly five months ago , and in true Eloise fashion she has no intention of betraying her best friend. She doesn’t even speak to him until he drops into the chaise beside her.
“Eloise. I missed you.”
Her bored expression never falters.
“Lovely to have you home, colin.” It’s so formal he nearly snorts at his rebellious little sister.
“I understand you are still displeased with me about my error last season.”
That does it.
“Error?! You call what you did an error?” Her body twists towards him and she fixes him with an outraged glare.
“Well yes, it’s was uncalled for and I…”
“Uncalled for?! I’ve never known you to be a fool but I find I do not know you at all. You nearly ruined her , Colin! She was wiped from the marriage market by your comments alone! If even her best friend couldn’t imagine being with her, why would anyone else? You have no idea what you accomplished!” Eloise pants, her face alarmingly red. “And then, when the damage was done you ran off to travel the world leaving Penelope to fix her reputation entirely on her own! And the audacity to write to her.”
Theres pain in his gut, crushing and turning everything in his stomach until he’s left nauseous and weak. What had he done? Was he truly that blind to see how fragile Pen was already? If anyone knew how desperately she wanted a husband, a family, it was him. And he had spoken so callously, degraded the one decent woman in the entirety of the ton.
“But you needn’t worry, penelope is no longer the Insipid wallflower you once knew. She has blossomed quite beautifully, I myself was astonished by her transformation.” Kate calls from her place at the head desk in the drawing room, a knowing sparkle in her eye.
“It’s true! She’s the prettiest one at all of the festivals.” Gregory is fussing with his gift while he speaks but makes sure to keep eye contact with Colin when he continues “and everyone says so.” It feels strangely like a warning from the 12 year old.
“Do we speak of Penelope?” Violet Bridgerton waltzes back into the room “I’ve heard from a reputable source that Lord Debling and Master Anderson both have plans to begin a courtship with our beautiful friend. I’m so intrigued to see who she will choose to marry.”
“Marry?!” His voice carry’s over the deafening crack of thunder “she can’t marry! She would need at-least a season of courting and this one’s nearly over. If they haven’t begun courting her yet, it would be wise to wait until next year to begin!” He feels hot, sweaty, his heart beating so fast it’s bound to give way to his mania any moment now.
“Not in Penelope’s case. This is her third season with no matches, she’s more than welcome to accept whomever she chooses at whatever time.” Violet is perched on Simons lap.
“I quite like Debling. I believe he would make a good addition to the family.” The duke tickles his wife’s ribs.
“As do I. We all get on quite well and since Penelope is essentially a sixth Bridgerton sister it will be nice to have someone we can all tolerate.” Anthony adds.
“She is not marrying Debling!” Colin’s voice is firm and slightly frantic, panic rising up the back of his neck. “She will not marry this season.”
“And who are you to decide what she does brother? Have you not done enough. Your opinion is inconsequential and it would do best for you to keep it to yourself, lest you scare any more suitors off.” Eloise has her hands on her hips and it’s almost intimidating enough for him to stop speaking but God himself could not save Colin Bridgerton now.
“There will be no more suitors and she will not be marrying any of these men!” He barks, firm and unmoving.
“Why do you keep saying that?!” Eloise shouts.
“Because she will marry me!” The words pour out of him in a roar, his chest heaves and his hands ball his neatly pressed pants. “She will marry me when I am done courting her, she deserves the full courting experience. I had intended to come home at the start of the Season so I could do it properly but my boat went down at a shipping port and I didn’t make it out of Greece for weeks.
Violet claps her hands, a watery smile on her lips
“These are your intentions, dear?”
He has never seen his mother so proud, joy shining in her eyes.
“Yes. They have been since I left All those months ago. I regret the words I spoke instantly and I needed to figure out why. It didn’t take me long to realize Penelope is the one I desire, I crave, I need her in every humanly way.” It feels like a weight has been lifted off my chest
… until of course, Eloise speaks.
“We’ll best of luck on that journey, brother. Penelope Featherington absolutely loathes you.” She takes too much pleasure from his pain.
“All will work out as it should.” Violet pats his shoulder gently before walking back out.
He needs to fix this before someone else takes his place.
He needs to court Penelope Featherington, and he needs to court her right now.
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ac3-76 · 2 months
Lloyd Garmadon Headcannons
warnings: none😋
He's been doing graffiti since he was 9
he started when he saw a guy doing it while Darklys was on a field trip in Ninjago City
he thought it was really cool and left the group to talk to the guy
His Tag is either Neon Dragon or Neon Echo
He decided it had to have Neon in it because he uses neon in all of his works
People speculate that he's Neon Dragon/Echo but it's not confirmed, not even the other ninja know
He has a graffiti account on Instagram that has 37.8 million followers and is verified
He also really good at painting and sketching
He's just good at art in general
He watches personal attention ASMR to fall asleep
He's good at sewing
He pretty much never posts on his socials, but when he does they get more likes and views than the other ninjas posts
he's the quote "short guys have the prettiest faces and the sassiest attitudes"
he's so sassy
when the Ninjas do interviews people always talk about his sass attacks
there are compilations of him being sassy on tiktok, Instagram reels, and YouTube
Kai's the fan favorite for his looks and how often he posts, but lloyd is the fan favorite for personality and level of cuntiness
Literally everyone in Ninjago loves Lloyd(except the badguys but yk)
Out of all the ninjas he has the 2nd biggest arms(Cole has the biggest)
Girls go crazy for his arms
He's so respectful towards women
He can start a conversation with anyone about anything
He is SO SO SO good with kids
A mom of 2 will be taking the bus home from somewhere, her youngest kid is a couple months old and her oldest is 4 years old
The older ones throwing a tantrum and the youngest is crying and the moms stressed and embarrassed bc this is happening in public and she can't get her kids to calm down
Enter Lloyd "do you want some help?" Garmadon to offer his services
the mom gives him her oldest and in a matter of seconds the kid is happy and smiling
he's not even sure what he did to get the kid so happy
THEN, bc one is never enough🙄, "I can help calm that you down too if you want"
So the mom gives him the newborn and again in a couple seconds the newborn isn't crying
kids just love him🤷‍♀️
He has really unique insults
"your personality is like a wet napkin at a party"
"your fashion sense if like a blindfolded toddler picking out clothes"
"Your ideas are so dull, they make beige look vibrant"
"Your sense of humor is drier than a desert in a drought"
"You're as useful as a screen door in a submarine"
and you best bet they all make it into the Lloyd Garmadon sassy compilations
He has FAST comebacks, he never misses a beat with an insult
He does a HARD launch
people will be chilling thinking he's single and then one day BAM
he posts something on Instagram announcing he's in a relationship
its 10 pictures of you, him giving you flowers, you guys kissing, you guys cuddling
it's like if you searched relationship goals on Pinterest
and the caption is something like "Happy 1 year babe🫶🫶 I can't imagine my life without you"
everyone in the comments is shocked that he kept your relationship secret for a year
Except the ninjas
who are commenting things about being happy he's finally announced it
I know for a fact Kai would commet "I'm glad you finally announced this, I have hundreds of pictures of you two I've been needing to post🙄"
You're his muse
He does graffiti pieces inspired by you
He also tells you he's Neon Dragon/Echo
He tries to teach you how to do graffiti
He's the type to read and annotate books you like
Collarbone kisser
Helps you figure out fits
He would embroider a little heart in your favorite color, or your favorite flower into the cuffs of all his hoodies
He doesn't care if you're taller or shorter than him, just don't be the same height as him and ur good
After what happend with Harumi he would struggle to believe you actually like him for a while
Even after you prove you really do like him, he still struggles to express how he feels about you and be completely honest with you
Secret or forbidden relationship trope
he fell first and harder
also soulmate trope
he pays attention to everything you do and knows ur needs, wants, and actions before you do
(yk when Elenor anticipated Chidis sneeze in The Good Place, yea he's Elenor, you're Chidi)
"No I have a partner" instead of "Sorry, I have a partner"
he has awful abandonment issues so he's either really clingy or he pushes you away and doesn't talk to you
He doesn't do sass attacks or insult you(to often)
Kai will be recording a vlog to post to YouTube and you'll say something stupid, Lloyd will look at you like he wants to insult you but be doesn't
The fans see that clip and go crazy
"Lloyd holding back his insult is how you know he's in love"
The ship edits go HARD
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princessisfinethx · 26 days
Vampire König x Human Reader pt. 2
A/n: y'all really liked this one geez louise papa cheese. As promised I made another one. Didn't know how to end it but the next one I make will reveal why reader is immune to him. Also, I tried keeping to gn reader, if you guys like that lmk. If not I can change it to fem reader.
Warnings!: Mentions of SA, somnophilia hardcore mixed with dubcon, mentions of murder, sex mentioned a lot. Dark shit tbh I may have went a little too far- König is a loser sorry. Please heed warnings before reading I beg of you.
Minors DNI.
The window opened easily, he almost snorted at you leaving it unlocked. Though, he did climb your apartment building to get up here so maybe he was being an ass. He carefully stepped inside and immediately he felt strange. The legend that a vampire must be invited inside was a myth, he tested that before. But there was something about the air in your room that made his skin prickle.
König was huge, but getting through a window wasn't so much of a challenge for him anymore. He stood in your room and carefully looked around. You had lots of stuff, and it was messy. Some basket of yarn, a sketch pad, some make up on your dresser, posters all over the wall... It looked like a normal young woman's room.
His eyes finally landed on you and he swallowed thickly. You laid on your side, curled up slightly with your blankets lazily tossed over you. There was a stuffed animal near your pillows, watching you, watching him. He crept closer and walked to the side of the bed that you faced. Kneeling down, he takes in your face again. Staring at you as if you'll tell him how you could resist his hypnosis. Your rhythmic breathing however, told him you were fast asleep.
He reached up and used the back of his knuckle to pet your cheek. He wondered what you dreamed of, was it about him? Maybe it was nothing at all. His eyes scanned over your body, seeing the rest disappear within the blankets. Your thigh and leg however, poked out from beneath the blankets. He stood up, walking to the foot of your bed and slowly placing his fingers on your ankle. Ideas, millions of them, bad, good, selfish ideas ran through his head.
He always has his escape card, his hypnosis. He could do whatever he wanted and not feel as much guilt over it, but you... He had to be careful. Truthfully he could probably rule the world, the country at least. He was a powerful being with few weaknesses. He could have as much blood as he wanted, create his own servants and fuck who ever he pleased.
You could not be hypnotized, so if he took you, and you woke up, you'd probably scream. You'd be traumatized perhaps. His fingers moved up your leg. If he drank your blood, you'd be sore and you'd remember, because he can't hypnotize you. His fingers traced along your thigh, stopping at your hip. He wanted you, God if any, König wanted you so badly. He looked at his fingers resting on your hip, you only had panties on. He closed his eyes and tried to keep his hard-on tame.
Removing his hand, he stared at your sleeping form. He glanced to the side, looking at your stuffed animal, as if asking for forgiveness. His fingers slipped the blanket off your bottom half and he looked at your pants less form. He's decided, he won't drink your blood, but he would fuck you. He needed this. He had only met you two- three hours ago and you had tormented him. Slipping his boots off, his knees fell onto the edge of the bed. He got in all fours, hovering over your clothed sex.
He could smell you, your arousal. Were you dreaming of something filthy? He wanted to smile but he didn't. His eyes never left your underwear, and he laid on his stomach between your lazily parted legs. He rested them over his shoulders and was careful not to wake you. He was burley, and knew that rising too high might cause you to stir. He settled now, resting between your legs and staring hungrily at your middle. Then without moving your underwear, he pressed his lips to your sex and closed his eyes. Sweet, he thought. How were you sweet and he's yet to taste your juices?
His tongue eagerly pressed against your panties and it was then he groaned. It was more prominent now, like honey. He licks a strike up your sex and he hears you moan softly in your sleep. His eyes stared up at you now, but you remained asleep. He licked his lips and delved back in, humming in delight. His tongue swirls and he feels his hardened cock pressing painfully against his pants, against your bed. He kissed your thigh and then moved your cloth to the side, wanting to taste you uncovered. His tongue immediately finds your entrance and he swears his eyes flutter. You had jumped against him suddenly and he recognized that jump. He pulled away and his tongue went to his teeth- his fangs. They had came out without his realizing and he cursed. He didn't mean to poke you, not like that anyway.
Looking back up at your sleeping form, he sighed and moved up, slowly palming himself through his tan cargo pants. You could wake up, and find him violating you any moment ...and it thrilled him, sickeningly. He undoes his pants and pulls out his eagerly awaiting cock, finding the tip slick from suppressed arousal. He slowly jerked himself, looking down at you. He'll show you, that he always gets what he wants in the end.
He maneuvers your legs once again so that your thighs rested against his own, with you laying on your back and your head laying to the side. He moves the annoying piece of cloth once again and eyes your entrance, having mercy and lubing it a little more with his spit. Though if he were a little more psychotic, he'd make you hurt. Let you feel the dry press of his thickness as it opened you...but that was too far, he thought with an amused chuckle. He lined himself, watching his tip kiss at your sex and he shudders. He licks his lips, then-
Then you stir and turn on your side, mumbling in your sleep about taking someone's order wrong. König blinked himself out of his dark daydream. He was still standing at the foot of your bed, you were still clothed with the blankets hanging over your body. His member, though hard, remained in his pants and he frowned. Maybe he was losing his humanity far more than he thought. He let out a growl and carefully pulled the blankets over you, so that your legs were covered.
But as he looked at you once again, he felt the human part of himself tsking at him. He can't- no, he wouldn't. So he sighed and sat down on a chair across from your bed. Nonetheless, he wants you. And if he was going to win you over, he needed to do this by the books. He needed to flirt, he needed to give gifts, charm you, intrigue you somehow.
The arrogant part of his mind was twisting and turning. He has become so used to getting what he wanted, whenever. So the one thing he can't have, he found himself wanting the most. Like a spoiled brat, perhaps. But this was only a small part of it, that's what he told himself anyway.
For now, he stood up and nodded to himself. He's gonna go about this as human like as possible. But then there was the incident from tonight. He had been a creep, and you might remember his face. No matter, he'll just erase your mind and-
No, wait. Fuck.
He put his hands on his hips in frustration. This is gonna be difficult.
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kradeelav · 1 month
so one of the technical bits i challenged myself with this gunter/corrin doujin was to:
(a) figure out an efficient process for professional multi-page artistic works in linux/true OSS programs - from ideation all the way to printer hand-off.
(b) a process that fit well with my brain and kept me from spinning my wheels endlessly redoing pages. it's a common problem with longer projects (aka why you see reboots of webcomics all the time, and also why i haven't been able to get "what greater sin" out for three years cuz i sucked at this lol).
why the focus on process though?
after mastering a certian degree of technical proficiency. it's what separates the hobbyist artists from the pros. not to toot my horn, but i'm quite good at project management process at work, and about two years ago it dawned on me to take some of that learned knowledge and actually apply it here if only to save eyestrain/wrist-strain time.
work lazier smarter, not harder etc.
before i get into the process outline, there's two programs that are doing the heavy lifting since i gave them a trial run with the last anthology and they worked great in tandem. (both cost no money and are available on all major OS's btw)
krita, my main drawing program. sketching/inking/speech bubbles/coloring/vector stuff can all be done here.
libreoffice writer - basically microsoft word for linux. i use it for arranging multiple pages, reordering, and exporting as .pdf to give to the printer (while amazing at rendering, krita can't export as pdf or show multi-pages)
process wise, it occurred to me not too long ago that i needed to consolidate my multi-page creative projects into 3 major gates.
thumbnail sketches
proof of concept layout
"last 10" final
thumbnail sketches
thumbnails are a common concept in comics, but they're great for print front/back matter too. thumbnails ain't here to look pretty, their sole purpose to get the idea from your noggin to on the page.
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here's a completely unaltered spread from my journal with a ton of thumbs and notes for this doujin.
so what's the kind of stuff i think about with thumbs?
how panels in a comic fit together with the major emotional beats + line of action. does the eye follow the pages naturally? do you "feel" the emotional impact?
does the compositions work with each other? negative/positive space, weight on top or bottom or diagonally, etc. do the pages feel claustrophobic or too empty? do they breathe?
decorative framing elements that reflect the tone you want + how they generally lead the eye across the page
random notes about overall tone or potential future pages
at this point i import that digitally, and start drawing a proper sketch off of it.
fast forward from that sketch to:
"proof of concept" layout
i'm calling this proof of concept instead of a draft as they serve different purposes. a draft is a half-finished work you can just screenshot and show to anyone for feedback (like comms). proof of concept here is showing a certian level of completeness across draft pages to measure consistency.
lack of consistency is the mind killer killer of comics.
proof of concept is specifically meant to nip the 'fizzled out halfway' issues in the bud. it's to show you how cool it looks altogether already, but also shed a light on problem areas that are potentially popping up on the earlier side, so there's less time wasted.
this is a little premature in the process for a proof of concept screenshot, but you get the idea here in a later strip, shown here as screenshots imported into libreoffice writer:
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another reason that made libreoffice writer essential is the accurate 2-page spread view. between that, being able to resize the page to whatever you need, and the very easy pdf exporter (with customizable compression), i don't know if i could do this kind of project here.
now, backing up - what kinds of consistency are we checking for here?
does the inking/coloring style change noticeably in a jarring way?
is there one comic strip that the pacing/paneling sucks in comparison to the others? or feels awkwardly added in tone and perhaps better saved for a different project?
is there one panel within a sequential series that's torturing you? what's the best way to throw it out and redo it even faster?
do the front/back matter support the meat of the inside in a clever, on-tone way?
did you accidentally change the font halfway through after you liked your new shiny toy? which one works better?
keep in mind we're not just checking the consistency in one strip, it's for the book as a whole.
and then lastly,
"the last ten" final
"the last ten" is a mental concept i've used for the last ten years for single comic pages. it's especially tempting to noodle over endlessly making one comic page perfect, when you could have done ten reasonably good ones in the same time, and so i made this my last step making IC pages.
once when you approach a level of reasonably done, but kinda hate the page and are procrastinating on getting it out, stop, rest your eyes overnight, and list the last ten minor things you'd change.
once when you've changed those? out the door it goes.
i'm gonna switch to a different project but here's a good example of a "last ten" stage applied to illustrations when i did fallen!gunter's FEH mockups.
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looks pretty complete, right? WRONG :D
i can't remember the exact last ten i used, but it was something like:
too much of one specific glowy purple on both, i wanted more contrast with the red glow + "water" texture
needed more effects on the first image to better match FEH's aesthetic
change Leigh's credits after they got a chance to see it and give the thumbs up
knee/shin on left looks unfinished painting wise, clean up
missing chest plate silver decorations on left, clean up
this is the last hail mary check to hack your brain into being satisfied with the page. you've had your say, onwards to the next one.
now, you can also have an additional 'last ten' for the project as a whole. but it's especially critical for comic pages to help keep the momentum/tempo/pace going.
we'll see how all of this actually works in practice depending on how fast i can get this doujin out. :)
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yaut-jaknowit · 2 years
With Her Fingers
Pairing: Gawtin (Female Yautja) x Reader (AFAB, gender neutral)
Word count: 3210
Warnings: size kink, praise kink, slapping, pain kink, tiny prey/predator kink, light bondage, little cum eating, light dom/sub. If there's any I missed, let me know!
Summary: You don't know what to name your relationship with Gawtin. You're close to her and believe she feels the same to you. It had been a decent day. What you considered fall to be was rolling through. The day wasn't too hot nor too cold for you. Yet, the planet was still too harsh to sit out in the sun for too long. You're chilling underneath a stray tree and watching Gawtin spar with a random male. Just seeing her easily demolish the male has heat flushing your cheeks. Then, she's gives you a look and you're done for. You run for it.
Author note: I had asked about writing smut and what you guys wanted. Someone wanted female/female so I whipped it up for them!
Smut below the cut
Minors DNI leave, go away, come back another day
There was something about Gawtin that enticed you. She drew your attention away from the task at hand. You were supposed to be drawing her form as she sparred with another Yautja; a male by the looks of it. His smaller frame had a familiar bulkiness to Gawtin. He stood no chance against her due to this. Genetics weren’t in his corner at this point.
The way he struggled with this fight told you so. He was losing, quickly. One misstep almost got him down for the count. He stumbled back, luck on his side for just a moment. Gawtin swung her wooden stick and barely missed him by just hair. It left the bigger Yautja open for just enough time that the male was able to jab his own weapon into her stomach.
With the ends narrow and a great amount of force, Gawtin grunted and took a couple steps back, head slightly bowed. She whipped it up with a furious look in her eyes that made your legs squeeze together. Her tresses slapped harshly against her flesh as she stared him down. You didn’t need to see him to know there was fear in his eyes.
He knew that move was a bad idea after he preformed it. His mandibles pulled tightly. The female roared threateningly and dropped her staff before charging at him, arms splayed out. Her movements were swift, almost unnaturally fast in your eyes.
Gawtin rammed into him with all of her strength and knocked him straight to the ground. One thing smart about the male, he used the force to roll backwards. He was able to get back onto his feet with barely a beat missed.
That left Gawtin without a weapon to defend against the male. Not that she needed one. He swung it at her but she simply tore it out of his hands and snapped the wood in two. Holy fuck. That was hot.
Red dusted your cheeks as you realized your thoughts. Well, you’ve tested the waters with Gawtin on same-sex sex with her. There’s a reason why her middle, ring finger, and thumb on her right hand are dulled. She’s also learned how to eat you out without scratching with her teeth and mandibles.
When you get back to reality, you find Gawtin choking the male. His feet were held a good foot off the ground as he struggled to get her to release her hold. Not that she easily would. But what got you was her eyes were pinned to you. There was fire flickering in them. You read the look on her alien face, seeing her tongue softly poke out for a moment, and knew what that meant.
She knows. Oh, she knows.
You threw your sketch book to the side, pencil and erase with it, and began sprinting away. From all you’ve learning being around Yautja’s and their planet, there was nothing more exciting than the hunt. You had told Gawtin a little predator/prey could be something you enjoyed. Gawtin full heartily agreed with the biggest of smirks she could possibly make. That’s why you’re running away from her right now. You’ll be able to get to the tree line not far away, at the most. Her strides are long and powerful.
A screech behind you almost had you stumbles over your own feet. You were able to take a quick glance back at the sound and stopped yourself from laughing. Gawtin had thrown the male to side and came charging after you.
The sight of this bulky, well defined, green Yautja coming at you had you quickening your speed. Not that it helped much. This was a Yautja after all. Running away was impossible with the predicament you were in, her training you or not. That look on her face told you so.
Before you were ten feet from the tree line, a sturdy arm wrapped around your stomach. It pulled you flush with a warm frame. In return, you yelped and clawed at the limb instinctively. The frame began to rumble with a purr which helped you calm down. Gawtin turned you around and tossed your body over her shoulder then began a path towards her dwelling.
As she carried you, her tresses swaying caught your attention. You softly grabbed one and kissed it. Gawtin’s purring deepened, pace quickening.
Both of you passed the neighbors dwelling, Bziut-ty was outside, tending to her plants. She was babysitting Qui’oky for the two of you. When she saw Gawtin and you, one of her upper mandibles quirked up. “I guess I’ll be keeping little Oky with me tonight,” she teased. Your lips pressed tightly together as your eyes widened.
Claws dug into the flesh of your thighs. “Yes, I would appreciate that, Bee,” Gawtin thanked her, voice rougher than usual. A smirk graced your features before bringing the tresses back to your lips and licking it.
Her entire body tensed, talons possibly piercing your skin. She growled out your name in warning. Bziut-ty laughed whole heartily. Gawtin didn’t say anything else and marched straight into her dwelling and towards her room.
She sat down on the strange concave dent in the middle of the room called her bed. You were pulled from your potato sack position and deposited onto her lap. Gawtin forcing you to straddle her wide hips. A lower mandible brushed against your cheek as she stared down at you. On the other hand, you continued to hold her tress and gently stroked it.
“Do you consent?” she was straight to the point. Her hand petted the top of your head while staring into your eyes. A smile gracing your features.
“Yes, I do, love.” It wasn’t always a yes, especially during the mating season. Gawtin could easily overwhelm you and want far too much than you could dish out for her. But man, did you try and do your best. You do have to say, when she’s needy, she’s adorable. Don’t let her know that you ever said that though, she might suffocate you with her thighs. After she found out how much you loved her thick thighs, she’ll never let you live that down.
With a loud, short purr, Gawtin moved you the way she wanted. The Yautja placed your back against her chest, your legs hooked on the outer side of hers. All spread out for her. Gawtin doesn’t care about clothing, it’s simple to replace; plus, if you’re walking around naked… That’s something she wouldn’t mind at all.
Your clothes were torn away from your body and tossed somewhere in the room. A yelp escapes you when the soft clothe shirt was ripped off. You gave a normal reaction and attempted to cover up your chest at first. That wasn’t going to fly by Gawtin though. She snatched both of your wrists and pinned them being your head, elbows forced up.
“No hiding from me. I want see all of you,” Gawtin demanded, claws prickling against your skin. A heavy blush dusted your skin at her words. She pulled on her hold. “Keep your hands here. Move, there’ll be consequences.” You knew Gawtin kept to her word and listened to her with a nod. Today wasn’t a day you wanted to disobey her.
Gawtin purred again before using her claws and strength to fully undress you. Now, you were completely exposed to the powerful Yautja while she was still clothed.
A warm tongue licked at your neck, swiping away a drop of sweat. Your body tensed at the feeling before relaxing into her strong body. “Good,” she purred close to your ear. One of her hands roamed from your waist up to your exposed breasts, easily holding one in her palm. Something she quickly picked up on after the first time together.
Just the fact her hand could almost take up your entire chest made you squirm in her lap. Which, Gawtin was quick to fix with a stinging slap to the inside of your thigh. That made you howl and arch your back. She wouldn’t allow for you to escape from her hold unless you took back your consent. Then, she would stop everything and ensure you’re okay.
What she had did made your pussy fluttered emptily. A low moan pouring from your lips. “Please, Gawtin, I can’t sit still,” you begged. An action that was so not Yautja. Yet the sound of your pleading voice got her wild.
With the hand she had slapped you with, she cupped your sex, middle finger pressing between the slicking folds. Gawtin purred again and nuzzled her head against you. You mewled, hips canting forward. This added pleasure to the little things she was doing making you sigh high-pitched.
This time, Gawtin huffed and shook her head. The puff of air tickled the back of your neck. “Sit still, be good,” she urged.
At this point your arms were becoming tired. It went against her order, but you let them rest at your sides. The ends prickling. “I’m sorry, they were hurting,” you were quick to apologize for disobeying a previous order. It went to both of said orders.
“It’s alright, artful one,” she whickered and let her middle finger slowly rub through the slick starting to pool just at your cunt. It took all of your will not to move after Gawtin skimmed over your clit. “There you go. That’s good.” The praise settled well in your bones. You bowed your head and watched while Gawtin pleasured you. It couldn’t be helped, your cunt throbbing. You prayed she would end this teasing and fully embrace it.
All wishes don’t come true.
Gawtin pulled her lower hand away from your pussy and brought it up to her mouth. From your position, you couldn’t see what she was doing you already knew what was happening. You made a squeaking noise, eyes blown wide. She pinched one of your nipples at the sound, earning another yelp.
“I love the way you taste. Like those fruits from earth you had me try.” Your brain was slower to think up what she was talking about. A shy smile tugged at your lips at the reminder. When you were able to find peaches and have her try them, they were quickly loved by Gawtin.
Maybe, you’ll be able to find more soon. Before the mating season started.
Her hand returned to the slick between your legs. That same finger slowly petting your clit and wetting entrance that she was loving on. The other hand switched to the other breast, pinching a nipple between her sharp fingers. You mewled, legs threatening to close. Gawtin was quick to use her own to keep yours open wide. “Don’t tease me,” you begged, head thrown back against her chest. She let her hand roam up to your exposed throat.
Not an ounce of fear entered your body at this. Her talons were dragged across your skin, drawing goosebumps to appear. Gawtin didn’t verbally respond to your pleads. Instead, the Yautja let her middle finger to push into your cunt. Your back arched while you moaned. Her fingers were much thicker than yours. One of hers was almost the same width as two of yours. You could easily feel her finger slowly push into you.
A claw ran down your cheek bone and rested on your bottom lip. Your tongue tested the waters and licked up the sharp talon. Gawtin purred content behind you then forced her thumb into your mouth. Immediately, you began to suck and run your tongue along the finger.
All the while, Gawtin pulled her middle finger out only thrust it back in. The pad of her finger rubbed against your g-spot, further increasing the pleasure. She started up a decent pace. Your thighs trembled and wanted to pin her hand between them. But Gawtin’s thighs were far too strong for you. You were forced to take what she gave to you, even if you were greedy for more.
The female leaned her head over your shoulder. A couple of tresses spilling over with the movement. An idea slowly appeared in your mind. Your hand wrapped around one of her close tresses and rubbed your thumb against it. Her body quickly tensed, fingers thrusting deeper than expected. You moaned high pitched, toes curling. Your other hand clawed at her thigh, not leaving a single mark.
You felt heavy, hot breaths rolled over your naked shoulder and torso. There was a soft growl right next to your ear. The hand on your throat quickly wrapped around yours on her sensitive, rubbery, tubal dread. All you wished to do was return a little pleasure that she was giving you. Most days with her, you were the receiver, taking what she gave. Yet, you’ll try once in a while to return the favor as you the bottom. But the fierce Yautja wouldn’t allow for that.
She forced you to let go of her dread then reached over with that hand to the low nightstand. It rested at the edge of the alien bed you two were in. The lower drawer was pulled open, you knew what was inside of. “I-I don’t think that’s ne-necessary, love,” you stuttered and watched as she pulled out a silk-like fabric. It was longer than wide, perfect for what you knew she was about to do with it.
There had to be a smirk on her alien face that you couldn’t see. Gawtin pulled her fingers from your cunt. You whimper, hips canting forward.
A stinging slap met your inner thigh and caused your toes to curl. You yelped and jerked in her lap. Gawtin used the distraction to bend you over and grab both of your hands. “Wait, I’ll be good! I won’t touch,” you pleaded with the female but the words flew over her head. You already knew she wasn’t going to listen and proved you would disobey. That you have, more than once.
The silk-like fabric was one of the softest textures to touch your skin; you’ve never felt something like it before. It was used to tie your wrists together, one crossed over the other. Every time she touched you with hand of three dulled claws, you could feel your slick wiped onto your skin. Gawtin ended it by pressing her mandibles against your shoulder in a mock kiss. “Now, you won’t touch.” You decided to pull against the knots to test if she had done them correctly. There’s never been a chance that she hasn’t done so before. It didn’t hurt to try nevertheless.
Gawtin returned everything back into your previous position besides where your hands were. When she entered your pussy again, she let another finger slip in. Your toes curled again as you leaned heavily onto her chest. The furs underneath your feet soft against your skin. Then, she used her thumb to gently play with your clit. Her other hand leisurely teasing one of your nipples.
Your hands could only claw at her stomach. A curse flew from your lips, legs beginning to tremble more noticeable now. But, Gawtin didn’t quicken or slow her pace; something she learned from your first few times together.
Dark, dark green dreads dragged over your shoulder. “I love the way you look with my fingers inside of you.” Your eyes widened, pussy throbbing around her thrusting fingers. Gawtin pressed her mandibles against your shoulder once more before opening them as wide as possible. The dull pink tongue slithered over the soft tissue of your shoulder. She carefully latched onto the meat there without piercing your skin.
It wasn’t the pain that helped you. No, it was the implication of how dangerous she is to you. Gawtin could easily kill you with a simple swipe of her claws. Instead, she was pleasuring with them.
Your moans gained pitch. Your body tensing, muscles growing rigid under her administrations. Her name was finally screamed to the heavens. You wanted to curl in on yourself but Gawtin wouldn’t let that happen. She wrapped an arm around your chest and held you to hers. Her entire torso vibrated as you came around her fingers. Your cunt throbbing and soaking her fingers and hand.
When your body eased on the twitching, Gawtin removed her fingers and brought them up to your mouth. Immediately, you opened your lips. Her digits slid inside and rested on your tongue. The sweet, yet tangy taste of your cum assaulted you. It caused you to hum around them, eyes drifting close. Your tongue licking it away.
It wasn’t the best taste in the universe, to be honest. Yet, when Gawtin forced you such on her digits covered in your cum… You wouldn’t turn down that offer.
Gawtin purred loudly then removed them from your mouth. Then, she rotated your body to face her. Both of your shins rested against the soft pelts that covered the bed. You were straddling her and look up at her alien face.
Both arms are still tied behind you; they probably be that way for awhile. So, you did your best to show your love to her. Your lips connected to the softer patch of skin between her mandibles; a place you could think her nose would be if she had one.
A dry hand cradled the back of your head. Her blazing purple eyes burned into yours. You had pulled only a couple of inches away from her. Gawtin nuzzled her eyebrow against your temple, eyes softly closing.
There was a settling, content tiredness beginning to sit in your bones. You tugged against your bonds, desperate to touch her, wrap your arms around her bulky frame.  Gawtin sees the wanting in your eyes after she pulled away. Then, the Yautja decided to pull one side of the loose ends of the fabric. It loosened. Your arms immediately wrapped around her neck. One wrist was still bound with it.
“That was amazing. Thank you,” you said with a gentle tone. Your hips humped forward against her red shorts. The slick that coated your labia was whipped onto her clothing. It couldn’t be helped, there was a smirk on your face. You completely knew what you were doing.
That look in Gawtin’s eye told you she already knew.
She laughed, mandibles clicking together then reached over to the nightstand again. The bottom drawer opened once more. A wooden box was pulled out. “I finally get to use the new toy I bought a couple of weeks ago.” Your mouth dropped as a blush covered your face. Gawtin chittered with laughter and gave you a look.
Uh oh.
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jackie5656 · 1 year
Mercy On Me
With; James Potter
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A/N: FINALLY. I am so sorry for how long this shit took. Honestly, I was expecting this idea to be short and sweet. Nearly 7k words later and here we are. Appreciate all your ongoing support, and I hope you enjoy!<3
Summary: The one where the two bumbling idiots are blind to the others’ affections amongst their argument, and James gets wasted. 
TW: Drinking, cursing NOT YET PROOFREAD
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      Rain patters harshly against the pane of your window, with thunder grumbling every now and again. Wind whistles through the air outside, cutting through the comfortable silence of your bedroom. You love this weather. Finding solace in the sound of the rain and the grey hue that elicits in your bedroom. It helps you focus, convenient now that you’ve spent the past couple hours finishing up on homework assignments and studying for your upcoming Astronomy exam. The dynamics of the celestial sphere and the names of stars making up a series of constellations swim through your mind, yet theres’s an incessant fear you’ll manage to sit down in your desk come Tuesday and forget every piece of information you’ve just relayed. 
James Potter, one of your dearest friends, isn’t nearly as accommodating to rainy days. It means quidditch practice is canceled, you can’t meet up in the courtyard for the groups’ daily catch up, and you’re banished to the confinements of four walls. He’s sprawled across your bed, rotating through doodling, practicing new charms, and bugging you. 
He’s antsy. Your best friend is much like a hyper active child, and with no outlet for all his damned energy, he’s opted to pester you all afternoon. You try to block out his absent-minded humming and the scratching of his charcoal sketch sticks, but Prongs never makes blocking him out very easy. You swivel your chair to shoot him a glare when his rubber blending tool makes contact with he back of your head. 
“Can I help you?” It takes everything in you not to flick the shit-eating grin adoring his face now that he’s gained your attention. 
“Does it say anything in those books about dying of boredom? Because I’m starting to feel faint.” 
“Can't you go bother Pads or Moony? Why have I been chosen to bear the weight of your undiagnosed ADHD?” 
“You’ve been at this for hours, you’re not finished?” 
“Not even close, Jay. You know this exam is important.” 
“Can’t you at least take a break? Let’s take a nap.” He yawns, stretching over the expanse of your mattress. And while the prospect of sleeping beside him sounds tempting, you shake your head. It’s bad enough his offer elicits butterflies throughout your gut, when he’s merely seeking the company of a friend. 
“What about important exam are you not gathering?” He rolls his eyes, reaching down to grab the tool he’d used as a weapon and begin sketching again. Though not without a series of muttered complaints. 
You’re irritated. It’s not like you enjoy spending the better half of your day doing schoolwork. If you could afford it, you’d be right next to him and fast asleep ages ago. In a boarding school where you’re surrounded by peers for 80% of your day, there are times you wish to be alone. You regard the time to yourself as a chance to reset, considering your fragile social battery. Potter finds the notion completely foreign, and couldn’t possibly fathom why anyone would choose to not be around other people. You’re a little moody, sure. Which might be why you find his drumming of the charcoal against the book particularly distracting. 
After a few beats of deep breaths, you confront it. “Would you mind, Ringo?” He pauses, looking just past the pages to send you a cheeky smile. Your attraction only angers you further. It’s bad enough your feelings are unrequited, he could at least try to look less fucking good looking all the time. 
“If I weren’t being ignored, I’m sure I’d be less intolerable.” 
“Why don’t you go find Sirius, I’m sure he’s bored. Or even Lily, sure she’s studying in her own dorm.” He’s not particularly thrilled with your tone in regard to your shared red-headed friend. His crush on Lily, though having been topic of conversation every time he opened his mouth, was fast and fleeting last year. He hadn’t regarded her anywhere close to that sense ever since-Since forever ago. Additionally, James Potter hates feeling needy. Like you don’t want to share his company. Like his affections are too smothering, unrequited. 
“I’m not sure why you have yourself so worked up.” There’s a twinge of venom to it, you’ve unknowingly struck an insecurity. Your brows furrow with frustration, unaccustomed to his attitude. 
“Not all of us can thrive off our athletic reputations, or effortless grades.” You almost regret it as soon as it’s said. You hadn’t been looking for an argument, but you’ve definitely found one. 
“What's that supposed to mean?” He crosses his arms, loosened tie covered by the fabric of his robe. 
“James, I didn’t-” 
“No, you did.” He moves to sit up on your bed, hazel staring daggers into yours. Daring and unkind. It twinges something close to nausea in your stomach, though your blood still boils. “What did you mean?” 
“I mean you don’t even have to try! Your marks are near perfect yet you rarely study. And if anything, you have quidditch to fall back on for an excuse.” He scoffs, nothing short of disbelief and indignation. 
“So what, you think I don’t work for what I have?” You’ve definitely struck your nerve, but the bastards been disrespecting your social boundaries all day, and it’s most definitely gotten to you. 
“That’s not what I said.” 
“But it’s what you meant.” He stands, looming figure no longer comforting as it usually is. He’s almost intimidating, glaring at you as if you’ve just cornered him. 
“I only mean athletes get treated differently, sometimes. It’s not you fault it’s, just not necessarily fair to the rest of us.” There’s that scoff again, a roll of his eyes as he wets his lips.
“You’ve lost the plot, mate.” 
“Well of course you wouldn’t notice! You are one James, how would you be able to see it?” 
“I’m glad that’s how you regard me, y/n. Freeloading off quidditch as if I don’t work hard as well?” There's a tone of distaste as your name crosses his lips, it feels like a punch to the stomach. 
“Again, that’s not what I said.” You stand too, shoulders tensed with anger. 
“Whatever. I’ll see you later, considering I’m such a bother.” He’s out the door before you can open your mouth to respond. You jumped the sound of your front door slamming, collapsing back into your chair with an exasperated sigh. 
Dinner is undoubtedly awkward. The rest of your friends are enveloped in conversation, but you and James keep to yourselves for the most part. Unfortunately, you were the last to make it to the Great Hall, and the only open seat was beside the only boy you’re currently at odds with. Mary’s been trying to get your attention the past ten minutes, Pads too. An evident ‘what’s with the tension’ but you and Prongs brush them off. 
Landon O’Connor is a friend of a friend. A fellow Gryffindor that photographs many of the school events and quidditch matches. James knows him fairly well, which is why he’s astonished the brunette boy approaches your table with a curt nod to James with his eyes only on you. Aiming to sit in the awkward gap between you and him with a kind smile. 
You have to grip the table to steady yourself when you’re pulled swiftly into Jame’s side. The boy has wrapped his leg around yours from under the table and pulled you toward him. Shooting a look to the bewildered photographer, he ignores your heated gaze. The group snaps their heads to watch as James squares his shoulders, eyes darting to yours for only a second before he offers your peer a gentle smile. 
“Evening, everyone. Doing alright?” There’s a chorus of commonalties Landon nods along to before his eyes land on you, flitter to the brooding chaser, and then back to you. 
“Y/n, still studying for Sinistras exam?”
“You kidding? I haven’t stopped.” He chuckles, settling beside you and allowing the group to fall back into their own discussions. Though you get the feeling they’re most definitely paying attention to how this is gonna play out. 
“You’ll be fine, you’re a smart girl. Besides, a couple friends of mine are meant to get together to review the material in the courtyard tomorrow. You’re more than welcome to join us.” A pleased smile pulls at your lips, falling immediately when James scoffs into his chalice. 
“Alright, Potter?” The boy nods, arm brushing against yours when he turns to face the both of you. 
“Fine. It’s just, y//n typically studies alone. Doesn’t appreciate any distractions.” You bite your lip, matching the boy’s challenging stare. There’s that same venom in his words, anger still prevalent from your argument. You break away first, offering another bright smile to Landon. 
“Actually, I’d love to join you guys. The company’s fine as long as it’s productive.” James feels his skin run hot when you shift on the bench to face completely away from him. Your attention solely on the bloke to the left. 
“Isn’t there a photography meeting during evening hours on Thursday’s, O’Connor?” You can feel James loom closer to you, and by the look on Landon’s face, his expression is not nearly as welcoming as before.
“Well, yeah. But today’s was optional and I thought-”
“I’m sure the lads are probably wondering where you are, yeah?” Irritation is heavy in his tone, it’s an apparent but unspoken  ‘get lost’. 
“Right, probably.” The brunette surveys your friends, not letting their quickly averting eyes go unnoticed. “Y/n, if I don’t see you at the library tomorrow, will I be seeing you at the party this weekend?” 
“Definitely. Good seeing you.” There's a shared grin between you both as he stands again, a hope he hasn’t been scared off indefinitely due to the awkward encounter. 
“Pleasure’s all mine, love.” James actually laughs this time, shoving at Sirius’ shoulder when the raven-haired boy kicks him under the table. Landon either doesn’t notice, or chooses to disregard it in lieu of being polite. 
“Could you be any more rude, Potter?” 
“Must be the privileged athlete in me.” 
“Must be!” And with that, you’re both silent again. Flushing under the bewildered looks of the rest of the Marauders. They get to talking again, a feeble attempt at concealing their eavesdropping. 
“You know, I’m starting to understand the whole ‘cutting tension with a knife’ phrase.”
“Shove it, Pads.” Both of you heat even more having said it in unison, only making the boy across grin even wider. Hands raised in a half-assed surrender, doing little to hide his amusement. 
You feel much better about next week’s exam after studying with Landon’s group. Though the boy was fairly distant during your time in the library. It was bad enough you and James were at odds, now the bastard was scaring other boys off. What was the reason anyway? Potter had never made a move, never insinuated any interest despite your own. Sure, it hurt, but you wouldn't resent him for seeing you only as a friend. It made his distaste for O’Connor’s flirting nonsensical and infuriating, As if he didn’t necessarily want you, but didn’t anyone else to have you either. 
“Y/n/n, darling. Where are you? I’m risking poking an eye out with this eyeliner.” Sirius usually gets ready with the girls, arguing your pregame is much more fun than that of the boys. He maneuvers around the rest of your friends getting themselves ready amongst you and Marlene’s dorm. Arguing over which one of your tops they’ll be stealing for the night, or adding the finishing touches to their makeup. Sirius drags you onto the mattress beside him, offering the eyeliner stick in silent pleading. You oblige, tilting his chin up to begin. 
“Look up, Siri. Stop looking at me, especially like that.” 
“Like what?” 
“Like I’m wounded or something.” You’re both quite enough so the girls singing along to the music from the record player or in the middle of conversations can’t hear. The raven-haired boy sighs, doing his best not to blink too hard and ruin your work. 
“It’s just, you and James haven’t spoken in ages.”
“It’s been two days, Pads.”
“That's a new record for the both of you. I can’t stand the constant moping, you’re both killing my buzz.” You laugh despite it all, rolling your eyes with fondness for his melodramatics. 
“I’m not sure he’s interested in speaking to me at the moment.” You hold up a tissue from your desk for him to wet with his tongue, wiping at any excess liner under his lash line. 
“Trust me, you’re all he’s been talking about. He’s not particularly happy with how things ended between the both of you. As are you, I’m sure.” His eyes dart over to your mirror, lips upturning in a pleased smirk at your handiwork. 
“Of course I hate to fight with James. I was in a bad mood and I just wanted to be alone. I should have communicated that to him.”
“Then why don’t you say so?” 
“Well what was that stunt he pulled at dinner the other night? Arguing with me gave him no reason to take it out on other people.” Sirius chuckles, shaking his head and reaching over to grab the bottle of liquor on your desk. 
“I think he would have given O’Connor lip had you been fighting or not.” You cock your head, about to press on when he passes you a shot. Holding out his own glass for you to clink. “To the first shot of the night, and most definitely not the last.” 
You hum, connecting your glass to his before throwing your heads back. Cringing at the burn in your throat and the shitty taste. “I’ve never understood your affinity to whiskey.” 
“Mends the soul or something, I don’t know. Alcohol is alcohol.” He presses a kiss to your cheek before standing, nodding his head toward the door. Marl’s Lilly, and Dorcas are already headed out to the common room as you follow suit. 
It’s well into the party when Remus approaches. Collapsing onto the well-worn couch beside you. You greet him with a warm smile, stretching before resting your head on his shoulder. He was your partner for beer pong, and you’d played against Sirius and James. Needless to say, you’d lost and both had to drink  more than your stomachs were comfortable with. 
“Alright, Rem?” You wrap your arm around his, enveloping him in warmth because he’s almost always chilly. He shakes his head, smile etching over his features. 
“We suck at Pong. I think I can literally feel the beer sloshing around in my stomach.” You groan, hiding your face into the fabric of his sweater with self-pitying chuckles. 
The game hadn’t been too awkward. You hadn’t spoke much to Potter over the course of the game, but laughed along with him at Sirius’ tipsy smack talk. His lingering gaze had etched a lump in your throat a couple times, but you’d choked it down with more beer. Hence the comfortable, warming buzz. Remus presses a kiss to your head, digging in his pocket to retrieve his usual chocolates. You oblige instantly, because he’s right, they always make you feel better. 
“Love.” He breaks the comfortable silence, surveying your cheekily drunken peers with admiration. “If I asked you a favor-” 
“Anything, Moons. You know that.” He hums, pressing the side of his cheek into the top of your head in acknowledgment. He’s never minded affection with you, and you’re more than grateful to be one of his few exceptions. 
“Would you talk to Prongs?” 
“For me?” His palm opens to offer you another chocolate, and you scoff at the clear bribery but snatch it anyway. “Sweetheart, he’s practically moping in the corner. Won’t even be Pad’s partner anymore. And you know how much James hates to break a winning streak.” 
“It’s his brooding athleticism, I suppose.”
“Y/n.” It’s a warning, a push to forgive.
“He was a jerk, Remus.” 
“You know how he can get, love. Some things you have to lay on him easy. Our Prongs is quite stubborn.” 
“You can say that again.” 
“But so are you sometimes, yes?” You meet his eyes, feeling properly chastised. “You know it’s only because he cares about what you think of him so much. He hated hearing you thought less of him for something he couldn’t possibly control.” 
“But that’s not what I meant, he should know that!”
“Perhaps our boy isn’t as self assured as he lets on sometimes.” His words send a pang to your heart, you know better than to believe Potter isn’t almost always in need of reassurance from his friends. “Regardless of how it was intended, you’ve both hurt one another. Yes?” 
“Yeah.” You bring your bottom lip between your teeth, feeling terribly guilty. And rightfully so.
“So will you go comfort him? Because he’s just about trollied, and will not stop whining about how much he misses you. It was cute at first, but now it’s beginning to become quite irritating.” 
“Fine. But only because I love you.” 
“We both know that’s not your reason.” He scrunches his nose at you, teasing. You pull away with feigned disgust. 
“Oh, shove off.” 
Potter’s across the room in an arm chair, moping just as Moony had said. Even worse than you’d imagined, actually. A pout on his lips as he takes swigs from the beer in hand. Heart aching at the sight of him, it becomes clear just how much you’ve missed him too. He doesn’t notice once you approach, even when you rest your hands on the arm of the chair and bend at the waist to his level. Tapping his knee so he’ll lift his gaze from his lap. James goes from a deep frown to fighting a grin at the sight of you. A definite pinking to his cheeks, from the alcohol or your presence, you’re not sure. 
You wish to slap the voice inside of you that aches to press your lips to his. 
“Hi.” He’s beaming now, hand instinctively reaching out to push a stray strand of hair from your face. It risks your knees giving out right then and there at the gentleness of it all. 
“Hey, Potter. What’s up with the moping, Sirius needs his partner.” You nod to the game ahead, cheering along when Sirius scores. A large, warm hand slides up your forearm, and you tilt your head back down to see his hazel eyes staring up at you with an emotion you can’t quite read. Fondness fills you to the brim at the sight of it. 
“I’m not in the m-mood.” There’s an adorable hiccup that sounds between the last word, the ache in your heart growing tenfold. “Where’s O’Connor? Thought you’d be with him.” It’s genuine, there's no self pity or ill-intent behind his words. Instead, it’s almost solemn. Much unlike the James you’re accustomed to. 
“I’m sure he’s around somewhere.” You shrug, clear in your indifference. “But I wanted to check on you.” The corner of his lips twitch upward, but he bites it away. Another squeeze to your arm he hasn’t found the strength to release just yet. 
“It’s okay if you want to go hang out with him, Y/n. I’m fine. And you’re angry with me.” 
“I’m not angry anymore, James.” You can’t help but run a hand through his unruly curls, smirking when he leans into the touch. 
“You aren’t?” You shake your head, crouching to get more comfortable. 
“I mean, I was. I didn’t appreciate you putting words into my mouth. But I understand why you got defensive. It wasn’t fair of me to be rude just because I didn’t want to communicate needing some time to myself. I’m sorry, Prongs.” 
“I’m sorry too. Really sorry.” He runs a thumb over the arm still in his hold, eyes averting to observe the line of goosebumps it elicits with a soft smile. You fear you’re much too smitten of him for your own good. He pats the arm of the chair for you to sit on, and you comply. Looking at the partygoers around you. It’s comforting, despite longer participating in the festivities you’re still enjoying the atmosphere. 
Eventually James shifts, settling his head over your thighs with a contented sigh. He waits a beat, taking hold of your wrist and plopping your hand atop his head. You shake your head with a scoff, pretending to be irritated with his silent request. Fingers coursing through the strands of his hair once again. You catch Remus’ eyes across the room, sticking your tongue out to ward them off when he leans over to Sirius, the pair staring fondly. James doesn’t notice, hazed from the alcohol and the scent of your perfume. 
The rise and fall of his broad shoulders slows, so you lean over to meet his face. 
“Don’t fall asleep down here, Prongs. Don’t think I’m able to get you to bed otherwise.” The corner of his lip curls up despite his closed eyes, and you’re quite sure you’d be able to watch him for hours. 
“Can we go to bed, then?” 
“James Potter leaving a party early? Why, I must be dreaming.” He ignores your teasing, pulling himself off you and standing to his full height. There’s a slight wobble to him, one he has to balance by grasping either arm of the vintage chair. Consequently putting his head only inches front yours. A wave of pine and mint consumes you, along with a faint, lingering scent of whiskey. His eyes follow yours, having caught them averting to his lips. James smiles, one of his cocky, smug concoctions that urges you to smack or kiss him. Combative urges you usually tend to get when in his presence. 
“You’re trollied, Jay. Let’s get to the dorms before you lose your footing for good.” Your tone is light in teasing, missing the fall of his features as you duck under his arm and get to your feet. 
“Should we say goodnight to Moony and Pads?” The taller boy rubs at his eyes, letting you adjust the glasses he’s just pushed crooked. You look around the room, landing on the pair who are pouring another round of shots for your shared group of friends. James doesn’t notice, busying himself with fixing your necklace to bring the clasp to the back of your neck. Praying he doesn’t notice the goosebumps running over your skin, you nudge him toward the stairs with a gentle shake of your head. Knowing he’ll most definitely insist on another shot in lieu of being left out. 
“I’m sure they’ll be up soon, cmon.” He’s surprisingly easy to persuade, allowing you to take hold of his arm and guide him toward the steps. 
It’s a bit of a struggle. He’s nearly twice your size, so any miss-step he makes in his drunken stupor is a threat to both of you. 
“Gryffindor house truly is the best. Don’t you think, lovely?” A hiccup before he goes on. “I mean, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Wouldn’t have met any of my best mates had any of us been sorted otherwise.” He pushes a finger to your cheek, cocking his head when you swiftly shush him. Unaware his volume is much too loud to be this close to the dorms or your respected, sleeping peers.  A grin spreads across his face as he mimics you, pointer finger pressing to his lips as you approach his dorm. 
He collapses onto his mattress, shuffling under the covers and sighing as if the exertions’ exhausted him. 
 “Will you stay with me?” It’s almost unintelligible with his cheek pressed into the satin pillow.
“Please?” Those puppy dog eyes again, he’s well aware of what he’s doing. You huff, fighting a smile as you discard your shoes. “You can grab a pair of joggers and whatever else you need from my drawers.” 
“I can’t stay here all night.” 
“Why not? The boy’s will be gone for hours, love. I don’t wanna fall asleep alone.” The alcohols undoubtedly loosened his lips, he wets them before continuing. “Always hated it when I was little, you know? I used to crawl into my mum and dad’s bed in the middle of the night. I’d hate waking up to nobody being there.” He turns away so you can change, pulling the comforter to the side so you’ll be able to slip in. 
“I loved my parents bed too.” You smile fondly at the memories, pulling one of his shirts over your head and admiring the emboldened, crimson, ‘Gryffindor’ lettering across your chest. “When they sent me to bed, I would sneak out of my room and wait on the steps. I liked listening to the telly when they were watching it together late at night. Always felt left out.” You both huff a laugh, slipping in next to him as he turns to face you again. 
James pushes a stray stand of hair from your face, eyes wandering over your features. You gaze up at his ceiling instead, admiring the constellations Sirius has permanently charmed on the ceiling. 
“You’re so pretty.” It’s unthinking, muttered into the darkness of the room and slipping away. Your heart thrums against your chest, and a there's beginnings of forming lump in your throat.
“Don’t, James.”
“Don’t what?”
“Say...Say things you don’t mean.” His brows furrow, offended.
“Of course I mean that. I’ve always thought it.” You press your palms to your eyes, willing emotion away. 
“I mea- I mean things you don’t intend to act on.” You fumble out, unsure of your own words and their risk. “Things I’ll overthink.” A pang of hurt shoots through his chest, but you don’t notice the own despair running over his face as you watch a shooting star pass overhead. Wishing he’d really meant it, really wanted to act on it.
“I just think you’re beautiful. That’s all.” 
“Please, Jay. This is mean.” You hate how your voice cracks, how he creates distance between you. 
Mean. He’d prefer just about any other insult in the book. Somehow, mean sounds far worse than anything else. Especially when he’s taking a chance. 
“Merlin, how is that mean?” 
“It’s just-” “Have I made you uncomfortable?” 
“No.” You’re almost incredulous, unable to imagine an instance he’d ever overstep a boundary like that. “No, of course not. That’s the issue, actually.” 
“Well...I’d like to kiss you, then. Would that prove it?” You almost choke on your own saliva, gaze snapping over to his for any signs of jest. He runs a thumb over your brow, blinking slow. 
“You’re drunk, James.” There's no cruelty to it. If anything, you seem relieved, maybe even pleased with him. Potter’s smug again, an inkling of hope igniting in his chest. 
“Sober thoughts, lovely.”
“Maybe-” you swallow, nerves stalling you. “Maybe you can kiss me in the morning, when you're sorely hungover and regretting all the beer pong.” 
“Alright.” His cheeks are beginning to hurt from smiling, so he turns on his back so he won’t be able to look at you any longer. Hoping it aids the burning desire to cement his words. “You’ll stay though. Yeah?” 
“Always, James.” 
You’re weighed down by something awfully heavy the next morning. Sunlight seeping through the red and gold curtains adorning the window across the room. Sirius is sprawled out on his bed just under it, most agape with slumber. You narrow your eyes, confused with your surroundings. Up until you recognize the weight as a tanned, toned arm. Pulling you closer subconsciously. James is so close his breath fans over your neck, sending chills down your spine. You make a meek attempt at biting back the grin pulling at your lips as the memories flood in. 
Though the smell of coffee beckons you from your admiration of the sleeping chaser in front of you. Seriously, how someone looks that angelic fast asleep is beyond you. Carefully, you push the greedy extremity from your waist, slipping out of the sheets and shuffling toward the common area of the dorm. 
Remus stands over the stove and tends to pans of food whilst averting his gaze to a book beside him on the counter every now and then. You considered yourself a bookworm before you met him, having been utterly humbled ny his sheer addiction for literature. 
“Morning.” Its awfully complacent, Lupin doesn’t even look at you during his greeting. Tone heavy with self-satisfaction and suggestive teasing. 
“I slept next to him, Moons. I’m not having his children.” You pour yourself a cup of coffee, eager to indulge in the boy’s expertly crafted blend. 
“I didn’t even say anything!”
“Didn’t have to.” You both turn your heads into the direction of an audible groan. James shuffles toward the both of you with his head low and shoulders hunched, grabbing at air until it connect with your mug. 
“I was drinking that.” It earns another grunt, you and Moons sharing an amused glance at the boy’s obvious hangover.
“I’m never drinking again.”
“What, too much fire whiskey for our renowned chaser to handle?” James can only gag at Lupin’s teasing, shooting him a death glare through watery eyes. You rub his back, snatching back your coffee when he leans into your touch. 
“You minx.” He mutters, betrayed. “You know I’m vulnerable.” You only roll your eyes, accepting the plate of food remus hands over with a grateful smile. James  snags a piece of your toast, desperate to soak up the liquor in his stomach and much too keen on stealing from you today. 
“I’m going to attempt to coax Padfoot out of bed. Watch the stove, y/n.” Remus  weaves around the kitchen island with his own toast hanging between his teeth, hair still tousled from sleep. 
Potter’s staring at you, unreadable expression amongst his features as he chews on his (your) food. “I’m assuming you got me to bed last night?”
“Not without difficulty.” James winces, a hand running through his hair. 
“Sorry if I was a pain, love. If I’m honest, I don’t remember much past our reconciliation.” He adorns a tight-lipped smile, guilty with a twinge of hangxiety. You only shrug, aiming to reassure him. “We’re good though, right?” He pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose, looking awfully adorable despite the effects of last night’s alcohol. 
Truth be told, James remembers bits and pieces. He remembers laying in such close proximity, wasted and aching for your lips on his. He can’t shake the feeling that you’re holding back. Had he made move? Had you rejected him? You couldn’t have kissed. Surely no amount of alcohol would have erased that daydream come reality. 
“We’re good, James. And you weren’t a pain. If anything, I can always count on you for being a fairly good-mannered and giddy drunk.” There’s a tilt to his head, a sudden glint in his eyes.
“Can’t say I was too well behaved, yeah?” Your eyes narrow, curious if he’s hinting at your conversation just minutes before sleep. His gaze doesn’t leave you as you approach him, standing on your tip toes so your face is mere inches from his. Just when his lids risk fluttering closed, you back away, having pulled a new mug from the shelf behind him. 
“I’d argue otherwise, Potter.” 
 “Oh?”  Oh. Are you...flirting with him? That confirms it, something had happened last night. “No usual antics then? We just, went to sleep?” Your eyes narrow at his questioning, uncovering the suspicion in his tone with ease. You decide you quite like when he’s nervous. He approaches where you’ve sat yourself on the counter. Subconsciously fitting himself in the space between your legs. Eyes averting to the pair of his sweats you have on, drowning your feet from the length on you. His heart swells with an emotion he can’t quite pinpoint, something between elation and pride. 
“What else would we have done?” You take a smug sip from the steaming cup in hand, nose scrunching in feigned distaste when he takes it from your grasp and sets it on the counter. 
“I dunno.” It’s practically a whisper, his voice still rasped from sleep as his eyes search yours. Eager to sense any sort of hesitation or discomfort on your part. Large hands graze the collar of your borrowed shirt as they reach your neck, cradling your head as if it might dissipate in his hold. You wet your lips, swallowing hard. There's an evident acceleration in both your breathing, and you’re convinced this’ll finally be it. This will finally be the moment James Potter proves to you you’re not just one of his best mates. 
And he thinks so too. 
“Don’t be worried, folks. King of the castle is very much alive and well. I know you’ve all missed me dearly in the agonizing time without my presence.” Sirius waltzes into the kitchen with remnants of eyeliner clouding the skin around his eyes with a bright smile. Bastard, no matter how much alcohol he consumes, just about never gets hungover. He stutters in his approach to the kitchen, a clear realization he’s most definitely just interrupted something. 
Prongs rips away from you like your skin has singed him, scratching at the back of his neck with poorly executed nonchalance. Embarrassment looks bad on him, but likely worse on you. Considering how stupid you must look with such hurt flashing over your face. 
Maybe its a sign, an indication from some higher power this isn’t meant to be. Considering James’ breakaway from the embrace, it seems as though this was merely a heat of the moment occurrence. But you don’t do casual, and you definitely don’t jeopardize years of friendship for some crush that just may actually be unrequited. 
You’re off the counter and awkwardly adjusting the much too big clothes swarming you as Remus reaches the group of you. He takes one look between the three of you, silently snatching the newspaper in lieu of the crossword, and slipping back into the bedroom.
“Did I-”
“No!” James and you are shaking your heads with feigned laughter before Sirius can even finish. Mirth settles comfortably on his dark features, crossing his arms with raised brows. 
“I was just gonna ask if I missed the doorway for a cup of coffee.” Prick doesn’t even attempt to hide his glee, ignoring the daggers James bores into him with his now murderous hazel eyes. 
“Still plenty left in the pot, Pads.” You tuck invisible strands of hair behind your ears, ignoring James’ shift of attention that lingers on your frame. He looks like he’s about to speak, but you’re already turning toward the front door. 
 “Jay,” despite the nickname, there’s no lift to your tone like before. “I have to go. Fluids, today. Or you’ll feel like shit for even longer.” He nods with a mock salute, fully aware he’ll perpetually be feeling like shit for a completely different reason. 
You shout a farewell to Remus, and a pleading smile to an awfully merry Sirius before slipping out the door. Rushing down the hall and toward the girl’s wing without a second thought. 
Black shoves the slightly taller boy in front of him in a fit of exasperation. Fed up with his bumbling idiot of a best mate. 
“You’re a coward, Prongs. Really.” James shrugs him off, recounting your proximity mere minutes ago with an overwhelming surge of glee. He smirks despite it all, biting back the oncoming lovesick grin.
“You know, she’s the only one that calls me Jay?”
“Merlin, you’re hopeless.” 
There’s a knock at the door as you reach for your lavender-scented body wash, closing one eye to avoid the trail of shampoo threatening to run into it. 
“It’s unlocked Marl’s, just come in.” You assume it’s one of your roommates of course, but are shocked at the voice that sounds from the other side of the door. 
“It’s me, actually.” James presses his forehead against the cool wood of the bathroom door, reconsidering whether or not he should actually go through with this. 
“Who’s me?” He feels like a fucking moron. 
“Oh, uh, James.” A wince, an oncoming urge to bash his head into the door to knock some sense into himself. 
“James?” You tug on both sides of the curtain to ensure it covers the entirety of the shower. “Um-”
“I’d wait for you to be out but,” the chaser rolls his shoulders, unaccustomed to such lack of self assurance. “This is sort of urgent.” And now he sounds like a perv, swell.
“Everything alright? Just come in, I can barely hear you.” He does as told, knocking over your array of skin care products set up on the counter because he’s shielding his eyes. You poke your head out to watch him scramble with the bottles, dropping one as soon as he grasps another. 
“Shit. Fuck, sorry. So sorry.” You can’t help but laugh, eyes narrowed in endeared disbelief as his gaze stays trained on the floor, unable to even glance in your direction. When it’s finally settled, he gathers what little dignity he has left to sit with his back against the ledge of the tub. 
“I’m sitting, is that alright?” 
“Its fine, Jay. What’d you need?” And there it is again. Fuck, are you doing this on purpose? A quick shake of his head, and he scoffs despite himself. The only answer his mind can manage is ‘you’ but he figures that’s likely not the best start to this. 
“It’s just, I can’t stop thinking about last night.” He wets his lips, wringing his hands together. “I feel like I may have said more than you let on.” 
You hum, biting back a smile. “Said something you regret?” It’s playful, but the subtle worry in your tone is most definitely there. Potter knows you better than that. 
“What? No. Merlin, no. If it’s what I think, then definitely not.” The grin wins this battle, you ensure all the suds have been rinsed out of your hair before you peek your head out. 
His eyes are still screwed shut, despite his back facing you. He’s tense, body hunched in an attempt to make himself smaller. Though it doesn’t do much. You feel particularly fond of him, just then. Committing this frame to memory. 
“And what do you think it was?” 
“You’re making this sort of difficult, love.” You figure you’ve tortured him long enough. Though it's what he deserves, considering he's left you with bread crumbs the entirety of the past year. 
“James?” He’s barely heard it with the combatting sounds of the running water, but it was there. Soft, sweet, enough to have him wishing you’d say it a million times more, and then some. 
“Y-yeah?” He lets you tilt his head back, his jaw clenching with the tension. You bend at the waist, ensuring not to drop any water on him whilst clutching the curtain tight against your frame. 
And just like that. In the middle of the muggy, steam-ridden bathroom. You kiss James Potter. 
It’s a little awkward in this position. Though he’s so tall you’re not completely bent down, it’s straining for both of you. Which is why you finally decide to reluctantly pull away, his hand taking hold of your jaw to pull you back for a couple swift kisses that unleash a hoard of butterflies throughout your stomach. 
“You said you wanted to kiss me,” your lips hover over his as you whisper. Pulling completely away to preserve your racing heart. Potter scrambles to his full height, adjusting his sleeves because he’s unsure of what to do with his hands now that they’re not on you. 
“Can. thank the whiskey for the confessions, I presume.” You giggle, and he has to fight the urge to shoot his gaze toward you at the sound. “You’re so pretty. I always thought so.” It’s unthinking, rushed out because the shared silence discomforts him. He feels like an idiot again. But you’ve scrambled up any sense of his ego or wit and he’s a mess. “Thought I should say that.” He’s not entirely sure how to clarify how he feels without accidentally professing his all-consuming love for you. Might come off a bit strong, he thinks.
“Oh, you did. A few times, actually.” Potter groans, pressing his palms into his eyes and bowing his head to shield his flushing cheeks. You laugh even more. 
“Have mercy on me, sweetheart. Please.” Its your turn to flush, unaccustomed to the new pet name. James cocks his head after a beat of silence, arm over his eyes to face you without actually being able to see you. “Ah, you liked that one. Didn’t you?” 
“Piss off.” 
“In just a minute, sweetheart.” He’s awful, straightening with pride when you can’t muster a witty response to the teasing. “Can I just have one more kiss?” He steps closer, hoping he won't trip considering the lack of sight. “And when you’re finished up, I’m taking you out.” 
“Hogsmeade?” Your voice lifts with excitement, forcing a smile from him. 
“Whatever you want.” He searches for you, lips jutted out pulled into a frown when you let him chase air. His hand goes out, aiming find you but quickly reminded of your current state of undress. It drops immediately, fists clenched and then releasing. “Must you make me suffer even more?” You roll your eyes, pressing a peck to each corner of his mouth and then his jaw. Pulling the curtain between you just after. “Wh-what was that?”
“Another kiss.” You note simply, going for your conditioner. “Kisses, actually.” 
“We’ll have to work on that definition, dove.”
<3 Masterlist <3
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