#bb you're so beautiful you don't need to change
piinfeathers · 10 months
tumblr im begging
stop updating
please return my beautiful mutuals pfps. im scared and i miss them
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imagine-silk · 2 months
Could you do the Yandere Fallout dudes with a darling that is a pre-war ghoul and very insecure about it?
》A non!sole, let's go!
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【Hancock】 "Let's be freaks together, forever."
He was a gambling man and he won when he met you. Not only were you perfect in every way but you also loved him. Not to the extreme he loved you but that didn't matter to him. You could have screamed 'I hate you' and it wouldn't change his feelings. If you love him, love being a ghoul. You'll live forever together, you won't get sick, you are so beautiful. Over two-hundred years of waiting for him and now you get two-thousand years more.
【Preston】 "But you're sooooooo beautiful. Good enough to eat."
He will make sure you're loved in every way. Every. Way. In the morning he'll come up behind you and spin you around. At night he'll map out your entire body with his tongue. The way he looks at you, almost like he wants to eat you. It kills him inside you don't love yourself like he loves you but that just means he needs to show you.
【MacCready】 "Did someone say something about you?"
He asked calmly. He's soft and checks on you like a good husband would. Make no mistake it bothers him, burns him from the inside out. If you do name someone they will die that night. Once you're asleep he puts on a coat and grabs his rifle to go on the roof. You can see everyone from your house. When he goes back in you stir and he softly kisses you, "Go back to sleep, honey."
【Danse】 "You're an angel."
You saved him from spiraling downwards after BB. You are the angel who saved him, even after all of his sins. He doesn't even know if he ever bothered you for being a ghoul, that's how lost he was. But he will atone and worship you as his angel. The way you second guess your beauty is make him ache because he's said those things once. Now is the time to say the truth. "You look absolutely divine."
【Nick】 "Ain't you a sight for sore eyes."
He says that every time he comes home while pulling you in. He touches you with some reservations but you learned early on it was due to the damage on his body not yours. After he sees how much it bothers you he blackmails asks around and finds people to fix his exterior. Evey new tune up is met you affection immediately after.
【X6-88】 "You are over two-hundred years old. You look good."
He doesn't particularly understand the problem. You're not insecure about your tainted genes or your age. Even if you were he can't have kids and he's not that old in literal years so neither is a problem for him, he also has those problems. But failing all of that he falls back on the fact of your age and the fact you look better than the non-ghouls from your time. Because what counts is that you're alive.
【Deacon】 "Then let's do something about it."
He figured just saying differently wouldn't change your mind. It wouldn't change his if he was in your position. So he dumps a bunch of clothes in the living room and has a fashion show. If anything it will just take things off your mind. He does think about dumping radiation into the water supply to make everyone just like you. It doesn't cross his mind for long but it does.
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ageless-aislynn · 4 months
I so dearly wish I could GIF these first 2 season 2 Halo eps but in lieu of that, have my random jumble of thoughts:
SPOILERS, NATURALLY (or spoolrrs since Ais and touch typing on her tablet go together like an Elite and singing karaoke 😋)
Ackerson is deffo evil because he said "ONI" properly one time then spelled it out all the rest. My dudes, the classic Halo: Reach level is NOT "Oh En Eye Sword Base" it is "Oh Nee Sword Base." Enough said. If I saw nothing else from him in these eps, I'd know he was eeevil. 🤷😉
Kai let the red grow out/wash out of her hair. I'm conflicted but she's still mah beautiful bb grl.
Pelletless Vannak was so fun and I approve of his animal documentary obsession, lol!
Sweet mother of pearl, Riz sold me on how much pain she was in, poor bb. 😭 I liked Louis and hope he'll be around in further eps.
I paused the second ep towards the end as soon as Chief said Visegrad relay to blurt out "The Covenant is on Reach!" And then Chief said the line, eee! (I love all Halo games but Reach is my jaaaam, man. 😉 )
Okay, I loved seeing the marines interact with the Spartans and that dinner with Chief and Perez and her family hit a few surefire tropes that had me kicking my feet and squeeing with heart eyes. Of course, I ship it, need you even ask? Ya girl's a fool for love, lol! But again, it was fascinating to see Chief out of his Mjolnir, interacting with Perez and her family. "You're very large." "Yes, ma'am." Which may not be exactly correct but that was the gist and I looooved it!
John and his Cortana stand-in hit me HARD in the feels. 😭
The fact that Ackerson has Cortana in her stunted form locked up in the basement made me raaaaage. I wonder if we're not going to get s1 Cortana back and this will essentially be the Weapon? Could be why they changed her face/appearance, I guess? Her appearance obviously changes through all of the games, true, but I have to say I currently prefer her s1 look more. I'm sure I'll get used to it, though. I want her to remember John, however, so when they meet again, it's a proper reunion. I wonder if they're going to have her be in his helmet ala the game version now or will they make it so that she has to be put back in his head to stabilize him or something? 🤔
I don't know how Makee survived but I can't wait to see how it works out!
I was so happy to see a new Spartan team in Cobalt but their ribbing of Silver, especially saying they have feeeeeelings now and all that didn't make sense to me because THEY were showing waaay more emotion, IMO. I mean, are they not Spartan IIs with emotion dampening pellets themselves or did I miss something?
I get why Chief was pushing Riz so hard because of his fear Silver wouldn't be ready for the upcoming fight but DANG, Chief, she's not going to be great in a fight if she's dead! 💀
One day, I will GIF all of the shirtless scenes. *fist thump* 😇
Lastly, they got the rights to THE THEME, YEAHHHHH, BABY!!!
Okay, enough for now from me. What did you think? Fav moments, ??? moments or the like? 💖💖💖
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oceansssblue · 5 months
You start to feel anxiety seeping into your bones and slowly conquering your body. Your heart beats faster, your breathing pattern changes and increases. The knot in your throat constricts further. Words blurr together in your mind; and you know you need to take a few minutes to yourself and pause. You close the textbook on your datapad, turning the screen off, and close your eyes too. You have to calm down. You still have three days left to study for your first exam of the semester. You've been working for this for months, learning as much as you can; and even if you don't know every single unit of the subject, and you won't in time for your tests, it's alright. You'll do what you can. You always do; and most of the times –with a few minor exceptions– it works alright.
"Cyare?" Hunter's deep voice carefully calls you all the way across the room.
You're studying in the living room-comedor table; while he has been sitting on your sofa and checking his latest mission report for a while.
You open your eyes and look at him; inmediately feeling scanned by his beautiful set of dark coffee-coloured eyes. Hunter is beautiful. He's undoubtedly sexy; and handsome, too. You adore his long hair and sharp jaw line, his tattoos and shoulders. Every inch of his skin; and who he is as a person too. You can't believe you're the lucky girl who gets to call him boyfriend.
"Yeah, love?" You answer, trying to regulate your anxiety still.
You don't want to worry him; but Hunter's inquisitive stare always finds out what you're hiding and it's not an exception this time.
"Are you feeling alright? You in pain?" He asks, trying to figure out what's the deal, frowning slightly in his investigation. "Your breathing pattern and hearbeat have sped up quite a lot in just a handfull of minutes. You've been fidgeting around in your chair more than usual, too. What's wrong? Have you pulled a muscle again?"
You can't help but smile at Hunter's guess. He has helped you through those kind of pains before; always the caring boyfriend. You are hesitant, however, to tell him the truth. You know what people say about anxiety; they think it's a stupid thing, a way of asking for attention, or a simple dramatization. They think you can simply whisk it away; they don't understand it's not just in your head –which already feels like a lot–, but it affects you physically as well.
"It's... It's stress" you end up admitting, just because it's Hunter, and you know he'd never make fun of you. "I have anxiety. It makes it difficult to concentrate and my whole body feels sick sometimes".
Hunter seems to be surprised by the revelation. You realise he's never experienced one of your episodes before. Thankfully, this is a light one. It's a good slow introduction to what you sometimes have to go through.
"How long has this been happening to you?" He asks, gently and cautiously.
You shrug your shoudlers like it doesn't matter –it does–, and look downwards to your datapad.
"Years, now" you answer, quietly. "It used to be so much worse a few years back, though. I had this near pannick attacks and I vomited every single day for like close to a year straight. I... Had a lot of stomach gastritis and such and nearly had to be hospitalised once."
You weren't planning to tell all that; but the words just keep coming. It's something you've never shared with anyone. It was a terrible, scaring moment of your life; you felt like your body was not listening to you, and each breakfeast, lunch and dinner were a total torture. You wanted to eat; you just couldn't.
"That sounds horrible, darling" he answers, his voice soft and full of affection. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. You're better now, though?"
You nodded calmly. Somehow, talking about it has made your current episode subside.
"Yeah. My uh, head doctor, sugested I started taking pills for a few months to help me cope with that, but I refused. I knew my problems would come back when I was done with them and needed to learn how to control it by myself. So I kept trying til I slowly got back to normal, day by day. Nowadays my anxiety attacks are nowhere as strong as back then. My heartbeat and breathing speeds up and my throat closes. I ocasionally feel nausea; but I don't end up vomiting or anything like that. It's just a once in a three months kind of thing now, too. Other than that, I just feel stress as a regular person would."
Hunter nods, satisfied and happy to hear that. You suddenly feel shy after your explanation. Hopefully he understands.
"Good. Is there something I can do for you right now?" he adds, and patiently waits for your answer while you think about it.
Honestly, you just need a break now. You've been studying for hours straight and you need to rest and recharge, if only for a handfull of minutes. And Hunter is the best hugger in the world, so...
"Can we cuddle for a tiny?" you ask, and Hunter smiles like the request has made him happy too.
"Of course, mesh'la" he agrees, gesturing to you with one hand while he readjusts in the sofa. "Get your wonderful ass here".
You can't help but chuckle and you quickly follow him to the sofa, droping your body besides his and wasting no time in finding the perfect spot against him. Hunter opens his arms; let's you find your place. Once you do –head resting on his strong chest and one arm wrapped around his abdomen– he folds himself around you. He hugs you to his body tighter with both hands; head tilting forward and to the side so it rests on top of yours. He gives a small kiss to your hair before letting out a sigh and melting into the embrace.
"We can stay like this as long as you want, cyar'ika" he whispers, softly, caressing your back with one of his hands. "There's no rush".
You humm and nuzzle against him. You'd stay right here forever if you could, with Hunter's arms wrapped around you and his familiar scent tickling your nose. He's home.
Back to my masterlist here!
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angelbabyblog777 · 4 months
Pisces Season!
Happy Pisces Season my beautiful bbs. This deep, watery season is all about inner knowing, change and creation. If you haven't gotten the rest you've needed this winter, now is the time!
Pisces to me is like the song "escapism." Everything about them is like they're in their own little world and interacting with them is like opening a portal right into that world. There is a feeling of detachment about them, an old soul type feeling even when you're only looking at them. I feel like they have an inner knowing of the vastness of the soul. It's as if they know they've been here before and this life they're living is just a little blip compared to everything they've already experienced. That's why some pisces may act a little unhinged at times; Living multiple lives and being inter-dimensional in a way other people can't seem to understand could make anyone go cray cray.
As pisces season approached, I found myself drawn again to witchcraft. I struggle with my "faith" and also go against the grain a lot. I'm the kind of person who doesn't like to be told what to do. The more I learn about the dark side of Christianity, the more I question why people mindlessly believe what is said in the Bible. Although I have seen witches turn to Christ. I just know that I was brought up in a catholic setting and I want to experience things differently at this point in my life. I am drawn to witchcraft and paganism and I always have been. My best friend and I used to make "potions" in her backyard, or salads with poison berries in them hahha.
At this time in my life, I want to learn more about plants, herbal medicine, gardening, animals, birds, harvesting and anything to do with the natural world. I'm going to surrender to the flow of my life and stop trying to control every little thing. I'm going to rest when I need to and I'm going to stay up late if I want to!
Ostara is 30 days away and I want my Chi to be at 100% by then! That means DETOXING and I personally have been feeling called to just BE ALONE! The world can wait! I have a handful of loose leaf teas I want to make each night before bed. I can also use these in a nice herbal bath. I'm being called to cut out the shit I put in my body like extra sugar, processed food, soda and even shitty television, social media and all that JUNK!
Pisces have a deep knowing. They know the ins and outs of the world, they know the evils at play. They know that most people don't have your best interest at heart and maybe that's why they belong so deeply to themselves. This is the last zodiac before the astrological new year, April babies, Aries season, Spring Equinox! What are your plans for this Pisces season?
I found a new witchy blog I love if you want to check it out too! It's www.softspirituality.com ! She has a blog all about Pisces season too! Hope you're well and things are looking up for you.
Love ya xoxox - Kaylee
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pentagonieslut · 10 months
s/o being naked for the first time
gn!reader (except yuku is female due to scenario)
requested by 🐇 anon !!
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so cute, he's happy that you decided to strip in front of him
..not really. he purposely walked in to watch you get naked
licking his lips like he's dehydrated
"so. since i already saw you in just skin, can i hit?"
you're so mad at him, you ignore him for a week
"baby please forgive me"
chocolates and a card that begs for sex
don't judge. him, jeongsik, and changmin will be in the stu for the next comeback so he needs something
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you didn't realize he was in the shower
so you walked in ass naked
he heard the door open and looked up
smiling so mf hard, his jaw might break
"baby, i'm in here! wanna join?"
you were cold so you didn't care at this point
"sorry love, didn't know."
"don't worry, i didn't see anything"
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he was working out like usual and glanced up to see you staring into space whilst eating chips
you were in his zip up hoodie he bought since he was obsessed with oversized clothing
also thought he would be a comedian and hide only your underwear
standing in front of you, he placed a kiss on your nose
"oops. looks like the button is broken..let me eat you"
pushing him away in annoyed
he pushes you down and chris brown's 'take you down' plays in the background like a sitcom
get comfy on the counter; he loves your bodyline
gwang hyun
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chicken eating competition
your robe was slipping off slowly
you didn't notice it until you finished both boxes
gwang hyun still had the first leg in his hand
"god you're beautiful-- i mean a beast. shit!"
has to walk away to cool down
comes back and stares at you
"your sexy level reached infinite level"
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"i- sorry- go ahead"
you laughed and allowed him in
the sex fiend was so shy
finds the stocks article interesting when he hates looking at it
sings a random ass song
"why so shy?"
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sleeping but opened one eye when he heard you get out of bed
noticed you changing quickly and his brow raised unintentionally
decides to question it when he's fully awake
thinks your ass looks good and wonders how it'll bounce
straight fucking liar
"did you leave for work? i was out cold"
lewd dreams not barbie dreamz
he'll get you by surprise though don't worry
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he's technically already seen you naked
bear hugs you and whispers
"let's do it before i have to go to dance"
and so, you do it
he praises your body and coos
can't stop touching you
soft skin, his favourite
became feral and is willing to skip dance
you force him away after a while and struggle to close the door before you really can't make it to work yourself
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lowkey mad you didn't tell him about the photoshoot
you both were doing sexy modern traditional kimono shoot
your kimono was showing a lot of shoulder and even a slight peek of your chest
in changing room, you changed into the other one and applied more lipstick and perfume
"please don't let anyone take more photos of your boobs except me"
defiant and lowers both sleeves of the kimono halfway down your arms
so sexy oh wow (BRAVE please let DKB do the sexiest of sexy concepts i'm begging you. like full on horny at first scene bbs, abs, muscles, backs, tongues, choreographed sex, sweating, in song moaning, so hot international bbs are the only ones able to watch the mv, i will even buy all versions of the album and only listen to just that specific album for the rest of the year, dilf core, bimbo core bbs, ass shaking, sugar daddy x sugar baby au)
harry june
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bath time oishii-kunare
busts in and is ready to jump in
shrieks in slight shock
"sorry! i'll come back!"
slams door before you can even invite him
too bad
could've gotten sucked
comes back in
"let me join you"
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a-b-riddle · 2 months
Pen Pals Chapter Four: First Day
C suggested that I go and get some clothes for my first week of work so the Saturday after my Friday interview. The dressing rooms were still closed which was a pain, but I kept the receipts in case I didn't like it or it didn't fit. I gave him a video call and was met with a black screen, as usual, as I tried on the outfits for him.
"Wear the first pair of black pants you showed me and the pink top." He was referring to the black straight leg slacks and the baby pink silk blouse with a chiffon tie. "Go get those boxes I sent you." He ordered. When I returned home from shopping I had two packages waiting for me on my doorstep.
They were both in standard brown shipping boxes, but after opening them I was met with utter shock.
"Oh my god." My mouth hung open as I opened it. "C. You shouldn't have." I didn't even open it all the way, but seeing the orange Louis Vuitton made me realize what he had done. When I finally did open it I found a beautiful beige purse.
"Every girl needs a new statement piece on their first day of work." He said. "It's the Lockme Ever MM. If you don't like it you can exchange it."
"I love it. And I can wear the pearls you gave me for graduation." I beamed still looking at the purse.
"Open the other one." He said almost as excited as I was. When I did I found a similar bag, but in black. "That one, I believe, is the Lockme Ever BB." I looked down at my gifts and didn't even know I had started crying. "What's wrong?" He asked, concern in his voice. "Do you not like them."
"There so nice." I pouted and wiped my eyes. "I love them." I cradled the purses to my chest as if a child who had gotten the exact toy they wanted on Christmas Day. "Thank you. Thank you so much."
"Good. You're welcome, baby." He said. "I got to get some things done before the end of the day, but I look forward to our video chat tonight."
"Me too."
"I'll see you in a bit, Love." I blew him a kiss and the call disconnected.
Holy-fucking-shit. These purses had to at least be at least $3,000 a piece. He spent what he gives me in an allowance on two bags. Holy shit. I had always bought my purses at Target, but this was... This was probably the most expensive thing I've ever owned beside my degrees that hung on the wall, but I couldn't carry those into work.
It's so funny to think a couple of months ago I sat in an empty apartment with nothing but a bed, crying about my life and now things had did a complete 180. My life had drastically changed in the best way possible. And it was because of C.
Monday couldn't get here soon enough. I was so excited to start my first day. I stopped and got a cup of coffee for myself, Mr. Stark as well as Mr. Rogers. When I got there security on the first floor got my badge and security access taken care of. I was essentially allowed to most of the 93 floors in Stark Tower.
I was then instructed to go to the same floor where I met Pepper. I was expecting to find her, but only found an empty desk and a folder with a sticky note on top of it.
Sorry I couldn't be there on your first day, something came up. Here is a basic outline of everything you need to know. Tony won't be down until later. If you need any help here is my cell. -Pepper.
I looked through the folder which would have been better put into a binder considering the amount of paper she put into it. I had barely started reviewing the documents when Steve walked up to my desk.
"Good morning, Mr. Rogers." I greeted. "I had time this morning so I did a coffee run." I handed him a medium black coffee from the coffee shop near my apartment.
"Good morning," he replied taking the coffee from my hands. "And please, just call me Steve." He insisted.
"I'll try." I assured him. "I grew up in Georgia so not referring to someone as Mr., Mrs., Sir. or Ma'am is kind of habit I'll have to break."
"You have manners?" He raised an eyebrow. "A shame. Tony tries to keep this place with a sense of impoliteness in the air. Thank you for the coffee."
"No problem. I hope plain black is okay."
"Do I seem like a plain black kind of guy?" He questioned tilting his head.
"I can go get some creamer." I went to stand when he broke into a smile.
"No, I take it black. I still like to keep some things simple." His attention broke away from me at someone coming through the lobby front doors. "Bucky," He greeted. A brunette with eyes just as blue and beautiful as Steve's walked over to my desk. "This is Bucky Barnes, we go way back."
"Stark's new assistant?" He asked and I smiled and nodded in response. "How you liking it so far?"
"First day: can't complain." I said. "Everyone is so nice."
"Plus Stark isn't up yet so he hasn't had the chance to ruin her day." Steve rolled his eyes. "Well, we will let you get to work and we'll see you around. Since it's your first day, I think Tony wanted to take you to lunch. Bucky will come around noon if he hasn't come yet and maybe we can steal you away instead."
"Oh," I said surprised. "Perfect. I'll see y'all later." I smiled at them as they left.
A few hours passed and I made myself busy with the list of things Pepper left me to do. Mr. Stark left his workshop and finally came down around 12.
"I hope you haven't had lunch yet." He said. "And sorry I haven't been down yet, I'm tinkering with a few things upstairs."
"Oh, no problem." I reassured. "Pepper left a very detailed list of instructions. So far nothing exciting except a few packages."
"So instead of apartment numbers, the floor is where it will need to be dropped off. Sometimes Steve and Bucky will get things in the mail too."
"Mr. Rogers and Mr. Barnes?" I asked.
"They live in the tower too." He said. "Makes things easier when we are all close together. How does Shawarma sound for lunch?"
"I was actually thinking Italian." Steve's voice came out of nowhere. When did he get back on this floor? I needed to find the stairs here at some point.
With his back still turned, he rolled his eyes. "Always has to be in charge." He whispered. "Italian it is."
Lunch was pleasant to say the least, even with the minimal banter between Steve and Tony. It was more like a sibling rivalry than a old married couple. Bucky had come along as well, mostly remaining quiet.
I asked if they always acted like this. He responded that it was when they were both quiet that it was more uncomfortable. He asked if I wanted to really wanted to start and argument was to ask who was in charge of the Avengers.
I shook my head and Bucky smiled. "So are you new to the city?" He asked.
"Sort of." I shrugged as Tony and Steve carried on their separate conversation. "I came here a couple of months ago before Covid hit and haven't really gotten out of my apartment."
"That blows." He said. "No friends in the city?"
I made a grimaced face and shook my head. "Not really." I said glumly. "I was supposed to start teaching when I moved, but covid made everything complicated."
"What were you wanting to teach?"
"History, but I specialized in World War II." I said before taking a bite of my Caprese salad with pesto sauce. C said I looked thinner and should be making sure to eat enough healthy carbs.
What he didn't know wouldn't hurt me. Or him.
However the saying went.
"Funny how the world works." He smiled before motioning his head toward Steve. "You're having lunch with two WW2 relics." I covered my mouth making sure none of my food showed as I smiled.
Steve and Tony eventually ceased their bantering long enough to join back into the conversation. They had asked me why I had gotten into studying history so extensively and very little personal information. Tony discussed a new prototype he was working on.
"Similar to how whales use echo location, the same will be done with this tracking device. Planes, vehicles, military equipment, but also testing out the device on animals to see if we can eventually use it on people."
The notion made my stomach drop. Mr. Stark quickly reassured the apparent qualm I had. "For willing parties only, I assure you. There was a missing persons report that came up when Pepper and I were watching TV. Young girl, about your age, man was convicted of rape and murder, but her remains were never found. And Pepper and I are trying to a family and I just thought 'that family will never know what happened to their daughter'."
The sentiment moved me. "So I thought, why not make it another tool for police to use? Cell phones and things like that can be destroyed, but even if it couldn't save them, it could at least give their family some closure."
"And even with tracking endangered species. Maybe even aquatic animals."
The idea didn't seem all that revolutionary in my opinion. Surely tracking devices like that have been proposed before...
When I got back there was a bouquet of daises and sunflowers sitting on my desk. "Was Pepper expecting a floral delivery?" I asked Tony setting my purse down on my desk.
"Not that I know of." He said stepping into the elevator with Bucky and Steve. "Unless she has a secret admirer I don't know about." The door closed and I was left alone with the floral arrangement.
I plucked the card from the top reading. 'Have a great first day - C.'
Only problem was, I never told him where I worked. Only that I would be working as a secretary for a tech company and that was the extent of it. He had watched me.
I'm glad Tony and the others had went up to their floors and did not see how ghostly pale my face had turned.
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missvelvetsstuff · 2 years
Cold Hearted
Steve Rogers x Reader, Steve Rogers x Sharon Carter, Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff, Bucky x Reader x Nat(past) Reader x ????
Chapter 4
Warnings: swearing, angst
Present day
BB woke up drenched in sweat yelling. She had been trying to escape Steve and Sharon but was too weak in her dream. Bucky rushed out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his hips "BB, you ok doll?" When he saw the state she was in and the look on her face he knew "nightmare?" BB nodded and he sat next to her and pulled her onto his lap.
BB giggled and tried to pull away "Jamie, I'm not sure this is ok since you're a married man now. What would Natty say?"
Bucky smirked "She would ask to join us. Our feelings for you have never changed, we just bowed out because you were so happy with him when I came back. You will always be part of us."
BB felt her face heat up and pushed a strand of Bucky's wet hair away from his face "You will always be special to me, both of you. For now I just need some time to heal from Steve before anything else."
Bucky nodded "I understand, we both do. Just wanted you to know. Now, I need to suit up and you need a shower before you go. It's already after 4 so times a'wastin."
BB nodded and headed for the shower. She spent 10 minutes getting cleaned up and another 5 trying to psych herself up for the mission.
When they made it to the tarmac most of the team was boarding the quinjet and Sharon was saying a long and dramatic good bye to Steve. You would think he was never coming home with her theatrics.
Nat snickered "Who is she trying to convince? Her or us? So insecure." She turned to BB "You call one of us if you need anything. Don't let him get to you, understand? He cannot break you." Her and Bucky gave BB hugs and kisses on the cheek before she boarded the other jet after Steve.
Once they were in the air and on the way Steve tried to talk to her. "How are you feeling today, BB?"
"I'm fine thanks, Captain Rogers."
Steve cringed at her cold and formal tone "I'm worried about you, it's been a stressful couple of days."
If looks could kill Steve would be a puddle of goo on the floor "Stress that you have caused, Captain. I don't need your faux concern. I'm fine."
Steve objected "It's not faux, I do care about you and-"
"What did I say about our interactions, Captain? Do you have anything to say regarding the mission?"
Steve shook his head.
"Good. Wake me up when we get there." And she moved to the back of the jet.
When they arrived at the airport there was a car waiting to take them to the hotel. Once they were in their room they realized that there was only one bed.
BB rolled her eyes "Well I know Tony didn't plan this one. I'll sleep on the couch"
Steve shook his head "You know I can't let you do that-"
BB interrupted "it's not your call. The couch is fine for me. I'd rather sleep on a rock outside in a rainstorm than anywhere near you."
Steve sighed and let it go. They spent the next couple of hours going over their plan, the floor plans for the house where the event was being held. An hour before the car was scheduled to pick her up BB went to the en suite and started working on her hair and make-up. When she pulled out the dress that Tony sent for her she rolled her eyes. She would have to ask Tony if he chose that dress before the break up to torment Steve or after the break up, also to torment him. It was silk and had a high neckline to contrast with the back that was so low it showed a bit of butt cleavage and the slit that went high up her thigh.
When she came out Steve was speechless. She was more beautiful than he remembered. He wanted to rip that dress off of her and have his way with her on every surface in the room. That made him start to second guess his decision, she was so beautiful and sexy. Sex with Sharon was good but with BB, it was out of this world, mindblowing. He had a hard time thinking of words to describe it. He felt himself stiffening as he looked her up and down.
He stuttered "Wow, you uh look beautiful BB. I need a quick shower." He had to take care of himself in the shower or deal with that all night. Unfortunately for him, thinking about Sharon didn't cut it and he moaned out "BB" as he finished. He knew he was in trouble.
When they headed to the lobby Steve stopped BB "I know you hate me and this is a fucked assignment but I want you to know I will always have your back. And I know you don't want to but our cover will be blown if you keep calling me Captain Rogers so for this mission I need you to call me David and act like we are together when we are out of the room, ok doll?"
BB snapped at him "Don't call me doll, David, I'm Julia and I'm well aware of how undercover works, I've been doing it most of my life. I will do my job as I always have. I dealt with more unpleasant circumstances in the past. It will be fine. Look the car is here, I should go."
Steve nodded and took his rented car to the site separately. Once there he found a discrete place to park, set up for a stake out, confirmed coms were working with BB and sat back to wait for something to happen.
Back at the compound Sharon was trying to log on to Friday's system but as soon as she put in her user and password the screen went black and a skull and crossbones appeared, the word SLUT in large flashing letters, laughing for a few seconds until it turned into the blue screen of death and informed her that all her memory and everything on her drives had been dumped. She started to panic, worried that someone could access the videos of her and Steve. Unbeknownst to Steve, she had recorded every time they were intimate. It had frustrated her because she worked very hard to be caught in a compromising position with Steve but it took 2 months before BB caught them together. If all went according to plan she would release all the video no matter what Steve did but he didn't know that. Besides sexual content there was audio of their plans. Luckily, for her at least, she was smart enough to copy everything to a thumb drive that was stored in a safe place away from the compound.
While her blackmail file was saved elsewhere, none of her other important documents were and it would take forever to get everything fixed. She sighed, hopefully she wouldn't be stuck living in the compound for long.
BB arrived, fixed a smile on her face and took a glass of champagne when a waiter passed her.
After about an hour of wandering the hall and making small talk with strangers, BB sighted her mark. He was surrounded by beautiful women and a couple of bodyguards. BB noticed that the women had their hands all over him without any response from his guards and hoped that meant it would be just as easy for her to get so close. She took a roundabout way around the hall until she was in his orbit and when he looked at her she gave him a small smile and her best bedroom eyes. He threw her a cocky smile and curled a finger inviting her over.
BB glided up to him and took a sip of champagne "Hi" she said all soft and breathy. "I'm Julia" and she offered her hand. He slowly looked her up and down, took her hand, kissed it and pulled her closer.
"I'm Werner von Strucker and absolutely delighted to meet you, Julia. I hope I can lure you to my quarters once my business here is done. Your beauty puts every other woman here to shame."
Steves jaw clenched and he made fists with his hands listening to Strucker talking BB up. He knew the man was right, none of the women here could hold a candle to her. Steve felt an ache in his chest at the loss of her love and his stomach dropped. He realized he had made a horrible mistake and there was nothing he could do about it now. He made his bed and Sharon had the video to prove it. He couldn't figure out Sharon's game. She had him now, all out in the open but refused to get rid of the video so he was left missing the woman he loves and waiting for the other shoe to drop.
After a little over an hour, Strucker put his arm around BBs waist and whispered in her ear "Will you join me in my suite? I have better champagne than they are serving here and can show you pleasure you can't even imagine"
Steve bristled, he wanted to kill him.
BB giggled and had to fight to stop her eyes from rolling at his arrogance, typical of men of his stature. Ultron had killed his father and Werner had been spoiled and pampered his entire life with women throwing themselves at him because of his money and power.
"Of course, Werner" BB trilled "I'm looking forward to seeing what you can show me."
He led her to the staircase with his hand on her lower back, fingers reaching underneath her gown to tease her. When they arrived at his suite there was chilled champagne and strawberries waiting for them. Werner excused himself for a moment and BB poured two glasses of champagne, dropping a roofie in one of them. When he returned she offered the drugged glass to him. He drank it all and set the glass down.
"This should be more to the liking of a breathtaking creature such as yourself." He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into him. He rubbed his erection against her and BB gasped.
"Werner, is that all for me? I'm going to make you feel like no one ever has."
He smiled and leaned in to kiss her but passed out before he reached her lips.
BB rolled her eyes and pulled him up onto the bed. 'Men are so easy' she thought 'always thinking with the wrong head'
She went to work, removing his necklace with the chip in it, copying everything off of his laptop and then destroying it all. She looked around to make sure she didn't miss anything then quietly left the room to head out the back and meet Steve. She tapped her ear piece.
"Captain Rogers, I'm on my way out the back. Meet me at the fenceline."
"On my way" he replied.
BB was out of the house and had almost made it across the huge backyard when she heard shouting. She started running without looking back and was almost to the brick wall when her back exploded in pain and she was knocked down. Her head bounced against the ground and everything went black.
Chapter 5
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cantstopbing3ing · 2 years
Absolutely love how when someone is really skinny (Esp a celebrity of some kind) people always feel like they have to find some kind of "Gotcha" about them to try to bring the person down a notch. Like bb you can just say you envy them, it's not illegal. You can pretend that's not why you felt the need to leave a disparaging comment about them online, but we all see you. "Oh but she's TOO skinny-" I don't believe you. I think you're mad. And I know this because I've BEEN you, my whole life, jealous af of beautiful skinny women. At some point you have to confront the fact that the only reason it bothers you so much is because you don't like your own body, and then you gotta decide whether you're going to try to heal that or just change your body, but you have to pick one. Don't sit there for the rest of your life getting upset every time you see someone with the body you wish you had, it's not good for you.
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vanosslirious · 2 years
BBS Dialogue Prompts #191
BBS Dialogue Prompts & Sentence Starter: [ 7 ]
I’m breaking the rules!
Did we just get scammed?
Alright, you don’t have to bring that up, bro, I’ve changed since then, okay.
Nice fucking item, you loser.
Oh my God, you guys are terrible.
Make out with me!
You probably didn’t think it was a joke.
We’re just going to do it, shut up!
This is easy as pie.
Honestly, my memory is not going to help me.
There’s so much grass here, holy shit
Goddamnit, I’m really fucking this up, aren’t I?
It’s so unsatisfying, no!
This is the beginning of greatness.
I have become a different being.
Goddamnit, I scraped it.
Oh my God, this is a thing of beauty.
Not important, grow up!
I need to stay zen and focused.
I wish I knew how to shut up, because it would make my job twenty times easier.
Oh my God, you are sufferable, that’s the worst thing about you.
Oh, cool, can't buy anything.
You don't want to play with me?
You’re not even moving.
Whatever it takes.
Wait, how are you spraying me right now?
I thought it was a weird glitch.
Get on it, dude.
Yeah, I went off right there.
You know what, I might give you another one in a second.
But you’re momma duck.
Hey, look, we didn’t make top ten.
Oh my God, shoot his arm.
It’s in the contract.
We don’t like you.
No, we don’t, don’t lie to us.
We do not have enough to buy milk.
He's drinking a beer and driving.
Come to the bathtub, it's safe.
I down two of them, please!
Those scumbags bit me.
Anyone else want some?
I have no idea what that does.
That's right, you're being evicted.
I cheated the system, didn't I?
Are they going into the house?
Let's go to a different house.
Why is there so many damn squirrels?
I was not expecting that.
I think we already got a lot of points.
Thank you, appreciate that.
That was a small blow.
They’re really jumping off the roof.
I’ve never seen it.
That was so damn loud and scary.
Why are they shooting at me?
I don't have any weapons, what do you want me to do?
I'm bringing you along, don't you worry.
I found the fucking doll!
I was trying to save him from you!
I’m on this machine gun.
Fuck off, lady.
You gotta put me down first.
Put me down first and I’ll tell you where he is.
I ain’t telling you shit, bitch!
I went down to save you!
What you’re looking for is your welcome.
I think he’s missing a tooth by the way.
I’m following him, he doesn’t know.
He doesn’t seem happy.
I didn’t see nothing, did you?
I’m not going to betray you.
We never got to see it.
I’m not gonna lie, I wouldn’t listen to a fucking word this dude told me.
He’s got no presence whatsoever.
Come here, I’ll slap the shit out of you.
I saw you in the background looking dumb as shit.
I’m pretending to read this paper but I’m actually trying to listen to what you’re all talking about.
That sounded kinda sexual.
He’s a tough son of a bitch.
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starlitdumbass · 2 years
Heya, hope you're doing well <3 if you're interested, my muses have added more to that Beauty and the Beast AU I sent ya a while back (the art you made for it was AMAZING, btw!)
Shikamaru was originally a human of the Nara shinobi clan, who followed a Shadow Demon and helped it protect the Mountain; the Shadow was very powerful, but also extremely vulnerable to powerful forms of light, like the sun, thus their overall ability to help was limited. The Nara made a deal with them ages ago to be an extension for the Shadow's reach, in return the Nara were gifted with limited shadow-type magic, making them more effective.
A long time ago, some Calamity happened and the entire Nara clan was massacred, except for Shikamaru, and the Shadow Demon was severely wounded. To get revenge, the Shadow merged with Shikamaru, creating the awesome creature you brought to life with your beautiful art. (And explains why Shikamaru has two forms, demon/beast and human.)
With the help of some nearby demons, Shikamaru was able to seal away the Calamity within the Nara's now empty castle. Although creating the seal took a hefty toll on Shikamaru's body, still adjusting to shadow magic, he asked that word be spread about needing powerful allies to fully defeat the Calamity some day.
Timing is everything, and for possibly several thousand years it never worked out; human wars, demon feuds, and maintaining the seal (which severely drains Shikamaru's energy after strengthening it) continually pushed back any attempt to put an end to the Calamity trapped within, to the point that Shikamaru wonders if any of those he sent word to even remembers the Calamity at all.
The latest sacrifice sent by the village at the bottom of the mountain changes everything, even if Shikamaru doesn't want to admit it at first.
For years, the sacrifices sent by the Hyuuga were turned away by Shikamaru; he would tell them that going back down the mountain was far more dangerous and would give them a single piece of advice: Follow the butterflies.
Chouji is a forest guardian, one of many in the Akimichi clan, and was left to help protect the Nara castle when the Calamity was sealed away. A gentle soul, Chouji would make sure those sent by the village on the Mountain's east valley would make it safely onto the west side, using bright butterflies as a guide for them to follow.
To the Mountain's west is a large, flowery plain bordered by a wide river that flows south. The Yamanaka Prairie is protected by Ino, a wild boar demon, who will then point anyone coming down from the Mountain toward the city settled along the river to the north. (She also may have some fascination with a pink-haired woman whom visits her prairie occasionally to pick flowers and medicinal herbs.)
I was also thinking that Neji is considered some kind of priest; the Hyuuga worship some being of light, like the Moon or something like that but don't know exactly what, and Neji being from a branch of the family that's meant to be support/protection to the main branch (if that's still a route one wishes to go) he would know several abilities or spells to heal or maybe just support others with barriers, stronger attacks, distracting with clones, that type of stuff.
The Calamity is not any of the Tailed Beasts; as I see it, all the Tailed Beasts are good bbs that just want to exist and be left the fuck alone lol. In fact, I headcanon here that the Uzumaki clan are fox demons who are taken in and taught fox magic by Kurama.
And... I think that's it. For now. Again, this is stuff that my muses have played with, but if you've come up with something different, that's totally fine, too! I just felt like sharing it with ya since you seemed to really enjoy the original concept I sent you. :)
Thank You for reading and for making awesome art! Have a wonderful day! <3
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This is beautiful and incredible and I really wanted to respond with a art thing but I don't have time which sucks. But I also wanted to let you know how much I love this and I want to thank you for this and such wonderful info🤍🖤🤍🖤
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photogirl894 · 2 years
Congratulations with this aniversary of Sun and Rain! 1 year and hopefully it will continue on much, much longer. I think it will not come as a surprise that I fell in love with this sentence : She would wait until the light of all the stars in the galaxy burned out, if she had to.
That is jusy beautiful and I wish I could have written something like this!
I have to admit, I am fearing for the time when order 66 will come and how things will change for Kimber and the gang. I am still heavily defending Crosshair and demanding his return with the Batch !
Kimber is becoming more and more the person she wants to be and wishes she would be, what is your inspiration for her growth and how she reaches that goal?
Oh Echo needs to be severely hugged btw ! please sent him a big ol hug from me!
And I loved that Fives has visited Kimber, that was so sweet and powerful.
Thank you so much, @ladykatakuri !! 💜 Your reviews of my chapters have been some of my favorites! They're always so personal and in depth and I love them! And oh yeah, this story still has a long way to go! 😊 I have a feeling we may be back here in another year!
Okay, you're seriously making me blush with how much you love that line!! 🤭😊🥰 That makes me really happy! I actually came up with that line while sitting in church, to be perfectly honest. I wanted something to really describe how long Kimber was willing to wait for Hunter and give him space and that was just something that came to mind. With how often they travel in space (and having hardly traveled before meeting the boys), the stars have become important to Kimber and I thought that was what would come to her mind. That is how much she loves Hunter and how willing she is to wait for him.
I know, I'm dreading Order 66, as well, especially given Kimber's close relationship with Crosshair. Honestly, I never intended on them growing as close as they are, but as the story progressed, I started liking their dynamic more and I fleshed it out more. Though that thought came to me of when Order 66 happens and Crosshair's betrayal...oh gosh, I'm dreading writing that and other future scenes! I've already got certain parts mapped out and I hate myself for it 😩 Like I've mentioned before, it's canon compliant, so unfortunately, Crosshair is still going to join the Empire and all of that, but Kimber will still affect certain parts of that.
You know, my inspiration for Kimber's growth and becoming the person she wants to be kind of came out of my own frustration with the story 😅 I kept having her end up in trouble and I just thought, "I need better ideas than her being a constant damsel in distress. I want her to be a stronger character." Then I had the idea of having her get training with other people. That kind of also came from my desire to include other characters, hence how Jesse and Kix came to be in the story, as well. She's now a stronger soldier and the BB boys will see her in action once more better than ever.
Oh Fives, my beloved! I'd recently rewatched Clone Wars and just fell in love with him all over again and I thought, especially after learning about him from Jesse, that Kimber just had to meet him and...well with him being dead, that made things a little bit difficult 😅 But I decided to spin it into something that served as both a sweet moment between Kimber and Fives as well as foreshadowing of events soon to come (and we all know what that is, of course) Plus, Kimber deserved a good dream, for once. That whole dream became a setup for her returning to the squad and everything else that's coming. It was fun to write for Fives, even if it might just be the one time. I love him and miss him so much 🥺
Don't you worry, there will definitely be more Echo hugs to come! 💜
Thank you again, my sweet friend! I look forward to hearing more of your thoughts as "Sun and Rain" progresses!! 🥰
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r1ya4aa · 13 days
1,2 buckle my shoe!!
girly girl:
Kagami is online!
girly girl:
Maybe because of your face
You look mad 24/7
She's not wrong
And kagu isn't my girlfriend
We're just friends
girly girl:
Adrian who?
And who tf is kagu?
yeah why
girly girl:
No way.
Bro she's like the prettiest girl AND the directors daughter
Don't mention him
She doesn't have a very good relationship whit her father.
I'm private chat whit "kagami🫶"
omg he blind asf
I rlly wanna meet her tho
I'm curious what tetsuyas type is ykwim
Yes yes
1,2 buckle my shoe!!
girly girl:
Tetsu Add her
girly girl :
1. Because I'm the only girl in this GC 2. I NEED to know her haircare Routine.
Alright let me ask her
She said yes
"Tetsu" added XXX-XXX-XXX to the groupchat!
girly girl:
girly girl changed XXX-XXX-XXX to kaguya💕
Uhm. Who r u guys
girly girl:
I'm y/n L/n and the other one is Taiga kagami
Ooo okay! You guys are tetsuyas friends right?
girly girl:
Omg @kagami💕 did u see that? Tastu is talkin bout us🤭
Nothing Bad i hope?
girly girl:
That was kinda rude
girly girl:
Noo don't worry we're just joking
Don't take anything we say seriously 😭
"Kaguya💕" went offline!
girly girl:
Did I say something that could've offended her somehow?
Girl. You just told her that she shouldn't take anything we say since it's our Humor
I'll Go Check up on her
"Tetsu👻" went offline!
Im near McDonald's so I'll Go offline too
girly girl:
The usual?
girly girl:
Yes pookie🥺
"Kagami🫶" went offline!
girly girl went offline!
Soccer prisoners
Can y'all follow me on ig 😔
Need more Friends there fr
You have other friends?
Shii drop the @ Shawty
SHIDOU🔝🔛😈 (sh1d0u.ryus3i ) started following you!
Ty baby
I got her yall Don't stand a chance 🤭
Yukimiya is online!
You're really really beautiful y/n
Like wow. Should I follow you whit my official or private?
I don't want to crawl any attention from ur Fangirls or my Friends and Tysm Ur very pretty too yuki!
At First i thought you where kind of a nerd but I saw that vid when u where on the field and god damn baby🤭. Double smash
Alright Princess 🤭
Kenyu :) (kexxn7u) started following you!
Bumblebee:D (meg0ruu_.) started following you!
Y'all fake
I was her pookie 1#
She won't forget Abt me that fast...right?..😢
I got u pookie
Yoichi (isagi_yoichi) started following you!
—🥟 [hearts4kagamii] ⁀➷
❤️ 💬 ↗️
hearts4kagamii ↴
@hearts4y/nnie TYSM FOR THE DUMPLINGS 🫶💕💞💝💘💖💗💓
—🍚[hearts4y/nnie]15min • ❤️by author.
you better take me and tetsuya outafter practice 🤨
╰┈➤ —🥟[hearts4kagamii] ↴
ugh fine🙄
—🎻[tetsuyaa.kurokoo] 20min •
nah man, I'm hanging out w @urfavprincess so there no need
╰┈➤ —🥟[hearts4kagamii] ↴
              ╰┈➤ hi y/n
Dumplings 🔛🔝
Y/n I also have a question
Yes yuki?
Who's kagami?
He's my fav cousin!
And who tetsuya and kaguya?
Tetsuya is my friend and kaguya is tetsuyas friend
She's really really pretty AND nice!
She has such pretty hair like wow.
Don't be shy bb add her 😏
Lemme ask her
In private Chat whit kaguya💕
So I have like a friend group and they asked me about tetsu and kagami and u and I told them Abt u and then they asked me if I could add u and I said I'll ask her and now I'm asking
Pretty pleaseee
I'm the only girl there☹️
There are only boys in that group chat?
Why not sure
Y/n added kaguya💕 to the group chat!
Is anyone online?
omg yes
Reo brought me 80k primos
Should I pull for venti or cake guy
Ru collecting or just pulling
I'm collecting archons
I want cake guy
baby u have 80k
Get them both?
C6 or weapons?
I'd say weapons
What about u?
I want venti but I'm on 50 pity + I just got hu tao so☹️
Would I mind if I buy you some primogems?
Uhm yes??
Don't spend ur money on me yuki I'll feel bad each time I pull😭
I'll try not to..🫢
Uhm y/n
You know I was just about to introduce myself before you went on and on about that game of urs
Oh I'm sorry !
What's a sorry gon do
R u rlly that stupid😭
Just like that Taiga guy
No wonder y'all r related
I bet ur parents r just as stupid 😂😂😂
Kaguya what the fuck.
I just apologised what else do you want me to do?
I want u to shut the fuck up and take a joke😂
Kaguya you better start learning the difference between disrespecting someone and taking a joke before I turn you into a fuvking joke
You haven't even been here for 10 minutes and you already start talking about "jokes" n stuff
What happened when I was joking whit kagami n tetsuya? That was soooo rude but what ur doing is absolutely fine?
Please think before u open ur stinky ahh mouth, thank u. ☺️
Kaguya has left the groupchat!
That was so hot omg
Can y'all like go back to practice and stop fucking texting?😐
I bet he wouldn't be mad if it was sae blowing up his phone 😹😹😹
rin went offline!
Why r u keep making jokes Abt that sae guy
Who even is that
Sae is rin's older brother and they don't rlly have a good relationship
And shidou keeps teasing rin because of that
Ohh I see
Ty yuki
No problem
In private Chat whit rin!
R u ok
why wouldn't I be
cuz of shidous jokes
He always does that
I'm kinda used to it
Now what do you want
Do you not have a good relationship with your brother?
Haha we're so similar yet so different
What are you talking about?
We're not similar.
We are actually
You see
I used to have an older sister
She used to play volleyball and was amazing in it
So one day she encouraged me to play whit her and It was really fun so I started playing
We always played together but one day after another match (that we won ofc) she acted so different?
So I asked her and she started kind of barging at me ykwim?
Mhm yeah i get what u mean
Why was she barging at you tho?
"Haah.." a h/c haired girl groaned.
"Yo etsu, can we get some dumplings on our way back? Pleaseee?" She pleaded which soon stopped when she noticed that etsu was just staring blankly at the floor.
"Etsu?" She moved closer to her older sister and places a hand on her shoulder.
"Are you al-" before she finished her sentence she got interrupted by the hand slapping hers harshly away
"Don't touch me." The older sister replied in a icy cold tone which made the younger sibling flinch.
"etsu?.." she asked nervously
"How dare you."
Etsu turned her head towards the younger l/n
"How dare you steal my dream?"
"what are you talking ab-"
"Don't act so fucking dumb. I was the first one who got into volleyball,
I had to work my way up and all of a sudden you have to barge in and ruin my dream!"
"Etsu what are you saying?"
"How dare you be such talent? I was the first born, I should've had that talent, not you! You wouldn't even be into volleyball If I wouldn't be there!!"
"But etsu, wasn't it your dream to play in the nationals whit me? You said it yourself!"
"That was before you stole my talent!"
"Huh? Etsu stop saying such bullshit! Like you Said, you're the reason why I started volleyball in the first place! I couldn't give two shits about volleyball, I just did it so your dream could come reality!"
"Don't fucking use me as an excuse to play volleyball. If you don't care about it quit. I could easily find a new and better replacement, l/n."
. . .
"Fine then. Good luck becoming Japans best without my help, Miss kocho. I can't wait to laugh at your miserable face once you lose without me."
—🎻 AN! y'all please ignore my spelling in case I wrote something wrong😭 let me know if I did tho!
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AUOGH this review is already killing me xD
Hey at least there's Parknik xD
And baby Steve :DD!!
Hmm I bet it's like changing the baby's diaper or something huh
Iconic <3
Slay Shawn :D xD
Lol Steve's just vibing xD
OH and of course!!
Hi Shawn :DD!!!
Hi Lea 🥰!
Hi Steve :')))!!!
(tears bc he's so adorable)
Aww 10 minutes of snuggles :')) very nice is such a mood
Okay Shawn you will have to relax eventually bc it'll be hard to multitask but yeah I get it xD
Aww reading a medical book together xD
AAHHH yes I am also ready to say hi to everyone lol :))
Awww "I will miss you both" 😭😭❤️ y'all I'm not ready for this
It just makes me think of this season ending aaaahhh xdd 😭
Hi Glassman :D
Just btw xd but AAHHHH THAT HURT ME 😭😭
First last/last first intro xdd anyway I love them <33
Hi Morgan :)!!!
Hi Park :D!!
Hi Eden 🥰
(that is her name right xd)
Aww uh oh :(( poor bb
Oop y'all 😳 remember equal parenting if that's what you're gonna do xd
Hi Jordan :DD!
Sorry I'm fine lol
(I'm not sorry)
Hi Asher 🥰🥰!
"It's been today for like a whole 8 hours" dang XDD
Oop okay!! Good for them, glad they're still texting :))
Ayyy my besties hanging out :DD
Please no TOOO questionable decisions
What surgery xD
SFLGHDKHGS "No longer joined at the hip" J O R D A N that was illegal. slay girlie
Anyway AAHH Jerome mention :D lovely <33 (as in he is my lovely)
But yes besties :))
These two cannot get through a conversation without destroying each other. Love that for them
Yes thank you less questionable decisions xD
No don't call it that lol
Hi Kalu :)!
Ope xD I bet he'll go out with them eventually
Or he has a good reason
AAHH yes Papa Murphy :DD
AWWW immediate and hardcover (ykwim, physical) photos of Steve :'DD stop that's so cute <33
Slfkghsk the theme
Slay we love the books <3
Oop is he not on the schedule?
Ayy slay for Marcus :D
Hi Lim :))!!
Hi Dalisay!!
Happy for y'all Dalisay 🥰🥰
I hope it's not Lim girlie goes through enough xdd
Oop hopefully it's not a guy who sucks
Carefullll Shawnnn
Aww okay but don't rub it in Shawn xdd
Aww I hope he's okay :((
Uh oh
I hope he can get the transplant D:
OPE hi guys o.o
I mean at least it's only been two weeks though
Aww the whole name thing xd 😭😭
Not okay tyvm <33
Like Shaun being impressed the Lea revealing the middle name :')) I think Glassman suspected even if he didn't believe it though <3
Lol yeah he has nothing going on xD
He is beautiful 😭😭
Oh no Eden D:
Poor baby :(((
Didn't mean the baby part too literally but yk xd
Aww bb :((
Why are y'all looking so fashionable btw lol
I mena they always are but yk xD
Anyway hmm Park's being quieter
Hopefully Morgan doesn't cut him out-
Uh oh 😳
This is gonna become a thing at some point xd
And you're letting someone who knows you do it lol?
Oop of course yes Glassman! He can't operate anymore so might as well :D
Agh glad Glassman doesn't like this O'Brien guy either xD
Hmm I wonder how he'll solve it
I figured he'll end up doing it or put someone in but we'll see
Oop hi guys :))
Bb <33
So many babies this episode I'm gonna die xdd especially when they start being in danger 😭
Oop he's refusing her again 👀 I wonder if it's bc of Perez?
Oh no D:
oPE gosh xD
Maggots lol
Aww the comparison/the way it was phrased is sweet :')
The mom is beautiful btw
Aww guys :'((
Park please don't bring up the decision making thing now though xd
They wouldn't dare kill Eden but. . .
Probably xd
Aww glad they're good for now at least though <3 there for each other :')
Introducing themselves aww <3
I hope they don't end up getting torn apart :((
OOP didn't introduce Park 😬
Awww hi guys :D
Again Shawn, chill xd
Knew it would need to happen lol
Love you though <3
WHOOPS this post is way too long lol
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thespiritoflife · 1 year
Hello hello hello my bestie!!! 💌
First off, I want to tell you how much I adore and love you, everyone here loves and cares for you so freaking much! Please take care of yourself honey, drink water if you haven't and hope you have an AWESOME day/night! 🫶🏻
How have you been doing? What's up? Anything that might have happened? Are your holidays going on rn or is it still school?
As for me, it's my holidays atm, and I am enjoying these holidays soo much! Today I am going to meet up with my friends at a mall and so excited for it! We will probably go to the arcade, wndow shipping, eat and just roam around lol, what about you? Do you have any plans with your friends?
Also I have watched to this series called outer banks, absolutely love it! Totally recommend it! If you have time watch it! In loveee with this character in it called jj, like he is sooo freaking perfect!! 😍
I really really hope you are doing good bb, ilysmm you have no idea!! And always remember if you literally ever have to talk, rant, anything, you can talk to me! Just text me here or on insta and I will be there for you always and forever 🎀💌
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Here's a moodboard for the most beautiful person to ever exist! Love you to the moon and back domi 💕💋
hello, nixie! <33 i am happy you visited my askbox! i hope you're doing awesome🫶💛
awww, thank you so much!! you're making me cry!! <33 i am so happy to have friend like you! 💛🧚 i love you so so much, you can't even imagine!!
no worries, i am actually taking care of myself and drinking tea! 🙊 i hope you're also taking care of myself and you're HYDRATED queen!
i am having awesome day THANKS TO YOU! <3
i am doing quite good, thanks for asking! no, nothing new happened! i am just resting from school🙊 what about you? and yes, i also have break, i don't go to school, thank god🙏❤️
wow, it sounds really exciting!! your plans with friends seem so fun!! i am sure they love and adore you so so much! who wouldn't adore you??! have fun and enjoy your day with friends, nixie!
no, i don't have any plans with friends (haha because i don't have any, god that sounds pathetic and horrible🤦‍♀️🫣)
yeees, outer banks!!! i know it! but i only watched 1 episode year ago and then i stopped watching it, because i found it boring (don't kill me, please haha) i guess, i should give it a change, everyone seems to love it!
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awww, nixie, you're sweetheart!!!! i wish i could hug you now!! thank thank thank you so much for everything, I LOVE YOU SO MUUCH <33 I AM ALSO HERE FOR YOU!! ALWAYS!! IF YOU NEEDED ME <33 I AM SERIOUS!
that moodboard is so beatiful!! I LOVE IT!! i love these yellow vibes since it's my favorite color💛🫶 thank you so much, i downloaded it and put it into my camera roll so i can always look at that!!
YOU'RE GORGEOUS BEAUTIFUL AND SO FRIENDLY! i wish you only the best <33
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bilyana-bang · 1 year
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I love these things.
1. Bb or B
2. 5'4 , 164cm
3. Dark Brown
4. Dark Brown
5. Maria - Older sister '97, Ivan - younger brother '00
6. No
7. Bangchan
8. Single
9. Straight
10. Bangchan
11. Any stationary shop
12. Pessimistic people 🤣 where's the hope? I feel like in life I've only ever had hope. I can't let go of this. It's my only push.
13. Both are cute.
14. Don't have one
15. Bangchan
16. Picnic at the beach + going swimming, or going to see the northern lights.
17. Yes on my forehead, when I was young my sister and I went climbing on some rocks. I got stuck on this rock that had dry leaves, I started sliding and fell forhead first on a sharp triangular rock. That has left a mark on my forehead. My mum had to take me to the hospital to check if I was okay, and I was :). Because I had two seizures as a baby due to temperature changes, they had to check me for epilepsy. They said I didn't have it.
18. My siblings !!
19. Yesterday looking at Ivan's baby pictures.
20. No, I don't even give first chances🤣 I don't have to give a chance to know someone.
21. Cheetah, they're yellow, fast, and beautiful!
22. Don't have any
23. Yellow, like the sun!!
24. Bulgarian Rose and Lavender and Zdravez
25. My family.
26. In some situations, of course it can arise.
27. To meet Bangchan
28. Not meeting Bangchan
29. Stray Kids
30. Face the sun - Miguel
31. No tattoos, ears pierced but the holes are closing, and belly button pierced but the hole closed. I'm not a jewellery person at all.🤣 I can't have things on me, it feels too much. I only wear my golden necklace, which was given to me when my grandma passed away. She had a golden necklace and they dissolved the gold to make necklaces for all of us. I have never taken it off. (except for Surgery)
32. Ivan
33. Stationary shop or book shops.
34. Ooo that I'm resilient and relentless and that I'm optimistic.
35. Feeling unsafe. I have no clue how to change this except to not feel afraid in situations. I feel like in a fight or flight I'm fight. It's because when I was younger (12/13), when my dad and mum used to fight, my siblings would just go upstairs and I hated that but I followed. And one day my mum said, B don't leave the room when we're fighting because there's a likelihood he won't hit me if you're in the room. And from that moment on I've just felt the need to protect and keep my promise to my mum and be by her side, even if no-one was protecting me. Which is why in situations I'll fight to the end for people I love, even if I'm in danger, and most times I'm the one who puts myself there because I don't back down. But unfortunately this is so deeply ingrained in me that it's now hard to understand that I'm safe. But it's also taught me that even if I feel anxiety, and I become so overwhelmed with stress and I can't go anywhere or back out or leave, in a way that becomes your average and you can figure out how to think clearly in that and make decisions and not be scared that your body might be experiencing something. Allow the emotion to run through you. It's okay for your body signals to react to a stimulus, whether that's trembling legs and hands or insane rushing of anxiety through chest. You're still awake consciously. I feel this makes me stronger. And also what I learnt is that I don't have to accept if someone imposes their negativity on me. I don't have to feel bad just because they are making me feel bad, I don't have to accept their negativity or stress. I can still feel good. And I can fight their bad with my good. I think this is the most prevalent feeling in my learning experience. I know that you don't have to accept others' opinion of what life has to feel like or be like. And that's why I always have hope, I can have nothing and survive, but I can't exist if I have no hope. Hope holds your hand when no-one else does. Hope let's you see when your eyes are burning. Hope allows you to hide behind it when you're scared. Hope warms a heart, when the body is cold. In order for hope to make you happy, all you you need to do is to believe in it.
36. Bangchan
37. All around the world. Tbh I can't think for myself because whoever I end up with will have an opinion too and they also have to add their touch and pick a style for these houses and locations. I can't really form my opinion yet, I just know that I have always wanted to do a year of no snow 🤣 travel around the world where you avoid the winter, just once. But idk I think the happiness comes from having someone to enjoy it all with. Personally I want a beach house, I want to be near water, a high mountain villa where you can see the stars at night, I'd like a city penthouse and I'd like a huge mansion somewhere because I'd like to have many rooms in this house. Like a Library, a gym, swimming pool, rooms for drawing art, rooms for all the subjects, a science room, a history room, a music room, a sports room, a literature room etc, space for loads of cars. I love cars and motorbikes so I'd like to own some.
38. 3
39. New York!
40. Day allllll day. I'm scared of the night. Haha . I hate darkness. I love light, I love the sun !
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