#and while emmett was turning he thought rosalie was an angel looking over him
malledhrim · 1 year
i'm watching twilight out of boredom and trying to resist the urge to look up emmett and rosalie fic
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therealvinelle · 3 years
Hi, I was reading a post here in Tumblr about how Edward has two gifts, he can hear thoughts and is super fast, so I wonder what is your opinion about this topic?.
Furthermore, what others power might the Volturi's leaders and guards might have?
Edward has one gift, and it’s telepathy. Being fast isn’t a gift.
Strength, speed and even senses is varied among vampires. Some, like Emmett, are on the extreme end, but that doesn’t make Emmett gifted, nor does it mean that the rest are at an equal level. The Cullens have clear variations between them.
Physique appears to play a dominant role in how these variations play out: Alice, who was malnourished and never made it past 4′10″, is the physically weakest of the coven, while Emmett at 6′5″ and a mountain of muscles is the strongest. This is made very clear during the baseball game:
“Emmett was hovering close to third (base), knowing that Alice didn’t have the muscle to outstrip Rosalie’s fielding." (Midnight Sun, chapter The Game)
There’s also the fact that it’s taken for granted that Emmett would be intimidating to other vampires, and he is dismayed when James is more worried about Jasper, who is lean.
I suspect this disparity exists simply because a large frame means more tissue to have blood in. Newborns, animal, and human-eating vampires all having a difference in terms of strength is proof that blood has the final say in a vampire’s prowess, so Emmett being able to contain more of it than Alice and therefore being stronger makes sense to me.
This isn’t the meta for me to get into that, but I don’t think vampires have muscles in the sense we do. Or rather, we can’t know that they do. Renesmée is proof that Edward retains his human DNA, or she would be a clone of Bella. Nahuel is proof that Joham retains a Y-chromosome. Does this mean that vampires have different cell types? Does a vampire’s stone-like skin still contain human DNA? One would think yes - except, if you rip a vampire apart, you get rubble. The parts are all solid. There’s also Carlisle theorizing that vampires digest blood by absorbing it through porous tissue, which makes me wonder why he dismissed his digestive system (my guess: vivisection fun times with Aro in Volterra. Carlisle couldn’t have done it on his own, and Aro is the only one mad and curious enough to be down for that). I’m getting off-topic - what I’m saying is, we don’t know how vampires work, meaning I can’t build this meta off of the assumption that they have muscles. I simply can’t know for sure that they do.
The important thing is that a vampire’s physique is a deciding factor in how strong they are.
There’s also Laurent’s warning about James, that he has “unparalleled senses”, meaning some vampires are better at sight, hearing, and smell than others. I can believe that, because we have canon examples of vampires being bad at tracking.
There’s Edward in Port Angeles, who couldn’t track Bella’s, his singer, scent to her location, and (I admit this one is conjecture but it’s so probable that I say it goes) Carlisle’s creator, who after taking care of the mob must have realized he’d bitten one of the humans, meaning a newborn would soon be loose in London. This is punishable by death by the Volturi. The fact that he didn’t return to finish Carlisle off means that he was unable to find him. I remind the audience that Carlisle was bleeding and suffering the effects by a venom intended to paralyze the victim. To put it this way, Carlisle wouldn’t have survived James, or anybody with a trace of tracking competence. By comparison, Carlisle was able to locate a dying Rosalie by the smell of her blood, even though there wouldn’t have been a trail for him to follow, as her body had not been moved.
When it comes to these disparities in strength and speed among the Volturi, I imagine Jane and Alec are the physically weakest members of the guard, and among the slowest. They’re prepubescent, meaning no muscle for them, and their height (a humble 4′8″ and 4′10″) implies very short legs. They’re simply not going to get as far as an adult would, not in the same number of steps. Renata at 5′0″ is another tiny vampire lady who likely isn’t very strong or fast.
That’s not to say I think these physically weaker members of the Volturi guard are necessarily useless in hand-to-hand combat, Alec at least is a boy stuck in a playful age, and the males around him are trained warriors. He’s probably picked up a few things over the years.
As for the others, Aro is described as frail-looking, which hints at him being quite thin. I don’t think he’s weak, if he couldn’t win a fight he wouldn’t be around, but I do think he’s probably below average in terms of strength. Caius I picture as a Harrison Ford type, so of course I’m gonna think he’s a bit burly, but this is me headcanoning and not actually hinted at in canon. Marcus is 19, so I imagine he can only be so strong.
Back to Edward’s speed.
He’s a 6′2″ teen, that’s code for “very long legs”, though I’m actually going to go ahead and posit that he’s not actually that fast. Strap in for this next part:
The guy was a teenager who lay dying for an undisclosed amount of time. The fact that Carlisle had the time to get to know his mother points to a few weeks, at least. And Edward was very ill:
Elizabeth worried obsessively over her son. She hurt her own chances of survival trying to nurse him from her sickbed. I expected that he would go first, he was so much worse off than she was. (New Moon, page 21)
Muscles atrophy quickly, never more so than when you’re a teen ravaged by fever, on your deathbed. And as I’ve explained above, I think your physique in life ties directly into your vampiric prowess.
I think Edward is certainly the physically weakest of the male Cullens, quite likely weaker than Rosalie as well, maybe even Esme.
Now, speed is not the same as strength. However, for humans, the two are connected. It’s the muscle fibers in our legs that determine our speed. Basically, type I fibers make an enduring runner, type II fibers make a speed runner. So, assuming that vampires retain their human musculature, one could argue that Edward had a lot of type II in life. However, Carlisle when he was human was able to outrun the mob he was with:
He ran through the streets, and Carlisle — he was twenty-three and very fast — was in the lead of the pursuit. (Twilight, page 158)
Carlisle clearly had a lot of type II fibers, and unlike Edward he was in peak physical condition when he died. He was also an adult who’d had more time to develop musculature, while Edward was a seventeen-year-old. If musculature was a deciding factor, one would think they would at the very least be of equal speed, though realistically Edward should be slower.
So, if it’s not muscles, what is it that makes Edward faster than the others?
It could be a matter of technique. Except, the way Bella describes movement when she wakes up as a vampire, it’s all very automated. Her body knows exactly how to do everything, and executes it without much input from her:
After that first frozen second of shock, my body responded to the unfamiliar touch in a way that shocked me even more.
Air hissed up my throat, spitting through my clenched teeth with a low, menacing sound like a swarm of bees. Before the sound was out, my muscles bunched and arched, twisting away from the unknown. I flipped off my back in a spin so fast it should have turned the room into an incomprehensible blur—but it did not. I saw every dust mote, every splinter in the wood-paneled walls, every loose thread in microscopic detail as my eyes whirled past them.
So by the time I found myself crouched against the wall defensively—about a sixteenth of a second later—I already understood what had startled me, and that I had overreacted. (Breaking Dawn, page 251-252)
Growling, crouching - those are all distinctly vampiric, non-human ways to act. Bella didn’t learn this, her body knew it of its own accord. When she later runs, she explains it as happening the same way - she just does it.
The way Bella experiences it, vampiric movement is like a package she downloaded, and that executes her instinctual commands with no need for her to actually know how to do any of this. Her grace is another example of this - Bella Swan may be in charge of her own consciousness, but the venom is entirely in control of her body.
Given these facts, I don’t think it’s technique that makes Edward a better runner than others. His technique is likely similar to everyone else’s. If it isn’t, if technique is what makes the difference, then who is and isn’t fast is an arbitrary process.
With that, we get to my controversial theory about why Edward is the fastest Cullen: he’s not.
Running and being fast is the only thing about vampirism that Edward enjoys. This is for another meta, but Edward is extremely depressed about every single other bit of it. Every aspect of being a vampire torments him.
Except the running. He enjoys all of it, especially being the fastest, so much. And as a newborn, he would have been faster than Carlisle.
But after that, when his newborn strength faded…
I honestly think that Carlisle decided to just slow down a bit when running with him, let Edward have this. It’s no skin of his back, and it makes Edward happy, so why not.
Esme joins the family, and of course she would be down for this. Nothing is more parental, more maternal, than losing at checkers to make your child happy, after all. Could also be she’s not very fast herself, but even if she were then she would downplay it to make Edward feel like Jesse Owens.
Enter Rosalie, who would think it’s completely ridiculous, yes, but she would also recognize this excellent opportunity to call in a big favor from Carlisle later on. There’s also the fact that I think Carlisle has a gift (yes, yes, meta is coming, people) that makes him very persuasive people. And also that for all that Rose gets a lot of bad rep, she is very generous and loves her family, if being fast makes Edward happy then alright.
Emmett is an easy-going guy, he goes along with things. Alice adores Edward and would go along with it. She also has tiny matchstick legs and couldn’t outrun him if she tried. Jasper could not care less.
Bella does get outrun by Edward after waking up, but she also did zero exercise in life (listing this in case musculature matter), had Renesmée devour her from within rendering her emaciated, and then died like a slasher movie murder victim. There’s not a lot of blood in her, and what little blood there is doesn’t have a lot to work with. She does defeat Emmett at arm wrestling, so I’ll concede that. However, there are enough extenuating circumstances surrounding Bella that I think my “Edward isn’t that fast” theory survives his ability to outrun her.
So, I believe Edward is the fast Cullen because Carlisle told a white lie in 1919, no one ever corrected that, and now it’s too late.
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panlight · 2 years
What do you think each of the cullen’s feels about afterlife for humans and for vampires? Edward seems to believe there is afterlife for humans but not for vampires. How about the others? They were all raised in times when religion would’ve been strongly enforced but how much did they believe vs do they think holds true for vampires?
I think the only two who spend more time thinking about it than the average human are Carlisle and Edward. I think most of the rest of them probably think death is the same for humans or vampires, either some kind of afterlife or you just stop existing.
That is to say I think the others maybe have some vague ideas and thoughts about it, but it's probably at the same level of most non-religious people. Just like . . . "well I'll find out when I die, I guess?" or "I don't really want to think about it."
Emmett certainly had some Christian ideas in his human life, thinking Rosalie was an "angel" taking him to "God" for judgment, thinking the fiery pain of transformation was Hell/punishment for his sinful life. So he might still think that? He also thinks that if Rosalie and Carlisle--who saved him--are vampires, then how bad can vampires be? He doesn't share Edward's 'vampires are inherently damned' perspective. He probably just shrugs when Edward or Carlisle ask him what he thinks happens when vampires die. 'IDK man, good thing we're immortal!"
Rosalie hates being a vampire but it doesn't seem to come from the same spiritual place that Edward's angst does. She hates being frozen, she hates not having a choice, but she's not like "you've doomed me to hell, Carlisle!" about it. She probably thinks when a vampire dies they just stop existing, but I think that might be what she thinks happens with humans, too. So it's not a factor in her unhappiness, imo.
Alice has no memory of her human life, so no memory of human religion or that human sense of mortality at all. So I don't think she spends much time thinking about it, but if pressed I don't think she has some belief that she's doomed to eternal torment in the afterlife for being a vampire. I'm not sure she believes in an afterlife at all. Maybe she likes the idea of reincarnation instead. In my head there's some connection there seeing how one life can turn out many different ways in the future and having many different lives but I can't quite articulate it this morning lol.
I like to think Esme DOES believe in an afterlife of some kind, mostly because of her baby. It's just too sad to think he lived for a few days and then ceased to exist. I think she likes to imagine that Elizabeth Masen is looking after her baby in the afterlife while Esme watches over Elizabeth's son on earth. But I don't know if there's much spirituality attached to it for Esme. When Carlisle is taking to Bella he says that no one else really agrees with his ideas, and Edward is only agrees that God and Heaven exist. So whatever Esme thinks, I don't think it's necessarily super attached to any religious dogma (unless you headcanon her as a specific religion! Then it would be different, I'm just talking from vague canon here), but she's not worried about being doomed to Hell forever, she probably just imagines being reunited with lost loved ones in some way.
Jasper probably thinks if there IS an afterlife he's going to the Bad Place for, you know, his entire backstory, but I don't think he spends much time dwelling on it and I could see him being an atheist or agnostic and kinda thinking cease-to-exist is probably the better option anyway.
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siswritesyanderes · 3 years
If it had been Jasper-Sadie or Alice-Sadie as the vampires and finding their third later, how if at all would any of the “prior” story (the Twilght saga proper) have changed?
This turns the timeline inside out, but Meyer was never great at those anyway.
(Hi, if you're from the Twilight fandom stumbling across this post without context, Sadie is my OC in a yandere Alice/yandere Jasper/OC fic that you can read here.)
Ohhh, so much potential there! I can't answer that in full, because doing so would spoil what Sadie's potential vampire ability is. (Super sorry about that. Feel free to ask again after that information has come up in Rule One!)
I can say that both Bella and Edward would take to confiding in her and seeking her counsel with regards to their relationship. Especially if it's a Sadie-Alice duo; Edward would be super close with both Sadie and Alice (like he's close with Alice in canon), and while he sometimes gets frustrated with Alice, he pretty much always respects Sadie. It's like, Alice would be Bella's best friend and Edward's partner in crime (since she's still the one who would agree to kidnap Bella, whereas Sadie would never), and Sadie would be Bella's confidante and Edward's moral compass. Both Bella and Edward would go to Sadie for advice about each other, and Sadie, though startled by their neediness, would always have something valuable to say.
(Picture Bella or Edward bursting into Sadie's room with a question, and Sadie, wide-eyed, putting down whatever she's doing and saying, "Alrighty then, have a seat.)
Edward trusts that Sadie wouldn't lie to him, so the urgency in having Bella run to him in Italy before he sparkles in front of people (lest he read Alice's thoughts and assume she's lying to him) wouldn't be a thing; Sadie just runs Bella to Edward with vampire speed and is subjected to that whole reunion as an awkward third wheel while Alice parks the stolen car.
Also, Sadie would tip every fight slightly more in favor of the Cullens, but she would also have a habit of really wanting to talk to the enemies instead of attacking them. This is good/useful with the Volturi but not so good/useful with Victoria and Riley.
Oh! Also, Sadie would realize that Victoria will probably follow Edward's scent, in Eclipse, and Sadie would accompany him and Bella in sitting the battle out, so that they have more backup against Victoria. Jasper and Alice wouldn't be privy to the fact that Victoria is coming; this is just a realization that Sadie has that Edward hears in her mind. (As far as Jasper and Alice are concerned, Sadie is sitting the battle out just to be safe, and they're happy that she won't be in harm's way.) This is where Sadie's need to talk to enemies would become a problem, because both Victoria and Riley are too far gone to listen to reason, but Sadie really believes in them and wants to convince them they don't have to die today. It still turns out fine, though. Sadie gets a little hurt, but she's fine. Alice and Jasper would be absolutely smothering, after. Victoria is lucky she's already dead, because they would make her suffer.
And Sadie would think to explain things to Irina before Alice realizes that Irina is going to the Volturi, so that whole misunderstanding never happens.
All of that being said, the thought of "Yandere Alice meets Sadie first" and "Yandere Jasper meets Sadie first" got really interesting to me. So I have to talk about those scenarios immediately.
I'm going to place Sadie sometime in the twentieth century in both cases, and I'm going to try to let the time period matter as little as possible, but feel free to imagine them in 50s or 60s attire, lol. (Or 70s or 80s; again, it doesn't matter that much; I'm just placing her in the twentieth century to keep the rough order of events the same, kind of.) I'm approaching this with the assumption that Alice and Jasper still become vampires in the same way/at the same time as they do in canon; they just meet at different times. I'm not dealing with the Confederate thing here, though, because I'll be dealing with it in Rule One.
I'm gonna go ahead and put it all under the cut. (And if your experience of Rule One is more invested in the potential for wholesome romance than the yandere aspect, maybe the rest of this isn't for you, because this is definitely more yandere-leaning, lol.)
Alice knows three things: 1. Her own name. 2. That she is going to join the Cullens. 3. That Sadie, whom she has not yet met, is her soulmate.
Though she slips up every now and then, Alice does her best not to eat humans. She wants to fit in with the Cullens by the time she finds them, so she's accustoming herself to the animal diet. Anyway, she has a mate out there whom she will meet as a human, and she has to get herself under control before she can risk being around her.
The thing is, Alice knows about Sadie before Sadie is actually an option, so she has to kill time so that she doesn't meet Sadie too early. And Alice hates waiting, so she goes ahead and introduces herself to the Cullens before Sadie. She tells them all about how she'll have a soulmate soon, and how it's killing her to keep her distance but she knows things will be way better if she never meets Sadie as a child. She decorates her room with things that Sadie likes, anticipating that one day she'll be sharing the room with Sadie. Honestly, if it weren't for Edward's mind reading, the rest of the Cullens might think Sadie was an imaginary friend or something.
(Rosalie would normally take issue with Alice's plans to intrude on the life of a human she's never met just because of a potential future where they're in love, but she doesn't really take Alice's fantasizing seriously until it's too late.)
One day, Alice just sort of disappears from the Cullen house, and only Edward knows where she's gone.
Sadie is finally at the right age; it's time.
Alice appears in Sadie's life, and everything she says and does is perfect. She rockets from stranger to friend to best friend at an impressive rate, her precognition easily compensating for Sadie's hesitancy (and Sadie would start off more wary than she is in Rule One, due to the time period). Having left the rest of the Cullens, for the time being, there is nothing (read: no one) holding Alice back from being absolutely surgical about making herself important in Sadie's life and subtly isolating her. She gives expensive gifts, and comprehensive compliments, and she always knows what to say to make Sadie like and trust her more.
When Sadie starts to become suspicious about the evolution of their friendship, Alice drops the vampire bomb and the soulmate bomb all at once, showing Sadie her speed and strength and sparkles. There was no better way to do it. Alice checked; this was the absolute best set of circumstances for the reveal.
Sadie asks for time to process the information. She asks for space. Alice graciously allows it; she's practically living with Sadie at this point, anyway. (Not that Sadie knows it. But yeah, she's in Sadie's house pretty much 24/7 (minus her hunting trips), dodging notice with stealth and psychic powers.)
When Sadie is ready to talk again, Alice pours out every reassurance: how she will never stop loving her; how she would never hurt her; how she thinks about her all the time and loves her so much. Sadie isn't fully won over by the whole vampire lover concept, but Alice does convince her to come meet her family.
They go to the Cullen house. Alice shows her off to everyone, and Rosalie is stunned, and Emmett laughs incredulously. Edward and Carlisle make polite introductions, and Esme hugs her, just glad to see Alice so happy. (Esme has been so worried about her newest daughter, so flighty and constantly pining for someone who wasn't there. And then she disappeared, and anything could have happened to her! But now she's back, and she's brought someone lovely, and she looks happier than Esme has ever seen her.) Carlisle and Edward give Sadie a more in-depth explanation of how vampires operate and why the bond between mates is a big deal. Esme cooks her a huge meal. Before they know it, nighttime has come, and Sadie falls asleep in Alice's room.
She wasn't drugged or anything; Alice just perfectly orchestrated a set of circumstances in which she would be tired by this exact time.
When she wakes up, Alice is an utter angel, offering her breakfast and a bath and telling her that there's more to see, around the house. She hasn't seen Rosalie's garage, yet! She hasn't seen Esme's garden. And soon enough she's sleeping over again.
On that third day at the house, Rosalie pulls Sadie aside to say that she'll drive Sadie home, if Sadie needs her to. But Alice has done her job well; Sadie likes Alice, and she likes the Cullens, and most of all, she's so curious about vampires and the world thereof. She's willing to stay and learn, provided she can visit her friends and family, and provided Alice doesn't try to change her. She fills several journals with what she learns about vampires, all in the span of a single year. She learns so much, and she's never satisfied that she's learned enough.
When Alice asks her to let Carlisle change her, she chooses exactly the right conversation, exactly the right approach, and exactly the right time. Sadie agrees and becomes a vampire. (She kind of has to, for this prompt, lol.) Rosalie is annoyed, but she knows that Sadie thought the matter over thoroughly.
When the day comes that Alice sees Jasper in their future, she drags Sadie off to meet him, barely explaining herself beyond "We have another mate!". Sadie goes along with it because she's used to Alice's antics.
They meet this crimson-eyed, roguishly handsome vampire, and Jasper is pretty instantly enthralled with them both. He's curious about their golden eyes, charmed by Alice's forwardness, and amused by Sadie's mix of intrigue and wariness. The emotional flavor of Alice's joy and cheerfulness, and of Sadie's curiosity and uncertainty, are enough to pretty much have him wrapped around their fingers right away.
Sadie's reaction is more "Ohhhh, Alice, this guy eats people..."
Alice just goes, "It's okay. Jasper will be willing to change his diet if we ask him to. Won't you, Jasper?"
And it's so presumptuous, but also he's into it, because Sadie has already made it clear that eating humans is a deal-breaker for her, and he doesn't want this meeting to end.
He joins the family, and it feels like the best thing ever; he has two amazing soulmates, and he belongs to a large coven that will always be safe from strangers. The animal-eating thing is a downside, but there's no help for that.
The dynamic for the next little while is that Alice is already in love with both Jasper and Sadie, Jasper is already in love with Alice and Sadie, and Sadie is in love with Alice and polite to Jasper but isn't quite sure about him. Like, she's in a peculiar place of "We are soulmates, and I do like you and feel an attraction to you, and I understand how our personalities are good together, but I don't know how long it'll take me to become comfortable with your past", and Jasper is just falling over himself to earn her approval, but she's comfortable with allowing it to take time.
(Rosalie is secretly very entertained by the whole thing, and Emmett is not-so-secretly entertained.)
Unlike in canon, Jasper would never suggest eating any human ever again; even once Sadie is comfortable with him, he never wants to risk making her doubt him the way she did in the beginning.
So at this point in his life, Jasper is eating people. His eyes are bright red, and he is ruthless, and Alice isn't around to temper that side of him.
This is absolutely a kidnapping situation.
When he runs into Sadie (entirely by happenstance), he doesn't know immediately that he is in love with her; he just knows that he wants to follow her, so he does. He stalks after her like he has stalked lots of prey in the past. Her blood doesn't sing to him, though; after several hours of just tailing her, he realizes that he just likes to hear her breathe and speak and laugh. He likes to look at her. He likes to taste her emotions on the air. He likes this human.
Then he realizes that he's in love with her, as much as Peter is in love with Charlotte.
He never wants to stop looking at her, listening to her talk...
He manages to get her alone, and he introduces himself in a charismatic, gentlemanly fashion. He kisses the back of her hand (managing to ignore the feel and sound of her pulse so close; he shouldn't take a risk like that again) and says, "Good afternoon, ma'am. My name is Jasper Whitlock. May I ask what your name is?"
She notices the coldness of his skin and the redness of his eyes (and again, time-period-wise, this interaction is very weird), but he is sending her the most powerful waves of comfort and calm that he can. She is dazed and perplexed, but not afraid, as she answers, "I'm Sadie Gilder."
It's the most beautiful name he has ever heard.
He abducts her pretty much then and there; he leads her away with a request that she accompany him and a heavy layer of mood control. Sadie is able to break out of the daze (through sheer overthinking) after they've walked together awhile; by the time she asks, "Wait, where are we?", they've reached the secluded mansion of an old widow.
(Jasper doesn't need a place to sleep, but his Sadie does, so he quickly identified this place as the best option.)
The order in which Jasper eats the occupants of the house and brings Sadie inside the house is up to your imagination, as is whether or not Sadie ends up seeing any bodies or seeing him with blood on his face and clothes. Either way, just the kidnapping itself is enough to have Sadie panicking, and he hates to feel her fear.
He holds her, gives her calming energy, and whispers to her. "Don't be scared. I won't hurt you, Perfect Sadie. I won't eat you. You're too special. Just gonna keep you right here." (He's just eaten a lot of people, so he's okay with breathing right next to her, so that he can keep whispering to her.) She falls asleep in his arms. He doesn't stop holding her, and he doesn't stop whispering. (Also, remember how the first thing he says to Sadie in Rule One is that she's warm and soft? Yeah, he still says that, pretty much verbatim, in this scenario. I'm not putting it in quotes, because it sounds dirty in a kidnapping context, but he for sure says it.)
The next day, since he's keeping up the comforting vibes to keep her from being afraid, Sadie asks Jasper a lot of questions. He tells her everything he knows about vampires. He isn't fully versed in vampire mating, so he isn't able to really inform her that his obsession with her is, to some degree, an inherent vampire trait, but he is very good at conveying to her that he is obsessed.
With no one to tell him to cool it with his power, and with his diet of human blood making his power more potent than it would be on animal blood, Jasper uses it at pretty much full capacity every time, instead of subtle shifts in emotion. So, while Sadie does notice that it's happening, she can't keep herself from the effects of his power by self-awareness alone.
He generally doses her with the same kind of peaceful calm he uses when he meets strange vampires for the first time, instead of the lethargic calm he uses to keep prey docile. He uses the latter when he wants her to sleep, but for the most part he just wants her to be unfearful and communicative.
She eats the food that's in the house. When he's able to convince himself to leave her unattended (usually after he's put her to sleep), he picks up more groceries and abducts some humans for himself. He keeps them in the cellar, far enough away from Sadie that she needn't know they're there but close enough that he can still hear her when he goes down to eat them. It's actually very convenient, not to have to hunt often; he just has to pop down to the cellar and enjoy a few of the already-injured occupants. Having a steady home has its upside. It's a shame someone will eventually notice the widow missing and he'll have to move with Sadie. But there will always be another empty mansion, or a mansion that can be easily made empty.
(When it's time to change homes, Jasper carries Sadie to the new destination while she's sleeping.)
Partially due to the mood control and partially due to the upfront-ness of everything, there's honestly very little tension between them. There's fear, sometimes (The one time Sadie tries to leave the mansion while Jasper is eating, he runs up from the cellar to stop her, and he's still covered in blood, and she's terrified, and it takes him a lot of soothing to get her calm again. It upsets him when she's scared.), but no tension. Sadie would like to leave, but she gathers that she can't, so all there is to do is maneuver within the new situation and learn more about her captor.
And neither of them is inherently a romantic. Jasper loves her, but even he isn't under the impression that they're dating or something. As far as he's concerned, he's keeping her; as far as she's concerned, she's studying him. Jasper is ecstatic with the arrangement, and Sadie is as comfortable as the situation allows.
Peter and Charlotte follow Jasper's scent at some point, wanting to hang out, and Jasper socializes with them outside the mansion, explaining that they can't go in because there's a human inside whom he is invested in keeping alive, and he can't risk them eating her. When they learn that he's in love, they ask if he plans on changing her, but he says that he can't yet. His control isn't good enough.
One day, Alice shows up.
She meets Jasper while he's in town, gathering food for Sadie and himself. They still have the little "You kept me waiting" "My apologies" flirtation, but he's a little more guarded, because he has to get back to Sadie, and as much as he is already beguiled by this weird-eyed stranger, he doesn't want her following him home. She's a vampire, and no vampires are allowed near his Sadie.
Alice really wants to skip the wooing; she's already seen herself with Jasper and Sadie. But she knows that mentioning Sadie too soon could make Jasper defensive, so she has to sprinkle herself slowly into Jasper's life, meeting him when he comes to town and letting his instinctive attraction and fondness for her grow into trust over a span of months (even moving towns when he does). She doesn't say anything about him switching to an animal diet, either; she tells him that she eats animals, but trying to influence him at this stage could alter her chances of seeing Sadie. Better to just let him murder.
Once they're at the right place, trust-wise, she tells him that she is already as in love with Sadie as she is with him, due to her psychic visions, and she asks to meet her. At first, Jasper isn't ready, but after she's asked a few more times, he allows it.
Alice has to be extra careful, because she wants to just run and hug Sadie as soon as she sees her, but if she makes a sudden move, Jasper will react badly. (Especially since the speed that comes with her small frame makes her a genuine threat to Sadie, even with Jasper there.) Not to mention, she has to endear herself to Sadie, whose only experience with vampires has been abduction.
"Sadie Lily Gilder," Alice says, barely restraining her excitement. "I am Alice Cullen. I'm your other soulmate."
Sadie is mostly perplexed and a little exasperated, but Jasper feels suddenly as if the sun has broken through the clouds. (Which means a lot, since he was already happy before.) Alice's joy at finally getting to see Sadie seems to fill the room, and this is his first time hearing Sadie's middle name, and...
"I like seeing you together," he realizes.
For the next few months, Alice is allowed to visit Sadie every now and then, under full supervision from Jasper. He can feel that she loves Sadie as much as he does, but he's still got to be careful. Humans are so fragile, and he's used to only trusting himself. When she comes, Alice brings Sadie little gifts that she never thought to ask Jasper before. She brings a new spritely energy to the house that Sadie comes to enjoy.
The following few months, (and after Jasper has watched her hunt animals) she's allowed to stay over full-time. They watch Sadie sleep, together. She's able to answer more of Sadie's questions.
Alice introduces Jasper to the idea of joining a family she's seen in their future. He doesn't want that many vampires around their Sadie, but as always, Alice says just the right things: they're all animal eaters; she hasn't seen a single future where any of them hurt Sadie; and the eldest of them could change Sadie for them.
(She also has to convince Sadie to want to become immortal with them, since she knows that Carlisle and Edward would be against turning her against her will. It helps that Sadie has been captured by a vampire for a while, now, and being a vampire herself would give her a chance of exerting some control over her future.)
When they meet the Cullens, Alice acts like they're already best friends. Jasper is more formal in asking the patriarch if he can change Sadie for them.
Edward calls them out on kidnapping Sadie, but Sadie points out that, unless things come to blows between the Cullens and Alice and Jasper, the only way for her to no longer be kidnapped is by becoming a vampire.
So Carlisle changes her, and she stays with the Cullens so that she can have someone to help her overcome her thirst during her newborn years without slipping up and hurting someone. Alice and Jasper stay with the Cullens, too (and the Cullens tell Jasper that he has to switch to the animal diet if he wants to stay). Eventually, all three of them are close enough to various members of the Cullen family that they just sort of become part of it.
Having been kidnapped at the start of all this, though, Sadie exerts her autonomy in pretty much every way. In her newborn years, in which she is more temperamental (though that isn't saying much; she's still pretty mellow by newborn vampire standards), she confronts Jasper for what he did, and he pretty much just takes it; things have worked out pretty great for him, so it's only fair to let her get it off her chest. Sadie can feel the bond between her and Alice and Jasper, but she can also feel that he didn't have to do what he did. She goes to visit her human family, once she knows that she won't eat them; she and Rosalie go on lengthy road trips; she and Emmett go to football games; she goes volunteering and home renovating with Esme; she learns languages and musical instruments from Edward; she learns vampire history from Carlisle and even joins him on a trip to Volterra.
She lets Alice buy her clothes but overall gives Jasper a wide berth.
Alice, having gained full trust from Jasper, is able to convince him to allow Sadie her space for a while, as she comes to terms with everything that happened. Jasper agrees, since Sadie isn't so fragile anymore and he knows that Alice is keeping an eye on her. So long as they know where Sadie is at all times, and so long as she is accompanied by at least one of the Cullens, he can bear to spend uninterrupted one-on-one time with his newest mate, especially if doing so will help Sadie to forgive him.
The diet of animal blood makes him less wild (but more tense, as he can feel that he is weaker), and the newness of everything in Sadie's life raises her spirits. Maybe eventually she'll be willing to hang out with him again, but it'll take a few years.
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thequeendesi · 3 years
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Title ; Forgiveness
Alt Title : Back
Warnings : swear, 5 years has passed, poly relationship, single mom , v cute son
Disclaimer : I do not own you or the twilight Saga franchise. I do own the writing
Rating : PG
Part Two to Suck Ass Love Story
You sighed softly. Rolling over on your back, you started looking up at the ceiling.
Plastic light up stars.
You and Emmett put them as a joke 7 years ago.
It had been five long years since Emmett and Rosalie left that day.
The pain finally went away. It didn’t hurt to think of him. It didn’t hurt to think of how he left.
What didn’t stop was the thinking on why he left. Why’d he leave?
It was a constant thought.
You sat up.
You grab your phone and end up checking it after a couple of minutes of sitting and staring at the wall.
It was 3 a.m.
Your son was asleep in his room.
You call your son your saving grace, Amatus Call.
Thanks to tons of liquor and a one night stand, Embry Call and you welcomed a son almost 11 months ago.
Embry and you never looked at the path of a relationship. You loved Amatus having a father as amazing as Embry in his life.
You walked the sidewalk of Port Angeles, Amatus in his stroller. The weather was gloomy, but it’s Washington in the late fall, so it’s to be expected.
“Excuse me ma’am, I’m a bit lost.” You absentmindedly tapped a tall blond woman on the shoulder. While checking on your son, who simply cooed at you.
“What’re you looking for?” She asked, turning around.
Golden eyes meeting your (eye color) eyes.
“I thought you guys all left.” Your breath catches itself in your throat as you stand rigid.
Heavy footsteps made you look up to face him. “Rose! The theaters are open, are you...” Emmett completely stopped himself. “You’re still here.” He whispered out.
“Why are you here?” You moved yourself in front of Amatus, who sensed the tension and started fussing.
“Bella’s having a family reunion.” Emmett cleared his throat as he looked at the baby in your arms.
You rubbed Amatus’ back, looking away from Emmett. “I was finally over you two. I was finally ok with where my life is!” You yelled at them.
Rosalie pursed her lips.
She was still beautiful. Stunning. In every which way. As if she was put here by God himself.
You hated your heart for being to race, still completely head over heels for the blond.
“Please. Can we take you to dinner? It’s getting late.” Emmett asked.
“Are you paying?” You refused to look at Emmett.
You sat Amatus in his high chair, he kept hold of your index finger as you sat next to him.
Emmett and Rosalie sat across from you two.
“(Y/N)...” Emmett started, but stopped himself as you held up your free hand. “No. I’ll start.” You looked up at the two of them.
“For 5 years, I’ve sat in this state. 2 of them because I didn’t know what to do with myself, 1 of them because of Embry, and 2 of them for Amatus.” Your tone was calm as you wiped the drool off of his face.
“I’ve sat here. Thinking of the day you left Emmett.” You turned to look at the two. “Thinking of the day you and Rosalie left.” You sighed. “I was in love with you, both. And I knew you two both loved me.”
“So it’s given me a lot of, pardon my French, fucking confusion over the past 5 years, on why?” You turned your gaze back to your son’s, who smiled up at you, not understanding any of his surroundings.
“Why did you put her perfume on you and allow me to think you cheated, when I know you never would’ve done that? Why did you say those horrendous things? Why did you leave? And now my newest question; why are you back?”
Your eyes were now harsher this time as you met both of their stares.
“We had to leave.” Emmett sighed out.
“Why didn’t you take me with you? Why was it just you and Rosalie leaving?”
“We couldn’t, at risk of you being killed, or turned. We couldn’t put that on you.” Rosalie put her hand on the table, reaching out for yours.
You looked down at it, taking it after some consideration.
“There was a new army. Someone was creating newborns. Anytime we thought they were gone, they weren’t. It was our battle, not anyone else’s. Because we knew they wanted you. We had to let you think we hated you. We had to let you think we didn’t want anything to do with you. Just last weekend we got the creators.” Rosalie explained.
“We came back for you.” Emmett added.
“We’re sorry we couldn’t have told you the truth. It killed us… every night we couldn’t see you. Every second of every day for 1,895 days we couldn’t see you.” Rosalie would’ve been in tears had she not have been a vampire.
“You’ve grown so strong, love. Please. Forgive us. Take us, together. We’re meant to be together.” Emmett pleased.
He’s only done this one other time. When he asked you out for the first time.
“I can’t forgive you just yet.” You looked at them. “Provided that you never ever do that to me, ever again. I will be with you, both.”
Emmett put his hand over yours and Rosalie’s.
“It will be a long road to forgiveness.”
“We’re aware of that. And prepared to do anything to keep you happy.” Rosalie smiled at you, then at Amatus. “And you too.”
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headinthestaticsky · 3 years
The Dusk Calls for me: Jasper Hale x Fleur Swan, Chapter 14
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AUTHOR’S NOTE: ALL the characters in Twilight DO NOT belong to me. ALL RIGHTS GO TO STEPHENIE MEYER
“I can see you clear as yesterday Top down, fingers in the breeze Weavin' through the lights in the sky You said, "Baby close your eyes" And I prayed we would all always Hold on to this feeling, stronger, faster Faster.”
Kwamie Liv, Angel Haze: Pleasure This Pain.
I couldn’t remember much of the ride to the airport, nor did I remember much of the plane ride. I was in shock, paralyzed with worry and fear. Not for me per-say but, My dad, the Cullens, they were all at risk. I couldn’t stand the fact that any of them would be killed because of me. I wished my dreams could’ve predicted this, that I had somehow acquired the ability to see the future like Alice did. I could only predict death it seems... I hadn’t dreamed of anyone getting killed. Maybe it was a good sign, we would be fine. Yes, I would convince myself that... I hadn’t dreamed of anyone dying, we would be fine. 
The only thing I could remember was Bella constantly calling mom, she wouldn’t talk to me or look at me. I felt the same tension I always felt when I was around her a few months ago. I was livid with her, not one call to dad... not one. She clearly didn’t give a damn about his safety either, she was ready to abandon him. Throw him into the wolves to save herself... that selfish side to her had never left it seems. I pulled out my phone again, texting dad.
“Made it to phoenix, we’re safe... getting a ride to a hotel now. I haven’t changed her mind yet. I love you and miss you.” 
I read the text again, wishing the contents of it were true. I wanted to be safe, I wanted to be back home. I wish I was sitting across from dad in the diner talking amongst ourselves. I wish I was driving down the forest going to see the Cullens. I wanted to attempt to beat Alice at chess, to joke around with Emmett and Dean. To have heart to hearts with Esme who was more of a mother to me than Renee had ever been. I wanted to be with Jasper, wrapped in each others arms doing random things together. But, I had to come back to reality... I might not be able to do those things... ever again. 
The hotel looked nice and comfortable but I couldn’t stand the heat of Arizona. It was sickening, the hot air struggled to get into my lungs. The rainy weather of Forks sounded wonderful right now. Dean and Alice got us a hotel room and eagerly brought us up to it. I had a feeling they thought we would be fully safe in there. I put my bag down at the side of my bed and clasped on it, my exhaustion was setting in. Bella had sat on the one next to me and signed. She sounded annoyed to me.
“I didn’t want to come here, I wanted to be with Edward.”
I lifted my head and stared at her... I wasn’t going to snap... maybe she was just scared and was lashing out at people... yeah that was it. 
“I’m really sorry this is happening Bella, It must be really hard to be away from Edward.”
“Yeah it is! If you hadn’t said anything...”
“Look this isn’t either of our faults. If we’re going to get pissed at anyone, it’s James.”
Bella looked at, she knew I was right... I could see it in her face. But, she couldn’t admit it right now and just scoffed and went into the lounge area of the hotel room. She was making this more difficult, I wanted to snap at her just as much as she was angry with me. We’re falling back into the dark hole of resentment, it was suffocating. 
“Fleur? Could you come in here for a second?” Alice asked
I groaned slowly raising myself up from the bed, I went into the lounge room, Alice and Dean looked at me sympathetically. 
“How ya holding up?” Dean asked.
“I’ve been better.”
“Look, you’re going to be okay.” Alice said.
“It’s not about me guys, It’s everyone back at home... They could get hurt, and I can’t do a thing about it.”
“They can handle themselves Fleur, I’ve lived with them for decades... the know what they’re doing.” Dean said.
“But what about dad, I know he’s hurting right now.” 
“He’s going to be fine Fleur, I promise besides, Esme and Rosalie will be down there with him as soon as they leads the tracker away.” Alice said
“You guys are right... could we get something to eat, I am absolutely starving.”
“Sure, I’ll order room service.” Alice replied.
Room service had come, the food was devoured quickly. The nerves were still lingering in the back of my mind but I knew I would just have to have faith in everyone back at Forks. We were all sitting in silence, Bella was facing away from all of us, she looked tense. I heard Alice gasp and my heart sunk to my stomach... she had a vision and I knew it wouldn’t be good.
“What’s wrong?” I said.
“What do you see, Alice?” Dean asked.
“The tracker... he just changed course.”
“Oh on.” I said.
Bella’s head whipped around coming to sit next to Alice.
Dean grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil. He put it in Alice’s hand, she then started drawing where the tracker was going.
“So the tracker is going to be at a... Ballet studio?” Bella inquired.
“You’ve been here?” Alice asked.
“Yeah, I took lesson as a kid, the school had an archway just like that.” Bella added.
“Is the school here in Phoenix?”
“Yeah..” Bella’s phone began to ring, she went to the balcony and closed the door, clearly wanting privacy.
“If the school is here in Phoenix... he probably going to use the place as a trap in some way.” I said.
“Are you sure?” Alice asked.
“Yeah I mean... why the hell would he go to a ballet studio other than the fact that he was trying to find Bella and I.”
“We better leave then, get Bella when she is done and meet us down in the lobby.” Dean ordered.
“Yeah... I will.” 
The pair then left quickly, going to check out. I had just grabbed my back when my phone had rang.
“Fleur, the tracker... he changed course.” Jasper said, he voice was dripping with worry.
“I know Alice just saw, we plan on leaving soon.”
“I’ll be coming down to find you as soon as I can. Your dad is safe still. We can go anywhere you want as long as it’s safe.”
“My phone’s about to die... I have to go. Love you, please, stay safe.”
“I will, love you too.”
I sat in the room, my body stuck in it’s place. He was coming here... we didn’t have much time to get out. Bella had burst through the balcony door, worry etched all over her face.
“Fleur we need to go, we need to go right now. James has mom, in the ballet studio.”
“Bella, calm down... I think it’s a trap.”
“Like hell it is I heard her over the phone. She kept saying my name she sounds terrified.”
“Think about this Bella... Alice just saw James change his course to that studio... it’s a lure Bella he’s going to kill you.”
“How selfish can you be Fleur!?”
“Excuse me!?”
“Yeah you heard me, this entire time all of this has gone down you’ve been trying to convince everyone you’re right.”
“I said two things Bella, I’m not trying to get people to follow me blindly... I use context clues... It’s been working for me these past 17 years!”
“I mean you just had to butt in that we had to go back to Charlie, you made Edward change his mind about taking me to Vancouver, and now you’re trying to convince me that mom isn’t in any danger at all! How selfish can you be?”
“YOU...” My hands had begun to shake, I pointed a finger at her hitting her in the chest.
“I am going down to that studio whether you like it or not.”  
Before I could get another word in she stormed off. Not matter how pissed I was at her... I couldn’t leave her alone in that studio. I would have to find a way to get there without Alice or Dean noticing me. I snuck my way down to the hotel lobby, I looked around for Bella, she was no where in sight. 
“She moves quick... I’ll give her that.”
Alice and Dean had just made it to the front of the line to check out. That was when I made a run for it. I made out, the sun already blistering my skin even if it was 8:49 PM. I ran to the nearest taxi.
“Hello, where can I take you today?”
“Mimi's School of Dance, please.”
“Of course ma’am.”
I remember the name of that school by heart. I had begged my mother to go when I was younger but, she never let me.
“Oh c’mon mommy please?”
“NO, that is my final answer!”
“Why, Bella gets to go?”
“Because you’re way too lanky, you’d look like a dying deer out there!”
I had looked up at here, tears were spilling down my face.
“Daddy says I look beautiful.”
“Well there’s a reason why I left him... he has no sense to him what so ever.”
“I asked why I couldn’t go... not to get insults hurled at me.”
“Maybe if you’d just keep your mouth shut you wouldn’t have to worry about now would’t you? You’re just like your father... you never know when to shut up!”
“I hate you.” I said. I turned and ran back upstairs, Bella was looking over the corner of the room. A smirk was plastered on her face.
“She’s right you know... you would look like a dying deer out there.”
I didn’t even engage in her conversation, I just slammed my door shut. I didn’t come out for the rest of the day.
I stared out the window, the same mantra going through my mind.
“Just let me get there quick enough, please.”
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What if Bella and Renata changed places in the story? What would change?
... You sure you want me to answer that?
This, my friend, is the path to the heart of darkness.
First, for my sanity’s sake, when you say switch places I’m assuming that things like genetics/gifts are staying intact.
This is a meta to be written, but at least on some level, while gifts are informed by genetics they also are informed by what you need. Jane and Alec point to this as well as surviving vampires whose gifts were curiously helpful. Of course, there’s something to be said that perhaps this is survivor bias. The ones with helpful gifts survive because Afton was murdered. And there’s something to be said for that, and I do think that comes into play, but in a different meta.
What Happens to Bella
Bella is molested if not raped by her Uncle Luca.
Bella is groomed from... some point that’s worryingly early in her life, to be turned into a vampire when she’s an adult. Given Renata’s story and her gift, given Makenna’s centuries later, it’s highly likely that Uncle Luca rather than making a fellow “protector” of the family is taking tithes in the form of daughters to become his brides for a time.
And when I say highly likely I mean I can think of no other explanation where everything in the backstory lines up so neatly.
Renata’s saved from rape and molestation thanks to her gift. Bella’s gift is extremely powerful and versatile as well, however, while it does change to suit her needs it seems to rely heavily on precognition and mental protection. In canon, having Renata’s abilities would have made Bella untouchable by James, Victoria, and Laurent. Instead, she gets warnings through Hallucination Edward and precognitive dreams or else is able to shield herself entirely mentally.
As a result, I imagine Bella would have terrifying prophetic dreams growing up, in which Uncle Luca, the patron saint of the family that no one has ever seen, turns out to be a flesh eating demon who rapes her. She might even have a Hallucination Edward equivalent who tells her to GET THE FUCK OUT.
Bella is reassured by her entire family that everything is fine, Luca’s the family protector and certainly not a demon, and that Bella joining him when she turns 20 will be a wonderful thing.
As a result, Bella probably grows up a neurotic mess, probably just as isolated if not more so than she was in canon.
And then it’s too late.
As Luca’s pulling the same stunt he did in canon, I imagine the Volturi eventually show up. Bella is offered the same out she was in canon and, like Renata, I imagine she takes it desperately.
Only, given everything, she likely doesn’t have the same attachment to the family that Renata did. I imagine as a survivor of sexual assault who was sold off by her family, however unwillingly they did so or however much they were hoodwinked, that she wouldn’t know what to think of them. Not for a very long time, anyway. So, I imagine in this universe, Uncle Luca and all the humans who knew of him die. 
Renata not existing, Bella is taken on as a bodyguard, and is a pretty good deal. She’s not Renata, who is the best bodyguard anyone could wish for, but she shields well from mental attacks and they can have someone like Felix be the muscle where appropriate. In this world, Aro probably actually would have some eventual use for Alice, as she could support Bella in predicting any direct attacks on at least the Volturi coven (Aro, Caius, Marcus, and the wives).
Bella is a mess for a very very very long time. While I like to think eventually she’ll recover, I can’t tell you what this would be. I think Bella would be extremely hesitant to ever take a lover or get married, and would instead devote herself to Aro’s protection with at least Renata’s zeal if not more so.
What Happens to Renata
For the sake of my sanity, to truly put Renata in Bella’s place, I’m imagining she’s Edward’s singer. You’re not living the Bella experience if you don’t have to deal with Edward.
Renata, in 2005 for reasons unknown, moves to Forks to live with her estranged father Charlie. 
Renata attends Biology that first day of school where she’s very nearly eaten by Edward. Only, instead of Edward not being able to read her mind, he finds himself unable to get close to her. He can’t sit at her table, her gift sends him wandering in a drunken daze across the room and into the wall.
Edward is very confused, utterly humiliated, but he has no idea what’s happened. Part of Renata’s gift is that you don’t realize you’ve been deflected. You just suddenly find yourself not having approached Renata like you expected.
Edward probably tries to return to his seat, holding his breath, and thinking of Carlisle’s beautiful face (he seriously does this in canon). However, he’s unable to that time either, and this time Renata probably pushes him out of the room entirely.
Edward congratulates himself for unconsciously resisting temptation in the classroom (which would have been very bad and required his brutal murder of all the witnesses).
He’ll eat her after school.
Much like canon, Edward upon leaving school is probably able to clear his head enough to realize he does not have to eat Renata Swan. So he flees the state, lives with the Denali for the two days it takes to get sick of them, and comes back.
And here’s where things get... bad.
Presumably, Renata does not struggle with depression the way Bella does. Terrible things happened to her in canon, and it’s true we know very little about her, but for all she shadows Aro she doesn’t seem to give off those same depressed vibes Bella does.
Renata also, presumably, does not have the weird genetic quirk Bella does where she finds vampires a) not terrifying at all b) omg hawt.
Most people in canon, when they look at a vampire, see something that’s hauntingly beautiful but also wrong. Vampires are fucking scary looking. Even at their gentlest, they do not look right. Bella’s just... into that.
So, unlike canon, the second Biology class Renata looks at Edward in complete terror and Edward can read every thought through Renata’s mind that he tried to eat her. Edward has a complete existential crisis over this as Renata was witness to his most demonic side that he loathes.
Edward will never be with Renata the way he was with Bella because of this. Part of what appeals to him about Bella is that he can a) project a persona of his choosing onto her while thinking he knows her well b) she’s this angelic creature who sees the best in demons. Renata sees demons and sees demons.
Biology is awkward and terrible, Renata probably desperately thinks about switching seats, but doesn’t want anyone to sit next to Edward the demon. 
Then the truck happens.
Much like Bella, Edward saves Renata’s life (and I headcanon that Renata’s gift actually allows for this due to the imminent danger coming from a truck rather than a person). Only, this time, there’s no excuse that he was secretly doing it for love, he’s doing it for that sweet sweet blood.
Renata is taken to the hospital, she’s seen everything, and Edward can see every thought in her head where she absolutely knows Edward Cullen is not a human being.
The family has their vote, only this time, it goes differently.
Renata would never let Alice play Barbie Bella, and thus, Alice does not see Renata as her future best friend forever. Nor does she see Renata becoming Edward’s future lover and mate.
However, Alice still votes no, because it’s not going to work. None of them are going to be able to murder Renata.
Edward is conflicted and votes no, but doesn’t have the reassurance that it’s because he’s in love, it’s secretly because he wants to eat her. He’s not admitting that to himself yet.
As in canon, Carlisle tries to think well of his ridiculous family, and tells Rosalie, “No, Rosalie, killing a teenage girl because you don’t want to move high schools is bad.”
Jasper thinks carefully about this, and tries to devise different schemes to kill Renata and gauge Alice’s opinion. Unlike in canon, he’s not given the two certain futures: Edward will eat Bella or Edward will turn Bella.
Jasper eventually decides to lace Renata’s house with explosives and, when she’s home (preferably if she’s alone but he’s alright with Charlie Swan as collateral damage) blow the place up from a distance.
Alice saw this succeeding, unfortunately, Edward and Emmett make a few decisions.
Jasper is blowing up a motherfucking house. The police chief’s house no less. This is the coolest thing the family has ever done. That Rosalie approves, while not saying as much out loud due to her abiding by Carlisle’s decision, makes this even better. Emmett wants involved, desperately, Jasper gives him some small task that he fucks up.
The wiring is done incorrectly, the bomb will never detonate.
Edward is now in full protector of the women and children (and blood bags) mode and plans to counter Jasper’s attack and confronts him and Emmett. They have the all out brawl that Alice saw in canon.
Renata wakes up in the middle of the night to find the family of demons fist fighting each other outside her house, having wired her house to explode. They have now gone past the point of no return, in a sense, where in canon Bella had had a car accident and would in time remember this as a very strange incident in her life, now the vampires have tried to blow up her house.
I imagine things continue to escalate as the witness now really has to be murdered. They fail every time, Renata lives in a paranoid hell where she can’t tell anyone that every night demons come to murder her in her bedroom.
Carlisle is appalled by everyone and eventually tells Renata the truth and offers her immortality.
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Strings Pt. 2
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Pairing: Rosalie Hale x Fem!OC
Summary: in which the true queen of vampires found love when she least expected.
Warnings: ...Light Angst? Slowburn and mentions of death,trauma and depression
Timeline: Breaking Dawn - Post-Twilight
Word count: 4, 200 words
!Extra long chapter!
GIF isn’t mine
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧    ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧    ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧  
The witch couple somehow got Rosalie to agree to their terms, much to her distaste. She still doesn’t know what it is that irks her about the couple, she does not trust them, at all but, she trusts Carlisle. Plus, right now, they have more important matters to attend to.
Various thoughts run through Rosalie’s head, as she stands in the vast snow covered field. She may not show it, but she worries for her adoptive sister as Alice strides through the field handing Aro her hand for him to go through her thoughts and visions.
“Now you know. That’s your future, unless you decide on another course.” Alice states when Aro dropped her hand in shock
Rosalie stands rigid, observing silently as she glares and snarls at their “Royalty”, eyes pitch black. She knows in herself that she would do everything for her family, even if it costs her, her life. She stands there, watching as another hybrid walks into the field, she watches as they question him, She watches as Bella sags slightly in relief knowing that Renesmee is immortal and finally, she smiles knowing that they’ve won as the red-coated vampires blurs into the distance.
Joyous screams of victory rips through the air as she joins her family as they rejoice, happy that they did not have to fight the Volturi today. Together, they walk back to their house where their witnesses say their farewells and leaving.
“We won!” Maggie squeals are she rushed into Rosalie’s arms with Emmett trailing behind her
“Yeah, Yeah. Now I have to suffer an immortal life with the smell of wet dog wafting through the air.” Rosalie smirks
“Hey! I heard that!” Jacob complains
“Tsk. You were supposed to.” She retorts as she walks to Carlisle who was holding Esme in his arms.
But as she was walking, she was suddenly thrown into a void, cold, dark, and starry? She was confused as she looks around, panicking when she couldn’t move.
“What the fuck is going on?!” She tries to move her body but she couldn't, she then feels her body get thrown around like a rag doll.
“This is worse than being forced to ride that death machine. What was is called? Rollie? Roller coaster?” She grumbles in her head as she wills herself to not puke. She didn't even think vampires could still be nauseous.
That went on for what seemed to be hours before she was finally dropped into the ground. Opening her golden eyes, her orbs seemed to hyper focus on the gigantic trees and the creatures that live in it. Her ears then pick up the sound of groaning, turning her head, she sees the rest of her family sprawled all over the forest floor.
“Oh my God! Amore! You didn't have to paralyze them that hard!” Veronica thumps Amore in the head.
“I sincerely apologize for what she has done. We needed to take you far away from Forks, The Volturi Coven changed their minds and decided to ambush you and your witnesses. Fear not, your witnesses have been teleported to their homes safe and sound.” Veronica explains while still glaring at the pouting Amore.
“What was that anyways?” Edward groans as he sits up'
“Teleportation. I needed to paralyze you, that lowers the chance of you losing a limb.” Amore explains while Veronica cast a cloud of blue upon them, seemingly healing their “injuries”
“Cooooool. Can we do it again?” Emmett brightens like a child getting a puppy for the first time.
“No.” They all deadpanned at him making Veronica and Amore chuckle.
“Well, I suggest we get going now, even with our speed, it's still a long way to run.” Veronica dusts herself off as she and Amore help the family up and the still dazed shifters.
“Long way to run where?” Jacob asks, utterly confused.
“To the palace of course.” Veronica smiles
“It's high time you guys meet the Queen.” Amore smirks and winks as she speeds off, followed by Veronica then the Cullens and then the Black Pack.
Anastasia pinched her temples in pure stress, the Cullens were coming to visit and everything was in utter chaos. Mud was smeared all over the walls, broken dishes and glass cluttered the floor as little children run past her, screaming her ears off.
“Lance, darling. Clean this up before I rip someone's head off. Make sure this place is spotless before the guests arrive. Get the pups back to their mothers, the children back to the village and contact Maxine, there's a few shifters accompanying the Cullens. I'll be in my lab.” She orders her personal butler who scrambles around trying to get people to help him.
Anastasia ventures down, down until she reaches her own personal laboratory where she herself develops her own type of blood. She's repulsed by the thought of drinking from a clueless human no matter how annoying they are and disgusted at the thought of killing an innocent animal just so she could satiate her desire of drinking blood. And because of this artificial blood, her eyes slowly turn into the rich dark violet that it is now.
As she works, combining different substances and powders that vary colors, her mind drifts to a certain blonde girl. Anastasia for the life of her, cannot even think of what she would do where she faces the blonde beauty, not when her heart if filled with guilt.
1932 Rochester, New York
Anastasia roamed the streets as she keeps her eyes trained on the single glowing golden string attached to her, amongst the other colors. She was born this way, even when she was just a little human, she could always see strings. Of course her feeble mind at that time didn't understand what it was, but now she could. As a vampire, she practiced and willed her strings to be more color coded, since the mere chaos of tangled strings give her a headache. The strings connected each creature in this world, once you make an acquaintance, a blue string connects the two of you and that soon escalates into different colors, However, one color lets her see soulmates, and that's green, which is why she's now following this glowing gold string to wherever it may go. She was tempted to just yank the string as hard as she could and let the creature on the other side find her but somehow, something was holding her back.
As she walked the streets of New York, head held high, she also ignored the stares that she got while walking. She knew why of course, her Italian clothing much different from the posh American clothing everyone around her has, not to mention she was wearing clothes meant for “men” but she never was the one to abide to gender constructs. She also couldn't, for the life of her, think about what she would do when she meets the creature on the other end of the string. Should she kill it? Should she keep it? Should she protect it? Should she-
Her thoughts were then interrupted when her eyes suddenly tunnel visioned. There 'it' was, the 'creature' on the other end of her string, 'it' was actually a woman. An insanely attractive human, being fawned over by boys as she walks by and she was smiling at the small group girls crowding her. Anastasia could suddenly feel the emotions of the said woman: Happiness, Pride, and a little twinge of loneliness and sadness. Anastasia's heart (despite being half-dead) tightened in her chest, she wanted to do everything and anything to make the woman happy. She didn't even care that she just saw her mere minutes ago, she wanted her and only her. And that's when she realized, this woman, no, this angel was meant to be hers. But then again, Anastasia knew that the woman was too good for her, she doesn't deserve this life of pain and eternal suffering, seeing the people you once loved grow old and eventually die, yet she also knew that she cannot live without her, so she settled with being her protector.
“Mr. Lombardi? Did I pronounce that right?” Mr. Hale questioned her, she had managed to manipulate her looks to make her look like a man.
“Yes sir.” Anastasia answered, she named herself Gioele for the sake of her facade.
“And why should I let you protect my daughter?” Mr. Hale raised his eyebrows, staring at the 'guy' infront of him.
“With The Great Depression still happening, I believe your daughter might be in danger. You and your success may make you a target for those who are below you, poor unfortunate...” She trailed off, her moral compass preventing her from saying derogatory words but she knew she had to play by his personality and rules
“We do not talk about them.” Mr. Hale deadpanned
“Yes sir.” 'Gioele' agreed, resisting the urge to roll her eyes.
“Very well then. You have piqued my interest. One wrong move and you'll find yourself hanging on a rope by your neck.” He threatened just as someone entered.
“Father? Mother requested your presence.” Anastasia's eyes widen when she hears the soft, melodic voice right behind her.
“Rosalie! Perfect timing. This is Gioele Lombardi, he will be protecting you from those awful lowlifes scattered around the streets.” Mr. Hale introduces Anastasia to Rosalie who in turn looked at her.
“Rosalie. Rosalie Hale.” She introduces her self while Anastasia promply goes down on one knee and kisses her hand.
“My Pleasure.” She smiled, seeing the faint blush on Rosalie's cheeks.  
Anastasia stood up, offering her arm to Rosalie who accepted and they both followed Mr. Hale outside, Anastasia holding up an umbrella to shield Rosalie and herself from the sun. She didn't sparkle as much as other vampires do but it would have been really suspicious when people see her faint sparkle as her marble like skin hits the rays of the sun.
And in that afternoon alone, Rosalie Hale became more popular, people talked about the attractive guard and of course Rosalie's beauty. Anastasia was annoyed at how people spoke about her and her mate, while they were walking around the city. Rosalie noticed and distracted her by asking her questions and answering questions directed to her as well.
Anastasia just felt herself fall even more as days pass by, She would sit by Rosalie's side while she reads her books, She would accompany her on walks and would help her pick flowers as well. She knew all about Rosalie but Rosalie only knew things Anastasia want her to, that doesn't include the fact that she's a woman and not a man and also the fact that she's an actual vampire. And that proved to be in her disadvantage later on.
A year pass by quickly with Anastasia enjoying every single second she spends with her soulmate, she could feel Rosalie radiating happiness whenever she's around, but of course, Rosalie was getting suspicious as well. It may be because of that one time where they were caught in the rain and their umbrella was much too small for 2 persons so Anastasia insist on Rosalie using it, leaving her wet, making her clothes stick to her body, and even under the dim light, Rosalie could make out a feminine body, toned but still feminine and that left her thinking if she truly knew her guard as well as she thought she did.
One day, Rosalie was sent on an errand to deliver her father's 'forgotten' lunch, and Anastasia knew it was a bunch of shit. She heard the couple discussing their plans to hopefully attract the attention of  Royce King II and they succeeded, she had to watch as Rosalie and Royce flirt with each other, with her silently seething, forgotten. She had to hide her growls and snarls whenever flowers would be delivered at the Hale Household, but she couldn't do anything, Rosalie deserved someone who could grow old with her, and not a half-ling  abomination like her. So she accepted the fate she wished upon herself and made the hardest decision of her life.
The day Rosalie was engaged, she packed her bags and set to leave but unfortunately, Rosalie caught her. And what she did that day, she still regrets up until now.
“Gioele? You are leaving.” Rosalie states, stunned.
“Don't. Don't stop me Ms. Hale. Or should I say Mrs. King?” Anastasia spat out, and she internally flinched when she saw the pain in Rosalie's eyes.
“Where did this come from Gio?” Gio, Rosalie's nickname for her alter ego. She couldn't handle it anymore and looked around before gently dragging Rosalie into an empty room in their house.
“Look, my name's not Gioele.” Anastasia removes the glamour she placed on herself and watched as Rosalie stare at her in shock.
“It's Anastasia. And yes. I am leaving. You are to be married to Royce King II and I cannot get in between that.” She stares at Rosalie's eyes, hoping to relay her feelings, but Rosalie was still much too hurt from her best friend lying to her.
“You lied. You broke two of your promises Lombardi. Is that even your real surname? It is not, is it? God. Why must I be so stupid! Go! Leave! Find some other woman to lie to!” Rosalie walks away from her
“Rosalie! Wait!” She tried to chase after her but Rosalie just turned around and slapped her, she was shocked, not only because the love of her life slapped her, it's also because Rosalie managed to crack the base of her neck. She lifted her hand to cover the cracks that were covering the base of her marble like neck.
“Rose...” She stared at Rosalie.
“Leave.” Rosalie glared, and Anastasia knew that this was her chance... to let go of her soulmate... in the most painful way possible.
“Fine...” She growled out “...I never liked you anyways, You self-centered, smug woman who only lives to please her father and the people around you. I hope you and your cold heart enjoy your loveless marriage!” She grabs her bags and walks away, not bothering to turn back, knowing that if she sees Rosalie's face and the raw emotions in her eyes, she'll just turn back and beg for forgiveness.
But of course, she couldn't stay away, no matter how hard she tried, she just can't so she lingered, hiding herself in the shadows, watching as Rosalie walked the paths they used to walk on, with Royce accompanying her, his arm hooked on hers as they chatted happily. It took everything in Anastasia to not rip off Royce's head whenever she knew he was making Rosalie uncomfortable and It took everything in her to not steal Rosalie away from him.
She was lingering around Vera's house, Rosalie was in there, cradling the baby boy in her arms as she cooed at him. Anastasia smiled as she saw her mate being all cute, she longed to have that with her, but alas she couldn't.
She was just enjoying herself when suddenly a body slammed into her, they fought for the upper hand as they kept tumbling around. Anastasia would straddle the man and he would flip her as well, she knew he was a vampire and didn't bother to pull her punches, cracking his marble like skin while he, in turn would also punch her face. The only difference they had was, Anastasia is actually bleeding. After what went on like hours, something snapped, Anastasia knew something was wrong with her mate so her eyes glowed a bright red, she threw the man off her and tied him with her strings. She growled at him before speeding off, following the slowly fading golden string. She ran as fast as she could, but she was too late.
“Rose?” she stared in horror as the body of her beloved, sprawled on the sidewalk, bleeding out.
“Stasia?” She turned her head and saw Carlisle standing behind her.
“Carlisle! I beg of you, Please save her. Turn her Carlisle please!” Anastasia begged Carlisle
“What happened? I smelt the blood.” Carlisle knelt beside the barely alive Rosalie.
“Turn her first then I'll explain.” Anastasia choked out as she closed her eyes just in time for Carlisle's teeth sinking into Rosalie's skin
She shook with anger and decided that she'll chase after whoever did this to her, her ears hyper focused, trying to find whoever did it. And that's when she heard it: Royce King II.
“I need to find a new fiancee now.” He laughed as his friends expressed their joy in letting them-
Anastasia let out a loud guttural growl as she prepared to speed away but Carlisle held her back.
“Don't. She needs you first.” Carlisle motioned to Rosalie who's writhing in pain. She immediately scooped her mate into her arms and followed Carlisle's mate string, which led her to a two floor house, she barged in with Carlisle hot on her heels.
“Lay her here.” He instructed the distressed Queen.
“Will she be okay Carlisle?” She asked the doctor as he kissed his mate in her forehead.
“Yes. Give it a couple of days, Your Highness.” Carlisle reassured her as she swallowed back her sobs.
“Very well. Uh. My apologies, I barged in without your permission. My name is Anastasia. You must be Carlisle's lover?” She offered her hand to the older woman who in turn just gave her a hug.
“It's fine. Really. You are welcome here. Carlisle told me all about you.” Esme smiled and Anastasia just smirked at Carlisle.
“Still thinking about me Cullen?” Anastasia teased, taking Rosalie's hand into hers and gripping it, calming her nerves.
“He talks about you everyday.” Esme smiled at her.
Anastasia was about to reply when the doors opened and in came...
“You.” Anastasia growled and lunged at the man. He dodged but she caught his arm and used her momentum to flip him over, throwing him through the wall and into the backyard, making him land flat on his back. The man coughed as Anastasia straddled him, planting her foot to the ground, her strings glowing a bright red as they wrap around him as she slowly ripped his head off.
“Anastasia! He's my son!” Carlisle cried out as Anastasia snapped at him, eyes widening in surprise.
“He's yours?” Anastasia's eyes glowed a bright red and Carlisle felt his entire body shiver.
“Y-Yes.” Carlisle stuttered, the murderous aura surrounding Anastasia triggering his fight or flight.
“He is the reason why I didn't get to my mate fast enough. He lunged at me for no reason, leaving my mate in a vulnerable position AND LOOK WHERE SHE IS RIGHT NOW! SHE'S FIGHTING FOR HER LIFE CARLISLE!” Anastasia's body shook in anger
Carlisle could see the cracks growing on Edward's skin, and he slowly approached the furious queen. He managed to calm Anastasia down by sending calming waves into his strings, decades of working alongside the queen was proven to be useful in this moment. The ropes that were once wrapped around Edward slowly loosened until they retreated  back into her body.  
Edward wheezed as he moved away from her while Anastasia composed herself.
“Teach your son better manner s, Carlisle or the next time we meet, you'll see his decapitated head decorating the Volturi Walls.” Anastasia threatened as she walks calmly back into the house through the wall that she made and sat beside her unconscious mate. She noticed the golden string slowly go back to it's natural glow, which made her sigh in relief.
A couple of hours pass by and Anastasia was feeling hungry, she asked for Carlisle's help in looking for food in the forest and he told her where the majority of the animals lived and she set off. While she was hunting, she couldn't help but feel like she failed Rosalie. She let her become something that she protected her from. A Vampire.
Once she had her fill, she slowly walked back to where Carlisle lives, delaying her arrival as much as possible, dreading the fact that she knew Rosalie was awake. She could feel it. She took a deep breath and opened the door, making everyone's head snap towards her. Her eyes caught Rosalie's and instantly, they connected, more so than before, which means that Anastasia feels what Rosalie feels 100 times more than before. Pain, Sadness, Longing and Hatred. And that's when she knew, she knew that Rosalie hated her. Her soulmate hated her. The thought weighed on top of her, slowly crushing her heart, she physically gasped for breath as she could feel Rosalie's anger increased tenfold.
“Rose. Let me-”
“Don't Anastasia. Do what you do best, leave.” Rosalie answered her, putting emphasis on her real name. She tried to move closer but Rosalie only moved and sped out of the house, with Carlisle trailing after the newborn.
She was about to follow as well when Edward stopped her.
“I apologize for my actions earlier, I truly believed that you were preying on them, that's why I attacked you, but you should really trust me when I say that you shouldn't follow her. She's angry.” Edward quickly explained
“And how do you know that?” She asked.
“I can read minds.” Edward simply states, nodding at her.
Anastasia nodded, defeated and sat on a chair with Esme right beside her.
“Give her some time.” Esme advises, rubbing the girl's back.
She gritted her teeth when she felt Rosalie's pain. Not physical, emotional. And she has the power to take it away. But with a great price. A price she was willing to take.
When the Cullen family was complete, with Rosalie, Anastasia quickly worked her gift. Wrapping her strings around them and re-writing their memories, without her in it. Except for Carlisle's, she left some memories of him working alongside her while in the Volturi. Once she finished, she quickly speeds away and forces herself to leave the memories and pain she just took into the back of her mind as she wiped her bleeding nose, her body collapsing under a big tree due to the exhaustion.
She was pulled back into reality when the beaker she was holding in her hand exploded, drenching her in artificial blood. She gritted her teeth, there were two things that could've happened. One, she mixed the wrong chemicals while day dreaming or two, Amore decided to switch the labels again.
She checked everything, and then found out the second one was the truth, she stormed out of her lab, blood dripping from every inch of her body. Her annoyance clouded her brain, forgetting that she sent Amore to pick up the Cullens and if she was here, then so were The Cullens.
She spotted Amore from afar and sped towards her, slamming her against the brick walls of her “castle” . She hated that term.
“What did I tell you about switching my labels Lewis?! Look at me! Blood is in every crevice in my body! There's blood in parts that I didn't even knew were exposed!” She growled out
“Well, to be f-fair, You aren't wearing your usual lab attire so that's partially your fault.” Amore choked out. Anastasia just growls in response.
“Stasia, calm yourself. First impressions are important.” Veronica waves her hand and Anastasia's clothes were back to normal, dry and there was no trace of blood anywhere.
First Impressions? Anastasia then mentally facepalmed herself. She had forgotten the Cullen Family. She releases Amore, then turned to the family, recalling her speech, she started to talk.
“Hello. Sorry you had to see that, but you should really get used to it. My name is Anastasia...” She drifted off as her violet orbs met golden ones. In her brief moment of surprise, she unknowingly let down her guard, causing her previously cast spell break. She knew that her mate would be there and she mentally prepared herself but turns out, she wasn’t prepared at all.  When she recovered from her shock, she could feel that her spell had been broken. The entire coven looked at her with various emotions: Happiness, Confusion, Longing and Familiarity. She may or may not have met all the members before and also wiped their memories.
“Gio...” Rosalie whispered.
“Shit...” Anastasia cursed, she somehow knew this would happen, just not this soon.
“Rose...” She stared at her mate for what seemed like years before Rosalie glared at her with so much anger she didn't know it was possible, and stormed off. Again.
'She always does that.' Anastasia sighs.
“Well, that secret's out. I'll escort you to you ro-”
“We'll do it. Chase after her.” Veronica pats her back before escorting the Family to their respective chambers, but Carlisle stayed behind.
“That... was messed up Anastasiarine.” Carlisle expressed his disappointment before pulling the girl in a brief hug.
“I missed you too Cullen.” She whispered before letting go to chase after her mate.
“I'm sorry. Please forgive me.” She sent that thought to the Cullen Family, including Rosalie and went back to what she did 75 years ago.
She was once again, chasing the glowing gold string.  
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Blood red mist - Japer x reader
Hello everyone. Sorry for my long absence, life got in the way. But here you go, a jasper hale x reader pic thats been long overdue for @imyourapocalypse, there will be more parts but heres part 1! :)
“Guys, it’s okay, i’ll take her.”
The one sentence that you didn't think really meant anything, until it did. 
Birds. Frikin birds. Normally you were one with nature, but not when it decided to wake you up as soon as the sun rose. You groaned and rolled over in bed mushing your face into the hard lump that was your fiancé. He snickered under his breath and stretched out next to you, rubbing a hand over your back, playing with your hair. You looked up and smiled at him, taking in his brilliance, his messy blonde hair glimmering in the sunlight, the beams from the early morning catching his face making him shimmer, his skin like diamonds.
“Morning cowboy.” He smiled back and pulled you into him, placing his nose in your hair, breathing in your scent. 
You had met Jasper a few years ago now. You think back to when you watched the tall, pale, blonde haired man float through the school office while you were there to pick up copies of your recommendation letters. You'd been so startled and taken aback by his beauty and piercing amber eyes that your fingers shook and the manila folder you were holding slipped out of your hand and landed on the tiled floor with a dull thud. A classic scene from every cheesy rom-com you'd ever watched, only you didn't care, because as you leant down to pick up the folder in embarrassment, Jasper helped and as soon as you looked into his glowing eyes, you knew fate was a real thing. 
Since then you'd been with the Cullen’s through almost everything, well, not with them in person some of the times. You'd been accepted to University across the country and missed most of the recent drama that surrounded the Cullen family and Bella Swan, but having recently graduated you were back now and you couldn't be happier, neither could Jasper. 
At first you weren't sure if you liked Bella, you were a few years older, and weren't one for drama, in the beginning you didn't click, however, overtime when you had a holiday or came to visit the Cullen’s you grew closer and closer and were practically best friends. You could relate to one another… both human (Well, not Bella anymore) both in love with good-looking Vampires. 
You were still away at University when Bella was changed, due to come back only a few days after. Jasper had been filling you in on everything that had been happening, and you face timed with Bella every day until the change happened. You'd got back and were instantly kept away from your friend, only glimpsing her still, frozen form through the smeared glass of the Cullen’s make shift infirmary. Jasper assured you it was for your own safety, his Major side was out in full force, his mind floating back to the time he trained New Borns with Maria. He knew how destructive they could be, what little willpower and resistance they had and he constantly worried for your safety.
You'd managed though. Survived through it all, somehow unscathed, the meeting with the Volturi, which…. you weren't actually there for, again. Something you weren't involved in. If it had been Bella she would have been brought along but Jasper was protective on another level, dominant. You could never win a fight with Jas, his need to protect you and your bond too strong to fight. 
Now it was just another day. The Volturi were gone, the other vamps, the family friend had all gone too, now it was just you and the Cullen’s, you and your mate. You smiled to yourself. Finally, the first day things can start going back to normal. 
-A few hours later -
You were laughing at something Rosalie had said while cupping a mug of hot coffee in both of your chilly hands. The air outside was frosty, the remnants of winter lingering. Rose had been talking about some girl who'd tried flirting with Emmett in the local convenience store.. lets just say if looks could kill, that poor girl would either be a New Born or dead.
Bella and Edward joined you in the Kitchen, even without vampire hearing you could make out what they were saying. Jacob, as much as he wanted to, couldn't come over to look after Nessie, He had pack duties and so now Bella was saying she couldn't join the family hunt. You smiled and coughed a little. Both looked at you, unaware you and Rose were sitting across the room. 
“Guys I’ll be here, I can look after Ness.. I know you wanted to get her some school supplies Bells, I know the perfect shop in town I could take her to and then we could get some food! Have a girls date.” You smiled, your teeth sparkling against your slightly chapped, rose red lips. 
“What’s this about a girls date.” The southern accent made your skin tingle and before you could turn around Jasper was already behind you pressing a kiss to the sweet spot on your neck, you sighed and leaned back against him.
“Y/N is taking Renesmee into town for some shopping and food while we all go hunting this afternoon.” Bella smiles at you gratefully but you feel Jasper tense behind you. You watched as Edward rolled his eyes and gave you a small smile, obviously listening to Jaspers loud thoughts. 
“Darlin, I don't know if I like the idea of the two of you being without one of us..” You were next in line to roll your eyes, turning to look at your fiancé, you took his hand and kissed his knuckles. 
“Jas, were only going to town, we will do a little shopping for school supplies get some food, the human kind, and then before you know it i’ll be calling you to come pick us up again!” 
You stood up off the stool and kissed his cheek, slipping out of the room away from Jasper before the Major could disagree, It was decided. The vamps would do the vampy hunty stuff, and the Human and hybrid would look for cute fluffy pencils and sparkly backpacks. 
It was just after Christmas, the air was frigid and frost still nipped at both your noses as you skipped down the steps of the restaurant. The snow had finally cleared, but still no signs of green life in the town of Port Angeles. Somehow Nessie had persuaded you into getting ice cream even though it was the middle of January. Bags in one hand, Nessie’s gloved hand in the other, you walked side by side back to your car a few streets over from the parlour. It was oddly quiet, but then remembered there was some sort of celebration going on near the dock, the reason you hadn't seen anyone on the walk back to the car park. You had parked where you normally did, the same car park behind the book store Edward had once saved Bella in. 
You could see it, your silver BMW under the single street light, bathed in a warm glow. A belated graduation present from your family. You smiled and thought of Jasper. Wondering how they were getting on at the hunt. Just as you were about to reach for your phone you heard a twig snap at the edge of the trees. Then a swoosh, something passed your eyes in a flash. Something wasn't right.
Your phone started to buzz in your pocket. 
You stopped. Nessie stopped. Something didn't feel right. Your smile faded, somewhere in the distance you could hear a scream, but then realised it had come from right beside you, You slowly turned to look at Renesmee, fear on her little face. You were confused, until you felt it. Your stomach felt warm, hot almost, only one part of it, then all of it at once, flashing burning pain. 
You sank to your knees, the bags in your hands dropped with a dull thud and the contents slipped out onto the wet asphalt. Nessie was staring at you in shock, you looked down and choked as you watched the silver handle of the knife, wedged in your body, bob up and down in time with the rhythm of your laboured breathing. Your phone was still ringing, the sound a fuzzy noise somewhere floating in your scrambled thoughts. In the distance your were sure you heard a howl. They were too far away. You grabbed Renesmee’s hand, giving it a squeeze, you were crying, a red haze seemed to float around you both, like raw energy flickering in the night sky. 
“Nessie look at m-me, don't be scared.” You sobbed, you were dying, you could feel your energy fading, the red haze around you seemed to get brighter. “Nessie, it’s okay, shhh.” You were trying to calm her down, your hand still clutching her small one. Your eyes were flickering. 
“Nessie, my phone, can you get my phone.” You weakly pointed to your blood soaked pocket. She seemed frozen, unable to move, then something clicked inside her. She grabbed it answering the frantic caller on the other end. 
“Uncle Jas, Uncle Jas there’s so much blood.” Nessie cried. Jasper. Your eyes were getting heavier, you could hear Jaspers frantic voice on the other end. Suddenly you felt the phone pressed against your ear, it felt like your could hear the sound of your blood rushing around your body. 
“Jas-jasper,” You were crying harder, the man you loved frantic on the other end. “I love you Jas, I love yo-you.” You couldn't hear what he was saying, not really, the pain taking over, the darkness creeping closer and closer, the red haze getting brighter. You were dying, and everyone was too far away to save you. 
Rose’s P.O.V.
The hunt had been a successful one. We hadn't been able to hunt as a family for a long time, always something popping up meaning people would have to stay behind. Jasper was on edge, everyone could tell, obviously thinking too much about Y/N, his mate. We didn't really blame him, we all know how it feels when it comes to the care of your Bloodsinger. 
We had all finished up, just getting back to our cars when Bella’s phone rings. Jacobs name flashing across the screen, Bella answered still laughing at something Emmett had said, but her tone changed instantly. Everyone could hear the conversation. Jake sometimes freaked out about the whereabouts of Nessie, but this time it was different. Something was wrong. 
“Bella! Wheres Renesmee and Y/N?! Something is wrong, Nessie is in trouble, our bond, I can feel it she's scared, really scared, I'm going to find them now!” 
We all looked at each other and then to Jasper, he was staring at Alice, who had fear and an absent look in her eyes. 
“Y/N’s hurt.” If i wasn't already dead my heart would have stopped. All of us were at our cars in a flash, quicker to get to Port Angeles by car than running. Jasper had his phone pressed to his ear, no doubt trying frantically to call his mate. She was answering, Jasper was banging his fists against the dashboard, anger and fear radiating off his pale skin.
“C’mon darlin pick up pick up.” Pain and worry in his voice. The phone is answered. 
“Uncle Jas, Uncle Jas, there’s so much blood!” Everyone could hear Renesmee crying on the other end of the phone, then it seemed like the world stopped. Y/N’s weak voice whispered through the receiver. 
“Jas-Jasper.” She was crying, if vampires could cry, we all would be too. “Jasper, I love you.” The line went dead just as we reached the “Welcome to Port Angeles sign.” Alice had seen where they were and it didn't take a detective to figure out where Y/N would have parked. 
We just all hoped we would get there before it was too late.  
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agerefandom · 3 years
Home Sweet Home
Fandom: Twilight
Characters: Esme and Carlisle Cullen as parents: Edward, Alice, Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie as regressors
Words: 3,500
Summary: The Cullens always enjoy family night: a chance for all the children to regress, and for Carlisle and Esme to feel like parents. There’s nothing more relaxing. But tonight, Edward is refusing to come downstairs and join the family.
Content Warnings: Parental titles, diapers, mention of nursing. Brief mentions of blood and the angst of immortality.
Notes: The first two paragraphs are referencing this fic I wrote earlier this month! It’s not necessary to understand the rest of the fanfiction, though. Let me know if you notice any errors, this was a long one for me to edit myself so I only did two drafts. (Also I might put out my Cullens headcanons after this, I didn’t incorporate all of them into this fanfiction!) 
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Carlisle listens to the radio as he drives home, his mind drifting from thought to thought. It had been a busy day for the Forks clinic, but nothing compared to the ER in Seattle. His shifts there were full of the smell of blood and panic, constant calls and frightened family members.
But today, that one patient had been so frightened, and so young… it had made Carlisle’s unbeating heart feel bruised. He’s glad to be on his way home to his own children, safe with their mother. He hopes that patient is also safe at home, considering the offer he’d made to meet other regressors.
Carlisle’s home is a chaotic place, but full of joy, and he knows that few are so lucky.
He pulls up the driveway, waiting for the garage door to open before pulling into his spot and getting out. He had already changed out of his work clothes, now in plain slacks and his favourite grey sweater. Alice loves the texture of this one, and he knows it makes her happy to see him wearing it in the future, so he always makes sure to plan this outfit ahead of time.
He can hear his family’s voices inside, could pick them out if he focused enough. Alice is already waiting near the door, probably intending to tackle him once he gets inside. He can hear her quiet giggles as she waits. Carlisle won’t be surprised if Emmett is helping her with her ambush, but managing to stay quiet.
Carlisle braces himself and swings open the door.
“I’m home!” he calls out, just as Alice leaps at him. “Hi, honey!” he says, turning to catch her in his arms. Such a light little thing, his youngest daughter. “How are you?”
“Good, daddy!” Alice rests her cheek against his sweater, wrapping her legs around his waist. “You were gone so long!”
“Ah, boring work,” Carlisle sighs, already feeling the stress of the day melting away into the familiar smell of home and family. Human scents are so busy and overwhelming, emotions and history drifting from their skin. Here in their own space, Carlisle can pick out the clean smells of his family, each one slightly different but bearing the same mark: his venom, binding them together. “Much better to be home with my children.”
“Dad!!!” Sure enough, Emmett attacks from behind with a proper tackle, and only his verbal warning allows Carlisle to duck out of the way, chuckling. Emmett stumbles past and saves himself from crashing into the wall, just barely. He spins and runs at Carlisle again, this time jumping into his arms like Alice did.
He’s a larger boy, and Carlisle laughs as he catches him, thankful for the strength that allows him to lift his adult-sized children on each hip.
“Hello, Emmett. Trying to get daddy in a headlock again?”
“It was Alice’s idea,” Emmett says, resting his head on Carlisle’s shoulder.
“Hmm,” Carlisle murmurs, unconvinced. Alice and Emmett are the troublemakers of the household, occasionally pulling Rosalie into their schemes. It’s difficult to guess which of them planned the ambush.
Esme comes around the corner, carrying Jasper in her arms. Jasper is resting, eyes closed, his eyelashes brushing against his cheeks. Esme looks absolutely beautiful, but she always does when Carlisle is seeing her for the first time in hours.
“Darling,” Esme says warmly. “I see you’ve already found the children.”
“It was a surprise attack,” Carlisle explains, bouncing the two siblings once before releasing them to the floor and watching them scramble back to their playroom. “Very fierce warriors, our children.”
“Fearsome,” Esme smiles, and approaches to give Carlisle a kiss. He will never get tired of kissing his wife. Each one is a blessing, and an affirmation of her love.
Today Esme is dressed in a plum-coloured dress that brushes against the ground, designed to be unhooked so she can nurse the children that are young enough. There’s no nutritional point to the gesture, of course, but just like the diapers and pull-ups that their youngest wear, it’s an emotional comfort. A reminder of both childhood and humanity. For Esme, being a mother has always been her greatest fulfilment, and nursing her children the most loving gesture.
“Would you take the baby?” she says, smiling fondly down at Jasper. “He’s been fussy all day, and the playroom needs my attention.”
“My pleasure.” Carlisle carefully accepts Jasper into his arms, sneaking another kiss onto Esme’s cheek in the process. Jasper stirs at the movement, making a small sound of confusion. “Hush, sweetheart. Just daddy,” Carlisle murmurs, making sure the baby is in a comfortable position. “Nothing to worry about.”
Jasper blinks his eyes open and looks up at Carlisle, then burbles a little string of nothing words.
“Oh, really?” Carlisle replies. “Emmett didn’t tell me that.”
Encouraged by the response, Jasper continues to babble. Carlisle smiles and nods as he carries his son towards the living room. “An interesting theory!” He settles into the couch and listens to the sounds of the house. Esme is lecturing Alice and Emmett in the other room: apparently, one of them pulled down the hammock again. It’s a nearly daily occurrence, the hooking system far too delicate for a family of vampires, but Esme thinks that the children need to learn how to be careful.
“Oh, your siblings are in trouble,” Carlisle sighs. “We’re lucky to have one little angel.”
“Two little angels,” Rosalie corrects him, jumping into one of the nearby chairs.
“Ah, of course.” Carlisle smiles at her. She’s done her hair in pigtails, and decorated her bangs with colourful clips. Rosalie is their eldest daughter, regressing to around eight or nine, but she’s still quite young. “Two angels. Where’s your older brother?”
“Upstairs,” Rosalie shrugs. “Listening to music.”
Sure enough, Carlisle can hear the tinny sound of Debussy’s Reverie coming from Edward’s headphones upstairs. “He’s missing family time.” Carlisle is worried about Edward, although he knows it’s pointless. Edward had been his first son, after all, and although he loves his entire family, he finds that Edward has withdrawn more and more in the recent decades. “Would you go and fetch him, Rosalie?”
“I can try,” Rosalie says dubiously.
“Come on, angel,” Carlisle cajoles. He holds out a hand, and Rosalie comes over to accept it. He kisses the back of her hand, smiling up at her. “You’re the only one scary enough to make him come down.” Rosalie laughs, clearly pleased by that.
“Can I play science after I get him? Mommy said I wasn’t allowed.”
“If I can play with you, we can absolutely do some science after.” Rosalie has a talent for creating explosions in the ‘kitchen,’ which is mostly used as a laboratory space for the children who are interested in such things. They all need adult supervision, but Rosalie often tries to argue that she’s old enough to play alone.
“Fine,” Rosalie sighs. “I’ll get him.”
And she runs up the stairs, upstairs within a second. Carlisle can hear the whir of Edward’s tape player as Rosalie’s footsteps start towards his room. Edward has been alive for many forms of music, but for some reason he always uses a tape player when he’s regressing. It makes it easy for Carlisle to tell when he’s regressed, at least: he’s so quiet as a teen, the eldest of the five siblings. Almost old enough that his regression matches the part all the Cullens children play in the human world, pretending to be teenagers.
There are only a few years between Edward’s regression and his everyday mask, but a world of difference. Edward can only regress at home, surrounded by the familiar thoughts of his family. Outside of the house, the constant noise makes it impossible for him to do anything except constantly sort through the data pouring in from all sides.
Carlisle closes his eyes, shutting out the sound of Edward’s music and Esme struggling with the hammock while Alice plays around her. Instead, he focuses on Jasper’s even breaths as he lies against his father’s chest.
Carlisle matches his youngest child’s breathing, enjoying the motion. He’s gotten out of the habit through the years: it’s easier to get through the days of hospital work if you pretend to be breathing, but neglect the act itself and all the intensity of tastes and smells that come with it. Here at home, Carlisle will sometimes engage in meditation, turning his attention to the act of breathing: there’s something calming about the flow of air in your body, even if you don’t need the oxygen for your blood flow.
Jasper smiles in his feigned sleep, pressing a little closer to Carlisle’s chest. He clearly knows that he’s being copied.
“Precious boy,” Carlisle says fondly, brushing a hand across Jasper’s cheek. “So loved by his parents.”
Jasper fully smiles at that, closing his eyes tighter and pulling at Carlisle’s sweater in an approximation of a hug.
“I love you too,” Carlisle murmurs, knowing what the gesture means.
“Daddy!” Rosalie says, standing in front of the couch again.
“Yes, sweetheart?” Carlisle says, blinking up at her.
“You need to get Edward.” Rosalie crosses her arms. Esme enters the room, and Carlisle can tell from her expression that she heard a conversation that he missed. She looks worried, her eyes flickering to the ceiling where Edward’s room is.
“You’d better go,” she agrees. “Give the baby to mommy, he needs a change.”
Jasper is transferred between them again, happy to get back to his mommy’s arms. Carlisle will never be the favourite parent there, but that’s alright. He loves all his children equally. But now his worry for Edward is sharper, wondering what he missed in his preoccupation with Jasper’s breathing.
“Is he alright?” Carlisle asks, already halfway up the stairs.
“He’s fine,” Rosalie says. “Just little,” she adds as Carlisle reaches the door to Edward’s room, the words echoing up the stairs behind him.
Carlisle knocks on the door, realizing that the music had stopped when Rosalie came up. Another thing he hadn’t noticed.
There’s no answer from the other side of the door, aside from a small intake of breath.
“Edward?” Carlisle calls. “May I come in?”
Again, no response.
Carlisle pushes the door open cautiously, and sees Edward curled up on the floor under a heavy blanket. His tapes are spread around him, his headphones discarded on the floor and his tape player in one hand. He’s staring blankly at the wall, and doesn’t respond to Carlisle’s entrance.
“Edward?” Carlisle approaches slowly. “Are you alright?”
Slowly, Edward pulls the blanket over his face, hiding from Carlisle entirely.
“Do you not want to have a family evening? You don’t have to regress if you don’t feel like it. You can come read to your siblings, or you can stay here.” Carlisle knows that his worry must be clear to Edward, his words all but useless when Edward can read the flow of his thoughts. Even though the two of them are adept at voiceless conversation, especially in front of humans or even members of the family, Carlisle has always preferred to speak aloud when he’s alone with Edward. Still, he knows his mind is whirling with the questions he keeps unsaid. What happened? What’s wrong? How can I help?
The pile of blanket on the floor doesn’t move, giving Carlisle nothing to read.
“Do you want me to leave?” Carlisle asks, quietly enough that the family members downstairs wouldn’t be able to hear him.
Finally, a movement: a pale hand reaches towards Carlisle from under the blanket, splayed fingers in a wordless command. Don’t go.
“Alright.” Carlisle keeps his words voiceless, quiet enough that a human wouldn’t be able to hear. “I’ll stay.” He folds himself up and kneels next to Edward, and begins breathing to pass the time. The children downstairs are laughing about something, probably at Emmett’s expense if his angry reply is any indication. Esme is singing to Jasper, her voice drifting through the other noises. Esme’s voice was incredible when she was a human woman, and she has only improved since her death.
Carlisle quiets his mind, letting his awareness drift to the sensation of breath. Edward has often said that he enjoys being near Carlisle when he meditates, finding the relative calm of his thoughts a welcome break. Carlisle lets his worry drift freely in his mind, neither rejecting nor focusing on it. He can hear Edward beginning to match his breath, and he slows the rhythm further.
“I’m sorry,” Edward whispers.
Carlisle casts his eyes towards his hidden son, keeping his mind clear and restful. “Will you tell me what troubles you, Edward?”
“I can’t.” Edward pulls the blanket down and turns his face towards Carlisle.
Vampires are unable to cry, just as they are unable to eat or sleep. But they still remember what it was to cry, and Edward’s breath becomes shaky as their eyes meet, his face crumpling with the anticipation of tears that will never come again.
“Edward,” Carlisle breathes, his chest aching with the memory of what sympathy felt like when he was alive. “Please, may I hold you?”
Edward nods, stretching out his hand again, and Carlisle is beside him in less than a millisecond, lifting his son into his arms and cradling him close.
“What do you need, Edward?” he whispers against his son’s forehead. “I can deny you nothing.”
“Father,” Edward manages, and buries his face in Carlisle’s chest.
“My son,” Carlisle says, smoothing Edward’s hair back. “Hush, I’m here. My precious boy.” Edward’s body shakes with imagined sobs, and Carlisle continues his soft reassurances. “You’re alright. I’m here, Edward. You have me.” He focuses on the physical sensations: the weight of Edward against him, the silk of his hair under his fingers. The amount of fondness he feels for this boy, his son, his first family member, overwhelms him. He presses his forehead to Edward’s, cupping the boy’s cheeks.
“I love you,” he tells him.
“I know,” Edward says, bringing his hands up to mirror Carlisle’s. “Thank you.” His voice sounds broken.
Carlisle doesn’t know how long they sit there, fingers intertwined and foreheads pressed together. Edward’s breathing evens out, and the sounds from downstairs continue. Carlisle fills his mind with love and lets Edward drink in his unwavering affection, surrounding the two of them with contentment.
Finally, Edward takes a final deep breath and sits back on his heels, blinking his eyes.
Vampires are denied the emotional release of tears, and the emotional rest of sleep. They have no escape from awareness, and for those who feel their inhumanity as deeply as the Cullens, a deep fatigue sets in through the years. That’s why family night is so important, as well as the smaller distractions of sparring matches and baseball games. The fatigue eases for a while, when you are caring and being cared for. When things are simple, and easy.
“Can I be younger tonight?” Edward asks, finally seeming centered enough to ask the question that must have been weighing on him all day, if not longer.
“Of course,” Carlisle answers without hesitation. “How young?” You don’t need to know, he adds without words. We can always figure it out as we go.
“Like Jasper,” Edward says, and puts the ridge of his thumb into his mouth. “Is that okay?”
“Absolutely.” Carlisle offers a hand, and Edward clasps it tight. “Do you want to stay upstairs, or see your siblings?”
“Will they laugh?” Edward says quietly. It’s a fair question: the other Cullen siblings enjoy mocking Edward when they’re all adults, and Rosalie likes to make fun of the only older sibling when they’re small.
“They won’t laugh,” Carlisle answers in the same undertone. “I’m sure of it.”
“Then I’d like to be with them,” Edward nods.
“I’m sure your mother would love to see you,” Carlisle says, squeezing Edward’s hand. “Now, should we get you changed?”
Edward nods wordlessly, casting his eyes to the ground.
“Brave boy,” Carlisle praises, and gets to his feet, scooping Edward into his arms.
Edward flinches and wraps all of his limbs around Carlisle, making Carlisle laugh slightly. Such an extreme response when he’s seen Edward dive off cliffs with no hesitation. His boy must be very regressed already. No wonder Edward struggled so much to ask his question.
Carlisle sings one of his favourite lullabies as he carries Edward down the hallway to the boys’ room. Edward doesn’t wear very different clothes when he regresses, so he doesn’t have a regression closet. They’ll have to steal from the younger brothers for now, and find some new outfits for Edward later if this will be a repeated experience.  
Carlisle beelines for the dresser and scoops a pacifier from the back of one of the drawers. Jasper doesn’t use them, and the pacifier has lain unused since it was tried and rejected. Edward has been chewing on his thumb ever since Carlisle picked him up, and Carlisle has a feeling the abandoned pacifier might finally have a use. He presses the pacifier to Edward’s lips, gentle enough for it to be refused, and Edward accepts it.
“Good,” Carlisle says, pressing a kiss to Edward’s temple. “Now let’s get you changed.”
He sits Edward on the changing table, and the boy curls into himself slightly. Carlisle breezes past Edward’s uncertainty, moving through the familiar motions of disrobing him and fastening a diaper around his hips, patting the tape into place.
“Safe and sound,” Carlisle murmurs. “Would you like a shirt or pyjamas, sweetheart?”
Edward blinks up at him, and sucks on the pacifier.
“Pyjamas it is,” Carlisle says, unable to hide the fondness in his voice. He finds one of the darker onesies hanging in the closet and guides Edward’s limbs into it, patting the baby’s belly before doing up the buttons. Edward squirms a little, but more in amusement than in protest.
Carlisle chuckles at his reaction and scoops the boy back into his arms.
“Let’s go see your big brother and sisters, hmm?” he says to Edward. “I think they have some guppies on.” Edward usually hates sitting around when his siblings are watching cartoons, pretending to read a book somewhere apart or convince his siblings to gather around and listen to him read. But today he perks up at the mention of cartoons, eyes widening with interest.
“Do you want to sit with your mother?” Carlisle suggests, careful to hold Edward steady on his hip as they make their way down the stairs. “I’m sure she’d love to spend time with her baby boy.” Edward clings to Carlisle’s shoulders. “Ah, fair enough.” Carlisle can’t help smiling at the boy’s attachment, even though he’s sure that he’ll change his tune once he sees Esme.
“Hi daddy,” Alice calls distractedly when they enter. Emmett and Rosalie both glance up briefly from the screen and then return to their cartoons without comment. Edward is hiding his face in Carlisle’s neck, and Carlisle can feel the slight rocking of the pacifier as Edward gets the hang of sucking on it.
“Hello angels,” Carlisle replies, and makes his way to the couch behind the children, where Esme is sitting with Jasper cross-legged on the ground between her legs, his head leaning against Esme’s knee so that she can pet his hair while he watches the cartoons.
“Good to see you two,” Esme says quietly, under the noise of the cartoon. “I was worried.”
“This little one needed changing,” Carlisle says, sitting down and trying to rearrange Edward in his arms, who is still determinedly hiding against him. “Edward, come out and say hello to your mother,” he teases, flicking one finger against Edward’s neck.
Edward wiggles, displeased with the attempt to tickle him, and finally turns his face sideways.
Esme gasps softly. “Oh, darling boy.” She reaches out to cup Edward’s face, and the boy lets her. “Look at my baby.” Carlisle smiles at the two of them, as Edward shifts towards Esme on the couch and she helps him into her lap, careful not to dislodge Jasper’s place on the floor at her feet. “There, let me hold you,” Esme coos, pressing him against herself.
She would be crying, Carlisle reflects, if she were still able. There is something about Edward trusting them with this, after so long and so many siblings. They have spent so many decades together, physically unchanging, and yet they are still growing and learning about each other. It is an unimaginable gift from the universe, one that Carlisle will never take for granted.
As Edward smiles around the pacifier and Emmett yells something at the screen, Carlisle leans back on the couch and lets his gaze travel around his family, a serenity deeper than meditation settling in his chest. This is his family first, and his Clan second, and he would do absolutely anything to keep them safe.
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twilitty · 3 years
Waiting- twilight fic
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by: @twilitty​
Rosalie and Emmett are babysitting Nessie for Edward. The rest of the Cullens are predisposed and seem to have branched off into their own lives. Rose and Emmett were given one-way plane tickets from Alice and told to meet her in South America. 
word count: 1.6k
Part 1/?
Edward is late, again. Rosalie is standing in the foyer of the Cullens main home, the windows tinted with the dark guise of twilight and eerily dry. It seems to be the one day of the year it hasn’t rained. She’s dressed in an outfit curated by her fashion-oriented sister. All designer, of course. Yet, her jeans have creases around the knees and upper thighs, her sweater sleeves rolled up past her elbows in a way that would make her sister cringe. Her hair had started out in a casual ponytail but is now laying around her shoulders in frizzy waves. It’s the carefree disarray of a new moms wardrobe.
Then, like the angel of messes, Nessie sits in her arms snoring lightly. Her cheek, soft and warm, is against Rose’s collarbone and has been for the last twenty minutes. Rose had happily agreed to watch Nessie while her father went off to feed. Bella was at a business meeting in Port Angeles, a monthly occurrence that the family seemed to consciously not discuss. Edward was supposed to be back forty minutes ago, which was coincidentally also the exact time that the little angel was throwing a tantrum and pulling Roses hair. 
But, Rosalie doesn’t mind watching her. She enjoys the thick teardrops that roll down her puffy cheeks when she gets mad and the melted ice cream that coats the front of Nessie’s shirt after a snack. And as soon as she starts to get fussy it seems that Rose is the only one who can truly calm her down. It’s strange, being so involved in this child when she barely has any rights to her. 
Emmett is upstairs, packing the last of their suitcases and making sure the room is in order. This is why Rosalie is frustrated with Edwards' lateness, he was going to make them miss their flight. It also just happened to be her luck that the rest of the family is happily distracted when she needs them. 
Alice and Jasper had left days ago for somewhere in South America, Alice claiming that she just had to be there and not giving a date for return. She had, instead, also bought Rose and Emmett a one way ticket to a small airport an hour outside of Brazil. The travelling was not uncommon of the couple, Alice moving as she pleases and Jasper following without question. Maybe it was his devotion to her, or maybe it was the uncomfortable silence that always followed him throughout the house. In a group of vampires it’s difficult to find a point of discussion that isn’t based in the past, and the family is not one to tolerate Jasper's discussion of the past. 
That leaves two people left to watch Nessie as Rose and Emmett catch their flight: Esme and Carlisle. Carlisle picked up a job in Seattle, working overnight at a care clinic for the elderly. He never said it, but Rose just knew that it was because he had similar interests to the seniors he cared for. She had overheard him telling Esme one night that he almost wishes he aged into his forties so that he could hold a conversation and base it on his experience, not say his grandfather told him stories. Esme was with Carlisle in Seattle, she funded a series of group homes for at-risk youth and occasionally would go and meet with the kids. If only she was here to watch her grandchild. 
“Rose,” it was Emmett at the top of the stairs. He was whispering, thankfully. He had probably heard Nessie snoring and knew not to wake her. He saw her temper tantrum the last time someone woke her up from a nap and was not looking to face it any time soon. “I have the things packed.” Rose looked over her shoulder at the staircase just in time to see him appear at the bottom, two suitcases at his feet and a neck pillow cradling his head. 
All it took was a raise of her eyebrows for him to fall into a defensive position. Palms facing her, he approached quietly. “I wanna look the part,” he explained. 
“Your neck doesn’t cramp,” she retorted with a smirk. She wouldn’t be able to talk him out of the dumb pillow, the same way she wasn’t able to talk him out of sunscreen the last time they went to Bora Bora. 
“But tourists' necks cramp, why else would they sell these things?” He went up to the main door, opening it and looking outside. “It’s not like the pillow industry is trying to scam vampires.” Rosalie doesn’t have to ask him what he’s looking for, the tenseness in his shoulders tells her enough. He doesn't want to miss their plane and wants Edward to get here already. Out of all the Cullens, Emmett is the most frugal. He hates wasting money. 
He closes the door softly and turns to his wife and their niece, taking off the dumb pillow and tossing it onto the suitcases. A smile cracks open across his face. “Can I?” She nods and his knuckles brush against her chest as he gingerly brings the toddler up to cradle her. His large arms seem brutal next to Nessie, her tiny frame nearly disappears as he hugs her to his chest. Her head lolls onto his shoulder, snores breaking for a moment as she sighs in content. His eyes dance in the light, looking down at her as she sleeps peacefully in his arms. 
Rosalie has always loved Emmett, but the first time she saw him holding their niece, the way he carefully smiled with his mouth closed and crouched to seem smaller, that was when she knew they would have a family. Emmett was initially afraid of scaring the baby, afraid he would seem too big compared to the rest of the family. Like a giant. He would talk quietly around her, always making sure to hide his teeth when he smiled and sit on the floor when she played. 
A movement pulls Rose from her thoughts. So quickly that a human would have missed it, the door opens and closes, the child blinks awake at the noise. Edward stands beside Rosalie, his shoulders slouched forward and his mouth pulled up into a painful smile. “Rose,” he nods to her, “Emmett,” he nods to his brother. 
Emmett ducks down quickly towards the little girl, pressing his lips to the back of her head as she looks over at her father. “Nessie has a lot to show you,” he says with a laugh. His heart isn’t in it. Edward must read it in his mind and politely disregards it, because he strides up to his daughter and lifts her out of her uncle's arms. 
Nessie plants a hand on her fathers cheek, his smile widening as he watches a play by play of her afternoon. 
Regretting her earlier wishes of Edward coming home, Rosalie speaks to break the moment. “We’re leaving. We were supposed to have left forty minutes ago but somebody must have never developed an interest in punctuality.” She receives a glare from Edward, his jaw rolling forward in what must be residue annoyance from some other event. 
Emmett notices this, “Bella spoken to you?” 
“Yes.” He jostles his daughter, raising her so that she can play with his shirt collar. He doesn’t say anything else. 
“Well, Rose and I are heading out so we’ll see you later,” Emmett says jovially, waving a hand at his favourite- and only- niece. She waves back with vigor, a toothy smile spread across her dimpled cheeks. Her father only watches with mild disinterest, his thoughts clearly occupied by some other matter.
They grab their suitcases quickly, Rose planting a sweet kiss on the little girls cheek as they pass by towards the door. 
Against Emmetts pleading, they’re taking Rosalie's car. She had a difficult time understanding why taking his giant Jeep, suited for off-roading, would be ideal for travelling to the airport. 
“Are you okay?” She asks him, turning the key in the ignition and driving out of the garage into the night. He hadn’t said anything as he loaded the suitcases into the trunk, and when she turned on talk radio he didn’t complain or try to change the station. All abnormal.
“I’m gonna miss her,” he pauses, his adam's apple bobbing, “I hope she doesn’t change while we are gone.” 
“I know, me too.” Rosalie doesn’t try to alleviate his anxiety, she knows it would be a lie to tell him Nessie would look the same when they get back. She’ll probably be a little longer, her teeth larger, maybe she’ll have new interests. Every change they miss will hurt them both.
“But we’ve got to go.” His voice is hard, finality ringing through it as if he’s trying to convince himself.
“We’ve got to.” She agrees softly. 
They pull into a parking spot near the front entrance of the airport just in time to make their plane. Her phone rings after take off, the face of her sister smiling up at her from the screen. “Alice?”
“Rose, tell me you’re on your way.” The girl says hurriedly, excitement layering her words. 
“Emmett and I are on the plane now,” she responds. Emmett looks over at her curiously, neck pillow adorned. 
“Jasper and I have a lead.” She then goes to rattle off the details of their current location and where they will be tomorrow night. The phone hangs up. 
Emmetts face is reserved, but the corners of his lips are twitching with barely contained happiness. “A baby?” Rosalie’s pale hand comes up to cradle his cheek, her pink lips turning up at the corners. “Yes, a baby.”
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stan-joonies · 4 years
Leave Me Like Everyone Else, It's Not Like I Believed You'd Stay
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Y/n laughed when she spotted Rosalie in a tree, her face obscurred by leaves.
"I can see you, Rose." She giggled, standing near the tree.
Rosalie cleared her throat unnecessarily before jumping down, the crack of twigs and leaves filling the silence.
Y/n raised an eyebrow as Rose ignored her in favour of staring at her hands.
"Rose?" Y/n's smile dropped. "Are you ok?"
Said blonde shook her head, breathing before looking at the human. The human. Not just a human. The human.
The human that changed it all in the best way possible.
The human that made Emmett do that amazing belly laugh and Rosalie to giggle.
The human who unknowingly fell in love with two monsters, and stayed when she found out the truth.
The human who made two happy vampires even happier.
The human who's heart Rosalie had to break.
The vampire steeled herself, her lips pressed thinly and her shoulders squaring.
"This isn't working." Just those words made Rosalie feel like her insides were aflame. Hands digging their way out of the ground and clawing at her feet, pulling her underground.
Y/n felt like the breath had escaped her, eyes widening.
"What? Rose...What's going on?"
Rosalie gently shook of her hand, closing her eyes and grimacing.
"Me and Emmett thought we were missing something, so we experimented. We thought you were the one we needed but we were wrong. Me and Emmett..." Rosalie felt hands of air trying to choke her. "Are better on our own."
Rosalie wanted to cry in that moment as Y/N's eyes glossed over, lines appearing on her forehead.
"This is a joke right...?"
Rosalie could only shake her head, watching as Y/N broke down, her heart slowly being ripped apart.
Rosalie took a careful step forward, reaching a pale hand to touch her, gasping when Y/N slapped it away.
"Don't touch me!" She exclaimed, h/c brows scrunching up. "You don't get to do that!"
"No!" She shouted furiously. "Where's Emmett? He couldn't bother to be here too? I'm not worth the two second trip, am i?" Y/n snarled, crossing her arms over her chest as if trying to shield her fragile heart from more damage. "To think i was this stupid."
"Y/n...you're not..."
Y/n ignored her, rolling her eyes.
"Ever since we got into this relationship. In the back of my mind it was always 'Emmett and Rosalie'. You were always there! My thoughts couldn't escape! Where's Rosalie and Emmett today? Are Rosalie and Emmett having fun? Are Rosalie and Emmett happy today." She let out a sob. "Then i found out...that you weren't what i thought you were. The thoughts got so much worse, so much more negative. Rosalie and Emmett are immortal...will they be there even when I'm old? How would Rosalie and Emmett feel once i die? How can i be equal to Rosalie and Emmett if i die soon. Can Rosalie and Emmett love me equally even if they have hundreds of years together against my fifty? You never left. Those thoughts consumed me. The doubts and thoughts became my daily. But i had the both of you, when you invited me over and we'd snuggle on the couch with Emmett at our feet and we'd watch him play video games, giving him praise when he won. When he was done he'd lift us both and carry us to his room where we'd all hug eachother close. I'd be wearing three jumpers because you both would make me feel freezing. Those moments made doubts go away, if only for a day."
"Y/N," Rosalie encased her in a hug, wincing when, instead of melting into it, she freezes. "You a--were everything. We love you so much. There was no need for those doubts. We love you like you love us and we love eachother."
"But that's still not enough to stay," Rosalie tensed, eyes widening. She didn't even move when y/n broke out of her lax hold.
"I need to find Bella," she quickly turned, running out of the forest and away from Rosalie.
Once she was far away, Emmett jumped down from the trees, quickly taking Rosalie into his arms.
"Why couldn't you be here with me," Rosalie muttered, digging her head into his chest.
Emmett closed his eyes, feeling his heart throb and a familiar emptiness consume him.
"Cause I'd run after her..."
Y/N was doing better. When she found out the Cullens had skipped town she was heartbroken, a hollowness consuming her for months on end.
Then, University arrived. A chance to leave the little town of Forks and escape the bad omens lurking in the darkness.
She smiled when she got her acceptance letter. It was far away yet still only a five hour car ride. Bella tearfully told her to come see her once a month, Y/N just as tearfully agreed while hugging the girl's oxygen away.
Y/N remembered driving away, her family waving her off and a sense of lightness came about her. She wasn't healing or living. But she was surviving.
With her stomach full, Y/N made her way out of the cheap restaurant and down the dark road. It was swallowed in shadows, rain pouring down and clanging against bins.
Shaking off a sudden chill, she continued walking, her boots clicking against stone.
From her right, a bin tipped over, clashing against the floor and echoing around her. She wanted to stop, see what had caused it.
But Rosalie taught her better.
"No matter what happens, keep moving."
Her voice echoed hauntingly in her head and she followed it, her steps quickening slightly when another bin fell up ahead. Then another. And another.
It was like a horrible, screeching banshee echoeing around her. Her heart was drumming against her ribs cage and her vision became blurry when she forgot to breath.
So when hands slithered around her waist like snakes and pulled her into the darkness, she couldn't scream...
When Y/N woke in the barn, seeing Victoria smiling down at her, she jolted up and accidentally smasher a hole into the barn. That earned her being ripped apart and left to slowly reassemble. After that, Y/N chose to brood in silence, actively thinking about her human life and grasping onto them. They were the only things she had now.
When a shirt Y/N recognised was passed around, she hid in shadows, resisting the temptation to snatch it and smell it herself.
That clothing was Bella's. The same Bella who changed her life and now it was the Bella who smelt so sweet to Y/N that she wanted her.
Then, after a month, she met Bree Tanner. A small girl who built up her own resistance, something Y/N admired.
They spoke about their lives before, everyday they became closer, to the point of being sisters.
When Victoria released them, making the mindless newborns follow her by scrunching up a piece of Bella's clothing in her hands, their resistance was put to the test.
They stayed up on trees, far away from Bella.
Y/N watched as her family defeated the monsters, ripping off their heads and throwing them into a fire. But the newborns were vicious, biting and scraping at tough skin.
When Y/N caught sight of Emmett and Rosalie, it felt like a rusty wrench sunk into her heart.
She wanted to go to them, fight with them, but Bree held her back.
"They'll mistake you for the enemy." She informed, making Y/N rethink her options.
When they were all destroyed, a wolf taken away, they jumped from the trees, announcing their presence.
From down here, Bella's scent was much more potent and strong, but Y/N's resolve was stronger.
"No..." she heard someone cry. Y/N looked up, her eyes connecting to Bella's teary ones. "Y/N...what happened."
The vampire looked down in shame, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Victoria caught me, wasn't intentional, but she was ecstatic when she did," she huffed.
Their eyes travelled to her body, where all her scars showed. One thick one on her neck where they ripped her head off. Two on her arms. Two on her legs. Multiple on her stomach...
"This is Bree Tanner," she introduced. "She's my friend."
She tried with all her might to not look at Rosalie and Emmett, who, in comparison, desperately tried to catch her eye.
Then, figures emerged from the forest in billowy black cloaks that masked their faces from view.
"You missed a couple," Jane stated, eyes trained onto Bree and Y/N.
Rosalie snarled angrily, stepping between her and Jane.
"They're with us,"
Y/N sighed, pulling Rosalie back and looking into her eyes.
The world tilted, her dead heart hammering against her chest. Rosalie was even more beautiful then she remembered. Her golden strands of hair framed her face like an antique painting, her porcelain skin glowed from the faint sunlight that peeked through the clouds. Her eyes were black and cold yet they invited Y/N in, almost begging her to come closer and look into them more.
The dam had broke and her eyes immediately searched for Emmett's, who sped to her side and grabbed her by the waist. He was larger it seemed, muscles more defined and his cheekbones higher. His eyes were dark and dangerous but inviting too. His dark hair in contrast to his pale skin created a beautiful painting of a fallen angel. She felt warmth spread through her and caress her slowly mending heart.
Everything was misplaced. Her feelings clashing with her brain and her senses becoming completely overloaded. Memories swarmed her, pushing others out of the way.
The feeling of being disconnected from reality felt freeing yet absolutely terrifying.
But Emmett and Rosalie hugged her, and their bodies were no longer cold to her.
In those arms, the same that had comforted her, the same that had loved her, the same ones thst had broke her, she knew things would happen. Good or bad, she didn't know. But things were coming her way, and she'd be damned if she faced it alone.
Her resolve melting, her arms, with no lack of struggle, snuggled into them both.
For a couple of seconds she could forget the outside world. Just for a couple of seconds.
A white field, burning, suffering. Screams rising into the cool air.
Emmett screaming, Rosalie crying.
A s/c head rolling on the ground, imprinting the snow.
Alice gasped, shaking out of her vision, her eyes going to the three vampires cocooning themselves from the world.
Alice felt sympathy rise up into her chest.
There was only one future...and it didn't see them all in it.
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Good evening I’m currently crying about the Cullen Family dynamic I have concocted in my head.
- Carlisle and Jasper sitting down together to better educate their old asses on the social conducts / normalities today.
- Esme and Rosalie taking nature walks together and just talking. Mother - Daughter day. Sometimes, if she wants, Alice joins them.
- Emmett fully starting all out battles be it Nerf, snowball or water balloons early in the morning and all of them throw caution to the wind and join in. It usually ends in couple v couple with Edward off to the side in a huff until Bella joins and fuckin obliterates every single one of them.
- Jasper, Emmett and Edward (when he’s not being so annoying) embrace their brotherly relationship. They wrestle, argue, throw things and fight but it’s usually all in good fun. Until Eddie gets pissy then it’s real.
- Carlisle bonds with the kids when they are turned and makes it a point to do it as often as he can after. With Bella, he sits and discusses Literature for hours, with Alice they discuss her visions and he helps her delve into her past, Emmett (don’t tell Esme) he helps him Scheme, Jasper ^^^^, Edward they barely talk now that Bella is in the picture but when they do they could be up there for hours talking about whatever. He tried with Rosalie but she scares him.
- Esme makes it a point to spend time with the kids too. She and Emmett discuss their farm lives and debate over easier methods, Alice tries to style her differently every summer, Bella and her cook, Jasper usually prattles on for hours about horses and whatnot and Esme smiles patiently unwilling to tell him her farm was a vegetable one and not animal. Sometimes he just wants to be near her because she had the Best Vibes , Rose and her bond over their trauma at first but it slowly morphs into idle chatter about nothing. Edward, in my head, clings onto Esme more than anyone thinks because she reminds him of Elizabeth and usually is just around her while Esme is busting herself with design or painting.
- They honour Esme’s Jewish heritage along with Carlisle’s Anglican beliefs every December and have a mix of the two holidays. Rosalie, Bella and Alice spends hours every November making a menorah for Esme from scratch whereas Emmett, Jasper and Edward tackle the Christmas decorations. Emmett is on light duty. Alice spends hundreds of dollars buying matching clothes and pyjamas for all the Cullens.
- Esme and Bella spends hours in the kitchen whipping up Christmas and Thanksgiving dinner for the pack. Esme also makes various meals for Bella to take to Charlie while they still lived in forks.
- Whenever Carlisle decides to scold one of the children for one stupid stunt or other someone is guaranteed to bite back “Forgive me Father, for I have sinned”
- Emmett calls Esme “Momma” and Carlisle “Pops”. He’s the only one who refers to them that way. But Renesmee called them Nana and Poppy.
- She has nicknames for everyone. Rose is Rosey, Jasper is Jassy, Alice is Alley Cat (Alice thought of it herself and was so proud she tried to get every one to use it. Nobody does) Emmett is Emmy. Bella is simply Mom and Edward is Dad.
- Edward is fucking nice to Rosalie in my head and they have a tradition every December to personalise baubles for the other. 2008 had Rosalie make “Listen to Rosalie next time” whereas Edward made one that stated “you were right”
- Fun Fact! Vampires can smoke weed and drink alcohol in my head. Emmett, Rosalie, Alice and Jasper definitely were/ probably still are smokers. Alice claims it helps her ignore visions when she doesn't feel up to it, Jasper says it helps ignore the emotions emitted by everyone. As soon as he heard that, Edward jumped on the bandwagon and immediately regretted it.
- They can also drink. One bottle of alchohol and they’re all bladdered. The venom sobers them up quickly but hell if Emmett doesn’t make it hard.
- Jasper and Emmett started a weed farm and did in fact start dealing at their school. Once Esme caught wind, however, all hell broke loose because. "You're hundreds of years old Jasper, you should know better!" "What about Emmett" "HE'S EMMETT"
- The Cullens are forced once a month by Esme to have a game night. Not monopoly though, she's still mad over the fact they had to move from Boston because Rose threw Jasper out of the window.
- Alice in retaliation makes them all have a movie night once a month. Once they had a vampire marathon. They put on Dracula, Interview with a vampire, Hotel Transylvania for Nessie and finally They binged Buffy the Vampire slayer. After the first five episodes, Carlisle almost spontaneously combusts and Edward convinces himself that somehow Angel was modelled after him. Bella threw the TV out of the window.
- Renesmee once suggested a huge game of hide n seek. Her and Jacob (who did NOT FUXKING IMPRINT THANK YOU) were the seekers. She found Carlisle and Esme after a few minutes, her parents after 10, Rosalie an hour later, Alice they didn’t find for a week, Jasper was about two weeks and they still hadn’t found Emmett after a month. He convinced Seth to go with him so Alice couldn’t cheat and they each phone at least once a day. He just giggles and hangs up.
- Rose eventually snaps and she and Leah (look I feel she’d get along best with Rose idk why) head out to find him. She comes back a day later with a sheepish and petulant Emmett behind her.
- Edward has written piano pieces for every woman in the coven. Esme actually has about 20 because Edward’s indecisive ass couldn’t sit still when it was the three of them but she’s memorised them all and hums a tune or two when she’s painting. Rose has 5 because he found his music calmed her in the early days, Alice has two and Bella + Nessie have just the one. Edward cries daily about it.
- Emmett was the one who instigated Mothers/Fathers day. He asked Rose and EmoFuck one day what they did for them and Edward had a panic attack while Rose zoomed out the house to go get Esme a bunch of flowers. They celebrated it ever since.
- Bella + Alice + Emmett blasting “Am I a Man or am I a Muppet” on repeat both out loud and in their heads just to fuck with Edward.
- When hunting, Esme has a tendency to climb a tree and just sit and wait for her husband to walk past. As soon as he’s in her eyesight she ‘falls’ onto him/next to him. She fake breaks her leg and he reverts into Doctor Cullen. The coven in absolutely mortified by this and the two love it. They embrace their embarrassing parents act willingly.
- The Cullens have a naughty corner. The two most frequent users are the Choas triplets; Alice, Emmett and Bella. Carlisle has been put in the corner multiple by Esme for his own stunts- such as turning Rosalie for Edward- and once Esme was put in the corner by Carlisle. They won’t disclose what she did but the next time they were all together in town, a group of Drag Queens came up to Esme and asked where she got her body glitter from.
- The Cullens learning from their past mistakes with the Werewolves and being godsends to the communities they live in. Esme baking and cooking food and donating the lot of it, Rosalie helping out at preschools and kindergartens and being called “Miss Rosie” by half the kids, Bella tutoring students in English, Alice donating clothes to women’s shelters, Edward giving music lessons, Carlisle donating money to those in need. Emmett being that guy who protects all the women from creeps, Jasper helping the quiet kids out with confidence boosts, Renesmee just being an all round kind person and the one who can make friends anywhere.
- When they leave Forks for the last Time, Carlisle donates a huge check to the Tribe with a letter giving gratitude and apologising for everything. Billy cried and Sue had to take the cheque and spread it amongst the tribe.
- Jacob continued phasing for the next 20 years, he regularly takes trips to wherever the Cullens are living to visit Bella and Ness. Whenever it happens, Alice buys him a whole suitcase full of shorts and jeans, Esme bounces of the walls in excitement, Emmett loses his shit and Bella is insufferable but they don’t seen Rosalie or Edward of a day for however long he stays. He eventually stops phasing when Billy passes.
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mccartneysbass · 5 years
foresaken destiney
pairing: jasper hale x reader
word count: ~2.1k, unedited excuse the over usage of commas and all other mistakes, I’m trying something kind of new with my writing sooo without further ado, enjoy!
summary: When the Cullens move to Forks, Y/N knows that something isn’t right about the Cullen family. As they investigate further into the mystery that surrounds the family, they wind up finding out more than what they were looking for. Meanwhile, Jasper struggles with the fact that his mate is human. 
part i | part ii (to be posted)
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Working at the front office had its perks, like having access to school files and being able to hear all the latest news, well more really, gossip from the office workers. Which was how you knew Forks was about to receive several new students all courtesy of the brand new Dr. Cullen; who had all the office workers willing to risk it all. Apparently, he was young but had adopted several teenagers after their family had passed away. Taking advantage of the office workers chattering about the Cullens, you searched through their schedules trying to see who you would end up having in class. Midway through your mini inquiry, the office door swung open and the family of the hour entered. 
They all wore a variant of white and you couldn’t help but wonder if they had coordinated that morning. You handed each of the new students their schedules, each of them politely greeting you, their golden eyes shone brightly under the florescent lights. It was the last one who gave you an odd vibe. He looked like he was in pain, his hair was wild, sticking out in odd directions and he kept staring at you. His stare was broken by the shortest one, who pulled him down and whispered in his ear. You couldn’t hear what she said but it had a visible effect on him, his shoulders dropped.
He stuck his hand out at you, “Jasper Hale.”
You couldn’t help but feel tense, there was something about the new students that just didn’t sit right. But as soon as the feeling came you felt oddly calm and relaxed. Taking his hand you offered a small smile, “YN.”
Two things stuck out to you: how cold his hand was and his accent. You wondered what type of accent it was, you knew it was southern but you couldn’t quite nail the state. Alice broke you out of your thoughts, “YN, do you mind walking us to class?”
“No problem at all! I actually think I have next period with you and Jasper,” you replied. She clapped her hands before taking your arm and dragging you out of the office. You hid your surprise with a laugh, before leading the Cullens to their respective classes. Jasper was right behind you as Rosalie, Edward and Emmett trailed behind engrossed in their conversation. Alice who still had a grip on your arm, pulled you even closer to her, “If you aren’t busy this weekend YN, you should show us around Forks and Port Angeles.”
“Alice,” Jasper said firmly. There was an unspoken conversation as the two looked at each other.
“Relax, it will be fine. So what do you say, this Saturday?” Alice excitedly continued.  
Running a hand through your hair, you let out a breath, “Of course. It would be my pleasure, though I will give you a fair warning, there isn’t much to see.”
“We are more interested in the company anyhow,” he drawled out. You could feel a slight blush at his words, before you could control yourself you blurted out, “I love your accent. It is uh- very soothing.” Mentally you chastised yourself, you hadn’t even known them for a full five minutes and you were already a twitterpated mess.
He smirked, “Texas, ma’am.” The accent was even more obvious.
You waved your hand in front of the classroom door, “Well this is it. I will see you next period, cowboy.”
You had seen the Cullens throughout the day, they were the only thing the school talked about and you couldn’t blame them. It was the most exciting thing to happen in Forks since sliced bread. By lunchtime, the whispering that surrounded the new arrivals was beginning to pique your interest even more. The rumors ranged from plausible to just outright ridiculous: your favorite one being where Dr. Cullen was secretly running a cult.
“So Nancy Drew, know anything about the new kids?” Lauren asked before you even set your food down on the table.
You threw one of your french fries at her, “Sheesh, let the new kids breath a little won’t you? And to answer your question, they seem perfectly nice, if not a bit odd but nice.”
“Really? They’ve been giving everyone the cold shoulder, not that I care. As if they are anything special,” Jessica added.
“I’m going to shoot my shot with the blonde one,” Tyler huffed.
Stifling a laugh you replied, “Please, the day you have a chance with Rosalie is when I meet the Beatles.”
When they entered the cafeteria you again thought they had to have coordinated. Locking eyes with you Alice waved, you glanced to the side of her and were met with Jasper’s stare. It was odd how he made you feel butterflies in your stomach while also unnerving you. You nodded to Rosalie and Emmett, while Edward only narrowed his eyes at you.
Throughout the rest of the day, you couldn’t shake the nagging feeling of someone watching you. It was a constant and kept you on edge. The same gut feeling from earlier came back full force, you didn’t shake it off this time.
The rest of the week the same feeling of being watched stayed with you, even at home you felt it.  You had woken up several times throughout the night and saw those distinctive golden eyes. You had chalked it off as nightmares or even sleep paralysis but when you started finding items in places you hadn’t left them before your suspicion grew.
Alice and Jasper had taken to you relatively fast, they often hung around you and made sure to greet you every morning. You couldn’t quite figure out what was the deal with Jasper, he switched between looking at you as if you had just shoved his favorite pet off of a building and like you were the only thing that mattered.
You would find him waiting for you outside the office every day, “Here let me,” he would say as he took the textbooks from your hand. As you walked together to your next class he broke the silence, “What is your favorite subject?”
You hesitated for a second before you started rambling, “History. I love the post-world war II era. Oh and the culture of the 1960s, great music.”
He gave you one of his smirks, “Really? I love history as well. Although, I am much fonder of the antebellum period.”
It was almost 2 weeks since the Cullens arrived in Forks, they continued to be the talk of the school. They certainly continued to be the only thing Jessica and Lauren discussed during lunch. Their constant digs at you for being the only person to break into their tight-knit circle were starting to get on your nerves.
“I need a new lease for my camera, do any of you want to go with me to Port Angeles after school?” Angela interrupted Jessica’s ire towards you. If it wasn’t for Angela you didn’t know how you would’ve survived the two.
“I will! I need to make a quick stop at my dad’s office to pick up some files. He wants me to help with one of his cases.” You eagerly replied, you were dreading the drive to Port Angeles and now you would at least have some company. Your Father was a private investigator and you had often helped him with his cases and around the office. He had taught you everything you knew, from being observant to never doubt your gut feelings. As you grew older you started to get more hands-on with the investigations; stakeouts and learning how to take the money shots. You enjoyed helping him out, the disappearances and bigger cases were all puzzles that were waiting to be solved. All of that for better or for worse had bled into your high school days, it wasn’t like any of your snooping was hurting anyone.
“Ooo do tell. What’s the spicy drama this time?” Lauren leaned forward.
“I can’t really say much but it is the typical money shot case. Infidelity and whatnot, the usual, it will probably eat up my weekend,” you replied, not wanting to give too much information.
As everyone scattered to get to class, Jasper brought you to the side of the hallway. “What’s this I hear about you tailing someone?” Jasper questioned.
“How did you hear? But yes, I’m doing some lightweight work for my Dad,” you answered wondering how he could have heard about your upcoming job.
“You’re not going. I don’t want you to put yourself in danger.” He scolded. You couldn’t help the flare of annoyance.
“Well, news flash for you. You’re not the boss of me, you have no right telling me what to do. I’ve been doing this a lot longer than you think. Who do you even think you are?” You snapped.
His once golden eyes were almost black, he looked like a completely different person. He grabbed your bicep as you turned to leave, you squirmed under his grip, “Let go of me.”
Before you could even blink Emmett and Edward were pulling Jasper off of you. There was an almost animalistic snarl from Jasper as they dragged him out of the school.
Alice was by your side and started leading you away, “He’s just hungry, low blood sugar.” Alice reassured you. You wanted to believe it but the way that he reacted there was something more.
“You have to be kidding me. There is no excuse for the way he was acting. Just stay away from me.” You pulled away harshly from her grip. She put her hands up, “I know and I’m sorry. You will understand everything soon, YN. Just please,” you didn’t hear the rest of what she was saying as you ran to your car.
You sat in one of your father’s car, it was nondescript, which made it perfect for your stakeout tonight. He was currently out by the border trying to catch a bounty, leaving you to get the cheating husband.
Going on this stakeout was a much-needed distraction from the happenings of today, but it was also served as time to review everything that had happened. You dwelled in your thoughts, while you waited for the husband to leave his work and head towards the mistress.
Thinking back to your uneasiness you realized that it had all started when the Cullens arrived. Was it just a coincidence or was it something more? The Cullens seemed too perfect for you, there was something not right about their story. The good Doctor Cullen seemed too young to be so well respected and not to mention all of his adopted children sharing the same distinctive eye color and skin complexion. They had to be hiding something, you made a note in of the journals you always carried with you to look into their card statements and where they had previously lived.
You were broken out of your thoughts when you saw that the husband had finally gotten into his car and was heading out. Making sure to stay a decent length away as to not create suspicion you followed him all the way to a sleazy motel on the outskirts of Port Angeles.
Taking out your camera you started taking pictures of him exiting his car and making his way towards the motel room. The door swung open before he even touched the handle revealing a young woman, she pulled him in. In their passion, they had forgotten to close the curtain fully allowing you to take enough pictures for the husband's wife to make her case. It was too easy.
Returning back to your father’s office you decided to stay instead of making the drive all the way back to Forks. You printed out the pictures, having everything ready for when the wife would come in tomorrow. Not feeling tired at all you decided to get a head start and begin looking into the Cullens.
One of the best parts of being a private investigator, well having your father be one, was having access to websites that made tracking anyone down easy not to mention digging up dirt. The records of their previous schools all said the same thing: excellent students, kept to themselves, etc. Even Doctor Cullen’s past employments praised him.
There was nothing off about their paperwork, the adoption papers, not even their credit card statements revealed anything, except that Alice apparently had a shopping problem. You stared at the screen wondering what they were hiding. It was all just too good to be true.
You ended up falling asleep on the pullout sofa, all the while Jasper’s golden eyes plagued your thoughts. For the first time in weeks, you didn’t have the feeling that someone was watching you.
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Request: Play Fighting (Alec Volturi x Reader)
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"Emmett!" You screeched. "I'm not a baby!" Emmett continued to coo at you, holding you in his arms firmly all the while 'rocking' you. Truth be told, he seemed to be swinging you more than anything. "Yes, you are, unless you want to be Bambi. You know what we do to Bambi in this house." You laughed in response. "That wasn't very vegetarian of you!" "Emmett, let's go!" Rosalie called. "What? What did you say, my darling love- the light of my life!? Could it be the voice of an angel telling me I get to feed!?" Emmett called back, his 'rocking' stopping immediately. "I'm hungry! Let's go!" Rosalie called again. "And that's my cue little human." He grinned before he threw you over his head. You screeched landing back on the sofa, Emmett already taking his leave. 
"Would you mind not throwing them around like a rag doll!?" Alec spat, his glare deadly. He had been silent for the duration of your playful antics, staying in the corner of the room. Not that Emmett had thrown you with no intention of catching you. It was only clear luck you were unharmed and Alec wouldn't stand for it. "Don't think you're in any position to be making demands, little man." Emmett shot back. He always was up for a fight against a Volturi. "I'm fine!" You called out to both Alec and Emmett before any serious altercation broke out. 
Alec moved to help you sit up. "I know you are but any more force or any less and you wouldn't be, you'd have missed the seat, cara mia." "But I didn't." You reminded him. Alec grumbled to himself about how reckless it was and you wrapped your arms behind his neck. "Hey...you and I have played around like that before too." "I never threw you over my head, nor did I ever do such a thing if there wasn't an area that you had a safe landing, like a bed." You shook your head lightly. "You don't need to worry, Alec. He wouldn't hurt me and neither would you, okay?" Alec grumbled incoherently in response. You wasted no time lifting his head slightly to press a kiss to his lips. "Okay?" You repeatedly pointedly. Alec nodded. 
 A few hours had passed before Emmett returned. You sat in between the twins, staring down Felix in deep thought. "Alec, did your human break?" Felix tilted his head at you. "No, but I fear their next sentence. They have that look on their face." "What look?" Felix raised an eyebrow. "(Y/N) gets ridiculous ideas and a strong urge to make sure they happen. None yet have been normal in the slightest and all were the result of that facial expression." Jane turned her head to look at you. 
Another few minutes of silence passed before you spoke up. "I have had a thought." You pointed at Felix. "No you haven't." Alec quickly shook his head. "Forget it. Whatever it is, I don't want to know." Alec immediately tugged your hand back down to your lap. "Emmett versus Felix. Battle of strength. I have to know. I've connected the dots." "No, you don't need to know and unconnect the dots." Alec seemed to grow more uneasy. "I hear a challenge!" Emmett yelled out and Felix smirked. He was always ready for a fight and loved every second. Alec sighed, his head in his hands. It was too late. Felix would never back down. He just wanted to visit you. That's all he wanted, a nice, peaceful visit.
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janeypaineyy · 4 years
Mated To You
Jane x Oc x Demetri
Warnings: none!
FC: Kristina Priminova
Chapter One: “𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐“
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AS ARO RELEASED THEIR FATHER’S HAND HE LOOK BEHIND SEEING THE TWINS .. one brunette and one blonde. The brunette held a nervous look while the blonde glares at him and stick her tongue out making aro smirk.
“I like to meet them” he tells Edward motioning to the twins. Edward turns around and looks at Bella. Bella looks down at her daughters and gives them a comforting smile before holding their hands tightly and walking towards the volturi. They stop midway and turned towards Emmett who nodded and walk to them ignoring the protests of Rosalie. Emmett walked to them and the twins and their mother continued to walk where the volturi were.
They stopped as they reached and made eye contact with the creepy haired king. “ Ah! Young Bella... immortality becomes you” He says but stops and hears my sister’s fast paced heart beat and laughs. “I hear her strange heart.. but it seems like your sister doesn’t have the same pace as you” he looks at me.
Charlotte had felt two eyes looking at her and turned to them... It was a blonde haired girl and a Dirty blonde haired boy who held a smug look on his face. She glares at both of them but couldn’t deny the knot that was in her stomach. She turned to face the front seeing that Nessie was already moving forth to meet Aro who held an interested look.
“Hello Aro” Renesmee said with her sweet angelic voice . Nessie looked down at the hand that was out and looked up to Aro and motioned her hand to his cheek, sharing the images of her memories. He pulled away its awe . “Magnefico ... and you my dear “ He pulled away as he motioned for me to come.
I looked up at my parents who smiled and went up to them feeling the same pairs of eyes on me. “ Can I my dear” He motioned me to my hand and I gave it to him . He pulled away with laughter shocking everyone. “ A bit feisty you are and you are different than your sister.. more vampire than human... interesting “ Aro said with a creepy smile.
A growl was heard from two vampires making Aro and everyone look at them. “ Jane... Demetri ... it’s alright I won’t hurt her “ he said to them in a calm voice making them stop and turned to face towards me. I look at him with a confused expression but he held a very amused look. “It seems that Jane and Demetri are her mates “ making everyone gasp and my parents growl.
“ No! I will not let my daughter be mated to them! “ Bella screamed . Nessie and Charlotte were pulled back by Edward and the growls got louder from her mates. “Well.. you cant really do anything Isabella.. your daughter shall come with us to bond with her mates... she will be happy with them! “ Aro said it a calm but strict tone. “Our daughter will be happy with our family , not yours.. she could be dead if she were to be involved in your coven’s antics “ Edward sneered at them making Nessie and Lottie flinch .
Jane growled and moved foward to attack but was stopped by Alec and went back to her spot. ‘How dare he’ Jane thought. She understands her reputation but she would never dare to harm her mate.. the person who she will die for! She rages at the thought. Demetri was already red from anger but a strong grip from Felix stopped him from tearing the mind readers head off. He too was frustrated.. he couldn’t even think of hurting her! He spent centuries waiting for his mate to come and now that’s he’s here... they won’t let her be with him.
“Mom” the voice of Lottie captured everyone’s attention. “I think it’s best for me to go... I understand everyone isn’t very happy with one another but maybe me going will stop all this hatred and finally be peaceful” Lottie looked at her mom with pleading eyes. Bella sighed and look at Aro with fierce eyes. “We better visit and I don’t want any harm to her ! “ she sneered. “ Well of course Isabella! She is family now... Well its obvious that nothing is wrong here so ... goodbye cullens.. Come now Charlotte“ Aro said motioning her his way.
Nessie cried out to Charlotte protesting for her to not go but Charlotte turned around with a smile. “ don’t worry Nessie I’ll be back... they won’t harm me” Lottie said before walking with the volturi back. Jane and Demetri couldn’t stop staring at the blonde haired girl. They both took in her features.. how wavy her long hair was and her pool of green eyes. She was very very beautiful for a girl her age and her lips were pink and puckered.
Lottie stares at them and smiled softly before taking off into the plane with the rest of the Volturi. She sat next to Alec who just stared at the ground and she looked up at Marcus who was staring into space with a deadpanned expression. “ So.. do you like Harry Potter” She said to clear up the silence . Demetri looked up and smiled before speaking, “ I do .. I have read the books and grew quite fond of it “ he said in his angelic accent making Lottie smile at him.
“ Oh! Well what are your favorite character “ she asked him making him smile knowing they were now bonding. “ I like the Weasley Twins! They are the best and are very funny” he says with a smirk. Lottie smiled at his response. “I like Draco Malfoy, I think he is very misunderstood and had no choice at all! He was a bit of an arse from the start but understand he didn’t have a decent childhood! I think people shoudn’t judge harshly.. especially if you don’t know the story well “ Lottie says and looks up at Demetri with her green eyes sparkling with light.
Demetri just smiled and cleared his throat before looking back to his book. Jane was very jealous at what just happened. She wanted to be the first to bond with Lottie but of course Demetri has to be first. He is better at this then her ... anyways. Jane looked at Lottie who was fiddling with her seat and looking down at her feet. Jane wanted for a few seconds before speaking, “Charlotte.. is it alright if we talk “ Jane said in a soft tone .
Lottie was surprised at the tone of Jane’s voice but nodded as a response and walked over to Jane and sat down next to her. “What do you want to talk about Jane” she asked tilting her hand to the side . Jane sighed and looked back up at her.. Damn those green eyes will be the death of Jane... she felt so mesmerized by them . “I just want to get to know you more .. that’s all” Jane spoke while making eye contact.
Lottie nodded and spoke up, “ Well what do you like to do on your free time” . Jane hasn’t really done anything lately but she loves music so she decided to make that her answer. “ I listen to music if we do not have anything to do” Jane said while looking at the blonde girl who’s lips parted. Lottie smiles and claps her hands. “ I love music too! My dad was actually the one who introduced music to Nessie and I and I love it! My favorite genre would be rock music “ Lottie exclaimed with a huge smile on her face.
Jane couldn’t help but give a huge smile and she nods. “I like rock and a bit of pop but mostly rock! It helps when I need to release my anger out from people” Jane said bluntly. Lottie smiled and put her hand on Jane. “ It’s a good thing ... I usually release my on nature “ she chuckles a bit. Jane’s heart fluttered as Lottie touched her. How beautiful she was and kind. How can she be with such angel when she is a devil.
“Are you okay Jane ? “ asked Lottie who wore a concerned expression. Jane nodded and Lottie tried to argue but a yawn came out of her mouth making Jane smile. “You should rest my love , I will wake you up once we are there“ she told Lottie who drifted off to sleep on Jane and snuggled her. ‘Your my everything... how lucky am I to get someone like you.. i don’t understand’ she thought.
Demetri was jealous of course but he was very happy that Lottie had bonded with them on the ride back to Volterra, Lottie’s new home. He couldn’t wait to make the memories with his mate. He smiled at the sight and locked eyes with Jane who smirked but soften as Demetri looked down at their mate . Jane smiles softly wearing the same look as Demetri.
It was a weird thing to see the most powerful vampires from the most powerful coven, wearing an expression no one ever seen them with ... love. But they all knew both Jane and Demetri would do everything for their mate no matter what.
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