#and stuff like you need to calm down and her reaction to the ginny and georgia joke only made the vibes more apparent
hyunjining · 1 year
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chudleycanonficfest · 3 years
Day 32 Post 1 by @honouraryweasley12
Title: Dancing Author/Artist: honouraryweasley12 Pairing: Ron/Hermione Prompt: Masquerade Ball/Special Event Rating: M Trigger Warning(s) (if any): Smut, Language
The knock on her office door interrupted Hermione's thoughts. She'd been hunched over for several hours since lunch, studying the tiny, almost illegible text of an ancient book about Centaurs.
"Come in!"
The door creaked open and Ginny strode into the small, cramped office, waving a piece of parchment. She tossed it onto the desk, covering the page. Hermione recognized it immediately.
"Just thought I'd pop in. Are you and Ron going to this thing next week?"
She had read the invite to the Ministry event the night before, amidst a flurry of complaints from Ron.
"Yes, it's mandatory."
"Did you see the date?"
"I know, the first of March. Ron was not thrilled that we'd have to postpone his birthday celebrations."
"I can imagine." Ginny smirked, before waggling her eyebrows. "Did you have anything special planned?"
"What we do in the privacy of our bedroom—"
"Who said anything about the bedroom?" Ginny asked innocently, trying to get a rise out of her friend.
Hermione wagged a warning finger. "I know you, Ginny Weasley." She frowned. "It would be nice to do something for him on the day; he was so disappointed."
"At least it's in a nice place," Ginny remarked, referring to the estate where the event was being held. "The food will be good—that alone should please my brother."
"That's true," Hermione remarked glumly. "I'm sure it'll be fine, but I know his birthday is important to him."
"What's the big deal? He's turning twenty-three. It's not exactly a milestone."
"I know, I know. He told me once that growing up, his birthday was the only day when he felt like he was the centre of attention, so I like to make an extra special effort."
Ginny nodded. "He's not wrong, I suppose."
Hermione rolled her head from side to side, a cracking sound from her stiff neck echoing around her office.
"Looks like he's not the only one who needs some pampering."
Hermione waved her hand dismissively. "I'm used to it."
"You should do something nice for yourself. Even I know you're working yourself too hard."
"Like what?"
Ginny pondered for a moment, before bouncing up in her seat. "I have an idea."
Hermione looked at her wearily. "What is it?"
The redhead nodded toward the invitation on her desk. "Did you see the part about muggle clothing being encouraged? What are you planning on wearing?"
"I don't know. I guess a gown. Maybe the one I wore to Percy's wedding last fall."
"You always wear things my mother would approve of. You're still young! How about something fun and sexy?"
Hermione scoffed. "I've seen some of the things you wear, Ginny."
She raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong with what I wear?"
"You show a lot of… skin. Which is completely fine, but you don't work with these people."
"C'mon, live a little. I know my brother would still be mad about you if you were wearing a potato sack, but just imagine his reaction if you wear something a bit different."
"I don't know…"
"I promise, I won't go too crazy. It's Ron's birthday after all, wouldn't he enjoy seeing you in something less… proper?"
Hermione sighed, her willpower slipping away. "Yes, he would."
"Harry and Ron will be away this weekend taking new recruits into the field, so it's the perfect opportunity to go shopping." Ginny stood up and grabbed her invitation, before making her way to the door. "I'll meet you at yours at noon on Saturday."
"I don't see how this is treating myself."
"We'll stop at a bookshop then." The determined look on her friend's face was enough for Hermione to throw her hands up in the air.
"That's the spirit." Ginny flashed her a cheeky grin and closed the door behind her.
"Weasleys," Hermione muttered to herself, before returning to her book.
Hermione stepped out of the ornate fireplace, her magically-extended clutch in hand. Ginny followed closely behind her, the two stopping to admire the tastefully decorated ballroom of the old estate house.
The brunette witch glanced around, hoping to see the familiar red hair of her love bobbing above the crowd, but was unable to spot him. She glanced at the thin silver watch on her wrist, a gift from Ron when she graduated from Hogwarts.
Ginny thrust a flute of champagne into Hermione's hand. "Will you relax? They'll be here soon. You know they have their Friday evening briefing first. Harry told me they were going to shower and change at the Ministry, then come straight here."
"I'm just nervous, that's all," Hermione replied as she nodded hello to a member of the Wizengamot who passed by, before taking a gulp of the fizzy sweet drink.
"You look great! Ron is going to go mental when he sees you."
"Are you sure?" Hermione asked, referring to the outfit she'd purchased with Ginny's help before downing the rest of her glass.
The result of their shopping excursion was a shimmery silver cocktail dress that hugged her curves and stopped mid-thigh. The two thin straps holding up the garment revealed her uncovered back and shoulders. All of this was set off with a pair of black heels. Her normally bushy hair tumbled down in soft waves, aided by half-a-bottle of Sleekeazy's.
Ginny nodded. "Absolutely."
A slight murmur behind them signified the arrival of one Harry Potter, his presence causing the usual stir, even years after the end of the war. He shook a few hands as he made his way over to the two of them, kissing Ginny and giving a hug to his friend.
"Wow, you look great, Hermione! I heard all about the new outfit."
"Thank you, Harry." She glanced over his shoulders, searching. "Where's Ron?"
He chuckled. "He's on his way, should be here any second."
Hermione held her breath as she spotted ginger hair towering above the crowd. She put a hand in the air and waved him over.
Ron fought his way through the guests that were starting to amass, making a beeline in their direction. Just as he was about to reach them, Ginny winked at Hermione and jumped into his path, wrapping him up in a hug and drawing his attention.
"Happy birthday, Ron!"
He patted her on the back. "Thanks, Gin."
Before letting go of the embrace, she whispered. "The dress was my present."
"What dress?" he asked as she angled him toward Harry and Hermione.
Ron's jaw dropped as he took in the outfit Hermione was wearing. She blushed at his hungry gaze, as she herself gawked at how fit he looked in his suit.
"Hey, Ron."
Harry's greeting went completely unnoticed as Ron stepped forward, his eyes never leaving Hermione's. He pulled her against him, his hand splayed across the bare skin of her back.
"You look fucking hot," he growled into her ear, causing her to shiver.
She ran her own hand up and down the back of his dark suit jacket, relishing how solid he felt. "So do you."
He teased her ear, hidden by her hair. "We'd better get on with it. The sooner we're done mingling, the sooner we can get out of here and… celebrate my birthday."
She nodded as he pulled away, her face flush. As he turned to speak to Harry, another server passed by and she grabbed drinks for the two of them, needing to calm herself down. His reaction had far exceeded her expectations.
She caught Ginny's eye, the look on her face clearing stating I told you so. Hermione shrugged and grinned, before passing Ron his glass.
The night went on as they moved from dignitary to dignitary. Every so often, she'd catch him staring down at her, his desire clear. She didn't shy away though, challenging his gaze and communicating her own wants.
The teasing went on as they mingled, her hand reaching up to play with the red locks at the back of his neck. Hermione knew Ron loved it when she did that, causing him to give her a subtle squeeze as he laughed at the joke of some minister she wasn't familiar with.
His arm had been around her waist the whole time, almost possessively. As the minister turned away, she shuddered as he ran his hand up and down her side, his feather light touch just grazing the side of her breast.
"Want to dance?"
She nodded and downed her drink, dropping the empty glass on a nearby table before he led them out to the dance floor. She smoothly slid her small clutch into his jacket pocket, before wrapping her arms around his neck.
His strong arms encircled her waist, his thumb teasing patterns across her skin. "Have I told you how much I like it when you wear stuff like this?"
Hermione grinned. "No, you haven't told me, at least not with words."
Ron smiled, his hungry look returning as one of his hands dipped lower, brushing her backside as they turned in slow circles—ignoring the music but enjoying the game. He closed the distance and pressed a kiss to her lips, dragging his teeth across her bottom lip, leaving her aching for more.
He buried his face her neck, inhaling her scent before whispering in her ear. "Want to find somewhere quiet?"
The combination of his hot breath, his arms around her, and the loosening of her inhibitions from the alcohol brought on a sense of recklessness. They had been dancing around it all night. He wanted her, and she wanted him just as much.
They stole away from the crowded ballroom, their hands clasped together as need drove them to find some privacy. They checked a few doors in the massive estate until they found a small parlour. Ron whipped out his wand and fired off protections.
Their lips crashed together in a matter of seconds, frantic with the desire that had been building up all evening. Ron lifted her up, mimicking their first kiss, and walked her to the far end of the room. He set her down and turned her around, breaking their heated kiss. Pinning her against a wall with his firm body, he pushed aside her hair, his mouth finding that spot on the back of her neck that he knew so well.
"Oh, yes!"
He continued downward, kissing and tasting her naked back, causing her to gasp, her ragged breathing the loudest sound in the room.
"You look so fucking sexy in this," he said, before sliding his hand up her thigh and underneath her dress.
"Yes, touch me. I want to feel your hands on me."
His large hand palmed her between her legs, causing her to moan even louder. "Fuck, I love that sound."
"More," she cried out, grinding against his fingers. She loved the feeling of him taking control and pleasuring her.
His other hand snaked up to the front of her dress, reaching for her covered breast. Having his amazing attention in two different places was sending shockwaves to her core.
She mewled as he increased the pressure, his actions becoming rougher and more primal. She loved it but wanted to feel him. Wanted to feel what she did to him.
"Are you hard for me?"
"Check for yourself," he grunted, letting go of her and turning her to face him.
He kissed her hard, his hands cupping her face as she stroked his obvious arousal through his tailored suit pants. He moaned in her mouth from the contact. She in turn threw her head back as he trailed his lips to her cheek, then down to her neck, sucking and biting. They were ravenous for each other.
Her hand flew into his hair, jerking at the ginger strands as she pleaded for more. "Ron, please."
"Please what?"
"Please fuck me, quickly!" she begged, her words brazen in the elegant room. Her hand went to his zipper and tugged it down, before slipping into the opening and wanking him forcefully.
"Shit, Hermione."
"Now, Ron, please! Take me from behind!"
In one quick motion, he spun her around again and pulled roughly at her hips. He bunched the dress around her waist, exposing her delectable bum. The smack of his hand across her arse cheek echoed, leaving a pink mark on her flesh and causing Hermione to groan and push herself toward him in overheated desperation.
"Yes, more!"
He slapped her other cheek this time, eliciting another strangled groan. Her wanton reactions were too much for him as he yanked aside her soaked knickers and guided himself into her.
She moaned loudly as he entered, her cries shrill as he filled her completely.
"Yes, feels so good!"
His fingers dug into her hips as he thrust slowly at first, his grunts increasing in time with his efforts.
"Fucking take it, Hermione."
She called over her shoulder, her fingers clawing at the wall in ecstasy. "Harder, Ron! I've wanted this all night! Wanted you all night!"
He continued his pace, his groans mingling with her own. Half-leaning against the wall now, she found her most sensitive spot and began rubbing furious circles, urgently needing to get off.
"Love it when you play with your yourself," he panted as he thrust into her. "You gonna come on my cock as I fuck you?"
She nodded, his raw dirty words and relentless pounding spurring her on. Her lips were pressed into a thin firm line as she felt herself reaching her peak, crying out his name. That was enough to set him off as well, as he throbbed and spilled inside of her, burying his face in her hair as he fought to catch his breath.
She sagged against the wall, his delicious weight pressing against her as her chest heaved. After a moment, she turned to face him, seeking out his lips as they shared a lazy kiss, the taste of alcohol prevalent. They broke apart, and as they stared at each other, Hermione couldn't help but flash him a big smile.
"Enjoyed that, did you?" His deep voice rumbled.
"Mmmm, very much so. I take it you liked the dress."
He grinned. "I think that's an understatement."
They quickly cleaned themselves up and got their clothing straightened out. The effects of the champagne were still working on Hermione as she leered at him in his suit and licked her lips.
"Shall we finish our rounds and then go home? It might be your birthday, but I have one big candle to blow."
Ron laughed and shook his head. "Happy fucking birthday to me."
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jamilelucato · 4 years
together [F. W.] || pt.2
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Slytherin!reader
Part 1 available here || together MASTERLIST || Part 3 here!
Summary: Professor McGonagall has had enough of yours and Weasley’s pranks. She has an idea of how to stop it, but will it be enough?
A/N: I forgot to tell you that Reyna is a character that I invented myself — so is some other random Slytherin’s students, since we don’t get to know many of them in the books. With that said, let’s dive into this part! Hope you guys like it!
There will be a third part, of course! If you wanna be tagged, just ask!
Words: 8.129
Tag List: @witchything​ @randomlonelytorment​ @themusingsofmany​ @stuckindilemma​ 
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Fred was the one who woke you up in the morning. "Good morning, y/N," he said, after shaking your right hand.
You looked down at him a bit embarrassed by what you might look like in the morning. You two used ten of the thirty minutes McGonagall had given you to change clothes and get ready.
It was the start of your second day with a binding charm that connected you and Fred, not being able to be more than five centimetres away from his wrist. It wasn't such a nightmare, though. The older Weasley twin was very gentle, although he practically paid attention to no class, he was fun to have around.
You two remet at the end of Gryffindor's stairs, right on time.
"Ok... so, I'm taking you to breakfast at my table."
"What?" you questioned, leaning your head away.
"It's for you to have social experiences... You don't talk to anyone during the times you're eating, and that's bloody depressing," Fred explained, lowering his tone while you guys left the Gryffindor's room. "Besides, I sat at yours yesterday."
"Because I slept in your room! We had a deal!" you contested, a bit rebelled.
"Come on, y/N, just one meal," he asked, with puppy eyes. You grunted and ended up accepting.
He guided you along the corridors of Hogwarts until you finally arrived at the Great Hall. Although everybody was still looking at you two, they didn't seem so shocked anymore. They quickly calmed down and got back to eating.
Reyna found your eyes from across the room — you tried to use your hands to signalize you were sitting with the Gryffindors. Your friend wasn't angry, though, because she had other friends to sit and talk.
"y/N, I present you to my friends," Fred said, pointing with his hand to the part of the table he wanted you to sit. He sat next to George, which you already knew, and you sat next to him right after. "Friends, this is y/N y/L/N."
"You are terrible at introductions" Hermione commented, her mocking smile widening.
Your eyes crinkled at the corners. "Right?" and then, turning to the rest of the table and not just Hermione, "Good morning, everyone."
Harry and Lee Jordan shook their head at your direction, opening their mouths in smiles, but Ron and Ginny didn't do anything. They kept on eating their breakfast, ignoring your presence. Fred noticed that you saw their reactions. "That was awkward, thanks, family."
You smiled, embarrassed. "It's ok."
Fred pulled his brows together but said no more. He started serving himself and you as well, which you were thankful.
Professor McGonagall passed just behind you and commented: "Everyone needed was informed about your situation, Miss y/L/N and Mr Weasley."
"Oi! Thank you, Minerva" Fred said, tilting his head in her direction. She almost reprehended him for using her first name but said nothing and just kept on walking until her table.
"Only I can call her that" you pointed out once she had left your earshot.
"Correction: not even you can call her that," he said, smiling at your expression.
When you looked away from Fred, your eyes met Ginny's. She tried to smile but stopped along the way.
"Are you friends with Malfoy?" she asked.
"Oh my God, Ginny, you can't just ask people if they're friends with Malfoy," shouted George, pretending to be worried. "But are you?"
"Not at all," you answered, making Ginny sigh, relieved. "He's just a pain in my ass most of the time."
"Can you not go back to 'asses'? We spend the whole afternoon yesterday about it," Lee Jordan interrupted. His comment made you laugh, and, soon enough, everyone was laughing.
Ginny seemed braver to ask you stuff, but you weren't offended, it was nice answering her doubts, and you hoped it would make her have a better view of the Slytherins. "Yes, we welcome muggle-borns to our house", "No, we don't talk to snakes" and things like that were some of your answers.
Ron didn't take long to start talking to you once he noticed how nice you were to his sister. Though his questions were more related to Draco Malfoy — and you didn't know much about him to give complete answers —, Ron was pleased with the information you were able to give out.
Hermione and Harry seemed happy with you; Harry, surprised to find such likeable Slytherin that didn't come from a family of Death Eaters — he had a rough past with those. Hermione was surprised when you told them your mom was a muggle-born.
"Yeah, mom was Hufflepuff," you informed, "Who would have thought she'd have a Slytherin daughter?"
Everyone laughed at your attempt to joke.
"What house was your father?" asked Harry, looking curious.
"He didn't come to Hogwarts, but Ilvermorny," you answered, forcing your mind to remember the things he used to tell you about the school. "Yeah, he's American."
Fred and George were excited about that news.
"He was... I believe it was a Thunderbolt. He didn't use to talk much about the school."
Fred tilted his head at your direction. "Use to?"
You weren't sure if you wanted to explain to everyone what had happened to your father, you didn't even want to tell Fred, but seeing that the rest of the table began to focus on the owls that were arriving with letters and other kinds of stuff, you decided to say something.
"He died when I was a kid" you whispered to Fred, making your answer short and giving no extra detail.
"I'm sorry," he said, with a sad smile and his wide eyes stared at yours, but you looked away, feeling you were about to be sad and that was not what you wanted after such enjoyable breakfast.
An owl found Fred, and he looked scared about it. "What is it?" you asked when he took the red envelope out of the owl's beak.
"It's a howler" he answered, down turning his lips.
You knew what a howler was, but you never received one — your mom was too much of an angel to send you one of those. She did, however, use to send you a three pages letter about how disappointed she was with you — she did that two years ago when you got three detentions in just one day.
Fred swallowed hard before opening his howler. What you thought it was his mom's voice came bursting and loudly — maybe even the Slytherins could be hearing that.
"FRED WEASLEY, HOW MUCH TROUBLE CAN YOU STILL CAUSE??" it started screaming. A lot of the kids around you laughed. "DO YOU WANT TO DESTROY THE SCHOOL?"
The screams kept on going while Fred listened to it rather patient. You were paying attention to every word until you owl — who were lost after she did not find you at the Slytherin's table — found you at the Griffindor's.
"Thanks, Aurora," you said to her, taking the letter and giving her a treat.
"Aurora?" Hermione was confused by your owl's name.
"Yeah, inspired in the Disney princess. My owl likes to sleep a lot," you said, and eating no more, you owl left, probably to do the exact thing you said she liked the most.
Hermione smiled, happy to hear you were a fan of muggles' movies.
Fred's howler hadn't stopped yet: "Tell that girl I'm sorry for her for putting up with you, but Professor McGonagall told me she is a good student that might put you in line. Oh! And tell Georgie to learn something with her as well!"
George and Fred stared at you, with confused looks.
"What can I say? I am a good student!"
"You're practically always in detention" pointed out George, who had seen you walking the corridors with Mr Filch a lot.
"But I have perfect grades," you remarked. Ginny giggled at your phrase.
"Is that another howler?" Fred asked, looking for the letter in your hand.
"Oh, probably not. Mom's not much of a screamer," you said, looking away. "No offence to your mom — she's seems wicked!"
"One would think that" Ron replied, making everybody laugh one last time before getting up and heading to class.
You carried your mom's letter to every class, not ready to read it yet. You and Fred had decided to attend only the best lessons of each other's schedule. For example, if you had Potions and he had Charms, you'd go to Charms. However, things didn't go as planned.
Dumbledore found you two after your first class and gave you a piece of paper with your new schedule — still a mix of both, his and yours, but in a more academic way than the fun one you and Fred had planned.
Disappointed, but not surprise, you and Fred headed to double class of Potions. You had no problem with Snape, but you had to admit he was not one of the most exciting teachers. Fred seemed to have a problem with him, but that was because Fred was a Gryffindor and Snape didn't really like that.
Lunchtime finally arrived, and you and Fred ran down the corridors to the Great Hall, because you were both starving after Snape made you both taste the Hunger Potion you had prepared at class — the requested one was a Felix Felicis. In your defence, that was an advanced potion that nobody in class managed to do.
Fred was heading towards the Slytherin's table when you poked him timidly "Fred?"
He stopped and looked down at you. "I wouldn't mind sitting with your friends" you continued, averting your eyes while your face turned as red as his hair.
Once he understood your words, he slowly opened a smile with no teeth and reached for your arm, which he squeezed during all the time it took for you to get to the Gryffindor's table.
"I told you you'd like them!" he said, still smiling. You gradually stopped being ashamed and started feeling happy.
Everybody from breakfast was happy to see you and started asking what were classes like with Fred around.
"Does he do anything at all?" Ron asked.
You giggled, "it's practically all me," you let out, receiving a fake punch to your arm from Fred.
Ginny arrived and sat at your left, eager to tell you everything she heard about you around the school. It was a lot of gossips, and eventually, you stopped listening. Students seemed to have invented the worse theories for your situation possible, you couldn't understand why.
She stopped to talk when the food got served, and you took that time to read your mom's letter.
"Dear y/N, How are you, sweetie? Minerva told me all about it. I don't understand why you insist on play pranks on the school, isn't being caught horrible? Back at my days, the most fun I had was throwing hidden parties maybe you should do that. She told me about the boy as well. If he comes to be too bad, please contact me, and I'll put an end to this. But, right now, it appears to be super wicked! I told Minerva you wouldn't feel it as much as a punishment — I was young once, and I know all I would give to be around a cute boy all day. Oh, how I know he's cute? His father has shown me a picture of every single one of his kids while on work; although I don't know which one of them you got tied up with, they all looked extra handsome in the pictures!"
The letter didn't stop there, but you had to stop reading once you noticed chuckles and fast breaths close to your neck. You turned your head immediately and caught Fred reading your letter over your shoulder.
"Fred!" you shouted, slapping his arms, but not hard enough so he wouldn't be angry.
"Sorry, you seemed concentrated, I wanted to know why..." he said, fighting laughs, "Please thank your mom for the compliment, I am truly handsome."
"Yeah, right!" you slapped him once more. George giggled from behind Fred.
"I'll stop! I'll stop!" he promised while you hit him.
"Good" you sighed, going back to reading, this time positioning the letter closer to Ginny.
Your mom went on about the new things she bought for the house and the new muggle movie she had watched. You were not interested to know those things, but you would never tell her so — she became such a lonely woman after the loss of your father, that you liked that she saw you as a best friend. Fred didn't try to read what she had written anymore, or at least, he was able to cover up.
The first week was the worst to get by — you sometimes forgot that Fred Weasley had to follow you everywhere around, like times when you wanted to go to the restroom, and you didn't warn him, making it impossible for the thirty minutes free to be used.
Classes were exciting at first, but then they turned back to the usual boredom. If you and Fred wanted to be free of the spell to enrol yourselves at the Triwizard Tournament and prank people again, you needed to behave. Professor McGonagall seemed to be approving your actions since she started to smile down at you from her time at dinners.
Scared of abandoning Reyna to your new Gryffindor's friends, and having to go back to her when it all ended, you discussed with Fred the possibility of having at least a meal in the Slytherin's table, so you could talk to your friend and find out how things were going. Reyna was happy to have you back — according to her, she did have other friends, but none of them was as good of a listener than you — and she ended up starting a friendship with Fred, glad for his spontaneous playfulness.
George decided to sit one day with you two at the Slytherin's table, and he and Reyna hit it off well, at least, better than you were expecting since George was shyer than his brother.
It didn't take long for each one of them from Gryffindor to sit at the Slytherin's table too. One day, Ginny ran to you to talk about a lesson she was having difficulties — and she wanted your help because Fred told George who told her that you were excellent at Charms.
Lee Jordan sat down one day, followed by George, to talk about how much he missed Quidditch, finding a fan amongst the table: Reyna. She had gone to every single Cup her father managed to buy tickets, and she could spend hours talking about the sport — apparently, so could the twins and Lee, because you had to call out their attention to go to classes.
One week before the binding charm deadline, you put an end to all that run the Gryffindors did to sit with you and Fred. You found Reyna walking in the Great Hall and reached her before she sat down with a proposition. "Reyna, it's ok if you say no, but why don't you come to sit with us at Griffindor's?"
She stared at serious before opening the biggest smile ever. "Really? Can I?" you shook your head yes, with Fred smiling right next to you.
"We'd gladly have you," he said.
"Then let's go!" she said, reaching for your hand and pulling it hard towards were Lee Jordan and George Weasley were sitting.
The harsh pull got you by surprise, and before falling, you reached for Fred's hand, dragging him with you. You three ran to the Gryffindor's table, all giggling. Fred couldn't stop looking at your hand in his, and thinking why hadn't he done that before. It felt perfectly fit and warm.
Reyna was more welcome at the table than you. As you once noticed, she could be a perfect Hufflepuff if not because of her powerful ambition. Reyna dreamed becoming the Minister of Magic, and you were sure she wouldn't rest until she got the job.
Hermione liked her a lot because of that ambitious side.
Ron and Harry were worried at first, probably because they were the ones there with the most resentfulness towards your house. However, Reyna managed to charm their worries away, playing with her hair now and then, you were sure the boys were falling in love. Lee Jordan, no doubt, awaited the same fate, as he was only able to flutter his eyelashes.
As faster as October had come, it was already about to go. They announced that the Beauxbatons and the Durmstrang would be arriving on day 30, so it would mean the end of the Binding Charm.
You didn't know how to feel. At first, you were relieved — Triwizard Tournament was about to start, and you had pondered an idea that you thought it could work to get in. Still, at the end of Transfiguration class, you were reconsidering your emotions. You would go back to your room — filled with conceited girls that you had no friendship what so ever. You'd miss Lee Jordan's remarks and nicknames for the students, and even Towler snore.
Ginny, Hermione, Ron and Harry were kids you'd be missing a lot. Especially Harry, who you noticed to have a rough life and you felt like hugging him for his innocence sometimes.
But, fundamentally, the ones you'd miss the most were the Weasley's Twins. They followed you to practically every class, and because you three shared a prankster spirit, most of the time you guys had the same ideas and the same jokes — even though Reyna was remarkable, she'd never think about cool pranks like the ones you and the Weasleys invented.
Not that you had put those ideas in practice either. You just couldn't risk McGonagall extending the duration of the curse.
Fred Weasley had grown in your concept — he was more than a boy seeking the best in life by the fun and no hard work. He had a big heart and was very sensible. Although he was always messing with Ron, he was a perfect older brother, paying attention to everything any of his younger siblings said.
He was no longer your rival, but a dear friend.
Would he still be your friend without a spell around?
Professor McGonagall pulled you two aside at the end of the class. "I just wanted to say," she started, with a whisper before the last student walked away and she raised her voice, "that I'll undo the Binding Charm tomorrow, after the Halloween's Feast."
You and Fred kept looking at her, neither of you with the courage to say something about it.
"I just won't be able to do it earlier, having to assist every guest for the Tournament."
"We understand," you said since Fred didn't seem ready to say a thing.
"Well, with that said... you may go. I believe our visitors are about to arrive," she gesticulated for the door. You and Fred slowly turned back at her and left, both very quiet about what you had just heard.
"What's wrong with you two?" George asked, approaching you in the middle of the corridor. All the students were gathering to see the arrival of the Beauxbatons and the Durmstrang, and they seemed very loud about it.
You and Fred exchanged looks, not so sure about how you were feeling. Could he be feeling the same confusion?
"Tomorrow night I'm back to my room," you said, trying to explain it easily. George looked from you to his brother, staying focused on Fred.
Reyna hushed at your direction, visibly excited. "y/N! Oh, Merlin, you have to have a look at the Durmstrang's boys!"
She pulled your hand, again forgetting that everywhere you were, Fred had to accompany. You turned to face Fred, letting your puppy eyes out and reached for his hand, that he was more than pleased to offer.
Reyna guided you to the crowd of students, walking in the Great Hall. "They'll sit at the Slytherins'! Should we go there?"
Lee Jordan found you four along the way. "Please, take us to your house table. Krum is among those students!"
George opined. "Don't do so, we won't' be able to get Ron, and you know how he is going to be," and even though Reyna and Lee wanted to go to the Slytherin's, they respected George's request, turning back to the Gryffindor table.
The group formed a line: Lee Jordan followed by Reyna who pulled you, who pulled Fred who talked to his brother. The place was way too crowded to walk with no trouble, so along the way, Reyna was telling about the boys she had liked the most. "There's one at Beauxbatons, tho..."
You didn't notice George and Fred talking about you from your behind, distracted by the volume of the conversations that surrounded you. But, whatever they were discussing, they ended it before sitting down at the table.
Ron was, as George predicted, frustrated with Krum to have sat next to Malfoy, but it didn't last long, due to soon enough he was charmed by a Beauxbatons girl that came closer to our table to get some food.
Dumbledore finally started talking, introducing Mr Crouch and Mr Bagman as two of the judges, as well as himself, Madame Maxime — from the Beauxbatons — and Professor Karkaroff — from the Durmstrang.
Mr Filch approached Dumbledore with a wooden chest encrusted with jewels. The Headmaster continued: "As you know, three champions compete in the tournament, one from each participating schools." He explained that they would give grades to the participants and the one with the highest total after the tree tasks would win. "The champions will be chosen by an impartial selector: the Goblet of Fire."
Dumbledore placed the goblet on top of the casket, where everyone could see it. "Anybody wishing to submit themselves as champions must write their name and school clearly upon a slip of parchment and drop it into the goblet," said him. "Aspiring champions have twenty-four hours in which to put their names forward."
The Headmaster then said — and he didn't even need to ask for silence, as everyone stood as quiet as they could — that the goblet would return the names of the most worthy tomorrow night.
"To ensure that no underage student yields to temptation," said Dumbledore, "I will be drawing an Age Line around the Goblet of Fire once placed in the entrance hall."
Fred, George and yourself growled at that part, angry that the Headmaster was still going for that prohibition.
"There can be no change of heart once you have become a champion," warned Dumbledore, at last, finalizing his speech. "Now, I think it is time for bed. Good night to you all."
"An Age Line!" Fred said, his eyes glinting as you followed him and the rest of the Gryffindors back to their Tower, leaving Reyna behind.
George suggested fooling the goblet with an Ageing Potion, but Hermione corrected him, pointing out that a student younger than seventeen wouldn't stand a chance. Fred and George ignored her comment and started pining over Harry Potter to see if he'd like to participate. The boy didn't answer.
Arriving at Fred's room, George seemed eager to talk to his brother but also scared to do so with you around. You rolled your eyes at them. "How much minutes we have left for today?" you asked Fred, wondering if there were minutes left from the thirty-minute break Professor McGonagall had given you.
"Perhaps a full five-minute break," he said, unsure.
"Perfect!" you said, jumping out of bed and heading out. "You have five minutes to talk to your twin, George."
You closed the door behind, only able to hear movements, but no words. There was no need, though. They were probably discussing how they'd put their names in the Goblet of Fire. What they didn't know was that, with five minutes free of Fred's fast eyes that read everything you held, you were also thinking of a way in for yourself.
You found Hermione still sitting at the common room, with books all around her. Noticing her friends weren't around her, you took the opportunity to ask her something.
"Hermione? Do you have a minute?" you asked, sitting on one of the chairs next to hers.
She looked up at you while you looked down to see what was she writing. It seemed to be about house-elves, but you didn't understand what she wanted to know about them that wasn't pretty obvious.
"Sure, y/N. What do you need?"
"I was thinking... Ageing Potion. Do you think it would be possible for one to pass Dumbledore's Age Line with one of those?" you asked, deep down already knowing the answer.
"No, I don't believe it could, Dumbledore is clever about those things," she said, looking up to think, "Perhaps Polyjuice Potion would be a better solution — disguised as someone else, you might be able to pass the Age Line."
You tried to follow her process of thought, looking down at your clock to see how much more minutes you still had.
"But then again, would the goblet take your name if it came from someone else?" she wondered out loud. "Oh! Perhaps Wingardium Leviosa could do the trick!" she exclaimed, happy with herself for thinking a solution.
"The Levitation Spell?"
"Yes! You can write down your name and levitate to the goblet! It's so simple though it might not work..." she said, getting said by the end of her phrase.
"But it might just do the trick! I don't think Dumbledore would expect a student to fly their name around..." you said, thinking more about it. You got up at the look of the time. "Gotta go, Hermione. But thank you, thank you so much!"
"You're welcome!" she shouted while you ran up the stairs, desperate to avoid being pulled by the spell.
You pushed the boys' dorm room in a quick move, looking at your wristwatch, thinking you would be able to make it in time and the spell would drag you in that horrible way it did the first time.
A crash sound echoed through the room and down the hall.
Fred Weasley, although very happy to have some privacy with his brother to talk about their Ageing Potion, was paying close attention to the time. He feared y/N would lose track of it and he'd be pulled to next to her with a harsh movement. He didn't like it the first time it had happened because it hurt a lot.
Therefore, when they had only thirty seconds left to be attached again, Fred decided to get out of the room and look for her. He pulled the door open with the last glance at the clock — five seconds.
And then, y/N was just at the other side of the door, but not close enough — the spell felt the need to push them against each other, and that was how the loud crash sound echoed. y/N's chest bumped to Fred's, causing the rest of the boys to laugh — the only one that didn't think it was funny was the one sleeping, Kenneth.
He quickly surrounded you with his arms, in fear of your fall. You held yourself up by supporting your weight around him. You could feel your face turning red, and you didn't want him to notice that the embrace made you embarrassed.
"Are you guys ok?" Lee Jordan asked from behind Fred, making you shrank, even more, blushing. Some laughs followed the comment, probably from George.
You swallowed before slowly letting go. Keeping your wrist close to Fred's, you stared at him, forcing him to lower his head. His eyes, wide and sparkly, stared at you with his lips pursed.
His embrace finally loosened, and you both walked towards his bed and the mattress. "Good night, guys," he said, in a mocking tone, filled with anger. One by one, George's and Lee's lights went off, and the room seemed quiet as ever.
But, over Fred's bed, all you could do was think, think, and rethink. You were only able to fall asleep way over three a.m., and by the look of Fred's face the other day — he had dark circles around his eyes, leaving him with an uneven tone, which probably could be seen in yours as well —, he hadn't had a good night of sleep either.
"Good morning to you two," George said while you and Fred got out of the common room and walked towards the Entrance Hall. It was Saturday, and you could have stayed in bed longer, but you were too thrilled about the Goblet of Fire to keep yourself inside.
When Fred noticed his brother and Lee's presence, he got a better look at his face, smirking a bit.
"Look away, y/N," he said, asking not so much politely. You rolled your eyes. As if you didn't know what they were about to drink! After drinking the potion, they hurried down the staircase, forcing you to run to follow them.
Harry, Ron and Hermione were already there, watching the goblet and talking with the people around it.
"Done it," Fred whispered to Harry, and you frowned from behind him. "Just taken it."
"What?" Ron asked.
You pressed in hand over your robe to feel if your paper was still there. You had hidden it there during the free time you got to take a shower.
"The Ageing Potion, dung brains," said Fred.
"One drop each," said George, rubbing his hands together with glee. "We only need to be a few months older."
"We're going to split the Galleons between the three of us if one of us wins," said Lee, grinning broadly.
"I'm not sure this is going to work, you know," Hermione warned, but in a more hostile tone than the one she used with you last night, "I'm sure Dumbledore will have thought of this."
Fred, George and Lee ignored her.
"Ready?" Fred said to the other two, holding a slip of parchment in one hand and grabbing your right hand with the other. It was nice having his warm touch, and you wondered if he did it just out of habit or because he missed it too. "C'mon, then — I'll go first —"
They tried walking in — Fred stretched himself out all the way, leaving you out of the circle and trying to put the paper inside. However, it didn't work — they landed painfully, dragging you around the ten feet fall.
Fred and George now had big white beards, and everyone was laughing at them. If the fall hadn't hurt you so much, you would have laughed as well. They noticed their new looks and joined in. You took the opportunity of their distraction to take your parchment out of hiding and cast "Wingardium Leviosa" with the lowest voice ever.
The paper flew around — being so small, not everyone noticed — but, although you moved your wand towards it, the parchment wasn't able to pass the Age Line.
"I did warn you," said a deep, amused voice, and everyone turned to see Professor Dumbledore coming out of the Great Hall, followed by Professor McGonagall, who looked furious.
He got closer to you all who were still sitting on the floor. " I suggest you both go to Madam Pomfrey."
"Oh, no, you wait a minute!" shouted McGonagall, stopping you in your way fo getting up.
Fred looked at you, scared.
"What was this? Do you three thought you could prank Dumbledore's Age Line?" she asked, but neither of you answered.
"Minerva, no need..." the Headmaster started, but McGonagall didn't let him finish.
"I'm sorry, Dumbledore, but those two —" she pointed to you and Fred "— are under my supervision. And I said no pranks!"
"What did I do?" you questioned, facing down to yourself, who had no beard or old look on your face.
"You — do you think I didn't saw that parchment flying alone?"
"Wingardium Leviosa? That was clever, could have worked," commented Dumbledore, in a fascinated tone.
"It was Hermione's idea" you informed the Headmaster.
Fred looked back at you for a second, as if his eyes were saying "you did that! Wicked!"
"So, forget getting free of each other anytime soon. I'm revoking it — how long is yet to be determined," Minerva said, pausing only to breathe. "Start being those behaved students you spent the month being and you might see yourselves free of this by the end of the school year!"
You and Fred exchanged looks, embarrassed for taking the lecture in front of everyone.
"Off you go, now!" she shouted, not just for you two but for the rest of the crowd that was forming as well.
You had to follow Fred to the hospital wing, most to Madam Pomfrey's dismay.
"What are you doing here? Allergies?" she asked.
"No, I'm with Fred Weasley, ma'am."
"You can leave now, dear, I'll cure him."
"No, Madam Pomfrey, see, I can't leave because..." you started saying, but she interrupted you.
"Are you the two dimwitted that caused Professor McGonagall one of her wost phases?" she asked, looking down at Fred, who sat at the available bed. "I've never seen that woman so angry — binding two students forever, what was going on in her mind?"
"I ask myself the same" you sighed, thinking that now, not only you weren't able to participate in the Triwizard Tournament, you also couldn't to go back to your old routine. Wasn't that what you wanted, though? Only one day ago? Now, you seemed to disagree.
Madam Pomfrey took her time to dis-age the boys.
Fred was lying still over the hospital bed, waiting for the medicine to work. So did George, on another bed, at your left. You were sitting on a stool Madam Pomfrey offered you after seeing this would take a while. She asked for someone to bring us sandwiches — since you hadn't eaten breakfast —, but now that it was over, you stayed there, pretty bored.
George couldn't stop looking at himself with the small mirror offered, looking for his face during the dis-ageing process. "Look, now I might be fifty!" he was very thrilled with the transformation.
Fred ate his sandwich at a slow pace, and once it was over, he stayed quiet, staring at the ceiling. Both of you had a lot to say, but no one had the courage.
"So... you guys are stuck together, huh?" George said, trying to break the silence, turning himself towards you and Fred. "Shouldn't matter that much — if we are not goin' to be able to be champions at the Triwizard Tournament, after all."
You stared at George. He had such a simple way of seeing things.
"We're not gonna be able to win best pranksters either," you pointed out, pressing your lips together while crossing your arms.
"We're not gonna be able to win apart," corrected George, "Maybe we can all win together."
"Not very likely. Besides, we can't prank anyone if we wanna be separated one day," you said, raising your cheeks.
"McGonagall doesn't seem to be in the mood to separate you two anytime soon," George replied, "so have fun or whatever. When school's over, she'll have to undo the spell."
Fred seemed rather quiet, staring at his brother's eyes like he wanted to say something but never coming forward with it. It annoyed you.
The boys were now looking like they could be forty, and you thought they look quite handsome.  Not that older guys were your type, but, yeah, Fred and George could be those sexy old actors that your mom insisted on being a fan.
"Well, I guess if I'm already in the kitchen, I can stand the heat," you said, sighing.
Fred looked at you, "Am I that horrible?"
"What? No! That's not what I meant!" you answered, desperate to undo the misunderstanding. "It's just..." you started but noticed you couldn't finish, not with him looking at you like that, not with the fact that just in two months you had more friends than in your whole life. "It's nothing; this hasn't been a punishment at all. You're right, George, we can have some fun together."
You tried to dodge his eyes to look at George, but you couldn't stop staring at Fred. He was getting younger by the minute, looking back like himself, and you couldn't be more glad. He had been your best friend in those couple of weeks, and you couldn't just trash it all because you rather be pranking the school alone.
"That's the spirit!" George said, looking back to the mirror in his hand. "Look! We're probably twenty-five now!"
Madam Pomfrey reappeared, hours later.
"You boys are free to go. You've been sixteen for quite a while now, but I wanted to make sure you wouldn't start getting younger," she said, and looking at your horrible face she added: "It happened before."
Fred and George got up, passing their hands over their faces, to feel the young texture they missed.
"Go, dinner will soon be served!"
"Well, that goes a day without doing a thing!" Fred complained, reaching for your hand to walk out of the hospital wing.
You were surprised but let him have your hand anyone — his touch was nice and firm, something you'd always welcome.
You were one of the firsts to arrive at Gryffindor's table. A girl, you saw her playing Quidditch before, was sitting and waving at you three.
"Fred! George!" she called out. The boys headed to her direction, sitting in front of her. "I've put my name in!"
"Really?" Fred asked, smiling. "That's wicked, Angelina!"
She seemed extra happy with boys approval.
"Oh! I guess I didn't introduce you two, did I?" Fred said, looking back at you. "Angelina, this is y/N; y/N, this is Angelina. She's from our Quidditch team."
"Nice meeting you, Angelina," you said, feeling your cheeks turning pink due to the attention.
"Nice to meet you too, y/N," she said, "I heard all about what you two did. I was in the girls' toilet that day — what a scare you gave me!"
Instead of sounding angry at you, she started laughing, and you and the boys joined in.
"Now I understand why you and Fred have been hitting off so well — you're practically the same!"
"No, we're not!" you quickly replied, used to being in defensive.
Anyway, you didn't think you were like Fred. He was taller, probably braver and more reckless. Besides, it was rare times when you got caught — except two years ago, that was a year of bad luck — and the boys were always running away from some angry professor.
Angelina didn't matter with your reprehension. She kept on laughing, focused on something George was telling her — by the looks of it, he was telling her about how hot he'll be at forty-five.
Harry, Hermione and Ron arrived finally and took a seat next to you and the twins.
"Hope it's Angelina," Fred told them.
"So do I!" said Hermione. "We'll soon know!
Everybody seemed impatient, eating fast to get to the part where Dumbledore would announce the champions. The students from the other school were all very fancy, but you could see they were anxious just like the rest of Hogwarts.
You didn't know who you were rooting for — you hadn't seen Reyna all day, so you had no idea, apart from Angelina, who had put their names in the goblet.
As Dumbledore got to his feet, the students all shut, paying attention to the headmaster's every move. He warned that, as he would be calling the names, the champions should get up and march to an indicated chamber where they would receive instructions.
The Goblet of Fire shone with his sweeping of wand, and everyone was watching — you could notice that Fred and George weren't even breathing in excitement.
Dumbledore caught the piece of parchment that fluttered out of the goblet and read: "The champion for Durmstrang will be Viktor Krum."
"No surprises there!" yelled Ron as a storm of applause swept the Hall. Fred looked back at you as you were the only two laughing at Ron's cheering.
Viktor Krum got up and walked towards where Dumbledore had instructed. Dumbledore continued: "The champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour!"
A silvery blonde girl got up, to Harry's and Ron's enthusiasm. Aperantally, she was the same girl that had caught their eyes the night before.
The Beauxbatons didn't seem happy with the champion selected, as Hermione pointed out, but you couldn't understand why couldn't they cheer for their friend.
Dumbledore pulled the third piece of parchment — the room fell in silence. "The Hogwarts champion is Cedric Diggory!"
"No!" you thought you heard Ron say, but you couldn't be sure; every Hufflepuff was standing, clapping fervently and screaming as Cedric got up and made his way past them.
"Excellent!" Dumbledore called happily as at last the tumult died down. He kept on talking about how we should support our champions and cheer for them, but he suddenly stopped speaking as the fire of the goblet seemed to turn red again, rising upon it a new piece of parchment.
Every student looked confused, but no more than Dumbledore who held the parchment for a long minute before reading it out loud. "Harry Potter."
There was no applause. The whole Gryffindor table, including you, turned to stare at Harry, everybody shocked as the poor boy.
"I didn't put my name in," you heard him tell Ron and Hermione.
"Harry Potter!" Professor Dumbledore called again. "Up here if you please!"
The boy got up almost stumbling in his robes. You, Fred and George, followed him with your eyes — he was marching slowly, possibly not believing that his name got picked. At least, you and the Twins couldn't. You had tried the Levitation spell and the Ageing Potion — what could Harry have tried that worked?
Most of the Professors disappeared into the room Harry had entered and the ones left suggested for you all to return to your dorms. You looked around to everyone — they were whispering. However, so many of them were doing so that the volume started to increase.
Fred looked at you. "Did you know Harry put his name in?"
"No, I had no idea" you answered, only then noticing he wasn't asking you, but George, who was right behind you.
"No, nobody told me a thing" his brother responded.
Hermione and Ron where whispering non-stop, probably discussing how and why had Harry done that. Nonetheless,  there was a question you noticed nobody was asking, and you were very curious about it.
You gently squeezed Fred's arm, who glanced at you as he stood up.
"Fred, why are there four champions if there are three schools?" he seemed bewildered with your question, showing he hadn't think about that.
"Don't know," he said with pinched lips, "It seems weird, doesn't it? Like something is off?"
"Yeah..." you replied, looking away from him to take a glimpse at the Hall. The visitors had already left, and the Hufflepuffs were also gone — probably to organize a party.
Slytherins and Ravenclaws were the majority left — even Gryffindor was going back to their house common room — and they didn't look happy.
Fred reached for your hand again, and you noticed he was starting to do it without thinking — holding your hand had become a habit for him. You liked it.
George followed you two, with Hermione and Ron right behind. Aside from the remaining questions, they were thrilled with Harry Potter's participation. You and Hermione were the only two that showed some kind of worry for the boy.
Gryffindor's common room was unrecognizable, filled with all the students from the house, something very unusual for so late at night.
You found Reyna amongst the invited students from other houses. She had a cup in her hands and was talking to Lee Jordan in a corner; they looked focused on one another, so you decided not to disturb.
Harry finally entered the room with an astonished expression. Fred ran to his direction, dragging you with him — he hadn't let go of your hand yet.
"You should've told us you'd entered!" bellowed him, half annoyed, half impressed.
"How did you do it without getting a beard? Brilliant!" roared George, appearing from nowhere.
"I didn't," Harry said. "I don't know how —"
But Angelina had now swooped down upon him; "Oh, if it couldn't be me, at least it's a Gryffindor!"
Other girls started approaching Harry, who barely could breathe. You felt sympathy, but that wasn't much you could do to help — the most you managed to do was to keep the twins from continuing to harass the boy.
George began to serve you with some beverages and weird foods they had collected at some point, and even though you tried to dodge the things, you couldn't say 'no' to everything. You ended up drinking more than you should, feeling dizzy almost instantly. Fred had already released your hand, to get more freedom to hold things his brother and friends offered.
Reyna came closer to you in the middle of the night, and you hadn't even noticed her until she started speaking. "So exciting to have met Harry before he got selected! Well, I owe that to you. You have been, truly, a good friend lately."
You shook you head yes, regretting immediately to have done the movement.
"Are you ok?" she asked, worried.
"Drank too much. I'm not used to..." you paused, uncertain of what you had taken "whatever they served me," your friend started laughing.
"You should go to bed."
"I can't tho," you replied, "I'm attached to Fred, remember? And I don't wanna make him leave..." you stared at the boy mentioned, who seemed like he was having the time of his life surrounded by his Quidditch mates.
"y/N, I think he'll understand —"
"No, I'll just drink water," you interrupted her, "He is so happy, I won't ruin this for him."
Reyna didn't look very convinced, but she left to fetch you a glass of water anyway. She returned just some seconds later.
"It's juice — I couldn't find water."
She watched you drink it, making you uncomfortable. Could you be looking that horrible? You didn't think so. Yes, you were a bit dizzy and a bit slow, but you weren't unconscious. A part of your brain was still thinking about how Harry's name entered the Goblet of Fire even.
Reyna didn't leave you side, not even when Lee called her. She kept giving you juice and things to eat, but they didn't taste good.
Angelina and the other chasers finally disappeared in the crowd, leaving George and Fred behind. Fred eyes immediately met yours, and he began to worry.
"You didn't drink the whole cup my brother gave to you, did you?" he asked, touching your face with his right hand, trying to find a good light to analyze it. "I shouldn't have let him..."
"Don't look at me like that — you drank it too, and you don't look as perfect as before." Your words paralyzed him in place before he opened a smile.
"I did drink more than one cup, y/N."
"Oh," you sighed, frustrated with yourself. You noticed that Reyna ad finally left your side, and wondered if she went meet Lee. Do they have a thing?
"Come on, let's go upstairs," said Fred, "This party is dying anyway."
"No, I want you to enjoy yourself" you protested while he reached your waist.
"I've enjoyed myself enough. Believe me, tomorrow morning we'll both be looking terrible."
You blinked for what felt like an eternity. "I never look terrible, Freddie."
He froze at the second rung of the stairs to the dorm. Then he giggled and kept on going up, helping you. "Not a lie," he simply said, making you smile, but you thought he didn't notice because of how dark was at the stairs.
When you got to his dorm room, you could see, even in the dark, that someone was sleeping at Keneth's bed, and you assumed it was probably him since he never slept too late in the night.
Fred helped you to get under the covers of his bed, and that was the last thing you remembered of the night.
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sapphirelass · 3 years
Not you too... - NevillexSister
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Hi! So... it’s been a while, but I have been extremely busy with school work and... well to be honest that’s my only excuse XD Anyhow, with maths and physics exams out of the way, it’s finally time for a new uplifting story.
Please note:
1: I don’t own any of the gifs used, nor any already established characters, so credit to the authors and original creators - You have done a phenomenal job :)
2: English is not my native language, as I was born and raised in Sweden. I have, however, studied English for almost a decade, so I don’t think it’ll be a problem, I just thought I’d let you know ;)
Word count: ≈1600
Warnings: Torture, The Cruciatus Curse, The Carrows, Light swearing, Extreme angst...
OC: Louise Longbottom (born 1981)
“Well, well, well… What do we have here?!”
The frightened first-year trembled and tried to back away.
“I...I.. I was just on my way to the Ravenclaw com…”
Alecto grabbed his jumper and pinned him to the wall. 
“Oh I don’t think so! This isn’t the first time we’ve caught you wandering around, Matthews, and I’m afraid we can’t let you get away with it…”
Amycus pulled out his wand and pointed it at the young boy’s throat.
A furious sixth year Gryffindor sprinted through the corridor, her right hand clutched around her wand.
“Leave him alone! He’s eleven!? And has done nothing wrong! Levicorpus!”
Amycus was hoisted into the air by his ankle as the older student carefully approached the younger.
“Hey, are you oka-” 
But before even getting a chance to comfort the boy, the tip of a wand was pressed forcefully against her throat. The young Ravenclaw knew better than to stick around, especially when Alecto Carrow disarmed his saviour and pushed her against the wall.
“Longbottom… No bloody surprise there, c’mon!”
Amycus was back on his feet and, sadly, a fight between one wandless sixteen year old and two death eaters could barely even be called a fight. The Carrows grabbed an arm each, and made their way towards the dungeons.
Neville was, despite the gloomy atmosphere, in high spirits. It was Friday, his last class of the day had been herbology, and he hadn’t received detention a single time that week. He entered the common room and sat down on the sofa with a copy of A Compendium of Common Curses and Their Counter-Actions.
Later that night, Ginny Weasley and Seamus Finnigan climbed through the portrait hole and approached him slowly.
“Hey!”, he said, “Everything good?” 
“Neville… Where’s Louise? Is she okay?”
Neville frowned, “Wha.. Why shouldn’t she be? Where is she anyways, I thought she was with you?!”
“Neville…”, Seamus began, putting a hand on his shoulder, “She-”
“What, Seamus!?”
“She ran into the Carrows.... They were threatening some Ravenclaw first-year and she interfered before she could help herself.”
Neville felt his blood run cold.
“So? What did they do? Where is she?”
“I don’t know, we thought she would be back by now… We… we thought she was with you.”
Neville closed his book, not bothering to look for a bookmark, and left without a word. He didn’t dare to think about what could have happened to his sister, but he knew that he had to find her. Making his way through the corridors, he kept trying to tell himself that she was fine. That she was okay. That he would find her unharmed. Deep down, he knew it was highly improbable, but one can hope, right?
A thick, bloodstained rope wrapped itself tightly around her wrists and ankles, effectively preventing any movements or attempts to escape. 
“You, Longbottom - you and your ‘good-for-nothing’ brother have had your fun. I think it’s about time we teach you a little lesson.”
She sent the professor an angry glare. “So you’re finally going to start then?”
“What?”, Alecto spat
“Well, you are our teachers after all. One would think you would have planned on teaching us stuff from the beginning - it is your bloody job - but I’m glad you finally wanna give it a go…”
With a furious look on his face, Amycus grabbed Louise’s jumper and threw her violently to the floor. He charged and delivered a rough, well placed kick to her cheek before pulling out his wand.
“You really are a stupid little blood traitor, aren’t you? Do you honestly believe you’ll get out of here unharmed?”
“That kick was rather nasty so no, I think it’s too la…”
Her response was interrupted by a swift wand movement followed by a single word.
Louise let out an ear piercing scream and began shaking violently. It wasn’t unexpected, yet she had feared this moment her entire life, and the realization that the time had finally arrived was just as horrifying as the pain itself.
“Maybe that’ll teach you something. Then again, your family never were the brightest of our kind, were they? Not even this lovely curse got the message across so… perhaps a few more times would suffice!”
The death eaters smirked evilly.
Hours later the torture momentarily ceased, and Louise’s pained screams had drifted further and further towards what most would call hoarse whimpering. She was shaking, struggled to breathe, and no longer fully capable of taking in all that happened around her. 
“Well, well, well… looking rather shaken, Longbottom. Had enough yet? What do you reckon, sister?”
Alecto looked down at the trembling sixteen year old with disgust. 
“It does seem like the message has sunken in… But don’t you, dearest brother, feel like we should grant her some more… long lasting evidence of what she went through? Something more... physical?”
“What a splendid suggestion! Will you do me the honours?”
She pulled a small dagger from her cloak, though Louise had by the time almost passed out and lacked the strength to turn around and look. The girl lay motionless on the cold floor as her teacher grabbed her Gryffindor robes and threw them roughly into a messy pile. Alecto rested her hand on Louise’s collarbone, and repeatedly pierced her delicate skin. 
A couple of minutes later, the siblings stood back to admire their work and muttered sectumsempra before finally leaving and locking the door behind them.
Louise still didn’t react, but was moments later resting in a puddle of her own thick, red, hot blood.
As soon as Neville laid eyes on his sister, he ran up to her and pulled her into his arms. The word ‘traitor’ written across her neck caused him to look away for a moment, but he held her close. She was unconscious and her breathing was very shallow, but there was no doubt about it - she was alive!
“Louise, please wake up for me. Please”
 She was barely bleeding anymore, but had lost copious amounts of blood and was in need of immediate medical care.
“Neville, we’ve got to bring her up to the Room of Requirement.”
“But she needs healing!?”
“Yes, but it’s not safe here. They might return, c’mon.”
“Fine, let me just…”
He bent down and untied the ropes before picking her up. Seamus brought the cloak and they left the dungeons hoping that they, for the love of Merlin, would make it without getting caught.
“Nev… just saying… don’t know… she’ll… what they did!”
“That doesn’t mean I’m gonna give up!?”
At first it was all incoherent, but eventually she started to pick up full sentences. The pain did however return as soon as she woke up, and she groaned slightly, causing the conversation to die out.
Her brother was by her side in an instant.
“Lou!? How… I.. Are you okay? Here, let me help you!”
He reached out to help her into a sitting position, but she flinched and moved away from his touch. This reaction caused his heart to completely shatter, and he raised his hands in surrender as a few tears left his eyes.
“Lou”, he muttered carefully, “it’s just me. I’m not going to hurt you, I could never…”
She looked back at him, eyes filled with dread and an uncertainty completely unlike anything he had ever seen before. 
“C’mon , L”, Seamus said as he put a hand on her shoulder, “‘tis just us.”
This move, though a very gentle one, caused her to quickly withdraw further as her breath quickened.
“Shut up Seamus”, said Ginny angrily, pulling their Irish friend away as Neville sat down on his knees. He was careful not to touch his sister - the thought of him scaring her being far too much for him to handle - and then placed his wand on a table a few feet away.
“Lou”, he said, once again holding his hands up in surrender, “I won’t hurt you, okay, just… do you know where you are?”
She didn’t respond, but did however look less terrified than before. Deep inside, Neville realized that Louise calming down should make him feel better, but there was something about her that gave him the creeps… There was something uncomfortably familiar about her posture, the nervous shifting and the way she seemed to be staring into nothing, yet he found himself unable to put his finger on it.
Then it hit him. He immediately understood who she reminded him of: 
Their Parents
He closed his eyes tightly and shuddered at the thought. It-it wasn’t possible! It couldn’t be...Neville Longbottom had never been so afraid in his life, but he knew what he had to do. He had to ask. He had to know.
“Lou?”, he repeated softly, “Lou, do you know who I am?”
Not receiving an immediate response worried him, but he gave it the benefit of the doubt - Maybe she just needed some time? 
So he waited. 
30 seconds. 
And waited. 
A minute. 
And waited. 
Five minutes.
No answer.
That’s when it burst. Neville broke down completely. He put his head in his hands and let the tears flow freely, having absolutely no desire to stop them.
“No…”, he stuttered, “No, no, no...not... not you too…”
“Not you too”
~ L
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lizzie-boo · 4 years
Making the First Move-Ficmas Day 7
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Percy Weasley x Reader
A/N: This is just to short for how I wanted this to actually play out. If it was how I wanted it to be it would’ve been idk maybe another 10,000 words at least. So this is just a really rushed version of it. If your interested I would totally be down for making this into a longer story once ficmas is over. Let me know if you would be interested in that.
I’m reposting this because it doesn’t seem to be showing up in the tags. But it was originally posted on the 7th, I promise. 
Christmas had come once more and like always you found yourself staying with the Weasley’s. It wasn’t that you hated going home but you would get to see your family all summer when you went on vacation. So Christmas break was one of the few times of year that you got to spend time outside of school with your friends and your faux family.
You were sitting in the living room of the burrow with Ron, Harry, and Hermione. You were idly chatting about what you should do over the break, bouncing ideas back and forth. The room was cast in a warm glow from the roaring fire.
“I’m gonna grab a drink, anyone else want anything?” you ask while pushing Hermione’s feet off your lap so you could stand.
“I’ll take a water,” she tells you. Both boys nod in agreement and you head towards the kitchen.
You’re rummaging through the cabinets looking for four glasses that match. The door opens and then click shut but you don’t notice. You spot the last glass you need towards the top of the shelf. You pat your back pocket in search of your wand so that you can get it down. Coming back empty-handed you let out a huff.
You turn to lean your back on the counter. Only to find that Percy Weasley is watching you. He quickly comes over grabs the glass for you. Not realizing that he’s leaning over you. Handing you the glass he wanders off without a word.
You feel your cheeks warming from the encounter. You hastily fill the glasses and return to your friends, who all shoot you weird looks.
“What took you so long?” Ron asks while taking a large gulp of water.
“Why are you all red? Are you sick?” Harry asks causing Hermione to snicker.
“It’s nothing,” you say.
“Mhmm, sure,” Hermione drawls causing your face to heat up more. This causes both boys to look confused between the two of you. Hermione lets out another laugh at your embarrassment.
“Shut up,” you yell at her while swatting at her arm.
“We’re talking about it later.” You know that there won’t be any way to get out of the dreaded conversation based on the look she sent your way.
Slowly the conversation turns to a new topic and you once again find yourself laughing and chatting with your friends. The time ticks by and before you know it Molly is calling everyone to dinner. Everyone begins to sit down and Fred and George take the seats next to you. You roll your eyes at their antics.
“Hey, I saw that. That’s not very nice of you,” Fred teases while bumping his shoulder into yours. At the same time, you notice Percy taking the empty seat across from you and you blush when you accidentally make eye contact with him.
Towards the end of the table, Hermione is watching you. When she sees Fred joking around with you and your blush she nudges Ginny.
“Do you think she likes Fred?” she asks the younger girl.
“I don’t know why anyone would like him,” she responds before turning back to her meal.
Before you have a chance to fully finish your meal Hermione is dragging you up the steps. She instructs you to sit on the bed and you just stare at her confused.
“What is this all about?”
“So what happened between you and Fred earlier?” she asks.
Your eyebrows knit together and you look at her.
“What are you talking about? Did you hit your head or something?”
“You ran into him in the kitchen earlier, it had to of been him. I saw the way you were blushing at dinner when he bumped your shoulder.” She clasps her hands together and takes a minute to pace the floor.
She starts rambling about how she should’ve seen it coming when you interrupt her. “Hermione!” you shout, finally getting her attention.
She turns to look at you and you continue, “I didn’t run into Fred in the kitchen.
She tilts her head, much like a dog would and just stares at you. Your hand comes up to rub at your temples trying to quell the embarrassment of who it was that caused such a reaction from you.
“Who was it then?” Hermione asks.
Taking a deep breath you whisper, “Percy”
Her mouth practically falls open. Running your hand over the duvet on the bed you try to avoid her stare. You smirk down at the bed, trying not to laugh at her surprised reaction. No matter how embarrassed you were to have said who your crush was, seeing Hermione in shock would never not be funny.
“Oh my god, that’s even better. You two would be so much better together. You should make a move.”
“First of all calm down. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this excited. Secondly, he doesn’t even notice me and I’m just coming to terms with my feelings towards him. I don’t want to rush into anything.” you tell her while running a hand through your hair.
“It’s just I’m so happy to see that you finally found someone who likes you back.” It was bizarre to see her so happy over your love life since this wasn’t something she was normally interested in.
“What do you mean someone who likes you back?” you ask, mimicking her tone of voice for the last half of your question.
“I’m not supposed to tell anyone but I might’ve overheard Percy talking to Charlie before about how he thought he might have feelings for you.” Her face breaks out in a sheepish smile and you smack her arm.
“And you didn’t tell me?” you exclaim.
“So what I’m hearing is that you like him.” She crosses her arms while quirking her brow again.
“I mean I don’t really know. I’ve always thought he was cute, but I haven’t really thought about him like that until recently. Besides he would never date me because he’s so much older than me.” You sigh running your hand over the duvet cover. You hadn’t thought about what it would be like dating Percy very much but when the rare thought popped up it made a smile form on your face.
“You should just try cause we both know he won’t make a move and if you don’t try you’ll never know.” She shakes your shoulders slightly, making you laugh.
“Fine but only cause you’re so confident that it’ll be okay.”
She claps her hands in excitement and goes to grab your arm again. Pulling you to your feet you both head back down to the living room to meet up with the rest of your friends. You kick your feet up in Ginny’s lap and she tries to push them away. Hermione copies your actions causing the younger girl to get irritated.
“I’m not a footrest,” she complains.
“Yeah, they don’t listen,” Ron informs his sister.
Soon enough you slip into conversation and find yourself laughing at the twins' story of their most recent prank. It’s not long before Harry excuses himself to go get ready for bed. Minutes later Ginny is shoving you off of her to turn in for the night too. You remember to make a mental note to talk to Hermione about that tomorrow but don’t worry about it too much.
The twins head up to bed shortly after with a chorus of stay out of trouble. You roll your eyes, wondering how they can tell you to stay out of trouble when all they do is get in trouble.
“We should probably head up too, gotta make sure Ginny gets to her room eventually.” Hermione jokes and Ron yells at her.
“I don’t want to think about my baby sister doing that stuff,” he complains.
“Then you better go to your room so she doesn’t get the chance to.” He rushes up the stairs without even saying goodnight.
You both head up the stairs together, reaching Ginny’s room at the same time she does.
“Don’t” she grumbles before entering the room. You grab your pajamas out of your bag and head towards the bathroom.
You change quickly and brush your teeth. After pulling your hair back you gather your things and start to make your way back to the room. You only make it a few steps out of the bathroom when you bump into someone. Your clothes and toothbrush fall to the floor with a bang. Dropping down quickly you scramble to collect your belongings. Standing up you notice Percy standing there, your toothbrush in his hand.
“I’m sorry,” you say as he hands it back to you.
“It’s fine.” He places his hand on your shoulder in an attempt to be reassuring. It takes a moment before he drops it back down. His hand accidentally brushing your arm in the process which causes a shiver to travel down your spine.
Looking into his eyes a blush takes over your face, similar to the one adorning his. You stand there for a moment unsure of what to say. In a moment of courage, you lean up and place a chaste kiss to his cheek.
“Thank you,” you whisper while gesturing to your belongings before rushing off.
He grabs your wrist in his large hand and spins you so you're looking at him. The feeling of his hand on your bare skin causes goosebumps to rise and your heartbeat to speed up. He grabs the back of your head and pulls you in for a passionate kiss. It leaves you breathless and lightheaded but happier than you could ever imagine.
Your arms snake around his neck and his around your waist. He pulls you close and just holds you in his arms for a while. Laying your head on his shoulder you take a moment to let it sink in. You break apart when the sound of footsteps echo through the quiet house. You both part ways with an unspoken understanding that you would figure it all out in the morning.
You don’t miss the look Hermione and Ginny give you when you slip into your bed.
“I’ll tell you in the morning,” you tell them before turning over and drifting to sleep.
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lowlywriter · 5 years
Allergic Reaction
Back with another Colby x Reader Fic, because I really don’t want to do my homework. This one’s mostly about filming a video with Sam and Kat (and some cute Colby towards the end), because I feel like I’m leaving Sam out a lot- but it’s like weird writing x reader stuff about him because he has an actual girlfriend.  
**Goodbye for now Sam and Colby 2.0, gonna miss these videos tbh. Paused my writing to watch the video :( Hope our boys are all good and get back to doing some (not horribly dangerous or demon contacting) videos.**
Warnings: Reptiles, Allergies
Word Count: 2,953
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“What’s up guys!” Sam greeted his camera, hand flying over his head enthusiastically. “Today I’m here with my girlfriend Kat, and our friend Y/N, who also happens to be Colby’s girlfriend.” Sam explained to his camera. The three of you were sitting in Sam’s apartment, lined up on three dining chairs. Sam was in the middle, and you and Kat on either side.
“Hi,” Kat waved at the camera, grinning widely as she set her head on Sam’s shoulder.
“Heyo!” You exclaimed, throwing up a peace sign.
“So, today I’ve got a little something planned for these ladies,” Sam grinned at his camera, gesturing to the both of you, “something very, very fun- well, for me at least!”
“Sam!” Kat groaned jokingly, ending up laughing halfway through.  
“Kat and Y/N have no idea what we’re filming,” Sam laughed, beaming apologetic looks towards the both of you.  
“Kat just told me we were hanging out,” you pouted, glaring lightly at your friend. 
“Sam didn’t tell me we were filming!” Kat defended herself with a laugh, raising her hands up in surrender.  
“Yes, I didn’t tell either of them,” Sam told the camera with a smug look, “so, I’ll explain now. I’m going to blindfold them, and you both are going to be holding some creatures I have hidden in the bedroom. These are my friend David’s pets, he’s just in the bedroom with them. So, they won’t bite... probably,”  
“...probably?” you whispered, shooting Sam an unsure gaze.
“Sam, I swear-” Kat warned, glaring wholeheartedly at her boyfriend.  
“Okay! I’ll go get the blindfolds.”  
You and Kat shared an unsure look as Sam disappeared into one of the rooms. Seconds later he appeared with two folded up bandanas.  
“Dibs red!” you grinned, leaving Kat with the orange one. Sam tied each of the bandanas around your eyes.
“Okay, Y/N slide onto the middle chair since I won’t be sitting with you guys anymore until the end of the video,” You slid over slowly, almost falling off the chair- but regaining your balance and seating yourself firmly. You felt the movement at your side as Sam moved the empty chair out of the frame.  
“So, I’m going to go see which animals we’re bringing out first. David has two of each animal, so you guys will be holding them at the same time, okay?” Sam explained to the both of you. By the way he sounded, he was crouched down in front of the both of you “you’re going at the same time since it’s kind of a competition, guess the critter first and you get a point!” Sam said loudly, talking to the two of you, as well as the camera set up a few feet ahead.
“Roger,” you nodded, vision darkened by the blindfold. Sam then patted your knee (and probably Kat’s as well) and stood, leaving the two of you in silence. Kat patted your leg and you took her hand.  
You heard was beating fast, anxious to see what Sam had hidden up his sleeve.  
“These better not bite us, Sam,” Kat whined quietly but loud enough that Sam heard from the next room (he laughed).  
You weren’t too scared. This type of video could only mean one thing- and that was creepy critters. Corey did it with a snake and giant frog to Devyn, Aaron did it with lizards, snakes and fake spiders to Sam and Colby- and a bunch of other Youtuber’s videos had had roughly the same concept.  
Now, not a lot of people know- but you were pretty allergic to fluffy animals. The slimy, scaly things were nothing- but a fluffy little puppy would puff up your face and give you itchy hives in minutes.  
That said, it didn’t stop you. You really loved dogs and cats. You were always found petting Circa, Navi and Buddy whenever you were at the trap house. But you’d always prepared yourself beforehand with Benadryl. You enjoyed playing and cuddling little fluffy animals- and puppies were still your weakness.  
“Okay, we’re coming out- this is David by the way,” Sam explained.  
“Hi David,” you chimed into the darkness, being the only one to not have met the man beforehand. Kat had been banging on Colby’s apartment door asking for you to come over about ten minutes before you’d been blindfolded.
“Hey,” a male voice greeted.  
“Okay, you two ready? We have the first animal species. These ones aren’t too bad,”
“Cup your hands together, they’re kind of long.” David told the two of you. You did as told, flinching your head back as something long and slim was set in your hands. Little claws settled against your hands, and the creature's toes were weird. Whatever it was had a tail that was hanging off the side of your hands.  
“What the hell?” You mumbled quietly as Kat let out a surprised cry, you continued your train of thought, “a lizard?”
“Y/N got it! What kind of lizard though?”
“You want us to guess the kind of lizard? Sam, I’ve never even held a lizard,” Kat laughed.  
“No idea,” you giggled as you slowly maneuvered the little lizard into you right hand, lifting the left to stroke over its little head.  
“Alright, alright,” Sam sighed, “lift the blindfolds- I'll let you guys check out the animals you’re holding because I’m not mean.”
“Awh, they’re so cute,” you cooed after you nudged your blindfold up with your shoulder.  
“These little guys are leopard geckos; their names are Dale and Gracie.” David explained to you and Kat.
“Look at their little spots,” Kat grinned, glancing at you.
“Okay, hand the geckos back, and blindfolds down. We’ll be back with the next pet!” Sam took the little leopard gecko from your hands and you reached up to pull your blindfold back into place.  
You listened for the footsteps, and prepared yourself for the next critter.  
“Here we go, we’ll just set these guys down in your laps...” Sam paused, “watch out for the teeth.”
“Sam!” you gasped, instantly raising your hands away from you lap as something was set down. It had claws, not very pointy, but they were there.  
“Y/N, have you touched it yet?” Kat asked hesitantly from your side.
“No, you?” you replied, hands gravitating over your lap carefully.
“No- it’s got claws. Sam, why are they in our laps?” Kat asked quietly. Sam simply laughed, urging you guys to touch the creature. You let your hand fall, and you were greeted by a fluffy texture. Apparently, you made a face, as David and Sam laughed.
“It’s fluffy,” you told Kat, who then made a weird noise before humming quietly.  
“A rabbit?” Kat guessed.
“Yeah, definitely a bunny,” you agreed, running your hand over the silky ears and down it’s fluffy back. You were mainly allergic to dogs and cats. Littler animals just gave you a stuffy nose and made your eyes water occasionally.  
“You guys are right, blindfolds up!” Sam enthused, “Kat gets the point this round!”
“Y/N is holding Honey, my Holland Lop, and Katrina is holding Gizmo, who is a Cashmere Lop.” David explained. You cuddled Honey, rubbing your cheek against her soft fur.
The guys let you cuddle the bunnies for a few minutes before once again the creatures were taken from you and the blindfold replaced.  
“There’s only a few more left,” Sam called from his bedroom. You pointlessly glanced in Kat’s direction; vision still black from the fabric covering your eyes.  
“Okay, here you go,”
You yelped out, hands recoiling as something pointy brushed against your hands.  
“Y/N? What?” Kat called desperately, but seconds later she yelped out as well.
“Sam, what the hell is that?” you whined.
“Hold your hands out,” Sam replied instead, voice even but it was clear he was finding this hilarious. Your hands shook as you held them out, palm up. Something was set in your hands. You drew in a calming breath, feeling some part of whatever this thing was brushing against your thigh.  
“These guys are harmless, it’s the last one you need to worry about,” David said calmly.  
“Don’t say that!” You hissed, lowering your hands against you lap and carefully parting them so the thing was settled against your thighs and you could actually touch it.  
It was long, flat and kind of round, as well as really pointy. The skin was rough and little spikes ran along its body. Kat was making little horrified, yet confused noises as you two tried to figure out what the hell you were holding.
You pulled back quickly as your fingers brushed along bigger spikes around its head. It was...
“Oh, I know what this is,” you grinned. “It’s a bearded dragon!”
“Oh! Two points for Y/N. That’s exactly what they are- blindfolds up,”  
“Oh-” Kat nodded. You both took off your blindfolds to look at the pointy little creatures. Kat was still cupping her lizard while yours was lounging calmly in your lap.  
“These two are Ginny and Missy,” David told you. They were really cool looking, but also kind of creepy.
“They’re so pointy?” Kat’s eyebrows furrowed and her mouth formed an ‘o’ shape as she stroked to fingers from the bearded dragon’s head down to the tip of its tail. Sam laughed, leaching down to stroke the lizard in his girlfriend’s lap.  
You carefully picked up the lizard in your lap, handing it to David who took her back with a small smile. Sam picked up the lizard from Kat’s lap, following David to his bedroom as he called a hurried “blindfolds!” over his shoulder.  
You and Kat exchanged nervous glances as you both pulled the blindfolds down for hopefully the last time. David had said that this animal was the one to be afraid of.  
You rubbed your hands together nervously, heart pumping in your chest.
“Back, without an animal. I’m going to give you each a wet-wipe since this animal is kind of sensitive and David wants to keep everything healthy and happy. Just a safety precaution,” Sam explained and he popped open the wet-wipes container, seconds later a wet cloth was set in your hands and you vigorously rubbed your hands together.  
“A precaution?” Kat asked as she accidentally elbowed you while wiping her hands, “sorry.”
“No problem,” you mumbled staring straight ahead as you toyed with the wipe.
“Yeah, nothing that will harm humans, but like I said, this animal is sensitive.” Sam took the wipe from you hand and you heard him walk into the kitchen, then job back to the bedroom.
“Ready, girls?” He called, and you could hear the smirk in his voice.
“I’m so scared,” Kat whispered, leaning towards you.
“Me too,” you agreed quietly before shouting back to Sam, “ready!”
The footsteps were loud, but muffled out by the beating of your own heart. Soon, Sam was stood in front of you and you could feel his presence.  
“Should we actually do this?” Sam asked, voice low. Your anxiety spiked, because he wasn’t talking to you- no, he was talking to David.
“I mean, the probability they’ll bit is pretty low...” David replied.
“I’m pretty scared just holding it, and I’m wearing the gloves-”
“Sam! You’re wearing gloves?” Kat shouted, and then there was the sound of a chair screeching along the floor.
“No, thank you!” You yelped. Something was set in your lap and you froze. Completely still, hands mid-air.
“Kat,” Sam groaned, “shh, Kat!” and everything fell to silence. “Y/N if you guess this animal, you win as Kat took her blindfold off.”
Your hands shook as they lowered towards whatever was in your lap. It was fuzzy-
“It licked me!” You cried out, cringing lightly and flinching away from whatever it was. You took a wild guess, just wanting the game to be over, “is it, um, is it a dog?”
“Yes! Our winner is Y/N with four points- Kat is our loser with one point, sorry Kat.” Sam exclaimed, telling the camera the final stats.  
You were quick to take off the blindfold. Happiness filling you as you stared down at the fluffy little guy in your lap.  
“He’s so cute!” You gasped, lifting the little puppy up, “goodness, he’s adorable.” You cooed.  
“Oliver and Sydney, two-month-old Corgi puppies,” David grinned. “They’re almost ready to be rehomed.”
“They are so cute!” Cat squealed as she sat herself on the floor. You and David joined her, and the puppies played between the three of you.  
“Colby home, Y/N?” Sam questioned, looking at you before gazing towards his door.
“He was editing when I left,” you explained, rubbing your arms as the itching started. Your eyes were watering, and your skin was starting to blotch- soon to be covered in hives, but there was no way you weren’t about to play with these two little corgi puppies.  
Sam was gone for about ten minutes. In that time span, you and Kat had each picked up a puppy to cuddle and were sitting together on the couch- invested in the puppies. David had gone to sort out the rest of the animals, as he had a bit of a car ride and would be leaving soon.  
You could already tell your face was swelling, not bad, but slightly uncomfortable. Your arms burned with hives- which you simply pulled your sleeves down to hide. Your eyes were damp, and there was a slight scratchiness to your throat- but all in all, this was a pretty mild allergic reaction. You used to react way worse when you were little.  
You hid your face in the Oliver’s soft fur, (not the smartest idea on your part, but whatever) when Sam’s apartment door opened.  
“What did you want to show me?” You heard Colby, refusing to look up- because he knew, you knew he knew.
“Puppies!” Sam exclaimed, plopping beside Kat and allowing Sydney to stumble into his lap. The little corgi licked his fingers as he stroked her back.  
“Puppies?” Colby smiled. He walked further in, eyes trailing from Sam and Kat to you.  
“Aren’t you just the handsomest little puppy in the whole wide world?” You asked the little puppy, nuzzling his fur, ignoring Colby’s presence.  
“Y/N...” Colby started slowly, “aren’t you like really allergic to dogs?”
You continued petting the puppy, but slowed slightly chewing on the inside of your lip. Yep, he knew.  
“Maybe,” you said already knowing what was going to happen, your fingers curled into Oliver’s fur as Colby moved towards you.  
“Y/N’s allergic to dogs?” Sam sounded very confused, “but at the house, you were always playing with the dogs.”
“Yea,” you said slowly, not looking up, “I was drugged up on Benadryl...”
“Your voice sounds weird,” Colby told you, arms cross across his chest, “hey, look at me.”
You huffed out, glancing towards your boyfriend who was stood in front of you. He gave you an unimpressed look, reaching over to trail his fingers across your reddened cheek. His frame was blurry due to your watering eyes.
“Y/N, babe, your eyes are so red,” Colby furrowed his eyebrows. You sneezed suddenly, covering your face.  
“It’s fine,” you told him, hugging the puppy, knowing your time with him was ticking. Colby was kind of a worrier, and there was no way he’d let you keep touching the dog if it was making you sick.  
“Show me your arms.” Another irritated sigh from you as you pushed the sleeves up.
“Jeez, Y/N.” Colby frowned, his fingers now trailing lightly along the hives. “I think we should take him away...” Colby suggested, lifting Oliver under his little arms and picking him up, “and go see if I have any Benadryl in the medicine cabinet.”
Colby set the corgi puppy in Kat’s lap, then moved to help you stand up.
“Thank for being in the video,” Sam smiled, “a heads up about your allergy would’ve been nice though.” You laughed, it sounded nasally, and you ended up coughing after but it was still pretty funny.  
“Feel better, Y/N,” Kat smiled, Sam nodding as he also wished you well.  
“I’ll be good as new by tomorrow,” you promised. At least, if you got some Benadryl in your system soon.  
“You know I love puppies,” you pouted, sniffling as you plopped down on Colby’s couch.  
“I also know that dogs literally close off your airways,” Colby narrowed his eyes at you before continuing to the bathroom. He came back a few seconds later with a box of meds. You’d been together for quite a while now, so it made sense that Colby would accommodate your allergy- especially since things like today could literally happen any time.
You took the required dosage, then leaned back against the couch, closing your sore, itchy eyes for a bit. When you opened your eyes, Colby was seated beside you and he was rolling up your shirt sleeves.  
He applied a lotion to your rash covered skin, and the itch lessened. You moaned quietly as Colby’s hands ran along your arms, and he laughed quietly, kissing your lips.
“You know this doesn’t change anything, if I see a dog- I'm going to love it,” you told him, completely serious.
“Yes,” Colby nodded, “I’m aware- just give me a heads up so I can come with Benadryl so we can get all this under control faster.”  
You grinned, pulling your shirt up, exposing your belly, “will you put lotion here too?” the words accompanied with a suggestive wiggle of your eyebrows.  
Colby huffed a laugh, muttering about how lucky you were that you were cute under his breath before slowly lathering a some of the cooling lotion into your skin.
Colby really was a good boyfriend.  
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ellus986 · 5 years
Always knew you / chapter sixteen
Joe Mazzello x reader
Warning: swearing, speak about lost loved ones, and a lot of emotions.
Comment: Y/N is corrently 22, while Joe is 36.
Summary: you knew Joe all of your life, and as best friends you two always find the way back to each other.
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The day just came and you are in your dress, your hair is already braid into a bohemian half updo, just us your make up is on point thanks to Lucy and you only had half an hour to get to the altar. You placed your hand on your stomach, it was still a new feeling.
You hear a knock on your door. “Can I come in?” You hear Ben.
“Yeah ofcourse!” You nod, and drop your hands.
“How do you feeling?” He asks as he comes in.
“Nervous...” you wishper.
“Do you want me to sneak you out? I mean I don’t want to break his heart, but if you...”
“No, no, no! Not that kind of nervous!” You cut in.
“Oh okay, you made me nervous about need to sneak you out!” He hushes, and you laugh. He looks down and up on you. “You are really beautiful!” He comes to hug you. “God, Joe was right, your boobs are looking bigger...” slips out of his mouth and you see him already regreting. “Sorry...” he start but he is cut off by you.
“He did notice?” You panic, not even thinking what you are speaking.
“Noticing what?” Ben looks at you with confusion on his face.
“Nothing, really nothing...” you try to calm yourself down with breathing slowly, and then you see his face changing.
“Are you saying what I think you are saying?” He asks in shook.
“No I’m not saying anything!” You shout back quietly.
“You are pregnant!” He almost yells. You look at him, but don’t deny his clames. “You are pregnant!” His voice is start to get more louder.
“Sssh!” You put your finger over your lips to make him shot up.
“You are fucking pregnant!” He wishpers, and you give up and nod. “Oh my God!” He says before he hugs you again. “What was Joe’s reaction?” He asks, and again you are not answering. “You didn’t told him yet?” His jaw drops open.
“No!” You wishper. “I wanted to suprise him tomorrow, after everything is settled”
“You are afaird he leaves you?” He looks at you confused.
“No! I just want him to enjoy his wedding without wanting to tell everyone so bad!” You wishper. “It is enough I feel like that!”
“So who knows?” He asks softly.
“You!” You smile lightly at him.
“I’m the first you told?” He asks.
“I did not told you!” You corect him. “You find out yourself, but yeah you are the first to know about it!” You nod.
“Oh God!” He hugs you again.
“Tell me about it!” You tap your stomach as you pull away.
“How many weeks?” He asks.
“Seven!” You wishper not even believing what you two are speaking about.
“Seven...” he repeats your words with amazment. “Wait, you shouldn’t drink then!” You see him getting upthight.
“Yeah, I have a plan it will be hard to make it alone, but somehow I will trick everyone...”
“Even Joe?” He cuts in.
“Even Joseph, that I’m drinking.”
“I’m in!” He shouts immediately.
“What?” You look at him in disbelieve.
“You had Joe last time to drink your stuff, you have me now!” He confirms.
“You want to help?” You ask in shook.
“What is a godfather for?” He smiles at you, and you laugh.
“I would thank you, if you help me out somehow!” You admit.
“You just need to not drink from the glasses you get, I hug you, or we meet in the dark hallway and change the full to the empty... easy peasy!” He smacks.
“It is not that easy like you think Joe was never that drunk before, but try this, and see how it is working.” You nod.
“Deal!” He hugs you again kissing your cheek.
“Honey, It’s time!” You hear your dad from the outside of the door. As the door opens Ben hands you to your father.
“Jeremy, isn’t she beautiful?” He asks with a smirk on his face.
“She is the most beautiful woman I ever seen!” Admits your dad, as he looks at you with tearful eyes.
“Dad...” you feel your eyes getting wet, as you look at him with your head tilted to the side.
“Me too, Honey!” He answers your unspoken words before he kisses your forhead, as he walks with you down the hallway.
You enter the room and you see every eye sticking to you. You look up to face Joe across the room. He looks handsome, and you feel the blutterflies flying in your stomach, as your heart skips a beat. It was it, the moment you were waiting for months now, and you couldn’t be happier. You see the shook on his face, and you know he has the same thoughts on his mind right now. You see Ben, Qwilym, and Rami on Joe’s side, and Lucy, Judith and Tricia your two high school best friends on your side of the altar.
As you get there you see the unfallen tears in Joe’s eyes and you know you have them too. You hear the pastor, but the words are just a big mess in your head, until you hear Joe’s full name, and he starts. “Oh Silly, I never thought this day will come, even after you said yes I couldn’t believe this is true, but look at us, it is. All of your life you wraped me around your finger with that bright soul you have, even as a three years old little girl who huged me after four days of school trip like I came back from death. It is true I had fall in love with you over night, and yet over a life time. You made me your best friend even I was a teenager, and you were just born, that was going on until you turned 18, that night I took you to Paris to drink legally for the first time, and everything changed. You made me fall for you, even we were afraid to let ourself believe it, it was just like that, you kissed me, and I kissed you back, there was no coming back. Everytime since than I dated someone they were never good enough compered to you, everytime you dated someone I felt the jelousy eating me inside. I love you, Silly, I love you more than anything! I’m the luckiest man as you choosed me over a million younger, and better version!” He chuckles, and you feel a tear falling down from your cheek as you giggle too, before it is your turn.
“Silly, there is maybe younger but no better version than you, believe me. I can’t remember the night we met, but I know you were my home from that minute you first held me in your arms. I know from lot of people that whenever I was screaming, or crying and you were around they called for you, and as I get into your arms I was quiet, and relaxed. I still feel the same, and my love just growing everyday. I tried to hid it from myself, but to be fair you were the man of my life since I can remember. Your smile is just lights up the same when we see eachother after a long time, just when I escaped the car to run to you, and believe me, you haven't aged a day!” You smile at him, and you know he knows you were qouting him. “I experienced my life next to you, and I’m the happiest to do it till I die! I had many adventures with you, as a kid, as a teenager, as an adult, and can’t wait to have more as your wife, or as a parent. We have so much ahead of us, and I can’t wait to jump into it, I loved you all of my life, you were my childhood crush, and now you will be my husband, I’m the luckiest woman in this universe, but I’m sure in any other too, that I could fall in love with you, to have you as my best friend, my supporter, my still rock, my life, my heart, the father of my children of anytime, my husband. I will never get tired to say it: my husband. I love you, husband, and always will, more and more everyday!” You can’t see anymore as tears are fulling your eyes.
You hear the pastor again, it is blurry to your ears again, until you hear Joe. “I do”
You hear the words, you hear your name and you just simple say, and your heart stops for a moment. “I do”
You feel his hand grabing your hips, and than his lips on yours. You are married. You married your best friend/childhood crush. You giggle as you look into his smiley hazel eyes as he pulls away. You hear the aplause as your friends and family are claping and screaming in excitment.
As the party started everyone came to congratulate to you, as you were standing next to eachother. You get very excited when you see Ben and the mysterious plus one. You hold your hand out and say as she grabs it. “Oh God, nice to meet you! I’m Y/N if you haven’t guessed!” You laugh as you pull her into a hug, and you see how Ben rolls his eyes.
“Hi! Congratulation, I’m Annabelle!” She smiles at you even you can see she feels a little akward.
“Nice to meet you!” Joe hugs her too. You see Ben’s face and you pull your shoulder giggling on him.
After everyone gave you a hug and said they wishes you were able to get to the dance floor, to dance your first dance. You are my best friend starts and you wrap your arms around his neck, even you are almost as height as him as you are wearing highheels. Your forheads are pushed together, as you slowly move to the music. It is not really a coreogaphed thing since your injurey you are happy, your wound healed in time, so you can wear the shoes you wanted.
“I love you, wifey!” He wishpers.
“I love you, Hubby!” You giggle, before you kiss him.
After you had your first dance your dad comes to take you while Ginnie is about to dance with Joe. As your mother takes Joe, your heart aches as John is the one who dances with you next, and not Joseph. You see your husband’s eyes for a minute and you know he thinks the same. Almost hours gone by while everyone get to you two to dance with you, before you could start dinner.
You have been pretty great with not drinking alcohol, as you had no time at all, to even get a glass in your hands.
As everyone is sitting down and the dinner starts your father stands up to toast. “I was really in trouble with what to say. I saw both of you grow up in front of me to be this bright, happy newly married couple. I can’t fully express my feeling right now, or ever. To be fair I never thought I would have you as my son in law, but I can’t imagine any better man to make my daughter happy for the rest of her life, and I know Joseph is so proud of you two right now!” He says and you feel the tears getting into your eyes, and you feel how Joe who is holding your hand tenses next to you. “My sweet, beautiful daughter, I couldn’t be prider of you. It was a sweet memory when you were following Joe everywhere calling him future husband, everyone laughed you were too cute, to be true, but look at you two now! You married him, just as you said, when you were only three.” He smiles at you with pride in his eyes.
You cannot not smile at him, and silently from: “thank you, I love you!”
“I guess it is my turn!” Stands up Joe. “I can join you Jeremy as I can’t express either what this day means to me. When I say everything, it sounds nothing like I feel, it sounds shallow. So I don’t even try to put it into words again, I just want to thank everyone who came to celebrate with us, to celebrate our love with this beautiful woman! Thank you for guys, our life would be nothing without you!” He ends the toast just as you feel, and kisses your cheek as he sits down.
You stand up with the full glass of champagne in your hand. “I would like to have a little toast as well. First I want to thank our families, for being so tight all the years, for makeing us best friends in the first place, to still have the same sleep overs every year, or atleast every other year. I want to thank our friends for making our life as brilliant as it is, for support us to take the steps...” you wink at Ben, who giggles with tearful eyes on this. “For helping us in everything, for being a big part of our lifes. Thank you all for coming, and celebrate the biggest day of my life!” You lift your glass at the end.
As the waiters are about to serve more food Luc stands up to speak. “I know everyone want to eat, but I would say a toast too. First I want to thank you, Honey, that you choose me, but there comes the bigger thanks to Joe, our jokester for give us this sunshine to be our best friend. I know from the first moment I met each of you, that you two will be in my heart forever, and to be fair as we saw you together we all know this day will come sooner or later. Ooh and I almost forget: guys I need my money, my bet was the closest!” She giggles as she raises her glass.
“Okay, sorry for everyone this is the last one!” Stands up Rami. “Dear Joseph! I know you for half of your wife’s life, that’s a lot” he smirks at Joe. “I heard you speaking about her years now, and I can say you always loved her, even if it wasn’t romantic, or anything like that, you always felt this girl is something special, something you need to adore, because you do, you always did, in a beautiful way. I remember how proud you were when you spoke about her still playing baseball after years, or when you heard she had a home run, you were so proud, you just adored this goofball of sunshine, as you still do... okay I lied you love her more now, but still... Dear Y/N! I can speak in the name of the band... and Lucy” you see how Luc pokes him on the leg as he winks at her. “That it was one of our luckiest day when you came to see what happens on the set. I wouldn’t imagine that a young little girl, who can’t stop laughing, and makes Joe crack up all the time would be our best friend too, but you stole our heart fast and easy. I want to thank you, that you make my best friend shine, his smile is brighter, happier, the most honest since you are with him not just as his best friend, but as the love of his life. I want to thank you that you make our lives as brilliant as it is, and our friend as happy as we never seen him!” As he ends his toast you can’t keep a tear from falling down on your cheek.
The dinner went through without more toast. As the night came you were dancing with Joe almost all night. When someone came with a glass of champagne and give it to you, you pretented to drink from it, and you already saw Ben thinking about how to get to you in the corner of your eye. It was blessing you only had your close friends and family at the wedding, just as small as you wanted.
We you get a new glass and you stand next to Joe a really funky song comes up and Ben runs to you. “Put your drink down!” He yells over the music and you start at him. “Put down!” he grabs your hand and as you put it down he pull you into the dancefloor.
He spins you everywhere and as you bump into him, and rest your hand on his shoulder you wishper in his ear. “If you turn me one more time your Godchild will always hear about the night where mommy vomited on you!” You giggle and you feel how much he grabs you closer.
“Sorry, just thought this is helpful too, to make you drinkless...” you already hear on his voice he is really getting drunk.
“Yeah, we should switch from you drinking mines!” You get really afraid he will get way faster sick than he promised.
“No, no, no! I’m fine!” He gets loud, and you see Joe coming troward you.
“Hey Buddy, I think you need a little bit of air!” He starts to walk him away, but you panic.
“I think I need too, I get him out!” You say fast.
“Are you sure?” Asks Joe with something in his eyes you only saw when he was jealous of Ben, but shit you can’t let drunk Benjamin with Joe be alone, you can’t let him tell your secret now.
“Yeah, I feel a little dizzy...” you start to walk to the door with Ben.
“Coat!” He shouts as you want to walk out with him only in your dress.
“You are right.” You admit and get your coat, as you walk out you see Joe’s eyebrows raising high. “Man you make me look bad!” You moan as the glass door closes behind you.
“Sorry, I didn’t want to...” he bends over the railing.
“Don’t fall out please, I don’t want to lose you now...” you giggle but you hear sobbing from a bench at the prow. “Stay here, and don’t fall!” You say discipline as a parent would.
“Yes, Mommy” he chuckles, and the sobbing gets more louder.
“Hi!” You sit down as you see Annabelle in the bench crying. “What is wrong, darling?” You smooth out some hair of her face, but she just shakes it. “Don’t tell me nothing, I know you have something on your heart, tell me love!” Your voice is so soft, but you almost cry with her, you don’t want to see anyone cry.
“You... I mean not you, but that Ben is...” you star at her, and she stops looking in your eyes. “I think he is in love with you...” you start to laugh and she looks offended. “I wouldn’t see it, if I wouldn’t be his date, but look he keeps an eye on you all night, not you and Joe, just you...” she sniffs.
“I’m aware of that!” You smile at her.
“What?” Her jaw drops open, and her words are to loud that you hear Ben.
“Everything is alright?” Even his words are weak you hear the fear in his voice.
“Yes, Benjamin, concentrate on sobbering up!” You really feel like a mom. “He is doing his duty... I guess...”
“His... duty?” You can see how she can’t put it together.
“Okay, can you keep me a secret, if it even stays a secret after the only man who knows is almost blacked out...” she nods, and you continue. “He is drinking my stuff too, it is his duty, to keep me away from the alcohol, as I shouldn’t drink it...”
“Why are you needing him to keep you away?” She asks confused, so you just say it.
“Because I’m pregnant.” You say, and just as you said it out loud you hear the door open.
“Everything is alright ladies?” Ask Joe as he gets to you, Annabelle is already smiling, but about to wipe off some tears from her cheek.
“Yes...” she answers. “How limited it is?” She looks at you with a conspirational look in her eyes.
“Oh yet just two people have it...” you admit, and you see how happy she is you made her the one, and you feel relieved she get Joe does not know. As she walks away, she winks at you behind Joe’s back as a promise.
“Come on love, you should eat something!” She hugs Ben, and you smile at him.
“We should sobber up a little bit our child!” You poke Joe on his side.
“Yes we should!” He moans with a little smile, but still with a jealous look. “I love when you say our child!” He kisses your forhead as you walk in the ballroom.
At 4 am everyone felt like it is time to go to to sleep. You landed your mom the keys of Joe’s apartment, to make sure everyone who want to stay in New York can stay there, even lot of the friends decided to stay in a hotel, or go home. You are about to go to a motel next to the airport you are flying off from in the morning, just 6 hours later. You sit in the back of the limousine after you said goodbye to everyone, when Joe asks. “What was wrong with Ben’s girl?” Before you could answer he continues. “She saw too that you two had an unspoken bond today?” As your face freeze he continues. “No, it wasn’t that obvious for anyone else, but I saw it, as my eyes were always on you...”
“Daddy, are you jealous?” You choose the words wisely as you smirk.
“I don’t want to play on our first night as a married couple, I thought you liked me without it too...” you see how upset he is.
“Me neither...” you admit with a nasty smile.
“What...” he mombles.
“But I still can call you daddy...” you giggle.
“What...” he can’t say anything else. You don’t say anything just put his hand on your belly. “What?”
“Ben was drinking instade of me...” you admit.
“What?” He repeats.
“I wanted to tell you first, but he find out. I mean it wasn’t me who put it in his mouth...” you giggle and as you see his face you continue. “Oh God, Joe was right, your boobs are looking bigger...” you try to act like Ben.
“So, ohh... Oh my God, you are pregnant!” He hugs you, so tight you can’t really breath, but it is not really matters now.
“Yes, Silly we are about to start a family!” You wishper in his ear. “I wanted to tell you tomorrow morning, a little more organised, but Ben turned upside down everything...” you moan into his skin.
“I don’t care how you tell me, it is perfect anyways!” He admits. “But you had your period three weeks ago...” he looks
confused. “You couldn’t even know now...”
“I thought I had my period Yes, but in reality it was implantation bleeding. I thought it was easy on my because of the stress, but it wasn’t, it was easy on me because of our child...” you giggle into his skin, still huging him.
“You kidding...” he chuckles.
“No... I got dizzy at the train just like last time, paniced and I just got some tests in the drug store, waited a whole night, to take them.” You wishper.
“Wait... it was on monday?” He asks with shook on his face. “That was the reason you were so quiet... shit I accused you with regreting our wedding!” You see how bad he feels about it.
“Silly, relax! I wasn’t even there in mind, to be fair!” You laugh.
“How did you kept it so long?” He asks.
“Oh Babe, you can’t imagine how hard it was!” You admit. “But last time at this time around we were about to tell our family, I did not wanted you to only think about this on our wedding, it was enough I wanted to tell so badly!” You kiss his cheek.
“We should’ve suffered together!” He says, a little huffish.
“Babe... we will for the next one and a half months for sure!” You look at him, and you see how his face softens, and than you see the panic on his face. “I find a clinic that will be doing our catch ups until we came home...” you smooth some hair out of his face.
“Were you...?” He asks hesitating.
“Just for blood test, I wanted to have you at the first ultrasound!” You admit.
“You know you can’t have anything stressful on our honeymoon! Or lift even a pen!” Even he looks at you with a very serious face you can’t keep the laughter back. “No! I’m serious, I don’t want to lose an another child!” He looks sad.
“Hey, hey, hey I know! I don’t want to lose our child too!” You momble into his lips as you kiss him, while your heart aches as you remember your child you will never meet.
To be continued...
@spacedust1124719 @simply-sams-things @mrsmazzello
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mariposalass · 5 years
A Moment into Forever
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Summary: A friend and an adopted brother join hands in marriage in early July, and Mari couldn’t be any prouder of the two.
Notes: It’s the Love Beyond Magic wedding, and you’re invited to read this story along. Here’s a quick reference masterlist related to the wedding event: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Also, huge shout outs to @husband-of-lucoa, @moonkiss-kid, @jenny-snoopers-world, @jaklovemail, @self-shipping-angel, and theselfshippingwitch (I can’t seem to tag you properly for some time) and their f/os for the guest cameos in this story.
Setting: Zellerbach Garden of Perennials at the San Francisco Botanical Gardens in San Francisco, California and Mari and co.’s house in Daly City, California; July 7, 2019
Tags: crossovers, Love Beyond Magic, self shipping, fluff, wedding, guest cameos, few mentions of character death
Morning arrives at the Tan residence one July Sunday, there is so much activity to get the last minute things done: from setting up the backyard for the reception to getting some of the food cooked to the bridal party needing to get ready for the big day. The ladies (Issa the bride and bridesmaids Mari, Kairi, Hermione, and Issa’s old friend Mona Roque) had their makeup and hair done by some friends led by Michiru Kaio in the master bedroom on the ground floor while the guys (Harry the groom and the groomsmen Ahkmenrah, Kirby, Ron, and Issa’s old friend Samuel Hidalgo) got ready inside in what will be Harry’s former room with Kirby on the second floor (the couple would move into the master bedroom after their brief mini-honeymoon out of town). There are exchanges of encouragement and stories and a bit of shenanigans here & there, but it went all smoothly.
After everyone got ready and got dressed, Mari and Kairi escorted Issa out to the porch at the now mostly decorated backyard of the house for the first look and bridal party photo shoot. The girls, the bride wearing an ivory spaghetti strap blouse, a long blush tulle skirt, and black chunky heels, whereas the two bridesmaids (along with Mona and Hermione) are dressed in embroidered blush dresses, chatted for a bit about what is going to happen. Her hands are tightening their grip onto her pink and white floral bouquet out of nervousness, although her face didn’t show that much at all with her trying to remain calm before the first look and bridal party shoots.
“So, today is finally here,” Mari spoke up first, “The day you two are getting married.”
“Absolutely, sis,” Kairi smiled before turning her attention to Issa, “Harry is so going to be floored once he gets down here to see you. I mean, we managed to hide your outfit for a couple of weeks without him catching onto it yet. He’s usually the one who couldn’t his nose away from any secretive stuff.”
“Gee, thanks guys, we all need it,” the slightly nervous bride thanked her soon-to-be sisters in law, “Come to think of it though: I’m just as surprised as you two that we hid it so well, he didn’t even bother to ask us.”
“Not a problem,” Mari noted, “I guess we did it so well indeed.”
“I can’t wait to see his reactions to you in a top and skirt rather than a dress,” Kairi giggled at the thought of her older adopted brother having dropped jaws upon seeing his future wife in a different outfit than he had imagined from the white lies they have given onto him for the last couple of weeks.
“Well, dream harder, Kairi,” Issa rolled her eyes a bit with a shrug, “I’m placing bets that he’s going to wear his eyeglasses all day long and forgetting to fix his hair for today.”
“Quick, everyone, the groom’s coming!!!” Mona’s panicky voice soon alerted everyone that Harry’s about to go to the backyard porch, sending everyone to hide from his line of sight.
“We need to go before he catches us,” Mari told Issa as she and Kairi went back inside to the master bedroom.
“Or else,” Kairi chimed in.
“Okay, girls, just don’t heckle at him on your way out,” she reminded them in advance.
Both girls nodded as they went back inside, leaving Issa alone to have some peace and quiet before he shows up. Good Lord, it’s been nearly a decade when they first met? Nearly a decade of dating has come by and it was so surreal to think that it would lead to this moment.
The memories were coming back to her in flashbacks in a film: the first awkward meeting, Harry’s major heartbreak from breaking up with Ginny and disowning his canon realm, the first awkward date, bonding over their hatred for tight enclosed spaces, the upset that she has to go college and get a job at the newspaper company they work for ahead of him, countless times of flirting with each other, a couple of times they would argue and yet make it up afterwards, the multiple dates and trips together, the many sleepless nights working on articles and races against the deadlines, that little engagement surprise at Ron and Hermione’s wedding a few months back. It must have taken a few minutes to go over them, but it felt like an eternity for her.
Just as memory lane keeps running in her mind, a familiar English male voice soon woke her up from its trance, “Hey, I thought about of dropping by before the whole thing starts. Just to, you know, not to get so tense about the day ahead of time.” Issa turned around and she was quite happy to see that he was there: the man she’s going to tie the knot with, the brother of two of her dearest friends. Harry James Potter looks absolutely dashing on today: his bangs have slicked back with gel, he managed to sneak in contact lenses (again, but he’s getting better at wearing them in a near daily basis nowadays), the scar has been partially concealed with a little bit of concealer, and this is so un-Harry-like as if the guy was trying too hard to look good for her. But still handsome nonetheless.
And like the rest of the guys who’s not Kirby, he’s wearing an ivory white dress shirt, gray dress pants, and brown shoes, finished with a layered owl feather and gold-tone wiring buttonhole. Unlike the rest of guys though, he does have a suit jacket on that matches the pants in color & fabric where the buttonhole is attached onto and a blush tie that compliments her skirt.
She was totally floored by the whole look he has pulled off, and she couldn’t help but to blush hard behind her hand. Harry, on the other hand, was stunned by how lovely Issa is as well: to be honest, he was expecting her to wear something more white and in a form of a dress if you asked him beforehand, but the top and skirt combo is quite a welcoming refresher from the amount of white dresses he has seen on brides in many of the weddings he, Issa, Mari, Kairi, and, yes, even Kirby have went to in recent years.
Her hair has been styled into a messy bun with braids, the makeup was done well for even amateur standards (thanks in part of Michiru’s clever skilled hand), he could even sworn that he could sniff some of the perfume she usually has on, but beyond that, it probably has to do with the sweet elegant aura and grace she always gives off that makes her unorthodox bridal outfit more stunning in his eyes in a good way.
“I see that you decided not to give up on the old locket for the big day as well,” he admitted to her when he noticed that the silver heart locket necklace she usually wears being a stand out from the other pieces of jewelry that are in gold before solemnly pondering on the significance, “Perhaps your cousin would’ve love to be here to see this day happening if she was still here on Earth.”
“Yeah, I wish Serena was here to see us getting married,” she smiled back while holding back the tears with the mention of her late beloved cousin bringing back old memories before bringing up another thing near and dear to his heart, “She was unfortunately ill for most of her life, I afraid. I guess the same can be said for Uncle Sirius and your parents if they weren’t, you know, killed off too soon, right?”
“Same, same,” he agreed as he too tried not to shed so much tears before the ceremony could even begin.
As the two were finishing up on the remembering the dead, they soon got distracted when they overheard giggling and cheering from their friends and family: including the bride’s parents and relatives coming in from the Philippines and the entire fam bunch & circle of friends with a co-worker of theirs taking the pictures as discreetly as possible. Issa’s dear old best friend Jenny and her feline detective husband Snooper are also present along with their respective families and with some new family members, including a pair of genius tech prodigy brothers and a friendly bear & his bird lady friend.
What surprised the groom the most was that some of the people he knew did actually travel from the UK to Daly City via San Francisco. He was surely expecting that many from his neck of the woods not to come besides Ron & Hermione who arrived a few weeks ago to help out in the last stages of planning and Sayeko, Levi, Erwin, Mike, Zoe, and Levi’s father Roland who had agreed to come to the event, even especially with Ginny understandably choosing not to go not as to rub things between them on the wrong way, but seeing Remus, Tonks, and Teddy being at the house before heading for the ceremony is more than welcome. The last living Marauder gave Harry a warm hug, Tonks kindly gave him a few words, and Teddy happily proclaimed to everyone present that Issa will become his godmother upon marrying his godfather, which actually everyone giggling and laughing at the coincidence.
And the most surprising of them all was that his biological cousin Dudley Dursley of all people arrived from his current place at Manchester, England to California out from Mari’s invitation and Luna was there as well. He’s well aware that he and Dudley have made amends and still sending correspondence over mail and calls & that these two are dating each other for some time, but the fact that both of them are here in one sitting has flooded him with gratitude that he hugged Mari tightly out of happiness Dudley even admitted he was worried about coming to the wedding in the first place out of fear, but Harry does appreciate the effort he and Luna made to come over nevertheless.
After the bridal party and family pictures have been taken at the backyard, everyone headed out to the San Francisco Botanical Gardens and into its Zellerbach Garden of Perennials for the ceremony. The garden within a city park is already filled with a diversity array of plants and flowers from around the world that wasn’t necessary to decorate the whole place like crazy (and also to comply with state & city forests and parks rules), but there’s a small ceremony table under the gazebo shade and a God’s Knot set with three differently colored ropes hanging onto a small ring which in turn is hanging onto a wooden peg. There’s also a park ranger on hand as accordance to the rules. Because both fathers on both sides have leg injuries, both sets of parents choose to sit down before the ceremony begins.
After some moments of quiet talk and waiting, the ceremony begins: the first one to walk down to the gazebo was the Doctor, dressed in black & white and carrying what appears to be a rolled up scroll of psychic paper, then next came Harry trying to not worry so much as he headed for the gazebo on his own, the first 3 sets of groomsmen and bridesmaids went down in pairs (Ron & Hermione, Mona & Sam, and Kairi & Ahk) went next with the ladies carrying black lanterns in lieu of flowers, and Mari soon arrived, a black lantern on one hand and a wagon carrying Kirby on the other, walking down towards the gazebo while Kirby waves and squeaks out ‘Hi!’ at people as he guards the wedding bands inside a small box.
 As Mari walked, she could see a couple of guests smiling back at her: Dylan, Palutena, and Lucoa are there with their ever-growing clan of children (the threesome waved at her when they caught her attention), Oaklyn is also present alongside Jade (who’s trying not to visibly tear up too soon) on the right side next to the grass ‘aisle’, Sayeko and Levi are not too far behind along with Erwin, Mike, & Hanji and Roland is also present, not wanting missing his late friends’ child’s big day, Jords is also present with Tess, giving her two thumbs up, Snooper and Jenny, together with their respective families, are on the left side of aisle, giving her a friendly wave, then there’s Violet and her fiance Jonah Heston, both of them gave her a warm encouraging smile.
Once the bridal party settled down on their seats and people’s talks began to quiet down for a few minutes, Issa comes out of the entrance of the garden, bouquet in her hands and wide grin on her face. Everyone watched on as she went down the aisle on her own and approached the gazebo where the ceremony is about to start. When she got near to it, Harry decided to go down the steps to meet up with her; both of them then got the other’s hand and went up the gazebo before facing the Doctor who is already prepared for this very day.
The whole ceremony begins as the Doctor unfurls the scroll of psychic paper (but it was actual written words on it unlike its predecessors, he must have modified it for this day) and begins to talk to the crowd present, “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the garden heart of the City by the Bay to witness the marriage between these two young persons...” He then turned to speak to the couple and spoke, “Harry, Issa. The fact that we’re all here with you today as you make a commitment and start a new chapter in your ever-growing love story and it has formed an intersection in all our lives and it wouldn’t been made possible if your souls haven’t met nearly a decade ago.”
The Doctor continued on his talk for a bit, asking for remembering the loved ones no longer present, daring people if they don’t want the marriage to happen (no one actually did), and then he asked Mari to do a reading of a poem they had picked before he picked up where he last left off, “A marriage is a voluntary and full commitment, made from the deepest sense to the exclusion of others and entered into the hope and desire to last for a lifetime and beyond that. Before you can declare your vows to each other, I would ask you two that you confirm that you’re intending to marry each other today. Now face each other and join hands?”
Both man and woman turn to face each other and join their hands as the Doctor began to ask Issa first some important questions, “Issa, do you come here freely and with no reservations to give yourself to Harry in marriage? Do you promise to love, honour, cherish, and protect him, forsaking all others and holding only onto him forevermore?” She bravely and calmly answered back, “I do, Doctor.” He then turned to Harry asking the same thing, “Harry, do you come here freely and with no reservations to give yourself to Issa in marriage? Do you promise to love, honour, cherish, and protect her, forsaking all others and holding only onto her forevermore?” He also reply the same way she did earlier, “I do, Doctor.”
The Time Lord asked for Kirby to bring up the wedding rings and the little puffball dashed in, holding a small wooden box towards the Doctor and offering it to him. Kirby squeaked ‘Poyo, poyo,’ as the Doctor gives him a cheeky little smile and picks up the box from his stubby little arms. Opening up the box reveals two gold rings: one was a thin ring with a curvy v-shape central arc studded with diamonds, the other was a sleek number with an elevated satin brush finish and polished bevel edges. The rings were then blessed by family, friends, & guests present before the Doctor picked them up & gave a ring each to Harry & Issa and the rings are exchanged among the couple themselves.
The Doctor then starts the next part of the ceremony: The God’s Knot unity ceremony. Harry takes the ring of rope strands from the peg on the wood board and holds onto it as Issa braids the three strands together while the Doctor goes on explaining their significance & symbolism. Once the bride was done braiding the strands with a knot, they went to sign off the all paperwork and the Doctor proceeded into making a quick charge to the couple before finally concluding the event by saying, “Alright then, by the powers vested onto me by the powers that be and the cities of San Francisco & Daly, I can finally declare you two as husband and wife. Harry, you can now...”
He wasn’t even done finishing his sentence when he saw the two finally kissing as a married couple, this quick smack of lips from the now married couple actually gave him a good chuckle, the three of them knew that people are getting impatient to get to the reception by this time. Finally, the ceremony was done and everyone present cheered on as the newly wedded Mr. and Mrs. Potter get out of the garden to have some alone time and soak in the moment.
The backyard has decked out for the dinner reception: not too fancy, but still sincere and sweet as the couple didn’t want all the silly trappings of a normal wedding in their own. Tables were spread out with the dance floor right on the middle and a lounge area besides it, a makeshift photo booth made by Kairi and Karina is also in place with a ton of props and accessories to choose from, the dinner buffet table and drinks station were stationed on the porch for easier access, and some games are available for guests to play with. Dylan’s butler Edgar and Belle’s neighbor Mrs. Potts oversee the catering service with the food and drinks made by a couple of the guests and wedding party members who offered to help in.
As everyone settles in for the party, lights began to light up as the sky enters into the dark night and, since all tables are positioned for everyone to get a good view of the dance floor, guests couldn’t help but to gush and admire the newly wedded couple dancing to Ne-Yo’s Miss Independence. After the first dance, those wanting to dance the night away are more than welcomed to the dance floor and many surely did like the soon-to-be-wedded Hestons, Oak & Jade, Jords & Tess, and Dylan & his goddess wives. Some of the guests who weren’t into dancing still have a fun time playing games, chatting to other guests, have a great dinner, and taking a ton of photos at the photo booth. Some of the bridal party also chatted with some of the guests. Even Kirby enjoyed himself doing his famous Kirby dance in one segment with two other copies of himself as backup dancers, which got everyone going aww and admiring the adorable puffballs’ dancing.
Now by this point, people were expecting a bouquet toss from the bride anytime soon, but for many single Filipinas, this was a major nightmare: being asked to catch a bouquet is like the kiss of death and they won’t have any of this bouquet toss nonsense, not even Issa’s remaining female cousin Nicola was looking forward to it. But unexpectedly, the bride already made her decision: instead of making all the single ladies to catch her bouquet, she called in Mari to the dance floor and gave her bouquet to her instead. This random act of kindness did flustered Mari by a ton, and it touched her so much, considering she WAS the one who got her best friend and her adopted big brother together in the first place.
After a long flustered speech and being socially awkward to a fault, the assistant librarian went back to her seat and was greeted by Philip who was sitting next to her even before the bouquet honor. He looks rather impressed by her talk despite being understandably nervous in front of the public.
“You did well over there,” he kindly praised her speech conviction as she settled down back to her seat.
“Gee, thanks,… Pip,” she blushed in between words.
“Don’t feel too flustered, my dear: everyone here thought it was really good,” Philip replied back before he soon realized that she was able to say his usual nickname, “By Jove, Mari. You managed to muster the courage to use my nickname without fear.”
“Uh… I actually did?” Mari’s eyes widened up in shock.
“Oh yes absolutely. But I’m not mad at you for saying it, I’m actually quite flattered,” he smiled back before he continued a little bit, “Oh, I think I might have something for you ahead of your birthday as well.”
“Yeah, what is it?” she was getting a little confused of his last sentence before her lips were greeted by his in contact; the reaction was of shock, joy, and feeling rather amused.
“Whoa, what was that for?” Mari gasped with her right hand cupping her mouth in surprise, her face turning red in disbelief.
“Now that, Mari, happens to be a kiss,” he cheekily winked back at her.
Unbelievable, her first kiss in Harry and Issa’s wedding. The feeling didn’t sink in her mind yet and she has not that many words to describe this beyond she found it quite estatic. She couldn’t keep her eyes off of Philip, or Pip, or whatever you want to call him as, until Uncle Gru informs everyone that it’s time for the bubble send off and everyone grabs their bubble tubes and circles the couple around as they head off to their mini-honeymoon (the big one will have to wait for later) out of town. After a quick countdown, all the guests start blowing bubbles at Harry and Issa while they walked out of the house and into the car for the trip.
With that one chapter finally recorded in her mind, Mari couldn’t help but to feel happy for both of them so much, knowing that they will have many great years ahead of them and their future no matter what the past and fate told them otherwise. And there is another thing that is also crystal clear: her future with Philip is also looking rather just as bright as the backyard string lights and lanterns that lit up the sky that night…
The End
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marshmallowmalfoy · 6 years
Tea or Dare // Fred Weasley
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Pairing: Fred Weasley X Reader
Type: Fluff? Going on smutty (the end is pretty much smut) but not really? Idk. It’s not sweet but it’s not too nasty either so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Description: Y/N is definitely not a party girl, but here friends managed to drag her to an insane party at who knows where. When the small group arrived at the massive party, it's as though every student from their fifth year up is there, and everyone has gone crazy. Y/N, being very reserved and shy, is completely out of her element. She’s uncomfortable and wanting to leave, that is… until she runs into Fred Weasley, who’s two years ahead of her and warms her up to the whole scene. 
A/N: I dont really write stuff like this, so like... lmk if you guys want more smutty stuff like this or nah. Sorrt if this sucks :/
Warnings: A little graphic at some parts? Mostly skin/extremely low-intensity nudity. Weed- smoking & edibles, Alchohol- drinking and getting drunk etc. Pretty much a high school party but one that got out of hand? Idk. It’s not pretty, but it’s not ugly. Don’t say I didn’t warn you… I guess? 
Even from outside the estate, you could hear the bass, could feel it shaking the house before you could even set foot in it. Music was pounding through the walls as you follow your friends into the manor. Within minutes, you had lost them, and you were stranded by yourself in the sea of Hogwarts students. It was the final party of the summer, the one right before you started your fifth year. You were a stranger to parties, they weren’t really your scene, especially ones where nearly half the school was in attendance.
Muggle music was blasting so loud you’d have to yell just to say a word to someone. Strangely enough, without our house robes on, no one seemed to care about your status. You were pushing through people when you noticed that “mud-bloods” and pure-bloods were grinding on each other. You couldn’t be sure if they knew what they were doing, the smell of alcohol in the air was prominent and an indicator that they could very well be drunk. It wasn’t the warm, sweet smell of butterbeer, no, this was bitter and foul. Vodka, tequila, fireball, gin... the list could go on, but if you were drinking, you were drinking. If you weren’t drinking, you were getting high. You could almost tell which house a person was from by their preference, Gryffindors and Slytherins were the drinkers, Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws were the stoners.
You’d never seen this side of Hogwarts students before. It was surprising to you truly, you’d never expect such foul behavior from the well-rounded students from your school. People were kissing sloppily, others laughing loudly, some even sobbing. You had definitely gotten there late because the party was in full swing, and you seemed to be the only level-headed one there.
You’d worked your way past masses of bodies to the corner of the dining room where the tenants of the room had just finished a game of beer-pong and were now insisting that Su Li and Fay Dunbar allow some of the boys to do body shots off of them. Of course, they agreed, laying down on the table. You couldn’t stand to watch. You had looked up to Fay in a way. She was kind and caring, and seeing her like this made your stomach flip. As you tore your eyes away, you saw him. He was coming into the room just then, his eyes scanning over everyone there when his eyes met yours. He smirked as you looked away, but you didn’t get to see his expression.
Fred Weasley.
You had to admit, you’d had a massive crush on him since you’d first met him when you were younger. Being best friends with Ginny and all, you saw him all the time, but you’d never had the courage to speak to him on your own time. Either way, he’s going into his seventh year. He probably sees you as a child. At least that’s what you’ve told yourself time and time again.
“I never thought I’d see you in a place like this.” He spoke as he approached you. The only response you could muster was a small smile.
“I never thought I’d be in a place like this to be perfectly honest with you.” You shouted over the music. He gave you a knowing smile.
“I’ve been to plenty of these.” He spoke, his shoulders back and his smirk planted on his lips. “Best place to pull pranks. The best place to make bets. the best place to play a little game of truth or dare?” It took you a second of him giving you a questioning eyebrow raise for you to understand he was asking you to join a game of truth or dare. Wanting to seem fearless, you cracked a nervous smile and nodded. “Wicked.” He stated with a devious smirk. You began to wonder if you were going to regret this.
The people who wanted to play truth or dare all sat lazily in a circle on the floor in the upstairs hallway where there were fewer people and the music was more muted. It quickly came to your attention that it was only 7th years. Your throat began to dry out.
“Meagan.” A tall black haired boy spoke, “Truth or dare.” The face of the beautiful girl scrunched up, and you noticed Fred crack a smile out of the corner of your eye. You swallowed your jealousy. It wasn’t fair of you to be jealous. You didn’t have a chance.
“Dare.” She giggled drunkenly. The boy scanned the faces of the circle, landing on Fred. He chuckled to himself before he spoke.
“I dare you to give Freddy a lap dance.” Your face lit up red and your chest burned with anger and sadness. He instantly stood and chuckled, peeling the sweatshirt he wore off his shoulders.
“Let’s see what you got Meggy, girl.” He smirked as she stood, someone, grabbing a rolling chair from a nearby room. Fred took a seat, motioning for her to begin. She started facing away from him, stretching, as though preparing for a workout. She leaned down to touch her toes, bits of her lace panties being exposed from beneath her short shorts. Fred’s back was mostly towards you. You couldn’t see his reactions. When she started taking her shirt off and seductively was your breaking point.
George watched you as you stood, smoothing your hair and the front of your adorable pink skater dress, your eyes wet. You walked away, pulling at the sleeves of your sweater as you did. Once you were out of sight George looked back to Fred. Is it working? he mouthed to his brother.
“I think you just broke the poor girl's heart, Freddy,” George said loud and clear. Meagan hopped off him and looked at her friend sadly.
“I’m sorry Fred. We all thought it would work.” She spoke softly, everyone else in the circle agreeing, trying to make him feel better as he stared that the spot that you had once occupied.
Ginny’s best friend senses must have been going crazy because she burst into the room where you were balling your eyes out of their sockets.
“Y/N!” She exclaimed, scrambling across the room to be by your side. “What the hell happened? Hermione told me she just saw you running in here crying!” You had hidden away in the only bedroom that was on the first floor. You knew it wouldn’t be occupied. Too much risk of someone walking in on you and no one would walk in simply due to the fear of walking in on someone. You just shook your head.
“I-I-I j-just want to go ho-o-o-ome-e-e-e” The words came out as sobs, the end of your last word crumbled into a symphony of sobs and hiccups. She nodded. You’d been staying with the Weasley’s for the summer. You weren’t sure if you were glad it would be over soon.
“Just lay down and try to rest the best you can okay? I’m going to try and owl my mum and dad to see if we can go home.” She tucked you under the sheets, dashing out of the room once your sobs had quieted.
There were a few days before you all had to go off to Hogwarts and start your next year of classes. It was late, everyone else had gone up to bed, but your head was filled to the brim with thoughts, and to clean the mind, clean the home. You were elbows deep in sudsy water. Your fingers were pruned and your nails were softened. You had a record on the player, a soft classical piece by Mozart. His composures always calmed you down.
“Do you need some help?” A voice came from the right of you. You gasped loudly, jumping where you stood, the plate you were scrubbing clean plummeted to the bottom of the sink. Fred stood there right beside you. You backed away from him and averted your eyes.
“Oh no I’m okay thank you, there’s no need I like it anyway.” You chuckled awkwardly, your hands dripping on the floor. Though when you realized it was happening you grabbed a dishcloth and dried your arms. “If you’d like to do it, I can go tidy the lounge.” He nodded, rolling up his sleeves and getting to work. You backed away, then turned around quickly and began tidying the lounge, folding knitted blankets and fluffing pillows, tossing a log on the fire because despite the summer weather, the temperature dropped uncomfortably at night. You sat down on the carpet in front of the fire, leaning your back against the bottom of the couch.
“Tea?” You jumped once again as the tall redhead leaned down and handed you a cup of tea. You accepted it hesitantly. He sat beside you, your shoulders touching. It caused you to shudder. “Chilly?” He asked you, all you could do was nod. He wrapped his arm around you and moved closer. This is out of kindness. you told yourself, he would do the same for Ginny. You sipped your tea. 
He traced his fingers lightly over your shoulder, through your sweater. You were nearly sure you weren’t supposed to notice.
“You’ve been quite quiet of the late. Has everything been okay?” His voice was soft and brotherly.
“Oh yes. Just ready for school.” You said quickly, then sipped your tea.
“And leave the burrow? No one ever wants to do that.” He swayed you back and forth jokingly. “We’re all family here. And there are no professors.” He winked. You stared into the fire, sipping your tea again.
“I don’t mind it.” You said boldly, placing your tea by your side, resting your head on his shoulder. You hoped it wouldn’t be off-putting, but this was probably the closest you’d ever get to him.
“Are you tired, darling?” He asked you softly, running his hand lightly against the sleeve of your sweater. Once again you knew you weren’t supposed to feel it. You weren’t sure why he was doing it in the first place.
“Well yes, but I’ve not been sleeping well anyway.” You chuckled, “Bad dreams and such.” You peaked up at him from under your eyelashes, and he was looking down at you, concerned.
“What about?” His eyebrows furrowed together. You. You wanted to say, You and Meagan. It rang in your head.
“Oh, you know. This and that.” You shrugged, looking back to the fire.
“Are you okay love? What’s wrong?” He rubbed your arm, as though to warm you up. You sighed, turning to face him, building the will to speak.
“I fancy you.” You spoke softly, looking down at your fingers. He pulled away and came into your line of view.
“Come again?” He looked completely shocked. His eyebrows furrowed and his eyes widened. You cleared your throat and looked him in the eye.
“I fancy you.” You spoke in a more solid tone this time. You tore your eyes away immediately. Suddenly flooded with embarrassment, your cheeks burning red. He stayed silent. “That’s all.” You said softly, standing up, taking your cup of tea with you, and darting to flee up the stairs, where you would lock yourself in the bathroom, wishing you could stay there for ages.
Fred remained frozen as a statue sitting there on the den floor, staring at the space you had just occupied. Dumbfounded and slackjawed, he stayed there for longer than he should have, thinking about what had just happened.
It was the next morning that he told George all about it.
“Well, that’s amazing!” His twin brother exclaimed.
“Not really.” Fred mumbled, his head falling into his hands, “Poor thing seems terrified of me. I should never have tried to make her jealous at that stupid party.” He let out a loud, frustrated groan. “I’m going to go check on her.” He stood from where he was sat, walking out of the room.
“Good luck mate.” His brother called after him.
“Y/N?” He called into the ever-so-slightly- cracked guest room door. No response. “Y/N darling?” His voice was soft, trying not to intimidate her. He held his breath, and pushed the door open, just enough to peak his head in. You were nowhere to be found. He stepped through the threshold, that's when he noticed the light radiating from the bathroom.
Every bone in his body was screaming fiercely at him to turn around and get the hell out of there. Yet his muscles had him moving over to the door. 
Articles of your clothing were dispersed along the floor. Your panties. 
He didn’t know what he was doing, but he knelt before the keyhole to the door. He didn’t want to risk peeking through the space that she had left between the door and its threshold. His eyes widened once he realized what he was seeing.
You sat nude on the counter, your legs open, your hand roaming. 
His breath caught in his throat. His and twitched to his trousers, pushing them down.
He watched you as your left hand found its way to one of your beautiful breasts. Your head lulled back. Your other hand... it was... pleasing you.
He felt like he couldn’t breathe as your lips parted and his name slipped past them.
He never thought of you as a girl who would do this.
He felt himself... building. It wasn’t long before he couldn’t take it. He reached forward, trying to prepare himself for what was about to transpire. The door flew open and he fell through.
You shrieked, grabbing the nearest towel and covering yourself.
He looked up at you and apologized furiously, trying to put himself away - and failing miserably due to the enlargement of his member.
You watched for a second before you were covered by an eerie calm.
Aware of every move you were making, you let the towel fall, slid off the counter, and approached him.
You looked up at him.
“All these years...” You spoke, “I’ve been saving myself for you.” His face was pure white. “Will you take me now?”
He cracked that trademark Weasley smile, and grabbed your hand, leading you back into the room.
“It would be an honor.”
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megaphonemonday · 7 years
prompt: Mike/Blip/the team's reaction to the video of Ginny's dunk into the pool.
This is a kind of/sort of prequel to right between the ribs from Mike’s POV. Both fics can stand alone, though.
it’s sinking in | ao3
Mike rolled into the clubhouse later than he’d been in weeks. If his hangover of pretty epic proportions weren’t sufficient as an excuse, the fact that he’d spent last evening in the company of first his pissed off pitcher and then his ex-wife plus her current fiancé—in the house where Mike had once dreamed of starting a family—more than made up the difference. 
That he’d also had to drive all the way back to La Jolla from the dinner party from hell, painfully sober and replaying the way Rachel’d lingered in his arms, smelling so familiar and like everything he’d once wanted, hadn’t helped. Maybe if he hadn’t had those two interminable hours to himself, mulling and obsessing over every detail of the night and how he couldn’t seem to keep even one woman in his life, Mike wouldn’t have gotten home and immediately raided his bar to drown his sorrows and uncertainties.
But he had, and now he was stuck nursing both an ugly hangover and the usual parade of regrets.
And a few new ones.
Stalking through the bowels of Petco, sunglasses firmly in place even in the low lighting, Mike tried to shake Amelia’s parting shot to him, but his mind was like an echo chamber.
You know, your head wasn’t really in it, anyway. You should figure out where it’s been.
Well, he knew the answer to that. With Rachel. It was why he’d gone over there, after all. 
Wasn’t like Ginny’d miss him from her ridiculous party with all her fawning fans, anyway. In fact, she hadn’t seemed to miss him, or their evening chats or their morning workouts or their ability to exist in the same space, at all. 
Which didn’t matter because Mike still wanted Rachel back. 
She was the only one he could want. Back. She was the only one he could want back.
With great effort, Mike shut off that train of thought and tried to start coming up with retorts for all the ribbing he was bound to endure the minute he walked into the clubhouse, late and clearly worse for the wear. It wasn’t that he’d stopped loving his grand entrances, but maybe he could admit that showing up with more than enough time to suit up and stumble onto the field before BP was helping his game. It’d been a while since he’d cut it so close. The sudden reappearance of his old habits was bound to stir up some shit. 
Which was why it was more than a little bizarre to walk into the clubhouse and have his presence go completely unnoted. Never mind the comebacks he’d crafted that now had no outlet. He was their captain, god damn it! His arrival should mean something. 
That was definitely not the case today. His team of lazy losers all had their noses practically glued to their phones and tablets, either couched out at their lockers or gathered in little knots around the clubhouse. 
All of them but one. 
Blip sat with his back to the room, shoulders hunched and a worried pucker denting his forehead as he methodically rolled a bat between his palms. He didn’t even look up at Mike’s approach.
Not until he huffed a grouchy, “Hey,” that was.
That startled the center fielder out of his thoughts and got him to at least acknowledge his friend and captain. Rather than say anything about his tardiness, though, Blip demanded, “Man, where’d you disappear to last night?”
Taken aback, Mike lied, “Had to pick up some of my stuff from the house,” and threw his bag in his locker and dropped his sunglasses on a shelf. He couldn’t help but wince at the glare from the overheads. God, he definitely should’ve taken more aspirin this morning.
Blip seemed doubtful, but was apparently willing to let it slide, which was absolutely a first in their friendship. What the hell was going on today? “Well, we could’ve used you,” was all he replied, like that made any sense, and went back to warming the barrel of his bat. 
Mike just rolled his eyes, slumped into his chair, and started unbuttoning his flannel. Used him for what? No one at that party was remotely interested in his presence. Certainly not whatever “we” Blip meant.
“Yo, Lawson!” called… someone.
Honestly, he was too fucking exhausted to care who it was. Still, he grunted his acknowledgement, continuing to change out of his street clothes and get ready for warmups. Was it too much to wear both eyeblack and sunglasses? Considering the way the soft incandescents in here were stabbing into his brain, the San Diego sun was going to be murderous. 
He almost missed the follow up question in his deliberations.
“You seen what Baker got up to last night?”
Mike swiveled his chair around to face the room as a whole. If Stubbs, who must’ve been the one to ask considering how close he was, startled back at the forbidding frown on his captain’s face, that wasn’t high on Mike’s list of priorities. 
“What d’you mean, ‘What Baker got up to?’ She was at her party.”
“Nah, man,” replied Sonny, from all the way across the room. “Girl went rogue.”
Suddenly, Amelia’s texts last night, long after he’d left the Nike shindig, made much more sense. He’d ignored both the, Have you seen Ginny? and the follow up, ??? five minutes later in favor of trying to pick apart his wife’s fiancé. Now, he wished he hadn’t, and not just because he hadn’t managed to ruffle any of David’s feathers. He should’ve realized something had actually gone wrong if Amelia was actually reaching out to him. 
Not that he would’ve been able to do anything if he had. Certainly not with how pissed Baker’d been at him last night. After she walked away from him on the step and repeat, she hadn’t let herself come within five feet of him all evening. And it wasn’t like she’d’ve taken his call, not if the past week had been any indication. 
Okay. Maybe she’d been pissed for longer than just last night. 
Still, that didn’t do much to ease the guilt settling in his gut. He could’ve tried to call.
(He had, in fact, stared at Ginny’s contact information in his phone for a long time last night. Had been this close to calling her, begging her to let him back in. But, moody and drunk as he’d been, he hadn’t been stupid. Mike still knew she wouldn’t pick up. He’d tossed his phone away and opted for more bourbon.)
Sweeping his gaze around the clubhouse, it wasn’t lost on Mike that everyone was very interested in his response. The next chair over, Blip was very still.
He played it cool. 
“Rogue, huh? Now this I’ve gotta see.”
Immediately, three phones were shoved in his face, all with the same video cued to play. 
Mike took the closest one and watched the scant minute of footage: all the way from Ginny bouncing eagerly on the mini trampoline, her quest for shoes, the grinning banter with someone off camera, the superhero leap and dunk, her burst through the surface of the water, crowing, “What else you got?” before falling back, a feral grin on her lips.
He watched it all. 
(Right up to her clambering out of the pool, nimble fingers already reaching around to tug down the zipper of that god damn, dress. That dress that clung even more stubbornly to her after its impromptu soaking.)
He flung the phone back at its owner before he could see more and tried to come up with something, anything, to say that didn’t hint at the roiling in his gut which suddenly had nothing to do with last night’s drinking.
“Well, boys, looks like Baker can wipe the floor with you on the court, too.”
His (weak) joke seemed to open the floodgates. Immediately, the clubhouse filled with excited chatter that Mike made himself wade through. 
“Told you! Girl’s got mad hops!”
“She’s killing it on twitter. There’re at least three trending hashtags devoted to that dunk!”
“Kinda funny she couldn’t find a pair of Nikes, though.”
From what Mike could tell, the team consensus was largely positive. The few holdouts on the Ginnsanity front could admit that she knew how to blow off steam like a real major leaguer. The rest of the team was absurdly proud of her poolside antics. Her dunk was their dunk. It didn’t matter that this was all the press would ask about today and probably for the rest of the week. With one leap, Ginny’d proven she had the balls to hang with them. 
Mike, however, wasn’t so sure. 
In the nearly two months that he’d known her, he’d come to realize that Ginny’s calm, unflappable facade wasn’t just an act. She wasn’t a robot, felt things acutely, in fact, but she was pragmatic, too. Why waste all this energy losing her cool at every slight provocation? Sure, she knew how to stand up for herself, but most of the time, she picked her battles wisely. Better to buckle down and prove that she deserved every opportunity that came her way. Let her success speak for itself.
But that Ginny was nowhere to be seen in the video he just watched.
It wasn’t that she wasn’t the same person, though. It was still Ginny Baker, just gone off the rails. 
Which was when it occurred to Mike that maybe they’d been heading to a blowout like this for a while now. Maybe Ginny could be calm and unflappable because she’d known there were people who had her back. She had her friends and the team. She had him. She had Amelia. 
But maybe that was hard to believe when he and Amelia suddenly had each other. 
Without a word, Mike pushed to his feet, fully intending to set the record straight.
“I doubt she wants to see you, dude,” came his center fielder’s voice. When Mike turned, Blip had his arms crossed over his chest, a frown on his face.
“I’m her captain,” he rumbled. “Doesn’t matter if she wants to see me. She’s gonna.”
Blip’s eyes narrowed and he came in close, though it was more likely an effort to keep anyone else from putting their nose where it didn’t belong than an intimidation tactic. 
“She’s already had a long day, Mike. She doesn’t need anyone ragging on—”
“I just need to know she’s okay,” Mike interrupted, trying to tamp down on the indignation burning in his chest. Like he’d actually go rub her nose in whatever bad decisions she’d made last night. Like he could judge. “That’s all.”
Blip evaluated him for a long moment before offering him the barest of nods and stepping away. 
Still, Mike was fully aware of the other man’s eyes on him as he stopped outside Baker’s door and knocked. 
It was a good thing, he told himself, that Ginny had such good friends on her side. He’d feel better, though, when he could count himself among that number again.
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chudleycanonficfest · 3 years
young dumb thrills
Day 26, Post #2 by @accio-broom
Title: young dumb thrills Author/Artist: accio-broom Pairing: Gryffindor pals Prompt: Studying together Rating: T Trigger Warning(s) (if any): Ron likes to swear, a lot. Also, the lads enjoy not speaking very nicely about the women in their year.
“Merlin, this potions essay is a pile of wank. I'm so fucking bored.”
Seamus snaps his book shut, his Irish lilt filling the dorm room and disturbing the peace. Until the rude intrusion, Ron had been attempting to write a Transfiguration essay on the benefits of Non-verbal spells, although he was struggling without Hermione’s usual help.
Four heads, belonging to the various bodies strewn around the place, lift from their books and parchment. The sixth-year Gryffindors throw frowns and obscenities at their friend.
“Well, it was your idea for us to do something together,” Dean comments, letting his head loll to the side to rest on his arms, his eyes closing.
“Yeah, but when I suggested it, I had a night of debauchery and booze on my mind. Not being shut up here on a Friday night.”
Ron laughs and abandons his parchment on the bedroom floor. He rolls off his tummy then wriggles into a sitting position, his back flush against his trunk. It allows him a better view of his dorm mates.
Seamus is sat up in his bed, resting against the headboard, his now shut Potions book by his feet. Dean sits in one of the window seats whilst Neville is perched next to his bedside table, crooning at his Mimbulus Mimbletonia. Harry is in one of the cosy armchairs next to the fire, switching his obsessive gaze between the Marauder’s Map and the Half-Blood Prince’s Potions book.
“Debauchery?” Ron scoffs. “What kind of stuff did you think we’d be getting up to stuck in Gryffindor tower? You tried sneaking in the Firewhisky, but you were thick enough to let Filch catch you. McGonagall has got us on lockdown because of you, and we can’t even sneak out the window for a fly ‘cos it’s pissing down outside.”
Frowning, Seamus retorts, “At least I tried. Anyways, you and Potter don’t seem to have any difficulties getting yourselves into trouble, despite the rules and detentions and any other fucking thing the staff throw at you.”
Harry, who has been a silent observer up until now, finally pipes up, “You know, I’d gladly trade places with you, Seamus, if it means getting a quiet year without Voldemort trying to kill me.”
The other four boys shudder at Harry’s use of You-Know-Who’s real name. Once he has recovered, Seamus waves a dismissive hand before flopping down onto his stomach.
“Yeah, yeah. We all know that Voldie prefers to wait until the end of the year before trying to kill you. You could at least enjoy yourself up until then.” A heavy sigh escapes his lips. “How did it come to this, lads? We're all virile, good looking fellas. Well, apart from Nev. Yet, here we are on a Friday night, with only each other for company.”
“Oi!” Neville frowns, swivelling to face his friends with his hands on his hips. “At least I managed to get a date for the Yule Ball. Dean didn’t go with anyone.”
“Yeah, but I have a girlfriend now.”
Dean’s cheeks darken as Ron’s eyes narrow. The redhead’s stomach churns. Sure, he’s adjusted to catching Dean snogging his sister in the common room now, but it doesn’t mean he enjoys it. He knows the type of stuff Dean gets up to, the sort of things he says behind closed doors. He’d rather Ginny didn’t get involved with a guy like Dean, but Ron knows it’s out of his control.
“Out of all of us,” Dean continues, “It’s only Weasley and me who have birds.”
“Yeah, that’s right,” Ron joins in, mostly to distract himself from his overprotective urges. Ginny is more than capable of looking after herself, and she’s told him enough fucking times, too. “And I could be downstairs with Lav right now, but you were so adamant that we were going to have a good night. Anyway, you can take the piss out of Neville all you want, but I bet you haven’t even snogged a girl, Seamus.”
The Irish Gryffindor’s eyes brighten with glee. “Yeah, I have. Your girl.”
Ron isn’t surprised at the emptiness he feels at the jibe. His feelings for Lavender fizzled out ages ago, and he’s been trying to finish things for weeks. The only problem is he can’t seem to say or do the right thing to scare her away. He should probably come out and say it, try this honesty thing Hermione is always harping about, but Ron likes his balls attached to his body. Plus, it’s kind of nice having a girlfriend and feeling like someone wants him.
Still, he has to keep up appearances. He reaches behind his trunk and fishes out one of his trainers from under his bed before hurling it at Seamus. The guy moves fast, rolling to the side to avoid being hit in the head as he bursts out laughing.
“And a good kisser she is too,” he adds.
“Who do you reckon is the best snogger out of the whole of Gryffindor?” Dean muses.
Ron mutters, “Aren’t you still dating my sister, Dean?” 
He knows his anger is irrational, Dean has done nothing wrong, but the images of the guy snogging Ginny then moving on to the next girl to compare them fills his brain, making him feel sick.
Seamus interrupts, still laughing. “For the guys? Then it’s me for sure. But I don’t know who’s the best out of the girls. I’ve snogged quite a lot of them. Some of them are amazing, and others are shit.”
“Fuck off have you,” Dean laughs too. “You’ve snogged Lavender, and that’s it.”
“Nah, I’m being honest with you. Weasley turned me down. It’s only her and Granger I haven’t snogged, truth be told.”
Ron sits bolt upright, all his fury at Dean forgotten as his heart pounds an irregular beat against his ribcage. However, he tries to arrange his face into a calm look. A few times, his secret crush on Hermione has almost been exposed, mostly via mutterings in his sleep. But so far, he’s managed to keep a firm lid on it, or so he believes.
“I don’t think Hermione has snogged anyone,” says Neville.
Dean shakes his head. “I’d put five knuts on her having snogged someone. She went to the Yule Ball with Viktor Krum, after all.”
“Doesn’t mean she kissed him.” Seamus shrugs.
Harry pipes up again. “She did.” He blushes as all eyes settle on him. “Only a small one, though.”
The rest of the room erupts in fits of laughter, but Ron can’t hear it over the roar of his heart in his ears. He digs his fingernails into his leg, ignoring the flare of pain as they break the skin. So, Harry knows that Hermione snogged Vicky, too? How many people did Hermione tell? How the fuck could his best friend keep something like this from him? Why hasn’t anybody told him?
Out of the corner of his eye, Ron can see that Harry is staring at him, but he refuses to meet the git’s gaze. His blood boils around his veins.
“She must be a good kisser then if she managed to keep Krum interested. Not exactly a looker, is she?” says Seamus, in between giggles.
Ron whips his head around to glare at Harry. Despite instigating this latest uproar, the specky git does nothing to stick up for their best friend. Their dorm mates are tearing apart Hermione’s honour right now, but Harry already has his nose buried back in that fucking map, tracing Draco’s path through the school. Harry is bloody obsessed with the Slytherin prick. He probably fucking fancies him.
“You can barely even see she has boobs when she’s in her jumper,” Dean agrees.
“Yeah, and don’t get me started on her hair.”
Neville frowns. “Now, come on, guys. I think you’re being a bit mean. Hermione’s alright.”
“Oohhh, she’s alright, is she?” Seamus rounds on Neville now.
Dean joins in, wiping his eyes. “Aww, that’s nice. At least someone likes her.”
No longer in control of his reactions, Ron jumps to his feet, trembling hands clenched at his sides.
“Enough!” he roars, loud enough so that everyone has their attention pinned on him. “Leave her alone! What the fuck has she ever done to you?” He gestures around the dormitory, daring any of them to speak up. “Don’t get her involved in your bullshit talk.”
“Oh, so it’s alright for us to discuss snogging your girlfriend, but not Hermione Granger?” Seamus slides off his bed, squaring up to Ron. “You need to work out where your loyalties lie. If Lavender found out, she wouldn’t be pleased.”
Ron eyes his friend, trying to determine if he should punch him. After a moment’s deliberation, he decides it’s not worth it. Ron is a prefect and is supposed to be setting a good example. Plus, there’d probably be a fight, and he isn’t sure he has the energy for that tonight. Seamus has a good right hook, after all.
“Fuck off.” Ron pushes past Seamus and strides towards the door, yanking it open. He leaves the dormitory without looking back, pulling the door closed behind him so hard, he’s sure everyone in Hogsmeade can hear the resounding thunk. The dormitory bursts into another round of hysterical laughter, fuelling Ron’s rage.
Taking the stairs two at a time, he reaches the common room with a loud huff, only to meet a startled Hermione at the foot of the staircase. Ron’s face floods with heat as she eyes him up and down, a disparaging look on her face.
“Ron, wh—”
He doesn’t give her the chance to finish her question.
“Leave me alone.”
Stomping towards the portrait hole, Ron barks at the Fat Lady to open without saying please, before heading out. He picks a random direction, then walks.
Fuck the lot of them.
Fuck his friends for being dicks about Hermione and girls in general. No wonder Harry wanted to keep out of it all. And fuck that specky git for not jumping to Hermione’s defence. Fuck Hermione for choosing now to break her months of silence, only to piss him off even more. But most of all, fuck his fucking feelings for making him react so defensively about the fucking witch in the first place. 
He’s never going to live this down, for fuck’s sake.
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aestheticdumpp · 7 years
Needing Help
Members of the Order of the Phoenix crowded around the Weasley dining room table. It was late, dark and quiet, and there was a sense of tension that hung in the air. It was unshakable, and everyone could feel it, even the more junior members of the organisation. In the upstairs of the Burrow, a large group of teenagers sat around. A set of twins, their brother and sister, two black girls, a blond awkward boy, and a dark skinned boy, all crowded around, staying close to each other for they knew something was coming – but what, they couldn't say.
The answer came around one in the morning, with a panicked knock at the door. Arthur Weasley opened the door, with a ready-to-pounce Remus and Tonks nearby. The Weasley patriarch had gaped, before acting quickly at the sight before him:  The Malfoy boy, looking as if he hadn't slept in weeks, held an injured girl who was a familiar face to him.
She was one of the girls that Ginny had invited back to the Burrow, Holly. Despite being in Ron's year, she'd found a friend in the only Weasley girl. He'd nearly had a heart attack when he'd seen her own red hair, thinking for a moment he really did have another child.
Part of him had that shock when he opened the door.
Arthur called for Remus and Tonks, who charged in, before realising this was not an attack but a cry for help. Remus and Arthur took the injured girl from Malfoy, who stared at Tonks. They were cousins, or something; she hadn't cared to do the math on it, but they were family. He'd brought back the young woman who Remus considered his own. And they needed answers.
She brought the blond inside, keeping a heavy hand on his shoulder to keep him grounded. Molly Weasley had come downstairs, made a noise of surprise at the frightened young man, before waking the adults in the house.
In the upstairs of the Burrow, Remus and Arthur woke Charlie and told him to move, to give his bed up to the not entirely conscious Holly, to which he didn't complain.
They laid her down on Charlie's thick furs, and the eldest Weasley son asked her a series of questions before fetching whatever magical medical supplies he needed.
'Keep her awake' had been his only instruction.
Remus sat beside her, taking her cold and clammy hand in his and talking softly to her. He didn't want to interrogate her too harshly, but he hadn't seen her in months. Nobody had heard from her in weeks.
So he didn't. Instead, he kept her up to date on all she'd missed. His marriage was going well. Tonks was having a boy. They liked Teddy for a name. Hermione and Ron were still dancing around each other, but Madison and Neville had bitten the bullet. George kept making jokes about hearing whatever was around his missing ear. They'd all missed her terribly.
He heard Charlie's sharp instruction of 'stay in your rooms' somewhere into the bedrooms before returning. He swapped places with Remus, who came downstairs to the Malfoy boy, where he was halfway coddled between Molly and threatened by Moody.
Tonks, it seemed, was creating a brilliant halfway point, after wrapping him in the closest thing they had to a shock blanket and sitting on the table in front of him.
"What happened?"
They all gathered around the young Malfoy as he began to speak.
"I got forced into this Death Eater stuff in the middle of sixth. She was looking after me the whole time. She just wanted to help, you know, make sure I was alright... only wanted to take care of me. Anyway, I... I disappeared for a while, but wrote to her when I could. They caught me, though. They brought her in. They..."
He choked on his words, sniffling. His white-knuckled hands gripped the couch cushions, searching for purchase.
"They needed to know she wasn't letting out secrets. She's a Hufflepuff, and she's been seen with your lot forever. They didn't trust her."
"Did they hurt her?" Remus had asked, gasping.
"Veritaserum and an Imperius curse, to make sure she hadn't told anybody anything. But I hadn't told her anything to begin with, so it was pointless."
He didn't mention how she'd been knocked around a bit, and had been returned to him with a bruising cheek bone and rope burns. He wasn't sure it'd help.
"They made her stay. She couldn't really leave after she'd seen who she had, what she had... we stayed together the whole time. She never hurt anyone."
"Did you?"
The question hung in the air, Moody's gruff voice and looming presence leaving him gaping, stuttering for an answer.
There was a scuffle in the adjacent hallway before a weakened but a visibly more conscious Holly appeared, leaning heavily on Charlie and Arthur. Draco moved to go over to her, but he was kept in place by Remus' heavy gaze.
The eldest Weasley child helped the injured girl over to the couch, where very easily she curled into Malfoy's side. His arm fit comfortably around her, although it was a worried gesture.
Charlie sat at the other end of the couch, keeping an eye out for her injuries.
"She's got a concussion, and a pretty nasty one, and some awful bruising everywhere. Fever and nausea. She's not broken anything, though. Which is good. That's a positive."
"I'm fine."
Her voice was scratchy, as if she'd been screaming for hours. Her throat was dry and sore and she coughed to punctuate her sentence, but she was communicating.
Mrs Weasley hurried off to get a glass of water, and Holly drank the whole thing when she returned with it.
There was so much relief in the Malfoy boy when he saw her drinking and talking. He stroked her arm with his thumb, pulling her closer to him. When she looked over at him, she offered him a tired smile.
He could've cried.
Always smiling. She was always smiling. Merlin, he loved her.
Remus, having watched this entire interaction, sighed heavily.
"We can interrogate them more tomorrow. I think we need rest. She's on the mend, and he's... fine." He finished lamely.
Charlie rose to his feet and offered his large, calloused hands to Holly. "You better get to bed. You heard your dad."
Holly clapped his hands, but didn't take them. Her tone was playful, but her eyes were rather serious. "I couldn't go taking your bed, Charles. I'm fine wherever you put Draco."
Arthur, who had waited in the doorway, cleared his throat. "We, uh. We don't have another bed. With so many guests you're bound to run out of beds eventually."
"We could get you some blankets though. You could have a couch each." Molly offered, truly unable to let a child go without, for which Draco was endlessly grateful.
People dispersed quickly after that. Molly fetched bedding, Arthur went to check on the (hopefully) still sleeping teenagers, Moody took over the watch. Tonks, sharing a look with Remus, dragged Charlie from the room, leaving the older man with the two newcomers.
"Are you... dating, then?"
He was painfully awkward. He felt himself revert back into his teenage self, trying to find out if some girl had started to go with Sirius.
They shared a look, seeming to communicate silently. It was Holly that spoke.
"We're married."
"They made us." Draco added quickly, anxious for the kindly man before them to not panic. "I mean, I'd have liked to marry her anyway, years away. It's... they didn't want her sharing anything she shouldn't have."
Remus, quiet, nodded. Holly pulled herself from her husband's hold and wrapped herself around Remus. The man had basically been her father for as long as she could remember, and she loved him dearly.
"I'm sorry." She told him. "I love him, but... I'm sorry all of this happened without you knowing. I'm sorry I scared you."
He kissed her forehead. She was forgiven, of course she was forgiven. His heart had constricted when she said she loved Malfoy, but Remus couldn't help it. That was his girl.
"I love her too. Sir." Malfoy spoke softly, almost as if he felt he was intruding in a conversation. The older man watched Holly smile, softly, despite this whole situation. She almost blushed before catching herself.
"Well. Good. You two sleep, and Moody's always lurking, so... behave. Or whatever."
His sort of daughter kissed his cheek before curling back up next to her husband, his sort of son-in-law.
It was a rough morning when the whole house awoke to Madison yelling.
She'd stumbled into the lounge room, and despite eyes being bleary from sleep, she had been affronted by the image of Malfoy and Holly, curled up under a thick rug on the couch tucked into each other.
At the sound of the shout, Malfoy wrapped his arms around his wife in a knee jerk reaction. It seemed this was a familiar scenario for the two of them: a poor rest and awoken to loud voices.
Holly took a moment to gather herself, unsure of where she was for just a moment. The sight of her best friend calmed her down, and she sat up slowly. Her spine creaked and Malfoy moved with her, sitting up so she could lean back against him. She still looked incredibly ill. The whole night, she'd suffered through her fever, comforted by her husband's soft voice and softer kisses. She looked awful.
But she was alive.
Madison cried, and the sound of her sobbing had alerted the young people. They were all glad that Holly was alive, but greatly offended by the sight of Malfoy.
"Leave him alone. He's kept me safe this whole time."
"It's Malfoy." Ron had insisted.
"It's Draco. We're both Malfoy."
The pair of them told the whole story, again. The same amount of detail, filling in some blanks with the speculation and rumour that had surrounded the two of them at Hogwarts.
It had been a combination of both Holly and Draco that had gotten the captives in Malfoy Manor sufficient food and water, distracted their torturers and made their sentences lighter where they could.
They talked about their wedding. How forced it was and yet how genuine it felt.
It was Madison who attempted to lighten the mood. "Wow, Holly. I thought we were friends. You didn't even invite me to your wedding."
Holly laughed. It hurt her to do so but she did so anyway. The girls and the twins smiled, despite themselves, and Draco nervously smiled into his wife’s freckled shoulder. It seemed Ron and Harry were still cautious. Rightly so.
The married couple were separated quickly, divulging information about what they’d seen, heard, and done, but Holly was released a good few hours before Draco was.
As Charlie attended her remaining ailments, Madison stood with her.
"Did you want to marry him?"
"Not in that context. But eventually, sure."
Holly shrugged, wincing as Charlie poked at the lump on her skull.
"Yeah. I love him. Why wouldn't I?"
"It's Malfoy."
"He's like, been kept prisoner in his own house. I can't even imagine how fucked that is. Seeing rooms that used to be your nursery or your childhood bedroom get turned into guest rooms for criminals and torturers. Become literal prison cells. As if his family didn't hurt him enough already."
"You were kept prisoner there, too."
"Not for seventeen years, though."
The two were silent for a moment as Charlie gave her a few instructions to look after herself. He left, leaving the two alone.
Holly smiled at Madison, and although it didn't quite reach her eyes, it was still a genuine one. "I missed you."
"I missed you, too."
"Are you alright?"
Madison was silent for a moment before smiling coyly. "Neville and I had sex."
Holly scoffed. "Fuckin' finally. How was it?"
Madison laughed.
Three days went by and they got all the information they could possibly get out of Draco. Holly's fever, a side effect of some sort of potion, had mostly gone, and she was concussion free. The two stayed together, mostly, but they were always touching, as if afraid to leave the other one.
They had to return to the Manor. There was no way they wouldn't go looking for either of them. Despite how angry that made the entirety of the Order, they knew it was the only option. After forging a letter to Snape explaining their absence, Draco and Holly planned their leave.
"What was the excuse?" Neville asked.
Malfoy had answered. "Spur of the moment honeymoon. We didn't have one."
Holly looked up at him and smiled. "We can have one later. When we're not, you know. Busy."
He chuckled. "Busy."
It seemed to be an inside joke between them.
Holly said her goodbyes, spending a bit of time talking to Madison and Neville and Charlie. Nervously, Malfoy approached Remus.
"I'm looking after her. She can look after herself, of course, but I–"
Remus put a hand up to stop him. "Do you love her?"
"Yes, Sir." Malfoy's answer was earnest, with his hands clasped behind his back.
Remus sighed. "That's all I can ask. I don't want her hurt." He paused. "Or grandchildren. None of that, not yet."
Draco smiled nervously. Remus extended a hand for him to shake, which he clasped.
"Next time we meet, Mister Malfoy, I hope it's under nicer circumstances."
"As do I."
The newlyweds stood by the fireplace, holding each other's hand. They planned to travel through several floos and apparate so they could not be tracked, but it still made them nervous.
"We'll fight, you know. When the time comes." Holly told Harry, staring at him. He said nothing, but nodded. Draco kissed his wife's hand.
"You ready, darling?"
"Of course."
"So how was the honeymoon?" Ginny asked, in an attempt to ease the tension.
Holly turned to her and smiled. "You remember that rumour that Draco was like, the Slytherin sex god?"
"It's all true. So my honeymoon was fantastic."
Draco had the decency to blush, but Madison laughed. "Where'd you go?"
"Paris. Her favourite." Draco supplied. Holly turned to him and smiled.
"You're a considerate husband."
"Oh, you know. I try."
"You two should be going." Snape reminded them. To Draco, the man seemed softer, if just for a moment.
They both sighed, but nodded.
"Thank you very much for your kindness. All of you. I can't tell you how much we appreciate it."
"Love you all."
And with a whoosh, the two disappeared in a fog of green flames. It was silent for a moment, nobody quite knowing what to do with themselves, before people began to disperse.
For a while, Remus sat on the couch opposite the fireplace and watched. Waited. Just in case they came back.
But they didn't, and wouldn't until the Battle of Hogwarts. There they would both arrive with scarring and bruises, but until then all would be silent on their end for what seemed like an eternity.
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lithugraph · 7 years
Hellooo :D For the Harry Potter ask please, numbers: 1 - 4, 8 - 10, 12, 15 and 16, 18, 20, 22 and 23, 24 and 25 and finally, 30!
Thanks for the ask! This made me want to go back and read the books, despite my growing pile of books-to-be-read ;)
1.) What is your Hogwarts House and which of that House’s traits resonate the most with you?I rep the bronze and the blue – Ravenclaw here, tried and true! Wit is the trait I most favor – and I don’t mean in the keen intelligence way – I’m talking about the wit as it relates to a turn of phrase used in humor. I love to laugh, and I love being able to make others laugh. Of course I’m always up for debate, but I always try to temper it with a little humor – especially if it starts to get out of hand and people need to be brought back down to earth ;). (There’s a reason Mercutio was my fav in Romeo and Juliet). I do love learning and tend to go through phases where I’m totally obsessed with something and won’t stop until I’ve reached a level of understanding or the next shiny thing catches my attention. But I still have those constants I will never get rid of, like music, Cold War history, and programming.
2.) What is your Patronus and what do you think it says about you?My Patronus is a goshawk. I seem to have a thing for birds – my house is Ravenclaw, most of my tattoos are bird-related, and even my name is a form of a bird’s name. Plus, ever since I was three or four, I’ve always wanted to fly, even going so far as to “invent” and test my own set of wings :D. I think what it says about me is that I don’t like being held back by anything.
3.) Which is your favourite book and why?Oooh, gosh. This one’s tough. There are things I like about all of them, but as for HP books I’ve read cover to cover, back to back over and over again….I’d have to say 3 and 5. 3 was the one that really got me hooked on the series. And 5 I loved for the culmination of ideas. It definitely felt like the climax of the entire series. (And let’s be honest, the battle at the Ministry was more epic and nail-biting than the battle for Hogwarts).
4.) Which is your favourite film and why?I know I’m gonna catch flack for this one, possibly be excommunicated from the HP fandom, but I gotta say it. Prisoner of Azkaban was my favorite film. Yes, it didn’t follow the book. Yes, it was darker and weirder than the previous two films. But…just like book 3 hooked me in the literary series, movie 3 hooked me in the film series. I liked that 3 was darker and had random bits of weirdness and magic happening in the background. Number 3 (book and movie) was all about transition. It was the only book that didn’t have Voldemort anywhere physically in it, and it signified a departure from that tentative Everything Is All Right feeling from the first two. And yeah I’m kind if upset it didn’t do a better job of following the book, but some things don’t translate well from book to big screen.
8.) What is your favourite quote/passage?“Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?”
9.) Who is your favourite character and why?Despite their flaws, my two favs are Sirius and Snape. Sirius definitely represented that badboy restless energy but I so hoped Harry could have gone to live with him at the end of book 3. He was one of the many father figures Harry had but the only one that was closest to James in personality. However, I wish he would have gotten over that stupid childhood grudge against Snape. Grow up, guys. Seriously.
And Snape. I hated how much of a bully he was – not only to Harry, but to pretty much every student who wasn’t in Slytherin (or at least all the Gryffindors). But rereading the books after his character’s big reveal in book 7 gave me a different perspective of him.
Also, even though he was hardly mentioned, except in book 7, Regulus Black. Can we have some back story on him please? What made him turn? What would Sirius’ reaction have been, if he had known his brother turned against Voldemort? I think that bit of information was foreshadowing on JK’s part, hinting at the much bigger reveal of Snape’s character. But still, I’d have liked to have known more.
10.) Who is your least favourite character and why?Ginny Weasley. I really had no opinion of her *until* the big transformation in book 5 when she goes from shy girl to twentieth century fox. Like, why? Why couldn’t she have just remained that shy girl with a crush on Harry? I’ve been that shy girl. For my entire elementary, middle, and high school life. And having your friend tell you to “just be yourself” doesn’t magically snap you out of being shy. What was so wrong with Ginny being shy, or introverted? She had a lot more potential for development when she was the quiet Weasley girl with a talent for hexing and Quidditch goal keeping – it gave her a kind of mystery. Sure Harry saved her life in book 2, but why couldn’t she have repaid the favor by saving him from situations, especially in book 5 with Umbridge? Why couldn’t she remain the calm and collected quiet girl who stood up to a professor for Harry thereby garnering Harry’s attention and which would have made for a more compelling reason for him to suddenly realize he fancied her too in book 6? Nope. Instead we get the cliche “Oh she’s suddenly hot because she talks and stuff and has guys dating her that aren’t me.” Bad play, Rowling. Bad play.
12.) Which character deserved better and why?Snape deserved a thousand times better! Dude. Like seriously. Up until that moment, when Harry’s looking at Snape’s last memories, I honestly never knew how I felt about Dumbledore. I never got why people trusted him. He always seemed so well-meaning and like a really eccentric grandpa on the surface(which I never really bought), but his motives were never quite clear. And when Dumbledore reveals everything to Snape, why Harry must be protected and what he (Harry) must do, and Snape’s reaction, I just…..ugh! I lost what little trust I had for Dumbledore then. And, yeah, so Snape deserves all the things and then some. It was the ultimate double agent getting double crossed. He betrayed Voldemort after what happened to Lily and started working for the “good” side to make up for what he’d done, only to get betrayed by them in return by unknowingly helping Harry, the last piece of Lily, to be led to the slaughter.
15.) Which character do you feel you have the most in common with?Probably Lupin. I know what it’s like to be stuck between two friends who are making a very bad decision and not speak up and then feel guilty about it and try to make up for it years later.
16.) Which character’s death hit you the hardest?Sirius Black. Was not expecting that one and was in denial for the longest time.
18.) What would be your favourite and least favourite Hogwarts classes?Favorite: astronomy, herbology, care of magical creatures, potionsLeast Favorite: charms, history of magic (if still taught by Prof Binns), divination
20.) What is your favourite spell?I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.
22.) What do you think Amortentia would smell like to you?Sandalwood, damp earth and leaves, coffee brewing early in the morning, hazelnut, crisp autumn air, the metallic and exhaust smell of a subway station
23.) What do you think your Boggart would be and what would it change into?Mine would be the same as Molly Weasley’s :(
24.) What is your favourite magical object and why?Wands. I think it would be neat to learn more about wand lore.
25.) Which of the Deathly Hallows would you pick and why?I wouldn’t pick any. I wasn’t really won over with the whole Deathly Hallows concept, tbh. Maybe if Rowling had introduced them more directly sooner? But, nah. To me, they represent an unhealthy obsession, something you’ll never truly achieve, like a carrot and stick tease.
30.) If you could ask JKR one question, what would it be?What happened to Harry’s extended family? His grandparents? I understand the Potters probably all were killed by Voldemort or Death Eaters, but what about the Evanses? Canonically, Lily and James were born in 1960 and had Harry in 1980. So they were only twenty/twenty-one when they died. Assuming Lily and James’ parents had them when they were 20/30/40, grandma and grandpa Evans would have been 40/50/60 when Harry was born – still plenty of life left, unless heart disease runs jn the family? So…..what HAPPENED TO HARRY’s grandparents on his mom’s side? This has always bugged me. Why did he have to go live with the Dursleys? His mother’s protection spell worked as long as he lived with a member of her family and called that place “home,” so why couldn’t he live with his grandparents? What happened to them? Why didn’t the Death Eaters or Voldemort go after the Dursleys too, especially since they were the most unapologetically Muggle family in the entire HP universe. Did Lily cast some protection spell over her sister and the Dursleys? Obviously Petunia knew enough about Voldemort to utter a little eep at hearing he had returned in book 5, soooo….? I mean, I do think it was pretty clear Petunia had absolutely no external love for her family after that comment in book 1 about her perfect sister, so I think it’s reasonable she had no family photos hanging around, but surely Harry would have been curious and maybe gone snooping? I don’t know. I just wish there had been some kind of an explanation there. I think Lily Evans’ back story/genealogy would have made for a more compelling search in book 7 instead of the Hallows/Horcruxes thing, especially since Harry knew about the protection spell at that point. Just sayin’.
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xjily-wolfstarx · 4 years
Hermione had happiness and anger flow through her. Her and Fred had been dating a while but in secret, George and Ginny knew but no one else. Every night they would sneak out to meet at some Muggle place where no one would find them. When Hermione found out that Ron cheated on her with Lavender (she didn't mind he saved her from the awkward 'we need to break up' talk) she went to the joke shop (not even she knows why) and Fred comforted her
It was a wet day in the middle of November when Hermione came home from seeing Harry and Ginny, it was almost a weekly thing now.
But recently she had felt that something had been missing from her and Ron's relationship. Pushing those thoughts from the head she opened the door of her and Ron's flat to find him and Lavender snogging vigorously against the wall next to the bedroom. She made a small squeak and watched them jump apart. "Hermione is not what it looks like"said Ron, trying to cover it up while Lavender just looked smug. The shock left Hermione almost immediately and it was replaced with anger, she picked up the vase next to the door and threw it at Ron. "HOW DARE YOU RONALD WEASLEY, YOU KNOW WHAT, WE'RE DONE. I'LL BE BACK FOR MY STUFF TOMORROW" she screamed before apparating to Diagon Ally. When there, she knocked on the door to the shop, knowing that they were in there. When Fred opened the door Hermione let go of the damn of tears she had been holding on to for so long. "Mione, what happened?"
"Ron and-and" but she couldn't even finish her sentence and she didn't need to. Fred hugged her and brought her in the shop and to the flat above. When George saw her he immediately asked what was wrong and Fred told him. The twin's were angry at their brother but they knew that it wasn't what Hermione needed at that moment in time. Hermione sobbed on Fred's shoulder for 2 hours, wondering what was wrong with her for Ron to do that. Eventually she stopped crying and was exhausted after crying for so long. George noticed and asked her if she wanted to go to bed. She nodded and George guided her to the spare bedroom before leaving her alone with Fred. "I'm sorry" Fred said (hehe that rhymes)
"I just am"
"Ugh I have none of my clothes or anything"
"You can borrow something of mine for tonight"
Hermione's face broke out into a smile as she said "Thanks Fred"
A few minutes later Fred comes back with a t-shirt and jumper and as Hermione was over a head shorter than him, they were the perfect length. Hermione slowly got into bed, saying good night and yet another thank you to Fred.
The next morning Hermione woke up to find that the jumper and shirt had ridden up,she quickly pulled them down and walked into the kitchen- diner. "Mornin' Mione" the twins said at the same time, making her laugh "morning guys".
"So we were thinking that today we won't open up the shop, we will spend a day with you"
"But I need to-"
"No you don't need to do anything, the first stop will be to get your stuff and then we'll have a fun day" Hermione, seeing that she could never won the argument, agreed
Hermione smiled at the memory of one of the best days of her life before putting her hands on her stomach. Her mind was having a battle so big it might as well have been World War 3. "You've liked Fred for years and now you will be together forever"
"But you're only 21, you have a job and career in front of you. Are you really willing to risk it?" Those thoughts, with some others, had been floating about in her mind for the past hour. She took a deep breath and found the Gryffindor courage. 5 minutes later she found herself outside the door to the twin's flat. She knocked on the door to find Ron open it, and he looked angry. "So... you told them did you?" questioned Ron with a tone of disgust "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TALK TO HER" shouted Fred "But she's my girl-" argued Ron
"NO I'M NOT" Hermione's voice drowned out both the boys, before turning to look at Ron. "If you remember Ronald you cheated on me and I left you. I came here because I had nowhere else to go and it seemed like the right choice. However, it is not any of your business so would you please leave or I will be forced to take you out myself". Ron, stumped by Hermione's calmness, walked out and disappeared.
"Mione I'm so sorry" Fred apologised immediately
"Don't be, it wasn't your fault"
"So, why are you here?"
"I -erm- need to tell you something…"
"Ok, go ahead". Hermione looked down at the floor with tears in her eyes. "Mione, what's wrong? Just say it, I won't hate you." It took a few minutes for Hermione to look Fred in the eye and say "I'm pregnant". Fred's face paled from nerves before going red of excitement. "THAT'S GREAT MIONE" he said, picking her up and spinning her around, making Hermione giggle. When he put her down she spoke "Fred I'm only 21 and you're 23, how are we going to raise a child?"
"Honestly I don't know, but we'll try our hardest, we'll get all the advice we can and I'll be here every step of the way"
"But what about a house and my job",
"Calm down love, you're stressing too much. We have enough money to live on and we can always make more and I'm sure that if you talked to your boss she would let you work from home" Hermione nodded before hugging him again once more "thanks Freddie" she whispered. "You're welcome Mione" Fred said before kissing the top of her head. "Now we just have to tell your mother" Hermione said, smirking. Fred's face immediately paled, making Hermione giggle. "Bill has a kid" she pointed out
"Yeah but he's 28, married. I mean mum doesn't even know about you and Ron"
"Oh I suspect she knows" said Hermione with a mischievous glint in her eye
"What are you talking about?" Said Fred slowly
"I may have had a few meetings with your mum…"said Hermione whilst playing with the zip on Fred's jacket and looking at the floor.
"You're joking" Fred said, surprised
"Nope" said Hermione with a smirk."Anyways, I'm sure she'll be overjoyed"
"Yeah, well it's not her we have you worry about" said Fred through gritted teeth
"Fred, look at me. I don't care about Ron's reaction, all I care about is that everyone is here for us and that you'll be by my side the whole time" Fred smiled
"I love you Mione"
"I love you too"
0 notes
what-lies-within-us · 7 years
Awakening - cont. in IM
Rachel gave a small wince at how Mrs. Weasley all but told Ginny off. She briefly wandered how a discussion involving Draco and Ginny would go. The mental image was not pretty. One fireplace later they had arrived at the burrow. And after brushing off some soot Rachel peered around the kitchen where the fireplace was, taking in her first look of the Burrow. “It has a nice homely feeling to it.” She commented with a shy smile.
“Homely is a good word for it, I think.” Mrs. Weasley agreed as the small group stepped through the fireplace and into the living room. “George’ll be sure to give you the grand tour once you’re feeling up to it. For now though, I think it would be best to set you up in Bill and Charlie’s room. You’ll be right next to Ginny, and George-” “I’ll be right upstairs in Percy’s room. Gin, help me carry these bags into Bill’s room.”
“And George? After you’ve dropped the bags off and everything could you draw me a bath? I really want to wash off that hospital smell.” Rachel called out as both siblings stated to take up the bags. That was phase one of her revenge plan. And she was going to have fun with it even if she were confined to a chair. The brunette gave a sheepish smile to Mrs. Weasley. “He’s going to hate me for making him do small tasks like that.”
“Yeah? Will you need help undressing as well?” George called back to Rachel from Bill’s room. “Gross, George!” Ginny groaned. “Can you wait at least a few hours before you try to get into Rachel’s pants?” Molly shook her head and tutted under her breath as she wheeled Rachel into the kitchen so she could start preparing dinner. “Oh, he won’t mind. He might complain but you know he would do anything you ask of him, especially while you’re healing. All you need to do is bat those pretty eyes of yours at him and you could make that boy do just about anything.”
“I intend to do just that.” The brunette said with a satisfied smirk. “And I promise I won’t use my eyes against him anymore the I would have to.” She added quickly, not wanting Mrs. Weasley to think she was somehow using her looks or charm to get George to do what she wanted. Then again she had the charm range of a teaspoon. “Is there anything I can do to help?” She asked, feeling a little strange sitting there with nothing to do. But then what could she do. Her arm was still in a sling and the wrist of the arm that wasn’t was wrapped up.
Mrs. Weasley merely looked amused as Rachel concocted her revenge for George’s stunt with her favorite bra. She knew Rachel well enough to know that the girl didn’t have any intentions of using George, but merely giving him what he deserved. Merlin knew that boy needed a taste of his own medicine, especially after all of the years of pranks and mischief she’d had to endure as their mother. “Oh no dear, you just relax. It sounds like George is setting up your bath right now.” Sure enough, a few minutes later, George finally came into the kitchen. “I’ll set up your room while Gin helps you.”
“What you’re not gonna help me?” Rachel asked, a giggle escaping her at his reaction before she nodded. “Alright then. You going to wheel me to the bathroom Weasley? I don’t know my way around your house yet and I can’t wheel myself because I don’t have my wand.” Her eyes widened as she patted her sleeve where she usually kept it. “George? Please tell me you have my wand. And if your try to prank me or make a joke about it so help me I’ll bury you alive.”
George took the handles of Rachel’s wheelchair so he could wheel her toward the bathroom. He bent down low over her and kept his voice low so that his mother wouldn’t hear him. “Would you like me to?” He smirked. “Wait…your wand?” He gasped as he stopped the wheelchair in front of the filled bathtub. “Fuck Maestro. The last I saw it, I think it was…..up your arse?”
His comment earned him a hit to the head followed by a hiss of pain since she had turned her upper body to reach him. “I’m serious George.” She grumbled as she turned back around to slowly pull her sling over her head keeping her arm cradled to her chest before slowly stretching it out. “Could you take off my head bandage for me please?”
“Ouch, watch it-” George instinctively flinched as Rachel reached around to smack him. Though admittedly, the girl was too weak to actually hurt him. “Calm down, I have it. I’ve been using it as a backscratcher.” At her request, he began to gingerly unwind the layers of bandage off of her head, letting out a small sigh of relief as he saw the that the wound there was nearly healed.
She shot him a warning glance before sighing and shaking her head, wincing slightly at the dull pain. As the bandages fell away from her head she sighed in relief, gingerly running her fingers through her hair, grimacing when they would brush against a rather tender spot. “You can leave if you want. I’ll call you if I need you.” She said with a shrug. Despite her earlier teasing she wasn’t about to undress in front of him.
“I’m taking pity on you. It wouldn’t do for your mother to kick my servant out of the house for taking advantage of me.” She smirked at him before shooing him off, playfully trying to hit him as she did. The feeling of his lips pressing to her slightly throbbing temple made her go still. She was still staring at the wall of the bathroom her finger lightly grazing the area where his lips had touched her when Ginny entered. “Hey Ginny.” A smile of sympathy was given to the red head. “How’re you holding up?”
Ginny tried her best not to seem like she was sulking, but it was difficult when so much was weighing heavily on her mind. “What’s more important is how you’re holding up,” she diverted, “How are you feeling? Are you sore? What am I asking, of course you’re sore. Maybe once you’re done bathing you’ll get to take some of those pain potions that make you go all loopy.” The redhead smiled mischievously and dipped her hand into the bath water to test the temperature. “Feels alright. Let’s get you in.”
Ginny tried her best not to seem like she was sulking, but it was difficult when so much was weighing heavily on her mind. “What’s more important is how you’re holding up,” she diverted, “How are you feeling? Are you sore? What am I asking, of course you’re sore. Maybe once you’re done bathing you’ll get to take some of those pain potions that make you go all loopy.” The redhead smiled mischievously and dipped her hand into the bath water to test the temperature. “Feels alright. Let’s get you in.”
Rachel let her rant, silently sitting in her wheel chair and listening to the girl speak. Once Ginny told her that the bath was ready she nodded and slowly started to remove her clothes, not wanting to accidentally pull on a sore muscle. With Ginny’s help she climbed into the tub and sighed as the warm water enveloped her whole body. “This geeks amazing.” She sighed, resting her head back against the tub.
Ginny assisted in undressing Rachel, helping her to tug off her sleeves and navigate her head through the neckline of her shirt. But finally Rachel was able to sink into the warm tub of water, and Ginny could only imagine how good it felt after days of laying in a hospital bed. “Imagine how nice it will be to spend the next few weeks laying in bed and bossing George around while mum serves you home cooked meals.” Ginny said with a smirk as she handed Rachel the bar of soap.
She giggled, running her fingers through the water. “Sounds like heaven.” Taking a deep breath she dunked her head under the water for a few seconds, eyes squeezed shut before emerging, her hair plastered to her head and face. She took the bar of soap and gingerly moved it across her body, being careful not to run too hard on her dis-colored skin. “I guess it was a good thing Draco Malfoy came to warn us. Otherwise I have a feeling none of us would be here.” She commented.
“….Oh. Yeah, I suppose so.” Ginny muttered in reply. She was fetching a wash cloth out of the cupboard to hand to Rachel, but her movements became hesitant at the sudden mention of Draco. “I guess that makes him a bit of a hero. No one ever anticipated that.” It felt strange to talk about him, pretending to be casual about her feelings for him when in reality, she couldn’t seem to think about anything /except/ him. She’d been visiting his flat every day since the battle, hoping he’d show up. But the boy had vanished.
Her eyes followed every movement, trying to decipher something, anything that would give her some leverage as to how deep the feelings for Malfoy went for Ginny. “I suppose it does. Do you know when he will be back?” She asked, slowly letting the warm water wash away the soap suds, sighing how clean she felt. Though her hair was still dirty despite being wet. Reaching out for the shampoo with her less injured arm she attempted to open the cap with the same hand, still feeling an ache in her other arm.
“Oh, let me-” Ginny hurried reached out and grabbed the shampoo bottle away from Rachel, grateful for any distraction from the current subject. She knelt down by the tub and poured some of the lavender-scented creme into her palm so she could assist her friend in scrubbing the stuff into her hair. “I don’t think he is coming back.” She finally muttered a minute or so later. “He’s just…gone.”
The brunette sat quietly for the next few seconds. Partly enjoying how Ginny’s fingers were gently massaging the throbbing in her head away, and quietly thinking over how everything had gone for Ginny. And with the lack of information she had, there wasn’t much to think about. “I’m sorry he left like that.” She finally spoke, turning her head slightly to look at her friend.
“Are you? George will be ecstatic when he finds out that Draco probably left the country.” Ginny wouldn’t help but mutter bitterly. “And my parents. And Harry.” It truly seemed like everyone in her life was disappointed with her. She’d made a bad decision. She’d fallen for the one person she was supposed to resent. She sighed and gave her head a small shake as she cupped her hands in the water to begin rinsing out the suds in Rachel’s hair. “But it doesn’t matter now. Because I’m probably never going to see him again.” At this, it was apparent that she girl was struggling to keep her voice even.
She kept quite after that, not know what else she could say to the red head. Closing her eyes to avoid getting any suds in them, she helped wash out the shampoo as well sighing in relief once every last bit of foam was gone and she was finally clean. “Thank you for helping me Ginny.” She said after getting out of the tub and tying a towel around her body. “I know it may seem hopeless right now, but from what is saw before I passed out, something was different about him. I may not be an expert in love or anything but how he protected you and came to you, to warn you the second he could, just shows that despite him leaving he cared for you.” She reached out to place a comforting hand on the red head’s shoulder, giving her a smile. “He did all that for you. So maybe he might come back for you.”
Ginny helped Rachel out of the bath, holding her elbows to steady her while she wrapped herself up in a towel. “Much better.” Ginny commented with a smile. “How are you feeling?” Rachel then spoke up about Draco, and Ginny wasn’t sure of what to say. She wanted to believe her words, but it was hard to trust the man after he’d told her time and time again that she didn’t mean anything to him. “Listen to me rambling about boys while you almost died a few days ago. C'mon, smells like dinners almost ready.”
Despite her best efforts Rachel let out a small snort at Ginny’s words. “Way to change the subject Ginny.” She teased before nodding. “Alright. Let me just get into my clothes. I’ll have George comb my hair later.” The brunette added with a small grin before proceeding to pull on her clothes, wincing every now and then when her body or a limb would move at an odd angle. She tried cleaning up the bathroom as much as she could too. “Lead the way then please.” She looped her good arm through Ginny’s before stepping out of the bathroom.
The redhead was glad that Rachel seemed to have enough energy to get around without the wheelchair, albeit with assistance. It seemed the shower had worked miracles on her, as though the warm water had helped loosen her joints and alleviate her pain. They piled her hair up into a towel turban on top of her head and the pair finally shuffled out of the bathroom for supper. Molly had made a large, delicious supper that was particularly decadent to celebrate Rachel’s homecoming from the hospital. Warm mashed potatoes, deliciously seasoned steak, plenty of cooked vegetables on the side, and wine for the entire table.
As she sat at the table with the rest of the Weasleys, Rachel wandered to herself when was the last time she had sat down to a family meal? Usually she ate dinner alone. She ate lunch with George sometimes since they would be at work. But if the shop was crowded she would eat in between customers. Sitting at the table with everyone laughing and smiling made her feel warm inside, yet it brought on sadness a well. And by the time she had bid everyone goodnight she was near tears, half aware of someone pushing her towards what would be her room during her stay.
Several glasses of wine helped George to feel at least a little bit more comfortable with being back at the burrow again. And having Rachel to care for was also a good distraction. However, it seemed that nothing would ever be able to make him feel completely at home at the burrow again. Not when every single inch of the place reminded him of Fred. Once they’d finished eating, the lanky redhead helped Rachel out of her chair, muttering something vague about getting her to bed as he led her toward Bill’s old room. He’d arranged her things in the room for her while she’d been in the bath, and had borrowed one of Ginny’s stuffed animals to put on the bed to make the very…male room seem just a tad bit more comforting. “What is it? You seem quiet.” He asked her as he led her to the bed.
She plopped down onto the bed, grateful to get off her feet, especially her right legs which still felt a little sore even though it was almost completely healed. “I’m alright.” She answered with a smile, before returning her attention to the bedspread, tracing her finger delicately along the flower pattern that adorned it. “I was just thinking about the last time I had a family dinner. With my grandparents and Dimitri. It seemed like so long ago. And it probably was.” She added with a small laugh, before turning to look at him. “You’re lucky to have people you can have family dinners with.” She lightly kicked her foot out to graze against his leg. “So to which famous Weasley did this room belong to?” She asked, looking around the room, eyes blinking rapidly to push away the tears burning behind her eyes.
It had been a while since he’d been in Bill and Charlie’s room. The pair of them had moved out years ago, so it was most commonly used as a guest room nowadays. “Bill and Charlie.” He responded when Rachel asked him whose room she was staying in. “That’s why there’s a collection of both quidditch posters and books on dragon breeding.” He chuckled to himself as Rachel toyed with his ankle. She suggested that he should be grateful of having his family, and the man simply nodded in reply. “I take them for granted.” He admitted, feeling a bit guilty for it. It was then that he noticed the tears welling in Rachel’s eyes, and his brow creased with concern. “Rachel, what’s wrong?”
“Sounds like quite the combination.” She muttered, though her heart wasn’t into joking or kidding around for once. Even with having him around. He was the only one to ever get her to show the mischievous side she had. Something she had always suppressed in order to let her more brainy and Ravenclaw-ish personality shine. “Nothing.” She shook her head. “I guess the medicine or whatever the Healer’s gave me is making my hormones go crazy.” She said with a laugh, wiping at her eyes, sniffing before she took a deep breath. “I’m alright.” She reassured him, hazel eyes turning up to look at him. “Really, stop worrying.”
Though she tried to convince him that she was fine, George still had his doubts. He lowered himself onto the mattress beside her, his blue eyes lingering on her face as she spoke. “Hm.” He hummed in reply, reaching up to gingerly pull the towel off of her head and let her half-dried locks tumble over her shoulders. They still smelled of the lavender shampoo. “If being here is too much to handle, we can figure something else out. The Weasley clan can be a lot to handle, even if there are only half of us right now. Just imagine what it’s like at holidays.”
She reached up to gently pulled at her hair, making sure no strands were piled on top of her head. “Its not that. Honestly so far I love being here.” She pursed her lips before sighing and avoiding his gaze she started to speak. “Its just I had forgotten how it felt to sit at dinner surrounded by people. A family. Even though its not my family, it made me miss all those dinners I had with my grandparents and Dimitri.” She shook her head, tugging lightly at her hair, as she fiddled with it. “I know it sounds stupid, but I really miss that.”
“It’s not stupid,” George assured Rachel as she played with her hair. “Of course you miss it.” He just wished that there was something he could do to make her feel better. It wasn’t as though eating dinner with /his/ family would ever fill the void that Rachel felt missing her own. And yet here he was, wishing that he could run as far away from his family as possible. “Here, let’s…get the tangles out of your hair.” He muttered as his gaze shifted to the ends of her hair. “I’ve never brushed hair before. Is there a charm for it? Or perhaps…” he paused, and it was apparent in his expression that his mind was racing with ideas for brush-related products he could sell. “A hair-eating hair brush..” he murmured thoughtfully.
She raised her eyebrow at him. “George? You know how I love all your ideas and always encourage them.” Placing a firm hand on his shoulder she shook it lightly. “But take it from me, you do not want to invent one of those. Because you do not mess with a girl’s hair. Or even a boy’s hair for that matter.” Her voice was serious as she spoke. “Now get the thought out of your head, take this brush.” She held her brush out to him. “And start brushing. It already has charm on it and untangles hair without the pulling and the yanking.”
He smiled to himself in satisfaction, already itching to get back to inventing. It had only been a few days since the battle, and yet already he was beginning to feel antsy without work. There was so much work to be done to open the shop again. The repairs themselves weren’t going to be easy and would likely take a week or so to complete. And so soon after they’d had their official re-opening….why couldn’t the damn place just stay in one piece for more than a few months at a time? Rachel was leaning against him as he brushed her hair, and he wrapped an arm around her waist to support her as she hummed to herself. “I wouldn’t mind.” He admitted after a few moments. “Only if you brush mine as well, though. I’m thinking of growing it out like Bill’s. Will I finally be badass?”
She let out a sigh of content as his arm wrapped around her waist giving her more support to fully lean back against him, head resting on his shoulder, her hair now partially dry and brushed. “I like your hair short. Makes it easy for me to mess up. Messing up long hair means tangles and fingers getting stuck in said tangles.” She was speaking while she was half asleep now. And clearly she wasn’t completely in her mind. “And you’re already a badass George. You made history when you left the school. That’s pretty bad ass.” She snuggled even more against him, curling up slightly as she did. “You’re warm.” The brunette mumbled sleepily.
“Well perhaps you should cut your hair short so that I can mess it up.” George proposed, as he ran the fingers of his free hand through her hair. In truth he loved her long hair, but it was still fun to tease her. She sleepily called him a badass and he chuckled to himself. “I suppose so. Still, maybe I’ll take some hair growth potion tonight just so I have have luscious locks for tomorrow.” He laid back on the bed, pulling her down with him. “And you’re falling asleep.” He commented, giving her a brief kiss atop the head. “Just promise it’s only for tonight this time, okay? No more three-day naps.”
“Just run your fingers through it to mess it up.” She muttered her voice somehow sounding irritated at his even suggesting that she cut her hair. Rachel was barely aware of him pulling her back to lie down, but she already had him to lean against so it didn’t make much of a difference to her. “Tonight.” She mumbled sleepily. “Maybe till midday tomorrow. Promise…..George.” She drifted off, her breathing even and deep as she fell asleep, tired out from her first day back in the land of the living.
Luckily for him, the wine had helped to make him drowsy. He was lucky that Rachel had let him drink at all, considering...he gave his head a brief shake, firmly reminding himself not to think about that night. "Goodnight Maestro." He hummed quietly, his arm still wrapped around her. A part of him felt like he needed to leave, but at the same time, he felt comforted by her presence. Sleeping alone in the old familiar house would be painful for him, even if he was in Percy's room. And so George simply closed his eyes, letting himself relax against the sheets and drift off with Rachel in his arms.
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