#and I’m a stupid little people pleaser and I don’t want to disappoint anyone
docresa · 19 days
Today I had the best time volunteering for a teaching project (which is led by our chief vascular surgeon).
That is, apart from the fact that we ran into some of our abdominal surgery attendings, who gave me a massive (verbal) side-eye for technically hanging out with the vascular surgeons in my free time. (Some of them don’t really see eye to eye, both medically and personally).
And I’m soooo sick of it, can’t I just try to figure out what I eventually want to do with my career without having to navigate a social and political minefield?
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choccymilk · 2 years
ik it’s really cliche and overstated on the internet probably, but extroverts can be extremely selfish a lot of the time. they really don’t understand what it’s like to be an introvert in a society that normalizes extroversion so heavily. and I get that you can’t really understand when you don’t know what it’s like and never can, but at least pretend to try to sympathize with it a little. when I’m forced to be around people for more than like 40% of the day, I literally become a potato. my entire life is put on pause and I’m totally immobilized because instead of using my free time to do stuff I’d normally do or finish things I want to get done, I have to use that time to do nothing and recover from the excruciating uncomfortableness of going against my nature and being outside my comfort zone for hours on end. and the recovery takes probably double the time spent socializing, which means I’m still not fully recovered even into the next day when I’m somehow expected to do it all again ._. like.... I know it sounds like I’m literally a fucking infant but I’m so serious idk how to convey that this isn’t an exaggeration and I literally can’t help it as ridiculous and stupid as it seems. and if I try to adjust for it and spend less time with people or be less social, people will think I’m rude or selfish (ironic) or lazy or don’t like them and take it personally. which as a people pleaser literally makes the situation 100000000x worse because I can’t stand the thought of making the people I love sad and disappointed in me. but it’s like :))) you don’t get it.. even if I love you and enjoy our time together immensely, it’s still draining just to NOT be alone and not have sufficient time to introspect and process things and be in my own space. it’s like.. so many things stack up from this one small problem. I’m exhausted from socializing and not having time to recover, I’m terrified of people hating me for being myself, I’m completely stifled from having to hide myself and not feel understood by anyone, and I’m incapable of doing anything I love doing or being productive in any way because I spend so much of my time negatively affected by my perceived obligation to fit myself into an extroverted box that clearly isn’t my fucking size or shape :))) it’s literally crippling. 
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salvatoraesarc · 2 years
please feel free to scroll past this nonsense.  i’m sure  nobody  will  care  about,  but  i  needed  to  rant  somewhere  even  if  nobody  reads  it hgudfjos  this  is  just  a  long,  messy  rant /  thought  process  about  seth  (  a.lex  f.itzalan’s  character  in  s2  of  the  w.ilds  )  this  is  REAAAALLY long  i am  SO SORRY IF YOU READ THIS LMAO I JUST HAVE MANY THOUGHTS !!! 
i’m genuinely ugh, i don’t even have the word like frustrated is good but it’s more than that on how i feel about seth. i just have a lot to say about him.  i’m just upset that they promoted him to be a funny & good guy, had me hyped as fuck, thinking i was going to love him & he was going to become a comfort character.  when all he did was !!!! manipulate me !!!! god. stupid cute lil white boy....fucking me over.
what happened with henry was a lot,  he tried to justify it by saying he was showing him “ how bad he wants to live ”  &  it had my mouth open bc i rly thought he was about to kill his step-brother. but at this point he still had me convinced that he was the nice guy, idk he seemed like he was genuinely trying to help & was actually a good guy who just has a people pleaser attitude, who just needs everyone to like him & who has a co-dependency problem.  which is a character flaw on it’s own but he recognized he has this issue so i was like maybe since he’s self aware he’ll calm down &  he even admitted it to kirin but kirin knew it was more than that before i even thought it was. 
thinking back on some scenes, i realized he was deadass being nice to most likely manipulate the other guys into being on his side. he made it seem like  he’s oh so nice & that they can trust him & he’s keep their deepest secrets safe or whatever. when really he was just the inside man for bitchass gretchen. 
when he offered up the fish, he knew they’d crawl back and he’d end up getting them back on his side so he could once again manipulate them to get what he wanted. and when he knocked out alex ( i think that’s his name ) and acted like he was the one who found the boat so he could get back on the guys good side....  as if one thing like that would make them forgot what he did...lmao you fucking loser.... god. see kirin might be an idiot but he was like first one to not believe this mfer seth, like he knew.   AND !!!!!!  the way this mfer made his knuckles BLEED bc he saw a picture of julia with her ex........my guy you need to relax...also ????? what did he do to her  that it was bad ????? i need to know..... seth thought bc she was with her ex she’d leave him, understandable. kind of. not really. what’s 100% not understandable is him freaking the fuck out over it to the point where he stole her cat, and HURT her. like sit your psycho ass down.....he wasn’t playing when he said when he falls for a girl he’s all in like buddy......get some help. yeah you’re all in to the point where you have the “ if i can’t have her nobody can ” energy like what the hell....ugh
not to mention that that scene was 1000% unnecessary. i still don’t understand it. was it that he got off on a power trip? was he getting off from the torment ??? ? if anyone has some clarity, feel free to message me cause i am STILL sitting here dumbfounded & i just don’t understand why the writers thought that would be come se dice… OKAY… to make that a thing ???? 
i dunno man. i’m just really disappointed that i was so excited to see him in a popular show only to absolutely want nothing to do with his character.  it sucks bc when i’d see him on screen i’d be like god he’s so cute :(  i love him & then remember who seth was & just get so mad.  however, alex acted his little aussie heart out & i hope his next role has a character i fall in love with. i have more thoughts about this but it’s already long as fuck so i’ll end it with i miss harry bingham :((((( & i still love alex soooooo much my lil kangaroo but fuck seth. 
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taki118 · 3 years
How I’d Rework Miraculous LadyBug
Miraculous Ladybug is one of the series that has such a good solid gimmick behind it that I like tricked myself into thinking it was good for far too long (a similar thing happened with Once Upon a Time). So I finally sat down on wrote out how I’d rework the series. It’s really just slight character, role and magic changes but I think overall it’d work out much better than what we got, in my opinion.
What I really strive for is the idea of real vs persona which each character show casing a duality in both and how different people act behind a mask. Honestly this to me is the most important accept of the series as its set with teenagers and aimed at a younger crowd who are just starting to find themselves. Anyway enough with the preamble changes below its a lot.
So I’ve had a problem with Marinette since season one and it’s never gotten better if anything its only gotten worse. She has what I like to call romcom protag syndrome, Marinette is really good at a lot of things, with a wide array of interests that she's competent at and is very well liked but unlike a Kim Possible type where the narrative owns this and her being hyper competent is just part of her charm Miraculous wants you to think that Marinette is just like you’re average girl by giving her really like cosmetic flaws like a romcom protagonist. She's clumsy! (but only when its convenient) She’s shy and bashful! (but only when it comes to adrien), She overthinks and worries! (but not in a way that impedes her in a meaningful way).
You see what i’m getting at right? How can Marinette be your average girl when she’s already a skilled designer, makes friends with like everyone, can pick up skills insanely quick, is always in the right (even when really she should not be), gets good grades, is class president and her only real (in narrative) flaws are she’s clumsy, sometimes.
So in my reworking I want to make a clear distinction between their true self and persona and Marinette needs this the most.
First things first keep Marinette as very talented fashion designer BUT her sewing skills are not quite there yet. Look I cosplay as a hobby and let me tell you taking something from a 2D sketch to an actual piece of clothing is VERY difficult. Like and even if you manage to make it again what looks good on a sketch might not look good on a real person. So I want to showcase her struggling here, things not looking quite right and maybe give her a bit of a perfectionist problem like her friends don't notice the flaws but SHE does. I would also make fashion and clothes her hyper focus so much that while she CAN do other artistic things she doesn't really like it and struggles with it in a way she doesn't enjoy.
Next up I’d have activities she just can’t do, most important being she’s bad at baking. Like she can’t really help out at the bakery because she’s so bad at it, only able to take orders and clean up because her pastries always come out looking awful. This is because she lacks the patience for baking and the eye for it, though her food tastes fine they just look terrible. And it depresses her a little, even though her parents are fine with it.
I’d also up her clumsiness, like she’s not a good dancer, she slips a lot, gym is not her strong suit, is not graceful in any sense of the word the only time she is is when she’s sewing. Thus adding to her confidence issues.
Another thing I’d add is Marinette is CONSTANTLY over thinking things like to her determinate, like a lot of her clumsy moments comes from her overthinking things (this doesn't just apply to Adrien). And this aspect is shown to be a negative a lot in the narrative adding to her confidence issues. Like she’s constantly afraid Alya won’t be her friend anymore if she messes up, thinks that Tiki would be better off with someone else, and second guesses herself a lot.
Overall the picture I want to give Marinette is a girl holding herself back more than anyone else.
On the other hand when she’s Ladybug all her doubt is thrown out the window because she HAS to be decisive. She doesn't have the time to over think and talk herself into a tissy and because of this every time she succeeds as Ladybug her confidence in her persona grows. Putting that costume on makes her feel stronger, but the second it comes off the doubts sink in. If they depower during a battle Marienette is noticeably less sure and confident. Marinette
associates her powers with her confidence and as such can’t even picture acting like Ladybug without it. She does so so strongly that she thinks if Chat Noir saw the real her he’d be disappointed. In her mind Ladybug is everything Marionette is not and it adds to her complex.
My biggest issue with Adrien is that there is very little difference between him and Chat Noir. One of my favorite things from the anime PVs was how very different you could see between Felix and Chat and how you could see so very much with so very little. I don’t think Adrien is as big a mess as Marinette but then we don’t get much from him  (which I would 100% change)
So in my reworking here Adrien would be a much more obvious people pleaser. He’ll agree to just about anything if asked because he’s terrified of people disliking him. He’ll let people take the last one of a thing he likes, will help with projects even if he doesn’t actually want to be a part of them and will assist people even if they are wrong because he desperately wants to befriend everyone. This will often lead to people taking advantage of and misunderstanding him. Like I want on more than one occasion a girl Adrien is friendly with seeing his people pleasing nature as a genuine interest in them leading to heartbreak and akumaization. This will also play into Marinette’s own worries about confessing to him as in my version he does treat her like a friend. A friend who’s gotten close enough to confide in at times (but less than Nino) but a friend all the same.
Also I would have Adrien just now returning to Paris having been living with his Aunt and cousin up until now due to his mothers passing making his relationship with Gabriel more strained than like abusive. And his experience in his last school was not great as it was a private school where his cousin made things difficult.
I’d also add in that Adrien feels like he has to be on his best behavior at all times for his family name and father’s company and will confess feeling stifled by it and that he doesn’t even like modeling, but its the only time he really sees his dad anymore.
Overall I want it to feel like Adrien is who he feels he has to be.
Chat Noir
When it comes to the Chat Noir persona this is what Adrien feels is his truest self. He acts and speaks and does as he likes, and sometimes he just messes around in the costume at night as stress relief. (maybe even have him not wanting to help sometimes because he just didn’t like the person akumatized and having to be bribed by ladybug) As Chat Noir adrien speaks more casually says whats on his mind no matter how cruel or crude it may be, and is 100% honest with himself and his feelings. To him Chat Noir is freedom and he’d rather die than give it up, it’s Adriens one real act of selfishness.
As such Chat Noir is the true Adrien and the person he is at school is the mask.  
Love Square
So with these changes how does the love square work? Um better in my humble opinion.
Adrienette: Marinette is attracted to Adrien for a similar reason to the series in that he’s nice and sweet and handsome, I wouldn't have her start being confrontational with him just not impressed until he does something she views as special to her, but to him it was nothing. Marionette is head over heals (but not to the creepy level she gets in the series) and jealous of any girl confident enough to ask him out. She’s constantly tripping over herself wondering if it’s better to try and move forward or stay where she is as a close friend. But Adrien doesn’t see Marinette as anything more than that he thinks she’s nice but isn’t attracted to her and never does anything he wouldn’t do with another friend and is oblivious to her interest.
LadyNoir: Chat Noir is attracted to Ladybug for her confidence and straightforward attitude and finds her lack of romantic interest in him all the more alluring. He’ll make grand romantic gestures without much thought and flirts regularly but Ladybug isn’t interested seeing him as a showboat who isn’t all that serious. She is good with them being friends but firmly stands that they are nothing more as she views being a superhero as a job.
MariChat: Marinette still finds Chat Noir obnoxious and nothing more than a flirt, but she also believes that if Chat Noir saw the real her he wouldn’t be interested. And he’s not. He flirts but not to the same degree as Ladybug ad Marinette hides her mocking nature of his more ridiculous moments. But when she’s just Marinette she sees just how genuine Chat’s feelings for Ladybug are and he compliments her in ways Adrien never would and seeing a slightly more confident Marinette
Ladrien: Adrien hides his feelings for Ladybug from others thinking they’d laugh (expect for Nino) so when he’s face to face with her he often doesn’t know how to act. For Ladybug her confidence does fall a little but is far calmer and more upfront with Adrien than Marinette is. As a superhero Ladybug tires to hide her feelings for Adrien but lets it slip more than once that she has preference for him making Adrien think he has a chance.
I would also have a moment where Adrien confesses his feelings to Ladybug and it leaves Marinette in a weird state. Cause he likes her but not HER her, and things become awkward between her and Adrien. Ladybug herself confides in Chat that the person she loves doesn't love the real her he tries to say how stupid this person is but she pushes back that he doesn't really know her either. Leaving things weird between all parties. just yes this is the drama i live for
So Alya I think is a pretty solid character, but I’d have her pushing Marinette more and be less coddling towards her. My Alya would practice more tough love and also would be less invested in her friends love life. I would 100% make it an issue for her too like have an ep where Marienette is so busy obsessing over Adrien that she forgets something important for Alya and she snaps at her. Also she’d me more into news coverage in general not just Ladybug. I’d keep her confident and self assured and make it a little more obvious that Marinette is mimicking her when she starts out as Ladybug.
Rena Rouge
Now I’ll get into kwamii changes and such later i’m just talking about persona changes for now. But as Rena she’d be more cocky and arrogant and would butt heads with Ladybug on strategy. Her confident nature as Alya is great for Marinette but as Rena it’s frustrating for Ladybug. Remember Alya is a superhero fangirl so she’d be all about the action and would think she knows better. And while she and ladybug don’t get along well she and Chat and two peas in a pod a difference from how Alya is with Adrien who she regards kindly but doesn’t think they gel well.
First off get this boy a better outfit. Second again i think he’s a good start to a character but I’d have him be in a similar situation to Adrien. His parents are rich and away a lot but unlike Adrien they allow Nino to do as he likes and most people aren't aware oh just who his parents are. So he and Adrien bond easily and he confides in him more than in the series. His laid back and trouble maker nature mix well with Adrien but he knows when not to push. However because of his easy going nature people dont expect a lot from Nino and don’t really register his serious side that Adrien does notice.
As a hero I feel like he gets the short end in the series, so here his more serious personality comes out. As Carapace he takes super heroing very seriously and is more cautious willing to stand back and follow Ladybugs lead, and butting heads with Chat over jokes. Rena finds him a stick in the mud and he thinks she takes it too lightly.
Bonus for Alya and Nino i think they should date but i’d totally have them being that on and off couple who you can never tell if they’re dating at the moment or not. Just very chill and teenage.
Ok I wanna make it apparent I could rant for hours about all the missed opportunities the series has taken with her. Like Chloe is by far the most compelling character they have and they seem to hate it. But not here not with me.
First things first no personality changes Chloe is queen and i will here nothing on it, but we will be altering how she engages with others and the narrative.
For instance she is Marinette’s rival but it’s not for no reason. Chloe also has goals to be a designer and feels threatened by Marinettes work and a little embarrassed they both want the same thing just for very different reasons. While marinette just purely loves fashion Chloe wants to be acknowledged by her mother (more on this later) As such her designs are more avant guard and less favored by her peers she also has professionals make her looks herself. So she gets infuriated that Marinette work is praised over hers. Add in that they both like Adrien and this makes for volatile interactions.
Now i’d also want to play more into Chloe being Adrien childhood friend. I’d have Adrien note that Chloe wasn’t always this way, and remake about how kind she was when they were younger. I’d also have him say she wrote him everyday when he wasn’t in paris and she never liked talking about school. I’d also make it apparent that her cutesy nature with Adrien isn't fake and that’s how she’d always been with him. I’d also have times where Chloe says no for Adrien on things she knows he doesn’t want to do (like he gets invited to something that involves a thing he’s afraid of and knowing he’d go she acts like its beneath him to do). I’d also have her crush being somewhat protective like her saying that she’ll only accept someone else dating Adrien if they’re good enough for him.
I’d also have her relationship with Sabrina similar only make Sabrina a little crueler on her own. But I’d have her agree with Adrien that Chloe has more to her than everyone thinks. My backstory being that during a time when Adrien was away but before Sabrina Chloe herself got used by kids who wanted to take advantage of her position instead of crying she chose to be mean taking the kids down a peg and vowing to not let others get the advantage of her. (Also her father didn’t help in her spoils nature but still)
I’d also have her being a long time fan of super heroes not always for the right reasons but a fan all the same and use this as a means of her and Alya not getting along.
All in all I’d want Chloe to be mean and bitchy for a reason not just a sometimes obstacle for Marinette.
Queen Bee
As Queen Bee Chloe is much more honest with herself, she still has some attitude but she excitable and eager to prove herself to Ladybug who she idolizes for being like her favorite heroes as a kid. With Ladybug she’s definitely a side kick sometimes to her determinate ignoring her own intuition. And with Chat Noir they have a more relaxed friendly nature with the two feeling an odd ease around each other. Like they’ve been friends all their lives and you can see this is how Chloe and Adrien would be if she were more honest. She also gets along so better with Rena and Carapace than Alya and Nino
Master Fuu
This guy needs such an overhaul I mean honestly if i were writing this I wouldn’t even have a guardian the kwamiis would just be chaotic objects of chance. But we got him so I’d make him far more mysterious I wouldn’t have him interacting directly with Marinette and I wouldn't make him the last just one sent to Paris to find the peacock and butterfly miraculous as they had been lost ages ago. I’d have him meet both Marinette and Adrien but have them not know who he is, just a kind old man who gives good advice. I’d also have him be the only one giving out miraculouses and keep all identities secret. Eventually he’d reveal himself to the main pair but it’d be more equal.
Changes to kawmi
So heres my hot take there should only be 7 active, the ladybug, cat, butterfly, peacock, fox, bee and turtle. Theres just too many we loose focus I’m not saying we shouldn't have more heroes but they’d be more minor recurring like they’re in two for the day or something type deal. The zodiac ones also act too much like dues ex for my tastes.
Another change would be the time uses, it’d go like this:
Ladybug and Cat those two can be used multiple times a day this is what makes them so powerful amount other things
Butterfly, Peacock, Bee, Fox and Turtle can only be used once a day or a week this being why we dont have Rena, Cara and Queen in every ep after their intros they have to be sure they’re needed.
(If we NEED the zodiac ones they can only be used less frequently making them more careful in choice)
Another thing is that while Tikki and Flagg have been approved for use the rest have to be activated by Master Fuu theres like a guardian magic thing that makes it so they can only be in stand by unless summoned by Fuu or Ladybugs Lucky Charm.
Another thing is that they can’t like psychically can’t reveal their identities while in hero form and if they transform or de-transform in front of others they will no longer be able to use the miraculous. Adding in further drama as even if they wanted to tell each other the truth they couldn’t.
I think these changes would make the story far more engaging and more definitive in rules.
His overall personality and role would be the same but he’d be more direct with Marinette none of this I’ll wait for you stuff he’d make his feelings apparent but would be open to other options if they come around and he’ll tell Marinette so. He also wouldn’t be very close to Adrien what I mean is he’d be nice to him but he’d be one of the few people who sees through Adriens mask and call him out not in a mean way but a like “you cant please everyone” and “you’re gonna hurt people like that” way. His main thing would be getting Marinette to not overthink and gain some confidence.
Hers would be similar but less um stereotypical. She’d still be Adriens fencing rival with a crush on him, but like Luka she’d be more direct with Adrien with little interest in him acting nice. Stating things like she doesn't want to be his friend. She also would not befriend Marinette my Kagami wouldn’t have problems making friends she is just very hard to be friends with because of her personality, and finds Marinette’s wishy washy nature annoying. Kigali wouldn’t be cruel to her but she wouldn’t go out of her way for her. Overall Kagami would be stoic, sincere, straight forward, competitive and blunt. Her main thing would be to get Adrien to be more honest with his wants and putting himself first.
Class Changes
One thing that has always and will continue to annoy me about Marinette and Adriens class is how they’re all friends with each other, have these writers been to school????? Like I’m not saying they should be nasty but like they should just have different levels of caring. Not all the girls should be siding with Marinette all the time have one or two like Alix or Juleka being annoyed with her and Alya’s “plans” to get the two together (alix cause she’s seen this episode before and dense want to hear it and Juleka cause of her brothers feelings and Marinette not giving him a clear answer). Have one or two of the guys being annoyed with Adriens “Mr perfect” persona, again not overtly mean just don't get along. Like I’m not looking to make them antagonistic but just i think its weird that Chloe is the ONLY one who cant get along with everyone. Cause it’s just not possible especially with teenagers.
Change to Audrey Bourgeois & Mayura
Ok this is the big one and it might seem small but it changes things fundamentally Audery can’t stand Gabriel but was best friends with Emilie.
In my version Audrey is Gabriels biggest critic and never says away from taking shots at him particularly after Emilie “death”. She always considered him not good enough for someone she considered a sister, and blames him for what happened. Hinting that she may know more than we do.
She would also confess to Chloe that she left Paris out of grief she had so many memories in the city with Emilie that after her sudden death it felt wrong being there. Andre suggested she go on a trip to clear her head a few weeks, turned into a few months, turned into a few years as she avoided thinking about the loss. Of course a causality of this avoidance meant avoiding her daughter as well. She came back after Gabriel gave her a cryptic message and now is where this get interesting.
We start with Natlalie using the peacock miraculous but when Gabriel says this is too much for her and she wont use it anymore he means it. He brings Audrey into the fold showing her Emilie and asking for her help, thus she becomes Mayura.
As Mayura she’s very snide and snippy with Hawkmoth and often questions his plans and methods. She also notes Natalie’s growing feelings for Gabriel and remarks that she’s putting her life on the line for Emilie and insinuating that maybe he doesn’t love Emilie as much as he thought. An insinuation Gabriel doesn’t care for.
Anyway thats how i’d changed the characters, and powers for a more solid show in my opinion, I got no idea for plot cause I got no clue what they are doing. But I think this set up would yield better results regardless.
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loove-persevering · 5 years
She’s Trying (Steve Harrington One Shot)
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Description: Hawkins seems to have this eery sense of sadness ever since the events of Star court mall being destroyed.  Steve and everyone seemed like they would never be happy again, and Y/N was not going to let that happen. 
 (I got this idea from a Marvel fic I read forever ago, so this is not my original idea but I love it and wanted to write it for stranger things! Credits to the owner of the marvel fic that inspired this!) 
  Ever since you were little the one thing you were good at was making people happy, you were for sure a people pleaser if you had to put a label on yourself. It seemed like anytime someone was down you would drop anything just to make them happy or to cheer them up, which in the end is a good quality to have.  Lately it seemed like everyone was down and you would be damned if you let them stay like that. 
Steve had been down after the events for obvious reasons, he was one stressed about finding a new job after the mall had been destroyed and everyone there had lost their jobs. Of course him and Robin did eventually score a job at the arcade but Matty sure as heck was still was pretty tough on him believe it or not. Then the party just seemed to constantly mope around, they were missing Will and El and it just didn’t seem the same even to you. Max was still torn up about her brother Billy, even though he wasn’t the best person he was still her family in a twisted kind of way.
  You wanted to go out and do something it seemed like almost everyone in the town was afraid of going out after all the events, it scared you a little too but you knew you couldn’t spend the rest of your life hiding in fear. 
 ‘’Let’s go out tonight?’’ You say to Steve. You had stayed with him last night and were cuddled into his chest and he had his eyes closed his arm wrapped around your shoulder, he was still awake you could tell. ‘’Steve?’’ You call out. 
He scrunches his face up, ‘’Not tonight,’’ He says. 
 You watch his face as it begins to relax again, ‘’Come on, we haven’t been out in months let’s go do something!’’ You say pushing yourself up on your elbows looking down at him. ‘’Please!’’ You say sweetly. 
‘‘Y/N,’‘ He groans. 
‘‘Steve,’‘ You say back mimicking him. ‘’Come on we can go get everyone else and go see a movie or-’’ You begin to say but he cuts you off. 
‘‘Go see a movie where Y/N? The mall is gone.’‘ He snaps at you. 
 Okay maybe suggesting a movie wasn’t the best idea you think to yourself. You fall back into bed and let out a deep breath thinking of what you could possibly do. ‘’I have an idea!’’ You burst out to him after a few minutes of thinking, ‘’We can get the projector that my mom has in the basement and set up a sheet-’’ You begin to say but Steve cuts you off. 
‘‘Y/N, just stop.’‘ He groans reaching his hands up covering his face. 
‘‘Why?’‘ You ask feeling a little offended but also pissed that he was acting like this, you only wanted to make him feel better.
‘‘Because nobody wants to go out Y/N, it’s stupid.’‘ He says rolling out of bed. You sit up clutching the bed sheets against your body now that he was gone you were cold, ‘‘I mean just leave it already.’‘ He sighs walking to his closet putting a pair of pants over his boxers. 
‘‘Steve?’‘ You call out hearing the voice laced in your voice. ‘’I just wanted to-’’ You continue but once again he cuts you off. 
‘‘You want to what Y/N? People aren’t ready! Forcing everyone to go out and do some stupid shit isn’t going to help anyone.’‘ He says viscously. You felt the tears begin to form in your eyes as he spoke to you, all you wanted to do was help him and the others. You knew it wouldn’t be easy acting as if nothing ever happened and that wasn’t what you wanted to do. You wanted everyone to say despite all the bad shit that’s happened over the past couple months you could go out and still have at least one good night. 
 You get out of bed peeling of Steve’s shirt he lended you the night before and look around for yours. Once you find it you quickly put it on and then find your shoes sitting on the floor and begin tying them as you and Steve got ready in silence. As you get ready you realize how much of an ass Steve was being, he wasn’t even giving you the chance to talk or anything. ‘’I was doing it to help you asshole,’’ You tell him and he looks back at you wide eyed once you finally speak, he rolls his eyes right after. ‘’I’m going to do it whether you come or not the kids will love it.’’ 
‘‘You’re so naive Y/N, you don’t know shit about how this has affected people,’‘ Steve says. 
 ‘’I don’t know?’’ You ask him and he nods as if it was obvious. ‘’You’re right Steve I’m naive and shit, but I’d rather be that then a stubborn ass!’’ You yell at him. You walk to the door opening it, ‘’I thought you had changed, but I guess not.’’ You tell him and then move into the hallway slamming the door shut. You hurry down the stairs and walk out the back door, you look up at the window of Steve’s room and just see his shadow moving around the room not even attempting to come after you. You sigh turning around and swiftly make your way to where you knew everyone would be, the Wheeler’s. 
 You knock on the door standing outside the Wheeler’s house waiting for them to answer. You knew it would take a minute seeing as the basement was their hangout place. Eventually Mike answers the door, ‘’Hi!’’ You greet him giving him a smile. He seemed to have this permanent grimace on his face after El left, you hadn’t seen him smile in what felt like months. 
‘‘Hey Y/N,’‘ He says. He opens the door a little wider allowing you in and you follow him to the basement. Everyone was downstairs Dustin, Lucas, and Max who was cuddled into Lucas’s side. ‘‘Y/N’s here!’‘ Mike calls out as you walk down the stairs. 
 You hear a mutter of hello’s and then you make your way over to the couch sitting on the edge of it. They all looked bored, ‘’So,’’ You say getting excited to tell them your idea. ‘’I was thinking tonight we could set up a spot and I can get my mom’s projector and we can turn on that new movie The Goonies!’’ You offer to them.
 They all look to each other and sigh, ‘’Not today Y/N.’’ They sigh. 
‘‘Come on! You guys don’t need to sit in the basement and mope all night!’‘ You tell them truthfully. ‘‘It won’t be too cold tonight and I’ll set it all up you guys can just come and have a goodnight,’‘ You tell them. 
 They all sit silent not saying anything, ‘’It does sound fun,’’ Dustin points out. 
Mike shrugs and you look to Max, ‘’Max?’’ You ask and she just smiles at you awkwardly.  
 ‘’Okay it’s settled I’ll set it up and you guys can meet me at my house and I’ll set it up outside!’’ You say getting up feeling a rush to get it all set up perfectly. ‘’I’ll see you guys at eight!’’ You say hearing their groans and you run up the stairs.
 A few hours later you had successfully managed to sneak out your moms super 8 and stole a sheet from the dryer setting it up against the brick wall as successfully as you could. You bought some bean bags using all your savings from babysitting so everyone would be comfortable, it was almost eight and you were excited. Even though Steve still hadn’t talked to you all day you were excited to spend some time with the kids and get their minds off everything. 
 A few minutes before eight you see Dustin pull up on his bike, ‘’Hey!’’ He says excitedly laying his bike on the ground. 
 ‘’Hi!’’ You pause, ‘’Where’s everyone else?’’ You ask him. 
He shrugs his shoulders, ‘’We all went home for dinner, I thought they were coming,’’ He says. 
‘‘Oh! We can wait a bit then,’‘ You tell him giving him a smile. You walk him over to where you had set up, you bought some snacks and had them laid in the bean bags and then you had the projector set up and ready to go. 
‘‘This looks awesome,’‘ Dustin says sitting down in the chair. 
‘‘Thanks!’‘ You say excitedly, you peer over your shoulder when you see lights once again but it was only your neighbor pulling in the driveway. You felt a slight disappointment hoping they would only just be a few more minutes. 
  To your disappointment minutes turned into an hour, you sat in the bean bag your hand supporting your head as you leaned your arm against your knee. You look over to Dustin who had eaten about three of the eight candy bars you had bought for everyone. You sigh loudly realizing nobody was going to come, ‘’Nobody’s coming,’’ You say letting out a laugh of disbelief. 
 ‘’Come on let’s just wait a few more minutes,’’ Dustin says. 
‘‘It’s been an hour Dustin,’‘ You point out to him. 
‘‘Oh,’‘ He says getting quiet. 
‘‘I think we should just call it a night,’‘ You say the disappointment evident in your voice. You walk over to the Super 8 picking it up, Dustin gets up looking at you wide eyed. You had never felt like more of a failure than right now, all you wanted was to go to sleep and forget about it all. 
‘‘Y/N!’‘ Dustin calls out to you as you walk toward the front of your house. 
You furrow your eyebrows feeling the tears in your eyes, ‘’I’m sorry,’’ You tell him. ‘’Just go home Dustin,’’ You sigh looking back at him his mouth agape as he watched you enter your house. 
 Dustin had called everyone into what he said was a very important meeting and if anyone missed it he implied some kind of dangerous threat to our lives. I had to drive past Y/N’s house to get to Dustin’s and I tried to see if her car was there but it wasn’t so she must already be at Mikes. I drive down the road and finally see Mike’s house where Dustin had called the meeting at, I still think it’s weird how these kids call meeting at a house that isn’t their own. 
 When I pull up to the house I notice that Y/N’s car isn’t there, I get out thinking maybe she just had somethings to do before hand and make my way to the door. When Mike answers he has an unamused look on his face ‘’Dustin isn’t here yet,’’ He says. 
 I nod my head and he allows me in and we make our way down to the basement. We waited for about fifteen minutes until he finally showed up out of breath I might add. ‘’Okay you shit heads really have done it.’’ He says. 
We all look at each other confused, ‘’What are you even talking about?’’ Lucas says sounding annoyed. 
‘‘Y/N,’‘ He says and I felt myself freeze. Dustin looks over at me and then to everyone else. ‘‘She went out of her way to set up a movie for everyone last night and I was the only one that showed up.’‘ He says. I felt my hear drop thinking at how disappointed she must’ve been, we had already fought so I knew she must’ve even been more upset to only have Dustin show up. 
‘‘None of you went?’‘ I ask them looking around and they all nod their head no. ‘’Shit,’’ I mutter to myself. 
‘‘Yeah shit,’‘ Dustin says with attitude. ‘‘I get it all the stuff that’s happened in the past few months has sucked but Y/N is only trying to help.’’ He says. ‘’And we couldn’t get over ourselves one night to go and just have fun?’’ He asks. I look around the room noticing the guilty expression on everyones face. ‘’And you!’’ Dustin says pointing at me. 
I look up at him shocked, what was he calling me out for? ‘’What?’’ I ask him.
‘‘You’re her boyfriend! Where the hell were you?’‘ He asks. I stare at him in shock at what he said. He was right, where the hell was I? I turned away my girlfriend in such a douche way I might add just because she was trying to make me stop being sad? Damn, I was a shitty boyfriend. Dustin rolls his eyes as I stay silent, ‘’I have never seen Y/N that sad ever in my life.’’ Dustin says and I felt the guilt almost eating me alive at that point. ‘’So we are going to make it up to her,’’ Dustin says.
 ‘’And do what?’’ Mike asks. ‘’It’s raining,’’ He points out. 
‘‘Then we can set up at Steve’s house, right Steve?’‘ Dustin asks. I nod my head wanting nothing more than to make it up to Y/N. Everyone just sat looking at Dustin with blank stares. ‘‘Everyone in?’‘ He asks. I look around watching as everyone agreed and then Dustin begins comprising a game plan. 
 You sat in your room a magazine perched up against your leg, you had gone to work earlier today and then came home to an empty house. You decided that the best way to pass your time would be to read one of your mom’s magazines at least until she got home and you finally had someone to talk to. You hear a knock at your door and you look over at the clock on your night stand unsure of who it could be, you put the magazine down on your bed and then get up running down the hall to the front door. They ring the doorbell about five more times between then, ‘’I’m coming!’’ You yell starting to become annoyed by the sound. 
When you answer you were surprised to see your boyfriend Steve standing at the door looking a little sad his hands behind his back, ‘’Y/N,’’ He sighs in relief. 
‘‘Harrington,’‘ You say crossing your arms over your chest. You only called Steve by his last name when you were mad at him. ‘‘Can I help you?’‘ You pause letting out a little laugh, ‘‘Oh wait no! I can’t! You won’t let me,’‘ You say sarcasm lacing your voice. 
 He sighs and walks a little bit closer to you pulling his hand out from behind his back holding out your favorite bouquet of flowers. You had to force yourself from smiling, expecting hopefully an amazing apology. You keep your face stone cold not the slightest bit of a smile on your face as he stared at you with wide eyes. ‘’I’m sorry for being a dick,’’ He says. ‘’You’re amazing and wonderful and I like really don’t even deserve you.’’ He pauses. ‘’You’re beautiful, honestly you’re totally out of my league and you always seem to put me first I still don’t know why.’’ He rambles on. ‘’But you do so much for everyone and you just make me a better guy and again I’m sorry I was a dick to you-’’ He continues and you couldn’t help but smile after that.
‘‘Steve,’‘ You laugh cutting him off. 
‘‘And you’re just like this amazing person and I’m so so sorry I’ve been treating you like shit these past couple months, you deserve so much better and-’‘ He still continues to ramble on. You realize the only way you were going to be able to shut him up was to kiss him. You walk forward closing the gap between your body’s pushing yourself on your tip toes and press your lips to him finally getting him to stop talking. 
 You were about to pull away when Steve puts his hand behind your neck holding you in place longer and you seemingly melt into his kiss. He wraps his other arm around your waist pulling your body closer to his if possible, ‘’I love you,’’ He says finally pulling away putting his forehead against yours looking down into your eyes. 
‘‘And I love you Steve Harrington,’‘ You say leaning up kissing him again. 
 After a few seconds of once again getting too caught up in the kiss you pull away laughing, you reach up wiping the lips gloss you were wearing from Steve’s lips. He smiles as he pulls his head back from yours as you tried to wipe it off, ‘’No, no! Come on!’’ He says and you look at him confused. ‘’Go and get yourself ready I’m taking you somewhere!’’ He says. 
 You look at him confused and he just puts his hands on your shoulder turning you around and walking you to your room guiding you, you start to walk into your room and then felt a hand smack your butt. ‘’Steve!’’ You yell out to him and he smiles at you innocently. 
‘‘Sorry,’‘ He says sheepishly. ‘‘Get ready! Dress comfortable.’’ He tells you and you nod. You hurry changing into one of his sweatshirts and a pair of black leggings your mom had just bought you. You couldn’t stop your smile thinking of where he was going to take you, once you were ready you walk out and Steve smiles at you leaning down to kiss you again longingly. 
 He walks you to his car opening the door allowing you in and then makes his way to the drivers side of the car. ‘’Okay, ready?’’ He asks. You nod your head excited and he puts the car in gear taking off down the road. The entire car ride Steve had his hand in yours rubbing his thumb over your hand soothingly, it made your heart melt. You glance over at him giving him a smile and he looks at you admiringly as you glance back out the window. Eventually you pull up to the Steve’s house. 
‘’What are we doing here?’’ You ask him. 
He just smiles at you and gets out of the car jogging across the front and opening the door for you. You get out and walk up to the front of his house and he opens the door as you walk in behind him. He grabs your hand and guides you down to the basement, once you finally make it down the stairs you realize Dustin, Mike, Lucas, and Max were all here too. 
 ‘’We’re sorry,’’ Max starts off. 
‘‘We know you were just trying to help,’‘ Lucas adds in. 
‘‘And we’re really sorry we didn’t show up yesterday.’‘ Mike says. ‘‘So we kind of tried to recreate what we could according to what Dustin told us.’‘ 
 You look over to Dustin and he was smiling at you widely and you look to Steve who was looking down at you already a grin across his face as well. ‘’Thank you guys,’’ You say to them not being able to hold back a smile. 
 An hour later everything was in motion, you had the movie playing and all the snacks scattered across the room as everyone was intrigued in the movie. They all seemed to be having a good time and that made you feel even more happy than you already were. You look up at Steve who was completely into the movie and after a second he looks down at you and laughs, ‘’What?’’ He asks. 
You shake your head popping another piece of candy in your mouth, ‘’Nothing--’’ You pause, ‘’I just love you,’’ You tell him and he smiles. You sink back down further into his chest as his arm wraps around you tightly and you watch the movie finally having one new good memory since all the chaos. 
PERMANENT TAG LIST:  @l-ivingformendes , @queenbbarnes , @gwenebear , @depressed-comics (Let me know if you want to be added or removed!) 
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ladyreapermc · 4 years
Fic: This isn’t a rom-com 17/17
Author’s notes: So we finally arrived at the last chapter of this fic. I’m really proud of myself for writing something this long and actually getting to the end. I am already planning a sequel and I’d love to hear feedback on this chapter and what you think I could include in the sequel. I also would like to thank everone who stuck around and commented on this. You have no idea how happy you made me. Enjoy this last (for now) chapter!
Summary: Keanu and Lilah meet at the set of John Wick. Rom-com shenanigans ensues
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6  Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16
Wordcount: 3923
Warnings: bad language; smorking, fighting and some angst
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Lilah woke up the next morning with the sound of her father’s car pulling up in the driveway. It made her stomach twist into knots, dread filling her chest because she knew there was no way to avoid it now, they would have to have that conversation. She untangled herself from Keanu and it was clear evidence of how exhausted he was because he barely stirred.
She exchanged her PJs for a pair of shorts and the first t-shirt she could find and went down the stairs. Lilah paused just outside the kitchen, listening to her parents talking in hushed voices.
“He’s out of sedation and breathing on his own,” Frank said with a sigh, weariness and fatigue coloring his voice. “I really thought… for a moment there…”
“Don’t,” Alba said her voice breaking a little. “He’s gonna be just fine. He’s strong.”
“I know, I just…” another sigh from her father. “He had a couple of cardiac arrests during surgery. Turns out amphetamines in his blood were reacting badly with one of the medications.”
“Amphetamines?” Alba’s tone was confused. “Like speed?”
“I don’t know what it is exactly, but yes. He’s doing drugs.”
“It’s not speed,” Lilah said walking into the kitchen and making her parents look over in surprise. “It’s probably Adderall.”
“Adderall?” her mom frowned. “Why would he take that?”
“To help him study for some tests. He promised to stop…” Lilah hated to break Jamie’s confidence like this, but they needed the full picture.
“And you believed him?” Frank snorted, his expression almost scornful. “All junkies say that!”
“Jamie’s not a junkie!” Lilah exclaimed. “He just…” she trailed off, at lost of what to say. “Had a lot on his plate and thought he needed a bust.”
“Oh please!” Frank snorted again. “I worked two jobs all through med school and never used drugs to pass my tests! He’s stupid, that’s what he is! And ungrateful! He was given a golden opportunity and just threw that away! Once the board of directors finds out he was on drugs while working for the hospital, that’s it! His career is over!” He slammed his fist on the table, making Alba and Lilah jump. “Stupid, reckless, idiot…”
“Stop!” Lilah shouted, making Frank’s angry gaze shift to her. “Just stop! Jamie’s in the hospital and all you care about is if he’s gonna have a job when all he gets out? How heartless are you?”
“Lilah…” Alba called in gentle warning, but Lilah was too far gone to pay attention. Between the terror of almost losing her brother and all of the soul searching she had been doing the past couple of weeks, hearing her father talking about Jamie like that made something inside of her snap.
“Do you even care about us? Aside from making sure we’re the poster children you can brag about at the country club?” she all but yelled in her father’s face, watching his blue eyes going wide. “Do you wanna know why Jamie was taking Adderall? Because he was working 80 hours a week in a hospital where everyone knew he was your son. He knew every action he took, every misstep he made would come back to you. He was working in a place that anything less than perfect would be unacceptable. I’m surprised he didn’t snap!”
“All there you go again!” Frank scoffed, rolling his eyes. “I’m the big bad villain because I want my children to succeed. How awful of me.”
“Not a villain. Just an asshole!”
“Dalilah!” Alba’s voice was like a crack of a whip, making her stand to attention with a start. “You will not speak like that under my roof! Especially not to your father.”
Lilah pressed her lips together and crossed her arms over her chest. She hated how her mom always took her father’s side of things.
“No Alba. Let her speak,” Frank said with a sneer. “Maybe that way she can work out through these daddy issues of hers! Because that’s the only reason I can think of for her to crazy enough to date a man old enough to be her father!”
His words made Lilah stumble back and straight into Keanu’s strong chest. He steadied her with gentle hands on her shoulders and she looked up at him, catching the somber expression in his face. She wondered how much he heard.
“And you,” Frank continued, getting to his feet and walking towards Keanu. Lilah made sure to keep herself between both men just in case. “I’ve been trying to figure out if this is some kind of mid-life crisis or if you’re just a creep who prey on naïve young girls.”
“I’m not a fucking girl!” Lilah shouted, making her father gaze snap back at her. “I’m twenty-nine, dad! A damn adult! Completely capable of making my own decisions about who I date or what I want to do with my life!” she declared stepping up at him and Frank actually backed away. “And you don’t get to criticize anyone about dating younger women. Wasn’t mom 21 when you met her? While you were 36? Don’t you think you’re being a little hypocritical?”  She saw her father’s eyes narrowing and the way he swallowed hard as he glanced at his wife. He didn’t have an argument against that. “You don’t get to judge my choice in boyfriends and you certainly do not get to bully me into being ashamed of this.”
“Is that what I’m doing?” he snorted, arms crossed over his chest.
“It’s what you always do!” she pointed out. “Darling, don’t you think that skirt is a little too small? You don’t want boys to think you’re easy, do you?” she pitched her tone lower, mimicking her father’s voice. “Baby, I’m sure creative writing classes are interesting, but what are you gonna use that for? Be smart about what you spend your money on. Film school? Are you out of your mind? Grow up! You need a real career!”
She could see her father’s eyes widening as she threw his own words back at him. Lilah always wondered if he even noticed how much they hurt. From the corner her eye, she saw Alba staring at them, her expression just as horrified.
“Truth is I do have tons of daddy issues. Jamie too,” Lilah said, her voice returning to normal. “Because you spent all of our lives making us feel worthless unless we were doing exactly what you wanted. You made us feel like unless we were your perfect children, you would never love us. I became a nearly pathological people-pleaser and perfectionist, while Jamie kept pushing himself so hard he felt his only choice was to take drugs so he wouldn’t disappoint you. So, congratulations! You did a great job fucking up your kids.” Lilah turned her back on her father, heading towards the door. “Oh, not that you care because it’s not a career you’d approve, but I got in film school. Starting next year, I’ll be getting a master's degree in screenwriting.”
She walked out the door, without a second look to her parents, but she felt Keanu following her like a silent shadow all the way back to her bedroom. She felt weirdly numb after that shouting match. All the words that had been stuck on her chest for so long finally out there. She dropped on the edge of her bed, staring unseeingly at her own hands.
“Are you ok?” Keanu asked, tone soft and gentle. He was kneeling in front of her, trying to catch her gaze. “Talk to me, please.”
“I don’t know,” she finally replied with a shaky breath. “I think I went too far. I overreacted and…”
“Don’t do that,” Keanu asked, caressing her cheek with his thumb. “You have all the right to be upset. Always. It doesn’t matter the reason; doesn’t matter if they don’t understand it or if they wouldn’t react the same way. It doesn’t make your feelings any less valid, okay?”
And those words hit Lilah in a corner of her heart that had been shoving all the hurt and pain of having her feelings invalidated and reprehended by people who were supposed to love her unconditionally, including herself. Lilah swallowed around the lump on her throat and hugged him tightly, hiding her face in his chest. Keanu maneuvered her until she was sitting on his lap and pulled her closer, kissing the top of her head and mumbling soothing words as he held her through it all.
She didn’t know how long she stayed like that, but after a while, Lilah’s tears finally stopped flowing and she just stayed cuddled in Keanu’s lap, letting him embrace her, keep her safe, away from the harsh reality of her brother being in the hospital or the epic fight she just had with her father. In his arms, none of that existed.
“Can I ask something?” Keanu started, voice low and gentle and Lilah nodded against his chest. “You’re really gonna go? To NYFA, I mean?”
“Yeah,” she replied, looking up at him. “I got the money and you were right; it is my dream. I’m tired of pushing it aside.”
“I’m very happy for you,” he smiled wide, kissing her forehead and Lilah grinned, some of the tightness in her chest loosening a bit. “But just so you know, if you decided to take that job at Oxford, I’d be happy for you too. I just want you to do what is best for you.”
“I know,” she replied, meeting his lips for a kiss as relief washed over her. It was good to know that Keanu would be supportive of her choice either way. “Thank you.”
There was a short knock on her door and Lilah got up to open it. She found her mother outside, her eyes red and puffy, she had been crying just like Lilah herself had.
“I’m going to see you brother. Are you coming?”
“Yeah. Just give me a moment to change?”
Her mother nodded and stepped away, letting Lilah close the door. She turned to Keanu and he just gave her a soft, understanding smile, still on his spot on the floor.
“Go. You need some time alone with your mom.”
“Thank you,” Lilah sighed, bending down for one last kiss before quickly changing clothes and meeting her mother by the car.
Most of the drive to the hospital was made in awkward silence, her mother staring straight ahead, shoulders and arms tense almost like a statue as she drove.
“Mãe (mom)…” Lilah started once they pulled the car to a stop at the visitor’s parking lot of the hospital. She just couldn’t take the silence anymore. “Desculpa (I’m sorry).”
“Não, amor. Eu que deveria pedir desculpas. Eu nunca soube (No, darling. I should be the one to apologize. I never knew) …” Alba choked up in her words, tears springing in her eyes. “Eu nunca soube que você se sentia assim. Nós te amamos, não importa o que você faça ou quem você namore. Eu sei que seu pai às vezes age como se isso não fosse verdade, mas é. Eu prometo (I never knew you felt like this. We love you, no matter what you do or who you date. I know sometimes your father acts like that isn’t true, but it is. I promise).”
“Eu sei (I know),” Lilah sighed, rubbing her face. “Mas saber e sentir são coisas bens diferentes (but knowing and feeling are very different thins).” Alba sighed too and pulled her into a hug.
“Vai ficar tudo bem. Jamie vai ficar bem e nós vamos encontrar um jeito de consertar tudo isso. Todos nós. (It’s gonna be ok. Jamie is going to be fine and we’re gonna find a way to fix everything. All of us).”
As Lilah stepped out of the car, she really wished she could find a way to believe her mom, but after everything that had happened in the last couple of days, being ok seemed like a very distant reality. She kept quiet and followed Alba through the hospital and to the ICU room where Jamie was being kept for observation.
The sight of her brother all hooked into tubes and wires looking small and frail was so jarring it made her freeze at the door. Lilah had always seen Jamie as a force of nature, unstoppable to the point of being annoying at times. But right here, in that hospital bed, under the harsh lights of the room, he looked anything but that.
“You’re just gonna stand there?” he asked, voice low and raspy, surprising Lilah. She knew he was out of the respirator, but she hadn’t been aware he was already talking.
“No, of course not!” she walked in, standing by the side of his bed, unsure of what to do, where to touch. “How are you?”
“I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck,” he joked weakly, cracking a smile. Lilah snorted. Only Jamie would make such a terrible joke at such a time. “So, I hear you’ve got yourself a sugar daddy? Some famous old fart?”
“Seriously?” Lilah rolled her eyes, glancing at her mom, who just rolled her eyes too. “He’s neither an old fart or my sugar daddy. He’s just older and my boyfriend.”
“I wanna meet him. See if he’s good enough for you,” Jamie said, his eyes fluttering closed. Lilah could only imagine how much effort it took for him to stay awake to chat with them.
“You will. When you get out of here,” she said with a smile. “For now, just get better, ok?” Lilah pressed a kiss on his forehead and stepped outside to give Jamie and Alba a moment alone.
While she waited, Lilah emailed both NYFA, confirming she would be signing up in January, and Arthur Pierce, politely declining his offer. The action released what was left of the knot of doubt that had taken residence in her chest. Lilah was still terrified of course. It was a lot of changes in a short time. She had no idea where her life was going. But for the first time, she felt that, wherever it was heading, it was on her terms and no one else’s. Or so she hoped.
After visiting Jamie, they headed back home and Lilah made a beeline to her bedroom, expecting to find Keanu there, but to her surprise, the room was empty and his suitcase packed, ready to go. The sight of it made her smile fall. She knew he couldn’t stay, but she didn’t expect him to go so soon.
As she was coming down the stairs to search for Keanu, Lilah saw her father heading towards the kitchen. She went after him, knowing they needed to talk. She wasn’t gonna apologize for what she said, but she knew she had cut him deep and someone needed to take the first step.  
She followed him to the backyard, her heart hitting her throat when she saw Keanu was sitting outside, smoking. Her father loomed over him for a moment, but Keanu seemed unfazed as he looked up at the older man.
“Give me one of those,” Frank said, at last, taking a seat on the lawn chair next to Keanu’s. “It’s been ages since I’ve smoked.”
“Not a good habit to have when you’re a doctor,” Keanu commented, and Lilah thought she heard just a hint of tension as he handed one and the lighter.
“I googled you,” Frank said after he lit his cigarette and returned the lighter to Keanu. “Wanted to know what kind of man my daughter was dating.”
“What did you find?”
“You certainly have been dealt a shitty hand in life,” Frank said, and Keanu snorted.
“I guess that’s one way of putting it,” he said, glancing sideways at the older man.
“This isn’t just some random fling for you, is it?” Frank asked, meeting his gaze.
“I don’t just jump in flights to Miami for random flings, Dr. Bennett. I love your daughter very much,” Keanu replied, his tone almost matter-of-factly and Lilah’s heart lunged in her chest.
“So, you knew about this film school thing?”
“That she got in? yes. That was decided to go I learned at the same time you did.”
“Tell me honestly, can she make it?” Frank asked his tone almost pleading. “I know she thinks everything I do is to control her, but all I ever wanted was to keep her safe. She’s my baby girl. I’m afraid of what the world can do to her. How it can hurt her, break her spirit.”
“Dr. Bennett, I can’t tell you if she’ll make it or not. There’s no way to know,” Keanu started, shifting on his chair so he was facing the other man. “I will tell you this: your daughter is amazing. She’s smart and stubborn and she’s stronger than you think. Tougher than you think. Even if she doesn’t make it, she’ll be fine. It’s not like she doesn’t have a backup plan. Knowing her, she probably already has a backup for the backup.”
“Yeah, that sounds like my Lilah,” Frank said with a chuckle.
“Trust your daughter, Dr. Bennett. You and your wife raised an incredible woman,” Keanu said with a smile and Frank snorted, eyes downcast.
“Didn’t you hear? I screw her up.”
“Only if you hold onto that image of who you wanted your daughter to be, instead of seeing who your daughter is and can be. That woman? She’s breathtaking.”
As Keanu said that, he glanced over at Lilah, catching her soft smile and smiling too. Frank followed his gaze, noticing his daughter was there watching them, before looking back at Keanu with a chuckle.
“How long have you known she was standing there?”
“A while.” Keanu stood up and offered him a hand. “It was very nice to meet you, Dr. Bennett.”
“You too, Keanu.” Frank stood up too and shook his hand.
With one final nod, Keanu walked up to Lilah. He paused in front of her, hand on her cheek, just watching her. There was such a sadness in his gaze that she felt her chest tightening.
“I’ll give you two some privacy,” he said, pressing a kiss on her lips and walking away before Lilah could say anything else. She thought about following him, but there was another man in her life she needed to focus her attention on right now.
Lilah took the seat Keanu had vacated, hugging herself and keeping her eyes away from Frank. Part due to hurt. Part due to fear. She wasn’t sure what to expect just yet.
“He’s sneaky, that one,” Frank commented, stubbing the remains of his cigarette and Lilah nodded. “But wise and very much in love with you.”
“I’m very much in love with him too,” Lilah said, glancing at her father to gather his reaction but he just sighed.
“I’m so sorry, baby,” Frank said, his voice breaking, eyes welling up. “I never wanted to hurt you I was just trying…”
“I know, dad,” Lilah sighed too, struggling to talk around the lump in her throat. “But Keanu’s right. You need to trust me, let me make my own choices. If I screw up, then I’ll face the consequences. That’s how life works.”
“I know,” he replied with a shaky breath. “If I could turn back the time…”
“We can’t,” Lilah interrupted, taking his hand and squeezing it slightly. “We can try to do better from now on.” Frank nodded, drying his eyes on his sleeves.  
“He’s right, you know?” he said with a soft smile. “You already are an incredible woman and I’m very proud of you.”
“Thanks, Dad,” she replied, letting him pull her into a hug.
Lilah knew this wound between them was far from healed, but they made steps in the right direction today and that was definitely something. She stayed wrapped in her dad’s embrace for a while longer before they both headed back inside. Frank stayed in the kitchen to help Alba, while Lilah headed to her room, finding Keanu sitting on her bed, all ready to go.
“How are things with your dad?” he asked before Lilah could even begin to speak.
“It’s… not good, but better, I guess,” she admitted, take a seat next to him and letting Keanu entwine their fingers together. “We’ll need to work on it. I need to work on it. Just another thing for the list.”
Lilah let out a long sigh. She didn’t even recognize her life at this point. Not after most of what she thought she was and wanted changed and Lilah didn’t even know if for better or worse just yet. Only time would tell. There was one thing Lilah knew, though.
“You can’t stay, can you?” she wasn’t just speaking about Miami.
“No,” Keanu sighed, voice so low Lilah barely heard it. “You’ll never be sure if you made these choices because of yourself or me if I stay.”
She let out a shaky, strangled breath, tears prickling her eyes again. She hated the fact that he was right. Would Lilah even have considered film school if she hadn’t met him? Would it even have been such a hard choice between NYFA and Oxford if Keanu wasn’t in her life? After everything, Lilah wanted to do this for herself and be sure she was doing it for herself.
“You know, if this was a rom-com, right now would be the part we make big declarations of love and kiss and everything would be magically alright,” Lilah pointed out, her tone a little bittersweet.
“This isn’t a rom-com,” Keanu replied, bringing her knuckles to his lips. “There’s no magic fix, Lil. Despite what The Beatles said, sometimes, love is not all you need.”
“I know,” her voice was cracking, tears making it hard for her to get the words out. “I don’t wanna do this.”
“Me either,” his own voice was rough and choked. When Lilah dared to look his way, Keanu had his head bent low, hair shielding his face. “But you’re figuring yourself, figuring your life and I’m afraid that if I stay, I’ll get in your way because I’ll want to help. Right now, if I could, I’d try to protect you from all harm. It took everything of me not to intervene when you were arguing with your parents. I still didn’t manage to stay out of it completely. I just wasn’t built that way. You need to know that it was all you. Your decisions, your mistakes, your wins… I can’t be part of it. Not yet anyway.”
“K…” her voice died as Lilah didn’t know what to say to that and Keanu let out a small snort, glancing her way, his eyes reddish.
“I like how you call me, K. Everyone else goes for Ke.”
“I’m not everyone else,” Lilah replied, and he smiled, that same sad smile from before.
“No. You’re not,” Keanu pulled her into his lap, hugging her tight, face buried on her neck. Lilah wrapped her arms around him just as tightly, nose in his hair, breathing in deep.
“What time is your flight?” she mumbled against his hair.
“In four hours,” he replied, and Lilah felt his warm breath tickling her skin.
“Can you stay until then?” She asked and Keanu tilted his head up, meeting her eyes.
“I’d like that,” he said, letting Lilah seal his lips with a kiss.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxthe end (for now at least)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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codyjameson · 4 years
well my friends it is five in the morning which means i’ve had just enough dumb bitch juice to post up an intro
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meet cody jameson, twenty-four, sad bitch, try hard, loser, pisces
tw: depression, theft, vandalism, underage drinking & drug use
calgon take me away @frostfordstart​
cody jameson is a frostford local (sorry i can’t play a newcomer i love this fake town too much) his sister is cora jameson, adorably sweet owner of buttons & bows where cody also works for some reason
maybe about six years ago? when cody was sixteen or seventeen he was a good noodle, baseball player with a lot of jock friends, a lot of GOOD friends, he wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed but he skated by, he had a good time, he climbed the water tower after games went tubing at the riverbank, the GOLDEN days
but cody was also this poor youngest boy with two siblings who were awesome and great and a lot to live up to and well he had this vehement, insatiable need to be liked by everyone
which meant he was a fucking try hard
and at some point between seventeen and eighteen cody fell in with uh-- 
~the wrong crowd GASP
and it was bad, it was UGLY, he had this desperate need to impress, this desperate need to FIT IN and he did a LOT of stupid shit
like just petty criminal shit, breaking into places, vandalism, STEALING, just shit you think stupid dumb white boys do in a small town that can be a little scary if unchecked and this idiot did it
lots of underage drinking and smoking weed and just check yourself my man
it all turned sour really fast, suddenly cody had ditched these awesome friends that he had that liked him and cared about him and was hanging out with these awful fucking people who’s only interest was how far he’d take things because they wanted a laugh
they were probably juggalos i mean
ANYWAY it all culminated in a few terrible things, he stole a car and got arrested, after that he wanted to run away so he broke into his sister’s store and stole from the register
got arrested again
this time there was no bail out, this time everyone was ANGRY with him, they were disappointed with him
and his loser juggalo friends?
which is really when cody realized that he dun goofed, at this time he was probably around idk 22? so this had been going on for a few years now and just progressively snowballed, his behavior got worse and worse and worse until he found himself unable to take anything back
after that cody spent a long time just fucking hating himself, depressed because now he was completely alone and his parents didn’t trust him anymore, he’d been kicked out
little by little he tried to rebuild somethings, he slept in his car for a little while and then there were people who had mercy on him and took him in, let him couch surf in exchange for work around the house or mowing the lawn and shit
but frankly a lot of people know he’s no good and still don’t trust him
not too long ago he tried to make amends with his sister and promised to make it up to her
her being the kind, loving, wonderful and forgiving person she is hesitantly gave cody a job at the store and that’s where he is now
this is SO LONG jesus
personality wise cody’s reserved and guarded, he’s afraid to let anyone in because everyone already thinks he’s a criminal first of all and last time he was so desperate for attention it backfired on him, he has the qualities of a people pleaser but he’s also sad, lonely and doesn’t know how to interact with people anymore, he’s foul mouthed and angry a lot and has probably been in more fights than he should be, might always have a black eye these days because his emotions are all unchecked
some connections i would LOVE: OLD FRIENDS, the friends he ditched, i want everyone to hate him, cody needs to GROVEL to get his friends back, he doesn’t deserve them one single fucking bit, people who gossip about him, are in general scared of him, i WOULD LOVE to see some horrible people he ditched his friends for if they’re out there, the people who took mercy on him and let him couch surf, anyone who might be willing to be his friend now though he’d be a little scared of it, very very brief casual hook ups because he thinks he’s a piece of shit and would only indulge in relationships for a moment and if he’s desperate enough to need interaction and attention, cody is touch starved that’s for sure
and god did i mention it’s five am? so i’ll reach out to people during the day for sure, i’m really excited for cody so please love him and by love him i mean (hate him)
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jjkpls · 5 years
Mean Yoongi (m)
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> genre : light smut, fluffy (?) drabble
> pairing : min yoongi x reader
> words : 4.2k
> warnings : spanking, language
> Min Yoongi asks you to take care of his plants when he’s gone. It doesn’t go as planned and well, he has to deal with your misbehaving ass.
> A/N : i don’t even know... i blame the Cyphers for this.
> next
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Mean Yoongi 11:39: I believe I asked you to just water the plants
That is not quite close to the answer I expected from him.
How disappointing.
Sort of. I mean, I’ve known him for quite some time now. I would not say that we are that close but I sure know him well. There’s one thing about him, one constant in his behaviour, he never misses an occasion to turn down someone’s expectation.
He is just not a pleaser. I could tell that from the very get-go when, the first time we met, I saw his scrunched in what appeared to be strong disgust face when I thanked him for his (accidental) nice manners he showed.
I took it personally that time. I thought he hated me for some reason and if I’m being a hundred per cent honest, I was so vexed I started nourishing strong hatred for the guy. However, my friend Taehyung was quick to apologize on his behalf. He explained to me that actually Yoongi showing any kind of emotions around me, plus on a first encounter, was quite phenomenal and that I should feel very special. He added that Yoongi did not have enough energy to hate anyone, that I should not worry about it and that he was pretty sure he thought I was somewhat cool because he did not hiss like a mad cat when Tae mentioned that I were to visit often from now on.
So yeah, Min Yoongi is grumpy as hell and he will only ever satisfy your expectations of disappointment.
I am not sure what I was waiting for anyway.
Maybe him sending me a rude voice message cursing at me and my whole family. Or at least, the prelude of a diss track about my ass. That would have been fun.
But I forgot: Min Yoongi is not a funny guy.
I don’t even know why I like him.
The people I usually want to befriend with are quite the opposite of his kind. Kim Taehyung, for example. A bubbly, kind, cheerful, extraverted social-butterfly. Slipping on the borderline of insolence sometimes but never plain rude. He is a magnet to people.
Min Yoongi is like… I don’t know, a leaf blower? You approach him and he just throws all his unlikeable traits in your face so that he’s sure you won’t persist in trying to interact with him. He says there is no point in making himself all sweet and likeable when he hates to do that, simply because he already has too many friends. Which well, is kind of true.
But me being me, me not being able to live with myself if I show any kind of unpretty traits to any human beings (actually, to other animals too); well, for me, it’s a bit insane. I could not live this carelessly. That is why sometimes it amazes me how I can actually want to be his friend and not hate him for being a massive dick.
It doesn’t take me too long to remember though. The little slip up that his mouth has sometimes when no one is really watching. He always looks bored out of his mind if not mad even, but sometimes, I can catch from the corner of my eye his lips stretching gently in a gummy smile.
He looks like a turtle when he smiles -which may be the reason why he doesn’t do it that much- and it makes my heart so warm because his seems to be on his sleeve during these very rare moments.
After some time, I came to realize that he does care about what is surrounding him, sometimes. He is not the kind to get super into the action, he’s more of an observant and doesn’t manifest himself that much. Also when he does intervene, he always has that attitude, half-shut eyes not even looking in our direction, voice stern, firm but quiet so that everybody needs to shut up to hear him -and of course, everybody does-, all slumped on himself. And he says the most relevant things.
Like really. Things smart or important or even deep. And everybody’s left shook for an instant.
That’s also why I like him. He seems to be a huge asshole but in reality, he’s cool. He’s an artist, an incredible one. He’s so passionate, smart, and loving -even if he doesn’t show it that much, all that knows him knows that it’s there. I want him to teach me what he is doing even if I will probably never use this knowledge, and just talk and teach and explain to me how the hell he is doing so good at living this life. I want to be more like him -not the asshole part. That’s why I want to be his friend. For him to show me.
Also, he definitely does not hate me. I have doubted that fact for the longest time until their depart, last week when he sent me a text from his own phone for me to come over. I was so fucking excited I could not even deal with myself as if my long-time crush has contacted me for the first time. It actually felt better than that since well, no matter how desolate my love life is, I still saw way more chances of my crush I didn’t even have to call me than fucking Min Yoongi. Statistically, I thought there was no discussion to hold.
When I arrived, there was no crazy warm friendship reunion or whatever. Without bothering asking how I’ve been, he just led me to his studio, presented briefly the three plants hanging on a shelf and said I had to water them while he was gone.
“Can’t you pay someone to do that ?”
“Why would I pay someone to do it when you’ll do it for free.”
For so many reasons, I appreciate this friend. Even when he was looking at me with his stupid bored eyes, eyebrows raised in a what-non-sense-are-you-saying-i-don’t-have-time-for-this fashion. He knows how to test people’s patience.
“Okay. I’ll do it, Yoongi.”
He shakes his head in confusion. As if he wasn’t asking. Which I knew he wasn’t but well… People are not supposed to be that rude. Usually, people pretend to ask for a favour to people that pretend to do them a favour when, obviously in most friendships, there is an unspoken rule of obligation. You don’t really have a choice to say yes because people get easily pissed for things like that. But at least, they pretend. I haven’t seen him in over a few weeks and it’s like I forgot how inadequate he was. It’s hard to put up with his shit when you’re not mentally prepared for it. I guess I was so excited I didn’t even take the time to take a much-needed meditation before coming.
“Do you need to be so rude? You didn’t even ask how I am doing.”
“You look okay. You’re not ?” He asks, actually making the effort to look at me.
“No, I’m good.”
He clicks his tongue at that, obviously annoyed. This is insane how that old man can make you feel guilty for just conversing with him. As if I’m sucking the power out of his body and pushing him closer to death with each word I’m stealing out of his mouth.
“Great. You can go now, thank you.”
The sarcasm is so thick in his voice I know none of my disillusions can cut through it.
“Don’t you want me to hang out with you for a bit ?” I am half-giggling now, battling my eyelashes his way because I know he hates it and I know he doesn’t want me here. Unsurprisingly, he groans and proceeds to shove me out of his studio calling for Taehyung’s name so that he’ll keep me away. I want to insist more, be as annoying as possible, any reaction is a reaction, but he’s too quick to slam the door on me and lock it down.Taehyung is standing at the end of the hallway, looking rather confused.
“Dude, I won him over. He’s totally my friend!”
“Congrats, dumbass.”
That was about a week ago. Since then, he did not contact me.
He asked twice how his plants were doing and if I haven’t fucked anything up in his studio, but he did not even bother addressing me himself, he asked through Taehyung. Which I thought was incredibly rude.I know it is his way. I’m not even sincerely upset. But still, I wanted to bite him a little bit.
He always shows extreme annoyance but deep down, I’m sure he’s entertained.
So this is why, I felt like sending him a video of myself in his studio, dancing wildly with an opened bottle of beer in one hand, screaming approximative lyrics to his own band’s songs between hysterical peals of laughter. If there is one thing that pisses Min Yoongi off, it’s when “stupid kids mess with his shit”. His precious studio he spent days planning, customizing, bringing up with all those expensive sophisticated technologies, is definitely on top of the do-not-mess-with list. I can still remember distinctly him, when he gave me the instructions for his plants, insisting so much on how careful I needed to be when I’ll be coming in here. Bring a half-filled cup at a time, I don’t care how many back and forth you’ll need to do, and as soon as you’re done watering you get out, do not touch anything I’m warning you, all you need to touch is the door handle so you don’t stick your fingers anywhere else, got it ?
I felt like a little kid again, getting scolded by my parents and I hated that honestly. So of course, like a kid that’s been told so harshly to back off, I didn’t feel like listening. Also, I was curious to hear what their fire rap songs sounded like on his insane equipment. And damn, was I not disappointed.
The dancing while drinking beer came out of nowhere but was to be anticipated honestly. This studio was insanely fun. I understand why he just buries himself in there and never wants to go catch a glimpse of sun. As he is away, I wanted to show him that his studio was still preciously cared for and appreciated.Well, all this nonsense is the result of me trying to find good excuses when he’ll ask for them.But of course, Min Yoongi who never disappoints to disappoint does not even ask for anything.
Y/N 11:42: Goddamn those bassssss duuuude
Sitting nicely in his cosy leather chair, simply shaking my foot to the music, I wait not so patiently for something to happen. No matter how hard I stare at my phone, the screen remains sadly dark. What a prick.
Laying back, I spin a little. He really is no fun. Maybe I should send him a video of me pretending to spill my beer all over his computer. I could make a dramatic shaking camera filming, cut abruptly through a panic scream type of video like those prank videos gone wrong. Or maybe I should really spill my drink. No, he would hate me for real if not actually murder me. Not a good idea to get us closer. Defeated, I’m already gathering my belongings, turning off his computer, ready to abort when my phone finally rings.
TaeTae 11:59 : ___ stop now
TaeTae 11:59: I think ur going to die
Y/N 00:01: Tell him he should not get too mad it’s not good for old hearts
TaeTae 00:01: He’s not amused dumbie
TaeTae 00:03: You definitely are dying
TaeTae 00:03: Youre insane whats wrong with u
Y/N 00:11: pff u guys stink anywayYes indeed, real mature.
This happens often anyway. Not that Taehyung and his band members are your only friends. But they’re still a great source of entertainment. And when all your other friends (who don’t happen to be very numerous anyway) are all busy living their adult lives, well, it gets pretty fucking boring. Especially since you’ve just learned that you’ve made progress with the Mean Yoongi, the evolution of your friendship being the biggest quest of your life at the moment.It feels like one of this mobile game when at the very moment the game starts being fun, they make you wait for like 24 hours for you to get more gems to be able to keep playing. Except those Yoongi gems don’t take a day or two, they take two fucking weeks.
How am I supposed to be able to develop a strong friendship with so little constancy? There is no proper link between the two of us, especially because he chooses not to contact me when he is gone.
That must be the reason why, when four days later they finally come back from their tour, I kind of forgot everything about the past incident. How vexed I felt that he ignored me. And how apprehensive I should probably feel towards his reaction. Quite frankly, I’m too excited and I feel like, once he’ll have checked his studio for any dysfunction and realize everything’s good, he won’t even think about it anymore.
He might give me the stinky eye but I don’t envisage much more.When Jimin opens the door for me, smiling warmly, no commotion taking place in the background, I assume I’m all clear. Then there is a giant all-limb creature coming up to me, wrapping me in a suffocating hug and I definitely forget all about Mean Yoongi. Taehyung smiles down at me and I feel my cheeks burn with happiness. I always forget how much I miss seeing him in real, feeling his warmth and his smell -even though most often than not, he smells of sweat- until he wraps himself around me completely and kisses my head hello. I just feel bored when he’s not there, but meeting him again reminds me that it’s way more than just boresome.
Also, he is not embarrassed to show how much he missed me too, and that’s important. I just get to wave at few of the boys before he’s dragging me through the hallway to the bedroom he shares with Namjoon. The latter is standing next to his bed, trying to sort out his luggage. When he sees me, he politely tries to engage conversation but Taehyung is quick to shut him up because we have important things to do. His elder, acquainted with his antics, doesn’t even seem fazed and keeps arranging his clothes. He’s lucky he’s cute. If it were anyone else, I don’t think a leader like Namjoon would have accepted to be disrespected like that.
The very important things we need to do is simply Taehyung having to show me every single one picture he took (included the dozens of to-make-sure-he-got-it-right versions that almost all pictures have) and explaining everything that has happened.I don’t hate it. It is quite funny and touching to see someone so excited and passionate about sharing and it allows me to travel a little bit. I don’t even remember the last time I actually went on vacation. I love feeding off of his passionate tale-telling. But after an hour of monologue on his part, I start feeling my eyelids getting heavy, my eyes itchy and no matter how many times I try to switch positions, there’s not any comfortable one left.
“You. Come with me.” Taehyung, I and even Namjoon stare at the wide-open door where an agitated-looking Yoongi is standing. What a way to make a dramatic entrance. He simply glares back at me, eyebrows raised high in impatience.
“Hyung, we were talking-”
“You’ll talk later. Come on.”
He doesn’t even wait for an answer and disappears in the hallway. Taehyung releases a deep sigh. His face matches Namjoon’s. They don’t look annoyed but worried and it makes my heart beats harshly in my chest. Maybe he did not calm down since the video. Is it why he did not talk to me at all?  He was making sure to keep his rage nicely tucked inside so it would not waver down until he can finally come back and lash at me full force?
I stare into Taehyung’s shiny puppy eyes for comfort but it makes it worse. Then, Namjoon is patting my back for some courage I guess. When I arrived in the hallway, the open door of Yoongi’s studio on the other end, it really feels like I’m walking the fucking death corridor. He can’t sincerely be mad, can he? The next day, Jimin and even Hoseok had seen the video and said they thought it was hilarious (suicidal and very irresponsible but hilarious).
Leaning forward in his chair, smoothly slipping a hand behind me to close the door with the tips of his fingers, his eyes don’t leave me for a second. I can’t even see him blink once. It’s probably more eye contact we’ve ever shared in all of our friendship history. Ultimately, embarrassed and scared, I end up looking down at my feet.What have I done?
An eternity passes. And then, Yoongi is on his feet, standing right in front of me and quite frankly too close for comfort. As I don’t dare to raise my eyes, he bends over a little for his to meet mines. My heart is beating so fast I’m scared it might stop forever from exhaustion. I do manage to glimpse at him for a second and he is smiling. He is actually smiling. Not one of his full turtle smile but a sneaky, cocky kind of side grin.
“Oh, now you’re scared ?”
“I’m not. It was just a joke ‘cause you were rude.” I mumble, meeting his intense gaze by intermittence.
“It wasn’t funny though, __. Of course, you understand that if you don’t get words, I still have to get the rules in this thick head of yours somehow, uh ?”
Frowning, I open my mouth, trying to get a proper question out. He is so confusing right now. He looks actually… dare  I say- playful? Mean Yoongi is actually messing around right now. And I don’t even get what he means. He might be right, my brain happens to be particularly slow today.
I have a properly structured question to shoot him with but he decides he waited enough and taking advantage of the surprise, pushes me down on the little sofa opposite his desk. I curse at him, try to get back up but I just have the time to raise on my hands and knees before I feel a sharp pain burning my ass.
Did he really just…?
His face his harbouring a large amused smirk, not fazed for a second by my astonished expression. Then he makes his eyebrow dance in an extremely insolent what-you-gonna-do-about-it way and I just lose it.
“Oh really ?! You’re just going to spank me like a child? Am I Jungkook ?”
“Actually, that kid wouldn’t dare do what you did so I’ll be a little harsher than I usually am. Bear with me.”
Another slap erupts in the small room, followed by another laughter. I don’t even know why I’m laughing anymore. Maybe the light burning is making me delirious. Or maybe because the situation is fucking ridiculous. Even as a child, I’ve never been spanked and here I am, supposedly a grown-ass adult, all four on a leather sofa too small for me to even lie on, getting spanked like never before by a friend of some sort.
At some point, finally, I seem to regain some kind of sense and I come to realise that the more I’m laughing and fidgeting, the harder his hits get. Therefore, for once, I choose the careful approach and manage to control my hysterical reactions.
“Are you calming down hoping that I’ll believe you got it? I know you don’t yet. That head of yours is just so thick.”
“My asscheeks are going to fall off, Yoongi.” I moan making him chuckle.He grabs with a hand my hip, holding my side against the top of his thighs, helping my failing knees to keep me from slumping over.
“You’re fine, __.”
As if trying to show some mercy, he passes rather gently his free hand on the surface of my ass, the high back of my thighs. And I think that’s the very moment when something switches. As if someone has just press a button spraying a whole different atmosphere in the small room. I become super aware of everything. From how close we are, he is pressing me against him so hard I could feel his body heat. His fingers on my hips digging slightly in a way that made me feel all giddy for some reason. It was burning hot in here and the leather of the couch is uncomfortably sticking to my palms. I can still visualize the scene as I did minutes before when I was fighting to breathe through my laughter but it all feels different. As if a filter has been added on the picture or something.
I am starting to make inappropriate connections with lame erotic books’ situations when I decide to give myself a serious mental beat up. My thoughts are all shambled. Seriously. It’s just all childish innocent fun. Nothing is different from a few minutes ago when I thought it was just ridiculous and hilarious. It’s exactly the same kind of play as Taehyung, the BFF, locking my head under his smelly armpit and wrestling until we-
But then I feel it. Digging obnoxiously precisely where my hip meets his body. My whole being burns uncomfortably. I gasp out loud so I know he knows that I’ve felt it. Still, he doesn’t squirm away or even lighten his grip on me. He just acts like everything is fucking normal and he should not feel mortified or at least, embarrassed. He keeps playing with my butt, switching between harsh slaps and soft petting, taunting me with stupid remonstrances. Still, the weirdest thing in this whole situation though, is probably how I feel about his hardness against me. I’m not disgusted by it which is… surprising. Not that I think about his boner all the time and anticipated to be grossed out if I ever were to encounter it. I don’t remember ever thinking about it, in all honesty. That’s why it seems so surreal. Me being me, I need some fucking preparation beforehand to not freak out on the spot but here I never thought of Yoongi like that and still, feeling him hot and hard against me makes me feel all tingly.
In the end, it is his boner that works on me. I can’t even hear his words anymore as he tries so hard to insert the rules inside my head. His voice is just like a background white noise I can’t seem to give the least damn about. I’m so shy and intimidated that I can’t help but turn into a pliant kitten. That’s when Yoongi decides I’ve had enough and releases me. He helps me sit up, grinning my way when he sees me wince a little at my ass hitting painfully the sofa. He crosses his arms on his chest, looks down at me as he asks what I’ve learned from my punishment and like a good pet -when really, I’m just stunned by the very obvious presence of his semi-hard, through his fucking light sweatpants, centimetres away from my face- I stutter what I was able to gather from the distant pieces of his voice. He smiles to himself, nodding.
“What are you looking at ?”
“Nothing!” My face is burning, I’m sure he can’t miss it. Probably can’t miss it just as the stupid blatant glare I gave his dick thinking he wouldn’t notice.
“I like spanking.” He explains matter of factly. I don’t know if I’m more stoned by the casualness in his admission or just by the fact that he actually justified himself, for the first time ever. This Min Yoongi is so different from the one that left two weeks ago. I feel like I should but I’m not sure if I detest that. One thing those two versions have in common though is their shamelessness and their total lack of self-consciousness. I have this completely confirmed to me when he readjusts himself in his pants, right in front of me, while still looking at me dead in the eye.
“Well- Grea-ood, good for you, dude.”
I, on the contrary, didn’t change one bit and I’m as uncasual as I always am in this type of situations.His lips twitch slightly. Without adding anything, he’s seeing himself out and I’m left confused as hell. As my affected mind proceeds to regain calm and sanity, it maunders and falls upon a thought that I don’t manage to repress. He does spank Kookie when the kid is being a little shit sometimes.
“What are you doing ?”
Tae’s holding the door wide open, glaring at me with suspicious eyes.
“Why are you so red ?”
“I’m not, shut up.”
> next
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fmdrem · 5 years
date: from december 3rd to 19th, 2018 location: seoul, south korea / various ( mars’ dorms ; dimensions’ meeting & dance practice areas ; gocheok dome backstages & stage ) summary: the despair of jeon ahreum warning:  uh okay tbh there’s Some Shit going on and i did my best to tag EVERYTHING i could possibly think of so i still really suggest you to navigate with caution because ahreum’s self-destructive thoughts / warped perception of self AND the way he brings harm to himself are not bloody graphic per se,  but they can totally be something hitting close home due to how my writing has been conveying them. tl:dr: ahreum can totally be a character straight outta d*ngan r*npa. word count: 17006 words.
it all had started with a sighting of small little candles and snail shaped sugar treats on top of velvety cupcake swirls displayed at the front window of a pastry shop, the scent of cinnamon cookies, and a flinch of ghosts of birthdays past in wintry seasons greetings always bringing the loneliness of solitary years of struggle down his mouth as a reminder that he had to work harder.
no, it actually all started with the absence of reaction from one who was known to be all reactions and all flames —sitting nearby oldest member and companion while fidgeting with a shirt too big for his lithe frame and skinny legs, with many thinking he simply hadn’t had his morning coffee because it was widely known that jeon ahreum needed his cheap latte ( or anything with a dose of caffeine, truly ) in order to properly spritz life as he’s usually much more known for. it started wth himself and many others exchanging confused gazes because they were called so urgently and it was early, too early —mingi rubbing his heavily bagged eyes and his own hand clinging still onto minjae’s shirt as he wobbled in, geun and siwon looking beyond in need of another hour of sleep at least, because the melon music awards happened int even a few days ago and they weren’t still over their new schedule, finding himself barely curling a smile out and missing the chair he wanted to sit at least three times, and with not a single laugh from anyone because even he wasn’t in the mood for jokes and silliness.
it started with the executives arriving ten minutes late and looking ready to leave ten minutes earlier —as if looking at them all was almost an insult to their eyes like he was an insult to all of their efforts, a reminder to keep questions short and non controversial for the sake of brevity, jabbing at accidents that totally weren’t supposed to happen, especially on stage— talking, and talking while poor ahreum could feel his guts rot and skin getting itchy at the way the higher ups of them all kept mentioning other companies with the spite of a stereotypical villain because of how plain wrong that whole meeting felt like. 
it was supposed to be fun. it was supposed to make people happy —and he wanted people to be happy. even if it meant performing songs he didn’t like or keep himself awake with iv strings jammed on his left arm while trying to get changed so fast.
yet he would look at minjae almost as if expecting the worst to strike them all, the people pleaser, almost as if the entire routine that kept him barely there was on the verge of shattering once more. minjae would look back wth a worry that felt eons different from his own, give him a pat on the head, but it didn’t feel reassuring at all. nothing seemed to feel reassuring at all —nodding and complying and with every single word feeling like being pulled away from his mouth by a fisherman’s hook, because no matter what he didn’t seem to be able to say no, to say a syllable against the way stars aligned and strings pulled.
not even when his scheduled performance with kang junsu was announced with so much nonchalance by the executives before disappearing behind glass doors —and he was sure, so sure minjae could see the pure horror painting his own face white.
it continued with his forehead meeting the hard floor and the skin bruising blue and violet for the twenty-seventh times in the span of a week. or maybe less. days and nights always seemed to blend together like the millions of facets he’d shatter himself into in order to hide what’s ugly, because that’s what made people happy.
but he was doing something wrong. it must be certainly it. 
so he’d get up. he’d twirl and jump and fall again. he’d get up again, repeating that cycle over and over and making it part of an even bigger cycle —as if punishing himself for breaking down at home a few days prior because of how he broke down in sobs and tears after returning home from a meeting he’d rather compare to a death sentence, even if minjae and mingi and everyone consoled him within those walls —even when they’d reassure the the dying sun that was he to be free to let whatever was being bottled inside his heart even when ahreum knew so well that whatever was inside of him was rotten and ugly and completely shameful to even think about. 
it was a reason for why he’d push himself even harder, he’d chop himself into even finer pieces. just like his head kept throbbing with ache after telling minjae that yes, he was going to get the errands game going, that he was doing nothing except for dilly-dallying even if in his voice could be felt letting go of an exhale of uncertainty —pushing his hair to part so that the bangs would cover the bruises because he didn’t want to bother the makeup artists for some foundation ( it would bring questions, he didn’t want to answer ), putting a hat on alongside the best and most believable birthday boy face he could muster, sending hearts and smiley faces at whoever decided it was okay to waste a message or two to send for his birthday, because admitting that he was happy to see his friends thinking of him was selfish and he couldn’t be selfish at all, that was ugly and he was ugly and needed to stop at once if he wanted to be better and be more useful to others.
( causing problems after problems, stupid ahreum, idiotic puny thing always wasting everyone’s time )
he felt the ripple of anxiety lacerating his spine when there was people at home and his idea was just to get showered and bury himself into the studio, because he felt like the mask had grown thinner and thinner and was on the verge of breaking. or maybe it was a sign that the cycle needed to be broken and he didn’t want to, no. that meant exposing himself with all those missing pieces and pulverized sides —ugly ugly ugly ugly—, it meant disappointing and disappointment never made people feel happy, it meant failure, complete annihilation.
he’d hop from person to person with a smile on his face while inside he’d screech at them all for coming because they were supposed to do better things, things suiting their greatness and worth and not anything remotely associated with himself. he’d look at the cake on his plate and minjae sitting in front of him, give a small smile, open his mouth and letting the truth go for once in god knew how much time. 
the bruise on his forehead still throbbed.
                                         “ i don’t know if i even deserve any of this. ”
kang junsu released songs and pieces of himself were scattered in seven tracks like pieces of himself were now scattered on countless floors, and he felt exposed and disgusted to the core.
why junsu.
( it burns, like boiling water against the skin because he must be cleansed and purged or he won’t be getting any better. )
( it fills the head with pain, against the wet tiles. again. again. again. to punish himself for stupid thoughts. )
( it makes his heart think of himself as a touch number when he’s not. when he craved still the love of someone he was nothing but a stepping stone for. )
its conclusion: gocheok dome could be filled with people to the brim or as empty and desolate as dimensions’ wallet, but jeon ahreum would still feel like he got shoved back in joseon and he was having his last walk of shame towards his last breath, covered in heavy damasks and gold shaped as a cloak to be pulled away from him with virulence and a fake halo fitting the saintly being he was not —gold lining his eyes and the guidelines for tears to follows as the way makeup artists would chirp how much he was pretty when all he wanted to do was to rip off all that gold from himself because it was always and solely meant for someone else.
always someone else, never himself.
he was selfish, ontop of a pipe organ with his whole vision being white and his own balance barely steady. he found himself abhorring. loathing every single bit of this, from the cameras ready to capture every single frame of his contorted despair, the organizations counting revenues over it all, those who were there to even more demean an art he’s given life and soul and happiness just because of his name not holding enough fame, the ceos and their sadism barely fed by money and backstabbing, whoever was the evil mastermind within the troposphere who remotely thought any of this pantomime was a good idea to begin with. hating himself so much for not wanting himself to strive for something better too  —he knew the reasons, he knew, let him throw that tantrum, it won’t resurface ever again, promise—, for having never been able to say no when he had the chance because even more so now was too late and he couldn’t pull back from that unveiling tragedy. it was the price to pay because he was a filthy coward, right? 
( no, tell me i’m wrong, i’m tired, let me out, let me out——— )
he could see junsu’s hands trembling while grasping at the side of the curtain ( do you miss me for real, he’d ask, but his mouth is sewn shut ) and he felt the urge of punching his stomach for even thinking of wanting to hold those hands into his equally trembling ones, because he lost that right three years ago and most likely junsu would be too disgusted to be touched by one like him.
people gasped in collective shock at the way the pulled curtain fell and a tear fell down his eye.
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thatlittlered · 7 years
The Conspiracy | Fred Weasley
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Warning(s): None
Requested by anonymous:  Hi! I would like to ask if you could do a Fred Weasley x reader imagine, where the reader is in slytherin and is best friends with the twins. She’s staying at the burrow for summer and all the weasley kids (Bill, Charlie, Percy, George, Ron and Ginny) are trying to get the reader and Fred together. You can do anything with the ending :) I’m sorry if it doesn’t make sense or the grammar is bad. I’m not a native english speaker.
A/N: Don’t worry about it honey, your request was fine. I loved writing this and I hope you enjoyed it too.
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You couldn’t be sure how it was exactly that you came to be best friends with the infamous Weasley twins, the school’s most notorious troublemakers. You were in Slytherin whilst they were proud members of Gryffindor and if it weren’t for fate and a particularly difficult transfiguration exam when they tried to cheat off your essay, you probably wouldn’t have met in the first place. 
You were a crowd pleaser as much as you hated to admit it, all you ever did was satisfy your parents and their wishes no matter how different they were from your own. You always had to have the highest marks, be the overachiever, pretend to enjoy the company of people you hate.
All of those awful purebloods who shared the same ideas as your parents disgusted you yet they always seemed to be around you in one way or another. Fred and George were different. They were funny, sweet and accepting. They never insulted others with malice nor asked you to be someone you weren’t. 
But of course nothing good lasts forever and soon enough your family found out about your closeness to the Weasleys. To say they weren’t happy would be an understatement. The disgusted look on their faces as they yelled at you for not being worthy of your name was something you would never forget.
Their words were engraved in your heart ever since. How you weren’t nearly as good as your brothers, how you were a disappointment in every sense and all of that just because you didn’t wish to follow the dark path your family had taken a long time ago. 
They were right. You could never be like your brothers and you could no longer pretend you were someone else. So you left, what other choice did you have?
You left and you didn’t look back. 
And now here you were, staying over at the Burrow with the entire Weasley family looking after you for the summer. The moment you told the boys what had happened, George jumped to invite you to their home. He said their mother would definitely give you shelter when she heard what happened and the others didn’t really need to know. They adored you either way - they would never question your presence there.
Of course, you accepted. The Weasleys were perhaps the warmest family you had ever met. So much different from yours. It was blissful living with them except for one thing. Fred.
You didn’t miss the hesitant look on his face when George suggested you stay at the Burrow. It hurt to be honest.
In the many years of your friendship, you had come to fall for the ginger and you liked to think he cared for you too to some extent yet it all came crushing down when you joined their family.
He no longer teased you and joked around you, he could barely stay in the same room with you for longer than five minutes before he came with an excuse and left. You weren’t stupid, of course you had noticed.
And everyone else seemed to notice too. Wherever you went, there would always be one of the family members following you and their suspicious whispers always stopped when you entered the room.
With all of that going on, you couldn’t help but feel a little unwanted. There was something definitely going on behind your back yet you couldn’t figure out what.
Until on one particularly starry night when you were out gazing at the stars and struggling to fight the tears and George decided to join you once more.
His steps towards you were sneaky, but the faint rustle of the leaves beneath his feet was enough to alert you. “What are you doing out here? Shouldn’t you be inside with your accomplice?” 
Your voice was still calm and sticky sweet but George knew you too well and didn’t miss the hint of hurt in it. “I should be asking you the same thing. Why are you here all alone?”
You simply shrugged in response. “Why not? It’s not like anyone noticed my absence.”
“What are you talking about, love? Of course, I noticed. I wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t now, would I?”
You sighed sadly and inched closer to George who had laid next to you. “Exactly. You’re the only who noticed.”
George raised an eyebrow at your statement but the more he thought of it, something clicked and suddenly it all made sense. “Oh, don’t be ridiculous. Freddie notices it too.”
You couldn’t help but scoff at that. “George, just because I don’t say anything doesn’t mean I’m stupid. I don’t know what’s going on but it’s clear that there’s something.”
“Y/N…Nothing’s going on.” you watched as he sighed in defeat and shifted uncomfortably. “Fine, there is something. But it’s nothing bad, I promise.”
If looks could kill, Georgie would probably be dead by the death glare you were sending him. “George, what is it? Tell me.”
“Well…The reason why Freddie has been distant with you lately is that things are awkward for him now that you’re staying with us.”
“Why? Does he not want me here?” you felt a tear escape your eye at the mere thought.
“No, no! Y/n, of course not! Freddie loves you.” his expression suddenly changed to one of panic as he realized what he had said. “I mean, he loves having you here. That’s what I meant.” he tried to save it but it was far too late.
He could only watch your stunned expression, frozen in place as you played his words in your mind again. Fred Weasley loved you all along.
You pointed a finger to yourself in disbelief. “Fred loves me? Me?”
“Oi, but you can’t tell him I told you. Godric, Y/N. We’ve been trying to get you two together for so long. Did you honestly not notice?”
Suddenly, the whispers, Fred’s distance, everything made sense. “I have to find Fred.” you practically jumped from where you sat on the grass.
“Wait, you feel the same, right?” 
“Of course I do, silly! I have to find him and tell him. I can’t believe that knucklehead didn’t say anything for so long!”
“Well you’ll find him inside, just don’t tell him I sent you! “ he yelled at your running form before you entered the house again.
Shaking his head and laughing, he fell back on the grass with a heart placed over his heart. “They grow up so quickly.”
Tags: @thepoet1975  @littlemisstrancy @lupinsbaby @shellywelly221
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hirsuteandcute · 6 years
Do you have any advices to stop putting age limits/deadlines to achieve goals ? I know it's kinda stupid but I always plan my life ahead (even tho I didn't achieved anything atm) telling myself I have to do things before x years old/ x years to be successful...
Okay I’ve had this ask sitting in my inbox for so long because I have many feelings and whenever I tried to express them either they didn’t make sense or they just went on and on forever but I’ll do my best for you anon!!
I have a serious problem with putting pressure on myself tbh. I feel like I lost a lot of my young adulthood and all of my teenagehood due to my illness. I left school with no qualifications, dropped out of college without completing my course and was almost completely bed ridden and homebound for a year and a half. I feel like I missed out on so many important things, academically, socially, and emotionally. Plus my family tends to be quite critical and controlling and tbh a lot of the time they just make me feel like a failure no matter how hard I try. There’s no magic words I can tell you that will make you feel alright, it’s a journey that you alone have to go through and it will take you on lots of ups and downs and backwards and forwards and staying stills. 
The way I’m trying to think is first of all who am I living for? At the end of the day the person most impacted by your decisions is you, the person living your life is you, when you look in the mirror or inside your heart it’s yourself you find. I know it’s really really hard but the most freedom comes from realising that you don’t owe anyone anything. You don’t have to prove yourself to anyone else. You don’t have to live out anyone else’s dreams but your own. If you keep living to please others you’ll end up miserable and that’s the truth. I’ve lived almost my whole life, even as a child as a people pleaser and it nearly tore me apart. Once you realise that, you’ll also realise that the only limitations you have are the ones you choose to put on yourself. 
For me success is a relative term, what is success for you? For me i thought it meant being well educated, having a lot of money and having a lot people telling me how well I was doing. I kept holding on to an empty hope in the future and waiting for other people to validate me or make me feel successful and happy instead of focusing on what I can do to better myself now and how I can be proud of myself without needing other people’s approval. It’s great to have goals to work towards and focus on and keep you motivated but the thing is goals will always be there. I think people forget that you can do things when you’re older. I really love this post because I mean why not? Sometimes life throws unexpected things in our face and they don’t work out the way we planned. I’ve had to put some of my goals on the back burner because I just don’t have the energy/physical ability to do them right now, but I’m confident that one day I will. Or maybe I’ll find something else I like even more! But for right now I’m going to do the best in my ability to make myself a better person and try to use this time productively, even in small ways like going for a walk everyday or reading books about things that interest me, or learning a new skill or hobby or trying to socialise with new people. They may not seem like ‘big’ successful things but sometimes it’s the little things that are just as important and lead up to big successes. 
TLDR: This is so long but in conclusion, the small things you do matter just as much as the bigs things, it’s never ever too late in life to start something new or learn something new, try not to put limitations on yourself or have a thought pattern of ‘I’ve wasted my life’ or ‘it’s too late for me to do this’ or ‘i should be doing x by now’. Even difficulties serve a purpose if you learn something from them and they can make you strong and give you unique qualities like empathy or compassion which draws people to you. Finally do the things that make you feel good, the worst thing is to stress throughout something you don’t enjoy or want to do and then come out feeling disappointed and angry at yourself and resentful towards whoever you were trying to please. Have confidence in your own abilities, in your own decisions and allow yourself to be proud of the things you achieve, even if it’s not what other people want or if they have criticisms. Once again I know this is so much easier said than done and there are a lot of other factors to this but in a nutshell this is what I would say. If you’ve read up to till now thank you thank you and I hope this can be of some help and comfort xxxx
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kathyprior4200 · 5 years
AU: If Adora didn’t leave the Horde
Adora puts on her Horde belt, pulls on her red and white boots, puts her hair in a ponytail, puts on green glass armor that lights up. She punches and kicks a punching bag. She then gurgles and spits in a sink, and salutes while looking in a mirror. She mimics gunshots and turns around. She looks at a picture of a dark lady hovering over frightened Horde members.
Adora: “Hey, Princess. You looking at me?”
She shouts and hits the bag with a big kick.
Woman over PA: “All squadrons, report to training area immediately for evaluation.”
Adora steps and stands at attention with Kyle, Lonnie, and Rogelio.
Adora (whispers): “Psst, anyone seen Catra?”
Everyone shakes their head.
Adora (scoffs): “Not again.”
Blue furred Sargent: “At attention, cadets. Your simulation is about to begin. Here’s your scenario. You’ll be passing through the treacherous Whispering Woods, to reach the heart of rebel insurgency, Bright Moon. Your mission is to defeat the Queen of the Princesses, and liberate Bright Moon in Lord Hordak’s name. Where is Catra?”
Adora: “She will be here. I promise.”
Sargent: “Mm hmm. The Whispering Woods is full of princesses. Vicious, violent instigators. They will take you out if given the chance. Don’t give it to them. Good luck, recruits.”
The recruits enter a simulation area with metal pillars and neon honeycomb structured floor. Adora scans the area with her glasses. She spots a robot with an image of a princess over it.
Adora: “Watch out!”
Lonnie: “Oh no, no, no!”
The group runs and scatters as the robots fire lasers at them.
Rogelio jumps over a laser.
Adora throws a grenade at a robot, which explodes.
Adora: “Come on, this way.”
Catra sits atop a metal structure and then jumps.
Kyle gets hit with a laser and a red x appears on his chest.
Kyle: “Aw, dang it.”
Adora: “Seriously, Kyle?”
Lonnie: “Bra-vo.”
Rogelio shakes his head.
Adora and the others look up to see eight more bots overhead.
Lonnie: “Seriously, Kyle?”
Adora: (blocks the lasers with her armored arm) “Run!”
Lonnie: “Adora!”
Alarms beep, and parts of the floor collapse, Adora avoiding them.
A big robot appears, with an image of the Queen with bat wings through Adora’s glasses.
Adora dodges the lasers and pulls out a pole. She jumps using the pole and then hits the laser cannons on the robot with the pole. She then delievers a finishing blow and jumps before it explodes.
Catra casually strolls along and pushes the rest of the bot through the hole. She smiles and points downward. The floor collapses and Adora is left hanging from her pole.
Catra: “Hey, Adora? How’s it hanging?”
Adora: “Catra, did you really show up late and let us do all the hard parts? That is low, even for you.”
Catra: “Aw. You know nothing’s too low for me. (laughs) Come on, you look stupid hanging down there.”
Catra extends her hand and Adora takes it, Catra helping her up.
Woman over PA: “Training exercise successfully completed.”
 In the locker room, Adora hangs her belt.
Catra: (laughs) “You should have seen your face. You were like, “Aah, no! Betrayal.”
Adora: “Oh, come on, Catra. We’re senior cadets now. I can’t believe you’re still pulling such childish, immature…is that a mouse?”
Catra; “What? Where?”
Adora: (laughs) “Are you ever going to not fall for that?”
Catra: “I don’t know. Are you ever going to let it go? That was one time.”
Adora: “I know, but for some reason, it’s always funny.”
Shadow Weaver: “Adora.”
Adora (salutes): “Shadow Weaver.”
Shadow Weaver: “You have done well. You’ve completed your training course in record time.”
Adora: “Uh, well that wasn’t just me. You know, Catra did, too.”
Shadow Weaver: “Ah, yes. How someone as unmotivated as you completed the course in that time, I’ll never know.”
Catra: “Always serving up those pep talks, huh, Shadow Weaver?”
Shadow Weaver: “Silence! Do not be flippant with me, cadet.”
Catra: “Sorry, Shadow Weaver.”
Shadow Weaver: “Adora, walk with me. Adora.”
 Shadow Weaver: “Lord Hordak has been watching you. He thinks you are a fine candidate for Force Captain.”
Adora: “Really? Force Captain? Lord Hordak said that about me?”
Shadow Weaver: “Yes. He sees great promise in you. In fact, he has elected you the honor of leading a squadron in the invasion of the rebel Fortress of Thaymor.”
Adora: “Thaymor? You mean we’re finally seeing active duty?”
Shadow Weaver: “You are seeing active duty.”
Adora: “But I’ll be able to bring my team along, right?”
Shadow Weaver: “Your team is not ready. They’ll only slow you down.”
Adora: “Shadow Weaver, with respect, they’ve been training hard for this, too. And Catra, all she wants is to get out there and prove herself.”
Shadow Weaver: “Then she should have worked harder to prove herself to me.”
Shadow Weaver uses dark purple magic to conjure a Horde badge in her hand, yellow with green bat wings.
Shadow Weaver: “This is what I raised you for, Adora.  Now is your chance to prove yourself.”
Adora takes the badge.
Shadow Weave: “I saw talent in you the moment I found you as an orphan child and took you in. Is this not what you’ve wanted since you were old enough to want anything?”
Shadow Weaver leads her to a window with a view of the metal buildings of the Fright Zone under an orange sky.
Adora: “Yes.”
Shadow Weaver: “With you at the forefront, we will crush the Bright Moon Rebellion once and for all. Do not disappoint me.”
  Adora stands outside, holding the badge and then putting it on her red shirt.
Catra leaps onto Adoraand notices the badge.
Catra: “What’d she say? Hey, what’s this?”
Adora: “Hey! Give it back.”
Catra leaps onto a pipe and looks at the badge.
Catra smiles and holds up the badge. Catra: “No way. You’ve been promoted?”
Adora: “Well, kind of. I mean, yeah, I guess. Heh. But it’s not a big deal.”
Catra leaps down.
Catra: “Are you kidding? That is awesome. We’re gonna see the world and conquer it. Adora, I need to blow something up.”
Catra purrs and her eyes shine.
Adora: “Um…”
Catra: “What?”
Adora: “Shadow Weaver says you’re not coming.”
Catra: “What?! My time was just as good as yours today. What is her problem with me?”
Adora: “I mean, you are kind of disrespectful.”
Catra: “Why should I respect her? She’s bitter that she doesn’t have any real power that doesn’t come from Hordak and everyone knows it. I guess it sure must be easy being a people pleaser like you.”
Catra leaps away.
Adora: “I am not a pe…”
Adora: “Catra, wait!”
Adora uses a grabbling hook to reach Catra on a ledge, an orange moon overhead.
Adora: “Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t even think you wanted to be a Force Captain.”
Catra: “I don’t. Here, take your stupid badge.” Catra tosses it back.
Adora: “Come on, Catra. This is what I’ve been working for my entire life. I was hoping you could be, I don’t know, happy for me.”
Catra: “Ugh. Whatever. It’s not like I even care. I just wanna get out of this dump at some point before I die of boredom. I wonder what’s even outside the Fright Zone, anyway?”
Adora: “Why don’t we go find out?”
Adora holds up a key and she and Catra ride in the distance on a metal flying boat.
Catra: “I take it all back. You’re officially awesome. I can’t believe you actually stole a skiff.”
Adora: “Borrowed. Please don’t make me regret this.”
Catra: “I’ve always wanted to drive one of these things. Here, give me.”
Adora: “Whoa there. Save us enough fuel to get back.”
Catra: “That is a problem for future Adora and Catra.”
Noth fight over the skiff.
“I’m driving.”
“I want it.”
Catra: “Can’t have it!”
“Let me.”
“Give me. I’m doing it.”
Catra: “I want it.”
Adora: “No, I got it. Catra!”
They stop in front of the woods.
Catra: “What is it?”
Adora: “I think this must be the Whispering Woods.  They say there are strange old monsters in there, and the trees move when you’re not looking. Every Horde squadron they’ve sent in there has never come out again.”
Catra: “Let’s go in.”
Adora: “Wait, what? (yells)”
Catra: “Woo-hoo!”
Adora: “Catra, slow down! Catra, tree. Tree!”
The skiff goes up through the trees. Adora falls. Catra: “Adora!”
Catra: “Hey, Adora. Adora!”
Adora: “Catra, what happened?”
Catra: “You fell out of the skiff after you drove it into a tree.”
Adora: “No, you drove it into a tree.”
Catra: “Ah, up for debate. Let’s go.”
 The two of them drive back.
 Catra: “Adora.”
Adora wakes up in her bunk bed.
Catra: “Whoa, whoa, whoa, Adora. Heh. Since when do you sleep in?”
Catra: “Of course you dream about work. There’s nothing to fix, Adora. Everything’s perfect.”
Catra: “Come on, get up.” Catra laughs and runs out of the room.
Adora puts on her red jacket and stares at the Horde badge on her in the mirror.
Catra and Adora walk down the hall while soldiers in armor give them salutes from the sides.
Horde soldiers: “Adora. It’s really her. It’s her. It’s Adora.”
Four soldiers give her a salute, presumably, Lonnie, Rogelio, and Kyle.
Adora salutes them, turns around. The soldiers clap and cheer, two giving each other a high five.
Soldiers: “We love you, Adora. Yeah. Yes. All right.”
Adora: “What are they all looking at?”
Catra: “You. The Invasion of Thaymor went perfectly. You’re the hero of the hour.”
Adora: “Yeah, I defeated the rebel insurgents at Thaymor. Yeah, I did that.”
Catra: “Oh please, you couldn’t have done it without me.”
Adora and Rogelio salute each other.
Adora: “Right. What would I ever do without you?”
She playfully elbows Catra and they laugh. Catra runs into a soldier.
Soldier: “Hey, watch where you’re going, twerp.”
Adora glares.
Soldier: “Force Captain. I didn’t know you were…I’m so sorry.”
Adora: “You’d better be. Dismissed.”
Catra and Adora both laugh out loud.
Catra (jokes): “Oh Force Captain, don’t hurt me.”
Both laugh.
Catra: “Too good.”
Adora: “Where are we going again?”
Catra: “The locker room. There’s something I wanna show you.”
 Catra: “Do you get a concussion? I know you get hit on the head a lot. But I figured your dumb little poof of hair would cushion the blow.”
Adora; “I’m fine, okay? Don’t make me kick your butt.”
Catra: “Pfft. As if you could.” (both laugh and run into the locker room)
Lonnie and Kyle: “Surprise.”
Adora: “Huh?”
Rogelio, Lonnie and Kyle greet them.
Kyle holds lump of hard gray cake with a sketch of Adora’s head with her pony tail, poof of hair, and grin.
Adora: “What is this? Are those ration bars?”
Lonnie: “We wouldn’t have been able to defeat the rebels at Thaymor without you. Plus, you were the one who talked Shadow Weaver into letting us come. So, we all pitched in, took Kyle’s ration bars for a week, and made this.”
Kyle: “I’m hungry, but celebrating your victory is worth it.”
Adora hugs Lonnie and Kyle.
Adora: “You guys. You even got the gray kind. It’s way better than the brown kind.”
Lonnie: “Hey, it was Catra’s idea.”
Adora: “Oh, yeah?” She grins over at Catra.
Catra: “Eh, whatever, don’t make a big deal about it.”
Adora; “Wow, I can’t believe you like me. That is so embarrassing for you.”
Adora rubs Catra’s head.
Catra: “Ow. Stop it. Get off. This is not because I like you.”
Catra leaps onto Adora and they both laugh on the floor.
Kyle stumbles and drops the food, splattering gray splats. Kyle: “No. No, no, no.”
Lonnie: “Oh, come on, Kyle.”
Kyle: “Sorry.”
Catra and Adora laugh.
Rogelio throws gray splat at Lonnie and laughs.
Kyle: “Dang it.”
Catra: “Whatever.”
The cadets have a food fight.
Catra: “Hang on. You’ve got something right there.” She throws gray stuff onto Adora’s cheek and laughs.
Shadow Weaver: “Adora. Get off the floor. You are the Force Captain who sacked Thaymor.”
Adora stands up. Adora: “Sorry, Shadow Weaver.”
Shadow Weaver: “And you.” (Points at Catra.) She wipes the gray stuff from her cheek with her thumb.
Shadow Weaver: “Look at you. You’re a mess. Get yourself cleaned up. You’re no longer children. I have high hopes for you both. Do not waste your time on such foolish games.”
Catra: “Yes, Shadow Weaver.”
Shadow Weaver: “Adora, come with me.”
Lonnie slaps gray stuff into Kyle’s face.
Adora and Shadow Weaver walk down the hall.
Shadow Weaver: “I will admit, I did not think that Catra and the others were ready to be deployed. But under your command, they performed admirably. You are becoming every bit the leader I always knew you to be.”
Adora: “Thank you, Shadow Weaver. I couldn’t have done it without them.”
Shadow Weaver: “Suffice it to say, Hordak is impressed with your performance. He is rewarding you with a new mission.”
Adora: “Really?”
Shadow Weaver leads her to the window.
Shadow Weaver: “You’ll get the rest of the details at briefing. Look at it. This is who you are. The Force Captain, who will lead the Horde to victory. It’s what you’ve always dreamed of. Everything is perfect.”
Shadow Weaver: “Are you ready for the briefing, Adora? Now run along. Don’t keep the sergeant waiting.”
Adora runs into the room, where Scorpia sits next to Rogelio. Octavia and Grizzlor sit in the back row.
Scorpia: “Hi, I’m Scorpia.”
Adora: “Oh hey. Adora.”
 Seargant blue furry man: “Welcome, Force Captains. After the perfect execution of our mission in Thaymor…”
Adora gets high fives from Octavia and Grizzlor.
Seargant: “the Horde is now in a better position than ever to take over the rest of Etheria. And here is our next target. The Salineas Sea Gate, separating Horde territory from rebel-controlled waters. We have a week to plan, then, it’s go time, people. Now, it’s possible that you might have to go face-to-face with a princess. They’re powerful and completely devoid of conscience. But it’s possible to take them out. All the information should be in your report.”
 Adora and Catra sit outside.
Catra: “Of course, I’m right. Everything’s perfect. Soon, the two of us are gonna be ruling Etheria together just like we always planned.”
Adora: “Is that what you really want? To rule the world?”
Catra: “I mean, yeah, obviously. Everything’ll be perfect as long as we stay together.”
Lonnie: “Adora. Catra. Thought we’d find you up there. Get down here. We’ve got big news.”
Lonnie: “Okay, okay. We just got word, we are being sent to Salineas tonight.”
 Adora wins the battle and the Horde take out the Salinas Sea Gate and eventually, Bright Moon.
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