#I have a friend who's way better with colour I sometimes ask him for advice lol
hajihiko · 23 days
hiya! i really love your art style and i was wondering how you color your pieces? they look so warm and your rendering is really cool!
I actually do struggle a bit with colours, but overlaid gradients help a lot
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tellerluna-stories · 2 years
episode 05: rumours that wind like rivers
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CONTENTS: 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. m.list!
TW/CW: implied violence, minor injuries and wounds
A/N: 'i'll write a short thoma fic,' I told myself when I started this. 'it'll prolly just be around 1-2k words max.' spoiler alert: it was not, in fact, 1-2k words max. this chapter is 6k words alone. why am I like this
this chapter is dedicated to the loveliest sun @x-zho !!!!! hope this helps you get 1000% better ten <;33
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Rumours had begun to wind their way through the campus.
You were no stranger to the epic highs and lows of school drama, but for some reason the rumours seemed to be more than mere gossip. The sound of whispering followed you wherever you went, a low but incessant buzzing in your ears that screamed of malicious intent; heads would turn when you walked in the hallway, unfamiliar stares that were less than friendly.
‘Is that the one who…’
‘I think so, from what I heard.’
‘How cruel. He deserves better than that…’
Naturally, you stared back. Life was too short to deal with the pettiness of other people.
You weren’t sure why these strangers had decided to single you out this time, but you had an inkling of an idea; given the circumstances, there was a high probability that it was about you and Thoma. Most likely it had to do with some admirer of his, seething with jealousy after being rejected by Thoma— wait, just where exactly was your mind going with this? Why was your first instinct to think of something that was straight out of a poorly-written telenovela?
Either way, you tried your best to ignore the rumours. It wasn’t hard to do, especially with Thoma hanging around you all the time. If it bothered you, you tried your best not to show him— sometimes it was just easier to let things slide.
But today Thoma had been called away to assist with some club, or committee meeting, or something like that; you weren’t sure of the details, but the student who had practically hauled Thoma by the elbow looked fed up with the shenanigans of his fellow club members. From the looks of it, it seemed like Thoma would have to baby-sit the other students after school... again.
Well, that’s no problem, you reassured yourself. You’d simply wait for him to finish.
You sighed and closed your notebook with a snap, your pencils rattling on the desk from the sheer force.
Mechanically, you performed your after-school routine, the mindless tasks of gathering your pencils to place in your pencil-case, then putting said pencil-case in your backpack. Stacking your notebooks and textbooks according to height and size and storing them in your bag, sweeping up the leftover eraser rubbings with a piece of scrap paper and then disposing of the whole thing into the waste-bin. Lastly, you wiped your desk clean with a wet wipe, a habit that you seemed to have picked up from Thoma; apparently, his obsession with cleanliness was contagious.
Something was amiss, though.
You looked up to see an unfamiliar face— a girl, presumably from another class. Her hair was swept back in a neat ponytail, and there was an ominous set to her mouth that made your instincts scream run.
“Um… how may I help you?”
“I heard you’re the one who gives relationship advice. Am I right?” She said bluntly, crossing her arms over her chest.
Who was this girl? Your mind went into overdrive trying to recall if you had seen her, but that wasn’t possible; you had stopped assisting people a long time ago, and it wouldn’t make sense for her to complain only now.
Hesitantly, you answered, “Not anymore.”
The girl frowned, looking even more displeased than before. “Oh, so not anymore, huh?” A bitter hue of mockery coloured her tone. “Is it because you’re trying to take Thoma for yourself?”
“Don’t play dumb with me,” She hissed— if looks could kill, your funeral rites would’ve been long finished by now. “I’ve heard all about you and what you’ve done. My friend asked you to help her confess to Thoma a while back, but you refused.”
“That’s because I don’t do it anymore. And I didn’t really help with confessions in the first place…”
Unfortunately you could no longer remember which wannabe ‘Thoma’s Sweetheart’ she might’ve been talking about, due to the fact that there were too many people who fit the criteria; you really should have put more effort in memorising their names and faces.
“No more excuses!” The girl’s nostrils flared, giving her the almost comedic appearance of an angry bull. “When she saw how you’ve been hanging around Thoma day and night, she cried for days. Her eyes have been swollen for almost a week now!”
You tried very hard to look like you were at least concerned— ah, who were you kidding. How was any of this your problem?
The bull-headed girl seemed to be a well-meaning friend, but the fact that she didn’t listen to any of your reasoning made her an immense pain in the neck. Mentally, you made a note to punch Thoma in the arm later for the crime of being too handsome and dragging you into the plot of a (horribly cliche) telenovela.
“Look, Thoma is my seatmate. We are in the same class.” You tried to reason, forcefully willing your eye not to twitch. “Of course we’d be together most of the time.”
“That doesn’t change the fact that you were dishonest. You turned her away so that you wouldn’t have to worry about anyone else stealing Thoma, didn’t you?”
“Thoma is not anyone’s property.” The words spewed out from between your gritted teeth, the last shreds of your patience wearing thin. “He’s capable of making his own choices and deciding who he wants to hang out with.”
The bull-headed girl fell silent— for a moment, you felt relief. It was stupid enough to argue about a boy like two spoiled brats fighting over a doll, but to be fighting over someone who you didn’t even feel like you deserved to be close to?
Downright depressing.
All the whispers, the discontented glares that followed you wherever you went— was that what all those frosty stares had been about? A sinking sensation lodged itself in your stomach as you wondered just how many more people were like this girl, wishing for your downfall so that they could claim the place by Thoma’s side.
While you were contemplating your situation, your opponent slowly raised her head, a look of malicious intent in her eyes that signified she was about to say something incredibly stupid. “Y’know, you’re pretty naive.”
Internally you sighed, steeling yourself for the tirade of insults that were sure to follow. Well, it wasn’t like you wouldn’t hear anything new under the sun— your profession had brought about a few nasty customers, after all.
“I don’t believe Thoma’s stupid enough to actually want to hang around someone like you. He always looked empty-headed to me, but this would just be downright pathetic.” Bull-headed girl sneered vindictively, a triumphant look in her eyes as she (wrongly) assumed her victory. “It’s obvious that he’s only hanging out with you to be nice— some guy he must be. But you’re even worse, with the way you’re clinging onto him like a leech.”
Your mind went completely blank.
Thoma, stupid. Empty-headed. Pathetic.
Sweet, gentle Thoma, who always went above and beyond for everyone, even if they weren’t someone from his class. The student who worked hard so he could meet the expectations of those who admired him and to offer a helping hand to those who struggled with their schoolwork. The kind-hearted boy who listened to his parents’ advice and dreamed of becoming someone who could protect the ones dearest to him.
The boy who thawed your heart and made a safe nest for it to call home, even if you couldn’t summon the courage to tell him.
Something behind your eyes flashed white-hot, almost blinding you with how it seared in the back of your head. You could have stomached anything else if she had just been wise enough to leave Thoma out of it, but enough was enough.
If someone else had been in your shoes, maybe they would have cried. Perhaps they would have stared at this wretched girl with shock and hurt in their eyes, and then the hero of the story would swoop in and defend both their honour and his own. It was certainly a beautiful scenario to imagine, the sort of cliche moment that you could only dream of.
But instead it was you standing here today, and Thoma was nowhere to be found. Perhaps there was a more gracious, more main-character worthy way of solving this situation— but today, you were just a little too tired of being complacent and letting things happen.
Softly, you said, “Take that back.”
“Hah?” The girl scoffed derisively, practically spitting her disdain of you all over your face. Ew, saliva.
“I said,” Your voice was deathly quiet as you stood up from your desk, knuckles cracking ominously as your hands balled themselves into fists. “Take back what you said about him.”
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It was already almost dark when you were finally released from detention, the sky painted the rich blue that always followed after the most magnificent of sunsets. Normally you would have stopped to admire it, but the sizeable wad of tissue stuffed up one of your nostrils somewhat ruined the romantic atmosphere.
The nurse had done her best to treat and bandage the scratches on your face and arms, but the nosebleed hadn’t stopped till halfway through your detention period. You were probably lucky that your opponent wasn’t actually trained in fighting, or else you could have ended up with even worse than a nosebleed.
Well, you technically weren’t supposed to be happy about it, but she had paid dearly for scoring that hit; two black eyes that made her look like a panda, and a hefty chunk of hair that you'd yanked out by accident. (You'd only grabbed her ponytail when she started using her fingernails to scratch you, but the hair actually coming out had been a surprise to both of you.)
The utter nerve of some people, really. This was why you had always kept to yourself.
It would've been quite flattering that she thought you had the time and energy to manipulate the situation this way, but really, just who did she think you were? And the fact that she talked about stealing Thoma like he was some sort of trophy to be won made your blood boil.
The ground swayed slightly as you dragged yourself to the school gates; somehow, in your weary state, you thought of Thoma. He had probably gone home when you didn’t show up.
Too bad we couldn’t walk home together, your subconscious lamented. You were too tired to argue with it.
But perhaps it was for the best after all; you weren’t sure if Thoma would be happy to hang out with someone who picked fights. There had been relationships you counselled that ended poorly because of situations like that, where one person discovered that their partner wasn’t who they had thought to be. And if your intuition was correct… there was a high likelihood that Thoma would react the same way if he found out.
You shuddered as you imagined his eyes filled with disappointment, a look of disgust as he turned his back on you. If Thoma were the sun, then you were Icarus, blinded by foolish greed— no, no, you shouldn’t borrow tomorrow’s troubles for today. It would just leave a cold, heavy feeling in your stomach and anxiety shivering down your spine.
As you staggered over the gate’s threshold, a figure stirred from its resting position.
“You’re late—“ Thoma began to scold, but froze in shock at the sight of your bruised and puffy face. “What happened to you?!”
Just like that, the cares and worries of the day disappeared (most of them, anyway), and a small, giddy smile worked up your face in spite of your exhaustion— he had waited for you, after all.
Suddenly, your senses were overwhelmed with what felt like a golden tornado; it was none other than a very worried puppy-boy, his metaphorical ears drooping as he panicked over what were probably minor injuries. It felt nice to have him worry about you, you had to admit.
“Your arms- oh, gosh.” His hands brush lightly over the bandages over your arms, finding their way up to cradle your face gingerly. “What happened? Who did this to you?”
Perhaps it was your head injury, or maybe it was the rush of excitement upon seeing him, but your head suddenly felt quite light upon your shoulders. I’m happy you waited for me, a small, selfish part of you wanted to say.
But you wouldn’t- couldn’t muster the courage to say it.
“Hi, Thoma.” Against your better judgement, your head only leaned further into the warmth of his palm. “-‘s been a long day for me.”
“I never would have guessed.” His face was all creased with worry, but still Thoma tried to put on a smile— for your sake or his own, you would never know. “Are- are you okay? How do you feel right now?”
Perfect, you almost said aloud. Thoma had waited for you and was now worried about you, though you much preferred it when he smiled; you were happy that he cared enough about you to do all of these things, even if it was only out of the kindness of his heart. How could you explain to him that you felt so happy that it was going to your head, swirling in a trance of rapturous delight that left you dizzy and your feet unsteady as you slowly inched closer to him— ah, did the world always seem to be so slanted?
The last thing you remembered was being surrounded in soft, delicious warmth, and the sound of Thoma’s panicked voice fading into darkness.
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You came to your senses with your pounding head resting on something warm and sturdy, the faint smell of laundry soap in the one working nostril that you had left.
“Are you awake?”
In the faint light, Thoma’s green eyes peered at you with concern, his bangs sweeping forward till they barely touched the crown of your head. For a split-second, you wished you could pass out again.
Bolting upright, you glanced around to find yourself outside the bakery where you usually met up with Thoma. Seated on a bench next to said puppy-boy who had presumably waited for you to wake up… while resting your head on his shoulder, no less. And for some reason Thoma had changed out of his uniform, wearing a slim black t-shirt instead of the usual white polo that was required by your school.
You weren’t sure if you were supposed to be delighted or to despair at your situation.
“Wha- where?!” One hand jerked up to check the bandages wrapped around your head; some of them had fallen loose, tumbling around your neck like some sort of tacky necklace, while an unfamiliar white shirt was draped over you like a makeshift blanket. You probably looked like a cross between a toilet-papered house and a fashionable mummy, but that wasn’t the issue at hand here.
The two answers that you needed to know right now were number one: how you got to the bakery when you last remembered being at school, and number two: how and why you ended up snuggled into Thoma’s shoulder like- like— your face burned like an oven just thinking about it.
“I’ll take that as a yes, then.” Oblivious to your internal conflict, the reason for your confusion fumbled with his backpack zipper. “I have a first-aid kit here, hold on… nope, not it." He dug even further, a tiny frown on his face as he searched for the elusive item.
The sky was already dark and the stars were out, which meant Thoma had to have been here for quite a while— no, no, no, you were probably hallucinating. There was no way you could have passed out for that long in front of the person you liked… right?
Your eyes roved wildly as you took in your surroundings, searching for a sign that you were dreaming. The light from the store-front window looked a little too surreal, the trees just a bit too unrealistic; you desperately wanted to believe that you did not just embarass yourself to the point of considering moving to a new country and faking a new identity.
(But then again, you weren’t sure that you were capable of dreaming up the expression that the bakery owner wore as she waved hello from behind the counter— the face of a die-hard shipper watching their favourite couple interact was something you could only find in reality. And the shirt that now lay in your lap felt a little too real to be something you dreamt.)
"That’s not it either… oh!” Thoma pulled out a tiny white box with a triumphant grin, the sight nearly sending you back into the realm of unconsciousness. Seriously, just how many gigawatts did his smile have…?
“Did- did you find it?” You managed to choke out, your tongue lying thick and heavy in your mouth.
“Sure did! Which means it’s time to get down to the real business at hand." His smile suddenly became more sinister, the sort of expression that nurses wore after saying the vaccination wouldn't hurt that much (and it always, always hurt like a torture device from the Middle Ages); the very sight sent chills running down your spine. “Turn your face here so I can see it in the light.”
What did you ever do to deserve this?
There were currently two things that you did not want to do, one of which was to make eye-contact with Thoma, and the other was to endure another session of poking and prodding at your injuries. Unfortunately, the puppy-traitor had decided to do both of those. Hooray.
“What are you, a nurse?”
“An unlicensed one, but I can rise to the occasion if need be. Now let me see your wounds.”
“Don’ wanna,” You lisped, wincing as a particularly annoying cut on your lip stung in protest— it seemed that some of your wounds had reopened on the journey here.
“Now, please.” There was his serious, no-nonsense tone of voice that was reserved only for the most stubborn of people.
Begrudgingly you moved your head two centimetres, causing the puppy-nurse to sigh loudly. Gently, a pair of warm hands cupped your face, turning your head till you were staring him eye-to-eye— oh, great heavens.
“It’s not as bad as I thought, but I think some of the bandages need to be changed.” He leaned in and tugged the wad of bloody tissue out of your nose; fervently, you prayed that the rush of blood to your head wouldn't end in another nosebleed spewing all over Thoma. Did he seriously have no concept of personal space?
In response to your unspoken question, the puppy-boy turned nurse only shuffled closer and half-knelt on the bench to get a better angle of your injuries, tilting your head upwards to look at him as he poured ointment on a cotton ball. Apparently he had never heard of the alien custom of personal space, much to your downfall.
"…You know, the nurse already treated me." You mumbled, if only to at least attempt to maintain a shred of your dignity.
"No offense to her, but she didn't do a very good job of it." Thoma replied with a disappointed shake of his head, leaning even closer to inspect the cuts on your face (oh, of course he had to do that when you were already light-headed as it was). "...Do you mind me asking how you got these?"
There it was.
The cold, heavy weight of anxiety from earlier settled into your stomach; Thoma, with his eyes filled with shame and disappointment. His warm voice now cold and distant to you, saying, ‘I don’t want to hang around people like you.’
What if Panda-Eyes was right? What if he really thought that you were beneath him and he was just being nice to you because it was convenient? Somehow, somewhere down the line, Thoma had become someone important enough to you for you to worry about such things.
For a moment you remained frozen stiff, debating on whether not to tell him the truth— and that’s when a sunset-hued memory came to mind.
“You’re nervous that they won’t like you, you’re afraid of showing the uglier parts of yourself to them, but you want to stay with them more than anything else— even if they end up seeing what you’re trying to hide.”
Oh, why did you have to remember that sentence now?
You sighed and bit back a string of grouchy complaints, all of which were directed towards Thoma and how he had corrupted you to actually be honest with your feelings instead of bottling them up and never talking about them again. Take responsibility, you insolently adorable puppy-boy.
Well, you supposed that he would just have to take responsibility by shouldering the burden of hearing you out.
"Do you want the bad news or not-so-bad news first?"
"Um…” He hesitated, fumbling for the disinfectant bottle in his kit. “Bad news first?"
“…I may or may not have gotten into a fight.” You mumbled quickly, hanging your head in shame; your head bumped against Thoma’s torso, but you didn’t care anymore. Anything would do, just as long as you didn’t meet his gaze.
Thoma remains silent for a moment or two, his hands lowering to his side. "…Is that what happened?"
Cicadas hummed in the distance, their voices filling the silence where people dared not speak. The evening breeze tugged at your crumpled uniform and blew gentle chills down your spine, as if to remind you of the cold pit that weighed itself down in your stomach.
This is where he'll leave, you told yourself. This is the part where he'll throw a fit and get angry and yell at me. It's what happened to all those other people— he'll hate me forever and never speak to me again.
If it could happen to those other people who were worthy of love and romance, then how much more you?
“Hey, eyes on me.” A sturdy hand tilts your face upwards, and once again you find yourself helpless before Thoma’s emerald-green gaze. There was no malice, no disappointment— nothing but concern showing in those eyes that you could get lost in to never be found. “I can’t disinfect your wounds if you look down.”
That was all he said. No more, no less.
You remained silent as Thoma wiped dried blood away with cotton soaked in alcohol and dressed your wounds. He didn’t blow up at you, nor did he walk away in disgust; he just waited till you were ready to speak, just as he always did.
“…You’re not mad about it?”
“Hey, if someone as non-confrontational as you got into a fight, then there has to be a reason why.” His mouth quirked upward in a small smile as he daubed ointment on a scratch near your eye. “You avoided me the first few times I tried talking to you, and that was just normal conversation. How much more physical confrontation?”
Internally you cringed; so he had noticed you were avoiding him.
(But at the same time, it made you happy that he had noticed. It sort of made you feel like he considered you important enough to notice the lack of your presence.)
“So,” Thoma continued, smoothing a tiny adhesive bandage over the scratch. “If that’s the bad news, what’s the not-so-bad news?”
“Well, uh… it’s not really news.” You searched for the right words, praying that your voice wouldn’t fail you now. “It- I thought I at least owed you an explanation. To tell you how it happened… and all.”
So you explained everything to Thoma, from beginning to end; how you resigned yourself to your fate early on and instead chose to give counseling to people who asked, the sheer volume of admirers that he had which made you give it up. The way you had planned to wait for him today, only to get confronted by an angry bull-headed girl. You told him of the things she said and how it made you so angry, though you didn’t exactly understand why, and how you got scared that he would distance himself from you once he found out. You even told him about her panda eyes and the chunk of hair that you’d accidentally yanked out.
You had never talked this much in your life before, but somehow the words kept spilling out. Oddly enough, it was just easier to use your voice when Thoma was around.
All the while, Thoma listened patiently— even as you occasionally winced from the sting of antiseptic, even when he had to blow gently on a cut for you to calm down. Only when you had finally worn out and slumped back against the bench did Thoma act, taking your hand and tracing circles in your palm with his thumb.
“I’m sorry,” he said simply, a sad look in his eyes.
“Don’t be sorry.” You replied, your head swimming from all the talking you did. “As you said, I’m not the type to be confrontational. But for you...” Pausing, you eyed your bruised and scuffed knuckles, now clad in soft white bandages thanks to Thoma's nursing.
"...I’d do it again.”
“You really don’t have to pay any mind to what they say about me…”
“Shh, be quiet and enjoy the moment while it lasts. I'm not saying that again.”
“Yes, boss.”
Somehow, your exhaustion had removed any filter that you had whatsoever, leaving you with a strange sense of recklessness (in hindsight, it was probably the effect of taking a glancing blow to the head.) All the things that you’d bottled up were bubbling up like champagne, threatening to overflow with honesty at any minute.
(No, you were not going to confess. You still had some common sense in you to clamp your feelings down before it slipped loose.)
“I really meant what I said earlier, by the way. About the whole confrontational, I’d-do-it-again thing…” Suddenly you realised how embarassing it sounded once you said it aloud.
Thoma chuckled faintly, continuing to trace circles in the palm of your hand. “I know.”
“Thanks for looking after me when I passed out. And thanks for treating my wounds.” You hesitated, fiddling with the hem of your shirt with your free hand. “…Thank you for listening to me, too.”
Thoma smiled gently and leaned in to whisper something in your ear; suddenly, you were very aware of the pounding of your heart that resonated in your eardrums. What on earth was he going to say that required him to lean so close? You unconsciously held your breath, waiting for him to speak…
Only for him to dramatically stage-whisper, “For you, I’d do it again.”
“…You shut your mouth before I take that back and fight you instead.”
He took one look at your displeased face and immediately burst into laughter, like the audacious little puppy he was— well, you supposed it was better to have a laughing Thoma than a droopy-eared, pouty one. Though both were equally cute.
“What’s so funny about it, huh?” You fired back, though there was no malice to your tone. “You’re facing a veteran fighter here— you might want to rethink doing that, you know.”
“Oh, I know.” The twinkle of laughter still lingered in his eyes and hovered on his smiling lips, chasing away any traces of doom and gloom that Thoma might have once carried. “I’ll keep that in mind next time.”
“Hoy, I know you’re not taking me seriously right now. Did you forget that I took a couple of punches to the face?”
Thoma laughed and shook his head, giving your hair an affectionate ruffle. “You’re right. Sorry, boss.”
The sudden contact sent an electrical shock down your spine, and internally you seethed. Once again, this puppy-boy is making me act out of character.
In the past, you would never have expected to be reduced to such a state; heart doing jumping-jacks in your throat, your knees weak and palms sweaty all from a trivial gesture like a smile. Just one ridiculously blinding, dentist-approved smile, but it made you want to make sure he stayed happy and joyful for the rest of his life, no matter the cost. Even if you had to deal with a thousand pony-tailed-panda-eyed girls everyday to make it happen.
The stars overhead twinkled knowingly, as if delighting in this turn of events— perhaps the constellations were laughing amongst themselves, knowing that they were witnessing another love-story unfolding. A gust of wind breezed past with a mischievous whistle, sticking its chilly fingers underneath the collar of your uniform and brushing Thoma's bangs back to expose his forehead to the cold.
Perhaps time would be kind enough to freeze in this moment, like a moth trapped in amber, said that small, obnoxious part of yourself.
It seemed as if all of creation had banded together to delight in the beauty before you— the shining starlight that danced in Thoma’s emerald-green eyes, the wind that toyed with his hair of gold. Even in the night the sun was present, flickering in that ever-blinding smile of his; for certain, you knew that the Creator of the young man before you had nodded and smiled in satisfaction upon finishing, saying, ‘It is good.’
“I’m really lucky to have you, you know that?” Thoma’s voice broke the spell he put you under, bringing you back to reality in the blink of an eye.
Your heart reacted faster than your head did, speeding up to run at least a mile a millisecond— him? Lucky to have you?
This was bad— no, this was really, really bad, for both your heart and emotional stability. All of your years of counseling would never have been enough to prepare you for this.
“Thoma…” You grimaced (hey, it was your only defense mechanism for when you were confronted with emotions like these). “I thought I was the one with a head injury, not you.”
“What? I’m just being honest here.”
His honesty was probably going to be the death of you at some point.
“Tch.” You glanced behind you to ensure the bakery owner wasn’t listening; the last thing you wanted was for her to pester you with questions the next time you came to visit. “Why’d you bring that up all of a sudden, anyway?”
“Oh, uh…“ The tips of his ears turned a faint pink in the dim light. “I think it’s always good to tell things like these to the people you care about. Of course, words should always be accompanied with actions, because it wouldn’t do to have empty words without meaning. But what I mean is—”
“Right. Back on topic. Anyway, what I meant to say is…” Thoma’s eyes fixed on yours, filled with a sincerity that was unique to only him. “I’m really grateful to have you watching out for me. I can’t thank you enough.”
Thump went your traitorous heart, and it took all of your willpower to prevent yourself from gushing out a confession on the spot. Don’t do that, Thoma, don’t give me hope.
If anything, you should have been the one saying that to Thoma; he was the one to bring you out of your shell like this. It was Thoma who steadfastly waited till you were ready to open up your heart to accept his company, and it was he who had brought so many new, beautiful things into your life. And you… what did you even do for him?
“It’s not everyday that you find someone who’s willing to go against all of their basic principles just to defend you, y’know.” He smiled so easily at you, that soft gentleness that made your rationality go flying off the top of the highest building to splatter into a puddle onto the concrete; once again, your feelings crept to the threshold of your heart and timidly knocked, asking to be let out.
“Well, I…” You started, but alas— the words seemed to falter before they could leave your mouth. “I…”
“Wait.” He cut you off, and in one graceful motion Thoma sweeps his shirt about your shoulders, adjusting it to ensure that it didn’t fall. “It’s cold tonight.”
Internally you heaved a sigh and accepted your fate— it looked like your poor heart wouldn’t get any rest till you were safe inside your house. “How am I supposed to return this to you?”
“Just wash it and bring it to school, I suppose.”
“Only if you promise not to scold me if my way of washing clothes is not up to your standards.”
“Deal.” He agreed, tugging at the collar of the shirt with his usual air of perfectionism. “One more thing, by the way.”
“…What is it?”
Thoma smiled apologetically, that familiar softness in his eyes. “If you hear someone saying nasty things about me, just ignore them.”
Ignore… them?
You didn’t understand why he would ask you to ignore something like that— it didn’t make sense, especially considering how Thoma had just told you that he appreciated you looking out for him. In your eyes it would have been more logical for him to ask you to keep watching out for him, so why would he make such a strange request.
“Their opinions really don’t bother me at all. As long as you know what I’m really like, then whatever they say doesn’t matter.” He released your shirt-collar and brushed off his pants, extending a hand to you with a smile. “Now, shall we go?”
You blinked owlishly at his outstretched hand.
“I’ll walk you home tonight.”
“No buts. What if you pass out on the way home?”
Logically speaking, he did have a point— it wouldn’t do to have someone in your physical state walking home alone at this hour. But still you hesitated, torn between not wanting to take up anymore of his time than you already had and the idea of snatching just a few more moments with him.
“We’re not strangers, you know. And for you…” Thoma pauses dramatically, that almost-sly look on his face once again. “…I’d do it—“
“Shut up! I can’t hear you, lalalalalalala—” You clapped your hands over your ears and jumped up from your seat; before you knew it, your legs had carried you up the road, away from the faint sound of his laughter floating up into the heavens like a wish ungranted. “You’re ridiculous!”
“I’ll be taking that as a compliment, if it’s fine with you!”
“Whatever!” Your breath rattled in your lungs as you ran away from Thoma and all the dangerous heart-fluttering that he brought to you, the jittering nerves that only became more agitated upon hearing his laughter.
“Hey, wait for me,” he called out, hauling both of your backpacks onto his shoulders and breaking into a lazy sprint. “It’s not good for you to run like that! Slow down!”
But that night, if you had only turned around, if you had dared to look at your puppy-boy in the face… perhaps you would have discovered a different side to him. For Thoma's face fell when you turned away, a displeased frown clouding his normally sunny expression.
“You’ll never catch me alive!” You yelled in the distance, the bandages wrapped around your arms shining bright in the light of the street-lamps and the distant starlight— Thoma’s jawline only tightened at the sight of those pale bandages, his throat constricting with something dangerously akin to anger. If he had only known sooner…
I’ll definitely make things right, he declared, a silent promise to both you and himself.
Then Thoma shook off his anger and stepped forward with a smile, for he would not allow tomorrow’s troubles to taint today’s time with you— no longer fettered by his burdens, the young man broke into a proper sprint, racing to catch up with you and to follow what his heart knew was righteous.
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delving-verilly · 2 years
You’ve given me advice before in messages that was really helpful. Can I ask for some more please. How can I stop myself going nuts over the thought of Joseph with another woman? Is it normal? I feel a mix of angry, depressed I’ll never look like some thin model which seems to be his type and it’s destroying my enjoyment in the fandom experience.
Wow… sure! I think I know who this is, and you’ve called me ‘Aunty’ before joking about how much older I am? If not, I’m going to introduce it given the direct messages I’ve received asking advice lately.
So anyone who has read my blog knows I’m in my 40’s. That means shit aside I have seen some shit and lived through it. What you need to remember here is dear, lovely, talented, Joseph Quinn is a human man. He is very much a real person, and with that comes a host of worries, emotions, thoughts, experiences and different type of relationships.
My firm belief is love the characters he portrays, admire his work, heck, admire him. But remember he is a human man. He talks of what a great bunch of friends and people he has around him who help keep him grounded. We are not privy to who those individuals are nor should we be. They are in his personal life and may have been there for some time for all we know. Whoever these people are we should be thankful for them, be it friends, partners, parents, relatives. By supporting Joe in helping him remain connected to who he is as a person they are helping keep him sane amongst this madness. They are helping to protect him emotionally and psychologically. Providing a constant level of reality for him regardless what happens in the outside world. Sorry but FUCK looking like a thin model. We all have genetics acting for or against our desires to meet a set societal scale of attractiveness. Let me tell you, it’s all bullshit. We are attracted to what we are attracted to regardless bumps shapes and sizes. We can’t define it sometimes until we meet the person. But here’s a secret the inner self always wins. Clearly if Joseph is going to have a relationship of depth with anyone he (like the rest of humanity) is going to bed to find a certain level of attraction towards them physically, mentally and emotionally. What we deem to be considered attractive changes for each individual person. Unfortunately there will be times in life where what you are attracted ro won’t feel the same way and that’s ok. Was t meant to be. But it’s not a simple dried and cut ‘they won’t like me because I’m not…’ fuck I’m not. It never helped anyone. Hold your head high. Who you need and who needs you will find their way to you and you to them. Trust. Don’t let a celebrity crush ruin your self esteem or life. Let the inner part of yourself that holds your self respect and self esteem speak to you with Joe’s voice if you need to paint it that colour to hear it better. We do what we gotta do, but remember Joseph is his own man. He doesn’t owe shit to any one of us. 🤘😘
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carlisles-girl · 3 years
a/n: Thank you so much! I’m very excited to write for Aro, he’s one of my favourite characters, more so because of Michael Sheen’s performance. I put a slight reference to something in this, you might catch it if you know other projects Michael Sheen has been in, but you might not, and that’s alright. Hope you enjoy <3
another a/n: I did put one or two feminine terms in this work, such as ‘mia regina’ which is ‘my queen’ in Italian, so do skip over it or replace it with something else if you’d like. I love writing this type of material in the middle of my classes, it adds so much adrenaline to not get caught.
Aro Volturi With A Human Mate
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Instead of being angry and frustrated like Caius, Aro was more excited.
Like as if he was getting ready for a big party.
A human for a mate was inevitable for some vampires, of course, but Aro didn’t expect to be included in the some.
He was excited since it was rare for such high profile vampires to socialize with humans.
Aro often gushed to his brothers, excited to meet you, but also for them to meet you.
He wanted to host a ball for your welcome.
But Marcus noted that it would probably be slightly frightening for you to be in a room full of vampires.
Most of the vampires would look at you as if you were some sort of a snack.
Because it Marcus’ comment, Aro assumed it would be a greater choice to send an invitation to a tour of the castle.
Free of cost, of course.
When you had received the invitation, you were beyond excited.
An invitation to a tour of an ancient castle with endless legends, for free?
The tour was the next day, so of course you were slightly nervous.
When the tour commenced, a very pretty woman named Heidi lead the tour group.
She began to speak of secrets of the castle, as well as secret corridors and legends.
Some things a normal tour guide would most likely have no idea about.
Heidi then looked in your direction, and smiled brightly at you.
“It’s very lovely here. I’m sure you’ll love it.”
Just when she had finished her sentence, she opened the doors where there were three men sitting in thrones, and what seemed to be 4 guards.
The man who sat in the middle, greeted everyone and began speaking greatly of the castle.
He had only stopped when he motioned for your tour guide, Heidi, to come forward.
She did as told, and held her hand out towards him.
You would have thought it was to greet him, but it seemed like he was concentrated, or zoned out.
“Magnifico! I will get Demetri to escort them.” (Translation: “Magnificent! I will get Demetri to escort them.”
A man who you assumed was Demetri, walked in your direction.
“Come with me, all will be alright, rest assured. However, do not look behind you.”
You went with him, doing as he said, but immediately turned around when the rest of the tour began screaming.
“What the hell was that?!”
Demetri just grabbed your wrist and brought you upstairs.
“Just stay in here, I’ve been instructed to keep you under my eye. Aro will explain everything to you.”
“The man who sat in the middle throne.”
You nodded, and decided to sit on one of the window seats.
You wanted to ask Demetri as many questions as you wanted to, but you didn’t want to bother him, or disrupt him from his job.
When the door had opened and Demetri bid his farewells, you had turned around and saw Aro.
“You must be Y/n, correct?”
“Yeah, and you’re Aro?”
“I am, I assume you have a good amount of questions?”
You nodded, and Aro moved swiftly but smoothly towards the opposite side of the window seat.
“May I?”
“Of course.”
He sat opposite to you, and smiled slightly at you.
“There’s no need to be afraid of me, or the others. You’re the most safe you could ever be in the castle. I promise you, I will keep you safe.”
“May I ask why the rest of the tourists were screaming when I left?”
“I sense that that question should be answered later, appropriately.”
You were slightly frightened as to what the final answer would be, it could be anything.
Perhaps there was a reenactment of the past after you had been escorted, one of the tourists got pushed and the rest screamed since one of them fell, or the worst:
They were murdered.
“I feel like I already know what happened.”
“I sense that you do know, too. I will tell you everything in a moment. But for now, would you care to lend me your hand?”
You trusted Aro, though you were positive your ancestors were screaming from above or below not to trust him.
You held your hand out in front of him, and before he held your hand in his own, he asked for permission or something else.
“I want you to think of the happiest memory you have stored in your mind, I will describe it to you. I will not see anything else besides the things you want to show me, unless I have your permission.”
You thought of a memory, and then placed your hand in Aro’s palm.
He covered the back of your hand with the palm of his other hand, then he began telling you small details of your chosen memories you had even forgotten about.
When he was finished, he brought his head up from looking down, and smiled at your face of bewilderment.
“That is so cool! Is that like your superhero power?”
Aro smiled widely at your interest in his gift, and began explaining what his was.
“I have a gift, it’s called tactile telepathy. I can read everyone’s thoughts and memories with a single touch. The others in this coven have multiple different gifts, they help keep us safe.”
“So you’re all like superheroes?”
“Vampires, darling.”
After that, Aro enjoyed seeing your memories whenever you two were apart for some sort of time.
Especially say you were having a difficult time attempting to explain something to him, he would hold your hand and immediately understand what you were trying to say.
“I understand you, cara mia. I always will.”
And he was right, he understands you in every way possible.
Aro memorized your body language on how you react to different things, as well as your facial expressions.
When you’re uncomfortable with something, he will do absolutely everything in his power to make you comfortable.
Aro will burn down the entire world for you.
When it’s time for you to go to sleep, you best believe that Aro set up the most lavish and comfortable room for you.
The best and most comfortable bed, of course.
You lay down on his chest, and he brushes the hair out of your face, admiring your tired eyes looking back at him.
“Would you like for me to read to you, dearest?”
You nodded your head, and Aro would get up from wherever he was seated, swiftly retrieve a book, lay back down next to you, and begin reading.
He loved having you hold his hand while he read, it lets him see what you’re imagining the scene that he’s reading to you.
And when you fell asleep while he was reading, he would be so very content.
You curled up next to him, sound asleep on his chest.
Aro adored seeing what you were dreaming.
He loved how humans brains worked while they were sleeping, keeping your mind entertained with multiple little scenarios.
When you woke up, however, Aro would prefer to have you describe your dreams, if you remembered them.
He loved to learn more about humans, especially in the modern age.
And you loved to learn more about vampires, especially in the ancient times.
Aro would often tell you stories of each coven he encountered, his old family and friends, and his past human life.
As much as he wants you to be changed into a vampire like the rest, he can’t help but smile whenever you got slightly nervous around him, stuttering over your words, and hiding your face with your hands out of embarrassment.
He pays attention to little details about you.
Especially your eyes.
Even the shade of your eyes stops him from changing you. Your eyes wouldn’t be as unique anymore, they’d be the same red as everyone else’s.
“You have the most magnificent shade of colour in your eyes, mia regina. I simply cannot get enough of them.”
Being absolute best friends with Demetri.
But wherever Demetri was, Felix wasn’t too far behind.
You three are like a troublemaker trio, always causing trouble and pulling pranks on different members of the guard.
Never Jane or Alec, though. Unless it was a scheduled board game night or something along the lines.
Which Alec loved to take away different players senses, allowing him to cheat in the games you’d play.
He doesn’t do it all the time, though.
Marcus was a lot more welcoming towards you, perhaps more than anyone else.
Whenever Aro couldn’t, he’d show you different areas of the castle you hadn’t seen yet, and would give you wonderful pieces of advice along the way.
“Remember to stay true to yourself, never let anyone think for you.”
Aro will spoil you insanely.
If you mention a specific piece of clothing even once, you better expect that when you wake up the next morning, Aro has an elegantly wrapped package placed at the foot of your bed with a note written in fine handwriting.
“Mia amato, I have seen you speak of this article of fabric, and I have gone out of my way to make sure you have every little thing you admire. I need you to be the happiest you can possibly be. Please accept my gift, and meet me by the gardens by noon. I’ll see you then. Cordialmente, Aro.”
You two have annual walks throughout the garden, usually during golden hour. The sun still above, but setting at the same time, making it seem like Aro was made of a trillion Tiffany Yellow Diamonds.
He loved finding a flower that suited your mood for the day, and putting it behind your ear.
“My beautiful.”
You two often walked either arm in arm, or hand in hand, but sometimes you would hold him closer with your arm wrapped around his waist, your head leaning on his side or shoulder.
Often times, when the moon is visible, you would slow dance together, looking at each other with smiles on your faces, just appreciating each other’s presence.
Usually, Aro would come back into the castle around 2 in the morning, carrying your sleeping self up to your shared room, after you had fallen asleep on his shoulder while sitting in the garden.
The rest of the kings and guards would be predominantly more happy than from before you had arrived.
You had given Aro something to look forward to after trials and mountains of work, something he didn’t have for hundreds of years.
Though, Caius was still slightly jealous of you.
You had practically stolen one, if the not the most, needed member of the vampire world. Aro was nearly as focused on you than he was on trials and legislature.
He’d warm up to you eventually.
At least, you hoped.
Speaking of trials, you wanted to sit in and watch the trials, to see what it was about, and how it worked.
You knew the most of it, of course, Aro had already told you. But you wanted to see it live.
Aro was quick to say no, he didn’t want you to get hurt, or worse, killed.
He understood what would happen to him if his mate was killed, Marcus was the example. He couldn’t even bear the thought of you not being by his side.
Though, you owning the key to his heart, convinced him to let you watch, letting both Jane and Alec stay on either side of you, protecting you if anything were to go wrong.
You would usually sit on Aro’s lap, and then the throne when he had to see what was truly going on by using his gift.
Jane usually stood on the left of the throne, and Alec on the right.
Mainly since Caius sat on the throne in the left, and Jane loved to torture the criminals.
He loved the front seat view.
Constant look backs of reassurance to make sure that you’re alright.
Nearly always having your hand in his.
Forehead kisses.
Constantly bringing the back of your hand up to his lips.
Getting the absolute best care in the world, health wise especially.
When Aro proposed, it was in the bedroom the both of you share, and he was reading some poetry to you.
All was going swell, and then he got to one page.
“I can write no stately poem
As a prelude to my lay;
From a poet to a poem
I would dare to say.
For if of these fallen petals
One to you seem fair
Love will waft it till it settles
On your hair.
And when wind and winter harden
All the loveless land.
It will whisper of the garden,
You will understand.”
At the end, you were leaned up closer to him, looking at him in awe.
He closed the book, and placed it aside gracefully, before leaning slightly closer to you. Placing his hands overs yours.
“Do you remember who wrote that, cara mia?”
“I do. That’s Oscar Wilde, right?”
“That’s right. There’s so much I want to say to you, especially in this particular moment, but I don’t think there’s enough words to express my love and affection towards you. I’ve known you for a little while, and I can feel the bond between us, and I know you can feel it, too. The universe has guided us together, and I am so very thankful for every second we have spent together, and I’m even more thankful for the rest of eternity we have. However, I am the most thankful of the fact that I have the most gorgeous human as a mate. I love you so much, anima mia. Will you do me the best thing that could ever happen to me in my thousands of years, and marry me?”
You said yes, obviously, who wouldn’t?
You leaned over to press your lips against his, as he held one side of your face with one hand, and the other hand slid a ring on your ring finger.
While Aro wanted an extremely lavish wedding, with all the diamonds in the world, you wanted something more of a homely essence.
So you compromised, and had a bit of both.
Aro invited nearly every vampire to the wedding, wanting to show you off in every way he could.
The Denali’s, Cullens, Irish coven, everyone was invited.
Except for the Romanian coven, Vladimir and Stefan. Not trusting them to be in your presence.
The wedding was held in the garden, the arch where Aro stood had your favourite flowers intertwining around it, with diamonds pressed in the centre of each individual flower.
Demetri walked you down the isle, smiling proudly when he handed you over to Aro.
Proud that his leader had finally found true love, and that one of his best friends is finally where they need to be.
After the official wedding ceremony, the rest of the night and day were spent smiling and showing off each other to the guests.
When the night ended, it was finally time for you to be changed to a vampire.
Aro sat by the bed were sitting on, making sure that you were absolutely ready to be converted to a vampire for the rest of eternity.
“Are you ready, my darling?”
You nodded your head, and Aro took one final look into your coloured eyes, attempting to remember every small detail of them.
Aro then moved your hair away from your neck, before placing his lips over where he would finally bite down and turn you immortal.
“Just say when, and I’ll see you after.”
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wheredafandomat · 2 years
Friends with Benefits
Reader x Thor x Loki
⚠️18+, college au, shmuttt
Part 17
Previous Part
Next Part
It had been two weeks, two weeks of you trying to seduce Loki and getting absolutely no where. You took Buckys useless advice which mostly consisted of biting your lip more and twirling your hair in Lokis presence which left him either asking if you were in pain or if you needed a hair tie. On the plus side, you and Loki had been spending a lot more time together recently but it was all purely platonic. You wondered if it was in fact better this way, to remain just friends with him to not have a repeat of the whole Thor situation.
On most days, you were left feeling confused. Loki didn’t make any moves to suggest that he liked you romantically which was absolutely fine but then sometimes he’d randomly stop and look at you as you spoke and it felt as if the world around you stopped. He’d lean slightly forwards which left your heart racing. Sometimes he’d even dare to tuck some of your hair behind your ear which left you having to turn away feeling flustered. You were supposed to just be friends, why was this so difficult?
Often you wished that things would go back to how they were before, minus sleeping with Thor who you now no longer saw through rose tinted lenses. You wanted to go back to a time where you’d hang out at Thors flat not caring about your appearance and exchange no more a few words with Loki. At least then you didn’t have to be so close to him and yet so far away. Now you found yourself always trying to make an effort if you knew you were going to see Loki which was ridiculous considering he was used to seeing you underdressed with messy hair as opposed to exchanging joggers for skirts and simple hair ties for clips and colourful scrunchies. Despite all of your efforts, it was clear that Loki didn’t like you in that way or so you thought.
It had been three weeks now and so you decided you wouldn’t pursue Loki any longer. He didn’t like you and you’d learn not to like him. You assumed that it was simply a crush considering how kind to you he always was. A crush that you’d soon forget about. Tonight was the long anticipated fancy dress party hosted by the drama students that happened once a term on campus. You’d usually go with Thor but this term he insisted you go with Loki because he had apparently planned an outfit with a different girl. Shrugging off the offence, you decided that you would go with Loki. Together you planned a last minute outfit where you’d dress as some sort of folklore princess whilst he dressed as a prince.
“Guys goo I’ll meet you there.” You told Nat who was dressed as an assassin and Bucky who was dressed as a soldier. You had just gotten out of the shower and they were already ready and you didn’t want to keep them.
“You sure? We can wait.” Bucky offered.
“No, go I’ll see you guys soon.” You insisted.
They both left whilst you laid out your outfit on your bed. You were still in your bathrobe with a towel wrapped around your hair when the door knocked. Sighing to yourself, you assumed Natasha had forgotten something including her key so you made your way towards the front door.
“Natasha you forgetful—Loki!” You gasped, eyes meeting Lokis when you opened the door revealing him standing in his costume with his hair tied back with two trendells out shaping his face. You quickly grabbed the towel off of your head and threw it on the floor.
“Oh sorry I thought you were ready.” He spoke, smiling nervously as he tried to ignore the fact that you were practically standing naked in front of him. “For you.” He added, handing you the bouquet of flowers he had in his hand.
“You um—you brought me flowers.” You answered, swallowing thickly as you took them. Do friends buy friends flowers? Yes! This was a friendly gesture.
“Yeah I-I saw them in a florist window on my way here actually.” He smiled, running a hand over the back of his neck “they looked really pretty and reminded me of you.”
You smiled as you brought the flowers to your nose before realising that there isn’t a florist anywhere near campus. Did he go out of his way to buy these?
“Thank you Loki.” You grinned “they smell lovely.”
“I’m glad.” He answered before a silence settled over you both. You kept your eyes trained onto the flowers not wanting to look at him as he fought the urge to look at you. That’s what this stupid crush had done to you, turned you shy. You internally scolded yourself and reminded yourself that this was Loki, the same Loki, the Loki you’d have to spend the night with so there was no point getting nervy over.
“Silly me, come in.” You spoke, breaking the silence as you gestured him inside. “Sit anywhere I’ll be ready in a minute.”
“Thank you.” He nodded curtly, closing the door behind him before he sat on the couch. Meanwhile you made your way to the kitchen, putting the flowers in some water.
“These flowers really are beautiful.” You smiled widely, speaking loud enough for Loki to hear. “Thank you Loki.”
“Someone as prepossessing as yourself deserves something equally so.” He replied as you walked out of the kitchen and through the living room he was sat in.
“Prepossessing, haven’t got that one before.” You chuckled.
“Oh y/n, words cannot describe your beauty.” He mumbled.
“What was that?”
“Nothing.” He answered, clearing his throat. “Take your time I don’t mind waiting.” He assured as you walked into your bedroom.
You quickly put your dress on before struggling to reach the back and zip it up as you stood in front of your full length mirror. Luckily Loki was present you thought before you called him into your room. His breath hitched at the sight of you. Running his eyes over your form, Loki knew what you wanted him to do as soon as his gaze settled on your bare back. Making his way towards you, he moved your hair to the side of your neck before slowly zipping up the dress, eyes focused on his movements as opposed to your face in the reflection. Like every time it was just you and Loki, time itself seized to exist. You could feel the back of his hand making contact with your skin causing goosebumps in its wake. The feeling of his breath lightly fanning the nape of your neck was sensual. Looking at him from the mirror, you could see his chest rising and falling with every breath as his gaze remained on his actions until he finished and looked up, eyes meeting yours in the mirror.
“You really do look gorgeous.” He uttered.
“Thank you.” You answered just above a whisper as you continued to look at one another. Was this still purely platonic? Is this how friends looked at one another? “On my dressing table there is a necklace.” You spoke before Loki turned around and retrieved it, knowing what you were asking of him. Standing behind you again, necklace in hand, he reached forwards, placing it over your chest before clasping it at the back of your neck.
Loki tried to fight off the urge to ravage you then and there. You didn’t like him like that, he knew that, he knew it but he couldn’t help himself from leaning down and placing a single kiss on the back of your neck. He knew he’d have to apologise after and potentially never speak to you again after ruining your friendship but he had to do it.
You felt his lips against your neck and you lost all composure, practically falling back against him as you closed your eyes. Surprised by your reaction, Loki done it again only this time his lips lingered for longer before kissing another spot causing you to hum in content. It felt so right. Lokis hands found your sides, running them over you as he continued to kiss your neck, incorporating his tongue causing a small moan to escape you. You found yourself lost, drowning in the sensation of Loki touching you. You could feel his growing erection nudging your back and that’s when you truly lost yourself. Reaching backwards, you ran your hand over it causing Loki to jolt as he began sucking on your neck. You continued your movements as Loki started to rut against you. His hands found your breasts before he started kneading them eliciting more moans from you. One of his hands found the zip of your dress again before he tugged it down. Spinning around, you stepped out of it as Loki undone his belt buckle as you helped him remove his trousers. Your lips crashed onto his as you kissed one another feverishly, you pushing Loki backwards against the bed before he pulled you on top of him. Straddling him, you undone his shirt buttons, ridding him of it before you ran your hands over his exposed chest. Leaning down, you placed kisses against it as you worked your way down.
“Y/n!” Loki gasped, sitting up as he felt your lips on his v line. The look on his face told you he was ticklish.
“Shh, I’ll be gentle” you grinned, pushing him back down before you pulled down his briefs, exposing his cock. Instantly you wrapped your hand around it before you began stroking him. Bringing it to your lips, you kissed the tip causing Loki to breathlessly call your name. Your tongue circled the head before you took him in your mouth, gagging as you took him all. You hollowed your cheeks as you began sucking, moving your head up and down.
“Oh fuck.” He cursed incoherently as one of his hands helped guide your movements. Feeling him beginning to buck his hips, you stopped.
“You’re not cumming yet.” You warned, lifting your head as you began straddling him again. You could feel yourself growing wetter and wetter as you glided over his cock, still in your underwear. Lokis hands found your hips as he helped your movements, chasing a release feeling your clothed core against him. Lifting your hips, you moved your underwear to the side before feeling his shaft against your clit as you continued to move above him.
“I don’t have any protection.” Loki reluctantly admitted, not wanting whatever was happening to stop but also not wanting any accidents.
“I spend way too much on birth control to not feel you inside me.” You giggled, lifting your hips again as Loki guided himself towards your entrance before you slowly sank down onto him. You both moaned as he entered you. Giving even yourself no time to adjust to his size, you began bouncing on top of him as he gripped your breasts.
“You feel heavenly.” Loki praised, holding you against him as he bucked his hips up into yours. You moaned his name as you felt him deeper inside of you. You could feel yourself reaching the desired precipice with every movement.
“I’m gonna cum.” You practically shrieked.
“Jussst a little longer.” Loki groaned, speeding his movements. “Open your eyes, I want you to look at me as you cum.” He instructed. You opened your eyes, cumming as you felt him still inside you, coating your walls as you clenched around him. Both of you were swimming in bliss as you rode out your highs before you came back to reality.
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Loki explaining to y/n what just happened 🤣
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queenshelby · 3 years
Gypsy Bride (One Shot)
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Virgin!Reader
Warnings: Angst, Violence, Mention of Self Harm, Arranged Marriage, SMUT, Loss of Virginity
Total Words: 8,083 (both parts below)
·      Part One – Husband and Wife
·      Part Two – Consummating Finally
Notes: I will be writing another One Shot which will be called ‘Goodbye Marie’. This One Shot will follow on from this story but can also be read on its own.
Part One
It was 9am on a cold Saturday morning. You had been awake for several hours already and barely managed to get any sleep at all the night before.
It was your wedding day and you were nervous to say the least. This was a wedding you didn’t want, a marriage doomed from the beginning.
Your father had recently taken over the business of importing heroine into the United Kingdom from his brother who, due to unfortunate circumstances arranged by your father, was shot during police interference.
In your culture, it was customary to only form alliances with people you trust, mainly family. But, since you and your mother were both only children as a result of a curse impaled on your family decades ago, your family was much smaller than other gypsy families.
In cases like this, alliances were formed by expanding family through marriage.
You had no say in the matter and your father was determined to expand his business through such alliance.
So, today, you were to marry Thomas Shelby, the leader of the Peaky Blinders.
You knew that Thomas Shelby was shipping heroine to the United States and had recently lost his supply from the Chinese. The deal your father was offering Thomas was lucrative and allowed the Shelby Family to reinstate most of their fortune which they had lost in the stock market crash earlier this year.
Your father, however, did not trust Thomas Shelby and insisted on a traditional bond between the families.
Thomas Shelby agreed and, since he was the only unmarried Shelby man of age, it was him, a man almost twice your age, who was going to be your husband.
You never met Thomas Shelby and you wondered what he was like.
You heard terrible things about him and you knew that he was both, a politician and a gangster. You knew that he was involved in drug trafficking, running brothels and killings. He was no better than your father who you despised.
You always wanted to turn a leaf on your life, get away from the illegal dealings and make an honest living. But, this dream of yours was now shattered. You were about to marry into the most notorious gangster family in the Small Heath and Birmingham area.
In the weeks leading up to your wedding, you considered ending it. This was the only way out. But then you met a man who was a priest. Every day you remembered his words. There was a purpose for you, you just may have not discovered it yet.
You never believed, but turned to God for advice after your encounter with the priest. You even began to volunteer at the local church community hall to help you keep your mind occupied.
After weeks of volunteering, you requested to be married to Thomas at the church. The priest was reluctant but agreed after you begged for long enough. Your request was granted.
And there you were, in the back rooms of the small church in Birmingham, preparing for your wedding.
As you stepped into your white wedding gown, tears were building up in your eyes. You were not ready for this, but you had to be strong.
You wiped your tears away with the white cotton tissue your mother had given you and pinned up your hair.
A maid was assigned to assist you, but you enjoyed to do your own hair and makeup.
Shortly after you sent your maid away and while you were applying your mascara, you heard a knock on the door.
You hoped that it was your mother, wishing to provide you with emotional support, but, to your surprise, it was a woman who you had never met.
She had dark brown hair and dark eyes. She was attractive and well dressed.
‘I am Polly Gray’ the woman said as she walked into your room.
‘I am Y/N’ you said nervously.
‘I figured’ she said with a laugh as she handed you her flask of whiskey.
‘Drink up Love, I think you need it, you are about to marry my nephew’ Polly said sheepishly as she stepped behind you and tied up your dress.
‘Thank you’ you said before taking a large sip from the flask.
‘You didn’t want your maid to help you with this?’ Polly asked surprised as she wiped away some of the smudged make up beneath your eyes which were still wet and teary.
‘No. I don’t like to appear weak in front of strangers’ you explained.
‘Showing weakness can sometimes be your strength Y/N’ Polly said before she asked you how old you were while she proceeded to help you with your make up.
‘I am 20’ you responded, your hands shaking.
’20?’ Polly said as she stopped what she was doing and sat down across from you.
‘Did you think I was older?’ you asked.
‘Your parents are older than me, so yes, Thomas and I did not expect you to be so young’ Polly said before she lid herself a cigarette.
‘Do you think that Thomas will be disappointed?’ you asked.
‘No Love. Let me tell you something about Thomas’ Polly said before taking a pause.
‘He has not shown any genuine interest in a woman since his late wife passed away. Whilst I disliked her, she was the only woman he ever loved. He didn’t choose you and he will probably not love you, but he will provide for you and ensure your safety. He expects loyalty in return, nothing else. So long as you are loyal, you do not need to worry about disappointing him nor do you need to be afraid of him’ Polly explained, causing you to feel some relief.
Despite the fact that you had never met this woman, she was able to provide you with the reassurance you needed.
‘Now, let’s hurry’ Polly said, standing up and finishing your make up.
‘Thank you, Ms Gray’ you said as she took your hand and smiled at you.
‘Please, call me Polly. After all, you will be family soon’ she said just before she disappeared to the hall.
Not long after Polly had left and you finished getting ready, your father arrived.
‘It’s time Y/N’ he said impatiently, not even bothering to compliment you.
You hooked into your father’s arm as he walked you towards the hall.
The Church was packed. You had many guests, mostly gypsies from different families.
Your heart sank into your stomach as you observed your future husband waiting for you at the altar.
He was wearing an elegant navy-blue suit which matched his deep blue eyes.
His hair looked immaculate and he had his hands crossed in front of him.
He was very attractive and you could barely believe that he was in his late thirties already.
Despite this, shivers ran down your back as you approached the altar. He showed no emotion at all. There was no smile on his face. In fact, there was no expression at all, just coldness.
As you took your place across from him, you observed him gazing over you for a moment, almost like he was assessing you. But his expressions didn’t change. There was no warmth.
You weren’t sure whether he liked what he saw or whether he was disappointed, possibly by the fact that you were much younger than he had expected or perhaps he preferred a different hair colour or larger breasts.
There was an awkward silence between you as you both starred at each other until, finally, the priest began to speak.
‘We are gathered here in the presence of God, family, and friends to unite Thomas Shelby and Y/N Y/LN in holy matrimony’ the priest went on to say before speaking a prayer, as per your request.
Then, it was time for the all-important question.
‘Do you Y/N Y/LN take Thomas Shelby to be your lawfully wedded husband?’ the priest asked.
‘I do’ you said nervously, starring at Tommy.
‘’And do you Thomas Shelby take Y/N Y/LN to be your lawfully wedded wife?’ the priest asked.
‘I do’ Tommy said, his hands still interlinked with each other.
‘Then, by the power vested in me by God, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride’ the priest said, but Tommy made no attempt to kiss you.
‘We might save that one for later, ey?’ Tommy said as he saw the nervousness in your face. You responded with nothing but a simple nod as you reached for his hand.
‘Are we done here?’ Tommy asked before he obliged and took your hand into his as you both stepped down from the altar and walked towards the exit of the Church.
Your families and guests were cheering as the Church bells began to ring.
You couldn’t help it but feel apprehensive and thought that, if the reception was going to be as awkward as the ceremony, this would be a long night.
Outside the church, you and your families posed for a picture before Tommy took you to his car.
There were no white horses and carriages as you had imagined on your wedding day. There was nothing romantic about this at all.
There was an awkward silence as you stepped inside his Silver Bentley. He started the car without saying a word.
You didn’t know what to say yourself and couldn’t even bare to look at him.
Just before you arrived at the reception venue, he looked over to you.
‘I am sorry you’ve been made to do this’ Tommy said, just as he stopped the car.
‘So am I’ you said as you pushed open the car door and walked inside. The weather was dreadful and you didn’t wait for Tommy.
The reception was barely a reception at all. There was nothing but business talk and your husband ignored you for the entire evening.
By that time, you were certain that he disliked you. He didn’t want this marriage any more than you did.
After several hours of easing your pain with champaign while you engaged into meaningless conversations with Arthur Shelby’s wife Linda, Tommy told you that it was time to go home.
You couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like, your new home.
You were hoping for it to be big enough so that you didn’t have to see your husband very often and endure this awkwardness and silence between you.
The drive home was as silent as the drive to the reception venue. Tommy didn’t speak a word to you, again.
At least this gave you time to think about the task ahead.
Your mother had spoken to you about marriage and what it entails.
She had also spoken with you about consummation of your marriage, which was something you were nervous, almost fearful, about.
Whilst, in your opinion, Tommy was very attractive, you have never been with a man before and you wanted your first time to be with someone you loved not someone you just met.
You told your mother exactly that, but she explained to you how important it is to fulfill your wifely duties and keep your husband happy from the beginning and always thereafter.
The truth was that you were afraid of the pain it will entail. You knew it was going to be painful and it wasn’t as if you didn’t already have to endure enough pain on your wedding day. Your mother explained to you that you would get used to it, the pain will fade and, eventually, it becomes nothing more than a chore.
As you finally stepped out of the car and inside Tommy’s house, you were emotionally prepared for what was to come and were probably drunk enough too.
The house was larger than any other house you had ever seen. You couldn’t believe that Tommy was living in the house by himself.
Tommy took the time to personally show you the house and introduce you to the maids. That was probably the most he had spoken to you all day.
It felt somewhat surreal. This is where you were going live now, with your husband, a total stranger.
Tommy told you that you could use every room in the house as you pleased but that you were not allowed in his office or his bedroom.
‘Your bedroom? Will we not be sharing a bedroom?’ you asked, causing Tommy to chuckle.
‘No Y/N, we will not be sharing a bedroom’ Tommy said before showing you your bedroom. You were relieved to say the least.
‘You can redecorate it if you like’ Tommy said as he opened the door.
Your bedroom was large, with a study desk and your own bathroom attached to it.
It was well decorated and felt warm and welcoming.
‘Thank you’ you said turning around, causing Tommy to nod.
‘I have some work to do now. If you need anything, please call for one of the maids’ Tommy said as he excused himself.
‘Goodnight Thomas’ you said, receiving no response.
After Tommy left, you changed into your nightgown and lied down on your bed. But, there was no way that you could fall asleep just yet. You still felt uncomfortable and out of place.
After about thirty minutes, you decided to get up and make yourself a cup of tea. You weren’t used to be served by maids and enjoyed doing things for yourself.
As you wandered through the house towards the kitchen, you heard noises coming from one of the hallways.
Intrigued, you followed the hallway and observed that there was light shining from the reading room which was also where the noises came from.
You carefully approached the room, glancing in from the distance.
This when you saw Tommy, still wearing his suit while being intimate with the young blonde maid Marie to whom you were introduced earlier that evening.
Keeping quiet, you couldn’t help but stare at them.
Marie was being bent over the big oak study desk while Tommy was behind her, thrusting into her harshly and almost emotionless.
He held onto her hips tightly while she was moaning, digging her nails into the solid oak.
After five minutes of observation, you had enough and quietly walked to the kitchen where you boiled the kettle and made yourself a tea.
‘Mrs Shelby, I could have done this for you’ Francis said, startling you as you poured the hot water into the teapot.
‘That’s quite alright Francis. In fact, I enjoy being in the kitchen. Perhaps, if Thomas allows it, I could cook dinner one night?’ you said, waiting for some kind of approval.
‘That would be lovely Mrs Shelby’ Francis said before you excused yourself.
As you returned to your room you couldn’t help but think about Tommy and Marie. By no means did you blame him. But you also couldn’t help it but wonder why he didn’t take any desire in you. Did he rather want to sleep with his maid than his wife?
Was it that he disliked you or was it that he was trying to be kind, not making any advances towards you because you were forced into this marriage.
The next morning you woke at 7am after spending most of the night pondering about your future as Thomas Shelby’s wife.
After you got dressed, you walked downstairs and joined your husband for breakfast.
‘Good Morning’ you said as you sat down.
‘Good Morning Y/N’ Tommy said, glancing up from his newspaper for a moment to make eye contact with you.
‘Have you slept alright?’ he then asked.
‘Yes, thank you. The bed is very comfortable’ you said shyly.
‘That’s good’ Tommy said before continuing to read the paper.
This was all you spoke as you quietly ate your breakfast.
The next few weeks were just as quiet.
Tommy ignored you for the most part and continued to engage in sexual encounters with Marie. The worst of it was that he didn’t even bother to hide it from you.
Sometimes they would do it in the reading room, sometimes in one of the guest rooms and occasionally even in the stables.
You couldn’t help it but ask Francis about her and Francis told you that she had only been employed by Tommy for the past eight weeks. She was French and her breakfast was terrible. Clearly, she had other talents which kept your husband happy.
Just as you were in the reading room yourself, looking for a particular book, Tommy approached you.
‘Do you play chess?’ he asked.
‘Do I play chess?’ you asked surprised, closing your book. He didn’t talk to you for weeks and this was the question he wanted asked you? You were in disbelieve.
‘Yes, do you play?’ Tommy asked again as he poured himself a glass of Whiskey.
‘Yes, I do, would you like a game?’ you asked.
‘Yes, I’ve been learning. It’s somewhat boring but also extremely satisfying’ Tommy said, making you laugh.
‘It’s strategic, that’s probably why you enjoy it’ you said while you brushed your hair out of your face.
‘Please’ Tommy said as he turned around the chessboard on the coffee table, indicating for you to make your first move and begin the game.
You made your move and noticed that Tommy’s eyes wandered over to you rather than the chessboard, causing you to blush.
You played for about twenty minutes and began to make conversation, which is when you realised that Tommy had been observing you and taken an interest in what you might like.
‘I am thinking about getting another race horse’ Tommy said. ‘Perhaps you could help me choose one’ he added.
‘Me? Choose a horse?’ you asked surprised.
‘Yes. I noticed that you have taken an interest in the horses and I would like you to accompany me to the upcoming auction’ Tommy said. ‘It would be in my best interest to attend this event with my wife’ he added to justify his request.
‘I would love to attend with you’ you said with a smile.
‘There will be other members of parliament attending the auction and there will be a function afterwards. You will need to buy yourself a dress. Elegant, but simple’ Tommy said as he handed you some money.
‘Alright’ you said before moving your queen. Tommy clearly hasn’t been paying attention to the game.
‘Checkmate’ you grinned.
‘Well well, you just beat me at chess’ Tommy said as Francis walked in to the room with some tea for you.
‘Your wife is a smart woman Mr Shelby’ Francis said, giving you a wink.
‘I’ve noticed. Now would you excuse me, I have some more work to do’ Tommy said, smiling at you for the very first time.
The next day you drove into town to buy yourself a dress. By that time you had already done your research on the horses available for auction and the one you had your eye on was called ‘Emerald’.
It won two races quite recently and was slightly more expensive than the budget Tommy had given you.
With that in mind, you considered it to be fitting to purchase an emerald green dress, elegant but yet simple, just as Tommy had requested.
Over the next week, leading up to the auction, Tommy and you played chess almost every day. He hated losing and was determined to eventually beat you.
Even before the auction, he demanded a game and you made sure that you were ready for him.
A gasp escaped Tommy as you entered the reading room wearing your emerald green dress.
‘Is that alright for the auction?’ you asked shyly, wanting to ensure that Tommy approves of the dress.
‘Just missing one small detail Mrs Shelby’ he said as he handed you a box covered with black satin.
You opened the box and, inside, there was a diamond necklace with matching earrings.
‘Thomas’ you said, being stunned by the pieces of jewellery.
‘You will need to fit in Y/N. After all, you are my wife’ Tommy said as you turned around and he placed the neckless onto your neck.
After you looked at yourself in the mirror, you and Tommy played a quick game of chess before making your way to the car and drive to the auction.
At the auction, Tommy introduced you to everyone as his wife but, as usual, he kept his gestures to a minimum. He held your hand once, maybe twice, for show.
You were well spoken and engaged with the other politicians’ wives. The topics that were spoken about were of no real interest to you, but you played along for Tommy’s sake.
Later, at the function, you mingled with the same women while Tommy engaged in pollical discussions with members of parliament and judges.
You couldn’t wait for the night to be over, you were bored beyond belief.
Finally, Tommy told you that it was time for you to leave. He had further business to attend to at the Garrison and you requested that he take you along.
He reluctantly agreed and, as you arrived, the Garrison was packed with drunk men.
You were glad to see Polly and Ada again as you arrived and engaged into conversations with them before their business meeting with Tommy.
But just as Tommy turned his back on you and gave some instructions to Arthur, you were approached by another patron.
‘Good Day Love’ he said, not receiving any reaction from you.
‘Woman, I am talking to you’ he said harshly after you tried hard to ignore him.
‘Sir, please leave me alone’ you said patiently as, all of a sudden, he grabbed your wrist harshly.
‘Love, I can pay well you know. So, whatever offer you have for tonight, I will double it. It is rare to find a whore as pretty and clean as you’ the man said.
‘Get your hand of me. I am not a whore’ you said as, all of a sudden, you heard Tommy approach.
‘Ay, this is my wife you are talking to’ Tommy said harshly, pointing his gun at the man.
‘Mr Shelby’ the man said with a scared voice.
‘Now apologise to her and then fuck off before I blow your head off’ Tommy said angrily.
‘My apologies Mrs Shelby, I didn’t know’ the man said with embarrassment, his pants wet before he made a run for the door.
‘Did he just piss himself?’ Arthur said with laughter as he gave Tommy a nudge.
‘Fucking hell…this is no place for woman like you Mrs Shelby’ Arthur laughed but you weren’t in the mood for jokes. The man had grabbed your wrist harshly and you were somewhat scared by his determination.
‘Are you alright?’ Tommy asked, his hands running over your upper arms.
‘I am fine Tommy. I am sure it was just a misunderstanding’ you smiled.
‘I don’t care. No one speaks to my wife like this’ he said.
‘Now let’s get you a drink, ey? What would you like?’ Tommy asked.
‘Whiskey please’ you responded.
‘Irish or Scotch?’ Tommy asked.
‘Irish’ you responded.
‘Well, we have something in common then’ Tommy said with a smile as he asked you to join him for the business meeting.
‘Perhaps we are yet to discover a lot about each other’ you said, causing Tommy to chuckle.
‘Most people do this before they get married’ Tommy said as you followed him.
You stayed at the Garrison for another hour before you made your back to the house.
The drive was much more pleasant than before and, even though you may never be lovers, you had now found things to speak about with each other.
‘Will you have another glass of whiskey with me?’ you asked Tommy as you arrived at the house and he handed Francis both of your coats.
‘I suppose why not’ Tommy said as he walked you to the living room.
Tommy poured each of you a glass of whiskey before sitting down on the lounge next to you.
‘I enjoyed today, thank you’ you said.
‘And I enjoyed your company. You did well with all of these arrogant bastards’ Tommy smirked, causing you both to laugh.
‘You don’t like politicians much do you?’ you asked.
‘No, I fucking hate them’ Tommy smirked, causing you to laugh again. After all, he was one of them.
You talked about politics and horses for quite some time until you changed the topic.
‘Tommy?’ you said all of the blue, before pausing.
‘Yes?’ he asked curiously.
‘It is none of my business but, do you love her?’ you asked.
‘Love who?’ Tommy responded.
‘Marie. I know you have been sleeping with her’ you said.
‘No, I do not love her. I do however enjoy her company, although not so much for making conversation’ Tommy said with a chuckle.
‘Do you enjoy my company?’ you asked shyly, looking down at your glass.
‘In a different way, I do’ Tommy said.
‘In a different way, but not in the way a husband enjoys the company of his wife’ you said.
‘Listen, Y/N, neither of us have asked for this marriage. It was your father who insisted and the business between me and your father is extremely lucrative as you know. If I would have known that you are…’ Tommy said, and before he could finish his sentence, you interrupted him.
‘That I am so young?’ you asked before pausing, causing Tommy to sigh. ‘If you would have known, you would have forgone the deal?’ you added.
‘I would have asked your father to consider a more suitable match, a trusted man of mine closer to your age’ Tommy said.
‘Well, it is what it is Tommy. There is no turning back now’ you said, taking another sip of your Whisky, before standing up.
‘I think Marie is waiting for you’ you smirked before excusing yourself.
As you walked to your room, tears were running down your face. You couldn’t help it but, for some reason, you wanted Tommy to be a husband to you.
Were you falling in love with him, the man you were being forced to marry? Are you asking for the impossible? Being loved by a man like Thomas Shelby?
You were devastated by thoughts that he would rather be with his maid than with his wife and wondered why he didn’t see you the way you now wanted to be seen.
First fearful about being with him, you now wanted to be with him and you certainly didn’t want him to be with your maid.
As you went to bed that night, you remembered what your mother had told you about keeping your husband happy in order to achieve a fruitful marriage.
You also remembered that, when your mother and father were in disagreement about matters or your mother was worried about your father’s indiscretions, she would add a little spark to their marriage with a nice meal and paying her wifely duties.
With that in mind, you decided to take things further the following week after Tommy returns from his business trip.
Part Two
‘Good Evening Mr Shelby, how as your trip?’ Francis asked as Tommy arrived back home.
‘Fine, thank you’ Tommy said, handing Francis his coat while Marie grabbed Tommy’s bag.
‘Mrs Shelby prepared dinner sir’ Francis said.
‘She did?’ Tommy asked surprised.
‘Yes, sir. She is waiting for you in the dining room’ Francis said.
‘Do we have guests?’ Tommy asked, causing Francis to shake her head.
‘No sir, just you and Mrs Shelby and she said that you do not wish to disturbed’ Francis said, causing Tommy ponder before he excused Francis, allowing her to finish some of her chores.
‘Will I see you later Thomas?’ Marie asked, causing Tommy to nod before walking to the dining room.
As he entered the dining room, he saw you sitting at the table wearing a beautiful but yet revealing black satin dress and the diamonds he had bought for you to wear at the auction.
Your hair was open, long curls falling over your shoulder.
You were wearing dark eye shadow and red lipstick and your skin smelled like musk and flowers.
‘Good Evening Thomas’ you said with a smile.
‘Is this a special occasion?’ Tommy asked, causing you to shake your head.
‘No, I just thought I would cook something nice for my husband’ you smirked before calling Marie for some wine and telling her that she may serve dinner.
‘You know she will probably burn whatever you prepared’ Tommy said jokingly. He knew that you were very well aware that serving food and food preparation wasn’t one of her chores.
‘I am sure she’s got other qualities’ you said cheekily.
As you talked and ate together, you discovered that Tommy had a pretty bad week.
Amongst other things, he told you about a man called Mosley whom he had met in London two days ago and problems with one of the judges. After that, you moved on to discuss more pleasant matters.
‘Would you like a game of chess and a whiskey to end the day?’ you asked as hours had paused.
‘Alright’ Tommy said and it wasn’t until you got up from your chair and walked with him towards the reading room that he saw the entirety of your dress, which complimented your curves.
‘You look beautiful in this dress Y/N’ Tommy said, not sure what else to say in that moment.
‘We have been married for 6 weeks now and this is the first time you have complimented me’ you said with a smile.
‘I didn’t consider it to be appropriate’ Tommy said as he sat down next to you, handing you a glass of whiskey.
‘I am your wife Tommy’ you smiled. ‘Do you not find me attractive?’ you asked.
‘I do. But, considering the circumstances surrounding our marriage and your age, making any advance towards you would have interfered with my conscience ‘Tommy said.
‘And I am grateful for that Tommy. But, whilst I can be in a loveless marriage, I cannot be in a marriage without any emotion at all’ you said suggestively.
‘So, what do you suggest?’ Tommy asked.
‘I suggest that we consummate our marriage and give it the chance it deserves’ you said, causing Tommy to chuckle.
‘Consummate our marriage, ey?’ Tommy said. He was surprised by your proposal.
‘Yes, unless you rather fuck your maid than your wife’ you said sheepishly and with a smirk. It was clear to Tommy that you were being sarcastic and he began to like this mischievous side of you.
‘Well then Mrs Shelby, shall we go to my room or yours?’ Tommy smirked.
‘Mine’ you said determined as you stood up and offered him your hand.
As you and Tommy arrived at your bedroom, Tommy closed the door behind you while you crossed to the bed to turn on the bedside lamp.
The light was just enough to show him all that he needed to see and no more than you wished to reveal.
Tommy walked over towards you as you stood next to the bed.
Leaning in from behind you, he swept your hair over one of your shoulders and pressed a kiss against the back of your neck while one of his hands dragged the zipper of your dress down tooth by tooth.
Slipping his hands beneath the fine satin, Tommy pushed the dress downward and letting it fall to the ground.
Taking a step back, he admired you, studying every tiny detail of your entire body.
Watching you turn, Tommy reached out and a smile flitted across his lips when you slid your hand into his before stepping up flush against him.
‘You haven’t even kissed your wife yet’ you said shyly before leaning in and pressing your lips on Tommy’s lips.
His lips were soft and tasted like Whiskey. He was a good kisser and it wasn’t long until his tongue found its way into your mouth.
The kiss soon became urgent and heated while Tommy’s hands moved behind your back, unclipping your bra. It landed on the floor right next to your dress.  
His hands were urgently exploring every part of you and you could feel his erection press against you.
As he ran his hands over your firm breasts and breathed deeply, it was clear to you now that he desired you.
‘Tommy?’ you said with a hasty voice as his hand wandered lower, wanting him to slow down. Your heart was pounding by that time and some apprehension had set in.
‘Yes’ Tommy said while he took off his shirt, letting it join your dress in holy matrimony.
‘I haven’t done this before’ you said with some embarrassment as you rested your hands on his bare chest while your eyes were exploring his tattoos.
‘You have never had sex before?’ Tommy asked with slight worry in his voice, causing you to bite your lip and shake your head.
‘Are you sure you want to do this tonight? Tommy asked, running his hand gently over your cheek.
‘Yes Tommy, I am sure. I want to be yours’ you said.
‘You are mine regardless Y/N’ Tommy said with a slight laugh as he caressed your face. In his mind, he had already claimed you. You were his wife.
‘Please Tommy, I want you’ you said with a smile.
‘Alright, I will take it slow then but you must tell me if I hurt you’ Tommy said concerned, causing you to nod. It’s been over 20 years since he had been anyone’s first and this was not something he expected having to encounter again.
Tommy’s touch became gentler almost immediately and you loved the softness of his fingertips on your skin.
His fingers were exploring every corner of your body, for now steering clear from your most intimate parts, while your tongues danced in sync with each other.  
After some more passionate kisses, you let your eyes rove over the expanse of his chest and down the ridges in his torso, which was an area of his body you didn’t dare to look at until then.
You bit the corner of your lip shyly as you pushed the zipper of his pants down with a single fingertip, the fingers of your other hand relieving the button.
You almost let out a soft laugh when Tommy let out a sigh of relief as the pressure lightened considerably around his bulge which was now hidden only behind the thin fabric of his briefs.
Even through the fabric, he seemed huge and for a moment you doubted your decision but then you looked up at him and every ounce of niggling doubt was erased from your mind as his blue eyes gazed into yours.
Tommy stepped out of his shoes and let his trousers nose-dive to the ground as he stepped forward, guiding you back to the bed that stood center stage in the gigantic room.
Brushing his fingertips across your cheek, Tommy rubbed the curve of your side and laid you gently back on the bed.
‘I think I got lucky, having such a beautiful wife’ Tommy said as he lowered himself onto the bed and before exchanging another passionate kiss with you.
Tommy’s lips soon made their way from your mouth to your neck and then over to your breasts.
Every little kiss or touch made your heart gallop within your chest, your blood pounding through your veins, soaring through your body at speeds greater than that of light or sound, or so it felt.
Brushing your fingers through Tommy’s hair as he explored your body, you caressed his cheek and stared down at him, your hips rising subconsciously as Tommy teased the soft skin of your abdomen with tiny kisses and nibbles.
There was a fleeting moment of second guessing when Tommy’s fingertips edged beneath the lacey edge of your panties but as soon as he kissed the skin he revealed it was gone.
Your hips were again rising as Tommy removed the scrap of dark fabric from the apex of your thighs to reveal a silky smooth mound of flesh and the now engorged rosebud of your clit.
Hearing him gasp at the sight, you blushed but followed it with a moan as Tommy leaned down and kissed it once, the length of his tongue sweeping out to take a taste of your secret delicacy.
This was something you didn’t expect. What on earth was he doing?
As you were completely naked before him and he was so close to your most intimate parts, you felt more vulnerable than you had ever been in your entire life but you didn't regret it.
Everything that Tommy did to you in that moment made you jump out of your skin in the most wonderful ways possible.
After he gently ran his tongue over your slit a few times, Tommy told you to relax as he pulled gently at your leg and you slowly let them fall open.
You tried hard not to tense up and, even though you didn't know what he was planning on doing, what he did so far felt good so you were willing to give all of yourself to him.
‘That’s it’ Tommy said after you took a deep breath and relaxed your body.
Tommy took this moment to dip his tongue inside of you gently, causing a loud moan to escape you.
His tongue was skilled, moving in and of you slightly while his hands pressed your legs apart gently.
Tommy then moved his tongue over your clit, flicking it slightly and causing you to make a high pitch noise of some sort.
‘Tommy’ you moaned at the sensation. It was almost too intense.
You closed your eyes as waves of pleasure coursed through your body while Tommy kept pleasuring you with his tongue.
When Tommy's fingers finally brushed against your entrance to join his tongue, you gasped and jumped.
‘Tommy’ you moaned but were also slightly worried about what he might do with his fingers.
Tommy’s erection was throbbing from within his briefs but he knew very well that he would have to take it very slow. As much as he wanted to be inside of you right then and there, he was aware that there was some preparation to be done.
With trembling fingers Tommy gently spread your virgin lips open and let his finger brush against your clit while his tongue continued to run through your folds.
He heard her sharp intake of breath from you when he guided his finger inside of you carefully while his tongue played with your clit.
By that time, you were soaked and he could feel the juices coating his finger.
As he pushed his finger deeper inside of you, he could hear your soft cry of surprise and you arched your back up suddenly.
‘Just relax’ Tommy said as he could feel no resistance inside of you.
He pressed you gently back to the bed and dropped more kisses against your virgin lips before circling against your clit again.
You closed your eyes tight and held your body completely still.
‘Tommy, oh god’ you moaned as he moved his finger in and out of you slowly, over and over again.
You were tight around his finger and had no idea how he would possibly fit his cock inside of you.
It wasn’t long until you moved your hips upward, showing Tommy that you were enjoying what he was doing to you.
Tommy sucked hard at your clit, loving it with his tongue as he slid a second finger inside of you carefully and started sawing it in and out.
‘Tommy’ you cringed at the pressure, causing him to slow down again and holding his fingers steady until the pressure eased.
When he could feel you relax, he began moving his fingers in and out of you again and it wasn’t long until you felt a very unfamiliar tightening in your belly.
‘Tommy, oh my god, please don’t stop’ you begged as your breathing started coming out heavier.
Unlike you, Tommy knew that you were close to having an orgasm and he increased the pressure of his tongue around your clit while continuing to move his fingers in and out of you.
Still unsure about what was happening inside of you, you grabbed onto the sheets as, suddenly, a feeling of ecstasy rushed through you.
‘Tommy, fuck’ you screamed, not being able to control yourself while your orgasm washed over you.
Tommy couldn’t help but smile against your flesh as you coated his fingers in your juices.
After you had come down from your high, Tommy slowly pulled his fingers out of you and moved up the bed to kiss you passionately.
You could taste yourself on Tommy’s lips. It was strange, but you enjoyed it.
‘I don’t know what just happened. I hope the maids didn’t hear me’ you said totally embarrassed as your lips drifted apart.
‘If they didn’t then they are clearly deaf’ Tommy laughed.
‘Oh my god, how embarrassing’ you said. ‘I didn’t expect…’ you said, and before you could finish your sentence, Tommy interrupted you.
‘You didn’t expect it to feel that good?’ Tommy asked, causing you to shake your head.
‘Well, Mrs Shelby, I will make you feel good every day from now on’ Tommy grinned before kissing you again.
‘Is that a promise Mr Shelby?’ you asked in between more passionate kisses while your hand moved in between his legs and beneath his briefs.
‘It’s a promise’ Tommy said as he let out a small groan as you began to stroke his hard cock.
He was thicker than you had expected and your nervousness returned in an instant as he took off his briefs.
‘We can wait if you want’ Tommy said as you continued to stroke his hard cock with your hand.
‘No Tommy, I want to feel all of you’ you said with a gentle voice before Tommy ran his hands lovingly over your legs, pushing them apart all the way, much further than he did earlier.
You took in a deep breath as you gazed into Tommy’s blue eyes while he rested himself in between your legs.
He smiled and kissed you softly. You knew that, what was about to follow would hurt. Nonetheless, you wanted him inside of you so badly.
‘We will take it slow, alright?’ Tommy said with a reassuring voice.
You brought your arms up around Tommy’s neck and pulled his lips to yours, kissing him softly once again.
‘I trust you’ you said, looking deep into his eyes after your lips drifted apart.
With his look fixated on you, Tommy reached down between your legs and grasped his cock in his hand before rubbing his tip against your soaking entrance.  
You moaned softly as you felt the head of his cock pressing against you. But, as soon as you could feel him push inside of you, you inhaled roughly.
‘Tommy’ you moaned as he slowly pressed forward with his hips.
 You couldn’t help it but gasp as you felt him start to enter you.
You dug your hands into his shoulder and held onto him tightly as you felt yourself being stretched.
‘Fuck’ Tommy groaned lightly, trying to force himself to go slow. It took more willpower than he had expected not to simply plunge into you as you were incredibly tight around him.
Pushing into you slowly, inch by inch, he finally felt your barrier. He stopped and looked down at you.
You gave your husband the look of approval as you tightened the hold on his shoulders and wrapped your legs around his waist.
Tommy leaned down, pressing his lips onto yours just before he nudged forward and slipped past that barrier.
As your fingernails dug into the flesh on his shoulders, Tommy swallowed your moan that was different from all the others you let loose earlier that night.
It was indeed painful and some small tears escaped your eyes as he filled you completely.
Tommy kissed away your tears before cradling you against him as he paused once more, giving you some time to adjust.
It was killing him to hold still but he wanted to wait until you were ready.
As you adjusted to him inside of you, the last sliver of pain disappeared and was overtaken by pleasure.
Tommy could feel you starting to relax and move beneath him as he continued to place small kisses on your neck.
He moaned as he felt your small movements and it tugged on his cock.
It wasn’t long until he began to move himself, small and gentle thrusts to start with.
Your thighs clenched and your toes flexed, your hips rising in vain to meet his again only to be pressed back into the bed when he sank back into you.
‘Oh god Tommy’ you moaned loudly. You could've screamed right then and there, from the highest point on the face of the earth, from the insane amount of pleasure you felt.
‘You are so god damn beautiful’ Tommy said as he continued to thrust into, picking up in speed and force.
Your nipples grazed his chest every time your hips collided as your movements became syntonised with his.
Every movement he made, no matter how small, brought a new sound out of you, your voice cresting and dropping to new highs and lows that you never even thought you would reach let alone soar passed regularly.
His thrusts soon became more urgent and you pressed into him firmly, wanting him to burry himself into you over and over again.
By that time, you had lost count of how many times the pressure had built within the cradle of your hips only to explode like a weapon of mass destruction, bringing copious amounts of toe-curling, eye-clenching amounts of pleasure so great that it seemed impossible that the next surge would ever top its predecessor.
By the sounds of your moans, Tommy knew that you were getting close to another orgasm and he was getting so close himself.
He held tight to your hips as he drove hard and fast in and out of you, making you whimper with need.
‘Oh my god Tommy, yes’ you moaned and begged slamming back against him the best you could.
Your body was wound so tight you felt like your body was going to come apart any second.
Your legs began to shiver and your walls were tightening around him as your orgasm came at you like a freight train.
‘Tommy’ you screamed at the top of your lungs, sending him over the edge also.
You came in sync with each other and, with the next thrust, he filled you with his warm cum and coated your insides, flooding you just as you did the exact same thing to him.
‘Fuck Y/N’ he moaned as his thrusts became sloppier while you both came down from your highs.
Moments later, Tommy collapsed next to you before pulling you closer for a kiss.
‘Are you alright?’ Tommy asked, running his hands over your cheek.
‘Yes’ you said quietly but with a big smile on your face.
‘The next time will be easier’ Tommy said, causing your eyes to light up.
‘You know I will hold you to the promise you made me earlier Tommy’ you said.
‘I was hoping that you would’ he grinned before wrapping his arm around you, pulling you onto his chest.
‘Will you stay with me tonight?’ you said as Tommy was brushing through your hair with his fingers.
‘Yes. Tonight and every night from now on if you want me to’ Tommy said gently.
Your body felt relaxed and at ease and, for the first time in six weeks, you felt comfortable in your own bed with your husband right beside you.
That night, he showed you a side of himself you hadn’t seen before, a side you were seeing yourself fall in love with it.
With Tommy holding you close, it wasn’t long until you drifted off to sleep.
But you weren’t the only who felt relaxed and at ease.
Tommy watched you sink into your dreams and a smile emerged on his face. He felt a familiar warmth washing over him, something he thought he wouldn’t be able to feel again.
As he turned off the bedside lamp, he felt a happiness that he hadn’t felt in a long time. Unlike other nights, he wasn’t afraid to drift off to sleep because he knew that, tonight, there would be no nightmares and no memories of Grace, there would only be you.
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animeomegas · 3 years
MY FELLOW ANON ARE VIOLATING MY EMOTIONS TODAY 😂 god I’m acc crying. Your writing is amazing. I’m gonna combat the sadness with a wholesome thing of them finding a pup in a bin (or something) a few months after the loss of the first pup (Neji is currently shut down entirely) is like “lol gimme”. Proceeds to take the pup home, put it in his nest scent the lil bean (gender is your choice) and just be like “yeah this mine now”. Any nay sayers are ignored bc it’s still his baby (maybe almost like his pup reincarnated 👀👀) regardless of how baby was obtained. Idk I just think my guy needs some positivity after life kicking the ever loving shit out of him
This is beautiful and you’re right, Neji deserves the world, but I’ll settle with a quiet life and some happiness for my boy!
Okay, so things haven’t been…good with Neji since you had to let your pup die to save him.
It has been two months and still he lays in his nest every day, sometimes crying, sometimes whining, but mostly just staring at nothing. He had incorporated a bunch of baby stuff (blankets, toys etc.) into his nest before he went to the hospital, in order to make his pup feel more at home in the nest when he was supposed to bring them back. You had tried to take them out to stop him having to be confronted with what happened in his safe space, but Neji almost attacked you for doing so, so you let him keep them.
But it’s very concerning when he spends hours at a time just stroking the pup's blankets and staring at nothing.
So, you decide to take Neji on a walk to get him out of the house. It would be his first time leaving the house since the funeral.
You go at night time, because Neji is still refusing any contact with anyone he knows and this way he’s less likely to be confronted when he isn’t ready for it. To make extra sure that you can be alone, you decide to walk around the edge of the woods around one of the quieter training grounds.
Neji doesn’t speak much, but he doesn’t whine or cry either, and the night air brings a little colour to his cheeks, and you’re so happy at the small improvements. It doesn’t matter how long it ends up taking him to feel better, you’ll be here with him the whole way.
“I was thinking about cooking something special next week,” you make idle conversation, not expecting Neji to reply. “It’s our anniversary after all, do you have any preference?”
Neji stops walking suddenly. His shoulders are tense.
He hushes you harshly.
“I can hear…”
Without another word of warning, Neji makes his way a little further into the trees. You follow him, confused and worried.
“Byakugan!” he calls, scanning the area. He gasps as he scans over a nearby bush and immediately he drops to his knees beside it.
“Neji?” you ask, now more than a little concerned. “What is it? What’s wrong?”
You watch as Neji pulls something out of the bush. He turns around with a bundle in his arms.
“It’s a pup,” Neji says, obviously shocked. You can’t blame him, you’re feeling more than a little shocked yourself. What on earth was a pup doing out here? “They’re freezing. Give me your jacket.”
Without hesitance, you quickly slip your jacket of and hand it to Neji who promptly bundles up the pup in it and brings them to his chest. The pup is making small whimpering noises that had been almost impossible to hear over the wind. Neji must have hear them, thank goodness.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you,” Neji coos to the pup. “You’re safe now, I'll take you home and make it better, I promise.”
“We need to get them to the hospital asap," you say, shaking your head. "They must be freezing and they look underweight as well. We’re not mednin, Neji.”
“Our home is closer.”
“We need to make sure they’re warm,” he argues. “We can bring them home and alert a medic to make a home visit.”
You look at the earnest look on his face and know that he won’t back down, and now isn’t a time for arguments anyway.
“Okay,” you swallow nervously. “We’ll bring them home.”
You bring the pup back to your home and before you can protest, Neji brings them into his nest with a mumbled ‘they’ll be warm in there’.
Neji bundles himself and the pup up in the corner of the nest, turning on a little heater beside him, and tucking the pup into his shirt to share body warmth.
“We’ll get you nice and warm, it’s okay, you’re safe, I won’t let anyone harm you,” he whispers while stroking their cheek with a finger. The pup wriggles around, already looking more energetic, and starts mouthing at Neji’s chest.
“Are you hungry?” Neji laughs softly before turning to you. “Go and heat up a bottle for the pup, all the supplies are in the… the nursery.”
You nod dumbly and do as you’re asked, astounded at how much life is in Neji’s eyes. It’s the most life you’ve seen from him in months. But you can’t help but worry. What if Neji gets attached and you can’t keep the pup? Of course, you want nothing more than to keep the baby, it almost seems too good to be true that she literally fell into both your lives at this trying time, but what if it is too good to be true? What if they’re sick? Or their parents are looking for them? Or… something else. Neji doesn’t deserve another heartbreak, and you don’t want to destroy the small amount of progress he’s made in the last month.
But for now, all you can do is heat up the bottle.
“Here, it’s a good temperature, I already checked,” you pass Neji the bottle. He checks it again anyway and you can’t help but smile at how overprotective and parental he's being. It's so bittersweet to see him like this.
“Here you go sweetheart, just for you,” Neji smiles, cradling the pup as they latch onto the bottle with fervour. “Shh, shh, shh, slow down, it’s not going anywhere.”
Neji feeds the pup and then burps them, and you pretend you can’t see him smiling when he notices that they are starting to smell like him. You need to know you can keep her before you let him get even more attached.
“I’m going to send a clone for a medic, now.”
The room became tense all at once.
“They’re fine, I’m looking after them,” Neji protests.
“I know, and you’re doing a good job, but we still need a medic, Neji.”
Neji holds the pup more tightly to his chest, tucking an extra blanket around them. He's using the special blanket you had got commissioned for your pup. You can feel your heart break at the sight. He's already attached. Now you just have to hope you can keep them. For his sake.
“I don’t want them to take the pup away like last time,” Neji admits softly. "I can look after them, I won't let anything happen like last time, I promise. They'll be safe, we don't need a medic."
“We need to know their primary and secondary gender, omega, and we need to make sure they aren’t sick after being left in the woods…”
Neji hesitates but nods his consent in the end after you explain that your pup could become ill if left untreated. You don’t tell him that you are also sending a clone to the Hokage. Naruto will be able to grant you and Neji the right to keep the pup, and you hope that as Neji’s friend, he’ll be able to see how much he needs this.
You have to move Neji and the pup downstairs to wait for the medic, because Neji would not appreciate someone unknown seeing his nest he made for his pup. He’s not expecting Naruto to show up as well so you go to the door to intercept and prep them both.
“Thank you so much for coming, Naruto, I can’t tell you how much this means to me and Neji,” you say, hugging him as he walks through the door.
“I’m going to do everything I can,” he promises. “If the medic finds signs of long-term neglect, I can take the parental rights away from the biological parents straight away, even if I don't know who they are, and transfer you the rights.”
Your face visibly brightens, but Naruto continues.
“But if the only injuries are from laying in the forest for a few hours, I’ll have to try and find the parents first, because the child may have been taken from them by force, when the pup was otherwise a healthy baby being looked after sufficiently. In that circumstance, I’ll have to take the child back with me and put them in foster care until a three-month window has passed. And if the parents are found…”
“I know,” you sigh. “Let’s just get this done as soon as possible.”
The three of you walk into the living to see Neji cradling the pup tightly against his chest.
“Hey Neji,” Naruto greets softly with a sad smile. “I haven’t seen you around for a while.”
Neji tenses upon seeing Naruto.
“Naruto? Why are you here?” Neji clearly misinterprets the situation, holding the pup even more tightly and turning accusatory eyes against you. “Why did you bring him here?”
“I’m here to determine whether the pup was abandoned or kidnapped to the best of my abilities, once we have that done, we can decide how things are going to happen, okay?”
“How do you decide that?” Neji asks with distrustful eyes.
“The medic will give them a check-up, completely routine, I promise,” Naruto speaks with a soft voice like he’s talking to a cornered animal. Well, you look at Neji for a moment who is coiled as tightly as spring, he’s not far off.
It takes about five minutes for you to convince Neji to let go of the pup and hand them to the mednin, and then the next fifteen minutes involve you holding him in your arms to stop him wrestling the pup back from the mednin.
And then, rather ominously, the mednin pulls Naruto aside to talk.
Neji is shaking in your arms.
“It’s okay, calm down, Neji,” you try to comfort him.
“I can’t-“ Neji chokes, hands fisting in your shirt. “He has our pup, you let them take our pup.”
You don’t bother to correct him on his use of ‘our’, knowing it would only upset him more.
“I know baby, but they need to see that they’re healthy, nothing’s wrong, just breathe.”
Neji doesn’t take your advice.
"Last time they took them-"
"This isn't like last time, omega. Come one, try and settle down a little, that's it."
Naruto eventually walks back in, holding the pup securely, the mednin nowhere to be seen.
“So,” Naruto says seriously. And then his face breaks out into a wide grin. “Am I right in thinking you want to adopt?”
You can almost feel your relief in the air. Thanking every power that be for this stroke of luck. Losing this pup could have easily meant losing your mate, and the gravity of the situation all comes crashing down at once. Neji looks as though he is feeling much the same.
“Give me them,” he orders, arms out.
“Her,” Naruto corrects. “The mednin said she’s a female alpha.”
Tears start welling up in Neji’s eyes as he takes her. Their bio pup was a female alpha, too.
“Thank you,” he whispers to no one, holding his new pup as tightly as he dared. “I’ve got you now, you’re safe and sound with me, I won’t let anything hurt you ever again.”
Naruto slips out of the house without a fuss, dropping the mednin’s recommendations for feeding the underweight pup on the coffee table.
You and Neji take your new pup upstairs and bundle her back into the nest. Neji lays down with her, stroking her cheek as he watches her sleep.
“You need to get some rest too, omega,” you suggest, running a hand down Neji’s back.
“Guard?” he asks in response.
“Yes," you smile at his protective instincts. "I’ll guard the nest while you sleep, I promise.”
“Okay, alpha…” Neji settles down, still with one hand resting on the pup. “But if I don’t wake up when she cries, wake me… I want to be the one to feed her.”
You laugh gently, “Of course, now get some sleep. I’ll guard you both.”
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lillywillow · 3 years
Birthday Wishes
Summary: Bucky wants to plan the best party ever for his young daughter
 Word Count: 2430
 Square Filled: Free Space
 Pairings: Singledad!Bucky x Female Reader/ Steve x Peggy
 Warnings: None really
 Written for @star-spangled-bingo
Ever since the mother to Bucky’s daughter passed away when she was a baby, he had been totally devoted to her and every year on her birthday, he went all out trying to make it the best one ever.
 About a month ago, Tony’s daughter Morgan had a mermaid themed party; complete with a woman dressed as a mermaid. Bucky’s daughter Rebecca had totally raved about it and with her own birthday coming up, he made a note to take one of the business cards with him.
 The moment Bucky walked into the building, he was in awe. The front of the store was full of costumes, dolls, plushies, pirate treasure chests, fairy wings and wands... every kind of fantasy item a child could possibly want and a lot of it looked handmade. Out the back, he could hear squealing and laughter. A party in progress, perhaps?
 “Good afternoon, welcome to Childhood Dreams. How may I help you?” the receptionist asked.
 “Hi. I’m looking to book a party? It’s for my daughter...”
 “I see. Well, before booking a party, you’ll need to make an appointment with Y/N. She likes to customise her parties to the client. She’s currently doing a performance but if you’re happy to wait, she’ll be done soon...”
 “I can wait...”
 “Great. Follow me please...”
 Bucky followed the receptionist into the back. There was a pirate party taking place with all the children dressed up as pirates. There were props and decorations keeping in tone with the theme and an incredible cake. On the stage up the front was the same woman who had played the part of the mermaid at Morgan’s party, this time she was a pirate, enacting a mighty swordfight with another actor. She really put her all into the performance.
 Bucky watched her for a moment before the receptionist pulled him along and guided him to an office along the side. The inside of the office was just as cheerful and childlike as the rest of the place. The desk was lined with small trinkets. Along the walls were various photographs of the woman in different costumes. A princess, a fairy, a friendly witch... there was a costume for every occasion. Bucky was in the middle of admiring them when the door opened and the subject from the photos stepped in.
 “You must be the gentleman wanting a party,” she smiled, taking off her hat and eye patch before sitting at her desk and encouraging him to take a seat. “I’m Y/N.”
 “Yes, that’s right. My name is Bucky and I’m looking to do a birthday party for my daughter Rebecca,” he said, getting his phone out to show her a picture.
 Y/N smiled at the photo of the little girl who was dressed as a princess.
 “Tell me about Rebecca. I take it she’s a princess fan?”
 Bucky’s face lit up as he spoke about his little girl. Everything that she loved about princesses and fairytales, down to her favourite colours, animals and mythical creatures.
 “I’m probably rambling now...”
 “No, no, I think it’s sweet to see a father so dedicated to his daughter. Let me show you a few of our packages,” she smiled.
 Y/N logged into her tablet to show him a few of the princess themed parties they offered. Bucky looked through the options before deciding on a fantasy type one with princesses, wizards and all things in that vein.
 “Will you be having the party here or elsewhere?”
 “I think home would be best... unless... here would be better? I don’t know...”
 “Some children feel more comfortable on home base and some like going out. It’s really up to you. My job is to give your child the best possible experience...”
 Bucky nodded slowly and thought.
 “She might like a party in her own backyard...”
 “That’s totally fine. I’ll need to visit ahead of time just so I can work on a setup. Now, will you be providing your own cake? If not, I can recommend an excellent bakery.”
 “A family friend agreed to make the cake,” Bucky replied.
 Y/N nodded and jotted down a few notes.
 “What about food?”
 “Yes, we’ll be making our own food too.”
 Y/N nodded again and wrote down a few more notes. After agreeing on a price, a date and time to meet, his address and the date of the party, Bucky started heading out the door.
 “One more thing...”
 Bucky turned to look at her.
 “I like to ask our clients how they found out about our business...”
 “A while ago, you threw a mermaid party for a friend of mine’s daughter. Rebecca couldn’t stop talking about it for days after that...”
 Y/N smiled fondly.
 “I see... well, I guess I’ll see you when I come to do my inspection. Goodbye, Bucky.”
 As Bucky left the office, he could feel his heart fluttering like it hadn’t done in a long time. Ever since his wife’s passing, Bucky hadn’t even looked at another woman. Well, he had looked but he had always been so busy taking care of Rebecca, he didn’t really have time to be pursuing women. Sure on occasion, he would go on a blind date now and then and Steve would babysit but that would be the extent of it. Bucky thought for sure his dating life was over but talking to Y/N just now... it gave him a lot of hope.
 Time went by and eventually the day arrived when you went to meet Bucky at his place. Bucky greeted you at the door with a smile and ushered you inside. Smiling, you looked around the place. Pictures of Bucky’s life lined the walls and shelves. Photos of him with friends but most of them were of his little girl. One thing you noticed was the lack of pictures of the girl’s mother. There were a few of her before having the child but not many after.
 “So, um... what do you need to see?”
 “You mentioned a backyard?” you said, referring back to the interview you had a few days ago.
 Bucky nodded and showed you the way. First, you scoped out the best place to conduct your performance then took out your measuring tape to size up the props you might need. As you worked, Bucky could see the gears turning in your head.
 “Do you go out to different locations a lot?” Bucky asked, trying to strike up a conversation.
 “Not a lot but it’s always fun when we do.”
 “How long have you been in business?”
 “It’s taken me about ten years to get it off the ground. It’s only been gaining popularity in the last year or so...”
 “Wait, so you own Childhood Dreams?”
 “Sure do. You see, I always believed childhood should be about fun and games before going onto the drudgery of adulthood. And I help out local business in the process. Most of the items available for purchase were made by local artists. I’m always willing to lend a hand when they need it. That’s why I ask about food. There’s a small bakery a few blocks from the building we’re located who does the most beautiful cakes...”
 You suddenly were interrupted by something brushing up against your leg. Looking down, you saw the most adorable white cat.
 “Why, hello there. Aren’t you a cutie?” you cooed, bending down to pat the snowy feline.
 “This is Alpine. Rebecca is just crazy about her. She’s been a really big help ever since...” Bucky paused, feeling a lump in his throat and tears well up in his eyes.
 Alpine trotted over to him and purred as he picked her up.
 “Sorry. It’s just... ever since my wife passed when Rebecca was a baby; I’ve wanted to give her the best life possible. I try to give equal amounts of time between her so she can look up to me and work so she has the best things in life...”
 You went over and gave him a hug.
 “You’re a good man, Bucky. I’ve been in this business long enough to tell the devoted parents from the off-standers. Just by spending a few minutes with you, I already know that you love your daughter and think the world of her. Just make sure you spend a few moments taking care of yourself, okay? It doesn’t have to be much, just enough so you feel good too.”
 Bucky gave you a soft smile, knowing that you were right. Everyone had told him as such but sometimes, it’s harder to take advice from the people closest to you.
 “Can I get you anything to drink?” he offered.
 “Actually, I should get going. I’ve got a children’s charity event I need to get ready for. It’s been really nice seeing you again, Bucky. I guess the next time I see you will be for your daughter’s party.”
 “See you then,” Bucky smiled.
 He couldn’t wait for the party.
 Finally, the day of Rebecca’s birthday arrived. Bucky had spent the night before busily transforming his humble home into a castle fit for a princess. He wanted everything to be perfect for his little girl’s special day, buying the most glittery, ruffled princess dress for her to wear, complete with a sparkly tiara. Bucky himself hired a prince costume and even managed to obtain a kitty sized dragon costume for Alpine.
 Bucky spent the morning cooking, starting with a plate of pancakes for breakfast before moving onto the finishing touches on the food for the party. He had most of it prepared already but some of it needed heating.
 The first to arrive was Wanda with her twin boys who were both in costume. The boys instantly ran over to play with Rebecca while Wanda was left holding the cake she had made along with her purse and the present she had bought. Bucky rushed over to help her with the items and after exchanging greetings and pleasantries, she showed his the cake.
 It was everything Bucky could have ever hoped for and more. The cake was purple with ice cream cones decorated like castle turrets, topped with little princess and unicorn figurines and the words ‘Happy Birthday, Rebecca’ written in icing along with the age she was turning. Little pink flowers were piped along the sides.
 “Thank you so much, Wanda. Becca’s just going to love it.”
 “You’re welcome,” she smiled, giving him a hug.
 Soon after Wanda’s arrival was Steve and Peggy with their child followed by Tony, Pepper and Morgan, Sam with his kid and it wasn’t long before all the party guests had arrived. The adults all mingled while the children played together happily. Right on time, Y/N arrived with her scene partner in full costume. She was wearing a knight costume while her partner (whom she introduced as Phil) was dressed as an ‘evil’ wizard. Bucky settled the kids in front of the makeshift stage and let the performance begin.
 Y/N started by introducing herself as a knight dedicated to Princess Rebecca.
 “That’s me!” Rebecca squealed in delight, jumping to her feet and clapping.
 Y/N knelt down to be level with her, crossing her right arm over her chest in a salute.
 “I vow to protect you from the evils of the kingdom.”
 Suddenly, Phil jumped out of his hiding place.
 “Mwa-ha-ha! I am an evil wizard and I am here to change all the cakes into broccoli!”
 Bucky thought he was laying it on a little thick but there was a wave of horrified gasps from the kids.
 “Not so fast, evil wizard! We will defeat you! Kids, if I’m going to beat him, I’m going to need your help...”
 Y/N and Phil made an amazing pair. While Y/N encouraged the children and even a few of the parents to join in, Phil played off their reactions until he was ‘defeated’.
 “You win! I will change my evil ways and use my powers for good!” he dramatically cried.
 The children all cheered and clapped. The two actors took a bow and started to pack up as Bucky announced it was time for cake. The kids all raced over to where the cake was being brought out.
 “Would you two like to stay for cake?” Bucky offered.
 Phil looked at Y/N for permission, a hopeful glint in his eye.
 “Sure. We have some time before our next appointment,” she smiled. Phil gave a big, childlike grin.
 Once everyone had sung Happy Birthday to Rebecca and she had blown out the candles, the cake was served out. Steve approached Bucky.
 “Hey, man. How are you doing?”
 “A bit tired but seeing the smile on that little girl’s face makes it all worth it,” he softly sighed.
 Steve followed Bucky’s gaze to where Rebecca was talking animatedly to Y/N. He could tell the smile on her face was genuine and not just for show. This was a person who loved their job and loved children.
 “Is that the same Y/N you’ve been going on about all week?”
 “I haven’t been talking about her that much...”
 Steve gave him an incredulous look.
 “You know, it’s okay to like her. Why don’t you ask her out?”
 “What about Rebecca?”
 “Peggy and I can look after her while you go out on date. You deserve to be happy too...”
 Bucky thought about it for a while and headed over to Y/N and Rebecca.
 “Daddy, daddy! Y/N was the mermaid at Morgan’s party! She’s magical...” Rebecca was absolutely smitten with the woman.
 “I see... Can I talk Y/N alone for a minute? Then you can open presents,” he smiled.
 Rebecca giggled and hugged his leg before running off to play with her friends.
 “She’s a darling,” Y/N warmly smiled.
 “She is... Listen, Y/N... I was wondering... if you’re not busy tomorrow night... if maybe you’d like to have dinner with me...”
 “Like a date?”
 Bucky’s face flushed.
 “I mean, if you want it to be...”
 Y/N kissed his cheek.
 “I’d like that. How about 7:00 at the restaurant around the from the Childhood Dreams building. They do an amazing meal...”
 “Sounds perfect,” he smiled.
 This was one the best days of Bucky’s life. Not only did he pull off the perfect party for his daughter but he took a step back into the dating world with an incredible woman who somehow stole his heart.
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underrated-love · 3 years
Table Eight
Type | Angst to fluff
Characters | Timeskip!Fukunaga x gn reader
Warnings | none really? mentions of getting stood up? Timeskip spoilers
Summary |  You get stood up on a date, but don’t worry, there’s a cute chef there to cheer you up
Words | 1.5k
A/N | Ooh by I was rushing to get this finished in time for his birthday :’) The best boy who deserves so much more content, and I will solely provide it if I have to. Considering he's a comedian now, I think he would probably talk a bit more then he used to
Hmm I’ve been working on this on and off for a while, trying to get it right, but it just didn’t come out the way I wanted? I definitely like it, but it could've been better, ya know?
You watched as the time on your phone ticked over, signifying that you'd been here for over an hour. Sighing, you clicked onto your messages. Nothing new, no reply to the text you'd sent to the guy you were supposed to be meeting up with.
He stood you up. Things were going so well between the two of you in the beginning, but the moment you wanted to meet everything seemed to go downhill. Honestly, you should've expected this; he would take hours to reply, and when he did it was never more than a few texts.
Bringing your hands to your face you sat there for a moment, contemplating your options. You could go home, but you’d have to wait for your friend to pick you up, seeing as you’d walked here; and there was no way you'd be walking back alone at almost 9 pm. That meant that you would have to wait at this restaurant even longer, and you hadn't even ordered anything.
As if on cue, your stomach rumbled, startling you more than you would admit. Bringing up your phone once again, you blocked his number and texted your friend, telling them that things didn't work out and you needed a ride. You set your phone down on the table, feeling it tilt as you shifted your weight, polished wood creaking under you. This diner wasn’t the most sophisticated place someone would usually go for a first date, but considering your current predicament, your choice seemed perfect.
It wasn't your fault he stood you up, you knew that, but that doesn't take away the way it hurt. Maybe you could have avoided this, if only you had predicted it...
Snatching the menu from where it had been sitting on the table all night, you just stared at it, eyes glossing over the words. At least you could make it seem like you were going to order. It probably only took a minute or two, but it felt like much longer, before someone was clearing their throat near you.
“Are uh, you okay? You’ve been sitting here for quite a while.” It was one of the servers, holding a pitcher of water in one hand, and a notepad in the other. “Can I get you anything?”
Glancing over the menu one last time, you didn’t look him in the eyes, knowing you would break down. Instead, you focused on his short hair, the lighting above you turning the brown a more pinkish colour. “Just get me whatever the chef would recommend.”
He gave you a quick nod, scribbled something on his notepad and left to take other patrons’ orders, never mind that you were one of the only people in the diner.
Eleven minutes later—you had been counting, someone you could only assume was the chef stepped from the kitchen. With both hands, he held a plate of food you couldn't recognize. He looked over the diner, presumably searching for your table number, number eight. The chefs’ hat he wore shifted as he turned, strands of dark hair peeking out from under it.
Helping him out a little you shifted your table number toward the center where he would be able to see it better. It didn't take him long to see you, considering there were even fewer people than before. He set your food down in front of you and you were finally able to get a good look at it. It was some sort of orange rice dish mixed with seafood.
“Oh thank you, and uh, I don’t mean to be rude but what is this?”
“Paella, a specialty of mine,” he supplied with a small smile, “it’s great with a little extra seasoning.”
Reaching for the salt you thanked him for the food, it really did look delicious. “And how much is this gonna come to? I should make sure I have enough money beforehand.”
“It’s on the house, you look like you’ve had a night peppered with disappointments,” he said, a chuckle escaping him as he slid the pepper shaker over to you. “Well I better get back to the kitchen, hopefully the rest of your night goes well.”
You watched as he walked back to the kitchen, stopping halfway to answer a question from a customer. He looked back at you after he opened the door to the kitchen, throwing you a quick thumbs-up, then he was gone.
You couldn't deny that he was cute, but the fact that he made a pun was like the icing on the top of a cake. You don't know when you had started smiling, but you definitely didn't stop until the sound of his voice left your head. 
The paella was amazing. Cooked perfectly—and thanks to his advice, the right amount of seasoning. You’d have to thank him the next time you saw him.
Checking your phone, you read the text from your friend saying they would arrive in just over ten minutes. You yawned, glancing at the time. 9:16 pm. Resting your head and arms on the table, you figured you could rest until your friend got here.
Once again, the sound of someone clearing their throat caught your attention. It was the pink-haired server from before, whose nametag read Hanamaki. He gestured to your empty plate, leaning to pick it up, “Are you done with this? Looks like you enjoyed it.”
“Yeah I'm done, it was really good. But are you sure I don't have to pay? I’d feel bad just eating it like that,” you reached to grab your wallet, fully ready to pay whatever it cost.
“Nah it’s fine.” He brushed you off, wiping down your table with a cloth, “could you pass me the table number?”
You grabbed the small card, looking at the number before handing it to him, “Well thank you, I really appreci-eight it.”
He stopped, a look that you could only describe as a mix between disappointment and fighting off a smile adorning his face as he shook his head at you. Somewhere behind you came a familiar chuckle, then the cute chef appeared next to you, no longer with his hat or apron, but a bag slung over his shoulder.
Hanamaki sighed lightheartedly, turning to his chef co-worker, “Alright, two joke-makers is enough for me, could you close up, Fukunaga?” He asked, already walking away.
The chef, Fukunaga apparently, nodded to him and slid into the chair across from you. 
“Wait, close up? I didn’t realize I’ve been here so long, I’m so sorry, I was just waiting on my friend to pick me up. I can leave if you want?” You offered, scrambling to grab your belongings. 
He dismissed you with a small shake of his head, “It’s fine, I’ve got some time to kill anyway. Wanna tell me what's been bothering you all night?”
“No, no, I don’t want to bother you with my troubles,” you started, but the look on his face told you he didn’t mind listening to you ramble. “Hmm, well, if you insist,” and you told him about the night you’ve had. The guy that stood you up, having to wait for your friend to pick you up, the amazing paella he cooked for you.
At this point, you were thankful your date hadn't shown up; if he did you probably would have ignored him in favor of your cute chef anyway.
In turn, Fukunaga told you a bit about himself, although in fewer words than you had used. He told you about his part-time job here as a chef, mainly because being a comedian doesn't pay as well as it should, and how he was heading somewhere after he closed up to perform one of his comedy acts.
“So you’re a comedian? That explains the love for puns! Maybe I could come to one of your shows sometime?” You were half-joking, but the way Fukunaga sat up a little straighter at your suggestion meant he liked the idea anyway.
Your phone buzzed beside you. Once. Twice. On the third buzz, you finally tore yourself away from the conversation you were invested in. They were texts from your friend, letting you know they were here, and you should hurry up and get in the car.
Finally standing up to leave, you thanked Fukunaga one last time for the paella, and once more for waiting with you when he could’ve closed up. “I’ll be sure to come here more often, and next time I had better get to hear more of your jokes.”
He held the door open for you with his shoulder as you walked out, giving you two thumbs up, “I’ll be sure to reserve table eight for you.” He paused looking away for a second, “I got no puns for that one. But I’ll be looking forward to it.” 
The second you stepped into the car, your friend bombarded you with questions, but one stood out more than the rest, “Why do you look so happy? I thought that guy stood you up?”
“Oh yeah, he absolutely did. But that might’ve been one of the best nights I’ve had.”
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Amoreena | chapter four
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Chapter Four
summary: Heaven is a real place and it's located exactly 14.6 miles away from the FBI, Quantico Headquarters. Off behind a small park, under a fantastical willow tree surrounded by wildflowers, in every colour young minds can imagine.
Don't forget, heaven also comes with angels.
Warnings: fluff, hurt/comfort, depressed spencer, reader has a daughter, falling in love, strangers to lovers, library smut, oral (female receiving) lots and lots of fluff
word count: 3.9k
from the beginning <3
Everyone at work was very understanding. Almost all of them saw it coming, he was taking more sick days than normal and he wasn’t putting up a fight anymore when the 30 days was required to take rolled around. They were profilers after all.
He arrives on Thursday morning to pack his desk. The team is finally home and all together to wish him well on his future journey, giving him hugs and kisses as they each visited his desk.
They had already replaced him, Will LaMontagne was giving the FBI a shot, finally. Spending more time with JJ, the kids were old enough now to accept both of them working. And Kate Callahan was back, now that her baby wasn’t a baby anymore either.
Even Penelope and Derek showed up, bringing a cake that said ‘happy retirement’ written across the frosting. They were happy for him, they shared the same excitement he had. There was a thrill in his eyes again as they asked him about his plans.
“Tell us about this Y/N you met,” Emily cut into the laughter to get to the serious topics.
“I’ve been going to the park a lot recently and I found this little reading nook by a pond. She was there with her daughter and they invited me over to their picnic,” he realized how fake it all sounded as he continued to speak. “Her daughter is wonderful and super smart, I took them to the Smithsonian on Sunday and I’m completely smitten.”
Everyone swooned, happy to see him finally finding someone that makes him gush like this. It had been a very, very long time since Spencer has told any of them about a person, let alone someone he was in love with.
“She is wonderful,” Penelope added, “she makes the best tea and she lives in a literal Disney movie.”
Spencer laughed, “yeah she does. They probably read more books than I have, they make so many references all the time and they even dress up for what they’re reading, it’s amazing.”
They were amazed by how giddy he was, unable to stop smiling at him, “here we dressed up for the museum, I was milo from Atlantis and she was the old man in Tarzan,” he pulled his phone from his pocket to show them the photo.
It was his background now, Y/N sent it to him when he finally went back to his place Monday night, knowing he’d miss them. Not wanting him to be alone.
He was beyond proud to show them the photo, beaming from ear to ear as they all complimented his attire.
“She looks like you,” Kate added, “must be the genius gene,” she added, making awkward eye contact with JJ as they both clocked it.
“She’s exactly like me, that’s why Y/N likes having me around, it’s good for Amoreena to feel normal with the way our brains work,” he spoke about her like she was his own. Forever grateful to have her in his life.
“So when are you proposing?” Matt teased him. Knowing the feeling of love like this all too well with his perfect wife and a handful of children.
“I’m not trying to jinx anything,” Spencer admitted. “I actually have a job interview at the Library she works at later, so I’ll be around here a lot more.”
“He’ll be moved in by the end of the month,” Tara smiled, proud of him and the courage it takes to follow your heart.
“I’m going to miss you guys,” he presses his lips together softly, nodding as he avoids eye contact with them. “But you can call me whenever you need my brain, I guess.”
Hugs were exchanged as Spencer had to leave, Derek even offered to drive him back to his apartment to help with 4 boxes of books from his desk, and to have a bit of a talk like they always do.
“It’s surprisingly easy to be a dad, all you have to do is be there and love them,” Derek shared a tidbit of advice
“She told me she doesn’t mind me being like Amoreena’s dad, but I don’t think I can yet. I want her to decide when she wants me in that role.”
Spencer explains his feelings the easiest to Derek. Like he was already in his mind and knew the thoughts before he said them, Derek was never mad or disappointed in him. He loved him fully, and Spencer loved him right back.
“Like when you chose Gideon?”
Spencer can only nod, it’s still too sad to think about him being gone. “You know what it’s like, you love your father but there are other people in your life who fit the role better.”
“Yeah,” Derek agreed. “You’re going to be great, regardless of the name she uses when she thinks of you.”
“Thank you,” Spencer smiled as they pulled up to his apartment, “you should bring Hank to meet the animals this weekend sometime.”
“He’d love that,” Derek smiled back at him, patting his shoulder lightly. “I’m really proud of you.”
“I wouldn’t have been able to do it if you didn’t first,” he admits. “You’re a strong man who decided to put his happiness first, I can be too.”
“You sure as hell can,” Derek wrapped him up in one last hug before sending him off to live that best life he was talking about.
The only person who didn’t know yet was his mother. He wasn’t sure how to tell her, he knew she’d be proud of him regardless but that anxiety of disappointing her never went away even now that he was 40.
“Hey mom,” he smiled when she picked up. “How are you?”
“I’m fantastic, Marge and I are going on a walk later to see some ducks that were born, I really love it here Spencer,” he could hear it in her voice. She was much more joyful when she was surrounded by friends.
“I’m glad to hear it.”
“you sound happy, what’s going on?”
She was his mother, after all, she could know exactly how he’s feeling from just hearing him breathe or being in the same room as him. It was like a superpower, she always knew what was going on.
“I met someone,” he can’t help but smile. “And I quit the FBI to have a family.”
“You’re kidding?” He couldn’t read her tone, not sure if she was surprised or disappointed.
“Her name is Y/N, she has a 7-year-old daughter named Amoreena who is exactly like how I was as a child, you’d really like them,” he explains and he can hear his mother's smile from his end of the phone.
“I would love to meet them, you can bring them to visiting hours next Tuesday?” Diana offered, genuinely happy for him in a way that made his heart burst.
“I’ll see if they’re free and I’ll let you know.”
“I love you, Spencer,” she reminded him. “It’s nice to hear you’re happy, that’s all I’ve ever wanted for you.”
“I love you too, thank you, mom, for everything.”
She hangs up before they can get too emotional, leaving Spencer inside his sad little apartment all by himself. Taking the opportunity to pack his overnight bag for Y/N and pick out some books from his collection to show Amoreena.
There’s an envelope sticking out of one of his books that manages to catch his attention, taking it out to see his name written on it in Gideon’s handwriting. He almost forgot he had this, how important the words were.
I knew it would be you who came to the cabin to check on me. I’m sorry the explanation couldn’t be better, Spencer. I’m sorry it doesn’t make more sense, but I’ve already told you. I just don’t understand any of it anymore.
I guess I’m just looking for it again, for the belief I had in college, the belief I had when I first met Sara and it all seemed so right.
The belief in happy endings. When you find that, never let it go, Spencer.
Don’t let this job do to you what it did to me, get out and get a life when you can. I have faith in you, till I see you again, take care, son.
He walked over to the window then, seeing a beautiful red and brown bird perched on his fire escape. He couldn’t help but smile, “I found my Sara, thank you,” he whispers to the bird who turns its head to the side before flying off.
Gideon always did have the best timing and the best advice.
“Y/N, your one o’clock is here to see you,” the receptionist at the Library said over the phone, hanging up and returning her attention to Spencer, “she’ll be with you in a moment.”
“Doctor Reid,” he hears her voice as she rounds the corner, appearing behind a stack of books in the most beautiful blue dress he’s ever seen. “Lovely to see you again.”
“You too,” he smiles.
“Right this way,” she can’t help but smile as she escorts him to her office.
“I don’t normally consider people who don’t send in a resume, but I have a feeling you’re going to be good at this,” she teased him as he sat at her desk.
“Allison is going on maternity leave in a few weeks, so you won’t start until she has the baby. If you’re serious about wanting this position, it’s only Monday through Thursday, 9 to 2:30.”
“You’re not going to ask me anything?”
“I don’t know if you know this, but the literary historian and I get to spend a lot of time together, I’d rather hire someone I know I already like,” she smiled again. “And it would be nice to see you every day without a 7-year-old taking all your attention away from me.”
“You just want to live out the fantasy of kissing someone in the encyclopedia section, don’t you?” He teased her right back, making her blush. “I knew it.”
“Sue me!” She laughed, and he finally understood what tinker bell meant when she said farries are born from the purest laughter.
He was in love with her right then and there, he was sure of it.
It had been under a week and yet as he stared at her, hearing her wonderful laughter and seeing her beautiful smile, knowing she wanted to spend time with him, that she genuinely liked him and none of this was one-sided, it made him fall harder than he thought he could.
“Come on then,” he stands abruptly, taking her hand and pulling her out the door.
She tries to giggle quietly as she follows him all the way back to the quietest section of the library. Most of the books on the shelves didn’t even have bar codes because they haven’t been checked out since the 60’s, no one needs them but they can’t seem to part with them.
She backs up against the shelf and pulls him into her space, he drops her hands and holds her face instead, looking at her beautiful eyes as they sparkled in the fluorescent lighting.
“I was expecting this to be hungrier than this when I imagined it all for all these years,” she whispers, biting her lip to force her smile back.
“You’re just so fucking beautiful,” is all he can say, brushing her cheeks with his thumbs lightly a few times before finally placing his lips against hers, ever so gently.
Her hands stretched around his back, pulling him in closer till their bodies are pressed together and then she’s kissing him deeper. Breathing in through her nose like she’s trying to keep him there forever, her fingernails dig into his shirt and he knows she wants more.
He slid his thigh between hers, opening his mouth to give her all the access she wanted and letting her take control of the speed. She wasn’t kidding when she said she expected it to be hungrier. She was kissing him like it was the first time she has had contact with another human being in years, and it just might have been. She said she was single for a while before Amoreena, probably the whole time since as well.
“Spencer,” she took a moment to gasp for air, breathing against his lips as he did the same. “Can we?”
He kisses along her jaw then, moving towards her ear to whisper, “do what? Use your words.”
“Anything, just touch me please, god it’s been 12 years,” she begged as quietly as possible, tugging at his hair as he nibbled on her earlobe.
He kissed down her neck making his way towards her chest. Holding her by the hips now, she arched her back into the shelf as he kissed all the way to where her dress started to cover her breasts but he didn’t stop. Kissing over her clothes as he dropped down to his knees in front of her.
He undid his tie, slipping it off his neck and handing it to her, “in case you need to scream into something.”
She held it in her hand for a second, registering what he just said and moaning softly in response as she held it closer to her lips, he took that as a yes and slipped under her dress.
She was wearing just a pair of regular cut pink underwear, not expecting this in the slightest when she got ready this morning. He kissed her over top of the fabric, spreading her legs so that he could kiss the insides of her thighs as she tried to desperately grind into his face. grazing his teeth against her skin as she shivers, thighs shaking in anticipation.
He kisses right where her clit should be under the fabric, knowing he’s correct when she whimpers around the tie he handed her. It's muffled and adorable as he kisses her again and again, knowing she wants more and teasing her gently.
He pulls her panties to the side, mesmerized by how perfect she is for only a second before returning to the task at hand. Being the first person to pleasure her in years, wanting her to have the best time possible.
With one hand he holds her panties back, using his other to slowly swipe a single finger through her folds to see just how wet she was. Smirking against her thigh as he’s able to slip right in.
“Please,” he hears her whisper, lifting the dress up so she could look at what he’s doing.
“Such a good girl for me,” he pressed the words against her skin.
He spreads her legs even further, resting one of them on his shoulder as he dives in, sucking her clit into his mouth abruptly as he pumps his single finger in and out. She jerks her hips at the sudden contact, stuffing the tie in her mouth and biting down as she whimpers.
He knows what he’s doing, where all the pleasure spots are and what feels the best on most women. Searching around and trying different tongue movements, memorizing the sounds she makes and attempting to hear them again and again, knowing it means she’s enjoying herself.
That’s all he wanted, to please her. Not even realizing how hard he was as he continues to eat her out furiously in the back corner of the DC Public Library. He forgets they’re even in public entirely as he moans against her clit, sending shockwaves through her body.
She’s quaking then, holding onto the top of his head with one hand as the other grips a shelf. She’s panting into the material of the tie, the hot breath making its way through the fabric and stopping the whorish moans he knew she’d make. It had been too long since someone treated her right.
He added a second finger then, wanting to push her over the edge as he curled them, finding her g spot and caressing it with every thrust of his fingers. She clenched around him then, a high-pitched noise left her mouth as she finished around him.
He couldn’t help but smirk, re-moving his fingers and cleaning them off in his mouth. Releasing them with a pop before dragging his tongue along her one last time. Gathering up everything she released and placing her panties back over her nicely.
He kissed over her underwear one last time before fixing her dress and standing up, “did I manage to fulfill the dream?”
She couldn’t help but laugh, looking like she was coming down from a real high, not just an orgasm. She pulled him in close and held onto him for dear life as she continued to catch her breath, and then her hand started to wander.
“Nope,” Spencer whispered, moving her hand away from his aching cock. “As much as I want to, I’d rather fuck you at home.”
“Home huh?” She teased him, kissing his cheek softly as she pulled back.
"I love you," he whispers against her ear, without a fear in the world that she didn't feel the same way.
"I love you too, Spencer."
They couldn’t stop smiling at each other, it felt surreal to be this happy. He kissed her a few more times, staying hidden in the back corner until the blood in his body let this dick and went back to where it was supposed to be.
She just held him in her arms, leaning back against the shelves as they kissed softly, running her hands through his hair gently, over and over. She whispered a few thank you’s to him, letting him know it was everything she waited for.
It was truly perfect.
Amoreena was so happy to see him back at the farm when she got off the bus, she missed him during the few days he wasn’t there.
She asked him to help with her homework, her teacher assigning them an “all about me” project to showcase their growth at the end of the year ceremony. It was almost June, she only had a few weeks left before she was off for the summer and free to show him around the whole kingdom.
Y/N brought out a box of craft supplies and a collection of photos. Showing Spencer every single moment of her and Amoreena’s life.
From her first sonogram to the first bump photo, she had and every maternity shot on the farm you could think of, to the day she was born, her first bath, first steps, chocolate cake shoved on her nose at her first birthday, everything. He felt like he watched her grow up in the blink of an eye, staring at all the photos while Y/N and Amoreena made a plan for her project.
She did look a lot like him, in some instances, she even looked like his mom. There was a look Diana would get when she was intrigued with something, or when she was trying to figure something out. She’d bite her tongue and tilt her head, and it was exactly what Amoreena did.
He never thought he’d see a child-like himself this early, he always expected someone to contact him at 18 and surprise him like Rossi. He really never, ever thought he'd have a child in his life who he was blessed with watching grow up. He never believed someone would have a kid so much like him and allow him to see the world through their eyes. He was amazed by how lucky he got, to be brought into an already happy family that wanted him, they didn’t just need him.
There was no need for a father in Amoreena’s life, she was happily living her life with her grandparents and her mother, explaining to him that she had a bunch of aunts and uncles, plus 15 cousins and they all lived close too. Her life was full of people to love her, and yet she wanted Spencer to love her too.
“Can I put the photo of us at the museum on here too?” She asked Y/N, looking at Spencer to see if he was okay with it too. “I already told my friends that you’re my dad.”
He felt like he couldn’t breathe, he didn’t want to cry in front of her so instead he just stopped all movement inside of his body and held it in. Looking at Y/N who was also a little emotional as Amoreena went back to looking through the photos.
Amoreena didn’t even notice how their expressions changed, she didn’t understand the weight of the words as she said them. She was oblivious to the hole in Spencer’s heart that she was filling with glitter glue, making him feel like he was whole again.
“Yeah,” he finally managed to speak. “I’d love to be on your project.”
“I know you said we don’t need dads but I kinda want one,” Amoreena’s soft expression made his heart melt even more. He was putty in her hands, willing to be whatever she wanted from him as long as he could.
“When did you say that?” Y/N asked softly, confused as to where she was when they had a conversation.
“The other morning at breakfast, um, my father left when I was little. It was just me and my wonderful mother until I was 21, then I found someone to call Dad. His name was Jason Gideon, he was my mentor and he made he feel like I was smart and loved,” he smiled, letting her know he genuinely meant it. “There’s a big difference between being a father and being someone's dad.”
“What’s that?” Amoreena’s innocent mind running wild as she tried to figure out his meaning.
“Anyone can be a father when two adults make a baby,” he said softly, making eye contact with Y/N as she blushed. Knowing where he was going with this. “But dads are special, they’re the people who are supposed to make you feel safe and loved. A person who you can turn to for advice and know he’ll love you no matter what you have to say. Dad’s are supposed to love you forever, regardless of what happens in life. Just like your mom does already.”
Amoreena leaned into his chest, pressing her head against him softly. He wrapped his arms around her gently, giving her the tiniest hug he’s ever given. “I pick you then, you’re the best guy I know and I think that means you’d be a good dad.”
Y/N silently cried, getting up from the table and walking into the kitchen so Amoreena wouldn’t see her sob. Spencer tried to widen his eyes so the tears he was generating would slip back into his tear ducts. Not wanting to cry as she held him.
“I’d love to be your dad,” he whispered, kissing her head softly as she held him tighter. “But first I’ve gotta check on your mom,” he whispered into her hair. Watching her pull away and look for where she was.
“Okay,” Amoreena shrugged, returning to her project as he wandered into the kitchen.
She was leaning against the counter when he walked in, her dress pulled up over her face as she cried into the material. Wiping her face as Spencer walked in and looking at him with the happiest smile.
She was laughing into her tears then, shaking her head as she sobbed, “why am I crying?”
He laughed then too, pulling her into a hug and spinning her around gently as she kept laughing. Her face buried into his neck as she smiled, he set her down gently so he could pull her into a kiss.
Her cheeks were all wet as he held her face, peppering kisses to her lips as they both tried to stop smiling.
“I’m going to miss hearing her call you Spencer,” Y/N whispered.
“Me too,” he giggled again. “But dad does have a good ring to it.”
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may-day-voice · 2 years
Matrimonial Front Lines
Izuku Midoriya Timeline | 172732014
THANK YOU to all those on a random stream months ago/ last year where this idea was born to add to the timeline! <3 I wish I could remember specifics, but thank you for the fun I had in making this!
please do not repost, but you have permission to reblog :)
• Watch/ Listen on YouTube: https://youtu.be/mf83005SnG0
• Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35002267/chapters/89832469
• Read on Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1171937019-izuku-midoriya-pro-hero-au-172732014-hello-and
The distinct difference between the organized and the under-prepared can make or break a situation, should one call for it. But despite the hiccups that came with the territory of Pro-Hero work, you decided to heed Uraraka’s advice to make a day away from the grind to prepare for an important date in your soon-to-be foreseen future.
The bell that rang above the entrance was a light jingle to your ear upon entering the store Uraraka suggested for you to visit, at least to garner some inspiration. You weren’t one for design, in fact, it was a bit of a mess when you tried to consider what colours worked or what type of cutlery would suit. Home wrecker, you were, but it didn’t stop you from trying to see things fit.
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“How about these for the dressings?” Harked a voice from behind while you pondered on the fabrics in the store, turning to find Midoriya holding out a deep forest green in his hands.
“Your inclination to the colour doesn’t surprise me,” you chuckled while you approached him, your hands lightly gliding across the fibers he held. “We could go with rich colours to offset the tone, but what about the theme?”
“Hm, it’ll be spring. Cherry blossoms and all if we get the timing right.”
“That'll be the day, but the backup would be the beach park?”
Midoriya nodded, agreeing to the plan that both of you spoke aloud to each other. An early start in the store was a smart decision after having perused through the vastness of its wares, unsure where to start. Both of you had already decided on the smaller details, such as the welcome box and wedding favors for the guests, despite it being a small event in hindsight. But the overall look was still up in the air.
“It is a pretty place,” you remarked while you still stroked the cloth in Midoriya’s hands.
“Huh?” Piped Midoriya.
“Takoba, I was surprised and proud to hear that you cleared all of that junk from it years ago, at fourteen.”
Midoriya chuckled inwardly, a little bashful about the event and even more so about him recounting the event to you. However, he was met with a loving smile, watching your pride shine through for him.
“Thank you so much, for letting me in your life,” you continued with content.
“Hey, let’s leave the speeches for the wedding, okay Cutie?” Assured Midoriya while he wrapped the cloth in his hands, placing it in the basket he carried alongside with him.
“Want to divide and conquer?” You asked, catching him off-guard. “I’ll take florals seeing that we’ll be matching the cherry blossom season, and you take your pick of the colours?”
Midoriya contemplated the decision, wondering if it was best to leave you to your devices on any decision-making, but a partnership was a two-way street. He sighed inwardly at the thought of your indecisiveness sometimes, soon agreeing to your tactic before you made your way towards the large section of plant life across the way. His eye would soon be seeing colours of most shades, keeping the forest green he still had on hand. The more he thought about the choice, the more he could see the wedding in sight, covered with drapery and cascading with the falling petals of spring. He could see his family and his friends, his loved ones who were still on this earth, and foremost you walking down the aisle.
It brought a flush to his cheeks wondering what outfit you’d be wearing on the day.
“It’ll look better than organza I think- oof!”
In his absent-mindedness focusing on the colours and his thoughts, Midoriya accidentally bumped into someone in the aisle, almost tripping over himself. He clutched onto his basket to turn and find-
What a surprise, he thought, finding Bakugou’s fiancé before him, with basket in hand and already with a few samples in the store. It seemed the store was the talk of the town if he found them perusing through it, let alone bumping into them for that matter. A bit of small talk between the two was made, soon turning the conversation onto Midoriya’s own wedding plans.
Little did he know, you weren’t too far from him, unable to ignore the conversation over yonder with a smile. It was adorable to overhear, despite the idea of eavesdropping being a little rude, but you couldn’t help how the voices carried quite easily between aisles.
“Oh when is it?” interrupted Bakugou’s fiancé with excitement. “Sorry, if it’s a secret or anything-“
“Oh not at all,” started Midoriya with a smile, thinking about you. “It'll be some time in spring.”
“You can’t do that!” Roared a very loud familiar voice, the footsteps almost stomping towards them.
You flinched, almost gasping in surprise before you quietened yourself. Of course Bakugou would be here with his fiance, just as much as you were here with Midoriya. However, that twinge of rage in his voice was difficult to ignore.
“We’ve already made plans in spring, so you better move yours,” threatened Bakugou angrily.
“You’re planning spring as well? When?” asked Midoriya, genuinely curious.
“Does it matter?”
“Yes it does.”
“I proposed first.”
“What does that have to do with anything?”
The sound of their voices rising with each statement made your head lower between your shoulders, curling a little from the oncoming confrontation that you could feel from across the aisle. Bakugou’s fiance had the right idea to interrupt them before it escalated any further, only for you to decide to do the same.
“Izuku?” you called out, hoping your voice hid the slight nervous energy you felt from the small yet heated argument Midoriya had with Bakugou. Soon, you heard footsteps headed your way, finding Midoriya appear from behind the shelves and meet you amongst the florals, still with basket in hand, but a little flustered from the encounter earlier.
“Are you okay?” you asked, spotting Midoriya’s mood a little less hearty than it was before.
There was a pout on his lips while his eyes looked away. He was in contemplation over the confrontation, mulling over Bakugou’s irate snap over wedding plans of all things. You saw it in his face, recognizing that processing stare of his all too well.
“Izuku?” You called again, gentler with a hand on his arm that pulled him away from his thoughts. He turned to you, now a little embarrassed for his absent-mindedness.
“Sorry Cutie. I’m just a little… confused,” he admitted.
“Sounds like Bakugou is on his high horse again,” you commented.
“It’s not that. I just didn’t expect him to be so… pushy about this.”
True, the years you had learnt about Midoriya’s friendship with Bakugou had been both rewarding and mind-boggling. It took some time for you to realize that they were alike in the smallest ways, as if they were two sides of the same coin, cut from the same cloth at the very least. Yet overhearing the earlier encounter also brought some questions to mind.
What was Bakugou so protective and angry about?
“Come on, let’s head over to dining. Maybe we’ll start small,” you suggested, taking Midoriya by his large hand through the aisle.
Midoriya only smiled, attempting to forgo the little mishap to spend the day with you. After all, there were very few opportunities in the future to spend some quality time given the work both of you endured in Musatafu.
An hour or two perusing the store came with very little peace after the run-in with Bakugou. Every so often the both of you heard him across the store, carrying his voice while he made comments about choices he and his fiancé were considering. It was as if he were announcing the choices they made, as if to communicate their plans for the both of you to hear. It was no surprise that they were more so directed to Midoriya, and the tone was almost brutal at times. Despite this, you both considered a few things for your own wedding, having chosen the theme, the colours, and now whittling down to the style. Roaming the aisles came with a few discussion points, but it resulted in the following decision that you had yet to make: the venue.
“Well, it’s either the stage in the park, or the beach,” you mused while eyeing different textured decor along the aisles. “Whichever place we decide should play a role in our choices.”
Midoriya hummed in agreement, his eyes scanning around the store.
“Do you think maybe we should just stay at the beach park? It’ll be away from the public eye, at least a lot less than the city park,” you continued, considering the availability and the media fiasco that would potentially be rampant when they discover this event.
You heard nothing from Midoriya. In fact, over the course of the visit, he had been more alert about Bakugou’s presence than his own.
“Hey, Izuku,” you called, your hand on his arm to pull him back with you. “We could come back another day if you want.”
“No, no, it’s not that, it’s… I need to speak with Kaachan,” he explained, his eyes on you while he held your hand in his, clutching onto it tightly. “This here is what I want, but, if Kaachan is holding his wedding in the same season-“
“You won’t get what you want,” you concluded, your mind seamlessly on the same page of Midoriya’s thoughts. Despite Bakugou’s penchant for announcing loudly about what he was planning for his special day, it didn’t overshadow the one thing Midoriya wanted for his own. Discussions and decisions were made between the both of you long before this outing, mostly during work hours and brief moments crossing paths.
“Maybe have a talk with him,” you suggested. “Find a moment when he’s not so… forceful, I guess. If it is timing, we haven’t even decided on our venue. We could move it around.”
Midoriya thoughtfully considered your words, perusing his mind about your plans and how things could easily shift. That was what he loved about you - the way your mind worked. How you shared with him all possibilities and considerations, and how there was always a backup plan. He smiled and chuckled before he leaned in for a gentle kiss on your forehead, content with your suggestion.
“Good plan,” he murmured with his lips and breath close to you. “You know what? Let’s have it at the beach park. The sunset is gorgeous there.”
“So no complaints about sand?” You questioned with a smirk.
“That’s a future us problem.”
“Have you thought about having that conversation with him first before you go about spitting fire in his face again?” Interrupted a voice opposite the aisle both of you stood in, your attention drawn over the shelves. “Let me rephrase, before you blast him.”
You couldn’t help but stifle a chuckle before Midoriya joined in with both of your shoulders shaking from the statement. Ironic that the subject of your conversation was the next aisle over, soon spotting the familiar top of the blond’s head just over the shelves.
“I think we should move on,” you suggested in a whisper. “Leave them be. We’ll pick out some more dressings for a beach wedding.”
“Good idea,” agreed Midoriya. “I’ll find time to speak with Kaachan when we leave unless he leaves first.”
“Just make sure you do it when you can. We don’t want him bursting a blood vessel too soon.”
Midoriya chuckled again, holding back in case it carried so closely into the next aisle over. Despite all that the man had gone through his life, that smile always brightened any dull and darkened day. It was what you loved about him the most.
Nearing the end of the day came with a more lighter mood now having made solid decisions on the special day. You still have to book the venue, but that would come under garnering assistance from friends a little into the future. You recalled Asui was happy to help with any paperwork for the location, whilst Yaoyuruzu had a decent pull into council and local matters. Even with the Number One status Midoriya held, proper channels still need to be made. It was the right thing to do.
Once at checkout, Midoriya excused himself, having spotted Bakugou ahead already at the cashiers himself. You chuckled inwardly at the cross look on his face, wondering if he had enough of shopping today. You watched as Midoriya pulled him over to discuss the matters he needed to speak with the blond, and soon landed your eyes on his fiancé taking care of their goods. You couldn’t help yourself, having spoken with them many times crossing paths and at events held by their partners, but something niggled at the back of your mind.
You decided to excuse yourself from the cashier, asking to continue your purchase while you made your way towards them, their back to you while they were focused on their own purchases for the day.
“Still deciding?” You asked before they turned around with a momentary lapse of recognition.
“Oh, yeah well, I figured we needed to keep things simple enough before the absolute go ahead,” they explained. “I’m practically planning most of it.”
“No wedding planner?”
“Well… most of the major decisions have been made thanks to Katsuki.”
You weren’t surprised to hear that after the kind of day that had transpired today.
“I’m sorry about Katsuki’s behavior,” they apologized, catching you off-guard. “I mean, we know he’s a little rough, but I didn’t expect him to act this way today.”
“Think nothing of it,” you reassured with a shake of your head. “You’re right, he is rough around the edges.” The both of you giggled, agreeing with sentiments shared. Bakugou’s fiancé had known Midoriya and him longer than you had, but it felt kindred to share with someone who was on the other side of this tumultuous yet endearing friendship.
“I’m sure the boys will come to some agreement,” you voiced, your eyes turning towards them aside from the store’s checkout lanes.
“I hope so too,” agreed Bakugou’s fiancé, sharing the sentiments once more.
The crickety sound of a large cart made its way towards you across the way, spotting the cashier parking it close to the exit before they signaled you for finalizing payments. You made your farewells with a quick step to do so, leaving Bakugou’s fiancé to do the same.
Eventually, you trekked with the cart to the modest car in the parking lot, unloading everything into it while you eyed the exit of the store. Midoriya had yet to leave, wondering if the conversation was still in discussion, or if anything worse came out of it. You only wanted the world for that man, soon packing everything inside neatly, and locking the car before leaning on its side.
It wasn’t long until you noticed that familiar tall build of Midoriya’s walk across the parking lot, his eyes locked on you with a wide smile.
“Ready Cutie?” He called out from across the parking lot.
“Packed and good to go,” you replied back, tossing the car keys to him.
With a successful catch in his hand, Midoriya waltzed up to the car, joining you as he unlocked it and entered into the driver’s seat.
“So I’m guessing it went well,” you conjectured while spotting the look on Midoriya’s face.
“Better than I thought,” he replied, leaning in towards you. In unison, you did the same, your lips touching his in a kiss, one that lingered a little longer than you anticipated.
You couldn’t help but smile, feeling his breath against you just as he did with yours. That wide smile of his was addicting sometimes, filled to the brim with joy and content. You guessed he got what he wanted in the end, unscathed from Bakugou’s wrath, but something else spoke volumes in his eyes, almost twinkling with happiness.
Midoriya stared into yours, elated to share the news.
“Guess who’s the Best Man at Ground Zero’s wedding?”
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mandoalorian · 3 years
Pain Is For The Living [Javier Peña x F!Reader] - Chapter 1 (SMUT)
Summary: Sex work in the heat of 1980’s Colombia was never going to be a walk in the park. Especially not when you had a crush on your number one client, agent Javier Peña. You’d been warned about him and his reputation, but after one very specific incident that would change your life forever, you find yourself attached to him like never before and you’d do anything to make him yours. Even if it means endangering your own life.
Warnings: 18+ SMUT (male receiving oral), allusions to sex, reader works in a brothel, PTSD, anxiety, panic attack, mention of drugs, guns, character death, typical Narcos themes.
Word count: 4000>
Series Masterlist
*reblogs appreciated! Ko-Fi in bio if you want to support me!
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It was the hottest summer in twenty years; or at least that’s what the weather lady had told you when you were getting ready for work this morning. 
You’d been searching for your best friend Rosa all over the brothel, asking your colleagues if they’d seen her anywhere. They all shook their heads or shrugged their shoulders before disregarding your presence completely so they could get back to their conversations. You understood their cold nature to a degree. You were new and fresh-faced in Bogotá, and this sex work was the only thing paying your rent. Sometimes you got the feeling they didn’t like you, but you did your best to shrug it off. The manner of your job wasn’t an easy one, that’s for sure. But Rosa had been with you from day one. Not only was she your only friend, but also, she was a mentor, and she taught you everything you needed to know about being a successful sex worker in the heat of Colombia.
You finally found Rosa outside the brothel, leaning against the brick wall, her sunglasses perched on the curve of her nose. Immediately something felt off. You couldn’t put your finger one what exactly it was, but everything about Rosa’s demeanor concerned you. The cigarette that she held between her fingers was almost completely puffed out, with just a noticeable pink lipstick stain on the foot of the filter paper. You stood next to her and leaned against the same wall, by her side. You noticed her shoulders relax a little at your presence, but Rosa still didn’t say a word. It was strange. She was usually bubbly and talkative, eager to tell you all the gossip she had learned from her clients. 
“Peppermint for your thoughts?” you asked Rosa, diving into your pocket and bringing out a carton of peppermint candies. As you waited for her response, you placed one on your tongue and sucked on it longingly. You’d been working long hours and it was the first thing you’d eaten all day.
“In a minute,” she said, dismissing the sweet and wiggling her finger in the air. She huffed and narrowed her eyes, watching the busy roads intently before taking one final drag off the cigarette. She stumped the end out and threw it away, but the cigarette that was once in between her lips was now replaced with her thumb as she nervously bit at her nails. “Has Limón  come by today?” she asked you eventually.
You knew the cab driver. He’d frequented the brothel a number of times. Rosa often had a lot to say about him until suddenly, she just didn’t.
“Not that I know of,” you replied innocently, but something still felt so incredibly wrong. “Rosa, is everything okay?”
Rosa’s head snapped to face you, and for the first time you noticed the fear strike in her honey coloured eyes. She sighed and pursed her lips together, before raising her hand and cupping your face. Her thumb grazed the height of your cheekbone and she finally smiled. But it wasn’t like her usual smile. It was soft and— sad.
“Of course,” she told you. “Nothing to worry about.”
And you knew better than to push Rosa, so you decided to leave it at that.
Silence with Rosa was comfortable. You both observed the bustling streets of Bogotá. You were thinking about the simpler things in life, like whether or not you could afford the luxury of canned spaghetti hoops in advance of this month’s rent payment, or where in the brothel you’d left your signature lipstick. Rosa, on the other hand…
“He’s an agent you know.” She announced suddenly.
You furrowed your eyebrows together. “Who? Limón?”
Rosa let out a bark of incredulous laughter, and you assumed as such. “No no, not Limón. I’m talking about Peña.”
You felt your cheeks warm up at the initial mention of his name, and you tried to fight back a smile. You had to keep cool in front of Rosa. Sure, the whole brothel knew about your crush on your client but only Rosa’s opinion mattered to you. “Javier?” you quizzed, as if you needed to question who Peña could possibly be.
Rosa rolled her eyes playfully and you stifled a laugh, realising how silly you sounded. “You’ve got it bad huh?” Rosa acknowledged and you felt a flush of shame creep upon your cheeks. “It’s okay. When I first started out I had countless crushes on my clients.” she confessed, and her revelation made you feel somewhat better about yourself.
“How do you know that… about Javier?” you wondered out loud, biting your lip and trying to sound as casual as possible. You’re the girl he’d been fucking with for the past two months and he hadn’t dared open up to you about a single personal detail in his life. Truth be told, that’s what made him different from the other guys. So if anyone was to know anything about the man, it should be you. Why wasn’t it you? You couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy that your beautiful best friend was seemingly omniscient. “Have… have you been sleeping with him?”
Rosa frowned apologetically and smoothed out your hair. “No honey. I wouldn’t do that to you,” she promised and you nodded your head slowly. You had no reason not to believe her but she still hadn’t answered your question. Just as you went to prod her further, she opened her mouth. “But be careful. Crushes on clients can be dangerous. You never really know who you’re working with. Javier has a… reputation amongst the brothels in Bogotá.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat… a lump that you didn’t even realise you were holding back. “He seems nice. Respectful.” you admitted with a slight shrug of your shoulders. You’d be foolish to dismiss a word of advice from Rosa, but warning you about Javier…? You knew him better than that. You knew him. You had every inch of his body memorised. You could spot his scent from a mile away. You knew he was a good guy.
Rosa hummed slightly before squinting at an oncoming truck that was pulling up outside the brothel. “Speak of the devil.” She muttered.
“Javier!” you couldn’t help but beam excitedly. You quickly turned to face Rosa. “Could I borrow your lipstick? I lost mine and I-” Out of nowhere, Rosa pulled out her pink lipstick and passed it to you. You took it willingly and gave her a quick hug of gratitude. “Thank you.” you mumbled into her neck before pulling away. 
“Be careful!” Rosa called after you as you ran back inside the brothel and into the lobby where you’d wait for Javier.
Be careful. You chuckled a little at her words. You had nothing to worry about. You quickly applied your lipstick with as much precision as possible and checked your hair in one of the many mirrors. Your heart rate picked up speed the second you saw him enter the lobby. Today, he was wearing one of his trademark colourful button down shirts - this one, a pale yellow colour that was comparable to the sunshine. He was frowning, just like always, but the bright colour on him radiated an air of enlightenment.
He looked around the lobby in search of you, and when his eyes finally landed on you, he immediately felt at ease. You waved him over with a smirk and he took off his aviators, hanging them in the v of his shirt. His eyes were beautiful, like the deepest shade of cocoa. You made an unfortunate habit of getting lost in them at any given moment.
“Hi Javi,” you cooed, placing the palm of your hand on his chest. “You’re early today.”
“I can’t stay long,” he grumbled. “Have to get back to the office. Can we make it quick?”
You tilted your head curiously. “What do you have in mind?”
Javier brought out his wallet and handed you enough peso’s to cover an easy blowjob. He looked up at you, hopefully, with an adorable sheepish grin on his face. You took the money from him and nodded your head before taking his hand and guiding him to your room.
It was the room he’d grown completely accustomed to the past few months. He knew his way around. He was comfortable. He closed the door behind him and immediately worked at undoing his belt. You glanced over at his payment that you’d discarded on your dresser and thought long and hard. You really liked Javier. Enough so that you felt weird about taking his money. He was different to the other guys. You fucked men because they were paying you, but you fucked Javier because you liked it. You wanted it. Every second he wasn’t with you… you only craved him more.
Too lost in your own thought, you’d forgotten the man of your dreams was standing by the door waiting to get sucked off. He cleared his throat awkwardly and your head snapped in his direction to face him, your eyes going comically wide. You felt embarrassed that you’d left him waiting and quickly paced over to him, kneeling down and unzipping his denim jeans. He was already hard, judging by the familiar shaped imprint against his thigh.
“Everything okay?” he hummed as you pulled out his cock. His question turned into a slight garble as soon as your fingers graced his leaking head. You gathered his precum and rubbed it along his thick length and his eyes immediately snapped shut.
“Yes. Why?” you asked innocently before pressing a kiss to his slit. You looked up at him through your eyelashes with wide doe-eyes.
“Looked like something was preying on your mind.” Javier muttered, scrunching his face up in pleasure as you licked a stripe along the base of his cock. You extended your hand to massage his balls and you continued to pump at his length.
“Isn’t that why you’re here?” You beckoned further. “To let go?”
“Fuck,” Javier hissed. “More.” he pleaded and you quickly obeyed, wrapping your lips around his head and pushing his cock deep into your mouth. You felt his body tense up and he threw his head back against the wooden door. “More!” he choked out.
You hollowed your cheeks and sank your lips as far as you could go, so his groomed pubic hair tickled the tip of your nose. Tears began to prick your eyes and you pulled off him quickly to gasp for breath. Javier was heaving and panting too, and you took a second to look up at him and lick your lips. He was so perfect, a thin sheen of sweat glistened along his collarbones, only just noticeable under the dim amber lights of your room. Before he could catch you staring like a hopeless lovebird, you reattached your lips around his cock and finished up the blowjob, feeling more than satisfied when his ropes of cum spilled into your mouth.
Once his cock softened enough to tuck himself back in, he zipped up his jeans and redone his belt but not before helping you stand. Meeting respectful guys like Javier Peña in your line of work was a rarity, that’s for sure. Still you couldn’t help but think about Rosa’s words as you watched him smooth out his shirt. No visible police badge. No signs that he was an agent. To say it irked you was an understatement. How did she know he was an agent? There wasn’t a chance he told her… not when he was so secretive with you. You’d been fucking him for two months now and you didn’t know a single detail about his life. You didn’t know where he lived, or how old he was, or if he had any siblings. Rosa might have been your best friend, and she swore to you that she wasn’t sleeping with him on the side, so how did she know?
Of course, it could’ve easily all been bullshit. She could’ve been scheming a way to get you to fall out of love with him. Nobody likes a cop. You couldn’t figure it out no matter how hard you tried, but you knew for sure Rosa would never want to hurt you. You were annoyed for letting yourself get so irrational. You just wished… you wished that he’d talk to you. Treat you more than just some whore he got to use at his own beck and call. Your stomach twisted when you realised that was exactly all you were. A fool facing the wrath of unrequited love. You sighed and grabbed his jacket from the bed.
“Thank you,” he said, taking his jacket and swinging it over his strong forearm. It was too hot outside to wear. You nodded in acknowledgement but didn’t say anything.
For the first time since meeting Javier Peña, you had let yourself get hurt, and for no good reason either. You couldn’t confront him about it. You couldn’t tell him no matter how much he asked you. You just had to suck it up and get over him. He was a client and that was all he could be. Nothing more. Rosa was right. Falling for your customers was a dangerous deal.
“You’re my favourite, you know.” Javier announced, his voice low and heated. You locked your eyes on his. 
“What?” you asked, completely taken aback. 
“You’re my favourite girl,” he clarified with a small shrug, as if his comment wasn’t life-changing. Just like that, you were once again putty in Javier Peña’s hands. Your determination to get over him lasted all of five seconds. Before you could reply, he took a step closer to you, breaking any distance and placed a hand on your cheek. He leaned in and placed a chaste kiss to your forehead, his lips lingering against your skin noticeably longer than usual.
You weren’t mad anymore. Your feelings for him were restored just like that. Your eyes were wide as he pulled away from you and licked his lower lip. You felt like you were melting over the sweet menial gesture. You wanted to say something - anything. You wanted to pull him on top of you and crash your lips against his. But no matter how hard you tried to say something, no words came out. All you could manage was a shy little smile. It was the same smile that made Javier’s knees weak. He squeezed his hand into a fist to resist the urge of kissing your perfect lips and instead readjusted his sunglasses. You ducked your head down shyly and opened the door for him.
“Stay safe.” he uttered.
The same two words he told you after every visit. Stay safe. It was almost as if your client had a genuine care for you. You nodded in affirmation and offered him one last smile before he left the brothel and headed back to ‘the office’. Do agents even work in offices? You wondered.
You paced around the corridors of the brothel to find Rosa, wanting to return her lipstick and also tell her about Javier. You were excited. He really said you were his favourite girl. Out of all the girls, you were his favourite. To say you were beaming was an understatement. 
You caught her speaking to Javier as he walked out the brothel front door and you felt an anxious knot in your stomach tighten. It was hard to make out from the distance, but by the looks of it, Rosa was crying. The conversation was only brief, and Javier nodded along to whatever she was saying, before handing her a card and leaving for good. You officially had questions. You went to push through the crowds of people but a man much taller and larger than you placed a hand on your shoulder and pushed you back.
“Whoa,” you stumbled. “Can I help you?” He made some crude gesture with his fingers indicating the type of sex he wanted with you and you couldn’t help but scrunch up your nose in disdain. “Yeah okay,” you agreed with a small sigh. “Just a second though, I have to find someone. My room is 20 if you would like to wait for me--”
“No,” he growled, pinning you against the wall. “Now.”
You glanced behind his shoulder searching for Rosa but she had evidently already disappeared. 
“Okay.” you huffed, pulling yourself out of his grip and leading him to your room. You supposed you could tell Rosa about Javier after you’d dealt with this guy.
He’d left about ten minutes ago, and you were just finishing up in your room, getting ready to clock out of work and call it a day. The brothel lobby was often loud and bubbly, but the second you heard all the muffled chatter stop, you knew something was up. You pulled your purse over your shoulders and locked your room before walking down the corridor. As you approached the lobby, you heard loud footsteps and yelling. The second you stepped foot in the main room, you saw the man Rosa had been asking you about earlier in the day, and your heart sank.
“Where the fuck is she?” Limón shouted. He and another man paced around in circles. It had gone quiet because the men had the other girls, your colleagues, pressed against the wall, holding guns to their heads. Your eyes widened in horror and you immediately brought your hands up in the air to surrender.
“Are none of you whores talking? Where the fuck is she?” the other man hissed. 
“La Quica,” — so that was his name — “Shut the fuck up. You’ll draw unwanted attention.”
They hadn’t noticed you yet. There was still time to escape. But your feet were frozen to the ground. How could you dare run away and leave the girls here, unable to fend for themselves?
Limón pressed the handgun to Martzia’s head. “Where is she?” he spat.
“Who?” Martzia gasped.
“Rosa!” Limón bellowed, clocking the gun in anger. “Where the fuck is Rosa?”
“I- I don’t know!” Martzia cried. She was visibly shaking in terror. All the girls were.
“Bullshit!” Limón snapped back, and within a second, he pulled the trigger and Martzia was dead on the floor.
On impulse, you looked away, but you’d already caught an eye-full. Martzia’s blood was not only on the wall behind her, but it was on Juliet too, who was now a whimpering mess. Taking a deep breath, you mustered up all your strength to look back at the girls. Most of them had their eyes closed and their tear stained cheeks glistened under the dingy lights.
“You. Shut the fuck up.” Limón  growled before moving over to Juliet and pressing the gun against her head. She choked out a sob and apparently that was enough for Limón to pull the trigger on her as well. You slammed your hands against your mouth and let out an incomprehensible noise. That got Limón and La Quica’s attention. La Quica grabbed you and pinned you up against the wall so you were only centimetres away from Martzia and Juliet’s limp bodies.
“How long has that bitch been standing there for?” Limón asked angrily and La Quica shrugged his shoulders. Limón pulled on your hair so he could get a good look at your face. “Hey La Quica this whore must be new. Haven’t seen her around before. Nice ass too.” He smirked, wrapping his hand around your neck and squeezing it. “Do you know where Rosa is?”
You didn’t. But neither did Martzia and that had got her killed. Even if you did know where Rosa was, you wouldn’t give up that information. You couldn’t. Your heart was slamming against your chest and when you felt the handgun press in between your shoulder blades you thought you were going to pass out right then and there.
It was her. It was Rosa. You felt the handgun slowly slip away from your back as both Limón and La Quica turned around to face your best friend. When you were certain they weren’t looking at you anymore, you turned around too so you could take a look at Rosa yourself. When your eyes met hers, you saw her face soften.
“Rosa!” Limón hissed, running over to the girl. “Tell me it isn’t true. Tell me it wasn’t you.” Limón grabbed on to Rosa and began to shake her. “My apartment was fucking raided, Rosa. A kilo of coke, gone. They know. They know we’ve been chauffeuring Escobar.”
You were baffled. We? She’d been helping chauffeur Pablo fucking Escobar? You shook your head in disbelief, praying it wasn’t true. She’d been lecturing you about the dangers of your job when she’d been doing the most dangerous thing of all. And how could she not tell you? If she had just told you… maybe you could’ve helped her. Maybe you could’ve done something. It couldn’t be true.
“I called the cops,” Rosa confessed, her voice emotionless and her face stone cold. “I called the cops and they put me through to the DEA immediately. I met with an agent. I told him everything I knew. I ratted you out Limón, and you should thank me.”
Limón raised his hand and slapped Rosa across the face. “You bitch!” He shouted. “How could you do this to me Rosa? How could you fucking--”
Then, a gunshot.
The sound was blinding and everything went in slow motion. You swore that your heart stopped beating as tears streamed down your face. You screamed as you watched her body fall to the ground.
“La Quica you fucker! You killed her! You killed Rosa!” Limón cried out in anguish, grabbing his friend by the shoulders. “What the fuck man! What the fuck!”
“She confessed,” La Quica huffed, trying to calm his friend. “I know you liked her but she’s a fucking whore, Limón! She made her mouth go. She’s the reason you had the fucking DEA sniffing out your apartment. We’re not only in trouble with the cops but if Escobar finds out… shit man. I’m scared.” 
Both La Quica and Limón were visibly freaking out. They had put their guns away at least, but they were pacing around in circles again and shouting at each other. But you couldn’t hear a single thing. You couldn't see anything... just the blur of their bodies. You couldn’t smell and your fingers felt numb. You felt like you were falling. Your chest was tight and your heart was broken.
“We have to run Limón, three fucking gunshots. Three dead bodies. The cops have probably already been called.” La Quica informed Limón as he helped coach his friend’s panicked breathing. You looked down at Martzia and Juliet’s bodies on the floor and then your gaze followed over to Rosa’s body. As the men scrambled out the brothel, you fell to your knees and crawled over to your best friend.
“Rosa,” you whispered, tears streaming down your cheeks as you picked up and cradled her body in your arms. Her blood was all over you, and you felt like you could throw up at any second. “Rosa please. I- Rosa. No no no what… What did you do Rosa?” You chanted your best friend's name and cried into her body.
What did she do?
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Sytherin Queen
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Draco Malfoy x slytherin!reader
Word Count: 3,8k
Type: fluff/angst/smut
Summary: the Sytherin Queen and King are announced and to celebrate your victory, Draco has something unusual planned for you.
Characters: Draco Malfoy, Reader (y/n), Pansy Parkinson
Warning(s): cheating (?), fingering, sex in front of a mirror
The first month of your seventh, and last, year at Hogwarts had started really smoothly. You had been no problems at attending classes and, for the first time since you attended the school, you felt like a normal student in a normal school.
But then your caring boyfriend took the matter into his own hands and did his better to remember you every day who you were and who you belonged to. He was older than you. He had graduated the year before and when you went back to the School on the first of September, he wasn’t with you.
“Troubles in paradise?” Pansy Parkinson appeared in the seat next to yours in the library and after placing her bag down on the floor, she turned completely to you and started intensely at you, “I can see the gears rotating into your brain.”
You let out a bitter smile and lowered your gaze on the opened book in front of you, not able to hold hers any longer, “Graham isn’t replying to my letters anymore,” you rubbed your hands on your face, but kept going, “We spent the entire summer together, but now he is distant and…I don’t know why I am doing this, it’s like he doesn’t even wants to try to make this work,” you spat out all your doubts regarding your relationship with your boyfriend. A tear went down your cheek and then landed on the white paper, “And I don’t know if I still love him.”
“Silly, I already know that!” she kept het voice tone low, yet it was like she had shouted it right to your face, “If it can comfort you, you’re pretty good at hiding your emotions, but you like staring…a lot,” Pansy was pleased with herself when she succeeded in getting a smile from you, “Listen, I remember how you and Graham used to be and I hoped it would work also once outside these walls. But obviously they aren’t going the way you wanted them,” she took your hands in hers and said: “I’ve never been seriously involved with someone yet, but I suggest you take your time and clear your mind about your feelings for Graham…and the other boy.”
Two weeks later you were still fervently hoping in a reply letter from your supposed-to-be boyfriend outside the school. After the fourth day you understood it wasn’t worth the wait, so you removed the necklace he had given you on 31stAugust that same year and put it into your drawer, next to your bed, unsure of what to do with it.
A few days before Pansy had convinced you to compete for the role of Slytherin Queen, which would have been assigned the night of the Ball -exclusive for Slytherins. You signed up under your friend’s insistence and there you were, in your dorm, in front of a full-figure mirror, just looking at you.
You had chosen a long green satin dress, with thin straps on your shoulders and a draped cowl neckline which highlighted your olive-skinned neck. Your parents had sent you earlier that week a piece of jewellery which came directly from your grandmother’s collection. It was a necklace representing a snake, it was entirely encrusted with shining diamonds, and at the end of it, right on the head of the snake, there were two big emeralds.
“That outfit is literally screaming ‘I’m the Slytherin Queen’,” Pansy appeared from behind the door of the bathroom and leaned against the frame of it, “Was that you the one who didn’t want to sign up for the competition?” she took a sip from a glass she then placed down on her bedside table.
“Yeah,” you mumbled as you sat down on your bed, “I’m still not sure about that,” you chuckled and fidget with your fingers, “Why would I be the Slytherin Queen when there’s you, or Daphne.”
“There’s a difference between you and us. Yes, we may be the centre of gossip, but I look at you while you take care of the First Years, or while you help the Third-Year girls with their problems. If I can use this term, you act as a mum. You are the kindest Slytherin among all of us.”
You gave her a heart-warming smile and hugged her tightly, “It’s time for us to go,” you hid yourself from her while swiping a solo tear running down your cheek, “Are your ready?” your hand reached for the doorknob and turned it once you made sure Pansy war right behind you.
You climbed down the stairs and soon were met with the strong smell of Firewhiskey, introduced illegally inside the green and silver common room. You didn’t notice the whispering all around you, both boys and girls were astonished by your beauty that night. Pansy went pouring you a glass of Whiskey, meanwhile you found a free-from-people spot in the room. You detected Blaise and Theo making their way into the crowd, being soon approached by two girls per one. They were both wearing two simple grey suits, which fitted the very good.
Behind them the door of the prefect’s dorm opened, and Draco Malfoy got out of it. He was wearing an entirely black suit; the trousers covered his thin and long legs perfectly, making them look slimmer. His tie was what made you drool the most; the thing you imagined him doing to you with his black tie. You were almost ashamed by the way Draco attracted you; you had never felt anything like that with Graham, especially because the nature of your relationship was strictly based on who you were and the heritage -cultural and non-cultural- you brought with you.
“You’ll need this, trust me.”
You didn’t notice Pansy coming closer to you and handing you a glass of Firewhiskey, which you gladly took from her hands and swallowed in one swift motion, “I won’t make it ‘till the end of the night,” you whispered more to yourself than o your friend, and fortunately she seemed not to have listened.
Instead, Pansy was focused more on the three boys now approaching the two of you, “Girls, aren’t you stunning this evening,” Theo lingered with his eyes on your neckline, earning a slap on the back of his neck, “What?” he asked the platinum-haired boy on his left.
“She has a boyfriend, who is a Slytherin. Calm down,” Malfoy scolded him with a harsh tone, while he kept shaking the drink within the glass between his hands. He raised his gaze from the light brown liquid and fixed his eyes on Pansy’s dress.
“There you are!” a voice which came from behind you surprised both you and your brown-haired friend on your left, “They are about to name the Queen and the Kind,” Daphne informed all of you. She was followed by her younger sister, Astoria, who kept revolving around your group since the beginning of the year.
You couldn’t say you were bothered by her presence, especially since she would sometimes turn to you when she needed any kind of advice. But you often found yourself observe the way she approached the older boys, mainly Draco. Astoria used to touch his arm whenever he was talking to her, or her fastidious laugh which was always too exaggerated.
Even though you had never talked about it with Pansy, you had the impression she had the same thoughts as you about the younger Greengrass and her pretty explicative manners with boys.
You moved along with your group as they came closer to the little stage, set up for the occasion, and stopped right underneath it. One of the boys from the same year as yours -so, from the seventh year- climbed up the stage and took the microphone between his hands.
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the annual Slytherin Ball,” the crowd started cheering and considered the amount of alcohol which had been already consumed, the excitement was brimming, “We will start right away with the name of the Slytherin King,” he pointed at a crown laid on the top of a wooden-made stool, “Let’s be clear, who competed never had a chance against the one and only Slytherin Prince. Ladies, you voted your King to be…” the suspense which followed was senseless, because everyone in the room had understood who was about to be called. And, in fact, the crowd exploded shouting when Draco was invited to collect from the stage the crown now belonging to him. “Malfoy, do you want to reveal your Queen’s name?”
The platinum-haired boy took the envelope from the boy’s hands and unwrapped it. He read the name written on it and let out a soft chuckle, “Give me the crown,” after a moment he was getting off the platform with a feminine version of his crown, studded with hundreds of little silver-coloured glitters, in his hands. He came to a stop only once he was in front of your group.
Next to you, Pansy got excited, but you kept it together since you knew you weren’t the only one among you girls competing that night. Astoria Greengrass had signed up only one day before the beginning of the poll and she had quite an amount of ‘friends’ who certainly gave her their votes.
Draco switched his eyes between you and the younger girl. To you, it seemed like you could normally breath no longer; the only thing you attempt doing was holding your friend’s hand and, in that moment, you figured that maybe you actually cared about the damn crown. You looked into Draco’s eyes as they laid on you and you saw his lips slightly curling up.
What came next, your brain couldn’t process it. All of a sudden everybody’s eyes were on you and they watched as Draco carefully placed the crown onto your head, eventually locking a rebellious lock of your hair behind your ear. He looked at you as your cheeks flushed under his touch and, liking how your body reacted to his, he grabbed your hand with his while the other one was gently placed on your waist, “Would you like to dance, Queen?”
Saliva was no longer being produced inside your mouth, so what you did was simply nodding, trying not to lose your respectability by drooling over him.
The crowd made some space for you in the middle of the common room as Draco dragged you away from your friends. Once you were one in front of the other, he pulled you closer and you had to place both your arms over his shoulders -no that the position upset you. You started dancing really slowly; it was like you were studying each other, unsure of what you were doing was okay with the other.
Draco wasn’t the kind of boy who liked to ask, he would rather take what he believed being his by right. That was what he did with you on September of the same year; he didn’t care about your ‘boyfriend’ outside the school, what he really mattered to him was that you were his. And you were glad you could count on him.
What brought you to him was entirely different from what brought you and Graham together. You and Draco actually shared the same interests and there wasn’t a single moment since you knew each other that he made you feel inferior to him.
That was why when, in the general confusion, he asked you to follow him, you did it without even questioning him where to. He interlaced your fingers together and dragged you through the crowd and across the room; in less than a couple of minutes you were walking down the aisle of the boys’ dorm.
Draco had a room only for him; he said to you it was because he was a prefect, but deep down you knew he got it because of his father. And each time you tried to tease him about it, he would rapidly change the topic of the conversation. You had been more than one time inside of his room, and no one of your friends knew it.
Once you made it to his room, he closed the door behind your back and pushed you against it, “So, my Queen, how to you want to celebrate?” he whispered in a seductive tone next to your ear, “I have a couple of suggestions to make,” he kissed your lobe over and over again, leaving a trail of wetness behind, “Want to hear them?”
You nodded frantically, “T-tell me,” your hands were soon wrapped around the back of his neck and your lips found his in a matter of seconds, “What were you thinking, Draco?” you knew how much he liked his name being whispered by you, and since he had firstly told you that, you kept doing it -but only when there was only the two of you.
He put some distance between the two of you while he stroked your bottom lip with his thumb, “You are astonishing with this crown on,” he drew with his fingers the outline of it and then laid his eyes again on your figure, “Do never take it off tonight, sweetheart.”
You shivered as his fingers lifted the straps of your dress, “Is the door locked?” you looked around yourself and then stopped your gaze on his features, enlightened by the weak light inside the room. You didn’t have to ask; Draco brought a hand behind you and when you heard the key being turned in the keyhole, you were sure no one would have busted into the room that night.
Your hands, which were still hanging behind his neck, went stroking the tiny, soft hair on it, while his were now placed on your waist.
“Don’t waste our time then,” Draco dragged you forward, again and again, until your butt hit his desk, “I had in mind something different for today,” as he pulled down the strips of your dress, and let it fall on the ground, he was pleasantly surprised by what were you wearing under it.
A constant thought lingering in your mind all day made you wear a lingerie under the silk dress; it was basic, yet the sexiest Draco had ever seen on a woman.
He took his time observing you, imprinting in his mind the forest green strapless bra and slip on you, “I cannot say how much I love this colour on you,” his fingers went playing behind your back, with the hook of it, while his eyes paid attention a little lower from there, “No, I will show you how much I love this colour on you.”
You felt his hands leaving your body and felt cold and alone when he turned his back at you completely. You watched him tearing down a drape from the wall, unveiling a full-length mirror, “One quick question,” your curious self was coming out, “Is that always been there?” you didn’t address to him directly, instead you preferred looking at him through the glass, “And why I didn’t know about it?” you suddenly felt two large hands regaining their place on your hips.
“I don’t like the idea of seeing myself as I wake up.”
You looked up and chuckled at his words; it was such a Draco Malfoy’s typical expression to use, “Are we going to spend the entire night commending your mirror?” you turned around and placed your hands around the back of his neck, again, “Or are we up to something else?”
“You can bet that pretty ass of yours we are,” he roughly flipped you, now your back was pressed against his chest and your ass was grinding against his hard erection, “Nice dress, by the way,” his fingers traced the line of your shoulders and then went down, up to the very end of your back, “Maybe tomorrow morning you can make a catwalk just for me.”
“It depends,” you answered vaguely, and you lips curled up in a lazy smile as you enjoyed his touch burning your skin.
“On what? If I may ask.”
“On how good you fuck me tonight,” you looked like the typical innocent, good girl to everyone -even to Graham-, but there was one only person in the entire world who had the pleasure to meet the real you.
“Are you challenging me, Miss Y/L/N?” Draco pulled you further against him and his arms wrapped around your hips, “You know I never refuse a challenge, especially if I know I will win,” having said that, there was no more time for words. He pushed you down and within seconds you were on your knees, looking at him through the full-length mirror in front of you.
You kept silent, watching Draco pushing down his black jacket, which was soon followed by his black shirt; his fingers found the buckle the belt he was wearing and undid it -quite masterfully, according to you. His trousers were thrown onto the bed; he stood there, behind you, in his underwear which did left nothing to your imagination.
You licked your upper lip and smirked, staring directly into his eyes, “Are we going to take it slow all night?”
“Face down. Ass up,” Draco commanded you and chuckled as you eagerly accomplished his orders. His eyes followed the narrow line of the thong you were wearing. He couldn’t say he didn’t like it -he wanted that catwalk the morning after more than anything. Draco’s fingers trailed down the fabric until they rushed against your core, “Already so wet for me?”
“Only for you, Draco,” you knew how much he like it when you said it to him, and so you fitted that sentence every time you could.
“What do you want?” he kneeled behind you, eyes fixed on yours through the mirror, “You ask, and I will accomplish, my Queen.”
“Then,” you turned your head around to look him straight in the face, “I want to be fucked so hard that I won’t remember even my name tomorrow morning,” you noticed the lust sparkling in his eyes.
Draco’s hand laid down on your head and pointed it towards the mirror, he pushed until your cheek touched the soft carpet, “Spread your legs,” he supported the movement you made with your legs, “Good girl,” your underwear was moved to the side and the boy’s cold fingers were met with the heat of your wet pussy. Draco pushed his index inside you, twisted it and pulled it out. He repeated the action a couple of times before thrusting his middle and annular inside, too. He intensified his pace and was about to brought you your first orgasm of the night, except that he removed his fingers before the wave could hit you, “Pathetic.”
“W-why?” you asked breathless.
Since the first time you had sex with Draco, you understood it was nothing like the boys you had been before -nor Graham. Draco had always cared about you and your body, and out your pleasure before his own. Though he didn’t seem an altruistic person, within the walls of the bedroom, Draco came in second place. But he was an arrogant asshole even when you were throbbing for him.
“You should know by now that you are only allowed to come on my cock,” he kept his back straight while he brushed the tip of his hard member against the labia of your pussy, “I haven’t heard you beg yet.”
You let out a deep breath and steadied yourself o your elbows, reaching an even wide opening with your legs, “Please, my King, let me come on your cock. Please, fuck me ‘till my mind blo-“ you gasped when you felt him going deep inside you. You thought that he knew what he was asking for when he told you to put yourself in that position: you could literally feel him hitting all your soft spots and his tip was less than an inch away from your cervix.
He was big and thick; again, nothing you had experienced before.
You brought forward your hips and pushed them back, enough for his balls to hit your clit; you tilted your head back and closed your eyes, pleased with the sensation. You repeated you action once more, this time you were staring at his face, twisted in a satisfied expression. You heard him babbling senseless words and that gave you the strength to do it again. After that, you didn’t push yourself away, instead you kept your position and held his cock deep buried inside you.
“Already tired?” Draco went down on your ass at first gently, then he slapped it quite hard. He didn’t go back, but he gave you a thrust and you couldn’t help but lower your head. His fingers grabbed a few hairs of yours and pulled it up again, “I said: eyes on me. If not, you will be punished,” then he whispered next to you ears, “I really don’t want to show every Slytherin how accommodating you can be.”
Draco pulled himself back and then, in one quick motion, he thrusted back into you. He steadied himself to a fast pace, which had you moaning so loud that he congratulated himself for casting a silencing charm over the room moments before. He grabbed your crown, which had fallen from your head, and put it back on it, keeping it in place with another charm, “Look at yourself, the Slytherin Queen being destroyed by the only man who will ever see you like this,” he felt your walls tightening around him and his cock growing harder inside you, “You desperate slut.”
When you noticed his hand running between your legs, and your core, you shivered and then, all of a sudden, he pinched your clit, and you didn’t hold it back anymore; you screamed while the orgasm washed you over and over again.
When you raised your head to meet Draco’s grey eyes, he was already looking at you with a smile plastered over his face. It wasn’t his usual smirk, neither was he making of somebody, Draco Malfoy had on the soft smile he had only shown to you. The only girl he had ever cared about.
“I’ll give you that catwalk tomorrow morning,” you said in no more than a whisper, but you were sure he had listened to you because he giggled and placed a warm kiss on your back, along the line of your backbone, “Can we cuddle before round two?”
Draco broke into laughs, “Are you up for round two?” meanwhile he carefully made you stand up and took you to the bed. As usual he tucked you under the sheets and then jumped on the mattress, reaching his spot behind you.
“I’m always up for round two with you.”
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hoedorokishoto · 3 years
Trust - Part 2
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Shoto Todoroki x Reader 
warnings - explicit sex, swearing 
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Todoroki had gotten taller since the last time I had been this close to him. His body also filling out and getting stronger from all the training. Changes that weren't noticeable until I was inches away from him, measuring his body for any new costume changes that might be required. From watching the training exercise I had concluded that putting a mesh suit under his current costume was the best course of action. One that was highly resistant to both hot and cold, to decrease the number of small burns and frostbite he seemed to get from using his quirk at high outputs. The same mesh being impenetrable and good if a villain ever decided to stab the future pro.
"Shinso said you are very good, and that I'm in good hands." Todoroki said, looking down at me as I continued to take his measurements.
"Were you worried beforehand?" I asked, quirking my eyebrow, and standing up. His dual-coloured eyes continued to burn holes in my back wherever I walked around the workshop.
"Is there a reason you keep staring at me?" I asked softly, not mad but uncomfortable with the constant attention.
"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable; I just like watching you work."
"I'm excited to see what you come up with."
Todoroki looked the part of being cool and confident but sometimes the way he spoke reminded me of what an awkward little bean he could truly be. Hitoshi stating that his social skills could still use a little work.
"Well, I'm glad you are excited. I think I could make a lot of cool improvements."
It wasn't a lie, I was excited. Any opportunity to further my career as Hero Support or be in the workshop creating new inventions was always a plus to me. It was the Hero in front of me that I had reservations about. Being with new people who I didn't really know wasn't my idea of fun. Neither was small talk. At least we had that in common, both of our silences falling over us like a heavy blanket, and it seemed that neither of us knew how to escape it.
"Are you-."
"You shou-."
You both said at the same time, looking at each other. A smile crept onto my face as Shoto's cheeks darkened with a small blush. Shoto looked down at his feet, his two-toned hair coming down to fall over his eyes.
"You were saying?" I asked, stepping closer to Todoroki, and looking up into his eyes, trying to keep him flustered, finding his awkwardness cute and endearing. He didn't step back, sizing me up.
We were so close I could feel the heat coming off his body, the proximity causing goosebumps to spread down my arms.
"I was saying you should have seen my first hero suit; it was really bad. Or as Ashido says tragic." Todoroki said, his voice low, his face still so close I could feel his breath. Todoroki was handsome, I would have to be blind to deny it. His features were sharp and prominent, his half and half colouring only adding to his air of mystery. I wanted to test the waters; see exactly how far I could push him.
"I have a feeling you could wear a sheet and still look good." I stated. Dropping back down in front of him and measuring his inseam.
"You think so?" Todoroki asked a smirk plastered across his face as he looked down at me.
"If I wanted to see you naked I think I know just how I could make that happen." I said.
Despite my brave statement I still blushed as he looked down at me still, his eyes never leaving mine.
"I bet you haven't seen anything like this." He answered quickly, leaving my mind racing. The position we were in doing nothing to help me try to get a handle on the situation.
"Are you trying to fluster me?" Todoroki asked, leaning down and putting his fingers under my chin, guiding me back up to stand with him.
"Is it working?" I asked, a similar smirk falling across my face. Leaning into his touch, his left hand warm on my skin.
"Maybe..." Is all he said, stepping off the platform and turning towards the door, picking up his bag and school uniform jacket as he went.
"Same time tomorrow?" He asked, turning around one more time to look at me, my eyes wide, trying to comprehend the situation. I didn't speak, just nodded my head in his direction and spun around. Heading to the workbench to write down all the measurements I took while it was fresh in my mind. I wanted my mind to be anywhere but thoughts of Todoroki and whatever had just happened.
The regular noise of the 3H dorm filled my ears as we all sat down for dinner, various pots of stew and bowls of rice steaming, spread out across the table. The day had ended like any other, covered in grease and staying in the workshop at least an hour later than you intended to only coming back to the dorm when one of the teachers turned off the lights and refused to put them back on.
"Todoroki huh, that's cool. He has a really cool quirk and you're a genius so it's like a match made in Heaven." Mei stated, her hair sticking up behind her goggles and her skin looking just as grease-stained as mine.
I just nodded, scooping rice into my mouth to avoid any real conversation, wanting to be showered and in bed as soon as possible. The exchange between Todoroki and I was still fresh in my mind even now. The intensity of his dual-coloured eyes burnt into my brain.
"Y/N lost for words? I never thought I'd see the day."
"I'm not lost for words; I just don't have anything to say..."
"So you are lost for words?" Mei laughed, swinging her arm around my shoulder, and hugging me close. I was grateful that I had found her, other than Hitoshi she was my first real friend, bonding over our love of machinery and design. She was quick to call me out on my bullshit when I needed it and quick to be a shoulder to cry on. On top of that she was a genius who always had insight into whatever project I was working on, helping, and lending advice whenever necessary. If you looked up mum friend in the dictionary she was it. If your mum stayed up all night, had big boobs, ran on coffee and had a steam punk obsession.
Sen – Hey, how was your day? You busy tonight?
Even the way he typed was perfect, down to the last comma. I wished that Sen could be anything other than someone I fucked around with but the feelings one should have just weren't there. I often wondered if I was keeping him from someone, someone who could return his feelings. Someone who deserved to receive nicely punctuated text messages over dinner wondering about how their day was.
Y/N – Your room or mine?
His grip on my waist was so hard I thought it might bruise, but that was an afterthought as I felt Sen thrust up into me, filling me up and hitting the spot inside me that caused a knot to grow in my stomach, a sign of my impending orgasm.
I looked down at him, his eyes closed as his head was thrown back, his face was cute in this situation. Different from the handsome angular face he usually wore. His brown hair was stuck to his temples, our bodies sweaty from the activities we were currently partaking in.
"You feel so good." Sen moaned out, his mouth starting to kiss up my neck, his handing snaking around and holding the back of my head and neck. Holding me somewhat steady as I continued to ride him.
We both picked up the pace, chasing our orgasms as the sound of skin on skin rang out throughout the room. He kissed me, hard. All teeth and tongues. Both of us coming together with a loud moan. I slumped into him, his arms circling around me pulling me closer as we both caught our breath. I wished I hated him, I wished I didn't care about his feelings. He was comforting, it was times like this that I really wished I could like him how he wanted me to. How he deserved.
I rolled off him, planting my feet on the ground, walking around the room looking for my clothes that had been thrown around the room. I heard Sen shuffle behind me, taking off the condom, tying it off, and throwing it in the trash can by the door.
He came up behind me, I could feel his presence looming over me like a ghost. He reached out and touched my side as I pulled my jeans back up and clipped my bra up.
"You don't have to go." Sen said quietly, almost a whisper. There it was, the words that had the power to cleave my heart in two. Not for my sake but for his, at every turn I was reminded how bad of a person I was, I reminded myself that no matter how nice people were to you or how good it felt when they were inside you, nothing ever really lasted, and the people who claimed to care the most were always the first ones to leave. Why couldn't Sen see that?  Romantic relationships were a distraction which I didn't want to get myself involved in and neither should he.
I turned and took the shirt from him that he held out, slipping it over my head. Collecting the last of my things like my phone and shoes and stopped in front of him once again.
"I'll text you later." I said softly, stepping up onto my tiptoes and kissing his cheek. Not looking back as I left his dorm and made my way to the elevator. Praying that all his classmates and Mr. Vlad were asleep.
I made it out of the 3B dorms without any fuss, no hero students, or pro heroes in sight. Thank God. The night air was cool and made the walk back to my dorm quite pleasant, I wasn't in a rush, taking in everything around me. The students jogging around the grounds and the dorms that were lit up with life. The 1st years loudly yelling and laughing, no doubt getting used to dorm life.
I came to a stop outside the 3A dorm, contemplating visiting Hitoshi knowing that regardless of the time he would be up and if he weren't he would wake up for me. I wanted to talk to him, but I also didn't want another weird almost lecture like he gave me the other day. It was hard to talk to people who knew me better than I knew myself sometimes because there was never any hiding. There wasn't anything that I could hide from Hitoshi, even if I tried.
Just as I was about to move on the large doors of the dorm swung open, a very pissed Todoroki stepping out, being followed by an equally as pissed Momo Yaoyorozu. Without thinking I ducked behind the nearest bush and hid. Not meaning to spy on their conversation but also not wanting to look like a creep who snuck around other people's dorms at night.
"I honestly don't know why you are being like this Shoto. Just get over it and we can go back to how everything was." Yaoyorozu said in the distance.
"It was almost 2 years ago; I don't want to do anything with you. Even if I did want any form of relationship with you I definitely wouldn't want it to be like how it was back then." Todoroki replied.
Both of their voices distant, further enough away from the dorm so their classmates wouldn't hear but not close enough to me that I could hear all their conversation.
"That's a bit harsh. We should be together. Both of our fathers think it's a good idea."
"When have I ever given a fuck what my father thinks?"
"Shoto, don't be vulgar. You have been hanging out with Bakugo for too long. He has started to rub off on you."
"I don't want to have this conversation with you anymore Yaomomo, I've said what I had to say, it's you that keeps bringing it up. I won't be getting back together with you, I won't be sleeping with you anymore and I won't even consider it just because our stuck-up scum bag fathers think it's right!" Shoto yelled loudly, there was no doubt that everyone in the vicinity had heard.
Yaoyorozu stomped her foot and pouted, turning on her heels and walking away.
"Well, I still have your cashmere sweater! I'm keeping it!" She shouted over her shoulder.
"Yeah well I still have your virginity, so I guess you win some you lose some." Shoto said back, causing Momo to huff and walk back towards the large doors. I chuckled at his statement, this Shoto vastly different from 1st year Shoto, different again from the Shoto that was in your workshop earlier today.
Yaoyorozu didn't look back as she entered the dorm, leaving Shoto Todoroki standing in the moonlight, looking even more ethereal than usual. If it were even possible.
And me, standing in a bush looking like a creep.
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wissbby · 4 years
Boyfriend head-canon - Oikawa Tо̄ru
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⤙ Summary: basically, a head-canon about how I imagine Oikawa in a relationship. ⊹ Genre: fluff, smut and a tiny bit of angst ⊹ Word count: 1779 ⊹ Warnings: NSFW ⤙ Author’s note: this head-canon is a bit bigger than I anticipated. I still feel like I’m missing so much more so I might edit this in the future and add onto it. For now, I hope you just enjoy it :)
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So, let's say you and Oikawa got together.
I don't see Oikawa as someone who opens up easy. It takes the man a lot of time and trust so you'll have to be patient if you want to develop a relationship with him.
You must've been (very very good) friends before he even sees you as a potential significant other. 
I've seen a lot of Haikyuu fans bashing on the man because of that one scene with Kageyama. They don't realise that Oikawa was at his lowest point during this moment and was overall just doing very, very bad. 
It's also a scene where we get to see Oikawa's fakes finally breaking down. 
You need to show Oikawa you're there for him, even if he pushes you away at the very beginning.
He's afraid to show you his insecurities, even if you're already aware of them in the first place. 
He's just so so afraid of losing you. He’s afraid you’ll leave him behind once you get to see the other -not so pretty- side of him.
So, try to break him,
in a good way, of course.
Also, give him a lot of space. And by this, I mean, give the man attention but let him do his things like he always has done. 
Even though you're now his partner, Oikawa is still selfish in that perspective. He won't try his hardest best to change his schedule for you.
You know volleyball is important to him, right? So you must understand why he won't do so.
Trust me,
He'll come back running once he realises this kind of behaviour was the exact reason his ex broke up with him.
"I'm so sorry. It's just- I'll try harder."
And if Oikawa says so, he really means it. This man keeps his promises, I'll give him that.
He's just very insecure about a lot of things, though he might not show that side of him immediately. 
If you've come across the point where Oikawa fully knows he's accepted by you, he'll show you his true colours. 
Expect him to break down in front of your -yet to be opened- front door. 
Just take the man inside and comfort him. 
He likes to be pampered.
Now, onto a bit more fluffy stuff.
This man is one hundred per cent the affectionate type. 
If he wants to feel your skin, he will do anything in his power to do so. 
Out in public but suddenly craving you? He's kissing your forehead and pushing you against his chest while holding your waist with his right arm and intertwining your hands with his left hand.
Together in one's bedroom? He'll either plop on top of you, burying his head into the crook of your neck with his body all over yours or will push you against his chest and let you rest your head in the crook of his neck while running his hands slowly through your hair until he hears your evening breaths. 
He just likes to know you're still there with him. 
Sorry buddy's, it's the insecurities.
It's also a way of apologising for the time he loses with you because of volleyball. He tries his hardest best to make the time you two have unforgettable.
If he finally got a day off, he will one hundred per cent take you on a date. 
Expect this man to go all out.
Clothes, shoes, accessories, oh yeah, and the date itself too
He almost forgot about that, but let's ignore that for now 
Okay, so these are the type of dates he would definitely take you on,
Coffeeshop dates, picnics, star-gazing, home-theatre.
Let me explain each date
Coffeeshop dates: it has to be one of those cosy, very warm atmosphere shops. He likes to see a lot a brown, dark green, some orange and of course, plants. It's an aesthetic the pretty setter loves to be surrounded by to unwind from everything going on. 
It's also a perfect colour palette for his Instagram feed.
He'd wear a grey sweater with vinyl pants and -of course- wear his glasses to add to the look. 
This mf is actually blind without them but only wears them when they match his outfit. 
Picnics: Oikawa would take care of everything. The only thing you need to do is just be there. He likes to lay down with you, telling you about his day/week. The pretty scenery above your heads and in front of you keeps amazing him. He will never get tired of the prettiness Mother Nature offers. Bonus!! Bring him milk bread and he’ll spin you around before settling you back on the ground and pecking your lips ever so slightly.
Star-gazing: I see Oikawa as an intelligent human being. Besides that, he is very curious about various things. He almost always has a question about something. If he feels romantic or just simply wants to see you, he’ll call you when the sun has set, telling you he is waiting for you outside. I know for a fact that this dude has some secret hide-out since he was a child. He hasn’t shared it with anyone, not even Iwaizumi, because it was his spot to completely shut the outside world out. He really doubted whether he should tell you about it or not. But, he wanted to show you himself, all of him. He loves you too much to let you be apart of that “outside world”. Arriving at the spot, he would lay down with you in the tall grass, eyes immediately fixating on the bright stars. He would point out the zodiac signs, telling you some facts about his sign and yours (yes, he did his research). On the court, Oikawa feels big. He feels big with his team and is not afraid to lose if it were with them. But now that he lays underneath the big open sky, he realises how tiny he is in this universe. He starts to think about how lucky he is to have met you in this big universe. Expect some sappy shit and maybe some tears if he feels vulnerable. 
Home-theatre: sometimes, it’s better to stay indoors with your loved one. And Oikawa completely agrees with that. After a long week of school or work he just likes to unwind. Now, he would invite you over. And girl- when I tell you what he did. You didn’t exactly expect a fort in front of his television. But then again, we are talking about Oikawa here. It’s adorable, though. There are fairy lights all over the place, candles lit and an unnecessary amount of pillows and fluffy blankets. You both lay down and pick a movie. Settling on “Ponyo” because Oikawa once mentioned the drawing style makes him feel at ease. This man has one of his arms either wrapped around your figure or intertwined his fingers with you. He prefers to have you cuddled into him, whether that be spooning or laying on top of his chest. He just likes to keep you close. It’s these moments Oikawa cherishes the most: the domestic ones. 
Let’s hope I fed you enough fluffy content because I’m ready to flip the switch once again. 
Like I mentioned before, Oikawa is a curious man. 
And this also applies to kinks.
I know for a fact he is not scared to try out new things. He just wants two things: trust and honesty.
He wants you to trust him and trust you. He also wants you and him to be as honest as possible.
Do you not like something even though he seemed to be into it? Tell him, he wants it to be as equally enjoyable for you as it is for him.
Now, I’ve seen a lot of headcanons telling Oikawa is a switch with sub tendencies. 
I’m only gonna have to agree on the first part.
This kid is, indeed, a switch. However, he is more of a switch with dom tendencies, in my eyes.
Big on praise, like, very big. 
Secretly likes receiving more than giving, but you never heard that from me.
He also is into slight bondage. Handcuffs, ropes etc.
He likes to tie you up and block your sight. It makes him feel in control. 
Also, the way you squirm whenever he’s breathing or whispering into your ear when you least expect it, gets him rock hard every time. 
However, do the same to him and he’ll obey.
After being the fattest brat ever, of course.
Some other kinks he has are breath play, cockwarming, degradation, role-play, overstimulation, pain, food-play, stockings, cute lingerie and sadism.
(There are so many more kinks he likes and I want to go into detail about all of these but this shit will get too long so I won’t. Request if you want to see what I’d say about his kinks.)
He can go all out. 
But Oikawa prefers the more gentle sex where you just take time to enjoy each other’s carcasses. 
Is super vulnerable whenever that happens and has indeed broken down a couple of times during the act.
He can’t help it: he loves you too much that he can’t even keep on that facade anymore.
Aftercare with this baby is so cute. 
If the previous moments were a lot rougher, he likes to check up on you and praise you for your work. 
However, he gets you a glass of water and a towel to clean up the mess every time. 
When taken care of, he likes to plop down and just hold you as close as possible. Usually runs his fingers through your hair to confirm you’re still there with him. 
Falls asleep real quick, ngl
If I can give you a piece of advice: get up the morning after to make him breakfast
It’s something small but Oikawa really feels loved whenever he’s taking care of
Asks you to take place beside him and shares his breakfast with you
Yes, he is the type to put food into his mouth and share it with you with the help of a kiss that transfers the piece of food into your own mouth
Mornings like these are intimate and Oikawa cherishes them the most
Usually followed by just a lazy day of enjoying the presence of one another and probably some romance anime or Black Mirror binge watch.
Overall, this baby needs a lot of reassurance in his relationship. Let him know you’re there and won’t leave him (one of his, if not biggest, insecurities). Make him feel loved and let him take his time to warm up to you. Oikawa is worth the wait.
Iwaizumi is so very glad to see his best friend happy. He’s very grateful you two have met. Will never not show you how much he appreciates him.
“Thank you for loving him, Y/n-san,” Iwaizumi would say, voice lowered in hopes his friend wouldn’t be eavesdropping.
“Iwa-chan! Are you flirting with my girlfriend?”
“Shut up, shittykawa! You don’t deserve someone as good as her!”
He’s just happy his best friend is finally able to share his insecurities with someone he loves so much.
You’re a blessing to the both of them. 
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arhvste · 4 years
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❛ haikyuu sibling series hcs - general - part 1 ❜
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「 includes : kuroo, matsukawa, oikawa, and suna 」
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kuroo tetsurō
→ his parents got divorced at a young age and you can’t tell me otherwise
→ but before they did, himself and his older sister were close
→ she wasn’t as boisterous as him but she had a bit of a playful streak in her too
→ would absolutely go along with his scheming pranks on their parents and relatives
→ shes the one who got him into taking academics seriously
→ he always thought his big sister was cool and seeing her studious trait, he decided he wanted to be like her too
→ she’d help him with his own homework after school even if he insisted he didn’t need her help
→ everytime he’d score highly on a test, his sister would be the first person he’d show his little gold stars too
→ her praise meant the absolute world to him because from a young age he looked up to her and seeked some sort of approval from her that he was on the right track
→ when the fighting between his parents got bad, big sister kuroo would always leave her door open for her little brother to retreat into her room
→ she would hush the crying and distract his young fragile state of mind and make sure she did everything she could to stop him from focusing on the shouting
→ stories, board games, colouring, big sister kuroo did it all with him to ensure his mind was occupied with something other than the arguing downstairs
→ she’s his hero even if he doesn’t know it at such a young age yet
→ shes the one who taught him the trick with sticking two pillows against his ears just in case there were some nights she wasn’t at home
→ “see tetsu! it’s like having your head buried by sheep!”
→ when their parents did eventually split, he was beyond devastated
→ his best friend was being taken from him and there was nothing he could do about it
→ pleaded his parents to let them stay together but alas they decided it just wasn’t possible
→ kuroo took a handful of years to fully get over the separation from his sibling
→ hence his shy tendancies and hesitation to trust others at a young age
→ even to this day, the pillow habit stays prominent in his sleeping habits
→ while he was no longer in contact with his sister, kuroo would always think of her first whenever he received good grades or test results
→ would think of her during volleyball games
→ a source of motivation would be to ask himself if maybe his sister were here, would he being doing enough to make her proud?
→ after every accomplishment, his sister would linger at the back of his head
→ even now everyday when he goes to work
→ he can only do his best and hope it would be enough to be ‘cool’ like he always thought his sister was
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matsukawa issei
→ big brother mattsun 😼
→ growing up, he was so inclusive of his little siblings
→ he’d never tell his brother or sister to leave him alone or go away
→ mattsun was super considerate and laid back with his siblings
→ as long as they weren’t causing too much trouble, mattsun didn’t really care what they were doing
→ he played with them i know he did
→ hero’s and princesses? pirates? dragons and mermaids?
→ mattsuns played every single one of these and more
→ whenever his siblings would argue, they’d always argue over who gets mattsun on their side
→ whoever won him over was deemed the winner of whatever petty thing it was they were arguing about
→ this little shit played the fuck out of them 😹
→ “hm whoever gets me the leftover pasta from the fridge will get me on their side 😈”
→ “if you go empty the bin then i’ll be on your side.”
→ “issei that’s not fair! that’s your job!”
→ “is it? guess i have to join your sisters side then...”
→ “I’LL DO IT!”
→ makki woukd come over often and his brother and sister loved him
→ he was like mattsun but prettier and “less mean”
→ in fact, all the aoba johsai third years were popular with the matsukawa siblings
→ his little sister was ✨infactuated✨ with oikawa
→ oikawa was “her prince charming” according to her
→ “oi loser, since my sister likes you so much why don’t you babysit for me next week?”
→ “as if! i have better things to do any- -she likes me?! 🥺 yes of course i’ll babysit!”
→ his brother is the opposite tho haha
→ “stupid oikawa don’t come near my sister!”
→ little brother matsukawa was protective asf over his sister
→ would throw hands at the setters legs and waist
→ and you already know mattsun, makki and iwa are just gonna stand there and ignore it
→ all in all, mattsuns one of the best siblings
→ he looks out for his siblings but he’s not overbearing in the slightest
→ these days he often lets them visit him at work when he’s not as home as often
→ “whoever brings me lunch doesn’t get locked in the coffin room”
→ obviously his siblings are bigger now so they just roll their eyes and ignore him ahah
→ he’s still someone they know they can come to if they need to though
→ he’s a good big brother who will listen to them without judegement cause hey, he’s done some questionable things growing up too
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oikawa tooru
→ “you’re not allowed to have a boyfriend because i said so! nobody’s good enough for you! 😠”
→ “tooru, i’m older than you 🧍🏻”
→ over protective asf over his sister
→ insults boys that try it on with her to their face 😹
→ “you don’t seriously think she’ll go for you when you look like that do you? 😹 next caller!”
→ shes constantly apologising for his rude ass behaviour 😩
→ he does often seek advice from her though
→ especially when he started garnering attention from girls himself
→ “hair swept to the left or right?”
→ “neither. both are ugly.”
→ yes queen humble him 😈
→ okay but she would actually help him though
→ shes act like shes doing him a huge favour but she secretly likes the fact he comes to her for advice and feedback
→ shopping trips
→ she picks out his clothes because let’s face it
→ he can’t be trusted to be left to his own devices
→ she nearly threw up when she saw the plaid shorts fit 😖
→ she also picked out his glasses too because again, he can’t be trusted to be left to his own devices
→ he hypes his sister tf up !!
→ especially after shes having boy troubles of her own
→ “whatever! he was a loser anyway nii-chan! he would’ve ruined all the family photos if you ever got married to him because he was so ugly! you’re way out of his league!”
→ third year oikawa says it’s on sight if any boy messes with his sister regardless of the fact she’s older than him
→ iwaizumi was rather fond of oikawa’s sister too
→ therefore, he’d automatically part of her body guarding system alongside tooru
→ growing up, iwaizumi was awkward around her
→ shes a pretty older girl of course he’s gonna feel pressured !!
→ she found it endearing though
→ and shes often thank him for looking out for her little brother and keeping him in line when she couldn’t
→ rip iwaizumi 😔✋the boy has turned bright red and doesn’t know what to say
→ these days he’s a-okay talking to her!
→ they both lovingly bully oikawa now
→ but back to the point of her helping him with girls
→ oikawa is not a fuckboy and you know why?
→ because his sister told him those boys are the worst !!
→ he is a respectful boy and his sister will make sure of that !!
→ when he did get his first girlfriend, she had to tell him all the things to do to help
→ clichè films were the wrong source according to her she called them cringey and stopped oikawa from leaving the house at 2am to throw rocks at his girlfriends window to confess his love
→ “tooru please tell me you’re not doing what i think you’re about to do”
→ oikawa with his bag full of small stones and a rose in his mouth : 😳🌹
→ his first break up was rough but big sister oikawa was his hype woman this time
→ “she knew what she was getting into when she asked you out. remember, she wanted you tooru and if she can’t remember that herself then she’s not worth it.”
→ big sister oikawa had his back 100% and vice versa
→ and even now, she’s cheering him on the loudest
→ her little brothers a little brat but he’s the brat she’s overwhelmingly proud of
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suna rintarō
→ literally didn’t give a shit about his little sister for the longest time 😹
→ he knew it annoyed her when he didn’t pay attention so he did it just to test her limits at first
→ his parents scolded him time and time again and eventually he did start to acknowledge her
→ like mattsun, he’s laid back and not overly intrusive
→ but he is a little bit curious as to what’s going on in his little sisters life
→ “whos that? you’re not dating him are you? yikes.”
→ “rin? what do you mean ‘yikes’?!”
→ “he’s ugly.”
→ lowkey protective of his sister
→ he knows she can handle herself and whatnot but he still feels the need to look after her just a little
→ so if you’re a boy and you get on the wrong side of her i’m sorry
→ suna is pulling up with the miya’s
→ “oh? so you’re the little shit who thought you could mess with my sister?”
→ atsumu in towering over the boy next to suna : 😈
→ osamu towering over on the other side to suna : 🤨
→ suna : 😐
→ the boy : 😳
→ it’s always been like that though
→ in his own way, sunas always been there for his little sister whether he makes it known or not
→ “one day, yer sisters gonna be a pretty gal i can tell”
→ “i won’t hesitate to call child protection if you ever make a comment like that again 😐🔪”
→ “i-i was just tryin to be kind! it’s hard sometimes suna it’s hard! 😖”
→ his little sister will come to his games and he won’t care 😹
→ deadpan expression the whole time
→ she doesn’t care though because she’s not exactly thrilled to be there either
→ both siblings have their own interests and don’t tend to mix them
→ but he’ll still support her in whatever she wants to do and vice versa
→ but they prefer to do it from a distance
→ because i know suna only went to one of her ballet recitals and he didn’t even try to stop the strings of loud yawns the whole way through
→ the suna siblings remain hot and unbothered over everything
→ you could have beef with both siblings and neither of them are gonna give a fuck
→ but when you pick on little sister suna, rin is gonna give a fuck but he’ll be clever about it
→ easy going relationship
→ neither siblings are overly affectionate or overbearing but they’re both there for each other if needs be
→ they don’t talk about deep things and details together though
→ but they will slag other people off together 😹
→ if the suna siblings don’t like you i’m sorry
→ because both of them will come for your neck with no mercy and you’ll never know 😼
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