#I dunno why but it feels like showing my boyfriend around where I go to and study. And it has me kinda giddy when seeing it that way.
nimue-hidden-lake · 5 months
We're Spending The Day Together
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Ngl I was excited taking him with me. And I will be excited taking Gentaro and Dice with me too tomorrow and the day after.
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tvgals · 1 year
— e42! miles morales x black! fem! reader
synopsis — you see miles walking around campus with a girl you’ve never seen before and it sparks a new issue .
cw ; cheating, fluff to angst, hurt/no comfort, black! reader, reader literally doesn’t deserve this shes so sweet, watched good girls during this so i think that’s where this came from, made up characters
— ENJOY !!
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you watch as your boyfriend walked into the cafeteria with a girl you’d never seen before. a mid-length honey blonde wig on her head and her nails done with french tips. you synch your eyebrows together in confusion and you turn to your friends. “who’s that with miles?” you ask, subtly pointing to her. “oh, girl! that’s the new girl, her name is jess or something, i dunno.” she says, shrugging her shoulders. “aight.” you say, shrugging your own shoulders and scrolling through instagram. miles and jess get closer to your table and that’s when you can hear their conversation.
“i love your braids! who did them?” jess asks, running the tip of her fingers over them. “awe, my girl did ‘em for me. there she go right there.” miles says, taking a seat next to you. “y/n.” miles calls your name. you look up at him and smile. “hey miles. who’s this?” you ask, looking at her features. “jess. she’s new so i just showed her around a lil.” miles explains, pulling you into his frame. “ohhh…” you say, widening your eyes and nodding your head. “well, y’know, i really need help with the spanish homework, could you help me?” you ask coyly, batting you eyelashes up at him. “‘course, chica guap.” miles replies, bending down to kiss you.
“get a room!” you hear from one of your friends, taking a video to post on her story later. you giggle and miles opens up his phone. jess looks over and seems to perk up. “you got snap?” she asks, pulling her own phone out. “oh, yeah,” miles replies, “i don’t use it like that though. i don’t talk to people like that.” the bell rings and you and miles say your goodbyes and walk to spanish. “so,” you started. “so?” miles repeats, curiosity in his voice. “where’d you meet her at?” you ask, interlocking you and miles’ pinkie fingers while you two walk down the hallway. “she came up to me while i was walking into the school, asked me to give her a tour.” miles dismissed your question, now taking the lead in you twos walk to class. “oh.” you say, searching through the sides of your backpack with one hand trying to find your lipgloss. “what’re you looking for?” miles asks, opening the door so you can walk into your spanish class. “my lipgloss..i can’t find it..” you mumble, sitting yourself down and sitting your backpack on your desk.
“chill, mami. i can buy you some more.” miles soothes you, taking the desk next to you. you sigh and pull out your notebook and pencil. you watch the front of the room, bored while the teacher talks. within the first thirty minutes of class, miles had thrown six folded up notes to you and texted you over five times. you pull your phone out as discreetly as you could and scroll through the texts.
‘she found my snap bro’
‘swear ts annoying’
‘i ain’t even talk to her like that’
‘bro she’s texting my phone foe’
‘i’m finna block her ass’
‘respond 😒’
you look over at miles and roll your eyes playfully, texting back.
‘js block her?’
miles turns to you and gives you a straight face, looking down at his phone and ignoring the ping of the snapchat notifications. this is bothering you and you don’t know why. you and miles have been dating for over eight months now and you’ve never felt like this before. is it jealousy? maybe. you doubt it though. you leave it in the back of your head just for the bell to ring again, signaling the last class of the day. you pack your stuff up and wait on miles in the doorway. “she keep on texting my phone.” mines groans, shoving his phone in his pocket.
“maybe she got a lil crush.” you snicker, feeling miles playfully bump your shoulders together. “nah. don’t need no crushes, already got my girl.” miles grins, pulling you in for a hug then having to pull away almost immediately. “see you at my dorm?” you ask, walking slower than before. “yep.” and with that, you two parted your ways until 2:30. you and some of your friends meet in the hall and make your way to your classes. you were taking your time walking to class, until your friend brought up a topic. a sensitive one.
“y’know, it’s be funny if miles were cheating on you with that jess girl.” she laughed while everyone else went quiet. “what?” you ask, looking around confused. “it was a joke, damn. if you were in a loyal relationship you wouldn’t get so mad.” she clapped back almost immediately, as if she was waiting to say it for a while now. “what are you talking about? i am in a loyal relationship.” you argue, pulling your phone out to text miles. “little do you know.” she replies in a sarcastic tone. your purse your lips together and turn around, making your way to the bathrooms.
“you didn’t have to do allat.” another one of your friends said, sympathy laced in her voice like she was just confronted with her own boyfriend cheating. you made it to the bathroom and opened a stall, sitting on the toilet seat. you open your phone and text miles.
‘so that’s wtf we doing now?’
you sit and wait for a response, getting one almost immediately.
‘i mean you cheating on me’
‘who told you ts?’
you sigh and start to feel tears well into your eyes. you loved him so so so much, you met his parents, you ate dinner at his house, you’ve spent the night, you’ve watched him cry, bleed — everything under the sun and this is how he repaid you.
‘you don’t need to know all that. we’re done bro. don’t come by my house, don’t call my phone, don’t call my momma phone, give me back my house keys, and delete my number.’
miles fucked up, and he knew it.
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taglist — @venusluvslove @traqstarlo @mangolog @ohmaiscool15 @ohsanghoe @iiilovemilfs @garnetj @guapaneeseb @nekoweb @samdwitch @cloudniteee @azadabts @elitesanjisimp @theyfwkayla14 @lennielane @kelesisworld @aaliyahlia-babyy @dorkmuffin27 @markleedreams @violxtbxbyy @pinkluvrr @yourrfavzxri @noraloralei @blackgirlontheblock
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
ughhhh peter always being so oblivious. can’t even listen to his girlfriend when she’s right in front of him, practically begging him 😡 loved your most recent story 🩷🩷 (still can’t believe there’s finally a pink heart emoji)
was this supposed to be angsty? too bad, it's smutty.
*suggestive behavior and words, no real depictions of sex, sorry kiddos.
‘How do you tell someone you want them?’ No, no, wait… ‘How do you tell your boyfriend you want him?’ 
Wiki-how says to flirt with them, been there done that, message not received. 
Teen Vogue just wants to give you ways to say ‘I love you,’ you’ve tried that too, you just get a declaration back. 
Cosmopolitan says to be bold, ‘I want you inside of me,’ is a direct quote. Bold, sure. But with Peter? You’d think he’d collapse. 
On Quora someone took the bullet, ‘how do I let my boyfriend know I want him to touch me?’ Ah, there it was, someone had to have a good answer. A man in his forties says dirty talk, your nose wrinkles. A young mom says, ‘just like that!’ An anonymous reply said to initiate fist, touch them where you want to be touched, but you can’t exactly squeeze Peter’s boobs. 
You wonder if you told Ned he’d tell Peter, you can imagine that conversation. 
‘Bro, Y/N just told me she wants you to like… use her body as a wonderland.” 
“A what?” 
Yeah, not a good idea either. 
Even with a boyfriend, a super hot, charming, smart boyfriend, you were going to die a virgin. 
Every attempt has fallen short, no matter how close you think you are from him finally getting the hint. Last week you had him between your legs, wrapped tight around his hips as you grinded up towards him, mouths refusing to break. And then, right when he finally, finally, moved his hips with yours and you moaned he pulled away and rolled off of you. That quick too, talk about a cold shower. 
“Do you want me to show you how to do that thing now?” He was panting still, he looked over you flushed out and almost pulled himself back in, too dangerous, he had to use self control. Peter uses what strength he had to get off the bed, he’s already going to his computer, you didn’t get a choice, he chose for you, if he had asked you would’ve asked to ride his thigh. 
“I’d rather you show me what your hands could do,” you mumble under your breath, you want to scream into his pillow and then hump it, does he not feel how frustrated you are? Peter hears you, he gives a chuckle, “they can help you is what, come watch,” he pats his arm rest on the chair. 
You follow his instructions, still grumpy. “I’d rather they help me in a different way,” Peter flashes you a nervous smile, you make him lose his grip on reality. He makes sure you're watching as he clicks around, he’s giving you instruction but all you can think about is his hard thigh underneath you, his grip is tight around your waist, his palm that rests over your shirt radiates heat to the skin underneath. He’s driving you crazy. 
You can’t help it anymore, you have to be blunt, it will be awkward for a second but so, so worth it in the end. “Peter, I want to-” A squeeze, an apology when his phone rings. Only three people call him, Ned, May and you, seeing as you’re on his lap that leaves two options. 
“Hey, May. Oh yeah, no I don’t think so. Um, sure. Well, he didn’t say much but he did want, no, go ahead.” You look at the ceiling and curse, Peter’s thumb brushes your hip, he’s giving teasing touches and doesn’t even know it. “I dunno, hold on let me ask,” he pulls the phone from his ear, “baby?” You look at him, “staying for dinner?” You nod, he grins, “yeah she will… okay, yes ma’am, no problem. Okay, okay, okay, alright, okay, love you too, bye.” 
“Is she at the store?” 
“Yeah, think of anything you need?” 
He clicks at the screen, “yeah, condoms.” 
You jolt at his laugh, his chest pressed tight against your back, Peter snorts, “why would you need those?” 
You stay silent and instead look at the screen and wait for him to continue his lesson, the bubble of want simmering.
“Are you okay?” 
Peter has to literally hold you back by your shoulders, he’s gasping for air, his curls frizzy and pulled around, his shirt unbuttoned three down from the top. You attacked him the second you got into his room, nearly throwing him onto the bed before straddling him and marking your territory. 
You had been at it for a half hour, everytime he tried to stop you’d follow his movements and continue, he had no idea how you were keeping your breath. The only time he remembers you pulling away was to tug your shirt over your head before you immediately unbuttoned his collar and kissed down his neck. 
“‘M great, are you?” you’re just as breathless as him. 
He nods, “‘M good.” 
You smile, “great!” Then go to meet his mouth, Peter turns his head at the last second, you connect with his jaw, you frown but accept any skin, you trail sideways and down, sucking at a spot near his collarbone. One hand grips your hip, one settles on your ribcage. He grunts and you skim your lips back to his mouth, he’s slower this time, like he’s trying to edge you down carefully, you don’t accept the change of rules and open into his mouth, he wont talk the bait. 
You try again, you swipe at his bottom lip, he stays closed. Frustrated you grind down on him, he buckles but refuses to open his own mouth, last resort you bite down on his lip. 
Peter pushes you off, “fuck, you’re insatiable.” 
You look down on him, “why won’t you make out with me?” 
His cheeks are pink, his lips are red and swollen, his pupils are blown out. 
“You’re killin me, smalls.” Peter’s hands come to a rest on his stomach, they rise and fall with his breaths, “no matter what I do you want more.” 
You nod enthusiastically, he’s starting to understand. 
“Yes, so yes. What can you give me?” 
His eyebrows furrow, he doesn’t know what you want. 
“I don’t… what do you want?” 
You grind down on his belt line, his hands shoot to your hips, this was new territory. You’ve just started to grind on him the past week and he still can’t fully process it, he’s never had a feeling like it before and he knows that he’s gonna get a hard on if you keep doing that, and that’s really new territory. 
“Baby,” he groans the word but it’s a warning. 
“This, can I have this?” You try to move again but his hold stops you, he’s using too much strength. 
Peter doesn’t want to rush you, not at all. But these last few weeks have been hard, you’ve been much more open with your words and touches and god it kills him. He’s been thinking about sex, how could he not with you all over him, but he needs to hold out strength for the both of you, and god damn if you don’t make that difficult. 
“If you keep doing that do you know what will happen?” 
Are you okay with this, is what he means, because if you go down this path there’s no coming back, it’s a whole new step, he’s okay with that but are you? 
You tilt your head at him, “I’ll cum?” 
Peter exhales through his nose harshly, his voice pinchy, “jesus christ.” 
“Is it okay if I take my bra off?” Your fingers were already behind your back, he’s been lucky enough to see them a few times but not in a situation like this one where he could get to inspect them and enjoy it. “If you want, but you don’t-” he stops speaking when you toss your bra to the ground. 
“Wanna take your pants off?” 
He looks at you, he’s fully clothed almost while you’re now sitting on top of him with only panties on, how did he get here? No pants means no more barriers, you wanted to feel him, all of him, when you dry humped him. 
“Do you want my pants off?” 
How does he not get it? You’re more than half naked on his lap begging for his touch, what did he think you wanted, a milkshake? 
“Peter, where’s your mind at?” 
“With what?” 
You rub your eyes, frustration would do no good here. “I need to know where you’re at with this, cause i’ve tried everything to make it known you make me really fucking horny.” His eyes widened, it was like he had a revelation of ‘girls can be horny too?’ and yeah, he did know that they could but he never imagined he could make someone horny, even if it was his girlfriend. And maybe he did understand a little of what you wanted but he also thought you were joking, that you were hinting at a hookup teasingly but, no you were serious. 
“I do?” 
Well that didn’t sound good, did he not share the same feelings? 
“I… Peter, do I even turn you on?”
The room spins, you’re on your back in a second, Peter holds your forearms to the bed. You couldn’t even take a breath in, that’s how quick he pinned you. He didn’t want you to think, for even a second, you didn’t turn him on. 
“Don’t ever ask that again, you turn me on more than you could even begin to imagine.” 
You giggle, “oh, do I? How much?” 
He kisses your cheek, “cold shower every time you leave.” 
“Then how come I never feel you get hard?” 
Peter takes his turn kissing down your neck, he nibbles a matching mark to his on your collarbone. “Threw you off before you could.” 
You hum when he nuzzles into your neck, he places a kiss to your cheek, you look at him over you. 
“Does that mean you’ll take off your pants?” 
He laughs, “yeah, baby. I’ll take off my pants.” 
Peter sits back to pull his shirt off, you take a moment to appreciate his body. You always feel like you don’t compliment him enough, “you’re pretty,” the words fall from your lips and he grins shyly, his hands working at pants button, he’s about to shimmy them off but you stop him. 
Peter’s hands freeze, you nod at his hands, “can I do it?” 
His hands fall away and you reach forward, tension thick the second you start to undress him. You never knew how heavy a moment could be until you had your hands in your boyfriend's waistline tugging them down, knowing it was so you could sit pretty on top of him and rock on his lap. 
You rope a leg over his waist and take mount, already pressing into him further than you’ve ever been, you give a teasing roll of your hips, your eyes shoot open and Peter throws his head back with a groan. 
You whisper at the same time, minds blown. “Woah.” 
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moralesluvr · 1 year
Helloo✋🏾 I know it’s late af but I just wanted to get this request off my chest lol. May I request a hobie brown x reader where the reader is doing a “don’t kiss me” prank on him? Just a funny thought
'don't kiss me!' prank ft. hobie brown
♡ pairings & aus: hobie brown x fem!black!reader ♡ summary: you see a prank that a girl pulled on her boyfriend from tiktok, so you decide to try it on hobie ♡ warnings: very sad pouty hobie, reader being a bit of a meanie ♡ a/n: i loved writing this! thank you for your request! ♡ got a request? | masterlist ♡
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Okay, maybe not exactly wrong, but it was definitely morally cruel.
You had saw the TikTok while you were sitting on the toilet in Hobie's bathroom, chatting with him about any and everything while he showered. You decided to stay at his place because it was late and you had missed him, so you figured you'd just steal some of his clothes and sleepover for a night or two.
When the idea came into your head, you slumped back onto the toilet seat and pretended you were just watching videos about makeup so that Hobie wouldn't be suspicious.
"Can you hand me my flannel, lovie?" He requested, and you sighed at the use of his slang that you've had to pick up over the last six months. You grab his towel and throw it over the curtain rod. You hear him suck his teeth, "Why do you have to be so annoying, eh?"
You hum with a grin, "Dunno. At least I'm not boring."
Hobie pulls the shower curtain back, and you nearly bite your lip.
This challenge was going to be hard.
The towel that you handed him was wrapped firmly around his waist, his chest glistening to the water droplets that reflecting from the bathroom's cheap lighting. He walks over to you, ready to kiss you, but you stand up and cough. "Um...I'm..hungry. Yeah, I needa' snack."
"Did you not just see what I was tryna do?" He almost pouts, following you into the kitchen, "I wanted to kiss 'ya, then you left."
You grab a bag of chips from his pantry, sitting down at one of his island stools, "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't notice."
Hobie hums at you, walking back to his room, "Whatever."
You were sure that you had already made him upset. He wasn't always in a clingy mood- actually, mostly rarely- but when he was, he was upset if he didn't get what he wanted.
And although you did feel like you were being mean, you needed to get the prank on video to show him, and to laugh at later. So you rose from your chair and ran after him into the bedroom. He had on simple black pajama pants and no top, his hair pulled up in a bun. He was fiddling around with his guitar while sitting on his bed, so he didn't even notice when you propped up your phone and pressed record on your video app.
You winked at the camera when you did it, sliding onto the bed with him. He stopped playing.
"So why can't I kiss you?" Hobie asked, "Does my breath smell bad? Swear I just brushed 'em, love, so I know that isn't it."
"It's none of those things," you assure him, tapping your nails on the outskirts of his guitar. Usually he would flip if someone did that, but with you, he didn't really mind.
You saw him lean closer to you, and then his eyes start to close, and you rested your palm on his chest as you pushed him away. He gives you a watery-eyed look, "Okay, Y/N. D-Did I do somethin'? Because you're not wantin' to kiss me at all. Talk to me, yeah? Please?"
His big hands are cupping either of your cheeks as he looks at you intensively, and you can't help but break. You lean in, your lips connecting with his. You expect the kiss to be warm and light, but Hobie had a different motive. His right hand left your cheek as he snaked his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to deepen it. A satisfied sigh leaves you as that same hand finds one of your braids. He twirls it in his fingers, pulling away from you, "So now you want to smooch me, hm? What's the matta'?"
You laugh, your head being thrown back at how humorous the situation was to you. Hobie's straightfaced, though, and he's not laughing when you look up again. You cup his cheek, your other hand pointing to your propped up phone, "Look, baby, it was a prank!"
Hobie gives you a playful slap to the shoulder, "Don't do that again, love, yeah? Was bloody painful."
You laugh, leaning in as you kissed your boyfriend.
"Don't worry, I won't." You smiled.
And maybe you wouldn't deprive him of kisses again, but when the time came, you'd definitely be playing more pranks on him sooner rather than later.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 ☻ thank you for reading!
𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑-𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓🕷️: @queenesther996
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7ndipity · 9 months
"I'd make a great boyfriend!"
Jungkook x Reader
Summary: A typically chaotic evening with your best friend leads to a slightly unexpected conversation.
Warnings: swearing, a few suggestive jokes, not proofread
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this! I don't quite know where this was going, it kinda feels like the setup for a F2L, but idk, I hope you like it anyway.
Requests are open
Friday nights with Jungkook were one of your favorite things, no more stress about work or school, just you and your best friend trying to beat each other’s high scores at video games or karaoke and marathoning whatever film or shows you were both obsessed with at the moment.
Tonight was no different, you and Jungkook were three rounds into a Smash bros tournament when he slumped back on the sofa next to you after losing to you yet again.
“Agh, screw this, I’m hungry.” Jungkook whined.
“How is that my problem?” You asked.
“You distracted me and I forgot to eat.” He said, pouting at you.
“Your adhd is not my fault.” You replied, getting up anyway with a groan. “What do you want to eat?”
“Hmm,” He thought for a moment before smirking up at you. “You wanna have ramen?”
You shot him an unamused look. “If this is like when you asked me about meeting your cat, I will kick your ass.”
“I’ll just stick with the ramen then.” He replied, also getting to his feet.
Which is how you ended up in your current predicament of cooking ramen at twelve thirty at night, which wouldn’t be that bad if you didn’t have Jungkook who insisted on trying to teach you one of his ‘famous’ ramen recipes.
“This is way too many steps! I thought the whole point of ramen was that it’s easy!” You complained, watching as he chopped veggies for the soup.
“That’s cause you don’t have the creative vision I have.” He insisted, nodding to the pantry. “Can you grab one of the spicy noodle packs for me?”
“Fine.” You responded, familiar enough with his kitchen at this point that you could find them almost without looking.
When you turned back around, he had removed his hoodie, leaving him in a t-shirt that showed off his impressive collection of tattoos.
“Stop staring.” He remarked, catching your eyes on him.
“You should get a tattoo of the Buldak bird.” You suggested, poking his arm as you rejoined him at the stove.
“First of all, his name is Hochi, and secondly, no.” He responded, taking the packet from you.
“Why not? Think of the brand deal, we could get so much free ramen!” You said.
“That’s not how brand deals work. Also who is ‘we’?!” He asked, struggling to open the sauce packet.
“Well, it was my idea, so I should get a percentage of the royalties.” You explained, leaning over to help at the exact moment he finally managed to tear it open with slightly too much force, resulting in a small splatter of the bright red mix to land on your shirt.
“Shit, I’m sorry!” He apologized, scrambling to clean you up. “Here, if I put it in the wash quickly, it shouldn’t stain, let me get you something else to wear.” He said, grabbing his previously discarded hoodie and offering it to you.
You thanked him and quickly ducked into the bathroom to change, tossing your sweater out the door to him before pulling the dark material of his hoodie over yourself, the fabric absolutely swamping you, the lingering scent of his cologne mildly comforting.
By the time he returned to the kitchen, you were already dividing the food out into bowls.
He paused, studying you for a moment before coming to slump against your back in what almost resembled a hug, looping his arms loosely around your middle.
“What are you doing?” You asked, bumping your elbow back against him.
“Giving you affection?” He replied, propping his chin on your shoulder.
“Eww, why?”
“I dunno, you just look cute in my clothes and I wanted to.” He shrugged.
“I didn’t look cute before?” You questioned, side eyeing him.
He groaned. “Will you let me have my moment, I’m trying to like you.”
“Excuse me?!” You asked incredulously.
“I was just testing it out.” He muttered, following you as you moved about the kitchen, tightening his grip to ensure no separation between the two of you.
“Why though?”
“I wanted to see what it felt like.”
“I think you ask too many questions. Ack!” He teased, earning a pinch that made him jump back, releasing his hold on you.
“Just eat your food and leave me out of your weird little fantasies.” You remarked, handing him a bowl before moving to sit at the counter.
“They’re not weird!”
“Sure.” You said sarcastically.
“They’re not! What, you never thought about what it would be like to date me?” He asked.
“Why would I lie about that?” You exclaimed.
“Because Jimin told me you used to think I was cute.”
“That motherf-'' You gritted your teeth.
“So?” He tilted his head at you.
“So what? Thinking you’re cute is different than considering dating you.” You pointed out.
“I’d make a great boyfriend though!” He insisted.
“I’m sure you would be, but not for me!” You said sharply.
“Okay, fine!” He said, copying your tone.
For a few minutes, that seemed to be the end of it as you both ate in silence.
“How’re the noodles?” He asked quietly.
“Really good, actually.” You admitted.
“Imagine having a boyfriend who’s a good cook.” He mumbled, making you drop your fork in the dish with a loud clang.
“Would you stop?!” You whined, making him snicker.
“Oh c’mon, that was a little funny.” He said between laughs.
“When are you gonna let this go?”
“Probably never.” He said with a smug grin.
You rolled your eyes. “Then I’ll just have to start using some of the dirt Jimin told me about you.”
His laughter stopped almost instantly, eyes going wide. “Why, what’d he tell you?”
“I think it’s more fun if I keep you in suspense.” You smirked.
In truth, you didn’t have anything on him, but he didn’t need to know that.
Not yet anyway.
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lowkeyremi · 3 months
LITTLE THINGS HE DOES atsumu x fem!reader
note: my tsumu fever is coming back jeez
content: fluff, established relationship, hcs + drabbles (divider)
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Boyfriend!Atsumu who feels like he's coming on too strong in the beginning of your relationship.
"Shit, 'Samu. I don't know what to do, I wanna ask her to stay the night but that might be too much, right?" Osamu, who has heard his brother complain a million times just sighs, "Just ask her ya bonehead. Ya'll never know unless ya ask." Atsumu groans, throwing a tantrum in his apartment because he's unsure of what to do.
Boyfriend!Atsumu would pretend he didn't know you in public to save himself from being teased by others. (it's what he did in his last couple of relationships)
"Hey, 'Tsumu. We still on for dinner at your brother's?" You'd ask, looking super pretty in that hoodie he bought for you. "What..? Do I er- know ya?" His friends all start laughing, which was embarrassing to say the least. When he called you to apologize you blew him off with, "Do I know you?" (Dw! he never did that again. It might've been alright with his past gfs but not with you.)
Boyfriend!Atsumu who absolutely LOVES buying you stuff. There doesn't have to be a reason, he just likes spending his money on you.
Your legs were in his lap while he unconsciously massaged your feet. You're working on a paper that's due in a few days and Atsumu out of boredom watches you type whatever you're talking about in your paper. He thinks it's cute, everything you do is cute.
"How long have you had that thing for?" It takes you a second to realize he's talking about the laptop you saved up to buy for yourself, senior year of high school.
"Hmm, I've had it since senior year of high school so maybe 3 or 4 years?" He hums in delight at your response, "Let me buy ya a new one baby, it'll be better than that old thing."
"A four year computer is fairly young and I worked hard to buy this one! Don't shame my baby." It's adorable how offended you get unintentionally. "Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee."
Two days later your friend is commenting on your new laptop during a lecture.
Boyfriend!Atsumu steals kisses ALL the time. He loves you so so so much! If you say no to kisses he'll get one anyway.
Atsumu's hands are wrapped around your waist, his front meets your back. "Atsu, I already told you when I finish cooking you can kiss me all you want. I don't want either of us to get hurt." Did I mention you're cutting up veggies?
A guttural whine leaves his throat. You can feel the vibrations of it on your back. "Atsumu."
Before you can even process what happens, Atsumu quickly pecks your cheek. It's not your lips like he wanted but it will do for now.
Boyfriend!Atsumu who loves talking about how big and strong he is (to make you swoon of course).
"Hey babe, just got back from the gym, notice anything different?" Nothing particularly looks different about him, but you risk him pouting if you say the wrong thing.
"I don't know, Tsum Tsum. Tell me." His frown is almost immediate. He looks like a kicked puppy and honestly you don't feel too bad. He's likely exaggerating as per usual.
"I worked on my legs today for ya. Know you love my thighs." His thighs look the exact same as they had when he left for the gym but you don't tell him that because he'd get whiny.
"Look at you, gosh you're built." Hopefully it doesn't sound too fake and he buys it.
"Ya think so?" He says with a chuckle. Checkmate.
Boyfriend!Atsumu who steals your t-shirts and underwear because "ya steal my stuff why can't i steal yers?" and "it's for me to smell when i miss ya."
"Atsumu.. where is my favorite t-shirt!?" Your favorite (singer/band) is doing a meet and greet today and you wanted to show your love by wearing their merch, which you can't seem to find.
"I dunno baby, s'probably at my place. S'the one ya wear all the time so it smells like ya the most." He shrugs as if this were not that big of a deal.
"Tsumu! Go get it!!! I'm going to that meet and greet I was telling you about today!"
Husband!Atsumu who LOVES to tell people how you two got married.
"Yeah, and I got down on one knee for her and she was like 'Tsumu is this a prank?' she was leanin' back too far into the fountain she was sittin' on and fell in!" Bokuto absolutely looses his shit. He doubled over laughing, alongside Hinata.
"It's not that funny." You grumble, sitting next to Atsumu's best friend teammate, Sakusa.
"He tells that story to those two anytime he gets the chance too. I'm surprised they still find it funny after the 1 millionth time hearing it." Sakusa agrees, his arms folded up and his eyebrows furrowed. You're sure he's scowling under the mask.
"Yeah, welp. That's my husband I suppose."
"He sure is." Sakusa implies the way Atsumu is always talking about you.
"Well my wife.."
"Let me see if my wife wants to come."
"I'm heading home! Gotta go see my wife!"
"Now if it were me and my wife.."
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note: just a little something to feed y'all until i finish my gojo project. love you guys XOXO (XO until we OD)
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tetsutits · 1 year
𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 — ran haitani | cws. suggestive, ran is a horny bastard, light choking, doing ran’s eyeliner, (wc. <1k) mdni
“quit moving.” you demand.
your boyfriend smiles, hands freezing in place where they were wandering over your waist. he stops fidgeting around, hips locked in place.
“i don’t get why this is taking so loooong.” he presses his fingers into your hips, “i could’ve easily done it myself, i’m perfectly capable, y’know.”
“i never said you weren’t, ran,” one of your hands holds his jaw in place while the other steadies the colored liquid eyeliner.
“then why’re you doing this?”
you huff, “‘cause i want to,”
“yeah, but why-“
“ran, if you don’t stop talking, i swear to god.”
he smirks, and then quietly, under his breath whispers, “bossy.”
your threat keeps him from speaking for a while, but it’s not like he’s actually scared. he won’t lie and say he doesn’t like it when you’re a little bossy and snappy at him – if anything, it actually gets him going a little bit.
well, ‘a little bit’ is an understatement.
you tried your best to ignore it, but the obvious tent in his pants rubs against your thighs as you sit in his lap. it’s barely even been a few minutes, but from what you can tell (and well, feel) he’s hard as a rock under you.
he can’t help it, as impatient as he is, his hands go back to groping and wandering all over you, this time, settling over your ass so he grabs handfuls of you each time he squeezes.
“ran.” you warn.
“‘m not even doing anything.” he smiles, feeling the cold liquid of the eyeliner glide over his eye.
“you’re gonna mess me up.”
he kneads the fat of your ass once more just to spite you in response, just to show you that he can.
“y’better not poke my eye,”
your nails dig into his jaw lightly, forcing him to lock in place, “stop moving!”
he sighs, slumping down in defeat, and biting the inside of his cheek in response. you can read the attitude written all over his pretty face. he huffs with his lips in a pout.
the way his dick aches in his pants is almost uncomfortable, he craves to get some sort of stimulation, but with the way you’re pinning him in place right now, he knows you won’t let him go anywhere.
and he throbs at the thought. so shameless, unabashedly.
the only sort of relief he could get is when you adjust your self over his lap, accidentally brushing over and lightly grinding over the tent. he thinks if he drops his pants and checks, undeniably, there’d be a wet spot on his designer underwear right where his twitchy tip is.
you pull away and stare down at him hard, “okay. one eye down.” you turn his jaw with your hand to the other side, “now lemme do the other one real quick.” you smile.
he pinches your side playfully, “still dunno why you wanted to do this.”
“cause it’s cute.” you hum, “and you look so good with—“
he cuts you off by sealing his lips over yours. soft like butter, he forces your lips open with his own, making it easier for him to dip his tongue inside and entwine it with yours.
he groans into your mouth, shamelessly grabbing your ass and pulling it directly on top of his clothed dick so you could grind against him back and forth.
“ran -“
you don’t even get a chance to speak before he’s pulling you in once more, this time with a hand wrapped around your throat — almost like he’s demanding your cooperation.
you pull away from him with a pop, and stare into his violet eyes with a hazy look.
“…we really don’t have time, we should- we should get going.” you murmur against his lips.
he licks, once, twice, three times, sucking and tugging lightly at your swollen lips. drinking up the way your eyes glaze over at the lack of oxygen.
he holds you there, with a warm hand at your throat, so that you wouldn’t even dare to think of moving anywhere.
“we can’t leave so soon, baby, you’re still not done,” he turns his face to the side, showing you his unfinished eyeliner, “y’still got this side to do.”
his voice, so teasing and so enticing, sends little tingles down your spine. and the way he looks at you with colored eyes that could rival the worlds prettiest gems, you think saying no is not an option.
“maybe i’d be able to get it done if you weren’t such a horny bastard,” you joke.
he hums, canting his hips up against yours to make sure you really feel the thick bulge in his pants. “hmm? ‘n after that? then what? you’re just gonna leave me like this?”
despite the heat in your lower belly, you know that you can’t give in to his teasing. you’re already running late enough, and if he keeps stalling like this — the two of you wouldn’t leave the house till hours from now.
“we can’t.” you squirm in his hold.
“yes, yes we can. don’t be selfish baby.”
you giggle, “you can’t fool me with your words.”
he kisses up a line from your clavicle to your jaw, lightly sucking and biting at your heated skin. one of his hands moves to unbutton his slacks – he’s already made up his mind, there’s no way you can change it now. a part of you isn’t even mad about it.
“i’ll be quick,” he kisses your chin, “‘promise.”
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nnnyxie · 8 months
I‘m bAaAaAck
One other thing I’m an absolute sucker for is comfort🫶🏻 So imagine jealous!izu x reader
jealous!Itzu would probably just become quiet and insecure and withdraw himself from reader if it‘s extremely bad…in the begingen he‘d step closer…hold reader just a little bit tighter
Poor boy gets so nervous he just starts spewing random facts about reader to prove he knows reader better, like
„Did you know when you smile you have a dimple on your right but not on your left cheek?? And your nose crinkles right there *he taps readers face* and and your eyes squint and your cheeks go all rosy and-„
poor baby is just a stammering mess :(
reassure and love him :c
#𖢥 izuku anon
JEALOUS IZU!!!!!!!!!!
thank you izuku anon omg
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i feel like izuku isn’t the type to get jealous easily, yk??
not unless he feels ‘threatened’
he’s not the type to like,,, ‘puff out his chest’ and ‘mean mug’ the person but— he is the type to hold some part of you. maybe your hip?? or put an arm around your shoulder??
though— there are times where he gets a bit insecure,,, so he just leaves.
he only stops when you say his name and ask where he’s going. he mumbles an ‘i don’t feel good’ and you cut the conversation with the person.
“you didn’t have to do that. you can go keep talking to them.” “no, you said you didn’t feel good so we’re going home.”
he sighed, now he felt guilty. he let his jealousy get in the way of your conversation.
when you reach home, he airs it all out. he tells you that he felt jealous, and that he feels guilty for making you leave when you were having fun. he told you how he felt like he was being a bad boyfriend for acting and feeling like that.
you tell him you were glad he told you the truth instead of keeping that lie and that you’re happy he’s able to communicate this all to you!! (we are all abt communication here folks!!)
“jealousy is a natural emotion and it’s something everyone experiences. i’m glad you told me. do you want to assess the situation?” he gives a nod. “okay, could you tell me why you felt jealous?” “i guess i just thought that they were… you know… more interesting and… i dunno, better? than me… and i got insecure about it…” you gave an understanding nod, “it’s okay that you felt that way izuku, your feelings are valid. but, please, never think that for one second, there’s someone better or more interesting than you.”
you laughed a little, “after all, you had to eat hair to get to where you’re at. i believe that’s the most interesting thing i’ve heard in my life.”
the talk went on for a bit, you discussed the times you had gotten jealous as well, and discussed any insecurities you both felt.
it was a very relieving and reassuring conversation, on both ends.
but yk he’s still gonna feel jealous from time to time.
again, it’s a natural emotion! even animals get jealous!!! especially house pets, they’re very territorial.
with that reassuring talk, he’s doesn’t really withdraw anymore. instead, he makes direct eye contact with the person. not necessarily trying to intimidate them but,,, more so to show he’s very aware of the conversation and what the person is trying to get at.
the only times he’ll ever get like,,, overly(???) jealous is when the person brings up old stuff about you that doesn’t really… align(??) with you anymore. to him, it feels like they’re tryna one up him. ykwim???
so then he’ll go on a cute tangent about how you don’t really like that kind of stuff anymore or you aren’t like that anymore. he’ll go on a rant about your new favorite things/activities and how you are now.
he’ll wave his hands around to emphasize his points, and when he’s trying to remember a thing you told him about a show/book/movie— he’ll begin to mumble into his hand. it’s very sweet but, you’ll have to stop him because, the person just ends up excusing themself— they were kinda off-put by him.
but, it’s okay!! that’s just another reason to love him!!
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tabithatwo · 1 year
okay, it has been a HOT fucking second, but it's time for the rest of my jackie taylor is a lesbian and she knows it (or she at LEAST knows she likes women) thoughts for the pilot (this is a continuation, if you feel like this is abrupt click the link <3)
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jackie trying to set shauna up with randy LISTEN she does it in SUCH a lesbian-minded way...like ah yes, a boy that can be an accessory and what if you dated randy and you wouldn't like him (i KNOW you wouldn't like him) and i kept dating jeff (i don't like him and don't you KNOW that i don't like him?) and then we could always insist on double dates and every time i have to go out with jeff, i'd actually be going out with you <3 <3
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jackie is not even looking much at shauna's outfits when shauna turns to her for feedback and y'know why??? the existence of BOOB DRESS!!! the sheer lesbianism of that line continues to amaze me. shauna! just wear the dress i got you that makes your boobs look sooooo good pleasssse?? LIKE HELLO??
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shauna gets frustrated which jackie clearly didn't expect, so what's she gonna do?? immediately make a joke <3 back off <3 try and make her smile <3 (sidebar idk how people read this scene as intensely mean and controlling jackie like i beg you to watch again, they're teenagers being teenagers, jackie unintentionally upsets shauna and shauna gets frustrated and jackie smooths it over and shauna chills out like that's the scene baby)
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jackie being sooo happy that shauna is joking again (this is one of those times we see the smile/laugh that only shauna really gets out of her)
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she's got her arm around jeff but her eyes on shauna for much of this scene and we get a completely different jackie here with jeff than we saw in the opening because she is PERFORMING! like this is the man she makes herself tolerate serving his purpose for real, such a young lesbian experience
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okay that is ENOUGH of that man (truly three seconds with her arm around him, where her eyes were still on shauna not him), jackie hands jeff her drink and immediately reaches for shauna when she wants to dance
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okay more performance yes, like she's clearly putting on a show here but also?? it is SOOOO obvious that little miss broody shauna is watching right now and jackie actually looks directly at her for good fucking measure, like she is very aware of shauna watching her and shauna's attention being on her. she does this AGAIN when she's desperate for shauna's love/attention/affection in doomcoming when she walks away with travis (to FUCK HIM IN SHAUNA'S BED)
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the compliments scene? so fucking flirty, so fucking gay, so clear that this is their usual dynamic. like the level of baby dyke flirty love in the i dunno...you haven't said anything nice about me yet and all the little smiles and the ritual of it the you're my best friend as a stand in for i love you like we really don't get a ton of them precrash but the pilot establishes SO MUCH of their relationship prior to all the trauma so beautifully ughhh
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jackie wanting to be dropped off first GOD THIS SCENE, it is so often taken as her being selfish for selfishness sake (or out of fear of her parents) but she also does NOT want to be left alone in the car with jeff!! we saw her discomfort with being sexual with him right away in the pilot, it was immediately established, he ignored every sign that she did NOT want him to be touching her. i don't know about you but this was a dance i did allll the time at that age!! the plotting to not be alone with the boyfriend!!
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also her performative happiness with jeff EVAPORATES, like that is for public straightness perception, she does the minimum saying bye to that man and then she hugs shauna like its her goddamn job
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jackie taylor queen of gay-zing tbh
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y'know when your parents are terrifying but your girl got really anxious last time you flew somewhere so you steal your insane mother's valium for her??
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but that's not enough so you have to GIVE HER THE HEART NECKLACE THAT YOU WEAR EVERY DAY AND SAY THERE NOTHING CAN TOUCH YOU NOW (because you have my heart, you have my love, jackie taylor ALSO queen of discomfort with saying i love you verbatim but saying it in a million other ways, this is a thought for another day but!! a heart!! that she wears!! next to her heart!! for the girl who has her heart!!)
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of course she's also got to watch shauna put it on (gay-zingly) and did i need to include 10 screenshots of this moment to make my point?? MAYBE NOT but YOU'RE WELCOME cause LOOK AT THEM!!
more to come eventually <3 <3 this one was largely fun sweet precious honestly compared to the last and the ones to come, so yeah i really went wild with the photos <3 <3
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queenimmadolla · 1 year
can we please do black!reader feeling insecure and robin by fingering her in front of a mirror👀
thank you🤍
*aggrivating middle school teacher who everyone hates voice* i dunno, CAN we???
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(Robin Buckley x Black!Reader)
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warnings: insecurity, fluff, smut (fingering) and lesbian stuff. very gay.
a/n: this reader is black as stated above, while there aren't a ton of descriptors (read it over and was surprised at that considering i was imagining me while writing it lol) but the implications are very much so there and i just have to make it known. this was very therapeutic for me, Robin deserves a canon black gf ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ tagging also as robin x reader for my black babes who don't bother even using the black!reader tag since there aint much out there for us ♡
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It had been a very trying season for you.VERY. 
Band season, anyways.
See, nothing sucked more than seeing your girlfriend with her ex-fling and unfortunately, you had to deal with it a lot, making sure to always show up to Robin’s competitions and events (though those were kind of mandatory since you were also a high school student). And because life hates you, Robin was always placed like right fucking next to Vickie.
You knew about their past, had been forced to witness their—albeit brief—relationship until they both got tired of dating their personality clone and determined they’d be better off as friends. A couple weeks later, a lonely Robin finally opened her eyes and realized you were right there the whole time and it didn’t take long until you began seeing each other.
That short period of time was kind of the problem. Halfway through your friendship with Robin, you’d realized you were in love with her. You hadn’t known how to feel since you were coming to the realization you were gay, then she came out to you and you suddenly felt ecstatic about your secret. Mostly. 
It was annoying when she began to pay attention to Tammy Thompson but you didn’t get a vibe from her so it didn’t kill you. 
When Steve Harrington started sniffing around her, you weren’t all that bothered, knowing she’d never return his feelings. Then you came out to her. 
You were kind of hoping you’d go right to the confessions of love, kisses and happily ever after but that hadn’t happened. It had been disappointingly realistic; she’d told you she was glad you trusted her and that was that.
Then V ickie was suddenly in Robin’s gravitational pull. She had a boyfriend her entire high school career then of course the moment Robin started liking her, suddenly he wasn’t in the picture anymore. It hurt to see her slowly take your spot in her life. Suddenly, sleepovers with Robin weren’t as frequent and then stopped altogether as she did them with Vickie instead—and it killed you to imagine what they were doing at those sleepovers. She stopped spending time with you, too. It was so noticeable, people would stop and ask you about why you weren’t with her or why she wasn’t around and you just had to awkwardly shrug it off.
When they broke up, she of course came back to you and like some stupid pathetic teenager, you acted like you had no dignity and welcomed her back with open arms, as if she hadn’t abandoned you for some pretty Molly Ringwald lookalike. Two weeks later, she invited you to the fair and kissed you at the top of the Ferris  Wheel. And despite feeling very much so like the second choice, you had kissed her back.
Flash forward to the school pep rally and you were constantly looking over your shoulder, at the area of the stands the band was occupying, where your girlfriend was being chatted up by the pretty redhead. You knew they were still on friendly terms and you wouldn’t tell Robin but it bothered you.
It bothered you so bad, your eyes would always get a little shiny due to how stupidly butt hurt seeing them together made you, all because they looked good.
They looked like they went with each other. Sure, people wouldn’t look at the two girls and think they were a couple since that would go against, like, the homo sapiens agenda or something, but to those who were like you, it would be immediately apparent they made a pretty couple. 
No one would think that about the two of you. Because you didn’t look like Vickie. Or like Robin.
You got so in your head about it, you started to feel sick. You’d informed the teacher whose class you’d come to the pep rally with you weren’t feeling well and quickly slipped off to the nurse’s office.
 You hadn’t gone unnoticed.
Since she was just a high school nurse, she’d told you to lay down on one of the uncomfortable gurney-thingies until you felt better. You’d closed the curtain to your area and cried there for a good hour before she eventually called your parents to pick you up, only disturbing you to gently inform you on when they had arrived and were waiting for you at the front office. You huffed out a sigh and got up, grabbing your backpack, you yanked the curtain open.
You inhaled sharply when you immediately locked eyes with your girlfriend sitting on one of the chairs lining the wall. Suddenly, you were very conscious of the black mascara trails under your eyes and cheeks.
You made sure the nurse was in her personal office and out of hearing range before asking, “What are you doing here?”
“I’m sick,” she grinned sheepishly, obviously not sick as she waved a note she’d received from her teacher. “I saw you leave the gym earlier and I got worried. As soon as we got back to class and I got out of that stank band uniform, I decided I was sick, which I mean isn’t totally untrue since I’m worried sick about you and I needed to make sure you were okay.” 
You felt your face get hot, “Well, I’m okay.” Liar.
Robin pursed her lips, not believing you for one second. 
“Are you sure?” Because it didn’t look like it, it was obvious to her you’d been crying and the fact you were attempting to play it off made her more concerned. You always told her when there was something wrong, always talked to her. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Was just . . . It’s nothing.” You didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. You’d done this to yourself, anyways.
She glanced around to make sure you two were still alone before she got up from the chair, leaning in to whisper, “You know you can tell me anything, right?” 
Robin even had the metaphorical balls to reach out and cup your cheek, thumb swiping along your cheek and smearing the mascara trail. Daring, considering neither of you were publicly out since the Midwest wasn’t so kind about it. Showing affection in public places was a dangerous move but Robin needed to touch you, comfort you.
You sniffled and caved, “I just—I saw you and Vickie together and you just looked. . .” 
You trailed off as the stupid tears began to form on your waterline again, “You looked like you go together, like you belong together.”
Robin frowned, displeased with what you were subjecting yourself to. She had no more romantic interest in Vickie, it was purely platonic. Truth be told, she didn’t really like interacting with her all that much, it was kind of awkward since Vickie would just start word-vomiting. Before, it was endearing to her but after their relationship had ended, the word-vomiting wasn’t out of nerves, it was due to awkwardness. Neither one of them was sure how to continue on being friends since they hadn’t been friends in the first place so it was just terribly awkward and usually one-sided conversation.
“Well we don’t. I belong with you.” It was surprisingly firm, something you were unused to hearing come from Robin unless she was annoyed.
It looked like she was going to say more but the nurse popped her head out of her office and you both sprang apart.
“Dear, you’re still here? I thought you’d left to go home already.”
“I’m on my way out,” You promised, heart beating wildly at having almost been caught. It seemed to satisfy her, she disappeared again, leaving you and Robin to trade that was close looks.
“Can I come over tonight?” Robin blurted out, hands twitching at her side, wanting nothing more than to hold your face again.
You nodded, pulling the straps of your backpack on.
She looked relieved and almost leaned in, no doubt to give you a kiss, before she caught herself. “Okay, I’ll see you soon?”
“Yeah,” you whispered out before scurrying out of the room.
You’d told your parents your illness was just some bad cramps, so they had no problem letting Robin come over. It meant they didn’t have to deal with your mood swings since you weren’t notoriously friendly during that time of the month.
Later that night, when Robin walked into your room, the first thing she did was lock your bedroom door.
“Alright, you beautiful human being.” She awkwardly tried kicking her converse off and cursed under her breath when she couldn’t because of how tightly they were laced. After she aggressively pulled at the laces, she yanked them off her feet and fell back on your bed, leaning back on her arm. She parted her legs and tapped the space on your blankets between them. “C’mere.”
You immediately crawled over, ready to straddle her but she tutted, manhandling you until your back was to her chest and you were staring at your reflections in the mirror attached to your dresser. 
“There we go,” She chirped, arms wrapping under your bust as her chin settled over your shoulder. “See, I don’t ever want to invalidate your feelings because I love you, but it’s mind boggling to me that you would think Vickie and I look good together when we so obviously look like soulmates.”
You frowned at her reflection, “We do?”
“Oh, we do. You and I look so good together. Of course, mostly because you’re so freaking pretty,” She didn’t break eye contact as she pressed a kiss to your neck. Her lips didn’t leave the area, “And it kills me that you can’t seem to see that.”
That does it.
You burst out laughing, nose scrunching and body shaking as you let your weight collapse back into her. Robin rolled her eyes, unwinding her arms from around you so she could lean back on her hands to wait for you to calm down.
“I’m sorry!” You croaked out, still laughing like a hyena. In your fit, you ended up falling of the bed, back to your carpet as joy filled every cavern of your chest. 
Her lips pursed comically, obviously trying to hold back her own smile. She knew what had been the cause of your case of the cackles, Robin could be bossy and she was hot, you thought she was so hot, but.
But. But. But.
She could not be intentionally sexy. On accident? Sure. On purpose??? Not so much. And you didn’t mean the way she dressed, which was hot too. She just couldn’t be very dominating. It was cute when she tried, because you knew she was trying so very hard to not be awkward. 
“I’ll wait,” The way she said it, like a substitute teacher who couldn’t wrangle their class was intentional, she even sat up and clasped her hands in her lap.
“I’m sorry,” You apologized once more, sitting up as your laughter turned to giggles. Once those were under control and you were smiling like an idiot, you knee-waddled back over to her. Robin made sure to keep you at bay with her hands outstretched to block access to her lap. “C’mon, tell me all about it!” 
“No, you lost that privilege.” There was no sincerity to it, her pretty mauve lips were curled into a teasing smile. “Go laugh some more.”
“Please?” You asked, eyelashes batting up at her. She was a sucker for your eyes—and really looking forward to sex—so she caved immediately, though you didn’t climb back onto your spot, choosing to tackle her to the bed and pin her hands to the bed instead as the both of you laughed.
You were about to trail your hands lower, towards her armpits where you knew she was the most ticklish when your brain registered she wasn’t not laughing anymore. You blinked down at her, taking in the shift of the atmosphere.
Robin was staring up at you, blue eyes full of adoration, reverence, her lips parted a little almost like they were frozen around a soft gasp. She was looking at you like she couldn’t believe you existed, let alone existed as her girlfriend. 
She’d had her fair share of crushes, dream girls, likes-at-first-sights. Had one prior relationship, one that made her long for the formers just because of how much work she hadn’t known went into relationships. 
Vickie was nice, sweet and a little too much like her. It was annoying, she’d begun to think Vickie was annoying and that was when she realized how unfair she was being. Ever see those tv shows where the best friends are so in sync, they’re talking in unison? Constantly saying the same thing at the same time? Yeah, there was a reason why they were just friends. It’s cute the first couple of times, creepy and agitating the rest.
She’d felt like such a failure when they called it quits, though. Robin finally had one of the dream girls interested and it didn’t work out. It felt real shitty. She vowed to go easier on Steve, if he felt like that all the time, he deserved a break from her antagonizing.
Then you happened. Well, you were always there, swooping in when Barb had abandoned her in favor of being friends with Nancy—okay, that was a little mean, Robin could have easily interacted with both, she was just in her ‘I’m not like those girls’ phase, which you put up with—didn’t even seem to mind when she started hanging out a little more with Steve than she did with you (you did, just hurt in silence), always answered your phone when she needed you, like you had some sort of Robin Senses. 
Yeah, you were always there. Hadn’t even been doing anything when she came to the realization. You’d been laughing at some memory Jonathan and Will had been telling, your hyena cackle echoing in Nancy’s basement and Robin had the most tit-clutching thought about how much she loved your laugh, how much she loved you.
And she knew she had a chance with you—or at least fit the demographic you wanted to appeal to—so she hadn’t hesitated, not willing to waste a single second. She’d been stupid in love and somehow gayer ever since.
“I do, though.” She rasped out into the tension filled air between the two of you.
“Huh?” Came your very in-sexy reply.
“I wish you could see yourself the way I see you,” your hold on her loosened as she rose from the bed and you found yourself once more perched in her lap as she whispered your name, “You’re . . . Everything.”
The emotion she conveyed behind it had slick pooling in the heat between your thighs.
You didn’t protest when she maneuvered you back into position, staring at her reflection in the mirror. 
“Eyes on you,” She commanded and your gaze darted to the side, to stare into your own eyes. Your breath hitched as she undid the buckles to your overalls and you lifted your hips to help her push them down your thighs, body temperature rising the moment they hit the floor. 
“Pretty,” She commented as she hooked a finger into the side of your yellow panties and you winced, wishing you’d gone with one of the few sexy pairs you had instead of just a cotton pair. They weren’t as easy to get off, you’d thoroughly soaked the center so they stuck to your labia. When she’d managed to pull them away, down the meat of your thighs, a thick, clear string of your slick refused to part with them, Robin had to run her fingers through it to sever the connection and her whimper did nothing to help with your waterpark down there.
“Okay—Jesus—I know I’m not really great at sounding super sexy with my words, but babe, thatwassofuckinghotohmygod.” She hadn’t even pulled your panties completely off yet, they remained just above your knees since she couldn’t be bothered to do anything but rub your excitement between her fingers. 
Oh. Your mouth dropped open, as you watched her suck her digits into her mouth, eyes fluttering closed as she hummed around them before pulling them back out, tongue pressing against the roof of her mouth to savor the taste of you.
“And you taste so fucking good, too. It’s not fair.” She whined before she went straight to business, ring and middle finger reaching down to nudge at your clit and when you inhaled sharply, she began teasing it, rubbing little circles into the sensitive patch of nerves.
Your head dropped back onto her shoulder as you whimpered.
“Uh-uh, eyes on the mirror, babe.” Her ministrations slowed, forcing you to raise your head and stare at your disheveled reflection. Your forehead was beginning to shine, sweat already beginning to break through your skin. 
The moan that came out of you when her fingers dipped low, past your clit to rub at your hole was near pornographic and Robin had to quickly slap her free hand over your mouth, refusing to stop the descent of her fingers but unwilling to have your parents ruin it.
“Shh, baby, you have to be quiet,” She whispered against your ear, pressing a kiss to the skin behind it.
“I can’t,” you whined against her palm, smothering another one of those moans against her palm when her middle finger slipped easily inside of you followed shortly by her ring finger. She was ruthless, plunging, curling and dragging them against your walls, “‘s so good!”
It wasn’t long before the sound was apparent, a delicious squelch every time her nimble fingers plunged in and out, never fully leaving the warmth of your cunt. 
“Almost there,” she sighed out, breath hot against your neck. Robin licked her lips, brows furrowed as she reached a little deeper, fighting off a proud smirk when she heard you keen, chest heaving—and yeah, she kind of regretted not taking your shirt off so she could stare at your tits but another time—as she finally found that spongy spot inside of you, finger pads pressing insistently at it.
Just like magic, you melted; body going lax as you relaxed completely into her embrace. Robin loved to get you like this, you always became so pliant when she found your g-spot, like a ragdoll Robin could have her way with. It also meant she was finger fucking you so good you legitimately couldn’t form words, could barely make a sound, forced to pant out huh-huh-huhs as she bullied your pussy, thumb coming in to the mix to play with your clit and resume those tight circles from earlier.
“There we go,” she let out a breathless laugh and your head lulled to the side, body puddy in her hands and thighs quaking over hers. “You gonna come for me? Squeezing my fingers awful tight.”
You were about to try to tell her to shut up, or maybe beg for her not to stop when your eyes locked on the mirror again, gaze taking in your sweaty face once more before glancing at Robin’s reflection. She wasn’t staring back at you, no, her gaze was locked on the reflection of what her hands were doing between your thighs. That area of the mirror ended up attracting your attention, too.
It was completely obscene, you could see your slick coating your inner thighs, your mound and her fingers every time she pulled them out, pale skin and pink knuckles glittering with your wetness, a contrast to the dark shade of your legs surrounding them. Even her thumb was coated, pressing it into your clit as she massaged it. A beautiful mess, while it was clearly your body and you could simply look down to see her taking you so thoroughly apart, it was somehow more vulnerable to see it happening to your reflection, to the pretty, sweaty girl sat on your girlfriend’s lap.
You really were beautiful. 
You choked on a moan, eyes squeezing shut as your orgasm hit you hard and Robin cursed under her breath as you pulsed around her fingers, squeezing, squeezing, squeezing.
She didn’t relent even as she felt you get wetter, rubbing furiously at your clit to prolong it for you, didn’t stop until you whined and reached a hand down to yank hers out of you when it became too much. 
Robin pressed a smattering of kisses to your hairline as you heaved, then turned her head to the side as she sucked your spend off your fingers like honey, making sure they were coated in her spit and she hadn’t let any of it go to waste. 
You watched her reflection, took in how pleased she looked with herself before those pretty blue eyes were on you again, winking at you through the mirror.
“Told you we look good together.”
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bradshawssugarbaby · 7 months
Hard to Forget - Willard Hewitt x Reader
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A/N: I wanted to branch out the list of characters I'd write for and since Willard is a fave of mine (I have a soft spot for dumb pretty country boys oops), I figured I'd roll with it.
Inspired by I Bet You Think About Me and Betty by Taylor Swift;
“But now that we're done and it's over, I bet you couldn't believe when you realized I'm harder to forget than I was to leave”
“But if I just showed up at your party, - Would you tell me to go fuck myself, - I’m only 17, I don’t know anything.” “Will you kiss me on the porch in front of all your stupid friends?”
pairing: Willard Hewitt (Footloose 2011) x f!reader
content/warnings: swearing, angst, Willard being a dummy, some pining, fluffy ending.
word count: 3k
“Willard, you can’t just go around kissin’ other girls and then telling me you love me, that’s not how this works!” 
“Well, maybe I dunno how any of this works, did’ya ever think that? Jeez, you’re puttin’ more rules on me than coach does for a football game, babe. Maybe I don’t wanna be in a relationship like this? I’m young, you know, I’m 19, I wanna be free and have fun while I still can. I’m gonna graduate soon and I wanna enjoy life before I get stuck workin’ a 9 to 5 somewhere. I know I’m not playin’ football when I get out, but I’m not plannin’ to be like everyone else back home and have a wife and kids and a dog before I turn 30.”
“Well then, maybe we should break up, Willard. Apparently according to you we were never anything to begin with, so it shouldn’t be too hard to call this off.” 
“Yeah, maybe we should.”
Willard’s words were like venom, stinging you as you walked away, hot tears threatening to overflow your eyes and stream down your face. You headed off to your dorm, trying your damnest to not let Willard’s indifference towards you get under your skin. You were determined to not let some country boy from a small town in Georgia break your heart, you were better than that. Before you left, you spun around on your heel and looked at him.
“Why don’t you go fuck yourself, Willard?” 
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。
Five years later, and you had long moved on from the cute Southern country boy who’d tried to break your heart. You’d completed your university degree in Education, worked your ass off, determined to be happy with or without your ex boyfriend. You and Willard never crossed paths again at university, and you were sure you’d never see him again. That was, until you had to return home for the weekend. Your younger sister had just turned 16, and your presence was requested, causing you to make the four and a half hour one way trip down to Athens to be there for her party. You’d moved to South Carolina after graduation, landing a job with a school district in Charleston where you were hired on as a first grade teacher. Once you arrived back home in Athens, the memories of Willard and your years at university all came flooding back. Complicating these, was when your tire blew on your car. You had to have it towed to the nearest mechanic.
When you hopped out of the tow truck, you lifted your sunglasses up from your eyes, resting them atop your head, squinting as you walked into the garage. A tall man with dark hair and a deep Southern accent with his back turned to you as he wiped his hands off called out to you. There was a sense of familiarity as he spoke, an uncomfortable feeling brewed in you as he turned around. You saw his face, and nothing about him had changed - the same hazel eyes, dark brown curls, the faint scars on his cheek and his chin now almost unnoticeable. His breath audibly hitched as he saw you. 
“Well...hi,” Willard chuckled awkwardly as he saw you, taking a moment to register everything that had changed since you’d left him.
“Hi,” You responded coldly, your arms folded across your chest as you looked at him, “My tire blew, I just need one replaced. No I didn’t have a spare, just charge it to my credit card when you’re done, ok?” 
“Well now, is that anyway to talk to your ex boyfriend?” Willard smirked playfully, that same godforsaken twinkle in his hazel eyes that always won you over before still clearly present.
“Ex for a reason, Willard.”
“Not a good one,” He admitted as he nodded his head slowly, “I-uh-I’ve been thinking.”
“After 5 years? Seems a little late.”
“Listen, darlin’, I was a stupid kid,” he began, nodding slowly, “I never wanted to hurt ya.”
“Well, you just did a damn good job of that without even trying, didn’t you?” You rebuffed his attempt to discuss further and handed him your credit card so he could put the tire repair on file with your card. 
“I’m sorry, ok?” He said softly, his voice barely a whisper as he spoke. 
“I’m not.”
“I probably deserve that, I’ll admit,” Willard sighs and shakes his head, “Let me make it up to ya, ok? Maybe I could take you for dinner some time? How long are ya here for? I can’t cook for shit still, but I remember you always loved going out to that place near the campus, I could take you there if ya’d like?”
“Thanks, but I have plans.”
“I haven’t even told you when it is yet.”
“Well I’m only home for a weekend. It’s my sister’s sweet 16.”
Willard’s face fell as he nodded slowly. He sighed softly and handed you your card back, furrowing his brow as he spoke.
“S’pose I can’t convince you then, can I?” 
“What could you possibly say to fix it after five years, Willard?
He frowned again before gazing up at the clock on the wall. He nodded slowly and turned his attention back to you before speaking again.
“I’m off in 10 minutes, if you wait for me, I’ll explain everything. If you say my explanation and apology aren’t good enough, I’ll back off and you can pretend you never even met me. I’ll even fix that tire for free first before you go back home.”
You weighed your options as Willard looked at you hopefully, almost as if he was pleading you to agree. You sighed and shook your head before pointing a finger at him.
“Don’t disappoint me, ok?
“I’ll do my damnest not to, darlin’”
After 10 short minutes, you observed as Willard punched out his time card and trodded off to the change room to discard of his dirty, grease laden clothes. He smiled as he walked out to you, wearing jeans and a plain white t-shirt, his beat up old baseball cap from when you’d first met him now adorning his head. He laughed softly before turning to you once again and grinning.
“I’m impressed you waited for me,” Willard explained. 
As the two of you headed outside, you spotted his infamous beat up old pickup truck, looking as rough as ever parked outside. Willard grinned at you and laughed, “You used to love this truck, you know.”
“Yeah, when I was 19, I also loved country boys in cowboy hats who wiillingly broke my heart by kissing other girls while I thought we were dating exclusively,” You hissed at him.
If there was one thing you knew about Willard, it was that he didn’t give a single fuck if anyone didn’t like his truck. That truck was the only thing he loved more than his own mama, and Willard would spend every last dime he had to fix that awful thing just so he could continue cherishing it. He’d always been very set in his ways about everything. It was the reason why you’d split in the first place. He was so determined to “live freely” and “live his life” that he gave up anything he figured might have stopped him, including you.
“Listen, I’m sorry for what I did, yeah?” 
“So you’ve said.” 
“Just hear me out, ok? I was a stupid kid. I was 19, I didn’t know shit. I still don’t know shit at 24, but you know what I do know?” 
“How to count past 10 without taking your shoes off?” You retorted dryly.
“Hey now, I’m trying to be serious!” Willard laughed softly, “I know now that you never would have stopped me from doing whatever I had my heart set on. You would have encouraged me to just be happy. I appreciate that. I was just too stupid to pick up on that. I’m sorry I broke your heart. I also learned that you were so much harder to forget than you were to leave. Watching you walk away and hearing you tell me to go fuck myself gave me quite the ego check. And, I really did think you were the sweetest lil’ Georgia peach I’d ever met.”
You rolled your eyes as you tried to maintain your icy exterior towards him. On the inside though, you could feel your heart melt ever so slightly as he called you a Georgia peach - that had always been his saying when he thought you did something cute. He’d pat your cheek with his big hand, calloused from a combination of playing football and his studying to be a mechanical engineer, and grin at you as his thick as molasses Southern accent gushed at you. “Well ain’t you just as sweet as a Georgia Peach?” he’d always say. Half the time you figured he said it purely to make you blush. 
Willard took a step closer to you, his hazel eyes meeting with yours the way they had when you two had dated all those years ago. He sighed softly, almost happily as he saw you weren’t rejecting him this time around. His hand reached for yours slowly, his touch gentle and delicate, as if he was trying purposefully not to scare you away. He smiled softly as you allowed him to hold your hand, your lack of resistance giving him a glimmer of hope that you might have somehow found a way to forgive him. You would feel yourself wearing down against him, your cold, frozen exterior towards him melting away as he gently held your hand.
“Willard,” you frowned slightly as you looked down at his hand holding yours, trying to ignore the fact that your hand fit perfectly in his.
“Darlin’ I’m willing to do anything to prove to you that I’m not going to break your heart again if you give me the chance. I’ve spent the last five years realizing that those big dreams and aspirations I had in college weren’t going to come true without you. I never did make it out of college football, I never ended up travelling or leaving Georgia like I said I would, but, I mean, I do decently well for myself. When you left I realized you were what made me happy though - not travelling or football, or workin’ on cars. You. And when I didn’t have you to do all these things I’d dreamed of with, well, none of them seemed worth doin’ anymore.”
 You sighed softly as he gave your hand a gentle squeeze. You looked up at him, meeting those gorgeous hazel eyes you’d always loved, tears welling up in your own as you gave an understanding nod of your head. 
“Now, there’s my sweet lil’ Georgia peach,” he smirked as he stroked the back of your hand with his thumb. 
A rush of memories and a sense of familiarity came rushing over you as he spoke, calling you by the pet name that always made you weak in the knees years ago. You shook your head quickly as you tried to shake the feeling of nostalgia that was overtaking you.
“I should get going.” Your voice was soft-spoken, partially feeling guilty as you spoke.
Willard swallowed hard and nodded his head, trying to not sound defeated. He gestured his hand outward, pointing towards the street, forcing a hearty laugh and a big smile as he spoke.
“Yeah, might not wanna be late, your mama’d be so mad. Bet your sister wouldn’t be none too pleased either tho, would she?”
“No, I don’t suppose they would be. My sister’s party is supposed to start in,” You frowned as you looked at your watch and shook your head, “!5 minutes. Christ, I better start walking.”
“Don’t be silly, I’ll just drive you over. Sure your mama doesn’t want you wanderin’ your way around town to get home.”
You opened your mouth to argue but quickly closed it again. You knew he had a fair point, and you’d never make it there in 15 minutes by walking. Smiling, Willard opened the door of his truck for you, gesturing to the front seat for you to hop inside. You jumped up into the seat and nodded slowly as Willard took your bag out of your temporarily non-functioning car for you, placing it in the back. He climbed into the driver’s seat and turned the key over, the engine making its unique sputtering sound as it roared to life, the old engine sounding like it was clinging to life by a thread. 
“You know, I could fix ‘er, but I just…I dunno, the sound is sort of nostalgic for me, ya know? It’s comforting,” He chuckled.
You rolled your eyes and laughed as he drove towards your parents house. You directed him along the way, but once he found himself in the familiar neighbourhoods he used to drive through to pick you up all those years ago, he didn’t need your navigation skills anymore. He smirked as he pulled up out front of your parents’ home, watching as you hopped out of the truck. He raised an eyebrow as the crowd of your family members that was congregating outside of your garage. Willard waved politely to them, recognizing a few of their faces from family functions he’d accompanied you to years ago. He parked his truck and hopped out, smiling as he looked over to you.
“I take it you never did tell your mama the truth about why we broke up, did ya?” He whispered to you as your mom waved to him from the garage.
“No, I didn’t want to her to go sharpen her pitchfork to come after you with,” You smirked at him and shrugged your shoulders, “You’re welcome.”
As you came up closer to your family, you felt Willard put his hand gently on your back. Turning to you, he smiled softly and whispered in your ear gently.
“Sorry, just trying to make it seem like we didn’t quite break up as badly as we did,” he nodded as he let out a soft chuckle.
You nodded slowly in agreement and smiled at your family members as Willard joined you. He laughed as your dad wrapped an arm Willard’s shoulders, pulling him in to talk for a moment, as he would have with an old friend. Willard gave you an apologetic smile as he shrugged, not realizing that your family would have missed his presence so much. 
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。
A few hours later, Willard was still hanging out at the party, unable to make a quick getaway as your family members wanted to hear about all the things he’d done over the last five years. In a way, you were glad they were so welcoming towards him once again, happy to see that he was still considered family by your loved ones. You couldn’t help but notice the butterflies you got every time you saw him smile or laugh while he spoke, like he was genuinely enjoying himself, it showed to you that what he had said earlier about missing you had been completely heartfelt. 
As everyone started to head out, you met Willard on your parents front porch, smiling softly as he held your hand again under the warm glow of the porchlight beside the door. You could feel the gaze of your family members peering through the curtains at you, all secretly and silently hoping that one of you would give a sign that you were rekindling what you’d once had together. 
“Thanks for letting me stick around, I missed seeing everyone, I missed how nice your folks are,” Willard nodded, smiling brightly at you, his cheeks turning pink as he spoke.
“I don’t think they would have given me the option to send you home without staying, to be fair.”
There was an awkward silence in the air between you two as Willard’s eyes met yours. He bit his lip softly and laughed, shaking his head, his dark brown curls becoming perfectly tossed, his discarded baseball cap shoved into his back pocket from when he sat down for dinner earlier. 
“You know, I really wanna kiss you right ‘bout now.”
“Strangely enough, you’re kinda making me wanna kiss you right ‘bout now too,” you teased.
With that, Willard put his hands on your waist, pulling you in close for a kiss. His lips were soft, with a sense of hunger and passion added to the chemistry between you. You could tell just by how his lips met with yours that he’d been craving this for the last five years. That he’d wanted nothing more than to hold you close and kiss you under the porchlight like had so many times before. And if you were being honest, you’d craved it too all these years, as much as you hated to admit it.
“So, where does this leave us then?” You raised an eyebrow at him, “‘Suppose I can’t hate you anymore if I’m letting you kiss me like that, now can I?”
“Don’t suppose you can, sweetheart. Looks like you may have to agree to datin’ me again?”
“Is that so?”
“Now come on, my lil’ Georgia peach, don’t make me get on my knees and beg you to take me back in front of your folks. You know I will.”
You laughed softly and pressed your lips to his again, murmuring into the kiss as your lips touched. 
“Come ‘ere, country boy,  you’re mine now.”
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oxydiane · 2 years
‘Does it ever upset you?’
‘Mhhh?’ Ron shifts slightly, adjusting the arm curled around Harry’s waist. ‘What’re you talking about?’
‘That… This, that nobody knows about this.’ Harry whispers with a nod to their current position; he is laying against Ron’s chest, Ron’s lips pressed against his hair and leaving quick kisses every once in a while.
‘Why? It matters to you?’ Ron mumbles, clearly far sleepier than his boyfriend.
‘I dunno,’ Harry thinks of how the only reason they get to lay and cuddle like this is Sirius and Remus’ date night, thinks of how Sirius left him the home for the night and he used the chance to sneak in his boyfriend when Sirius had trusted him. ‘Should tell Padfoot, maybe?’
Ron seems to wake up at once. ‘Huh? No way! He’s going to kill me!’
‘He’s not going to kill you,’ a roll of eyes.
‘Duh! He already doesn’t like me because he knows of your embarrassing crush on me!’ Harry laughs and shoves him playfully. ‘You wanna add fuel to the fire so next time I show up he’s not even gonna let us in your room? This door-stays-open rule is bad already!’
‘He just wants to make sure —‘
‘I don’t deflower his Godson?’ Ron finishes for him and that does draw a shriek from Harry, immediately followed by a laugh.
‘You’re so stupid! And he knows we wouldn’t try that under his roof! I’m smarter than that.’
‘Now you’re just being mean,’ Harry whines and presses his face against Ron’s neck. ‘I just… I don’t like keeping secrets from Sirius, you know that.’
‘I know! I just…’ Ron sighs. ‘Once we tell them, we need to tell my family, too, and once we do that, the teasing will start and this… This won’t be just ours anymore, would it? I know you want to tell them, Harry, I do too, but… Can this just be ours for a little while longer?’
Ron’s voice is so sweet against Harry’s hair and his hand runs gently against Harry’s back, he can’t help but smile against the crook of Ron’s neck; he is in love and it maybe does need to stay in-between them alone for a little longer.
‘Alright,’ he mutters, the warmth in his chest urging him to add— ‘I love you.’
From where he lies, he can feel Ron’s heartbeat speed-up just a little before the arms around his waist squeeze him closer and the lips against his hair move.
‘I love you, too.’ And it’s quiet after that, the muffled sound of the telly lulling them to sleep.
Later that night, the front door opens and a voice breaks the silence of the house.
‘I told you I could not learn all those constellations.’
‘You tried and we had a lovely pick-nic, that’s what matters.’
‘Yeah, would have been better if it didn’t start pouring—‘ Remus’ words come to a sudden halt when he takes in the two teenagers’ sleeping forms, cuddled up together on their living room couch.
‘What’s u— Oh,’ Sirius’ hand slips easily around his husband’s waist. ‘They think they are so slick.’
‘They ought to have realised we know by now, this is the… what? Fourth time? Fourth time we caught them?’
‘Seventh,’ Sirius says confidently, he’s been keeping a tally. ‘Honestly, Moony, I get this whole ‘let them come to us when they are ready’ thing but it’s getting ridiculous… I do enjoy our date nights to leave him the house to himself, though.’
‘Of course you do,’ Remus can’t help but smile, looking at Harry sleeping so peacefully. ‘The poor boy has, what, five siblings?’
‘Six, and two parents. Honestly, Moony, you are kind of awful with numbers lately.’
‘Yeah, whatever. Way too many, in my book. They deserve some privacy, God knows how little they could actually get at Molly Weasley’s house!’
‘Not too much privacy, though.’ Sirius points out and Remus can’t help but roll his eyes, taking his husband’s hand and tugging him towards their room.
‘Let’s go, let’s go, you remember tomorrow’s script—?’
‘Of course.’ Sirius deadpans. ‘Pretend we saw nothing, and that we were both way too drunk to remember anything, anyways.’
‘Good boy.’
Sirius gives the two boys one last glance before disappearing in the hallway. He is glad Harry can rest so well.
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idontplaytrack · 12 days
Aj x Reader, reader is Dylan’s sister? Truth or dare? Some kind of party game leads to a confession of feelings but reader has a boyfriend? I want some angst lol
Fall Into Me
AJ Campos x fem! reader
Warnings: mature themes, MDNI. angst, coarse language, quarrelling, underage drinking, attempted/sexual assault.
AJ wishes she could turn back the clock to save reader.
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All eyes were on AJ the second she walked into school. Many did a double-take, buzzing about who she was. The girl was no longer dressed the way you knew her to be for as long as you’ve known her. Ten years. Also, you came back to school without your best friend. She’d ended the friendship with you. The summer ended painfully, with more heartbreaks than one. All because of one game.
“Why don’t you want to go to the party? Stacey’s parties are always fun!” Dylan asks. “I don’t like parties, Dyl.” You told him, calmly. Unlike his current mood— he was desperately trying to get you out of the house.
“Come on, you love going to parties with me, y/n.”
You sigh, tempted to agree, but something was holding you back. Or rather, someone. Should you tell Dylan? No, he’d kill ya.
“y/n, you’d be home alone and that’s so boring.” Dylan continues, “You literally told me you hated being home alone.”
You huffed, “Fine. Fine. I’ll go.” You got off the couch, plugging your phone in on the way to your room. “That’s more like it.” Dylan exclaimed. “We’re gonna get so wasted tonight.” You laughed, then sighed while you entered your room and shut the door. You put on the first outfit you saw then proceeded to do your makeup. “We’re leaving in an hour!” Dylan knocks on your door.
“Alright!” You replied loudly.
After getting changed, you went back downstairs. Mainly to check your phone. You had a few missed calls from your boyfriend so you called him back.
“Where are you?”
You flinched at how fast he answered your call.
“At home.”
“Then what took you so long to answer my calls?”
“What? I left my phone on silent and it was charging downstairs but I was up—”
“Don’t give me excuses. You know I—”
“y/n!” Dylan called for you.
“I gotta go, I’ll meet you soon, bye.” You cut him off and hung up.
Putting your phone down, you ask, “Yeah?”
“Stacey says we can go over earlier if we want. So, you wanna?”
“Uh, actually. I’m gonna meet you there. I kinda promised Xander I’d meet him for a bit.”
“Since when? You said you had nothing to do all weekend— and that he was out of town.”
“Maybe he came back early, I dunno.” You shrug, “I’ll be at Stacey’s as soon as I can, alright?”
“You’d better show up, y/n.”
“I will, promise.”
Hurriedly grabbing your purse off the hook, you shove your wallet and keys inside it then left the house with your phone in hand. You walk to a secluded park near home— where Xander was waiting for you. Impatient, antsy…his frame was trembling as his fists were balled up on either of his sides. You had half a mind to run away and just stay home until it was time to go to the party for Dylan, but another part of you went ahead and approached him.
“Xander.” You said, coming up behind him.
“Took you long enough.” He scoffs.
“I literally came here as soon as I called you back.”
“Lose the attitude.”
“What do you want from me?”
“What I want is for you to get this fact into your head. You’re mine. You don’t go around getting kissed, hanging out with your people.”
“My people?” You shot him a bewildered look. He glares at you displeased. You gulped, inching away timidly.
“Who’s this girl kissing you?” He immediately shows you a picture on his phone.
“That— that’s Stacy. Our student body president. She has a boyfriend. My brother.”
“Some girlfriend she is just going around kissing people.”
“It was my birthday. It was pose, nothing more. Her boyfriend is literally in the picture.” You told him, biting back a scoff.
“Did you just roll your eyes at me?” He snarled, hands gripping onto your shoulders.
You seethed, squirming to free yourself from his grip.
“I’m sorry, baby.”
You shrug. He always apologizes but never meant it— it’ll happen again. And again, and again.
“Then this?”
“That’s my brother Dylan, Xander.” You said flatly, tired. “He hugged me, because I got him something he’s been wanting a long time for his gift.”
“Fine. Sorry.”
“Whatever, can we just get to the party?”
“Ew, I don’t want to go to some lame party of yours.” He scoffs, “Come on, get in the car.” His hand ran up your side. “No.” You told him firmly. Your words fall on deaf ears, his hand nearly cupping your breast.
You slapped him, “What the fuck!”
“You bitch! What was that for?” He shrieked, holding his cheek. Xander lunged at you, hand grabbing your neck, “How dare you hit me?”
He pushes you to the ground before you could say anything else. Then, he huffs and got into his car, driving off. “Fuck you.” He shouts as he drove off.
You help yourself off the ground, dusted yourself off and went on your way to Stacy’s— in tears. But checking your neck to make sure there was no bruising. There was redness, which you hurriedly covered up with the makeup left in your purse as you walked the distance to the party.
Making sure the red marks were covered, you rung the doorbell. “Hey! Come on in, girl!” Stacy immediately hugs you as per usual.
“Hey.” You give her a forced smile, hoping she couldn’t tell.
“You know where everything is. Make yourself at home, drink up, eat up— we’re gonna play a game soon.”
“A g-game?”
“Spin the bottle.” Stacy grins, “In the den.”
By the time you got to the den, you were a little tipsy since you chugged the drinks. Desperate to forget the earlier events with Xander. “Just the person we’ve been waiting for.” Dylan announces, “Sit down, join the circle. Let’s get that bottle spinning.”
You were praying that empty beer bottle doesn’t stop at you. And it was going smoothly. But soon came your turn, so you had no choice but to spin it. It lands on AJ. Tipsy, tipsy AJ. Grinning, about god knows what. Was she happy that you made the bottle land on her?
Rules were, you had to kiss whoever the bottle stopped at. So, you did. Xander wasn’t here anyway…so who was stopping you from having a little fun. It was just a kiss, right? The moment your lips met hers, you felt a spark, a fluttering in your chess that made you feel giddy. No, no, no. Shit. You couldn’t feel this way. You shouldn’t be feeling like this.
“I like you.” She whispers.
You froze, somehow or other, your heart was happy. Relieved and scared. All at once. Then, you slowly broke away from the kiss before it got too heated. “I have a boyfriend.” You said apologetically, “I’m sorry.”
That look in her eyes, it broke your heart. You felt terrible. AJ was a really nice person. She didn’t know, because Xander wanted to keep things lowkey. She was a pretty close friend of yours too. You could’ve told her sooner because she wouldn’t have told anyone that you were dating someone already. She has never let out any of your secrets, and never will. But, it was Xander. He’d find out you told someone, somehow. And you’d be his punching bag. You didn’t want that.
“Sorry.” AJ’s apology pulls you out of your thoughts.
The rest of the night went by uneventfully, until you got home and were in bed. You’d received a text from AJ, asking if she could give you a call. You called her first and it takes her awhile, but she answers eventually.
“y/n, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.”
“It’s okay, it’s my fault. I should’ve just told you sooner.”
“I’ve been sitting here thinking for a bit. I don’t think we can be friends anymore. Because I don’t think my feelings for you will be dying down anytime soon. I can’t hate you and I never will. I don’t want to make things weird for you. Or your boyfriend. Goodbye, y/n.”
You’d barely processed her words before the dial tone was heard. “Shit!” You cursed, throwing your phone across the room. Well, that night? Ended in tears for you. You cried yourself to sleep, muffling the noise with a pillow.
Six weeks later, AJ gets woken up from her slumber by a call from an unknown number.
“Hello, may I speak to AJ Campos?”
“You are.” AJ answered, clearing her throat, “Who is this?”
“I’m calling from Keck Hospital of USC. You were listed as y/n y/l/n’s emergency contact.”
“What?” The blood instantly drained from her face, “What happened to her?”
“She came into the ER with a head injury claiming she fell because she was drinking. But upon further examination, we found that she’d been sexually assaulted.” The nurse explained, “She said we could tell you. The local authorities are also on their way here to find out more about what happened, but if you would like to come over and see her—”
“I-I’m on my way. Bye.” AJ hung up and scurried out of bed, hurrying downstairs to her car and just drove off in her pyjamas.
“Please be okay.” AJ kept repeating to herself as she drove, “I can’t lose you.” Just like that, she’d forgotten why she even tried to distance herself in the first place. Regretting the fact that she ignored you in class when you asked for help on the trig worksheet. She chokes on a sob, “Why wasn’t I nicer to you? Why did I have to—”
After driving for a damn long time, AJ finally arrives at the hospital. Hastily parking her car in the rather empty parking lot, she rushes through the automated doors, asking the front desk which room you were in. “She’s still in the ER. To your left, bed 11. The SVU detectives are with her now. So you may want to wait outside.” AJ ran to look for you, stopping outside the hospital room like they’d told her to. She couldn’t bear to listen to the details— she couldn’t stomach it. As much as she felt that sickening feeling in her stomach, she also felt so angry. Who would do this to someone? Someone as sweet as you? She wishes it was at just a bad dream. But no, it was so very real.
AJ sat in the plastic chair leaning forward, head buried in her hands. Waiting, and waiting. She hears you talking to the detective indistinctly, your voice getting quieter and quieter, then you started to cry. Shit. That sound crushed her heart.
AJ hears them leave the room, she looks up, meeting the sympathetic eyes of the detectives. She got up and walked into the room immediately. You were a wreck the moment you saw her, wanting nothing more than a hug from her. She gave it to you, that hug you’ve been longing for. It always made you feel better. But not so much now, maybe you just missed her.
“I should’ve just left him,” You started, “I should’ve left. I’m so stupid.”
“Honey, don’t say that. It’s not your fault.”
“Isn’t it though? I knew he was hurting me but I couldn’t do it— I couldn’t leave. I was so scared, AJ. I couldn’t do it, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have stayed on.”
“Baby, please don’t say that. It’s not your fault. Please.”
“Someone showed Xander a photo of us at the party during the game.” You continued to talk through tears, “He got so mad...”
“Xander did this?!” AJ’s voice came out louder than anticipated. You flinched and cried harder. “Shit, y/n. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.” She apologizes profusely, rubbing your back.
“I told them. I told the police already, I couldn’t take it anymore. I told them everything.” You hung onto her even more tightly, tears seeping into her baggy t-shirt endlessly. One you bought her several years ago.
“They’ll get him, okay, baby?” AJ whispers, “They’ll get him. You’re safe here, alright?”
“I can’t go home, AJ.” You gasped, getting into a coughing fit and she broke away just in case. “I can’t go home. My parents will be so disappointed in me. Disgusted by me…I don’t want to tell them about it, AJ.”
Since you were of age, your parents weren’t notified. So far, AJ was the only person who knew other than the police— who you’ve also told to not inform your parents. Thankfully, they agreed and you could only hope it stayed that way. It was going to be a long night ahead. They still had to do a kit, which took quite awhile. But you knew they had to do it, they needed to get the DNA evidence against your abuser. You cried for AJ to stay with you, feeling absolutely terrified. She agreed to without hesitation, staying with you and letting you hold onto her hand to divert the pain away.
Hours later, you were in AJ’s car, half asleep as she begins the drive to her own apartment. You were terribly exhausted but fighting sleep. You were so on the edge, worried and anxious about something happening. About somehow seeing Xander show up.
“You’re safe with me. Close your eyes. I’m right here with you.” AJ says, turning the volume of the radio down.
“You said close your eyes
Don't look down
Fall into me and I'll catch you, darlin'
We'll dance in the street like nobody's watching
It's just you and me and the song on repeat in my head”
You fell asleep to that song softly playing through the speakers, giving into the exhaustion. You knew you were safe with AJ— like always. She softly nudged you awake once you two arrived at her apartment building. You jolted awake, but quickly realised where you were and who you were with. “Let’s go, we’re here.” She gets out of the car, shut her door and went over to your side to help you out. AJ was apprehensive, but she eventually wrapped an arm around you fully seeing that you were comfortable with it. You simply followed her lead without saying a word…what could you possibly say anyway?
Quietly shutting the front door, she leads you to her room, asking if you wanted to take a shower. You said yes and she got you a towel and clothes to change into afterwards. She leaves you alone, but in the meantime, you also got a glass of water ready along with the medications the doctor said you could take. She puts them on the nightstand, then she paced her room for awhile, thinking and thinking. Feeling herself getting angrier. She huffs, sitting down on her bed eventually. The bathroom door was left ajar, and she hears a bottle drop. You screamed and started crying. Could she walk in there? She didn’t want to upset you any further.
She stood directly behind the door, knocking softly, “It’s okay, y/n. You’re alright.” AJ hears the sound of the bottle being put back on the shelf, but you continued crying. She doesn’t stop you— you needed some form of release for the hell that was tonight.
Thirty minutes later, you walk out from the bathroom. Freshly showered but still feeling absolutely dirty. You’d nearly scrubbed your skin raw…your head was throbbing and you were starving. But you couldn’t eat. You felt too sick to eat, scared that you’d just throw everything up. “Take the pills on the nightstand.” She nudged you gently, “Are you hungry? Do you feel like eating something?”
You quietly shook your head, “I feel sick. I can’t.” You sat down on her bed carefully, reaching for the pills on the small table. You swallowed them with the water one at a time and put the glass down, staring blankly into space…your mind was racing.
“Hey.” She sits down next to you, “Let’s get some sleep, okay? Come on.”
You crawled under the covers and laid down on your back. AJ wanted to leave, letting you take the whole bed. “Will you stay with me?” You asked meekly.
She stops in her tracks, turning around, “If that’s what you want, of course.”
“Thank you.” You looked at her, then away and shut your eyes.
“You’ll be okay. I’ll take care of you.” That was the last thing you heard before you fell asleep, “I’ll be with you every step of the way.”
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🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @reneeswif3 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
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kirarisoul · 13 days
my ‘boyfriend’
quackity x reader
summary: you think your father will disapprove of your boyfriend, alex. so, he comes up with a plan.
i was thinking of 2019/18 alex while writing this! enjoy 😙
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE DOESN’T LIKE ME?!” is screamed through the phone by your boyfriend, making you pull it away from your ear, to prevent yourself from losing hearing.
“I don’t know.. he just.. isn’t.. fond of you?”
“but why? i’m so cute and handsome and sexy!”
“I think it’d be weirder if my dad thought you were sexy, babe.”
you hear him huff into the other side of the phone and know that’s your cue to comfort him.
“he’ll come around eventually, alex! he’s not gonna stop me from seeing you!”
“i know, i know, but.. how did he even form this horrible preconception of me?” he says, dramatically. you can practically see him with his hand over his heart in mock despair.
“well, i thought i’d ease him into it, and i put a stream of yours on the tv, it was that one, where you looked all cute with your little hat and thanos toy an-“
“yeah, yeah, i know what one you’re talking about.” you can hear the happy smile in his voice from your description of him.
“anyways, he didn’t have very good feelings towards you. he said you were loud and that streaming isn’t a proper job.. i didn’t even tell him i knew you yet.” you sigh into the phone.
“it is a job!? tell him i’m gonna go to law school as well!”
“i did tell him! he just.. couldn’t look past the streaming i guess. and he still doesn’t know we’re dating.”
“then tell him! you can’t hide me forever, baby.” he says smugly.
“yeah i will but.. he wants you to come for dinner. tonight. and if he sees it’s you i dunno what he’ll do! he has a temper, y’know.”
“hm.. wait.. i have an idea..” he says.
“so, you’re my daughters boyfriend?” your dad asks one of the two boys waiting outside the door of your house, looming over them.
“y-yes sir..” the boy next to alex says.
“and you are?” your dad turns to alex.
“his friend.” alex smiles.
“alright.. why are you here?”
“..moral support?” alex says, pulling on his sleeves nervously.
a pause.
“oh, come in, come in, boys!” your mom says from behind your father.
the silence at the dinner table is deafening. it’s your father at the head of the table, your mother on his left, and your ‘boyfriend’ on his right. next to your ‘boyfriend’ is alex, your boyfriend.
you lean in.
“this is your plan?” you whisper yell into alex’s ear.
“babe, trust me, it’ll work.”
“who the fuck is that?!”
“it’s my friend, lucas. he’s interning at a hospital, and he’s top of the class in every subject, your dad’ll love him.”
“okay, he’s not my boyfriend though! you are! he’s gonna find out soon enough.”
“just relax. i just wanna see how your dad really is before i show who i really am!”
“you’re gonna reveal yourself at this dinner? are you crazy? he’ll hate you even more!”
“it’s okay! it’ll go good, im charming, he’ll come around eventually.”
a kick from under the table shakes it, making the water in the jug ripple.
“ow!” alex whispers.
“you’re stupid. this is stupid.”
“hey i-!”
as everyone on the table watches silently at this whisper argument, your mom speaks up.
“let’s eat, shall we?” she says with a smile and your father uncrosses his arms and picks up his fork.
“so,” your father starts. “what’s your name?” he says to who he thinks is your boyfriend.
“lucas. sir. it’s lucas.”
“okay, lucas, do you have a job for the summer?”
“i-i have an internship. sir. in a hospital. the lab. in the hospital.” he says, in short sentences as if he’s trying to convince himself about the internship as well.
“okay.. and how are your grades?”
“good. sir.”
“alright. what are your future plans. how will you support my daughter? not that i expect this to last.”
“dad!” you slam your fork down.
“i-i wanna be a doctor. sir.” lucas says, his voice shaking.
“a doctor, that’s amazing!” your mom exclaims, sensing lucas’ nervousness.
lucas nods and smiles.
“you know, she was showing me this guy, around your age, that streams and makes videos online. i would never let my daughter date someone like that, with no future plans.” your dad laughs.
alex plays with his food.
you grip your fork.
dinner goes on in a tension so thick you could pick up your knife and cut a hole in it.
you speak up. “babe, can you pass me the salt?”
two hands reach for the salt shaker. lucas freezes and alex, oblivious, passes you the salt and goes back to eating. you father puts his glass down.
“what was that.” your father waves his hand around to gesture to the scene that just unfolded in front of him.
“dad i-“
alex looks up slowly as he realises his mistake.
“alex is my boyfriend!” you blurt out. “not lucas. the guy i showed you online is alex. he makes videos and streams but he’s really smart! and h-“
your dad laughs, “who-whose idea was that?!” he says in between breaths.
“why are you laughing dad?! this is serious!!” you yell.
then lucas laughs, then your mom laughs, and finally, alex starts laughing.
“why are you guys laughing? stop laughing!” you stand up and your chair screeches.
alex grabs your hand. “babe- babe! sit down!” he takes a breathe in between laughs. “it’s fine!”
you cross your arms as everyone laughs die down.
“honey, it’s okay. if you love him, i think that’s all that matters.” your mom says.
you look at your mom and nod, “dad?”
“if you love him and he loves you. i don’t see a problem.” you dad says, smiling at you and then looking at alex.
“so you’re the boyfriend?” your dad says to alex, and leans forward, ready to do his interrogations all over again.
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f10werfae · 2 years
1- Questioned and Loved
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pairing: Construction!Chris Evans x GF!Reader
Summary: After Y/n and Chris' first “date” There seems to be a lot of sneaking around which doesn’t go unnoticed by some…
Warning: Smut, flavoured condoms, multiple positions, kissing, dirty talk, slight humiliation, oral (male receiving), Thigh riding
- Requests are open for oneshots!
Likes, Comments and Re-blogs are appreciated♥️
Build up Masterlist
Chris Evans Masterlist
Full Masterlist
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“Come on baby, let me come over” Chris whined down the phone, despite it already being 1AM, this man’s energy was not one to be messed with. Y/n couldn’t help but smile down the phone at the idea of her new older boyfriend dying to spend time with her.
It had only been a few weeks since he first fixed her ma's windows and took her for a drive down to the coast where he stole a kiss. Yet the two were smitten already, nightly phone calls, stealing kisses whenever he was over to fix any new “broken” things. Tonight was no different, Chris would spend hours teasing his new lover talking about the things he’d love to do with her, their future and how much he just wanted to hold her.
“I dunno Chris, my parents are asleep” Y/n whispered down the phone, luckily her parents' bedroom was further down the hallway but she didn’t want to take any chances with that. She could practically feel the buffer man pout down the phone, something he did when he didn’t get his way.
“Pleasee, I promise i’ll be quiet, jus wanna hug n' kiss ya” The sound of his voice was something she was going to have to learn to say no to, but today was not that day nor would it be tomorrow or the next. Sighing down into the phone, Chris knew he had finally gotten his way, they were each other’s weak point.
“Ugh fine alright, but stand outside my window alright? I’ll help you up somehow” Y/n said turning onto her side to try and look around for anything long enough to throw down, pursing her lips in the process.
“Don' worry sugar, I can take care of myself. I’ll see ya in your room in 25. Love ya” He smiled, putting down the phone and rushing to get on his sweatpants and old college hoodie. Within minutes he was in his pickup truck and on the way to his girl’s house, another midnight adventure for them both.
(Y/n's P.O.V)
“Chris what the hell?!” I whisper shouted seeing my hunk of a man using nothing but bare strength to climb up to my window, sure there were a few slips and tumbles at first, but God is he strong.
Helping him in by his arm, his strong cologne filled my nostrils instantly calming me down. “Aww baby I missed ya too” He cooed finally standing up straight, his hood falling off his head to show off his growing brown locks. Even though I was now close to 23, it still felt exhilarating to sneak a boyfriend in, almost like it was high-school all over again.
“So this is your room then eh?” He breathed out looking about my room, my cheeks starting to heat up when I caught him staring at the array of puppy posters decorating my pink walls.
“Well it’s not updated from high school but yea”
“Whose this then?” He asked leaning in to see my old photos with my friends back then, specifically a photo of me and my friend Andrew back at graduation.
“That’s Andrew, why? You jealous?” I teased watching him turn around slowly, his lips pursed tightly making me laugh at his reaction.
“What? Course not. You’re mine now aren’t ya?” He quirked toeing off his socks and shoes, flopping himself down onto my bed, a massive creak sounding out.
“You idiot my parents could wake up” I whispered hitting his shoulder, his face contorting in fake pain, I couldn’t even stop a smile from finding its way onto my face. Quietly he army crawled his way up my bed so now we were both against the headboard, our hands intertwined tightly between us. The soft atmosphere leading my head to his chest as we slowly slid down to lay more on our backs.
“I can’t believe at the ripe age of 30 i’m still sneaking into my girlfriend’s house” He chuckled stroking my hair with his hand, his fingers running through any knots and tats gently.
“Yeah well I can’t believe i’m dating a senior citiz-“
“Oi, stop it”
“Fine fine” I sighed listening to his rapid heartbeat hammering in his chest, it kind of felt like mine at that moment, uncontrollable. “Give me a kiss baby” He whispered pulling my head up, his pink lips pressing themselves to the corner of my lips before I turned his head to kiss him fully. My heart was practically pounding at the feeling of his hands in my hair, his lips on mine and just the pure feeling of love and passion.
“Ya realise you’ll have to leave before my parents wake up right?” I said pulling away to look at his face, pulled into an expression of bliss.
“Mhm I know sweetheart, wouldn’t wanna get ya in trouble” He whispered going back in to press another kiss to my already swollen lips, his tongue tying in with mine desperately
(Chris' P.O.V)
Slowly slipping out from underneath Y/n, my face pulled into a grin when I saw her immediately cuddle onto one of the pillows on her bed, the one I specifically was laying on. Quietly putting on my shoes, I opened up her bedroom window and climbed down onto their driveway.
Mentally fist bumping when I realised I had done so successfully without waking up her parents, looking up at her window I blew a kiss and off I went back to my pickup truck.
My body still feeling her touch on mine, my lips still tingling from the abundance of kisses we shared one after the other until we ran out of breath.
My wrist still had her hair tie that I had taken off to play with her silky hair, the smell of her shampoo still lingering on my senses.
Pulling up into my driveway I suddenly felt a sense of emptiness, something I never felt after meeting with a woman, never mind one i’ve known for barely 3 months. Yet here we were, moving as fast as the seasons change here in Texas, perfect just for us.
Chris found himself waiting outside of Y/n's current job, a cute well known restaurant in their home town, she had just gotten the call that she was being appointed as assistant chef. For her? That was amazing especially at such short notice. It had become routine for him to pick her up from work after her day shifts, refusing to let her walk home in the dark, hell he wouldn’t even let her walk to her door alone either.
Y/n smiled cheerfully walking out of the restaurant, her cute white button up and black work trousers only made her that more beautiful, Chris thought it made her that bit more irresistible. Whistling, he winked as she approached his pickup truck, standing by her door getting ready to open it for her.
“Hey baby, thank you for pickin’ me up again” She beamed up at him, swaying her body side to side bashfully. Chris tapped his cheek twice, not wasting any time Y/n instantly pecked his cheek not once, not twice but three times.
Sliding into her seat Chris jogged over to his side of the cab, his smile not faltering once, he even had to bite his lip just to not widen it anymore.
“How was work today sugar?” He asked holding her hand as he worked the gear shift, his head turning while he backed out of the parking lot of the restaurant.
“Hmm it was busy but it was okay, my coworkers were really nice to me today so that was good”
“That’s good to hear baby” Chris nodded driving on down the road,
“How about your day bubby?” Y/n asked tilting her head to the side,
Y/n felt her breath hitch when Chris stopped in front of her house, there he was standing in front of the door, her dad.
“It’ll be alright pumpkin” Chris whispered as they sat wide eyed, Y/n's father approached them both and boy did he not look happy.
“Y/n. Inside. now.” He said opening the door roughly making her flinch,
“But pa i’m-“
“Now Y/n L/n, please I won’t ask again”
Chris knew better than to argue with him, if he ever wanted things to work out with Y/n he knew he had to work on this. Hell ever since he found out about their meet-ups a week ago after one slip up during one of their multiple sneak ins, Chris was not in this man’s good books. I don’t even think he was in the books period.
Chris sighed watching his girl rush into the door, not forgetting to give him a cute little wave before she was pulled in by her mother who was smiling mischievously. Chris smiled but that was immediately interrupted by the scare of a dad in front of him, Mr. L/n’s arms were crossed over his chest, sunglasses covering his eyes with a trucker’s hat on his head. A true southern man who treated his daughter like she was golden.
“Nice to see you Mr. L/n” Chris said confidently, holding out his hand for a shake which soon turned awkward when he realised the man wouldn’t even touch him.
“What’s your intentions with my daughter Evans?”
“Sir you’ve asked me this everyday this week” Chris sighed pleading with him, the older man not wavering once
“I know, cause I don’t believe ya one bit. What sorta established businessman goes after a woman finding her ways in the world?”
“One that loves and cares for her, sir”
“Just get outta here boy”
“I’m so sorry Chris, I don’t know why he’s so rude” Y/n whined down the phone, her lip jutted out into a pout as she listened to hear her boyfriend’s voice.
“ ‘is alright sugar, I know he jus wants to protect his daughter” Chris replied, despite everything that happened that day he couldn’t help but smile at the sound of her voice. It always sounded so pleasant and welcoming, something he didn’t always sound like unfortunately.
Scratching between Dodger's ears Chris sat down onto his large L-Shaped couch, his business had definitely started to boom more recently with more people wanting to move to Texas. Wearing nothing but a pair of sleep pants he lay down with his arm over his eyes, just listening to Y/n talk about what happened when she got home.
Which consisted of trying out new recipes, telling off her dad some more, catching up with the girls and touching herself.
“Wait back the fuck up, what’d ya jus say?” With a sly smirk gaining on his face he sat up a bit, biting his lip at his girlfriend’s perverted confession. With radio silence on her end he peered further,
“Come on sweetheart, you’ve already said it. Tell your man what you were thinkin' about”
“No! that’s private. And it’s embarrassing” Y/n whined down the phone, her voice wavering as her face flushed. Her legs kicking in the air as she rolled about, Chris' deep chuckling causing her heart to flutter majorly.
“Come on I thought you said no secrets?”
“Mhm well you already know what I was thinkin’ bout, you jus wanna embarrass me”
“How about you come over and show me what you was thinkin' about then?”
“O-oh Okay babe”
“Actually, i’ll pick you up, it’s not safe for a sweet little thing like you to be out there”
“Are you sure you’re okay babe?” I whispered tightening my grip around her waist as she leant up against me on the sofa, despite the both of us knowing we wouldn’t fit, we decided to squish together with her on top of me. After catching her she jumped out her window, we drove giddily back to my house, hands touching everywhere and anywhere. Nodding her head I felt her nuzzle into my chest,
“I wish I could cuddle you even closer” I heard her say while turning to look up at me with those sparkling eyes of hers,
“Bub i’m basically your blanket right now, ya wanna wear me as a hoodie or sumthin?”
“I mean if you’re offering..”
“Behave Y/n L/n ” I growled feeling her hands crawl up under my shirt, her newly acquired gel nails scratching up my stomach satisfyingly.
Moving down I felt her insert her whole body into my t-shirt, her head now on my bare chest underneath the soft fabric, her hands nestled onto the sides of my waist.
“You comfy baby?” I asked lifting up my shirt to see her peek up at me, her smile pulled into the cutest thing ever as she nodded and pecked my lips quickly and softly. Enough to make me melt right then and there. Her lips peppered soft kisses over my chest, sucking on hickies, occasionally getting groans out of me.
“About those strawberry condoms I saw in the kitchen when we came in-“
“Go on then love, they’re sittin in the bottom kitchen drawer”
“OKAY LOVE YOU” She said excitedly shimmying out of my shirt and running towards the kitchen, a smile coming onto my face as I watched her semi naked body hunt down the box of latex with such eagerness. When we first got in I forgot to put away the condoms I had bought earlier that day, completely forgetting that she was going to see them. You see, Y/n had been sending me these tictacs? tiktoks? Of couples trying them out and she’s been buggering me for ages, but hey I was bit complaining.
I watched her pretty self skip back towards me, successful with her hunting mission as she handed the box over to me to open up. Y/n pulled out the first condom, ripping it open, showing the new pink coloured latex.
“C-can we try it?” She asked shyly,
(Y/n's P.O.V)
Chris nodded leaning back comfortably onto the couch, shrugging his sweatpants halfway to his knees, showing off his red hardened cock. The tip of it already glistening with pre-cum as he pumped it a few times to get it even harder.
“Go on then sweetheart, put it on for your man”
I rolled the large condom down onto his cock, with him hissing due to how sensitive he was already. Kneeling down onto the floor I licked it slightly, a sudden burst of flavour exploding on my tongue.
“Ya like that baby?” He asked biting onto his lips, I licked mine nodding eager to taste more of the strawberry goodness now coating his cock. Taking him down my throat, I felt him choke a bit as I just kept sucking on his condom covered dick without mercy.
“You treating my cock like a popsicle baby, all wet and desperate for it, since ya like it so much maybe we can leave a review after it”
Nodding my head I just focused on getting as much flavour as possible, not even noticing how the condom expanded as Chris' cum filled it to the brim, some of it even spilling down to land onto his balls.
“Fahk babe you didn’t even notice, too busy suckin weren’t ya?”
“Mhm sorry Chris” I mumbled delicately pulling off the slippery latex,
“Well let me give you something to notice”
Within seconds Chris had brought me up to straddle him, his cock already threatening to push my thong to the side.
“Actually first, let me see my pretty girl get off on my thigh” He smiled transferring me to straddle his right thigh, his leg hairs already stimulating my already tingling clit.
“Come on baby, move on me” He whispered, his hands settled on my hips as he moved them back and forth slowly.
(Chris' P.O.V)
I felt her nails dig into my shoulders as she grinded onto my leg, her mouth gaping open with moans just spilling out. I watched as she slowly started to drool out the side of her mouth, laughing as it dripped down onto her hardened nipples causing her to moan. My girl is always so sensitive.
“Fuck baby you’re so pretty for me” Pushing her hair back, I cupped her face and made her look at me, her bottom lip pulled between her teeth with her breath turning ragged. Her hips started to go crazy on my thighs, her moans turning to soft whimpers.
Right before she was about to cum I pulled her up and sat her right onto my cock, feeling her sigh in somewhat relief and excitement.
(Y/n's P.O.V)
“Wait wait” I whispered getting off and getting back on, this time with my back facing him. His hands slithered up and cupped my breasts, my feet planted on his knees as I prepared myself to ride the fuck out of him.
Slamming my hips down, his hand squeezed my left breast,
“gosh sugar you’re so fucking dirty, fucking yourself on my cock like this, jus takin what’s yours” He whispered into my ear out of breath, his fingers tugging on my nipples roughly causing them to pebble out.
Turning my head to the side Chris' tongue met mine, our saliva going everywhere as we just swapped spit for a good while as I grinded my hips in slow circles. His paws giving my breasts a soft knead, his tongue leaving mine, his hips starting to smack up into mine unexpectedly
“oOH FucK, FUCK CHRIS BABY” I shouted while he pounded into me, his teeth biting into my neck as he basically used my breasts as handles to help push me up and down.
“Y/n i’m gonna spill my cum right inside this pretty pussy of yours, keep it warm all night for ya”
“You wanna g-give me a load Chris?”
“Give you one? Baby i’m gonna give you as many as you fucking want”
“T-that sounds good” I whispered
“Doesn’t it? Sounds absolutely perfect baby”
(No one's P.O.V)
“Your pa is gonna kill me someday” Chris whispered snuggling further into Y/n's arms, with him laying his head on her bare chest. Her nails raking through his head lovingly, with her constantly giving him kisses onto his forehead.
“mm he’ll get used to you bub, don’t worry” Y/n said cupping his face and kissing his lips lightly.
“But it’s important he likes me Y/n, I truly do want us to go far”
“And we will Chris, just enjoy the now hun. You know my ma loves you and will practically have your back for life” She commented causing them both to laugh a little despite the heavy topic at hand.
“You know if you think we’re movin too fast we can slow down right babe? I don’t wan' ya to feel forced” He said kissing her chest softly, his head nuzzling into it like a puppy would.
“I don’t think anythin of it baby, we’re two consenting adults who are very much falling in love with each other okay?”
Raking her hands up and down his back, his breathing slowed down into a gentle rhythm, both of them acting oblivious to the sound of Y/n's phone blowing up on the bedside table. She’d just have to deal with that tomorrow.
Taglist Tags (form is up there^^): @mdpplgtz03 @mysticfalls01 @royalwriteroftheuniverse @chrisevansangel @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @sairsei @patzammit @madebylilly @bxdbxtxh15 @tojisbabymommy @dumb-fawkin-bitch @vrittivsanghavi @chrisevansdaughter @kimhtoo17 @itsaylayay1213 @evanstanwhore @mrspeacem1nusone @thereisa8ella @seren-a-ity @pandaxnienke @taramaria @mirikusashes @marvelgurl @xoxokiaraaxoxo
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eiightysixbaby · 10 months
please leah, jonathan comforting reader who is having trouble sleeping?
this is such a soft prompt for my soft boy. 🥺
you’re sitting up in bed, knees tucked as close to your chest as you can get them. your feet are tucked under the covers still, gathering warmth from the thick fabric as you sit in silence. you were supposed to have gone to sleep an hour and a half ago, having kissed your boyfriend goodnight and curled up in bed. you can hear the soft murmurs from the television in the other room, jonathan probably watching whatever late night show or movie he could find that would hold his interest. he was a night owl, as were you usually, but you had to be up early the following morning.
you had to be up early, and yet. here you were, wide awake in your shared bed, staring blankly into the dark room surrounding you. you should have gotten jonathan right away. you should have, and yet you didn’t. you’ve allowed yourself to sit here alone for the past hour, body unwilling to slink into slumber. you hear him try and fail to stifle a laugh at something on tv, and your heart aches suddenly.
you need him.
pitifully, you slip out of the bed, bare feet shuffling across carpet. you grab the door handle, pulling it open. light from the living room seeps down the hallway and into the bedroom now, casting whatever it can reach in a soft glow. you trudge down the hall, arms wrapped around yourself.
“baby?” you murmur, impossibly quiet. jonathan heard you anyways.
“hey, what are you doing up?” he asks, concern evident in his tone.
“dunno, I couldn’t sleep…” you say softly, barely meeting his gaze.
“c’mere,” he beckons, opening his arms just for you. you walk over to where he sits on the couch and settle onto his lap, curling in on yourself.
safe, strong arms wrap around you, fingers soothing your skin. a kiss is pressed to the top of your head, and your muscles relax.
“you okay? what’s keeping you up, angel?” your boyfriend asks, calm and sweet.
“I just couldn’t relax. my thoughts are racing, I kept tossing and turning. I don’t even know, it’s just frustrating,” you huff, your voice is still so quiet, so pitiful. you want to be doted on, want to be coddled. like a child who wakes their parents up after a nightmare.
“oh, sweet thing,” he coos, rubbing your back softly. “want me to come lay down with you? I can hold you, or read to you if you want.”
your heart swells, your fingers clutching onto the soft fabric of his shirt instinctively. you want to keep him close to you forever.
“mhm, that sounds nice,” you admit, looking up at him shyly.
“want me to make you some tea, too?”
you nod, giving him a tiny smile. he presses his forehead to yours, reassuring.
“okay. go get comfy in bed, alright? I’ll be in soon,” he says, urging you off of him so he can stand.
you do as he says, trailing back to your room, curling up under your fluffy comforter. he joins you not long after, a steaming mug of tea in his hands. he picks up your book from the bedside table, shuffling into bed beside you. you lean against him, sitting up enough to sip your tea safely but leaning back enough to be able to get tired.
“why don’t you reschedule your plans for tomorrow morning,” jonathan suggests, noticing the way you glance at the clock anxiously. “you know robin and nance will be okay with it.”
you nod a little, it’s not a horrible idea. your friends won’t be mad if you tell them you’re just having a difficult night - hell, they wouldn’t be truly mad even if you blew them off without reason.
“I guess I can reschedule,” you say, taking another sip of your tea and snuggling further into your boy’s body.
jonathan gives a small smile down at you, before flipping your book to its bookmarked page. he starts reading, his gentle voice soothing you. he reads at the perfect pace, gives feeling to his narration while still being quiet and comforting. your tea gets long forgotten on your nightstand, your eyes growing heavy by the minute. your limbs begin to feel as if they’re weighted down, your head too heavy to hold up so you slump against jonathan’s shoulder.
he’s barely finished reading one chapter by the time you’re asleep on him. he slides you off of him, so so slowly, laying you down on your pillows and tucking you in properly. he gets up only for a moment - to go in the other room and give robin a call (she’s always awake at ungodly hours). he lets her know you’ll need a little extra time tomorrow morning, she doesn’t press or pry, just understands.
and then he’s back in bed with you, pulling you right to his side, smiling to himself when you subconsciously cling to him. he’s always there, always your safety, always your comfort.
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