#I don't like how this used to be a refuge from insecurity. and where I could just post whatever I wanted. but. it doesn't feel like that now
sisaloofafump · 1 month
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neontokyoo · 10 months
Hi hi! May I take inspiration from the last post with that Kunikida break-up but instead of going to port mafia the moment they break up Dazai immediately shoves himself in the picture getting together with us.. You can make kunikida regretfully or jealous or happy it's up to you!!<33
As long as you ask and give me credit I really don't mind if you're inspired and choose to write/draw something based off of something I already wrote, just give credit where credit is due, and don't copy me completely (if that makes sense).
Anyways, the first few parts are going to be the same as the original post, it'll just have a different ending because I'm too lazy to rewrite it
Pairing: Osamu Dazai x GN!Reader Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort (I think. Maybe if you squint you can see it.) Summary: Being in a similar situation as you before, Dazai decides to step into the situation. Warnings: Mentions of death and/or suicide, let me know if I missed anything else.
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The sun had set, casting its warm glow over the agency, but the once vibrant atmosphere felt tainted with unease. You and Kunikida had shared two years of cherished memories, laughter, and passion, but a new presence disrupted the delicate balance. Akiara Ishikawa, with her enchanting presence and seemingly perfect allure, had captivated not only the attention of the agency members but, more notably, Kunikida's heart.
As days turned into weeks, you tried your best to maintain composure while the weight of insecurity gnawed at your soul. Each time you caught Kunikida exchanging glances with Akiara, a pang of jealousy tore through your chest. You wanted to be everything he desired, but reality dealt you a hand that fell just shy of perfection in his eyes.
One evening, you stood together in the dimly lit living room, the air thick with tension. The flickering candlelight cast haunting shadows upon the walls as Kunikida struggled to find the right words. "We need to talk," he finally said, his voice strained.
Your heart clenched at the premonition of his words. "What's wrong, Kunikida?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
He hesitated, the internal conflict evident in his expressive eyes. "I can't ignore how I feel, and it's not fair to you," he confessed. "Akiara, she's everything I've ever dreamed of in a partner. I can't help but be drawn to her."
The admission hit you like a crushing blow. Tears welled up in your eyes, threatening to spill over, but you fought to maintain your composure. "So, what are you saying?" you managed to ask, your voice quivering.
"I'm saying… I think we should end things between us," Kunikida said, his gaze dropping to the floor. "I don't want to hurt you, but I can't deny this connection I feel with Akiara."
It felt as if the world had crumbled beneath your feet, leaving you standing on a precipice of heartbreak. "But, Kunikida, we've shared so much together," you pleaded, trying to salvage the love you believed was still worth fighting for.
His expression softened, and he reached out to touch your cheek gently. "I know, and I'll cherish those memories forever. But sometimes, love isn't enough," he whispered, his voice laden with regret.
In the aftermath of the heartbreak, you withdrew from the agency, seeking refuge in the tranquility of your own space. It was during these dark days that Dazai emerged from the shadows, his enigmatic aura calling to you like a moth to a flame.
Once a mere presence in the background, Dazai now became a guiding light in your life. His playful grin, sprinkled with mischief, held the power to make you smile even in the depths of despair. His quick-witted banter could lift your spirits, even when your heart felt like an anchor, dragging you down into the abyss of pain.
Under the shimmering moonlight, you found yourselves standing together, the weight of unspoken emotions heavy in the air. Dazai, ever perceptive, finally broke the silence. "You know, heartbreak is a tricky thing," he said, his voice gentle and knowing.
Your eyes met his, searching for solace and understanding. "What do you mean, Dazai?" you asked, your voice laced with curiosity and caution.
He smiled, but behind the smile, a hint of sorrow lurked. "I've experienced something similar a few years ago," he confessed. "Though I didn't go through a breakup, I lost my best friend, and that memory still haunts me. But looking back now, I realize that without that loss, I wouldn't be where I am today. Sometimes, heartbreak paves the way for something unexpectedly beautiful."
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queers-gambit · 2 years
Do As You're Told
prompt: ( requested ) Billy's less than impressed when his lady decides to disobey his warnings and cuts loose at a party. he might have to teach her a lesson about doing as you're told.
pairing: Billy Hargrove x female!reader
fandom masterlist: Stranger Things
word count: 4.1k [she's a shorty]
note: Billy’s a little OC in this cause I’m a sucker for the whole “dickhead to everyone except my boo” thing. so Billy’s in love with a strong woman but he might push her buttons a little extra at this party…
warnings: author's insecurity to write smut so...my bad for the ending... cursing, degrading name calling, underage drinking, teens being dumb, boys being dumb, um, suggestive language? as always, proceed with maturity!!
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The music was so loud, it vibrated the ground walked or stumbled upon. The house was stuffed full of teenagers all looking to say 'fuck school' and 'hello summer', making it swelteringly hot and for refuge to be taken on the back patio where only a few stragglers were mingling.
Yeah, some nobody was trying to break Billy's keg stand record and started puking around second 13. Though not my usual crowd, it proved semi-entertaining as teenager after teenager drowned their worries and sorrows and increasingly made fools of themselves.
"There you are!" Chrissy giggled as she stumbled out of the backdoor, finding me there, fist clenched and perched under my temple as I leaned my elbow on the arm of the chair. "Wow, someone looks like she's having a great time, huh?"
I sighed when Chrissy crashed drunkenly into the seat beside me, a girlish giggle escaping her once again when my hands jutted out to make sure she actually landed in the chair.
"Think you've had enough to drink, babe," I chuckled lowly, eyeing her cautiously.
"Mh, I don't think you've had enough," she countered. "C'mon, what good is an end of the year party if you're not gonna drink?"
I rolled my eyes, "You obviously don't know my boyfriend."
A sort of shadow crossed Chrissy's face, her expression souring, "I don't need to know him to know he's a dickhead."
"Easy, girl," I warned half-heartedly; even though I knew he was, I didn't like hearing other people talk shit about him. They would never know Billy the way I did but right now, that was fine - if they thought he was a dick, I wasn't gonna bend over backwards to defend him. My eyes returned to the front of me, surveying the party crowd.
Billy had actually ditched me when a few of the 'basketball bros' dictated more of his attention. It wasn't the first time, either, and I get he was a star player and all, but seriously? C'mon!
"Seriously, what's up?" Chrissy asked, her voice softer than a moment ago. "You've been out here all night, looking like someone kicked your puppy."
"I'm honestly just tired," I shrugged. "Billy wanted to come tonight, I didn't. Just kinda wanted to hang at home tonight, Mr. Wilson's final really kicked my ass."
"So, why'd you show up tonight?"
"And what?" I scoffed. "Let all the bitches of Hawkins think my man's single so when he's shitfaced, they can make a move on him? Not likely," I shook my head.
"Well, how much fun can it be, sitting alone, outside, sober, while your man's in there," she pointed towards Tina's house, "having the time of his freaking life?"
I sighed, "It's not fun at all, Chris, but whatever. I'd rather be here than at home, wondering what the fuck he's doing."
"I knew it," she grinned. "So, does that mean you'll let me get you a shot or two?"
"No," I blanched with a shudder, "not since two weekends ago... I don't think I can even smell vodka without feeling sick."
"Well, lucky for you," Chrissy grinned, holding up a plastic water bottle, "I snagged us some tequila."
"Oh, really?" I smirked, pinning her with an amused look - knowing tequila was my weakness.
"Mhm, thought you could use some loosening up, so, I snuck it from Mom's liquor cabinet! C'mon," she pouted, "school's out for the summer - just let loose a little."
I sighed, "I don't know, Billy was pretty adamant I stay sober."
She scoffed, "Why? So, he can have all the fun?"
I shrugged, "I don't pretend to understand the way my boyfriend thinks."
"So?" Chrissy smiled, handing over the water bottle. "C'mon," she pouted when I paused to think.
"All right," I sighed, "screw it, right? Summer's here."
"Exactly," Chrissy beamed, watching as I poured a (healthy) shot into my mouth before swallowing. "You know, it's actually kinda intimidating how you just take that back with no chaser, no lime..."
I shrugged, "We don't drink for the taste, babe."
"Wanna dance?" She beamed.
"Uh, in a second," I nodded, taking a second shot and feeling the liquid warm my stomach before it extended into my veins. "Can we go to the kitchen so I can make a drink?" I held up the half-gone water bottle of tequila.
"Hell yeah," she squeaked with a grin, letting me pull her up with me and link our arms.
"Is Jason around?" I asked.
"Yeah, somewhere," she shrugged. "I wanted to hang with my bestie tonight."
I chuckled, leaning over to peck her cheek, "My rescuer."
"Your hero," she teased, giggling when she locked her hand in mine when we entered the stifling house.
Hordes of teenagers were huddled everywhere.
"Move," I snapped to a few people, unamused by their sloppiness due to my relative sobriety. Knowing I was the designated 'queen' of Hawkins, people parted ways to let Chrissy Cunningham and I pass through them. However, when a few girls didn't get the memo, I was glaring, "You thick in the head or something? Fuck outta my way."
They parted like Moses did the Red Sea.
"Ooooookay we're definitely getting you a drink," Chrissy shook her head, hands on my shoulders now to direct me into the kitchen. "You get kinda mean when you're irritated and sober. Real bitchy."
"I get annoyed when bitches don't listen," I shook my head, grabbing a solo cup and opening Tina's fridge. I scanned the contents before grabbing the orange juice and pouring half a cup, topping it off with tequila and giving a couple stirs before taking a sip.
"You're just mad at your boyfriend. Better?" Chrissy smiled.
"Much," I sighed, holding a finger to her to chug the rest of my drink. I ignored the way her eyes widened and her hands fiddled nervously, lowering my cup to refill it and nod at her. "All right, I'm good."
"Yeah? Feeling loose?"
"Sure," I shrugged with a softer smile; truly feeling my annoyance with everyone at the party dimming to a simmer.
"Loose enough to dance with me now?" She pouted dramatically.
"Yeah, let's hit it, babes," I chuckled, taking another mouthful before lacing our hands together and venturing towards the dance floor. Well, 'dance floor' was hard to call it since it was the darker part of Tina's house that was used for classmates to grind on each other.
Chrissy and I made for the middle, easily creating space around us as she giggled and took my hand before losing herself in the music. It required about half of my second cup before I felt like dancing too, and Chrissy was more than happy to cheer in encouragement.
It felt like the longer the minutes ticked on, the more I drank. It was easy to lose myself in a night of teenage debauchery, feeling Chrissy's hands on my hips as we swayed to the music. She giggled when I ground back on her, swinging my hips side to side, unaware of the eyes glaring daggers into our backs.
Chrissy tapped my shoulder and I turned, leaning in to hear her over the blaring music, "I'm gonna get another drink!"
I nodded, "Grab me one, please - I'm gonna hit the bathroom."
She nodded in agreement and we made a promise to meet up again before parting ways. I had left my empty solo cup on a random end table, stumbling over other feet to push my way towards the hallway.
Only, Tommy H. was standing there, talking to Patrick and Joshua. I rolled my eyes subtly, knowing all three of these boys pined uselessly after me since puberty did a real number on me in the eighth grade. I had a bit of a reputation, being the 'queen' made me a high priority dating target and I was adamant on not dating any of the shit-for-brains dumbasses that populated this town. And so I didn't date. I wasn't interested.
Until Billy fucking Hargrove zoomed into town with his Camaro, bad attitude, and ringlets of golden tresses.
Bastard, I thought to myself.
"OOohhh," Tommy called when he caught sight of me, "lookie here, boys! You lost or somethin', princess?"
"How can I be lost when I obviously have a destination in mind, Tommy?" I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "Why else would I ever come around you guys willingly, if not to get around you?"
"Oh, kitty has claws," Patrick leered with a knowing smirk.
I rolled my eyes, "You guys gonna stand in my way all night, or what?"
"At least she's still a bitch," Josh laughed at Tommy. "Some things don't change, do they?" he pinned me with a look. "I can see Billy winds you real tight, huh? You tellin' me that guys not hittin' it right?"
I scoffed before cooing teasingly, "Awe, someone's jealous they don't get no type of pussy. And jealous I rejected you time and again, hm?"
Tommy laughed, "I can see your man isn't fucking you right if you're still such a stuck up bitch."
"Oh, look, surprise surprise, someone's a little mad they've been fucking the same pussy since, what? 7th grade?" I laughed at his expression, pushing past them. "Settle down, boys, you're making a fool of yourselves."
What I didn't realize was Billy watching the entire exchange, downing the rest of his beer when I walked away. I suppose when I pushed past Tommy and Patrick, he mistook the hand I used to push Patrick's shoulder for a flirtatious move.
After I left the bathroom, I noticed the boys gone from the mouth of the hall and moved for the overcrowded living room again. But before I could step out into the sea of bobbing and weaving kids, someone grabbed my upper arm and yanked me to the side.
The force was enough for my feet to trip over each other, "Holy shit! Hey, jackass - " I trailed off, seeing Billy as I caught myself on his abdomen before straightening. "Billy? What the hell, baby? You wanted my attention, just say it for fuck's sake."
"Oh, if I want your attention, I just gotta ask?" Billy sneered, his eyes rimmed with a red haze alcohol produced. "Did Tommy ask you nicely? That why you were standing there, eye fucking him and his boys, hmm? Tryna disrespect me or some shit?"
A few eyes turned to look at us dude to Billy's volume, but I ignored them and scoffed with a glare to Billy, "You're fucking ridiculous - are you being serious right now?"
"You just say the word, doll, and I'll leave you to your new man, hmm? Or is it your new men? Gonna take 'em all home?"
I rolled my eyes, "You're ridiculous - "
"What's fucking ridiculous is my girlfriend standing feet away from me, flirting with anyone who pays her an ounce of attention."
"Are you - "
"Everyone warned me you were some prude," he sneered, "the way you rejected everyone until I came along, but I'm guessing you're actually just a whore, huh? Desperate for any kind of attention."
I didn't think, and the tequila in my system spurred my actions as my hand just pulled back and flattened across Billy's cheek. The crowd around us 'oooh-ed' in shock as I snarled, "You ever think about muttering those words to me again, it'll be the last time you speak to me. Fucking asshole."
Feeling overwhelmed and pretty humiliated, I turned on my heel and pushed past the gaggle of gawking teenagers and after ignoring the way Chrissy called my name in confusion, ripped open the front door to jog through it.
I practically flew down the driveway.
I felt a few tears swell in my eyes, desperate to get out from under everyone's judgmental eyes after providing them with the start of the summer season gossip. From behind me, Billy charged out of the front door and called my name over and over, but I was in no mood to deal with him. With a hand wiping at my cheeks, I turned down the driveway and started down the darkened road.
"Go away from me, Billy!" I snapped.
"Baby," he groaned, "just c'mere!"
"Fuck off!"
"Don't walk away from me! Let's just talk!"
"Go away, William! Just leave me alone!"
"Get over here! Now! C'mon! Don't be so fucking dramatic!"
"Dramatic!?" I repeated, turning to glare at him; hair fanning around me like the skirt of a dress before falling flat around my shoulders. "You're saying I'm dramatic for wanting to get the fuck away from you because you so effortlessly insulted me in front of everyone? Jesus Christ, Billy! Just do me a favor, and fuck off!"
Billy took a few powerful strides to meet me, his hand grabbing my wrist as I struggled. "I'm not gonna hurt you, baby," he rushed, my hands balled up and pounding into his chest, "hey, hey, it's okay, just let me explain, it's okay - "
"No, it's not!" I snapped. "You're such an asshole and I can't stand you when you're like this - you get the smallest emotion you don't know what to do with and just fly off the fucking handle! I'm not dealing with your bullshit anymore, Billy, let go!"
"Baby - "
"No, you wanna call me a whore?" I ripped my hands away from him to glare into the eyes I'll stare into for a lifetime, "Fine! Fine, fucking call me a whore, but then never speak to me again!"
Billy sighed, catching my elbows in his hands, "You been drinking?"
I scoffed, "That's your concern? Get the fuck off me."
Billy shook his head, "I can smell it on you, how much did you - "
"That's all you, jackass. You've been drinking all night with your cronies - "
"Hey," he snapped, tugging me into his chest tighter. "You're not thinking straight, darlin' - "
"I'm thinking perfectly fine, you're the one causing issues," I wrangled myself a step away.
"Just," he sighed, running his other hand through his hair, "get in the car, baby, please, and let me take you home."
"Wouldn't want you to be seen with a whore like me," I snarled, trying to wrangle myself free.
"Baby, I didn't mean it - "
"Oh, fuck off!" I couldn't help the crack in my voice when his hands dropped in earnest shock. I next to never cried, even when Billy and I were fighting after being programmed into the rock solid eldest child my parents ensured I turned out to be. "You can't say shit you don't mean and then try to double back! If you're gonna say something, say it with your fucking chest!"
Billy sighed, nodding, "Your'e right."
"You're right," he sighed again. "I can't say shit and try to backtrack. I didn't mean it, princess, I just got jealous."
"Of what?" I sobbed. "I'm dating you! And since you're so concerned with rumors, why not pay attention to the rumor that I've never dated anyone in this town?"
"Wait," Billy paused. "Hang on, you're serious?"
I scoffed, turning to walk away, "You're so fucking stupid."
"Baby," he frowned, catching my arm again and instead of pulling me, he moved in front of me, "hang on, no, wait. Hang on. Look, you're right - "
"If you want to pay attention to shit, pay attention to how I don't want anyone in this fucking town. I never wanted shit to do with their stupidity and the way they treated me but then you came in." Billy's face softened a little as I couldn't stop the tears down my cheeks, "You came into town, and into my life, and you fucked everything up, okay? You ruined my life because it's only you for me. Fucking bitch."
"Sweetheart, listen," he sighed, "I was way out of line calling you a whore. I'm so sorry - "
"Don't be sorry, just do better," my lungs rattled a bit from the heavy emotion. "I don't understand life after you, you totally wrecked everyone for me, and I don't know how to honestly be without you. You've just - I don't know, you mean everything to me, and hearing you call me a whore in front of everyone just fucking cut too deep. You have to do better, please."
"I will," he swore, "I will, princess, I'm sorry. I just..." He sighed, running a hand through his hair again out of stress as his eyes looked to the side of my head, "I got insecure, okay?" His eyes dropped in shame.
"Insecure about what?"
"About you not wanting to be with me anymore," he muttered. "You've known Tommy, Josh, Patrick, Jason, all those guys your whole life. I just started to think you'll want them, instead of me, who..."
"Who, what, B?" I frowned, feet shifting to keep them from going numb.
"Who knew you, who knew your life, this town... Who could be here for you better than I can."
My brows furrowed, "If I wanted to date any of those dumbasses, I would have. But I didn't want them, I only ever wanted you. But I don't want you if you're going to insult me, belittle me, and degrade me for fuck's sake. I don't deserve that - "
"No, you're right," his hand rose to caress my cheek, the sounds of Tina's party thumping in the background as the lights from her house illuminated us. "You're right, baby, you don't deserve to be treated like that. I'm sorry, okay? I promised I'd treat you like the princess you are, and I'm sorry for not doing that."
I shook my head, looking away from his pleading blue eyes, "Doesn't do me much good now."
"I know," he nodded, "but I really am sorry, okay? I got insecure and for that I can't apologize enough, baby. Sometimes it feels like you can do better than me."
"Before tonight, nobody's ever treated me better," I whispered. "You take care of me and protect me, but I don't think you trust me."
"Of course I trust you," he rushed, head shaking in disbelief, "I just don't trust anyone else with you, I start to think their history with you will overshadow what we're trying to build."
"Billy, if you can't trust me to tell off a few drunken boys who are working on my last nerve, then you don't trust me."
He frowned, shaking his head, "That's not it - "
"Then, why are we together?"
"Because I love you, princess, you hear me? Okay? You make me a better person," he sighed. "But it worries me when you're drinking and... And you're away from me. I can't protect you - "
"I don't always need protection!" I snapped. "I'm capable of taking care of myself! And I can drink if I want to - "
"Baby, the way I don't trust none of these guys?" he stressed, eyes wide. "It triples when you're drinking because I just - I worry, okay? I'm afraid someone's going to take advantage of you!"
I shook my head, "B, the moment someone crosses any line, I'm coming to you. You protect me, you always have, so, if someone even opens their mouth and I can't handle it for whatever reason, I know for a fact you will. And maybe if you didn't ditch me, you wouldn't have to worry so much."
"You're right I shouldn't leave you like that, but of course you know I would help you - I promise," he swore.
"Then can you try a new approach?" I sniffled, wiping tears from my cheeks. "Like, seriously, baby, I can't handle this if you're going to treat me like you treat everyone else."
"No, baby," he sighed, tugging me in closer so I was cradled to his chest, "I'm so sorry, you're right. I'll just... I'll do better. Okay? I'll do better, and I'm so sorry for calling you a whore. You're not, you're the furthest from it - I just get scared and I lash out."
"Well, stop lashing out at me," I mumbled into his chest.
"I promise, I hear you," he shook his head. "You gonna let me drive you home?"
"How much have you had to drink?"
He chuckled, "Enough, but I sobered all the way up just now. Hate seeing you walk away from me."
I sighed, "I hate walking away from you but I hate when you lash out at me more."
"I'm working on it, baby," he whispered, leaning in to peck my forehead. "C'mon, we can get home and watch a movie, hmm? Like you wanted to earlier, right?" He smiled down at me.
My eyes rolled, "Maybe. My place or yours?"
"Yours, Neil told me don't bother comin' home if it's after 11," Billy shrugged, glancing at his watch before throwing his arm around my shoulders. He directed us towards his car while fishing his keys out of his pocket, "Your parents gonna be mad?"
"If they wake up, yes," I chuckled, hanging off his waist so I was huddled under his arm for warmth.
"We'll be real quiet," he muttered, unlocking the passenger door to open it, "but no promises you'll be able to keep that pretty little mouth shut when I'm making everything up to you tonight."
I smirked, the way his mood changes giving me something akin to whiplash but knowing he was just trying to move on from the tense moment earlier. "Maybe you could put something in my mouth to help me stay silent, hmm?"
Billy grinned, "I have a few ideas, yeah. C'mon, princess," he sighed, offering me his hand to hold so I could drop into my seat in his Camaro.
I waited as he jogged around the front of the car, and when he got in, Billy sighed and looked over at me while turning the key in the ignition. "You know," I trailed my hand over his thigh, "you might've been onto something."
"What d'you mean, baby?" He reached to turn the radio off, listening to my words clearly.
I smirked, "Maybe with you, I can be a bit of a whore."
Billy's jaw flexed, eyes flickering between my eyes and lips, "Yeah?"
"Mhm," I leaned over the center console. "But only with you. Right, baby?"
"Damn straight," he breathed, leaning in to press a sweltering hot kiss to my lips. I whined shrilly when his tongue almost instantly swept into my mouth and his teeth trapped my bottom lip, one of his hands snaking around to hold the back of my head in order to control the tempo of the kiss.
"Billy," I chuckled when he pulled away to press kisses across my cheek, around my jaw, and latch onto my ear lobe - causing an involuntary flinch of my shoulder and moan. "Fuck, Billy," I praised, letting my hand ghost over his denim-clad crotch, hearing him hiss in my ear.
He groaned as I wiggled my hand across his waistband; his hips rising just slightly to straighten out and allow me to rake my fingernails through his pubic hair.
"Keep playin', sweetheart," Billy muttered in my ear, "and I'll take you in the back seat right fuckin' now."
"Why move that far?" I smirked, pulling the hand that wasn't keeping me balanced up to his abdomen and drawing my nails over skin; forcing a small shiver.
"Hey, hey," he pulled back, hand fisting gently in my hair to tile my head back and still my hand, "I'm not kiddin', pretty girl, you're playin' a dangerous game."
"What if I want to?"
"Thought you were mad at me?"
"Doesn't mean I don't want to fuck you. And my parents are home, so, you can eat me out quietly later if you really want."
He chuckled, eyes flickering down to my lips as he bit his own, "With all them people in that house? Where any of them can walk by and see what a mess I make of you?"
"You're the one who called me a whore in front of them, maybe you can show 'em how you fuck me like one, too."
Billy sighed for a second, "Never livin' that down, am I?"
"Not yet, sweets," I let my hand move back to cup his crotch rather forcefully. He took a sharp inhale, eyes glaring back at me as I smirked, "Wanna fight about it some more or work it out other ways?"
"Get in the back seat right fucking now, and for the rest of the night, princess," his hand reached to latch around my neck and earn my gaze, "you're actually gonna do as you're told."
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ophanum · 9 days
' MISS CONNECTIONS ! - Niragi Suguru
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ft. sub yandere! Niragi Suguru x f! insecure! reader
synopsis : You have seen him talking with another girl, so unsuspected and he's so chill with her. You saw this scenario not only once but twice. Now he's banging on your door.
tags & tw/cw: Slight OOC, angst.
❝A rib cage breaks in many ways... I'm told the best way to do it is take the heart out, is take the heart out...❞ — Miss Connections by The Keystones
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It was her.
"Bunny," he called out, a name that used to send shivers down your spine, now dripping with a sickening sweetness.
The crowd blurred, a sea of faces except for one. There he was, the black hair a beacon. But it wasn't him that stole the air from your lungs.
His smile, the one that used to be yours, was plastered on her face too. It felt like a theft, a violation. As her smile mirrored his, a crack formed in your heart, widening with each passing second. The warmth you'd built around your emotions crumbled, replaced by a hollowness that echoed in your chest.
Tears pricked your eyes, blurring the scene further. You wished, with a desperation you hadn't felt in years, that he could see the wreckage he'd caused. The love you'd poured into him, now a shattered reflection staring back.
A ghost of a smile played on your lips, a bitter parody of amusement. You didn't need to stay here, a spectator in your own heartbreak. With a final, resolute turn, you walked away, leaving the shattered pieces behind.
"Hey babe," he chirped, pushing open the door. His adoring gaze swept the room before landing on you. Your back was turned, but he didn't miss the way you stiffened at his arrival. His grin, wide and boyish, seemed at odds with the way he swayed towards you, arms outstretched. Despite it, they landed softly on your hips, pulling you closer.
You remained unresponsive, a statue in his embrace.
"Just wait," he murmured, nuzzling his chin against your shoulder and squeezing tighter. "There's another game we can play, right? You and me? What do you say?"
"Sure," you replied, your voice flat. "I'll play."
Niragi, usually oblivious, caught the undercurrent in your tone. Maybe it wasn't your best day. He forced a smile, trying to inject some lightness into the air, even if it clashed with his usual bravado.
"Perfect! How about we head to my room?"
Silence stretched, thick and heavy. Finally, you spoke.
"No. Actually, I don't think I'm in the mood."
His eyebrows shot up. "Hey, what's wrong?"
A humorless chuckle escaped your lips. It sputtered out before fully forming, like a deflated balloon. Though you remained, the lightness had vanished from your laughter.
"Just not feeling it, Niragi," you sighed. "Honestly, sleep sounds amazing right now."
The clink of metal echoed as you dropped your utensils, the clatter a stark contrast to the quiet simmering on the stove. You turned and walked away, leaving Niragi rooted to the spot, his hand reaching out as if to grab your arm, then retracting just as quickly.
"Okay then," he mumbled as you reached the doorway. "Sweet dreams, babe."
The door shut with a soft click, your reply lost in the silence.
That's how things had been. Maybe a little childish, you thought. But the tone of his voice, laced with a vulnerability that resurfaces ever since you two admit each to one's feelings, sent your mind spiraling. A flicker, a spark – not broken, but…dented.
Liar. The word echoed in the empty space where your laughter once resided.
You love him more than you can handle. It's a suffocating weight, this affection, a burden your heart wasn't built to carry.
Love, in its purest form, terrifies you.
A tear welled at the corner of your eye, threatening to spill. But not this time. No, please, not today. Not when you're already teetering on the edge. Sleep, blessed sleep, became your only solace, a refuge from the storm brewing within.
Then came the next day. And with it, the sight that ripped the fragile peace you'd cobbled together. There he was, again, with her.
Why? What twisted game was this?
Jealousy, ever the venomous serpent, coiled itself around you, its icy grip climbing from your toes to your very core. It squeezed, injecting its poison into your veins, turning your thoughts to ash. Your fingers clenched, knuckles white. The world blurred with a haze of hurt and anger.
But then, a flicker of something else. A ghost of a smile played on your lips, your eyes drooping half-closed. The raw shock morphed into a mask of weary acceptance.
"Maybe..." you whispered, voice barely audible, "maybe they are better suited..." You squeezed your eyes shut, a strangled sob catching in your throat. "I can't compete with that..."
Defeated, you turned to leave, each step heavy with the weight of unspoken hurt. But just as you were about to slip back into the shadows, a hand clamped down on your arm, halting your retreat.
"What were you mumbling about, babe?" Niragi asked, his voice laced with concern.
You turned your head slowly, meeting his gaze with a wary caution. A flicker of movement behind him caught your eye – the woman he'd been with, now engrossed in conversation with someone else. His eyes, however, held a different story, a story you could almost decipher from the worry etched within them. He must've caught a word or two of your whispered defeat.
A smile, fragile and uncertain, touched your lips. In those depths you saw reflected the memories you shared, the very foundation of your love for him. And you knew, with a pang of truth, that his love for you brimmed over, a constant overflowing cup. Yet, even a cup overflowing with red wine can be refilled. He was the one who'd take his last breath for you, you knew that.
So why this sudden doubt, this crippling fear? Because love, you understood with a bitter clarity, was a fickle thing. And you, you were weak. You couldn't hold out forever, no matter how much it tore you apart.
Even for him?
But wasn't this for him, too? This agonizing self-preservation? A selfish act, a mantra echoing in your head – selfish, selfish, selfish. But what other choice did you have? Did you..?
"Are you okay?" Niragi's voice, laced with genuine concern, snapped you back to the present. You looked at him, the weight of your unspoken turmoil a heavy burden in your chest.
Your eyes snapped open, the daze momentarily forgotten. You forced a closed-eye smile, hoping it masked the turmoil within.
"Hey! Didn't see you there. What's up?"
Niragi wasn't fooled. Something was terribly wrong. "Y/n," he pressed, his voice firm. "Talk to me. There's something bothering you..."
You let out a shaky breath, a sliver of your exhaustion finally reaching the surface. Your eyelids fluttered shut, revealing the dark circles beneath. "Just...tired, Niragi. All these games are catching up, I guess."
You started to walk away, seeking solace in the quiet corners of the room. But Niragi's hand clamped onto your arm before you could disappear.
"Let me help," he pleaded. "Babe, I hate seeing you like this. I want to fix it."
A sigh escaped your lips, heavy with unspoken words. "Maybe later, Niragi. I just need some space."
You retreated once more, leaving him standing there with a furrow in his brow.
How many times? How many walls had you built, only to have him break them down with his unwavering concern? It had happened just yesterday, hadn't it? And the week before that? A month?
Now here he was, practically begging on the doorstep. Knees scraping against the floor, knuckles rapping a frantic rhythm against the wood.
"Y/n, please..." his voice choked with emotion. "Tell me what I did wrong. Tell me, so I can hold you again. I just want things to go back to how they were..."
An hour had passed, measured by the deepening purple of his knees and the puffy red of his eyes. Yet, he persisted. You, in a way, had molded him into this new Niragi. A man in control, seeking validation through love, not violence. Rid of the bloodlust, the madness, the insecurity. You'd sculpted him into something better.
Perhaps that's why he hadn't just barged in yet. But the raw desperation in his voice hinted at the calamity simmering just beneath the surface, barely contained.
The weight of his debt was heavy – his life, his future, all tethered to her. But if this was the end, then so be it. He'd unleash the monster he kept caged, just to keep her by his side.
Yet, a question gnawed at him, a relentless echo in his mind. Why? Why was this happening?
Just then, the click of the lock sent a jolt of hope through him. He lifted his chin, a desperate plea mirrored in his puppy-dog eyes that twisted something in your gut. He sank to the floor, clinging to your leg.
"Please," he rasped, the word a desperate plea through hiccups. "Please, just tell me what's wrong..."
"Come inside, Niragi," you sighed, leading him into the room.
You settled on the bed, the air thick with unspoken tension. Niragi remained standing, a storm brewing in his unstable gaze. He craved answers, and he craved them now, even if it meant forcing them from your clenched fists. Even if it meant laying waste to everyone around him for your sake.
"So?" he finally barked, his voice tight.
Silence stretched between you, your eyes refusing to meet his. He searched your face, desperate for any explanation.
A groan escaped your lips as you buried your face in your hands. "It's me, Niragi," you confessed, a wave of misery washing over you. "I'm not strong enough for this."
"No, you're not weak!" His laugh, a harsh, hollow sound, sent shivers down your spine. Unhinged, desperate, teetering on the edge. "You're the strongest person I know, stronger than me even!"
"That's not what I meant," you clarified, your voice barely a whisper.
His gaze locked onto yours, a frantic plea replacing the desperation. Like a cracked glass, he seemed to hold onto the last vestiges of control, preventing the torrent of emotions from spilling over.
"I don't think I can do this anymore," you whispered, the words heavy with defeat.
"What?" The single word broke free, laced with disbelief.
"Find someone else, Niragi," you choked out, tears stinging your eyes. "I don't deserve you."
A tremor ran through him, a crack splitting wide within. The dam holding back the monster was on the verge of breaking.
"Wait!" he cried, scrambling to his knees before you. He cupped your face in his trembling hands, his grip gentle yet firm. "Why? What happened? I...I don't understand! Y/N, please, please, tell me..."
The dam within you finally broke. Your lips quivered, and a tremor ran through your body as the raw vulnerability of his touch cracked the carefully constructed facade. Tears streamed down your cheeks, your hands limp in his grasp.
"I...I got jealous," you confessed, the words choked out on a sob.
Niragi, overwhelmed with his own emotional turmoil, could only listen intently, his hold tightening slightly with every shaky word you spoke.
"I know you didn't mean anything by it," you continued, voice thick with despair, "but it hurt so much, Niragi. So, so much. I felt like I couldn't take it anymore. I'm such a terrible girlfriend..."
"No! It was me!" he roared, desperate to absolve you of any blame. "There's nothing to apologize for! I'm the one who glanced over, like an idiot! It wasn't anything, I swear! I'm so sorry, Y/n, so sorry! I'll never do it again, I promise! You're the only one I see, my love, the only one I'LL EVER SEE!"
You shook your head, the memory of that single glance, a mere hairline crack in your relationship, amplifying into a gaping chasm in your own mind. This was your weakness, your flaw, laid bare.
After the torrent of emotions, an exhausted silence descended. You took a shuddering breath, a tired smile flickering on your lips.
"No, Niragi," you said softly, your voice drained. "Don't you see? Can't you see how weak I am? How flawed?"
"No, they're not flaws! They're not!" he cried, his voice thick with choked sobs as he cupped your cheeks. "They're not... how can I make you understand that?"
You shook your head again, the movement barely there. "There's no need to explain anymore, Niragi. I won't listen. It's...irritating, isn't it?" you whispered, your voice barely audible over his sobs and the muffled thumps of his fist hitting the bed beside your leg. "I'm not trying to blame you...it's just the way things are. Can't we accept it? Fate practically screaming at us. Let's not try to ruin it all."
"I DON'T CARE ABOUT FATE!" he roared, his voice raw with desperation. "I don't care about anything at all! I ONLY WANT YOU, Y/N! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST GIVE YOURSELF TO ME?"
His words hung heavy in the air, a desperate plea laced with a terrifying undercurrent. He was at the end of his rope, teetering on the edge, willing to become the monster he held at bay, all for a chance to keep you.
At this point, his hair stuck to his face in damp strands. His sobs had slowed to ragged hitches, his eyes red and puffy. He hiccuped, clinging to you like a lost child. And amidst the wreckage, your heart, if it even existed anymore, shattered into a million pieces.
You'd questioned its existence for a while now. Was there even a flicker of sympathy left within you, for him or yourself? You'd cried yourself dry days ago, the tears a testament to your own pathetic state.
"I don't know how to fix this, Niragi," you whispered, the words a hollow echo in the room. "I wish I did."
"I would never," he hiccuped, wiping his face with a wet sleeve. He slumped down, laying his cheek on your lap like a defeated puppy. "I would never do it again, Y/n. Put me on a leash, tie me to a chair, lock me in a dungeon with starving dogs – losing you would be the death of me."
His voice dropped to a near whisper, his eyes losing their spark. "Don't...don't make me a grave."
Your lips quivered. Maybe you were the monster. Not the monstrous being Niragi conjured in his mind, but perhaps the architect of this pain. Maybe you were the one inflicting the hurt. And the thought of it repeating… you tilted your head down. It would repeat, wouldn't it?
"Niragi, it hurts so much," you choked out, the words thick with despair. "Why does it have to be this way?"
"Y-You're asking me?" he offered, a ghost of a smile flickering through his hiccups, only to melt back into a frown.
You cupped his chin, forcing him to meet your gaze. "Cuddle with me?"
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2.4k words...
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spunsugarmusings · 11 months
Mun's Playlist Sentence Starters: Stepford Smiler Edition
Another set of starter sentences based on the playlists of yours truly, the spun sugar writer, this time on the theme of Stepford Smilers. Feel free to change pronouns and tense as necessary.
"You're buried deep as you can dig inside yourself, covered with a perfect shell."
"Such a charming, beautiful exterior."
"You're barely scraping by."
"This is one time you can barely fake it hard enough to please everyone, or anyone at all."
"The refuge that you built to flee, is the place that you have come to fear the most."
"Such a stellar monument to loneliness."
"I never had that many friends growing up."
"I learned to be okay with just me."
"I'll be fine on the outside."
"Would you cry if I died, would you remember my face?"
"I packed up and I moved far away from my past one day."
"Sometimes I feel lost, sometimes I'm confused."
"Sometimes I find that I'm not alright."
"Have you no shame, don't you see me?"
"You know you've got everybody fooled."
"Bow down and stare in wonder."
"Oh, how we love you! No flaws when you're pretending."
"Without the mask, where will you hide?"
"You're not real and you can't save me!"
"You don't know how you've betrayed me."
"It's you they're all waiting for."
"If there's nothing missing in my life, why do these tears come at night?"
"We'll be a perfect family."
"When you walk away, that's when we really play."
"No one ever listens."
"Don't let them see what goes down in the kitchen."
"Everyone thinks that we're perfect; please don't let them look through the curtain."
"Smile for the picture!"
"I see things that nobody else sees."
"It seems the only one who doesn't see your beauty is the face in the mirror looking back at you."
"Hold on, baby, you're losing it."
"You're tied together with a smile but you're coming undone."
“Jokers never speak false to their crowds."
"Sometimes it's fine to say that you're in pain."
"It's not simple to say, most days I don't recognize me."
"It's not easy to know, I'm not anything like I used to be."
"It's true I was never attention's sweet center."
"Sometimes life slips in through a backdoor, and carves out a person who makes you believe it's all true."
"You're not what I asked for."
"If I'm honest, I know I would give it all back for a chance to start over and rewrite an ending or two."
"It doesn't matter what you pull up to your home, we knows what goes on inside."
"All the makeup in the world won't make you less insecure!"
"Don't you think it's funny how they tell us how to live?"
"We feign opulence just to get by."
"There's nothing left to break of me; there's nothing left to take from me."
"Baby, it's easy to make a smile when you've been doing it for awhile."
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bored-storyteller · 3 years
Okay, I can't find where this request went anymore, but I'm sure it existed (or I wouldn't have written this). I'm going to try to look again in the mail. Anyway, our boys (Vil, Azul, Leona) a little sad and the reader comforting them with hugs.
54- Twisted Wonderland, Vil, Azul, Leona x Reader
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His life isn't that easy. Back straight, head up, be elegant, be polite, never show the weight that falls on your shoulders. This is Vil's life, nothing more, nothing less.
As beautiful as a marble statue, a precious object that can only be admired, not touched. Sometimes he himself forgets that he is human.
It's hard to never break down, it's hard to keep up appearances, and you make it more difficult. You, the most precious thing he has.
He should feel free with you, right? Isn't that the cliché of every love story? But he can't really know, he's always the bad guy in stories.
So even with you it is the appearance that counts him, because you love him for that, right? It's not like there's much more to him than just his appearance - and apparently not even that is enough to give him any real value.
He is tired, that's why he has such negative thoughts. A restful sleep and the next day it will be a fragrant flower again, but it is still early to go to sleep.
"Vil?" Your angelic voice rouses him. You are there, stuck a few steps behind him, you look at him doubtfully and his heart trembles. Oh, did you notice too much wrinkle in his expression?
"Vil." You call his name again, and he is already preparing to tell you how tiring his day has been to clear the doubts that are likely creeping into you.
Vil is not someone used to being touched, he is a precious work of art after all, yet he is convinced that even a caress from you could at that moment bring him relief. But he has to keep up appearances.
"My dear?" His questioning smile tries not to be too guilty under your worried eyes that scrutinize him.
After a few seconds of silence, you are moving. You are slow, yet fast. Your arms slide gently under his, and your body tightens to his chest. Your warmth invades him as your face seeks refuge under his chin, lovingly rubbing your nose against his neck.
"It's cold ..." You murmur, and this is the justification you use, but he knows that you have only read inside him, and you have simply taken some of his weight for you.
"You smell good." You continue, while his arms hold you slowly, in a silent request for affection.
“Oh yeah… it's a new perfume you know? I thought…"
"Yes, that perfume is good too, but you also smell of something else."
He just walks away, so that his purple eyes can look for the answer in yours for that doubt you have posed to him. There is no need for him to ask, he knows that you will give him the answer.
"The scent of Vil." Your cheerful and affectionate smile erases all poison from his heart, and he smiles at you as he does not smile at anyone else as he silently welcomes you back against him.
Who knows, maybe with you appearances are completely useless.
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A faint sigh comes from the dorm leader's lips to confide only in the air the pressure he is feeling inside him.
He is an excellent trader, a businessman, an excellent speaker and a perfect gentleman. Is not enough. He is never enough, and he probably never will be.
Sometimes the slander and contempt of many also burn him. Not everyone looks favorably on him, Azul knows, it's the price he himself chose to pay - at least he got something in return, right?
He isn't sure. Days like this, flat and heavy, occasionally bring back the most latent insecurities of him. Not that he shows it, only his eyes barely reflect the weight in his heart if you look at them carefully.
You are a relief, usually. Like every day he waits for you to come and greet him, but more than every day he would like to drop everything else, take you in his arms and hold you there. Yet despite his appearances he is still so shy. Sometimes even your gaze makes him blush, you know it, and you also know how much he cares about his figure and his representation in front of others, so you never take a step too far towards him, and he never has the courage to ask.
Your voice finally reaches his ears, your bright eyes peeking through the crack of the half-open door before you allow yourself to enter.
"Oh, here you are ... give me a second, I'm almost done." His voice is as firm and calm as ever. He doesn't look at you, it's not strange, but the way he bows his head to avoid you sends you strange meanings.
He doesn't have the courage to look at you, the need he has for you makes him feel ashamed. A child who needs pampering, that's what he is at that moment. A nullity in front of you.
He feels you close, you are next to his chair, standing, looking at him. You don't move away, and he understands that you want his attention, he won't be able to ignore you for long.
"Do you need something?" He finally asks you, and his eyes force them to lift to your face, and he is surprised when he sees you smiling.
You just stare at him for a few moments, without giving him an answer, and then suddenly your arms are around his shoulders, his cheek gently resting on your shoulder.
"I missed you, Azul!" Your light but cheerful voice caresses his ear, while you hug him protectively, full of affection.
"We only met last night ..." he murmurs, in a tone that wanders between wonder and relief.
“I know, but I don't care. I missed you." You confirm again, as you make your way into his lap and let him hold you.
Your weight on him is reassuring, your touch and your presence welcoming.
"I can't hide anything from you, right?" He whispers in your ear, as if he is afraid of being heard by others, even if only the two of you exist in the room.
"No, I would say no." You mutter satisfied, snuggling up to him.
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Usually he is so good at silencing that part of him, but when that black feeling arises it feels like a living being inside him struggling to get out and leave him weak, empty, mocked. He always swallows it, never allows it to peek out. Sometimes it curls up in the stomach, other times in the lungs, or gets stuck in his ribcage making his heart heavy, almost blocking his breath.
Leona is good at silencing those wounds to his pride, but sometimes it happens that a gesture, a laugh, a word at the wrong time weaken his defenses, taking him away from the already heavy looks of others.
In the greenhouse he is alone with himself. No, he's not there to sleep, he just needs to calm down. For some reason today it is difficult, more than usual. The weight in his chest causes him to hunch over, head bowed, ears down. His hands are left in his lap as he sits hidden among the plants, he almost seems to be meditating. Calm down, calm down, calm your anger. It is what he repeats to himself like a mantra as he listens to his own breath. Nobody can beat you, nobody can hurt you.
No, no one is going to hurt him - no one thinks he's worth hurting, do they? All that he is, all that he knows he is worth, is always trampled on, torn to pieces, thrown away by others, as if it were of no use.
Your weight is never too violent against his sturdy back, but his surprise causes him to lean forward slightly.
You laugh as your hands gently tighten around his neck, and he growls.
"Idiot! Are you crazy ?! " His words are acidic, but by now you've got used to it. You are the only one who can ever afford to do such a thing with him, you are the only one he can forgive.
He doesn't realize it right away, but that little leap to his heart you gave him has suddenly lightened his mind. He only knows when your arms go away from him.
Wait, stay still.
That thought unexpectedly reaches his mind, but he is quickly kicked out. He won't beg for mercy, not even from you, especially with you.
Still, even if he doesn't speak, your weight doesn't stray too far. Your arms now slowly encircle his stomach as you drop relaxed on his back, like a lion cub on his father's back.
With your head resting behind his ribcage, Leona knows you're listening to his heartbeat. He knows this because he is listening to you too, he listens to your breath which naturally coordinates with the muscle moving slow and powerful in his chest. And then he understands that you understand his need that he pretends not to have.
"You are so strong, Leona."
And that's enough.
A light sigh caresses his lips: "Of course I'm strong, otherwise you-"
"I'd be fine!" You defend yourself, knowing full well where he wants to hit.
You don't see him, but a proud smile is painted on his face as he continues on his way: "Otherwise you would have already been eaten by now."
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morvantmortuary · 2 years
a random thought that decided to not leave me alone this evening while i was drinking wine: how do the morvants feel about skinny dipping? i hope it doesn’t come off as too random KFJSKDJSK
not at all, honey - I hope you don't mind me hanging onto this until today!
short answer: if you're involved, none of them mind at all.
In fact, if you go far enough back on the property - past the garage everyone avoids, past the place where Maxi used to park the mustang before Hector came back and started driving it full time - you'll find a fairly quiet little swimming hole. It wasn't always so we don't talk about what it was before what happened in the water why it was always red, but it is now. It has been for long enough that the current Morvants, when they were kids, used it as a refuge on the lazy summer afternoons when it was too hot to do anything but float across its surface (or sneak around underneath to try to pull the others down with them, Jaws-style), but none of them wanted to deal with the anxiety of going to the public pool as the local mortician's slightly odd, twitchy, nervous kids.
supposing the weather was cooperating, one exhaustingly hot evening in Louisiana, and you happened to mention to your favorite that you'd do anything for some relief, they'd be more than happy to sneak you out the back door through the garden full of fireflies --
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Maxi would be more than happy to escort you here under any pretense, a couple of towels slung over his shoulder with a water bottle full of lemonade and honey whiskey for the two of you to share. He'd be inclined just to strip down to his boxers himself, but when you went further, you'd absolutely see his brain hiccup for a moment as he debated what to do. On one hand: you naked is one of his favorite things in the world. You'd think he'd be less inclined to see it as something special, given the clinical and sometimes gory nature of his work. But you are entirely alive in your body beneath your skin and all the marks and scars it carries, and it always takes his breath away for a second no matter how many times he's seen it. If the moon was out? The man's a goner. This kind of casual intimacy is something he treasures, having thought for so long it wasn't something he'd ever get to share with anyone, much less You. But on the other hand... boy has his own insecurities. He knows he's that kind of peculiar mix of lean in places with a soft stomach and an ass that won't quit and he doesn't always know how comfortable he is with himself, outside the confines of your room or his. Aside from the thick scar tissue across his heart, there's likely a few more in other places from close calls or the particularly harsh lessons with his father as a teenager that come with some troubling memories, to say the least. There's a reason there's usually a few layers on him, even when he's not On Call - being the "put together" one of the group for years has been his way of making up (he thinks) for not being as effortlessly handsome as Hector, or lacking Rora's intimidating ethereal grace. It's how he feels like he's more in control than he tends to actually be - the man wears shirt stays and sock garters on work days, I mean, come on - and he's a little shy about being totally vulnerable when it's unexpected. (Sure, he'll happily bend you over an altar in a church, but you'll remember he did keep most of his clothes on. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) If you offered him your hand, though, with a soft laugh and a hushed reassurance that it was just the two of you, but if he didn't want to he didn't have to - he would, in fact, slide off the remaining fabric and join you. His complicated relationship to his own body aside, he's loath to not meet you halfway in terms of anything related to being alone together, and not about to let any opportunity to savor you pass him by. And if you could feel so comfortable with yourself, and so trusting of him, then he could feel comfortable with you. The two of you would likely spend the rest of the evening just hanging out together in the water, passing the bottle back and forth and letting yourselves enjoy each other in the quiet of the cricketsong. If you pressed a few extra kisses to his moles, or the scar over his heart, he'd be inclined to return them to the places he looks for on you whenever he can - the ones that he finds himself searching for whenever he gets the opportunity, just to admire the way you have a whole life written on your body he has yet to learn everything about. Things would go from there, and the two of you don't go back to the House until you're exhausted in multiple senses - both of you sporting new marks, courtesy of one another. He'd insist on carrying you home with his shirt draped around your shoulders against any prospect of a chill, for once not even remotely thinking about anyone seeing the scars he normally took such care to hide.
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Honestly, it's probably Hector's idea to begin with when you complain about not being able to cool off. He'd ask you how you felt about skinny dipping, and depending on how interested you were (once you figured out behind that smile of his if he's serious or teasing), he'd take you out with the express intent of doing so from the start. He's normally a tequila kind of person, but frozen margaritas might only get stickier in the heat, so he'd likely bring sangria he made himself or something similar to share. Hex, of the three, probably has the healthiest relationship to his body: it is what it is, and it's what he lives in, and he's never really been too concerned with what anyone else thinks of it. Sure, the boys locker room in high school was Hell as it was for everyone, but it's not like he's ever received complaints about it since - despite some fairly gnarly scars of his own, from similar lessons with Maxi's dad. Besides, he knows what it can do no matter what anyone else might say. He's this far in his Chain, after all, and no one's ever come close to catching him. But enough about that, this is about the two of you. He'd have shirt, pants, everything off without really thinking about it - water on bare skin is a great way to remind himself he's in his own body, keep him grounded in himself and in his own head in more ways than one. He'd be delighted at the idea of getting to spend time with you in such a simple, intimate context. Any opportunity he gets to really look at you, take you in, he jumps at. The little details about you fascinate him, no matter how ordinary they are to you. You are Art to him, and that's all there is to it. If for any reason you were shy, he'd laugh and tease you a bit that there was absolutely nothing you had to be ashamed of. But if you wanted to start out in your underwear, he'd be fine with that. Taking your time is never a problem for him - he knows that time is more forgiving than most might think, in the grand scheme of things. He'd be more than content to just float with you, looking at the stars, or watching the moon ripple across the water. Eventually, he might tug just a bit at your top, promising you in a whisper that there was absolutely no one could ever get close enough to see you. Yes, he'd reassure you, even the ghosts. The ghosts don't come out here. They know better. They have long memories. Once you agreed, he'd be a little too tempting in himself for you to really keep the rest on for long. Handsomeness aside, the thing you love even more about Hector is just how willing he is to enjoy himself, find something pleasurable in the moment, whenever he can. And, indeed, he'd enjoy seeing you relax, let your guard down a bit just to be with him in this moment made only for the two of you. (But if you relaxed too much, he might be inclined to sneak under the water and tug you down with him, just to keep it interesting.) The two of you would only head back once the sangria was mostly gone, and even then, you'd take the long way home, walking home in just your underwear if the bugs weren't too hungry. He'd insist on carrying you on his back - royalty never walks, after all, and how could anything as lovely as you be anything less?
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Rora's going to be the one of the three that has the most hesitancy to begin with, to be honest. She loved swimming; when she was alive, it was one of her favorite ways to get away from it all. She'd spend ages looking at the plants that grew at the bottom of the pond, occasionally scaring her brother and cousin a little with how long she was determined to hold her breath. Under the water, though, she didn't have to worry about any of the constant pressure from the surface: her mother, who always complained about her going out and getting her hair wet or being seen in a ratty old swimsuit lest the neighbors think something or other, or the way Maxi and Hector could be pulled away from her for hours at a time with only a moment's notice as they got older. It was a place where time stood still, and she mercifully didn't have to constantly be second guessing whatever someone said to her. She could just linger with the boys - who, up until you showed up, were the two people who understood her most in the world. (And even in, that could be limited sometimes.) Like her brother, she'd be more than happy to show you the way to the pond. You'd notice, though, that she'd walk out with a book and a flashlight under her arm, even if she held a bottle of elderflower wine for the pair of you in her other hand. When you stripped down to your underwear, she'd find a place to dip her feet in the water, pulling her skirt up around her thighs as she settled in to read some novel from the nineteenth century by flashlight like a child under the covers. Even if she had the book open, though, you'd notice her eyes didn't move from the same spot on the page as you ditched what was covering your chest, then whatever you were wearing on bottom, making a point to stand there in front of her until at last she looked up. Her eyes would be brilliant green, even in the dark, and the way she'd look you over slowly while the flashlight maybe shook oh so slightly in her hand would be more than visible. The way her tongue ran over her lower lip, at once longing and still debating, would let you know you'd won without speaking a word. Reluctantly, she'd stand, shedding the sundress she'd worn all day - only to quickly submerge herself under the water before she ditched anything else. If you joined her in the pond and gently pointed out to her the fact that you had very definitely seen her naked before, and very much enjoyed the sight, she'd pause a moment before explaining that she sometimes wasn't sure how she felt about it herself. Her body, as much as she'd lived in it since and adapted to its little quirks, wasn't the same one that used to swim these waters. Sometimes, if she looked at it too long, her brain would feel the disconnect, and a form of vertigo that came with it. Of course, though, that only meant you would need to keep your sweetheart rooted in the moment - and you would, keeping her in your arms as the two of you let the water lap at your shoulders, playing with her hair as it snaked over the surface like a dark and secret aquatic plant. The beautiful thing about Rora - one of the many beautiful things, as you are apt to remind her - is that when she was comfortable at last, giggling with you at your exchanged kisses and your flirtatious splashes, you would see her veins and scars glowing in their familiar green that felt more and more like you just under the water's surface. The fireflies, in delighted confusion, would dip as close as to the water's surface as they safely could to blink back, and for the first time in its history, the onyx pond would be a perfect little galaxy unto itself above and below the waterline. You basking in her light, and Rora basking in your smile, both of you would linger there together until the only trace of heat left in the water was from the two of you, enjoying each other in your own little universe. You might even sneak back the following night, provided neither of the boys beat you to the punch.
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(This maybe got a little long, but I'm tired of winter, nonny - I'm sure you don't blame me. I hope this was the answer you were looking for! 😜)
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thespiritoflife · 3 years
I decided to write my first fanfic. I hope you like it and I also hope that you comment if you liked it or not. 😄😃 What should I write next time? Let me know!
gif not mine!
"My brother likes you."
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Relationship: Fili x Reader
Warnings: kisses? I don't know!🤣
"My brother likes you, you know that, don't you?" Kili said out of nowhere.
It was an ordinary day, in fact, it was not, we wandered towards the Elven refuge. Our final path was to the Lonely Mountain.
In the end, we decided to rest after a long day of wandering. Dwalin started a fire and I made them a simple but sated soup. I heard only praises from dwarves, which threw red into my cheeks.
"You will be a great wife to someone one day," Dwalin said.
I laughed. However, my eyes were on Fili, who stood before us. Apparently, he heard it and decided to walk away. It disappointed me. I wanted to hear praise from him. But what about the praise! I ... I liked him. From the first moment, I saw him. He probably didn't like me because I was an ordinary girl and he was a prince! I sighed.
And now we were here. I held a warm mug in my hand and Kili next to me. Fili was still somewhere else.
"What?" I said.
Kili grinned. "What makes you look so surprised?"
"I ... are you sure, Kil?"
He sighed. "Of course. I know my brother. He is stubborn as a mule, he does not admit his feelings. Because he thinks you don't like him. And now, moreover, he heard praises from the dwarves ... "he shrugged.
"Oh, God. It never occurred to me that he felt the same way. "
"Does that mean you like him?"
I nodded. "Of course. Fili is great. He has a loving heart and ... so yes, I like him. " The other things I thought about him I kept for myself.
"Then go to him and tell him,"
"But ..." I felt ashamed
Kili noticed my insecurity and he laughed. "Don't worry, Y/N. Just go and you won't regret it. "
So I took my remnants of courage and went to the forest.
"Fili? Where are you?" I shouted. No one answered.
I felt scared. Not about myself, but him. Where was he? He couldn't go that deep into the woods, could he?
"Fili? But really, where are you, please? ”I shouted when I suddenly heard something.
Assuming it was Fili, I turned around. The smile immediately froze on my lips.
It wasn't Fili. There was a big Warg in front of me. He bared his teeth at me and he grunted.
Beads of sweat dripped from my forehead. Shit. I had no sword, no weapon, nothing. I didn't expect to encounter danger.
Oh my god..
I couldn't run, it was clear to me that I would just make him angry. The Warg would find me anyway.
This will be my death.
Warg approached me, gritting his teeth more and more. I didn't even make a sound. I forgot everything, even my name.
I was backing up slowly when I fell to the ground. (cliché I know) I closed my eyes. That's not how I imagined my death.
I could already feel his teeth sharp as knives tearing me to pieces. Then suddenly there was a sound. I opened my eyes. It was Fili. His dagger pierced the Warg. Warg died.
I looked at him in disbelief. Did I just dream it?
Fili ran quickly to me and knelt next to me. "Are you alright?"
I coughed. "I'm ..." I still couldn't believe it.
Fili began to look for damages, and when he found nothing, he exhaled.
"I got scared," he said.
"You saved me. I'm not dead .. thank you .. "I told him.
He blushed and helped me to my feet. "Do not mention it."
"But it's worth it. And how did you find me?"
"I was returning to the camp when I heard something. And that was you and the Warg," he responded immediately.
"Thank you again."
"What were you doing here?" he asked, his beautiful eyes pierced into my eyes.
"I was looking for you," I admitted.
"Why did you just leave suddenly? I was afraid something had happened to you."
"I ... I needed to be alone for a while," he said quietly.
I nodded. "I see, we all need to be alone at some point."
"We should go back to the fireplace," he suggested, and I panicked. I won't be back, I have to tell him. If I don't tell him now, I will never tell him I like him.
"Fili, wait. I have to tell you something ... "I began.
"What's the matter?"
"I ... God, this is hard. I like you. I just want you to know, because ... but I was afraid you didn't like me. "
There was silence. Fili looked at me in astonishment. I was afraid that Kili trumped-up everything and I was just embarrassed.
Suddenly a beautiful smile appeared on Fili's face. "I like you too, Y/N. And very much."
He took my hand. "I was also afraid that you didn't like me. And when I heard the other dwarves praise you ... that's why I left. "
"You were jealous," I smiled.
He blushed and said nothing. It was adorable.
"I like you, Fili. Only you," I smiled at him.
"So you see, we were afraid we didn't like each other, and the opposite was true," he muttered and then he took a strand of my hair and tucked it behind my ear. Then he kissed me. It was a gentle and beautiful kiss. We hugged and kissed for a long time. I didn't want to it end. I wanted to only kiss him and kiss him.
"I won't let you go," he warned me between kisses.
I laughed. "I don't even want to."
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kkurainmyheart · 3 years
I had nothing for today, so I wrote it in 45min. English is not my first language so sorry for the inconvenience.
Here is the original link in Spanish. And below, the English version.
“What are you doing here?”
The hazy night hid the brilliance of the moon and stars. The girl walked trying to hide the limp in her left foot. She was wearing the same black suit from the morning but was barefoot. In the absence of an answer, she asked again.
"Jean, I'm talking to you. What are you doing here?”
The tall man in a suit who was leaning on the balcony railing overlooking the beautiful night garden turned to look at her. They were staying in an elegant house, now they were ambassadors sent on a peace mission to Paradis Island. The island that had once been Jean's home; where Marco had died, where he'd had his first time, where Sasha was buried, where his family still lived. A place that had been his refuge; Despite the dangers, of coexisting with the walls and the Titans, a place that had been their home. Today I couldn't call it that.
"I could ask you the same, I thought you should be in bed”
Jean looked at the girl's bandaged ankle that was exposed in front of the length of her skirt. Pieck approached him with difficulty and leaned beside him on the balcony, with one hand toying with the red flowers of the green creeper that hung majestically from the terrace while with the other she tried to control her long jet black locks that floated with the wind heading in multiple directions.
“I should, but I was lonely and insecure in these rooms as if at any time someone tried to end my life” she sighs.
Jean understood the sentiment very well. They stood in silence, staring at the glass door that led into the spacious living room; he could tell by the calm that his other companions were sleeping or devising ways to achieve peace, and by this last description he meant Armin. The ash blonde-haired man opened his suit jacket and pulled out a box of fine cigarettes from his inside pocket. Not only had the island changed, but he had also changed too, he was a finer and more elegant bastard now. He turned his amber eyes to Pieck's feet surreptitiously as he held the cigarette between his lips; He tried to light it with a match a couple of times. Regret came to him, it was his fault that she was injured. In the afternoon meeting, the one they had with Mikasa; Jean had been suddenly attacked by a bird. As crazy as it might sound, the crazed bird had pushed him back on his back until he ended up tripping and falling to the ground on something, not something, with Pieck. Her friend's ankle had hurt ever since.
"I want to go home," he suddenly said as he expelled the thick smoke from his lungs.
"I thought that during the whole trip here you said that this was your home, " she replied calmly as she stared at him.
Pieck extended her right arm and Jean handed her the cigar, he also gave her a taste; smoking had become routine between them.
"This doesn't feel like home anymore," he replied sadly, "the people here are no longer free."
He was silent gathering his thoughts, grateful that Pieck was still preoccupied with the cigarette and wasn't pressuring him to give a quick answer. Freedom, was he becoming Eren? Has this island ever been free? He couldn't answer with certainty, but he did feel free here. Now see the Yeagerista faction wielding power and sowing terror in the streets; see what the army had become, moving away from the teachings of Pixis, Niles, Shadis, and of course Hange and Erwin; even seeing how authoritative the queen Historia was made him sick to his stomach; He could understand why former Captain Levi didn't want to go back to this place.
"A kiss for your thoughts."
Jean laughed
"It's supposed to be a coin, Pieck."
"A kiss is more fun."
"Don't you think it's paradoxical?" Jean felt his mouth dry, he wet his lips with his tongue and continued “Eren destroyed the world for the freedom of the island, but now the world is free” he swallowed audibly “and the people of the island are subjected to the indiscriminate will of this new army, which follows the supposed teachings of Eren.”
“How intense!” Pieck laughed
The tall, handsome man bit his cheeks, frowning.
"Freedom is always going to be limited, " she said seriously. Her black eyes fell on Jean's amber eyes “even the freest government has leaders who limit them, even the freest person has limiting thoughts, so are we ever completely free?” She shifted her weight on her healthy ankle, with discomfort “I believe that we will only be free in death. So, until that happens, you must learn to be free with your limitations and try to enjoy your own kind of freedom to the fullest” She sighed “You have the freedom to decide to stay here and be limited by the Yeagerists or you have the freedom to go with us and be limited by your work as an ambassador. What do you want to do with your freedom, Jean?”
"Do I have another option?"
"I was going to propose to run away with me," she replied flirtatiously, " although you would have to carry me I have an injured ankle."
They both laughed. Jean walked to the corner where an elegant marble sculpture was located with the new symbol of Paradis's army, he extinguished what was left of the cigar against it. Then he walked over to Pieck and tenderly stroked her hair.
"I like talking to you," he said with a sincere smile on his face and bright eyes.
“I know!” She answered smugly.
Before Jean knew it, Pieck grabbed him by the shirt, closing the gap and kissing him on the cheek. He opened his eyes comically.
“what was that for?”
"I offered you a kiss for your thoughts. You gave me your thoughts, I gave you a kiss.”
"It doesn't work that way, Pieck."
"My saying, my rules." She made a subtle movement of the shoulders.
Jean watched as the brunette winced, guilt flooding him again. He suddenly took her in his arms.
“Go! I'll take you to bed!” starting to walk with her back inside the house.
"How daring Mr. Kirstein!" Pieck laughed coquettishly burying her face in the boy's neck.
"To your bed, Pieck."
"But will you stay with me?" His voice sounding muffled against the blond's white shirt.
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mentalisttraceur · 3 years
Someone who recently briefly passed through my life (maybe they'll be back, we'll see) told me that I shouldn't worry about reaching a lot of people with my ideas because it's normal for great thinkers to not even come close to being fully appreciated within their lifetime.
I always find it a little difficult to genuinely wear such elevated images of myself. It's fun and easy as humor. It works as a kind of social style that breaks the arrogance taboo with a smile and a wink, when people can tell that there's a smile and a wink in play. It's automatic, satisfying, and reassuring when I'm angry or hurt, or insecure or needy - taking refuge in arrogance as a coping style permeates me so much and so deep that it is currently a key part of who I am.
Hell, if you had gotten me to honestly self-assess, there are definitely moments when I genuinely think I am that kind and level of exceptional, or at least take the possibility seriously. It seems unlikely often enough. Incomplete even if true most of the time - incomplete in a way that fails to include myriad simultaneous flaws which should balance the image of me.
But when someone just says that to me? It feels like the more likely reason is "they put me on a pedestal and did not properly weigh my flaws", and not "I really am that good, and they correctly saw it." Of course in any other context I would have just told you that in fact I am that good, or more seriously I would assert that I just might be. But as soon as someone else seems to genuinely see me so highly, I feel some dissonance, some discomfort, some unease in genuinely being seen as such, or with all that entails.
I guess also on some level I don't trust myself to live up to that image. I don't trust myself to consistently act as a person worthy of that level of respect, adoration, and valuation. I know that given enough time I will act in ways that do not live up to that image. I mean, hell, if you could be an observer of my mind or my life for a day - any day - I feel like I would disappoint most people, and anyone appropriately judgmental.
It was still good to hear. Given the option, I would prefer to hear such things if that's how someone genuinely views me. I think the ideal me is able to be completely at home with being perceived this way wherever it is useful to be. So every time it happens is good training for getting to that point.
Also, I already made peace with not seeing my big-picture ripples within my lifetime, and at the time I was focused on a different desire to beneficially reach others with my words than that - but if I did need the reassurance, that could have been very helpful to hear. In the right moment, that framing of my predicament in life can be very effectively supportive, I think.
But from yet another angle: maybe it's best that I consider myself insignificant. Not a great thinker so far in the lead that I won't be appreciated within my lifetime, but just a nobody making only replaceable contributions. One of the worst things I ever did to myself was to start believing that I had something important to share with the world. If I had always just trusted that other people would figure it all out without me, or didn't care if they did, I would have been much happier and more able to just focus on optimizing my life and experiences.
And I think that's the duality I must get comfortable with. I must be completely at home with both an extremely arrogant view of myself, and yet completely at home with the view where I am nothing special and do not matter at all. I must be able to wear each image as needed, and not be attached to or dependent on either.
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verobatto · 5 years
Destiel Chronicles
(Vol. XVI)
It was a love story from the very beginning.
Refuge (part. II)
Hello my friends! How have you been? We are here with another Destiel Chronicle, with the second part of a mostly "Dean meta centric" trying to understand why Dean stayed with Lisa and Ben.
I will talk about each one (including Castiel, because I truly believe there was a mirror in 6x02 of him, like a foreshadow for the Destiel bickering/fight that lead us later to the big break up.
Thanks to @agusvedder for the gifs!!! She is always supporting me and discussing the episodes... I know it was hard for you to make gifs of Lisa. I apologise. 💕
Ok, let's start with this...
Dean and his big daddy issues with Ben
It was obvious for me 6x02 talked about THE DAD WAS THE MONSTER, in this case, the shape shifter that took the father's place in the family, had sex with the mom and collected his son after that... This was a blantant foreshadow for 6x05 "Live free of die twihard", when Dean becomes a vampire and goes to see Lisa and Ben. (The monster was the father).
In episode 6x02, Dean saw Ben grabbing one of his weapons. And his reaction was very hard because he was recalling the way John had raising Sam and him.
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Dean's facial expressions is "fear", he is afraid Ben could become like him, because deep inside he disapproves the way John had raised them. Guns shouldn't be for kids.
So, the fears to become his own father, is with him the whole episode. The episode in which "the father was the monster", that attacked the family.
And this feeling is translated into this particular scene...
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Sam says the baby's name is John but Dean... Named him Bobby, very very interesting, and as reference, we had Dean is thoughtful about how John had raised them. And now as a father, he is with the authority to speak. And he came to the conclusion John wasn't a good father to them. And he doesn't want to repeat his failures. And he is now... Like mad at him, in some way, that's why he names Bobby as their true father. Bobby was with them when John wasn't. And he keeps taking care of them and loving them like a father. Not the blood father, but a heart father, as he is now for Ben.
Lisa supporting Dean as a hunter
By the end of episode 6x01, when Dean decides to stay with Lisa and Ben, the camera shows the Lisa's garden, and is full of lavanda flowers.
The lavanda means "feminity and refinement", is obviously talking about Lisa... And if you pay attention to the following episodes, Lisa dresses in lavanda color... This is important you keep in mind because I will talk about it in the nexts chronicles, but you see... Even if you don't like Lisa, she was very supportive with Dean's decisions and Dean's hunter behavior. When she confronted him about Ben, she chooses a very comprehensive words to him.
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Look behind Lisa, the lavanda color again. But mostly, the way she talks with Dean, always supportive and comprehensive.
When Dean saw he put them in danger, as I described in the previous chronicle, Lisa allowed to go to Bobby's place, and when she saw Dean was doubting about being with them as a family, she was afraid she was going to loose him.
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She was afraid, because as she will say later in this season, she knew that if Sam was back, Dean's hunter life was back too.
Then she came with a plan ... She offers Dean to hunt and to come with them, but Dean got the wrong message at first... Or it was because he wanted deep inside to leave them? Because it was better that way?
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Maybe because deep inside Dean thinks he doesn't deserve a normal life... And maybe because he misses the hunt, and traveling with his brother, the only living way he knows...
The security system that doesn't work
Episode 6x02 talked about security systems that didn't work protecting the families. Related to Dean desperate race to protect Lisa and Ben. And the failure in the system, another foreshadow for the "vampire!Dean" episode.
But let's talk about how Dean was behaving with Lisa and Ben, because it was obvious he didn't want to act like his father, but he ended by doing the same. And Sam tells him.
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So, again, Dean becoming what he hates... Sadly. He should know his father was in the same predicament... He needs to understand a father sometimes tries to do his best.
And what about Cas?
I really believe season 6 started to use more the visual narrative and coded colors, as we saw with Lisa. But not just that. If you watch the episode 6x01, Dean started using a dark brown coat, as a representation of family life. But when he goes to hunt again, he uses his usual green and blue coats. And I don't want to be very detailed, but, if this is truth and I could collect evidence by now that it is, then blue is representing Castiel. And the bag Dean prepares is blue the same as his whole wardrobe. He's in entirely dressed in blue. And the house where he's living with Lisa, is blue and green. But let's say this is too much, and I'm over seeing things... But I guess I'm not.
So... When Dean offers to communicate with CAS... This is what he obtained from Sam...
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In episode 6x01 Sam told Dean Cas wasn't responding his prayers... And Dean's face is eloquent. He is surprised to heard that. That tells us he didn't try to contact Cas for one entire year, his brother did, but Cas didn't come.
This, plus the way they "didn't say goodbye" in 5x22, it tells me Dean isn't going to be happy with him. So... Is hard for him discovering Cas didn't come to help Sam. Then... In episode 6x02... I discovered this mirror... Mark (one of the Campbell's) was dressed in blue, and he was "eye fucking" Dean, so evident. So... My friends... This is CAS here... And look what Dean is telling him...
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"eye fucking" Dean? And Dean reacting like that? Yeah, Cas... You didn't came to see my brother, you didn't say goodbye, you didn't came to visit me? Yeah... Keep thinking at me.
Dean is offended with Castiel, but this is topic for the next Chronicle...
To conclude
Dean and his daddy issues are important topic at the beginning of the season. He tried hard not to become John, but he failed.
Lisa was supportive and patient with Dean, and she was afraid of loosing him, because she could read Dean's insecurities.
The security system of the houses failing and the "monster father", was a foreshadow for Vampire!Dean, that will lead us later to Lisa and Dean break up.
Season 6 started to use more visual narrative and colors.
Dean was starting to feel mad at Castiel's behavior towards his brother. And this will be more evident in the following episodes.
I hope you like this! C-u in the next Chronicles!
Tagging @metafest @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @castiellover20 @whyjm @koshisekisen @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @angelneedshunter @trickster-archangel @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @mishka-the-angel-of-saturday @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @hippyatheart80 @xsghn @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-is--endgame @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel
If you want to be tagged in this chronicles, just let me know.
If you want to read the previous Chronicle from season 6 is here.
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crigil-blog · 2 years
GOD SPEAKS TO YOU: 4/26/2022 “God's love is like a circle. When you see a circle You can't find the end, So it is with God's love, for us, It goes on forever” God is our refuge, our safe place, where we go when we are afraid, insecure and where we shed our tears. But also our strength or "power". God is also our ever-present Helper, the one who cares enough to share his unlimited resources with us. He seems like he is always around, closer to us than we are to ourselves. When life goes as usual, we don't think much about how vulnerable we are, that's when a crisis comes that changes everything and we realize how weak we are. In exactly this kind of situation, we find a God, who is our refuge and strength. He is always present. It is at the beginning of each new day, it is the perfect time to reflect and realize how far we are from being that perfect work of God. Take some time, listen to his heart and have your conversation with God. do it twice a day in the morning and in the evening, find that perfect place and remember the many blessings you have received. You will feel his presence in the difficult moments that you live. REPENTANCE: LORD, today I confess my desperate need of YOU. I want to confess my sins to you, I need your forgiveness Lord. I want to turn around and return to You, without your help, everything would be impossible. Amen!
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jikook-love · 7 years
For this anon hour thingy: All my friends on here are really nice I love them all. but I have the feeling that they don't like me idk it's just I always have to text them first and some don't even seem interested in talking to me. I try to give them support and love, and I also try to help them with their issues,, but for them it obviously isn't enough. Like ok I'm nobody's best friend I'm the friend who's nice & who you can talk to when nobody else's around. I'm just sad sometimes (sorry💕)
Awww I understand, but just know that insecurity is extremely common for all of us, especially people that find refuge online like this. 
I remember thinking a lot like this in high school: I’ll never be anyone’s first pick, I’m no one’s “bestbest” friend, my parents like my sister better than me...all these devilish, self-deprecating thoughts that just push you down and make it even worse for you to approach others. 
But you just have to end up believing in yourself--I know, easier said than done, but be confident in who you are as an individual. Know your own talents, know what you have to offer. Know that you’ve gone out of your way to help them, and if they don’t appreciate you for some reason...well, they just don’t deserve you. That’s just how it is. 
There will always be people around you who love you, even if it just comes down to just your family, and people will go in and out of your lives all the time. Some people are lucky enough to find a loyal friend or two that will stick with them forever but...believe it or not that’s usually not the case for many of us, despite the whole “BFF” trope that’s constantly shoved down our throats. In real life, people change, feelings change and you change. You need to look at things from your own perspective sometimes and stop trying to make others happy. Be aware of how the person is treating you, and see if it’s a recurring pattern. Of course, you’re not always going to be right, but you have to be kind to yourself first, because no one else is going to be kinder to you. 
Find some new people, talk to them, and see if it’s truly different. Because if it’s anything I’ve learned the hard way: at any point where you feel like you have to try to earn this person’s attention or be acknowledged by them even though you call them your “friend”, they probably won’t be your friend in the long-run. Because, remember, be kind to yourself first. Don’t force yourself to act a certain way just so you can “fit in”. You accomplish more when you stick to your own character anyway. 
And finally, if it really doesn’t turn out well, don’t ever regret the decisions you’ve made. Because I noticed that in all the bad, there is always some good, and you’ll always fortify some part of your character going through all this...sadness.
And of course, sometimes people are just busy, so before you jump to any conclusion, make sure that it’s not simply because tumblr isn’t the first thing on their minds because of what’s going on in their real lives (trust, I know. I have a tendency for neglection. oops.)
 But at the end of the day...just believe in yourself, be honest. And things’ll work out. :)
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guessmonsta · 7 years
Can I have a scenario where tendo has an s/o who's friends don't really understand why she likes him and he over hears them asking her why his s/o is even dating him in the first place and she starts to list the multitude of reasons she has for liking Tendo and at the end she's like "and that's why I love him" but this is the first time she's ever admitted it out loud? Idk how it would end but I guess you could end it however you want, my only request is that u make it really fluffy? Thanks ILY!
He knew her friends didn’t like him.
He could see it in their eyes when they first met. Frowns were casted upon their faces and out of the corner of his eye he saw them mouth, ‘why him?’ At the time he just ignored it, he knew the way girls were. His older sister had always complained that guys in her class were good-for-nothing, backstabbing, sonuvabitches who, to quote her directly, “were an abomination to female kind.” Girls were supposed to despise guys at first sight, weren’t they? He was honest they would call him a ‘fuckboy’ or ‘douche bag’ or whatever else behind his back once he walked away. He was sure it was just their natural instinct to protect their friend. He was sure they would get used to him eventually. Although, he soon learned to never trust his instincts.
He should’ve known after four months of them dating, their petty little hate parade on him wasn’t just a feeble attempt to protect their friend. It was elementary school all over again when he heard, ‘monster’ slip past gloss caked lips for the first time. Half of him wanted to die, right then, right there, because the people that meant most to the person that meant most to him, loathed him. He knew he shouldn’t let them bother him, because his girlfriend would always assure them they were just being ‘girls’. Although, after the fifteenth time one of them had passed by him and coughed, ‘freakshow’ under her breath, he knew they weren’t just being girls. They were being bullies, and it seemed like such a childish thing to say. They were tormenting him to break up with her, and god knows what they say to her, but in that moment, Tendou knew somebody was out to get him.
His obsession with finding out the truth came crawling up on him one month later. The mocking never ceased to end, and with all his power did he try to suppress the pettiness they produced. She had started growing a bit more distant, he noticed. Late night conversations were cut short by nine o’clock, greetings in the hallway were becoming shorter and shorter, soon they were just small waves in his general direction before she was pulled away by a menacing hand. He didn’t want their relationship to end, not like this at least. He wished she would just stand up for herself, or something, but she never did. Unless someone did something, anything, their relationship was going to be an endless cycle of ‘dump him’ and ‘stay with me’ until all came down in shambles.
It was the Friday night before mocks week, and Tendou knew he had a million and one things he should be doing. Although, like an idiot, he found himself wandering around campus at eight o’clock at night, doing nothing in particular except letting the steady raindrops fall onto his now matted hair. The entirety of this scenario was miserable, hell, he probably looked like an Andy Biersack stan to anyone who dare caught him wandering around like this. The rain started pouring down harder, claps of thunder and lightning illuminating the sky. His shoes began to get sloshy and drops of rain began to fall into his eyes, and he began to thank whatever god he prayed to for the library just twenty feet away from him. With a slightly awkward jog he darted into the facility, the old woman behind the front desk giving him a curt nod upon his arrival, muttering something about closing in an hour, but he didn’t really care. He didn’t find himself in the library much, not since volleyball practices became more and more extensive. Although, he remembered there was a nice pod up on the second floor, a reading corner, as it was called, with bean bag chairs and fairy lights and he was sure he would destroy the place with his soaking wet being, but nothing was stopping his from going up there anyways. The old lady could kiss his ass if she told him otherwise. Although, all his plans had backfired the moment he stepped foot on the top floor, catching a glimpse of an all too familiar, acrylic nailed hand, and the chime of a giggle he loved so much. His heart was in his throat, then, as he darted behind a bookshelf barrier. Curiously, carefully, he peeked out, only to find his girlfriend, and the entirety of her friend group, huddled around in a circle. He wasn’t sure if it was sweat dripping down his forehead, or rain, but he knew he was nervous, and really had no clue why. He could abolish each and every one of them if he wanted to, in every way, shape and form they were weaker than him, but even then, he was nervous, and he had no idea how to escape his refuge from behind the bookshelf.
Twenty minutes past and he sufficed to sitting down, carefully pulling a book out from the wall up behind him and skimming through its pages. He was in no way interested, just passing the time as the girls conversation droned on, the occasional mentioning of a boys name or a giggle catching his interest, though. Although, it wasn’t until he heard his name being choked out with such malice did he put the book down, all attention gravitating towards the conversation happening behind him. “I still don’t get why you’re with Tendou.” Came the remark, quick and fast and out of nowhere. “If you could have anyone on that team besides Tendou, who would you go for?”There was an elongated pause, the only noise to be heard was the rapid beating of his heart. “I’d still go for Tendou.” His girlfriend sighed. “I’d find a way to get him.”“Really?”“You wouldn’t go for Ushijima-kun?”“What about that Semi guy? I hear his casual attire is atrocious, though.”Comments kept spilling out everywhere, but Tendou couldn’t quite catch them all. He had to suppress a giddy giggle upon the words she had said. He knew it was pathetic of him to get so excited over such a thing, but after a month of doubt, to hear that he was still wanted was just music to his ears. “I really don’t get what you see in him, still.” Came a sigh, and the clatter of something being set down. “What isn’t there to get?”“I mean, doesn’t he just seem… standoffish? You’ve seen him play, we’ve all seen him play, he’s a freak. He doesn’t get along with anyone except Ushijima-Kun, who I’m sure is just tolerating him for his reputation…”The insults just kept pouring on, and on, and on, until Tendou could feel himself on the verge of tears. The last thing he needed on this godforsaken night was his insecurities to be dug up and laid out in front of him after three years of digging a hole and laying them down six feet under. The last thing he needed was for his girlfriend, the one person he trusted above all else, to just sit there and take it, embarrass him while they just kept talking. “Are you done yet?” Came a sudden peep, through the ruckus of calamity. All went quiet and a throat was cleared, and Tendou physically braced himself for what was to come.“What you said isn’t false, Satori is the weirdest guy in the school, or whatever.” She began, and Tendou could feel his heart drop from its former place in his throat. “Although, have you ever stopped to consider maybe that’s why I like him? Maybe I’m sick and tired of the status quo, tired of a photocopied generation with limited options to choose from. He’s different, and I love that, and if that makes him a freak, so be it.” There was another elongated pause, Tendou, his girlfriend, all the girls in the circle, and even the old lady sitting at the front desk downstairs, were dead silent. “I’m done with you guys bashing on my boyfriend like this. Every single time I see him you have to say something. Why do you always have to be so negative? Can your sad little pea brains even articulate that he makes me happy? That ‘freak show’ has been a better friend to me than all of you since the day I met him, and if you’re just going to sit around and disrespect him all the goddamn time, I’m not going to sit here and respect you.” There were whines, protests, feeble attempts at apologising, but Tendou didn’t hear them. There were tears dripping from his eyes and he didn’t even attempt at wiping them away. There was shuffling, the dramatic zipping of a bag, and aggravated footsteps. She barked something at them again, and he wasn’t sure if the pounding he heard was his heart beat or her footsteps getting closer. Suddenly, she stormed through the set of bookshelves he cowered behind, and she didn’t even notice him. She didn’t notice him until he swung out an arm and grabbed her ankle, causing her to jerk backwards and gasp. “Satori?” She whispered, her voice nearly broken. He stood up from him place on the floor and smiled, her worried expression something he didn’t like to see. Her face was red and fuming, eyebrows scrunched up in a concerned manner. “You’ve been crying.” She muttered, her fingers quick to wipe his cheeks. Tendou just kept smiling, his eyes desperate to meet hers. “How long have you been here for?”Without saying anything, he kissed her, his hands desperate in her hair and his mouth, voracious. She let a giggle slip in between them, and boldly shuffled out of the protection of the bookshelves. A chorus of gasps erupted, and Tendou couldn’t help but feel like he was in some cheesy, American high school rom-com. Confidently, he flicked the group of girls off, beginning to kiss his her in a way that was far too lewd to even be considered kissing. He didn’t care, though, because she seemed just as into it, tongue and teeth and all, tugging at his damp hair and lower lip. Suddenly, she broke the kiss, grabbed his hand, and darted towards the exit of the library, laughing the entire way. “I love you, Satori.” She announced, once they were dancing in the open rain. “More than I can articulate out loud.”
He knew her friends didn’t like him, but all that mattered was that she did.
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crigil-blog · 2 years
GOD SPEAKS TO YOU: 4/26/2022 “God's love is like a circle. When you see a circle You can't find the end, So it is with God's love, for us, It goes on forever” God is our refuge, our safe place, where we go when we are afraid, insecure and where we shed our tears. But also our strength or "power". God is also our ever-present Helper, the one who cares enough to share his unlimited resources with us. He seems like he is always around, closer to us than we are to ourselves. When life goes as usual, we don't think much about how vulnerable we are, that's when a crisis comes that changes everything and we realize how weak we are. In exactly this kind of situation, we find a God, who is our refuge and strength. He is always present. It is at the beginning of each new day, it is the perfect time to reflect and realize how far we are from being that perfect work of God. Take some time, listen to his heart and have your conversation with God. do it twice a day in the morning and in the evening, find that perfect place and remember the many blessings you have received. You will feel his presence in the difficult moments that you live. REPENTANCE: LORD, today I confess my desperate need of YOU. I want to confess my sins to you, I need your forgiveness Lord. I want to turn around and return to You, without your help, everything would be impossible. Amen!
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