cyn-bot · 2 months
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the cannibalistic, skin stealing, eldritch abomination ROBOT is a LESBIAN!!!
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Oh my! Now this is a LOVELY piece of fanart! The details you added are absolutely stunning! I adore the hearts you added.
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You definitely got my good side, dear.
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Fanfic Thieves on Youtube
A collection of youtube channels have been uploading preexisting fanfictions in videos with little to no credit to the original authors. These are not podfics, these channels copy-paste the fics into text-to-speech readers then upload the unaltered audio over static or unrelated backgrounds, either art that is also stolen or mobile game footage. In addition to not naming the authors, they alter the title to make it that much harder for readers to recognize or find the original uploads. Some go so far as to pretend they themselves are creating the fics in question. Many claim that their stealing actually helps give fics "exposure" despite the intentional steps they take to conceal the origins of the fics they profit off of. However, this practice has lead many authors to discontinue fics after the frustration of having their hard work stolen. Many of these channels claim they will remove videos upon request, but will either argue with the author in order to keep it up, or simply unlist the video for a time until they think the author isn't paying attention anymore. And their solution to receiving strikes against their channels in the past has been to further obfuscate the origins of their content instead of even considering asking first.
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”I got caught stealing, so instead of not stealing anymore, I’m doubling down on stealing even more so it’s harder for people to find out and prove I’m stealing. Stealing doesn't count if the specific person I stole from didn't call me out. I am the real victim.”
That, plus the incessant tag scumming in all the videos (spamming unrelated tags in order to appear in more search results) proves to me that these are lazy attention seekers who don't want to put in creative effort when they could just leech off of the passion of others.
In order to report them, go to their channel's "About" page and click the flag icon. Said icon might be behind the three dots in the top bar on mobile. Go to "Report User" at the bottom and tick the "spam and scams" button. This will allow you to list multiple videos as offenders instead of reporting them individually. Youtube's policy states that video spam constitutes:
Massively uploading content that you scraped from other creators.
Auto-generated content that computers post without regard for quality or viewer experience.
If you recognize one of your fics among the stolen, say so in the additional comments box, and perhaps call out the channel directly in the video's comments. If you recognize someone else's fic, please let the original author know so they can report the channel as well. Many have been confronted for stealing previously and refuse to admit wrongdoing.
Most of what I've found has been My Hero Academia fics since that's my fandom and those are the ones I can recognize as stolen, but there are many other channels that steal from other fandoms, so I invite anyone and everyone to reblog this with their own findings.
The reality is that this extremely low-effort content and new youtube channels are both very easy to make, so most likely they'll start new channels once the ones on this list are run through. But hopefully, if we all work together and keep whacking these moles, perhaps we can instill that same defeatism they caused so many creators who didn't deserve it, and eventually they'll give up.
My sincerest thanks to everyone who helped bring additional channels to my attention. A special thanks to ao3 user InArduisFidelis who brought the initial attention to the issue, and @owlf45 whose work was stolen.
Links under the cut.
YurikoFanfics - Not only stole content, but acted in comments as though they were the one writing these stories.
What-IF-Anime - Has the exact same "disclaimer" about not being the original author as the one above. Either they're the same person or the thieves are stealing from each other.
quirkywhatif7 - Either an alt of the above, or all these people are talking to one another because this one made a community post identical to a comment the one above made in response to being called out (the above screenshots).
DekuFanfic - It's the same fucking guy again.
InfiniteParadoxfanfics - Nothing notable, same deal as the others.
WhatIfAnimeChannel - Admits in their community posts that other people write the fics they post but still doesn't give credit. Migrated to a new channel after issues with youtube, likely being flagged previously.
WhatIfAnimeAll - Alt of above.
FWNWorld - Makes sure to tell you that the videogame footage is theirs, but can't bother to credit anyone else.
WTFW - Claims to have "[A] team of talented writers, voice actors, and artists work together to create immersive fan fiction stories that are sure to captivate your imagination." Just the same test-to-speech stolen content over videogames. So straight up lying claiming that everything is theirs (and that anything they make is quality).
MHA2.0Fanfics - Lots of crossover theft.
Collerwhatiif - Pretty sure this one is the same guy as the previous 2, also has one for another fandom.
ko_sensei - Another that claims to have a "team" that makes the stories they steal: " passionate about creating compelling and engaging fanfiction that explores the various "what ifs" in the anime universe."
FantasticWhatIf - Multifandom stealing, uses the exact same bs disclaimer as many others.
LettuceHeadFanfics - No credit, no acknowledgement of anything. Next one is an alt.
brocollifanfics - Alt of above, once again admits to stealing with a declaration of "☆If you want to takedown any videos. You can mail us or leave a comment below the video☆"
whatifofficial786 - Focuses on MHA/Naruto crossovers. Identical format.
NotWhatIf - I've lost track of who's an alt of who but yet another identical format, descriptions, and bullshit claims of "enhancing the viewer experience" by putting a robot voice over bootleg fortnite footage.
weebxds - Same again.
ItachiFanfics - Naruto channel, we can at least confirm that this one is run by a human given the rare different descriptions and a real voice at the beginning of videos before the robot comes back.
WhatIfDN - As if mockingly, a bunch of videos have a "credit" section in their descriptions that is of course blank.
SpiceandBooks and spiceandfiction - Apparently Youtube itself has started picking up on the bullshit, because this multifandom channel is being dinged as ai spam so they started a new one.
theoriginalastra - Doesn't even bother with disclaimers, the following are multiple alts/potential alts for different fandoms.
SillySenpai12 - Highschool DXD alt.
RosieRealms - Naruto alt.
DekuWhatIfs - Potentially another astra alt but not sure, doesn't matter because all these channels do the same thing anyway.
AnimeStark688 - No credits or disclaimers.
Please take the time to report these channels, spread this post around, and reblog with any additional offending channels you find.
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slttygeto · 11 months
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⤷ THINK I FORGOT, HOW TO BE HAPPY. | something i’m made for
જ⁀➴synopsis: your boyfriend was made to be the center of attention, to receive so much love--not to deal with your sadness like it was his.
જ⁀➴content warning: fem!reader, angst, reader is a little insecure, just v sad, satoru best boy.
જ⁀➴ word count: 0,8k.
⤷ comments and reblogs are much appreciated!
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my boyfriend is so cool
that was always your thought when you went out with him for dinner. he’d invite a bunch of his friends along with their partners, and you’d spend the rest of the night chatting and laughing. you noticed how suguru was always the center of attention, even if he didn’t want to be. his best friend was equally magnetic. like a moth to a flame, they would both shine so bright.
and you’re suguru’s girlfriend. his pretty girl whom he met in college and has been with ever since. three years down the road, and many more to come, as he liked to say. you liked to believe that you and suguru were meant to be together, a match made in heaven. despite your different personalities and approach in life, you always managed to find a way to make it work.
tonight, dinner tasted a little weird on your tongue. you’re sure it’s just you because everyone else seems to be enjoying their food just fine. no one seems to notice the way you scrunch up your face after the first bite, slowly setting the fork down and flashing suguru a polite smile, to which he immediately asks
“are you okay?”
am I okay? you’re not sure if you are, but you nod anyway. you squeeze his shoulder and motion at a friend who was talking to him, asking him to focus on the conversation.
you hated feeling like this. you could feel your stomach hurt, and your heart sinks a little as you try your best to fight back the insecurities. why were they resurfacing at such a time?
you weren’t supposed to feel this way. you’ve talked about this before with suguru, and he reassured you many times that he was dating you because he loved you. even three years later, you still can’t find it in you to tell him that it seems like he deserves better.
not someone who cries when they look in the mirror, or deflate throughout the day for no absolute reason. suguru deserved someone who takes care of him, not a person who is constantly so sad.
you excuse yourself from the table you’re sitting at, muttering to your boyfriend some lame excuse about how you need to fix your makeup. truth be told, if you had stayed at that table any longer, you would’ve thrown up the food and made a mess.
you walk inside the bathroom and as dramatic as it may seem, you lean against the door and let out a sob. it’s quiet, you don’t want anyone to hear you. but then it gets louder and louder until you turn on the faucet to try to drown out the sound of your cries.
this is so stupid.
you’re trying to wipe your makeup, even if it seems a little impossible to fix it right now (but you somehow manage). you’ve been in the bathroom for about 7 minutes now, and you know that if you stay there any longer, suguru would come looking for you.
you step out of the bathroom when you’re sure you look presentable and bump into a strong chest. your heart stills.
please don’t let it be—
“are you okay?” thank god, it was satoru.
you’ve known him ever since you met your boyfriend, and he’s been one of the most reliable friends ever. he was nice, kind, a little cocky but given his looks and fortune, he had a lot to brag about.
“oh, yeah. my stomach was a little upset, come on let’s go—“ you’re avoiding his eyes, but satoru can tell from your swollen lips that something else happened.
“you were crying, weren’t you?” his eyebrows are pinched, and you fight back tears when you look up at him and see the concerned look on his face.
“please, don’t tell suguru.” your voice cracks when you say his name, and satoru’s face morphs into one of confusion.
“satoru, please. it’s not what he’s made for.”  
it’s not what he’s made for.
satoru’s lips part in shock, but he can feel his heart clenching a little at your words. he doesn’t know what to tell you, his mind is blank as he stares down at you with icy blue eyes.
“okay then, let’s go back,” he doesn’t press it, slowly leads the way back to your table and you’re immediately overflown with questions from suguru.
“are you okay? is it your stomach? we can get you meds–“
“I’m okay,” you try to reassure him with a warm hand on top of his, but the look on his face tells you that he doesn’t believe you. not one bit.
but suguru doesn’t have to know that you’re not okay. after all, he does deserve better and you’re getting in the way of that. 
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⤷ the song absolutely destroyed me, so i had to write something.
2023 © all works belong to slttygeto. do not repost my work anywhere else.
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cartoon-of-milk · 2 years
I want to make a post about the situation in Sweden so that people know what's going on. I know everyone is talking about the queen dying and how that will destroy the UK financially and the like, and it was 9/11, but.
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The election here was yesterday and the preliminary results indicate that our second biggest party, SverigeDemokraterna, one rooted in nazism and fascism, will have a lot of influence over the country the next 4 years. They're one of Europe's biggest extreme right parties and the biggest in the world to be nazis through and through.
Things are going to be hell for racial minorities, immigrants, refugees, disabled folks, Muslims, Jews, the LGBTQ+ (especially trans), women and people/families with low income.
I'm not going to lie, I'm terrified. I'm exhausted. I've stayed up well past midnight on weekdays trying to get people to vote left and to make as much noise and make it known what the conservatives are doing to us and to get more engaged politically.
But I'm working against the grain here, what with our newstations and general media gave SverigeDemokraterna so much attention (positive and negative). Plus, the other traditionally conservative parties also rallied HARD for them, to the point that they got bigger than them.
This won't mean I'll give up and cower, I can't afford that. But it means that things are terrifying for those of us who are especially racial minorities. Because the nazis will get inspired by the results to get more active out there and cause so much damage.
Sweden has excellent PR. You wouldn't know these things because they make sure to seem like a small and peaceful country that is the posterchild for equality. But it's far from it. And It's only going downhill from here. I could list all of the truly heinous things that have been going on here the past few years but we would be here forever.
What I want to say though, is that Sweden has a truly revolting racism problem. Maybe not to the extent of the US, but it's not good. We were the forefathers of race biology after all. And that has ultimately paved the road for this election result.
If you see this, please reblog and share. More people deserve to know the truth about the state of this country.
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tomriddleslove · 4 months
Pick up the phone.
✩Tom Riddle x F! Reader
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Summary: The one where your classmate can’t take a hint and Tom doesn’t like people trying to take what’s his. Alternatively : Tom is over possessive and he can’t bear the thought of someone wanting you.
A/N: Despite my Mattheo and Theo fics doing the best i absolutely love writing for tom and this imagine had me going FERAL. I usually don’t like writing non timeline accurate fics but this worked best with tom so pls ignore the fact that they probably wouldn’t have phones during this time. As always, reblogs and replies absolutely make my day so please let me know what you think!!!
Warnings: Slight dark/controlling Tom, unhealthy relationship. Slight NSFW at the end
Songs: House of Balloons/Glass Table Girls - the weeknd
Pick up the phone - Travis Scott and Young Thug
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You just about manage to dash into class, trying to calm down your laboured breathing as you slide into your seat, thankful that Professor Slughorn was busy writing something up on the board.
You pant lightly, unpacking your stuff onto your desk. Your desk mate, a boy by the name of Jamie Grimshaw, grins. He was a rather unaware boy, never seeming to catch onto your half-assed laughs and awkward smiles that suggested the last thing you wanted to be doing was entertaining his poor jokes and conversation. He nudges you with a small grin, almost teasing, and you let out a small awkward laugh, grimacing as you look away.
You look up as you place your bag to the side, your gaze immediately locking onto Tom’s. He’s gazing at you, or rather, your desk mate, with a look of such distaste you have to be sure he’s not actually trying to cast some sort of non-verbal spell. You shoot a warning glare at him and his gaze softens ever so slightly as he looks at you.
Keyword - slightly. Because Tom Riddle was certainly not soft. Even for you, the one who had somehow defied every single rule and wall that Tom had so carefully constructed with such reckless abandon, forcing your way into his life, his heart.
You look away as Professor Slughorn begins droning on to the class, and begin attentively scratching down notes, so absorbed in your work that you don't notice the way your desk mate steals glances at you.
Tom watches from afar, itching with the urge to reach out and wrap his hands around the boy's throat and strangle him till the life seeped out of his undeserving eyes that dared to look at you. He hated the idea of someone else seeing you, and wanting you, to the point where he was sure he’d only be satisfied if he could lock you away and keep you somewhere where only he could see you.
It wasn’t that he was scared you’d leave him, no no. Tom was certain that you couldn’t. His love for you (if you could class it as that) lingered in the spaces between your heartbeat, intertwining so seamlessly with your essence that to let go of him would be to unravel the very fabric of who you've become.
So no, he didn’t feel such a strong desire to keep you hidden because he was scared you'd leave him, but rather because he hated the idea of anyone laying their eyes on you. No one would ever be deserving enough of doing so, and the idea that some people (namely Jamie Grimshaw) had the audacity not just to look at you but to let their lustful gaze linger down to your thighs made him furious, ready to gouge their eyes out.
Stuck in his own mind, Tom snaps out of it when his gaze flickers over to you. He sees you working with diligence, and the suffocating feeling of anger subsides for a second. Your hard work, your drive, it was part of what made Tom fall for you. That, amongst many other things. Surprisingly, he found himself largely drawn to the way you got along with everyone (to an extent). Seemingly demure, you were polite and gentle. Something that would be of great benefit to him as well, for who better than to gain the trust of people than the girl beloved by all?
Then again, with everything that has its benefits, it also has its drawbacks. And that was what he was witnessing now, seeing you go along with Jamie’s flirting in an attempt to be polite. You tried to see the best in everyone and consistently denied the fact that Jamie was flirting with you, insisting that Tom was being irrational and overprotective whenever he’d approach you about it.
The second the lesson is over Tom is swiftly up and out of his seat, looming over your desk as you pack up. You look up at him and smile softly, a sweet gaze that disarms him ever so slightly.
“So, I was wondering whether you’d be free to-” Jamie starts.
Tom’s jaw clenches. How dare he? Such an insolent fool, thinking he had the right to speak to you.
Before you can even speak, Tom’s hand comes down to grab your arm and pull you slightly towards him, speaking up.
“No, she cannot. She will be busy tonight. And the night after that.” Tom says, a venom belying his tone as he drags you away.
He ignores your protests as you walk through the common room and up to his room, his grip on your arm tightening ever so slightly.
“Tom!” You protest, wrenching your arm out of his grip as he closes the door to his room, tossing his bag down as he turns to you.
"Tom, what was that back there?" you demand, your voice a mix of frustration and confusion.
He steps closer, his presence overwhelming as he towers over you.
"I can't stand seeing him look at you like that," he says, his voice low and intense.
You take a step back. "Look at me like what?" you ask, your heart pounding in your chest.
"Like he wants you," Tom replies, his eyes burning into yours. "Like he thinks he has the right to even think about you in that way."
You feel a shiver run down your spine at the intensity of his gaze. "Tom, he's just being friendly," you try to reason, but even to your own ears, your words sound feeble.
Tom's expression darkens, and you realize you've struck a nerve. "Friendly?" he scoffs, his voice dripping with disdain. "There's nothing friendly about the way he looks at you. He wants something from you, something I won't allow him to have."
Tom steps even closer, his hand coming up to cup your cheek, his touch surprisingly gentle despite the fire in his eyes. "I'm not irrational," he murmurs, his voice softening ever so slightly. "I just can't bear the thought of anyone else having you. You're mine, and I won't let anyone forget that."
Your frustration subsides, and you let out a small sigh, leaning into his touch.
“No one else can have me, Tom. I'm yours.” You murmur, and a small smile tugs at his lips. He leans down, his lips capturing yours in a kiss. His hands tilt your head back slightly, deepening the kiss as you sigh into his mouth, melting at his touch. He pulls away, and you look up at him, a fire ignited within you even after the briefest of touch. His thumb caresses your cheek lovingly before he pulls away, gazing at you with a mix of possessiveness and adoration.
“Good. Let’s do some work now” He mutters, eyes roaming over your face.
It was only the next day when Tom had thought the whole thing was over and done with, and you wouldn't have to deal with it again. He walks into the common room, expecting to find you sitting by the fireplace, reading a book.
You were there, but not alone. Jamie sat by you, his arm draped behind you on the sofa as he chatted to you, clearly making you uncomfortable.
“Jamie, can I help you with something?" you ask, trying to sound polite but firm.
Jamie's smile widens, and he leans in closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. "Actually, I was hoping we could grab a butterbeer sometime?" he says, his voice low.
You laugh nervously.
“Maybe in a few days? I have to do some work right now and it’s-” You say, and Tom is furious, moving over to you.
"Jamie," he says, his voice tight with restrained anger, "I think it's best if you leave her alone. She's not interested."
Jamie's smile falters, but he quickly recovers, his tone mocking. "Oh, I'm sure she can speak for herself, Tom," he retorts, his eyes flickering with challenge.
Before Tom can respond, you intervene, feeling the tension between them escalating dangerously. "Tom, it's fine," you say, trying to diffuse the situation. "Jamie was just leaving."
Tom's jaw clenches, but he nods curtly, his gaze never leaving Jamie's. "See that you do," he says, his voice low and threatening.
With one last defiant look at Tom, Jamie gathers his things and makes a hasty exit, leaving you alone with Tom in the common room.
You shoot Tom a pointed look, silently demanding an explanation for his behaviour, but he merely gestures for you to follow him. Reluctantly, you fall into step behind him as he leads you up to his room, his pace brisk and determined.
Once inside, Tom slams the door shut behind you, his frustration boiling over.
Like a scene from a movie, this conversation is all too familiar, and all the more agitating.
"What were you thinking?" he demands, his voice laced with anger. "Talking to him like that, letting him get too close."
You bristle at his accusatory tone, your temper flaring up. "Excuse me? He just wanted to go out! Why must you assume everyone has bad intentions?” You scoff, and Tom feels his restraint slipping as he lets go of your arms, sighing angrily as his tongue prods at the inside of his cheek.
“Honestly, I have to wonder whether you think sometimes. Do you not see the way he looks at you? The way he stares at your legs when you're in class? Do you know the disgusting things that go through his mind?” Tom says, harshly. You see his anger rising and begin to panic, not wanting it to spiral out of control.
“Tom, I promise you it wasn’t anything. He really just wanted a drink.” You reason, trying to diffuse the tension as you look up at him, placing a hand on his forearm. He looks down at you, anger still evident in his eyes.
Your phone pings, breaking the momentary silence. Your eyes flicker down to it, briefly glancing at the message on the screen. You curse internally, stomach dropping at who had messaged you. It was practically the worst time for them to have messaged. You slip the phone into your pocket, praying Tom won’t probe further.
“Look, Tom. He doesn’t-” You start, but your phone pings again, cutting you off, This time Tom most certainly notices, his eyes also flickering down to your pocket.
“Who’s messaging you?” He asks, as though he can sense your unease. You brush it off, just shaking your head.
“Oh, no one. Just Hannah asking for the homework.” You say, and Tom stares down at you, his gaze scrutinising for a second before he hums, taking a step back. You're partially grateful because if you can get away with this you can avoid the confrontation about Jamie as well. He turns to walk over to his desk and you turn around, going to get your books to join him. Just as you’re doing so, the sound of your ringtone fills the otherwise silent room.
You hastily reach for your phone, fumbling with it as you decline the call, cursing. You slowly turn around and Tom is glaring at you, dread settling in the pit of your stomach.
“Seems like the work must be quite urgent if she has to call you as well. Why don't you pick up the phone?” Tom utters, voice strained as he looks over at you.
You laugh nervously, shaking your head as your phone begins ringing again. Jamie’s relentlessness was really beginning to annoy you, and you weren’t sure how on earth you'd explain this to Tom. The fact that Jamie was calling you would be enough to anger Tom, let alone the fact that you lied to him about it.
“Oh no, that’s just Hannah. Bit of a teacher's pet, she panics if she dares to miss a day of school because she was in the infirmary.” You say with a nervous chuckle, trying to lighten the atmosphere slightly as you pray he stops calling you.
A chilling smirk tugs at Tom’s lips, a low laugh escaping his lips, a smile gracing his face. You let out the breath you were holding, thankful that he (by some miracle) bought into it as you also laughed, trying to move on from the topic as soon as possible.
“Pick up the damn phone,” he says suddenly, his voice eerily calm yet laced with a dangerous undercurrent.
The dread in your stomach multiplies tenfold, your smile fading as you take a step back.
“Tom-” You start, but he takes a step closer, hand finding its place on your jaw as he speaks again.
“Pick. up. the. Phone” He says, each word punctuated with a chilling intensity that sends a shiver down your spine. His grip on your jaw tightens slightly, his eyes boring into yours with an unnerving ferocity.
You swallow hard, your heart pounding in your chest as you reach for your phone, your fingers trembling with apprehension. With a shaky breath, you answer the call, putting it on speaker.
"Hello?" you say, your voice barely above a whisper, anticipation gnawing at your nerves.
On the other end of the line, Jamie's voice comes through, smooth and confident. "Hey," he says, his tone casual. "Just wanted to see if you're free tonight. Thought we could grab that butterbeer we talked about."
Your pulse quickens, panic rising within you as you glance up at Tom, who is watching you intently, his expression unreadable.
“Oh, uhm-” You begin, a squeak escaping your lips as you feel Tom’s lips on your neck. Your eyes widen as you look down at him, dumbfounded.
“Carry on. Go ahead and speak to him.” He mutters against your neck, pressing kisses along the side.
“I- I uhm. I w-was… fuck” You stammer, a breath gasp escaping your lips as you desperately try and stifle any noises that threaten to escape your lips as Tom nips at the delicate skin on your neck, soothing it with his tongue.
He continues to pepper your neck with kisses, relishing in the way your body shivers under his touch.
His voice, husky and filled with dark amusement, interrupts your stammering. "Oh, what a shame. Seems like you're a little preoccupied at the moment," he taunts, his lips trailing lower to the sensitive skin of your collarbone.
He bites down gently, eliciting a gasp from you as you struggle to maintain your composure.
Tom's fingers creep up your waist, slipping beneath the fabric of your blouse. His touch is possessive, his grip firm as he pulls you closer.
Your voice trembles as you try to regain control of the situation. "I-I'm sorry, Jamie, I can't... tonight," you manage to say, your words punctuated by a soft moan as Tom's lips find your earlobe, nipping at it playfully.
Tom chuckles darkly, his breath tickling your ear. "Tell him you're busy, darling," he whispers, his voice dripping with both amusement and dominance. His hand slides higher, squeezing your breast through the fabric of your bra, causing you to gasp and arch into his touch.
"J-Jamie, I... I can't. I-I have commitments after s-school," You stammer, your voice strained with a mix of pleasure and frustration. Tom's touch is maddeningly intoxicating, clouding your mind and making it difficult to focus on anything else.
There's a brief pause on the other end of the line, and Jamie's voice sounds disappointed. "Alright, no problem. Maybe another time then," he says, his tone tinged with a hint of annoyance. You let out a small whimper as he hangs up, tossing your phone to the side as a string of curses escapes your lips.
Tom, satisfied with his disruption, pulls back. His eyes glance over the myriad of purple bruises scattered all over your neck and chest.
“Good. I’ll make sure my name is the only one you’ll ever remember.” He utters.
Before you can respond, Tom pulls you into a searing kiss, his tongue exploring your mouth with a hunger that matches your own.
He manoeuvres you to the bed, not once breaking the kiss as your legs hit the edge, and you fall backwards onto the soft mattress. He lowers himself down over you, kissing you with fevour as he mutters.
“Mine, all mine.”
@mildlyuninformative @chgrch @gillyweeds @anti-hero03 @schaebickel @lillywildly @batmandabest @always-reading
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navybrat817 · 5 months
“If you want something, you have to use your words.” With Bucky Barnes 😍😍
Such a fun prompt, lovely! How about CEO!Bucky?
Use Your Words
Pairing: CEO!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: Bucky will give you what you need as long as you use your words. Word Count: Over 1.1k Warnings: Explicit sexual content, oral (m. receiving), possessive behavior, established relationship, pet name (princess), slight D/s vibes, slight feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?). A/N: I don't know why this screamed CEO to me, but here we are. ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You huffed a sigh as Bucky finally hung up the phone. He glanced at you with a small smile, the corner of his lips curling more when you narrowed your eyes. The love of your life was a busy man and you respected that. But if he took one more call, you’d throw his phone out the window. You didn’t care. He had more than enough money to buy a new one.
And you had been waiting for him on your knees, naked, for at least ten minutes.
“About time,” you muttered.
Your throat went dry as Bucky walked toward you. He stopped two feet away and from the angle reminded you just how much he was built like a brick house. The white dress shirt pulled taut over his wide chest, accentuated by his broad shoulders, and pants that hugged his massive thighs built for riding, the sight made you want to climb him and take his cock until he destroyed you. He ran a hand along his chiseled jaw and, from the mischievous look in his steel eyes, he drew attention to it on purpose.
You'd bite his chin later once you had the chance.
“Aww, princess,” he said in an almost mocking tone, his eyes sparkling again with laughter when you continued to glare. He loved riling you up. “If you want something, you have to use your words,” he told you, taking one step closer.
Like everyone else in Bucky’s life, he towered over you from his position. It would've terrified anyone else, but not you. No one else got to call themself Bucky’s princess and you would fight anyone who tried.
He was yours as much as you were his.
“I want you to put your cock in my mouth,” you said sweetly as you crawled closer to his feet, swaying your hips and watching his gaze fall to your breasts once you sat back on your knees again. “I want you to fuck my throat before you fuck my wet pussy.”
“Such a slut for me,” he said with a hint of affection he didn't dare show anyone else. He brushed a finger along your lips and your mouth fell open obediently. With a happy hum you sucked the digit into your mouth, happy that he put something there. “What makes you think you've earned my cock?”
The pout on your face didn't sway him as he took his finger out, but you caught the swift intake of breath when you ran his hands up his thighs. No one got to him the way you did. It was a heady feeling to know he gave you that kind of power. It was a gift you wouldn’t abuse.
But using it occasionally to your advantage wouldn't harm anyone.
“Because I've been good. You worked all day and I didn't bother you or tease you once. I didn’t even whine or complain when you took that call. I think that deserves a reward,” you answered, unbuckling his belt. You didn't move any further since he was still in charge. Or so he thought. “And don't you deserve a reward, too? Don't you deserve to use my holes?”
Reaching between your thighs, you watched his eyes darken when you gathered some of your wetness to show him. “That's my pussy you're touching,” he said.
“Mmm. So it is,” you smirked at the rustling of fabric and sound of him lowering his zipper. The sight of his hard cock springing free seconds later made your clit throb. You needed some relief, but he would reward you later for being good. “And your pussy is wet and ready whenever you're ready, Sir,” you promised, smearing your slickness along his cock from base to tip.
He taught you to appreciate the taste of yourself, but it was better when mixed with his.
And he rewarded you with a groan when you gave him a kittenish lick. “Show me first with your mouth how much you want me to fuck you,” he ordered.
You leaned forward to take him in just how he liked it. You started with the head, swirling your tongue gently around it with a moan. The drop of precum on your tongue had you greedy for more and it didn't take long for you to take in more of his cock, relaxing your throat so he could slide in. Being full of him was one of the best feelings in the world.
“Fuck, princess, that's it,” he rumbled as you slowly bobbed your head. Your head spun a little when he pushed himself further down your throat and groaned. You could take every inch.
The smile he gave you when you hollowed out your cheeks looked a little like love. The whine you let out when he hit the back of your throat said that you loved him, too. You loved him when he used you or when he treated you with such care. You loved that you belonged to each other.
He called you his princess, but you were truly his queen.
“And such a good girl for telling me what you need,” he grunted as he sped up his thrusts, your eyes burning with tears at his harsh movements. It wouldn’t be long until he came down your throat and your pussy clenched at the thought. You’d accept it all. “Keep sucking, princess. That’s it. Doing so well for me.”
He twitched on your tongue when you whined and moved faster, determined to make him feel good. When your hand moved up to cup his balls, it was all it took to tip him over the edge. With a growl, he spilled into your mouth. He gasped when you suddenly pulled off his cock and opened your mouth wider, showing him the load on your tongue.
You swore his cock twitched again when you shut your mouth to swallow it all down.
“Trying to kill me, princess,” he exhaled, tenderly holding your chin so you could look up at him. You smiled sweetly when his blue eyes locked with yours, proud of yourself when he continued to pant. Yeah, you got to him. No one else would ever compare. “Still need me to fuck my pussy?”
“Yes, Sir,” you rasped, your throat a bit sore in the best way. “Please, fuck me.”
He surprised you by joining you on your knees, keeping a hold of your chin to kiss you. He licked into your mouth, making you mewl from both the urgency and tenderness. “I’ll fuck you,” he breathed against your lips. “I'll always give you what you need.”
You knew he would. Bucky would always take care of you. All you had to do was use your words.
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What do we think of CEO!Bucky? Yes? No? Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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scarlethexelove · 4 months
Can you please do a part 2 for we'll keep you safe. Maybe some nice domestic bliss. Maybe someone tries to ruin that.
Save You
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Found on google
Pairing: WandaNat x Reader
Word Count: 2786
Warnings: Angst, Kidnapping, Pregnant reader, Mentions of Birth, Assault (On Reader), Torturish (Being strapped down), Murder (Well Deserved), some fluff.
Part 1 We'll Keep You Safe
A/N: This one was fun to write. I liked coming up with idea's and enjoyed writing this. So I hope that everyone likes it. Definitely some touchy things with Reader being hit but nothing too bad. Really please enjoy.
The sound of popping and sizzling can be heard as the bacon is being cooked on the stove. You're mindlessly watching it cook, checking if the bacon is ready to flip or not. Arms wrap around your waist lifting your swollen stomach lightly. You let out a moan of pleasure and relief. A body pressing against you and kissing your neck. “Mmm fuck.” You lean into the body behind you. “Feel good detka?” Natasha asks from behind you. “Yes” You breathe out. Natasha kissing your shoulder and neck gently. 
“She has been hanging pretty low and I feel like I’m ready to pop.” You sigh the soft moment between you and one of your wives. This is your second pregnancy and it has been a rough one. “You need to relax and get off your feet.” Natasha says trying to guide you away from the stove but you're stubborn. You need to flip the bacon so that is what you do. “I need to finish cooking breakfast.” 
Both of your attentions are pulled away when you hear the patter of three quick footsteps. You look down the hall seeing Wanda chasing after the twins. “Come here you little rascals.” Wanda says scooping Billy into her arms but not quite able to catch Tommy. Billy lets out a giggling squeal as Wanda kisses all over his face. You break out into a wide grin watching the adorable interaction. She notices you smiling, setting the boy down and wrangling them into the kitchen. 
“Sit down boys, breakfast will be done soon.” You lean down kissing both their heads as they wrap around your legs nudging Natasha back a bit. “Ok Momma.” The boys say in unison as they quickly scramble into their chairs. Wanda gently pecks your lips before ushering for you to sit down with the boys. “You relax, I'll finish here.” You try to stop her but Natasha picks you up making you let out a squeal. “Natty put me back down. I was almost done. I can finish it. I’m pregnant, not  broken.” You try to argue with your wifes but they have none of that. “Sit, relax, we have this.” Natasha tells you as she sets you down in your seat. You huff crossing your arms. “Fine.” You give them a small pout. Nat leans down kissing your pout and then your head as she moves to keep the twins entertained while Wanda finishes cooking. 
You smile fondly as you watch Nat playing with the twins. Thinking of how you got here. What your life was like before they saved you. Some time after they took you from your wife they set you down to explain everything. Turns out they were the Avengers. You thought maybe it was a coincidence but was surprised to find out. Your so-called ex-wife was their mission. Turns out she was an assassin just like Natasha. You were her cover. All of it was fake, well of course all of it but the beatings you got from the woman. They were tasked to bring her in to help take down the red room. But they had fallen for you and when they saw what she had done to you that day they weren’t going to let it go so easily. Your ex put up a good fight but she was no match for Wanda, ending in her being killed. 
And that is how you ended up here with the best life you could have imagined. Two beautiful wives, two beautiful boys, and a little girl on the way. Your wives had retired from being Avengers shortly after you gave birth to the boys. Wanting to be around for you and the kids. Your life is perfect. 
You're pulled out of your thoughts when you hear the doorbell ring. “I’ll get it.” You say as you use the table to help you lift yourself up. “Detka.” Wanda tries to warn you. “You are cooking and Nat is playing with the boys. I can open a door.” She relents, nodding her head to you. You make your way to the door, opening the door to find a woman standing there. “Hi, can I help you?” You ask the unfamiliar woman at the door. She says nothing as she quickly jabs a needle in your neck. Her hand clasping over your mouth to muffle any cries that would come out. The world around you starts to spin as your body feels heavy. Your vision fades black until your body drops. 
You feel groggy and your head is heavy as it hangs down. You blink your eyes open, lifting your head up. You try to move but your hands and feet are strapped to a table that has you upright. Your vision is blurry as you try to focus your eyes. Soon enough a man comes into focus. The man is taller than you, round face, gray hair, and glasses. He gives you a sinister grin as you focus on him. Your body is still feeling heavy. “Wh-who are you?” You mutter out. “Hmm I’m surprised my little widow didn’t tell you all about me.” The man chuckles. You rack your brain trying to figure out who he is. He watched you curiously to see if you could figure it out. But that is when it hits you. Natasha has told you about her life. Her life before the Avengers. “Dreykov.” You spit out his name like it is poison on her tongue. His grin just grew with approval. 
“So she does talk about me.” He says with a vote of arrogance. If you could, you would punch him in the throat. Beat him until he black and blue on the floor no longer breathing. But your restraints prevent you from even touching him. He can see the fire in your eyes and the desire to hurt him. He leans in close enough for you to smell his breath and feel it fan against your face. “I want what was taken from me and you're going to give it to me.” 
A wave of confusion washes over your face. He watches you with the smile never leaving his face. You think it over, does he want Natasha back? What can you do for him to do that? Will she come try and rescue you and sacrifice herself to save you. You have no clue what it could be. He gives you a little bit before speaking up again. “My precious widow left me. She had the perfect genetics to be the perfect widow. Highly skilled and one of the most efficient widows ever to go through the program.” He pauses scratching his chin. “But as an Avenger she won’t be so easily controlled anymore and I can’t risk the exposure. So I’ll settle for something, rather someone else.”  His eyes travel down to your stomach before looking back into your eyes. Your stomach turns at the realization. A wave of sickness overtakes you as you feel like you're going to throw up and you almost do. 
“Y-you can’t.” Tears start to well in your eyes. But the man doesn’t care, he is satisfied by your reaction. You don’t know how he knows that the baby is Natasha’s and that you're having a girl. Have they been watching you this whole time? Waiting for the right opportunity to strike. “I’m taking what I lost. She will be a part of a new age of widows. Enhanced, stronger and faster than ever.” He places his hand on your stomach and you fight against the restraints. “Get your fucking hands off of me you filthy disguesting pig.” You seeth. He slaps you across the face hard. The sting setting in as tears run down your cheeks. “My wives are going to find you and when they do they are going to gut you like the pig you are. You will never have my baby.” His actions are not stopping you. 
This time he lands a punch on your face. Your head whipping to the side. You look back at him smiling, blood running from the cut in your lips onto your teeth turning them a shade of red. “You think I can’t take a punch. Your other pathetic widow did it for you and hits harder than you. You weak pathetic man. Looks like you don’t even care that she is gone.” The man seethes at your words landing a few more punches. He stops your blood coating his knuckles as he takes out a white handkerchief. Gently wiping the blood off as he looks back up to you. “She was weak and deserved what she got.” 
You're not surprised by the man's words or reactions. Natasha said how short tempered the man was. You don’t know why you chose to talk back to him. Maybe in hopes that when Natasha and Wanda find you that they see you and kill him right on the spot. They have done it once for you and you hoped they would do it again. 
“Get comfortable, you're going to be here awhile.” He chuckles heading towards the door, knowing that in your position there is no way to get comfortable, only pain. “Hey fuck face. Your widow took me before I could eat some food and if you want my baby she needs food which means I need food.” You try to reason with him in some hopes of food. “Fine.” He waves his hand as he exits the room. Knowing that you are right as much as he would love to starve you to death instead. He then thinks maybe that will be what he does after you have given birth. 
A few minutes later a widow walks in a bowl in her hand. You can see the contents and they look like slop. Is this what Natasha had to always eat? Nasty slop that isn’t meant for human consumption. She walks closer to you not speaking words but holding up the spoon to your lips. You hesitantly take the lumpy food in your mouth. It is bland with a horrible texture but you need to eat something. You just hope your girls make it here quick.
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Natasha and Wanda don’t take long to know you’re gone. They watch the camera’s to see that a woman has taken you and Natasha knows exactly who was behind it. She sees red. She is going to take him down once and for all. She won’t stop until all the widows are freed from under this tortuous man. 
They drop the kids off with Clint and Laura saying they will be back soon. “Mommy, Mama please don’t go.” Billy protests holding on tightly to Wanda. The boys don’t understand what is going on and where you are but if you're gone they don’t want them to leave either. “Mommy and Mama have to go save Momma.” Wanda kisses his head. “We will be back soon, I promise.” She tells the boys. Tommy is clinging to Natasha and she kisses his head. “Mommy and me love you very much and so does Momma. But some bad people took Momma and we need to go help her. Can you two be good for Uncle Clint and Aunt Laura for us. We promise to give you a big surprise when we get home with Momma.” Natasha explains. The boys nod their heads with tears in their eyes. Both women take turns giving each boy a hug and a kiss on the forehead before heading out. 
Natasha makes a few calls and enlist the help of her sister Yelena, her adopted mother and father Melina and Alexi. All of them vowing to take the red room down once and for all. Melina has the access to get them into the red room. So they use that to their advantage. 
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You don’t know how long you have been locked up here. Your body aches painfully still strapped to the bed. A widow comes in periodically to feed you before leaving again. You tried to talk to them before but they stayed silent the whole time. You’re starting to lose hope that Wanda and Natasha are going to find you. Scared that Dreykov will get exactly what he wanted. To take your daughter and to form her into the most deadly widow of all time. Your cheeks are bruised and swollen as tears run down them. Your face is covered in dried crusty blood. They only bother to feed you and nothing else. You don’t want your daughter to grow up in this world and you know that neither of your wives would either, especially Natasha. 
Alarms blare as you hear explosions erupting from various points around the structure. There are more sounds of explosions, bullets, and movement of people on the other side of the door. You hear some fighting directly outside of your door. You don’t know if you should be excited or scared of what is to come. Soon the door slams open and a Blonde enters. She quickly shuts the door, holding a hand up to her ear. “I found her. East wing behind a large wooden door.” She then meets your eyes making fast movements towards you and she starts to undo your restraints. “Who are you?” You question the blonde as she undoes your ankles. “My name’s Yelena. Natasha is my sister and I’m here to help you.” She stands up undoing your wrist. “Nat has a sister.” You look at her a little hurt that you didn’t know. “Adopted sister, we were in the red room together.” She undoes your last restraint. Your legs giving out under you, Yelena quickly catches you in her arms and gently gets you to the ground. 
The door slams open and you see a frantic Natasha with Wanda behind her. Behind the both of them you see Dreykov wrapped in Wanda’s magic struggling to try and get free. But his attempts are futile. They both rush forward and see the condition you're in. Natasha takes you from Yelena and pulls you tightly into her arms. “I’m so sorry Y/n. I promised to keep you safe and I failed.” You can hear her sniffling as you bury your head in her neck. “You saved me.” Was all you could murmur out. 
 Wanda looks back at Dreykov, more red swirling in her eyes. Her magic wrapped up to his neck before snapping it. The sickening sound of the crack before her magic dissipates and his body slams to the ground making a thud. You jump a bit at the sound. But Natasha shushes you, rubbing your back. Soon Wanda is by your side as you start sobbing in relief. Wanda wrapping her arms around the both of you as you feel safe again in their arms. 
Your relief is cut short as sharp pain is felt in your stomach before you feel a gush of liquid between your legs. With the pain you were having all over you glossed over the repeating pain in your stomach. “Oh shit!” is all you hear from Nataha, the liquid also soaking into her lap. “What?” Wanda questions before Yelena cuts in. “Guys, we need to get a move on. This place is going down soon.”  But you ignore Yelena’s words. “I think my water just broke.” You say as another wave of pain hits you. “My water definitely broke” You groan gripping onto Natasha. “Oh shit!” You hear collectively from the three women. 
Natasha picks you up and carries you. Making your way out of the exploding base. Once you’re all outside you can see that you're up in the air and you're making your way towards a quinjet. Your contractions get closer together as you groan in pain. The women getting you and other women onto the ships to get everyone off safely. Melina and Alexi had freed the widows on the ship and were able to get the locations off the others around the world to release them from the red rooms' control. 
Once everyone is on the ships the Quinjet takes off. You’re not going to be able to make it safely back to your home or a hospital in time to have your baby. So with the help of Melina and Yelena you safely deliver your baby girl. Not without some yelling at your wives that they did this to you but they hold your hands and support you through all of it. Adding not just Liliya to the family but also Yelena, Melina, and Alexi. Your family grew larger than you expected it to today but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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roseglazedlens · 10 months
Okay let's forget about all the agents Kennedy, alcohol and trauma in RC, Ada...ect,and turn to Leon s Kennedy as Your husband's policeman 36years is receiving a promotion to Chief Police Officer cuz I can't see my bbguy suffer more :(,you can add some nsfw if you want to
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thank you for requesting lovely! i'm sorry i write so much angst hahhaha, but here is a change of pace! i've never written anything purely fluff (lol) and so many characters, so this is a challenge! i hope you enjoy!
⦑ take me home ⦒✶.*
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pairing(s): leon kennedy x gn! reader synopsis: you throw a surprise party for your boyfriend's last day at work after his job promotion. content: pure fluff, established relationship, flirting, alcohol, leon is tipsy, but he's cute & not depressed ab it. claire, rebecca, jill & chris works in RPD. « 1 k words┇masterlist┇ao3┇reblogs appreciated! »
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Today is an unusual sight for the usually hectic police department in Raccoon City. The office is adorned with balloons, garlands, and laughter, celebrating not just the promotion of a well-loved officer, Leon S. Kennedy, but also his farewell as he relocates to a new precinct.
You should be happy for your boyfriend – and you are – but part of you will miss watching over his figure from your desk, casting flirtatious grins back and forth in attempts to distract each other from the rigorous paperwork.
A banner suspends between the light fixtures, observing the lopsided words ‘CONGRATULATIONS’, strings twisted into the knot. The culprit of this handiwork, Chris, puffs out his chest proudly, while Rebecca looks at him in disbelief.
“Chris, leave the decorations to Rebecca, please.” You break apart the squabble forming between them. Rebecca smirks as Chris descends the ladder, defeated. “Don’t forget everyone, this is supposed to be a surprise.”
“Claire, where is the card?” You interrogate the next person in your line of sight, who happens to be Claire. All whilst you signal Rebecca to tilt the banner slightly upwards. “Has everyone signed?”
“Yep. It’s just you left.” She hands over the card, before resuming to the case files on her computer.
The card scrawls with heartfelt blessings from your team, a lot of ‘good lucks’, ‘we’ll miss you’, and nostalgia when he was just a rookie. He worked hard for ten years to be a sergeant, and you know he deserves this.
You pick up your pen – contemplating the words to express how amazing he is, how you will love him forever, how you will miss the sneaky make-out sessions in the work janitor’s closet.
…Marvin will be so proud of you. Yours, ....
The vibration in your pocket cuts you off mid-sentence – Jill. She is supposed to be on the case with Leon for another thirty minutes. You read the text out loud.
“I can't hold him back much longer, we're on our way. ETA in five minutes!!”
The floor scrambles in panic to finalise their positions. Rebecca quickly secures the banner with some tape. Claire is passing party poppers. Chris is putting away the ladder to the storeroom.
As Jill enters the space with Leon following behind, all the confetti releases at once.
The rainbow plastic ribbons catching in his hair like stardust in sand. You catch a glimpse of surprise in his reaction, following with a light on the corner of his lips.
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“To Leon!” your team lifts their glasses high in the air, sipping beers and cocktails all night. Leon is the star tonight – you can barely talk to him without two other people buying him drinks all night along.
You catch him a whole two hours later in the circle booth, after some of the crowd has dispersed, his cheeks redden from the many drinks consumed all in a few hours. You squeeze yourself through three different people to sit yourself next to Leon.
“Having fun?” You try to get his attention by nudging at his forearm. “Don’t get too drunk though, I have to take you home.”
Leon lifts his gaze, when he sees you right by him, a grin tug at his face almost immediately. His cerulean eyes somehow more glazy than usual.
“Thank you for doing all of this. You are so good for me.” Despite the scent of beer merging with his breath, the grin on his face remains childlike. One that you only see in his drunkenness, which he lets down his guard to show more of his emotional side.
“Everyone helped. Not just me.” You are thinking how cute Leon looks when he’s drunk. “You are well-loved in here. I’m just the facilitator.”
“How about you work for me?” Leon brings the back of your palm to his lips. “I can pull some strings, now that I’m sergeant.”
“Sergeant Kennedy, using your influence for personal goals? It’s not even your first day.” You quip with a slight chuckle.
“And what if I am?” He peppers kisses from your palm to your fingers, the faint heat from his lips sizzle through your nerves. “Sure you’ll enjoy less time on the field, and more time in my office.”
“Well, if that’s the case.” You decide to let this banter go on a little further. “I expect to be well-compensated for my extra duties.”
“That will depend on your performance.” He raises a sassy eyebrow, pulling you closer until your noses touch.
“Good thing I always hit my KPI’s.”
“I do like a hardworking employee…”
Eyes fluttering shut slowly, you smile into the kiss. His lips lay gently on yours, sucking slightly at your cupid’s bow. Your bodies move closer, so close that you rests your hand on Leon’s thigh for support. The kiss deepens further, sloppier, tongues intertwined until…
“Ahem.” Chris clears his throat loudly, snapping you back to the present.
You open your eyes to find the whole table staring at the two of you. Your gaze finds its way to Jill, which she immediately, most awkwardly, rolls her eyes to the ceiling as if there is something to see there. Claire is nonchalant, sipping her beer and simply enjoying the scene.
You retract the tongue that is still shoved in Leon’s mouth. A hint of pink is running up your cheeks, you don’t need to see it to feel it. Leon, however, is unphased by the attention from his coworkers. Perhaps it’s the alcohol, perhaps it’s knowing that he won’t be seeing these guys next Monday.
“So… next rounds on me. Who’s in?” Chris attempts to diffuse the awkwardness, which earns a few curt nods from the table.
Leon holds you by the hand, picking you up from the seat. “Sorry Chris, we’re gonna call it. It’s been a long night. Thanks for the party, everyone.”
You two shuffle past Chris and Jill out of the booth, after a round of hugs with everyone, you can practically feel Leon sprinting out the bar.
“How ‘bout we continue where we left off at my place?”
Your cheeks turn a deeper red. It seems like he will be the one to take you home tonight instead.
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thanks for reading! come check out my other works. ––yours truly, rose. tags: @carlosgf @sporeghost (pm me for tags) © roseglazedlens - please do not repost, plagiarise, or feed to ai.
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drewharrisonwriter · 10 months
Donor Part 3
Part 1 | Part 1.5 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Pairings: Bestie Henry Cavill x OFC
A/N, Warnings: 18+, this is part 3 of Donor. English is not my first language. Smut finally ensues! BAHAHAHA THIS IS IT FRENNIES. But please do forgive me if it's not as spicy, this is my first time writing smut in years. It's somehow still a slowburn LMAO Further warnings include: Henry and his breeding kink, first time doing it together (lol), talks of pregnancy and sticky icky future talk.
Special thanks to @summersong69 for all of your help in improving EVERTYHING and @winter2112rose for sharing your suggestions. YOU ARE AMAZING! Thank you for beta-reading this chapter and improving my shaky and unrealistic plot points and smut scene. You guys are heaven-sent! 😭💕
And to everyone who read, liked, commented, and reblogged THANK YOU! SO GRATEFUL FOR ALL OF YOU!!! I stopped writing for years and I just began writing again a few months ago for fun, I never expected people to actually read and like this lol It was just really to express my sheer deluluness 🤣🤣🤣
I’m AO3, too as MoonDjarin ^_^
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Henry’s face shifted. His lips in a tight line. 
“Hank?” You asked, after a long stretch of silence. “You alright?” 
“Yes, I just wanted to ask.” He replied. 
Before you know it, he was pulling into your driveway. He was still unusually silent. 
“Do you want to come in for a coffee?” You offered and he nodded.
“Yes, of course.” He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes this time. 
However many drinks you had downed at Charlie’s party, it seems that the hazy effects of alcohol that had clouded your head an hour ago have mostly worn off now that you're back home, preparing coffee for both you and Henry.
Placing a mug of coffee on the kitchen island where Henry perched on a bar stool, you briefly turned away to fetch some ice for your own drink. In that moment, he called your name, causing you to pivot back to face him.
"Are you seeing anyone?" he inquired, his hand absentmindedly rubbing the back of his neck, his gaze avoiding direct eye contact. His question prompted laughter from you, and you shook your head in response.
"No, not at all," you replied, a playful chuckle accompanying your words.
Acknowledging your answer with a nod, Henry took a sip from his mug. 
"Why did you ask? Are you trying to set me up with someone?" Your playful eyebrow wiggle only elicited a smirk from him, his attention still inexplicably fixed on a coaster before him, and you suddenly wonder what's so interesting about it. 
“No, I’m just… I’m wondering because you said you don’t want me to be the f–to donate anymore.” 
“Well, I’ve thought about it.” you began, your form casually leaning against the kitchen island. “Since you started dating again, it made me realize that I’ve been too selfish by forcing you to donate last time and even offering for you to co-parent. That doesn’t seem fair to you or your future partner either.” 
He knew you would say something like that, and that’s what he was afraid of–you pushing him away once again. Henry, of course, deeply understands your sentiment but it pains him to know that you’re moving forward with this without him. Funny, he thought to himself, he didn’t even want to do it in the first place. You had to beg him and now, it looks like the tables are about to turn. 
You smiled warmly at him, your gaze tender as you placed your hand on top of his.
"You know what this means, right?" he asked, his smile infectious.
"Sperm Bank Tinder." Laughter bubbled between you, the shared joke lightening the atmosphere.
"Yes, I suppose that's in my near future again," you chuckled, accompanied by a playful grimace and you groaned at the thought of going through donor profiles again.
"But you," you shifted, standing tall as you moved to take a seat beside him on a bar stool, playfully poking a finger against his chest, "You deserve a family."
His response was immediate – enveloping your finger with his hand, he pressed it over his chest where you could feel the steady rhythm of his heart beneath your touch.
"A wife, a marriage, someone to come home to…" Your voice softened, a wistful smile playing on your lips  as you briefly averted your eyes from his intense gaze. You were acutely aware of his yearning for a simple, fulfilling life.
Henry was always open about his dream of retiring in his 40s, of settling down and having a couple of children. The more the better, he used to say. Despite the glitz and glamor of the life he has made for himself over the past two decades, he wanted nothing more than to be a simple and loving family man. 
He just wasn’t a hundred percent honest with you on some other aspects of that dream. 
Finally you meet his blue eyes and notice that they’re glimmering, 
You continued, “Not just a sperm donor for your best friend to father a child you don’t get to hold as often as you want because she’s a selfish, neurotic bitch who thought having a baby with her best friend is the most brilliant and fool-proof idea ever.” 
A soft chuckle left Henry but he pressed his lips tightly, closing his eyes, and tried to even his breathing as a tear rolled down his cheek and he trembled, allowing more tears to fall. 
There was a long silence.
The hundreds of conversations Henry had with you in his head over the years all came flooding in; each scenario unfolding like scenes from a vintage film, casting a dizzying spell that left him feeling weightless, his pulse still racing despite his best efforts to compose himself.
It’s now or never. He tells himself, he has to tell you now. 
“I want all that.” he confessed, and you nodded in understanding, knowing so well that he deserves to have that life, a life that, really deep down, you wish he could spend with you. But you also know so well that diving into a relationship as deep as that with him would always have the possibility of eventually ending.
That terrifies you. 
Which made the thought of solo parenting sound really good to you in the first place and the main reason that you’re always giving Henry an out. Of all the things and people you could bear to lose in your life, the possibility of one of those being Henry is something that you deeply fear. 
You and Henry have loved each other in many ways over the years, but you know he won’t love you as more than his best friend, as more than an honorary family member. You even convinced yourself that it would be wrong and settled on being content that all you ever will be are lifelong friends. Who, at one point, have thought of co-parenting a child that will be loved and cherished no less, regardless of the unconventional methods and relationships they will be blooming from. 
You could be happy with that. 
Henry rises from his seat, his gaze fixated on you, his hand still cradling yours against his chest. His lips part, words poised on the edge of his tongue, yet they retreat as if searching for the right way to escape, and you can see his gears turning. 
He took a deep breath, and finally admitted what he wanted to tell you for years: “I want to do all of that with you… if you would let me.” 
Suddenly, you feel your fears growing stronger. You thought they’d ebb away once you heard him finally say that, but somehow it only made the ugly, gnawing fear stronger.
“No, darling. Listen to me, please.” he implored, a wistful smile tugging at the corners of his lips, though beneath it lay a current of nervous anticipation. “Because it’s going to kill me if I don’t say it out loud now…” His chuckle held a touch of vulnerability, a mask slipping to reveal the raw edges of his emotions.
You swallowed hard, your throat suddenly dry. 
This was the moment you had always been wary of having with Henry, the juncture where your deep-rooted fears collided with your undeniable affection for him. You could feel your heart racing, its rhythm matching the chaotic thoughts in your head.
You looked up at him, your heart pounding in your chest. His blue eyes bore into yours, filled with a mixture of hope and vulnerability that you hadn't seen before. You could sense the weight of his words even before he spoke them.
"I've loved you for years, Y/N," he confessed, his voice trembling ever so slightly. 
"Not just as a friend, but as something more. And–Christ! I-I've been a coward, too afraid to risk our friendship, too afraid of what it might do to us."
Your breath caught in your throat, and you felt a rush of emotions swirling within you. The truth hung in the air between you, and you realized that the fear you'd been grappling with was mirrored in his eyes. 
"I've watched you go through relationships, seen you deeply in love with other people, and it's always torn me apart," he confessed, his fingers entwined with yours, his touch growing firmer, as if seeking solace in your connection. "I've wrestled with my own heart, tried to act normal, thought of finding my own path to happiness that isn’t with you…to be content with being your friend…” he exhaled deeply.
“I’ve even convinced myself that I’m okay with just being your turkey baster baby’s donor.” he managed to interject with a playful glint. A chuckle rippled between you, but then his expression shifted, his tone turning earnest once more. “But I always keep on wanting more and more. It's become unbearable, darling. And the truth is…” 
Tears welled up in your eyes, your emotions threatening to overflow. You never imagined that he felt this way, that your connection ran so deep for him too.
"Hank, I..." you started, but he gently pulled your hand closer to his chest.
"Let me finish, please," he whispered, a trace of a smile tugging at his lips again, but his voice quivered. "I want to be that person you come home to. I want to build a life together, not just as someone who could help you out with having a child in the most ridiculous way,” He chuckled once more, and you joined in, appreciating his effort to instill a bit of levity into the conversation.
“I don’t just want to be old Uncle Hank.” He continued. “I want you, darling…I want the children you want. I want to wake up beside you every morning and hold you every night…"
“Even if it means that you and Kal will have to live with me and my cats?” You teased, a playful glint in your eyes, and you both shared a genuine laughter.
“Even if we have to live with you and your cats.” He reassured you. 
His words hung in the air, a fragile bridge between what was and what could be. You gazed into his eyes, feeling the depth of his emotions washing over you.
"But I understand if you don't feel the same way," he added, his voice softer now, tinged with a hint of resignation. "I…I know that this might change everything, and I don't want to lose you, but I also want you to know..."
As he spoke, you felt the weight of your own fears, the echoes of his confession resonating within you. The prospect of losing him was a terrifying thought, but so was the idea of risking your friendship for something more.
You took a deep breath, trying to steady the whirlwind of emotions inside you. 
"Hank, you've been my rock, my confidant, and my closest friend for so long," you began, your voice trembling like his had been. "And the idea of us being together... it's something I've thought about too, something I've wanted deep down for a really long time. But I've also been so afraid, afraid of what it could mean for us… What if things didn't work out?"
He nodded with his eyes closed, trying to will his tears back. 
You looked down at your intertwined hands, your mind racing with conflicting emotions. The fear of losing him battled with the desire for something more, something that had always lingered beneath the surface of your friendship.
"You mean so much to me, Hank. And I can't imagine my life without you." He nodded in understanding, his thumb caressing the back of your hand as he listened intently.
"Of all the risks and challenges we could take in this life, don’t you think this is worth a shot?" He asked. "Darling, please… let’s try.” he continued, his voice soft but filled with conviction.
A small smile tugged at your lips as you let that thought sit some more in your head. 
"Alright..." You whispered. 
"Alright, maybe we can try." 
For a moment, the room was filled with a shared understanding, a mutual acknowledgment of the risks and rewards that lay ahead. The unspoken promise hung in the air – that you were willing to take this leap of faith together.
Henry leaned in, his lips brushing against your forehead in a tender, lingering kiss. It was a promise, a concession to the emotions that had been simmering between you for years. 
As he pulled back, his gaze met yours, and you could see the genuine affection in his eyes.
"No matter where this leads us, I want you in my life, Y/N."
You nodded, your heart swelling with a mixture of emotions – hope, fear, and an overwhelming sense of connection. 
You wrapped your hands around his neck, standing up from the stool where you were sitting, nuzzling your nose on his jaw and planting a soft kiss on the side of his mouth. It might have been the alcohol making your decisions for you, or perhaps it was the tension that had been building between you two for more than a decade. But at that moment, none of it mattered. 
Henry's breath caught as your lips brushed against his skin. The sensation sent a shiver down his spine, igniting a warmth that spread through his chest and down between his legs. He hesitated for a moment, his heart pounding wildly in his chest, before he lifted his hand to gently cup your cheek.
His touch was tender, almost tentative, as if he was afraid that this fragile moment could shatter if he wasn't careful. Your eyes locked onto his, "I've waited so long for this," he whispered, his voice husky.
“Shut up, we’ve kissed before.” You whispered back with a smile, remembering that you shared a few on-screen kisses in your music videos in the past. 
“Not like this…” He leaned in, his lips brushing against yours in a feather-light caress. The kiss was sweet and tentative, as if he was testing the waters before fully diving in.Very different from the ones you’ve previously shared, where he was more confident in the rehearsed way your lips crashed. 
You found yourself responding instinctively, your hand sliding up his chest and curling around his neck. The kiss deepened, becoming more intense as the pent-up emotions began to flow between you.
The kitchen around you seemed to fade away as you lost yourself in the sensation of his lips moving against yours, his arms wrapping around you, pulling you closer. It was a mix of familiarity and newness, as if you were discovering a whole new side of your best friend of nearly 20 years.
Finally breaking the kiss, he rested his forehead against yours, his breath ragged. "If you tell me to stop, I’ll stop now," he breathed, his eyes locked onto yours.
"Don’t stop. Take what you want," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper. Henry’s breath hitched and he bit his lip, preventing a smile from fully showing, his dimples so deep; he looked up with his eyes closed tight and exclaimed, “Thank fuck!” 
You giggled a bit and found an opportunity to plant small kisses on his throat and he groaned. The intensity of the moment was overwhelming, and you both knew where this was going and you allowed yourselves to succumb to it. 
Henry wasted no time in yanking the zipper off your dress from the back, slipping it off your shoulders, revealing your laced covered tits heaving heavily. He groaned at the sight of you, his grip on your waist tightened as you snapped off the lace bra from the front, fully exposing your top half to him.
He wasted no time and instantly latched onto one breast. You bite your lower lip to keep a moan from coming out, a hand steadying yourself onto his bicep and the other running through the hair at the back of his head.
He kissed his way back up, nipping lightly at your jaw and moving behind your ear which sent you moaning for more. He pulled away slowly and led you to the bedroom down the hall and gently pushed you down on the bed, settling your head on the pillows while he quickly unbuttoned his dress shirt and you shimmied yourself out of your dress and your underwear on the bed.
“Darling wait,” Henry said before he could pull his trousers down.
“I, uh… I didn’t bring a condom,” he admitted, his expression serious, brows furrowed, his thoughts lost in the heat of the moment.
“For fuck’s sakes, Hank.” you burst into laughter. Drawing him close, you planted a gentle kiss on his lips, your voice tender. “After the turkey baster situation, I think we’re way past worrying about not using a condom."
He joined in your laughter, eyes squeezed shut, his teeth catching his lower lip in amusement. 
“Right…” he smiled, a blush bloomed from his neck that went up and spread across his cheeks. He went on to fully remove his trousers and joined you in bed. 
“I’m clean, if that’s what you’re worried ab—“
“Oh I know… no, that’s not what—I’m clean too.” He confirmed and you nodded in reply.
His body pressed gently against yours, the thin barrier of his boxers the only separation. He leaned back down murmured against your jaw, his voice close, "Are you truly ready to start trying?" 
Meeting his gaze as you pulled back slightly, you responded, "If you are..."
“I am,” He whispered in between kisses. “Nothing I want more, darling. No matter how many times more, no matter how many children you want…” You whimpered at his statement and you saw a shift in his eyes, something darker.
The sensation of his kisses was intoxicating, prompting your legs to part instinctively as you slid his boxers down with a gentle urgency. He reached back down between you, teasingly tracing your now drenched seam. A primal groan escaped his lips, a raw expression of the arousal that surged between you.
"God," he rasped, his voice laced with need, his eyes darkened with desire. His fingers trailed down your inner thigh, grazing your slick folds, before he pulled them back, coated with your arousal. "All for me, darling?" Your heart raced as you bit your lower lip, nodding in fervent agreement.
He leaned back, his gaze searing into yours before he began to pump his thick length a few times. He then notched the blunt tip to your now soaking entrance, his eyes locked onto yours, seeking permission in the intensity of the moment. He had you pinned beneath him, knees pressed to your chest.
He eased into you slowly, taking his time, groaning deeply at the sensation. You lifted your hips slightly, your breath catching once you felt him inside you. The stretch of him filling you was just what you needed.
“Fuck, darling… so tight.” 
You moaned as he slowly inched in, your eyes rolling back in pleasure at the stretch. You were aware that he's big, you just never anticipated it was this much, nor did you think you would ever have to worry about it until now. 
Once he was buried to the hilt you knew you’d never been penetrated so deeply, his cock reaching an undiscovered place in you. He gave you a moment to get used to his size and the position he had you in. 
You arched your back and moaned loudly, no longer holding back as he bottomed out and began moving in and out of you in long, slow, delicious strokes.
You tilted your head back in response to his motions, a soft gasp escaping your lips as you basked in the feel of him. The brush of his lips against your throat was followed by a restrained groan of pleasure that echoed in the air.
"I've wanted you this entire fucking time," he breathed, his voice laced with a mixture of tenderness and desire, as he hovered over you, his lips tracing a path across your face. 
“Wanted to give you a baby…make you mine. Let the entire world know about it…” 
“I want to have your baby, Hank. Fuck a baby into me…” The weight of your words sent Henry growling and spiraling into a different realm. His grip on you intensified, he adjusted his angle. 
He looked you in the eyes and asked “Is it okay if I pick up the pace, darling?” You nodded in reply and he began jackhammering into you, eliciting a slight yelp in surprise as he hit a spot in you over and over again that made your toes curl and the coil in your lower abdomen intensify drawing you closer and closer to your orgasm with each thrust. 
“Fuck, Hank! I–I’m so close…” You whimpered, walls clamping on his thick cock as you near your release. 
“I know, darling…I got you, I got you…” He cooed. 
The sloppy sounds of him taking you belonged in a pornographic film. Years of built up tension between the two of you and the events of the evening finally came to a head when he fucked you into the mattress and all you could do was reach up and grab his neck as he utterly destroyed you for any other guy and your bed began to bang against the wall loudly. 
Both of you had dissolved into garbled praising of one another, drunk off the intensity of your coupling. You were cock drunk; there was no other way to explain it. The only thing that registered in your brain was the point at when your two bodies collided. 
"Fuck, darling... I don't know if I can last much longer." His brow furrowed and his body tense above you told you he was close. 
One of his hands reached down between you to begin rubbing your clit enthusiastically while his other gripped a fist full of your hair. 
You tipped your head back, sinking more into the pillow, exposing your neck to his hungry mouth. He didn’t hesitate to bite down on your neck as his hips thrusted up into you.
You came–hard, eyes tightly closed and lips parted in a small o; cumming and clenching around him while he continued working you through your climax; groaning at the feeling of you practically milking him. 
“Cum for me, Hank. Give me a baby...” you whimpered, your body curling in on itself as he continued thrusting into you. 
“Shit,” Henry groaned before you felt him release into you; a string of curses and praises sputtered as he did. 
Henry pressed his forehead against yours as you both caught your breath. He stayed inside you for a few more minutes, the two of you just basking in the intimacy. 
A soft smile curved his lips, "I love you," he whispered.
Part 1 | Part 1.5 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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@jyessaminereads @summersong69 @itsrubberbisquit @sweetandgentlecreature @kingliam2019 @leaveitbythewave @mrsevans90 @evansabove1981 @bascmve01 @shellyshellshell @iamsana @foxyjwls007 @one-sweet-gubler @henryownsme
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kairiscorner · 9 months
if u have time i wanna like request a 42!miles x reader where reader hears some girls shit talking miles about random stuff u pick !! and then she gets like super mad at confronts them and it turns into like this bigass fight a crowd forms and everything and maybe it could be like outside the building where miles is and him and ganke are eating and they hear the noises and stuff and miles is like “wtf is that.. 🌚” and ganke looks out the window and he’s just like “bro it’s ur girl what the fuck.. ⁉️⁉️😨⁉️” and miles is just like 🏃‍♀️💨 and pushes the big ass crowd away n sees his girlfriend beating the shit out of the person and he like breaks it up and takes her out of the area and she explains the whole thing ab how it was ab him and he’s jus like “you don’t even know how much i love you what the hell. ⁉️⁉️😣” and it’s just fluffy in the end ????
HELP WHY DID I MAKE THIS SO SPECIFIC.. if this is like too long don’t even worry about it pookie you already feed me enough w all ur fics im in LOOVVVEVEVE !! anyways congrats again 😼😼
say that again to my face. — miles 42 x fem!reader
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summary: sometimes, people forget that they should be minding their own business instead of giving their unsolicited opinions on matters they have nothing good to say about—and especially not to offend a guy's girlfriend by shit talking her boy when she's not taking any of your shit. pairing: miles 42 x fem!reader genre: slight angst and comfort word count: 1,519 author's note: AWW POOKIE, THANKIES !! man ngl, i like the thought of reader being the type of person to not take your shit and be the defender this time instead of miles, HE DESERVES SOMEBODY WHO'S WILLING TO GET HURT FOR HIM, TOO, OKAY !!! omg i hope you like this 💖💖💖
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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the shuffling of feet and excited, worried clamoring of other students as they drew more attention to the occurrence outside of the school building was creating more and more tension as nearly everyone exited the cafeteria and went outside to the school grounds. "what's... going on?" miles asked ganke as they exited the cafeteria, with ganke's eyes widening as he got a good look of what was going on and who exactly was the center of attention right now for a not-so good reason. he grabbed miles by the shoulders and dragged him to a spot where he could view the chaos a little better. "dude, it's your girl, she's going crazy on this other girl!" he exclaimed with a rushed voice, worried for you as much as miles should've been, had he known it was you all along being gathered around and filmed as chaos ensued.
as soon as miles heard that his girl was getting some unwanted attention–having a whole crowd surround her–he had to get her out of there immediately. he wove his way through the people filming, cheering and chanting, and merely watching as you throttled this girl you were fighting the best you could–repeating to her as she exclaimed and tried fighting you back: 'what, too scared to say it again? huh? i'll show you who you're messing with this time, bitch!' the crowd went wild hearing you cuss, it wasn't rare for you to cuss since practically everyone was aware you weren't the most innocent person around—but you were definitely a sweetheart, to the right people; no one could believe you were capable of hurting someone this badly, not even miles could believe you were saying all these awful things that sounded so uncharacteristic of you. as miles made his way towards you, his eyes widened, his heart sinking in his stomach as he watched you wrestle with this other girl and screaming at her–hurling insults and taunts at her through teary eyes, yelling out in pain as she pulled at your hair and tried scratching at your face.
"mi cielo, enough!" he exclaimed as he dashed over to you, nearly tripping over as he got in between you two and took the other girl's hits for you. ganke had made his way through the crowd and helped you up, with miles telling everyone the fight was over, there was nothing left to watch, as he jogged off to see you by the infirmary as the crowd gathered around the girl fighting with you just earlier. after you got patched up, ganke left you and miles to have a talk together. miles founs it very out of character for you to have done what you did–after all, you hated violence; there was no way you would've fought that girl for no reason, not unless it was a good reason. "babe, please... what happened?" miles asked you in a soft, worried tone as he placed his hand on your arm and gently caressed you, rubbing your arm slowly up and down, hoping you'd answer when you were ready.
you took in a deep breath and pulled out your phone. "i know this isn't the most justified reason, but, miles... watch this." you told him as you unlocked your phone, scrolled over to your gallery and clicked on a recently taken video of you on the thumbnail. miles obliged and took the phone from your hands, watching the video as it played out. the video started off as a sweet little video message you were gonna send miles, a cute little short of showing him the dance moves you were practicing for fun and ask him what he thought–you were filming this by the sinks at the girl's comfort room, with nobody else there–until midway in the video, a couple of popular kids that used to bully you had entered, and you soon took your phone away, forgetting to pause the recording.
you remained silent and pretended to wash your hands, propping your phone down as you washed your hands to cover up anything else you were doing earlier, not wanting to attract these girls' attention. they were in deep conversation about such shallow things–boys, clothes, victims of their bullying escapades and laughing at their poor, pitiful faces–and you were getting all the more disgusted the longer you heard them. one of the girls then mentioned a name you were quite familiar with, it was, of course, your boyfriend's name.
"oh, yeah, that morales kid... he's kinda weird, not gonna lie." said the girl, causing you to involuntarily look their way. the other girls agreed, stating that he seemed too quiet or too cringy in his outfits, in his shoes, in his choice of friends–or in their eyes, his lack thereof. they cackled to themselves how, for a cute boy from middle school, he ended up seeming like a real 'weirdo'. "it's such a shame... i honestly found his whole little sweetheart act in middle school so adorable, now he's just a killjoy. guess his dad not being around taught him how to turn girls away from him instead of making him even a bit likeable." "what did you say?" you butt in, drying your hands, the camera still rolling and you not noticing.
the girls looked your way with quizzical looks in their eyes, they don't remember you since you had quite the difference in your appearance from when they bullied you a few years ago, but nonetheless, you seemed like a bug to them–a pest–like every other kid at this school that was at their disposal. the girl rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest, eyeing you up and down. "who are you?" "not important. now, what did you say again?" you asked her, your eyes narrowing at her, with her eyes narrowing down at yours. the girl chuckled and sauntered over to you, her face in the frame now–looking completely different than the beaten and battered girl from earlier. she smirked at you and neared her face to yours, which was still scowling at her. "i get it... you like him, don't you? figures, a little... nobody like you with a little freak like him, acting like little weirdos that think they're more than muck in gutters, thinking they're hot shit for standing up to me–" and with that, your nostrils flared as you fumed, and grabbed at her hair; furious that she had the gall to talk to you that way.
miles watched incredulously as you kept pulling the girl's hair, practically screaming at her to say what she said again as the girl retaliated and slapped at your hands, yelling for the girls with her to get you off her–but those girls did nothing to help. they walked out of the comfort room and presumably ran off out the halls to avoid your wrath. and after some roughhousing... you two ended up at the school grounds, where that all went down. after watching, miles looked at you with pain in his eyes; guilty tears soon filling his eyes as shameful tears filled yours as you clung on to miles' sleeve.
"babe, i'm sorry... nothing will ever make this better, but i... i never meant to hurt her, i never meant to hurt you, i never meant to cause a scene, i... i just couldn't bear to have them say that to you..." you mumbled out in choked sobs as you began to cry. miles shushed you and wiped the tears from your eyes, cupping your face and holding you close to him as he set your phone away. "mi amor... i'm sorry, i'm sorry you... oh, i can't even... you didn't have to do that for me. i... i'm okay with being labelled as a weirdo, a freak–just as long as you don't get hurt. that's all i want... i love you more than you could ever know, you don't even... i love you, mi vida..." he whispered as he kissed your forehead, eliciting more tears to fall down your cheeks as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and held him tightly.
if he was gonna be honest, if someone else said the same things about you, miles would not hesitate to have done as you did–confront those assholes and show them what's what; but having that fone for him felt so... different. he felt guilty, somehow, that you got hurt and hurt someone for him–risked getting disciplinary action for him and getting a lot of people against you for him. he wants to make it up to you, but all he can do now is be here in the moment and reassure you that, no matter what other people may think of him, nothing matters to him as long as he has you by his side to be his strength to keep fighting every day and live. he'd gladly wear the title of 'freaky little weirdo' while hand-in-hand with you–because as long as you'd be safe, as long as you'd be okay, that's all that matters to him–nothing else, just you and him together.
tags !! @ii01vq @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @k4tsu3 @solecitoszn @toneystank-3000 @popeheywardssecretgf @lovefrominaya @onginlove @meowmoraless @euphovlq
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writer-freak · 3 months
Birthday Celebration | Lucifer x Gn reader
Summary: Charlie throws a birthday party for you with everyone from the hotel there. After everyone left Lucifer had a sweet little surprise for you.
Warnings: gn reader, fluff, readers birthday, first time writing for hazbin hotel, english isn't my first language
A/n: So this is the second fic I wrote for my birthday and I decided to go into a new fandom. I actually wanted to do a after the party part for different characters but got a little lazy and just did Lucifer. Maybe I will one day come back to this but enjoy.
Comments, likes and reblogs are always appreciated and really motivate me to write more
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It was just another day in hell, or so you thought. The same old routine of dodging demons and trying to survive the chaos outside of the hotel. Little did you know, your friends had something special planned for you. It all started with Charlie, the princess of Hell, who had a heart as big as her smile. She had been secretly organizing a birthday party for you, determined to make your special day something very memorable. With the help of her father and friends, including Vaggie, Angel Dust, Husk, and even Alastor, Charlie managed to set up a surprise party in the lobby of the Hazbin Hotel. As you entered the lobby, you were met with the sight of colorful decorations, balloons, and a banner that read "Happy Birthday!" in your favorite color. "Surprise!" Charlie exclaimed, her excitement contagious as she bounced up to you and pulled you into a bone-crushing hug. You couldn't help but smile at the sight of your friends gathered around, each wearing party hats and holding presents. Angel Dust winked at you playfully, while Husk grumbled something about needing a drink already. Alastor, the radio demon himself, smirked from his corner, clearly pleased with what he helped to orchestrate. Even Vaggie, though initially skeptical of the idea, couldn't help but be swept up by the atmosphere especially seeing how happy it made her girlfriend. As the party got into full swing, your friends took turns presenting you with their gifts. Angel Dust gave you a flashy new outfit, completed with some very revealing cutouts, while Husk offered you a nice bottle of whiskey. Nifty of course gifted you with some bugs saying that she found them in your room and made sure to kill them for you. Even Lucifer gave you a little handmade ducky though you could tell he was a bit embarrassed about presenting it to you. Charlie, of course, the ever-thoughtful hostess, presented you with a homemade cake adorned with candles. "Make a wish!" she urged, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. You closed your eyes and made a silent wish, blowing out the candles in one breath. As you opened your eyes, you were met with cheers and applause from your friends, their genuine happiness warming your heart. The rest of the evening was spent laughing, dancing, and enjoying each other's company. Despite being in hell, you couldn't imagine a better way to celebrate your birthday than surrounded by your friends in the Hazbin Hotel. As the party drew to a close you and your friends began to disperse, you felt so grateful to have met them in hell. They bring joy into your life that you would never have been able to imagine before. You found a sense of belonging amidst the chaos and this hotel felt like your home.
As the last guest departed you found yourself alone in the lobby of the Hazbin Hotel. Well, almost alone. A soft chuckle from the shadows caught your attention, and you turned to see Lucifer emerging from the darkness, a small smirk playing on his lips. "Quite the celebration, wouldn't you say?" he remarked, his crimson eyes glinting with amusement. You nodded, a warm smile tugging at your lips. "It was incredible. I never expected anything like this." Lucifer stepped closer, his gaze locking with yours. "Well, you deserve it, my dear" he said softly, his voice low and velvety. "But I couldn't let the night end without giving you something special." With a flourish, he produced a small box from the pocket of his suit and extended it toward you. "Happy birthday, my dear." Curious, you accepted the box and opened it to reveal a delicate necklace, adorned with a single ruby pendant. Your breath caught in your throat as you marveled at the exquisite craftsmanship. "It's beautiful, but you really didn't have to. You already gave me that little ducky earlier." you looked up at him not knowing how you could accept such a precious gift. Lucifer smiled, an expression that made your chest feel warm. "But it still can't compare to you" he said softly, before adding "And I would shower you with gifts but I know that you wouldn't want that so please just accept it." He said so much fondness in his eyes as he reached out to hold your cheek. Leaning forward, you pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek. "Thank you," you murmured, your voice barely audible. As you pulled back, you met Lucifer's gaze, finding warmth and understanding reflected in his eyes. In that fleeting moment, you knew that despite the darkness of hell, you had found something truly precious—a connection that transcended time and space, a love that burned brighter than any flame in the depths of the abyss.
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Divider by: @saradika-graphics
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j0elmill3r · 1 year
The Last of the Real Ones
Pairing: Joel Miller x adopted!Daughter!Reader (She's just a baby)
Summary: Joel finds something - or someone - much different than what he planned to find on his latest supply run.
Warnings - Dead parents, blood, descriptions of violence, Joel is once again sad.
Word Count - 1.3k
Anonymous asked:
Kind of different idea: Joel finding a little baby girl (small child) on one of his supply runs/outings, and he ends up keeping her (you are so good with daughter!reader fics I can't handle the loooooveeee)
A/N: Going 3 for 3, it's me with 3 fics in a row? Who are they? A short but sweet one here, I hope everyone enjoys! As always, feedback, reblogs, and likes are always appreciated on this blog!
Joel Miller Masterlist
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Joel stopped in his tracks as he noticed a couple of runners, crowded around something laying on the floor. 'Great, another ditched supply run', He thought to himself, sighing quietly. Getting ready to head back to where him and Tommy's new refuge was, he took notice of the runners scurrying off, some other poor bastard left to suffer the same fate as they did. As he made his way into the drivers seat of the old truck, he took a minute to think of Sarah.
She would have been 18 today.
It was a sour day for Joel, but he had volunteered to go on the supply run to try and keep his mind off of his daughter. But then something - no, someone - caught his attention. He slowly got out of the drivers side of the truck, quietly and stealthily making his way over to inspect what the runners had been so brainlessly invested in.
His heart dropped as he saw you, laying sleepingxcfvg  in a bloodied car seat with a blood stained diaper bag clipped to the handle. Joel could only have assumed the two previous runners to be who used to be your mother and father, and judging by the handwritten note tucked in beside you, it was obvious that they were hoping someone would find you and take you in, look after you. Joel knew he couldn't leave you, a defenceless baby, here, all on your own - he knew he'd be sealing your fate, and may as well have fed you to the runners himself. Almost as if acting on fatherly instinct, Joel gently picked up the carrier by the handle, the diaper bag with some essential baby supplies gently tapping off your feet. He put you beside him in the truck, facing him on the passenger seat, taking the note out of your carrier.
To whoever finds our Y/N.
She is 6 months old, please, please take care of her as you would your own. She is so loving, loves to be held and will smile at you if you smile at her too. Please, do not tell her about us and what we became, she does not deserve that - just know that we loved her for the short time that we had with her, please keep our girl safe.
Joel sighed sadly as he looked over at you, now awake, your eyes studying him to see if you would trust him - His heart oddly swelling when you giggled and smiled at him, blissfully unaware of the world you were unfortunate enough to be born into. But he had decided, he would do as your parents had asked and look after you, and raise you as his own.
Even with all of the sleepless nights that had come with raising you, Joel honestly wouldn't have traded it for a thing - Tommy had even noticed that Joel was slightly happier, which he didn't think it was possible for anyone to get happier in a world like this. You were now two, and Joel and Tommy had finally found a QZ that was stable enough that Joel could raise you in and try to give you some form of childhood.
"Daddy," You nudged Joel's shoulder, trying your hardest to wake him up. He grumbled in response, waving you off and telling you to wake him in five more minutes - you, however, had no concept of time, as a toddler. You gave it five seconds. "Daddy!" You yelled, a frustrated pout on your face. Joel chuckled as he lifted you up onto his bed.
"Good morning  to you too, baby," He said sleepily, wrapping both of his arms around you. He loved the moments like these, they reminded him of his daughter, who you reminded him of so much with your sass. "You sleep good?" Joel asked you, smiling as you nodded, wriggling out of his arms and jumping out of his bed.
"Daddy I wanna go outside," You whined, pointing out to the front door, bouncing on your feet as your looked at your dad. Joel was reluctant, he wasn't sure on how the infection worked in children as young as you, he didn't want to risk you falling victim to the infection that had already stolen so many lives. He got out of bed, picking you up as he left his bedroom.
"I'm not sure, baby girl," Joel told you, pouring you a bowl of cereal and using the last of the powered milk which he had sourced.  "Let me think about it, okay?" He offered you a compromise, even though he knew it was going to be a no. He felt like you were his second chance, so he would do anything to keep you safe. You nodded and finished off your cereal, handing the bowl back to Joel as you wiped your face of the milk that coated your lips. "All done?" He asked you. You nodded and smiled at him, he smiled back.
"Yeah, thank you daddy," You told him, holding your arms out for him to carry you. Joel obliged and picked you up from under your arms, holding you at his waist and resting your head on his shoulder. He could afford to have the day off with you, there wasn't much he could really do with you, it wasn't as if Disney World had post apocalyptic opening hours - But you were happy enough to have him just spend the day with you, even if you spent it doing nothing, you hardly really knew much different. "Can I stay in my jammas today daddy?" You asked him, pulling the most innocent face you could. Joel couldn't resist it, he couldn't say no to your little face. You somehow managed to remind him that even in the dark days that this infection so often brought, that you, with your childish innocence, would brighten up those dark days.
"Of course baby, you can stay in your pyjamas today," He assured you, smiling as he started pulling your hair back into a pony tail, he knew you didn't like it in your face. "We can have a relaxed day today, okay?" He offered you, smiling as you nodded and cuddled into him. Joel didn't know how long you had been awake for before you decided to wake him up, but you must have been up for a good while, as indicated by the yawn and stretch you let out. "Are you tired, baby girl?" You nodded and cuddled into your dad, indicating that you didn't want to go to your bed to sleep. Joel rubbed your back as you dozed off to sleep in his lap, your head bobbing as you drifted off. He could have moved, put you to your own bed so he could go to work, but he wouldn't break his promise to you. So he sat with you on his lap, holding you as you slept peacefully in his arms.
He sometimes wondered if you ever doubted that Joel was your father, but then he realised that you hadn't known anything other than him, he would think of an excuse if you ever asked about your real parents, he would tell you the truth. But he hoped that you wouldn't, that you would always consider him your actual father.
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Jean Arthur (Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Easy Living, The Talk of the Town)—Always found the best facial expression and the perfect line delivery, so nailed the transition from silent film to talkies (her voice is CRAZY btw- high and overly sweet but also so gravelly she's like a breakfast parfait), then went on to dominate roles in multiple genres well into her 50s. Such a great personality both onscreen and off, and to our end pulls off 'gorgeous,' 'sexy,' and 'cute' all at once (in a word: hot!)
Juanita Moore (Imitation of Life)— She was the third black actress to be nominated for Best Supporting Actress! She was also friends with James Baldwin (!) and got her other friend Marlon Brando (!!) to finance his play. She also met her husband of fifty years by nearly being hit by his bus which should be in a romcon, tbh. There's also a whole documentary about how she'd been ignored and overlooked due to Hollywood racism, so she deserves more attention!
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Jean Arthur:
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i had to submit every movie of hers ive seen so far because 1) shes GORGEOUS. 2) extremely gifted with comic timing and delivery and whats better than a confident beautiful woman that makes you laugh. and 3) seems to effortlessly blend wit emotion and logic in her performances in a way that sometimes is just so... it tells you as much about the other characters shes interacting with as it does her own (see this clip from mr smith)
Adorable and sultry with a voice that went from urban smartass to sounding, as director Frank Capra described it, more like tinkling bells than a voice has a right to sound
jean arthur wearing bucksin trousers and a little hat in the plainsman was fully my queer awakening. i love that woman so much. she has defined calamity jane for me. also she is adorable and heartbreaking and SMOKING HOT in deeds like everyone needs to experience her, she's everything to me
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She's a chameleon, rocking any hair colour and any style, any mood and any genre. And she's got such a fine, captivating smile!
Truly amazing talking voice, like eating pop candy. Played wise cracking gals with hearts of gold. Once got arrested for trespassing because she went to console a dog that was being mistreated. Angel. Star. Baby. Winner!
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Juanita Moore:
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navybrat817 · 10 months
We'll Always be Friends
Pairing: Best Friend!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: It's time to have dinner with your friends, but your mind keeps drifting to Bucky. Word Count: 1.9k Warnings: Light angst, tension, friends reconnecting, unrequited feelings (or so you think), slight feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (yep, he's a warning) A/N: More Dreamboat and Butterfly from my Reconnect AU and a direct continuation of Waiting a Little Longer! ❤️ Beta read by @whisperlullaby, but any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You found it difficult to leave your room, even with your friends waiting downstairs. Reconnecting with Bucky though, it made sense why you wanted to be alone with him a little longer. That wasn't fair to everyone else. The group didn't hang out quite as often during the duration of Bucky and Dot's relationship, but you were looking forward to spending time together and catching up this week.
We've weathered through tough times and deserve some fun.
Bucky put his hand on your lower back as you made your way down the stairs. The man could hardly hug you when he was with his ex, but now he wouldn't stop touching you. Just like in your room minutes ago. Not that you were going to push him away. You more than missed the affection that used to exist between you two and each minute that passed seemed to make you fall back in sync. As long as you didn't get too comfortable, it was fine.
Everything is fine.
Everyone was gathered in the brightly lit dining room, food already spread out on plates as chatter filled the room. Steve, at the head of the table, chuckled at something Sam said. Sharon laughed as well and you couldn't help but smile as you observed them. Perhaps you were imagining it, but the atmosphere wasn't as thick as it had been over the last couple of years. Even Natasha's subtle smile was gentler, more relaxed.
Like old times.
"Hey! Finally!" Sam smiled once he spotted you, bringing everyone's attention your way. Steve's smile didn't quite reach his eyes when the girls greeted you, making you tense up a little. "We were about to send a search party after you two."
"No need for that," you smiled a little when Sam pushed his chair back. "No need for that either," you teased as he walked toward you, but to no avail. He enveloped you in a hug before you could stop him. The man was almost as tall as Bucky and Steve and just as muscular. The three of them were beautiful giants in your eyes.
"Nope. Not getting out of a hug," he said, dropping his voice to a whisper. "Give Steve one, please. He thinks you're upset with him."
You felt a little sick to your stomach as he pulled away. You hadn't meant to make Steve feel bad. "I will," you whispered back before you gave the blonde a small smile. He looked like a golden retriever who had his bone taken away. "Do I get a hug from you, too?"
Steve's shoulders dropped in relief as he got up. "Of course, you do."
Like Sam, Steve's hug was warm and friendly. They never held onto you for too long or linger the way Bucky did. A quick embrace and nothing more.
"It's good to see you. I'm sorry I rushed off when you got here," you said, wanting him at ease.
Steve shook his head and gave you a rueful smile. "I'm the one who should be sorry," he said. You didn't get a chance to ask him why before he went back to his seat. "And it's good to see you, too."
You turned your attention to the girls instead who looked perfectly at ease on their side of the table. Natasha and Sharon were as gorgeous as they were intimidating. A sultry redhead and a blonde bombshell, they could come across as unapproachable from a first glance. But they were fierce and loyal friends. You were lucky to have them in your life.
"Please, don't get up. I will hug you both after dinner," you begged when they scooted their chairs back. "I appreciate you waiting for us to join you."
"So the boys get hugs, but we don't. I see how it is," Natasha teased.
"No one hugged me," Bucky pointed out.
"No one likes you," Sam chimed in, drawing a laugh from the girls.
"Butterfly likes me just fine," Bucky said, making you nod and bite your tongue so you didn't blurt out how much you really liked him. "Sit next to me?" He asked hopefully, pulling out your chair for you.
"Since these are the only two chairs left, sure," you teased, gazing up at him as you sat down. He stared back at you before he took a seat. "How was the drive?"
"The storm slowed us down, but Steve got us here safe and sound," Sharon answered as everyone began to eat. Steve wasn't one to brag, but you caught him grinning for a split second. "But what about you two? Did you get up to anything before we got here?"
Just snuggled with Bucky and fell asleep in his arms.
Bucky looked up from his plate as you glanced at him. "We wanted to go swimming, but the rain ruined that plan and we ended up taking a nap," you said.
Natasha's eyes darted between the two of you. "You ended up taking a nap," she repeated slowly. "You slept together?"
Bucky coughed and shook his head as your eyes went wide. The redhead looked pleased with herself as she waited for an explanation. "I. We. No?" You answered.
"We fell asleep together on the couch. That's it," Bucky explained once he recovered from his cough. "Nothing happened."
That's it. Nothing happened.
You curled in a bit on yourself when Natasha frowned. "Yeah. What Bucky said," you agreed, ignoring his gaze.
You had no reason to feel sad. It wasn't as if Bucky meant anything by his response. He gave Nat an honest answer. So why did it feel like a brush off?
Steve cleared his throat when the silence stretched on. "Well, I'm glad we're all here."
Good ol' Steve breaking the tension.
"Yeah. When's the last time we all went to the beach together?" Sam asked. "Was it last year? The year before?"
Bucky moved his chair closer to yours, but you didn't acknowledge it. "Two summers ago for Steve's birthday."
Right before Dot.
Everyone was either kind enough not to voice the connection or didn't want to talk about her.
"That's right. You guys bought him a red, white, and blue Speedo," you said, remembering the redness in Steve's cheeks when he opened the present. A few drinks in and he ended up wearing them.
"They looked good on me. It would've been rude not to wear them," Steve defended himself as Sam laughed. "That was a good day."
"It was," you agreed, glancing around the table. "Perfect weather and company."
We'll always be friends.
Bucky caught your eye when he nodded. "You found a seashell on the beach and you were so excited because the color was the exact same shade of blue as your bathing suit," he said, smiling to himself as you listened. "You said it had to be some sort of good luck charm and made it your mission to find one to match my swim trunks so I'd have some good luck, too."
He remembered that?
"That was why you kept running back and forth between Buck and the water," Steve grinned, nodding to Bucky. "He wouldn't tell me what you were doing. Just that you were looking for the perfect shell."
"I was determined to find it," you giggled as Natasha and Sharon shared a look. "I must've brought dozens of shells over."
It was silly when you looked back on it, but Bucky obliged and let you have your fun. In fact, your whims and nature never once seemed to bother him. He supported them.
"You didn't give up. And about twenty minutes later, you found one," he said, rubbing the back of his neck when he added, "I still have that seashell."
You took a breath before a bashful smile crept up your face. "You kept it?"
"Well, yeah," he replied, casually putting his arm around the back of your chair. "You gave it to me."
The room went quiet and you felt everyone's eyes on you, but your focus was on Bucky. "I had no idea."
The thought that Bucky held onto something so small and seemingly insignificant because it came from you had your mind running a mile a minute. Why not get rid of it? Maybe the shell reminded him of Steve's birthday and he didn't want to let that go. The voice that led with your heart said he kept it because you gave him a tiny gift.
He kept something because I gave it to him.
Your smile widened before the flash of a camera went off, the softness leaving Bucky's eyes as you both blinked.
"Sorry. Couldn't help myself," Sharon said with an innocent stare when you tore your gaze away from Bucky. "Need photos for the scrapbook. You understand."
Bucky kept his arm on your chair as everyone began to eat again. "You're making one for this trip?"
"Yeah, I want to take as many pictures as I can."
In the past, Sharon had put together photo albums and scrapbooks full of memories of the group. Sometimes for herself, others as gifts to her friends. Each one was beautiful and special, a way to reflect on the past and appreciate the time together.
"No rain tomorrow, so plenty of chances to get some outdoor photos. Maybe we can play some beach volleyball. Three on three," Sam suggested.
"You just want to show off," Natasha smirked. She wasn't wrong. The guys enjoyed the competition. "But let's make it interesting. We win, you boys have to do all the chores this week. You win, we'll take care of them."
"And if we win, you boys also have to take us to the carnival in town and win each of us a prize," Sharon added, pointing at Steve. "I know you had the carnival on the list of things to do."
"And if we win, you'll win each of us a prize?" Steve asked.
"We have to win because I'm terrible at those games," you said. They were fun, but you couldn't remember ever winning a prize.
Bucky leaned over as the group began to debate whether or not carnivals rigged the games. "I'll win you a prize no matter who wins the volleyball game," he promised.
"I'll hold you to that," you said, giddy at the thought of him winning you a teddy bear or some other stuffed animal.
"You two up for a little drinking tonight or do you plan on falling asleep on the couch again?" Sam joked, interrupting your private conversation.
"I will drink. But if I have too much, Bucky has to carry me to bed," you said.
"What happened to calling me 'Dreamboat'?"
He's pouting and it's adorable.
"Okay. You carry me to bed if I drink too much and tuck me in, Dreamboat."
"Deal," he easily agreed.
"To the best week ahead!" Steve announced.
"And get ready to get your asses handed to you tomorrow," Sam added.
As everyone began to playfully argue again, you made a mental decision not to drink too much. Alcohol had a way of making people lose their inhibitions and the last thing you needed to do was blurt something personal out in front of the whole gang. Bucky promised that the two of you would talk and you would. Sober. But a fun night could be what you needed to kick off the rest of the week.
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Things will start to come to light in the next part or two. A calm before the storm, if you will... Love and thanks for reading! ❤️ Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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o4i0n · 6 months
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happy holidays everyone! this isn’t a christmas fic btw i just wanted to say happy holidays 
reblogs, comments & likes r highly appreciated !
the first time the two of you meet, miguel o’hara easily picks up on the fact that it doesn’t take a lot to please you. 
well, to rephrase, he finds that it doesn’t take much to make you happy and ensure that you’d reward him with one of your bright smiles if he does right by you. if he thinks that you couldn’t get even more perfect in his eyes, you somehow manage to prove him wrong, that he, in fact, could love you more, just because you give him so many reasons to. 
since he’s crowned you as one of the only people whom he can say he’s had the utmost pleasure of meeting and getting to know, he vowed to himself that he would make it his absolute mission to spoil you as much as he’s able to, so long as you let him. you do, of course you do; besides, why deny him one of the simplest pleasures in life, the very ones he thought he wouldn’t get to experience? you can’t say no to him, oh no—not when he’s been so eager to make sure that you always know that he loves you this much. 
it’s not like you weren’t treated as well in your past relationships, it’s just that miguel makes sure that he goes above and beyond to put a pretty smile on your face. his treatment of you has ruined the potential of any other person who would attempt to surpass what miguel has done and will continue to do for you, but there are no complaints from your end. even so, it takes you by storm just how much more attentive he is as compared to your previous partners.
until now, you’re always quick to reassure him that he doesn’t need to do so much for lil’ old you; you tell him that you don’t need anything extravagant or anything of the sort, because you already appreciate the fact that he always wants to make you happy. you keep saying that it’s the thought that counts, because if it’s from him, it’s already enough. however, it’s also difficult to argue with a man who’s so set in stone with his ways, that he mentions again and again that you deserve the world and so much more—all you had to do was say the word and he’d bust his ass to make it happen for you. 
then again, if it doesn’t take much to make you happy, then it doesn’t take much to placate him, since you can always tide him over with one of your sweet smiles, the ones he knows is specifically just for him, and the unwavering look of love in your eyes. after all, he does it all for you. whatever makes his girl happy, even if she refuses to give into being spoiled because she’s insistent in sharing the simpler things in life with him. 
“listen to me,” he huffs out, and with the pace he’s going at, you’re pretty sure that the last thing you’re able to do is to listen to whatever it is he’s going to say next—not when he’s busy making sure to fuck every sensible thought out of your pretty little head. just because you like being good for him, you try to do what he says, but the only things that are reaching your ears are the wet, creamy squelches from when he thrusts into you, and the short, ragged breaths that both of you take. 
your body is caged between miguel and the mattress, a pillow beneath your hips so that you’re propped up without tiring either of you out too much. if you weren’t so busy being lightheaded at how well he’s fucking you, you’d think something along the lines of how pretty miguel looks right now; the attentiveness is shining through once again, with just enough casual dominance for you to melt even more into his touch. the low rumble that pairs with the filth he’s about to spew adds something else to the entire experience, and you whimper when his cock drags along the warm, velvety walls of your sopping wet cunt as he pulls out ever so slightly. 
miguel leans in closer to you, the heat of his breath tickling the shell of your ear when he presses a kiss right where the pulsepoint is on your neck. even with how hard he’s been going, you find some kind of momentary peace at the feeling of his soft lips against your sweat-soaked skin. “if i can’t make you cum every single night, then i’ve failed you. understood?” 
there he is again with the absolute certainty in his words—as if he could ever fail you. you don’t think that he could ever do that, not even if he tried; his devotion is one you’ve never witnessed before nor have been on the receiving end of, and it makes your head spin. no one has ever spoken to you like this in your life, and you’d almost be embarrassed at how receptive you are to him with the way you clench around his length when he says all that, but you aren’t. he’s just that good at what he does. 
you’re not even doing any work at this point, not when your thighs burn from your previously exerted efforts. in your daze, you don’t even notice that miguel stopped moving for a moment, and it’s not before you whine out a small ‘mhm hmm, understood!’ with much effort before his fingers dig into the fat of your sides for support as his hips snap up against yours at a grueling pace.  
even with how tired you are, you somehow want more, so in the times that miguel slows down for your sake, you move your hips along with his thrusts to get more out of him. with how hesitant you started out, you don’t think he’d notice, but it’s miguel: of course he notices. when he catches on, miguel smiles, a slight gleam of fang peeking out, and he plants a kiss on your forehead, a stark contrast at how he’s completely abusing your pussy. 
“there we go, that’s right,” he croons at you, watching your once shy movements get lost in a flurry of pure desperation, your back arching off the mattress and your hips raised as you grind down on him. to make you squirm even more, he lets one of his hands wander along your body, starting with your chest as he takes a pebbled nipple in between his fingers, his touch then ghosting the curve of your stomach, right before his fingertips come into contact with your poor, sensitive clit to rub small, practiced circles over it. “fuck yourself on my cock—there’s a good girl. doing so well for me, taking what’s hers.” 
he’s going to be the death of you one day, you think. you don’t know how you manage to get even wetter or even more sensitive, but you do. with how long the two of you have been at it, coupled with the utter precision miguel has to make you fall apart in the best of ways, it doesn’t take long before you cry out miguel’s name as you chase your orgasm. a few more times of you rutting your hips against his own so that he hits that specific spot, all while he’s lazily fucking into you, has you creaming around his cock and leaves your thighs shaking. 
when your hips drop back into the pillow, miguel chuckles softly while he watches you try to catch your breath. you don’t know how many times you’ve come that night, but miguel looking like he hasn’t broken a sweat annoys you—lovingly, of course. it might be because of how drunk you are off him, but you swear that the light in the room makes it seem like he has little hearts in his eyes. 
“pussy’s treatin’ me so well, honey. let me make you come again, yeah? you know i’m all yours.” he lets out another groan as pushes into you and bottoms out yet again, the leaking tip of his cock nestled comfortably inside you. you love him, you really do, but good god, he loves you too much. with one hand, miguel still holds you by your hips while the other gently pats your mound. “she can take it, i know she can.” 
you want to roll your eyes at how corny he’s being, talking to your pussy like she’s her own person, but whatever. he looks so proud of himself too, with that stupidly adorable, boyish grin on his face—a little lopsided, but you love it all the same. as his deft fingers find their way back in between your legs to gently toy with your overly sensitive clit, you twitch a little, but you don’t fight the fact that you succumb into whatever it is he’ll do next, just because he’s so willing to make you feel good. once your legs fall open and give him a short, tiny nod, miguel is ecstatic.  
“give me a break,” you sigh, feigning exasperation as you wipe the sweat off your forehead with the back of your hand. “then just one more, okay?” 
when his eyes crinkle at the corners ever so slightly right before the smile on his face flattens into a smirk, you know that it won’t be ‘just one more.’ it never is with him. 
still, he gives you a nod, his body pressing into yours in a way that you didn’t think he could anymore. “promise.” 
still learning the ropes of writing smut so please be nice ashdfgsh also again if there r grammatical errors you didn't see them :P
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edenianprincess · 4 months
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INTRO !!      ❤︎ ׄ                                               Jealousy Jealousy .ᐟ
A jealous Bi-Han can’t be good, let’s see his natural reaction to someone flirting with you. Content warning: None.
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Bi-Han’s jealousy isn’t from self-doubt, he is too arrogant to see failure within him, getting out of him even an ounce of insecurity is nearly impossible. However, people should know better than to play with his most sensible and yet biggest nerve that is his ego. He'll take it as an attack on his honor if he sees someone with clear ulterior motive trying to take away the one thing he has the most pride for, you.
While he is slightly overprotective, as it is the very first time for him to fall that hard for someone and is clearly inexperienced to romantic relationships, he is rational enough to neither be paranoid or controlling of whoever approaches you, but for those fools trying to interfere between his couple, may Liu Kang bless them.
When he sees someone with ambiguous intentions (which seems ambiguous to you but not for Bi-Han) talking to you he doesn't make his presence known immediately and stays silent, but you can clearly see his anger slowly taking over him as a deep frown appears over his watchful eyes which holds a 'So you have chosen death' look to the one causing his anger. If they don’t pay attention because they are too indulged in his partner's pretty eyes, you'll find a protective hand wrapping itself around your waist and an angry boyfriend by your side. It should be clear to anyone that when Bi-Han displays physical affection to the public's eyes, it means a warning that someone is close to his limits.
If everyone is lucky, the troublemaker will leave you and Bi-Han alone, if not, it might escalate quickly. Bi-Han will tell them to back off with a not-so-subtle threat, that would get anyone run away quickly in a second. But, Bi-Han is ready to take action if this ‘pathetic idiot’ tries to touch you or tells you vulgar words, remember what he did to Johnny in his mansion when he touched him? It’s the same here, the person is flying across the place with bruises that will need a long time to heal. And Bi-Han will end with another threat before leaving the place angrily with you.
Reassure him isn’t as easy as to make him jealous, it will take time but you’ll resolve his anger. Just be close to him and listen to his rambling about how idiotic that person was, then cut him off with an unexpected kiss that’ll make him stop talking. Suddenly he loses his words and remains silent, which gives you the time to tell him how you only have eyes on him and no else, how you love everything about him that makes him unique from the rest.
He doesn’t doubt your love, but it does put him in a slightly better mood when you tell him this, hearing lovely speeches from you always does even it’s hard to admit. He confirms your words and continue rambling on whether or not the person was bold or oblivious to the fact you were clearly his already, moreover on how disrespectful were they to you, his love, the spouse of the Grandmaster of one of the deadliest and most glorious clan in all the realms.
“Are you going to brood all day or you’ll let me demonstrate that I only love you?”
He thinks about your words for a second only, despite that he has to swallow his pride, he prefers to bath in your affection than to think more about someone who doesn’t deserve his care. And that’s how you tame a jealous Bi-Han.
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‘𝓣𝐇𝐄 𝓔𝐍𝐃  Please don’t copy/translate and don’t reblog if you’re a yand3r3 blog/reblog account, or you’ll be blocked. Besides that, likes/reblogs/comments are appreciated. 
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