#jill valentine
eerizon · 3 days
what if Wesker… was a cat?
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my cat is an evil mastermind.
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just imagine this au like a 90’s sitcom sorta.
there’s no bioterrorism in this au. just fun hijinks with Chris and Jill ‘coparenting’ their cat named Wesker. :]
he absolutely despises Chris, and he loves Rebecca.
mostly everyone else he tolerates or hates.
he is an oriental shorthair :))
the idea was created with the help of @sixeyedmonsters
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kashlat2 · 3 days
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I’ve officially gone insane
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stackable-raccoons · 2 days
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This is how RE1 ended right
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biohazard-4ever · 3 days
Chris going back in time to meet RE1 Chris
Chris: As soon as you see "Captain" Wesker, kill him.
Chris RE1: To Kill... Captain Wesker...?
Jill going back to RE1 Events and meeting her past self
Jill: Barry is not a douche. And also, kill wesker.
Jill RE1: Oh... Sure...?
Claire going back to RE2 events
Claire: When you escape... Dont leave them behind.
Claire RE2: I wont.
Leon going back in time and meeting his past self
Leon: You will regret for surviving this.
Leon RE2:... So what? I should just...*doing a "diving in" mimic directing it at the Zombies in front of him*
Leon: *EAGGERLY NOD* Heck yeah
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kisses-for-you · 19 hours
Preference: You're injured
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Resident Evil Characters X Fem!Reader
Characters: Leon Kennedy, Luis Serra, Jill Valentine, Carlos Oliveira & Chris Redfield.
Requested ✅
Leon Kennedy:
Leon glances over at you, his expression tense as he assesses the situation. "Just stay close," he says. "Stick together, and watch each other's backs." He brandishes his knife, ready to fend off the Ganados.
"I don't think we'll be able to kill them all-" You're about to finish your sentence when a Ganado comes up from behind you, to which you have barely any time to react. "Y/N!" Leon calls out. You spin around just in time to see the Ganado lunging at you. Acting quickly, Leon pushes you out of harm's way and swings his knife, severing the Ganado's arm.
"Let's get out of here before more of them show up," you suggest, to which Leon nods and the two of you start to make a break for it.
After narrowly escaping the horde of Ganados, you and Leon find an abandoned building. As both of you catch your breath, you suddenly wince in pain, clutching your arm where a deep gash is bleeding profusely.
Leon notices and rushes to your side. "You're injured," Leon observes, concern evident in his voice as he gently examines your wound. Leon quickly rummages through his pack, pulling out a first aid kit. "Hold still," he instructs. You nod, grimacing against the pain.
His hands work carefully as he cleans and bandages your wound, his touch gentle yet firm. Leon's focused expression softens as he tends to your injury, his touch bringing some form of comfort to you.
"Thanks, Leon," you say, offering him a weak smile as he finishes dressing your wound. He returns the smile, albeit a bit strained. His gaze lingers on you for just a moment longer, making sure you're not injured anywhere else.
As the adrenaline begins to fade away, you feel a wave of exhaustion wash over you. Leon sees this and silently offers you a shoulder to lean on. You gratefully accept, leaning your head against his shoulder. "Are you okay?" Leon asks softly, his voice filled with genuine concern as he looks down at you. "Yeah, I think so," you reply.
Luis Serra:
Your heart races as you find yourself surrounded by a group of snarling Ganados in the abandoned house. You fumble for your gun but the sheer number overwhelms you. Fear grips you as you realise you probably won't make it out.
But you hear a familiar voice call out, "Y/N!" Luis comes into view and with steady hands, he aims his gun and fires, each shot hitting another Ganado.
You feel relieved but that joy is short-lived because as the last Ganado collapses to the ground, it lunges at you; its claws tear through your flesh. You cry out in pain, feeling hot blood trickle down your leg.
Luis reacts swiftly, putting down the creature with one final shot. He rushes to your side, concern etched on his face as he assesses your injuries. "Cariña, are you alright?" he asks, voice filled with worry.
You nod weakly, trying to stand up. Luis gently supports you, his strong arms steadying you as you struggle to stand. "Easy now," he murmurs, his gaze soft and caring. With his support, you manage to rise to your feet. Luis keeps a close eye on you, his concern evident as he guides you out of the house to a safer spot.
As you both make your way out of the abandoned house, Luis keeps a protective arm around you. The adrenaline begins to fade, and the reality of your injuries sets in. You wince with each step, but Luis supports your weight with his body.
You find a relatively safe spot to rest, away from any potential threats. Luis carefully inspects your wound, his brow furrowing with concern as he assesses the damage. "I'm going to have to patch you up, okay?" he says, his voice firm but gentle. He starts rummaging through his pack, searching for supplies to tend to your injury.
As he begins to dress your wound, his touch is surprisingly gentle, his focus unwavering. Nothing is said between you two, but you don't feel the need to speak - it's a comfortable silence. When he finishes dressing your wound, he meets your gaze with a reassuring smile.
"Thank you," you whisper softly, your voice barely above a breath. Without a word, he pulls you into a tender embrace, his arms wrapping around you protectively. You lean in, closing the gap between you, and press your lips against his in a gentle kiss.
Jill Valentine:
Jill instinctively steps forward, hiding your body behind hers. "Stay behind me," Jill whispers, her voice remaining steady despite the current situation.
You have no time to even respond as the B.O.W from earlier - Nemesis - lunges forward, coming right at you both. Without thinking, you push Jill to the side and you both fall to the ground - out of the creature's reach.
Jill quickly rises to her feet, grabbing your hand and pulling you up with her. "We need to find a way out of here," you say, scanning the area for any possible escape routes. Jill nods, her expression determined as she grips her weapon tightly. Together, you make a dash for the nearest alley.
When you can no longer see or hear the B.O.W, you and Jill stop to catch your breath, leaning against the wall of a building that appeared to have been some sort of restaurant before this whole mess.
"Are you alright, darling?" Jill asks, concern etched in her voice as she checks you for any injuries.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you reply, though the close encounter with Nemesis has left you quite shaken.
Jill pulls a slight face, as if not believing your words. She takes a closer look at you and as she looks at your shirt, she realises, "Y/N, you're bleeding."
"I am?" You glance down at your shirt, noticing the stain spreading across the fabric. "That thing must've got me earlier." You shrug, trying to downplay the injury but as the adrenaline fades, the pain worsens.
Jill's expression softens, her concern deepening. "Let me see," she insists, gently lifting the edge of your shirt to look at the wound.
Jill carefully inspects the wound, her brows furrowing in concern. "It's not too deep, but we need to clean and bandage it quickly," she says, her voice firm, leaving no room to argue. She reaches into her bag and pulls out a first aid kit, efficiently cleaning the wound and applying antiseptic before carefully bandaging it up.
Not long after, she's done. "Thanks, Jill," you say softly. She looks down at you, her eyes softening with a small smile. "Of course, darling," she replies.
Gently, she reaches out and cups your cheek, drawing you closer to her. And without another word, you lean in, closing the distance between you, and press your lips against hers in a lingering kiss.
Carlos Oliveira:
In your cozy kitchen, Carlos and you are cooking together, getting ready for a fun night. You joke around as you chop some vegetables, but as you laugh at another one of Carlos' stupid jokes, you fail to pay attention to what you're supposed to be cutting.
Looking away from the vegetables for a split second, you manage to accidentally cut your palm with the knife. Pain shoots through you and you wince, dropping the knife with a clatter.
"Fuck!" you exclaim, clutching your hand to your chest as blood begins to seep from the wound. Carlos's laughter dies away instantly, replaced by a look of concern as he rushes to your side. "Hey, are you okay? Let me see."
You wince as he takes your hand in his, examining the cut with furrowed brows. "It's not too bad," he says, his voice gentle yet reassuring. "But we should clean it up so it doesn't get infected."
He gets you some paper towel to try to stop the bleeding and while you try to stem the bleeding, he goes to grab the first aid kit. With his steady hands, he cleans the wound carefully, his touch surprisingly gentle.
"Thanks, Carlos," you murmur, feeling a mix of embarrassment and relief.
He smiles warmly, his brown eyes softening. "No problem, mi amor. Just be more careful next time, okay?"
Chris Redfield:
You and Chris are on holiday in a small cabin in the middle of the woods, a place for you to get away from your busy, demanding life. This was the perfect place as it was quiet and a way for you to just relax.
Next to you, Chris is fast asleep but you find yourself restless and unable to fall asleep. With a sigh, you slip out of bed, deciding to go for a quick walk to clear your head.
After what felt like a couple minutes, you start going back towards the cabin but lost in thought, you fail to notice the tree roots in front of you. With a sudden jolt, you stumble, pain shooting from your ankle and up your leg as you crash to the ground. You struggle to stand as the pain overwhelms you.
You manage to lean against a nearby tree and start thinking about how you're going to get back now. Just as you're about to rise and start limping the rest of the way back, you see what looks like a flashlight in the distance and a familiar voice call out, "Y/N!" It's Chris.
"Here!" you call back.
You hear his pace quicken, coming in your direction. As Chris approaches, concern etched on his face, he looks at you and notices something is wrong. "What are you doing out here so late? Are you hurt?" he asks, crouching down beside you.
You wince, trying to hide the pain in your ankle. "I... I tripped over some roots," you admit sheepishly, trying to brush it off as nothing serious.
Chris's expression softens as he gently examines your ankle. "Let me take a look," he says, his voice calm and reassuring. "It's swollen," he observes, his brows furrowing slightly with concern. "Let me help you back to the cabin and then we can ice that ankle," he offers, gently lifting you up and supporting you as you hobble back. He wraps an arm around you protectively, guiding you every step of the way.
As you reach the cabin, Chris helps you settle onto the couch before disappearing into the kitchen. Moments later, he returns with a bag of ice and a makeshift wrap.
"Here, let's get this on your ankle," Chris says, kneeling beside you and carefully placing the ice pack on the injured area. His touch is gentle yet firm, comforting you despite the pain.
"Thank you, Chris," you say, to which he smiles warmly.
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paper-source · 2 days
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daeyton · 3 days
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The ending screen of re1 is literally the cutest thing
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dumbstupidlameo · 2 days
writing this on a 20 hour roadtrip my ass hurts
ft Ada Wong x Female Reader
content [ 3.7k words, knifeplay, scissoring, thigh riding, fingering, slight blood kink, teasing, overstimulation ]
(please let me know what/if i missed anything, i’m silly hehe)
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You find yourself supposedly alone in a cold abandoned warehouse, the atmosphere is unsettling almost as if it were a living breathing thing watching over you. Understandably so there's a feeling of unease you can't quite shake off, the feeling creeps up on you, stalking you like a demonic presence over your shoulder.
You were sent here by your employers to collect a small glass vial with an unknown substance. Apart of you wanted to at least try to understand what it could possibly be and why they needed it so badly but you quickly learned that it is not your place to ask questions in this line of work. All you're concerned about is getting the item, getting the fuck out, and getting paid. In that regard, the lack of information and secrecy have made this task a living hell - you're essentially wandering in a labyrinth, following your own shadow around this morbid warehouse.
You've tried to keep yourself collected and calm, as random noises aren't unheard of in old buildings like this. Any sort of disturbance could be written off as the sounds of the building's aging pipes, and since your footsteps echo off every wall in the place, it's hard to distinguish between the two. The sounds of echoes are omnipresent in the enclosed space, and any noise would be magnified in the stillness.
Your footsteps reflect through the silence, breaking only as you pause in your tracks for an instant. Your eyes dart up, to a narrow staircase nearby, a door at the top of its winding curve. The sound of frantic scratching and clawing fills the air as something on the other side rushes aggressively, pounding against the door, desperately attempting to escape. The sounds are deafening, the vibrations rattling through your body like the echoes of a terrifying warning. The air is thick with tension, the low cries and groans growing louder with each frantic bid to break.
With a thunderous crash of the door bursting open above you, your spine tingled with fear as the undead monster stumbles out into the hallway. Its body is in a state of advanced and utter disintegration, covered in open sores, pustules, and growths, dripping with a thick, ooze of pus. As it falls over the railing and plummets to the ground, landing just a few feet before you, you gaze down at the grotesque, disfigured corpse. You're frozen in a state of horror and disgust, nausea rising in your throat at the sight of the vile creature before you.
"It has to be dead...right!?" you manage to get out despite the pounding of your heart, the terror that is paralyzing every inch of your body and tightening your throat with fear. You stare down at the creature, your mouth dry and your breath coming short, as it suddenly bursts to life with a blood–curdling sound. Its head turns sharply in your direction as its broken legs scrape against the floor, it slithers quickly toward you...
“Fuck!” you curse to yourself, gritting your teeth as you struggle to stave off fear, you frantically reach into your gun holster, grabbing your pistol, the creature is picking up speed and getting closer by the moment. The sound of its broken legs scratching across the concrete floor echoes throughout the walls of the warehouse. Your nerves are on fire with adrenaline and primal fear that is surging through your veins. You squeeze the trigger and shoot a few desperate shots right between the creature's eyes, the creature lets out another blood-curdling bellow as it drops dead in an instant. A sigh of relief escapes your lungs as you wipe sweat from your temple, relieved to be rid of the horrid being.
From across the room, you hear the sound of high heels, the sound of them against the ground is amplified by the walls and the floors of the old warehouse, reverberating across the space as they echo hard off the concrete and metal surfaces, there stands the outlined figure of a woman.
The tension haunts the empty warehouse and invades this already tense and eerie atmosphere but it can’t overpower the presence of the figure standing in front of you, even in the shadows her beauty is unmistakeable, her lush black hair frames her face and her red dress clinging flawlessly against her figure, exuding an alluring aura of confidence. “Try not to hurt yourself, beautiful.” her voice is smooth and pierces through the silence as she steps closer into the light, she’s fucking gorgeous, her features become clear to see, and it becomes hard to not stare.
But to the contrary, this is no average woman you’d encounter in a bar. This is a potentially dangerous woman who is most likely armed standing in front of you in a warehouse full of supposed results of a virus whose vial is still somewhere hidden here - you make the first move, but you’re not so sure if it was the right thing to do; you raise your pistol aiming it towards her “Who are you? what’s your purpose here?” you demanded.
Her response was a taunt, a dismissive and almost insulting one - she clicked her tongue at you - “Tsk, I thought we were going to play nice.” With her playful yet mocking tone, something was alluring and enchanting about the way she spoke, almost as if her voice itself was hypnosis-inducing and left you unable to think straight.
Your instinct was to lower your gun, a gesture of peace, an attempt to de-escalate this tense situation. But your gut instinct kicked in, a feeling of dread rising deep in your bones, telling you that you were still in danger. And sure enough, she noticed your hesitation and distantly chuckled mockingly, unfazed taking one step forward in your direction as if your gun was a triviality. You involuntarily take a step back, your breathing becoming erratic and your pulse racing, as your mind races to understand what kind of person would step forward in this situation!? the tension that grows with her presence bleeds with every inhalation causing your throat to squeeze tight uncomfortably making it difficult for you to still your breathing.
“Oh, is something scaring you?”
Her tone is amused and a little bit cruel as she makes no attempt to hide the mockery in her voice, and her expression remains confident as she slowly steps further towards you. The way she looks at you is almost like a dare for you to express your fear.
You're struggling to maintain your composure as the woman gets closer, but you refuse to show any signs of weakness. With each step she takes, the clicking of her heels reverberates off the walls of the warehouse, intensifying the tension in the air. Despite the fear that's building in your chest, you stand your ground and keep your gun aimed square at her. It's a test of wills and you won't be the one to break first.
you desperately try to resist as you feel yourself becoming inexplicably drawn to her despite knowing she's a threat, it's a complex mix of emotions - a deep sense of trepidation and desire growing shamefully deep inside of you for the enigmatic woman before you. The light illuminated her skin making her glow like she was some angel sent down for you, like she was something supernatural and otherworldly, but she wasn't, you had to remind yourself that she was a hazard to you completing your mission.
“The name’s Ada,” the woman says, her voice low and alluring to you. “And I know what you're here for. But trust me, you won't like what you'll find, you're much safer if you leave before you find out the hard way.” her words sound like silk to you, dripping with warning, but they don't seem to be enough for you, you're not convinced you should leave just yet.
You're continuing to stand your ground, focused and ready for whatever comes next. Your pistol is fixed on her, and you're determined to finish the job you took on. "I came here on an assignment," you say, looking her directly in the eyes, "and I plan to finish it." You can see her thinking, as she takes one small step toward you. She then pulls out her knife, pointing it in your direction. "Get down," she demands, her voice firm and commanding. Without hesitation, “Are you fucking crazy?” you exhale, not realizing you've been holding your breath.
Ada tilts her head and smiles at you. It's a pitying smile, one that makes you feel small and vulnerable. Despite your better judgment, you find yourself drawn to her, unable to resist her pull even as you know you're betraying yourself. You lower your gun to the ground and slowly kneel before her, keeping your eyes fixed on her the whole time. But as soon as you comply with her demand, she kicks your pistol away with her heel. Fuck.
It's hard to resist the feeling of being overpowered by the woman as she towers over you. From her perspective, you're probably looking pretty pathetic right now, but that's not the only reason that she seems interested in you. There's a certain intensity to her gaze that almost feels like desire like she can't help but feel a certain way about you being completely at her mercy. Her body language is confident and in control, yet there's something almost playful about the way she's looking at you.
“All the way down” she sternly demands at you, you obey and lay back, propping yourself up on your elbows, you stay looking up at her with furrowed brows as your breath quickens, this is humiliating she can't just make you do this, yet you surrender to her anyways. You’re becoming painfully aroused, you must really be pathetic.
“You still have the choice to run, to get out of here” she offers to you but you lay there in front of her, basically offering yourself on a platter for her.
“Hmmph” she utters “That's what I thought” Her attitude was addicting and you desired more, she knew she was in control. With racing thoughts you involuntarily squeeze your thighs together causing Ada to shake her head at you in a disappointed mockery “Now, now” she speaks to you gradually kneeling above you, using the tip of her knife she presses the sharp blade against your knee, pushing forward in a successful attempt to spread your legs.
She shifts her weight into a more aggressive position, throwing her thigh around yours and lowering herself, straddling you as she moves her blade to your throat, applying pressure just enough to keep you aware of its presence. Your hips involuntarily jerk forward. She grinds her clothed pussy onto your thigh, her dress bunched up to her waist uncovering her sheer panties revealing her pretty pussy to you that was currently fucking itself against your thigh.
You were captivated, surrendering yourself to her mercy; the sensation was almost overbearing, and you could even feel her wetness through the fabric of her panties.
You were getting off just watching her, the feeling of her weight on top of you and seeing the satisfaction play across her face. Your heart was pounding as you struggled to keep your own whines inside. You couldn't take your eyes off of her, her lips slightly parted and emitting those faint whimpers.
Every nerve in your body tingles and intensifies with every slick glide against your sensitive skin, your breaths become rapid with arousal and shame. You know that you're just an object for pleasure, she's using you for her own enjoyment purely. Yet your skin flushes in anticipation and you can feel the wetness between your thighs building from the stimulation. You know you shouldn't be enjoying this, but fuck. Being used like this made your pussy ache and throb painfully, you were desperate, and your terror only added to your arousal.
She slid her body further up your thigh, smirking down at you, you could tell she couldn't resist telling you how pathetic you look.
“Look at you being toyed with, Where's that confidence from earlier? Hm?” her tone full of mockery and amusement, like she was curious about how far she could take this, the cold metal of the blade pressed firmly against your neck as she leaned closer over you, her lips ghosting over your jawline sending shivers down your spine, and causing you to gasp softly before she moved her lips up pressing them against yours,
As Ada pulled back from the kiss, she trailed her tongue along her teeth before leaning in once again, this time more roughly. She used her free hand, the one that wasn't holding the blade to your throat, to grab a fistful of your hair and grip it tightly. The pain from her grip made you wince and grunt against her lips. Biting down onto your bottom lip and then bit by bit she dragged the edge of the knife down your neck and sternum, watching as your back arched with every movement. She pressed the blade further into your sensitive skin with each passing moment, not breaking the kiss at all. The sensation was overwhelming. Pain, fear, and desire all mingled in your mind, leaving you completely helpless. Your breathing quickens and your heart races from the intensity of it all.
Ada breaks the kiss, her lips leaving yours with a sense of finality. She sits up, straddling your thigh, before taking the knife and slicing the first button off your shirt. The action is slow and deliberate, and the cold metal of the blade against your skin sends another shiver down your spine causing your back to involuntarily arch. As your shirt comes apart, your cleavage is revealed, drawing Ada's gaze she looks down at you “Never too late to run away like I said”
Ada sets down the knife and takes hold of both sides of your shirt, pulling it apart forcibly. “But why not stay a little while longer?” The buttons come flying off and your chest is laid bare to her gaze, exposed for her as she watches your chest rise and fall with each shaky breath you take,
Picking the knife back up she lets the steel cold blade trace a path down your sternum, running the knife along your sensitive skin, she uses just enough pressure to leave a shallow cut, it doesn't hurt much but it stings and is enough to draw blood, feeling the warm dark red liquid drip down your sides, the slight pain makes your body tense up with fear and arousal, she's marked you, you feel as if you belong to her now. Her blade makes its way down to between your thighs lightly teasing along your clothed pussy.
You wriggled your hips against her as best as you could in an effort to be enticing, looking up at her with a pout and a whimper,
“Good girls use their words” she uttered to you with a scoff before unbuttoning your pants and practically ripping them off you in one go.
Your body jolted at the sudden sensation of the cold thick air of the warehouse against your skin. The contrast between your warm body and the cool air sent a shiver down your spine. You let out a loud shriek, "Fuck!"
"Shh" Ada admonishes, raising a single finger to her mouth. "You're going to get us both killed with all that noise." As she speaks, she looks around the empty space, aware of the dangers that might be lurking in the shadows, you swallow a lump in your throat in remembrance of the creature from before.
Immediately, at the sound of Ada's commanding tone, you shut your mouth and comply with her instruction. You are silent, as you should be.
Ada stares at you with a cruel amusement, taking in your exposed body in its entirety. Your shirt has been ripped open, leaving your chest bare. The only thing covering you are your panties.
Ada takes the knife back into her hand, her gaze following the path of the blade as she brings it near to your panties. She slowly traces it along the line where the fabric meets your skin.
The sharp edges of the knife effortlessly slice through the fabric of your panties, a loud tearing noise echoing throughout the warehouse as they are torn to shreds. The remnants fall to the ground,
laying there below her, both exposed and vulnerable, excitement and fear rushing through your veins, every little sensation amplified, as you become acutely aware of how throbbing your pussy is now that you can feel the cool breeze of the warehouse against your skin.
Ada stands before you, her figure illuminated in the dim lighting. Slowly, like a snake slithering through the shadows, she bends and caresses her fingertips up the curves of her body, her fingers trailing along the contours of her skin. Her movement is mesmerizing as you watch, entranced by the sight of her touching her own body from above you, before sliding her own panties down to her ankles and stepping out of them, tossing them behind her as if it had no significance.
Your voice refuses to cooperate, and all that comes out are pitful gasps and breaths as you watch Ada lower herself back to your level. Her movements are deliberate and slow as she gracefully tosses one leg over yours and lowers her pussy right upon your wet throbbing cunt.
Your teeth clench together, holding back pathetic whines as she moves her hips upon yours angelically, the intensity tingling throughout your entire body,
your hands shakily grasp upon her hips to desperately keep up with her pace and rhythm, frantically needing more, needing to stay connected with her — she's gorgeous from above you; her lips slightly parted in a slow blissful pant. The sensation of fucking her pulsing clit against yours, you can feel her wetness mixing with your own as your tears fall freely, the shame and embarrassment overwhelming you. But amidst your tears, you feel the warmth of Ada's hand covering your own, her touch slowly guiding your trembling fingers up the curve of her chest; letting you cup her clothed tits, The sensation is electrifying, your fingers shivering against her as you grasp and squeeze lightly toying with her tits, she bites her bottom lip softly looking at you with safistcafion from it all.
The movements from her hips become erratic as they shutter against yours and you feel her spilling all over your fucked out cunt, she softly grunts, using you to ride out her high before pulling away, admiring your soaked cunt full of your wetness and her cum.
Ada takes a finger and glides it down between your folds, easily slipping in as she fucks her own cum into your aching pussy. The sensation all crashing down upon you, feeling your stomach tighten as you buck your hips shamelessly into her hand whilst she pumps her slender fingers into your wet cunt — retracting fingers back she lowers herself down to face your pussy as she draws her knife back in hand; with just enough pressure pressing down she places it firmly against your lower stomach before gently passing her tongue over your aching clit, savoring the flavors of both your wetness and her cum,
You throw your head back against the cold, hard floor of the warehouse, your neck arching, and your eyes trained upwards. The harsh fluorescent lights above cast a stark, white glow on the surroundings, causing you to squint reflexively, your eyes flutter back as you give in completely to the sensations, the ecstasy almost overwhelming you; she shoves her fingers back and with every pump of Ada’s fingers giving you a dizzying sensation that nearly consumes you.
Your body tensed up, the adrenaline coursing through your veins as your aching throbbing pussy clenched desperately around Ada’s fingers as you fuck yourself against her more viciously, every movement involuntary, every touch more intense than the last.
Pleasure and pain can be closely intertwined— it's unbearable, an overwhelming sense of ecstasy; your muscles aching and flexing, holding on frantically as your back arched with every muscle in your body clenched tightly with each intense wave of sensation, your breaths were shallow and erratic.
You finish, you tried to cry out but your voice was only a whisper, with her fingers still fucking themselves into your abused pussy, a mixture of both Ada’s and your cum still fucking its way deep into your cunt.
Your senses are overflooding; bombarded with sensation after sensation, your body is pulsating; every fiber of your being vibrates with the intensity that overwhelms you greatly, you can barely think, your mind flooded with a rush of images and thoughts, yet you’ve never felt more alive than this very moment.
You desperately backed away from her fingers that were pumping into your pussy, all of your senses began to blur together making it hard to distinguish, you were drowsy and worn out blissfully as you attempted to catch your breath.
In this moment, you regain half-consciousness to look up at her, she's otherworldly, an angel you have longed to believe to be real. She's glowing it seems, her beauty enhanced and radiating, she's smirking down at you and you feel a faint dazed smile creep across your lips, you stare upon her in awe.
Ada stands up and the lingering feelings of pleasure and relief begin to subside, her expression now cold and cruel, she no longer glowed like an angel, She reaches into her bra and pulls out a small glass vial, the same one you were sent for, only to taunt you. Without a word or a look back, she steps away, letting the glass vial flash in the light one final time before leaving you there, alone and abandoned.
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primrosepurple234 · 2 days
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Doodles of my redesigns of the main re girls
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valenfield-inspo · 2 days
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Resident Evil 5 (2009)
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gwynnbleiddd · 3 days
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getting my gf into resident evil and this has been me the entirety of the past month
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keflibunni · 1 day
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kashlat2 · 17 days
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Jill wip bc she’s hot and I’m gay
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peachremix · 9 months
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this video single handedly pulled me out of art block
edit: so close to 1k notes if it happens i'll draw wesker on drums
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theyrejustfictional · 2 months
Leon’s hands;
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he has such pretty hands
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