#you're right king! you ARE the victim here
bastardpacs · 2 years
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Trent Beretta. You're upset that I hurt your little buddy, are ya? Your 'best friend'. You blindsighted me, and all of the sudden I'm the bad guy, huh?
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quasi-normalcy · 2 months
I know that this is the "Turning social problems into matters of individual virtue" website, but here's one change that you can make to yourself as an individual that I honestly think will have beneficial collective effects:
Stop Thinking You're Better Than Other People.
Do I mean that you should go through life thinking that you're the lowliest and most wretched scum who's ever lived? No. I mean that there exists no meaningful criterion by which one human being can be said to be absolutely 'better' than another. And even if there was, you don't know enough about other people's circumstances and interior thoughts to meaningfully judge them in these absolute terms. So don't even try! It's a futile endeavour.
"But what about fascists? Surely I'm better than them!"
Okay, so let me preface this by saying that fascists are dangerous, they're misguided, their acts and intentions are evil, and they need to be stopped, including through physical violence. But you're not better than them. I know that this is a difficult pill to swallow; I myself used to pat myself used to pat myself on the back because, well, at least I wouldn't have been a Nazi. But you know what? If the circumstances were right, I could have been. We all could have been, just as we all could have joined a cult at some point.
Looking at myself, for example: there was never any serious possibility that I could have been swept up into the alt-right movement. Why? Because I'm transgender, and I was raised to be a socialist. How easy it is to *not* become a fascist when you're one of their scapegoats! How much harder it would be to avoid if you're one of the people they flatter and groom, if you're raised by people who are sympathetic to fascist ideals, if you grow up in a community where such ideals are common! The fact that fascist movements can seemingly emerge amongst every nation and people--including those who have historically been victims of fascism--confirms this. What if I had lived a hundred years later, at a time when transgenderism was a complete non-issue, and they'd moved on to some new scapegoat? What if they had approached me on my absolute worst day and told me that all of my problems were caused by moochers and parasites, and that I could fight back and claim my birth right by joining them? Can I really say that I wouldn't? Can anyone?
But even beyond that, what is a fascist but the ultimate example of someone who needs to feel superior to others? What is scapegoating but the act of selecting an entire group of people and declaring them to be inferior to you? And if you just refuse to believe these things; if you refuse to accept the premise that some people are better than others, and call it out whenever it comes up; then you're cutting these movements off at knees! The ideological force of fascism comes from imagining humanity as a strict hierarchy, with the master race on top and the degenerates on the bottom. Simply refuse to believe in such a hierarchy! Refuse to even entertain it!
"But then how can I feel self-esteem? How can I feel that I matter and have value?"
You have value just by existing as a person! But if that's not enough for you, then try this: instead of trying to increase your sense of self-worth by finding people to feel superior to, increase it by being of value to others. Help them! Make their lives better! Contribute to society! Not even in a way that you can (necessarily) put a dollar value on, but in any way you can! Create art! Plant a pollinator garden! Tell a joke! Make someone happy! If nothing else, you can at least give someone love, and I guarantee you that that will be of value to them. The universe is so vast and we're all so small that any value we can ever have will only ever be to each other. And surely it beats spending your life trying to be king of the microbes.
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annwe24 · 22 days
Part 1
Summary: You feel trapped in the luxurious cage that Lucifer created.
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You wake up with a sense of dread. The first thing you do is eyeing the neatly folded clothes on the edge of your bed. You have never questioned his fashion choice. But now, you start seeing the pattern with the color white and the doll-like features. It is almost as if this is all simply a dollhouse for him to play with. It is sickening.
You find him at his usual spot in the kitchen, cooking as always. If this was a normal morning, you would be a little noisy. However, as of right now, even a slight creak of the chair feels interrupting. Lucifer sets down your plate of food. You notice a strange glint in his eye. He is oddly quiet too. Putting on his white coat, he softly said to you:
I am going to be home late tonight. Please don't wait up, okay? Get some sleep.
Where are you going?
Somewhere unimportant.
He says as he pats your head.
Sleeping is what you should have been doing right now instead of contemplating. You think about a lot of things, especially memories. You remember the time you went into existence. Almost all of your life is spent here in these confining walls. Lucifer created you from the holy dust of a dead exorcist out of pure curiosity. He loves creating and experimenting. Rubber duck is just one of his countless creations, including you. He loves his creations. You can't help but smile at the memory of him hunching over his desk making a rubber duck. For something so small, he spends so much time and energy, wanting to achieve perfection. Just like how he loves you. Are you being selfish?
The noise makes you jump out of the bed, blanket and pillows fly all over. Could it have come from Lucifer? You glance at the clock. The green electric light read as 2:04. It couldn't have been an invader. The mansion is a King’s residence afterall. You consider the most terrifying possibility: Lucifer is letting out his frustration. Even so, you find the courage to go downstairs and calm him down. For someone who is supposed to be a ruthless ruler, just the mention of your name is enough for him to stop whatever he’s doing. You can't handle the thought of Lucifer getting himself hurt.
It's pathetic. He’s pathetic. Never in your life would you have expected to see this: Lucifer wasted next to a broken vase. Even the air around him reeks of alcohol. Dusting the invisible dust on your nightgown, you mentally prepare yourself to lift his body up multiple staircases to reach his room. Looping one arm around his back, the other under both of his legs, you carry him in bridal style. Although you struggle greatly due to the weight, you can't help but feel embarrassed by the fact that Lucifer’s face is pressed close up your chest.
Finally, you manage to drop him on his king-sized bed. Taking a minute to catch your breath, you return to the matter at hand. You need to somehow change his current attire into something more…decent. Even with his white coat removed, the smell of alcohol cannot be extinguished. Hesitantly, you slowly remove the button of his waistcoat, then you move onto his shirt. The air around you feels disturbingly hot and you don't like how fast your heart is beating. As you're onto the third button, a hand shoots up to grab your own. You flinch at the sudden warmth that his hand provides, not daring to look at him straight in the face.
I’m sorry. Lucifer said with a raspy voice, looking at you with half-lidded eyes.
F-for what?
You silently curse at yourself for stumbling over your words like some teenagers. You probably sound stupid right now. Before you could answer, he had used his other free hand to caress the back of your head, tangle his fingers through the soft locks of your hair. Without warning, he crashed your head into his chest. You are an absolute mess right now. Whatever game he is playing, you are willing to be the victim, melting under his touch. You can faintly hear your heart beating in tandem with his heart. Through decades of living together, you two have only given each other delicate touches on the shoulders or hands, not enough to leave burning marks on your whole body like this. You figure it is the alcohol that urges him to act so boldly. It stays like that for a while. Silence befalls on the both of you. The only sound that you can make out is your breathing noises. Just you and him. It has always been that way.
After some minutes, he lifted the entirety of your body up. You let out a small squeak as Lucifer lands you next to him onto the bed. He immediately engulfs you into a tight hug, your body flushed together. If someone were to ask you something right now, the only sound that could escape is your blabbering.
I’m sorry for everything.
The vibration coming from his chest steers reality one step further from you. Still, you collect yourself as best as you can to dissect his words. What does he mean by that?
What do you mean by that?
You find the courage to lift your head and look Lucifer in the eyes. The truth is finally so close.
I’ll…tell you everything later. Now is not the best time.
Okay, I understand.
If time is what he needs, you will gladly give, as long as the truth is delivered. Plus, you're not sure if you can understand half of the words if he decided to spill right now. The only thing you can make out right now is the fact that Lucifer looks absolutely stunning. His shirt is unbuttoned, letting you see a bit of his bare chest. His waistcoat is clinging loosely on his torso. You had never wanted to strip something off as much as this. You don't realize how dangerously close he is right now to you. Just a slight movement, a kiss can be delivered. You also don't realize how both of you are unconsciously leaning into each other. But intentionally for a kiss? You don't feel a kiss is what drawing you two closer. It is an instinct, a desire to be with one another. That desire slowly ignites into a passionate kiss you two are sharing. There is no battle to be won, no fighting for control. Just a slow dance of two mourning souls. The night passes with tenderness, clothes thrown onto the floor, forgotten. That night, your dreams are made of sweet little nothings, unaware of the angelic wings wrapping your sleeping form.
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writers-potion · 10 days
Have you done any posts on lying and liars? I'm looking for ways to indicate that someone is not trustworthy, without being too outright
Crafting (Subtly) Untrustworthy Characters
Hey thanks for the question! Please look at my previous post about writing liars reliably. This will be a follow-up post to the liars posting.
Get In the Head of the Character Being Cheated
Oftentimes, the signs of untrustworthiness may be clear to an onlooker, but not to the victim. This is also the reason why victims of fraud blame themselves and experience lowered self-esteem after realizing they've been cheated on.
On stepping a little away from the situation and looking back, all the red flags may be obvious. What makes a liar convincing is their ability to confound/emotionally overwhelm their victim so that they aren't able to think rationally on the spot. You can reasonably sort through a situation when you're given time to sit down and think for a day - when you're being pushed to make an important decision with high stakes within 2 minutes? Probably not.
You can get away with describing obvious signs of untrustworthiness, but framing them from the POV of the victim who is too scared/tired/intimidated to think properly.
A character who is young, with limited people experience, won't be able to pick up on the signs even though they're right in front of them.
So the goal here is to place the right signs there, with enough emotional/atmospheric fluff that prevents your victim from being perceptive.
Signs of Untrustworthiness
Making little changes in what they've said. Rather than going back on their promises fully, they make smaller changes, e.g. "actually, I'm only available on Tuesday after 9pm, not Monday."
They don't own up to their mistakes. There's always a good reason for their wrongdoings. Always.
They bring up emotionally uncomfortable topics to make the other feel guilty when they want to push for something they want.
They talk a lot about how they are loving/kind, but when you actually ask them for something, they back out.
"It's going to be different next time."
They say they have a strict moral code/discipline, but keep bending them, making excuses as to how the "circumstances are different" and "just this time."
If someone wants to cheat you, they'll try to make you feel special, saying things like, "you're the only one" or "who else can I ask for this?"
They accuse you of being untrustworthy.
"Future faking" where they act like the things they promised are just within your reach, but they're just deceptions.
They get into the victim/martyr mode when you try to place blame on them.
They use half-truths, leaving out the most important parts of the information to cloud your judgement.
They treat you like a king/queen when you're with other people, but cut you down when you're alone. This can also work vice versa.
Hope this helps! Happy writing :)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* . ───
💎If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 
💎Before you ask, check out my masterpost part 1 and part 2 
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emeraldsandamethyst · 9 months
Inspired by this post by @nerdpoe thank you
AN: a whole new au. Danny is not the ghost king. He is running errands for the ancients. He is unaware but he's a baby ancient himself. The new ancient of space. Though he's not there yet.
Tim is going by Cardinal in this. Jason is still Red Hood, and also the prince that Danny is talking about. Jason and the bats have no idea he's a prince or what it means. I had originally planned on making this dead on main but now it might be dead tired. Unsure. If it is Tim is polyam and already dating Bernard for sure and maybe Kon too idk.
Tim, as Cardinal, landed on the rooftop across from the unknown potential rogue. They were glowing weakly and floating just off the gravel on the roof. Their hair was white and mid length. It moved more like smoke than hair. They were wearing a simple black suit with white gloves, boots and belt. They had no face covering.
"Oh, you're here! Awesome! You ready?" They asked cheerfully. He'd been expected. Or if not Cardinal then at least someone from The Colony.
Tim hummed noncommittally. The guy looked confused then disappointed.
"You don't know why you're here, do you?" The guy said, both his shoulders and floating hair drooping in disappointment. Curious.
"Why don't you tell me what you think I'm here for and we can compare notes." Tim said with bland politeness. He didn't do anything so stupid as relax, but he wasn't in the mood to fight. So de-escalate it was. Hopefully the unknown would agree.
"Right. Okay. At least you're definitely her knight so you're the right guy." He said, apparently to himself, then he straightened his posture and pulled out a scroll from somewhere, making it look like it came from his suit. "Ahem ahem." He actually said instead of clearing his throat. He began to read. "It has come to the attention of the Council of Ancients that one of our peoples is claiming their haunt in the Living world under false pretenses and with malicious intent beyond reasonable expectations of the Dead. 
"Recognizing the great disruption that the Living would experience at Our collective presence We, the Council of Ancients, send in our stead a champion, known to the living as Danny Phantom, to enforce Our decree. 
"It has been reported by the Dead victims that the Living have been unable to otherwise mitigate or contain or banish this criminal from their world. The wrongs done are so numerous and so horrific and the Victims so plentiful that We, The Council of Ancients, condemn this man, known to the Living as 'The Joker', to eternal imprisonment. This judgment is to be enforced forthwith. Once apprehend and safely contained We, The Council of Ancients, shall provide a means by which the Living can file their own grievances against The Joker to seek redress.
"Danny Phantom-" Danny stopped reciting and looked over at Cardinal with a disgruntled expression, "that's me. I'm Danny Phantom, I have to read it exactly." Then he went back to reading the document. "Danny Phantom is hereby charged to speak with the Ghost whose haunt has been so grossly violated and follow their demands that do not conflict with Realm law."
Danny waited, holding the scroll open for a few more moments before he offered it, rolled back up, to Tim.
"And that's why I'm here with you, by the way, Lady Gotham told me her knights and Prince would help me and you're her knight, so, yeah! That's why I'm here! Got my warrant and everything Mister Birdman, Sir!"
"... It's Cardinal, actually." Tim said. He took the glowing paper with some concern and opened it himself. The words were not in English or any other language Tim knew. Except as he looked the document translated itself into English.
This was, indeed, a very strange but official seeming document that could be called a warrant. Calling for the detainment of The Joker. In another dimension.
An excuse to get The Joker gone forever? Tim wanted to accept this right now, immediately. But Bruce would need more than a scroll from an unknown government and the words of their supposed representative as proof.
Tim breathed in for four, held it then exhaled for six. "How exactly am I to determine this is a legitimate warrant from a legitimate governing body with actual jurisdiction in Gotham, New Jersey, The United States of America, North America, Earth, third planet in the Sol system, the Milky Way and not some wackos with big ideas and more power than sense." 
"But, it is legit?" Danny Phantom looked confused, as if the concept of this situation being faked had never even occurred to him. Tim stared at him. Phantom stared back.
"Sure, okay, you're telling me it is. But how do I make sure you're actually who you say you are. Anyone can put on a costume and claim whatever they want. Doesn't make it true." Tim said with patience he didn't feel.
"Huh. Uh, I guess?" Phantom said, somehow looking even more confused now. "Um, usually your patron would be here to introduce us, well she is here but she's not able to be seen by the Living. Not even her knights. She's supposed to be able to show herself to you guys but can't because this The Joker guy is messing with her. Taking her power and junk.
"What?" Phantom's eyes lost focus, like he was communicating telepathically.  Since it was a total non sequitur Tim figured it likely was telepathy, or something like it.
Tim waited, mentally rifling through his memories to find ways to vet this guy that would satisfy Bruce. Because honestly? Tim was tempted to just let him go and watch what happened.
"Oh! Well, why isn't your prince here, Lady? That should make everything easy— wait, seriously? Of course not, that would be easy. How can they even function? Ugh."
"Excuse me? Who exactly is this prince that I'm supposedly following the orders of?" Tim interjected. He didn't need this unknown likely meta going off on irrelevant tangents. Definitely not now.
"It's- ugh. I'm not allowed to say anything? He's a dude that… you know." Danny flinched and hissed. He glared at nothing, sulking.
"Uh-huh." Tim said. "The prince of Gotham is 'a dude' that 'I know' right. Sure. I know Brucie Wayne is the media's prince of Gotham but he's not actually an actual prince. That's just hyperbole. We don't actually have royalty here."
"I'm from Ohio! Of course I know that's not your Lady's real prince!" Danny scoffed and looked offended. 
"Condolences on being Ohian."
"Oh come on! You're from New Jersey!"
"Your point?" Tim asked.
"Look. Just. I am trying to do my job and help you and your patron and your people." Danny snapped.
"And what do you need from me, exactly? You never actually explained. You just read me your warrant." Tim pointed out.
"Oh. Uh. Sorry Cardinal." Danny said, embarrassed. "I just need your okay for me to get him or for you to come with."
Tim hummed and thought. That was it? Tim technically didn't even need to go with him? Tim was, of course. He was much too untrusting to just let this stranger run off in Gotham unsupervised.
"Yeah alright. I'll escort you, don't run off."
"Aw yeah!" Phantom said, immediately flying off. He did at least come back and look embarrassed, staying close to Tim. "Um, sorry. Got excited. Lead the way Sir Cardinal!"
That's all I've got so far. Just kinda wrote this to get back into writing. No idea if I'm gonna continue it.
Thank you.
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archiveikemen · 5 months
『 Dark If 』 Story Event: Chapter 2
Jude Jazza
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. I do not own any of the original content. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
❥・• Warnings and FAQ
I immediately started doing my research on curses and magic in the library.
Due to my sheltered upbringing at the castle, every piece of knowledge I gained from the books was new to me.
Kate: “Time is not irreversible, and space is not unchangeable”.
Kate: “Like a complicated intertwining of threads, the past and the future, as well as different worlds can be connected”.
Kate: … This might be why I have memories of living in both England and this fairytale world…
They once existed separately, but they were now connected into one.
Just like two pieces of thread being intertwined.
The pages of the book rustled as I flipped to the page with information on fairies.
Fairies possess extraordinary powers and are rare in number. They often cause disputes between countries.
It is not an uncommon occurrence for them to be targets of assassination by other countries, as killing a fairy would give them an advantage in terms of war strategy.
(Fairy can easily plan the overthrow of an entire country, and so everyone who refuses to join the military is often imprisoned or executed—)
Kate: … So that’s how it is…
(The overprotective King and the country’s military meekly accepted my situation, just because he’s a fairy…)
I felt furious and ashamed at my lack of knowledge on what was happening around me.
Jude: What have you been doing here every single night?
Kate: Jude…
The moment I saw him, I instantly regretted the things I said to him a few days ago.
Kate: … I’m sorry for saying that you're being targeted because of your bad personality.
Jude: Huh? I don't get what you're talking about.
Kate: Like you said, I’m too ignorant about many things. I realise that now.
Kate: So, for you to listen to what I want… I’ll try to discuss them with you on equal terms.
Jude: … Hah.
Jude scoffed and hooked a fingertip under my collar, pulling my face closer.
Jude: I assumed that you’d be an overly pampered and spoiled brat because of the sheltered upbringing you received for many years.
Jude: What nice eyes you have. Makes me want to make you cry.
Kate: … W-What?
He looked down at me with his usual sadistic expression. And yet, for some strange reason, I felt rather uplifted this time.
(Not that I’m happy I got some form of validation from him or anything… I think.)
Jude: Hm, hope you try as hard as you can.
Jude let go of my collar and left the library.
(— Now that I think of it, he calls me a servant and makes me wear a collar.)
However, apart from leaving the castle, there was nothing else I wasn't allowed to do.
“I’m safe here, so please don't send any soldiers over. That will only result in unnecessary deaths”.
Ellis delivered my letter to the palace, he had been kind enough to help me communicate with them and assure them of my safety.
(If this curse is because of a grudge he has against me— I might have done something wrong to him in the past.)
(But why do I have no recollection of it…?)
To vent my frustration, I completely drowned myself in researching curses and magic.
Before I knew it, days went by—
Kate: Oh, good morning, Jude.
Jude: … Are you doing that on purpose?
Kate: … What do you mean?
Jude: Bed hair.
I hurriedly apologised and roughly combed my hair with my fingers.
I lowered my face to hide that my heart fluttered.
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Jude: Pfft, you turned red over something like this. You’re so childish.
Rather than being used to his sadistic attitude, I found myself beginning to be slightly attracted to him.
(Um… this must be one of those tropes in fiction where the victim falls for the kidnapper, something like that.)
(This isn’t love… yup.)
Kate: You spent the whole night in your study last night, right? Have you been sleeping well?
Jude: Hah, what’s this? Is the little one worried about me?
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Jude: Worry about me after you know how to fix your bed hair and greet me properly in the morning, Princess.
Kate: Ouch…
My forehead stung when he flicked me with his finger.
Jude: You like the pain, huh.
I averted my gaze, avoiding his mocking yet attractive smile.
Kate: I don’t. … Please lift the curse today.
Jude: Ah, ah, you're getting snappy. Looks like I won’t lift the curse today too.
Jude laughed at my request and left for work as usual.
Time passed by without mercy, my search for the missing piece in this world and my pleas for my curse to be lifted both remained fruitless—
There was one day where Jude was out of the castle for an usually long time and only returned at midnight. I happened to see him when I was peeking out of the library.
Right when his back disappeared into his study.
I noticed something on the carpet—
(Is that… blood?)
A shiver ran down my spine, and I immediately rushed to the study.
The study was filled with mountains of books — there Jude was, slouched in a chair at the center of the room, looking pale.
Kate: Jude… are you hurt…?
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Jude: … Did I not say that no one is allowed in this room without my permission?
Jude: It’s just a scratch. Hurry up and get out.
Kate: Even if it’s only a small matter, I can’t leave an injured person alone. Let me help you treat your wound.
I approached Jude against his will and saw the piles of papers and documents on his desk.
Kate: … You shut yourself in your study every night. Just what exactly are you researching?
Kate: Is it also the reason why you were out late today…?
Jude: … So what if it is?
Kate: You’ll damage your health if you keep this up.
Kate: Putting your life at risk because of a promise… it's as though you’re the one who’s in danger, Jude.
Jude: … What?
Kate: — It’s like a curse.
Jude: Hah… you actually said it.
Without delay, a hand wrapped around my neck like a snake.
It was as if he wanted to remind me that he was the one who cursed me, and that my life was in his hands.
Kate: … ggh…
My collar was tightened, making me struggle to breathe.
Jude: Being cursed to death for the entirety of your long life over some stupid promise is a pretty big deal.
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Jude: You’re worrying about me — and yet, you’ll still fall into a deep slumber tomorrow because of your curse. Have you forgotten all about that?
Jude: Go back to your room right now if you don’t want your head blown off, Princess.
He then slammed the door loudly in my face.
That’s right, before I knew it, my birthday was — tomorrow.
(At this rate, I’ll really fall into a deep sleep for 100 years, just like I’m cursed to.)
(Not knowing why Jude cursed me, what’s the missing piece in this world, nothing at all…)
While I was feeling restless and having difficulty sleeping, I suddenly heard the ear-piercing sound of glass shattering.
(Is someone attacking the castle again…?)
I should've been used to the noise by now, and yet… it felt especially unsettling this time.
(There are more voices and footsteps than usual today.)
(Ellis is staying overnight in a town at the foot of the mountain tonight to purchase some items, and Jude is injured.)
Kate: … [worried]
I quickly flew out of bed and ran into the hallway.
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Jude: Tch… why did you come out here for? Go back to sleep.
Kate: Please don’t say such absurd things in the midst of this ruckus…
Soldier: Princess Kate!
(— Soldiers?!)
Kate: Why are you… I’ve already informed my father than I’m safe…!
Soldier: Your Highness, tomorrow is your last day as per your curse.
Soldier: His Majesty ordered us to take you back to the palace at once, as he wants to see your face for the last time!
Jude: — Unfortunately, the Princess won’t be going home with you.
As if hiding me from the soldiers downstairs, Jude pushed me down with one hand.
Kate: Jude? You’ll be treated as a traitor if you do this, and be an even greater target…
Jude: Hah, you’re worrying over nothing. Besides, you’ll die if you return to the palace now.
Kate: What…?
(What do you mean by that…? My curse is to fall into a deep sleep for 100 years when I prick myself on the spindle of a spinning wheel.)
But, just now, Jude clearly said that I would “die”.
Kate: Are you saying that there’s something else that could kill me, apart from my curse?
Jude: … The incompetency of the doctors at the palace.
Just then, I saw a blazing arrow flying towards Jude—
Kate: … Watch out…!
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Jude: !?
In an attempt to shield him from it, I lost my balance—
Jude: … Kate!
— I fell headlong into the atrium, and into the arms of a soldier sent by my father.
Soldier: Princess Kate! Are you hurt!?
Kate: Is Jude…!?
I looked up at the mezzanine — Jude seemingly got distracted by my fall and was subdued by the soldiers.
Jude: Damn it… why did you fall, you idiot?!
Kate: … P-Please, he’s injured… please don’t be rough with him!
Soldier: We will be detaining him for the abduction and confinement of the Princess.
Kate: P-Please wait… listen to me—!
No one heard my cries… and we were brought to the palace in separate carriages.
(What should I do… Jude was captured because of me.)
Based on what I’ve read in books about how fairies are treated, I had a rough idea of Jude’s fate.
In place of overlooking his crimes, Jude would be forced to protect our country by attacking enemy countries.
(Jude still has a promise to fulfill…)
— “I won’t ever break this promise, even in death.”
Kate: …?
I thought I heard someone’s voice.
Immediately, the scenery before me distorted and I felt myself being pulled by some unknown force.
(W-Wha…? Did I hit my head—)
I shut my eyes tightly due to the dizziness, and when I opened them—
I found myself in an unfamiliar back alley.
(... Where is this place…?)
I saw that my reflection in a building’s windowpane appeared childlike, approximately 10 years old.
(Is this… me as a child?)
Judging from my dainty and expensive-looking dress, it was unlikely that this was the “me” who lived in England.
Right at that moment— the angry voices of a few grown-ups could be heard from outside the alley.
Man’s Voice: Get him! We want him alive!
Man’s Voice: You little pest… making things difficult for me—!
I peeked out of the alley and saw a little boy around my age being chased by a group of grown-ups.
He was covered in wounds; and his eyes looked like they had a roaring fire burning inside them, as if he bore a grudge against the entire world.
The boy was about to pass by the alley, when—
Kate: … Hide—!
Boy: Huh!?
I pulled him into the alley and heaved a sigh of relief as we hid behind a stack of wooden crates, listening to the footsteps of the grown-ups fade away into the distance.
Kate: … Looks like they’re gone now. Why were they after you? Are you hurt—?
Boy: … You don’t know me. I’m a wanted person throughout the country.
Kate: You are? But, why would they be after such a young child…
Boy: A young child? Aren’t you about the same age as me?
(Ah… could it be—)
Kate: Are you able to use magic?
Boy: — So what if I am?
The boy very clearly became increasingly wary of me.
I recalled the heartless words “children of fairies are often wanted as a valuable asset, thus they may be hunted down”.
Kate: Don’t worry, I won’t capture you.
Jude (The Little Boy): … Who knows if you’re telling the truth. Looking at your clothes, you probably a noble’s daughter or royalty. People with money and power are untrustworthy scums.
Kate: I’m telling you the truth! … I think that it’s wrong for someone to be wanted, targeted, and stripped of their freedom when they haven't committed a crime…!
I remembered Jude being attacked at his castle in the mountains nearly every day.
My words involuntarily came out of my mouth, expressing all the pent up frustration I had from my days spent at that castle.
Kate: Ah… sorry for raising my voice.
Boy: … Pfft, why apologise? It’s fine. I agree with you.
Boy: … And your face doesn't look like you’re capable of lying.
Boy: You don’t seem intelligent enough to fool someone for your personal gain— huh?
Boy: Oi, show me your face.
Kate: Huh? Wha—
He brought my face closer and examined it closely, seemingly trying to see something.
(His eyes… they look cold, yet so beautiful.)
Boy: Tch… you look like you have some kind of disease.
Kate: A disease…?
Boy: You have about 10 years left to live.
Kate: W-What…!? Are you saying that I’ll die in 10 years time…!?
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Boy: I owe you for saving my life, I’m not going to let you die.
Boy: 10 years later when you’re about to die, I’ll make time stop.
Boy: I don't know how many years will it take to find a cure for your disease… 100 years should suffice.
Kate: H-Hold on… what do you mean by that?
Boy: You slow princess. I’m saying that I’ll save you. Go on and cry tears of gratitude for me.
Boy: I won’t ever break this promise, even in death.
The boy poked my forehead with a finger.
Boy: 10 years from now, you will prick your finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and fall into a deep sleep for 100 years.
Kate: W-Why do I have to prick my finger on a spindle…?
Boy: Maybe it’s just the way you look, who knows. Besides — you seem to enjoy pain.
His thin lips curled into a mocking smile.
Kate: — Have we ever met somewhere before…?
— I found myself back in the carriage I was forced into.
(That dream… it felt oddly real.)
I could still feel the sensation of a finger touching my forehead.
“Time is not irreversible, and space is not unchangeable. Like a complicated intertwining of threads, the past and the future, as well as different worlds can be connected.”
(The past and the present… connected…?)
I came to this world from England — and now, I have a promise with Jude from the past.
That idea should've been ridiculous, and yet the dots connected perfectly and formed a truth.
Kate: So, the present day Jude is currently imprisoned — and then there's the curse.
Kate: What about the promise we made just now…?
– Flashback Start –
King: … That night, you had a quarrel with me and ran away from the palace. You then lost your consciousness and collapsed in an alley.
– Flashback End –
Thinking about it made me finally understand why I had no memories of back then.
It was because the “me” who met the young Jude in the back alley, was “me” from the present day.
I came into this fairytale world, and made a promise with Jude from the past.
That’s why, before I met Jude from the past, I didn't have any memories of making that promise.
(But, still… I’m certain that I wasn't scared of the curse.)
(Because Jude didn't curse me out of spite.)
(He cursed me to buy time, so that a cure for my disease could be found.)
That means, according to the curse, I need to be pricked by a spindle.
It was the only way to fulfil our promise, which was for me to fall asleep and stop death from reaching me.
Kate: A spindle…
Kate: I have to look for a spindle—
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faioula16 · 8 months
Sebastian Michaelis fluff yandere Alphabet
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Warnings: This post includes sexual content and violence but other than that pretty much fluffy fluff.
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
✿ Sebastian is extremely affectionate and loving when it comes to his mate, especially if you’re human or a Neko.
✿ He highly believes lavishing you in affection and tender care is the key to win your trust and that you will also be more willing to accept him as your demon butler/lover and eternal companion, not to mention he LOVES to take care of and please you kitten~.
✿⁠ From the moment you, his beloved darling kitten, will open your eyes until it’s finally your bedtime, best believe you’re going to receive tons of hugs, kisses, caresses, praises, delicious treats, compliments loving massages and so much more! In other words, Sebastian pampers you to no end.
✿⁠ Sebastian also loves to use acts of service like acting as your loyal butler to take care of you properly and in utter perfection. I guess he got attached to his role as a butler from his previous contract with Ciel.
✿ Breakfast in bed, bubble baths, delicious feasts, dancing and cooking lessons, lots of cuddles and sensual make-out sessions while you sit on his lap, bedtime stories and lullabies, romantic dates deep into the woods and even in the city (If you behave and be a good kitten of course).
✿ In his mind, he thinks of you as the mistress/master he will always happily serve, protect, and care for with all his black demonic heart. He doesn't see you as food though. To him, you’re so much more, you are his mate, the one he wants to spend eternity with whether you like it or not.
✿ Mark my words, he...SPOILS...you rotten! Anything that you desire, anything at all, but he'll never let you go sorry kitten.
✿ “I never thought a demon such as myself could feel pathetic human emotions like love. *sights deeply* Yet here I am in the human world, doing my best to keep you safe, happy, and satisfied. Are you sure you’re not a devil yourself, my mistress/master~?” He whispers to your ear in a teasing manner as his slender ungloved hands caress up and down your curves.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
💀 All in all, no matter how much effort Sebastian might put to keep his sadistic/murderous demonic nature under control, he simply cannot help himself when it comes to 'the enemies' (As Sebastian fancies to refer to them).
💀 They may be daily intruders, a person who made the grave mistake of flirting with you, or even act too friendly. He considers such people not worthy enough to breathe in Your Majesty's presence. (Yes, Sebastian sees you as royalty and treats you just like one) 
💀 Not even two days may pass when those persons will be missing, Sebastian, of course, acts clueless to your concerned thoughts and just wants to continue your usual activities as if nothing happened. 
💀 He has his very own professional torture chamber in a grand basement beneath the house he built up just for you both. He keeps the victims down there for as long as possible (even for months) gifting them the slow and exclusively painful death they deserve. 
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✿💀 Sometimes when he feels extra sadistic, seeks some entertainment or if the specific person just happened to piss him off by Keep flirting with you despite the warning death glares Sebastian has given to them, your demon will lock up the helpless victim all tied up and mouth gagged into the closet of your shared big bedroom right before your king sized bed.
✿💀 The poor person is forced to watch as Sebastian pleases your body in many ways and positions, hear your pleasure screams and whines and Sebastian's loud yet joyful moans. To see yours and Sebastian's cheeks turning bright reddish as your demon thrusts into you and whispers praises to your ear with your back against his bare chest so you're facing the closet and his victim unknowingly to you.
✿⁠ "Should I slow down or go faster? Tell me kitten, who's able to please and love you like I do, hmm~? Yes, say my name, say my name louder...I want to hear you come for me! Oh, yes my love~"
✿ And like usual, after every sex session, Sebastian will carry you to the bathroom to clean off the sweat and cum of your delicate skin and put you in fresh night clothes.
✿ He then tucks you in bed under the fresh new covers and gives your forehead a goodnight kiss as you drift off and finally fall asleep in bliss and all exhausted.
💀 Once Sebastian makes sure you're comfortable and deeply asleep, he plugs your ears before he walks over to the closet, and grabs the poor person on his shoulder like a potato shack while he leaves the room quietly.
💀Sebastian walks down to the basement and ties his victim with chains against the wall. He then walks to the small bathroom to change his butler uniform to his 'work' outfit.
💀 "Don't worry human, no one will hear your screams of agony and despair. However, you should have chosen your actions more carefully and taken my warnings seriously, now you will pay the price for the sins you have committed. Tell me mortal, are you ready for your painful trip down to hell? You lowlife scum!”
💀The nearly dying person is stared at by Sebastian in satisfaction after he's nearly done with them, his tall figure is covered in the blood of his victim as he takes the cigarette from his lips gracefully and sets it off against the poor person's skin. 
💀 “Oh please, stop those ugly screams and do try to die quietly. I don’t want you to disturb my precious kitten’s slumber”
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
✿ The only cruelty Sebastian would ever show towards you is to isolate you from any friends or family of yours. That highly depends on how you’d respond to his love confessing to you. 
✿ If you will return his feelings and love him back, just as much as he adores you (Not very possible, I am afraid) then Sebastian will happily allow you to see and interact with those close to you. A pretty normal and happy life, with him always by your side of course. 
✿ Compared to the second choice you may take, which is to decline him. That would leave Sebastian with no other choice than to kidnap you and take you far away from society where you’d have to be with him for the rest of your life, and your next one...and for those who’d follow for eternity.
✿ He can and will create a paradise\Eden for you both to live in. Where you will have everything you can imagine, but it will be just you and him with no one else to destroy your happiness or take you away from your love-sick demon butler. After all, he's one hell of a butler and lover.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
✿ Like I already mentioned earlier, besides the abduction and insolation from other people close to you, there is nothing Sebastian wouldn't provide you with.
✿ Good heavens, he even allows you to have a certain amount of freedom. After all, he did build your house in the middle of a huge forest so you could wander more freely and also be unable to escape him.
✿ He would leave the doors unlocked so you could walk outside and start to run off to your 'freedom'.
✿ Honestly, he's so grateful to you, because, with all this time you're giving him with your illusions of escaping, he has all the time he needs to clean up the house, tend to the garden and the livestock, and finally prepare your bath and dinner.
✿ As the sun goes down and you're still running through the slender trunks of tall trees, you're suddenly scooped up in your butler's arms.
✿⁠ "Enough for today, my love. We must head back home, It's time for dinner"
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
✿ You're his everything. God forbid if someone would succeed in killing you, Sebastian would lose it for real. But we all know very well that he wouldn't allow such a thing to ever happen.
✿💀 You’re his soul, you’re his heart, you...are...his...world. So just imagine if a grim Reaper would threaten your life, what would happen then? Well, let’s say things would get pretty... ugly. 
✿⁠💀 Sebastian would expose his true form without even noticing and would go ballistic. No one in this world shall dare lay a finger upon you because they would be destroyed by everything that he is to protect you. 
✿ The deadliest, most powerful force in this world is his love for you.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
✿⁠ In Sebastian's eyes, your attempts to fight back against his natural demon instincts to lavish his mate in affection is pretty laughable...and also quite adorable to be honest.
✿ See, how would your reaction be to the sight of something like this?
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✿ Any sarcasm, insult, or harsh comment of yours would be immediately responded to by a loving gesture from your demon. Such as a glance full of adoration and a pitty-full smile, followed by a sweet kiss on the lips to cut you off your swearing and bitter tone speech.
✿ The more you keep using that inappropriate language the more kisses your sweet little mouth is going to receive.
✿⁠ Now if your actions go so far as to slap Sebastian across his handsome face, that would annoy the demon a bit but also it would turn the demon on.
✿⁠ When it comes to this situation he follows two different tactics:
1) Manipulation/honest mode: He would sigh out in satisfaction and turn his glace back to you by slowly raising his gaze with a hard blush across his cheeks. "Harder~ If that's your way to respond my love for you...then I will gladly accept it. I will embrace every part of you and continue to love you unconditionally to the very end"
2) Seducing/Pampering mode: As you'd yell at him and try to hit him again, Sebastian would grab you gently by the wrist bring your hand close to his lips, and give your knuckles and palm a few loving kisses. You'd try to pull away but his grip would tight a little and he'd pull your body against his with a secured arm around your waist. "Now kitten, such behavior is simply unexplainable, even though...I do love it when you are that bratty~" He'd chuckle to himself and rub his nose against yours. Finally, he'd make sure to sit you comfortably on his lap for a passionate make-out session.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
✿ The first time you attempted to escape Sebastian felt utterly confused and dare I say...hurt, his narcissistic ego mostly.
✿⁠ He thought he was the defection of the perfect lover and butler and he still believes so, but why on earth would you ever want to leave him? After everything he has done for you...
✿⁠ Sebastian would try to talk with you at first, to learn the reason behind your actions and help him understand if he did something wrong.
✿ If you tell him that you don't love him, that you want to leave and never see him again. Sebastian would simply chuckle and try to comfort you with kisses and caresses. But if you will refuse his affection he'd respectfully back away and give you a calm apology, then he would bow and exit the bedroom to give you some alone time to think of your previous actions. Not before he would softly confront you though.
✿⁠ "You should be ashamed of yourself my dearest. Honestly, I never expected you to be such an ungrateful and selfish little mistress/master"
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
✿⁠ Hell? Good heavens no, after all, he was the one who helped you escape from hell itself and bounded himself with you as his mate. Sebastian was more than delighted when the hell king accepted his offer to grant him freedom and allow him and you to go up to the human world, while the demon butler would have to sacrifice a certain amount of souls to the king every year in exchange for their agreement.
✿⁠ Sebastian would work very hard for you to experience the complete opposite, to create a heaven for you, to give you the world.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
✿ Sebastian's only desire is for you to love him back share plenty of life experiences and travel all over the world before you settle down to a peaceful area where you will be safe and happy with him.
✿ Lots and lots of cats or kittens living with you in your dream house/mansion.
✿⁠ He wouldn't mind having a baby with you but if you're not fond of kids and don't want to have any he would be secretly relieved because the only one he desires to live with, is YOU and your many feline companions.
✿⁠ Sebastian will make sure to make your dreams come true, and he will be more than happy to be married to you. Only if you wish so of course, he already has bound himself to you by placing the silver seal on your neck, official marriage is not necessary yet always welcome on his part.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
✿⁠💀 Our demon is grateful for the fact he's free to choose between the souls he has to sacrifice to his king, this way he has the opportunity to lash out his jealousy at those who are trying to take you away from him or just flirting with you by becoming the very victims, torture them and send their souls to the dark lord.
✿💀 His main pleasure in life is you, there is no doubt. But he also quite enjoys smoking his 'favorite' cigarettes/cigars after every torture session to every one of his victims. From the best quality and the really strong kind that can bring a mortal person high within seconds and most possibly overdose them and kill them within a few hours. This kind is the only one that can satisfy such a demon like Sebastian. The only times your butler smokes is after he's done with his victim or after every sex session with you.
✿⁠ just imagine him laying over your king-size bed with you in one arm with your head resting against his chest already asleep from the exhaustion and the amount of pleasure he gave you just a few moments ago, while his other hand holds his cigarette (the light ones) between his slender fingers, the windows wide open of course. He lets the smoke escape from his lips and signs dreamily before he hugs you even closer, gives you a forehead kiss, and giggles to himself for what a lucky demon he is.
✿⁠💀 Sebastian would never lash out his jealousy or rage at you, his precious kitten. That's what his victims are good for after all.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
✿⁠ His mode is always bright and joyful when he's around you, without losing his well-behaved manners or butler aesthetic of course.
✿⁠ He clearly shows more interest and puts much more effort into serving and caring for you compared to your friends or family who visit you and him at your house from time to time.
✿⁠ Sebastian thrives on attention, especially yours. But that doesn't mean he won't try to impress your loved ones and make them see him as the perfect man for you. The only one who can make you truly happy.
✿⁠ He can and will make your parents like him a lot so they won't have any problem with him being your butler and lover,
✿ Doesn't mind PDA at all, I already mentioned he loves to be the center of attention but he especially loves it when people see how loving and affectionate he can be to you.
✿⁠ He will kiss you, embrace you, praise you, compliment you, flirt with you, serve you, and be the perfect gentleman he is to you regardless of who is watching.
✿⁠ The more flustered you will get the more he will tease you. He simply adores when you blush and try to hide your face with your hands.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
✿⁠ In this specific scenario neither of you had a choice for that matter but to feel a natural connection for each other. Thanks to Sebastian's demonic sense from the moment he laid eyes on you he instantly knew you were meant to be his and of course he didn't lose the only chance he had to claim you as his by placing the 'mate' seal on your skin and bounding himself with you for eternity as I have already mentioned it previously.
✿⁠ Whatever sins you might commit when you were alive they brought you down to hell and you were supposed to be tortured and suffer until the end of the world. Fortunately for you, before the executioner was even able to lay a finger upon you hell's king right-hand man and head butler interrupted him by pointing out that by the king's orders, he's the one who was supposed to punish you for your sins and that his fellow demon was needed elsewhere.
✿⁠ Once you both were left alone in the torture chamber the butler approached your laying figure over the stone bed with slow steps.
✿ "Well well, what do we have here? I never thought such a beautiful kitten like yourself would end up down here" He chuckled to himself as he sat gracefully on top of you with his legs placed against the sides of your waist in a firm yet gentle manner so you couldn't struggle much against his weight.
✿⁠ "Such nice and soft skin you have. It would be a shame if someone would cause the slightest damage to you~" His slender hands caressed up and down your sides smoothly.
✿⁠ "Who...are you?" Sebastian chose to ignore your question as he continued exploring your gorgeous body.
✿⁠ Sebastian laughed at such an adorable reaction and started to leave tender kisses on your, face, lips, and neck.
✿⁠ "Ahh, you are my mate Indeed~" The butler commented joyfully. "Not to worry dear, it will hurt only for a tiny moment. You may scream as loud as you can though, for it will make it more convincing that I am giving you the punishment you deserve" It was utterly painful yet quick and so the sheal was planted on your neck as it appeared magically across Sebastian's chest as well.
✿⁠ "Now all that's left is to convince the king to allow us to return to the human world" Signs deeply to himself as his thumb whips off your sweet tears. "Hopefully it won't be such a hard task otherwise what kind of butler/lover would I be?"
✿⁠ That was the first time you heard his famous motto, which changed from its original form a bit. He'd use it countless times in the future.
✿⁠ Next thing you know is you waking up on a very soft and comfortable bed, something you have never experienced before while hearing the soft sound of birds and your new butler/lover humming a soft melody as he places your lunch meal on the small table right next to the king size bed you are. "Ah lovely, my darling mistress/master is finally awake, and just in time, your lunch is ready. From now on I will change your life for the better, you don't have to worry about a thing...your Sebastian is here~"
✿⁠ In a second scenario where he meets you in the human world under normal circumstances his demonic senses recognize you as his mate instantly too and so he uses his charm and perfect gentlemanly behavior to approach you.
✿⁠ When you go out you almost always 'happen' to meet up with him. He's always willing to help you in any way possible and makes it clear that he's interested in you by flirting and serving you at any given chance. He points out that he is desperate for a job as a butler and housekeeper for these are the only things he is good for and you happen to be so kind and generous to hire him.
✿⁠ Sebastian is so happy that you accepted his offer as he wraps his arms around your waist and spins you around for a brief moment before he puts you down and clears his throat. "Apologies my lady, such inappropriate behaviour is simply unacceptable and it's my first day, please forgive me" He takes down on his one knee and with your hand to his gloved palm. He kisses your hand without breaking eye contact with you, which allows him to see the blush on your cheeks and that is precisely what convinced him, he would succeed in slowly but surely making you fall in love with him and accept him as your mate. All he needs is time and as a demon he has plenty.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
✿⁠ Not necessarily, Sebastian's true intentions are masked only when it comes to everyone else but you.
✿⁠ He thinks of every other human being pretty seemingly as how we think of bugs. He believes the only thing the human breed is worthy of is the next possible bodies that will host your precious soul through the centuries that are to come so you will remain alive forever.
✿⁠ The demon may tolerate any friends of yours or family member visits but he does so for your sake and only.
✿⁠ The truth is that Sebastian wants you to be only with him and no one else.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
✿ Sebastian would never lay a finger upon you, he finds that method unnecessary and pointless.
✿⁠ When it comes to your punishments, he uses pleasure to remind you of three things. Who you belong to, who has claimed you as his, and that no one else could ever satisfy your every need like he does.
✿⁠ Your demon pleases you all night to bring you to the point of absolute exhaustion.
✿⁠ Orgasm after orgasm, no matter how much you may plead for him to stop, he won't. Non-stop sensual lovemaking and so many different positions. He's pretty fond of Oral, especially when he gives it to you.
✿⁠ "It's pleasure time my darling~" And that phrase means it's punishment time. Sebastian simply loves bondage! Tying up your hands right above your head with his tie and also covering your eyes with a lingerie piece of fabric to excite your fantasy. He simply adores the sound of your moans as he kisses lower and lower on your body.
✿⁠ The more you protest, that you can no longer cum, the more sweet nothings Sebastian whispers to your ears and continues to gently fuck you with no mercy. But he's kind enough to give you a few breaks from time to time during your sex session. He is not that heartless after all, not to you at least.
✿⁠ Pleasure time also means him eating you out to no end. Oh, how he loves it when you shout his name in pure ecstasy while he drinks the sweet nectar that comes out from your pussy/dick once you cum hard right into his mouth.
✿⁠ Your punishment comes to an end after the thirteenth orgasm. Sebastian then lets you rest as much as you want.
✿⁠ With a satisfied smirk he gives your forehead a sweet kiss and your unconscious body the necessary aftercare like cleaning you up, dressing you in a fresh pair of pajamas, massage your hips with a special lotion so you won't feel pain between your legs when you wake up.
✿⁠ Then he will tend to the house and get all the chores done, prepare your meal, and finally return to your bedroom so he can cuddle you close for hours.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
(I already mentioned that sorry)
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
✿⁠ Extremely patient, especially the first months of your abduction if you chose to refuse his love confession that is.
✿⁠ Sebastian thinks your bratty behavior is very amusing and dare I say cute, don't misunderstand him though, if you keep behaving like a child he's going to treat you like one.
✿⁠ Besides affection, Sebastian knows patience is the key to breaking your walls and letting him love you.
✿⁠ If you happen to throw a tantrum he's going to act pretty calm and cradle you in his arms, soothing you with white noises or singing you a soft melody. Whisper sweet nothings and give your forehead or cheeks tender smooches until you calm down, then you and him are going to talk and he promises if you play nice from now on he's gonna get you on dates to the city and even let you see your friends more often.
✿⁠ In other words, if you are good to him, and learn to respect and appreciate him, he will return the effort 1000%.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
✿⁠ Let's make something clear here, you will NEVER be able to escape him. You're marked by him, he has claimed you as his remember?
✿⁠ Even death cannot take you away from Sebastian for he has the ability and right (since your soul belongs to him) to transport you to a new body. Until he finds the ideal one however he keeps your precious soul in a very special old magic box he borrowed.
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Do not ask how or where he obtained such an item, you don't wanna know, believe me.
💀 If somehow miraculously you'd successfully escape to another world/dimension where Sebastian cannot find you or if someone would kill you all the rights your demon has on you are lost, for the simple fact he's no longer your demon.
✿⁠ This would be the final shot of Sebastian's meaning of existence. After all, in his mind you, his mate is the reason he lives for, he only exists to serve and care for and adore you.
💀 If the only thing that's truly precious to him would be vanished, killed by someone, or taken away for good that would make Sebastian simply lose it.
💀 The demon finally in his true form standing over the cliff of the highest mountain, howling and scratching himself in pure grief, agony, and despair.
✿⁠ Perhaps losing you could be the only way this demon would be able to set actual tears and for the first time in his long existence CRY for real.
✿⁠ Sebastian's cry could be better described as a mixture of echoed, weeping screams, and brawls from the top of his lungs.
💀 His narcissistic personality and big ego would lead him to destroy most of humanity and everything in his path and finally kill himself with a death syte to put an end to his misery.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
✿⁠ This demon has never regretted anything he has done so far. Your abduction is the last choice he will take in case you reject his love for you.
✿⁠ Sebastian would make sure to try any possible method to win your heart and trust before he is left with the last choice of your kidnapping. He didn't want to come to this point but darling you left him with no other choice.
✿⁠ Perhaps he would let you go for a certain period, six months or so for you to believe that he loves you which is true (but not in the most healthy way). Then he will try to court you once again slowly but surely and create a new healthy bond and life by your side without being forced to take you away from society again since you would accept him as your butler/ lover this time.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
✿⁠ His demonic instincts mostly but later on your pure and innocent yet interesting personality, your flaming passion for life and your very well-hidden dark side were more than enough to catch his attention and his attachment to you grew the more you got to know each other.
✿⁠ If you share the same feelings with him and accept him once he confesses his love to you his yandere side will never be revealed to you or to any close person of yours.
✿⁠ A happy life with him always protecting you and remaining by your side is a guarantee. And for those who would follow in the future of course.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
✿⁠ Any sweet tears of yours will be whipped gently by his thumb or licked off your delicate skin with his hot skillful tongue.
✿⁠ If you scream for him to let you go or call him names and such he can always shut that little mouth of yours with a loving make-out session. You're not going to be able to scream if your mouth is so busy receiving his sweet kisses. Honestly, he could kiss you or let your tongues dance together all day so try to resist him all you want kitten. He won't stop kissing you until you calm down and won't deny him anymore.
✿⁠ Now if you try to escape by using violence like punching, slapping him, or even scratching his back. OOH~ please do the last one, it turns him on. Scratch his back to the point he will bleed, which will make Sebastian's cheeks turn reddish, and plead for you to continue, he'll keep kissing, licking, and sucking down your neck and chest as he moans softly and giggles in the process. He may even cum to his pants and blame you for it but also as he finally takes them off, he promises to make you cum for him as well. But to his mouth by eating you down there as a punishment for making him embarrass himself like this in your presence as your butler.
"Don't you plead for me to stop my love~" He kisses your neck. "After all, you are the one who started all this" Kissing down between your chest. "Now now, it's time to return the favor and make you moan in ecstasy my beloved little brat~ Oh, you will enjoy yourself as I punish you, I mean please you of course"
✿⁠ As cute as it might seem your insolation at first, eventually will start to annoy him because he can't spend quality time with you if you keep behaving like this.
✿⁠ Of course, he would never lose control, not in front of you at least. Sebastian will take out that rage on 'the enemies' as I mentioned previously.
✿⁠ Sebastian will talk with you and think of ways to make your life more enjoyable. In the end, he will successfully coax you out of your shared bedroom and reward you with every little process you will make by spending quality time with you out in the forest or going for a walk or shopping therapy in the city, even give you some alone time every day for you to have some privacy and do any hobbies of your choice.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
✿ Our demon butler is described as a gentle and loving yandere type that will harm and kill only to protect his darling.
✿⁠ Unlike most yanderes however, Sebastian knows exactly what he's doing and will do his absolute best to succeed his ultimate goal which is to have you willingly by his side for the rest of eternity.
✿⁠ He's a lovesick demon but he's yours darling until the end of the world.
✿ "The adoration a demon like me can feel for a mere human...It's awfully laughable you know" Kisses your forehead tenderly. His slender hands caress up and down your naked back. "I have not the slightest idea what love actually is. But you, you make me feel so alive, how can you explain that hm?" He gives your lips more sweet kisses. "Oh, I can sense you are a little tensed, how about if I give your back and waist a nice massage? It will help relax your body completely under my touch and give you a good night's sleep"
✿⁠ Once you accept his offer Sebastian is more than delighted, with a quick yet smooth move he turns your body so now he's facing your back and you the soft/fluffy matters. He sits on top of you, the side of his face against your cheek. You close your eyes as a big smile appears across your face when his hands begin to massage your skin. "Isn't it better now darling? Any bad thought of yours slowly fading away as you submit yourself to your butler's care~" He whispers to your ear and gives your cheek a sweet smooch.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
✿⁠ Oh darling, how could you possibly think you could ever escape him? Not possible I am sorry.
✿ And to think you can use any of his weaknesses against him looks like you look forward to a sweet punishment.
✿⁠ The only weaknesses Sebastian has are four, which are YOU, cats, salt, and a death syte. Unfortunately, neither of these could be used to win against such a powerful demon like himself, not by you at least.
✿ You may search among any demonology books you can find, of course, Sebastian will know and secretly laugh at your pathetic attempts to find anything to use against him. Darling those books you secretly tried to borrow write nothing but nonsense and won't help you even a bit.
✿⁠ Sebastian will even tease you to the point he will creep out behind your shoulder silently like the predator he is, waiting for you to notice someone is spying on you. Then he will bend beside your face and give your cheek a quick peck, making you yelp and almost throwing the book down to the floor.
✿⁠ He chuckles sarcastically and hands you the book with closed eyes and a smirk before he walks away to tend back to his chores leaving you wondering if he knows what you're trying to do behind his back.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
✿ Not even if his life depended on that. He would much prefer to suffer in agony and utter pain so you would never experience such things yourself.
✿⁠ Sebastian may be very sadistic, narcissistic, shellfish, and heartless but when it comes to you all these traits of his personality go aside as if they never existed in the first place. You are his number one priority and the second one is his hunger for a delicious soul.
✿⁠ How could he possibly hurt you kitten, the only true companion he has? Besides it will be a shame to cause any damage to such a beautiful body like yours, no matter what the shape, size, or anything like that. You are perfect in Sebastian's eyes and he wouldn't trade you for all the souls in the world.
✿⁠ "You...you're my bundle of joy, and cats of course but mostly you, my everything" Sebastian speaks softly while his forehead is pressed against yours. It doesn't take long for his lips to join yours.
✿⁠ Sebastian will never let you learn about his agreement with the Hell king and the souls he has the sacrifice every now and then to the demon lord, he will never allow you to discover the secret basement he uses to torture his victims, he will never allow you to see his true form. All these to keep your innocent precious you undamaged from any possible threat that could destroy your mental or physical health.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
✿⁠ He will do absolutely anything for you to return the feelings he has for you. (As much as that's possible)
✿⁠ Sebastian worships the ground you walk but he won't let you know that much at the beginning of your 'friendship' so you won't notice how desperately he wants you as his mate. He's a prideful demon after all and the last thing he wants is for you to feel any sort of pity towards him.
✿⁠ However, once you form a romantic relationship with him which is precisely what Sebastian wants, he will make sure you understand how much he adores you as a whole.
✿ Body, heart, and soul he will dedicate all these and everything that he is to you his true mistress/master.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
✿⁠ Oh believe me when I say he yearns to hold you in his arms from the very moment he realizes you're his mate but unfortunately for him, he has to hold back for as long as he has to, so he can approach and court you probably.
✿⁠ No matter how many men or women flirt with you Sebastian tolerates them for as long as they keep their hands to themselves.
💀 If any of these filthy bugs would touch you in any way no friend should they will be vanished from the earth within a few days. Not a single trail will be left behind in their absence.
✿⁠ If he couldn't do that much in order to protect his mate what kind of butler/lover would he be?
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
✿⁠ NEVER! That would destroy the very purpose of having a mate.
✿⁠ It is the demon lore to never hurt his darling in any way or for any other creature to do so. It is forbidden and that includes grim reapers as well.
💀 Causing harm to a demon's mate could bring world destruction even a hell apocalypse and nobody is insane enough to want such a thing to happen.
✿⁠ The mate is EVERYTHING to a demon, that is why it's such a rare opportunity for a demon to find one in the first place.
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A/N ::: I'm absolutely bat shit crazy for the idea of an older ProHero!Kiri. That age crossover with men when they're not quite strapping young lads (early to mid 20's?) to when they're distinguished gentlemen (mid 30's to 40's? ... even if they're not distinguished, they can still look the part 😆). *I tagged some of you simply because I (hoped) thought you might like some fun Kiri stuff this morning. If you don't want to be tagged every now and then, let me know and I won't randomly add you. =)
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C/W ::: M->F oral, fingering, orgasm, squirting. Pretty short, sweet & to the point 🤷‍♀️.
WC ::: just over 1.4 k
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(This fucking picture thoughghafejkdajlk)
I'm very hung up on older ProHero!Kiri right now. Laying in bed, reading the news on his tablet or laptop at the end of the day. He's already washed up and his red hair with dashes of white is tied back in a sloppy bun with one of your hair ties because he always 'loses' his. But you know it's bullshit. You've caught him smelling them before. You know it's because they smell so much like your hair that he wants them instead of the crap he buys for himself.
You get out of the shower in your master bath that's just off the master bedroom. Standing in front of the full length mirror closet doors to give yourself a once over before you strut around in front of your husband like an animal trying to secure a mate.
Your eyes roll over the surface of your freshly washed body. Droplets of water ease down your shoulders and breasts, stopping for a moment to rest on the tip of your nipple before they are another victim to gravity. Looking further down at your newly shaved cunt, you're so nervous, too ... to what? Present yourself to him?
You've never done this before. Never wanted to. Never had a reason to. Kiri hasn't ever hinted at wanting you to be bald - not even trimmed. He eats his meals like a big boy: without any complaints and he always finishes what he's got served up before him. He'd never complain in the first place, he's just so damned happy to be there between your thighs.
Walking into the room as nonchalantly as you can muster, you're brushing your hair and you ask him if there's anything good in local news.
"Nah, nothing I didn't already know about, babe. Anyway, I'm about to turn in for the - um, sorry? WHAT is going on with your pussy right now? Get your gorgeous ass over here right this instant, please, mama. Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Are you trying to kill me with this??"
You blush and giggle, exercising every ounce of your willpower not to reach down and cup yourself to hide from his gaze. "You like it, Ei?" You ask, even though you're a little afraid of the answer. Despite the big stupid grin across his unshaven face.
"Do I - do I like it? *aheh* I-I-I ... fuck. I can't even talk right now. C'mere, c'mere." He lifts his massive arms and gestures for you to join him in bed. You can already see where the imprint of his cock has risen against the sheet he's got pulled up to his waist. Your pussy clenches at the excitement of what he's going to do with you. To you.
You take a few tentative steps toward the Alaskan King sized bed and walk up the little steps he built for you so you wouldn't have to struggle too much when you climbed onto the mattress. He had a special platform attached to the bedframe because he's so damn tall. You told him it would be easier for you to slide out of bed than it would be for him to have to start his day from a near crouch. It always makes him laugh, watching you do this. You just look so little to him. Oftentimes, he can't help himself but to aid you as you ascend. It's a little thing that makes both of you incredibly happy to have the other.
Once he has you up there with him, he lets go of your hand and runs it from your calves up to your face and holds you there while he kisses you softly. But you can tell by his breathing that he doesn't want to go slow tonight. His right hand is holding him up as he leans into your neck and pushes your hair aside with his left, eventually grabbing your throat and holding you there while he sniffs around at your spotless (and hairless) body.
"Sooo ... do tell, my little. What prompted the sudden change of, oh, hairstyles? We'll go with hairstyles. Why'd you shave your pussy? You didn't ... you didn't do this for me, did you? Because I don't want you to feel like I ---" He started his usual reassurance before you stopped him. "No! Nothing like that, Ei. I've just never done this and I wanted to see what it would be like. Y-you like it, though?" A wave of panic washed over you as you lay next to him.
"Oh my god, ye-yes. I fucking love it. You look beautiful. I love that I can see all of you. My pretty little pussy is all out there for me now. In fact, I think - mm-hm. I do. I gotta taste you. Now." He got up onto his knees, discarding his boxer briefs as soon as he tossed the sheet from over his legs. His cock, already leaking, slapped against his stomach.
His body is so fucking beautiful. Even more so than when he was in his 20's. He is strong. Ridiculously so. The hair on his chest sits there unassumingly. Perfect and inviting and warm to the touch. Really, he is warm all over/all of the time. It's comforting.
As you watched him make his way around to you, you glanced at the clock on your nightstand. In the time that it took you to look at that, he was on you. His giant hands wrapped around the curve of your thighs and he was pulling you toward him at the middle of the bed. You yelped at the sudden slide against the silk sheets. You moved easily enough, it was just such a surprise. Though the more you thought about it, the more you realized you should always be prepared for him to do stuff like this.
"There ... we ... go. Ok, babe. I'm going to thoroughly devour you, ok? Like, I've never done this on ... on a bald pussy before. I'm going to take all of you in. So lay back and open yourself up to me, cutie-pie." You blushed again and laid down, back flat against the bed. He laughed softly through his nose as he nudged your knees.
Kiri kissed his way from your inner knee, up your thigh to your soft folds. He looked up at you and smiled before he pushed his nose and mouth against your cunt. Your body shuddered as he moved his tongue around your clit and started to suck on it. He held onto your thighs and pressed his mouth harder against you as you started to get wetter. He moaned into you as he tasted your juices and pulled back just enough to say something to you.
"Fuck, I love your pussy. 'S so fucking perfect f'r me. Love you so much, babe. Thank you for ... fuck ... thank you for this delicacy." He dove back in, licking up your slit and sucking on your clit again. You moaned and grabbed at his hair as he started to use his fingers to push inside of you. He worked his hand so well, so gently. You felt him curl his fingers upwards as he started to rub against your g-spot. It was so fucking intense. You knew you were about to come, but you couldn't tell him fast enough.
Your body tensed up as you drew your legs up to your chest and the orgasm washed over you like a slow wave. You shook and you moaned loudly as you squirted in his face. He licked and sucked on you until you pushed his head away. Kiri wiped his mouth and chin with his hand and he noticed your body was still shaking.
"Are you ok, little? Did I ... do something?" You lowered your legs and pulled your arms from over your face and he saw your smile. "You're laughing?" He asked. You nodded and continued to laugh, almost hysterically. "What's so funny?" The look he was giving you in conjunction with the orgasm you just had, was about a blissed out as you've ever been. "No-nothing, Kiri. I'm fine. That was just really, really, really fucking amazing. I'm just happy 's all." You looked up at him as he was sucking his hand clean.
"I'm happy too, babe. And this was fun. You think you'll keep it like this for a while? Or ...?" He ran his fingertips over your mound as he kissed your stomach. "Please?"
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Taglist ::: @neon-gothicc @dcsiremc @darkstarlight82 @arlerts-angel @callm3senpaii @millennialmagicalgirl @pastelbakugou
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Dividers by me // Canva
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kcyars99 · 1 month
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[Verse 1]
Dear Adonis
I'm sorry that that man is your father, let me be honest
It takes a man to be a man, your dad is not responsive
I look at him and wish your grandpa woulda wore a condom
I'm sorry that you gotta grow up and then stand behind him
Life is hard, I know, the challenge is always gon' beat us home
Sometimes our parents make mistakes that affect us until we grown
And you're a good kid that need good leadership
Let me be your mentor since your daddy don't teach you shit
Never let a man piss on your leg, son
Either you die right there or pop that man in the head, son
Never fall in the escort business, that's bad religion
Please remember, you could be a bitch even if you got bitches
Never code-switch, whether right or wrong, you a Black man
Even if it don't benefit your goals, do some push-ups, get some discipline
Don't cut them corners like your daddy did, fuck what Ozempic did
Don't pay to play with them Brazilians, get a gym membership
Understand, no throwin' rocks and hidin' hands, that's law
Don't be ashamed 'bout who you wit', that's how he treat your moms
Don't have a kid to hide a kid to hide again, be sure
Five percent will comprehend, but ninety-five is lost
Be proud of who you are, your strength come from within
Lotta superstars that's real, but your daddy ain't one of them
And you nothing like him, you'll carry yourself as king
Can't understand me right now? Just play this when you eighteen
[Verse 2]
Dear Sandra
Your son got some habits, I hope you don't undermine them
Especially with all the girls that's hurt inside this climate
You a woman, so you know how it feels to be in alignment
With emotion, hopin' a man can see you and not be blinded
Dear Dennis, you gave birth to a master manipulator
Even usin' you to prove who he is is a huge favor
I think you should ask for more paper, and more paper
And more, uh, more paper
I'm blamin' you for all his gamblin' addictions
Psychopath intuition, the man that like to play victim
You raised a horrible fuckin' person, the nerve of you, Dennis
Sandra, sit down, what I'm about to say is heavy, now listen
Mm-mm, your son's a sick man with sick thoughts, I think niggas like him should die
Him and Weinstein should get fucked up in a cell for the rest they life
He hates Black women, hypersexualizes 'em with kinks of a nympho fetish
Grew facial hair because he understood bein' a beard just fit him better
He got sex offenders on ho-VO that he keep on a monthly allowance
A child should never be compromised and he keepin' his child around them
And we gotta raise our daughters knowin' there's predators like him lurkin'
Fuck a rap battle, he should die so all of these women can live with a purpose
I been in this industry twelve years, I'ma tell y'all one lil' secret
It's some weird shit goin' on and some of these artists be here to police it
They be streamlinin' victims all inside of they home and callin' 'em Tinder
Then leak videos of themselves to further push their agendas
To any woman that be playin' his music, know that you're playin' your sister
Or better, you're sellin' your niece, to the weirdos, not the good ones
Katt Williams said, "Get you the truth," so I'ma get mines
The Embassy 'bout to get raided, too, it's only a matter of time
Ayy, LeBron, keep the family away, hey, Curry, keep the family away
To anybody that embody the love for they kids, keep the family away
They lookin' at you too if you standin' by him, keep the family away
I'm lookin' to shoot through any pervert that lives, keep the family safe
[Verse 3]
Dear baby girl
I'm sorry that your father not active inside your world
He don't commit to much but his music, yeah, that's for sure
He a narcissist, misogynist, livin' inside his songs
Try destroy families rather than takin' care of his own
Should be teachin' you time tables or watchin' Frozen with you
Or at your eleventh birthday, singin' poems with you
Instead, he be in Turks, payin' for sex and poppin' Percs, examples that you don't deserve
I wanna tell you that you're loved, you're brave, you're kind
You got a gift to change the world, and could change your father's mind
'Cause our children is the future, but he lives inside confusion
Money's always been illusion, but that's the life he's used to
His father prolly didn't claim him neither
History do repeats itself, sometimes it don't need a reason
But I would like to say it's not your fault that he's hidin' another child
Give him grace, this the reason I made Mr. Morale
So our babies like you can cope later
Give you some confidence to go through somethin', it's hope later
I never wanna hear you chase a man 'cause his failed behavior
Sittin' in the club with sugar daddies for validation
You need to know that love is eternity and trumps all pain
I'll tell you who your father is, just play this song when it rains
Yes, he's a hitmaker, songwriter, superstar, right
And a fuckin' deadbeat that should never say "more life"
Meet the Grahams
[Verse 4]
Dear Aubrey
I know you probably thinkin' I wanted to crash your party
But truthfully, I don't have a hatin' bone in my body
This supposed to be a good exhibition within the game
But you fucked up the moment you called out my family's name
Why you had to stoop so low to discredit some decent people?
Guess integrity is lost when the metaphors doesn't reach you
And I like to understand 'cause your house was never a home
Thirty-seven, but you showin' up as a seven-year-old
You got gamblin' problems, drinkin' problems, pill-poppin' and spendin' problems
Bad with money, whorehouse
Solicitin' women problems, therapy's a lovely start
But I suggest some ayahuasca, strip the ego from the bottom
I try to empathize with you 'cause I know that you ain't been through nothin'
Crave entitlement, but wanna be liked so bad that it's puzzlin'
No dominance, let's recap moments when you didn't fit in
No secret handshakes with your friend
No cultural cachet to binge, just disrespectin' your mother
Identity's on the fence, don't know which family will love ya
The skin that you livin' in is compromised in personas
Can't channel your masculine even when standin' next to a woman
You a body shamer, you gon' hide them baby mamas, ain't ya?
You embarrassed of 'em, that's not right, that ain't how mama raised us
Take that mask off, I wanna see what's under them achievements
Why believe you? You never gave us nothin' to believe in
'Cause you lied about religious views, you lied about your surgery
You lied about your accent and your past tense, all is perjury
You lied about your ghostwriters, you lied about your crew members
They all pussy, you lied on 'em, I know they all got you in 'em
You lied about your son, you lied about your daughter, huh
You lied about them other kids that's out there hopin' that you come
You lied about the only artist that can offer you some help
Fuck a rap battle, this a long life battle with yourself
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Yeah Drake is done ATP just hang it up dude you’re better off doing mainstream pop rap or something
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howdoesagrapewrites · 11 months
Poly pav and tari with a Deadpool reader I think it would be just pav and reader having forth wall breaks and tari just standing there confused asf
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙯𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘿𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙥𝙤𝙤𝙡
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Cw: killing, reader is a mercenary, sex jokes yet no actual smut, joke about cheating, fourth wall breaks
Notes: Omg I received a Deadpool!reader request, this feels like a rite of passage in the ATSV fandom
>You're a mercenary from Mumbattan, known as Deadpool, and because of certain... Events, you gained a regenerative healing factor, and other added perks. This combined with training, turned into the greatest assassin the world has ever seen! Maybe not the world, but you haven't anyone that can be a proper match for you yet!
>It was another work day, killing some random people, getting dough, your usual
>Then you got your next assignment handed to you
>"You can't handle it?" The sketchy guy giving you instructions frowned in annoyance
>"I mean, I'll try, but you better find a way to compensate for the emotional damage too, bro's a sweetheart, I saw him rescue a kitten from a tree the other day!"
>"Oh my god, you're a pain in the ass, can you kill him for" he threw you a sack full of stacks of money "that much? I'll throw an extra stack in there if you shut the fuck up"
>You flashed a smile so bright you could've sworn showed over your mask, "For that money? Anything! Want me to suck your-"
>"You ain't getting that extra stack"
>You stood in the rooftop where your target would be, when he was on patrol, he always stops in this spot for a while
>"This issue has like six pages left- I'm not winning this, am I?"
>Your dashing hero (victim) showed up as usual, he landed and noticed the presence of another masked individual, he asked you to state your intentions
>"Hiiiiii~! Big fan, you'd mind signing this?" Spider-Man looked confused when you handed him a... Photocard? Of himself and a glittery pink pen, but he didn't protest, and awkwardly thanked you
>You excitedly giggled and then saved it in your pocket
>"I'm really sorry, but I'm here to kill you, nothing personal" you took out your katanas and started the chase
>"You're officially the worst fan I've had!" Spider-Man yelled, slightly offended as he swinged away from you
>"I said it was nothing personal!" Even with your mask on, your pouting was audible in your voice
>Your katanas weren't able to slice through the webs as easily, they were sticky and slowing you down, you took out your pistols, but you shooted at the webs, not at him, maybe because you wanted the pleasure of seeing him die, maybe because you craved a good fight, maybe because you wanted to you around with this little spider a little longer
>But to make a long story short, you lost, he had you tied up with his webs and was probably going to call the police
>"Never been the shibari type, but this is kinda-"
>"Who sent you out for me?" Spider-Man asked, completely ignoring your flirty remarks
>"Uh, let me think about it- it was this guy called... King something? They sent a goon, and those guys don't usually do small talk"
>"I'm turning you in if you don't give me names" he seemed intimating to the average person, but you suffer from goofy hoe disorder, and can't take anything seriously
>"I don't remember, and you'll turn me in either way, right? Because you don't kill?"
>"I'm a hero" he states proudly
>"Well, I'm an anti-hero, and I kill all the time, it's no big deal, really, like now. I was killing time so I could run, I sliced your webs minutes ago" You quickly stood up, did a cartwheel and threw yourself off the ledge
>Spider-man ran, but he was unable to catch you, not knowing where you fell
>"In case you want to know, this is plot convenience at its finest! I was definitely going to jail" you explain
>After that, you started hanging out (in his words, harassing) your friendly neighborhood spiderman more often, not with the intention of killing him, but just be around him
>He tried to turn you in multiple times, which made you suspect he was not thrilled with your presence, but friendship takes time
>During this time period, you also bumped into a really pretty girl in the street, you both crashed and accidentally switched phones, you realized it as soon as she apologized and left, maybe a bit sooner...
>But you decided not to go after her, she looks cute and you should shoot your shot
>When you two met up to switch your phones (the right way this time) you made sure to be extra charismatic, she found you amusing
>"I'll see you around, already got your number after all" then you tried your best to look cool while you walked away
>And of course you always told your friend about your everything! On the night, so it was practically a sleep-over with your bestie!
>"So I met this girl~"
>"Does she know you... Terminate people as a job?"
>"Not yet, all she knows is that I'm a lady-killer" you grinned and did finger guns "She has a boyfriend, I'd still hit it though"
>"Oh. My. God can't you spend 5 minutes without saying something morally wrong?! This had been our best conversation yet!"
>"But you've never felt that way, Spidey? That you thought all your heart was poured into one person and then you found out you had sooooo much more to give?" You cocked your head to Spider-Man
>"Is it bad to?" His voice was vulnerable, something strange, you've heard his range from mad, to excited to annoyed, but never like this
>"I don't think so, but again, I'm just your friendly neighborhood Deadpool, maybe I'm too impious to advice you" you put the back of your palm on your forehead, feigning distress. "See, I'm getting close! We're* getting close!" You whisper to the audience
>He ignored your comment, "There's nothing friendly about you" he remarked
>"I'm friendly to you" he looked away and waved goodbye as he swinged to continue patrolling
>I think the first one to make a move on you would be Pavitr, taking advantage of your pulled up mask, you were teasing him and he kissed you out of what could only be described as passionate annoyance, after you continued joking and messing with him.
>You responded very well, throwing your arms in his shoulders to deepen the kiss, but you were stopped as he broke the kiss very quick
>He became really, really awkward after that, and stopped meeting you in the rooftop.
>"I should've killed him the first day, right? You're probably either feeling sad or thinking I'm an idiot, well, I'm not the one sitting glued to their phone stuck in the lamest earth... Sorry, that was out of frustration"
>Kind of "out of your POV" I think Gayatri and Pavitr's relationship would be really troubled, with Pavitr confessing to kissing someone else, and Gayatri admitting she had been harbouring feelings for another person as well
>They both agreed that this new found attraction had not diluted their feelings for each other at all, but they also agreed that (at risk of being hypocritical) it was painful to know your partner had found that spark in someone you had never even met
>Pavitr never told you he was dating someone, he didn't trust you for a long time, since, y'know, you tried to kill him. Do he didn't want to give you a new target
>And when he started to trust you, he didn't want your flirting to go away or become less serious, was it ever serious? Did you actually saw a future in dating someone whose name you don't know?
>You kept looking for Spider-Man for at least a month, for some reason, you cared* you actually cared, even knowing none of this actually matters, because you're fictional and your life bends at the whim of whoever's holding a pencil, you wanted him, like you wanted Gayatri.
>Unlike Pavitr, you never used a fake voice or gave a fuck about a secret identity, you just let him call you Deadpool because it sound cute in his voice
>So when Gayatri introduced you both, it was very evident in Pavitr's face that he knew exactly who you were
>You toyed with him a little though, as payback for ghosting you
>"What do you do for work? Are you some kind of athlete or dancer? You sure look like you run a lot", "Don't mind me, I'm just scared of spiders, they leave and suddenly appear where you least expect them", "Sorry, the dinner would be on me, but you see, I had this gig, it just one job and I blew it for a guy, yes, sad indeed. The worst thing is that I blew my opportunity, when I wanted to blow something else~"
>Gayatri's used to your shameless nature, but Pavitr was stiff and uncomfortable, to which she asked you to stop, thinking you were ignoring his boundaries
>"It's okay... We joke like that" Pavitr managed to blurt out to avoid further misunderstandings
>"You... Know eachother?" Gayatri asked, very confused
>"You could say we met a work"
>"Wait- don't tell me this is..."
>Yeah, it was a funny conversation to have
>Even though cheesy stuff wasn't your forte, you did clarify that your feeling and the things you said were real, as Bd that you'd love if you had the opportunity to date them
>"Now, this is what I call a very happy ending, but I'm sure you want to see more of me, right? I'm way more fun that the other Y/Ns"
>"Who are you talking to?" Gayatri asked
>"Yeah, been meaning to ask you that too" Pavitr added
>"I'm- you won't understand, but they're the people that made this possible" you said, hoping they would stop the questions
>"So they're like god?" Pavitr looked perplex
>"Absolutely not."
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sanguineterrain · 2 years
Lampshade - s.h.
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Based on this request. This ended up way longer than a blurb so I decided to post it on its own. I got a little teary writing this one---hit close to home for me. Hopefully I did your request justice anon
Summary: After an encounter with your high school bully, you're reminded that you don't have to be alone with your insecurities.
Word count: 2.2k
Pairing: Steve Harrington x fem!plus-size!reader
Warnings: fatphobia, insecurities, self-doubt, bullying, arguing (happy ending!) Steve is the sweetest angel baby mkay?
MAIN MASTERLIST | Follow my notification blog @sanguine-stranger for fic updates!
You feel like a lampshade.
It's been a long time since you've dared to set foot at a party. The last one had been Eliza Meyer's eleventh birthday party at her house. A kid had eaten too much ice cream and threw up on the carpet.
Tonight's party isn't much different. Whoever's house it is, it's already trashed.
Maybe you should've fought harder to do literally anything else this weekend, except Steve's puppy eyes are brutal. And you can't deny the guilt you feel already, forcing him into trips to craft stores and the bookstore instead. Steve deserves a girl who can have fun. It's only been a year since Steve was King Steve. You know you're part of his fall from grace. You know that. You never fucking forget it, frankly.
But you feel like a lampshade. Dimmed light, hidden. As insignificant as wallpaper. As tiny as a fly.
You're used to taking up space; used to telling yourself that it's okay you take up space. That you deserve to exist just the same as anybody else.
But this is not your place to take up space. You don't belong here.
Steve is getting drinks. You'd opted to stay in the living room, not wanting to attempt navigating a kitchen full of drunk young people. Steve had kissed your cheek and promised a swift return.
You turn. French manicured nails curl around a red plastic Solo cup. Andrea Burgess has the same big hair you remember from high school, hairsprayed and teased to the heavens. She will probably marry some schmuck and pop out three or four viper babies who have her fire hazard hair. Poor kids.
Andrea is all smiles, razors hidden beneath pearly whites. You remember how she'd dumped pudding over some poor band kid's uniform in junior year. How she'd terrorized girls in the locker room. How she'd terrorized you.
Maybe she doesn't remember you.
"Didn't think this was your scene, Y/N."
No such luck.
You nod tightly, praying she'll leave you be.
"Aw, c'mon. Nothing to say? I know your mouth is big enough for extra cafeteria pie. Surely you can spare a hello."
"Leave me alone, Andrea," you say.
Her eyes light up. She loves when her victims beg.
"Heard you're going out with Steve Harrington now. Like, I knew you were pathetic, but I didn't know you were a liar."
"It's not a lie. Steve's my boyfriend."
That only fuels the fire. You've seen the bitter jealousy before. Girls have no idea what the hell Steve is doing with someone like you. They're confused, then angry, hurling daggers with their eyes. You never mention it to Steve. You can't bear to see realization in his own eyes. He'll wake up from a fog. They're right. What am I doing with you?
Andrea laughs. "What, as like, charity work?"
Your eyes begin to burn. Where are you, Steve?
"Leave me alone, Andrea." Your voice is weaker now and sounds more like a plea.
"What're you gonna do? Chase me down?"
You are a lampshade. You are a feather floating in the wind. High school is past you. Andrea means nothing.
Oh, but her words hurt. You've always been sensitive, too soft. Steve thinks you're a dream. You feel like a raw nerve.
"You know, Steve used to make fun of you too."
Your blood runs cold. Andrea clocks your reaction and keeps going.
"You think he was above that? Look at who he dated. I mean, God, Nancy Wheeler's not winning any prizes, but she's tiny."
Nancy is beautiful. She's also incredibly smart and has become something of a friend. But that voice has always been there, sounding suspiciously like Andrea Burgess. A reminder that Nancy had Steve first for a reason.
"S-Steve would never do that."
Your voice wobbles. You're trying to be strong but you can't. You'd hoped all these years would've toughened you up but you can't do it. The Andreas of the world will break you every time.
"Called you every name in the book," Andrea informs you keenly. "Big girl and built like a linebacker. He was real creative. You're a joke to him, Y/N. He'll get you out of his system and move on."
Steve has never mentioned your weight or appearance. Kindly, he calls you beautiful, gorgeous, pretty, sweet, lovely. He akins you to a shrinking violet, a flower that just needs a little coaxing to bloom. He asks for you to let him take you shopping. You never seem to want to go shopping with him. Baby, how come we don't go to the mall? I have style, I swear!
You don't mention your weight to him in fear he'll notice. Steve will notice, and then he'll realize what a huge mistake he's made. So you keep quiet. Maybe he won't know. Maybe you'll get to keep him. Steve is a patch of golden sunshine in this hellhole.
You love him. The thought, however frightening, is there, real and true. You don't want to mess this up. You'll suck in your stomach and cover all the mirrors if that's what it takes.
"He's already ditched you," Andrea continues cruelly. "Probably glad to be rid of the dead weight."
You can't take anymore. You run.
Andrea doesn't follow you. There's too many people in the hallway and your vision is blurring fast. You go upstairs, blindly checking doors. Your hand hovers over a knob to a bedroom. The thought that Steve is inside with someone else briefly crosses your mind. You sprint down the hall, away from that thought.
You find the bathroom and lock the door. Then you sit on the toilet lid. And you cry.
You try to keep quiet. The bass from the speakers thumps below, but still. You can't risk anybody finding you. Least of all Steve. Steve would ask you about what happened. Steve would want to fix it, because Steve always wants to make things better.
You can't be fixed. He can't know.
Your nose is snotty, tears clumping in your lashes. You grab the edge of the window sill and cry harder. Your chest aches from lack of air but you can't stop.
You have to calm down if you want Steve to take you home. You'll need an excuse, though. Sick, you feel sick. You threw up. Steve won't question that. He'll touch your forehead and coo and you'll never have to talk about tonight.
You scrub your face with cold water. Your eyes are puffy from crying and you can't smooth your frown no matter how hard you try. You wipe your face with toilet paper.
You can't look in the mirror too long or you'll break and start crying again. So you spin on your heel and unlock the door, slipping out. The hallway is still empty. All of the noise is downstairs. Your secret is safe.
Steve will likely be searching for you. Hopefully, you haven't been gone too long. You can say you got lost, or caught up with an old friend. You're a terrible liar, especially to Steve.
Andrea's words creep back in. Maybe you're lying to yourself too.
You wipe your nose with a knuckle and swallow. You just need to keep it together for another hour. Then you're home free.
Steve looks like he belongs here. Two cups in hand, coolly perched on the edge of the armchair, Steve Harrington is certainly somebody's king.
Andrea touches his arm and giggles. Steve's barely looking at her. A wave of nausea turns your stomach.
He sees you and stands, shaking her off. But it's too late. You're out of Steve's system.
"Y/N? Baby, where are you g—"
You barrel through the crowd by the front door. You don't care about your jacket in Steve's car. You'll walk home if that's what it takes. Anything to get away.
It's more than chilly tonight. But the air feels good on your face, hot tears having returned. You scrub furiously at them.
You should've known. Why hadn't you seen it? You know better than to let your guard down around somebody like Steve Harrington. To think he could want you. Who are you? You're never making that mistake again.
Steve is running. Of course you had to go and fall in love with a guy who's athletically inclined.
You pick up your pace.
"Go 'way, Steve!" you hiccup.
Your voice is hoarse and raw from crying. You know Steve can hear it.
"Y/N, honey—"
"I'm walking home," you shout, voice cracking. You ache so bad. You want to stop and break right there on the sidewalk.
He catches your elbow. You wrench your arm away. When you turn, Steve looks like he's been slapped.
You keep wiping your eyes but the tears are coming too fast now.
"Y/N, what happened? Tell me what happened," he begs.
You cry harder and bend, holding your arms. Steve steps forward, hands fluttering over you.
"Baby, baby. Please, I need you to breathe, please. What hurts? Tell me what hurts."
"I'm your joke," you grit through tears. "You've got me out of your system."
"What?" Steve gasps. "What are you talking about?"
"Look at me!" You're too loud. You've never been this loud with Steve. "Look at the fucking big girl! Did you have fun?"
"Y/N." Steve looks like he's close to breaking. His eyes are glassy. "Please stop. Please. Don't call yourself that. Was it her in the chair? I pushed her away. I don't even know her name, I—"
"Her name is Andrea Burgess. And you're all the same. You lie," you grit. "I love you and you love girls like Nancy. You would’ve laughed at me back then and you—you—"
Your hands ball into fists. Steve gently takes your wrists. You want to fight, want to push. But you can't. You're not strong enough. So you collapse.
Steve holds you like you might float away if he doesn't. You cry into his shirt, clutching fistfuls of fabric. Steve folds over you, shielding you from it all. He rubs your back in slow circles.
"I'm sorry," you sob. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry—"
"Baby, stop. Y/N. Sweetheart. Stop, stop it."
Steve takes your face in his hands, thumbs wiping your cheeks. He kisses your forehead ever so gently. More tears spill.
"I'm not strong enough for her," you choke. "She got in my head. I'm sorry, I'm sorry—"
"Y/N, hey, hey, no. I should've been there. God, I'm so sorry. You don't have to face this alone. Whatever she said isn't true. You're not a–a joke."
Steve looks like the word makes him sick. Your arms curl around his neck. He cradles you like you're something precious.
"I don't want to lose you," you whisper. "I'm sorry I said those things. You've only been good. You deserve better."
"Baby, you're not gonna lose me," Steve replies brokenly. "Is that what you think? That I'll leave?"
"I wouldn't blame you," you sniff. "You could have anybody. I couldn't even go to one party without ruining it."
"You did not ruin anything. Okay? She said those terrible things. None of it is true. You are not a joke or something to get out of my system or any other horrible shit she said. I don't—I'm not like that. I would never hurt you."
"I know you wouldn't," you say shakily. "I know, I know. She said you teased me and I know you didn't, I know that."
"But there were people like me who did," Steve says quietly.
You sag. "You're not like them."
"I could've been. If I hadn't gotten some sense knocked into me..."
Steve shudders and tightens his grip.
"Is that why you didn't tell me?" he asks.
"I... no, I know you're a good guy, Steve. I just—I was scared. I am scared. You might wake up one morning and decide you can do better than me."
"Hey. Listen to me." Steve backs up slightly so you can see his face. "You are the most incredible person I have ever met. Nothing is going to change that. Okay? You're beautiful and I love you. I love you. Not despite anything. I love you for you."
Your eyes burn again. You bury your face in Steve's arm.
"I didn't mean that stuff."
"I know," he murmurs, cheek on your head. "It's okay. I can't—I don't know what that kind of hurt feels like. But I know I'd never want you to feel it. So will you do me a favor?"
"Promise me you'll tell me if you’re feeling like this?"
The wind cuts through with a whistle. You don't feel it with Steve around you. He rubs your arms.
"I promise," you nod.
"Thank you," he says and gently tilts your chin. "D'you want me to pull the car around?"
You shake your head. "That's okay. I wanna walk with you."
Steve takes your hand.
"Next time we'll go to the bookstore," he promises.
"I don't wanna force you to go," you sigh. "You like these parties."
He shrugs, kisses your temple.
"Nah. Party Steve was a long time ago. 'Long as I'm with you, I'm good. I've got you."
You smile and kiss him, bumping your nose with his. Eventually you pull away. Steve clears his throat, suddenly bashful.
"So back there... you, uh, love me?"
Your eyes widen, heart pounding. Don't back down. You're safe here.
"Yeah," you say softly. "I do. I meant to tell you in a far nicer way, I swear."
"You could... say it again?"
You grin. "I love you."
Steve is sunshine. No more hiding in the dark for you.
"I love you too, baby. So much."
And your insecurities won't disappear overnight, true. But you won't face them alone. Not anymore.
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Halloween prompts no. 16
Phantom rubbed his temples in a vain attempt to make his growing headache disappear, "So you're challenging me?"
The new ghost- a vigilante- who was fully convinced he was an evil tyrant and wouldn't listen to anything he said confirmed, so Phantom got up from his throne intending not to hurt the guy too badly and send him home. Unfortunately, Phantom made the same mistake that all his own enemies made in the past.
He underestimated his opponent.
This was how he found him self laying on his back staring up at 'Robin' in a daze with a slave collar around his neck. Robin explained the collar was the only way he could activate the "Right of Conquest" without killing Phantom and remove his power at the same time. This would prevent his allies from being too mad with him and essentially turn Phantom into a battery for the new king to feed on. The former king really wasn't sure if the guy was being smug explaining things to him that he should already know or if he knew that Danny definitely didn't know this because he never had the time to learn every little detail about the world he lived (resided?) in. Either way he was semi greatful for the explanation as to why he was suddenly powerless.
After that Phantom was more or less forced to follow Robin around the castle and keep as a sort of "show of victory" or whatever. Danny made sure to stand tall and dignified despite it all. He wasn't sure what the birdie was thinking, but the people gasping, whispering and glaring at him instead of the supposed evil king behind him may have tipped him off that something wasn't quite right.
Phantom couldn't really bring himself to blame the guy, the people that manipulated him where warlords, cult leaders and conquers who were known for tricking people into doing thier dirty work and making themselves look like saints while doing it.
The coronation was scheduled surprisingly quickly. It was no surprise that the Observants and other rotten politicians liked this new king, but not for the reasons the kingling would have thought. Robins temper would be a justifiable reason to lock him away in his own sarcophagus Pariah Dark style if he acts too violently so he would need to reign in his rage if he wanted to survive the political storm coming his way.
Danny curled up in the corner of his (now former) bedroom as Robin began inspecting the room for traps. The former king pointed out what few traps he had willingly and told the bird how to disable them. After Robin was satisfied he seemed to be preparing to change and go to bed, "You are dismissed."
Danny didn't move, fully intending to sleep right there on the floor.
"Tt. I said you are dismissed."
"Theres no where for me to go. I destroyed the slave quarters early on in my reign. I never planned on using it. I only have three servants quarters and all of them are occupied. They also don't have the the protections that the slaves quarters or the royal chambers would have."
"Why would you need protection? You are my property now. No one is allowed to touch you."
"That won't stop them. These people are monsters and I took away thier victims and punching bags. I took away thier control over the masses and thier ability to torture the other souls here. They'd do anything to get thier hands on me in this state." Danny shuddered at the thought.
Robin gave him a look, as if he knew exactly the types of things these sickos would do to Phantom if they found him alone and unable to protect himself. "Whats stopping you from attacking me in my sleep?"
"The collar for one. I can't harm you thanks to its precautionary features. I wouldn't want to anyway. Deafeating someone in ritual single combat is not the same as outright murder. I wouldn't get the crown back. I wouldn't want to kill you anyway. As I've stated before, those people are angry with me and would do anything to get thier claws on me. If im caught without you to protect me...let's just say I'm better off not being undead anymore.
Robin grimace, weather it be from the reality of the situation or the wordplay was anyone's guess but in the end the new king allowed him to stay. He even threw Danny a pillow which was way more than he expected. He thanked the other teen and they went to sleep.
Danny awoke the next morning to his king brushing his teeth (an unnecessary task for the dead) in the ensuite bathroom. Danny had kept a whole bunch of spare hygiene products in there for his friends and his living form if he chose to stay in it long enough for it to be needed. Robin seemed to have no problem using them as he came out smelling like mint and Dannys strawberry shampoo.
Sitting up he realized he was drapped in one of the spare quilts he kept in the closet. Did...did Robin go looking for a blanket to cover him up? That was kind of him. It was in this moment he decided he officially liked this guy. Danny took his turn to shower and brush his teeth. It was to clear his thoughts and had nothing to do with the glare his king sent him after Danny had put the blanket away. Had he done something to offend him? All he did was thank him for the blanket.
Later in the day Robin met with a few of Phantoms old allies and Phantom set the record straight about the vicious rumors going around about thier new king. Phantom told them in front of Robin that he was trustworthy and he was lied to and that was the reason Robin ever fought him in the first place. Danny asked them to help Robin as he was in danger of being set up to look like a new tyrant and not to tell anyone anything about Robin until after he's officially crowned king as that might scare the Observants and the others into delaying the coronation or trying to come up with a new scheme to stop Robin from taking the throne.
Once they succeeded and Robin was officially King birdy summoned all the people Phantom had told him about, the tyrants. The Observants, the evil lesser kings, and once he had them all in the same room he slaughtered them. All of them. Without mercy.
Damian grinned, fangs sharp and blade outstretched. Thanks to Phantom and his collar he now had the power to destroy entire worlds with one hand tied behind his back and he knew it
Somewhere in his home dimension, Bruce got a chill down his spine, Tim felt the overwhelming urge to hide, and Thalia was filled with a sudden pride for her dear son.
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nrilliree · 7 days
TB: Here is why we think Rhaenyra should be heir, why Daemon was a suitable partner, why her boys' parentage doesn't matter, etc.
*present evidence from the books and show depending on the canon that's being discussed to support their statements*
Team Broccolis: Nah you're wrong.
*go on to present a list of elaborate headcanons and fanon bullshit after cherry picking and mixing details from book and show while ignoring the context*
TB: Refutes their headcanons with well made arguments comprising of solid and reasonable points
Team Broccolis: Why don't TB admit they are wrong and we are right?
Go on to repeat the same headcanons they have memorized by heart
Every argument with the broccolis always ends in circles. There was a time when it was frustrating; now it's just exhausting. It is a pity because discourses - even those that end in disagreements - can be interesting to engage in. But it gets difficult to do so when the opposing side is so deeply entrenched in fanon and denial about their favourites being antagonists in the narrative who lost. This denial manifests itself in many forms. Be it by exaggerating Rhaenyra and Daemon's flaws while brushing whatever the Greens did under the carpet - a tactic the maesters also employed in the book - to wishing for Daenaera to be erased and replaced by Jaehaera to coming up with crack theories that Catelyn is descended from Alysmond's son thus making the Starks TG's descendants and believing that crack.
Visenya is one of my favourite characters; The circumstances that led her to usurp the throne with Maegor are more understandable because the two of them saved their house from utter destruction by dealing with a severe crisis that was caused due to Aenys' stupidity and incompetence. Yet the act of usurpation itself cannot be justified and the wrong that was done to Aenys' rightful heirs was eventually corrected while Maegor died issueless. I rather like Daemon Blackfyre who, by all accounts, was a more capable and better individual than Alicent's sons. It can also be argued that his rebellion was the outcome of his mother Daena being passed over for her uncle. Still, his attempt of usurping his brother - the rightful king - cannot be validated.
But it is only the Greencels who cannot wrap their heads around the role their favourites played in the story when better characters than them weren't immune to the consequences.
My favorite conversation with TG was something like this:
TG: Why do you think TB won the war? Aegon killed Rhaenyra! Me: TB troops won against TG troops, so they won the war. TG: TB troops lost the war, lol. Me: *I write out the last battles in which TB troops won, and also that there were no TG troops left to defend the capital, and that even the council told Aegon II that he should surrender* TG: But TB lost, lol. Aegon killed Rhaenyra.
And so on… I just had these… but how? Just because a leader dies doesn't end the war. Even the death of Aegon II did not end it yet, only the trials of the TG's supporters carried out by Cregan.
And oh yeah, I definitely love these weird fanons and theories that claim TG as their "right". This happens so often that I have developed a habit in which I assume that arguing with TG stans is pointless because it will end the same as always. I know it's wrong, but I can't help it. I just know that I'm about to hear about pedophiles, THE victim, the misunderstood Aegon and all the rest of this complete nonsense that they seem to be repeating like parrots. They just want to believe that in HotD history they are "Starks" and TB are "Lannisters" and they will write the biggest nonsense to prove their point.
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the-fluff-piece · 11 months
Sanji x reader modern day AU part 2:
I just want some f**ing coffee
Part 1: I just want some f**king...wine!
Part 3: I just want some f**ing sleep and comfort
Check out my other stuff:
My Masterlist - Short and Multichapter stories
Headcanon Masterlist
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The date you were on the other night was disappointing - but the food was great! For some reason though, a chef from the restaurant took an interest in you. After crashing your date, he realised you were living right next to him all this time - and vows to court you until you're his! In this chapter, Sanji will bring your hungover ass some delicious breakfast and you'll get to know him (and his lips) a little better
Saturday morning. You woke up late, two glasses of wine really did knock you out, how pathetic. In uni, you could easily have double that and not even noticed. Sleepy and with a light headache, you check your phone - no message from Thomas. So he didn't like the date, either. No surprises there. Still stung.
You peeled out of your blanked for your morning ritual: a cigarette and coffee on the balcony. You caught your reflection in the mirror: yup, looking tired as fuck. Bags under your eyes, hair like a bird's nest and the general vibe of something that had existed for too long at the bottom of a handbag. Enough to scare the shit out of the judgy older lady from across the street when she would see you. It were the small things that made you happy.
You shuffled to your kitchen where you made a horrible discovery: Coffee was empty. Even scraping at the bottom of the tin can didn't produce enough for a cup, so you grumpily slipped into your fluffy robe, grabbed the pack of cigarettes and shuffled on to your small city balcony.
You lit one and watched the people on the street: an old lady with a cute dog, they were often walking by, so adorable. Joggers. Should do that, too. Sometimes. Not now. Woman on bike, looking fab. Damn, I should buy some of those workout pants, too. They look comfy! Hot blond guy with shopping bags, waving at someone. He looks like a snack. Cute cat yawning. Should get a fuckton of tho- wait a minute, you knew that guy. That was Sanji from yesterday.
Yet another cigarette became the victim of slack jawed staring between the two of you, sailing down to the street two stories below. Poor thing.
"Hey princess, I brought you coffee! On the house!" He shouted, grinning from ear to ear. "I got breakfast, too!" He had the inflection of someone luring an animal using treats. It worked well.
Your caffeine deprived brain couldn't fathom what was happening down there: the cook strolled towards the building and you lost sight of him. Shortly afterwards you heard a knock on your door. You ran inside to look through the peephole in the door.
What the fuck.
"Hey princess, I didn't know what you liked so I brought the classics!" his cheery voice could clearly be heard through the door and you saw his clear, blue eyes looking directly through the peephole in a fish-eye perspective.
"Can we maybe start at...WHY ARE YOU HERE? HOW?" You screamed at the door.
"I saw that you lived here, too! What a coincidence ! I just wanted to apologise for yesterday. Please let me make breakfast for you!" His muffled voice from behind the door sounded excited and way too cheery for this hour.
You listened to true crime, you were half sure that the guy was a crazy murderer, killing lonely women and possibly cooking them. But there was also a strong dependency on coffee and you were sure that you wouldn't make it to the supermarket in your state.
And it would be rude to refuse his offer. You removed the doorchain, unlocking the door. Sanji stood there with the widest, happiest grin you have ever seen, holding up a shopping bag full of groceries and with a duffle bag strapped around his shoulder. He was wearing fine pants and shoes and a very comfortable looking hoodie. The moment his eyes caught your sight they lit up with delight and a flow of barely discernible syllables bubbled from his mouth.
"There you are JUST LIKE I REMEMBER I will make you the best breakfast OF YOUR LIFE ❤❤❤" he mumbled like an old lady talking to her kitty cat. This weirdo was definitely not feeling dangerous enough to be a murderer. You stepped to the side. He moved past you into your apartment, looking around with open interest.
"How cozy! I love that chair - oh I know that book! Wow you have lots of plants, I somehow cannot keep them alive." He looked around like a tourist in the middle of a historic little town, slowly making his way towards your kitchenette.
"Uhm, it's not much, and it's not exactly cleaned up..." you apologised. Surely he was used to grade A equipment.
"It's fine, I have the same one, our apartments are quite similar." He explained, not showing the slightest sign of shock over your dirty little kitchen. "Besides, I brought some stuff." He sat the duffel bag down.
Humming to himself, he began unpacking and cleaning simultaneously like it was the most normal thing for him to operate in your kitchen. Dazzled, you fell into your comfy armchair and watched that tall, slender and overall handsome guy in your kitchen. He unpacked various ingredients and began rummaging through your cupboards, eventually finding a bowl and beginning to mix something. He even made a little show of flipping bottles around in his hand like a bartender or cracking eggs open with one hand. You felt a bit useless.
"Can I help...?" You asked, unsure of what you could even do.
"No, need. I'm cooking for you!" He turned around with a wink.
"Oh...ok." you said, getting up, feeling your headache again.
"I'm gonna...take shower" you decided and went to your small bath.
"Yes take your time! I'll call you when it's time to eat" he assured you.
Getting into the shower stall, your body slowly woke up. The hot water and flowery scent of your soap relaxed and refreshed you, soothed the ache in your head. Haven't had a man in here in...four years? And a handsome one at that. How strange. The realization of what was happening in your apartment at this moment was hitting differently now that you've awakened.
There is a hot guy. In my apartment. He's cooking breakfast for me.
Fuck, I look like shit. Fuckfuck! You decided to put as much effort into this as you dared. Quite frankly, you were out of practice. You washed your hair with the special expensive shampoo you once bought and never really used, you tried to peel and moisturize your face like you wanted to every day, and you put on a light perfume, that also just sat there for special occasions like today.
You snuck to your wardrobe in the bedroom. Outfit - what do you wear to a spontaneous breakfast with a guy who wears business casual on a saturday morning? A Blazer and blouse? The dress you wore to your sisters wedding? Standing in front of your wardrobe, you noticed that it was much too full but you still had nothing to wear.
You reminded yourself that he had already seen you at your (almost) worst, everything was an improvement. Deciding on a casual outfit, you grabbed a shirt and a pair of slacks and peaked into your living room/ kitchenette. Sanji had a towel over his shoulder, whistling as he cut a vanilla bean open. You came to stand next to him at the counter to look what he was doing. His sleeves were rolled up and he wore a black apron.
"Hey princess, there you are!" He greeted you as he took some cream out of the shopping bag and put it on the counter.
"Do you have to call me princess all the time?" You asked. "It's kind of making me uncomfortable."
"If you don't like it, I'll stop, mademoiselle" he told you with a wink. You rolled your eyes at him and he chuckled.
"Do you have something like a whisk?" he asked even though he already had a look around your kitchen.
You pointed to a cupboard above you.
"Thank you, mademoiselle" he said and smiled at you. As he moved to open it, you became once again aware of how tall he was. He reached over your head, getting extremely close and you caught the scent of his cologne.
He took out the kitchen utensil and began whisking the vanilla in a bowl together with sugar and the fresh vanilla. It was fascinating to watch his practiced movements and his joy while cooking.
He reached into his bag again and set a device made of metal on the counter, shaped like a bottle but with a few applications. You knew that thing from that one cooking show, but the name eluded you.
"Know what that is?" Sanji asked when he saw you staring.
"Of course" you say with your most confident voice, "that's a cream whipping thingy" you concluded.
He laughed from the bottom of his heart.
"Exactly! I'll have to tell my colleagues at the baratie about it's new name." He joked while he filled the device of unknown designation with the cream and screwed it shut.
"You know you can also use it for soup" he explained as he put it into your empty refrigerator.
"A whipped cream soup?" You asked and Sanji laughed again. His happiness was infectious.
"I'll show you another time." He promised as he started to prepare coffee beans with a small hand operated grinder. Another time? He was planning other times already?
"So, since you were on a date just yesterday I'm guessing you don't have a boyfriend? Or girlfriend?" He tried to ask casually, but his eyes were darting nervously as he spoke.
"No, I don't" you honestly answered and heard him exhale with relief.
"I bet the guys are all crazy about you!" He mused, watching your reaction. You snorted at that.
"Yeah, so crazy they're all running away" you commented, trying not to sound bitter and failing spectacularly. You added: "seriously, I think I am not made for dating. They all want to be 'just friends', guess I am that type of girl."
"Good to know that other men have no taste in women." He said happily. "Makes it easier for me" he continued. He cooked coffee now, pouring the hot water carefully over the powder. It smelled delicious. While the water turned into precious coffee he began setting the table. You were already reaching for the coffee pot like the junky you were when he caught your wrist. Even his hand felt soft.
"It's not done yet! I'll serve it to you when it's perfect to drink" he told you, turning your hand around in his and breathing the faintest kiss onto your wrist, causing you to blush violently.
"Just sit down while I add some finishing touches. You must be so hungry" he mused.
You wandered back to your comfy armchair on shaky legs, the tingle of his touch still fresh on your skin, looking at the beautiful cook working his magic in your tiny kitchen. When he began to set the table, you were still baffled by the variety and professional look of the foods.
There where beautifully decorated crepes with fruit and whipped cream, a steaming pot of delicious smelling coffee, bread slices surrounded by what looked like home made, savory spreads, fresh orange juice and some cooked eggs. It looked perfect and smelled like heaven. You took out your phone and made a picture to send it to your friend Chrissy to show off.
"Am I already making it to your Instagram? I feel honored" You heard him behind you as he peeked shamelessly into your phone, almost resting his chin on your shoulder.
"But let's not just look, let's eat." He waited behind a chair for you and pushed it to the table before he sat down himself, spinning the chair around and sitting down backwards, with his hands and head resting on top of the backrest.
You didn't know what you expected, but you were overwhelmed. "Uhm, why are you doing this again?" You asked insecurely - the best your ex ever managed was toast and marmalade.
"A beautiful lady deserves to be pampered" he answered in a serious tone. "Besides, I kind of lost my temper yesterday and crashed your date" he didn't seem sorry, in fact he grinned when he said it.
"So enjoy! I cooked up a luxury breakfast for you." His blue eyes sparkled with anticipation as you carefully loaded the crepe onto your plate, destroying the small masterpiece somewhat. You were normally not one to have breakfast, but the appetizing smell got you hungry.
The crepe was soft and warm, the cream tasted like vanilla with a hint of cinnamon. Its texture was perfect: creamy and fluffy, slightly buttery. It was perfectly balanced with the fresh, sour taste of the fruits. You could have moaned it was so good!
The constant ping of a cell phone was distracting you from the taste orgasm you were having. Opening your eyes, you saw Sanji, leaning on the backrest, staring at you with hooded eyes and an open mouth.
"Someone's messaging you I guess" you told him, ripping him from his trance.
"Oh, sorry! I should have turned that off." He took out the phone from his pocket and unlocked it. Being as nosy as he had been, you peeked at the screen - seeing the familiar design of a dating app.
Of course he was online dating. Every ping was a match, from the looks of it he got lots. Of course he was a player, the signs were all there, you just didn't want to see them. Suits, cooking, all that "princess" and "mademoiselle" bullshit. You scowled, hard. Years of training in the harsh world have made your scowl a powerful tool to broadcast your dissatisfaction to the world. Sanji understood immediately.
"No! It's not like that! I swear!" He held up his hands.
"I didn't say anything" you told him, surly.
"But you looked. Here, nothing is happening." He handed you his phone. What normal person does that?
You looked at his app, he had almost a thousand contacts, in this small town quite significant. Apparently, he was just matching every single woman he was shown, and most of them matched back. You navigated to the messages, he didn't protest. It really was sad.
He opened most conversations, all of them were a variation of "bonjour mademoiselle, I love you" and were read but ignored. The last messages were months old, he must have given up at some point. It was a strange display.
"You really thought this line would work? Just telling random women you love them right away?" You asked, unwilling to believe that someone would dedicate time and effort to this approach.
"It's no line!" He protested. "I love all women!" He said it as if this was a normal thing to say to a woman he currently was kind of flirting with.
"You won't get very far with that, this is too much too soon" you tried to explain.
"Why?" He asked seriously. "Love is good! Everyone wants to be loved!" He seemed very passionate about that.
"You don't just see someone and fall in love, that's not how it works, and it's not healthy" You were drawn into an obviously doomed debate but couldn't help it.
"No offense but, forcing yourself to date someone you don't like and doesn't respect you seems pretty far from love as well" he mused.
"Touche" you conceded, thinking about last night's disaster.
To your surprise, he blushed furiously and seemed strangely giddy all of a sudden.
"You are already jealous!" He said happily. "You want me so much that you are jealous, but don't be! The dating app didn't work because this" he pointed at himself and you" this is destiny!" He got up and swirled around like he was dancing, pouring you a fresh cup of coffee in the process.
"Just milk, no sugar" you reflexively said. He nodded and poured milk from a tiny carton into the cup. After the wine, the pasta, the dessert and the crepe, your expectations regarding this coffee were sky high.
You took a sip, Sanji almost leaned all the way over the table to savour your reaction.
It held up. The coffee tasted soft and just like freshly grounded beans always smelled. Like chocolate and nuts and warm summer mornings. You smiled as you remembered the delicious scent in the mornings of your childhood when the grownups drank their coffee while you had a whole day of playing ahead of you.
You heard a soft whimper from Sanji. He was staring at you with his mouth open.
"It's so nice to take care of someone who appreciates it." He said. "You're so sensual..." the last words were a husky whisper and his eyes fell shut. An unexpected kiss landed on your lips. It was nervous and hot and a little too wet, his eagerness getting the better of him. His little moustache tickled your face and you couldn't help but fondling that small goatee with your fingers. He kissed and touched you like a horny teenager, moaning as his tongue played around your mouth and his hands wandered over your body like he couldn't feel enough of you at once. His nimble, long fingers threaded through your hair.
It felt good, but it was too much. A guy with that kind of dating app approach was still a red flag. In a second, you could see your heart break when he left as soon as he got what he wanted. This was too easy, too perfect. Something was seriously wrong.
You pressed your hand against his muscular chest, but he didn't get the hint. He seemed to interpret it as you exploring him and he clutched your hand to himself, encouraging you to feel around more. It was seductive to just keep running your hand over his body, you could clearly feel his defined muscles under the soft fabric of his hoodie. But the doubt was too much for you to handle.
As his mouth broke away to kiss your hand, you managed to tell him: "Stop! Now!" He immediately let go and backed off, looking confused but still very much aroused. He was handsome with his lips red from a passionate kiss and his cheeks blushing. Too perfect.
"Did I hurt you? I am so sorry!" He wrung his hands and looked like a boy that had broken something expensive.
"No, it's just too fast. And I honestly don't know if I even want that right now." You explained.
He looked like you just stabbed him. Either he was the strangest, most naive man you ever met - or he was the best actor and most skilled asshole who would break your heart.
He turned away, looking hurt and small. But he was a grown man - he had to deal with rejection. You bet you weren't the first woman he startled. After a few seconds of hurt he seemed to get a hold of himself as he began to fidget with a zippo from his pocket.
"I am sorry I fell upon you like that. And kind of ruined the mood." He looked defeated, but composed. "I will be more controlled in the future. I am sorry!" He apologised with a smile that had to be forgiven immediately.
"Let's just be adults about this and forget it" you tried to somehow save the situation.
"No." He said decidedly.
"What?" You were confused.
"I'm never going to forget that. I don't want to act like I wasn't interested in you. I'll never ask for something in return when I cook for you, I promise. Please, let me cook for you in the future" he pleaded, absolutely losing you. What was his deal?
"So please, enjoy your breakfast" he said and sat down again to watch you. He explained all the foods to you in detail, making your head spin a little with all the information. He was almost like a podcast you could listen to while eating. Although your usual eating entertainment was Netflix. On the couch.
"So, after just now I hope it's not weird...but I brought the last classic for a fancy breakfast." He said a bit flustered.
"What is that? I am already stuffed..." You answered.
"Some champagne" He grinned.
"Did you really bring champagne?" You asked in disbelief.
"Just an open one from the Restaurant, we wouldn't sell that tonight anymore. But it's enough for two glasses and fresh enough." He explained, his relaxed smile back in place.
"Mhm, after yesterday I am a little hungover...just a sip?" You asked as he already poured two glasses.
You felt so tired and cozy, the table wasn't cutting it anymore. Actually, it has been ages since you used the small kitchen table - the couch was much more comfortable.
"Let's sit down here" you suggested and Sanji brought the glasses to your coffee table and sat down next to you with a wide grin and the bearing of someone who had just scored a win. He lay his arm on the headrest just above you and took one of the glasses.
"To destiny" He mumbled a toast.
"Destiny?" You giggled.
"Don't laugh! Do you think it's coincidence that you sit in my restaurant and an hour later I see that you live in my apartment building?" He said sternly.
"We live in a small town in a small building, we would have met sooner or later" you argued.
"Still destiny..." he mumbled with an adorable pout.
You touch your glass softly to his and say: "to daydrinking!"
He laughs. "To the good life" he returns the toast and you both drink.
The champagne is a bit too dry for your tastes, but surprisingly smooth. When was the last time you had a drink before noon? Probably some company event.
Looking at the handsome man on your couch, you deluded yourself into thinking you could have fun with him without attachment. Even in the moment the thought crossed your mind, it was as clear as the sparkling wine in your hand that you already liked him. He looked to inviting next to you, his outstretched arm creating the perfect space for you to rest your head. You leaned against him, feeling the soft fabric of his hoodie and his warmth once again. And it saved you from drowning in his eyes. He gasped a little when you touched him and began breathing really hard - good actor? Really naive? Doesn't matter now.
"Tell me something about yourself" you told him.
"Uhm mhm well I am a cook" he mumbled like his mouth was giving up.
"I know that" you told him. "What about family? Is this your family's restaurant?"
"Well kind of. More my stepfather. I don't really...it's complicated" he suddenly sounded like a normal person again. "But Zeff is really cool! And my colleagues at the restaurant are like my brothers." He told you about his stepfather, the restaurant and what kinds of menus he planned as you sipped your champagne. Between the hangover, a long week and a big breakfast - you were absolutely exhausted. Before you knew it, you drifted off to sleep, dreaming a pleasant dream about you and Sanji owning a small bistro somewhere nice and quiet.
When you woke up again, you were alone on the couch, afternoon sun bathed your living room in golden light, Sanji was gone. You lay outstretched under a blanket, the champagne was gone, too.
Fuck, now I fall asleep at a date? Is he mad at me?
The kitchenette is spotless, safe for the cream whipping thingy drying next to the sink. He cleaned up and left. Maybe you should bring him the thing? Or will he come and pick it up?
Undecided, you poured yourself the last cup of cold coffee. It tasted a little bland now, having lost its full aroma. You looked around your empty apartment and missed Sanji's cheery busyness already. Maybe you should just go and see where he lived. But you didn't even know his last name.
Years of online dating and unhealthy nosiness had given you the talent to find people by first name and extra info. You googled "Sanji" and "Baratie" and found an interesting newsarticle: "Success for charity" it said. "The local restaurant Baratie made a big leap for charity this weekend, inviting the children of the local community centre to cook delicious and healthy meals together. A win for the community and the children".
There was an adorable picture of Sanji, his arm around a cute little girl holding a plate of vegetables. The description read: "Sanji Vinsmoke showed the children that veggies can be tasty".
You would just stroll through the building and give him back his stuff and apologise for falling asleep on him. Like a normal, nice person. You were 99% sure that he didn't play games like "wait 3 days until you write" or something.
The halls of the building were narrow and long and it took you some time to find his name on one of the doors, it was on the opposite side of the building, no wonder you never bumped into him.
You pressed the doorbell, already anxious to see him again. Soft footsteps could be heard, the door opened. Your world crumbled a bit.
In front if you stood an absolute sexbomb of a woman. She wore Sanji's hoodie - the one you fell asleep on just earlier - and nothing else as it seemed. She had long, smooth legs, a perfect hourglass figure, full lips and the cutest face. Her pink hair was a perfect messy look. You stared. She looked annoyed.
"Yes?" She asked in a melodic voice.
"Uhm, is Sanji here?" You asked, trying to catch a glimpse of the flat behind her. She blocked your view.
"No, he is at work." Her answer was short and finite.
"I brought his cream whipping thing back" you stammered and indicated the device you were holding.
"Syphon" the woman stated.
"What?" You asked, confused.
"It's called a syphon. Thank you. Bye." The woman took the syphon out of your hand and closed the door, leaving you dumbstruck in the hallway.
What is happening here? Who is the mystery lady? What's her relationship with Sanji? Is the writer of this story just messing with you to create a cheap cliffhanger?
Find out in the next installment of this Sanji modern day AU!
I AM SO SORRY IT TOOK FOREVER TO WRITE THIS. I was so unhappy and revised and revised and...you get the idea. It's still not perfect but I am content enough.
As always, please leave a comment if you want more or if you have a wish how it should continue. it's always a great motivator to me and I probably wouldn't have written part 2 if people hadn't asked for it
I am taking the freedom to tag previous commenters, I hope you don't mind
Also: please comment to be taken into the taglist for this story! I think I will write it for a while
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hypequeenves · 2 months
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So this has been sitting in my brain for a really long time. I've made about a 50 minute video on what Alastor's Radio Show might sound like. Because I am who I am I've also put some references to Vesper in there, because of course I did. The full video is will be up on YouTube https://youtu.be/zWNpshsogiQ?si=0Ct8ygRoAYF1-f4u , but it’s quite long so here is some of my favourite clips and also the ones pertaining to Vesper's story!
SUBTITLES: Ah, good evening, my devilish comrades! It's been an eternity since I last graced the airwaves! What with those celestial attacks and constructing a spiffy new studio, I've been positively swamped. So, do pardon my absence from our nightly rendezvous. But fear not, for I've returned with a vengeance, ready to regale you with tales that'll send shivers down your spine! But before we delve into the depths of the night, let's ponder a question that's been buzzing in the back of our minds: Is VoxTek Angelic Security as impenetrable as it claims? Or are we merely being hoodwinked by the corporate demons? Fear not, my friends, for we shall uncover the truth. But first, let's kick off this evening with a toe-tapping tune, "Let the Good Times Roll" by the incomparable Louis Jordan. So, let's not waste a moment more, shall we? Or as they say: Laissez le bon temps rouler!
YOU SAID YOU WANTED TO BE ON THE SHOW? TW: Screaming, Crying, Someone is in PAIN BEWARE! (Also, I can't tell if its cringe or not)
SUBTITLES: The song slowly comes to an end, when the mic goes hot again you can hear someones panicked breathing along with Alastor humming. There is the sound of a knife hitting the table and then a scream. ALASTOR: Quiet now dear - You’re ON AIR. Can you be quiet for me now? VICTIM: mhm... ALASTOR: Yes? VICTIM: Yes. ALASTOR: Good. While I finish up with our distinguished guest here, let me deliver you a delightful ditty, that is just the perfect amount of ironic considering our current company. Here is "Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out" by the sensational Bessie Smith. The breathing gets more intense until they scream, but their scream is cut short as the mic goes cold again.
SUBTITLES: Wasn't that just the most delectable interruption. Well as promised: Here is Airwave Alerts with Alastor. There seems to be a string of murders in the Mafia and Weapons District of Pentagram city! You heard me right, murders! It seems that the perpetrator is using angelic bullets to take out their targets. And although I would like to stake a claim on these murders, I cannot take credit for another's work. While the culprit remains a mystery, where they seemed to have acquired the weaponry is not. Unusually Carmilla Carmine has seen fit to stay silent on the topic. One would hope that she would be able to make a public statement soon.  Ah, while you mull over that jaw-dropper, let me serenade your senses with a tune that'll have you tappin' your toes and hittin' the road in style! It's none other than "Route 66" by the legendary Nat King Cole. So sit back, relax, and let the smooth sounds of this classic take you on a ride down that ol' highway of dreams!
SUBTITLES: Ah, listen up, denizens of the infernal realm! It's time for a little update from the Princess of Hell itself. Seems our friend Charlie Morningstar has taken matters into her own hands, bless her devilish heart. She's put forth a petition for those brave souls willing to stand tall in the face of the next extermination - should it come to that, of course. Now, I hate to rain on anyone's parade, but our heavenly counterparts up above have been keeping mum on the matter. And let me tell you, my dear fiends, that's not exactly music to our ears! But fear not, for there's a glimmer of hope yet! If you're ready to lay down your very essence to defend our infernal home from these angelic invaders, then you best hotfoot it over to the Notice Board smack dab in the centre of cannibal town. Sign your name with pride, for in unity lies our strength! (slightly less enthusiastic) Or something along those lines. With that obligatory bit of unpleasantness addressed, my dear listeners, it's time to lighten the mood and spread some cheer! This next tune is dedicated to none other than our beloved Charlie Morningstar, the beacon of hope in this dark and dreary place. So kick back, relax, and let the melodies of "You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile" by Charles Strouse and Martin Charnin wash over you. Remember, my dear souls, even in the depths of Hell, a smile can work wonders!
SUBTITLES: Well, well, well, my curious listeners, have I got a spicy tidbit for you! It seems our resident pop sensation, the one and only Vanessa LaBlanc better known by her stage name Vesper, has been spotted gallivanting around town in the company of none other than Asmodeus, the King of Lust himself! Now, isn’t that a twist? It's been a hot minute since the Cardinal Sin of Lust graced the Pride Ring with his presence. So, what devilish plans could he be concocting with our delightful Vanessa? Ah, my dear sinners, the plot thickens! But fear not, for yours truly will be keeping a close eye on this tantalizing tale. So stay tuned, my friends, for the juiciest gossip this side of Hell. Up next the weather! But before we delve into the forecast, let's soar among the stars with the timeless crooner himself, Frank Sinatra! It's time to let the velvety voice of Ol' Blue Eyes serenade us with "Fly Me to the Moon." So close your eyes, let the music carry you away, and dream of celestial delights as we prepare for the weather—though, as I suspect, the forecast may indeed call for a storm of scandal!
If you made it this far - if no one has told you today, you're amazing!
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fandomtherapy44 · 8 months
Klaus x reader
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side note this was probably the best gif I could find for the episode.
Summary: This story is from the perspective of Y/n Marshall the younger sister of Hayley Marshall. Side note I love Hayley one of my favorite characters. Basically Y/n will be pregnant instead of Hayley and I will be changing some things up but then that it should stay pretty close to the series. I hope you enjoy the story! Also, if you like I have a Castiel x reader
Paring: Klaus x reader
Word count: 3,241
Warnings: Some language, Typical the Originals violence, Spoilers for season one of The Originals, Pregnancy,
I got the divder from
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Chapter 2: House of the rising son
I still can’t believe that I'm here in New Orleans Pregnant with Klaus Mikaelson’s baby. Two months ago I could down a bottle of whiskey in two seconds flat and now I can expel my lunch in two seconds flat due to one of the many side effects of pregnancy. It’s hard to look at Klaus not to even mention talking. I wish he could at least have an adult conversation with me about this.
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I’m looking in the fridge in annoyance because there is barely any food, well there is but not what I wanted. “N/n just because you stare doesn't mean food will magically appear.” Hayley said sarcastically walking in the kitchen. “Well, I'm magically pregnant so why can’t food be.” “If Elijah was here, he probably get all the food you wanted.” “And you too Hayley.” “Yeah, well then where is he? He made this grand promise to us.” “I don’t know Halye's, but we’ll be okay.” When I finished that sentence, we heard a car door slam outside and we both grabbed iron pickers I guess for weapons. And we headed to the main foyer and a blond woman came in almost stomping.
“Who the hell are you?” Hayley asked the woman. “Oh, you must be the maids. My bags are in the car – get them, will you?” I stepped up. “Sorry to disappoint but not the maids.” “Right. You're that werewolf girl my brother, Klaus, knocked up. I was expecting to see some kind of supernatural, miracle baby bump. Guess you're not showing yet. It's Hayley, isn't it?” She said looking at Hayley. I was a little embarrassed. I raise my hand. “Um actually that would be me, Y/n.” She looks me up and down. “Huh interesting he doesn’t usually go for your type.” Well, that feels great.
“I see You have your brother's manners.” Hayley said, stepping in front of me. “And his temper, too, so watch it. Where's Elijah?” “We don’t know he’s been gone since the night we got here he was making promises about protecting us and then gone.” I answered her question. "Elijah is not just any vampire, and he doesn't break promises. Which means Niklaus has done something dastardly and Klaus-like. Klaus! Get out here and tell me what you've done with our brother, you narcissistic, back-stabbing wanker!” Rebakah yelled out. 
“Enough with all the shouting. Little sister, I should have known. I assume the six dead vampires were you're doing?” Klaus answered entering the room. “They were very rude.” She said, sounding happy with her decision. “Trying to victimize a poor, innocent girl just trying to find her way to the Quarter. So sorry, were they friends of yours? Oh, that's right, you don't have any friends.” Ouch I feel kind of bad for him.
“I do have friends. I have Marcel. You remember him, don't you? Yes, of course you do. He fancies himself the 'King of the Quarter' now, and he has these rules about killing vampires. It'll be fun to see what sort of punishment he comes up with for you.” You can really feel the love between these siblings huh.
“I don't care about Marcel or his rules. Elijah doesn't welch on deals. What did you do to him?” “Perhaps he's on holiday... or taking a long autumn nap upstairs. Well, go on. Take a look around. You remember this house as well as I.” “I remember everything.” Rebekah said looking sad properly remembering something horrible Klaus did. And of course, being who he is he defended himself. “Well, he wasn't good enough for you.” I think I should say something. “Shouldn’t that be up to her.” All three of them looked at me yup should have stayed quiet. “Ahh the littlest wolf can speak.” Klaus said teasingly, giving me his smug stupid smile.
At least we're talking but Klaus has no idea who I am even though we did have a night of talking and more. “I'm guessing Rebakah can take care of herself since there are about six dead vampires now so why not let her.” He looked at me and I got flashbacks to when we first met. “Thank you, Y/n, because No one was ever good enough for me he made sure of that. Nik, you made sure of that. Now where is Elijah?” “A good question Hayley and I have been talking about that.”
He doesn't answer and his phone buzzes and he gets up to leave. “Where are you going?” Rebakah asked him. “It appears the night is not quite over, yet. I'm off for another drink with Marcel.” “Elijah told me about your plan to take apart Marcel's empire piece by piece. I don't remember it involving you two drinking New Orleans dry together.”
“I know you don't have many friends, Rebekah, but what some friends do when they get together is they drink. And when they drink, they tell secrets. Marcel has somehow found a way to control the entirety of witches in the Quarter, and I aim to uncover the 'how' so I might take it for myself. Finding Elijah didn't make my to-do list today.” Wow you can really feel the love between these siblings. “Oh, and welcome home, little sister.” He walked out to leave but I went after him. 
“Klaus wait.’’ He stopped in his tracks, annoyed I could tell. “What is stopping me from my important meeting?” That kind of hurt my feelings. “I just wanted to say to be careful.” He looked confused at that. “It’s just that I know Marcel has a lot of power. The witches hate him because for some reason he knows when one of them practices power so be more smart then dumb in this situation huh.” “Your concern is not needed, and I don't need it.” And he walked away, one of these days I know he probably will need it.
I walked back to the others. “What was that about?” Haley asked me. “Um nothing. What are we talking about.” “We are going to go look for what has happened to Elijah.” “Oh, okay let's go.” “Wait, you want to help.” Rebakah asked me. “Yeah of course if Hayley was missing, I wouldn't stop until I found her and I would want everyone to help.” She looks at me. “Thank you.” “No problem now, let's go.”
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We walk down this spiral staircase. “The governor had lots of secret rooms. I'll show you his favorite.” Rebakah said to us when we were walking down the stairs. “You think Klaus killed him.” Hayley asked. “We can't be killed, silly girl. That doesn't stop Klaus from finding ways to torture us. He has a set of mystical silver daggers. One in the heart sends us into a deep slumber. Klaus gets his jollies from keeping us in a box, until he decides to pull the dagger out. That must be what he's done to Elijah. This one's mine.” We looked down and there was a coffin with a big M on it.
“He keeps your coffin on standby.” I stated in incredulously. “He likes to be prepared for when his family members inevitably disappoint him. Elijah's isn't here – he must've stashed him elsewhere.” Hayley and I look at each other in disbelief. “I feel sick.” I stated. “Welcome to the family, love. You should've run the second you realized Elijah was gone.” “Yeah, well, the witches have put some sort of hex on me. As long as I'm carrying this baby, I can't leave New Orleans. If I do, they kill me.”
“Well, knowing Klaus, he's planning a box for you the second you give birth to whatever's cooking in your tum. I'm leaving as soon as I find Elijah. Being daggered in a box for decades sucks, trust me. You'd best find a way to break that hex and run.” Rebakah goes to look in other rooms and Hayley and I are left to stew in this family’s drama.
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The next day I was left alone in the house. Hayley told me she went for a walk to clear her head about all this and was properly more worried about Elijah then I. So here I am walking around this huge house looking for something to do and I find myself in the kitchen. I look through the fridge and the cupboards and there are enough ingredients that are not totally spoiled to bake because when I’m stressed, I bake and well I need to bake. A couple hours later I'm surrounded by cupcakes and brownies when I get a text from Hayley saying to meet her at the park which she is not supposed to be at. So, I throw down my apron and flour and rush out the door. 
Hayley is there sitting and she is holding a cup in her hands. “Hayley what are you doing out here you know we can’t be here!” “Y/n take this.” She pushes the cup in my hand. “What is this?” “Oh, just some tea… with some crushed aconite flowers.” I lifted it to my lips and then I heard her say the last part. “Wolfsbane! Are you trying to kill me!?” “No no N/n not you…” She trails off and looks at my stomach. “No Hayley no.” “Y/n if you do this we can leave and never look back and never have to deal with this crazy family again. Never have to deal with Klaus Mikaelson again.” I soak in her words and take a minute to respond.
“Klaus may be an asshole, but I've been given a chance that I never had before to have my own child and I'd rather deal with this family the rest of my life then give that up.” Hayley looks at me and brings me in for a hug. “Then I guess we better get comfortable.” “Hayley, you don’t have to stay, go live your life I'm not a kid anymore.” “I have missed enough of your life. I am here to see you become the amazing mother that we never got.” I smile at her and are about to start to cry when I hear some branches snap. Some men showed up behind us. By their scent I could tell they were vampires.
“Dumb move, coming into the Quarter. You're coming with me, wolves.” He said with disdain and disgust like he was better than us. I stepped in front of Hayley. “I have had it up to here with vampires telling me what to do.” I throw the hot cup of tea in his face, and he screams in pain we spin around to run but more show up. They go to attack but instead their hearts are being held by Rebekah. “Now, that is no way to treat a pregnant lady. I do hate bad manners.” 
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It’s pretty hot outside. Well, it was hot because of the fire of the smoldering vampires that Klaus was having in the front yard. “This is why I told you never to leave the house. Werewolves are banned in the Quarter. I had a plan, and your two’s little nighttime stroll put it all in peril! Leave him!” He yelled when Rebakah was starting to walk towards the barely alive vampire.
“You've done enough, don't you think? Leaving a trail of bodies like a road map to my door?” “If I hadn't overheard this lot bragging about werewolf heads, everyone here would be screwed. And don't give me that crap about having a plan. You've had all the time in the world to execute a plan, and no one's seen you do a damn thing! Elijah made a deal to protect your child, so that it could save you from your selfish, rotten self. But you obviously don't give a damn about the child or Elijah, because what have you done to honor it?” It’s getting heated now and while talking about our kid.
“I have done everything. Let me spell it out for you, shall I? From the day I arrived, Marcel hasn't trusted me. From Day One, he's had his vampires ingest toxic vervain which, as you know, little sister, protects them from my mind control.” It’s interesting even the simple herb can deflect from the original vampires. 
He grabs the half alive vampire and starts to drag him. “And this one – I'm gonna drain him of vervain, compel him to believe his mates found religion and moved to Utah, so that he can explain to Marcel why he lost three more vampires tonight.” “Ha so you can be funny.” I said to him and gives me his devilish smirk.
“Of course, I can be, one of many great traits. Now does anyone have any more questions? No? Good, because I have a question. What were you two doing in the bloody French Quarter in the first place? Answer me!” He asks Hayley and I. “Leave them be.” Rebekah said, standing up for us. Hayley looks like she’s about to say something, but I stop her. “I was buying poison to stop… the pregnancy” Klaus starts to break stuff around him in a lot of anger. “Nik! NIK!” 
Rebekah stops him before his breaks off the door. “Stop! you are in the presence of the mother of your child! All of this bluster about not wanting the child, and then the second she tells you she's ready to get rid of it? It's okay to care. It's okay to want something. That's all Elijah was trying to do, all he's ever wanted for you. All we've ever wanted.” Klaus calms down but reeling from being confronted with his feelings and sits down on the stairs. Rebekah sits down next to him. “I gave Elijah to Marcel.” Oh shit.
“Marcel was nervous. It's bad enough one Original returned to town, but two? His crew was getting antsy. He wanted Elijah gone, so... I gave him a peace offering.” “You bartered our brother?”’ Wow. “I have a plan. Gain Marcel's trust, dismantle his empire, honor Elijah's wish that that baby be born. I am executing that plan the only way I know how. If you don't like it, there's the door. See if I care” Is that only Elijah's wish because from Klaus’s reaction to the poison he might want this kid as much as I do. 
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Rebekah is sitting on the front porch when I approach her. “I know you don't know me very well... but thanks. I appreciate what you did in there.” I said thanking her. “Us girls have got to look out for each other.” “What is it with you two? You say you hate him, but the way you deal with him, it's so clear. Even when you hate him, you still love him.” “I guess when you spend a thousand years with someone, deciding to quit them is like losing a part of yourself. But sometimes the hate is just... so powerful. Emil wasn't the only boyfriend of mine that Klaus killed. He did it again, and again, and every time I found someone to care about. He just kept doing it until, finally, I stopped falling in love. He said he was protecting me from my mistakes, that no one was ever good enough for his little sister. Until one day, someone was.”
“If you know Marcel has Elijah, why don't you just get him back yourself?” “Because, if I cross my brother, there's still a coffin downstairs with my name on it.” At that I pull out the wrapped daggers. “Well now he can't. I would feel the same if Hayley ever did the same to me. I found them under your coffin. So, if a couple of antique steak knives were the only things stopping you from getting Elijah back, then here you go.” She takes them in awe and smiles, and I smile back feeling I made another connection in this family. “Also why are there so many brownies?” “Ha ha right that So I…”
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I start to walk up the stairs to go to bed when I get stopped by Hayley. “N/n why did you take the blame for me.” “Look I know you're my older sister, but I will always protect you no matter what. Plus, he would have killed you.” “Yeah probably.”
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The next morning, I stir awake, and I can see from my half open eyes that Klaus was checking the bottle of wolfsbane. “I didn’t take it.” “You're awake.” “I could barely sleep all night. This house is like a freaking swamp sauna.” I sit up stretching. “What stopped you? You could have been free of all of this... of me.” “Well first of all I never even thought to take it if I told it was Hayley you would have probably killed her. ‘“ “You are right.”
“Before this I never had a chance in Hell to have my own children so I may not totally like you all the time but because of you I have that now and you're not all bad … sometimes.” I finish with the same smirk he gave me last night. “Also, when I was fighting off those vampires, I – I realized I wasn't just protecting myself. Maybe it has to do with the fact that my birth parents gave us up, and my group home kicked me out. All I know is push came to shove, and... I realized I wouldn't let anyone hurt it.” He looks at with a knowing look like he could relate.
“I'm beginning to think we're a lot alike, you and I. We're both castoffs who have learned to fight when we're backed into a corner.” “Well, we're backed into a corner now. What are two messed up werewolf parents going to do.” “Ah, that we are. It's time to fight... littlest wolf.” He said putting a hand on my shoulder and my heart quickens a little and all I can do is stare at him. He stares back and we kind of start to lean to each other slowly when he backs up and stands. “Um, this whole thing with Marcel – the deal you have with the witches, trying to take him down, take what's his – Rebekah told me that you two once loved each other like family. What happened?” I said trying to move on from our little moment.
“I made Marcel everything that he is. I treated him like a son. And when my father chased me and my family from New Orleans a hundred years ago, we believed Marcel was killed – we each mourned him, in our own way. Yet, when I returned, I found not only had he survived, he had thrived. Instead of seeking us out, instead of sticking together as one, he made a choice to take everything my family had built and make it his own. Now, he is living in our home, he is sleeping in our beds. That 'M' he stamps everywhere... it's not for 'Marcel'. It's for 'Mikaelson'. I want it all back, and if I have to push him out to get it, then that's exactly what I'll do. I'll have someone see to the air conditioning.” He walks out of my room, and I'm left with a little more hope that we could work together maybe something more for our kid.
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Second chapter Whoo! So excited for the future chapters and the romance that is clearly there this is going to be a little faster than my Castiel x reader. Thank you for reading! See Ya'll next chapter.
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