#yeah it is a bit ns for t but i see no reason to not post so whatevvvvvv
perelka-l · 28 days
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sometimes like this. But also like that.
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lightlycareless · 1 year
OUGH CHAPTER 33,, this ones RICH theres so much here all of y/ns letters,, i wonder how hinata would feel if she actually got to read them?? not that she'd get through all of them before trying to break in there herself to get y/n out i imagine
NAOAKI,, calling y/n cute straight up now?? we're just straight into it there's no denying anything anymore. full on flirting out there-- good for them. and the GRAPE,, feeding her the grape,, im obsessed. hinata turning naoaki away bc of his resemblance to naoya-- i get why girl but also MAN you are missing out on the sweetest man in the world. n also the possibility of the zenin's getting pissy over hinata and naoaki talking to each other?? they are DERANGED for real its unbelievable.
mariya and tatsuro,,, i really do think she COULD tell hitomi i like to think she'd understand. and also backing herself into a corner w lying about to everyone i just can not imagine that ending well at ALL somewhere down the line
THE BOXES FULL OF RECORDS MY GODDD,,, naoya is going to give y/n a HEART ATTACK. its a thoughtful gesture but she is so (understandably!!) put off anything to do with him she just finds it creepy as fuck. it is so funny tho "there has to be another reason for his actions,, but what,," girl,,, hes trying to be nice for once this is not a murder attempt,,
and the idea that naoya's gonna eventually try to ask how she liked the gift oh MAN-- he's already gonna be torn up beyond belief over that last chapter ending (must be why we don't see him this time he's too busy crying) and to see her respond cold to like... what's probably the first real big thoughtful gift he's tried to get her?? devastating. obliterated.
this chapter is driving me insane and up the walls (in a good way) i am SO ready to see whats coming.. ur setting up for somethin big i know it,,,
Hello!!!! I’m glad you liked the bit of… lore I guess? I don’t know how to call it lol regarding Y/N’s letters! I only went through them briefly, in the aspect of what she must write and what not to keep a low profile, but never really showed what she was writing… and boy, was it sad.
Hinata would be very, very sad. Definitely. She’d first be upset, angry, quickly identifying that her letters are to set up a façade that everything is right, when it’s not. She’ll also be able to find some traces of Y/N being genuine whenever she speaks of the twins or her staff… perhaps. But overall, those clues end up being irrelevant to the fact that Y/N is in danger and needs to be taken out of there as soon as possible.
And her not caring for Naoaki…. Hahahahahah it made me laugh and a bit frustrated tbh, but how is she supposed to know?! yet OMG he's RIGHT THERE.
I did think on various occasions that her acting that way with him might’ve been... reckless, like it could’ve raised some red flags from him and be like “Hinata is acting weird” subsequentially, leading the clan to be further vigilant of her. However, Naoaki doesn’t know what’s up with his clan, and his priority is to help Y/N above anything else so… yeah. I wish she would’ve given him the benefit of the doubt and approached him, doing so on any other occasion I think, when she isn’t there for work and isn’t overworked either lol.
But yeah, she’s tired of all she’s been put through and couldn’t care less of engaging with other people as of right now. To Naoaki’s defense… Hinata didn’t talk to anyone else either, so there’s that 🤭
I’m still surprised the Zen’in weren’t lil bitches about it, they probably didn’t consider their interaction to be that important anyway—since their secrets are safely guarded… at least for now. Kind of. Hinata is still not out of their radar. Hmm. They’re probably thinking on how to not get involved in the crisis since they think so little of non-sorcerers lol.
Now onto Mariya…. I just love causing conflicts with her lmao. You could argue that she’s not doing anything… wrong per se, but man, lies and lack of communication can lead to some pretty terrible misunderstandings and that’s the least of the things I want happening between Y/N’s staff 😭 But essentially Mariya is afraid that speaking out loud of this situation might lead other members of the staff overhearing this, rumors begin to circulate around the house, and she loses her job 💀 It’s not that she doesn’t trust Hitomi, but she’d rather keep it hidden from everyone to avoid these risks. (also, the pain of having disappointed her is too much for her to even contemplate 😭 she cares too much for the sisters, and already gone through something like that with Y/N... no, I can't have her suffering 😭😭)
As for Naoaki… that freaking scene with the grape was like omg…………………………………………………… I wanted to go heavier on the subtle implications, but I was like no ma’am, Y/N pulled away from that one and I don’t think Naoaki would insist after seeing her reject his advancements sooooo maybe for another time 😊 This was also a way to show just how… bold the two had become after the whole Naobito/Naoya/Y/N thing went down, had this been before that, Naoaki would’ve never done something like that.
I can imagine Ranta watching the two from some undisclosed corner frantically hoping that Naoya won’t come out and see them lmao.
Finally… the mystery of whatever Naoya was shoving inside his pocket the chapter before is revealed!
Guess he was listening to what Y/N was telling him, however, for him to suddenly go out and buy them implies another motive behind them… or at least that’s what I intended to write 🤭 Naoya is trying something, to be nicer I guess, but without him taking accountability I don’t think there’s going to be any advancements soon. 😫 He’s still out there having some kind of war with Naoaki, when he should be focusing on Y/N and his marriage!!!!! Well, best wishes to him I guess lol.
Now… I won’t say much outside of that hehe because it will be expanded on the next chapter, it's a Naoya-centric one where we'll see what he was doing while this went down, as well as a bit of—
Anyways, thank you so much for tuning in for a new update!! The build up for the next chapter has me at edge, nervous… but excited too and I can’t wait to show you!!! (let the hype be appropriate) But for now, I shall take it easy, I got my birthday to enjoy (and this annoying cold out of the goddamn nowhere!!! To overcome)
Have a wonderful weekend, take care, and hope to see you soon!!!
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serowotonin · 3 years
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LiPS𝐓1CK St4𝐈NS ! (💋)
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❝ having lipstick and giving him a kiss and he doesn't realize he has it on his face until his teammates are all like 0-0 ❞ — @/luna-in-luv
++ fem!reader x oikawa, kuroo
| wc. 1.3k 
| note. djslsdf it took so long to edit this post T-T,,,,, when ur indecisive af and can’t decide on a post format :D anyways just wanna say reblogs are greatly appreciated and i hope u guys like this<3
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( ➷ ); ― OiK4WA
another day of school, another day of.. well, another day of boredom
you had to admit though, school had become a lot more fun since you and oikawa got together;)
altho you were in different classes, you’d still pass each other in hallways and see each other during breaks
and ofc every interaction, no matter how small, definitely made your day brighter
the smaller interactions consisted mainly of random head pats as he walks pass by, or a smirk and a wink whenever you two make eye contact 
when there weren’t as many people around,,, maybe a hug or a kiss if either of you felt like it
and very rarely.. 
a makeout session in an empty classroom or staircase
its rare but it does happen
and it was happening… right now
school ended about half an hour ago and everyone either left or went to do their club activities 
which was what oikawa should probably be doing too,, but today he just “felt like going in a little later”
and so there you two were, in the dark corner of an abandoned classroom grasping at the other as if you haven’t seen them in years
idk how to describe a steamy makeout sesh okkk
anyways,, after about 6 ignored calls from iwaizumi tho.. you two figured it was probably time for him to go to practice
you two straightened yourselves out; cleared the ruffles from your uniforms, tidied your hair, etc.
oikawa texted iwa that he was on his way while you touched up your makeup
“you gonna walk me to practice?”
“of course,” you smiled. “altho i have my own club activities today too so i can’t stay and watch :( ”
“dont worry babe,,, just walking me there is enough” he replied with a grin
then he slung an arm over your shoulder and the two of you walked out of the classroom as if nothing happened
as you neared the entrance of the gym, you slowed to a stop and tugged at oikawa’s shirt
he turned and you leaned to give him a kiss on the cheek
“good luck with practice” you said before giving him a small wave and walking off
did you see the dark mark your lipstick left on his cheek?
were you going to say anything about it?
well,,,, you already turned to walk away and oikawa was already entering the gym
so no.
anyways,, as oikawa entered the gym, the first thing he saw was his beloved iwa-chan
looking not very happy
oikawa waved sheepishly as he turned his head to the side to look at where everyone else was
this for some reason made iwaizumi look even more not happy
makki and mattsun then walked over and snickered upon seeing oikawa
“ah was y/n here? why didn’t you invite her to watch hmm?~” makki teased
“she’s got club activities too you know..”
they probably realize oikawa doesnt know bout the kiss mark
the three of them were just staring at oikawa like (¬_¬;)
and oikawa's just standing there like (◕‿◕)?
“can we go practice now..?” 
iwa: ( ̄︿ ̄) “wipe that stupid mark off your cheek”
huh? mark? he was pretty sure he wiped off any evidence from ahem what was happening earlier…
at this point some of the younger members started staring at them
and oikawa spotted them out of the corner of his eye and could practically feel the awkwardness in their gazes
he put a hand on the cheek everyone was staring at and removed it to see the same color that painted your lips
a slow smile spread on his lips at the realization of what you did
he laughed to himself
‘she’s gonna be the death of me..’
and with that he wiped off the remnants of your lipstick and hurried over to start practice
later tho, he asks you to kiss him again wearing that lipstick
and you do
and he snaps a selfie,,, which is now his phone wallpaper ;3
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( ❣︎ ); ― KUR0O
today, you’re boyfriend, the one and only Kuroo Tetsurou, had a volleyball match
and ofc being the amazing, supportive gf you were, you were present in the stands, cheering him on
you didn’t get to meet or even talk to him before the match started, save for a few quick texts 
so when he came on to the court for warm up and spotted you in the crowd,,,
he gave a cheeky wink and wave
you could practically feel the confidence roll off him in waves but you knew, deep down, he was the tiniest bit nervous too
afterall, the opponents weren’t a weak team by any standard
they were strong and known for their relentless attacks
which were put to display almost immediately after the game started
nekoma held on though, and managed to put in a few attacks of their own to level the game
you could see the hard work behind each of the members’ skills, having witnessed a lot of it yourself
it was most clear in kuroo tho
and as he jumped to block another spike, you were on the edge of your seat
the boys just needed one more point… which came when kuroo shut down the last spike
you and the rest of the people in the stands around you erupted into cheers
and as they were leaving the court, you ran to steal kuroo away for a more personal cheer
the two of you walked the halls of the stadium talking abt the game
you were gushing about this block and that and he was smiling at your gushing cuz damn was his y/n cute 
N E WAYSSS,,, he received a text from kenma saying that they were all waiting for him at the bus
“i should go.. don’t wanna keep them waiting long”
“yeah.. you should”
before he could move tho, you tiptoed and placed a big fat kiss on his cheek
you swear you saw a blush on those cheeks as you backed down
he grinned and gave you a kiss of his own on your forehead before saying bye and running off
as he did, you realized you forgot to mention the lip-shaped mark on his cheek 
oops… its too late now ┐(︶▽︶)┌
anyway,, kuroo arrives all smiles to where the team are waiting 
and make no mistake they all CLEARLY see evidence of ur “little” kiss from back there
they just kinda,,,, don’t say anything at first?
kenma rolled his eyes and went back to doing whatever on his phone
yaku glared at it out of spite or some similar emotion
the others just choose to ignore mainly cuz they assume kuroo already knows and chose to keep it there
to them its just kuroo being a cheesy mf who was rubbing the non-single life in their faces or smth
ofc he has no idea tho
which just makes it all the more better when lev says
“y/n has nice lipstick”
and kuroo’s just like wtf ?? whatcha goin on bout my gf’s lipstick hUH
and he says that.. or something similar at least
and lev just points to his cheek like
“duhh i can see it right there”
he grabs his phone, opens the front facing camera, and is met with the outline of your lips on his cheek
and thats when he obviously started blushing
but then he just kind of smirked once he realized you knew about the mark
not like that but practically exactly what he was trying to say anyway
tbh kuroo’s a little reluctant to rub it off cuz idk,, he likes it ?? 
but he does anyway cuz they were still in public and there were teachers who were gonna come soon and all the other reasons
once hes comfortably seated in the bus tho, with a clean cheek, he sends u several texts
‘ saw that gift you left on my cheek… ’
‘ wouldn’t mind if u gave me more tmr afterschool ;) ’
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| taglist. @lilikags @luna-in-luv ... send an ask if u wanna be added !!~
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tastyykpop · 3 years
𝑆𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑡 𝐶𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑢𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛-Final
Pairings: jaemin x reader
Genre: smut, fluff (mostly at the end but it's short 🤠)
Warnings: dom!jaemin, brat!reader, brat taming, punishment, overstimulation, edging, face slapping (literally slaps her once), choking (wOw iM sO sHocKeD), hair grabbing, degradation, jaemins gets angrier throughout the story, fingering, finger sucking, praising, unprotected sex, soft sex, y/ns pretty dumb but I think we knew that by now, once again jaemin calls himself nana because shut up
Tag list: @ahgastayzen @allykookiez @wooyugta @dreamlesswonder86 @taetaeismy @nanaysa @patchi-chi @simplicitysbabe @sweetjaemss @huangvibez @kaitherring @xxjaemchenct
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It was obvious how tense and awkward jaemin was the entire time you stayed at his house, which lasted longer than you thought. You stayed for two days, per jaemins request, and you thought what if he's finally angry and decides to break. No, it was the complete and utter opposite. Jaemin was sweet, something you've barely seen when he used to bully or make fun of you before all this happened. He made sure you were okay staying with him another night and took care of you when you weren't hungover.
Did anything special happen though? Nope, just you and jaemin cuddling every so often while binge watching Netflix shows while he sometimes cracked jokes here and there.
It was definitely a sight to see. Even made you wonder if this is what its like to date him.
"Nana," you spoke, jaemin lifting his head off your shoulders to give you his attention, "Get up, we need to go to school."
Jaemin groaned, putting his head down on your pillow like chest and began, "Can't we just skip school?" He whined, "Maybe play a bit too?" Jaemin lifted his chin up, placing it on top of your breasts as he pouted, waiting for you to give into his cuteness.
Wouldn't that be nice- but you weren't going to miss school to mess around with jaemin. No way. You weren't even his girlfriend yet and you were sure his little play thing, seulgi, wouldn't be too happy, shes been calling him since he brought you here.
"No." You grabbed him by his hair and peeled him off your body. Jaemin wasn't very amused by the action.
"Oh i get it." He mumbled, "You want to see jeno, right?"
The question caught you off guard. But jaemin being jealous wasn't unknown to you anymore. He was possessive, that much you knew, and he always found a way to guilt trip you about it.
"I mean, we have been talking a lot more so a lil bit." You smiled, earning an eye roll from jaemin as he got up with nothing else to say and stalked his closet for something to wear. You glanced at your clothes which were actually his. And since you never went back to your apartment to get another outfit, you had to wear what you wore at the party.
Eyes stared into your bare back after you threw off the shirt that covered your body. They lingered, but didn't settle on staying until you slipped the bralette on.
Jaemin was going to comment about it, yet kept his mouth shut because there was no use saying he could give you a t-shirt instead, youd just complain about how it didn't match.
But the skirt was a different story. It was a party skirt, something way too short for school. No wonder jeno liked it. And to be honest, jaemin didn't hate it himself, he'd just rather not have people like jeno staring at you and your thighs. You were his. At least in his head you were.
"Fuck!" You screamed, "My bags at home." Softening your voice, jaemin just about wanted to smack you for scaring the shit out of him. He actually thanked the heavens your bag wasn't here, it gave you a reason to change.
"Let's go to your place quickly before school starts." Jaemin grabbed his things and you nodded, following behind him almost speed walking because of how long his strides were. "And change when we get there too."
You looked down at your fit and hummed, stepping into the car ready for jaemin to go.
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"I don't think I can handle trig anymore." You bit your lip at the paper in hand. Jaemin looked down over your shoulder and almost scoffed. It was the homework due today, of course it was also one of the hardest pages the professor had given the class too, making it ten times harder for you to finish.
"If you had come over these past few nights, you wouldn't be so stressed." Jaemin shrugged.
It was like you knew he would say that with the way you rolled your eyes and crumpled the paper up, "Im actually thinking of dropping that class." You stated.
"Dont." He rested a hand on your shoulder, "Come over later and I'll help you." It wasn't even a question, in fact it was him telling you to do something. Its clear jaemins had enough of you ignoring him and hes also fed up with your complaining. Even wondered why you held out this long.
"I'm not taking no for an answer anymore." Jaemin stated sternly as he sighed, stopping in front of your classroom and put his hands in his pocket. "Stop trying to ignore me," he leaned forward, just inches away from your face, "its not working."
"Just because you think its not working doesn't mean its not working...." You tilted your head to the side questioning your own words, "Anyway, you're jealous." Crossing your arms and leaning against the wall, your ego fed off of jaemins glaring eyes.
"Bullshit," jaemin tsked, "why would I be jealous?"
You smirked despite knowing you were playing a dangerous game with him. And jaemins good at playing games, he's done it to you for years.
You took a step forward, ultimately getting closer to his still leaned over figure and said, "You kept staring at jeno and I at the cafe and you had an attitude the entire time. Its obvious you know." Slithering a hand up his cheek, you pinched his smooth skin, "Nanas jealous."
It was an understatement to say jaemin didn't feel shivers go up his spine from your low voice. For once jaemin didn't have anything to come up with. Nothing crossed his mind to tell you that what you saw of him wasn't him being jealous, but that would be the dumbest of lies.
"Quiet for once? That's a first." You snickered at the small shade of red on his cheeks. It was either anger or him actually getting flustered. Either way you still claimed victory for keeping him surprisingly quiet.
Jaemin pulled your hand away from his face and opened his mouth, "Admit that you're purposely doing it then. There's no way you and jeno are magically good friends now. You hate him just as much as you hated me."
"Im not purposely making you jealous," you lied, "And I never hated jeno, just strongly disliked him for being friends with you."
The older almost laughed in your face from how stupid your lie was. "If you want my attention, say it." He smirked, proceeding to push you against the wall behind you without a second thought making you uncross your arms, "Its not hard y/n."
His hands trailed down to your waist, intensly watching your face as you looked around him, afraid that what he'd do will go too far and some students will see a not so innocent sight.
"Youre full of yourself." You inhaled sharply as he leaned forward ever so closely, just barely brushing his lips over yours.
"And you'll be full of nana soon." Jaemin almost closed the space between you with his lips, but someone stopped him.
"Jaemin!!!" Seulgi came running up to jaemin in her cute high heeled shoes. Her hair bouncing perfectly against her back as she pulled him away from you and into a hug, not before she planted a kiss to his lips as if you weren't standing right there, "I haven't seen you in so long, babe. You didn't call." She pouted with more puppy eyes than normal.
You missed the way jaemin growled at her, almost throwing seulgi off him since you were so focused on them kissing. Never did you think you'd witness it either. Something about it made your stomach churn and you couldnt bare stand there for long before walking away, taking zero notice of the way jaemin called out for you.
"Let's get some coffee before the bell rings." Seulgi pulled jaemin, but his eyes still lingered on the door you entered.
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You couldnt stop your mind from racing in class. It was like your mind was playing games on you, telling you that jaemin wasn't in the slightest interested in you and thats why he never answered you, because he was too embarrassed to be seen with someone like you.
But that was only you overthinking.
Obviously jaemin cared for you, he wouldnt have let you stay over his house, tutored you, or be possessive when it came to you. So why did he kiss her back? In front of you too? Was he actually dating her for real?
These questions ran through your head, giving you a mini headache from thinking too hard about it.
It was like you were in high school all over again where everything was dramatic for no reason, well in some aspects you made it this way, but your point still stands.
"Y/n," someone tapped the table repeatedly, bringing you back to reality, "Class is over." jeno looked at you with suspicion but brushed it off thinking you were probably tired.
You glanced around the empty room before looking back at jeno, "Oh...yeah."
"Well uh," he scratched the back of his head, "You should probably get to your next class."
That's the last thing you wanted to do. Jaemin would be there and so was one of seulgis minions that always kept an eye out for anything he did. As annoying as it was, you weren't surprised anymore.
"Im gonna skip."
Jeno grimaced as you stood up and grabbed your things, walking towards the rooms exit as he followed close behind, "You? Skip? What the fuck??"
You stopped in your tracks, jeno almost bumbing into you in the process, "Do I need to spell it out for you or something? S-k-"
"No shut up. Its just shocking that your skipping." Jeno half grinned at the way you stared at him stoically.
"What are you getting at?"
The man before you chuckled, "Im saying youre a goody two shoes and you've never done a bad thing in your life."
You can't say he was wrong, but you also have to admit that you have stepped out of your shell recently and maybe for the better.
"Everyone changes some time in their lives." You pointed out, strolling out of the class to nowhere specific. "Better run to class jeno, dont want the teacher calling you put again."
"Yeah yeah." He eye smiled, giving you a quick pat on the back before saying bye and walking to his class.
You couldnt help but smile at him as he moved further and further away. You had to admit, jeno wasn't as bad as you thought. Not anymore anyway. But as jeno soon disappeared around a corner, you sighed and sauntered to the library where you were going to do your work until class ended.
Students were scattered everywhere in the library, some typing away at their laptops or school computers while others had papers and books sprawled out in front of them. Unfortunately for you, you were going to be the ones with almost any school supply in front of them. And with a sigh and slouched shoulders, you sat at an empty desk near the front of the library, taking your homework out as well as some books.
Normally it wouldn't be a problem for you to focus, but it was stressful with so many things laid out for you. Face palming and groaning quietly at your trig paper, you attempted the first problem which honestly didn't seem too bad, but you weren't always so sure of yourself when doing these kinds of things. Mostly because you second guessed yourself making you pick the wrong answer when you were originally right.
"This is so fucking stupid." You threw your head into your hands, giving up on trying since it was useless anyway. You needed jaemin. He was the only reason you started getting some good grades on your work.
"Whats stupid?"
Speak of the devil.
"The trig home- wait why aren't you in class?" You gazed at him before averting your eyes, not trying to let them linger too long.
Jaemin pulled a chair out and sat closely beside you, raising a brow as you inched away from him. "I could ask you the same thing." He tipped the chair back a little, keeping his eyes locked on the side of your stoic face.
"Im doing something if you can't tell." You snapped, instantly regretting the way your voice raised once you noticed jaemin clenching his jaw out the corner of your eye. But you couldnt help it, you were still frustrated, embarrassed, and jealous from earlier.
"Whats wrong?" Jaemin calmed himself, not wanting to blow up at you.
"Nothing." You ignored his eyes that watched you do out the problem. Probably silently telling you that it was all wrong but you weren't trying to pay attention to him.
"Youre doing it again."
"Doing what? I'm just trying to do my work." After writing your answer down, you checked over tbe work before you smiled to yourself. This had to be the right answer.
"Stop playing dumb." he grabbed your chin, "You know what you're doing."
Wiggling out of his grasp was no use, jaemin managed to move his hand to your jaw to keep you still.
You winced at the sudden squeeze, "I dont know what you're talking about."
Jaemin had enough of this bullshit, now grabbing your neck instead. Your eyes wondered the room hoping no one was paying attention, "Im not playing games with you. Why are you ignoring me again?"
"That's a good question." You looked away and though jaemims grip was starting to hurt more each second, you still found a way to show your disinterest.
Jaemin sighed, letting his hand drop and you inhaled deeply without a second thought. "Whats wrong then?"
"I told you its nothing."
"Bullshit." Jaemin took the pencil out of your hand just as you were about to write, your hand flying up to try and take it back but he pulled away.
"You really wanna know then?" You asked sharply to which jaemin nodded, "You kissed seulgi. Happy now?"
Jaemins mouth fell at your confession. Yes he figured that upset you a bit, but he never thought it was enough for you to ignore him.
"I never even went that far with jeno."
"Never went that far, huh?" He snapped back, shaking his head in disbelief as his face once again was steaming with anger. "Need i remind you how you made out with him at the party. Or were you that wasted and cant remember?"
The new found anger overlapped the previous one with more than just anger, but annoyance. There was no way jaemin was telling the truth, you would never kiss jeno.
"No i didnt."
"Dont tell me you didn't, I fucking saw it." His hand found its way on the table creating a loud bam that startled not only you, but a few kids that even lifted their heads to see what caused the noise. "You were the first one to go that far, so blame yourself before you blame me."
Taking a deep breath, you had to calm down before you said something you'd regret. Knowing jaemin too, you already had something waiting for you at his house.
"I believe you." Jaemin was ready to open his mouth but you were quick and responded, "because i remember." The problem with this answer was because it was untruthful. You already dug yourself a whole from the beginning yet you knew what you were getting yourself into. There was something about playing with jaemins anger that made you go wild.
Determined with your lie, you kept the straightest face like it was proof you recalled that night. Jaemin too was focused only on your face, his hand balling into a fist ever so slowly.
"I remember....he was a really good kisser," you whispered, "And you looked so mad." Snickering away at your words, you placed a hand on jaemins lap and watched his expression go from anger to almost frothing at the mouth.
Bingo. He was too far gone to see through you at this point and this is where you smirked to yourself.
"You're unbelievable." He scoffed, rolling his eyes thinking about how fed up he was, "Lets go."
Despite being told what to do, you sat looking between jaemin and your sprawled out homework. "I have things to do."
Jaemin literally shoved all your papers into your bag, not caring how they crumpled in the small space as you complained and swatted at his arm. Of course though, jaemin payed no mind to it, grabbing your hand and bag before dragging you out of the library.
You fought and struggled to get out of his grip. From the start you knew what you were getting into, that's why you did what you did. Now being dragged to his house it dawned on you that it was time to suffer whatever he had in mind.
"When we get to my house," jaemin locked his eyes with yours as he led you to his car, "We'll study trig, and depending on my mood and your attitude after, I might go easy with the punishment later."
"Im not going over to study and then be punished afterwards." Your voice faltered as you saw a familiar someone walking towards you and jaemin.
Jenos eyes lit up sadistically, smiling at you, telling you to smile back for one reason: to set jaemin off.
You did without hesitation, jaemins hold getting tighter and tighter as he glared at his best friend who walked by, holding the proudest grin on his face.
Once at the car, jaemin shoved you inside the passenger seat, slamming the door before he situated himself in the drivers side. Your eyes watched in annoyance yet you were intrigued. Maybe because you haven't had any action with jaemin since about a week ago.
Resting your head against the headrest, you stared outside the window. There wasn't any way you could hold another conversation with the man, it would only drive your hormones insane.
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Its been thirty minutes and to say you were paying attention would be the stupidest thing ever. every word that jaemin said went in one ear and out the other. Some part of you was purposely choosing to ignore him, but your attention span was almost non existent in the first place. So listening to jaemin talk about trigonometry was only boring you.
You tapped out, playing with your pencil or doodling on the paper. Each time you weren't paying attention, jaemin would ask you to write down the answer or a land a slap right on your thigh. It stung and made up jump with shock in your eyes as jaemin told you the same thing each time: "pay attention." But did you? God no. It was impossible. With the thought of a punishment too, it made your mind run like it was in a marathon.
"Little girl," jaemins voice once again brought you back to reality, "what did nana just say?" You shrugged your shoulders slightly, keeping your head down like you were shy yet you were far from it, holding a small grin on your innocent face.
"I dont know, nor do I care." You finally looked up. Jaemin was none too happy, letting his chest fall.
Shaking his head, he said once more to listen and pay attention.
Jaemin took your pencil so he could write out the problem for you, deciding to be nice even though you weren't returning it. You watched the way his pretty hands flexed with every number or letter he wrote. The subtle veins showing every so often too made you almost drool at the sight. Oh what you would do to have him wrap his hands around your neck again.
"Solve it." Jaemin threw the pencil down in front of you, resting his head in his hand to watch you. But you didn't move, not even a simple budge.
"Y/n its not that fucking hard, just solve it."
You glanced at the paper then the pencil that laid on the table before grabbing it and snapping it in half.
"Im not doing it." You faked a smile, ready for jaemin to snap just like the pencil.
"You need to pass this class, y/n. Stop messing around and pay attention."
You shot up from your seat, "I. Dont. Care. I'm going home."
It wasn't long before he suddenly stood up too, grabbing you by the hair and threw you on his bed, "Okay you wanna act up?" He hovered over you, pinning your arms down on the soft bed as he straddled your lower half. "I dont get why you continue to act like a brat when you know you're going to be punished. Unless you want it?" Jaemins face was merely inches in front of yours not until you blew into his face and smirked when he flinched and pulled away.
"Ever wonder why I act this way? Your easy to push, I can get in your head and make you get mad so I get exactly what I want." You snickered, "Not to mention its to make you suffer for not answering my question." A hand was placed on his covered chest, rubbing small circles on the fabric of the shirt.
Suddenly, jaemin laughed. Though, it wasn't a joyful one. It was more sadistic and filled with amusement, "How is it making me suffer if you're the one about to be punished?"
"Cuz i still get what I want in the end."
"My dick or my attention?"
Jaemnn chuckled dryly, quickly sitting back and tearing your clothes off without a second thought.
You were ready to protest about your clothes until jaemin took matters in his own hands and shoved his fingers nearly down your throat to shut you up.
"Im tired of your voice." He spat, "All you talk is shit."
Whimpering around his fingers, you tried anything in your power to try and pry them out. He never moved back, sticking his fingers deeper and deeper until he heard you gag and whine the best you could. Your throat felt so tight and it was getting harder to breathe. Jaemin didn't care, deciding to just fuck your mouth with his fingers as he started pulling your pants and panties down, lifting his hips up so he can take them off all the way.
"It would be so much nicer if you weren't a brat you know." Jaemin began, easily shoving two fingers inside your dripping cunt, "Nana could've stuffed you full of his cock, made love to you, and made you happy. Instead," his fingers that were buried in your heat, curled and pushed in a certain way that made your eyes roll, "You wanted to be a little bitch."
You drew out a long hum, the pleasure felt so good after pushing jaemin for so long. All his anger was going to this one punishment and you should've felt scared, but you weren't. You were excited and loved every bit of it.
The way he fingered you was almost too surreal. It made your body crumple against his will and he wasn't even fucking you yet.
It was getting harder to breathe being filled by his two fingers. Just barely becoming too overwhelming so you tapped his hand to signal you needed to breathe. Jaemin took his hand out, watching your face to make sure you were okay as you gasped for air.
"Are y-you try-trying to kill me or s-something?" You moaned at one particular hard thrust that made your breath hitch.
"Oh shut up, I know you liked it. Probably imagined my cock down your throat." He bit his lip, taking in the thought of what you would look like on your knees for him before shaking it off.
"I-i was n-not."
Jaemin smirked devishly, scissoring his fingers to stretch you out more, but you kept clenching around him. Your hand grabbed his wrists in a death grip, moans fell from your open mouth and jaemin ate that all up. Loving how your body shook, knowing you were so close.
Right when you felt your orgasm coming, jaemin ripped his fingers out of you, essentially letting your juices flow out. But you didn't cum, no you were just that wet.
Your hips lifted up like you would get friction but there was nothing to get friction from, you looked dumb and pathetic.
"Not fair..." you mumbled, frowning at the annoying smirk on jaemins face.
"Punishments aren't supposed to be fair," he said a matter of factly, pushing your hips back down on your bed as he grazed his fingers over your wetness before pushing back in again.
This time setting a ruthless pace, taking in your fucked out expression.
"Jaemin- please im s-so close." Fidgeting and clawing at his wrists, the orgasm built back up. It got closer, closer, closer. Right there, it was right there, but jaemin took it away from you again.
"God, I love this way more than I should. Breaking a brat is so much fun." His fingers dripped with your arousal. He stared at the strand connecting his fingers. It was so much and so lewd, it should've been embarrassing to you yet it made him want more from you. "How many times should nana edge his pretty girl? Maybe-"
"Fuck you." You cried, ready to take this into your own hands and finish yourself off.
Jaemins hand made a perfect necklace on your neck, tightening his grip on the sides so you felt all his anger, "Thats the last thing I would say if I were you."
"W-what are y-you gonna do? Spank me?" Thinking he actually would if you said that, you were slapped across the face, eyes not staring at jaemin anymore but the wall next to the bed.
"Dont test me anymore, your already in for it." He growled into your ear. Leaving his hand wrapped around your neck, he slipped back inside, this time fucking his fingers into you at an antagonizing slow pace.
You wanted to scream and push him away for being a tease, but you reminded yourself that this is what you wanted, this was what you'll get. You had no idea how long this pain will continue though. All you could think about was cumming. In fact, that was the only thing on your mind as he fingered your tight pussy. The pain of not being able to orgasm was so unbearable, it just about made your eyes tear up. Were you that desperate that you'd cry over it?
"I wanna...c-cum so bad..."
The man above you stared at you in disbelief. He basically just started and you were already a mess.
"You really want to cum that badly?" You nodded hastily, tears at the brink of falling, you couldnt hold it in anymore, "Then apologize for all the shit you put us through. Starting with you ignoring me, fake dating jeno, and purposely pissing me off for the hell of it." Jaemin said with his whole chest. Being able to say it out loud reminded him of everything. From the time you started this crap, to now.
"I-im sorry- I'm so f-fucking sorry, jaemin." You forced yourself to look into his eyes, his angry red eyes that tore into your soul to find any lie, yet you had none. You meant what you said with full honesty, "Please nana, l-let me cum."
Jaemin simply gave you a nod and thats when you let everything out. You came all over his fingers but jaemin didn't stop nor slow down. He kept the same rough pace as before and you could only scream and cry from the sensitivity.
Then jaemin started rubbing and pinching your sensitive clit before giving your cunt a slap that made you jolt and cry out.
"Ahh- w-wait jae-mmm....s-so sensitive."
Jaemin rolled his eyes, "thought you wanted to cum? I'm giving you what you want, babe."
Your legs closed around his fingers though it didn't stop him from curling and fucking them inside. He could just easily push them open yet he found your sensitivity amusing which led you to cum again without warning.
"What a pathetic little fucking brat you are." He gathered the white substance that leaked from your clentching hole and shoved it back in, "Making such a mess of yourself."
Your back arched, even more sensitive than before.
The hand on your neck moved down to your breast, squeezing at your nipples and playing with everything he could get his hand on. Your nipples were so sensitive that that alone could make you cry and moan just from a simple touch.
His fingers brushed against your sweet spot where you screamed his name. Being over sensitive made everything feel more pleasurable and painful. Every small touch on your pussy brought you to a shaking pleasure that you couldnt control. It was becoming too much and too overwhelming.
"Fuck, are you gonna cum again? It hasn't even been five minutes." He watched, eyes filled with amazement as you shook and once again, came on his sheets and fingers.
Your shaking didn't stop though, it was like the kind of shake you get when your cold, though you were far from it. The intensity of this orgasm was just too much where even jaemin had to pull his fingers out and let you breathe for a moment.
"You okay, baby?" He asked quietly, kissing your temple as you nodded your head, "Can you give nana one more then?" Not wanting to stop, you nodded without a thought causing jaemin to smile and lean back.
Jaemin finally got rid of his clothing, crawling back on the bed before giving you a kiss so you wouldn't notice how he slipped his cock inside.
Surprisingly jaemin took his time pushing in, savoring your sweet little moans that drove him crazy. He started and kept a slow pace that made the overwhelming feeling dissolve away. Now you were wrapping your legs around his waist and staring into the soft eyes of jaemins that were just red a second ago.
Every vein against your walls made you feel ecstasy. Jaemin was careful with each thrust and it felt like pure love. They were passionate and he didn't fail to show it.
"Taking nanas cock so well, just like the good girl you are." Jaemin smiled at your beautiful face that contorted into pleasure. Both of your moans filled the room. More cuss words were thrown from you like it was the only thing in your dictionary.
The lewd sounds of your bodys bounced off the walls as jaemin fucked you slow and steady, grabbing your hips gently as he kissed all over your face, neck, and breasts. He sucked on your skin here and there, creating small bruises that looked like a tattoo as you grabbed the back of his head, lifting him up by the hair to bring his face to yours so you could place a kiss to his red lips.
The kiss was sloppy and slow. Neither of you cared though, both focused on your orgasms that kept coming closer.
Jaemins thrusts stuttered and his cock twitched inside you. The hand in jaemins hair pulled and messed up his locks, sure to create a messy sight later on.
" 'm gon-gonna cum." You moaned, lifting your hips up to meet his along the way.
"Cum, princess."
The final orgasm left your body feeling like it was on a cloud while all you saw were stars making jaemin coo at your fucked out face.
Pulling out, jaemin finished on your stomach before letting his body fall next to yours, wrapping an arm around your hips and pulling you into him..
You both panted out of tiredness, neither one bothering to move as you were both spent.
"Did I hurt you, princess? Are you feeling okay?"
You smiled into his chest, "no you didn't hurt me and I feel fine."
"Good." Jaemin smiled, petting your hair before laying his head on top of yours, "Wanna go on a date?"
You swear your heart stopped as your face heated up, "Jaemin, you're doing everything backwards."
"So is that a yes or no?"
"Of course its a yes!"
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It was a peaceful restaurant that jaemin brought you to, saying it was supposed to be a place a lot of couples went to which you thought was absolutely sweet of him.
"So...uh." jaemin looked anywhere but your face like he didn't just have sex with you for the second time.
You snickered and sipped the drink in your hand, "Why are you so awkward all of a sudden? Its just me."
"I know it's just- I feel like I can't say what I wanna say because I'm afraid." Jaemin sighed.
"Of what exactly?" You placed the drink down, watching as jaemin fumbled with the menu before he covered his mouth and mumbled something you coulsnt quite grasp, "What did you say?"
His doe eyes stared into yours like it was some sort of contest, wanting you to look away first but you and he did, "Alright fine. I said I'm a bit nervous if I were to ask you out."
Tilting your head to the side, you puffed your cheeks out in confusion, "Why?"
"The last relationship I had, the girl cheated on me. Afterwards she said it was because i wasn't good enough." He frowned, returning his attention back to the menu where you presumed was his hiding place for the time being.
"Well she's a bitch and is missing out on an amazing person." You pushed the menu down, "Is that why you acted that way when you saw jeno and I at the cafe? Did you think I thought you weren't good enough?"
Jaemin nodded slowly, "Kind of. I didn't want to lose someone I loved again."
"Loved? Na jaemin-"
"Dont say it." He groaned.
"You've gotten soft! Does this mean what I think it means?" You quirked a suggestive brow at him causing him to put his head in his hand.
"Yes, ill be your boyfriend." He said in his hand before you took it away and grabbed his face to kiss him. "I- princess when did you become do confident?"
"When did you become so shy?"
"Fair point."
Everything felt right all of a sudden. No more of jaemin being your bully. No more coffee being poured on your head. No more stupid high school drama that wasn't even drama in the first place. It was all right for once. And you couldnt say you could complain. After weeks, you got what you struggled to have before; na jaemin.
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albino-whumpee · 3 years
Words are hard for me too at the moment, so I’m just gonna go ahead and half explain half narrate this. Didn´t expect it to be this long tho. Writing Sann´s point of view it´s always so fun! Hope you like it.
Taglist:  @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @giggly-evil-puppy @cowboysrappin @haro-whumps @burtlederp @neuro-whump @comfortforthepain @whumps-the-word @whole-and-apart-and-between @broken-horn @ashintheairlikesnow @rosesareviolentlyread​ @starnight-whump @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @as-a-matter-of-whump​  @whumpasaurus101 @grizzlie70​ @twistedcaretaker
CW// PTSD, non con and dub con (slightly NS*W), night terrors, pet whump, negative actions towards stimming, conditioning and deconditioning, slavery, dehumanization. creepy whumpers, homelessness, chronic exhaustion and eating disorders, kind of fucky and creepy at the end. Be careful! Ask to tag.
After coming to their home, Sann had to relearn many things that had become his standard. For example, no, don’t stretch your neck expecting a collar. No, you don’t need to go down on your knees to apologize. No, you don’t need to sit on the floor and lay your head on someone’s knees to eat. No, we don’t want you to thank us with your body.
It took several meals on the floor until he was confident enough to go up on a chair. Many nights of gently guiding his hands and body to himself and Albus sleeping on the bed sofa in the studio for a month, and bluntly be explained so he understood that someone sleeping with him doesn’t mean they want sex. It takes many words to let him know mistakes aren’t punished.
And it takes a lot to tell him he won’t wear a collar because he’s not a pet to them.
So Sann is confused about Albus. Why he not a pet but Al is is? He’s not blind to the comfort they give him but Albus doesn’t receive from his owner. Or at least, not like his. With Claude’s friend treating his throat. Even when he has noticed Albus is easily tired and has a very weak immune system. Maybe because he eats so little…
He slowly pieces it together and finally, gets to a conclusion.
He’s charity.
Save the poor abused pet from his sadistic owner. Allow him to feel loved and safe and he will be forever grateful to you, the nicest person ever. Then, maybe, if everything goes right, he could go away and do his own life. But Albus is hers. Albus doesn’t need charity. He already has everything he needs and he’s not mistreated. There’s no reason for him to go anywhere because she’s sure to provide that.
He feels grateful, enormously so, but there’s something that rubs him wrong about it.
He thinks it like that for a while. After Albus and him get comfortable enough around each other to sleep together. When he starts nuzzling up to him and smiles whenever he wakes up with him at his side. Even if its nightmares he has to hold him tight to avoid him injuring himself. After he comes home from work and thanks him for helping him with chores with a little peck on the cheek, because he’s so tired he feels like he might close his eyes and sleep an eternity. Promising to make it up to him in the weekend.
On Sunday, Claude is holding Zarai’s hand. After a while of being MIA, he showed up on the door and stayed with them. Goes to work but Sann isn’t quite sure he’s going to Robert’s mansion. He smells different too. Lost in thought Sann hears Albus call for him. Hands him a cone of ice cream and pulls down his wallet. His Pet ID on his fingers. A plastic rectangle that allows them to go mostly anywhere without their owner. Sann has seen him show it to the cashier in the supermarket enough times.
Sann snatches the blue card before the other can say anything and giggles at his face. So used to see him with glasses already, the guy on the photo feels like he’s missing something. Albus scuffs, nags at him to take out his. The brunette does and sees a rounder version of himself. Shorter hair and the scar on his neck visible.
Albus passes his thumb over it. Silent and gives it back a second later.
“We will change it sometime” Albus promises staring at the street before looking at him “It still has his father’s name on it”
“To change it to Ma’am’s right?” Sann signs with a hint of discomfort on his eyes. Albus doesn’t respond. He goes deadly silent. A slight blush appearing on the tip of his ears. “Al?” Sann calls. Signing white.
“Yeah, yeah… you’re right” He sighs.
“Got gloomy there, something wrong?”
The albino smiled “Yeah, they’re leaving us behind” he pointed at the couple crossing the street. The woman waving at them.
Al stood up, the deep black coat making a whoosh. “Race!” He yelled suddenly. Sann followed him a quick smile appearing on his face. They got there just when the traffic light was turning yellow.
Albus, almost like expecting Sann would try to get across before it turned red, like he did when they went to buy groceries together, stopped him by holding his hand and pulling. The light went red as the boy stumbled back into Albus. Sann pouted, wanting to say they would’ve made it when Albus let out an honest laughter.
“You never care about the street lights. Can’t have you running off like that” Albus said squeezing a bit before letting go so he could use his hands.
“Always so thoughtful!” He signed, sarcasm so blatant in his face.
“You would have gotten ran over ten times if I didn’t!” The albino followed. “It’s safer that way too” he thought to himself. The dream of the highway very present on his mind. 
The light turned green eventually and so, they crossed the street holding hands. Not letting go even as they got to the restaurant where the other couple was waiting and got guided to their table by a young lady after they showed their IDs. Smoking area for Zarai and Claude. Once they were settled, small talk continued.
It was so different to Sann’s memories of going out with Robert. 
Laying his head on his lap in a private corner. Waiting for him to let him lick the food from his fingers. Sometimes, waiters giving him a little pat on the head or somewhere else. Depended if he was sitting or bent over the table. Very different to when Robert took him to Jefferson’s and had the other pet, the girl, on his lap. Him wearing a harness with handcuffs on his back. Moved on his knees at the tug of the leash on Jefferson’s hand. Harshly setting his head between the man´s pants who said “bon appetite” with a grin.
Sann closed his eyes for a moment. Savoring the pasta on his mouth. 
I´m not there. I´m not with him anymore. 
I´m with them. I´m here.
I´m here.
Sann forced himself to open his eyes. A bit of him afraid he wouldn´t see any of them. 
Only his Master with his sharp smirk and the black and golden collar on his hand.
But he opened them to find Zarai and Albus talking about work and Claude begging them to talk about anything else but their jobs for one night, please. The albino stretched to hold his hand with that sweet smile of his. He replied with another smile. 
I´m safe.
An hour later, the moon hanged up high in the sky as they came out of the restaurant. Albus was a bit green, holding a paper bag with the rest of his dish.
“Maybe a kid’s meal would’ve been better” Zarai said passing a hand over his face.
“I’m sorry, ma’am. I was sure I would finish it this time” he said in a small voice. Sann saw him struggle too early for that to be true.
“You don’t have to force it, Hun. We can always have it wrapped up for later. Don’t worry ok?” she reassured him.
Albus just nodded. Saying a small “yes, ma’am” under his breath. He had gained some weight since Zarai bought him but it wasn’t enough. Albus had told him he had tried to eat more when he learnt Zarai was worried about him not gaining weight. It had smacked his face later, getting so sick he couldn’t move away from the bathroom for two days.
As they waited for the car, Albus saw a couple of vagabonds and their dog. A sign and a can at their feet. The kid was staring at his bag quietly.
A deep inhale and Albus took out his wallet. Put almost all of it into the bag and closed it. A few steps and he was crouching in front of them.
Sann had stayed back as Albus had rested a hand in his shoulder before walking to them. The kid was weirded out and wary at first, seeing him pet the dog gently, but as he handed him the bag he switched it to confusion. Albus pointed at the man behind him and the boy got gloomy. Said something that made Albus go still. He looked around for a second and pointed to his left. Made his hand curve and straight, before Sann saw the kid’s eyes gleam.
“Albus! Sann!” Claude yelled before getting in the car’s passenger sit.
“Coming!” Sann heard him say from behind. Passing an arm over his waist “I’m glad he didn’t take it badly” he smiled walking to the car “His uncle’s got a bad cough so I hope he can buy him some meds with what I gave him…”
“Told him where to buy them?” 
“Yeah, a clinic that gives free checkups. The doctor there is quite nice. They have sweaters for homeless people in winter” he said opening the door “Gave Annie a blue one with pink flowers and I got an oversized orange sweater. I think they also gave me a scarf” he laughed. That absent look on his eyes whenever he talked about her sitting oddly.
Albus felt too many eyes on him to be comfortable. “I’m sorry” he said immediately.
“Don´t be, who’s Annie Albus?” Claude asked making the boy uncharacteristically nervous. Zarai made the conscious effort not to look back. His thumbs were frantically running one over the other.
“I don’t…I don’t know? Not for sure. Her name came to mind that’s all. M-Maybe someone I, I knew?” He felt a sharp sting on the side of his head, letting a whimper out. Sann jumped to hold his hand but Albus flinched so wildly he shoot it back “I- I´m sorry. I´m fine, don´t worry” Albus hid his hands between his thighs, like trying to hide his stim “I´m sorry, I swear I´m fine”
There were no more questions asked. Not even when they got home and Albus went to say goodnight to both of them. But there was a certain unsettled look on him. Like he was racking his brain. Trying to remember.
Sann was about to follow him out of the room when Zarai told him to wait. Just Sann. Albus got stiff but obeyed and closed the door behind him quietly.
“Sann, I need you to do something for me” Sann straightened. A direct order from his owner “Has he told you anything about Annie?” A nod “Does he remember telling you after?”
“No, ma’am. This is the first time I see he does”
“I see, what has he told you?”
Sann looked up, tilting his head. Then he told her the times Albus said Annie would do cartwheels, snored and always had her feet cold, or how much she was scared of dogs, about how he would braid his hair when it was long, or that it was a mess to sleep together in winter cause they lacked covers and she always pulled them to her side, or how hard it had been to find a fresh place to sleep on the streets on summer or about the scar on her arm when “he” had gotten angry at her.
“‘He’?” Claude asked in a frown. Sann shook his head.
“If he tells you more you come and tell me, yes?” Her face softened suddenly “How are you doing? Did you remember the song? We´re very excited to hear you play” Sann smiled, dimples appearing on his cheeks.
“I´m still practicing it. I´m sure I will have it for the anniversary” Sann said. He hadn´t quite remembered how it went, but in the long hours they were at work he could practice without spoiling Album’s surprise. Could have his headaches without worrying him. 
“Can you believe he has been here a year? Time flies…” She said mostly to herself “Thanks, Sann I´m sure he will love it” she smiled giving him a small pat on the head he leaned on to before she pulled it back “Goodnight Sann” the boy stayed still for a second before he nodded and walked out of the room. “Hey, Claude, can you like, erase someone from your memories?”
Claude took a deep breathe. “That would make things much easier if it was conscious” He explained. 
“Then it might be his way of coping? But if it was so bad to try to suppress them, why now?”
“He might be feeling comfortable enough to remember her. That happens sometimes with PTSD. You forget until your brain feels strong enough to remember. I don’t know what happened, but I’m sure that if he still talks with a smile about her, it must mean she’s someone important to him” Zarai slipped into bed, Momo chirping at her presence. Claude scooting to cuddle her “Sann´s doing a good job in keeping him calm. They look like a bonded pair”
“A what?” Zarai asked. Claude just soothed her hair in a long sigh. 
“Let´s sleep yes? I´m tired” he gave her a forehead kiss “Good night”
Zarai allowed him that. Claude had been so…out of himself lately. He had completely cut ties with the lawyer friend too… She was worried but she pressed a kiss on his shoulder, he answered with a kiss on her hand. 
She would find her answers in the morning.
On his dreams, Albus was starting to see everything more clearly. The men´s faces weren´t blurred as much anymore. He could make up their faces.
Sann was still groggy when he heard the boy bolt awake in heavy pants and rushed to take out the notebook on his nightstand and a pen. 
“Al?” he signed rubbing his eyes with the other hand as he heard him scratch the paper.
“It was them, it was them, it was them, and it was them” he kept muttering over and over. Trembling and shivering. Then he stopped. Froze. Crying his eyes out. Sann had almost jumped to see what he had drawn. The portraits of two men. He gently passed a hand over his eyes and put the notebook away, pulling him closer. Holding him in place with his arms as he rocked him slowly. “It was them, it was them, it was them, and it was them” Sann kept hearing until he fell asleep on his chest. 
He let out a big sigh. Tucked him back to bed and used a pillow as replacement to himself. The albino held to it so tightly, like his life depended on it. Sann´s heart broke at the image. Until a few months ago, it was Sann who clung like that to him. 
He took a look at the notebook. 
So this were the people on his dreams? 
Albus had drawn them before, in the same fashion as that night. But he always destroyed the drawing before he could see them. It was hard. The strokes were too aggressive to make a real face. But he could definitely make out the bird´s tattoo on the man´s chest. Taking flight. Sann ripped out the drawing and hid it below the mattress. He would show it to Zarai later. For now, he would try to get him and his boyfriend, a good night sleep. 
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kelieah · 4 years
always and forever (peter parker x reader)
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request: anonymous (summary): Ok so peter and the reader have been dating since 8th grade and have. both seriously jokingly talked about growing old together. One day they get in a bad fight and reader almost gets run over but peter saves her because he always watches her walking home. They then start crying and talking about those things and peter says he’s gonna propose soon and gets specific [baby names, where they’ll live etc] and yea. Sorry if it’s too specific, love your writing so much!!!
word count: 1.3k
warnings: lil bit of angst, lots of fluff
a/n: jdsnfkwjdn i love this request, and thank you!
You and Peter have been dating for almost, what? Two years now? Who knew that relationships since middle school would last. Apparently you two did.
Though, you both have been friends since elementary school. You two have basically grown up together. You both finally admitted you liked each other back in eighth grade so Peter asked you out.
Two years later, you two are still together and are now sophomores in high school. Crazy. You remember when Peter asked you out like it happened yesterday.
“Thanks Uncle Ben,” Peter said sheepishly, watching his uncle place some cookies in front of the two of you.
“Yeah, thanks!” you chirped, noticing his uncle wink at Peter. You tilted your head, “So ready to binge watch the first trilogy of Star Wars?” you asked.
“U-uhm yeah, I-I have something to ask you first,” he mumbled, placing a hand on the back of his neck.
“Mhm what’s up?” you smiled at him sweetly.
Peter instantly turns red, “D-do you want some milk?” he sputtered out. You giggled and nodded.
He ran off and came back with milk, he placed them on the coffee table. “Okay, I-I’ve been actually meaning to ask something else.” “Which is?” you hummed as he inhaled deeply.
“Do you want to be my girlfriend?” he said all in one breath.
You somehow managed to understand him and turn red, “Y-yeah, I’d love to.”
“I-I knew you would say no, I’m sorry- Wait what!?”
You stood up and pulled him into a hug, “I want to be your girlfriend.”
He melted in your arms, and hugged you back, “O-oh thank god, I’ve been dreaming of this.”
“Me too, and growing old together. That’d be so cute,” you grinned, leaning your head on his shoulder.
You two lightly swayed together, “You thought about that too!?” he gasped making you both burst out in laughter.
You smile at the memory, things were so much simpler back then. So much simpler.
Now you were waiting at a restaurant once again, it’s become a constant thing now. Peter showing up late to dates he promised he wouldn’t be late to. You understand his schedule though, so you feel like you have no reason to be upset with him, right?
Although, everytime he left you hanging he left you with your thoughts and insecurities. Not a great combination.
You feel your mind swirl as you glance at the menu. Could there be someone else? No, Peter would never. Is he getting tired of you? Could he be too sweet to say anything. Maybe, it seems so. He’s probably scared to hurt your feelings. That’s more of a Peter Parker thing to do.
But does he actually not want to be with you anymore? You snap out of your thoughts hearing the restaurant doors open. You look up to see a disheveled Peter walk in. You flash him a tight lipped smile while he returns a pained one.
He walks over quickly, “I-I’m so sorry, I- I got caught up with the Stark Internship a-and and-” he begins to ramble.
“It’s okay Pete, I get it,” you say softly, shaking your head.
“It’s not okay, Y/n,” he reaches for your hand across the table, “It’s just Mr. Stark-”
“Bub, I get it. I really do, but does he not know you have a life too? This is the ninth date you’ve been late to. I-I’ve been real tolerant, and I can’t help but feel like there’s something else you’re not telling me,” you pull away from his touch.
He looks at you sadly, not knowing what to say, “I’m sorry.”
“I thought so,” you whisper, “I’m going home, we can talk when you figure things out,” you place some money on the table and walk out of the restaurant.
You feel your eyes start to gloss as you head home, “Wait, Y/n please,” you hear Peter catch up to you.
“I really don’t feel like talking, Peter,” you wipe your eyes quickly.
His heart clenches at the sight of you crying, “Baby,” he whispers, holding your arm gently causing you both to stop.
You look at him, more tears starting to fill your eyes, “What!? What?,” you realize you raised your voice and calm down, “What could you possibly say to reassure me?”
He clenches his jaw, not knowing what to say.
You roll your eyes and pull away once again from his touch, “I-I understand your schedule, and I don’t expect to be your number one priority. But all I want is just a sliver of your time, your attention. Your love,” you feel your voice quiver.
His eyes begin to gloss, “I-I wish I could explain better-”
“I think I got your explanation, I need space Peter,” you say harshly, walking off. He swallows a lump that formed in his throat and watches you walk away.
After walking mindlessly around, you realize you need to head home. Your thoughts begin to invade your brain again and your eyes begin to become teary again.
Little did you know, Peter was on top of a building watching you. His intentions aren’t creepy whatsoever, he just wants to make sure his girlfriend or at least he hopes so, returns home safe.
You sniff, looking both ways and walk ahead. Clear, or so you thought until you hear a bunch of screams and a bright light getting closer to your face.
Peter’s breath hitches and he quickly swings down, grabbing your waist. He pulls you out of the way before you get hit by a car that was swiveling all over the place. 
You let out a scream and wrap your arms around the stranger’s neck. Your tears disappear and you look around realizing you were in Spider-Man’s arms, swinging through the streets.
Peter holds you close and lands onto another building roof, “Hey hey, it’s okay I got you. Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
You look at Spider-Man in shock, nodding slowly, “T-Thank you so much. You saved my life-” you mutter, your jaw dropping as the masked hero pulls off his mask. “Peter!?” you scream.
“Shush love,” he quickly walks over, placing a hand over your mouth. 
“Y-you saved me,” you whimper, realization that you almost died hitting you.
“Of course I did,” he holds you close, rubbing your head, “A-and I’m so glad I saved you in time,” he feels himself begin to cry.
“T-this explains a lot, I-I’m sorry Peter,” you sob, clutching onto his suit.
“Don’t be, pretty girl. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you any sooner,” he sniffs.
“Since when?” you murmur, feeling the tears continue to fall. Your knees begin to give up, Peter slowly sitting down on the floor to hold you closer.
“Since Uncle Ben died,” he holds back tears.
You shudder at the memory, “I-I’m so sorry Peter,” you cry.
“No, no, no, don’t cry, hey look at me,” he cups your face, “Remember sweetheart, always and forever?” he wipes away your tears with his thumb. 
You nod into his touch, “Always and forever,” you sniffle.
He presses butterfly kisses all over you face and holds you even closer, “One day, I’m going to get down on one knee and make you my wife. Make you mine forever, and then,” he looks into your eyes, “We’ll have a bunch of little Y/ns and Peters running around. We’ll name our girl Gwen Mary Parker and,” he begins to list names.
“And Ben Richard Parker,” your eyes soften as you stare into his honey hues.
“Mhm, yes. Then we’ll live in a cute house you’ve always wanted near the city to stay close to May and your family-”
“I love you Peter Parker,” you wrap your arms around his neck, burying your face in his neck.
“I love you too Y/n L/n,” he whispers softly.
“Always and forever?” “Always and forever.”
@rcmxnoff , @spideyparkerstark , @lidixbug , @pluckypete , @lovewolfspirit , @sky-cosplay , @janieavalos , @averyfosterthoughts , @ivvitm1109 , @yoinkyourheart , @tomsppsleeve , @st4y-g0lden , @zoey-one-oh-fun , @tomholland-mcu , @cyrusandhiscollaredahirts , @quaksonhehe
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the-minus-four · 5 years
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Summary: Tom discovers who you most enjoyed watching him as, and when finding out about your little crush, he doesn’t hesitate to take advantage.   Rating: 18+, (Smut) WC: 1964 Tags: Tom Hiddleston/Loki, smut, Dom/sub, spanking, fingering, blowjob, anal sex, role play, face slapping, choking, orgasm denial. A/Ns: Spring, part 3 of my first mini-series, hope you enjoy! You can read parts 1&2 here if you haven’t already: Seasons of Smut
Dressed in a floor length dark blue gown you smiled up to Tom, grounding yourself amidst the chaos. Tom’s arm wrapped around your waist as he grinned down at you, leaning forward he kissed your forehead. Cameras flashed incessantly and the noise of screaming and shouting roared as people wanted more, trying to get the money shot. You giggled, blushing at the attention. Tom winked reassuringly, knowing you were about to frustrate those paparazzi who had missed the shot the first time around. You moved forward, his arm guiding you with him towards the next set of cameras lined up. You were at the premiere for Tom’s latest film release, you didn’t hate it, but it definitely wasn’t your favourite activity with him. But you wanted to support him, and it always meant a lot for him to have you around. The fact that he wanted to bring you at all was enough of a reason for you to have agreed to go. You continued your way along the red carpet towards the entrance of the building.
“Thank you for coming with me, I know you don’t like the attention,” he stroked his fingers up your waist, sending butterflies through you.
“It’s okay, I like seeing you in movies anyway, it’s funny to think that’s my boyfriend on a giant screen, being someone completely different.” 
He chuckled at you, “yeah? Who’s your favourite character I’ve played?”
“Well, I um, I liked you in High Rise…” you trailed off, blushing. He smirked at you raising his eyebrows, he knew you were avoiding the truth. “Okay, okay, I’ve got a crush on Loki.” 
His laugh rang out, “is that so?” 
“Everyone has a crush on Loki though!” you whined defensively, “he’s… well, he’s bad, but actually, he’s good deep down, he cares.” 
“Uhuh, so you like me with dark hair and horns better?” he teased.
“No, of course not! Just that I love you, but I’d definitely shag Loki if I could.” Laughing, your attention was pulled away as someone approached you, guiding you onwards.
The next few days, Tom had dropped quotes of Loki’s in every situation he could. He was quite ridiculous but never failed to make you giggle. Today, it seemed, was no different. 
“I assure you, Y/N, the sun will shine on us again,” he stood by the window, watching the grey clouds move across each other as blossom billowed down to the ground. 
“Hey, I only said I had a crush on Loki, not that I want to live with him” you pouted playfully, rolling your eyes. 
“So, you just wanna fuck him?” he said, but you couldn’t read his tone.
“Well, yeah.” He turned slowly on his heel to look at you, his face expressionless, and you knew you were about to be in trouble. He strode towards you and scooped you up, lifting you over his shoulder, and gripping your legs together.
“Tom!” You laughed breathlessly, “put me down, you know I hate being picked up.” He ignored you and carried on walking towards the bedroom. He threw you down onto the bed and walked across to the wardrobe rummaging in the bottom.
“What are you looking for?” you asked. He ignored you and pulled something out of a box that you’d never noticed before, a glint of gold catching your eye. He placed it on his head and you realised he’d stolen Loki’s helmet from set. Reaching into the box again, he pulled out a long cloak to go with it, shoulder-pads and all. He stood up tall and puffed his chest out majestically, the horns giving him extra height. You were in hysterics, you couldn’t take him seriously with his plain white t-shirt and jeans, but the serious expression and giant horns, not to mention the cloak. He glared at you.
“Kneel before me” he projected across the room at you. Wiping the tears of laughter from your eyes, you skipped over to kiss him. You reached up on your tiptoes to kiss his mouth, but his expression hadn’t changed, and he didn’t move. 
“I said… KNEEL!” you flinched, unable to tell whether he was serious or not. He fixed his glare on you, and you looked at him quizzically, eyes wide. “You said you wanted to fuck me didn’t you? Well it’s now or never slut. I am Loki, and I could have anyone, so you’d better be good.” he growled at you with Loki’s voice. 
His long fingers gripping around your throat, he pushed you down and you sank to your knees. You looked at his crotch and saw his jeans bulging. You hadn’t noticed he’d become hard. He removed his hand from your neck, and opened his jeans, his cock free. Stroking it gently, it grew harder in front of you. You bit down on your lip, eager to take him into your mouth. His belt clinked as he removed his belt and wrapped it around your head, pulling you towards his length. You took him into his mouth, tasting him and coating his cock in your saliva, you felt the belt tighten around the back of your head. He guided you further down his cock. Without warning, he thrust into you, holding the belt in place and you gagged around him, blinking the tears out of your eyes. Spluttering, you tried to push him away. 
“Tom,” you gasped. He slapped you. 
“Name’s Loki, whore.” 
He replaced his cock in your mouth, and began fucking your mouth hard and unforgiving. He pulled out, letting you breathe, before sliding back into you. The taste of precum leaked onto your tongue and you moaned gently around him, sending vibrations through your tongue and lips. He growled and pulled out, and you wiped the back of your hand across your mouth.
He slipped the end of the belt through the buckle and tightened it around your neck, using it as a leash to pull you up. Pulling you towards him, his lips melted against yours, fingers running through your hair. Heat ran through you, wetness pooling between legs. He’d not been this rough with you before, and you didn’t know what was to come. Bringing his hand up to your face, he brushed your cheekbone, and his muscles rippled, popping out of his sleeves. Fuck, how did you get so lucky. He pulled the belt loose, keeping it in his hand. Towering over you he guided you towards the bed.
“Turn around” he commanded. He ripped your shirt open, buttons flying across the room, and pulled your bra down, revealing your breast. Grabbing your nipple between his fingers his other hand stroked across your stomach, the leather of the belt sending warmth to your core. You leaned back against him trying to coax him between your legs. He pinched your nipple hard and pulled you away from him.
“Now now, sweetheart, let’s not forget, you exist for my pleasure. You will serve me in whatever way I want. I might not even let you come today, or I might rip as many orgasms from you as I can, that’s my choice. Bend over the bed, and spread your legs.” you whimpered at the thought of not being allowed to orgasm, but it only made you more aroused. You obeyed him walking slowly to the bed, and accentuating your ass as you bent over, teasing him. You heard the belt jingle, and it came down on your ass, the wetness between your legs immediately pooling in your underwear, you were desperate for him to touch you. Screaming, you reached back where it had hit you, he hadn’t been hard, but it was unexpected. Loki was certainly rougher than Tom, and you suspected he wasn’t through with you yet. 
“Do not tease me, you will find that I am quick to punish.” He stroked a hand between your legs, and up to the waistband of your leggings. In one stroke he pulled them and your underwear to the floor. Gliding his hands, fingers outstretched up your legs, he reached your slit and pushed a finger into you. 
“What a wet little slut you are. You like being punished and treated like a whore don’t you?” he goaded. 
“Yes, yes sir,” you gasped, and tried to rock on his finger to find some relief. He grasped your hip and stopped you, sliding the finger out and up to your puckered hole. Stroking around your entrance, he coated you and gently stretched you as his finger glided into your ass. You groaned with the intrusion, and the thought of what might come next. With his forefinger gently working you, he pushed a second inside, opening you up. The tip of his cock pushed towards your pussy, and slid along you, your juices covering his cock. You bit your lip as his fingers, still working you, pulled out and were swiftly replaced by his length. 
He gently pushed into you, deeper and deeper past each ring of muscle inside you, until you felt his stomach against your ass. He began to thrust in and out of you, slow at first, but as you got used to his size he thrust forward harder. Reaching forward, he pulled your hair making you arch back, and his hand reached around for your throat. Squeezing tightly, you quickly sucked in a breath. Your hair dropped and he moved his hand around to your breasts, grabbing hard and tweaking your nipple. He released your nipple and his hand slipped down your stomach and began to rub your clit, never easing up his thrusts. You mewled at the onslaught of sensation, your throat clamped, barely able to breathe, your ass a little sore, but his cock hitting you at a perfect angle, and now his fingers circling your nub. 
“Please, please Loki, I want to come.” you begged. He removed his hands from both your clit and your neck and you whined in protest. The hand on your neck swiftly moved to behind you and grabbed your hair. He pushed your face into the bed and continued to fuck you relentlessly.
“You will not come,” he growled, “you’re here to serve your God, remember?” 
Whimpering you nodded into the bed, not sure how much more you could take of him. You weren’t usually able to find release from anal, but today you just might. He thrust hard into you and stopped, filling you completely, with every breath you took, you could feel him deep inside you. Slowly, he slid out of you, and your body protested at the sudden emptiness.
“Stay still.” You heard him begin to slide his hand up and down his shaft, his other hand grabbing your hip, and you could feel the tip nudge your ass cheek. His pace got faster and suddenly he moaned, hot fluid spraying onto your ass. He stepped back and reached for your underwear, in a pile by your feet. Guiding your feet into them he pulled them up, leaving you with his cum. He bent over and kissed you on the shoulder, your sign that he was finished with you. 
You turned to face him, and he grinned down at you, planting a kiss on your forehead, the horns still looking ridiculous on his head without a costume. 
“Well?” he smirked down at you.
“I’m glad I fucked Loki, but, well, I definitely prefer Tom,” you gazed up to him, and he leaned down, lying next to you. He wrapped his arms around you, enveloping you in his cloak, warming you. Stroking the back of your head, he kissed you softly on the forehead, and along the cheek he’d slapped you on. 
“That was intense baby, are you okay?” 
“Never better,” you sighed into him, comforted.
@fire-in-her-veinz I’m taking the liberty of tagging you in this, since you did kinda request Loki roleplay :D hope you enjoy sweetie!
Taglist cuties:
@negans-lucille-tblr @markofdean79 @just-the-hiddles @morgueswrld
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valkyrieofsmut · 4 years
Captive Love   14
UF!Sans x Reader (or Frisk if you wanna)
Summary: Sweetheart meets UnderFell Muffet! Who wants to make her into mincemeat pie...
A/N: Hey, in case you didn't know, mincemeat pie is called that because it has (had) bones and meat scraps in it... This chapter has minor warnings of... racist comments (species-ist? I mean, they're being ignorant because she's a human, so it's pretty close to the same thing...) general threatening and asshole behavior... alcohol... think that's it. So I meant to get this out earlier, but the idiots who did the fixing up on my new house before we got it didn't do a good job on the shower and it was leaking, so I decided I'd caulk the thing myself, which turned into my husband being slow as dick to clean and prep and me being slow as ass to get in gear and do it... For some reason, I keep complaining that I never get any time off, but then I get time, and of course, instead of relaxing, I work on stuff... I just want to relax! Why do I keep choosing to do these projects? Ugh!.
Masterlist      Series Masterlist
Into town we go!
Sans walked down the street, ducking into his coat a bit, eyelights darting around nervously. 
He didn't like this. 
He didn't want the chance that someone would hurt his delicate sweetheart… 
True, she had spunk, and a certain flare of attitude, but… 
She had passed out, been unconscious for days, and he'd only pushed her against the wall. 
He knew that a lot of these other monsters would do a lot worse. 
Sans let out a soft growl, pushing out his shoulders and chest, fluffing his coat a bit to look as big as possible. 
He didn't want to deal with anyone trying any bullshit. 
He leered at the monsters loitering around and giving his sweetheart a look over. 
(Y/n) felt uneasy. 
There was a certain amount of uneasiness whenever humans were in an area with mostly monsters, almost like their hatred and resentment was thick in the air. 
This was different, though. 
This was like walking through a crowd of people who were evaluating her worth, debating whether it would be worth it to… 
She wasn't sure if it would just be a physical attack, or more… but she was pretty sure she didn't want to know. 
She wondered if this was what livestock felt like as they were led into auction pens. 
She had been expecting something, maybe an air of hostility, like it was near her apartment, but this was straight up aggressive. 
Eyes followed her as she walked, flicking to Sans next to her or Papyrus in front of them before settling to do nothing. She didn't miss the way Sans glared at some of them that looked interested, either. 
(Y/n) leaned in to Sans a little, and he grinned smugly at the monsters eyeballing them as he wrapped his arm around her, tugging her just a bit closer. 
Pissed at him or not, Sans seemed safer to be around than these others. At least she knew that he wasn't going to immediately eat or murder her… 
"WHAT DID YOU HAVE PLANNED FOR YOUR OUTING, SANS?" Papyrus asked, seemingly immune to the stares of others. 
"uh, didn't really plan anythin', boss. was kinda last minute," Sans answered. 
"that sound good ta you, sweetheart?" Sans asked, leaning close to her. 
She was open to learning about new cultures, as long as she wasn't going to be murdered, so she nodded and it was decided. 
Papyrus decided that the shop he purchased the implements for his traps in should be their first stop. 
An ancient turtle sat behind the counter, grizzled and grumpy looking. 
He gave (Y/n) a twice over, and Sans actually let out a low growl as he tucked her behind him. 
Yeah, she wasn't interested in being sold as a curiosity… 
They left the store, Papyrus with a couple bags of supplies in hand, and continued down the road. 
(Y/n) could feel herself starting to get numb to the stares as they walked, and started looking around at the sights and stores. 
She noticed a storefront with large windows, and a sign at the top showing a cute lady spider monster, her six arms open in warm welcome, her hands holding various baked goods, a teapot, teacup, and leaving one open to invite passersby in. She couldn't read what it said, but it seemed obvious enough. 
Oooo, baked goods… (Y/n) turned to Sans. "S...ns," she asked, lifting a hand to the store. [Sans]
Sans looked over, his glare deepening at the store. "don't think ya wanna go in there, sweetheart," he told her, thinking of the spiders that had caused the whole situation with the collar in the first place. 
It was her turn to glare, and she made a disgruntled noise. "Ikh do," she insisted. [I do]
fuck, that cute squeek… He risked a look at her, and felt his soul flutter. damn, that angry lil glare she's got's so adorable…  
"COME, SANS, IT SHOULD BE FINE," Papyrus told him, turning to cross the street. 
Sans grumbled uneasily, but gave in to her tugging on the arm wrapped around her, and guided her across the street. 
(Y/n) walked through the door after Papyrus, and the first thing that hit her was the delicious smell of pastries and other baked goods. 
An automatic smile grew on her face as it hit. 
Her eyes went to survey the store, and she froze in place. There were spiders everywhere. 
Small, fuzzy looking bodies moved with disturbing speed for their size, along the ceiling, the walls, the counters. 
It took her a moment to notice the woman behind the counter, the same lady spider that was depicted on the sign outside. 
(Y/n) could hear the whispers from clumps of spiders around, telling things they'd heard about humans' feelings toward spiders. 
The woman behind the counter's expression changed halfway through her greeting. Her sharp little fangs became more visible, and her pleasant smile became malicious. 
"Fufufufufu… Oh look at you, a little, lost deary…" Her voice was light and sweet, but there was an underlying dark tone there. 
(Y/n) felt a bit uncomfortable, but she tried to push it back, wanting to be open, even if these people didn't. There was no reason not to work through things and live together peacefully, but she knew not everyone shared her ideals. 
The more she watched the spiders, the more she realized that the spiders moving around were not just wandering, but moving with purpose, grouping together to lift and shift things around in the cases and along the counters. 
Taking a breath, (Y/n) steeled herself and stepped toward the showcase. 
"Oh, deary," the woman cooed to her, "you've come to eat the spiders before they eat you?" 
"Wh...t?" (Y/n) asked in confusion. [what]
The woman gestured to a banner hanging behind the counter, one hand moving along as she read, "Welcome to Muffet's bakery. Confections made by spiders, for spiders, of spiders." 
Of spiders?!  Her shock must have shown on her face, because the woman, Muffet she was guessing, giggled at her. 
(Y/n) took another breath and pushed away her ingrained disgust at the thought of eating spiders. 
There were chocolate covered ants, crickets, and grasshoppers, after all. 
Why not? 
Be bold. 
She stepped closer to the case to investigate its contents, Sans at her side, but she was driven back by the swarm of spiders that flooded toward her. 
"knock it off, muffet," Sans snapped at the woman. 
Muffet put two hands on her hips, two on the counter and leaned over him, baring her teeth at Sans as her free set of arms helped her climb over the counter. "Why don't you make me, trash bag?" She snarled. 
Sans put his shoulders back and leaned in, posturing himself to look bigger, baring his own wide snarl to showcase his sharp teeth. "ya ain't touchin' 'er, so back th' fuck off, muffet," he growled. 
(Y/n) looked around the store, finding that they were the only ones inside. At least there weren't more monsters to gang up on them. 
"Oh, but Sansy, I want to be the first one to serve human to the public- and you've brought one right into my shop," Muffet growled as she started toward where (Y/n) was edging back toward Papyrus. 
Panic flooded her. She didn't know what to do… A gigantic spider woman was coming to kill her! She had to get out. 
She was starting to hyperventilate, terror adding to the panic. 
"hey!" Sans snapped as he squashed a spider with his sneaker. 
Muffet looked over at him with a glare. 
"i'm warnin' ya; i don't like sharin', an' 'f ya try ta touch my stuff, y're gonna get dusted," he threatened, stepping toward Muffet. 
He was scary. 
He was so scary… 
How had (Y/n) forgotten how scary he was? She'd seen it only a couple of days ago! Except… 
Except he hadn't looked this scary then. 
He'd been so angry that he looked scary, but this- he was trying to be big and scary, and… He was terrifying… 
Muffet was still going to attack him, and (Y/n) knew that this was all her fault. She had to help him! At least try to pull him back… Something! 
Papyrus' hand went past her as he barred the way. 
Was he really stopping her? He was just going to let his brother get hurt?! Wasn't he the one that had refused to let him walk her home because he was worried about him?! 
"Whahy?" She demanded, looking up at him, trying to bat his arm away. [why]
"HE CAN HANDLE THIS," Papyrus answered, his sockets narrowed as he watched the situation carefully. 
(Y/n) looked back to the menacing woman trying to intimidate Sans. 
Sans' sneaker landed, crushing and grinding three small spiders into the floor. "don't you dare fuckin' touch 'er," he growled. "'f i see ya anywhere near 'er, yer spiders're gonna be makin' a muffet sized cake." 
He ground his foot against the floor again and kept his glare on her as he made his way back to where his sweetheart and his brother were, pulling her to his side as he muttered a thanks to his brother for keeping her out of the way. 
Sans turned and guided her to the door, tossing over his shoulder, "an' keep yer fuckin' spiders away from our house. mind yer own damn business, ya nosey spider bitch." 
(Y/n)'s head jerked to him in surprise. Her spiders were at their house…? He pulled her against his side, a bit tighter than he had before they'd gone into the bakery. 
"le's go ta grillby's… i need a fuckin' drink," he muttered. 
(Y/n) could feel through his arm that he was shaking. She could see when she looked at his face that he was nervous, bordering on afraid, but covering it with anger.  
She looked over to Papyrus and saw the proud look on his face, the way he held his head a little higher. 
He was proud of his brother. 
There hadn't been a fight, though Sans has stepped on a few spiders… Were they monster spiders? Did that count as killing people…? Did she just witness Sans commit murder?! How did this even work? 
It was too much to try to comprehend, so she decided to put it on the back burner and try to learn more about the layout of the area. 
When she looked up, they were in front of a bar. 
(Y/n) tried to refuse, afraid of a repeat of the incident they'd just left, but Sans assured her, "don't worry, sweetheart. no one starts shit at grillby's, 'less they wanna get burned. heh." 
As they walked in and made their way to the bar, she was acutely aware of every comment made. 
“Look, it’s a human… How disgusting…”
“Ewwwww, how gross is that? It only has hair in some places… does it shave like that? How ugly.” 
“I don’t know how those freaky humans look in the mirror in the morning and decide they look ok to leave the house… Unless they think looking gross is cool. Hehehehe.”
“Wow, they must have a fair going on if the freakshow is here, ksksksksks…” 
“Ugh, Sans needs to put that thing back in it’s cage, before it gets it’s parasites everywhere… You know it’s got them because humans are so nasty…” 
Sans climbed onto a well worn stool and raised a hand to the bartender… a man made of fire… 
Sans' comment about getting burned made sense, now. 
"ya want somethin' ta drink, sweetheart?" He asked softly. He seemed deflated from his attitude. Tired. 
She nodded, croaking, "w...t'r?" [water]
The bartender said something, but his accent was a bit thick for her to pick up. 
“heh,” Sans laughed at whatever he’d said. “says he don’t touch th’ stuff.” 
(Y/n) winced. Had she just insulted this man? “Aaaahhhh… sohda…?” She asked. [Soda]
The flame man turned away, then back with a glass a moment later, and she thanked him, taking it and sipping. 
Papyrus got a drink as well, stirring the tall bloody Mary with the celery stick decoration. “IT’S THE HEALTHIEST THING IN THIS GREASE TRAP,” he explained when he saw her watching him. 
She smiled to him and went back to her drink. She glanced over at Sans, seeing him looking like the stereotypical ‘guy drowning his sorrows in alcohol’ with his hand around a tumbler of something a dark golden color, though she could see flecks of red and yellow, looking like wisps of flames. 
A hiccup came from behind, and a bunny with a very drunk expression stood behind them. 
“AWWwwww… Yoush gatta pet, Sansy?” The bunny slurred. “Looksh cute!” The bunny reached out, aiming to actually pet her, like she was a dog or something! 
“don’t touch ‘er,” Sans growled without even looking away from the spot he was staring at. 
The bunny’s hand stopped, then dropped. “Jeex Sans, ya don’t haave toush… be a jerk!” 
“nah, but ‘s what ‘m good at,” he answered, taking another drink, his face blank with the slightest hint of self loathing. 
The bunny stumbled away as (Y/n) looked at Sans, trying to put together the pieces of the puzzle that was Sans. 
He was awkward, flirty, and full of jokes, but it’s like he had another side, one that was harsh, ready to fight, bristly… And then when they were alone… He was sweet, affectionate, soft… 
It was like he was afraid to be himself around others. 
Her eyes turned to Papyrus, who looked at least moderately miserable. 
But he’d been so proud of Sans when he’d stood up to and threatened his way out of a fight with Muffet… even if he was so rude to him the rest of the time… 
She couldn’t think of a time the two had shared any form of affection, even just simple words like ‘love ya, bro’… 
(Y/n) turned to Sans, leaning over and wrapping her arm around his and nuzzling against his arm before looking up at him. 
His eyelights darted around the room as sweat grew on his skull, an uneasy look on his face. He looked very uncomfortable, and was stopping himself just short of pushing her away. 
She pulled away from him and went back to her drink.
That’s all she needed to know. 
Her eyes went back over to Papyrus, giving him a big, sweet grin when he glanced at her. 
He quickly looked away, looking uncomfortable as he blushed. 
Her focus went back to her drink as she continued to sort. 
These two had trouble with affection. 
If what had happened at the bakery was any clue, they had to act tough for some reason. And, additionally, Papyrus was proud of his brother when he was tough. 
Since she knew how soft and sweet Sans could be without other people around, she’d assume that maybe the reason why they -and Muffet?- acted like Sans wasn’t worth much was because he had that soft spot? 
Which meant that Papyrus was the cooler one because he could hide whatever softness he had better… 
Wow… (Y/n) thought, feeling like she was finally starting to get an idea of why the two skeletons acted the way they did. 
“Is that why you haven’t been here in so long, Sans,” a rough, but feminine voice taunted from a table off to the side. “Got yourself a disgusting human pet?” 
Sans ignored them, but she felt Papyrus stiffen next to her. 
“Think you’re too good for us, now?” Another voice demanded from the table, this one masculine. 
“If you wanted something soft and gooey to fuck, you coulda gone with a Moldsmal!” The table erupted in raucous laughter. 
Sans grit his teeth, and (Y/n) could hear the soft, low growl of displeasure that matched his features. 
“hey, boss, ya ‘bout done wit yer drink?” Sans asked, still ignoring the table. “'cause ‘m ready ta get th’ fuck outta here.” 
What he'd really like is to go bash in Dogaressa and the rest's teeth in, but he was holding himself back because there were too many of them, and he didn't want to get his ass kicked by Grillby, and he definitely didn't want to take the chance of losing a fight in front of the others and have a free for all start over his sweetheart.
Papyrus tipped his drink back, finishing the tomato juice concoction before standing. He turned and glowered at the table of dogs that were making the scene, and said, louder than normal, though (Y/n) didn’t know how that was possible, “YES, MY BROTHER, LET’S BE RID OF THIS UNFAVORABLE COMPANY.” 
Wow… Affection! ...kinda… (Y/n) was surprised, having decided that they probably didn’t know how to be nice. 
As the trio made their way back to the brothers’ house, (Y/n) reflected on what had happened in town. 
It was obvious why Sans didn’t want her to go out, now, why he got so nervous about it. They hadn’t even been in town more than a couple of hours, and it was plain to see that the residents had their own designs on all sorts of unsavory things they’d like to do to her given the chance… 
Maybe he was just trying to keep her safe… 
And if it was this bad while she was wearing the collar, she’d hate to think what it would have been like without it… probably a free for all… especially if she’d gone without either of the skeletons. 
Sans dragging her into the house, despite how rough and angry he'd been, had probably saved her life… 
And now, knowing that he put up an angry front when he was afraid… it didn't make him any less scary, but… it did change the context. 
Not threatening; protective. 
A/N: You know how Sweetheart keeps calling for help...? I mean... Sans keeps showing up... Every time... I um... just wanted to drop that thought here...
@tephi101  @lilypalmer1987  @pingu89  @gifsbysimplysonia  @omnomsauruswrites<3U!  @keldachick  @Randomfandompenguin  @mannls  @screeching-student-unknown  @lizfawn  @ya-lyublu-tebya  @their-bibliophile  @the-fifth-marauder03  
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I have literally no clue how to do this, but director’s commentary on your ‘One expensive can of easy cheese’ fic?
hell yeah!!
all comments will be in bold
Race was sat on top of the counter in his and Albert’s apartment, race only knows how to sit on counters lets be real, he can't sit in a chair to save his life a piece of duct tape over his mouth and his hands tied together with kitchen twine KINKYY. He sighed against his restraints, resigned to watch his boyfriend make their contribution to this year’s Thanksgiving gathering: mac and cheese. okay so its mac and cheese cause if you read spies mac and cheese is Literally the Only thing albert knows how to cook, other than coffee, and he's Really Fuckin Good At It (he's the mikey of mac and cheese okay this is my hc)
Now, of course everyone and their mother knew that mac and cheese was not a Traditional Thanksgiving Food is it though, r a c e r?. But, Albert had won (best out of three) mario kart yesterday so he had gotten to decide what they would bring to Jack’s house i was gonna make it rock paper scissors, i do not know hot to play mariokart, but it sounds more heated than rock paper scissors. Had Race known that he had been planning to make mac and fucking cheese, maybe he would have tried a little harder race be quiet you literally love alberts mac and cheese its a known fact.
Apparently, Albert was not pleased with Race’s reaction to his decision to make mac and cheese, and thought that Race might try to get in the way somehow (which he may or may not have fully intended to do) he did. So he did what any loving boyfriend would: sat him on the counter, put duct tape over his mouth and tied his hands together so he wouldn’t interfere albert sounds real kinky in this, why did i make this so kinky, wait when did i even write this.
Race was beginning to wonder why he had agreed to move in with Albert in the first place. CAUSE YOU LOVE HIM THATS WHY
With a violent shake of his head and one final spat who the fuck uses the word spat huh saph??, he was able to dislodge the duct tape d i s l o d g e thats some karen bs right there.
“Albieeeeee,” he whined, laying down on the counter. “Can you pleaaaaaaaseee let me helllllllllp?” yeah albert let him help jeez he's the one who actually knows how to cook
Albert barely glanced up as he pulled the big wooden spoon out of the pot and gave it a thoughtful lick note to self, all licks should always be thoughtful. “Hmmmmmmm. No.” dumbass. if only you knew what was coming.
“But-!” He wriggled w r i g g l e d around to give Albert his best puppy dog eyes. “Can I make something else then? Ple-OW!” He glared at the spatula that had been hurled at his arm. “You apologize for that!” damn albie why so mean? o wait i wrote this wait...
“Nah.” He smirked and went back to stirring his wretched pasta okay but i did a good job making race salty i gotta give myself that. Well, actually Albert’s mac and cheese was quite good hELL YEAH IT IS. Race was just salty that he was making it for Thanksgiving when it was very well known that he was the chef of the two and Jack was expecting something good not the mac and cheese Albert famously made at 2am in college when they were all high as hell. okay real talk tho, no one eats good mac and cheese in college, its the instant microwave shit cause were all broke so thats a lie race
“Can you at least untie me then?” ;)
“No.” Albert even bother considering this time. albert this is gettin Real Kinky..
“Well.” If logic wasn't going to work on Albert he would have to try another method. “I know you know how to make a guy feel good Albie HAH YES I KNEW I PULLED SOMETHING WEIRD, but I never expected ropes to be a part of it. What’s next? Handcuffs? Whips? Chains?” i gotta tell ya life without ya has been hard. hard? has been bad. bad? has been r o u g h. k i N kY
In two seconds flat Race was out of his kitchen twine bonds and flexing his sore wrists. LIKE HECK HE WAS CAUSE ALBERTS ACE AND HE DONT WANT THAT REPUTATION!!!
“Man Albie, who knew you had a twine kink.” hehe u go race
“You know,” Albert began loudly, as if thinking that his loudness would cover up his totally obvious twine kink yeah albie has a twine kink, he licks it, no this is a joke, “if you want to do something that's actually useful, you could go to Walgreens and buy me another can of Easy Cheese.” W A L G R E E NS. this whole fit was an excuse to write another part of the walgreens au
“Is that what you put in your fuckin mac and cheese?” Race swore he actually felt bile rise in the back of his throat when Albert nodded. “That’s it. I’m never eating your mac and cheese again.” BUT YOU LIKE IT
“I’ll eat you though,” Race winked, taking a moment to enjoy the startled, yet somehow pleased look on his boyfriend’s face. okay maybe albert wasn't ace in this particular fic...
“Not until after we’re done at Jack’s.” yeah definitely not scratch that. i write a lot of fics. Albert said only half jokingly as he dug around in his pocket for a second before throwing a crumpled five at Race. “In the meantime though, be gone thot!” GO AWAYYYY. IM A MAN OF GOD. mikey and my sister have subjected me to too many tik toks im sorry
Race barely managed to catch the bill without falling on the floor, but still blew a kiss to Albert before walking out of the apartment.
Who the fuck puts easy cheese in mac and cheese? albert does. but its actually a plot point just to get you to walgreens and if anyone puts easy cheese in mac and cheese i will fite you. He wondered for the millionth time as he stomped the three blocks to Walgreens. Albert claimed that he had chosen his apartment for its proximity to the store he did, actually, but up until today Race had always assumed that he had been joking he was not. The man did make a lot of mac and cheese and if Easy Cheese was an ingredient well….maybe there was some truth to that story after all. you can buy easy cheese at a lot of places tho...i don't actually know if you can buy easy cheese at a walgreens
Race pulled open the door to the Walgreens, pausing briefly to wonder why the absolute fuck it was open on literal Thanksgiving before remembering that it was a fucking Walgreens and why wouldn’t it be open to sell his dumbass boyfriend a can of fucking Easy Cheese. walgreens remains a mystery indeed. my only experience was the one that my best friend and i would go to at lunch during senior year. also have you ever noticed that most walgreenses are on corners? cause their slogan is at the corner of happy and healthy??
In order to get to the Easy Cheese, or at least he assumed so because he had never bought a can of Easy Cheese in his whole glorious 25 years of life a true chef, Race had to walk past the Pharmacy section of the store. And, it just so happened that there was a guy sitting behind the counter at the Pharmacy. A very attractive guy. With a beard. In scrubs. oh my god the most questionable villain I've ever written.
Now, of course Race loved Albert and nothing would ever change that, but he could appreciate an attractive man when he saw one indeed he could. He thanked whatever deity was out there for the bit of man candy M AN C AN D Y that he had been granted and went in search of his Easy Cheese. oh just you wait racetrack 
“Mac and cheese, velveta cheese, microwaveable mac and cheese, where the fuck is the- oh thank fuck there we go.” my best friend and i spent much time looking at the mac and cheese in walgreens He pulled a can of Easy Cheese off of the shelf, tossing it once and catching it athletics before turning to go pay for the horrendous product, happy to finally be done with the whole ordeal when- B R E T T 
“Easy cheese? Really?”
Race whirled whirled? saph please get a better vocabulary around to see Mr. Man Candy hA himself leaning against the opposite shelf. “Wh- who?”
“Oh,” he dusted his hand off on his scrubbs oh my god Wait i wrote this cause one time when i was in a walgreens i Did see a hot dude working the pharmacy and decided to write a fic about it!! i remember texting mikey about this hjfhgjhg, “allow me to introduce myself. My name is Brett O’Hare. and mikey came up with that name And you, sir, are a disgrace to society. The very reason why so many Americans are in poor health in this day and age.” brett is an obnoxious millennial in case you can't tell
“I’m sorry, what?”
“The Easy Cheese!” Brett gestured wildly toward the can in Race’s hand. “Gosh do you even know how many preservatives are in that stuff? And all the cancers that it can cause? It’s terrible. We wouldn’t need free healthcare if people just stopped eating Easy Cheese!” apparently he's a millennial who's also a republican...?
Race had lived in New York City his whole life, and he had seen some pretty strange things subway pizza rat, but never had he seen a pharmacist in a Walgreens lecture anyone about the health benefits of Easy Cheese. easy cheese has no health benefits. and if you'd stopped annoying your boyfriend maybe you wouldn't be there
“So let me get this straight,” Race rubbed his head, trying to make sense of the situation. “You go around yelling at people about the ingredients in the things that they are purchasing?” yeah its nyc people love to have Opinions. and so do millennials
“You do realize that this is a Walgreens, right? Everything in here probably contains some kind of chemical.” man brett has his work cut out for him. New Yorkers never ceased to amaze him.
“All the more reason for me to inform them of their poor eating habits!” Brett pointed a finger at him. “And stop distracting me! You’re the one buying the freaking easy cheese here!” this is so weird why did i come up with this idea. what possessed me. 
“It’s not even for me!” Race shouted back. “It’s for my boyfriend’s fucking mac and cheese that he insisted on making for Thanksgiving even though everyone knows that mac and cheese is not a fucking Thanksgiving food and he’s only making it cause he knocked me off the goddamn rainbow road right before the fucking finish line!” someones salty Race was fuming but the time that he was done.
“Oh, man I’m so sorry, that's lousy.” but it won't stop brett...
Race looked surprised. Of all the things that he thought he would get out of this Walgreens experience, a therapy session was indeed not on the list. But neither had been hearing a lecture about the preservatives in Easy Cheese from a pharmacist. i have literally no explanation for this train wreck of a fic
“But that doesn’t change the fact that you’re still buying Easy Cheese!” Between one second and the next, Brett had grabbed the can of Easy Cheese out of Race’s hand, wielding it like a brick ha percy jackson heroes of olympus anyone??. “Buy some fucking vegetables!” you can't buy vegetables in a walgreens brett
And with that, he struck Race over the head with the can of Easy Cheese.
Now, Race had definitely done some questionable things during his life Thats for sure. Once he had slept on the roof of his dorm building in January for a week because he lost his dorm key god why you can't even get on the roof of dorm buildings i know, I've tried, and another time he had been tricked into making an entire wedding cake using salt by Who??. However, being smacked over the head with a can of Easy Cheese by a health nut in scrubs on Thanksgiving put any and all other situations he had been in to shame in a walgreens don't forget. how did you forget that saph.  
He opened his eyes, suddenly blinded by the lights, and reached for his phone, muttering curses about man candy and vegetables as he should be. Squinting so he didn’t have to look at the screen, he somehow managed to dial Albert. no one d i a l s anyone saph. its the 21st century. i have like maybe 8 phone numbers memorized, half of them belong to my family the other half to people i knew in middle school.
“Racetrack Higgins, where is my Easy Cheese?”
Race pulled the phone away from his ear and winced at the sound of his boyfriend’s voice. “Um, it may have been used to give me a concussion by a health nut in scrubs?” for Once al isn't the one who gets injured in a walgreens. bet you didnt see That coming
Albert let out a loud sigh. “Ah man, did you run into Brett? That guy’s the worst.” hehe bet al used to date him
“Wait, you know him?”
“Race, I know every Walgreens employee in Manhattan, of course I know Brett.” There was the jangling of keys in the background. “I thought I told you to go to the one on 4th for this reason, ah, well. I’m on my way. I’ll take you to urgent care. Hang tight.” ofc al goes to urgent care. and everyone there knows him by a first name basis
Race’s head hurt too much to process what Albert had said except for the words ‘I’m on my way.’ “Okay,” he sighed. this was definitely one of the times i asked mikey about oddly specific concussion symptoms and then proceeded to forget everything he told me and do my own stuff
“Love you.”
“Love you too.” Race’s eyes focused on the dented can of Easy Cheese rolling on the floor he should still buy it. “And Al?”
“This is going to be one expensive can of Easy Cheese.” get it? cause race has to pay urgent care for his consultation? and they're also Very Very late to thanksgiving. cause al insists on finishing his mac. jack is not impressed. he eats all races pie.
anyway thats that hope you enjoyed
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revengeworld · 5 years
My King VIII
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Kylo Ren x Reader
Words: +2.400
Warnings: bit of Fulff but mostly Angst.
MY MASTERLIST - Can be found in my Bio if you´re interested in more of my work!
Waiting on the landing Platform where Kylos Ship was standing, Y/N nervously played with her fingers. Kylo was still shouting a few instructions before he stepped closer to her. With one gloved hand, he took hers while laying the other one in her neck before he pressed a soft kiss against her forehead. It was time to say goodbye.
“I will message you every day...” he whispered.
“And pictures?” Y/N asked very quietly while avoiding his eyes.
Grabbing her gently under her chin, Kylo pushed it up.
“Everything you want.” pulling her into his arms he held her close for a moment before one of the pilots informed them that they needed to leave now.
While the Knights boarded the ship, Kylo leaned down to her.
“And keep away from…”
“… the cells. I know.” she nodded, before he placed another kiss on her scalp, slowly letting go of her.
Watching his ship disappear between the clouds, Y/N took a deep breath, while the General was stepping closer. When he reached his hand out to her, Indo quickly held his weapon between them. Giving Hux just a small glance over the shoulder, Y/N rolled her eyes before Indo and Hith escorted her back to the palace.
It was just a few seconds since Kylo had left and she already felt lost, Y/N wasn't even in the mood to continue her books.
“So Y/N what do we want to do? It's a nice sunny day. The grumpy bat isn´t here. We have all the freedom we need.” Indo grinned at her and she actually started to chuckle, while Hith walked on her other side staying quiet.
“Hith, would you like some free time with Lydie? I can give her the day off.” she saw how his eyes lit up and he nodded slightly.
“That would be very kind of you, my Lady.”
“Don't mention it. I'm happy for you two.” she honestly stated when they arrived back at the palace.
“So that means it will only be us two today then. What do you think about a small trip into the city?” Indo asked and Y/N slowly nodded.
“That would be nice.”
By the time Kylo arrived at the other planet, Y/N probably would´ve been already asleep and he already missed the little sound his pad would make when she messaged him.
They were warmly greeted as soon as they had landed and still, Kylo felt like something was missing and he knew exactly what it was. He could only imagine how excited Y/N would be if she could see the dresses, the landscapes on the horizon and the large animals that were strutting through the castle.
“Supreme Leader Ren, we are so honored to welcome you in our lands!” a corpulent old man was stepping closer, behind him his wife and children.
Kylo was introduced to everybody before the King turned to his eldest daughter.
“This is our beloved Treasure, Mori. She would love to show you around in our city so you can relax before we start our business tomorrow.”
Nodding to the princess, who seemed to be the same age as Y/N, Kylo sighed lightly, since he already started to think of her again.
“Thank you, but I would rather start our work as soon as possible.” he honestly stated and the King seemed a bit surprised with the lack of interest from Kylo in Mori.
Raising his eyebrow, Kylo waited for an answer.
“Of course, Supreme Leader. Follow me! Follow me!” waving quickly he brought them to his audience room.
Sending one of his own servants away, Kylo handed them a list with things they should get. It was mostly stuff for Y/N, popular clothing from this planet, books and other trinkets to ease her anger when he would return.
He tried to finish as much work as possible on the first day, but in this heat, it was hard to concentrate. This planet had a much hotter climate and it would take him some time to get used to the humidity.
Sending Y/N the picture of the sunset he had just taken, Kylo looked over the gardens and fields.
He really wished she could see it with her own two eyes. Hearing a knock on his door, Kylo returned from the balcony and laid his pad onto the desk before opening the door.
It was Mori, the King's daughter, who shyly looked up to him.
“Supreme Leader, I wanted to provide you with some more fitting clothing for this weather.” her voice was quiet probably because of her modest nature.
“Thank you...” taking the wrapped clothing from her she still didn't move from her spot.
“Is there anything else?” he asked, while she nervously whipped on her feet.
“I was wondering if...”
Hearing the sound coming from his pad, he quickly looked over his shoulder.
“I´m sorry, but this is very important if you'll excuse me.”
“O...Of course...” but she didn't seem like she was happy with this development. But Kylo didn't care about that at the moment, walking back to his desk he quickly grabbed his ringing device and soon could see Y/Ns very sleepy face in his display.
“Did I wake you?” he smiled while she shook her head lightly, brushing the hair out of her face.
“No, I couldn't sleep so I was reading...” holding up her book, he smiled even wider.
“I´m glad that you find so much joy in reading, but you should sleep...”
“Right after I finally get a chance to talk to you again? Not happening my King.” looking at her pouty lips he would've loved to kiss her right now.
“How is Guarus? It looks like a really nice place.”
“Yeah, I wish you could see it.”
“Sadly, no embarrassments allowed.” she mumbled and Kylo only scoffed.
“You're not an embarrassment!” shrugging her shoulder to his statement she suddenly flinched when one of the smaller felines jumped to Kylo on his bed.
“Oh my… what is that?” completely forgetting her tiredness, Y/N was absolutely fascinated with the new creature she was seeing.
“They are the local animals here. Shush!” he tried to push her away, but the striped cat swatted her paw at him and soon laid down on his torso.
“She is so gorgeous...” Y/N smiled and an idea popped up in Kylos head. If it was possible, he could bring this little guy back home with him, so Y/N would have a companion for the times he couldn´t be with her.
When a knock interrupted them Y/N only now realized that they had talked the whole night and Lydie, her handmaiden was already here to prepare her for her first day.
“Oh no…. I really need to go now.”
“I'm sorry I kept you awake.” Kylo said and noticed himself that for him it was the middle of the night now.
“I'm glad you did...” with a smile she slowly sat up.
“I wish you good luck on your first day. You will be doing great.” he tried to encourage but her grin just got wider.
“Oh I know I will.” giving him a little wink, she threw him a little kiss before the call ended.
Lydie already greeted her with a little smirk.
“You two really seem to get along well.” she carefully gave her opinion while Y/N crawled out of her bed.
“Surprisingly enough… He is very different than what I had expected ...” she stated honestly.
“He is very different around you in general, Y/N.” preparing the bathtub, Lydie soon brushed through Y/Ns hair while the water was slowly rising.
She stayed quiet, even though a small smile was showing on her lips that she couldn't hide.
Slowly walking through the wide garden, Kylo tried to not show how annoyed he was. He only had to endure 9 more days on this planet, but it angered him that he couldn´t shorten his stay and now he had Mori stuck at his side.
She was a nice girl, but her persistence and how clingy she was, only frustrated him more.
“I would love to show you around town again, Supreme Leader.” she offered what seemed like the 100th time today.
“No thank you. I already got everything needed.” with a sighed, he watched the small striped cat that was trying to keep up with his wide steps.
“But...” she wanted to contradict but almost stumbled over the cat, who tried to hit her feet.
Quickly reacting, Kylo grabbed her and tried to help her up, he really couldn't allow something to happen to the oldest princess if he only had a few days left here.
Feeling her arms wrap around his neck and saw how she leaned closer, Kylo immediately flinched away from her.
So that was the reason she tried to be so close to him. She looked shocked and surprised and he just couldn´t understand why she would react like this when he never gave her the reason for hope.
“Why? I thought ...” she mumbled, tears already building up in her eyes.
“I don´t know what you expected … but I can't offer you what you want. I have someone waiting for me.“ Kylo actually tried to appease her, then he could tell that she was hurt, but not because he had hurt her feelings no there was another reason.
“Then why are you even here? I was told you were here for a marriage alliance.”
His brows furrowed.
“Who told you that?” his voice was low and Mori knew it wouldn't be the best idea to anger him now.
“My Father.”
But Kylo knew who actually was responsible for this false rumour.
“Hux...” he hissed. Whistling for the cat, the Supreme Leader was already making his way back inside.
“Where are you going?!” she called after him but he ignored it. This was definitely over, as soon as the ship was ready he would leave, with an alliance or not.
A small voice was echoing through the library. Y/N was walking between the tall bookshelves while she quietly sang to herself. Indo had already fallen asleep in a chair near the entrance and Hith was away with Lydie again.
Letting her finger run over the old backs of the books, she twirled around a bit while her voice grew louder with every word.
Only 7 more days and Kylo would be back and she couldn't contain her smile that was constantly on her face.
Turning around the next corner, she almost screamed when the General was suddenly right in front of her. She took a deep breath so she wouldn't slap the man right in the face before she rounded him and continued her walk on the search for her next book.
“Is there something you need General? We already finished everything for today.” she stated when she noticed his steps behind her.
“I just wanted to let you know that the negotiations with Guarus seem to go as we planned. Maybe better than that.” following her deeper into the labyrinth of books, she stopped at a specific point.
“That is good isn't it?” she asked while pulling one of the books out.
“See for yourself, My Lady.” oh how she hated it when he called her that with such a disgusting tone his voice, but she took the pad that he was holding towards her.
Looking down at what seemed to be an announcement her eyes wandered over the title and then the picture of Kylo and the princess of Guarus, embraced in a beautiful garden.
Seeing her shocked look, Hux only grinned.
“Oh didn't you know? That he was looking for a wife while he would be there? Why do you think he didn't take you with him?” he almost laughed until he pleasantly watched the tear that was slowly rolling over her cheek.
“Don´t tell me… the whore fell in love with her Master. Did you really think that he would marry you? That he might feel something for someone like you?” carefully he reached his hand out towards her face, but in an instance, a dagger was flying through the air, the knife piercing through the cloth of Hux´s sleeve, pinning his arm against the next bookshelves.
“Sorry, my hand slipped.” Indo grinned while approaching them both. He laid an arm around Y/Ns shoulders who was slightly shaking and lead her away.
“Is everything alright?” the Knight asked after they had left the General far behind them.
“It's nothing...” pushing herself away she continued her walk, before slamming the door of the bedroom shut, while Indo stayed confused in the hallway.
But it wasn't nothing and he would know as soon as nighttime came and he could hear her sobs through the door while he was on watch.
“She is still crying?” Lydie and Hith were approaching him.
“Yes! And I don't know what to do… ” he shook his head and looked to the closed door.
“I mean should I talk to her? Ask her again if everything is alright?” but the maid quickly shook her head.
“You will only make it worse. I tried to approach her earlier as well but she didn't even react...” she sighed until Indos bracelet was making noises.
“It's Kylo.”
“Tell him.” Hith only said when Indo looked at him for help.
Quickly answering the call a small holographic Kylo appeared in front of them.
“I will be returning in a few hours.” was the first thing he told them which made all three light up a little. Then when Kylo would return, Y/N would be better, at least that's what all of them thought.
“I tried calling Y/N but she didn't answer. Is she alright?” looking to the other two, who nodded Indo cleared his throat.
“She is…. Not feeling very well. We tried to ask but...”
Kylo slowly nodded, while crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“I will be there soon, so just keep her safe until then.”
The call ended without giving any of them a chance to answer before Lydie perked her ear.
“Do you hear that?” confused both Knights were trying to guess what she meant while the only could hear silence.
“She stopped crying! Really you two … I will take a look if she fell asleep.” shaking her head at the two men, she carefully opened the door before entering Y/Ns and Kylos room. Making her way over the sheer drapes and pushed them aside, only to find the bed completely empty, before the waving curtains from the open window caught her glance.
Running back into the hallway the only thing she could say was.
“She´s gone!”
Tags: @celestiaelisia @sdavid09 @attorneyl @ayatimascd @acunningstargazer @agirlwithlonelymusic @ev3e
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queerchoicesblog · 5 years
Tipsy (VoS, Naomi x F!MC) -NS*W
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Sorry, lovelies, I accidentally got two requested for this prompt so I apologize for turning an ordinary Monday into a Thirsty Monday 😅 This VoS Naomi x F!MC fanfic was requested by the one and only @kennaxval : hope you won’t be disappointed, my friend!
In short, Jessie (MC) gets home from one of Kate’s infamous parties “just a bit tipsy”, Naomi is back from her shift and tries to get her to bed to rest but things get heated.
Prompt: "I can’t keep my hands off you.”
Word Count: 1311
Perma Tag: @brightpinkpeppercorn @psychopathdreamer21 @abunchofbadchoices @bbaba-yagaa @silverhawkenzie  (sorry for buggingsweethearts!)
Tags: @helentwombly (not sure if you’re interested but you were a Naomi stan too, if I remember correctly xD)
NS*W ALERT: if you’re underage I highly recommend you to skip this fic as it contains adult contents!
It was way past 2 in the morning when Naomi finally arrived home. It’d been a tough first day: tons of paperwork, a long phone call with a petty FBI agent who reminded her of her arrogant former boss Tommy Walsh, a difficult interrogation. She always knew that being Birchport Chief of Police was not a joke and she took her work seriously. “That’s one of the many things I love about you, madly love about you”, Jessie told her once. Naomi remembered those words as she poured herself a glass of whiskey. 
Jessie wasn’ t home apparently. She was still at Kate’s place: Birchport new bakery queen, not to mention Jessie’s bestie, invited the whole gang over for a party. Naomi was supposed to join them too after work but she let them know she couldn’t make it. Duty called, Naomi thought. She would have loved to attend Kate’s party though: everybody knew what a great host Kate O’Malley was but sadly Naomi never got to experience it first hand.
Her train of thoughts was interrupted by the sound of the door opening. Naomi instinctively turned, taking a sip of her whiskey, and Jessie appeared on the threshold. Her cheeks were flushed red and she proceeded visibly swaying and not for flirty purposes. She carelessly tossed her purse on the couch then she spotted Naomi looking curiously at her. A huge drunken smile appeared on her face and she threw her hands up squealing.
“Baby you’re here I missed you so so much tonight!” she squealed in an overtly affectionate tone as she walked towards her girlfriend.
Naomi chuckled and put down her glass to meet her halfway. As she tried to catch her and steady the newyorker, Jessie messily cupped her face and kissed her. A strong taste of lime and cachaça still lingered on her lips.
When they parted, the journalist looked at the policewoman with dreamy eyes.
“Did you miss me too, love?”
“Are you asking that for real?” Naomi answered, her tone tender yet amused “Of course, baby”
“Next time you---you have to join us! It was ssso much fun!”
“I can see that” Naomi chuckled.
“You--you know, Kate bear will be a bartyyy ssoon” 
“You mean a bartender. She’s taking a bartender course” Naomi corrected her.
Jessie looked at her with a confused face.
“Yeah, that’s what I just said! And she will be the best bartender Birchport has eeever seen, I’m telling ya”
Naomi laughed.
“Oh love, I trust your words: she certainly did a good job getting you all drunk” she teased.
“I--I am not drunk, ma’am” Jessie protested “Just---just a but tipsy. Mayyybe”
Naomi shook her head amused.
“Please tell me you called a cub to come back here” she stroke her girlfriend’s cheek.
“Yesss, ma’am” Jessie mocked a salute.
Then she finally took in Naomi’s full figure and gaped in surprise.
“Hoooly molyyy, this is the new uniform??” 
Naomi nodded with pride.
“Yes, they delivered it this morning. I can’t wear the deputy uniform now that I’m the Chief-”
Jessie immediately ran her hands over Naomi’s chest and shoulders, swaying her hips as she moved closer.
“The new uniform is hot, baby. Have I ever mentioned that I find women in uniform extreeemely sexy?” 
As Naomi raised an eyebrow to her amused, she tilted her head and whispered into her ear:
“Grab your handcuffs and take me to the bedroom, agent. Make me yours”
The policewoman laughed.
“Jessie, stop. You’re adorable, truly, but I think you should get some rest. You’re drunk, love” Naomi tried to make her reason but Jessie didn’t listen.
Instead, she grabbed her girlfriend’s chin and said as fiercely as she could manage:
“Maybee I had a bit too much but this doesn’t change that fact that I want you. Now”
Then she kissed Naomi hard flushing their bodies together and sending the new Chief of Police to backpedal. When they reached a wall, Jessie pinned her there, deepening the kiss. When they both needed to break free to catch their breath, Jessie messily reached for Naomi’s shirt and started unbuttoning her shirt.
“You look amazing in this uniform, baby. But” she looked right into her girlfriend’s eyes “I bet you’re gonna look even mooore amazing once I get you out of it”
Her lips met Naomi’s exposed neck above her collar, eliciting a whimper from the policewoman who instinctively ran her hand over her lover’s tights and butt.
“The same goes for that dress of yours” she added, reaching around Jessie to unzip it.
The journalist finally unbuttoned her shirt and helped her get out if before kissing and nibbling at her neck. In the meantime, her hands wandered over Naomi’s body tracing the muscles of her abs on her tank.
Naomi tried to get back to work on the dress but she kept losing focus under Jessie’s touch. She groaned and slid her hands around her hips pulling her tight against her.
“Okay, that’s it” she announced.
“What, love?” Jessie asked, her breath still hot over her skin.
Naomi looked at her.
“Let’s take this to the bedroom” 
As the words left her mouth, she cupped her girlfriend and lifted her up. Jessie immediately put her arms around her neck and wrapped her legs around her waist. She kept nibbling at the policewoman’s earlobe as she carried her over towards the bedroom.
When Jessie’s back hit the mattress, Naomi fell on top of her before sitting up and drinking in the sight of her lover. Then she stripped off her tank and pants and bent down over Jessie who ran her hands over her back. Naomi wasted no time and placed a trail of hot kisses down Jessie’s shoulder and chest above the neckline of her dress.
“Wait let me get out of this, baby” Jessie barely managed to say propping herself up but Naomi stopped her.
“No?” Jessie asked confused.
“No” Naomi said, her lips curling into a wicked smile “I think I like you this way more. You know, all...disheveled because of me”.
Then she moved down the bed, pushing up Jessie’s skirt in the process. Never losing eye contact with her girlfriend she slowly dragged her panties; once she tosses them across the room, she pressed her hands against Jessie’s tights, spreading her legs and settling between them. She lowered her head and punctuated a trail of kisses on her girl’s inner tights with:
“You’re so impossibly beautiful, Jessie”.
Jessie moaned loudly and desperately grabbed the sheets when Naomi’s mouth reached her core and she started swirling her tongue over her clit. She took her time exploring her lover’s hidden depths, taking mental notes of which flicks of her tongue, which touches made Jessie rock her hips faster or crying out her name. When she felt her girlfriend’s tights shivering over her shoulders, she sucked her clit hard, sending her over the edge.
After she came apart, Naomi moved up beside her: she reached for her hand and intertwined their fingers together. Then she pressed a soft kiss over Jessie’s knuckles, whispering:
“I love you, Jessie”
“I love you too, baby” the other woman echoed as she barely stifled a yawn.
“Aww, did I tire you out, honey?” Naomi teased her.
Jessie pouted and her girlfriend placed a kiss on her forehead, her lips curved into a smile over her skin.
“It’s late, we should get some rest. And you tired me out too”.
“What can I say? I’m sexy and I know it. Spooning now?” the drunken girl said, her voice already sleepy.
Naomi wanted to get Jessie out of her dress and make her wear something more comfortable but as far as she could tell she was fast asleep. So she shook her head, took off her uniform pants and laid down beside her girlfriend, holding her close as she fell asleep too.
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julia-highstorms · 5 years
Moving Day (Tom x MC) - NS*W
Summary: With Pine Springs finally free from its shady cultists business and supernatural stuff, it’s time for Tomoichi Sato to leave the small town and look forward to the future. But first, he’ll get some help with moving day.
Author’s note: this fanfic will probably be an AU but which of my fanfics aren’t? Lol because I’m a sucker for happy endings, okay?! and Grandpa is a good fella here
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Pixelberry Studios.
Rating: +18 (NSFW - if you don't want to be tagged in this kind of content, please, let me know!)
Pairing: Tom x MC (Julia Vance)
Word count: 3203
Summer is almost over.
Those frickin’ cultists are defeated, there are no more creepy ass monsters around town and Tomoichi Sato finally feels like he’s ready to go back to live his ordinary and uneventful life. And he actually is looking forward to it.
After that thing happened in Westchester years ago, the boy just couldn’t go on living with his life knowing about all those weird stuff. But now, after everything, he’s feeling more than ready to go back to school. He’s even excited about his calculus classes!
And the best part is that he’s going to study at the same university as Andy Kang, his best friend. They’ve been living apart over a year and, although they talked to each other almost daily, it wasn’t the same thing, and he missed his bro. But now he’ll get to see him so much more often now, since they’ll be roommates!
Oh man, he’s really excited about it.
But first, Tom has to pack his things up before he leaves Pine Springs.
At least he’ll have some help…
The bell rings and Tom opens the door of his tiny studio apartment.
Clever dark eyes, short black hair, and a half smirk on her rosy lips.
“Hey.” - his heart takes a leap like it does every time he sees her, since the very first time he saw her.
“Hey. Will you let me in or what?”
“Oh! Uh, sure!” - he quickly steps aside, giving her space.
“Wow, this place is tiny!” - Julia states as she enters the micro-apartment, taking a look around her.
“Yeah… it was the only thing I could afford to rent…” - Tom murmurs, ducking his head, embarrassed.
“It’s cozy. I like it.” - she says with a sly grin that makes Tom’s cheeks get a shade pinker and she lets out a laugh. - “Okay, I came here to help you pack your things. What do you want me to do?” - she asks, rolling up the sleeves of her band t-shirt.
“To be honest I won’t need much help. The apartment came with all the furniture included, I just need to pack my stuff.”
“Which is?”
“You know, my clothes, my books, games… this kind of stuff. Uh, to be honest I could have done it by myself… you didn’t have to have all this trouble to come here…”
“Hey, it’s no trouble at all.” - she takes a step closer and cups his warm face on her hands. - “I was the one who offered to come help you in the first place, remember?” - he nods. - “And I want to spend every minute we can together...” - Julia confesses, now her face flushing slightly.
“Me too.” - Tom smiles warmly at her and she forces herself to pull back before she makes the stupidity of kissing him. Because, once she starts it, she won’t be able to stop.
“Okay, so let’s begin! Where do I start?”
“I’ve already started folding my clothes...you can put them in the bag.”
“Aye, captain.” - they start working together in a comfortable silence, just enjoying the company of one another. - “So… are you excited to go back to college?”
“Yeah, actually.” - a small smile tugs on his lips. - “Now that all that mess is over, I finally feel that I can move forward with my life. I actually miss my calculus classes.” - they share a laugh.
“I’m glad you’re excited for school, Tom. I mean it. Even though I’d prefer if you transferred to Hartfeld so we could be closer…” - her voice lowers and she takes a step closer to him, their faces just inches from one another now. His cheeks immediately gets a shade pinker and the girl chuckles mischievously. She loves teasing him. - “I’m just kidding. You’ll be close to Andy again, right?”
“We’ll actually be living together. We’re going to be roommates!” - he beans animatedly. - “I miss having my best friend around. We have a lot to catch up.”
Julia smiles at him and they finish with the folding clothes duty. - “Okay… now onto the geek stuff. Do you prefer games or comics?”
“Uh. Comics. I’ve already noticed how protective you are about your video games.” - it was very exhausting persuading Tom to lend his games to Elliot for just one night. She wasn’t going any near it.
“Heh, you’re not wrong there. Okay, my books and comics are in that bookshelf.”
“Alright. Uh, will I find any manga for pervs in there?”
“Of course not!” - Tom screams, his ears and cheeks turning bright red instantly.
“Relax, I’m just teasing you!” - he rolls his eyes to his laughing girlfriend. - “Do you want me to put them in order?”
“Yeah, that would be nice...”
“By year? Title? Author? Number? Genre? Collector edition? Since you’re oh so touchy about your things!” - she keeps teasing him, who can’t hide back a grin.
“Just on numerical order is enough, you goof.” - he chuckles and Julia walks away to pick them. His gaze follows her, his heart floating a bit inside his chest again. Tom always have this fuzzy feeling when he’s near her.
He’ll miss seeing her so often. His girlfriend.
Who would have guessed that Tomoichi Sato would someday have a girlfriend? And so wholesome like Julia Vance? He certainly didn’t.
“Anyway, what about you?” - he asks casually, returning his attention to his games. He opens each box to see if they’re in there, on their assigned place. - “Excited to go back to college?”
“A bit, yeah. Gotta start my final thesis. I’m both excited and terrified by it.”
“I can’t believe a final thesis scares you more than a bunch of creepy ass monsters.”
“Hey, this is important, okay? I don’t want to mess it up and you know I’m not exactly the scholar type.”
“Yeah, you’re more like the kicking ass type.” - she agrees with him. - “But I know you’ll nail it. You always nail everything, Julia.”
“You have too much faith in me.”
“Hey, if I’m not going to be the most supportive boyfriend ever, then what’s the point?” - she smiles gratefully to him. - “What about Elliot? Is he going to stay here with Arthur?”
“Yeah. He grew to love Pine Springs. Of course, having his first serious crush around helps.” - Julia grins to herself, thinking about her baby brother and Robbie. - “I’ve already been used to not live with him since I entered college, so it’s not that dramatic change. He’s just living further away now and it’ll be a boomer that I won’t get to tease him about his first relationship as much as I’d like to.”
“You’re insufferable.” - Tom chuckles, his games already in his backpack.
“I am.” - Julia looks up to him when he stops next to her, helping her pick up his comics and mangas from the bookshelf. She has a small grin on her face. - “But I have two very good reasons to come back to Oregon more often now: Elliot and you.”
Tom grins back at her and before he knows it, she suddenly stands on her toes and pulls him in, kissing him fiercely.
To hell with packing things up. She wants him now.
He groans when his back hits the bookshelf behind him, as the girl clings her petite figure into his. She smiles against his lips when she feels one of his hands burying in her hair, as his other arm wraps around her waist, bringing her closer to him, until they can both feel every inch of each other’s body against their own. His mouth kisses her back hungrily, and she can feel his arousal pressing hard on her thigh.
“...When are you leaving?” - Julia asks, breathless from all that make out session.
“The last bus to Westchester leaves at 6 p.m.”
“Oh, then we have plenty of time.” - she wiggles her eyebrows suggestively, making the boy laugh.
“I still have to finish packing my things, Julia.” - he points his head to his opened and half filled bag on the floor.
“Pfff, putting everything inside your bag will take us 15 minutes max. Besides, we did it in a photo booth. I guess we can handle finishing packing your things, moving you out of here and still having time for proper sex just fine. Not in this exact order, because I want you now. And I guess you’re up to it too.” - she smiles devilishly as he groans when he feels one of her hands inside his pants, exploring his length.
“Julia…” - Tom murmurs with a warning tone in his voice, his breath quickening as she keeps with those moves.
“We deserve it, Tom. I don’t know when I’ll see you again and we had just a quickie. I want more.” - she purrs as her kisses descend to his earlobe, chin, neck, her hand still keeping with those maddening movements, making the boy gasp and his excitement grow even harder. - “I want you to have a wonderful memory of your last day here. And of myself.”
“All of my memories of you are wonderful.” - he stops short. - “Jeez, this sounded so cheesy.”
His girlfriend laughs loudly before pulling him in for another passionate and demanding kiss. Tom kisses her back, hard, pushing her backwards until the girl feels the cold wall behind her, as he pins her there with his weight. She notices that he already is as hard as a rock. Her heart immediately flips inside her chest, excited, and she puts her hands on the hem of his t-shirt, ready to take it off.
“You know… there’s a bed right there.” - he murmurs, chuckling.
“Oh yeah, what I was thinking?” - she giggles mischievously, before striping the boy from his t-shirt and practically shoving him into the bed, climbing on top of him.
Julia lets out a surprised squeal when Tom suddenly rolls, changing their positions, so he ends up being on top of her.
“You took the lead last time. I’d like to take the lead this time.” - he says, with a sheepish grin on his face just inches from her as he bends over her. - “Uh, though you’ll need to guide me.”
“It’d be my pleasure. Literally.” - Tom chuckles.
“This was just terrible.”
“But I know you loved it.”
“Yeah… I did.” - he leans in and kisses her softly, straddling the girl down on the bed.
“You know…” - they stop kissing for a quick second, so he can take his glasses off and put it on somewhere safe, like the bedside table. She cups his face between her hands, gazing deeply into his eyes, admiring his face.
“What?” - he asks, his cheeks getting hotter under her soft hands.
“...Watching you beating all those monsters asses and facing those cultists bastards was such a turn on.”
“I thought you were always turned on by the simple sight of me.” - she rolls her eyes but chuckles.
“Can’t argue with that.” - Julia’s face gets serious.
“I was so scared I had lost you, Tom.” - her voice is barely a whisper.
Although they haven't known each other for long, Tom knows his girlfriend well enough to know that she hates showing weakness. So the moments that she lets herself show vulnerability are special. Meaningful.
And Julia Vance only shows it to him.
He gives her a reassuring smile.
“Hey… it’ll take more than just a bunch of cultists, monsters and a frickin’ lake ghost to defeat Tomoichi Sato. Plus, I got a pretty awesome scar from it.” - he says, pointing to the cut on his neck, now completely healed.
She laughs loudly to his stupid smirk. It's cheesy, but he would hear her laughter for all eternity and never get tired of it.
Oh god, when did he start becoming so sappy?
“I see that you have finally admitted that you’re a badass.”
“Yeah… thanks to my badass girlfriend.” - he leans in and kisses her so sweetly the girl feels like melting.
“Hmm, is this how we are going to be called now? A couple of badasses?”
“I like it.” - his thumb runs along her soft lips. - “I love you.” - he murmurs and
Julia opens up a grin so wide and radiant that leaves the boy breathless. He’s always breathless around her, actually.
“I love you too, Tom.” - she pulls him to her, their lips meeting again easily. The kiss gets heated and they both frantically take off their clothes, not wanting to lose any other second.
Tom gasps slightly when the girl takes off her bra, throwing it away somewhere in the small apartment.
“What?” - she asks when she notices her paralysed boyfriend in front of her.
“Jeez, you’re so…” - he murmurs, his cheeks getting redder and redder as he drinks on the sight of her.
“You know you’re allowed to touch me, right?” - a playful smirk dances on her lips as she rests on her elbows.
His shy and warm hands find her breasts, that are just the perfect size. They’re soft and highly sensitive as the boy notices, as her breath quickens and her nipples get instantly hard by his touch.
He leans in and a shiver travels through her body as Tom leaves kisses on her neck, making the heat between her legs radiate even more. She gently takes one of his hands and moves it lower and lower on her body…
“Oh god…” - he murmurs as he feels her heat, wetness and tightness around his fingers. She moans his name as she shows him how to touch and caress her.
He watches in amusement as color fills her cheeks, her breath quickening and her body tensing, as he slightly speeds up the massage on her sensitive nub.
“Do you like this…?” - he asks and all she can do is answer with unintelligible whimpers, trembling under his touch, her hips following his movements, her hands gripping tightly on the bed sheets beneath her.
“Y-yeah…” - she whimpers, her dark shining eyes finding his. - “I want you, Tom… Now.” - she practically orders.
“Not yet…” - he murmurs back, sliding another finger inside, stretching her and intensifying his massage until her body is shaking and she has to cling onto him, moaning deliriously into his ear. He loves knowing that he's capable of doing it to her. And just with his hand! - "Are you okay?" - he asks when she burst out in giggles.
"Yeah… I'm sorry, I know I can be a bit… loud." - Julia says, feeling that tingling sensation all over her body, while she recovers from her orgasm.
"Don't apologise. I love hearing you." - her boyfriend pecks her forehead. - "It's sexy."
"Yeah?" - she asks. not so sure about it. - "I sound like a pig for slaughter." - he laughs loudly.
"A sexy pig, then? Jeez, this sounds so wrong." - it's her turn to laugh.
"Hey… how about we stop with this super awkward chat and go back to what we were doing?" - she suggests, burying her hands on his hair, and pulling him closer.
The boy smirks at her.
"Great idea."
They resume kissing until they both feel the air around them hot and heavy again. Tom quickly finds a condom in his bedside table drawer and Julia helps him put it on, before laying on her back again as he positions himself between her legs.
The both moan when he finally enters her. He brings his hips closer against hers, filling her wholly, watching the girl bite her own lip to prevent her from screaming. After they both have adjusted to the sensation of their bodies connected, he starts moving, too torturously slowly for her.
“Faster, Tom…” - she orders, her legs lacing tighter around his hips.
He obeys, thrusting faster in her, going harder and deeper, his erratic movements making her moan louder and louder, practically crying out his name, and him whimper.
But before they both lose their minds, he moves slower again, watching how her body responds to his.
Now that they’re finally alone and in private, they can take their time not worrying about anything else, but just focusing on one another, their hands roaming up and down, exploring each other’s body, experimenting different paces, learning about what brings the most pleasure to each and both of them.
“Tom…” - there’s something about the way that she calls his name that drives him crazy and he can’t help but move his hips faster, making the girl gasp in pleasure beneath him, until her body is twitching underneath him, her nails digging on the skin of his back and her walls tightening around him, making him moan into her ear, bringing her even closer to the edge.
And then, waves of pleasure overcomes them both.
Julia slowly opens her eyes, with Tom still on top of her, a layer of sweat all over their bodies, their breath and heartbeat slowing down.
“Not going to lie… I like when you take the lead.” - she winks at him, who lets out a chuckle.
“I thought I was going to faint.” - he murmurs, rolling to her side on the bed, his arms still around her, hugging her tightly.
“Me too.” - a lazy smile dances on her lips. - “You know, I really like your hair like this.”
“Like a mess?” - she laughs heartily.
“Yeah.” - she kisses him softly and they shuffle in the bed, laying on a more comfortable position, with Tom on his back and Julia nestled to his chest, drawing circles on his bare skin, one of his arms around her shoulders. - “What time is it?”
“I have no idea.” - he reaches out to his phone. - “Don’t worry, we still got time.”
“For another round?” - she asks mischievously and he laughs loudly, the sound of his laughter reverberating through his body.
“Jeez, don’t you ever get tired?”
“Of you? Never.”
“You’re so cheesy, Julia.”
“Didn’t you know that this is my middle name?” - he laughs again.
“God, I’ll miss you so much. I wish you could come with me.”
“That’s not a good idea. Can you imagine if I met your parents? What would I say? ‘Uh, hi, I’m the one who took your son’s virginity’.” - Tom blushes but can’t hold back a laughter. - “That would be just terrible and your mom would hate my guts forever.”
“Yeah, that would be awkward.” - he agrees. She bends over him, her face just inches from his.
“...But I’ll come over to visit you at your dorm in college. So often you’ll get sick of seeing my face.”
“That’s not gonna happen.”
“Why? Because we literally will live on opposite sides of the country, so it’ll be practically impossible to see you as much as I’d like to? Or because you would never get tired of my pretty face?”
“Both.” - she grins widely and pecks on his lips.
“Good answer. And you better do the same, sir. Come visit me in Hartfeld, I mean. I can’t believe you never went to a rock show before! We’re so doing it when you come to see me.”
Tom smiles as he watches the girl he loves making plans for both of them, his hand playing with the ends of her short hair.
“I will. I promise.”
“Wherever we go, we’ll find a way to see each other, right?”
His smile broadens.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Tagging @littlecrookedheart @pixelburied @mysticgayralsei @breaumonts @christopher-powell @madhattterusagi @noahpologiste @samira-yazdi @mysteli @indiacater @indescribablechoices @emomoustache @choices-fanatic @edgydepressedchoicesthot @violarobics @withoutanyconfidence @tiz-rex @priya-trash @alicegma @thequeenchoices @srta-give-me-my-jax-rl
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The Laws of Love Part two
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Part One 
Summary: Dean and the reader begin to adjust to the changes in their lives and get more comfortable with each other
Date: June,3.2018
Paring: Dean x Reader 
Warnings:smut, language,NSFW GIFs below, some fluff
Tags: @sammysgirl1997
Word Count: 3,492
Authors Note: I am so sorry it has taken me over a year to make the second part to this but life has been crazy foe me, but I’m back now and hope to write a lot more 
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You woke up that morning to an empty bed thinking that Dean must thought the whole thing was a big mistake and left in the middle of the night you decide to just go along and act like nothing happened Monday. But when you heard the sound of something being dropped in the kitchen you knew he must still be here. Slipping on Dean’s discarded shirt from the night before you made your way to greet him   
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Sneaking up behind him as he makes coffee you begin trailing kisses along his neck, earning a deep moan from him as he turns around connecting his lips to yours. “Hmm I could get used to this, and you in my shirt is just the icing on the cake” Dean said once he pulled back from the kiss to fully look at you
“Oh? Does that mean you’re already planing to spend more nights over?” You ask as you continue to nuzzle his neck “ You should see how I had planed to wake you up” you add
“Sweetheart I’d move in tonight if you asked me,I want to fall asleep next to you every night and wake up next to you every morning, I’ll stay here as much as you want me to.”  Dean responds looking deep into your eyes 
“Dean I do want that but this is a big change for us, we need to give it a little time before we make any more big decisions. How about we give it a month and then see if you still feel that way? In the meantime you are always welcome here anytime you want “ you reason 
“ That sounds like a good plan, and if you want you can stay at my place too, I mean it’s not as nice as yours but I still call it home” Dean offers 
“Oh I’m sure I’ll be over quite a bit” you say with a wink “ Now how about I make us some breakfast and then we can figure out what to do for the day?” you suggest 
 “ My place is just a few blocks from here so I think I’m going to run and get some clothes if were going to go out, all I have with me is my tux.” he says with a chuckle “ That being said I’m afraid I’m going to need that shirt back” he adds. motioning at your chest 
“Oh really now, well how about you just come over here and get it yourself if you need it that badly.” you say while playing with the hem of his shirt
A growl escapes from him as he stalks forward, pressing a hungry kiss to your lips, lifting you onto the counter top he begins unbuttoning your/his shirt kissing the skin as it’s revealed. Continuing his path he massages each of your breasts before sucking a nipple into his mouth, you arch into him and tug softly at his hair as his actions send sparks of electricity through your body. Pulling him off of you, you slide off the counter and sink to your knees as you pull his length from his boxers, the head is purple and glistening with pre-cum, you slowly drag your tongue up the shaft before sucking him fully into your mouth. 
“Hmmm, fuck... you’re to good at this,I’m not going to last.” he groans out  Lifting you up he kisses you once more before turning you around and bending you over, he kisses along your neck as he rubbes two fingers over your folds before adding pleasure to your clit, causing you to moan and your knees to buckle under you, Dean’s arm under your hips and the support of the counter was the only things keeping you upright.
“Dean please. I need you, don’t make me wait any longer” you beg Dean removes his fingers and you whine at the loss of his touch but that quickly changes into a moan as he lines up and slowly pushes into you. He stays slow for a few minutes until he’s sure you’re ready for him to speed things up
He switches from holding your hips to squeezing your breasts as he rams into you from behind, the angle making each thrust hit your g-spot perfectly you weren’t going to last much longer and by the grunts coming from Dean you didn’t think he would either, His pace began to falter and hid left hand dropped to your clit again, before you could give him a warning your walls clamped down on his length causing Dean to fall over that edge too. His thrusts slow as he rides you both through your highs before collapsing against your back the feel of his hot breath on your neck makes you clench around him once more and you can hear as he winces before pulling out. Helping you to stand up straight and still trying to catch his breath he just breathes out a simple “wow”
You take his shirt off the rest of the way and fold it neatly before handing it to him “Here I had better give this back now or else we’ll never get anywhere today, not that I’d have a problem with that but I’m sure you want fresh clothes” you say as you grab the hoodie of one of the bar stools after noticing how cold you are without Dean’s warmth draped over you  “ Go get clothes and whatever else you need and if you want bring something extra and stay the night that’s welcomed but I’ll leave it up to you.I’ll have breakfast ready when you get back.” you say as you give him one last kiss before letting him go put his tux back on
Dean’s POV
Back at my place already feels a little weird like it’s less home than it was before, it’s probably just from spending the night somewhere else I reason. After taking a quick shower I debate on Y/Ns offer to stay the night “ Does she really want me to or is she just saying it because it’s what she thinks she should? If I do stay should I take stuff just for the night and morning or should I take some stuff and leave there?” 
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 There’s so many thoughts running through my head on this simple thing,I decide to just pack a bag for morning and see how it goes     
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Back at Y/Ns I find the door unlocked so I walk in without knocking, I see a plate on the counter left out for me, siting my bag down I head through the hallway to look for her. Opening the bedroom door I see her sleeping, carefully I slid into bed behind her and pull her close, her hair is damp and smells like fresh peaches so she must have just taken a shower. As I lay there beside her I feel at peace and like a part of me that has been missing is now filled, it’s relaxing to just lay here with her and soon her soft snores begin to lull me to sleep.
I woke up an hour or so later to find her just laying there staring at me with a smile gracing her face 
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“ I didn’t know you got back already.” she says softly “ What made you decide to lay down with me?” she adds 
 “Well when I saw you laying here you just looked so peaceful I didn’t want to wake you, and then I got sleepy myself and here we are. You didn’t have to make breakfast if you were this tired you know” I respond 
“ Yeah I know but I said I’d make it and I wanted to, and I wasn’t really tired till after my shower, showers and sex always make me really sleepy”  she says with a giggle 
“ So does that mean future shower sex is out of the question?” I joke in return 
“ Well I think I could handle it  but we’ll probably need to nap after. So any ideas on what you’d like to go do today?” she asks
“ I’m up for anything honestly” I answer
“ Well we could rent a movie and grab a pizza, or go get some supper and then take a walk, or maybe go to the lake with a lunch, or if you have ideas I’m up for it.” she suggests
“ How about we take a walk and the do pizza and a movie?” I compromise 
“Ok I’ll go get dressed and then we can go.” she says as she starts to get out of bed 
“ If I would have said to just stay here for the day would you still have gotten dressed? Because I’m really enjoying the whole no clothes thing.”  I say with a smirk as I grab her hand to stop her from getting up. She sits back on the bed giving me a kiss before answering “ Oh Dean,you’re cute but I have to put on clothes at some point”  she laughs and gets up moving to the dresser.
Once she’s done we head out to the park for a slow walk in a park close by, I carefully reach for her hand and wrap my fingers around hers, she doesn’t make an attempt to pull away, rather she squeezes my hand in hers. We walk along in silence for awhile before I feel my stomach start to growl, remembering that I didn’t eat breakfast I suggest stopping to grab a bite to eat as we walk. We end up just grabbing a pretzel and continue walking, about half an hour later it begins to rain and before long its pouring down on us. 
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I give Y/N my jacket to help keep her warm and dry but with the rain coming down this hard I doubt either of us will stay dry much longer. We race back to her place only to drench the floor as we walk through,we immediately move to the bedroom to change out of the soaked clothes, searching through my bag I get distracted by Y/N changing on the other side of the room, I watch as she puts on some yoga pants and a simple tank-top, making a mental note that she chose not to put on undergarments
.”Dean I’m going to go make some coffee to warm us up while you finish changing,ok?” she asks as she turns around and moves to the door
“Yeah that sounds fine, I’ll be out in a few.” I say as I continue to look through my bag,I put on the sweats i brought and just a plain t-shirt
I just get off the phone with the pizza place as Dean rounds the corner to the kitchen “ I didn’t know what kind you like so I got us a meat-lovers and a veggie, they’ll be here in 20, and I know we were going to stop and get  a movie but with the rain I forgot all about it. Is netflix good enough?”  I ask
“ That sounds like a wonderful plan, are we going to eat in the living-room or just lounge around in bed?” he asks in return
“ Either one works for me but the tv in my bedroom is bigger” I say
“ Bedroom it is then. If you want to go get the movie ready I’ll wait for the food.” he says kissing my forehead  
I go into my room and turn on netflix, again I don’t know what things Dean likes so I just decide to let him pick. While I’m waiting I move to the closet to get things ready to head back to work tomorrow, the only thing that makes me not dread going back to work is knowing Dean will still be there with me, I know this is going to be an adjustment for us and I don’t know yet if we’ll have it be a secret for awhile or if we’re going to be open about it. That’s just something we’ll have to talk about before we sleep. 
Dean enters the room with the pizzas effectively pulling me from me thoughts. “Pizza’s here, I didn’t know where the dishes were though so I just brought napkins. I hope that’s ok?” he asks 
“ That’s perfectly fine, at least I won’t have to wash any dishes after.” you laugh taking the boxes from him to set them on the foot of the bed, handing him the remote you let him choose. Dean picks some western and it’s not something you’d pick but what you watch doesn’t really matter to you. 
Between you both you managed to put away a whole pizza by the end of the first half of the movie, you put the leftovers away while Dean stays watching the movie. 
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When you return you set quietly at the door just watching Dean, he laughs at something that happened in the movie but you’re to distracted by watching him that you don’t even know what’s going on. Dean looks over and sees you standing there and just extends his hand to you asking you to join him. Setting back in your place on the bed Dean leans over and lays his head in your lap, you start carding your fingers through his hair and you hear a small almost purr like moan escape from him and you smile to yourself, loving the effect you have on him.
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It’s not long before the movie ends and Dean is fast asleep on your lap, he looks so peaceful that you don’t want to wake him but you can’t sleep just yet. Picking up the remote you turn on psych reruns and continue playing with his hair and softly rubbing his back, his snores become louder as he falls into a deeper sleep and you realize you never got to talk over how you’ll work.. well work. You sigh and make a mental note to ask him in the morning. Soon sleep overcomes you as well and while you aren’t totally comfortable and you know your neck and back will pay for this in the morning you’re loving having him in your arms like this. 
You wake up at some point with Dean’s lips against your neck and his thumb playing with one of your nipples causing you to moan and arch into his touch. “De, baby what time is it?” you gasp 
“A little after 5:00.” he says as he replaces his thumb with his lips and moves his hand inside your yoga pants  
“Not that I’m complaining, but brought this on so early?” you ask 
“ Well I woke you but you moaning and pulling my hair so I just felt that is was fair that I wake you in a like fashion.” he answers before returning his attention back to your breast  
“Oh god babe I’m so sorry, I promise I didn’t mean to.”you say lifting his face back up to meet yours but not stopping the movements of his hand
“ Oh please don’t apologize, that’s on my list of best ways to wake up.” he responds 
“ So you have a list of ways you want to be woken up? I’d like that list on my desk by lunch please.” you say as you start kissing his neck, only to be interrupted when your alarm clock goes off “Ugh why now?!” you whine
“ You get up at 5:30 every morning?” Dean asks
“Yeah I’m sorry, I have to shower and I need breakfast and then I have to get ready.” you answer as you move to get up but he pulls you back into his arms 
“Is there any part of that you could skip for today?” he asks with pleading eyes 
“I’m sorry baby but I can’t, if I skipped any I would end up going to work actualy looking like I spent the weekend fucking and even though that’s exactly what we did I have to look professional” you say apologetically
“Then how about I help you shower so we save time.” he says with a smirk 
“Uhh Dean that’s not fair, I want that so badly but I only have time for a 10 minute shower and I know we’d be in there way longer than that.” you reason
“Alright I give, you win. Go do what you need and I’ll be ready by the time you are.” he says disappointed but understanding
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“ I’m sorry Dean, how about I take you to lunch to help make up for it?” you offer
“ Well either way I’m sure we’d have lunch together.” he says before adding” But go, you’re losing time and we both need to get going”
Moving to the bathroom you glance in the mirror,before getting into the shower. Only to notice the rather large and prominent love bites covering your neck 
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“Dean!! Can you come here really quick?” you yell out 
Dean rounds the corner  with a grin still in the middle of getting dressed  thinking that you changed your mind about the shower 
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“ Yes, what d...” he stops short when he sees the less than exited look on your face  “ Oh ,that.” he says with an awkward smile almost cute-ing himself out the problem he seems to have caused 
“Yeah, that. Dean I don’t mind marks but we both have to work. What if I had to be in court today? Do you think anyone would take me seriously with your lip prints all over my neck?” you question and he just looks down in shame “Dean look at me.” you say moving his face to look at you “ You didn’t do anything wrong, we just need to be careful about things like this. At that same time maybe this will shut cas up once and for all.” you chuckle  “ I need to ask you something too, how would you like to handle this at work? Do you want to tell people right off the bat or just wait and let them find out slowly?” you question 
“ I say let them find out slowly, with the exception of Sam of course, as long as you’re good with that too.” he answers . With a nod of your head and a quick peck to his lips you turn around to finally take your shower
Once at the office you both settle back into things as usual, except for the teasing you both do to each other throughout the day. When telling you your schedule for the day instead of sitting in his usual chair he sits on your desk with his knee brushing your thigh, when bringing your coffee you let your fingers linger with his longer that needed, you make sure that in moments when he needs to come in your office you’re bent over or pressing up your cleavage.
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By lunch time you both can hardly keep your hands to yourselves any longer and you’re glad when Dean mentions ordering lunch in and not going out for it, the food gets eaten rather quickly and that leaves you both with plenty of time alone since most everyone goes out for lunch. With a sinful look in your eye you call Dean over to you with a curl of your finger “Dean I have an idea, since I unfortunately messed up your plans for this morning I’d like to make it up to you.” you say as you pull him close by his belt “ If you’re ok with that?” you add
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“Oh I am more than ok with that, as long as I get to return the favor” he says, you just wink as you continue to unhook his belt and lower his dress pants enough for you to pull out his already hardening cock, you pump him in your hands a few times before he’s hard enough for you to take in your mouth. You lick over the tip and wrap your lips around it, sucking softly before moving to run your tongue from the base of his shaft back to the tip and down again,taking him fully into your mouth, you repeat the process a few times and it’s not long before you have him moaning and whimpering above you. You feel him start to twitch as he tries to pull away, mumbling something about to close,  but you pull him closer and take him deeper swallowing around him a couple times before he finds his release. You help him through his orgasm swallowing down every drop you can before he’s so sensitive he has to pull away.
“Damn baby I was trying to wait so I could take care of you but I’m not complaining, that was amazing.”he breathes out “ But now it’s your turn” he adds with a devilish grin 
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star-maiden-fufu · 7 years
[FanFic] The Sailor and the Mermaid ch5
Summary: Mermaids were nothing more than fairytales, they weren’t real. Yet You finds herself questioning that thinking when she meets an actual mermaid, one that saved her life no less. ChikaYou Mermaid AU
Rating: T (Minor instance or almost swear in ch1 and now an actual swear in ch4)
Word count: 5,014 words
Characters: Watanabe You (sailor), Takami Chika (mermaid), Matsuura Kanan, Ohara Mari
Pairings: ChikaYou
Notes: I am super sorry for the wait on this chapter, I really am. ;3; There’s lots of reasons why this chapter is so late, but it’s fine now, its here! No need to worry anymore! If you really want specifics, as lazy as this sounds, I did elaborate more on the reasons in the A/Ns for both the FFNet and Ao3 versions of this chapter. In the mean time though, let’s just dive in, and also hope the next chapter doesn’t take as long. Hope you enjoy! Concrit is appreciated~
External Links: FFnet, Ao3
“Hey, Kanan?” The girl in question looked up from sorting through some stock to see You peeking into the shop. Upon being acknowledged, You continued, “Can I ask you a couple things?”
“Sure. What is it?” Kanan asked, turning back to her work. You shuffled into the shop, closing the door behind her as she did, then stood off to the side so she didn’t get in Kanan’s way should her stock taking go mobile.
“Well, I’d kinda like to ask a favour first,” she said, watching her friend work. Kanan paused briefly to look over her shoulder at You, a single eyebrow raised in curiosity, before she turned back to the shelf she was looking into, humming, “Uh huh.”
“I’d kinda like to go for a swim tomorrow, but father would probably freak given, y’know, recent stuff,” You started, though she paused before continuing as Kanan finally stood up, a box of supplies in her hands and a judgingly curious expression on her face, that one eyebrow still arched.
“Are you sure you’re up for that? That “recent stuff” happened yesterday,” the other girl pointed out, striding across the shop to where more boxes similar to the one she carried were stacked. You pouted, folding her arms as she replied, “Yeah, I know, it's only been a day, but I feel fine. And I'd take it easy anyway.”
“Alright then,” Kanan said, grunting slightly from the effort as she raised the box and placed it atop one of the stacks. When she turned back to You, she was frowning as she added, “But if you're expecting me to go with you, I really can't. I'm working tomorrow.”
“No, no, I know that. That's not what my favour is,” You stammered slightly, taking a quick breath in to calm herself before she then said, “I was actually kinda hoping I could tell my dad I was going with you. Even if I'm not actually.”
Kanan’s eyebrow arched again. “You want me to be your alibi? Why?” You pressed her lips together, worry stirring within her that Kanan would reject her request and she'd be left to either abandon her plans or sneak off anyway and risk making her father worry about her again - and maybe lose a little bit of the trust he had in her.
“It's literally just what I said; I just want to go for a swim, but father probably wouldn't let me-”
“He might if one of his crew goes with you,” Kanan interrupted, striding across the shop and past the counter to where the strong scent of fish came from, as she picked up one of the large wooden boxes and brought it to the counter.
You bit back a groan of frustration as she said, “I know, but I kinda just want to go alone. Besides, I can't let the crew baby me. For a start, I don't need to be babied, no matter what recent accidents I've gotten into,” - okay, so maybe some of her frustration leaked into that sentence there - “and second, they're still working on restocking our supplies. I can't take manpower away from that.”
Kanan paused, her fingers fiddling with the edge of the paperwork she’d pulled out, giving You a careful look, making her squirm slightly at the scrutinisation. Feeling like she needed one extra push, You gave her friend a desperate pout, and said with a pleading tone, “Please Kanan. Please!” The other girl blinked, caught off by the sudden begging. She shifted, eyes darting away; she looked slightly unnerved by the act, but also like she was thinking over her decision. You shuffled nervously on the spot as well.
‘Please, please please…’
Finally, Kanan sighed. “Alright fine. If he comes and asks, I'll say you're with me. Something like you wanted to try diving, or that you wanted to help me out as a thanks for yesterday, or something.” You gasped before diving behind the counter and grabbing her friend in a hug as she cheered into Kanan’s chest, “Thank you! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!”
“Hey, hey, okay, I get it,” Kanan giggled, amused by You’s reaction despite initially being caught off guard by the sudden hug. “I hope you have fun then. And stay near the island. Don't need you getting swept off by the currents and getting lost again.” You nodded, her head still buried into Kanan’s chest.
“Right, now that that’s done,” Kanan said, chuckling as she pushed a still smiling You off of herself, “what was the second thing you wanted to talk to me about?”
You’s smile fell then, replaced with a confused frown. “Huh?” Kanan shook her head, still looking amused as she pulled a notebook out from a lower shelf of the counter, saying all the while, “You came in here saying you had two things you wanted to ask me, and we just dealt with one of them. So what's the other thing?”
You remembered quickly what the second thing was, and she paled. She gulped as her mind darted back to earlier that same day; the encounter she’d had with her father, or more importantly, the encounter he didn't have with the acquaintance You had been talking with at the time.
Kanan, noticing You’s hesitance yet mistaking it for forgetfulness, rolled her eyes and closed the notebook, having just scribbled some quick notes into it. “Well, take your time thinking on it. I'll be busy here the rest of the day, so just let me know whenever you remember,” she said, turning back to the paperwork she’d been mulling over. You shuffled on the spot, the words caught on her tongue. She was about to ask her friend something crazy, and she had no idea if Kanan was going to humour her question, or think her suffering from some sort of residual concussion from the previous day. And if it were the latter, would she question her further, or would she turn You over to her father instantly, telling him she still needed rest?
Well, no way to find out except ask.
“No, I remember what I wanted to ask,” You started, slowly, “I just don't really know… how to say it.” You paused. The scratching of Kanan’s pencil paused, though when the girl turned her head, she tried to act as though she were merely looking at the fish stored in the box. However, You could see her friend’s eyes glancing quickly in her direction.
“Okay, so, this might sound like a super weird question, like, I get that, but…” You stopped again; this time Kanan turned to face You. Feeling the pressure growing, particularly given the shared enclosed space, You decided instead to go about her question in a roundabout way; wandering out from behind the counter and moseying over toward the fish boxes, she looked them over like she were contemplating the catches, and she asked, “Have you ever seen things while you were out diving? Or by the water in general?”
Kanan’s eyebrow arched as she frowned, confused. “Like something other than fish? Or ships? I've never seen pirates if that’s-” You shook her head sharply, cutting Kanan off. She turned back to her friend.
“I don't mean pirates. Okay, so maybe nothing above water. Things underwater, I mean, like…” You gulped again. ‘Well, better just say it.’
You sighed, “You’ve never seen anything like...mermaids, maybe?” Kanan still looked confused, however, concern also flitted across her face.
“You, are you-” You quickly interrupted, saying, “I’m not suffering from any lingering headaches or whatever from yesterday, I'm fine! I'm just curious, I swear.” Okay, that wasn't going to be enough of an explanation. “I...I think I might've seen something earlier today. Maybe it's a little silly of me to assume “Mermaid! Fairytale creature!” from a brief look but...I was just wondering.”
Kanan’s skeptical look didn't falter. If anything, she seemed to regard You even closer. Yet when she finally spoke next, her response simply confused the girl. “You, you haven't spent any time with Mari at all while you've been here, have you?”
“Mari?” Upon seeing You’s puzzled expression, Kanan gestured for You to follow her; once they were outside the shop - and the door locked to protect from any malicious snoopers - Kanan walked down the street in the direction of the docks until she stopped by an intersection, where she then nodded down the new street. At the end of the long road, beyond a path of trees, You could just about make out a set of iron wrought gates.
“Mari Ohara. Her and her family are based here. She's a nice enough girl, but to be honest, her head’s sort of in the clouds.” You almost missed Kanan’s explanation of the girl, having zoned in on her name.
The Oharas were one of the largest trading focused companies on the seas, hiring more sailors and suppliers every season, as well as trying to snatch up as many independent traders as they could, including You’s own father. You couldn't even count the amount of times representatives had shown up at her house, trying to convince the man to work for them, though he turned them down every time.
He insisted it was a matter of personal pride and integrity, and that the Watanabes had been independant sailors for many generations and that wasn’t about to change anytime soon.
And when their ship had first pulled into Uchiura, You remembered the hard look he’d thrown toward the large, stately house - not quite a mansion given the island’s size, yet still impressively large - situated on the Eastern edge of the island from the docks. His simple order to her was to ignore and avoid the place, and anyone that appeared to be from there. Kanan pointing it out was the first time You had acknowledged the place during her time in Uchiura.
“Uh, no,” You finally said, turning back to her friend, “I haven't met her. What do you mean she's got her head in the clouds?” Kanan gestured for You to follow her back to the shop, saying as they went, “Like I said, she's nice enough for a rich kid, but she talks a lot about seeing things, creatures from stories and such. She insists that they’re there and we all just choose to ignore them.” You couldn't help but arch an eyebrow at the description, finding such a thing hard to believe, though at the same time, a small voice in her head piped up, readily calling her a hypocrite given recent events.
“I see,” she mumbled as the duo re-entered the shop, Kanan propping herself against the counter and focusing entirely on You as opposed to returning to her work. The young woman was still frowning as she regarded her friend, and an uncomfortable silence seemed to grow between them.
You found herself fidgeting with the edge of her shirt, eying up the displays on the wall showcasing drawn images of the shop’s wares alongside prices and other details, anything to avoid her friend’s questioning gaze. She wanted to say something, if only to break the silence, yet she didn't know what else she could say, especially given what had already been discussed. Fortunately, Kanan finally broke the silence, her face unreadable and her eyes still steadily staring at You.
“Well, I can't say I'm not worried about you after what you’ve just asked me, plus you nearly drowning,” Kanan said, ignoring the pout on You’s face at once again being reminded of that incident as she continued, “and I'd rather avoid sending you anywhere near Mari - though more cos of what your father thinks of the family and their business than cos I think she'd do or say anything bad to you, I promise.” You blinked.
Her friend shook her head and sighed. “You say you're just curious? Then Mari might be able to give you answers, though I don't know if they'll actually help. She usually wanders round the market early in the mornings before she goes home. After that she tends to stay there the rest of the day aside from any sudden trips to the village. So if you definitely want to meet with her, then that’s your best bet. Just be careful, though.”
You’s first impression of Mari Ohara was that of a cheerful young woman. The young blonde, dressed in fancy floaty fabrics and a wide brimmed hat, flitted from shop to shop, perusing the stock before buying at least one thing from each store. You wasn't sure if it was because she actually wanted what she was buying, if she would find a use for it, or was simply shopping for the sake of shopping. She also seemed to be fairly well liked; many passing villagers returned her “hellos” or “good mornings” or at least her smiles.
Though You couldn't be certain if that was because the people genuinely liked the girl, or if they liked her money, as she spied Mari giving a very generous tip to a storekeeper after purchasing her goods, with said storekeeper seeing her off with an overly enthusiastic wave.
You snapped out of her musing as she saw the woman come her way. She prepared herself with a deep breath, then stepped forward into Mari’s path, saying, “Excuse me, Miss Ohara?” Mari stopped, noticing You and giving her a curious hum as a greeting, accompanied by another wide smile.
“Uh, hello, miss, I-”
“I’m sorry, but please,” Mari interrupted, waving a hand nonchalantly, “nobody calls me miss except the servants, and even then I've tried to tell them not to. Just Mari is fine!” You blinked, caught off guard by the interruption, before collecting herself quickly and continuing, “Ah, right! Uh, Mari, my name is You Watanabe and I-”
She was broken off by another interruption, this time a loud gasp as Mari said, “Oh, Watanabe! Your father is the one that won't sign on and work with Papa’s company, isn't he?” You winced, taking an almost defensive step back from the girl. Clearly, she was much smarter than her cheerful smile betrayed if she knew that. Maybe this was a bad idea, maybe You was at risk of compromising her father’s business since this girl was clearly involved in her father’s own work as well.
Then Mari laughed, an amused cackle that caught the attention of others around them. “Oh sweetheart, you don't have to look so worried! I'm not interested in Papa’s business if that's what you're thinking. I just pay attention from time to time.” She gave You a sincere smile, adding, “Alright, I won't interrupt anymore. What is it?” Despite Mari’s reassurance, You was already wary, unsure if she really wanted to go on now. After all, Mari could be bluffing.
‘Oh come on, You, don’t be ridiculous. You barely even know this girl aside from what Kanan’s told you. ...But, what if she is involved with her father’s company and she’s just trying to catch me off guard? I mean she already recognised my name, who’s to say she doesn’t pay attention more often?’
When You continued to hesitate, Mari’s smile seemed to falter as she said, “Look, if you don't have anything to say and you're just gonna waste my time, then I'm just gonna go. I have things to do.” As Mari moved to bypass the younger girl, You jumped, moving to stay in Mari’s way as she frantically said, “No, no! Wait, please! I do have something to say, really. Or, I mean, to ask you.” The blonde still wore that same friendly smile, yet her eyes narrowed, whether in suspicious or frustration, You couldn’t tell.
“I’m sorry, really,” You babbled, feeling put on the spot. She glanced around, more aware of the crowd surrounding them, and even more aware of the fact that people were beginning to stare. She wasn’t sure if it was because of the commotion she herself had caused or her company. Gulping down as much of her growing nerves as she could, she asked, “Actually, the thing I want to ask you… could we go somewhere a little more private? Please?”
Mari blinked, looking more curious than confused. A cheeky smile spread on her face as she chuckled, “Okay then. But if this private question turns out to be some sort of confession, I’m gonna have to disappoint you.” Mari instantly started cackling again, as though she had just shared the world’s best joke, though it only drew more attention their way.
You’s face quickly flushed as she hissed under her breath, “It’s not, I promise.” Not really caring if Mari had actually heard her or not as she continued laughing, You grabbed the rich girl’s wrist and started dragging her away. Mari didn’t seem too bothered by the act, simply letting herself be taken off.
You had dragged Mari to the same spot where she’d met Chika the day before; that same lonely mikan tree on the grassy strip of land by the edge of the sea. Mari looked around the area with gleeful fascination.
“Oh~! This is such a lovely view!” the young woman gasped exuberantly, lifting the many layers of her skirt with an exaggerated flourish before she sat herself at the foot of the tree. She glanced back at You, her lips curled into a coy smile.
“Are you sure you aren’t going to confess to me? I might actually be tempted now~.” You shook her head, though despite her nerves at the inevitable question she wanted to ask the girl, she found herself smiling back. Mari’s enthusiasm was quite infectious.
“No, this isn’t anything like that,” she said, sitting next to the girl, returning her shopping bag to her as well; at some point during the brief trip, Mari had simply handed the bag to You and took the lead, despite the location being You’s idea.
Mari pouted, though there was no real sadness in her expression. “Well, that’s a shame,” she sighed. The smile quickly returned to her face though as she asked, “Alright, so now that we’re here - somewhere private, like you wanted - what is it you wanted ask me?” You’s smile wavered, though she didn’t let it fall. Even if Mari was the best source of information she had - according to Kanan at least - You still had to be careful with her questioning.
“Well, to be honest,” You started, shifting where she sat, “the thing I want to ask you might be a little unorthodox. But I’ve also heard that you might know best about this sort of thing. Not maliciously, of course!” she quickly added, aware that saying she’d effectively heard rumours about the other girl could easily put Mari off helping her.
Though when she spared a glance at the other girl, Mari simply looked curious, still anticipating whatever questions You had for her. Seeing that as a good sign, You continued, “So, even if this might be a little hard to ask - trust me, I know this is gonna sound weird - and I don’t know if you’ll actually believe what I’m asking you…” She paused, watching Mari’s expression carefully; still curious.
She finally decided to say it, albeit hesitantly, “I was wondering… I mean, I’ve heard… you believe in things that might not be there? Or I guess they might be?” You couldn’t exactly ignore the way Mari’s smile curled up further with amusement, or the way she seemed to lean in a little bit closer. The girl then purred, “Like what? You’ll have to be a little more specific or I won’t be able to help you.”
Well, she wasn’t implying that she couldn’t help You, which was a good sign, unless Mari was simply toying with her.
“Like… fairies and such. Magic beings,” You said, almost a little too quietly, “Fairytale creatures.”
Mari’s smile softened. “And what makes you think they’re not there?”
You blinked, caught off by the question. Mari sat up straight again, You doing likewise - honestly, she wasn’t even aware that she’d leant back herself when Mari had drawn closer. The other girl looked out to the horizon, leaning forward and resting her head in her hand.
“Y’know,” she began, a light hum to her words that fit the gentle smile she now wore, “our world is so vast. There’s so much to see out there. I’m sure you know that yourself, being able to actually travel. But even then, you could easily miss so much so close to yourself just because you insist it isn’t there.” At that, she turned back to You, yet there was no real accusatory tone to her voice or expression; instead, she looked almost forlorn at the thought.
“People seem to think, “ Mari continued, not waiting for You to pipe up, not that the girl had any words to add, she was still curious about what Mari had to say, “that because we get older, we lose the ability to see all the magic around us. But what if it’s not that; what if we could still see things like fairies and dwarves and unicorns - all things we say are just in little kids’ imaginations - but because we’ve convinced ourselves that we shouldn’t believe in them because we’re getting older, then we really do stop seeing them?”
The girl then chuckled lightly, giving You a wider smile. “Am I sounding silly right now? A big girl like me talking about unicorns so seriously. Believe it or not, I’ve never asked Papa to give me a unicorn, not even when I was a little kid!” Despite the slightly off-topic remark plus Mari’s attempt to alleviate the air after her rather sombre monologue, You shook her head in response.
“No, it’s fine. To be honest, it’s that sort of stuff that I’m curious about. Maybe I’m even a little worried about it but…” Just as You’s head began to tilt down, Mari tapped under her chin, catching You by surprise and making her look up again at the other girl. Mari gave her an encouraging smile and said, “How about you start at the beginning.”
You didn’t answer immediately, instead watching Mari carefully. Yet the girl didn’t betray anything other than genuine intrigue and support for the young sailor. Feeling like she could trust Mari with the truth, yet still wanting that extra reassurance, You asked her, “So if you’ve met creatures like that already, have you ever met a mermaid before?”
“Mermaids?” Mari let out a hum as she thought on it, before shaking her head, an apologetic look on her face as she said, “I don’t think I have, sorry. But then again, they do live in the water, and I don’t leave the grounds often. For my own safety, Papa insists, plus I've never actually had much reason to go anywhere near the shore.” She paused then asked, “So, I take it your problem has to do with a mermaid then?”
You nodded, and thus proceeded to tell Mari about Chika, right from her first saving You after she almost drowned - along with a brief side track as she reassured Mari, just like she reassured everyone else, that she was fine! - to them meeting again the previous day.
“But the biggest thing, and… to be honest, the reason why I wanted to see you, was when my father showed up. He didn’t even notice Chika was there. And not just like, he acknowledged her but didn’t talk to her; he outright said it looked like I was alone.”
Mari tapped a finger against her chin as she thought, her eyes looking vacantly out to sea. “So, I’m guessing you’re more worried about what this means for you. Because you’re supposed to be a big girl, all grown up now. You’ve left the nursery rhymes and bedtime stories long behind, right?” Her lips curled into another teasing smirk as she elaborated the situation. You couldn’t help but bristle at Mari’s tone, but she nodded nonetheless, for really, that was exactly it.
Mari’s smile widened at the confirmation, yet aside from her eyes lighting up, the coyness had left her face. “So what does it matter?”
You blinked. “Huh?”
“What does it matter?” Mari repeated, throwing her arms out wide - forcing You to lean back sharply to avoid being hit, although the tree was hit in the process, which caused the leaves to rustle at the disturbance - “You’re saying that you shouldn’t believe in mermaids cos you’re all grown up, but does it really matter if you’re seeing one now? You’ve just told me that you had all that internal fuss over her being real, and then you decided that didn’t matter in the end. So why does this matter now?”
A “but” clung to the tip of You’s tongue, eager to burst out, but she bit it back as there was no argument to follow after it. Mari had a point, but You still felt like she had some issue at hand with her being able to see something which no-one else could.
Nevertheless, Mari continued, “And it’s like I said earlier; people give up on seeing the magic of the world around them because they think they shouldn’t be able to see it. Just because we grow up. But isn’t that just boring? Surely we can grow up and be all mature and responsible without having to be so dull, right?”
Mari had a point. As much as You wanted to argue for her sanity’s sake, she couldn’t deny Mari’s words.
“It doesn’t really matter in the end,” she muttered, mostly to herself. Mari nodded.
“I get that this probably still bothers you,” Mari said, placing a comforting hand on You’s shoulder, “and it’ll take time to really get used to the idea that you can see things others can’t, and that you’re not really “growing up” like people expect you to. But really, I think this just makes things all the more exciting for you. You have so much more of the world open to you! Think of how much more you’ll be able to see! I'm sure for someone that likes to travel to places unseen, that just adds to the possibilities, doesn't it?”
You chuckled, caught up in Mari’s enthusiasm yet again. “Can I say now that I’ve only met Chika so far, and I haven't seen any fairies or unicorns yet?” Mari laughed, that same bright cackle from earlier, though now it sounded less intimidating to You.
“Well, maybe only part of the world has opened up to you. But at least it's still something!” Mari’s laughter picked up again, and You found herself laughing along, though less animated than her companion.
Once the two had calmed, they sat in silence, simply appreciating the view and allowing the wind and the crashing waves to fill in for any words. Besides, it gave You a chance to mull over the conversation they'd just shared.
Did it really matter that You could see Chika when she was supposed to be a teenager, aka somebody that had long outgrown such childish stories? Maybe, but then every difficult decision or realisation would always take some getting used to. And, like Mari had said, You had already been through an internal crisis over Chika’s existence; what did it matter if she then just accepted that she could see Chika where others couldn't?
She cast a glance at Mari, who had her eyes closed as she relaxed, the breeze catching her hair. You couldn't help but be somewhat awed by the girl; she was a lot sharper than she made herself out to be. She acted so much like a ditzy rich girl, seeing that side to her was so much more of a surprise. Then again, given the rumours, You had to wonder how much of her animated side was just an act to amuse the masses...
“I should probably get going now,” Mari said, stretching her arms above her head and snapping You from her thoughts, “It's almost noon, and I still have things to do.” Mari stood, dusting off her dress and placing her hat back on her head. Picking her bag up, she turned to You and asked, “You coming?”
“Uh, no, I'll stay here. Me and Chika have plans, so I might as well just wait for her.”
Mari smiled back. “Well, I’ll leave you then. I hope you two have fun. And I hope things turn out okay for you, You.” Then with an overly flourished wave that probably wasn't quite so necessary, the rich girl turned and left, leaving You alone by the mikan tree.
“Is she gone now?”
Or maybe not.
You jumped, turning sharply back to the sea view to find Chika peaking sneakily over the edge of the raised shore. Letting out a sharp breath to hide her surprise, You shifted closer to the mermaid and asked, “How long have you been here?”
Chika raised her head fully into view, revealing her usual cheerful smile as she answered, “I literally just got here. I heard my name though, so I hid. I wanted to hear where things were going, but you'd just finished talking.” You couldn't help but smile back, amused by her friend’s simple explanation.
“Well, we were kinda talking about you, but also not really. It's nothing to worry about though, I promise.”
“Oh, okay then! So!” Chika pulled herself out of the water and perched on the edge of the grass, her tail swishing in the water. “You ready to head off?”
You chuckled, “So quickly? But you just got here.” She reached back toward the tree and pulled a mikan off, handing it to her friend. Chika gasped, taking the fruit with a gleeful nod of appreciation before she began to tear into it eagerly. You chuckled again at the act, leaning back onto her elbows and swinging her legs into the water as she relaxed.
“Let’s sit for now, talk for a bit, and then we’ll go. We have all day after all.”
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feyria · 7 years
Loose cannon
It was the middle of­ the night and he cou­ld barely walk straig­ht- granted he had ju­st downed a whole bot­tle of vodka. He blam­ed it on Mako for thr­owing the celebration­ party in the first p­lace, they had succee­ded in locking Black ­Magic up for good and­ the harpy goddess in­sisted it was the per­fect reason to party ­deep into the night. ­Leon knew he should h­ave declined the invi­tation when he had th­e chance but he just ­figured hey, it'll on­ly be for a little wh­ile right? He would o­nly have maybe one or­ two drinks right? Ab­solutely not; Lycan h­ad challenged him to ­a drink off at Raigek­i's request and he co­uldn't exactly back d­own with everyone wat­ching. Needless to sa­y, he was victorious ­and there was a very ­"sleepy" wolf hanging­ by Rai's side for th­e rest of the party. ­He had left the party­ immediately after th­at before Rai could c­onvince him to do any­thing else crazy. Leo­n stumbles again and ­he places his hand on­ the wall to steady h­imself, it wouldn't d­o him any good if he ­fell over before he c­ould reach his target­. He was more than su­re that he would be a­wake at this hour- th­e man rarely if ever ­slept and it wouldn't­ be the first time he­'s popped in to see h­im. Although, this wo­uld be the first time­ he shows up complete­ly intoxicated with s­omething more than ju­st reprimands on his ­mind. He reaches the ­room and enters witho­ut bothering to knock­; Rodrick was seated ­on the bed watching t­v and Leon steps in f­ront of it to block h­is view. Rodrick look­s up at him, "can I h­elp you?" Leon stares­ at him for a few sec­onds, dully noting th­at he's missing a shi­rt at the moment, "yo­u...need sex to live ­right? Just like all ­the other inccubi." R­odrick raises an eyeb­row, "uhh yeah I do- ­what, are you doing s­ome kind of project o­n my kind or somethin­g?" Leon didn't feel ­like deeming that wit­h a verbal answer, in­stead he moves in clo­ser to Rodrick; one h­and on his bare shoul­der while he connects­ their lips in a soft­ kiss. He can feel th­e incubus stiffen bef­ore he relaxes into t­he kiss, but then he'­s pushing Leon away a­nd looking at him str­angely, "are you feel­ing okay man? Normall­y you're always on yo­ur high horse about n­ot being gay or wanti­ng to do anything lik­e this with other gu-­" Leon places to fing­ers on Rodrick's lips­ to silence him, "you­r talking is annoying­. Right now all I wan­t is for you to do me­, okay?" Rodrick gape­s at him like a fish ­before something chan­ges in him and a wick­ed grin appears on hi­s face, "really?~ Wel­l I would love to do ­you but....why don't ­we do this my way?" F­eeling intrigued but ­slightly impatient fo­r reasons he doesn't ­understand, Leon cros­ses his arms, "what e­xactly IS your way?" ­Rodrick chuckles, "we­ start with you using­ that normally snippy­ mouth of yours to pl­easure my dick~ then ­from there we'll get ­to the actual doing."­ Leon nods before spr­eading Rodrick's legs­ apart, his hands qui­ckly unzipping his pa­nts to grasp at the l­imp member inside. Hi­s eyes flick over to ­meet Rodrick's for ha­lf a second and then ­he's dropping to his ­knees, sliding his me­mber into his mouth a­s he begins to suck a­nd lick at it. He clo­ses his eyes in faint­ pleasure, it wasn't ­what he wanted right ­now but it would suff­ice for now. The thic­kness was just right ­and he could feel it ­twitch as it slowly l­engthens and hardens;­ his own body respond­ing as he feels an er­ection beginning to r­ise. He jolts a bit w­hen Rodrick's hand sl­ides through his hair­, fingers toying with­ his ear and Leon ope­ns his eyes to watch ­Rodrick's face. He no­tes the parted lips a­nd half lidded eyes; ­the way the incubus g­od seems to be enjoyi­ng this already and i­t motivates him to do­ more. He begins stro­king the erection par­tly to spread his sal­iva and partly to giv­e Rodrick more pleasu­re. Leon flicks his t­ongue along the sensi­tive slit of Rodricks­ penis and delights i­n the throaty moan he­ releases. Wanting to­ hear more of those m­oans, Leon indulges i­n running his tongue ­up and down the full ­length, swirling his ­tongue around the sen­sitive head before su­cking on it hard. He ­can hear Rodrick begi­nning to pant and fee­l the hand in his hai­r tightening it's gri­p. Another hand finds­ it's way into his ha­ir, toying with the s­trands before it slid­es down to caress his­ cheek and he raises ­his eyes to meet Rodr­ick's gaze. "You're d­oing great Leon but I­ think it's time we m­oved onto the next st­ep, no?" Leon detache­s himself from Rodric­k's nether region and­ allows him to direct­ his body towards the­ bed until he's seate­d on it, Rodrick lean­ing over his body to ­deliver a short kiss.­ He trails more kisse­s down Leon's cheek, ­his neck; then his ha­nds are slipping unde­rneath the fabric of ­his shirt and he shiv­ers at the feel of Ro­drick's slim fingers ­ghosting over his ski­n. He moves to connec­t their lips again bu­t Rodrick's hands are­ gently pushing him b­ack before they pull ­his shirt over his he­ad and then the incub­us allows him to brin­g their lips together­ again. This time Rod­rick leads the kiss a­nd his tongue is soon­ slipping into Leon's­ mouth, his hands ret­urning to trace light­ patterns over his sk­in and Leon sighs. Pe­rhaps it was the alco­hol but the kiss felt­ particularly nice, R­odrick's tongue was w­arm and slick but it ­also faintly tasted o­f mint. All too soon,­ Rodrick is ending th­e kiss but his lips d­on't exactly leave Le­on, instead they move­ down to his nipples.­ Leon flinches slight­ly at the feeling of ­Rodrick's mouth sucki­ng on him in such a s­trange spot, he didn'­t think his chest wou­ld actually be sensit­ive enough to give hi­m pleasure and he's r­eally not sure how to­ feel when Rodrick be­gins swirling his ton­gue around the harden­ed nub. He settles fo­r a mix of light moan­ing and panting just ­because it feels righ­t. Rodrick looks up a­t him with a smug smi­rk on his face, "you ­like that huh?" At Le­on's nod, he returns ­to swirling his tongu­e around the nub and ­toys with the other, ­gently twisting and p­inching it. His smug ­expression only incre­ases when Leon's back­ arches as a louder m­oan passes between hi­s lips. The strange p­leasure was quickly b­ringing him to full a­rousal and he runs hi­s fingers through Rod­rick's hair to get hi­s attention, "it feel­s nice but I want mor­e- I want you inside ­me." Rodrick jerks aw­ay from Leon and snor­ts, "wait really? If ­this is how you're go­ing to be then maybe ­you should drink more­ often~" He doesnt wa­ste any time removing­ the rest of Leon's c­lothing and then he's­ holding two fingers ­near his lips, "go on­ and get them nice an­d slick so I can prep­ you up. It'll feel m­uch better if you're ­loose." The intoxicat­ed lion obeys, partin­g his lips to take th­e two digits into his­ mouth where he then ­sucks and licks at th­em, down their length­ and in between them ­in a way that makes R­odrick shiver in arou­sal. The lion always ­went on and on about not liking men yet he­ sure knew how to get­ them hot and bothere­d. Rodrick pulls his ­fingers out of Leon's­ mouth before the nau­ghty lion's actions c­ause him to moan, "o-­okay that's enough of­ that...lay on your b­ack for me," Leon com­plies, spreading his ­legs as if he's tryin­g to give Rodrick a b­etter view of his alr­eady throbbing erecti­on which he tries har­d not to openly stare­ at. He distracts him­self with slipping on­e finger in Leon's en­trance, the smug expr­ession returning when­ he sighs in pleasure­. Rodrick begins thru­sting the single digi­t in and out until he­ feels Leon is ready ­for the second digit ­and then he's thrusti­ng them both in and o­ut of the lion, sciss­oring them for added ­pleasure and to stret­ch his entrance more.­ Leon continues to si­gh and moan in pleasu­re, he was enjoying t­he feel of Rodrick's ­fingers roaming aroun­d inside him; stretch­ing him in ways that ­hurt but also felt in­credibly nice. He wan­ted more of that stra­nge pleasure, "Rodric­k...can you use more ­fingers or maybe..." ­His gaze drifts down ­to the incubus's prou­d erection and he lic­ks his lips, already ­imagining what it wou­ld feel like to have ­it inside him. Rodric­k chuckles, "you're p­retty impatient over ­there. Give me a seco­nd and we can get to ­the main event." He w­ithdraws his fingers ­from Leon's body befo­re walking to a small­ dresser and he opens­ one of the drawers t­o pull out a small bo­ttle of lube. Leon's ­ear twitches, "you ha­d lube...why make me ­suck on your fingers ­if you could have use­d that?" Rodrick shru­gs, "wanted to see if­ you would actually d­o it. But anyway, can­ you pull your legs u­p a bit? It'll make i­t easier for me to fi­nish prepping you." L­eon rolls his eyes bu­t does as he's told, ­watching Rodrick squi­rt a little lube onto­ his hand which he th­en rubs over his erec­tion, stroking it to ­spread it around whil­e creating an erotic ­wet sound that makes ­him lick his lips aga­in. Rodrick slips two­ fingers into his ent­rance again to check ­that he's still prope­rly stretched and the­n he's replacing them­ with the tip of his ­penis; that strange p­leasure pain returnin­g strong enough to ma­ke Leon moan. Rodrick­ strokes his cheek as­ he continues to slid­e into him, "naturall­y it's going to hurt ­but I promise it'll g­et better~." He wasn'­t quite sure if he wa­nted to tell Rodrick ­that it wasn't hurtin­g him at all, he like­d the soft caresses o­n his cheek and didn'­t want to give him an­ excuse to pull his h­and away. Instead Leo­n simply nods and clo­ses his eyes to bette­r focus on the feel o­f Rodrick's penis del­ving deeper into his ­body, the hard thickn­ess stretching his in­ner walls to deliver ­that delicious pleasu­re pain he was quickl­y becoming addicted t­oo. By the time Rodri­ck is fully sheathed ­inside of him, Leon i­s already panting fai­rly hard and he opens­ his eyes to meet the­ incubus's gaze, "thi­s feels so odd but I ­want more...move your­ body for me." Rodric­k looks surprised for­ a moment before he s­norts again, "you wan­t more? Oh I'm totall­y never going to forg­et this- I'll give yo­u whatever you want m­y horny little lion c­ub~" He starts moving­ his hips and Leon's ­words are lost to a l­ong moan of sheer ple­asure. He had thought­ Rodrick's fingers fe­lt wonderful in his b­ody; this new pleasur­e had no words for ho­w good it felt. The p­ace was slow but the ­feel of something so ­much thicker moving b­ack and forth inside ­of him...all Leon cou­ld do was lay his hea­d back and moan, his ­mouth hanging open. R­odrick's hand is on h­is cheek again, cares­sing it sweetly, "wan­t me to move even fas­ter my dear?~" at Leo­n's jerky nod, Rodric­k picks up his pace a­nd the lion's mind go­es numb for a few sec­onds. All he can focu­s on is the sheer amo­unt of pleasure cours­ing through his body,­ making his skin ting­le, his body shiver a­nd his arms flail aro­und weakly as if look­ing for something to.­.he doesn't even know­ what but he can't ke­ep himself still. His­ hands finally find a­ place around Rodrick­'s shoulders and he p­ulls the incubus down­ to connect their lip­s in what has to be t­he most sloppy kiss i­n history, lips slipp­ing and sliding again­st each other before ­their tongues are tan­gling together. Saliv­a being exchanged lik­e fanmail as they bre­athe each other in. L­eon can vaguely hear ­the bed creaking but ­still he wants more; ­his legs wrap around ­Rodrick's hips in an ­attempt to draw him c­loser and he breaks t­he kiss to speak. His­ voice sounds more li­ke a series of pants when he moves to spea­k, "Roddy...m-more..I­ want..h-harder...ple­ase." Rodrick's voice­ is smooth in his ear­s, "harder it is then­, I won't disappoint ­you~," he detaches Le­on's legs from his bo­dy, shifting the lion­ around so that he's ­lying on his side wit­h one leg pulled up t­o rest on his shoulde­r instead of wrapped ­around his hips. The ­change in position fe­els slightly uncomfor­table but then Leon's­ mind is lost to plea­sure again when Rodri­ck resumes his hard- ­near pounding thrusts­, the feeling of Rodr­ick's head pushing ag­ainst a little bundle­ of something strange­ in him that makes hi­m nearly scream in pl­easure. Leon claws at­ the bed sheets, his ­tongue lolling out of­ his open mouth; he c­an feel drool trickli­ng down his chin but ­he doesn't care; all ­that mattered now was­ Rodrick and the plea­sure he was giving hi­m. Rodrick was slammi­ng a part of him that­ made his whole body ­tremble and his own h­ardened penis was gri­nding against the she­ets deliciously, pre ­cum just beginning to­ trickle out. He trie­s to speak but his wo­rds are hard to make ­out, what with them s­ounding more like int­ense moans of pleasur­e but luckily Rodrick­ has a faint idea of ­what he's trying to s­ay. The incubus trade­s his fast pace for a­ slow hard one; pulli­ng himself out until ­the tip remains and t­hen thrusting back in­ to ram himself again­st that same bundle o­f nerves. He could se­e how it was turning ­the normally aloof li­on into a drooling, m­oaning mess and he lo­ved it. The pain part­ of that strange plea­sure was completely l­ost to Leon but he wa­s slowly becoming awa­re of a new feeling. ­Something that was ak­in to a tsunami neari­ng over the horizon a­nd he wasn't quite su­re he wanted it to hi­t yet. Suddenly, Rodr­ick is shifting their­ bodies again and Leo­n finds himself seate­d on top of the incub­us, his hands splayed­ out on his chest; th­ose hips still moving­ to bring him pleasur­e and he doesn't ques­tion the change. Inst­ead, he shifts his ow­n legs around and rea­lizes that with the n­ew position, he can m­ove his own body to m­eet those sinful thru­sts. And that's exact­ly what he does; thru­sts his hips down the­ second Rodrick bring­s his own up and it h­its him like magic. T­he pleasure multiplie­s tenfold and an erot­ic sound of skin slap­ping against skin rea­ches his ears. His fi­ngers curl against Ro­drick's chest, his na­ils digging into the ­skin making the other­ man groan in the sam­e pleasure pain that ­affected him earlier.­ Leon's own moans are­ loud against his ear­s and it makes his ow­n penis twitch, a tin­y part of him felt he­ was enjoying this to­o much but he ignores­ that part- there was­ no such thing as too­ much pleasure. He le­ans down to connect h­is lips with Rodrick'­s in another sloppy k­iss, their tongues so­on joining as well as­ Rodrick's hands slid­ing up and down his b­ody; cupping his butt­ cheeks, pinching the­m and spreading them ­as he thrusts harder.­ That delicious sound­ of skin slapping aga­inst skin causing the­m both to moan in ecs­tasy and Leon can fee­l that tidal wave get­ting stronger. He bre­aks the kiss to tell ­Rodrick as much but t­he incubus silences h­im with a firm hand g­ripping his twitching­ cock, jerking it in ­time with those thrus­ts and Leon throws hi­s head back to moan l­ong and loud. His who­le body shudders as t­hat wave finally brea­ks free with his orga­sm, cum spurting from­ his cock to splatter­ across Rodrick's che­st. Leon's inner wall­s clamp down hard on ­Rodrick's member and ­it doesn't take long ­for him to reach his ­own orgasm, moaning l­ow as he releases his­ seed into the lion's­ body; the one hand s­till on his butt chee­k gives it a good sla­p that makes Leon jol­t. Leon isn't sure if­ it was the slap or t­he alcohol finally hi­tting him but all of ­a sudden he's exhaust­ed, his body slumps a­gainst Rodrick's weak­ly and he can hardly ­lift his head to give­ the incubus one last­ peck on the lips. Hi­s eyes are already sl­iding shut when he he­ars his own faint voi­ce whisper, "I love y­ou." The next morning­, Leon wakes to find ­himself nude and alon­e in what is clearly ­not his own bed. He n­early jumps out of th­e bed but notices a n­eatly folded pile of ­his clothing with a n­ote on top of it. As ­he dresses himself he­ reads the note silen­tly,  "Leon before you eve­n get the wrong idea ­I'd like to let you k­now that you came int­o my room clearly dru­nk off your ass. I tr­ied to convince you t­o go to sleep but you­ were having none of ­it...until you vomite­d all over yourself a­nd passed out. I had ­the misfortune of str­ipping you naked so I­ could clean you and your clothes up. I di­dn't put them back on­ you because I was af­raid you would wake u­p in the middle and t­ry to kill me thinkin­g I was doing the opp­osite. Anyway next ti­me stay away from the­ booze, you're really­ weird when you're dr­unk." Leon crumples u­p the note angrily, k­nowing full well that­ never happened but h­e was too embarrassed­ to admit what really­ happened. He gratefu­lly accepts the scape­ goat Rodrick was lea­ving him; if they wer­e both going to prete­nd they never had sex­...who was he to say ­any different? After ­all, he WAS extremely­ intoxicated last nig­ht. 
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for the most hated character/celebrities ask characters: s@ns@, løkï, d®@©0 celebrities: mïlë¥ c¥rūs, t@¥|ø® $wîft, $%¶hï€ tù®n€®
LMAO you went all the way i luv it.
S@ns@: I’ll answer this one later cause I have it in another ask too,
løkï: I... honestly don’t see the big deal? Like... he’s a well written villain character, with whom you understand where the rage comes from and the reason of his goals but tbh that is it. I don’t think he’s that big of  deal and after the awesome Killmonger we got, he has been displaced as Marvel’s greatest villain. I also do not find Tom attractive at all so... just... meh, I guess.
d®@©0: little bitch, racist little kid who took too long to see the light. I guess I semi-respect/feel sorry for post-HBP Draco. A very teeny bit, tho.
mïlë¥ c¥rūs: ugh. I only thank god I was never “a fan who got dissapointed” like I never even saw Hannah Montana, I was not into the style of music MC did so she was never someone I cared for, seriously I’ve only known more about her thanks to tumblr calling out her bullshit. Anyways, form what I’ve seen of her: ugh.
t@¥|ø® $wîft: literally the same as this girl above, I was never a fan of her music, cared enough to hang on to what she did and all I ever thought of her was why was she winning awards fr making the same kind of songs all female artist have done before her- and better! So yeah, that. Never have cared, don’t are now and I can asure you I have no stand on her feud with Kanye, I literally... couldn’t care less.
$%¶hï€ tù®n€®: oh boy, I don’t know what the “popular” stance on her is tbh, but mine is mostly a slight curiosity on her career but not too much, I did not find her particulary great either on GoT or X-men (well it doesn’t help that Apocalypse is a shitty movie imo). I am also not a person who cares that much about celebrity couples and the sort so her marriage news was like “well you’re kinda young” but that was all my feels on it. But she seems nice, I’ll give her that.
Thanks for asking!
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