#tony stark's house of ribs
ballisterboldheart · 1 year
like you don't even GET it.... the iron man armor as a separate identity, as a gender, as a weapon, as a shield, as a hiding place, as a coping mechanism, as life support, as an extension, as safety, as a second skin, as a person, as a tomb, as a threat, as a hobby, as an obsession, as a mirror, as a black hole, as a tool, as an ideal, as the future, as the past, as a symbol, as protection, as a parasite, as a grave. like do you even GET it.
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hurtspideyparker · 2 months
Thinking about restless spirit Tony Stark who just can't move on to the after life.
The first thing he does once he realizes he's an apparition is check on Pepper and Morgan. True to their word, they're okay. He watches them for a bit but feels this deep unrest pulling him away from the quaint home he yearns for.
There's a deep wrongness within him, some unfinished business that draws him back to New York.
He fears for a moment that it's Peter- but no, it can't be him. He'll be in Massachusetts right now, attending MIT as a freshman. There isn't a doubt in Tony's mind that his little genius is already making his mark.
Still, he follows the pull of his spirit to some dingy Queens' apartment he's never been to before.
It's deep in the night yet the apartment is empty. He looks around a bit, his body phasing through anything he attempts to touch.
It's small and dirty. There's old coffee cups on the desk, alongside a couple GED manuals. Great, the universe thinks he has unfinished business with some broke high school dropout.
He's pondering how he must have screwed up this kid's life; was it the Avengers, Stark Industries? Maybe his old playboy lifestyle is finally coming to bite him in the ass.
His contemplation is cut short by the sound of the window cracking open.
It strikes Tony for a moment that maybe he's stuck on Earth to be a guardian angel, Iron Man living on as some invisible protector against whatever creep is sneaking into people's windows. It doesn't make much sense considering the whole non-corporeal thing, but he still stiffens like he's ready for a fight.
He sees a man- no, a thing? A creature maybe, or an alien. Even in death Tony can't escape being one of Earth's mightiest heroes.
The creature is shrouded in darkness, something slick and bald crawling inside the room with terrifying grace and silence. It shuts the window with a soft kssssh as the seal is formed.
And then it pulls off its mask.
There, with the click of a table lamp, glows the face of Peter Parker.
He's definitely older now; sturdier shoulders, a rugged set of his jaw, hair tamed to something semi-professional. Still present, though, are those gentle brown eyes.
Nothing makes sense right now. Why is his kid here, in this apartment? Surely May wouldn't allow this. How many tenant laws does this place break? Where are his little sidekick friends? And on what planet would Peter Parker ever need a GED?
Tony's getting angry now, watching Peter move around the tiny space. He changes out of his costume and into pajamas. That spider suit isn't Tony's suit, it looks like cheap craft store fabric.
The kid opens a small freezer and pulls out the singular bag of peas that reside in there, pressing it against his ribs while he goes to pop some bread into a toaster.
Tony takes note of every glimpse he gains into Peter's life. Empty cabinets when he reaches for a jar of peanut butter. A fridge housing nothing but condiments and energy drinks when he goes to grab jam. A drawer with two spoons, no forks, and a paring knife which he pulls out and sticks into the strawberry jam jar just as the toast pops.
This is all so wrong.
Tony's outrage is coming to a rolling boil. Peter deserves the world- he was gonna give him the world. He couldn't wait to send Peter to MIT and show him off as his protégé. Tony was gonna fund his projects, tease him about pretty girls, maybe even see him step back from Spider-Man and act like a normal college kid. He wanted to see him flourish and grow up. It was all he could think about when Peter turned to dust between his fingers; he should be goofing off with his friends at a mathletes meeting, or building Legos, not fighting an intergalactic war.
Tony couldn't even conceive how much went wrong to end up here.
Alone. Broke. No school. He didn't even have his Stark suit to protect him. Everything that made him him has been stripped, leaving him in this shallow box with scuffed paint and hollow cabinets.
Tony can feel the violent rage burn deep in his spirit as he thinks about it.
This is why he's here. He can't let his boy live like this, wasting his potential to be some villain's punching bag. Where is everyone? Does no one care enough to stop this? The fury that builds in Tony is dangerous, wondering why a dead man is the only one who cares about the teen's life right now.
Without thinking Tony's hand reaches for the GED textbook, a mocking piece of work that laughs in his face, and throws it at the stupid little kitchenette that's mere feet from the bed.
It sails across the room with surprising speed before it's met with a thunk against Peter's palm, hand reaching out to catch it from the air before it collided with the toaster.
Peter sets the book down and immediately picks up his web shooters, eyes darting furiously to every corner of the tiny apartment.
"Who's there?"
Tony steps a little closer but Peter's eyes just look right past him.
"C'mon Pete, c'mon. I'm here, I'm right here."
Tony looks for something else to grab. He swats at a hopefully empty coffee cup on the wooden desk, but his hand just passes right through it.
"Shit," the hope Tony felt waivers slightly and he tries again.
Peter is searching his apartment now, making sure the window is secure and feeling around every crevice, bookshelves, under the bed, in the top corners of the room. Searching for something nefarious, tech maybe.
Tony hits the cup, again and again, frustration building up and up and up till-
The cup flies across the room, Tony and Peter's eyes track its movements as it bounces against the ground and rolls to a stop.
"Shit," Peter breathes out.
Tony walks up to Peter now, standing before him.
"Figure it out. Think kid, you've met aliens, gods, magicians, surely ghosts aren't too far fetched."
Peter closes his eyes. His posture straightens, Tony watches him take a deep breath in as the hairs on his bare arms stand on end.
Peter's eyes blink open, and they're looking directly at Tony.
Tony smirks, "that's it."
Peter turns around and picks the cup off the ground, running to his desk with it and ripping a piece of lined paper out of a notebook and scribbling furiously on it.
Tony walks over as Peter places the cup in the center of the paper.
On the left is the word YES in bold print, NO on the right.
"Okay, okay okay. So, move the cup if, if you wanna talk. Um, is there someone in the room right now?"
Tony reaches for the cup, an intense glare as his fingertips graze it gently. It shifts minutely towards the YES.
"Shit! Shit. Sorry, whew. Okay. Are you friendly?"
Tony moves it to YES again.
"Are you a, um. Person? Like not an alien?"
"Are you wearing tech, invisibility suit or your molecules are uncalibrated or maybe it's a portal thing like, multiverse shit is happening again, a mirror universe! Oh, maybe a..."
Tony let's a frustrated sign. The kid is too practical, logical. He needs to think like a non-genius.
"... could be. Or, or maybe you're just a ghost-"
Tony perks up and immediately swats the cup, causing it to fly off the desk towards the YES.
"Oh. Oh that's... kinda normal. Or maybe really weird? I mean... I certainly have some ghosts in my past."
Peter picks the cup up and puts it back on the desk.
"Do I know you?"
"You said you were friendly, and I'm not getting any danger tingles from you. I'm gonna start with people I know are dead, cuz I just really hope you're not a... new ghost. Um. M-May?"
The boy's voice cracks on the word and Tony freezes. May is dead? Tony starts to fear that things are a lot more wrong than he previously thought.
Peter's breath catches and Tony realizes he's waiting, dying for an answer, and quickly pokes the cup towards NO.
Peter's shoulders sag.
"Uncle Ben?"
"T- Mr. Stark?"
Tony grins, "now we're getting somewhere!"
Tony is going to have his work cut out for him, but being here with Peter just feels right.
Peter breaks out into a matching smile.
"Wow, okay. I think I'm gonna need more paper," he says as the boy gets to work making a more complex system than YES and NO.
Tony watches on proudly, reminiscing about all the great Peter was and all the great he still is, despite his situation. Whatever this is, they'll figure it out.
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mymelodymia · 8 months
Nightmares morgan stark x stark!reader x Dad!Tony stark
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Summary: morgan has a nightmare and comes to you about it, and you both talk about her troubles
EXTREME WARNING: morgan crying 😢😭😤
Morgan screamed as she woke up from her nightmare, sitting up. The only light in the room being her small arc reactor nightlight plugged into the wall. She whimpered as she slid down the side of her bed, running down the hallway to your room.
"Y/nNn?" She whimpered, you, being the only light sleeper in the house, was the only one who woke up from her scream, you were standing up walking towards the door. You were about to go see what happened but before you could even reach the doorknob, she was there in front of you. With tear stains on her cheeks.
You kneeled down to touch her face before pulling her close, she sobbed into your chest.
You couldn't help but let a few tears loose yourself as you watched your beloved little sister, be so fragile. Rubbing her back with one hand, playing with the ends of her long hair with the other, you held her close.
She continued sobbing for what felt like hours, but in reality was only ten minutes.
When she eventually calmed down, you asked her what happened. "Mo, baby what happened? What made you so upset?"
"I hAd a NiGhTmArE" she whimpered out. "You wanna talk about it?" You asked her, cupping her cheek.
"They-the bad guys hurt daddy, and you and me, and then they took you and then they took me away too and-" you stopped her ranting by placing the tip of your finger over her mouth as she started crying again.
You helped her calm down, and then you had a plan. "You know, if anyone ever tried to hurt you or to take you away from me. You know what I'd do?" She shook her head sadly at you
"I'd use my superpowers to protect you" you said in a raspy voice "but...you dont have superpowers"
"Yes i certainly do! I have tickle powers and i can tickle anyone to death if i wanted to" she flinched as you pinched her side, creating a small tickle.
"And luckily, you're just as ticklish as me." You said with an evil smirk on your face. You pushed the door closed with your hand, not taking your eyes off of hers (they're probably so beautiful)
She screamed as you began tickling her, your fingers digging into her ribs, moving up >:)
She tried to squirm out of your grip, unsuccessfully given that you, being 18 at the time, and her only being 4.
You moved up to her armpits and she squealed so loud, you dug your knees into the carpet in order to stay still. You put her hands over your shoulders and held her to your chest as you started working on her hips.
She arched her back and screamed as loud as she could.
You grabbed her back and picked her up holding her stomach to your mouth, you blew the biggest raspberry you could.
Her laughter turned silent for a moment. Before returning to deep belly laughter. You blew another raspberry in her neck and she screeched in your ear (ow)
"Hey mo, where does it tickle the most? Here" you asked as you blew a quick raspberry in her neck "or here" you said blowing a quick one on her belly.
You gave her a moment to answer "my tummy"
"Okay good now i know where to focus." You barly gave her time to process this before you blew a giant raspberry on her stomach.
After a few more minutes of this torture, you let her go. You both snuck through the hall and brought her mattress into your room so she could sleep in there.
Even though you definitely just sat in her bed cuddling with her. "Mo...baby, why didn't you go to mommy or daddy? Their room is right next to yours."
"Because i dont think daddy likes me anymore..." you looked at her, shocked "why would you think that darling"
"Because he hasn't been spending time with me, and he'd rather just hang out with you, and he hasn't been giving me any attention lately" you felt pretty bad for her given that you had been through the same feeling (iron man 2)
"Sweetheart, just because daddy isn't paying attention to you doesn't mean he doesn't care, he loves you more then anything. and plus, he hasn't seen me in five whole years. He hasn't seen me in a long time and he missed me."
"But how do you know that"
"Because i felt that way once too. More then once actually (peter) we'll talk about it tomorrow, but for now...you need to go to sleep" you said turning off your light.
The next morning you confronted tony about morgan. "Hey dad.." you greeted, he was making pancakes but he was still on making the batter.
"Morgan had a nightmare last night and i helped her through it. But then, she said that she thought you didn't care about her."
"What? Why would she think that?" He said as he stopped mixing the batter.
"She thinks you dont care about her because you haven't been spending time with her. I'll go get her." Tony sighed, feeling he had failed. He continued to mix the pancake batter.
You went to your room and gently woke her up. You walked back downstairs with her hand in yours. The second tony saw her he took her in his arms.
"Oh Maguna, i am so sorry baby" you felt proud that he had become a better father, especially with Morgan. When he first had you he was young and stupid, he had no experience, but now he did. And all you wanted was for morgan to know her family loved her.
"I will always love you baby. Sometimes im just buzy, know what. After breakfast why dont we all go catch a movie, or go to the beach. Anything you ask" you loved he was pampering her like he did you.
"Yeah, dad has a hard job, and now, hes old and burned out. Heheh" tony chuckled at this, you both always made jokes about tonys age, you couldn't remember a time when you didn't make fun of him for being "old"
"But dad will always make time for us. But sometimes hes buzy, but you always have me and mamuh." She nodded, and turned to tony.
"Yes baby girl"
"Can we go to the park?" You and tony laughed at this, he did say anything she wanted. "Sure sweetheart, now come help daddy make some pancakes" he said picking her up, setting her down on the counter. "Yaay"
A/N: i miss morgan so fucking much bro. And some of my tags are not working so...sorry 😕
@animealways // @white-wolf-buckaroo // @tonystark-au // @zebralover
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IRONFAM PROMPT <3. basically Tony Peter and harley are cuddled up watching a movie but Peter keeps spoiling it and so Tony and harley tickle him
Movie Night
Summary: See prompt above :)
(For the record, I work with teenagers so I'm basing the conversation around how they talk 😅 Also, they recently watched Spies in Disguise so that movie is fresh in mind 🙃 Hope you enjoy Anon ❤️😅)
"Oh! Ahhhhh, can I get you something to drink first?"
"Bet you the water turns him into a pigeon."
Harley shoved him. "Peter! Shut up!"
Peter shoved him back. "And then Lovey flirts with him."
Tony sighed. "Pete, knock it off."
"It was just a guess Mr. Stark!"
"Yes, but you've seen this movie before so you know what's going to happen."
Peter rolled his eyes, but quieted down for a bit.
Harley even settled back down so they could enjoy the movie. "Thank you."
However, as the movie progressed to the next scene, Peter's antics started up again. "Bet you they blow up his house."
Harley shoved him. "Peter!"
"Pete, if you don't stop annoying him---."
The younger boy feigned innocence. "What Mr. Stark? I'm doing anything!"
Tony raised an eyebrow. "What's gotten into you tonight Pete?"
Peter sunk down into his seat and crossed his arms. "Nothing."
"I'm fine Mr. Stark."
Harley turned to glare at his surrogate brother. "You won't be if you don't shut up!"
"Oh yeah!" Peter snapped back. "What are you going to do about it!"
"Boys! If you both don't stop, I'll cancel movie night!"
Both Harley and Peter thankfully fell silent. Even though he may not be a fan of the movie, Peter even kept his mouth shut for a while.
However, Tony watched him lean closer to Harley. "Bet you Walter doesn't make it across."
Before the older mentor could respond, Harley dug his hands into Peter's armpits.
Tony raised an eyebrow. "What's going on Har?"
"He did it again Tony!"
"Uh-huh." Tony leaned closer. "So you whispering to Harley had nothing to do with the movie."
Tony leaned back into his seat and switched on the subtitles. "Uh-huh."
Harley paused. "Do I have to stop?"
"I didn't tell you you have to?"
Before Peter could get another word out, Harley started massaging circles into his ribs.
The teen squealed and tried to slide down. However, Harley pulled him up and into his lap. "HARLEY NO! LEHET ME GOHO!"
"Betcha you'll squeal again if I do this!"
Peter bent in half when Harley shook his hand into his stomach. But he also did squeal upon impact.
"Ahand I betcha you'll roll if I do this!"
"NAAAAH!" Peter rolled over onto his side as Harley dug into his thighs. "JERK!"
"Oh, now I'm the jerk?" The older teen buried his hand into the back of Peter's knees.
"Not you for literally spoiling the movie?"
Harley pinned the young teen in his lap and lifted one finger. "Admit you were being a jerk during the movie, or I'm going for your weak spot next."
Peter desperately tried to protect his stomach. "Noho! Don't yohou dahare!"
Harley readjusted his grip so Peter couldn't bend over as far and slowly lowered his finger down. "Then admit you were a jeherk."
"Your choice."
"But Ihi dihidn't do anything!"
Harley's finger descended closer and closer. "5."
"M-mr. Stark!"
The older man shrugged.
Peter jumped as Harley slipped his hand under his shirt and dug his finger into the teen's belly button. "AH! W-WAIT!"
Harley smirked. "0."
Peter bucked and squirmed in his surrogate brother's hold. Harley was playing dirty! "SQUEE! GET OUT!"
"Admit you were a jerk."
"Thehen you get tickled."
"Then what do you have to do?"
Tony chuckled. "Yohou're doing exactly what hehe wahants Har."
The older teen looked up. "What?"
"He's annoying you becahause hehe knows you'll reahact." Tony reached over to spider around the thrashing teen's neck. "And he'll gehet tickles."
"EEK!" Peter blushed. "SHUT UHUP!"
The older teen's smirk grew even larger. "Oho reallyhy?"
The older mentor sipped his water.
"Well if it's tickles you want." Harley switched to spidering around the younger teen's tummy. "Then yohou're ihin for a treat."
"Ach!" Peter's grin grew. "Nohohoho!"
"Soho this is ahall it took to make you stohop?"
"I would have done this ahagehes agoho!"
Peter squealed again as Harley moved to another spot.
Meanwhile, Harley turned to Tony. "Care to help me ohout Tony?"
The older mentor grinned. "Whyhy suhure Harley. I'd behe honored toho help."
Peter squirmed away as two more hands joined in on tickling him. "NAH WAIT!"
Harley chuckled as he spidered down to another spot. "Ihi think this should behe our new movie nihight tradition."
"Couldn't ahagrehee more Har."
Peter didn't give a verbal response. He just laughed his little heart out under the fingers of two grinning tickle monsters.
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astheskycries · 5 months
Accepted- 7
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Planning a wedding with the man she loves and working small jobs with SHIELD seems like an easy task, but now that Jonathan is dead, Maggie and Steve have to continue tracking down HYDRA and cleaning up the mess left behind- which is easier said than done when the Winter Soldier has returned.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Masterlist Buy me a Coffee
“What do you mean it was compromised?” Steve demands, jacket gone and the tie loosened around his neck as he paces his floor, Bucky and T’Challa listening.
Steve’s previously perfectly gelled hair is mused from the frequent hand running through it, with the top two buttons undone and his sleeves haphazardly shoved up to his elbows. He’s barely managed to change, sounding more and more concerned since returning to the room Tony arranged for Bucky to stay in. “Why would they be ambushed in one of Tony’s warehouses?”
“The warehouse was an ambush,” FRIDAY calmly repeats from the ceiling intercom, having reached out as soon as Steve returned. “The warehouse was sold by Mr. Stark years ago once the company changed. The HYDRA drive was recovered, but not without casualties.”
“… She was the main target. I have not heard from them since Agent Romanoff gave emergency treatment-“
“Emergency?” Steve demands, heart dropping to his stomach. He was so worried, so focused on recovering the piece of his past he had left, the only family he could rely on since he became Captain America, and now he was paying the price. Maggie was paying the price.
“She was hit by a bullet, Maximoff tried to keep the wound closed but there was still significant blood loss. After Romanoff consulted Dr. Banner and Mr. Stark they went dark as the safe house was considered compromised.”
Of course. “Keep me posted as soon as you know where they are. I want to see Maggie.” He lets the call end before releasing a heavy breath, leaning against the back of the couch. “This is my fault…”
“No,” Bucky says firmly, watching his every move. “You couldn’t have known it would have been an ambush.”
“No,” Steve sighs. “But I also haven’t been trying. I’ve been pushing off everything Maggie says, from missions to the wedding to everything she’s faced with HYDRA.”
Bucky nods slowly. “So basically what I warned you about?”
Steve ignores his friend’s slightly smug dig, lost in thought. “I really messed up.”
“Maybe,” Bucky grips his shoulder, just like he used to before the serum changed them both. “But even if you’re a stubborn punk, you two will get over this. Just talk to her.”
Steve sighs before reaching into his pocket, pulling out the engagement ring from his pocket. “I don’t think that’ll work this time…”
Bucky raises an eyebrow. “She gave it back?”
“Found it on the dresser in my room.” He examines it, lost in thought. Though it’s simple, it’s perfectly Maggie in its subtle charm. “I deserve it… But I’m going to get her back. Whatever it takes.” He nods to T’Challa. “I’m going after them. I’m bringing them home.”
The first thing I’m aware of is a musty smell, an almost damp heaviness that takes more effort to breathe through and hurts my side with every deep breath. The air is cool and clammy against my skin, and when I open my eyes I can see the dampness making the dark ceiling shine. I wince a bit as I turn my head, trying to see as much as I can despite the sharp pain in my ribs and how the room spins when I move my eyes. “Natasha? Wanda?”
“Here," Wanda gently takes my hand, hers feeling almost uncomfortably warm. “It’s ok, you’ll be ok.”
“Where are we?” I manage to croak out, mouth feeling like dry cotton and throat almost raw.
“We found a cavern to stop in,” Natasha is on the other side, and I manage to turn my head to see her gathering bloody gauze and shoving it in a section of her bag. “You rest, we managed to stitch it up but you still lost a lot of blood.”
I cringe a bit as I swallow, trying to focus. “Steve?”
“We dropped contact,” Natasha says softly, looking over at me. “It’s safer until we know we aren’t followed.” I manage to nod, and she passes me some water and a straw. “How are you feeling?”
I take a sip, some of the sharp throbbing in my head easing. “I’m ok.” Everything hurts, but we’re safe and alive. “As soon as I’m able to move, we can get to a safer area.”
“Don’t force it,” Wanda rests her hand on my head, easing some of the pain. “We can accelerate some of the healing, but the blood… Well, we need to make sure you’re well enough to travel before we move again.”
I grunt a bit, managing to turn to look around the cavern. There are two backpacks resting by my feet, in close reach for any other emergencies. I notice the frown on Natasha’s face before the gun appears, and I try to sit up when she shifts. “Natasha-“
“Stay here.” She doesn’t look away from the entrance, silently padding into the open as Wanda checks my gauze. Though Wanda seems unconcerned, I can only imagine how exhausted she must be between the mission and trying to help me heal faster.
“Don’t worry about me,” Wanda says quietly, magic still floating around the wound. “I’m keeping you stable until we return to the compound- Banner’s machine should be able to regrow the cells and help you recover faster.”
Natasha returns, and seconds later I see Steve in uniform and rushing to my side. I blink, sure it’s a dream, but he gently takes my hand and strokes my knuckles as he kneels beside me. “Steve…”
“Shhh, rest baby,” His voice is soft and gentle, grip flexing before he leans over and presses warm lips to my temple.
“What are you doing here?” I frown, trying to move my hand free and a bit overwhelmed. “Why now? Why after all this time?”
“Did you think I would let you go?” I make a face, opening my mouth to argue, but he continues on before I can speak. “I love you, Maggie. I’ll never let you go again.” I try to move, but nurses move as Wanda lifts me with her powers, bringing me into the jet and a machine before the pain in the shift takes over, bringing me back to the darkness.
Tags:  @janeyboo  @mylittlefandomfanfictions  @palaiasaurus64  @averyrogers83  @guera31  @soulmates8  @coffeebooksandfandom  @sweater-daddiesdumbdork  @pegasusdragontiger  @mizzzpink  @onetwo3000  @see-you-again-my-sun-and-stars  @sleepylunarwolf  @wheresmyplums  @smoothdogsgirl  @marvelouslyme96  @esoltis280  @jtargaryen18  @k-evans-writes  @rainbowkisses31  @buchanansebba  @katiew1973  @patzammit  @time-for-a-lullaby
Protected Series:  @brooklyn-1918  @jennmurawski13  @mrspeacem1nusone 
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andydrysdalerogers · 5 months
The Type You Save ~ E L E V E N
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James "Bucky" Barnes and OFC Alexandra "Alex" Richards
Detective James Barnes hasn't seen the love of his life in three years. Since the night she was almost caught stealing a painting. He knows it was her and she disappeared leaving him confused and heart broken.
Alexandra Richards never expected to be pulled back into her old life two years after she left it. She had found love and a home and was happy. Until a note blackmailed her to take one last job. Three years later she walked into the last person she expected to see in San Francisco. Because he lived in New York right?
They always put family before everything. And he would do anything to get his family back. Because she's the type you save.
TW: mob, death, smut, rape intentions, angst, guns, family abandonment, dub-con, manipulation
A/N: The Tag list is open!
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
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Divider by @firefly-graphics
Previous: T E N
Series Masterlist ~ Main Masterlist
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One year later 
Alex was scrambling around, getting ready to meet with a new client for her firm.  Her firm.  The thought of all she was able to accomplish in the last year brought a huge smile to her face.  
After getting her life back, Alex decided to put her skills for the greater good.  After a long discussion with James and Steve, she found an investor in the guys’ Captain and Steve and started “Cat Burglar Securities.” The irony of the name was not lost on her especially the tag line. “Security hidden in plain sight.” She found a couple of steady clients at first, but the company exploded when actress Yelena Belova hired her to set the security in her home and then would tell anyone about how well an incident was handled.  
Alex was busy but grateful for James. She almost lost him and Steve when they jumped in to save a young mother and her baby from a crazed shooter.  James was lucky that the shot taken was in the vest and he walked away with bruised ribs.  Steve, in the same incident, took a shot in the leg.  The incident garnered the guys a commendation from the mayor and promotions.  James was promoted to Sargent and Steve to Captain. Steve’s injury had put him behind a desk for at least a year, so James was partnered with the new kid, Pietro  
With the time off they had for recovery, James, Steve and Drew were able to bond more.  Drew grew more confident with his father and uncle, getting to go to the station and meeting all of the guys’ co-workers.  They all took a shine to little Drew, especially the commanding officer Tony Stark.  
“Barnes, how is it you created such a smart and cute kid?” 
“That’s all Alexandra, sir.” 
“Obviously. You must have done something in another life to earn love from that woman.”  
“Don’t I know it.”  
With Alex starting her business, James took over taking Drew to school and working on his development. James always noticed that Dew spoke with more clarity than a normal toddler. “Hey Allie?” 
“Yea Jamie.”  
“Ever notice that Drew talks a little… umm… mature?” 
“Mature?  Is he saying bad words?” 
“Doll, you’re cute when you are distracted.”  He kissed her temple.  “He’s talking like a third grader not a preschooler.” 
Alex looks at James and thinks back. “Well Drew as always done things earlier than normal.”  
“Doll, he can read.  He’s four.”  
James and Alex took him to be tested.  He showed signs of a genius level IQ.  The doctors recommended to start him in the first grade and continue to evaluate.  
“Didn’t know my little Drew is a genius,” Steve said as he toss Drew up in the air.  “He must get it from his Uncle Stevie.”  
“Yeah right punk.” James rolled his eyes. 
The Barnes family kept moving forward.  The plans to upgrade to a house (with Steve, of course) were starting to become serious. Alex decided she wanted more with James.  “Baby, have you though more on our future?” 
“Personal or Professional?” 
“Jamie,” she whined.  
James laughed. “A little doll.  I mean we always talked abut a big family.”  
Alex chewed her lip. “Does that mean you would want to have another baby with me?” 
James studied his wife. “Why would you question that, Allie?”  He pushed a stand of hair from her face. “Of course, I would love to have another baby with you.  I want to have a mini you this time, love.”  
“You promise?” 
“I do my love.”  He kissed her gently, foreheads touching.  “Let’s go practice,” he whispered before picking her up bridal style and to their room. 
It seemed like all of the awful events of the last few years were wiped away.  But reality was ready to smack Alex and James in the face.  
It was a rare day that Alex could take Drew to the park like they used to.  “Mama where is Daddy?”  
“Daddy is working on a project with Uncle Stevie, Uncle Tony and Pietro.”   
“But we’ll have play time later?” 
“Daddy promised.”  
“Okies. I’m going to the slide.”  Drew runs off and Alex takes a sip of her coffee.  
“You are not an easy woman to find.”  
Alex closed her eyes and sets her coffee down. “I figured hiding in plain sight was the easiest solution.”  She looked at the seat next to her to see Nate staring at her.  
“You look good Alex.  Six Years has done you well.”  
“You look tired Nate.  Still with Grey?” 
“Let’s not talk about that right now.  Tell me how you’ve been.”  He smiles at her.  
“I met someone six months after I left.  James.”  She smiled.  “He the love of my life.  We have a son, Andrew.”  She nodded her head towards the playground.  
“Why didn’t you keep running? You had to know the boss was going to look for you.”  
“Because my life was with James. I was happy.  We are happy.  If I kept running, I would always be running.  Steve taught me that.”  
“My best friend.  He’s like you.”  She nudges him with a smile.  “Always having my back.” A single tear fell.  “Why are you here Nate?” 
Nate lowered his head into his hands.  He then ran them through his hair. “Walker found you.  About a year ago. The boss moved his operations to Seattle.  He’s been biding his time, planning.”  
“Planning what?” 
“How to get you back.”  Nate rubbed his face and then looked at her seriously.  “Run Alex.  Take your family and run. Don’t stay and listen to the offer I have from Grey. Just run.”  
Alex was scared.  She had never seen Nate so broken. “Nate I can’t. I have a family and friends that I need to protect.”  She looks at her son.  “What is the deal?” 
“WHAT is the deal?” 
Nate sighs.  “Grey is going to approach you with this in two weeks. Leave your husband and son and join the boss again.  Come be with him forever.  Otherwise, he will take your son as payment to complete the debt to him.  He’ll raise Andrew as one of us.”  
“No. No I can’t do that.  I won’t leave them. He can’t have him.”  
“Then run Alex.  Take them and run. Do whatever you have to.  Please.  You are still my best friend, even after all these years.”  He took her hands.  “I say all of this with love. You have two weeks to decided.”  He handed her a business card.  “Don’t be stupid.” He kissed her forehead and walked away.  
Alex sat on the bench for a few minutes, trying to stop from hyperventilating.  Grey had found her and wanted her back.  She watches her son as he played with new found friends.  Family over everything, she reminders herself.  She picks up her pone and calls, “Sam?” 
“Hey baby girl. How are you?” Alex couldn’t help the sob that escapes her mouth. “Alex, what’s wrong?” 
Alex takes a deep breath. “Grey. He found me,” she whispered. “I didn’t… I… haven’t told Jamie,” she sobbed.  
“Ok breathe Alex. Go home. I’ll be there in a couple of hours. What time does Bucky get home?” 
She looked at her watch. “Umm… four hours.”  
“Ok, we’ll think of something Alex.  I promise.  Its going to be ok.”  
“Will James thinks that?” 
“I don’t know but the law is on your side and I’ll help with Bucky.” 
A couple of hours and trip to the airport later found Sam sitting at the kitchen table taking notes, while Alex described what had happened. “And he made no indication that Grey is in the area?” 
“No, he just told me to go with Drew and James and run.”  Alex looked at her watch. “Sam, James will be here any minute.”  
“I know. I know. You just gotta stay calm, ok? Panicking will not help.”  Sam and Alex stop when they hear they keys hit the door lock.  
“Daddy!” Drew screams as he races for the door.  
“Hey Chief!” James catches his son.  “How was your day?” 
“Okies! Where’s Uncle Stevie?” 
“Right here pal,” as Steve walks in, “was just getting the mail.”  He looks in the kitchen. “Sam? What are you doing here?” 
“Hey man!” He shakes Steve and James’s hands. “Just consulting with a client.” He glances back at Alex.  
“Allie, what’s going on?” 
Alex moved to take Drew. “Baby can you go play in your room for right now please?” 
“Okies.”  Drew runs to his room.  Alex turns back to face James and Steve.  She can feel the tears building in her eyes.  
James can see it and pulls Alex to him. “Doll? Talk to me?” 
Alex stares into his eyes, the steel blue swirling with concern. “I had a visitor at the park,” Alex started. “Nate came and visited me.”  She felt a couple of tears fall. “He told me that Grey knows where I am and that in two weeks, he’s going to come and make me an offer.”  
“Offer? An offer for what?” Steve asks.  
“Leave with him or he’ll take Drew.”  Alex can’t hold it in anymore.  She begins to sob, holding onto James for dear life.  He’s in shock.  He holds onto her tighter.  
“Baby I won’t let him get to you or Drew.”  He kisses her head.  “Sam, what can we do?” 
“Legally, nothing yet.  He didn’t make the threat directly. But I think we should talk to your supervisor or someone about security.”  
Steve picked up his phone to call Tony while James continues to comfort Alex.  “Stark said he can be here in 20. Ale, did Nate say anything else?” 
“He told me to run. I told him I couldn’t. I have family here. You, Nat, Wanda. How could we abandon you guys?” 
“Nothing would happen to us Alex,” Steve replies.  “If you Bucky and Drew just disappeared, I would have understood.”  
“No!” Alex snaps. “I would never leave you behind you are my family, Stevie.”  
A knock at the door found a man in an impeccable suit with blue tinted glasses. “Somebody requested a commander?” 
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stevetonyweekly · 1 year
SteveTony Weekly - May 28th
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 Hello, darling readers! I am so sorry I missed last week. I meant to put together something ahead of time and then--didn’t have a chance. BUT! Life is starting to settle down. I’m in my new house and my kids are out of school for the summer which means I have time to return to my favorite things--reading and writing! So let’s start with a little bit of fic. Don’t forget to leave comments/kudos for your favs! 
Memorial by ani_bester
Tony takes Steve to see the WWII Monument in Washington
Memorial by hanyou_elf
Here rests in honored glory an American Soldier known but to God.
Steve visits Arlington's Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in lieu of visting the tombs of those he's lost.
Another Thing Coming Undone by nightrider101 
Written for the following prompt: After the Chitauri invasion, Tony gets sick but ignores it. So it gets worse. Somehow Steve ends up the first of the team to move into the tower. He notices something is wrong and ends up taking care of Tony after realizing there is no one else around to do it.
Where There Is Desire by KandiSheek
The cave that Steve and Tony stupidly get themselves trapped in demands a sacrifice of innocence to set them free. Steve offers to sacrifice his virginity.
Tony fucking loves hates magic.
All Our Yesterdays by sheron 
Endgame spoilers! 
Tony and Steve travel into the past and find hope for the future.
(Look, canon blessed us with the setup for a concussion and I am merely a grateful conduit.)
The Minor Fall, the Major Lift by jukeboxhound
"Jesus, Steve, it's not like I went diving in the Mariana Trench, I'm fine." Totally fine, and if he's shaking a little and can't quite bring himself to stop touching the arc reactor, whatever, no one's perfect.
(This is how they piece it together and make it work.)
Poster Child by sabrecmc
Tony likes the new poster of Captain America. A LOT.
Cracked Hearts Under Iron Ribs by XtaticPearl
Rhodey is away for almost six months now and comes to meet Tony after the mission. He doesn't understand the domesticity of the whole Tower and unknowingly sets off a whole truck of insecurities which make Tony crawl back into being a Stark instead of just Tony. The team is not at all happy and Rhodey joins them in trying to figure out a way to help their resident genius feel better in his skin.
Bruised Ribs With A Side Of Flirting by pensversusswords
Prompt via anon: "We got in separate bar fights downtown and now we're waiting in the ER comparing stories."
AKA two beat up dweebs make starry eyes at each other.
The Fortunate Isles by Kiyaar 
The difference between them, Tony thinks, is that Steve made plans. Tony had contingencies.
This is a contingency.
Every Now and Then I Fall Apart by Sineala
When Tony gets hit by a truth spell, the consequences aren't what anyone expected. They're sure not what Tony expected. He wishes he could stop telling his teammates about all the medical problems he tries to hide. As long as he doesn't open his mouth and reveal his secret feelings for Steve, or all his secret inadequacies as a human being, though, everything's going to be fine. And Tony's good at keeping secrets... or so he thinks. But maybe Steve knows him better than he knows himself. And just because Tony believes something, that doesn't make it the truth.
Questioning Reality by Captain_Panda
"Nothing's been the same since New York."
Nightmares. It's the nightmares that are eating away at Tony the most.
A post-Chitauri fic where Steve Rogers fills a much-needed void in Tony Stark's life, and both of them confront their own demons.
Follow You to the Stars (and Beyond) by navaan
In the aftermath of saving the world from Thanos, a new era is dawning for the team called Avengers. Steve has stepped down as Captain America, Tony has taken a space vacation - and he too is making plans for his retirement. What better time than now to take a road trip through space?
Meet Again by dirigibleplumbing
It's been 5 months since Steve and Tony last saw each other in Siberia, and Tony has just resurfaced after being missing for several weeks. Through a series of emails and text messages, they work to figure out what their friendship is going to look like in the future. But first, they have a lot of the past to contend with. And for some reason Tony keeps bringing up the topic of soulmates.
love me like a sinner by ArabellaAM
“So,” he says in the end, attracting Steve’s gaze towards him. “Is that everything you wanted?”
It’s only then —when he swears he can feel Steve’s breath tickling his cheek— that he realizes how close they actually are. So close the hunger in those blue eyes is undeniable, just as it’s undeniable Steve is no longer looking at him in the eye, but rather to his lips.
“Not really,” Steve says, voice raw and thick, as his eyes move quickly to Tony’s annular finger before returning to his lips.
Tony tilts his head and asks, in a tone that sounds more like a dare, “then what are you waiting for?”
Steve doesn’t actually answer; it’s Tony that makes an educated guess as he tries to grasp for air once Steve dips his head and drowns in his lips.
Or, Steve visits Tony after five years and it's not the salvation of the world he's after.
Armistice (The Nothing Else Matters Remix) by Sineala
It's 1944. Captain America lies dreaming, trapped in his own mind, and only Tony Stark can save him. But this is no mere Marvels adventure, as Tony finds when he enters Steve's dreams. Tony is confronted with dreams of superheroes, an imagined future fantastic and terrifying in equal parts, and a Steve Rogers who knows both too much and nothing at all about him. But they're just dreams. The war is what's real... isn't it?
My Heart's Quiet Home by alexcat, ralsbecket
When Pepper wants to end their marriage, Tony finds the other great love of his life.
We're On The Edge Right Now by MassiveSpaceWren, Nixie_DeAngel
“Steve Rogers, at your service, Mister Stark.”
Tony’s lips quirked up into a bright, almost teasing like grin, “I’m sure you are, Rogers, I’m sure you are.”
Steve could feel a blush work its way up his neck to his face, but before he could even open his mouth to retort, Pepper jumped in, easily redirecting the conversation before insisting on escorting Steve back down to drop him off at HR.
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katebishopofearth · 1 month
warm my brittle heart (even if it's only for a moment)
Fandom: Marvel Ship: ironwidow Characters: Natasha Romanoff | Tony Stark Rating: G Other tags: fluff and light angst | domestic | established relationship
warm my brittle heart (even if it's only for a moment)
It was a clear evening in spring. Late enough in the season that the frost had long melted, the branches were clothed in budding shades of yellow and green, and light lingered in the sky long after the first stars could be seen. Early enough that the air was light and crisp, the breeze across the lake brought a shiver, and the flickering fire pit in the backyard was needed for warmth as much as ambiance. Natasha snuggled deeper into her nest of cushions, rolling her shoulders back until she felt a satisfying pop in the left one. In a while – maybe fifteen minutes, maybe an hour – her bad knee would start to twinge from the cold and being bent in one position for too long, but she had long since learned that it would take far more than a stubborn little ache to stop her from enjoying a peaceful evening.
It had been a few months since they moved into the house by the lake, leaving behind the superhero life for this quiet domesticity. Any doubts she had before – and there were a number of them, as Tony well knew, as well as a handful that were between her and her therapist – had proven futile. No old enemies came knocking, neither she or Tony were sick of each other or bored out of their minds, and Tony assuaged her doubts with his steady, calloused hands as soon as they appeared.
There was no magic button that could fix everything, disappear the wounds that their pasts have left on them, banish her gnawing fear that the little life they built would come crashing down like a house made of matches. There were still nights when Tony woke with a panic attack, or days when the dread inside Natasha threatened to choke her. But those days got fewer and farther apart. And in between them, more and more good days, filled with soft sunlight or pattering rain, coffee in bed and home-cooked dinners with a bottle of wine, quiet lakeside walks or impromptu midnight dance parties in the kitchen. One evening, as Natasha was getting ready for bed, she caught herself believing – not just knowing but believing, down in her gut—that tomorrow, she would get to go to bed, safe and warm next to the man she loved. She had laughed out loud at the revelation, and tucked it into the spaces between her ribs, next to her beating heart, to take out and treasure on the rainy days.
But today was not one of those days. It was a good day, and it was turning into a good evening. After dinner, while Natasha settled in the nest of beanbags and pillows and throws on the patio, Tony had built a little structure in the fire pit with firewood and tinder, and worked some kind of physics and engineering magic that had the fire crackling merrily in a few minutes.
Right now, Tony was coming out of the house into the garden, two oversized mugs in his his hands full to the brim with hot chocolate and whipped cream. “Hey babe,” he called as he padded across the patio and picked his way across the overgrown grass and budding wildflowers. “I hope you like your chocolate extra boozy cause there was like slightly too little whisky left in the bottle for another round, so I used up all of it.”
She turned her head up to look at him, lips lifting in an appreciative smile. “Sounds perfect.” As she took the mug from him, his fingers glided along the raised scar on her wrist and cupped her hand briefly before slipping off. She wrapped her cold fingers around the ceramic and let its warmth seep through her skin, before she took a sip of the boozy, milky drink, and let out a satisfied mmm.
“Oof, this is cozy,” Tony groaned, sinking into the cushions next to her. “Budge over.” Natasha shifted slightly, and they shuffled around for a minute, rearranging themselves on the pillows to sit comfortably, mindful of the precariously full mugs in their hands. Finally, they settled down with their legs tangled together, Tony’s arm around Natasha’s shoulders, tucking her into his chest, and Natasha reaching up to her shoulder to lace their fingers together. It was often Tony who sought to be held and feel safe, while Natasha was more comfortable holding the person she loved protectively. But she was unlearning the instinct that being taken care of was a weakness, and learning to let herself be held, too. Besides, today Tony seemed to be fuelled by some kind of manic energy that manifested in a need to take care of her. Like how he insisted on making the hot chocolates, and before that, stopped her from lifting a finger to start the fire. But now, snuggled up in their nest of pillows, that restlessness was finally exorcised, and Natasha could feel the contentment in his body as clearly as his warmth.
[continue reading on AO3]
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marvelstarker-mha98 · 2 years
The Runaway Distance Life Of A Little Stark Chapter 5:  Secret Organizations, Rage Monsters & Magical Hammers
Pairing: Tony Stark & daughter!Reader, Nick fury & reader, Phil coulson & Reader, Darcy &
Summary: Bruce Banner appearance, thor appearing on earth for the first time, mjolnir is a little shit and steve is alive!!
Warning: Mentioning of  Pedophile and sexual assault, robbery, curse words (kind of), Thor is hot (sorry not sorry) Co author with: callikc Next chapter => Tag:  @venomsvl​  @geeksareunique
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"It's a helicarrier." Fury explained, seeing your wide eyes staring up at the great big aircraft. "A mobile command center and forward operations platform."
"It's not gonna carry me to hell, is it?"
"Not if you keep the peace."
"Right." You nodded, unsure. "It's good, I'll give you that. Sustained and independently-powered flight judging from the turbine engines. Looks familiar now I think of it."
Fury looked at you as you approached a drop-down ramp, impressed. "I'd hope so. Part of the designs were made by your grandfather decades ago."
"What?" You turned. "That guy is full of surprises."
"We've noticed most Starks tend to be. This helicarrier is hopefully the first of many. Perhaps you could put your skills to use and provide upgrades for it."
"I'd have to check the schematics and do some white box testing for the engines and see what the electrics are compatible with. And I'll need to be on the whitelist. If you have one of those."
"Of course we do."
"Good. Is there anything else I need to know about... It?"
"We have a WEP-secured network, multicast broadcasting, and traceroute and trackback."
"That's a lot of website-based add-ons. What about defenses?"
"Retro-reflective panels and radar cloaking."
You nodded in response and entered the aircraft. You stared in awe, coming into what seemed to be a loading bay. It was filled with many goods ranging from tiny widgets and tools to enormous piping or guns. This area alone seemed bigger than the entire warehouse. You could only imagine what else could fit inside.
"Ms. Stark."
You turned to see who must have been another agent approaching. Like all the others, he was dressed like a packet of silk cut. However, he seemed more friendly than the others, wearing a smile instead of a stony look like everyone else.
"Agent Coulson." Fury introduced, motioning between the two of you.
"It's a pleasure." He said, holding out a hand.
You shook it. "Hello, agent."
As he exchanged some words with Fury afterwards, you couldn't help observing him. He looked familiar, like someone you might pass on the street, but you couldn't figure it out.
"I'm sorry, have we met before?" You decided to speak up.
Coulson turned with a knowing look on his face. "Not officially."
"Not officially?"
"The Stark Expo last week. I saw you take down a Hammer drone with consummate elegance."
You smiled a little. "Tell that to the bruised ribs I ended up with."
"Coulson here recommended you to us." Fury explained. "He said you have potential."
"Well, I'm flattered." You showed off the smile on your face. "So this Triskelion. What's it like?
It was pretty amazing.
The Triskelion was built along the Potomac River on Theodore Roosevelt Island as an enormous complex that occupied almost all of the island. Its central structure was composed of three very tall columnar buildings supporting a shared circular top.
As you were guided through it, your face disguised as not to be recognized, you were given a brief overview of what the large building housed.
There was the main atrium as well as many operating rooms. It contained Fury's office, the chambers of the World Security Council, work spaces and labs, interrogation cells, and a landing ground outside. It was aweing and you wondered just how advanced SHIELD was based on all this alone.
You couldn't believe your grandfather helped make this possible. He was a founder of this.
"This will be your lab." Coulson explained as he and Fury took you to the end of another long hallway.
Pushing the door open, your face showed a mix of reactions, mostly intrigue and curiosity. It was a wide and open space, very ideal, filled with advanced tech lining the walls and several tables to place work or research. It was every inventor's dream.
"This is..." You could barely speak due to smiling. "Amazing."
"And it's all yours." Fury said. "This will be your place of work out of assignments or commissions. You won't be disturbed unless it's end of the world urgent."
You raised a brow. "And will there be any 'end of the world' urgencies?"
He didn't answer which was very unsettling, but you weren't surprised.
A few hours later, you were called up to Fury's office and were waiting patiently for him to arrive. There was a news report playing in the corner about an attack on Culver University involving the ever annoying military and some kind of creature.
"Rumors continue to swirl about a violent clash between forces of the US military and an unknown adversary on the campus of Culver University earlier today. Sophomores Jack McGhee and Jim Wilson witnessed some of the battle."
The camera changed from the destruction to two boys. "It was so big! It was, like, this, like, hulk!"
It cut back to the reporter and displayed some footage. "McGhee, who happens to be a reporter for the campus paper, captured this on his cell phone. Further search for the mysterious Hulk was postponed by powerful thunderstorms in the Smoky Mountain National Forest."
You tilted your head when you saw this 'Hulk'. It was big and green and seemed to have a constant expression of anger on its face. However, there was something about the eyes that still seemed somewhat human. Perhaps it wasn't a monster after all.
"Interesting, isn't it?" Fury's voice spoke up from behind.
You turned to face him. "That's one word for it, yes. Who is it?"
There was a pause in which he clearly debated on telling you what he knew, but ultimately decided against it and walked behind his desk.
"I have several matters to discuss with you. All of equal importance."
"Oh?" You nodded, motioning for him to go on.
"Think of these as your first assignments."
"Wait, already? I've been here three hours."
"Trust me on this." He waited for you to nod before continuing. "At the Expo, you saved a boy. Do you remember that?" Your brows furrowed. "The kid in the Iron Man mask? What about him?"
"His name is Peter Parker. He lives with his aunt May and uncle Ben in a small apartment in Queens. His parents were good friends of mine before they died in a plane crash some time ago. He's a smart kid, very talented and promising, and he admires your father. I want you to keep a permanent home in New York so you can watch over him. Ben knows about this and he's more than happy to accommodate you."
You listened and thought about it in great detail. "So you want me to move to Queens and look after this Parker kid?"
"I do. He's had trouble in the past with an older boy who wasn't exactly the kindest of souls and hurt him. He needs someone to guide him and help him cope. You suit this role whether you believe it or not."
A sad frown was on your face when you realized what he meant by 'trouble' and 'hurt'. No kid should have to deal with that.
"Okay. I'll do it." You nodded again. "What else did you need me for?"
"Ah, yes. There's been calls and reports about an unidentified object landing in New Mexico about fifty miles into the desert. I would like you to analyze this and see if you can't remove it. You won't be alone, Agent Coulson will accompany you."
The next night you were on the road with Coulson heading to New Mexico where some atmospheric disturbances had been happening.
You had stayed up all night and most of the day creating something to help remove the unidentified object Fury had been telling you about. Apparently it was a hammer of some kind but he didn't elaborate much.
As you looked out the window, you couldn't help but smile. At night, even the deserted lands seemed beautiful. The sky was a velvety navy shade and the stars twinkled like tiny diamonds up above. You could see sandy plains and dusty mountains silhouetted underneath these little diamonds and it seemed almost magical. For a moment, you forgot you were a teenage runaway sent on a mission by a super secret government agency. In fact, just the idea of that seemed preposterous.
Until your stomach gave a mighty rumble and you were thrown back into reality, cheeks flaming in embarrassment as you glanced at Coulson who only seemed amused by it.
"Hungry?" He joked.
You laughed a little and nodded. "That obvious, agent?"
"Well the good news is there's a gas station just a mile down the road. We can make a stop there if you can hold on that long."
"I think I can manage."
The two of you shared a smile before you looked out the window again, feeling the nagging in your stomach as it craved sustenance.
Before long, you came to a stop at the gas station. You unbuckled your belt and stepped outside the car, stretching as the night air wrapped around you.
As the car filled up, you and Coulson walked into the tiny food mart. The woman behind the counter didn't seem too interested but acknowledged your presence with a courteous smile before going back to staring at the floor. Your stomach growled and you quickly shushed it before heading over to grab something.
You picked up a pack of sour patch kids and a bottle of water before joining Coulson again. He was crouched by one of the shelves, looking torn between powdered donuts or frosted donuts.
"Hands up! Don't move!" Someone suddenly shouted.
Your heart stopped and glanced up at the mirror in the corner to see two men with guns pointed at the woman behind the counter. As they threatened her, you decided to try and distract them. However, Coulson simply grabbed your arm and shook his head, saying he had it under control. You stayed hidden and watched as he stood up.
"Who else is here?" One of the men asked the woman. "Who owns the car outside?"
"I do." Coulson spoke up. "But it's really more like a lease."
The second man turned abruptly and pointed his shotgun at him. "Toss the keys over here. Come on."
He did as asked and the robber caught them, stuffing them in his pockets. Then they turned back to the woman who had her hands raised and was crying.
"Empty the cash register." The first one ordered, taking out a bag. "Start filling this bag with cigarettes."
"Excuse me." Coulson said, getting their attention again. "I also have this gun. You'll probably be needing that."
"Put it down!" They both yelled. "Put it down right now!"
"Okay, don't want any trouble." He said, raising his hands in surrender.
"Toss the piece over here then."
"I prefer not to throw it and risk the gun accidentally going off. Maybe I could slide it over?"
They shared a look, confused. "Yes. Slide it over to my feet. Don't try anything funny."
"Okay. I'm just gonna move over to this aisle. I'm gonna slide it over to you."
He slowly moved past you, still hidden, and into the next aisle as he said. You were just as confused as the robbers, wondering what he was planning to do.
He did as he said would and slid the gun over. However, as one of the men knelt down to pick it up, Coulson suddenly grabbed a bag of flour and tossed it at the second man, causing it to explode in his face and stun him. He then ran forward and used one of the shelves for a boost, jumping up and kicking the shotgun out of the first man's hands. He grabbed that next and pivoted, hitting both of them in the face and knocking them out cold with ease.
You stared, your jaw dropping in pure amazement, and slowly stood up. The woman behind the counter was just as stunned and you walked over, awkwardly placing your items on the counter.
"That was so cool." You said. "Can you be my new bestie?"
Coulson gave you a smile before turning to the other woman and putting down both the powdered and frosted donut packets. "Sorry for the mess. I couldn't decide."
He handed the money over but she only stared, afraid to speak and struggling to process what she'd just witnessed.
"Keep the change." He told her, picking up the items.
"Wait." She finally managed to say. "What should I tell the police?"
"Tell them those Tae-Bo tapes really paid off."
The next day, you arrived at the site. It was incredible how many people were already there.
A parking lot had been made, most of the cars pickup trucks or RVs, and dozens of men, women, and children alike were gathered around a huge crater in the earth. They had picnic blankets, coolers, tents, and even a barbecue set up. All for this hammer that supposedly couldn't be moved. From the looks of things, they'd even tried chaining it to one of the pickups but it was too heavy even for that and tore off the end of the truck.
"Is this it?" You asked, squinting past the sun to get a good look.
"This is it." Coulson confirmed, taking out his phone and dialing a number. He waited a few seconds for the person to answer. "Sir. We've found it."
Like magic, SHIELD trucks arrived over the course of a couple hours and quickly dispersed the gathered crowds. They set up a small compound around the hammer, many of the agents trying to lift it as they worked. You hadn't yet and were very desperate to do so but waited until it was all set up and you could do your thing.
You called in some help to lift the different parts of your invention over to the hammer but made sure to get rid of them so you could set it up without interference. It was a fairly simple design, a claw that used the weight of the object it was lifting to apply the right pressure and strength when lifting.
You set the clamps up, straightened the limbs of the support, and then moved the claw in place, the three steel arms positioned above the handle of the hammer. And, naturally, you couldn't resist trying yourself first.
You put a hand around it and lifted.
For just a split second, you could have sworn it budged from the rock it was stuck in. But it ultimately stayed in place. The reports weren't lying when they said it was like trying to lift the world itself. You hoped your little machine would work.
And so you stepped back, taking a breath before activating it. Many lingering agents turned to watch as it gave out a mechanical whir and the claw attached itself to the handle. You waited anxiously, praying it would work, but quickly found yourself losing hope when the entire thing began creaking. The ground beneath the clamps cracked and shattered under the pressure and just a second later sparks were sent flying as the claw completely snapped off from the rest of the machine, causing it all to fall.
It took a good minute for you to process that the hammer had destroyed your invention. Hours of working without a single break had amounted to nothing. You cursed extremely loudly.
"Screw you!" You shouted at the hammer before kicking the broken machine. You winced as pain shot through your foot and pointed at it as you hopped around. "And screw you too!"
In just twenty-four hours, your faith had been shaken considerably. You remained in New Mexico even after your invention failed, hoping to find a different way to lift the damned hammer. But the reason your faith was shaken?
You had seen things unexplainable and incomprehensible in nature.
Shortly after SHIELD captured and later released a man named Donald who broke into the compound to try and lift the hammer, the small town nearby was attacked by something very huge and very dangerous named the Destroyer. It was a seemingly indestructible automaton.
It dispersed most of the SHIELD team who were there to witness its arrival but you were one of the few who managed to follow it into town. There, three people dressed like they belonged at a renaissance fair attacked it. It managed to defeat them and the same man who SHIELD caught before offered himself to it.
You thought he was dead after it smacked him away, but the hammer, the curious and unmovable thing that had puzzled everyone, flew right into his hands and he seemed to regain some sort of power. His shirt and pants were replaced by armor and a billowing red cape. He managed to get rid of it with ease after that.
You had just witnessed all of this and couldn't stop blinking repeatedly as it sunk in. How was it possible? How could one man do all that? And how could he lift the hammer so easily? And why did the hammer seem to conduct lightning? Was the guy some kind of Thor wannabe from Norse mythology? He seemed to fit the description. But surely that wasn't possible.
"Excuse me!" Coulson called, you and him walking forward.
You had to stop short and take a sharp intake of breath at being so close to this 'Donald'.
He was hot.
Like the hottest being you had ever seen. You probably would have swooned or fainted if you didn't have self control.
"I don't think you've been completely honest with me." Coulson was telling him.
"Know this, Son of Coul. You and I, we fight for the same cause, the protection of this world." He said. "From this day forward, you can count me as your ally, if you return the items you have taken from Jane."
A brunette came forward. "Stolen."
"Borrowed." Coulson retorted. "Of course you can have your equipment back. You're gonna need it to continue your research."
She seemed happy with that and the Thor guy you were still drooling over looked down at her. "Would you like to see the bridge we spoke of?"
"Uh... Sure." She nodded.
He grinned and pulled her close, causing her to laugh.
"Wait, I need to debrief you." Coulson said, only to be ignored as they suddenly shot into the air.
"I don't think he cares." You finally spoke up, staring at the sky. "I can't believe he can lift that thing."
"It's pretty cool, right?" Another dark-haired woman with glasses said.
"It destroyed my invention."
"Still pretty cool."
Still looking up, you scoffed. "I can't argue with that."
It had been a year and a half since Thor visited earth. You had been at work as a SHIELD engineer and inventor and it was honestly the best thing to happen to you.
You had the alias of Ellen Campbell, as well as a new bank, ID, and social security number. You frequently changed your look to blend in and travelled between states quite a bit for when different bases needed you. You had an apartment in Queens now as well. After keeping your distance when watching over Peter, you had been instructed to become more involved in his life which you were happy to do so.
You were at the SHIELD facility now after receiving an urgent call from Fury. You found yourself again becoming awestruck by what he had to show you.
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Helicarriers and quinjets seemed unimportant when compared to things such as norse gods and superheroes. You were staring at the thawed body of Captain America. Everyone thought he'd gone missing and died during WW2 but apparently he was just frozen under ice after a plane crash. It was... Amazing. "My dad won't like him." You commented, still smiling as you and Fury watched over him.
"Why's that?" Fury asked.
"Because Captain Rogers got to know my grandfather more than he ever did. Howard mentioned him a lot apparently. I would recommend keeping them apart unless absolutely necessary."
He nodded. "Advice noted."
"Coulson will be happy, though. My favorite agent gets to meet his hero. I hope I'm there."
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chronal-anomaly · 2 years
Long winded accelerator HC talk ahead.
Lena cannot remove the accelerator itself, though she can remove the harness that sits on top of her uniform. The actual accelerator is building into a metal housing in her chest, surgically rooted to the xiphoid process of her sternun, and partially to the ribs. The actual accelerator is flush with the upper portion of her abs and covered with a piece of nearly-indestructible piece of glass that prevents debris and foriegn bodies from getting into the accelerator itself. The actual housing looks similar to Tony Stark's arc reactor, though lower.
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This installation left many surgical scars, as it was not an easy surgery and her body was already fairly weak from her trip through time. Lena also struggled with adapting to it at first, leading her to attempt to pry it off during some late nights full of regret.
Lena cannot take this portion of the accelerator off or out. The only time it can be entirely powered down is when she's in for routine repairs and cleaning with Winston, in a specialized chamber. Additionally, with just the accelerator, Lena has no time powers. There's no Recall nor Blink. It only keeps her cemented to this timeline. It's very, very rare for her to be seen in just the accelerator, as she still hasn't quite gotten used to the artificial leash of sorts.
The harness that she wears over her clothes is what give her the time power to Recall and Blink. The harness is attached to the accelerator through a series of latches and magnets, and needs to be attached carefully. Once it's on, however, it's almost impossible without unlatching/unbuckling it. That is, of course, unless someone tries to rip it off (ahem, Doomfist). In that case, the accelerator would be ripped off with it. This leads to her being lost in time again ( and being in a significant amount of dehabilitating pain).
The accelerator is powered by her sleep and caloric intake, which means she has to eat and sleep slightly more than the usual person. Her metabolism is already high due to how much she works out, so she can eat anywhere from 2000-2500 cal daily to maintain her weight. During and after major missions, where she uses the accelerator / harness frequently, she's been known to eat up to 4000 calories and sleep for 10-15 hours. In addition to the power the accelerator takes from her body, the harness can be charged increase power. She charges it while she's sleeping, and one charge can last anywhere from 2-3 weeks depending on use.
There is a wireless processing chip that has been surgically implanted into her brain by Mercy. This allows her to use the accelerator / harness as an extension of herself, compared to manual command methods.
The accelerator was attached via several long, indepth surgeries guided by Mercy and Winston, and a team of Overwatch surgeons familiar with her case. She still sees both Mercy and Winston for routine check ups and is monitored for signs of temporal insanity, chronal disassociation and many other psychological and physical dangers associated with this condition.
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ballisterboldheart · 1 year
iron man skates you mean the world. to me
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sylvanfreckles · 3 years
This blog is sponsored by Tony Stark’s House of Ribs
The Ultimate Avengers animated movies came out almost twenty years ago, and all I remember is that running joke on the gag reel. Tony Stark’s House of Ribs.
And Gi-Ant Man, because they couldn’t call him Ant Man for some reason.
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The running Tony Stark’s House of Ribs gag in the bloopers of the first Ultimate Avengers movie (animated) is everything.
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thewidowsghost · 3 years
Shy (Wanda Maximoff x Stark!Fem!Reader)
Anon asked:
May I request you writing a fic where Wanda Maximoff trains a new shy avenger who doesn’t laugh a lot and Wanda accidentally finds out that the reader is EXTREMELY ticklish and she thinks it’s very funny and she pins him/her down and tickles the reader to get him/her to laugh and open up to her?
This was so much fun to write!
Thanks to all of you guys who've recently sent in requests!
(Y/n) Stark had to be the shiest person any of the Avengers had ever met, and that hadn't changed when the young woman had joined the Avengers.
Now, the youngest Stark is nothing like her father. Where Tony was loud and obnoxious, (Y/n) is shy and not once had anyone, not even her mother, Pepper, nor her father had once heard (Y/n) laugh.
The young Avenger had only smiled in the presence of someone that wasn't her parents added up to a grand total of three times, and they had all been directed by her godmother Natasha. Once was because Natasha had gotten (Y/n) the exact gift she'd wanted without telling the former assassin. The second has been when (Y/n) was five and she'd left her favorite bear at her parent's house, and Natasha had taken (Y/n) to Build-A-Bear to make a new bear. The third had been the time when (Y/n) was sick - Tony and Pepper were at work like always - and Natasha is tasked with caring for the youngest Stark; Natasha had snuggled with her goddaughter, bring forth the third and last smile Natasha had seen from the girl, a grateful, loving smile that had Natasha cuddling (Y/n) closer.
Then Wanda Maximoff had entered the picture.
At first, (Y/n) had treated the newest Avenger with the same attitude as the other, but after a month or so, (Y/n) had warmed up to the witch.
The two young women are having their twice-a-week movie night when Wanda brushes (Y/n)'s side with a hand as she reaches for the bowl of popcorn.
"I'm sorry!" Wanda says hastily but smiles slightly when she catches (Y/n)'s lips quirks into the slightest smile and she hears the soft giggle escape them. "Oh, the quietest Avenger is ticklish?" Wanda teases, wiggling her fingers playfully.
"No, no I'm not," (Y/n) protests, her slight smile still betraying her.
Wanda grins, tackles (Y/n), and digs her fingers into (Y/n)'s ribs.
"W-wan-nda-a!" (Y/n) laughs, unable to stop herself. "S-st-to-op!" she exclaims, still laughs hysterically.
The door to (Y/n)'s room slams open and five Avengers and a mother are framed in the doorway, staring dumbfounded at the scene in front of them: Wanda straddling (Y/n)'s waist, fingers still dug into (Y/n)'s ribs, and, possibly the strangest part of the situation is the fact that (Y/n) is still laughing.
"I thought someone had died," Pepper says softly.
"This might be stranger though," Tony continues, just as soft as his wife, the six backing out of the room, silently closing the door behind them.
Wanda, still grinning, settles back down on the bed beside (Y/n), and (Y/n) sits up, her cheeks still red.
"Do I win a prize?" Wanda asks teasingly.
"What would you like?" (Y/n) asks, a soft smile creeping onto her face.
"Why do you never smile or laugh?" Wanda asks, turning to study (Y/n) closely.
(Y/n) silently considers the question, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. Then she speaks, "I guess it's because my parents were always at work when I was younger, and I was always left with Nat. Don't get me wrong, I love Natasha, but sometimes I just want to spend time with them. They were just always gone."
Wanda replies curiously, "Why didn't you just tell them?"
"I'm shy, I guess that played a part in it," (Y/n) pauses. "But I guess it's also the fact that I didn't want to disappoint them."
"(Y/n), you're not disappointing anyone, not now, not ever," Wanda says fiercely. "They want what's best for you - making sure you have everything you could ever want."
"Wanda, I-I," (Y/n) falters, notice the emotion behind the witch's words. "Thank you," (Y/n) finally settles with, turning back towards the TV.
(Y/n) leans against Wanda slightly, the popcorn bowl resting in (Y/n)'s lap. The youngest Stark is feeling a lot better with all that she'd told Wanda off her chest.
The next morning, (Y/n) wakes up, determined to make today a good day.
(Y/n) is the first one downstairs, and she's the one who makes breakfast - waffles, pancakes, sausage, bacon, and sliced fruit.
(Y/n) greets Natasha with a warm hug and a stack of waffles with sliced strawberries on top, and the former assassin smiles, (Y/n) returns the smile shyly.
(Y/n) greets the remainder of the Avengers with shy, nervous smiles, and their choice of breakfast.
The atmosphere is a lot more relaxed this morning, (Y/n) thinks as she sits down beside Wanda, and when the witch smiles warmly, (Y/n) returns it.
Wanda is helping (Y/n) clean up the breakfast dishes, the other Avengers having moved into the training room when Wanda turns to ask (Y/n) a question. "(Y/n)?" (Y/n) turns to meet Wanda's gaze. "Would you want to, maybe, only if you want to," Wanda falters as if she's nervous, and (Y/n) smiles reassuringly at the witch. "Would you like to go out with me? It's okay if you don't want to," Wanda asks hastily. "It's up -"
"Wanda!" (Y/n) interupts. "Wanda, I'd love to go out with you."
"Wait, really?" Wanda asks, her eyes wide with disbelief.
"Wanda, you helped bring out a side of myself that even I've never seen before, that was all you," (Y/n) says. "Talking about the thing we talked out yesterday, or," (Y/n) cracks the slightest smiles, "what you forced out of me yesterday, made me realize that, despite what I thought, my parents to want me around."
"I'll pick you up in the lobby at 5'o'clock?" Wanda asks and (Y/n) nods.
"See you soon," (Y/n) says, placing a soft kiss on Wanda's cheek.
At 5'o'clock, (Y/n) and Wanda meet in the lobby of the Compound.
"You look really nice," Wanda tells (Y/n), and the young Stark flushes. (Y/n) is wearing a pair of dark jeans, a mint green t-shirt, a dark green leather jacket that must've belonged to Natasha, and a pair of black tennis shoes.
"I-I, wow," is (Y/n)'s response as she gazes at Wanda. The witch is wearing a black dress with a red leather jacket, and a pair of black, knee-high leather boots.
Wanda chuckles taking (Y/n)'s hand gently in her own before she leads the Stark out to a waiting car - a familiar black Corvette Stingray.
Wanda opens one of the back doors and (Y/n) slides into the car.
"Hello, Miss Stark, Miss Maximoff," says Natasha Romanoff, who Wanda had recruited - not that it took a lot of convincing - to be their chauffeur for the night.
"Oh, hi Nattie," (Y/n) greets her godmother.
Natasha smiles at the girl before she starts the car, driving to their destination.
"This is beautiful," (Y/n murmurs, gazing at all the light strung through the gazebo. "And how'd you figure out all my favorite foods - paprikash, roasted potatoes; beef stroganoff," albeit an interesting assortment of food. "Nattie used to make me a ton of eastern European and Russian dishes when I was younger. You use your powers?"
"I like to ask permission when I use them. I took a guess, and well, Nat helped me a little," Wanda admits. "I also went with a few of my own favorites."
(Y/n)'s phone dings partway through the dinner, and (Y/n) glances apologetically at Wanda before she glances down at the phone beside her plate at the table.
"It's Nattie," (Y/n) says.
Nattie: How's it going 😀 ❤️ Having fun?
Me: Haha ❤️ You've been in on this all day and you haven't told me 🥺 ❤️
(Y/n) glances over to the car and smiles at her godmother, who smiles lovingly in return.
A sleepy (Y/n) rests against Wanda on the quiet ride back to the Compound; Wanda smiles, her green eyes sparkling.
Wanda sends Natasha a grateful smile and walks (Y/n) up to her room.
"I had a really nice time," (Y/n) says with a sleepy smile. "Can we do something tomorrow? Maybe see a movie?"
"I'd love to," Wanda beams.
Word Count: 1323 words
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how they react when you walk in covered in blood and carrying a gun ~ mcu
request?: no
warnings: swearing, mentions of guns and violence
masterlist (one, two)
*only using the og six plus bucky, wanda and loki because there’s way too many marvel characters rn; also based off of a tiktok by anniedvorak!*
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The last person you expected to see when you entered Thor’s room on Sakaar with the intentions of saving him was your boyfriend, Bruce. He had been lost for so long, you had let your heart let go of him. But there he was, stood with a cloth wrapped around his waist after having turned back from the Hulk.
You were tempted to walk back out. This wasn’t exactly how you wanted Bruce to see you - an alien gun in hand and blood splattered over your face and clothes. But it was too late, he was already looking at you with wide eyes.
“(Y/N),” he said, turning to approach you but stopping halfway. You weren’t sure if he had stopped because of the blood or because he was still technically naked. “What are you...what did you...?”
“I’m trying to save Thor,” you responded. “Listen, we don’t have much time. I can explain everything once all of us are off of this planet. Put some pants on, we’re getting out of here.”
You walked in after a surprise run in with the Flag Smashers. Bucky already looked about ready to kill someone, but when you walked through the door of Zemo’s apartment, blood covering your face and your gun clutched tightly in your hand, his face turned red with anger.
“What the hell happened to you?” Sam asked.
“Flag Smashers,” you breathed in response.
“I’m gonna fucking kill them,” Bucky hissed, abandoning his drink on the counter and making his way to the door.
You put a hand up to stop him. “I think that ship has sailed. This isn’t all my blood.”
Bucky cupped your face in his hands, his face softening as he looked at you. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you insisted. “I just need a shower, and maybe a visit to a hospital or something. They hit me pretty hard, I think I have some bruised ribs or something.”
He kissed your forehead and took your gun from your still shaking hands. Once it was safely put aside, he brought you into the bathroom to help you bathe and to start dressing your wounds.
You were extremely lucky that Clint worked with someone like Natasha regularly, or else he would’ve been much more concerned when you arrived home from work covered in blood and still carrying you gun. He barley looked up from the TV as you walked through the door, immediately racing for your bedroom so you could shower and change.
“Hard day at work?” he called as you passed by.
“That last target they sent me after put up a hell of a fight,” you responded. “By the time I finally got him, I realized how late it was and rushed home immediately. I’m glad S.H.I.E.L.D issues those SUVs with the tinted windows or else I definitely would’ve been pulled over for suspicious activity.”
Clint chuckled and rose from his seat. He walked into your shared bedroom as you were pulling off you bloodstained clothes and throwing them into a pile to be tossed out eventually. His eyes raked over your body as you looked up at him.
“Red looks good on you,” he said, a teasing smirk pulling at his lips.
“That’s gross,” you teased. “You’re gross. Just for that, you can’t shower with me.”
He groaned as you walked into the bathroom and locked the door before he could follow you in. 
The sly smirk on Loki’s face was enough to almost rid you of the annoyance you felt after what you just had to do. Almost.
You walked up to the panel that controlled his glass cage. You could’ve easily figured out how to deal with it, but instead you shot the control panel. Sparks flew from it before Loki’s prison sprung open.
“Seems like a bit of overkill,” he commented.
“Shut it,” you hissed. “You told me it was going to be easy to break you out. You failed to mention the entire team of guards that were watching this room, and, oh yeah, the team of super humans that were assembled to face you?!”
Loki walked free of his cage, taking a dramatic deep breath before smiling to himself. “Well, doesn’t seem like you had an issue with them, as I knew you wouldn’t.”
He approached you, arms out as if he were going to hug you and try to kiss you. You poked his stomach with the barrel of your gun, glaring up at him.
“Come one step closer and we see how much damage a mortal weapon can do to a God.”
Loki put his hands on your shoulders, keeping you a fair distance away to heed your warning. “I’m sorry for not giving you a proper warning. Thank you for freeing me, I do appreciate it.”
You allowed yourself to relax against his touch and smiled a little. “You’re welcome.”
“Now, let’s get out of here, shall we?”
“You’re doing all the work this time.”
It probably wasn’t a good idea, but you didn’t know where else to go. Natasha had always warned you about the Red Room, and you were so stupid to not listen to her.
Now you were stood on her doorstep, covered in blood that wasn’t yours, your gun dangling from your hand as you wished to drop it but also too scared to let it go. It was what Natasha looked at first when she opened the door - the gun, then to your blood covered face.
“Put the gun down,” she said, her voice calmer than you expected.
You gratefully allowed her to take it from your hand as you felt tears starting to well in your eyes. She pulled you in for a hug, where you started to sob on her shoulder. She took a quick look around to make sure you weren’t followed before bringing you into her house.
“Go get cleaned up,” she told you. “We’ll figure out your next step together.”
You showed up to Sam’s shortly after Steve had brought Natasha. You could barley keep yourself up, the fight had taken everything out of you. You were sure Sam was going to turn you away - you were a stranger showing up on his doorstep covered in blood with a gun in your hand. You were pleasantly shocked when he stepped aside and told you where to find Steve.
Poor Steve. He was already trying to help Natasha, who had been in the same situation as you just with a lot less blood. She was resting when you walked in, dazed and just wanting to also rest.
He was up in seconds, reaching out to wrap you in his arms despite the blood covering you.
“The Winter Soldier is one mean fucker,” you breathed, resting your head against Steve’s chest. “I think he finally got wore out and ran off. Unfortunately, I was wore out about an hour before he was, but I kept going.”
“You should’ve given up long ago, honey,” he said.
“I’m not a pussy,” you said with a slight laugh. “Although I am starting to succumb to the pain.”
He picked you up into his arms and carried you to the bathroom where he helped you to rinse the blood off of your body so you could finally rest.
It was a side of you that Thor had never seen before. He had lost you during the battle in Sokovia and was expecting the worst when he couldn’t get you over the coms. When you showed back up to jet, blood covering your tired looking face, he was overjoyed to see you were alright, but also a little shocked by your appearance.
“Those fuckers really thought they had me,” you said, a half laugh bubbling on your lips. “They were a little shocked when I got the upper hand on them. Even more shocked when I shot them dead.”
“I was worried for you, (Y/N),” Thor said, cupping your face in his hands as he approached you. “I truly thought they had taken you from me.”
You smirked up at him. “You really have no faith in me at all them, do you? Or you just underestimate me. I’m a little offended on both accounts, though.”
Thor smiled back at you. “Of course, I would never doubt you. Just a bit of fear is all.”
“When you two are done being gross,” came Tony’s voice from inside the jet, “we’d like to get back to the tower. I think (Y/N) needs a shower and a fresh change of clothes more than anything.”
“Miss (Y/L/N) incoming Mr. Stark.”
“Tell her to come back at another time, J.A.R.V.I.S, I’m busy right now.”
“I don’t think it can wait, sir.”
Tony looked up to see you walking through the door to his lab, your body trembling as you clutched the gun tightly in your hand. There was a splatter of blood over your shirt and some on your face. You looked up at him, looking like a helpless child.
He quickly walked over to you, his hand automatically reaching for the gun. You gladly let him take it, feeling like a weight had been lifted the moment the weapon was out of your hands.
“What happened?” he asked.
“I-I was attacked at-at home,” you stuttered. “I don’t know how they got in, I don’t know who they were. I walked into my house and was blindsided by these two men trying to attack me. I got the gun out of the hands of one of them and I...I...”
Your hands moved to mimic the action of shooting your attackers, but you couldn’t actually bring yourself to say you had done it. You didn’t want to admit to having shot anyone, even if it was in self defense.
Tony placed the gun aside and took you into his arms. You stopped fighting against the lump that had formed in your throat and began to sob into his chest. He ran a hand through your hair, calming you down.
“It’s okay,” he said, soothingly. “It’s alright. I got you now. I won’t let anyone else try to hurt you.”
You didn’t think of Tommy and Billy. You didn’t think about the perfect neighborhood Wanda had created. You didn’t even think about Vision, or the version of Vision she had created. Your only thoughts were getting to Wanda before Hayward and his people could.
She was horrified when she opened the door. Of course she was; you were stood at her doorstep, a ghost from the life she wanted to forget, holding a gun with blood splattered on your face.
“You have to get out of here,” you said before she could speak. “You have to break down that boarder and you need to get out of here now.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said, her voice still in its sitcom mode. “Please leave before I call the police.”
You grabbed hold of her shoulders before she could walk away, startling her.
“Wanda, you have to listen to me. You know what’s happening here because you are controlling it all. I know that, everyone outside the Hex knows that. Including the S.W.O.R.D director Hayward, who is trying to break through your barrier right now to kill you. I know you don’t want to lose this perfect life you’ve made, but your are in real danger. You need to get out of here.”
It seemed like she was understanding. A hurt look passed over her face as she turned to look into the house where her perfect family was likely residing. She took a deep breath and turned back to you.
“Let’s go.”
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seabass17 · 3 years
All that’s left | Bucky Barnes
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
A/n: This is my first time writing something based on a video I found on TikTok, it’s not exactly the same, but it is kinda the idea. I hope you like it and please let me know if you might want a part two. Also, I apologize if you find some errors, im doing my best since English is not my first language. Anyway, happy reading!!
All that’s left masterlist
Pt. 2
Warnings: angst, mentions of injuries (broken ribs, cuts, dislocated shoulder)
Word count: 2.5K
Summary: She still can’t get used to the feeling of being left behind by the people she once called family. After being hurt, she decides that she will give them a chance, and when they failed, she then makes the decision to disappear and start brand new. Of course, she leaves a letter that will left the team standing in the dark, and with more questions than answers about a lot of things, while discovering that she has more of one past that she let to know.
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The sound of the rain hitting against the window of my living room was the only thing that could be heard in the silence of my apartment. I looked over my desk where the paper is waiting for me to pick up the pen and get this over with, but somehow, somewhere deep inside of me, a part is waiting, holding on to the smallest of hope that maybe, just maybe, he is going to come knocking to my door asking why the i haven’t showed up to the compound for the last three days, or why i didn’t text nor call the rest of the team. I wanted to see if they would notice my absence so I left the compound on Thursday. I got the answer to my question when Sunday arrived and my inbox was clear; no one noticed. Today is Tuesday, my apartment is thirteen minutes away, fifthteen if you literally fly or speed up, but still, no one came or text.
To be honest, I'm not surprised, that doesn’t mean it hurts less though. I know i should probably think this through instead of making the impulse decision of grabbing my things and get the hell out of here, going somewhere i can start fresh, somewhere i can start over and get a chance to get over all the things that happened,  find people that actually cared for me, or maybe not finding anyone at all and die alone.
I stand up from my bed and go to my desk, it’s time to get this over with. I start writing the only thing that they get to keep.
“Dear Avengers, You’re probably wondering where I am, or you just don’t care, maybe you don’t even find this. If someone from the building finds this, keep it in case they ever come looking for me; thank you. So, this is it, this is my goodbye. You should consider yourselves lucky, given the fact that none of you even deserves a goodbye because you are the ones causing it. I could tell you the reason why I'm leaving, and you know what, I will tell you. I chose to trust you. The one thing I feared the most was trusting people, but when I joined the team, I thought ‘well, maybe i can trust them, they are my team’, guess what, I was wrong. You should really look out for your teammates Stark, oh, and by the way, you might want to look deeper into why the operation that saved those 30 civilians on may 20, didn’t go south, you might even discover its the very same reason of why i didn’t showed up in the compound for a week, yeah, they were busy torturing the information out of me for a week; information that, by the way, i didn't give, hence why the operation went great. Something even more funny, is that behind every mistake, every wrong that each one of you have ever done, I’m the one that suffered the consequences. Don’t believe me? Then you might want to do your homework, because dear teammates, I’m the one you couldn’t protect. By the time you find out the things you’ve done, I will be long gone. I'm very good at disappearing, Natasha (once she figures it out) can confirm that. I wish things would be different and we could be… family, but that’s never going to happen; not anymore. As of now, there will be no record of my name ever existing, everything that once belonged to me, will be burned, and as of me, well, I am no one.”
I fold the piece of paper and put it in the envelope, once sealed, I write down the word my name in the center so they know. I take a last look at my apartment. Everything is intact, the furniture that came with it is the same as always, the only thing different is that it seems empty without all my belongings. I grabbed my luggage and exited the apartment and then went downstairs.
“Hey Richard”  I say to the man that is in the reception like I always do
“Hey miss, what can I do for you?”
“Well, I'm leaving, for good. If someone comes asking for me, my friends, you tell them that you haven’t seen me. Oh, I left a letter for them upstairs, could you please make sure that it gets to them? Only if the show up, do not sent it”
He looked at me a little sad and confused.
“Oh, well, you will me missed miss, I hope you find happiness and yes, i promised i will make sure they get your letter”
“Thank you Richard, for everything, oh, and this is for you” I handed him an envelope with some cash. He looked like he was about to say something about how he couldn’t accept it but I cut him off. “Please, just take it, please”. He sighs but takes the envelope.
“Thank you miss…”
I smiled at him and then turned around to grab a cab. I'm supposed to be in the airport in 30 minutes. Once in the airport, the only thing left is to start again, be someone brand new.
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*3rd person POV*
Friday morning was a little colder than usual in the avengers compound, everyone on the team was up and in the kitchen having breakfast. Everything was normal, until someone noticed that someone was missing.
“Hey guys” Bucky said right before taking a bite of the pancakes Wanda made earlier for everyone. “Have any of you seen y/n?”
The team stayed quiet, realizing that they haven’t seen her for quite a while, not until Barnes brought it up.
“Uh… maybe she took a trip?” Steve broke the silence while the rest started thinking when was the last time they had seen her.
“No, she was here when we arrived from the Jersey mission, it must have been like what, two days, maybe three?” Tony said. Bucky could feel his insides burning and twisting.
“No… that was eight days ago” Vision intervened. The avengers felt like someone just blew up the white house. Her teammate was missing for eight days and no one even noticed. Bucky was the first one to react by getting up and running to her dorm, only to find it exactly the way it was when he last saw her. He searched her dorm looking for something out of place that could tell him that maybe you were in trouble and that he has to come save you, but he is left desperate when he doesn’t find anything.
“She’s not here, everything is intact” He informs once he is back in the kitchen.
“Everyone” Steve calls out, “get dressed, we’re going to look for her. Let’s start in her apartment”
The team leaves to change their clothes and next thing they know, they are in her building. Without saying a word to the receptionist, they all made their way up to her apartment.
“Hey! wait-” he goes unnoticed because the avengers are already on her door. Wanda knocks on the door.
“Y/n? You there?” no one responds. “Y/n come on, don’t be mad at us” Natasha says.
After a few seconds they all start to worry when the door is unlocked, and they worry even more once they see the apartment completely empty.
“What the-” Bucky says
“Where are her things?” Wanda asks to no one especifically
“Where is she?” Thor says
“What the hell is going on?” Tony says a little louder
Bucky storms out of the empty apartment and goes to the man in the reception
“What the hell happened to apartment 108, where is y/n y/l/n?” he asks with worry and anxiety in his voice.
“I’m sorry, but, who are you?” the man asks the rather intimidating group of people in front of him.
“We’re the Avengers man” Peter says and the man suddenly realizes and his face changes from a confused one, to a sad one that makes the team’s stomach drop.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t…” he sighs, “She left me indicated to give this to you” he hands them an envelope that looks like it's been sitting there for a while. Bucky stares at the envelope like it's some kind of nuclear weapon that if you touch it, it could kill you. Wanda notices, grabs the envelope and stares at the paper in her hands.
“When did she leave this?” She asked
“Three days ago”
“And why didn’t you send it to us?” Tony asked, getting angry at the poor man.
“Because she specifically said  to handed it to you, if you ever came looking for her”
Bucky could feel the tears in his eyes start to form.
“She said that? `Ever’?” Bucky asked almost to himself. The man slowly nodded. Natasha could feel how her stomach started burning from the guilt and the pain of not noticing that her friend was missing for eight days, little does she know that the entire team felt exactly the same.
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“F.R.I.D.A.Y pull the records on the mission on may 20 and also show me the status of y/n on that time” Tony said to the AI and after a few seconds later, pictures of the building that that was about to be blown out by HYDRA with 30 civilians inside showed up. While the avengers were sitting in the conference room looking at the pictures, the AI started talking.
“Mission of may 20. Information was given that HYDRA kept 30 civilians inside the building with the intention of blowing it up with them inside. Source of the information unknown. The Avengers  came to the building and successfully rescued the civilians safely moments before the building was blown up. Agent y/n y/l/n was on an undercover mission on a HYDRA facility at the same time, the communication was lost three days before the civilians situation, and around the same time, the information about the building was given anonymously the very same day that communication with Agent y/l/n was lost; Agent y/l/n returned a week later. Medical record found, access denied”
“Override, Tony Stark” Tony said after a good couple of seconds, the pieces starting to fall in place.
“Access complete. Medical records of Agent y/l/n on may 27th. Access restrained: Agent y/l/n. She presented with several cuts all over her body, three broken ribs, a second grade concussion, a sprained ankle and a dislocated shoulder. Patient refused treatment and was only given medication for the pain”
The seconds were passing and no one in the room would break the silence. The pieces were starting to fall in place, Tony felt nauseous. He yelled at her for being irresponsible for staying a little longer than she should have in the undercover mission, given the fact that she checked in on june 10th, meaning that she waited two weeks for her injuries to heal enough so that he could yell at her for not being good enough. He fell down to his chair, feeling like if he stayed up, he might throw up.
“She was the one that gave us the information about the building” Sam broke the silence. “She was the one that got tortured, and still managed to pass through the data so that we, could be the heroes while she was the one that got beaten up”
“F.R.I.D.A.Y, where is she?” Natasha asked the AI, and it responded after a few seconds.
“No information found”
Natasha frowned, Bucky looked up to the screen to see the red sentence. It only made him want to scream more.
“What does ‘no information found’ mean?” Bucky asked on the edge of falling apart.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y” Steve called
“No information available” it said this time.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y, look for y/n y/l/n” Tony said, thinking maybe he needed to check what was wrong with the AI.
“No records found for y/n y/l/n”
“Detail,” Stark said.
The AI showed what it said before, there was no record of her name, it was like it never existed. No phone number, no mail address, no nothing, just a little picture of an abandoned building or mansion somewhere in the world.
“Wait” Natasha said, “I know that building, F.R.I.D.A.Y, do a close up on that picture”
“What is it?” Wanda asked
“It was where The Red Room used to operate” tha AI responded
“Why does it appear related to her?” Bucky asked, fearing the answer
“The picture was taken when a girl escaped The Red Room in 2002, she eliminated four people on the way, the age or who it was is still unknown” the AI responded.
“Oh god…” Natasha whispered but Bucky manage it to hear it
“Natasha, what is it?” he asked
“2002, that’s three years after i managed to escape, there was a girl, we were some sort of friends, i promised that i was going to get us out of here, but i couldn’t take her with me so i left her. Two years later I contacted someone on the inside so that I could get to her and plan her escape, but she was angry at me and said that she was fine, a year later she did escape, killing four people on her way” Natasha explained. Everything makes sense now, why she looked familiar, why she had exactly the same skills as Natasha. The team noticed it too, but they assumed it was because she had trained very hard to be an avenger.
“What was her name?” Vision asked.
“Eliza” Natasha said
“Wait a minute…” Bucky said, lifting her head looking at Natasha. “Was that her real name?”
“No, she didn’t wanted to say her real one” Natasha said
“Eliza, that’s y/n’s grandmother’s name” Bucky said and the room fell into a silence where you could hear the wind outside.
“In the letter…” Steve started, “She said that you could confirm that she was good at disappearing completely once you figured it out, so, does this mean that…”
“Y/n is Eliza” Natasha concluded
“She was in The Red Room” Bucky added.
“She said in her letter that all of us did her wrong,” Sam said, “how are we supposed to know what the hell we do to her? She’s been in the team for what, two and a half years? And just now we realized that she was the one that gave us the data that saved 30 people and got her tortured, and that she was trained in The Red Room like Black Widow here. What else are we missing?” he added.
“Guess there’s only one thing we can do” Steve said, looking at Tony.
“And what’s that?” Wanda asked
“We find her”
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