#tom holland x reader sad
h31d1-jan3 · 3 months
Taken - Tom Holland
Tears threaten to spill as you watched his arm snake around her waist. Of course he’s a liar, all the boys that you like are. What else did u expect, this was THE Tom Holland and THE Zendaya. It didn’t matter how many times he’d told you he loved you and ONLY you, he’d always go back to her. It didn’t matter how many times he’d rolled over in bed and called you ‘his girl’, he’ll always belong to her.
And so there you were, standing there just off the red carpet for Spider-Man: No way home sadness washing over you, watching the man you loved, the man you had given up everything for look at another woman the way you looked at him. Waiting there in your slightly too big, glittery, purple prom dress (that’s all you could afford on your salary) watching Tom in his multi thousand dollar tuxedo and Zendaya in her low-cut spider web design ankle length dress feeling just as insecure as you did when you were 15, watching your boyfriend of the time cheat on you with your best friend.
Finally Tom made eye contact with you. He gave you an annoyed and tired look then smirked as if he was telling you that he’d finally got the girl of his dreams. With that you left not wanting to make your self endure the mental pain any longer.
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angelstate · 1 year
You Shouldn't (PT. 1)
Pairing: Peter Parker x fem!reader
Genre:, Angst, Fluff? (Not finished ending)
Warnings: low self-esteem, depression, negative and pessimistic mindset, mention of eating disorder, suicide attempt.
Please do not read if you're sensitive to those topics or if you're easily triggered by them.
Summary: You could no longer pretend to be happy, your boyfriend peter notice but you were too far gone into your own head.
(sorry for being gone! I wasn't doing well mentally and i wrote this throughout that so this is super sad and maybe a little heavy to read)
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you were ok, you had to be, everything in your life was great, you were studying to become a psychiatrist just like you wanted, you had a loving boyfriend and you were writing a book about a tragic love story.
How could you not be happy? You had no reason to be unhappy but..you are.
you were so unhappy it was maddening, you couldn't eat or sleep because of how tired and suicidal you felt since the moment you woke up to the moment you would fell back asleep.
you tried to blame the final exams, because of course they were super stressful, but you have aced all of them. you tried to blame the pressure you felt about finish writing your book because of course that was super stressful too, but you had all the time you wanted to write it.
maybe it was the fact you went low contact with your parents because of how against they were about you studying psychiatry but you did that for your own good 2 years ago and you never regretted it.
maybe it was seasonal depression? it could have been it if it wasn't for the fact you have had clinical depression since you were 8 years old.
it was so infuriating. Because why, why right after you had finally put your life together you were drowning again in the ocean of depression you had fought so hard to get out of? It was like the universe wanted you to fail and fall deep into your feelings.
you knew the moment you stopped eating breakfast and dinner that you were spiraling back into your unhealthy cycle; your pride didn't let you pay attention to that though.
you held too much pride into the fact the you finally had control over your life to stop and accept you were going into your depression again.
maybe if you had gotten up one day and told your therapist that it had gotten bad again you would already been out of this horrible state.
instead you chose to fake it till you make it, stupid decision because even if you fake your not depressed that doesn't change the fact that you were. Being in denial about it was just going to harm you in the long run.
and it did. it harmed you so fucking much you stopped pretending you weren't depressed. What was even the point, nobody even noticed the first time you were depressed so they wouldn't the second time.
"you have to get up" peter said and looked at you.
you were laying on your bed, blankets covering you till your neck, hair messy and full of knots because you haven't brushed it in 3 days.
"i don't want to" you answered and closed your eyes pretending to sleep right in front of peter.
"you have to" peter pressed and sat in your desk chair.
"no i don't" you said, today you didn't have classes so you had no reason to get up.
"you do, when was the last time you ate something?" he asked and pointed at you with a look of worry in his face.
"i don't know, like 4 hours ago?" You lied and pressed your lips in a thin line.
"really? because I've been here for the last 8 hours so how didn't i saw you at the kitchen?" He Said with a tone of disbelief, questioned you.
"i had food here" you lied again.
"ok, then what did you eat?" Peter crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow waiting for you to answer, maybe this time with the truth.
"i ate a Snickers and a protein bar" you answered after 10 seconds of silence.
"where are the wrappers then?" He knew what to ask. You were cornered because what lie could you possibly say now.
"i don't know" you pouted and looked down.
"don't lie to me, flower. tell me, why have you not eaten?" peter said softly, worry dripping from his eyes and voice.
"i haven't been hungry" you answered.
"ok...are you hungry now?" he asked, ready to get up and bring anything you felt like eating.
"not really" you whispered and closed your eyes again, you felt so tired.
"are you ok flower?" peter stood up and walked towards you, sitting on the bed and moving the covers do he could see your face fully.
"yes, just tired" your voice was shaky, you were the furthest thing from ok.
"alright, then sleep, tomorrow ill pick you up so we can go eat breakfast at the new coffee shop" he said before giving you a little kiss on your forehead.
"good night, flower. I love you" peter whispered in your ear.
"bye pete. I love you too" you whispered back and let yourself fell back asleep.
you pulled away from peter two weeks after he caught you lying about your eating habits.
you were ashamed and embarrassed. Not just for getting caught lying but because no matter how bad you felt for doing it, you still believed that stop eating wasn't a bad thing.
You were losing weight, you actually had lost 11lb in the span of 4 weeks. it's not like you needed to lose weight, you were underweight now.
But who didn't liked to be underweight? That meant you didn't have to worry it you gain weight because that meant you would enter into your perfect weight.
It was different with you, you had anorexia nervosa when you were a teenager. You punished your body by not eating everytime you weren't good at something.
you punished yourself a lot at the time, not because you weren't good but because your parents always told you that you could be better.
It didn't matter if you were good because you weren't the best.
now, 2 months have passed since you slowly pulled away from peter. You didn't cut him off or broke up, you talked to him, you spent time with him but you no longer could be by his side all the time.
you wanted to be left alone, in the dark of your room, in the hole you dig to hide your feelings. You just wanted to pretend you weren't in pain with no people around you to show you how obviously you were lying to yourself.
"can i have uhm...a water with strawberries toppings" you said.
"what size the drink?" the girl behind the register asked with a kind smile.
"a venti please" you answered.
"do you want ice in the drink?"
"ok, it will be 2 dollars and 50 cents" the girl said and you gave her a 5 dollar bill.
after she gave you your change you sat down on one of the empty tables to wait for your drink.
you had a lot of things to do today so you forced yourself to get up early, brush your teeth, shower and brush your hair.
now all you needed was breakfast, what you just ordered was your breakfast.
you felt guilty about even coming to Starbucks and buying it.
you should have just brought a water bottle from your department but you didn't thought about it before you left.
you were on Instagram seeing your friends posts when suddenly peter called you, sighing you decided not to answer.
thirty seconds later he called again, you picked up this time. Maybe it was something important.
"hi, flower. how are you?"
"i'm great, what about you?"
"i'm good, what are you doing?"
"im at starbucks, uhm..eating breakfast"
"really? That's great. i called you because aunt may want you to come and have dinner with us today"
"yeah, are you busy?"
"uhm, a little but i can make time"
"great! i can go pick you up at 7"
"you don't have to, I'll just go after i finish my errands"
"are you sure?"
"yeah, I'll be at your house at 7"
"ok, i love u"
"love u too"
"I'll see you later, flower"
"see you"
you hung up, your body already felt tired and drained. All the energy you had for the day was already gone after that phonecall.
when did putting effort in your relationship began to feel so tiring? why were you becoming such a shitty girlfriend.
you loved peter since you were 14, you became his friend and spend months of your life with peter by your side till he finally became your boyfriend and now you couldn't bring yourself to putting the effort even though you're mind was screaming at you to do so.
"i'm a shitty person" you whispered and walked out of Starbucks with your drink.
"why didn't you show up?" Peter was in your front door, face filled with frustration and anger you knew you had provoked.
"im sorry" you said, that all you could say to be honest. you weren't capable in going on a full rant about how suicidal you felt yesterday to the point you just went home without even finishing your errands and then fell asleep crying because of how tired you felt.
the thing about the depression is, you can't tell people why you're depressed. sometimes you don't know why. And when you do, you can't bring yourself to tell anyone. you didn't want for people to think you felt entitled to receive help.
"i knows you are, what i don't know is why you didn't show up" he said loudly, stepping inside of your apartment and closing the door so this conversation would be private.
"something i ate made me sick" you lied and hugged yourself, looking up you saw how peter face had a expression of disbelief.
you saw how his eyes scanned your figure, throwing daggers at the way your "skinny jeans" were baggy on your figure, how your shirt seem oversized and how your skin was pale and dull.
"don't lie" he finally answered and looked at you with worry, his voice still filled with frustration.
"im not lying" you weren't exactly lying, you did felt sick, you had thrown up but you didn't ate so no food made you sick.
"you are, i know you're not eating. There's something wrong and you're not being honest with me. I can help you if you don't talk to me" peter stretched his arms out, reaching out to you but waiting for you to walk into his arms.
"i don't need help" you took a few steps back until the back of your legs made contact with the couch.
"i know you need help, if this is like when we were in high school i can help you. I know how you just need to let me in" peter pressed and walked closer to you.
"this isn't like high school, pete. I'm not sick i don't need your help or any help at all." you lied.
you needed his help, your body and mind were screaming for it. for him to save you from drowning in this ocean of depression. to give you his hand so you can take it and see the sun again and felt nourished by the sun rays.
"don't do this, please." peter suddenly begged you.
"don't do what?" you asked unsure of what to do at the sudden change of mood in the room.
"don't shut me off again. I want to help you and be by your side, you can't give up on yourself. You can expect me to give up on you" peter whimpered at the last sentence, his eyes slowly began to form tears.
your heart broke, and your emotions began to explote in your mind, how sorry you felt for peter, for feeling sad about your unhealthy state and for how miserable being with you was making him be.
you needed to be comforted and yet you broke the boy in front of you to be point he needed it more than you at this moment.
you were a shitty girlfriend.
"in sorry, ok?" you whispered and closed the distance between peter and you before hugging him.
you were sorry, you were really really sorry about not showing up, about lying, about pulling away and not putting effort in the relationship.
You hated the fact that even feeling extremely sorry you couldn't bring yourself to speak to him about how it had gotten bad again and this time you really believed you wouldn't be able to get out.
"please don't push me away" peter whispered in your ear and hugged you back hiding his face on your neck, breathing in your smell and realizing how his frustration didn't left his body.
"i won't, your stuck with me forever" you answered but didn't what you said didn't felt true
of course you wouldn't push him away again, but 'forever'? would you really be here for him forever, alive? you weren't sure that was a promise you could keep. Sooner or later you would give up.
"forever" he whispered back.
forever: adverb
meaning: for All future time; for always.
you shouldn't have used the word forever, not then and not now. In the ending of your suicide letter.
you shouldn't be promising to be stuck by his side forever in the after life or on all the other lives you'll have to live until you can finally rest.
you shouldn't be whispering to yourself forever now, promising yourself and eternal bed of rest.
you shouldn't be laying on your bathtub with your clothes on, filled to the brim with hit water, so hit that it's making your skin sting.
you shouldn't be eyeing the blade in your right hand like your past lover from another life, finally reunited after such a long wait to kiss again.
you shouldn't.
you shouldn't.
you shouldn't but you were.
you had love and fear tattooed on your eyes, your mouth tasting the bitterness of fake acceptance of the ending.
your hands shaking with excitement and fear; with anticipation and hesitation.
you shouldn't be doing this if half of your body is drowning on sorrow and hesitation but you were doing this.
it had been way too long, you used too much time to feel your feelings so now you were acting on them. your pain was acting his most desired fantasy.
you were screwed from the moment you picked up the red inked pen and wrote on that white sheet of paper that was laying on your desk, waiting to be used, waiting to be stained with your tears.
you wanted to pick up your phone and cry for help to your peter, tell him you were about to do something you shouldn't and to save you like the super hero he is.
but you couldn't, you couldn't, you couldn't.
you couldn't and it that was about to kill you.
"god please forgive me" you whispered, running the blade deeply in both of your wrists, cutting a long line across your upper arms.
the pain took your breath away, like when you were a kid and almost drowned in your uncle's pool, the same pain and breathlessness the water inside your lungs created.
the sound of your blood dripping into the bath made you feel nauseous, like when you were a teenager and the smell of food when you starved yourself for to long made you throw up.
the smell was slowly getting stronger to the point in got overwhelming to your tired body, like the first time you took this same desition.
This was too much.
you shouldn't, you shouldn't, you shouldn't.
but you did.
and god how good it felt.
everything went black, your mind filled with peace, the silence was comforting and you were wrapped in a bed of comfort. Slowly sinking more to the point you couldn't breath.
your skin felt warm, like your head was disconnected to your body, your thoughts finally leaving your mind like a running tap, nothing stopping the flow of your most secrets and suicidal thoughts.
there was nothing and there was everything around you, all the things that filled your soul with experiences was happening around you, memories flooding the endless space you were floating so carelessly.
this was paradise, until your mind started to rant about the way hell was here
hell was you
hell was waking up
hell was taking deep breaths
wake up and take a deep breath; look around you and accept your alive in between disasters out of reach of your fixing hands.
wake up and take a deep breath; look beside you and take in the features of who's laying beside you, in the same bed of pain. Suffering differently but in the same level as you.
wake up and take a deep breath; look at your body laying in a bathtub of pain filled with red water, realize is the same as the bed of pain, only lonelier and eternal in your dying body.
wake up and take a deep breath.
you woke up and took a deep breath, looked beside you and found the familiar features of who just like promised, was laying beside you, this ion a uncomfortable chair, head resting on the hospital bed your tired body was resting on.
his hands was holding yours, touch warm and comforting, just like the last thing you remember.
he moved, slowly. Bringing his head slightly closer to your body, searching for the warm your tired body wasn't able to provide him anymore.
he just found your waist, bringing his free hand to rest on the new found skin, searching for a trace of past memories.
the ones his bedroom walls witnessed.
you took a deep breath, filling your lungs with the air you desperately tried to get rid off, you body slowly fighting to bring your warm back.
to bring you back to life in the spiritual way, the one you died long ago.
you took a deep breath.
this time he woke up, eyes adjusting to the light of the room before falling on your face.
your eyes wide open, lips and skin pale but screaming silently about the minuscule life it held.
slowly, his expression filled with realization of your not so lifeless body, his eyes grew wide and desperate, his lower lip quivered and his hands that held you began to shake.
"your alive" he said in disbelief, voice shaking and out of breath.
you couldn't say anything, there were no options going through your mind, everything was empty. no words sounded appropriate in your mind.
so you just stared at him with your clueless and death doe eyes, no light inside of them to show him a peak of your bruised soul.
"why are you alive?" your eyes went completely empty, how can you answer that?.
"I don't know'
(to be continued)
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jahayla-parker · 2 years
Self-Care Compromise: Tom Holland x Reader
Disclaimer: I do not own the above video, the creator is listed in the video.
Summary: Y/n once again finds her boyfriend Tom to be overworking himself so she takes matters into her own hands to fix it.
Warnings: None, just fluff 💕(other than brief mentions of being burnt out from working too much)
Notes: this is based on many videos similar to the one included where Tommy looks so tired but still fights for the fans.
I felt it was time someone fought for him so 🥺
The ending is not rigid so that if I want to do a part 2 (such as tasks discussed for the next day, etc.) I can 😊
“Thanks Mac!” Y/n says, grabbing the freshly made tea from the barista on the set of Tom’s latest project.
“No problem y/n/n” Mac waves before starting the next order.
Y/n breathes in the pleasant scent of the tea she ordered for Tom as she walks back over to where they planned to meet before they headed back to the hotel.
It had been a long day on set for Tom today. Although, if they were being honest, it had been a really long week for him.
The crew have been working him to the breaking point and instead of listening to y/n’s pleas for him to take a day off, he kept pushing through.
Tom was waiting on the sidewalk by the barricades. He was in his loose sweats, relaxed T-shirt, and beanie.
He couldn’t wait until they made it back to the hotel for the night.
Tom loved his job and his fans. But, he just wanted to rest on the couch cuddled into y/n’s side as they ate take-out and watched stupid reality TV shows while he fell asleep.
At this point, he would give anything to just not have to keep forcing a smile and pretending he wasn’t exhausted. But, as fans began approaching him, he realized he wasn’t going to get that.
Tom took a shallow breath and pasted on a fake smile as his fans came over asking for photos.
Harry felt pity for Tom as he watched his brother. Tom looked like he was going to pass out at any moment but they both knew neither one could say no or mention something about him wanting to leave.
Harry sighted hopelessly as he stood to the side of Tom and his fans. His eyes only looking away when he heard someone else approaching.
Y/N’s eyes were glued on Tom and she wanted to wrap her arms around him and never let him go. He looked so drained.
Hearing a soft sigh, y/n turned her gaze to Harry and nodded in agreement.
“How long has this been going on this time?” Y/n asked as Tom once again forced a fake smile for the fans.
This had happened nearly every day. If he kept at it, he was going to break and get sick. Y/n knew he wanted to make time for the fans, but there’s a line.
Everyday, y/n had found small ways to try and help him with this. He refused to listen to her begging him to rest, but that didn’t mean she was going to give up.
So, instead of arguing, she settled to forcing self care tasks upon him. It had become somewhat of a daily ritual at this point.
Each healthy behavior she started him doing would pile on top of the other so that she was slowly ensuring more of his time was going towards self care.
The typical routine would consist of herbal teas (especially those for relaxation) throughout the day, night time tea upon finishing for the day so he could sleep that night, a healthy homemade breakfast rather than his damn protein shakes, and cuddling while watching the reality tv shows he and Baz had watched in London to help with his homesickness.
She’d even gotten him to start using face masks (sometimes the ones with silly characters to cheer him up) and cold eye masks, weekly hair conditioning treatments she’d apply as he would wash his hair daily due to sweating all day and not being used to his longer hair, using a weighted blanket each night, etc.
While the self care plan may seem successful, there were plenty of failures too.
She had tried implementing them taking walks as it always calmed him, but each time they’d run into fans and it would undo everything.
Y/n also tried working with Nikki and Dom to send Tessa out for a week or two for an emotional support animal therapy type thing for Tom.
But, while here, Tessa was too energetic and excited and managed to urinate all over the hotel floor when seeing Tom. It only got worse from there as she chewed on his set lists, socks, etc.
Tessa only ever did these things when nervous; a rarity for her. Y/n was certain Tessa had picked up on Tom’s energy.
The warmth from Tom’s tea seeping into her palm brought y/n’s attention back to the present moment.
Tom was looking over at her in between photos, his eyes delicate but missing their usual light.
Tom’s smile for the photos and fans may have been forced, but his smile to y/n when their eyes met wasn’t.
It wasn’t his normal smile by any means, but he’d always have enough in him to give her at least a tiny smile.
Y/n gave him a sympathetic smile and sighed.
“I’ve got to do something Baz” y/n groaned.
“We can’t. People will have a field day with it and will attack us” Harry frowned.
Y/n nodded and felt a small wave of hope upon seeing the last fan thanking Tom and leaving.
She let out a sigh of relief and handed Tom the tea with one hand while the other went behind his back to hold him to her.
Tom let out a deep breath as he tucked his head into the crook of her neck.
“Tommy, we’ve got to figure this out. You’re overdoing it” y/n says as she feels Tom’s lip quivering on her shoulder.
Tom was silent but nodded his head against her skin.
Y/n smiled softly, glad he was at least on the same page now.
“Okay, so here’s the plan” she says, stepping back to look in his eyes.
Tom lifted his eyes and y/n’s heart broke even more as she noticed his watery gaze.
“Oh love” y/n frowns, reaching up to stroke his face.
“I love you” Tom whispers, his voice weak.
“T, I love you too. We’re going to fix this. Tonight though, let’s just go home and-“ y/n says, running her thumb gently under his eyes.
However, her instructions were cut off when another group of fans approached.
Tom closed his eyes briefly to compose himself so they wouldn’t see.
Y/n sighed and held his face in her hands, “baby, you do not need to do this”.
He shrugged and sighed before forcing on a smile, “do I look okay?”
“No” y/n said causing Tom to freeze in shock.
“Tom you’re always gorgeous. But no, you don’t look okay. Because you’re not. I’m done with this, I’m handling it. Now” she says, letting go of his face and placing her hands on her hips.
“Love, I appreciate it but I’ll manage” Tom says as a yawn ironically escapes.
Y/n gives him a knowing look and he bites his lip. He is beyond appreciative of her and her protectiveness over him.
However, he knows his publicist and agents would lose it if he told fans that he didn’t feel like doing photos.
He’d told her this in the past and she argued that she could do it herself then. Tom then told her that he didn’t want her to get hate from the fans even though he appreciated the offer.
While looking into her eyes, Tom realized she was past the point of caring what happened to her anymore.
It was a feeling he knew well. Whenever people would get too close or aggressive to her in public, he was the same way.
“Hey guys” y/n said, trying to sound like she was in a good mood but also demonstrating she was needing them to listen.
The fans greeted her and then promptly asked to speak to Tom.
Y/n shook her head, making eye contact with Harry and nodding towards Tom’s security guard.
Harry nodded once and walked over to explain to the security guard what needed to happen.
It was clear to Baz by her body language that she was done with Tom being overworked and wanted to ask the fans to give him space and time.
Harry told the guard he wasn’t exactly sure if y/n wanted him to help should she get hurt in response or if she wanted him to help get Tom out of the area instead. He had his suspicions and upon looking back at her, she nodded her head backwards in nonverbal confirmation that she wanted Tom out.
Y/n had been calmly trying to explain to the fans how hard Tom had been working. She was hoping they would then understand how he was feeling and let him be.
And, some of them did. Others did not get the point and instead cheered and still asked for photos with him.
Upon the security agent approaching Tom, y/n sighed and explained to the fans he would not be staying today.
The fans began mumbling and arguing but it wasn’t clear what they were saying.
Tom’s security had him gripped by the upper arm but he was defiantly staying planted where he was.
He was not going to leave her.
Tom whispered in argument to his security that he would not be leaving until they got her out of her.
Y/n turned around and used her eyes to plead with him to leave. Once he was in the car, she was planning on thanking the respectful fans and then joining him.
But, despite his very visible exhaustion and desire to leave, he wouldn’t part from her side.
Tom tried to get closer to her but his security had a firm grip on him.
Just as y/n was about to rush her thank you message to the fans so she could drag him to the car herself, she noticed the guilty look on his face and saw his muscles twitch the way they do when he started getting a headache.
It was only then that y/n realized how loud the fans/scene was.
Taking a deep breath, she stepped closer to the fans, Tom’s fingers instinctively reaching for her and brushing against her wrist in an attempt to stop her.
Y/n turned her head slightly to see him and blew him a soft kiss before facing the fans again.
“Hi guys, please try to speak softer” y/n says, waving at them to get their attention.
Some of the calmer fans complied, but the others only started asking more questions.
“Please. I know you guys want to see Tom and he loves you all. But his head is hurting so loud noises as great as it is to see how excited you all are, it is making it worse” y/n sighs and the fans instantly stop their comments.
“He’s been working so hard on this project for you guys and as much as he’d love to have time to spend with you all, he needs to rest. He’s been pushing through daily and it isn’t good for him, so please respect that he is going to be leaving right now” she adds, the fans all seeming to hang onto every word.
“Tom wouldn’t deny you guys the chance to meet with him, even when it is detrimental to his well-being. So I’m stepping in to do that for him. Feel free to respond as you wish to that. But, we are leaving now to get him home to rest either way. I just plead that you realize he needs this but that he still appreciates you all. Thank you” y/n says, turning to face Tom.
Tom can feel the tears in his eyes again as his girlfriend pleads with his fans and soon enough his vision of her is clouded and blurry.
Tom shakingly reaches his hand out to her as she approaches him.
He gives her a grateful smile and kisses her cheek when she’s close enough.
“Y-you.. thank you darling” Tom whimpers, slipping out of the guards grip and into her embrace.
“I’m always here T, regardless of who I have to piss off to do so” she says, holding him closer to her as they walk to the car.
As y/n walks, she keeps her eyes down on the beautiful boy holding onto her, his head tucked down to rest on her chest as they make their way to the car.
“Here” y/n says, reaching for the cup of tea that is awkwardly pinched between his arm and her body.
Tom looks up and shakes his head, “I want it”.
Y/n giggles sweetly at him and nods, moving her hand from his cup and then up to his head as she starts stroking his hair.
Tom blushes and gives her a soft smile; genuine but still minimal due to his exhaustion.
“Why don’t you sleep baby?” Y/n whispers as Tom lays his head on her shoulder when they get into the car.
Tom’s eyes remain slightly closed due to the sheer weight of them at this point, but they never leave y/n’s face.
“‘m wanna spend time wi’ you” Tom says, his accent causing his words to blend excessively.
Y/n grins over at him and kisses his cheek.
“Rest on the drive and I’ll wake you when we get to the hotel” she assures him.
Tom lovingly nods and lets his eye completely close.
Y/n smiles down at him, happy he is finally sleeping.
She doesn’t risk kissing his cheek as she doesn’t want him to wake up so she settles for lowering her head to rest on his as he snores softly.
Since her head is resting on his, she can’t see his face so she lets her eyes settle on his hand laying on her thigh.
She smiles as she sees the rings she bought him starting to show signs of wear from how often he has them on.
One of the rings she got him -his favorite ring- has an engraving on it facing his palm. By now, it is slightly faded as he tends to rub over the engraving with his thumb when nervous or missing her.
Y/n makes a mental note to take it to the store tomorrow while he’s on set and therefore can’t have it on.
Usually Harry has it on him so when Tom’s between shoots or scenes he can put it back on briefly.
You’d think it were a wedding band with the way he treats it and always wants it back on, but it’s not.
That doesn’t stop him from being enamored by it as it holds an important meaning to him.
Not only is the ring from the woman he loves more than anything in the world, it also has a special message on it.
The engraving on the back of this ring is the coordinates of where they first met.
She knew she’d have to tell Tom she was taking it from Harry because he’d panic if he didn’t have it when he went to put it on between takes.
She’d prefer to do it as a surprise for him, but she’d settle for him being relaxed.
Hopefully though, there will be a longer scene that would take an hour or so to get through so she could sneak it back in place before he’d be done.
“Are you scheming?” Harry whispers, turning to look back at them from his position in the front seat.
Y/n snaps her eyes up to him and smirks, “no. Not technically. But I’d like to get his ring re-engraved and cleaned tomorrow as a surprise”.
“You think he won’t notice it’s gone? Y/n/n he almost yelled at me when I left it in the trailer instead of on me once” Harry laughs quietly.
Y/n rolls her eyes and turns her head to kiss Tom’s head softly now that she’s sure he’s in deeper sleep and less likely to be prompted to wake up.
“It shouldn’t take more than thirty minutes. Is there any scenes we can take advantage of?” She asks, stroking Tom’s hair.
“You two are cloyingly endearing” Harry groans despite a smile on his face, “yes we can make it work”.
Y/n smiles and whispers a soft thank you, briefly looking up at Harry.
Harry nods, “thank you. For all of that, and this, and everything” his arms waving around as if pointing to the different scenes.
Y/n blushes and tucks her head closer to Tom’s as they continue their way to the hotel.
“Okay, so we’ve got a panda one, a cat one, and a… I think it’s a unicorn.. one” y/n says, holding up the three face sheet masks to the boys.
Tom smiles up at her from his position on the couch. When they got back, y/n had asked him to get into more comfortable clothes after he took his desired shower while she went and got them all takeout with Harry.
Harry had entered the living room before her so that he could set the food down as she went to grab the face masks.
“‘mm either love” Tom grinned as he shuffled in his seat so she could join him.
“Okay, unicorn it is” y/n giggled, tossing him it. “Baz?”
“Panda obviously” Harry shrugged and say down next to Tom.
“Eh, that’s y/n/n’s spot” Tom whined, shoving his brother.
“Tom it’s fine, I want to change first. So, he can sit there for a moment” y/n laughed, trying to have him compromise with Harry.
Harry smirked. Y/n and Tom were both certain he’d taken her seat on purpose to start trouble but after the chaos of today, neither cared to argue.
Tom looked up from his dinner as y/n walked back into the room wearing his sweats and her sleep shirt, a smile forming on his tired face.
Y/n smiled at him and kissed his forehead as she grabbed her to-go container and settled in next to him; noting Harry had moved to his own seat.
Tom adjusted the blanket he had until it covered her shoulders and she leaned against him to rest her head on his shoulder as she slowly ate.
Tom sighed in bliss as he pulled her closer with his free hand as he took another bite.
He was so thankful to be home and resting. He had only her to thank for making that possible. And he had, a lot.
It felt like he was thanking her each and every single step up the stairs to their hotel room.
She didn’t need his gratitude, she just needed to know he was okay and safe. Tom however, needed her to know how much he appreciated it.
The compromise? Her accepting his compliments and grateful sentiments anytime he came up. Tom happy knowing she was aware how he felt and showing his appreciation through nonverbal cues instead.
While the three of them were watching tv, Harry stepped out of the room for a moment to take a call.
“Love?” Tom asks tenderly, his fingers dancing over y/n’s hand.
Y/n hummed in response, looking over at her boyfriend.
“Are they being kind?” Tom whispered, pointing to her phone.
Y/n furrowed her eyebrows briefly until she realized what he meant; the fans on the internet.
She nodded, stroking his face as she reassured him “actually yeah. Obviously they were understanding you need a break, which is good because if they hadn’t been I probably would have been banned from Twitter…”
Tom blushed and laughed in agreement. There was a reason he never used Twitter.
“But they also haven’t been as bad as I was expecting towards me” she shrugs, “I mean even when nothing happens we both get random hate comments, but this isn’t anything drastically more than normal”.
“I’m glad… but there should be a normal” Tom frowns snuggling closer to her warmth.
Y/n hums in agreement as she plays with his hair. It’s still silky but he could use another conditioning treatment tomorrow.
“Hey, uhh, y/n/n, have a sec?” Harry asks, re-entering the room.
Tom gives Harry a questioning look but y/n simply nods and kisses Tom’s cheek as she detangles herself from him.
Tom pouts as he watches her cross the living room to Harry.
Harry whispers something to y/n who only nods and takes the phone from him before stepping out.
Tom glares at his younger brother, “who is it?”.
Baz laughs and rolls his eyes, “mum you Div. She wanted to talk to y/n for a moment”.
“No dear, I’m completely sincere about this. I cannot express how relieved you made me today. I’ve been seeing that look of exhaustion on his face for days but he would not listen to me” Nikki states.
Y/n bites her lip, feeling guilty that Nikki thinks Tom is safe with her there even though he was fighting her on this matter.
She sighs, “yeah… to be fair. He wouldn’t listen to me either. He’s been a bit stubborn”.
Nikki laughs, “he usually is. Harry told me that Tom’s been doing self care things though because of you. So even if he just started listening today, at least his care for you caused him to cooperate”.
Y/n fights a blush and smiles to herself, “I’m really happy he did, he was stressing me out. I hate seeing him overextend himself”.
“I know you do dear. We are so blessed that you guys have each other. Please be sure you’re not overdoing it either, even if with the intent of helping him” Nikki pleads.
“I promise, I’ll be careful” y/n agrees.
“Good because we care about you both and you guys need each other. I will let you get back to your night, I just wanted to thank you verbally” Nikki says, referring to the fact the two had texted on this matter earlier today.
“Always. Did you want to speak with Tom?” Y/n asks, turning around to walk back inside. “He’s awake but relaxing on the couch presently”.
“Oh, sure then. Thank you y/n. Love you dear” nikki says, a smile evident from her tone.
“Love you too, here he is” y/n says, handing the phone to Tom who hasn’t left the couch.
Tom smiles at his girlfriend and tugs her hand to get her to sit with him.
As Tom talks to his mom, his grip around y/n tightens as he sinks further into the couch.
Even if Nikki was mostly scolding him for not taking better care of himself, speaking with her, while holding y/n was everything to him in that moment.
He had the most amazing support system and wouldn’t trade it for anything.
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xx-sleepybunny-xx · 1 year
Peter Parker/Spider-Man x reader Avengers Infinity War
Thanos disappeared through a portal after Dr. Strange gave him the time stone and we all look around at each other you turned and glared at Peter Quill
“Great job star-lord,” you said sarcastically “you just ruined everything!”
“Hey! I did not ruin everything!”
“Yes you did! Why couldn’t you just wait another five fucking seconds we almost had the damn glove off!”
“He killed my girlfriend!” Quill yelled
“Oh yeah? Well a lot more people are gonna die now because of you!” You screamed at him absolutely furious.  Peter Parker came up to you and grabbed you by the shoulders pulling you away from Quill before you could luge at him.
 “Hey Y/n you need to calm down ok? If you don’t you might lose control of your powers.”
You sighed “Alright thanks Peter.”
Peter smiled at you “I love you Y/n.”
You wrapped your arms around Peter and buried your face in his neck “I love you too Peter.” You murmured
*magical time skip to after Thanos snapped his fingers*
“Mr. Stark,” Peter said “I don’t feel so good.”
You whipped around to face Peter your eyes widening in fear. Peter stumbled and Tony caught him “I don’t want to go, I don’t want to go.”
“Hey it’s alright I got you.” Tony said laying Peter down.
You ran over to Peter and Tony your eyes slowly filled with tears as you knelt down next to Peter. “No Peter please no.”
Peter turned to look at you “I’m sorry.” He murmured before he turned to dust. 
You jumped up and backed away shaking your head in disbelief “No.” you murmured “no no no no no!” You yelled
“Y/n stay calm.” You faced Tony furiously “DON’T TELL ME TO STAY CALM!” You screamed “Peter you is gone and you’re telling me to STAY CALM!?”
“Y/n.” You ignored Tony and simply screamed letting out all the emotions that you held inside you as a wave of your F/C magical power rushed out of your body across the whole planet. 
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“Y/n…” Tony began as you sank down to your knees your body shaking with sobs.
“Y/n it’ll be okay...” Tony said hesitantly, once you had stopped crying.
You slowly rose to your feet still staring at the ground then you raised your head and stared straight at Tony an empty look in your eyes. “Y/n wha-“
you cut him off “I’m going to kill Thanos, and I’m going to do it in the most brutal way possible. Let him see how it feels to be ripped apart.”
With that you turned and walked away using your powers to disappear.
*hey guys here's another fic I made way back in 2020 (it’s absolute shit ik but I wrote it awhile ago and I’m to lazy to edit it) I hope you liked it (even tho it’s terrible) Bye for now author out*
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imnotgoinghome · 11 months
Alive or Just Breathing?
Yes, it’s me. I’m back. So, hope y’all enjoyed your break from me because this series was really hard for me to write and took a while sooo. Chapter 2 will be coming out soon but no guaranteed day yet.
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Chapter 1:
I Can’t Do This Anymore
Most days you were okay with Peter leaving, but it could only happen so many times before you finally broke….
Yelling, Crying, Sad
Peter Parker didn’t have an easy job. He didn’t have an easy life. Being Spider-Man wasn’t exactly a walk in the park. Sure, it had its perks, but it also had a downside.
Most days it didn’t bother you. Peter normally had better things to do. Peter constantly had to ditch you for some bad guy. Someone who robbed a bank or sold something illegal. And normally, it didn’t bother you. You were use to it. Normally Peter would give an excuse for leaving and disappear for several hours.
Most days you were fine. But, was this really what you wanted? A life of wondering if Peter would make it to your date. A life of feeling like a nobody. A life of being alone.
Sure, Peter was there. And when he was, he was happy. He never let you see that he was hurting. He never let you see that he was concerned about the crime of New York. He never talked to you. Which is what bothered you the most.
You understood the responsibility. You understood that he had to be there. That the people of New York City were counting on Spider-Man to be there to save their lives. To keep them safe. You understood. But what you didn’t understand was why Peter wouldn’t let you be there to save him.
No one cared about who was behind the mask. No one cared about the toll this job took on the people subjective to it. All they cared about was Spider-Man. All the wanted was him to be there.
You normally questioned your relationship. You always did. You had your doubts. Everyone does. No one was safe from the doubt that rested in the back of their mind. And no one could save them from it. Because it wasn’t like an other villain. It was stronger. It was there to make you worry. To reak havoc in the lives of those who let it consume them. And after 3 months of fighting the doubt, you were ready to give into it.
You had had it with the excuses. You didn’t want to put up with it anymore. You wanted answers, and you wanted them now. Nothing was more important to you then your and Peters relationship, and if he was going to continue to try to destroy, you were going to find out why.
You made a deal with yourself. If Peter couldn’t give you an answer to why he was gone. If he didn’t care about the effect it had on you, you agreed that you were done. You had always thought the two of you would last forever. But maybe the word forever was meant for memories, not people.
After hours of waiting, you finally heard a knock on your window. The same knock you heard every night. Peter’s knock.
Peter wore a smile, something he did quite often, even if he didn’t mean it.
You slowly got off your bed, placing your phone on your nightstand before walking over to your window. You looked at him sadly, opening your window as you backed up quietly.
“Hey,” Peter said, looking at your face with hesitation as your eyes slowly traced over the floor. “Is something wrong? You seem off” he asked as he stepped closer to your still figure. He quickly removed his mask before returning his attention back to you.
“Peter…” you mumbled softly as your eyes met his. He stared at you for a moment, taking in your features as you stilled in front of you.“We need to talk.”
“Y/N, is everything okay? Your scaring me” He replied as he let his mask fall to the floor. You took a deep breath, desperately trying to prepare yourself for the conversation you were about to have.
“Peter… I think,” you closed your eyes, “I think we need to— to break up”
“What?” He asked quietly.
“I think we need to break up” you repeated. You impatiently waited for him to say something, and when he didn’t, you continued.
“Peter, I don’t know if you can remember the last time we went on a date,”
“May 22nd” he quickly interrupted.
“Or the last time we had a day of just us”
“A couple weeks ago”
“Or the last time we saw each other”
“Few days ago…” this time, you didn’t continue, only looking at him with a concerned expression.
“Y/n, I don’t think I understand” Peter stated hesitantly.
“Peter, do you not hear yourself?” You asked, a little mad that he missed your point. Of course you remembered your last date, the last day you had to yourselves, the last time you had seen each other. But that wasn’t the point.
“We haven’t been on a date in two months. We haven’t had a day to yourselves in three weeks, we haven’t even seen each other an six days!” You explained, your voice breaking as you tried to continue. “Do you know why?” You asked the confused boy standing in front of you.
“Why” he finally questioned.
“Because I tried, you didn’t. Because I cried, you didn’t. Because you left, I didn’t.” You stated. Your felt your angry raising. You felt the tears in your eyes become harder to keep from falling.
“What are you talking about? I have responsibility Y/n. I can’t just drop everything because you miss me. I can’t let someone die because I was with you! I can’t believe you think that I don’t try. Because I do try!” He attempted to defend himself. “Your just being sensitive” he said, rolling his eyes as he crossed his arms.
Oh , that was it.
“IM BEIGN SENSITIVE???” Your voice raised. You were mad, and Peter knew it. He knew he shouldn’t r have said that. He knew, but it was to late. If you had been holding back, Peter could only hope you wouldn’t kill him.
“Peter, I cannot BEGIN to tell you how many times you’ve left me. How many plans have been cancelled because you have to leave. Because you have bigger problems to worry about. And I understand that you have responsibilities as a super hero, but did you ever stop to think about how it makes me feel? Do you ever think about how I feel?” It’s not easy being the girlfriend of a super hero, and the fact that you don’t ever think about me before you just run off hurts. I get that you can’t stay. I understand you have to go. But when you leave you don’t even bother to come back and talk to me after your done. You don’t even tell me when you finish or when your safe. You just let me assume because apparently you have better things to do. You never talk to me anymore. You never make time for me Peter! It hurts, ok! So maybe I am sensitive, maybe I am overreacting. But you don’t get to tell me my feelings. That’s not for you to decide” You told him, tears beginning to run down both your faces. You quickly turned around, quickly walking to sit on your bed, not wanting to make eye contact with your boyfriend.
Peter looked at the floor, no longer able to look at you. He felt like his body had been taken away from him. Like he wasn’t really in this situation. But, sadly, here he was. Tears on his face, hoping, praying that things would work out. That he could make things right.
“Sometimes I wish my life was a book. So that I could take a peak at the last few pages. So I could know if things work out. So I can know if we’re ok” you slowly said, toying with your fingers as tears ran down your cheeks.
Peter looked at you with sad eyes, tear stained cheeks, and nothing but excuses. He knew it wasn’t going to be easy to get out of this one. He knew what was going to happen. But more importantly, Peter knew you. He knew that when you were confused about something, you were gonna find an answer. He just hoped you find the answer you both wanted.
“You know Peter, I always thought we were gonna be forever,” at that Peter sat down on your bed beside you, “but I’m starting to think that maybe the word forever isn’t meant for people” you looked at him, desperately searching for a reaction. Anything.
Peter tried to find words. He tried to find something to say. All he could think of do was say sorry. But he knew that wasn’t good enough.
“It’s sad when someone can walk right past you and pretend that you were never a big part of their life. And right now, I can’t help but feel like a stranger,” Peter finally admitted. “You were right, you know? No one has the right to tell you how to feel. And I’m sorry if I ever made you feel like you couldn’t be yourself. But this whole time, my biggest fear has always been that one day you’ll walk about see me the way I see myself,” he told you, looking at your face as he desperately tried to fix the relationship he ruined. “I’ve always feared that you’d walk up one day and it would all be over. Because the saddest part in life is saying goodbye to someone you wish to spend your life with. And for me, that’s you. I never planned for this to happen. It was never supposed to come to this” He explained to you.
“What was supposed to happen? You left me, Peter. You practically just ignored me. You pushed me so far away it took everything I had to come back” You finally told him.
“I know, and I’m sorry for that. I just got so busy that became all I did. And I’m sorry that I wasn’t there for you. I got busy, I just wanted a break, and I guess I took it alone when I could’ve been with you. I know I made mistakes, and I know that they hurt you. But just please, please give me a second chance” he tried. Peter knew that he wasn’t getting out of this. So he made his only play. He just had to pray it was enough.
“Peter… how do I know this won’t happen again? How do I know I can always count on you if your never there? How do I know you’ll make it back? How I know you won’t die?” You brought your knees to your chest. You knew what you said wasn’t what he was expecting. But it was genuine concerns you had. You had to know if he could give you an answer.
“I — I don’t know…” he admitted. “I can’t guarantee it won’t happen again. I can’t tell you it’s gonna be okay because I don’t know if it will be.”
“Then, I don’t know I can do this Peter. I don’t want to have to worry all the time. I don’t wanna have to be alone all the time. I don’t wanna have to wonder if your okay. Because I do. I want you to come home. I want you to be okay. I need you to be okay. Because I — I don’t know what I would do without you…” you told him as you took sudden interest in the floor.
Peter Parker was at a lose for words. He didn’t know what to do or say. He wasn’t sure if you even knew what effect your words had on him. Peter continued to think. He continued to try to think of what he could do, until he heard a small “I love you…” escape from your quivering lips. He whipped his head to look at you. Had you meant it?
“I love you too” he slowly replied. You didn’t say anything, causing Peter to take that as a hit that you were done talking. You had said all you want to say, all you could do was hope he understood.
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etherealstar-writes · 3 months
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pairings: woso x reader
summary: in which you're accidentally added to a random group chat, not knowing they're all actually famous footballers, and obliviously end up having many of them competing for your love and attention.
part: fourteen
part one here
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ you guys back me up here
lotte y/n absolutely not
neev oooh what's gotten lotte acting like this
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ so i made this insane connection yeah lotte is literally a female tom holland but miss wubben-moy here is denying it
the REAL karate kid huh?
mccard hold on you might be onto something here
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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LOOOK it's not the best photo to compare from but tell me i ain't the only who sees it
stairway OMG
brightness oh yeah i'm seeing it
stephy YESSS it's the side profile
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ exactly!!
meado that is insane
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ seeee lotte! i meant it as a compliment when i said you look like tom holland's twin
elton changed lotte's name to tom holland's twin
tom holland's twin
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the imposter aka y/n ❤️ 😔😔
tom holland's twin niamh do i need to remind you of this afternoon at the beach? because i will
hempo oooh i wanna know what happeneddd
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the REAL karate kid that is so sad we must've completely forgotten about you
neev Y/N NO
tom holland's twin Y/N YES
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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this one and jessie were STRUGGLING for an hour trying to place their mats 😭😭 it was so funny
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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and miss fleming here even gave me the bird guys she's not as innocent as she looks
flaming hot oh shut up y/n
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ you're just sour that the wind loved me
flaming hot yeah i really am
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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i'm justfdghjkem ehyu tyuiolkjehsyuikmdrnh
willybum um y/n you good?
elton are you having a stroke rn?
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ sorry y/n's a bit busy rn
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ if you want to see her alive again i'm gonna need y'all to venmo me 10k each
stairway 10k?
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ is that too much for you?
stairway oh no no it was just surprising how you didn't go for one 1 million like everyone usually does
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ oh well i guess if you want it that way then 1 million each from y'all
willybum STANWAY WTH
neev had to open that big mouth of yours
ona we'll save y/n just what is this venmo and how do i venmo you money?
elton i mean do we have to ..... she'll be fineee
neev you know what how about 1 m for y/n toone will pay for it on behalf of us all
elton HUH excuse you i ain't venmoing anyone a million dollars i'm positive i don't even have a hundred dollars in my bank account
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ wow glad to know how much i'm worth 😔
ona y/n! you're okay! do i still have to venmo for your safety?
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ oh no no don't worry about it ona you're too sweet for this world 🥺 kyra and charli were being jerks and snatched my phone and ran away
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ added kyra and cha cha
kyra aw man you ruined the fun 😔 i could've earned some money
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ nahhh ona's too precious to be scammed by you but i mean ella on the other hand ....
elton OI
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cha cha just enough 😁
stephy i was dreading when the three of you would meet up as if we don't already have enough chaos in this groupchat
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ stephyyy why would you think that 😔
cha cha honestly
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the REAL karate kid 😭😭
willybum HELP
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✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
i don't even know what the hell this is anymore 😭😭 but i hope you enjoyed this nonsense
part fifteen here
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waitimcomingtoo · 6 months
Meatballs! At the Unspecified Celebratory Event
Pairing: Tom Holland x ex!reader
Synopsis: you and Tom see each other at a family event for the first time since your breakup
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“Thanks so much for having me. It’s good to see you again.”
“Of course. You know you’re always welcome. Now go grab some meatballs. I made them myself.” Sam said and squeezed your arm. You smiled in return before going over to the food table.
You put a few meatballs into your plate and mingled in the crowd with friends of the family that you hadn’t seen in a while. You heard someone being greeted by several people as they came in and looked up out of curiosity. Thats when you and Tom made eye contact. You quickly looked away and turned your body while you prayed that he hadn’t seen you. He had, of course, and was immediately making his way over to you.
“Hey.” Tom said when he finally got to you.
“Your mom told me to come.” You said at the same time. You then both apologized at the same time for cutting the other off.
“Oh. Sorry. You first.” Tom said and gestured to you.
“Sorry. Your mom told me to come.” You quickly explained. “I told her it would be too weird now that we’re broken up and everything but she insisted. Plus, I wanted to support Sam.”
“It’s okay. I’m really glad you’re here. I’m happy to see you.” Tom said sincerely. You smiled awkwardly and looked around the crowd to avoid eye contact. Tom looked around the crowd as well and briefly wondered that the purpose of the gathering was. The awkward silence went on for so long that it became palpable and you couldn’t take it anymore.
“Look, Tom, I really never would’ve shown up like this if I knew you were gonna be here. I’d hate to make things awkward. But Harry told me it was safe to come. I thought you were filming in LA?” You asked and felt yourself cringing over how much you were over explaining your presence.
“I am. I have the weekend off so I came to support Sam.” Tom answered and felt disappointed now that he knew you hadn’t come just to see him.
“Oh. That’s nice. I love LA. It’s so…hot.” You faked another smile and looked away. Tom felt the conversation falling flat but was desperate to keep talking to you.
“So, uh, you still keep in touch with mum?” He asked you.
“Yeah, yeah. Not that much, though. She checks in on me and I do the same.”
“That’s nice. And I’m guessing you still talk to Harry since he told you I was filming?” He asked and looked over at Harry who had conveniently never mentioned that he was still in contact with you.
“Oh, yeah. Him too.” You laughed nervously. “We were good friends so, yeah. He and I still talk.”
“And you came to support Sam. Who must’ve sent you an invite. To your new place. Since you moved out.” Tom realized with a tight smile.
“He actually didn’t send it to my new place. He gave me an invite the last time I was over his place, so…” You trailed off when you realized your attempt to make him feel better was probably just making things worse.
“Which was…” Tom asked.
“Oh, a couple weeks ago. He had me and Paddy over to try some new recipe. It wasn’t anything serious.” You explained and tried to make it sound as uneventful as possible.
“I see. So you’re still talking to the whole family. Everyone but me.” He said with a tight smile. You could see the sadness in his eyes now that he had learned this information and wished you hadn’t said anything.
“Yeah. Sorry. It felt wrong to just cut ties completely. It’s not like I broke up with them.” You laughed awkwardly.
“Right. Just me.” He returned the laugh and sounded just as awkward. An uncomfortable silence fell between you for a long time now that you had run out of things to say. You made brief eye contact with him and quickly looked away as you scanned the party for something to talk about.
“I haven’t talked to your dad since the breakup, if that helps.” You said finally.
“It helps a little.” Tom shrugged.
“Oh, good, it does?”
“Not really.” He admitted. “Nothing does.”
“Yeah. Me either.” You shrugged and took a long sip of your drink. Tom’s eyebrows went up in surprise to hear that you were struggling just as much.
“Really?” He asked quietly. You looked into his eyes and debated telling him just how much you missed him. You ultimately decided against it since it wasn’t the time or place to have that conversation.
“The food was really good, wasn’t it? I loved the meatballs.” You asked to change the subject. You had no idea how to make small talk with someone you used to have a life with.
“Yeah. So good. Sam’s great.” Tom nodded in agreement even though he hadn’t tried any food yet.
“So great.” You echoed. You both hated the faking niceties with each other but you had no idea how else to interact now that you were broken up. Thankfully, Harry walked up to the two of you with a plate of food and relieved some of the tension.
“Hey.” He said to you before realizing Tom was there too. “Oh. Sorry. I didn’t realize you guys were talking. Should I leave?”
“No!” You and Tom said in unison. Harry leaving meant you’d have to scramble to find more things to say so you were desperate to keep him there. Harry gave you both a strange look over how enthusiastically you said no before taking a bite of one of his meatballs.
“It’s fine. What did you need?” You asked him.
“That guy I told you about is here. He wants to meet you.” Harry said and pointed over his shoulder. Tom followed his finger and saw a 6 foot tall blonde guy covered in those little minimalistic tattoos. The very tattoos you once told Tom you loved on other people.
“Oh, great.” You smiled and waved to the guy. Tom looked between you and the guy several times and felt jealousy bubble up inside him.
“Who’s that guy?” He asked through a forced laugh so he didn’t sound as worried as he felt.
“That’s Garrett. He’s one of my photographs buddies.” Harry explained.
“I’ll go say hi.” You told Harry before going over to the guy. Tom watched you hug him hello and clenched his jaw.
“Woah, mate. Whats going on with you? If you stare any harder, that vein in your neck is gonna explode.” Harry said to him.
“Who is that guy?” Tom whispered harshly.
“I told you. He’s a friend from film school. I hooked him up with Y/n.”
“Hooked up?” Tom almost shouted. “What do you mean hooked up?”
“Oh my God. Down boy.” Harry snorted. “I mean I hooked them up to work on a project together. She wants him to shoot something for her.”
“If she needs pictures then why can’t you do it?”
“Because shes like my sister so I don’t want to see her in her underwear.” Harry said like it was obvious. Tom’s stomach dropped and he looked back over at you and Garrett. You were laughing at something he had said and Tom’s jealousy doubled.
“Underwear? What are you talking about?” Tom asked.
“I don’t know. She wants to do some album art in this vintage lingerie she found and he specializes in the style she was going for. I wasn’t really listening when she was explaining because I was too focused on the meatballs.” Harry shrugged and took another bite of his food. Tom snatched Harry plate and put it down on the nearest table.
“Stop eating the meatballs for one second. Are you telling me you asked that guy to take pictures of her in her underwear?” Tom whispered angrily.
“Yes, Tom. I approached my friend and asked him to take photos of my brothers ex girlfriend in her underwear specifically for my own enjoyment.” Harry said sarcastically. Tom gave him an annoyed look so Harry stopped being sarcastic.
“No. She needed a photographer, he needed a job, so I hooked them up. Thats the end of the very simple and very boring story of why Y/n is talking to that guy.”
“Stop saying hooked them up. You’re making it sound like they’re gonna date. Does he even know about me?” Tom asked as he stared daggers over at you and Garrett.
“He’s seen Spies in Disguise.” Harry shrugged.
“Oh my God.” Tom groaned. “I don’t mean my films. Does he know I’m her boyfriend?”
“You mean ex boyfriend?” Harry said out of the corner of his mouth. Tom gave him a look and Harry quickly shoved another meatball into his mouth.
“Fine. Ex. Does he know we used to date?”
“Relax, mate. I’m your brother. I’m not gonna throw your girl into the arms of another man. We’re all rooting for you guys to get back together.”
“Okay, good.” Tom sighed in relief.
“But sometimes, in order to realize who your soulmate is, you have to sleep with a beefy photographer who has tattoos straight off a Pinterest board.”
“WHAT?” Tom shouted this time, causing a few people to look over at them.
“Oh my God. It was a joke.” Harry groaned. “Chill out. How are you still this uptight when there are delicious meatballs around?”
“Enough with the meatballs.” Tom hissed. “You don’t really think she’s gonna sleep with him, do you?”
“Hm. Probably not.” Harry shrugged as he looked over at you and Garrett.
“Good.” Tom sighed.
“But my boy is a dawg so he’s definitely gonna try.” Harry snorted and ate another meatball. Tom looked at him with an unamused expression and Harry stopped chewing.
“Sorry.” He mumbled. “Wrong crowd.”
“It doesn’t matter if he tries. She’d never go for a guy like that. He’s all wrong for her. Right?” Tom asked nervously.
“Mate, don’t do this here. We’re here to support Sam. This is not the time or place to fight for your girls honor.” Harry pointed out. Tom reluctantly nodded in agreement and turned to watch you again. Garrett had his hand on your shoulder now as he told you some story.
“Nope. I can’t watch this. I need to talk to her.” Tom decided and crossed the room to get to you. You and Garrett were laughing at something so Tom started laughing too until you noticed he was there.
“Oh, Garrett, this is Tom.” You said to bring Tom into the conversation.
“Hey, man. I loved you in Spies in Disguise.” Garrett said as he shook his hands. Tom felt slightly annoyed that he couldn’t hate this guy since he was nice.
“Thanks.” Tom said quietly. An awkward silence fell between the three of you and all laughter ceased.
“It’s a great movie. Underrated as hell.” You added after an awkward beat of silence.
“Thank you, darling.” Tom said sincerely. “So what were you guys talking about?”
“We were talking about maybe working together for a shoot.” Garrett answered.
“Right. Harry was telling me about it. I wanted to tell you that you can come over and grab some of your sets if you need them for the shoot. You left a lot at my place.” Tom said to you. You narrowed your eyes at him but couldn’t help but smile. You knew exactly what he was doing and he knew it too. He smiled innocently at you before checking for Garrett’s reaction.
“His place? Why would your stuff be there?” Garett wondered.
“Of course it’s at my place. Where else would she be wearing lingerie?” Tom asked with a simple shrug. You turned your face so he wouldn’t see you laughing at what he said.
“Wait, so, how do you guys know each other?” Garrett asked you.
“Oh, I’m sorry. She must not have mentioned. I know her from being her boyfriend.” Tom said and put an arm around you.
“Ex boyfriend.” You smiled sarcastically and pushed his arm off.
“Semantics.” Tom shrugged.
“Ex?” Garett raised his eyebrows. “Wow. Thats great news. I didn’t think a girl as pretty as you was available.”
“Oh, I’m not.” You laughed awkwardly.
“You’re not?” Garett frowned.
“You’re not?” Tom smiled in surprise.
“I mean, I am, but not for you two. Excuse me.” You smiled at them both and quickly exited the conversation. Tom and Garrett looked at each other with a new sense of competition between them.
“Spies in Disguise wasn’t even that good.” Garett mumbled out of the corner of his mouth.
“Tell that to my Kids Choice Award.” Tom snapped.
“I will.” Garrett said mockingly. They exchanged sharp looks with one another before Tom walked away. He searched the room for you but couldn’t find you for a while. He asked around to see if anyone had seen you but had no luck. He sighed and went outside the restaurant to get some air. Coincidentally, you had the same idea. You were leaning against the wall of the restaurant with a drink in your hand and staring out into the night.
“Hey.” Tom said as he approached you.
“Jesus Christ.” You jumped.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. But I have been looking for you. Do you think we could talk?”
“About what?” You played dumb and took a long sip of your drink. Tom kicked some gravel on the ground and kept his eyes down.
“Is it really a good time? My blood is like 70% red sauce right now.” You groaned and patted your full stomach.
“When else? You don’t return any of my calls.” Tom said without looking in your eyes. You could hear how upset he was over that you felt bad for ignoring him for so long.
“Because we broke up. People who break up aren’t supposed to talk.” You said gently.
“But we weren’t supposed to break up.“ he insisted and looked up at you.
“How can you say that when you’re the one who broke up with me?”
“It was a mistake. I just blurted that out during the fight. I was frustrated from the terrible day I had so I took it out on you. I never meant to say I wanted to break up.”
“But you did.“ You reminded him. “I don’t care how frustrated you were. I never would’ve said that to you.”
“I know.” He sighed. “And believe me, I’ve wished I could take it back from the second it left my lips.”
“Then why’d you say it?” You asked quietly.
“I don’t know.” He answered honestly. “It just fell out of my mouth.”
“Because you don’t have any lips to stop it?” You asked with a coy smile. Tom looked at you in surprise and could tell you felt proud of that one.
“That kinda sounded like you forgiving me.” He smiled cheekily.
“Maybe I’m just trying to get back into a family that can produce meatballs like this.” You shrugged and avoided eye contact. You could feel Tom staring at you so you kept your eyes out on the London skyline.
“Why’d you come tonight?” He asked after a beat of silence.
“I told you. Your mom invited me. And I wanted to support Sam.”
“Support Sam doing what, though?” Tom genuinely wondered. “What is party even for? Sam just told me I had to come. I don’t even know what we’re celebrating.”
“I honestly don’t know either.” You admitted. “Your mom just told me Sam was having a party and making meatballs. I’ve been trying to figure out if it was a birthday or graduation from the decorations but they’re too vague. I’m just avoiding Sam so he doesn’t figure out that I don’t know what this event is for.”
“Maybe it’s just a meatball party.” Tom shrugged.
“Maybe.” You laughed softly and finally looked at him. When you looked into his eyes, you couldn’t bring yourself to be mad at him anymore. Whatever had started the fight was long gone from your memory. You didn’t care anymore. You just wanted to get back to how you used to be.
“I knew you were gonna be here today.” You confessed. “That’s why I showed up.”
“Really?” Tom asked and took a step closer to you.
“Really. I just didn’t want to have this conversation over the phone. That’s why I haven’t been answering your calls.”
“And what conversation might that be?” Tom asked and got even closer.
“The ‘I really miss you even though you’re a massive dingus who doesn’t deserve me’ conversation.” You said with a sheepish smile. Tom smiled in return and moved some hair off your face.
“I am a massive dingus.” He agreed. “And I don’t deserve you.”
“I already established that.”
“But what was that? Did I catch you saying you miss me?” He asked playfully and cupped his ear. You rolled your eyes and stepped into his arms to hug him.
“Of course I do. All the photographers I’ve been sleeping with made me miss what we had.” You said against his chest.
“I’ve missed you too, darling.” He sighed happily. “Wait, what that now?”
“I’m kidding. Kind of. Can we make up now?” You asked and pulled out of the hug just enough to look at him. Instead of replying, he leaned down to kiss you for the first time in weeks. It felt like you were picking right back up where you left off as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“That was a joke right?” He laughed once you pulled out of the kiss. Your eyes darted to the side as you pulled out of the embrace.
“We should go inside.”You changed the subject. “I just have to get some more of those meatballs.”
Tag list 🏷️
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cherrycheridarling · 1 year
cherry | h.s.
harry styles x famous!reader
warnings: sad? it's a rollercoaster
summary: how 'cherry' came to be
wc: 2.5k
a/n: can be read w/ baby or on its own
are we rlly surprised abt this? look at my user;)
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'Don't you call him baby.'
Harry sat on his plush couch, telly on volume 11 as interviews from The Emmys went live.
"Here we have Y/N Y/L/N! Looking as gorgeous as ever! How are you?" the man asked as he kissed both of your cheeks.
Harry had to agree with the man. You were a stunning picture in a skintight iridescent gown that somehow left little and just enough to the imagination at the same time. The dainty silver accents adorning your ears and wrists, chest bare with a slight shimmer of something that wasn't sweat or glitter, but just pure radiance in Harry's eyes.
You adjusted your stance before answering, "Good, good. And yourself?"
"Fantastic! I hear you're nominated for three awards tonight! Congratulations! How do you feel about all of that?" Harry wasn't surprised by your achievements seeing as he kept his tabs on you ever since the breakup.
You nodded with a timid smile, "I am, yes. It's all a little nerve wracking if I'm being honest with you."
The man grinned before it looked like his attention had been stolen by someone else, "Oh look, there we have your knight in shining armour!"
The camera panned to Tom Holland walking in your direction. Harry forced himself to watch as Tom came to stand beside you and kissed your cheek with an arm around your waist. Even with the microphone being unable to pick up your voices, your small interaction could be read off your lips.
"Hello, darling." Tom's lips moved as he winked.
"Hi, baby." your smile was warm as you spoke.
Harry abruptly turned off his telly at that moment. Memories of that name being used to address him flooded his brain. He threw his head back against the cushions and let the sting wash over him. It'd been a little less than a year since you guys called it quits, but the wounds still bled.
'We're not talking lately.'
"Do you remember that promise we made?" you asked as Harry rested his forehead against your knees while your fingers ran through his hair.
You felt him nod as a tear rolled down your cheek for the hundredth time. "We'd always stay friends and support each other even if we don't last." he replied from below you on his knees while you were sat on the couch.
You swallowed the lump in your throat, "Can I adjust that promise?"
His movements seize the second the question left your lips. He lifted his head and met your glossy gaze with an equally bloodshot one.
"What do you mean?" his voice quivered in a way that made your heart shatter.
You slid your thumb along his cheekbone, "We need time apart to move on, ange. No communication while we deal with this. We can still support each other and love each other, but we need space in order to let each other go. Wouldn't you agree?"
Harry pondered on it for a moment before slightly nodding, "I guess so."
Neither of you said a word after that, just continuing to hold each other until the morning light came in and reminded you that everything still moves on even if you haven't.
'Don't you call him what you used to call me.'
July 23rd 2017:
"Baby, can you grab my purse for me, please?" you semi-shouted from the bottom of the stairs in your home.
Not a minute later, Harry came waltzing down towards you, "I wasn't sure which one you wanted today, so I took it upon myself to choose this one." he held up the Prada shoulder purse with a proud smile.
October 17th 2017:
"No." you deadpanned, but at his immediate frown you continued "Baby, I'm not dressing up as a socket so you can be the plug." you laughed incredulously at his suggestion.
Harry threw his hands in the air, "Come on! That would be the best costume ever!"
December 25th 2017:
"Happy Christmas, baby." you smiled at the man on your phone screen.
His lips turned down into a frown that somehow still looked like a smile, "Happy Christmas, darling. Wish we were together today."
January 1st 2018:
"Happy new year!" Harry screamed along with the room before turning to his love, "No one else I'd rather enter the year with." he smiled softly at you before meeting your lips with a kiss.
Confetti fell around you, champagne broke through the cheers with a 'pop' and yet, to you, it was silent, and there was no one there but him.
You broke apart still grinning, "Happy new year, baby."
'I, I confess I can tell that you are at your best. I'm selfish so I'm hating it.'
"And the Oscar for Best Actress goes to...!" Kevin Hart unfolded the envelope and immediately broke into a wide grin, "Y/N Y/L/N!"
The applause was immediate and deafening. You barely registered the first syllable of your name being called as everyone around you began to congratulate you and shower you with hugs.
You slowly made your way to the stage, being careful to not trip. You greeted Kevin with a hug as he handed you the award and your hands shook. As you stood in front of the mic, your mouth opened and closed like a fish.
"I-I- what?" you finally managed to sputter out as everyone chuckled.
You managed to get your wits about you and began to give out your thanks, while failing to notice the man in the audience who was holding back tears for you.
Jeff leaned over to Harry, "I know this is tough, but there will be cameras on you. Be careful of your expressions." he whispered as Harry momentarily shut his eyes and inhaled deeply.
Harry managed to plaster on a faux smile that would fool anyone else except you. He was ashamed of himself; he should be happy for you, he should've been on his feet cheering for you. But he couldn't. He refused to do that from 12 rows away when he should've been sat beside you. The smile on your face, the glow in your skin. All of it was something he hadn't seen since you were together and seeing it now only brought pain and sorrow to him.
He wished he had stayed home, but Jeff had convinced him that moping around in his home was only fuelling the rumours surrounding your break up, so he watched as you took your seat again and only when the next category was being announced did he excuse himself to the washroom and let the tears flow.
'I noticed that there's a piece of you in how I dress. Take it as a compliment.'
"Darling!" Harry's voice came booming from your temporarily shared home.
You sat on the couch in the living room and threw your head back, "Yes?!"
"Where's your striped jumper?!" he replied from your walk in closet.
You chose not to reply and instead left your seat to see what chaos he had caused. Upon entering your closet, there were piles of clothes on the floor and shoes tossed in every direction.
You chuckled, "What is going on?"
Harry's head snapped towards you, "I have an interview in 30 minutes and I need that jumper. Please, darling, help." he pouted at you.
You laughed a little more before walking out of the closet and pulling the sweater from a chair next to your bed. You cleared your throat while dangling the sweater from your finger and smirked, "Really should wear your glasses more often."
He covered his face with his hands as he realized he made a mess for no reason. As he took the jumper from your hands with a kiss to your lips and a thank you, you spoke again with a smile, "And get your own clothes."
"Why do that when I have you?" he grinned, "And don't touch any of the mess. I will clean it when I get back." his tone was serious but you struggled to hold in your laugh.
"I'll ju-"
"-No. Pinky promise you won't clean any of it." he held out his pinky with a raised brow.
You rolled your eyes before locking your finger with his. "Fine." the metal of the ruby ring on his finger that used to be yours was cold on your skin
He smiled as he kissed the place where your fingers interlocked and dashed out of the room with one last warning, "You pinky promised! No breaking it!"
"I, I just miss. I just miss your accent and your friends."
"Okay, Your Majesty." Harry mocked your RP accent for the thousandth time as you sat at Beachwood Cafe with Mitch, Sarah, Hazel and Max.
You gasped, "Would you stop that?! I do not sound like the Queen."
He was about to argue before Mitch chimed in, "Sorry, Y/L/N, but you kind of do." he giggled as he spoke.
Your jaw dropped as Harry started to laugh, "This is so unfair. I introduced you guys! You were my friends first! You're supposed to be on my side!"
They all started laughing together at your outburst as you rolled your eyes with a small smile.
"Did you know I still talk to them?"
Hazel was escorted to Harry's dressing room before his show in Vancouver while Max was in charge of finding parking.
Since it was her's and Max's hometown, Harry offered them tickets and backstage entry. It took a lot of debating with himself before he sent the text to Hazel, but his reasoning ultimately came down to not wanting to lose two friendships due to one relationship.
She took a moment to pause before knocking, and sighed a little when Harry looked up through the mirror with red, glassy eyes.
"What's going on, H?" she spoke softly as she entered the room and closed the door behind her.
Harry fully turned his chair around and felt his shoulders deflate, "Just miss her." he rolled his lips in between his teeth as a few tears managed to escape.
Hazel's heart fractured a bit in that moment as her phone started buzzing in her pocket with a call from you, "It's Y/N. Give me a minu-"
"-No. Please. I won't say anything. Can you put it on speaker?" he begged and although Hazel knew it was a bad idea she sighed before answering your call and following his request.
"Hey, Y/N/N!"
"Hi, are you at the show?" your voice ran through the room and Harry subconsciously leaned towards to the phone as if it would bring him closer to you.
Hazel suppressed a sigh from watching Harry before replying, "Yeah! It was really nice of him to invite us. What are you up to?"
"About to catch a flight to LA. Just wanted to make sure you got there safe." you laughed lightly through your lie and Harry's eyes automatically shut, trying to savour the sweet sound.
Hazel could hear your lie in your voice, but chose not to address it, "Yeah, Max is just finding parking right now. Why are you going to LA?"
Harry fought the urge to answer her question, forgetting that he wasn't supposed to know the answer.
You sighed slightly, "House hunting. Can't stay at Harry's anymore, so time to find my own place there."
Hazel nodded, forgetting that you couldn't see her before replying, "Oh. I see. Have you talked to H at all?"
Harry's head snapped up at his name being brought into the conversation.
"No, it's best if I don't." a mans voice was heard in the background before you spoke again, "Well, we're about to take off now. If you see him, wish him luck for me, will you?" your sadness was evident throughout your words.
Harry buried his head in his hands again as more tears escaped while Hazel replied, "Of course. Have a safe flight, Y/N/N. Love you, miss you."
"Thanks, love you and miss you too. Bye!" you blew a kiss into the phone before the dial tone was heard.
And for a moment, with his eyes shut, Harry allowed himself to imagine that those words were meant for his ears only.
"Does he take you walking 'round his parents gallery?"
"Hey, Haz," Tyler spoke up from the silence of the recording studio. They had just finished a long session and the rest of the team had already departed for the night, leaving Harry, Sammy and Tyler. "There's a new gallery opening on Saturday. Only there for a few nights. You wanna come with me and Sammy?"
Harry slowly turned in the spinning chair, "Sure. Whose gallery?" he bit into an apple as he finished speaking.
"Nikki Holland? Don't know who she is, but she's got some sick photos on Instagram." Tyler shrugged not noticing how Harry nearly choked on his fruit.
"Holland? As in Tom Holland's mum? Tom Holland as in Y/N's boyfriend, Tom Holland?" Sammy's eyes widened before he pulled out his own phone and went to Tom's instagram page. And sure enough, there was a post and a story of him promoting his mum's new gallery opening. "Just answered my own question." he rolled his lips between his teeth before chancing a glance at Harry.
Harry stared blankly at the floor before clearing his throat, "Probably not the best idea for me to show up there." he paused at their somber expressions, "Honestly, it's fine." he laughed lightly.
"Nah, we won't go either. Probably start rumours if we-"
"-Wait." Harry abruptly announced before reaching for the acoustic guitar on his left.
Tyler and Sammy shared a concerned expression with one another while Harry nervously fumbled with the strings of the instrument.
"Let me just- I just need to-" he struggled to find the right words to say, but there was no need.
Tyler shook his head and put his phone down, "Let's write it."
"Tu dors?" you frowned when your friend answered your call with a groggy voice.
She laughed lightly through the phone, "Oui. J'étais sur le point d'être."
"Oh, j'suis désolée."
She chuckled, "Ne t'en fais pas. Que s'est-il passé? A-t-il fait une demande en mariage?"
You sighed with a smile, thinking back on the day you spent with the lovely man behind you, "Bah non-"
"Je peux entendre le sourire effrayant dans ta voix. Que s'est-il passé?" she cut you off while mocking you.
You laughed loudly, "Nan, c'est pas important."
"Qu'avez-vous fait alors? Êtes-vous allé à la plage?"
You turned to look at Harry as he played a soft melody on a guitar. His eyes looked up to meet yours and he offered you a small grin that you returned, "Ouais, on a été à la plage, et maintenant on—"
She cut you off again with a loud laugh, "Allons prendre un verre et discuter. J'ai besoin de voir le sourire effrayant en personne."
You couldn't even deny her accusation. You were at the happiest you could be.
'Parfait! Allez!'
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homeofthelonelywriter · 3 months
Celebs - Masterlist
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Tom Hiddleston:
Take the Stage: While once again sneaking out of the Palace, you meet an actor...let’s just say there is something between you two. (Royal! Reader)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28 | Part 29 | Part 30 | Part 31
Romeo to my Juliet: You are a student and a teacher at a college in Lodon, which is the same place a very handsome acting professor is employed. - discontinued
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
New Beginning:
(Part 1) | Part 2 | Part 3
HC - Tom Hiddleston x clumsy!Reader
HC - Tom helps Reader deal with anxiety and stress
HC - Tom loves Reader’s boobs
Forgotten Fears - The Reader had some bad experiences with her ex-boyfriend when he was drunk and is still traumatised by that. What happens when Tom forgets about that fear of hers?
Kinky Surprise - pure smut
Application - When you loose a bet, you are forced to send an application for Loki’s love interest. Who would have thought that they actually want to meet you?
Jealousy - Tom is insecure because of your age gap. What will happen when he sees you with one of your co-workers who is about your age?
Hidden - As an artist, you find a way to tell Tom that you’re pregnant
Bun in the oven - Pregnany reveal and a proposal. What could go wrong?
Drunken Start - After a night out with his buddies, Tom calls you, neither rembering you, nor how he got your number
Trick or Treat - Halloween Special
Best boyfriend in the world - You have trouble sleeping, so Tom decides to help you out
Dance with me - Reader and Tom slow-dance in Paris
Diary - Tom finds your diary while you’re moving and reads it
Christmas Surprise - Christmas Drabble
Let it snow! - Christmas Drabble
Drabble #75
Drabble #3
Imagine while on vacation with your BFF you catch Tom Hiddleston during a photoshoot. Your BFF makes sure he remembers you.
Imagine tagging Tom Hiddleston in a meme and actually getting a reaction.Imagine working on the set of Avengers and instantly crushing on Tom Hiddleston. You are devastated when you find out your BFF Taylor is now dating him.
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Benedict Cumberbatch:
Drabble #69
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Sebastian Stan:
Drabble #46
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Shawn Mendes:
Better that way: When Shawn’s girlfriend finds out that she is pregnant, she decides that she can’t burden the superstar with a child. She makes decisions which may seem stupid, but she knows that it’s Better that way.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
Surprise: Walking a Victorias Secret show was an honour already, but being able to see your boyfriend while doing so? Pure bliss. Especially when he has a little surprise for you.
Part 1 | Part 2
Fan Mail: Writing to Shawn every so often paid off when he asked you to come to one of his shows.
Part 1 | Part 2
When you’re ready - Inspired by his song
Guard my heart - You are a part of the security at one of Shawn’s shows and he notices you
Nervous - Inspired by his song
One more chance - Filming an explanation video why Shawn and you broke up, leads to some interesting realisations
In my Blood - Inspired by his song (Triggers)
Late Late Show - You are present during your boyfriend’s appearance on the Late Late Show with James Cordan. Let’s just say it was disgusting.
Sad song - Shawn finds out you can sing during a very sad occasion
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Tom Holland:
Migraine - rl!friend has a Migraine and Tom wants and tries to comfort her
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Back to the Master-Masterlist
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littlemissomega · 2 years
Big Girl Thoughts
Warnings: smut, overstimulation, mommy kink, begging. Wanda being condescending, degrading
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"Oh are you a little sensitive?" Wanda croons mockingly
"M-mommy!" Y/N whimpers.
"Come on, sweetie, answer Mommy's question!"
Y/N's grip on the sheets tightens as and turns her head and buries it in the pillow, attempting to quiet her moans. She jumps when a slap lands on her thigh.
"Now now now, none of that! Mommy's working so hard for all those pretty sounds! Now answer my question, or I'll keep going all night!!"
Wanda adds another finger to Y/N's dripping pussy as though to say she means it.
"So sensitive Mommy! So so so sensitive! Ngjdjf mommyyy it hurts so good!" Y/N whines, the last of her pride melting away.
"Good girl. Cum again for Mommy like a good little slut,"
Y/N mewls and whimpers fill the room as Wanda's fingers fill her pussy. The suction toys on Y/N clit increases a setting.
"C-oohh can't Mommy! Too m-much!" Y/N gasps.
"Oh really? Do you need a break?" The suction toy goes down a setting, giving Y/N's nerve a little bit of relief.
She should have noticed the mock kindness in Wanda's voice, but Y/N head is too fuzzy and holes are too full to think righ, so she nods wuickky.
"Uh huh! Please Mommy, please please please, 's too much!" She begs.
"And did you come up with that thought all by yourself, silly baby?" Wanda asks, tilting her head.
It clicks in her head and Y/N whimpers, squirming in Wanda's grasp as she realizes her mistake.
"Cause you know what Mommy's told you about thinking! You're too much of a dumb baby for such big girl thoughts! Let Mommy do the thinking for you…."
The suction toy turns to the strongest setting, and Y/N let's out a silent scream; her pussy clenching down on Wanda's fingers.
"Good girlll! You look so pretty when you cum all over my fingers, button" Wanda croons, still pumping her fingers in and out, Y/N's cum dripping down her wrist.
Y/N lets how desperate babbles as all the stimulation continues after so many intense orgasms.
"Mommy mommy mommy mommy mommyyyyy," Y/N whimpers.
"Awwww cutie! Doesn't it feel good?"
"Nghdbbbfhfud n-oohh noo no more Mommyy," she babbles, trying to squirm away from Wanda.
"Oh it doesn't feel good? Now we've gotta do something about that, don't wr?"
Then, everything stops. Y/N lets out a whimper of relief and goes slack against the mattress. She doesn't even notice Wanda's shuffling until the tip of Wanda's strap is rubbing against her puffy pussy lips.
Y/N starts crying from sensitivity and tries pushing Wanda away from her.
"Cut it out," Wanda snaps firmly, spanking y/n's pussy, "Mommy's gonna take good care of her babygirl… "
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alyswritings · 1 year
Tom holland x sister reader, when his sister goes to a puppy interview with him (age 5-7)?
Tom attempts to answer the questions while he plays with the puppy dogs that are running all over the place. He pets the one sitting in his lap until it runs off. He glances over as a dog runs over to where his brother and sister are standing, the five year old lighting up when the puppy licks her shin.
Y/N crouches down and pets the dog who happily accepts the attention. One of the staff soon lead the dog back over to where Tom is sitting, Tom glancing at his sister's understanding but sad look.
"Uh... what was the question again?" Tom laughs, petting one of the dogs. After he somehow manages to answer the question.
"Here. Come here, Y/N." Tom calls.
"Hmm?" She looks like a deer in headlights making Tom softly laugh.
"Come over here. Come play with the puppies." Tom encourages. Y/N looks up at Harry who nods, the girl going to her oldest brother. Y/N sits on Tom's lap, him helping her get settled.
"Oh, here we go." Tom says as one of the dogs walk over and sniff Y/N. "Yeah. Remember be gentle." He says as Y/N starts to softly pet the dog.
That dog leaves, playing with one of the other dogs and Y/N giggles, Tom softly smiling at her. The dog that went up to Y/N earlier walks over and quickly makes himself comfortable in Y/N's lap making her grin.
"Oh, yeah. This one loves you, doesn't he?" Tom remarks, scratching the dog's back while Y/N pets him.
Tom continues to answer the questions to the best of his ability.
"Ow!" Y/N's cry interrupts one of Tom's answer, the man looking down to see a dog nibbling on her shoe.
"Oh, hey. Let's not, buddy." Tom gently pries the dog away. "There we go. Chew on this." He waves a toy around in the dog's face before throwing it to the side, the dog running after it. "You all right?" He asks Y/N who nods, continuing to pet the dog that's still sleeping in her lap. Tom places a quick kiss on her head before resuming his answer to whatever the question was.
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sluttywonwoo · 1 year
instead of you [part ten] || l.mh
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pairing: [best friend’s brother] lee minho x college!reader ft. han jisung
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either. 
warnings: swearing, alcohol, mentions of sex (18+ mdni)
word count: 2.6k
a/n: revamped my tom holland series from my main blog ( @wazzupmrstark ) to try and motivate myself to finish it!!
series masterlist | early access to the next chapter on ko-fi
“Just that you’re not technically a chef yet,” Minho explained defensively. “You’re not certified.”
“A chef doesn’t need a piece of paper to call themselves a chef,” Leo countered. “Anyone can be a chef. But don’t tell the WAC I said that.”
“Yeah, Minho haven’t you ever seen Ratatouille?” you teased.
“Great movie,” Leo added. “Jisung, great job on your dough,” he reiterated.
Jisung stuck his tongue out at his brother across the table who rolled his eyes in response as Leo picked up his ball of dough and rolled it in his hands.
“Minho, yours is still a little tough. Keep working on it.”
He nodded and took his dough back to continue kneading it. You noticed his jaw clenched subtly in frustration, but he didn’t say anything else. You watched as he rolled the pasta dough with a little more force, maybe a little too much.
Leo checked yours next and gave you similar feedback to Minho’s, even though Jisung had helped you with yours. You didn’t want to think about what kind of feedback you would have gotten on your own.
Your dough was still flaking apart when you went back to working on it, and you tried desperately to hold it together with little success. Jisung had left your side to help his mom so you were on your own.
At least Minho was also struggling. You felt a little better knowing he was miserable too.
You were starting to sweat with effort, you were so out of shape that even cooking had you catching your breath. You had thought this was going to be fun, but instead you were having flashbacks to high school P.E. class.
Leo made his way down the rest of the table and checked everyone else’s dough before circling back to you and Minho. He took over for Minho and instructed Jisung to finish kneading yours so that he could move on with the lesson. It was embarrassing to be singled out, but Jisung assured you it wasn’t your fault. He wasn’t making much progress with yours either.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with yours,” Jisung whispered to you.
“I probably did it wrong,” you hissed back.
“I watched you do it, you did it the same way as everyone else.”
“Then why is it being like this?”
“Sometimes food has a mind of its own,” Leo interjected, making you realize the entire class had been listening to you and Jisung’s back and forth. “This is good enough, though. We can set it aside with the other balls of dough to let them rest while we make the fillings.”
You and Minho set your sad pasta balls on the counter with the others before moving to the sink to rinse your hands.
“I think they’ll still taste good,” Minho said thoughtfully as he offered the bottle of soap to you and pumped some into your hands.
“I hope so.”
“It’s pasta, it’s almost impossible to fuck it up.”
“Yet somehow we still managed to.”
“Some would say it’s talent,” he said and shrugged.
You bumped his shoulder with your own as you fought over the water stream. You managed to stick your hands in first and Minho put his above yours only for you to shove them away.
“You’re completely ruining the purpose of washing my hands!”
“I have soap on my hands, you have soap on your hands, what’s the issue?”
“And you’re washing off your germs and they’re going on my hands now!”
“Fine, fine, I’ll wait my turn,” he seceded and let you finish washing your hands before he rinsed off his own.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
Making the fillings for the pasta was a much simpler process than making the dough. All you had to do was mix certain ingredients together. It didn’t matter what order you added them, if you whisked fast or slow, the only important thing was that everything made it into the bowl one way or another.
You worked in pairs for this step. Jisung mixed together the pesto filling while you did the parmesan-truffle one.
“This is different than the pesto I make,” he said, looking at the mixture in his bowl.
You frowned. “But I like your pesto.”
“It’ll still be good, baby,” he assured you with a kiss to the forehead. “Don’t worry.”
When the fillings were done it was time to revisit the balls of dough and roll them into pasta. Jisung explained it to you like rolling Play-Doh, but it was far more difficult in your opinion. Play-Doh was nowhere near as stubborn as this. The pasta dough somehow retained tension, and would bounce back every time you tried to stretch it.
Jisung ended up having to help you and Minho because both of you were starting at a disadvantage with your fucked up dough.
“I never want to hear you say I have it easier than you ever again,” Jisung warned as he folded your strands of dough into raviolis.
The class had moved on to the final step, shaping and filling the noodles, but you had already tapped out. Jisung was done with his portion before you had even finished one so he had taken over for you.
“I’m sorry for saying that,” you said, remembering all the times you had teased him for stressing out over his ‘soufflé final’ or ‘crepe labs’. “I would much rather be writing a paper right now.”
He shrugged. “Everyone has their strengths.”
“I’m starting to think that Ratatouille movie was bullshit,” you groaned.
“How ironic,” Minho snorted across from you.
He was really starting to get on your nerves. But you let his comment go, not allowing your temper to get the better of you. He was still Jisung’s family, even if they had a… complicated relationship.
When the class finally settled in the dining room of the restaurant to eat you were sweaty, sore, and exhausted. You could feel your skin sticking to the leather seat, and you felt severely underdressed. Back in the kitchen you hadn’t been so self-conscious. But now you couldn’t stop thinking about your appearance.
The atmosphere was much more sophisticated. The lights were dim, and soft music played in the background. All of the other guests were following an unspoken black-tie dress code while the fifteen of you were still wearing your disposable aprons, only now they were covered in flour and egg yolk.
And to make it worse-
Nikki held up her phone and motioned for you and Jisung to scoot your chairs closer together. You took a deep breath and complied, leaning your head against your fake boyfriend’s and managing a grin. You really didn’t want this moment to be immortalized, but you didn’t want to be difficult either.
The camera flashed once, then again. Jisung wrapped a hand around your waist and pulled your body against his, pressing a kiss to your cheek for another picture. You scrunched up your face as the flash went off, the tickle of his breath against your skin and the feather-light touch of his lips making you squeeze your eyes shut.
“That’s a good one!” Nikki complimented, even though you were sure it wasn’t as flattering as she was making it out to be.
The pasta was served with a glass of red wine for everyone. Jisung was right, the pesto was different from his, but it was still good. It was no match for his recipe, but the handmade pasta did give it a few bonus points. You were sure you hadn’t gotten any of the noodles you made because all of the ones on your plate were perfect. It didn’t feel fair that you got to enjoy somebody else’s hard work while they got your shitty excuse of a ravioli.
But as the wine dwindled from your glass the negative thoughts began to ebb away too. Your muscles, though still sore, relaxed slightly and you rested your head on Jisung’s shoulder as everyone else finished their meals around you. The conversation carried on without your contribution. Your social battery had died hours ago, but you were content to listen to the Hans chat with other students at the table.
You weren’t a huge fan of wine, but the one served with dinner was palatable, and to be honest you weren’t one to turn down complimentary alcohol anyway. It tasted more expensive than anything you had ever drank, like the equivalent of velvet on your tongue. You finished your glass and the rest of Felix’s.
The next few days in Florence passed in a similar fashion. You ate a lot of carbs, drank a lot of alcohol and let the business of the itinerary overwhelm you. It was getting tiring, living in an act. Trailing along behind the Hans like a dog, worn on Jisung’s arm like an accessory.
You had known what you were getting into, and you were trying your best to enjoy the experiences- because who the fuck knows when you’ll ever get to go on such a nice vacation again, but pretending to be in love with your best friend was a harder feat than you had thought.
It felt like being in a school play. Every move and phrase had to be intentional. You tread the lines of your relationship with rehearsed expertise. And you had to watch what you said, because everyone’s eyes were on you. At least that’s what it felt like.
Jisung’s parents were easy. They fully bought into your lie, seeing what they wanted to. They usually left you to your own devices, too. His brothers were the ones who needed convincing. Not even Felix, though. Minho was the problem. Minho was always the problem.
You were in Rome now, walking back to the hotel from the Colosseum. Jisung had his arm slung around your shoulders and was talking his twin brother’s ear off about the Gladiators and inaccuracies in films about Ancient Rome.
You didn’t think you’d seen him this excited the entire trip. It was cute, the way he talked with his hands and looked off into the distance whenever he was really engaged in something. Felix was also cute. He was trying his best to keep up with Jisung, nodding his head at all the right points, asking questions when there was a pause in conversation.
“Yeah, gladiators fucking unionized,” Jisung explained. “They put their lives on the line all the time, ya know? Might as well get benefits.”
“If I was a gladiator I’d join their union,” you said, adding to the conversation for the first time in a while.
“There were women gladiators too, babe! You totally could’ve been one.”
You laughed. “You remember my season on the intramural dodgeball team? I wouldn’t last a day. But I appreciate the thought, Ji.”
You had dinner in the restaurant attached to the hotel lobby. Nikki passed around her Canon for everyone to look through the pictures from the day while a bottle of limoncello was passed around the table.
You’d scarfed down your pasta and passed on dessert in favor of another shot of limoncello. Rookie mistake.
In the past the sugary drink had always tasted like cough syrup to you, but this batch tasted like straight-up lemonade. You were tipsy, bordering on drunk, but nowhere near blacked. Nikki and Dom turned in around shot three, leaving the tab open for the four of you. Jisung went upstairs next, having gone too hard too fast on the limoncello (he was on shot five when his parents went back to their room).
Then it was just You, Felix, and Minho. You told Jisung you’d join him in a bit after the pianist played a couple more songs. In all honesty, the music reminded you of Jisung. Back at school you could always find Jisung in the music hall if he wasn’t in the culinary building. You’d always hear him playing as soon as you walked through the double doors. You could always tell it was him at the keys by the way the playing sounded. He was self-taught, but still a genius in your mind. He didn’t need any formal training to make beautiful music, and that’s what you loved about it.
When he moved out of the dorms and into an apartment he bought a keyboard, and you’d spend nights together in his room illegally pirating sheet music for him to learn new songs. He’d play whatever you requested, and if he didn’t know how to play it he’d teach himself.
The pianist in the restaurant played with a little more expertise. The notes sounded refined, perfected. Jisung always told you that perfect music was restrained music, that real music had flaws, that a song should sound a little different every time it was played.
After an encore of Beethoven the man at the piano stood from his bench and took a bow, passing his hat around the room to collect tips. Minho dropped a bill into the hat and you did as well, handing it back to the man afterwards. He dumped the contents of the hat into a briefcase and closed the lid of the piano, thanking everyone in the audience for their donations.
“Well, I think I’m going to head up now,” Felix said, yawning for emphasis. “We still have to get up at the ass crack of dawn even though we’ll all probably be hungover.”
“Speak for yourself,” Minho said cockily, then turned to you. “One more shot?”
The bottle of limoncello was almost empty anyway. Might as well finish it off, it’d be a shame to let it go to waste, right?
“Hit me.”
“God, you’re both going to be so fucked tomorrow,” Felix groaned.
“We’ll be fine,” Minho insisted, rolling his eyes at his younger brother.
“Good night, Felix,” you sang, waving at him as he walked off.
“Yeah whatever.”
Minho wasted no time pouring you both a shot of what was left of the limoncello. The restaurant was beginning to clear out so he worked fast, filling the glasses up to the marked line. You both took one and clinked them together before throwing them back.
You winced at the burning sensation in the back of your throat and put the glass back on the table, searching for something to chase the shot with. Your eyes fell to Minho, lingering on his cheeks, his lips, both pink from the alcohol or something else. You flicked your gaze down to his neck, his collarbone that was peeking out from the neckline of his shirt. You thought about how it would feel to kiss him there, to run your tongue over a love bite you’d given him.
You forced your gaze back to his eyes, hoping he hadn’t caught you staring. You had to act uninterested, you couldn’t let on to- but he was staring back. His eyes were intense, and almost impossible to read in the darkness of the room. You knew you should look away, knew you had to keep up appearances, but you couldn’t.
Later you’d blame it on the alcohol, but in that moment you knew the limoncello wasn’t what was making your head spin, or your what was making your vision cloudy.
You were about to leave the table, about to rush to the elevator and back to Jisung but then suddenly Minho was kissing you. He cradled your head in his hand and tilted your chin up to meet his lips. It wasn’t desperate or messy like most drunk kisses were. Instead, it was delicate. You swore you could feel every line of his lips against yours, feel his heartbeat through his hands on your cheek.
It was only for a second, not enough time for you to react or reciprocate and then he was pulling away, eyes wide with panic.
“Please don’t tell Jisung.”
lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
no taglist today bc my laptop is broken but if you’d like to add yourself to the taglist you can do so here!
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oh-puffle-cakes19 · 2 years
could you make a tom holland one where Tom has to go away for a long time due to filming but the reader is pregnant and has to tell Tom bc she feels like he won’t be there and she doesn’t wanna be alone. Maybe they argue at the start like angst and then she blurts out why she’s making a big deal of him leaving.
My Forever
Pairing - Tom Holland x Pregnant Reader
Summary - Tom has to leave for Filming but you have to tell him something, really important and it worries you.
Warnings - Angst, sadness, as usual fluffy ending because who cant? Resist sweet Tom!!
A/N - Thank you so much, for requesting, hope you enjoy! Much appreciation to the love and support to all of my content on my blog 🥰
Honestly, guys come chat, talk about things to me or request! I’m always open to being mutuals with other accounts, don’t be shy come join the fun! Hope your doing well!! 💜
“Love, that doesn’t make any sense..” Tom rolls his eyes at you, “I’ve been away before and you were perfectly fine!”
You and Tom stand in the middle of your kitchen arguing about him going away for a while, due to filming.
“You don’t understand, I know that you need to go and film but why such a long time?” you asked, huffing folding your arms over.
“Because baby, it’s takes a long time to film a series!” Tom frowns, looking away from you.
“I just don’t want you to go,” You shake your head.
“I know but why?” Tom asked, “I’ll still be able to come back, still text and call you and you can visit,” he leaned his head against your shoulder, closing his eyes.
“Tommy its not about that,” You whisper, nervously. You look down at your stomach, deciding that he really needs to know, it’s now or never!
“What is it then?” Tom narrows his eyes, tapping his foot against the marble floor as he gets impatient.
“I, I don’t know,” You hold back your tongue, deciding just to tell him when he is away.
“What do you mean, you don’t know? You must know! Like your complaining about me leaving,” Tom feeling fed up with the situation, going to walk out on you to take a breather.
Instead, you speak again..
“I’m not complaining, I’m being honest!” You said, shaking your head completely disagreeing with his words. It seems tense, to just blurt the words you need to say but you need to right?
“Honest, my ass!” Tom scoffed, he really needs to get out the house. The air is catching in his throat as the atmosphere try’s to swallow him whole.
“Your being really, unreasonable love! Please give me a valid reason why you don’t want me to go,” Tom try’s to calm down one last time, for your sake as well as his own. He don’t want to be mad and fight or even walk out but it’s really difficult.
You take a deep breath, ignoring his comment as you hold your hand out to place it on Tom’s cheek. “I just found out that, I’m 3 Weeks Pregnant,” you whisper, him barely hearing you.
You feel like your drowning under water as you said the thing, you needed to say.
You don’t say anything after, scared about what is there to come. What will he think?
Everything stops in silence as the words hits Toms ears, “what did you say? Love,” he held your hand tight, like as if you will float away from him.
“Um, nothing.. I didn’t say anything,” You looked away lairing, you feel embarrassed and shocked you actually blurted it out.
“No, no baby,” Tom breathes out, cupping your jaw into his warm, hands, “You said you are pregnant, is that true?”
“Yes,” You take a shaky breath, “I didn’t want you to go because I didn’t want to feel alone, for you not to be there for me or the baby,”
Tom calms down, forgetting about all the other things that got him riled up. He focused on your words, on you, only you!
“I’m so sorry, love,” Tom kisses your forehead to comfort you, “We are going to get through this together, Darling! Im going to love and support you, no matter what,” he smiles.
You stand there, in between his arms and body, you let tear drops fall on your cheeks.
“Blossom, don’t cry,” Tom wipes your tears from under your eyes and cheeks, “Your ok, we are ok! I love you so much, my love! You are so strong and brave.. should of told me sooner,”
“I was going to, but,” You took a deep breathe listening to Tom’s heart beat, he calms you like flying with pixie dust but much better, “I was scared to see your reaction,”
“Understandable, sweetheart. It must be scary in this situation but now you know that I’m all in, I’m going to love, care, support and protect you, Darling,” Tom kisses your lips passionately, you smile into the kiss.. slipping your tongue between his teeth as you sink more into his chest.
“You are one of a kind, Tom,” you wink.
“Says Yourself, Princess,” Tom teases back.
“I’m always going to be here for you, your not alone, Y/N neither is our baby!”
“I love you so much too, Tommy,” You pull him in a kiss again, fully knowing that he is doing the right thing.
Taking on a responsibility that he might not be ready for but he loves you and he loves your and his baby now!
“What about your filming?” You cry more, don’t even know where the tears or sadness came from because the hardest part is gone now.
“Fuck the filming,” Tom mumbles, “I’ll bring you with me, they can’t say shit!”
“They can wait, you and our baby are way more important, love,” He includes as you nod, smiling at his sweet yet funny words.
“Now, let’s go upstairs and I’ll run you a nice hot bath,” Tom smiles, taking your hand, “How does that sound, Darling?”
“Sounds perfect,” You giggle, loving this new protective side of Tom.
You and Tom lay in the bath with lots of bubbles and very hot water.
Your lay against Tom’s chest, as he presses sweet kisses to your shoulders and neck.
“Mm, so fucking gorgeous,” Tom whispers, caressing all of your body, “Can’t believe, we are going to be having a baby,” he grins ear to ear.
“I know, Handsome, me neither,” You giggle, holding his bicep kissing it, softly.
Tom strokes your head to relax you more into the hot water noticing that you are still a tad, but too tense for his liking.
He loves you being relaxed, calm and care free because that’s the best version of yourself!
“Your going to be a great, mummy, Beautiful,” Tom can’t resist saying, sending butterflies down to your stomach or how devoted he is to you and your baby.
“Well, Mr.Holland, your going to be a great daddy,” You winked kissing his cheek.
“Well, Mrs.Holland, again, your going to be an undeniably great mummy,” Tom winked, back.
“What?” You asked shocked, “I’m not your wife,”
“Soon to be, baby,” Tom whispers, smirking as he hints he going to propose very, very soon!
“Your not close enough, love,” He pulls you even closer to him, if that’s possible kissing your lips deeply, loving the way you taste on the tip of his tongue.
“Can’t wait, to be Mrs.Holland,” You giggle, in between kisses.
“I bet,” Tom couldn’t hide his smirk, so full of himself because he loves you, and is proud of it, calling you his forever.
“My forever,” Tom whispers, kissing you on surprise.. making bubbles fly around the bathroom as you both laugh.
“My forever too, Tommy,” You smile, closing your eyes as you embrace, this blessed moment between you two.
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shellshocklove · 10 months
Ooh what about a pre-epilogue blurb where prince!tom takes care of y/n when she’s suffering from her period or sick or smth like that?? Idk I just thought about it and how cute he would be, ik it’s like a common theme for a blurb so like you don’t have to write it if you’re not into it, just a thought 😊
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pairing/au: university AU - modern prince!tom holland x female!reader
warnings: swearing, fluff, mentions of being sick (obviously lol)
word count: 3.6k
a/n: this blurb is set between chapter three and four! thank you for your request. i hope you like it, and i'm sorry this is so uninspired! i tried my best. i know i said i was open to write pre-epilogue blurbs for this series, but i've decided that this will be the last thing i write for them. the pre-epilogue blurbs need to fit with the rest of the story, and i don't want to mess it up. so i'm leaving it as is!
series masterlist / main masterlist
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“Hi, my darling! Can you hear me?” Tom whispered.
His face had immediately lit up when you answered his Facetime call. He was propped up against fluffy pillows, airpods in his ears, face illuminated by the light coming from his phone. A soft but tired smile pulled at his lips.
“I can hear you!” you whispered back with a smile.
It was Christmas Eve – or more accurately Christmas Day – it was well past midnight. You hadn’t seen Tom in person since your party. The autumn semester had ended, and he’d been whisked away to the palace. Royal duties his new top priority, and he was busy. You’d felt your head spin as he’d told you his schedule for the end of December.
But even with his new, extremely busy, schedule, he’d made time for you. He’d texted you every day since you’d seen him last, and you always Facetimed before bed. A new routine for the both of you. And even when his texts were far and few between – he was always excited to talk to you at night.
And you’d be lying if you said you weren’t just as excited. Ever since you’d travelled back home to your family for the holidays – it was the one thing you looked forward to every day. You loved your family, of course you did, but being back again made you appreciate moving out of your childhood bedroom, a little more. They were starting to drive you crazy. But talking to Tom made you forget all about them. It was the highlight of your day.
“How was your day?” he asked you, moving a little against his pillows, getting comfortable.
It always made you smile when he asked you that. You knew your day, compared to his, had been less than eventful – but still he wanted to know. “Oh,” you sighed, “kinda boring to be honest. I feel like I’m in this trance when I’m here– like I’m not really myself­… like I’m trapped by the walls of my childhood bedroom”.
When the words left your mouth, you regretted them. Maybe you shouldn’t have been so honest with him.
“I get it,” he said, a sad smile on his lips, “I feel the same way. Like you’re just walking around putting on an act all day– it’s exhausting”.
And suddenly you didn’t regret it anymore. “I’m sorry, Tom” you whispered.
“I’m sorry too, darling” he whispered back, “I’m sorry I’ve been so slow texting you– it’s been…” he trailed off with a sigh.
“It’s okay, Tom– I know you’re busy! How was your day? You’re still at Sandringham House, right?” you asked, sinking a little deeper into your pillows.
“Yeah, we’ll be here until after New Year’s” he said, rubbing his eye with the back of his hand, “But it’s just a lot right now– we had that dinner I told you about today– fucking black tie– lots of guests” he sighed, “and earlier today my grandma said I had to be the one to hold the speech before the dinner. And like I wasn’t prepared for that, so then I was scrambling for something to say, and… I just made a fool of myself”.
“Nooo, Tom! I’m sure you didn’t!” you tried to comfort him the way he always comforted you, “I don’t think you’re able to make a fool of yourself– you’re way too charming for that!”.
He hid a shy smile behind a breathy laugh, “Thank you, darling!”.
“I’m only telling you the truth” you told him, making his smile even bigger and more bashful.
“Shut up!”,
“It’s true!”.
He laughed again, looking away from his phone, “You’re making me blush” he mumbled.
“Well, that’s only fair– you make me blush all the time” you told him.
“I do?” his eyes were back on you, quizzical.
“Are you serious right now?” you narrowed your eyes at him.
“As a heart attack”,
You chortled, “Who even says that?”.
“Um… I do” he faked offence, making you giggle, which then made him giggle.
“Fuck, I miss you” he confessed after your giggles died down, “I wish you were here­– or I was there”.
“Me too…”, you gave him a bittersweet smile, “what would we do, you think, if we were together right now?” you asked him, ready to disappear into a fantasy where you weren’t miles apart.
“What we would do, if I were in your bed right now?” he asked with a mischievous smile pulling at his lips.
“Tom…” you warned with a laugh.
“If I were with you right now, I’d wanna… make out” he said matter-of-factly, “Why? Did you have something else in mind?” he teased.
“What! No!” you lied. Of course you wanted to do a little more than kiss, but you respected Tom when he told you he wanted to take it slow.
“You said that way too quickly” he teased, “I thought you missed me”.
“No! I do! I just–”,
He cut you off, “Relax, darling– I’m pulling your leg”.
With a pout on your lips, you narrowed your eyes at him, “I’m not sure you deserve any kisses right now” you teased.
“Love, don’t pout at me like that,” he whined, “just makes me want to kiss you even more”.
“Nah-ah!” you shook your head, pout still on your lips, “No kisses for you”.
“Are you serious right now?” he asked you, a hint of hurt in his voice.
“As a heart attack” you teased, making him let out a cackle. “The only man I’ll be kissing tonight is Mr. Harry Styles” you tilted your phone, showing him the old One Direction posters over your bed.
“What does he have that I don’t?” he wondered with a sigh, playing along.
You tilted your head to get a good look at your posters. They were old. You had a couple of group photo posters, probably taken in 2011, and then a few solo ones of each member. You’d gotten them from magazines back when you were a tween, and you’d proudly decorated your walls. Now they were just memories, displaying your old self. You’d never bothered to take them down, and after you moved out, your parents never did either. The only poster you’d brought with you was the Sex Pistols poster your dad had gotten you.
“Hm,” you let a finger graze your chin, “A mop of the softest brown curls, eyes you can drown in… and… the cutest bowtie”.
“Don’t I have all those things already?” he pondered.
You looked back at him with a smile.
“I got the curls” he put up a finger, “I will argue I have the eyes–” he put up another finger.
You cut him off, teasingly refuting with a shrug, “No cute bowtie though”.
“Let me send you a picture of my outfit today” he countered. Then the screen got blurry. Not even a second later your phone dinged with a text message from him. You tapped the notification to a picture of him in a simple black smoking with a bowtie. He looked extremely handsome, like criminally handsome.
“So?” you heard him ask, “Do I meet your standards, or not?”.
You took another look at the picture he sent you, before you clicked back to your Facetime call again. Faking a roll of your eyes, you told him, “I guess”.
“You’re looking at Prince Charming, I’d argue” he quipped.
“Ok, Mr. Humble­” you chortled, “You’ve got the prince thing right, but the charming… I don’t know” you teased.
“Um excuse me!” he faked offence, “Didn’t you say I was charming earlier?”.
“Ok, you got me there,” you giggled, “you’re my Prince Charming”.
You talked for another hour. Arguably, you talked for too long. Even if it were the holidays, it was way past your bedtimes when you finally hung up. You’d talked more about your day. He’d told you about Sandringham House, how pretty it was, and how he wanted you to come visit sometime so you could see it for yourself. Then he told you about his brothers who he said was driving him nuts. At least that’s what he told you, but you could see in his eyes when he talked about them, that he’d missed them, even if he denied it.
When you finally hung up, you promised to talk tomorrow. The last thing you heard him say was a whisper of “Merry Christmas, darling”.
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Tom almost left John behind by the car, that’s how excited he was to see you. It was finally January. Christmas was over. The new year welcomed, and the old one left behind. He can’t remember if he’s ever been this happy for it to be January. January always dragged its feet, the days short but also somehow way too long. Now, he never wanted them to end. Not if he could spend them with you.
The café bell announced his arrival, behind him he could hear the low panting of John catching his breath. Tom didn’t need to search for you, he knew just where you’d sit. At you and Tom’s table in the corner. He couldn’t fight the smile from spilling when he locked eyes with you.
With long strides he crossed the café floor. You were still wearing your winter coat, and around your neck you’d wrapped a big wool scarf. But on your lips, a toothy smile matched his own.
“Hi, darling” he greeted you with an arm open, just waiting to pull you in for a hug.
“Hi!” you sniffled, staying seated.
It was like he’d been punched in the gut. He knew he was in public. Being affectionate with anyone, let alone a woman was strictly against everything he’s been taught throughout his life. Someone could snap a photo at the wrong time, and in the next moment there was an outrageous and untrue story plastered across the front pages of Daily Mail and The Sun. But… he always hugged you hello. As chaste and as friendly the hugs could be, he always cherished the opportunity he had to touch you.
You didn’t get up from your seat.
His hand dropped like dead weight. His disappointment a sinking rock in water. Trying to shake it off he moved to sit down on the bench beside you.
“No!” you cried, hands coming up to stop him from sitting down.
He jumped up. Confusion and hurt blending together, while the sorry look you were wearing, stirred the pot.
“I’m sorry…” you started, and Tom felt his heart pick up its pace.
Were you about to break up with him? You weren’t even together, but he’d argue you were definitely dating. Maybe you’d realised after some time apart, that you actually didn’t like him that much, and that you’d only hung out with him because you had to. Now that you weren’t partners for history anymore, you didn’t need to be his friend.
Had he come off too strong? Or maybe not strong enough? Tom liked you so much it scared him. But he knew he was complicated. He came with rules, and duty, and secrecy. He couldn’t blame you for not liking what you saw. He knew you didn’t.
“I’m just feeling a little under the weather,” you explained with a sniffle, “Can you sit over there instead? I don’t want you to get sick!”.
A breath escaped him in relief, which then turned into a chuckle. He sat down in the chair opposite you, hands resting on the table, “You know…” he smiled, “I don’t really care if I get sick”.
“But I do” you stressed. He could hear it now – in your voice – scratchy and hoarse. “You get sick because of me– and next thing I know the Royal Police are at my door arresting me for making you sick”.
His grin grew toothy, “No one’s gonna arrest you, darling”. He was about to reach out across the table, take your hand in his, but then he caught himself. He couldn’t do that.
“You sure?” you bit your lip in uncertainty. You leaned in a little closer, a quick glance at John as he stood guard. “Because I’m not so sure”.
Tom thought you were being silly, but he was enamoured by your concern, it made you look extremely cute. “Yes, I’m sure, darling! And if you were to get arrested, I’d tell them off and have them release you– they can’t say no to me” he grinned.
You gave him a meek smile, and his heart squeezed. He held your gaze for a second, and suddenly he felt himself relax. In you Tom had found shelter. A home away from the expectations everyone had about who he was supposed to be. A home away from all the rules. A home away from the pedestal he was constantly put on. You treated him with grace. Slowly, he’d started to understand that what he had with you, was sacred – but he couldn’t tell you that, not yet. He had to be sure first.
With a dry cough into your scarf, the moment was broken. He hated seeing you like this, and he hated that you’d left your house in this condition just to see him.
“Love, I’m taking you home– you should be in bed” he decided, already getting up from his seat. You started to protest, telling him you weren’t that sick, but he didn’t want to hear it.
“John has the car– we’ll drive you home”,
“Tom! I can’t make you do that” you protested again.
“You’re not making me do anything, darling! I’m offering” he held out his hand. Your eyes flicked from his gaze to his hand. You bit your lip again.
He flexed his hand, “Please”.
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When Tom had told you he was taking you home, what he’d meant was: he was taking you to his home. When you’d realised you weren’t going back to your flat, you’d sunk a little deeper into the leather seat of the car.
You’d been dying to see Tom, cursing yourself for getting sick. A bug had spread from family member to family member all throughout the holidays. They’d been falling like flies, but you, you’d been unphased. As healthy as a horse. You now regretted how smug you’d been about not getting sick.
Now you felt like shit. You were shivering and sweating simultaneously. Head killing you with a pressing headache. Your scratchy throat hurt, and every time you swallowed it got worse. Waking up this morning, only one nostril was blocked, but now, you’d started having a hard time breathing through your nose. You felt like actual shit.
With an unnecessary arm around your waist, Tom helped you up the stairs to his flat. Finally at the top, he stepped towards the only door on this floor. The lock clicked, and soon he was guiding you inside with a hand at the small of your back.
You’d never seen his flat before.
The hallway opened up to an open planned living room. A big sofa was placed in the middle of the room, facing big floor-to-ceiling windows. All the walls were painted in a harsh white colour, contrasting the black metal frames of the windows overlooking a cloudy, but busy London.
Tom helped you remove your winter coat, hanging it neatly besides his own coat. A shiver travelled through your body. A prickling feeling, gnawing at your bones. You really didn’t feel well.
Leaving Tom behind by the door, you stepped inside the living room. The ceilings were tall and got even taller as you reached the back of his sofa. The ceiling curved over you, held up by strong beams connecting to a landing above your head. That’s when you realised this flat had a second floor.
“Darling?” Tom spoke softly.
You turned around at his voice, noticing him standing by the stairs with his hand reaching out for you. Quietly, you padded your way over to him, intertwining your hand in his.
He guided you up the stairs, down towards the end of a hallway where he opened the door to his room. He helped you sit at the end of his bed before he turned around to fish out some clothes for you from his closet.
“Do you need help changing, or do you want me to turn around?” Tom asked as he put down a pair of dark plaid pyjama pants and a soft looking lilac hoodie on the bed next to you.
“I don’t think I need help, but you don’t have to turn around” you said, already shedding your knitted sweater. Goosebumps prickled your naked skin, sending a feverish ache throughout your body.
“Okay,” he said with a soft smile. “I’ll go make you some tea, ok? Want you to be changed and under the covers when I get back” he winked.
“You barking orders now? Using your prince privilege?” you teased, slipping his hoodie over your head.
He chortled, “Yes, and you can’t disobey me– that’s treason!” he joked.
“Damnit!” you cursed, letting your head fall.
Cupping your cheeks, he tilted your head upwards. He smiled down at you, eyes crinkling with eyelashes kissing in the corners. Shit! He was so handsome. A beat passed before he bent down, pressing the softest kiss to your forehead. Your eyes fell shut at the action.
“You’re hot, love” he said when he pulled away, thumbs haphazardly rubbing your skin.
“Thanks” you whispered, which made him laugh.
“I meant you’re hot, literally,” he placed the back of his hand on your forehead, “you’re burning up”.
“Oh!” you opened your eyes.
He chuckled again before he leaned down to place another kiss to your forehead, “I think you have a fever– maybe we should take your temperature?”.
“I don’t think we’re there yet,” you said with a scrunch of your nose.
His eyebrows met in a furrow, “What do you mean?”.
“I’m not letting you stick anything up my ass!”.
A deep belly laugh erupted from Tom, “Love,” he tried, “I’ve got one of those fancy ones with the laser you point on your forehead”.
“Oh!” you sniffled.
“Yeah,” he laughed, “now get under the covers!”.
You did as you were told, slipping under his duvet, and waited for him to come back with your tea. When he came back, he was balancing a steaming cup in one hand, and a bowl in the other. You scooted a little closer to the middle of the bed, making room for him to sit at the edge. He placed the cup down on his bedside table before he moved an old glass of water and his phone charger out of the way, and carefully sat down the bowl.
“Ok!” he announced, “Ginger tea for you, my love, with some honey and lemon in it,” he pointed to the cup, “I also put paracetamol in it to help with your fever– my friend Kat taught me that!” he smiled, “And here’s some chicken soup” he picked up the bowl.
You sat up a little against his pillows as he handed you the bowl of soup. “How did you make that so fast? You were gone for like five minutes”.
“I asked John to order you some when we got back here” he smiled.
Your gaze dropped to the steaming soup in your hands. You felt bad. It wasn’t John’s job to drive you home or get you soup – his job was to keep Tom safe.
“Tom…” you sighed, circling the soup with your spoon, “You didn’t need to do all this for me!”.
“I know I don’t need to, darling– I do it because I want to! It’s awful being sick without anyone taking care of you, I don’t want you to be alone” he found your leg under the duvet, thumb rubbing soft circles into the doughy flesh of your thigh. “Now eat your soup!” he ordered.
“You and all your orders!” you teased, tasting the soup.
He sat with you as you ate your soup. He did most of the talking, handing you the cup of tea so you could take a sip every once in a while. When you’d finished your soup, he asked you if you wanted more, but you just shook your head. He handed you your tea again before he walked back downstairs with your empty bowl. You’d scooted back down under the covers again when he reappeared in the doorway.
“How are you feeling?” he asked you, sitting back down at the edge of his bed.
“Honestly?” you sighed, “Pretty awful!”.
“Poor baby” he cupped your cheek, thumbing your skin. Then his face lit up, “Turn around” he told you.
With furrowed brows you turned around. Behind you, you felt the bed dip as Tom got under the covers with you. Swinging an arm around your middle, he pulled you towards his chest.
“Tom!” you tried to turn around, “You’ll get sick!”.
He held you in place; his nose brushing against the back of your neck as he got comfortable behind you.
“I really don’t care, my love” he said, placing soft kisses to your neck.
You melted in his hold. Savoured the closeness you’d longed for since your party. You’d missed him. Missed him a lot. You wanted him to hold you. To take care of you. If he didn’t care if he got sick, then you didn’t care either.
You turned your head to look at him. Your prince.
“Okay…” you said softly, “Thank you for taking care of me, Tom!”.
“No need to thank me, my darling!” he said before he leaned forward and brushed his lips over yours.
His kiss was soft and tender and everything you needed.
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previous: three | next: four
tags (tagging the i want to forget taglist and a few other people that have shown interest after it was finished): @justapurrcat @lnmp89 @petrspideyparker @hollandweather @userholland @imawhoreforu @onepieceya @sparklingsin @annathesillyfriend @mayal0pez @transparentpsychicempathkid @fic-rewind @spideysmb @the-unknown-fan-girl @mannien @moonlightdotmp3 @padlockedhearts @moniffazictress11 @all4koo @angelayse @svechnibrock @melodichaeuxx-lacritquexx @xxtomspideyxx @i83andrew @clockblobber @fangirlinggalore @luciwritesstuff @spideysimpossiblegirl @lol-just-kidding002 @allywthsr @captainsbestgal @readheadwriter @parkersdahlia @cosmicryuz @tomxxxhollandxxx @the-not-so-silent-back-up @rebloggingtheficsilove @peterdarlingg @obsessedprincess @alltoowelltom @hey-im-bored504 @storybookholland @sadisticsongbird @mars2cupid @marsbars09 @mixedfandxms
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110 notes · View notes
jahayla-parker · 3 months
In Time : Tom Holland x Reader
Chapter 1
4.8k wc , click here for warnings and other chapters
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Tom halted and rested his palms on his jean-covered thighs, his back curved, as he tried frantically to catch his breath. He’d been on his way to his temporary hotel room after an atrociously early call time this morning. Today he had been instructed to arrive at set long before the Atlanta sun was truly up. Tom’s security guard, Jack, was helping him safely make his way back to the hotel; so he could start his rest for the remainder of the week, having been given it off. Only, something evidently alerted the fans and/or paparazzi to the location of Tom’s temporary residence as both groups were currently swarming the outside of his hotel’s lobby doors. Tom had been so exhausted he didn’t even notice initially, not having looked up from his phone in the last few blocks as he turned off his alarms for the week.
Fortunately, Jack, however, was doing his job as flawlessly as usual, and noticed the crowd as soon as he and Tom rounded the corner onto the street his hotel was on. In order to stop Tom from continuing to walk, Jack extended his arm out in front of the boy’s chest.
When Tom looked up to see what the issue was, his eyes widened. How had they learned of his hotel? What was he going to do? He just wanted to rest, the last few days had been draining.
“I know you want to rest kid, but, why don’t you take a bit longer of a walk while I try to clear this out?” Jack suggested with a sad smile.
“You truly think they’ll leave?” Tom asked skeptically as he eyed the swarm of people.
Jack sighed. “Probably not,” he acknowledged. “But, I can find a way to get you in,” Jack promised.
Tom sighed. As much as he appreciated Jack being willing to find him a safe way inside, that was only one issue. It wouldn’t help him sleep through the screams Tom knew would be echoing throughout all hours of the night; like last time this happened. “We need a new hotel,” Tom commented.
Jack nodded, “I’ll try to work something out”. He looked down at his phone briefly, checking the date to confirm his hesitation. “Given the events in Atlanta right now… it’s limited in terms of safe options that would not be likely to leak your residency there, but I’ll look into it.” Jack put his phone back in his pocket and rested his hand sympathetically on Tom’s shoulder. “When it’s clear, I’ll use the back entrance to get your stuff loaded into the rental van and bring it to wherever we find as a reliable option to stay. For now, just keep your head low and walk around casually, yeah?”
“Yeah, thanks mate,” Tom said respectfully despite his disappointment.
With that all sorted, and the large group of fans and paparazzi focused on the hotel, Tom assumed he was in the clear. After all, everyone was seemingly thinking he was at the hotel that was now currently behind him as he turned to leave. Only, he had made it less than five blocks away when he was spotted. It started out as just two girls who he agreed to take pictures with, but after the photos their gleeful screaming caught the attention of others. Hence why he was now crouched over himself in an empty alley wall behind a grocery store, trying to catch his breath after having fled. Thankfully, he was working on the Spider-Man: No Way Home set currently, meaning he was in great athletic shape and condition. This made it so the run itself wasn’t too bad, but he hadn’t been prepared for this and was already exhausted from this morning on set.
“Shit,” Tom mumbled to himself, looking up as he heard a door click. Some girl, seemingly around his age, made her way out of the grocery store’s back door and into the alley he was in. Tom worried it was another fan who was about to spot him.
Y/n was walking out of work after her shift, headed out through the employee entrance in order to go to her car, when she spotted someone. The person was hunched over, as if they were out of breath or in pain. She paused and cautiously took a step back. She was undoubtedly worried as to if they were alright. But, she wasn’t naïve enough to get closer to them until she knew the person meant no harm. Y/n tilted her head to the side as she scanned the guy for any injuries, “you okay?”
“Mmhm, yep,” Tom mumbled, trying to keep his head down as to not expose his face. He futilely wiped the sweat from his forehead as he waited for the stranger to move on.
“You sure?” Y/n asked skeptically. She noticed the way the man was sweating quite a bit. It was warm out, but not enough to cause the amount of perspiration that was visible on him. When the man moved to dry his face, it allowed her the opportunity to see his face. He looked familiar, but she didn’t get a great look. She hesitantly looked around the alley and sighed. She knew the weather had forecasted for this afternoon to be uncomfortably hot, even for an Atlanta native. Which she suspected this man was not. “Listen, don’t tell my boss I did this, or I’ll lose my job, okay?” She quickly reached back into the doorway and angled her arm around the corner to grab a water bottle from the case. “Here,” she offered as she held her hand out to him.
Tom was skeptical to say the least. But, he could really use the hydration right now. So, he slowly lifted his head and turned towards where the woman was.
“It’s just water, sealed completely, it’s safe,” y/n explained, realizing who it was that was standing before her. The out of breath man looked like the actor Tom Holland. No wonder he was reluctant to accept help. Earlier today y/n had watched through the store windows as a horde of girls ran past and she could hear their screaming through the glass barrier. He must’ve been why. “It’s from a case for us employees, we are allowed one a day or otherwise we have to pay for more, I just won’t take one tomorrow,” she explained, hoping he’d take the water he very clearly needed.
“You’re giving me water?” Tom asked, slowly moving closer.
“You look like you’re going to pass out,” y/n commented worryingly. She looked up at the bright sun above them. “‘s not a good idea to run in this heat, ya know,” y/n pointed out.
“I didn’t have a choice,” Tom argued sadly, cautiously accepting the water from the kind woman.
“Yeah… I kinda put that together.. I heard screaming earlier,” y/n frowned, recalling how annoying it was even hearing it through the walls of the store. “You’re Tom Holland, aren’t you?” She whispered.
Tom nodded as he finally stood up and began to sip on the water. “You’re not going to scream, are you?” He asked as he took a break from drinking as to not get sick.
Y/n giggled and shook her head, “no.” “Were you wanting me to?” She jokingly asked as she raised her eyebrow tauntingly.
Tom laughed, “no. Thank you”.
“For not screaming?” Y/n asked squinting. “That’s an odd thing to thank someone for, but, you’re welcome?” She replied uncertainly.
Tom nodded. “That, and this,” he said as he held up the water bottle she’d given him.
Y/n smiled, glad the water bottle already seemed to be helping the poor guy. She couldn’t imagine getting chased like that, especially in the heat. “‘Course, hope your day turns around,” she smiled as she resumed walking to her car.
“It will if I can find a place to hide out for a bit,” Tom murmured defeatedly.
Y/n paused and turned to face Tom again. “From the screaming fans, that I’m assuming were chasing you, given,” she asked as she waved at his state.
Tom laughed as a blush formed on his face but he nodded. “They chased me from my hotel,” he explained.
“From your hotel?!” Y/n gasped lightly. That was a bit much. “That’s commitment, I’ll give them that,” she teased. “Bit creepy, but committed for sure,” she joked with a shake of her head.
Tom laughed in agreement but before he could respond, be noticed someone at the end of the alley. He quickly caught on that they were pulling out a camera. They had spotted him and this innocent woman.
Tom didn’t even have time to think. The second he realized what was happening, he had taken ahold of the woman’s arm and ran with her in the other direction of the paparazzi. When he reached a point he felt was far enough away from the cameraman, he stopped. Tom looked over at the woman he didn’t yet know the name of and quickly let go of her arm upon seeing her frazzled state. “Sorry, I umm,” he began stumbling over his words. He felt very guilty. This beautiful woman had gone out of her way to help him and he’d unexpectedly dragged her with him as he ran. “I didn’t want you to get hurt or caught up in that,” he explained breathily.
Y/n nodded slowly in appreciation. “Thanks,” she whispered.
Tom shook his head. She didn’t deserve to get brought into this mess, even if it had just been a small version of what he normally experienced.
“I was gonna suggest me helping you hide out in the back of the store for a bit, until things calmed down,” y/n commented. “But that’s out of the question now,” she sighed sympathetically, knowing that the person who spotted them would likely report it to some fan site or however these people got their hands on celebrities’ locations.
“Oh thanks, I do appreciate it,” Tom smiled. “It’s not your problem though, you are free to go, do you umm… I can give you cash for an Uber or-“ he began to offer, looking around to see what transportation options existed.
Y/n laughed and shook her head. “I’m good, we didn’t even go that far,” she shrugged. “Besides, where are you planning on going? Not to be rude, but I’m doubting you have an idea of what to do or where to go from here,” she frowned.
Tom rubbed the back of his neck, blushing. “I’m not super familiar with the area, no,” he admitted.
“What are your options?” Y/n asked softly. When Tom simply stood in silence with a saddened expression, she frowned. “Nothing?” She asked as she raised her left eyebrow. “Come on, you’re a celebrity, surely you have places you can go to get away, no?”
Tom sighed and looks away shaking head and hanging it in defeat. “Hotel is surrounded, my security is trying to find a backup place to stay that won’t be tracked to me when we make the change, I thought I’d gotten far enough away from the paparazzi and fans chasing me but obviously not,” he explained, waving his hands around at their new surroundings. “I’m sorry again for that, by the way,” he added.
“It’s fine, I had to go in to work early today, and just got done when I ran into you in the alley, so I didn’t have time to work out this morning,” y/n teased with a light shrug and sweet laugh.
Tom laughed loudly and covered his mouth.
Y/n smiled bashfully. “Well, it’s probably a bit odd.. but you, umm.. you can stay at my apartment until your security guy figures out what to do,” she offered. Tom stared back at her in understandable surprise. “You can obviously totally say no,” she promised. “But, I figured I’d offer, especially given you still look like you’re going to pass out and my place is nearby,” y/n explained nervously.
“You’re offering your house to me?” Tom questioned.
“Well, my apartment,” y/n corrected. “And, I’ll be there too, and just for the time being and!” She paused, her face becoming more serious. “Only if you swear not to be some creep, murderer, or whatever,” she commented firmly.
Tom chuckled and nodded, “I’m not, I swear.” He smiled softly. “You really don’t mind me being at your fla- apartment for potentially a few hours?”
“Nah,” y/n shrugged. “After all, it’ll give me a great story to tell the tabloids tomorrow,” she joked. “Relax Tom, I’m kidding. Are tabloids even a thing anymore? Do they still call them that?” She asked herself as she laughed at her cluelessness. “Wait.. Can I call you Tom? Or, do you prefer-“
“Tom is fine,” Tom nodded, smiling as he held out his hand for her to take.
Y/n giggled and politely shook Tom’s hand, “y/n”.
“Thank you y/n,“ Tom smiled.
Y/n bit her lip bashfully, not having been prepared for the way her name would sound with Tom’s accent. “You good with walking?” She asked as she refocused. “It’s only a small handful of blocks from here now,” she laughed, “if not I can go back and try to get my car and come get you”.
Tom smiled appreciatively. “I can walk, but thank you,” he answered. “You know you really don’t need to go out of your way like this for me, love”.
Y/n nodded. “I know, I don’t mind, it’s obvious you’re needing help, so I figure why not offer it since I’m able; you know?”
Tom smiled. He couldn’t help but think about how he was getting to know even more about this sweet side of y/n. He was so appreciative of how he’d offered him help. But to know it wasn’t because of who he was, made his heart flutter even more with happiness.
“Alright, so we’ll walk then, just don’t pass out on me cause I won’t carry you,” y/n joked as she began to head towards her apartment.
Tom followed after y/n. “I’ll try not to,” he teased back.
“Obviously, if you do pass out, I’d try to help,” y/n reassured to show it was a joke.
Tom laughed, “I figured”. As they turned the corner, he watched the cars pass by then and realized an oversight. “Sorry for making you walk home and leave your car behind,” he said.
“It’s fine, like I said, you’re just helping me get my exercise in for the day and save some gas,” y/n said, turning to Tom with a smirk. “Besides, it doesn’t seem like you had much of a choice.” She frowned. “Is it always this way or just a bad day?”
“Both,” Tom laughed making y/n laugh with him. He smiled at the sweet sound. “It’s always bizarre,” he explained. “But a lot happened today, on a day I was already really tired,” he laughed sadly.
“I’m sorry,” y/n said as she grimaced sympathetically, showing a disgust at his ordeal.
“Not your fault,” Tom reassured softly.
“But still, I can’t..,” y/n sighed. “I can’t imagine living like that,” she shook her head. “Left here,” she guided, turning the corner.
“It’s tiring,” Tom admitted. “But, I love what I do”.
Y/n smiled. “You’re pretty good at it too,” she complimented, smirking teasingly over at Tom.
“Yeah?” Tom asked. He grinned smugly over the light compliment.
“I suppose so,” y/n shrugged casually. “You make a decent Spider-Man,” she answered.
“Decent?” Tom chuckled. “Alright, I’ll take that,” he nodded
Y/n laughed and rolled her eyes. “I’m kidding,” she hummed.
“I’m not decent?” Tom clarified.
Y/n laughed louder and playfully nudged Tom’s shoulder/upper arm with her shoulder. “I confess you’ve managed to win over being my favorite Peter Parker,” she said. She was careful to whisper the last part in case anyone was around.
“Really?” Tom grinned proudly. “I beat out Tobey and Andrew, both?”
“I wasn’t sure about the cast change when they first announced it,” y/n admitted casually just continuing to walk, not knowing Tom was watching her closely with a smile. “But, you took on the role well,” she concluded.
“Thank you,” Tom beamed. “Can I ask who was your favorite before?”
“Let’s not get into that,” y/n giggled, looking over at Tom briefly. “No matter what I say, it’ll be technically controversial, let’s just say you’re all good,” she argued.
Tom laughed and nodded. “Fair enough, love. I can understand that stance,” he said.
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“Alright, so we made it!” Y/n cheered lightly with a laugh. “Yay,” she said as she clapped dramatically in a playful manner. As she opened the door, she joked, “welcome to casa y/n”. “Come on in,” she instructed warmly as she walked in and held the door open for Tom.
Tom entered slowly in order to be respectful. He didn’t want to overstep y/n’s gracious offering.
“Here, why don’t I show you around so you can feel more comfortable making yourself at home,” y/n proposed. She set her bag on her rack by her front door. “Mind locking the door? You just never know in the U.S.,” she laughed, signaling to Tom who was standing right beside the now-closed door.
Tom nodded and complied, quickly locking the door behind him.
“Great, now, for the grand tour!” Y/n winked. “Right this way, Mr. Holland,” she said, dramatically waving him froward.
Tom laughed and followed after y/n. “Thank you, Ms…” he paused, not knowing her last name.
“Y/l/n,” y/n curtsied. “Now, this here, is the living room slash dining room”. She signaled to the wide-open space that held her television, a coffee table, two lamps, and a c-shaped sectional couch. “Through that door is the balcony,” she explained, pointing to the opposite end of the room than the front door. “There’s a small utilities shed out there. Mostly full of miscellaneous crap,” She mumbled, moving to continue the tour. “Oh! And extra DVDs, so if there’s nothing you want to watch by the TV,” she said, pointing at the DVD stands by the television that held most of her movie collection, “there’s more in there”.
Moving to lead Tom to the right of the front door, y/n pointed to the side. “Here’s obviously the kitchen. You can help yourself to whatever is in here, just please set the dishes in the sink when done since some are hand-wash only; I’ll catch up on them later”.
Directly parallel to the kitchen at the edge of the hallway leading to bedrooms was the small closet. As they made their way to the hallway, y/n pointed at the closet door. “In there is mostly just coats, a vacuum and other cleaning supplies, and.. oh! Also some blankets, but I doubt you’ll need those given it’s still fairly warm this year despite it being October. But, should you, that’s where extras are!”
Tom smiled to himself as y/n rambled on. She was really cute and her side comments were truly adorable.
“Now, down this hallway we have the bedrooms. That is mine there at the end. Here to the left of the hallway is the guest bedroom,” y/n explained. “If you’d prefer to hang out in there inside of the living room, feel free, as you can opening the door, it’s doesn’t have a TV like the living room, but it does have my board game collections,” she laughed pointing to the open closet full of games and stuff like that.
“I also have a lot of office supplies in that closet if you need anything like that,” y/n needlessly added as she walked back out into the hallway. “Across from the guest room is the bathroom, obviously you’re free to use that too,” she laughed. “There’s extra towels in the bottom left drawer of the sink vanity if you need ‘em. Everything else is pretty straight forward”.
“And lastly,” y/n said as she entered the hallway yet again. She quickly turned to the right at the end of the hallway and entered into the main bedroom. “This is my bedroom, I guess you can hang out in here if you really want,” she laughed nervously. “But just stay off the bed please, at least until you’ve showered, sorry, I’m a bit clean freak when it comes to my bed,” she admitted.
“That’s alright, I understand that,” Tom said with a kind smile.
“Anyways,” y/n hummed, smiling to herself; grateful Tom wasn’t upset with her. “Umm.. yeah, this is my room, the closet over there just has my clothes, nothing special,” she said as she pointed to the far back right corner of the room. “And last but not least, is the laundry room here,” y/n concluded as she opened the door that was in the front right corner of her room that shared a corner with her bedroom entrance. “You’ll find all the supplies you may need there on the shelves, and yeah, I think that’s it.” Y/n laughed and flicked the light back off before exiting into hallway with Tom.
“Thank you for this, truly, love,” Tom hummed. “It’s so unbelievably kind of you,” he added as he followed y/n back to her living room.
“‘Course,” y/n shrugged. “By the way, are you hungry?” She questioned as she walked into the kitchen. “I was just gonna eat some snacks, but can cook lunch instead if you want,” she offered.
“No, no, that’s fine,” Tom promised.
“You sure?” Y/n asked over her shoulder as she opened the cupboard.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t say no to some snacks though,” Tom said. He smiled as he calmly walked over to the living room and sat on the sofa.
“Okay! Want to pick out something for us to watch? The remote should be on that black coffee table there,” y/n instructed without looking.
After a few minutes, y/n walked over and set a bowl of snacks down in front of Tom. “Here, go ahead and get started,“ she smiled. “I have to water some of my plants really quick before I forget .. again,” she laughed.
“Need any help?” Tom asked.
“Nah,” y/n hummed. Although she was surprised by the offer. No one ever offered to help her with something like that. Or any house chores, even if they caused the mess. Her boyfriend Ryan came to mind. “I’m good, thanks though”.
Tom watched as y/n tenderly watered her plants around the room, clearly taking great care of each one before disappearing down the hall presumably to water the others. He didn’t know how he managed to stumble upon y/n. How he’d been that lucky to not run into any more screaming fans and into her sweet presence instead. But he was eternally grateful for it.
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“Why you decide to rent a two bedroom? Did you have a roommate initially?” Tom asked, continuing the small talk he was making with y/n, their voices carrying over the soft sound of the television in the background.
“It was all that was available when I moved in, and by the time I got settled and they had a one bedroom, I’d grown used to having a two bedroom,” y/n explained. “It comes in handy when friends or family need to stay over, or, I suppose, the random celebrity,” she teased.
Tom laughed and rolled eyes playfully. “Hopefully it won’t come to that, not that I’m not appreciative!” “I just don’t want to take up more of your time and space than I already have,” he explained politely.
Y/n shrugged carelessly. “Meh, you’re fine. Say, are you going to shower? I have some laundry to do tonight, but it can wait if you wanted to shower now that the show is over”.
“Actually, that sounds incredible,” Tom laughed, his the sweat making his skin feel sticky. “Towels are in the bottom drawer, right?” He asked, standing up.
“Yep! You can use any of the soaps in there, there should also be an extra loofah in the… umm actually hold on,” y/n said and jumped up.
“Ahh, here it is,” she said pulling her hand back down from the corner shelf that was just outside of, but still next to the shower. She hooked her fingers through the thin plastic tag and tore it off before she passed Tom the unused purple loofah sponge. “Let me know if you need anything,” she said backing out of the room.
“Thanks again,” Tom smiled as y/n closed the door. He locked the door and quickly stripped out of his clothes. It only took a few seconds to get the water turned in and at the right temp. He sighed in relief as he stepped into the cascading water.
Y/n bit her lip as she searched through the small collection of Ryan’s clothes in her closet. She’d only realized after Tom got into the shower that he’d likely want fresh clothes to change into. Luckily, she simultaneously remembered her boyfriend had kept some of his clothes at her place. It wasn’t much as Ryan hated y/n wearing his clothes because they weren’t made for girls to wear or some stupid reason like that. Y/n hadn’t cared enough to argue or talk about it further. But, it meant that all that was in her apartment right now were two shirts and a pair of black drawstring sweatpants that Ryan had left behind for whenever he stayed over. She’d washed them since the last time he’d stayed, but Ryan hadn’t been in the mood to spend the night with her in a while now, so they had just sat here. At least it meant they were still clean and therefore options for Tom to wear. She suspected they were roughly the same size. Plus the sweatpants could be tightened if needed. She gathered both shirt options and the sweatpants in her hands and walked back into the hallway.
Y/n gasped as the bathroom door suddenly opened, revealing a shirtless Tom as he stood there with a towel hanging around his waist. She gulped and quickly looked away from his defined chest. He’d clearly been doing his Marvel workouts. Y/n! She scolded herself. “Umm, uhh, Sorry!” she mumbled.
“Sorry,” Tom echoed. “Do you happen to have any clothes that’ll fit? Maybe a sleep shirt? If not, it’s okay, I can make do with-“ He spoke quickly.
“Yes, uhh…yeah. That’s, that’s umm… that’s what I was just doing actually,” y/n said, trying to compose herself. “These should work, I think. I didn’t know which shirt you’d want, so I brought both”.
“Sweet, thank you, love,” Tom smiled, taking the clothes from y/n.
Y/n nodded and hummed. “I’ll be.. uh, I’ll be out there,” she mumbled, pointing to the living room.
Tom fought the urge to chuckle at y/n’s shy reaction. He quickly changed and checked himself in the mirror. After fixing his damp hair, he took a breath while looking at his reflection as he tried to boost his confidence. After all, his host, y/n, was radiant in both personality and appearance. And, while he knew all of her actions so far was just her being friendly and considerate, he hoped that maybe she found him attractive as well. Her bashful reaction to seeing him shirtless seemed to suggest that she just might.
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Tom intentionally let his hand brush against y/n’s in the bowl of popcorn even though he hasn’t finished the last handful that was still in his mouth. When she looked over at him at the contact he smiled warmly before innocently placing a piece of popcorn in his mouth. He swallowed his mouthful as she looked back at the tv. “‘ey, love,” Tom spoke gently, guiding her chin towards him. He smiled at the slightly surprised and bashful look in her eyes. “You’ve got some cheese dust,” he said moving his thumb up to graze the corner of her lips, “right ‘ere”. He said wiping the imaginary cheese dust from her face.
“Oh,” y/n gasped. She touched her lips faintly. “Thank you,” she replied cluelessly. “Was that all of it? Or do I still look like a slob?” She laughed, facing Tom.
Tom shook his head and laughed softly. “No, love, you look beautiful, cheese or no cheese”. “But it’s all gone now,” he smiled.
“Oh good, thank you,” y/n said as she smiled back. She was just glad Tom had helped her not look like such a mess; oblivious to the fact she hadn’t actually had anything on her face in the first place and that it was just an excuse to touch her flirtatiously. “By the way, the clothes fit okay?”
Tom nodded. “Yeah, thank you again, I’ll find a way to get them back to you, I appreciate being able to change,” he said, maintaining eye contact with y/n as he smiled.
“I’m just glad my boyfriend had left at least one set of clothes behind last time he stayed over,” y/n laughed. “Otherwise, you’d have had to wear your sweaty ones from your oh so fun runs earlier,” she teased.
“Your.. your boyfriend..? You have a boyfriend?”Tom asked disappointed. He wasn’t surprised y/n had one; it made sense, look at her. But still, he hadn’t seen photos of her with any guy in any of her photo frames she’d scattered around the apartment or anything. As such, he’d hoped that meant she was single; but, sadly no.
Y/n nodded. “Mhm, yeah, Ryan, he has his own apartment, just down the street”.
“Is.. is he okay with me being here?” Tom asked. “I mean, not that he would get the final say, it’s your place and your life, but um.. I don’t want to make things harder for you,” he feministically rushed out.
Y/n shrugged. “I’m sure he’s fine with it. You needed help, I don’t see why that should be a problem.”
Tom nodded. “Okay, if you’re sure”.
“I’m sure!” Y/n promised with a grin.
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Taglist: @theslayerofthevampires @galaxyholland @bigbirdstwins @mcushvft @fishingirl12 @raajali3 @justapurrcat @natswifeysblog15 @directioner5life @ell0ra-br3kk3r @laylasbunbunny
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Tom Holland Masterlist
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Peter Parker / Spider-Man Masterlist
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27 notes · View notes
marrziy · 4 months
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Esse cantinho é um atalho para todas as minhas obras. Encarem como uma prateleira de imagines e fanfics. Os links para as histórias serão adicionados sempre que eu postar. Está tudo separado por fandom, personagem e gênero, tem até um padrão de cor para cada tipo de trama:
séries l filmes l franquias
Bem-vindos ao meu quartinho da bagunça! Caso esse post se perca no meio de muitos outros, basta passar no meu fixado, vou deixar o link da masterlist por lá. Aqui tudo é misturado – série com filme e filme com série – mas quando o conteúdo for mais vasto, vou criar listas separadas com diferentes categorias.
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• Rafe Cameron
"Entre tapas, ciúmes e fodas"
Parte 1 (drama/sad)
Parte 2 (drama/dark)
Parte 3 (hot)
"Assopre o pavio" (drama/dark)
SCREAM (franquia)
• Ethan Landry
"Eu tirei a virgindade de um assassino?" (hot/um dark de leve)
• Billy Loomis
"Pertença e obedeça" (dark)
• Stu Macher
"Pertença e obedeça" (dark)
• Wes Hicks
"O que acontece à meia-noite?" (hot)
• Billy Hargrove
"Ebulição" (hot/romance)
• Jim Hopper
"Delinquente" (hot)
AHS (série)
• Kyle Spencer
"Ele aprendeu a sentir tesão" (hot com alguns poucos elementos sombrios)
• Tate Langdon
"Doente" (romance/terror/dark)
MARVEL (franquia)
• Peter Parker
"Vem relaxar de ladinho" - Tom Holland (hot)
• Tony Stark
"Bilionário Ordinário" (hot)
• Jack Marrowbone
"Decisão de não deixar partir" (sad)
• Brahms Heelshire
"Os bonequinhos de Brahms" (terror/dark)
• Lucifer Morningstar
"Afago ao rei deprimido" (romance/sad)
THE BOYS (série)
• Antológicas
"The Boys x Male Reader" (hot)
Homelander/Hughie/Billy x MaleReader!super-ass
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Outras listas:
HOT | masterlist
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