#sufi healing
aspecials · 1 year
Traditional Sufi healing methods have been used for hundreds of years. This approach to healing is grounded on the idea that one’s physical and mental well-being benefits from cultivating a more spiritually attuned outlook on life.
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| Artwork by Arnaldo Mirasol]
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"Paradoxically, the moment of utter defeat can be the traditional turning point in the journey. It is the moment when all conscious strategems have failed, the ego abdicates, and deeper forces of life may make their appearance."
Marc Ian Barasch
According to J.G. Bennett, The Sufi "Masters of Wisdom" used humiliation as a way of turning the ego and its defensive walls and identities to rubble, the way that what is happening in Gaza can annihilate, and turn to rubble, the edges of our heart, until there are no edges left.
[Leila L'Abate]
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anelegaicmind · 9 months
Every day we live is a chance to grow, a chance to worship, a chance to repent.
Every day we have not woken up dead is an opportunity to make things a little bit better.
Do not hesitate to seek even the smallest inch of progress.
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“You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop.”
- Rumi
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Though I'm very fond of Rumi's poetry in general, this one in particular has become especially dear to me over the last 7 years, as I've dealt with successive issues related to an assault/PTSD, a traumatic brain injury, and addiction. It's taken me a long time to understand and accept that I can never go back to being the person that I used to be, and that some parts of my old life are just irrevocably gone; I'm slowly learning how to make peace with that loss and how to finally move forward instead.
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minavenera · 4 months
“Aşkı ede gör başına tac deme mecazi
Aşık olanın gönlüne irfan gelir elbet” deyir Ahmed kuddusi.
Başqa sözlə, istər məcazi sevgi olsun, istərsə də dünya sevgisi olsun, məhəbbət qığılcımı almaqdan bəhs edir. Hikmət yalnız bundan sonra gəlir.
Nə üçün o, bunu elm əvəzinə hikmət adlandırmağı seçdi? Çünki elm bir şeyi bilmək deməkdir. Hikmət bildiyini yaşamaqdır.
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eyeoftheheart · 10 months
“Seeing you heals me.”
— Rumi, Unseen Rain: Quatrains of Rumi
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Evening beside your heart by Laura Makabresku
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huda777 · 1 year
Human Knowledge
Since thou readest in her what thou thyself hast there written, And, to gladden the eye, placest her wonders in groups;-- Since o'er her boundless expanses thy cords to extend thou art able, Thou dost think that thy mind wonderful Nature can grasp. Thus the astronomer draws his figures over the heavens, So that he may with more ease traverse the infinite space, Knitting together e'en suns that by Sirius-distance are parted, Making them join in the swan and in the horns of the bull. But because the firmament shows him its glorious surface, Can he the spheres' mystic dance therefore decipher aright?
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aainaalyaa · 2 years
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“La guérison et le travail des ombres sont essentiels pour toute connexion au moment du souffle, traversant les ponts au-delà de la troisième densité - reconnaissant les vibrations — vous ne pouvez le faire que lorsque vous êtes retourné à votre soi authentique en vous reconnectant aux profondeurs.
— Mle. AainaA-Ridtz A R, Sesaat Di Dunia
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deepakbhagnani · 8 months
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Visit our Website:  https://blackkeytunes.com/
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evrendolmasi · 10 months
Don't Be Bitter My Friend
..once you conquer your selfish self all your darkness will change to light.. -Rumi
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semestamatakuna · 11 months
#shadowwork : bola salju bernama amarah
belakangan ini, khususnya sejak postpartum, aku jadi kembali sering berjumpa dengan "shadow" di dalam diri yang kukira sudah jinak; amarah.
rupanya, ada banyak serabut akar pemantik amarah yang belum kupeluk. terlalu banyak, bahkan.
setelah melahirkan dan mulai menjalani peran sebagai ibu (postpartum), tanggung jawab harian yang mesti kupikirkan dan kutangani jauh menjadi lebih banyak. sampai-sampai, aku belum pernah merasakan lelah (fisik) yang seintens ini. begitu letih, ringkih, dan payahnya tubuhku sehingga berimbas kepada jeroan (bathin, psikis, shadow). imbasnya benar-benar intens sehingga "wadah" welasasihku terhadap banyak hal luber. tak mampu menampung lagi.
bertoleransi kemudian menjadi hal sehari-hari yang suliiiit sekali untuk aku bagi kepada orang di sekitar, bahkan kepada diri sendiri.
lantaran letih itu, dari ubun-ubunku jadi tumbuh akar bunga sedih yang semakin menhujam setiap hari. sedih dan marah, dan lelah berbaur menjadi satu kesatuan. seperti diaduk dalam satu cangkir. menyatu. kusut.
aku berusaha peluk diriku sendiri setiap malam erat-erat. agar bisa bertahan untuk kembali bangun esok paginya --sekiranya esok masih diberi hidup.
sekitar lima bulan terakhir, khususnya, aku merasakan letih yang jauuh jauuh lebih intens, pekat, tebal, berat. luar dalam, atas bawah, kanan kiri, depan belakang.
pada saat bersamaan, sukar bukan main untuk mentolerir diri sendiri. aku letih tapi tetap harus kupaksa untuk menjalani laku harian. karena, aku tidak menemukan sesiapapun yang bisa menggantikan seluruh tanggung jawab sakral ini, semisal untuk seminggu saja.
lelah yang begitu pekat di bawah permukaan samudera bathin, lantas memaksa kuat-kuat untuk tampil ke permukaan --agar kuperhatikan dan kudengarkan aspirasinya. dan di permukaan, ia hadir dalam satu wujud emosi yang kunamai amarah. yang sesungguhnya netral. tidak salah, tidak benar. tapi karena belum sempat untuk benar-benar kutenangkan dengan seikhlas, amarah itu justru makin merajalela. reaksiku terhadapnya pun keruh.
aku kewalahan.
akhirnya ku tersadar, shadow work bernama "amarah" itu belumlah pulih. masih bercokol. tinggal menunggu milaiaran pemicu lain, kemudian ia siap mencuat, dan bergulir seperti bola salju. meledak!
ya Gusti. sepertinya tak ada pilihan kabur lagi. aku harus duduk dan menyapa shadow work ini. ya, aku harus lebih ikhlas dan halus kepada diri sendiri; memeluk bayang-bayang "gelap" diri (shadow work) yang terus berkecamuk.
ini dulu, catatan pinggir jurnal #shadowwork Matakuna.
~terima dan beri kasih, dari dan kepada diri sendiri.
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anelegaicmind · 8 months
Might I kiss your tears
So I may enter
the ocean of your soul.
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adorner061-blog · 1 year
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wasimmce · 2 years
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Those that seek #God without #spiritual #knowledge fall prey to #Satan -HH #YounusAlGohar Watch #ALRATV for more!!! #spiritual #spirituality #love #meditation #spiritualawakening #healing #peace #life #yoga #god #wisdom #energy #awakening #motivation #soul #sufi #sufism (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CleSHh9P3L1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kalki-tarot · 2 months
Please read : This is just a general reading and may not be 100% true all the times. Please use your brain before making any decisions. Kalki tarot is not responsible for your actions and life decisions.
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Pile 01
I can see you lived by a river, it seems to be the country side. Green grass and shallow wind is what I feel where you belonged. Your sense of belonging in nature comes from this lifetime. You felt comfortable laying over the grass and just looking at the clouds. You were an innocent human being. Your heart held deep sense of purity for everyone and everything. You belonged to a foreign country, different from where you are right now.
I'm getting one more lifetime for you, where you wanted to be a saint or a nun or something like that. You wanted to attain moksha so you decided to take necessary actions but your responsibilities held you down. You could not leave your family or responsibilities i guess.
Your were an emotionally intelligent human being. It can be your gift in your current lifetime to be knowledgeable about spirituality and mysticism. You were born with healing abilities and you may also be a psychic.
Another gift you carried in this lifetime is of alchemy. You may be interested into witchcraft and rituals. Try to practice it more, it will really work well for you. Don't use it for bad things though. You have the power to create and manipulate energies. Your soul possesses infinite knowledge about spiritual. Unlock your hidden potential for its best use.
One more thing I'm seeing is that you carried a lot of burdens too from your previous life. Some traumas or fears, it can be anything. This is the reason why your psychic gifts were blurred or you were just not able to believe in your self, you have wounds from past life too. Healing is needed.
Pile 02
Dear Pile 2, you were someone very helpful and empathetic in your previous life. You were a gentle human being, you may have active water placements in your chart which influence you the most. You were and still are someone very deep and emotional. You understand people around you but sometimes you feel misunderstood. You feel different from everybody else. Yes you are different and it's not bad to be different. You are indeed a very special human being.
In your previous life too, you were a nice person and you did many humanitarian works. All the good karma you did is coming back to you in this lifetime. Please don't let your pure soul get corrupted or influenced by negative people. You often struggle with patience, you get anxious and restless when things don't go as you planned or when you don't see results when you want it. This is what you carried in this lifetime too. Work on having patience. You will definitely reap the fruits of your labour, but before accepting divine timing only!
Again with the fool card, your energy is very restless and childlike. You have the curiosity of a child and you crave adventurous things in life. You can't sit at one place for a long time. But this over restlessness may make you do foolish things. You should try to shift your energy from wasting it on useless things to creating something with your creative mind. You are someone who can build a castle in the sky. What i mean is you have the potential to start from scratch and turn it into something big. Use your energy here rather than doing foolish things.
You were like a wise sufi saint in your past life and you've also carried a lot of wisdom from there. Sometimes you go like where am i even getting these wise thoughts from lol. Yes! You are a street smart person. Use your potential to create something big.
Pile 03
You were someone who used to run behind success. You had or still have a fear of failing and that comes from your past life. You were in a high position in your previous life and you constantly used to work hard for keeping up or maintaining what you had.
You lacked the need to rest. And due to this you became a little too much workaholic. You were too much indulged in your work life that you kind of forget your presonal life and relationships. You will be forced to address the fear of failure in this lifetime too.
And the karma for not addressing your personal relationships is that you will not have any genuine connections in this lifetime. But don't worry, once you accept balance in your life and address your mistakes, things will start aligning for you.
Have a balanced approach and towards work and personal life. Don't be too rational, listen to your head anf heart both. And try not to force yourself to work hard. You will not fail! Don't worry.
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