#started fresh at the other end of the page : D
star-mum · 10 months
I’d like to personally thank the Drawfee team for instilling “Delete Your Art : D” into my brain
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hai7ani · 6 months
橘 (TACHIBANA/JÚ) haitani rindou
nsfw (no smut), complicated relationships, canon-typical violence, mentions of blood, wounds & abuse please proceed with caution
thank you for 300 followers! i thought i might as well upload this today ^^
masterlist | playlist
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part iii / your lips, my lips; apocalypse
Rindou had experienced true homesickness when he was 16.
Middle of December when the snow had just started falling in Tokyo, and he is home alone, disassociating to some Mozart playing at max volume along some other things (or thoughts) while laying flat on his bed. If Ran was home to hear the kind of music he is currently playing, he'd be a dead man by then.
But he doesn't care about Ran, no. He cares about you. You're the one who's been plaguing his mind -- so sticky and frustrating -- after he'd left your pouty figure back home in Kanagawa with kiss-swollen lips 5 months ago. You and your stupid, pretty lips that has taken his first kiss, your laugh that feels a lot more effective than those pills his Mother tells him to swallow for his migraine, your soft, shaky hands when they reached up to cup his cheeks as you open your mouth wider to allow his tongue in . . .
Requiem in D Minor reaches its peak, and he finally finds it in him to turn the volume down with a click of his tongue -- he's to become a madman if he continues this any further.
It's been 2 years since the boy's moved up to Tokyo alone with his brother. Rindou doesn't think he's struggled much in adapting to the lifestyle -- in fact, it suits him a lot more than he's expected it to. He likes to think he's adapted to it sooner than Ran, although the older seems to be much more put together than he is -- judging from the listening habits and different lifestyles both brothers have chosen to adopt in this big city as two young teenagers -- because Ran is actually doing something useful right now: staying back at school for extra Physics lessons and then attending his Track and Field club meeting after class, and Rindou is here: still dressed in his uniform, still not yet finished his McDonald's that he'd abandoned at the dining table before retreating back into his room to sulk because he's been missing a certain somebody a little too much.
He admits that things are more fun in the city -- the nightlife that he finds himself getting excited to when walking past the centre of Roppongi to get back home after night class, easily accessible skate parks that he frequents with a few friends after school in his half-buttoned uniform, the drifting culture he's taken up after spending most of his savings on a second-hand MX-5 to drift illegally on weekends where he doesn't have to get up early . . . It is all so different and fresh, and Rindou thinks he hasn't felt this good while having fun before.
But you wrote him a letter 2 months ago for his birthday and he still hasn't replied to it yet.
I still think about our kiss in summer. I also miss you a whole lot. See you next summer, and again, happy 16th, 竜胆.
You'd wrote it in the ending paragraph of your lengthy four-paged letter -- all the things you wished he was there back home to experience together with you, your stupid little thoughts flashing by your head while laying flat in bed at 3 in the morning, your already-planned new year resolutions that he knows you're never going to finish despite your sudden burst of motivation, recent hobbies that you've started picking up due to extreme boredom now that December is here and everything outside is cold and slippery -- and Rindou finds himself thinking about you and you and you over and over again.
Summer of 2004 -- when he finished his can of beer and crushed it in his hands as he silently admired you through the curtains of his eyelashes. When you caught his eyes and bit your lip before shifting closer to him on the floor while fixing the loose strap of your tank top. When he inched closer to your face and smirked, before puffing out a small, warm air that smells like beer with a hint of peppermint over your cupid's bow.
When you blushed and decided to be bold by placing both hands on his sturdy chest as you knocked your forehead against his very warm and red cheek. When he looked you in the eye one last time before pressing his dry, boyish lips tight against yours that tasted a lot like your favourite honeydew flavoured lip balm and he'd smiled into it.
Sweet, peachy, and the kiss wasn't perfect; it was merely just a quick peck, but it was so lovely that he finds himself growing warm at the memory of your eyelids fluttering open when he pulled away, only to lean back in and peck at your lips once or twice more before shoving in a tongue and getting you all worked up in the process, because he just couldn't help it -- you were so addictive. You were so pretty.
You are so pretty.
The boy sits back up in one swift motion and looks out the window to his right. He stares down at the bustling, happening city below from the comfort of his high rise.
A train passes by through the underground tunnels of Roppongi. Pristine, white snowflakes falls heavily from the sky and lands on the ground before slowly piling up on the sidewalk as a young child happily tugs on her mother's hand while pointing at it. The yolk of the sun is hidden behind thick clouds, but it is still bright outside.
The wires connect. Stars align. Clouds fade away.
He blushes.
Rindou wants to kiss you again.
He glances at your crumpled letters still splayed across his desk for the past 2 months, and the boy comes to a realisation.
Things are fun in Tokyo.
Life isn't.
And the next thing he knows, he is shoving a bunch of winter clothes and a few bags of expensive taiyaki into his black Jansport, before leaving a quick note on a yellow Post-it to Ran on the coffee table while finishing up his leftover McDonald's.
Going back home for Xmas *a badly drawn Christmas tree*
Will be back before the new years... or not
Depends on my mood. C u
🖕 - ur 弟
He throws the pen down, not before doodling yet another huge, ugly and messily drawn middle finger on the remaining space in the Post-It, and he slaps it on the table.
Rindou leaves for Kanagawa in the earliest train at 5 in the evening with your letters folded, safely tucked into the left pocket of his puffer jacket with a bag of warm chocolate chip muffins placed into the confines of his jacket to keep warm on the ride home. An elderly lady sitting beside him points it out with a teasing laugh and a silly pat to his forearm.
"Who are these for?"
He says it with a lopsided smile.
"My girlfriend."
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Three more days to Christmas and Rindou is standing outside of your school gate.
He'd came straight after he arrived, not bothering to phone his parents or inform his brother of his safe arrival back home. Seeing you seemed to weigh far heavier to him, judging from how he's waiting patiently in the cold for you to get out of night class. Rindou knows of your schedule well -- he's memorised it ever since you showed it to him the last time he visited home.
"Fuck," he cusses, nose growing redder and patience growing thinner with each passing moment that you don't appear at the entrance. "Did I get the wrong time?" He murmurs to himself and pulls out his phone to check. Did he perhaps be smart that day and snapped a photo of your timetable? But he's sure you finish at 8 on Tuesdays, with Math being the last period -- he remembers you complaining about it because you have always been one to hate Math, while him on the other hand, is an absolute beast at it.
White snow slowly covers his two-toned hair as he shuffles his weight from one foot to another, and a deep crease forms between his brows after realising that his stupid ass did not, in fact, be smart that day and snap a photo of your timetable.
Rindou clicks his tongue. He's contemplating on leaving -- to turn around and just go over to your house right now. Maybe you are actually home this whole time as he's stuck here pondering his thoughts and you're getting bored out of your mind.
He thinks he cannot waste another moment to see you.
And after a few more analysing and breaking down on what would be the best option to do, a voice calls out for his name. A girl's voice -- smooth and filled with so much excitement, it seems -- and he turns around to look at her.
Himeko approaches him from the entrance -- dressed in her cozy uniform and a heavy book bag is slung over her shoulder. "Rindou, you're home." She jogs up to him, leg warmers falling off her calves as she runs and stops just right in front of him. There's a wide grin stretched across her face as she stares up at the much taller boy and doe eyes squints a little from the lamppost shining down into them. Light snowflakes cover her eyelashes and she simply dusts them away with a little smile.
"Oh, hey." Rindou blinks. He then turns on his heel to head towards your house and Himeko follows along with a finger hooked onto a strap of his Jansport. "Why are you back home? It's not Summer." She states, and she soon realises that the last sentence had sounded a little stupid -- so she attempts to make it less awkward for her by asking more questions and attempting to converse with Rindou, to which the boy doesn't oppose on answering.
"It's the last week before winter break." She states while picking up her pace behind him to catch up with the boy's wider steps.
"I know. How's school?" He asks, his vacant hand shoving down into the pocket of his jacket to keep warm but Himeko nudges his elbow. He looks down and sees that she is handing him her book bag.
Rindou fishes the hand out to get a hold of the strap and he slings it over his shoulder -- just as habit allows. Himeko seems delighted at this, as she crosses her hands behind her body and starts skipping beside him on the sidewalk. But a brown bag hanging off his left hand catches her attention and curious hands starts inching towards it without him knowing.
"Just fine. It's been a little boring though, even the teachers are getting ready for the holidays." She replies. Rindou simply hums at it. He's never been great at conversations -- always the listener with you as his speaker.
And he feels a sudden jolt at the bag in his hand. He snatches it back quick, eyes sharp and movements turning defensive as he stares at the girl who is clearly shocked at his behaviour over a bag of chocolate chip muffins.
". . . What?" He clears his throat and stops in his tracks. He's getting irritated. Himeko tilts her head to the side. She points at the bag of muffins with a pointer, "Are those for me? I like muffins."
"'S for Mom. She wanted me to buy 'em before coming back." And with that, Rindou hands Himeko back her own bag to take. He doesn't say anything further, and he shoves its strap back into her hands, the weight pushing her arms down and she furrows her brows at his suddenness.
It's so awkward. But she is Himeko -- always the peacemaker of the group -- and she decides to clear the atmosphere with a change of topic.
"Ran didn’t come home with you?"
Rindou remains quiet for a while -- obviously feeling a little pissed, but ultimately, he decides to reply to her anyway.
"Nah, he's still in Tokyo. I came back without him."
"Why’d you come home then?"
"I just missed Mom's cooking, 's all." He shrugs. A lie, but Himeko doesn't need to know that. Though she beams at his response, "I went to your house for dinner yesterday. Your Mom's cooking is way too good." My house, dinner?
"Did Y/N go, too?" He asks a little too quickly, the steady beat of his chest growing quicker at the thought of you most probably sitting on his chair at his dining table while enjoying his mother's cooking before finding ways to sneak up to his room and mess with his DJ set that he'd purposely left home for you to play with. He smiles a little at the possible scene playing in his head.
The smile on Himeko's face falters a little at his sudden burst of emotion with the mention of you, but she fixes herself fast and shoots back a response just as fast.
"No, her father came home on Sunday. I haven't seen her since."
Rindou turns his head to look at the shorter girl beside with a worried expression -- a total contrast to all that he's felt just now. He stops in his tracks, and Himeko stops too -- just two steps ahead of him -- with the smile on her face completely gone now.
"What's wrong?" She asks, face full of genuine concern.
"What do you mean?" Rindou frowns.
Himeko tilts her head to the left, trying to grasp what exactly that he's asking, so she repeats her words from earlier by talking slower.
"Y/N's dad came home on Sunday . . . ? She hasn't attended classes today or yesterday. I haven't seen her since she left to pick her father up from the airport. That was Sunday. But we know how it is. Her dad's probably just looking for some family bonding time with her."
Rindou scowls at it.
No, you don't.
Though she doesn't notice it, she shifts a little awkwardly at Rindou's visible shift in mood.
"Bye." He bids curtly and he leaves Himeko behind. The boy quickens his steps and turns into the road that leads straight to your house. He can see the building from a distance and Rindou can faintly make out that the lights are on.
You must be home.
"Rindou? Where are you-" Himeko calls out, but she pauses after realising the road that he's taking. He hears faint footsteps behind him but he doesn't reply -- his beating heart way too frantic for him to say anything at this point, let alone actually think for a response.
Her words play in his head over and over again, and it gets so overwhelming to the point that he has to take a breather and fix his unruly hair that's starting to block his vision.
Your dad is home.
A step closer to your house. Snow crunches beneath his sneakers.
Your dad is home.
The gate is open. He sees the quick wagging of a fluffy tail just beside the metal.
Your dad is home.
Inu-sama sits by the gate and upon sensing his owner's childhood friend's arrival, it barks at him. And it doesn't stop barking despite Rindou being someone who it has grown so familiar with over the years of your childhood and Inu-sama's place in your family.
"Hey, bud." He reaches down to pat your old Shiba, combing down its fur and giving it a few belly rubs before reaching into the pocket of his Jansport to fish out a little treat for your dog. He's not forgotten its treats despite leaving the house in a rush. "Where's 姉さん?" He asks -- as if Inu-sama could speak -- and it can, actually. It barks again to the door after his question and Rindou takes it as a hint that you are probably inside.
But the gate is open. Weird.
So he kicks off his shoes by the entrance and brings a nervous knuckle up to knock on the door. His hearts thumps fast in his chest, breath stuttering in his throat -- not because the thought of you possibly opening the door for him makes him giddy, but because the thought of your father possibly opening the door for him makes him weak. Scared.
Rindou is scared.
Everyone is afraid of your father. Even Ran who is known to have no fear towards anyone in his life -- not even his elders -- is scared of your father. But everyone except Himeko, though. Somehow through her rose-tinted eyes she still holds on to the idea that your father is just like any other: a man who leads and a man who brings structure. But you can't blame her, for she hasn't seen your father in ages. She hasn't seen the man he has become.
And Rindou knocks again, but still, no response, so he tries his luck by twisting the knob. It's unlocked and he pushes it open. Perhaps it'll earn him a black eye for attempting to enter your house without your father's approval, but he'll risk it just this once.
He's half-expected the house to be empty -- from the state of your unlocked door and gate to the awfully quiet and icy cold atmosphere of your house. Rindou doesn't think there's anyone in the house.
That is until he looks down at the sound of a sob.
The monster has done it again.
You're crouching on the floor, surrounded by what seems to be broken shards of glass and a few blood stains tainting the marble white of your floor.
He bolts towards you in an instant, not before throwing off his bag by the foot of the door and stepping over the sharp glass to reach over to you on his sock-clad feet. They cut into his flesh and he hisses a little at the sting, but he ignores the pain, and he diverts his attention back all on you.
You're not moving from your position, but he can tell that you're crying. You're hurt -- the cuts and dark bruises that's starting to swell on your arms and legs cracks his heart at the sight, and you're cold -- God, you're so, so cold when he scoops your frail body up and into his arms, away from the wrecked floor.
Weak, shaky hands immediately move to grip on his shoulder, nails sinking into the flesh as you suck in a deep breath upon realising that there's someone holding you -- someone is touching you. You panic a little, a whine escaping your throat and you try pushing him away with all the strength that you can muster. You hadn't realised that it is Rindou. You hadn't realised that he has entered the house. It doesn't hit you that Rindou is back home in the middle of December. You continue fighting against in his arms with more tears springing up to your bloodshot eyes.
"Stop, Dad. Please. It hurts."
That alone sends the boy into a shaking mess.
But he gathers himself, and he attempts to ground you by sitting you both on the couch and pressing your cold body into his warm chest. He buries his nose in your neck and kisses the skin gently, feeling the quick pulse of your heartbeat against his lips while rubbing warm circles on your upper back -- a means to soothe you, a means to tell you that he's here. "'S me, babe. It's me." He says it so softly -- right next to your ear, only meant for you to hear, meant for you to listen.
You shudder a little at the sudden warmth invading your skin and into your bones, and it then strikes you that the person holding you is Rindou. Rindou is home. The peppermint of his smell that you've long grown to love makes its way in grounding your senses and you eventually relax in his secure hold.
You're safe now.
Rindou is home. You are not alone anymore.
And then you start crying again.
"Where's the bastard? Your mom too." He asks, tone rough but he's gentle when cleaning away the blood on your lips from being busted by no doubt a harsh strike and he wipes it off on his jacket. You hold the other hand of his on your cheek to kiss the palm. "The airport. He says he's going back to the States. Just after a day." Your voice is shaky as you try your hardest to explain to him clearly amidst your choked sobs, "Mom is still in Osaka." And he doesn't make you speak any further after that -- he simply nods at your reply and opting to hug you close to his chest and calm your cries instead.
Rindou sighs angrily at your answer, a deep breath escaping his nose. You only bury yourself closer to him at it.
So your father did actually leave you in here all alone like this and went back to continuing his career. He wonders just how long you have been staying like this, in this state.
He looks around the house to make sure the man is actually gone and his purple eyes don’t miss the heavy stacks of medical textbooks and printed samples of medical reports scattered all over the coffee table. Your test paper -- Math, Tachibana Y/N, Fail -- sits atop of the books, the papers crumpled and a little torn at the sides. The large frames that hangs on the walls of your living room -- none of them are yours, all are his -- are all displaying professional photos of him attached with the many titles and prizes awarded to him.
Doctor Tachibana Hiroji, PhD in Oncology.
Doctor Tachibana Hiroji, board member of Harvard Medical School.
Doctor Tachibana Hiroji.
Doctor Tachibana Hiroji.
Tachibana Hiroji.
What a man of noble character and high intellect, but is such a monster behind closed doors to his only daughter, his family.
Rindou turns his head back, and he’s gentle with you - soft hands wiping away the free-flowing tears and light bloodstains off your face.
And he decides that he doesn’t want to see you like this anymore.
Rindou presses his forehead to yours.
"I'll kill him, you know?"
"No, don't. You'll-"
"I'll kill him. I promise.”
Himeko stands behind the two of you -- scared behind the couch -- with eyes so wide and a heart pumping blood so fast underneath the bones of her chest that she thinks she might die.
But a broken sob from you on the couch breaks her out of her bubble.
She looks around the house.
She looks at your state.
She takes it all in.
"But we know how it is. Her dad's probably just looking for some family bonding time with her."
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tags: @nana-osakii
this took so long omg but i had time today to finish it so here it is ^^
reblogs are appreciated! thank you for reading :3
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anystalker707 · 29 days
Admiral, my Admiral (2/2)
Pairing: Portgas D. Ace x [gender neutral] Admiral! Reader
Summary: Grieving.
Tags: angsty, but there are hopes
Requested by @1luvcatzs ["ELLO, SO SORRY, LATE. SO SO LATE. FOT THE PART 2 OF MY ADMIRAL- CAN YOU UGM. • Ace survives (somehow)- obviously, I think!! Reader doesn't find out that he's alive until after the two year skip–(...)"]
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• Two years later, your chest still hurt whenever you saw anything that reminded you of Ace
• Your eyes glued to the newspaper on your desk, the ache in your chest intensifying when you saw Strawhat Luffy’s face on it
• A lot of things had changed, but not your feelings, not the way you missed Ace, missed cuddling him, his sweet voice taunting you to give him kisses, but it was all too far away now
• The setting had changed, too. The change of quarters was great, honestly. Many things had changed after the war, not just within yourself, but also regarding things inside the Marine. Moving away from Marineford was suiting, like starting a fresh new page, even if it already had faint marks on it. It hurt, either way. Of course, it did
• It felt like death when you headed back to report to the Revolutionary Army, and you found Sabo. He was also having a breakdown over Ace’s death, much to your surprise, but it felt somehow comforting. It brought everything bubbling up again, and it was probably the first time that you had the opportunity to really feel and grieve Ace’s death without the risk of getting in any sort of trouble, allowing yourself to cry until your chest hurt and no tears fell anymore
• The pain was unbearable whenever someone brought Ace’s death up inside the Marine, being happy about it, glad that Roger’s bloodline was successfully erased. Talking about how Ace deserved to die, or how he should’ve suffered more. Sometimes, it felt like a sick joke whenever they talked about that around you, with twisted grins and glancing at your reaction from the corners of their eyes
• No one was allowed to talk about Ace like that. No one knew him like you did; no one even knew him properly. No one knew how he could be caring and sweet, just wanting to be loved and feel like he deserved his space in the world. You wish you had the opportunity to give Ace more love, that you’d given him more love when you still could, but you just couldn’t.
• The emotional scars remained there through the years, hurting. The physical scars, too. The scar on your hand was a constant reminder, a scar that had resulted from the fight you’d put up when you found out what was actually happening with Ace while the Marine held you across the ocean. The fight that had not been enough. The fight that you lost.
• Sometimes you wondered why you were still kept alive if the Marine really needed you that much. Honestly, sometimes you wanted to leave and let the Marine come after you to kill, but Ace wouldn’t want you to do that, right? You could practically see him beside you, cupping your cheek and giving you comforting kisses
• It was easy to find yourself wondering what would happen if Ace was still alive, still by your side. How he’d probably risk coming over just to see you. Spend nights with you, with pointless talks, or telling you about his days off in the sea. You missed it so much, really. Lying in bed with Ace while hugging each other, only illuminated by the moonlight, whispering sweet things to each other
• Ace would probably still try to get you to quit the Marine, talk about how you deserved a better life, how you deserved to be free and live life properly, and that he was up to helping you with all of it
• At the end of the day, all of it was just daydreaming. Just an attempt to ease the pertinent pain that numbed you throughout the days, but it still managed to leave you empty and crying into your pillow while blaming yourself. You could’ve done more, right? You could’ve suspected something or found a way out of there
• The routine was so monotonous. Work was the only thing that kept you going, even if you refused to engage in a lot of missions that required action. Everything was an unpleasant blur as if a part of you were missing, a lacking wire or something
• Then, you were called for a mission again. Something that required someone from a high post, strong, and to work under secret, and you couldn’t fucking believe Punk Hazard was creating problems again
• Your ship stopped by the cold coast, which was at least better than the hot one, and you could already see trouble in the distance when you stepped on the snow, adjusting your coat
• The island was truly a mess, with people that had gone missing actually there, people who were supposed to be dead now running around, a War Lord, the Strawhats…
• You caught a glimpse of familiar black hair while the fire burned in the corner of one of the labs. You couldn’t see properly through the debris, nor could you hear a lot through the loud and incoherent shouts and chatter that filled place, but you could swear that you’d seen that loving face spotted with freckles before the crowd dispersed, and you were forced to move
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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ros3ybabe · 15 days
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Daily Check-in: May 20, 2024 🎀
omg it'd almost the end of May, what the heck? I'm so excited, I leave to Colorado for my 8 weeks of work very soon and I can't wait! it's going to be such a cool experience being in a new place for a while!
Monday was a good day. My dad and my boyfriend both think I overdid it on the physical exertion a bit, and I agree. I took a long walk, outside, in 95 degree heat, with no sunscreen. Which is why they said I overdid it because my chest and shoulders are sooooo sunburnt. But Monday was amazing! Started off strong, ended not as strong but still good!
🩷 What I Accomplished:
~13k+ steps for the day
took an hour and a half long walk outside(it was amazing, I loved it, I stayed hydrated ans soaked up all the sunlight and fresh air)
completed a 30 min beginner pilates workout from Move with Nicole
did my morning journaling and gratitude
wrote down a positive quote of the day and read through my journal where I wrote down some things that I want to read daily
read and "annotated" 14 pages of Atomic Habits
took a 20 minute power nap
worked a ~6.5 hour shift
drank at least ~80oz of water (that's pretty good given I used to drink like 20oz a day and wonder why I never felt good)
took my two medications + vitamin D supplement
took a cool shower and washed my hair at the end of the day
went to sleep early!
💞 Good Things That Happened
my friend and a supervisor im close with complimented my appearance in a way that gave me a confidence/motivational boost
my other friend and I decided we're probably getting our nails done together next week
that same friend ^ and I are going to go shopping next week as well
my work is going to schedule me where I can still go to brunch with my dad on Friday!
my man starts his first day of work on Tuesday (I'm so excited for him! It's gonna suck not being able to text him all day, but I'm so proud of him for getting this job and all the progress he's made)
got complimented on how efficient I was at work by the night shift supervisor
ate goods that made me happy without feeling guilty or anxiety about it
💔 What Could've Gone Better
I over ate a bit at night after work and felt kind of bloated and sick when I went to bed. it's okay tho, things happen, and Tuesday is a new day <3
super sunburnt!!!! my chest and shoulders are bright, bright red! and I'm a naturally pretty tan person, so seeing my skin that red, yep, I'm definitely super burnt! need to wear sunscreen and protective clothes when I take a shorter walk on tuesday
I definitely overdid it on that walk. got too overzealous and pushed myself a lot. my legs were hurting so bad by the end of the day and that's not good. as much as I enjoyed the walk, I need to be so much more kinder to and thoughtful of my body. it does a lot for me, and I need to treat it right <3
💗 Stuff For Tuesday
take a shorter walk outside in the morning
read more of Atomic Habits (and annotate)
begin studying Spanish some more (fell off the habit but I have a lesson next Tuesday the 28th, so I need to be prepared!)
do some gentle morning and night skincare (my face is a little red from yesterday but not too bad since I wore a hat during my walk)
do my morning beginner pilates and gratitude journaling (I've already done these as of right now, but I struggled with the so-called "beginner" pilates video from IsaWelly. practice makes perfect, tho so I've got to keep consistent!)
book nail appointments with my friend for next week (hopefully the nail tech/nail salon I go to has availability for her and I to go together! I also need to pick the design i want!)
budget for this upcoming paycheck and what I need to save vs what I'm going to spend (and need to buy)
work a ~5 hour shift
talk to my man over video call at the end of the day to see how work/training went for him (it's his first day of work, but it's a hands on training kind of day for him as well)
💕 Song of The Day: aespa - Supernova
what an absolutely amazing song omg. aespa literally never misses with their music. I almost put Spicy, but I've been obsessed with Supernove since it dropped. I love it so much <3
That's all for Monday, like I said, it was a beautiful start to the week for me! And here's to Tuesday being a good day as well <3 I hope everyone here has a wonderful beginning of their week!
til next time lovelies 🩷
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holdmytesseract · 2 years
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moodboard by the wonderful @mochie85 !
Baby Fever AU 《Masterlist》
The Baby Fever AU is set some time after the attack on New York. Infinity War, End Game and Thanos never happened. Loki's punishment had been to join the Avengers - where he met you. One thing came to the other and a few years later, you two are married - and now parents of a sweet girl, called Ella and a little boy called Narfi. This AU features the adventures you are expieriencing as a family - and a lot of dad!Loki moments, 'cause we all love Loki being a dad...
General Warnings: fluff, fluff and even more fluff! Pregnancy things, birth, etc.
Last Updated: May 9th, 2024
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《 Baby Fever - the Beginning 》
(How Loki's baby fever started...)
🍼 Part One
🍼 Part Two
🍼 Part Three
《 Before Ella... 》
(The oneshots here are from the time before Ella is born. Y/N's and Loki's story...)
🍼 The Beginning
🍼 You & Me Forever
🍼 Paper Rings
🍼 On one of Tony's team bonding parties...
🍼 About Time
🍼 When a God Loves a Woman
🍼 Hunter & Prey
《 The Dad Loki Diary - Chapter One 》
(What's the 'Dad Loki Diary'? The 'Dad Loki Diary' consists of drabbles and one shots of, well… Loki being Ella's dad and doing dad things. Things that come to my mind - or things that you want to read. If you have a wish what the little family should experience together, look if the requests for this AU are open and let me know! :D)
🍼 Disney Edition
🍼 Of Fathers and Sons
🍼 Daddy Takeover
🍼 Protecting Her
🍼 Father Feelings
🍼 A Precious Moment
🍼 How to Magic
🍼 A Painful Experience
🍼 First Steps
🍼 Insecurities
🍼 First Word
🍼 Not Your Little Girl Anymore
🍼 All I Need Is You
🍼 Asgardian Sightseeing Tours
🍼 Winter Wonders
🍼 A little Girl`s Wish
🍼 Merry Christmas!
🍼 A Fresh Page
🍼 Of the Birds and the Bees
🍼 Female Nature
🍼 Tempting Touch (18+)
🍼 Autumn Blues
🍼 Little Mood Changer
🍼 Capturing the Moment
🍼 Cravings & Food Rubs
🍼 Ella
🍼 Lullaby
🍼 He's Back - Part Two (Part One is written by @lokisgoodgirl )
🍼 Close to You
🍼 Sugar Sweet
🍼 About Scrunchies and Hair Clips
🍼 Ella, sitting on Loki's chest, raven locks in her tiny hands...
🍼 Loki and Y/N, sitting opposite their dining table, looking each other deadly in the eyes...
🍼 Five-year-old Ella is sitting with Loki at the small table in her room, colouring in her princesses colouring book..
🍼 Loki, laying in the bathtub with a glass of wine in hands, living his best life...
🍼 Loki, standing in the kitchen in order to prepare a little something for you to eat...
🍼 Loki, changing the nappy of a happily gurgling Ella...
🍼 The Promo Tour
《 The Dad Loki Diary - Chapter Two 》
(Well... Welcome to Chapter Two of the 'Dad Loki Diary'. :D Our favourite God is now a dad of two. <3 A new chapter in life has started for him, so I thought it's time to start a new chapter here as well! :D)
🧸 Narfi
🧸 Princess Meets Prince
🧸 Tummy Talkin'
🧸 The Price of Love
🧸 Royal Visitors
🧸 Bad Dream
🧸 Football Fever
🧸 The Equation of Love
🧸 Gym Sessions & Babies
🧸 Biggest Fear
🧸 Boys Do Cry
🧸 Infinite Love
🧸 A Stroke Of Fate
🧸 Little Prince
🧸 Y/N, tiptoeing towards the bedroom after a long and tiring day of meetings...
🧸 In the royal gardens of Asgard...
🧸 At Thor's and Jane's house; quite a few miles away from the Avengers compound...
🧸 ... and a Happy New Year!
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fluffyartbl0g · 1 year
Ohh my God the most recent comic, when it's spelled out like that, speed running paradise, fighting an admiral sun God thing happening way early than any of this should be it's any wonder ace isn't in worse shape in this let alone seeing sabo again because it's two years early and he would probably be fresh into white beard crew im picturing *jinbei the warlord I just finished fighting days on end to exhaustion is joining your crew?* "I give up, it's too much at once, there are to meany others to be more concerned about" their concern on white beards ship should be warning about black beard before the bastard gets the 1st stupid strong devil fruit.
YEYSYEYSYESYEYSYRFSEUDYGTYUHSDOGUHFDGUDFUH!!!!!! Like I drew Ace getting kinda choked up in the second page when listing things because,,, man he really was worried. I dont think he was like losing sleep type worried until he found out Luffy and his gang had a pretty intense encounter with an admiral.
It's only been like 1.5 to 2 years since Ace last left Dawn Island and sparred with Luffy, so even if he's improved a lot, there just cant be any way his 15 year old baby brother would be able to handle an Admiral- HECK he can barely handle an admiral. So when he found out they had an encounter, I assume his stomach just dropped and full on big brother freak out mode started happening.
Like he always had a mild worry niggling in the back of his mind, but Ace has his own adventures and his own nakama now, he's got stuff to do and at the pace Luffy is going at, it seems like explanations will be coming soon anyways.
Luckily this whole admiral encounter thing happened shortly before Luffy found Ace again, because every second Ace was waiting on Whitebeard's ship after he found out about it was another second away from Ace just going completely ballistic and shooting off to find his baby bro. The Whitebeards were real good at getting Ace to just calm down and wait a bit, soo good job to them :D! Though, that like idk,,, week or two??? (im not good with timeframes tbh), that he was just waiting to see if his brother was okay was prolly one of the worst weeks of his life.
U know I really debated if I was making Ace recognise sabo too quickly and if I was making him like too emotional or what not,,, but like YEA HE'S SO CONFUSED AND TIRED AND WORRIED!!!! IF THOSE BROTHERS DONT SPEND THE NEXT HOUR JUST SOBBING AND GRASPING AT EACHOTHER LIKE NO ONE ELSE EXISTS THAN I DONT KNOW WHAT I'LL DO!!!!!!
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D&D!141 Backstories: Gaz
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Here's Kyle's backstory! The start of a hero and successor to the 141. Since there is a lot of dnd locations in this, check out this website and this website for more information and to just look at cool maps lol.
Baulder’s Gate was Kyle’s home.
He grew up in a small house in Heapside. When he was younger and his mother wasn’t working she’d take him to The Wide, the largest market square in The Gate. On days when his parents were both gone, he'd visit the Steeps or his friends houses, causing mischief and having as much fun as he could.
Today was no different.
Kyle had found himself in a library in the middle of Eastway. He knew he wasn't meant to be in this part of the city as there were, "too many travelers with nothing to do but waste time," according to his father. However, the library there was the only place that held certain story books that he enjoyed.
"Welcome back Garrick," the librarian greeted him as he came to the front desk. "Before you ask, your favorites are occupied with a few others at the moment."
Kyle frowned and though the librarian chuckled, she did give him a sympathetic look. He was about to leave in disappointment but she stopped him.
"I might have somethign you'll like." She offered with a smile. "One you haven't read, but just as exciting."
He watched her leave to retrieve it and when she returned, she handed him a thick periwinkle book.
"The Tales of The Nameless Ranger. I believe you'll find the stories inside fascinating enough to sate you until you can read one of your other beloved books." She teased and he huffed, thumbing through the pages.
"Is this a real story? Or made up?" He wondered and she handed him a bookmark.
"It's very real, but I won't spoil a thing."
Kyle hid away in the corner of the library and reluctantly began to read the book, unwilling to find something else to do however, and began to read the book.
It took very little time before he was completely engrossed within the story that unfolded. The Ranger's adventures captivated him, her ambition to continue her journey, her compassion towards those less fortunate and towards those she traveled with, and the desire to helps those around her.
He couldn't help but envision himself beside her, doing as she did and saving those who needed it, learning to become a ranger to help those in need, becoming a force to be reckoned with while staying true to himself.
He felt giddy at the thought of going on an adventure of his own, becoming a hero not for glory but to help all of Faerun. If she could do it, then certainly he could as well.
Suddenly this ranger, this hero, was someone he wanted to be, someone he looked up to.
Kyle had finished the book in one sitting, the sun close to setting, signaling it was his time to go back home before it was dark out. He rushed towards the front desk, a twinkle in his eye as he beamed at the librarian.
"How much to buy this?" He held up the book and she laughed.
"Keep it, Garrick. I don't think I've ever seen you so smitten with any of the others before." She told him and he cheered loudly, despite her shushes and the stares.
"Thank you, ma'am!"
The streets of Eastway were busy even as it got late into the evening. The travelers bought supplies and found places to stay for the night, all things he would do when he got old enough to journey outside of Baulder's Gate.
Just down the street as he made his way home, he saw a group of travelers fighting with each other. He didn't know why they were fighting but with the ideas of adventure and heroism fresh in his mind, he couldn't let it happen.
Mistakenly he got involved and though he was scraped up, earning a new scar on his cheek, the fight had ended.
A traveler, a tiefling who was much larger than him, protected him from any further blows and broke up the fight. After some scolding that didn't deter Kyle at all, the tiefling escorted him back home.
When his parents opened the door to Kyle a little beaten up and a stranger traveler, they looked horrified but he couldn't stop smiling.
"I'm going to be a hero!"
Even years later when he grew up and became part of the City Watch, he still held onto the dream of becoming a hero. Being part of the City Watch helped his need to help others, to keep Baulder's Gate safe, but he still waited for the day he'd be able to leave and help more across the Sword Coast, across all of Faerun.
He saved up his money, trained to become the best ranger, and waited for the day he could leave.
One day, he got his wish.
The City Watch and the Flaming Fist were told there was going to be an attack on the city. They prepared themselves the best they could, posting themselves at the location in order to minimize the damage, but they had made the mistake.
The chaos it was hard to see that the fanatics were moving to another part of the city. While the City Watch and the Flaming Fist dealt with the main group, Kyle ran after the ones that broke off, attempting to stop them before they started anymore carnage.
Kyle was cornered by three of them, already taking a beating from a few and outmatched even with his exceptional skills. He accepted his fate, especially if it meant he'd be able to stop at least one of them from continuing.
He fought hard and just when he thought he'd fall, someone stepped in to save him.
A human man with a longsword that radiated light from the blade cut through the enemy in front of him and he fell with scream. He stood in front of Kyle, blood already splattered on him from a fight before, shield on his back as he prepared himself for battle.
"On your feet soldier," he barked out towards Kyle. "You won't die today."
Kyle felt a surge within him, enough to keep him in the fight. He and the man fought against the fanatics and with the man's help, they made quick work of them.
As they fell, Kyle went to chase after the fanatics that ran away but he was stopped by the man.
"Rest, they've most likely been taken care of by now." He held out a hand to steady him but Kyle shook his head.
"How can you be sure?" He was in no position to fight more at the moment but he needed to continue to fight.
The people were in danger, he had to prevent more lives from being lost.
"It's been taken care of." A new voice, a human woman with blonde hair, walked up to them and slipped two daggers into her belt. "There's no need to worry."
Kyle's muscles ached and he leaned against the wall of a building. There was more anger than worry inside him, frustration for letting so many people get hurt when it could've been avoided.
"We knew they were coming and yet they made us wait." He growled more to himself. "We could've stopped this if we'd gone out, I could've saved more if I wasn't stuck here."
The man glanced at the woman and she raised a knowing eyebrow. He had a plan and she knew he would succeed in it, especially when she looked at the young elf.
"The Flaming Fist and the City Watch will have more information." She told him and walked past him. "I'll relay it later tonight."
Kyle watched her leave and when he looked back at the man, he saw softer eyes than before.
"Kate Laswell." He nodded in the woman's direction. "John Price."
Kyle's eyes widened. The John Price? The hero fighter who fought hordes and still stood, the one who saved Waterdeep from the necromancer Makarov, and had done countless other heroic acts.
If he weren't as wounded as he was, he was sure he'd fanboy into embarrassment.
"Gaz." He introduced himself as he tried to gather himself.
"We'll patch you up." Price helped him stand straight. "Then we'll talk."
Price spoke to Gaz about how the attack was connected to a much bigger plot, something that they were working on for months now but still had information missing. He and his party were currently on the lookout for the fanatics hide out as well as where their next move would be...and that Kyle could help if he wanted.
This was his opportunity, this was his chance to help those in need, and he took it immediately.
"Gather your supplies and recover for the night." Price told him as he helped him to his parent's home. "Meet me at Black Dragon Gate at dawn."
"Yes sir."
After tearful goodbyes with his family, he finally saw Price at the gate in the early hours of the morning. The knight greeted him with a quick smile as he approached, an excited air about him.
"Laswell's a day ahead of us, but we'll have horses to help get us there." He said and Gaz nodded. "It'll be a long journey."
"Where are we headed?" Gaz asked, unable to keep some of his excitement down.
"Waterdeep. The rest of our party is there waiting for us to get back."
The City of Splendors. It would take almost a month to get there but it would be worth it for Gaz.
He followed Price out of the gate and through the Black Dragon, the road ahead of them spanning out into the wilderness. As the reality set in that he was starting his journey to becoming a hero, he looked back at Baulder's Gate one last time.
He would miss his home, but now it was time for a new adventure.
A/n: this is the condensed version because it would be way too long if it wasn't lol
Tags: @iamcautiouslyoptimistic @argella1300
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hyuckkluv · 12 days
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★ . . . NOW LOADING . . . . .
CROSS MY PATH . . . . ★
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★ it's nothing like having to restart your college life by getting up out of your hometown and moving 3 hours away to escape the dread and exhaustion it caused her, she, y/n smith. during her first college year, as a freshman, at hollowberk willingsons university in tampa florida, she was having a wonderful freshmen season in the beginning of the year. she had a wonderful dormmate who didn't leave food to wallow and spoil in the fridge and she had a humorous, active friend group who understood her. until they didn't. drama flashing up faster than a shoot star about y/n. what's good about this is that it stayed a "friend group" thing and it never traveled through the university. it didn't travel with her when she packed up and left either. that's what y/n liked. a new, fresh and easy start where she knew she didn't have any hounding rumor hanging off her back while she tried to make it through her early 20s.
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★ genre ; black reader x ot7 dream friendship smau! lots of humor, might be some splashes of dark humor from y/n (???), some fluff, slight angst (you'll see it if you open your eyes very wide), friendship relationships>>>>.
★ more info ; this is kind of like a very comedic smau where it'll be y/n finding people that actually deserves a shot in her life and her reopening up to the possibility of actually letting people in and feeling the love she deserves from people that are good-hearted. as we go down the line, i may switch it up and actually have an ending pair and i'll definitely keep adding in new people to the circle like a big old happy family :)! (this is me writing what i wish i had :|)
★ pairing ; black reader x ot7 dream (yes, there's other people here but, y/n will form a magnificent bond with these 7)
★ author's notes ; hello! my name is venice :) this is not my first fanfic i have done but, this is my first smau and this is my first time working with/on tumblr! thanks to @lqfiles for helping me out with getting back social maker and social dummy :D!! if you have not, please check out their smau's, they're amazing!! if you guys have any tips, please feel free to leave them for me. kudos to everyone and thank you for showing support <333!
★ taglist ; wanna be in the taglist? comment or send a message on my ask page :P
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lilavatilikeslemons · 2 months
"Narayana, Narayana!"
Chapter 1.
Disclaimer: this is no way shape or form, accurate to the itihasa- and is not meant to hurt anyone's sentiments, views or beliefs.
Thank you.
Unedited- you've been warned.
Ram looked at the sunset in the horizon from Sarayu. Oh, he loved the sunset- but dawn was his favourite.
One foot.
It reminded him of new beginnings. Of how everyday could start anew.
It reminded him of the time he'd wake up, in the forest- and see the Sun- a reminder of how the days were passing till he would return to his home.
Two feet.
The dawn was Sita's favourite, too. Maybe that was another reason why he favoured it- but then again, he could never compare the Sun to her. Everytime he saw her, it was dawn for him. It was a new beginning- a fresh page.
Oh, what he would do to see the Dawn with her.
...How long had it been?
He lost count.
Five feet.
He had dreamt of watching the Dawn with his sons, together- when they were in his wife's womb- but it seemed that fate had other plans.
Ten feet.
Perhaps, in another life.
It was the end of not just a great king, that sunset- it was the end of an era.
But ofcourse, a sunset is followed by a dawn. A new beginning.
A figure chuckled in the skies, looking down upon the bustling city.
Millennia had passed.
"Narayana, Narayana!"
It was time.
जय सीतारामलक्ष्मण की!
HEY GUYS!!! I got a hit of inspiration out of nowhere SO HERE I AM
Hope y'all liked chapter one of my new Ramayana theatre AU fic!!!! (Yes you heard me right, theatre AU- this is gonna be an interesting one)
You might be asking, 'Lemons, you said theatre au, but where is theatre?'
ShHHH- we'll get to that part soon hehehehehehehehe
Constructive critisism is always welcome, and please share your thoughts :D
Chapter two will be out soon, so keep an eye out!!
Stay safe, hydrated and healthy, and have a good one, folks!
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fizzing-imagines · 1 year
Hellfire After Hours GOOD END | Billy Hargrove x Plus Size! Alt! Reader
Notes: I loved writing this and am actually really proud of it. I hope y'all enjoy it just as much!
Warnings: Sexual Inuendos
Words: 300-ish
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It's been eight years since Billy was miraculously saved at Starcourt Mall. And while it took him months to recover, multiple surgeries, weekly tips to the hospital and more sleepless nights in the ER than you ever wanted to experience, it was all worth it. As soon as he had his spine reconstructed the two of you moves to his hometown Los Angeles, got jobs there and bought a house near Huntington beach. Billy worked as a mechanic in a local carshop while you ended up working behind the counter at a bakery in the inner city. You found a new D&D party to join while Billy eventually got back into surfing once his doctor gave him the go. After three years together in LA, Billy proposed to you at Huntingdon Beach. Of course you said yes, how could you not when he went out of his way to find an engagement ring with an onyx instead of a diamond? Your high-school friends were invited to the wedding, and so was Billy's step-sister Max. He tried his best to fix their relationship, and while she kept a respectful distance they called each other from time to time. Neil wasn't invited. Neither you nor Billy wanted to ever see him again, and your now-husband despised him so much that he went against all traditions and took your last name. A year later, against all odds, you got pregnant. After weeks of talking, Billy and you decided to keep the child. Your daughter, Joanne (L/N), would be the only child the two of you have. Your husband was so scared of becoming a father throughout most of your pregnancy. Not because he didn't want this child but because he was terrified of becoming like his dad. You promised him to, quote, "Beat the living daylight out of him and break his spine again." if he ever becomes anything like Neil. But he was a wonderful father, Joanne was a total daddies girl and came after him. From her hair, eyes, and nose down to her love for surfing she was a carbon copy of Billy. Including getting into trouble.
Your husband and your daughter hid in her closet, giggling while eating the fresh cookies you made an hour ago. Since you said they should wait until after dinner, this was against your wishes. "William (L/N!)", you yelled upstairs while looking for Billy. Eventually, you got into your daughters room but when you heard Billy shush her laughter you couldn't be mad anymore and left the room. How could you be mad when you heard your little girl laugh? "Well, if my Billy and my Jojo are already full with cookies, I guess I can order a pizza just for myself.", you said loudly while leaving her room. The two in the closet looked at each other, quickly finished the rest of the cookies and followed after you. "Mommy, wait!", Jojo said while running after you. "I'm sooo hungry!" She followed you into the kitchen, Billy being shortly behind her. You were standing at the kitchen counter, phone in hand as you waited for the two of them. "Mommy!", Jojo said as she ran up to you and hugged your hip. "You can't let me go hungry." Of course you wouldn't do that, but it was so much fun to tease the two. "Yeah, mommy, you can't let me go hungry either.", your husband said to you with a suggestive smirk on his face. You playfully slapped him in the shoulder while handing him the pizza delivery pamphlet with ordering options on it.
Billy brought Joanne to bed while you got comfortable in your shared bed. He recently gifted you a new book on D&D, something you still enjoyed even while being a mother, and were skipping through the pages while waiting for your husband. It took him a good 30 minutes before he came into your master bedroom and got into bed next to you. He took the book out of your hands and while leaning over to your nightstand to put it down started kissing your neck.
"I'm still hungry.", he whispered into your ear before lightly biting down on your neck.
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seamayweed · 1 year
I have just gotten in mctna clearly very late to the party. Thank you for all the beautiful gifs. ❤️❤️❤️🍑
I just wanted to know if you knew any meta posts or discussions about the characters out there I can delve into?
Yaaay, welcome, welcome, we are always happy (starved) for fresh blood in the fandom! \o/ 💙💙💙 Ahhh sdjfklsdflsfd thank you for paying attention to my gifs and calling them beautiful!! 🥰 *dances in a circle like an overexcited puppy*
Please beware: these are most likely not spoiler-free!
For the older meta/discussions, @convenientalias and her ‘my country the new age’ tag (starts at page 20) is a good place to start. I remember this Seon-ho meta and also love reading everyone's responses to this mctna list of questions she created. There’s @dangermousie and their ‘my country’ tag (starts at page 11), @hedvig-ulrika has a lot of good meta posts as well, right now I can only think of this one (marketplace scene) and this one (Seonhwi scene towards the end), and this one for Seon-ho & Sung-rok. For Seonrok stuff in general, platonic or otherwise, the ‘seonrok’ tag by @pashminabitch is a treasure trove, @sadviper has great thoughts about them too (and I enjoyed reading their top 5 mctna scenes), @valarinde has meta about this very heart-wrenching scene, and @eohachu has written compelling meta about them too; their ‘seonrok’ and ‘nn meta’ tags are def worth checking out. @strandedchesspiece has an amazing series of mctna meta posts. I really love @the2headedcalf ’s Seonhwi meta (1, 2). @ciriwrites has written this excellent meta that led to an interesting discussion and other meta, @staidwaters has this headcanon about how Seonhwi became best friends, and @rain-hat has a lot of intelligent and eloquent meta in her ‘my country the new age’ tag and got a lot of mctna asks a while ago. You can also read @crayonflop 's very entertaining commentary in their ‘my country’ tag (starts at page 28), then there’s @husberttee with an interesting discussion about Sung-rok and his scar. This funny text post about Sung-rok + Seonhwi by @petekaos always makes me smile. This one is good too - all the Seon-ho feels! @bienmoreau has meta posts like this one about Seon-ho and his brother and @tlanwen has good meta and web weavings too. And @elderflowergin 's description of Bang-won's voice is perfect. There are others like @crithir, @eremin0109, @asena-queenslayer, @monstersqueen, @mctna, @doorhine with a scene comparison here and dozens of others who I remember writing mctna meta, in the tags or otherwise! This anon ask sent to fatallist (who has sadly deactivated) about the water/river symbolism is interesting too. 
For more recent stuff, we have @howlingmusketeers ’s Bang-won meta, @nubreed73 ’s thought-provoking commentary here (you can find more in their ‘meta’ or ‘my country the new age’ tag), @wangkuans here (there's more in their ‘my country the new age’ tag too), @navramanan has this edit/tags-meta and meta, and @itsza recently watched mctna and has made some posts too.
Of course, you can also feel free to check out my ‘mctna meta’ tag or ‘color meta’ tag! :D
I’m sure I missed a lot of the early discussions since I only discovered the fandom a year after mctna was airing... Please forgive me, friends, if I missed anyone /o\
A small caveat: I’m very clearly biased towards Seon-ho who's my fave, and there are some Hwi-resenting meta posts/tags you may encounter on my or other people’s blogs. I started out being quite critical of him, but after many good discussions with some of my friends I’ve come to understand his side of things more. As such, I'm trying to avoid being too harsh on him and am determined to love the boys more equally now!
There are a few critical takes on Seon-ho or Bang-won or Hui-jae too, but I think it’s a sign of what amazing, complex characters they are that they elicit such strong emotions in us and we feel compelled to take sides!
Thank you for the ask and have fun in the mctna fandom!! <333
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allari-ammayi · 9 months
Rain | Pt. 1 《Varsham》 D. Shekar
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☆Danny Shekar x Fem! Reader☆
Synopsis: Having never exchanged words despite their obvious romantic tension, the younger sister of 'Bheemla Nayak', Y/n, and his enemy, Danny Shekar, are strandered alone at a bus stop during an hours' long rain fall, left together and start to feel an obvious spark. 《Pt. 1, 2.2k Words》
Note: First post, very excited, and yes, I know my writing is very bad, but trust me, I'll get better!! Anyway, massive smash to the loml. Pls tell me I wasn't the only one violently simping over Danny from the moment he appeared on screen. Btw, this is the y/n version of this story. If you wish to read a version with an oc in it, you can find it on my OC masterlist page!! ALSO, REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!!
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𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐑 》 By interacting with my works or posts, you agree to be exposed to my content and are confirming that you are willingly reading my writing!!
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“The rain was unexpected- Just like us. But instead of embracing it, we ran from it. Over and over until we got tired and relented to our yearning desires for each other.”
The duo repeated this very phrase to each other every single night when the moon hung low on the starry night and their windows were wide open to let the fresh breeze of the night sky in as they cuddled together under their silken sheets.
One night it was Y/n and the other it was Danny. But it was always the same. The rain was unexpected. Just like them, but instead of embracing it, they ran from it. Over and over until they got tired and relented to their yearning desire for each other.
It was a sort of weird comfort to them. A grateful reminder to thank that one sudden summer rain that brought the two together in the first place.
But some nights, the duo thought over and even reconsidered a little, was it really the rain that brought them together in the first place or was it Y/n’s brother, the famous ‘Bheemla Nayaak’, who just so happened to be Danny’s number-one rival and vice versa.
But whatever it was, boy were they glad it happened. That night was the same, Danny and Y/n were lying on their shared bed of their home, surrounded by a comforting homey feeling. A feeling of belonging and comfort.
Y/n’s back was pressed against Danny’s chest as his arms were secured around her smaller body, his fingers fidgeting with strands of Y/n’s hair. No words needed to be exchanged between the two to confirm their safety and love in the relationship.
All they needed was each other’s presence and all else was set into place by itself. Their love was enough to fill the room up.
But of course, it wasn’t always like this. It never starts like this and ends well. Maybe that’s why Danny and Y/n’s futures were so secure and well-tied together. Because they had a rocky start.
Because the first thing they witnessed of each other was their worst. Because they accepted each other’s worsts and embraced them, rather than finding out about them later in the relationship and seeing them as deal-breakers.
For y/n, when she first saw Danny, all she could remember of him was his arrogance. His rotten wealth. His disgusting attitude. His shameless disobedience of rules. His horrid way of getting his way with his money. And of course, her brother’s loathing for him. And of course, even she hated him at the start. As far as hating someone simply because of their sibling’s hatred for them goes.
For Danny, when he first saw Y/n, he was initially mesmerised by her. She looked magical. Half drenched in the dark night’s rain as she stumbled into the police station where Danny was being held for travelling across state borders with restricted amounts of alcohol. He stared at her with semi-wide eyes.
Maybe it was a trick of his sleepy daze or the hallucinogenic lick of alcohol still simmering on his lips because only a second later, it disappeared and was replaced with a dreadful annoyance.
But this only happened when Y/n entered the station, looking towards the one person who Danny wanted to stab the life out of, simply for existing and called him ‘Annaya’ {Trans. ‘Older brother’}.
Then, he saw some more negative traits in her. They didn’t exactly make her a bad person, but they made Danny feel a somewhat weird emotion towards her. What do they call it? Hatred? Loath? Disgust? No. That’s right. It was pity. Pity’s a rare feeling to come from Danny, so when it came, it was definitely something special.
The more Danny saw her, the more he noticed them. And the longer he observed her, from afar of course, the more he knew why.
And the more he observed, the more pity he felt for her.
Her over-obedience. Her pitiful submissiveness. Her pride, or rather a lack-there-of. Her dependence on the male figure in her life. Her inability to stand up for herself.
But the longer Danny harboured his animosity for Bheem, the more he realised that none of this was Y/n’s fault, but rather came from the way she was raised. The way she ran her brother’s errands for him, bringing him his lunch boxes and his tea, needing him to drive her to places and back home. She was basically his shadow. Never her own person, with her own feelings, responsibilities or opinions.
Y/n was almost always around Bheem, which meant that Danny and Y/n saw each other far more than they wished, but the two never exchanged words. Merely stolen, short glances towards each other or the few seconds of awkward eye contact they would share occasionally.
It became almost a routine for Danny to hope to coincidentally bump into her during his next antic with Bheem. She was practically his driving force to constantly torture him. His small hope that the next time he and Bheem cross paths due to his latest plan, he’d have Y/n trailing behind him. So he and y/n could share a few more seconds' worth of eye contact with mixed meanings and cloudy intentions.
But one evening changed it all. It changed their entire dynamic and it changed the way their entire worlds moved. It changed the way their feelings danced and it changed the way the other perceived the world.
Y/n, who took it upon herself to run home for another one of Bheem’s silly little errands for her, and Danny who had successfully gotten himself lost in the dry land and borders of the forest collided for the first time. Not literally, but almost.
Y/n, who was practically out of breath from all the running in her not-so-comfortable footwear and Danny who had been roaming the area for hours, frustrated and dying of dehydration crossed paths when y/n finally gave up running, dropped her palms to her knees and huffed for breath like there was no tomorrow.
Danny only caught sight of her when he roughly shoved some stray long dry grass out of his face as he exited the maze of madness, still lost as ever, being new to the area.
He looked around desperately to find something or someone to help him, but when he caught sight of the out-of-breath y/n who was pink in the face and clearly tired from running, he felt his heart physically jump.
He didn’t exactly know why, he’d never felt this way before. Maybe it was because he and the girl had never been alone together. Previously, on every occasion that they were together, there was always her brother in between them nagging about justice and his job and what-not. But why would he even feel this way in the first place?
It’s not like he felt anything for her. But maybe it was because of the countless hours that he thought of her even when unnecessary.
The hours he spent laying on his bed, initially only feeling pity for her, then starting to spend hours analysing her emotions and traits and why she does what she does before eventually spending more hours, laying on his bed, staring into the ceiling, thinking of nothing but her eyes. Her beautiful doe eyes.
But of course not! Danny shook his head to get those ridiculous thoughts out of his head. Danny spent the next few seconds, thinking of an actual, reasonable and proper reason, and came to the conclusion that he only felt a jump in his heart because he was worried that like always, the siblings would be together and where Y/n was, so was Bheem.
And Danny couldn’t afford Bheem’s bitter satisfaction from Danny being so lost and helpless. Yes, of course! That’s the only reason! Or at least that’s what Danny said in a hopefully convincing manner.
But who was he trying to convince?
But still, even that thought bruised his ego a little. But still, this was the only idea that didn’t include some ridiculous fantasy about Y/n. Danny watched as Y/n regained her composure and landed her hands on hips or on her back before she looked up at the sky.
Only then did Danny realise how creepy he looked, staring at a helpless girl, half-hidden in the tall bushes. Danny jumped out from the bushes, glad that Y/n hadn’t spotted him yet and when Y/n looked towards him and realised his presence, he folded his arms behind him and tilted his chin up in a better-than-you kind of way.
The second Y/n saw Danny walking around the bushes, she tensed up for a second, half-scared of the fact that he could have planned something related to her in hopes of attacking her brother and half for the same reason he was. Simply because they had never been along together.
Y/n’s breath hitched when Danny began walking in her direction, looking as prideful and arrogant as ever. Danny gulped as he walked right past Y/n, his eyes secretly trailing to the side of his face to catch a glimpse of her as he went.
Y/n twiddled with her thumbs and at the awkward moment between them, the heavens groaned and urged the two together with a little crazy weather. Unexpectedly and completely out of blue, the initially bright blazing sun was covered up by heavy and dark rain clouds, meaning that nothing good could come from this.
Y/n looked up at the clouds and when she felt a soft kiss on her nose from raindrop, she felt her heart drop. She had no umbrella and she was miles away form home which meant it’d take her another half-an hour to get home, and that was if she ran.
The same was with Danny. He also didn’t have an umbrella. After-all, who could’ve predectied this weather?
“What-?” Danny let out as he wiped a raindrop off his forehead, the duo started to get worried, still exchanging no words. When the sudden sound of pitter-patter surrounded Danny and Y/n, they turned to each other in mutual worry and Y/n looked desperately around.
“Come, Follow me.” Y/n said after a short consideration. She couldn’t escape the rain by herself and let Danny die out in the wet cold. He too was a human. A human that was hated by her older brother, but still a human. Bheem could have argued otherwise, but it didn’t matter.
Danny turned to Y/n and when he saw her already sprinting away, he looked around before back at her.
“Hey-!” He called out reaching an arm out towards her, but Y/n didn’t stop. Danny let out a sigh of frustration, raked his hair back with his fingers before he begrudgingly followed behind her.
“Just this way,” Y/n said, lifting her voni a little as she ran.
“Do you even know where you’re going??” Danny asked her, struggling to keep up with the slippery little minx of a girl, y/n was.
Y/n came to a sudden halt, and when Danny nearly crashed into the smaller girl, she threateningly pulled her index finger out at him and she narrowed her eys.
“Do you want to get drenched in the rain or do you want to get shelter?” She asked, her voice dangerously leaking with threats.
Danny was left speechless at this. Never once had he ever seen Y/n this way. But then again, he never really saw her that much to begin with, but still. This was a true shock for the man.
“I- Uh- Yeah- Yeah, I want to- I want to get shelter.” Danny struggled out, stumbling over his words at the threatening smaller girl.
“Aithe noru musukoni ra. {Trans.: Then keep quite and follow me.)” Danny automatically nodded, Y/n’s sudden high demanding voice instantly taking control of him.
Within seconds, Y/n led Danny straight to a tattered old bus stop. It was not at all what Danny had in mind, but he was willing to take whatever he could to get out of this rain even a little. The duo rushed to get under the shade, their clothes already damp from the early rain.
From the moment their skins were no longer being tapped on by the rain drops, Danny and y/n were both quick to start drying themselves the best they could.
The tattered bus stop consisted of just one, one and a half meter long bench with a shade that looked like it could fall apart any minute.
“This was the place you were talking about when you said shelter?” Danny asked, looking around before taking a seat. Y/n opted to sit as far as she could, even willing to let half of her leg hang off the end of the bench if it meant putting some distance between her and Danny.
“Let me know if it isn’t up to your fancy posh tastes, and I can tear it apart in seconds,” Y/n said, looking at the ground, and pulling her knees to her chest. “Then we can happily die out in the rain.” She added, quietly.
Danny rolled his eyes.
“It’s fine for now.”
“It will be. We just have to wait a few minutes, it’ll be gone and we can go our own ways.” If only it were that easy.
To be continued...
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Taglist 》
None yet! Please reply to this post if you wish to be tagged in my future works, fics, and the next part to this story! :)
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wastelandmoony · 4 months
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Chapter Twenty-Six : Sweet Jane
Summary: In honor of my birthday, here's a short chapter about dr*gs =)
Characters: Remus Lupin/Reader, Sirius Black/Reader (no use of y/n), James Potter, Petter Pettigrew, Regulus Black, Marlene McKinnon, Mary MacDonald, Lily Evans
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI; mild dr*g use
Déjà Vécu Masterlist
Companion Playlist
Read on AO3
April 4th, 1976
The pressure of their impending O.W.L.’s was threatening to crush her. Lily and Remus felt it too, and the three of them had begun to spend most of their free time in the library revising, and once Spring reared its mild head, they moved the group outside to at least receive some small amount of fresh air and vitamin D. As the weeks drew closer to the start of examinations, some of the others began to join them, Mary was the first, followed quickly by James once he realized Lily was involved. Sirius showed up now and then, but he couldn’t be arsed to study in the slightest, and usually ending up complaining or goofing off until he had convinced the rest of them to wrap it up for the time being. 
Today was one of those days.
Her and Remus had spent the entire morning on the second floor of the library, quizzing each other on charms. Sirius, looking for James, had found them and decided (through her convincing) that he should probably study just a little bit. 
It lasted 20 minutes until he was leaning back in the chair and charming paper airplanes to dive-bomb students on the lower level. 
“Sirius,” she tried to sound as nice as possible, though at the moment she could throttle him.
“Yes, Yellowjacket,” he gave her the most innocent eyes, the picture of grace and decorum, as she heard another muffled “ouch!” from the floor below.
“You should really be focusing on your O.W.L.s, they’re important.”
He rolled his eyes, “I know, you’ve both made that abundantly clear. Besides, exams aren’t until June, I’ve got plenty of time to revise.”
She was too tired to argue with him, knowing that it was going to fall on deaf ears anyway, and instead went back to her notes. 
After a few minutes of Sirius drumming against the table, he leaned forward and tapped Remus with his foot.
“Mooooooony,” he sang, “I think you’ve studied enough, let’s find Prongs and swing by the greenhouses—“
“The greenhouses? For what?” She raised an eyebrow at him. Sirius hated Herbology, and he had always been very vocal about it.
He crouched lower towards the table, as if about to convey some big secret.
“I’m surprised you don’t know,” he whispered smugly, “Rumor has it, Richie Abbott’s been growing and selling muggle marijuana out of Greenhouse 3.”
“Richie Abbott?” Her jaw dropped, “Prefect, Richie Abbott?”
Sirius leaned back in his chair again, arms folded behind his head, “The very same.”
“And who did you hear this rumor from?”
He tipped the chair back on two legs, the old wood groaning slightly, “Some moody half-blood with a lunar affinity.”
Her head snapped to Remus, who was presently attempting to hide behind a textbook.
“Remus Lupin!” She hissed. He looked at her sheepishly from over the pages.
“Have you been buying drugs from my house Prefect?”
He cleared his throat uncomfortably, “I may have been…partaking in the horticultural excellence that is Hufflepuff House…”
“Do not play that game with me,” she closed the book on the table and began packing up her bag.
Remus grabbed his books and parchment, “Oh come on, don’t be upset! I just…needed to relax—it helps.”
Throwing the strap of her book bag over a shoulder, she turned to give him an incredulous look, “I’m not upset.”
“Could’ve fooled me…” Sirius grumbled.
“I’m annoyed that you didn’t ask me,” she said pointedly, watching as both of their faces slackened, “I know multiple housemates that grow, and I also know for a fact that Richie Abbott is a scheming arsehole and definitely overcharging you.” 
The two boys stared at her in disbelief, and before either could speak, she turned and strode down the shelves and left the library. 
She didn’t get far until they caught up, jogging up beside her outside the Artithmancy classroom. 
“We’re sorry—“ Remus breathed as she continued to walk through the crowds of students.
“You just want me to help you get better weed,” she squeezed in-between two groups of Ravenclaw third years.
“Of course we do!” Sirius threw his arms out, and Remus gave him a glare that said please shut the fuck up, “…but we’re also really sorry.”
She hummed as they rounded the Central Hall stairs, where she saw a familiar red head speaking to someone off to the side of the corridor. 
“Hey Lils,” she stopped beside her friend, happy for the distraction from the two morons trailing after her like needy puppies.
“Oh…hey!” Lily seemed nervous, and when the realization of who she was talking with sunk in, it all made sense.
Severus was sneering at them, eyes dragging to Remus and Sirius behind her.
“Oh Lily,” he patronized, “I’ll never understand why you still surround yourself with this…ilk.”
“Sev please,” Lily whispered, “they’re my friends.”
“Speak up Lils,” Sirius moved beside her, eyes narrowed at the Slytherin, “I don’t think Snivellus can hear you behind that layer of grease coating his head.”
Severus took half a step forward, “Watch yourself, blood traitor.”
Sirius didn’t back down, instead opening his mouth to retort.
“—Enough,” she grabbed his elbow and began to steer him towards the door at the end of the corridor.
“Always good to see you, Sirius. I’ll be sure to pass along your best to your family,” Severus called after them.
Sirius whirled around, breaking her grip, but Remus was there in an instant, pushing his friend around and through the door at the end of the hall. 
Outside in the courtyard, Sirius growled in frustration.
“What a fuckin’ slimy—“
“Don’t let him get to you, he’s just a pathetic little weasel,” she slipped her arm back through his again, steering him towards the glass building across the yard.
“Where are you headed?” Remus asked from behind, still wary of letting Sirius out of his sight.
She turned to glance at him from her peripheral, “The greenhouses.”
Sirius looked at her with raised brows, “I thought you were mad at us?”
“Oh I still am,” she smiled sweetly, “and the only thing that will fix it is to watch you two idiots buy overpriced dirt weed from a pompous pretty boy—” 
From behind, she heard Remus let out a low laugh. 
A smile grew slowly on her face, “—and if you’re nice, maybe I’ll share my top secret Hufflepuff contacts with you.”
Sirius grumbled something that sounded an awful lot like evil woman, making her grin wider.
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kindlyanni · 2 years
A damn long post of asks and replies
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Thank you! I'm glad it's something people want to read again! :3
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You're welcome! I hope you enjoy the comics even though the characters are a bit different from my fanart :'D
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Hell ye! I'd be happy to read and share it when it's out there! :) I'm glad I could provide inspiration!
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Haha thank you! It's been interesting to see so many people share and enjoy my fanart even though they have no idea what they're about :D As a creator it brings me lots of joy.
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Thank you!
Heh, I was thinking here that Dream's kinda mindlesslly fiddling with Hob's shirt collar and when Hob asks if he should remove it Dream takes a second to compose his answer because sure, he wouldn't mind the shirt coming off but he also doesn't want to seem too eager about that.
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I think the flowers are a neat way to show when someone is smitten. I felt like small hearts wouldn't be quite Hob so I drew small flowers instead.
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Oh gosh, thank you very much! I'm glad so many people liked the idea if Dream not wanna undress.
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Haha, thank you! Violet and purple are my favorite colors and I usually pick that when I start an illustration (I always sketch with a colored brush), and my art often ends up being purple. But it's also a very dream-like color (heh) so it fits well for The Sandman fanart :3
I actually struggled a bit with the long comic to make the colors cohesive so I just slapped a layer of purple with a color mode on every page and that sort of did the trick :''D Sometimes all it takes is to play around with the layer blend modes.
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Thank you so much! (p...please don't die, I take no responsibility;;)
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Thank you!
I don't do commisions, unfortunately. Not at the moment, at least.
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Sure! Cat pics are always welcome!
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cat!Dream has very Miette energy tbf!
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Yay, thank you so much!!
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Thank you, I'm glad to hear that! And hey, take your time. Webcomics can be a lot, and when mine's like 1000 pages lmao..... yeah. You don't have to start from the beginning, if you remember approximately where you left, just hop on chapter x from the archive and browse on a little bit. If you made it to Book 2 already, I think the beginning of it is a good place to hop on again. But things come and go in waves, the same is with enjoying webcomics or any media really. Don't feel bad, focus on what brings you joy in this moment.
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Haha, well I'm not gonna stop you ;D I'm glad you're enjoying it!! <3
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Maybe? Maybe not?? who knows.
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When I started Transfusions it was fun to have a vampire who's kinda fresh, still, because vampires are always like 300 years old or whatever in every other media. Plus I'm not a history nerd so I can't be bothered to be historically accurate and have people nag about how I got this and that wrong from period x. Looking back to 1960-1980 is relatively easy lol. And a punk vampire is funny.
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Thank you very much, I'm always glad to hear people finding and enjoying The Witch Door. I've kinda felt like struggling to find it it's audience since it's not BL and I worry if my brain is big enough to write this kind of a story. So comments like these are very reassuring and encouraging! Danke schön! :) (my back is doing better, thought it still gets achy if I sit for too long. Just gotta try to remember to exercise OTL)
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denieatsart · 1 year
《 Masterpost 》
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[ Commissions : Open ! ( Writing and Art ) , 5/5 slots free ]
Hi , welcome to my blog :D
I'm Deni ! My pronouns are any except she/her ! I'm a genderfaun omniromantic :3 .
[ Pronouns Page ]
Also , I'm a minor . So no NSFW pls -
I'm also known as Kyle , Pax , Fresh , or Corey / Coriander !
I rp a lot , feel free to dm me at any time :D
+ Art , writing , interactions with people , music , Undertale , PERCUSSION STUFFFFF , genloss , other miscellaneous things
× Arguments / confrontations , loud stuff ( usually )
DNI : Terfs , racists , homophobes , transphobes , bullies in general , etc.
I do not like all ships , but that does not mean I will hate on someone for a ship they like . Who cares if it's something distasteful to me , I block the tag or the person and move on , let them enjoy their stuff .
I will not allow any bullying or general rudeness to others on my blog for ANYTHING like that because it is pointless and annoying . ♡♡
[ Note that my blog IS very ship-and-oc-centric a lot of times ! I frequently post about my favorite miscellaneous ships and my silly little guys and also i tend to dump bunches of info about them ]
Tags :
#deni talks - My random posts . Almost all of my posts have this
#deni reblogs - My reblogs , which are usually on my reblog thing ( deni-reblogs ) ( both the tag and the blog are no longer used since this basically survives off of reblogs by now )
#deni draws - My art ! It changes a lot because I'm still trying to figure out my style ( i keep forgetting to post my art here wtf )
#deni is beinf an idiot - My random stupid stuff . It was a typo and I kept it lmao
#deni writes - My writing ! I also post my writing on my Ao3 ( DeniPercieves )
Generally any of my aus i post about will be tagged with their names but undercore is mentioned here since the warning is semi needed . #toxinverse also has very bright colors so please be careful !
#UnderCore - a dumspter fire of an au , a mashup of Wierdcore , glitchcore , dreamcore and a whole bunch of other stuff . TW FOR THIS TAG : A lot of the Night designs and even some Day ones will be unsettling . Will have tws but just in case :)
#not undertale for once - Like it says , my few non undertale posts . Those are usually my miscellaneous rambles or rants lmao
My Other Stuff
@Ask-toxinverse - My askblog for my sillies !
@ink-au-askblog - A collab blog to ask all of our ink aus ( i am on haitus BUT Onion is still there and please go check it out :33 )
@deni-reblogs - Like I said , what I reblog stuff to , usually bc i really like it and wanna look at it later
Denipercieves - My Ao3 , where I post the little things I write
@fever-dreamtale - blog where I post stuff / answer asks about fever!dreamtale
Other stuff :
I have anxiety so I am a bit nervous about commenting or sending in asks , so sorry if they sound a bit weird ! I sometimes have trouble wording things and end up rewording it a lot which makes it sound odd .
I also tend to be scared of starting conversations but feel free to send in asks / dm me i don't mind , i love people !! I'm just bad at starting convos lol
♡♡♡ Hope you have a good day ! ♡♡♡
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fosteredasis · 2 years
"It's hopeless, right?"
Alcina isn't the only one struggling with the way she feels.
“It hopeless…right?”
It was a warm evening in Romania, the leaves were slowly changing their color to match the autumn season. Claudia sat on the terrace outside her room as she soaked in the orange hues of the sunset. She was curled up in a light grey blanket as she nursed a cup of lavender tea. A book she couldn’t decipher rested against her lap, she took a few sipped as she pondered her thoughts.
To think I’ve lived here for almost seven years and I still I don’t know any Romanian! I haven’t been able to pick up anything but a few common phrases.
She held up the book in her lap and flipped back to the page she last visited, ‘Romanian-to-English translations’ the title read. Claudia rescanned the section with the words starting with the letter ‘d’.
“Draga…draga…draga…I still can’t find it! I swear that’s how its spelled, or maybe its dragea? I’m not completely sure but it definitely starts with a ‘d’. Alcina’s been calling me that for as long as I can remember and I still don’t know what it means.”
She furred her eyebrows as she concentrated on each word displayed on the page, groaning out of frustration when the unknown name refused to show itself. Claudia threw her head back and tossed the book to the end of the lounge chair in exasperation.
Ugghh, this is so dumb….
She dug the flesh of palm into her eye, rubbing harshly.
Why I am so infatuated with a woman I know will never want me; at least, not in the way I want her.
Claudia curled herself up tighter, knees meeting her chest as the sun morphed its way back into the ground.
Maybe if I was an aristocrat or came from a wealthy linage of people…maybe then she’d entertain the thought of being with me.
She didn’t mean to turn her peaceful night into such a melancholy affair but it seemed as if her feelings of self-doubt couldn’t help but make their appearance.
What am I doing here? I came to Europe to start a new adventure. To break free of everything that was weighing me down, to have a fresh start. To find myself. And so far all I have to show for these years is housework. I’ve worked in Castle Dimitrescu for six years and nine months…and for what? What am I doing? Waiting around desperately for the woman I work for to spare me an ounce of attention? Why would she sacrifice the reputation for her status …for me?
Claudia wiped a few stray tears from her face.
I’m nobody.
There was a knock at the door to her bedroom, she didn’t budge from her spot on the balcony. The door leading out to where she sat was slightly adjar but she couldn’t make out who was at the door. She figured she was too far away to guess the knock pattern. She took a deep breath and hoped whoever was on the other side of the door would mistake the silence for an empty room.
“Draga, are you in there?”
Claudia tensed at the sound of her voice, trying her best to level her breathing in order to stay undetected. She slouched deeper into her chair and tried to keep her focus on the view ahead of her. The door slowly creaked open and cautious footsteps made their way where the woman sat outside.
“Draga? Are you alright? I knocked on the door but received no answer.”
Claudia quickly wiped any remaining evidence of tears off her face before turning around to look at the woman behind her.
“I’m fine.”
She tried to respond with an unconvincing smile but Alcina wasn’t fooled. She didn’t want to pry and further upset the woman, but it made her heart ache to see Claudia in such a state. She was usually so happy. Showcasing her teeth and rosy cheeks to anyone she passed by. She was the light and guided Alcina through her darkest times. She wanted to be there for her, defeat whatever was troubling her. She wishes she could kiss the tears off her cheeks. Hold her until she was ready to speak of what was on her mind. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t be appropriate to do so. Instead she offered her company, taking a seat beside her as she gently caressed her hand.
“I’ll stay as long as you like draga.”
Claudia sniffled as she scooted closer to Alcina, curving her body to fit perfectly against the other woman’s side. She felt Alcina stiffed for a second, her skin feeling much warmer than Claudia’s the closer she got. She didn’t give it another thought as Alcina relaxed into her touch and easily reciprocated to affection. She slowly rubbed the side of Claudia’s leg, a comfortable silence filling the atmosphere as the two stayed wrapped against one another.
Claudia inhaled Alcina’s perfume, the rich scent always calmed her nerves. She took a glance up to admire the woman besides her. She looked as beautifully as always.
If she ever took the chance to get out of her own head maybe she would notice the truth behind Alcina’s appearance. The fresh press of her curls, makeup completely free of imperfections, a wrinkle free nightgown that hugged her curves and gave a slight peek to what lied underneath. The effort into the way she looks should be obvious. The amount of time she placed into herself just for the small chance that Claudia would notice and take a second glance. So her attention would remain on Alcina and not wonder off to other women. Wearing strong perfume in the hopes that her scent would linger onto her so other’s would think Claudia belonged to her. It was subtle things that she never picked up on. Too consumed in self-deprecation to notice the longing they shared for one another.
How can two people be so deeply in-love but fail to realize they harbor the same feelings for the other?
“Please stay.”
Claudia whispered meekly into Alcina’s shoulder. The taller woman held onto her tighter as she responded.
Despite the comfort, Claudia couldn’t help but feel…
There’s a short drabble to give some insight on Claudia’s feelings. Nothing better than the angst of two people in-love! Sorry it’s short and not very developed, it was written on a short break. I will be writing something good this weekend! Sweetest dreams ya’ll! :-)
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