#seriously this is some of the best acting I've seen in a long time and he doesn't say a word
cupparosielee · 7 months
One of the most heartbreaking moments in Dale's storyline is this tiny little scene after he tells Noelene to set up the interview with Kay.
He's just got back from waking up with The Fear (which Sam plays brilliantly, by the way) and sneaking out of that random guy's house.
He doesn't even look at himself in the mirror when he reaches the bathroom.
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Then when he does glance up at his reflection it's for such a brief moment and he looks absolutely disgusted with himself. He barely looks up at all, but for this one moment that he does he looks awful, and he looks down again so quickly. It's like he can't stand to look at himself.
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Then this next few seconds make me feel so uncomfortable every time I see them. He's brushing his teeth normally at first, but then it gets quicker and more aggressive to the point where it sounds like it has to be painful. You can hear the brush clattering off his teeth. It's horrible to watch.
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As the scene finishes he still won't look up at himself. He keeps his eyes down and he just looks defeated.
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The way I read this scene is him feeling so ashamed of sleeping with a man the night before that he's punishing himself for it. He's scrubbing himself clean because he can't stand the thought of what he's done. Everything about this little 30 second scene is riddled with guilt and shame and self loathing and it is so hard to watch.
So little happens but Sam's acting is so brilliant that you can really feel every thought going through Dale's head here.
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one day x lando norris pt 3
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this is a part of my series following one day of every summer from 2016 onwards in y/n’s and landos lives, exploring their friendship and love for one another. ofc not a smooth ride with some angst and fights along the way. a friends to lovers, growing up together kind of thing. read first part here pairing: lando norris x fem!reader summary of this part: y/n having a hard time adjusting to life at uni so she turns to her friend lando for comfort warnings: none? a little sad wc: 1,1k a/n: sorry it has been a while since posting, i've been finishing my masters thesis and processing lando's first win!!! yayyy :) BUT i'm going to upload more frequently now x
late summer of 2018
y/n was on the verge of tears, breathing heavily to calm herself as the outgoing facetime call echoed in her university dorm room. she was sat on the floor of the dark room with her back uncomfortably leaning against her bed.
”please, please, pleease lando pick up” she whispered desperately, praying that he wasn’t too busy preparing for another upcoming f2 weekend. seconds felt like minutes when the only person she wanted to talk to didn’t pick up his phone. y/n sighed and was about to end the call when the  deafening silence suddenly was cut with a loud and excited ”hellooo my smart girl!!”. in about two nanoseconds y/n could see that lando was at the gym training with jon, immediately regretting that she called.
”oh i’m sorry i can call you later” y/n said trying to sound as happy as she could in the state that she was in. but lando knew her from inside and out so her act wasn’t very convincing.
”hey y/n, what’s going on? are you okay?” lando said after processing the sight.
”yeah no it’s nothing.. i can call you when you’re done training” y/n said as she faked another smile. 
”y/n seriously you have a nice smile but you can’t convince anyone with that, i can see from miles away that something’s wrong. and however i’m done with training so i’m all yours” lando said with a concerned voice as he walked over to a private part of the gym. 
”thanks lan.. I, I just-” y/n whispered, looking away from the boy up to the ceiling to prevent any tears from developing. ”I just don’t fit in here lan.. it’s not at all what i thought it would be”
”oh darling.. i’m sorry to hear that”
”i just don’t know what to do, i haven’t even got any friends lando! how pathetic is that?? i’m surrounded with geeks and people with zero social skills who all have found friends but not me? ugh i just hate this place, i hate all these people..” 
the girl in his phone who had tried her best to keep it together bursted out into tears. ”you know how much i wanted this! i’ve always imagined that the university would be my thing, where i would find my place and blossom. but tell me how can i do that when all i manage to do is sit alone in classes, sit alone and eat and then go to my dorm to - surprise - sit alone on my bed being depressed.”
”i’m so sorry y/n..”
”…AND as the icing of the cake, not a single on of my friends are even close to fucking edinburgh - couldn’t somebody have prevented me from coming here? why didn’t i just stay in london where everybody else is? nooo, i just had to be special.” y/n sobbed as tears streamed down her face. 
”i ju-, just miss everyone so much lando. i miss my friends. i miss my family. i miss you. i miss you for not being five minutes from my home. i miss our drives and talks and laughs lando. it feels like i haven’t seen you in forever”
”i know y/n i miss you too, it has been too long since i saw you in any other place than my phone”
y/n wiped away her tears ”yeah.. i’m sorry i know you’re busy with everything in f2, i don’t mean to blame you for this.. i just miss your stupid hugs so damn much sometimes” she said as a small smile cracked upon her lips. 
”heey i didn’t know my hugs were that badly ranked” lando giggled receiving a laugh from y/n too. 
”and y/n?”
”hm?” ”why haven’t you told me that edinburgh is in a different timezone than london?” he asked.
”what? it isn’t? who tricked you into that?” y/n answered confused.
lando laughed, ”y/n look around you, it’s so pitch black in that room i can barely see you! the only thing my screen is picking up is your bleached teeth”
”lol lando it’s called depression” y/n laughed ”i’m always in depression-timezone, always hauntingly black surroundings, nothing for cheerful and life-enjoying boys like you” she joked.
”no, no, no let’s not go back to you being sad again, i just managed to make you happy again!!” lando proclaimed. 
”whoops sorry” she smiled ”no but seriously thank you lando, i really needed this. someone to vent to. but now i really have to go, i’m getting late to my class, even though i’m pretty sure no one’s missing me”
”stop it y/n, you’re missed, if not by your lame classmates then by me and all your friends and family”
”thanks lando, that’s very sweet of you. bye now” y/n smiled, this time genuinely. 
”bye darling”
hours later that night y/n was, like every other night, sat on her bed watching friends for the millionth time. her newly made tea was way too hot to drink so she put the mug on her bedside table. as she was on her way to snuggle back under her sheets watching her series she heard a knock from her door. y/n froze. without moving too much and making any noise she looked at the clock on her wrist. 23:38. after watching way too many documentaries she automatically drew the conclusion that it with most certainty was a killer of some sort. with this in mind she quietly picked up the nearest item to defend herself with, a hot cup of tea. 
it knocked on the door again. but it wouldn’t be possible for anyone to enter the building without anybody noticing, right? y/n calmed down a little bit, taking her phone with her to be able to call for help if it was needed. slowly she walked to her door and opened it. the sight in front of her was beyond what she had imagined. it was lando. there he was standing in her corridor in the middle of the night with a bouquet of flowers in one hand and 12-pack of pepsi max in the other. the sight made her revisit the memory of them meeting two years ago when he, with the same smirk on his face and a similar bouquet of flowers in his hand, won a bet against her leading to their first kiss. y/n smiled when she noticed the pepsi in his other hand, as he since that day in 2016 always provided her with the drink as some sort of consolation prize for the lost bet.
”i heard you were in need of a stupid hug” lando smiled
@amberpanda99 @phantomxoxo @landossainz @chezmardybum @lan4cha16
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appleblueberry-pie · 2 months
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Yandere GF Yuki +Yandere JJK Harem
A/N: Please just read these first few sentences if this is too long for you. I intended for Yuki and reader to have some sort of dom x sub relationship. Like it runs in her blood to be at least slightly masc. I've been fantasizing about this idea for much longer than I realize. But being able to do this with a literal bad bitch at the top of the OP podium is a dream come true and a treasure. Like I don't think you guys understand, I seriously think Yuki is for the girlies. I see so much queer potential in her, it's not even a joke(hence, the photo). The Yandere Harem includes briefly mentioned Platonic Yanderes(Yuji and Nobara) and more in depth juggling of the mentions of the Romantic Yanderes(Yuki being the main, and the rest taking whatever crumbs they can take. So, Shoko, Gojo, and Nanami). I feel like this isn't going to be organized whatsoever because I usually just write whatever with no kind of order, soooo......idk.
Yuki was all you needed in a person, in your opinion. No one knew you better besides her. You knew her and she knew you. If you could, you'd stay in her arms until your muscles hurt from staying in the same position for so long, and maybe then, you'll be molded together for eternity. That's how much you love her. But of course, her infatuation with you is so much more than a slight obsession for the one you are closely connected to. Everyday when she sees you, she feels both of your spirits connecting. When you two approach each other from different sides of a room, both of your cursed energy seem to blend together like food scents combining to make one sweet aroma. Two separate things colliding so well together.
She can't even fathom the idea of you not being hers. She can't think of a moment where you'd ever leave her either. Her confidence in your devotion and love towards her continues to sooth her mind and body. And she wishes it was just the two of you on this planet, but of course, people try to break you two apart every day. She tries not to mind it, knowing how to handle these types of situations and knowing you know how to hold your own as well. But it seems like everyone loves to test her patience.
Speaking of patience, everyone can tell Gojo was quickly running out of patience that somehow still remained in his body. You two have been together for four years, why haven't you broken up yet?! Not a single one of his relationships lasted this long. Ever. But you two continue to stare at each other as if the other created the sky and water. It's supposed to be you and him doing that. Not you and her. It's not fair and he was getting mad again just staring at the two of you. He tried everything. He tried to give his best flirts with you, tried to get you alone, which worked a few times, but you stayed strong and continually told him no. Fuck, he even fought Yuki. But you found the two of them battling to the death and he'd seen you so angry, he had to step back. The way you stared at him is a face he never wanted directed at him ever again, so he stopped trying to intervene. Only sticking to the waiting game, and it was taking too long.
Nanami was better at waiting. He was better at staying in his place, staying quiet, acting innocent and holding up face. But even he wanted to step out of line to see what it takes to get you to pay attention to him. To get you into his arms. He used to bring the two of you coffee every morning when you showed up at work together, struck conversation with the both of you, spoke with Yuki more than he did with you to try and steer away possibilities that he was trying to get at you. He thought he was good at what he did. It shook him to his core, disturbed him, when he was pulled into a dark room by you-know-who and was asked of his real intentions. "What? Did you want a threesome? Trying to break us up?" She taunted him, telling him he was just like Gojo, trying everything in his power just to get at her girlfriend. Told him it was obvious when he stared from across the room, crossing his legs to hide his boner like a teenage boy. She laughed in his face and cornered him into a wall, threatening to tear out his jugular. "She likes you more than the other rats scattering around us." But he knew better than to assume that would ever be a green light to continue with his tricks. She told him to keep silent like he usually is, and he won't lose the only life he has. He gave up.
Yuki and Ieri formed an alliance. If she keeps an eye out to protect you from the horndogs that constantly surround you, she can talk with you as much as she desires(as much as Yuki allows her to). But in your eyes, Shoko is a weird case. Because you see her more than you do the rest of the men at Jujutsu Tech. And even though Yuki always tells you to watch out for Shoko, she only lets you freely hang around her more than everyone else. You assumed they spoke of something alone because Yuki almost always pulls her away to have a secret conversation about something you can't ever think up an answer for. Shoko was great to you though. Always gave you snacks, was hilarious and knew how to make you laugh. She never smoked around you, saying she doesn't want you to breathe in the flames. And not only that, she flirts with you constantly. But Yuki never seems to care much when it happens. Maybe they became friends not too long ago...? You can't put your finger on it.
It doesn't help that she likes to show you off. It really doesn't help. Often, everyone follows the both of you to get a chance to talk to you. But when she's right there as your guard dog, it brings their chances back down to a zero. And they would just push her away and bribe someone to just throw her in the ditch, but Yuki isn't just a regular shmegular person to fuck around with. She is, in fact, a special grade sorcerer who would fold a good 85% of the sorcerers in her area if she were pushed to do so. So, you are just a beauty to see from afar.
Complimenting your cute outfit before the two of you go somewhere in town, making you spin, squeezing your ass and making you laugh. Kissing your sweet lips and being able to breathe in your scent. They see it all and can't help but fucking fume at not being able to have you. They probably won't ever have you.
Yuki also wishes you'd stop talking to the brats that constantly berate you. Nobara and Yuji are constantly in your space like little puppies excited to see their owner after a long day. Nobara will whine excessively if you are about to be pulled away, or is pulled away. You love to give her hugs and even little gifts that you know she's wanted for a long time. Yuuji consumes every snack you give him in exactly one second, and you tell him every time to please chew it slowly(he never does). He has such convincing puppy eyes and requires you to stay with him for an extra three minutes, which for each minute, Yuki plans to threaten him to leave you alone(they almost fight every time). You treat those two as if they were your children and people can't help but feel extremely jealous every time. Of course you give the younger ones affection, of course they get your snacks, attention and loving. And of course they get the OK to do it because they're young. It makes everyone else sick to their stomach with anger.
Her biggest concern right now is you're telling her about your new friend you've made(that she can't find and stalk for some reason). You say he has long and healthy hair, is very sweet to you and you two talk about religion all of the time and that he has very interesting "political" views. She knows he's a sorcerer because she can smell it on you every time you come back from an outing alone. She knows that this asshole wants you and makes it known by bringing you back to her smelling completely different and she can see his lingering energy surrounding you. It pisses her off. She's definitely gonna have to do something about it.
Anyways. Yuki has it best, obviously. Her only goal is to get you out of sorcery and to just become hers full-time. Not like you need anything else to worry about besides her. I mean, she could just provide for you entirely. She tells you every day that you're lucky that she doesn't have a real dick, because things would definitely be different if so. It makes you squirm happily and she loves teasing you about it every time with her wolfish grin. She knows she'd get some soon if she says it with that playful and hungry tone you love.
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daisybianca · 9 months
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pairing: lewis hamilton x femalereader
summary: lewis gives you secretly his number. you're hesitant to call him at first, but when you do, things get a little much more interesting.
warning: mentions of sexual activities, cursing words
(a/n): this is part one. Here's part two and part three.
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YOU WERE STANDING in the loud crowd of people. Each one of them holding out a shirt, a picture, or a shirt to sign, including you.
You held out a white hat with a Mercedes emblem on it, hoping Lewis would notice it.
When he finally reached you, he looked at you for a few seconds and smiled.
What the...?!
He signed the hat and moved into the next person.
And when you turned around ready to leave, you looked down at your hat, seeing a phone number written on it.
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"My best friend is a total idiot," your best friend shouted from the balcony of your apartment.
"Stop calling me an idiot!" You climbed out of bed. "Or at least try to be discreet with your very generous opinions about me and get your ass inside! I've got some deliciously hot neighbors who don't particularly need to know everything about me."
"Have you even been listening to me this whole time that I've been lecturing you about matters of life and death?" She sighed dramatically.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes. "A random guy giving me his number isn't a matter of life a death, if you ask me."
"Did you just call Lewis Hamilton a random guy? My husband of nine years?"
"Oh, stop acting like a blushing schoolgirl," You brought your fingers to your temple and massaged the flesh there as if the movement could erase the brutal headache. "Besides, you dragged me to that race. Maybe it's your chance to hook up with your crush-since-for-ever!"
Your best friend's eyes narrowed. "What are you suggesting, filthy woman?"
"You shoukd call him. I'll give you his number right away." You strolled to find your back, but a habd found your wrist, stopping you.
"You're a mad woman. That's a fact."
You fake smiled. "Stop complimenting me that much. I don't think red suits on my cheeks."
"I swear, you're insane. The only reason I'm still by your side is because until 11th grade, you had my back when I sneaked out for parties, hooking up with whoever had a penis and a 6 pack."
You turned to face your best friend, hands in your hips and lips tightly shut together.
"You're seriously going to turn down this offer?" She asked.
"I wouldn't exactly call it an offer."
Your best friend rolled her eyes. "Yes. I'd call it stupidity, actually!" She waved her hands dramatically in the air. "THE Lewis Hamilton flirted with you, and you didn't even notice. Then he gave you secretly his number, and you're freaking going to ignore it?!"
"And what am I supposed to do about it? He's just a normal guy. Don't make him look like he's some God himself."
"First of all, yeah. Lewis is a God himself. He's mouth-watering hot, almost an 8 times champion, has a very cute dog, an 8 pack to stare at all day long, and much, much money," your best friend explained. "You should definitely call him. At least try to figure out why he gave you his number." She added in a calmer tone.
You exhaled and grabbed the white hat curled up under the sheets of your king sized bed. Gazing at the number, you then bit your lips. "Fine," you gave in. "But I'll call him tomorrow so that I don't seem much desperate, okay?"
"He was the one to make a very, very bold first move, and now you're afraid of embarrassment?!" She growled. "Come on! We only live once. Live some adventure, have some great sex, and experience a true love! I haven't seen you going head over heels for someone except that John guy in college."
"It hasn't been a long time since college," you said, contemplating whether you should count the years or not. You choose the second one. "I'll call him tonight. But don't think I'm doing it because I'm actually interested! I'm doing it exclusively for you." You explained, playing with the hem of your summer blue dress. "He probably is an attention freak who only dates supermodels."
"Baby, I assure you," your best friend came and sat next to you, her hand wrapping around you and caressing your cheek. "Supermodels would kill to look like you."
A smile appeared on your lips, and you gazed at your best friend. She always had a special eay about cheering you up and getting you out of your moody and grumpy vibe.
"Tonight." You said.
This has many potential to go wrong, you thought.
You didn't like wrong. You like safe and steady. But what if your best friend was actually right? (For the very first time of your 20 years old friendship.)
"Tonight." She repeated and smirked.
You turned your head and analyzed the hat with the calligraphic black numbers on it.
This couldn't get any more embarrassing.
You let out a long, deep, and shaky breath, then dialed the number.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Three beebs later, a male voice answered the call. "Hello?" The tone was familiar and harsh, but you couldn't be entirely sure that it was him.
"Hey," your voice came out steady, much to your surprise.
"Who is it?" The man replied and now you were sure it was him.
The British accent.
"Um, I noticed a number written on my hat that you signed and--"
"You're the girl from the race?" He interrupted you very much, complicated thoughts that would sooner turn into much more complicated words.
"Yes," you replied hesitantly. "Maybe one of them, at least. In case you gave your number to a few more girls for fun."
A laughter sounded. It was bried but somehow contagious. "I assure you, love, I don't usually spread my number across my fans' hats and shirts."
Your senses kicked in, and the temperature rised in your body.
"So, why was I the chosen one?" You asked.
"Oh," Lewis growled. "Maybe I could answer that question face to face." He said and then added a few moments later, "Join me for dinner tonight, will you, love?"
You laughed. "Isn't it kind of early for us to meet?"
"I'm not going to kidnap you, I promise." You could basixally hear him smile on the other line. "You can bring a friend of your for more safety." He suggested.
"So that it could be two of us to be kidnapped, right?"
There was a moment of silence. "Not sure about that." He spoke a few seconds later. "I only want you to be honest."
You smiled.
Is he flirting with me?
Of course he's flirting with you, you idiot!
"Are you asking me out on a date?" You asked.
"Yes." He replied instantly. "I couldn't wait another torturing hour, anticipating a call or a text from you."
"Okay. I'm in then."
"What about tonight at 9 pm?" He asked.
It was about 7, so you guessed there was plenty of time to get ready.
"Yes, that'd be great." You smiled.
"Perfect. May I pick you up myself at nine?"
"I'm surely capable of driving my own car, don't you think?" You laughed.
"Maybe," he said. "But why actually do it if I can drive for you? I'll come pick you up myself, I promise."
"No cops, no kidnappers?" You joked.
"I promise."
Lewis Hamilton would drive for you...?
"Okay, then." You spoke. "See you tonight, Lewis. I'll text you the address."
You went to end the call, but he stopped you before tapping the red button. "Wait, wait--"
"What's your name, love?"
Your heart roared in your chest and your cheeks reddened.
You adored that nickname.
"Actually, this was the first thing that I would mention to a guy, but love sounds much better, don't you think?"
Lewis laughed. "Tell me your name, and I promise I'll use love every single time instead of it."
"Okay," you said. "I'm (y/n)."
A moment of silence occurred again. "Prettier than love, honestly."
"Maybe, but not when you're the one to say it." You smiled. "You know, that British accent can actually kill."
"Hmm," his voice sounded from the other line. "Weird thing. That is exactly what I could tell about your eyes, as well."
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wildgeese98 · 4 months
So Alice is pretty annoying sometimes. She's constantly antagonizing people, often takes jokes a bit too far, tries to be a smart ass when it's really not the time. She's good at finding exactly the right thing that will aggravate someone the most.
However, I don't think she's acctually mean or socially inept. I wouldn't say she's fully putting on an act but I do think she is very deliberate about how she behaves towards everyone in the office. I think she has figured out how to survive this job and part of that is purposely keeping everyone at an arms length.
Alice is adamant about not getting invested in the cases. I think she doesn't want to get too invested in the people she works with either. So she rides this line between being funny so no one takes her very seriously and antagonistic enough that no one wants to get too close to her.
This is probably a reaction to the stuff she's seen working at the OIAR for so long. She's seen people "go weird" and she can't afford to get dragged down with anyone. Even Sam despite their history.
I've been wondering why Alice is still at the OIAR. Her and Lena were the ones who didn't have clear reasons. After this second phone call with her brother it seems like she's probably financially supporting him to some degree. Alice most likely, is still here for the same reason most people stay as shitty jobs, she needs money and this is the best, most stable options she has.
So over time Alice has figured out how to survive in a job that many others couldn't handle. She just straight up refuses to get invested, does her best not to get close to anyone, and goes to some length to make sure no one expects too much from her. So when someone starts threatening the status quo she reacts intensely because she has worked hard to establish it.
I'm really interested to see how she's going to react when shit starts to go down. How her and Sam's relationship will be effected when he inevitably fucks around too much and brings trouble down on all of them. And I wanna know what she's seen that's got her so scared.
Note: I edited the second paragraph of this because I didn't like the way I'd phrased things.
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terapsina · 9 months
Now that the writers and actors strike is about to begin being felt (and as we wait for those greedy billion dollar companies who are refusing to negotiate fair pay and conditions to give up) here's 10 of my favorite (all around best) fully finished older series you should definitely check out if you haven't watched.
I mean it, these are the shows with continuously great writing and a satisfying endings that manage to actually deliver on their promises.
1. Leverage - (containing 5 seasons, or 77 episodes) - trailer here.
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Hitter, Hacker, Grifter, Thief and Mastermind. Heists and cons. Stealing from the rich and giving to their victims. They provide... leverage.
Meant for anyone who enjoys bad guys being the best good guys, who will burn down the lives of evil CEOs and then gloat in the background. Very satisfying.
Hands down the best example of a found family trope I've ever seen on screen. Barring none.
2. Killjoys - (containing 5 seasons, or 50 episodes) - trailer here.
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Space Bounty Hunters. Another case of found family trope. Bisexual space princess assassin. Quippy sentient ship. Green alien goo. Evil lesbians (but like... in a good way). The warrant is all.
More seriously though, it's a story about three killjoys and the bounties they go after. Initially. And then they have to save the entire Quad from some very terrifying... stuff.
Contains one of the best friendships I've ever seen on television.
3. Orphan Black - (containing 5 seasons, or 50 episodes) - trailer here.
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Found family trope but with clones.
Low level grifter sees a woman who looks exactly like her kill herself and plans to take over her identity long enough to cash out. Except then there's two other women who also look exactly like her. And apparently they're all clones and someone's killing them.
Enter a global conspiracy. Human experimentation. Lots of clone shenanigans. Some serial killings. And a few murders 💖.
4. Person of Interest - (containing 5 seasons, or 103 episodes) - trailer here.
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Okay I'm beginning to see how I might have a found family trope issue.
Former CIA agent gets recruited by a reclusive billionaire computer programmer who developed a... machine that can predict acts of terror before they happen. But it also predicts 'irrelevant' acts of violence that will result in someone's death.
Unless someone interferes.
I'd really like to spoil some stuff to get you all to watch this one. But I'm going to maintain self control and just mention that early on they get a dog named Bear. Bear is a very good boy. Watch it for Bear.
Also for excellent commentary on rights of privacy, government surveillance and what does 'greater good' even mean? But mostly Bear.
5. 12 Monkeys - (containing 4 seasons, or 47 episodes) - trailer here.
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The very best time travel show out there. What starts out as a confusing mess of causality basically exploding, by the end of the series all makes complete and total sense.
(when that final timey-whimey loop slid into place and revealed the entire pattern it was like a choir of angels started singing in the back of my head. It was freaking glorious).
Anyway, a man from a post apocalyptic future travels into the past to stop a plague from decimating nearly the entire world population.
He has the name of the man who released the virus and it's supposed to be a single trip. One trip. One bullet. Simple. Done.
Except then things keep escalating, and escalating until time begins eating its own tail and it might start looking like the end of the world might be a better ending than erasing all of time and space from reality.
Because when our guys screw it up, they screw it up GOOD.
And oh yeah... found family.
6. The Good Place - (containing 4 seasons, or 53 episodes) - trailer here.
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A self-proclaimed Arizona dirtbag opens her eyes and finds out that she's dead and got accepted in the Good Place. Except that as soon as she arrives the Good Place starts glitching, and she really, REALLY needs to become a better person before she can be found out and kicked out to the Bad Place.
Luckily her assigned soulmate was a professor of ethics and moral philosophy.
One of the funniest, most thoughtful and clever comedies I've ever watched. Ever. The characters are delightful and by the time the final minute rolled around I had sobbed my heart out multiple times (which, as we all know, is a sign of the very best comedies out there).
As for the question of whether or not this too contains Found Fami- Yes! Obviously, yes.
7. Avatar: the Last Airbender - (containing 3 seasons, or 61 episodes) - intro here (couldn't locate the trailer but it's basically the same thing in this case).
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The four nations lived in harmony. Until the Fire Nation attacked.
It's been a hundred years since the beginning of the war when two kids from the Southern Water Tribe find a boy frozen in ice and wake him up. A boy who's able to bend all four elements... though not very well.
Enter multi-nation flying road trip (thank you Appa, we love you most of all) as they try to find teachers for the Avatar and save the world.
Includes found family (shut up), amazing fight scenes, the most heartfelt and vivid characters ever, and the best example of a redemption arc actually done well.
8. Love Between Fairy and Devil - (containing 1 season, or 36 episodes) - trailer here.
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This one gutted me. I'm saying this as a compliment. But it had to be said. Completely destroyed me. I just haven't been the same.
A love story between an Orchid Fairy and the leader of the Moon Tribe that starts out with her accidentally releasing him from millennia long imprisonment and then takes you through the caleidoscope of all possible human emotions (it's a body-swap comedy through the first part, then a romcom, then a dramatic romantic tale, and finally a tragic love story).
But it's such a satisfying slow burn.
And it carries this... humanity through the whole thing that makes it so visceral.
If you're a romantic who's very tired of instalove and characters dropping all their morals because 'ooh, attractive person' then you've got to watch this. Because this story does NOT take the easy road there.
(my more extensive rec for this series can be found here)
9. Star Wars: The Clone Wars - (containing 7 seasons, or 133 episodes) - fanmade trailer here (it was better than any of the official ones).
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This series did so much. Introduced Ahsoka Tano, and made us love her. Gave names and faces and souls to the Clone Troopers (okay, it's the same face but you know what I mean), to a point where their endings during Order 66 destroyed me just as much as the ending of the Jedi Order. And somehow made me both love Anakin AND be a million times more angry with him.
There are some arcs in this series that might be a bit weaker. But there were some... god, there's a reason I love Clone Wars more than any other series or trilogy in this universe. And I'm not even a little ashamed to say it.
Must watch for Disaster Lineage shenanigans; for the vod'e; AND for the Jedi (who did their best okay? They always did their best 😭💔).
(and on the subject of found family... do I even need to comment)
10. Nikita - (containing 4 seasons, or 73 episodes) - trailer here.
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A rogue assassin that escaped Division - covert government agency that takes recruits out of prison, fakes their deaths and then forces them to become spies and assassins - has come back to take it down. Brick by brick if she has to. With guns and explosives too when that works better.
Contains soooo many cool fight scenes. Is full of incredible characters you'll fall in love with (and hate with) very quickly. And most of all has an incredibly complex relationship of mentorship and friendship between two women that holds both great admiration and betrayal, real care and love as well as rage and hatred, forgiveness, mutual respect and an unbreakable kind of bond that so very rarely involves even one female character on TV, let alone two.
(as usual, found family tropes up the wazzoo).
In conclusion. We all know there's going to be a large space between seasons of our favorite shows now (and some shows that aren't going to survive it). Let's fill that space with some excellent TV we haven't had a chance to see yet.
And direct the blame for the wait towards the right place (i.e. the studios).
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cloudsmateria · 4 months
leon kennedy x reader / college au
summary: you and your best friend leon had gone off to university, too busy to see each other for the longest time you'd both been away. you eventually find the time to meet up, getting drunk and acting on some building up feelings :3
warnings: start of a smut, alcohol, not proof read idk its kind of a shit ramble that i didn't put much cohesive effort into but it's quite cute so i posted it
anyway, i’ll probably do the smut in p2
words: 2.7k
It had been a month since you last saw Leon. Ever since you started law school, and he got into his cop training program both of your schedules had been stacked, despite you both still living in the same city the 45-minute commute to each other's homes was too much. As your best friend, you both managed to call each other every other night, confiding about whatever stupid experiences you both had in your new lives.
Tonight, you finally were able to agree on him coming to your apartment tonight, as you finally managed to get all work out of the way to have a fully free weekend off. You didn't realise how excited you were for his arrival until he texted you he was at the door. You sprinted through the halls and threw the door open.
"Leon!" You shout, jumping onto him and wrapping your arms around him.
"Y/n." He smiled, hugging you back.
“I haven’t seen you in way too long.” 
“We saw each other on Facetime last night.” You finally pull away with a smile. 
“You won’t even let me have a moment to be sweet.”
“It weirds me out, you're impossible to take seriously.” He rolls his eyes in response as he walks into your apartment, falling onto your couch, you sit next to him, kicking your legs up and leaning your head against his shoulder. “Did you wanna order takeout?”
“I wanted to go out. Haven’t left my apartment to explore the city since I joined the training academy. But we’ll just stay in here for a few minutes, catch me up, then we can go outside and do dumb shit.”
“Catch you up on what?” You laughed. “You’ve been my virtual therapist for the past month. Let’s talk about you. Show me what you learnt in your training or something, entertain me.”
“You’re right, you’ve talked too much, your voice gives me a headache.” You slap his chest and he lets out a light laugh, grabbing your wrists and pulling you over him to lay on his chest. “Get comfortable first, it’s long.”
“Doubt it.”
“You have it easy. This training is just as physically draining as it is mentally.”
“It shows. You’ve grown a lot since I last saw you.” You say, tracing your finger up his arm that has noticeably grown in size, and he’s already been going gym since he was 15.
He laughs. “You must've missed me bad, I’ve never seen you this nice.”
“What’s the training like?”
“I’m at the top of the class right now but the coaches are fucking evil, 4 people have already left.” He rambles on about the jarring people he’s met and the few friends that he’s made until the story is over and he gets up regretfully as he loses the weight of your body on top of him. You go into your room to change as you are still in pyjamas, getting into a skirt with a baggy sweater you wore a little too much.
“Is that my jumper?” Leon asked as you walked out. “Is it? I've had it for ages." He steps closer and snorts when he gets a closer look, flipping the back to see the label.
"You stole this from me last year."
"You mean I borrowed it indefinitely."
"I could arrest you."
"I'd like to see you try your best, trainee. It looks better on me anyway, finders keepers."
"What if I took it back off you?"
"You'd have to catch me first."
"I'm pretty fast."
"Not as fast as me." You grin before pushing him and sprinting out of your apartment, the sound of his footsteps trailing behind you.
"You think you can lose me?!" He taunted.
"I've done it before!" You shout back, running down the stairs of the apartment complex, and out into the streets, almost losing your breath from how much you were laughing. Suddenly, he sped up to an ungodly speed, picking you up when he caught up and throwing you over his shoulder. "Oh my god! What do they feed you in training?!" You yell, slapping his back.
"Mostly protein." He says, sarcastically.
"Are you gonna put me down or carry me around the city like a caveman?"
"I’ll drop you."
"Don't even joke about that." He laughs.
"Fine, fine, I won't." He puts you down and you both start walking around the city, looking for a corner store to get into.
"Let’s get wasted." You say, pointing to a small corner store.
"You’re so irresponsible." He said, going into the store and coming back out with soda and a bottle of vodka, he popped it open instantly when he came out, taking in a mouthful without wincing, passing it over to you straight after as you both walked down the street.
"I found this nice spot, it's 5 minutes from here."
"You didn't tell me about this when we were on Facetime."
"I was hoping to show you in person, I haven't told anyone else about it." You say, taking a mouthful of the burning liquid, coughing slightly, and passing it back over.
"Well, lead the way."
After a few minutes, you were standing on the roof of an abandoned, bordered car park with a pretty view of the river that ran through the city. You already had a wooden bench up there that you took as someone left it on the side of the road.
"How did you find this?" Leon asks.
"I just went on a walk one day and saw the entrance was bordered up and decided to explore, no-one ever comes up here." You said, leaning against the rails. "How much have we drank?"
"About a quarter of the bottle. Do you want more?" He asked.
"Yeah." He passes it over to you. "Do you remember the time we broke into that abandoned hospital near our high school?"
"And you freaked out when you thought that fake skeleton was real.."
"You're never gonna let that go are you?"
"We had to climb out of the window and I had to catch you before you fell to your death. Of course, I'm not going to let it go, you owe me."
"What do you want then? A drink?”
"I can pay for my own drinks and I just paid for yours." He said signalling to the bottle in your hand.
"You get to continue to enjoy my lovely company, that's all I owe you."
"Good enough." He sighed, taking a swig. The both of you sit around, both of you talking each other's ears off until he makes a suggestion.
"We should play a game."
"What's the game?"
"Truth or dare."
"Yes! I don't remember the last time we played this. Truth."
"Any crushes yet?"
"Honestly, not really. There are some cute guys in my uni but I'm just too busy with work. Truth or Dare."
"I dare you to finish the bottle."
"No problem." He said, finishing the bottle, and dropping it on the ground. You laughed at him, knowing he's going to be out of his mind later.
“You’ve been going to too many parties.” You say, watching in astonishment. “This is definitely some pretence for a future alcohol problem.”
“You’re gonna be the reason for my future alcoholism.”
“To be fair you are the type to become an alcoholic over a girl.”
“You’re that girl. You’re the most annoying thing in my life and I can’t get rid of you.” 
You hit his arm.
“You hit me too. Can’t get worse.” You roll your eyes with a smile.
“Seriously, you got anything going on with any girls?” You ask, feeling a bit of tension rise. He gives you a knowing grin. “Because I love gossip, don’t get any ideas.”
“Yeah, her name is Sienna. Funny girl, might ask her out soon.” You nod, questionably annoyed. “I’m joking. God. You look like you’ve seen a ghost, got something you wanna tell me?”
“The alcohol is just hitting.” You say. “Don’t get so full of yourself. You know I wouldn’t get with you if you were the last man on earth.”
“Yeah, right.” He smiles amusedly, a plan in mind. “Truth or dare, y/n?”
"Kiss me." Your heart stops.
"I'm not kissing you."
"You have to."
“Do I?”
“Never took you for a girl who’d pussy out on a dare.”
You sigh.
"You have some sick satisfaction out of tormenting me." You say, standing up and straddling his thighs. Fuck. You can feel the thick muscles of his shoulders as you rest your hands upon them. 
"You have no idea." You stare at him with a small frown.
"You're so lucky I'm drunk." You lean in slowly, feeling his fingers trace over your skin, sending goosebumps all over your body. You're just a few centimetres away from his lips, your lips parting, your heart thumping, his gaze dropping down to your lips. Suddenly, you hear him quietly laugh as you start to close your eyes.
"I'm not actually going to kiss you." He says.
"You don't have to kiss me, it was a joke."
"Oh god." You sigh, faceplanting into his shoulder.
"You're so cute." He snorts, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"I think you’re the one who’s gonna make me an alcoholic." You mumble. 
“Come on, let’s go back to your apartment before you jump off the railings.” He says, letting you get off.
"You're evil." You say once you get to the ground.
"And you're so gullible. How is someone supposed to not take advantage of that?"
"Now you’re showing your true colours, you’re going to regret saying that." You say as menacing as you can, before tripping up from how tipsy you were, just for him to grab the back of your sweater to keep you upright.
"Keep threatening me, I love it."
“Freaky bastard.”
“You have no idea.” He says, grabbing your hand to speed you up for you to trip again, he laughs as you manage to catch yourself. “Do you need me to carry you?”
“No thanks.”
“Too bad because I want to get back in a timely manner.” He says, wrapping his arm around the back of your knees and carrying you off. You weren’t going to complain. 
“Are you not drunk?”
“I’m drunk. I just have more spatial awareness than you.” He carries you the quick 5 minutes to your house. Managing to walk all the way up the stairs with you still in his arms, his stamina was kind of hot, or maybe those were just drunk thoughts. 
He sets you down on your couch, getting you both a glass of water to put on your side table. 
"I didn’t say this but I took some judo classes." You say, just letting whatever dumb shit stumble out your mouth as you take a sip from the glass.
"Did you now?" He says sarcastically.
"We should spar."
"You never fail to surprise me with your stupid ideas." He says while watching you get up. "Are you that confident?"
"You're scared, that's why you're trying to chicken out." He pushes himself up off the couch.
“You’re going to hurt yourself.” He says, watching you hype yourself up, jumping up and down.
“Come on, let’s go.”
“Come at me then.” He said, fully intending to go easy on you. You quickly try to tackle him onto the floor, wrapping your leg around him to drop him, and to his shock he falls onto his back, leaving him groaning and rubbing his back. “I didn’t think you were being serious.”
“Fuck yeah! Told you you’d regret it!” You shout, jumping up, he grabs your leg and pulls it down making you fall over him, rolling over so that you were pinned down by your wrists.
“How cute, Leon.” You smile, tucking feet underneath him onto his chest and launching off you and getting up. You usually weren’t this successful given you’d only gone to 2 classes, the drunkenness definitely provided you some much-needed confidence. He laughs breathlessly from the rollercoaster you just put him through, resting on his wrists for a second before standing up with you. 
“You wanted me to show you what I learnt in training right?” He says, as you rub your hands together mischievously. You run toward him, him holding both of your hands when you try to push him, pushing against each other as he swipes both your feet from under you and pins you to the floor, his shins pressing on your thighs to make sure you don’t pull the same trick again. Both of you are still breathing heavily from the high of the last round. 
 "You should give up now." He whispers, lacing his fingers in between your own.
"You should know better." You whisper back, smiling. His eyes drop down to your lips, his head fogged as the alcohol in his system starts to kick in more.
"What if I don't?" He leans in, brushing his lips over yours, your stomach fluttering, you were so glad you were drunk. You never would've come up with this idea if you were sober.
"What are you doing, Leon?" 
"Beating you up.”
"You're drunk."
"So are you." He replies, connecting your lips. The kiss is slow and soft. Not how you expected a drunk make-out to be. His lips part and your tongue meet his, the both of you letting out quiet sounds as the kiss gets more heated, his body weight shifting down. His arms wrap around your waist, under your jumper as he stands up with your legs wrapped around him. "We shouldn't be making out on the living room floor." He says and presses his lips against yours again. You were already a little light-headed from the alcohol, his lips trailing down your jawline, your neck, the soft breaths of his breath against your skin, it was almost dizzying. His foot pushes your bedroom door open and he places you down on the bed his lips still all over and his fingers lifting the jumper over your head. He trails his fingers over the waistband of your skirt.
"How much did you miss me?" He breathes against your lips.
"More than anything."
"How much did you miss me, Leon?"
“I was going insane." He whispers, his fingers slipping into your underwear, sliding them off and throwing them across the room. He sits up, taking his shirt off.
"Now that's just the alcohol talking."
"It's not, the time away made me realise something I should've ages ago." He said, leaning back over and kissing you. His hand trailed back down under your skirt, a finger gliding over your slit, a soft moan coming from his lips.
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yanderes-galore · 1 month
HI- I know I'm super late- But I hoping I could get this in- I was hoping for Y!Kugo Sakamata from MHA, romantic Hc's and if it's too late please go head and ignore this
It's been a bit since I've seen MHA and I don't recall Gang Orca having a big role plot-wise. Despite this, I'll try my best to write him using the personality I found on the wiki. I hope you like the HCs I came up with regardless, even if they aren't intense.
Yandere! Kugo Sakamata/Gang Orca Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Overprotective behavior, Possessive behavior, Animalistic behavior, Animal-like courting, Violence, Stalking, Brief blood mention, Dubious relationship
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According to what I've read, Kugo is a calm and focused Pro Hero.
He's friendly and good towards his fellow Pro Heroes.
Although when he was pretending to be a villain, he can put on a cruel and ruthless persona to fit the role.
He likes to see students improve in UA and learn from their own mistakes.
He takes teaching seriously.
Under the intimidating appearance, Kugo is actually quite soft.
He would be this way with his beloved, too.
I like to think due to his quirk he displays orca-like courting with his obsession, even if he doesn't mean it.
I'm talking like... he makes small vocalizations towards you when he holds you and stuff like that.
Kugo may be possessive with you, too.
I actually imagine most heroes who have animal quirks act like that animal at times.
In terms of how you could've met Kugo, maybe you're a new Pro-Hero or are working alongside him in some way.
His obsession starts as just him wanting to watch over you and protect you as a fellow ally.
It's then his feelings would develop once he realizes he isn't staying professional.
For example, when around you he makes small clicking sounds when talking to you.
Or when you're talking with someone else, especially someone you may have an interest in, he seems oddly moody or aggressive.
Others are a bit concerned about it but Kugo does his best to brush it off.
While he has the ability to paralyze his enemies, I don't imagine he'll use such an ability on you.
That or if he did, it would be nearly unheard of.
He cares too much for his partner to harm them.
Kugo is durable, strong, and fast.
If I remember correctly, he also uses sidekicks to his advantage.
If he was worried about you, he'd probably send you a few to watch over you.
That would also be his only way of stalking you since I imagine he can be busy.
I like the idea that he's soft with you despite his intimidating nature since he is fond of being a teacher for kids.
He'd never mean to scare you on purpose.
In fact, due to being a Pro Hero, I doubt he'd fatally harm anyone unless he had to for your safety.
Even then he'll reassure you that you're safe and tell you he had to in order to protect you.
If you were already in a relationship, Kugo keeps you in his home.
He likes you safe and often uses that as an excuse.
In reality he may just like you away from prying eyes.
Talking more about orca characteristics, when he holds you close and you're alone he definitely makes noises.
If he's flirting with you or showing affection, he'd make vocalizations towards and love it if you touch around his eyes or mouth.
Not going to lie, a possessive and protective yandere fits for him.
If you say you want to go outside and continue your work, he turns it down.
If you wanted to teach young heroes he may relent though.
He'd adore you if you were good with kids.
If you ever got hurt, Kugo would go ballistic.
He may not even care who else gets hurt as long as it means he can protect you.
At the peak of his obsession, you may be isolated and under watch by your "partner".
Doesn't matter if you were dating prior to this or not, you'll be in his home where you belong.
He tells you not to worry... that he'll protect you no matter what... you should only rely on him as your partner...
Just listen to him and nothing will hurt you in this cruel world, he'll guarantee that even if it means there's blood on his hands.
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AITA for wanting to spend a night out with a guy?
I'm twenty, study in university and still live with my parents. I've been planning to move out since I was eighteen, but they told me to keep living at home and not get a job so I could focus on studying while they take care of me financially. This arrangement has worked mostly well in the past years save for a few small conflicts, but it's escalated in the past 3-4 months.
The issue is my time schedule. I have a very active social life, am active in the local art scene, do political work and a lot of extracurricular stuff for university (I'm a straight A student, I might add!). Because of this, and because I'm a natural night owl, I usually come home late several days a week (between 10pm and 2am) and stay out all day for most of the week. This means I can't do a lot of chores, and usually there's a lot of housework because my mum has a bit of a cleaning anxiety and wants to make sure everything is spotless 24/7.
Enter this guy, I'll call him Tim. I met him at a festival last summer and we became long distance friends. Tim has visited me for a day several times before, but this weekend he offered to come over for two days and we agreed to spend the night stargazing together without sleeping. I loved the idea and immediately said yes. It was gonna be just us, a couple energy drinks, and some bench in the city center, and I was really looking forward to it.
The thing is, my mum does not like Tim. Like, at all. She thinks he seems very sleazy and generally distrusts him because he feels "too nice" for her. Mind you, he's just a somewhat shady looking guy who is generally pretty anxious he might make a bad impression, so he overperforms the whole "respectable member of society" act a bit around new people. I've introduced him to my friend group and even the more sceptical people absolutely love him and think he's a very sweet, helpful person. In basically every stressful situation I've ever seen him in he's been deescalating, protective and helpful, and he has on several occasions been my first source of comfort when things went to hell.
Today I told my mum in an offhanded comment that I won't come home between Sunday and Monday and the situation escalated completely. She was crying, accusing me of ruining her month, saying I didn't care about this family, it got ugly. The main point she had was that I was staying out all night with someone who's a total stranger to her and she doesn't trust him at all. In the end we compromised that Tim and I would spend the night awake, but not in the city, at home.
I feel really humiliated by this whole situation and honestly, kind of betrayed, because I was promised stuff like this wouldn't happen, and it just hits in a much safer situation than ones I've been in before (I used to get blackout drunk and sleep at parties a lot.). I'm a legal adult, have been for years now and it's so disappointing that my parents still treat me like a child sometimes and are so judgy towards my friends too. At the same time, I'm wondering whether I've acted wrong too by not telling her about this earlier and not taking her concerns that seriously. I forget sometimes that I talk to Tim every day for hours, but my parents only briefly ran into him once, so of course their view of him is skewed.
PS: I should add that when I told him about this, he immediately apologized, asked if I needed anything or wanted to change the plan and decided to dig out the least offensive outfit he could find so he'd make a good impression on my parents. So he's definitely trying his best.
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Aizawa x class 1-A reader when he finds out reader is also doing vigilante work? I’ve always wondered how he would feels about that
Icl I feel like he would understand tbh like he was probably doing the exact same thing before his career took off. He has a very strong moral standpoint so I figure he would place justice above legality but hes still a teacher and would have to disapprove but he wouldn't be like angry??
I feel like this was portrayed in the anime but it's been a hot minute since I've watched it - what do you think? :D
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 <3
Check out my kinktober!
𝐀𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜) - 𝐒𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐒𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞
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Dark circles decorate your eyes as you sit slouched at the desk before class starts. Sleep had eluded you as you spent the night with your parents, helping them feed into their warped, self-indulgent sense of justice by doing vigilante work.
Usually, you'd consider yourself to be at a strong, good moral standpoint, focused on doing good by the people rather than focusing on legality and logistics. But to be quite honest, this self-righteous act of "freeing the people" is starting to become exhausting. It's actually getting on your nerves, really.
You love your parents, but they can be very, exhaustingly eccentric at times, and sometimes outright smug. It's absolutely infuriating. It's so difficult to watch that it hurts, and the more you think about it, the more bitter you begin to feel.
Or maybe this is just the exhaustion talking. Who knows?
It feels like you're just sacrificing little pieces of yourself at this point, giving your body and soul to some 'vigilante work' and your training to persue your career as a hero.
Aizawa is the first to notice the change in your attitude. He is the first to realise that you may be burning out, and he's the first to genuinely worry about you.
As your teacher, and considering the amount of security hazards your class has been subject to in the last year, Aizawa is well within his right to keep tabs on all of you and your home lives. He knows your secret.
After class ends, you're pulled aside by your teacher.
Part of you wants to cry. What is it this time? A failed test? Maybe a lecture on missed homework.
Apparently not. And judging by the look on his face, it's much more serious than a missed assignment. He looks... genuinely concerned, which is an expression you've gotten to see far too many times than you should have to. Wow, you think. The poor guy deserves a break.
"I know what you've been doing every other night, so don't bother trying to lie. I want to say that I'm proud you're taking your hero work so seriously, but don't you think you're overdoing it? Maybe even just a little? You're exhausting yourself, and pretty soon you're going to burn out. Did you even sleep last night?"
Oh, like he can talk about sleep and burnout of all things.
And really, he can. But the brewing bitterness and hostility inside of you is starting to bubble, and you can feel in the back of your throat that a breakdown is imminent. God, don't cry. Please, not now, of all times.
Shiny, salty tears start to collect at your waterline, and the tired teacher lets out a defeated sigh, placing his hand on your shoulder. It's an oddly comforting gesture, really.
"I-... I just want to help... My parents will go out with or without me- and they're not very experienced- so I just worry that if I'm not there, something will happen..."
"Look... The first part of helping is knowing how to best help yourself. Look after yourself, or you might not live long enough to see yourself become the hero you've always wanted to be... Youre a hero, not a martyr - the self sacrifice isn't necessary yet."
Wise words from a man who's seen it all.
He looks disappointed in you, at the very least, but there's a spark of pride in his eye for his tryhard students who do the best they can, and even if you don't see it yet, you will soon enough.
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galactiquest · 9 months
Feral for affection uncanny vash or knives.
🌻have a good day
Hi there Sunflower Anon! I'm going to call you that, especially if you come back again with another sunflower. Thanks for the ask!!
I've seen the uncanny Vash and Knives stuff blow up in popularity. I Was there. Though sometimes I feel it's disingenuous to call them uncanny--that's our human interpretation of their forms. Maybe something more along the lines of primal? Well, syntax aside, I think it's a super fun idea to lean more into the alien ideals of Plants. I have plenty of my own headcanons for how the two look and operate, but, let's not focus on that right now. Let's just get affectionate!
Vash and Knives x Reader: Affections (Uncanny ver.)
Content Warnings: General uncanny or possibly unnerving content ahead. Features like multiple eyes/limbs/etc. are discussed, and there may be an implicit body horror to it. No violence, though! Just cuteness aside from all that!
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I think Vash is pretty hesitant at first to show you any sort of uncanny parts of himself. I mean, we already know how he feels about his scars--he really doesn't want to scare you off, especially once you two have become close.
But if you can slowly and gently coax him out of his shell, if you can convince him that yes, you'll love every part of him, no matter how ugly he may think those parts are, he'll eventually relent.
And at first, it's just a few features that pop out. It might be reflective, glowy eyes in the nighttime, or fingers that have grown out just a little too long for the average man, or even a few spiny scutes along his back.
Once he's comfortable, though? He lets it all hang out. Not like that--he just allows his true form to come through. And there's lots of limbs and even some sharp edges to deal with... But if you're patient, you'll find he's maybe even more affectionate like this!
Cuddles end up the best because now instead of two (sometimes one, if he has the prosthetic off) arms around you, it's six (more like five!) and you are ever-so-tightly squeezed against his body. He also has a very comfortable temperature, so you never have to worry about being too hot or too cold. It's just right!
Purring. Yes, I know it's cliché, I know that it's mentioned in every imagine, but come on. It's so cute. I don't think it's like animal purring, though, maybe more like an engine. Or perhaps more akin to a larger cat purring. Less cutesy, more... well, rumbly. Sometimes it makes his whole body vibrate.
With his extra appendages, he loves to tickle you. Prepare to be bombarded with tickles. He's able to dance across your skin so fast that you can barely catch him in time to try and swat him away.
Kisses! He tries to be so careful with kisses since his jaw can unhinge and all that. And lots of teeth get in the way. But if you don't mind that... Or perhaps, if you're into that... Well, you can definitely start experimenting. But he's still as gentle as possible.
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Now this is someone who's not afraid to show you their true self. Knives is going to quickly reveal his primal form to you. If you can't learn to get comfortable with it, he's obviously not for you. (It begs the question as to why he keeps a more humanoid form too--maybe it's just easier to get around in human-sized spaces with?)
No matter your initial reaction, I think he's going to make some kind of comment. You get scared? Typical human. You like it? Disgusting. You act as utterly neutral as possible? Don't lie to yourself. There's seriously no winning with him.
But with whatever charm (or perhaps sheer persistence) you give, the two of you are a pair now. And if there's one word to describe how he acts with you? It's protective.
If you two are ever out and about, he's got a sharp, bright wing curled over and around you, shielding from peering eyes. On the outside, it's all points and blades (and knives?) but on the inside, only for you to see, there's some softer, more downy feathers. Just so you won't rust up the blades, whatever you say, Knives.
His conscious self isn't keen to showing affection, but his subconscious body sure is. Expect a few tingly vines trying to wrap around and hold your hand, or a tail-like appendage that rests on your waist/shoulders, or a wing tickling your cheek. He swears he isn't doing it intentionally.
Unlike his brother, he's not a super affectionate guy, as stated above, so don't expect much in the way of kisses. Unless the two of you are alone, and he's in a better-than-usual mood. Then his cravings might get the better of him, and he might just tackle on top of you to bite a chunk out of you--I mean, get a few sloppy kisses in.
Overall? In front of others, relatively distant. Behind closed doors? You're becoming his. Tight tendrils keep you close at night, teeth nibble at the nape of your neck, the sharp edges of leaves or feathers tease your skin but never come too close. He's too precise to actually ever hurt you.
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End Notes: I think their "true" forms are something akin to an insectoid/angelic/plant-like mix, where it's sort of indescribable, archaic, tangled and messy. Maybe I ought to draw them and show you all...~
Also, there REALLY need to be more 1998 Knives gifs, or I'm about to pony up and just make a buttload of my own.
Okay, last note. Sorry this took me a while! I just moved back into college and my first week was busy! (^人^)
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luvhughes43 · 10 months
bad idea right? | jack hughes x reader
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guts masterlist🦋
summary: olivia rodrigos new song, bad idea right?
word count: 1.5k
warnings: light? smut idk i've never done this before
📍guts club
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liked by jackhughes, irisapatow, madisonhu, and others
ynuser i cant even hear my thoughts
the tequila, and the pink whitney shots were coursing through your veins as you danced with your friends among a mass of other 20-somethings your age. you let loose. you had been broken up with your boyfriend, jack hughes, for months now and so who could blame you for hitting a club with your best group of friends? 
before you knew it though, you were dragged into the clubs dingy bathroom so your friend could reapply some of her lip gloss. 
ex bf (jack): 1 missed call
you had no idea why your ex would be calling you. sure your breakup was amicable, but that hadn’t meant that the two of you kept in touch. after jack had broken up with you, claiming that the long distance while he would be in michigan for the summer would be too much, you hadn’t reached out. and he hadn't either. 
you stepped away from the bathroom's large mirror and your group of friends, claiming that you needed to use the bathroom real quick. you walked into the furthest stall, away from the loud music, and quickly dialled jack back. all the alcohol in your system not letting you question whether or not calling him was a good idea or not. 
he picked up on the second ring. “y/n,” jack breathed into the receiver, almost sounding relieved that you had called him back. 
“hello,” your giggles were muffled as you moved your hand to cup your lips. you really should not have called him back.
“are you out right now?” jack asked, already knowing the answer. he had seen your insta post earlier, with the club you were at tagged, and it was with that information that he knew you were close to his new apartment.
“yeah i am, where are you?” you responded, leaning your head back against the stall door. you knew you only had about one more minute before your friends questioned your lengthy bathroom visit, so you prayed jack would speed things up. plus, the less time he took asking you to go over, the less time you had to think of an excuse not to go.
“i’m at my new place.. you should come check it out. its near that club that you're at,” 
“y/n! are you good in there?” your best friend's shouts carried throughout the crowded bathroom. you could hear the drunk bathroom talk, and you could imagine the long queue to the bathroom stalls.
you tilted your phone away from your mouth before loudly responding, “yeah! just one minute!” 
seeing jack tonight… it was a bad idea right? 
ex bf (jack): here's my address: 
ex bf (jack) sent his location 📍 
fuck it, its fine. 
you brought the phone back to your lips, “i'll be there in twenty?” 
“see you soon, i can't wait to give you the grand tour,” jack chuckles lightly and you can't help but smile. you swore his voice made you feel things…
you end the call just as your friends start banging on the stall door. 
“it's been like five minutes, are you seriously good?” one of your friends shouts as she tries to wiggle your door open. you step away from the stall door, quickly flushing before fixing your hair. you had to act normal around them and not at all like you were possibly, maybe, about to hook up with your ex whom you hadn’t seen in months. 
you unlocked the stall door just as your friend's hand beat against it. the door swings open, knocking your hand and sending your phone tumbling to the ground. “is she done in there?” some random girl yells as she shoves her way into the bathroom. she pushes your phone out beneath the stall with her foot as she slams the door shut in your face. 
“asshole,” your friend whispers as she reaches down and picks your phone up for you. she stands up, staring down at your phone screen while the bathroom buzzes around you. “jack?” she finally questions, turning your phone towards you. your heart races, worried your friend had somehow stumbled across yours and jacks open text messages. how would you explain that? your friends would definitely tell you not to meet up with him and well… you wanted jack bad. 
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liked by trevorzegras, _quinnhughes, and others
jackhughes back in NJ😈🔥🏒
you snatched your phone back, and let out a loud sigh of relief as you realized your friend was just looking at jacks instagram that was at the top of your feed. “why haven't you unfollowed him yet?” she questioned, and you just shrugged. you peered at the photos again as your group of friends rejoined the others on the dance floor and… wow. you immediately lost all thoughts and coherence… this boy would be the death of you. you couldn't think of anyone hotter than him. 
you waited for your opportunity to escape. you would text your friends that you left and that you were tired as soon as you made it on the bus. luckily for you, there were buses shuttling people around every 15 minutes, so you wouldn’t have to wait long if it came down to it. 
“you single?” a guy shouted into your ear as he started dancing near you. you nodded, realizing that this could be another way out… if your friends saw you chatting up some guy, you would have an excuse to go “missing” for a while…
you slung one of your arms around the guy's shoulder as you continued jumping up and down to the music (your form of dancing), as you tried to catch one of your friends' eyes. 
it only took you half a song for one of your friends to notice the new guy, and she immediately gave you a small hands up. he's cute! your friend mouthed and you nodded enthusiastically to portray your part. you couldn't wait to see jack. 
“GOT ME LOOKING SO CRAZY RIGHT NOW! YOUR LOVES GOT ME LOOKING SO CRAZY RIGHT NOW!” the crowd roared as everyone started screaming the lyrics to beyonces, crazy in love. this was your opportunity. none of your friends were paying attention to you, and you quickly signalled to the guy you were with that you had to use the bathroom… he nodded, taking his hands off of you and letting you leave. 
you barely spare your friends a glance as you grip your phone tight in your hand and squeeze through the crowd of people on the dance floor. 
the cold outside air sobers you up quickly, and before you can even think about what you were about to do you make it to the bus station. 
ex bf (jack): can't wait to see you ;)
❤️ you hearted one message
jack's front door was hard against your fist. you banged on his door fast and hard, and he immediately opened it, ushering you inside and out of the rain. 
“i’m kind of surprised you came,” jack says, very obviously checking you out. you were soaked and wet from the heavy rain. 
“i'm kind of surprised you called,” you rebutted, causing jack to smile cockily at you. he shrugged his shoulders, “figured you’d want to see the new place,” he waved his hand, proudly displaying his new home for the year. 
“It's nice,” you confirmed, shrugging off your wet sweater as you stepped further inside jacks living room. 
“i thought you’d like to see my bedroom specifically,” jack laughed at your raised eyebrows. you had never seemed to get used to how straightforward he was. you recovered quickly though, huskily whispering, “show me?”
jack wasted no time dragging you into his bedroom. he grabbed the wet sweater that was still clutched to your chest and threw it across his bedroom before pushing you down onto his bed. 
“i need you so bad jacky,” you moaned softly as he started peeling your top up and off you. he pressed his lips against your jaw, and slowly trailed kisses down to the base of your neck. 
“i missed seeing you like this,” jack groaned against your neck as you moved your hands to undo the strings of his sweats. “should’ve never let you go so easily huh?” he whispered in your ear and it was your turn to let out a groan as he pushed your hands away from him and moved his knee to rest in between your thighs. 
“please jack,” you gasp, staring jack in the eyes as he expertly nips and licks at one of your boobs while one of his hands massages the other. 
“please what?” he responds teasingly as he briefly pulls back from your chest before giving your other boob some attention. his thumb brushes against your other nipple, and you hum in satisfaction before bringing your own hand up to tug on his now overgrown hair.  
“i need you,” you whimper, and not even a minute later jack is pulling your skirt off and ripping off his sweats. 
Yes, I know that he's my ex
But can't two people reconnect?
I only see him as a friend
The biggest lie I ever said
Oh, yes, I know that he's my ex
But can't two people reconnect?
I only see him as a friend
I just tripped and fell into his bed
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hopelesslyromanticgay · 11 months
An Americano, Please? Part 2
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Word Count: 757 A/N: italicized text within quotation marks means that the person speaking is using Romanian instead of English
Y/N's POV:
I haven't seen Jenna for five days, so she was probably just a tourist. It's not uncommon for a tourist to pop by the shop asking for a coffee but not being able to speak Romanian, so I have no idea why I'm so sad that she's not coming back. 
I thought the idea of a "hallway crush," (someone you've interacted with once or twice for a short or professional amount of time, but are attracted to nonetheless), only lasted through high school. I guess I was wrong.
Friday morning, the shop is quiet because of how early it is. I shovel some coffee beans into the grinder. Despite the annoyingly loud noise it makes, I find it an oddly satisfying process.
I yawn, getting out of bed at four thirty for a five AM shift is nobody's idea of a good start to a day.
Once the coffee's all ground up, I put some in the drip coffee brewer and the rest next to the espresso machine.
In the back, I can smell my coworkers taking today's baked goods out of the oven.
"Hey, L/N, want a cinnamon bun? It's a little 'burnt', so we can't sell it," my coworker and friend Nessa asks. Every Friday is the same, Nessa and I are two of the only people around the shop this early, so we'll sneak a pastry and say it was burnt if anyone asks.
"Sure, Thanks!" I reply, taking the warm pastry from her. Taking a bite, a smile creeps across my face, "did you guys change the recipe? This is even better than last week's!"
"Yeah, boss asked if we could add a few more spices to the dough," she explains, "I'm a pretty big fan of the new recipe if I do say so myself."
It's not long before the cafe starts to smell like cinnamon and coffee, a perfectly inviting scent in the gloomy fall weather.
Five twenty and it's time to open up the shop. Of course, no one actually arrives until six, usually. Nevertheless the owner says being open early is best for business.
As I wait for the first customers to arrive, I zone out. There's not much to do except for sitting alone with my thoughts.
I'm so lost in thought that I'm thoroughly shocked when I hear the bell on the door ring, indicating that someone has entered the shop. I look up to see who it is. Then it dawns on me. She's a little paler than last time, but it's still her.
"Jenna?" I ask incredulously, I thought for sure she was gone.
"You remember me?" she raises an eyebrow.
"I remember most people who can't speak Romanian," I lie.
"Sure," she giggles.
"What can I get for ya today?" I ask.
"You know, I think I'll take your joke from the other day seriously," she replies with a faint smirk, "I'll have an Americano with oat milk please."
"Alright, an Americano for the American," I laugh, mixing the drink, "so, what brings you to Romania?"
"Could you please repeat that?" she asks, "sorry, I've been having trouble focusing lately."
"Well, you're clearly not a tourist, because most tourists don't stick around for more than three days. So I'm just wondering, what brings you to Romania?" I repeat.
"Oh, uh, I'm filming a TV show," she explains.
"You act?" I ask. I don't know why I'm surprised. She certainly has the looks and charisma for Hollywood.
"Yeah," she smiles, "this is definitely one of the bigger things I've done though."
"Congrats on that! What are you filming? Are you allowed to tell people?"
"It's a show about the Addams family," she tells me.
"Oh I love that franchise!" I exclaim, "Are you playing one of the family members?"
"Yeah, I'm Wednesday, which is both exciting and nerve wracking." 
Okay, so I'm literally talking to a celebrity. 
"Woah... That- that sounds like an awesome job," I smile, "good for you. So you'll be in the area for a while?"
"What's it to you?" she smirks flirtatiously, "you wanna take me out on a date or something?" I feel a blush start to creep it's way to my cheeks.
"That depends, you gonna be in town for a while?"
"At least six more months."
"In that case, how about I show you around town sometime?"
"I'd like that," she smiles. As much as I would love to keep up this banter, there's too many people in the store now.
I hand her the receipt, my number neatly scribbled down on the blank side, "reach out when you're available," I wink.
She heads out and I watch as she leaves.
On with the day. Only four hours left of this shift.
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armpirate · 3 months
Anti-romantic || JJk | Ch. 8
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Pairings: Boxer!Jungkook x fem!reader || Enemies to lovers, neighbors
Genre: smut, angst, fluff, curse, illegal boxing, violence
Warnings: fuckboy!Jungkook x reader, smut, dirty talk, curse, mention of tarot and fate
Summary: Jungkook had always been carefree when it came to love. He always believed he was worth sharing himself with everyone, and thought it was selfish of him to ever think of keeping himself exclusive to just one person.
And maybe that was exactly what got him into the big problem he was in.
A curse that kept him away from love didn't seem an issue for him. The fact that his ex-girlfriend thought he'd be affected by the idea of the girls he slept with running away from him after sex was ridiculous. She actually did him a favor, and took a burden away from him.
At least that was what he thought at first.
He had never found himself thinking of the possibility of repeating with neither of his hook ups, because they disappeared before he was able to even think about it. But when he makes the mistake of sleeping with the sexy neighbor that lives in front of him, he finds himself hoping to get the chance for a second round every time their paths cross.
Y/n hated him the second he set foot inside the building by the way he started making her life a miserable mess for no reason. Sleeping with him was a big mistake she wasn't thinking of repeating. At least not until he came up with the excuse that she rejected him for a curse. Not only she thought he was annoying, but she was also convinced he was crazy. 
There was no way she could take him seriously.
Aprox. time of reading: 21 minutes
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Her eyes instantly rolled when she opened her door and he was coming out, too. She had been trying to forget what happened between them a few days back, and she probably would've volunteered to get a lobotomy if someone knocked at her door with the offer. She enjoyed it, she surely did while they were at it, and even at some point she thought that her neighbor could be a good pick to spend a random night every once in a long while. Until he poke. Jungkook and his annoying tongue always acted right after she tried to walk in his shoes.
He wasn't even that attractive... if it weren't for his strong arm daubed in ink, or the piercings on his lip that made his pouty lips stand out even more, or those wide shoulders where she'd gladly sink her nails on... But that cocky smirk made the pout disappear, and the mock on his voice distracted her from the sin his body was.
—Yo, 3A. How was your weekend? Jumpy? —he asked, poking his hands in his pants after closing the door.
That word didn't even have the meaning he was trying to give it. There was no point in arguing back with him. The best thing she could do was to simply ignore him.
—No answer? Okay —he sighed—. I've been thinking...
Her eyes went blank when she realized he was the type not to get the hint of when to shut the fuck up. Jungkook just went on, trying to get a reaction from you.
After Carly threw that curse on him, he didn't really have to worry about seeing his hookups a second after sleeping with them, they were always gone by the morning after and he hadn't seen either of them. But there was Y/n, a person he'd have to keep seeing as long as he lived there, and a person that he wouldn't mind keeping in bed with him for a second round if he was offered the chance.
He was attracted, but there was also in the bickering they had going on in the previous week that made him feel... entertained? His neighbor wasn't only dangerous in the sheets, she was also funny and witty.
And he liked that.
—Maybe... One of those days that you need a hand... Instead of using yours, you can use mine.
Jungkook was forced to quickly stop from advancing, turning down every wrong idea he had to hop on the lift with her. Her tongue clicked, while her index lifted with a dangerous warning as she pointed at him.
—Go back to your side.
He couldn't help but roll his eyes at that comment. He thought that after what happened the other night, Y/n would just get over that dumb idea. But he seemingly thought wrong.
—You talked about things. But if I step on your side, will you also do what you want with me?
—Yes, and that includes tying up your tongue and making you eat it —she clicked on the button to call the lift—. Or put you in that arcade box and bury you four meters underground.
—Wait, that's not... —he stopped, thinking of her words.
—What was I even thinking when I fucked with you? —she mumbled, massaging her temple.
—That's an easy one! You were thinking of my —his eyebrows raised, playfully, teasing her— big attractiveness.
—Average —she commented, twisting her lips.
At that comment, Jungkook chuckled, trying to hide the fact that he was indeed offended by her words. Before he was able to land a hand at the side of the lift door, her eyes were already throwing him a warning glance so he would pose that palm on the side that wasn't marked by the tape on the floor.
—Over the average.
—Below average.
Dedicating him one last smile, she stepped inside the lift, clicking on the ground floor button to set an ending for that conversation.
Or so she tried to, before she found an out of breath Jungkook, supporting himself on the wall as he tried to hide his shaky breathing.
—Why don't you just admit you're dying to repeat what happened?
—I'm not the one almost coughing my lungs out —she mentioned, disinterested.
—Because you're keeping it all inside —Jungkook tilted his head, walking in her direction—. You'll feel lighter once you start being honest.
—I'll feel lighter once I get rid of you —before she continued speaking, Y/n made a short pause—. Listen carefully, because I want you to get this as clear as possible: getting in bed with you was the biggest of the mistakes I could've ever made. And never, in my life, I will ever sleep with you again. Are we clear on that?
Jungkook just puckered his lips, adopting a leant back pose as he looked down at her.
—We'll see.
—We're seeing now. It won't happen —she cut him off—. And if I ever end up in the same bed as you again, it'll probably be to choke you with a pillow. Don't ever talk to me again unless it's for something serious —she rolled her eyes.
Jungkook sighed, trying to extend the conversation and the time they were together in the same place, for some odd reason.
—Do you want a ride to your workplace?
—And let you know where I work? —Y/n shook her head— I have enough with you knowing where I live.
Just like that Jungkook saw her go, following the gentle moves of her body as she rushed on the other side of the street to make her way to work. He got captivated in an instant, hooked by the way her hips swayed one way and the other, getting a short flashback of how they looked when they moved on top of him.
He shook his head, trying to move on from that image and concentrate back on anything else that wasn't her. It was a matter of time for Y/n to crawl back to him, and surrender to him the same way he did a few nights back. There was no point in insisting and making a fool of himself when he could have some fun somewhere else in the meantime.
It was all probably due to the new temptation of living in front of someone he had slept with. Before, they usually disappeared the morning after, but Y/n would stay there.
It was interesting to see how that'd play out.
Hanging his helmet by his elbow, Jungkook started dragging his emerald Kawasaki Z650 RS. That motorbike was probably one of his most precious relics, acquired with half of the money he was paid for one of his wins in all of those fights. And he sighed while he remembered the good times, when boxing was actually a thing, and it didn't all depend on the grafts some people did by rigging some of the fights he was in.
Usually he never woke up so early. Hardly ever he had the chance to meet up with Y/n by chance. But that day he'd receive the visit of one of his sponsors, which meant he'd probably get to give some upgrades to the gym that was almost in ruins.
That was the reminder of why he did what he did.
Those fights were a headache in a lot of different senses, but the amount of income, not only monetary, he received was always backed up for it. Last time one of the sponsors was happy with him, he managed to change all of the boxing bags to ones with better quality, and add some machines to actually give it the gym vibes he was looking for when he opened it in the first place.
He parked his motorbike in the narrow alley next to his gym, and that also had a door that connected directly to the office, and that he never used -basically because of the door being stuck.
Jimin huffed when he saw his friend trying to fix his hair, moving his fingers through his locks before his bangs fell over his forehead to cover it.
—What took you so long? —the brunet reproached, walking over to him to snatch the helmet away— Today it was the only day you needed to be here early, yet you are thirty minutes late.
—He isn't here, isn't he? —Jungkook answered, relaxed— Then what are you even talking about? —he huffed at the silence his friend used to answer.
—He could've come by now —Jimin sighed—. You know that dude makes me uncomfortable, and you know how to deal with him.
Jungkook walked past his friend, throwing his head back as he sighed. It wasn't like he knew how to deal with him, but he knew how to talk to him, while Jimin only stared from afar and waited for the inspection to be over.
But it wasn't like he expected him to do more. Jimin was only there as a guide into the gym, and a point of information for the training and schedules.
Nothing else.
And he was already doing more than what he was paid to do.
—I'm sorry —he sighed—. Something came up at the last minute.
Y/n came up at the last minute.
He knew he had to be there at the establishment before the opening time, but he still found himself peeking through the peephole to manage to come out at the same time as her and seeing her. Delusional enough to think what happened two days back would open a door for him instead of closing it on his noses.
—I don't even know why I even try. You always have an excuse for everything —Jimin rolled his eyes.
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Her fingers flew over the keyboard, making the typing louder with every tap of her fingers on the latest keys before she was peeking her eyes over the monitor before they fell over her finished article:
"Underground Brawls: Uncovering Illegal Fights in South Shore"
And right below, there was a good quality pic of the two fighters of the night. The blond boy was easily recognizable, while Jungkook's face looked a bit blurry -while the other half was covered by the thick boxing glove. She could've picked many of the other screenshots she made out of the video she managed to film, but something in her kept insisting that the shot was the right one.
Although maybe it wasn't a bad idea to blast her neighbor's face in the middle of the page, linking him to a crime that could take him out of her way.
Her lips twisted with disappointment, thinking there was something off with the article itself. It felt empty. It didn't trap her, and she was sure the chief editor would have an even worse opinion on it.
Y/n got up from her seat after her boss called her into his office, knowing a little bit too well that meant his opinion would be so harsh that it was bad to even say it out loud in front of everyone. She closed the door behind her, assuring herself that she'd keep her own shame trapped in those four walls.
—Is that the article you've been working on? —he lifted one of his thick eyebrows.
—Yeah. I think it's ready to be released on the special of Monday.
—It's not a bad one, but I don't think it's enough.
She wasn't able to know what exactly he meant, as her eyes tried to dig into his blue gaze that kept looking lazily over his screen.
—Police showed up, and somebody also took my phone away before I could take better pictures.
—I don't mean that —he stopped her—. The article is good, the exclusive is great, the content is brilliant, but I think it'd be better to get a bit deeper.
Deeper? She almost ended up either arrested or with her hand cut off by the gangsters who were behind those fights. She knew what the consequences were when someone crossed their boundaries and put their territories at risk, although she had only seen them on things that weren't as important. She couldn't imagine what the consequences would be if they had caught her that night.
—I don't think I understand.
—Try to give something that people haven't seen before. Your article seems more like the script of one of those news anchors. Try to give it a more personal touch.
—A more personal touch?
—Yeah, like trying to do some covert work, or interview one of the fighters... —he shrugged—. Or, if you want to go on with this type of article, try to get more information than just what you've seen. Use as much time as you need, and come back to me when you think you're ready.
—But... the release date? I thought you were in a rush for this.
—Let's leave it aside, alright? Work on it, while you also work on other things. Take your time.
A more personal touch... If she gave it a more personal touch, she'd probably be censored and arrested after writing all the barbarism that went through her head. The owners of the club used the people that were desperate for money, or a career, to to represent their clubs, all while just seeing it all unfold from afar, or by receiving the results of those same fights when they received the envelope with all the betted money. Meanwhile, the high-ups looked at them from their comfortable places as if they were watching a TV show.
It was disgusting.
She threw the pencil over her desk as she approached it, before letting her body fall on the office chair.
At first, she hoped that the first article would sum up chaos in that community, slowly for all of them to crumble and expose themselves, so she could write one last article with the faces of all those involved on the website.
She didn't think the editor would like the article so much to turn it into a full coverage, so now she had to think in a way to make it personal, but not too personal to spill all of her feelings on it.
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The location in her phone marked right in front of where she was standing: the shabby and filthy establishment that looked like it'd collapse at any point.
That was the place Jack sent to her.
Apparently a friend of his source trained there a few times per week, while said source kept the club they trained in to themselves so they wouldn't end up in trouble.
Y/n couldn't blame him, and it wasn't like she could see much difference. Seen one, probably seen them all.
From outside she could only spot three people inside the gym, through the wide windows. One of them was training on the boxing bags, while the other two were lying on the ground with two ropes in between them. She could just assume they were probably getting some rest after one of the sets.
—Good morning —she greeted, after stepping inside—. Is any of you the owner of this place?
The two boys whose backs were lying on the ground lifted their heads, looking at her over their knees before they sat to answer her.
—He's busy right now —the tanned one answered.
—So he isn't here? —her frown furrowed as she looked around.
—He is, but he's dealing with something —the dry punches on the boxing bag stopped so she could be able to hear his reply—. Did you book an appointment to his love nest? —her jaw twisted by the cockiness in his tone and the sided smile he dedicated to the other two boys.
When he finally turned to her and stopped bending his arms, she managed to see some small red marks that turned darker on the center, on his inner elbow. Her eyes moved over him quite fast, scanning his features: he was slim, but maybe a bit too much to be a boxer aiming to compete on those fights and thinking he could win, and those dark circles under his eyes kind of gave her a hint of what he could be spending they money of those fights on even if it was left destroyed.
She had seen all that before.
—No, but I bet a look into your bag could send you to one big dude's love nest in jail. How does that sound?
His mocking smile disappeared almost instantly, dedicating one of the younger boys a quick look to motion him somewhere. Right after he demanded him to stand up, and pointed somewhere in that place, the boy disappeared.
Jungkook motioned Peter to leave where he came from, waving his hand in the air as soon as he saw his head peeking through the door to his office. Although either he was blatantly ignoring him, or the few knocks out in the past fight killed some of his brain cells, because his head kept popping inside every few seconds.
—There's someone asking for you —the young boy whispered, when Jungkook interrupted the tall man in a suit in the middle of his office.
—Tell them I'm busy.
—We did, but she's still outside.
Jungkook sighed, wondering who the hell could be in such a hurry to see him at that exact moment, right when he was in the middle of getting a few improvements for his business.
—Tell her to get lost then?
—I think she's a cop.
Could be it was her imponent aura, or how she didn't double down when Rob tried to intimidate her. Or how she stepped inside like she was looking for something more than just aerobic lessons.
His blood froze at the mere idea of it, looking at Peter with wide eyes before he quickly looked over his shoulder to make sure the man inside didn't hear a single thing he said. Elijah was a serious person in general, but he was completely strict over anything related to his image. The last thing he needed was dealing with a cop right in that moment. He couldn't scare Elijah away.
—I'll be right back —Jungkook announced.
One look was demanding him to stay, Jimin was trying to convince him that whatever was happening outside wasn't more important than what was going on in that ofice. But Jungkook left either way.
To no one's surprise.
As he walked through the corridor, his head just tried to get to the way to kick that person away from his gym. There was no way they could be there for neither of those fights. Last time he received one of those visits was five years back, and he managed to get away from it quite easily.
His walk slowed down when he recognized that brown long thin coat, shaking his head as he tried to take her out of his head. Not only was she constantly in his head while he was at home, now he was also seeing her in a cop?
—You have to be kidding me —Y/n whispered.
As soon as she saw the thin boy looking over her shoulder, along with some steps sounding at her back, she knew she got what she went there for. Although the smallest glimpse of victory disappeared when she saw her neighbor walking next to the other boy that welcomed her earlier.
—Nice to see you, too —Jungkook tilted his head—. I know you can't stop thinking about me, and whatnot. But can you not tell people you're a cop to have an excuse to see me?
—I didn't say I was a cop —she frowned.
Her eyes instantly moved to the short-haired guy, who lowered his gaze and walked past her to go back to the place he was sitting on before she interrupted.
—Also I'm not looking for you, I'm looking for the owner of this hole.
Jungkook felt tempted to tell her he was indeed the owner of said hole, but he knew she'd only throw one of her bothersome phrases, like "It makes sense that you are".
—Why are you looking for him, Hops?
—That's something I will tell him only —she crossed her arms, not falling into his provocations—. Can you get lost somewhere and stop wasting my time?
—Princess, I'm already telling you you don't need to pull up any excuses...
—Don't you ever shut up? —her eyes rolled before she turned to him— I'm here to talk about the fight you were in a few weeks ago, not about your dick and your size complex.
His face drastically changed, although she didn't know if it was because of the way she teased him back for what happened that damned night. His fingers enclosed around her elbow, motioning her to walk out of the gym
—You have to leave.
—What? —her heels stepped on the ground as hard as she was able to, trying to make sure he would have a hard time moving her body away.
—You have to leave.
—I'll leave if I want to —her voice cracked by the strength fight they had going on.
All that push and pull ended before Jungkook was able to move her body one step away from where they were, by a sedated deep voice behind him.
—Any problem, Jeon?
—No, nothing.
Jungkook stepped closer to her, trying to cover her up with his body. The few seconds it'd take Elijah to get bored of that pathetic situation before he stepped back into the office.
—It didn't seem like nothing.
With two taps on his shoulder, the man with slicked black hair was warning him that he'd probably push him, and that it was better for him not to fight it back as much as she was.
—Your face looks familiar —Elijah murmured when he finally was able to see Y/n properly.
Of course she was familiar. He was at the fight, and he was the one who sent one of his men in her direction so she'd stop recording after being caught. He didn't want to know what Y/n's response could be to that, his head was working faster than her tongue, turning his body towards Elijah to speak again.
—She's my girlfriend.
Elijah's lips puckered, lifting both of his eyebrows in surprise as he completely ignored the confused look on Y/n's face after Jungkook came up with that.
—You probably remember her because she was in one of the fights —he mentioned, stepping closer to her—. The girl whose phone you broke?
The oldest man's face finally expressed the click on his brain after Jungkook shared that last bit of information, finally getting an idea of who she was.
—Technically, it wasn't me. But yeah.
There were several possible answers going through Y/n's head at that moment. But she chose to be careful, rather than making use of her sharp tongue.
—She was filming me, she loves watching me fight —he started to explain, wrapping his arm around her shoulders—. She's one big fan, I'm almost like a god to her, righ...Ah!
His body squirmed when she managed to pinch his side with two of his fingers, grasping a slim bit of skin on the area of his ribs.
—I think you're confusing what you feel about yourself with what I feel about you... love —she smiled at him.
Elijah looked disinterested as soon as the people in front of him seemed to start having one of those couple bickerings that only made him cringe.
—Right... I already talked with Jimin, but I'll send you more details through email. I gotta leave now, but I hope to see you soon —he dedicated those last words to Y/n, making her gulp thick.
Both of them stayed hugged to each other, until he disappeared from one of the windows. Almost as she was relieved from a heavy lift, she pushed Jungkook away, slapping his shoulder.
—What's wrong with you? Wh... Hey! —she called him out.
Jungkook dragged her away from any public area, getting her to walk to the office. It wasn't like that assured them more privacy, but at least gave him the idea of it.
The way he stepped inside the room with her made Jimin get up from his chair and look at the both of them, trying to understand what was going on before either of them could try to give him an explanation that would either be a lie or would make no sense.
—Should I leave you two alone? —he asked.
—No —Jungkook rushed to answer.
—Yes —Y/n said at the same time.
—Alright, then.
Jimin sighed, picking up his phone before he made his way to the door, closing it up right after he left the small office.
—Do you know who that man was? —Jungkook answered the question she asked before he dragged her there— I was just saving your careless ass. Normal people say "Thank you".
—Normal people also warn the other person before pulling that dumb act that no one with working brain cells would buy —she replied back—. "Hey, I have a dangerous gangster in my office. Come back in thirty minutes'' it'd have been great, actually. But obviously your dick and your ego were more important, that didn't click some sense into you.
—You're never happy with anything I do, right?
Y/n simply shrugged, crossing her arms over her chest while her eyes were still fixed on him. Jungkook simply sighed, overwhelmed by how difficult to handle she actually was. Nothing was well done, no words were proper either... How was he supposed to deal with her at all?
—I don't really know why you were playing around so much, instead of saying you were the owner of this place —she mentioned, looking around.
—Why would you want to know?
—Because I told you I needed to see the owner —she mocked his tone—. Business.
—Business? —he scoffed, raising both of his eyebrows.
—Not really business, but similar.
—I'm intrigued now.
As the minutes went by and the tension slowly went easier on them, Jungkook felt free to relax again, moving over his office to support his back over the edge of his desk. Y/n followed his movements, finding herself disconnecting from reality, and concentrating a bit too much on how his tattoos moved by the way his muscles flexed when he crossed his arms over his chest, imitating her pose.
—Remember the reason why I went to the fight? My editor wants me to...
—You don't even know what I was going to say.
—I don't care. It's a no.
—Honestly, I wasn't really asking for permission —she started moving in his direction—. I was just telling you you're going to help me.
His serious expression quickly changed, molding to his smile and the cackle that came from the deepest part of his throat when she mentioned that. Annoyed by how he didn't want to take her seriously, she sighed, sinking her hand inside one of the pockets of her jacket to take her phone out and look for a picture in the gallery before she placed it in front of his face, at the height of his eyes.
Slowly, his laugh decreased its volume, until it completely disappeared. He could only focus on the image in her hand. He was clearly visible on that ring, even if the shot wasn't in the best quality his face and tattoos were on full display, enough to make him recognizable to anyone who knew him.
—What about it? —his tone was calm, trying to hide how nervous he actually was.
—If you don't help me, your face will be all over the news by next Monday.
—And your corpse will appear in the gutter by Monday night —he answered back.
—You really think I'm scared of that? —she challenged him.
—The people that work for the man you met before will reduce you to nothing, I'm just warning you because I know how they work.
While he gave her something to focus her attention on, Jungkook moved, trying to snatch the phone away from her hand. Y/n was faster anyway. Her reflex had her moving her hand away on her back before he was able to move a centimeter closer to her. His arm was wrapped around her body, and her torso was rubbing against his chest while they were so dangerously close that he could even smell the strawberry gum scent that came out of her lips.
If he wasn't so annoyed, he probably would be kissing her.
—I want an answer before eleven —she whispered—. I'll write this article with or without your help.
There was something in him that had her wanting to be glued to him for a bit more, just five seconds more. But she stepped back while the third second was still processing in her brain, starting to perceive that subtle cigarette scent that came from him.
—That's blackmailing, and it's also a crime.
—Says the person who broke into my home and also filmed me without my consent to, surprise, blackmail me. I want an answer by eleven, 3B —she mocked the way he used to refer to her—. Have a good afternoon.
Jungkook watched her go, supporting the weight of his body on the edge of the desk as his head fell back.
That woman was the biggest pain in the ass he had ever met.
Taglist: @jk97bam @ttanniett
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reggiejworkshop · 6 months
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"Crowd Control"
When it comes to large shows, you need to have a large enough of a bouncer crew to deal with it.
If its not the abrasive loudness of the headlining act, its the frenzy they whip the crowd into.  The swirling pit of rowdy toons, the occasional surfers who breach just over said pit, the occasional fights, the ones in front who need a splash of water to stay hydrated, the dancers who manage to jump on and off stage, sometimes with some extra assistance. And yet, in spite of all of that, everyone manages have a good time and  leave the venue with a musical experience that will stick with them until the end time.
So, this is a project I had been meaning to do for the longest time. Part of the reason I put it off for so long is due the fact that planning out the composition took awhile to figure out, even before I put this setting in a poll on what you all would have liked to see for this picture! Seriously, crowd scenes are not easy to put together!
I initially drew this on two separate sketchbook sheets before splicing them together!
Then there was coloring this in. I decided to keep the shadows soft since I didn't want them competing with the linework. Wanted to have this chaotic and raw!
What spawned the extra inspiration for the pandemonium here is a recent show I actually went to earlier this past September. I saw Death Grips, an experimental hardcore hip hop group, in my hometown. They are always known for putting on an energetic show, and this one was no different. Even though I was up in the nosebleed balcony sections, I still enjoyed myself and consider it one of the best shows Ive ever been to!
This is also a celebration for the eight years I've been on Deviantart! One Thousand Watchers and Counting!
Even though I have my occasional issues with that site, and might have more to come in the future, I will always apricate that this place was the first time I ever decided to share my art outside of just friends and family. Ive met so many people there and here, fellow artists, friends, writers, and simple art enthusiasts.
As always guys, thank you so much for your support over the years! Because without you, I might not have done the work I did.
P.S See how many cartoon characters I managed to sneak in here!  Some you might know, others you probably haven't seen in years! You might be able to spot at least thirty here, although I tried to get far more in here with varying success. Some are bit off model and wonky, but they are here!
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ideas-4-stories · 6 months
It's fluff-o-clock!
Even though he has countless devoted followers and his crew has told him they'd rather die than leave him, Buggy feels alienated and left out when he has to go to social events outside of Karai Bari Island. You'd never know it - he still acts as overconfident and egotistical as he always does - but the whole time he can feel judging eyes on him. He knows they don't take him seriously. He's just the weird little pirate who got lucky, no special skills or insane amounts of power in sight. That's what he's convinced their thinking, at least.
Crocodile and Mihawk, who have grown quite skilled at detecting when their beloved clown is hiding behind a facade of bravado, call him to a meeting. The two of them know something is off the moment Buggy walks into the room, and after some questioning and piecing the puzzle together they're able to discern the truth. Neither of them say anything about it. They just move on to actual business in a way that lets Buggy know they do care but they need time to think.
Fast forward a month or so and Cross Guild has been invited to a party that all the most powerful pirates with the highest bounties will be at. Crocodile and Mihawk finally put their plan into action a few hours before the event. They "make" (those chosen would have done it regardless but our resident goths have a reputation to keep) some of Buggy's most trusted crew members help him get ready, putting his hair in an elaborate style and ensuring his makeup is flawless. Once they complete their task Croc and Hawk swoop in to take their place; they worked together to design an outfit for Buggy that's as "flashy" as he loves while still being fancy. As he finishes getting ready they present him with the final pieces - two label pins shaped like Crocodile's hook and Yoru. They chose pins so that Buggy could still wear all his finest jewelry while still having his boyfriend's claim on him clear for all to see.
Once they're at the party Crocodile and Mihawk never leave Buggy's side; in fact, they subtly turn any attention given to them towards the clown. "Your new cannonballs do sound very formidable, but Buggy could do twice the damage with a ball half the size." "What a fearsome sounding crew. I wonder if they would be enough to beat Buggy and his hundreds of followers." Little compliments sprinkled in the conversation to hype up the blue-haired man. Between Crocodile's social skills and Mihawk's sneakiness, nobody realizes they're spending far more time showing interest in Buggy than conversing with his more powerful partners. The clown actually feels truly confident and like he's being treated as (somewhat) of an equal for once.
At the end of the night they meet in Crocodile's room dressed in their sleep clothes. Buggy's put the two pins in a small box shaped like a treasure chest to show his partners how much he treasures their gifts. They've all settled down and are about to fall asleep when the clown mutters one final comment. "Thanks for being by my side tonight, but you guys know you're as flashily great as I am, right?" He's out before the two can think of a reply.
It's the depression and poor self-esteem the clown shouldn't have because it hinders people From what I've seen it's hard to be someone that many people can rely on them.
Wonder how long did it take for them to fully understand their clown? Probably around six months or less... Who knows 🤷 Anyway, I'm thinking they found a way to make sure Buggy doesn't know that they pieced the puzzle together. That would be cool.
A party that has some of the strongest pirates with the highest bounties... The Straw-hats will be there... Oh boy, that will be a weird conversation to have, won't it! Anyway, yes them being right beside Buggy. Just destroying other people's achievements for Buggy!
That is just so cute!!! Buggy being more confident in himself, acting more like he was when he was younger. Not hiding behind a mask. As well as looking his best, wearing pins that represent Mihawk and Crocodile are always so cute!!!
Buggy putting the pins in a box, that's probably one of his most favorite treasures is so cute!!!
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