#pam miller x reader
rougecreator1 · 1 month
Can you do a Pam Miller from Totally Killer x Fem reader? Please, I don't care what it is because I can't find anything on the movie.
Drunk Girls Kiss||
i'm so happy someone requested from this movie, i gotchu.
|| Pam Miller x fem!reader
|| Warnings: swearing, house party, underage drinking, short drabble
|| Summary: Reader is best friends with the Mollys, specifically Pam Miller. What happens when they drink a little too much at a house party?
Requests open!
Started: April 21st
Finished: April 21st
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You were best friends with Pam Miller, you couldn't even remember how it all started but you've been friends with her, Tiffany, Heather and Marissa for years. Which meant you were definitely dragged along when they bullied people, you usually didn't make comments like they did.
Currently, the five of you were sitting at a table in the cafeteria. Just enjoying your lunch when that weird Jamie girl from "Prince Edward Island" walked over to your table.
"There you are! I've been looking all over for you!" She looked at Pam, you raised an eyebrow at her in confusion.
"Ew, gross no. Leave." Pam scoffed, folding her arms across her chest. Jamie didn't listen. She sat down next to you, you moved closer to Pam and side eyed the blonde. Pam made a face of disgust at her and her hand wrapped around your wrist, almost protectively.
You guys were close. You couldn't explain it, but you always felt as though there was more between you two. You didn't know if you were just imagining it though. You hoped not, because you wanted more.
"So what's everyone doing after school?" Jamie asked, you glanced at Pam. There was a house party happening, but you were sure she wouldn't tell Jamie that.
"Why the fuck do you care?" Pam narrowed her eyes at her, Jamie seemed almost hurt by it but you couldn't tell.
"Oh...! No reason, just uh... wondering." Jamie smiled awkwardly, you rolled your eyes. Ugh, Canadians.
This is funny to me because I'm Canadian.
"You can leave now." Pam says as she looks at you, you stared at her in confusion." Not you, her. I'm obviously ignoring her." She continued when she saw your confused look. You relaxed at that.
That night, at the party, you and Pam were hanging out on the couch. Both of you had a drink in your hands as you talked with each other. Smiling and laughing, drunk off your asses.
"Your smile is really pretty," Pam said suddenly, you looked at her and she was staring at you with a soft gaze. One so out of character that you were sure was brought on by the alcohol.
"Yeah?" You replied, leaning a little closer to her instinctively as your cheeks flushed. Your eyes went to your lips and hers went to yours.
"Yeah." She whispered back, taking your cup from your hand and setting it on the ground with her own. Her gaze never leaving you.
There was a pause before your lips met, feeling her soft lips move against your own as she laid back on the couch. You laid on top of her, hands rested on her waist as your eyes closed and you melted into each other.
You've wanted this for so long. You hoped your kiss told her that.
"What are you doing?! Mo- Pam!" You heard the familiar voice of Jamie shout, the two of you broke your kiss. Pam looking more annoyed than you as she looked at Jamie.
"Can you not? We're in the middle of something." Pam said.
"Absolutely not." Jamie shook her head and walked over, situating herself between the two of you. You were nearly shoved off the couch in the process, when Pam noticed she glared at Jamie.
"What the hell?!" She shouted.
Jamie looked at you with a look you couldn't understand.
"Sorry, but you'll thank me later." Jamie stated, looking at Pam.
Pam rolled her eyes and folded her arms across her chest. Glancing down at your two cups which had fallen over and spilled out when Jamie joined you. She sighed," Great. Y/N/N, can you go get us new drinks?"
"Yeah, of course." You grumbled, not wanting to be around Jamie as you stood and walked to the kitchen. Thankful to be away from her.
You opened the fridge door and grabbed out two cans (you can decide whatever those would be). Thinking about what had happened before Jamie interrupted, a small smile on your lips.
Part of you wondered if that was just a one off experience. Drunk girls kiss each other all the time, right?
You hoped that it could be more than just a drunk kiss. You'd make a mental note to talk about it with Pam in the morning, if you even remembered.
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blanchettsisla · 11 months
Okay, this is for a very specific audience. If your username on character.ai is tiredsimp and you only make Cate Blanchett characters, please, please, please bring Carol Aird back. I legit cried over your not, please bring her back Jesus.
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auteurdelabre · 5 months
Palpation - RMTJoel!Miller x f!Reader - 18+
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Rating: 18+
Summary: You need a massage and thankfully a new place opened up a few blocks away… There you’re introduced to the deliciously professional RMTJoel!Miller. He makes you feel good… maybe too good?  (AU - NO OUTBREAK)
Words: 6.8k
Tags: RMTJoel!, unprofessionalism in the workplace, power imbalance (kinda?), consent king, massage (external and internal heh heh I'm so dang funny), soft!Joel, public sex, fingering, handjob. 
a/n: Went for a massage at the spa (thanks to a thoughtful xmas gift!) and came up with this idea. I wanna make it REAL clear that this is FANTASY. Meaning RMT’s ain’t there to be sexualized. It’s all for the sensual fun of this story, but in no way should this EVER happen in real life. Alright, onto the smut.  
"You need to see a massage therapist."
"No I don't," you insist scowling at your roommate Pam as you come hobbling across the room to sit next to her, pizza box in hand.  
"It's been a week of you complaining about a sore back you got... How again?"
"Sneezing," you mumble with a frown. Pam opens the pizza box and you two grab a slice. Nothing to remind you of your age like pulling a muscle sneezing. 
"A massage place just opened up a few blocks away last month. I saw it when I was getting groceries," Pam says pulling up her phone and typing quickly. "It's called ... Mill."
"Sounds pretentious." 
"Looks gorgeous."
"Any reviews?"
"Yeah like sixty," Pam says sounding impressed. "Place has a 4.9 out of 5 on Google."
"Probably paid for them," you murmur, wiping your greasy fingers on your napkin. 
"There are photos," Pam says. "This place looks stunning."
She holds up her phone and you swipe through several images of beautiful pristine rooms with the luscious looking massage tables. It's like through the phone you can smell lavender and hear gentle wind chimes playing. 
"I've never been for a massage before," you say with a nervous glance back at her face. "Laying naked on scratchy sheets while some random person is touching me all over gives me the creeps."
"They're professionals," Pam says rolling her eyes and smirking. "They change sheets between clients and you wear as many clothes as you feel comfortable in."
Hmm. You didn't know that. 
You consider this proposition as you flip through what to watch on Netflix. You have to admit that the idea of a massage sounds appealing after a solid week of being in pain and hunching when you walk. Pamela gloms onto the fact that you're being swayed. 
"Okay I'm booking you in with the person all the reviews recommend" Pam says typing away. 
"Guy or girl?"
You wince. "Isn't it weird for a guy to massage a girl?" 
"I get massages from guy massage therapists all the time," Pam says rolling her eyes at you. "It's
only weird if you make it weird." 
This was a terrible fucking idea. 
As soon as you walk through doors of "Mill" a week later you feel out of place. Beautifully carved doors and sumptuous looking couches decorate the front room. It smells like heaven in here, warm and fresh. Everything is so fancy.
You are not fancy. 
You are anxious. 
You've shaved every part of your body in a panic that morning, unsure if this is the correct protocol. What if they get grossed out by massaging body hair? What if your skin is too dry? What if your back is disgusting? You've never really looked at it that closely. 
Pam told you they don't care, that they see actually gross shit every day and that your body will be a welcome change of pace. But you don't trust her because Pam also told you that you could pull off red leather pants in college.
She was definitely wrong about that.
A pleasant woman of about fifty sits at the front desk typing away. When you approach she smiles brightly at you.
"Hello welcome to Mill. Do you have an appointment?"
"Yeah, hi, I'm here for the four pm," you say softly. This place is so serene it feels weird to speak louder than a whisper.
"And with which massage therapist?"
"Uh, I'm not sure, my friend booked it." 
"Not a problem," the receptionist says with a bright smile as she passes you over a clipboard with a sheet and pencil attached to the clasp. "Just fill this in."
You look over the intake form, blown away by all the questions asking about everything from allergies to if diabetes runs in the family. You fill this in swiftly; your eyes darting to the clock over the door leading to what you assume are massage rooms. You've got ten minutes. You lick your lips nervously and go back to the form. You turn the page over, circling on the diagram of the human body where your pain is. 
The last part is a yes or no checkbox. 
1. I bruise easily
2. I sleep 8+ hours a night
Fuck I  wish. Nope. 
3. I have back problems
Seems like a stupid question on a massage form. But yes, obviously. 
4. I am satisfied sexually 
Your pencil hovers over that question as your cheek heats up. You know it's asking you this for medical reasons but it still makes you feel embarrassed when you tick off: "No". 
You finish the rest of the check boxes and then return the sheet and clipboard back to the woman. She gives you a smile and indicates behind you. 
"Take a seat and he'll call you in."
You slip back into one of the oversized chairs as a beautiful black woman with heels walks in. She swishes by you with a smile before turning her attention to the receptionist. 
"Hi, I have a four o'clock with Tommy."
"Perfect, I'll let him know." 
The woman takes a seat next to you in one of the chairs typing. She's stunning with long legs and glossy black braids. Her large almond eyes drift over to you. 
"Have you been here before?"
You shake your head. "No, have you?"
"No but my co-workers wouldn't stop talking about it," she says with a laugh. "I figured what the hell, ya know?"
"My roommate booked the appointment for me," you tell her grinning. "The thought of-"
Before you can finish your thoughts a voice reaches out. 
A handsome man pops out from around the door, glancing to the other woman and you're struck by how muscular he is. How glossy his dark hair is and how his pants fit him just right. 
Thank Christ he's not my massage therapist. I would not be able to have his hands on me. 
"Hi," the girl says and you can see she has been similarly affected. If she was a cartoon there would have been steam coming out of her ears. 
"Hi, I'm Tommy," the man says with a charming smile as Maria pulls her purse to her shoulder. "Follow me to room 1."
Maria stumbles after Tommy's disappearing figure but not before shooting you a look over her shoulder and mouthing "What the fuck?" 
You hold in a giggle as the door closes. You pull out your phone hurriedly composing a text to Pam. 
[3:58pm] You need a massage with a guy named Tommy here. Definitely your type. 
You scroll back through a few work emails distracted until the door to the hallway opens with a creak. 
A deep voice says your name and your glance up from your phone just in time to see a tall man with the sweetest smile you've ever seen standing in the doorway holding a clipboard. His dark curls are brushed back, threaded with silver. 
Please no. He can’t be for me. He’s even hotter than the other one!
"Hi I'm Joel," he says extending a hand out to you as you stand and approach him. "I'll be your therapist today." 
Shocked, you just stare at how long the fingers are, how broad the palm is that leads up to forearms and biceps just meant to squeeze. The white t-shirt he wears literally strains over his broad shoulders and biceps. And then you see it, the small dimple in his right cheek over a neatly trimmed beard. Your heart actually flutters at the sight of it. 
He's fucking gorgeous. 
And just as that thought registers with you, a dawning horror begins to flood your senses. 
There's no way you're getting a massage from him. He's going to touch your almost naked body? He's going to be so... Close? Rubbing?! Just looking at him is causing a heartbeat to begin between your legs. 
You still haven't reached out to shake his hand and Joel takes it back quickly, looking embarrassed. 
"Follow me to room four."
On shaky legs you stumble after him in much the same way Maria did after Tommy. You watch the way his body moves so languidly, graceful despite his size. You try to ignore the twitch of his tight ass as he moves, willing yourself to focus on the artwork gracing the walls or observing how clean everything is.
Once inside the small space you take a chance to look around. It's simple, pristine white with dark grey floors. The walls hold pictures of nature, a horse walking through the forest. It's very calming to look at.  It also smells divine in here, like a spring meadow. But you're not sure if it's the room or the man in the room with you. 
You stroke the soft blanket overtop the expensive looking massage table, stilling in surprise as you feel its warmth. Joel is seated on a small rolling stool and he grabs a pen from behind his ear. 
"So what brings you in today?" 
"Is this blanket heated?"
"Uh," Joel looks confused at your response. "Yes."
"Jesus," you whistle impressed before you realize he's asked a question "Oh, I, uh, I've been having some back stuff lately."
"Work related injury?" He asks, pencil poised above your intake form on his clipboard. 
"Did it come on suddenly?"
Do not tell him the truth. 
"I was playing basketball and I wrenched it," you tell him airily as if innate athleticism is just one of your many gifts. 
"Where exactly?" Joel asks coming to a stand and walking over to you. You try not to shake as he approaches. He tucks the pencil behind his ear and the clipboard under his arm. 
"Uh, here," you say turning from him and pointing to your lower back. You face the wall surprised to see a mirror there. You see Joel in the reflection and watch his face turn studious as he stares at your lower back. 
"Is it alright if I touch you for the assessment?" Joel says, eyes scanning down your back. You swallow. 
Please touch me everywhere. 
Wait. When did that happen? When did the thought of Joel touching you go from terrifying to enticing? 
You feel his large forefinger skate down your spine and dip to the dimple at your lower back. You inhale sharply, thighs pressing together tightly trying to tamp down the pleasured shiver that wants to take you over. 
You see Joel's dark eyes dart to the mirror looking concerned as he meets your gaze in the reflection.  
"You okay? That hurt?"
"No," you reply confused. "Why?"
"You're tremblin'." 
He pulls back obviously concerned he's pressing too hard and you pray he doesn't notice your cheeks heating. 
"No uh, just a little cold." You give a shaky laugh. "Good thing you have a heated blanket."
Joel gives a little half smirk and turns, pulling the pencil from behind his ear once more. 
"Psoas major," he murmurs, making a note on his clipboard. "Pretty common for low back pain. Gonna start in the mid back and work my way down. Then I like to end with you facing up so i can get at those neck muscles. That work for you?"
"Great, just need you to sign this consent form."
He holds it out to you and you give it a cursory glance before scrawling your signature at the bottom. At this point you're willing to sign your voice away to a sea witch if it means getting Joel's hands on you quicker. 
"Alright now, I'm gonna step out for a few so you can undress and get up on the table under the sheet. I'll knock before I come in. Alright?"
He gives a small smile before moving past you out the door, closing it behind him. He smells amazing. It's not the room smell. You can't place it but its warm and masculine and... 
Oh fuck you're supposed to be getting undressed. 
You hurriedly strip until you're in nothing but your underwear. You place all your things on the chair near the door. After a pause you move your bra underneath the pile. 
You pull yourself up on the massage table maneuvering yourself until you're breast and belly down with your head nestled in the tufted face hole of the table.  
You pull the warmed top sheet up to your neck and are amazed at how relaxed you already are. Maybe Pam was right maybe you have needed a massage all this time. You could drift off right here. 
Tap tap.
"You ready?"
Your heart slams against your ribcage. That beautiful man is going to touch you. Rub you with oil with those big delicious looking hands of his. 
"Uh, yeah ready," you call out in a strangled voice. 
Calm the fuck down. 
You hear the door open and close. All you can see face down is the hardwood floor. The lights dim and your straining ears hear the sound of Joel tapping on his phone. Soft meditation -like music fills the room and you take a deep breath as his voice murmurs next to you. 
"That okay?"
He could play Scottish fucking bagpipes for all you care. You just want him to touch you.
"Your form says you've never had a massage before," Joel says quietly and you see his shoes underneath the table. Basic white Tom's should not turn you on the way that they do right now. 
"Alright well just so you know, the next part is I'm gonna lower the sheet to your comfort level and then we can start. Yeah?"
The shoes are gone from your vision and you feel him drag down the blanket over your naked back until it rests low on your spine, just at the start of the swell of your ass. You suddenly wish you had cuter underpants on. 
"This alright?"
Your eyes blow wide when he tucks it lightly in around your hips. 
"Let's get started."
At the first touch of his hand on your spine, you twitch, your nervous body over stimulated by the situation alone. Joel's hands are off you completely, his voice concerned. 
"Whoa, you okay?"
"Yeah sorry," you say with a breathless laugh. "Wasn't ready I guess."
Joel chuckles and it's a rich, delicious sound that makes your stomach flip.
 "That's okay, shoulda gave warnin'. Startin now."
His hands alight to your midback pressing lightly. He does this down your spine to warm you up, he tells you. You don't care what he does. You'd happily become a human pretzel if it meant having Joel's hands on you. 
The hands retreat and then there's the sound of lotion being squeezed and Joel rubbing his hands together. Those big, broad hands. You're so thankful he can't see how red your face is. 
Joel begins between your scapula, his wide hands smoothing over your muscles with expert care. At first you're nervous when his hands touch places that have been overlooked for months by previous partners, but soon you allow your eyes to shut and your breathing to even out. 
His hands go to your spine before Fanning out over your shoulder blades. The sensation is so fucking good, so tender. He rubs a knot there and you hiss with pleasure at the feeling of it being worked. 
"Tell me if the pressure is too hard," he breathes. 
"I actually like it hard."
The minute you say it you cringe. Why did that sound sexual? Because Joel is hot ? Because you're horny? Pamela's words float through your consciousness. 
It's only weird if you make it weird.
Just relax. Ignore it. He's not saying anything. You try to pretend you didn't say something asinine and just close your eyes. 
His oiled hands move down your spine, coming to press at your lower back, the problem area. Joel applies pressure gingerly before his thumbs begin to knead into the deep muscles there. 
At first it hurts but you remain silent, needing it to continue. After the initial throbbing ebbs you relax into it, feeling the muscle relent under his talented fingers. The release feels so good that you actually sigh out loud. 
"Ah, there we go," Joel purrs in a voice so husky you feel your panties physically dampen. 
His hands move lower, fingers grazing just under the waistband of your panties as he massages your lower back, taking his time on the problem areas you mentioned.
It feels like heaven. 
Somewhere around the midway mark you feel so relaxed that you actually drift off, carried away by Joel’s touch amongst the scent of sandalwood and the sound of flutes. 
You shift awake when you hear Joel's raspy voice in your ear. You have no idea how much time has passed. 
"Alright, gonna get you to turn over onto your back for me. I'll turn around." 
You do as he says still partly drowsy, your whole body feeling warm and boneless. You roll over, sliding down the table a bit and tugging the blanket up until it covers your breasts. You secure it under your arms. 
Your eyes crack open to see Joel turned away from you. His broad back is smooth under his shirt and from this angle you see his tight ass through his pants. He's like a Greek god in a white cotton t-shirt. 
You hope you don't have ugly lines on your face from the hole but you accept that you probably do. Oh well. Not like Joel was gonna ask you out anyway. You close your eyes again. 
"Okay. Ready."
You hear Joel place himself on the rolling stool. He slides behind you at the top of the massage table and you hold in a shudder as he moves your hair up out of his way, his fingertips grazing your neck. Immediately you feel your nipples tighten and you pray they can't be seen through the sheet. 
His hands are oiled up and then move to your neck once more. His fingers glide along your collarbone before dragging over the muscles there. The sensation is incredible, the overlooked and overworked muscle celebration with the release of tension. 
"Feels so nice," you mutter without thinking.  
"Then I'm doing my job right," Joel says and you hear the smile in it. You can feel the warm huff of his minty breath fall over your cheek.
You realize belatedly that his face must be near yours and you feel your heartbeat quicken. Your thighs press together tightly and you're shocked at how turned on you are. Joel's touch, this room, this comfort has all conspired to get you to the edge of arousal. 
His wide hands squeeze your neck muscles, gently vibrating. Something releases and your head swims warmly. 
You wriggle slightly and Joel shifts his hands to the back of your skull. His thumbs press and begin to circle there, digging pleasantly. 
"Your form says you get headaches."
"Mhmmm. Sometimes."
"Alright, might do some work on your head if that's okay."
"Lotta my patients like when I end with a head massage," he tells you, his voice tinged with pride. “Think you’ll enjoy it.”
You don't know how to tell him that his patients probably just like anything he does because he's the most beautiful man you've seen outside a movie screen. 
When his thumbs get to your temples you should have told him to stop. Because the thudding between your legs is increasing. With every swipe you feel your core tightening. 
Calm down. Calm down. 
His thumbs retreat and you feel a stab of relief go through you. That is until his fingers slide up the back of your neck through your hair... 
And he tugs. 
A simple motion, just a grab of your hair in his fists and a gentle tug to release the tension in your skull. Except it releases the tension.... Everywhere.  
Pleasure overwhelms you, warm and flooding your entire body like sweet golden light. Your hands grip the sheets as your back arches unexpectedly, hips digging back against the table. 
The sound of your shuddered cry hits the air sharply, like cool water thrown over the both of you. 
And then silence. 
You're tense. 
That much was clear when Joel saw you in the waiting room. When he touched your tight back and saw the pinched way your face looked in the mirror. 
He was determined to get you to relax. To give you what he knew you needed: release from pain. He'd read your intake form, saw where the pain was, saw you were getting shitty sleep, the headaches. It makes sense that you were wound up.
And you'd nearly jolted off the table at his first touch of you. He hadn't been expecting that reaction. You were like a skittish horse, wild and needing desperately to be tamed. 
And soon enough you'd calmed under his light touches. And now you seem pretty relaxed as the massage continues, Joel smiles when he thinks he hears you snoring quietly. He works away at the stubborn knots in your back. 
He moves down your arm, hearing you give soft little whimpers in your sleep and noting when he gets to your hand that there's no wedding band there. He doesn't understand why that sticks out to him but it does. He works down your other arm doing the same. 
He lets a hand drift along your spine, watching as you curve up for him like a cat. It's hypnotizing how his little grazes affect you so deeply. His eyes drift to the clock in the corner. Twenty minutes left. 
His mouth goes to your ear. 
"Alright, gonna get you to turn over for me. I'll turn around."
He turns, listening to the rustling sheets as you scoot down the table a bit, pulling the sheets up over you. 
"Then I'm doing my job right," Joel says with a smile. 
Everything is going well; you're going boneless in his hands again. So pliant and willing. Joel finds deep satisfaction in this. Like he's won your body over somehow, told it there's no reason for fear. He thinks it’s because you seemed so unimpressed with him at first, so dismissive. You wouldn’t even shake his hand. But now you seem like you’ve warmed up to him and this pleases him.
He sees the crease between your brows and smoothes over it with his thumb. He smiles when it disappears under his touch. 
"Your form says you get headaches," he says remembering what he read earlier. 
"Mhmmm. Sometimes."
"Alright, might do some work on your head if that's okay."
"Lotta my patients like when I end with a head massage," Joel says, proudly. He's never heard a bad word about his head massages. Hell, some people come in just for that. “Think you’ll enjoy it.”
His thumbs move to your temple and that's when he first notices the shifting of your thighs. He assumes it's an itch and ignores it. Looking back that should have been his first indication. 
When your breathing began to pick up he assumed he was just hitting a good spot. Mistake number two. 
One of Joel's favorite things about massage is that as well as healing it can bring deep relaxation and even pleasure. When he gathers the hair at the back of your neck and tugs he does so in the hopes that it will work on releasing some of that headache tension you were talking about. 
And then Joel hears it. 
The shuddering gasp accompanied by the arch of your spine and twitch of your lower half. He sees your hands curl into the sheet on either side of you. If he'd been working anywhere near your lower back he would have brushed it off as a sore muscle. But as it is he knows what just happened. 
You just came. 
He sees it in the shuddering intake of breath you take now, the flush over your cheeks and what he can see of your chest. And the way your legs relax under the sheet. 
It's not the first time a woman or man has been aroused on his table. He's had his fair share of tented blankets with the men and squirming women biting their bottom lips. The only difference is he's never made one come on his table before. 
And they've never made him hard. 
His cock is lengthening in his pants and he's so thankful that your eyes are closed. He momentarily panics, this has never happened before and the professionalism he strives for is rapidly escaping him. 
He can see your face is screwed up in anxiety and a wave of pity mixed with shame goes through him. He knows what happened with you was completely involuntary.  
And you were doing so well right before, totally limp in his grasp. You were relaxed and he'd given that to you but now you're entire body is turning in on itself, tight. All the good work you both did today leaving. 
Just get over it. Do your job. 
Joel's a professional and he knows how to handle these situations. The best course of action is to pretend like nothing is wrong. 
"The pressure okay?"
"Yep," you say tightly, your entire body tensing up under his hands. He moves his hands back to your neck and rubs gently. 
"Just relax," he whispers huskily. "We're finishing up."
This seems to relax you more, the thought that soon you'll be gone from this table. 
He needs you gone from the table, from the room, from his practice. The more he touches you and looks at you, knowing how naked you are under that sheet, the more he feels that coiled sensation in his belly. He tries to ignore that ache in his cock. But the more he tries to ignore it the more it seems to pulse. 
Your head shifts slightly, showing him more of your neck and suddenly he can't help himself. His face drifts slowly towards it, so close he can smell your perfume or your shampoo or lotion. Whatever it is, it’s fucking delicious. It makes him want to run his tongue along your neck.  
His eyes drift to your ear with its simple stud and Joel knows he’s in trouble because your fucking ear is turning him on. He clears his throat, voice rumbling from the base of his chest.  
"Need it harder?"
He watches you shiver, sees the goosebumps rise all along your body and now he notices the tiny buds of your nipples through the top sheet. He holds in a growl as you give a small whimper. 
"Uh... Yes, thank you."
Your breathy voice is so tentative and he loathes that it makes his cock twitch. He glances down to see his erection tents his pants almost comically now. 
That's enough. This is a fucking patient, Miller. 
He briefly removes his hands from you and stands, planning on flipping his aching cock up in the waistband of his boxers. 
There's a sharp ring from inside your purse across the room that startles you both. 
"Oh, shit, sorry," you say automatically lifting your head from the table and opening your eyes. "I thought I turned the ringer off-"
You've stopped talking and Joel realizes it's because his hard cock is almost at your eye level and you're staring directly at it. Joel's hands are hung at his sides, uselessly. 
Your eyes drag to his, wide and unreadable and they stay fixed there for what feels like forever. The sound of the phone ringing grows dim and then finally silences. 
He's going to be fucking arrested. You're going to leave a scathing review on Google. You're going to start screaming any second. 
Joel feels like his entire world is being tilted on its axis the more your eyes drift between him and his still hard cock. 
"I've... I don't..... I've never," Joel fumbles, trying to come up with the right words. "No ones ... No patients ever done this before... To me, I mean."
You flush so prettily at that, your smile is shy and crooked. You look at the table, embarrassed before your face is turned up to face him again. 
"Would you..." You trail off licking your lips nervously. Joel feels his cock pulsing when you do.  "Would it be okay if... If I.. Or you...?"
Joel watches your fingers reaching for his zipper before stopping, waiting for him to give the go ahead. 
I should leave. Tell her it's inappropriate and go. 
Joel ignores this thought entirely, instead he nods in understanding as he pops open the top button of his pants and slides the zipper down the teeth. Your eyes watch its descent with eager anticipation. 
His cock is stiff in his boxers and he shyly covers the thick shaft and head poking aggressively from the slit in the middle. He expects that this will turn you off, his obvious arousal. But your eyes have grown glazed, mouth parted. 
"Can I…touch?"
Joel sees your hand going towards the hand covering his cock. He swallows nervously. This is crossing all ethical and moral boundaries.
And yet ...
Joel nods, dropping his hand and you hesitate for a only a moment before your eyes drift to the belt at his hip. He realizes you've spotted the lotion bottle inside. Joel says nothing as you pump a few dabs of the massage oil into your palm before rubbing your hands together. 
He feels his heart begin to hammer as your hand reaches between the two of you to grip the head of his cock lightly. Barely a touch and Joel feels a groan pulled from his chest. 
His gaze is on your hand, watching as you begin to stroke, squeezing along the head. The lotion makes your hand glide perfectly, your grip strong and tight. 
He lets his eyes drift over to your face and a new surge of arousal goes through him. Your face is fixed in concentration, cheeks flushed so fucking pretty. You give a twist of your wrist that has Joel's legs about to buckle. 
"Oh fuck," Joel moans, head tilting forward. "So....Tha- that's so fucking good, baby." 
Your thighs press together almost painfully at his husky voice calling you that. 
You cannot believe what's happening. An hour ago you were terrified to have a stranger touch you and now you're jerking off your masseur's deliciously thick cock as he calls you baby. 
He's so beautiful, eyes closed, hands braced against the table as you stroke him. He thrusts shallowly into your hand, wanting you to take the lead. 
Everything about him is sexy to you. His tall frame arching over the table for you, the way you can see his ass clench in his pants when he moves against your palm. The little groans you're pulling from him, sailing past his teeth almost shyly. 
Your own breathing is staggered because you can't stop looking at his mouth. It's parted, his breath coming out in long shudders. You want to kiss him so fucking badly but you're lying back on the table and he's standing. You wish you could see more of him, not just the cock pulled from the slit of his boxers.
"I don't deserve this," Joel groans, his shoulders rolling as he arches into your pumping hand. 
"You do. You made me feel so good," you say softly. "I just wanna do the same."
His dark eyes open, glazed and fixed on you. His eyes dart everywhere, from your eyes to your mouth to your eyes and back down to your mouth. 
You flinch when you feel his fingers slip under the sheet and begin to trail along your inner thigh. 
"Wanna do it again," he rumbles. "Properly if that's okay."  
You can only breathe shallowly as you force a nod. It's barely more than a twitch but it's all he needs. His fingers slide between your thighs, dancing there. He groans as he does this, your hand working him well. 
He licks his lower lip, eyes never leaving your face as his fingers glide over your clothed pussy. You instinctively tilting into his touch, cheeks flaming. Joel runs a forefinger between your slit, feeling the soaking fabric of your panties there. You give a whimper as his eyelids shutter. 
"I made you this wet?"
His voice is low, awed. 
Again you give the smallest nod, feeling warm when Joel smiles at you. He looks so pleased with himself. 
You dip your eyes down your body, unable to see anything other than movement of his hand under the sheet. For some reason that makes it even hotter. 
Your eyes go back to his face just in time for his finger to slip under your panties and begin to tease your entrance. At this your body jerks and the sheet falls slightly, showing you left breast and very erect nipple. You watch his eyes greedily drink in the sight. 
Joel's hips begin to stutter and you feel his hand come to rest overtop yours. His hand is large and warm and he holds you gently, stilling your movements. 
"Slower," he tells you in a rasp. "Want us to get there together."
Fuck. Could this guy get any sexier?
At this his finger enters you, joined quickly by a second at your whispered insistence. You struggle to maintain a slow speed over his slippery cock because of it. He begins to slowly work his way deep, curling delicately. You give a shuddering inhale, eyes at half mast. 
"You want it harder?" Joel murmurs and from your position you can see his eyes are nearly black with desire as he looks down at your face. "Seem to remember you sayin' that's how you liked it." 
You can only whimper as you nod. His palm grinds against your clit sending sparks of fire up your body. 
Your hand is slick with oil and you can hear your dual breathing and the wet sound of your hand working his cock mixing with the harmonious strings and wood flutes being played over the speaker. 
You don't even know you're whining until Joel's free hand presses a finger to your lips, gently shushing you. 
"They're gonna hear us," he tells you, voice rough and pupils dilated so much his eyes look black. You nod and he removes his finger from against your lips, much to your dismay. 
Joel watches as your eyes roll back when he begins to move his fingers within you in earnest. Hitting deep and then retreating, pulsing there, curling and rubbing perfectly. Your hips begin to thrust in time with your strokes along his cock and Joel's eyes go from his cock to the blanket where his fingers work you so well. 
Your eyes travel to where your hand works him. Holding him twitching in your palm, watching the head weep with precome makes you feel powerful. Taking down this broad, masculine form with no more than gentle tugs to his cock. 
Joel-" you whisper, trying to be quiet but you're struggling. It feels so good. He feels so good. His eyes move to your face, his neck and cheeks flushed. 
"Gonna come for me right here," Joel tells you in that low, syrupy way he speaks. The one that says relax, tell me if it's too hard. "Aren't you?"
"Y-yes," you huff, your entire body going rigid. "Yes, gonna come for you, Joel."
Joel feels his stomach tighten at the way you whimper his name. Your back arches, your hand is a blur along his cock. And then suddenly his fingers hit that sweet spot deep inside, the one that has everything in your body coming to life and your eyes roll back. 
"Oh there she goes," Joel marvels. "There she fuckin' goes."
Joel's words curl down your body like his hands have done the last hour. They smooth and they press and they make you feel fucking amazing. 
"Gonna... " is all you can get before your pleasure overtakes you. You’re body jolts once more and your head slopes back as you snap your free hand over your mouth to keep your moans contained. 
"Uh huh, yeah baby, just like that," Joel urges you in heady whispers as you begin to climax. "You look so fucking good coming for me lik-- So fuck... Oh fuck... Makin' me-"
Joel slaps his free hand over his mouth seconds after over you. You let out a ragged moan at precisely the same time, the two of you climaxing with your hands over your mouths so as not to be heard.
His fingers work within you, pumping even as Joel releases himself in thick spurts over your stuttering hand. You soak his fingers under the sheet, body twisting with greedy desire as he stares at your face. 
The soft glow of sex fades quickly when the gentle chime of Joel's phone goes off seconds later. Suddenly reality makes itself known, cold and unpleasant as Joel’s cock grows limp in your hand.
What the fuck just happened?
Joel reaches behind him to the shelf and turns back, taking your hand in his and wiping his spend from your palm, between your knuckles, down your wrist. He does this with a red face, not once looking at you. That's for the best because you're so mortified you want to shrivel up under the blanket. 
When he's finished he runs a thumb over your knuckles, eyes darting to your face briefly before he drops your hand. He turns from you and tidies himself up, tucking himself away back in his boxers and zipping up his pants. 
"That's uh... That's all we have time for today," Joel croaks from over his shoulder. 
"Thanks," you say breathily, trying to regain your composure. You stare at his broad shoulders and tapered waist. The firm ass that you want to reach out a grab. 
"How do you feel?"
He still hasn't turned around and you wonder what he's thinking. His eyes are so expressive and to have them hidden from you seems a shame because you can't gauge how he feels about what just happened.
 "Uh ... Really good... You're very... Good."
At this Joel swallows and you feel like you're face must be on fire. You want to say something, anything to end this awkward exchange but Joel is already striding to the door. 
"I'll leave you to get dressed, then."
The door giving a snick closed behind him leaving you to shakily get up from the table. You don't even look to see the evidence of your arousal; you just bunch the sheets up in a pile with shame creeping down your neck. 
You don't even know if Joel is married or dating. Just because you're not doesn't mean he doesn't have a very fulfilling relationship outside these four walls. Guilt now takes you over to go along with the shame, like longtime friends holding hands and skipping. 
The worst part of all of this was how much you liked it. The needing to be quiet, the rush of doing something forbidden, the feeling of his cock growing harder and harder in your grip. Making a man like that groan and moan for you. You wish you'd tasted him, even just a lick. You also wish he'd talked more. That deep voice of his is more potent than any aphrodisiac you know of. 
What the fuck is wrong with me? This is a business. I just jerked a stranger off! This shouldn't turn me on. 
You pull on your clothes in haste, tugging the purse over your shoulder and jerking open the door in a rush to leave. To your horror Joel stands just outside in the hallway, eyes on the ground. He looks like an admonished schoolboy forced to make an apology and the sight of it makes you wince. 
You don't wait for him to finish the sentence. You want to get away from this place as soon as possible. You give a mumbling goodbye and move past him out the door, just as quiet and detached as when he first met you. 
You burst into the waiting room, the door main closing behind you. It's empty save for the receptionist who looks over at you in surprise. 
"I'm just here to pay," you tell her, hoping she can't see the shame in your eyes. You go to bring out your wallet from your purse. 
"It's already been paid," The receptionist says cheerfully typing on her laptop. 
Pam. Of course you're roommate paid for it. You flush as you consider what she actually paid for. 
"Would you like to make another appointment?" The receptionist asks cheerfully. "Joel's schedule tends to fill up fast."
You swallow, fingers hovering over the counter. The question is so simple but the answer is anything but obvious.
Yes or No?
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charliehoennam · 16 days
forever home
a/n: i rewatched the office and it was that episode where jim buys pam a house 🥰
pairing: william miller x f!reader
warnings: none (i think. i suck with tags, sorry), just fluff, not proofread so sorry for any typos
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It's almost 11 p.m.
You're sat on the couch, trying to keep your tired eyes open as you watch a rerun of Hell's Kitchen.
With Gordon Ramsey's yelling and cursing in the background, you lift your phone once more to check for any new messages but there aren't any. You open up the chat with Will on the messaging app and reread his last text.
"Having one for the road. Be home in 20. Love you 💚"
You don't want to be one of those nagging fianceés, but the urge to text or call him is just bubbling inside. That was almost an hour ago and you're starting to get worried.
What if something happened to him on the drive home? What if he got into a fight at the bar?
It would be a surprise, but it wouldn't be the first time. Despite the progress he's had through therapy, you know how he can be impatient at times and a little hot-headed too. And maybe a little cocky too, although he would only let that side shine through at Benny's matches.
The trust you have in each other is the one of the main foundations that you've built your relationship on. Opportunities like these are essential to remind, not only you, but also himself of how far he's come.
You remind yourself of that when you hear a car pulling into the condo's parking lot downstairs. It takes all of your willpower to refrain from racing to the window to make sure it's really him. Truthfully, you just want to know if he's alright.
Will's tired legs slowly his heavy body up the single flight of stairs that led up to your small and shared condo apartment. His arms are so sore that he can barely hold the keys in his hand as he unlocks the door. He's never felt so tired, even on his deployments.
For the past 3 months, Will and his team have been working on a new house. He'd gotten into the business of buying and flipping houses which has been working out really well for him.
He loved being able to work with his hands and there is something just so gratifying to him about seeing something come together so beautifully after lots of sweat, work and a little bit of blood whenever he's accidently hurt himself. Will was usually very cautious, but accidents can happen to anyone.
You always supported him and his career since he'd expressed his desire to get into the business. You're thankful he did. Will's really good at what he does and he genuinely loves being so handy.
One of the other perks is getting to watch him in action. There's something so attractive about watching your fiancé slam a sledgehammer to a wall. Will knows you like watching him too, so he'll flaunt his muscles off whenever you come around to bring him some materials or sweet treats for the team.
However, this specific project has really been taking up most of his time and you just cannot wait until it's done and sold.
As usual, Will and the guys get together every Friday night to catch up, watch a game and shoot the shit. It's their own way of making sure everyone - particularly Tom ever since the divorce - are still hanging in there.
Opening the front door to the apartment, he steps inside and locks the door with a tired sigh before near the open plan kitchen to set his wallet and keys on the breakfast counter.
"Hey, baby. Sorry I'm late. Tom got a little carried away with the beers and I had to give him a ride."
"It's alright, honey," you yawn. "Did the guys get home alright?"
You look over the back of the couch and watch him kick off his dusty work boots at the door. His work jeans are tattered, splattered with dried old paint and wood varnish. The faded tan jacket is peeled off his body and hung up on a hook.
A mental note is made in your mind to convince him to buy new clothes when you go out the next time, although you know that'd be a bit of hassle since he's too stubborn to waste money on himself. It's nothing a batting of eyelashes can't handle.
"Yeah, sweetheart. The other guys just had a couple beers, but you know Tom," he struts over as he shares with you, bending down to kiss you hello and plops himself on the couch beside you, manspreading his legs as a arm drapes of your lap, hand stroking your thigh. "He's really going through it."
"I can imagine. You been talking to him?"
"I have, yeah. Invited him to the support group, but you know how he can be."
You nod adjusting to lean closer and thread your fingers through his hair. His blonde eyelashes flutter as he closes his eyes, instantly melting under your touch.
"Yeah, I know, baby. But don't give up. You never know. He might just show up one day."
"I know, sweetheart," he smiles before opening his eyes as his head turns to face you with a gentle squeeze to your thigh. "How was your day, beautiful?"
"Just the same ol'. Made your favorite for dinner though" you smile watching the exhaustion in his eyes slowly fade.
"Pesto chicken alfredo pasta?"
His blue gleam with hope. His pretty pink lips stretch into a wide smile behind the golden whiskers of his beard. You chuckle at how happy he gets when it comes to food.
You know it stems from the lack of indulgence during his deployments. Will's no fussy eater, but when he's home, he indulges when he can to make up for the barely edible chow he and the guys had to eat. Although tasteless and sometimes expired, Will never had any problems with it because he knew the purpose wasn't to be good, but to keep him alive.
That's why he quickly back up on his feet and striding towards the kitchen to heat a plate up for himself, leaving you to snicker at his excitement. If there's one thing that the Miller brothers share, it's their appetite for food.
"How's the house coming along?"
"We finally fucking finished, babe," he grins plating the cold food. "It looks so good though. I cannot wait for you to see it. You are going to love it." Of course. He built it with you and your tastes in mind. "Tomorrow, I'm taking you to see it."
"Really?" you grin.
Your opinion is very important to Will and he always comes to you when he's got doubts and is in need of a feminine point of view, so it's not exactly uncommon for him to bring you to his projects for a look-around.
The next morning, you find yourself in his car listening to No Excuses by Alice In Chains.
With nothing else to do, you sing along to the song as Will drives steadily
“Can I please take this thing off?” you ask adjusting the blindfold he’s got on you. “I don’t want cops pulling us over thinking you’re kidnapping me.”
“Baby, no one’s gonna pull us over” he chuckles at the thought. “We’re almost there.”
You try to focus on the sounds beyond the car in an attempt to locate where you are, but the catchy tune playing from the stereo makes it impossible. The only thing you know for certain is that you’re not in the city. The familiar salty scent strikes you as clear as day.
“Are we at the beach?” your voice fills with excitement.
“You’ll see soon enough. We’re here. I’m gonna help you out of the car, hold on.”
You can hear the smile he’s got plastered on his face. Will finds it cleverly adorable how you figured part of his surprise out already. it's not enough to ruin it though.
Just as promised, he opens the car door and takes your hand to carefully help you out of the car with kind instructions. You hold onto his hand as you settle on the stony driveway. Although from a distance, you can still hear the ocean waves quietly splashing on the shore.
"Take a look," he grins anxiously untying your blindfold.
Your eyes take a moment to adjust to the bright light of the blue sky but, once it does, you freeze in awe of the house before you.
The mediterranean-style house is simple but large and elegant. Red Italian tiles and cream-colored paint exude a rustic and mysteriously familiar feeling that makes you feel at home.
Colorful flowers strategically planted grow in the grassy front lawn. Behind it, potted flowers sit on the low wall that encloses the small garden along the gated pathway to the door.
You and Will had talked about buying a house for a long time. Little did you know, Will had made a list in his precise mind of every little detail that you desired in your forever home.
"Will, this house is beautiful. You might have finally outdone yourself!"
He chuckles filled with relief and joy as he listens to you swoon over every small and carefully thought out detail of the exterior.
"C'mon, let's take a look."
He takes your hand and leads you up the pathwalk to unlock the door. You step inside the empty home and marvel at the space.
"Wow... It looks small from outside, but it's pretty big huh?"
"I thought so too. I kinda liked that about it."
"I love it! It's like a little illusion and then, you come in and it's just so much space," you grin roaming around each room slowly to take everything in.
"Do you like the windows?"
"Yeah, they're lovely. They really add to the mediterranean/contemporary vibe you got going on here. Can we see the kitchen? You know how much I love kitchens," you giggle excitedly.
"Of course. It's right over here."
"The floorplan is really nice and open too, huh? Oh, the sink! You installed the farmhouse sink! Undermount, too! The owners will love that."
Will smiles as he gazes at you, watching your reaction lovingly as you wander around the house and notice every tiny detail that Will spent countless hours pondering over to ensure you would have the house of your dreams.
The project cost him a pretty penny, but every single cent and drop of sweat he had spent investing into this home was certainly worth to see your eyes light up with every nook and cranny.
He led you to the backyard compete with a pool and beautiful stones and bright green plants that made it feel like your own little personal lagoon, with a wooden pathway that leads to a private gateway to the beach behind the house.
In truth, you feel like you're in paradise. You could spend every day in this house without the urge to leave it.
"So? What do you think?" he smiles holding your hips.
"I think this is your masterpiece, babe" you grin holding his strong biceps. "Do you have any buyers yet? I bet this will be the most expensive house you've sold yet."
"Actually, someone's already bought the place... This is ours."
You stare up at him in shock.
"A-Are you serious? You bought this place for us?"
"Mhm," he nods with a shit-eating grin. "The farmhouse sink, the red italian rooftop tiles, the little garden... It's everything that was on your list."
As tears fill your eyes, you hug him tightly and sniffle as your arms tighten around him. You want to thank him, but you're too speechless to say anything although your reaction says everything he needs to know.
You think back to all the long pillow talks you've had, where he'd casually asked you about little bits and pieces he should add to the project. You would have never guessed the project he'd been working on was your new home together.
The mere fact that Will had gone through so much trouble to make this house perfect to every desire makes your swell. Being designed by the love of your life is the finaal cherry on top.
"Thank you, Will," you mumble still stunned as you stare at your new backyard.
"Welcome home, babe."
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romanarose · 1 year
He Didn't Have to Be
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Will Miller x Single Mom!reader
Summary: You and Will hit it off immediately, but being a single mom but a past, you didn't think that he'd be interested in you. You were wrong, and Will asks you on the sweetest date you could imagine.
A/N: Will Miller brain rot is so real rn. Titled after the Brad Paisley song, bc it's what inspired this fic.
Warnings: Referenced past abuse, referenced past child abuse
Many guys ran for the hills at the idea of a woman with a kid. Some only wanted you for sex, insisting you get a babysitter or god forbid leave your son at home, insisting “it’s only for an hour” even though he was four. Some gave it a shot, only to get angry when they realized Jonah came first. It’s not that you didn’t try to make time for dates, but you had a young child, and you wanted to make the best of his childhood. They didn’t get why you were busy working on letters and numbers with him, asking “isn’t that what his preschool is for?” or why you spent time trying to plan and cook nutritious food on a budget, or why you wouldn't just drop him off with your sister to fuck or why they couldn't come over when he was napping.
So, you simply gave up dating, figuring the right guy would come along at some point, when the time better.
And the right guy did.
You were lucky enough to land a job as a receptionist at a physical therapy office, your friend’s husband, Frankie being kind enough to send the job your way when his friend said they were hiring. You were waitressing at this point and although you were getting by, it was just barely, living in a studio apartment with you and Jonah (another reason dating didn’t work) was hard. This job would offer not only financial security, but a better schedule, with Jonah at the free preschool during most of the day so this meant paying for only two or three hours at daycare after. The handsome physical therapist was a perk too.
Will Miller was one of four physical therapists in the office, but by far your favorite. He always said hello and goodbye to you every single morning and evening, and even when you first started he was making easy chit chat. The small talk turned into full conversations, Will often being found leaning over your counter, strong arms blunging out of the sleeves of his black t-shirt as you tried not to stare. It wasn’t that hard; his blue eyes were compelling enough to keep your interest. You familiarized yourself with the features of his face while he talked, and one of the other workers comments how they'd never seen Will so talkative. When you asked what they meant, they said that Will was always polite, nice but never very open. She didn’t even know he had a brother until she heard him mention Ben to you, and she’d known Will a year. It made you happy to know he felt comfortable with you like that. It took you an embarrassingly long amount of time to figure out that he was the friend Frankie knew, the one that had mentioned the job opening, but once you did, you grew closer sharing stories of Frankie and Jessica drunk.
He also let you talk about your son, which was exciting. People don’t really care a lot about a kid that isn’t their family besides a few pictures, but you mentioned a cute video, and Will actually asked to see it, endearing you to him more and more. Still, you didn’t get your hopes up. Your last relationship, Jonah’s father, messed you up pretty bad, and you were certain someone like Will wouldn’t want someone like you. Will was successful, put together, tall, handsome and charming with a very well paying job. Why would he want to take a single mom living in a shitty studio apartment with a ton of baggage? He could get any woman he wanted, not some woman he probably thought just wanted him for his money.
When he approached you that Friday as you were packing up for the weekend, he seemed oddly stiff, not leaning casually over your counter like the Jim to your Pam. Instead he stood awkwardly, hands clasped behind his back as if he was reverting back to his military days and you were his drill sargent.
 He greeted you by name, and promptly began stuttering, the composed, cool headed man you knew seemed long gone. “I was, um, well I was wondering if maybe you were doing anything this weekend? If you-you wanted to do something with me, maybe? I understand if you’re busy, it’s completely okay theres no pressure or anything, it won't have any effect on your working relationship but if you wanted too-”
“Hm?” His pail English skin turned pink.
“Are you asking me on a date?” 
The blush grew, but he nodded. “Yeah, if you’d like that, of course. No pressure at all, we can continue being friends either way.” The way he repeated ‘no pressure’ made your heart warm.
You smiled at him, equally nervous. The idea of going on a date for the first time in a year was nerve wracking, there was a solid chance of getting your heart broken… but he was so fucking handsome, how could you say no? “Yeah, yeah that would be great.” You laugh nervously. “I’m open all weekend, I just gotta see when I can get a babysitter.”
“Actually, I was thinking, and we don’t have to, it’s completely up to you-”
He’s so cute when he’s nervous, isn’t he? “Yes, Will?” You encourage him on.
“I thought maybe Jonah could come with us? I know maybe you don’t want to bring a strange man you don’t know around your son, but if you wanted to, I’d like to take Jonah to Chuck E. Cheese?”
You were stunned. No man has ever cared to meet Jonah, let alone spend time with him like that. 
“You want to go to Chuck E. Cheese for a first date?” You ask softly.
He seemed to get the wrong idea, and began to backtrack. “Right, not very romantic is it, sorry, I’d love to take you somewhere nice, I just thought it would be easier and I’d want to get to know Jonah because he’s a part of you-”
“I’d love that” You smile up at him. “Are you sure? It’s kinda an expensive first date?” You didn’t want him to invest a bunch of money on a date when you already knew you wouldn’t be sleeping together that day.
Will seemed to relax, smiling at the idea of the date. He shook his head. “I want to.  Besides, it’ll be fun. I haven't played ski ball in years, when else do I get a chance to be a kid?”
You could not wait to see what the 6’2 giant of a man looked like pretending to be a kid.
Will offered to pick you up but said if you prefer to meet there, that was okay too. Normally, you’d meet there, you didn’t like random men knowing your address, but Will… Will was different. The way Will was cognizant of your comfort made you just trust him. You still would be careful, of course, after what happened with Jonah’s dad you were protective of your precious preschooler. Jonah was ecstatic when you picked him up and told him you’d be going to Chuck E. Cheese for dinner. You explained he’d be meeting a friend of moms, keeping it vague, but it seemed very much uninterested in that aspect as the idea of the arcade filled his adorable little head. You kept it simple, a nice romper that would be acceptable to play in but looked cute on you, at least you thought so. You didn’t give your apartment number, for safety reasons but also you were a bit embarrassed at your small studio. You hoped soon to get a one bedroom with this nice new job, but wanted to have a good savings in case of emergencies. Jonah was small enough now that it was okay, it was working, but you wanted him to have some space of his own in a few years. Still, you did the best you could.
Will was waiting outside the apartment complex door, his eyes lighting up when he saw you.
“Hi. You look great.” He said with a genuine smile that you returned. Will wore a blue shirt and black pants, fitting the casual but pleasant outfit you had gone for, the blue bringing out his eyes. You were disappointed he didn't greet you with a kiss on the cheek or a hug, but he seemed nervous, so you didn’t think much of it at first. Will bent down, crouching to get to Jonah’s level. “Hey little guy, you must be Jonah.”
“Yeah, I’m this many” He held up four fingers. 
You held up all five “Honey, you’re this many”
“Oh” he giggled. “Yeah” He was embarrassed to have gotten his age wrong. “Sowwy”
You turn to Will, about to explain that Jonah just had a birthday, but Will was way ahead of you. 
“That’s okay, you had a birthday week, right? Mine was last month too and I still forget.”
Not only was he good with Jonah, but he even remembered his birthday. You began to let yourself get more and more attached to William Miller.
It was fun to see Will let loose. Not that he was tightly wound at work by any means, but he was professional. This was a side of him you could easily fall in love with.
You had tried to pay for the tokens for the arcade games, insisting that Will could pay for the food like he would for a normal date, and you’d cover the part for your son, but he wouldn’t let you. It wasn’t in a ‘I have more money than you’ way, but in a way that was just the kindness of his big, soft heart. And he got along great with Jonah, that was clear, and something very important to you. He asked you before picking Jonah up and putting him on a ride when Jonah begged him for help, gave him high fives and encouraged him when he didn’t get something on a game. He was everything you could ask for. He must've been a good big brother, you just knew it.
You and him were already past the small talk point, so there was no ‘tell me about yourself’, but conversation flowed easily, with you laughing and giggling along to his stories of his brother, remarking that Jonah reminded him a lot of when Ben was little. Still, he didn’t kiss you, was hesitant to touch you, and you began to worry that maybe he didn’t enjoy your company outside of work as much as maybe he thought he would. Still, it was a fun evening and you loved spending time with Will.
When the pizza came, Will noticed they forgot to bring the breadsticks. “I’ll go grab them, be right back.”
“Thank you” You smiled at him, and pulled out the wipes for Jonah’s hands and cleaned him off front he germs before turning to the table to plate up pizza for everyone. 
When you turn back, Jonah was gone. You tried not to panic. “Jonah?” You couldn’t see him anywhere. “Jonah!” Now you’re shouting, and in a flash Will is by your side, settling the garlic bread down. 
You don’t even have to explain what happened when he has a plan. “I’ll check the front, he can’t leave without one of us so he’s in here. I’ll talk to the employees, you just start searching, he’ll come to your voice easier than mine.”
You’re tearing up, looking around for your baby, trying too hard not to go into a pancik. “I swear, I turned around for just a second, and, and, and he-he”
Will grabbed you shoulders, forcing you to look up at him. He was calm, assured, clear headed in an emergency and that transferred to you. “I know, it’s gonna be okay, just go look for him and I’ll start getting a parameter.” Military man indeed. 
You nod, trusting Will to make things right, help you find him. You, Will and Jonah had numbers stamped onto your hand from the employee at the front, so you knew he couldn’t leave without you or Will, but you didn’t want him alone with all these strange people. You begin looking calling out to him and you could see Will talking to and directing the employees and a few concerned parents who volunteered to help, instructing them to clear different areas and guard them, slowly narrowing down a ‘parameter’ just as he said while you looked for him.
You were trying to keep calm, but 1000 worst case scenarios ran through your head. You needed to be strong for him.
You hear your name called from the indoor play structure and you look up to see Will and Jonah in a clear plastic bubble waving to you. Jonah was safe, Will found him, even going up in a play structure you knew he could barely fit in to do it. You began to cry, so fucking relieved to see your baby, and informed the worker that everything was okay. Will slid down the large slide (how he didn’t get struck, you didn’t know. The man was broad as hell.) and when he and your son popped out the other end, Jonah was apparently none the wiser of how much stress he put you through. You tearfully talk to him about not wondering off, then take him back to get food. The rest of the evening went wonderfully, and you didn’t take your eyes off Jonah the rest of the night. 
You watch Jonah dance and sing with the Chucky mascot when it came out, the ugly thing handing out tickets to the kids. You turn to Will. "Ever played 5 Nights at Freddy's?"
The giant of a man burst into boisterous laughing, the sound ringing out and filling your heart with so much joy. "I didn't wanna be the one to say it!" He heaves over from laughing so hard. "freaking fuck'n rat, used to scare the shit outta my brother as a child, I tried to fight it once because it made Ben cry"
You couldn't imagine the polite, composed man fighting a giant rat, but given how he talked about his brother, you knew he was defensive. "Oh? And what happened?"
"Turns out Chuck will put you on your ass when you kick him in the crotch."
When Will pulled into the parking lot, Jonah was fast sleep in his booster seat and you unbuckle him, turning to Will. It was the end of the date, and you knew what he might be expecting. “Listen, I had a wonderful time, and I’d like to go out again, but I can’t… I can’t exactly invite you to stay over.”
Will was quick to assure you he had no expectations, but you continue to clarify; you didn't want him to think you didn't want him. “It’s embarrassing, but we live in a studio apartment right now.”
“A studio isn’t embarrassing, trust me, I’ve slept in some interesting places and I don’t expect anything on the first date. And I especially wouldn’t expect a mom to invite me to stay the night where her kid lives this early on.”
You, however, weren’t ready for the evening to end. It was still early. “Listen, Jonah is out cold” After running around all day and eating a ton of pizza, he was in a food coma. “I have a balcony. I would love it if you came up and had a drink.”
Will lit up, teeth showing just a bit as he smiled. “I’d love to, if you’re comfortable.”
Will helped hold Jonah while you attempted to brush his little teeth and politely excused himself to the balcony while you changed him into his pj’s. Will didn’t seem put off at all by the Baby Yoda toddler bed between your twin mattress and the small kitchen table.
When you came outside, Will was sitting on one of the cheap lawn chairs. You brought out a throw blanket and two mugs of hot chocolate with just a splash of Bailey’s Irish Cream and pulled the second lawn chair up next to him. Gathered under one blanket, you were thrilled to spend some alone time. You adored your son, and you adored how Will wanted to all be together, but it was nice to be with Will away from work, just you and him. 
“Can I hold your hand?” Will asks sweetly, his soft, bearded face welcoming you in. 
Like a silly teenager, you blush at the innocence. “Yeah” He takes your hand and you feel so connected, so safe, so secure in his firm but comforting grip. “I was wondering when you’d make a move.” You gently tease, and you see Will blush as he smiles and glances away. “For the record, I wanted to make a move earlier, but I didn’t know what was appropriate with Jonah around. Didn’t wanna confuse him or noth’n.”
The way he always thought about you and Jonah first… it never failed to make your heart sore.
You rest your head on Will’s shoulder, and he wrapped an arm around you, making you feel more warm than the blanket ever could.
“Thank you for today, William.” You whisper.
“I had a great time, honey. I hope I can take you out again sometime.”
“I’d love that.” You look up at him, the moonlight illuminating his skin oh-so beautifully. “And thank you for going into action so fast when Jonah was missing.”
“Of course. Jonah is important to you, so he’s important to me. Plus, any kid that goes missing needs immediate action.”
That’s what you loved about Will. He didn’t just do it because it was Jonah, you know damn well he’d do the same for a stranger’s kid if needed. 
“How come you wanted to go out with Jonah too? I’ve never had a guy do that after a few dates, nonetheless the first one.”
He held you closer. “Well, I don’t wanna be presumptuous, but I don’t date casually, and it seems you don’t either… if we are gonna be together long term or even…” he trailed off, but you knew what he was about to say. “Well, I’d wanna be a family. Not that I’m tryna replace his dad!” Will quickly adds.
“Jonah’s dad isn't allowed near him.” You say. When Will doesn’t respond, merely nods, you knew he was keeping the conversation to talk more if you wanted to, so you continued. “He was an asshole. Roughed me up a bit.” A bit was putting nicely, but it was a bit early for pouring your heart out.
You could feel his grip tighten ever so slightly on your shoulder as he took a deep breath. “I’m sorry”
“It’s okay” You said softly. It’d been a few years since you’d left. “I put up with a lot, but when he hit Jonah, that was it. I left right after that, spent a few months in a shelter, now we're here.”
“Bastard.” He mumbled under his breath, and you knew his anger for you and your boy was genuine. 
“I have a restraining order against him, so he’s not in the picture. I wish Jonah had his dad, but I won’t let him get hurt again.”
“I know, you’re a good mom.” Will assures you, “He’s a happy kid.”
You can’t help but smile at that. “I wish I could give him more… but I’m trying.”
“Hey now” his voice was soft and comforting, his hand gently, so gently guiding you to look at him. “He’s happy, he’s got food, a bed, lots of toys and I saw the worksheets you got laid out, I know you’re working hard on his learn’n. He’s a good kid, says please and thank you, you've given him a good life, princess.” 
“Thank you, Will. I appreciate that. Are you doing anything Sunday morning? I’d love to cook you lunch.” 
When Will left that evening, he waited at your doorway, holding both hands, looking nervous again. “I’d like to kiss you, if that’s okay.”
They he always asked you, leaving so much room to say no. When he asked you on the date in the first place he was adamant about making sure you felt no obligation even though he was technically your superior, to something as innocent and pure as hold your hand… you knew he was different from Jonah’s dad, he was so, so much better. Was it possible to fall in love this fast?
Still holding his hand, as he nervously looked down at you awaiting an answer, you went up on you tippy toes, planting a loving, chaste kiss on his pink lips. He kissed you back, lips moving against yours before he pulled away. “I’ll see you both Sunday?” 
“Yeah, Sunday” You hugged him goodbye, resting your head on Will’s firm, strong chest. You didn’t want him to leave, but you knew now was not the time for him to stay over. You’d move slowly, you and Will, going at a pace comfortable for both of you until you were ready. Something felt right, so damn right about him.
Yeah, you’d take things slowly, but something in your gut told you… Will would be a part of your little family.
This got me pretty good ngl ;-; my baby fever is so high these days lolololol
If you'd like to see a part two, lmk! I'm happy to write more drabbles with this. Not like, a series bc I don't have a full story plan but a few one shots.
I love Will so much and it makes me sad he doesn't get much attention in this fandom :(
(Dolli that princess was especially for you. I feel like Will is a 'princess' kinda man, but wouldn't use it right away. but when he felt comfortable enough....)
also funfact i usd to work at chuck e. cheese and yes i was the giant rat. Yes I have gotten tackled to the floor and yes i did want to punt some kids but didnt. flipped off some teenagers though.
tagging a few people who might be interested/expressed interest in the discord server.
@missdictatorme @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @campingwiththecharmings @ahookedheroespureheart @jake-g-lockley @littlenosoul @welcometostayingawake @miraclesabound
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ameagrice · 1 year
Young Years
chapter three | not so bad after all
tommy miller x fem reader
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There’s a quiet in the morning, when Freddie still sleeps, giving you time where you can sit and think. Morning sun streams into the living room, and sitting in it warms you right to the bones.
Two days had passed since the movie night in town, and it was energising in a way you’d been missing since 2003. You’d dragged yourself out of bed this morning and forced yourself into the shower while Freddie slept. Standing in the bare bathroom in just a towel, brushing your teeth with the shitty toothbrush from back home, you took notice of the bare walls, and the dusty extractor fan. And something lit inside of you that hadn’t been lit for a while.
You let Freddie wake up while you got ready for the day in some random clothes stored in old bin bags up in the tiny attic space. Maybe the previous owners thought they’d be coming home, so they put them up there for safe storage. Whatever the reason, you thanked them, because despite the slight musty smell, they were all in amazing condition. Four full bags sat waiting for you, of men’s outfits (which you threw right to the back), women’s clothes (which took up two bags and was promptly dropped down to the ground at the bottom of the ladder) and a bag of boy’s clothes, just a bit too big in length for Freddie but also in good condition. You felt almost silly for smiling like you’d won the lottery as you sifted through them. The women’s pants were a size too big in width, but decent in length, so you felt they’d do. There were jackets in bright colours you hadn’t seen for years, and ohmygodohmygod were they Levi’s? You turned the shorts around and looked over the brown stitched square on the waistband of them—definitely Levi’s.
You looked up, putting the shorts down in your lap at the sight of your son rubbing his eyes sleepily in the doorway, just in the light of the sun.
“Good morning,” you smiled, and your heart almost burst when he smiled cutely back. You put the clothes to one side and stood up, a prep in your step that you were fond of, and scooped him up, your back complaining under the weight of him on your hip. Some might have said he was getting too big to be carried around, now. Hell, your bones were shouting it at you. But you’d never get these years back.
“What can we have breakfast?” You sighed, setting him on the counter.
“Hmmmm,” he thought. “Toast?”
You clicked your tongue, reaching for the bread bin. “That is a good choice, little man.”
There wasn’t much in the small kitchen but a couple of things your new neighbours had brought over. The morning after the movie night, just as the kids on the street were heading to school, you’d had a couple of light knocks at your door. Mindful of Freddie still sleeping, you’d unlocked and opened it quietly, smiling politely but wondering what the hell this stout, red-cheeked woman was doing on your step.
“Good morning!” She beamed, and you tried to keep yours. Too early for this kind of joy. Her dark, short curls were tied in a large bun at the top of her head, and she still wore a bright orange dressing gown that reached her slippered feet. “I’m Pam, nice to meet you!”
Pam had a very distinct Brooklyn accent, and dull-blue eyes. She gave you the feeling of a nanna who just wanted to smother her children and grandchildren in hugs and kisses and feed them until they were fat.
You told her your name in return. “Can I help you with anything?” You shook your head a little, watching for her reaction.
Pam shook the wide wicker basket you hadn’t notice she held. “Noticed one of the girls from patrol brought you here the other day. We didn’t see you at all until last night in the hall, remember? So I got to thinkin’, ‘Pam, this woman needs a friend and some good food’. Didn’t figure you’d got a moment to go get anything yet. So I put together a little package for you, sweetie.”
“That’s…that’s really thoughtful,” you sighed gently, in some sort of relaxing state. “Thank you.”
Pam all but shoved it into your hands. “Now, we live just next door, see?” She gestured to the house on your left. “You’re welcome any time you like. My girls have just left for school so I’ve got a bit of cleaning to do, and dear lord I gotta get cooking brisket. I got some brisket last week…”
You hadn’t been able to get rid of her.
“Toast and jam coming right up,” you popped the button, and Freddie cheered. “You know what we’re gonna do today?”
You started spreading the jam from the small pot. “We’re going to get some paint.”
“Paint?” Freddie looked incredibly confused. “What for?”
Alongside the many other surprising things this town had, a hardware store was one of them. Trying to avoid a lot of talk, now you knew people had noticed you, you took a small box paintbrushes, and two lots of teal paint.
“What do you think?” You looked at the colour swatches in front of the tins. “Teal or darker?”
Which was how you ended up standing on the toilet seat, paintbrush up to the ceiling, carefully outlining the edges. Freddie was chattering away in the living room accompanied by the box of toys you’d taken in there for him to play with. It wasn’t very hard to keep him occupied these days. The poor kid hadn’t had many toys at all growing up; you simply hadn’t had the resources.
A complete and total lie. The month of hiking from Virginia to Wyoming had almost killed you. Literally. Between the days of not eating to feed your kid instead, and the constant fight against the elements and infected, you were sure many a time that you’d made the wrong decision.
You hadn’t wanted to tell anyone yet where you’d really come from, too afraid to let people know what you were really about. Life back in Virginia had been a different world to this life in Wyoming, this centre of bliss. Between Freddie’s father running off at the first mention of parenthood, and your constant struggle from then onward, life was a fight you’d learned to navigate your own way.
Having arrived here, seeing just what you’d paid information and trader for, was like the world finally giving back. It had taken your youth. It had taken your freedom and happiness for a long, long time. But through all of your efforts of surviving motherhood alone, trying to survive in a place that didn’t want you to…it was overwhelming and a great relief to know it finally wasn’t all for nothing.
You added another splash of colour to your walls.
To your life.
By week three, you grew antsy.
And you knew just the person to go to.
“Hey there!” Pam threw up her hands, beaming. She stepped back, and you could smell the beautiful smell of—was that actual duck? “Come in, come in! I’ve just started cooking!”
Freddie clung onto your hand, pressing in your side as you entered the house. You’d never seen a fuller place.
“It smells amazing in here,” you commented. Books were stacked from floor to ceiling next to a full bookshelf, and photographs filled pretty much every space on every wall in sight. “Duck?”
“It is, indeed!” Pam bustled through the hallway. The layout was similar to your own house. “Want some? We got plenty to go around.”
What harm could it do to say yes?
“Uh, that’d be great, actually. Thank you.”
She waved her hand, ushering you into the kitchen. “Oh, you don’t need to thank me, sweetie. Got more than enough for everyone here. And who might this little guy be?”
You smiled, looking down at Freddie. He smiled shyly. “This is my boy, Freddie. You gonna say hi?”
“Hi,” he muttered, hiding his face in your jacket straight after.
You laughed with Pam at his shyness.
“Waiting on the girls to come back from school, and the husband’s still at the bar with Tommy, but you’re welcome to make yourself at home.”
“Tommy?” That caught your attention. Pam hummed, opening the oven and pulling out the tray of duck. “Tommy Miller?”
“Yeah. You met him yet?”
“I have, actually, the first night I actually tried to socialise. Saved me from a pretty unfortunate incident with some guy who couldn’t take a hint,” you huffed a laugh.
Pam groaned. “Ugh—hate guys like that.”
“Tell me about it.”
A best of silence fell over you, and determined to keep the evening light (and to make it seem like you definitely weren’t struggling for things to say) you said the first thing that popped into your head.
“So,” you watched as Freddie left your side warily, and began walking his diplodocus dinosaur up and down the kitchen table. “How long have you guys been here?”
“Oh, about two years, now, give or take,” Pam nodded. “Group of us found this place pretty much deserted back in early 2014. It looked pretty much intact—” she lowered her voice, looking from yourself to your son, “infected didn’t seem to come out this far. So we got it cleaned up as best we could, then started on building the fences to surround the place. And now you’re seeing the rest of our efforts. Gates, stronger walls, our little community. It all works out well, I’d say.”
And it did. The concept of not having to fight like hell to get something you needed still felt a little strange to you—everything here, Maria explained in your first week, was free game, shared between the people who inhabited the community. It was a wonderful idea, but you wondered how long it could last, and more importantly, if it would.
“You mentioned your girls going to school?”
Pam hummed, stirring something on the stove. “It’s a big enough place. Only got a couple’a teachers but it’s better than nothing. You thinkin’ of sending the little one?”
Your heart raced every time you thought of leaving Freddie somewhere you wouldn’t be, but you knew this was important for him. He was five, now. And needed desperately to be around kids his own age, learning about life as normally as possible.
“I was.” You nodded. As if sensing you wanted to talk more about it, Pam nodded you over, and you stood with your hands in your pockets as you talked. Weirdly, you almost felt seventeen again, standing and talking with your mother as she cooked. It hurt. Bad. “I’m worried about leaving him. He’s never been away from me a second in his life, Pam. Ever.”
She pursed her lips, but her eyes weren’t without sympathy. She put down the wooden spoon on the side, and folded her arms to look at you. You were taller than her, a good two heads at least, but she gave the feeling of somebody who knew what they were talking about—a mother and a woman with life experience and a kind but firm heart.
“That place, the school, is well protected. This whole community is protected day and night by people who have the same worries as you and I, darling.” She sighed, and you felt yourself frowning. “I’m not saying it won’t be hard. Every time my husband and children walk out the front door, it is a constant struggle to not chase after them and pull them back. But we’re all here, every one of us in this community, for the same reason; to get some semblance of life back. If it makes you feel better, could talk to Maria about picking up some sort of duty around the place to keep your mind off of things. But the first step to living properly again is by letting that little boy take steps on his own, mama.”
“I need something to do.”
Maria lifted her eyes from her bowl of cereal. “Good morning.”
“Morning,” you hurried. Freddie clung to you half-asleep, arms around your neck loosely. “I need something to do.”
“Are you wearing Levi’s?” Her mouth gaped, eying your jeans. “What d’you mean you need something to do? We do meetings and yoga—”
“I’m not going to yoga, Maria,” you huffed. The older woman snickered. “I need a job. Give me something to do.”
“Well, what are you interested in doing?”
You faltered. What were you interested in doing? It was hard to think of things you were good at when you hadn’t had the opportunity to explore in the last decade. Back in high school, at the ripe age of sixteen before things turned to shit, you’d enjoyed sitting in art class drawing aimless patterns, or twirling watered-down paint over the back of your hand with a fine brush.
“Got anything to do with art around here?”
“Not really. There’s a small hardware store that sells paints and decor things, but other than that…”
You chewed on the inside of your cheek. “What about…what about...” you thought hard. You wanted stability and safety, and there were people who guarded the place…
“What about patrol?”
Maria’s face tightened. “Are you sure? We have a rota for who does what time, but…” her eyes moved to Freddie. “Are you sure you want to try that? I mean, it’s your choice, but there’s a lot of going out into Jackson itself, might come across raiders or infected. Anything could happen.”
If it fit around what you hoped would be a stable event in your son’s life, it would have to do.
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This chapter is such a filler omg.
@mimi-luvzyu @totallyspicegurl @pedritosdarling
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beardedjoel · 5 months
currently game ~
ty for the tags babes! @janaispunk @futuraa-free
last song: the edge of town - middle kids
currently watching: been watching the curse and it makes me want to throw up please dm if you've seen it i'm so cringe over it jesus christ
three ships: uhhhhhh joel miller x me, joel miller x reader, joel miller x you 😇
favorite color: sage green (currently)
currently consuming: good old h2o from my quencher
first ship: omg my first die hard ship was probably jim and pam from the office
relationship status: been with my bf for 8 years! <3
currently working on: trying to finish plw christmas chapter before christmas 😭, smother part v!
last film: the boy and the heron
i just tagged a bunch of people in the other tag game i jsut posted so ummm hehe i'm feeling lazy this is an open tag to everyone !
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therealcrimediary · 2 months
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] The result of hundreds of interviews, Vanished in Vermillion is a cold case story that flips the script on a typical investigation narrative, revealing the biggest law enforcement embarrassment in South Dakota history. In May 1971, Pam Jackson and Sherri Miller were two seventeen-year-olds driving to an end-of-the-school-year party in a rundown Studebaker Lark when they seemingly disappeared off the face of the earth. Police back then didn’t do enough to try and find them. Investigators thirty years later did too much. Two families endure decades of pain as they await answers of what happened to their girls. When a third family is pulled into the mystery, they quickly learn their nightmare is just beginning. “Lou’s terrific storytelling and investigative skills give the reader a front-row seat as he unravels this bizarre case, chock-full of twists and turns.” —Caroline Lowe, veteran crime journalist and member of the FindJodi team Publisher ‏ : ‎ Post Hill Press (February 27, 2023) Language ‏ : ‎ English Paperback ‏ : ‎ 384 pages ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1637587252 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1637587256 Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.08 pounds Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6 x 0.87 x 9 inches [ad_2]
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Advent Calendar of Fics Complete Masterlist
Day One // Comfortable [x]
Pairing: Luke Danes x OFC, Luke Danes x Lorelai Gilmore Word Count: 737   Rating: Gen
Day Two // What If I Stay [x]
Pairing: Nick Stokes x Reader Word Count: 1179  Rating: Teen
Day Three // Own My Own [x]
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Sirus Black Word Count: 1210  Rating: Teen
Day Four // Angel With A Shotgun [x]
Pairing:  Dean Winchester x Castiel Word Count: 999   Rating: Gen
Day Five // Should’ve Said No [x]
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 1197  Rating: Teen
Day Six // Crash My Party [x]
Pairing:  Peter Parker x Reader Word Count: 1488 Rating: Mature
Day Seven // Speak Now [x]
Pairing: Jim Halpert x Pam Beesley Word Count: 1325 Rating: Teen
Day Eight // DIVORCE [x]
Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader Word Count: 1515 Rating: Mature 
Day Nine  // All I Ask [x]
Pairing: Doctor x Reader Word Count: 1337 Rating: Explicit
Day Ten // Hard To Love [x]
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 1097 Rating: Teen
Day Eleven // I’ll Never Love Again [x]
Pairing: Denny Duquette x Reader Word Count: 1878 Rating: Mature
Day Twelve // Sweetheart [x]
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader Word Count: 1315 Rating: Teen and Up
Day Thirteen // Remind Me [x]
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader Word Count: 1691 Rating: Gen
Day Fourteen // Right Girl [x]
Pairing:  Mark Sloan x Callie Torres, Mark Sloan x Addison Mongtomery x Derek Shepherd x Meredith Grey, George O’Malley x Callie Torres, Word Count: 1765 Rating: Mature
Day Fifteen // What A Man Gotta Do [x]
Pairing: Schmidt x Cece Parekh Word Count: 1158 Rating: Teen 
Day Sixteen // I Won’t Say I’m In Love [x]
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader Word Count: 1796 Rating: Teen 
Day Seventeen // Santa Stole My Girlfriend [x]
Pairing: Chandler Bing x Original Character x Joey Tribbiani Word Count: 1558 Rating: Teen
Day Eighteen // I’ll Be Home For Christmas [x]
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 2091 Rating: Gen
Day Nineteen // All I Want For Christmas Is You [x]
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 1430 Rating: Gen
Day Twenty // Baby It’s Cold Outside [x]
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader Word Count: 1446 Rating: Teen
Day Twenty-One // I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus [x]
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader Word Count: 1847 Rating: Teen
Day Twenty-Two // Santa Tell Me [x]
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader Word Count: 1956 Rating: Teen
Day Twenty-Three// Last Christmas [x]
Pairing: Nick Miller x Reader Word Count: 1974 Rating: Teen
Day Twenty Four // Santa Baby [x]
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Original Female Character, Draco Malfoy x Valentina Fleamont Word Count: 1867 Rating: Teen 
Day Twenty-Five // What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve?  [x]
Pairing: Harry Potter x Reader Word Count: 1347 Rating: Gen
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joviewinchester · 4 years
Jovie Winchester: An Introduction to my Account
A/N: Aye! What’s up, y’all. This is me finally making a tumblr account. If you want to check out my other work, I have a Wattpad account @JovieForbes, so if you like this you should go check that out. I’m trying to be more organized on this account than on that one. This is basically a clean slate. I will triple check my grammar on here, and when I finally figure out how to make a masterlist, I might do that too. I might try and transfer my supernatural imagine where I remade the Changing Channels episode with the reader. That one’s my favorite, or I wouldn’t even bother. Below, I will put lists of characters I do for each of my fandoms, and if you would like to make requests you can. If you make requests, tell me if you want it to be platonic or not especially for the girls. All of these will be character x fem! reader because that is what I’m comfortable with. Once again, feel free to request! ❤️
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Charlie Bradbury
Jack Klein
The Vampire Diaries
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Tyler Lockwood
Jeremy Gilbert
Enzo St. John
Kai Parker
Katherine Pierce
Caroline Forbes
Elena Gilbert
Bonnie Bennett
The Originals
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Marcel Gerard
Hayley Marshall
Camille O’Connel
Jackson Kenner
Hope Mikaelson
Lizzie Saltzman
Josie Saltzman
Milton Greasley
Rafael Waithe
Kaleb Hawkins
Landon Kirby
Archie Andrews
Jughead Jones
Reggie Mantle
Betty Cooper
Veronica Lodge
Cheryl Blossom
Toni Topaz
Sweet Pea
Kevin Keller
Parks and Recreation
Leslie Knope
Ann Perkins
Ben Wyatt
Chris Traeger
Tom Haverford
Donna Meagle
Jean Ralphio
Bobby Newport
The Office
Michael Scott
Dwight Schrute
Pam Beasley
Jim Halpert
Kelly Kapoor
Angela Martin
Andy Bernard
Holly Flax
Stranger Things
Dustin Henderson
Mike Wheeler
Nancy Wheeler
Will Byers
Jonathan Byers
Billy Hargrove
Lucas Sinclair
Teen Wolf
Scott Mcall
Stiles Stilinski
Derek Hale
Peter Hale
Lydia Martin
Allison Argent
Isaac Lahey
Brett Talbot
Liam Dunbar
Theo Raeken
Kira Yukimura
Malia Tate
Jordan Parrish
Once Upon a Time
Peter Pan
Henry Mills
Regina Mills
Emma Swan
Killian Jones
My Babysitter’s a Vampire
Benny Weir
Ethan Morgan
Jane Morgan
Sarah Fox
Erica Jones
Rory Keaner
Jesse Black
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Nicholas Scratch
Theo Putnam
Sabrina Spellman
Ambrose Spellman
Rosalind Walker
Harvey Kinkle
Prudence Blackwood
New Girl
Winston Schmidt
Nick miller
Winston Bishop
Jessica Day
Cecelia Parikh
Request Prompt Lists
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luna-jaden-shadow · 5 years
Requests are open for any of the fandoms ( Click ) (feel free to suggest one and I’ll let you know if I can) and if you want smut here’s what the limits are ( Click )
Festive Prompt List (Christmas) -> CLICK Prompt List (Spooky) -> TBA Prompt List (General) -> TBA
Key - 
(S) - Smut
(F) - Fluff
(P) - Preference 
(I) - Imagine
(H) Headcannon
(A) Angst
Never Along - Tony Stark X Avenger!Reader (F)
Only You - Tony Stark X Reader (F)
Where Did Everybody Go? - Tony Stark X Ex-Hydra!Reader (A)
My Speedster - Pietro Maximoff X Reader (S)
Progress - Wanda Maximoff X Reader (F)
Natasha Romanoff taking care of you when you’re sick would include (H)
Sign Me Up - Frank Castle X Reader (F)
Family First - Frank Castle X Reader (F)
Her Habits - Trish Walker X Reader (F)
Trouble Find Me - Bucky Barnes X Hydra!Reader (F)
Bottom Of The River - Peter Parker X Reader (A)
Fix You - Peter Parker X Male!Reader (A) (F)
Peter Parker Fluff Alphabet (F)
X-gene - Logan Howlett X Reader (A)
Rock The Bed - Logan Howlett X Reader (S)
Psych 101 - Thor Odinson X Reader (F)
Running Out Of Time - Stephen Strange X Avenger!Reader (A)
The Walking Dead
Ambushed - Negan X Reader (F)
Defensive - Negan X Reader (S)
Moving On - Negan X Reader (F)
Pleading Innocent - Negan X Reader (F)
Under My Protection - Negan X Teen!Fem!Reader (F)
Dandelion - Negan X Reader  (pt. 2)  (pt. 3) (F) (A)
Freezing Storm - Negan X Reader (F)
Hunter Down - Daryl Dixon X Reader (F)
Panicked Love - Daryl Dixon X Reader (F)
Reality - Daryl Dixon X Reader (A)
Saved You First - Daryl Dixon X Teen!Fem!Reader (F)
My Way Or The Highway - Daryl DIxon X Reader (A)
Unbelievable - Rick Grimes X Reader (A)
Trust Issues - Aaron X Fem!Teen!Reader (F)
Friend On The Other Side - Aaron X Teen!Whisperer!Reader (F) (A)
Fall For Me  - Dean Winchester X Angel!Reader (F)
Creep - Dean Winchester X Reader (A)
Paper Crown - Sam Winchester X Male! Reader (F)
Sleeping Grace - Castiel X Hunter!Reader (F) (A)
I’ve Got You - Gabriel X Hunter!Reader (F)
DC Comics
My Drug - Arthur Fleck/Joker X Crazy!Reader (F)
I Don’t Know You - Red Hood X Male!Reader (A) (F)
I’m Serious - Red Hood X Trans!Oc (Nova) (F)
Harley Quinn Being Jealous Would Include. . . (H)
My Hero Academia
In The Hands Of The Enemy - Dabi X Fem!Reader (F)
Let’s Hang Out Sometime - Tomura Shigaraki X Reader (F) (A)
Swapped - Shota Aizawa X Hero!Fem!Reader (F)
Please. . . - Shota Aizawa X Hizashi Yamada X Hero!Reader (A) (F)
Is Something Burning? - Shoto Todoroki X Reader (F) (A)
Jerome Valeska Being Jealous Would Include. . . (H)
Harvey Bullock Being Jealous Would Include. . . (H)
Flirty Mood - Harvey Bullock X Reader (F)
My Queen - Barbara Kean X Female!Reader (F)
One In A Million - Barbara Kean X Reader (F)
Always - Barbara Kean X Reader (F)
Not Next - Jonathan Crane X OC (F)
Breathe In, Breathe Out - Jonathan Crane X Villain!Reader (F) (A)
Run Away - Jim Gordon X Teen!Reader (F)
Unhealthy Obsession - Edward Nygma X Reader (A)
I Think I Broke Something - Oswald Cobblepot X Reader (A) (F)
Criminal Minds
Meant To Be - JJ X Reader (F)
My Life For Yours - Spencer Ried X Reader (A)
Sinnerman - Lucifer X Reader (F)
Law & Order SVU
Gamble Your Heart Away - Amanda Rollins X Reader (F)
Buried In Work - Dominick “Sonny” Carisi X Reader (F)
Big Brother
Our Little Secret - Nicole Franzel X Reader (F)
The 100
I Promise You - Clarke Griffin X Reader (A) (F)
Fight For You - Lexa X Reader (F)
Grey’s Anatomy
Meredith Grey Fluff Alphabet  (F)
Date Me - Mark Sloan X Reader (F)
Friends With Benefits - Lexie Grey X Shepherd!Reader (S)
School Girl Crush - Lexie Grey X Fem!Shepherd!Reader (F)
His Eyes - Derek Shepherd X Reader (A)
A Little Bit Of Luck - Derek Shepherd X Sloan!Reader (A) (F)
Scream To The Heavens - Izzie Stevens X Sloan!Reader (F)
Love Bug - Izzie Stevens X Reader (F)
Love to - Arizona Robbins X Field!Reader (F)
Stand By You - Lucy Fields X Reader (F)
They Look So Pretty When The Bleed - Alex Karev X Reader (A) (F)
Soul Eater
Drunk Words Sober Intent - Older!Deathscythe!Soul X Fem!Reader (F)
Seven Deadly Sins
For The Greater Good - Ban X Sin!Reader (F) (A)
Dead To Me
Cuddling With Judy Hale Would Includ. . . (H)
Team Osiris Cuddles (P)
Vale Trying To Make You Feel Better Would Include (H)
Perfect Week - Olympia Vale X Reader (F)
Lazy Day - Human!Cortana X Reader (F)
Orange Is The New Black
Love Doctors - Lorna Morello X Reader (F)
Apple Pie Life - Maritza Ramos X Fem!Reader (F)
Found Me - Maritza Ramos X Fem!Reader (A) (F) 
American Horror Story
Go Bite In The Night - James March X Reader (S)
Saying “I love you” to Mary Eunice first would include (H)
Jealousy Got The Best Of Me - Nora Montgomery X Reader (F)
My Light House - Misty Day X Reader (F)
Noodle - Courtney Miller (Smosh) X Reader (F)
This Is War - Mark Fischbach (Markiplier) X Reader (F)
Markiplier (Egos)
Evermore - Darkiplier X Reader (A)
Requiem - Darkiplier X Reader (A) (F)
Twilight (Pt. 2) - Darkiplier X Reader (A) (F)
Holiday Season - Darkiplier X Reader (F)
All I Want - Darkiplier X Reader (F)
In Your Head - Wilford Warfstache X Reader (A)
Adventure’s Call - Illinois X Reader (F)
Dead On Arrival - Illinois X Reader (F) (A)
Musical Friend - Yancy X Reader (F)
Parole - Yancy X Reader (F)
Meant To Be Yous’ - Yandere!Yancy X Reader (A)
Poking The Bear - The Host X Reader (F)
The Perfect Gift - The Host X Reader (F)
Panic Room - The Host X Reader (F)
In All Of The Seven Seas - Captain Magnum X Fem!Reader (F)
Pirates of the Caribbean
Beautiful As The Sea - Elizabeth Swann X Reader (F)
Aphmau Series’
Anger - Zane Ro’meave X Reader (F)
Missing You - Jeffrey Dean Morgan X Reader (S) (F)
Who Do You Belong To? - Jeffrey Dean Morgan X Reader (S)
Set Sex - Lauren Cohan X Reader (S)
Sleeping Beauty - Evan Peters X Reader (F)
Promise - Patrick Stump X Reader (F)
Snoopin’ Around - Jennifer Aniston X Reader (A)
Video Games
Fallout 4 Casefile - Nick Valentine X Reader (A)
Until Dawn Session 3 - Chris Heartley X Reader (A)
Santa’s List - Samantha Giddings X Reader (F)
Alien Isolation Where Do You Think You’re Going? - Amanda Ripley X Reader (F)
Movie Night - Jade West X Reader (F)
Run Along - Jade West X Reader (F)
Confidence - Jade West X Reader (F)
Good Looking Mess - Jade West X Reader (F)
Under The Mistletoe - Elsa X Reader (F)
Secret Love - Elsa X Fem!Reader (F)
The Office
Halloween Mishap - Pam X Reader (F)
Injured On The Job - Ziva David X Reader (F)
492 notes · View notes
firstdraftpod · 5 years
Ep 191: Ryan Graudin
First Draft Episode #191: Ryan Graudin
Ryan Graudin, New York Times bestselling author of the Wolf by Wolf series, as well as Invictus and The Walled City, talks about staging Redwall battles in the backyard, how bad teachers inspired her love of history, and how restrictions at key times in her life led her imagination to flourish.
  Links and Topics Mentioned In This Episode
The Redwall series by Brian Jacques
The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis and The Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander were among the fantasy stories Ryan devoured after she discovered Redwall
AIM: AOL instant messenger
Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine was a novel Ryan devoured, and was so upset by the fact that it didn’t have a sequel that she made her first foray into fan fiction
Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
Bret Lott author of Oprah Book Club pick Jewel, who taught Ryan at the College of Charleston, where she majored in creative writing
Cathedrals by Raymond Carver was the kind of high literary fiction that was all Ryan was allowed to write about in college (she turned to fantasy after graduation)
Kowloon, the Walled City in Hong Kong that inspired Ryan to write The Walled City
Jackie Pullinger, a woman who worked inside Kowloon for 25 years, and author of Chasing the Dragon: One Woman’s Struggle Against the Darkness of Hong Kong’s Drug Den and A Crack in the Wall: The Life and Death of Kowloon Walled City. Hearing her story inspired Ryan to explore Kowloon and to write The Walled City
SNIS: Shiny New Idea Syndrome
Anata No Warehouse, an arcade in Tokyo that replicates Kowloon Walled City in painstaking detail
Bloodsport, the Jean Claude Van Damme movie in which certain scenes were filmed in Kowloon Walled City
Ryan’s short pitch for Wolf by Wolf is: Code Name Verity (by Elizabeth Wein) meets Inglorious Basterds (movie) meets X-Men (comic book and movie series)
The Leviathan Trilogy by Scott Westerfeld, which is a fantasy world that takes place in an alternate World War I, which inspired Ryan’s approach to World War II in Wolf by Wolf
Alvina Ling, VP, Editor-in-Chief of Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, was Ryan’s editor for The Walled City, Wolf by Wolf, and Blood for Blood
YALLFEST, an annual young adult book festival that takes place in Ryan’s hometown of Charleston, S.C.
Ryan asked Alexandra Bracken, author of Passenger, for advice on writing time travel. Alex told her, “Run--don’t do it,” but Ryan went ahead and did it anyway
Pam Gruber is a Senior Editor at Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, and she was Ryan’s editor for Invictus
Ryan’s next book, a stand-alone YA, is pitched as Lost meets Westworld meets Black Mirror (her nickname for it is TwistyAFBook)
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clark was one of the books Ryan may not have read unless she was in South Korea with limited access to English-word books
Subscribe To First Draft with Sarah Enni
Every Tuesday, I speak to storytellers like Veronica Roth, author of Divergent; Michael Dante  DiMartino, co-creator of Avatar: The Last Airbender; John August, screenwriter of Big Fish, Charlie’s Angels, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory; or Rhett Miller, musician and frontman for The Old 97s. Together, we take deep dives on their careers and creative works.
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therealcrimediary · 2 months
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] The result of hundreds of interviews, Vanished in Vermillion is a cold case story that flips the script on a typical investigation narrative, revealing the biggest law enforcement embarrassment in South Dakota history. In May 1971, Pam Jackson and Sherri Miller were two seventeen-year-olds driving to an end-of-the-school-year party in a rundown Studebaker Lark when they seemingly disappeared off the face of the earth. Police back then didn’t do enough to try and find them. Investigators thirty years later did too much. Two families endure decades of pain as they await answers of what happened to their girls. When a third family is pulled into the mystery, they quickly learn their nightmare is just beginning. “Lou’s terrific storytelling and investigative skills give the reader a front-row seat as he unravels this bizarre case, chock-full of twists and turns.” —Caroline Lowe, veteran crime journalist and member of the FindJodi team Publisher ‏ : ‎ Post Hill Press (February 27, 2023) Language ‏ : ‎ English Paperback ‏ : ‎ 384 pages ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1637587252 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1637587256 Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.08 pounds Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6 x 0.87 x 9 inches [ad_2]
0 notes
therealcrimediary · 2 months
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] The result of hundreds of interviews, Vanished in Vermillion is a cold case story that flips the script on a typical investigation narrative, revealing the biggest law enforcement embarrassment in South Dakota history. In May 1971, Pam Jackson and Sherri Miller were two seventeen-year-olds driving to an end-of-the-school-year party in a rundown Studebaker Lark when they seemingly disappeared off the face of the earth. Police back then didn’t do enough to try and find them. Investigators thirty years later did too much. Two families endure decades of pain as they await answers of what happened to their girls. When a third family is pulled into the mystery, they quickly learn their nightmare is just beginning. “Lou’s terrific storytelling and investigative skills give the reader a front-row seat as he unravels this bizarre case, chock-full of twists and turns.” —Caroline Lowe, veteran crime journalist and member of the FindJodi team Publisher ‏ : ‎ Post Hill Press (February 27, 2023) Language ‏ : ‎ English Paperback ‏ : ‎ 384 pages ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1637587252 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1637587256 Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.08 pounds Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6 x 0.87 x 9 inches [ad_2]
0 notes
therealcrimediary · 2 months
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] The result of hundreds of interviews, Vanished in Vermillion is a cold case story that flips the script on a typical investigation narrative, revealing the biggest law enforcement embarrassment in South Dakota history. In May 1971, Pam Jackson and Sherri Miller were two seventeen-year-olds driving to an end-of-the-school-year party in a rundown Studebaker Lark when they seemingly disappeared off the face of the earth. Police back then didn’t do enough to try and find them. Investigators thirty years later did too much. Two families endure decades of pain as they await answers of what happened to their girls. When a third family is pulled into the mystery, they quickly learn their nightmare is just beginning. “Lou’s terrific storytelling and investigative skills give the reader a front-row seat as he unravels this bizarre case, chock-full of twists and turns.” —Caroline Lowe, veteran crime journalist and member of the FindJodi team Publisher ‏ : ‎ Post Hill Press (February 27, 2023) Language ‏ : ‎ English Paperback ‏ : ‎ 384 pages ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1637587252 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1637587256 Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.08 pounds Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6 x 0.87 x 9 inches [ad_2]
0 notes
Complete Masterlist
Harry Potter
Our Family [x] Pairing: Marauders Word Count: 2264 Rating: Teen
Castle On the Hill [x] Pairing: Marauders Word Count: 1300 Rating: Teen
Eraser [x] Pairing: Marauders Word Count: 220 Rating: Teen
Family Matters [x] Pairing: Harry Potter x Reader Word Count: 4000 [2 Parts] Rating: Gen
What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve?  [x] Pairing: Harry Potter x Reader Word Count: 1347 Rating: Gen
Better Mood [x] Pairing: Ron Weasley x Reader Word Count: 856 Rating: Mature
Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) [x] Pairing: Ron Weasley x Reader Word Count: 953 Rating: Teen 
Sundays  [x] Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader Word Count:1000 Rating: Gen
Hearts Don’t Break Around Here [x] Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader Word Count:500 Rating: Gen
Perfect [x] Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader Word Count: 1000 Rating: Gen
I’m a Monster [x] Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader Word Count: 5000 [4 Parts] Rating: Mature
Let’s Do It [x] Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader Word Count: 5000 [2 Parts] Rating: Mature
She’s Got You [x] Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader Word Count:3000 [2 Parts] Rating: Mature
The Grand Tour [x] Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader Word Count: 2103 Rating: Gen
Dive [x] Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader Word Count: 2300 Rating: Teen
Only the Good Die Young [x] Pairing: Sirius Black x Original Character Word Count: 2300 Rating: Mature
The Way We Were [x] Pairing: Sirius Black x Original Character Word Count: 21,444 [11 Parts] Rating: Mature
A Little Magic [x] Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader Word Count: 1300 Rating: Gen
A War Wedding [x] Pairing: Fred Weasley x Original Character Word Count: 2103 Rating: Gen
Shape of You [x] Pairing: Fred Weasley x Original Character Word Count: 1800 Rating: Teen
I Won’t Say I’m In Love [x] Pairing: George Weasley x Reader Word Count: 1796 Rating: Teen
Come With Me [x] Pairing: Dean Thomas  x Reader Word Count: 5000 Rating: Teen
When I Kissed the Teacher [x] Pairing: Hermione Granger x Remus Lupin Word Count: 1369  Rating: Teen
Own My Own [x] Pairing: Remus Lupin x Sirus Black Word Count: 1210 Rating: Teen
Santa Baby [x] Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Original Female Character Word Count: 1867 Rating: Teen
Character’s Last Words [x][x] Pairing: Various Word Count: 3000+ Rating: Explicit
Stuck In the Middle [x] Word Count: 12,000 [7 Parts] Rating: Teen
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Blue Ain’t Your Colour [x] Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader Word Count: 1417 Rating: Teen
Family Traditions [x] Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader Word Count: 1450 Rating: Explicit
100 Kisses [x] Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader Word Count: 2250 Rating: Explicit
Worth It [x] Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader Word Count: 3372 Rating: Explicit
Prettiest Girl [x] Pairing: Steve Rogers x Black Reader Word Count: 1453 Rating: Mature
Trying [x] Pairing: Pre-Serum Steve Rogers x Reader Word Count: 2600 Rating: Teen
Let Me Show You [x] Pairing: Pre-Serum Steve Rogers x Reader Word Count: 2711 Rating: Explicit
It’s Not Easy Being Steve [x] Pairing: Pre Serum Steve Rogers x Original Character Word Count: 2192 Rating: Explicit
Days Gone By [x] Pairing: Steve Rogers x Peggy Carter Word Count: 1332   Rating: Teen
Any Port In A Storm [x] Pairing: Pre-Serum Steve Rogers x Reader [Bucky’s Sibling] Word Count: 1302  Rating: Gen
Baby It’s Cold Outside [x] Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader Word Count: 1446 Rating: Teen
You’re My Best Girl [x] Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 2565 Rating: Gen
Beige [x] Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 1267 Rating: Teen and up
All I Want For Christmas Is You [x] Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 1430 Rating: Gen
Distraction [x] Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 1545 Rating: Explicit
Because I Want To [x] Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 3207 Rating: Explicit
Goodnight, Sweetheart [x] Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 769 Rating: Teen 
Get Some Sleep [x] Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 2683 Rating: Explicit
Say It First [x] Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 1900 Rating: Teen
Should’ve Said No [x] Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 1197 Rating: Teen
Let’s Make a Date [x] Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 1379 Rating: Teen
Priorities [x] Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader Word Count: 1133 Rating: Mature
Crash My Party [x] Pairing:  Peter Parker x Reader Word Count: 1488 Rating: Mature
Complicated [x] Pairing: Peter Parker x Original Character Word Count: 4173 Rating: Teen
Keep Quiet [x] Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader Word Count: 1668 Rating: Explicit
Give The Kid A Break [x] Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader Word Count: 1306 Rating: Gen
Glad You’re Here [x] Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader Word Count: 2100 Rating: Mature
Take a Break [x] Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader Word Count: 2936 Rating: Explicit
Love of My Life [x] Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader Word Count: 1785 Rating: Teen
For Tony [x] Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader Word Count: 3000 Rating: Mature
A Perfect Christmas [x] Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader Word Count: 1260 Rating: Teen 
Empty Promises [x] Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader Word Count: 1200 Rating: Mature
Supermarket Flowers [x] Pairing: Tony Stark x N/A Word Count: 1403 Rating: Teen
My Girls [x] Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader Word Count: 757 Rating: Gen
DIVORCE [x] Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader Word Count: 1515 Rating: Mature
Round Two? [x] Pairing: Thor x Reader Word Count: 1853 Rating: Explicit
Mr Goody-Two-Shoes [x] Pairing: Bruce Banner x Reader Word Count: 1443 Rating: Explicit
Well Played [x] Pairing: Clint Barton x Reader Word Count: 2076 Rating: Explicit
Make Me [x] Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader Word Count: 2457 Rating: Explicit
Truth or Dare [x] Pairing: Loki x Reader Word Count:572 Rating: Mature
You’ve Got Us [x] Pairing: Cullen Reader x Marvel Gang Word Count: 1047 Rating: General
Grey’s Anatomy
36 Weeks [x] Pairing: Mark Sloan x Reader Word Count: 2150 Rating: Mature
As Long As He Needs Me [x] Pairing: Mark Sloan x Reader Shepherd Word Count: 1858 Rating: Teen
Before and After [x] Pairing:  Mark Sloan x Reader Word Count: 824  Rating: Teen
Post Night Shift Care [x] Pairing: Derek Shepherd x Reader Word Count: 1590  Rating: Teen
I’ll Never Love Again [x] Pairing: Denny Duquette x Reader Word Count: 1878 Rating: Mature
Things That Matter [x] Pairing: Jackson Avery x Reader,  Word Count: 3427 Rating: Teen
Give Me A Reason [x] Pairing: Jackson Avery x Reader, Jackson x April Word Count: 1529 Rating: Teen 
Ups & Downs [x] Pairing: Jackson Avery x Reader Word Count: 1670  Rating: Teen
Anna Parsons [x] Pairing: Lexie Grey x Reader Word Count: 2100 Rating: Mature
Navy Dresses [x] Pairing: Lexie Grey x Reader Word Count: 1500 Rating: Gen
How To Make Friends [x] Pairing: Lexie Grey x Reader Word Count: 1600 Rating: Gen
Right Girl [x] Pairing:  Mark Sloan x Callie Torres Word Count: 1765 Rating: Mature
Santa Stole My Girlfriend [x] Pairing: Chandler Bing x Original Character x Joey Tribbiani Word Count: 1558 Rating: Teen
No Boys Allowed [x] Pairing: Jesse Katsopolis x Reader Word Count: 1750 Rating: Gen
Jesse’s Girl [x] Pairing: Joey Gladstone x Reader, Jesse Katsopolis x Reader Word Count: 985 Rating: Teen
Not One of Us [x] Pairing: Cullen x Teen Wolf Word Count: 2300 Rating: Teen
Saviour [x] Pairing: Reader Stilinski Word Count: 2600 Rating: Gen
How Would You Feel? [x] Pairing: 11th Doctor x Reader Word Count: 1000 Rating: Gen
I Love You, Yasmin Khan Pairing: 13th Doctor x Yasmin Khan Word Count: 1582 Rating: Teen
All I Ask [x] Pairing: Doctor x Reader Word Count: 1337 Rating: Explicit
Say It [x] Pairing: John Winchester x Reader Word Count: 500 Rating: General
Captain Peralta & His Lieutenant [x] Pairing: Jake Peralta x Original Character Word Count: 1340 Rating: Explicit
Mary & Amy’s Song [x] Pairing: Jake Peralta x Amy Santiago, Jake Peralta x Original Female Character Word Count: 1785 Rating: Teen
Come on Over Tonight [x] Pairing: Steven Hyde x Reader Word Count: 870 Rating: Teen
Late To The Party [x] Pairing: Jim Halpert x Pam Beesley Word Count: 757   Rating: Gen
Speak Now [x] Pairing: Jim Halpert x Pam Beesley Word Count: 1325 Rating: Teen
Office PDA [x] Pairing: Jim Halpert x Pam Beesley, Jim Halpert x Reader Word Count: 1632 Rating: Explicit 
Zack’s Worst Scheme [x] Pairing: Zack Morris/Original Character/Kelly Kapowski Word Count: 5700 Rating: Teen
Gray Mornings [x] Pairing: Grayson Betournay x Reader Word Count: 900 Rating: Gen 
Moving On [x] Pairing: Frank Delfino x Reader Word Count: 1030 Rating: Teen
You’re A Selfish Bastard [x] Pairing: Dean Winchester x Original Character Word Count: 2772 Rating: Explicit
Hard To Love [x] Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 1097 Rating: Teen
I’ll Be Home For Christmas [x] Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 2091 Rating: Gen
Damn Dog [x] Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 2772 Rating: Mature 
Farmer’s Daughter [x] Pairing: Dean Winchester x Original Character Word Count: 2772 Rating: Explicit
Free Beer & the Festive Season [x] Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 1043 Rating: Gen 
Marry Me [x] Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 1213 Rating: Teen  
All the Little Things [x] Pairing: Dean Winchester x Castiel Word Count: 1840 Rating: Teen  
It Never Woulda Worked Out Anyway [x] Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 2181  Rating: Teen
The Trouble With Girls [x] Pairing: Dean Winchester  Word Count: 946 Rating Teen
Angel With A Shotgun [x] Pairing:  Dean Winchester x Castiel Word Count: 999   Rating: Gen
I Don’t Dance [x] Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 1083 Rating: Gen
Travelin’ Soldier [x] Pairing: John Winchester x Mary Winchester Word Count: 2995  Rating: Mature
The Way Out [x] Pairing: Don Flack x Original Character Word Count: 1142 Rating: Mature
Different For Girls [x]  Pairing: Nick Miller x Reader Word Count: 2426 Rating: Teen
Last Christmas [x] Pairing: Nick Miller x Reader Word Count: 1974 Rating: Teen
Old Flames and New Pains [x] Pairing: Sam Malone x OFC Word Count: 1674 Rating: Gen
Comfortable [x] Pairing: Luke Danes x OFC, Luke Danes x Lorelai Gilmore Word Count: 737   Rating: Gen
What If I Stay [x] Pairing: Nick Stokes x Reader Word Count: 1179 Rating: Teen
What A Man Gotta Do [x] Pairing: Schmidt x Cece Parekh Word Count: 1158 Rating: Teen
Eighteen Inches [x] Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Reader Word Count: 1305 Rating Teen
Tooth Brush [x] Pairing: Barney Stinson x Reader Word Count: 1336 Rating: Teen
Flowers [x] Pairing: Deacon Claybourne x Reader Word Count: 1247 Rating: Teen
Asexual Scripps [x] Paring: Donald Scripps Word Count: 2000 Rating: Teen
U.N.I [x] Pairing: Donald Scripps x David Posner, Word Count: 1167 Rating: Teen
Your Beautiful Song [x] Paring: David Posner Word Count: 1000 Rating: Mature
What Do I Know? [x] Paring: Donald Scripps, David Posner Word Count: 500 Rating: Gen
Go On Mate [x] Pairing: Stuart Dakin x Male Reader Word Count: 2050 Rating: Mature
Not In That Way [x] Pairing: Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak Word Count: 21219 Rating: Mature
Bad Days [x] Pairing: Peter Krasinsky x Reader Word Count: 1550 Rating: Gen
La Tua Cantante [x] Pairing: Marcus Volturi x Original Character x Spencer Reid Word Count: 5140
Meanwhile Back At Mama’s [x] Pairing: Darry Curtis x Reader Word Count: 1206 Rating: Teen
Play It Again [x] Pairing: Frank Adler x Reader Word Count:  1970 Rating: Teen
Queen/BoRhap Boys
The Origins of Rogerina [x] Pairing: Roger Taylor x Reader   Word Count: 4,563 [3 Parts] Rating: Mature
I’m In Love With My Car [x] Pairing: Roger Taylor x Reader Word Count: 1700 Rating: Teen
Inspirations [x] Pairing: Roger Taylor x Original Character Word Count: 1563 Rating: Explicit
Frosty Love [x] Pairing: Roger Taylor x Reader Word Count: 1442 Rating: Teen
Dear Diamond [x] Pairing: Roger Taylor/Brian May/Reader Word Count: 893 Rating: Teen
When I Was His Wife [x] Pairing: Roger Taylor x Reader, Roger Taylor x Dominique Beyrand Word Count: 855  Rating: Teen and Up
Mr Rockstar [x] Pairing: Brian May x Reader Word Count: 2349 Rating: Teen
Fat Bottomed Girls [x] Pairing: Brian May x Plus Size! Reader Word Count: 2665 Rating: Explicit
We Are A Family [x] Pairing: John Deacon x Reader Word Count: 5000 [4 Parts] Rating: Teen
Early Christmas Present [x] Pairing: Ben Hardy x Reader Word Count: 1289 Rating: Gen
Tell Me You’re Pretty [x] Pairing: Ben Hardy x Reader Word Count: 630 Rating: Gen
Due Date [x] Pairing: Gwilym Lee x Reader Word Count: 1968 Rating: Teen
Rave Review [x] Pairing: Richard Madden x Original Character Word Count: 2046 Rating: Explicit
New Man [x] Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader Word Count: 1500 Rating: Teen
Galway Girl [x] Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader Word Count: 2050 Rating: Explicit
Instagram Famous [x] Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader Word Count: 2050 Rating: Gen
Santa Tell Me [x] Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader Word Count: 1956 Rating: Teen
Getting You Home [x] Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader Word Count: 3400 Rating: Explicit
Warm Welcome [x] Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader Word Count: 1300 Rating: Gen
Remind Me [x] Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader Word Count: 1691 Rating: Gen
Double Jeopardy [x] Pairing: Bradley Cooper x Reader Word Count: 1550 Rating: Explicit
Amnesia [x] Pairing: Colin Jost x Scarlett Johansson Word Count: 800 Rating: Teen
Oh Baby [x] Pairing: Zendaya x Reader Word Count: 668 Rating: Teen
Binding [x] Pairing: Zendaya x Reader Word Count: 1037 Rating: Gen
The Price of Hot Chocolate [x] Pairing: Zendaya x Reader Word Count: 1072 Rating: Gen 
The Ultimatum [x][x] Pairing: Zendaya x Reader Word Count: 1264 Rating: Mature
Let’s Keep Her [x] Pairing: Sarah Hyland x Reader Word Count: 1295 Rating: Gen
Not Just a Storyline [x] Pairing: Alycia Debham-Carey x Reader Word Count: 650 Rating: Gen
Cat’s Out of the Bag [x] Pairing: Chai Hansen x Reader Word Count:  885 Rating: Gen
Chris Evans
You’re The One [x] Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader Word Count: 3200 Rating: Mature
Lessons In Love [x] Pairing: Chris Evans x Original Character Word Count: 41,500 [30 Parts] Rating: Mature
Conflicted [x] Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader Word Count: 24,000 [12 Parts] Rating: Explicit
Just A Fling, Yeah? [x] Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader Word Count: 20,000+ [11 Parts] Rating: Explicit
Boston Baby Blues [x] Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader Word Count: 39,500+ [26 Parts] Rating: Explicit
More Than Just a Fling [x] Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader Word Count: 1945 Rating: Teen
The Nice List [x] Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader Word Count: 1190 Rating: Gen
The Cutest Customer [x] Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader Rating: Gen Word Count: 2062
I’ve  Missed You [x] Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader Word Count: 2242 Rating: Explicit
A Tipsy Nurse and Her Patient [x] Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader Rating: Teen and Up Word Count: 1000
Fine Dining [x] Pairing: Chris Evans x Original Female Character Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2500
Never Have I Ever [x] Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader Rating: General Word Count: 861
Happier [x] Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader Rating: Teen and Up Word Count: 1200
Age Is Just A Number [x] Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader Rating: Teen and Up Word Count: 3095
Oh Daddy [x] Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader Word Count: 400 Rating: Gen
I’ve Missed You [x] Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader Word Count: 2250 Rating: Explicit
A Wake-Up Call [x] Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader Rating: Explicit Word Count: 925
Only If You Want Me To [x] Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader Rating: Teen and Up Word Count: 3352
First Impressions [x] Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader Rating: Teen and Up Word Count: 1030 
Play Fair [x] Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader Rating: Teen and Up Word Count: 890  
Just Go With It [x] Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader Rating: Mature Word Count: 2094  
That’s Our Boy [x] Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader Rating: Gen Word Count: 1299    
Sweetheart [x] Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader Word Count: 1315 Rating: Teen and Up
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus [x] Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader Word Count: 1847 Rating: Teen
Me and My Kind [x] Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader, Henry Cavill x Reader Word Count: 1000 Rating: Teen
Sebastian Stan
I Got the Boy [x] Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader Rating: General Word Count: 643
Such a Cute Couple [x] Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader Rating: General Word Count: 2005
Are You Flirting With Me? [x] Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader Rating: Teen and Up Word Count: 1214
Any Fool Can Make a Baby? [x] Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader Rating: 513 Word Count: Teen and Up
Is That the Only Reason? [x] Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Greek Reader Rating: Gen Word Count: 1782
Camp Mates [x] Pairing: Sebastian Stan x  Reader Rating: Gen Word Count: 1465
Jesse Williams
Let’s Play A Game [x] Pairing: Jesse Williams x Reader Word Count: 665 Rating: Teen
Quarantine [x] Pairing: Jesse Williams x Reader Word Count: 700 Rating: Gen
Playboy [x] Pairing: Jesse Williams x Reader Word Count: 800 Rating: Gen
Baby Brain [x] Pairing: Jesse Williams x Reader Word Count: 900 Rating: Teen
A Gentleman Never Tells [x] Pairing: Jesse Williams x Reader Word Count: 1500 Rating: Teen
Spill Your Guts [x] Pairing: Jesse Williams x Reader Word Count: 950 Rating: Teen
Marry Me? [x] Pairing: Jesse Williams x Reader Word Count: 400 Rating: Teen
Nervous Babe? [x] Pairing: Jesse Williams x Reader Word Count: 1000 Rating: Gen
Newsworthy [x] Pairing: Jesse Williams x Reader Word Count: 1100 Rating: Teen
Teeny Tiny Crush [x] Pairing: Jesse Williams x Reader Word Count: 1500 Rating: Gen
Dance With Me [x] Pairing: Jesse Williams x Reader Word Count: 1305 Rating: Gen
Birthday Present [x] Pairing: Jesse Williams x Reader Word Count: 1695 Rating: Gen
Breakfast Then Bed [x] Pairing: Prince Harry x Reader Word Count: 800 Rating: Gen
Date Night Avengers [x] Dating All the Avengers [x] Dating Steve Rogers [x] Dating Pre-Serum Steve Rogers [x] Dating Steve Rogers [Bucky’s Sister] [x] Dating Steve Rogers During the Serum Change [x] Dating Steve Rogers [Tony Stark Daughter] [x] Dating Peter Parker  [x] Dating Bucky Barnes [x] Dating 1940s Bucky Barnes [x] Dating Tony Stark [x] Dating Clint Barton [x] Dating Thor [x] Dating Natasha Romanoff [x] Dating Bruce Banner [x] Dating Loki [x] Dating Loki as Persephone [x] Being Tony Stark’s Daughter [x] Being Tony Stark & Wonder Woman’s Daughter [x] Being Steve Rogers & Peggy Carter’s Daughter [x] Being BFF’s with Thor [x]
Harry Potter
Dating James Potter [x] Dating Sirius Black [x] Dating Remus Lupin [x]
Grey’s Anatomy
Dating Derek Shepherd [x] Dating Mark Sloan [x] Dating Alex Karev [x]. Dating Jackson Avery [x] Dating Owen Hunt [x] Dating Lexie Grey [x] Dating Meredith Grey [x] Dating April Kepner [x] Dating Cristina Yang [x]
Dating Jim Halpert [x] Dating Nick Miller [x] 
Dating Jesse Williams’ [Justin Chambers’ Sister] [x] Being Pregnant With Jesse Williams’ Baby [x][x][x]
Social Imagines Texts
Texting Your Boyfriend Taron Egerton [x] Dating Jesse Williams [x] Engagement Leak by Tom Holland [x]
Facetiming Your Boyfriend Scotty McCreery In Lockdown [x]
Having a Baby with Jesse Williams [x] Playing Xbox with Tom Holland [x] Birthday Outings with Dean Winchester [x] Chris Evans x Erin O’Connell Wedding Day [x] Scott Evans on Chris’ Wedding Day [x] Erin O’Connell x Maria Vega [x] Winchester Family Outings [x]
Dating Jesse Williams [x]
Late Nights with Tom Holland [x]
304 notes · View notes