#oh and now my mom says that my dad's probably gonna die because we're gonna give him covid
scarletcomet · 1 year
my mom told me im going to have no friends and no family because im a horrible person and everyone hates me
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blkpntherxo · 1 year
My unasked watch through of The Idol episode 2 *SPOILERS*
the warning has already made me even more nervous (yes i know there was a warning in the last episode, but this one is ehhhhhhhhhh)
i stg if he actually does do some dirty talking shit in this, i don't think i can finish. i get second hand embarrassment terribly
i do not like jane adams. like at all.
ooh girl, he ain't picking up? oop
oooohhhhhhhhh, this is when her mother died. scratch what i said before then
wait, when did her mom die? she said she was inspired last night so that obviously means that this picks up the day after the events of last episode. I thought this was a flashback I'm so confused.
honestly the original version was great fck anyone who doesn't think it was
leia nodding to it like the bestie she is, YOU COULD NEVER MAKE ME HATE HER
if that was me showing my team a new version of a song, i'd be standing there shitting bricks pls
00000000KKKKKKKKKKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY that was....some transition. at least the beginning scene ain't 20 minutes this time
damn i gotta mute this, my mom's in the other room lol
oh we're back cool
managers/agents/record labels probably act like this in real life. if she don't like it, she don't like it. she's the one making you money dummy
LEIA SAY SOMETHING (i know she won't bc she's a shy girly) PLS
so Chaim is like the dad figure for her aww
why am i enjoying this
the new version of the song sounds like it could be played in step up with all that breathing. i can see them doing a chest pump with it Imao
we don't even know the passage of time because that damn studio has no windows BUT HE LEFT HIS PHONE ON FUCKING SILENT BRO
• i'm just typing angrily on my keyboard right now, this man has me so heated
if i was jocelyn, i would not have answered bc you just ghosted me after we had that good good and applesauce and NOW YOU WANNA TALK?
at least the scenes are progressing faster than the pilot
izaak is def...ya know💅🏿
she said "i am the id babes" PERIOD
she's obviously going through something and no one is sensing that
Chaim really is a father figure to her awwwwwwwwwwww
I love DaVine she's so mother
how can they shoot it if dyanne's not there?
please tell me the music video is coming out
so instead of just cutting, they let her do the whole routine while the shot was OUT OF FOCUS??? I'd fight that director on the spot i'm so heated
it don't matter if i'm giving 110%, if i'm not seen yell cut and fix the shit
now she's gonna mess up again and they're gonna be on her ass bc she wants it to be perfect
the filmmaker in me is trembling in anger i'd light that damn set on fire
director? fired. dp? dropped. 1st ac? probably didn't do anything, but that's why the take is shitty so they're gone too
they need to call it a day bc she's literally hurting herself
that $450,000 ain't worth her health
oh, she's breaking. end it for the day y'all, she's been pushed too much
of course this is gonna drive her into tedros' arms even more
it's kinda giving "black best friend", but i still fuck with it
sam levinson loves his zoom ins and zoom outs
"hello angel" fuck off bro
are you sure you should be wearing heels babe?
at least he has transportation
what a beautiful chocolate man
ok but who's the black girl?
that wig was professionally done at the Tyler Perry School of Wigs lord FIX IT
okay, it's getting very wattpad/ao3 right now
or is chloe wanting to be her?
HIS MOANS........
thought the sex scenes would be worse than this tbh, but that isaac and leia one was a jumpscare ngl
chloe can play and sang baby
oh poor leia
but like seriously WHERE DID THE FUCKING BLACK GIRL GO?????????
my overall opinion of the episode: way better than the first. I didn't feel that it was dragging on at any point. the writing is still a little iffy, although I understand why some characters say certain things. Abel, babe, either the acting ain't it bc the script is off or he just can't act. Like there were points were I liked his acting, but then he'd do something that just deducted 10 points for me. Not to mention that last scene when they were at Jocelyn's house and he started talking dirty to her, I wanted to throw myself out the window bc it was giving Wattpad/AO3 vibes and not in a good way. Overall, I give this episode a 7/10. Do with that what you will.
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dreamsy990 · 2 years
Soooo like... Rudy is def gonna die before the end of deltarune right? I mean. Yeah sure it'll be. Traumatizing or whatever. But theres way too much, what's the phrase... narrative momentum to be gained for toby to NOT do it y'know? In fact I could go on a whole rant about how I'm pretty sure Rudy KNOWS hes gonna die and is prepping susie to be a replacing support beam in noelles life. (See also: "Kris and Dad are the only ones I can say no to") and the SNOWGRAVE INPLICATIONS. ANOTHER RANT ON ITS OWN!! Anyways your thoughts?
consider: rudy isnt gonna die and toby just made it look like he was to make it shocking when he didnt die by the end
but seriously, i think rudy dying is PROBABLY going to happen, but i kind of hope it doesnt. noelle's home life is garbage and i get it honestly. like, rudy blantly says that he's not there to protect noelle from carol (idk if thats her name but ive been calling noelles mom that soooo), implying that she can and WILL hurt noelle, and has almost definitely done that in the past (emotionally, probably not physically). noelle has a TEXTBOOK broken home and i really hope the game ends with her out of that house or with a confirmation that her mom isn't going to hurt her anymore, because oh my god her situation is terrible. her sister is either dead or out of the picture, her father is in the hospital and probably going to die soon, and she has a most likely emotionally abusive mom.
oh yeah her mom is almost definitely emotionally abusive like. as someone whos been in a similar situation to her, just her being too scared to ask for a key to get into her own home and preferring to go OUT OF HER WAY to stay with someone else than ask for something is a textbook sign of it. rudy says that he has to protect her from carol. noelle is upset that it's just "her and mom" now, and while that's clearly meant to be referring to how rudy isnt at home, its also probably a hint that she doesnt like being alone with her mom. she's also just a people pleaser, implying she's afraid of the consequences of not being seen as "good". whether that's because of a fear of reputation her mom mightve given her, or an avoidance of conflict she's developed after living with her for a while i cant really say. ALSO YOUR POINT OF "kris and dad are the only ones i can say no to" NOTICE HOW SHE SAYS 'dad' and not 'my parents' BECAUSE YEAH HER MOTHER IS EXCLUDED.
no matter how you slice it noelle's home life is just terrible and rudy and dess seemed to be the only reason it was functional for as long as it was. and with dess out of the picture and rudy probably going to follow, i dont have very high hopes for their relationship. i really hope toby handles this well, and the story doesn't end with noelle and carol living alone together. i also dont hope it ends with rudy, dess, or both back in the house with her, because their household isnt sustainable. as someone who's lived in a house like this, it's going to break down one way or another. dess and rudy cant always be there to defuse situations, and they shouldnt HAVE to.
the ending i want is for carol and rudy to split up, and have rudy live with noelle without her. carol may be a good wife and a good mayor but she is not a good mother, and i don't want noelle to be stuck in a house like that.
i may be misjudging carol because we haven't seen her in the game yet, but i just. dont think she's going to be any good. this game definitely seems like its going for giving all their characters bad home lives. like,
-kris's brother is away, their mom seems a bit overbearing and like she's not quite sure what kris needs, and their dad, while caring, isn't the best at. being a parent.
-susie so far has been implied to have some sort of shitty home life but we're not quite sure of the type. we know she's always hungry, but whether thats because of negligence and potentially fear to get food on her own or financial problems is unknown.
-ralsei's been alone his whole life, so his family is just. out of the picture. he's completely isolated and if his parents were around for at least a little, i dont think they were very good.
-berdly felt like he needed to be smart to be recognized, implying that his family might just not care that much about him or really pay attention to him.
it's a theme of this game for characters to have weird or bad home lives and i dont think noelle would be an exception. so yeah, her mom is probably emotionally abusive. with all the evidence in game and just. generally how all the mcs have bad home lives i think its the most likely situation.
back to actually talking about rudy though, yeah he's probably going to die. i really hope he doesnt, because while realistically things dont always work out, having rudy there and maybe moving out with her would definitely make it better. it just feels uncomfortable for her to be stuck in a household like that.
noelle is kind of lonely too. like, her sister is gone, kris and her grew apart, and berdly is really fucking flirty, and probably not that close with her really, since she doesn't include him in the group of people she can say no to.
noelle's list of people she can say no to is just kris and rudy. that's it. her estranged childhood best friend and her dad. not berdly, seemingly her only current friend and the one she's probably the closest with out of the whole class, or susie, her crush (although that might just be because it was before they really started to understand each other more as people and really be friends). her list of people who "know how weird she is" is just kris. not even her dad is included. the only person who might be missing on both of those lists is dess, and she's just out of the picture and thats probably why shes not included.
so as to the idea of rudy trying to set up susie as an emotional support for noelle, yeah i think he'd do that. he definitely has seen that noelle's running low on people she relies on and wants her to have someone else in her life. he really encourages her to get to know susie and just be honest with her. it's cute and wholesome and just. a good dad moment. he's a great father, or at least one who's trying his best. a top tier dad.
i do think thematically that rudy is going to die. its set up that way from the very start, and i think its sort of being hinted at. like, noelle remarks that the dark world is better because 'everything can be healed with a little spell', implying that rudy's in too bad of a state to recover very easily, and "your choices dont matter" could also be saying something like "no matter what you do, he's going to die". idk thats just my take.
but i really dont want this game to end with noelle and carol alone. i've lived in families like that and it's horrible, and it just feels uncomfortable and bad that noelle's stuck in a situation like that. i want carol to have an arc where she starts being a better parent and actually trying, but more importantly i want noelle not to forgive her. abusive parents can change as people but they cant change what they did. noelle's mom has hurt her and she shouldn't just be forgiven immediately. she needs to make an effort, and noelle doesn't even have to forgive her after that. she deserves to have a home life where she's not so afraid to ask for a key to her own house that she goes to stay with a friend instead. get noelle out of that house, or have carol change.
i realize that i talked way more about noelle and carol in a post about rudy, but honestly i relate a lot to noelle's situation and i dont want her to be stuck in a life like that. its bad and i want toby to handle it well. if the game ends where i think it will, with noelle still living at home alone with carol, maybe with dess there, i'll just be sad. like girl, get out of that HOME!!!!!!! it's toxic as SHIT
also i know that some people are going to say "oh her mom isnt trying to hurt her, maybe she just did [x] and thats why noelle is how she is." to which i say, not all abusers have malicious intent. maybe shes just doing it because thas how she was raised and she turned out fine, or maybe she's just kind of negligent and doesnt pay enough attention to noelle to realize how she's being hurt, or maybe its something else entirely. but no matter what her intentions are, its still abuse, and whether she likes it or not, she's hurt the only daughter she has left. the truth is we don't know all the details of what's going on, and we probably won't know for a long time, or maybe ever. but no matter what, this relationship isn't healthy, and it doesn't matter what everyone's trying to do, all that matters is what they did do. and what carol did was emotionally abuse her daughter.
anyways thanks for coming to my ted talk. also the deltarune ending i HOPE happens is rudy gets out of the hospital, gets a divorce and marries asgore, then goes and moves out with noelle. thats only half a joke.
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rubbhishbin · 1 year
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Giving it a 9/10 gonna rewatch it again because I think I still need to understand it much more
Favourite quotes in the movie :
1. How and why are humanity's interstellar and intergalactic vehicle. I find those who discourage others from speaking out their mind and asking hard questions, especially the church, dwindling this very vehicle
2. Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space. Maybe we should trust that, even if we can't understand it
3. All differentiation is but self desired, self conceived and self perceived for companionship, friendship, love; love so love.
4. Once you're a parent, you're the ghost of your children’s future
5. Time throws you out of its dimensionless planar like a boomerang. It unites with you again in death.
Personal opinion I think that it’s 9/10 for me that one percent is because I think i do not understand much of it so I’ll rewatch it once again to understand it even more as the film takes us on a journey through the universe where there are black holes, wormholes, time travel, and everything related to space and its mysteries which kinda makes me wanna continue reading the ebook I downloaded “Stephen hawking - black holes and baby universes” probably gonna download some Einstein’s theory of relativity if possible, it’s a deep topic but it seems fun to discuss and understand (kinda regret hating physics during highschool but oh well)
The movie also portraits well on how parents is the ghost of their child’s future and how it’s okay for parent to follow their own dreams I like it when the father says “I can’t be your ghost right now I need to exist” I like it because I personally thinks that parents should take responsibility on their child but once the child is old enough the parents shouldn’t have to worry and stop pursuing their dreams because of their child they’ve did their job it kinda reminds me of the kdrama DR CHA it’s a great mindset (personal opinion)
Also I really like how the movie portraits humanity and how the professor would sacrifice his own morality just to save the race than saving himself the fact that it says if he doesn’t do that from what we know if NASA disclose the info about the plan to save humanity what would everyone do ? It says that it is human nature to worry about themselves than the race itself so if the information is disclosed everyone will panic and would try to save themselves instead of the race. Even though the action of the professor is controversial i understand the intention behind his action and it is explainable but it is really a very inhumane plan knowing that people will die.
About the ending it’s really sad for me even though he was able to see his daughter one last time before he go find Brand but I really hate how his daughter says “a parent shouldn’t have to watches his own daughter dies” I cried so badly because of this because personally I wouldn’t let him go the least he could do was to be with her longer as someone’s daughter I would want my mom/dad by my side till I closes my eyes , if I am the parent I would want to be with my daughter side if she’s dying that’s the least I could do when I lost her previously and found her at last… but oh well definitely would watch it again to understand it more probably gon update this review again once I rewatch it :>
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stcveskent · 3 years
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You and Chris are together since 7years and you guys were waiting for getting married, you two were waiting for the perfect moment, its not trust issues, its work issue bothering you both, so you guys wait.
The pandemic started, and eventually you guys were stuck together, obviously, you thought things would be easy, since Chris is matured enough to handle situations, and you believed in yourself too.
But some time later, things took a huge turn, which you probably didn't know that they would be this way and this was felt on both the sides, but which couple doesn't fight? name one? You got none.
Chris and You started fighting on small things, like dishes, or laundry, until those small things became into a huge problem. This kept going but he never went to bed without kissing you and making up to you, until, you both just got into a fuss about each other.
"SO WHAT DO YOU WANT Y/n? YOU WANT ME TO DO EVERYTHING HERE? AHA? " he yelled which made you mad.
"CHRIS YOU DO NOT DO EVERYTHING HERE!!" You yelled back, and Dodger comes into the hallway, looking at his parents fighting.
"Y/N PLEASE!!! EVERYDAY THIS IS LITERALLY EVERYDAY I CANNOT HANDLE THIS!!" He said. Now this was the point where your built up frustration breaks, and your tears make their way.
"then leave me, then go get a new one, maybe after knowing eachother for 10 years, you cannot handle this anymore! "
“then go away from me!! I know you have someone in mind.”
“What the fuck are you saying?” You yelled at him and he sighed. You turned away to run away from it
"Don't turn away and make it all my fault." He says, and in that moment you knew this would not work.
"Chris enough!!! I can't do this anymore, im so done, so fucking done, we're just ruining our life by ourselves!" You start to cry alot, now.
"What the fuck are you saying?" He says.
"What did you hear?" You asked
"7 years, y/n 7 years!"
"What ? Can we do something about this? Its not working, its just not, Chris I can't! You keep breaking me, I can't do it, it hurts..." you said , still fighting for to not cry, but that doesn't help
"THEN FINISH IT! I KNOW YOU WANT TO LEAVE ME!" yes, this hurt you alot..it broke you and your heart into pieces. The man, who mend your broken heart, finally, ends with you, forever (you thought)
you walked away, out of the house. The sky was slowly, getting dark, you know it wasn't okay to go out, and walk past the love of your life, who would end up blaming himself, but for both of your betterment you had to leave him.
you walked past the streets, lookingat couples, holding hands, and so so in love. They looked happy, and you wanted that too, a small memory of Chris comes into your mind.
25th December, 2019, Boston:
the two of you walked on the streets, there was so much happiness around, it was Christmas time, and all you could think that what if, till next Christmas you would be married. Its that thought making you go all smiley.
"What's going on in that head of yours?" he asked, his hands intertwined with yours, and he slowly, kissed your forehead, making you smile and go crazy on the inside.
"What if, Until next Christmas we would be married." you said, and he smiled wide.
"well yes, i was thinking of the same thing, babe." He said and you smiled, hugging him.
"You were?"
"Yes honey." he says and pauses.
"But for now... i may have a surprise for you." He says, looking deep into your eyes.
"What surprise?
"Im not just gonna reveal it just now, Ma and everyone are waiting for us, lets go there." He says as you continued to walk together to his Mother's place, it was at a small amount of distance so you two wanted to walk and talk, you two were in a romantic mood.
“okay fineee!!” you act annoyed, and he chuckles, which makes you smile.
After a while later, when you reach to your hopefully-future in laws, they welcome you into a warm hug.
“y/n you look gorgeous.” She says and you smile.
“Thank you, Lisa , you look so beautiful .” you say and she kisses your forehead.
"Thank you dear.” She says and you greet, Robert and his sisters and Scott and his boyfriend
His sisters quickly engage yourself in their talks about their relationships and gifts their husband have given them and you realize that Chris hasn't given you a gift. Not that you wanted a gift, it was just that he always did, you pushed that thought out and continued to talk to the women.
Later, Scott and Chris are giggling and Scott is almost crying at the dinner which makes you confused.
“Hey Scott you okay?” You ask and everyone turns their attention towards him and he nods.
“Don't worry guys im emotional because Y/n is here after a long time so yea.”
“We met two weeks ago....” you said and he nodded again.
“you came to our house for Christmas after alonggg time y/n.” He says
“Oh yes!! you're so sweet, but don't cry.” You say and he laughs.
Chris suddenly, gently holds your hand under the table and squeezes it gently, you smile and turn to him, and he kisses your cheek.
“guys please get a room.” Shanna says and everyone laughs.
Later, after the dinner, you were with the kids and Chris was looking at you , from the couch he was seated on.
“I'll be gone for a while, okay?” You said to the kids and walked to Chris.
“Hey.” You said sitting on his lap, and he kisses your cheek.
“Hey honey.” He sighs near your ear, and you feel him, he was nervous, and his anxiety was rising.
“Baby, is everything okay? You feel tensed and nervous?” You asked wrapping your arms around his neck and he just nods
“I am fine darling, don't worry.” He assures you and you nod. You heard Lisa call your name in the kitchen, and you excuse yourself from chris before giving him a quick kiss on his lips.
“Yes Lisa?” You ask and she tells you that she had made dessert and she wanted you to help her, bring it outside which you obviously accepted to do so.
you gave the dessert to everyone and noticed that you forgot your plate, so you go to the kitchen again, to get your plate, and then you saw Chris standing behind you.
You turned to him.
“Hey chris? Everything fine?” you asked you didn't know but your mind was saying that he's gonna break up with you.
“Y/n please listen to me.” He said, damn yes you were dieing on the inside now,
“ Chris are you breaking up with me?” You blurted out, and he shook his head
“No y/n , never i love you so much.” He said and you sighed with relief.
“I love you too.”
You gasped and your hand covered your mouth, and when you saw him taking out a velvet box and getting on one knee, with a huge smile. Your eyes starts to water, and he stops you.
"No baby, please don't cry, or i'll forget whatever i have planned." He said, and you felt everyone stood their, Scott already crying.
"Im so so thankful for everything you do for me, you are my world, my world starts with you and ends with you, with all these years we have spent together, I don't know but i do want to make you my wife, its from the moment i laid my eyes on you, i knew i would marry you, everything you do for me, and the way you make me feel is just —amazing. I have never in my life felt that with someone. And im so glad only you had made me feel the way i always wanted to be treated, so here i am on my knees, asking you this question, Will you marry me and make me the happiest man alive?” He said as he tried to control his tears
“Baby ofc!! Yess i will marry you.” You said as you teared and he slips the ring on your fingers and you kissed him, that kiss was different from all the kisses you shared.
“Welcome to our family, Daughter-in-law!” Lisa and Robert said as they hugged you.
“Thank you mom and dad.” You and chris said it at the same time and he smiled as you called them Mom and Dad.
“This is why inwas crying.” Scott said and hugged you and his boyfriend trying to control him from crying.
You go back to your man, who was so happy and you kissed him again, he was crying, and you wiped his tears.
“This was your Christmas present, baby.” He said
“Are you kidding? This is my forever gift!” And he smiled and pressed a kiss on your forehead.
“I love you.”
“I love you.” You repeated.
----- flashback over----
you suddenly burts into tears, without a voice you walked, and kept walking, until you reached the dark end. You kept walking, and now you were just crying and thinking of the day when he proposed you, you regret everything you said to him and wished you were in his arms.
You heard footsteps rushing here and there, you feel a bit of suspicion, but you kept walking.
“Y/N!!” you heard Chris's voice loud and clear, and you turned to him.
“C-chris?” You asked and he nodded.
“I know you hate me now.” He says and you shook your head, and just ran and hugged him in a split second. You hugged him with full force, he almost fell, but he took care of himself.
“I am sorry, i am so so sorry, how could i ever let you go.” He said as he teared down.
“Its not your fault, its mine. I couldn't fight for us, from ourselves, i know you hate me, but im sorry baby, im so so sorry.” You said and he shook his head.
“I can never in my life hate you..you are the one who made me feel what is love, and no, we're not leaving each other soon, because I can't spend a day without you anymore.” He said and you smiled befote you kissed him.
That kiss was same like the way you felt on the day he proposed you. Your heart raced and he pulled you even more closer. You pull away after a while, resting your forehead on his.
“Please never fight again, because I can't lose you.” He says and you nod
“Lets go home, because i have alot of making up from my side.” He said
“I think i have to make up too.” You said and he smilled before you two walk home. It was then you realized that this man could never leave you because you were the love of his life, and he was the love of your life and when you two reached home, he showed and expressed the love he has for you, and maybe you couldn't stop smiling since then.
*dies eew this is so bad*
anyways hi guys i just made this at three am and also yes im in a angsty mood lol but yes here ya go im on my exam period so ill getbover that soon and keep making imagines, so till that, you can read this shitsss aksisjs
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jaysevhls · 4 years
Be Careful | Christopher Herrmann
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Request: could you do a herrmann imagine where the reader is his daughter who recently became 51s new candidate, and she’s a really good firefighter but gets badly hurt on a call and he’s worried and then in the hospital after she wakes up they talk and he says how proud he is of her or something soft like that?
Pairing: Christopher Herrmann x Daughter!Reader / Chicago Fire
Warnings: Injuries.
Author's note: Hi, from now requests are open again. If you have some suggestions for imagines about Halloween or something, feel free to ask❤️ All of the requests I got before will be posted in this and next week. I'm so sorry for taking this that long, but I have a hard time and school is making it only worse, I hope you understand.
Working with your dad wasn't the kind of thing you have always wanted. You were sure that life will bring you something unexpected, but you never imagined working in Chicago Fire Department at the same station with your dad. To be honest, it was awesome. You always had him by your side, you knew how his day went, you understood him like no one. Sometimes things were rough, especially when engine wasn't on the scene and he couldn't see how you're doing on the truck. From the first day he treated you like his colleague, he knew that he can't put his feelings over job, because that's the only way to get distracted. He trusted you, more than everything, especially when Casey was your capitan and always had your back.
You didn't like brining work to home, just like him, that's why your mom never pushed you to talk about hard call. This thing in your family worked pretty well.
"Hey dad, I was thinking, maybe you should go with mom tonight to the theatre or something? I can watch kids." you walked into break room after first call in the day.
"Uh, what's on your mind and how much money do you want?" he asked you.
"What? No, I just thought that you haven't been on a date for such a long time and now, when I got the night off I can stay with them." you hugged him from behind. He closed the newspaper and turned to look at you. He looked kinda confused and for sure, he didn't believe you. "Okay, if you don't want, you're staying with kids and I'm taking mom for a girl's night."
"Oh no no, that's not gonna happen, when you'll pick them?"
"I'll come home for a night. Gallo? What are you doing tonight?"
"Nothing, why?"
"You'll help me with my siblings, you owe me!" you said and walked out to the bathroom.
You stripped from your clothes and got to the shower. It was one of those day when after a case you're glad that everything in your life is going that way. You were happy, that was a sure thing. Even if something was missing, you couldn't notice that, because every single day you were surrounded by people who love you like a family member.
After you finish, you changed into fresh clothes, it was worthless after all, cause in every minute you could get a signal that you need to go, but comfort first.
You went back into break room, took some coffee and sat next to Christopher.
You were helping solving him the crossword.
"Herrmann, can I talk to you for a second?" Severide asked.
"Which one?" you and your dad asked in the same time.
"Not this time Y/N." you looked at him confused. Your father made his way to Kelly and looked kinda worried.
"So, I don't know how much things Y/N has told you but I'm sure you wanna know about this." you couldn't hear much of the conversation and you're glad, because it wasn't a right thing to listen to them, even if deep down you knew that conversation was about you.
"What do you mean Kelly? Something happened?"
"No no, everything is fine I think, it's just... Y/N applied to join the squad after finishing her being a candidate." now your dad looked confused and heartbroken?
"She never brought that around me. I thought that she's feeling okay on the truck."
"Yeah me too, but you need to know that I'm going to agree on this apply. She's an amazing firefighter and it would be nice to have her in squad. Besides, women know better, she would be really great. Don't worry, I'll always have her back, just like Casey did." Severide said.
"Yeah, thanks."
You finished your coffee and just in time you hard the alarm.
Quickly, you fixed your hair and got your uniform.
"Hey, Y/N? I heard that you want to join the Squad, congratulations." Casey said.
"Yeah, but... It's not a sure thing yet. I just really want to try, I hope you don't mind. I love being on the truck, but you know."
"Don't you dare think like this kiddo. I'm so proud of you and I'll always support you. You'll be great."
"Thank you, but please, don't tell my dad yet, I need to have this conversation with him on my own."
"Sure thing." he said. You looked at all the members in the truck. They were so happy that someone like you were with them, serving to the city and country. Gallo hugged you from the right side, while Mouch from the left.
"Okay guys, that's enough, you're gonna kill me with those hugs." you laughed.
You arrived on the scene and walked out of the truck. Casey gave you an order to stay behind him and to follow his movements.
The fire was spreading quickly, you saw a young woman running from the building.
"M-y my kids are in there, please, please help us..." she managed to say after she collapsed on the ground. You help Sylvie taking her to the ambo. Casey called you right after.
"Mask up guys, we're going on the second floor, Squad, you take the basement, engine cover us." you put your mask on and followed Matt. Stella and Blake were right behind you, calling and searching for people.
"Fire department, call out!" you yelled. Casey gave you an order to turn into right side while he and Stella will go on the left.
"The smoke is too dark, I barely see anything." Gallo said.
"Yeah me too, it's gonna collapse soon, we need to hurry." you answered, when you heard the loud crash and all you felt was a pain in your whole body. You couldn't breathe. Gallo was screaming your name and calling for backup.
"Mayday, mayday, Y/N Herrmann is down, the building just collapsed, she's on the first floor but her mask fell off, we need help."
Herrmann was standing with Boden next to the truck, helping with injuried people, while he heard Blake into his radio.
He couldn't think straight, he couldn't focus on what was happening.
Boden was holding him, because he couldn't let him go in there when building wasn't stable. After few minutes which last like hours, he saw Casey, Kidd, Gallo and Cruz walking out with you, while Severide held his mask at your face. You were unconscious and your head was bleeding.
"Guys, right here!" Sylvie yelled. They brought you on the stretcher. "She's not breathing and the pulse is weak."
Casey pulled your dad to let paramedics do their job. He was crying, but couldn't manage to say anything.
"Is-. She- she is okay? What happened? Casey, you promised to look after her." he asked.
"Hey, Herrmann. She was doing her job. I ordered her and Gallo to search that place, the floor wasn't stable and it collapsed. She has a broken leg and probably her arm is dislocated. They're taking her to Med, go with them." Herrmann made his way to the ambo. The whole ride was silent, his heart broke more after your heart stopped twice on the way.
"I can't loose you princess, please." he cried.
"She's tough, she's gonna be okay." Brett hugged him.
Hours passed by and nothing was said. They didn't know what was going on with you, you were in surgery for almost 4 hours.
"Casey? I'm sorry for what I said before. It wasn't your fault, I overreacted." your father said.
"It's okay, I get it."
"Herrmann?" Dr. Halstead appeared in the hall.
"How's she? Is she okay?"
"She's out of the surgery. She had a opened break on the leg, but everything is fine now. Also, she had a pretty bad head injury, but for now, we don't know if this caused any damages. We need to wait until she'll wake up.
"Can I see her?" he asked. Hall was filled with relief and some kind of happiness. You were alive and that was the only thing that matters.
"Yes, of course."
Herrmann walked into your room. When he saw all of those tubes and machines, his heart just broke. It all caused a painful flashbacks of his memories when he was stabbed. He took your hand and kissed it.
He spent almost 6 hours next to you, because he wanted to be with you when you wake up. Your mom was there too. She brought him fresh clothes and something to eat.
"D-dad?" he immediately woke up.
"Hey honey, I'm right here." he helped you with taking piece of hair of your face.
"What happened? Where am I?" you asked.
"Rough call you would said. Listen Y/N, I'm so sorry that I wasn't there, maybe if-"
"Dad, please stop. It's okay, I'm fine, hey. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere soon."
"Mom is here too, but I told her to get some coffee for us, I'll go to tell her that you woke up, should I get the nurse too? Maybe dr. Halstead? Are you in pain?"
"Dad, sit down, now. I'm okay, really."
"Oh sweetie. I'm so glad that you're okay. When I saw you, when they took you... I was so afraid that I'm gonna loose you. But deep down I knew... I knew that you're one of the kind, my daughter, who will handle everything on her own. I knew that you're gonna make it, you're so tough. I couldn't be more proud babygirl. I'm so happy that I'm the one who you call dad." he cried. You showed him to come closer and you hugged him tightly.
"Oh my god, baby, you woke up!" now Cindy walked into your room. You all hugged and stayed like this for couple of minutes.
"Um, right. Y/N, your mom and I need to tell you something."
"Please don't make me want to almost die again, are you pregnant?" they laughed.
"No, oh god no. We wanted to tell you that we're so excited that you want to join the squad."
"What? But how? I swear I'll beat his ass."
"Severide told me yesterday. He's so happy to have you there and we're too. You need to know that no matter what, we'll always support you sweetheart. We love you."
"I love you too."
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jennycalendar · 3 years
What do you think would've happened if Wesley was Buffy's first watcher in Sunnydale and Giles came in to replace him in season 3?
Also what if Jenny didn't die while this was happening bc like. If we're having fun anyway we gotta include Jenny she's The Most Fun
oh my god i think that's the buffy and jenny timeline. i really do.
see, wesley is so not a good watcher when he shows up in sunnydale. i've always been of the mind that giles is a horrible dad and an AMAZING watcher, specifically because a watcher's job is to train and prepare a slayer for the mission ahead -- and buffy's unwavering devotion to giles means that she is totally willing to follow his lead if she finds his requests reasonable, plus giles's love and respect for buffy means that he in turn is willing to listen and adapt if buffy thinks his methods unreasonable and unfair. thing is, though, wesley does not have any interest in fostering that kind of camraderie with a girl who he sees primarily as a disobedient disciple: he feels WAY too entitled to buffy's respect to ever actually EARN it, because he is gonna constantly treat her like she's lesser for not just perpetually following his lead. which of course will not fly well with buffy AT ALL.
so you know who i think buffy is gonna start turning to? jenny. like, if her two options are 1) her watcher, who has absolutely no sympathy for her as a human person because she refuses to be a cookie-cutter council-approved slayer and is therefore a Rebellious Waste of Resources or 2) the technopagan who helped cast a demon from the internet, knows a TON about magic, is willow's favorite teacher, and is very willing to help buffy when she needs it? buffy is absolutely going to go straight towards jenny.
(this is getting long lmao so more under the cut!)
the change in giles was something that came about because he saw himself in buffy -- she is rebellious in a way that comes from a very compassionate person not being listened to when they say that they have been wronged. wesley, imo, would be far less willing to cut buffy slack, because he is a lot younger and therefore a lot more attached to ideas that aren't his own. he relies on the council because he doesn't know who he is without it. (same as giles, but giles is a little more okay with that ambiguity than wesley, i think. it's hard for him but it isn't the level of Life-Shattering Change that wes went through when the council kicked HIM to the curb.)
so in this version, wesley and jenny are pretty much constantly at odds, but they reach this weird little detente wherein wesley is willing to let jenny handle his slayer's unfathomable emotions and mentor her as long as he's allowed to drill her and take her on patrols and stuff. while wesley and buffy are nowhere near as close as buffy and giles, i do still think that by season three, they have a kind of weird understanding and a pale, watery imitation of buffy and giles's bond. buffy likes wesley well enough. she kinda looks at him like he's this golden retriever puppy she needs to keep an eye on sometimes.
JENNY, however, is the one who buffy has latched onto with all of her might, which in turn has caused a quiet little fissure between buffy and willow (who was jenny's unequivocal and obvious favorite before buffy came along). there are a lot of girls vying for mom's attention in season three -- faith is jealous of buffy like nine times more than in canon, because everybody gets a boring old watcher, but buffy gets a biological mom who is around AND a mentor/unofficial BONUS mom who understands how hard it is to be a slayer. it is literally such a mess and jenny is handling it to the best of her abilities but does not have half the support she needs wrt getting shit done.
the cruciamentum pretty much goes down as it does in canon -- i do think that wesley would falter, because he is a good guy at his core, and the truth of what the council is doesn't seem like something he was willing to accept in canon's season three (if the way he handed faith unceremoniously over to the council goons is any indication). but having to see firsthand this kiddo who he has trained go into a situation where he's certain she'll die? he can't do it. so he tells jenny that he's struggling, because he knows she will flip, and she DOES, and everything kinda goes to shit. wesley gets fired for involving a civilian in watcher matters, JENNY gets forbidden from EVER seeing buffy again, and giles is sent down to reinforce this doctrine.
now, bear in mind, this is a version of giles who has not spent three years with buffy. but this is ALSO a version of giles who, as every version of giles does, falls in love with jenny from the very fucking moment she storms up to him and starts yelling at him about how inhumane the council is. all of the kids are kind of expecting jenny to win against the guy they have unkindly dubbed "wesley 2.0" (god that is such a cursed phrase to type when referencing GILES), seeing as wesley kinda crumbled after two seconds of one of jenny's lectures, but giles gives as good as he gets. giles is not just gonna take insults to the council lying down.
so giles and jenny probably might have spent like the next four seasons screaming at each other if not for the fact that this is also when faith kills a guy by accident. and this is of course a situation that resonates HUGELY with giles! jenny and wesley are both ultra defensive and expecting him to immediately be like "i't's my responsibility to report this to the council," but giles instead is very firmly like. the council is understanding when it comes to youthful accidents, but they're not gonna take kindly to this situation, so we're all going to need to put our differences aside and figure out a way to help faith.
i think giles is actually what pulls faith over to the scooby side for good! like, he is this misfit who the others don't like, he GETS what faith has been through, he's able to relate. they form a very solid and special connection. (this thought was very much inspired by this post by @restlesshush where she mentions that giles and faith overlap significantly, so that's a definite influence wrt my convictions.) faith really likes feeling special to somebody, i think, and it means a lot to her that it's somebody who everyone else is still on the fence about. she gets to be someone's favorite slayer. i feel like she might have at one point wanted that with wesley in canon, before actually meeting him -- hoped on some quiet level that she'd matter More to somebody. and then of course she saw him and was immediately like. yeah. absolutely not.
meanwhile JENNY is seeing giles step up for this traumatized kid and make sure she is okay and run interference with the council to buy them all time while they figure shit out, and suddenly she's like. 💕 oh no. 💕 and buffy is so so viscerally horrified by this reaction.
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agentsoftie · 4 years
Sleepless Nights ( S.R ) p.2
summary: Y/N and Reid aren’t the most fond of each other. So what happens when sleep, have to share a bed, and get married?
pairing: Y/N x Spencer Reid
a/n: a/n: AHH okay so here it is! It’s my first au so it’s probably not the best. But big thanks to @anepiphany! Ani baby none of this would be happening without you! Thank you for you tips and making me not go insane! Also pls tell me if I slept something wrong cuz like, your girl not the best when it comes to it. Also there will def be a loophole somewhere in my case and if you find one, just let it slide because life is filled with loopholes ❤️ also this is gonna be a two parter! ( this is the second part )
warnings: mentions of a case, angst and blood (the smallest amount), fluff really though
also if you want to be in my permanent taglist, just tell me and I’ll add you!
Remember to like and reblog
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“So today happened,” you say while you got into bed.
Yeah, today happened. So, I guess we're gonna do this thing huh,”
Wait, is he asking me out? you think to yourself. No dumbass of course he isn't. He's talking about the event thing. you say to yourself mentally. “Yeah, I guess so.”
“So, sleep huh.” He asked awkwardly.
“You know, sleep. Like us, together. No, wait t-that came out wrong. I meant like we’re gonna sleep, but ike together on the same bed. But if you're not tired then we-” He got cut off by you when you grabbed his arm. Immediately he looked down at your hand and then up. He looked like he had just seen a ghost and gotten an A in a class you were failing at, at the same time.
“Breathe, just breathe. How ‘bout you take a shower huh.” You say in an airy voice while still holding onto his arm.
“Uh, okay. Yeah, a shower. That sounds good.” He said, forcing you to let go of his hand.
It takes him 10 minutes to finish taking his shower. Tonight he comes out wearing another pair of basketball shorts and another tee. It really makes you wonder if all he goes to sleep in is a pair of shorts and a tee. Like really Reid come on. You have money, use it on some proper pj’s. Although you're one to argue wearing another pair of shorts and a loose crop top.
“You said last night that there was no hot water so it took you ten minutes, well this time there still was and it again still (italicize) took you ten minutes. Like what the fuck!”
“I'm not really one for hot water. But my statement last night still remains true, you took up the hot water.”
“ Reid, this is a hotel. They almost always have hot water running.”
“Okay well, I don’t care!”
“I thought you were supposed to be the smart one.”
“Ha, so you admit it!”
“Admit what?”
“That I’m smarter than you!”
“Well in certain areas, yes,” you said in an annoyed tone. He was smirking at your struggle for answering. “Ugh, can we just go to sleep.” You say not wanting to continue this conversation.
You woke up to the sound of rain pouring outside. The skies were as gray as a child on a monday. You felt something on your stomach and to your surprise that feeling was a man known as Dr. Spencer freaking Reid. He was laying on you with his head right under your chin. You were holding his hand and your legs were intertwined with his again. You can't remember what happened last night to lead up to this, but what's done is done. The person you've been pining over for the last 3 years was here laying on you and looking like a fucking god.
Your phone started to ring causing him to wake up.
“Emily? Oh, okay yeah, I'll be there in 20.” She told you to go to the address that she had sent you. Saying to bring Reid with you to get your outfits for tonight. “Reid, come on we gotta go.” You say looking down at the art that was placed in front of you.
“No, I don't wanna leave. I just wanna sleep.” You had never seen this side to him before. So soft and sweet. Was the universe trying to make you fall for him? If so, then it was working.
“No come on, we have to get our outfits for tonight. We have to get ready and eat something. So come on, get up.” you say trying to get up but failing because he holds you back.
“No. sleep.” He mumbles half awake.
“Spencer, how ‘bout this. How about you sleep for a little until I take a shower and stuff. Then you can get up.”
“Okay, fine.” And with that he was out, leaving you go gaze over the literal form of perfection.
“Y/L/N how long does it take to get changed?” Reid yelled.
“Oh will you shush!”
“Geez, no need to get so mean.”
“Iswear I will backhand you so hard if you don't shut up!” You say while walking out. And at the sight of seeing you he was speechless. Staring at you like you had something stuck in your teeth. “What?” You say looking down at your black floor length gown.
“No n-nothing. It's just-”
“Just what?”
“You look good in that dress.”
You looked down immediately after he said that fearing he would see the blush. He did. “Yeah well, you look good too.” you say while moving your hands after the redness was gone.
“I know.” He said, smirking causing you to make a sarcastic face.
“Okay, well we have to go now or Hotch will literally kill us.”
“You. He’ll kill you.” He says while walking out of the door.
“And you would just love that, wouldn't you.” You say following him out.
“Reid, you have your gun?”Hotch askes.
“Yes.” He said.
“Wait, where should I put mine?” You ask while holding your gun.
“Oh, you see, you're not going to have one.” JJ says while taking your gun away slowly.
“Then what the hell am i going to use as self defence?”
“You're a badass, you'll figure it out.” Emily says suggestively.
“Damn straight.” You say smiling causing her and JJ to laugh. Reid was not impressed.
“Okay, these glasses have a secret video camera in them sending footage to Garcia once you turn it on. So whatever you do, don't take these off.” Hotch says while handing Reid a pair of glasses that match his suit. “And Y/L/N this is your “wedding ring.” It has a video camera in the diamond so try to keep your hand up and try to make it as visible to people as possible.” He says while handing you the ring.
“Okay you're married, so act like it!” Rossi says before you two leave.
“Yeah, you both better be so in love it makes someone sick.” Emily adds.
“Yes mom. Yes dad.” You say jokingly.
“Okay and before you go, here are your earpieces. And we’ll be near the building if anything happens.” JJ says.
“Y/N, put your left hand on Spencer’s arm.” Garcia says through the earpiece. And you did exactly that. “Okay, now be affectionate.”
“Pen how should we do that.” You say while looking at Reid so it looked like you were talking to someone.
“I don't know? Spencer, kiss her.”
And then bam! Before you knew it, his lips were on yours. You didn't know how to react. He wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you in making the kiss even stronger. You then put your hands in his hair and pulled at it a little. And at that moment it was as if the world stopped. As if time froze and fireworks went off. And then all of a sudden he pulled away and you looked down.
“Cherry or Strawberry?” He asks as if nothing just happened.
“I uh- strawberry.”
“Pardon me, but I couldn't help but notice that beautiful ring.” Says a guy approaching you.
“Oh thank you! It's very gorgeous isn't it!”You say while looking down at the ring then bringing your hand up.
“But not as gorgeous as you honey.” Reid says while looking at you. Oh god the things he did to your heart.
“Oh, uh how rude of me not to introduce myself. Im Ryan. Ryan Carson.” He says while holding out his hand for both of you to shake.
“Im Y/N Reid and this is my husband Spencer Reid.” You say while shaking his hand after Reid, as always, refused to. Y/N Reid had a nice ring to it, although you would never change your last name. But it sure had a nice ring to it which both you and Reid noticed.
“How long?” Ryan asked.
“3 months.”I said.
“When did you know?”
“The first time she read me The Fault In Our Stars. It was 2 something in the morning and I couldn't sleep so she read it to me. And I just couldn't stop thinking that this is the girl I’m gonna marry.” Reid said. Although that of course never happened, your heart wanted to explode. Right after he said that you kissed him on the cheek. He immediately turned red, but you didn't say anything.
“Wow. That’s just, wow.” Ryan said.
“Guys I think this guy is our friend Thomas. Well not think, know. He looks exactly the same. So make sure to play into his tactics or whatever. Therapy must cost a lot for you sweet children.” Garcia says.
“You know, I’m gonna propose to my girlfriend soon. Would you two help me pick out a ring?”
“What do you think Spenny?” You ask in a joking tone. Spenny, that was one you never used. You liked it, did so did he.
“Well, I think that it’s an amazing idea baby.”
You could see the anger in his eyes. The anger you get before taking a life. You could see that all he wanted to do was end your lives right then and there. Honestly you two could go into acting if all this death gets too heavy for you.
“Great! Then follow me right this way.” He says while leading you to the elevator. The ride was fairly quick but the entire time Reid had his and around your waist pulling you close to him. Oh god the things you would do to have him.
“Here’s my room.” he says while gesturing to you two to go in first. You saw two chairs and then heard the door slam behind you. You jumped at the sound and turned around to see him standing there with a gun pointing that both of you. “You don't want your wife to die a painful death, go sit down on the chair.” And he did exactly that. “Now you too bitch.” he says while pointing the gun at you. And you did exactly what he said.
“What do you want!” You yell at him while he ties you up.
“I want your happiness to end. If I can't have it, then how can you?”
“The world doesn't revolve around you!” And then before you knew it there was blood coming from your arm and a door kicked open.
“Y/N!” Spencer yells.
“I’m okay, really I’m fine.” You say to the paramedic wrapping your arm.
“No you’re not! You got shot!” Spencer says.
“Okay well how about I leave you two along for a bit huh.” And with that the paramedic was gone.
“Oh look, you scared the paramedic.” You say while throwing your hands in the air.
“Okay and you scared me.”
“Spencer, I got shot. It happens.”
“Yes Y/N I know but it could have hit an artery and make you bleed out. I could have lost you. Why dont see that. If you die who am I gonna mentaly torture, who am I gonna talk to my mom about, who am I gonna love? I've already lost so much, I can't lose you too. I love you.”
“You love me?”
And just like that he grabbed you and put his lips on yours. You immediately put your hands in his hair and pulled hard, he didn't care though. He pulled you closer to him, making you come back with 10 times more force than before. You pulled apart due to lack of oxygen and he put his head against yours after catching his breath.
“Does that answer your question?” He says softly.
This time you kiss him. Not as aggressive as last time though. This was a small, yet equally as meaningful kiss. “I love you too.”
“I fell in love the way you fall asleep; slowly then all at once” – John Green
taglist: @ghostly-angelic, @marshmallowtraver, @heartbroken-writer, @yllwtaxi, @yeah-just-ignore-me-thanks, @theamuz, @guessthatswhyiliveinhell, @alli1902, and @kaybeeboop
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ye4gerismarchives · 3 years
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the bachelorette chp 4, p1: visiting connie’s family
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an: hey y’all! this coming to a close end 💀 i mentioned this in a different post but i will not be active for a while. i’m traveling! i know y’all are rolling your eyes and groaning rn because that means a bachelorette chapter won’t be dropping for a while. i’m getting started on your next date and i’m hoping to get it done by tomorrow. it should be the shortest date! i’ll be working on your final date during on my trip and it should be done by the time i comeback! but i definitely will have the boys and the gang answer your questions and read your thoughts! link at the end of the chapter!
tags: black, fem reader
tag list: @taybird
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Things were now different since proposals were nearing. From now on, there were no more breakfasts with Mikasa and Sasha.(why did i lie?)They were sent away so that they would intervene with your 'boyfriends'. And even if they were around, you wouldn't have been able to catch them.
Today you were woken up early because you would be traveling to Regako to meet Connie's family. You were already familiar with Connie's family, so he already had an upper hand.
Connie was very excited to get out of the house once more and to see his family. He was doing this with you, so it made things better.
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"Martin and Sunny are gonna have so many questions, you know?"
He had been driving for an hour and there were a few minutes to go. In the past hour, you and Connie joked about a few things and then you napped.
"Yeah," you reply.
"My mom never lets them watch dating shows but for this time only, they're allowed to. So, they're curious. They'll probably ask how we're allowed to be in love...cause we're friends. And they'll be curious about being on camera as well.
You purse your lips. "Connie, you're one of my three boyfriends. Yeah, you're my friend but you're my partner too. In a week, if you end up staying, you'll be proposing to me, and if I say yes, you'll be my husband. You need to let go of this 'friend' thing and actually be my boyfriend."
Connie is silent for a moment. He opens his mouth again but his voice is quiet. "It's kind of hard to do that when there are two others. This whole thing has been easy for Jean and Bertholdt. They're die-hard romantics. I'm...I was your friend. I only know how to be friendly with you."
"So, are you saying you aren't into me romantically or what? We don't have to do this. We can drop you off at home and I'll go back to the mansion."
"That's not what I'm trying to say. y/n...I do want a future with you, I just don't have that same advantage as Jean and Bertholdt. And I mean...wouldn't you want your spouse to be your best friend and not a stranger?"
He was right. Bertholdt and Jean could do everything in their power to make you theirs but you don't know them.
"Connie, if I wanted, I'd stop everything and marry you right now."
Connie looks over at you and smiles. "I was hoping you could say that."
"I love you."
Connie's face drops. "Huh?" He slightly swerves on the road. You grab onto the upper car handle and giggle. "I love you, Connie."
This was the first contestant that you admitted you loved.
"Love you, too," Connie replies. You weren't sure if he meant it because he didn't include an 'I' but the rest of the time you spent with him would determine if he truly loved you.
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It was still daytime when Connie finally reached his house. The camera team was right behind.
"You know...I don't feel so comfortable with Martin and Sunny being on camera. I mean, what if I don't win? It'll be so embarrassing for them," Connie said.
"They're kids. I think they're facing will be blocked out. Don't worry," you reassure him. You get out of the passenger seat, so you could get the suitcase in the back. Connie popped out of nowhere. Your hand was reaching for the trunk and he grabbed it. "Don't worry about it. I'll get it, ok? Let's just go say hi to my family and get things over with."
Connie didn't let go of your hand and lead you to the front door. The camera team followed behind and other crew members continued to prepare themselves.
Connie rang the doorbell and as soon as that happened, you could hear fast footsteps approaching the door. You could only assume that it was one of the kids. The door swung open and your prediction was right. The person in front of you was Sunny, who was now eight. She was the darkest of her siblings and her hair was in locs. But most importantly, she was adorable and had the biggest smile on her face.
Martin came up behind her. He was thirteen, brown-skinned, and was growing his curly hair out. "Hi, y/n," he greets you. "Damn, so no 'hi, Connie. We miss you big bro'?" Connie cuts in. Martin rolls his eyes and Sunny greets her older brother and jumps into his arms. "You're getting heavy! At some point, I won't be able to carry you anymore!"
The image of Connie and his sister turned into Connie and your possible child. You could see him not struggling to hold your infant and throwing them midair. You'd like to think that baby would be happy and wouldn't complain for most of their life. You imagined the baby having your looks and Connie's personality.
Your daydreaming was interrupted when Martin tugged on your hand. "My parents in the kitchen. Come say hi."
Of course. One thing about the Springers is that they love to eat and feed other people. During the holidays, Connie's mom would make food and give meals out to the less fortunate and Connie's dad was a monster on the grill. Before the show, you would come over and you would leave with like a month's worth of food. The Springers were also party people. They'll celebrate anything. These were the people who would probably play a part in wedding planning but let's not get ahead of yourselves.
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The Springers had sat you down in their dining room and the camera team wasn't too far behind. Mrs. Springer sat in front of you and was ready to start asking questions.
"How have you been? I've been keeping up with the show but...how've you been?" she starts. "I'm doing just great Mrs. Springer. Kicking out three guys does make me feel lighter," you joke.
"Oh good! I did like that Eren boy though. He's so handsome."
Mr. Springer nudged his wife and she rolled her eyes. "Should we start planning for your wedding?" he asks.
"Well, I don't have a fiancé yet. But do start expecting an invitation. Even if I don't end up marrying Connie, I do want you all there. You all mean a lot to me."
The older Springers let out an 'aw’.
"Can I be a flower girl?" Sunny asked. "I'll have to ask Levi but I would love for you to be my flower girl," you reply. The thought of that possibly evil little man did bring a nasty feeling in your mouth.
"So, how long do you plan on staying?" Mrs. Spinger asks. You and Connie looked at each other. Connie decides to answer this question. "Just for tonight. She has to meet another family member tomorrow."
The faces of the Springer family drop. "Oh...you don't think this is going too fast?"
"It's...it's going fast. For me, this show just started. I'll be married in two weeks if the engagement can last that long."
You haven't even picked out a dress or taken a look at one. You wanted to start planning badly but you needed to figure who you want to be with.
The Springers decided to move on from the wedding topic and started to talk about their kids' accomplishments.
You spaced out as they spoke. This could be you one day, with a big family, or even just Connie. You would come home from work and discuss your day with him, you would cook with him and just be happy with him.
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now voting for your boy is required. i know the questions for the boys is required but if you’ve asked a question, feel free to ask another OR let me know that you have!
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
Grey’s Anatomy Prompts
I’m going a tad stir crazy, so I decided to make a prompt list of 80 Grey’s quotes I love. This may have been done before but I don’t care. It’s mostly angsty prompts and it’s long as hell. (Break at 15)
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1 “When I met you, I thought I had found the person that I was going to spend the rest of my life with. I was done. So all the boys, and all the bars, and all the obvious daddy issues, who cared? Because I was done. You left me. You chose Addison. I’m all glued back together now. I make no apologies for how I chose to repair what you broke.” —Meredith Grey
2 “Don’t let what he wants eclipse what you need. He’s very dreamy, but he is not the sun—you are.” —Cristina Yang
3 “Your choice, it’s simple: her or me? And I’m sure she’s really great. But I love you. In a really, really big pretend to like your taste in music, let you eat the last piece of cheesecake, hold a radio over my head outside your window, unfortunate way that makes me hate you, love you. So pick me, choose me, love me.” —Meredith Grey
4 “If you love someone, you tell them. Even if you’re scared that it’s not the right thing. Even if you’re scared that it’ll cause problems. Even if you’re scared that it will burn your life to the ground, you say it, and you say it loud and you go from there.” —Mark Sloan
5 “It always feels like there is just one person in this world to love. And then you find somebody else, and it just seems crazy that you were ever worried in the first place.” —Lexie Grey
6 “Don’t let fear keep you quiet. You have a voice, so use it. Speak up. Raise your hands. Shout your answers. Make yourself heard. Whatever it takes, just find your voice, and when you do, fill the damn silence.” —Meredith Grey
7 “Not everyone has to be happy all the time. That isn’t metal health. That’s crap.” —Meredith Grey
8 “Breakthroughs don’t happen because of the medicine. Real breakthroughs happen because someone is scared to death to stop trying.” —Derek Shepherd
9 “We don’t get unlimited chances to have the things that we want, and this I know. Nothing is worse than missing an opportunity that could have changed your life.” —Addison Montgomery
10 “And if you can't do it, if you aren't willing to keep looking for light in the darkest of places without stopping, even when it seems impossible, you will never succeed.” —Amelia Shepard
11 “Oh screw beautiful! I’m brilliant! If you want to appease me, compliment my brain.” — Christina Yang
12 “You were like coming up for fresh air. It's like I was drowning and you saved me.” — Derek Shepard
13 “The only time I don't feel like a ghost is when you look at me, because when you look at me, you see me. You see me. This is me.” — Owen Hunt
14 “It's good to be scared. It means you still have something to lose.” — Richard Webber
15 “You are my person. You will always be my person.” — Christina Yang
16 “It doesn't matter how tough we are. Trauma always leaves a scar. It follows us home, it changes our lives. Trauma messes everybody up. But maybe that's the point. All the pain and the fear and the crap. Maybe going through all that is what keeps us moving forward. It's what pushes us. Maybe we have to get a little messed up, before we can step up.” — Alex Karev
17 “Please, don't chase me anymore, unless you're ready to catch me.” — Callie Torres
18 “Change … we don’t like it, we fear it. But we can’t stop it from coming. We either adapt to change, or we get left behind. It hurts to grow. Anybody who tells you it doesn’t, is lying. But here’s the truth: Sometimes, the more things change, the more they stay the same. And sometimes, oh, sometimes, change is good. Sometimes, change is … everything.” — Meredith Grey
19 “Intimacy is a four letter syllable for- here’s my heart and soul, please grind them into a hamburger and enjoy. It’s both desired and feared. Difficult to live with, impossible to live without” -Meredith Grey
20 “You can have the worst crap in the world happen to you and you can get over it. All you gotta do is survive.” -Alex Karev
21 Walk tall. All you can do is be brave enough to get out there. You fought. You loved. You Lost. Walk tall.” -Mark Sloan
22 "Just because people do horrible things, it doesn't always mean they're horrible people."-Izzie Stevens
23 "I am woman. Hear me roar." - Miranda Bailey
24 "I love everything about you. Even the things I don't like, I love. And I want you with me. I love you and I think you love me too. Do you?" -Jackson Avery
25 “If you want crappy things to stop happening to you, stop accepting crap and demand something more.” -Cristina Yang
26 “You didn't love her! You just didn't want to be alone. Or maybe, maybe she was good for your ego. Or, or maybe she made you feel better about your miserable life, but you didn't love her, because you don't destroy the person that you love!” - Callie Torres
27 I am not an ugly duckling. I'm a swan."-April Kepner
28 “Okay, here it is, your choice... it's simple, her or me, and I'm sure she is really great. But Derek, I love you, in a really, really big 'pretend to like your taste in music, let you eat the last piece of cheesecake, hold a radio over my head outside your window', unfortunate way that makes me hate you, love you. So pick me, choose me, love me.” - Meredith Grey
29 “I’ve had to give up things but what I’ve learned is that I don’t need much. I don’t need much to be happy.” -Arizona Robbins
30 “I need the day off. For drinking.” -Addison Montgomery
31 "It turns out sometimes you have to do the wrong thing. Sometimes you have to make a big mistake to figure out how to make things right. Mistakes are painful, but they're the only way to find out who we really are." -Denny Duquette
32 “In the beginning everyone is there, but then they forget.” - Amelia Shepherd
33 "Knowing is better than wondering. Waking is better than sleeping, and even the biggest failure, even the worst, beats the hell out of never trying." -Meredith Grey
34 “You have to go back to the beginning to understand the end.” -Teddy Altman
35 “Yeah we’re friends…I mean right now I’d probably say you’re one of my best friends.”-George O’Malley
36 “I’m just gonna feel bad that I made it so you can never love again” -Jo Wilson
37 "The future is the home of our deepest fears and our wildest hopes." -Owen Hunt
38 “There’s a land called passive agressiva, and you’re their queen” -Derek Shepherd
39 “Let’s play a game of whose life sucks the most. I’ll win. I always win.” -Meredith Grey
40 “I take things personally. I get emotional.” -Lexie Grey
41 “Stop looking at my like that. Like you’ve seen me naked” -Meredith Grey
42 “Pretty good is not good enough, I want to be great.” -Cristina Yang
43 "Don't let fear keep you quiet. You have a voice so use it. Speak up. Raise your hands. Shout your answers. Make yourself heard. Whatever it takes, just find your voice, and when you do, fill the damn silence." - Meredith Grey
44 “Let’s just make-out on the couch.” -Nathan Riggs
45 "Maybe we like the pain. Maybe we're wired that way. Because without it, I don't know; maybe we just wouldn't feel real. What's that saying? Why do I keep hitting myself with a hammer? Because it feels so good when I stop." -Meredith Grey
46 “Deal with your jealousy. Deal with your shortcomings. Don’t put your crap on me.” -Stephanie Edwards
47 "I know I'm not a lot of things that you've gone for in the past - I know, but I would never leave you. I would never hurt you. And I will never stop loving you.." -George O’Malley
48 “Sometimes you have to be a shark.” -Lucy Fields
49 “Don’t look at me like that. Like I’m damaged goods. I’m still me. I’m still here.” -Adele Webber
50 "More tequila. More love. More anything. More is better." -Meredith Grey
51 "More tequila. More love. More anything. More is better." -Meredith Grey
52 "For a kiss to be really good, you want it to mean something. You want it to be with someone you can't get out of your head, so that when your lips finally touch you feel it everywhere. A kiss so hot and so deep you never want to come up for air. You can't cheat your first kiss. Trust me, you don't want to. Cause when you find that right person for a first kiss, it's everything." -Alex Karev
53 "You can't be an ass to me all day and then expect me to give you respect." - Lexie Grey
54 “Some days, the whole world seems upside down. And then somehow, and probably, when you least expect it, the world gets right again.” -Meredith Grey
55 “Shut up. Dance it out.” -Cristina Yang
56 “We may only be together five minutes every two months, but when we do we will savor every second. We know how valuable those five minutes are.” -Ben Warren
57 “There comes a point when you have to suck it up and stop whining and start living” -Callie Torres
58 “Please don’t give up on me. Promise. Promise me you won’t.” -Arizona Robbins
59 “Bad things happen, but you have to move past it. Leave it behind. The sooner, the better. Or it’ll eat away at you and stop you from moving forward.” -Miranda Bailey
60 “This is the way the world changes. Good people, raising babies right” -Catherine Avery
61 “The problem is we are human. We want more than to just survive. We want to love.” -Lexie Grey
62 "There's a club. The Dead Dads/Moms/Parents Club. And you can't be in it until you're in it. You can try to understand, you can sympathize. But until you feel that loss... My dad/mom/parent’s died when I was AGE. NAME, I'm really sorry you had to join the club." -Cristina Yang
63 “I’m going to die because these people aren’t properly trained” -Derek Shepherd
64 “I believe if you were dead, the world would be a better place” -George O’Malley
65 “You think you broke me, NAME? You’re the one who put me back together.” -Mark Sloan
66 “I want so much for you. For both of us. So much more than this. More than being stuck with someone who feels stuck. I want you to feel free.” -Callie Torres
67 “Every kiss before the right kiss doesn’t count anyway” -Derek Shepherd
68 “The expected is what keeps us steady. It’s the unexpected that changes our lives forever.” -Meredith Grey
69 “Promise that you’ll love me, even when you hate me.” -Meredith Grey
70 "The problem is, fairytales don't come true. It's the nightmares that always seem to become the reality." -Meredith Grey
71 “How are you fine? How are you just completely fine? I am ruined, okay? I am dead, I am wrecked." -Cristina Yang
72 “I didn’t like teenage girls when I was a teenage girl.” -Cristina Yang
73 “So you fight. Until you can’t fight anymore.” -Amelia Shepherd
74 “Don’t analyze everything. Just do it.” -Alex Karev
75 “Some lies aren’t lies. They’re love.” -Meredith Grey
76 “That’s where love exists, in delusional fantasies.” -Meredith Grey
77 "Friends are the family we choose." -Meredith Grey
78 "Don't ever date a man who can't handle your power." - Meredith Grey
79 "It’s not hard. It’s painful but it’s not hard. You know what to do already. If you didn’t you wouldn’t be in this much pain." —Miranda Bailey
80 “You’re my heaven. But maybe ... maybe I’m your hell.” — Denny Dequette
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I'm watching Boss Level on Hulu and oh my god I love Michelle Yeoh so much
Like, as soon as her character walked into the food place, just looking on her phone as we learn she's a sword master, I'm freaking out because she's so awesome and I love her
So far the movie is pretty good, reminds me of Deadpool, but way better
It had to have been so much fun to make😂
"He's in my way!" *Proceeds to step on the dudes face* This lady is a gem☠️😂
"I'm childless by choice, bro" "Whose choice? 😁🙃" Oh my god that line is gold😂😂
Oh damn, Joe doesn't know about his mom
Holy shit they're tracking him? So cool!
Ouch, Joe just saw his dad die, just ouch
Poor Pedro
Isn't the blond lady from Peaky Blinders?
Pam's been killing him with Hitler's gun? Seriously?!
HA! As someone who was raised Jewish, I thank you Roy for shooting her
Goodbye Roy number 2😂
Brett was so confused when. Roy killed himself😂
Of course there's camera's in the elevator 😂
Oh shit, the gun's out of bullets
Guan Yin giving him a fun fact is hilarious 😂
The sword dragging on the ground would be even cooler if it left sparks in it's wake
Oh my god oh my god oh my god we're gonna get to see Michelle fight with swords YEET
She can't understand what he's saying because of his mouth 🤣
Imagine having Michelle Yeoh say she finds you intriguing 😱
Me: *hums We Can Be Heroes For One Day*
I love that the next scene has her punching him😂
I love how she keeps whacking him with the training sword 😂
Guan Yin us a pain
"Shits about to get steel" I'm dead 😂
His grin after cutting off her pony tail 💀Me at Jemma's old boss: THAT MOTHER FUCKING ASS HAD JOE KILLED? WHAT A DICK MOVE
It's the end of the world as he knows it, and I feel fine
Whoa, he just jumped out of the building window? Sweet!
I love that he repeats with the dude that he's being carjacked😂
Aw damn, he gets to spend endless time with his son, even if it it will never be the way it could've
Holy shit, she's still alive?
Oh wait, no she isn't
Or is she?
Oh she's alive for a bit so he can still save her? Yes!
Fly motherfucker! FLYYYYYY
That machine gun is awesome but probably heavy as shit
Oh my god, he knows all about his son's life now!
She's crying 😭
Aw, this is so sweet
Where's the giant reset button
Oh he has to go in
Not gonna lie I thought she was gonna die while they were talking
Kiss goodbye and off be goes into the UNKNOWNN
What a plot twist it would've been for him to not wake up😂
Wait it's over? The credits are rolling?🤔
Ok the music's fading, maybe there'll be an after credits scene?
Nope, I guess not.
Overall I enjoyed this movie, it was entertaining and it reminded me of playing Just Cause
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tk-productions · 3 years
Mystic Sisters- Ch.19 Trader
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Hikari’s pov
It was a few days later and we were still in Yokohama. Yua went to get breakfast from the convenient store while I packed up the rest of my stuff. After Yua’s dream a few days ago we thought it was best to find out what this castle was that we kept seeing. We were headed to Yokosuka. It might bold a clue to us and powers. I tried contacting Saki but I couldn’t get a hold of her. When I last talked to her, that's where she told us to go. We still haven't heard from anyone. It had been days and our parents still haven't called. They probably don’t care at this point. I stood in front of the bathroom mirror and braided my hair into two braids. Akio's hat still laid on the counter.
"Well since I still have it and it's cold I might as well wear it" I grinned and slipped the hat over my head. I don’t know why I was obsessed with him and his hat. Did I really just say that? That I was obsessed with him? According to Yua I was but I wouldn’t call it that.
"Im back!" Yua yelled. She was sitting the food on the little table we had in the room.
"Are you done packing?" she asked, sitting my food in front of me. I nodded unwrapping my onigiri. “I brought some more water since someone drank a gallon of water by herself.”
“I’ve been thirsty. Leave me alone.” We quickly ate so we could catch our train. Knowing how long it takes Yua we still might be late.
“When we get there I'll try contacting Saki again.” I told her once we got to the train surprisingly on time.
“If she doesn't answer we’ll stay in Yokosuka until we can reach her.”
Luckily it was only a 30 minute train ride and the train wasn't too packed. I shivered feeling a cold breeze. The same way I felt When Akio was around. I looked at Yua to see if she noticed too but she was too busy listening to music on her phone. Once we got off I felt another cold breeze. Quickly turning around I expected to see Akio like usual but he wasn't there. No one was.
"What's up?" Yua asked after I turned back around.
"Nothing let's go.” I told her grabbing my suitcase walking past her. I swear I felt him around. After dropping off our stuff at the hotel we went to a local ramen shop for lunch. As we walled back I heard my name being called. "Saki?" I said stopping in the tracks.
"Hikari I can't get to you guys right now. I'll come find you just not now. There's something going on. Mom and d-."
"Saki!" I called out, I called her name a few times but she didn't answer. Mom and dad? What was she gonna say?
"She sounded like someone or something was after her. She tried to tell me something but got cut off like last time. "I told Yua who was now standing in front of me.
"We'll just go back to the hotel or go to our grandparents since dad made it obvious he doesn't want us home.” She told me. I nodded grabbing her hand. I looked past my sister staring off into the distance. I could feel him nearly. This time I knew he was here. But where?
"What's wrong? she asked, grabbing my cheeks forcing me to look at her.
"He's here"I said blankly.
"Well Akio was right. You were easy to find."
Yua quickly turned around and Akio and his friend were there.So he was here earlier.
For a second I could have sworn he smiled at me but when I looked closer he still had the same blank look on his face. Akio and I stared at each other, not breaking eye contact until Yua spoke up.
"How the hell did you find us? We're not even in Tokyo any more.”
“Just because you left Tokyo doesn’t mean we couldn't find you.” The older boy pointed at the hat I was wearing. “That belongs to my brother little girl.”
I sucked in my breath and was shocked. “Excuse me I am not little!” I said stomping my feet.
Akio smirked at my reaction. The other boy looked at me and then at Akio. “I guess she’s your type.”
Akio looked insulted. “What the hell is that supposed to mean? What are you tryna say Riyoshi?”
“Oh nothing, don't get all butt hurt now.”
“So your names Riyoshi?” Yua questioned.
“That Princess is none of your business.” Riyoshi told Yua “However you should be worried about your boyfriend though I left a pretty big scar on his face.”
“Try his whole body.” Akio chimed in, chuckling. “Don’t downplay it man you nearly killed that guy.”
“Yea but he can die later he’s not our mission.”
“Y'all are really too handsome for this shit. What’s so important about us?”
Riyoshi seemed to find that amusing while Akio just stood there.
“Well isn’t this a nice surprise .” Says an unknown guy walking up.
“And you are?” Yua asked
“My name is --
“Irrelevant. We're busy, go away.” Yua snapped.
“Right we don't need anymore weirdo’s here.” I said.
“You little bitches. First off my name is Levi.” Levi was definitely triggered.
“Who are you calling weird?” Akio and Riyoshi said in unison.
I ignored them and looked at my sister. “This is getting bad very fast. Let's get the hell out of here.”
“You really think we have a chance there's three of them. Stay put!”
“Looks like they can communicate by just looking at each other. Interesting.”
“It’s called telepathy dumb ass.” Riyoshi shot at Levi.
I decided it was time to shoot some fire and make a break for it since they obviously weren't paying attention at the moment.
“Yua throw that car and i'll blow it up, decent distraction don’t you think?”
“We're sister’s for a reason. Let's do it on 3.”
“1” I started.
“2” Yua followed.
“3!” We said aloud. Catching the boy's attention but the plan was already in effect.
Yua used her powers and tossed a car in their direction and I shot a fireball at it causing it to explode. Yua grabbed my hand and we ran as fast as we could and I was happy because I still had my hat. He shouldn’t have given it to me, it's mine now.
We made it to a nearby ally before Riyoshi literally jumped off of a building and landed in front if us with Akio right behind him. “Damn not gonna lie that was a little hot.” Riyoshi said basically giving my sister the eye.
“Wow you're trying to kidnap us and you're flirting at the same time. You and my sister are made for each other.”
“Hikari now is not the time to promote my antics.” Yua snapped.
“I thought it was pretty funny.” Riyoshi answered.
“What is happening right now?” I asked very confused.
“What’s happening is these idiots have betrayed the VHA.”
“The fuck are you talking about?” Riyoshi said darkly.
“Oh yea when your little brother here saved his little girlfriend I caught it all on camera and showed it to Amelia.” Levi said with a big smirk on his face. “Long story short your public enemy number one now. Both of you. Amelia was so hurt when she watched the video. She couldn’t believe that two boys she practically raised would turn on her and choose to side with the enemy. You know her policy on loyalty right? Since you betrayed her everyone at the VHA will be coming after you. You two aren't welcome back. You're at the top of the blacklist. ” Levi said walking closer to the boys patted me on my shoulder. “Nice job brat you just got your friends here killed.”
Before I or Levi could react Levi was flying backwards as Akio kicked him with the utmost force. Yua and I jumped both our eyes turning white in shock.
It didn’t stop their as Riyoshi grabbed Akio by the back of his collar pulling him back so he could face him. “Seriously Akio?”
“I swear my body moved on it’s own.” Akio explained.
Suddenly 6 more guys showed up and we were surrounded but luckily we knew how to fight. Yua and I got into defensive positions back to back.
Riyoshi Pov
“Well since we were considered traders anyway might as well help them fight. But I will deal with you later.” I said to Akio, giving him the deadliest glare I had. It worked. He looked like he saw a ghost. Since the VHA turned on us we would have to run. Getting caught and brought back to Amelia would be worse than being on the blacklist. Amelia kept a list of people that have wronged her or weren’t loyal to the VHA. If you were to get caught after being blacklisted then she would make your life hell. Because of an incident that happened before Amelia started putting kill chips in us so that way if someone turned on the VHA the other members would kill that person on sight.
I didn’t have my wooden bullets but I had regular one’s and they definitely would work on halflings. Quickly loading my gun I saw Akio pull out his sword and I knew he was serious about this girl right then and there.
“Go do your thing i’ll cover for you.” I told Akio and he took off slicing two of the guys in seconds. He didn’t need my help but I heard a squeal. It was Yua turning my attention to her. She was ok but Hikari was struggling and her goal was to protect her sister. One of the boys came charging at them. Hikari waved her hands in front of her causing the boy to turn into ice. He stood there frozen until Yua ran up to him punching him causing his body to shatter into pieces. While Akio went for Levi I ended up doing three headshots killing them instantly since they weren't worth my energy.
“Aghhhh.” I looked up to see Levi running for his life and Akio chasing him with his sword like a mad man.
“Akio!” he stopped and looked at me confused “Leave him be. Let's go. More members will be here any second!” I then looked towards the girls who were standing around catching their breath.“ You too since you're the ones who got us in this mess.” I walked away Akio right behind me. The girls are reluctant but they followed nonetheless.
“This is Bullshit.” I said to myself as I tried to think of my next step on how to approach this crazy ass situation.  
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namjoontunes · 4 years
Lost and Found, Chapter Eleven
BTS Members x Reader
Genre: Fantasy AU, Fluff, Minor Angst
Warning: N/A
Word Count: 1.5k
Author’s Notes: No time like a quarantine to update a long forgotten fic! Hope you guys stay healthy and safe, and enjoy the update!
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Prologue || Most Recent
"Well. At least the grapes were in a water proof bag?"
"I'm... actually allergic to grapes."
Taehyung sighed and dropped the plastic baggie back into the water logged basket. Their perfect picnic was ruined now, and Tae mentally kicked himself for not paying attention to where the floating basket was heading until it was too late. If only he hadn't been so distracted by Y/n's smile…
"I'm sure you wanna head back to the others now so we can eat something that isn't soaked in pond water…" He hated the idea of cutting their trip so short, especially since he didn't know when he'd get to spend one on one time with her again, but he didn't want to starve her out here just because he didn't want to go back yet. 
Y/n looked at his crestfallen face for a long moment before crossing her arms stubbornly. "Nope!"
He gave her a bewildered look. "No? You don't want to go back and get lunch? Even if we leave now it'll be a while before we make it home, I'm sure you'll be hungry by then…"
"Hey you promised a picnic, so let's have a picnic! Do you know how to start a fire?" 
"Uhh kind of? I haven't really practiced fire magic, but I can get a spark." His confusion was clear on his face, but Y/n seemed unusually confident and he didn't want to ruin that for her. 
"Okay you work on that and I'll be right back!" Before Tae had a chance to respond, Y/n shifted into a sparrow and zipped into the treeline.
When she returned, Tae had gotten a small fire started and was tending to it proudly. 
"Alright are you ready to make our picnic!" Y/n beamed proudly as she presented an assortment of leaves, nuts, and fruits she had collected. 
"We're… gonna eat leaves? Are you sure this is all edible?" He asked, poking through the ruffage in her hands. He didn't want to curb her enthusiasm, but he wasn't sure he wanted to put any of that in his mouth.
She rolled her eyes at his hesitance and began digging through the ruined picnic basket for fire-friendly bowls. "You can eat your grapes if you want to, or if I really mess it up we can head right back, okay? But I didn't survive out here on nothing, and apparently my dad used to be a good forest chef so my mom tried to teach me a few of his recipes."
Taehyung watched her flit around, preparing her assortment of strange bowls, his interest now piqued. "What even is a forest chef?"
She smiled. "A 5 star chef that followed a crazy lady into the middle of the woods and learned to make do, according to my mother."
"This is the first time I heard you mention your dad," he pointed out.
For a second she faltered, almost dropping the cup she was holding onto the fire. "...Yeah. I guess he just hasn't come up yet."
"You don't have to talk about him if you don't want to, it's okay," Tae reassured, placing his hand over hers sympathetically. 
"It's fine Tae, I've never actually spoken to him," she admitted. "They broke up before my mom even knew she was pregnant. After she died I managed to track him down but… when I found him he already had a new family with a normal human wife and normal human kids. I didn't want to ruin that for him, y'know? I'd just cause more problems..."
Taehyung felt his heart ache as he watched her. Just a moment ago she was bubbling with joy and determination, but now she smiled in the same way you stitch up torn jeans, hoping no one notices the damage done. She was busying herself with the cooking, but the tears welling up in her eyes were unmistakable. Silently, he moved his hand up to her cheek. His finger tips settled against her skin, warm and gentle, and the tears began to fall like stars in a meteor shower. 
"I'm sorry I'm such a crybaby," she laughed, letting his thumb brush the wetness away from her eye. "It's been a while since I've had someone I was close enough to talk to like this, and I guess there's a lot I haven't had a chance to cry about yet."
Tae shook his head, and continued to hold her face even as she composed herself. "You've spent long enough keeping this to yourself, it's okay to let it out now. You're safe, you have a home with us, we'll always be there for you... I'll always be here for you, okay? I'm never gonna leave you. I-" he hesitated, words catching in his throat. "...I promise."
She smiled in response, bringing her hand to rest on top of his. For this moment, neither of them needed words. She owed him everything for giving her this new life. But, right now, she could only think about his hand on her cheek, the sunlight dancing on his skin, the way he was looking at her. She felt safe, she felt seen, she felt…
Gingerly she lowered his hand from her face, clinging onto it for a moment before letting him go. "I should probably finish what I was making Tae, if you're gonna be there for me forever I should probably make sure you don't die of starvation."
He laughed, finally breaking his gaze away from her and desperately trying to focus on anything other than the warm feeling in his chest. 
After about an hour, Y/n presented the culmination of her efforts in mismatched bowls and plates. Even with limited supplies and ingredients, she had actually done a great job of making the meal look appetizing enough that even Tae seemed to be drooling over it. 
"Okay so since I didn't have a lot of time I had to go with the basics but that still means we have dandelion tea, an omelet with scallions, and, uh, berry nut mush."
Tae gave her a curious look. "Berry nut mush? And where did you get the eggs?"
"Don't worry, I already checked and they were unfertilized anyways so they were probably just gonna rot if I didn't grab them." She explained. "And the berry nut mush is raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and roasted acorns. I still haven't found a good name for it, but it's better than what I used to call it."
"What did you used to call it?" He asked. 
"I don't want to say… it's embarrassing." She admitted, not meeting his eyes. 
"Oh come on now you have to tell me!" He pressed. "Remember you've seen me naked you have to even the scales."
"...mushy mushy good fruit squishies." 
Tae's eyes lit up immediately. "You called it mushy mushy good fruit squishies?!" He asked, bursting into laughter. 
"Hey! Don't make fun of me!" She pouted. "It was catchy and I never thought I'd have to tell anybody…"
"No I'm not making fun of you, I swear," he said, stifling his laughter. "It's just really adorable, you're cute for naming it that."
Her cheeks turned pink, and she held out a spoonful of the fruit-mashup to him. If his mouth was full he couldn't tease her anymore. 
"You have to try it." She insisted, seeing his hesitance as she brought it close to his face. 
"Why don't you try it first? You're the chef you should get the first bite."
"I'll eat anything but you're a notoriously picky eater, I have to make sure it's up to your standards." When he still hesitated, she gave him her best puppy- eyes. "Please?"
"...alright. Only because it's you though," he assured. He leaned forward, taking the smallest possible bite, and then leaning back with a thoughtful look.
She watched him anxiously, trying to read his reaction. "Well?" She prodded.
"Y'know, for something that was made from stuff you literally picked up off the ground, it's actually pretty good!"
Y/n sighed in relief, visibly relaxing. "Oh thank God, I was gonna feel really bad if I made you stay out here just to make you food you didn't like."
"Any extra time with you is enough of a treat for me," he said, giving her a big smile. 
They quickly dug into their meals, already hungry from waiting so long. After they were done, Tae collapsed onto a particularly comfortable bed of moss. 
"It's so nice out today, I feel like I could just take a nap right now," he admitted, his eyes following the clouds as they drifted along. 
Y/n shrugged as she settled down beside him, her head resting on his shoulder. "I mean, we totally could. Laying on this moss, full from lunch, the birds chirping, the sun warm like a blanket." She paused to yawn. "Sounds… pretty good if you ask me."
Tae's eyes were already drooping shut as he echoed her yawn. "I guess those are pretty good points… are you comfortable like this though?"
The silence from her was answer enough, and he smiled as he wrapped his arms around her, quickly following her to sleep.
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carolinedionecd · 3 years
"What !? No - No"
Sterling palmed her face in shock.
"Mom? What's she talking about?"
Blair is directly looking at Debbie, with brows arched as a sign of confusion. She knew she'll never get an answer from Debbie so she looked at her dad.
She opened her arms as a signal to Anders that she's waiting for an answer. Anderson bit his lip, took a big sigh and looked at Debbie, who's still crying while pointing her shotgun directly at Dana.
"Hello !? I'm shot !?"
Everyone looked at the man who's lying on the floor, Dana's shitty boyfriend. Bowser pointed his gun at the guy, cuffed then took him.
Blair is still waiting for an answer, that she knows she's not gonna get, for now.
"Sterling come here!"
Blair took Sterling's wrist then took her to Bowser's car.
"Blair II - alkdjadniw"
Sterling's blabbering, because she's still in shock. Blair closed the backseat door where they're sitting.
"Listen to me, Sterl. We will always be sisters. Twin sisters. You just came out of our mom's twin sister. See? We're still twins"
Sterling looked at Blair who's waiting for her to speak.
"Y-yeah. Yeah. I could - I could deal with that."
Sterling can't cry. She's overwhelmed with emotions and shock and questions. They both looked out of the window when the police arrived. Dana is being put in jail.
Debbie, Anders, and Bowser are talking when the police left.
"Holy shit! They're gonna know that Bowser is a bounty hunter!"
Blair is now in a panic.
"W-what? Why? How?"
Sterling is still confused, her mind is far away from wherever they are.
"Shit they looked at us! Hide!"
They both ducked.
"Wait, why are we hiding?"
Sterling still full of confusion but she follows what Blair is doing because Blair is the only one that makes sense to her now.
"I - I - why are you hiding?"
Blair asked her back. Suddenly, the driver's seat door opened.
"Girls. I will get you home now. Okay?"
They sighed in relief when they heard Bowser's voice so they sat back on their seats.
"Did you tell them about bounty hunting? Did you tell them that we're on your team?"
Bowser rolled his eyes at Blair's question.
"First, I did not tell them that I am a bounty hunter. Second, they will never know you're on my team."
The twins took a big sigh. Blair is relieved that their cover isn't blown, as if a spy dodged a bullet. Sterling, took a big sigh because now that her mom is actually her aunt, she's seeing the family that she grew up in, in a totally different way.
Bowser broke the silence that made the two look at him.
"Are you okay baby girl?"
He's looking directly at Sterling. Blair looked at Sterling, waiting for her to answer Bowsie.
"Yeah, I guess so."
She looked down on her hand and tried to play with her nails.
"You know what? You don't even look like her. You look more like mom. Our mom. You're her favorite and I'm sure she loves you so much--," Blair's eyebrows crossed again. "--more than she loves me."
Confused with her own sentence, she shrugged it off, like she's telling herself that that's not the point.
"Do you remember in third grade, she told us she's gonna make us a ham sandwich for lunch, and then you got the ham sandwich and I got the peanut butter sandwich !?"
Sterling laughed when she remembered how angry Blair was when they got home and told their mom.
"Do you remember what she said?"
Asked Blair.
"Yeah. You told her, 'where was my ham sandwich !?'"
The two laughed because Sterling made an impression of Blair's third-grade-angry-face.
"Yeah! And she was like, 'Blair, you should learn to give to others especially your sister. I love you both so much but a responsible older sister should always take care of her younger sister.'"
They looked at each other.
"Yeah. That was fair."
Sterling finally agreed.
"She always put you first over me. Always has and always has been. But, works for me. Less attention, less expectation. It's enough for me to know they love me, they love us. But so you know, you have to take care of your kidney because I am not going to donate it. I want to die with my organs complete and intact. "
Bowser, silently listening to them shakes his head in awe.
"I should really stay hydrated."
Hydrated. Shoot. The water bottle. Lock-in meeting. April.
"Bye, Sterl."
Once again, Sterling took a big sigh. Her heart is crumbling like paper. Now her tears are starting to run down but she tried to hide them and wipe them away using her forehand.
"Oh my God!"
She looked at Blair when she heard her scream.
Blair looked back at Sterling with tears in her eyes. With a wide freaking smile.
"It's Miles! He wants to talk!"
Blair happily hugged Sterl. The latter is so happy for her sister.
"Holy crap. We're gonna makeup, we'll be together again! Oh, sweet Jesus! I miss his smell!"
Sterling, can't help but miss April.
Her lips.
Her smile.
Her kiss.
Her smell.
Her skin.
Debbie hugged Sterling so tight. She knows Sterling is in shock but she's scared to let Sterling think negative thoughts and doubt herself.
"M-Can I still call you mom?"
Asked Sterling while they're hugging each other.
"Oh, sweetheart. I am your mom. No one else could be your mom. Okay? And you, are Sterling. You are our daughter. You are sisters - twin sisters."
Debbie softly touched their chins while smiling.
"See? I told you we're still sisters and twins."
Blair happily told Sterling. She smiled so wide. She's never been this happy to be a part of this family.
"I can't even imagine my life without you. I mean, who's gonna let me borrow a bra and never return it and doesn't get mad?"
Sterling laughed again. Anders and Debbie hugged the twins. They looked at each other with a genuine smile. Their hands intertwined with each other. Anders kissed Debbie on her forehead with a sigh of relief because the husband and the wife know that this night just made their family ties stronger than ever.
"Okay, can we please face the fact that you guys still didn't answer my questions last night?"
Typical Blair, asking questions and gets paranoid when they're not being answered.
"Okay, honey. First of all, we are having breakfast. I don't think it's appropriate to talk about that this time."
Blair's brows arched once again because of disbelief.
"A-actually, mom--" Sterling slightly smiled then reached for her nape. "--I want to know. I think I deserve that."
Debbie silently put down her tea, took the napkin out of her lap, and damped it on her lips before saying anything. Anders reached for Debbie's hand that is resting on her lap, which made her look at Anders. She took a big sigh.
"Okay, I'm going to make it short and precise."
Sterling and Blair are waiting for the answers while Anders enjoys himself chewing his food, but it is making an annoying sound. The three girls looked at him.
"What? I'm just eating my food."
Debbie rolled her eyes. The twins looked back at Debbie.
"Dana showed in our old house carrying you. Blair was just a month old. She told me she can't take care of you so she wanted me to take care of you as my own. Dana was a mess. I mean, she still is. But I don't know who your father is. That's it. "
Sterling isn't bothered anymore. She's a Wesley and will always be a Wesley.
"Are you going home right after school?"
Asked Blair while she's driving to school. Sterling's mind is still in the wind.
"Y-yeah. I guess. I don't have much to do."
Blair looked at Sterling with worry.
"It's gonna be okay. I know it's hard for you to walk around and see her in every corner but you have to be strong."
Sterling looked at Blair.
"Yeah. I just have to be strong."
Blair looked at her again, not convinced by how Sterling said those words.
"Or you can pretend you hate her again until it comes true."
Sterling looked at her.
"II-can't do that."
Sterling looked in the side-view mirror when she saw that they're approaching the parking lot.
"Just pretend. Okay? Act tough and doesn't care about her."
The last piece of advice from Blair before they step out of the car. "By the way, you have to take an uber later. I'm gonna meet with Miles. It's our make-up date. Or probably make-up-then-make-out-date."
Sterl just nodded to Blair.
She whispered to Sterling as she saw April approaching them. Sterling's heart is pounding just the thought of hearing April's voice. She's directly looking at April while walking and is ready to stop whenever April greets her but to her dismay, April didn't greet her, or even called her name, or even took a glimpse of her.
Sterling stopped and turned around, chasing April's back by staring at her.
"Hey, Luke!"
Sterling turned her back before she sees the flirting that is about to happen.
"How is she doing that? I mean, that would be so hard for a gay woman to flirt with someone who's not even on her menu."
Whispered Blair to Sterling while walking towards the entrance.
"Shhhh someone might hear you."
Sterling dropped her bag then turned her face down the table. She kept taking deep breaths, assuming it would heal her aching heart.
"I told you to save me a seat beside you"
She heard the voice she's longing to hear, but she kept her cool and decided to only move when the bell rang.
"I'm sorry, Hannah B is already here when I came in. I wouldn't wanna sit beside--"
Ezequiel looked down at sleeping Sterling. April doesn't even need to turn her back to know who that girl is because even her peripheral vision can recognize her instantly. But for the sake of pretending, she looked around and rolled her eyes.
Hey guys I didn't know that tumblr has a limit. So I cant post the whole chapter. If you'd like to continue reading you can go to my wattpad account. Here's the link.
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purplerose244 · 4 years
Thoughts journal for season 13!! 😎😎 (2/4)
Here we go with another four episodes! I'm enjoying myself A LOT and I do hope we will continue this way! I can't wait to know more about Rock Mom and who really is the Skull Sorcerer and ENOUGH LET'S GO TO THE EPISODES!!! 💕💕
Here we go!!
For this one I already saw the Nya's knight suit already... and she was gorgeous... I mean she always is but COME ON 💙💙💙
These munce are too much 😂 They are kind of adorable in their stupidity really
Jay going full "we're never going to get out Imma get overly pessimistic because YES" is always a familiar sight, almost as him spazzing out during a difficult situation... that could still happen 🤷‍♀️
Good thing Nya gets the brain cell most of the time 👌
Of course while I'm waiting for the third part of Tales of Arcadia, something so similar to the Trollmarket comes my way 😂 Very nice thought, a bit dark. I hope it doesn't get in the way of seeing the good fighting scenes
Okay but THIS
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IS PLAIN CURSED, PLAIN BALD HEADS😱😱😱 Well I'm guessing Tommy doesn't have excuses anymore to become a LEGO character 😂
Well Murt, that was one breathtaking story, you should be a storyteller 👍
Ah, there we go, with the Jay and Nya and queen situation 😒 It's not that bad really, considering I thought it was going to be just a weak way to include Jay with just another triangle. It didn't last long so that's kinda fine, but it is annoying that Nya is pushed away. But overall better than I expected
Also it is nice the reminder that she is his yang 💙❤💙❤
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And they are still adorable 😂😂 I like that you can tell immediately here who's the strong one of the couple 😎😎
So there is a drawing of the Millie Gillie guy/gal on that wall, huh... was I in the wrong about that being Cole's mom? I thought they said she, but English is not my first language so I could be wrong 🤷‍♀️
Ninja Jay could be the new Kai Ninjago 😂
Aww, that part with the lightning and the crystals was so pretty 🤩🤩
And there we go with the confrontation 😛 I did snorted seeing Jay kinda offended at Nya not wanting to fight for him, but she is still super adorable saying that they belong 💕💕 Also Lloyd just being there trying to calm everyone down, le poor baby 😂😂
Yep, the fire instinct kicking in, Nya is the daughter of Ray after all 🤷‍♀️
Oh, apparently the queen of munce can do spin dash 😱
Woooo, that preparation for the spinjitzu was so cool 🤩 And of course she kicked the HECK out of her, THAT'S MY GIRL!!!
And now she's the queen, great, more problems to come 😅 We'll see how this plays out, and I am kinda curious to see queen Nya at work ☺
Not my favorite episode, but still enjoyable, let's keep getting better and better!
I don't know if it's because it's a very obvious but convenient thing to do or I just love Kai THAT much, but I love when there's dark and he just lights up his hand. Idk, I just think it's neat 🙂
There're the Geckos! They are cute too 💜 Also chanting about the Millie Gillie guy, I'm still convinced that's just Cole's mom! Also I'm kinda guessing the Skull Sorcerer is the king of Shintaro. He is the most suspicious for now, we'll see how it goes 🤷‍♀️
Poor Kai got the awful thing in his mouth... AND HAIR!!! Look out sweetie, your beautiful chocolaty hair!! 😱
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Really like the crystal vibe 😍 This one is blue, the other was green, is there a reason?
I missed Kai and Zane together, I missed anyone with Zane in general! It's always a nice contrast and always amusing, especially if hotheadTM is involved 💕
So they throw rocks to show approval, I'm loving this society for some reasons 😂
Okay, vengestone is literally everywhere, there is no way all this stuff was not on purpose. It would make sense that a place studied to weaken an elemental master was meant for something more. Wooooo, ROCK MOM ROCK MOM 🖤🖤🖤
Awwww, I don't know why but them acknowledging the elemental masters is super satisfying 💜
Oh so Kai is not a king, he's a chancellor... and he didn't want to 😂😂 Vincent definitely had fun voicing this episode 👌
Okay, so there are three explorers involved? I'm guessing the muscular one in the trailer was one of them. I wonder what will be their part in the story 🤔
Poor Kai, his encouragement speeches used to be the key of convincing, here it's harder. Let's see how they will deal with this... also how Kai will react with queen Nya of the munce 😂
Pff, Zane throwing the rock of encouragement, that was so adorable 🤍
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I really missed these two ❤🤍❤🤍
Seriously, even talking to herself and thinking about the worst situations like Bluebell? If Cole and Vania do end up together, I'll still hold onto the fact that Rocky is into the loquatious type 😂😂
Okay, a sweet princess' paranoia towards a little white cute dragon named Chompy?
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One of the cutest thing ever seen 😍 Also I am a firm believer that everything improves if you put a dragon into it, another reason why I love Ninjago so much 🤍🤍🤍
Pff, seeing Vania talking about call then the cut on the black ninja makes me think about that one vine with the guy hanging with his phone saying "Yeah I'm okay mom, bye (phone down)... I AM NOT OKAY!!" 😂
SOLO MOMENT WITH COLE!!! Freaking yes, and it looks like the little tic of talking to himself when stressed from March of the Oni got stuck 🙃🙃
Lava punches back! Big bad bats!! Spiders!!... wait- AAAHHH 😱
Okay, forgive my skepticism when I doubt that a simple spider web could stop one of the strongest ninja of the team. We needed Vania to the rescue, alright, still sounds a little easy but eh watcha gonna do 🤷‍♀️
And Chompy is a big good boy 🤩
CALLED IT!!! CALLED IT FOR THE KING!!!... I mean it was kinda obvious 😅 Still, happy I thought about it before it actually happened. Although it's curious that the reveal happens now, halfway there, unlike in Prime Empire where it took almost all the season to build up the reveal. What's left for the finale?... ROCK MOM?!?!
There's a customer for all that vengestone? That... actually makes a lot of sense. Anyone who is against the ninja would want it really, and that only considering past villains. And if we think about possible elemental masters coming back, uuuhhh, I like where this is going!!
Wait, so they don't naturally have wings? Oh, that's why she didn't have them in the trailer, I see 🤔
This is probably the only moment when I think they rushed a bit. Not too much, I iust feel like we haven't seen enough of Vania and her father to truly feel that decision moment as fundamental. Still cool, still intense, but kinda light. Anyway GO PRINCESS GO!!! 💕💕
Oh Garmadon... that title... *flashbacks The Fall while realizing this is indeed Cole's season* NOT AGAIN 😱😱😱
I mean they are already falling so... uh, let's see how it goes
Okay the fall here is actually kind of hilarious 😂 Or is it because I love that Kirby gets to be on the center of the attention and he is giving his all? Idk, I love all the voice actors of the show really 🤷‍♀️
Hey, you people watching this
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Am I the only one getting emotional here?? 😢 ... just me, huh 😅 I mean come on, it's Cole and Wu! The first leader and the sensei! The used to be dad and his son Cole Jr.! I headcanon that Cole was the first to arrive at the monastery and this feels like the old times... EMOTIONAL PEOPLE
Lol, sensei taking the time to compliment Vania about her behavior, he's gonna adopt her when this is over 😂
I mean, you kinda faced worst yes, you fell into the Underworld on dragons you used to be afraid of, you fell from a ship with an anchor, you fell into a junk compactor that almost squashed you against your rival now best friend, you fell from SPACE towards THE EARTH, you fell from a ladder... THE LADDER COLE 😱😱😱 (this fangirl will never recover from that)
Aaaand a giant web. Of course. Classic Ninjago lack of luck right there 👈👈
Clutch Powers still lives 😂
Okay, seriously? She freaks out when things gets out of hand and talks about staying calm by making vocal exercises! Freaking, it might be me trying to find an excuse to think about Bruise, but they are making it a little too easy for me 🖤💙🖤💙
I am kinda loving her being so genuine, Idk, I really like Vania. She does her best 👍
Falling > Dying, life lessons by your master of Earth 😎 Wu sounds so done, they can never go anywhere without something crazy like this happening 🤣
Why is this so funny, the sequel of The Fall shouldn't be 😂 Meh, not complaining
That was one very mad Lapras
YES THANK YOU SENSEI!!! Finally he acknowledged it, Cole is literally surrounded by his element, OF COURSE he is crazy strong in here. I needed this scene, heck yeah, I love elemental powers 🖤
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Oh they must be the explorers... Merlin, Assassin's Creed and Conan the Barbarian 😅 So we hit rock bottom, literally apparently, and one of the spider's name is Adam... OKAY
So the real fall was in fact Cole falling asleep for the shock 😂 Lol if Cole and Vania really don't end up together, I can joke and say that in this season Cole has never fell harder 😉😉
This was very amusing, I liked this episode, I would rewatch it only for the comments 😂 I'm curious to see what else will happen, especially with these three now involved! Who are they?
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The Rise Of Iron Maiden
Chapter 4: Failure to Launch
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Word Count: 2.9k
Originally Requested by: @amateurwriterbigdreamer
Previous Chapter: We’re in the Endgame Now
Next Chapter: The Return Of Iron Maiden
A/N: this chapters kinda slow, but I gotta fill the plot. Next chapters gonna be pretty Tye heavy (mostly from his POV)
“Wrah!” Nebula stood up, putting her hands in a fighting stance.
“You don't need to do that. Because uh... you're just holding position.” Tony mimicked a football goalpost with his hands as she flicked a paper football towards him. “Oh yeah, that was close.”
“I would like to try again.”
You and Tye watched from the front of the ship, both of you previously watching the stars. Both of you are silent, neither of you wanting to talk. You were still too shaken up from the events of nearly last month. Nebula had attempted to fly you back to Earth, but the Milano broke down and now you were floating in space, hopeless.
“Fair game. Good sport. Have fun?” Your dad asked Nebula.
“It was...fun.” She nodded slowly.
“Tye, Y/N, wanna play?” Tony looked over to the two kids.
“I’m good.” Tye mumbled.
“Hey, come on.” Your dad urged. “It’s fun. Right, Nebula?”
“It is fun.” She nodded, face deadpanned. Tye sighed, but eventually joined them.
“Y/N?” Your dad offered.
“Um...I’m tired, I’m gonna go sleep for a little bit.” You give him a small smile as if to say you were okay, before retreating to the back of the ship towards the bedrooms.
You lay down on the bed, staring at the ceiling. You think about everyone at home, and the frustration of not knowing who was still alive. Were Eduardo, Jaime, Peter, Quill, Drax, Mantis and Doctor Strange still alive? Or did they die? Would they ever come back? Could you bring them back?
Usually Eduardo was there to tell you you were overthinking and to calm you down, but he was gone. He turned to dust in your hands, and you couldn’t do anything about it. You hated it when you couldn’t control something, much like your father. If you couldn’t protect the ones you loved, you felt useless. You felt guilty, believing it was your fault that Eduardo, Jaime and Peter were gone. You were even guilty about the Guardians of the Galaxy, even though you barely knew them.
You looked over at your pile of armor on the floor. You dragged yourself out of bed, sitting against it. You clicked a button on your helmet, and waited for it to light up.
“This thing on?” You ask nobody in particular, then let it scan you. “Alright. Hey mom. Uh...sorry for not listening to dad. Again. I should be down on Earth, I’m sorry I’m worrying you. Dad makes you do that enough already.” You chuckle softly. “Um...it’s day 22, just floating in space. The blue meanie tried to fly us back. You’d like her, she’s very practical. It’s only her, me, dad, and Tye left. He doesn’t talk much-well, not that he did before. He’s pretty broken over Jaime. Peters gone too, poor kid. Aunt Mays gonna kill him. Um...I lost Eduardo. He just...turned into dust. I couldn’t do anything about it...I really miss him, mom. I won’t miss him much longer though, in fact, I might see him in the next...48 hours of oxygen. It won’t last long with four people on here though. I didn’t think I’d die like this, it’s so pathetic.” You scoff and shake your head. “I thought I’d die saving people. I want to die saving people, that’s how I’ve always wanted to go but...nope. I’m gonna die because this piece of junk broke down in the middle of the universe. So uh...I’m gonna go play some paper football with the two grumps and dad. I’m really sorry, mom. All you do is put up with our shit, and tell us when to stop. I should’ve listened this time.” You go to turn it off, quickly saying, “I love you.”
You fall back against the bed, feeling lightheaded and dizzy. The low oxygen levels are already effecting you, which meant your dad and friend were both feeling them too. You wanted to go join them, but you couldn’t move your whole body enough to do so. You lied there, staring at your Iron Maiden suit. The suit you used to save people, but you couldn’t even save yourself. You failed Eduardo. Jaime. Peter. Quill. Drax. Mantis. Doctor Strange. And who knows who else.
You feel yourself being lifted off the ground, and you look up to see Nebula. She was mostly machine, so the lack of oxygen wasn’t effecting her as bad as you. She carried you over to a couch that she had dragged into the control room, facing the window. Your dad was sitting in the middle, Tye beside him. Nebula sat you on his other side, then left.
Tony gathered enough strength to lift his arms, resting them around the two kids’ shoulders and pulling them closer to him. He wanted to comfort them, but he couldn’t speak. You all stared out at the stars, awaiting your deaths.
A bright light pierced your brain, making you cringe as you wake up. You open your eyes and blink until they adjust. You see a woman outside of the ship, looking in. You weakly shake your dads leg, trying to alert him. His hand rests atop of yours to tell you he’s okay, as he slowly sits up a little.
“Who’s that?” Tye mumbles, half asleep.
“Not sure, kid.” Tony replied. You pass out again, not able to hold consciousness. You wake up again when someone shakes you awake, opening your eyes to see your dads best friend, Rhodey.
“Y/N? Hey, think you can stand?” He asked softly. You nod, and he helps you to your feet you lean on him as he walks you down the ramp to outside.
“Is mom...?” You breathe out, still blinking away black spots in your vision.
“Y/N! Tony!” You hear her yell from somewhere, before Rhodey can even open his mouth. “Oh my god! Oh my god!”
Your mom practically crashed into you, holding you tightly to her. You fall into her, not having the strength to stand any longer. Your dad walks by himself over to his two girls, hugging them tightly. Back in space, he truly thought those would be his last moment, so he was eternally grateful that he got to live long enough to hold them both again.
Tye watched the scene from where Natasha was helping him stand, feeling alone. His mother was in a different dimension than him, and Tye felt like she probably didn’t even miss him.
“Nat?” He breathed out.
“What’s up?” She asked, looking down at the exhausted boy.
“You have food that isn’t freeze dried and in a silver bag, right?” He asked.
“Yeah, come on.” She chuckled, helping him walk towards the Compound.
“Don’t you two ever do that again.” Pepper began to cry.
“No promises.” Tony kissed each of his girls on top of the head, as Steve approached you guys. “Couldn’t stop him, Cap.”
“Neither could I.” Steve nodded.
“I lost the kids. Peter. Jaime. Eduardo.” Tony shook his head, guilt washing over him once again.
“Tony, we all lost.”
You’re brought into the compound, each immediately given an IV and some food. You and Tye eat like animals, not having any rations for the past couple of days. You watch a holographic screen listing the heroes that disappeared in the Decimation; Wanda Maximoff, Nick Fury, Jaime Reyes, Bucky Barnes, Peter Quill, Scott Lang, Sam Wilson, Peter Parker, T’Challa, Eduardo Dorado Jr...
“It’s been 23 days since Thanos came to Earth.” Rhodey announced.
“World governments are in pieces. The parts that are still working are trying to take a census. And it looks like he did... he did exactly what he said he was gonna do. Thanos wiped out fifty percent, of all living creatures.” Natasha paced slowly in front of the holographs.
“Where is he?” You ask timidly, still nervous about him.
“We don't know. He just opened a portal and walked through.” Bruce Banner said slowly, trying to not scare the kids even more than they already were.
“What's wrong with him?” Tony asked, motioning to Thor, who was staring into space.
“Oh, he's pissed. He thinks he failed. Which of course he did, but you know there's a lot of that's going around, ain't there?” A talking raccoon spoke up from behind you.
“Honestly, until this exact second, I thought you were a Build-A-Bear.” Your dad pointed at him.
“You’re with him, kid? Really?” The raccoon looked at Tye.
“You know a talking raccoon?” You asked Tye, staring at the raccoon.
“He’s not a-.”
“I’m not a raccoon!” It snapped at you. “Why do you humies keep saying that?”
“We've been hunting Thanos for three weeks now. Deep Space scans, and satellites, and we got nothing. Tony, Y/N, Tye, you fought him.” Steve interrupted.
“Who told you that? I didn't fight him.” Tony scoffed. “No, he wiped my face with a planet while the Bleecker Street Magician gave away the store. Nearly killed my daughter, and Tye. One hit away from it, in fact. That's what happened. There was no fight.”
“He was unbeatable.” Tye shook his head, and you agreed.
“Did he give you any clues, any coordinates, anything?” Captain America asked.
“Pfft! I saw this coming a few years back. I had a vision. I didn't wanna believe it. Thought I was dreaming.” Tony said.
“Dad, calm down.”
“Tony, I’m gonna need you to focus.”
“And I needed you. As in past tense. That trumps what you need. It's too late buddy. Sorry. You know what I need?” Your dad stood up, slapping things off a table. Everyone winced from the sudden noise. “I need to shave. And I believe I remember telling all youse-“
Tony lunges at Steve, but Rhodey stepped between them and held your dad back.
“Alive and otherwise what we needed was a suit of armor around the world! Remember that? Whether it impacted our precious freedoms or not-that's what we needed!” Tony yelled at Steve.
“Well, that didn't work out, did it?” Steve kept his composure, only angering your father even more.
“I said, "we'd lose". You said, "We'll do that together too." And guess what, Cap? We lost. And you weren't there. But that's what we do, right? Our best work after the fact? We're the Avengers, we're the Avengers. Not the Prevengers.”
“Dad! Stop!” You shout at him, your head spinning.
“You know what, honey? The adults are talking, alright?” Your dad said, with a little more venom than he intended.
“Mr. Stark you made your point just-“ Tye started.
“Nah, nah. Here's my point. You know what?” Tony turned back to glare at Captain America.
“Tony, you’re sick.” Rhodey insisted, trying to get him to sit back down.
“I got nothing for you, Cap! I got no coordinates, no clues, no strategies, no options. Zero. Zip. Nada. No trust. Liar.” Tony slowly walked up to Steve, getting right in his face. You all tensed when Tony ripped his arc reactor out of his chest, smacking it into Steve’s hand. “Here, take this. You find him, and you put that on. You hide.”
“Dad!” You shout when he suddenly falls to the ground.
“Tony!” Steve reached down to help his old friend up.
“I’m fine. I...” Your dad trails off, falling unconsciously to the floor. You try to get up, but Natasha pushes you back down by your shoulders.
“Get him to a room. Call Pepper.” Natasha ordered the men, before turning back to you two. “He’ll be fine, Y/N. Just needs to rest. So do you.”
“Not tired.” You shook your head stubbornly.
“Nebula, Rocket, think you can handle watching them for a moment?” She asked the two aliens, sitting on the wall behind you.
“Yes.” Nebula nodded.
“Sure.” The raccoon, or, Rocket shrugged.
Natasha gave you a reassuring smile before turning to help the other bring your father to a room.
“Sorry about your friend, kid.” Rocket hopped down and rounded the couch you and Tye were on to face him.
“Yeah. Sorry about the others.” Tye nodded, expression not changing at all. Your eyes drifted back to the screen, watching more and more names and pictures appear onscreen.
“Where are you going?” You hear Natasha ask someone.
“To kill Thanos.” The lady that flew you home stated simply as they emerged from the hallway.
“Hey, you know, we usually work as a team here, and between you and I, morale's a little fragile.” Nat mumbled.
“We realize up there is more your territory, but this is our fight too.” Steve nodded.
“You even know where he is?” Rhodey joined them.
“I know people who might.” The lady said, blank faced.
“Don't bother. I can tell you where Thanos is. Thanos spent a long time trying to perfect me. And when he worked, he talked about his great plan. Even disassembled, I wanted to please him. I'd ask "where would we go once his plan was complete?". His answer was always the same: "To the Garden." Nebula stood up, walking over to them.
“That's cute, Thanos has a retirement plan.” Rhodey joked, earning small smiles from you and Tye. He smiled back, glad to bring the two kids joy, even for a moment.
“So where is he?” Steve asked, and the adults walked over to a round table. You and Tye joined them, regaining enough strength to stand. You still leaned on Rhodey, which he happily let you do.
“When Thanos snapped his fingers, Earth became ground zero for a power surge of ridiculously cosmic proportions. No one's ever seen anything like it... Until two days ago.” Rocket showed a hologram of a planet, with a shockwave visibly traversing the surface. “On this planet.”
“Thanos is there.” Nebula added.
“He used the Stones again.” Natasha muttered.
“Hey, hey, hey. We'd be going in short-handed, you know.” Bruce piped up.
“Look, he's still got the stones, so...” Rhodey said.
“So let's get him... Use them to bring everyone back.” The lady told you.
“Just like that?” Tye raises an eyebrow in disapproval.
“Just like like.” Steve nodded.
“Even if there's a small chance that we can undo this... I mean we owe it to everyone who's not in this room to try.” Natasha tried to convince everyone. You looked down, feeling the guilt from letting your friends die in the pit of your stomach.
“If we do this, how do we know it's gonna end any differently than it did before?” Bruce asked.
“Because before, you didn't have me.” The lady crossed her arms.
“Hey, new girl, everyone here is about that superhero life. And if you don't mind my asking, where the hell have you been all this time?” Rhodey put a hand on his hip, making sure to balance so you wouldn’t fall.
“There are a lot of other planets in the universe. And unfortunately, they didn't have you guys.” The lady narrowed her eyes at Rhodey.
Thor walked out of the shadows, towards the lady. They stand in front of each other as if challenging the other. Thor holds out his hand, and Stormbreaker flies into his hand. Then they both grin at each other.
“I like this one.” Thor said.
“Let’s go get this son of a bitch.” You growl.
“Like hell you’re going!” Natasha laughed.
“No way, kids.” Steve shook his head. “Adults only on this one.”
“Would you quit treating us like children?” You glare at them.
“We probably got more punches in on Thanos than all of you combined.” Tye said venomously.
“First of all, not possible.” Natasha said. “Second of all, you are not coming. Tony and Pepper would go into cardiac arrest if you came along.”
You and Tye exchange looks, looking to the floor in compliance.
“Look, we know you’re hurting. But going at him all malnourished and seeking revenge is not the way to do it.” Rhodey told you guys.
“You’ll stay here with Tony and Pepper, okay?” Natasha asked. “Rest. Let us take care of this.”
“...okay.” You sigh.
“Thank you.” She pulled both of you into a hug. You melted into it, Tye tensed up.
You hugged each of the remaining Avengers, even Thor let you hug him, though he didn’t hug back. You and Tye stood and watched at they boarded the now fixed Milano, then watched them take off. You stood there for a little bit after, staring at the dark sky.
“Tye?” You whisper after a long stretch of silence.
“You think they can do it?” You ask
Tye hesitates. You’re scared, he’s scared, and both of you just want even a glimpse of hope. He debates what to tell you, what he truly thought or what he knew you wanted to hear.
You nod slowly, agreeing with him. A single tear falls down your face, dropping onto the paved pathway.
“I miss them, too.” Tye took a shaky breath, fighting his own tear ducts. He never cried, let alone in front of anyone.
“I’m sorry you lost Jaime.” You turn to him. “I know how much he meant to you. Eduardo too.”
“I’m sorry you lost Peter. You guys are as close as Jaime and I are. And I’m sorry you lost Eduardo, too.” Tye quickly blinked away tears.
“Can you believe they’re all gone?” You ask.
“No.” He shook his head. “I wish it could just be a month ago. When we were on that one mission.”
“The one where Jaime and Peter accidentally broke into Scott Lang’s house?” You giggle.
“How do you accidentally break in?” Tye laughed, shaking his head. “They’re truly idiots.”
“But they’re our idiots.” You nod, smiling sadly at the sky.
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