#mcu oroboros
samsayswhatever · 5 months
🏳️‍🌈 They all gay your honor 🏳️‍🌈
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lokiusly · 5 months
OB is the type of friend to say “when are you two getting married?” in a genuine tone because he assumed that Loki and Mobius were actually together, only to find out that no— they haven’t confessed their love yet oh my god OB what have you done—
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cleabellanov · 4 months
Tom Hiddleston and Ke Huy Quan presenting together at the 2024 EMMYS.
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‘Tom Hiddleston wants everyone to know that he loves me very much.’
-KE HUY QUAN,at the 2024 EMMYS.
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indulligence · 6 months
The bandwidth of the characters. The exquisite, diverse casting. A refreshing take on queerness. The complete absence of (more or less casual) sexism and ableism.
The outstanding performance of both the cast and everybody who contributed, think Natalie Holt's score or the TVA visuals - and by far not limited to these.
The general depth of the storytelling including a wonderful lack of cheesy monogamous romance whilst still allowing for a multitude of intriguing "What ifs... ?" instead of the omnipresent, insultingly dull "together happily ever after".
And, last but not least, rising our most beloved MCU character Loki above and beyond to where he righteously belongs in a bitter-sweet story arch including a thoroughly credible character development unseen before...
Oh, the countless possibilities.
Setting standards redefined. Well played, Marvel. Well played!
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layla4567 · 6 months
I've been thinking for a while about how the variants of O.B, Mobius, B-15 and Casey still have traces of their old past even though they are in the TVA
O.B is a passionate science fiction writer and also a kind of scientist, this can be seen in his workshop, which is exactly the same as the one he has in the basement of the TVA and since he is the one who wrote the TVA manual and he was happy when Casey asked him to sign it, which is something O.B wanted in his original timeline.
Hunter B-15 is a doctor in her original timeline and even though she is in the TVA we see that protective attitude in her, especially in the episode where Dox made the branches explode, she was the one who cared the most about those lives.
Casey is a prisoner who steals things (and not just any prisoner 💀) and if you remember in the first season when Loki opens Casey's desk drawer he finds the infinity stones and other trinkets, Casey has probably taken them without the others knowing.
And well, I think the most obvious case is that of Mobius, he talks all the time about jetskis and how much he loves them, but what I can notice is that he always seems informed and talks about them as if he wanted to convince others. that it's a cool vehicle and stuff, which is what a salesman would do. If Mobius had simply been an athlete who liked jetskis or whatever (I don't know if it's considered a sport) he wouldn't be talking trying to convince you that you need a jetski, but that's what he did in his sacred original timeline.
It's as if He who remains or Miss minutes had managed to erase their memories but their deepest desires are still there, because technically you are erasing their mind, not their heart and all their emotions, I don't know if I understand myself.
Edit: Something to add about Mobius, his fatherly attitude is also always very present with anyone but especially with Loki, Mobius has always been someone patient and understanding.
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nerdbrazil · 7 months
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daisybell17 · 4 months
OB, dashing into the room: WHY AREN’T THE DISHES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER?! Loki: …What does that even mean?!
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indelen · 6 months
Ok, but what if O.B. and Victor Timely are both Variants of He Who Remains?
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deeneedsaname · 6 months
I’ve been feeling comparatively normal about Loki again since that article came out, which means I feel normal enough to think about other aspects of the show! Namely…what was everyone’s Nexus event?
We kind of already know that Sylvie’s was her wanting to be a Valkyrie/being good, that was sort of implied. But I think Casey’s and B-15’s are the most interesting.
Casey’s must have been escaping Alcatraz successfully. They said his name was Frank, which must have been a reference to Frank Morris, one of three men who escaped Alcatraz, but no one ever knew if they escaped successfully. Casey’s nexus event might have been him getting to freedom.
B-15 was a doctor in 2012, so I’d like to imagine her Nexus event had to do with the Avengers and Loki’s attack on New York…because it would just be way too funny if B-15 was pruned like. Six months before Loki was. Maybe she knew something about the attack she wasn’t supposed to?
Mobius’ is less clear. We know his wife and he split, and he’s got two kids, and he works selling Jetskis. But none of that is as obvious as Casey trying to escape Alcatraz or even B-15 being in New York in 2012. Either it’s something mundane, like stepping on the wrong leaf…or Mobius did something insane, which would be kind of hilarious. Or he just loved his job too much.
OB’s must have related to his sci-fi series. Did he figure things out that he wasn’t supposed to and write about them? Did he ‘out’ the TVA without even knowing it? Did his books sell too well? Was he never supposed to publish them in the first place?
And Loki picked up a glowing cube. But we knew that.
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trenchlewench · 6 months
Season 2 of Loki was beautiful though, like both in the progression of the story from where we left of in season 1 (despite many mixed reactions), and in addition to the visuals. It was mesmerizing to watch the magic and the filming this season, along with just the acting by this amazing cast ✨. I hope we get to see more of what remains, in future projects, or more of the others too!
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samsayswhatever · 5 months
Time in the TVA
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It's crazy that Miss Minutes is a clock that doesn't tell time.
The TVA is outside of time. They don't NEED a clock in a place outside of time. There is no time. Right? AHH.
I know the theme of the show is time, so they just put in things that represent time to make us have that in the back of our awareness and everything, but the clocks can't be useful right?
In the image below, Mobius has a sand timer on his desk, but that is a very manual thing. It would become very offset over long periods of 'time.' But at least it works (as far as I know) because it is so simple.
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In the image below, I've only see that clock show that time. But it's very hard to read because it has 12 lines coming out from the center.
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The image above is basically saying that it's all time, all at once. Just in case you forgot where you were.
Which I suppose could happen with all the memory wiping that going on. Casey forgot what a fish was, so who knows. That place looks super empty. Maybe everyone forgot what pie was too.
Anyway, is there a way to measure long periods of time that we just don't get to see? There is no sun, or planet, so theoretically there shouldn't be days, or years.
They also don't show the TVA workers needing to take any kind of break to sleep, indicating there isn't a "daily" break to rest, that would at least help measure the passing of this non-time time.
But Mobius does say the phrase "We should pick this up tomorrow" so maybe there are days? Maybe they do sleep? Loki did take a nap once, so who knows.
If the TVA workers do sleep, do they have bedrooms? I think this is very important. Did Mobius have a bedroom? Did Loki? Any chance they could have bunked together??
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But back to the time stuff, OB specifically said it had been 400 years. So like what's up with that? How many TVA years has this place been running for?
So I guess I'm also wondering, where the TVA is? Like it's outside of time, but we also have another example of something that is outside of time, but just at the end of it too.
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So maybe the TVA is just at the beginning of time? Before the beginning of time, possibly?
Has time always worked in this infinitely branching way? If there was a time before time, would it be like the TVA and not have branches?
I think it makes sense that it would be before time, but that's just me.
These are just thoughts that are running with scissors through my mind, cutting up my peace.
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lokiusly · 6 months
loki spoiler: he has to kiss everyone on the lips in order for them to remember the TVA
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attomicnotblonde · 7 months
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Ouroboros: O personagem essencial para o futuro de Loki – Descubra tudo sobre o novo gênio da Marvel
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Ke Huy Quan assumiu o papel de Ouroboros na 2ª temporada de Loki e foi uma adição brilhante ao MCU.
O papel de Ouroboros na 2ª temporada de Loki foi explicado:
Ouroboros de Ke Huy Quan é engenheiro chefe da TVA – e, na verdade, ele é o único engenheiro que tem lá. Como tal, ele é responsável por manter e reparar todas as ferramentas que já vimos na série, incluindo dispositivos de viagem no tempo, o que exige que ele trabalhe com algumas tecnologias complexas.
O primeiro episódio da segunda temporada de Loki mostra que OB trabalha há 400 anos sem um único visitante, até que o próprio Loki aparece, então OB não tem as memórias apagadas, já que é constantemente esquecido. Você pode ver que ele é um gênio muito dedicado ao seu trabalho.
Descrição do Ouroboros da Marvel Comics:
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Existem várias representações diferentes de Ouroboros nas páginas da Marvel Comics. Como exemplo o Almirante Ouroboros que apareceu em Silver Surfer Vol.1 de 2015. 7 #11 é retratado como um personagem hostil confrontando o Surfista Prateado.
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Não está claro se essa ideia será implementada na segunda temporada de Loki, mas já foi demonstrado que a tecnologia de distorção temporal da TVA prende indivíduos em loops temporais, já que Loki é repetidamente repreendido por Lady Sif como punição. Curiosamente, o loop temporal em que o Surfista Prateado se encontra é conhecido como faixa de Moebius. O personagem Loki de Owen Wilson se chama Mobius M. Mobius, e Tony Stark usou uma tira de Mobius invertida para interromper a viagem no tempo em Vingadores: Ultimato.
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Embora este tema do loop temporal possa desempenhar um grande papel na 2ª temporada de Loki, o nome Ouroboros também pode indicar uma conexão mais profunda com o próprio Loki.
O que o Ouroboros e Jormungandr da mitologia nórdica significam para Loki?
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Ouroboros é descrito como uma serpente formando um círculo com a cauda na boca. Esta imagem tem suas raízes na a, mas também tem laços profundos com a mitologia nórdica, na qual se baseia a maioria das histórias de Thor e Loki no MCU.
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Na mitologia nórdica, Ouroboros foi formada por Jormungandr e também é conhecida como Serpente Midgard ou Serpente Mundial. Jormungandr é uma misteriosa criatura semelhante a uma serpente que vive nos oceanos do mundo, circunda todo o planeta e é grande o suficiente para morder a própria cauda.
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Segundo a lenda, quando Jormungandr soltar sua cauda, ​​um Ragnarok cataclísmico ocorrerá. No entanto, o mistério se aprofunda com o fato de a Serpente de Midgard ser um dos filhos de Loki com a gigante Angrbodana mitologia nórdica, junto com Hela, a deusa da morte, e Fenrir, o lobo. Embora ambos tenham sido dramatizados em Thor: Ragnarok, Hela era irmã de Loki, não sua filha no MCU.
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Na mitologia nórdica, Thor frequentemente entra em conflito com Jörmungandr (aka possivelmente uma versão de Ouroboros), envolvendo-se em batalhas épicas com a serpente e até mesmo em uma luta até a morte durante o Ragnarök. Não está claro quanto desse conteúdo será abordado com o Ouroboros de Ke Hui Quan na 2ª temporada de Loki, mas isso sugere uma conexão mais profunda entre Loki e Ouroboros!!
Quem sabem em uma linha do tempo eles são pai e filho? quem sabe em uma linha do tempo o ouroboros é um vilão do Thor? descobriremos!
Para apoiar nossa produção de conteúdo nos siga, compartilhe e se inscreva em nosso canal
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mostlystuckony · 6 months
OB is my favorite. That is all.
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femp4 · 5 months
If I’m ever gonna write a fanfic it’s gonna be an O.B and Casey fic.
Before the first wipe, when they still worked together to build the tva and fell in love and then probably did something that led to kang erasing everybody’s memories and got Casey transferred to cleaning
And O.B was left to work alone, not even knowing everyone else lost their memories and not understanding why Casey never came back to him
But it’s ok because they just fell in love again the moment they met (and O.B knew Casey, ok? He knew him.)
(And honestly I kinda want to learn that like O.B, Casey’s name is actually K.C and he was named after another weird abstract concept that means something deep and plot related)
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layla4567 · 6 months
Spoilers Loki s2 e5
I have a lot to say!!! (this will be long)
Ok first of all this scene made me laugh a lot because of how randomly they presented the original timeline of Mobius, he looks like a child playing (oh and him being a single dad it makes a lot of sense to me)
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Oh my f*cking god If I liked O.B before, now I love him with all my soul! He is not only a nerdy genius but a science fiction geek whose passion is to be a writer!!! And why didn't they let him keep his books in the bookstore?! I would gladly buy them!! Just look at his face, he needs a hug :(
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Ok, I think we've all realized that O.B's workshop is the same as the basement where he works at the TVA, maybe he was the one who created the TVA after all? btw how beautiful the photography is in this entire series.
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I admit it, I laughed my ass off at this scene, I apologize (make it a meme pls lol) Honestly, this whole scene and the interactions that O.B had with Loki made me laugh (when Loki tries to control his timeslipping or when O.B electrocutes him as scientific proof)
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This scene where Loki adjusts his hair and his jacket to see Mobius 👀 (he only does it with him) I wonder what the Sylki fans have to say
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Remember how I said I hated Hunter X5/Brad Wolfe? Well I was wrong, there is one person I hate more, her. Girl, they're literally telling you that everything is going to shit and you don't give a damn? On top of that, when they tell you that you are selfish, do you take it naturally as if it were something to be proud of? Why are you like this? The worst thing of all is that when Loki says he wants his friends back she calls him selfish, not sweetheart, that's not being selfish. Being selfish is turning a blind eye to a problem that you mainly caused. Loki's fear of being alone is understandable and justified since he felt that way all his life and has done all the things he did for that same reason, which It's being really selfish, it's the opposite, wanting to be alone and forget your friends and not care that their timelines are falling apart. Sylvie you are a hypocrite (sorry I had to vent)
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AAAAAAAAAA I'M GOING TO CRY GOD. I said it and I will always say it Loki needs a hug 😭 This scene is super moving because it shows us Loki's true purpose, he just wants his friends back, who are also people he hasn't known for a long time but who were attentive to him (btw Tom Hiddleston always shines in all his scenes )
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This scene...holy shit this scene was scary. I think it's even more terrifying than Thanos' snap.
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It's overwhelming how everything around her disappears in seconds leaving her in literal emptiness. There is absolutely nothing left, only threads floating in an enveloping blackness. When I saw that scene I felt empty and desolate.
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NOOOOOOO MOBIUS NOT YOU (He just wanted to save his children 😭)
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Loki's face when he sees his friend disappear D: (I'm having deja vu from the first season when Mobius was pruned)
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Sylvie too?! Why does she disappear and Loki doesn't? (By the way, you just arrived Sylvie when you realize that everything is disappearing? really?)
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Ok this is a nightmare for Loki, he was left alone and couldn't do anything to avoid all that, I think it's the most hopeless scene of the episode :( (And the way he tries to grab those threads…I'm broken)
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OK HEAR ME OUT BECAUSE I HAVE A LOT TO SAY ABOUT THIS SCENE. I think the background voices help a lot with the feeling of anguish and helplessness that Loki feels, for not being able to save what he loved most, his friends. And when you feel overwhelmed by all those voices and at the end one stands out and it's Sylvie's voice saying something like what makes a Loki a Loki is the fact that we are destined to lose? That's when he screams in despair and goes back in time just a few seconds earlier and manages to control his timeslipping. And I must say that at first when I saw this scene it reminded me a lot of the scene from the movie "Ella Enchanted" when she is forced to kill the prince and she is surrounded by mirrors and begins to remember moments of her life such as when her mother told him to trust her or something like that (I don't remember the scene much, I saw it years ago lol) the point is that she refuses with all her heart to obey that order and in a moment of desperation she screams just like Loki and she says that she will no longer be obedient and drops the dagger, freeing herself from the spell. I don't know if you understand my point because I'm bad at explaining, but I think that the love he feels for his friends was what made him go back in time, that strong desire to want to make things right and that determination to say "this isn't true." It can end like this, I decide what is going to happen" (free will) I think that is what makes him finally able to control the situation, love is the most powerful force. Something similar happens in the movie "Tomorrowland" I think.
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This scene is really powerful, the background music, the phrases that Loki says, the context of the scene, it is cinema. I think you don't need an action scene or scenes for a scene to be epic and move you. This is epic with so little, it is simple but effective. And the music is really the icing on the cake, it is so hopeful and gives strength to the moment when Loki returns to the TVA being able to fulfill his mission, I cried. Loki has evolved into a hero who saves the day and everyone.
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And that ending??! Oh no the cliffhanger again..
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Phew I know this was very long but I really needed this kind of catharsis, never has a Loki episode left me with so many emotions and beautiful things like this one. I laughed, I got excited, I cried and I was scared. I am very happy with the evolution of Loki and each episode that passes wins my heart more, I can't wait to see the next chapter. Everything is perfect in this series, the music, the settings, the actors, etc. It shows that it is made with the heart
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