#is the relationship between disability and villains
ladiesoftheages · 23 days
Someone remind me sometime to post my essay about the way people talk about Henry VIII
#i’m a disability studies major#and one of the most common topics of conversation in dis studs#is the relationship between disability and villains#and that people with disabilities are often made out to be villains#but villains are also made out to have disabilities#because disability is a manifestation of inner evil#shakespeare famously did this with r3#but it’s an idea that goes back pretty much to the bible#and this idea is so ingrained in our culture we do it withiut thinking#and people absolutely do this with h8#calling him a monster…guess what?#that’s a manifestation of this idea#harping on about his weight and using ‘fat’ as a perjorative?#that’s also a manifestation of this#for people that don’t like h8; it’s not enough for him to have just done bad things#he also has to be grotesque and deformed because that just proves how evil he really was#it’s funny the number of times people have talked about h8 in this way to me#and i’m like…girl if only you knew that i’m a disabled person whose academic career is literally dedicated to this very subject#and you’re just feeding me even more evidence that proves my point#but i digress…#henry viii#also don’t even get me started on the people who have gotten mad at me for saying h8 was disabled#because as well as people who villainize disability#there are also people that sanctify it#and think that all disabled people are perfect little angels who can do no wrong#(the overwhelming message you get from doing disability studies is that people’s attitudes on disability are just fucking WEIRD#and why can’t anyone just be NORMAL)#disability#disability studies#i wonder how many people actually read the tags…
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aficionadoenthusiast · 6 months
*me, with tears of frustration in my eyes* rick didn't include annabeth's crush on luke or luke's pseudo-crush on annabeth for no reason! it is not something that needs to be cut because it's 'gross'! it serves thematic purpose! it adds to characterization! guys! please!
annabeth is twelve, and luke is the guy she's looked up to since she was seven. she not only has that bond, but she has the admiration from him getting his own quest. she has a lot of hero worship going for him, and it's really not unreasonable that she would like him or even that she would think of him as more than a sibling. beyond that, it's a great example of how a person who has never received real, unconditional love can become unhealthily attached to someone who is not good for them just because they've been shown a modicum of respect. if you want to look at it from a percabeth perspective, it could even tie into how her character has to learn the difference between love and kindness from a place of love and respect (i.e. percy) vs love and kindness from a place of obligation and manipulation (i.e. luke as kronos' vessel)
on luke's side, especially with him calling her his little sister now (in the show) and him literally turning into kronos later, it's symbolism for how he's being pulled farther and farther onto the dark side. as kronos takes over his body, he sees her less and less as a sister and more and more of something else, something that would be considered dark and unhealthy by anyone not on the dark side (for good reason), until eventually she has to remind him of their years on the run when he considered her a sister: "Family, Luke. You promised."
you're supposed to be grossed out by it! that means the theme is working!
you're supposed to see a traumatized 12 year old with a crush on her 19 year old mentor and think, "hey, that's weird! i wonder if her not getting any love or attention until she met him plays a role in their relationship?" and eventually see a 24 year old get a villain-induced crush on a 16 year old and think, "hey, that's really weird! i wonder if his turn to the dark side and how that turn happened twisted his view of her?" and ultimately think, "i wonder what that says about the type of trauma that develops in kids who grew up thinking they were unloved, especially since the author specifically wrote the book for his son with disabilities, the author who used to be a teacher, a profession that regularly encounters kids that are actively being abused and neglected?"
anyway thanks for coming to my ted talk
edit: this post is not speculation! i'm not trying to say i don't think they're going to include annabeth's crush! i am perfectly aware that we are only two episodes in! this post is in response the people i keep seeing say they're glad because they think Luke's little sister comment means they're not going to include the "gross stuff from the books" (other's wording, not mine), and I was trying to explain why including it would be a positive. sorry, i really thought i made that clear
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jabber-wockin · 3 months
Jabber's TMNT AU/iteration ask game!
Send an ask with a number corresponding to a question you want to ask about someone's AU or iteration
Where is your au/iteration set?
Do the turtles live in the sewers?
What is the lair like?
Do the turtles have money? If so, how do they get it?
What is the origin of the mutagen?
Is there a battle nexus? Is it a respected facility or operated by criminals?
Are there aliens?
Are there yokai/magical beings?
Are there other dimensions?
Are there utrom/kraang? PLOT:
Who is the main villain?
What is the main villain’s motivation?
Who are some villains that are less of a threat?
What is going on with the foot clan?
Is the Hamato clan history relevant? How did the clan originate?
Were the turtles and Splinter mutated intentionally?
Do any characters get mutated during the story?
Do any characters die during the story?
Do any characters get disabled during the story?
Do the turtles go to space?
Do the turtles time travel?
If there is a battle nexus, who fights in it? CHARACTERS:
Are there any OCs?
Is there a Bebop and Rocksteady?
Is there a Baxter Stockman?
Is there a Bishop?
Is there a Rat King? If yes, can he control Splinter?
Is there a Mona lisa?
Is there a Renet?
Is there a Venus?
Is there a Jennika?
Is there a Slash?
Is there a Metalhead?
Is there a Mondo Gecko?
Is there an Angel?
Is there an Alopex?
Is there a Leatherhead?
Is there a Tang Shen?
Is there a Karai/Miwa?
Is Saki the shredder?
Is Karai/Miwa Saki’s daughter?
Is Karai/Miwa loyal to Saki?
How old is April?
Is April a scientist?
Is April a journalist or reporter?
How old is Casey?
Is Casey a vigilante?
Does Casey play hockey? If so, what position?
Are the turtles the same species?
Are the turtles the same age?
Was Splinter born a rat or a human?
Is Donnie only knowledgeable with technology? If not, what else are they interested in?
Who is the leader of the group? How did they become the leader?
Who is the team medic?
Who is the best cook?
Who is the best fighter?
Are any characters disabled?
Are any characters neurodivergent?
Are any characters queer? CHARACTER RELATIONSHIPS:
Do Raph and Leo fight often?
What is Bebop and Rocksteady’s relationship?
What is Casey and Raph’s relationship?
Is Splinter the turtles’ dad, sensei or both?
How did Splinter meet the turtles?
Is April considered a sibling?
Does April consider Splinter a parent?
How did the turtles meet April?
How did the turtles meet Casey?
Is there a romance? If so, between which characters? SPECIFY A CHARACTER:
What hobbies does — have?
Who is —‘s favourite sibling?
What is —’s favourite kind of pizza
What interests does — have?
What weapon does — specialise in?
Tell us a fun fact about —’s species! EXTRA:
Who is your favourite character?
What character do you relate to the most?
Tell us something you want to share about your au/iteration!
I had help making this, so shoutout to @genderfluid-envy, I had a lot of fun deciding on questions with you! And thanks to everyone else in our discord server who helped out :D
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codenamesazanka · 5 months
I need help writing the league of villains for a fan fiction. Like can you give me tips on to write their dialogue and stuff like that
Thanks for the ask! Here are some things that I think would be helpful, but please be aware that it's my approach to writing the League the way I interpret them. I'm sure there's people who finds my fic wildly inaccurate in terms of characterization. Sometimes I go back months later and disagree with my own stuff, given new information or outlook. You'll have different interpretations than me, and that's okay. And thus,
Tip #1: First of all, it’s fanfic, it’s fun, and it’s yours. You can do whatever the heck you want! It does not matter at all what you do with the characters, their dialogue, their personalities, their relationships, etc. I’ve read plenty of AU fanfics where I could not recognize Shigaraki Tomura/Shimura Tenko, despite the character having the name, but I still liked the story okay. Really, it’s all up to you and what you want. 
That said, to actually answer your question:
Tip #2: Re-read the manga. Read the scanlations - multiple versions from different scanlation groups. Read the official. No version will be perfect, some are better than others (Viz Official has its issues, but it is done by a professional translator and I tend towards it; Fallen Angels (Chapters 1-150s) was the first to scanlate and iirc they even included translation commentary at the end of their chapters; I found mangastream to be more accurate than Jaimini (Chapters 150-250s)), but having a variety of translations will give you insight into the intention of a dialogue, and different ways of achieving it. Read the original Japanese, if you can. 
Tip #2.5: Best way to figure a character, I find, is to describe the panels they’re in as if you’re writing a very plain, objective, impartial image description. Now you have an overview of their outward behavior, their actions, their dialogue. Using that, you have the basis for developing their motivations and personality. It’s the difference between ‘Shigaraki used gamer lingo a few times here, so he is a gamer... therefore he’s obsessed with games and that’s all he does’ and ‘In the first 100 chapters of the story, despite speaking sometimes like a gamer, Shigaraki is actually seen reading newspapers rather than holding a game console’.
Put another way, don’t assume generalized descriptions or traits for a character and write them based on that. You risk writing a trope or archetype or situation rather than the actual character. 
When a loved one dies suddenly, people will be in shock, before sobbing and weeping uncontrollably. That’s generally true, but the character may manifest grief in a different way. Someone close to Toga is killed - what does she do? You can write her breaking down crying, that’s perfectly reasonable. But if you look at the manga, when Twice is killed, she doesn’t cry right away. She gets angry; she lashes out. She’s deeply hurt by his murder, of course! But the tears she sheds for his passing are few in the immediate aftermath - her grief mostly takes the form of slicing Heroes’ throats.
Tip #3: Read everything else, for inspiration, for background knowledge, for tone, for your own gain outside of fandom.
Just the other day, I read Real, the wheelchair basketball manga by Inoue Takehiko. Its three main characters are marginalized by proper society - two because they’re disabled, one because he’s a high school dropout - and there were moments where I was reminded of the League’s situation. In the first chapter, the high school dropout makes a final visit to school where his teachers didn’t think much of him, and his classmates looked down on him. As he leaves, he thinks to himself that everything he does ends in failure and he’s an idiot, all the while he takes a dump at the school gates as a parting gift.
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While I can’t see anyone from the League doing that exactly shot for shot, the spirit of it - being seen as a fuck up, being unwanted, being defiant in face of that, even in a inadvisable way - is similar.
Tip #3.5: Another book I’ve read years ago is Codes of the Underworld: How Criminal Communicate. It was very informative, and I think back to it sometimes when I write for the League. 
Criminals face severe constraints on communication imposed by the action of the law, and, unlike the rest of us, cannot easily develop institutions aimed at circumventing them. This central feature of criminal lives makes communication and above all reliable communication exceptionally hard to sustain. For instance, the same secrecy that protects criminals from the law hinders their opportunities to advertise their goods and qualities… In the underworld, moreover, punishments for mistakes and irrational behavior are harsher than they are elsewhere. In the world of regular business, failures of communication can lead to a loss of business, but in the underworld they can result in years behind bars, or worse.
I don’t follow it exactly, because the League is in a children’s fantasy story, and maybe this was obvious but now that it was written out to me, I know how to give the Villains an “edge” to them that a non-Villain might not have, because as Villains, they do often logically would to be secretive and brutal and cautious. Dabi walking around in broad daylight meant their hideout was discovered and All Might literally took down the wall to the bar; a breakdown in negotiations with Overhaul meant Magne dying and Compress getting his arm blown off. 
Tip #4: Related, let the League be assholes, because sometimes they are. Let them be mean and cruel and problematic. Sometimes they’ll be jerks to each other. Nearly all of them grew up in bad circumstances where they probably were not taught important lessons and details about respect and boundaries and being nice. They are definitely not going to be aware of the intricacies of fandom's (oft-American and oft-terminally-online) consensus about problematic behavior. And that’s fine. 
I remember once receiving an ask about why Shigaraki would pull Twice’s mask off in Chapter 224. Wasn’t that terrible of Shigaraki? Yeah, it was. It was also the quickest, most efficient way to get Twice to quit his arguing with the rest of the League, so Shigaraki can announce that they are going to rescue Giran (what Twice was arguing for). After that, he puts the mask back on for Twice. If you ask me, I’d say Shigaraki thinks this evens out - he does something mean that he knows will freak out Twice for a moment, but it’s because he’s arguing for Twice’s side, and he’s putting on the mask back at the end. 
You and I would likely never do something like that because we know taking away someone’s important assistive aid, even for a moment, hurts them and we don’t want to cause them pain for even a second if we could help it/there’s not ‘evening it out’/it demonstrates a power unbalance that perpetuates ableism/there are other ways to stop someone and grab attention/we know not to touch someone even the slightest without permission/etc. But does the character you’re writing know all this? Does he care? Does he think it’s worth following these rules? Does he have time for it, does he have incentives for it, does he have the lucidity, does he think he’s an exception because of this and that, etc, etc. 
A lot of things, most people often just don’t know until they’re taught to be specifically aware. As an example: When I was younger, I knew broadly that taking things without permission was bad; but what if I took these pair of scissors from my friend’s desk and used it and put it back before the owner knew? The owner is my friend. They once told me it was okay to take it, so it counts even today, right? It was just a pair of scissors, a common household item. My friend did not care; still does not care. But knowing what I do now about things like violations of boundaries, explicit consent, the continuation of these concepts for the most trivial and mundane things even in the deepest of friendship or familial ties - I feel the need to ask to use something. That’s me and what I’ve learned through the years, though. It’s probably not going to be [fictional character].
And sometimes the League are just bad people. Shigaraki tried to kill Toga and Dabi at their first meeting. Mr. Compress is seemingly a-okay with kidnapping and murder despite his ancestor being more of a Robin Hood type. Spinner likely knowingly doomed his family to even worse ostracism and harassment from his fantasy-racist hometown when he ran off to join a group of well-televised terrorists. 
That’s also fine. They’re not real. They’re fictional Villains, and you’re temporarily using them as hand-puppets to tell a story. 
Tip #5. For dialogue, it helps knowing what each character’s voice/speaking style sounds like. Some basics:
“Shigaraki speaks with the normal masculine contracted speech, but with a sinister tone. Surprisingly not very cussy. He likes aggravating other people though.”
Caleb Cook notes that Shigaraki talks like an overgrown kid. (In comparison to ReDestro, who “uses more SAT words, since he’s had a formal education.”)
He can be a sarcastic smartass.
“Kurogiri is Extremely Polite”
He only refers to Shigaraki as ‘Shigaraki Tomura’. Always the full name, always just that.
He speaks very formally and respectfully; however, there is also a nastier side to him that comes out when he faces off Heroes: Saying to All Might, “I can't say I like the idea of having blood and guts inside my gate, but… if they're yours, I’ll happily oblige.” (Chapter 18); mocking Eraserhead and Mic when they're being sad over him, “Have you mistaken this place for a confessional of some kind?” (Chapter 254)
“Dabi is like Shoto but ruder, though not to Bakugo’s extent”
He calls people names: Toga most often, as 'crazy'; he called Spinner 'lizard' once; when he first met Shigaraki, he said 'gross'.
Note that all the examples above are people younger than him; as far as I know, Dabi refrains from name-calling his allies who are older than him: Compress, Twice, Skeptic.
He inexplicably politely calls Ujiko ‘Ujiko-san’.
“Compress is kind of like Sero. He’s got that trickster tone to him. Gets rougher when things don’t go his way.”
Likes to call himself an ‘old man’ at age 32; talks like an older gentleman as well. 
Twice contradicts himself a lot. Generally, he says one thing, his alter then says the opposite of that immediately afterwards. 
However, when things are urgent or serious, his alter’s speech fades. See Chapter 148, when he confronts Shigaraki about the Overhaul plan - he spills out his feelings with no contradiction. See Chapter 224, after they find out Giran’s been kidnapped - when arguing with the League about whether to say Giran, he’s completely coherent. 
Twice argues back with the alter sometimes, rather than the alter simply blurting out the opposite of what he says. 
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After he gets over his clone trauma, the alter seemed to have…integrated into himself? He still speaks in contradictions, but less so, and it doesn’t seem to be a separate voice speaking out involuntarily
“Spinner also speaks the normal masculine contracted speech like Kirishima and Kaminari, but he talks like Tokoyami during the Forest Lodge arc because he’s a Stain chuuni.”
An average, normal guy, compared to the rest of the League: not very polite, but not particularly rude; no great wit or affect (after he stops being a Stain fanboy), but not unintelligible; game references infrequently.
“Giran is also like speaks the normal masculine contracted speech similar to Shoto, but he’s a lot more mature.”
He calls Shigaraki “Shigaraki-san”, being polite towards him as a customer. 
He calls Twice by his last name, ‘Bubaigawara’, likely because they seem to be friends beyond just business. 
Toga is a generally polite girl, talks like a teenager. 
She can be bad at explaining herself! Seems to forget the people are lacking context for the things she says. “Hey, my best friend Jin just got killed by a Hero, which makes me sad, as well as worried that I'm going to be cut down like nothing as well, especially because I've been told how abnormal I am, even though I think I'm a normal person just like you, because I have emotions like love and fear, as any regular human does, and that lifetime of repression has hurt me.” -> Whatever she actually says to Uraraka in Chapter 289.
Only Toga uses first names with honorifics with the other League members. This is her being cute and desiring familiarity, but still polite. 
 ◦ Twice is ‘Jin-kun’
 ◦ Shigaraki is ‘Tomura-kun’
 ◦ Dabi is, at first ‘Dabi-kun’; after she finds out he’s Touya, he’s ‘Touya-kun’ 
 ◦ Spinner is ‘Spinner-kun’
 ◦ However, Mr. Compress is simply ‘Mister’ 
Conversely, only Mr. Compress and Twice call her ‘Toga-chan’. All the 20-somethings dudes call her just ‘Toga’. 
*Note what the League calls each other. They all call each other using Villain names. If the male members of the League are using first names and honorifics for each other, they’ve either gotten extremely close and intimate and weirdly polite, or they’re being possessed by AFO. 
Tip #5.5. Instead of fretting over writing good dialogue right away, just write whatever you need to get a scene over with. You can go back later to change the tone and speaking style of the sentence.
Here’s a line I had for Dabi at first: 
“Whatever hospital he works at should be shut down for incompetency in background checks.”
Wayyy too formal. Here’s the line after I went back and fixed it:
“Whatever hospital he works at should be shut down for being shit at background checks.”
Still not my best shot, but better. Sometimes all you need is just to change a word. 
Tip #6. Humor. The League is ridiculous and hilarious. Always try to have fun with their interactions and antics.
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gaypirateslife4me · 7 months
I survived Buffy and Faith. (BtVS)
I survived Dean and Cas. (SPN)
I survived Olivia and Alex. (SVU)
I survived Sherlock and Watson. (Sherlock)
I survived Bucky and Steve, AND Sam and Steve, AND Bucky and Sam. (MCU)
I survived Clark and Lexa (t100).
I am currently surviving Will and Mike, Steve and Eddie, AND Nancy and Robin. (Stranger Things)
I have suffered through: queerbaiting; "everyone experiments in college"; queer coded? - they must be the villain!; "the inherent tragedy of gayness" (repression, AIDs, violence, hatred); girl-on-girl male fanservice; "pray the gay away"; and, most personally painful, "bisexuals aren't real, they just need to pick a side". (I mean, I am though?)
I have been fully and irrevocably traumatized by having to watch my beloved queers be buried over & over & over.
I have literally spent three-and-a-half decades in a toxic, abusive relationship with (not so) queer media.
Upon recommendation of multiple queer friends, I (skeptically, cynically, borderline angrily) watched their so-called "GAY PIRATE (affectionate)" comedy, and was gobsmacked.
Our Flag Means Death gave us: well-rounded characters that are 'no-room-for-guessing, even-your-deeply-repressed-insufferable-republican-uncle-can-see-it queer! Multiple queers with disabilities! Neurodivergent queers! A genderqueer pirate so slay I lose my breath every time they are on screen! Sex between mlm not reduced to 1) tittilation or 2) the raunchy punchline of a mean joke! An unapologetic celebration of Found Family! Drag treated with respect, and as a catalyst for openly queer joy! A fabulous gay wedding! And that's not to mention the loving, romantic, complicated, vulnerable, beautiful relationship between the two male protagonists!
I saw it. with my own two eyeballs. for the first time ever. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
I assumed everyone must be as thrilled, honored, and overjoyed as I am for all the rep, positivity, and LOVE.
I was wrong.
It breaks my queer little heart that so many people on this glorious hellsite are furious, indignant, and quick to cancel the characters, the actors, the writers, and the showrunners for not being spoon-fed perfect queer characters in perfect queer relationships for perfect queer rep in ACTUAL queer media that exists! In canon!
It hurts to be vilified for being a fan who refuses to condemn the show and for loving concerningly imperfect and deeply-flawed queer characters.
I am sorry, but as far as I'm concerned, LOVE WON. We won. Please stop coming into my house (blog) and pissing all over my rainbow parade.
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
My hopes for S2 of the total drama reboot:
More Axel screentime! Honestly, I felt like Ripper really should have got voted out that ep because he was less useful to the team and the nerds were already annoyed by him. It felt like they booted her just because she's like Eva in the episode where they voted off Eva.
Julia keeps the bun the entire season
Maybe I'm getting my hopes up, but Priya x Millie? You can have it be one-sided if you want to make Priya x Damien canon. But they had just as much, if not more romantic tension then the canonically queer couple! (not a bad thing, I love Rajbow too!)
Speaking of Rajbow, I DON'T want season two to introduce artificial drama between them. I don't think it would make sense from a character driven perspective, because Bowie knows how to play the game too well for that. I think that in season two, its likely he'd put his relationship on hold to better persue the million.
Emma Villain arc, but like in a sympathetic way. She really wants to win the million and prolonged Chase exposure might cloud her judgement on what she will do to get it.
Nichelle and Julia alliance. Or just any interaction between them. Please. I need to know how she'll react to Julia's true colors.
Speaking of Julia, I want to see her come back next season with a new fake personality. Maybe have her be a fake gamer girl idk. Nobodies buying it.
For Priya and Millie, I want to see them both working on a book TOGETHER next season. Maybe a total drama survival guide?
Less fart jokes from Ripper. More of a personality that does not revolve around fart jokes from Ripper.
MK learns from her mistakes and gets farther in the next season. I want her to pull a Noah.
In between seasons, Damien watches Total Drama and becomes a fan. Maybe he and Priya geek out about it?
This one's never gonna happen but if the writers make my Autistic!Priya headcanon official I would literally die of :DDD
Either vote Caleb off first again, or give him something distinct from Justin and Alejandro. This is silly, but the first thing I thought of is that he dislikes his looks because its hard to make genuine connections with other people when all everyone wants to do is get in his pants.
More humor based around Zee being an amputee. As a physically disabled person, I thought it was hilarious and handled respectfully.
Bowie and Emma don't become friends again, so WAYNE takes over trying to help Emma out with Chase.
What do you want to see next season?? Please tell me in the RBs I'm curious!
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thiccowlladylife · 7 months
Oh shit, Mammon episode dropped! Time for some spicy thoughts!
-Mammon's design is... Okay? Not exactly the best design of a fat person, but I like that he's not red (he even goes through different clothes like a real person, holy shit!), and this is probably the only character where the chaotic details work well for his whole clown-theme
-it handles issues of stalkers and exploitation in entertainment with a modicum of respect (not that it does it well, exactly, but it's an effort, which is more than the show's done for other touchy issues)
-A decent-ish relationship conflict between Ozzie and Fizz? Still blowing Moxxie and Millie outta the water right now
-SIGN-LANGUAGE IMP KID (all things considered, the show is handling physical disabilities surprisingly well!)
-Not Fizz being relatable with his anxieties and sense of impostor syndrome (I'm pretty sure someone else wrote this episode because Viv has never handled topics like this well on her own)
-Spider Mammon? Spooder? SPIDEY??? Noice.
-Awesome Fish-Twin designs; they're nice one-off villains
-Better musical numbers in this episode than the last few ones combined
-whyisheaustralianWHYISHEAUSTRALIANWHYISHEAUSTRALIAN (I do not care for his voice; it is the shittiest most stereotypically bad accent I've ever seen)
-I'm seeing some more toxic, possessive traits of Ozzie coming out (looks like no relationship in this show can actually have conflict without being exploitative)
-Mammon has a low-key spider motif going on? So, he's fat, a bug, and overindulges in everything (food included) to the max...? Why does he seem like a better Beelzebub/depiction of Gluttony than Queen Bee/the show's actual depiction of Gluttony?
-Blitzø feels extremely shoe-horned into this episode... Also, he's not one to talk to Fizz about how Mammon talks to him, considering his whole... Thing with Stolas
-speaking of Stolas, I know the whole Ozzie revealing his love publicly (as sweet as it was) is totally gonna springboard more Stolitz shit in later episodes...
On an unrelated note, apparently Wally Wackford ain't Mammon like I theorized... My next best guess is that he's Satan's imp-sona. Not that I care enough to keep watching!
That being said... I'm done. Not exactly a highlight to end the show on, but it certainly ain't a complete shit show like the rest of the season has been. But I ain't watching anymore. I'll keep an ear out for info on later episode drops, but it's hard to be a fan, even critically, when the quality is this bad, and the only positive side of the fandom shreds apart anyone who critiques it.
If anyone needs me, I'll be playing with my OCs and AUs like dolls on here, and waiting for Hazbin to drop next year!
See ya later! Byee!
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Swag Preliminary #1: Arcane/LoL
Sevika: Amputee (Left Arm)
Status: Canon disability
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She is so fucking cool. Yes she is a villain but she is so hot about it she can do whatever she wants. Her prosthetic is customized to help her fight, and we see her doing her own repairs/upgrades on it. It moves like an actual robotic piece of equipment, instead of a perfect mimic of a flesh arm which I appreciate, and again Sevika is just cool as hell.
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Jinx/Powder: Autism, BPD, Dissosiation
Status: Disabled-Coded
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Canonically experiences psychosis and flashbacks. Displays many signs of Borderline Personality Disorder, such as fear of abandonment, stress-related paranoia, unstable and intense relationships (see: reunion with Vi), mood swings, impulsive and risky behavior, and inappropriate and intense anger. Seems to view Powder (her past self) and Jinx as different people, such as when she makes Vi choose between them. Autism-wise, I'll refer you to this post.
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taldigi · 8 months
How many Felixes are there in the Lady Bug universe?! What is the difference between Felix Agreste from Lady Bug PV and Felix Sphinx? did they have different characters and personalities? How are they different and how are they similar? Was Felix always a morally gray character (anti-hero/anti-villain) or is there still a version where he was an antagonist, sociopath or Marinette's arch rival?
LOl ok slow down.
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Maybe in mini-menace there might have been a rivalry. Chat is only present in one cover, and another cover where he is implied to be hunting ladybug via the black cat and ladybug.
However, My favorite idea is that chat noir may be the detective investigating Ladybug for her vigilantism and/or involvement in the gang involved in the murder of her parents.
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Since then, Chat noir was always designed to be her partner.
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even if that "partnership" is less than ideal on Marinette's (Or Nathan, as I like to call this version of Chat) part. This dynamic was phased out pretty quickly, about the end of the QK phase of development.
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There is no "Felix Agreste" the PV "Felix" is actually Adrien Nanty. (Felix Nanty, if you want to stick the felix name.) His father was actually a hotel baron (think chloe's dad sans the mayorship) and his mother was present and doting, especially due to his disability. (That whole narrative is really ableist and deserves its own breakdown) And he's actually quite sweet, as depicted in a ton of the bibles as thinking fondly of Marinette and turning to her for advice quite frequently. He's also depicted as wanting to be a doctor, so he funnels all his free time into studying. (Which is most likely what he was doing in the library during PV)
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Not to say that his name was never "Felix", because it was. But by the time PV rolled around, his name had been changed to Adrien.
Felix Sphinx is the idea that If Adrien -> Gabriel, than Felix -> Richard. And Richard Sphinx -> Felix Sphinx. He's an interesting villain who fills that shitty father role way better than Gabriel. (who was actually really pompous and silly in his first incarnation after they phased out Richard)
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How many Felixes are there in the Lady Bug universe?
One at a time. Be it Nathan, Adrien, or Felix himself. The character went through tons of development. Felix Fathom is not a "Felix" because he is not Chat Noir. He is a new character, original to the series like Kagami and Luka.
What is the difference between Felix Agreste from Lady Bug PV and Felix Sphinx?
Agreste's dad is Gabriel, Sphinx' Dad is Richard Sphinx. PV Felix' parents are not shown, but it is most likely he is Adrien Nanty, who's parents are alive, not evil, and own a hotel. However, since the identity of Papillon is kept a mystery in all media (including Canon for a time) it is possible that pv Felix is Sphinx. But the characters are similar enough that it could be interchangeable. Who knows.
did they have different characters and personalities? How are they different and how are they similar?
Yes. But not in the way you think. Nanty and Sphinx liked Marinette. Nathan found her annoying. Adrien did not have an opinion on her for a long time- (esp if we are to base it all on episode 1/introducing the characters, Adrien was indifferent and distant)
Was Felix always a morally gray character (anti-hero/anti-villain) or is there still a version where he was an antagonist, sociopath or Marinette's arch rival?
Err... Morally grey, maybe in QK stuff and canon. Where he aims for ladybugs affection instead of being a hero. Antagonist maybe in Mini Menace. But sociopath? Canon maybe. Adrien frequently throws tantrums and threatens people, is viciously jealous, and has threatened and blackmailed plagg at least three times (remember kuro neko where feeling left out > his relationship with Plagg) but, again, PV era Felix/Adrien isn't an asshole or a jerk. He just has teenage angst and suffers from the twilight sparkle disease of "stop studying, make some friends, and touch grass" jfc.
Look, I know people are super ride or die on "cursed ring needs a kiss" stuff but there is more evidence to the contrary. The artbook is a great resource, but it was made by another company, and the curse is never mentioned anywhere else. I don't doubt that there was a phase where they did consider it, but it vanished so quickly that it was mentioned only once and then disappeared. Yet nobody uses other details like.. him wanting to be a doctor... Or his boxing... Or him being super into art... Or even his love of BMX. Yeah.
Anyway. Hope this helps.
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littlegreekhero · 2 months
TimLonnie headcanons
This is a continuation to my last post :3
Mostly platonic stuff (since i hc lon as aroace), but open to romantic interpretation!
Lonnie is Tim's go-to yapper. Need someone to fight with? Tim just drops a pro-state take mid conversation with anyone and the next thing he knows, Lonnie is yelling with text-to-speech in his earbuds. Need to be grounded about an ethical dilemma? Ask no one but Lonnie. Tim enjoys getting him mad and heated about a subject a little too much and the way he laughs makes it seem like Red Robin is a villain in Anarky comics, and not vice versa.
Midnight confessions with Lonnie go hard. Tim's trying to solve a case about a maniacal genius and Lon casually drops "Red, this seems just like the time i tried to fuse my two brain lobes together, you might want to look into it."
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN you tried to fuse your brain lobes together??!? GEE LON,,, is this why we havent been able to pull you out of comatose FOR YEARS??"
Or like "Tim, I know your relationship with a father figure to whom you don't know to which extent you relate to can be hard. I can empathise through my relationdhip with Joker." "With- HUH?"
Tim helps build Lon's mobility aids, devices, and with thorough work of a few years, he's back to not being bound to bed.
Tim also helps him do his hair, because being a badass redhead with a long curly mullet is a lot of work for physically disabled Lonnie.
Bernard thinks Lonnie is an imaginary friend of Tim's at first like when he claimed Stephanie was a made up girlfriend. Tim doesn't correct him for once.
Then one day a mechatronic shows up at the door and asks for Tim Drake. "I was informed he would be around here?" A creepy voice box announces. Bernard screams so hard you would think he's back in the pain cult.
Tim and Lonnie go for picnics in abandoned (ahem, community owned) buildings in Gotham, in costume.
Tim keeps the extra mannequin head Lonnie used to stuff in his costume as memorabilia from their childhood.
Lonnie Machin is the financial advisor of Wayne Entreprises' charities and foundations... uhh.. at least for an hour, before all the bank accounts have been hacked into and the money distributed to said charities and global organisations Lonnie founded through the Ünter/Internet. Tim is grounded for issuing a fake identity to an old villain to do the same villain activity he did years ago.
Red Robin has to pretend to not to see a lot of things Anarky does to keep up with his public image. They kind of continue a fake beef going in between them like old times to keep away suspicion.
"Tim what if he turns back into a villain, how can you trust him so blindly?" "Oh, i would not wish it in any circumstance. He has control over everything i own, after all." "Everything?" "Moneyspider, open my belt pockets please, i crave a snack."
"Lonnie, how can you trust a Bat? Don't you still think he will become detrimental to the cause with this hero bullshit one day?" "I would not wish it in any circumstance, Red pays my physical therapy bills. Plus, he has unlimited access to everything i built." "How unlimited?" "Red, what was the password to my classified files again?'
(Its still "password") (Im still so not over the fact that the options were 1- bakunin 2- proudhon and 3- password)
Lonnie, every now and then changes up Tim's password for safety reasons, and forgets to inform him. This has led to Tim getting logged out of Batfam comms and shit. He hates it but the alternative is him recieving a voicemail randomly in the middle of the night.
Like its 4:20 a.m. and Lonnie randomly drops a 65 digit password. Tim is now up and very annoyed.
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Kate Bishop would have SUCH weird relationships with Gotham's rogues.
She hates the Joker. And it's not for the reasons the Joker wants.
Kate is not afraid of him. To be clear, she should be, and many people would like her to stop antagonizing him because if he Joker toxins her they're FUCKED.
Kate hates the Joker because he's bad at being a clown. Kate is insulted on Clint's behalf and the behalf of carnies everywhere.
She doesn't think he's particularly original. He's like if 4chan was a person. He just wants to see the world burn? Great! Kate is Good at Arson so she'll set some of his shit on fire. He wants to set up puzzles so you can almost solve his plot? OK well so does the Riddler and his stuff is way more clever. Also, he can pull off a bowler. She LOVES the Riddler btw.
You have a scary toxin? OK well so does the Scarecrow and he is WAY more terrifying than you. Like, is the Joker just copying the other Rogues of Gotham? She's fucking terrified of the Scarecrow! Which makes sense. She is a bird.
Joker is Batman's nemesis? Well she has a nemesis too and she's classy and deranged. Kate's nemesis makes robot clones of herself and has threatened to put her cigarettes out on Kate's face WHILE wearing a gold mask, okay? Classy. Madam Masque understands how to leverage the awkward sexual tension between hero and villain. The Joker just needs to admit that's what it is and move on from there.
Someone starts talking about Two Face and Kate's like, what are you saying? Disabled people can't be villains? Evil masterminds? That's fucking ableist. Also, he was a lawyer. The cops in Gotham probably don't even hate him for being a villain, it's probably just because he's a lawyer. How do you know the cops aren't framing him??? Answer THAT.
And Ivy? Kate has a massive crush on her obviously. And Ivy thinks Kate is SO bad at being a human she barely counts as one, she can stay around. Kate and Harley are BFFs. Ivy will be At It with the Bats and Harley and Kate are doing girl's night. They convince Babs to go with them. It's great.
Kate has ADHD. You know who she's terrified of? Calendar Man.
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thevulturesquadron · 2 months
Ok so this is me sorta headcanoning, so take this with a grain of salt, but one of the reasons why the infantilization of Rogue always bothers me is because I always felt like her powers were a metaphor for disability/chronic illness and fandom police act already like disabled women aren't capable of being in their own villain romances, example being Entrapdak antis denying Entrapta her own agency in her romance with Hordak in the She-Ra reboot.
Oh! But you make a really good point! It’s one of those subtle perspectives that can be dangerous just because of how easy they are to integrate into someone's view of the world. I'm not as vocal online as I used to be. I feel like there are people out there far better equipped to talk about it than I, while I grow old and cranky. But, you brought up a really important aspect that kinda sent me into a 'hold my beer' moment so apologies for the long answer! To start with, I wouldn’t call this a headcanon, not at all, clearly not in the context of X-men, and Rogue in particular. It’s a very apt analogy. The reason why these characters become relevant to us is because we recognize something from our personal journey in them, and the comparison you made for Rogue is a very strong one. Her inability to touch can absolutely be read as a disability! In so many of her stories/arcs it is often portrayed as a struggle, as an obstacle to a ‘normal life’. Her difficulties with gaining control over her powers and dealing with other personalities that are trying to take over her mind can also be a strong metaphor for mental health struggles/disorders. Rogue is a fantastic hero in that regard and seeing her be her own person, learning how to work and be proud of what she can do, can feel like a personal victory for so many people. It’s why it’s important to see her happy, to see her winning her battles and use who she is and what she can do in a positive and impactful way. There are many reasons why fans end up taking away her agency or attributing her choices to a different (often male) character. And, to be fair, a couple of comic-book writers have done this exact thing to her, so I can see where this skewed perspective might be coming from. Within fandom this happens mostly because it serves to support their arguments for whatever thing they prefer or project onto the character. If they don’t like a certain narrative or can’t accept that it might’ve be written for someone else, they have this to fall back on and point to. Or, sadly, one of the simplest reasons for doing this is the age-old turning their ship preferences into ‘I’m right, you are wrong’ arguments. But these things can hide some internalized misconceptions. Unfortunately I haven’t seen the reboot of She-Ra (shame on me) so I don’t have the full picture for the take on Entrapta, but now I have one more reason to invest some time in it. In this situation with Rogue, I believe that what you mentioned applies very well. The argument that I’ve seen going around a lot is that Rogue was manipulated/swayed by being presented with the opportunity to ‘be normal’. Because she wanted to be able to touch and as a result she was taken advantage of because of her ‘disability’. Which is entirely false. In no version of the relationship between Rogue and Magneto in the comics, and not even in the reinvented take in the animation, has he ever abused that. Her attraction to him has always, always, come first, and the ability to touch, second. He was never the first one to act upon it. Even in the animation, every shot in the flashback was carefully considered to portray that - she is shown as the initiator every time (my favourite scene is when she’s trying her very best to pose in a suggestive way and he just paints her as he sees her, lively and sincere). But some fans don’t want to see that. They don’t want to acknowledge the authenticity of her decisions because it doesn’t serve the narrative they want of her/for her.
I read your message and it hit like a hammer how much deeper this problem can actually go, because it’s masked by those surface-level justifications. Removing agency and responsibility from someone just because they operate differently than one’s expectations is damaging in and of itself, and within a fandom it perpetuates an idea that can stifle people’s perspective and critical thinking. (This whole topic actually reminded me of Madison Tevlin's “Assume that I can” commercial. I think it's relevant to the conversation) Thanks a lot for sharing this!!! We need to talk more about these things and if I misspoke on something or missed something important would love to hear it. 💜
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nectar-cellar · 9 months
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Bold the Facts
thank you for tagging me @thegloomiestwhim 🖤 i wanted to do this for my favourite villain asap before i forgot 🙈
i wrote a longggg vlad-lore post here if anyone wants to read more about my characterization of him :3
$ Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable
✪ Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other
✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other
✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed
My headcanon for TS3 Vlad is that, after the events of TS4, he was convicted by occult society for violating occult laws of conduct when he was the ruler of Forgotten Hollow (assault and murder of humans and occults, non-consensual feeding and turning, etc.). However he was able to get off relatively lightly because he had the best defense lawyer money could buy. Now he is required to reside in Moonlight Falls where he is monitored and far away from vulnerable and unaware human populations.   
◒ Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children
◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
◔ Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent / not applicable
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between
♦ disorganized / organized / in between
♦ close minded / open-minded / in between
♦ calm / anxious / in between
♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between
♦ cautious / reckless / in between
♦ patient / impatient / in between
♦ outspoken / reserved / in between
♦ leader / follower / in between
♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in between
♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
♦ traditional / modern / in between
♦ hard-working / lazy / in between
♦ cultured /uncultured / in between / unknown
♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown
♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
★ Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic / Spiritual
☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
❀ Philosophical: yes / no
❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
❥ Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious
❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✍ Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / Alcoholic
☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes/ frequently / chain-smoker
✿ Recreational Drugs: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict
✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess
☻ Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater
$ Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic
♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler
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yellowocaballero · 4 months
i dont know if this something you put a lot of thought into but it seems like you might and im curious so, what are some of your favorite themes to write about/the themes that interest you in writing or media?
Oh wow, good question. I put both a lot of thought and very little into the themes of my work. I always sit down and decide what I'm saying, and the meaning of the story, but some things always emerge in the writing. I usually discover what a story is actually about as I'm writing it. It's usually only after I finish the work that I realize what themes I had put in there, which seems like it should be bad. I think this means that a lot of my themes come through subconsciously. They're typically just...things I think about a lot.
I think the one thing I keep on coming back to is *tumblr voice* the mortifying ordeal of being known. That entire article, including the image of walking down a hundred stories of hell before reaching heaven, reconfigured my brain. It's just so damn hard to exist in a world with other people in it. There's an inevitability to hurting each other, but the love's worth it. Playing The World Ends With You at a vulnerable age primed me for obsession with this. That one quote from The Little Prince, ya know.
Generational trauma, cycles of trauma and abuse, and the long-term impact of trauma comes up a lot for me too. How being fucked up makes you fuck up others, the long-term consequences of being fucked up, the coping mechanisms we develop as a result. The ugly side of trauma and mental illness, the way we lash out and hurt people. I talk about escapism a lot, and the impact that has on you and the people around you long-term. This is usually exemplified through amnesia plotlines. This is a deep cut, but the Warchild series by Karin Lowachee had the best take on this I've read in a book.
Non-traditional love. I end up writing a lot of sibling dynamics, but I like creating unnamable and undefinable relationships. A lot of things I write just become very aro and asexual narratives. Love that saves. Love that isn't enough, but it still matters. The other side of love, which is grief.
I could go on. Forgiving yourself. Struggling to determine how to be a good person. How your identity & the intersections of your identity affect who you are. Power and power dynamics. A LOT of man vs self stories, like a lot a lot (I'm not overly interested by villains). The experience of being mentally ill and navigating the world as a mentally ill and/or disabled person. The differences between navigating the world as a man or a woman. I write a lot, so a lot of stuff tends to come up, lol. Roleswaps - fucking, somehow, for some reason, WHY, WHY DO I WRITE SO MUCH OF THEM -
Thanks for the ask, I had to do some self-reflection to answer it! I never really realize I'm writing about these things until I am, again. They're just all part of my framework of how I understand the world. Everybody has those, but when you're a writer it's easier to pull them out and microscope them.
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pinkandpurple360 · 5 months
Something about how Viv described Fizz always bothered me and made me really lose interest in the series before Oops ever happened. She didn't say it directly but if I recall, a friend of her's who works on the show said Viv described Fizz as a Pillow Princess.
And, like, that's a really loaded term to be throwing around in the LGBT space. Being a pillow princess is usually an insult about a sexual partner who does not reciprocate in the relationship. Like, someone who just lets things happen to them and takes from the relationship without putting anything back in and that really bothered me.
Wasn't Fizz supposed to be a self-made successful performer who started from the bottom? Wasn't he supposed to be this strong willed fighter against all the social barriers as well as severe trauma and physical disability who still came out on top despite everything?
To call him a pillow princess was one of the first signs to me that this was not going to be good. It was a neon sign for me stating Fizz wasn't successful, he was handed success. He didn't have a story, he is just a footnote of a story. The really meaningful parts about who he is as a person and how he became who he is today, completely glossed over in favor of fetishizing him.
Season 1 Fizz would top from the bottom and take what he wanted. He would run up behind someone in a brawl and bite their ear off. He would read a room and walk out as he burned it to the ground. He was the definition of "The Most", and I just knew once Viv was said to have described him as a non-reciprocating passive bottom bitch "Pillow Princess", I knew that any hope for a single character in this series to not just be some heteronormative farce of queer relationships was dead.
It was such a drastic change from what I think Brandon had initially written. Alex at the end of season 1 said Fizz "Had two sins wrapped around his fingers". Only for it to be Fizz is getting spit roasted between them.
And then the fizz/ozzie fanatics get upset when the one character Fizz can be sassy, aggressive, assertive and on equal footing with is the one we ship him with.
Very Fizzarozzie writing critical ahead. How it is written what it could be instead. and possibly why. If you like the lovey dovey ship don’t read this thanks
How much better would it be if Fizz was the one to say “mammon didn’t do shit, neither did Asmodeus, I already was this, I’d be this no matter what” Instead of..daddy telling him how great he is, again, and fizz parroting it back to him. That’s probably why Blitzø was there originally, to help him stop looking for royal approval, and find independence the same way he’s did, or is at least trying to. Because he’s dealing with abuse by a royal too. The potential empathy there is lost.
And the funny part is it would have been way more successful. The super corny ‘crooked’ song is the least popular from that episode by a massive margin except for niche fangirls and like you and I both know, the fujoshi.
And yeah you explained why I like blitzfizz more pretty well. Some people want DDLG diaper wetting Fizz and I want the Fizz we were introduced to, assertive not wimpy and submissive out of fear.
I’m so pissed that his introduction in Ozzies is now ditched and he’s been turned into someone absolutely starving for male approval, specifically royal male approval. [Before Ozzies, if you like the wholesome ship this isn’t for you] Don’t forget what character inspired Fizz, Beetlejuice. And he’s a manipulative villainous character trying to dupe you. I can tell there was a more mature idea for Fizz to be an actual sugar baby happy to mooch of Asmodeus and manipulate mammon as well. He was possibly going after a ring so he can become immortal. Going by both his song ‘drama queen’ and the Bjuice plot where he goes after marriage. But instead we get Twilight levels of writing.
I’ve spent enough time in queer spaces to know the difference between how gay men see their sex lives and how uh… people who are not gay men and are definitely not fujoshi or anything think they see their sex lives. For example: Another thing Viv said that grossed me out was that she tries to have her lgbt couples with one having “masculine energy” and “feminine energy”….not all queer couples are like that. Some are, but most really aren’t because what the F is feminine energy? It gives the vibe of using straight people as a blueprint. So it’s fair to say you can read into it. He’s “the woman” to Viv and in a different way, to some people in the fandom, they change his canon gender not for trans representation, but to make him hermaphrodite (not intersex, which is a different thing) and get pregnant. Like they are obsessed with making him have both genitalia and I have no idea why, it creeps me out. Because it’s never about intersex or trans struggles it’s just a fetish.
A pillow princess -_- right…I want to know where he was born, how he feels about his childhood being taken away from him, what he has to say about the entertainment industry—not how energetic or placid he is during sex. Gross. I’m calling CPS
I thought pillow princess was a lesbian term? Also you’re correct. It’s someone who just lays there and lets things happen to them, a selfish lover, like Verosika criticised Blitzø for being. Stella used similar language describing a pillow princess, which was supposedly meant to imply that stolas barely consented.
Sorry I know it’s weird but I could barely sexualise him knowing I’m a woman and he’s a gay man, and the fact in my minds eye I still see him like This:
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Cute widdle baby hands..I’d adopt him. How did this angel end up in hell 🥺
And I’m not saying it’s not ok to see him that way because obviously he’s an adult now, but I really don’t need to know what his kinks are and whether he tops or bottoms ffs. I should be allowed to not sexualise him lol.
Ohhh your third paragraph…how I mourn the story we could have had instead of “I need male approval not for my reputation or my career or my status in life or my self esteem or where I came from, I don’t care about any of that, I’ll lose my boyfriend!!” She even teased us with a good story by having Fizz say “Oz, working for mammon is a big deal to me” (in the end it was just because mammon gave him his boyfriend Asmodeus -_-) “this, is for me” (This is for Ozzie so that I don’t lose him and I’m barely worthy of him) He is astring
I can tell Viv rewrote it because we started out with this much darker Fizz within the form of a robot. An angry blast from the past Blitz couldn’t forget about and couldn’t measure up to, and was also really attracted to. Even if it’s not the real thing. But this personality was changed to be Ozzies pet, then changed again to his ‘soulmate’ for more shipping fodder. Like many people have pointed out, the change from stolas as the villain to blitzos boyfriend has caused massive ripple effects, Ozzie was supposed to be Fizz’s boss who he has a secret scheme against, possibly the secret selling of Asmodean crystals. I’m basing this off of the magazine article which is probably the ditched story. Another thing is mammon and Ozzie were introduced as business partners obsessed with Fizz who in turn is making bank off of them both. All of blitzos exes and potential new love interests have been sorted into neat little pairs except stolas. It’s a weird fujoshi marketing strategy.
And now instead, we have baby girl pillow princess queen clussy fizz, his cuck boss who sees him as a son, as his doting sugar daddy therapist 😵‍💫
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bli-o · 5 months
been thinking recently, i had a conversation with my dad on why i wouldnt date men and its relationship to my assigned sex and anatomy. He called me bigotted and claimed i had no excuse for avoiding relationships with men because i’d never been abused by one.
I dont really think he understood where i was coming from. In a relationship between a man and a feminine person, there’s a clear imbalance of power whether the man intends this or not. This isnt a reason for villainizing these types of relationships, but it’s easily a reason a marginalized person would *choose* not to date people in a position of power them. It’s also a reason people with oppressed partners need to be aware of this power imbalance. this post is mainly about cishet men dating someone with non-masculine traits, but the same could be said about nearly any group. Cis people dating trans people, white people dating people of color, religious people dating secular people, abled people dating disabled people, endosex people dating intersex people, allosexual people dating asexual people, heterosexual people dating queer people, etc etc. Hell, this is even applicable to a binary trans person dating a non-binary trans person or a masculine gay man dating a feminine gay man.
again, absolutely not a reason to villainize these types of relationships, but ABSOLUTELY a valid reason for someone to choose to date within their marginalized group. Also a great reason for people to understand the effect of their partner(s)’s marginalization on their relationship.
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