#there are also people that sanctify it
ladiesoftheages · 23 days
Someone remind me sometime to post my essay about the way people talk about Henry VIII
#i’m a disability studies major#and one of the most common topics of conversation in dis studs#is the relationship between disability and villains#and that people with disabilities are often made out to be villains#but villains are also made out to have disabilities#because disability is a manifestation of inner evil#shakespeare famously did this with r3#but it’s an idea that goes back pretty much to the bible#and this idea is so ingrained in our culture we do it withiut thinking#and people absolutely do this with h8#calling him a monster…guess what?#that’s a manifestation of this idea#harping on about his weight and using ‘fat’ as a perjorative?#that’s also a manifestation of this#for people that don’t like h8; it’s not enough for him to have just done bad things#he also has to be grotesque and deformed because that just proves how evil he really was#it’s funny the number of times people have talked about h8 in this way to me#and i’m like…girl if only you knew that i’m a disabled person whose academic career is literally dedicated to this very subject#and you’re just feeding me even more evidence that proves my point#but i digress…#henry viii#also don’t even get me started on the people who have gotten mad at me for saying h8 was disabled#because as well as people who villainize disability#there are also people that sanctify it#and think that all disabled people are perfect little angels who can do no wrong#(the overwhelming message you get from doing disability studies is that people’s attitudes on disability are just fucking WEIRD#and why can’t anyone just be NORMAL)#disability#disability studies#i wonder how many people actually read the tags…
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gynoidgearhead · 3 months
tradwife is a neogender for mostly cis people. change my mind
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knowlesian · 3 months
“how dare people demonize my favorite character! they’re a saint and here’s my extensive and nuance-free take on why they have never done a single thing wrong. related, here’s my equally extensive and nuance-free rant about how a character who isn’t my favorite is a dumb bitch and deserves to die” is one of those stances i see constantly and will never quite understand
like my friend you just did the exact thing you’re mad about a n d its equal but opposite mirror! you even did both at once, which is honestly kind of impressive
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a-space-for-mimi · 4 months
I've been praying for a mentor like how Titus 2 tells older women to teach younger women because hey! I'm a younger woman. Because the church I grew up in, which I'm still thankful for, taught more "watered down" theology so I didn't have anyone I could "imitate" like how Paul says imitate me as I imitate Christ. Because these were people who didn't even know God's word very well so I didn't really take their advice seriously. Agkhfhggm. I know that sounds mean but that's how it was.
Now I'm in an awesome church but because we've attracted a lot of new Christians recently, I'm in a small group with mostly new people that I'm not as comfortable with asking for wisdom.
So recently, I went out on a limb to message a woman in the church that I reeeeally admire because of her inner strength, wisdom, etc. how she stays organized. So she gave me advice, reminded me that things don't happen overnight, and even offered to chat over coffee at some point. And I wanted to cry 😭 lol. Like pleaseeee give me your wisdom. I want it so badly. Like I feel like I'm starving here by trying to glean wisdom from podcasts and audiobooks. But to have a person to talk to and actually knows you? Like, that's such a blessing.
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matan4il · 3 months
Israeli polls find that most Israeli Jews define themselves as Zionist. American polls say most American Jews see Israel as integral to their identity. British polls show most British Jews support the right of Israel to exist, which is the definition of being Zionist (yep, it's not about specific policies, it's not about specific attitudes towards Palestinians, being Zionist is strictly about supporting Israel's right to exist, meaning supporting the Jewish right to have self determination in the Jewish ancestral homeland, a right that every other nation enjoys. Because this entails a return to ancestral lands, you can also define Zionism as the land back movement of Jews). I can't find a poll about French Jews and Zionism, but looking at a chart of countries from which Jews have been making aliyah (moving to Israel), when focusing on a single country, French Jews top it, which is presumably an indicator of a high level of Zionism.
As of late 2023, Israel accounts for 7.2 million Jews. The US for 6.3 million Jews. France for 440,000 Jews. Canada for 398,000 Jews. The UK for 312,000 Jews. These are the five biggest Jewish communities in the world today. Israel and the US alone account for 86% of world Jewry.
My point is, looking at all of this data together, there's no question that the overwhelming majority of Jews are Zionists. This isn't a fluke. It's a result of the fact that Judaism itself is inherently Zionist, a native religion sanctifying the bond between the People of Israel and their ancestral land.
If you find something that you can vilify, and using it you can easily target the majority of black people, you have an issue with black people. If you find something that you can vilify, and using it you can easily delegitimize the majority of women (for example, vilifying feminism, when most women are feminist, and portraying it as if it's inherently anti-men), you have an issue with women.
If you use "Zionist" as a slur, as a dirty word, as a way of discrediting Jews, as a way of silencing them, as a way of implying they're somehow inherently anti-anyone, if you are delegitimizning the majority of Jews just based on this term, if you have an issue with the overwhelming majority of Jews, you have an issue with Jews.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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What some people don't understand is that Dabi's dance celebration comes from the place of real life victims finding relief in seeing Touya facing his abuser and devastating completely his ego.
It's his victory but also a moment to breath and be there on top of a mountain, dancing because the truth is finally revealed and now everyone knows how the person they venerate is the person that destroyed you in body and mind. They are all in his side, they all claim for him to rise up, while you'd be dead and forgotten, another martyr on his glorious life tale.
But you are not done and you are not gone and as long as your legs can move you're gonna dance and as long as your jaw can move you're gonna scream to the heavens that that person is not getting sanctified. He's going to the hell he put you in and he's gonna answer to the rage he put in you and he'd never ever be able to outrun the damage he caused you.
Dabi's dance is one of the best moments in bnha.
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drakaripykiros130ac · 1 month
Jacaerys Velaryon, a Prince of questionable parentage (whether it be true or false), turned out to be 10 times the man/leader than any one of Alicent’s “trueborn” sons (Aegon the Usurper, Aemond One-Eye, and Daeron the Useless) could ever be.
- confirmed by Green biased Maesters as well.
I love how GRRM addresses the issue of parentage here, and shows how children born under questionable circumstances can rise to be better than children born “the correct way”.
It also shows how simple-minded people in the Middle Ages used to be, believing that only children born from a sanctified union, could ever be worth something.
It’s not a coincidence that GRRM made Rhaenyra’s sons good, well-mannered, brave and loyal, while Alicent’s sons are all despicable, rude, anger-driven, and overall huge disappointments (yes, Daeron too. He ended up showing his true colors. Bitterbridge never forgets).
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hindahoney · 1 year
If you want to code-switch so often that you are nearly incomprehensible to goyim, here is a list of my favorite and most-used Jewish terms:
Schvitzing - Sweating. (Ex: "I'm schvitzing so much it's showing through my clothes.")
Schlep - A tedious and long journey, depending on usage it can mean that you were carrying something. (Ex: "I had to schlep all the way across campus, my backpack was so heavy." Usually denotes a long walk, but other forms of transportation are acceptable too. "You drove all the way to New York from Florida? That's quite the shlep.")
Shtati - Something really cool. (Ex: "I visited my friend's place and they had a shtati mezuzah!")
Neshama - Soul. (Ex: "Mazel tov on your conversion, you have such a strong Jewish neshama!")
Balagan - A big mess, chaotic, confusing (Ex: "Moshe forgot to bring challah for shabbat dinner, and it turned into this big balagan")
Achi/Achoti - "Achi" literally means "my brother," but can also be used like bro or dude, "achoti" is the feminine equivalent meaning "sister"
Yalla - Come on, let's go (Ex: "Yalla yalla, you're going to make us late again")
Mishpacha - Family. Doesn't have to be literal blood relatives, usually a sign of warmth or friendship. (Ex: "I care about every Jew, they're all my mishpacha.")
Pshhh - Interjection sound, to express respect or agreement with what someone is saying, but can also be playfully poking fun at someone taking themselves too seriously, can be used sarcastically.
Achla - amazing, awesome, great, the best (Ex: "You graduated from university? Achla!")
Sheina Punem (Shayna Punim) - Pretty face (Ex: My bubbe kept pinching my cheeks and calling me a sheina punem) Can be used ironically, in which case it means "a disgrace."
Ahavat Yisrael - to love your fellow Jew (Ex: "I firmly believe in ahavat yisrael, even if it's hard sometimes.")
Schande - Shame, dishonor among the nations, meaning a Jew who represents Jews badly, a serious insult. (Ex: "He's a schande, he feeds into antisemitic stereotypes.")
Schmutz - Dirt, stain. (Ex: "Use your napkin, you've got schmutz on your face.")
Amalek - Any enemy of the Jewish people. ("[Fill in blank] is the modern Amalek, they hate the Jews.")
Lanceman/Landsmen - Two jews from the same place, a point of connection between two Jews who now live far away from their hometown. (Ex: "Your grandma is from Crown Heights? Mine too, our grandparents are landsmen!")
Goyisch - Something not Jewish (Ex: "I don't listen to Taylor Swift, her music is too goyisch for me.")
Goyischekop/Goyische-kop - Goyisch head, a jew who thinks/sounds like a non-jew. (Ex: "How could you say about your fellow Jew? Do you have a goyische-kop or something?")
Kindaleh/Kinderlach - Little children (Ex: "I passed by the school and saw the kindaleh on the playground, they're so cute!")
Chamud/Chamuda/Chamudi - Sweetie, cutie, usually aimed at children, but can be a term of endearment between a couple. Can be condescending when said rudely to another adult, like "Sweetheart" can be in English. (ex: "Goodnight, Chamudi. I can't wait to see you tomorrow.")
Daven - to pray ("Are you going to join us for davening?")
Frum - A religiously observant Jew. ("He's frum, he davens three times a day.")
Treif - Unkosher, generally something not good, doesn't have to literally refer to a food. ("I trained my dog to stop barking when I say 'treif!'.")
Bubkis - Zero, nothing, nada ("Moshe got a gift from bubbe and I got bubkis.")
Kvetch - To complain ("I'm just kvetching, I'm not that upset about it.")
Kvell - Extreme pride. ("I heard your daughter made it into her top school, you must be kvelling!")
Mensch - A good, admirable person. ("He volunteers every week, he's a mensch.")
Chillul HaShem - Disgracing God's name, someone who does something that makes Jews look bad.
Kiddush HaShem - Something that sanctifies God's name, brings honor to God. ("I love seeing you wear a kippah, it's a kiddush HaShem!")
Bubbe meise - Little white lies ("He told his teacher a bubbe meise about his dog eating his homework.")
I should acknowledge that these are mostly Yiddish words, as my experience is primarily with Ashkenazi Jews. If you would like to add common slang from your community (like Ladino phrases, Judeo-Arabic, Italki, etc) I would love to learn about them!
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Want You Back | ateez x reader
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Pairing: werewolf!ot8!ateez x werewolf!reader
Genre: fluff mostly, romance, poly, a little angst?
Warnings for this chapter: mention of an emotional affair
Word Count: 3143 words
a/n: the chapter I have been waiting for. :') it is time. I look forward to your reactions and feedback! It'll definitely help me work on my writing for these types of scenes in the future! :D Enjoyyy! <3
Chapter 7
When you thought about it, you had a lot of feelings going on at the moment. Your emotional state felt like a merry-go-round that was never-ending. There were times when you didn’t know what to think when it came to your situation with the boys. This was one of those times.
All your life you had learnt that the bond between mates was sacred and predestined. You were taught that it was something that couldn’t be explained with logic, it was a connection so heavenly and divine, you were tied to one another for forever and more. To a point, you believed that there was indeed a revered and sanctified essence to the bond you and your mates created. But was it really unbreakable? 
When you sought therapy from Chan’s friend Ryunjin, she didn’t give you a complete doom and gloom outlook on things. She reassured that there could be a possibility of reconciliation but, not everything was necessarily foreordained. 
“Is it even worth it to continue? I feel like it’s all been a lie.” you dispassionately asked.
“In a perfect world, there would be no mistakes. So then, it might be fair to walk away in that case. But realistically, we are all prone to committing errors, and if we were to always leave and continue searching for perfection, we’ll always be searching and never satisfied.”
“I don’t know if I could trust them.”
“That’s fair, you don’t need to immediately off the bat, you should first talk to them and take it from there. I‘ll be honest, you know deep down the right answer, it’s up to you to decide what is best for you.”
Yes, fate allowed you to meet the boys.
Yes, fate brought you all together as each other’s mates.
Yes, fate played a significant role in your relationship when you thought about it.
But fate also played a harsh game with you, as some would say. You were thrust into an emotional upheaval and everything you ever knew and were told about love and relationships was far from the truth. So yes, you believed a relationship was sacred and you believed people were meant to come into your life and cross paths for a reason. But it did not mean they would necessarily always be a part of the journey.
Ultimately, you still loved the boys. And deep down, the thought of just walking away felt unacceptable given that there was still a lot that you wished to communicate, discuss and get off your chest. Once you had gotten past the anger that simmered inside of you like a boiling pot, you felt more reassured that you could have a civil discussion with a firm and determined but also calm resolve.
It surprised you just how much anger there was contained in you. As you continued your sessions and Ryunjin continued asking questions and poked you for answers, it all erupted like a volcano. 
And it felt really good to let it all out.
However, you didn't expect things to happen so soon. If you were being completely honest with yourself, you weren't really sure when the right time would present itself, so you decided to leave it up to fate. If anything, your belief had been further strengthened given the last few months. Life may have been harsh, but it resolidified the courage and strength that you didn’t realize you had in you.
Minho had informed you that your bond to the boys would remain passive as if it was in a deep slumber until you chose to communicate with them. With no communication in the past six months, they could not sense where you were but rather feel your lingering presence somewhere. 
At the window, Seonghwa, Yunho, Yeosang, San, Mingi, Wooyoung and Jongho all stood with glassy eyes as they peered inside. Only Hongjoong wore an unreadable expression.
Your mind wandered to your past. 
Kim Hongjoong was the reserved but charming boy in your primary school who you befriended as it was just the two of you who sat at a table alone, everyone else in their own little groups. He looked at you occasionally and you thought he was weird. It wasn’t until during lunch when you heard some of your classmates snickering about you behind your back, he passed you a cookie, sat next to rather than opposite you, and told you he liked your hair which was in a pretty French braid. He then attempted to engage in a conversation about which games you liked to play and things you liked to do. Though a bit apprehensive, you became comfortable with him after a while and from then on, the two of you were two peas in a pod.
As you got older, it wasn’t necessarily a romantic bond. Being the two introverts that you were, both of you spent time fairly often together and hardly with anyone else. You were best friends and wherever one of you was, the other was sure to be there or nearby. When both of you attended high school, Hongjoong was the center of attention for most girls. They would gift him lavish presents on his birthday and any holidays that came by, hoping that he would return their feelings. He didn’t but you found it amusing how well liked he was. 
“They don’t know how annoying you really are.” You joked.
He would respond by playfully pulling your ear and ruffling your hair. Hongjoong never told you this, but as much as he liked to mess with you, he also liked to take care of you. When you would question if your hair looked good, he would gently fix it and tell you how beautiful you looked. He would wait for you outside your classroom when your classes were separate and treat you to delicious snacks and treats from time to time. He couldn’t explain it at the time, you were special to him although you weren’t bonded, and it irked him when someone would try to woo you off your feet.
Like the time you received a rose from a classmate for your birthday, Hongjoong was not amused. He latched onto you and followed you everywhere you went, and then brood at the person trying to sweet talk you.
Then on your 16th birthday, you both bonded and realized you were each other’s better half. It all made sense now in your minds and Hongjoong adored you more than anything.
The next two years were just the two of you, filled with fondness, devotion and tenderness.
Snapping back to the present, you were frozen in your spot. There they were, and excluding Mingi, it had been six months since you last saw them. They all still looked the same as far as you could tell in contrast to yourself, who now sported blonde highlights and layered hair complimented with a small nose ring on the right side of your nose. 
You invited them in, joined two tables with their assistance and brought out eight cups of peppermint and chamomile tea. You sat at the head of the table with four boys each on either side. No one attempted to break the lingering silence.
Until Seonghwa did.
"Your hair looks very pretty." He complimented in a sweet soft voice.
"T-thank you." You slightly bowed, touching your hair. It caught you off guard, they seemed to be so calm and that puzzled you.
"Mingi told us about you being here,"  Yunho stated, "We felt your bond after a long time."
"Mhm," You nodded in response, "When I got cornered, I initiated it to alert Mingi."
"Who were they?" San asked.
"Humans turned into rogues actually. My friend Changbin did some research, just like what we heard back home, some of the rogues managed to escape here and turned anyone who offered their loyalty and liked to wreck havoc."
You heard slight snarls emitting from some of the boys. Given everything that happened with the rogues, each of them was ready to tear any of them apart if given the chance.
"We're so glad you're okay. When Mingi told us what you've been doing, we felt comforted to know you were somewhere safe." Jongho declared.
Hongjoong scoffed. 
There it was. If there was anyone out of eight of them who wouldn't hesitate to hide his annoyance and anger, it would be Hongjoong. 
"Are we done with the small talk and pretending like we aren't mad?" He announced.
"Hongjoong." Seonghwa warned.
"No, I will not keep quiet," he seethed, turning to you with pure, fiery anger in his eyes, "Tell me Y/N, was it fun? Frolicking around and pretending like you didn't have any mates waiting for you."
"Hongjoong!" Wooyoung yelled.
But Hongjoong ignored everyone and continued, "We were worried sick, we were broken, we needed you and here you are living your life without any regret."
"It's not like that Hongjoong." You started.
"That's enough Hongjoong!” Mingi exclaimed.
"No, it's not enough, don't you remember the pain you were feeling Mingi? The aching feeling and sleepless nights. We were all miserable, and not just us, the young ones at the daycare were pining for her too but she didn't even care."
"You don't know..."
"Don't know what? Tell me what I don't know Y/N. Because it seems my mother was right about you."
That one statement paused everything. For a moment, you reeled yourself at Hongjoong's words. Kim Hongjoong was the first one you met, the first one you bonded to and the first one you kissed and shared most intimate moments with in the beginning before meeting the others. It was just you and him before meeting Mingi and now, he sat across from you saying the one thing you hoped you would never hear him say.
"Maybe my mom was right."
Mrs Kim hated you and you never knew why. But those sessions with Ryunjin revealed something.
“She hates you because you have what she couldn’t.”
It didn't take long for you to see red. The anger you once thought you had come to terms with erupted again and in your subconscious you slowly put the pieces together. Hongjoong's mother was the reason for the majority of your insecurities and while the boys did carry their own faults in neglecting you, she was the cause that made you spiral further. She was the one pushing Lila and she was the one who would make comments about the boys not liking a whining Luna, and the "fact" that a Luna is supposed to not be a nuisance to her mates. All because, in her eyes and mind, she saw you as an embodiment of what she could never have again.
And just like that, you snapped.
"You're a real piece of work Kim Hongjoong," you snarled viciously. 
Hongjoong's eyes snapped in surprise along with everyone else’s by your tone. No Luna as far as it was known would use that kind of tone with her mate. And the fact that you did was extremely shocking to them.
"What did you just say to me?"
"You heard me," you bit back ferociously, "You have the guts to sit there and accuse me so shamelessly as if you are a saint who never messes up or makes a mistake." 
Hongjoong didn't respond, he glared at you trying to assert dominance but failed.
"You're talking about the pain you felt, okay fine, I won't dispute your feelings. But what about how I felt? What about my sleepless nights and my aching heart. Does none of that matter? You’re completely disregarding my feelings? I was falling apart Hongjoong! I was crushed and at my wits end and you know more than anything how hard I tried to get your mother's approval, only for you to sit there and tell me she was right? Was she really? Because I sacrificed a lot more than you did Kim Hongjoong and you know that. What do you not know Hongjoong? You know everything and you know exactly what you did." You barked.
"Wait..." Yeosang interrupted, "Y/N what do you mean?"
You narrowed your gaze at Hongjoong who looked everywhere but at you, poking his cheek with his tongue. Tears streamed down your face uncontrollably and you felt your resolve breaking apart slowly but you held your ground.
"Do you remember what you told me Hongjoong? I should dress up more like Lila. Kind of funny how you were so into how she dressed and what she wore. I knew you two had a similar interest in fashion, so I tried to write it off, but then the way you hugged her, the way you were so into what she was doing, your "harmless" messages…you knew exactly what you were doing."
"What are you trying to say—"
"YOU WERE HAVING AN EMOTIONAL AFFAIR!” You shrieked. “You were emotionally cheating on me Hongjoong and you knew exactly what you were doing. You knew my insecurities but you didn't care, you expected me to keep quiet and still be there for you because "I'm your mate" and I was supposed to listen to you and obey. You were using me Hongjoong exactly like what your mother did to your father."
The breaking of this revelation sent everyone in a spiral. They hadn't realized till all the pieces clicked together. That's why Hongjoong had Lila around so much, that's why he would keep suggesting they all should stay out late and do things. He was trying to cover his tracks because not only was he emotionally cheating on you but also on them. But it would have only been clear when you found out.
Hongjoong's mother did the same thing to his father after Hongjoong was born. It was during the sealing of the realms and his father, being clan leader, was away majority of time as a witness to the sealing. Mrs Kim found solace in another clan member until Mr Kim found out and denounced his bond with her. They continued to live together for the sake of their children as having separated parents was frowned upon and subjected the child to unfair treatment, but Hongjoong’s father built up a lot of resentment for years to come and never considered rekindling the connection. He wanted nothing to do with her romantically. 
As such, Mrs Kim didn't like the way you were living such an idyllic life — you had a blissful relationship that she would never have again. 
And she rathered Lila because she was the daughter of the clan member, the one who was exiled from the pack, her former love affair, and who joined another pack on the other side of town. No, she wasn’t Mrs Kim's child, Mrs Kim just simply preferred her over you. 
Your voice broke the boys out from their dazes.
"I loved you Kim Hongjoong and I still do. Gosh, I still care so much about you even though I shouldn’t and I still want to make it work because I know, I know you aren't a horrible person, at least I thought you weren’t. But now I'm wondering if I really know you at all."
And that's all it took for Hongjoong's facade to break. He thought you wouldn’t find out. He knew what he was doing was wrong but his infatuation got the best of him. Truly, it started off as any ordinary friendship. Lila was kind and nice and that was that. But there were times when she would subtly flirt with him. At first, he paid no heed and rejected her affections. But after a while, when work and meetings became a bit overbearing and his mother would annoy him with the same old tell-tale of you not being good enough for him despite his reprimands that you meant everything to him, he allowed some reciprocation now and again but without any physical attachment. He thought that wouldn’t define it as him cheating…
But it did and he knew it. So he would rope in the other boys to go to lunches or dinners. They were friendly with Lila too so it wouldn’t come off as too odd, in contrast to if it was just the two of them. Hongjoong was aware that the boys did not really care for Lila like they did for you, and it would take a bit of coaxing to get them to join. Heck, even he didn’t care for her like that but it was such a spur of the moment, he couldn’t help it. He had a feeling some of the boys were questioning him before you disappeared but after your disappearance, they had all hit a wall and it was never revealed.
“I hate you.” You seethed.
Those three words broke Hongjoong from his daze. You, his best friend, first love, his first in many things, hated him and it was all his fault. He wronged you and continued to do so because he was trying to run away from the fact that his actions were damning and inexcusable. In his mind, still communicating with Lila would mean he hadn’t really done anything wrong. It was a twisted and poor attempt of trying to absolve himself from taking accountability. He could feel Mingi and Seonghwa’s fiery gazes and he was too terrified to look up to see the others.
You got up and stormed out of the café. The others just stared blankly in shock and despair from what they just heard. Hongjoong didn’t deny it and it felt like a ton of bricks hitting them all at once.
As you rushed out, Chan, Jisung, Minho and Jeongin passed by. They came to check on you but when you brushed past without acknowledging them and Chan saw your mates through the window, he immediately asked Minho to go after you. Jisung turned all around to figure out what just happened, but when he saw your mates on the other side of the window, he was not pleased. Chan felt Jisung's shift in aura. It was much darker than Jisung’s usually fun and joyful temperament and character. While Jisung may not be very good at fighting, he was very good at magic and spells, and at using strategy and wit over bod. And when someone hurts a person close to him, well, it doesn't usually end very well. 
“Since when does Jisung float?” Jeongin asked.
Jisung began levitating with a menacing glare piercing through the window. Good things the streets were clear for the night.
“Oh dear,” Chan muttered, “This isn’t good.”
Jisung left the two behind, stormed into the café and scowled at the eight men. 
"So,” he retorted with one hand in the air and a dark and purple cloud engulfing the room, “Which one of you is Hongjoong now, hm?"
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chromatic-lamina · 4 months
I know that fandom often clowns on this statement
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from Law (about needing to take down monsters to learn about history), taking it as proof that he's somehow not fighting for freedom or that
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freedom of expression is not something important that has been sanctified ratified in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. (Article 19)
But that it is instead some nerdish pastime that no other character in One Piece or the real world is invested in (WG or otherwise) for obvious reasons of power, politics and freedom/repression.
But there are governments and organisations that regularly suppress this kind of expression (in One Piece and the real world--no surprise):
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There are governments and organisations that fear the pursuit of knowledge:
Partial SBS: Volume 86: Pedro led the Nox expedition party who were chased by the government for searching for poneglyphs, thus they became the Nox Pirates. That's a story from about 15 years ago.
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And there are governments and organisations that penalise people by taking their lives
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for seeking out knowledge. 👆👇
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From Clover,
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to Nico Olvia,
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to Rayleigh,
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(Egghead Arc spoilers under the cut)
to Pedro,
to the giants (👇 read right to left),
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to Vegapunk
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the power and desire to learn about history is emphasised and
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(from chapter 396 👆)
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(from chapter 1066 👆)
and also acknowledged as a very dangerous undertaking.
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And even Cora talks to Law about
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the meaning behind the Will of D. not being lost, BUT "living on in the dark shadows of history around the world" (it's not easily seen either).
Like, knowing history and access to history/knowledge is one of the main themes of the manga. And Big Mom is a monster. And the World Government is a repressive monolith. And this guy (guy?) 👇:
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nuking places and people for not toeing the line, or for knowing too much; riddled with antipathy towards holders of the Will of D. and, with Artur's (Library of Ohara) claim (among others) that the ancient immense kingdom was formed by descendants of the D. clan (which is canon)—
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—then wouldn't you too be curious and more than a little pissed off that your curiosity could be the catalyst for persecution and genocide?
That searching for identity, roots...your reason for being, is not allowed? (Sound familiar?)
Like, those scholarly waters are nothing if not shark-infested.
Ultimately the pen (Robin's ability to read the poneglyphs, the scholars' meticulous research) probably will be mightier than the sword, and although bureaucracy can entrap, knowing how to read between the lines, or even to read them, can loosen the ties that bind, and help ensure they are not unfairly cast.
Keep fighting to study history, Law. I too want to know about the Will of D.
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thejournallo · 5 months
Explain the basic: Oils
Check out Part 1, which explains how to use the things down below. Disclaimer: All the things in this post are based on research and personal experience. As much as I could be a teacher, I suggest you find many resources for knowledge to develop your own experiences. Make sure you research the oils you buy/use because some oils can damage or hurt your skin in a really bad way. as well as some aromatherapy oils that can hurt your pet (if you have one).
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Types of oils
Anointing oils — A sacred oil that’s blessed and charged and specially formulated for a specific purpose, usually for people.
Carrier oils — Vegetable and mineral oils that are used to help dilute essential oils that could cause skin irritation.
Condition oils — Anointing or conjure oils used to help relieve or improve someone’s condition.
Conjure oils — A dressing oil from an ancient practice usually African, European, or Native American traditions. Often found in Hoodoo.
Dressing oils — Specially prepared oil applied to spell and ritual objects before using them to sanctify, charge, and prepare them for use.
Essential oils — Volatile, concentrated oils, with the characteristic scent of the plant/flower they are from.
Ritual oils — Oils used to anoint candles, ritual tools, material, furniture, money, and other such items, and then use to anoint the body are often also called anointing oils.
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Basic oils and their use:
Basil: Stimulates the mind, used in money-attracting oils, and encourages peace
Benzoin: Increases personal power and awakens the conscious mind
Bergamot: Money and protective rituals
Black Pepper: Protection and promotes courage
Chamomile: Meditation and inducing peace
Camphor: Purification and promoting celibacy
Cardamom: Energy to love and sexually oriented formulas
Cedarwood: Enhances spirituality
Cinnamon: Money and psychic awareness
Clove: Courage and protection
Coriander: Love and healing
Cypress: Blessing, consecration, and protection. Helps ease loss
Eucalyptus: All healing and purification.
Frankincense: Spirituality and meditation
Geranium: Happiness and protection
Ginger: Courage, love, money, and sexuality
Grapefruit: Purification
Jasmine: Love, psychic awareness, peace, spirituality, and sexuality
Juniper: Protection, purification, moon symbolism, and healing
Lavender: Health, love, peace, and consciousness
Lemon: Purification, healing, and lunar use
Lemongrass: Psychic awareness and purification
Lemon verbena: Love
Lime: Purification and protection
Lotus: Spirituality, healing, and meditation
Magnolia: Meditation, love, and psychic awareness
Myrrh: Spirituality, meditation, and healing
Neroli: Happiness and purification
Niaouli: Protection
Oakmoss: Attract money
Orange: Purification
Palma Rosa: Love and healing
Patchouli: Money, sex, and physical energy
Peppermint: Purification
Pine: Purification, protection, money, and healing
Rose: Love, peace, sexual desires, and enhancing beauty
Rosemary: Love and healing
Sandalwood: Spiritualty, meditation, sex, and healing
Tangerine: Sun symbol, power, and strength
Tonka: Money
Vetivert: Money
Yarrow: Love, courage, and psychic awareness
Ylang Ylang: Love, peace, and sex
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As always, I will love to hear your thoughts! and if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them! If you liked it, leave a comment or reblog (that is always appreciated!). if you are intrested in more method check the masterlist!
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katjohnadams · 10 months
The urPoyn Ambassador snarled out a greeting in the most sarcastic way it could. The Faenaran translator paled some, but translated the words, with a less... Aggressive tone.
The human Ambassador, an exceptionally tall woman with a muscular body, smiled. "Greetings to you, as well, Ambassador Kh'chtag. Thank you for meeting us during this cease fire. We were told you had plans to negotiate a permanent settlement about the planet we call Spite?"
Kova translated the human's words in urPoyn. The human pronunciation of the Ambassador's name was admirable, but the language was too utterly even for the famed human mimicry.
Kh'chtag grinned widely, showing their double rows of teeth as their mouth hung open. They virtually spat their response out.
In shock, the translator thought furiously. There was no way the urPoyn thought *humans* of all species would accept this. Another Federation member, perhaps. But not this one. Regardless, she mustered herself to translate the response.
"Yes. You can leave or let your flesh feed out broodlings." There was simply no way to translate that politically. They waited in fear of the human's response. The species was known to be highly aggressive when pushed and this? This was a "*push*".
Ambassador Ruiz kept smiling though, and replied almost sounding tired, or bored. "Ah, but that doesn't work for us. You see, our people are very fond of this planet and did all that work terraforming it into a home. Spite was a nasty little thing but it's cleaned up nice. And we're not willing to let it go."
The Faenaran stared for a moment. Was she serious? Kova translated the gutteral and relax reply to the urPoyn Ambassador and the response was as expected, angry.
"Do you mock us? This world is ours by right of conquest! We have taken most of the world and you are to surrender!"
The soldiers of both sides tensed. A lack of weapons meant nothing. Both Humans and urPoyn were known to be vicious in hand-to-hand combat.
The human Ambassador laughed. *Laughed.* She grinned back, her teeth not as intimidating but something about her eyes made up for it. "We will not. We understand that is your cultural norm, but it is not ours. Ours is simple, the planet is ours and we said no."
The quick, growling translation infuriated the urPoyn. They stood as tall as their legs allowed them and looked down on the otherwise impressively sized human. Kova rushed to translate as she could, trying to keep up with the angered urPoyn.
"'No' is unacceptable. We have split your blood and sanctified this world. It is ours now! Your children will weep, your civilians will be used as food, your soldiers will be ripped apart by our claws!" They smashed their fist on the table, send a crack into the wood.
The human Ambassador grinned viciously. She casually tugged her shirt over her head and threw it free. A simple undershirt covered her torso but her arms, her arms were magnificent, gleaming, deadly looking artificial limbs, with synth skin only covering her wrists and hands.
"I've already been torn apart by soldiers like yours. On ETN62590. We call it Bremin. Beautiful place before the urPoyn landed. I was in the first shock wave that went to push them back. The urPoyn that took of my arms were blown into very small pieces. Bremin, I remind you, is also *still ours*. How many urPoyn did we kill booting you off? Was it three or four million?"
Kova didn't get a chance to translate. The urPoyn Ambassador had understood this was no longer a negotiation but a challenge, and they accepted, leaping across the room.
In what looked like a practiced maneuver, all the human soldiers shed their jackets, revealing various prosthetic limbs of varying types, all previous victims of urPoyn victory rituals. The urPoyn and humans met in a rush and the humans produced hidden weapons, mostly small knives and small capacity repeaters. The urPoyn were eliminated suddenly and violently and the humans stood, congratulating each other, covered in the bloody, pink, hairy remains of their enemies whom they'd just cut, shot, and ripped apart.
Kova shook in fear and horror. The urPoyn were known to be the most violent of sentients, and they'd been annihilated by these wounded soldiers who, instead of being lessened decided to turn themselves into weapons and keep fighting.
The human Ambassador smiled at he Faenaran. "Sorry you had to see that."
The translator stammered before finally croaking out, "You aren't actually an Ambassador, are you?"
The human tipped her head to one side and chuckled. "All fleet Admirals are Ambassadors as well, by default. I was just best equipped to 'negotiate' with the urPoyn. Speaking of which..." She pulled her communicator off her belt and flipped it open. "This is Admiral Ruiz. All force authorized."
High above, the human ships attacked again, taking the urPoyn by surprise. Kinetic slugs and nuclear x-ray warheads lanced across the sky of the little planet called Spite. On the ground, human forces advanced suddenly and with renewed violence. The urPoyn lines broke immediately.
Later, as the Federation civilians began reclaiming their world, there would be stories told of how the humans had simply smiled at the urPoyn and said, "No."
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 2 months
several sentences sunday
tagged by @tizniz @daffi-990 @wikiangela @devirnis @elvensorceress @thekristen999 @lemonzestywrites @spotsandsocks @hoodie-buck
thank you lovelies! <3
another snippet from calls fic which i think is just gonna haunt me forever asdfghjkl
“You good?” Eddie asks when it’s been silent for too long, praying that the complexities swirling inside him aren’t present in his voice. If anyone could hear them, it would be Buck.
“What? Yeah, yeah, sorry, just–tired.”
Eddie is pretty sure tired isn’t what Buck was originally going to say.
Buck has the uncanny ability to steer people, including himself, away from what’s really going on inside his head, masterful at the craft of saying things that aren’t necessarily true but aren’t exactly lies either, euphemisms spilling from his mouth like sanctified honesty, so very hard not to believe.
And Eddie has learned how to navigate this for the most part, knows when he needs to push and when he needs to hold back, knows when Buck wants him to offer something he can take whether it’s advice or sympathy or an opinion and when Buck needs him to deflect, to amuse, to lighten their circumstances enough that Buck can breathe.
Admittedly, Eddie doesn’t always do what Buck wants or needs in these situations, because he is only human and stubborn and willful and at times dangerously affirmed of his own thoughts and occasionally frustrated easily enough that he will give no thought to how he should structure his sentences, often straddling the line between being careful with Buck but also not treating him like he’s fragile, but right now, well, right now Eddie has the feeling that a strong gust of wind could knock Buck over, so he treads delicately.
“I, uh–” Buck coughs and there’s some rustling in the background, a familiar enough sound that lets Eddie know Buck is currently sitting on his couch. “I just got home and realized I kinda forgot about our usual Thursday dinner.”
Eddie tuts as loud as he can into the phone, leaning back against the counter so it digs into the bottom of his back. “A truly unforgivable offense, Buckley. Not sure how Chris and I will recover.”
Banter is easiest. Banter he can do. It’s the thing they use most often with each other, because it’s fun, yes, but also because it’s the only thing they really know how to do properly. They can fully lean into it because there are no expectations or consequences, it’s just–them, being silly and teasing because it makes the other feel better and because anything else might be too soft or too harsh to bear.
tagging @spaceprincessem @bucktits @shitouttabuck @911onabc @try-set-me-on-fire @rewritetheending @sibylsleaves @messyhairdiaz @bvckandeddie @loserdiaz @rogerzsteven @shyaudacity @buddierights @monsterrae1 @gayedmundodiaz @heartshapedvows @wh0re-behavi0r @thewolvesof1998 @sunshinediaz @jeeyuns @spagheddiediaz @exhuastedpigeon @butchdiaz @bucks118 and anyone else who wants to share!
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queenofwhoredom · 3 months
I love how every time someone asks for my IG, I always have to justify myself on why I don’t have an IG account. People’s reactions often go from “oh wow”, to “why” and finally “but how do you communicate with people then?”. I think in way this is also very scary as people believe it is acceptable to get access to a part of your life without actually making the effort to really get to know you. I think gaining access to one’s life is a matter of effort, time and dedication. It is actually a privilege to get to know someone, and I do think we should sanctify the act of getting to know someone. People ask for your socials without even asking about your favourite colour, your favourite holiday destination nor the name of your dog first (sometimes nor even your name lol).
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matan4il · 6 months
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Judaism is a native religion and identity, so like all indigenous religions, it has ALWAYS sanctified the bond between the tribe and its ancestral land:
* Jews, no matter where around the world we are, pray in the direction of the Hebrew Temple in Jerusalem.
* Israel, Jerusalem, and Zion are mentioned in the Hebrew Bible hundreds of times, often in connection to the importance of the bond between the land and the Jewish people.
* The Hebrew calendar and Jewish holidays are based on the agricultural year as experienced in the Land of Israel. For example, we celebrate Shavu'ot, the Jewish festival of the harvest, during the Hebrew month of Sivan, which is roughly around the Gregorian month of June. In Australia, June is the rainiest month of the year, with severe temperature drops, absolutely not the right time for the harvest. But Australian Jews still celebrate Shavu'ot at the same time as all other Jews, around June. Because we ALL honor and preserve the agricultural cycle of our ancestors in Israel.
* Many Jewish prayers express a desire to return to Israel, for example with the phrase, "Next year in Jerusalem."
Here's a greeting card, drawn at Linz, a Nazi concentration camp in Austria, which was turned into a DP (displaced persons) camp at the end of the war. The card features the above three Hebrew words (you can see the freed prisoners of the camp on the left, heading towards a land with palm trees on the right, with one of the buildings having a Star of David on top):
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* The holiest site for Jewish people in the entire world is the thousands of years old Temple Mount in Jerusalem, where the Jewish temple stood, in Israel.
* Several Jewish holidays explicitly celebrate the Zionist notion, meaning the importance of the bond between the Jews and the Land of Israel. Hanukkah is a celebration of the native Jews fighting off the Greek occupying forces, and re-establishing Jewish sovereignty in Israel, and the freedom from religious persecution this allowed Jews, by re-dedicating the Hebrew Temple in Jerusalem to Jewish worship, after it was defiled by the Greeks (including by re-lighting the Temple Menorah). Passover celebrates the deliverance of the Jews from Egypt, and the start of their journey back home, to their ancestral land in Israel, with the Passover meal ceremony including thanking God for bringing Jews back to Israel, and for building the Temple in Jerusalem for them.
* The language of the Jewish people is Hebrew, which is the last Canaanite language, the last of the languages spoken by the native peoples of Israel. Hebrew is specifically tied to the geography of Israel. For example, in the Bible, the Hebrew word for "west" is also the Hebrew word for "sea," because Israel's western border is the Mediterranean Sea. Similarly, the Hebrew word for "south" is also the Hebrew name of the desert that makes up the southern part of Israel, the Negev. Every Jewish language, which developed in the diaspora (such as Yiddish and Ladino), features words borrowed from Hebrew.
Here's an Israeli poster made in 1949, honoring "Sea Day" and featuring a part of a biblical verse (Genesis 28, verse 14): "And your seed shall be as the sand of the earth, and you will spread to the sea and to the east, to the north and to the Negev, and blessed in you and in your seed will be all the families of the Earth."
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* Among the 613 Jewish mitzvahs, religious decrees that Jews must observe, one explicitly states that whenever possible, Jews should strive to live on their ancestral land in Israel. This is called in Hebrew, "mitzvat yishuv Eretz Yisrael."
* Among the 613 mitzvahs, there are 26 mitzvahs that can only be observed while living in the Land of Israel. These are called in Hebrew, "mitzvot ha'tluiot ba'aretz."
* Jewish homes have included for centuries a decorative piece hung on the eastern wall, and called "mizrach" (the Hebrew word for "east"), because that was the direction of Israel to most Jews. It usually included a biblical verse in Hebrew, often one that either mentions the east, Israel or Jerusalem, and also illustrations of Jerusalem or Israel.
Here's an 18th or 19th century mizrach from Germany:
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* In Jewish synagogues, especially in Europe, the eastern wall was the most important one, because it was the one facing Israel. This wall was called, "kotel ha'mizrach" which means in Hebrew "the wall of the east."
* Oh, but the word "kotel" refers specifically to the walls of the Temple Mount. For example, the Western Wall, the only one of the Temple Mount's four walls accessible to Jews for centuries (and therefore the plaza in front of it became the second holiest place to Jews, after the Temple Mount itself) is called in Hebrew, "ha'kotel" (the wall). So why would a synagogue wall be referred to as "kotel" as well? Because every Jewish synagogue is called "mikdash me'at," a lesser temple. Every Jewish synagogue is a reminder and placeholder for the destroyed Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.
* Accordingly, many Jewish synagogues feature reminders of the Beit Ha'Mikdash (the Hebrew Temple). For example, this holy ark, from a synagogue in Romania, which survived the Holocaust, and is today presented at Yad Vashem (Israel's national Holocaust museum), includes two pillars on its sides, a reminder of the Temple in Jerusalem's pillars believed to have been build by King Solomon. The holy ark's pillars are named exactly like the Temple's two pillars, Boaz and Yachin. This holy ark also features two hands, they're meant to be the high priest's, while he's performing the priestly blessing, an ancient Jewish ceremony that was conducted on the steps of the Temple in Jerusalem.
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* In fact, over the centuries, one of the most prominent Jewish symbols is the menorah, which is a reflection of the candelabra eternally lit in the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.
The Temple Menorah being stolen by the occupying Romans, as seen on the Titus Arch in Rome:
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The menorah as incorporated into jewelery, as a Jewish symbol, goes back thousands of years:
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* For centuries, Jews created Jewish art and culture, which expressed Zionist longing. For example, the Sephardi doctor, philosopher and poet Rabbi Yehuda Ha'Levi writes what is maybe the most famous of the "Zion poems" while living in Islamic-occupied Spain: "My heart is in the East, and I am at the end of west / How shall I taste what I eat, and how should it be an enjoyable taste? / How shall I repay my vows and commitments, while / Zion is in the ropes of Edom, and I am in the bonds of Arabia? / It would be easy for me to leave all of the good of Spain, just like / It would be precious to me to witness the ashes of a ruined temple."
* In 1140, Rabbi Yehuda Ha'Levi finally fulfilled his wish, and boarded a ship for the Land of Israel. We don't know what happened to him, but the phrasing in a Hebrew letter, written by Jews who knew him, and found in Egypt, implies that he was murdered. For almost 2,000 years, it was dangerous for Jews to try and return to Israel, and it certainly wasn't possible on the scale of a national movement. Jews knew it was dangerous. And yet for centuries, despite that, individual Jews like Rabbi Yehuda Ha'Levi persisted in attempting this return. This is a part of Jewish history. It's not just that there was a small number of Jews, who managed to remain in Israel despite the repeated expulsions and massacres of Jews from our land, it's also that there was a small number of Jews who dared attempt the return to Israel continuously, over centuries, and neither of these things would have happened had Judaism not been Zionist. Always.
* For centuries, every Jewish wedding includes a part, where the groom recites an oath of loyalty and longing for Jerusalem. The text itself is taken from the Bible, from the second part of Psalms 137: "If I forget you, Jerusalem, let my right hand forget itself, let my tongue be glued to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, if I do not raise Jerusalem at the height of my joy."
* For centuries, every Jewish wedding included a symbolic reminder of the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, and our ancestors' following expulsion from the Land of Israel, by breaking a cup made of glass.
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* For centuries, many Jewish homes featured an unfinished patch, as a similar reminder. I'm a secular Jew, but my real life bestie is religious, and her house has a hole in the eastern wall, intentionally left there.
* In fact, the destruction of the Temple, and the following expulsion of the Jewish people from Israel, is SUCH a traumatic and significant event for the Jewish faith, that there is a religious national day of mourning every year, on the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av (the date when Jews believe the first Temple was destroyed in Jerusalem by the Babylonian occupiers, and the second one, re-built after an expulsion and return of the Jews from Babylon to their native land, was destroyed by the Roman occupiers), when Jews fast.
* Ethiopian Jews, who were probably the most disconnected Jewish community along the centuries, have a special holiday, called Sigd. This name is derived from the Hebrew word for worship or prostration, "sgida." It features asking God to return them to Israel. Since the state of Israel has helped the Ethiopian Jewish community to return to this land, starting in 1982, it has become a part of Sigd to celebrate it specifically in Jerusalem.
The Ethiopian Jewish community celebrating Sigd in Jerusalem:
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* In fact, the three major Jewish holidays, other than Yom Kippur, are also called "the three pilgrimages" ("shloshet ha'regalim"), because while the Temple stood in Jerusalem, they included all Jews coming there to celebrate the holiday together. These three holidays are Sukkot, Pesach (Passover) and Shavu'ot.
Here's a piece of art depicting Jews in antiquity, coming from all over Israel to the Temple in Jerusalem for sholoshet ha'regalim:
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* The Hebrew Bible itself expresses the Jewish Zionist longing, the desire of the Jews to return to their ancestral land no matter what, after they were expelled by the Babylonians from Israel, the same desire that drove their return from their first exile, as recorded in the Bible, and supported by historical documents and archaeological finds. Here's the first part of Psalms 137:
Upon the rivers of Babylon, there we sat, and we wept, as we remembered Zion. On willows there we hung our harps, because there our captors asked us for songs, and our tormentors for joy. "Sing to us from the song of Zion!" How shall we sing God's song on foreign soil?
and here's the craziest thing about this list: there's a good chance I forgot some stuff.
This is posted in honor of the first candle of Hanukkah tonight, and the many Tumblr antisemites, who distort Jewish identity and history by claiming Zionism is incompatible with or has nothing to do with Judaism, people who in the name of anti-Zionism celebrated the biggest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, who ignore Jews pointing out that anti-Zionism is inherently antisemitic, who prove it by going out of their way to deny Jewish native rights, and who think posting "Happy Hanukkah to my Jewish followers!" (as if Hanukkah isn't a Zionist holiday) covers up their antisemitism.
Happy Jewish sovereignty in Israel holiday to all who celebrate Hanukkah! I hope you really enjoy its foods! xoxox
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(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
One hundred days.
It's been 100 days since terrorists invaded my homeland, the Jewish people's only home, Israel.
It's been 100 days since hundreds of Israelis were taken hostage.
It's been 100 days of war and sorrow and uncertainty.
But after these 100 days, the one thing I am certain about—that I've always been certain about, and have seen more than ever in the days since Oct. 7—is that the Jewish state and the Jewish people have true friends in Christians around the world.
That's why it has been so unsettling to see anti-Semitism being spread in the name of Christianity—by those on the fringes, and those in mainstream media. But you know who has notbeen fooled by these lies?
Israel has more than 700 million Christian friends worldwide. As people who value human life—in this fight against those who don't hold life sacred, we all—Christians and Jews—must take a stand now, before it's too late. The time to stand for Israel and the Jewish people in now,as hateful and dangerous anti-Semitism has risen by nearly 400 percent in the 100 days since Hamas' attacks on the Jewish people.
During these 100 days of war, I've been shocked to see centuries-old blood libels revived, which have always been intended to divide the Christian and Jewish communities and make them see one another as enemies: "The Jews killed Jesus..." (...no, the Romans did).
Over these past 100 days, I've also seen new anti-Semitic theories spread like wildfire, all of them, too, based on historical inaccuracies—including Munther Isaac in the New York Times and Father Edward Beck on CNN both saying that if Jesus were born today, he'd be a Palestinian (...no, Jesus was a Jew, born in what the Bible calls the Land of Israel, more than 100 years before Judea was named Palestine by the Romans).
As I've heard these dangerous, harmful, evil anti-Semitic tropes spewed, it makes me wonder why Jesus' own people—the Jewish people—are being attacked in his name.
Because today, Jesus would be a Jewish citizen of the Jewish state—the only country in the Middle East where the Christian population is growing, up 1.3 percent from the year before, with 187,900 Christians living in freedom. More than 20 percent of Israel's population is not Jewish and enjoys full legal equality.
Jesus today, would be proud to be an Israeli.
Today, the Jewish Jesus certainly wouldn't live in or even be allowed to visit biblical places like Gaza or Jericho or Bethlehem—these are places in which no Israelis are able to enter.
And like Israelis of all faiths—Jewish, Christian, and Muslim—Jesus would be in the middle of this ongoing war, spending time in a bomb shelter as terrorist rockets have targeted nearly every city in the Holy Land, including Jesus' hometown of Nazareth, these past 100 days.
One reason I am shocked, terrified, and outraged that such antisemitism is spreading is because Jewish-Christian relations have come so far. Bridges built on faith and fellowship have ended what have been centuries of distrust and worse. For the first time in history, millions of Christians and Jews are standing shoulder-to-shoulder in shared Judeo-Christian values we hold sacred. I guess it makes sense that the terrorists and the forces of darkness are trying to destroy what we, as people of faith in a loving God who sanctifies life, have achieved.
But those evil forces will never win. Today more than ever, millions of Christian friends around the world do stand for Israel.
Millions of Christians have stood with Israel—with their prayers and their support—during this war. Instead of joining the trending calls for Israel's destruction, they're praying for our strength and our success in wiping out Hamas, the modern day Amalek.
Millions of Christian friends of the Jewish people act by boldly rejecting the anti-Semitic lies being spread and by speaking up and spreading the truth about Israel.
No longer will a huge portion of the Christian community be fooled by hatred and lies, nor will they be fooled into spreading them. Israel's Christian friends are too committed to spreading love and support for their Jewish brothers and sisters, as they fight for survival in the only Jewish homeland.
The rising anti-semitism across the globe, only serves as a stark reminder to us all, why the Jewish people need a safe haven.
In Israel, it has been a beacon of hope for all of us, to see how millions of Christians love, pray, and act for Israel during our fight for survival, as enemies on every side try to destroy the land of the Jewish people, the Promised Land of the Bible.
No longer will Christians and Jews be separated by lies and hatred. Today, we stand unified.
These past 100 days, as Israel's enemies have chanted, "from the river to the sea," Israel's millions of Christian friends continue the same chorus to which they've been committed for more than 75 years:
Never again.
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