#if anyone heard him being called that he'd probably never be allowed to live it down
jae-bummer · 9 months
The Color of Love
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Request: If you're still accepting requests with that prompt list, I'd absolutely love to request 11/soulmate au with Jooheon if possible! 🥺 There are never enough MX fics, especially not adorable fluffy ones!
11) Soulmate AU
Pairing: Monsta X Jooheon x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Every love story was different, but always held the same three characteristics.
It could be ANYONE. Literally any person you pass on the street could be your soulmate. Didn't feel tiny in the expansive universe already?
It could happen at ANY time. Fifth grade math lesson? Accidental shoulder check at the grocery store? Awkward doctor's appointment? There was no telling where love would rear its ugly head.
Love in this new age? It always started with a burst of color.
"All I could see was this bright green going from my hand down my forearm," your best friend, Mina, rushed out excitedly. "It almost made me drop the weight I was holding."
"That's great, babe," you smiled, trying to be happy for her. "Who is the lucky guy?"
"His name is Hajoon," she continued dreamily. "I guess he'd seen me at the gym before but was too scared to say anything. Isn't that adorable?"
You would probably be going to Hell for not being over the moon for your best friend, but it was hard when you were still waiting.
Society put such an emphasis on finding your soulmate, it was impossible to think of much else. Going about your day, you tried to pay attention to who you brushed past or made casual physical contact with. That's how you would know.
When you touched your soulmate, color would bloom across your skin at the point of impact.
"Super cute," you sighed, avoiding eye contact. "So he saw you start to struggle and saved the day by spotting you?"
"Mhm," she hummed. "As soon as his fingers touched the back of my hand, it was like someone threw dye onto our arms. It was the craziest thing!"
"Sounds beautiful," you nodded, giving your best effort at a smile.
Clocking your failed attempts at support, Mina smiled sadly in return. "It's going to happen for you soon. I can feel it."
"Can you pass some of that feeling to me?" you grumbled. "I'd prefer not to ruin such a big day for my best friend."
"Hush," she cooed, wrapping an arm around you. "You haven't ruined anything. Sour mood or not, I have some good news."
"What's that?"
"Hajoon works for an entertainment company," she nodded. "He's an executive-"
"Cute AND rich?" you teased. "That IS some excellent news for you."
Smacking at your leg, Mina continued. "He asked if I wanted to go to a concert put on by his work. We have plans to meet up after, but do you want to go to the concert with me? He said I could bring a friend while he's working backstage on things."
"Why not?" you sighed. "Maybe I'll get elbowed in the crowd and accidentally find my soulmate."
"That's the spirit!"
A few days later, you allowed Mina to get you dressed up, acting as her doll for the night. You could admit that you were going through the motions as you followed her to the venue. Determined to make sure it was a good night for her, you put on as bright of a smile as you could when she handed you a light stick.
"The group is called Monsta X," she instructed. "They have six members, and their music is really exciting."
"Got it," you nodded, positive you had listened to their songs before. "Who's my favorite?"
"Not Hyungwon," she grinned. "He's my favorite."
"Point him out to me so I know to stay clear," you chuckled.
"We also have a high touch after," she said brightly, tugging you through the crowd.
"High touch," you confirmed, searching your brain for what exactly that meant. "Can't wait."
"You're going to have fun," Mina said slowly, looking over her shoulder at you. "I promise."
And she was right, the show was a blast. You had never experienced a live concert like Monsta X's before. The energy of the crowed literally radiated through your body. You were right that you had heard some of their music before and sang along to all of the songs you knew. Being lost in the crowd that was all feeling the same electricity was incredible. It's like you were one giant, synchronous being.
After the show, you were a bit flustered from all the activity, nearly forgetting you had a chance to meet the idols before leaving (yes, you did break down and ask Mina what exactly a high touch was). Allowing her to once again navigate you to where you needed to be, it wasn't long before you were thrust in front of the very men you had been howling at only minutes before.
Pushing you in front of her, Mina pointed to the first member facing your way for the high touch. "That's Hyungwon."
Assessing him, you could easily see why he was her favorite. Handsome was an understatement, this man was ethereal. "Yeeaah he is."
"Y/N," your friend giggled, giving you a slight push. Taking the few steps forward, you slapped your hand in his for a high five. The moment lasted only seconds but there was a bit of a rush to meeting a celebrity.
Next came a tall, tan, and buff member you would later learn was Shownu.
After, you locked eyes with the third member, remembering him as one of the vibrant mood makers of the group. He had been incredible on stage.
As your hand skid across his, you shot back with a gasp.
"Yah!" the member shouted, hopping backwards as well. His focus ricocheted from his palm to yours, mouth completely agape. Looking down in fascination, colors began to wrap around his wrist and trickle down his arm.
Shocked by what was happening, you glanced down at your own arm as well, getting lost in the cloud-like imagery blossoming across your skin.
Gasps erupted around you by both spectators and other Monsta X members. You couldn't help but feel like you did something wrong. Like you weren't allowed to have someone so interesting and good looking as a soulmate.
This simply could not be possible.
"Hey!" Jooheon yelled, bringing your attention back to him. He wasn't talking to you, but shouting at a staff member while aggressively waving them over. "Yo!"
Snapping out of it a bit, you took another step back, only to be slightly held up by Mina behind you. This was sensory overload to the nth degree.
"Y/N," she hissed, her own eyes darting across the scene. "Did...did you just sync up with Jooheon? Is he your soulmate?"
Jooheon. You had never heard his name before, but it just sounded right.
"I...I think so," you managed, not entirely believing what was happening.
A staff member had finally appeared, listening to Jooheon as he rapid-fired the situation to his manager. Occasionally shooting looks of surprise your way, he didn't stop talking until they had both sidled up to you.
"We're stepping away from the high touch," his manager explained, taking you by the elbow and guiding you towards an adjacent hallway. "The fan meet will continue without Joohoney."
"That's not fair," you said slowly, shaking your head. Glancing to the man you assumed you were tied to for life now, you heaved a sigh. "Your fans have waited so long for you."
Looking helplessly back and forth between you and his manager, Jooheon croaked. "But you're my soulmate."
"I'm not saying I'm going to disappear," you smiled reassuringly. "I'll just wait until you're done. I've waited this long."
Giving a curt nod, Jooheon's eyes searched your face for a moment. His lips pulled into a slow smile before he reached up, giving your nose a boop. Immediately, his manager's jaw dropped, presumably as color stretched across the middle of your face.
Pleased with himself, Jooheon turned on his heel and took up his spot behind the table again. Maintaining eye contact with you, he offered a dazzling smile.
"Alright," his manager breathed out on a sigh. "Let's get you backstage, shall we?"
Lost in your phone, trying to explain what was going on to the friend you had abandoned, you almost didn't notice him walk in.
Hearing the quiet click of the door closing, your head immediately snapped up to see Jooheon leaning against the entrance. His expression was full of hope, with a fringe of excitement. You could tell he was trying to reign in his enthusiasm. Judging by how hard he went on the stage; he seemed like a very reactive person. This quiet and careful side of him wasn't something you had really expected.
You supposed you had a lot to learn.
Crossing the room slowly, he took a seat on the coffee table in front of the couch you were sitting on. He bracketed your knees with his, creating an intimate space between the two of you.
Without hesitation, he took your hands gently between his, a light purple color already blooming from your fingertips. "Y/N, right?"
You barely remembered telling his manager your name, so he likely got passed the information.
"That's me."
"My soulmate."
You nodded weakly, looking from your joined hands and back up to his face. He smiled again before lifting your fingers to his mouth and kissing each tip in turn. As he did, it was like dropping food coloring into a glass of water. Different hues clouded out of your joints and went swirling around your skin. It was one of the most beautiful things you had ever seen.
Glancing up, you were immediately struck by the bright blue peppering Jooheon's mouth like ink blots. Slowly the color started to fade as your skin had lost contact with his mouth, but you still felt mesmerized by the whole experience.
"You're so beautiful," you said quietly, your eyes locking on his.
He gave you a close-lipped smile before tilting his head. Narrowing his eyes, he lifted his arm, and traced a small line on your cheekbone. You didn't have to see the result yourself to know that the visual had just as much of an effect on him as it did you.
"This is beautiful," he finally responded, dropping his hands to gather yours again. "I don't think I'll ever get tired of it."
"Me either," you breathed.
"I guess it gives me an excuse to hold your hand," he grinned, his eyes disappearing as it grew.
"You didn't need an excuse in the first place!" you laughed. "You're my soulmate now. You can hold my hand whenever you want."
"My soulmate," he whispered again. Each time he had voiced the words, there was a constant undertone of wonder.
"I don't think I'll get tired of hearing you say that," you chuckled, sure a blush was blazing across your face.
Jooheon furrowed his brows in thought. "Did you come to the show today as a fan? Was I your favorite?"
You coughed out a surprised laugh.
"It would be really awkward if you had a different favorite. If it was someone else, don't tell me who...
Okay, who was it?"
You continued to laugh as you shook your head. "I was only ever a casual fan. My friend had tickets and insisted I tag along. I promise I will be a Monbebe going forward, and you will always be my favorite."
"Damn right," he muttered. "And stay away from Minhyuk. He's more charming than I'd ever admit to him, and I don't want you getting caught in his cute little clutches."
"I will remain unshaken in my loyalty," you affirmed with a smirk. Plus, you had no idea who Minhyuk was, so that helped.
It was crazy to think of. If Mina didn't bring you here today, would you have ever discovered that Jooheon existed? Let alone that he was your soulmate?
You didn't want to think too hard on it. The universe worked in mysterious ways that you didn't expect to ever be privy to.
"So..." you hummed, glancing at Jooheon through your lashes. "What now?"
"Everything," he grinned, squeezing your hand. "We only have forever to figure out what happens next."
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sillywillybillywilly · 4 months
Family dinner
When Gabriel suggested everyone got together, naturally, Adam and Micheal thought he was joking. Until they got a letter saying to meet up at the bunker and saying that everyone would be there, even the Winchesters. This meant that Adam and Micheal would have to be in seperate vessels for the day. (Yes I know I'm a huge hypocrite)
They both hated being in seperate vessels. Although Micheal was still able to take over Adam again while still maintaining his vessel it just felt wrong to be seperate. After a while of talking about it they went over to the bunker. Micheal was able to get them there in seconds. (Thank archangels.)
The way Micheal manifested himself allowed him to still have physical touch and be heard and seen so he technically still was with Adam but more separate. It was really a vessel though, just a strong manifestation. The manifestation looked like what Micheal would look like if he was human. Black hair, light blue eyes, about 6,2 and skin that's just right perfectly in between pale and tan.
"You ready?" Adam looked at Micheal as they stood outside the door. Surely the archangels must've sensed Micheal at this point. Micheal nodded and they both walked in. Immediately Micheal was greeted with a tackle hug from Gabriel and a heavy pat on the back. "Mikey!! How you been?" naturally Adam went to the side to clear a path for Gabriel to jump. Micheal hug Gabriel back a warm smile that he only had on his face when talking about his brothers.
"I've been well. And you?" Micheal asked. Gabriel pulled away and sighed dramatically. "Such a bad year..lost my crops, the wife," he went on. That was basically his way of saying that the year could've been better but he had fun. "So what's with the new suit?" Gabriel looked Micheal up and down then winced. "Things didn't work out with the wife for you either?" he said between his teeth.
Micheal smiled slightly at Gabriel's comment then turned to Adam, "this is temporary. Brother, this is my human." although it may sound weird, Micheal often referred to Adam as his human. Better then what other angels call their humans though. Gabriel made a silly little surprised face and walked over to Adam. Adam gave his usual smile. "It's so nice to finally meet my big bros boytoy!"
"It's nice to finally meet my archangels little brother" Gabriel smiled. They both shared some sort of the same energy. Gabriel liked Adam. "Oh hey, Winchesters, living room" Gabriel said pointing the the direction of the room. Adam rolled his eyes and said he'd be back to Micheal then left. Micheal was about to leave to greet the others as well before Gabriel stopped him. "I'm happy for ya Mikey. He's a good guy. And an even better one for putting up with your doucheness" Gabriel joked. He patted Micheal on the back. Then he, himself left. And so did Micheal.
[Sam and Dean]
"Wait so you're actually staying with him? After everything?" dean was more upset than Sam. At least Sam could sorta understand. Dean just couldn't. "Everything you weren't there for?" Adam had been sitting on the couch and Dean had been standing in front of him. Sam was sitting on the other chair. "Adam- he's an archangel! Angel's are douches and powerful and dangerous-" Adam scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"What it's not true?" Dean said crossing his arms. "He's never been a threat to me." Adam looked dean straight in the eyes. "Oh so what? You think you're special?" Sam looked up to step in. "Dean- we've gotta see it this way. Adam knows Micheal better than probably anyone else. He'd know if he was a danger or not." Adam made a gesture when Sam finished that meant 'exactly.' Dean shook his head and stormed out. Sam looked over at Adam with that sorry look.
"So you're choosing to stay with the human." raphael looked somewhat disappointed and surprised. Micheal didn't answer but raphael knew that meant yes. "I thought you hated humans." he added. "And I do. But Adams different." raphael shook his head.
Honestly it didn't feel like this was going well. Until Micheal felt a hand on his shoulder. When he looked down at raphael he was pulled into a tight tight hug. "You're as stubborn as a mile brother. There's no changing your mind." raphael pulled away then looked up at Micheal. "But you're also smart and untrusting. If you trust that hairless- Adam, then I'm sure he's a good man."
Micheal nodded. "He is." Raphael smiled. He looked at Micheal for a few seconds, "he's in the garden. Go talk to him brother." he spoke. Out of all of his brothers, raphael knew how to read people's thoughts just by their faces the best. "Thank you." Micheal said before leaving. Raphael nodded.
Micheal walked out and saw Lucifer standing there. Obviously waiting for Micheal. Archangels always sense each other when they're around. He turned to look at Micheal and grinned but not in the malicious way he usually does. More in a 'can't believe you actually came' kinda way.
"Lucifer." Micheal walked towards him. Lucifer didn't even flinch. He kept the same grin. "New suit?" Lucifer spoke. "Temporary." they both stared at each other for a bit. "You doin alright?" Lucifer asked simply. Micheal nodded. "And you?" Lucifer sighed dramatically. Lucifer had the closet connection with Gabriel so Gabriel picked up a lot of Lucifer's things. "Well, more or less"
"Still with Adam huh?" Lucifer looked Micheal up and down. "How'd you know?" Micheal asked. "You're happier Mike, you look more free" a while ago Micheal was as stiff as a metal pole and as controlled as a toy car. Lucifer knew that. "Hate the hairless apes but if you like him" Lucifer patted Micheal on the back.
"He's good Lucifer." Micheal assured. Lucifer nodded. "I know he is big guy. Good for you" he reached up to ruffle Micheals hair which got him a knock on the back of the head. Although people like to say Lucifer and Micheal don't like each other, they do. They're brothers they have to.
[Castiel and Jack]
"Uncle Micheal!" Jack ran to hug Micheal and Micheal picked him up. A while back they were able to revert Jack back to his child state, Micheal helped in that. "Micheal. Adam." Castiel greeted them. Jack was able to pull Castiel out of the empty and restore his full power. "Hey Cas, I assume you know about the whole me and Micheal thing?"Castiel nodded. Micheal handed Jack over to Adam and walked out simply. He and Castiel hadn't fixed each others relationships quite yet.
"Touchy isn't he?" Adam said awkwardly. "I understand. I did Molotov him and being burned with holy fire is like being boiled alive then tossed into a meat grinder." Adam didn't know what exactly to say to that so he just let an 'oh' slip out silently.
[The living room]
They had all decided to watch Gabriel do stupid things then watch a movie. Remember what I said about the archangels being clingly to each other? Well, by the end of the night, Gabriel had chosen to sleep out of boredom using Micheal's lap as a pillow, Lucifer had been sitting on the floor next to Gabriel, Raphael had been being used by Gabriel as a foot rest, Castiel had been on the floor with Jack who was now asleep, Sam had been dead asleep for about an hour leaning on dean, dean had been asleep for probably three hours sitting on the couch and Adam had been leaning on Micheal having his nose dig into Micheal's neck.
"We got the closure we need?" Adam asked in a groggy tone.
"Yes we did Adam." Micheal offered one of his rare smiles. This was peaceful. His brothers and his human.
Oh and the Winchesters but who really cares about them right?
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armpirate · 5 days
Soundleasure | Choi San || CH. 20
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Pairings: Soft!San x fem!reader || Strangers to lovers, fake dating
Genre: smut, angst, fluff, online sex, ghosting
Warnings: inexperienced!San, fem!reader, masturbation, online sex, camboy, first times.
Summary: You can do whatever you please and be whoever you want on the Internet. And San knew that a little bit too well.
After finally following all the signs the universe was throwing at him, he started living a double life that no one was aware of. Everyone in his daily life knew him as Choi San, the reserved and quiet boy who wouldn't raise his voice, and would barely communicate with anyone outside of his comfort group. But only a few knew him as Soundleasure, the man with a sexy voice and a filthy mind that had their toes curling just with his narrations.
He never thought of the possibility of those two lives ever meeting, he had always tried for them to follow a parallel route and had always played safe to keep his friends from ever suspecting that side even existed. But his plans will start to crumble when he gets a little too close with one of his subscribers and she invades his real-self and altergo's universes without being able to stop it.
Y/n will not only help him to keep his secret from his circle, but will also show him there's more of Soundleasure in him than he'd like to admit. 
Previous || Next
Aprox. time of reading: 18 minutes
Chapter warnings: Oral sex (male receiving), dirty talk
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San noticed something strange on Y/n when they stopped to have the sandwiches they prepared the previous night for lunch. It wasn't something strange, but it just shocked him to see her sitting with the girls, with the big difference that she didn't turn to him not even once. She was also playing with her food, separating the extreme of the sandwich to take a look inside, and move it back to where it was while she pretended to focus back on the conversation the girls were having. She probably fooled them, but San could tell her laugh was fake, just using it to hide the fact that she wasn't even listening to what they were saying.
Once they were back on the trail, he tried to walk forward to where she was, being called out by Yunho from behind.
—Give her some space.
—Do we have to remind you how you were with Iseul when you started dating? This isn't new —Mingi fought back for San.
—Are you defending San? —Jongho asked, surprised.
—Not really. I owe him fifty bucks —he whispered—. If he heard me, he probably would let it pass.
Yunho simply rolled his eyes, focusing back on the trail as he was not surprised in the slightest at what Mingi was doing.
San held her arm carefully as soon as he reached where she was, getting her eyes to move away from him when she was aware of who it was. After being aware as well, the girls walked a little bit faster to give them the small privacy they could have, by being surrounded by people, allowing them to speak freely.
—Are you okay? —he suddenly asked.
—Yeah, I am —she assured him—. Why?
—You didn't touch your food —he answered, insisting on looking at her to earn one look in his direction—. If you aren't feeling well, I can carry you to the parking lot and call a cab so you don't have to drive to the hospital. No one will know what it is about.
Those words only made her feel more guilty. He was such a genuine and caring person... It only proved to her Wooyoung's words about him, and how she was in no place to play with him in any way.
—San, I'm okay. It's something else —she whispered, lowering her gaze to the floor—. I'll tell you when we're alone.
Looking over her shoulder, she noticed his friends curiously peeking at them. And it was obvious that their body language was screaming about the big issues that were going on between them, as much as Y/n wanted to hide it.
—If they ask you though, tell them that I was dizzy or something —she suggested—. That way they won't tease you about this.
The rest of the walk to the parking lot was in silence, just them walking quietly next to each other, holding back everything that was going through their heads, while the only thing they wanted was to speak up about it.
—Thanks for saving all of our things here —Jongho mentioned taking out his bag and Mingi's.
—My feet are burning —Hongjoong complained, supporting his weight on the side of her car.
—Take a hot bath when we get back home —Seonghwa suggested—. And think about working out or doing some sport, this is because you're turning into a couch potato.
—I'm turning into what?
Wooyoung hadn't known her for long, but he was able to tell there was something wrong with the way she was acting. She went from being an easy-going person to a quiet one in less than four hours. If that bickering had taken place the night she first met the group, she probably would've giggled as she watched that scene, but that time there was no emotion coming from her.
San looked confused when he felt something pulling from his sleeve, finding Wooyoung attempting to move him a bit away from the group to be able to speak to him.
—Did you argue with Y/n?
—No, she just... —he remembered what she suggested to him— she isn't feeling well.
—Is that what she told you? —Wooyoung looked concerned, almost as if he knew what happened to her more than himself.
—Why? Do you know what's up with her?
—Maybe —he whispered—. I didn't think it would affect her so much.
—Jung Wooyoung, what did you tell her?
—I just asked her to take care of you —he confessed—. I'm seeing how hooked you're getting on her, and I just wanted to make sure you wouldn't end up with your heart broken.
—Why would I end up with my heart broken?
—You're not experienced, and you seem so excited that I just thought it was right to speak to her about it. Honestly, I just wanted to tell her to take it easy with you, but it seems like I didn't word it the best way... —he admitted, remembering the words he used.
It made sense why she was setting that distance all of a sudden between them. If what they had was real, she probably would've just taken his words as advice and moved on, but under their circumstances it probably was just another reason to make her feel bad about what was going on between them. And he wished he could get mad at his friend for provoking that, but he could tell Wooyoung only had good intentions with his words. He couldn't get mad at him for that, or even call him out for looking after him.
At first, he thought she was acting so weird because she was feeling strange due to her illness, so it was kind of relieving that the reason for her actions was that conversation instead. At least it was something he could try to work on.
Although no one told him it'd be something easy.
Hopping inside the car, and being met with such a big wall between them wasn't in his mind when he first thought about speaking with her about what they had going on. She only broke the silence to suggest going to her place so they could talk without being interrupted, or without having his friends showing up out of nowhere and cutting up the nature of their conversation.
Her feelings transferred to the atmosphere of wherever they went. San had been to her place a few times, but he never felt like a stranger until that day, feeling like he shouldn't be there. And the main reason for that was the way Y/n walked around nervously, leaving her things near the entrance without looking back at him.
—I know why you're acting like this —he spoke up, poking his hands inside the pockets of his pants.
His words instantly grabbed her attention, seeing her turning around to confront him from her couch.
—And it makes no sense.
Y/n scoffed, looking away while her hands found a stable position on her hips. When she looked back at him, he was a bit closer, walking to her with his eyebrows slightly furrowed, scanning her expression to know what was going through her head.
—It makes no sense, huh? What do you think I'm thinking?
—That you're using me, and that I'm getting nothing in return. That you're playing with me and I'll end up with my heart broken —he confessed—. And that you think it's better to stop it all now before either of us catch feelings.
He wasn't good at reading people's feelings, but with Y/n it was easy, as if he knew her from long ago. It was as if she had all of her thoughts displayed on her face, waiting for her to pick on them and try to fight them back and make them disappear.
—I just think we're still on time to stop this before it goes too far —she suggested—. We already did what we had to do. I don't want us to be confused over what's going on.
—Right, then why are we still around each other?
Y/n knew the answer to that question, but she was too scared of it to even think about it more than as an abstract idea.
—I know to others it's fake, but everything that's happened between us isn't —he continued—. And I know I haven't been in a relationship before, but I'm able to tell apart what's real and what's not. I know we aren't dating, I know we aren't in love like others think. But fuck, Y/n, I do like you. And it's not something that's coming from the relationship.
She knew it, because it was something that happened to her, too. She wasn't hurt because he ghosted her, but because she lost the only real connection she had in years, she lost a person she looked forward to speaking to because he made her feel at ease. And it scared her to see him disappear again. She was scared of him catching fake feelings, being blinded by the small gestures and fake promises they made each other while pretending to date, and giving up on everything after he realized it wasn't real.
She just didn't want neither of them wasting their time, and being hurt over something that could be avoided.
And probably what scared her the most was being hurt over the reality of it, rather than being fooled by the fakeness.
—Why aren't you saying anything?
Her silence was scary. It was as if her words weren't getting through her, as if she wasn't moved by anything he was saying.
—Because I don't know what to say —she admitted.
Y/n wasn't expecting him to bring up the topic, and even less to fight back her thoughts before she was able to open her mouth.
—I wasn't aware before, but after what Wooyoung said... I think we're just heading ourselves into the void.
—Are you sure this is about me and not about you?
And he was right.
—It's about us. I don't want you wasting your time, and I don't want to throw myself into this and end up destroyed with it. I have enough with the company, the sm. But those things are out of my control, this isn't.
—Are you assuming this will become a problem?
—If you go again, it will —she admitted—. I already had a hard time when we only texted. If we keep on with this, and it goes wrong for whatever reason, it'll be way worse. And I'm not sure I want to deal with it at this point in my life.
—And why am I the one that will go? —he fought back— For all I know, you're the one who could get tired of this at any moment. I'm already making my best to fight my limits, but even like this I'm sure you'll end up tired of walking at my pace. I'm still taking the risk.
Y/n sighed, resting her back on the backrest of the couch, letting her legs rest while she just tried to think how to get out of that dead end their conversation reached. She was emotional, but also highly based on analytics. That was what based most of her decisions. And there was no other answer, no other reason as to why they couldn't go on with what they had. Although she wasn't sure if that was the actual reason, or if her emotional side was fighting harder to get what it wanted.
—I didn't know you were feeling that way —she whispered.
They could've ended things after he went to the barbeque, or even earlier, after they went their separate ways in that ice cream shop. But if something pulled them into the nonsense of the fake relationship act, it wasn't the idea of helping the other. It was for the exact same reason why they were having that conversation that night.
—I didn't either —he admitted.
It all came out at the idea of losing a chance with her, his brain just scratched the feelings he had been normalizing to turn them into an encouragement for her to keep going.
—If you're doing this for me, I'll take the risk. I don't care about the result of this, because I'm sure it won't be comparable to what I'll get in exchange —he took a step in her direction—. And if you're doing this for you, I already told you I will support you in whatever you need. The last thing I'm expecting is becoming a burden for you with everything that's happening, even if this doesn't work out. Things don't have to go wrong, but I'm sure you already know that. We won't let it go wrong.
Her silence was deafening, making him feel like it was lost. She wasn't going to give in, her choice was already made, and he was just fighting air for something that was already lost.
A step in his direction made him look back at her, feeling frozen when her lips first crashed onto his. She was standing on her tiptoes, holding his nape with her left hand while she just waited for him to answer that kiss in that soft way he knew how to.
If there were any doubts, they all disappeared when he spoke about them as a collective. It wasn't him, or her. San used "We", letting her know she wouldn't be alone if she gave it a chance, and that was all she needed to realize how that conversation shouldn't have been held in the first place.
His hands held her neck with care at the same time he moved his lips on hers, sucking on her lower lip to drink all of her worries and doubts. And just as if they were connected, her fingers moved to his sides to hold onto his jacket.
—We could give it a chance —she agreed, licking the remains of their spits off her lips.
—If you're worried, we could go slow —San suggested—. Get closer before we make a decision. And when we're ready and sure, either go on or leave it as it is.
When she kissed him again, their lips mixed together so well that he thought he was floating for one second.
Their hands moved at the same time again, exchanging positions when hers moved to enroll around his neck and his moved down at her waist. Something about the way he acted that night was so sexy and attractive, that she lost all control on her thoughts and movements. And the way her fingers slid through the locks of his hair created the exact same feeling on him, having his fingers denting on her skin through her clothes.
A moan escaped her lips when those blind steps took her back against the backrest, with the only difference that San's body was all over hers and his tongue was rolling around hers skillfully.
—Hmm, who taught you how to kiss? —she teased him, licking his lower lip.
—I have a great teacher.
His smirk as he said that was the starting point of how her body was boiling up to a whole new sensation, dragging him back into another kiss. As he attempted to pick her up, he almost lost his balance, ending with Y/n holding on his neck so as not to fall down and her legs wrapped around his thighs while she broke the kiss to laugh.
—It seems easier in movies —he commented out of breath, using one last effort to push her body up again.
Helping him, Y/n impulsed her body up as well, wrapping her thighs around his waist while his hands held her confidently from her thighs.
—You didn't do so bad. Do you think you'll be able to take me to my room?
His smile was enough to answer that question. She linked their lips together again, leading him through another short blind walk. That scene alone had been replying so many times in their heads, that they couldn't believe it was actually happening.
Or not.
Her eyes opened wide through the kiss when she felt his fingers unzipping down the pants that weren't hers, suddenly remembering why she was wearing a pair of pants that weren't hers.
—What's wrong? —he asked, moving back and supporting the weight of his body back on his knees.
—We can't do it —she mumbled.
—Did... Did I do something wrong?
—No, no —she sighed again, scratching her forehead—. But I'm still on my period —she joked.
—Oh, I forgot —one of his hands was placed on her thigh, while the other reassured her by rubbing the thumb on her forearm—. Well, I can keep kissing you though.
She had been waiting for that to happen way too long, thinking of waiting for it to happen again was an idea that couldn't cross her mind. And feeling his growing bulge rubbing against her knee didn't help her think straight.
—Just kissing? —she asked, breaking the kiss again.
Of course he wanted to do more than just kissing, but he didn't want to make her uncomfortable. And he didn't mind waiting for her either.
—So you didn't think of fucking me while you carried me here?
How blatant she was made a thick ball of spit almost get stuck in his throat, wondering what was the right way to answer that. She tilted her head, enjoying how nervous he was getting while she waited for the answer, while she slowly unzipped his jacket.
—Well, I... I...
She cut him off, giving him a short kiss on the lips while she moved the fabric of his jacket down his arms.
—And you got so hard with it, even —her hand stopped right at the start of his pants.
—I thought we said we'd go slow —he laughed nervously.
—And I'll go slow —her fingers hooked on the waistband—. Unless you don't want me to do this.
San cursed at himself for looking down, feeling how his brain started malfunctioning at the sight of Y/n looking up to him with such big eyes.
—Shit —he coughed—. Are you sure?
Knowing that was the green light she needed, her lips curved up. She helped him sit right where she was, with her taking the spot in between his parted thighs. That position alone made his dick jump against the thick fabric of his pants, still not believing that was actually happening.
His body was burning, and it had only one reason. He gasped heavily when her fingers finally moved his pants and boxers down, setting him free from the tight prison his underwear was being. Y/n also got rid of her jacket, feeling more comfortable while she settled her hands on his knees.
His dick was exactly how she remembered it: average size, but thick, with some veins marked from his base to his tip, that made her eager to slide her tongue all over.
His hum echoed in her eardrums when she first rolled her tongue around his wet tip, getting that first salty taste she had been fantasizing with ever since she first found his channel. And she could feel the way his hands gravitated all over her head as he struggled to know where to put them, wondering if it'd be too much to place it on her head, but too cold to place it on her arms.
Her fingers hooked around his right wrist, carefully moving it down to the back of her head, giving him that little push he was waiting for.
All of his muscles were tense at the feeling of her lips wrapping around his tip, taking him slowly. He didn't quite know how it'd feel like, he didn't even remember what her fantasies were, but they were surpassed by reality to a whole different level. He thought that he'd be able to feel the beating of his heart on his shaft if he focused enough.
It was so wet, so warm, so tight... he only closed his eyes to feel her and the way he was making his breathing go faster by the minute.
At some point, her hand joined the movements of her mouth, with a soft moan escaping his lips at the sensation.
—Oh, fuck.
Y/n looked up while bobbing her head, pressing her thighs together when she witnessed the image in front of her. Having such a big man to her mercy, with his eyes closed and his eyebrows furrowed, lightly moaning through his parted lips, was the best of the images. And it didn't compare to the way he looked as he touched himself in front of a camera with her.
His body squirmed at the feeling of something wet dripping down his tip, only stopping at the arch of her hand, that spreaded it all over his shaft.
—Am I making you feel good?
—Fuck, yes —he moaned.
—You taste so good —she sucked again on the tip—, and I can't imagine how good you must taste after you fuck me.
Just the image alone of Y/n naked in front of him, sucking on his dick still glistening with her juices, sent a whole bunch of information that instantly connected with his shaft, not realizing how fast his high was coming until he was unable to stop it.
—Y/n, wait.
As she gave the second stroke, and San moved suddenly backwards, a jet of his load shot straight into her eye. He didn't give her time to complain, except for that loud whine, before he got up from the bed, attempting to walk to her bathroom to get a towel and moisten it with some water to help her clean her face.
Her eye closed tighter every time he moved the towel around her eye, getting rid of every drop of the sticky liquid until her face was clean.
—I'm sorry —he apologized, sitting back on the bed.
—It's not that big of a deal —she tried to calm him down—. Although this is why I don't like cumshots —she joked, trying to ease his worry.
—Where are you going? —he rushed to ask, putting his clothes back on when he saw her getting up from the floor.
—I'll get changed, and clean myself.
—But... I didn't help you.
She didn't need him to say anything else to understand what he meant. She didn't do anything expecting something in return, and she also knew that it'd be uncomfortable if she tried to get him back to do the same thing while she was on her period. And based on past experiences, she wasn't that big of a fan of receiving oral sex.
Doing it in that moment would only set her up for disappointment.
—Another day —she assured him, trapping his chin between two of her fingers to land a soft peck on his lips—. You're staying the night, right?
—Can I?
Y/n just smiled, shaking her head at his reaction.
—I'll clean up and get changed. You can get comfortable.
She sighed heavily after stepping inside the bathroom, regretting for a short moment rejecting him. But the idea of having someone go down on her, while on her period was something that she didn't like. It didn't matter how bad she tried to convince herself on how she would like it if she tried it.
When she got out again, she held back a laugh at seeing San completely dressed, lying uncomfortably over the sheets of her bed.
—Are you going to sleep like that?
—At least take off the pants and get under the blankets, it'll get cold.
—Won't you be uncomfortable?
—San, I've had your cock in my mouth not even ten minutes ago. And I've seen you naked countless of times. It's quite impossible for me to feel uncomfortable around you.
And she proved how comfortable she felt while she took off her clothes in front of him, throwing it over the floor and walking to her closet to take her pajamas out.
It made him so nervous to upset her somehow, that he didn't want to risk it even with the obvious things. Only after she said it, he took off his pants, dragging the blanket under his body to be able to sneak inside shortly before Y/n joined him.
It was silent, but her thoughts were so loud that he was sure he was able to hear them before she went from lying on her back to looking at him.
—I'm sorry for today —she finally said—. I get too emotional during this time of the month. And it might sound like an excuse, but the illness doesn't help at all. I...
—You don't need to apologize for anything —he cut her off, turning his head to her—. Those were your feelings at that moment, and I'm glad you told me instead of just keeping it to yourself and letting things die.
Her eyes wrinkled at the corner with her smile, making San feel at ease just by looking at her.
—I like you, too.
—You said before that you like me. And I didn't say it back, but I like you.
She didn't need to say it, he already knew. No one else would've acted with such patience and delicacy, but still those words sounded comforting and filled a space he didn't know he needed to be filled after such a crazy day.
His hand hesitated to reach the top of her head to pat it gently, only for Y/n to move in his direction to lay closer to him right after.
The rush he felt when he felt her getting closer after those words was bigger than any other orgasm he had ever had. 
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rphelperblog · 2 years
City of Ashes Book Quote Rp Meme
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Second book in the Mortal Instruments series from Cassandra Clare- feel free to edit quotes or change pronouns
Usually I'm remarkably good-natured. Try me on any day that doesn't end in y.” 
“Everything changes in my life, and the world stays the same.” 
When you love someone, you don't have a choice. Love takes your choices away.”
"If they need a human sacrifice, you can always offer me. I'm not sure the rest of you qualify anyway.” 
"You are mortal; you age; you die, If that is not hell, pray tell me, what is?” 
“I never date anyone my cat doesn’t like,” 
“He had become a monster. You just couldn't see it...because it wore the face of a friend.” 
“Growing up happens when you start having things you look back on and wish you could change “
“If you really love something, you never try to keep it the way it is forever. You have to let it be free to change.” 
“I don't want to be a man, I want to be an angst-ridden teenager who can't confront his own inner demons and takes it out verbally on other people instead."
“I've heard the word 'fear'. I simply choose to believe it doesn't apply to me.” 
“But if you can't tell the truth to the people you care about the most, eventually you stop being able to tell the truth to yourself.” 
“You know how the bonds of family are, my lady... They cling as tightly as vines. And sometimes, like vines, they cling tightly enough to kill.” 
“I love round tables. They suit me so much better than a square."
"Have you checked? I could kick him if you want.” 
“Pain is only what you allow it to be” 
“As long as there was coffee in the world, how bad could things be?” 
"I'm pure at heart. It repels the dirt.” 
"So you're just that friendly with everybody, is that it?” 
"It does? Oh - you're being sarcastic. That's a good sign probably.” 
"Does he normally just lie on the floor like that without moving?” 
"You want to kiss me, don’t you?” 
"You can't wait for perfect behavior from everyone. Adults screw up too. Go back to the home and talk to her rationally. Be a man."
"I'm going to get you a dictionary for Christmas this year."
"So you can look up 'fun.' I'm not sure you know what it means.” 
“No, I'm just a very naughty boy. I do all sorts of bad things. I kick kittens. I make rude gestures at nuns.” 
“Is standing by the window muttering about blood something he does all the time?" 
“It looks to me like you‘re using a wall to prop you up. that’s not my definition of ‘standing.’”
“I didn't say he was dating you, but funny that you knew just what I meant, isn't it?"
"I didn't betray you, idiot."
“Somebody's girlfriend, Somebody's sister, somebody's daughter. All these things I never knew I was before, and I still don't really know what I am.” 
“It was like a bad movie except he didn’t actually twirl his mustache.”
“I was alive when the Dead Sea was just a lake that was feeling a little poorly.” 
“Is he really waking us up at this ungodly hour just to prove his love to you or something? Couldn’t he have called? mundane men are such twits.”
you live in my head all the time”
“Pain is only what you allow it to be” 
“Fate is never fair. You are caught in a current much stronger than you are; struggle against it and you'll drown not just yourself but those who try to save you. Swim with it. and you'll survive” 
“I can only assume that mortal emotions amuse you because you have none of your own.” 
He'd pick a fight with a Mack truck if the urge took him.”
"If I made a joke about just dropping in, would you write me off as a cliché?” 
"He's terrified I'll tell everyone that he's always wanted to be a ballerina.” 
“You might want to lie down, I find that it helps when the crushing sense of horrible realization sets in.” 
"Mostly extinct is NOT EXTINCT ENOUGH."
you don't really get to choose your insulting nickname.”
"Sometimes he sits on the couch and does it.” 
"I know. Everytime you almost die, I almost die myself.” 
“There's no need to clarify my finger snap, the implication was clear in the snap itself.” 
"He's quoting Dungeons and Dragons, Ignore him.”
“I'll just have them change the entry in the demonology textbook from 'almost extinct' to 'not extinct enough for him. He prefers his monsters really, really extinct.' Will that make you happy?” 
"Why would I have a spider? Do I look like someone who would collect them?"
"You mean father. I despise this modern habit of calling one's parents by their names."
“I'm not sure there's such thing a thing as a normal life.” 
“They confused beauty with innocence and harmlessness.” 
"What I want to call you is a hell of a lot more unprintable than your name."
“Mom. I have something to tell you. I’m undead. Now, I know you may have some preconceived notions about the undead. I know you may not be comfortable with the idea of me being undead. But I’m here to tell you that undead are just like you and me … well, okay. Possibly more like me than you.” 
Desire is not always lessened by disgust…And as my words bind my magic, so you can know the truth. If she doesn’t desire your kiss, she won’t be free.”
'I thought you could use the rest. Besides, you were sleeping like the dead. You even drooled,'On my shirt.'
"Honestly if you don't start utilizing a bit of your natural feminine superiority, I just don't know what I'll do with you.” 
“You live in my head all the time."
“The next thing I knew I was listening to five people shouting. What was that all about, anyway?” 
“I keep thinking about blood, I dream about it. Wake up thinking about it. Pretty soon I'll be writing morbid emo poetry about it.” 
“Desire is not always lessened by disgust. Nor can it be bestowed, like a favor, to those most deserving of it. And as my words bind my magic, so you can know the truth. If she doesn’t desire his kiss, she won’t be free.”
“He'd felt like a jack-o-lantern for the past few days, as if his guts had been yanked out with a fork and dumped in a heap while a grinning smile stayed plastered on his face.” 
"But you can pretend I did if it makes you feel better. So, first order of business is what?” 
Because I foresee many romantic picnics in our future. You, drinking a virgin pina colada. Me, drinking the blood of a virgin.” 
“Only mundanes say they're sorry when what they mean is "I share your grief,
“Because you’re lying to me. And you’re lying to yourself.”
“Don’t be with him, don’t want him, don’t go with him. Be with me. Want me. Stay with me. I don’t know how to be without you.” 
“Sometimes you don't have to search out danger, sometimes danger finds you” 
“Why does it take girls so long to shower?”
“Why should I tell you everything about how I feel when you never tell me anything? It's like banging my head on a wall, except at least if I were banging my head on a wall, I'd be able to make myself stop. “
"You always make me feel so welcome.” 
“You are mortal. You age, you die. If that is not hell, pray tell me, what is?” 
“I’m not unsympathetic. But do you like me? Because this being gay business doesn’t mean you can just throw yourself at any guy and it’ll be fine because he’s not a girl. There are still people you like and people you don’t.” 
“When I was a little kid, I realized that if you say any word over and over fast enough, it loses all its meaning.” 
“People fell in love, and lost, and moved on. He didn’t know why he couldn’t. He didn’t know why he didn’t even want to. All he knew was that whatever he had to owe to Hell or Heaven for this chance, he was going to make it count.” 
“You have to give everyone ugly motives for everything they do, because ugly motives are all you understand.” 
“Hate is nothing when weighed against survival.”
"And Madonna wants me as a backup dancer on her next world tour.”
“There's nothing wild about me. I'm a solid middle-aged man."
"Except that once a month you turn into a wolf and go tearing around slaughtering things," 
"It could be worse,men my age have been known to purchase expensive sports cars and sleep with supermodels.” 
“To draw something is to try to capture it FOREVER, if you really love something, you never try to keep it the way it is forever. You have to let it be free to change” 
“What you're blaming yourself for is being who you are. And that's no one's fault and nothing you can change.” 
“I've screwed everything up royally. I remember you saying that growing up happens when you start having things you look back on and wish you could change.” 
“He will get through this, even if he thinks he won't.” 
“Well, I hate to tell you this, but your friend is an asshole."
n that blond head of yours to find out the truth, I suggest you cool your temper. And I know just where you can do that best.”
“What they had between them was still as fragile as flickering candle flame, as delicate as eggshell - and he knew that if it shattered, if he somehow let it break and be destroyed, something inside him would shatter too, something that could never be fixed.” 
“Not himself, who was more of a cross between a panther and a demented elf.” 
“We seem to be trapped in an episode of One Life to Waste,”
“I can't believe you know someone named Freaky Pete,
“Don't you hate it? Not ever saying how you really feel?” 
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nabtime · 11 months
Our Empty Graves X
Fandom: Danny Phantom / Batman: Under the Red Hood
Pairings: Danny Fenton/Jason Todd (Dead on Main)
Rating: Mature
Tags: batfamily, hazmat AU, Nobody Knows AU, Mute!Phantom, potential ghost king danny, slow burn?, DC means Disregard Canon, AU means AU nothing is exactly the same, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, more than canon typical violence, danny is a Halfa and also a Fetch, no beta we die like basically everyone
Summary: They say that Red Hood has a loyal mutt. The man rules his territory in Crime Alley with an iron fist and a guard dog at his side. They say that Hood calls him Fetch, sometimes Fetcher. No one's ever heard him speak. Anyone who's ever seen him says he looks like an experiment gone wrong, that Hood picked him up somewhere unspeakable. They say he'll do anything Red Hood asks of him and he'll do it well. That he's strong and fast and probably inhuman. The girls say he's sweet; quiet but charming in his own way. Rival gangs say he's vicious; that he'd sooner rip your throat out than let you go.
Jason just wants to help him.
Chapter 10: is there anyone out there (cause its getting harder and harder to breathe)
Chapter Summary: Jason has a welcome home party. Danny decides to crash it.
Chapter Notes: title from Harder to Breathe by Letdown. Links: AO3 // Chapter 1 // Chapter 9 // Chapter 11 // Spotify
Danny was at a bit of a loss. Red had allowed him back into Crime Alley. But he also hadn’t seen the guy since floating his way back in. Hadn’t been yelled at or told to leave, though, so he guessed Nadi was right in saying he could. It still felt wrong. Like at any moment he’d be chased out. Nadi had told him multiple times that she’d kick Hood’s ass six ways to Sunday if he said anything about Danny being there, and he appreciated it, but it still felt rude.
It was an eerily similar feeling to trespassing on another ghost’s Haunt.
He felt… conflicted.
On the one hand, Red Hood had taken care of him at one point. Made him food, given him a place to live (to Haunt), and given him something to do. A purpose. Something he’d severely lacked after Amity had emptied out. But then, just as easily as it had been given, Hood had taken it away. Forcibly. Angrily. And Danny didn’t even know what he’d done wrong. Not really. He hadn’t understood most of what Red had yelled at him for- hadn’t a clue who Raysh was- but he could feel the layer of betrayal under it all. The incitement for the anger.
So, on the one hand. Red Hood had hurt him. Deeply. Acting so comfortable around him without his suit and then ripping it all to shreds- the food, the comfort, the camaraderie- before he’d even really gotten to enjoy it. Threw words at him that tore him to pieces. Confirming what he already knew. That he was a monster.
On the other hand. Red Hood had only done that because he thought Danny had betrayed him. Something that seemed to strike deeply within the other man. Something that had already hurt him before. And it didn’t matter, at heart, if Danny had actually betrayed him or not. Just as it didn’t matter that Hood acted without knowing the truth, had lashed out. Because in the end
But was it just that? Just a misunderstanding?
Danny couldn’t tell. He wasn’t keen on finding out, either. The other might have let him back into his territory, but that didn’t mean forgiveness on either side. He couldn’t fathom what the man was thinking and was content (not really) to never find out. He’d follow Nadi, doing whatever she asked of him around the Alley, and avoid Red Hood like the plague. If Hood wanted to talk, then Hood could find him. He glowed well enough for it, it’s not like he was hard to find.
Nadi and the girls were fine enough to watch over. Nadi was a saint for putting up with him. Feeding him. He’d trail after her at night, when she was working the streets, so she had two body guards instead of one- him and Charlie. But during the day he’d pull back to his hide-away in the cemetery. He didn’t want to overstay his welcome, and it left him on edge to stay in the Alley for too long. Where once it had started feeling like a Haunt he could settle into, it felt foreign now.
The girls and guys that Nadi hung around, and Danny hung around by extension, weren’t half as good at figuring out his charades, though. Not like Red had been. It was a little disheartening, and even though he could talk using the whiteboard, it still felt like too much of a hassle sometimes. It was a good enough excuse to keep his distance.
And he needed to remember to keep his distance. He couldn’t forget what he was again. It could put them in danger.
So, he drifted. Nothing new. He kept the girls out of trouble and made sure their customers kept in line. Occasionally let Nadi feed him gas station snacks. Took care of any crimes he saw if he knew Hood wasn’t nearby.
It was one of those times he’d been helping someone who was getting mugged by the docks when he’d heard the first explosion.
═════ ◈ ═════
Jason hadn’t known what he was going to walk into after following the instructions on the invitation Harley had given him- but he sure as fuck wished he had.
Fuck the plan, he’d have found another way to snare the stupid clown without having to suffer the indignity of being thrown a welcome home party by the guy who killed him in the first place.
This was so goddamn stupid.
The abandoned carnival grounds near the docks had been the destination- because of course it was. If the freakish funny-man was anything it was certainly on brand. And the ‘party’ was specifically being held in the decrepit fun-house mirror building. Again, because of course it was.
What the fuck was his life? After life?
You know, when Jason had been so enthusiastic about being Robin all those years ago, this was not the shit he’d expected out of the gig. It was supposed to be magic. Supposed to be like flying. Not something that could end so badly with a crowbar and explosives. Nor something that would lead him to the creepiest fun-house imaginable. He was so fucking naive back then.
“Baby Jay!” Harley squealed as he stepped into the building, back tense and gun ready- safety off. She whipped around him, throwing an arm over his shoulders despite the fire-arm so very close to going off near her face. “You made it!”
“Couldn’t miss my own party,” he drawled, using the gun (Mina, this time) to gesture to the large banner hung on the ceiling, just above the entrance to the maze, that said ‘Welcome Home Robin!’ in bright red paint. At least, he fucking hoped it was paint. He didn’t see any obvious bodies, but that didn’t mean there were none. God, he fucking hated murder clowns.
Harley’s grin was sharp as she pulled him into the maze, the gleam on her teeth reflected all around. Her grip around his neck was iron-tight as it pulled him along. He knew this was a fucking trap, knew she’d been lying. But he’d wanted to snatch the clown more than he’d wanted to come up with a better plan. Hadn’t wanted to think it through and plan like he should have. Too distracted by other things. His fingers flexed around the trigger of his gun. If he was going to be an idiot at least he was going to be an armed one.
His eyes tracked their distorted reflections as they moved about the space, Harley knowing which trail to take. He took note of every turn, every dead-end they passed. He’d shoot his way out of the maze if he had to, but he didn’t want to waste bullets.
Sudden cackling rang out as they stepped into a large room within the maze, Joker’s image reflected from every angle as the green menace spread his arms out, bent party hat nearly falling off his head. He could hear the strains of crackling circus music under the laugh. Streamers of red, green, and yellow were hung haphazardly, making the space more confusing as they were reflected in the mirrors in every direction.
“The guest of honor!” Joker crowed, grin just as manic as Jason remembered. Red splattered across his face. Blood or paint? “Welcome home, little birdie!”
And suddenly, Jason wasn’t as prepared for this confrontation as he thought he was. This was the first time he’d seen the Joker since his resurrection. Since he’d died. And he was surrounded on all sides, the grin that haunted his nightmares coming from every direction. The phantom pain of broken bones and cracked ribs twinged as he could see nothing but that crowbar coming at him over and over and over again. The memory of demented laughter ringing out as he was beaten, slowly entwined with the real deal as Harley took advantage of his distraction.
He wasn’t quick enough when Harley’s grip around his neck shifted and grew tighter. Choking him out until everything went black and the grasp on his gun went slack.
═════ ◈ ═════
Something was wrong. He could feel it in his core. This wasn’t your run of the mill explosion disturbing the peace of Gotham. He needed to go faster. To fly.
An unknown panic filled his chest as he tried to take flight, clumsy arms pinwheeling as his feet tried to lift off the ground with no success. Flying had always been one of the harder powers for him to master and even now, six years dead, he had trouble. He’d only ever been able to manage a fast hover or a higher than humanly possible jump. Low flight or a glide.
Right now he couldn’t even lift off the asphalt of the road as he ran toward the roaring fire, the dread like a pit in his soul keeping him grounded and growing worse with every failed lift off. He needed to be faster. He needed to be there already. Someone was dying.
Someone was dying.
═════ ◈ ═════
He woke up in the same room not long after Harley knocked him out, tied to a chair that had been placed on a pedestal in the middle- his mirror image reflected a thousand times around him. His helmet had been removed and even the domino underneath. Not like it mattered when both Harley and Mr. Pudding knew who he was. He could feel the irritating pinch of cheap string around his head. They’d taken the time to give him a fucking party hat. Great.
He tested the rope, his muscles feeling lax and hard to work with while he did it. They’d drugged him. Nothing intense, as far as he could tell. Muscle relaxer, maybe? He didn’t like it. The rope was also unforgiving- wound tight and chafing. The portion tied around his wrists was irritating against his skin- his gloves long gone- and he could tell that if it stayed cinched much longer he’d start loosing circulation.
“You know,” came the drawl of Joker’s voice, echoing around the mirrors with the clown himself nowhere to be seen. “You took such a long time coming back, that I almost thought you never would!”
“Were you betting on it?” Jason spat, words slightly slurred from his jaw feeling loose. Everything felt heavy, like he was being weighted down. At least he was still cognizant. At least it wasn’t Joker gas.
“No, actually,” he said, sounding disappointed. “But what a fun thing to add to the Arkham betting pool.”
“What do you want with me?” Jason asked, tugging at his restraints again. If he kept the clown talking, he could distract him long enough to get free and beat the shit out of him like he’d planned. Probably.
“Not as talkative as you used to be now that you’re a zombie, huh?” Joker said, voice still ringing out and bouncing around the mirrors of the room, making Jason feel slightly dizzy. Which was likely the point. “Straight to the point, no time for chit-chat.”
“Maybe you’re just a shit conversationalist.”
“My, my,” he tutted, “little birdie’s got a dirty mouth now. You kiss your mother with that mouth?”
It didn’t sound like his voice was coming from a speaker, but it was loud enough that the clown should be in the room with him. Maybe around a corner? He couldn’t tell what direction it was coming from, only that it kept circling. And circling.
“Get to the fucking point.”
“Well,” the Joker started, sighing dramatically, scratchy voice grating on Jason’s last nerve. “I’ve noticed that the big ol’ Bat has been taking an interest in you and, honestly, I’m a bit jealous!”
“Gross,” the response slipped out before he’d even realized. He could hear Harley giggling before a smacking sound rang out and he heard her quietly say, “sorry puddin’.”
Oh, he was gonna wring that clown’s fucking neck. He was gonna turn that bastard into a squeaky toy, punch him over and over to see what fun noises he would make next.
“Anyway,” Joker continued, growl to his tone that wasn’t there before. “I figured- I take you out and Batsy has more time to focus on other things.”
“Like you?”
“Like me.”
Again, gross.
“Don’t think I didn’t know you wanted your pound of flesh from me, either. I just decided to go on the offensive about this instead of defensive. Take initiative. Be proactive. Get ahead of the game.”
He was going to have to dislocate something to get out of these binds and he didn’t have the strength to do it while he was drugged like this. Fuck. He was so fucking stupid. If he hadn’t been so damn distracted lately, he wouldn’t have made so many mistakes like this. He needed to get it together already before he got himself killed again.
“And, you know,” Joker continued, “I was thinking, and thinking… and thinking- of some creative new way to kill you…” he trailed off, and Jason could hear footsteps but he still couldn’t see the clown. Just his own reflection, fear mirrored back at him a thousand times.
“But then I thought-,” and then the lights went out and he couldn’t see anything and suddenly he could feel something hovering over his shoulder and he did not like where this was going.
And then the Joker’s voice was right behind him, crooning with delighted malice, “if it ain’t broke!”
There was a whistling noise.
The crowbar came down hard with a crack! against his jaw.
“Don’t fix it!”
He toppled to the floor, still tied to his chair, his left side taking the brunt of the fall where he couldn’t brace himself. He could feel his skull bounce off the concrete. His lungs were constricting with panic. His mouth was filling with blood. Not again, not again.
“Also,” the Joker cackled, the lights in the maze flickering on just in time to watch him bring the crowbar down on Jason’s hands. “How fun is it that I get to murder you twice!”
Pain bloomed in his wrists and his fingers. Broken bones. Bruises. Blood.
“If I had a nickle for every time I’ve killed a Robin-,” Joker mused, stopping to tap the crowbar menacingly against the chair, “well, I wouldn’t exactly be rich but I’d definitely have more nickles than before!”
He watched the crowbar. Up and down. And tap. Tap. Tap. With every word it would thunk against the wood- dangerously close to his already broken hands.
Joker reared back and even though Jason could see it coming it still felt like a shock when he was kicked in the stomach.
Everything hurt. New wounds and old. Phantom pains from the first time he was beaten near to death by this man were making themselves known.
He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t breathe.
The mirrors were starting to blur in and out of vision, flashes of the warehouse from before overtaking his sight. Everything was jumbling together in a mess of pain and uncaged fear and his lungs were straining against his ribs and his heart was beating so, so fast and he was gonna die again. He was gonna die.
He wanted Bruce.
The crowbar came down again. And again. Blood splattered the mirrors. Pooled on the concrete.
It was harder for the Joker to beat him while he was still tied to the chair but that didn’t stop him from hitting every inch he could get. All along his right side, blow after blow. And the whole time he was laughing.
Laughing and laughing and laughing.
And Jason couldn’t breathe.
Where was Bruce? Why wasn’t he here? Why wasn’t he here to save him? Batman always saved him.
He wanted his dad.
“That should do it.” Jason could barely hear the Joker’s voice, faded and distorted as it sounded to his ears. He heard the clatter of metal falling to the ground. “Ta, little birdie! Have fun being dead again!”
“Oh, by the by,” he could only just hear the man, smug glee lacing his tone. “I’ve rigged up several bombs this go around. Expanding on a good idea and all that. Gotta make sure you don’t come back this time!”
The sound of feet tapping away, growing fainter and fainter. Leaving him with nothing but the roaring sound of his own heartbeat and the wet, ragged, desperate pull of air into his lungs.
He was going to die here. All over again. He could already feel the lick of fire crawling over him, the smoke choking him and scratching his throat, the pain of bones snapping as he was flung through the air. The sharp burst of pain that meant his skull was getting crushed.
He could hear the sound of ticking. A countdown. A bomb.
Maybe this time it’d be faster. Maybe this time the explosion would take him out instantly. Maybe this time there would be nothing left to bury.
Maybe this time he’d stay dead.
═════ ◈ ═════
Bruce watched the wreckage from the screen of the Bat-Jet, scanning the drone footage that Alfred had sent him of the latest explosion to rock Gotham and her people. He was already traveling as fast as he could to get back to his city, but he couldn’t help but feel like he was too late. Like he’d failed, even though he couldn’t say way.
Something was wrong and it set a cold pit in his stomach to think that one of his children might have been caught up in whatever new trouble this was. Whether it be Tim or Dick or… Jason. He couldn’t stand to loose another soldier.
And then he saw it, on the edge of the camera, the mysterious meta that had been working with Red Hood around the Alley.
Just standing on the edge of the flames. Suspicious.
He closed out of the footage and focused on getting back as fast as possible.
═════ ◈ ═════
Danny made it to the docks and stopped. Everything was on fire. Everything was wrong. Something was crying out in pain, something that tugged at his core. Something familiar. Something dying.
He broke out into a wild sprint, core leading him in a certain direction. He followed without hesitation. There was no sound but the roar of the fire and the crunch of glass under his boots. There was nothing he could see but flame and smoke and splintered beams. There was nothing he could feel but overwhelming heat and panic.
He listened. Nothing. He crept forward. Which direction? His core was no longer helpful. Just screaming.
He listened. Nothing. He turned. There was nothing but fire, and fire, and smoke. And rubble.
He listened. Nothi- There. Something- digital? Like a clock. Like a counter. Like another bomb. Like what had likely caused the first explosion. It started ticking faster and his heart matched the frantic beat. He had to find them. Now.
He moved forward through the debris, intangible, and searched.
There was broken glass everywhere. Reflective, like mirror shards, it made it all the harder to navigate the space. Fire danced in every direction, sometimes a mirage, sometimes real. Danny continued to sweep through it all, searching and searching. The beeping was getting louder. He needed to go faster, but he couldn’t risk missing the one he was searching for in the first place.
He felt like he was melting.
He moved forward again- there. His core cried out. He’d found them.
They looked broken. The remains of what was likely a chair they’d been tied to was strewn across the small patch of concrete, the legs and back of it still pressed against them with charred rope. There was a broad beam of wood, caught on one of the walls that was still standing, that looked like it’d shielded them from the roof coming down.
They were surrounded by a pool of blood and Danny didn’t know what to do. Wasn’t it dangerous to move people with certain injuries? If they were bleeding would moving them exacerbate the blood loss enough to kill them? Would any of that matter if the second bomb went off while they were still here?
They were still breathing, at least.
As gently as he could, even phasing his arms into the ground to maneuver without jostling them. One arm to brace the back, one arm under the knees. He got a good grip on them. Turned them both intangible. Then booked it.
Their body was large, too large, too awkward to carry. Their blood dripped down to the ground with every step, flying behind them and splattering against the concrete and mirror shards. The fire did not touch them, even if it felt like the heat was trying to devour them both. Smoke smothered everything. Without having to stop and search the area like he had before, Danny made good time fleeing the building and the area in general. He’d have continued to run to a hospital but the blood that slicked his hazmat was too concerning. He needed to patch them up first. Somehow.
The blanket Nadi had given him was phased into his stomach for safekeeping. As were multiple knives to cut it with.
He needed to find a place-
A loud BANG! sounded and Danny braced them both.
The bomb had gone off behind them, the blast sending wood and concrete and glass raining in every direction. The fire roared louder. The wind from the blast whirling past them in a concussive force. He kept them intangible until it passed. He pulled the other into an alleyway that just edged the docks, the noise of it burning being dampened. Like a pocket of safety. Or so Danny hoped.
He laid them down and pulled a knife, cutting the rope around their chest and wrists and legs and freeing them from the leftover chair pieces.
Their hands looked the worst off. Crooked and dark with bruises. Bleeding, but sluggishly at least. Slowing, stopping.
Right arm looked broken, leaking red too. He pulled the blanket out and cut a strip off to wrap it. Anything to stem some bleeding. He didn’t dare touch the hands. Pants were torn and scratched but nothing looked bad underneath. No gaping chest or back wounds but their breathing was rapid. Danny then remembered that smoke inhalation was a thing and tore off his breathing apparatus and the tank that connected it.
He didn’t know what being infused with ectoplasm would have done to the oxygen within it, but here’s hoping it would be fine.
He gently rolled them, noticing more blood was pooling around their neck. Shit. But then it looked like a wound from the jaw not the jugular. He balled up another slice of blanket and pressed it to the underside of their chin. He fumbled with the mask with one hand to put it over their mouth.
And then he noticed who he was treating.
Red Hood.
His hands trembled, mixed emotions entangling in his core, but he didn’t stop.
He placed the mask over his face, noticing that this was the first time he’d seen it completely bare. His domino was missing. He tried not to think about it. Tried not to think about anything except what was practical. (Not about his hands, completely mangled. Not about the blood, so so much of it. Not about any of the grief trying to well up inside him, churning like a building storm.) He fit the mask and moved the strap of it so it was holding the blanket in place, leaving his hands free.
He couldn’t take Hood to the hospital, especially not without a domino. But he needed someone. He’d taken Red to someone for medical attention before. He’d try the clinic again. Ancients, he hoped that doctor Leslie lady was still there.
Hood coughed, rough, body jerking with the motion. His eyes blinked hazily and a low groan escaped his throat before his eyelids fluttered closed again.
His eyes were very blue.
They opened again for a moment, staring at nothing, and Danny could see the man trying to say something. He leaned in close but heard nothing. Danny moved back, assuming that Hood had maybe become delirious with anemia. He couldn’t blame the guy, he’d be a hypocrite otherwise.
A low whine reached his ears and he paused to sweep a hand through Red’s hair to offer a moment of comfort. He couldn’t do much, but he hoped it would calm him for the time being. His aching core might not handle it otherwise.
He wrapped Hood up as much as he could and balanced the man and the tank in his arms before lurching to his feet with them both in tow. He really hoped he could remember the way correctly. The blood may not be flowing as bad, but he still wanted the man treated as quickly as possible.
So Danny, as quickly as he could manage, set off to find Dr. Leslie.
═════ ◈ ═════
Jason’s entire body felt like lead. Heavy, weighed down. Like there was a current running over his body that had sunk to the bottom of a river.
He felt like he’d been hit by a truck. He would know. He’d absolutely been hit by a truck before.
This might be worse though.
He didn’t want to open his eyes. Didn’t want to face the world. Didn’t want to fully remember the latest fuck up that had knocked him on his ass. Joker’s laugh was already haunting him, he didn’t need it back in surround sound.
He was so certain that he was going to die. Again. Because he was a dumb-ass that fell into traps too easily with no backup and a foolhardy plan to out villain the villain in order to get what he wanted. And now, here he was, back to square one with nothing to show for his efforts except a broken- basically everything.
Question now was- how did he survive? He didn’t remember getting out of there on his own. He didn’t remember getting out of there at all. Maybe he was dead? But this didn’t feel like dying had last time.
(Dying hadn’t really felt like anything at all, not once the pain ended. Or, maybe, he didn’t have a memory of anything else after that. Had he gone to an afterlife? All he knew was that once second he was dying in a warehouse and the next he was waking up in a grave. This didn’t feel half as suffocating as the coffin.)
The only way to answer that would be to open his eyes. Dammit. Fuck.
Someone else was in the room.
He could hear them breathing. Steady. Slow. Someone else had been in the room with him while he was out and injured, which made him tense. But they also seemed to be asleep, which was confusing more than anything. He’d have to open his eyes to even try to guess who it was though. Which he hated. He’d nearly blown up again, the world should be nicer to him. He waited a bit longer, listening to the steady breathing from what sounded like the corner of a small room, before his curiosity (paranoia) finally got the better of him.
He blinked open his eyes, however reluctantly, and braced himself for a blinding light that never came. The room he was in was dim and small. And recognizable. The little sectioned off back room in Leslie’s clinic. Huh.
But who was-
He sucked in a surprised breath that made his lungs ache, making him cough and then groan when that made his ribs twinge. And his jaw ache. Jesus fuck he was a mess.
And Fetcher was there, awake and watching, hovering on the edge of his vision, unmasked face pinched in worry.
“Fuck are you doing here?”
The words came out harsher than he meant, and he regretted them wholly when it made Fetcher reel back and close in on himself. Fuck. He was horrible at this kind of thing. He should apologize, he knew that. But the words were so hard to say and he still wasn’t convinced that he should. That it wouldn’t be better for Fetcher to stop coming anywhere near him. All he did was hurt the guy. It’s all he would ever do.
Fetcher shrugged, small and skittish.
“I hurt you,” he said, not knowing what else to say but the obvious. He was still just so baffled by why the other man was here. Why he’d gone through the effort to save him. Why he’d stayed.
Fetcher looked at him then, pale green eyes heavy in their stare. He tilted his head in a little nod of acknowledgment but otherwise stayed unmoving. Tense and waiting, crossed arms resting across a blood-stained suit. Jason winced at the sight.
“But you saved me?” he asked, uncertain.
Another nod. Another small shrug.
He sighed and closed his eyes for a moment, fire roaring in the memory that immediately came back to haunt him. The pain. The explosion. The jeering laugh of the mad clown that had gotten the better of him again. Tricked him so easily. He was so fucking stupid for falling for his traps again. He should have known his plans would fall through, no matter how meticulous he’d been. Self-sabotage. Because he was arrogant and impulsive and a moron. Just like he’d always been. Just like Batman had always though him to be.
And Fetcher had risked himself for his dumb ass. Had been yelled at and hurt by him and still braved the clown and explosions and a burning dock to save him. He should never have put himself in danger like that. Not for Jason. He wasn’t nearly worth it.
“That was dangerous,” he told him, keeping his eyes closed to avoid having to look the other man in the eye. “You shouldn’t have put yourself at risk like that.”
He took a heavy breath, a cough threatening in his throat from the action.
“You should have just let me die.”
And then he felt a smack to his chest and opened startled eyes to find Fetcher looming over him, angry and glaring with the slight sheen of tears threatening to fall. He pointed a stern finger in Jason’s face (and he couldn’t help but notice it was tipped with a small sharp claw) and smacked him again, lightly, to get his point across.
“Why do you care?” he asked, confused beyond anything why this angel of a man would do anything for him after the things Jason had done and said.
═════ ◈ ════
Danny leaned back after he made sure Red knew he wouldn’t stand for that kind of talk. Not from Hood. And he thought about his question.
That was the thing, though, wasn’t it? Why did he care? Because he sure as hell seemed to care more than just a cursory sense of obligation to not let someone die. Despite the fact that Hood had been an absolute asshole back in the dojo. Despite everything- he cared.
It was in the way he’d made Danny food. In the way he’d taken care of him. Made him feel human again, even if only for a moment. In the way he’d pester Danny to eat and sleep and patch him up when he got hurt. It was in the way he cared. About everyone in the Alley. The way he checked in on the girls so often. The way he brought food and blankets to the shelters so often. The way he tolerated playing with the Alley kids even when he was busy. It was in the way he talked about the changes he planned to bring to Gotham. To make it better. Make it livable for everyone. In how many people he wanted to help that way.
Yes, he murdered people. Yes, he was a Crime Lord. Yes, he could be a bit of a dick.
But he was earnest in his efforts to make the Alley, and Gotham at large, a safe place for innocents. He was a man made of compassion underneath it all. Made of strong convictions and strong emotion. Sometimes that emotion was anger and it overwhelmed him and he lashed out because of it. And yes, he’d lashed out at Danny, but Danny was nothing if not a glutton for punishment and if it meant having Red’s homemade soup again- he’d save the man any day.
He couldn’t exactly say any of that though.
So he simply stepped forward and smiled, small and tired and gave Red another shrug. Then he thought about it a bit and brought a finger to the other man’s chest, tapping the area where his heart was, reveling in the confused look it bought him.
“My heart?” Red asked slowly. “Do you… want it?”
Danny tilted his head in question, now also perplexed.
“Like to eat or something?”
He had to take a deep breath and turn away, shoulders shaking from the laughter he was trying to keep down. Red thought he saved him, that he cared- because he was saving his heart to snack on?! Why? What the fuck? What the hell kind of life experiences had this man had for that to be a reasonable conclusion?
He got himself under control and turned back around to see Hood giving him a bemused smile. It was a nice smile.
He huffed a bit and waved his hand in order to refute Red’s previous idea of cannibalism. Because really. He thought about it, how to convey everything he was thinking. Everything that made Hood a good man at his core.
He pointed at Red. You. And then he held up a hand, flat with his palm facing inward and his fingers touching his chin and pulled it away in a decisive, forward motion. It was one of the few signs he’d been taught so far. Good. And then he tapped Red’s chest again and could almost feel the beating under his fingers. Heart.
Red scrunched his nose and shook his head. “I do not. And that’s way too fucking cheesy a reason anyway.”
Danny rolled his eyes and smacked Hood for what felt like the tenth time already since he’d woken up.
Red smiled before it dropped. He looked up past Danny and toward the ceiling, staring at nothing with a grim look on his face. Danny couldn’t even begin to guess what he was thinking about.
“I was stupid,” Hood murmured. “All I’ve been since I got back is stupid. I never should have fallen for Joker’s trap. Never should have been so blind to what he was up to.”
Of course it was the Joker that Hood had nearly gotten blown up by. Danny fucking hated clowns for a reason and the Joker was just one of them. He watched as Hood raised a heavily bandaged hand in an attempt to comb it through his hair, only to pull back and stare blankly at the mitten of gauze and wrap that enveloped both hands. He accepted his fate with a sigh, weary and broken and Danny wanted so badly to fix it, but he couldn’t. All he could do was watch.
“But I needed him. Still need him. He’s the center of the question, here. The crux of the whole problem,” Red kept talking, low and mumbling and Danny was certain that he wasn’t talking to him anymore. But he wasn’t about to stop listening.
“I underestimated how much it would affect me- seeing him again for the first time. I should have handled that better.”
Danny could see blood seeping into the bandages around his hands, likely from Hood agitating his own wounds for whatever reason. He reached out and caught one of the hands between his own, tapping at the edge where the wrapping stopped in a bid to remind Hood of what he was doing and to stop hurting himself.
“You don’t understand-,” Hood gritted out. “I need that fucker dead. I won’t let him murder anyone else.”
Hood closed his eyes, but Danny still saw the pain within them.
“I should have been the line. My death should have been the line.”
And Danny froze.
No. No, he couldn’t be- He didn’t feel like a ghost. Or a halfa, even. But sometimes… No. There was no way. It was so faint. You couldn’t be a third of a ghost or whatever and he didn’t set off Danny’s ghost sense at all and- he was getting far too ahead of himself. He didn’t even know what Red Hood meant. Maybe he’d gone into cardiac arrest before. Been only medically dead for a few minutes. No ghostly business involved.
But he had to make sure.
He leaned over Red where he was still reclined back in the bed Doctor Leslie had ordered Danny to place him. Bruised and bloody and broken. Almost dead a second time.
He held the man’s head between his hands, solemn as he searched for- for something. Red didn’t say a word, just let it happen, eyes opening and trying to catch Danny’s- question what he was doing without interrupting. And Danny just looked into bright, bright blue and- there was a thin sliver of green. Ectoplasm green. Barely there and barely noticeable. But there all the same.
He pulled back and made Red focus on him. On his stare. All the while lifting a hand and turning it intangible to plunge into the other’s chest. If he was a ghost, or a half ghost, or a quarter ghost, he should have something of a core. Even if it was hiding.
Hood gasped and sputtered and coughed and tried to fight off Danny’s arm with useless hands. But Danny kept his soft grip on the uninjured side of Red’s face and brought his forehead down to rest on Hood’s, trying to calm him. It shouldn’t hurt- just feel weird. But he hadn’t exactly given the other a warning.
He felt Red shiver underneath him, the feeling of a ghost running a cold hand through your chest was never a pleasant sensation, but it was necessary.
He didn’t feel anything at first, waving a hand through Red’s chest, slowly combing through muscle and organ and bone and blood. He didn’t have much experience looking for a core, especially not in one currently still living, but he was letting his instincts drive him. He needed to know.
And then he felt it.
It wasn’t a core, not quite. Not so ghostly but definitely of the dead. It was half-formed and weak and felt like poison. It pulsed feebly when his fingers brushed over it a chorus of anger fear rage pain betrayal betrayal betrayal rang out from the touch.
He pulled back, just enough to take his arm out of Red’s chest and let him breathe, but not enough that he left the bedside. He let Hood take in ragged breaths, coughing and heaving from smoke inhalation damage (he regretted it for that, but not enough to have stopped his search). When it looked like the other had calmed down and was about to question just what the hell Danny had done, he held up a hand.
He pointed at Red. You. He slid a finger across his own throat. Died. And tilted his head to the side to turn it into a question, even though he knew the answer.
“Yes,” Hood said, voice rougher and raspier than before, tight from the cough and likely sore throat. “I died, Fetch.”
Danny stared down at the man, debating on what to say. Red’s eyes searched his own, blue that looked deeper in the dim lighting but he didn’t say anything either. Just let the quiet sit between them for a moment.
Eventually, Danny lifted and hand and pointed towards himself. I. He slid a finger across his throat. Died. He held up two fingers. Too.
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askthekirbysquad · 5 years
(My) Magolor: You can call me Maggy my taranza calls me that already
Kirby: Maggy? *smiles* I like that! *excitedly turns to his Magolor* Can I call you “Maggy” too!?
AtKS!Magolor: *sweating* …Please don’t do that.
AtKS!Magolor: Just stick to “Mags” or something, alright? Even “Mago” is fine.
AtKS!Magolor: B-besides, calling both of us “Maggy” would be confusing.
AtKS!Magolor: So, uh, don’t.
((Should I be tagging my versions of the characters when two of the same one are present? I feel like it should be obvious that the characters I’m writing are mine, but… I dunno. I’ll do it for now I guess.))
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mywritingonlyfans · 3 years
Fluffly fic with Thomas (A bit smut at the end)
this short fic is about: you having a crush on Thomas and he matches. 
warnings: it’s a bit smut. fingering + female oral. fem!reader x thomas raggi
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 Thomas kept his jaw set as he talked to his friends, in a way that you find quiet charming. He was the serious type, but in the best of ways. Anyone who didn't know him would think he was bored or indifferent to the conversation going on around him, something that in a short time you became aware that it was just him being himself.
 You love how his body seemed tense and at the same time so out of place.  His hair was cascading down his shoulders as his hands shook the beer bottle mysteriously. God certainly had his favourites, Thomas was a living proof of that.
“He fancies you too, you should have noticed that by now,” Victoria whispered, getting your attention back to her.
You were in the kitchen of his house with her.
Your back was against the wall, allowing you a perfect view of Thomas on the other room. He had decided to throw a party and as you were new to the group it was obvious that you’d be there with them.
“I don’t know,” you frowned, “I don’t think he does.”
 Thomas could have anyone he wanted, anyone in the room, no matter what room he was in.
 He indeed used to be touchy when it comes to you. You remember moments when he'd walk close to you, bumping his shoulder with yours, just for the hell of it or when he’d place his arm around your waist to introduce you to some of his friends, making you part of his chitchat. Over time, you realized this was his way of being friendly. Thomas was like that with everyone, you were no exception.
“Well, that’s not what Dami told me. He said he asked several times if you‘d come tonight and all of that,”
“Yeah?” Your voice was low, secretly afraid she might be poking fun at you. It wasn’t her type to do that, but when it comes to Thomas your head doesn’t work coherently.
 Your attention wandered from her, back to Thomas across the room. Just for you to notice that his eyes were already on you this time, he smirked, and then waved at you. 
Needless to say you became a self-consciousness clutter under his eyes.
You were about to answer him, even if it was with a small nod, but Victoria was quicker and while one of her shoulders nudged you; she signaled asking him to join you.
“That’s so cute, you’re literally weak at the knees,” Victoria took a sip of her beer, holding a sly smile on her face. “You two will be a lovely couple.” She concluded as nervousness took over your soul. 
You pressed your hands on your skirt, in a failed attempt to get rid of the sweating.
 Victoria was right, you were a bit shaken and you knew that your abrupt change in breathing next to your already hot cheeks could give you away. You had no idea why you were like that, things would be the same as before; he doesn't know how you feel about him.
You sighed heavily, giving Victoria a menacing look as you sat on the metal space of the sink. In your head, leaving Thomas's field of vision as he came to you would give you enough time to proceed what had just been said.
"Ayup girl!" He said happily, holding a toothy smile for you. "How're my favorite girls doin' tonight?" His arm went over to your shoulder and you hugged his waist sideways, in an almost involuntary act. You heard Victoria laugh, and then it hits you how strange it was that it became something normal in such a short time. Maybe it was meant to be, you wondered. 
"Ok, excuse me kids," Victoria blinked at you. "I'll be retiring, but don't have so much fun without me."
"Is that even possible?" Thomas asked, playing along with Vic's drunk words.
She was no longer in the kitchen and his hands were still on you, besides now he had turned so he was facing you. He placed a soft kiss on your cheek, getting so close that you couldn't even focus on your breathing anymore.
 He offered you his beer, which was half full and you drank it. Your mind wondered if he did this with other girls as well or if it was something exclusive that he only did with you, you wanted to be the only one.
"You seem a bit tense," His fingers enlaced a lock of your hair, putting it behind your ear. 
 His cheeks were slightly red from the heat, and so were his lips - probably from the pressure of the beer bottle against them -, his button-down shirt was more unbuttoned than usual, making it look like his necklaces was begging for your attention. It was clear that God was in a good mood and Thomas was his chosen one tonight. "Rumours has it -- that I make you nervous,"
There was no need to say it out loud. Dami had told Victoria, and it was logical that Victoria had also told Dami, then Dami told Thomas about you; in the same way Victoria told you about him. Thomas knew it was reciprocal.
“Rumours?” You mumbled. His face getting closer and closer to yours as his hands held the sides of your head; messing your hair a little. His face lit up in a naughty smile. “Is that what Dami said Victoria told him?”
“No matter who said it -- what matters is that I do it to you, right? Don’t I make you nervous?” He insisted as if he didn't know the answer. 
 At that moment the two of you were already a tangle. Your hand resting on his chest while your knees parted, giving more room to his weight.
You nodded. His eyes scanned your face for a moment and that was enough for your bodies to stick together, you could finally feel his lips on yours. He took his time caressing your nose with the tip of his one, running his fingers over your check. You were sure he could feel your body shiver under his touch as you melted in his tongue.
“Hey, Thomas,” you heard someone calling him. 
 The person was certainly drunk, which made you wonder whether Thomas was, too. He didn't taste like alcohol, but that could be the cigarette taste that has become prevalent for you.
 Could you be his drunk mistake? Would you be a one time thing? 
He broke the kiss, biting and pulling at your lower lip. You held a groan while he turned to the caller.
 You thought he would forget you there, but his hands went down to your hips and stayed there until his little conversation was over - his attention was still on you, fully on you. He squeezed your sides while you rested your head on his shoulder, watching him speak; specifically watching him because if someone asked you what they were talking about you wouldn’t know the answer to that.
“Do ya wanna go somewhere quieter?” He asked as soon as you were 'alone'. His lips now all over your neck and shoulder.
You wanted to, but the voices in your head screamed to be answered. Whould you really just be a one time thing for Thomas?
“We don't have to go, I don't mind spending my time here with you, bunny.”
You tilted your head to the side, holding his jaw in your hands to look at his face. “Actually, that whouldn’t be a bad thing.”
After your words, it was a matter of seconds before Thomas guided you through the house to his room. His silly smile remained on as he did his best to ignore everyone in his path.
You had never been in his room before but it was just as you imagined, there were some vinyls scattered on the floor along with some of his garments pieces, his guitar was on the bed, almost falling to the groud. His room was just as messy as him.
“If I knew I’d welcome you here, I’d have fix it a bit,” he murmured, placing the guitar in the corner of the room. He tries to arrange the blankets in the best way he could, and then sat on the end of the bed, gestuting for you to join him as well.
“I don't care much about the bed,” You whispered, realizing that it was really happening. You were with Thomas, in his room. You had just exchanged saliva with him a few minutes ago.
“So,” he sighed. “Are you sure about that?”
“About what?” You smirked. It was obvious that you knew what he was talking about.
“About what?” He repeated, throwing his body weight on the bed quite dramatically. “I don’t know, cute girl at a party, calling me to a quieter place,”
“Wait,” you leaned over him, awkwardly getting on top of him. “I didn’t ask you that,”
“Like you need to ask me to know that the answer would be yes.” His hand stopped over the hem of your skirt, making it possible to feel his fingertips on your thigh.
You came closer to him, feeling your breath blend with his warm one. You would be lying if you said you had never fantasized about that moment before. Taking a deep breath, you tickled his cheek with your nose as he pulled all your body into his. 
 It wouldn't hurt to let that happen and only worry about the other things on your head the next day, right?
 “Yeah, I’m sure about that,” You pressed your lips together. 
 His hands squeezed your waist, turning your body over so your back was now on the mattress.
“Arms up,” he said in between a sigh. 
You raised your arms, letting him remove your shirt. He had a comforting look on his features that soothed you.
He stood on the bed before stepping out of it. You laughed through your tension.
“What you’re doing?” You asked, leaning on your elbows. 
 He knelt on the floor at the end of the bed. You felt your body tense even more, your head full of thoughts per minutes. You did not remember the last time you had shaved, let alone if there were any marks on there too.
“I’m gonna take care of ya, bunny, “ He breathed and you could have sworn to feel him in you already. “Just relax,” his mouth trailed wet kisses down your things. He pulled your skirt up to your waist; in movements that seemed so perfect that could only have been calculated. Maybe he was a bit nervous, not as nervous as you, but a cool type of nervous. 
You nodded, looking at the ceiling, feeling as he pulled your knees towards him. You opened your thighs slowly and soon felt his lips on your clit through the cotton. He reached for your hand, intertwining your fingers in his. And God, he felt like heavens. 
“Don’t just nod at me. I want to hear you, lil’ bunny,” He rubbed the already wet fabric with his index finger.
You weren't sure what he was referring to, but seeing his face resting on the inside of your thigh, with his messy hair and eyes stuck on you; you know you would be able to do anything he wanted you to do.
“Yeah,” you agreed.
He put the cotton piece aside, diving himself in your nectar and slipping his fingers inside you. You closed your eyes, letting your head fall back at the feeling. He hummed in a smiled that sent you vibrations every once in a while, he clearly knew what he was doing. Soon, he shoved his tongue down your core, licking and sucking, gathering all your juice in his mouth. 
“So sweet,” he moaned at your taste, starting to lap his tongue at your clit. Joints deep down your pussy, going faster on you, making your legs quiver around his head as you turned into a whining mess.
“Thommie,” you grunted, tugging hard at his soft curls. “Oh, please.” you gasped through your dry throat.
 The combination of his tongue and fingers working on you made the butterflies in your stomach go wild and in between spasms and wriggling toes, you allowed yourself to surrender under his touch.
 Your vision blurred and your breathing ability seemed to have left your soul, but he kept with the wet kisses until you calmed down.
Your body was weak; that good weakness where you wished to stay quiet in the same comfy bliss forever.
“Are you good?” His voice made you open your eyes again. His chin was glistening and shirt folded up to the elbows. Such a sight for sore eyes.
“I’m fine, I’m pretty fine,” he laughed, helping you adjust your skirt.
“You’re pretty,” he said at your previous words, lying down and putting you on top of him.
Both of your faces were close - just as it had been all night. You could get used to it. Looking in his eyes, you wanted to ask if he would still think you were beautiful in the morning, when all the enthusiasm that parties bring to people were over; but you decided to go against it when you remembered that you had promised yourself to enjoy the moment.
“Whatcha thinkin’?” His asked, clasping his arms around. You felt nicely snugged.
“You,” it wasn't completely a lie.
His smile got bigger, and it was possible to analyze his cute crooked teeth. His eyes glued to you, sweet and happy, that you wished you could decipher him through it.
“Good, -- I like it like that,” He added.
It would be a matter of days for you to learn that his look was one of fondness and that you would live under it for months, seasons and even years.
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heejojo · 3 years
Mr Hollywood
summary: Sim Jaeyun had made it, he had finally fulfilled his dream of being an artist but he had to leave the place he called he called home promising he would come back when everything was okay. He’s back now but are you sure it’s the same Jake you once knew?
genre: fluff, minor angst, childhood lovers turned exes to lovers again
pairing: Celebrity Sim Jaeyun x non-celebrity reader (with enhypen and treasure appearances)
warning: none
word count: 4.1k
a/n: although it has been proofread, I cannot guarantee no errors so please let me know if you see any! please let me know what you think. likes and reblogs are appreciated and I hope you have a good day.
listen to the playlist here
send an ask or fill out this form to be part of the taglist!
taglist (open): @enhyphun @jungwoniics @penny-quinn @ncthpen @fylithia @taecup-ontrack @renee1414@studioreader
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“And the Artist Of The Year Award goes to none other than...” the announcer said, keeping you all at the edge of your seats. Everyone here had voted for Jake so many times so that he would win. The announcer looked at the folded card in his hand before smiling and saying.
“Jake Sim!” The screams of everyone in the beer parlour with you watching the award ceremony were probably louder than those in the venue itself. You all watched in pride as the look of shock was evident on his face and he shakily walked to the podium to collect the award. You smiled at how good he looked, he had come so far from the boy you once knew here.
Five years ago, Jake had left his hometown, where he grew up for 18 years to pursue his dream. Granted, not everyone is supposed to stay for the rest of their lives but he thought he was going to stay but he made up his mind to leave for his passion. You all supported him even if you weren’t able to talk to him because of his busy schedule. Being able to cheer him from the sidelines was what you were content with. He was the pride of the town and people did not hesitate to show him off.
He gave the announcer a bow and collected the award. You could see the way his hands shook as he collected the award as if it felt unreal that he won.
“I would like to thank God for the ability to get to this point today and to thank my parents for always teaching me the right way and having the courage to let their child pursue his dreams even if it meant that I would be very far away; almost out of reach even. I love you. To all those that have continuously supported me and listened to my music, thank you. To the staff that have worked so hard and everyone I've had the pleasure of meeting, a big thank you to you" he said and walked off.
The excitement of the crowd reduced and everyone eventually retired to their homes while chatting amongst themselves. You think about the award one more time, feeling happy for him and move on. After all, the same way Sim has a life to live is the same way you do also.
The next day, when you wake up you feel a shift in the atmosphere. The birds are still chirping, yes but something feels unusual. You brush off the paranoia you feel and decide to do your usual morning duties and carry on with your day. While other people your age wanted to have prestigious jobs(not like there was anything wrong with that), you wanted something simple and had decided on being either a cafe owner or a florist.
Sadly, the cafe owner agenda wasn't able to work out because everyone in the vicinity was now aware of the way you burned down a cafe trying to bake and collectively decided that you should not be allowed to make food for people. Flowers were better than running a cafe shop. You stayed with your flowers and you were able to give
someone a flower when they needed it.
Need a flower for your mother? You got it, a daylily was exactly what they needed. Wanted to attend a funeral? Take a bouquet of lilies. It was easy to understand and you didn't directly put anyone in harm’s way. Although your shop was hardly ever full, you were content with everything.
That's why you're shocked when you find a line of people waiting to be let into your shop at 9 am. You raised an eyebrow in confusion but you opened the door nevertheless. At the end of the day, you were the one earning the money. You had things to buy, didn't you?
You take your place at the counter and start attending to the customers. They didn't tell you to pick out one for them and just chose it themselves. The crowd slowly reduced till there was only one person left. When there remained a few people, you quietly moved to one person to ask for the reason why they were so cheerful today.
"Jungwon, do you know why everyone is so happy today? My shop was full today!"
"Are you complaining about it?" He asks. Jungwon was the son of the cafe shop owner. He came to your shop frequently when he was on his break and you would talk to each other.
“Of course, I’m not. I just want to know what’s making everyone come here all of a sudden. Even old man Jay came here and you know that man never leaves his house. He bought a red carnation and I’m confused because who does he have affection for that he’s getting them flowers”
“He has a wife you know”
“Please, the last time they had a conversation with each other was when he asked for a divorce” you deadpanned.
“Look Y/N, who’s the one person in this town anyone would do anything for?”
“Kim Junkyu?”
“Close but not him, I wouldn’t do anything for him” Jungwon stated making you roll your eyes.
“The only person left is Sim Jaeyun and we know it’s not possible”
“Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner”
You give him a shaky smile before asking him, “You’re joking right?”
“I’m not,” he says sincerely. You nod your head and go sit on the nearest stool. Placing a hand on your throat as you begin to scratch at it (something you did when you were nervous) and just sit in silence while Jungwon continues talking.
“After the award ceremony, his management released a statement on his Instagram saying that he would be going on hiatus for two months to visit his family. So we townsmen decided to get flowers to pave the road with because he would be coming back. We would have used gold leaves but it’s too expensive”
He continued talking and talking while you were still trying to process the fact that Jake would be coming back. Physically he was still going to be the same Jake you had a crush on before he left but personality-wise? You doubted that. You heard stories of the way fame had changed people; the love from others would get to their heads and make them overly egotistical. A part of you knew that he wouldn’t change but the other part was unsure. Before he left, you made him promise to not change and while you knew promises could be broken, you knew he wouldn’t break them.
“Jungwon, I want to close the shop for today. I’m not feeling too well and want to rest a bit”
“No problem Y/N! If you want, I can stay here and do business for you”
“Don’t worry about it, I’ve made enough money today to last me for next month” you say and shoo him away.
At home, you just sit and think for some time before getting up to make some tea and reminiscing about your high school memories. You hardly had feelings for people so when you did, you let them know immediately. When you told Jake that you liked him, he told you that he felt the same. You ignored him for a week after that because you didn’t think that far. After that, you met up with him and explained the reason why you avoided him. You went out with each other for less than 2 weeks and during that period, he had told you about his dreams of becoming an artist and you supported him wholeheartedly.
He would carry your books from school and you both would walk home together every day. He'd play the violin for you because he was good. You'd both pet stray cats and run when they started chasing you. All good things came to an end when he told you that he had to leave to pursue his dream. You both knew you were too young to even attempt a long-distance relationship so you let each other go even though it hurt. You’d watch his music videos and support his activities even though there was a possibility he would never return. Now that he was going to be here, how were you going to cope knowing that your feelings for him were still the same while his feelings could have gone, especially with all the beautiful people in the industry?
That night, while everyone was outside welcoming Mr Hollywood, you stayed in your house dreading the days that would come. The town was small so there was no way that you wouldn’t bump into him. The voices were loud when you tried to sleep. Seems like everyone was ecstatic that Jake had come back. The noise wasn’t able to let you sleep but deep down you knew it was because you were nervous.
You decide to bake cookies to reduce the stress you are currently feeling. You had learnt from your mistakes and no longer burnt kitchens (your kitchen being valid proof of that), but Jungwon’s dad still wouldn’t lift his ban. You baked cookies till 2 am before you were really tired enough to sleep. You had baked almost a hundred cookies that night.
The next morning, you made sure to wake up early so you wouldn’t run into anyone. Thankfully, the townspeople didn’t want to buy flowers that morning and got started on the orders that people out of town had placed. You brought cookies for Jungwon so he could test them. You were trying to fix the counter when someone walked in, making the bell jingle. Assuming it was Jungwon, you say, “Jungwon the cookies are on the counter. Test them and tell me what you think, don’t eat them and run away”
“I’m not a Jungwon but can I talk to Y/N?” You’re startled but you freeze, instantly recognizing the voice. Jake Sim.
“Hello, what would you like?” you asked with a forced smile. You were way too close, the proximity was making you uneasy. He looked a bit disappointed with the way you answered him but what did he expect to come to? It had been five years.
“I just wanted to tal-” he is cut off by Jungwon bursting through the door.
“Y/N, you will not believe who I saw. I saw Jake Sim with my very own two eyes. He looks so much hotter in real life. Do you think he’d sign my back if I asked-” he stopped instantly when he saw the person that was in the flower shop.
He looked like a fish out of water with the way his mouth was agape. Looking at you, then at Jake and then you again. He brought his hand to his head and he hit it hard making you startled.
“Sorry I will leave now,” Jungwon said.
“To cry” he murmured, making you chuckle. Jungwon was someone that cried when he did something embarrassing.
“Jungwon wait,” you say and walk to give him the cookies you had packed for him with a little note.
“Eat them and get back to me when you’re less you know...embarrassed” He snatches them from your hands and makes a run for the door. You giggle then you remember that Jake was still present. Turning to face him, you ask if he wants anything. “I want to talk to you”
You motion him to sit on the spare chair you had and he obliges. Before you even ask him a question, he begins, “Was that your boyfriend?”
“No, not that it concerns you though”
“Where you last night? I saw everyone but you. The Johnny kid said you were feeling ill. I doubt that wasn’t true as you made cookies. The last time I remembered, you were really bad at anything relating to the kitchen”
“Times change and people change, Jaeyun. It’s been 5 years since we last had a conversation with each other. I’m not the same and I’m sure you’re not the same either”
“Let’s get to know each other again. Do things the old fashioned way. Go on dates, paint, and bake with each other. Do some of the things we could have done 5 years ago.”
“And then when you have to leave and have no contact with each other again”
“I won’t do that, I promise. Never again.”
“How can you be so sure of that?”
“Let me prove it to you-”
He’s cut off by the entrance of another customer and stands up to leave but you don’t miss the longing look in his eyes. You hope he can see the same look in yours that’s covered by hurt and waiting for someone to return.
You were not expecting Jake to be at your store first thing on a Friday morning. He was even earlier than you and you're the boss.
“What are you doing here?” you ask. He was bouncing on his feet and looking cherry when you hadn’t even gotten enough sleep.
“I’m here to take you out. Do it like the old times where I’d wait for you so we could go to school together”
“I have work to do today and I’m going to be booked so another time”
“I have come to offer my assistance so tomorrow we can go out together”
“Don’t you have things to do?”
“I’m on a hiatus, I’m free for almost two months and if you want I can be free for more. Imagine all the things we could do in that time” he trails off, fantasizing when you hadn’t even told him that you still liked him. Meanwhile, you had opened the door and walked in.
"Aren't you going to come in and stop thinking of cute stuff?" you ask him and he quickly runs in, flustered.
He takes a look around and puts on a determined face and gets a broom and starts cleaning. For someone that's supposed to be a celebrity, he was cleaning like an employee. You take a rag and wipe all the surfaces and take care of the flowers. After an hour, the shop is ready to open. Customers come rolling in once they see a new help. Although they're surprised, they don't question it.
During your break, Jake picks up a chrysanthemum and hands it to you. "It's for you because you're beautiful," he says
"Hate to rain on your parade but if you gave me this in Italy, it means you wish I were dead" and with that, he takes back the flower instantly and brings a single red rose. You receive it with a small laugh, finding it funny when he doesn't want you misinterpreting him. You were having a sweet moment with him until Jungwon came in again.
"I'm getting tired of seeing you here Mr Sim. As much as I adore you, I need to meet my friend" he states and pulls you to the back. "Care to explain why Jake Sim is in your store again!?"
"Nope" you respond, popping the p. He brought his hand to his forehead and tried to relax his muscles because according to him, he doesn't want to look forty-five when he's thirty years old.
"Look, it's weird coming here and seeing you have company. I'm not against you having company seeing as you've been lonely the entire time I've known you but, I can't stay in his presence! Why must a man Look so gorgeous!? He's ruining my already broken esteem. Everybody saw him in real life and was wondering how a man could look that good."
"They saw him when he was seventeen years old," you tell him.
"And he's twenty-three now! He doesn't look the same and I don't even need to have known him then to know now"
"Jungwon, I want you to get to the point," you tell him, basically pleading at that point because your break would soon be over.
"I'll see you when I have enough confidence to meet him," he says and leaves the store. You shake your head at his overdramatic behaviour and continue with your day. Jake proves to be amazing assistance and you got things done quicker and even closed earlier.
"Thank you for offering help, you can go home now. See you tomorrow" you say in an attempt to shoo him out.
"I want to walk you home" he announces and goes with you home.
"Do you hate me for not talking to you?" he asks.
"I don't hate you. To be honest, I think we both did the right thing by not talking to each other. It was good we had each other in mind but I would have caused too much of a distraction for you. It was great you focused on your career and achieved your goals. I did well too"
"Johnny boy said you were lonely though," he said.
"Number one, I know you know his name is Jungwon but you're just being petty. Two, why were you eavesdropping on our conversation and three, I still had a bit of hope that one day you'd return. I didn't think that you'd come" you say truthfully. The night was making you vulnerable when answering his questions.
"I always asked my mum how you were doing when I called her, you know? I wanted to check up on you without doing so myself. I'd ask her to give you a pop tart because I knew they were your favourite"
Even though he was still far away, he still had kept you in his mind the same way you did for him.
You got home and stayed at the door before you took him by the shoulder and said, "Let's go out together and have fun". He gives you a soft smile and watches you go in before he retires to his own home.
The following day, you're waiting for him to come. You had tried to dress up for the date but didn't want to underdress or overdress since he hadn't told you where you were going. So you decided to wear a simple sundress and made yourself look nice. He arrived wearing something as casual as you in a car.
"Is this your dad's?" you questioned.
"Yup, I borrowed it to take you out,” he says and winks at you. You shake your head laughing and get in the passenger seat and he drives.
“Where are we going?” you ask, curious.
“You’ll see when we get there” you don’t respond but wind down the window and feel the wind on your face which makes you smile.
You catch Jake glancing at you while he’s driving and he doesn’t even try to hide it. “At least try to pretend you’re not starting”
“I can’t help it, you’re so pretty” This kid, he was making it too easy for you to fall for him.
“Do you still like me, Jaeyun?” you inquire.
“I do,” he said with certainty. Has he always been this bold? You don’t say anything and continue to look out so he reaches over and takes one of your hands in his while he uses his other one to drive. You look at him but just continue doing what you’re doing.
“You might not believe me but I mean it,” he says, lightly squeezing your hand as a form of reassurance.
He stops the car at an aquarium and you both come out. You have a wonderful time and although people recognize him and are surprised to see him with you, they don't say anything and leave you alone. You smiled that day more than you had ever smiled before.
"The fishes look good to eat" you whisper in his ear and he playfully smacks your arm and jokes.
"You monster! How can you say that!?" to which you jokingly shrug.
After the aquarium, he takes you to a flower field. "I did my research this time so I don't give you a wrong flower." He picked up a primrose and says, "I know this one means love is eternal so I'm giving it to you because no matter the distance between us, our love will be forever"
You feel warm this time and know that even if he were to leave again, the distance wouldn't matter because together, you both could overcome anything.
"You're all I need" you manage to say.
"When did you get all sentimental?" he teases and you chase after him in the flower field. When you get tired, you lie down on the grass and he lays next to you. Your hands find his hands amid all the grass and you squeeze it. Unknowingly, you fall asleep next to him.
The next weeks that follow include you two bonding and Jake having fun and being relaxed. He was able to write a song but wouldn't let you see the lyrics, saying it wasn't something he wants you to see yet. You met his parents and thanked his mum for taking care of you indirectly and conversed with his dad too. You could tell that he hadn't forgotten any of the values his parents had thought him. He grew up surrounded by a lot of love so he had more than enough to give.
He also met your parents and he was nervous even though you had tried to reassure him that they wouldn't do anything to him. Your father tried to act scary but deep down you knew he had a soft spot for him. Your mom was showering with more affection than she gave you and Jungwon tried stylishly asking him for his celebrity crush numbers.
"Jake, since you're dating my friend can you link me up with Han Sohee? You've worked with her before, help a friend out"
"I'll ask her but no promises" Jungwon was so happy the entire day.
A few days before Jake had to go back because his hiatus was over, you both were talking about how things would be while baking muffins.
"Y/N don't think I won’t talk to you when I go because I can already see the gears turning in your head."
"Pass me the butter Jaeyun"
"Are we back to the first-name basis? Call me the sweet names" he whined.
"Just pass the butter babe" and he passes it instantly.
"Now back to what you were saying, I know you won't forget me obviously and if you try I I can always take a flight to get to you." You tell him. You weren't going to wait around for him anymore. If you missed him, you'd go see him if he was unable to come to see you.
"Better, I was already worried," he says and gives you a back hug.
The day he left was bittersweet and you shed a few tears. It took a lot of willpower to not cry in front of him. You didn't want him to leave but you knew that he had a job to get to and you couldn't be in the way of that.
You both regularly kept in touch, calling each other at least twice a week to catch up on what had happened during each other's week. He hadn't told you that he released a new song and you found out through his fanboy Jungwon who was now the self-acclaimed president of his fan club.
"Y/N, have you heard Jake's new solo? I cried to it for an hour straight" You didn't have any time to check what was going on because someone had ordered flowers for their wedding and you had to get them done quickly.
"New solo?" you ask and Jungwon sits you down and plays the song for you. Truth be told, you cried as well. It felt like he was there with you telling you that he'd never change.
You watched the interview and when he was asked about the meaning or person behind the song, he said, "There's someone that I love and I wanted to let her know that no matter how famous I get, I won't ever change and she shouldn't change either". He looked directly at the camera then continued, "You're stuck with me forever".
That night, you called him and cried on the phone to him telling him about how you saw the interview.
"Y/N, you know I care about you" you sobbed even harder.
"I care about you too, forever"
"Forever baby, regardless of the distance"
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hanjizung · 3 years
♡ Dreamy Welcome. ♡
Lee Minho x Reader.
Word count:  4.4K
♡ Warnings ♡: SMUT; (mentions of) orgasm control, fingering, masturbation, (a bit of) exhibitionism, creampie, breeding kink, basically just love making, pet names.
Hello! im back with another request from when i reblogged this promp list ! [8) “If you’re going to act like a little brat then I’m going to treat you like a little brat.”] hope you enjoy!
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You had been missing Minho a lot since he went on tour, missed everything about him; his voice, his laugh, his smile, the way he called your name, how he hugged you and kissed you on the forehead after teasing you… His whole absence felt weird, it wasn’t killing you but you missed him a lot, you needed him back as soon as possible.
There was an unwritten list of things you wanted to do with him once he was back; first you had to hug him, tell him how much you had missed him while kissing his face and making him feel a little shy from all the affection you were giving him in front of his members, then you would steal him and take him to your house for a movie night where the only thing you would actually focus on is going to be take care of him, massage him if he wants, play with his hair and cuddle with him on your couch until he fell asleep, and the last thing on your list was to make him fuck you senseless.
Of course the two of you had the occasional phone sex, it was mostly him hiding in the bathroom between practices and telling you to touch yourself for him, moaning his name but never cumming, because he said that he wanted you to cum on his cock, he wanted to be the one to give you an orgasm that would have you seeing stars.
That was the promise he made during one of those calls late at night that had you feeling needy and in not a very good mood for the next day, it made you feel frustrated that you stayed always at the edge, but you were equally proud that you hadn’t broken his one rule.
The day he called you and told you with a happy voice that his last concert was in 3 more nights and that in two days after that you would be able to see him, you exploded. When you went to work you got asked multiple times what had happened that you couldn't stop smiling, making you laugh and lie to them that you were just excited for something that happened to one of your cousins or something like that.
It was a more contrastive mood than how you behaved last week, bags under your eyes, eyes semi closed from how tired you were and not so happy because your beautiful boyfriend required a session of self love where he got to edge you multiple times. Twice, to be more precise, the sudden change surprised everyone at your workplace. You seemed more energetic and focused, you did all your work with a smile on your face and you sang during your break when you ate.
You asked your boss if you could leave earlier one day, and seeing how competent you were behaving he accepted, wishing you good luck and telling you that he expected you to stay working as efficiently as possible and that he was happy with your work pace. You simply nodded, not hearing much of his speech because everything that was in your mind was your beautiful boyfriend.
Days passed quickly and you found yourself showering at 4 am to be able to go and receive your boyfriend and the rest of your friends in time. You would be done getting ready at 5, then had to get a taxi to the airport and then you would be able to spend the day with all of them, just like you wanted.
The early morning was cold, and you were thankful that you decided to wear an appropriate coat to protect yourself from the weather. You placed your hands together out of nervousness, anticipating the moment that all of them would arrive, walking through their fans and following the staff to where their vans were parked.
True… you couldn't run to Minho and wrap your arms around him. You had to keep the black mask above your nose and the dark glasses to avoid raising suspicion and pretend to be another staff member. Your relationship was a secret…
Sighing, a plane finally landed and the giant bodyguards that you sometimes brought candies to started walking towards it, you running not too far from them and breathing in to try and control your excitement, failing momentarily when you saw a group of men walk out followed by some other people close behind them. You recognized each one of your friends as soon as they walked out, they wore comfortable clothes and they seemed to be needing some more rest.
The real staff instructed them to go to the previously prepared cars, and you rushed to find your dance machine boyfriend.
You waited for Changbin, Jisung and Seungmin to get inside the car, Minho noticed you and he got in, waiting for you to close the door after you hopped in to hug you and pull you close to him in a loving manner. In the front seats, there was one of the bodyguards and the designated driver. You snuggled closer to Minho, he whispered "I missed you a lot" for you to hear only and he kissed your forehead gently, making you feel incredibly happy.
Not even 10 minutes inside the car, and soft snores could be heard, Minho's weight felt heavy in your side, but you didn't care, you were happy knowing that from that day he would get to rest for a long period of time, and you expected to spend a lot of time with him.
The stillness of the car made you open your eyes, rubbing them to get accustomed to the sun rays filters through the clear front window and you realized that you had finally arrived at the dorms. The bodyguard opened the door for you, giving you his hand to help you out. You shook Minho gently to help him wake up, yawning when he looked at you with disoriented eyes, and then you took the waiting hand to wait for them outside.
When all of them were outside the car, you helped them walk to their corresponding dorm, helping Minho walk with closed eyes because he wasn't fully awake, and when you finally got to your destination, the door was unlocked and there was a mountain of baggage and bags ready to unpack, but that would be a problem for later. In the kitchen, sitting with his laptop in front of him was Chan, he gave a low "good mornin" when he saw who had arrived, continuing to do whatever it was that he had on display in the screen in front of him. You nodded, silently greeting him and then walked to Minho's shared room. He plopped down on his bed, moving and patting the side next to him for you to lay down next to him, and you did.
"I missed you" you whispered, burying your face in his chest and hugging him tightly, making him chuckle quietly.
"I missed you too, hot stuff" he whispered back, looking down at you and patting your back gently.
The two of you stayed like that, there was no need to speak any more words, you were finally holding him, you were finally in his arms and you felt so loved. This was your safe place.
With those thoughts in your head, you dozed off again, your breathing almost syncing with Minho's steady one.
You had a beautiful dream with him, it started with you sitting on the porch of your childhood home observing the street until a younger looking Minho appeared and took your hand. He guided you to the insides of the place that used to be your home. He kissed you playfully at first, then he took your face with his hand and held you in place as the heat of the kiss increased and moments later he was eating you out in the kitchen aisle.
You were enjoying the dream probably a little too much, because you were woken up suddenly by your boyfriend's hands on your shoulder, moving you gently to bring you back to the real world.
"Seems like you had an interesting dream, didn't you?" he said. You blushed, hitting him gently on his chest and groaning.
"Maybe I wouldn't dream such things if someone," you shoot him a glare "didn't get me all worked up and then didn't allow me to cum" you complained, making him laugh. You were daring him, and you knew that, but you needed to know how much he would wait until he finally gave you what you wanted and fucked you hard like he'd done before he left.
"Oh, really, baby? It's my fault, then?" he asked. You pouted and nodded, looking at him with needy eyes. "Then I must do something to reward you for being so good, right?" his hand snaked on your tummy, getting to the edge of your shirt and going under it until it reached your breast.
His hand squeezed you, gaining a sigh from you. Two of his fingers played with your nub moment later, he shifted so he would be on his side and able to play with you, his lips finding a home in your neck and kissing you lazily, the caress of his lips against your skin and the sensation of him teasing your nipoles felt amazing, it was enough for you to start getting wet and your breathing to turn irregular, but all that ended when Jisung shamelessly opened the door.
"Hey guys, who's awake already? Does anyone wanna watch a movie?" he asked no one in particular, Minho's movement stopped and his arm quickly moved to wrap around your waist, his head fell against his pillow and you closed your eyes again to pretend to still be asleep. It was almost as if nothing between the two of you had happened, which would actually seem like it were true if both your hearts weren't racing from almost being caught.
You heard movement from the other side of the room, you recognized Hyunjin's steps passing through the door accompanied with a humm and later Seungmin's voice was heard, answering Jisung who was still standing by the entrance.
"I'm kinda hungry. I'll join if we order something to eat" he said, the sound of feet against the floor letting you know he was ready to leave the room.
"Sure, let's try to convince Chan to pay," Jisung responded, waiting for Seungmin to walk with him to the living room, but when Seungmin reached him, Jisung didn't move. "Shouldn't we wake Minho and ask him if he wants something as well?"
"Nah, he stayed up the whole flight I think, and besides, he's with Y/N. Let's order something for them and let them sleep," Seungmin said, his tired voice making it clear that he didn't want to deal with trying to wake Minho up.
The answer seemed to be enough for Jisung, and the two of them left, closing the door behind them. Just then, you allowed yourself to sigh in relief.
Next to you, Minho rolled on his side, his back now at you making you confused. "What are you doing?" you asked.
"You heard them, they think we're asleep, so we might go back to sleep again, don't you think?" he responded, his tone still low. You whined, hugging his whole body as best as you could, your mouth reaching his ear to whisper to him:
"But I'm so wet… are you really going back to sleep and leave me like this?" you cried to him, you knew he could feel you putting on the tone of voice you decided to use, but he didn't say anything, so you tried your luck again.
"Please, if you're not going to fuck me at least finger me, I've missed you so much… I've been waiting for you to use me for so long" you continued, begging with a low voice and pressing your lips against the shell of his ear, starting a trail of kisses down all the uncovered skin you could see, high diving yourself in your mind when you felt him shiver under your touch.
Minho finally sighed, giving in and turning so now he would be facing you, your eyes almost shone when his right hand went to your hip and his face got closer to yours to steal a passionate kiss that you now would end up making you feel like the world was spinning.
You couldn't help the giggle that escaped your lips when both of you tried to recuperate your normal breathing, drawing a raised eyebrow from your boyfriend. You simply took his face with both of your hands and started kissing him again, suddenly one of your hands leaving his cheek to guide the hand resting on your hip to where you needed him most. If he noticed, he had been nice enough to not say anything.
Or that's what you thought, because then he broke the kiss and growled quietly, his fingers playing with the button of your jeans until he was able to open them and he wasted no more time, his slender digit slipping past your underwear and feeling all the wetness between your legs.
"Oh, Y/N, you're so fucking wet, kitten" he muttered. His hand moved away from where you wanted it to be, making you complain and furrow your eyebrows while he showed you his glistening finger before guiding it to your lips for you to lick it clean yourself. Minho rolled his eyes when you grabbed his hand and made it touch you again, you didn't care how needy you seemed, everything you could think of was how much you'd love for him to rail you.
His fingers started working on you, slowly caressing your clit and gathering your essence before he entered you, making you sigh. He was staring at you, silently admiring your features that showed just how good he was making you feel. You weren't looking at him, your eyes closed as you tried to focus on the way he was making you feel, but you didn't need to see him to know how much he was grinning, proud to have you biting your lip to not moan too loud. At some point your breathing got heavier and your legs started to tremble, the last signal meaning that you were close was when your walls embraced his fingers, your mouth opened as you found home in the ecstasy-like sensation, Minho tried to prolong it by over stimulating you.
After a moment, he finally removed his fingers from your inside and licked it clean from your juices while you recovered.
"Was that better?" he asked, gaining a humming from you as an answer.
"It was good, but I still want you to fuck me" you finally said, pouting. He opened his eyes wide, as if he was actually surprised, and said:
"You're so greedy, my needy baby wants something else besides my fingers, huh? Go clean yourself and let's go to your house then. I'll give you the best welcome back fuck of your life" he kissed your forehead, waiting for you to stand up after you heard what he said.
"Really?" you asked, full of hope. He nodded, and you almost jumped from the bed to run to the bathroom, standing in front of the door fixing your jeans before walking out the room, remembering that you weren't alone.
You made your way silently to the bathroom, saving your hand at Jeongin who apparently had gone to his room for something and happened to find you on his journey to go back to the living room. He seemed tired, as if he hadn't fully tested, but his memory worked just fine because before you entered the bathroom he told you that they were going to watch a movie and had called for some takeout food for everyone. You thanked him and got inside to do what you had to do.
An hour later, you found yourself cuddling Mingo on the only individual couch after eating and watching a comedy with the rest of the members. Some were on their phone, some still eating and others were cuddling just like you were. It was a relaxed night, and you were having a good time, but the words Minho had told you earlier resonated in your head and your pussy was louder than your heart, screaming at you to act out and make Minho take you home to complete his promise.
Covered with a blanket, your hand snaked down his form and entered his joggers, feeling up his cock. You weren't looking at him to know his reaction, but he quickly squeezed you as a warning to not continue your devilish plans.
You didn't care, continuing to tease him until he got hard enough and that's when you pressed yourself against him. He sighed, but pushed himself against you almost as if encouraging you to keep going.
"Stop, Y/N. We'll leave after the movie is over" he whispered, trying to get you to reason with him.
The answer he got was you pulling his joggers and boxers down with one hand carefully, freeing his hardened cock from its prison and wrapping your hand around him, making him hiss. One of his hands went to your neck, pulling your head back to tell you one last thing.
“Kitten, if you’re going to act like a little brat then I’m going to treat you like a little brat when we get to your house" he murmured, quiet enough for you to listen to his words only.
If you were going to be punished, you might as well continue what you started.
Minho's hold on you tightened when he realized that you had set your mind on torturing him, you knew the risk of possibly getting caught was high and that it made everything way more exciting, but all your tries at being subtle and not drag any attention to the both of you were affecting him horribly. He hated how you ceased all movement when someone shifted or how you tensed when everyone stopped talking was like pure hell for Minho.
His cock twitched, and he faked a yawn to hide the noise that came out of him. You took advantage of it, and played along with it.
"Oh, you're still tired? We should go back to your room so you can sleep, don't you think?" you whispered, long enough for the rest of the members to hear.
Minho caught up with what you were doing, faking another yawn and hugging your body as if you were a plushie. He nodded, and you fixed his clothes quickly so the two of you could stand up.
Minho had other plans, and stood up with you in his arms, the blanket covering his boner. Everyone's eyes were on you two, so you said goodnight and entered the shared room again. Once inside, he didn't even turn the light on, walking straight to the bed after closing the door and dropping you there.
"I can't believe you're making me break Chan's 'no fucking in the dorms' rule" he said, taking his shirt off. You laughed, starting to undress as well.
"As if you really cared about rules" you said, opening your arms for him when you and him were finally fully naked.
"You're right, I only care about you and fucking you. You'll get your punishment later" he replied, hovering over you and positioning his member at your entrance, pressing your foreheads together as he slowly entered you. He kissed you before he started slamming into you, trying to maintain your moans to a minimum so the whole 'going to sleep' act could still be believable to your friends.
With your arms thrown around his neck and your legs hugging his waist, you felt the happiest, like you were in heaven. Finally, Minho was filling you with his cock, making you feel like he was the missing piece in your life that left a hole in your constant day to day with his sole absence, but now he was back, fucking you, kissing you; loving you, and it made your head and your heart swim with happiness, because he was back and you would have him like before he left.
He was thrusting you carefully, slowly but not too much to make you feel bored or annoy you, it was almost the right speed to make the moment last longer, a try to be more passionate with you. Minho's grunts and your heavy breathing were all you cared about, you forgot about everything outside the door, but the way your reasonable side made you moan quietly still brought a sense of reality to you, you whimpered and opened your mouth to exhale, his own breathing on your face making you open your eyes to look at him while he kept working, rocking his hips against yours and trying to make you cum for the second time of the day.
"I love you" you told him quietly, looking up at his sweaty face and pulling him in by his neck to kiss him lovingly like you meant to do when you saw him coming out of the plane.
Minho smiled against your lips, allowing his weight to fall on you and support himself on his left elbow, using his right hand to caress your cheek and move a strand of your hair that had gotten on your face so he could admire you better. When he finished the kiss, you thought he would return to the old position, supporting himself with both arms, but he didn't and instead he started kissing your whole face, making you giggle and close your eyes, with each kiss he left on your face you could say he tried to speed up to finally make you reach your well deserved orgasm, everything in that moment felt so intimate, and the addition of the kisses on your face and him gently cupping your cheek let you know this wasn't simple fucking anymore.
You would make a disgusted face at how cheesy it sounded, but in that very moment you couldn't describe the intimate activity as anything else than love making.
It wouldn't be the first time that Minho treats you as gentle as this, but something… felt different. You couldn't quite tell what it was, maybe because it had been months since you were with him, or because you missed him so much, but the ambient felt more mature in the aspect that you knew that his sweet whispers praising you and reminding you that he loved you as well and that you meant so much to him were not just words.
You wanted to cry, but you knew this wasn't the moment, your quiet moans mixed with giggles and adoring smiles disappeared when the new hard thrusting made your walls tighten around Minho's cock, and without any advice you came. You knew that there was a high percentage that the boys already knew what the two of you were up to thanks to the cracking of the bed and the specific noise of skin slapping sounds, but you still wanted to try and drown your moans to simulate that you were sleeping.
"Ah, baby…" Minho grunted, his face hiding in the crook of your neck to then whisper to you "I'm gonna cum…" followed by the twitching of his cock inside you.
"C-cum inside me, fill me up" you said back, your broken voice and tucked out features when he moved to see you being all he needed to release his seed inside you.
The warm sensation of his semen flowing in you made you smile, and your panting boyfriend pulled out of you to take the tissues box he hid under his bed for all occasions.
You looked at him when he kneeled in front of you to clean you, knowing how tired he actually was by the way his eyes were closing, and you appreciated how he still worried to clean you and not let you all sticky, very sweet of him.
The two of you dressed up lazily, this time laying in bed to sleep like you had said that you would do some time ago.
"I'm so happy you're back, I really missed you" you whispered, your hand resting flat on his chest as you listened to his heart beating under you.
"I'm glad to be back as well, kitten. I thought I would go crazy if I spent more days without seeing you" he joked, patting your head with his hand.
"Let's not think about it now, I had a hard time without cumming when you weren't here" he laughed at your words responding by squeezing you a bit.
"Well, if you're going to be this needy every time I come back, I don't mind leaving you as much" he said back, tone so serious that it scared you.
"You're not being serious, right?" you moved, looking at his face. He had his eyes closed, but the faint shadow of a smile creeping on his lips. He opened them to look at you before he answered you.
"Of course not, kitten. The last thing I want is to be away from you, it's so hard to be far from you when I love you this much" he finally said, making you sigh in relief and your heart throb inside your chest.
"It's not my fault that you love me so much, you're only guilty for making me love you so bad" you smiled, going back to resting on his chest.
"Shhh, you know, that I'm the best that's happened in your life, but we can talk about how awesome I am later, now sleep. I promise I'll be here when you wake up" he moved, shifting to press a kiss on your forehead.
"I hope so, you promised me the fuck of my life when we go to my house and I can't wait for that" you laughed, poking his side.
"We'll see when tomorrow comes, but sleep first. Good night, baby, I love you."
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caffeineforbucky · 3 years
As Time Goes By...(Chapter three)
A/N: This one took a while to write. I've just been so busy doing absolutely nothing all while procrastinating, so special thanks to that. No, but I really hope you like this, fellow reader. If you like the series, let me know if you want to be tagged!
(Side note: I've been playing RE8, thirsting over lady D, and dying over and over...it's going great! It's part of the procrastination...)
Also, has anyone seen the Bridgerton musical tiktoks? I swear I've had the 'burn for you' song in my head all last month and if you've been living under a rock...here's the link:
Word Count: 2,299
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem! Reader
Warnings: I don't know....angst? As always, John Walker!?! AKA; Fake Cap. Umm...If I missed any let me know.
(A little PSA: I don't hate John Walker: or the actor. John is a well-written character. This is just strictly for the purpose of where my story is going. I'm more reiterating how Bucky treats him in the show. Thank you!!)
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You groan, rolling from your left side to lay flatly on your back, arms spread out beside you. You inhale deeply, becoming aware of the moistened dirt and crushed wildflowers beneath you as they release their aromatics. Birds chirped around you, the busy sounds of traffic fading away while you lie still in the field, oxygen feeling heavy in your lungs.
You barely heard the worrisome calls of Sam over the sound of your heart pounding in your ears. You lift your head, the view of icy mountains in the distance, blurry figures making their way towards you while you somehow managed to sit up. Your head was spinning, a sharp ache on the side of your thigh.
Your eyes flickered down, taking note of the small paring knife lodged in your thigh. You exhaled softly, nodding your head at the sight of it. "Okay," You grumble in agreement. With shaking hands, you wrap your fingers around the handle, bracing yourself by taking intervolved breaths before carefully pulling it from your thigh.
You worked fast, ignoring the crunch of rocks and dirt under the acknowledgeable footsteps of Sam and Bucky. Taking babochka, you cut off the end of your pant leg, wrapping the spandex around your wounded thigh before securing it with one of the holsters, tying the ends into a knot. You remain quiet, carefully pushing yourself up to your feet, transferring all of the weight to the opposite leg, eyes drifting up to meet the guys. "Are you guys okay?" You murmur, dusting off the clumps of dirt and dead leaves from your jacket.
"Are you?!" Sam exclaimed incredulously. "You're bleeding!" He points out, gesturing to the bright red staining the skin of your calf as it dripped down to your boot. The wrap might've held the wound shut, but that didn't mean blood wouldn't have soaked through.
"Oh, this?" You ask, glancing down at your leg, the wound throbbing in agony, but you did your best to avoid it. "I've had worse." That was true, from all those years fighting as an avenger. Getting shot, kicked, stabbed, beaten until you were purple, and undergoing mind control. This tiny stab was the least of your worries. It still hurt like hell, and you couldn't hide the discomfort in your features.
"Do you want a piggyback?" Bucky asks suddenly, slightly annoyed at your nonchalance and still concerned nonetheless. You weren't expecting it, the odd but kind offer, especially from the menace himself. Though you weren't one to pass up being carried. With a hesitant nod, you agree, watching Bucky crouch just a bit, allowing you to climb on his back.
The position was awkward for both of you. With his hands tightening on the back of your knees and your arms wrapped around his neck, neither of you could think straight. Yet, you were still thankful. The road to the airport was a long one, and you weren't sure if you could make it in your state. Bucky held you as if you weighed nothing, his super-soldier strength showing off while he carried you on his back, footsteps matching up with Sam. He didn't mind doing it, especially since he was the one who offered, and the proximity was just a bonus.
"Sorry about Redwing," Bucky muses, breaking the silence while the three of you sauntered down the empty road. There was nothing for miles, only empty plains of grass and dirt. Young trees scattered, lacking the greenery around them, evident of the cold weather in Munich.
"No, you're not," Sam remarks, narrowing his eyes to a pinprick at the winter soldier. "You've always hated Redwing."
"That doesn't mean I'm not sorry about it," Bucky grumbles, tightening his hold on you as he felt you slipping. You gasp at the sudden strength, clinging better to his shoulders as well. "How're you doin' up there?" He asks, jaw clenching from your touch.
"All things considering," You sigh, pushing aside the butterflies in your tummy at how close you were to Bucky. "I've been better. We've gotta find out where that super serum is coming from."
"Yeah," Sam chimed in, glancing at you. "-And how the hell after 80 years are there eight super-soldiers runnin' loose?"
Loud honks of a horn ring in your ears, tires treading on the gravel as an army jeep slows down beside the three of you. "So, that didn't go as planned, huh?" John chuckles, pushing the door open only for you to keep walking, paying no mind to the man in stars and stripes.
"Okay, keep going," John utters, signaling the driver to keep up as he pulls the door shut. "Look, at least we know what we're up against, huh? And I'm pretty sure it's one of the big three...so,"
"Aliens, androids, or wizards," Lemar comments as John nods his head in agreement.
"There's no such thing as wizards!" Bucky grunts, keeping his eyes forward, hands on the back of your knees.
"Fine, aliens or androids," John settles, sharing a look with his best friend beside him. "Look, it's 20 miles to the airport, and you guys need a ride. Gary, stop," He instructs, the wheels slowing down. John opens the door once again. "Get in," He sighs, motioning all of you inside the jeep as Bucky and Sam's footsteps came to a halt.
Bucky gently sets you down, taking note of the small whimpers falling from your lips. No matter how tough you appeared to be, you still carried so much vulnerability. "You okay?" He asks, eyes filled with so much concern it almost scared you. He hadn't looked at you like that in a while. "Do you want any help?"
With a soft nod, you oblige to Bucky's ask, needing more help than you anticipated. You didn't want to add any strain or force to your injury. You didn't even realize it happened, and that part of it was Sam's fault for swooping to grab you while you had a knife in hand, but you weren't going to start pointing fingers. You wrap your arm around Bucky's shoulder, using him as support while he boosts you up on the jeep after Sam climbs up first, helping you settle beside him.
"Woah!" John exclaims, almost rising to his feet at the sight of your thigh, your hands stained with blood. "Are you okay?"
With a curt nod, you adjust yourself to relieve some of the pressure while Bucky takes a seat on your left, leaving you to be right smack dab in the middle as he pulls the door shut. You blow out a breath, knowing damn well if it hadn't been for the mishap, you would've walked the damn 20 miles.
"Lemar, hand me the first aid kit," John instructs, pointing to the steel case beside his friend. You wanted to protest, but even you knew that the strap wasn't going to work. Mouthing a thank you, you take the case from Lemar's hand and clip it open.
"Okay, so we got eight super-soldiers on a bulk supply run," John continues, the jeep beginning to roll down the road. You hand the case to Sam, asking him to hold it while you searched for gauze, medical tape, and butterfly bandages, you were probably going to need stitches, but you'd worry about that later. "Why?" John asks, watching closely as you patched up your wound.
"They say their mission is to get things back to the way it was during the blip," Sam answers, handing you another strip of tape. "Maybe they're just tryna help."
"They had a funny way of showing it," Bucky adds, his eyes trained on you, a hiss slipping through your lips as you roll down the remaining spandex. You sigh in relief, the ache becoming dull as you shut the case, giving it back to Lemar.
"Better?" John asks, earning a single nod as a response. "I don't think we've properly met. John Walker," he smiles, offering a shake of his hand, but you didn't move, only staring at the outstretched palm in front of you. "Does she talk?" John mumbles suddenly, looking to Sam or Bucky for a reply.
Your eyes cast down, gaze hardening at the sight of the shield in his grasp. Flashes of Steve running through your mind, the many times he'd catch you trying to throw it like he would. Steve Rogers meant a lot to you, having joined him in not signing the Sokovian accords, being an outlaw, and helping to clear Bucky's name with Sam. So, seeing a man who wasn't Steve hold the shield awoke something in you. Something unkind and hateful.
"When she wants to," You claim, John squirms in his seat, sensing the tension as your eyes flicker to his. "And frankly has no desire to speak to you."
"You don't even know me," John defends, glancing at Bucky, a sly smirk on his lips, and Sam, who rendered quiet, his eyes looking elsewhere. John sets his attention back on you, lips razor thin.
You scoff, shaking your head softly as you fold your arms over your chest. "Jonathon F. Walker," You begin, leaning back in your seat, your eyes never leaving his. "Former Captain of the U.S Army's 75th Rangers Regiment. Graduated at the top of your class from the United States Military and the first person in American history to receive three medals of honor, ran RS-one missions in counterterrorism and hostage rescue."
John's tongue darts between his lips, a frown spreading throughout his forehead at the information you were giving him. Either you did research on him or, you just read his file, which you had done both. You were not one to go into a mission without potentially knowing who you were up against. It was better to be safe than sorry.
"So you saw the news?" John chuckles, the frown falling from his features while he shrugs. "Big deal, so did the entire world."
"Custer's Grove High school alumni."
John's smile falters.
"There you met, Lemar Hoskins and your current wife," You tilt your head in curiosity. "Olivia, right? Or am I getting it wrong?"
Clearing his throat softly, John broke eye contact with you. So you did know him, and you probably knew more than you led on. "Do they always just stare like that?" He gestures between you and Bucky, who had displayed the same distaste for him.
Sam glances beside him, observing the matched body language you shared with Bucky, its no wonder Bucky had taken a liking to you, even if he'd never admit it. "You get used to it," Sam smirks, turning his head back to Walker.
"Okay..." John drags, eyes flickering to the more sensible one of the trio, and that was Sam. "Look, that serum doesn't have the greatest track record, no offense," He waves his hand, dismissing the insult directed towards the only super-soldier in the car.
"We need to figure out where they're going. How'd you track 'em here?" Sam asks, "The flag smashers."
"Uh," Lemar murmurs, scratching the back of his head. "We didn't track them. We tracked you through Redwing."
"You hacked my tech!?" Sam gripes, straightening out his back as he sat up.
"Sorry," John laughs, "It's not exactly hacking. It's government property...kind of the government. Alright, you know things have gotten kind of..."
"Chaotic," Lemar adds.
"Yeah," John nods in agreement. "The GRC, they're doing their best to get things up and running smoothly post blip. If you guys teamed up with us-"
"No." Bucky interrupts. He couldn't let Walker finish that sentence.
"I've got mad respect for all of you," Lemar praises, looking between the trio before him. "But you were getting your asses kicked 'til we showed up."
"And who are you?" Bucky bemuses, cocking a brow at the man next to John.
"Lemar Hoskins," You mention, "I could've sworn we've been through this." You shake your head at the old man, for being 106, he couldn't hear a thing.
"I see a guy hanging out of a helicopter in tactical gear," Sam shrugs, "I'm gonna need a lot more than Lemar Hoskins."
"I'm Battlestar, John's partner."
"Battlestar?" Bucky repeats, narrowing his eyes at Lemar as he nods, confirming his alias. "Stop the car!" Bucky shouts suddenly, brakes screeching as the wheels come to a stop in the middle of the road. Bucky pulls open the handle, ducking, as to not rail his head on the bar-frame above him before hopping off the jeep.
"Look, I get it, okay?" John sighs, calling after Bucky. "I get the attitude, I do. You didn't think the shield was gonna end up here. I get it, Bucky. And I'm not trying to be Steve!"
"Good," You interject, rendering John to settle his eyes on you. "Because you will never be. And just because you're the one wielding it..." You grab the bar above your head, using it to pull yourself up. "It doesn't make you Captain America." And with that, you carefully jump off the jeep, following after the heated super-soldier.
Sighing in frustration, he rips his eyes away from your retreating figures. "I'm not trying to replace him either. I'm just trying to be the best Captain America I can be." He explains to Sam, hoping the falcon would cut him some slack. "-And it'd be a whole lot easier if I had Cap's wingman on my side."
Sam's eyes widen in surprise, his tongue darting between his lips. "It's always that last line," He scoffs, shaking his head as he jumped off the car, following you and Bucky.
John's lips thin out, face scrunching in a scowl. "Let's go," He instructs. The sound of the jeep leaving making its way to your ears.
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m-art-i · 2 years
I’m the royal advisor but I might as well be a royal babysitter because holy shit you are such a handful… Wake up ALREADY!
thanks to @toxixpumpkin again for the prompt! (if you get annoyed by me tagging you everyday for the next ten days just tell me pls lol)
sunaosa, royal au, 1.2k words
(this one started out funny in my head and ended up angsty on paper, but it will probably have a continuation in the next few days using another prompt of the list bcs i can't just leave them like this, i need a happy ending dsfhksj)
Rintarou loved his job. Really, he did. It wasn’t just because he’d been basically born in it, or because of all the benefits it granted him, allowing him to live comfortably, and right in the royal palace of all places. But no, his favorite thing was the power. Sure,  the King had all the decisional, legal, and executive power. But who did he ask for advice to, before taking any decision? Despite still being young, barely over twenty, Rintarou was basically holding the whole kingdom in the palm of his hand, and he loved it. 
Another not too bad perk of being so close to the royals was that he’d got to grow up alongside the princes. For how much he made fun of and chastised them, he cared for them deeply, and enjoyed their company and their little idiosyncrasies. 
Except, of course, when the king sent him first thing in the morning to call on them because they were wanted in a meeting. He was the one who had to go, on account of him being so close to them, and also being the person with most leverage. He knew how to handle them. That didn't mean he enjoyed it, especially when he had to do it so early in the morning. Those were the only times when he really questioned his life choices, hated his job with a passion and wished he could just quit and flee the island never to be heard from again. 
“Osamu, please,” he repeated for maybe the tenth time (he didn't know for sure, he'd lost count after the fourth), completely letting go of all the honorifics he’d used up to now, deciding he didn't have time for proper etiquette. Emergencies called for desperate measures. 
He hoped the guard he had sent to wake Atsumu up was having more success, but knowing the princes he was probably in the same situation as him, if not worse off, not having the same familiarity Rintarou shared with the twins.  
He eyed Osamu's relaxed face, the ghost of a smile on his lips, the way his hair was standing up on his head, a stark contrast against the white cotton of the pillow, and he knew for a fact that he was just pretending to sleep. Rintarou wanted to rip out all of his pretty hair and punch his teeth in, but he just sighed. He couldn't do all that, but he could still be harsher than he'd been up to now, pretending that keeping his distance from the prince was what he wanted, not just what was expected of him. It wasn't like anyone was watching him now, though, so he gave up on every semblance of control, stepped up to the side of Osamu’s bed and started to violently shake him by the shoulders. 
“I swear to all that is holy,” he rumbled, “if you don’t wake up right now I will—” 
He never got to finish his threat, though, because Osamu raised both arms and circled his back, pulling him down and turning on his side, making him topple over on the bed and caging him in a tight hug. 
“Osamu…” Rintarou complained, wincing at how half-heartedly it came out. 
Osamu just squeezed him harder. “Shh, let’s sleep,” he whispered against his hair. 
“We have to go,” Rintarou said, voice muffled against Osamu's sleep shirt. “Your father—”
“—will wait,” Osamu finished the sentence for him. “Just five minutes. I barely see you, lately.” 
“Yes well, I have a job to do and your father—”
“Oh shut up about my dad, please,” Osamu said, leaning back slightly so that he could look at him in the eyes. “He's not the one you pledged undying love and loyalty to.”
“Actually yes, i did. He's my king—”
“And I'm your lover.” 
“Rin. Five minutes. Let me pretend for five minutes.”
Rintarou stared into those wide, honest, warm eyes and he dropped his head forward, pressing his forehead against Osamu's. “Nothing to pretend. I do love you,” he whispered. “But you know we can't do this forever, we agreed that—”
“Shh,” Osamu said, cutting him off once again, angling his head so he could rub the tip of his nose against Rintarou's. 
Rintarou sighed, closing his eyes and giving in. “My clothes are gonna get wrinkled,” he said, shuffling slightly to make himself more comfortable. 
“You can say you had to wrestle me out of bed.” 
Rintarou chuckled, opening his eyes again to regard the other man's face, so close to his and yet always so far away. He raised a hand between them and gently carried a knuckle over Osamu's forehead, passing over his eyelids, fallen closed, then down along his cheek, wrinkled from the pillow, and up again, fingers threading through his hair, messing it up even further. Osamu smiled through the administration, then his face relaxed into a light slumber, lips still carrying the shadow of a small smile. Rintarou leaned in and kissed him softly, just once, just because he could, just because he didn't know when he would be able to again. Osamu was right. Just five minutes. Five minutes to pretend this was normal, that every day they woke up together and could share lazy mornings, bad breath kisses, and gentle caresses. Pretend that they could get out of this room and still look at each other like they hung up the moon, still talk freely, still touch and hold each other, still kiss.  
But they could not. Osamu was the prince. He wouldn’t inherit the crown, thanks to Atsumu’s seven minute seniority, but he would most likely have to marry off to some princess in neighboring kingdoms for political reasons. And Rintarou was just an advisor. He was no royal, not even noble. He’d just been lucky enough to be born with half a brain in the right place, at the right time. He could have all the power in the kingdom, he could start wars and he could prevent them, he could make laws and he could erase them. But he still couldn’t have this. 
He’d tried, he’d searched. 
All the power in the world still couldn’t erase the fact that they were not meant to be. They shouldn’t even have met. They shouldn’t have become friends. They belonged to different spheres, two circles who seemed to be tangential, but if you looked more closely you’d see a growing gap between them. Their lives could never intersect. 
Osamu was going to get married and leave, and Rintarou would stay back, helping the king, who eventually would be Atsumu. If only they were switched, Rintarou thought, not for the first time. If only Osamu was the oldest, if only he were to be king. Then at least they could stay together, if only by proximity. 
He could stay at his side, guiding his hand and his watching his steps. Standing to the side as he found an appropriate queen, married, gave the crown an heir. 
Maybe it was better this way, after all. At least he wouldn’t have to witness all that. 
He would just let him go, like they agreed on, and he would never think of him again. But for now… for five more minutes, no one had to go. Osamu could hold him, Rintarou could play with his hair, and the future didn’t exist. For five minutes, they were just two inconsequential people, sharing warmth and breath, and nothing else mattered.  
And, really, Rintarou wouldn't give up these five minutes for the whole kingdom. For the whole world.
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
The Coordinates Of My Heart ~ JJK [Request]
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GENRE: Angst, fluffy ending, established relationship
PAIRING: Jungkook x fem!reader
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It was no secret that Jungkook had tattoos all over his body, everyone had seen them by now but not every single tattoo that covered him. There was one very secret tattoo that nobody except for you and Jungkook knew about...Well, you, Jungkook and his ex-girlfriend that was. It was only a small tattoo on his left peck but it was one of the biggest mistakes Jungkook had ever made in his life, the whole time he was getting his collection of tattoos he swore he would never have someone's name tattooed onto his body and yet there it sat. Black ink across his peck with her name in cursive writing with a small heart attached at the end, "SeoJun" The tattoo bothered you a lot but you would never let that show in front of Jungkook. You'd been dating for almost three years now so you never brought it up except for the first time he showed you. He wanted you to know that she meant nothing to him anymore but that it was there and something he had to deal with. 
It was still a crushing feeling to see another girls name tattooed on his body and him always saying that he would never do it again, never tattoo a name across him anywhere on his body. You knew he was thinking rationally but there was a part of you inside that cried out to know why he wouldn't put your name on himself instead but the other part of you thought rationally. He probably didn't want to chance it by getting your name tattooed anywhere on himself and having the relationship fall through. 
"Baby I'm so tired," Jungkook groaned that morning as he walked down the stairs to you in the living room he was shirtless and wearing a pair of shorts, you were trying to convince him to go swimming with you. It was his week off from the studio, he took it off to spend time with you but for the last six days he'd done nothing but lay in bed gaming or go out to dinner with his friends, or hang out with the boys. 
"I'm only asking for this one thing baby...Please! I don't want to go alone." You giggled to him as you tugged on his hands trying to convince him to go with you, he looked at you tiredly as he shook his head.
"I'm busy today," He mumbled as he took his arm out of your grasp, ignoring the look of confusion written across your face as he walked into the kitchen. Jungkook hadn't told you he'd made plans with anyone which was why you'd woken him up in the first place if you'd have known he was busy you would have left him. Following after him, you went into the kitchen and he began to make himself something to eat,
"Busy with what? We haven't hung out all week, you said you took the week off to spend time with me." You uttered you knew it probably sounded as though you were being childish but right now you didn't care, you'd missed your boyfriend and this week it felt like you saw him less than you did when he was actually working. 
"I actually said I took the week off to relax, so far I haven't done any of that." He grumbled as he began pouring himself a bowl of cereal, not meeting your eyes as he spoke. Rolling your eyes at him you shook your head, 
"You've relaxed plenty, all you've done is game and sleep...As well as go to lunch, or spent time with friends...W-What if we went for walk instead? Namjoon said he found this really cute hiking trail..." You trailed off when you realised Jungkook was more interested in the phone that was sitting in his hand than he was in listening to you talk to him. The thought of him ignoring you was heartbreaking enough, you began to overthink everything, maybe he was getting bored of being with you...
"But of course, I wouldn't want to take you away from what is really important." You grumbled to him referring to the phone before storming out of the kitchen and into the living room to grab your swimming bag to go alone since he wasn't that bothered about you anymore.
"Are you upset because I won't hang out with you?! We don't have to be around each other 24/7 Y/n." He followed you into the living room staring into your eyes as he waited for you to say something back to him. He didn't mean for it to come out as harsh as the way it was.
"No, but it would be nice if my own boyfriend wanted to do something with me. Watch a movie, go for a walk, order food. All you've been bothered about is gaming or hanging with the guys, we haven't done anything this week." He rolled his eyes at you before going back into the kitchen without another word in your direction. You knew it wasn't supposed to start a fight but there was a part inside of you that wanted answers from him. 
"Tell me I'm wrong then. Tell me one time this week you've even wanted or offered to hang out with me." You stated as you walked back into the kitchen, he put his bowl down into the sink shaking his head at you. 
"I've been busy. I'm doing stuff all week, I don't need you jumping down my neck-" He stopped talking when his phone began to ring on the table in front of him for a second you could have sworn a panicked look spread across his face. Out of habit your eyes glanced down to see who it was but as soon as you saw the name you wish you hadn't. SEOJUN. Was written across the screen in big bold writing with a broken heart beside her name just like the tattoo Jungkook had only the heart was broken. 
"W-Why is she calling you?" Instead of answering you Jungkook just turned the phone over so you couldn't see it and shook his head at the question. 
"Jungkook..." You whispered feeling insecure at the thought of him starting to see her again, it wasn't that you didn't trust him. It was Seojun that you didn't trust. She was manipulative and cunning. She always got whatever it was she wanted if she used the right way on Jungkook it was like she had a spell on him.
"Y/n it's not what it looks like, she's just started to say sorry to me that's all. She wants to make up for all the awful things that happened, she opened up her new shop so I've been going to help-" The look on your face made Jungkook stop talking instantly and he knew he fucked up, it was a look of sadness and anger as you realised he'd been spending all of his time with her. 
"S-So you've been spending time with her? On your week off..." He nodded his head slowly not wanting to lie to you about where he had been anymore, 
"Because I knew if I told you, you would be upset-" He tried to rationalise it but you cut him off,
"Of course I would! You've been spending all of your free time with your ex-girlfriend and lying to me about it!" You yelled out as you stared down at his phone, it was starting to ring again but you both ignored it this time letting it go to voicemail.
"I was just helping out with her shop, she's straightened herself out." You scoffed at the thought of it all and the phone began to ring again, it was clear she wasn't going to quit calling him until he finally answered her call. 
"So she's trying to get back with you?" You questioned as you stared at him folding your arms over your chest,
"No! She's trying to say sorry..." You rolled your eyes at the statement, at how naive he was being about all of it and began walking away from him not wanting to listen to this.
"Am I not allowed, friends?!" He snapped at you making you turn to face him you were angrier now at the fact that he was making it seem like you were forcing him not to talk to her, 
"You can be friends with whoever you want...B-But didn't you think about how this would make me feel? Seeing her again? When she's literally tattooed across your chest?!" He heard the crack in your voice as you stormed out of the door, leaving him alone in the world of his own thoughts. He knew how much the tattoo hurt you even if you refused to show him that sometimes, he groaned picking up his phone to her. 
"I'll be running late today, come by about 2 pm? The place will be empty and it'll be just me and you, like old times." He sighed as he heard her voice down the other side of the phone, 
"We should stop, she's suspicious..." He whispered to Seojun as he walked out of the kitchen and towards the front door, you were sitting in the car so he walked up the stairs to talk. 
You whimpered as you got into your car, starting up the engine and driving off towards the pool. You didn't even need to go, you just had to be out of the house for a while to let your brain cool down from what was happening, you were probably just overreacting to it all. 
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When you came in after swimming the house was empty, all of the lights were off so you knew Jungkook must have been out or up in bed asleep but it was only 7 pm so that was unlikely true. You dropped your keys down in the small bowl by the front door and kicked off your shoes wanting nothing more than to snuggle up beside Jungkook and say sorry for that morning but he wasn't there so you went for the next best thing. Having a shower and curling up in one of his shirts while you waited for him to come home, you'd left him some texts but if he was still upset about this morning you doubted he would answer you. 
As you walked into the kitchen you saw a note on the door, 
Went out to think. Don't wait up. Love you. x x x JJK x x x You smiled halfheartedly as you read the note from him to you and screwed it up before putting it into the bin. All you had to do was remind yourself that Jungkook loved you, he would never do anything to hurt you.
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Later that night Jungkook pulled up outside the house and saw your car, 
"I'll call you later, Y/n's home so I'm going to talk to her if she's awake," Jungkook said to Seojun who hummed before hanging upon him. He shut the door carefully and headed up to the front door, it was almost 12 pm so you were most likely asleep in bed but when he walked into the living room you were out cold on the sofa. Draped in one of his jumpers and a pair of shorts with a blanket around you, the TV was playing to itself all of their Bangtan bombs and he smiled to himself. At least you weren't too angry at him to fall asleep to his voice, he turned off the TV and headed into the kitchen. 
A small hissing noise made you wake up when you heard small grunts of pain, 
"Guk?" You moaned out as you rubbed your eyes, the kitchen light was on and the moaning was coming from there. Terror ripped through you at the thought of him and someone else being in there together but Jungkook would never do that...Would he? Slowly sliding off the sofa you tip-toed into the kitchen to see Jungkook with his back to you, he was hissing as he pulled something off his chest, 
"Kookie? What's going on?" Jungkook jumped as your voice suddenly filled the air, he turned to face you and you saw what he was struggling to do. There was fresh clingfilm wrapped around his chest along with some pads, 
"Jungkook?" You frowned walking further into the kitchen as you helped him take off the cling film, 
"I did something." He mumbled as he took your hands into his own to stop you from removing the rest of it all, 
"We have to talk..." You stared into his eyes waiting for him to continue and he looked down, 
"I know how much the tattooed bothered you without you saying anything...That's the reason I've been seeing Seojun so much, she runs her own tattoo parlour instead of working for other people now..." You remembered him telling you once that she worked as a tattooist in someone else's shop, 
"S-So you went to her to get a tattoo done? Why didn't you tell me?" He let go of your wrists and allowed you to keep unwrapping the clingfilm until it got to the end and the flower could be seen, 
"Because we were working on something I couldn't tell you about," Sitting on his left peck, covering the entire muscle was a huge tattoo of your birth flower. Tears began to well up in your eyes as you stared at the masterpiece, 
"The best part." He whispered as he took your hand carefully and lead it over to the middle of his chest, written in small black in were some coordinates. 
"Do you know what that is?" You stared at them with a frown on your face shaking your head at him trying to work it out, 
"It's the coordinates of where I first told you that I loved you," You stared at the coordinates before wrapping your arms around the back of his neck and dragging him into a passionate kiss. Tugging him closer to you until he hissed out in pain, 
"S-Sorry, the tattoo is sore." He chuckled as you looked at it again, 
"Where's your cream? I'll apply it and then we can go to bed?" You questioned as he nodded at you, telling you where the cream he used for all his tattoo's was kept and went to sit on the sofa for you. Smiling happily as he waited for you to come back to him.
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Tagline: @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @fan-ati--c​ @rjsmochii​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​ @bisexualmess007​ @innersooya​ @sw33tnight​ @jin-from-the-block​ @sweeneyblue1​
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
𝓐𝓾𝓻𝓸𝓻𝓪 𝓐𝓼𝔂𝓵𝓾𝓶: 𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸
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𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝙼𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚘𝚡𝚒𝚌 𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚙, 𝚢𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛, 𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏 𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚖, 𝚜𝚞𝚒𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚊𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚒𝚎𝚜, 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚞𝚒𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚎, 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏 𝚍𝚎𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘𝚙𝚒𝚌𝚜. 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚊𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗.
𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐: 𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎! 𝙹𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚈𝚞𝚗𝚑𝚘 × 𝙿𝚜𝚢𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚒𝚜𝚝 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 (𝙵𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎)
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 𝟹𝙺
𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: 𝙰𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝, 𝚂𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝙵𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏, 𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝙰𝚄
I breathed out an airy and desolate sigh through my nose, obviously I unconsciously did it a little too loud as the raven haired male sitting across from me looked down at the floor.
"It was all my fault.....wasn't it?"
I looked up, the glasses sitting on my nose bridge tilting slightly that I had to push them back up so I could study his features, or should I say, his expressions. His eyelids never blinked once, his eyes were trained on the pattern of the carpet underneath him, but I knew his mind was elsewhere. I looked with pity at the bandages wrapped around his wrists, some of the edges stained with fresh blood. I gulped slightly, my stomach threatening to spill out my meager lunch of an apple and avocado toast slice from earlier. I could handle hearing patients tell and retell me about how they stabbed their parents to death, cut off their significant other's genitals because they were unloyal to them, even tackled a deranged lunatic that once tried to...... seduce me to put mildly.......
But to this day, I can't help but get dizzy when I treat or deal with patients who are self harming victims, because yes, they are victims. Victims of their own self loathing, guilt, and depressive state that isn't their fault. It just pains me so much to see them resort to such drastic measures...
But I'm also not stupid and know some, if not most only do it for attention or to manipulate others, and Yunho is a case not far from it. Which is why I was the one sent to deal with him. All the other psychologists would have fallen for his sad puppy eyes, good looks, well built physique and would have released him too early into the world. Not that he's dangerous and a threat to society, but he's not emotionally nor mentally stable to go deal with daily life yet. And I'm not a softie by any means even if I'm patient and meek doctor when necessary. But I'm objective and I seek deeper into the true person hiding behind the front they put in front of me.
"Do you believe it was your fault Yunho?" Usually one would get scolded for answering a question with a question, but I prefer this method in order to get my patients to reason and draw out their own conclusions......
And makes them pour out their true answers.
I watch Yunho ponder for a moment.
"It has to be- otherwise she wouldn't have...wouldn't have-"
He bites back a choked sob, teeth tightening and gritting against themselves as he fails to contain his tears. His hands cover his face as he begins to cry uncontrollably, desperate and heartwrenching wails resonating throughout the 4 walls keeping us company. Reaching for the purple plaid box on the coffee table between us, I take out a few tissues and stand up from my seat. Lightly tapping on his shoulder, I whisper a 'here' to him. He thanks me, but since he's crying too hard no sound comes out his throat. For the next few minutes, he's blowing out his runny nose, all red just like his eyes from crying too hard. He's sniffling while trying to control his previous hyperventilating session. I want to hug him or at least give him a pat in the back. But I can't, I can only sit back and try to imagine the agony he's probably going through, try to put myself in his shoes as I dive deep into the event that got him here in the first place:
Coming back from a trip to the store, Yunho momentarily looks around confused when he heard his baby daughter crying. Quickly putting the bags on the kitchen counter, he makes his way over to the nursery that adjoined the main bedroom. Calling out for his wife, he receives no response as he walks down the hallway. He calls once more for her but stops midway as he opens the slightly ajar door. His heart stops beating and his veins run cold as he stares into the lifeless body of his beloved wife hanging in the room, feeling as if the oxygen is being ripped out from his lungs, suffocating slowly.
As if sensing his agitation, his daughter's cries from the other room grow louder, so much that they raise concern from their next door neighbor, a kind and sweet old lady who more than once has offered her help in watching over the child or help them out in any way she could. Typing in the passcode, she makes it there just in time to stop the tall male from inflicting more harm upon himself as he holds onto his wife's body in agony. Having been left with no choice, she immediately calls for an ambulance, who arrive there shortly and take him to a nearby hospital.
He was monitored 24/7 as he had a history of attempted suicide before. The nurses and doctors didn't want another episode to happen again, not wanting to leave a barely 1 year old fatherless as well as motherless. As an investigation went, police found a journal hidden deep between the mattresses on the bed. When they poured over the first pages, they knew there was much more to the story than just a doting husband who couldn't live without his wife, hence why he was relocated to the infamous asylum......
And a specialized woman was tasked to not only unmask the truth, but hopefully help a poor broken mind be put back together again.
Hence why I'm here now, the folder I had read over and over again still on my lap. It honestly amazed me that I'd actually get to work on a case like this, and of course I took up the challenge of digging into a mind like Yunho's, not just to help him, but to leave a precedent for any other situations like this that came after.
"A precedent?" I remember the officer asking me.
"Yes. You'd be surprised just how common these types of toxic relationships there are in an everyday basis yet no one ever looks deeper because they're too focused treating a depressed person who's trying to kill themselves and don't focus on what they really are...."
Shutting the folder, I tucked it under my arm before turning on my heel.
"A manipulative individual who'll do anything to keep someone tied to them forever."
That's how I viewed Yunho, it's how I should be viewing him. At least until I could hopefully get him to change.
"How's......is my daughter ok?"
I let out a soft hum and nod as I scribbled something down on the notepad.
"She's fine. We're having someone take care of her in the meantime, don't worry."
Yunho let out a sigh of relief, fingers fidgeting against his thighs as he mustered up the courage to say something.
"Could I.....could I please see her?"
From the sad look in my eyes he could already tell the answer was negative.
"I'm sorry Yunho....I'm afraid until we see some improvement, we can't allow you to be reunited with her just yet."
I tried to keep my voice steady as I said that, bracing myself to possibly see him breakdown once more. He had already lost his wife and now learning that his only child was forced away from him could possibly send him spiraling down into another episode.
But Yunho instead took a deep breath and seemed calm.
"I understand.....it's ok..." I knew he was saying those last two words more to himself than to me.
Lifting his face up, he suddenly shocked me by looking so bright and rather happy.
"So I guess it's best if we begin right?"
Even to this day, I don't know whether I should have been delighted to have such a compliant patient.....
Or terrified.
"Tell me Yunho, what was your first reaction when you saw your wife?"
A subtle hint of a smile curled at the corners of his lips.
"I thought she was the kindest and most caring person in the world, very pretty too. She just walked in and the room instantly lit up."
He was reminiscing about those times, I could tell. That fond look on his face was unmistakable.
"Do you believe you fell in love at first sight with her?"
His smile suddenly dissipated, eyebrows scrunching together as if recollecting memories from so long ago.
"I think.......I felt attracted to her.....but.....I don't think it was love?"
I could tell he felt conflicted with himself, but that's exactly what I wanted. I want him to question every feeling and sensation he felt at the moment so he could decide for himself if it was real or just a mere illusion he held. If he starts to second guess or question what he felt then he'd start reasoning and come to the conclusion that what he felt was wrong and mistaken. He'd see that his actions weren't justified.
"So when do you truly believe you fell in love with her?"
I stopped writing on my notepad and watched him close his eyes as he tried to pinpoint the exact time he felt whatever he thought was love.
"One night....one of our friends was feeling down in spirits. I witnessed how caring she was towards them...kindly reassuring them that they were loved, that they mattered. I vividly remember her kind eyes and loving smile as she comforted them. Then it hit me that she was that kind of person. Selfless, caring, doting, would sacrifice anything for her friends and family...... it was hard for anyone not to fall in love with her."
He turned his hand over, studying the wedding ring that he still wore to this day, the engravings of their initials being his prime interest.
"And at that moment I knew I had to have her. I couldn't let anyone else have her. I wanted her.... that love, compassion, empathy..her confidence and strong nature, I wanted-"
He stopped mid sentence and his eyes wizened in horror as he came to the realization I had foreseen long ago. He looked up at me, meeting my unwavering eyes that held no emotion at that moment.
"She had all the qualities I had always lacked in."
I took my glasses off and nodded.
"And I unconsciously wanted them for myself.... but the only way I could have them was...through her?" He seemed sickened with himself.
"Not exactly Yunho. You could have learnt to love yourself and raise your self esteem." I quickly scribbled my observation down.
"But I didn't. Instead I caged her up and slowly tore her down."
I couldn't help but let out an involuntary smile as he drew out that conclusion.
"Glad to know you've accepted that fact, even if it took several months for you to understand."
Shutting the notepad, I lifted myself up from my chair, straightening my blouse. Yunho followed suit.
"Is our session over?" He was always so polite, always escorting me out and holding the door open for me, which other doctors would have adamantly refused, too scared to come close to their patients. But not me. I let them have certain liberties at times.
"Not yet Yunho. As you've made remarkable progress, I got permission for you to see someone."
He was momentarily confused for a split second. Poor thing probably thought it was one of the nurses coming in to give him some new medication to take, which he hated with a passion. Stepping outside for a brief moment, I happily took the young baby in my arms, the little girl already used to seeing me as I always went to go see her after being with Yunho for a few hours. When I came back inside he had his back turned to me, once again staring off into nowhere. The light gurgled babbles the baby emitted caught his attention immediately. He whipped his head around so fast I thought he'd break his neck for a second. He teared up as the child began squealing in excitement as she recognized her father right away.
"Oh my-" He choked up with tears that he couldn't finish his sentence.
I calmly walked over to him, lightly bouncing the baby in my arms. Yunho hesitantly reached his hands out.
"Can I..?" He had such a hopeful glint in his eyes.
I didn't answer, I merely held his daughter out to him. As soon as she felt his embrace, she latched onto him as if he was one of the teddy bears she often slept with. Perhaps he was one.
No....he is one.
In my time of spending time with Yunho, I've come to strongly believe he is a sweet and tender individual. And judging by the way the little girl feels safe in his arms, I do believe he is capable of being truly loved.....
If he learns how to properly love not just someone else, but himself too.
Stepping out of my car, I quickly grab the small pink bag on the passenger seat before locking it. Treading through the small patch of green grass, I ring the doorbell and wait for one of the occupants to open up for me. No surprise, I'm greeted by the same raven haired male I met nearly 3 years ago. He looks delighted to see me.
"Y/N. Hi!"
I wave at him, a small but genuine smile on my features.
"Hi Yunho. Did I come at a bad time?" I notice the apron covered in flour and leftover egg on it.
"Oh no not at all. Please come in."
Moving aside to let me pass, my nose catches the scent of baked goods filling the air. I can distinctly recognize the hints of lavender and french vanilla, an odd but surprisingly tasty combination. I spot out of the corner of my eye a little head peeking out from the kitchen, curious to know who had come to pay them a visit. Letting out a squeal, she quickly ran over to attach herself on my leg.
I chuckled and lightly run my fingers through her hair which was longer than the last time I saw it.
"Hi Jina, I see you've been baking something." We both chuckle as I scraped off some cake batter that had gotten on the tip of her button nose.
"Me and dad are making cupcakes for my friend's birthday party tomorrow." She explained.
"Wow that's a really nice gesture. I bet they'll turn out delicious."
Remembering that I was short on time and that I had one last task to carry out, I pull out the bag I had hidden behind my back and hand it to her.
"It's for you."
Her eyes began to sparkle so much they could rival all the stars in the galaxy. After thanking me like 20 thousand times, she plopped her tiny body on the couch to tear into the contents inside it. I shake my head before taking out a small paper from inside my trench coat.
"And this is for you."
Taking the slip from my fingers, Yunho opens it up and scans what it says. He seems confused for a moment, not fully understanding what it means. He looks to me once more, probably for the last time, asking for an explanation.
"It's your official release from the institution. No more drop in visits, no more eyes on you 24/7, and soon you won't have to continue with the prescribed medication, although when that happens they will send someone once in a while to check up and make sure you're ok without them."
Yunho nods but it is a rather sad and pained nod.
"So this means you won't be seeing us any longer?"
I inhale deeply and nod.
"This was a temporary thing until you got better Yunho. After all....I was only the doctor assigned to you."
It hurt me to say that as much as it probably hurt him, as much as it'd hurt Jina to know I wouldn't be coming back anymore.
"Can't we at least be friends?"
I hated seeing those puppy eyes of him practically beg me, signature trait he passed on to his daughter.
"That would be completely unprofessional of my part Yunho. I deeply cherish and treasure all the time we spent together and I'm beyond happy and satisfied that you've come so far since the start of our journey..."
I sighed deeply.
"But every journey has an end." He finished my sentence.
Extending his hand out to me, I took it and gave it a firm shake.
"I'm really going to miss you." He admitted.
"Me too. Me too."
Going over to the momentarily forgotten 4 year old, she let out an 'oof' when she suddenly found herself cooped up in my embrace.
"Take care of yourself and of your dad ok?"
I kissed the top of her head, her grinning face not registering that this might be the last time she ever saw me. Yunho walked me out the door and even escorted me all the way to my car. Always the gentleman, he held the door open for me. Before I could even get one foot inside, I felt a large hand grip my wrist. Turning to him, I was flustered when he suddenly pulled me close to him.
"Please don't leave. I need you....I..."
He looked conflicted with himself as he tried to finish his words. Taking a deep breath, he confessed:
"I love you."
My heart sank. He said the 3 words I hoped he'd never direct at me. Mainly because I was scared as he was. Don't get me wrong, Yunho is a wonderful man, and he truly deserves to be loved....
But am I certain that he has finally learned to love? Or is it because he feels he needs me?........
Only one way to find out.
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a-pretty-nerd · 3 years
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Tomura Shigaraki x AllMight!Daughter!Reader
Chapter 9
When The League of Villains discovers that AllMight has a daughter, they are quick to snatch you up and hold you hostage. Shigaraki had a careful and thought out plan, but that was before you got there. Now you’re in the mood for some not-so-healthy rebellion.
Word count: 2,756
Warnings: Cursing
Oh dear lord I'm slow at getting these out. Life's been kickin' my ass lately. But thank you to everyone who's been giving me feedback on my stuff, I really love to hear from you guys!
(So sorry, I forgot when I originally posted!) 
@craftybean13 @babayaga67 @imjustverable
@kamenoyaki @hentaiqween101 @skzero-99 @justanotherlifeff
Chapter 8 Chapter 10
Two months. You've been "missing" for two months now. The days flew by, your time occupied by quirk training Shigaraki insisted on but never told you why. The times you tried to ask he'd brush it off, or say something like:
"So you don’t throw another fit." His words were harsh but he said them with a flat and bored tone. Like it was a poorly acted line.
So now you had better control. You could move things on command, you knew basic combat, you certainly knew how to kick Dabi's ass by now, that didn't take too long. You were being allowed more and more freedom. Even allowed to leave for a convenience store runs with Toga once or twice. No one policed you, told you what you could and could not do anymore. You could have easily ran away by now. You supposed they really didn't need you either. For their plan to work all they would need was some blood and Toga could easily pass as you.
That idea sent a shiver down your spine. You're sure Shigaraki has thought of that already, so why hadn't he? Why was he training you? Would he use your quirk against the heroes in some way? Was he grooming you to turn and fight your father? You wouldn't. No matter what you wouldn't fight your father. Would you? You shook yourself of this thought as you walked down the ally to the back door of the hide out.
Toga unlocked the door and you stepped in, greeted by a dark and dingy back room. You made your way through the dark halls, following closely behind her as she led you up the stairs that finally led to the parts of the building with power. Soon you found yourself walking to the familiar living space where a few people rested. Dabi laid himself out on one of the couches, Spinner sat fiddling with his burner phone, and Twice had started yelling at the TV before you arrived.
"Luuuunch!" Toga shouted. Toga was often used as the errand girl, she brought back necessary supplies, oftentimes food. Today Toga asked you to tag along and help out, and there wasn't a single objection to the hostage going out on the town. You sat the heavy bags down on the coffee table, taking out the contents as you spoke.
"Where are the others?" You asked.
"Mr. Compress was sent on an errand of his own. And Shigaraki's probably pouting in his room. He'll come out when he's hungry." Dabi groaned as he took his meal from your hand.
"Oh. I'll just bring it to him." You said, absent-minded. All eyes turned to you, looking confused and shocked. "What?" You asked.
"Nothing! It's just-"
"He doesn't like to be disturbed." Toga and Twice spoke. You paused and looked at the box in your hand. It would get cold if he didn't eat soon, and besides, none of you had had much to eat lately, you were sure he was hungry. You knew you were.
"I'll just leave it at the door and knock. It'll get cold and then he'll be in an even worse mood." You told them. They watched you turn and walk up the stairs to his "room". You stood in front of the door, with such thin walls you could hear furious typing on the other side. Loud clicking of a mouse, and the sound of a computer's fan. You took a deep breath and softly knocked on the door. Suddenly the sounds abruptly stopped, followed by a bark.
"Foods here." You called back. You heard footsteps on the other side growing louder and louder until the door flew open. You stared up at the tall man as he looked down on you. His hair hung over his face, his eyes hardly visible. Your heart rate quickened the longer you looked at him. What the hell is wrong with you?
"Give it to me." He held out his hand, his pinky holding out in preparation to receive the box.
"You said you liked spice stuff, right?" You asked as you placed it in his hand.
"We got you their spicy special. I hope it's not too much. The sign said 'caution' on it." He scoffed at you, turning the box and looking at the writing on it. He fell very quiet. Inspecting the box, you suddenly worried that something was wrong with it. That maybe you'd messed up somehow. But before your anxiety could reach its peak-
"Thank you." His voice was low and soft. You could hardly hear him. Then before you could respond he closed the door and left you alone again. Did he really say that? You never heard him say that to anyone. Granted, you hardly knew him but still, the way he said it, it made you feel... special in some way. You shook yourself from your train of thought and shuffled down the hallway, pausing when you heard movement and the door to Shigaraki's room open. You froze.
"Wait a minute." He barked. You turned too look at him. He hung out of the doorway to stare at you.
"W-What?" You asked. Shigaraki had a way of making people feel like they were in trouble. His ability to easily become an authority figure was something you were beginning to understand now.
"You...went out?" You nodded. He paused and looked away, his eyes shifting as the gears spun in his head. He turned back into his room as he spoke, "come here for a second." He asked. You slowly made your way to his room, the door left wide for you to peak inside. A dark room lit by portable light fixtures and a laptop computer which sat on an old desk. A cot thrown to the corner covered by the same old and tattered blankets the rest of you had.
"Am I... in trouble?" You croaked.
"What? No. Close the door behind you, you'll let in a draft." He ordered, seeming genuinely confused by your question. You closed the door behind you, leaving you completely alone with him in his space. Your heart raced.
You watched him turn and look up at the wall which he had decorated with plans. Pictures of heroes and villains cut out and pinned. Newspaper clippings, printed out articles and research essays. He was planning something, but what it was was difficult to determine. You did notice however, a cut out of an empty figure with your name on it pinned to the center of it all. You stared at it for a second before he broke you from your train of thought.
"What do you think?" He asked. His attention turned to his meal, he picked at it, taking a few bites.
"Of what?"
"...the plan." You looked back at the wall, puzzled you tried your best to gain any sort of information from it. Only being able to find bits and pieces. You knew it involved you, your father, and the take down of hero society. A cut out piece of article said something about the rise of villains, that more and more people were turning to villain work. How those rates have a correlation with classes. You slowly turned back to look at him.
"I'm sorry you're gonna have to explain this to me." You told him. He rolled his eyes and stood, directing his attention to his work as he spoke.
"This is the second part of the plan."
"What was the first?"
"Taking you as a hostage."
"Right. But, didn't you say the plan was to expose the heroes after they weren't able to rescue me and not only expose the faulty heroes but also my father as a neglectful and flawed individual not worthy of the hero title?" He paused.
"But that didn't go as planned."
"Didn't you say something about making a video to broadcast outing myself as All Might's daughter and causing panic? What happened to that plan?"
"It became leverage. If they attempt to come for you, then we'll go with that. But if we do that now, they'll come for you now and we'll be forced to fight."
"Isn't a fight...a good thing? You'd get news coverage and You'd no doubt gain supporters."
"Normally it would. But a fight isn't what we need right now. The heroes have us surrounded. If we make any move at all, we're in their hands. We won't be able to win."
"Not even with your quirk? Couldn't you-"
"Not with everyone here. As strong as I've gotten, I'm not strong enough to keep them from getting swept up and dusted too."
"We're in a tight spot. One wrong move and we'll be wiped out."
"What about your supporters? Couldn't you get help from the outside."
"I could, but the heroes would see it coming. They have our signal tapped. Any sort of communication has to be verbal or written."
"Homing pigeon?" You offered. It made him smirk.
"Right now we're like a fox trapped in its own hole by hunters."
"So... we dig?" That made him smile, wide.
"Dig. If we could smuggle ourselves out of the city, we could reach a clear spot where we can call for backup to get us."
"Why not send one person to smuggle themselves out? Toga could easily disguise herself and leave."
"They have a barrier."
"Part of the city is closed off until further notice. They know exactly where we are. If one gets out, they won't hesitate to come for all of us. We all have to get out at once and they can't notice until it's too late."
"But how the hell are you gonna do that?" His smile widened. He looked truly excited and happy. For the first time you saw your capture seem truly excited about something.
"We have a few secret recruits in the city. Spies." He turned his attention back to his meal box, reaching in to pull out the inner box that held the food, to reveal a piece of paper sitting underneath in the flimsy take out box. "I didn't know they were letting you out of the base now." He spoke as he opened and read the note within the box.
"I thought, you knew. I thought you were the one that said I could. Dabi said it was fine." He read the note and stood to pin it up on the wall before speaking.
"I've been too busy with this to worry about you. You shouldn't believe everything that Dabi says. I told him to make sure you just don't have another episode and cause a scene before we leave. I thought assigning him babysitting duty would keep him busy." He chuckled. "There's just one thing I don't understand." He turned back to you. "Why didn't you leave?"
"You had the opportunity, but you're still here. Why?" You froze. Why? Why didn't you run?
"I was scared I'd be killed." You lied. He laughed at you.
"Don't lie to me. You lost that fear a long time ago. You know that's not true. If I wanted you dead I would have killed you a long time ago."
"You've kept me alive to use me as bate. To, to expose the truth." You argued.
"With Toga, we wouldn't need to." You swallowed hard. You knew he had thought about this.
"I'll tell you why I stayed, if you tell me why you've been training me." He scoffed.
"To keep you busy, to keep you from having another episode."
"That doesn't make sense. You could have drugged me, killed me, you said it yourself. But you kept me alive, you kept me busy. You could have kept me on my meds, unable to use it at all but you insisted I learn my quirk. You trained me yourself. Why?" His smile faded and his expression became dark.
"I asked you first." He growled. You looked away from him and thought for a moment before gaining the strength to answer. You knew the truth for a while now. You never wanted to say it out loud. You refused to look at him as you spoke.
"I don't wanna go back. But you probably already knew that by now. You just wanted to hear me say it, huh?" His smirk returned.
"Had a hunch." He snickered.
"Now you answer me."
"Why don't you wanna go back?"
"We had a deal. Answer my question now." You barked at him. It took him a long pause. A full minute of waiting in silence felt like agony.
"I thought it would help you feel better." He muttered in a surprisingly husky tone. "Keep you from asking me to dust you again." That's right, during your episode...
"I'm sorry." You blurted.
"I'm sorry I... I asked you to kill me." You hid your face from him. He shifted and crossed his arms across his chest.
"It's not a big deal, I dust people all the time."
"No, I know. But like, I can't imagine being asked to by someone having a fucking break down happens all the time too. I kinda...kinda put you in a shitty position." When you looked up, he looked confused. Comically so. "What?"
"I took you hostage." He reminded you. You couldn't help but chuckle, that made him more confused.
"Shit, yeah, you're right. Guess I shouldn't be so hard on myself huh?" He looked away. "Still. My intentions weren't to upset you."
"You didn't upset me."
"It seems like I upset you." You toyed. His guard was down, he was vulnerable, and allowing you to be there.
"Shut up. You didn't answer my other question!" He shouted in an almost playful tone. You couldn't help but smile, only to have it slowly fade as you thought about your second answer.
"I don't want to go back because..." you stopped, the words getting stuck in your throat. You were unable to speak. He looked down at you, waiting for an answer. He seemed almost relaxed. He seemed normal. Like a normal guy leaning against the wall of his bedroom with his arms folded across his chest. Your eyes wandered up to his scarred neck, bright red scabs forming. Inflamed and fresh. He had recently scratched at it again, clearly in an upset state too. When he blinked you got a clear view of the scarring around his eyes.
"Boss!" A familiar voice shouted from outside the door. "Boss!" Before you could move the door was thrown open, Spinner's wide eyes finding you standing there. He shook his confusion loose before turning back to Shigaraki who quickly changed his position to attention. "Come quick!"
You followed him back to the living space where the old television sat. The news playing loudly as everyone gathered around to watch in panic. Swat teams and heroes decorated the screen as shot after shot showed them surrounding your building. Fear ran from your toes to your head, making you feel nauseous and dizzy. Shit. Shit. Shit. They're here for you. But you...you weren't ready to leave. And what about-
"Not again! - We can take 'em'!" Twice shouted at it like a sport was playing.
"Tomura, what are we going to do!?" Toga asked, frantically bobbing up and down in panic. He watched the TV intently listening in.
"After receiving a tip from an anonymous source, police and heroes found missing tourist Y/L/N Y/N being held captive by The League of Villains in this abandoned office building. Officials are working now to safely rescue the hostage."
Suddenly a loud voice was heard both on TV and through the halls of the building.
"League of Villains. We have you surrounded. Please let Y/L/N go and no one will be hurt." A cop shouted through a megaphone.
"C'mon Shigaraki, what's the plan?" Dabi asked, clearly starting to get uncomfortable. Before Shigaraki could respond, you spoke.
"Well, looks like this is it for me." You began walking away, only to be stopped by a strong, four-fingered grip pulling you back.
"Where do you think you're going!?" He growled.
"The jig is up, Shigaraki! Let me go! I'm not useful anymore. All they want is me, if I'm out of your hair you'll be able to escape easier." His grip tightened, pulling you closer as his red eyes bore into yours.
"So long as you're here they won't dare make a move. You're still my most valuable player. You're staying right here."
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rphelperblog · 2 years
City of Ashes Book Quote Rp Meme
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Book two of the Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare- feel free to edit or change pronouns for rp purposes
“I don't want to be a man I want to be an angst-ridden teenager who can't confront his own inner demons and takes it out verbally on other people instead."
“There's no need to clarify my finger snap. The implication was clear in the snap itself.” 
“With him, you don't really get to choose your insulting nickname.” 
"So you're just that friendly with everybody, is that it?” 
“I was alive when the Dead Sea was just a lake that was feeling a little poorly.” 
“As long as there was coffee in the world, how bad could things be?”
"I'm pure at heart. It repels the dirt.”
"Mostly extinct is NOT EXTINCT ENOUGH."
"Does he normally just lie on the floor like that without moving?” 
"You want to kiss me, don’t you?” 
"Never believe the bad guy is dead until you see a body," 
“I've heard the word 'fear'. I simply choose to believe it doesn't apply to me.” 
“Sometimes you don't have to search out danger, sometimes danger finds you” 
"There are no straight men in the trenches."
“If I made a joke about just dropping by, would you write me off as cliché?” 
“What I actually want to call you is a hell of a lot more unprintable than your name” 
"If they need a human sacrifice, you can always offer me. I'm not sure the rest of you qualify anyway.” 
“When you love someone, you don't have a choice. Love takes your choices away.”
“Some guys look at you like they only want sex. He looks at you like you've had sex - it was great and now you're just friends. Drives girls crazy. Know what I mean?" 
“I don't do what I'm told, but I might do what you want if you ask me nicely.” 
"I prefer to think that I'm a liar in a way that's uniquely my own.” 
Usually I'm remarkably good-natured. Try me on any day that doesn't end in y.” 
“I never date anyone my cat doesn’t like,”
“I love round tables. They suit me so much better than a square."
"I'm going to get you a dictionary for Christmas this year."
“Pain is only what you allow it to be” 
“No, I'm just a very naughty boy. I do all sorts of bad things. I kick kittens. I make rude gestures at nuns.” 
“You might want to lie down, I find that it helps when the crushing sense of horrible realization sets in.” 
“You live in my head all the time." 
“If you really love something, you never try to keep it the way it is forever. You have to let it be free to change.” 
“I thought I'd lie on the floor and writhe in pain for a while, it relaxes me."
"It does? Oh - you're being sarcastic. That's a good sign probably.” 
He prefers his monsters really, really extinct.' Will that make you happy?”
"I know. Everytime you almost die, I almost die myself.”  
"Oh I know his secret.He's terrified I'll tell everyone that he's always wanted to be a ballerina.” 
“Lawful good to lawful evil!"
“They confused beauty with innocence and harmlessness.” 
“You disappear so completely into your head sometimes, I wish I could follow you.” 
"I didn't betray you, idiot."
“Growing up happens when you start having things you look back on and wish you could change”
“Everything changes in my life, and the world stays the same.” 
“Everyone has choices to make; no one has the right to take those choices away from us. Not even out of love..” 
"You do seem obsessed with my look...Could it be that you're attracted to me?"
“He had become a monster. You just couldn't see it...because it wore the face of a friend.” 
"It's awfully butch for a bookseller.” 
“Hate is nothing when weighed against survival. “
“Suddenly you‘re interested in solving my problems?”
“Other crack teams get bat boomerangs and wall-climbing powers; we get Aquatruck.” 
“The nod means 'I am a badass, and I recognise that you too, are a badass.” 
“Then again, it was him. He'd pick a fight with a Mack truck if the urge took him.” 
"Honestly, if you don't start utilizing a bit of your natural feminine superiority, I just don't know what I'll do with you.” 
"You think I haven't seen the way you two look at each other? The way he says your name? You may not think I can feel, but that doesn't mean I can't see feelings in others.” 
“Nothing less than 7 inches.” 
“Fate is never fair. You are caught in a current much stronger than you are; struggle against it and you'll drown not just yourself but those who try to save you. Swim with it. and you'll survive” 
“Desire is not always lessened by disgust. Nor can it be bestowed, like a favor, to those most deserving of it. And as my words bind my magic, so you can know the truth. If she doesn’t desire his kiss, she won’t be free.”
"I make dollar bills magically appear in their cash register."
"Because I foresee many romantic picnics in our future. You, drinking a virgin pina colada. Me, drinking the blood of a virgin.” 
“I can't believe he didn't have the dignity and presence of mind just to get drunk and pass out in some gutter, I must say, I'm disappointed in the little fellow.” 
“Sure. And Madonna wants me as a backup dancer on her next world tour.” 
“If you're texting him to say 'I think u r kewl' I'm going to kill you” 
"You are mortal; you age; you die, if that is not hell, pray tell me, what is?” 
“I was even a little glad that if it wasn’t going to be me she wanted, it was going to be someone who really deserved her.” 
"It could be worse, men my age have been known to purchase expensive sports cars and sleep with supermodels.” 
"Like everyone else here. Except you, and the asshole. And the asshole's sister.” 
“I believe I am in Hell, therefore I am” 
"You mean father. I despise this modern habit of calling one's parents by their names."
'Its not often you get to see someone drool, especially with such total abandon. Mouth wide open and everything.” 
“Come to think of it, he‘ll probably make you pay the shipping charges yourself.” 
“The next thing I knew I was listening to five people shouting. What was that all about, anyway?” 
“It looks to me like you‘re using a wall to prop you up. that’s not my definition of ‘standing.’”
“Leaning comes right before standing.” 
“To draw something is to try to capture it FOREVER, if you really love something, you never try to keep it the way it is forever. You have to let it be free to change” 
"It's always nice when someone volunteers to be the first up against the wall.” 
"I take it I'm just supposed to wait out here until vines start growing on me?"
“I hate that stuff. It tastes like feet.”
“How do you know what feet taste like?”
"Oh, you know. The usual. A lifetime's supply of Knicks tickets.
“But if you can't tell the truth to the people you care about the most, eventually you stop being able to tell the truth to yourself.” 
'Finishing my shower. And if you‘ve made me run through all the hot water, I‘ll be very annoyed.” 
“I do not understand how you humans can walk in shoes that are that tall.”
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catboyshinsou · 4 years
sick headcanons!
anon request: i love your writing smmm !! 🥺 can i request mha sick hcs where they take care of the reader when they don’t feel well 🥺 you choose who !! <3333
a/n: sorry it took so long <//3
pairings: Kaminari, Kirishima, Tokoyami and Monoma x sick,g/n!reader
warnings: none rlly, mention of throwing up in monoma, slight manga spoilers
can be seen platonically and romantically <3
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Tbh i think he’d be quite Useless
Just rlly panicky n stuff bc what the fuck does one do with a sick person???
*walks into your dorm* “hey y-n wanna- WHAT THE FUCK YOU LOOK TERRIBLE”
*you in a blanket and not having enough energy to be offended* “i think i’m dying” “y/n WHAT”
He’d try his best regardless tho
He goes to sato and helps with doing something soothing and welcoming
On his way back to your dorm he passes aizawa and tells him you’re sick in THE worst way
“Oh yeah Aizawa-sensei, y/n is dying-” “THEY’RE WHAT”
Kami would definitely storm into the room with him and be just as worried
What if it was something really serious??? Like the plague?????
They find you just laying in bed, sniffling and groaning
Turns out it wasn’t the plague and just a bad flu
Flu with its whole jazz, you had a fever of 38C and you could barely move
Aizawa got you excused from classes for about a week and left again
Kami just stood there with his soup and went “oh thank god you're not dying”
like i said i think he'd be useless but try his best
he checks up on you every half hour either in person or via text during classes
he brings you stuff like blankets and foods even though you can't taste any of them or have any type of appetite
but! thanks to the fridge in your room you just had snacks for about… forever
he gave you extra attention too
sometimes he'd just sit on the ground and talk about his day and theories while you just laid under your blanket
you appreciated it though
except for aizawa, sato and tsuyu nobody came over and even they just came in every few hours
kami stayed for hours on end and even tried to convince aizawa to let him sleep over so he could “watch over you” incase you “stopped breathing”
it's not like you slept much when he was around anyway, nights were not ideal for a good rest on a sick day
it was endearing seeing him lay on a futon on the floor and poking you when he had to get up for class
he leaves notes and stuff to make sure you didn't get worried
did he do anything to make you feel better physically? not rlly
did he lift your spirits and make you feel less lonely? most definitely
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hear me out
this boy is an angel when it comes to caring for people
when he got into the whole essentially self care stuff he also knows what's best for others
he was probably one of the first to notice you being ~off your game~
whether in class or just yknow vibing, he'd tap your shoulder and softly “you okay man?”
he calls everyone dude and man and bro no matter gender or anything he's just that into the manliness stuff
and yes he puts you in essentially self isolation more for yourself than for others
“your body needs to rest y/n! can't properly get better if everyone keeps bothering you!”
he calls you every night tho and he has aizawa bring you stuff when he checks up on you (he's allowed because he's the teacher ofc also as long you're a UA student like one of your legal guardians which is like a dad and dads can see their kids sick right?)
stuff ranges from just bowls of soup to compresses to the handmade ointment against a sore throat to like socks he knitted or something his parents sent in bc he told them you were sick
yes this boy tells his parents you're sick
i mean someone probably told yours but like twice the parents means twice the comfort!
alternatively if your parents are *cough* he'd tell his parents and put you on the phone with them because everyone needs some parental love from time to time (don't act tough about it, he's gonna make you cry and tell you how manly you are for doing so)
when you're back on your feet he probably still treats you like you're about to fall over for like two or three days more
he praises you for how well you did during your essential quarantine and when you say you didn't do anything he says some cheesy stuff about manliness
“bro i'm so proud of you for getting through it!” “i didn't do anything kiri-” “don't say that! it takes so much energy and manliness to keep in self isolation and get better, you did amazing”
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i love birds
also look at baby toko he's so cute
do birds get sick?
tokoyami is like.. helpful but tries to be undercover about it
he's not gonna ignore you or anything
he's the type to like silently nudge teachers into your area so they could see you were clearly sick and send you back to the dorms to rest
but he'd never actually ask you or tell anyone
it would ruin his whole ~vibe~
dark shadow tells him to tell someone and he rlly does especially if he sees you struggling through it in class but he's also just not great at talking with people so a nudge or “secret note” will have to do
it does work, you're in your dorm right before combat training because mic had sent you up and excused you
mic is sweet he said he'd send aizawa up when he finds him but that you should rest
he also tells you that you have some really attentive friends
you're at this point just letting the sickness take over you so you have no idea what he just said (you heard him but the words just didn't register in your brain)
you get into bed and the first thing you do is sleep through afternoon classes
tokoyami is only at 50% today and so is dark shadow
tokoyami swears he isn't worried, the teachers are capable of taking care of you in an appropriate manner so that you will recover in no time
dark shadow on the other hand is all gittery and doesn't wanna focus on anything but you
off topic but i just think dark shadow is tokoyamis way of showing emotions or well like… like his internal thoughts? not like his internal dialogue but ya know his feelings
so he can act all goth and dramatic but dark shadow is a good way of still giving some of his feelings an output
back to you
so training is over and so is your nap
but you wake up to pillows, stuffed animals, blankets and more pillows surrounding you
half of them weren't yours either
they laid around you like some kind of pillow fortress jusy surrounding you and making sure you didn't hit your head on the wall or fall from the bed
it kinda felt like a nest- oh
you tried getting up, your head almost immediately flinging uoh back into bed but you needed to see if a certain someone would come back in to build the nest
“dark shadow, be quiet we don't want them to w- oh you're up”
tokoyami came in with more stuffies and an extra blanket like it was a siberian winter and your rooms only source of warmth was an almost dying candle
“are those yours?” you asked half asleep, your head absolutely booming
you could barely keep your eyes open, that's how exhausted you were but you made an effort to smile at the bird and his shadow
“uh no, yaomomo-san insisted on making some blankets for you and hagakure-san, ashido-san and uraraka-san gave me all their stuffed animals when they heard i was paying you a visit-” “but the blue star blanket and teardrop pillow are from fumi!! he brought them from home because he can't sleep without them!!” “DARK SHADOW!”
you only chuckled before breaking out in a cough again
aizawa came in some time after and had a hard time finding you under all the blankets and stuffies and even offered to tell the class to stop bothering you
but you just laid there all cozy and told him to let them be
“it's how he shows affection, it's nice”
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oh so the 1A student got sick??? huh??? I thought 1A was invincible hUUUUUUH??? *manic laughter*
so basically the two hero courses are more “in tune” after the joint training
they often have dinners together and it isn't rare to see kendo come over with monoma and tetsu^4
she came over to hang with the girls and tetsu had training sessions with kiri
nobody rlly knew why monoma tagged along though
all he did was spout about how average everything is for the “superior hero course”
he did secretly like the classes growing together more though
he'd sit on the couch with you and occasionally laugh about something else other than his team beating yours during joint training
one day he came in and didn't see you at your usual spot
“ehhhh??? where's the only tolerable person in this course??”
used to his lowkey insults deku pointed you out at the dinner table, head resting on your hand and looking over some homework
“y/n what are you- oh my god you look horrible”
“thanks monoma, you're as nice as ever”
your face was drained of any colour, eyes heavy lidded and you could barely control the pen that scribbled over the paper
he tried grabbing your wrist but pulled back immediately
you were way too hot and the fact that he noticed by grabbing your wrist meant that it was more than just a high fever
“is 1A that incompetent that they couldnt even notice their classmate falling sick??? can you guys do anything but trouble???”
“shut up monoma, we tried getting them to bed but they insisted on finishing up first and there's nothing in the world that can get y/n away from what they've put their head to”, kaminari yelled from the living room space
how were you gonna get anything finished if your head was falling off your shoulders if you didn't hold it up
class 1A really was incompetent
“sato-san, give me a hand”
sato, who was currently cooking up dinner, just held out his hand and some type of chocolate bar which monoma grabbed and ate up
“this is incredibly sweet, i don't know how you do it”
it's become like half a routine for monoma to copy quirks for whatever reason
kiri and tetsu used it to determine which quirk was handier
uraraka’s quirk made cleaning up after a game night easier
it was training for all of them
monoma could train his copy and the others could measure how much they've grown from his reaction to it
sato’s quirk kicked in and he lifted you up over his shoulder
“monoma!” you could barely lift your voice, faintly kicking
before you knew it he placed you on your bed in your dorm and sighed
“you're lighter than i thought”
“i think i'm gonna throw up”
so you hurled into your garbage can
monoma held back whatever there was to hold back
(he was very much disgusted but even he knew that this wasn't the time to let any type of negative emotion show)
“jolly gees y/n, what did you have for breakfast?!”
you laid in bed as he passed you a water bottle
“you need to drink something, you lost a lot of water”
“awe caring for me, monoma?”
“this is for general health, y/n. i would never as much as care for anyone, especially not a brat from 1A. who even knew that any of you could fall sick huh?! weren't you supposed to be superior to the rest of us??!”
he said all of that while putting a blanket on you and opening the window for fresh air
“god you 1A fools really are incompetent!”
he went into your bathroom and soaked a small towel in water
“i'm only doing this so you don't infect anyone. god you could cause an epidemic at UA and in the end 1b would fall victim to you as well! this is all just for the general well-being!”
you didn't even hear what he was saying anymore
with a half empty bottle next to your head, you slept peacefully
monoma let out a deep breath when he saw you
“i'd never care for anyone in 1A, i'm better than that…”
he whispered those words to himself
(he did care)
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