#i eventually was able to twist and sit on the couch
sereniv · 2 years
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artist rendition of me hurting my back to the point of not being able move in an attempt to grab my phone, in which it took me half an hour to be able to stand up again
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hayakawalove · 1 month
Survival Skills
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Summary: Suguru has to go on a business trip, leaving you and Satoru to fend for yourselves. Will you be able to? A/N: I really really like this fic. I thought the idea of you and Gojo trying to figure out how to manage without Suguru would be very funny. I doubt Suguru minds caring for either of you, my whole thing about him is that he needs to be needed. Comments always appreciated!
CW: SFW, Fluff, Polyamory, Food, Teasing, Humor, Comfort, Light Angst, Suggestive Joke, Very Mild Infidelity Joke, Gender Neutral Reader, They/Them Reader W/C: 6,697
Credit to Benkeibear for the banner
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“Alright, I made some garden pasta for the both of you. It’s in the fridge. I also left out some recipes in case you guys go through that fast.” 
You stand next to the door, staring up at Suguru as he lists off the food he had left for you and Satoru. He was such a worrier, if you didn’t know any better you would think Suguru thought the both of you might starve the second he left. 
On second thought, you might. 
“Thank you Suguru-“ you start. 
“And I left some chicken in the fridge for tonight’s dinner. It just needs to be cooked, I already marinated it, it's that one you liked from-“ He interrupts you, his lips twisted in a frown. 
“-Thank you, Suguru.” You grab him by the arms, holding him firmly as you cut him off. 
Suguru stops talking, no doubt getting the message. You had been trying to get him out the door for thirty minutes now, you were certain the taxi driver outside was nearly losing his mind. 
Suguru peeks over your head, sliding past you to walk towards Satoru. He was laying on the couch, his long limbs hanging over the edge. You really should get a bigger couch. 
Suguru leans down and places a kiss on Satoru’s lips, almost melting down when Satoru lifts a hand up to hold the back of his head. The sight almost brings you to your knees. 
“Do you really have to go?” Satoru asks when Suguru peels himself off. 
Suguru hums before squeezing Satoru’s shoulder, turning around to face you once more. 
“Are you sure you guys are going to be okay?” Worry is etched into his face. 
“Yes, mom. We'll be fine.” You reassure him, even though the words feel hollow. 
Would you be fine? You and Satoru were grown adults, fully capable of handling yourselves. 
“If Satoru got an extra kiss, I want one too.” 
Suguru’s face relaxes into a smile as he leans down, placing a gentle hand on your cheek. His lips slip perfectly between yours. You have to fight the urge to drag him back inside. 
A horn sounds out, breaking the tender moment.The cab was still waiting. 
“Okay. Text me if you need anything.” Suguru speaks, punctuating each word with a kiss. 
The overt signs of affection soothe your nerves the slightest bit. Everything would be fine. And you wouldn’t be completely alone. Satoru would be here with you.
Your fingers tremble as you close the door behind Suguru, and an unnerving silence begins to take hold of your residence. It wouldn’t be silent for long though, not when you had Satoru in the house. 
“So what do you wanna do now? We could throw a rager and party till the cops show up.” Satoru proposes. 
You snort and drag your feet away from the door, bringing yourself to the couch. 
“We would need to have friends to do that, Satoru.” 
“Wh- I have friends, don’t know about you though.” 
You roll your eyes while he snickers to himself. Your foot nudges his leg, and he clicks his tongue. You wouldn’t throw a party, although the noise and commotion would have been greatly appreciated. 
“Come on, why don’t we eat some of the leftovers Suguru made and put something on.” 
Satoru sighs dramatically at your denial of a party before sitting up. 
You dish out two bowls of garden pasta for the two of you, your stomach rumbling at the mere sight of Suguru’s cooking. Satoru puts on your favorite show while the two of you start to eat. The food tasted amazing, like always. When Suguru first entered your life, you were sure that eventually you would get used to his cooking, but no. It amazed you every single time you had it. 
At first, it was sort of nice having some extra personal time with Satoru. Being in a polyamorous relationship could be difficult at times, trying to navigate the best way to divide your attention. With Suguru on a business trip, the two of you were able to spend some much needed time together. You even noticed that Satoru clung onto you a little more when you slept, no longer having to share you with Suguru. 
When you wake up in the morning, the bed is decidedly more cold than it was the previous day. You turn your head to the right, Suguru’s designated spot, only to be met with air. You feel a heavy weight against you, long limbs tangled in yours. Satoru. His arm is thrown across your body while his bottom half is laying on top of you, his legs on yours. It was suffocating. But it was just what you needed with the lack of Suguru. 
You close your eyes and focus on Satoru’s breathing. It's a steady pattern, one that could lull you back to sleep if you weren’t careful. It was the weekend so realistically, you and Satoru could stay in bed all day if you wanted to. The idea sounded nice, but you needed something first. 
You jostle your legs, causing Satoru to grumble. You pinch his arm and he yelps, squeezing you tighter. 
“I know you’re awake, Satoru.” 
“No I'm not.” He responds, voice devoid of any sleepiness. 
“I'm hungry,” you whine “you should make us crepes. Suguru left the recipe.” 
Satoru’s eyes flick open and you’re almost startled by the blue looking at you. His hair was ruffled, an adorable look on him. 
“Why don't you make it?” 
The two of you could go back and forth for hours; this was why it was good to have Suguru there to cook. 
“Because I just woke up, I’ll make dinner when we run out of leftovers.” 
Satoru thinks for a moment, before dramatically groaning, pushing himself up. He’s wearing a loose white shirt with black pants, and he looks so cozy you almost felt bad for making him get up. You did need to eat though, and so did he. 
You trudge after him, plopping on a stool at the bar as you watch him navigate the kitchen. He looks confident, like he belongs there, even though you know damn well he hasn’t cooked a thing since Suguru walked into his life. 
You're telling him about your dream as he holds a mixing bowl, leaning his back against the counter as he listens to you while stirring the crepe batter. You decide on Nutella and strawberries for the fillings, the mere thought of it making your mouth water. 
“And then when we left the house, you got struck by lightning-“ you’re talking before he interrupts you. 
“Hah? You killed me off in your dream?” His eyebrows are touching his hairline, looking the slightest bit offended. 
“I can't control my dreams! You can't either. Remember when you had that spicy dream about-“ 
He rushes to cut you off, not wanting to be reminded of it. You weren’t sure why he told you stuff, he knew you would just tease him after. It wasn’t like he was any better. 
“Okay okay, point taken. Kill off Suguru next time though, yeah?” He turns around, and starts to pour the batter into a pan to cook. 
“Duly noted.” You remark, picking up a strawberry to pop into your mouth. 
Satoru faces you again as the crepe cooks, his fingers tapping his arm. He looked impatient. He usually was. You drag your eyes down his body before bringing them back up to his face, where you notice he's already staring at you. 
“See something you like?” He comments, a cocky grin on his face. 
“I do, you wanna go out some time? My boyfriends not home.” 
Satoru chuckles and walks towards the bar, leaning over in front of you. 
He reaches across it and grabs your hand, turning it over until your palm is facing up. He looks calculated as he stares down, running his thumb over the skin, light enough it almost tickles. A small smirk appears on his lips once he sees you squirming out of the corner of his eyes. 
“Wanna play rock paper scissors on who has to do the dishes?” You ask. 
He flicks his blue eyes up to you. 
“I’m cooking, why don’t you do dishes?” 
“Oh, so you’re afraid of losing.” You prod, knowing you’ll get a reaction. 
Satoru sneers and stands up straight with his hand out. You reach out too, noticing the size difference of your fists. 
“Ready?” You wait a moment. “Rock, paper, scissors, shoot-“ 
You lay your hand flat while he keeps his in a fist. Satoru’s brows furrow while you grin. His lips twitch while he looks up at you and pouts, always a sore loser. 
“Two out of three?” He proposes, already getting his hand ready for the next round.
You jokingly roll your eyes and set your hand out again. Satoru’s looking at you intently, his tongue poking out the side of his mouth, eyes wide as if he could predict your next move. 
He was able to, apparently. 
“Rock, paper, scissors, shoot-“ 
You put down scissors, and his hand is formed into a rock. Satoru cackles and taps your scissors, happy with himself. 
“Don’t get ahead of yourself pretty boy, there’s still one round left.” 
The two of you get into position for the final game. There’s a distinct smell floating over to your nose, and you crinkle it as you look over Satoru’s shoulder. 
“Satoru, I think it’s burning-“ 
“Yeah yeah hold on, let’s go.” Satoru’s in the zone. 
You shrug and straighten in your seat. 
“Rock, paper, scissors, shoot-“ you recite. 
You put down scissors and he puts down paper. You chuckle as you snip at his hand. He juts his lip out as he grieves his loss, and you almost feel bad. The smell is getting stronger now, and Satoru’s finally picking up on it. 
“Oh, shit- why didn’t you tell me it was burning?” He turns around and fumbles, rushing over to the burner. 
You give him a deadpan stare, shoving another strawberry in your mouth. 
“Gotta cook, gotta clean, gotta do everything around here.” Satoru’s mumbling under his breath. 
“I know, you’re like Suguru.” 
Satoru dumps the burnt crepe in the trash before turning around, pouring more batter in the pan. You watch him from behind as he cooks, his hip popping to the side as he rests a hand on it, tapping his foot as he waits for the crepe. The sight was borderline mouthwatering. 
Once the crepes are finished, Satoru sits next to you as the two of you decorate them, slathering the chocolate spread on and placing strawberries neatly down. While he burned the first one, all the others turned out perfect. Leave it to Satoru to be good at something. He groans in satisfaction as he takes a bite of his. 
Breakfast was good, decidedly so, but there was something missing as you ate. Or rather, someone was missing. 
You lay on your stomach on your bed as you gaze at your phone. You were calling Suguru, hoping to catch a glimpse of him before you went to bed. 
The phone flashes the second he answers and your head perks up. 
“Hey baby.”
Your heart falters at the sound of his silky tone. 
“How was your day?” He asks. 
He’s lying in a hotel bed, dark circles beneath his eyes as he watches your face. The sight hurts you. He’s made an off-handed comment before that he didn’t sleep well without you and Satoru. Your fingers twitch with the need to reach through the screen to grab him. 
“It was okay, how was yours?” 
“It was alright. Nothing interesting has happened yet,” he pauses and his eyes flick down before he brings them back up to you. “Wish I was home though.” 
“Do you?” You tease, your teeth digging into your cheek. 
“I do. It's a bit weird. I haven’t had this much alone time since Satoru got the stomach flu in school, and even then he was calling me every hour to baby him.” 
You let out a laugh. 
Suguru gets up from his bed and carries the phone with him. It looks like he’s in the bathroom now, you can tell with the shower curtains behind him. He’s shirtless with a pair of pajama pants on, they were red plaid that hung low on his waist. It was a Christmas gift you had gotten him several years ago. Even though he was far away, there was still evidence of your love on his body. 
Suguru sets you on the counter, digging his teeth in the hair tie around his wrist. It hangs from his mouth as his hands comb through his hair, putting it into a bun. You’re mesmerized as you watch the action. 
“Satoru tried making your crepes earlier.” You comment, watching Suguru. 
He hums to prove he’s listening, as he stares into the mirror. You watch his tight stomach as he washes his hands, leaning forward to pull out his contacts. 
“They turned out okay. The second batch anyway. The first batch he got distracted and almost burnt the house down.” 
Suguru blinks a couple times before looking down at you, his eyes squinting. 
“I’m kidding! Well, kind of. We were playing rock paper scissors and he was losing, so he was distracted and the first one burnt. I won by the way.” 
Suguru lifts up his phone and carries you back to the bed, sitting down and sliding on his glasses. He always thought he looked the worst at bedtime, unpresentable he said, but you always thought it was when he looked best. 
“Oh hey, you talking to Suguru?” Satoru enters the bedroom and asks, flopping down. 
He inches up the bed, and lays on top of you, pushing his weight on your back while he grabs the phone, pointing it towards him. 
“You miss us so much you just had to call?” Satoru says lightly. 
“Sure, Satoru.” Suguru’s face softens as he watches him. 
“Did they tell you that I won rock paper scissors?” Satoru goes on. 
You wiggle beneath him, trying to distribute his weight. Fruitless effort. 
“No, they didn’t. They did tell me that they won, though.” 
Satoru plasters on a shocked face and uses his other hand to push your face down towards the bed. You chuckle beneath him, poking your head up again. 
“I’m being bullied in your absence, you know.” Satoru tells Suguru. 
“Well, someone has to keep you in line.” 
You giggle beneath Satoru. It was true. Someone had to manage Satoru while Suguru was gone. 
“I have to head to bed, got an early day tomorrow. I love you both.” Suguru says, and you can tell he really doesn’t want to hang up. 
“Okay… I love you!” You try to make your voice cheery. 
“I love you more!” Satoru almost yells. 
The two of you smile at the camera until Suguru clicks off. You try not to let the silence get to you. 
The next several days were relatively harmless. Suguru called every day, sometimes multiple times if he had the time. You finally ran out of the garden pasta and chicken leftovers, much to your chagrin. Satoru had eaten more than you thought he would. It was because he told you he thought the two tupperware were his, and that there were two others in the fridge for you. When he overheard Suguru saying he put leftovers for the both of you in the fridge, he took that as there was a container for each of you. 
There wasn’t. 
So here you are. 
You end up driving to the store as Satoru was a self proclaimed Passenger Princess. He talked to you the whole time while shuffling through his playlist. 
When the two of you arrive, Satoru makes a beeline to the carts. His lanky figure hunches over as he pushes it, walking at a much slower pace to keep up with you. Satoru and Suguru usually walked extremely fast, given their freakishly long legs. 
And they made fun of you for being slow. 
Satoru always offered to give you piggy back rides, but you only made that mistake once. You were green in the face once he finished, sick for the rest of the day. 
“What’s on the list?” Satoru asks, eyes trailing over the shelves.
You look down at the paper in front of you, carefully reading Suguru’s neat handwriting. 
“Beef, noodles, broccoli, ginger, and green onion.” You read off. 
You link your arm around Satoru’s (he wasn’t the only one who was feeling extra needy while Suguru was gone). Satoru’s arm is thick and hard underneath yours, the result of working out daily for years. Calling it mere eye candy would be gross negligence. 
The two of you had gotten everything on the list, save for the noodles. You were debating in the middle of the aisle between two different packs. 
“Why can’t we just get that one? Comes with more.” Satoru says, pointing to the package in your right hand. It was twice the size of the other one. 
“Cause it’s not the brand Suguru wrote down.” You respond, eyes flicking back and forth. 
It would be nice to have extra, but still… 
“They’re both noodles.” Satoru remarks. 
“Do you want it to taste like Suguru’s?” 
You take Satoru’s silence as an answer, stuffing the larger package back on the shelf. Honestly, you didn’t really see the need to get the specific brand either. But Suguru was meticulous, and you decided you would be too, in his stead. 
You throw the noodles in the cart, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction flow through you. See? You didn’t need Suguru to function. You normally did shopping with him anyway, but you tended to just talk his ear off the whole time while he picked out what he needed. He liked the company, he said. 
When you turn around, you see Satoru shifting everything in the cart. You raise your brows, waiting for him to explain. 
“Get in.” He lifts his head up, signaling for you to hop in. 
You dart your eyes back and forth between the cart and him. 
“I’m not- we could get in trouble-“
“Oh, so you’re a scaredy cat.” Satoru has a shit eating grin as he leans against the cart. 
Now that was something you couldn’t have. You grumble to him and take his hand as he helps you crawl into the cart. It’s a bit fun, you feel joy sparking in your body the second he moves the cart. He pushes it fast before jumping on the back with both feet, letting the momentum carry the two of you. Your laughter fills the air and Satoru’s grinning at you. You felt so carefree, momentarily forgetting the sadness that lurked beneath. 
What feels like an earthquake shocks you from your moment of joy. You whip your head around to the front of the cart, eyes popping out once you see the cause. Your cart had knocked into someone else’s, the older woman scowling at you. 
“You need to watch where you're-“ she starts, her gaze moving from you to Satoru, “-going.” Her words sound light as she stares up at Satoru, clearly in awe of his beauty. 
“I’m sorry, that was my bad.” Satoru says with a chuckle, scratching the back of his head. 
The woman sputters as she stares up at him. Lucky bastard. He could start a war, and apologize right after and get away with it. Pretty privileges. 
“It’s-it’s okay. Just try to be careful? You wouldn't want to get hurt.” She says, aiming her words at Satoru, even though you were in the one in the cart. 
The audacity. 
“Yes! Thank you!” Satoru is smooth as he waves her off. He doesn’t stop smiling until she’s out of sight. 
“You’re unbelievable.” You murmur under your breath, looking up at him. 
Satoru drops his head to look down at you, and you’re almost startled at the intensity of his eyes. You weren’t immune to his beauty either. 
“It’s not my fault old women love me.” 
“Everyone loves you.” 
Satoru grins, shoving the cart before jumping on it again. He didn’t learn anything. You can’t be mad though, not with the way you start to laugh in fun again. The two of you travel down the aisles, slipping different treats into the cart, shoving them on your lap. 
Satoru pays and the two of you head out, the daunting task of cooking dinner resting on your shoulders. 
You stand in the kitchen feeling completely out of place as you stare at the ingredients before you. It wasn’t a hard recipe by any means, Suguru picked it for its ease. But it was still incredibly daunting. With a sigh, you begin to start cooking the meat, trying to shove the nerves from your mind. You kicked Satoru out of the kitchen, banishing him to your bedroom while you cooked so he wouldn't distract you. 
It was going okay, it really was, it smelled and even looked delicious. That was until you added the garlic powder. You swear it came out faster than it normally did, probably intent on ruining your night if you had to guess. Your eyes stare at the lump of powder in the pan before you rush to mix it, hoping by some miracle that it would dilute. 
You turn the stove off with a dissatisfied expression, glaring at the meal as if it personally did you wrong. A heavy garlic smell hangs in the air, permeating in the small kitchen, as if to shove your face in the failure. 
“Satoru! It’s… done.” You mumble the last part. 
Satoru comes bounding out of the bedroom, a large grin on his face that twitches the second he reaches you before he forces it back. 
“Smells great!” He comments. 
Your lip wobbles into a frown as you stare up at him. 
“Whaatt? I’m serious. Smells fantastic.” He puts an emphasis on the last word. 
You have to keep a sob from bubbling up your throat. You knew there was no way you could compete with Suguru. Turning around, you mope while grabbing bowls, dishing out the dinner for you two. A dinner that would kill any vampire, even if they just looked at it. 
Hanging your head in shame you nudge Satoru’s bowl over to him. Honestly, you were debating if it would have just been better to starve for the night. Satoru grabs his chopsticks and immediately dives in, shoving the utensils in his mouth once he has a hefty amount of food piled on. 
“Wait-!” You try to stop him, although you're not even sure what you’d say. 
Satoru bounces his head side to side as if he’s thinking, his pale cheeks puffed out from the amount of noodles he had. Your eyes are wide open as you stare at him, unsure if you would need to grab water or google how to do the Heimlich maneuver. 
“It’s good!” Satoru says, chopsticks snapping as he picks even more. 
Your mouth is hung open as you witness him chowing down on the food. He can’t be serious. It’s bad. You know it’s bad. 
Why is he lying? 
“Satoru- it’s okay, you don’t, you don’t have to keep eating it, we can order something.” You move to grab his bowl from him. 
Satoru slaps your hand and flicks his lashes up to you. His face is incredibly serious, and for the life of you, you can’t figure out why. 
“I want this.” He maintains eye contact as he grabs more, slipping it past his pink lips. 
You feel exposed under his gaze so you look away, crossing your chest. Is he trying to prove something to you? 
“We should tell Suguru he’s kicked out of the kitchen once he comes back, since you can cook.” 
“Okay, now that feels like you’re making fun of me.” 
“I’m serious! How’d you get the meat so tender?” He’s speaking around mouthfuls of food. 
The meat was tender. You were actually really proud of it, even snapping a picture to send to Suguru. The food was going good until the incident. 
You poke and prod at your food, taking several bites before you nudge the bowl away. Satoru may be able to put on a brave face as he eats it, but you’re much weaker than him. 
Not only does Satoru eat his bowl, he gets seconds, leaving next to nothing in the pan once he finishes. The first couple bites amazed you, how could he pretend it wasn’t bad? Then he had more, and more, and you were starting to worry the copious amounts of garlic had killed his taste buds. 
You were still hungry so once he finishes, he stands up to make you instant ramen. It wasn’t the healthiest of meals, sure, but at least you weren’t going to go hungry. Satoru sits next to you and watches as you dive in, much more eager to eat this than the monstrosity you created. He has love in his eyes as he stares, opening his mouth wide when you offer him a bite. 
Just where did all that food go? 
“All done?” He asks, standing up to grab your bowl. 
You aren’t even feeling upset anymore. Satoru was good at that, though. He always knew how to cheer you up, using his ridiculousness to his advantage. 
“Thank you, Satoru.” You murmur and wrap your arms around him. 
He uses his free hand to pull you in closer. When you look up at him you feel like you’re floating; you had so much love in your heart for him. Satoru leans down, lips pushed out in an attempt to kiss you. 
You could smell the garlic from where you’re sitting. 
You press your hand against his mouth and attempt to push him away. 
“N-no! I don’t wanna kiss your garlic lips.”
“Baby, you’re so mean to me!” He presses against your hand, face inching closer to yours. 
“Get away from me!” You screech with a laugh, running to your bedroom. 
Satoru cackles behind you, pushing the dirty dishes in the sink to clean later, before he chases after you. 
Several days had passed since the night you cooked for Satoru. Suguru would be coming home today, you think. It was hard to remember. The days had blended together in a conglomeration of time without Suguru. You were excited to see him again. You hadn’t slept well the past couple of days. You hadn’t slept at all for the past two, really. No matter how warm Satoru felt hogging you at night, his limbs wrapping around you like an octopus, your right side still felt remarkably cold. There was a hole in your bed, a Suguru shaped one. 
He’d be home today. He’d be home. 
When Suguru arrives home, he feels something like excitement and relief wash over him. He was able to come home way earlier than anticipated. The sun was barely starting to peek over the clouds, he wasn’t supposed to be back until dinner time. Suguru digs into his pocket once he’s stopped at the door, rummaging around until he grabs hold of his keys. He carefully pushes them in the door, not wanting to wake you. 
The house is silent when he walks in, almost eerily so. Is this what Satoru was used to? He was always the early bird out of the three of you, waking up hours before you and Suguru even thought to. Suguru keeps his steps light as he walks into the house, leaving his bags by the door. The first thing he notices is a bump of hair poking out above the couch. Your hair. 
Why were you out here? 
Kicking Satoru out, he would understand. But you? 
Suguru makes his way closer to you, standing behind the couch. He leans over and places a hand on your shoulder, trying to catch a glimpse of your face. You jump in your seat and screech, your phone flying from your hands. Suguru winces once it makes impact with the floor, and brings his eyes back to you. 
You looked… awful. 
There are dark circles underneath your frenzied eyes, your chest heaving as you stare at Suguru. Once you’re able to comprehend that it’s just him, you twirl around and jump over the couch at him. 
Suguru instantly wraps his arms around you so you won’t drop. 
Are you… lighter? 
“Suguru!” Your words are muffled into his neck, your breathing tickling the side of his throat. 
He feels relief at the weight of you against him. He missed being crushed by the presence of you and Satoru. Suguru lifts a hand up and holds the back of your head, shifting his fingers into your hair. The two of you stand like this until he begrudgingly sets you down. 
Your eyes are lit up as you stare at him, your body practically jumping up and down. 
“You’re here early! Right? What time is it? What day is it?” You ask. 
Suguru’s brow lifts up as he watches you, only tearing his eyes away to stare at his watch. It was very early. 
“Why are you awake?” He asks, looking at you. 
The definition of guilt pinches up on your face. You look away, suddenly finding everything else in the room much more interesting than him, even though you were attached to him moments ago. 
Suguru waits for an answer that doesn’t come. 
“How long have you been awake?” His voice is deeper this time. 
He knows he found the sore spot by the way you wince. Suguru says your name in a reprimanding tone. 
“I am willfully choosing not to answer.” You murmur. 
Suguru grabs your chin, forcing you to look up at him. His heart breaks at the sight. Sure, he probably also looked like he hadn’t slept well in awhile. But that was him, and you are you. And you’re his baby. 
Suguru repeats your name a second time, voice much softer. Your face relaxes as you sag in his hold. 
“Two… days.” You respond quietly, Suguru has to strain his ears to hear the end of it. 
Suguru normally tries not to overreact. That was left to Satoru. But he can’t stop the way his eyes bulge from his head, his lips parting in shock. 
“Huh?” He feels the sudden urge to wrap you up and tuck you away. 
“It’s not my fault! The bed was just so cold… and then I got distracted by my phone, which-” you look over your shoulder at your phone on the floor “-shouldn’t be a problem anymore.” 
Suguru’s heart tugs into guilt. He knew that wasn’t what you were intending. You would never want to make him feel bad. 
You couldn’t sleep without him? 
Suguru sighs and pulls you into a warm hug. You nestle into his embrace, your face smooshing against his broad chest. Suguru swears he can feel himself drifting off to dreamland, but he forces himself out. 
He pulls away and reaches over the couch to grab a blanket. He wraps it tightly around your body, including the back of your head. You look a bit like you’re in a cocoon by the time he’s done. He pulls it tight around your chest, and grabs your face with both hands. 
“Go lay down.” His voice is soft but commanding. “I’m gonna cook something, I’ll get you when it’s ready.” 
You look to the ground like a scolded child as you nod, dragging your feet towards the bedroom. Suguru feels a renewed sense of responsibility as he watches you trudge away. He takes a deep breath and looks around. 
Where was Satoru? 
Suguru knew he would be up. At least, he should be up. Suguru walks into the house, going towards the kitchen. He finds Satoru sitting at the table facing away from him, looking down. 
“Satoru?” Suguru says to announce his presence, learning from his mistake. 
Satoru’s head whips around, tossing his phone on the table while he bounces up to his feet. He charges toward Suguru, jumping up until he’s latched around him. Suguru doesn’t have to hold him in place, he can feel Satoru’s legs wrapped tightly against his back. Suguru sways in place and smoothes a hand down Satoru’s back. He peers over Satoru’s shoulder to the table where he notices a bowl of something. Ice cream. 
A wave of smell coming from Satoru’s shampoo washes over Suguru, and he buries his face into the side of Satoru’s neck even more. He missed that smell. 
Suguru pulls Satoru away, reaching behind to unlatch Satoru’s limbs from his body. He sets him down and looks at him, able to maintain eye contact without looking down. 
Satoru looked good. He thought so, at least. He looked wide awake, probably having been awake for at least thirty minutes. Suguru adjusts one of Satoru’s stray white hairs, before looking him up and down. 
“When’s the last time you ate something green?” Suguru asks, knowing that would be Satoru’s issue once Suguru was gone. 
Satoru looks over his own shoulder to the table at his bowl of ice cream. His bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream. 
“Uh, now?” Satoru responds, looking back at Suguru. 
Suguru squints at Satoru, clearly unimpressed. 
“Have I told you how handsome you are lately?” Satoru goes on. 
“Finish what you have, but I’m making something for everyone. I’m gonna make sure to put lots of vegetables in it, just for you.” 
Satoru whines as Suguru turns around, tying his hair up and shoving his sleeves out of the way. 
You’re nestled in the sheets of your bed when Suguru’s voice pulls you from the deep sleep you managed to find yourself in. It was like just knowing Suguru was in the house was enough to calm your nerves to grant you rest. You twist and turn in the bed, debating on whether or not to bring the blanket with you. You hadn’t realized how exhausted you were until Suguru woke you up, and you found yourself wanting to go back to sleep. 
A delicious smell carries over to the bedroom, snapping you out of your haze. The one thing you missed more than sleep was Suguru’s cooking. 
You jump out of bed and make your way to the kitchen. Suguru’s standing next to the stove, a spatula in hand as he looks down. He isn’t wearing his sweater anymore, instead he was wearing a loose white shirt. Satoru is sitting on the counter next to him with a bowl held firmly in his hands, a spoon in his mouth. He’s wearing Suguru’s sweater now, and you don’t doubt for a second that he begged Suguru for it. 
You didn’t blame him. You wanted to drown in Suguru just as much. 
“Is it ready?” You ask, lifting a fist up to wipe the sleep from your eyes. 
Suguru turns around and a soft smile grows on his face as he watches you. You really were his baby. 
“Just about, will you take Satoru’s dishes? He won’t let me have them.” 
“I’m not done yet!” Satoru complains, gripping the bowl closer to him. 
“Satoru, the bowl is empty.” Suguru says, as if he’s already repeated that. 
Satoru digs his spoon back into the bowl, lifting it up to his lips again. The bowl was empty. There were only melted remains of the ice cream clinging to the glass, Satoru scooping it up and easing it past his lips. 
You walk up to him and try to tug the bowl from his hands. On the second tug Satoru finally relents, letting you take the dish to the sink. That was one thing you did right. There were no dirty dishes, the house was in relatively clean condition in general. You refused to let Suguru come home to a messy house. 
Suguru dishes out three bowls for you all, evenly distributing the food. Your mouth is watering by the time he’s done, and you’re diving in the second he gives you yours. 
The food all but melts in your mouth. It was so good. And it didn’t reek of garlic. Suguru stands in the kitchen as he eats, watching you and Satoru sit at the bar. There’s an easy smile on his face as he watches you both, only looking away to shovel more food into his mouth. 
“I’m sorry for making you cook.” You mumble around the food, guilt tugging at your chest. 
You really were pathetic, you could hardly survive with him out of the house. He just got back from his trip, yet he dropped everything to take care of you. 
Suguru picks up on the sadness on your face. 
“I don’t mind, really. I was craving a home cooked meal anyway.” 
Satoru’s lips twitch into a smile. He’s up to something. 
“If you wanted a home cooked meal you should have just said so. They made beef noodles while you were gone, we actually saved the leftovers.” 
Your face heats up, and you kick Satoru’s leg besides yours. 
“Shut up! No I didn’t, Suguru!” 
Suguru’s brow is raised as he watches the two of you bicker. 
“Did you? I didn’t see it.” He talks under his breath as he turns around, opening the fridge to look into it. 
“Suguru!” You whine. 
“It’s in the-“ Satoru’s voice is muffled as he speaks through your hand, “-the front in the container.” 
Suguru reaches to grab it, turning around to set it on the counter. They were the leftovers you hadn’t eaten, as Satoru had consumed everything else. Your face is scrunched up as you watch Suguru open the lid. 
A strong smell of garlic fills the area and you sob, covering your face with your hands. Embarrassed didn’t even cover the half of it. 
Suguru’s face is curious as he peers down, using his utensil to dig into the container, not bothering to heat it up. If he can tell how overpowering the garlic is, he doesn’t show it. Suguru bites into the food, chewing for a moment while the room quiets down. 
“You put a unique spin on it.” He finally says. 
You sob even louder, dropping your head. Satoru is chuckling beside you, taking a sip from his cup. 
“I didn’t say it was bad! It’s just, a choice.” Suguru tilts his head as he takes a second bite. 
“Please stop.” You whine. 
The two boys were ruthless together. Sometimes you forgot, but it didn’t take them long to remind you. It was hard to tell which was worse, the upfront bullying of Satoru or the teasing Suguru took up, that often left you wondering if he was being mean at all. 
Suguru closes the container, and for reasons unknown slips it back into the fridge. Personally, you would have preferred if he threw the whole damn thing away, container included. Or lit it on fire. 
“I hate you.” You murmur to Satoru. 
He side hugs you, pulling you close to him; as close as he can without yanking you from your seat. 
“Did you guys have some good bonding time together?” Suguru asks, picking up all your dirty dishes before dropping them in the sink. 
“We did!” Satoru says proudly. 
You did, and that was nice. You just couldn’t announce it right now, you were too busy showing your displeasure. 
Suguru steps out of the kitchen and makes his way to you both. He presses a kiss to Satoru’s forehead, and grabs your jaw. He bites back a coo at the scowl resting on your face. So damn cute. He presses his lips against yours and you nearly melt. Suguru pulls back and lets his eyes float between you two. He really missed you guys. 
“You wanna go back to sleep?” He offers. 
You grin excitedly and hop off the stool, pulling Satoru with you. The two of you trip over your feet as you run to the bedroom, Suguru trailing behind with a smile on his face. 
Tag List: @tojislittleprincesss, @dinolvrrr, @kimi01985, @mikisspeak
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yawnderu · 8 months
Monster | Simon ''Ghost'' Riley x Reader
AU! where Simon gives in to the violent sexual fantasies he has after Roba tortures him.
CW: noncon, darkfic, mind break, forced deepthroat, forced penetration, face slapping, tit slapping, rough sex, give in.
You yawned as you walked back home, half-lidded eyes looking down at your phone. 3:28AM, yet you ended the workday with plenty of tips from your little show and managed to leave earlier. You clutch your bag of singular euro bills, glancing behind you to make sure no man from the strip club was following you. Your mind rests at peace once you realize the street is fully empty.
''Fucking hell…'' You mutter softly, hand running through your hair as you open the door to your house, the alcohol and lack of sleep from the previous day catching up to you while you struggle to put the key inside. You manage to open the door, another yawn coming out of your lips as you walk inside, so, so, so close to closing the door behind you before it slams back into you, a pair of skull gloved hands pushing you back inside by the hair, his other hand closing the door behind.
''Get in, you fuckin' bitch.'' You didn't even have time to scream before he was onto you, pushing you into the couch roughly and in the midst of your struggle, you were able to see more of him. A black balaclava was covering his face, eye black tainting all over his eyes, cheeks and forehead, and those eyes… were haunting, to say the least. You could see pure madness and fury in them, yet you don't recognize them.
''If you're gonna fuckin' tease me…'' He started, ignoring your cries and pleas, begging him to stop whatever he was going to do. His fingers yanked your hair, forcing you to look up at him while your much smaller body sat helplessly on the couch, limbs in an awkward position after being forced to sit there.
''My parents are going to be home soon—'' Your sentence gets interrupted by a harsh slap on the cheek, the sound echoing all over the walls that will eventually see your demise.
''No, they fuckin' won't. I know you live alone, love.'' An amused chuckle escapes his lips as he sees the panic setting in your eyes, his hands undoing his belt as all you can do is cry, tears staining your vision and falling down your cheeks as you realize just in how much trouble you're in.
In a lapse of judgement and perhaps hope, you dare get up and try to dash for the door, and you're so close— hand on the doorknob before you're yanked back by the hair, a harsh slap being gifted to your cheek as he pushes you back onto the couch, easily removing the skimpy shirt you were wearing to reveal your chest.
''Push your tits out, come on.'' The way he's looking at you is like a predator stalking its prey, ready to pounce, so you obey. Your back arches as you push your tits out, whining and sobbing more as he started slapping them.
''That's it.'' He muttered between clenched teeth; the leather skull gloves he's wearing just making the impact even more painful. You watch with panic as he lowers his pants, hooking them right underneath his balls. He's massive— not only in length but in girth, a 9-incher covered in veins, the angry red tip seen slightly from the foreskin covering it as he angles it up to your sealed lips.
''Open your fuckin' mouth.'' He gives you a warning look and you eventually relent, glancing at the knife holster on his thigh, knowing he can easily hurt you even worse if he wanted to. His leg rests on the side of your face, leg resting on the couch as he begins to put his dick inside your mouth, gagging sounds escaping you the deeper he goes, yet it doesn't seem to bother him.
''Eat that fucking dick.'' He whispers, thrusting in and out of your mouth while holding onto your hair, guiding your head to jerk himself off with your throat. Your face is a mess of tears, snot, spit, and ruined makeup, making the scene all the more erotic for his twisted, screwed up mind.
You try your best not to throw up, silently thankful that you didn't eat much that day after being in a rush to get to work. The way his fat cock keeps slamming down hurts like a motherfucker, bruising the back of your throat with ease, but you still try not to gag too much in fear of puking down his cock.
He pulls out for a second, giving your cheek another hard slap before forcing you to lay on the couch, legs out of it while he removes your panties, leaving your dry cunt exposed. He positions himself on his knees between your legs, twisting the fabric of your skirt just enough to be able to spit on your pussy and line himself up.
''Please— please don't.'' Your pathetic cries are music to Simon's ears, his tortured mind finally feeling at peace when he covers your mouth and slams into you with one thrust. You scream into his hand, the sound muffled as he begins to move in and out, looking down at the way your cunt is swallowing him up.
''Your parents— bet they know you're a little slag.'' His voice is even deeper and more strained now that he's fucking into your cunt, his hand hesitantly moving away from your lips after giving you a warning look. You cry and whimper, small meaningless words that don't even register in his head as his hips slam back into you.
''Little fuckin' trash tart like you? They already knew you were gonna grow to be a whore.'' His movements are rough and unrelenting, the grip on your hips keeping you in place as he pounds into you with primal hunger. Despite the pain, your body is responding to the stimulation of his cock slamming into the perfect spot, slowly lubricating your cunt against your will.
''Look at you!'' He says with a small chuckle, pulling out while holding his dick with one gloved hand, pulling down his foreskin slightly to rub the tip of his dick all over your wetness.
''No—'' You cry out and he gets louder.
''Look! Fuckin' scooping your cum up.'' He scoops your wetness on the tip of his dick, rubbing it up and down before he starts to go back inside you, with a gentleness that lasts a second before he's buried all the way inside your wet, needy cunt.
''Little fucking prostitute, aren't you?'' He ignores the way you cry out ''no'' repeatedly and beg him to stop, thrusts becoming faster and more forceful, the sound of skin slapping against skin filing the room, the smell of sex and your whiny moans hanging heavy in the room as Ghost ravages you mercilessly.
He pulls out of you enough to put you in all fours on the couch, his big hand forcing your back to arch as much as possible before he slams himself back inside, hitting all the right places. You bite your lip as you try your best not to scream or moan, your body betraying you the more he fucks you with his stupidly big dick.
''I can help you— be your little pimp... sell you to all my friends.'' He's a big, burly man, too big for you to handle, you can't even imagine taking more than anyone half his size at this point, cunt abused and leaking with a mix of your own juices and his precum.
''Then we'll take turns fucking you.'' Every single one of his thrusts drives you closer to the edge against your will, his control over your movements unyielding.
''You're just a fucktoy. A piece of meat for men to use.'' His gloved hands open your asscheeks as he looks at the way his massive cock is disappearing into you, lips grasping around it for dear life.
''You're lucky I'm not fucking your ass. That's for next time. Fuckin' ass-rape you, yeah?'' You cry louder at the threat, hissing in a mix of pain and pleasure as he fucks you, hands now going to your ass while he keeps thrusting in and out, sharp spanks delivered onto your plump ass, making you whine even louder. You're trying to resist, but he's fucking you so good it's hard to grasp at the little sanity you have left. He pulls all the way out before slamming himself back in.
''Does it hurt your little pussy?'' He asked sarcastically, tone laced with fake pity while his grunts mix with your moans, the intensity of his thrusts leaving you both breathless. There's no tenderness in the way he fucks you, only a raw need of release.
''Please—'' You plead, yet you don't even know what you're begging for. For him to stop? To go faster? Everything is hazy, your mind being destroyed the same way your squelching cunt is.
''Cum as much as you want, love.'' He whispered and you scoffed, earning you another hard slap on the ass.
''Fuck you.'' You spit out and he chuckles, an eyebrow raised under the black balaclava.
''Fuck me?'' He asks, a bruising hold on your hips as he slams deeper and harder. You nod your head, soft whimpers escaping your lips.
''Yeah.'' You confirm, trying your best not to moan at the way his cock keeps touching all your nerves in the right places, cunt juice leaking down your thighs.
''Fuck me?'' He asks again, more irritated as his thrusts halt for a second. ''Yeah- Fu— fuuuck!'' Your words are interrupted as he fucks you faster, dick slipping out before being slammed back in at an unlawful pace.
'''s what I thought.'' You can tell he thinks he's hot shit simply by his cocky tone, enjoying this little game he's playing with you.
''You let anyone with a big cock fuck you like this?'' He taunts, trying to get in your head, and you let him. You desperately nod your head, and even if it's not exactly true... it's not embarrassing if you're shameless.
''Fuck yourself on my cock.'' He commands, his hips stopping all movement and you obey, like a leashed dog. Your hips push back on his cock but it's not enough no matter how fast you go, lewd moans and whines escaping your lips as you're desperate for release.
''Faster, baby... make yourself cum or I'll hurt you real bad.'' You hear the sound of sharp metal being removed from its holster and panic quickly settles in, making you slam yourself down faster and harder on his dick— not good enough for his taste. You feel the tip of the knife sliding down your spine and you stop, scared of accidentally cutting yourself.
He pushes you off his cock, making you land on your chest as he gets in a prone position, holding his bodyweight up with one hand as he leans closer to you.
''Need some help?'' His husky voice whispers, the chuckle afterwards making you sick. He wants you to admit defeat verbally, already knowing what you want, yet you're still as stubborn as a mule.
''Fuck you.'' You mutter softly and another chuckle comes out of him, lining himself back up to your cunt as your hands clench the sheets, relief painted on your face when you hear the knife go back to its holster. He slides himself back inside at an agonizing pace, hips halting once he's all the way inside.
''Just say the word and I'll fuck you stupid.'' He whispers softly, hips circling against your ass slowly making you even more desperate. You whine out, tears staining your eyes again, this time out of desperation rather than fear and resistance.
''F-fuck... please fuck me.'' You whisper out and he gives you another deep thrust, hips stopping again as you cry out in desperation.
''Sorry? Didn't catch that one, doll.'' Fuck him. Fuck him and his stupidly nice dick. You throw your pride aside, wanting to get this over with.
''Please fuck me.'' You say louder, grimacing at your pathetic cock-drunk voice, yet he listens to you for the first time. He resumes his brutal pace, ravaging you with no care, the line between pleasure and pain blurs out as he uses you for his own pleasure, dominance overpowering any sense of morality and gentleness.
''T-too hard...'' You cry out when he grabs your arms, getting on his knees while he uses your arched body to fuck himself into you. If you're complaining about it, he'll just give it to you faster.
''Shit— s-slow the fuck down...'' His grunts mix with your moans, the intensity of his thrusts driving you closer and closer to the edge while your cunt gets used and abused.
''Cum with me.'' He grunts out, balls slamming against your clit with each hard thrust, control slipping away from both of you as you're reduced to nothing but a groaning mess united as one, bodies tensing up as your vision is overcome by white, reaching what seems to be your most intense orgasm. Your vision goes dark as he covers your eyes and you can feel a pair of lips kissing your shoulder, moaning lowly without any restraints as he releases all the way inside your cunt.
''Takin' my cock so well...'' He whispers, kissing the side of your head before slowly pulling out of you. When you look back up at him, the mask is covering his face again. You close your eyes, head leaning back on the mattress as exhaustion catches up to you, not registering the way he carries you in his arms to the shower to get rid of the evidence.
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niallsgoldhoop · 4 months
a harry styles one shot seven thousand words cw - sexual content, alcohol, harsh language, spitting, spanking, choking,
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“I can’t believe you almost missed this.” Looking over at me, the dark eyes of my closest friend shine under the overhead lights. “I mean, come on— It’s Harryween.”
Using my pinky to perfect the edge of the color as I look in the mirror, I can’t help but roll my eyes. “Okay well I couldn’t let this costume go to waste.”
“Honestly.” Adjusting the straps of her angel wings, she laughs. “It’s perfect.”
Tucking a lock of wavy copper hair behind my ear, the green foliage sewed to the leather top last minute contrasts against my porcelain skin in the best way.
As soon as the decision was made— the costume just happens to fall into place.
It took me less than a day to buy the ivy from a local craft store along with the needle and thread. Deep in the back of my closet there was a black leather corset, the kind that fastened in a line of delicate hooks up the front, one that pushed my breasts up even higher than normal. Pairing that with the black leather skirt that hit the middle of my thighs seemed like the only option that made sense.
Less than two hours sitting on my couch and watching Succession later and all of the ivy had been sewn into place. After a little maneuvering I even managed to turn the broad, verdant colored leaves to a makeshift garter for each of my thighs.
Standing here in this bathroom and looking at my reflection, the extra ivy twisting from the top of the high topped canvas sneakers on my feet, I can’t help but smile at how good it looks snaking over my toned calves and thick thighs.
Poison Ivy.
“We better get down to the pit before it gets too crazy.” With a wide smile on her face, I laugh along with her as her fingers tangle with mine, pulling me along. “If we’re lucky we can get close to the barricade.”
Staying close behind her, the two of us manage to squeeze through the sea of people, finding a spot in the pit good enough that we would be able to get a decent view.
I’d been to plenty of shows before but it felt like nothing compared to the pit at a Harry Styles show.
Even as the show eventually starts, it’s clear that everyone got the memo to dress up and seeing the man of the hour— I’m so glad this is where I ended up.
The way he looks tonight should be illegal.
The way he’s looking at me?
Up on the stage, I make eye contact with him again as he passes by, my body heating under his gaze for what feels like the millionth time.
“God, he keeps looking at you!” The girl with two boas and a pink cowboy hat next to me says, her eyes wide. “What the fuck?!”
I feel my lips as they turn into a smirk, raising my eyes back to the stage to see him in front of me again.
Being so close to the barricade was an accident. Somehow, someway we managed to make out way closer and closer as the night went on. Dancing with everyone around us all night has been the best part of the show.
Well… That and seeing Harry dressed in the most delicate and detailed costume.
A clown with the prettiest cream fabrics and lace along with the most perfect moon and stars offsetting the lighter colors with their darkness. Even his cheeks have the rosiest hue— complete with little pearl drops along his cheeks and above his brows.
Nothing too scary, but something just sexy enough.
As he plays the song everyone longs to hear, this time when lyrics roll off of his heart shaped lips in front of me, there’s no mistaking it.
‘And when I sleep, I'm gonna dream of how you —‘
Eyes set on mine, he brings the tip of each finger to his flattened tongue, a tease of how he would certainly be able to please between the sheets.
Rolling my eyes as my best friend grabs my arm, her fingers pressing into the bare skin of my bicep, I find his gaze lingering before he moves on — deciding to entertain the other side of his stage before making his exit.
It feels like the scene of a documentary as the end of the show finally unfolds and people make their way from the stadium, a mass of people all looking for something to get them as high as the feeling Harry Styles gives them.
Laughing on the way out, I give the longest hugs that I can manage before slipping out into the night to find the small bar that has always welcomed me on a night like tonight.
A night when I’m not ready to dream quite yet.
Between the way the city never sleeps and the people out for their own version of tricks and treats, it feels like hours before I find what I’m looking for even if it’s not terribly far away from where I started.
Still dressed in the costume I threw together at the last minute, I don’t even find myself caring much about that. People from all across the city are dressed in various Halloween get ups— making it that much easier to blend in.
Even if the majority of my skin feels like it’s on display.
Smiling as I grip the door handle, it’s the large hand that covers mine that makes my heart race.
The anchor tattoo.
The mermaid.
The cross.
Turning on my heel, the same eyes that looked into mine in front of thirty thousand people trace over my face — over my freckles, over my cheekbones… Over my lips.
“It’s you.” Low and raspy, the accent drips off his lips as they turn into a sinister grin.
Rolling my tongue along the inside of my cheek, I watch his eyes follow the movement as I press through the door and let him follow.
“It’s me.”
The bar is small and dimly lit, the best place to come if you don’t want to be found.
I’ve come here for years, a product of begging to be lost.
Turning my back on him, I make my way to the bar and sit on one of the stools, smiling as the bartender makes his way down to me. I can feel Harry’s presence as he slides onto the stool next to me, his thigh brushing against the skin of my thigh that my skirt doesn’t cover.
“Hey, babe.” Leaning over the bar and kissing my cheek, the familiar face behind the bar places a shot glass on the counter before filling it with tequila and placing a lime along the rim, sliding it to me. “How was your night?”
My face turns towards the man next to me, his features sharper in the low light as he studies me carefully before I look away from him with a shrug. “It was okay.”
A laugh falls from his lips as he leans into me, his lips brushing against my ear. “Okay? Is that all you have to say about me?”
“Maybe it is.” My shoulders lift in a shrug as I turn to face him, reaching for the shot and taking it, watching Harry as his eyes focus on my lips where I taste the lime. “Why? Are your feelings hurt?”
Catching the attention of the person behind the bar, those mossy eyes hold mine as he orders. “Can I please have four shots of tequila?”
“You alright with this guy, Chan?” Looking between the two of us, his eyes narrow in Harry’s direction.
I laugh. “We’re good. You can pull your best friend shit somewhere else.”
Rolling his eyes, he pours the shots out for the two of us. Leaving a small bowl of salt and limes before making his back to the other end of the bar.
“Chan?” Harry’s voice is rich and smooth, just like you always hear about. “Is that short for Chandler?”
I shake my head as I bring my hand up and flatten my tongue before running it across the back of my hand, eyes locked on his. “No, it’s not.”
“Are you going to tell me?” Watching my every move, his green eyes watch as I pinch salt between my fingers and let it fall to my skin.
“Should I?” Once again, I flatten my tongue across the same spot and taste the salt before picking up the small glass of liquor, tipping it back and letting it burn down my throat. “What’s in it for me if I do?”
Tension unlike I’ve ever known settled between us.
Somewhere my brain tells me to be careful, but the reckless part of me says that sometimes things are just meant to happen.
The odds of running into a man like him are practically zero. Yet here I am with flushed skin from the warmth of his proximity.
I reach for the lime but Harry beats me to it, holding it between his thumb and forefinger and pressing the acidic fruit to my bottom lip, eyes begging for me to open for him.
Wrapping my fingers around his wrist, I flick my tongue across the broad side of the lime before wrapping my lips around it and following the simple instructions.
“So you do know how to listen.” Harry pulls his hand away from me before dropping the fruit back into the empty shot glass.
Tilting my head back, I laugh.
Pressing my hand on his thigh and leaning forward, this time my lips brush against his ear. “I only listen when I feel like it.”
“Hmm.” He hums as he leans back, eyes looking over my body. “Do you feel like listening tonight?”
I shake my head as he reaches for my hand and pulls me in close, his eyes burning through me as his tongue darts out and presses to my skin along my forearm. Holding me in place and using his other hand, he easily sprinkles the salt along my heated skin before flattening his tongue and tasting it.
My breath hitches in my throat as his fingers tip the glass back, taking the lime and holding it out for me. Taking the hint, I bite onto it and lean towards him letting him take it from me with a smug grin on his face. His lips brush against mine for only a moment before he leans away from me, sucking the juice out of the fruit to chase the bitter taste of the liquor. “Come on, tell me your name.”
“I’ll tell you on one condition.” Squeezing his thigh, I brush my lips against the base of his throat, smiling when I feel him swallow thickly.
“And what’s that?” Gripping my chin, Harry tilts my head backwards and grins at me, his notorious bunny teeth biting into his bottom lip.
I roll my tongue along my bottom lip, watching as his eyes drop to my mouth. “You keep staring at my lips like you want them to do something.”
“Yeah?” His grip on my chin tightens. “What if I want to put them to work?”
I lick my bottom lip as my breathing shallows, giving Harry the opportunity to press his thumb into the small bowl of salt and brush it along my bottom lip. “I’d say you talk a lot for someone who hasn’t made a move yet.”
Harry’s eyes darken as he leans in, flicking his tongue along my bottom lip and tasting the salt. Reaching for one of the last two shots that he ordered, I watch as he pours the liquid into his mouth before using his thumb to pull on my bottom lip in a silent request.
Running my tongue along my lower lip and opening my mouth for him, I can’t even be bothered to be surrounded by other people or the sound that comes from the back of my mouth when he spits the liquor onto my waiting tongue.
Grabbing the lime and holding it against the skin of my throat, I’m almost embarrassed by the whimper that falls from my lips when he squeezes the wedge and his warm tongue catches the juice as it rolls down the column of my throat as I swallow.
“That’s right… Swallow for me, pretty girl.”
I can barely register his words before his lips are on mine and I can taste the flavor on his tongue as it finds mine, one of his hands sliding back into the waves at the nape of my neck and the other slipping just under the hem of my skirt and past the dark leaves of my costume.
He kisses me hard and with no abandon, as if he wants nothing more than to devour me. Leaning closer to him and hooking my finger into the waistband of his pants, I moan lightly when his teeth drag across my bottom lip.
“I need to get you alone.” He mumbles, his hand sliding along the inside of my thigh as his fingertips dance across my skin. “Need you on your knees while I watch those lips wrap around me.
I gasp when he drops his lips to my neck, nipping and sucking my skin. “There’s a private bathroom in the office— fuck, down the hall.”
Leaving the last shot, Harry takes my hand and pulls me towards the hallway that leads us in the right direction. With his arms wrapping around my body from behind, once we stop just long enough for me to punch in the code for the keypad I can feel him hard and ready behind me.
“If you don’t hurry, I’m going to take you right fucking here.” Nipping my earlobe, Harry plays with the hem of my skirt as his hand grips my throat and turns my head to the side, giving him more access. “How many ways are you going to let me fuck you, pretty girl?”
“Fuck.” Punching the last number into the keypad, when it beeps twice and I turn the handle, it opens easily.
We barely make it into the room and slam the door before Harry turns on me, pressing my body into the door and pressing his thigh between my legs, pinning me in place.
His mouth is on mine in a messy and hungry kiss all while his hands take their time exploring my body. From my breasts to my ass, not one place goes unnoticed by his skilled hands.
“This fucking costume.” Bringing the skin at the base of my throat between his teeth only to soothe it with his tongue, I shiver when he drags his finger along the top of the ivy, digging behind it enough to trace my skin. “People think that it’s so bright on stage and that I can’t see, but I do — I fucking see everything.”
Kissing under my jaw, his hands work the hooks that line the front of the top, one by one. “Tell me what you saw, Harry.
“You want to know?” Dragging his tongue across the swell of my breasts, I reach up and run my nails across his scalp, making him moan. “I saw you, dressed in this—“ Releasing the last button and letting the top of the corset fall to the floor, Harry cups both of my breasts and squeezes them, pinching each nipple at the same time. “I watched you dance, seeing your perfect ass sway from side to side like you didn’t give a single fuck that I was on that stage.”
Dropping down, Harry runs his tongue across the sensitive peak a moment before taking it between his teeth, pulling back enough to make me gasp. “I didn’t— I was more of a Niall girl—”
“Beautiful and bratty, huh?” His fingers find my throat as I smile, pressing into my skin just enough that my lips part on an exhale from the rush. “The only name that's going to come off your lips tonight is mine.”
“You seem so—.” My thoughts all but disappear when I feel Harry reach down and slip his hand under the tight material of my skirt after tracing the edge of the garter along my thighs.
Taking my nipple back into his mouth and teasing, he pulls back to look at me as his knuckle presses into my clit over the fabric of my underwear. “I seem so what, Chan? You won’t even tell me your name yet here you are — dripping down the inside of your thighs for me.”
“So full of yourself.” I finally get out. “Maybe you really are an arrogant son of a bitch, aren’t you?”
Pushing the fabric aside, Harry doesn’t even pace himself, sliding two fingers deep inside of me and making me cry out as his thumb circles my clit with so much pressure it borders pain. “You have no fucking idea.”
“Harry—“ I moan.
Curling his fingers, I feel like my body is on overdrive as he works an orgasm out of my body quicker than even I’ve been able to do it. . “Come on my fingers for me, baby. Let me feel it.”
Reaching out and gripping his shoulders, I can see the dark evergreen of his eyes just on the rim of his blown out pupils under the lights as his breath comes out shallow, the muscles under his skin flexing as he works me even harder through my orgasm.
Once my body loses all of the tension I tip forward into Harry’s arms with a laugh. “Jesus.”
“Yeah? That good?” He smirks as he wraps my hair around his fist. Once, twice. “Chan, I need to ask you something.”
I nod, my eyes the only things he’s focused on. “Now you want to ask questions?”
“I’m serious.” His nose brushes mine before he places a soft kiss to my lips, a complete contrast to the way he just coaxed a release from my body. “I need to know that if you don’t like something or you want me to stop that you’ll tell me, okay?”
I nod, pressing another soft kiss to his lips, taking my time to enjoy the way his tongue feels moving with mine. “I promise.”
“Are you sure?” His eyes burn into my features looking for any sign of hesitance.
“I’m sure.” Getting impatient, I nip his bottom lip. “Now, are you going to fuck me or stand here and be a gentleman all night? Which one is it?”
“Such a fucking mouth on you.” Flexing his hand in my hair and pulling tighter, there’s no option but for me to sink to my knees as Harry guides me. “I hope you know how to use it for more than just your attitude.”
Sitting back on my heels, I lick my lips. “Only one way to find out.”
“Go on then.” Nodding towards his straining cock beneath the fabric of his pants, he waits for me to undo the button. “Let me watch you choke on my cock so that you can’t talk back to me.”
When my hands finally free him, I whimper at the same time Harry’s groan fills the small office. Leaking with precome, I flick the tip of my tongue to collect the pearly drops.
“Pinch my thigh if it gets to be too much, yeah?” Using his hand that doesn’t still have my hair wrapped around his fist, he cups my jaw and runs his thumb across my cheek as I nod. “Be a good girl and open your mouth for me.”
Taking Harry into my mouth, I wish I could take a picture of how he looks from this angle. His head tilts back as a moan curves around his lips, I swear to god I’ve never seen anything sexier in my entire life. Pushing his hips forward slowly, I hollow my cheeks as I use my tongue to feel every single ridge and vein he has to offer me. My hands rest on his thighs as he drops his head down and meets my gaze.
“I’m going to go harder, is that okay?” With his cock still in my mouth, I nod. “Good fucking girl, good girl.”
Harry pushes his thighs even deeper, groaning at the feeling of his cock sliding down the back of my throat and making the muscles constrict around him from the intrusion. It feels like so much pressure and not enough at the same time as he repeats the action. Tears form in my waterline as I choke over and over, the tears spilling out onto my cheeks.
“See how good you're taking my cock down your pretty little throat?” Sliding his hand from my cheek, I moan around him as his hand rests across my throat. “Fuck, are you going to swallow for me?”
I choke once more, nodding.
It’s one word that precedes his release, one that I make good on my promise and swallow every drop of.
Once Harry pulls back, I take a deep breath and look up to him for only a moment before he pulls me to my feet and spins us around. Lifting me up and sitting me onto the desk, stepping between my legs and tracing his fingers over the edges of the ivy still wrapped around me.
Instantly his lips are on mine, groaning at his own tastes as he reaches between my legs and pushes the material of the leather skirt up, his fingers finding the sensitive nerve at the apex of my thighs as my hips roll forward to meet the friction.
“Are you this wet for me?” Lips ghosting over mine, his fingers find my nipple, pinching. “Do you want a taste?”
“Yes, please.” I say, looking into his eyes as he brings his fingers up, smearing the arousal across my bottom lip before kissing me again.
It’s impossible not to feel crazed as his hands fall to my thighs and push up my skirt, watching as it bunches up around my hips. “Lay back for me.”
Placing his hand in the center of my chest, I fall back onto the desk and whimper when I feel his warm lips leaving lingering kisses along the inside of my thighs.
“Look at you, so willing to let me do whatever I want with you tonight. I don’t even want to unwrap this pretty package you’ve put on for me.” His breath ghost across my center, the anticipation making me feel like I could explode at any minute. “I guess I got lucky— finding you on a night where you want to listen. A night where you want to be told what to do. Am I right?”
Harry doesn’t give the time to formulate an answer, his tongue immediately pressing into my clit before sucking it into his mouth. The action takes me by surprise as my back arches off the desk and my hands search for anything to hold onto.
Dragging patterns across the nerve, I cry out his name as he devours me like he’s never done before. As he releases my clit, his tongue finds my entrance and makes a languid path through my arousal before reaching the place I want him the most.
Up and down.
Side to side.
The stimulation makes my thighs shake as he tugs my hips toward him until my ass hangs off the desk and he pulls my dripping cunt even further into his face.
“Harry, fuck.” My hands flip, nails digging into the wood of the desk no doubt leaving marks. “Right there, fuck. I’ve never— never been so close so fast—“
Pushing myself up to my elbows, I let my head roll back as Harry rolls my clit between his teeth before pulling back, delivering a harsh slap to my outer thigh.
“Do you want to come for me?” Pressing a kiss to the inside of my knee, he raises a brow in my direction and smirks when I nod. “If you want to come for me— if you’re going to scream my name— you’re going to watch me as you do it. You’re going to watch me devour you like my last meal, do you understand?”
I bite my bottom lip and nod, resisting the urge to roll my head back when he immediately finds my clit and brings two fingers to my entrance, pushing them in and finding my g-spot.
“Harry.” His name falls off my lips like a prayer as he keeps his eyes on mine. “Please, please let me come. I need it, I—
I feel it as my body gives into the pleasure Harry so willingly gives.
My back arches, my breast pushing up into the air and not even a sound is able to pour from my mouth. Reaching out to grasp something and knocking a cup of pens onto the floor behind me, I cry out.
“Let everyone know who makes you feel this good.” Standing up, Harry looks down at me as he fists his cock in his hand. “I need to be inside of you right fucking now.”
“Condom?” I ask, still trying to catch my breath.
Harry reaches behind him and grabs his wallet, pulling one out and ripping it open with his teeth before rolling it on his length. “Tell me what you want? Hard? Soft?”
“Give me what nobody else can, don’t fucking hold back.” I grit out, feeling him run his cock along my clit. “Prove to me that you can fuck as good as everyone thinks you can.”
Harry smiles down at me only a moment before thrusting his hips forward, burying himself as deep as possible, making me scream out for him. “How’s that for a start? You’re so fucking wet for me.”
“Harry!” I cry. “I need it just like that, so deep.”
Pulling his hips back, Harry leans over to kiss me as he thrusts again, the power behind it pushing the desk forward an inch. “Yeah? You like feeling like this? Feeling so fucking full that you can’t stand it. Fuck, you take my cock so fucking well, so fucking well.”
“You’re so big, shit.” I moan, my head lolling to the side as his hands spread across my waist and grip me before slamming into me. “God. It feels so— so fucking good.”
“You can take it.” Harry moans above me, his eyes going back and forth between my face to where he disappears inside of me, watching as I take every inch of him. “It feels like this was made for me. So tight, so warm.”
“Please, I need more—“
At my words alone, Harry pulls out and pulls me off the desk and turns me around. Pressing his hand between my shoulder blades, he bends me over the desk before pushing my skirt back up around my waist and grips the waistband to hold me in place.
“Is this what you wanted?” Peering at him over my shoulder, I open my mouth on a breathless moan when his hand cracks across the left side of my ass — quickly followed by the right. “Did you need me to fuck you from behind so I could spank you like this? Huh?”
I feel Harry as he slowly pushes his hips forward, filling me. Listening to his moans as they bounce off the walls, my own whimpers mix with the sound. Gripping my hips, he takes his time as he works so slow — each inch more agonizing than the last before his hips press against my ass.
“Are you going soft on me back there?” Looking at him over my shoulder, I smirk when fire flashes behind his eyes. “Is the guy from the bar all of a sudden gone?”
Harry rolls his tongue along the inside of his cheek, shaking his head before raising his hand and delivering a harsh slap, one that’s sure to leave his handprint behind.
“I know you fucking like that, don’t you? You’re squeezing my cock like it’s the best thing you’ve ever felt.” Fingers digging into my hips, I moan when he pulls me back onto his cock and buries himself even deeper. “Tell me — tell me I'm the best you’ve ever had.”
Gripping the edge of the desk, I try to ground myself as Harry brushes against my g-spot with every single thrust, the pull in the base of my spine getting so strong that I don’t know how much longer I'll be able to hold out.
“I’ve neve been fucked like this.” I cry. “Nobody has ever, ever made me feel so fucking good.”
My eyes roll back as Harry presses his fingers against my clit and works them in time with his trusts, making me push up onto the tips of my toes in search of the release that isn’t far off.
“Like that, oh my god.” Panting, I meet him thrust for thrust as he fucks me harder and harder. “I'm so close.”
“Come on pretty poison girl, soak my cock for me.” Gripping the back of my neck, Harry presses me into the desk and gives me everything he has until my body gives up, releasing around him. “Fuck. you feel so good when you come around me like that. So damn good.”
Slowing his rhythm, Harry sweeps my hair off of my back and leans over me, pressing kisses up the curve of my spine. “Harry.”
“Yes?” His voice is soft as he presses a kiss to my shoulder. “You are incredible.”
“One more.” The words fall from my lips even though I know that I'm so fucked, that I know I won’t last much longer. “I want one more.”
Stopping his movements, I feel Harry chuckle. “You think you can handle me again?”
“I want to see you.” I say, my eyes darting toward the door of the bathroom. “Let me watch you come undone over me.”
Harry grins as he pulls out, the loss of him more than I expected. “I never would have guessed the woman in the crowd would be able to fuck me so well.”
“You shouldn’t underestimate people, Harry.” I walk in front of him, listening to the way he moans when he sees my own release dripping down the inside of my thighs. “Do you like what you see?”
“Fuck.” Running his hand through his curls. He looks freshly fucked and I can’t wait to finish him. “Let me see you.”
Stepping into the bathroom and turning on the light, the sleek and modern design is perfect. Turning, Harry steps close and finds my lips with his, taking his time to kiss me as his hands once again wander my body.
When he takes my nipple into his mouth, I let my head tilt back. “Come on. Give me what I want.”
“So fucking needy.” Harry responds, turning me around and pinning me against the counter. “Bend over, you pretty slut.” Pressing my ass out and shaking it from side to side, I cry out when Harry strikes his palm across each cheek. “How many?”
The tone in his voice makes me moan. “Fuck.”
“I said—“ Cracking down his palm again, he steps up behind me, pushing just his tip inside of my throbbing center. “How many.”
“Until you think I’ve had enough.”
I arch my back when he thrusts forward, his hand connecting with my ass even harder. “What if I never get enough. huh?”
“What if I'm starting to think one night isn’t enough for me?” He thrusts so deep and I’m so sensitive that it feels so good, I clench around him. “Fuck, when you grip my cock like that I never want to leave — I could fuck you all damn night.”
I moan as I meet his gaze in the mirror, looking at the tattoos on his arms as he slides his hands up my back, gripping my shoulders and pulling me back onto his cock. “Don’t say that.”
“What? Don’t say that I want you?” Bringing his palm against my skin, his gaze locks on mine. “This— fuck, this isn’t normal.”
“What?” I ask, biting my bottom lip and letting my head fall forward. “What isn’t—”
“Feeling like this after one night.” Thrusting into me so hard that I scream, I feel tears in my eyes over the way my body feels ready to give into him again. “I’ve never had sex like this, never fucked anyone this good.”
I let my head fall to the side as my cheek presses against the cool counter, the sound of our bodies meeting echoing through the small room. “That’s because you've never been with someone like me before.”
“Fuck—“ Harry is relentless as he searches for his release. “I need you to come for me again, please.”
Begging me, his eyes are hazy as he looks at me, gaze looking with mine until with one thrust, my body shatters around his. “Harry!”
“Oh, shit—“
I watch as his head rolls back and his body stills for just a moment before his hips slowly guide in and out of me, riding us through the orgasms we’ve given each other.
“There you go, pretty girl.” Running his hands up and down my back. I take a deep breath. “You’re so fucking good. So good, Chan.”
I take a deep breath as I try to center myself. “Harry, that was—“
Resting his forehead between my shoulder blades, his warm breath skates across my skin. “I didn’t know it would be like that when I saw you tonight, the woman dressed with ivy across her body— that the vines would wrap around me and pull me in.”
“I don’t know why you’re the surprised one.” I say, wetting my lips. “You’re the one that showed up here. How?”
Harry pulls out, a whimper falling from my lips at the loss of him. “I don’t know… I wanted to get a drink somewhere where I wouldn’t feel like Harry Styles — I wanted to go somewhere small and local.”
“And you ended up here?” I ask, looking up at him from under my lashes.
Grabbing a hand towel, Harry presses a kiss to my temple before running it under warm water and hoisting me onto the counter, laughing as I wince.
“I ended up here.” He smiles as he reaches his hand between my legs, kissing me when I gasp as he runs the warm cloth over my sensitive clit.
We both look at each other and it’s almost like Harry can’t help it when he leans down to kiss me, taking his time as his hands come up to cup my cheeks.
“Let’s get you dressed, okay?” He speaks the words against my lips but makes no move to let me off the counter to grab my top. “Maybe in a few minutes.”
I laugh. “Come on, we have to get out of here before someone comes in.”
“I hope they do.” kissing down the side of my neck, Harry rests his forehead against my collarbone. “I need everyone to know I was with you — that you’ve been fucked you harder than you ever have in your life.”
Resting my hand in the middle of his chest, I push him backwards and hop off the counter on shaky legs, Harry laughing as he rests his hands on my hips to guide me back into the office.
“Here, let me help you.” It’s a sweet gesture to see a man like him help me back into my top, watching as he uses all of his concentration to make sure every hook gets fastened properly while he doesn’t disturb the leaves.
“Thank you… For tonight.” I say, looking over his features. “I really had a good time.”
Harry smiles and brushes a lock of hair from off my face. “I did too.”
I give him one last smile, reaching for the door handle.
Before I turn it, Harry reaches for my hand, turning me and pressing me into the door one last time, finding my lips with his own.
Unlike most of the kisses tonight, this one is so slow, so gentle.
“I know I'm asking a lot, but I need to be able to see you again — I don't know what my brain is doing to me, but I just know that I need it.” The look in his eyes is so full of hope, so soft. “I’ll understand if you say no.”
“Here.” I hold my hand out, hoping he gets the hint.
When he does, he takes his phone out of his pocket and hands it over. I easily put my name and number in before giving it back to him, watching his lips curl up with a grin.
“Channing?” Looking from his phone to me, I smile as my hand grips the doorknob and finally push it open.
I wink at him as I step out into the hall. “It’s me.”
He steps forward and grips my hip one last time. bringing his lips down to mine.
“It’s you.”
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defectivevillain · 1 month
whispers in the night
pairing: Shinsou Hitoshi/Reader
reader's race and gender are ambiguous; no pronouns used.
summary: When you can't fall asleep, you stumble out to the common room to get a snack—only to find Shinsou on the couch, similarly restless. After a moment's contemplation, you sit down next to him and the two of you share a quiet night in.
word count: 1.9k | ao3 version
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warnings: exhaustion, fatigue, insomnia
You can’t fall asleep. 
Despite how incredibly busy your day has been—what with classes, sparring, and Quirk training—you’re still left staring up at the ceiling in frustration as you attempt to go to bed. You’ve had your eyes closed for roughly an hour or so, but you haven’t fallen asleep. Gritting your teeth, you decide to get up and grab something to eat. You’re not even sure if that little trick will help you fall asleep, but at this point, you’re desperate. As you quietly walk through the halls and into the common room, you’re surprised to find that someone else is also awake. You’re less surprised when you see Shinsou sitting on the couch, looking down at his phone.
“You look like a raccoon,” Shinsou says in lieu of a greeting. You point to the dark circles under your eyes and he nods. You mumble some half-assed explanation about being tired, before deciding to reply honestly. 
“That’s ironic, coming from you,” you say jokingly. Shinsou evidently expects the remark, because he simply rolls his eyes. Distracted from grabbing a snack, you move to sit next to him. The couch is surprisingly comfortable, and there are decorative pillows thrown about the cushions that Momo created a bit ago. You grab one and hold it against your chest. 
“Well, dark circles are typical for me,” Shinsou remarks casually, with a sense of resigned defeat. You immediately sense what he’s implying. 
“I know,” you acknowledge. He’s absolutely right, of course. You’re just not sure why you’ve been so sleepless lately. You tell him as much. “I’ve just been restless.” 
Shinsou nods silently. Immediately, you feel guilty for bemoaning your lack of sleep, when Shinsou is hardly ever able to sleep. Yet here you are, complaining about the one time that you’re awake at night. An apology is on the tip of your tongue when Shinsou inexplicably leans close to you. He stretches and grabs the remote on the cushion next to you before returning his attention to the television in front of you. A familiar icon appears on the screen. 
“Is that Netflix?” You ask, unable to keep the surprise from your voice. The lack of Netflix on the common room television has been a sticking point for many of your fellow classmates. You can recall countless times in which Kaminari or Sero practically begged Present Mic and Aizawa to get a shared Netflix account for the class. Their pleas never went very far, though. “Holy shit, how’d you-”
“Stole Aizawa’s password.” You stare at Shinsou, whose eyes are locked on the screen ahead. He clicks on the remote a few times, evidently selecting the right letters for the username and password. Even as he does so, it takes you several moments to process just what he said. 
“You did not,” you say in disbelief. 
“I did,” Shinsou grins, clicking on the yellow profile with your teacher’s name under it. Aizawa’s home screen comes up and you can’t help but laugh incredulously. Shinsou’s lips twist ever so slightly—he’s evidently proud of himself—and he turns to you. “What do you want to watch?”
The two of you eventually decide to watch The Great British Bake Off, since you don’t quite want to commit to watching something serious. Besides, you’re half-expecting that at least one of you will fall asleep. Shinsou clicks on an episode and you lean back against the couch. The pillows are strewn about the floor now; you promise yourself you’ll pick them up later.
The baking show is rather entertaining, you have to admit. Shinsou seems to think so too, as he occasionally huffs or smiles ever so slightly. You find yourself torn between watching the television and, well, watching him. The first episode passes within no time at all. Shinsou plays the next one and, in a sudden burst of spontaneity, you lean your head against the edge of your cushion. You're dangerously close to resting on Shinsou’s shoulder, but you manage to keep the distance between you. 
You do notice, however, that Shinsou’s arm is hovering on the back of the couch. Once you realize that, the show is suddenly far less captivating. Your heart races as his hand falls further down the back of the couch. Blinking slowly, you turn your attention back to the program. Unfortunately, your fatigued body decides to entirely disobey you, and you feel yourself falling into Shinsou’s shoulder before you can contemplate the consequences. Thankfully, he doesn’t shove you off of him or anything. In fact, his arm falls from the back of the couch to rest around your shoulders. 
You feel yourself beginning to grow tired as time passes, but you desperately want to remain awake and keep Shinsou company. It must be terribly isolating to constantly be restless at nighttime. Despite these thoughts, however, it doesn’t take long for your eyes to slip closed. You’re in a bit of an awkward position and Shinsou’s shoulder digs into your neck. Suddenly, you’re tugged to the side and into a significantly more comfortable position. You blink your eyes open briefly, surprised to find that you’re now pulled against Shinsou’s chest. Before you can overanalyze that, however, you’re drifting off again. 
An immeasurable amount of time later, you're roused from slumber and lightly jostled. You feel an arm supporting your back and another under your legs. Is someone... carrying you? You try to open your eyes, but your eyelids are stinging and you soon forget to resist sleep. 
The next time you wake, you find your phone alarm blaring extremely loudly. Groaning, you grab it and try to hit the snooze button. Unfortunately, it’s a bit too late for you to go back to sleep—the sheer volume of the alarm has entirely roused you from slumber. You sigh and push yourself up into a sitting position, electing to scroll through things on your phone for a few minutes. You grab your blanket and tug it up further, feeling chilly all of a sudden.
…Wait a second. Didn’t you fall asleep in the common room last night? You bite your lip and try to remember what happened. Sure enough, you went to the common room and watched TV with Shinsou. You look down at your blanket and frown. How did you end up back in your room? You definitely didn’t walk back. You try to recall the events of the last night, only to freeze upon remembering your short time awake. Someone had been carrying you. 
You’re suddenly immensely grateful that you don’t have a fire Quirk, otherwise your room would be entirely doused in flames. As it is, your heart is pounding treacherously in your chest. You can’t help but think about Shinsou’s arms around your back and legs, the ease with which he lifted you... 
Safe to say, you’re sufficiently frazzled for the rest of the morning. You scramble through your typical routine and grab a quick snack before deciding to go to class a bit early. Surprisingly, you’re far from the only one there. Iida is present, of course. Kirishima, Jirou, and Shinsou are all in their seats too. You greet everyone and walk over to your desk.
“How’d you sleep last night?” Kirishima asks once you sit down. He’s just so sweet. You’d been talking to him yesterday about your trouble sleeping, after all. You’re touched by his concern, of course, but his question immediately provokes what you’d been trying to forget—Shinsou carrying you back to your dorm.
“Oh, um, I slept well,” you choke out, feeling extremely flustered. You suddenly want the ground to swallow you whole. Feeling eyes on you, you turn to find Shinsou staring at you. The satisfied gleam in his eyes confirms your suspicions from before. You take a deep breath and turn back to Kirishima, getting lost in casual conversation. 
Throughout the rest of class, you feel Shinsou’s gaze burning into the back of your head. When the bell finally rings, signaling the end of the period, you sidle up to him and the two of you walk out of the room together. It’s lunchtime now, but neither of you are moving towards the cafeteria with any modicum of speed. Eventually, all of your classmates pass by and Shinsou and you are left alone in the hallway. 
“You didn’t have to carry me back,” you eventually say, once the tense silence between you grows to be unbearable. You can’t help but notice the furrow to Shinsou’s brows—a clear sign that he’s avoiding an answer. 
For a long moment, he is entirely silent. You decide to wait for Shinsou to explain. When he finally does break his silence, he says something entirely unexpected. “What if I wanted to?”
“What?” You ask, convinced you misheard him. 
“I... wanted to,” Shinsou repeats, significantly quieter this time. You blink at him a few times. Somehow, it’s still taking you a while to process just what he’s saying. When you finally comprehend his statement, your eyes widen and you stare at him in thinly-veiled surprise. 
“Oh,” you remark dumbly. “Well... thanks.” Maybe I should lose sleep and come out to the common room more often, you think to yourself. 
“Maybe you should,” Shinsou responds. It takes you several moments to realize that your last remark was voiced aloud and you suddenly feel like melting into an embarrassed puddle on the ground. But the expression on Shinsou’s face is nothing short of complete sincerity—coupled with an attractive confidence that you know to be a result of his extensive sparring sessions with Aizawa. 
“Maybe I will,” you say with a small smile. 
That night, you will venture out to the common room once more. Shinsou will be resting on the couch again and you’ll take your place beside him, before grabbing the remote and scrolling through Netflix. The two of you will stumble upon the account’s history and laugh at the shows Aizawa seems to enjoy, before choosing one to watch. This time, your head will fall on Shinsou’s shoulder much sooner; this time, he wraps an arm around your shoulder without hesitation. You’ll admit in murmurs that you enjoy spending time with him, and he’ll echo the sentiment. For a quick yet seemingly endless stretch of time, the two of you will sit in silence. Then, possessed by some otherworldly courage, you will lean close and ask to kiss him—only for him to meet you halfway and make the first move. 
Then, since the both of you have horrible luck, Aizawa will walk in and interrupt you. You will try to break apart, but it’ll be too late. For a long moment, your teacher will study the both of you, before an unimpressed expression appears on his face and he mentions that he got a notification that someone was using his Netflix account. Shinsou will try to play dumb—and you’ll remain silent, out of fear for your life—before Aizawa, knowing when to give in, huffs and bids you both a good night.
But right now it’s lunchtime, and all the words you want to say feel trapped under your tongue. And before you can summon the courage to even begin telling Shinsou just what he means to you, Kaminari appears out of nowhere and slings his arms around you both. The moment between Shinsou and you is temporarily broken, but you smile with the knowledge that you’ll reunite with him in the quiet night once more.
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thanks for reading! <3
check out my other works, sorted by fandom.
general taglist: @its-ares @excusemeasibangmyheadonawall @kingkoku @the-ultimate-librarian @gayaristocrat
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mousy-nona · 3 months
Possible prompt: tails? Lucifer finds out Alastor has a tiny deer tail (as the fandom envisions) while Alastor finds out he likes playing with Lucifer's sharp tail (in his transformed state - not to mention, the black tail with the red heart is Alastor's colours lol)
“Gerroff,” Alastor growled. 
They’d been fighting. Again. It happened so often that the rest of the hotel had long given up doing anything about it, treating them like two overactive toddlers before nap time. Let them tire themselves out. They'll get bored eventually.
Except Lucifer and Alastor were decidedly not toddlers, and their brawls usually ended up in someone – or something – getting hurt. 
This time, Lucifer had accidentally launched himself at Alastor hard enough to send them both tumbling over the railing from the top floor. He’d transformed at the last second, his wings creating enough of a drag so they didn’t break the floor of the hotel. 
But the sudden movement caused them to flip over in midair, and Lucifer found himself cushioning Alastor’s fall with his own body. 
His roar of pain was deafening. Alastor winced, his sensitive ears twitching. 
“Don’t be so dramatic,” he scowled. 
“When you stop being such an asshole,” Lucifer hissed back, rubbing his sore bottom. 
Alastor rolled his eyes. “You didn’t make this much of a fuss when I blasted you into the Greed ring.” 
“Well, I landed on my tail this time,” Lucifer said crossly. “Don’t you know you never mess with a man’s tail? What kind of savage are you?” He sighed, shaking his head at him pityingly. “I guess I can’t expect too much out of someone who doesn’t have one.” 
Alastor snorted. “And what makes you think I don’t?”
Lucifer’s eyes widened. The slightest hint of a blush rose across his pale face. “You have a tail?” Is it fluffy?
“I’m a deer, my dear. Of course I have a tail.”
Lucifer gasped, then winced as his own tail perked up in excitement, accidentally tugging at the spot he’d landed on. Alastor’s gaze flicked to his ass. 
“It does look a little bent,” he admitted. One of his claws reached out and trailed gently across the pitch black line, starting from the sore spot and ending at the heart. Lucifer shivered, the hyper-sensitive skin sending sparks of something up and down his body. 
“Who told you you could touch it?” He asked, his voice pitched embarrassingly high. 
Alastor’s hand stilled. “My apologies. I thought you might want some help straightening it out.” 
“I didn’t mean – it’s fine.” A strange thought suddenly occurred to him, and before he knew it, his mouth was moving before his brain could catch up. “Since you touched mine, can I touch yours?”
Alastor cocked his head, considering this for a moment. Just as Lucifer was about to take it back and claim temporary insanity, he nodded and held out his hand. “An acceptable deal. Shall we shake on it?” 
Lucifer took his hand – and suddenly, the world blurred. He found himself unceremoniously thrown off of Alastor. He started protesting, but immediately cut himself off when the tall demon stood and started shedding his coat.
He gulped, his mouth suddenly dry. “What are you doing?”
Alastor looked at him strangely. “Showing you my tail. Surely you won’t be able to reach it with this old thing in the way?’
Two strong forearms, scarred and slim and strong, appeared from underneath the coat. As Alastor neatly folded it and placed it on the couch, the thin fabric of his shirt twisted and flexed, revealing the powerful, slender form hiding underneath. 
Then Alastor turned around, and Lucifer gasped.
“Oh my god it’s so fluffy!” He squealed, sounding exactly like his daughter. Alastor even glanced around nervously, checking to make sure Charlie hadn’t somehow snuck in while he’d been distracted. 
“There will be no tail-touching for you if you don’t calm down this instant,” he frowned. 
Lucifer forced himself to sit still. “I’m calm, I’m calm.”
Alastor cast a suspicious glance at him, but sighed and crooked his finger forward. “Well, come on then.” 
The first touch was heavenly. The little puffball stuck on Alastor’s behind was even softer than he’d imagined, like rabbit’s fur mixed with fresh-fallen snow. It was sensitive too, twitching with every soft stroke. He was so focused on patting it he didn’t even notice Alastor was getting near his tail until he’d pinched the end of it between his claws, hard. 
“Hey!” He yowled. “What do you think you’re doing?” 
He flashed his trademark grin. “That was the deal, my dear. I touch yours, you touch mine. And can you blame me? You have quite the fascinating specimen back here. I haven’t seen anything like it.”
The unexpected compliment brought an alarming amount of heat to his cheeks. “Yours isn’t so bad, either.” 
And Lucifer added two things to his list of things he knew about Alastor that day: Alastor’s tail was adorable enough to make a baby bunny rabbit jealous, and he made some very interesting sounds when it was touched.
It was, all things considered, a fine day.
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brnesblogposts · 3 months
bucky barnes what a man
bucky barnes fic i had no idea what to name it but yeah
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bucky barnes x gn ¡ neurodivergent reader
warnings: none! there’s no use of y/n or any gender or racial descriptors of any kind so this can be read by anyone! if i’ve made any mistakes please let me know! but this is safe to read no matter your identity :)
Bucky was sat on the couch opposite you glaring broodingly into the distance, you stared back at him hoping to catch his attention but didn’t have any luck as he continued to have the thousand yard stare, he was in his head most likely which is not good.
“What’s up sunshine?” You broke the silence, Bucky simply shrugged and then got up and walked away. You couldn’t figure out what was wrong, you wanted to be able to help. Quickly getting up and catching up with him you ask “what’s got your panties in a twist?” To which he says “it’s nothing” you don’t buy it — “are you sure” furrowing your brows, but you know Bucky isn’t one to talk about his feelings unless it’s with his therapist so your hopes aren’t held high that he’ll tell you what’s bothering him.
Placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder you say “If you change your mind and want to talk about it, you know where to find me.” Your words sincere, he nods and responds with a quiet “I know” before wondering off again. After that you go about your day and are sure Bucky goes about his and your paths don’t cross again. As you’re on your way to your room you pass Natasha, “hey, Nat?” Your voice quiet “You okay, sweetheart?” She scans your features, “i’m okay” you reassure her “do you know what’s up with Buck?” Natasha informs you that “he’s in a mood today” and you nod understandingly, “just give him some space and i’m sure he’ll be okay, he’ll come round eventually.” She smiles and strokes your cheek before excusing herself and you continue to your room.
Lego batman is playing on your tv while you lay on your bed both laughing at the movie but also thinking about Bucky and hoping he’s okay. A faint knock on your door catches your attention as you hear a familiar voice say your name on the other side “Bucky?” You respond and a few moments later he’s opening your door and walking into your room. There’s a look of worry on his face as he speaks “Can I talk to you for a second?” You nod and pat the place next to you on your bed signalling Bucky to sit, which he does.
Bucky takes a deep breath “I just want to apologise for being distant and a moody broody ass,” he looks down at your comforter and he speaks, you reach out and put your hand over his “That’s okay, we all have our days.” He looks up now to see a soft reassuring smile gracing your face “Thanks, I just had a bit of a rough day but i’ll be alright, i’m okay.” He is reassuring you all of a sudden and you just want to hug him, you meet his eyes for a couple of seconds before looking down at where your hand covers his;
“You don't need to lie to me, it's okay to not be okay. You of all people have every right to feel the way you do, with everything you've been through. You're a survivor and a warrior and it's normal to have rough days. There's no need to apologise for feeling down, your feelings are valid” You squeeze his hand. You look up a little to see he’s now smiling softly “thank you. It’s just I had a few flashbacks to my time at HYDRA, it’s kind of hard to shake those feelings that arise when i’m reminded of that time in my life.” He glares at the ground as he gets what has been bugging him off of his chest, “sorry to hear that Buck.” You’re squeezing his hand again “hey do you want to hang out and watch the rest of this movie with me?” He takes a second before nodding as you shuffle along your bed to allow him to lay down, he does so and you automatically nuzzle into him and he wraps his arms around you while leaning his chin on your head.
“You ever seen lego batman?” You ask from your place beside him he announces“I have not.” At this you sit up and gasp “Your life is about to change for the better.” He laughs at your dramatics and motions for you to lay back down “I’m excited now so hurry up and press play!” He teases.
Everytime he hears you laugh at the movie a warmth spreads in his chest and he can’t help but smile and laugh along with you, he can see why you like this movie it’s right up your alley. You absentmindedly start playing with the hem of his shirt, using it to stim, at this Bucky smiles admirably at you “You’re cute when you stim” He practically whispers not wanting to disrupt the movie too much. He feels you move to hide your face in his side and can’t help but smile, he plays with your hair “Nothing to be embarrassed about, doll, it’s cute” He states matter-o-factly placing a kiss on the top of your head. You whisper a thanks and continue to hide as a blush takes over your face “I love you, you know that right?” He’s still playing with you hair until you sit up a little “I love you too, Buck” You smile. Nuzzling back into his side a thought pops into your head “Hey, Buck?” You ask inquisitively “Yeah, dollface?” He responds enthusiastically “would you still love me if I was a worm?” You’re playing with the hem of his shirt again as a light laugh escapes him “Yeah,” he kisses your temple and you smile “why?” He asks “just curious” you shrug. Bucky smiles again “I love you whether you're a worm, or a squirrel, or even if you're an inanimate brick.” At this a grin breaks out on your face as you sit up and respond “as i would with you!” He cups your face “awww thanks, gorgeous,” this time his thumb is stroking your cheek as his hand cups your jaw so you can’t hide the blush that creeps up your neck, Bucky loves making you flustered and only smirks at your reaction. You slap his hand away and lightheartedly say “Shut up” which only earns you a whole hearted laugh from the man next to you as he puts his arm out for you to lay back down.
A little while later you let out a yawn and burrow into Bucky even further, he’s like a human furnace. He moves the hair out of your face with his cool metal hand “you tired, angel?” You can only mumble an “Mhmm” as speaking would be too much energy, “go to sleep then, sweetheart. i’ll be right here when you wake up” Once again a kiss is placed on your forehead as sleep takes over and Bucky watches you for a few moments smiling at your soft features and the little sounds you make as you sleep before he closes his eyes too.
reblogs appreciated !
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beenbaanbuun · 4 months
fidget w/ jongho
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words - 🥲
genre - pure fluff
warnings - nothing, just cute stuff
no thoughts, just jongho sitting in between your legs while you’re on the couch and letting your thread your fingers through his hair. he knows you like to fidget, and he likes the feeling he gets when you gently tug at his strands, so it’s a win-win really.
sometimes, the way you twist his strands gently, makes his eyes droop. whenever you notice, he insists he’s fine, but even he can’t deny the way his eyes are drooping and his thoughts are slowing down. and when his head eventually rolls to the side and thuds against your lap, you still don’t stop playing with his hair.
you look down at him with a soft smile as you smooth his puffy hair down onto his head. it’s not like he can complain about your staring ‘making his shy’ like he usually does, so you take full advantage of that fact. not a single millimetre of his face goes unstudied as you push his velvety strands out of the way.
you smile upon seeing his furrowed brows that made a small crease form in the centre of his forehead. you always tease him about looking angry in his sleep and he always tells you it’s because you sleep to far away from him.
“if i ever look happy in my sleep, it’s because you’re tucked into my side,” he says whenever you bring it up to him, “you just can’t see it when your head in pressed against my neck.”
the tips of your fingers brush over his eyelashes, and his eyelids flicker a little. you pull back, terrified that you’d woke him up, but then a soft snore leaves his mouth and you relax again.
your fingers move down to his cheek, spreading themselves over the soft skin and giving it a gentle squeeze. it feels squishy beneath your touch, and you almost regret that he isn’t awake for you to tease him. you love the way he always rolls his eyes at you before snatching you up into his grasp and making you ‘pay for it’. it usually entails with him holding you hostage in his arms as he presses tickly kisses to your neck. he won’t stop until you’re squirming and begging for forgiveness. only then will he focus his attention on your lips for a few short pecks before letting you go.
now you’re thinking about them, you can’t help but let your gaze shift down to his own lips. they’re held in a pout that matches his angry eyebrows perfectly. the way his other cheek smushes against your legs only makes his lips stick out more and you’re so tempted to lean down and kiss him. if it weren’t for the awkward angle, you would.
you doubt you’d be able to without waking him up, so you settle for letting your fingertips dance over them, pushing against the chapped skin like his lips were merely another thing for you to fidget with. his breath is warm against your hand as you use a digit to part his lips a little. you push them back, before pulling them apart again. there’s a tiny popping sound each time you do it, and you can’t help but smile down at him.
“are you going to keep doing that?” your boyfriend grumbles, voice muffled by the way you’re holding onto his mouth. you let go, face growing hot at the idea of being caught, “because you can if you want, but i am trying to sleep and you’re making it pretty hard.”
he opens one of his eyes to peek at you, humming in amusement as he spots the guilty look on your face. you have a pout to match his, and he sympathises with you, he really does. your lips are so plush, so pink, so pretty.
moments later he pulls his head from your lap and straightens his body. you ignore the painful sound of his neck crunching as he straightens his spine, choosing simply to watch him as he stretches himself out. his arms stretch to the sky, and your eyes flicker down to the sliver of skin that was exposed by his shirt lifting up.
“no peaking,” he mumbles as he immediately goes to pull it down again. he turns to you with suspicious eyes, “i can feel you looking at me.”
“i cant help if you’re so pretty,” you laugh to him, “if you think about it, you’re the one at fault here.”
he looks like he’s considering it as he pushes himself to his feet. a ponderous hand wanders to his chin in faux thought, and you cover your mouth as you giggle harder.
“i think you’re just trying to pass the blame to me,” he eventually says. the hand shifts from his chin to your shoulder and he pushes you to lie down against the cushy sofa. within seconds, he has one thigh slung over you own and his weight rests upon your pelvis, “i can’t help how i look, but you, missy, can help those wondering eyes…”
he falls forwards, propping himself up with his palms on either side of your head. there’s a red mark on his cheek from where it had been pressed against your knee. it doesn’t take away from how pretty he is as he leans over you. you almost let yourself become entranced by his looks once more.
“i hardly think you can call them wandering if they only ever land on you,” you boop his nose from where you lay, just so you can watch the way he scrunches it up sweetly. you want to kiss it, so you do. he laughs as he feels your wet lips smothering his nose.
“get off,” he smiles as he pushes you back down to the sofa, “my nose is all wet, now!”
“not my fault you’re a cutie patootie!”
“maybe if you had better self control,” he lowers his body onto his elbows, stomach now pressing against yours to completely flatten your body to the upholstery beneath you.
you wrap your arms around his neck, satisfied that his new closeness allows you to do that. the hair at the nape of his neck tickles your arms, but you don’t move them. in fact you relish the feeling of the soft locks being within touching distance once again.
“i have plenty of self control,” you whisper. he’s so close that you no longer feel the need to talk in a tone louder than that, “i could kiss you right now, but i’m not.”
“no,” he agrees, “you’re not.”
he lets his arms go completely as he fully starfishes on top of your body. he’s heavy, but not too much that it crushes you. he’s big, but not so much that he overpowers you. he’s perfect, you decide as your arms tighten around him.
“but maybe you should…”
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precioustarkey · 5 months
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summary: drew comforting you after feeling anxious at a party.
warnings: mentions of anxiety
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as the minutes pass, that twisting feeling in my stomach grows stronger. the music is sounding louder, and the air feels thinner. bodies brushing past, only making these feelings more apparent. parties have never been easy for me, but i can usually suppress my anxiety long enough to socialize. 
tonight has been particularly difficult. drew invited me to a party thrown by his hometown friends. nothing extreme; it was simply a house party with some drinks and music. the beginning was great; everyone was very welcoming. after the introductions were over and it came time to find a group, my mind began to race. overthinking has always been a flaw of mine, and it became very obvious in this moment.
for a while, i was able to stand off to the side and observe. i watched drew go up to everyone. i watched as they all lit up while he spoke. so interested in his stories and what he had to say. he reciprocated these emotions, giving everyone his full focus. 
i have always admired this about drew. his ability to make everyone feel comfortable and close to him. an ability i have always wanted. however, this eventually became old, and i worried someone would catch me staring.
finding myself on a random couch, i spoke briefly to the girl sitting next to me. she was nice and included me in the conversation, but i still felt like i didn't quite belong. after this, i needed a second to breathe. stepping outside into the cool air, my feelings subsided for a second.
not even five minutes passed before the door behind me flew open, i jumped slightly before turning around. "what's wrong, y/n?" drew asked, sitting down next to me. wrapping his arm around my shoulders.
"drew i'm okay, i just got a little overwhelmed. go talk to your friends," i assure, smiling up at him. he squeezes me a little tighter and says, "no we can go home, i've talked to everyone i wanted to." he begins to stand. 
i shake my head, "you spend a lot more time with me than you do with them. i promise i'm okay." his hand glides from my shoulder to my own hand, squeezing it. "i wouldn't want it any other way. if you're uncomfortable, we're going home."
giving him a weak smile, i say, "are you sure? i feel bad." in an attempt to make me laugh, he looks at me as if to say you already know the answer. "i've never been more sure about anything." he disappears into the house to say his goodbyes. 
almost immediately, he is back by my side. he interlocks his fingers with mine as we walk back to his car. drew holds the door open for me as i climb into the passenger seat. before closing it behind me, he leans forward, giving me a quick kiss.
he gets into the driver's seat wordlessly. placing a hand on my thigh after he pulls the car out of the packed driveway. “thank you, i’m so lucky to have you,” i say barely louder than a whisper, still feeling a bit guilty. 
running his thumb back and forth over my thigh, he replies, “y/n, i love you. i want you to be happy and comfortable. don’t ever feel bad for feeling anxious.” 
“i love you so much,” i say, laying my head on his shoulder. closing my eyes to take in the moment. i feel so safe.
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for my anxious readers <3
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yoisami · 7 months
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[૮₍ ˃ࡇ˂ ₎ა]: i’m unsettled that i wrote a birthday fic for kuroo but not for my bf osamu :/ was gonna drop an angsty bomb for him LOL but decided not to for hana (ily bae) ╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭
tags. kuroo tetsurou x gn!reader, 1.5k wc, fluff, unestablished relationship, happy birthday kuroo yay, heavy narration sorry, if every time i use an em dash in my writing and i gain a dollar, i’d be a literal billionaire
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“sit here and wait for me!”
brandishing your index finger at your couch, kuroo complies with your facetious command as he falls into the couch, sinking into the furniture. a familiar, frisky grin blossoms on your face before you turn your head to prepare “something” in the kitchen. you even declared that you wouldn’t hesitate to kick him out of your apartment if he enters the kitchen.
“better be quick then,” kuroo jests, watching you leave the living room and into the kitchen. peeping your head out, you scrunch your nose as he reciprocates your expression.
you look at him once more as your lips break into another grin. “don’t rush me. good things take time!”
right now, you’re completely persuaded that he’s an idiot and is fully unaware of the little birthday “surprise” you’ve prepared for him, and kuroo pats himself on the back for being able to continue this game of pretend play. while you’re busy bathing in a pool of triumph, you don’t realise that you’ve fallen for kuroo’s fake ignorance—he knows that you’ve arranged a birthday cake for him, with candles to blow out at exactly twelve o’clock.
it’s currently eleven fifty-one, and you’re adding some final touches to kuroo’s birthday cake in the kitchen—the ultimate reason why he’s prohibited from entering the kitchen for the next nine minutes.
the corner of his lips curves upwards when you’ve left the living room entirely, and he dips his head backwards, throwing a palm over his eyes. with his vision partially covered, his sole focus is on the warmth that blooms inside his cheeks and the tips of his ears, and it feels as if his heart is about to combust. it’s beating violently and incessantly, and kuroo admits that he’s a lovesick fool—for you.
he’s twenty—soon to be twenty-one—but acts nothing like the true adult that he’s supposed to be. unable to control his teeming bliss, kuroo buries his face into one of the available cushions on the couch, murmuring and screeching incoherently into the slip before he lifts his head up.
whether it’s his love that makes him immature or it’s his inborn fate to be an idiot, kuroo feels as if he’s reversed time and become a second-year high school student again—someone who is eager to love another, and hopeful about the works of romance. kuroo established the fact that he liked you when he was fourteen and naïve, only expecting his feelings would eventually dilute when he entered high school. he was convinced that you were just a “phase” that he was yet to grow out of, but quite the opposite happened—he didn’t fall for a single one of his classmates because you continued to reign over his heart. 
their jokes were inferior to yours, and none of them were as talented as you. your voice had a pretty tone, and it’s distinct from everyone else’s—even to this day, your voice continues to call out to his heart, whether it was signalling to him or not. his classmates weren’t as kind as you, or as caring as you, or as selfless as you—you’re special to him.
and even though he’s in university, where there are more attractive and talented people, no one else could win him over like you do. kuroo believes that you have some superpower over his heart—kenma’s face twisted in disgust when he said that the first time.
to his dismay, you didn’t appear to feel the same way as he did. your pair of eyes followed another boy, and your romantic gestures were never directed at kuroo. in high school, you baked pink butter cookies for some other boy every year on valentine’s day. they were packaged in clear pockets that were tied shut by lace ribbons you purposely visited the department store for, and you’d arrive at school in the early morning to secure a spot for your gift on his desk. your heart seemed to call out to someone else; your heart seemed to be in the hands of someone else.
but after high school, things have changed. you no longer spend time thinking about a boy you like before falling asleep, nor do you bashfully fix your hair when he walks by. for once, your heart seems to be vacant for kuroo.
and he’d be stupid if he didn’t take that to his advantage.
for the past month, kuroo has been scattering pieces of his feelings beside your feet that form a path to him. in your conversations, he responded to you in ways that potentially suggested romance in hopes of confusing you (he has to have a bit of fun, of course), was acting more chivalrously around you, and was a tad more affectionate with you (throwing his arm over your shoulders when you’re walking, fixing your hair when the wind messes it up)—all of them were shimmering hints that he’s been hoping you’d take notice of.
and you have, and kuroo’s more than pleased to see that you mirror his gestures too. when he drops a pathetic pick-up line, you do the same; when kuroo flippantly taps your knee under the table, you take his hand and momentarily fidget with his calloused hand.
you’re flustered when he leans in close to tease you; in his periphery, he notices your prolonged stares, and you’ve changed your hair accessories to his favourite colour.
finally, you like him back.
“tetsurou! shut your eyes.”
kuroo straightens his posture as he closes his eyes, his hands resting on his knees. despite having his eyes shut, he could see that the lights in the apartment had been turned off. now, he’s limited to only four of his senses.
the sound of your footsteps lightly pad in his direction, and he could hear your broken giggles as you made a half-hearted attempt to hold yourself back from laughing at him. the heater softly whirrs, but the noise dissipates from kuroo’s focus when you begin to sing.
“happy birthday to you... happy birthday to you...” 
it’s a sweet tune that he hears once every year, usually sung by a number of his friends and family. their voices would combine, sounding a little off-tune and unsynchronised, and kuroo would never be able to tell whose voice belongs to whom.
“happy birthday dear tetsurou...”
but this year, you’re the first person to sing him this song, and he appreciates it more than yaku’s frequent voice cracks when he sings.
“happy birthday to you!”
your voice gently falls to end the song, but soon returns when he feels your elbow nudging his arm. “hey—open your eyes.”
the living room is dimly lit by tiny flame that flutters atop the pink candle, standing humbly as the only candle on kuroo’s birthday cake. it offers enough light for him to see everything within his vicinity, but it especially accentuates your presence.
“i sang you ‘happy birthday’ and you didn’t even open your eyes for that,” you sigh, plastering a counterfeit frown on your lips. he knows your pout is a joke when it quickly vanishes, defeated by your animated grin that puts his thoughts on hold. “make a wish.”
his eyes are closed again. his hands are clasped together and pressed to his lips, and his heart, eager and hopeful, is singing out to you:
i want to be the one you love.
there’s a short moment of silence before your voice interferes with the silence in the room. “done?”
opening his eyes, kuroo nods. curiousity glints in your irises, and you lean in closer to him.
“what’d you wish for?”
“can’t tell you that,” kuroo says. “if i tell you, then it won’t come true.”
“what are you, five? you know that birthday wishes don’t come true anyway.”
well, kuroo hopes that your assumption is wrong—very wrong.
“so, what’d you wish for?”
between the two of you, kuroo can see miniscule, colourless particles that maunder in the air. he then focuses on you—your skin imbibes the flame’s yellow glow, and your eye smiles remind him of half-moons in summer. perfection exists within you, and kuroo is accustomed to the twinkle of love that he sees in your pupils when light ricochets off your cornea. 
two years ago, you’d look at him with so much love—however, it’s a different kind of love that he sees in your eyes now. you look at him as if he collects glitter from the moon for you, and you look at him as if he’s the prince charming in your fairytale. you love him, and he loves you—
—but that’s a secret he’ll keep to himself for a little while longer.
“are you gonna an—”
when kuroo flicks your forehead with his blistered fingers, you jerk away, yelping “ow!” as you bring your hand to soothe the area, scowling at his trademark smirk.
“i’ll tell you someday. but i want to eat the cake now.”
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© yoisami 2023. plagiarism, translation and distribution of my works outside of tumblr is not permitted.
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charmandabear · 1 month
18 for the smut ask game 😈 Astarion x Reader or Astarion x any OC of your choice 😩
oh fuck yes
From @astarionfreak's smut ask game ~ other entries
18. "I'm not going to beg." "Oh but you will."
This was supposed to be a short little drabble and then became a multi-day writing exercise 😭 I have a few more of these sitting in my inbox, so they'll be coming out eventually.
Note: I'm experimenting with writing the characters in Office Hours in third rather than second person. This isn't canonical, just me banging my dollies together to see what happens lol. But yes, in theory, Rosalind is Tav from Office Hours, if just slightly modified. She is also explicitly plus sized (which I plan to do in the edited version once OH is done.)
"I'm not going to beg," Astarion smirks, looking up at Rosalind over his glasses while his hands rest on her plush thighs straddling his lap. He leans against the back of the couch with unearned confidence.
"Oh, but you will." She ghosts her lips over his as she runs her fingers through the silvery curls at the back of his head. She grinds her hips against his, but his expression gives little away. Her only indication that he's struggling to remain stone-faced at all is the slight quaver in his breath. She captures his lips in hers, keeping the kiss languid and sensual. His hands travel up her hips and over the swell of her ass, resting on her lower back. She presses her tits into his chest, breathing deeply to push them into him further. She slides her hands down his neck, gently grazing against his earlobe and delighting in the subtle buck of his hips.
"Cheating," he murmurs into the kiss, and Rosalind's lips curl into a smile.
"Then you should have said something beforehand," she hums back, and her hands continue their journey down to his collar and begin to undo the buttons of his shirt. She fails to keep her own desires in check as she gets more desperate with each button. Her kisses grow frantic and his fingers dig into her ass, pulling her harder into his lap. When the last button slips through its hole, she roughly grabs his collar and yanks him off the couch to follow her lead. "Bedroom, now." Her voice is almost a growl and Astarion chuckles in response.
Rosalind continues to pull him backwards through her apartment and into her bedroom. She pushes him back onto the bed and peels off her shirt as he scoots himself into the center of her queen-sized mattress. She settles herself between his legs and dives down to plant sloppy kisses across his stomach. He slides his hand into her hair as she unbuckles his pants and flashes him a mischievous smile before pulling them down under his ass. He may have been able to keep his cool through her ministrations, but his cock standing fully erect tells a different story. She can feel her pussy clench instinctively as she thinks about sliding herself down on him. But not yet. He needs to beg for it first.
She leans forward onto her elbows with her ass in the air and flicks her gaze up towards Astarion, who studies her carefully. She runs a slow stripe up his shaft with the tip of her tongue and watches for the change in his breathing. She gently takes his tip in her mouth and swirls her tongue around it, gathering enough spit for her to take a hand and slide it down his length. He hisses lightly and his hands tighten in her hair.
"Hmm, you like that, don't you?" she whispers while slowly pumping his shaft with her hand.
"I- ah- I think I'm allowed to enjoy a blowjob from my girlfriend," he retorts in what's almost certainly a shakier voice than he intended. "I just said I wasn't going to beg."
"We'll see about that," Rosalind snickers and takes him back in her mouth, working the underside of his cock with her tongue. He grunts as he slams his fist down on the bed with a soft thump. She begins to twist her hand around the base of his cock as she bobs her mouth up and down the head. His hips twitch, like he's trying desperately to keep them still and failing. She reaches her other hand up and gives his balls a light squeeze, earning the softest moan in response.
She pulls away suddenly and he snaps his gaze to her at the loss of contact. She watches him smugly as she unhooks her bra and releases her impressive tits to hang down and ever so lightly brush against the head of his cock. He bites down on his lip, breathing growing more rapid as she lowers herself down and pins his cock between his stomach and her breasts.
"Gods, fuck," he groans, letting his head fall back onto the bed. She squeezes her tits around his length and strokes him, giving his tip a little lick when it pokes through her cleavage. Rosalind watches Astarion carefully as his erratic breaths wrack through his chest. She wraps her lips back around the head of his cock and takes him in as far as she comfortably can. She begins to suck lightly and his legs squeeze against her sides in response.
Once she feels that he's sufficiently worked up she pulls away and she's certain he's going to deny the little whimper that escapes his lips. She stands and slips out of her skirt, tights, and panties in one easy motion. He cranes his neck up to see where she's gone and she laughs.
"Someone's eager," she coos, crawling back onto the bed and straddling his hips. She lets her belly graze across his cock and he shudders, squeezing his eyes closed.
"I'm in complete control," he huffs without opening his eyes. She brings her face to his, hovering their lips inches apart.
"It's okay if you're not," she breathes, and his furrowed brow relaxes ever so slightly. "I've got you, I won't let you fall." She closes the distance and kisses him softly, and after a moment of tension he melts and wraps his arms around her neck.
She breaks the kiss and presses her forehead against his. "Are you still up for the challenge?" Her voice is still quiet but there's just a note of mischief. He takes off his glasses and rubs the bridge of his nose. Then he opens his eyes and the corners of his mouth pique upwards ever so slightly.
"I am if you are," he says in a low rumble that he knows drives Rosalind crazy. She nips his bottom lip and takes his glasses out of his hand, placing them neatly on the bedside table. Then she lowers her hips to drag her folds along the length of his cock. He hisses and jerks his hips, then smirks and presses his lips together obstinately.
"Dick," she snickers.
"Yes, I do believe that's- ah- the point," he stutters as she teases the tip of his cock with her cunt again. Her mischievous grin widens as she pulls up on her knees, hovering over his erection.
"Anything to say?" she croons, and he lets out a breathy chuckle.
"Darling, I think you want it more than I do at this point."
"Oh me? I'm doing great." She leans back and rubs her slit along his cock again, letting her arousal coat his length. He keeps his lips pressed tightly together, but she can see a thin sheen of sweat forming on his brow. She continues to grind on his cock, starting to moan as her clit rubs against his wet shaft. He watches her with wild eyes as she gets herself off just by sliding herself along his dick. Her breathing picks up with her pace, whimpering in time with her rolling hips.
"Fuck, Rosalind," he's rasps, and her breath hitches when she hears him say her name.
"Mmf, yes babe?" She's struggling to keep it together just as much as he is, but she's determined to make him crack.
"Ha, you're close, aren't you?" He's panting but he keeps his eyes trained on her.
"Yes, but that wasn't part of the terms," she says hoarsely without slowing her movement.
"But wouldn't it just feel so much better to feel me inside you, my thick cock stretching you out?" he purrs, and she lets out a debaucherous whine.
"If you think so, then you know what you need to do," she says in a strained voice, knowing that she won't actually last much longer herself. She holds fast, and if it means coming on the side of his cock like she's a horny teenager and he's her pillow, so be it. She grinds against him faster, building herself back up to the edge.
"Fucking hells," he groans, letting his head fall back onto the bed. Leaning forward, his tip poised right at her entrance, she puts her lips close to his.
"Yes, hon?" she whispers, and she knows she's already won. He's barely hiding his whimpers anymore.
"I- gods, fuck." His hips thrust up instinctively, but she shifts out of the way.
"Say it, Astarion," she hisses through gritted teeth.
"Rosalind, I- ah-"
She slides her hands into his hair and pulls hard. "Say. It."
"Fuck, Rosalind, please. Please, gods, let me fuck you." His mewling whine is utterly delicious, and they both groan loudly when she drops her hips and sinks onto his cock. He digs his fingers into her thick flesh, thrusting up into her as she slams back down. Moving together like this, it doesn't take long for them to both to reach the precipice. Rosalind pulls Astarion's face into a rough kiss while continuing to furiously ride his dick. He bites on her lip hard enough to draw blood and she moans into his mouth. Once the taste of iron hits both their tongues their orgasms crash down on them in unison, their hips jutting in time as they ride through wave after wave.
They eventually still, panting heavily with their foreheads pressed together. Astarion's eyes flutter open and he kisses Rosalind, tenderly sucking on the wound he made on her lower lip. A light giggle escapes her as she pulls herself off him.
"Told you," she says with a positively insufferable grin.
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peachybeom · 1 year
Drunk On You
non idol!yeonjunxreader
swf, slight suggestive.
note: how could i witness drunk yeonjun confessing his love for moas and not write a fic!?
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Hitting send on the screen of your laptop. You finally let out a huge sigh and leaned back stretching your hands.
Work had been hectic these days due to a major lay off in your company, and all the burden was now put on you.
Icing on the cake was that your incompatible boss did nothing to ease your stress, he simply 'requested' you to work overtime for an entire week while he himself ran off on a trip to Hawaii.
You rubbed your face in irritation and ruffled your hair, letting out a silent scream.
A ringtone interrupted your mild breakdown and you reached for your phone to look at the caller ID.
Your lips automatically twisted up in a small smile as you dragged your finger to take the call.
"I just called because I really re-reallyy like you and I don't think you how much I love youu-uu ," Your boyfriend's voice boomed through the phone.
His words were slurred and his tone was loud, making you slightly flinch while putting the phone away from your ear.
"Yeonjun are you drunk?," You asked incredulously, trying to hide the amusement in your voice.
"No! What makes you th-think that? I'm just a bit ttipsy," Yeonjun replied through the phone defensively.
This time you couldn't help but let out a laugh.
Yeonjun had called you earlier today and informed you that he had gotten a promotion at his job-one for which he had been working for almost two years now. You were so happy for him that you had squealed loudly, earning questionable looks from your coworkers.
But this happiness was short lived as you had to tell your boyfriend that you won't be able to celebrate with him because you had to work overtime.
In fact it was you who suggested that Yeonjun should go out with his friends tonight and celebrate with them instead. He was first hesitant about this plan but eventually agreed.
And now he was drunk. Choi Yeonjun was drunk.
Yeonjun was rarely someone who lets alcohol take over his senses. He was the type of person who was calm and collected. Someone who was always incharge and in control.
So a slurring and stumbling Yeonjun was a sight you rarely got to witness.
You were about to inquire further when you heard shuffling through the phone accompanied by your boyfriend's dismayed whines.
"Hey Y/N, I'm so sorry Yeonjun got carried away and had a little too much to drink. Don't worry I'll get him home safe." A very concerned and almost scared Soobin apologized to you.
Much to Soobin's relief you just laughed.
"We both know him Bin, he must be really happy, to get this drunk. I would come over but unfortunately I still have some work left, so thanks for taking him home," You waved off the concerned friend and thanked him.
Upon reaching the apartment, you entered the passcode and opened the door gently, careful not to disturb your boyfriend, who you thought would probably be passed out in the bedroom by now.
But once you entered inside you were startled by Yeonjun sitting on the couch, eyes closed and body leaning backwards as he moved his head lightly swaying to the soft music playing the the background.
His undone cuffs, loosened tie, unbuttoned shirt, messy hair sticking out in every possible direction indicated that Yeonjun still was very much under the influence of whatever drinks he had.
The tip of his ears also turned a light shade of pink, which you found adorable.
Yeonjun looked like a mess, a hot one nonetheless.
He didn't notice your presence until you kicked off your heels, jumped on the spot next to him on the couch and wrapped your arms around his middle.
"Hello," You greeted him while nudging his shoulder.
Yeonjun looked down at you.
You expected a reply or a goofy grin, even a smile but instead he just stared before flicking his gaze away.
You sighed inwardly.
While you throughly enjoyed intoxicated Yeonjun, your least favourite part was that whenever he got drunk he became extra petty and demanding, to the point where you had to give in to whatever he wanted.
You knew what this was about but still decided to ask him.
"What's wrong baby?"
"You didn't show up today," Yeonjun mumbled while pouting.
Your heart broke at his words but you reminded yourself not to take it personally.
You knew that out of the two of you it was always Yeonjun who encouraged you to prioritise work over him, even when you didn't want to.
He was so persistent and always insisted on waiting on you whenever you had to take overtime shifts.
Still you felt like shit because you weren't able to be there for him to celebrate such an important milestone in his life.
"I'm sorry Junnie, what can I do to make up to you?" You asked while reaching out for his hand.
Yeonjun titled his head to the side and tapped his chin like a toddler.
"Dance with me," He said finally flashing out a toothy grin.
So he wasn't being serious before. Thank God.
"What" You replied, chuckling.
"Yes now get up," Yeonjun said as he turned up the music and pulled you on your feet.
The next ten or so minutes were spent with the two of you dancing like dorks, well mostly Yeonjun, with his 'cool' moves.
While you were gonna tease Yeonjun relentlessly once he got sober, you were also going to reminisce this adorable and embarrassing side of him.
Breathless, you finally excused yourself from the dance party to take a shower and change.
You got out while drying your hair with a towel ten minutes later and saw Yeonjun standing near the kitchen counter while holding two eggs.
He was staring at them closely and was about to smash them together before you stopped him.
"Hey hey! What're you doing?" You asked grabbing the eggs from his hands.
"About to make scrambled eggs, want some?"
While the idea did please you, you didn't want the entire house to smell like raw eggs for a week by letting a drunkYeonjun cook. So you decided to do it yourself.
You greased the pan and cracked the eggs all while trying to avoid your boyfriend's intense gaze fixated on you.
"Here," you said as you pushed a plate before him and went back to grab one of your own.
Yeonjun's plate was still untouched when you returned from the kitchen.
"Y/N Feed me,"
Ah the demanding side.
You almost burst into laughter at his request but contained yourself to not offend him.
You needed to tape evidence now. Yeonjun wasn't gonna live this one down.
Sitting beside him, you placed a big spoon in his mouth and he chewed quietly. Before the next bite you sneaked in a quick kiss and he made a face at you.
"You are so cute, can I eat you too?,"
Now under normal circumstances, this would turn you on, like so much on.
But right now you knew he wasn't thinking right and probably meant if he could actually eat you.You nodded as he leaned in to lightly graze his teeth at the tip of you nose.
Chuckling, you pushed him back and stood up.
"C'mon let's get you changed and ready for bed, you big baby,"
You picked out a sweatshirt from the closet for Yeonjun and made your way to the room.You saw your boyfriend struggling with his shirt buttons and went up to help him.
He was evidently getting more sober, face no longer red and steps more coordinated. Successfully undoing the shirt, you gently slid it off of him.
That's when you felt the atmosphere shift from being playful and light to something more intense. You looked up at him as he slid his hands around your waist.
"So sorry I wasn't able to be with you, it's just there's so much work. I'm the worst-," Yeonjun placed his finger on your lip to cut you off.
"Don't. It's not your fault, stop apologizing," He said hushing you.
"I'm proud of you," You smiled at him.
Yeonjun replied by placing a full kiss on your mouth, tangling one of his hand through your hair while the other slid downwards below your waist.
You broke the kiss, pushing him and making yeonjun stumble back slightly.
"Still want to eat me?" You teased, noticed a mischievous glint in Yeonjun's eyes.
He shook his head.
"I want to devour you."
taglist: @uno7
(dm or comment to be added <3)
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its-vannah · 1 year
All I want | Another Love Part Two | Eddie Roundtree x Reader
Request from anonymous: I don't know if this can be considered a request, is more so that I will die if you don't to a part 2 of the Another Love story, where Eddie offers to help Y/N get over Graham, shoot his shot with the girl now that she decided to move on. She starts to realize his feelings for her and decides to give him a chance. Or maybe like they start a friends with benefits kinda thing, but eventually she falls in love with him as well? idk, just throwing ideas out there....
A/N: So, I started writing... And I've decided this is going to be a three part mini series. This one's mainly just a filler. Building, really.
Warnings: None
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
Daisy Jones and The Six Masterlist
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The night Graham broke your heart was the night you thought you had lost everything. But you didn't, not in the slightest. There was one person who never left your side, hadn't even considered it. Eddie.
He had held you in the back seat of your car as you cried into his chest. Once you had fallen asleep, he debated waking you up and taking you home. But that posed a few problems: you would either drive back on your own (he didn't want to leave you by yourself in your state) or he would drive you but wouldn't be able to drive himself back since it was your car.
In the end, he wound up with the back of his head against the window, his back at an awkward angle with one food planted on the seat and the other hanging over the side of the leather seat.
You were nestled in his side, your breaths now steady.
But his back was killing him and there was barely enough room for the two of you. So he went to his next option.
Sitting up, he pulled you with him, lifting you out of the car as gently as he could without waking you.
Eddie got a few looks from people passing by on the street, but he payed them no attention. He just focused on getting you comfortable.
He readjusted you in his arms to make sure you were fully supported before entering the elevator, using his knee to press the button to his floor.
Looking down at you, he couldn't help but smile. When he looked at you, he didn't see your puffy eyes or tear stained face. Eddie just saw how truly beautiful you were, how at peace you had found yourself.
When the elevator doors opened, he stepped out, rounded a corner, and began making his way to his room.
What he didn't expect to see was Karen sneaking out of Graham's room. She looked at him, eyes wide.
"Not a word to Billy?"
He shook his head, "Not a word."
Karen smiled, "She alright?"
"Exhausted, it was a long day."
She raised her brows, a smirk appearing on her face, "Are the two of you—"
"No, no it's not like that. I'm her—We're friends. It's just too late for her to drive home," He said, his voice just above a whisper.
"Hope the two of you sleep well," The keyboardist said, slipping back into her room.
Eddie kept one arm behind your back, his other replaced with his knee as he dug for his room key with his now free hand.
Finding it deep in his pockets, he pulled it out and stuck it in the lock, twisting it gently before placing it back in his pocket and stelping inside.
He set you down on his bed, carefully slipping your shoes off and placing them at the food of the bed. Then he moved to your hair, running his fingers through it to get some of the knots out.
Draping the sheets over you, he stepped away and headed for the bathroom to get changed into his pajamas.
Once he was done, he made his way over to a small couch in the corner of the room, taking a spare blanket from the end of the bed on his way there.
Checking on you one last time, he turned out the beside lamp and went to sleep.
The sunlight filtered through the hotel room the next morning, waking you from a dead sleep.
You could tell that something was off before you even opened your eyes. You weren't at home, this wasn't your bed.
Slowly opening your eyes, you took in your surroundings. No one else was in the bed with you, the room was empty. Where were you?
That's when the bathroom door opened. Eddie poked his head out, his face softening when he saw you, "Morning."
Confused, you took off the covers from on top of you, "Morning..."
There was silence for a moment, "Eddie?"
He hummed in response, pulling a long sleeve shirt over his white tank top.
"I didn't make it back home last night?"
"You passed out in the back seat. I figured you'd be more comfortable up here than there, so I brought you up."
You furrowed your brows, "Where did you sleep?
He nodded towards the couch, causing you to groan.
"I kicked you out of your own bed?"
He let out a soft laugh, "It's alright, Y/N. The couch was fine. Plus, I didn't want to make you uncomfortable."
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay," He said, teasingly adding, "You can pay my chiropractor another day."
You sighed, falling back onto the bed.
Eddie sat down on the edge of the mattress by your legs, "How are you holding up?"
"I feel like shit," You admitted, sitting up. You got a glance of yourself in a mirror, groaning, "I look like shit, too."
He shook his head, "No, you don't."
Smiling at him, you leaned into him for a hug, your chin resting on his shoulder, "I don't know what I would've done without you last night. How can I make it up to you, I'm sure you barely got any sleep."
His hand found your back, returning the embrace, "Don't worry about it. Just take care of yourself."
"I should probably get going if I'm going to make it to the show later."
Eddie pulled away, "You're still going?"
"I owe it to you, Ed."
"You don't have to, you know."
You placed a hand atop his, "I want to."
The day after the concert, your head was spinning. You wanted to say goodbye to Eddie and Camila, the girls, too, but it made you sick to think you'd see Graham there again.
You made the decision to go anyway, getting to the hotel to bid your farewells just after sunrise. Their next stop was Chicago.
Julia saw you first, standing hand in hand with her mother. She pointed at you, pulling Camila's hand and running towards you as fast as her little legs could carry her.
You scooped her up in your arms, peppering her face with kisses, "I got you something."
She clapped excitedly, kicking her feet as you held up a stuffed tiger from the zoo you had gotten for her when she was first born. You had meant to send it to her ages ago, but had never gotten the chancs.
Camila shook her head, smiling, "You spoil her too much. She's going to expect something everytime she sees you, you know."
You shrugged, handing the toddler over to her mother, "There are worse things in the world."
"Y/N?" A voice called out from behind you.
Turning towards the direction of the voice, you were glad to see Eddie walking towards you with a suitcase. He walked a little faster when he spotted you, not wanting to waste the little time he had before he left.
You met him halfway, throwing your arms around him. It took him a moment before he returned the hug, pulling you close to him, "I didn't think you'd come."
You pulled away a bit to look at him, "And miss seeing my favorite people off? What kind of girl do you think I am?"
He didn't know how to answer, so he just pulled you back into another embrace.
Warren honked the horn, "Come on, ladies and gentlemen!"
Camila shot him a threatening look for interrupting your goodbyes.
The two of you finally broke away from each other as the rest of the band piled into the van. Camila pulled you in for a brief hug, practically an arms length away because of her bump.
"I'll call you when we get back, alright?"
You nodded, "I look forward to hearing from you. Let me know how the delivery goes, alright?"
She nodded happily, "I will."
Getting into the van, she and Eddie waved at you one last time before pulliny away. In the blink of an eye, they were gone. But you had this new feeling sinking into your heart, and you couldn't quite put a finger on it.
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slut4thebroken · 1 year
Chapter three: Deja Vu
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Pairing | Arkham Knight/Jason Todd × Bruce's daughter!reader
Summary | Jason comes back from an unsuccessful mission, so this time you help him take his mind off it.
Warnings | Angst, smut, face fucking, deep throating, cuteness, ahhh
Words | 5.2 k
Notes | Should I add another smut scene after this chapter before it just goes straight to angst city?
Ao3 link | <3
Fic Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Chapter two
When your eyes fluttered open and you reached out, your stomach dropped as you only felt sheets. Was it really just another dream? Instead of giving into the tears, you fully opened your eyes to look around. This is definitely not your room, so no, it wasn’t a dream. You all but breathed a sigh of relief. A note on the nightstand caught your eye and you sleepily reached for it. 
I have to take care of something. I shouldn’t be gone long though, just a few hours max. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen. -Jay
You found yourself smiling at the note, feeling giddy and light headed knowing that he really was back. He came back to you. When you read the note again, your smile started to fade. What was he taking care of? Part of you prayed it was anything but what you thought it was… But you really doubt that. The thought made your stomach twist. He’s not really going to kill your dad… right? He was just saying that out of anger? Would he even be able to? A lot have tried and none have been successful, but Jason has a lot of rage and you don’t know how much he trained before coming back. 
You sat up in the bed, but quickly got up, too anxious to just sit and let your thoughts wander. You didn’t want to put your jeans back on so you instinctively grabbed a shirt from his closet. Before putting it on, you held it up to your face and inhaled deeply. It smells different. Still like Jason, but something’s not the same. 
As you put it on, you couldn’t help but remember all the times you went into his room and just laid in his bed or hugged his clothes. You even refused to let Alfred wash his sheets. But eventually when the scent of his bed turned into your own, you just sobbed the entire night. After a while, when you forced yourself to start healing, you had Alfred lock his room up and hide the key. So sometimes you’d just end up sitting in the hallway against his door, stifling your cries so no one heard you. 
You were too nervous to eat anything so you just grabbed some water and sat on the couch. You weren’t sure how much time had passed before the front door was being opened and slammed shut, making you flinch. Heavy steps grew closer until he was in the living room. He took off his helmet and threw it at the wall, then yelled, “Fuck!” 
When he brought his hands up to pull his hair, you walked over to him. You gently placed a hand on his arm, making him flinch away and turn toward you. His eyes were red rimmed and blood shot, brows furrowed, and lips in a frown. You tentatively placed a hand on his cheek, waiting for him to make the next move. 
“Talk to me.” You said softly, gaze trailing all over his face. His frown somehow deepened and he shook his head as he bit his quivering lip. 
“I hate him.” Your heart ached when his voice broke. “I hate him and I want him dead, but-“ He cut himself off with a choked sob and you waited for him to continue. “But I’m too fucking weak that I can’t even do that.” He growled, ripping himself away from you. You silently breathed a sigh of relief. 
“That doesn’t make you weak, it makes you strong.” You said quietly, worried you’d say the wrong thing and upset him more. 
“No it doesn’t.” He scoffed bitterly. “If I can’t even kill the man responsible for this,” He pointed to the large scar on his cheek, “that makes me weak.” Your brows furrowed at his words, not understanding who he’s talking about now. He seemed to pick up on your confusion though. “The only reason any of this shit fucking happened was because of him. I lost you because he left me there!” He yelled brokenly. You mulled his words over in your head, deciding how to go about this. 
“I don’t know what.. he said to you to make you feel this way, but deep down you have to know that my dad wouldn’t do that. He loved you- loves you. Sure, he does a shit job of expressing it, but you have to know he does.” He started shaking his head again as he squeezed his eyes shut. 
“No- no! You’re lying.” 
“Jason… losing you.. broke him. He’d never admit it, but he hasn’t been the same since he lost you.” 
“Stop.” He said lowly, not looking at you. 
“It broke him almost as much as it broke me. He’s just better at hiding it and bottling it up. He- he looked for you, for months straight. That was all he did. The only reason he stopped was because Joker sent him a video of your death. And even then, Dick had to convince him that it was real.” 
“Stop!” He brought his hands up to his hair, pulling as he started shaking his head again. 
“Jason, you have to know deep down that I’m telling the truth.”
“Stop it! Stop- talking! Just stop-“ He yelled, finally looking at you. His eyes were wet with unshed tears, lips red from how hard he was biting them. You sighed- you’re not going to get anywhere with this in his current state. 
“Let’s not talk about it anymore. You need time.” 
“I don’t fucking need time and there’s nothing to talk about.” He spat. You did your best not to flinch at the harshness of his words. 
“Okay.” You said softly. “How about I make us some food?” You just wanted to take his mind off if. 
“I’m not hungry.” He muttered. 
“Okay… Well, how about we take a shower? I know I feel a little gross from… you know.. and I’m sure you’re a little gross too.” You gave him a small smile, all but beaming when he returned it. He seemed to finally notice what you were wearing and his eyes widened in shock as his gaze trailed down your body. 
“You’re wearing my shirt.” He muttered, almost to himself. Your cheeks flushed as you fidgeted with the fabric. 
“Y-yeah. Sorry, I should’ve asked.” It was stupid of you to just immediately jump back into your old ways after all this time. Instead of responding, he grabbed the shirt and pulled you into his body. You landed against him with a gasp and looked up at him with wide eyes. 
“Keep wearing my clothes and you’re gonna have to live on my cock.”
“Is that supposed to make me not want to do it?” You smirked, sliding your hands up his chest to wrap around his shoulders. 
“…No.” He mirrored your smirk, then leaned down to kiss you. This one was slow and passionate, filled with love and longing rather than desperation and hunger. 
“Shower sex?” You rolled your eyes and playfully slapped his chest. 
“No, Jason. Everytime we do that we never end up showering.” He gave you puppy dog eyes and opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by a loud rumbling noise from your stomach. He let out a dramatic sigh, making you smile. 
“Fine. Normal shower, then you eat, then I fuck you.” 
You made your way to the bathroom and he started removing his clothes, but froze when you lifted the shirt over your head and let it drop to the ground. You could feel his eyes on you as you bent over to turn on the shower, making him let out a low groan. 
“Princess…” He warned, making you turn back around to face him. 
“Hm?” You asked, a saccharine smile on your face. 
“If you expect me to uphold the deal, you need to stop teasing me.” 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You said innocently, making him scoff. “Now hurry up.” You said as you stepped into the shower. The warm water covered your body like a blanket and you closed your eyes with a smile as you stood under it. Two arms wrapped around you and you leaned back against his chest. 
“Is that a gun or are you just happy to see me?” You smirked, just barely pushing your ass back against his growing length. He moved his grip to your hips, squeezing hard enough that you’d probably bruise, and pulled you completely against his body. 
“You’re lucky I care about your general health and wellbeing cause if I didn’t, I’d already have you on my cock.” He growled against your ear, making you shiver. 
“See? Most selfless man I’ve ever met.” You turned around and placed your hands on his chest, but froze when you felt the scars. Instead of looking down, you forced yourself to keep your eyes on his as you swallowed thickly. Snaking a hand down his stomach, you only stopped when you reached his happy trail, giving him a chance to stop you. When he didn’t, you continued until you wrapped a hand around his length making him hiss. 
“Baby…” You shushed him and pushed him back a little so you had room to get on your knees. When you looked up at him from the floor, he choked out a moan and ran his fingers through your hair. “Fuck- you don’t… you don’t have to, princess.” 
“I want to.” You slowly started stroking him, waiting for his permission. “Please?” He all but went feral from that one word. Your gaze trailed down his body as you waited, only lingering on the scars for a moment before moving on. With his cock right in front of your face- red, leaking precum, almost throbbing- you were practically salivating at the thought of having him in your mouth again. “Please.” Your voice was so whiny that you knew if this was under normal circumstances, he would’ve dragged it out longer just to tease you. 
“Okay, baby. Go ahead.” You dived forward, instantly enveloping the head of his cock in your mouth, flicking your tongue over it. Moaning at the taste, you took him in deeper and his grip tightened on your hair, but he didn’t try to control the pace like he used to. After bobbing your head a few times, you grew too impatient and pulled off. 
“Jay, c’mon.” You whined. 
“Fuck- are you sure?” He choked out, staring down at you with furrowed brows and half lidded eyes. Instead of responding, you wrapped your arms around his thighs and closed your lips around the tip, waiting. 
He tentatively pushed your head down, stopping when he brushed the back of your throat, then pulled you back until only the tip was inside. He repeated that only a few more times before you impatiently pushed the back of his thighs toward you, letting him know you wanted more. You understood that he was trying to go slow and let you get used to his size again, but you didn’t want to go slow. You wanted him to fuck your face until you were drooling from both your mouth and your cunt. 
He let out a low, breathy chuckle, then accommodated your request. Instead of fucking your face, he pulled your head down until his length brushed the back of your mouth, then continued until he breached your throat barrier. 
“Fuck- oh my god.” He said through a moan, holding your head down. You did your best to breathe through your nose and not gag. He pulled your head back, then did it faster this time, making you choke as your vision grew blurry with tears. When he pulled you back again, he let you go all the way off his length and you lightly coughed as he stroked your hair. 
“You doing okay?” He asked softly, making your stomach flutter. You nodded and looked up at him as you opened your mouth, ready for more. He gave you a proud smile and grabbed your hair with both hands before filling your mouth again. He started with bobbing your head up and down, letting you get used to it, then sped up. You managed to last for a few seconds before your gag reflex kicked in and he let you pull off of him. 
“Don’t,” You cleared your throat when you heard how raspy your voice was. “Don’t let me pull off. I’ll pinch your thigh if it’s too much. Promise.” He let out a low groan and leaned down to press a brief kiss to your lips. 
“So fucking good for me, aren’t you? My good girl.” He purred, making your cheeks heat up. All you could do was nod, making him release a low chuckle as he leaned back up. He pushed back in, starting a fast pace, and you did your best to breathe through your nose and relax. He held your head still as his hips bucked forward, growing more and more eager. When you choked and instinctively pulled away, his grip on your hair tightened, making you whimper in pain. You sputtered around him, trying to gain control of your gag reflex again, but he pulled you off before you could. As you panted, you watched as he stroked his cock in front of you teasingly. You whined and leaned forward, but his grip on your hair stopped you. 
“You want it?” He said lowly, poorly concealing a smirk. 
“Please, Jay.” Your voice was even more hoarse now. 
“So needy. All this time apart made you forget your training?” He asked, tilting his head questioningly with an exaggerated frown that made your stomach twist. 
“I’m sorry.” You whimpered, eyeing his cock. He yanked your head back uncomfortably until all you could see was his face and the ceiling. 
“Speak up.” He spat, adding to your arousal. 
“I’m sorry.” You spoke louder this time, but it was still a whimper. 
“You’re lucky I don't feel like reminding you right now.” Before you could even think of a response, he was thrusting inside your mouth again, roughly bucking his hips against your face. You gagged and instinctively tried to pull away, but his grip was unmoving. So you placed your hands on the front of his thighs and tried to push yourself away from him. In retaliation, he turned you slightly until you were in front of the wall, then held your head against it as he continued wildly bucking his hips. The action almost made you come on the spot. 
“Take it. You fuckin wanted it, so take it.” He growled. But despite his roughness, you knew if you pinched him, he would stop immediately. 
Jason finally stopped bucking into your mouth and instead buried his cock all the way down your throat until your nose met his pelvis. You were trapped, unable to move back because of the wall and unable to move to the side because of his hands. And although you didn’t want to panic because you enjoyed this, your body didn’t understand that what was happening wasn’t a threat to your life. So you clawed at his thighs, trying to push him back as you struggled beneath him with tears filling your eyes. He was so deep that you could barely even choke. 
When he finally pulled back, you took in a deep breath as you started coughing. Your chest heaved as you caught your breath, readying yourself to continue, but his fingers lightly grabbed your chin to tilt your head up. The second you saw his face, you knew you were going to have to reassure him. 
“I’m okay.” You rasped, clearing your throat. But he wasn’t convinced. “Promise, Jay. Would’ve pinched you if I wasn’t.” He seemed hesitant, but you knew he knew you were telling the truth. 
“We don’t have to keep going. Or you can control the pace again or I can ease up. Whatever you want, baby.” He said, cupping your cheek. You leaned into the touch, feeling butterflies in your stomach. 
“No. Want you to use my mouth to get yourself off until you come down my throat.” He let out a choked moan and you could see his cock twitch out of the corner of your eye. 
“Jesus- fuck… It won’t take long if you keep talking like that.” He said through a breath, making you smirk. 
“Then do it already… Unless you can’t?” You were goading him. He knew that. But you knew he wouldn’t be able to resist it if you challenged him. And he didn’t. 
“That’s cute. Keep that up, see where it gets you.” He raised his brows, waiting for your next move. 
“By not doing it, you're proving what I said.”  You shrugged. You knew that telling him to do something would make him want to do the opposite. But you also knew that he wanted nothing more than to put his cock back in your mouth. And it was fun watching him get frustrated while deciding what to do. He scoffed a laugh and looked away from you for a second. When he turned back to you, his jaw was clenched and eyes darkened. 
“What happened to my good girl, huh? Where'd she go?” He all but pouted, making you falter. 
“She got impatient.” You decided to keep up the act. He clicked his tongue in disagreement. 
“I am gonna use your mouth to make myself come. And then we’re going to start your training again, since you seem to have forgotten everything.” He didn’t let you respond before roughly shoving his cock back in your mouth. You choked from the sudden thrust but somewhat recovered enough to handle the bucking of his hips. His pace was brutal and unrelenting as he held your head still against the wall to fuck you. He wasn’t deterred by the barrier of your throat, in fact, with each thrust he made sure to breach it. You could feel yourself beginning to gag, but tried to will it away, knowing that once you started it would be hard to stop. 
“I wonder how long it took for you to forget everything. Or maybe… you still remember it and you’re just taking advantage of my desperation.” His voice was breathy, but his pace never even wavered. “Is that it, princess? You think you can act like a brat and get away with it because of how much I need you?” He didn’t even bother letting you try to answer as he chased his orgasm. 
“You think that just because I missed you, I won’t punish you?” He scoffed, tightening his grip on your hair, making you whimper. “You have no idea how fucking wrong you are.” He hissed. “Because I missed that too. I missed the way you’d scream and cry and beg for my forgiveness.” Fuck- you missed that too. “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll punish you soon enough.” 
His thrusts grew more frenzied as you sputtered and choked on his cock. When he moved a hand from your hair to plug your nose, your eyes widened in fear and arousal. You let out a startled sound and he shushed you. 
“You don’t need to breathe. All you need is my cock.” He cooed, then buried himself completely inside of you and froze. As your lungs started to burn and the tears in your eyes fell, you clawed at his thigh and his arm, trying to push him away, but he didn’t budge. He just hissed at the way your nails dug into his skin, making his cock twitch in your mouth. 
Even when the burn in your chest became almost unbearable and your eyes started to flutter shut, you still didn’t want to pinch him and make him actually stop. You trusted him to know your limits. 
You were proven correct when he suddenly pulled out and removed his hand from your nose, before your eyes could fully shut. You took in a huge breath, heaving and coughing at his feet, watching him stroke his cock as he waited. 
“What’s wrong? Can’t take it?” He cooed mockingly. Just like him, when you’re challenged, you become extra motivated to prove them wrong out of spite. You opened your mouth and waited, looking up at him through wet lashes with a glint in your eyes. Almost as if saying “screw you.” 
He let out a dark chuckle and slapped his cock against your cheek a few times, smearing your spit on you. Even though your whole face burned red from embarrassment, it still went straight to your cunt. When he seemed satisfied with your humiliating state, he continued. 
As he was fucking your face, his moans grew louder, signaling that he was close. And when you looked up at him while you gagged and cried, he just lost it. He mercilessly snapped his hips against your face until he pushed completely inside, basically holding your head still with his body rather than his hands now. The moans and whimpers he let out almost made you reach a hand down to your clit. You released a strangled sound when hot come hit the back of your throat, feeling his cock twitching inside of you as he tried to push in impossibly deeper. 
When he slowly dragged his length out of your mouth, you couldn’t help the way you coughed and panted to catch your breath. He helped you to your feet, holding you up on your now wobbly knees, and pressed his lips to yours. 
“Even better than I remember, baby. You’re so good to me. My good girl.” He gave you a small smile and all you could do in return was blush. But it didn’t seem like he expected a response. 
After helping rinse you off and thoroughly teasing you about the state of your cunt and the way your arousal was coating your thighs, he helped wash your hair and body. You did the same to him, having to stand on your toes while he bent his knees so you could reach his hair. He helped you dry off then you both went to his room to get dressed. As he dug through his dresser, he tossed you a clean shirt and you blushed as you put it on. When you went to pick up your underwear, he stopped you. You rolled your eyes but tossed them back on the ground and watched him get dressed in a shirt and some sweatpants. He led you out to the kitchen and sat you down at the counter while he rummaged through the fridge. 
“The Jason breakfast special?” He asked, making you smile as you recalled all the times he’d make you breakfast, even though Alfred always offered to do it for him. 
“Of course.” You replied coyly. Then, “Is it morning?” Has it really been that long? You don’t know how long you were asleep for. 
“It’s like 4 am.” You internally groaned at how fucked up your sleep schedule probably is now. Resting your arms on the counter, you leaned your chin on them and watched him. You’ve had a dream like this before. It was one of those uncommon happy dreams that fooled you for a second after you woke up. You’d open your eyes, a smile on your face, and turn to his side of the bed, then immediately have it all ripped away from you. 
“What are you thinkin about?” He asked, starting to mix everything. 
“Just… having deja vu.” You said quietly, focusing on watching him rather than your own thoughts. 
“I remember the last time I made you these.” He said, breaking the silence again. “You complained to me the whole time about how Bruce wouldn’t let you get a cat.” He glanced at you with a smile and you laughed under your breath. 
“Do you remember what I did after that?” 
“Oh yeah. You “found one” and took it home, then tried to hide it. How you thought you could hide something from Batman was beyond me.” He chuckled, making your smile grow. 
“I did find him!” 
“Sure you did, baby.” To distract you, he handed you a few chocolate chips for you to snack on while you waited, like he used to all those years ago. 
Only a few minutes later, you both were sitting on the couch, plates in hands, ready to eat. When you took the first bite, you let out a near pornographic moan at the familiar taste. You refused to eat chocolate chip pancakes the entire time he was gone because you didn’t want another reminder of what was taken away from you. Even though it’s one of your favorite foods. 
“Oh my god.” You moaned with a mouthful of pancake. 
“You are so gross you know that? Close your mouth.” Even though he reprimanded you, a small smile ghosted his lips. 
“Never thought I’d hear that from you.” You snickered, still talking through a mouthful of food just to spite him. “God I missed these.” You groaned, swallowing, then taking another bite. 
“Alfred didn’t make them for you?” He asked, giving you his full attention while yours stayed partially on your food. 
“No. It’s not the same.” You weren’t sure if he knew you meant it wasn’t the same because it wasn’t him making it, or if he thought it was because they tasted different, but both were true. He didn’t say anything in response. Just hesitated before turning back to his food. 
You were so fucking excited to wake up next to him and have lazy mornings while he made you pancakes and cuddled as you ate them. But part of you deep down felt that you were becoming too attached again, too quick. Was he on the same page as you about wanting to basically pick up where you left off? Would he even be able to do that? You still live in the manor and you like living with your dad since you rarely get to see him because he’s so busy. 
“Jay?” You asked nervously, making him turn to face you again as he hummed in acknowlegement before swallowing his food. “Are you- I mean… Is this- fuck…” You wanted to ask if his intention was to stay with you because you were so fucking scared you’d lose him again. But you didn’t want to come on too strong. 
“Why do you have that look on your face?” He asked hesitantly. 
“What look?” 
“Like you’re about to give me bad news or something.” 
“What? No- That’s not,” You took in a deep breath, trying to just formulate one whole sentence. “I’m just… I’m scared.” 
“I don’t want to lose you again. I can’t. And if this,” you gestured between the two of you, “isn’t serious to you and you just missed me, I can’t- I… I can’t lose you again. I really don’t think I’d be able to do it again.” Even though you were mostly talking about him leaving you while still alive, a small part of you was still terrified he’d be taken from you in death again. 
“Hey,” He took your hand in his, making you turn to face him. “You’re not gonna lose me ever again, okay? I promise.”
“You can’t promise that, Jay.” He sighed and looked away from you, probably deciding what to say. 
“You’re right, I can’t. But I can promise you that the only thing that could take me from you again is death, and I have no intention of dying any time soon.” His words only soothed you a little bit. Then, “Honestly if I didn’t know that you don’t want to marry, I would propose.” You froze, breath caught in your throat, eyes wide. 
“You would?” You asked, still staring at him in shock. 
“I’m done wasting time. We don’t have enough of it to do that. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. And I kind of knew that before, but the last couple of years… They made me realize that I can’t live without you and I don’t want to live without you.” You were talking before he could finish. 
“I want to marry you.” You said through a breath. This time, his eyes widened in shock. 
“You do?” You nodded, a giddy smile forming on your lips. “But I thought you never wanted to marry.”
“That was before I met you. I still don’t know if I want a whole big thing, but I want to marry you.” 
“Are you fucking with me? Because I swear to god,” 
“I’m not. I want to marry you, Jason Todd.” You looked him dead in his eyes to convey how serious you were. 
“We’re getting married?” He asked, in shock. “Oh my god we’re getting married!”
“Hold your horses, cowboy. I may not want a big white wedding but you still gotta propose. And I’m talking flowers, a fancy dinner, the perfect scenery, everything.” You were teasing him, but the thought did fill your stomach with butterflies. 
“I am going to give you the greatest proposal in the history of proposals. It’s gonna be so good they’ll make a movie about it.” That made you snort a laugh. 
“You’re setting the bar really high, I hope you know that.” 
The rest of your meal was filled with lovesick smiles and happy thoughts. When you finished eating, he placed your legs over his lap and wrapped an arm around you as you snuggled into his chest. 
“Mrs. Todd.” He muttered, catching your attention. 
“What makes you think I’m taking your last name?” You asked, looking up at him with a teasing glint in your eyes. 
“Well I’m sure as hell not taking your last name.” Fair. “Plus Mrs. Wayne-Todd just sounds weird.” He’s not wrong about that. 
“Mrs. Todd.” You said under your breath, trying it out. “Feels weird. But good weird.” 
“Mhm.” You nodded. “Plus I never liked having this last name. People treat me differently after they find out what it is.” 
“That tends to happen when your father is a billionaire. You poor thing- How did you ever manage to grow up like this?” He was mocking you, so you playfully slapped his chest. 
“Shut up. I’m being serious. I don’t even have friends except for Dick.” You swore you felt him stiffen at the mention of his brother. “And Alfred. But calling him my friend might be worse than saying I only have one.” You chuckled, making him let out a quiet laugh. 
“I’m sorry.” He said softly, kissing the top of your head. “Maybe being Mrs. Todd will get you some genuine friends.” He chuckled and even though the words themselves sounded like an insult, you knew he truly was hoping that would be the case.  
You fell into a comfortable silence and as you laid your head back on his chest, the steady beating of his heart was slowly lulling you to sleep. While part of you didn’t want to fall asleep again, a larger part realized that you’re not afraid to fall asleep anymore. Instead, the thought of falling asleep with your head on his chest brought a smile to your face and made it all the more inviting. So you let your eyes fall shut, listening to the slow beating of his heart, smelling him and not just on his clothes- on his body. Relishing in the fact that he’s really here. 
Chapter four
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mothdruid · 2 years
The Librarian
pairing: Rhett Abbott x Librarian fem!reader
summary: Rhett wasn't expecting to find you as the new librarian, let alone the one that was teaching Amy's summer reading program. Over the course of the summer program you two start casually dating, falling in love with one another.
wc: 10.3k
warnings: fluff, smut, 18+, mdni, pet names (mouse, darlin', sweetheart), oral sex, hand jobs, unprotected sex (p in v), alcohol use, swearing
a/n: finally! it's here! i hope you all enjoy it!
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Rhett had been surprised when he heard that Cecilia signed Amy up for a summer reading program. Summer was meant for fun and helping out around the ranch, not having your nose stuffed in a book. Amy seemed happy about it though, so Rhett didn’t question it too much. What Rhett did question was why he had to go pick her up.
“It’s just for today, Rhett.” Rhett huffed and rolled his eyes for a moment. Rhett got to his feet, grabbing his ball cap and placing it on his head. Why couldn’t she just go pick her up? She was the one who enrolled Amy in the program anyways. Amy was a smart young girl, she made him proud to call her family. Sometimes he wondered how such a smart person had come out of their family. It wasn't that they weren't smart, just not necessarily book smart. Perry had been the only one who went to college, making Rhett hope Amy would eventually follow Perry's footsteps.
After Rhett muttered an agreement, he grabbed his keys and headed out to his truck. The ride into town wasn't too bad, hot like any other summer day. The heat like this reminded Rhett of his youth, days when he was much more concerned about looking cool than reading a book. A chuckle or two would come out when he thought about it by himself, remembering how much of a prick he used to be. He never spent much time in the library growing up, it was never something that interested him. It tended to just remind him of how much he had hated school.
Rhett pulled into the parking lot of the library, killing his engine with a twist of his keys. He waited for a moment before checking his phone.
pick up is inside the library - mom
Rhett rolled his eyes once more, exiting the vehicle and heading up to the doors. Sometimes he wondered how Wabang was able to have such a nice library. Afford one that wasn't falling apart. Rhett made his way in, finding his way up to the main desk. A middle aged woman greeted him, answering his question and pointing him in the right direction. Rhett walked past a few different areas before coming up on a slightly open space. Couches and tables with chairs littered the area with about fifteen kids sitting at them. Some kids were talking amongst themselves, while only a select few were actually reading.
"Can I help you?" A soft and oddly familiar voice interrupted his sight seeing. Rhett was surprised when he turned, seeing you looking at him. It had been years since he'd seen you, high school in all honesty. He hadn't even heard that you were back in town. He didn't remember you ever looking this cute.
"I.. I'm.." You smiled at him, watching as he tumbled over his words. He closed his mouth, jaw clenching as embarrassment plagued him.
"Well, hello to you too, Rhett. I'm assuming you're here for Amy?" Rhett nodded. Why couldn't he just fucking talk?
"When did you get here?" Rhett asked bluntly. One of your eyebrows raised, a little confused by the question.
"Do you mean when I showed up behind you? Or when did I come back to Wabang?"
"The second one." Finally, his words were working again. Rhett looked you up and down for a moment, taking in your brown overalls and white long sleeve shirt. You were holding onto a few children's books, a small silver necklace hanging around your neck.
"Earlier this year, got this job shortly after. I've been flying under the radar. Under your radar." It wasn't a secret that the two of you had a history. Throughout high school the two of you pined over one another, that was until Maria came along. It hurt a little at first, knowing that you weren't Rhett's first choice, but you also knew that his hormones were too high at the time. By junior year the two of you had moved on, only making small talk when needed during class or at school events.
Your family had always been singled out as the "weird" family in Wabang. It was mainly because your family didn't ranch. They didn't do anything relatively "normal" for the culture in Wabang, aside from taking you and your siblings to the rodeo every now and then. It had never bothered you, and sometimes Rhett wondered if that was why he had a crush. You were different, but not too far off. Always had your nose stuck in a book instead of trying to get fucked after the Friday night football game.
Rhett let out an amused noise at your confession.
"That so?" Rhett smiled at you, the curve gathering to one side of his mouth.
"No, it's not. Just pushing your buttons." There it was, that odd quirkiness that seemed to pull Rhett in so long ago. He watched you give him a wink before you walked over to Amy. She was sitting at a table alone, reading a book. His heart warmed as he watched you tap Amy's shoulder for her attention. You leaned over and whispered that Rhett was here to pick her up. Amy immediately lit up, excited that her uncle was the one retrieving her.
Amy quickly gathered up all of her things, shoving her book into her backpack before you walked her over to Rhett. "I didn't know you were getting me today." Amy said with a bit of excitement. Rhett smiled at her words.
"Neither did I." Amy giggled quietly as she started to head towards the front of the library. Rhett nodded his head at you, a soft smile still plastered on his lips.
"I'll see you around."
"Yeah, see you around cowboy."
Rhett couldn’t believe that he volunteered to pick Amy up. Again. Rhett was finding him picking her up from her reading program more often than he wanted to admit. It had been two full weeks into June, meaning the program was one third of the way done. Cecilia informed him after the first day that it was a six week program. Six lucky weeks that Amy got to spend with you.
Rhett didn’t want to admit that he was going to see you. But he knew deep down that was the main reason. Seeing you for not even a full five minutes was slowly becoming the highlight of his days. Amy and Cecilia also started to notice his happy demeanor after picking her up.
“What’s got you so uppity?” Cecilia asked when they walked through the door. A devilish smirk appeared on Amy’s face. She set her backpack down near the table. Rhett rolled his eyes at the both of them, setting his keys on the table.
“Uncle Rhett likes the librarian.” Rhett narrowed his eyes at her, a look of disbelief on his face. Amy giggled as she watched Rhett shake his head at her and held his finger up to his lips. It was supposed to be their secret, one they didn’t speak about. Cecilia turned around with a smirk on her face.
“It ain’t Mrs. Benson, is it?” Cecilia joked with Amy. Rhett gave her a simple ‘what the fuck’ face, listening to Amy giggle some more.
“No, Grandma! Mrs. Benson’s too old for Uncle Rhett. It’s Miss Y/LN.” Cecilia raised an eyebrow, acting surprised. It wasn’t like she had forgotten who you were, or who your family was. She remembered Rhett talking about you a little bit in high school, and how you would volunteer at the local old folks home. Cecilia had always known you were a kind soul, something she knew that might work out Rhett's rough edges. Amy trotted off to the stairs, running up the steps quickly to go search her room for something.
“Rhett..” He gave her a curious look, not exactly able to pinpoint the tone in her voice. Cecilia threw her dish towel up over her shoulder, leaning back against the kitchen counter.
“What ‘ma?” Rhett didn’t like her silence. He slowly started to recognize the situation more than the tone of her voice.
“That’s Amy’s teacher right now. You can’t be messing anyth-”
“I ain’t messing anything up, ‘ma. Besides.. She’d be too smart for me anyways.” Rhett smiled while he thought about you. It had been a long time since someone made him feel like this. Feel more than just the urge to fuck. It was an urge to meet you, learn everything about you, the ins and outs of your very essence.
“Well someone has to be smart enough to look out for you. Lord knows me and Perry can’t do it forever.” Rhett’s gaze flicked up at her from that table, a glint in his look. He hated to admit it was the truth. He wasn’t rushing to settle down anytime soon, but he sure did yearn for it from time to time. And one of those times happened to be now.
Which is what led him to now. Sitting in the parking lot of the library, twenty minutes before he was supposed to arrive. His foot was tapping on the floor near the gas pedal, his nerves finally starting to get to him. After the conversation with Cecilia, he planned to ask you out. But now it was one week later, three full weeks into the summer program. He looked up at the ceiling of his truck, pulling the brim of his hat down to cover his eyes. “Fuck.”
Rhett moved out of his truck, finally deciding that this was it. It was now or never. He tipped his hat to Mrs. Benson who gave him a small smile. “You’re early, Rhett.” He nodded his head to her, walking up to the front desk.
“I know Mrs. Benson, I was hoping to talk with Miss Y/LN. I don’t want to interrupt the kids though.” Rhett whispered to her with a smile. It was a partial truth, he didn’t want to interrupt them. He also didn’t want them to see him ask out their summer learning teacher. Mrs. Benson gave him a knowing look. Was it actually that obvious?
“She’s in the back room. There will be a door all the way down the third aisle of the non-fiction area. Just over there.” Mrs. Benson pointed in a direction near where the kids would be, but not that exact spot. Rhett tipped his hat and gave her a nod with a thank you. He headed off to find you, making sure he didn’t get lost somewhere in the library. Perry would never let him live that down.
Rhett peaked around the corner of what he thought was the third aisle. He was rewarded by seeing an open door at the end of it. He made his way down the aisle, knocking on the wooden door frame when he got to the doorway. He poked his head in, looking around in the old store room. It wasn’t very big, but sizable. There were three aisles within the room, made by many bookshelves that housed old, unused, and extra copies of books.
“Come in!” He recognized your voice immediately. There was a small rustling noise that came from the third aisle, letting him know where to find you. After a few steps into the room he peered around, finding you on your tip-toes trying to grab a book from above.
“Need any help?” Rhett asked, hoping you would entertain his offer. He took in your outfit, a knee length maroon skirt with a neatly tucked in beige button down. A pair of slip-on black Toms covered your feet, which you rolled back onto after not reaching the book. You looked down the aisle at him, surprised to see him, a small smile covered your lips.
“Some help would be much appreciated. Normally,” he made his way down the aisle, “there is a stool. But it is MIA today apparently.” Rhett nodded with a smile, reaching for the book you pointed at. You checked your watch, seeing there was another fifteen minutes before pick up. “Pretty early today, Rhett.”
“Yeah,” he handed the book to you and watched you flip the pages, “I wanted to talk to you.”
“Oh, that so?” You looked at him, his warm oases staring down to meet your own eyes.
“Yeah, it is.” You moved back, leaning against the wall behind you. Rhett moved to stand in front of you, your hands clutching the book to your chest. Your heart fluttered, this exact situation being something you had dreamed about since meeting him. You could tell something was different, he was a little different. It wasn’t just the awkward small talk the two of you had while he picked Amy up.
“Well, go on.” Rhett bit his bottom lip for a moment, thinking about the right way to ask you. He had been over it multiple times prior, but now his mind was failing him.
“Would you like to go out? Like to dinner or something.” Rhett ran his tongue over his bottom lip, pulling your gaze away from his. You watched as the slick muscle glided over the dry skin, wetting it thoroughly. Rhett took notice and moved a little bit closer to you. Your cheeks filled with a warmth when you noticed how close he was, only a few inches away.
“I-I would like that, Rhett.” He never thought he would be able to get someone as articulate as you, to stumble over her words. You looked away for a brief moment, turning your head to look down the hallway. Rhett brought a finger up to your cheek, gently pulling your face back to face him. A soft smile matched his soft gaze. He tipped his hat up, leaning closer to you.
When his lips pressed against your it was like fireworks went off. It was gentle, a gentleness you were surprised Rhett had inside of him. One of his hands moved to your waist, just resting, while the other cupped your jaw and cheek. Three weeks of small talk and ruminating on memories had finally come to a precipice. The kiss wasn’t anything crazy, maybe the beginnings of what could have been an intense makeout. Rhett pulled back, the hand on your waist moved to adjust his hat a little bit. His thumb was rubbing your cheek, making your heart flutter.
“When do you want me to pick you up?”
“There ain’t no way.”
“No, I’m being serious!” The two of you had moved to the Handsome Gambler after diner, deciding to get a few drinks.
“How am I supposed to believe that little ol’ you stole a traffic cone?” Rhett could barely picture it in his brain. University years you drunkenly toting home a traffic cone. Not to mention the fact you were apparently living in the dorms at the time.
“I was different then, more wild.” You sipped at your cider while watching him. That dopey smile appeared again, making your heart flutter. It was true that your years at university were a bit more wild. Experiencing everything that wasn’t little ol’ Wabang was exciting at the time. You tried to experience as much as you could while at university. Partying, drinking, smoking, fucking, etc. It was all new and something you needed to try, at least once.
“I just,” Rhett leaned across the table a little bit as his voice lowered, “can’t really picture it.” You cocked your head to the side, giving him a questioning look.
“Picture what, Mr. Abbott?” Rhett felt a heat rise to his cheeks at your words. Mr. Abbott had always been a title reserved for his father, but he couldn't ignore what it stirred up in him. He leaned back into the booth seat, his hand holding his beer firmly on the table.
"Picture you out partying and what not. I'm just used to you being a little bookmouse." Rhett was mentally kicking himself in the ass. Bookmouse? What the hell was that?
"A bookmouse?" Rhett flushed even more, trying to hide his embarrassment.
"Yeah," Rhett thumbed the rim of his glass bottle, "cause you liked books and were quiet." Another flutter. You couldn't help but smile at Rhett's cuteness. The way he was talking, both awkwardly and confidently, made you giggle.
"Well, this bookmouse did a lot more than just read books at university." You winked at him. Rhett's mind swirled with possibilities of what you meant. He shifted in his seat, adjusting himself in his pants. "Maybe I'll show you some day."
Rhett raised an eyebrow at your proposition. Fuck, he liked the sound of that. He leaned over the table one more time, "How's about we get out of here?" Eyes flicking towards the door.
"I'd love to but," Rhett's eyebrows knitted together, "I gotta get stuff ready for the kids tomorrow." Rhett had almost forgotten that it was the middle of the week. He actually had forgotten until you grounded him. Rhett nodded, jaw clenching in a casual way. He wasn’t annoyed at you, more or less annoyed with the situation. Rhett loved that you enjoyed helping the kids with reading, making sure they grew up smart. Just like you.
“How’s about,” you mocked with a glint in your eye, “you take me home, cowboy?” Rhett smirked at your request, watching you finish off your bottle of cider. He nodded and finished off his own drink. He climbed out of the booth and offered his hand out to you. You gladly took it, lacing your arm around his.
The walk to his truck was full of giggles, your feet not wanting to keep you balanced. It had been awhile since you decided to drink, mainly leaving it back in your university days. Rhett was there for every stumble though, a smile plastered on his face while he caught you. When the two of you got to his truck you leaned near the rear fender, staring at him. A soft giggle came out of you, earning you a cute questioning face from Rhett.
“Hmm?” Rhett crept closer to you, his hands grabbing the top of the truck's bed. Rhett had effectively caged you between him and his truck. “What’s got you gigglin’ like that?” Rhett leaned towards you, bringing a hand up to tip up the brim of his hat. Rhett was only a few inches away from your face. Rhett couldn’t get enough of this, seeing you nearly pinned underneath him.
“You’re cute.” Rhett could smell a hint of cider on your breath, lacing your words while you talked. “I want you to come home with me.”
“You’re pretty cute yourself.” Rhett tilted his head so his lips were near your ear, “And that could be arranged.” Rhett’s hand traveled down to your waist. You squinted at him, remembering your words from earlier.
“We can’t do anything tho-” The hand that was on the truck came to your cheek as his lips covered yours. It was another gentle kiss, just like the one earlier in the back room. Your hands rested against his chest while his lips worked over yours.
“We don’t have to.” Rhett didn’t want to pressure you into anything. He wanted this to work out. He yearned for it to work out. “I’ll help you get stuff ready for the kids, promise.” Rhett pressed a small kiss to your cheek before removing himself from you. He stepped towards the passenger side door, opening it and gesturing for you to climb in. “Hop on in.”
The ride back to your little house was quick, not too far out of town. You always deemed yourself lucky by getting somewhere this close in town, not out in the middle of nowhere. Rhett’s hand sat planted on your thigh, thumb rubbing small circles during the ride. Rhett made sure to get the door for you, offering his hand to stabilize you when you stepped out of his truck. A smile spread across his face when he saw the inside of your place. Art adorned the walls while the shelves of your bookcases were packed full. It was messy but neat, something Rhett always found captivating about you.
“Whatcha think?” You toed your shoes off while you looked at him, balancing yourself against the wall. Rhett took off his own boots then followed you into the kitchen.
“It’s you.” Rhett couldn’t think of any other way your house would be. It felt homey. It felt like you. You grabbed out two glasses from the cabinet, filling them up with water from the sink. You offered him one, which he reluctantly accepted. Water wasn’t his favorite type of drink, but it would do for now. Rhett placed his hat on your kitchen table, sitting down while you sat across from him.
For the rest of the night the two of you joked while getting around your items for the program. Rhett questioned your choices of coloring pages, while you pressured him to drink more water to sober up. A warmth had spread all over him, knowing this is the spot he wanted to be. He wanted to be here helping you get wax paper ready for sun catchers, and laughing about the embarrassing old things the two of you had done.
“Sleep is finally catching up with me.” You checked your phone briefly, seeing how late it was. Rhett hadn’t realized how late it actually was. A part of him was surprised that you were even up this late. He thought you might be the type that went to bed at 10pm almost every night.
“It’s about time I left then.” Rhett didn’t want to leave, he wished he could stay forever. He reached for his hat, fingers barely touching it when he spoke up.
“Or you could stay.” Your eyes met his, watching as his tongue wetted his bottom lip. Rhett tugged his bottom lip between his teeth. The proposition was too tempting.
“Would that be okay?” His cerulean eyes never left yours. After a moment you averted your eyes and nodded. The two of you placed your cups in the sink before making your way back to your bedroom. A nervousness was settling inside of you, a part of you worried that things would get out of hand. Rhett noticed this and placed his hands on your shoulders, pulling you in so his chest was pressed against your back. “It’ll be okay, we won’t do anything you don’t want to.”
Rhett wouldn’t admit it, but he was also nervous. Nervous to finally have you in this manner, something so domestic. It was scary, opening himself up to someone. It was more terrifying than riding a thousand pound bull. The thrill was much different though. “I don’t have any pants for you to sleep in.” Rhett nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck.
“I’ll wear my underwear, if that’s fine.” You reassured him that that was okay before moving out of his grasp. You dug into your own dresser, finding your own sleep shorts and then an old t-shirt. You excused yourself to the bathroom, taking your clothes to change into. You hadn’t expected your nerves to ramp up.
After you brushed your teeth and changed you made your way back to your bedroom. Rhett sat on the edge of his bed, typing out something on his phone. He had shucked off his pants and flannel while you were gone, sitting in his grey boxer briefs and white t-shirt. A flutter stirred inside your chest, making your nerves jump up again. Rhett set his phone on the side table before noticing you were back.
“Oh, hey.” A small smile covered his lips when he saw you. God, you were so fucking beautiful. He took in your messy hair and old Wabang High t-shirt, one that he probably also had laying around somewhere.
“There is a spare toothbrush in the bathroom cabinet.” Rhett nodded before standing up. He stopped next to you, bringing a hand up to your cheek. A small kiss was placed on your forehead. Rhett’s thumb rubbed softly against your cheek until he left for the bathroom. You climbed into bed, a loving smile on your face.
Many thoughts swirled around in your head but one specifically stood out. He is the one you would want to do this with every night. He is the one you wanted to be domestic with. The one you didn’t want to screw up with. Rhett was the one.
The sound of your alarm woke you up first. You quickly turned it off, not wanting the blaring noise to continue any longer. When you laid back down a firm arm wrapped around your midsection. It reminded you that there was someone else inside of your bed. Rhett Abbott. He was pulling you back into his toned chest.
Heat radiated from his chest to your back, igniting a flame inside of you. This is everything you ever wanted. The man you had always wanted curled up behind you, keeping you close to him. If it wasn’t for having to work you would lay here all day with him. Rolling around in the sheets, the both of you treating each other to all the pleasures you had to offer. But alas, the library was calling. You went to sit up, the firm arm not releasing you.
“Don’t.” His voice was gruff, soaked in sleep still. When you looked at him he kept his face pressed into your shoulder blade, rutting his hips into your ass lightly. The heat in your chest moved up to your cheeks, his erect cock pressing into the flesh of your ass. A small part of you loved that he wasn’t even trying to hide it. Hide the effect you had on him, especially so early in the morning.
“Rhett, I have to.” Rhett nuzzled into you, pressing his hips harder into your ass. Rhett was really trying to get you to stay, tempting you with something you both wanted. You didn’t have intentions of giving in fully, but what would be the harm and giving him something to remember?
Rhett’s hand gripped on your hip, you rolling your ass back onto his cock. A groan emanated out of him. “Fuck.” You pulled back from him and rolled over to face him. Rhett moved onto his back as you shifted to hover over him slightly. Your hand snaked under the blanket, palming his dick under the covers. Rhett let out a few more groans and profanities, eventually pushing the blanket down to his mid thigh.
Rhett’s breath was a touch shaky as you dipped your hand below the elastic band. His hips bucked slightly when you fully grasped his cock. Rhett groaned at the contact of your soft hand on his cock. “Fuck, darlin’.” His head fell back into the pillows as you watched him, feeling his cock pulse under your touch. Rhett’s hands drifted to push his boxer briefs down, letting you get a full view of everything. Rhett looked back up at you, oases warm and inviting as ever.
You connected your lips with his, consuming his groans while you continued to stroke his cock. His hips bucked every now and then, trying to get more friction. When you pulled back from the kiss, you moved your mouth down over his cock in your hand. After stopping your strokes you locked eyes with Rhett, letting a large glob of spit fall off your tongue to his cock in your hand. Rhett groaned as you resumed your strokes, a new slick feeling to your hand. You ran your thumb over his head every now and then, collecting his precum to mix with your spit.
“So dirty.” It was all Rhett could say as his hand gripped the back of your neck, pulling you up to him. He smashed his lips into yours, tongue forcing its way into your mouth. You never thought Rhett could get this needy, but god did you love it. Rhett’s cock started to twitch more often in your hand, signaling his orgasm was approaching. You pressed your forehead to his when you pulled back from the kiss. Then as faint as a whisper you heard him speak. “Please.”
“Give it to me Rhett, let go.” Rhett’s free hand moved to push up his t-shirt, showing off his flexing abdomen. Without another second Rhett was spilling his cum on your hand and his stomach. A ragged ‘fuck’ fell from his lips, with whimpers mixed with groans following. You stroked him through his orgasm, his hips stuttering and bucking with every stroke. Rhett couldn’t remember the last time a hand job made him feel this good.
Rhett laid there, blissed out on the bed. Rhett could barely focus on the world around him, only focusing on the amazing hand job he just had. He was pulled back from his thoughts when he felt a warm wet washcloth drag over his stomach, He groaned softly when you wiped off his cock, cleaning off all potential left over cum.
Rhett smiled as he watched you toss the washcloth into the hamper, moving back over to him on the bed. “That enough to hold you over?” Rhett pulled his boxer briefs back up around his waist. He leaned up and kissed you, one of his hands cupping your cheek.
“More than enough.”
For the next three weeks Rhett made it a point to show up for pick up early. He would seek you down in the library, not caring if you were with the kids or not. If you were with the kids he would patiently wait, scanning whatever bookshelves were closest. That’s where you caught him today.
“Gonna start reading anytime soon?” Rhett looked up from the shelf to see you. You were wearing a pair of mom jeans today, something you corrected him on a few weeks ago. The baggy sweater you wore complimented them. Rhett put on a little bit of an embarrassed smile as you crept a bit closer. He took his cowboy hat, leaning in a bit closer to you. He was only a few inches away from you now.
He couldn’t help but stare at you. How did he manage to actually capture your attention? Someone this ethereal giving him the time of day seemed like a dream. Your eyes flicked from his cerulean eyes to his lips. Rhett brought his hat up to the side of your faces, shielding anyone from seeing the two of you. It felt like the heat of the library had been turned up a few degrees.
Just as he was about to kiss you, you put your hand up to his chest. Rhett stopped immediately, not wanting to push too far. It wasn’t that he was worried about you not wanting him. You definitely wanted him, or at least that’s what he picked up on from late night texts and pictures you had sent him. “Hmm?”
“I don’t want any of the kids to see.” Rhett smiled. That was one thing he had learned to love about you within the few weeks. Even though they tended to be too much sometimes, you always thought of your summer program kids first.
“You’re right,” Rhett took a step back from you, “wouldn’t want them to get any ideas.” He placed his hat back on his head.
The two of you slowly made your way over to the work area for the kids. They were reading, as usual. You had told Rhett that this was the best way to get the kids to calm down before handing them back to their parents. Amy had always been a relatively calm kid, so he couldn’t imagine what she’d be like riled up.
“End of the week?” Rhett was counting down the days. Waiting for the end of the program to finally show up. Waiting for the night he could take you out, show you how much he cared about you. Rhett ashamedly couldn’t wait to bed you either. His own hand was starting to get boring, the only thing spicing it up was the half naked photos you sent him accompanied by texts about what you’d like to do with him. His brain clung to the memory of you jerking him off, something he couldn’t let go of. Which made the next day extra special.
Rhett barely got a lick of sleep that night, fisting his dick harshly until he came to the picture you sent him. It was as if you knew the effect you were having on him. Sending a picture in this old cowboy hat you had found somewhere, black lace bra and panties on display. It was a good thing that Rhett wasn’t a religious man, because he would definitely be condemned to hell after this month.
So, Rhett made sure to show up to the library an hour early that day, not just fifteen or twenty minutes. Mrs. Benson politely told him that you were in the back room again, a bit of a confused look on her face. He bee-lined for the back room, silently walking in and closing the door behind him. He made sure to switch the lock on the back room door before looking up and down the aisles for you. He found you in the third aisle, in just the outfit he needed you to wear for his plan. He had double checked in the morning, asking for an outfit picture which earned a small winky face with a picture.
The plaid skirt flared out from your hips, stopping at a little bit before your knees. A baggy cardigan covered your top, making Rhett wonder if you had a tank top or anything underneath it. God, he wished he could have done this sooner.
“Hey.” Rhett watched you jump slightly, spooked by his presence.
“Oh my god, Rhett. You scared me.” You held your hand over your chest, Rhett’s eyes trailing to look at your fingertips touching the bare skin of your clavicle. Nope, no tank top. It was the skin he craved to mark up, leave little trails that you could remember him by daily.
“Wasn’t my intention.” He flashed a crooked smile as he took a few steps closer. You could tell there was something different about him today, almost as if he was stalking you. When he reached you he pecked your cheek, making your heart flutter. You loved that he still had this effect on you. You checked your wristwatch, realizing he was much earlier than normal.
“What’s got you coming in so early? There ain’t another hour, well, forty-five-ish minutes before you have to be here.” You went to turn back to face the shelf but Rhett grabbed your wrist.
“Wanted to give you a surprise.” Rhett walked around you, guiding you so your back was almost against the bookshelf.
“A surprise? I don’t recall you saying you had one for me.” Rhett chuckled at your words, leaning in and kissing your jawline.
“Wouldn’ be much of a surprise then, now would it?” Rhett’s lips trailed down your neck, nipping every now and then. Your hands instinctively moved to his chest and shoulders, the material of his flannel soft under your fingertips. One of his hands settled on your waist while the other cradled the other side of your jaw and neck. A soft noise escaped you, urging Rhett to continue with his plan.
“Been waiting weeks,” he lips were soft on your neck in between words, “waiting patiently.” The hand on your waist found the bottom of your baggy cardigan. It was thrilling when he pushed it up slightly, his calloused fingertips grazing over the newly exposed skin.
“Rhett, I-”
“I locked the door.” He pulled back, pupils blown wide with lust as he stared at you. “Wanna make you feel good, the same way you did to me.” You checked your wrist watch again, seeing there was still forty minutes before you had to get the kids ready to leave.
“You better make it quickly then, Mr. Abbott.” Rhett groaned at the title you called him. You had picked up on it throughout the weeks, noticing how his breath would hitch after hearing it. Rhett smashed his lips into yours, a messy kiss pursuing.
The hand grazing your skin under your cardigan moved to the front of your skirt. Fingers dipped between the apex of your thighs, pressing tightly on your pussy. A moan was torn out of you, not expecting Rhett to do this. Was this the surprise he was talking about? It had to be. The hand on your pussy left your body, Rhett pulling back for a moment.
“I wanna taste you.” It felt like the breath had been knocked out of you. You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, slightly worried about the situation. What if someone were to walk in? Rhett did say he locked the door though. Finally you spoke.
“Depends on how quick you can be, Mr. Abbott.” A smirk tugged at his lips. Without warning, Rhett started to drop to his knees. His hands moved to the hem of your skirt, barely brushing the skin of your thighs.
“Don’t worry ma’am, I can be quick.” The heat in your cheeks boiled as you nodded your head. He pushed the plaid skirt up your thighs, kissing newly exposed skin. “Hold this.” Rhett said as he offered the edge of your skirt to you. You grabbed the material, holding it in your hands tightly. Rhett let out a groan when he saw your soft pink lace panties.
Without warning Rhett pressed his fingers against your panties, rubbing softly at first. Rhett could feel a wetness soaking through the front of your panties. He watched as your hands tightened on your skirt, faltering slightly. His hand touched yours, eyes flicking up to meet yours. “Keep your skirt up, sweetheart.” Your cheeks burned at the pet name he had started to call you through the weeks.
Rhett moved closer, fingers hooking into the waistband of your panties. He slowly guided them down your legs, taking them off and sneakily placing them in his back pocket. He pressed quick kisses to your thighs before reaching your bare cunt. Rhett pushed his tongue between your folds, licking at your clit. You used one hand to hold your skirt, stabilizing yourself with the bookshelf behind you.
Your mouth hung agape as Rhett flicked and licked at your pussy. One of his arms wrapped under your thigh, placing one of your legs over his shoulder. You gripped the shelf behind you tighter, pleasure mounting inside of you. Rhett brought a hand up, slipping a finger inside of your entrance. It was a stretch, but it wasn’t enough. The sensation made you yearn for more, yearn for more of Rhett to be inside of you.
“Rhett..” His name was barely a whisper on your lips, trying to stay quiet. You looked over at your wrist watch once more, noticing only ten minutes had passed. Rhett pushed another finger inside of you, earning a moan as your head lolled back. His two fingers thrusted into you as his mouth gave all its attention to your clit.
“You taste so good.” Rhett whispered just loud enough for you to hear. “Been thinking about this for weeks.” The hand on your skirt tightened a little bit more, your hips starting to cant forward. You started to roll your hips against Rhett’s mouth, the vibrations from one of his groans adding to your pleasure. Rhett’s fingers prodded at that sensitive spot inside of you, increasing the speed of his tongue flicking your clit.
With that combination you let go, coming all over Rhett's mouth. Rhett’s tongue switched from the quick flicks to slow languid strokes, helping not to overstimulate you too much. Soft moans poured out of you, riding out your climax on Rhett’s tongue. Rhett pulled away from you, his fingers leaving you empty inside. A strong desire within you wished he would fill you again, with his cock this time. But you knew that there wouldn’t be any time for that.
Rhett helped lower your leg down, standing up and making sure you were stable. You let your skirt fall, reaching out and grabbing his hand. You brought his hand up to his mouth, taking the two fingers covered in your cum into your mouth. Your tongue swirled around his digits, making him groan and adjust himself in his jeans.
“You’re so dirty.” Rhett whispered against your cheek, his forehead resting against your temple. “Told you you tasted good, don’t ya?” You nodded. You popped off of his fingers, licking your lips afterwards.
“Can I get my underwear back?” You asked playfully. Rhett smirked again, giving you your answer. “Really?”
“It’s my prize, sweetheart.”
The two of you left the back room, earning a questioning look from Mrs. Benson. It was only ten minutes before the other children's parents would start showing up. Rhett hung around and chatted with you, letting Amy keep reading her book. Which ended up with her still reading after all of the other kids had left. Rhett said she could use the time, but you knew the real reason why he was hanging around.
It was a Friday night, which meant the summer program was over. It had ended that morning, Rhett showing up early to pick Amy up for the last time. He hadn’t mentioned this ride all week, probably not wanting to pressure you into coming. But you wouldn’t have considered it pressuring, you wanted to see him.
Rhett was beyond happy to see you out at his competition tonight. Even more happy when you gave him a small kiss, telling him to break a leg. It was something you had picked up in college, your theater friends explaining that it was bad luck to wish someone good luck before a show. Which you had explained to Rhett briefly one night while the two of you were cuddled up watching a movie. Rhett couldn’t help but think that was what saved him during his ride, when his hand felt like it was gonna slip from the rope. It didn’t though, finishing his ride without anything bad happening.
Tonight was the first time he was allowed to show any type of overly affectionate PDA. Finding you after his ride couldn’t come soon enough. You were hanging out near the rider area, patient as always. Rhett just needed you, needed to thank you for everything. You let out a squeal when his arms snaked around you, picking you up and spinning you around. You quickly grabbed for your glasses, making sure they wouldn’t fall off your face. Hoots and howls could be heard from the other riders. Rhett tipped his hat after he set you down, hand caressing your jawline. His lips connected with yours, butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
It was a gentle kiss, like a lot of the kisses you had shared so far. Kisses at the library, when he took you home after dinner, on the couch cuddled up. So many gentle kisses before, but this one was different. It was something unspoken in this one. An unspoken amount of love for one another.
“Let me take you home.” He whispered, adrenaline still pumping through his system. Rhett hunted down Perry, instructing him to drive his truck home. Perry gave him a knowing look before telling him he was proud of him.
Your heart raced as you sat in the passenger seat, Rhett driving the both of you back. His hand was glued to the inside of your thigh, thumb rubbing small circles. It wasn’t that you were nervous to be with Rhett, that was not it. It was the gravity of the day. The two of you had been keeping things as steady as possible, not wanting anything to get too convoluted while you were teaching Amy. But you weren’t teaching her anymore. The two of you were essentially free now, free to be together to the fullest extent.
“We don’t hav-”
“I want to.” You looked at Rhett, his eyes flicking over to you before focusing back on the road. You adjusted your glasses, “I’m not nervous about doing it or anything.”
“I mean you did promise to show me your wild side one day.” Rhett snickered, remembering the first night the two of you went out.
“I think your surprise at the library counted as that.” You shot him a playful glare as the two of you pulled into your driveway. “It’s just..” Your words trailed off, biting at your lower lip.
“Jus’ what?” There was a short silence. The look on your face was softer now, not as playful. But Rhett could tell you were struggling with something, there was clearly something on your mind. He reached out, rough fingertips gently guided your face to look at his. Rhett knew it had to be now that he told you the thing he had wanted to tell you for weeks.
“I love you.” The two of you said it at the same, confessing your love for one another. You let out a giggle as Rhett flashed you a big smile. He leaned in towards you, grabbing your chin between his thumb and forefinger. His lips moved heatedly on yours, consuming everything you had to offer. His hand shifted to the curve of your jaw, fingers splaying out near your ear. The kiss continued for a moment longer before you both pulled back for air.
“Inside, now.” You demanded.
Rhett killed the engine while you got out. His hand snaked around your waist when you got to the door. While you pulled your keys out, Rhett’s hand sneaked into the back pocket of your jeans. A brief squeeze on your ass had you shooting him a look. He smiled, leaning in to press a kiss onto your neck. “Who locks their door out here?”
“It’s an old habit from the big city.” You explained while you slid the key inside the lock. “Plus, I don’t want any unwanted critters inside.” The two of you stumbled in the doorway, Rhett still close by your side.
“Is that what I am? Unwanted critter?” Rhett joked, hands pulling you flush against him after closing the door. You giggled as he started nipping at your neck.
“Don’t think I’d tell an unwanted critter I love him.” Rhett chuckled at your response. The two of you headed through the hallway, hands and lips traveling all over each other. Rhett’s flannel and hat had been lost in the living room, yours in the hallway.
Once to your bedroom, Rhett started to take a bit more control. His hands gripped your hips and pulled them tight to his. You could feel his cock getting hard in his jeans, his belt buckle digging into your hip. One hand moved to your face, cupping your cheek while kissing you roughly. He kept walking you back until the bed hit the back of your knees. The kiss broke as you went to lay down on the bed, Rhett following you immediately.
"You look so beautiful." Rhett said as he admired your beauty. He finally had you laid out underneath him, a dream come true. His hands ghosted over your sides, grabbing at your hips and pulling them tightly to his. Your arms snaked around his shoulders, fingers combing up through the hairs on the nape of his neck. Rhett’s mouth worked on your neck, groaning as he left a wet trail along your skin.
A small giggle came out of you as he nosed along up your neck. He kissed up your jaw before pulling up to look at you, “What’s got you gigglin’”?
“Oh nothing, Mr. Abbott.” Rhett rutted his hips into you harshly at the name.
“You better watch yourself with saying that.”
“What? Don’t like it, Mr. Abbott.” You teased. Rhett groaned, fingers grabbing your chin tightly.
“You know what that does to me.” You pulled him down and connected your lips with his. The both of you smiled into the kiss as your hips rocked together. His hands moved to the hem of your t-shirt, pushing up the shirt to get access to your skin. Fingers ghosted and trailed up the skin of your midsection. He pushed the shirt up over your chest, exposing the light pink lace of your bralette. Your back arched when he grabbed your breasts, kneading over the lace.
“Like what you see?” You only half joked.
“You have no idea.” Rhett tugged at your shirt more, signaling it was time to remove the article. After your shirt was gone Rhett kissed the valley between your breasts. His hands kneading at your flesh while kissing your chest. His fingers slipped underneath the band of your bralette, guiding it up over your head.
It was the first time he had seen your bare breasts. Yeah, you had sent pics of you in lingerie to him, but never anything completely bare. He pressed a few more kisses all over your chest before taking a nipple into his mouth. Your back arched slightly, his mouth consuming more of your breast. His thumb and forefinger started pinching and rolling your other nipple. Your fingers threaded through his hair, tugging lightly.
“Rhett.” His name was barely a whisper on your lips. You could feel him groan around your nipple when your hand trailed down between the two of you. You palmed the front of his jeans, his cock pressing hard against your hand. Rhett sat up, pulling his own shirt off and undoing his belt buckle and jeans. After he shucked them off he moved to undo your jeans.
“A matching set?” Rhett questioned when he saw the light pink lace panties. You had planned it out all week, knowing that you would finally have a moment like this. A moment of being completely vulnerable to Rhett. His fingers ghosted up over your legs as he settled between your legs. You felt completely bare under his warm oasis of a gaze. A bit of nervousness flowed through you, nodding softly as a response to his question.
“Cat got your tongue, mouse?” You shot him a little look. The little name took you by surprise, a small call back to your first night at the bar. Fingertips trailed over the pink lace covering your core. Rhett started rubbing his fingers on your clothed cunt, feeling the small wet patch that had started to form. His gaze locked with yours as you let moans and gasps fall from your lips. His hands moved to the edges of the lace, pulling them down slowly over your legs.
After tossing the panties somewhere behind him, he grabbed one of your ankles and lifted it up to his lips. He pressed a soft kiss to the inside of your ankle. Soft lips continued down the inside of your leg, Rhett slowly settling against the bed. His hot breath fanned over your cunt, your insides clenching at the sensation. Rhett wrapped his arms around your thighs, keeping you locked in place before he even started.
Rhett’s tongue flattened on your clit, licking slowly. Both of your hands snaked down, one landing on the comforter while the other took its place in Rhett’s hair. Your back arched, pleasure flowing through you with each lick of his tongue. One of his arms left your thigh, reaching out to your hand on the comforter. He laced his fingers with yours as he continued his feast between your thighs.
Gasps and moans mixed in with calls of Rhett’s name, urging him to continue. Small vibrations could be felt from Rhett’s groans, pushing you closer to your climax. The tightening sensation in your abdomen was becoming more noticeable. Rhett flicked his tongue on your clit then dragged it slowly back and forth.
“Holy fuck…” You could almost feel the smirk on his lips. Rhett flicked his tongue more intensely on your clit, finally pushing you over the edge.
This was a similar sensation that Rhett got from riding bulls, pure ecstasy. All Rhett could think was how beautiful you looked, coming all over his mouth. The way your back arched off the bed, hand tightening against his own. Seeing you give yourself up to him, letting him push you over the edge in such an intimate way had him grinding against the bed. Rhett couldn’t help but think about how good you would feel wrapped around his cock. Being connected at your core.
When he pulled back you finally got a break, your chest falling heavily. A small trail of wet kisses was created as Rhett moved back up your body. He nuzzled your neck and jaw, pressing more kisses before capturing your lips with his. You could taste yourself on his tongue, moaning into his mouth.
“You taste so fucking good, mouse.” You rolled your eyes.
“My turn to taste you.” You pressed your hand on his chest, acting as if you were going to roll the two of you over.
“Nah,” Rhett grabbed your hand and laced his fingers between yours, “I can’t wait to be in you any longer. Been waitin' too many weeks for this.” You rolled your hips up, feeling Rhett’s clothed cock press against your cunt. A groan rumbled in Rhett's throat while he captured your lips with his. One of his hands snaked down between the two of you, pushing his boxers down.
A moan passed your lips when you felt his cock rest against your pussy. Rhett haphazardly pushed his boxers all the way off. You brought your hand down to wrap around his cock. He groaned at the few strokes you gave him before you guided the tip to your entrance. Rhett propped himself up, looking down at you as his hips pushed forward.
Rhett watched as your jaw went slack. The stretch of his cock was intoxicating, filling you up the more his hips pushed forward. Your eyes never left Rhett's, warm oases welcoming you. A small whimper left Rhett once he bottomed out. Your warmth encapsulated him, letting him know this was where he was meant to be. Rhett eventually broke the stare, nuzzling down into your clavicle. Small kisses were peppered all over your skin.
Rhett dragged his hips back a little, slowly pushing forward the small amount. The sensation already had your body shivering with pleasure. Rhett started slowly rolling his hips, wanting to savor the moment as much as possible. He knew that the chances of this activity happening again were high, but he just needed for this moment to last. You wrapped one arm around Rhett's left shoulder, threading your fingers into his hair once more. Your other hand rested on the front of his chest.
"God, you're perfect." Rhett groaned, placing kisses along your neck and jawline. He knew sex would be special with you, but life-changing wasn't what he was expecting. The way your body reacted to every small touch had Rhett teetering on the edge of climax already.
"Rhett, I-" You couldn't finish the sentence, to caught up in the waves of pleasure flowing through you.
"What do you need, sweetheart?" Rhett pulled back to look down at you, cupping the side of your face. "Tell me."
Rhett pulled back, leaving just the tip inside of you. He kept his eyes on your face as he slammed back in hard. Your whole body reacted, back arching while your hands scrambled for purchase. Your mouth was agape as sinful sounds poured from it. Rhett kept this steady pace of hard thrusts, giving you exactly what you wanted.
"Oh fuck, Rhett!" The head of his cock pounded into the sensitive spot inside of you. Every time he hit it, a new jolt of pleasure ran through you. The coil in your lower abdomen was tight, about ready to snap and send you over the edge. You could tell Rhett was getting close too, harder breaths coming from him. Rhett didn't say a word, his hand moving between the two of you to rub your clit. That's when it was game over.
The combination of his fingers on your clit and powerful thrusts sent you tumbling over the edge. Pleasure washed over your nerves, Rhett’s finger still working your clit. Rhett groaned at the feeling of you clenching around him. His thrusts started to stutter, focusing on the feeling of your walls working his cock. Crescent shapes formed in Rhett’s skin, your nails digging harshly as he kept your orgasm going.
“Fuck, sweetheart. The way you feel,” Rhett pressed his forehead to yours, “I ain’t gon’ last.” You nodded as you stared into his eyes. It was Rhett’s turn for his mouth to be agape, groans and heavy breaths coming from him. Your fingers threaded into Rhett’s hair once more, pulling him down to the nuzzle against your clavicle. Rhett felt safe with you, rutting into your warmth that he had craved for weeks. It was a sense of security, something he had never truly felt in his life.
“Fuck, I love you.” Rhett whispered against your skin.
“I love you too, Rhett.” With those four words and his name he was gone. His hips steadied as he thrusted into you one last time. Small kisses littered your collarbones as he kept his hips tight to yours, spilling his cum inside of you.
The two of you laid there for sometime, Rhett still slotted between your thighs as your fingers traced small circles on his shoulder blades. He traced a small pattern along your side, basking in the subsiding afterglow. That sense of security was blanketed over him. He never wanted it to end, wanting to feel this safe forever. A part of him wondered how he had never felt it before but he knew why. He hadn’t had you before. Not just in a sexual way, but he had never fully experienced this kind of love. The love that let him know he was always welcome. Always loved.
“Hmm?” You questioned, sensing a tiny shift in his demeanor. It wasn’t a bad shift, something much softer than what you thought Rhett might be capable of.
“Nothin’, I just..” Rhett propped himself up on his elbows, looking down at you. Your beauty was something Rhett could still marvel at. Like watching the early morning sun rise. “You make me feel something.” Small butterflies could be felt in your stomach.
“Feel what?” Rhett smiled, pushing some hair back from your face.
“Welcome.” A kiss. “Safe.” Another kiss. “Happy.” Another kiss. “Loved.” A final kiss. A warmth had raised into your cheeks. The smile on his face was one that was pure. The two of you stared at each other for a few more moments, just taking one another in. Rhett shifted, pulling himself out of you. Even though he was softened it still felt like you were losing something. Rhett moved to the spot on the bed next to you. You rolled on your side to look at him, letting out a soft noise as his cum started leaking out of you.
“We should clean up and talk.” The look he gave you was one full of sincerity.
“Talk about what?” You questioned. You used a playful tone to mask the tiny amount of anxiety you suddenly had. Rhett must have noticed because he cupped your cheek when he sat up.
“Don’t worry,” he pressed a kiss to your nose, “it’s nothin’ bad, mouse.”
The two of you made your way to the bathroom. Rhett used a warm washcloth to clean himself up, you sitting on the toilet watching him. It was domestic, something you could get used to. Might even let him clean you up the next time. Rhett kissed your forehead before heading back to the bedroom, letting you finish using the toilet and cleaning up.
Rhett had climbed under the comforter when you got back, his boxers being the only thing he wore. He was checking his phone briefly before looking at you, placing his phone on the side table. You moved to your dresser, grabbing a large t-shirt from the drawer. You didn’t bother with any underwear, climbing into bed and curling up next to Rhett. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders, keeping you close.
“I th-” The both of you stopped and giggled. Rhett motioned for you to go first.
“I was just gonna ask what you wanted to talk about.” Rhett nodded, thumb rubbing softly on your skin.
“I want to talk about us.” Rhett was never great with conveying his emotions through words.
“What about us?” You teased. Rhett rolled his eyes.
“About how I want to,” Rhet paused for a moment, “want to be with you.”
“Rhett, you ju-”
“No,” Rhett bite his lower lip, “I want you more than physically. I want to be with you all the time.” You knew what he was asking of you. It was funny to watch him still beat around the bush after everything.
“Rhett, I’m not quite sure what you’re asking me.” You said with a smirk. He rolled his eyes once more, letting out a sigh.
“You really gon’ make m-” Rhett was cut off by you pressing a kiss to his lips.
“Rhett, I want to be with you too.” Rhett smiled as he kissed you again. His arms wrapped around you completely, rolling the two of you over. He peppered you with kisses, happiness spreading over the both of you. Rhett couldn’t be happier with you, happier with his little bookmouse.
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starry-hughes · 1 year
slow morning
mat barzal x reader
summary: mat and you spend the morning together.
requested: yes!
little short but cute
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The sun poured into the room from the window Mat forgot to close the blinds for last night. The apartment bedroom filled with sunlight as the sun rose above the horizon. Mat was sleeping despite the sun, but you were awake. Mat was resting a lot more with his injury. He was itching to get back on the ice, but he had to rest to heal. 
Peeling his arm away from your waist, you carefully got out of bed. Mat slept like the dead and remained asleep. You silently closed the blinds, hoping to give Mat some more darkness to sleep. Mat’s growing dark hair was tousled and messy. The guy had the worst bedhead hair you had ever seen. 
You quietly moved out of the bedroom, feet padding down the hall to the kitchen. You moved around the kitchen, getting ingredients for pancakes out of the pantry and fridge. It was a peaceful quiet in the house as you cooked and Mat slept peacefully in the room. 
Mat’s eyes slowly, his arm subconsciously moving around the space next to him. He was still waking up when he realized that you were no longer next to him. A slight pout made its way to his face as he got himself out of bed, trying to be careful with his injury. He slowly made his way to the kitchen. 
“Morning,” his sluggish voice called out to you as he leaned in the doorway of the kitchen. You jumped at the sudden appearance of your boyfriend. “Hi baby, good morning,” you said quickly, walking over to kiss his cheek before going back to your pancakes. 
He watched you cook until you finished. Mat tried to grab the plates from the cabinet, but you swatted away his arm, “Go sit! I’ll bring the food over to you.” He groaned, frustrated that he couldn’t help, but he knew that you were trying to help him get back on the ice as fast as he could. Mat made his way to the couch, resting there until you brought him over pancakes and some juice. You joined him with your own food on the couch. He turned on the TV, “Can we watch game highlights?” 
You held back a playful groan. As much as you love him, you could only watch game highlights so much. You knew he missed hockey more than anything, so you would let him watch whatever his heart desired. “Of course, babe.” The two of you ate quietly, watching the game highlights from last night’s game. Once finished, you put your plates on the coffee table, and you would put them in the sink later. 
“Could you play with my hair?” Mat asked tiredly as he let his head fall onto your lap. “I’d be able to play with more if you didn’t shave it,” you mumbled, which he sent a glare to you for. “It’s growing back,” he argued. 
You ran your fingers through his hair, pausing every once in a while to massage his scalp. The two of you quietly chatted about dinner plans and making sure the Mat was doing the exercises the training staff gave him. Mat eventually fell silent. The way that your fingers were running through his hair put him asleep. Looking down, you saw his eyes closed as his breathing slowed. You were happy that he was getting some more sleep, you knew he needed it. After a while, you stopped playing with his hair, your fingers cramping. Your legs were falling asleep with your boyfriend’s head resting on your legs, and you moved slightly. Mat’s eyes fluttered open at your movement. 
“Sorry for waking you up, baby. Go back to sleep.”
He smiled tiredly up at you, “Can we move back to the bed? I just want to sleep.” You nodded, letting him sit up before you stood. His hand found yours, and he let you lead him down the hallway back to your shared bedroom. Mat found his spot in bed quickly, holding his arm open for you to join him. You found a place in his arms comfortably, making sure you weren’t putting any strain on his injury. “I’m so in love with you,” Mat whispered as he placed a kiss on your shoulder. 
Mat nudged you carefully, signaling that he wanted you to face him. You twisted in his arms, facing your boyfriend. “Hi,” you mumbled softly, your hands cupping his face. His fingers traced circles on your hip. “I love you,” Mat said tiredly as he leaned forward, kissing your forehead. Mat loved seeing you get flustered from his comments and professions of love. “Love you too.”
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