tomspeter · 5 years
hey! Could I be added to the tag list for rebound? I’m loving it so far!
sure!! thanks for enjoying it 💞
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my child peter parker
ty child :)
looks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY
can you relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me
would you date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady boyfriend/ girlfriend | neither | i don’t kno
i truly believe we would be such good friends, like we both r stressed high schools with a wack sense of humor? what could be better 😂
send me a character!!
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thepuckishrogue · 5 years
Hi! I dont now if you still have a tag list but if so could i be added to it?
Well hello there! Yes, the tag list is still a thing, and of course I’ll add ya, no problem dearie! Thank you for taking such an interest in my writing, it really does mean the world
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bugrry · 6 years
Hi! Congrats on 400 followers! You're blog is absolutely amazing. I'm not sure if I can do two but if you can't you can just pick one to do? 🔮, I can't find the other emoji but its the story one 😅.
URL: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Bruce Banner
Icon: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Steve Rogers
Mobile Theme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Tony Stark
Posts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Thor Odinson
Overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Peter Parker
🔖  When I was in 7th grade, I was out as a lesbian to pretty much everyone I knew, and I was dating a girl at the time but I don’t want to talk ab that Anyways, I was packing up at my locker, really to just fuckin leave when some guy that I’ve never met, much less seen in my entire life comes up to me and says “Hey, do you want to go out sometime?” at this point in time I had a super short haircut and was always wearing flannel, it wasn’t a good look. that shit’s changed since then I promise I was totally at a loss of words because I was pretty sure everyone knew that guys weren’t my thing. I was thinking maybe he was asking me out as a joke?? So I kinda just said “no I don’t think so sorry” and ran away like a little bitch. That was a shit story but nothing interesting every actually happens in my life so–
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lovestruckszn · 6 years
Hi! Could i get the skylinebarnes url? Also your own url is fire 😅
yeah! i’ll share the blog with you and all of that! (also thanks i love yours too!)
my url giveaway! 
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giyuwu-san · 4 years
showers with sakusa.
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tags : @normiewrites​ @oli-imagines​ @noya-senpai-imagines​ @pancakes-and-sixpacks​ @lordexplosionsextra​ @kageyamas-writing-milk​ @caxsthetic​ @hellohollands​ @heccingdead​ @bokutokoutarou​ 
✎ bathroom fun times with the germophobe sakusa kiyoomi. (headcanons!)
ok so everyone knows this man hates germs.
like the dude literally makes it his mission to shower before anyone else to ensure the death of 99.9% germs.
honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if he found a way to kill the last 0.1% honestly.
so when you’re showering together? oh boy.
like did you seriously expect to have those lovey-dovey couple showers???????? nah bro.
he will not touch you until he is certain that you have used all 35 bathroom products.
that includes: soap, body scrubs, shampoo, conditioner, feminine wash, bleach⁠— I mean what.
don’t even get me started on all the face masks jesus christ.
corona got nothing on this man.
skincare routine be poppin.
korean 10-step skincare routine? pffft pathetic.
you can’t lie though, beauty really is pain because your skin is gLOWING.
but I feel like after a certain point in the relationship sakusa’s gonna be a lot more affectionate whenever you have showers.
it’s a slow process but you’ll get there nonetheless.
like offering to help you scrub your body, and teaching you how to ‘properly’ wash your hair.
like he’ll probably get annoyed at the little spots that you’re missing and just pushes your hands away to do it himself.
massages your scalp while he rubs the shampoo into your hair. honestly amazing.
is also probably the type to act all nonchalant when showering together for the first time.
but you know that he’s screaming in the inside.
the dude’s seen you naked a million times already at this point but he still loves it all the same no matter how hard he tries to hide it.
and when he’s tired from practice and trusts you enough he lets you be the one to give him a little scrub-a-dub-dub as he slightly dozes off.
at this point showers together have become their own date.
quarantine you say? shower dates.
just the two of you, washing away all the world’s impurities.
10/10 cleanest couple in Japan.
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bigpokico · 4 years
Of Gods and Renewal: An Introduction.
hey guys, so this is gonna be the introduction to my au! think modernized greek gods. i wrote this not to say that this is the sole plot of it, but to give you guys a taste of what it’s gonna be like! please make sure to give me some feedback on it cause i wanna know your guy’s thoughts on it <3
Word Count: 3747 
Warnings: This is a long one
Taglist: @normiewrites @mikwrites @lapofthegodss​ @haikyuuscreaming @aobaseijou @allywritesimagines​ @semdere​ @hellohollands​ @togasknifes​ @elsbels25​
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You hummed faintly to the music that played off in the distant background, running your hand  slowly through your hair, checking for any more tangles as you stared at yourself through the mirror. “All done,” you drawled out to yourself, dusting your hands off. You continued your humming as you flicked off the lights to the bathroom and walked out with somewhat of a bounce to you step, despite it being so late. It was surely far too late for the house to be this active. And yet, smooth temperate music flowed through the halls from the kitchen, as did the scent of food that you had left simmering on the stove. You steps down the hallway fell into beat with the rhythmic tapping of the music. You smiled to yourself once you found your way into the kitchen, the sounds and scents around you only growing stronger. Tonight was a good night for you to just enjoy yourself, and you planned to make every use of it.
A few minutes passed and there you were, giving the pot before you just a couple more stirs before you turned off the stove to let the food cool off. You turned around and leaned your back against the counter, eyes moving to stare outside the window of your living room. It was almost practically pitch black, which was to be expected. What was odd to you, however, was just how bright the stars seemed to shine tonight, one very much so in particular. You stood up straight from the counter and moved closer to the window to catch a better look. It was rare to see the stars so clearly as you did now, being where you lived, so maybe it was a good time to savor the moment for a short while. You rested your elbow against the window sill, leaning forward comfortably as you took in the beautiful sight. It was odd though, no matter how often you looked away, your eye seemed to be incessantly drawn to that one star. True, it did outshine those around it by a long shot, but it couldn’t have been just that. You couldn’t help but feel something there, inside of that star, something you couldn’t put a finger on. You stared directly at it this time, not looking away one bit. After a few seconds, you felt a tad dizzy as you felt yourself almost being pulled into the direction of the star, like gravity. You felt yourself leaning more and more forward as the bright spot of light absolutely captivated you, successfully drowning out all other surroundings.
It wasn’t until the timer back in the kitchen went off, signaling to you that the food you prepared was ready, that you were able to snap back from reality. The sensation of being pulled back to your senses hit you quick enough to throw off your equilibrium somewhat, causing you to gasp to yourself from the odd chill that ran through you. You stood up still for a few seconds as you tried to regain a grasp of your surroundings, the alarm from the other room still ringing. “That was weird,” you muttered to yourself, but decided it best to shake it off and continue with your night, not before giving one last, confused but brief glance to the night sky.
The setting changed to you now sitting at the dining table, eating alone, but you were fine with that. Your body swayed absentmindedly while you ate. You tried your best to savor this moment you had to yourself, however, it seemed it would be short lived. In the midst of chewing, you heard a strange noise causing you to halt in your movements. It was outside, and usually that would have been normal and nothing to look at. But this noise was so unfamiliar, you had to listen in to try and figure out what it was. It was faint, a distant whistling sound. What was the oddest, however, was that as the seconds went by, it seemed to get louder and louder.
You were so focused on thinking of possible things that could make such a sound, that the loud and thunderous “crash” you heard just outside your house startled you enough for you to shoot out of your chair with a surprised scream. Without thinking too much on it, you moved from the table and hurriedly started your way towards the front door, before throwing it open to step outside and investigate what the hell that noise was.
It didn’t take you long to find what was there.
“Oh my God!” you yelped in horror. A man laid center of your yard, sprawled across the now very singed grass, the lawn surrounding him turnt and torn up to piles of soil. You frantically made your way over to him, hovering over the man with wide, confused eyes. Looking at him, you assumed him to be hurt, very hurt. The cloth surrounding his arm was decorated with blood, though at the moment you could see no direct wound. Only enough time was spared for him to groan in discomfort before you realized that perhaps you should do something about this. “Just stay right there. I’ll be right back, I’m gonna go call 119,” you turned to leave, but your plans were halted when the man grabbed you by the ankle, stopping you from moving any further. “Don’t!” he shouted, his tone forceful enough to stop you from trying to do anything further, at least for a moment.
The man must have realized how loud he was, and that soon all of this could catch some neighbour’s attention, for the next time he spoke his volume was much lower, though his voice held the same level of demand to it, “Ok it looks bad, but I’m fine, it’s not nearly as bad as it looks. Trust me, just don’t call the ambulance.” Your mouth fell agape at his words, utterly stupefied, “I’m sorry, what? But you’re bleeding!”
The stranger shifted to sit up somewhat and grunted from discomfort, “Again, it’s not nearly as bad as it looks. If you want to help me, can we take this inside? I’d rather not talk about this on your lawn.” Your expression of confusion grew even stronger as you watched him say these words. ‘What is happening right now?’ You opened your mouth to argue that you were a complete stranger, but something unknown stopped you. You made eye contact with him, and the man seemed to stare through you. In a brief moment, thought left your head and a wave of warmth washed over your being. And for some reason, you found yourself nodding. Not giving yourself time to really question why exactly you had said yes, you held out a hand to help him stand up. He was far heavier than he looked, it took all your strength to keep your balance and not completely fall over as you pulled him up.
You offered to help him walk inside, but he insisted that he do it on his own. He had a minor limp to him, but otherwise, seemed to be doing just fine, despite just mere minutes ago looking much worse for wear. The two of you made your way into the house, and you saw him making his way to the couch. “Oh no way in hell,” you started, taking him by surprise, “not with how dirty you are, those couches are cloth. Over there.” With a snap of your fingers, you pointed to the dining room, to which he grumbled under his breath but thankfully obeyed. He pulled out a chair and took a seat across from your original spot. Rather than sitting like he thought you would, you instead walked into the kitchen. The stranger couldn’t see what you were doing, but he could hear the opening of a drawer and the clanging together of thin metal. It didn’t take long for you to come back to the table, and when he saw you sit down and set a rather large steak knife down in front of you, his eyebrow quirked up in question. “A knife, really?” he asked, and you shrugged. “I don’t know who you are,” was all you said, and he couldn’t argue with that.
A brief moment of silence went by once again before you asked, “So first off, what’s your name?”
To your reasonable surprise, he paused and pursed his lips, his expression alone conveying troublesome contemplation over your question. What he exactly needed to contemplate was lost on you as you flashed him a confused squint. Nonetheless, he eventually answered, somewhat undecidedly, “Iwaizumi Hajime.”
“I wasn’t aware a name would be that difficult,” you teased, to which he simply rolled his eyes. “And yours?” Iwaizumi asked, leaning further back into his chair. You told him your name, and the corner of his mouth itched upwards the smallest amount, “Cute.”
“Aww, thanks. But flattery will get you nowhere,” your tone held a sarcastic sweetness to it, cueing an unfazed chuckle from the man before you. “Now another question, before I help you. What on earth happened out there?” you asked, leaning forward for his awaited answer. For the first time tonight, Iwaizumi seemed truly unsure of himself, maybe even nervous. “Well, it’s really complicated,” was all he said at first, scratching the back of his head. To that, you shook your head and clicked your tongue disapprovingly, “Not good enough. You gotta give me something.”
He sighed and began to lean forward to rest his weight on his knees. However, the sudden movement caused you to panic and you quickly grabbed the knife that rested on the table, not with enough energy to show you were ready to pounce, but with enough to show a warning. Iwaizumi held one of his hands up and his eyes widened, now the both of you were startled, “Relax. I’m just getting comfortable.” In any other situation, you would have put on a nervous smile and apologized for the assumption, but right then, you simply exhaled and slowly set the sharp object back down, eventually leaning back into your very own chair. “Now as I was going to explain,” he began, half hearted offense lacing his tone, “I got into a fight and when I was getting away, I fell on your lawn because I was that tired.”
Not at all satisfied with his answer, you glared at him, “Huh? Bullshit.” He scowled right back at you and crossed his arms, grumbling, “Oh yeah? Well that’s what happened. What do you want me to say?”
“You’re telling me you got into a fight and did a little trip and fell on my lawn? I don’t believe that for a number of reasons. One, you look awful, no offense,” you pointed at him to emphasize your point as you gestured up and down to all of him, his clothing accessorized with spots of blood and dirt. He opened his mouth to retort from the insult but before he could speak you continued, “And second, the noise I heard was way too loud to be just someone falling. That’s ridiculous.”
“Well, there’s obviously more details to it, but that’s a long story short. And for the noise, I fall heavy, really heavy.” You simply stared at him for a solid moment, with him staring right back. Your eyes squinted for a short while before you face relaxed and you sighed, obviously not satisfied, “Is that really all I’m gonna get out of you?” He nodded, and you slumped in your chair due to his stubbornness. “Well fine, keep your secrets,” you huffed, to which he gave a small breath of amusement. “Alright, well why don’t you want me taking you to the hospital?” like the last one, this question seemed to catch him off guard as well. Iwaizumi hummed and chewed on his lip in thought before saying, “Hospitals scare me.” You leaned forward and gave him a look of skepticism. “Really?” you said with an exasperated tone, to which he simply nodded. At this point, this whole conversation was starting to become frustratingly comical.
“Any more questions?” Iwaizumi asked, the question was more rhetorical than anything else. To his surprise, you still said, “Yeah, I have one more question for you.”
“Alright, shoot.”
“This isn’t all one big scheme to kill and rob me, right?” the question was only half serious, but hey, you thought it would be worth a shot asking anyway. Iwaizumi hunched over slightly as a laugh bellowed from his chest, though it only lasted for a few moments. He looked back up at you and shook his head, an amused smile gracing his features, “Even if that was my plan, do you think I would answer ‘yes’ to that? Which, by the way, it’s not.” You heaved another sigh and threw your hands in the air, shrugging, “Worth a try.”
You stood up from your chair and dusted off your sides, “Now as much as I love talking to you, you’re kind of really, really dirty and I’m not a fan. I have some guy clothes from my brother that should fit and I have gauze lying around here somewhere. Go on and shower, then I can help you get bandaged up.” He nodded in agreement and stood up, “Thank you.” It was the first time he stood to his full height that night, and there was something about him that was beyond large. Not just physically, but more so within his presence. The way he seemed to naturally loom over you as he moved, his posture, his eyes. You had to stop yourself from taking a step back from him, even though he had yet to even make a step towards you. Though eventually, he did take those couple steps towards you, as you held your chin up and fought the urge to move away. He stood before you, less than a foot away while his eyes looked you up and down, scanning you. He said your name, to your surprise, and your eyes shifted upwards to meet his, “Yes?” His lips parted to speak, but he stopped and shook his head, causing you to swallow a lump formed in your throat, “No, nothing. Don’t worry about it.” He turned away from you and began to walk towards your hallway. Finally, you took in a breath, “First door to your right.”
You walked into your bedroom and started to rummage through one of the many drawers to your dresser. Oddly, both the men’s clothing and the gauze seemed to be with each other in the bottom drawer. ‘How weirdly convenient,’ you thought to yourself, before swiftly moving on. After leaving the bedroom with your items, you stood in front of the bathroom door, and gingerly knocked. Through the sound of running water, you could hear a muffled, “Come in.” You opened the door and stepped into the bathroom, eyes trying their best to avoid stealing a peek at him through the glass. “I’m just going to set your clothes over here, alright?” you said, trying to stop the awkward shakes in your voice, despite all you got in return being a nonchalant, “Thanks.” Turning to leave, your eyes failed you and ended up sneaking a peek into the glass anyway, mostly out of curiosity. The glance lasted less than a second, but it still felt shameful. Clearing your throat, you quickly made your way out of the bathroom and closed the door, now only holding the bandages. “Pervert,” you chided to yourself, pinching your arm as you felt heat spread upwards into your neck and face.
You found yourself back at the window as you waited for him to finish. Staring back up at the night sky, you searched for that star that was once so captivating. It was odd, though, since it seemed to be gone. You continued to search for it with focused eyes, determined to find it. A star can’t just disappear, after all. But this one seemed to have vanished.
Thankfully, it didn’t take too long for Iwaizumi to finish his shower. You heard the bathroom door open and looked over his direction. Iwaizumi stepped out of the bathroom as steam rolled out from the doorway behind him, and he started to make his way towards you. The shirt was somewhat of a tight fit, but it seemed to do the job. True, the tight clothes did help to accentuate his silhouette, but you were trying your darndest to not stare. ‘Look anywhere but him, y/n. It’s fine, think about the bees.’
“I could take some bandaging now,” Iwaizumi’s voice rumbled in his chest, snapping your attention back to him. “Right!” you exclaimed a little too loud, embarrassed at your suddenly odd behavior. He only gave you an amused smile, before walking past you to sit on the sofa, given that he was now clean. You followed his path and sat yourself next to him, your front side facing the back of the sofa so your knees pressed against his hip. “Where are you cut?” you asked while you unrolled some of the gauze roll, and he lifted up his arm. “Oh god,” you grimaced, the cut was much larger than you expected, you were surprised he was actually able to shower with the wound. His lips curled upwards ever so slightly, and he shrugged, “It looks a lot worse than it is.”
Your eyebrows raised in surprise, but you started your work on his arm, “High pain tolerance, huh?” He nodded, but said nothing in return. While slowly wrapping his arm with the white cloth, you noticed for the first time a tattoo on his arm. “A boar?” you questioned, moreso to yourself than anything. Iwaizumi nodded and smiled, rather humbly, “Yeah, I guess you could say they’re my favorite animal.”
“Oh, how weird, mine too!” the reply took Iwaizumi by surprise, and his body shifted an inch to face you a little more. “A weird animal to like, don’t you think?” you shrugged at his comment, and then jokingly retorted, “I like their attitudes.”
Iwaizumi gave a quiet chuckle and nodded, “I guess so.”
The rest of the wrapping went by without much more talking, but you were fine with that. You tied it up into a knot, and dusted your hands off to show that the job was finished. You stood up from your spot on the couch, and stood in front of him with your hands rested on your hips. “Now, just curious. Are you ever gonna tell what really-”
Your words were cut off as the sound of thunder crackled furiously from outside, it having enough force to it that you could feel its vibrations from the soles of your feet. Flashes of lighting began to illuminate the room from the light that leaked through the windows. Your eyes widened in confusion and a hand instinctively flew up to your chest in fright, “What was that?” The sound of Iwaizumi gulping thickly brought your attention back to him, and you scanned his face. He seemed...worried. He stood up and hastily passed by you to lean down and peer through the window, his eyes moving back and forth to examine the sky.
Minor droplets of sweat began to form along his hairline, and his skin seemed just a shade paler than it had before. “Iwaizumi, are you afraid of lightning?” you asked in assumption, in your attempt to lighten the mood somewhat, his expression was too grave for even you to handle. It was as if he completely ignored your question. The number of lightning bolts that littered the sky began to rapidly grow, stretching out against the black background rather ominously. “I’m in trouble,” Iwaizumi muttered to himself quietly, before looking back at you. He looked nervous, that was true; his skin now had a sheen of sweat to it and his eyes stood wide with nerves. But it was something about him that caused chills to travel through your spine. It was that smile of his, betraying his other features as it held utter excitement.
“Iwaizumi? What’s going on?” you spoke once again, and in a way, already knowing that you were not going to get a direct answer, considering you have yet to get one from him so far. For a mere moment, his face turned into something of a calmer nature while he walked over to you. Iwaizumi grabbed you by the shoulders tightly, forcing you to meet his eyes. “None of this is gonna make sense if I explain it to you right now, but I will, I promise. But it seems I don’t really have a lot of time right now, guess he’s madder than I thought. There’s a reason I’m here right now, but I’m going to have to come back at a better time it seems. I know, it doesn’t make any sense right now, but please, can you bear with me for a little while longer?”
The words from his mouth made so little sense, it almost sent you into a daze, making it difficult to fully process anything he was saying to you. Yet, despite your confusion, you found yourself nodding to his request, not that it would really help. Iwaizumi let go of you and walked over to the front door. He threw it open and immediately, a harsh wind flooded its way into your house. The storm was growing. He looked back at you once more, and his lip curled to the side in a smirk you considered dangerously mischievous. “Soon,” was all he said. And not a second later, a bright white light formed and began to flow and circulate around Iwaizumi. Just as fast as that light appeared, it disappeared with a flash and a ‘pop,’ as did he. As soon as he was gone, so was the storm. And for some odd reason, your door seemed to slowly close on its own, as well. From the shock of it all, you fell to your knees and your mouth hung agape, that one word playing in your head on tortuous repeat.
The events of everything happening that night replayed in your head as you sat there on the floor. “What just happened?” you asked breathlessly. All you were trying to do was have a nice dinner.
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saintlavrents · 4 years
thanks for the tag @thwippeter !! 💗💗
ancient or modern // bitter or sweet // chocolate or vanilla // coffee or tea // create or destroy // day or night // early bird or night owl // freckles or dimples // gold or silver // greek mythology or egyptian mythology // macarons or eclairs // hot or cold // thunder or lightning // typewritten or handwritten // secret garden or secret library // spicy or mild // dark or light magic // virtue or vice // ocean or desert // mermaids or sirens // known or unknown // rough or smooth // moon or stars // rain or snow
tagging: @mymoontom @peeterparkr @johnsambrosemcclaren @lost-aesthetic-of-past @hellohollands @dahliaspidey
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dewycreations · 3 years
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Say cheese! 🧀 These cheesy stickers are available in the webshop. 🇳🇱 Grab your Holland themed items there! 🤗 #helloholland #hollandismooi #holland #hollandstyle #kaas #cheese #funny #kaasje #nederland #nederlandseillustrator #stationerydesign #stickers #stationerydesigner #stationery #stationeryart #stationeryartist #stickershop #stickerart #stickerdesign #funnysticker #sticker #stickeraddict #postcrossing #snailmail #knutselen https://www.instagram.com/p/CU67JVnrcXh/?utm_medium=tumblr
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crypticavengers · 6 years
GORGEOUS (teaser)
paring: bucky barnes x reader
word count: 200
warnings: mentions of death.
au: roommate!bucky
A/N: hi, this has been in the works for about several months. please don’t judge it by the teaser, trust me the prologue is better and so forth. if you wanna be on my tag list send an ask ! thank you guys. im so excited for this. (:
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“ did you know ur on fire?
did you know that ur beautiful?
did you know u got me fucked up?
did you know that ur gorgeous? ”
Roommates were hard to come by in New York, good ones at least. You have been searching for a roommate for about 3 months, even though it felt like a decade. Ever since college, you have been staying in your old room at your parent’s house. You were grateful for your parents for letting you stay, but you needed to get away from the room that haunted you more and more every day.
Bucky, on the other hand, hates living alone. After losing his father, coming home to an empty apartment wasn’t something he wanted. He always brought girls home, something to fill the void in his big empty home. But they always leave, and soon enough his home just didn't feel like home anymore.
But what happens when Bucky and you meet for the first time in an unusual circumstance, and he asks for you to move in?  How will Bucky handle his life with you in it, as he tries figuring you out? What will he do in order to show you that you're the most gorgeous person he has ever seen? 
TAGLIST (send an ask to be added!) 
@treegelbman @hellohollands
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aesthetics tag
tagged by: @nataliamaximoff
rules: bold all the aesthetics that you relate to
side a - the city
glittering lights, yawning skyscrapers, broken glass shards, street gangs, hiphop music, late night strolls, blinking stars, sleek cars, flickering neon signs, glittery earrings, small tattoos, empty subways, dark eyeshadow, snapping cameras, cozy apartments, fried churros, silver necklaces, dyed hair, ripped jeans, bright lipstick, dazzling smiles.
side b - the book nerd
large glasses, steaming hot chocolate, thick books, lofi music, hot pastries, soft smiles, large sweaters, quiet libraries, small flowers, melting candles, sweetened coffee, messy hair buns, soft pillows, fairy lights, vanilla scents
side c - the stereotypical girl
soft pinks, mini skirts, crop tops, romantic fantasies, love songs, strawberry milkshakes, lipgloss, high ponytails, candy hearts, nail polish, starbucks coffee, clear skies, hoop earrings, excited ramblings, stuttering heartbeats, rose bouquets, soft blushes
side d - the stereotypical boy
arcade games, graphic t-shirts, baseball caps, chocolate milkshakes, messy rooms, acoustic guitars, chocolate chip cookies, multi-colored bruises, rap music, nightly escapades, stolen glances, pencil-drumming, chocolate milk boxes, low hums
side e - the nature hippie
mini plants, cloud-watching, star gazing, damp forests, sandy beaches, ocean waves, wildflowers, hiking, iced lemon tea, gardening, hippie music, buttered toast, birds chirping, multi-coloured leaves, evening sunlight, fruit cups, sundresses
side f - the rebel
cherry lollipops, devil hand signs, grape flavoured bubble gum, rock music, killer boots, dark make-up, horror movies, denim jackets, switchblades, handguns, stargazing on rooftops, glowing cigarettes, large headphones, skull rings, converse shoes, graffiti murals, glowing moonlight, rose thorns, fishnet stockings
side g - the winter
busy cafes, oversized hoodies, drizzling rain, small snowflakes, marshmallows in hot chocolate, loose hair, sad music, reading a book, blanket forts, frozen lakes, crackling fireplaces, old movies
side h - the summer
tank tops, lemonade, sunny days, dripping popsicles, short haircuts, tinted sunglasses, cotton candy, amusement parks, traveling, blasting music on the car radio, wagging dog tails, large sunflowers, snow cones
side i - the autumn
pumpkin lattes, warm bakeries, warm colours, hair braids, soft sweaters, colourful leaves, purring cats, dark chocolate bars, romance movies, soft music, zentangling, vintage cameras
side j - the spring
floral scents, peach tea, mint shampoo, tinkling laughter, video cassettes, colourful paintings, excited smiles, lollipop sticks, blooming flowers, melting snow, action movies, singing in the shower
i tag: @hellohollands @classic-jpeg @lovelyh0lland @pbnjparker @herronsangel  and anyone else that wants to do it, just say i tagged you :)
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jupiterparker · 6 years
espresso (p.p)
chapter four
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collaboration with @peachesandparker ♡ ♡
summary: in need of a summer job, you never would have thought that becoming a barista at an upcoming cafe would lead to helping two superheroes.
warnings: none
paring: peter parker x female!reader
word count: 1.3k
our masterlists: shruti | alyssa
chapter three | series masterlist | chapter five
Once Peter started frequencing the tower while you were around, Tony started acting strange. Strange as in whenever Peter would enter the room, Tony’s usage of puns increased a lot. Now, at first you didn’t have a problem with puns. But after a week of being around Tony’s puns. You were starting to get ticked off, especially when they were spider puns. The spider puns were the worst.
Peter raised his hand to wave at you, and once the doors were closed, he blushed and whispered, “I’m glad to see you too Y/N.”
“Oh hey there Peter! I didn’t see you there” you said, as you bumped into him. You were carrying Tony’s empty coffee cup back to the cafe area so you could make him yet another espresso again.
“I’m so sorry!” Peter replied, catching hold of the cup, inadvertently causing you both to hold hands.
“Yeah, you're very stealthy” Tony added on, unessarcily butting in to your conversation, causing you to groan, “You could be a very good spy you know”
“And here we go again” you muttered as tony turned to look at you before he delivered yet another pun.
“Hey Peter, do you know what you call an undercover spider?” he asked, biting down his laughter at the sight of your annoyed face.
“What?” Peter said, tilting his head curiously. You had no clue how that poor boy wasn't sick of all of Tony’s puns, especially since he had been his intern for much longer than you.
“A spy-der” Tony said, laughing so hard as he wiped a tear from his face. He stopped after a couple seconds once he realized that neither of you were joining in on the laughter.
Shaking your head at him, you left the room, dragging Peter with you. As you both walked together, you had a feeling that Peter was holding back on something. Turning to face him, you said, “You can laugh Peter it’s okay, I think we are far enough.”
At this, Peter stopped walking as he laughed so hard he doubled over, clutching his stomach. You made no move to help him as you just watched this curly brown haired boy possibly die of laughter over a stupid pun.
“I’m sorr- sorry. Sometimes his puns are just so funny that I just need to laugh, even though they are so terrible” Peter said as he tried to calm down. You just sighed, shaking your head at him, as you were slightly assumed at the boy in front of you.
“That did remind me of something, how come he only gives spider puns when you are around? You scared of spiders or something” you asked. It was a simple question, but you got a lot more curious as Peter’s face became a lot more white, “I’m sorry, you don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to, i don’t mean to push” you quickly stated, your guilt overcoming your curiosity.
“Yeah, I’m sorry” Peter said, shoving his hands into his pockets and looking down. The rest of the walk to the cafe was much more awkward, and you could feel the tension.
“So” Peter said, breaking the silence, “i got to go… run some errands yeah, but I’ll see you later?” You nodded at him, smiling slightly as you watch him go. As you started on Tony’s new cup of coffee, you sighed to yourself feeling bad about asking him about spiders, but you still wanted to ask Tony about it, as he probably knew you were going to pick up on it anyways.
But why did it run off like that? You knew that Peter was trying to convince- you that he just had to go, but it felt like he was running away from you. Your train of thought got cut off short as the coffee overflowed, burning your hand. Hissing, you dropped the cup on the ground, shattering the cup and wasting the cup of coffee.As you cleaned up the mess and started on the new cup of coffee, Tony had noticed you were Spitalking a long time and came up to check on you.
“Hey kiddo you okay?” Tony said from behind you, starling you. Thankfully this time you were holding any coffee, otherwise that would have been the second cup of coffee you had wasted today.
“Yeah, sorry I just dropped your original cup of coffee”
“r.i.p that mug” Tony muttered, causing a small oops to come out of your mouth. Tony waved that off, continuing to a different mug, “you usually are so attentiful Y/N. What’s wrong? What’s on your mind? And don’t give me any of the ‘no’ crap business okay.”
“Uhh, I was just mentioning to Peter about how you only seem to say spider puns whenever he is around, and he just ran off running away from me” you said, hoping that your response wouldn't start up more spider puns from Tony. Thankfully Tony didn’t, as he seemed much more thoughtful and impressed?
“I’m impressed that you picked up on that so quickly” he said, reading your mind, “I thought it would talk you another week to pick up that pattern.
“But why? Why try and get me to pick up on that?” you asked, getting even more confused.
“Well you see, there is a connection between Peter and Spider-Man” Tony said, taking the coffee from you.
“What??” you asked, trying really hard not to scream at Tony, as he just took a sip like he hadn’t just dropped a huge bomb on you, “Why tell me??”
“Well you are now basically my assistant, because I need coffee 24/7 , and I spend a lot of time with Spider Man, so it makes sense that you would find out his identity sooner or later” Tony said taking sips of his coffee in between, “This espresso is as good as ever, what your secret?”
You ignored his last question as you were putting all the information in your head when you realized something, “Wait” you said, causing Tony to look at shocked face, “You said that Peter and Spider Man had a connection but then you said I would have to know his identity sooner or later, so that means…”
“Shit” Tony said, putting down his coffee and going around the counter to calm you down, “Hey, hey, it's okay, but what conclusion did you exactly come to? Just so I can confirm?”
“That I’m Spider Man!” you exclaimed, getting annoyed at Tony now.
“What wait? That’s not right at all, but okay- wait how did you even come to this?” Tony asked, reaching out to knock on your head to see if it was hollow or not to to see if you were okay.
“No dipshit, that Peter is Spider Man of course!” you said, whispering that last part as you smacked Tony on the head, “I’m not stupid and that’s the only reasonable conclusion seeing as you acted like I knew the identity when I didn’t!”
Tony rubbed his head in pain while frowning at you, debating if he should let you slide. He ultimately did probably because of the shock he put you through.
“Haha, yep, you figured it out kid, on your own. None of this had anything to do with me, okay?” he said nervously, slowly backing away out of the room. A second after that, he ran back in to grab his coffee.
As you saw him leave the room with his coffee, there was only one thing on your mind.
Should I be worried about his caffeine intake?
chapter five
Taglist: @djjffkd, @pallored, @your-daily-dose-of-fangirl, @penisprkr, @tuttigunner, @doihavetobesocialrightnow,  @supernatural-strangerthings-1980, @lovelyh0lland, @sprinklemetommy, @marvelsmagics, @yoinksholland, @21-chemicalpanicboys, @tomsfireheart, @hello-love06, @embrace-themagic, @fireboltrose7559, @ourdeliciousfoxcollector, @avenged-nightmare, @treegelbman, @rainbow-marvel, @tom-hollands-eyelash, @fallinallintom, @peachesandparker, @tomhiddleston-is-theloveofmylife, @holland-haven, @oh-dear-tommy, @elentiya02, @futzingclint, @tony-starks-ego, @what-is-yeet, @lubrielx, @ticklishrainbow, @ukulele-tea-and-ocean, @adorablyparker, @onlyfangirlsunderstand, @underoospeter, @mandatheredpanda , @yourwonderbelle, @daringbanshee, @chayavered0116, @stargeek727, @justagirlthatreads, @sofiasunshines, @fandom-is-my-middle-name, @nexitye*, @hellohollands, @maddieisaacs, @clockworkherondale, @negasonictw, @royalestrellas, @butwhyduh, @stuttering-psychopath, @in-the-corner-coffee-please, @hellosherlockscheekbones, @printedpeterparker, @multifandomslut, @in-the-potterhead-know, @xoitsjustmexo*, @peter-parkers-pizza, @spideynora*, @euphoricmads, @wtfsylen, @watchoutforfrostbite, @trindangles, @jiaaera, @infinityrose338
*can’t tag you
be added to the taglist for espresso here
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saintlavrents · 5 years
good ol’ tag game
Rules: tag nine people you want to get to know better
I was tagged by @suitupspidey ! thanks for tagging me!!
Favorite color: blue
Lipstick or chapstick: chapstick af ((coz im allergic to lipstick lmao))
Top three ships: pepperony, hope/scott, starmora
Last song: prom - sza
Last movie: endgame
Currently reading: see you in the cosmos by jack cheng
Tagging: @revenantwriting, @johnsambrosemcclaren, @screamholland, @hellohollands, @underoosjae and anyone who wants to do it 💗💗
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bugrry · 6 years
400 follower celebration
So I hit the big four-double-O I’m sorry I’ll never say that again earlier today and I wanted to do something special for you guys!!
To celebrate send me an ask with:
🔮: for a blog rate, in this format ;
URL: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Bruce Banner
Icon: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Steve Rogers
Mobile Theme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Tony Stark
Posts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Thor Odinson
Overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Peter Parker
🐝: To get a random song from my music library!
🌻 + a question for me: I’ll give you a 3 card tarot reading about your past, present, and future regarding that subject
🔖: I’ll tell you a quick story about me
Finally, Send me a blog name you have a crush on & ill @ them for you!
Tagging some mutuals so this doesn’t flop oops
  @tomsfireheart @ppaarker @youreanavengernowkid @helloitsbees @hellohollands @hollanderheart @melancholland @lushparker @buttercupholland @spideykisses @spideypnw @emoblackpink @wheezingboogara @pbnjparker @stardustparker @heavenlytom @spideycentral-1 @booboogara @manhoeparker @stormyparker @darlintom @tommohollands @accidentallymarvel @marveltrashtime @sophiallllis @retrostan @cherryhollands @flirtyparker @ceruleanparker @beautiful-holland @falllingangelll @a-fusion-of-cutlery @andromedacdxll @hxghlady @tomhollanduniverse @elsewherewitch @hollandinstagram @fireandthrones @hollandlovely
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dewycreations · 3 years
Tumblr media
Hoe leuk zijn deze molen stickers! 🇳🇱 Verstuur ze met een kaartje of plak ze op je laptop. Je vindt ze in mijn webshop! #nederland #nederlandseillustrator #holland #hollandinbeeld #helloholland #windmolen #haarlem #noordholland #hollandismooi #molen #mill #kaartje #kaarten #kaartjesturen #snailmail #snailmaillove #stickerart #dutchdesign #postcrossing #post #postkaartje #dutchdesign #illustratie #illustrator #architecture #stationerydesign #stickershop #stickers #sticker #stickeraddict https://www.instagram.com/p/CUXSP3os0eS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lokiislowkeyhot · 6 years
akjdhdhd hi! can you compliment @tomsfireheart @hellohollands @pbnjparker and @retrostan pleaseee? thank you 💕💕💕💕
Hiii and yes I would love too !!! @tomsfireheart you are like the sweetest person on here, also your theme is so so beautiful and your moodboards are amazing I am in love with them @hellohollands your blog is so beautiful wow !!! I love your theme and your post are so awesome !!!@pbnjparker your theme is so wonderful wow wow wow and your post are fantastic !!! @retrostan your blog is SO beautiful too and your content is so so nice !!!! AND YOUR ICON WOW(ngl at this point I am so amazed by how beautiful all these blogs are ??!!! It's like I just saw the fantastic four of beautiful themes)
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