#he is sunshiiine
khaotunq · 2 months
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Endless Chonlatee Gifs (15/?): Khaotung Thanawat as Chonlatee (Tonhon Chonlatee, 2020)
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iguessricciardo · 7 months
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las vegas gp 2023 - qualifying day / Photo by Kym Illman
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dickgraysonsbitch · 6 months
batfam incorrect quotes
cass: the reason i’m a vegetarian isn’t because i love animals, it’s because i hate plants
steph: i’m pretty sure you got that off of facebook. and you’re not even a vegetarian.
cass: im sorry, i can’t hear you over the sound of you being a hater
dick: sunshiiine, and raiiiinbows, and unicoooorns that poop gliiiiitter…
bruce: *eyebrows raised in concern* are you ok?
dick: nO bruce i am suffering from crippling depression
tim: oh my gosh twinsies!
damian: why won’t my father tell me that he’s proud of me?
cass: because you’re a little shit
tim: *sneezes*
dick: bless you
jason: *sneezes*
dick: hey are you feeling all right?
damian: *sneezes*
bruce: *sneezes*
dick: shut the fuck up
damian speaking arabic: هذا كله خطأك!
cass: yeah, i know
jason: you speak arabic?
cass: no, i just know the phrase. ‘this is all your fault?’
cass: he says it a lot
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androoidhell · 14 days
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sunnydayroleplay · 1 year
Jack taking care of an injured reader that's still trying to work despite being injured.
Aw, I have so many ideas for this one ^^ But, we’re gonna keep it simple.
I personally also work a lot despite me being heavily injured, I just go practically insane when things aren’t clean or finished, so well- This just gonna be me being a slight hypocrite for a bit.
Contents Inside: Injuried/Sick Reader, Workaholic Reader, Jack ( g e n t l y ) body slamming you to your bed, etc, etc..
18- DNI, though this is a relatively SFW post, the game it is based off of is not. This is an 18+ community. It is for your own safety, and you interacting not only jeopardizes that, it jeopardizes mine, and the creators of the games. For SFW + 18- safe content, check out my art page instead. @feralhalfnhalfcreamer
You weren’t the best with taking care of yourself.
Whether that be with school, days and nights without taking a break or sleeping because of homework and studying..
Taking late or double shifts…
Paying the bills, doing taxes, cleaning up the house.
You constantly worked on everything and everyone that you didn’t have enough energy for yourself.
Jack did his best to help around, but you felt bad that he did so much, so you just told him off. That it was fine.
He wasn’t at ALL okay with the fact that you were practically killing yourself like this.
And the final straw was today.
About a few days ago, you sustained a really bad blow to your knee whilst moving some heavy boxes and things around your house.
Though Jack told you that he didn’t mind carrying things to help, you said you were good on your own.
As soon as he heard that loud “thud” he ran from the other room to make sure you were okay.
You tried your hardest to convince him that you didn’t need to get it checked out, but after hours of him pleading, you gave in.
Your doctor said to lay off it, and that you shouldn’t walk unless needed, and to ice + elevate it frequently to help the bruising and pain.
Or in other words, if you kept working while on it, of course it would get worse.
And unfortunately this wasn’t a first time of any body part getting worse for you.
As soon as you got home, Jack babied you, made sure that you did everything the doctor said.
He gave you a bath, and you got into something comfortable.
“Jack, I still have to do-“
“No! You are resting! You never catch a break! I don’t want your knee to get worse.”
“Well, there’s BEEN worse! I’ll be okay, please let me handle it.”
“No, no, and no!! You barely sleep, you need to take care of yourself, you don’t need to do so much.”
You sighed and just reluctantly followed his words. You didn’t have the energy to start an argument about this again, and your knee fucking killed you.
A few hours passed, and you just couldn’t take it.
There was things that needed to get done, and you needed them DONE.
Painfully, you got up from your bed, and slowly walked out of the room, clutching anything in reach as a temporary replacement to your lack of a leg.
Fortunately for Jack, you weren’t quiet about it.
Concerned for the sudden noises coming from your door, he came in to check on you.
“Sunshiiine?~ You okay in there?”
He knocks on the door twice.
“Ye-Yeah! Yeah! I’m okay, just- dropped my phone.”
“Oh! Do you need me to get it for you?”
“NO!- No, no, I’m okay!”
“Sunspot, what’s going on?”
“I’m coming in.”
With that, he opens the door to find you sneaking out slowly, staring right into his eyes.
“I thought I told you to rest? You’re only gonna get more hurt, and then you won’t be able to do anything. And I don’t want that for you.”
He smiles softly, pressing a gloved hand to your cheek.
“Sunshine, I love you and everything you do. You’re a hard worker, and you’re dedicated. But you need to take a break everynow and then. It’s really affecting your health.”
Dropping his hand, he picks you off your feet to bring you to bed.
“What if it wasn’t just your knee next time? I don’t want it getting to that. Just.. promise me you’ll take a break?”
You nod your head softly, caressing your cheek against his arm as if you were a tiny kitty rubbing its body against your legs.
He smiled as he laid your body back into your bed, joining you right after.
He pressed a few kisses to your forehead and one to your lips as he played with your hair, slowly lulling you to slumber.
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starlocked01 · 1 year
Dukexiety Week Day 7- Soulmates
Summary: Virgil makes a pet food run with disastrous wonderful results
WC: 2441
Warnings: swearing, panic attacks, non-consensual touch (non-sexual), negative self talk, past abusive relationship, past Anxceit, nonbinary Remus
A/N: Who would I be if I didn't write the soulmate prompt and post it late for Remus' birthday? Happy Birthday my favorite intrusive thot! 💚
"Look alive, Sunshiiine~"
Virgil groaned and rolled over in bed, ignoring his alarm. Truthfully, he wasn't sure why it was still armed since he had nothing to wake up for anymore.
The alarm jarringly skipped from the Danger Days opening to Brendon Urie screaming about something or other. Virgil groaned and wrapped a blanket over his head. He just didn't want to get up and he could feel it becoming an awful day already.
Fuck fuck fuckity fuck.
After three more screaming emo songs, Virgil finally managed to sit up to the softer tones of Evanescence, rubbing at his eyes and groaning in general protest of the concept of mornings. More like mournings.
He grabbed his favorite edgy hoodie and threw it on over his nightshirt, yawning as he smacked the shit out of the alarm clock. Wincing at the cracks and pops in his joints as he stood, Virgil made his way over to the full length mirror hot glued to his bedroom door. Most of his decorations were hot glued in place because of Ryuk.
As if on cue, the slinky little black kitten pushed her way in the slightly ajar door, meowing her own protest against Virgil’s inability to wake up and feed her promptly in the morning. Virgil smiled softly and bent down, petting her and ruffling the fur between her ears.
"Easy, baby. I'll get your food soon," he promised as the kitten stretched up to paw at the strings of his hoodie. Ryuk was about the only one in his life who he let see him without his daily make-up routine, and the only one who didn't flinch upon seeing his dead black soulmark.
Virgil scooped her up and stood to examine himself. The deep dark markings under his eyes and streaking down his cheeks to his neck were a complete enigma. Most soulmarks were on shoulders, hips, hands, or elbows, places people commonly accidentally bumped each other. He had no idea who would touch his face this way the first time they met. It didn't look like a kiss, it looked like he was going to get beat up and his soulmark was just the dark omen of how shit his soulmate would be.
He sighed and let Ryuk perch on his shoulder- he swore his cat wanted to be a parrot- and pulled out his concealer from the make-up bag on his dresser. Ryuk watched carefully as he covered the dark soulmark, the little kitten hardly blinking. She only shifted her weight to counterbalance Virgil’s movements.
Several layers of concealer and foundation later, Virgil’s face looked as pasty as a boo ghost made of a bed sheet. He smiled sharply, grabbing eye liner because emo has got to emo and finishing the look with black lipstick. He didn’t bother to cover up the three pads of his fingers that were inky black. Hardly anyone noticed them. Ryuk meowed her support of her dark strange dad and jumped all the way to the floor, waiting impatiently for Virgil to follow.
"Alright! Food time," Virgil giggled and opened the door for her. At least Janus had left him the cat, right?
Virgil frowned as his thoughts swirled right back around to his ex. Of course they knew they weren't soulmates, but it had been reassuring being with someone else who had a strange facial soulmark. And Janus had been amazing at helping Virgil stay calm and focused enough to survive reasonably well despite near crippling anxiety.
That was until Virgil found out Janus had been lying about his soulmark for the three years they were together.
For three years, that snake had been covering up his activated soulmark with black makeup, making Virgil think he didn't know exactly who he was supposed to be with. All so he could live rent free and do almost nothing to contribute to their household, because Janus' actual soulmate wanted him to get a job. Sometimes, Virgil even wondered if the man he'd shared his bed with was actually gay. 
The break up had left Virgil absolutely devastated, and Ryuk was the only good thing to come of the relationship. So he spoiled her as responsibly as he could, taking care of the only being who truly loved him.
Depressing. Welcome to the life of the most pathetic-
Ryuk mewled as if to chastise Virgil for delaying feeding her even longer. Virgil followed the little black kitten down to the kitchen, stretching and trying to forget the previous train of thought. He picked up Ryuk’s personalized food dish (that had been an awkward request at Pet’s Mart), dumping the few soggy pellets left over from the night before and giving the dish a good rinse. He rubbed it dry with a towel while Ryuk sat patiently at his feet, waiting for her food now that she knew Virgil was actually working on it. 
He set the bowl on the counter and reached up to the cabinet where he kept her food. “Soon, pretty kitty. Just be patient for me,” he cooed at her, finding a small amount of pleasure in her responsive mew. He smiled until his hand hit nothing but the wooden shelf of the cabinet.
“What the-” Virgil’s attention snapped right back to the cabinet, swearing when he discovered that Ryuk had finished the last of their food stores last night. He groaned and glanced down at the expectant kitten, “I am so sorry- I forgot to stock up, baby.”
Ryuk tilted her head, not understanding why the magic food door wasn’t providing her the food she desperately needed to survive in this house.
“Shit- I’ll be right back-” Virgil stepped away from the counter, followed by a loud cat cry protest. He winced, hating to leave her wanting as he found a pair of ripped up black skinny jeans to throw on. The last thing he wanted right now was an impromptu shopping trip, but that was exactly what was happening. 
Ryuk kept meowing as Virgil slipped on his favorite Converse and nudged her away from the door so he could leave. He locked the door and double checked by trying to open it before walking briskly down the sidewalk with head down. 
Of course he’d forgotten his headphones to drown out the annoying shoppers around him. Virgil’s mood soured more with each step towards the store. It was truly shaping up to be a terrible day.
Virgil glanced around as he entered the store with his hood pulled all the way up. He felt acutely aware of how suspicious he looked right now. But that couldn’t be helped. He just wanted to grab Ryuk’s food and get out of there as soon as possible. He made a beeline for the Pets section, scanning the shelves for her preferred brand. He sighed in relief seeing there was one bag left. He bent down to pick it up when he heard a loud shrill whistle behind him.
“Day-um! What an ass! Is there another bag down there, sweet cheeks?”
Virgil inhaled sharply and stood up slowly, clutching the bag to his chest, “N-no, and I need this bag-” he balked at the acrid smell of pickle brine and sharp tangy iron coming from the barely dressed person standing far too close to him. He took a tentative step back toward the shelves.
“Fuck! You just had to take that one- it’s the only brand that tastes any good! Can’t your pooch or whatever settle for something else?” The person wearing what Virgil could only describe as a studded lime green bikini bottom and full body fishnets was staring at him, hands firmly on their hips. Virgil noted a nonbinary they/them pin before a wave of nausea washed over him as the smell intensified and mixed with a very deep seated feeling that this stranger was about to attack him over cat food.
“N-no, Ryuk only eats this,” He managed to stammer.
“Wait- like from Death Note?” their eyes gleamed with recognition, “You named your dog after a Shinigami?”
“She’s a cat!” Virgil exclaimed, taking another backward step and gulping as his back hit the edges of the shelving behind him, knocking a few bags off, “please- please leave me alone-”
“Hey, I’m just trying to negotiate here,” they complained, stepping closer instead. Virgil could feel tears welling up in his eyes as his terror skyrocketed.
“Go- leave- please leave me alone-” He whispered as they stepped right up in his face. He felt his logical brain shutting down, wishing he wasn’t pinned against the shelves so he could run. 
“Whoa- for one, you’re really cute,” The stranger smiled a strange wide grin, “I’d love to get to know you- wait- are you crying? What the shit?”
Virgil’s knees buckled underneath him and he slid the ground, clutching the cat food like it was his only lifeline. His breathing was rapid and shallow as he curled in on himself, praying the stranger would go away. 
“Woah, buddy, I didn’t mean-”
The stench of the rude stranger with zero sense of personal boundaries increased tenfold and Virgil felt as if he was about to pass out. 
— — —  
Remus stared at the emo laying in the fetal position at their feet. Goddamn it they’d been trying to come across less creepy when they were flirting. They crouched down and tried to gently push the man’s hood off his face to see if he was still conscious. 
How the fuck did things like this keep happening to Remus?
They saw the tears slipping down the man’s cheek. Oh fuck-
“Woah, buddy, I didn’t mean-”
The emo clutched at the bag of cat food and didn’t even respond to their voice. Remus figured the best  way to help would be to help him ground himself so they  could apologize for being so terrifying. Not that they were trying to be scary. If people were scared of them, that was their problem and Remus would not take responsibility for it. 
They kneeled in front of the man and reached out slowly, “hey- can you take a deep breath with me? Shit dude, I really didn’t mean to scare you over a bag of kibble-” When the man didn’t respond, only crying softly and breathing like a bunny, Remus inhaled and swore under their breath. Fuck Fuck Fuck. What would a smart person do? Remus sighed. If they knew that answer, they wouldn't be in this predicament in the first place. 
Gently they reached to cup the man’s face, wiping their thumbs at the tears staining his bottom eyelids. No sooner had Remus touched the man than his hand came up to smack his wrist away. Remus gasped and pulled back, their palms and wrist stinging.
Remus rubbed their wrist and harrumphed, “I’m just trying to help!” They glanced back at the stranger and gasped. Shimmery purple glowed beneath what looked like several layers of makeup on the man’s face. It spread from under his eyes to all the way down his neck. Remus stared, absolutely transfixed. Of course they had seen activated soulmarks before. But they’d never caused an activation…
Remas gasped again and spread their palms out in front of them. They started in disbelief at the green shimmery swirls that settled into a Lichtenberg figure before their eyes. They knew soulmarks sometimes formed into patterns that represented the soulmate. They looked back at the man on the ground to find him staring at his fingers, the ones he’d used to smack Remus away.
“Holy shit-” 
“Read my mind, emo. What’s your name?”
The man blinked up at Remus as if taking them in for the first time.
“Oh- Oh it’s really you…”
Remus grinned, “yeah- sorry that was so stressful.”
“I- yeah, but it’s fine,” the man shrugged, “I’m… MyNameIsVirgil,” he rushed out and Remus grinned, “he/him, by the way. I saw your pin.”
Remus nodded, “thank you, Virgil. Remus. God, I want to see your mark without all that makeup… but maybe that’s a second date idea.”
Virgil laughed sharply, “that’s assuming there’s a first!”
“There better be! I have got to meet this shinigami pussy that’s been stealing my food!”
“You… eat cat food? For real?’
Remus shrugged, “It’s cheap. Please?”
Virgil sat up and offered Remus his hand, “what’s with the ninja stars?”
Remus broke into raucous laughter, “Oh Fuck! Lolo is not gonna believe this-”
Virgil squinted, “Who? No. Too much to process right now. Um.. could you please let me get up?”
Remus scooted away on the linoleum floor, giving Virgil space to get his legs beneath him. They stood and offered Virgil a hand, subtly showing off the lightning soulmark. 
“Woah- oh that’s- is gorgeous okay?” Virgil asked, staring at the mark.
“Yeah, for sure.” Remus nodded and offered again to help him up. “Let’s go pay and talk this out at your place.”
Virgil paused a long moment before eventually nodding in agreement. He took their hand and stood, admiring how they held his hand gently yet still supported him enough to get up. Remus twisted the hold to interlock their fingers with his. Something about the gesture felt incredibly comforting. 
Virgil smiled weakly and followed him to the checkout. His heart was still racing, but he suspected for a different reason now. 
The real test would be how Ryuk took to this new person. 
— — —
Virgil stood in his bathroom with the door ajar, carefully wiping the makeup off his soul mark while Remus played with Ryuk in the living room. She very much enjoyed snagging her claws on their fishnets and they seemed absolutely delighted with the kitten. Virgil sighed softly and kept wiping away at the layers, marveling as sparkly purple tentacles revealed themselves, twisting and turning all over the previously dead black area. His lip trembled and the rag dropped from his fingers.
He met his actual soulmate, and they’d turned his greatest fear and shame into something so beautiful.
Remus gasped from behind him, staring in the mirror at the swirly purple soulmark. “Oh my god- Virge-”
Virgil smiled back at them in the mirror before turning to face them, “Yes?”
“You’re super pretty now- and that ass is still magnificent. Do- do you want to date?”
“Let’s get to know each other a bit better before getting all official with labels,” Virgil chuckled, reaching to pull Remus close. 
Ryuk mewed and headbutted at Remus’ leg, feeling left out of the family hug. Both of them grinned and Virgil let her climb him back up to his shoulder before hugging Remus close.
After all, she’d basically set them up.
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laughyoudrecognize · 2 years
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angelshimaa · 2 years
kinda obvious but the fandom one for mha/bnha
favorite character ::
least favorite character ::
hmm monoma i hate his bitchass so much so far
5 favorite ships (canon or non-canon) ::
— kiribaku
— tododeku
— shinkami
— momojirou
— reijirou 😁❤️ (ofc im gonna put my selfship in here who do you think i am
character I find most attractive ::
if we’re being shallow as in who id lose my shit over if i saw them just once with no knowledge of their personality, id say shinso. mf HAS HEIGHT ON HIM AND HE LOOKS DEAD IN A WAY THAT WORKS—
character i would marry ::
character I would be best friends with ::
probably mina, kirishima, maybe denki
a random thought ::
todomomo feels like a quirk arrangement / quirk marriage 🧍🏾‍♀️
an unpopular opinion ::
can’t really think of one tbh— maybe that dabi is kinda bland ?
my canon otp ::
if i had to pick then probably kamijirou or something
my non-canon otp ::
i love kiribaku so much they just have my heart and oml oml ahhhhtfvguh the MUTUAL RESPECT AND THE DYNAMIC AND THEEEM
most badass character ::
in fights probably bakugou ig, i’m watching the anime in case that changes everything 😭
most epic villain ::
tbh the only villain i can think of is probably Nine from the heroes rising movie, i though he was hot 🤷🏾‍♀️
pairing I am not a fan of ::
bakudeku. im not gonna shit on anyone who ships it, and i understand the ‘dynamic’ ig but its bc its deku and bakugou sPECIFICALLY that it just doesn’t pass my vibe check
character i feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another) ::
literally all the girls, but mostly ochako and momo. ochako was doomed the moment she became deku’s love interest; only meant to revolve around him tbh. momo was just done so dirty like wow
favourite friendship ::
aizawa and present mic’s, they give married but not married but also married and im here for it
character i most identify with ::
definitely kirishima 😭😭 i think he’s my biggest kin <3
character i wish i could be ::
hmm, probably momo i love her sm <3
please ?
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mer-meladraws · 3 years
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he’s my sunshiiine
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gladiasama · 4 years
idk why I wrote that lol it just passed through my mind so I here I am lol
(i continue to say that English is not my first language so there are going to be grammar mistakes or other things like that lol)
fluffy moments or something like that idk that title is too long: dorm leaders edition!!
riddle rosehearts🌹
he is so shy everytime he is kissing you!!
riddle always has scarlet cheeks but not the same as when he is furious about the 1st year's shenanigans. no it is more like pretty and pink flushed cheeks and oh great seven, he looks so cute.
if you are taller than him, he may try to tiptoed with his high heel shoes and just crossing his arms around your neck or just pulling you by your clothes in order to kiss you.
if you are smaller or about the same height as him, he'll just kissing you slowly and passionately while his hands are holding yours and his thumbs moving on circles against your palms.
but don't forget: only in private. he has a reputation to keep.
he is the cutest little bean you have ever seen if you make out after a long and tiring day, when he had to scream more than 10 times "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!!" because you know, dorm leader's priorities and jobs. just hug him and kiss his cheeks and forehead, he will be happy :)
he is just so cute dmksjduwi let me kiss him please.
adores all your pastries and food you make for him. his heart will always make a back flip while you tell him that you cook something to eat together.
he is working so hard so give him pastries make of strawberries, they are his favourite.
baby boy is always fond of you, as kalim, he'll try to support you in whatever you do!! do the same for him, because of his past, he didn't have any possibilities to do what he wanted to do... support him, hug him, spoon him (he wants to be the big spoon but in reality, he is the little one because he gets so flustered about your affection)
not too much affection in public, so only in private. expect chenya, cater and ace snicker in his back while he is looking at you with loving eyes. trey is smiling while deuce doesn't really know how to react lol so innocent.
during unbirthday party, he might push slowly the back of your back and putting his hand near your waist while showing you where to sit to eat pastries.
conclusion: a cutie only for you.
leona kingscholar🦁
oooh dude I hope you are ready for this man.
he can be the most passionate kisser or he gives the laziest kisses you will receive in your life.
he'll always have the control of the kiss but try to be reckless!! if you manage to find the best moment to slowly rub his ears while laying in his bed, he'll melt.
his tail is constantly grabbing your wrist or just rolls around your arms, hands, thighs or waist. he has no shame so except some kisses in public but not in front of certain people (*cough*malleus*cough). the same as riddle, he has a reputation to keep.
no difference if you are smaller or taller or the same height as him, just kiss grumpy man.
lazy kiss. lazy kiss. lazy kiiiiiss. after a nap at school or in bed, if your lips brush one one of his ear, it will twitch as many times as you do it. just expect him pulling you down and licking you face, you know lion thing or cat thing idk.
will look at you fondly while you take care of cheka.
but if you point out it to him, he'll look at you with a disgusted expression while cheka has sparkles in his eyes.
unfortunately, cheka tells to his papa that his oji-tan has finally find someone!!so when leona goes during holidays to the afterglow savannah, farena will make a celebration about it and will ask to his little bro to bring you one day!! blabla marriage. blabla party to celebrate it nanana.
leona threatens his family to throw farena from a certain climb lol if he doesn't stop.
if you want to help ruggie, cook for him but no vegetables because he is so picky :/
will say it is a tolerable meal but oh boy he is screaming in his head because you cook for him he is falling for you again and again
the best meal he ever has.
he takes the best nap while laying next to you or even better: his head on your thighs. pet his hair and rub circles around his ears and maybe, I say mayyyybe if he is in a good mood, he would purr. his tail would wag and tap a certain rhythm but don't worry, baby is happy.
but if you and leona manage to hear ruggie's particular 'shishishi', leona would wake up in one second and would run after donut boy in order to end up his life.
poor ruggie.
azul ashengrotto🐙
oooh baby octopus boy.
he has one condition about kisses: not in public. after all, he is one of the seven powerful dorm leaders of Night Raven College!! as riddle and leona and many others, he has a reputation to keep. moreover, he doesn't want to be laughed at by a certain duo of twins eels, who would never miss an opportunity to flustered azul:)
however, in private (in his room or the VIP room idk), praise him like you never praise someone before, pepper his face with little smooches and soft kisses and pat his hair. even if his cheeks are redder than riddle hair and some tiny tears begin to appeared at the corner of his eyes, don't stop. he trusts you so much that he accepts to show you his most fragile sides. ily azul urggg
just, don't make fun of him, he already has jade and floyd to do that lol these rats.
and don't forget to pat azul's head 3 times a day or he will pout lol
don't be afraid to spoon him, taller or smaller, just kiss him if both of you want it (it is important to ask and to be ok with it!!)
tell him he does a good job when he things that he is just useless (no you are not baby). even if he looks confident while doing jobs and contracts in mostro lounge, he panics easily when something he didn't think about appears.
don't judge him when his face is wet by tears and ink when he is in octopus form. expect jade or floyd calling you when azul refuses to leave his pot because of an unknown reason.
just reassure him and show him that he can trust you.
he trusts you so much that he cries harder while hugging you like his life depends on you.
too much affection and love to give for one person lol drown him with your love :D
kalim al asim☀️
my babyyyy sunshiiine :D
you don't ever have the time to propose him to give him a kiss that he is already throwing himself to you.
I hope that you don't hold anything into your arms or hands because now you are holding kalim.
everytime he sees you, expect kisses and cuddle lol
you wake up, kalim is kissing your cheeks. preparing to school or attending to? forehead kisses!! you eat and some food crust is at the corner of your mouth? oh boy smooching time!! goodnight kisses, good marks kisses, pain pain go away kisses when you injure yourself!!
I'm such a simp for him wth.
also expect him to always looking at you in classes or just whenever you are with him.
it is such a problem for jamil because he has to scold kalim and watch him at the same time because he is too occupied to focus on you :)
night adventures on his flying carpet are great!! will always give you his big and fluffy cardigan if you're feeling cold or if you just want him to roll himself in your arms while sitting between your legs.
he is so cute and is your biggest fan of whatever you do.
food date!! kalim takes you to scarabia to eat some good food that jamil makes. no, kalim is forbidden to approach the kitchen because he may destroy the dorm by accident just by trying to cook something for you. poor jamil dear.
will eat everything you cook for him and treats you as the best cook ever. don't tell jamil.
loves studying rendezvous, he helps you understand some lessons and you do the same for him. however it is complicated for the both of you to stay concentrated: kalim bright smile is charming you (there is only one sun in the universe and it is kalim *point a gun to the 'sun'*) and kalim has some difficulties to look at the text you are explaining, his eyes are only looking at you, his darling.
dance with you during his parties and if you are too tired or too shy to dance in front of everyone, go go in the carpet!! dancing in the middle of the night while jamil is screaming after kalim to come back because he can't see him from where he is. poooooor jamil let me kiss you bby-
looking at you with heart eyes is one of his favourite activities.
vil schoenheit💅🏻
good luck if you want a kiss from him. every mornings, he takes a lot of times to do his fabulous make up so he doesn't want you to ruin everything in less than 10 seconds.
or if you manage to kiss him, it is just a light peck on the lips or cheek. nothing too hard only if he wants to leave a lipstick stain on you ;)
as the others (less kalim of course), private moments are the best. here, in in his room after washing his face and after doing his routine, just lay in bed with him and cuddle time!!
loves to do your make up!! he will do your eyeliner while you're laying in his bed lol
difficult to have a full moment of intimacy at pomefiore. I won't give name but a hunter here seems to spy on you, hidden in trees when you forget to close the curtains.
I guess that his walls are now full of pictures of vil and you lol the 2 most beautiful persons for him
you try to convince vil to give more liberties to epel, since the queen has to take care of his precious potato instead of some ugly ones lol
don't pay attention to the potatoes who ask for his autograph or selfies when you walk together. he is super famous after all
but if you are jealous about it or some fans are too much intrusive or too sticky and still following you, just kiss him languidly. he doesn't matter anymore if his make up is on your face, he will leave you breathless while you can hear some 'kyyyya!!' behind you.
might be flustered lol he will blush
eheh you are his only love
sweet and fluffy moments are the best with him, just shopping, scrolling together on magicam, experimenting new make up or hairstyles,... everything is better together!!
make him some food low in calories but still sweet and yummy, he will melt right away:)
vil darling is super cute wtf.
idia shroud💀
imagine that this boy is naturally flustered, shy and attracted by you just by standing or looking at him, then imagine his reaction when you kiss him?
be patient and comprehensive with him. it is not that easy to kiss the one you love even if you believe and put your trust in that person. everyone has to go to their own rhythm so please respect that!!
once, he feels ready to kiss you, cup his cheeks and give him the softest kiss that you can give. his hair will bright a scarlet red while his pale cheeks will take a pretty red colour that he could make riddle faints. poor little bean.
show him that he can trust you and be natural in your company. he'll be so moved of how you treat him so gently.
he is a big sweetheart, please treat him gently or you will die by my hands.
videogames night date!! will invite you to come to his room while ortho is looking for sweets and junk food to eat tonight!! baby is so excited to have a night with his onii-chan and you that his eyes can't stop twinkling and idia even has to calm his down if ortho doesn't want to explode (I hope he won't).
say that you have cooked something for him and his heart will doki doki while he is screaming and stuttering some incomprehensible things. oh no, now the fire alarm is making a high noise but not so high as idia of course.
always thinks about couple date cosplay!! nosebleed if you manage to cosplay in his favourite character. you were his second husbando/waifu but now you officially are the first one!!
he has never be so happy since you are with him so please treat him so well.
(+he even makes a list to azul to explain why you are the best lover ever.)
(++ortho tells their family about you, I swear they cry and scream when they learn that their shy, introverted and otaku son has finally find someone so caring and loving as you.)
malleus draconia🐉
malleus chuckles everytime you try to kiss him. indeed, he is probably one of the tallest student in NRC and looks also very intimidating. however, he is the sweetest dragon fae that you have met in your life.
his kisses are so passionate and sweet at the same time!! his hands are holding yours or he caresses your cheeks.
he always try to flustered and teased you. he can't do anything about that, faes love to make so pranks on people! but considering that you are his lover and he is not like a particular little and old fae, he just keep teased you in order to see this beautiful and blushing face of yours~
likes dancing with you, even some easy dances. as long as he can spend time with you, he is genuinely happy.
absolutely loves to go to night walks with you. he will show you the most beautiful places he noticed before coming with you and honestly, he has good choices. the landscapes in twisted wonderland are so magical and incredibly pretty. but malleus can't stop looking at you, he thinks that you are the prettiest thing living in this world. how cheeky of you. lilia is so proud of him.
lilia, sebek and silver are watching you further, hidden behind some bushes. lilia is chuckling and smirking of how much the two of you are so cute while silver is asleep against a tree. sebek is staring and can't stop muttering about how great his waka sama is and how a simple and little human like you could be with malleus. he secretly ships the two of you because you make malleus happy but whatever.
lilia had to hit him at least 6 times because sebek can't stop shouting when malleus takes your hands in his, tucks hair behind you hair, kisses you or just looks at you lovingly.
he has a stomach makes of iron because of lilia's cooking so he will eat whatever you do to him but please, don't bake a cake. he really dislikes cakes. buuuut, if he learns that you can make ice cream or these sort of cake only make of ice cream (I have no idea of what they are called??), surprised pikachu face. will eat a tons until his guards (mainly sebek) tries to explain to him that eating only sweets are not good for his health and that you must NOT give them to the young lord because you can hurt him yada yada yada. malleus makes you run away to ramshackle dorm in order to have peace.
he is just so happy that he finds someone -as strange as you are- that is not afraid of him because of his name or nature. he will cherish you so cherish him with all your heart and soul lol I'm soft.
~~the end~~
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grelleswife · 4 years
"I think you’ve had enough to drink." With drunk sebastian cause I really wanna see that :D I'm not picky about who it is saying that!!
Doing this for Sebagni! It’s set after the main action in my Metanoia AU. This is post-contract; Agni and Sebastian have been living together under Prince Soma’s service for a few years now, and Agni is fully aware of Sebastian’s true identity.
Agni had gone out that evening on an errand for his prince. He hadn’t taken long, but that had apparently been ample time for Sebastian to get into mischief. Raucous laughter burst from the drawing room, giddy and utterly uninhibited. A beloved voice sang in a language that Agni didn’t recognize. Though his husband usually wasn’t so loud or off-key…
Sebastian danced alone, swaying clumsily as the dark miasma of his essence swirled around him. His eyes blazed their true, vivid red, and his teeth reverted to the fangs he normally kept hidden. Sebastian’s face immediately lit up when he spotted Agni. His happiness glowed like a holy altar festooned with candles as he proffered a black-nailed hand.
“You’re baaaack! Dance with me, dearest. How I’ve-hic!-missed you! So cruel to leave me by myself, so cruel.” Agni quickly took Sebastian’s hand and drew him close. Sebastian fell against Agni’s chest and nuzzled the crook of his neck. The khansama could sense the demon’s tentacles twining lovingly around his legs and waist, like dark ivy.
“Are you drunk, Sebastian?” Mortal food and drink generally held little appeal for demons, but his husband clearly wasn’t sober at the moment.
Sebastian, however, was busy kissing his neck, purring up a storm all the while. Giggling, he touched the tip of his nose against Agni’s. He slurred, “Not drunk, sunshine. Jus’ thought I’d try a lit-tle wine from the cellar while you w’re away. Ac’tlly tasted good…better than some soulsss I’ve had. Delicious…”
Agni examined his rubicund visage in concern. Was it safe for demons to imbibe alcohol?
“How much did you have, my love?” he asked softly, wrapping an arm around Sebastian’s waist to help him stay upright.
“Ummm…” Sebastian took a moment to kiss Agni’s hand before replying, a gesture that made Agni blush in spite of his worry. “Two ‘n a half bottles…? I-hic!-need t’ finish the last one…”
“I think you’ve had enough to drink,” the khansama interjected in a tone that was gentle but brooked no argument.
Sebastian plaintively widened his beautiful eyes. “Sunshiiine.” Even this flushed and disheveled, he looked so lovely that Agni couldn’t help but kiss him. Sebastian’s tentacles hugged him tighter, and his purring intensified. “Now, let’s put you to bed so you can sleep this off,” Agni suggested, rubbing Sebastian’s back.
“But want…to dance…” The demon’s eyelids fluttered, and his head lolled drowsily against Agni’s shoulder. With infinite care, the khansama lifted him bridal-style.
“There’ll be time enough for dancing, moonlight. All our lives.”
 Sebastian looped an arm around his neck and clung to Agni like a limpet. Then came a rustling sound. Three pairs of raven-feathered wings suddenly embraced Agni, soft and warm.
“I love you…so much,” Sebastian whispered.
Agni’s eyes were blinded by tears. Demons were taciturn creatures, and his husband was no exception. For him to come out and say it…
“I love you too, Sebastian.”
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beau blue, french blue, wild watermelon and canary yellow with demyx!
OOH YAY thank you!!! 💙💜💙💜💙
beau blue - what would the both of you do together on a lazy summer afternoon?
Demyx will wanna sleep the whole day away but I’ll probably drag him down to the beach...and he’ll probably enjoy the water and play his sitar... we’ll chase each other and play around a bit... and then sleep on a beach towel under an umbrella. But that’s ok because at least I got him outside, and he’s super cute when he’s snoozing 💕
french blue - after you two have gone stable, what kinds of dates do you go on?
A lot of the time, it’s me suggesting places to go, and we love wandering through the Disney worlds and doing some sightseeing~ I really love buying Demyx knicknacks and clothes from other worlds! Demyx also loves just serenading me anywhere he can get his bony ass to sit down which I also super love fsdjhfsdfjh
wild watermelon - what’s both of your dream vacations like? do you agree on the location/activities?
OH for sure, we are both really excited about just going somewhere super relaxing and fun and peaceful. We both really love warm places with lots of water sooooooo maybe a beautiful resort by a beach with a private deck or porch wherever we’re staying? To enjoy the sunshiiine and the sound of waves and the smell of the ocean~
canary yellow - what are the silliest nicknames you and your f/o use for each other?
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potatoliciousness · 7 years
I just realized i have sooooo many good quality mx pictures.. quality kings srsly
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deepsea-guardian · 5 years
i can't find the emoji but SUNSHIIINE ON MY WINDOOW~
I was gonna make a Sonic R joke but it fell flat before I even typed it
Axel at his happiest– it’s hard to see, and even harder for him to know if he’s feeling it. He’s floating atop the sea, letting the waves carry him about and break on him, and his eyes are closed. The sun is shining, and he doesn’t have to do anything. It’s a good day.
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dannyphannypack · 7 years
phantom is standing in the center of a long-deserted road, but the streets are crowded with tourists, news stations, and students. they stare, wide-eyed but fascinated, as hundreds upon hundreds of ghosts land opposite him, their collective feet causing the ground to shudder. this fight was to be the most dramatic, heart-wrenching fight seen in amity yet; the town’s own controversial subject, danny phantom, could very well be killed and plucked away like nothing more than a broken toothpick. the crowd watches with baited breath. phantom bounces on his heels, preparing himself for what is about to take place. suddenly, he reaches into the pocket of his snug black jumpsuit and pulls something small out. what is it? a bomb? a gun? something to protect himself? the crowd leans in. the cameras zoom. a cord, thin and wiry, dangles from in between phantom’s fingers. somebody in the crowd says, “what?”
phantom holds an mp3 player, and he sticks his tongue out a bit as he fiddles with the earbuds. finally, a button is clicked, and with a few bobs of the head to whatever godforsaken song playing phantom jumps and flies forward into the crowd at a speed unbeknownst to any human. there’d be a flash and suddenly he’d be bulleting through a collection of ghosts, bits of burning ectoplasm falling onto his white hair and the area around, singing the words off-key and loud as anyone would do when wearing headphones. he gets close enough for the crowd to distinguish the words, and a few disbelieving scoffs color the phrases in a mismatched beat.
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tmntreasures · 7 years
Honor Among Thieves Ch.14
Note: It’s another long one, so I’m putting it under “Keep Reading!” Hope you enjoy! ;P
With the help of Raphael, Aida was able to wrestle Bonnie to sleep after about thirty or so minutes. Aida turned in for the night soon after, but the turtles stayed up doing their nightly activities. Once it was morning again Aida left for her family, but Bonnie was lost in deep sleep. Her eyes flickering, as her mind dreamed. It conjured a scene believable to what she was currently living in real life, except there was one thing out of place...
"Drake?" She narrowed her eyes in disbelief when she saw the rapper waltz into the main room of the lair with a baby in his arms.
"Yeah… Long time no see." He answered while staring down at the baby.
Bonnie grinned happily and clasped her hands together. "You remember me from the two thousand and sixteen concert? I stole my way into the backstage meet n greet!"
"Yup," He finally looked up at her as well as gazing around the room. "Sooo...This your crib?"
She scoffed and laughed nervously. "Nah… Just some stupid boys I know." She stopped and licked her lips. "Sooo... Can we have sex?" She asked.
Drake clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes. "I got a damn baby in my arms!" He gestured to the child.
"Well, just give 'em to the rat! He's old like a grandpa and stuff..." She shrugged.
"There's a rat here?" He raised a brow.
"Mhmm, and four turtles." She nodded and shrugged.
Drake couldn’t help but to laugh a little. "What the fuck?"
"I know, but you get used to it." She laughed with him.
He stared at the baby for a while in thought, before clicking his tongue again. "Alright." He sighed and put the child to the side.
"Yay!" Bonnie clapped her hands happily and quickly ran over to him. He put a hand to her check and leaned forward to kiss her. Right as their lips were about to meet, she could feel herself being shaken out of her dream. At first, she thought Drake was calling out her name, but after a few seconds the voice started to alter into someone else’s.
“Bonnie… Bonnie… Bonnie wake up!” Leonardo ordered as he shook her shoulders lightly.
She opened her eyes slowly as she was dazed. It took her eyes a few secnds to adjust and when she saw who was standing over her, she growled. "You're not Drake." She pulled her covers up and over her head.
"That is correct." He huffed and grabbed the blanket, yanking it off her.
She gasped a little and latched onto it, pulling it back to her. "Leo, fuck ooofff!" She grumbled as her head began to pound. "I mean- What time is it anyways, you shouldn't even be awake."
"It's seven in the morning, and you wanted jiu jitsu training. Remember?" He said before grabbing her by the ankles and pulling her off the couch.
"No!!" She cried out and dug her claws into the furniture, trying to hold on. "I was just kidding! I'm good!" She whined.
"There's no escaping now. Not even if I have to drag you to the dojo." He smirked and promptly did so.
Her hangover was starting to settle in hard, making it hard to resist him. "No, Dojo Daddy please!" She begged and she was pulled across the floor.  "Don't punish meee..."
Meanwhile, above the surface, Aida was prepping lunches for her siblings again. Riqui and Rosa were both sitting next to each other, their eyes glued to the comic book Michelangelo had lent to her.
"Aida!" Rosa looked up and pointed at the one of the pages, "What's this word?"
"Gonna have to spell it out for me," She responded as she began to make PB&J sandwiches. Breakfast took longer than usual to make since the twins got excited over the comic book. She had to tell them they were only borrowing it and told them to be gentle with it; of course then she had to scold them when they almost ripped a corner, which made them cry and then she had to calm them down. For six thirty in the morning, they were already being so emotional.
"D-o-u-c-h-e," Riqui answered for her.
"Oh, that's 'douche'," Aida replied.
"Well, what is it?" They both asked.
She hesitated, but before she could make something up, Montae hopped down the steps and answered. "It's a weird thing girls use to clean their coño."
"Montae!" Aida snapped at him and shook a finger, "Language! They're eight!"
"So?" He shrugged, snagging an apple from the fridge and dodging her slap. "I heard worse things from--" He stopped when he saw the comic book and snatched it from the table, ignoring the twins' cries. "W-where did you get this!?" His eyes were wide as he flipped through the pages before staring at the cover.
Aida furrowed her brow before answering, "A friend lent it to me so the twins could read it. Why?"
He snapped up at her and pointed at the thin book, "This issue is worth two grand and he let you give it to some babies?! Es un maldito idiota!"
"Hey!" She growled at him. "He's not an idiot, he's just nice!"
He huffed and shook his head. "Nice people are idiots, hermana," he clicked his tongue and shook the issue. "Betchu he's trying to get in your pants. Better watch it~."
It was her turn to scoff and she rolled her eyes. "Yeah right," She argued. "I'm not his type." She finished packing their lunches and snapped her fingers. "Go get Orlan and give me the comic book, it's time for you guys to go to school."
"But we're not done reading it!" Rosa complained.
"And you will finish reading it tomorrow," Aida explained. "There's no way I'm leaving any of you alone if that comic really is worth that much!" She held out her hand and glared at her brother.
 He hesitated and finally clicked his tongue, handing it back to her. "Fiiiine..." He stomped up the stairs and soon the four of them were ushered off to school before the girl returned to the lair below, the comic issue tucked safely in her bag.
"Stop it." Leonardo said sternly as he dodged the kisses Bonnie was trying to put on him.
"What?" Bonnie giggled and grinned. "C'mon, you can't say this wouldn't catch you off guard in a fight." She fidgeted trying to get out of the hold he had her in.
"No one would fall for this in real life!" He argued.
Bonnie clicked her tongue and smirked. "Your brothers did!" She perked her brows at him.
Leonardo growled and sat up on his knees. "If you're not gonna take this seri-" He stopped when he saw her trying to crawl off and he grabbed her by pants and pulled her back. "Listen!! Ugh... You're worse than Mikey, I swear."
"Uggh! We've been at this for hours! I haven't even eaten breakfast!" She groaned.
"It's called discipline! Once you actually participate, you can have food!" He responded.
Raphael was watching them from the other side of the room, chuckling at the torture Bonnie was putting his brother through. It was fun seeing Leonardo get frustrated and flustered; it showed the fearless leader had weaknesses after all.
"Wait, she's actually doing the training?" Aida piped up as she entered the lair.
"Yeah," Raphael answered, his eyes never leaving the girl's form as she struggled beneath the blue-clad turtle. "She's really putting up a fuss. It's really cute."
The latina girl raised a brow at him and smacked his arm. "Ooooh. The big one does like chocolate~." She teased.
"N-not like that!" He defended himself, shrugging away from her. "It's just...i-it's funny, okay? Leo says he can do sooo much better than all of us, but even he's having problems with her!" He grumbled and began to walk off. "Where's my egg? I need to keep practicin'..."
Bonnie huffed as she sat up on her knees. "If I manage to punch you in the jaw, will you let me go eat then?"
Leonardo scoffed, "You can tr-" He stopped and moved out of the way when she swung at him. "Like I was saying-" He moved again.
"Hold still will ya?" She growled and swung at him again. This time he caught her fist and countered her with a punch back in the arm. "Ow!!" She screamed and immediately tended to her shoulder. "What the fuck?" She hissed.
He shrugged. "What? I'm not allowed to hit back?"
"Yo, it's too early for this..." Michelangelo yawned as he strolled into the kitchen of the lair.
Donatello noticed Michelangelo walk in; the noise had awoken the tech-loving ninja as well, but he spent his time making some coffee and checking out the police chatter. "Mornin' sunshiiine!" He teased his little brother.
"Mmm" Mikey grumbled and dropped a pair of poptarts in a toaster. "How long have they been at it?" He yawned again.
"For a couple of hours," Donatello answered before turning to the monitors. "I kinda got good news though. I've been keeping tabs on gang activity and it looks like whoever was after the girls got bored." He frowned a little and shrugged. "So...they won't need us anymore."
Aida shook her head as she watched the two spar. "Go for his elbow!" She hollered at Bonnie. "He's ticklish there!"
"Nah, behind the knee!" Raphael added as he walked back to the viewing area, the egg in his hand. "He hates it there!"
"Look," Bonnie said in a hushed tone. "Let’s make a deal. I let you win, and you let me eat. Everyone will see how high and mighty you are. That's what you want right?" She nodded.
Leonardo smirked and shook his head. "You say it like you could actually beat me. Also, I'll get more satisfaction out of it if I can actually break you."
She groaned. "I'm not a fighter!" She whined.
"Well what would you do if ran into somebody while stealing?"
"I would run! That's what I do! I run! I could out run you!" She nodded.
He scoffed. "No you couldn't."
She narrowed her eyes at him, but an idea came to mind and she raised her brows. "Wanna make a bet?"
Leo mimicked her expression and crossed his arms. "I'm listening."
"We race, I win, you let me eat. If you win-"
"You will call me sensei. No more Dojo Daddy…" He interjected.
She smirked and shrugged. "Deal."
"A race?" Raphael echoed.
"I feel like I've seen this before..." Aida mumbled as she recalled the story of the Tortoise and the Hare. She looked at Raphael and held out her hand. "One hundred pesos says she wins."
He gave her an incredulous look and huffed. "I don't have that kind of money! Besides, I know how fast she is. Of course she'll win!"
Aida smirked and shrugged, "Dude, one hundred pesos is five bucks."
He furrowed his brow in disbelief, "Wait, seriously? Why didn't you just say that then?"
She wiggled a finger at him. "Because it's fun to see people who don't know get flustered."
"Alright," Leonardo stood up on his feet and held out a hand to Bonnie to help her up too. Bonnie huffed and stood up on her own. Leo sighed a little and walked out of the dojo. He nodded in the direction of the exit they used for the turtle van. Its pathway was clear since the van was currently waiting outside the sewers. "There." He said. "Well start at the entrance, go all the way down, and then circle back."
Bonnie laughed mischievously and walked to the couch to get her shoes. "You about to get schooled boy."
"Don't look so sad Donnie!" Mikey responded as he waited on his poptarts to be cooked. He leaned back on the counter and crossed his arms. "This just means we don't have to worry about them as much, aaannddd-" He pointed a finger at him. "It also means we can visit now!" He grinned.
"Visit?" Donatello furrowed his brow and smirked a little. "You really think they're gonna let us visit them?" He nodded off in the direction the girls were in. "Aida's got a large family, so good luck staying hidden from them. And Bonnie..." He paused and frowned, watching the girl getting ready for her race with Leonardo. "...I don't know if she'll want us to visit."
"Aww, c'mon. Bonnie?" Michelangelo looked over in her direction as well. "I think she just plays hard like Raph, but deep down inside she's got a creamy center."
“You ready for an ass whoppin?!" Bonnie taunted loudly as she bounced back and forth on her feet.
Michelangelo cringed at her remark and licked his bottom lip. "Uhh.. Besides! If we can't hang out with them, we'll just take them out! Go to the Statue of Liberty,  watch a basketball game or something." He finished and just as he did his poptarts popped from the toaster. He immediately went after them and flinched back when they burnt his fingers. "Ow!" He hissed and stuck them in his mouth.
Donatello hummed in thought and shrugged. "I guess so..." He was a little hopeful the girls would still want to be friends with them; after all, their three other human contacts did.
"All I hear is a lot of bark. No bite." Leo held out his arms and shrugged. "Aida! Count us down," he ordered and then got into position.
Raphael sat on a ledge and grinned, still fiddling with the egg. This was going to be great! Leonardo could finally get a taste of just how tricky this girl was; then he would have to admit it was never his fault she got away in the first place! He tapped Aida's arm and grinned, "Be sure to record the ending. I wanna re-watch Leonardo's face when he loses."
Aida giggled and nodded before holding her hand in the air. "Five...! Four...! Three...! Two...! One, GO!" She slapped her hand down, signaling for the two to begin.
As soon as the final word left Aida's mouth, the two were off. They were head to head for a while, sometimes one advancing the other, but neither of them ever got too far behind. When they were coming up to the turn, Leo glanced over to Bonnie for a moment and saw that she was looking right back at him. She gave him a mischievous grin before looking forward again. This was where she kicked it up.
Instead of touching the floor with her hand and turning back, she kicked off the wall in front of her, using the moment to give her a boost. She dashed off when she touched the floor, and it was double the speed she was running before. Leonardo cursed under his breath when she cut the turn so cleanly; wondering why he hadn't thought of something like that himself. He thought about how he might make it if he pushed himself into a sprint, but realized it was an useless effort. She was fast, really fast. Faster than him, but he was gonna finish this race. Even if it was after her.
Bonnie cackled when she crossed the finish line. Taking in a deep breath and grinning at Leo when he came in several seconds after her. "Dojo daddy for life!!" She pointed at him.
He stared down at her and thought about excuses he could make to justify his lost, like how she was smaller and thinner than he was, and how in a real race if she didn't touch the ground she would be disqualified, but he knew there was no glory in being a sore-loser. Instead he stood tall and smiled at her. "Good job." He patted her shoulder and walked past her. "What would you like to eat? I'm cooking."
Bonnie blinked in surprise at how well he was taking the loss. It was definitely not the reaction she expected, or the reaction she wanted. "…Wait, what?" She called out to him.
"Aww what? Leonardo's gonna cook?! I would've waited if I knew that!" Michelangelo whined and tossed down the half eaten-poptart in front of him.
Aida grinned and cheered loudly, "Yeaaah! Kicked his ass puta!"
Raphael was grinning widely and threw his arms in the air, inadvertently throwing the egg across the room. "Yeaah!" He cheered and ran up to Bonnie, scooping her up easily before setting her on his shoulder. "Ya did it! Ya beat his smug lil' face!" He held on to her legs as he spun around, laughing and grinning.
Bonnie gasped a little when Raph picked her up, though she smiled when she saw how excited and proud of her he was. She giggled and puffed out her chest, placing a hand to it. "Well, ya know. Somebodies gotta do it~"
Leonardo rolled his eyes and went to the cupboards. "Do you like pancakes?" He hollered out.
"Hell yeah, I like pancakes! Oh!--" She snapped her fingers and pointed. "Throw in the nutella we got!"
Leonardo chuckled and sighed. "Fine."
"Ooh! And we still have some strawberries left I think!" Michelangelo added.
"Woohoo! Pancakes! Pancakes!" Aida began to cheer as Donatello rose from his seat.
"Wow! You actually beat him!" The lean turtle beamed, clearly impressed. He knew she had been fast, but not that fast. The girl really was like a rabbit.
"I told you guys," Raphael huffed, still carrying the girl as he walked over to their little dining area. "But did you guys listen? Nooo!" Very slowly he squatted down and slid her to the floor, smirking proudly when he noticed he didn't hurt her this time around. Bonnie stood up proud, placing her hands on her hips and grinning widely.
Michelangelo walked over to the kitchen table and pulled out a chair for him to sit in, He leaned back in it and crossed his arm. "I always knew she could do it." He smirked.
"How?" Leonardo asked as he mixed the ingredients together for pancakes. "We just decided to have a race."
Mikey shrugged and kicked his feet up onto the table. "I could see the urge for a challenge in your eyes." He clenched his fist at his brother. Leonardo rolled his eyes.
"Man, I forgot how good that felt." Bonnie put a finger to her lips and smiled more. She glanced around at the other turtles and raised a brow. "Anyone else wanna go? I can wear heels if it would make it easier on ya." She teased.
Donatello laughed and raised a hand, "I'll go! But, please don't wear heels. I see April wear those and don't know how she does it..." Without thinking, he pulled out a chair for Bonnie to sit in.
Raphael, of course, jabbed his thumb into his own chest. "I'd like a rematch! This time, I won't get stuck in no alley!" He grinned, loving the idea of a second chance to catch her.
"Okay, we watched the same race right?" Aida gestured between herself and the giant turtle, sitting next to Michelangelo. "She fuckin' flew!"
"Well, yeah..." He shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck. "But I still wanna try!"
Bonnie couldn't help but grin ear to ear from all the praise she was getting. It reminded her of her younger days in high school when she was on the track team. "Try all you like big boy, but you ain't gonna beat me~" She said, sliding into the chair Donatello had pulled out for her.
"Oooh, I'll try," He grinned playfully. "And one day, I will!"
"I'm good." Michelangelo replied. "I know when I'm beat." He nodded.
Donatello rolled his eyes but smiled, sitting down at the table. "Better get used to it," He told Bonnie. "In case you haven't noticed, Raphael is stubborn. Once he's got his mind made up, nothing will change it."
The large turtle huffed, "Damn right!" He paused and began to search frantically for a particular item. "H-hey! Where's my egg at?"
"You threw it, remember?" Aida answered. "Right before you picked up Bonnie."
He grabbed his head and groaned. "Arrggh! Damn it! I was doing so good!"
"Well, you managed to pick Bonnie up without crushing her," Donatello grinned. "So I don't think you need it anymore."
"Wait, that's why you were carrying that thing around?" Bonnie raised a brow at Raph. "Practicing for little ol' me?" She teased and poked him in the arm with a finger.
He blushed and shrugged away from her. "W-well, you know. I was sick of making you cry..."
"Aww!" She cooed and squeezed his arm. "You do have a heart afterall!"
"Or a hard on..." Michelangelo mumbled.
Raphael punched Michelangelo hard in the arm but kept the smile on his face. He took the spot in between the girls. The five of them talked as they waited for the food, laughing and having a good time.
After about fifteen minutes, Leonardo came to the table with two stacks of pancakes. One shorter stack coated with nutella and strawberries, and a larger regular stack. He sat the nutella pancakes in front of Bonnie, and then the regular pancakes in the middle of the table for everyone else to share.  He passed out plates and silverware before setting down next to Donatello. "Dig in." He said.
"Oooh!" Bonnie cooed and grabbed a fork. "This looks so good! I can't believe you act-" She stopped and shook her head. "Thanks."
Leonardo waited with his fingers intertwined for everyone else to dig in before he did. "You're welcome." He smiled and nodded.
Donatello took four pancakes while Raphael grabbed six. Aida only took two and nodded at their stacks. "Better be happy you boys work out so much. Otherwise you wouldn't have six-packs," She nodded, taking a small bite.
"Well, Leo's cooking is really good." Donatello said around a mouthful of food. "But we get so exhausted from training we hardly ever have time to cook."
She frowned a little, "Is that why you guys order so much pizza?"
Raphael shook his head. "No. We order pizza 'cause it's great."
She clicked her tongue and shook her head. "You clearly have never had good tacos."
Mikey jabbed his fork into the stack, pulling three pancakes back to his plate. "Tacos are so messy though." He argued.
“What about sushi?" Bonnie chewed on her food. "Seems like something you guys would be into."
"Sushi's great." Leonardo nodded and grabbed him a plate of pancakes. "But it takes long to make, and fresh fish is better than frozen. Which we aren't going to get any of around here."
Aida chewed her food quickly in order to argue. "But wait. You guys are turtles. You can swim!" She gestured to the room, "Just go for a swim and find some fish in the river or something!"
"Are you talking about the Hudson River?" Donatello pointed a fork at her. "You do realize that river is disgusting right?"
"And you guys live in a sewer," She shrugged.
"Sure, but we're clean about it," Raphael counted on his fingers. "And we're not eating the shit people flush down."
"Not to mention all that pollution might mutate us more than we already are," Donatello chuckled before taking another bite.
"Speaking of which..." Bonnie swallowed. "Is it-gonna rub off on us?"
"What?... The mutation?" Leo raised a brow.
"Yeah." She shrugged.
Leonardo laughed. "No." He shook his head and smiled. "Well, at least I don't think so?" He looked to Donatello for reassurance. "I mean, April and the others have been around us for a pretty long time and no mutations yet." He laughed again.
Raphael shifted in his seat and swallowed. "Well...April's thumbs are kinda wide actually." He pointed to his own thumb, "I don't remember them bein' that way when we first met."
Donatello shook his head, "No, they were like that. It's called 'clubbed thumbs'." Aida cringed a little at the confession, but sighed of relief when the purple turtle corrected him.
The red turtle turned to Bonnie and nodded. "Okay, you're good."
"What's wrong with a little mutation? You guys could be the first giotles!" Mikey chimed in.
"Giotles?" Bonnie repeated.
"Girl turtles!" He grinned and laughed as well.
Bonnie closed her eyes and shook her head. "I should've known." She sighed.
Aida huffed and pointed, "If I had a choice to mutate into something, it wouldn't be a turtle. I'd be a mongoose."
Raphael snorted and shook his head. "A what? That sounds ridiculous. How is that better than a turtle? Can it even swim?"
The girl shrugged, "No idea, but mongooses fight and eat snakes for breakfast. You gotta admit, that's pretty bad ass."
He wiggled his fingers and acted impressed. "Oooh, snaaaakes! So scary~."
Leonardo chuckled and sighed. "Sooo, you girls must be excited to sleep in your own beds again, huh?" He raised his head.
Bonnie's eyebrows perked, and she didn't realize what he had meant right away. "Huh?"
Leonardo blinked and returned her confused look. "Uh...You guys get to leave." He said slowly.
Her eyes grew wider and she was quiet for a few seconds before speaking again. "O-Oh! Right!" She stared down at her plate in thought. Somehow, this place had felt like a second... She frowned at the thought, not wanting to admit it.
The thought didn't shake Aida too badly since she was able to return to the surface every morning. However it still made her frown a little. "Well, sure but...we'll still be allowed to visit right?"
The question took Donatello off guard so Raphael answered instead. "What's this? You sayin you're gonna miss us?"
"I figured I'd ask so I know if I gotta steal something first to get down here." She grinned.
"Of course!!" Mikey jumped in happily. "Visit us whenever you want!"
"Just try not to bring anyone else back with you... We'd like to keep our status unknown to the public." Leonardo added.
"Aww darn," she snapped her fingers, "I was hoping to bring my whole family!".
"Oh, speaking of which! How'd the kids like the comic?" Mikey asked.
"The twins loved it!" Aida beamed. "Montage says the issue is worth a lot of money..." she frowned and nodded off deeper into the room. "I brought it with me so they wouldn't ruin it."
"Yeah, Donatello said it was worth a good amount but-- There's not much we can do with money so I never really worried about it."
"Wait..." Aida looked at him and narrowed her eyes. "You knew it was valuable. And let a bunch of kids read it anyway?"
Mikey smiled a little and shrugged. "Why not?"
"W-well..." she started, completely caught off guard by his selflessness. "Most people wouldn't let kids look at something worth that much..."
"Hmm, it is worth a lot isn't it?" He tapped a finger on his arm and looked up in thought. "You guys don't have much either... Why don't you sell it?" He looked back down to Aida.
Leonardo blinked in surprise and nearly choked on his food. He bumped his fist to his chest to clear his throat. "Wait, what?"
"What?" He looked over to him innocently. "Like I said before, we don't really have much use for money. Practically everything down here we either found, or made." He shrugged again.
"Y-Yeah, but Mikey.." Leo fumbled for words.
Aida's eyes widened and she smacked her head on the table. "No way! I'm not selling your comic book!"
"Well technically, it's not even mine, I just found it." He stuck out his tongue. "Just do it! I want you to have the money! You need it!"
Aida was conflicted. On the one hand, the issue was worth enough to keep her family in the house and fed for a month or two. On the other hand, guilt made her hesitant. They had caught her stealing numerous times, hadn't turned her in, and kept her and her friend safe from a mad man. If she accepted, she would feel like a bum.
"I'm not going to sell your comic book, Michelangelo." She stated firmly. "I...I'll get a job instead!"
Mikey went to speak again, but Leonardo jumped in before he could. "That's very admirable of you Aida." He nodded. "And we're gonna hold you to it." He pointed at her and smiled a bit.
Mikey huffed and leaned back in his chair with crossed arms. He was disappointed when she wouldn't take his offer, and thought he was doing a good deed, but he couldn't force her to do something if she didn't want to. He hummed and tapped his finger on his arm again. "Well... If you ever really need it. The offer still stands."
She nodded at Leonardo before turning to the smaller turtle. "Thank you," she squeezed his arm a little and smiled. "I mean it."
"You're welcome." He said and returned the smile.
Bonnie was still fixated on her plate. She touched her food with a fork every once in a while, but didn't put anything in her mouth. She couldn't believe this was really happening. Right now, she was sitting at a table with four, teenage mutant ninja turtles; eating a home cooked meal with them like they were family. Her heart skipped a beat when the thought crossed her mind. Soon they'd be taking her back up the surface and saying their goodbyes... She thought she'd be happy when she left this place, but now she was unsure.
Raphael frowned at Bonnie, noticing the change in her mood. Before he could say anything, Donatello spoke first.
"You okay Bonnie?" The leaner turtle asked, genuinely concerned.
"Huh?" Bonnie perked up. "O-Oh! Yeah, I'm good. My stomach just hurts a little cause I ate so fast." She clenched on to her gut, trying to make the lie a bit more believable.
"Oh," Donatello shrugged, "Well, we should have some medicine if you need it..." he trailed off.
Raphael stared at the girl, knowing she was lying. He knew that tone and that look before. Though he didn't know why she was lying, he still felt a little upset. Things were starting to get good and feel normal. What happened to change that for her all of a sudden?
"Nah, I'll be alright." She waved him off and stood up from her seat. "I'm gonna hit the shower... If we're done with training, Dojo Daddy?" She raised a brow at Leonardo.
He shook his head but smiled. "We're done for the day."
"Good." She nodded, and left the table.
Raphael wanted to go after her but figured she really did need a shower to let whatever she was feeling out. He took another bite before standing. "I'm gonna read some comics."
Inside the shower room, Bonnie had the water running, but wasn't in the shower just yet. She was sitting on the toilet with the lid down, thinking about the conversations they had at the kitchen table. She was going to be leaving this place soon, so why wasn't she happier about it? When she thought about the four turtles and how she got to know them her eyes watered and she clenched back the tears. "What the fuck? This is so stupid!..." She hissed and wiped at her eyes. She sighed and looked up to the ceiling, thinking how she didn't want to say goodbye. Somehow the creatures imprinted on her; though she didn't want to admit it. She wouldn't... With a nod of her head, she had made up her mind and decided that she'd would leave tonight, without saying goodbye.
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