#dbt skill
eliserzilber · 6 months
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Use this skill when you are overwhelmed by intense emotions or are feeling the urge to self-injure.
*If you’re in crisis and are having suicidal thoughts please call a Crisis Hotline! (Call 988 in the US)
T - Temperature: To relax fast or distract your mind with sensation, hold an ice pack to your cheeks or eyes or dunk your face in a bowl of ice water for at least 30 seconds to activate your Diver Reflex*.
*If you have high blood pressure, talk to your doctor before trying.
I - Intense Exercise: Doing a few minutes of vigorous exercise will release Endorphins. Try a few minutes of Jumping Jacks or running in place (or around the block). Play your favorite fast paced song and dance it out.
P - Paced Breathing: Breathe deeply into your belly, expanding your lungs as much as you can. Pace your inhales and exhales to 5-6 per minute. Then make your exhales longer than your inhales (5 seconds in, 7 seconds out).
*Try a 60 bpm Metronome track from your music streaming app or YouTube for pacing.
P - Paired Muscle Relaxation: Breathing deeply, tense your muscles (not so much that you cramp up) section by section, move your focus from your feet up your body. Tense up with every inhale, relaxing and melting with every exhale.
*More DBT guides here*
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borderlinereminders · 2 years
This is a DBT skill that is useful for resisting urges.
Reframe the situation
When we feel overwhelming emotions, it's easy to start thinking things like "this is terrible and nothing will ever get better" especially with a lot of us dealing with a lack of emotional permanence. Reframing the situation means changing your perspective. While things may feel overwhelming and it's easy to get stuck in that, changing our thought to "Things are really hard right now. But I've experienced things being really hard before and I've survived. I will survive this too."
Engage in a distracting activity
The next part in the RESISTT technique is engage in a distracting activity. Pick an activity that you enjoy or find distracting. I find it helpful to create a list of distracting things I can do when I'm calm that I can pull out in times of need. This might include things like watching a show, playing a game, reading a book, etc.
Someone else
Focus on someone else. Maybe you can be there for a friend, or plan a surprise for someone. Focusing our attention on someone else can work as a distraction. You could even focus on your pet if you have one. Taking your dog for a walk, or a game of fetch might make them really happy and distract you.
Intense sensations
Intense sensations can work really well as a distraction. This might include holding an ice cube, having a cool shower, or have a hot drink or hot shower. Please be sure to do these things safely.
Shut it out
We're often told that "shutting it out" is a bad thing to do, and that can be really true. But sometimes we don't have much of a choice. If we're experiencing our crisis while we're out shopping. The goal of this is to get to a quiet place to sit down and think about the situation. Is it a problem you can solve right now? If the answer is "no", then try and visualize yourself physically putting your problem into a box and sealing it. Putting it aside for the time being until you
Neutral Thoughts
This involves thinking about things that don't add to your stress. Counting in your head, reciting song lyrics in your head or things like that can be helpful. Maybe there's an activity you can even do in your head.
Take a break
How taking a break looks will be unique to you. Maybe this means putting aside some of your "to do" list for the next day. Maybe it means taking a mental health day if that's available to you. There is no shame in needing to rest and take a break.
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bbygirl-obi · 8 months
"the jedi don't have therapists-"
jedi philosophy, and in particular the practices and teachings that jedi were expected to implement in their everyday lives, was therapy. dialectical behavior therapy (dbt), to be exact. anyone who's familiar with dbt knows where i'm already going with this, but like genuinely look up the basic tenets of dbt and it's identical with what the jedi were doing.
dbt, to put it simply, is a specific therapy technique that was designed for ptsd and past trauma. it's pretty different from traditional talk therapy. it combines a few different environments (individual, group, etc.), recognizing that no single format of treatment can stand alone.
the key focuses of dbt include:
emotional regulation- understanding, being more aware of, and having more control over your emotions
mindfulness- regulating attention and avoiding anxious fixation on the past or future
interpersonal effectiveness- navigating interpersonal situations
distress tolerance- tolerating distress and crises without spiraling and catastrophizing
i'm sure it's already clear from that list alone how much the jedi teachings correspond with the goals of dbt. the jedi value, teach, and practice the following:
identifying and understanding emotions
mindfulness and living in the present
compassion, diplomacy, and conflict resolution (on interpersonal scales, not just planetary or galactic)
accepting and tolerating certain levels of distress or discomfort (particularly mental, such as discomfort at the thought of losing a loved one to death)
idk man seems almost as if jedi mental health practices and dbt are two sides of a completely identical coin. (fun fact: both star wars and dbt are products of the 70s.)
and guess what? dbt was specifically designed as a treatment for borderline personality disorder. remember that one? or, if you don't, maybe you remember a specific character, the one who was literally used as an example by my professor in my undergrad psych class when she was teaching us about bpd?
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tldr: simply existing within the jedi community, practicing jedi teachings, surrounded by a support network of other jedi of all life stages, was the therapy for anakin. even when viewed through a modern lens. it was even, more specifically, the precise type of therapy that has developed in modern times to treat the exact types of mental issues he was struggling with.
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mrstengenuzui · 8 months
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Be the person you needed when you were younger. 💜
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ihavehisdvds · 9 months
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I am a chrysalis. It is a difficult phase, melting down all that you had built around yourself to protect yourself, all the work I have done, accumulating insight and skills, until I have wrapped myself in a shell to come back to the most basic part of myself to rebuild myself into what I am meant to be: a human beautifully flawed and brimming with vitality. In some ways, I will always be in the chrysalis, always breaking down to build back parts of myself more truly me than before. Break and build. Break and build.
But, soon, so soon, I will fly. Oh, how I will fly.
Photo: Ed Binkley Art
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dissentdisdain · 2 months
Understanding Self Sabotage:
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This is something I learned in group therapy. Just trying to spread knowledge to others who do not have the means of attending therapy at this time. I got you homies, I will upload more screenshots after my sessions throughout this week <3
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slut-jpeg · 11 days
hey guys I’m trying to come up with an extensive list of anxiety/self soothing coping mechanisms, either big or small or both. please lmk what helps you calm down! (ps it doesn’t have to be like a “skill” you’ve learned it could really be anything, but if you have learned a skill that helps such as tipp I’d love to hear it!)
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red-umbrella-811 · 1 year
This one’s for all my friends on here with problems.
If you’re having a trauma or anxiety episode, if you’re thinking about killing yourself, you just need to make it through tonight. The morning won’t make everything good, but things will be better.
Do what you need to do. If you’re struggling to make it through this moment, there are things like exercise for anxiety, cold water on the face for anxiety or flashbacks, other distress tolerance skills. Use your skills, white knuckle it. Don’t use substances or behaviors. Surf the urge.
Try to get some sleep. It’ll be better if you do, but the morning will still be better than the night if you don’t. If you can’t sleep, see if you can lie down and listen to or watch something comforting, maybe with your eyes closed.
If you can’t do that, see if you can be kind to yourself. Maybe that feels natural right now, maybe it doesn’t. Maybe you don’t deserve it. Try it anyway. If there’s some cosmic (or literal) debt to be paid for it, you can pay it in the morning.
Try to be kind. If you can eat, eat something comforting. If you’re in a bed or couch, maybe curl up with a soft blanket or stuffed animal. Smell something that smells like home.
This isn’t about solving the problem, this is about getting you to a place where solving the problem might be possible. It’ll probably take more than a night. But right now, we’re just making it through to see the sun again.
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borderlinebubbles · 2 years
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eliserzilber · 6 months
My DBT skill graphics organized by module🩷
Please feel free to save them, share, print and submit requests if there’s any skills you’d like sooner than others (as I make more, I’ll add them to this post for easy access).
Mindfulness: FLAME
Emotion Regulation: ABC PLEASE
Interpersonal Effectiveness: GIVE, FAST
Distress Tolerance: STOP, TIPP
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borderlinereminders · 2 years
The FAST skill is useful for working to communicate in a way that preserves relationships while also maintaining one’s own self-respect.
be Fair - Validate your own emotions as well as the person you are communicating with.
Listen to others’ needs but also do not avoid voicing your own needs. Another person’s wants and needs are important. So are yours. Try to keep both people in mind, and try to be open to compromise, but do not allow your desires to be ignored. Compromise may allow both of you to get what you need.
don’t Apologize unnecessarily - Many people over-apologize, or apologize when they haven’t actually done anything wrong. They may apologize for having an opinion or for disagreeing, or to calm conflict or soothe anger.
This can lead to undermining one’s own self-respect, and may also make you seem insincere when you have good reason to apologize, and you are really sorry. If you apologize for everything, it may be hard to tell when you actually mean it.
Stick to your values - Don’t do things that go against what you are sure is right for you. Don’t go along with things just to impress a new friend or please a new partner, if they are against your values.
If they push you to give up your values, maybe that relationship isn’t right for you.
be Truthful - Don’t tell lies. Don’t stretch the truth, or exaggerate, or make up excuses.
Making a habit of being untruthful often has a way of coming back to bite you, and of harming relationships. It’s better to avoid it completely.
Disclaimer: This advice is meant to be used for relationships that you want or need to preserve. It is also not meant to be used in a situation that you feel may be unsafe.
Read about other DBT skills here.
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ensign-smith · 6 months
me to myself:
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looking at pretty pictures is considered a distress tolerance coping skill
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mrstengenuzui · 7 months
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smeetlinglord · 6 months
STOP living your life in accordance to other people’s approval of you. START living your life in accordance to your approval of you. Do you like yourself? Do you like things you say and do? What do you want out of the people around you? What things can you do to help make your life easier? What things make you happy? Cease looking for someone else’s answer to those questions, and start answering them yourself.
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sepulchritude · 2 months
Wow people really are such monstrous cunts about BPD huh? Like I knew that but holy shit
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Overwhelmed? Take a REST!
We’d like to share a coping strategy that we learned in therapy. Lots of systems have been traumatized, are sensitive, or otherwise struggle to deal with Big Emotions. If you find yourself in this position, the REST strategy may work for you!
REST is an acronym that stands for Relax, Evaluate, Set an intention, and Take action. It can help you remove yourself from a stressful or overwhelming situation, process what’s happening, and learn how to act accordingly!
When to use REST?
You can use REST anytime you are feeling overwhelmed with negative emotions. Our system has alexithymia, which makes us unable to distinguish much about our emotions other than whether or not they are Good or Bad. Fortunately, you don’t need to be super in-tuned to your emotions to use REST! You can use this whenever you are feeling bad. If you’re concerned you may hurt yourself or someone else, are close to tears, can’t stop shaking or shouting, or are having trouble catching your breath, these are all signs that you may need to take a step back. Time to put REST into action!
1) Relax
Try and remove yourself from your current situation. This could mean taking a walk or sitting outside, or simply finding a secluded corner to be by yourself for a while. Plan to be away from your current task for 5 minutes.
Once you’re by yourself, take deep breaths to calm down. Think of things that relax you - look at a stimboard, imagine yourself at the beach, pay attention to the world around you, stretch your muscles, or send your friend a quick text. Remember that you cannot think and make decisions as effectively if you are overwhelmed, and calming down is a necessary step to improving your situation.
Different folks will relax in different ways. Feel free to experiment in order to find a way to relax that works for you. Perhaps have one relaxation technique that you can use at home, and another that you can use when you’re out. If you’re trying to relax in a way that’s not working, abandon it and try something different.
2) Evaluate
Once you’ve calmed down and are able to think a bit more clearly, take some time to evaluate your current situation. Ask yourself questions like:
What is happening around me?
What happened that caused me to be overwhelmed?
What am I feeling currently?
Why am I feeling this way?
Don’t judge yourself for your feelings, situation, or initial reactions. Try to simply notice them as indifferently as possible.
3) Set an intention
After you’ve checked in with yourself and evaluated your situation and surroundings, it’s time to set an intention. Here’s where you take some time to think about what you can do or an action you can take to improve what’s going on. Don’t spend time beating yourself up for what has already happened - look ahead to what can be done to make things right. Ask yourself:
What can I do now?
What can be done to improve my situation?
What is my next step?
Plan out what you can do in this moment that will benefit you. Imagine yourself completing the intention you set, and succeeding at it! Try not to set an intention that is unrealistic or unachievable. If you need to break your goal down into smaller steps, that’s okay too!
4) Take action
Finally, it’s time to perform the action you set as your intention. Whether that means apologizing to a coworker after an outburst, keeping your mind busy with a new hobby, breaking your project down into simple steps, making amends with a friend or headmate, or anything else, you have the power to take action when you set intentions! There is no need to rush to action - take your time, go slowly, and be mindful of yourself and your situation as you proceed.
And that’s all there is to it! Remember to use REST any time you feel overwhelmed by your emotions or situation. It’s okay to use REST multiple times a day! This can help you step back from difficult or scary situations, and help you feel more equipped to handle whatever may come your way.
Our system has written down the steps of REST with questions we can ask ourselves on a little note card that we keep in our wallet. Whenever one of us is starting to feel overwhelmed, we take out the card and try to practice REST-ing! It has helped us deal with stress at work, traumatic flashbacks, inner-system strife, and interpersonal conflicts. We hope that learning to REST can help you and your system as much as it’s helped us!
Thanks so much for reading! Remember to treat yourself and your system with kindness and compassion, and have a wonderful day!
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(Image ID:) A pale orange userbox with a cluster of multicolored flowers for the userbox image. The border and text are both dark orange, and the text reads “all plurals can interact with this post!” (End ID.)
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