#daily encouragement
athousandbyeol · 19 days
i really want my creator friends to know that please! just do your thing! make that gifset! write that fic! do that photoset! create that edit with the song everyone uses in theirs! just do it because i want to look at it! i'll appreciate it! i'll forever be in awe of your talent! it breaks my heart whenever i read your tags or posts about how unconfident you are with your works... because dear Lord, all of you are my inspiration. so, please! don't give up and just make everything you want to make! i'll always root for you! 🥺❤️
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lttledog · 2 months
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“Idea” by Kate Baer
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positivelypositive · 2 months
here to remind you...
...that it's still progress if it's not linear.
falling back down is normal. you're making your way out of a tough situation. setbacks are to be expected.
don't let them bring you down. keep going. keep it moving ✨
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tofubutter27 · 20 days
The tides are coming down now, softly, gently, slowly… and soon, your feet will touch the shores again.
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newlife4you · 1 month
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simplydannie · 19 days
Hello friends!
I kinda wanted this post to be a post of encouragement.
It’s something I face every so often, and it’s something I realize that I’m not alone in. Many of you may feel this same way too:
I love writing! I love being creative! I love engaging with people and just having fun. But there are days where it gets dark for me. I start going through social media and seeing all the amazing talent out there! The stories, the drawings. Pretty soon I start comparing my work to theirs, my following to theirs.
Soon enough, I find myself in a dark pit, wanting to give everything up because my stuff isn’t as popular or have such a mass following…. I turn into my worse critic. There I days I want to call it quits because I begin to think “why am I doing this, no one cares”. I see the popularity and love others receive and dream that one day that be me… but it never is.
It just really, really eats me on the inside… and I have come to a realization that I am not the only who goes through this feeling, and I am hear to tell you that you’re not alone.
It’s okay to feel this way, we’re all only human after all. But what’s not okay is to let that negative feeling win and give up on your passion. Thankfully, I’ve had positive people influence me and council me. And I am here to do the same for you!
Don’t look at the numbers, the following. Here’s my advice: look at the few people who really love your work! The few that support you and are always encouraging you and coming back! Those are the people that keep me going! They hype me up and just get me excited for what’s to come. I greatly appreciate all my pookies (you know who you are) and everyone who just engages with my content.
Look up to these people! The ones who keep cheering you on! If you’re reading his, know that I am cheering on you! It’s better to be surrounded with the few who love and support you. Yes, trust me, there is something flattering about having tons of followers and notifications, but there’s also something poisonous about it if we’re not careful.
Take one step at a time! Eventually you’ll get there! Appreciate what you have right now! Experiment with your style and your content! Find what media platform works best for YOU.
Do not, I repeat, DO NOT loose your sense of self by trying to copy other people. There’s nothing wrong with inspiration, but don’t loose yourself. Take it from me; someone who’s try to be someone else just to be accepted. Your style, your content is what makes you, YOU.
You’re not alone in this feeling, okay? There are days where we can all feel it. I just want to let you know that. I just want to spread what little encouragement I can that has kept me going and hopes that it keeps you going as well.
You’re doing great!
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escafeism · 2 months
hey, i hope you know that there's an undeniable beauty in your approach to life's challenges. despite all the ups and downs life throws, you handle each day with grace and strength. you navigate rough waters with an unwavering spirit— inspiring and admirable. but what i admire about you is how you turn those tough moments into opportunities to grow. instead of letting them bring you down, you use them to push yourself forward like a true champ. you've got this incredible knack for finding the silver lining, even in the darkest clouds.
and hey, your journey doesn't just inspire people around you — it lifts others too. your resilience and positivity are like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. so keep shining bright — every hurdle you overcome only makes you stronger, and i have no doubt you'll keep rising above whatever challenges come your way.
— a gentle reminder j.a
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omnitheist27 · 2 months
The 40 - Learning the language
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Keep on the encouragement of the finale of Main Character Syndrome (With Exceptions)!
@the-ravenclaw-werewolf and @purplemochi20055
As Senku prepares to head to a planet filled with intelligent life, he combs through the big book of universal languages for verbal communication with the natives.
However, even with his formidable intellect and the room functioning similar to the hyperbolic time chamber of Dragon Ball, Senku finds himself being challenged to learn a new language quickly.
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asilaaspirations · 2 months
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Persistence is one of many keys 🔐
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Before you speak, ask yourself-
Is it evil? Is it diabolical? Is it loathsome? Does it cause despair? Does it further your schemes? Does it-
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northwoodsfan · 20 days
Grace Nugget for 4.21.24
Grace Nuggets: Simple Reminders of God’s great love for you.
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View On WordPress
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mistihayesfix · 1 month
I hope all of you know, you are special. You are necessary.
Life is weird. It seems unceasingly cruel some days. Yesterday I saw the bodies of the humanitarian aid workers who had been killed by IDF strikes in Gaza.
What is being done there is nothing short of a genocide. To think a man like Bibi, with his heritage would use it to oppress and destroy others is unthinkable.
The crushed and mangled bodies of beautiful, proud Palestinian families left trampled by a regime hellbent on annihilation is terrifying. They deserve better. No people should face crimes like this.
In Congo, small children, barely able to walk are sent to work in the mines for our comfort. Are they not beautiful and special as well? Do their lives not have meaning? Are they not allowed to know life outside of slavery? Because that's what they are in.
The Continent, glorious, resplendent, rich with resources, but more importantly, peoples and cultures who deserve to thrive. Yet for CENTURIES now, the peoples, cultures, and resources have been plundered to run the world without given so much as a dime to the betterment and growth of the many nations of The Grand Continent.
Colonizers believe and would have everyone else believe the peoples are backward and in need of saving, when history tells us life began, expanded, and was able to be cultivated because of practices from the peoples of The Continent, the Middle East, and the Far & Near East. Islanders and more. The world is as advanced as it is, not because of colonizing, desperate, thieving despots and imperialism, but because of the minds and hearts of the Global South Majority.
You all are precious. Each of the people in these places, Sudan, Haiti, and Pakistan is worthy. My prayers at this time are especially with Taiwan after the earthquake today and Japan as the shores of both countries are receding and it seems tsunamis are imminent.
Please remember, in the midst of all of this, the vastness and greatness, the terrible and the terrific, you matter. Yes, little you means something big to the world around you. Even if no one else told you or made you feel special or like you matter. Even if someone has worked hard to convince you of the opposite, they are liars.
YOU ARE IMPORTANT AND YOU MATTER, simply because you are. We are a community of humanity, separated by distance and boundaries but bound together in the spirits of community and care.
It is overwhelming to see all this and feel insufficient. But let us learn and tell and share the stories. Let us see the humanity and worthiness of our fellow friends. Let us not let others turn away easily and forget.
We see each other. I love you.
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lttledog · 2 months
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March 16th, Saturday; from the diaries of Franz Kafka.
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Dear Fren,
people who put you down, they don’t have much going on. It’s easier to be all talk than action, easier to assume than to try and fail. They don’t have the courage to. You, on the other hand, might fail constantly, but by trying you are already doing something for yourself, and you will yourself benefit from it. Don’t be disheartened by the failures, for you learn something from each one. Keep going for what you believe in, because it makes you happy!
xx, Lin
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insidethebody · 30 days
Today is the day, to take the path to self love.
I’m going to try to create a blog to help people work through the process of self love just like I am. I will be sharing what I learn, the activities I do, affirmations, and so on.
Please join me on this journey.
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newlife4you · 1 month
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