Delusional Life
Have you heard what you think about becomes your reality? For instance, let’s say you think about how you’re never going to find love or you complain about how you don’t have enough money. They say you attract what you focus on, so if you are focusing on the negative stuff in your life you will continue to be in that space. Have you ever met people that complain about something and something…
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I miss you
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Do we subconsciously search for our parents when looking for a partner?
Do we subconsciously search for our parents when looking for a partner?
Let’s take a moment and think about this. Do we subconsciously search for our parents in a partner? I can honestly say I’m guilty of this. My homegirl and I were talking about a guy who told her she reminds him of his mother. That’s when I start to ponder…is it true? Guys I have dealt with in the past would say I remind them of their mother. When I tend to look for a guy, the first thing that…
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Letting Go
We tend to hold on to things beyond the expiration date for some strange reason. Maybe because we hope one day the person will come to their senses and choose “me”. But why do we subconsciously wait around for that? We naturally want to show men how to experience true love, because it’s pretty amazing! But what if the situation you played in your head a thousand times don’t play out how you…
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Where Does The Love Go?
Where Does The Love Go?
When the relationship ends, where does the love go? Currently, I’m at work and this thought popped up in my head while I was reading some of my old blog posts. Do you ever go back and reread your blog post and think, “I love your little brain and how it thinks” or is it just me, haha? Anywho, I was thinking about all the past relationships I had in my life and how at one point I loved…
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The Unexpected
And then it hits you like a big wave, and you start to go under. While under, your thoughts start to form and you begin to wonder. You can get lost in the thought of him. You have to catch yourself before you start to drown in your sorrows. You reach up trying to gasp for air and reach out for him but you know he’s not there. You try to grasp on to someone, anyone, while still gasping for…
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High Dive
I heard this song randomly in a dressing room at Forever21 and the chorus was catchy. So I Shazam it and the song is called High Dive by SHAED click here to listen. The chorus goes “I met the devil and I sold my soul, got everything my heart desires, sold my soul got everything I want but I’m not satisfied”. It got me thinking, would we truly be satisfied if we got everything we want and desired…
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Dear Tony
I count the days since your death hoping it will get easier as time goes on, it’s been two months, They say time heals all but it doesn’t, time continues to move but the pain is still there, You learned to deal with the pain as if you’re recovering from surgery, You thought you figure out how to deal with the lingering pain but it comes back, There are days where I think I can deal with…
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Attracted to Toxic Situationships/Relationships...Why?
Attracted to Toxic Situationships/Relationships…Why?
I’ve been on Instagram lately and been seeing a lot of memes that I could relate to on a toxic level, which isn’t healthy. I scrolled through the comments and seen thousands of women relate to a toxic meme and it got me wondering. Why are we attracted to toxic situationships/relationships? Is it because we were told at a young age if a boy likes you he’ll be mean to you? Who started this stupid…
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Just maybe, just maybe it’s okay to fall for you;
Just maybe, it’s okay for me to be vulnerable with you;
Just maybe, it’s okay to love again;
Just maybe, it’s okay to let my walls down;
Just maybe, it’s okay to be my authentic self with you;
Just maybe, it’s okay to feel afraid to lose you;
Just maybe, it’s okay to think about our future;
Just maybe, it’s okay to let my…
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It's been a while...
It’s been a while…
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It’s definitely been a while to actually talk about my life. Now, I have the time to actually sit down and write what’s going on in my life. Where do I start?! Let’s start where I thought this year was going to be EPIC. I remember counting down 10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1and saying happy new year with the hopes of having the best year of my life. Releasing old karma, releasing negative…
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I was lying in bed last night trying to fall asleep and thoughts started to form, it’s my normal routine at night. It’s about to be 2020, I  thought to myself, what have I learned in the last 10 years?!
I turned 21 in December 2010 and now I’m turning 31 in a few days. I started to think about my past and how it reshaped me for who I am today. As I reflected, I noticed I had some really shitty…
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I haven’t written about you in a while;
I wonder if the thought of you is winding down;
With each passing day, I’ve gained a sense of freedom;
Releasing myself from you is something I dreamed of;
But, with me moving on with my life;
I can only think about the unknown I look forward to;
It’s a great feeling you see,
Not knowing the outcome of your life;
I tried to control situations but realizing…
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A New Beginning? Yes!
A New Beginning? Yes!
As you guys know I’ve been on this blog for 5 years as of Friday 9/27. Which is crazy because I had an urge to write a post about my new beginnings. So thank you for those who read my rants and poems about love and life. You are really appreciated.
October is going to be a new beginning for me, I’m leaving the old and preparing for the new. And what better way to do that is completely moving?!…
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Aries New Moon April 5th, 2019
Aries New Moon April 5th, 2019
I’m starting to learn more about Astrology and the different planets every day from YouTube and through internet research and it’s pretty interesting. I personally enjoy horoscopes, tarot, angel numbers or anything that has a hidden message.
What a better way to start off the new year with the new moon in Aries; technically speaking it’s a new year in Astrology since Aries is the first zodiac!…
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Harsh Reality
            You created a person in your head;
Without seeing them for who they truly are;
You try to repaint the person you created;
By putting patches here and there;
You try so hard to hold on to the hope;
The hope that one day, he’ll be the person you created in your head;
But secretly knowing he won’t;
It’s impossible to live up to your expectations;
So you continue to paint a picture;
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