#end of a decade
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Bye bye 20s
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feymaid · 2 months
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heph · 5 months
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A Moment in Time - Dearly Missed
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End of a Decade
The end of 2023, for me, marks the end of a significant decade and chapter of my life. I had a fallout with my best friend. Someone I’d known for ten years. It’s not a pleasant thing to go through. No one teaches you what to do when a good person hurt you, but you know you’ve hurt them too. No one teaches you how to bid farewell to people you thought you never would say goodbye to. No one…
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chikinan · 6 months
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I'm sentimental about them. & about camcorders. [twt + insta + ptrn on bio]
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nebulastarr · 10 months
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lazylittledragon · 4 months
Hello I love your bg3 content and your Dorian is so lovely! Can we get like an alternative reality with Dorian and Ascended Astarion? What would your headcannon be for them? 🙇
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something like this, probably
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futureboy · 2 months
the thing about variety describing warner bros discovery making "unsuccessful attempts to sell the unprofitable fandom" is that this shifts all the blame on the audience. how are you gonna try that with a fandom that crowdfunded films on a record-breaking scale, raised millions for extra life for years and years, and spawned their own fucking convention because RT was so goddamn popular?? insane that poor business restructuring and shitty company practices from WBD is being spun into "our audience didn't give us enough money so unfortunately, we have to sell RWBY (a western show that enjoys enormous popularity in japan despite not being a homegrown anime) and RvB (a show which pioneered machinima as both a genre and medium)"
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blacktabbygames · 2 days
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Dang, Slay the Princess just crossed the threshold into the 250 best-reviewed Steam games of all time. It's still so wild to us that our weird little love story resonated with SO many people. Thank you all so much for playing and for leaving reviews!
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yesokayiknow · 3 months
i think it'd be fun if while the master was on gallifrey and messing around in the matrix he found about abt the confession dial. not the sanitised story that twelve might've told missy during the vault but the actual real 4.5 billion years of the time lords using twelve's own will and testament as a torture chamber story. and he loses it. and he burns gallifrey. except he can't ADMIT that's why he did that he'd look SENTIMENTAL he'd look like an IDIOT so instead he makes up a story about how he found something in the matrix something so horrifying and awful and unbelievable that he HAD to destroy the time lords. and then thirteen ends up on gallifrey and digs a little deeper than he had and manages to reconstruct some of the missing files and when she runs back into him she's like i finally found out why you burned gallifrey and i can't believe they did this to me i can't believe they wiped my whole life and experimented on me and built the time lords from my stolen dna and the master's like yeah while mentally he's like hm i'm sorry they fucking what
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Last day of my 20s, honestly didn't think we'd still be here a few times.
This decade started with me discovering I get panic attacks and how bad my anxiety/depression REALLY was and through the past 10 years, I've been through heart break, bone break, finished undergrad, finished grad, had 3 jobs trying to make ends meet, made some amazing friends, lost some shitty ones, fell in love, fell out of love, and really just grew into the person you see before you.
Overall, you could not pay me to relive this decade and im glad it's almost over. Tomorrow (Mar. 19th) is the big 3-0 and I'm honestly glad I'm still here 🥰
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themodsbabe · 1 year
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7+ Most Detailed Sims 4 Save Files
I rounded up some of my favorite save files for you guys!
There is a save file for the Sims 4 Decades Challenge, a Zombie Apocalypse Save File, a save file that makes incredible use of the TOOL mod to make the worlds feel brand new + more!
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fimbry · 1 year
Lykoi the werewolf cat breed
So I’m not going to be arguing because I’ve seen enough from enough owners over the years to have reached this conclusion, and I’m not in well enough health to come back to this. But I’m seeing the lykoi breed get more attention around tumblr lately, and I’ve gotta speak up because the breed has a dirty little secret.
I joined the Lykoi Lovers group years ago because I loved this breed, they’re super cute! I love werewolves! However, over the years, as more people got these cats, and their cats aged up (3-5+yo is when skin issues become REALLY evident) the group turned into a horror show.
This mutation really reminds me of lemon frost in leopard geckos. In the geckos, it was the desirable appearance which CAUSED the cancerous tumors. It wasn’t something that could be bred out. Similarly, it is the werewolf appearance which causes the skin issues, cysts, pimples, bleeding in the cats. You can breed away from it... and end up with a normal looking cat with fewer skin issues. You cannot seem to keep the werewolf look AND have good skin.
More below, and it IS graphic so be warned. Pus, blood, sad cats under the cut.
Let’s start with "what to know before getting a Lykoi”
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Okay, inevitably bumpy? What’s that mean exactly?
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“The gene that is specific to Lykoi that creates the semi hairless and roaning look is thought to be responsible for less hair follicles and possibly smaller pores. This in turn could be responsible for the cyst/pimple issue. So, it's not going to be in Sphinx or any other breed, it's specific to Lykoi. Responsible breeders are currently working on breaking away from some of the older lines with bad skin and breed Lykoi that have no or less bumps. However what happens when you breed for more coat and better skin is that it seems to lessen the look of the Lykoi. Many of the heavier coated Lykoi without skin issues lack a mask or have a very slight one.“
^^^This is pretty damning as far as the future of the breed goes. Well bred ones will not look like werewolf cats.
Okay, but that’s just a couple cats, and just one cyst. That’s not so bad---
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“They definitely bother me more than her.” You sure about that?? Look at her...
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Okay but that’s just a FEW cats, how bad could it b--
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Again, this issue typically appears after the cat is 3-5 years old, so people buy their little werewolf cats unwise to the fact it’ll live with painful skin problems for the majority of its life.
It is the very mutation which reduces follicle count and pore size which causes the werewolf appearance and the blackheads and cysts, so I think “breeding it out” is nothing but a pipe dream. The mutation itself is what causes the problems, as mentioned earlier just like lemon frost leopard geckos.
Anyway, this has been a PSA.
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miusato · 2 months
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Yeah but what if they're some oddly high budget cartoon from the 00s???
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wigglebox · 2 months
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Personal space? [x]
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chaiaurchaandni · 6 months
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also remember that no form of resistance is ever acceptable to the colonizer. and that includes non-violent resistance (the great march of return) + non-violence is only successful against a force that has a conscience. but if your opponent had a conscience, he would not be oppressing you in the first place.
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