#but my god the fucking hangover anxiety is always so so so bad
hella1975 · 2 years
im gonna stop drinking i mean it this time
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thetriumphantpanda · 9 months
where you want your gift, girl? | Joel Miller
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Summary | It’s your birthday and Joel, knowing it’s not your favourite celebration, is keen to show you that it‘s not always going to be a bad day, not if he can help it.
Warnings | birthdays, allusions to strained parental relationships, food & alcohol consumption, smoking of (1) cigarette, no/pre-outbreak AU, gift giving, explicit smut, rough sex, choking/breath play, brief spit play, oral sex (F Receiving), safe unprotected sex, dirty talk, creampie, cumplay, literally just filth tbh, no use of y/n.
Word Count | 4.2K
Authors Note | Honestly? It’s my birthday today and all I want is for Joel Miller to fucking rail me to celebrate - we can’t have everything we want I suppose, so we’ll have to deal with writing our fantasies instead! Happy Birthday to me - Enjoy!
Masterlist | Ko-Fi
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You’d never really enjoyed birthdays. Other people’s, sure. The opportunity to treat your friends and make other people happy was something you’d always loved, but when it was you as the centre of attention, you almost hated it. The way people would train their eyes on you as you opened their gifts, the anxiety that you felt not knowing what it would be and whether you’d have to pretend it was the best thing in the world when you could think of a million things you needed above what they’d given you. It always made you feel ungrateful. Birthdays aren’t as exciting as you get older either, just another reminder of how far behind the rest of your friends you are, how little you seemed to have accomplished next to them in the same amount of years. 
It was no different this year, not really. Your mother had phoned you before you’d gone to work, asked if you received the card she’d sent in the post that had the customary $100 stuffed into it, before chiding you for not doing as you said you would last time you spoke and find a new job, something more challenging, related to that degree you’d spent all her money on. You sigh and hang up the phone before she can say anything else, a mumbled sorry that you were running late but thank you for the card. 
The only saving grace for your birthday this year was the fact it was a Friday, so you didn’t have to worry about drinking too much beer and having to go to work the next morning with a hangover. To their credit, your work colleagues had been quite nice to you - they’d pooled together to get you a gift card for you to spend on whatever you’d like, and Sandra from accounts had made you a birthday cake – red velvet because it was your favourite. Once everyone had eaten a slice, she put a Tupperware on your desk with two more generous slices in it, winking at you before walking away. 
“For your handsome boyfriend.” She’d said, giggling as she walked away. 
There was another saving grace for your birthday, you supposed. Joel Miller. Who had burst into your life in a whirlwind eight months ago when his beautiful daughter had spilled her hot chocolate all over your crisp new shirt in her hurry to get to the table so she could drink it. He’d been the most apologetic you ever thought you’d seen a man, helping you to wipe the worst of it off with napkins whilst Sarah profusely apologised next to you. You’d put a comforting hand on her shoulder, told her it was okay, and that you understood entirely, you’d have been as excited as her to drink hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows. Joel had insisted on paying for your dry cleaning, something you’re pretty sure only ever happened in films, and when you’d phoned him to tell him it really had been a minimal amount, he’d asked to take you to dinner instead, and the rest really was history. 
He’s phoning you now, his name popping up on the front screen of your phone, you smile as you answer it. 
“Hello, handsome.” You greet. 
“Good afternoon,” His southern drawl hits your ears, “Happy birthday, my darlin’ girl.” 
God, he makes you so happy, “Thank you, cowboy.” 
“You want me to pick you up and take you for dinner?” He asks, “Tommy is gonna look after Sarah tonight, so I’m all yours, whatever you wanna do.” 
You think for a second, sure, dinner out is a nice idea, but it’s been a long week, and you think what you want most is to be at home with him, “You think you could grill me a steak and let me drink beer on your couch instead?” You ask, slightly embarrassed that this is all you want for your birthday. 
“If that’s what you want, darlin’, then I’ll grill you the best steak of your life,” He chuckles, and then you can hear him cover the phone and speak to Sarah, who must be just back from school, “Sarah wants to speak to you real quick.” 
He passes the phone and it’s Sarah’s sweet voice that greets you next, “Happy birthday!” 
“Thank you, honey,” You smile, “You looking forward to some time with your Uncle Tommy?” 
“He’s gonna take me to the movies,” You can hear the grin on her face, “I already heard dad telling him not to feed me too much candy, but he never listens,” You chuckle, “I got you a present,” She speaks again, “I gave it to dad so you can open it later.” 
“Ahhh you sweet girl,” You coo, “I’m sure I’ll love it,” You reassure, “And I’ll be there tomorrow so I can thank you in person.” 
“Alright,” She replies, “Dad wants the phone back, but have a nice birthday with him!” 
You say goodbye to her, and then Joel tells you he’ll be waiting for you when you finish to bring you home. It’s only two hours until the end of the day, but you struggle to focus on the emails you’ve got to answer – you get through as few as is acceptable before the end of the day, logging out at exactly 5:30pm, box of cake clutched in your hand, handbag slung over your shoulder as you head out. 
Joel is leaning against the side of his truck, arms crossed over his chest so his biceps are bulging in the flannel he’s wearing, he’s also got one of his ankles crossed over the over. He looks so casual but as devastatingly handsome as he always is. He slips an arm around your waist when you’re close enough, pushing his palm into your lower back to press your body to his, dipping down to press his lips to yours. He’s gentle with it, opening his mouth against yours so he can slip his tongue into your mouth, letting his tongue meld with your own, kissing you slowly, like he’s got all the time in the world. 
“Get a room, you two!” It’s Sandra from accounts. 
Joel pulls away just enough to laugh against your lips, pressing his to yours once more before pulling away properly, opening the car door for you to get in, pressing a light swat of his hand to your ass as you hoist yourself up into the truck. 
Once he’s slipped into the driver's side and settled one of his hands on your upper thigh, he starts the drive from the city out to his house. It’s a quiet drive, Joel’s humming along to whatever is playing on the radio, you’re occupied with looking out the window. This is what you love about Joel, that he’ll sit in silence, won’t feel the need to make you talk, it makes you feel comfortable, knowing that he’s there when you need him, but he’s not going to force you to speak when you don’t want to. 
He’s pulled into the drive in no time, picking up the grocery bags from the backseat. You try and peak inside to see what he’s bought; you’re hoping he’s got the ingredients to make those mashed potatoes you like, and mushrooms that he’ll cook on the grill too. 
When he opens the door, you’re almost overwhelmed by the sight that greets you. There are gold and black balloons littering the floor, with one bigger helium balloon, weighted down so it doesn’t float along the ceiling, set in the corner with big ‘happy birthday’ lettering written on it. There’s a birthday banner pinned to the wall, and a selection of wrapped gifts on the coffee table. You have a sneaking suspicion that most of this is Sarah’s doing.
You giggle a little as Joel presses himself against your back, kissing at your neck, “How much of this was Sarah?” You ask, following him through to the kitchen. 
“She blew up all those balloons before she went to bed last night, and she did all the wrapping, but the banner and the big balloon, that was all me, baby.” 
You press your lips to his cheek, smiling as he starts unloading the grocery bags. Two ribeye steaks, and just like you wanted, mushrooms to grill, and potatoes to mash. He leaves you in charge of watching the potatoes whilst he grills the rest of the food outside. Whilst it’s resting, he mashes the potatoes with enough butter to clog your arteries, but when you sit at the table, and those potatoes are in your mouth, you can’t find it in you to care - it’s your birthday after all. 
“Everythin’ alright, baby?” He asks, cutting into his steak.
“It’s perfect,” You grin, spearing a grilled mushroom onto your fork, “Better than sitting in a stuffy restaurant anyway.” 
You finish your food in relative silence. Joel insists on doing the dishes even if he did most of the cooking, before he’s leading you back to the living room. 
Joel sits you down on the couch, treading as carefully as he can through the trail of balloons to get you a fresh beer. He kneels down on the floor between you and the coffee table, taking a glug of his beer, before reaching across the table for the first gift, setting it in your lap. 
“That one is from Sarah,” He explains, “She made me promise you would open it first.” 
“Rules are rules,” You shrug with a chuckle, carefully tearing open the wrapping paper. 
When you pull the paper from the material it was wrapped in you feel overwhelmed. It’s the exact same blouse that Sarah had tipped her hot chocolate over, just in black instead of white. The shirt had been a write off from the start, the chocolate leaving a stain that even the dry cleaner couldn’t get out. 
“She saved her pocket money for months to buy this,” He murmurs, pinching the silky fabric between his fingers, “Said if it was what brought us together, she wanted you to be able to wear it.” 
You can feel tears prickling at your eyes as you fold the material up carefully, “She’s such a special girl, Joel.” You whisper, watching as Joel leans back over the table to pick up another gift. 
“This one’s from Tommy.” He murmurs, handing you the largest box on the table. 
You rip the paper off and open the box, revealing an actual cowboy hat. You laugh, because Tommy has always said in order to properly fit in, you’d need a cowboy hat. Joel reaches into the box, pulling the brown Stetson out of its box, placing it on your head. 
“Suits you, cowgirl,” He growls, leaning under the brim of the hat to kiss you, nibbling your bottom lip as he pulls away, “Keep it on.” He demands when you go to take it off. 
“He didn’t need to get me a gift,” You mutter as Joel moves the two final gifts towards you, “And it’s a proper Stetson, this must have cost a fortune.” 
“Not that it matters, because everyone in this household thinks the world of you, but he thrifted it, mainly because you’ve rubbed off on him and he thinks getting a pair of Levi’s for half price because someone doesn’t want them anymore is the best thing since sliced bread.” 
You tilt the hat on your head a little so you can see under the brim, as he hands you an envelope this time, “These are from me.” 
You open the envelope and pull out a postcard with a from New Orleans. You turn the card over, Joel’s handwriting scrawled on the back. 
“Pack a bag baby, and let me take you away.” 
“Are you for real?!” You exclaim, “You’re going to take me to New Orleans?!” 
“Course I am, darlin’ girl,” He grins, “I know you’ve always wanted to go, and we’ve never been away together.” 
“Are you even real?” You ask, wiping your tears away, because you’re overwhelmed, no-one has ever been so thoughtful. 
“Last time I checked I was,” He chuckles, taking the postcard from your hands, replacing it with the last gift, a small box, “Go on, last one.” 
You take it from his hand, tearing the paper off it to reveal a small box. You open it, and sat inside is a silver necklace, a silver hoop, entwined with a smaller hoop. You’d recognise this anywhere. You’d spotted it in the window of the jewellery shop downtown. You’d spend so long looking at it in the window before deciding you couldn’t afford it, yet here it is, in your hands. 
“Joel,” You breathe, running your fingers over the delicate silver, “This is too much.” 
He presses a single finger to your lips to shut you up, holding his hand out for the box, taking the necklace out as he pushes himself up onto the couch, putting the delicate chain across your neck, “Do you like it?” He asks from behind you, mouth right at your ear, breath hot on your skin.
You turn around, wrapping your arms around his neck, feeling your hat fall off your head as he returns the embrace, “I love it Joel,” You murmur into the skin of his neck, “I love you.”
“I love you too, darlin’ girl.” 
You spend the rest of the evening curled up on the couch together. You eat the slices of cake that Sandra had sent you home with, drink more beer, Joel even sits with his guitar outside, playing some of your favourite songs whilst you smoke a cigarette. When the sun has fully set and you’ve let out a particularly loud yawn, Joel closes up the house, takes hold of your hand, and takes you to bed. 
You’re led against the sheets, getting yourself comfortable, when Joel comes back from the bathroom, leaning against the door with his thumb resting on his belt. He’s lookin at you with those deep, coffee-coloured orbs as you turn onto your side, propping your head up on your palm to look at him. 
“How do you want it, baby?” He smirks, taking slow steps towards the bed. 
You take your bottom lip between your teeth, because that is a very good question. Do you want him to be soft and slow like he had been that first time? So concerned he was going to hurt you with his size and strength that he refused to go any harder or faster than was strictly necessary? Or the time he made love to you after you’d looked after Sarah when he had to work late. When he’d walked into his house and found you painting her nails for her, watching a film that he’d never had sat through, his heart bursting with so much love that he had to push it all into you, whispering promises into your ear as he did so. No, you think, that’s not what you want right now. 
“I want you to fuck me, cowboy,” You rasp, “Hard.” 
He’s stood at the foot of the bed now, eyes dark with lust, “Well, what the birthday girl wants,” He murmurs softly, wide, warm palm clasping around your ankle, “The birthday girl gets.” 
He tugs at your ankle, pulling you down the bed in one swoop, your legs dangling over the edge as his fingers work the button of your work trousers loose. You lift your hips up so he can drag them, and your underwear off your body, before he tugs you into a sitting position to work your blouse over your head. Your palms cup his face as you kiss him, your lips giving attention to his plush bottom lip as his hands reach behind you and work the clasp of your bra undone, dragging that off your body so you’re finally bared naked to him. 
He pulls back, trails his eyes over your naked body, before placing his hand on your chest, right between your breasts, pushing you back down onto the bed. He trails his hands down the expanse of your sides, coming to the meat of your thighs as he settles his face between them. Normally this is where he’d tease you, use that mouth to trail soft kisses up and down the inside of your thighs, stopping to nip at the soft skin every once in a while, but he surprises you tonight. 
Joel uses the flat of his tongue to lick a single stripe up the seam of your pussy. Then, he takes his hands, puts them on the backs of your thighs to push your legs back towards you, spreading them open further, baring the entirety of your spread, aching cunt to his face, before that tongue of his is diving into you, licking the slick that has been slowly gathering there from you, groaning at your taste. He drags his tongue up to your clit, using the tip of it to lightly flick at your clit, which has a quiet whimper leaving your lips as you tangle your fingers in his soft curls to keep his head anchored right where it is. 
You’ve never really known a man quite as enthusiastic about eating your pussy as Joel Miller. The way he groans into your cunt as he laps at you, the way his fingers dig bruises into your skin as he holds your legs open for him, it all adds to the way he has your teetering on the edge of your first orgasm of the night in minutes. You’re bucking your hips into his face, chasing that burst of pleasure you know is so close to you. 
You can hear the obscene sounds from him, the way he sucks your clit into his mouth, rolls his tongue over it before letting it go with a pop, or the way he literally slurps the slick from your entrance. It’s when he slips two of his fingers inside your slick cunt that you’re really done for – fingers stretching you open, a poor substitute for what’s to come, but it’s good none-the-less. 
All of a sudden, that fiery burst of pleasure is setting your skin alight. Your body is arching off the bed, pushing your cunt further into Joel’s face as he sucks your clit through your orgasm. You can feel yourself clenching around his fingers as you let out as high-pitched shriek of his name as your body wracks with pleasurable aftershocks. You lie there, warm and pliant as Joel stands once he’s worked you through your orgasm. He takes off his shirt, and you marvel at that body, the one you get to enjoy, broad and strong for his work, but soft around the middle, just like you love. He’s looking you directly in the eye as he undoes the button on his jeans, belt from earlier seemingly lost in the bathroom before. You’re smirking as he drags his jeans and boxers down his legs, stepping out of them, stood before you in all his God damn glory. 
He is, quite possibly, the most handsome man you’ve ever seen. Especially when he’s got his cock gripped in his fist, pumping himself as you spread your legs for him, pushing yourself up the bed so he can settle between your thighs. 
You can feel the throbbing length of him slipping between your soaked folds as he finds a position, he’s comfortable with. You’re the one that reaches down between you and lines his cock up with your aching core, but it’s all Joel when he thrusts himself inside you, right to the hilt, in one go. He’s leaning forward, head rested in the crook of your neck, your name hissed out into your ear as he adjusts to the tight clench of your cunt. Your nails are already digging into the meat of his biceps when he drags himself out of you, before slamming back in. 
He revels in the way his rough thrusts make your tits bounce, dipping his head to take one of your nipples into his mouth, gently nipping at the puckered bud with his teeth before soothing it with the pad of his tongue. He laves the same attention to the other, never once letting up the pace of his hips. 
“This what you wanted, darlin’ girl?” He chokes out, looking down at you writhing in pleasure beneath him. 
“More.” You gasp, hand reaching to grab at his wrist which is planted by the side of your head, propping him up. 
He puts most of his weight on his other hand, letting you drag his other palm to the delicate column of your throat, where the sheer size of his hand covers it in its entirety. He rests it there for a moment, continuing to pound his cock into your pussy, but then he’s adding pressure to the side of your throat, giving you that delicious dizzy feeling to your brain, before he’s releasing the pressure. You’re grinning up at him, moaning his name as his hips continue to slam into your own. 
“Like that, don’t ya?” He asks, “God you look so fuckin’ good with my hand around your throat, pretty girl.” 
“Always fuck me so good, Joel,” You cry out when he shifts his position slightly, cock brushing that sweet spot inside you, “Do it again.”
So he does, he squeezes his fingers around your throat again, your mouth dropping open as a crazed giggle leaves your mouth. You wish you could step outside your body right now and watch, watch what the two of you look like – his hand around your throat, the way he’s pounding into you so hard you’re sure you’ll be sore in the morning. 
You’re both breathing heavily as he trails the hand that was around your throat to grip at your jaw. He squishes your cheeks together, pursing your lips as his mouth claims your own, growling into you as his tongue licks at yours. He’s so fucking overwhelming right now, thick cock splitting you in two, strong body laid across your own, mouth on yours, and it’s still not enough. You want to peel his skin off and climb inside him, let him consume you whole. 
Joel pulls back, hand still on your jaw. 
“You my pretty girl, huh?” He asks, and you can only nod, his hand stopping you from talking, “Belong to me, right?” 
His hand goes back down to grip your throat, gently though, with no pressure, so you can talk to him now. 
“All yours Joel,” You purr at him, “Only ever gonna be yours.” 
“Open your mouth,” He demands, using his hand to gently shake you, so you do, “Stick your tongue out.” 
You do just that, staring straight into his eyes as he leans down, ever so slightly, and spits into your mouth. It’s warm, wet and utterly filthy, and you think it’s the entire reason that you can feel your slick dripping down onto his sheets now. Joel doesn’t even give you the time to swallow, chasing the saliva he’s just put into your mouth with his tongue, giving you the sloppiest kiss you’ve ever received. 
“Fuck,” He spits out, pulling back from your mouth, “Ain’t gonna last much longer, darlin’ girl,” He confesses, those rough thrusts slowing ever so slightly, “Put your hand on your clit for me, let’s do this one together.”
Your hand slinks between your bodies, seeking out that sensitive bud, still reeling from the orgasm he pulled from you, it doesn’t take much work from your fingers to have you teetering on the edge, but you want to do this together, you have to hold on for him. 
“Where d’ya want it?” Joel chokes out as your pussy flutters around him. 
“Inside,” Comes your begging plea to him, “Come inside me, Joel.” 
Your work your fingers across your clit a few more times before you’re coming around his cock, the nails of your free hand digging half-moon shapes into the meat of his shoulder. He manages three, maybe four more thrusts before he’s stilling inside of you, grunting out your name as the white-hot spurt of his spend fills your aching cunt. He fills you up so perfectly, holding himself there for a moment before he lets out a slightly pained sound, pulling himself out of your pussy. 
He sits back on his knees, watching the white trickle of him cum seep from your spent hole. He takes one of his fingers, scooping his cum on it before bringing it to your lips, where you suck it into your mouth, running your tongue over it to catch every bit of the taste of him. He falls forward, forehead pressed to your own, kissing your lips softly, before he moves to lie on his side of the bed. 
You push yourself up into a sitting position, leaning over to kiss him softly, mumbling that you’ll be back in a minute as you pad to the bathroom to clean up. When you come back to his room, he’s already under the covers, your side pushed back and waiting for you, so you clamber in, seeking out his torso under the covers so you can wrap your arm around him. He pulls you flush to his body, slick and warm from sweat, but you don’t care. 
His arm is draped across your shoulder, his fingers tracing slow and soft across your skin, as he presses a kiss to the crown of your head.
“Happy birthday, darlin’ girl.” He whispers to you as he turns out the light. 
“Best birthday ever,” You mumble softly against his chest as you let your heavy eyes closed, “All because of you, cowboy.” 
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arlana-likes-to-write · 10 months
I Do
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Part 2 of Marry Me
Summary: It's your wedding day and as you are getting ready you can't help but remember how you got to this point. But sometimes even on the happiest days, anxiety can be the biggest enemy.
Note: italicized sections are flashbacks
Warning: Angst with Fluff, dirty talk, almost office sex but getting caught, mention of death, toxic past relationships, panic attacks, drinking
Word count: 8.8k
“I can’t believe you're getting married!” Tony exclaimed probably for the hundredth time during this whole process. “I’m more nervous than I was for Vision’s wedding,” you fought the urge to roll your eyes as you sat in front of the makeup artist. You felt bad for the poor woman who had to endure your family’s antics.
“Honey, have a drink,” Maria pushed a glass of whiskey into Tony’s hand. “You are going to stress out the bride.” You weren’t stressed. You were 100% content and ready to marry the woman of your dreams. All you had to do was get through a silly little ceremony and it would be official. You told Yelena that you would settle for getting married in a courtroom but she wanted a wedding. So you gave her a wedding.
“You look like the day you told me you had a crush on her,” Howard said, coming from the balcony with a cigar in his mouth. “All flustered and nervous. If I knew any better I’d say you were getting married.” You chuckled slightly at the light blush creeping up Tony’s face.
“Well then I learned that she was gay,” he pointed at you. “You were my first heartbreak.” You chuckled.
“I think you did well for yourself,” you smiled.
“Damn, right he did!” Pepper said and your bridal party cheered. This was the only thing you cared about, having your family together. Well, not everyone. Damn, you missed your parents.
 God, you had to have a long talk with Natasha about your last drink. Your head was throbbing. At least the newlyweds had the forethought to book a place with continental breakfast so everyone could nurse their hangovers. “Someone got laid last night,” Tony said, slamming down a cup of coffee and sitting in the chair next to you. The sound echoed in your head. 
“Fuck Stark,” you groaned. “Why are you always so loud?” He chuckled at your expense. The man was never hungover, it was annoying. 
“So are you going to tell me who it was?” He took a piece of toast off your plate. “Because I’m all your boss so I will find out,” you kept your mouth shut, sipping on your coffee. “I bet it was with Carol. She eyefucks you at every gala,” you smirked. You knew the former Air Force pilot was with Val, maybe they were looking for a third. “Monica is attractive, was it her? Please don’t tell me you joined Romanoff and Barnes.” 
“Shut up,” you laughed. You sighed. “Fine I’ll tell you but you have to keep it quiet. Can you do that?” He nodded. You glared at him. 
“Scouts honor. Now come on tell me,” he whined. You smiled, biting your lip as you remembered lasted night. 
“It was Yelena,” Tony stared at you, mouth slightly open, and blinked a few times at you. 
“Romanoff is going to kill you,” he deadpanned. “At least leave me something nice in your will.” You rolled your eyes, smacking the man slightly on the chest. 
“She knows,” his face scrunched in disgust. “Oh my god, ew, not like that,” Laughing pulled your attention away from Tony and you watched as Yelena walked into the dining room with Kate and America. She was still wearing the long-sleeved shirt that you let her burrow. It made you smile. Tony hit your leg. “Sorry,” you snapped out of it. “Natasha gave her stamp of approval for me to pursue a relationship with her.”
“Why did you make it sound like a business proposition?” He asked. You huffed out a sigh, crossing your arms. “I’m kidding,” he laughed. “She’s the one that has put a smile back on your face,” you nodded. Yelena sat down at a table with her sister and her green eyes found yours, a playful smirk on her lips. You wanted to go over and kiss her again. “Well, I’m glad she’s making you happy.” 
“Yeah, she is.” 
Maria and Howard asked you to join them when your hair and makeup were done. It was a light look as you didn’t wear makeup in your normal day-to-day life. So you stood with them on the balcony that overlooked the winery. “You are making me kind of nervous,” you chuckled. It reminded you of when you and Tony ‘burrowed’ Howard’s 1960 red Mustang. He wasn’t happy.
“There is nothing to worry about, sweetheart,” Maria said, sitting down at the small patio set. Her husband remained standing behind her. You sat down in front of her.
“We have a small gift for you,” you groaned. “Hey, lose the attitude squirt,” You fought the couple tooth and nail during this process. They wanted to help pay for the wedding or gift you something extravagant, but you declined both.
“It’s tradition for the bride to have something old, new, burrowed, and blue on their wedding day,” Maria explained. You and Yelena weren’t having a traditional American wedding with her being Russian and both members of the LGBTQ community but there were some things you were doing. You weren’t seeing each other until Yelena walked down the aisle, Yelena would be throwing her bouquet (you were hopping Natasha would catch it), and you had two flower girls (Lila and Morgan), and Nate and Cooper were your ring bearers.
“For your something burrowed,” Howard took off his cufflinks and handed them to you. “I expect those back in perfect condition.” he teased. You rolled your eyes but took them.
“For your something old,” Maria handed you a pin. “And it counts for your blue.” It was a blue jay pin that your mother gave her. She never took it off. You felt tears form in your eyes. “So they can be there with you while you walk down the aisle.”
“Your father gave me those,” Howard added. You choose Howard and Maria to walk you down the aisle in place of your parents. “They would be proud of you, kid,” you cleared your throat, trying to push down your emotions not wanting to ruin your makeup.
“Thank you,” you whispered. “Both you. I wouldn’t be here without you.”
“It has been a pleasure to watch you grow up,” Maria stood up and kissed the top of your head. “Here is something new,” she pulled out a small box and a letter. “From your soon-to-be wife. We’ll let you open it in private.” You thanked the couple and they returned to the suite as you opened the box. Inside was a new pair of earrings. They were simple golden studs with a small diamond. You smiled and put them in, now you understood why Pepper told you not to wear earrings. You opened the letter.
‘Darling, There are so many things I wish to write in this letter but I’ll keep it brief and save it for my vows. I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together. As for the earrings, Maria told me a story of a family vacation you took with the Starks around the time of your parent's passing to Cape Code. You wore a pair of earrings that your mother gave you into the ocean and unfortunately lost them. I know these won’t be able to replace the ones you lost. But I hope they provide you with a sense of comfort along with the mementos Maria and Howard gave you. I love you and see you soon.’ 
You reread the letter a few more times before folding it nicely. You fiddled with the earrings. You were a mess that trip even more so when you lost your earrings. You missed them so deeply and you wished they were here with you.
“Are you sure they want me here?” Yelena asked, anxiously twisting the rings on her fingers. You were sitting in the driveway of the Stark Family Home. It was Maria’s birthday. Tonight was the small gathering for family and a few close friends and tomorrow was the bigger party. The Starks never needed a reason to party. You took her hand in yours, bringing it to your lips. 
“They asked for you specifically,” it was true. When you told Tony about your new relationship, he couldn’t wait to tell his parents. They’ve met the blonde but you knew it was at a work event when you were introducing the new group of entrepreneurs. It was different now. She was just another Stark employee now she was a Stark employee and your girlfriend. “If you don’t want to go we can turn around and we can hang out at my place.” Yelena shook her head. 
“Is Wanda going to be there?” You sighed. 
“Yes,” the blonde tensed up. “But I don’t care about her. I’m with you and she made her choice.” You haven’t run into your ex-girlfriend since her wedding and your new relationship with Yelena. But you knew she knew. Vision seemed quite interested in your relationship, especially with how it would affect the workplace. It wasn’t a coincidence that an email from HR was in your inbox regarding relationships with coworkers. 
“Alright, let’s do this,” you turned off the car and walked over to Yelena’s side to open the door for her. “My knight in shining armor,” she said, kissing your cheek. She had the small gift bag in her hand, that you knew Maria was going to be livid about. You held onto her hand as you led her up to the massive doorway. “I sometimes forget how much money the Starks have,” Yelena mumbled, looking at the house. “Tony is so..”
“Stupid, cocky, a pain in my ass,” the blonde laughed, pinching your sides. “Ouch, rude.” 
“Don’t talk about our boss like that,” she teased. You rolled your eyes, ringing the doorbell. 
“He was a brother to me long before he was chairman of Stark Industries.” It wasn’t long before the door swung open. 
“There she is!” Howard said, pulling you in a hug. Your hand was ripped out of Yelena’s hold. “I guess you only come around when you know we’ll have food.” He teased. 
“Let me go, old man,” you pushed him off of you as he messed with your hair. 
“You did not just call me old,” he gasped. You stepped into the house and Yelena closed the door behind you. “It ain’t my birthday, sweet cheeks.” 
“I’m telling your wife you said,” you smiled, fixing your hair and polo. “Howard, I would like to introduce you to my girlfriend, Yelena-”
“Yelena Belova,” the man cut you off, extending his hand for her to shake. “I know all about you. You are the reason Stark Industries is branching overseas to work with the Wakandans,” Yelena shook his hand. You saw the tension leave her body. “It has always been my dream for the company to expand so we can help more people. I’d love to hear all about it.”
“Darling,” you saw Maria walk over. “You promised there would be no talking about work.” She scolded her husband. “Hello, Yelena it’s wonderful to meet you.” The matriarch hugged your girlfriend. Over his wife’s shoulder, Howard mouthed, ‘We’ll talk later.’ 
“It’s nice to meet you too,” Yelena smiled. “And Happy Birthday.” She handed Maria the gift bag. The woman glared at you but you held up your hands. 
“Wasn’t me,” you defended. “That was all her.” You were throwing your girlfriend to the wolves but when it came to Mama Stark it was for the best. Inside were two stained glass blue jays that she could hang in the window. 
“Oh, I love them. Thank you,” she hugged your girlfriend again. Your mouth hung open slightly. 
“How come when I get you a gift you threaten to kick me out of the will.” 
“Hush you,” Maria teased, lopping her arm with Yelena. “Come. Dinner is almost ready so we are having drinks in the sitting room.” Maria dragged Yelena in the direction of the room, leaving you alone with Howard. 
“Women,” he said, hitting you with his elbow. “Am I right?” You rolled your eyes. 
“You always are,” You grabbed him by the shoulder. “Come on let’s not keep everyone waiting.” When you joined the rest of the guests, Yelena was standing with Tony and Pepper. You excused yourself and joined the trio. 
“About time you showed up,” Tony teased, as he leaned closer to you. “Someone has been sending dirty looks to your girlfriend.” You saw Wanda standing with Vision and Bruce, another close friend of the Stark Family. You chuckled. 
“Maybe she’s upset I got lucky on her wedding night and she didn’t,” Tony gagged, punching you in the shoulder. 
“Children,” Maria warned and Tony mumbled a ‘sorry mom’ under his breath. “Dinner is ready.” The group filled into the dining room, and each person had a personalized name plate to designate where everyone was sitting. You pulled out Yelena’s chair for her. 
“Why don’t you do that for me anymore?” Pepper teased as she sat next to you. Tony huffed. 
“They are in the honeymoon phase,” he said. “They’ll grow out of it.” You smiled, placing your hand on Yelena’s thigh. 
“How are you doing?” You whispered. 
“Good,” she smiled. “Really good.”
Once dinner was over, you joined Tony, Vision, and Howard for a glass of whiskey on the balcony. The Elder Stark would pass out cigars but you refused one. It was tradition. You remembered begging your father to join because you wanted to be with him and Tony instead of your mother. You haven’t been on this balcony since you broke up with Wanda. You missed it. Sitting back in your chair, you sipped on your drink and listened to the three Starks talk with one another. Your mind wandered to Yelena. You knew Wanda wouldn’t try to do anything to save face with Maria but you were worried nonetheless. “So,” Howard said, looking at you. Oh boy. “You’ve been oddly quiet. Most nights we can’t get you to shut up.”
“Cool thanks,” you smiled, wrapping your hands around the glass. “I liked listening to you guys talk,” you admitted. “It reminded me of when we were younger and my father was here to join us.” That shifted the conversation and you were grateful until Vision directed it back to you.
“How are you and Miss. Belova?” He asked. You almost choked on your drink.
“We are good,” you smiled. “Just taking it slow and learning more about each other.” You were not giving this man more information to feed to his wife.
“That girl is smart,” Howard praised. “She is going to go far in that company.” Oh, you knew that. She was helping you, Sharon, and Natasha create a branch in California. You were waiting on approval to go ahead with the project.
“Is your relationship affecting your workplace dynamic?” Vision questioned. “You are technically her superior.” Your jaw clenched. You heard Tony shift in his seat, ready to defend you but you held up your hand.
“It has not,” you answered. “If she has any issues, she reports it to Sharon, and then Sharon reports it to me so there is a non-biased party in the middle,” you sat up in your chair. “Now I have a question for you, Viz. Did you have these same levels of concern with Pepper and your brother’s relationship? Or do you just have a problem with it because it’s me?” You smiled. “Excuse me gentlemen but I need a refill.” You stood up and walked back into the house. Walking into the empty kitchen, you dumped your drink in the sink and washed the glass.
“I’m guessing my son said something to upset you.” You chuckled at Maria’s statement.
“He didn’t upset me,” you said. Besides you knew Tony was giving him an earful. “Are you getting a cup of tea? I can make you some.” She nodded and sat down. You began to prepare it. Your mother and Maria were the ones that taught you how to make it. Maria said you could win anyone over with the perfect cup of tea.
“I like her,” Maria broke the silence. You looked at the matriarch. “I like the smile you get when you look at her.” You nodded.
“Yeah, she’s great,” you leaned on the counter as you waited for the water to boil. “Do you think my parents would have liked her?” You asked Maria the same question about Wanda.
“Take my hand,” you did. “As long as you were happy they would have loved whoever you brought home,” the kettle began to whistle. It was the same answer she had given before. You turned around to pour the water into the mug. “But yes, they would have loved her.” That was new. You smiled, loving the warm feeling that covered you.
“Let’s have a toast!” Sarah said, pushing an empty champagne glass in your hand. Laura came up behind her to fill it with a smile.
“She’s been waiting for this moment all day,” you chuckled and thanked the mother of 3. You became close to the Barton Family because of Yelena, you loved going to their house in Iowa. Once everyone had a drink and Lila and Morgan were given apple juice, Tony raised his glass.
“To a beautiful ceremony and a reception we’ll all forget.” You rolled your eyes. Sarah raised her glass next, and you gave her a pointed look to be nice.
“To picking someone that loves you as hard as you love them.” You mouthed a ‘thank you’ to your best friend.
“To looking hot and feeling hot.” Pepper cheered.
“To a long and happy life to the beautiful bride-to-be,” Laura added.
It was the Gala of the year, the anniversary of the day Stark Industries was founded. Everyone would be dressed to the nines, the best catering company would be hired and paired with the right drinks. At the end of the night, awards would be given, and there would be dancing, laughing, and sharing stories. Most importantly the press would be there. So much press. Everything had a place and a reason behind it. The type of food, the partners and competitors that were invited, and the way people arrived. It was the biggest headache for those who planned the party but when you stepped out of the car with flashing lights it was worth it. You arrived third to last, in front of Tony and Pepper and Maria and Howard. You rested your hand on Yelena’s thigh. It was the first big event you two were attending as a couple. She was wearing a high slight, dark blue dress with spaghetti straps. You were dressed in a black suit with a dark blue pocket square. Before you left, you gifted your girlfriend a diamond necklace which she was wearing. “Are you excited, sweetheart?” You asked, glancing at her. 
“Fuck yeah. I’m ready to eat until I burst and drink alcohol I didn’t pay for,” you rolled your eyes, stopping the car and putting it in the park. A valet attendant would park it for you. You could hear the paparazzi and see the lights from their cameras. 
“Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?” Yelena smiled before capturing her lips with yours. It was a slow kiss and she pulled away before you could ruin her makeup. You could kiss her for hours if she let you. Every time you kissed her your stomach flipped. 
“About 100 times, darling,” she said. 
“Well I’ll tell you 100 more,” you kissed her again. “Let’s go woo the crowd, baby.” You got out first, waving to the crowd before running over to the passenger side. You opened the door and held out your hand. Yelena took it and you helped her out. The camera lights began to go crazy but your eyes were only on your girlfriend. You stared at each other for a moment before heading to the entrance. Then the questions started. ‘Y/n, how long have you been dating Yelena Belova?’ ‘Is this why you pushed so hard for the Wakanda Project?’ ‘Has this affected your working relationship?’ ‘Can you comment on Wanda and Vision’s relationship?’ But you paid no mind to them. 
Oh, you remembered the headlines from the first event after your break up with Wanda and she attended it with Vision. ‘Maximoff is after a REAL Stark.’ ‘Y/n loses to the Starks again.’ It was brutal. Maria, the company’s PR, had to put out a lot of fires. You made it your mission to make her job as easy as possible. So you ignored the questions and you had a statement ready to go live tomorrow. You and Yelena stopped for one more picture before entering the venue. You felt a weight lifted off your shoulders, feeling safe within the building. Only selective reporters were allowed during the actual event. “I hate the press,” you mumbled, holding onto Yelena’s hand. She chuckled as her sister and Bucky walked over. The redhead was wearing a floor-length black strapless dress and Bucky wore a suit with his tie red that matched Natasha’s lipstick. 
“I see you both made it through alive,” Natasha said. 
“Barely,” Yelena teased. 
“I don’t know how you deal with them all the time,” Bucky mumbled. 
“With a lot of alcohol,” you smiled. “Let’s go drink.”
You were at the founder's table with the Starks plus Wanda, Pepper, Natasha, and Bucky. It was…special to say the least. You kept your hand on Yelena’s thigh while Wanda kept sending daggers your way. It was amazing to see how jealous she was as her new husband ignored her. You noticed Yelena’s drink was getting low as she was in a deep conversation with Pepper. You stood up and took her drink, whispering, ‘I’ll be right back,’ to your girlfriend. Before you could leave the table, Yelena turned to kiss you. You smiled and walked over to the bar. As you waited for the bartender, you heard a set of footsteps approaching you. You knew it was Wanda without having to turn around. You sighed. “What do you want Wanda?” You asked. “You’ve been starring daggers at me all night.” 
“I don’t think Yelena is good for you,” She said, standing next to you. You gave yourself whiplash on how fast you turned to look at her, not hiding the shock by her blunt comment. “You both are in different stages of life. You are well established in your career and she’s just getting her footing. It’s not fair to you that she’s using you to get ahead.” Your jaw clenched. Oh, you were so close to losing your cool. 
“It’s so nice that Vision looks like a loving and doting husband,” you deadpanned as the bartender put your drinks down. “Oh, I’m sorry I thought were saying things that aren’t true. Stay out of my relationship and I’ll stay out of yours.” As you grew into your career you learned to ignore what people said around you. It was damaging to your mental health to follow every rumor or lie spread about you. Even though your relationship wasn’t out to the public those you worked with knew. They were respectful at face value but you heard their whispers. They questioned the validity of your relationship with Yelena and you were only together to benefit the company or each other. It was ridiculous but your anxiety-induced brain made you question everything. Yelena was so far out of your league, that you wondered why she picked you. 
You sat back down with your and Yelena’s drink. “Thank you, dorogoy (sweetheart),” she smiled but frowned suddenly. “What’s wrong?” She asked. You forced a smile and shook your head. 
“Nothing,” you said, putting your arm behind her chair. “Don’t worry about it.” Yelena watched as Wanda returned to her seat, you could see the gears turning in her head. “Don’t,” you whispered in her ear and kissed her neck. “She’s not worth it.” She looked at you, her lips were inches from yours. 
“Come with me,” she said. You knew there was no room for argument. You both excused yourself from the table as Tony cat-called you both. You fought the urge to flip him off as Yelena dragged you to a hallway. “What did she do?” She asked once you were alone. 
“Nothing important,” you said, leaning against the wall. “Nothing that I know that isn’t true,” you looked away from the blonde. She sighed, closing the space, and used her finger to force you to look back at her. 
“It’s bothering you. So I want to know how to help,” she smirked. “Or I can go over there and force her to tell me, you know I’ve been looking for a reason to kick her ass,” you chuckled. That would be a sight to see. You hated the idea of keeping stuff from her but you didn’t want to upset her. You sighed. 
“She said you aren’t good for me,” you told her. “That you are just using me to advance your career.” Her green eyes went wide. 
“You know that isn’t true, right?” She whispered. “I-I would never do that.” Tears began to swell in her eyes. 
“Hey,” you brought her in for a hug. “I know you wouldn’t. No tears, okay? Don’t let that bitch ruin your makeup,” she laughed against your chest but you kept her in your arms when she didn’t pull away. “Sometimes,” you continued. “I can’t believe that I get to call you mine. You are so far out of my league that my mind likes to be my biggest enemy.” Yelena looked up at you. 
“Have you looked in a mirror, detka (babe)?” She questioned. “Or hear what some of the newer associates say about you or read what the press writes?” You remembered the article that Tony joked about. You were New York City’s most eligible bachelorette for a while. “You have the looks, power, and money, and I’m out of your league.” 
“Yes because you see as me and not as a Stark without the last name.”
“And I love you with or without the responsibility that comes with that name.” You stared at her. 
“I love you too,” you said without hesitation and captured her lips. Someone coughing broke you both apart. It was Maria. 
“As cute and disgusting as this is,” she smirked. “The award ceremony is about to start.” Ugh, that meant it was time for your speech. 
“Thank you, Maria,” Yelena smiled. “We’ll be right out,” the brunette left, playfully pointing to her watch. “Ready?” You weren’t. You were dreading to go back to that table. As your girlfriend turned to leave, you pulled her back towards you. “What-?” you kissed her. 
“Tell me again,” you whispered against her lips. She looked confused. “Please baby girl,” you pleaded. “Tell me again.” Her confusion disappeared and she smiled. 
“I love you,” the blonde said. “I am yours and you are mine.” Your heart fluttered. 
“I’m yours.” 
“Are you excited?” Pepper asked, helping you put on Howard’s cufflinks. You waited for the click of the camera to go off before answering.
“I am,” you smiled. “I think I’m more excited for the reception than the ceremony.” Another photo. Pepper laughed.
“I was the same way,” she moved behind you to fix your collar and lay your bow tie flat. “I want you to know Yelena has helped you a lot but you’ve done amazing as well.” If Tony was the brother you never had, Pepper was the sister. You smiled. “It wasn’t easy but you opened up your heart again.”
“It was worth it,” you told her. “It was worth all the growing pains and hurdles we went through,” Pepper hummed. “And thank you for being there when I wasn’t. You have a lot on your plate and I’m sorry I added onto it.”
“Never apologize,” she placed your hands on your shoulders. “You are family,” you watched her smile through the mirror. “Now you are wedding ready.” You were wearing a cream three-piece suit. The blue jay pin was attached to your breast pocket and the color of your bow tie matched the sage green of the bridal party. You smiled back at her.
 You loved your job. Loved it so much. But there were moments that you hated it. You figured that was common for any job. There was a pile of new hires, project requests, and yearly reviews that needed to be done. It seemed to be never-ending as the company continued to grow. You sighed, rolling your neck to release some of the tension, and got back to work. The hours seemed to keep passing but the piles of paper were never ending. A gentle knock on your office caused you to look up as Yelena walked in. “Hi,” you said. She looked concerned. “Are you okay?”
“Are you?” She countered. “We were supposed to meet at Kumos and you weren’t answering your phone. I was worried,” you glanced at the clock. 
“Shit,” you stood up suddenly, knocking against your desk. The lamp rattled from the impact. “I’m so sorry. I lost track of time.” You rushed out. Your hands shook as you began to organize the papers on your desk. 
“Hey, it’s okay.” But you shook your head. 
“I should have been paying attention to the time,” you said. You felt the panic build in your chest. “I got busy with all this,” you gestured to the mess on your desk. “I’m not creating excuses,” you added on. “I-”
“Dorogoy (sweetheart),” she cut you off, raising her hands to stop you. You flinched from the sudden action. Yelena frowned, the worry evident on her face. “Baby,” she said slowly. 
“I’m sorry,” you apologized. You needed to get out of here. Quickly, you ran into the bathroom and closed the door behind you. You locked it and slid down the wall until you hit the ground. It felt like there was a thousand pounds of pressure resting on your chest. Every breath you tried to take got caught in your lungs. Everything felt too small and too big at once like you were sinking and couldn’t get out. 
 Yelena watched as you quickly ran into the small bathroom and slammed the door shut. The sound caused the blonde to snap out of her haze and rush to the door but she heard the door lock. “Fuck,” she mumbled. She knew banging on the door and pleading for you to come out would send you deeper into a panic attack. She’s had to calm her sister down from them. Fishing her phone out of her pocket she scrolled through her contacts. Tony was out of town. She wasn’t sure if she could get her sister involved and she sure wasn’t hell going to call Wanda. That left Pepper. The Russian has texted the CEO a handful of times, mostly regarding takeout when they were at the office late. She was running out of options and hit call. The CEO picked up on the second ring. 
“Yelena,” she said slowly. “What’s wrong?” The blonde sighed and began to pace in front of your bathroom. 
“I’m in Y/n’s office and she had a panic attack and locked herself in the bathroom. I didn’t know who to call or what to do,” Yelena rattled off. Pepper was silent on the other end. 
“I’ll be right down,” she sighed in relief. 
“Thank you. I owe you one,” Pepper chuckled. 
“Don’t be ridiculous,” the CEO said. “You don’t owe me anything.”
You were still on the floor, back against the wall, and knees to your chest. Everything you tried to calm your breathing down didn’t work and you felt yourself panic all over again. “Hey, it’s me,” you heard Pepper say. “Can you open the door for me?” You couldn’t move. “Or do you want me to use Tony’s spare key?”
“Key,” you said. The door unlocked and Pepper slowly opened it. You watched with tears in your eyes as she closed it behind her and sat down next to you. 
“When was the last time you washed this floor?” She joked. You laughed as the dam finally broke. “Come here,” she pulled in a side hug as you cried against her. 
“Is-is she mad at me?” You asked. 
“No, she’s just worried but we aren’t going to talk about that right now. I just need you to breathe.” You’ve been plagued by panic attacks all of your life and you were prescribed medication at 10 years old. Sometimes the pill didn’t help and your anxiety got the better of you. But this helped, being fully hugged by another person grounded you. You focused on the way Pepper slowed down her breathing and the scent of her floral perfume. “Tell me,” she finally said, drawing circles on your back. “What’s going through your head?” You let out a shaky breath. 
“I got caught up in work,” you told her. “And I missed a date with Yelena. I panicked.” 
“Why did you panic? Yelena told me you flinched when she raised her hands.” You did?
“I thought she was going to be mad at me,” you said slowly. Pepper pulled away from you to sit in front of you. She pulled your legs down so you could get more air in your lungs.
“Can you be honest with me for one question?” You nodded. “Did Wanda hit you?” Your eyes widened at the accusation. 
“What? No, never,” Pepper didn’t look convinced. “I promise. Sometimes she would get upset if she thought I was prioritizing work over our relationship. It was my fault,” you defended. “I should have done better. I should have been better.” Pepper sighed. 
“Honey, you and Tony are so much alike I have to remind myself you aren’t a full-blood Stark,” you smiled, wiping away some of your tears. “Do you know how many times he has missed a date because he was too busy? I’ll answer, a lot,” you chuckled. Half the time you were in the lab when Pepper came looking. She never got angry with him, a simple roll of her eyes and she asked what he was working on. You would order pizza or Chinese and the three of you would sit and talk and laugh. It was some of your favorite memories. “I knew he didn’t love me any less. His brain is just a little scattered just like yours.” That was an underestimate, you had so many thoughts and ideas running through your head it was a little overwhelming. “My guess is when you missed a date with Wanda you made it up to her an extravagant way the next day.” You nodded. 
“Yeah,” you whispered. “I just didn’t want her to be upset with me. I-” You cleared your throat. “I sometimes flinch when someone raises their voice or moves their hands quickly. I love my parents but they argued a lot.” 
“Have you told Yelena this?” You shook your head, looking down at your hands. “Why?”
“Wanda didn’t seem interested in helping me through it,” you shrugged. “I learned to manage it by myself.” Wanda was your first real girlfriend. You didn’t count quick flings in high school and college or random hookups here and there. You were too busy with work or school or managing your public image. 
“Look at me,” you did. She was pissed. You’ve seen her with this dark look in her eyes when she was speaking to Stark’s competitors or dealing with the press. “I need you to listen to me, okay?” You nodded. “Yelena is not Wanda and I know it’s gonna take time for you to trust her with this part of you but doesn’t seem better to have some help with this,” you nodded. It was lonely, swimming in the dark cavern looking for a way out. Pepper smiled. “Do you want to speak with Yelena?”
“Yes, please,” you were surprised that she was still here. “Thank you, Pepper. I appreciate it.” The CEO stood up and walked over to the door. 
“We are family, always have been, and always will be, got it?” You nodded. “Now follow up question, do you want me to kill Wanda?” Your jaw dropped but soon your laugh echoed against the bathroom walls. “I’m serious. I don’t care if she’s my sister-in-law or whatever.” 
“No need,” you smiled. “Besides I think that list is pretty long.” 
“Ain't that the truth,” Pepper winked at you before exiting that bathroom. 
The door wasn’t closed for long as it reopened and Yelena walked in, taking the spot where Pepper sat. “Hi baby,” you whispered, holding out your hand. She took it. “First, I’m sorry I hid from you. I was just scared and stressed with work. Second, thank you for calling Pepper.” She nodded as she stared at your connected hands. 
“What can I do to help?” She questioned. You raised your eyebrows in question. “Your panic attacks. What do you need?” Oh. Wanda never asked. “For me, I don’t like to be touched and the 5 senses counting down works best for me,” you frowned. 
“I don’t know you got panic attacks.” Yelena chuckled. 
“I bounced around Russian and American foster homes of course I have panic attacks.”
“Why haven’t you told me about them?”
“Why haven’t you told me about yours?” She countered. You sighed, looking away from her. “Not sure when the best time to talk about my past.” She squeezed your hand. 
“Wanda didn’t bother to help me,” you admitted. “So I’ve learned to keep it to myself.”
“Hey,” she said softly. You looked at her. “I’m not Wanda. I’m here for the good and the bad, okay?” You nodded. 
“Okay,” you whispered. 
You were sitting on the couch while you listened to Sarah and Tony bicker back and forth. According to Maria, you were ahead of schedule so you had a few moments of peace before it got crazy again. “Knock, knock,” the door to your suite opened. Natasha walked in wearing a sage green dress.
“Looking good, Romanoff,” Tony whistled. The redhead rolled her eyes.
“You clean up nice, Stark,” she looked at you. “Can we talk?” You hated the way your stomach dropped.
“Yeah, of course,” you stood up and walked over to her. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you gave her a pointed look. “Okay, Yelena had a small panic attack and locked herself in the bathroom. She’s refusing to come out.”
“Take me to her.” You said to her without hesitation.
“I can’t,” she sighed. “She doesn’t want you to see her.”
“I can speak to her through the door,” you reasoned with her. “Natasha, please.”
“Come on,” Natasha gave in. You left your suite without a word to your bridal party and followed her to her room where Yelena was getting ready. You were grateful for Natasha. If it wasn’t for her gentle push you knew you would have danced around your feelings for her sister, too scared to mess up your friendship with her.
 “Just send it over to me,” you said, pacing behind your desk. “No, I trust you completely but you have your hands full and I can help,” the door to your office quietly opened. You smiled at your girlfriend and put your finger up to tell her you would be done in a minute. “Hope, I promise it’s not that big of a deal.” Yelena pushed your chair out of the way and sat on top of your desk. You smiled. “I know the next time I’m in California we'll get drinks. Give my love to Scott and Cassie. Bye,” you hung up. Yelena spread her legs to make space for you. You through your phone onto the chair and placed your hands on her thighs. “What are you doing, baby?” You asked. She placed her arms around your neck. 
“I was missing you,” you smirked. 
“You saw me at the all-company meeting.” She huffed. 
“Not the same and you know it,” she pouted. You chuckled, kissing her shoulder and up to her neck. She pulled you closer. 
“You can’t stay long,” you mumbled inches away from her lips. “I have a meeting with your sister.” The blonde rolled her eyes, groaning slightly. 
“Please never mention my sister and kiss me.” You obeyed because you could never deny her. You kept the kiss slow, not trusting yourself to get carried away. Yelena was intoxicating, that was the best way to describe her. You could get lost in the way she kissed and touched you. 
“Yelena,” you warned when you felt her tug your hair slightly. “We can’t do this here.” You wanted to push all your work off your desk and take her right here but you couldn’t. The morning wasn’t enough for you. 
“Your meeting with your Chief of Staff isn’t for another 45 minutes,” Yelena mumbled. “You can make me cum before then.” You groaned, resting your head on her shoulder. 
“Baby girl,” you whispered, kissing her neck. “You can’t say stuff like that.” You heard her breathing hitch when your lips grazed a sensitive spot on her neck. 
“Clocks a ticking, moya lyubov’ (my love),” the last of your restrain flew out of the window and you crashed your lips against hers. She smiled, grabbing onto you tightly as your fingers fiddled with the belt of her pants and unzipped the zipper. 
“Do you have any idea what you do to me?” You asked, hands skimming underneath her shirt and goosebumps erupted on her skin. “It’s so hard to keep my hands off of you.”
“Pozhaluysta (please), don’t tease me.” You chuckled, nipping at the skin underneath her ear. You were careful to not leave any visible marks. 
“I got you, sweetheart,” you promised. “I’ll always have you.” You trailed your hand down her chest and trailed your finger underneath her pants, the door of your office opened. Yelena jumped, zipping up her pants. 
“Ugh,” Natasha groaned. “Not you two too,” she walked over to your desk with the paperwork for your meeting. “I already have to worry about walking in on Carol and Val.” Yelena burrowed her face in the crook of your neck unable to look at her sister. You chuckled. 
“Please, I’ve walked in on you and Bucky so many times,” Natasha smirked. 
“A little tip, lock the door,” she hit Yelena on the shoulder. “Come on sestra you can get laid on company time after our meeting.” You felt the blonde let out a small huff and jump off your desk, kissing you softly. Your girlfriend flipped her sister off before leaving your office and closed the door behind her. 
“Shut up,” you said, sitting down in your chair. 
“I have to go bleach my eyes after this meeting,” you rolled your eyes as Natasha sat down. But that smirk was still on her face. “Or drink it so I can forget the image of you having your hand down my sister’s pants.”
“My hand was not down her pants,” you deadpanned. Natasha glared at you. “Whatever, let’s get this meeting going.” Natasha chuckled. 
“Of course, someone has a meeting to have an orgasm.” 
Natasha opened the door to the suite and it was empty of Yelena’s bridal party. She opened the closed door. “Thank you.”
“I’ll give you space. Call me if you need anything,” you nodded and walked over to the bathroom door, gently knocking on the door.
“Go away,” her voice shook. You fought every nerve in your body to break down the door and wrap her in your arms.
“Sweetheart, it’s me.” She was silent on the other side.
“You're not supposed to see me.” You smiled.
“I’m behind the door, my love. I can’t see you, I promise. Can you tell me what’s going on?” You could hear her breathing begin to pick up. “Hey, hey,” you cooed. “Count for me, baby. 5 things you can see.” You wondered if she heard you as she was so quiet.
“Natasha’s makeup bag, a hair dryer, my towel, Melina’s robe,” she laughed. “And a bottle of vodka Alexei left.” You laughed along with her. You loved Melina and Alexei, the odd couple who always made you laugh.
“Good job sweetheart. 4 things you can touch.”
“Bathroom mat, the door, the tile floor, and the silk of my robe.” You praised her each time she counted something in the bathroom that went along with her senses until her breathing slowed down. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “You shouldn’t have to deal with me like this,” you shook your head even though she couldn’t see you. You sat down with your back against the door.
“Nonsense,” you said. “You will always be my number one priority. So why did you lock yourself in the bathroom?” You asked. You heard her sigh.
“People are going to be looking at me,” she finally said. You kept the snarky comment at bay; ‘Well it is your wedding.’ You knew there was more. “And I started to panic because what if I fall or mess up my vows or Alexei embarrasses me.” You smiled.
“Well, he’s already going to do that so that’s a given,” she chuckled. “Do you want to call off the wedding?” Yelena gasped.
“No, no. I think Natasha would kill me,” You knew she would never do that. “And I’m not doubting I want to marry you,” well that was a relief. “I just panicked.” You hummed. “You must think I’m stupid.”
“Never, baby, I understand anxiety better than most people. There are going to be a lot of eyes on both of us but do you know where my eyes will be?”
“Where?” Yelena questioned.
“On you. I don’t care about anybody else,” you truthfully said. “And you just have to keep your eyes on me. Nobody else matters,” she was quiet as you brought one leg up to your chest and chuckled. “Do you remember when I asked you to marry me?”
“Before or after I punched you,” she deadpanned. You laughed which caused Yelena to laugh along with you. You asked her to marry her on parent’s farm. She was in disbelief at the question her instinct was to punch you. It got a laugh out of everyone that was there to witness it but she said yes.
“Happiest day of my life,” you admitted. “Well, that is a lie, every day spent with is the happiest day of my life.”
“That was disgustingly cute,” you rolled your eyes. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you smiled. “So are we going to get married today?” You heard rustling on the other side of the door, you figured she was standing up. You mirrored her actions. The clicking of the door unlocked and it opened slightly. She brought out her hand and you took it.
“See you are the alter,” you kissed her hand.
“See you there.”
Oh, you were going to throw up. You wanted to take back everything you said. You were nervous as Maria kissed your cheek and Howard hugged you, and they left you at the altar. They took their seats next to the empty ones you left for your parents. Next was the wedding party and you felt Tony grab onto your shoulder. “You are going to cause an earthquake for how much you are shaking,” he mumbled. “Breathe.” You nodded as Cooper and Nate walked down the aisle followed by Lila and Morgan. The music changed, the crowd stood up, and there she was.
“Holy shit,” you said, smiling. You heard Tony and Pepper chuckle at your reaction. It was the first time you saw the dress. Yelena went dress shopping with Melina, Natasha, Laura, and Pepper when you were on a work trip. The dress had a lace top and the style hugged every curve. It had a beautiful train behind her. Every guest's eyes were on her, she was the star of the show but her green eyes were only on you. Alexei kissed Yelena on the top of her head when they stopped in front of you and he turned to face you.
“You hurt, my little girl, I will kill you,” he deadpanned but you saw the joke in his eyes. “I have the skills to do it.” You rolled your eyes at the man.
“Dad,” Yelena warned but Alexei ignored his daughter and hugged you tight.
“You are good for her,” he whispered. “You keep her heart good.” He let you go and joined Melina at his seat. You took her hands and smiled.
“Hi,” you said. “You didn’t fall.” Yelena chuckled softly.
“No,” she whispered. “My eyes were only on you.”
With the ceremony over, changed into your reception suit, and a plate full of food, you made your way back to the sweetheart's table. You stopped as you saw Wanda walking with Carol. You knew she RSVP you still weren’t sure if she’d come. Placing your bowl of mac and cheese down and took a sip of your drink. Damn your wife for getting you addicted to the cheesy pasta. Wife. Yelena was your wife. You loved the sound of that. You walked over to your ex. To your surprise, she smiled when she saw you. “I wasn’t sure you’d come.” You admitted.
“You are the one that invited me.”
“Well, you invited me to yours. I was just returning the favor,” You looked around the venue. “Where’s the hubby?” You questioned.
“Watching the twins,” you raised your eyebrow.
“He doesn’t like me very much does he?” You asked. She didn’t answer but her smile told you everything. There was a time you hated the man too but you learned to let that emotion go. It was better to move forward and not get stuck in the past.
“I wanted to apologize to you and at some point Yelena.” That was odd. “Natasha knocked some sense into me.” You chuckled. “So I’m sorry.” You crossed your arms.
“For what exactly?” There was a lot she needed to apologize and you wondered what she was going to pick. Wanda sighed.
“I have a lot to apologize for but I’m sorry for everything I said about you and Yelena. It was done in poor taste and I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness.”
“I’m not giving it to you,” her face showed the shock she was in. “I don’t think you realize how damaging your actions and words hurt me and the person I love.”
“Why did you invite my family?” She asked.
“I could ask you the same question,” You moved to stand next to her to overlook the party. Yelena was doing a shot with Natasha, Bucky, and Alexei. She changed out of her wedding dress into a white jumpsuit. You loved the way she was smiling. “I don’t like how things ended between us,” you stated. “At one point you were my best friend but it got us to where we needed to be. You with Vision and me with Yelena. I guess it counts for something,” You looked at Wanda, who was frowning. “You aren’t happy with Vision, are you?” Wanda sighed, shrugging her shoulders.
“Not as happy as I thought I’d be.” You wondered what was going on behind closed doors. You hummed.
“Maybe that’s your problem, Wanda. The talent behind happiness is appreciating and liking what you have, instead of what you don’t have.” You walked over to Yelena, wrapping your arms around her waist. “Having fun?” You asked. She excitedly nodded her head.
“I beat Bucky at Pennies,” she said, smiling at you sheepishly. You squeezed her waist to get her to tell you what she was hiding. “You are going to need more mac and cheese, I ate yours.” You gasped.
“Baby!” You spun her around in your arms as she laughed. “We have an all-you-can-eat mac and cheese bar and you eat mine.” Her laughter continued as she rested her chin on your chest. “Why did you eat mine?”
“Because it was just sitting there and I like how you make yours and I couldn’t let it get cold so I ate it.” She giggled.
“God, I fucking love you,” you mumbled, kissing her.
“ya tozhe tebya lyublyu, moya zhena (I love you too, my wife)”
“Moya zhena (my wife),” you repeated and kissed her again.
Taglist: dogtamer415, justyourwritter69, marvelogic, upsidedowndanvers, theenglishswiftie, dark-hunter16, marvels--slut, janstevenswife, casquinhaa, marvelwomen-simp, dmenby3100, sleeperthelazy, rioheartz, mmmmokdok, wonrius, gemz5, ctrlamira, wandasmarley
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maxipad032 · 1 year
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pov: you have a bad habit of going out and drinking, which shuri doesn’t like as she worries for your safety.
short + sweet headcanon w/ protective shuri✨
shuri sighed heavily as she put her phone down on the bed next to her after calling you for the past hour. you haven’t been picking up and she grew more and more worried, her bouncing leg showing her anxiety. she tried to connect to your kimoyo beads but quickly noticed that you’d left them at home as you always did even when she told you it was important you took them with you incase anything happened.
you left to go to the nightclub with your friends at around 8pm and it was currently 4am as shuri purposely and patiently stayed up to wait for you. normally, she was in the lab anyway so it wasn’t hard to avoid sleeping but being in her bedroom was making it increasingly difficult to remain awake. although, her constant worrying about you made it easier. she’d insisted to come with you but you knew she had work to do in the morning and you’d feel guilty if she wasn’t able to so, so you convinced her not to come and just stay home.
“shit man, where the fuck is she?” shuri questioned into thin air as she sat up, running her hands lazily through her curls as she thought about what to do. just then, she heard the door slam open and shut as the sound of clacking heels echoed around the house. hearing it, shuri shot out of bed and went into the living room, seeing you leaning down on the counter and looking absolutely out of it with your head down and hair splayed everywhere.
“y/n, baby are you okay?” shuri hurriedly rushed over to you, lifting you up by your shoulders and checking to see if you were okay. you lazily lifted your head up at her and smiled, trying to reach up to her face but nearly falling in the process as you missed your footing. shuri held you again before you fell and put an arm around your shoulder, guiding you into your shared room. she sat you on the soft bed and turned off all the lights in the house before closing the door gently.
you slumped down onto the bed, your eyes barely opening as your head pounded and mouth was dry; you didn’t mean to get so wasted, but your friends were egging you on to drink more and you never turned down a challenge so…voila.
“y/n y/l/n.” shuri called out in a stern voice as she stayed, leaning up against the cream coloured door, arms crossed like a nursery teacher.
“mmm.” you groaned out, not able to make sentences yet as you tossed and turned.
“do you have any idea what the time is?” shuri asked, her tone becoming harsher.
“ehh…no.” you said quietly, not really being able to comprehend what she was saying.
“it’s fucking 4am and you left at 8pm? you said you’d be back by 1am, and not to mention you didn’t answer your phone or bring your kimoyo beads? what if something happened to you? i stop at nothing to guarantee your safety but you go and do incredibly stupid things that make it hard to look out for you. at this point i’m actually so tired of it, you need to limit your drinking because it’s getting out of hand!”
you slowly opened your eyes and leaned up, sensing that she was upset at you.
“baby…are you really that mad? come on, i’m here aren’t i?” you pouted, squinting at her as you tried to make out her face.
“that’s not my point here,” shuri began as she walked towards you, “my point is that you are being very irresponsible, you’re an adult for gods sake not a teenager.” shuri said sassily, sitting on the bed as she watched you try to talk back, but not being able to because you’re completely drunk out of your mind.
“mmm..sorry baby.” is all you managed to get out as you were completely void of emotion which was a complete contrast to your sober self which would’ve been sobbing if shuri talked to you like this.
“whatever, just go to sleep, i’ll get you some pills and water or else you’re gonna end up with one heck of a hangover tomorrow.” shuri rolled her eyes, getting up to rustle through her drawers for the pills and opening an unopened water bottle to place at your bedside.
she was able to make you take them before helping you to undress, taking off your high heels, tight blue dress and even wiping off your heavy makeup. then, she dried your face off and slipped you into some comfy pj’s whilst you basically fell asleep as was doing it like a literal baby. yes, she was mad at you but fucking hell you were cute as hell, she’d give you a proper scolding tomorrow, when you were sober and could actually understand. she tucked you in and got in bed herself in which you were already snoring hard as fuck and she quietly laughed , kissing your forehead before wishing you a goodnight, “goodnight my angel, bast i don’t know what i would’ve if something bad had happened to you.” she muttered, finding comfort in hearing the low thrumming of your chest and eventually going to sleep too, dwelling in the comfort that you were safe and in her arms as you should be.
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badgirl411 · 1 year
A Work Of Art PART 4: (Modern!Nikolai Lantsov x Reader AU) FANFIC
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Pairings: Nikolai Lantsov x Readner, Sturmhond x Reader 
Summary: In the aftermath of (Y/N)’s shocking discovery in her apartment she enlists the help of her closest friend and they try to formulate a plan. Meanwhile the infamous Sturmhond rears his head again this time in another surprising way.
Warnings: strong language, hangover, mentions of death, crime, aiding and abetting, violence, perceived stalking.
Authors Note: Helllo all apologies for the delay in this chapter its been a week of it I will tell you. Recently had some bad news so its been a week of trying to process this and working. Anyway hope you enjoy this chapter its not my greatest work but I wanted to give you all at least something. As always lots of love. 
Your mind was racing through thoughts at a thousand miles per hour, so many questions and emotions consumed your body all at once. You didn’t know whether to call the police, take the piece back to the gallery before it opened and pray that no one was any the wiser or keep the piece you spent so much time admiring.
There was only one person you could call, one person who would surely help you see reason. You prayed to every primordial being out there that she was still conscious and hadn’t passed out from Jesper’s tequila fuelled antics.
In a shot you were dialling her number, knee bouncing with anxiety as the dial tone rang out. Please pick up Genya, please please please. Finally from the other end of the phone her voice called out, slurring ever so slightly.
“(Y/N)?  What’s going on why are you calling me at this hour?” You must have woke her from her drunken nap as her voice sounded groggy.
“Genya, shit I need your help, I have no idea what to do. I can’t think straight I need you to come over to my apartment. I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t urgent!” Your words were laced with panic, firing out your mouth at speed.
“(Y/N) I know just the place to hide the body I will be over in 10 minutes.” She said this with such conviction you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Genya I haven’t killed anyone, before you even say it I also haven’t brought someone home either. You will see when you get here exactly why I am freaking the fuck out.” You smile fondly at your friends willingness to aid you in a crime.
10 minutes later a knock on your apartment door startled you out of your thoughts that were still firing at speed. Throwing the door open a slightly still intoxicated Genya stood with wine and Doritos in hand, god this woman understood you on such a personal level.
You led her through the hall hands framing your face hoping to ease the panic as you glanced back at her, reaching the living room you gesture towards the armchair where the painting lay. Her gasp resonated round your living space as now you were both freaking the fuck out.
“You stole a painting, when the fuck did you have time for that we’ve been at the gala all night?” You could see in her eyes her thoughts were also now going a thousand miles an hour.
“I didn’t steal it Genya, that not the worst part!” You pick up the small envelope and pass it to her watching her face for a reaction.
Her eyes widen as she reads over the contents of the envelope looking up to find you running a hand through your hair in desperation.
“Who’s it from?” She looks confused for a second before looking back at the letter. “Hang on this looks like the note that was left in my office at the shop, it’s similar handwriting and stationary.”
You gesture for her to turn the letter over giving her the answer to her previous question.
“OMG (Y/N) how do you know a world famous art thief?” Her eyebrows are raised in shock and confusion.
“I don’t that’s the thing Genya! I have no clue who Sturmhond is nor how he got into my place, but he sure seems to know me.” Your hands were shaking with the adrenaline that was coursing through your veins.
The small hours of the morning passed quickly and the sun was gracing the sky before you both knew it. You had both decided your best course of action was to leave the painting deep in the back of your wardrobe out of sight until you could come up with a better plan, thankfully the gallery was closed today to allow everyone to recover from the antics of the previous evening. After a small nap you and Genya head to the gallery opening the locked front door with your keys, making your way through the space seeing if any other works of art were missing. Rounding the corner you were oh so familiar with to your favourite spot Genya and yourself were dumbfounded to find where there should be a missing painting was the exact piece that was in your living room. You both examined the piece, amazed at how it was an exact replica of the original even down to the material of the canvas.
Genya had somehow manage to convince you to keep the piece that Sturmhond had left in your apartment adamant no one would notice the difference in the paintings.
When you reached your apartment later that day after bidding Genya farewell you sunk into your sofa desperate for a long restful sleep, but alas the universe had other plans. Your phone vibrates on the table and a deep groan leaves your mouth in frustration, hand reaching for the device to find out who has dared disturb your plans to rest.
Unknown number: Hey (Y/N)! It’s Cole, from the gallery? You gave me your card yesterday and told me to text you whenever. So this is me texting, it was really great seeing you yesterday. Tamar and Tolya told me to tell you it was lovely to meet you! How was your gala superstar? How does it feel being a big shot gallery owner? Hope you are not too worse for wear today, if you need anything let me know. Have a great day sunshine!
You both spend the day texting back and forward before saying goodnight to each other, the rest of the week is normal and the happenings of last week are pushed to the back of your mind. Life is busy being a gallery owner now but you wouldn’t change it for the world, this is where you belong.
It’s Tuesday when the mailman arrives with the mail bidding you farewell and wishing you a good day. Flicking through the abundance of letters addressed to the gallery one catches your eye, the letter is handwritten and address to you. Opening it carefully you find a note startling similar to the one you received the previous week, reading through its contents carefully you sink further into your chair.
Hello Beautiful,
I know you must be filled with questions as to my existence and why this is happening. All will be revealed in due time darling, I promise. How are you enjoying my gift? I noticed you haven’t returned it or given the letter over to the police, I can only assume that means you like it. Still it is nothing compared to you, my dear you have no idea how special you are to me. I know you must be sitting thinking and fearing the worst but I promise you you know me.
I shouldn’t say this but you are greater than the New York skyline.
                                       I hope we can meet soon.
                                                    Until then…
                                                   Truly Yours,
You had so many questions, you have the feeling you have met this individual claiming to be Sturmhond before but you cannot think at this moment. Something about his words is so familiar, so comforting its odd this should unsettle you should send alarm bells ringing at this mysterious person writing to you but yet it doesn’t.
Your phone buzzes later that day its Tatiana calling to say she wants you to come over to discuss a few matters and get you to sign a few documents for the gallery and so you find yourself in the car on the way to the Lantsov estate again. Escaping the liveliness of the inner city and entering the peacefulness of the countryside, losing yourself in your green surroundings.
You arrive at the estate making your way to the room you were in previously with Tatiana and Vasily. Still consumed by your racing mind and thoughts of Sturmhond you fail to notice Tatiana is stood with someone chatting idly a hand resting on his shoulder.
It’s not until Tatiana’s excited squeal knocks you out of your daydream that you are aware of what is going on.
“(Y/N) darling I’m so happy you are here, I have someone I want you to meet.” She pulls you into a tight embrace before moving to the side revealing the person in front of you.
“(Y/N) darling this is Nikolai.” She looks at you fondly, tears lining her eyes slightly.
You blood runs cold and your skin is alight with goosebumps a shiver running down your spine and stomach turning making you nauseous. Your legs carry you across the room before you can even comprehend your actions, hand raising to strike the man in front of you across the cheek before stepping back and holding your stinging palm to your chest.
TAGLIST:  @xceafh @sweetOpia-uwu @spencersfish @luvly-writer @randomperson1286 @crashingthemode​
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dorthyanndrarry · 2 years
Whatever You Want, Draco Malfoy -32-
Tags: alcohol use, marijuana use, cigarettes, smoking, reckless behaviour, lack of self preservation, anxiety issues, chronic illness, deportation, racism, the fucking Tories, ptsd, super unhealthy coping mechanisms, Down and out Draco who’s friends with muggles, various OC’s, enemies to lovers, angst, mentions of throwing up/vomit, mentions of suicide, mentions of panic attacks, swearing
suggested rating: Mature
Part 1 (contains links to all parts) <- Part 31 || Part 33 ->
Draco tapped his knuckles against Elle’s door, trying to be loud enough to be heard but not so loud that he disturbed her if she was resting. He bounced on his toes with nervous energy, debating whether or not to knock again.  He had finally raised his hand when he heard the sounds of footsteps inside.
Draco took a step back as Elle opened the door. She was wearing a pair of comfy blue pyjamas with little white sheep scattered across the fabric, her hair looking dull and mussed. She squinted at him  in the doorway, her expression pinched by pain.
“Draco?” Elle said.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know-” Draco started.
“Thank god, I was so bored,” Elle said. She pushed the door open and walked back into the flat, waving for Draco to follow her.
“Are you sure?” Draco asked, stepping inside.
“Anything to distract me from the feeling of my head trying to explode while I’m still in it,” Elle said, collapsing back onto her bed, “just leave the lights off and keep your voice down.”
Draco shut the door, dropping the flat back into a soft, hazy grey light. “Tea?”
“Yesssss,” Elle groaned, half-heartedly pulling a blanket over her legs. “With lots of milk.”
Draco filled the electric kettle and turned it on. “Anything else?” he asked.
Elle patted around blindly until she found a balled-up kitchen cloth and threw it in Draco’s general direction, “Wet this, please.”
Draco picked up the slightly damp cloth and ran it under the tap.
“Not that the water here is fucking cold,” Elle muttered.
Draco started the electric kettle and found a more couple towels, running them under the tap and ringing them out before setting them in the freezer.
“Can I get-”
“No more sick talk, or I’ll kick you out,” Elle said grumpily, “I want to be distracted. Not reminded.”
“Well then…” Draco cleared his throat, “Do you remember Potter?”
“Of course, I remember that fuckhead,” Elle said.
Draco quickly unplugged the kettle before it began to make too much noise, “Yes, well, I… might have kissed him.”
“Excuse me?” Elle said, pushing herself up on her elbow so she could glare at Draco, “excuse me? You did what?”
“I kissed him,” Draco said conspiratorial.
“What? Why?” Elle asked.
“Because he asked me to,” Draco said, making up a mug of tea for Elle. “…I also might have wanted to.”
“Since when?!” Elle said far too loud, resulting in a wince and a groan.
“Recently,” Draco said. He took the mug and a cold cloth over to Elle, sitting on the edge of her bed.
“Of all people, Draco,” Elle said, pushing herself to sit against the headboard.
Draco shrugged, passing Elle the mug of tea, “I know, I know. But since when have I not made bad decisions in my life?”
“Me,” Elle said, pointing to herself, “Becoming friends with me was a winner.”
Draco snorted, “You would know.”
Elle grinned, “So, tell me everything. It must be serious if you’re worried about a kiss.”
Draco sighed, “It’s complicated, is what it is.”
“That’s what you said last time. It seems like it’s always complicated with this bloke,” Elle raised her eyebrows.
Draco slung the half-frozen cloth around Elle’s neck, making her jump and swear. Draco waved her hands away before she could take it off, “Leave it. It will help, trust me.”
“You have a lot of migraines, do you?” Elle asked sarcastically.
“It helps with hangovers. I’ve certainly had plenty of experience with those,” Draco said.
Elle sighed and tugged the ends of the cloth tighter around her neck. “It’s nice. I never have the patience to put them in the freezer.”
“It doesn’t take long,” Draco said.
“Yes, but then I have to get up and get it and come back to bed and then when it warms, I have to get up again, and it’s a never ending cycle of torture,” Elle said dramatically.
“Lucky for you, I’m here to do all the standing and fetching,” Draco said, giving her a little seated half-bow.
“What a darling you are,” Elle said with her best posh accent.
Draco grinned.
Elle took a sip of tea and cradled the mug in her lap, “So?”
“So tell me!” Elle said, “What makes this prick worth kissing?”
“He’s attractive?” Draco said.
“Egh,” Elle said, making a face.
“He’s attractive to me,” Draco said.
“Which only goes to show you have no taste,” Elle said. “And if that was all that mattered, you’ve slept with plenty of blokes who were attractive to you.”
Draco sighed.
“Come on, there’s got to be more than that,” Elle said in a prodding tone.
Draco rolled his eyes, “I came here to gossip, not talk feelings.”
“Feelings? Who said anything about feelings?” Elle said with a delighted smile, “Are there feelings?”
Draco grimaced.
“You have to tell me now,” Elle said, “You have to-“
“-or I’ll simply die,” Elle said.
“Telling you is just as good as telling everyone we know,” Draco said.
“I can keep a secret,” Elle said.
“No, you can’t,” Draco said back without a pause.
“Rude,” Elle said. “I could. If I wanted to.”
“That means never then?” Draco said.
Elle frowned, and Draco felt an internal wince as he realised he had gone too far. He still wasn’t terribly good at spotting when he had, but he was learning.
“I just meant that-” Draco back-pedalled, “I’ve hardly had a chance to think through it myself.”
“You can think through it with me,” Elle said. She smiled wryly, “Just because I might tell Sam and Mary that you’ve been kissing your parole officer doesn’t mean I’ll tell them the important things. I’m a better friend than that.”
Draco smiled faintly in relief, mostly that she wasn’t mad at him, “You are.”
“Good,” Elle sat forward, “Now tell me.”
“Wait, parole officer?” Draco said.
Elle waved her hand absently, “Wizard cop, childhood rival cliché, wallet thief, whatever you want to call him.”
“He’s certainly not my parole officer,” Draco said, “The other things, yes, but not a parole officer.”
Elle snorted. “So, why did you kiss him?”
“Don’t say attractive,” Elle said.
Draco rolled his eyes.
“You’re so difficult sometimes,” Elle said with a sigh. “Just… just tell me what you like about him. Other than looks.”
“You’re the one making things difficult, attractive, is enough reason,” Draco said.
“Is this a bloke thing? Because it seems like a bloke thing,” Elle said. “Are you too manly to talk about feelings?”
Draco frowned at her, “It’s not something I’ve much practice doing. Ever. It wasn’t really done in my family.”
“Talking about feelings?” Elle asked.
“Talking about anything,” Draco said.
Elle took a sip of tea, looking thoughtful. There was still a furrow between her brows as if the pain of her migraine had settled there, gathering all the pain and the tension on her face with it. Draco knew that Elle would have taken all her medication, that there was nothing more she could really do, but Draco hated not being able to do more for her.
“-Draco? Are you listening?”
“What?” Draco asked.
“You weren’t listening,” Elle said with a wry smile.
“I am now?” Draco said.
“Then, as I was saying,” Elle said, “What does this Potter bloke do that makes you happy?”
“What does this-”
“We’re figuring out your feelings,” Elle interrupted, “Obviously.”
Draco frowned.
“Just think about it, would you?” Elle said.
“I’ll get you a new cloth,” Draco said, standing up and taking the one around her neck, damp and faintly warm from her skin. He took his time walking to the fridge, swapping out one cloth for another. Elle took it from him and pressed it against her forehead for a few seconds before drawing it around her neck.
She was waiting, quiet and patient in the way that always made Draco feel a bit nervous.
“He bought me danish, nice ones from a local place,” Draco said, “And after I told him I liked lattes, he always had one for me instead of coffee. He makes eggs just how I like them and bacon-”
“Is it always food?” Elle asked.
“No, it’s just.…” Draco trailed off, “often food. For some reason. He’s always asking if I’ve eaten.”
“It must be important to him then,” Elle said.
Elle shrugged, “Some people like to feed the people they care about, because they’re good at it, or when they were growing up their parents showed their love with food.”
And Draco had a sudden flash of a memory, of Potter at the beginning of each school year looking a bit too thin, and the clothes he wore being far too big, second-hand things held up with belts and buttons. Potter looked healthier and better fit his clothes as the years went on, but Draco remembered thinking that Potter was utterly tiny when they first met at Madam Malkin’s, that there was no way he could be properly eleven like Draco was.
“...or he didn’t get enough food when he was young?” Draco said quietly as the terrible idea began to settle in his mind.
“Maybe,” Elle said hesitantly. “Do you think that’s it?”
“...Might be,” Draco said, “It’s probably not… couldn’t be...” Not Harry Potter. Why would Dumbledore allow it? And then he remembered what Potter had said half-asleep that one late night, farmers don’t name their pigs. You don’t want to get too attached to something that’s going to slaughter. Draco shuddered.
Elle didn’t notice his distress, but Draco was terribly good at hiding those sorts of things.
“So he does nice things for you. That’s good. Especially considering how you started out,” Elle said.
“With the wallet stealing or the cliched childhood rivalry?” Draco asked, a bit distracted.
Elle snorted with amusement, “Both. So, anything else?”
“He’s apologised to me ,and he said I was right once,” Draco said.
“Why do I feel like the second one is more important to you,” Elle said.
Draco rolled his eyes.
“I mean, it seems like he’s decent; I’ll give him that,” Elle said. “But there’s plenty of decent blokes out there. I’m not sure he’s the best bloke to be fancying with all your history.”
“But that’s not it,” Draco said.
Elle gave him a look.
“It’s because he knows the absolute worst of me,” Draco said, squeezing his eyes shut just so he could say the words. “He wanted to kiss me even though he knew it was me.”
“I know nothing is going to come of it. It’s just a momentary flash of desire, and once he’s had his fill, he’ll never bother with me again, but-”
“It- it still means so much that he wanted me,” Draco said.
“Draco,” Elle pushed her mug onto her bedside, knocking some of the bright orange pill bottles littering the surface onto the floor, and pulled Draco into a tight hug that felt almost brittle, as if Draco hugged her back, he might break.
“I like you just as you are-”
“But I-” Draco tried to argue.
“No. Right now, the Draco I know right in front of me,” Elle sat back and just far enough to squeeze his thin cheeks in both her hands like an obnoxious old aunt. “I get it; having someone who understands your past is important, but what matters most is the you right now. The one who’s doing the living, you fucking twat.”
Draco laughed faintly.
Elle let go of his face and sat back, “You need higher standards for yourself. Because all our friends would disagree with what you just said and agree with what I said.”
Draco raised an eyebrow.
“They would,” Elle said without an ounce of doubt.
Draco wasn’t sure what to say or if he should argue or agree. He felt caught between the two without knowing which way to go.
There was a knock at the door, “Hello? Elle, are you in? Sorry to bother you-” Naja’s voice called.
Draco took the opportunity to escape the intensity of their conversation by answering the door.
Naja blinked and then smiled in delight, “Draco! I didn’t think I’d get to see you today!”
“Hello Naja,” Draco said.
“What’s up?” Elle asked.
“Sorry! If you’re busy or need to rest-” Elle said.
“Draco and I were just talking,” Elle said.
“I mean, it’s not important. Mary is watching Aleena and Darain for a little while; I just needed some time with adults. Not that I don’t love them to bits-”
“It’s fine,” Elle said with a smile, “Come in. Draco was just telling me about him kissing that Potter bloke.”
Draco gave Elle a look.
“You have to tell me about the actual kiss,” Elle said, “I want to know what happened.”
“You mean that young man who came by the building before? Who took your wallet and then tried to give you money?” Naja asked, stepping inside.
“That’s the one,” Draco said, closing the door.
Naja frowned, “He was…. Sorry, I didn’t like him very much.”
“Same! He’s so-”
“Oh, shut up,” Draco said. “I told you, I know it was a bad decision. And he’s not that bad, once you get past the hero-complex.”
“But you kissed? Oh, I want to hear more about this,” Naja said.
“Right?” Elle said. She patted the edge of her bed, and Naja took a seat.
Draco joined them. “Alright but I only have an hour-”
💜 Next update will be between tues and thurs pst 💜 I’m thinking of changing my update day so I’m going to keep it loose for a couple weeks and see how it shakes out💜
Tags below v (I don’t have a permanent tags list. All tags are of the wonderful people who left messages or reblogs on the previous 2 parts.)
💜 @havingaverydrarryday thank you!
💜 @justafangirlslikes  thank you!! 💜
💜 @pain-changes-everything  💜thank you so much!!! 💜
💜 @adventurouschase thank you so much!! that means a lot to me 💜
💜 @idareyoutotakealook thank you!!! Iris will be in the next update😉
💜 @whenrainbowsend to true lol 💜thank you! 💜
💜 @dewitty1 😆that poor breakfast. I love a perfectly crispy piece of bacon lol 💜thank youuuuu! 💜
💜 @atomicauthorathletevoid thank you! 💜
💜 @addicted-to-w0rds 😅yeaaaaah 💜 💜thank you! 💜
💜 @shadowybook 🤣 to true! but the drama always comes first for our boy draco 💜 💜thank youuuuuu!!! 💜
💜 @dracodragon19872 thank you so much!!!!! 😍💜
💜 @iamactuallya-cat yeahhhhhh😅 💜 thank youu! 💜
💜 @chosenpotter thank you!
💜 @devilrising thank you! 💜 💜 💜I’m sorry you’ve been so busy lately, I hope things calm down for you 💜 💜
💜 @cloack harry is such an idiot🤣 he has no idea what to do 💜but I do love a story where the characters talk things out 💜thank you!! 💜 💜
💜 @peaceinambiguity  💜 @lilyinthebreeze  💜 @chamomileteafuel  💜 @kindofdreamcatcher  💜
💜 @melcarrianna  💜 @languedor71  💜 @onomtonks  💜  
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cherrykindness · 3 years
wild tweets |
pairing: Harry Styles x Actress!Reader
summary: as newlyweds, you and harry read thirsty comments for buzzfeed.
warning: it's thirsty tweets, so below there is adult humor 😳
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"It's a bright, sunny morning in Los Angeles, and there's nothing I want more than to be on BuzzFeed and read wild tweets alongside my husband."
"Thirsty tweets, babe." Harry corrected, laughing out loud with the producers behind the cameras.
"Thirsty Tweets." You said quickly, putting your hand over your mouth to stifle a giggle. "I'm terrible at that, I'm sorry. Can we start over?"
"Let's take a break for one to two minutes. You've given us a great introduction, Y/N."
You shook your head, smiling shyly before turning to Harry, who was already watching you with that easy smile at the corner of his lips. You liked how his hand remained firmly on yours, making those circular movements with the thumb that always served as a natural medice for your anxiety.
"You look so fucking beautiful."
The pleated dress with flounce sleeves fit you like a glove. You had made peace with the various shades of white since the wedding and knew that Harry liked to see you in that color too.
"Thank you, you're not too bad either, Styles."
You intimately suspected that Harry would always seem far beyond that "not bad" that came out as a euphemism from your mouth. He wore nothing but a pair of bell-bottom pants in a strong shade of blue and a soft vest printed with fluffy little sheep on a striped American collared shirt - in your opinion, no one could look better in farm animal clothing than Harry Styles and Princess Diana with her red "Black Sheep" sweater in the 1980s. In contrast, you knew your husband well enough to know that he was arrogant and knew exactly how hot he looked - you also made your thoughts clear enough when you kept him backstage beyond ten minutes in a rather heated kissing session.
"Are you anxious?" you asked curiously, remaining with downcast eyes fixed on the strokes that remained assiduous on your warm skin. "To read about how the whole internet dreams of fucking my wife?! Of course." Harry joked, leaning over to leave a small one on your cheek. "We agree on that, don't we? Although I'm a little nervous, I'm really interested to know all the crazy things they say about you. Everyone knows you're mine at the end of the day, that's enough."
At the end of the break, you and Harry made a silent agreement that you should be the first to pick up one of the scattered papers in the red pot. There were quite a significant amount of tweets, and as much as you were used to reading rather sordid things about your husband on the Internet, the excitement was there as if you were wading into uncharted territory.
"I would be a good girl all year round if Santa guaranteed me a threesome with Harry and Y/N Styles on Christmas Eve." You laughed, Harry staring at the camera with an expression close to the meme of the surprised Pikachu. "You guys are incredibly nasty, I love it."
"If that was the first one, I'm really worried about the next ones." Harry commented with a little corner smile, picking the next tweet out of the bucket. "I have an entire folder on Pinterest dedicated to Harry Styles' hands, and let me tell you why: those hands are art, and art needs to be recognized."
"What- Guys, you promised you wouldn't post my anonymous tweets here." You quipped with false reproach, laughing at your own stupid joke while everyone else in the studio did the same. "But I can't blame her, honestly." Shaking your shoulders, you opened another piece of paper. "Harry Styles finally confessed that he wrote Watermelon Sugar for Y/N!!!! Are you guys imagining the same thing as me?!!!!!! 🥵🍆💦"
"Exhausted emoji, eggplant emoji, and water emoji?" Harry frowned, staring at the tweet you held up. "I imagine you're in need of a vacation somewhere refreshing and you're craving a fruit that everyone eats like it's really a vegetable."
"That reminded me of that story-" You laughed, hiding your face on the table as Harry continued to offer a poker face to the camera, struggling not to keep up with you laughter. "I'm sorry, lovie, I have to share this with the rest of the world." You stated, wiping a few tears from the corner of your eyes. "Harry always wears those fancy suits to concerts, right?! Right! Turns out he looks really hot in some, like his ass molds perfectly into those tight pants and everything. I was home that night because I wasn't feeling well enough to face the big crowds, but I was still following everything on twitter. It was a concert in London, not so far from where we lived at the time, so it was obvious that he would come home after it was over. I follow some portals that do really fast updates of pictures, videos, etc; everything that happened at Harry's concert was on my timeline in a matter of seconds. When one of these profiles uploaded a picture of him with his back to the camera in a heavily accentuated black and white suit, I quickly sent him the image along with a peach emoji and then wrote "looks good tonight". He didn't reply to me until a few hours later, of course, but I obviously didn't expect a "ready for a Fifth Avenue peach salad for dinner?" and numerous cutlery emojis."
Harry rolled his eyes comically, indulging in laughter as did everyone else who occupied the backstage area.
"I'm against the eroticization of emojis." He said between uncompensated breaths, shaking his head negatively. "Let's go to the next ones, please, I'm already feeling exposed enough here."
"I like your old-fashioned spirit, baby." You assured him with a smile, laying on the sturdy shoulder hidden under the fluffy fabric.
Harry chuckled low, leaving a little kiss on the top of your head before selecting the next paper. The fans would die when that video aired, everyone was sure. You two easily forgot the cameras when you were side by side, and the public display of affection had never been a problem.
"My life mission is to look at someone the way Harry looks at Y/N and be reciprocated the way Y/N looks at Harry, then I could die happy." Harry read. "That was very good and healthy, thank you!" He smiled. "But don't settle for death in that case, please. Just make sure to keep that person around forever."
"Awn, we got so sweet now." You made a pout. "Thank you for sending us something so cute! I really hope you find the right person soon." Sending a kiss to the camera, you moved on to the next tweet. "I wouldn't want to get a golden ticket to visit Willy Wonka's factory, I would like to get a golden ticket to actively participate in Y/N and Harry Styles' Honeymoon.
"That was creative, so I will disregard the fact that you removed my last name from my wife's name." Harry joked.
"I will always be an Y/L/N." You flashed the tongue. "We had a great Honeymoon, but I know you guys already know all about it because there are pictures all over the internet of outings that I don't even remember existed."
"Even though we chose a rather reserved city, many paparazzi still managed to photograph some of our nights there." Harry agreed. "There was one particular day when we opted to have dinner at a restaurant near the beach. Y/N had found it even before the trip, it was pretty laid back and we could spend the evening at karaoke. I don't really remember what happened, but we woke up the next day with a terrible hangover, still wearing the clothes from the dinner and with several headlines saying that I was cheating on my wife in the middle of our Honeymoon with a blue-haired italian girl."
"That wig made me sexy, man." You blinked, laughing as you remembered the situation. "It's a shame the paparazzi only got low quality images, but I swear I looked really amazing that night. Italy, I miss you."
"We're coming to the end and I haven't had to ask production for a glass of water yet, thank you to whoever selected these tweets." Harry raised his thumb to the camera, smiling before turning his gaze back to the small paper he had chosen. "Y/N could literally punch me in the face and I would just bow down and thank them for it." He laughed. "She has heavy hands, so I would rethink that choice."
"It takes strong hands to be a superheroine." You blinked gracefully, referring to your works as a Marvel actress. "I move around a lot during the night, so I'll take this lovely opportunity to say that twitter can dismiss all the malicious theories about Harry always show up with a new bruise all over his body."
"Please stop making indecent assumptions while Y/N is aggressive with me at night only unconsciously, her father has access to social media."
You laughed, clearing your throat before reading the next obscenity aloud.
"I would sell all my possessions to have Y/N sitting on my lap for ten seconds."
"Oh my God." Harry laughed out loud, throwing his head back. "I should have said that in our wedding vows."
You shook your head, laughing low as you set the tweet aside.
"That was pretty funny and cheeky, I approve."
"Okay, looks like we finally got to the last one." Harry announced, waving the paper in the air dramatically before opening it. "Harry could literally crush me with those boots while fuc- I need that glass of water." He said dumbfounded, hiding his face between his hands after throwing the tweet over his shoulder. You laughed out loud next to the organizers, and meanwhile Harry leaned his head on your bust, staring at you still with wide eyes. "Please promise that we will be careful with our future children on the internet."
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ghost-ghost-baby · 3 years
I’ll put a spell on you (Yandere!Omega!Izuku x alpha!Reader)
inspo was strange and beautiful (I’ll put a spell on you) by aqualung
a/n: boy oh boy,,,, this one is uh,,, 2k words,,,,
Summary: You were taking too long! What could Izuku do except find a spell to help speed things along? 
You and Izuku have been roommates for years, but you’re convinced he doesn’t like you and he’s determined to make you his.
warnings: big yandere themes,,, omegaverse obvi,,,, kinda drugging??? idk,,,, its a love spell but reader is already very in love w izuku just stupid aye,,,, very very mild nsfw themes,,,, cuts out b4 it gets too graphic, swearing, bonding, you get the picture,
“Seriously, Katsuki, you’ve gotten way too confident over the years. Was it because you needed a reminder of what it’s like to lose?” Your eyes scanned the blonde, eyebrow quirked as he struggled, “I can’t believe Shinso was right.” It was easy to block out the screams, your quirk always came in handy, even if it was just to shut him up, Rubbing your hands on your pants you turned around, eyes landing on the only other person. 
“Oh, good luck Midoriya!” You grinned, giving a small wave before you ran off.
You saw more of Izuku after that, the omega always seemed to be upgrading his costume, and Hatsume had almost killed you when he’d asked you to help with the designs. It was hard not to get close to the guy, and you’d tried your best! You didn’t have time for… for people! You needed to focus on your inventions. But Izuku was persistent, and you’d soon found yourself sitting with him and his friends at lunch. You weren’t the only alpha of the group, Iida and Todoroki shared your dynamic, a fact that didn’t seem to bother anyone. You were glad, you’d never really cared about dynamics, it was nice to be around people who shared that sentiment. You’d all graduated now, and surprisingly you and Izuku ended up sharing an apartment, you did work in the same area, it made sense at the time. 
“Are we still having dinner tonight?” Izuku peered into the bathroom, slight frown on his features as he observed you getting ready. 
“Yeah of course man, it’s just a lunch date so I’ll be back early.” You shrugged, using your quirk to bring your jacket over. 
“You could just ask me to get you your jacket.” Izuku shook his head, watching as the clothing floated over, bubble popping as your hand made contact.
“I know, it’s just a habit, I’ve always used it for little things.” You smiled as you put your jacket on, ruffling Izuku’s hair as you walked past. He was always fussing over you, or cooking, asking if you needed anything. It was cute, but you’d die before you admitted it. 
“I’ll be back before you know it, text me if you need anything.” You absentmindedly pressed a kiss to Izuku’s hair, waving before the door shut behind you.
“And you’re sure this’ll work?” Izuku frowned as he flipped the bottle in his fingers, it seemed too good to be true.
“Just like the label says, omega, it’ll make anyone fall in love with ya! As long as there’s already a spark, of course! And it could trigger… their time of the month. So watch out for that!” The lady smiled at him, dark purple hair framing her face. Her eyes matched, although the purple was much, much brighter, and almost seemed to glow. Izuku nodded, grabbing the cash out of his wallet and quickly passing it over before he said goodbye. He didn’t want to be caught there, what would the press say? What would you say? 
You ended up getting home late, much, much later than you planned. You’d run into friends on the way home, you hadn’t seen them in ages and well… you’d never been good at saying no. You’d texted Izuku, but he hadn’t responded, and maybe you’d stayed out later to avoid his wrath. 
“God, I’m gonna have to do something to make up for this… something good.” You mumbled as you walked into your apartment, hands running through your hair as you looked around. 
“Izuku? Honey I’m home!” You called, trying to lighten the tension you felt in the room. It didn’t work, and your heart was in your throat as you put your bag down. You hated disappointing people, and Izuku was always so good to you. 
“There’s leftovers in the fridge if you want anything.”
“”Oh actually I’m uh… not hungry…” You trailed off as you walked into the kitchen, Izuku turning around from making something to look at you. 
“Did you eat while you were out?” You must be crazy, there’s no way that was an edge to his voice.
“No actually! I just haven’t had any appetite lately.” 
“You know you need to try and eat even when you have no appetite. I made tea.” Just like that his voice was back to it’s usual tone, and he sat down in front of you, pushing a mug towards you. 
“Yeah I know. Thank you Izuku, you’re always so good to me. I’m so sorry about missing dinner but I ran into my friends coming home and they dragged me out and I’m sorry.” 
“It’s okay Y/n, we can have dinner tomorrow, just finish your tea and we’ll get you into bed, okay?” 
You were too drunk to disagree. 
You felt weird when you woke up. You weren’t hungover, but something was wrong. Was Izuku okay? Wait, why were you- you should make sure he’s okay. You were only in a shirt, you didn't remember changing last night, did Izuku help you? You barely remembered anything after you’d come home, you’d just talked, drank the tea, and then it was blank. The tea had been really good, it was weirdly sweet though, you had to admit. 
“Izuku? Are you awake?” You padded into the kitchen, squinting at how bright it was. 
“Of course, it’s already two, I didn’t want to wake you up.” You sighed when Izuku was there, safe and happy as he always was. 
“Are you okay?” 
“Yeah, I’m just… hungover or something.” You slid into a chair, eyes trained on the omega as he pushed a banana and some water in front of you. “They’re good for hangovers.” 
“Thanks ‘Zu” 
“You’re going out?” You couldn’t keep the surprise from your voice, Izuku rarely went out unless he was working. 
“Yeah just a work thing! I’ll be back in no time!” The omega came over to where you were on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket because you still felt off. “Unless you need me to stay?”
“No of course not! I’ll be fine, it’s probably just a bug.” You did your best to smile, letting your friend hug you. He was about to pull away when you let your cheek brush against his scent gland, the action making you blush while Izuku smiled.
“I’ll see you when I get back!” 
This was awful, you’d been tortured, kidnapped, forced to deal with Katsuki, but this was far worse. You couldn’t explain it, but as soon as Izuku was out of your sight your anxiety had skyrocketed, and as much as you tried to fight it, you were pacing in front of the door. He should be back by now, or he should have texted! What if he’d gotten hurt, he didn’t tell you who he was going out with, what if- 
“Yeah Todoroki I’m okay, he was worse off than me anyway!” Your heart soared at Izuku’s voice and you were wrenching the door open without a second thought. A snarl ripped out of you when you took in your omega, sporting a few grazes and a bruised jaw that had not been there when he left. 
“What the fuck happened?” Your tone didn’t even sound like you, you sounded feral. Your hands quickly reached out, pulling Izuku into a hug and growling when Todoroki tried to say something. “You can leave, I’ve got him now.” 
Straight to your room was where you headed, gently sitting Izuku on the bed before you grabbed your first aid kit. Thank god it was only light injuries, you didn’t know what you’d do if something worse had happened. 
“Who did this?” 
“Just some random alpha tryna get too handsy, he’s in far worse shape than- are you okay?” Izuku’s tone turned concerned as you let out another growl, halfway through bandaging his hand. You couldn’t speak, you just needed to focus on this and- huh? Izuku was running his fingers through your hair, the action almost made you purr, surprisingly calming you down enough to finish patching him up. 
“I should have gone with you, I should have-” “Hey, Y/n, you couldn’t have done anything, it’s okay.” Izuku pulled you up to his level and you nodded, unable to stop how your hands shook. Izuku was so close, and he smelled so good, you just wanted to-
“Did you just lick me?” Izuku looked at you with wide eyes, only now taking in how lidded your own eyes were. A low growl bubbled up before you could stop it, and you were pushing the omega down on the bed and straddling him without a second thought. This had happened because of you. If you’d claimed Izuku sooner people would know he was yours, and he wouldn’t have to defend himself. Your teeth were an inch from Izuku’s neck when you pulled back, hand coming up to cover your mouth.
“I-I’m so sorry, I don’t know what-” 
“I don’t want you to stop, please Y/n.” Izuku’s cheeks were tinged pink, and god why’d you have to sit right on his hips? You could already feel him getting hard.
“Oh god, did I send you into heat? Fuck I’m sorry, I’ve been on suppressants I didn’t real-” You started, it was taking everything you had not to lose it. Izuku looked so pretty, pupils blown out and cheeks already flushed. Why hadn’t you done this sooner? Fuck. You slowly leant down, willpower decreasing by the second, and then your lips were on his. A whimper left you at how good he tasted, you’d never tasted anything this good before! You wanted more! Izuku was made for you, this only proved it. You loved him so much. 
Why did your neck hurt so bad? The last thing you remembered was Izuku being injured and you patching him up. A whine made you open your eyes, disbelief shooting through you when you saw Izuku. He was covered in scratches and bites, only wearing your shirt, and sporting a bright red bite on his scent gland. Oh fuck, panic set in as you sat up. This was bad, even for you. You'd done it now, he'd want nothing to do with you. God what had happened to you last night? You were always in control, and as memories of how Izuku had sounded the night before wormed into your brain you couldn't stop your whole body flushing. The omega let out another whine, snuggling closer to your side as if he could sense how stressed you were. Well, he probably could now, the two of you were bonded. You'd completely ruined his life with your selfishness, bonds were incredibly hard to break and the pair would never be the same again. But you couldn't make him stay with you. Oh he'd want to move out wouldn't he? How could he not? You'd completely betrayed his trust and acted like every asshole alpha you hated so much. You should move too, maybe to America? Somewhere far away where you wouldn't bother anyone. Warmth stung your eyes and you realised you'd been crying, how much more pathetic could you get? Izuku was the one who should be upset! You'd ruined his life! Arms wrapped around you as you let out a sob, immediately trying to push the omega away, maybe you should just kill yourself and sever the bond like that- Then at least he’d be able to find someone he actually wanted to be with. 
“Alpha… why’re you upset…?” Izuku yawned as he sat up, and you couldn’t bring yourself to speak, or look at him. The worry you could sense through the bond made your stomach turn, you didn’t deserve his concern! You were horrible, you were-
“Alpha, c’mon, look at me… please?” Izuku’s voice broke and you turned to look at him, eyes zoning in on the mark you’d left on his neck. 
“I’m sorry- I triggered your heat and- and betrayed your-”
“Y/n, I love you, I wanted this, you didn’t do anything wrong.” Izuku cooed, pulling your head to his chest and running his hands through your hair like it was the most natural thing in the world. It was like a weight lifted off of your chest, like all the puzzle pieces fit together, he was all you’d ever need.
“I love you too, Izuku.”
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artemiseamoon · 3 years
You Too?
About: Max Phillips comes back home from Romania to find his little brother Eddie is also a vampire…
Big bro Max Phillips & little bro Eddie (btvs) (Edward “Eddie” Phillips)
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An: I watched BSB again this morning for a laugh and bc I love it so much. Just getting this out to save for later when I write again.
❗️Warnings: Vampire stuff, blood, language cause Max
Max + PP list, if you don’t read things with Eddie in them, or vampire stuff (PP list) just skip the notification
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When his mother said she was worried about Eddie, Max assumed the kid finally loosened up and was maybe sleeping off a ragging hangover from the night before.
It’s the point of college anyway, right? To get wasted and do what you want without your parents prying eyes?
Besides, Max had enough of his own shit to worry about. He was a fucking vampire, a vampire - well, it wasn’t so bad. After years in Romania he was pretty alright with it, being a vampire was actually bad ass.
But, he kept it from his family all this time and now he not only had to tell them, but he was send on an instant mission to Sunnydale to see why Eddie wasn’t returning calls.
It’s only been three days. But they always smothered Eddie anyway, Max was glad his brother picked a school farther away, maybe the kid could finally be himself out in the wild.
When Max arrived on campus, he could instantly sense something was off about this town. For one, the scent of vampires and demons was everywhere - he didn’t know how all these humans seemed so oblivious to it.
Max goes to eddies dorm room first, it’s as expected. Clean, nerdy, boring, full of books. But then he finds something weird. The scent of blood leads him to a well hidden mini fridge. When he opens it, he finds blood bags.
“What the fuck -?”
He quickly turns around and to see Eddie in the door way, a steak in his left hand. His brown eyes wide. Then relief washes over his face.
“Oh man,” Eddie exhales, “I thought a vampire broke into my room. Hey Max!”
Max crooks his brows. “Little bro.”
Eddie looks around and closes the door, “I still smell vampire though …I know I sound crazy just…so much happened since ….” He looks under the bed.
Max watches closely. He still smells vampire too, and it’s not his scent.
Then it hits him.
It’s Eddie.
Eddie is a goddamn vampire.
“Bro!” Max yells. Eddie jumps and twists to look back at Max with a startled look on his face, “they got you too?”
Confused, Eddie stands up, “what?”
“Vampires! You know, “ Max shows his fangs. Eddie unknowingly raises the steak and drops his fangs too, he quickly raises a hand to cover his mouth, “hey! Put that away.” Max takes the steak from his brother.
Max busts out laughing a second later at the shock of Eddie face, “you? A vampire? What the hell. I mean me, I get it. I’m cool, everyone want to bang me-“ Max goes over to the mini fridge and takes a blood bag. He taste it, then spits it out with disgust, “ how do you drink this shit?” He tosses it, Eddie catches the bag before it hits the floor, “but you? You’re like…book nerd. Anyway -“
“Could you lower your voice? I don’t really want the whole dorm to know I’m a vampire.” Eddie whispers the word.
Max shrugs, “own it dude. It might make you cooler! That’s shits gross, let’s go out and eat someone!” He nods with excitement.
Horrified, Eddie takes a step back, “no way.” He innocently drinks the rest of the blood bag.
Max plops down on the bed with a disappointed sigh, “only you can make being a vampire pg-13,” he looks around the room, “so, you tell mom?”
“Oh god, no,” panicking Eddie sits at his desk. The idea alone gives him anxiety, “no.”
“Cool,” Max grabs a pillow and tosses it at Eddie, “let’s just not tell her.”
“Yeah, sure. Good plan.” Eddie throws the pillow back, hitting Max in the face.
Max grins, “was that aggression I sensed? Ohhhh, maybe being a vampire will make you cooler.”
Eddie sighs and turns his desk light on, “I have to study. I have a test tomorrow.”
Max inmates him, “you’re the genius remember. I bet you can ace the test high as a kite. No studying. I’m bored, I came all the way out here. We are going out!”
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backtobackbakubabe · 3 years
Speak Easy Part 10
Dabi x Reader, Bakugo x Reader
Words : 7142
Reader has a siren quirk and has spent the past several years of her life as a captive being experimented on by “heroes” Now that she’s out she needs protection and safe place to heal. Who will be the one to put her pieces back together?
Words with ‘this’ is dialogue written in her journal rather than said out loud and and words with ~this~ is dialogue said in sign language rather than out loud.
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“Hold her down! Fuck! How is she still this strong? How much did you give her?”
Your vision was black, and you couldn’t tell if that was because you were blindfolded or just too drugged up to open your eyes. You could hear shuffling as two? No three people moved around you. One was pinning your arms down while another played with the collar that was digging into your neck.
“Listen man, I don’t think we’re supposed to be in here. If they find out we played with their new toy they’ll be pissed!”
There was a new set of hands gently pushing your flimsy medical gown up, “You heard what they were saying right? They said she’s the best sex a man will ever have in their life. It’s like her quirk or something.” You wanted to cry out, but your tongue felt like lead in your mouth. Were you even able to speak? Were you gagged? You couldn’t even tell. “What they don’t know won’t hurt them.” The hand firmly pressed into your hip. “Now hold her down, and make sure she stays quiet.”
You woke with a rush. Your breath beyond labored as you tried to run from the memories that refused to stay hidden for long. A new set of hands circled around your waist. These hands were different though. These hands were rough and callused. These hands were patient. These hands were reassuring.
“You want to talk about it?”
You shook your head before turning into him and burying your face into his chest. “Just another bad memory.”
His fingers trailed through your hair as he repeatedly kissed the top of your head. “Sometimes I wish I could just hop into your head, like you did mine the other night. Then I could see their faces. And I never forget a face…”
You heard the unsaid threat in his words. He wanted to know your demons so he could hunt them down. He was like Bakugo in that way. They both needed to do something…anything to make them feel like they were helping. The only difference is at the end of the day Bakugo’s victims end up in prison and Dabi’s end up six feet under.
The pounding in your head only seemed to increase. The drums of regret beating behind your eyeballs. “God.. why did we drink so much yesterday?” You groaned and curled further into Dabi’s side.
His fingers rubbed at your temples. “I seem to remember it being your idea. And who am I to deny the drinking queen.”
You groaned as you remembered your antics. “I know you’re not exactly known for being a good influence… but you could have tried a little harder to at least get me to drink some water.”
Dabi vibrated with soft chuckles. “Consider your hangover penance for making me play that ridiculous game. Now get off of me and go take a shower. You smell like a bar.”
With a pouting look you sighed, “But I’m still sad.”
Dabi gave your ass a hard slap. “There is no rule that says you can’t be sad and in the shower. Get your ass in there and clean yourself up. You’ll feel better after your clean and fed. I promise.”
With a chorus of dramatic groans and muffled curses you pulled yourself off of him and slowly made your way to his bathroom. You stopped right before you crossed the threshold and turned to give him your poutiest look, “Are you really going to make me do it alone.”
A pillow flew through the air faster than you thought possible and hit you in the face. “You are more than capable of cleaning yourself. I have other things I need to take care of.”
You stuck your bottom lip out, “Just because I can doesn’t mean that I want to.”
Like a man possessed, Dabi slowly got out of bed. He moved so slow, as if he was a predator stalking his prey. You instinctively held your breath in anticipation as he inched closer and closer. His eyes like a dim fire, but focused on you all the same. He invaded your personal space, slamming his hand on the door behind you beside your head. He leaned down until his nose brushed yours and his lips hovered over yours.
You closed your eyes as he leaned closer but right before your lips connected, “I don’t remember asking what you wanted. You need to take a shower, and I need to handle some business. If you’re still this desperate later then I’ll be more than happy to fuck you.” He gripped your chin and bumped your nose with his. “It’s not that I don’t want to. But I don’t want you to fall into a habit of letting me have my way with you every time you have a bad memory. It’s not fair to either of us.” You felt a single tear streak down your cheek as you nodded. “If it’s just a distraction fine, but you need to learn how to confront and deal with this shit on your own. It’ll just be harder later if you don’t. Believe me.”
A few beats of silence passed before he reluctantly backed away from you. His fingers lingering before letting go of you completely. It wasn’t until he was exiting his room you had the nerve to speak up. “You’re not just a distraction.”
There was no telling if he actually heard you or not. If he did, he didn’t react or respond. Your admission caught you surprise, and you almost hoped he hadn’t. You thought about this weird new attachment you were feeling to Dabi lately while you took your shower. You wouldn’t go as far as to call this foreign new feeling love or anything crazy like that. But you were growing quite fond of his presence. You felt comfort in his warmth, and you appreciated the way his hands always knew just wear to touch to ease your anxiety. Sure, he was a certified asshole, but at least he kept you strong. He made sure you took care of yourself. He didn’t take your shit or your excuses. He got you walking, talking, and opening up within weeks.
You went through your routine slowly, taking your time under the hot water. You’d rather not think about the memory that surfaced last night. But Dabi was right. You needed to take time to work things out yourself. His comfort was more of a band aid, a temporary fix. You needed to at least try to heal on your own.
You had no idea when it happened. It seemed like it was pretty early in your captivity. Back when you still had a little fight in you. You didn’t actually remember what happened after that but you can only assume the worst. Your skin crawled at the thought. You hugged yourself as you let the water hit your back. You closed your eyes as you let your heart beat slowly even out. You refused to let this define you. You were more than your trauma. You thought about Dabi again. He had his own scars. Both literally and figuratively. He had to look in the mirror every day and see the evidence of his trauma every day. If he could do that then you could do this.
One look into the mirror showed that your hair was absurdly long. You would need to cut it soon. But for now, you could just braid it. You giggled as you finished, it was like you had a secret weapon. It gave you a childish idea.
Skipping out of the room you made your way to the kitchen where Dabi was currently on the phone. If hero training taught you anything, it was stealth.
Silent as a mouse you tiptoed up to his turned back.
“We’ll be fine. You’re more than welcome to come if you’re that worried, but I promise it’s not a big deal.” You paused right before you pounced on him, curiosity getting the best of you. “I’ll send you the location, as well as updates. Will that make you feel better?” You could hear a rough voice on the other end and you instinctively knew it was Katsuki. “She’s fine, calm down already. She’s behind me right now thinking she’s sneaky would you like to talk to her?” You leapt at him swinging your braid like a whip and hitting him in the chest.
You froze as Dabi’s gaze flipped to you in seconds. “You want to talk to him?”
You silently nodded as you excepted the phone from him. “Hi…”
A relieved sigh, “I was worried you’d still be mad at me.”
You suddenly wished he was physically here so you could reassure him. “It was silly for me to react that way. It’s obviously not your fault. It… it just sucks.”
“I know…”
So many words hovered on the tip of your tongue, but you just couldn’t make yourself say them. “I feel like we need to talk, but I don’t want it to be over the phone.”
Katsuki gave a nervous chuckle, “Well I guess you’re in luck.” The doorbell rang out and you almost dropped Dabi’s phone.
Dabi took his phone back from you before stomping off to open the front door. “I really didn’t think you’d take me seriously when I said you could come.”
Without breaking eye contact with you Katsuki entered the house, “Well you did offer, and I did come. So, quite bitching and deal with it.” He noticed your nervous posture and he softened, which was something you didn’t think he was capable of. “You want to hash it out here, or would you like to talk privately?”
You nodded your head towards the back door, “It’s a nice day. We can sit on the patio.”
Dabi was secretly grateful. You would get the chance to have an honest conversation with Bakugo while also staying where he could see you.
Katsuki followed you out to the garden. He notices how you refused to look at the pool but he didn’t comment on it. “So… are we gonna talk about it?”
You collapsed into your chair and sighed. “I think we need to.” You looked up and your eyes locked with his vermillion ones. “Look, I’m sorry for reacting the way I did. I just… It’s just not fair.” You huffed as you averted your eyes. “That sounds so fucking childish but it’s how I feel. You, Izuku, Shoto, you all got to achieve your dreams. You’re heroes. But the people who did this, who are still doing this to me… they’re technically heroes too.”
His hands squeezed yours, but he made no attempt to cut off your little rant. “They would never do this to you. No one would even believe them if they tried. The public love you guys and you’re damn good at your jobs… and yet there’s nothing you can do to help me…” You could feel his gaze on you and your cheeks reddened. “I just feel helpless and stupid. Stupid for believing so much in the system. Stupid for falling for all their little tricks. Stupid for not seeing the bigger picture. And at the end of the day I can’t even fight it because I did those things… well not all of it, but a good majority. All I can do is lay low and pray no one ever finds me. I’m fucking helpless.”
He grunted and his grip on your hand tightened. “It kills me. You say I’m a hero and I can’t even save you.” You finally looked at him again and all you saw in his eyes now was raw anger. “I’ve never been so confused… so helpless in my life. I don’t know who to trust. I don’t know who’s on what side. Was my whole life a lie? Do real heroes even truly exist? Or are we all just pawns in some fucking bigger game?” His voice began to break under his emotion. “I love you y/n. I’m in love with you. I have been for a very long time. Maybe even since we were kids. And I can’t sleep at night because out of everyone in the world you were the one I couldn’t save. I blame myself every day. I tell myself if I had just fucking manned up and told you how I felt sooner then maybe we would have had a chance… and maybe I would have noticed when shit started going sideways.”
There was a flash of vulnerability in his eyes, but it was quickly replaced by anger once more. “Now you’re with him and it feels like I’ve completely lost you. Not that I’m complaining. If he’s what you need to heal then… whatever, I’ll just have to get over it. But I need you to know that I’ll always be there for you. No matter what. I don’t care who you’re with, who’s after you, I don’t care! You are and will always be my top priority.” You rubbed reassuring circles into his hand with your thumb. “You say it’s not fair and I get it. It’s not. It’s disgusting. You don’t deserve any of this. For the first time in my life it has me questioning what side I’m on.”
Your entire lives the only things Katsuki seemed to care about was becoming the number one hero and beating Izuku. So, to hear him say that he’s now questioning that broke your heart. “Katsuki, please don’t say that. Even if the hero system is fucked up. That’s doesn’t mean all heroes are too. You’re in it for the right reasons. I have no doubt that if all the hero agencies crumble today, tomorrow you’d be right back on those streets defending the people. You don’t need an official rank to be the number one.”
He let out a huge sigh and you could see the tension leave his shoulders. It was like a huge weight had lifted off of him. He gave you one of his trademark smirks, although it was a little softer than usual. “You always seem to know what to say when I’m falling apart.”
You ran a hand through his spiky blonde hair, “I’d like to think I am an expert Katsuki bomb defuser at this point.” He rolled his eyes, but you could see the slight pink blush dusting his cheeks. “I’ve spent most of my life finding ways to calm you down before you explode, and honestly I wouldn’t trade that time for anything.”
“Oh yeah? Even though half the time it ended in scrapped knees and pulled pigtails?”
“Sometimes it ended in shared ice cream and hand holding.” You giggled, “You used to hold my hand all the damn time when we were little. Dragging me from one place to the next, always so impatient.” You gave him a puzzled look, “But then one day you stopped out of nowhere and told me it was gross.”
“Tsk. You have my shitty mother to thank for that. When my quirk started developing, she told me to stop holding your hand because I might blow you up.” He gave you sly smile, “Technically she was right, but it still scared the shit out of me.”
You both talked and giggled for what felt like hours. The weight of the pervious day slowly floating away. You probably would have stayed that way for much longer if his phone hadn’t gone off interrupting the two of you.
He glared at his screen before grunting. “I’ve been here too long. I need to get going.” He stood from his comfortable spot next to you and stretched. He gave you a long look over from you head to your toes and back. “I promise I’ll try to not obsess over what you and staples do when I’m not around, if you promise to not do anything stupid.”
“You know I can’t promise that. Weren’t you the one who used to say stupid was my middle name?” He gave you an unamused look and crossed his arms over his chest in frustration. You cut him off before he could start on a lecture. “I promise to try to behave and stay out of trouble. There feel better?”
A drawn our sigh left his lips. If his expression was any indicator, your promise did absolutely nothing for his nerves. “I guess it’ll have to be good enough.” He leaned over and kissed the top of your head, “I’ll be back to check on you in a few days, alright?”
You nodded as he reluctantly made his way back towards the house. You watched him leave but decided to stay outside a little longer. It really was nice outside, and you wanted some more time to yourself before Dabi grilled you about your conversation with Katsuki.
Bakugo stomped back into the house and wasn’t surprised when he was quickly apprehended by the very man that plagued his thoughts. “Oi, whatever it is you want to say, say it quick. I got to get out of here before they notice I left.”
“I know the two of you have a lot of history… So…” He looked uncomfortable for a brief second. “She just looks happy when you visit… so uh… thanks.”
Bakugo had to blink back his surprise. He had been preparing himself for a fight. “Yeah well… you obviously aren’t doing a bad job either… she seems comfortable around you.”
The two men spent the next few moments awkwardly staring at each other before Bakugo cleared his throat. “Listen. I think it’s obvious I have feeling for her. She knows that now. But at the end of the day I just want her to be happy. Maybe if things had gone differently, we would have ended up together, and maybe one day we still will. But she’s gone through enough shit recently, and if… if you’re what she needs right now… Then I wont get in the way.”
Now it was Dabi’s turn to be surprised. Everything he knew about the great Dynamight was his unwavering need to be the best, to win, to conquer all opponents. So to him conceding really showed not only how much he had matured in recent years but also how serious he took his relationship with you.
“I’ll always be there for her. Like you said she likes it when I come to visit, so I’ll keep coming around.”
To this Dabi groaned, “Coming to visit is one thing, but hanging all over her and kissing her in front of me is another. Keep your sweaty hands to yourself.”
Bakugo barked out a laugh, “I kissed the top of her head calm down. Don’t tell me you’re not up for a little competition?” When Dabi’s only answer was to only narrow his eyes Bakugo smiled. “Just because I’m not going to throw a fit about the two of you… doing whatever it is you’re doing… doesn’t mean I’ve completely given up. If you ever mess up, and let’s be honest you probably will… I’m going to be there for her.”
“I’m actually counting on it.”
Bakugo gave him one last glance before nodding and making his way towards the exit.
Dabi joined you outside as the soft breeze kissed his always too warm skin. You kept your eyes closed as you heard his heavy feet approaching. “If you’re grumpy about Katsuki I don’t want to hear about it.”
His large form blocked the sun as he hovered over you. “What would I have to be grumpy about? He’s not the one you were begging to fuck you in the shower this morning.” His rough hands ran over your bare legs. “Put some real clothes on we have some errands to run.”
Your eyes snapped open. “Errands? Like we’re leaving the house? I’m going outside?”
“Well technically you go outside all the time, but yes, you will be leaving the property today. Stretch your legs, get some fresh air and all that good stuff. I don’t know if you noticed but we are really low on groceries and there’s only enough ice cream left for one of us and I don’t like you enough to share… So go change.”
You practically sprinted back to your room. You threw on the one dress you had that had come in one of your care packages from Izuku and Shoto. The only other clothes you had were either T-shirts, pajamas, or belonged to Dabi.
You knew you had a pair of shoes somewhere, but you couldn’t remember where you put them. You hadn’t exactly needed them until now. The longer you looked the more your nerves ate at you.
Were you ready to leave? You were safe here. Did you want to leave your little bubble?
You knew Dabi wouldn’t let anything happen to you, but it was still terrifying.
A soft knock broke you from your thoughts. “What’s taking so long?”
“Sorry, can’t find my shoes.”
To this he nodded, “Oh they’re in the garage.”
“How did they get there?”
He shrugged, “You threw them at me once, so I hid them.”
With a dramatic roll of your eyes you made your way over to him. “What you scared or something?”
His hands gripped your waist and pulled you to him, “Oh a shoe? No. Of you throwing said shoe at me? Of course. I would be stupid not to be afraid of you.”
You smiled proudly, “Damn right. And don’t you forget it.”
He gave your hips a squeeze, “I could get used to seeing you in a dress.” His hand snaked around to you lower back finding your long braid and grinned evilly as he grabbed it and wrapped it around his wrist effectively pulling you head back and baring your neck to him. “Oh and this braid is amazing.” His lips brushed over your bare shoulder, then your neck, your cheek, before finally giving you a quick peck on your lips.
You reached up on your tippy toes to ghost your lips over his. “Remember when I wanted to have sex this morning and your promised if I was still desperate later, you’d fuck me?” A fire lit in his eyes as he silently nodded. “You leaned even closer but still kept your lips from fully connecting with his. “Karma’s a bitch.”
“UGH!” His hands left you as he did what you could only assume was his version of pouting. “You fucking brat…Let’s go. The sooner we go, the sooner we can come back and lock ourselves in our room.”
Our room? It was the first time he had said that. You weren’t sure which room he was referring to, but either way, you kind of liked the way it sounded.
You held your hand out to him, “Oh come on now. Don’t be like that. You can hold my hand.”
He glared at you then your hand and then back to you. “No thanks. They probably are still covered in nitroglycerin from your little friend and I’d hate to accidentally look control of my quirk and blow us up.”
You balled up the hand you had offered to him and punched his shoulder, “Who’s the brat now?”
He led you to the garage in silence, noticing the way your shoulders tensed the closer you got. Right before you reached the door, he stopped you. “I know this is probably just as scary as it is exciting so just need you to remember a couple things, okay? One.” He placed his hands on your shoulders and looked you straight in the eye. “I’m not going to let anything bad happen to you. I think we both know I’m not above cremating someone’s fingers off if they even so much as look at you the wrong way. Two. You are way stronger than you feel right now. You may have been through hell, but you came out stronger than you went in.”
His eyes suddenly got very serious. “And most importantly three. Despite number one and two, I need you to be careful and stay close to me. I can’t help you if I can’t get to you, and just because you can take care of yourself doesn’t mean you should have to. It’s just a quick run to a grocery store and back. No reason to get into any trouble.”
You nodded enthusiastically, your excitement starting to overpower your nerves. He looked you up and down and smirked. His fingers came up to pinch your nipple through your dress which had you immediately moaning and pressing closer to him. “I’ll tell you what…one thing we will not being buying today is a bra.” Your teeth pressed into your bottom lip as you held back a whine of pleasure. He gave your nipple one last tug before letting go and backing away. “I love the easy access.”
You took a steadying breath before following him into the garage. You opened the door to the familiar car. The last time you had been in this car, you had been mute, malnourished, and Dabi was digging into you with his knife. You stared at the passenger seat for a moment too long.
“I promise not to stab you again, now hurry up and get in.” You took another moment to appreciate how far you’ve come since the last time you were in this car.
The second your ass was in the seat, Dabi was buckling your seat belt and pulling a hat over your head. “Here put these on too.” He handed you a pair or sunglasses. “We’re going out in disguise.” He smirked, “Well you are, there’s really no way for me to hide this handsome mug.”
“I don’t know. you have white hair now. Match that with some glasses and a bag over your head, and I don’t think anyone would recognize you.”
He reached over you and pulled a pair of sunglasses and a medical mask out of his glove box. “Hmm fresh out of bags. Maybe we should pick some up for later.” He wagged his eyebrows at you.
The wind blew through the open windows as the music surrounded you. For a moment it was easy to close your eyes and pretend this was just a normal day. The past few years didn’t happen, and you were just headed to the store on your day off. You hummed along with the song and even dared to sing a few words.
Dabi suddenly found it hard to concentrate with you singing next to him. He could feel your hum vibrate in his bones. Your words filled his lungs with air while simultaneously making it harder to breath. He’d like to think this was part of your quirk. But something told him it was something else entirely.
Before he could stop himself, his hand found it’s way to your thigh. He had no other intention than just touching you. He just wanted to feel you, feel your skin on his. Your presence filled the car and his hands itched to connect with you in any way they could.
His thumb rubbed absentminded circles as he found himself being hypnotized by your existence. The spell only broken when he pulled into a parking spot. Now reality was crashing back in. He suddenly had the need to rush you back home and lock you away. This world was awful. It didn’t deserve you. “Sorry… Sometimes my singing does that. I didn’t realize I was doing it.” Your hand ran through his hair as if the friction would reboot his thoughts. You could see the confused desire in his eyes start to fade. “I can’t explain it, but just like how my voice can hypnotize, sometimes when I sing it amplifies whatever it is you want in the moment.” You shrugged, “It so rarely happens that I don’t really know what triggers it.”
With a final blink of his eyes his thoughts seemed to clear. The overwhelming desire ebbed but didn’t disappear completely. He was quick to grab your hand as soon as you had both exited the car. “Oh? And what happened to there being too much nitroglycerin on my hands?”
“Shut up.” He yanked your arm rather aggressively as he stormed off into the store.
You weren’t prepared for how ridiculous you would feel. You wish you could take a picture to send to the yourself a few years ago. Here you were with a white haired, former villain Dabi, who had a grocery basket in one hand and your hand in the other. Both of looking totally inconspicuous as the florescent lights reflected off of your sunglasses that he insisted needed to stay on. The borderline elevator music that played in over the speakers just daring you to giggle.
With half of your shopping done you came to the realization that you had been freaking out over nothing. It wasn’t like there was someone hiding behind every corner waiting to drag you back to the lab. Just because it seemed like the world was out to get you didn’t actually mean the world was out to get you.
You were starting to let your guard down just a little bit. You let go of Dabi’s hand for all of ten seconds, which apparently was enough for a lecture. “What do you think you’re doing?”
Your hand hovered over a box of cereal, “Uh… I’m sorry do you not like Lucky Charms? Are you more of a Cinnamon Toast Crunch kinda guy?”
He snagged a box off the shelf before grabbing your hand again. “For my sanity… please don’t let go of my hand.”
“Oh come on I was all of two feet away. What’s going to happen in two feet.”
He lowered his sunglasses so you could see how serious he was. “If we lived in a world where everyone was quirkless… not a lot. But here in this world, where people can do bat shit crazy things… Super speed, portals, explosions, flight, laser beams, do you need me to keep going.”
“Okay I get it. I’m sorry.”
His grip on your hand tightened as he pulled you down the next isle. He was making it really hard to act normal when he insisted on treating you like a child. You gave his hand a tug to get his attention. “Hey look at me.” He hesitated momentarily before turning to look at you and pulling you both to a stop. By the way he was looking at you he knew you were upset, but he looked like the last thing he wanted to do was talk about it. “I get that you’re on edge, but I’m not a child. You gave me this huge speech before we left the house, but now you’re the one freaking out.” You gave him a quick hug. “Out of respect for your paranoia, I promise to stay within arm’s reach. But remember I’m not helpless.”
His shoulders slumped, but he nodded anyways. “Yeah my bad. I think I just underestimated how uncomfortable I’d be.” His shoulder bumped yours. “But until we get back home…I’m going to keep being an overprotective asshole, and you have no choice but to deal with it.” He started his dragging you down isles again. “You may not be a child, but if you pull away from me again, I will literally find a collar and a leash and make you my pet for the day.”
“You’re joking right… right?” He had to be joking. There’s no way he’d follow through with that… right? Part of you knew he honestly would and he’d probably fucking love it.
“Why don’t you keep fucking around and find out?” He smirked which made it even harder to figure out if he was serious or not.
You decided you weren’t going to test him. Not today. Hopefully there would be more trips in your future, and maybe he’d ease up by then. Today he seemed stressed enough to actually snap and follow through with his threat.
He continued to hold the basket for you while he let you reach out and grab whatever you wanted. He wasn’t even really paying attention to the items you were putting in the basket, as his head remained on a swivel, looking for anything suspicious. If he had, he would have noticed it was predominantly junk food. That’s fine. You could stand to gain a few more pounds. He’d make sure to sneak some healthy stuff in there at some point.
You were making your way to check out when he heard a familiar voice calling out to him.
“Dabi? Hey man is that you?” He instinctively placed you behind him as he turned to face his old colleague. “Holy shit it is you! I wasn’t sure because your hair it totally different, but those staples are a dead giveaway. What’s up man? Haven’t seen you in years! What have you been up to?”
You clung to the back of his shirt and you could feel the heat radiating off of him. “I’m doing my own thing now.” His voice was much lower than usual and it sent chills down your spine.
When the mystery man caught on that he wasn’t going to get any more out of him he pressed, “I heard there’s a couple of the guys who’ve been trying to get ahold of you recently. They need help with something. The money’s supposed to be pretty good.”
The man’s eyes shifted to try and get a look at you behind Dabi, but Dabi just shifted to shield you from view. “Not interested. I have enough money.” The man was starting to give him a weird look and it was pissing Dabi off. “Do you have a problem?”
“No, but obviously you do. What crawled up your ass and died? And who’s your new little friend?” He craned his neck to try get a peek at you. “As long as I’ve known you, I never knew you to be the domestic type. She the reason you’ve fallen off the grid?”
Dabi’s hand started to glow with flames. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll mind your fucking business.”
“Oh shit. She must be something special to get the big bad Dabi playing guard dog.” He lifted his hands up in surrender, “But don’t worry about it, man. I’ll get out of your hair.”
Dabi kept his eyes on him until he was out of sight and quickly turned back to the check-out line, “We need to hurry and get the hell out of here. That guy works for the League as a hitman. It’s possible we didn’t see him by accident.” He ushered you through the line and quickly paid for the few groceries you had and was practically sprinting towards the exit.
You made it back to the car and you let go of his hand to quickly make you way around to the passenger side. You had your hand on the door handle when your instincts started screaming. Your eyes cut to the store and then back to Dabi. “I think someone’s i-“
A hand slammed on top of your mouth as you were pulled backwards and in a whirl of wind and disorienting speed you ended up on the other end of the parking and moments later you saw blue fames spurting off in all directions where you had been standing earlier.
“What a temper that guy has.”
You looked up and saw the man from the store. His quirk must have been super speed and you knew you’d never hear the end of this from Dabi.
His hand gripped your chin, “What’s so special about you huh? What could you possibly have that would domesticate that beast of a man?” He pushed you to your knees in front of him.
Your panic was setting in. All the years of training, all the hard work you put in, and the only thing you could think of was running away. You bottom lip trembled. “I’m quirkless… I’m his… his pet.” You hoped you could find a way to stall for time. You had faith Dabi could handle whoever he was currently fighting and then he’d come for you. You just needed to make sure this guy didn’t run off with you again.
The man laughed loudly, “I have to admit I always thought he was a bit of a freak. But having a quirkless little play thing isn’t what I was expecting.” He turned your head to one side and then the other getting a good look at you. “You sure are fucking pretty though… I guess I can see the appeal. Maybe I’ll take you with me.”
Your fight or flight was kicking in, and you knew for a fact there was no outrunning this man. You activated your quirk and locked eyes with him. This was the first time you had used your quirk offensively in a long time. But it was like riding a bike. First you used your voice. “You don’t want to do that. No, you’re a good boy. You want to let me go.”
You watched as his eyes glassed over briefly before he shook his head. “What the fuck! Get out of my head! Quirkless my ass!” His hand left your chin and back handed you. Your head hit a cement parking divider. So maybe it wasn’t like riding a bike.
You needed to focus. No half assing this. Growing up you had learned that your quirk was like a battery. You could either go at full strength for a short period of time or lower strength for a longer period of time. You just needed to up the strength. “I SAID!”
He sprinted away before you could finish talking. You looked around frantically to see where he went but before you could find him he was sprinting by you and kicking you as he passed. His strategy was smart. You wouldn’t be able to get him if he kept moving. He continued his game of sprinting by you and kicking you or hitting you until you were a bloody mess on the ground. Where the fuck was Dabi?
You were pissed. You had had definitely been through worse. You spit out some blood from your split lip. “You hit like a fucking bitch!” You smeared blood and saliva all over your hands and waited. “Fucking fight me you pussy!”
You listened closely for the familiar sound of him approaching. Right before he got to you you rolled over and grabbed his leg as he attempted to kick you. You tackled him to the ground and shoved your hand in his face smearing your blood all over his face, forcing your blood and spit into his mouth.
He sputtered before shoving you off of him and spitting on you. “What the fuck? You’re fucking disgusting!” He tried to stand up to get away from you, but your quirk was starting to work on him. You blood was slowly paralyzing him. You watched as his eyes started to harden inn fear.
“Great keep those open for me.” You locked eyes with him again. “What did you want with Dabi?”
You watched his thoughts as he showed you instructions from Shigaraki. He was supposed to locate Dabi and ask him what his connection was to the people who worked for your hero agency. Apparently, word had gotten out that he had been hunting people and The League wanted to know why.
You heard footsteps rapidly approaching you. You swung around as fast as you throbbing head would let you. Relief flooded over your entire body when you saw it was Dabi. He skidded to a stop when he saw the state you were in. He looked between you and the now paralyzed man on the ground. “I’m going to fucking kill him.”
The man managed a creepy chuckle. “She must be that siren hero everyone’s looking for huh?” You were impressed he could still talk at this point, but it was obvious the rest of his body was frozen. “They said she was dangerous…she didn’t feel that dangerous when my foot was connecting with her face.”
Dabi let out a feral growl and he stalked over to him hands out ready to burn him to ashes.
“Dabi NO!” You coughed as you grabbed your ribs. “Stop… he can’t move. We can just call Katsuki, he’ll come pick him up.”
Dabi turned to look at you, his eyes practically glowing. “No fucking way. He’s seen you, he knows too much.” The flames in his hands got hotter. “Just look at what he fucking did to you! He’s not leaving here alive. So either you let me burn him and scatter the evidence or you take this fucking knife I have in my pocket and kill him yourself. Either way this asshole dies now. I told him to mind his own fucking business… he signed his own death sentence.”
You stood up and squared off with him. “I said no… We don’t have to kill him. We can just turn him in!”
“YOU CANT BE THAT STUPID!” He ran a frustrated hand through his hair leaving black streak of soot in their wake in his white hair. “We turn him in, he gets arrested. The people who are looking for you… the ‘heroes’ will integrate him and find out your with me. Then it’ll only be a matter of time before we’re on the run.” He reached in his pocket and held out a knife to you, “He dies now. End of discussion. What’ll it be.”
You looked at the knife in his hand before crossing your arms over your chest and averting your eyes.
“That’s what I thought.”
You didn’t watch as he incinerated the man who was helpless to stop it, but you could smell the burning flesh and you could hear the brief scream of agony before it was gone.
Dabi waited until his hands had cooled down before he bent over and scooped you up. “It had to be done.” The car was still running with the driver door open from where he had driven over here and hopped out. He tucked you into the font seat and took a look into the back seat, “Fuck… the ice cream is melting.”
Your eyes bulged at him as he gunned it towards the main road, “You just murdered someone with no sympathy, but heaven forbid the ice cream melts!”
“Actually, I just murdered two people. And I would do it again without hesitation. I was looking forward to that ice cream!”
Tags: tags: @falling4fandoms @wifunozomi @here-in-never-land @whore-for-anime @klecksstorys @aurorahoneybuns @theunknownrandom @insane-without-delirium @frenchsfryys @officiallydarkgeek @neofixcs @music-is-all-i-need @katsuki-bakubabe@unadulteratedtastemakerpoetry@dabislittlemouse@aimee1602@pinkhatlizzy @kunaigirlx44 @nii-sanfucker@bestgirlb @silver-stardrop@bakubby99
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Speedy one night stand
Ok, so this is an old scene that i never posted because I never thought it was good enough, but since I wanted to post smth before ‘Tis the Damn Season, here it goes! I’m sorry for any typos, it’s 3 am and I don’t have the patience to proof read rn. There are mentions of a car accident but I swear it is not a sad or angsty scene. It’s bad and not at all a believable situation, but I hope it’s ok enough to be mildly enjoyable!
Aelin was having a spectacular day.
She had woken up around six, laying near the hottest man to ever walk on this Earth. In the previous night, she had drank enough to practically guarantee her a bitch hangover, but apparently her beautiful, silver-haired stranger had fucked it right out of her. A few times.
Not so proudly, Aelin sneaked out of his house without making a single sound. Maybe she should have stayed, maybe asked for his name. But she was also almost sure she had given him her number yesterday, and so if he wanted to continue things, he could call her. If not… Well, it had been a fun night.
Understatement of the fucking century.
And thanks to her stranger, once she got home, Aelin felt energized and inspired enough to finally give the painting a try.
The painting had become Aelin’s nightmare for the past year and a half. She had the idea, had the ability, but didn’t know how to do it, how to tackle it. She tried a few times every few days, and left the room hating it more and more. The painting started to be a mock to her abilities— she would finish other works, beautiful works, and yet the messy canvas would always stare at her from the corner of the room.
Aelin was mainly a sculptor, not a painter, and so she didn’t even know why it bothered her so much but it did. Oh, it most certainly did.
For the past eighteen months, staring at that taunting canvas was like staring at yourself on the mirror for too long. The vision started to blur, and it didn’t look real, evoked a deep panic.
For the past eighteen months, Aelin hated that fucking painting.
And yet, when she got home earlier, all she could think is that she might be able to finish it. The painting was supposed to be of Oakwald, a beautiful forest that extended for the whole expanse of the west of Terrasen. She hadn’t been at home for so long now, and all she wanted was a painting of how she remembered the forest to be. She wanted to capture its light, its life. She wanted it to look exactly how it was in her memory, but the colors never seemed right. Her fondness of the memory was becoming stained with that stupid canvas.
All she needed was the right palette.
And he had walked in a bar and sat by her side yesterday.
Her stranger was the literal embodiment of her memory, so much so that for a split second, Aelin had thought she had gone officially insane. His silver-grey hair was the exact shade of the sky on the cloudy mornings when she and her dad would go for a walk. Eyes a combination of a few shades of green and small specks of brown that reminded her of how the trees were. His demeanor was cold, and yet Aelin found him somehow so welcoming— just like she felt back at Oakwald, back home.
Her stranger had given her the thing she had needed for the past eighteen months, even if he hadn’t given her even his name.
Aelin was staring proudly at the now finished painting when the phone rang. She was glad her roommate wasn’t at home to witness her staring at the painting for that long like a crazy person, and honestly hoped it was Lysandra calling to ask if she wanted to go out and grab something to eat.
Or maybe it’s your stranger.
Aelin forced herself to shove every single spark of hope down until they were nothing more than cinders. To be honest, Aelin knew that she probably wouldn’t get a call from him. It was his first day in town, they both had been drunk, and, even though the sex had been great, her stranger didn’t seem like the dating type.
At least not the dating type with a woman who left his house unannounced at six in the morning after leaving him with no note other than her number that could potentially be wrong since said woman was already tipsy when she gave it to him.
A fucking shame.
“Hey.” Aelin said, putting the phone to her ear as she looked for her car keys. She wanted to be in the elevator by the time the word “eat” left Lys’s mouth.
“Is this Aelin?” A female voice she had never heard in her life asked, uncertainty and hesitation lacing every word.
Aelin withdrew the phone from her ear and looked at the unknown number.
Aelin rarely gave her phone number to strangers, and lately it had only been to…
Oh fucking shit.
He had a girlfriend?
Fuck fuck fuck.
“Hum, yes?” Aelin sounded as uncertain as the girl. “I’m sorry, but who is this?”
Maybe it wasn’t what she thought. Maybe she was wrong. Maybe—
“Do you know a Rowan?”
“Maybe?” Aelin wanted to bang her head against a wall. Almost seven months without touching a guy, and the first one in her way back to the land of the social people had a girlfriend. At least she knew his name now. Rowan seemed fitting, matched his appearance somehow. “Silver hair, green eyes, looks really pissed even when he’s sleeping?”
Please say no.
“Oh, yes.” The woman said, sounding… relieved? “I’m doctor Towers, and—“
“Doctor?” Aelin blurted out, all anger and nervousness being substituted for confusion. “Doctor?”
“Yes. Well, actually an intern since I’m still halfway through my first year here and—“
“I swear I mean no offense, but I am a little confused.” Aelin interrupted her after she started mumbling. “You’re Rowan’s girlfriend?”
“No!” The woman shouted loud enough that Aelin had to take the phone from her ear. “Gods, no. I thought you were his girlfriend.”
A moment of silence passed through the two women.
“What the fuck?” Was everything Aelin managed to say. She cleared her throat, mind trying to catch up with what was happening. “Why would you think that?”
“You’re the only contact on his phone.”
“I am?”
“You are.”
“I am.”
“You are.”
“I— Why are you calling me?” Aelin shook her head, her grip on her keys strong enough that started to be painful. She didn’t know if this was some type of joke her friends were pulling on her, or if Rowan was just some sick asshole that was fucking with her now that he had her number but she sure as hell wasn’t enjoying the experience.
“Well, you see.” She cleared her throat, voice tone becoming more serious, more professional. “Rowan was admitted into the Torre’s hospital a few hours ago. He was involved in an accident, and all the emergency contacts we could find are not in town as of now. I know it is not protocol, and I’m breaking so many rules here, but I went through his phone to see if I could find a contact of someone who was around. We didn’t know if his injuries were serious or not, but…”
Doctor Towers didn’t finish the sentence, and dread mixing with some type of anxiety started rolling inside Aelin’s stomach. “But?”
She didn’t respond the question, instead changing the subject. “You’re the only contact, Miss Aelin.”
Aelin slowly sat down, the dead silence of the apartment mixing with the expectant silence from Doctor Towers. She didn’t know the guy, didn’t even know his name until two minutes ago, and yet the image of the painting in the other room kept flashing in her mind, the colors in the canvas mixing with the colors she saw on his face. “I— Is he alive?”
“Yes, yes. He’s in surgery, I believe.” The initial apprehension came back to the woman’s voice. “I don’t know, actually. Again, just an intern. People don’t tell me much here.”
“And I suppose hiding somewhere after stealing a patient’s phone isn’t the best way to pick up on any information they might be sharing in the halls right now.” Aelin said, some amusement for the girl showing through her voice. “Where are you? Storage room?”
“Coma patient room.” Doctor Towers laughed nervously. “I thought I was helping.”
“It’s fine.” Aelin said even though she didn’t feel it.
The line went silent once more, and after a minute, Aelin said. “Well, bye, I guess.”
“Wait.” The doctor’s apprehensive voice sounded again. “Couldn’t you… Can you still come? Even if you’re just his friend?”
Aelin sat frozen on her chair. “I’m not his friend.”
“Oh.” She sounded disappointed. “Ok. Sorry. Have a great night, Miss Aelin.”
Before Aelin could respond, the call was ended.
The first thing Rowan noticed when he opened his eyes was that he was not at the rented apartment he and the rest of his friends had gotten for the summer.
The lights were too white and too artificial, the bed too uncomfortable to be the same one he had slept the previous night.
And there was also the fact it felt as if he had been thrown from the top of a building, broken every single bone in the impact and, somehow, survived.
He tried opening his eyes a little bit more and acute pain shot to his brain.
Unfortunately. Unfortunately survived.
Shit, maybe he was in hell.
“I don’t know if the struggle is amusing or pathetic.” A low and sultry voice sounded from the left corner of the room. “Maybe try not staring directly into the light and then try opening your eyes.”
Rowan turned his head to where the soft voice had come from, pain burning his neck with the movement but he found himself incapable of not looking at her direction. But the woman was right, and Rowan managed to open his eyes enough to see her seating in one of those uncomfortable hospital chairs, legs crossed in front of her and fingers laced on top of her stomach.
Rowan mentally scratched his last thought. If he had actually died, that certainly was tilting a lot more towards heaven than hell even with the killing pain.
“Fuck, I think I died.” Rowan blurted out.
“I’ll pretend you just compared me to an angel, not to the devil.” She said, getting up and walking in his direction. Despite her hurt tone, she was smiling as she approached his bed. “It’s the least you could do after you ruined my perfectly perfect day. I was having a blast, you know?”
Hell, heaven, or Earth— it honestly didn’t fucking matter because the pain was the same, but her voice seemed to soothe his muscled, make the pain secondary to the pleasure of listening to her voice.
“Yeah?” Rowan rasped out, hoping she would continue talking.
“Oh, yeah.” She sat by the edge of the bed, straightening his sheets. The light wasn’t so blinding anymore, and he could see every detail on her face.
Heaven. Definitely heaven.
“I’m an artist, you know. Sculptor mostly, but I’m a decent painter. There’s this painting I’ve been trying to get done for over a year now, and today I did not only make progress I liked, but I also finished it. I thought today was going to be a terrible day, you know? Yesterday I found out my flight back home had been canceled and I would only be able to get another one by the end of summer, so I went to a bar and planned on getting drunk. Today was a day for tears and hangovers.”
“But?” Rowan asked automatically, all too focused on the woman sitting next to him.
She smiled, raising a hand to brush his hair from his face, fingers intertwining with the shoulder-length knots he most certainly had after whatever it was that had happened. She seemed too focused on her hand gently undoing the knots, but thankfully kept talking. “But I met this guy, you know? Definitely not from here, accent gave it away immediately. Also not from where I am from. Just that made him interesting enough. And,” she turned her eyes to him, eyes glinting with mischief. “Very, very fucking hot. That definitely made him even more interesting.”
“What a guy.” Rowan could feel some of the life coming back to his body, and even managed to weakly match the grin she had on her face.
“Oh, yes, what a guy. Fucked the hangover and artistic block right out of me. A hero, if you will.” Her grin extended into a smile, and she shook her head. “So imagine how ruined my day was when I got a call saying my amazing bar guy had been in a car accident.”
Rowan let out a broken laugh, his ribs screaming in pain when he did so. “So irresponsible of him.”
She assented solemnly. “And there I was, hoping he would have called me to go out on a date. I’m not picky but hospital is a huge downgrade from mind blowing sex in his expensive apartment.”
Rowan laughed again, not even caring about the pain.  “I’m sure the guy would have asked you if you hand’t left the expensive apartment at the crackass of dawn without telling him.”
“And instead of calling he let his car be smashed by a fucking truck to get my attention? Tsk, tsk, tsk… Maybe I didn’t dodge a bullet with this idiot.”
Rowan’s lips were taken by a grin. “Well it worked, didn’t it?”
“Next time try something a little less dramatic.” She said, eyes narrowing but Rowan could see how she was trying to contain a smile.
“The girl really seemed into dramatics tho. Gave it away last night when she—“
“Since I didn’t know your name until your doctor called me, Rowan, I’ll save you the embarrassment of asking mine.” She interrupted him, slender fingers going from his hair to the top of his lips. “I’m Aelin.”
“Aelin.” He said against the finger sushing him. “May I ask how you got here?”
She blushed a little, taking the finger from his mouth and straightening her spine. “I was the only contact in your list. They called me.”
“Lost my phone in the airport yesterday and had to buy a new one. Still doesn’t explain why you’re here.”
She narrowed her eyes at him, small nose frowning. “You’re very talkative for someone who could barely open his eyes a few minutes ago.”
“Am I?” Rowan said, hoping to push some of her buttons. Consciousness had been coming back slowly, and Rowan certainly remembered every single detail. Remembered being pissed by losing his phone, impatient because he would have to wait two more days for his friends to arrive.
Remembered all the pissy and impatience leaving his body once he sat on the bar by the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She had been quick-mouthed, with no filter, and absolutely hypnotizing. She wasn’t just fucking beautiful, but also funny, smart, and had the ability to make him forget every single thing that was making him irritated.
And the rest of the night… It was a shame Rowan was bedridden, he certainly wouldn’t mind reenacting last night again.
And again. And again.
And again.
Rowan had wondered earlier if she had been that amazing because he was drunk. The answer was obviously no.
Aelin pursed her lips, red coloring her cheeks. She cleared her throat, rolling her eyes. “The doctor guilty tripped me.”
“Yeah?” Rowan knew he was smiling like an idiot.
“She said you were in surgery and she didn’t know how serious.” Aelin finally looked him straight in the eyes, and Rowan noticed how beautiful hers were. “No one deserves to have no one in this situation. She said your friends were out of town, and the girl sounded desperate enough that it sounded as if you were fucking died. Again, no one deserves to die alone. Specially someone this good in bed.”
It took Rowan a second to understand everything she had just said. When the last sentence finally registered on his brain, Rowan laughed. Aelin shook her head, a small smile appearing again.
“Also, you’re the first guy I slept with in seven months. Letting you die alone seemed like bad luck.”
“I am honored you put so much consideration into coming to stay with me.”
“Shut it.”
“If it makes you feel less embarrassed—“
“I’m not embarrassed.”
“I would have come too. Make sure my best fuck wasn’t dead.”
“Awn, best fuck? You’ll make me tear up like this, Ro. So romantic.” Aelin pretended to clean fake tears the moment the doctor in darker scrubs and a few on lighter ones entered the room.
“Good to see you awake, Mr Whitethorn.” The man smiled at him, checking his charts. “It’s always good to see wives crying of happiness rather than sadness around here.”
“Of course.” Rowan agreed, turning to Aelin and raising an eyebrow.
“They wouldn’t let me stay if I wasn’t family.” She whispered low enough so that only Rowan would hear. Her face slowly broke into a grin, and she winked at him before turning to the doctor. “So he’ll be fine, right, doctor?”
Rowan had to bite his cheeks from laughing at how obviously fake she sounded, but no one other than him noticed. “Yes, yes. Other than a fracture to his right wrist, your husband is completely fine. Some bruising and soreness that painkillers can help, but nothing major. You two are free to enjoy your vacations when he’s discharged tomorrow.”
“Oh, great.” Rowan said, nodding seriously. “My wife here has just informed me that a hospital is no adequate place for a first date.”
All the people in the room laughed, thinking Rowan meant their first date in Antica.
Not their first date ever.
“I’ll leave you two. Anything you need, ask a nurse and they will page me.” The doctor in darker scrubs said, leaving the room with all the ones in lighter scrubs following.
“Where do you live?” Rowan asked the moment the doctor was out.
Aelin turned to him, fingers going back to his silver hair. “Have been living here for the past two years in an art internship. Going back to Orynth, Terrasen by the end of the summer.” She curled a strand around her finger before looking to his face. “You?”
“Have been and will continue to be a very happy resident of Orynth.” Rowan said, a smirk appearing on his lips. “Definitely happier after the summer.”
“Haven’t even asked me out and you’re already thinking about the end of the summer.” Aelin shook her head and clicked her tongue even though she was smiling. “No surprise you got into a car accident, so speedy.”
His smirk grew into a smile. “My dear wife, would you like to go on a date with me?”
She narrowed her eyes, taking her sweet, sweet time to answer. “I’ll think about it.”
“And, seeing how the doctor talked about all my grave injuries—“
“Grave.” She snorted.
“Do I get kisses to feel better?” Rowan’s tone was full of mockery and some laughter.
“If I kiss every place you’re hurting after being hit by a fucking truck, I think we’d be here for a long while.”
“You didn’t complain yesterday.”
Aelin half laughed, half snorted. Rolling her eyes, she bent forward, and even though she was trying very hard not to, Rowan could see the start of a smile just before she pressed her lips against his. They were sweeter and softer than he remembered, and despite the pain on his arms and specially on his right wrist, Rowan raised his hands and put them in her golden strawberry hair.
“One more thing.” He said against her mouth.
“Has anyone ever told you that you ask for too much?” Aelin said impatiently.
“As our situation is already as fucking weird as it’s gonna get—“
“You don’t say!” Aelin said, voice dripping with so much fake surprise Rowan couldn’t stop but smirk up at her.
“As our situation is already as fucking weird as it’s gonna get,” he repeated forcefully, eyes narrowing at her as her smile widened. “Tomorrow, when my friends arrive.”
“Can you please still pretend you’re my wife?”
Aelin stared at him blankly for a moment before letting out a full, lovely laugh. The bed shook with her laughter, and Rowan joined her— a little weakly due to the pain, but joined her nonetheless. She bent down to kiss him again, nodding as she did so. “Of course. What type of person would I be if I didn’t help such injured person find some happiness in their lives?”
Rowan kissed her back, fingers playing with her hair. “So this means you’ll go out with me?”
“We’ll see.”
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ah-ga-seven · 3 years
Till’ The End of Summer - Chapter 13
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>> series masterlist <<
Pairing: Choi Yeonjun x Reader
In a Nutshell: College!AU, Rich Kids, Friends to Lovers, Fuckboy athlete Yeonjun, Overprotective Best friend Soobin, contains all of TXT and other Idol cameos, Omnipresent perspective.
Synopsis: You and Yeonjun are caught up in a cat and mouse game because of unspoken feelings and endless pining for each others’ attention. With the summer break approaching and lots of college parties, will you finally get a chance to explore your feelings for each other; even though the world and Yeonjun’s reputation makes things complicated?
Word count: 11,5K
Genre:  Angst, Fluff.
Warnings: Heavy angst.
A/N: NOT the final chapter.
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“Yeonjun…” his name came out like a whisper. You didn’t know what to do or say. You couldn’t fathom the betrayal and hurt that he must be feeling right now. 
“No, there has to be some type of explanation to this. She wouldn’t do this. Why would she? She practically raised me.”  He wasn’t listening, just rambling. Trying to make sense of why he heard her voice on the other end of the line.  
All of you stayed silent, looking at him with concerned and horrified facial expressions.
“Why would she do this. It doesn’t make sense.”
“Hyung…it does kind of explain why you could never find anything. She’s an in-house maid, she could have erased all traces and-”
“No, shut up. She wouldn’t do that.”
“Yeonjun maybe-” Mia tries to talk but Yeonjun cut her off too.
“No, no. Stop. I don’t want to hear it. This woman, she’s the one that sat with me at night so I didn’t have to eat dinner alone, she bathed me, fed me, read me bedtime stories. It can’t be her.” He didn't know who he was trying to convince. Maybe himself?
Yeonjun wasn’t stupid. He knew what it meant when she answered the phone, but he couldn’t accept it. How could he ever trust anyone ever again if this turned out to be true?  
He turned around on his heels so he didn’t have to face you guys, getting lost in thought as he pursed his lips together while running his hand through his hair. He was trying incredibly hard not to cry, until the thought of almost losing you crossed his mind, making a tear escape anyway.
He threw his head back, wiping the single tear from his eye, not wanting to break down in front of all of you. He needed to stay level headed and think rationally. But why was it so god damn hard for him this time when he always managed to pull through?
“She knows how much I love y/n,” he mumbles to no one in particular, but you all heard it and suddenly your heart wrenched in your chest.
He really does love you.
Even though your relationship was far from, well…a relationship. Yeonjun never shied away from expressing his feelings out in the open. Ever since he realized he loved you, he basically never shut up about it to the people around him; even under these circumstances.
You watch him with sad eyes. You didn’t get time to process what happened to you literally minutes ago, but none of it mattered anymore.
You had to set your feelings aside to be there for him.
You’ll heal from it some other time…right?
“Maybe getting to her would cause your breakdown? Meaning you won’t go for the CEO position in the future. You told us she’s the one who told you to come back here, maybe it’s because she didn’t want you to ruin her plans…” Mia says trying to piece things together, and Yeonjun hated to admit it; but it made perfect sense.
Lita knows that if he lost you, he’d completely break down and lose focus. He'd lose the will to succeed because he wouldn't have anyone left to live for.
He’d rather die than have anything happen to you, and maybe that’s dramatic, but it was no lie.  
You got up from your chair and walked over to him. You hold onto his forearm before moving in front of him to announce your presence in case you’d startle him, and when his eyes landed on you his pained facial expression completely disappeared.
It’s like you were a remedy to his broken soul. Every time he laid eyes on you, touched you, or kissed you, he healed a little.
You don’t say anything and just wrap your arms around his waist, pressing your cheek against his chest. His heart was beating fast as he wrapped his arms around you to hug you back. He needed this. He needed you.
All you wanted was for him to be okay. For everything to go back to normal and to take away his pain but all of this was just too fucking crazy to wrap your mind around.
He rested his chin on top of your head and closed his eyes in solace as he sighed. Giving himself a second to breathe before he untangled himself from you without making eye contact.
“I have to call my mom,” he mumbles without emotion.
You look at him a little puzzled, as did Soobin and Mia who gave each other  looks of confusion at his suddenly changed attitude.  
He always does this. He always pushes his emotions aside in the blink of an eye and gets back to business as if it’s nothing.
Yeonjun disappears into your bedroom with his phone as he closes the door behind him. The closed door was enough for all three of you to understand to give him space, and so you did.
With a heavy head and a heavy heart, you sit down at your dinner table again, not feeling Mia and Soobin’s worried eyes on you as you bury your face in your hands. Soobin scooted closer to you and rubbed your back in warming up and down motions to assure you of his presence and Mia, who was sitting across from you, simply grabbed your hand with both of hers.
You sit like that in silence for god knows how long. You were trying to piece things together and process everything that has happened to you and then it hit you.
Every decision Yeonjun has made up until now was to protect you from the unimaginable which somehow became imaginable.  
And suddenly you felt bad for hating him. You hated him for loving you enough to let you go in favor of your own wellbeing. But God knows you did not think of any danger of this caliber.  
It was only months ago that your meaningless crush on Yeonjun got the best of you. If someone from the future would’ve told you that this would be the outcome of pursuing him, you’d probably punch that person in the face for being ridiculous, yet here you are.  
Completely and utterly broken, afraid, tired, and still in love.
And despite everything, you’d still choose to be with Yeonjun if you got to hit the re-do button.
Yeonjun emerged from your bedroom and as you heard the door creak open your head immediately snapped into his direction.
His face held an expression you couldn’t quite read, so you sigh. You bite your lip in anticipation as you watch him pull out a chair of your dining table, waiting for him to sit down and speak up.
“My mom didn’t believe me at first.”
“What? Why?” Mia asks with big eyes.
“Well, can you blame her? She has worked for your family since you were born hyung, this is a big accusation.” Soobin says as he tries to comfort Yeonjun by patting the hair that had grown out in the nape of Yeonjun’s neck. His eyes closed at the physical comfort and he leaned into Soobin’s touch for a split second. The sight was endearing, yet extremely sad.
“She told me she’s letting her people look into it. We can’t contact the police or talk to anyone about what happened. We’ll have to keep a low profile and return to our regular lives so we won’t raise suspicion. My mom will keep me updated and send security to keep us safe in the meantime. They’ll be on guard from tomorrow morning, we won’t even notice they’re here.” Yeonjun explains as if he’s leading a business meeting. All that was missing was a PowerPoint presentation. “Also, that’s evidence,” he says pointing to the cracked phone and the knife in the middle of your dinner table. “We need to put it somewhere safe and make sure no one else touches it.”
The three of you look at him a little dumbfounded.
“What do you mean by her people?” Soobin asks.
“Private detectives,” Yeonjun answers as If it’s nothing.
Private detectives, security, assassins, betrayal. What in the fuck has your life turned into? The things people would do to get to the Choi’s fortunes baffled you, and once again you were at a loss for words.
“Yeonjun, that’s a lot to process,” you say rubbing your forehead as the pain returns. Your hangover never really left you and now it was replaced with a whole new one.
“So, if we have security starting from tomorrow morning…what about tonight?” Soobin asks looking from you to Mia and back to Yeonjun.
“I suggest I stay with y/n. You stay with Mia.” Yeonjun says with a straight face.
You stare at him and make eye contact, and just before you wanted to say something, he interrupts you; knowing what you were going to ask him.
“Please don’t ask me if I’m okay y/n, I’m not.” He sighs as he avoids eye contact, playing with his fingers to distract himself from all of your eyes on him. “I’ll completely shut down if I let myself feel right now. I need to be level headed. I’ll deal with it later.”
Later. It’s always later with him, but when will later be too late?
You all stay quiet for a short while. Your minds going into overdrive and suddenly you felt crippling anxiety wash over you as the memory of that man trying to break your lock comes back to you.
Yay, another trauma to add to the list.
“What if he comes back…” you say in a whisper. Your voice cracked in fear and Yeonjun’s eyes darted to yours. Immediately heartbroken as you pulled your knees up to your chest. Hugging yourself to feel something warmer than the chills running down your spine at the thought of not feeling safe in your own home.
“I’m not leaving you,” Yeonjun says with determination in his eyes.  
You all had school tomorrow, and if you all had to act as if nothing happened tonight, the four of you would need at least some sleep.
After going over the game plan once more paired with a lot of convincing that you’d be alright with just Yeonjun being here, Soobin left with Mia.
Aside from everything, you were glad they left together so they could talk and hash a few things out. Even though you didn’t know what your dynamic with Yeonjun would be like once the two of you were alone together, having more people in your apartment would only make you even more restless than you already were.
The truth is, you had no idea how to act around Yeonjun anymore.  
Too much has happened and too much was weighing down on the both of you to be able to talk about it; so when you closed your front door, you froze before turning around.
He was on your couch, furiously typing to what you assume to be his mother and you know better than to ask about it, so you just awkwardly make your way over to him.
“Uhm…I still have a few of your clothes here. You could shower and change if that makes you feel any better,” you say as you look at him, anxiously waiting for him to look back at you.
He lifted his head from his phone and stared at you, and then at his surroundings as he only now noticed that Mia and Soobin had left already.
His furrowed eyebrows relaxed as he laid eyes on you, and his shoulders fell in relief as he nodded.
“Yes, thank you. I’ll go do that,” he says with a soft smile and an almost too polite tone.
It was as if you were strangers. The tension in the room was noticeable so you averted your attention on the box filled with his stuff next to your front door.
“I-it’s in there.” You stutter as you get up. Silently retrieving it to hand it to him.
You were going to send his stuff back to him, figuring your relationship was basically doomed in the past week.  
He held a neutral facial expression as he took the box from you. His fingers lightly ghosting over yours as he grabbed it from your hold. “You packed my stuff?” he asks as he sets the box aside on your couch.
He wasn’t hurt. In fact, he completely understood. But in some way you wanted him to be hurt.
You wanted him to show you any other emotion than the stoic expression he was holding now.
“I…well, y-yeah.”  you avoid his stare out of insecurity, and he seemed to notice.
“Hey, shhh. I don’t blame you. I get it, really,” he says as he got up from the couch, getting to eye level with you.
He gave you a faint smile as he caressed your cheek with his thumb.  
The Yeonjun you fell in love with would litter your face with kisses to make sure you felt reassured. He’d hug you tightly. Try to make you smile and hold you until you felt better. But the Yeonjun in front of you just turned around, grabbing the box again before he made eye contact once more. “Go to bed, don’t be afraid. I’ll be sleeping on the couch so nothing can happen to you okay?”  
You nod absentmindedly, avoiding his eyes.  
He gave you one last look before he made his way over to your bathroom and locked the door. By doing this he created a distance he hadn’t created before and suddenly you felt hollow.
'Oh my god, he locked the door.' you think to yourself.
He’s distancing himself from you because he’s in pain. But he wouldn’t tell you that with actual words because he didn’t know how.
And if he broke down now, he wouldn’t stop.
You stood there in the exact same spot for at least another 30 seconds. Listening to him turn on the faucet of your shower.
There was nothing you wanted more at the moment than to join him. Massage his sore muscles, and hold him close to be his security blanket but you can’t. And even if you could, you don’t know if you should.
After chugging down a glass of cold water while staring at your front door in paranoia you reluctantly made your way to your bed.  
You were tossing and turning, trying to hear if Yeonjun already finished getting ready for bed.
When you heard the faucet close and the door of your bathroom unlock, something inside of you hoped that he’d change his mind and crawl into your bed with you, but after 5 long and agonizing minutes of waiting, you gave up on the probability of him doing so.
You hated this.
You hated that he was so close, yet so far, and you hated even more that you were the one who created this distance.
The two of you never got to really talk, meaning he was just being respectful and mindful of your wishes. He was trying to give you the space you asked for but after tonight, you weren’t sure if space was what you needed.
You bite your lip, contemplating if your next move was the right one to make but after a full hour of not being able to fall asleep because of your overthinking ass, you figured you had nothing to lose.
You get out of your bed with your duvet wrapped around you like a cape and make your way to your living room silently, dragging your feet on your wooden floor.
He left a light on in your hallway, which you were happy about because you were able to see his sleeping form on your couch in the warm yet dimmed light.
He was lying on his back. His arms were crossed over his chest and his body faced your front door so he’d be able to see if anything were to happen.
As you got closer to him, you study his facial expression.
His lips were slightly parted and he was breathing slowly. He must’ve been completely exhausted to be able to sleep under these circumstances and you purse your lips together, noticing how his face still held a pained expression even in his sleep.
You unwrap your blanket from yourself and pull it over Yeonjun’s sleeping form as carefully as you could and tuck him in a little.
Your initial plan was to cuddle next to him on your couch, but given how peacefully he was sleeping you decide against it.
Instead, you move a piece from his grown out bangs away from his eyes and kiss his forehead before you got up, ready to walk back to your room until you feel a hand taking a firm hold on your wrist.
You look back in shock, feeling like you got caught. It took everything in you to suppress a yelp and when you made eye contact with him, he chuckled lowly.
He wasn’t asleep at all. In fact, he was struggling with the exact same thoughts. 
He opened the covers for you, pulling you down with him without a word and you gladly accepted the invitation.
You nuzzle your face in the crook of his neck as you rest your hand on his chest. He made sure you were completely covered by the blanket as well, and held on to your waist with one hand as the other patted your head in slow, comforting strokes.
Your lashes fluttered closed in solace and he sighed, looking down at you before he kissed your forehead.
The action made you look up at him through your lashes and when you notice his lingering stare you quickly look away, resting your cheek on his chest as you sigh contently.
The cliches were all true. There really is nothing compared to feeling at home in someone’s arms,  and for a moment you forgot about all the trauma and heartbreak.
You kiss his neck, feeling yourself doze off as he kept playing with your hair.
“Yeonjun…” you whisper.
The sound of your voice surprised him. He frowned as he looked down at you, halting his movements.
“Just so you know. I never stopped loving you.”  
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Being in a lecture hall at 9 AM as if nothing had happened last night was literal torture.
You had to hear Mr. Davis ramble about stuff you already knew about, but he took attendance so there was no way you could skip out on it without failing his class.  
Though you had gotten a good night’s rest, it was hard to concentrate with everything going on and it was even harder to concentrate knowing you were being watched.
Yeonjun’s mom wasn’t playing when she said that you’d all get personal security as quickly as dawn came. They followed you around disguised as regular college kids and kept their distance. In some moments you forgot they were around but when you looked over your shoulder in the lecture hall as you felt a pair of eyes on you; the reality of things hit you again.
The lecture hall was filled with at least 200 students, so no one would bat an eye at their presence. They blended in perfectly, which was both reassuring yet scary because anyone with malicious intent could be doing the exact same thing.
You kept looking around the lecture hall with suspicion, completely zoning out and not paying attention. Mia, who was sitting next to you was dozing off, so you nudged her to keep her awake.
“You didn’t sleep?” you ask as you move a piece of her hair from her line of sight.
She sighed, shaking her head as she fixes her posture.
“No, Soobin and I stayed up all night to talk and once we fell asleep it was 5 AM,” she whispers.
“Did you…work things out?”  
“We talked, we’re nowhere near how it used to be but we agreed on working through this.”
You smiled to yourself. Good. They were both miserable without each other, and even though there were a lot of things left unsaid and unresolved, you were glad things were slowly going back to normal.
“How about you? Did you and Yeonjun talk about it?” She asks looking over her shoulder to see if no one was paying attention to your conversation and you catch yourself doing the same.
“No. I didn’t know how to, and he made it obvious that he didn’t want to talk about it.”
“Well, he’s going to have to sooner than later.”  
You nod in agreement. You basically haven’t solved anything with Mia, but it was nice to have her to talk to about all of this. Sort of? There was still a lot of communicating to be done but first, this whole Lita situation had to be fixed.  
“We never got to have that conversation back in your apartment either,” Mia says as she reminisced back to the moment your lives turned into an action movie.
“We will, soon.”
“Ladies!” your professor's voice bounced off the walls loudly and you immediately knew you were being called out for talking in his class.
“If you want to talk so badly you should’ve just joined the debate team,” he says clicking his tongue, and suddenly everyone's’ eyes were on both you and Mia.  
So much for keeping a low profile...
“Sorry.” You both say in unison.  
Just before Mr Davis was about to continue his lecture he made eye contact with you and stopped in his tracks. “Wait, y/n right?”
You frown in surprise, and so does Mia. “Yes, that’s me.”
“Stay after class, there's something I need to talk to you about.”  
Your eyes dart to Mia’s but she just shrugs, equally as confused as you are. You simply nod at your professors’ request and just like that he continues his class.
For the remaining half hour of the lecture, you were starting to wonder why he’d want to see you after class. When the lecture ended, you waited for most of the students to exit before you approached him on the stage with Mia trailing behind you after you asked her to.
Your invisible security guards waited outside of the door, and luckily Mr. Davis didn’t notice.
“I’m sorry Mia, this is a private matter.”  
Mia gave you a look but you just nodded that it was ok. You were dying to know what was going on by now.
“I’ll see you at lunch,” she says, and you nod as she walked out.
One of the security guards left with her, trailing behind her in the hallway and the other still stood at the entrance of the lecture hall. Watching you and Mr Davis while also skimming his surroundings with his eyes.
You take a deep breath and face your teacher. “You wanted to see me, sir?”
“Yes. Yes, I did.” He walks over to his desk and retrieves a stack of papers from his drawer and you immediately recognize the front page.
It’s the research paper you wrote right before summer. It is the paper you finished writing in the cafeteria when Soobin basically forbid you to date Yeonjun after he came over to your table to flirt with you. The irony of it all was off-putting.
You totally forgot about it. That paper resembled a new beginning in your life somehow, but why would your teacher want to talk to you about it? Was it that bad?
“Did I fail it?” you ask with concern evident in your eyes, but your teacher just gives you a look of confusion and starts laughing at you.
“Fail!? y/n this is the best paper I’ve read in my career as a teacher, that’s 20 whole years.” He says as he sat down on the edge of his desk, giving you a warm smile
Your eyes widen in surprise. “What?”
“Yes, in fact. I sent it to a former colleague at Brown University, and they were so impressed and intrigued by your hypothesis that they want to fund your research.”  He exclaims excitedly.
“I don’t….I don’t think I’m following sir…”  
“They want you to spend a semester there, so you can carry out your research. Your return depends on your work tempo and the development period. They’ll provide a living space and take care of all of your expenses. This is huge. y/n. None of my students have gotten an opportunity like this. This is quite the offer and to be blunt. I think you should take it.”
Your mind goes into overdrive.  
This is huge. Absolutely huge. A prestigious University like Brown had enough faith in your research to invest actual money into it. How did this happen?
“This…is a lot to take in,” you say a little dazed as you rake your hand through your hair.  
“I know, I will send you an email with all of the details. Give it a good thought and let me know by the end of the week. If you decide to go, you’ll leave as soon as possible. I’m so excited for you! You have no idea how big this could be for your future. This could re-write a lot about what we know about neuroscience. It’s groundbreaking.”
He gave you a pat on your shoulder as he started to pack his things into his briefcase. Leaving you with your graded paper in your hand as you look down at it.
You scored a 100.
A hundred? How did this even happen?  
It took you a full minute to collect yourself before you were able to walk out of that lecture hall.
You silently made your way outside, taking a deep breath of fresh air before sitting down on a random bench to think things through, but when you heard the door open behind you with your designated security guard nonchalantly standing beside the door as he tried not to disturb you, you scoff in annoyance.
This had to stop. Quickly. You wanted your life back as soon as possible.
You swallow harshly as you stare at the large document in your hands.
Would you be able to leave everything behind for half a year or longer by yourself? Would you be able to leave your friends? Gyu, Tae, Hyuka, Mia, Soobin…Yeonjun.
You couldn’t imagine leaving him out of all of them. Even though Soobin and yourself haven’t spent more than 1 week apart since birth it wasn’t necessarily him you were worried about.  
It was Yeonjun. What would this mean for your relationship? And what kind of partner would you be if you decided to leave him behind in the midst of the hardest time in his life?
He needed you and you needed him. But you also knew that you couldn’t let an opportunity like this go for the sake of an undefined relationship with someone who caused you more harm than good.
This was a lot to think about but then it hit you that you didn’t even have the freedom to think.
You checked the time on your phone and realized you were running late to the only class you shared with all 6 of them; Advanced English.
It’s a class that mixed both different years and majors, and all of you applied for it during that picnic before summer, just for the hell of it. All of you wanted to share at least one class together and it was the only available option.
“Shit,” you huff under your breath before you quickly grab your things and make a run for it. Your security guard had trouble following you unnoticed like this, so he decided to keep an even larger distance.
As you make it to the classroom, it was already completely filled as you were the last one to arrive. Your shadow stayed outside, sitting down at an individual study booth where he could keep an eye on things, and you couldn’t be more glad that he didn’t follow you inside.
You apologize to your teacher for being late and make your way to a random table, avoiding the one your friends were sitting at.
All of their eyes darted to you in confusion, but Yeonjun and Soobin looked at you a little worriedly.  
“Is she ok? Did she not see us?” Taehyun asks as he cocked his head to the side.
“She had to stay behind in our other class, maybe she’s upset?” Mia explains, shrugging her shoulders.
“Stay behind? Why?” Soobin asks raising his eyebrow as he looks at you with concern.
“I don’t know. Mr. Davis asked me to leave before he spoke to her.”  
Beomgyu sighs. “He’s a dick. I hope he didn’t yell at her. He was my guidance coach last year”
“He’s only a dick to people who don’t do shit in his classes,” Hueningkai states rolling his eyes, which earned him a hard punch to his upper arm from Beomgyu.
Yeonjun watched you closely as Gyu and Hueningkai bickered as background noise. He could tell you were stressed by the way you were tapping your heel on the floor while you keep clicking your pen on your notebook. He sighed, closing his books as he grabbed his stuff.
Since the class was about to start, people were looking at Yeonjun for suddenly switching seats. You had no idea what was going on until you hear the chair next to you being pulled back.
Your eyes meet and your anxiety vanishes. He sat down without a word, taking your hand under the table while intertwining your fingers together in an attempt to calm you down.
He didn’t know what had you so out of it, but he figured being hunted by some unknown man commissioned by his housemaid was enough to have you lose your mind.
A few girls seemed to notice Yeonjun’s sweet actions which made them audibly swoon at his loving gesture, which made Taehyun, Beomgyu and Hueningkai gag a little while Mia and Soobin just gave each other knowing looks.
He rubbed those comforting circles into your hand and kissed your temple quickly before averting his attention back on the board.
Luckily this class was followed by a lengthy and desperately needed break. When your professor dismissed you all earlier than expected, your friends make their way to your table just as quickly as Yeonjun turned to face you fully.
You weren’t sure what to tell them yet, but you knew they had questions as to why you were late.
“Hey? Are you ok? Why did Mr. Davis make you stay back?” Soobin asks as he sat down on the corner of your table.
Beomgyu started to randomly play with the ends of your hair, Mia stood beside Yeonjun and Hyuka and Tae stood beside you waiting with anticipation.
You got up, clearing your throat. “Uhm, he wanted to talk to me about the paper I handed in before summer.”
“Oh no, did you fail?” Beomgyu asks with sad eyes.
You shake your head, pulling the report out of your bag, placing it on the table so all of them could look at it.
“A 100!?” Taehyun gasps.
“Wow. You fucking nerd.” Beomgyu says rolling his eyes. “This is why you’re down? What’s wrong with you.” Hueningkai adds as he gently nudges your shoulder.
Yeonjun looks from the paper to you with big and proud eyes. He gives you a tender smile as he caresses your cheek. “This is incredible. I’m so proud of you,” he speaks with sincerity.
You bite your lip as you nod absentmindedly and force out a smile.  
“Can we go have lunch. I’m starving.” Taehyun says as he walks out of the classroom first, followed by an equally hungry Beomgyu and Hueningkai.
As they left Soobin turns to you. “Ok, so what’s really wrong.”
“Nothing. The whole being followed everywhere thing is just getting to me I guess.”
“I’m so sorry.” Yeonjun says as he avoids eye contact. His tone was somber, and suddenly you feel bad.
“Hey, look at me,” you say as you tug on his chin. “None of this is your fault. You can’t blame yourself for what’s happening. This is out of your control, do you understand?” your tone was stern as you spoke to him. You talked to him as if you were trying to make a child understand something but it was necessary.
You needed him to understand.
He bit his lip, wanting to disagree with you but Soobin jumped in to back you up. “She’s right. Don’t beat yourself up over this. Everything will be okay.”  
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You had one more class left for the day but you decided to skip it, not being able to focus on anything else other than the life-changing decision you would have to make soon.  
You desperately needed to consult someone about this and even though things weren’t quite the same between you two, the only person you can confide in about something like this was Mia.
Soobin would be too emotionally involved, and even though Mia is too, she’d be more rational about things.  
She was on your couch, reading the email Mr. Davis sent you and her eyes widened right before she started yelling.
“I mean don’t get me wrong, our school is great…but it’s no Brown University.”  she gulps with enlarged pupils.
You sigh, relieved to know that she’s excited for you, but then the inevitable question came up.
“How long? Like a few weeks?” she asks with an excited twinkle in her eyes.
You shake your head. “More like a few months…6 to be exact.”  
And suddenly her smile falters. “Oh…”
“Yeah…oh.” You say mimicking her as you sit down next to her.
“I- well…that’s a lot to think about,”  Mia says with a pout. It was finally clicking to her why you were so out of it earlier today.
“I know…” you say as you stare into distance, losing yourself in your thoughts once again.
“What’s holding you back?” Mia asks as she studies you. You look back at her with sad eyes and without a word, she could already guess what you were about to say.
“Yeonjun?” she assumes and you nod in response.
“It just doesn’t seem right to leave him in the midst of all of this.”
“Y/n…don’t you think distance might be exactly what you need from him? If you are meant to be, it’ll be. And if you think of it. Maybe time apart is what you need. This is the perfect opportunity to heal individually and come back as better people…so you can be better together.”
Well. She has a point there.  
“It’s not like I want you gone, fuck no. I’m gonna miss you so much and I’m pretty sure Soobin will fall apart without you but…y/n this is a once in a lifetime type of opportunity.” Mia says as she wraps an arm around you.
You sigh, moving into her hold to hug her. She’s surprised by the action, not thinking you were ready for that yet, you know; given everything that happened, but you desperately needed a hug right now. Mia tightened her hold on you and sighed.
“You’ll be okay. And we’ll all just be a phone call away.”
A single tear escapes from your eye and you let go of her, wiping it away while trying to contain your emotions.
You know you have to go. You really do. But what you don’t know is how to tell Yeonjun.
“Will you help me write the email to Mr. Davis? I’m going to tell him that I’m going.”
Mia gave you a weak smile, wiping away the watery remnants of your tear away from your cheek. She sighed, scooting closer to you.
“Of course.”
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“Hyung, pass the ball,” Taehyun says with a raised eyebrow as he watches Yeonjun dribble the ball absentmindedly for over 30 seconds.  
They had practice, and even though Yeonjun wasn’t feeling up to it at all, he knew he had to go. He had to live his life like he normally would and basketball practice was one of those ‘normal’ things.
Yeonjun snapped out of his thoughts and passed the ball to Taehyun before looking over his shoulder to watch one of the security details on the benches.
A lot of people came to watch during practice, so it wouldn’t be noticeable, but Taehyun has the wit of a mind reader, therefore he immediately caught on to who Yeonjun was looking at.
“Who’s that?” Taehyun asks as he passes the ball back to Yeonjun. He swiftly caught it, looking at Taehyun with wide eyes. “Ehm, don’t know. A scout maybe?”  
Taehyun narrowed his eyes at Yeonjun and sighed. “I know you and Soobin are keeping secrets from the rest of us. We’re not dumb hyung, or at least I’m not.”
Yeonjun sighed, rubbing his forehead. “Just trust us. Once all of it is over we’ll tell you.”
“Once what is over?” he tried again.
“Taehyun.” Yeonjun’s voice was strict, it was a clear warning for Taehyun to stop asking questions but the younger one wasn’t quite having it.
He rolled his eyes, dropping the ball as he walked off to a different teammate.  
The last thing Yeonjun wanted was to create a distance between all of them but he had no choice. The fewer people knew, the better it’d be.
Soobin stood in the corner, watching them closely, and approached once Taehyun walked off in annoyance.
He sighed, patting Yeonjun on the shoulder which made Yeonjun jump at the unexpected touch.
“Oh, sorry. It’s just me.” Soobin speaks as he fixes a piece of Yeonjun’s hair, which made him smile at Soobin softly.
“The boys are getting suspicious,” Yeonjun states as he eyes them from afar with his arms crossed.
“Yeah, this morning Beomgyu asked me why we were being secretive,” Soobin says doing the same.
“Beomgyu did?”  
“Well then it must be fucking obvious cause he’s oblivious.”  
Soobin chuckled. “Don’t worry about it, they’ll understand once we-” he got cut off by the buzzing of Yeonjun’s phone. Soobin watched Yeonjun carefully as he looked at the caller ID.
“It’s my mom,” Yeonjun says with big eyes.  
Soobin lips form an ‘o’ as he steps closer to check his phone. “Well, pick it up?”  
“Wait, come with me to the dressing rooms,” Yeonjun says as he drags Soobin with him.
Meanwhile, Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Hueningkai were watching them run off together from the bleachers.
Hueningkai’s eyes followed them as he raised his eyebrows in confusion. “First they don’t talk to each other for a week, and now they don’t talk to us.”
“I don’t know what’s going on with them either,” Beomgyu says as he clings onto Taehyuns arm while resting his head on Tae’s shoulder. “I just want all of us to get along like we used to.”
Taehyun pouts. “Then let’s find out what’s going on with them.”
As the boys kept speculating about the situation, Soobin and Yeonjun had locked themselves in a dressing room; making sure that no one was around before Yeonjun answered the phone, putting it on speaker so both of them could hear clearly.  
“What took you so long?” His mothers’ voice was clear and calm, yet cold.
“I had to go somewhere secluded, I was in the middle of practice,” he carefully explains. Yeonjun always had the feeling he had to walk on eggshells around his mom, even in a situation like this. “Soobin is also here by the way.”  
“Oh…well. I’m just going to cut to the chase. Lita confessed.”  
Yeonjun’s eyes darted to Soobin’s equally enlarged ones as his heart dropped. He gulped, as did Soobin. He didn’t understand how Yeonjun’s mother could break the news to him in such an insensitive way.  
He knew how much Yeonjun was hurting because of it, and confirmation would only make that worse, so why didn’t Yeonjun’s mother try to at least make an effort to soothe Yeonjun’s already gaping wounds?
“She did?” Yeonjuns eyes instantly started to fill with tears and Soobin noticed. Putting his head on Yeonjun’s shoulder as he quietly rubbed his back in an attempt to comfort him.
Yeonjun couldn’t wrap his mind around the fact that the woman that cared for him when no one else would, was a traitor. A cold-blooded traitor who was just after their money.  
Was it all a hoax? Did she never care for him at all? Or did something happen that made her turn on his family?  
This was the biggest betrayal of his life. If the one person that actually cared for him was able to hurt him like this, then what about everyone else? This ignited a whole new set of trust issues and yet another traumatic experience to talk about with his therapist and honestly, he didn’t know if he could take it anymore.
“She admitted to wanting to overthrow the company. But she did not admit to being behind the attempted assault to y/n. And since no one got hurt paired with the fact that there is no real evidence, we can’t incarcerate her for that.”
“What!?” Yeonjun exclaims in disbelief. “You’re telling me that we can’t press charges against Lita for trying to hurt y/n?”  
“I’m afraid not…you’re going to have to fly out again to testify as a witness. I don’t want to bother y/n too much so I’ll just have my people call her for questioning, however since you are the sole heir to Choi Enterprises, I’m going to need you there in court.” His mother states as if it’s nothing.
Yeonjun’s mind was spinning. He had too many questions and too little brain capacity to be able to ask all of them at once. He swallowed harshly as Soobin motioned to Yeonjun to give him the phone, and without a thought, he did.
Soobin cleared his throat before speaking, hoping not to be out of line by doing so, but he could tell Yeonjun was having a hard time to collect his thoughts.
“Hello mam, this is Soobin. Uhm, I hope it’s ok.”
“Oh, hi. Yes, of course. Proceed.”
Soobin smacked his lips nervously, instantly intimidated by the sound of her voice yet he decided to speak anyway.
“How do we know for sure if Lita’s minions will stand down now that she got caught? And is she in jail now? I’m not quite sure if I get it. And do we need the security guards? It’s pretty bothersome and distracting to all of us…” Soobin says as he watches Yeonjun stare into nothingness.
He sighed awaiting a response. Soobin laced his fingers with Yeonjun’s to calm him down once more and it seemed to work as Yeonjun’s attention averted back to the conversation at hand.
“We won’t know for sure. But it’d be really stupid of her to try anything now that we’ve caught her. The security details will stay with you all until this is over with, that’s not up for discussion. And yes. Lita will rot in jail. I’ll make sure of it.”
Shivers ran down Soobin’s spine at the scary tone of Yeonjun’s mother. She was beyond reasoning with but could he blame her? A trusted family employee of over 20 years has made the ultimate betrayal. Soobin couldn’t imagine the hurt and anger she must be feeling right now, so he didn’t dare to go against her about the security guard situation.
Yeonjun’s lower lip trembled as he silently took the phone from Soobin again.
“Mom…” his voice was shaky. He sounded lost and scared, like a child calling out for his mother in distress.  
His mother immediately softened at the sound of his voice. Her heart hurting for him as the realization hit her. She had been in overdrive. Lacking sleep and working day and night to make sure Yeonjun and his friends were safe, but she didn’t stop to think about how he’d be feeling in the midst of all of this.
Her mind briefly flashed back to when she confronted Lita in her home office, surrounded by her security and private detectives. She reminisced to the horror on Lita’s face after getting caught for the unforgivable.  
She was so busy with making sure that Lita wouldn’t be a threat anymore, that she completely disregarded the fact that Yeonjun might be having the hardest time of them all.
Even though Lita was a trusted employee, their relationship didn’t go further than business, but Yeonjun was raised by her, and she completely forgot about that.
“I can’t take this…” a tear escapes Yeonjun’s eye. And another one, and another one. Wiping them away was no use as they kept coming, so he just let them fall freely. He silently sobbed while Soobin put Yeonjuns head on his shoulder, letting him weep like a baby as he still held on to Yeonjun’s hand.
His mother fell silent, unable to comfort her son because she didn’t know how.
“I’m sorry Yeonjun,” she says in almost a whisper. “I’m sorry you have to feel this type of pain. I will do everything I can to help you okay? I promise. Once the situation is dealt with I will get you the best team of people to help you with your troubles, I won’t mess up this time. I promise I’ll be there for you.”
Yeonjun sniffed, trying to collect himself to respond but he couldn’t. Promises are just words. Words that have meant nothing in his life.
“I don’t need a team of people mom, I need you,” his voice cracked. “I need this pain to stop. I just need my mother, not a lawyer or another therapist. I just need you. I need a parent.”
Soobin’s heart wrenched in his chest at the plea’s Yeonjun was making to his mother. He couldn’t imagine having this type of relationship with his own parents.
In the moment Soobin made a pledge with himself that no matter how much Yeonjun seems to fuck up, he won’t ever leave him behind. He will make sure to be the rock Yeonjun needs, regardless of his mother actually trying or not.
Taehyun, Beomgyu, and Hueningkai had their ears pressed against the door throughout the whole thing. As silence engulfed the space, the three of them looked at each other with enlarged pupils as shock took over their faces.
They put two and two together individually. Looking at each other with disheartened expressions.
“Oh no…” Taehyun says in a whisper.
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You didn’t know how to tell them.  
You didn’t know how to tell Yeonjun or Soobin individually so you just invited all of the boys over at once to get it over with.  
It was nighttime by now and you figured you’d cook them all dinner given the fact that food always lures them to your place. Hopefully, the sweet taste of your homemade brownies would subside the bitter news you had to break to them.
Mia helped with everything, the table was fully decked out with all sorts of dishes and it was obvious you were overcompensating for something but they had no clue yet.
When they got to your apartment, Yeonjun and Soobin were missing from the group which made you panic a little.  
“Damn what’s the occasion?” Beomgyu asks as his mouth waters, looking at the absolute feast you cooked up for them.
“Uhm, well. I have some news, but I have to wait for Yeonjun and Soobin to tell you guys.”
Mia awkwardly took place at the table between Hueningkai and Taehyun and Tae just stared at you. “Please tell me you’re not pregnant.”
“NO! Oh my god. Tae. No.” you give him a horrified look and pat your stomach.
“Thank god, I’m too young to be an uncle.” Hueningkai sighs in relief as he slouched in his seat.
“Yeah, when you said you were cooking us dinner cause you had an announcement to make I really thought Yeonjun finally knocked someone up.” Beomgyu snickers as he shoved a dumpling in his mouth.
You roll your eyes and look at the two empty seats. “Do you know where they are?”  
Your question triggered a silence so awkward, you’ve never experienced anything like it in your friend group.
Taehyun looked at Beomgyu, and Beomgyu looked at Hueningkai; while Hueningkai looked to Taehyun to take the lead.
“I-uhh…” Tae starts, but he stopped himself. He didn’t know how much you both knew of the situation so he decided against speaking about it.  
“They had some errands to run. I’m sure they’ll be here soon.”  
Beomgyu visibly relaxed in his seat at Tae made up an alibi for the boys’ whereabouts, but Mia – being the hyper-aware one – narrowed her eyes at them.  
The boys collectively agreed on pretending they didn’t know what was going on until either Yeonjun or Soobin would tell them themselves. They wanted to give them; and especially Yeonjun, time to process and didn’t want to push him into explaining the situation to them if he wasn’t ready for it.  
Also, they felt bad for eavesdropping and weren’t sure how to start the conversation even if they wanted to.
The twisting of your lock snaps you out of the moment and suddenly fear takes over your entire body. The trauma triggered by Lita’s minion trying to break your lock last night was the cause of your shocked Pikachu face, but when you see Soobin and Yeonjun in your door opening you relax instantly.
You gave Soobin a key, how could you forget.
“Oh, I didn’t expect you guys here so soon.” Hueningkai comments, which made Gyu and Tae look at him with threatening eyes.
“Where else would we be?” Soobin asks as he walks towards the table. He greeted you with a kiss on your head, and Mia with a kiss on her cheek before he sat down next to you.
The distance between Mia and Soobin was still odd, he’d normally kiss her lips but he played it off well as he slid his chair towards the table while eyeing the food closely.
Yeonjun on the other hand; greeted you with a soft smile while simply petting your head before he sat down on the opposite side of Soobin.  
The atmosphere was odd. Yeonjun was uncharacteristically quiet but you figured it was because of everything that was going on and honestly you couldn’t blame him. His head must be the fullest out of all of you, so you made sure to keep the conversation light and airy.
Your funny group dynamic slowly returned, and before you knew it, it was already time for dessert.  
“I’ll help you.” Yeonjun offered as he cleared the table.
You were in your kitchen, taking a deep breath as you were cutting up the last brownie, prettily putting it on a plate with some red berries on the side.  
As Yeonjun approached with the dishes, he watched you carefully. He put the dirty plates in the sink before he nudged your shoulder softly to get your attention, pulling you out of your concentration of perfectly assembling your masterpiece.
You look up, and you’re met with his beautiful soft smile. His eyes were glistening and he sighed contently. “You went all out,” he comments as he watches you do your thing. “Yeah, maybe I should deliver one to my designated security guard in the parking lot,” you joke under your breath and even though your sense of humor was pretty dark given the situation, he seemed to appreciate it as he giggled. Your heart did a thing at the sound. You missed it. You missed hearing his loud laugh. You missed seeing him happy.
“There’s actually new information I want to share with you and Mia, but we’ll have to wait until the boys leave.”
You look at him shortly before you avert your gaze back on the task at hand. You really didn’t know if the timing was right to talk about your exchange to Brown University but given the fact that you were leaving so soon, you also knew that you didn’t have much of a choice.
Suddenly you felt guilty again for leaving in the midst of all of this, but he’d understand? Right?  
You nod absentmindedly and tell him to sit down with the others so you could start decking the table and once everyone had a plate, you stood at the edge of your dinner table looking at them nervously.
They all give you puzzled looks, while Mia gave you a reassuring nod.
“So…they’re Brownies.”
Soobin chuckled, raising his eyebrow. “I can see that.”
“No well…they’re…brownies for…Brown University,” you explain nervously.
“Huh?” Beomgyu breaks the silence, his eyes darting from the plate to you.
All eyes were on you by now, expectantly waiting for you to continue.
“Remember that paper from this morning?”
“The one you got a 100 on?” Hueningkai asks.
“Yes, well. Uhm. Mr Davis sort of, might’ve sent it to a representative at Brown…and they want to like…fund my research or whatever,” you say avoiding eye contact as you fidget with the sleeves of your blouse.
“Brown!? Dude. That’s…insane!” Taehyun exclaims enthusiastically.  
“God, and here I thought you really were pregnant.” Beomgyu huffs. “But this is amazing!”
“Yes, congratulations sis, you really deserved it!” Hueningkai says with a bright smile.  
You look at them with an elated facial expression, happy that they’re happy for you. But then you turn your head and look at Soobin who has literal tears in his eyes.
“…Soobin?” you lean in to see if your eyes were deceiving you but they weren't. His eyes really were teary.
“Hyung are those tears?” Taehyun asks wide-eyed.
He sniffed, wiping his eyes as he got up from the chair to trap you into a tight hug. “I’m just really proud of you,” he mumbles.  
As you’re trapped in his bear-hug, your nerves fade. “Finally some good news,” he whispers into your ear. And you close your eyes at the solace of this peaceful moment.
Yes, it really is good news. And only now you realize just how amazing it is that you’ve accomplished this all on your own. You finally get to be happy about it now that you’ve told them.
When he let go, you finally make eye contact with Yeonjun and he had an equally proud smile on his face to match Soobin’s.
“This is amazing, y/n. You earned it.” he says with glistening pupils and your heart raced at his sweet remark.
“So, how long will you be gone for? Like a week? Two weeks?” Beomgyu asks as he chews on the fudgy brownie you made them.
Oh…shit. You didn’t tell them how long you’d be gone for.
You shoot Mia a panicked look but her facial expression only matched yours.
All eyes were on you again. They were full of hope, expectation, and pride; and for some reason, you knew you were going to ruin the moment.
“It’s…about a semester-long,” you admit, and all of their facial expressions fall at the same time.
“That’s…six months.” Soobin realizes. It hit him that his best friend; who he’s never been more than a week without, will leave his side for half a year for the first time in his life.
“Damn…that’s a long time…” Taehyun says looking from you to Yeonjun with concern.
You didn’t dare look at him, but you knew that all of them were.
Mia bit her lip as she looked at how sad Soobin had gotten, but her gaze averted to Yeonjun and her look changed from sadness to confusion.
Yeonjun was…smiling.
Your eyes found his as he smiled at you fondly. He’s dying inside, but of course, he wouldn’t tell you that. There’s no way in hell he’d ruin this moment for you.
He had to man up and show his best fake smile because he’d never guilt trip you into not going. The opportunity was too big to let go, and honestly. You being far, very far away from this whole mess kind of eased his mind.  
You’d be safe.  
Without him around.
“What?” he asks trying to sound genuinely confused as to why everyone was looking at him.
“Aren’t you…upset?” Mia asks carefully, which made Yeonjun look at her briefly before looking at everyone’s equally worried facial expressions, including yours.
You expected every possible reaction, except this one, and it lowkey scared you.  
“How could I be upset?” he says with an eye-smile as he breaks off a piece of the brownie, shoving it into his mouth while giving all of you innocent puppy-eyes.
Someone get this man an Oscar.  
You didn’t know if you should be happy or sad that he reacted the way he did. You’d rather have him yell at you for leaving him, that’d be a lot less unnerving than the scarily calm and collected man sitting in front of you right now.
“Hyung, she’s leaving for half a year.” Beomgyu tries to make this clearer, thinking that Yeonjun didn’t understand, but he did, fully.
“I know. Look, I will obviously miss y/n. But what good will it do if I let my emotions get the best of me right now? This is supposed to be a joyful moment. She’s worked for this her whole life guys. Let’s be proud and happy for her. It’s almost like you all want me to freak out?”
Every single one of you was absolutely dumbfounded by his comment. It was mature of him, that’s for sure, but you expected at least some emotion other than this capitalist smile he had on his face.
“Let’s give them some time alone,” Soobin says as he got up. “I will talk to you later.” He states as he passes by you, squeezing your hand in reassurance.  
Your pupils dart from him to Mia and the rest of the boys in panic. Oh no, please don’t leave.
Yeonjun still sat at your dinner table like a robot while the rest of them quickly thanked you for dinner as they left your place, taking their brownies with them.
They all followed Soobin obediently and after Mia whispered in your ear to call her if anything popped off, she left. And you were all alone with Yeonjun.
You turn around on your heels. Making your way to your dinner table again as your heart thumped in your chest.
You carefully approach him, pulling out a chair to sit beside him and you just silently take his hand.
He refused to make eye contact with you, and suddenly you felt like the biggest dick in the universe.
“Please don’t make me say it,” he says.
“Say what?” you squeeze his hand, waiting for him to respond.
“Please don’t make me tell you that I want you to stay, because I do. But I could never, ever be that selfish.”
“Yeonjun….I’m the selfish one.”
His eyes shot up to look at yours. His pupils were dilated, alarmed, and startled. 
“No, you’re not. You’re going. End of story, and when you come back, I’m going to love you just as much, maybe even more than when you left.”
Your eyes start to fill with tears, and he’s quick to notice as he pulled you into his lap, cradling you like a baby.
“Hey, shhh. Don’t cry.” his voice was laced with sadness as he watched you cry. He hated the sight more than anything and tried to wipe your tears with his thumbs.
“Yeonjun, I don’t want to abandon you.” You sniff into his neck as all the tension and nerves of making this life-altering decision get to you.
It’s not like you weren’t coming back, but 6 months is a long time. You weren’t the same person you were 2 months ago, let alone 6.
“You’re not, don’t say that.”
“I don’t want you to hate me,” you mumble as you sniff.
“I could never hate you y/n. Ever.” He assured you of his true feelings as he rubbed your back, trying to soothe your pain as you cried into the crook of his neck.
His cold fingers caressed your cheek, and he closed his eyes for a second. Listening to you cry softly in silence as he contemplated on what to say.
“This is supposed to be a good thing baby…why are you crying.”  
Baby. He hasn’t called you that in a while.
"Because I don't want to leave you."
He was trying his hardest to keep it together, but to be honest he was one push away from a mental breakdown.
He needed you, now more than ever. But Yeonjun would never tell you that, cause you’d stay for him, and he knew it.
“Maybe space is what we need,” he says with a heavy heart, and your tears immediately stopped.
You look up at him. What did he just say to you?
He sighed, tracing his fingers over your lips before tugging at your chin to pull you closer. He placed his lips on yours and kissed you softly, passionately, and lovingly before he pulls away to rest his forehead against yours.
“Let’s be real y/n. Being with me has only complicated things. Maybe we can use these 6 months and try to grow separately before we can be great together…”
Mia said the exact same thing, but if he’s saying what you think he’s saying; then you honestly didn’t want to hear it.
Long-distance would be rough, but it’d be better than not having him at all.
You wipe your tears away with your sleeve and sniff once again, trying to collect yourself before you start to speak again.
“You want to end whatever it is that we have?”
“No…and yes…”
“Why…” you sounded absolutely broken as your voice cracked, it made his heart hurt for you so he sighed loudly. Looking you in the eye with desperation.
“Because I can’t love you the way you deserve to be loved y/n. At least not now. I'm...fucked up.”
You look at him with glassy eyes, shocked to hear his confession. You leaving was just the final straw. He has tried to do this before when he planned to stay back home and work for Choi Enterprises, but this was the first time he said it. With actual words.
“Why? What changed. I thought that-”
“Lita confessed.” He interrupts you before you could make any assumptions yourself.  
“She confessed, I have to leave for home next Wednesday to testify against her in court. Everything’s going so fucking fast…”
“Next Wednesday? I also leave next Wednesday...” you mumble softly.
His eyes grew big. “You’re leaving that soon?”
You nod, biting your lip, and notice how Yeonjun had trouble putting his thoughts into words so you encourage him by caressing his cheek, nodding at him to let him know that it was ok to say whatever was on his mind; even if it didn’t make sense.
He rubbed his temple in agony before avoiding your piercing gaze as he spoke. “I thought I had enough to deal with when my dad died, but her confessing that she was capable of doing all the things she’s done felt even worse than my fathers’ death. This time it feels like I lost a real parent y/n. I don’t’ know how to move on from this…”
“And this is exactly why I’m not leaving,” you say getting up in a hurry as you frantically start looking for your phone.
He watched you a little startled at your sudden changed demeanor and got on his feet just as quick.
“Hey, hey, hey.” He grabbed your wrists, making you look at him. “What are you doing?”
“Finding my phone, I’m calling Mr. Davis. I’m canceling the whole thing.”
“No, you’re not.” Yeonjun’s tone was serious.
“You are going. You are going to take this once in a lifetime opportunity, and change history with your research do you hear me? You could help so many people with this. It’s your passion. Your dream. And you’re telling me you’re ready to drop all of that…because of me?”
You didn’t know what else to do other than nod. Yes. You were ready to drop it all for him, but Yeonjun just shook his head in disbelief.
“No, y/n. I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“For saying what I’m about to say, but you’re not going to ruin your life like this. I won’t drag you down with me. I won’t ever let that happen.”
“So what are you saying?” you looked at him with teary eyes, your pupils darting back and forth before he let go of you.
‘I’m saying that…we need to hit pause on whatever this is.” He couldn’t believe he said this.
He really didn’t. And he felt instant regret as he watched your face crumble.
He wasn’t the only one with abandonment issues, because so were you.
He promised your dad that he’d never break your heart, yet here he was. In your living room, looking at you fall apart, and he was the cause of it all.
“I’m sorry y/n. I love you. I really do. That’s why I’m doing this,” he says as he cups your face in his hands. Tears were also starting to fall from his eyes by now, and you just stood there in his hold. Completely lost and frozen.
“Please don’t hate me,” he whispered as he buried his face in your hair to muffle his soft sobs. He wrapped his arms around you tightly, holding on to you one more time before he couldn’t anymore. He took the chance and kissed you once more. You let his lips ghost over yours before you pull away.
“I could never hate you Yeonjun.”  
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Before you knew it, Wednesday rolled around.
It felt like only yesterday when you told your friends that you were leaving, and today you actually were.
Soobin helped you with your suitcase as the rest of them trailed behind you with long faces.  
They were all there to send you off, except for Yeonjun. He had to leave early to catch his flight back home to testify against Lita in court, and honestly, you were glad he wasn't here right now. Seeing him again after your tearful goodbye was something you weren’t ready for.
The timing of things was just incredibly wrong, and you wished you were able to support him throughout the whole legal process and emotional storm he had to go through back home but you couldn’t, and you both already made peace with it.
You were a single woman again. Leaving to live a different life at a new school.
You both decided it’d be for the better like this since both of you were going to walk different life paths from now on, at least for the next six months. It wasn’t certain if things would go back to normal upon your return in the future and that uncertainty is what hurt you the most.
With a heavy heart, you turn around to face your friends when you arrive at the check-in desk, and without a word, a big group hug is formed.
“We’ll miss you,” Hueningkai mumbles into the hug.
“Even I will.” Taehyun sighs.
You let go of them with a smile, knowing you have to put on a brave face for this to not turn into yet another emotional tear-fest.
“I’ll be back before you know it. And it’s not like I’m dying guys. There’s this thing called the internet. We can still see and talk to each other.” You chuckle as you nudge Beomgyu who was pouting at you and you wrap an arm around Taehyun who was standing next to you.
You avert your gaze from the boys and make eye contact with Soobin who wasn’t the best at concealing his emotions.
He pouted as he sniffed, wiping his eye.  
Mia chuckled. “Are you crying AGAIN?”  
“No. I have something in my eye.”
“Yes. I can see it.” Beomgyu says as he leans forward to look into Soobin’s eyes dramatically. “It’s a dust particle called little bitch.”
“Shut up.” Soobin huffs as he shoves the younger one away, and all of you burst into laughter.
Thank god for that moment of laughter, it took the edge off and made everything a lot less emo.  
You had a long talk with Soobin the night before when he helped you pack your stuff. The hard part was over with, though you could tell he was still struggling to let you go. But he knew that it was all for the greater good.  
You sighed as you walked up to him for a tight hug, and as you let go of each other you give Mia a smirk “Look after him for me will ya.”
“You know I will.” She smiles at you as she pulls you in for a hug as well, and suddenly it got really warm again as the boys wrapped themselves into the hug once more.
You giggle, looking at them one last time before you take a hold of your suitcase.
The check-in for your flight had started, and you were called to move in line.
“Bye guys.”  
You wave at each other as the distance became bigger and bigger, and when they were completely out of sight you’re able to breathe again.
You bite your lip, trying to suppress the urge to cry and run back to them. Run back to your safety net of the people you loved and cared for the most, but you knew you had to do this.
You were excited to start a new adventure, but you wished you didn’t have to sacrifice so much to be able to do it.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket as you sat at your gate, lost in thought while you waited to board the airplane.
Your eyes widen when you saw his name pop up in your notifications and quickly open your messenger app.
[Yeonjun, 10.43 AM]: Good luck on your new journey and have a safe flight. I wish I could be there to send you off but just know I’m thinking of you. Always.  
[Yeonjun, 10.44 AM]: Take care y/n. I love you.
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Chapter 14 - The Finale  
278 notes · View notes
ejlovespie · 3 years
Over Time
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Fandom: Supernatural
Author: EJ (@ejlovespie)
Summary: After a nasty argument and a drunken mistake. Dean and the reader have some issues to work through, it’s not easy though.
Pairing: Dean x reader
Word Count: 2198
Warnings: Angst/Cursing/Drinking/Cheating/Spanking/a lil’ bit of Angry & Degrading Sex/ Kind of fluff 
A/N: Reader’s Request: “Sooo I was wondering if you would do a request please? A little bit of angst with some fluff later...the reader has cheated on Dean and the couple is trying to work through it, but it's been tough.” 
Thank you for the request anon; I hope you like it! I also wrote this for one of my @spnkinkbingo squares - Infidelity 
I really struggled to write this one but I was hoping that this may bring some perspective into the mind of someone who strays? Any feedback is greatly appreciated and any mistakes are mine. Thank you for reading! :)
Your head pounded violently as you stared into the bright light of the sun. Stumbling out of the dingy motel, you shielded your eyes as you walked. With the start of a new day and a lack of alcohol, you were realizing the huge mistake you had made. You don’t even remember the name of the guy you left in the room; he was just as forgettable as your night together. All you had to take away from it was a severe hangover and an overwhelming amount of guilt. You were a cheater and now you had to go home and tell Dean what you had done. Tears rolled down your cheeks as you walked to the bar where you had left your car. Your stomach rolled violently and you darted sideways into the grass as vomit rose up in your throat. You heaved into the bushes for a moment before groaning in pain. It was a hot day and both the heat and your dehydrated body made the walk painfully slow. By the time you reached your car, it was mid afternoon. You jumped in and turned the key before plugging your dead phone in on the charger you kept there. 
Your heart sank when you saw the five missed calls from Dean. Shit. No texts, no voicemails. Your heart started to race thinking about the fight you had last night. It was the same argument you had many times before. It was about work and how you felt like Dean cared more about hunting than you. 
"You're always gone Dean and I never know if or when you're coming back. I always get left behind and I'm so scared. We both know that one of these days you're not going to walk back through that door and I don't know what I'm going to do when that happens." 
His response was, "You knew what you signed up for." You had gone round and round for hours before you stormed out of the bunker and drove to a bar outside of town. With a sigh, Dean had let you leave without further argument. Your only plan was to get drunk and sleep in your car. However, when the guy at the bar had started to flirt with you, you hadn't told him off or said you had a boyfriend. It was harmless, even flattering at first, but when the drinks kept coming, your inhibitions went out the window. You forgot about your big fight with Dean and all the fear and loneliness you had been feeling and you let him take you to a motel. 
Tears rolled down your face as you drove home. What could you say? It didn't matter how sad and lonely you were. It didn't matter how drunk you had been. It didn't matter that it meant nothing to you. You were still a cheater and you knew this would hurt Dean. You knew, even if Dean could forgive you, you would never forgive yourself. The drive was quick and before you knew it, you were pulling into the bunker’s garage. You probably looked just as bad as you felt and you cried harder for a moment before you wiped your eyes and stepped out of the car. Time to face the music you thought to yourself. You found Dean in the kitchen where he was making himself a sandwich. Thankfully, Sam wasn’t there to witness what was about to unfold. 
Setting your bag on the table, you cleared your throat and Dean half turned to greet you. Seeing your face, he fully turned around. His eyes were worried but everything else about him was tense as he leaned against the counter, his arms crossed and his jaw shut tight. He didn’t rush over to you and ask if you were okay. He didn’t move or say anything at all, just waited for you to explain. In a sob you rushed out an explanation, 
“I was with someone last night. I..I’m so fucking sorry Dean. It didn’t mean anything and I was shit-faced drunk. I...I don’t expect you to forgive me but please know I regret it and I will never ever do it again. I love you..so much and I am just so scared of losing you.” The tears had started again and they ran down your face as the words rushed out of your mouth. You had started hiccuping about half way through and the anxiety and fear in your stomach was growing as Dean continued to stare blankly at you. Oh God. Please say something. After a long moment, Dean turned back around and finished making his sandwich before he walked right past you out of the room. He didn’t say anything; he didn’t even look at you and your heart sank. Dropping into a chair at the table, you buried your head in your hands and sobbed. 
It had been days before Dean had even looked at you. After you had come home and told him what you did, you had taken a long shower and had gone back to your shared room to find Dean’s things gone. This was the first time you had not slept together, while Dean was home, since you had started dating a year ago. A few weeks passed and still, Dean had barely spoken to you. Anytime you tried talking to him about anything other than work or meals, he would ignore you and walk away. You knew you had to give him time and space to work through his emotions but you were terrified he would never forgive you. If you were being honest with yourself, you didn’t even know what you guys were anymore. He hadn’t said the words to break up with you and he hadn’t asked you to leave but it was like you had become awkward roommates. Sam had obviously noticed the tension and had asked you a few times what had happened. Eventually you had broken down and told him everything. He was shocked and disappointed but he had hugged you and said something generic like “you guys will work through it.” There was no sincerity in his voice though. Neither of you thought Dean would forgive you. He would most likely push you away completely and then you would be just another person who let him down. 
A few weeks turned into a month and nothing changed. Sam and Dean continued to hunt and you continued to stay home, researching and keeping things in order until they got back. Dean had never moved back into your shared room so you had resorted to stealing his clothes and climbing into his bed when he wasn’t home. You missed him desperately. You missed his gorgeous smile and boisterous laugh. You missed his touch. You couldn’t remember the last time Dean had hugged you, let alone kissed you. The loneliness and grief you had felt before had grown tenfold. Most nights you cried yourself to sleep hugging Dean’s pillow or one of his soft shirts. 
It had been over a month of walking on eggshells and sleepless nights when things finally changed. The boys had come home from a hunt and you had gone to bed early. Not quite asleep, you were shaken awake violently and your eyes flew open to find Dean’s angry and heated ones, staring at you in the dark. Sitting up in bed, you had reached for him, to ask what was wrong, but Dean growled and flipped you over. Bending your body so you were on your knees, you felt his hand reach out and yank your panties down your legs. Gasping, you cried out when Dean slapped your ass, hard, before bringing his fingers to your sex. This had been the first time you had been touched in weeks and you moaned and pushed yourself onto Dean’s hand. He growled and pulled his hand away before he slapped your ass again. You heard rustling behind you before Dean leaned close to your ear and demanded, 
“I want you and I won’t be gentle. Tell me I can have you; tell me you want this.” 
Whimpering you nodded in the dark before quietly answering him, “I’m yours, Dean.” 
A second later you felt him behind you. He slapped your ass one more time and then plunged into you from behind. You cried out again from surprise, not pain. From this position, he filled you completely and the sensations you were feeling were so intense. It felt so damn good. Dean let you adjust to him for a few seconds before pulling out and slamming into you again. He did this over and over for a while, occasionally grunting or growling like an animal. You moaned at the intense rhythm. It was aggressive and rushed and not at all like your previous lovemaking but it felt amazing. Dean was fucking you, with no consideration of your own pleasure. Your nipples rubbed against your shirt and you reached a hand back to rub your clit but Dean grabbed it. He didn’t want you to find pleasure in this and tears pooled in your eyes as you realized Dean was using you. This was a punishment for what you had done. In a broken voice you croaked, “Dean, stop.” 
He did immediately. You felt him pull out of you and the bed dipped as he got off. You flipped over and reached out to turn your lamp on. Dean was already trying to walk out the door and you cried out, “Enough is enough Dean Winchester! You can be pissed at me but you can NOT use me and walk away. I have been patient but we are going to talk. Now.” His steps faltered and he paused at the door before spinning around. You gasped at the look on his face. He was furious.  
“You want to talk. Fine.”   
You got out of bed at the same time as Dean took three large strides back into the room. You were now standing before each other, both angry and finally ready to talk. Dean practically screamed in your face. “HOW COULD YOU?! Y/N, how could you let some douchebag touch you. How could you let it go so far? How could you stay the night?” His face and voice had changed from rage to sadness. His eyes were so sad it made the tears you had been trying to hold back fall freely. He was so hurt and it was your fault. 
“Dean. I..I never would have done it sober. I was so lonely and so sad and scared that you were going to die on a hunt and that I would never see you again. I drank way too much to drown it all out and it just happened. I don’t even remember the encounter. I will never forgive myself but I need to know if we can get past this. If we can’t, then there’s no sense in dragging this out.” 
Dean had started crying too and he looked up at the ceiling as if he was looking for some kind of direction from God. In a soft voice he said, “I don’t know if I can get past this Y/N. I don’t know if I will be able to trust you again.” Your heart broke at his words and you let out a long sigh. “What if we go back to what we were before? I know it won’t be easy..but what if we just work on being friends again? Maybe we can work past this over time.” Dean nodded and hope filled your chest for the first time in a long time.
It took close to a year for the wounds to begin healing. You never had any more sexual contact after that night and it was months before Dean hugged you. Your heart fluttered when he did and quietly you had thought to yourself that it was worth the wait. You made an effort to keep the bunker stocked with his favorite things like beer, whiskey, and a wide array of pies that you would bake for him. You started small at first, watching TV and movies or cooking dinner together. After a while you would go on supply runs together and eventually, you were even invited to go on a hunt. You were not allowed to fight or do anything you had no training or experience in but it felt so good to be included. You felt like you were a part of the team and that had started to mend your broken heart. You and Dean had started talking about more than just work. Without either of you saying it, it had felt like he was starting to forgive you. You blushed thinking about the few times where you had caught Dean checking you out; and vice-versa. You still felt the guilt from cheating, that would never really go away, but life was moving on and you knew that you and Dean had a chance of getting past it. Deep down you knew you would be together again and you would be stronger than you were before.
@akshi8278 @wellfuckmyexistence @spnkinkbingo​ 
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hermannsthumb · 3 years
hey I’m not sure if you’re taking prompt requests but I just had this idea if you ever want to write it. I know it’s not anywhere near New Years right now but I had an idea for if there was a little NYE party with all the ppdc staff there. All the homies are just vibing, getting crunk on shitty alchohol or whatever and y’know Newt and Hermann have a lil New Year’s Eve kiss 🥺
That’s all I have to say I hope you’re having a good day!
@owengrose said: Prompt: "My New Year's resolution is to finally tell him I love him."
happy new year’s eve to both of you!!! i let the first one sit in my ask box for a while before getting to it lol. my annual Newmann NYE fic. here’s to hoping next year is moderately better (and I actually get more writing done...)
“Here we are, then,” Hermann says.
He hands Newt a glass of something he concocted at the lab kitchenette—judging by the color, and the pitiful wedge of a clementine garnish he squeezed onto the brim, some sort of gin and tonic, though less tonic and more watermelon La Croix. It was the only thing they could find in the breakroom fridge that would work remotely as a mixer. It’s probably been buried in there for months. “Thanks, dude,” Newt says. Then, noticing the lack of a similar glass in Hermann’s hand, asks “Not drinking?”
“None of that,” Hermann says. “I’ve got a bottle of decent wine buried somewhere under all the rubbish in my desk. I’ll have that if I want any before we go.”
“Suit yourself,” Newt says. “It’ll be more fun if we show up tipsy, I’m telling you.”
New Year’s Eve used to be a lot more exciting when Newt was in school, and young and invincible and all that shit. There were parties—bar crawls—the Times Square ball drop at midnight, queued up on someone’s laptop or a television screen wherever he was—drinking until he needed a classmate (or later colleague) to walk him home. The Shatterdome staff still goes as hard as Newt used to, and God, Newt envies them for it, but the end of the world kinda killed it for him. He just kinda exists in a low, humming state of anxiety now. He and Hermann both. It’s good for them to get out of the lab every now and then and strive for normalcy, and Newt has a feeling Hermann knows it, which is probably why he didn’t put up a fight when Newt suggested they go to the big base party tonight.
Newt still needs a good few drinks in him before he can drink more and pretend to be merry. He finishes the gin and tonic with a wince. “Too much gin,” he says. “Okay, let’s go.”
Newt drinks, and he dances with a few people, and he engages in a few genuine non-work-related-conversations before he finally admits to himself he’d rather just chill with Hermann in one of the deserted corners of the room. Hermann is waiting for him in a stupid gold party hat with a cup of water—what a guy. Always there for Newt. The hat is a cute look on him, too. Newt wonders if he picked it out himself, or if it was forced on him; either scenario is cute.
“I just don’t fancy dealing with your hangover tomorrow,” Hermann says with a sniff, as Newt swallows the water down gratefully after a few thanks. “Last year—”
“Yeah, okay,” Newt says. Last year was bad. He ended up falling asleep on the floor of the lab, and when Hermann made him coffee the next morning, he puked it up all over a very important stack of Hermann’s paperwork and the subsequent shouting match just made his headache worse. Drinking water is good, very good. He kicks his feet up on a nearby vacant chair. The music is loud, and people look like they’re having fun. Normalcy. He and Hermann are just two normal dudes right now, who aren’t fighting monsters from another dimension. “Can you believe we’ve survived another year?”
“Frankly, no,” Hermann admits.
“One whole year,” Newt says. “One whole year of not being squashed by a kaiju, or eaten by a kaiju, or murdered by you…”
Hermann snorts derisively, though a bit of a genuine smile does peek through. “One whole year of you not blowing the laboratory up. That is a feat, isn’t it?”
“You fucking bet it is,” Newt says. He really thought Hermann was going to kill him over the puking incident, and only a day into the new year too. He slings an arm around Hermann’s shoulders. Two normal dudes, and friends at that. He really likes Hermann, y’know, but that might just be the gin and watermelon La Croix talking. “You got any resolutions, dude?”
“Er,” Hermann says.
“I want to try to get into yoga,” Newt says. “For exercise, and shit. We should do it together.” Back when the base enjoyed more funding and workers, Newt was always seeing flyers for weekly yoga classes taped up in the elevator and at the announcement board in the mess; once, he got it so into his mind that he was going to start going that he bought three whole pairs of yoga pants. He never got around to it, of course. The classes kinda fizzled out when the PPDC budget was slashed drastically anyway. Hopefully YouTube videos work just as well, and that the pants still fit him...
“If I’m being honest, Newton,” Hermann says, and Newt spies the tips of his ears turning pink, how cute, “I still haven’t quite managed to accomplish last year’s resolution. Or technically this year’s, I suppose. My—well—my nerves failed me every time I thought I was close.”
"Eh, no big deal,” Newt says. “I never did mine either. I think that’s just as much of a tradition.” He went vegan for all of two weeks before realizing most of the rationing-standard food they served in the mess wasn’t exactly catered to those particular dietary needs. Also, Newt likes fancy lattes too much, and oatmilk just wasn’t kicking it for him. “I totally am gonna do the yoga one though. I need a stress reliever. I don’t wanna go bald before we’re even killed by kaiju, you know?” He crosses his legs. “Or go grey. I can’t decide which is worse. What was yours?”
“Nothing important,” Hermann says quickly. He takes a clumsy sip of his own cup of water, and spills a bit of it down his sweater. Newt decides not to mention. “It must be nearly midnight. Don’t you want to run off to find someone to snog?”
“Nah, not this year, I don’t think,” Newt says. Last year (before the whole blacking out and ruining the paperwork thing), he made out with a ranger he had a crush on for, like, months, and the guy never even called him back. And Newt slipped his official PPDC email into his pocket too. So totally rude. He reaches out and plucks the elastic string holding Hermann’s hat on, and is delighted when Hermann scowls. “You’re stuck with me. Why don’t you find someone to kiss?”
Hermann opens his mouth, and then shuts it. The blush is spreading down from his ears. “I am staying right here, thank you, and I am not kissing anyone.”
“Suit yourself,” Newt says.
“Five minutes to go!” someone in the crowd shouts.
Newt locates a party hat of his own on a nearby table and pulls it on. It’s silver, unlike Hermann’s. He doesn’t think it looks nearly as cute as Hermann’s. “What was your resolution?” he finally asks. The burning curiosity’s too much for him. What did Hermann mean by nerves? Hermann’s never afraid to speak his mind around Newt, at least—Newt can’t remember the last time he’s held back anything. This must be a pretty big thing. 
“Oh, it hardly matters now,” Hermann says. “The year’s about to end, isn’t it? Better luck next go around, I suppose.”
“Were you going to request your own lab?” Newt says. That’s a big thing. And it’s a big thing he’d be hesitant to share with Newt, too. Not that Newt would be upset over having his own lab, obviously, sharing with Hermann totally sucks. It’s the worst.
“Mm. No,” Hermann says.
Newt feels a small twinge of relief, but only for a moment. “A different Shatterdome?” It’s the sort of thing Hermann’s always threatening—by Jove, Newton, if you don’t clean this mess up right now, I’m marching into the Marshal’s office, and I’m going to demand...
“Oh, it’s hardly that dramatic,” Hermann says. He plucks at the elastic of his hat this time. “It’s one minute until midnight.”
“Just tell me!” Newt says. Their fellow partygoers start counting down around them. “You’re killing me. I just wanna—”
“It’s not important,” Hermann says.
“It is to me,” Newt says.
“It’s really not,” Hermann says.
“Tell me, tell me, tell me—”
“Fine,” Hermann says.
He grips the front of Newt’s shirt. Newt shuts up immediately. “I’m in love with you,” Hermann growls, “you wretched little man. That was my bloody resolution.”
“Oh, shit,” Newt squeaks.
Someone pops a bottle of champagne to loud cheers; confetti is suddenly raining down on Newt and Hermann. They totally missed midnight. “Oh, shit,” Newt repeats, and then, because Hermann looks utterly mortified and like he wants to book it out of there as fast as he can, thinks fuck it. He leans forward and kisses Hermann.
“Newton,” Hermann gasps, half in shock, half in delight, and returns it enthusiastically.
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sparkandwolf · 3 years
Oblivious (read on ao3)
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale Rating: General Summary: “What is all… this?” Stiles asked, dropping his work bag on the floor and shutting the door blindly behind him. “Why do you look all--” Stiles’ gulp interrupted his words and he said nothing else.
“I just figured…” Derek began, clearing his throat when anxiety reared its ugly head.
Stiles sniffed the air and said, “Is that Honey Garlic Chicken?” Before Derek could answer, Stiles catapulted himself down the stairs and lifted the cover to the crockpot, inhaling the mouthwatering aroma. “It is. And--” Stiles sprinted toward the table to sniff at the flowers adorning it. Derek had to pull him away when he got a little too close to the flames burning the candles on either side of it. “Flowers and candles, Derek? What is going on?”
For @sterekvalentineweek day two: Anniversary
When Derek woke up in the morning, it was one of the first times he rose with a grin on his face in weeks. He had the entire day planned out. Stiles was sleeping over - as he usually did on Fridays and Saturdays - and should arrive at the loft right after his workday was done. He had always packed an overnight bag prior to this unspoken agreement, but he had left enough stuff at Derek’s place throughout their relationship that he could just come by whenever he wanted. 
The thought alone made Derek’s heart warm and his smile widen as he tore his sheets off the bed, ready to replace them with fresh, clean ones that Stiles always seemed to appreciate. He thought back to the first time Stiles spent the night in his bed and couldn’t help but laugh at the surprise that always seemed to shine in his eyes when Derek made the loft more theirs than his. He always had Stiles’ favorite sheets on the bed and dinner ready for when he got home - to Derek’s place, really - and it was usually a meal Stiles had expressed craving the week before. 
Derek wasn’t sure why Stiles had chosen him a year ago when they had decided to take their relationship to the next level. It was so gradual that Derek almost wasn’t sure Stiles was actually interested. The kiss they had shared in this thick of battle with that month’s big bad was one that ran through Derek’s mind almost every single day since it had happened. They didn’t kiss often, usually when Stiles was too tired to think about it or when Derek got up the nerve to initiate it, but when they did, it knocked him off his feet. 
He wanted to do that to Stiles, which was why his loft was getting a full treatment that day. He had cleaned the night before, putting away anything and everything that might make the place seem solitarily Derek’s so that Stiles would feel more comfortable saying yes when Derek asked him to move in. He thought they had reached that point. Stiles spent as much of his free time he could during the week there and it was rare that their entire weekends weren’t spent with each other. It just made sense, especially since it had been exactly a year since their first kiss. 
His phone chimed brightly, signifying a text that would only be from Stiles, and he beamed down at it as he opened the message. 
If Parrish makes us stop for coffee one more time during this shift, I’m going to lose it. I’m gonna be so hyped up when I get to your place, the message read. Derek laughed and remembered the last time Stiles had been almost high on caffeine. He crashed so hard that night, they barely had time for a goodnight kiss before Stiles slammed his head into the pillow and was out like a light. 
Derek responded quickly, I’ll have plenty of food to help counter your caffeine hangover, promise. 
And he did have a lot of food. He might have gone a bit crazy with the anniversary meal if he was honest with himself. He had gotten a special recipe from Stiles’ father - one that his mother used to make him for special occasions as a kid - that was already prepared in the crockpot, just waiting to be turned on and readied for their candlelit dinner. 
Derek felt ridiculous when he walked down the stairs to see his loft sparkling like a professional cleaning service had been hired to tidy it up. He had worked hard; he bought an extra dresser, cleaned out half of the closet for Stiles to hang his flannels, made room in the cupboards for the snacks Stiles would definitely make Derek carry if he decided living together was a good plan. He was prepared to take this step with Stiles and truly hoped Stiles was ready to do the same. 
Hours ticked by and Derek found himself increasingly nervous as he set up the vase of flowers the florist in town convinced him Stiles would love. They were a mixture of blues, purples, and whites and aptly named Beautiful in Blue. Derek liked them immediately as Stiles was the only one who seemed to prefer the sapphire color of his eyes over the more common golden hue. The florist wiggled his eyebrows at Derek and asked who they were for and seemed more than surprised he was buying them for Deputy Stilinski. He didn’t think they were keeping their relationship a secret by any means, but the sheer shock on the florist’s face irked him enough to toss the money across the counter and run out with the vase as quickly as he could. 
When the door started to slide open, Derek adjusted the skinny black tie around his neck, feeling suddenly suffocated by the choice in accessory. He had Cora help him with his outfit. She chose dark skinny jeans and a skinny tie to match but left him on his own with the rest. He’d chosen a dark tan shirt that Stiles had once commented on liking and didn’t think about it any further. He was regretting that, too, as Stiles’ eyes widened considerably, barely glancing away from Derek as he walked in. 
“What is all… this?” Stiles asked, dropping his work bag on the floor and shutting the door blindly behind him. “Why do you look all--” Stiles’ gulp interrupted his words and he said nothing else. Derek’s nerves only increased. It wasn’t often he had Stiles speechless and he couldn’t tell if it was a good thing at that moment or not. 
“I just figured…” Derek began, clearing his throat when anxiety reared its ugly head. 
Stiles sniffed the air and said, “Is that Honey Garlic Chicken?” Before Derek could answer, Stiles catapulted himself down the stairs and lifted the cover to the crockpot, inhaling the mouthwatering aroma. “It is. And--” Stiles sprinted toward the table to sniff at the flowers adorning it. Derek had to pull him away when he got a little too close to the flames burning the candles on either side of it. “Flowers and candles, Derek? What is going on?” Derek froze and found himself surprisingly frustrated that Stiles had forgotten. He was well aware that they hadn’t celebrated an anniversary before but it had been an entire year and Derek thought that feat in itself was worth a bit of celebration. 
“You don’t remember?” Derek asked, resting his thumbs in his pockets to try and stave back the claws threatening to break through. He had worried something like that would happen - that he had made mountains out of molehills again - but he didn’t expect that Stiles would look so… scared. “God, I’m so stupid, I’m sorry. I just figured it had been a year since--” 
“Since we kissed, the first time,” Stiles whispered, glancing around the room like he was continuing to take everything in. 
“Yeah,” Derek agreed in a whisper. He took a step toward Stiles and sighed heavily before continuing, “A year since we first kissed, a year since we made our feelings to each other known, a year that we’ve been together.” At that admission, Stiles gasped loudly and held onto the table beside him as if to steady himself. Derek was more concerned than anything as Stiles’ breathing turned to hyperventilating. 
“Oh my fucking god,” Stiles exclaimed, running his hand over his face which was a motion Derek was familiar with when he had gotten anxious. 
“It’s really okay, Stiles, we can just--” 
“We’ve been dating! For a year! We’ve been in an actual relationship for a year and I--” Stiles pressed his hands against Derek’s chest when he made a move to get closer, wanting nothing but to comfort Stiles through whatever panic had overtaken him. “I didn’t know. Jesus Christ, Derek, I didn’t know!” 
Derek raised an eyebrow at him, too stunned to say anything besides a choked, “I’m sorry?” 
Before the words could fully register, Stiles gripped onto Derek’s tie and to Derek’s surprise, pulled him into the most passionate kiss they had ever had. It was not dissimilar to their first one - both of them injured and still fighting, but needing to let the other know they were gonna make it through - in the way that it wasn’t planned and it poured every ounce of emotion each of them were feeling. Stiles ran his other hand behind Derek’s head and threaded his fingers through his hair, holding on like if he didn’t, Derek might float away. 
He couldn’t imagine pulling away from a kiss like that, though. His hands gripped at Stiles’ waist, one sliding around to hold the small of Stiles’ back if only so Derek could pull him closer. Their tongues brushed together timidly like they had never kissed like that before and Derek’s heart jolted when he felt Stiles get lost in it. They kissed for what felt like hours as if they were making up for the last year of subtle pecks and slow, sleepy presses of lips that could have been so much more. 
When Stiles finally pulled away, his cheeks were flushed and his lips reddened and even plumper than they usually were. The sight was so beautiful, Derek had to convince himself not to bring Stiles to his bed right then and there. Stiles’ mouth opened and closed like he was searching for an apology or words he couldn’t quite capture in his mind and Derek leaned their foreheads together, taking a deep breath before he could bring himself to speak. 
“I was going to ask you to move in with me,” Derek whispered, keeping his eyes closed because he was scared of Stiles’ reaction. He heard the sharp intake of breath and the only reason he opened his eyes was because Stiles tugged the hair on the back of his head none too gently. 
“We’ve been dating for a year and I’ve loved you for longer,” Stiles said once their eyes met. Derek’s heart leaped and he squeezed Stiles a bit harder. “I’ve been practically living here for months and from what I’ve gathered, you don’t mind that?” 
Derek shook his head and replied, “I want you here more.” Stiles let out a laugh that sounded relieved and Derek was grateful for that. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Stiles asked, smiling softly at Derek. 
“Everyone else knew, Stiles. It was obvious to literally everyone! I asked your dad for your mom’s old recipe and he asked if it was for our anniversary. I asked Scott how much room you would need to move in and he came over and helped me rearrange. I didn’t think it needed saying!” Derek said, frustration clear in his voice. He wasn’t mad at Stiles, though. He couldn’t be mad when he could see Stiles beating himself up inside. He placed a gentle kiss on Stiles’ lips to stop the internal monologue he didn’t want to take away from their happy moment. 
“I always thought you were the oblivious one. I spent years pining after you before we finally kissed. I had this whole plan; in a few months, I would really kiss you, when neither of us could ignore it or play it off. Then I would ask you on a few group dates before gaining the courage to go out to dinner with me alone. Then I would convince you to let me move in and we’d live happily ever after,” Stiles explained. He had calculated every moment that had already been happening and Derek couldn’t help but laugh at the overanalysis that was so entirely Stiles. 
“We’ve done most of that, you idiot. We’ve gone out with the pack, we go on dates by ourselves, we cuddle on the couch for Christ’s sake. Can we skip that and just have you move in right now?” Derek asked. He was done waiting and he wasn’t about to start over with Stiles. He was ready for Stiles to be in his life forever and he wanted forever to start as soon as possible. 
“How does Sunday sound?” Stiles asked, checking the watch on his wrist. Derek rolled his eyes but nodded, grinning widely as the timer on the fridge indicated dinner was ready. 
“Are you gonna let me romance you like I planned now?” Derek retorted, placing one final chaste kiss on Stiles’ lips. Stiles chased after him as he pulled away, but Derek was already making his way to the kitchen. 
“Does this plan end with me in your bed?” Stiles asked, wiggling his eyebrows as he followed and wrapped his arms around Derek’s waist. 
“I even put on your favorite sheets,” Derek responded and Stiles’ groan of contentment made it all worth it. Stiles seemed attached to Derek the entire night and if Derek thought things were perfect before, he knew they were then. 
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mymoonagedaydream · 4 years
Only the Good Die Young (Part 4)
Summary: You tried hard to believe that Bucky was a changed man, but he made it difficult
Pairing: Biker!Bucky x y/n
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: Language, anti-religious sentiment throughout, harmful relationship with parents
Author's Note: Alright, I’ve flaked. My different-song-per-part ambitions were too high, I flew too close to the sun. I’m so sorry Billy.
You buried your face in his neck.
Everything he’d said was spiralling through your mind. You knew your parents well enough to know that staying with Bucky for much longer meant losing them forever. You didn’t want to go back but, if you stayed away and things didn’t work out, there was a chance you’d end up completely alone.
Bucky was a risk, a huge one. You wanted to trust him. You wanted so badly to believe that he was everything he appeared to be.
So you did.
A leap of faith. You were good at faith.
You pulled your head up, coming face to face with him. ‘I would like to get very, very drunk.’
‘Me too.’ He went to get up, but stopped suddenly and looked back at you. ‘You ever been hammered before?’
You shrugged with one shoulder, reluctant to admit further inexperience. ‘Communion wine is pretty strong stuff.’
‘Jesus. I almost feel bad, enabling sin like this.’ He sauntered to the kitchen and rifled through the cupboards, grinning in your direction when he found a half-empty bottle of tequila. ‘Almost.’
The golden liquid burned your throat as you took shot after shot, the warm glow in your chest getting stronger with every sip. This was fucking brilliant, why had you never tried it before?
‘So, here’s the plan.’ You could see that Bucky was at least a little tipsy, he’d been matching every one of your shots with three of his own. ‘I make enough money fixing bikes to keep the flat and feed us, so you can quit that fucking college course and find something you actually want to do.’
You paused for a second, processing his words. ‘Are you asking me to move in with you?’
‘Are you turning me down?’
You grinned and shook your head, making a mental note to reconfirm that in the morning when he was sober. You had hoped that he’d at least let you stay with him for the summer, but knowing that he was willing to put up with you more long-term quelled some deep anxiety you’d been harbouring for days.
You shifted your tone, trying your best to look as sober and sincere as possible. ‘Buck. You said you just want someone to talk to, right?’ He nodded, half-smirking and pushing some hair behind your ear. ‘So talk. You know so much about me, I want to know about you.’
‘What you wanna know?’
‘Tell me about your parents.’
His eyes wandered away from yours and he dropped his hand to your shoulder, wincing a little while he strung his words together. ‘Well you’ve met my dad, he’s no different now than he always was. The only time I ever hear from my ma is when she needs money. God knows what for, I don’t ask.’
‘I’m really sorry, I can’t imagine what they put you through.’
You’d never seen him so subdued. You almost felt bad for putting a damper on the evening, but you got the impression that Bucky had never spoken to anyone about this stuff before, drunk or sober.
‘Fucked me up for a long time, I did a lot of bad stuff.’ You reached out and squeezed his free hand as he was speaking, prompting his gaze to fix back on you. ‘But I don’t want to be that person anymore.’
‘You’re a good guy Buck.’ You gave him a wide smile. ‘Plus, after all those Sundays at church, the big guy owes me a couple favours. I can get that slate of yours wiped clean, no problem.’
He narrowed his eyes at you, the warm glow returning to your chest as you watched his mouth curl back into that familiar smirk. ‘You’re buzzed, ain’t ya?’
‘Should I slow down?’
‘Nope.’ He poured you both another drink. ‘Speed up.’
You didn’t ask about the things he’d done, you didn’t need to know. It was in the past, and he regretted it. That’s all that mattered to you.
The tequila was gone far too quickly. Both of you raided the cupboards again, finding a nearly empty bottle of triple sec, three cans of cider and a bottle with Russian writing that contained something resembling paint stripper.
A few hours and all that booze later, you and Bucky found yourselves tangled around each other on the bed, nursing your slowly developing headaches.
‘You’re a terrible influence, Barnes.’ You croaked into his chest.
‘I’m barely even getting started darlin.’
The first thing you felt in the morning was dizziness. Even before you’d opened your eyes, you knew the room was spinning around you. You adjusted yourself a little, relieved when you felt Bucky’s arms still wrapped around you and his chest against your cheek. Scooching upwards, eyes still screwed shut, you brought your face level with his.
He stirred, croaking faintly. ‘Still here. Haven’t run away yet.'
‘I feel like there’s a bee hive inside my head.’
‘Your first hangover.’ He chuckled. ‘We should celebrate. Breakfast?’
‘I’m never eating again. Or drinking. Or… moving.’
He started wriggling. ‘Well, either you move or I piss the bed.’
You flopped onto your back, the movement making your brain rattle inside your head, as Bucky scuttled to the bathroom. You started drifting back to sleep, only to be unceremoniously woken when you were hoisted off the bed and carried you through to the front room. He made breakfast while you lay on the couch, feeling sorry for yourself. You managed a few reluctant mouthfuls and a pint of water.
‘I’ve been thinking.’ Bucky piped up whilst washing the dishes. ‘When you feel a bit better we should go back to the flat. I know it’s close to your parents, but at least my dad doesn’t have keys to it.’
You considered for a second, weighing up whether you were more intimidated by your parents or his. ‘That’s fine with me. Whatever you think is best, Buck.’
The two of you left the trailer the next morning. You were still feeling pretty ropey, but you were at least able to walk six feet without getting dizzy. In truth, you were pretty happy to be getting away from the trailer. Aside from the stained walls and crappy shower, you hadn’t felt safe there since Bucky’s dad had burst in the other night. Christ knows what else that man was capable of.
Somehow, at some point during your first day back at the flat, Bucky had convinced you it’d be a good idea for the two of you to go out that night. He suggested his usual haunt, a bar you’d never heard of despite living in that town all your life.
It was a dive bar. You’d never been to a dive bar before, you weren’t even really sure what it meant, but as soon as you saw the outside of this place you knew. There was a flickering neon sign advertising Miller High Life above the door and bikes as far as the eye could see.
Some extremely intimidating clientele eyed the two of you as you approached, giving a gruff chuckle when you brushed past them to get to the entrance. Bucky enthusiastically greeted a few guys who were already inside. One of them you vaguely recognised from school, but the others looked quite a bit older.
You were so far out of your comfort zone in this place, every muscle in your body felt tense and you were convinced that dozens of dirty looks were being thrown your way.
‘What’ll it be then sweetheart?’ Your eyes followed the voice to a tall, brawny blonde with freakishly wide shoulders and a crooked smile.
Your mouth opened slightly as you scurried around trying to figure out what kind of alcohol was sold in a place like this, before Bucky piped up. ‘She’ll have my usual.’
You just nodded, keeping quiet for fear of coming across as the naïve religious freak in front of his friends. A few seconds later you found yourself with a pint of beer in one hand and a shot of whiskey in the other.
‘Boilermaker.’ Bucky whispered, close to your ear. ‘Proper booze, gotta make up for all that shit the other night.’
One of the friends led you towards a cramped booth with a sticky table. You found yourself tucked in between Bucky and the blonde, the former’s arm circled tight around your waist, hand resting possessively on your thigh. You didn’t speak much, only when spoken to- that was until the blonde started cross-examining you.
‘No offence, but you weren’t exactly what I was expecting.’
Great. This shit again.
‘Leave it, yeah?’ Bucky’s tone was friendly, but you could sense a hint of warning.
‘Like I said, no offence.’ He smirked. ‘She just looks a little suburban, y’know.’
Bucky got more agitated. ‘What the hell’s that s’posed to mean?’
‘Jesus, chill out Barnes. She’s not bothered, are ya?’ He nudged you hard, pushing you into Bucky’s side. You just smiled politely, a pathetic attempt to diffuse.
Progressively more irate words were thrown back and forth between them, but everyone else around the table was seemingly unfazed by the argument. It escalated quickly, resulting in blonde reaching over to yank Bucky up by the lapels, spilling a pint of beer all over you in the process. Buck shoved him off and helped you out of the booth, apologising as he ushered you towards the door.
Blonde was shouting after you, following you to the door. Just as you thought the two of you might make it out of there intact, Bucky wheeled round and punched him square in the mouth. He got a swift jab to the stomach in return and the two of them crashed into the bar, arms and legs flying in every direction.
Finally, after intervention by a couple huge biker guys, you managed to pull Bucky away. As you pushed open the front door, flashing blue lights flooded the bar. You squinted, waiting for your eyes to adjust. Cops. One of them approached you and Bucky, the same one who came to the flat after your parents reported you kidnapped.
‘Told you your time would come, boy.’ He smirked. ‘James Barnes, you’re under arrest on suspicion of assault.’
Everything said after that was drowned out by a high pitched whining that started in your ears. Buck was dragged away and shoved into the back of a car, he shouted something in your direction before the door closed but you didn’t catch it. You were reeling with shock. They pulled away, lights fading as they disappeared down the street.
There you were, completely alone. Standing in the gutter outside a dive bar, trembling and covered in beer, playing perfectly into your parents’ predictions.
What the fuck were you supposed do? Go sleep on Bucky’s doorstep, hoping he’d get released before morning? How many more times were you going to have to do that?
You couldn’t help but feel so, so stupid. You’d leapt, fallen and landed flat on your face. Maybe your mother wasn’t exaggerating, maybe she was right all along. Christ, maybe you were just some naïve, sheltered Christian kid in way over your head.
You had no choice. You went home.
Waking up back in your bed sent a wave of depression crashing over you. You could still smell stale beer and cigarettes, making you feel even worse.
Only your father had been awake when you timidly knocked on the door the night before. He’d stepped aside and let you in without much more than a stern look, but you were dreading having to face your mother this morning.
You sat up, the motion kick-starting yet another hangover, and walked to the bathroom. Switching on the light, you stared into the mirror and were greeted with someone you barely recognised. Your eyes were dark, bloodshot and puffy, your hair was wild from days of washing it with shower gel in the trailer’s crappy shower, your clothes from the night before were still hanging off you, stained and reeking- but you looked alive. And you felt it.
The doorbell rang.
You ran to the top of the stairs, only to see your mother standing in the doorway, face to face with Bucky. He looked awful, cuts and bruises littering his face. You stepped back slightly to hide yourself from his view.
‘Get off my property or I’m calling the police.’ Well she hadn’t changed while you’d been gone.
‘Is she here?’
Silence. You peeked round the corner to see your mother whip her phone from her pocket. Bucky shouted your name. Fuck, so much of you wanted to just run down the stairs and throw your arms round him, but you knew there was a good chance you’d just end up here again a week or so down the line.
‘Fine.’ He backed away, holding his arms out. ‘Y’know, sooner or later, it comes down to faith. Someone’s gonna help her see through all your bullshit, I might as well be the one.’
He limped down the steps and was gone from your view. Dragging yourself back into your room, you looked at your phone for the first time that morning. Twenty-five texts and eight missed calls from Bucky. Taking a deep breath, you typed a message to him.
Meet me on the bench at noon tomorrow.
As you turned into the park, you saw him sitting there. He looked tense, elbows resting on his thighs while he ran his fingers through his hair. As soon as he spotted you approaching he stood up, but you couldn’t bring yourself to hug him, so you just perched on the other end of the bench silently. He obviously didn’t take the hint, moving closer and sitting right next to you.
You heard him chuckle. ‘Blink twice if we’re being bugged.’
You lifted your eyes, scanning them over his wounds. His knuckles weren’t even fully healed from the fight with his father. He was just cuts upon bruises upon scars and you weren’t sure if he’d ever stop adding to them.
His face dropped when he saw your obvious distress. ‘I’m really sorry y/n. I fucked up, bad.’
You just nodded, taking deep breaths in an attempt to keep your thoughts straight.
‘I know I struggle to control my anger sometimes, but you gotta believe I’m getting better. I’m not the person I used to be.’
‘You keep saying that.’ You couldn’t meet his eyes, too scared to see the hurt your words would cause him. ‘Then you do shit like this? I’m really struggling here, I-’
‘I know I’m not perfect, but I’m trying, now more than ever. Because of you.’
‘What happened the other night... I was so scared, Buck. I barely even made it out of the house to get here today.’ Tears were clouding your vision as you felt his hands grasp your firmly. ‘I can’t do that again.’
Part Five
@shawnie--jo @brilliantbellesoares @noiralei @bebeyeni @kingkassam @newyorkgoddess  @livingoffsavvyillusions 
I’ve bolded the names that wouldn’t let me tag, sorry guys
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