#but I’m just saying it hurts really fucking bad sometimes missing what we had and feeling like our whole connection is just a little bit off
insanechayne · 1 year
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#sometimes I wonder if our relationship is really healthy/good for me#because truthfully I get constant anxiety attacks and bad feelings and they’re all usually centered around our relationship in some way#a good portion of our relationship was based around one thing but then you took that thing away#so how do we fill that gap without feeling like something is missing?#and I know you’re not struggling with this the way I am because you have other things going on#but I’m just saying it hurts really fucking bad sometimes missing what we had and feeling like our whole connection is just a little bit off#and the problem is that you’re pretty much my best friend#and truly you are a very good friend overall#you’re the only person I want to talk to every single day and at all hours of the day#so there’s no way I could give you up or try not to talk to you or something like that#but I also still have a crush on you that you encouraged for months#and for a while you didn’t tell me to stop you just strung my feelings along knowing I was waiting for you to come back to me#knowing how much I missed you and wanted you and you couldn’t be fully honest with me about what you wanted#and that makes my struggle with this worse I think#how do I get rid of these feelings when I can’t not talk to you#how do I not like you that way when you’re the first person to make me feel anything in the longest time#every day I hope it’ll be the day you decide you want me again#that’s not really very healthy is it? waiting on something that may never happen again#but truly I have nothing else to hold onto and so I have to hold onto you#but still the consistent anxiety and shit is getting old#and I can’t talk to you about any of this because you’ll probably just snap at me again#but fuck sometimes I just feel like I’m being torn apart and I don’t know how to fix that#personal
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strniohoeee · 8 months
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Pairings: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader ⚠️SMUT⚠️
Synopsis: During a cabin get away a game of Never Have I ever leaves Y/N embarrassed. And a nice Matt is worried and in love🥹
Warnings⚠️: This is a 18+ story. It’s straight up smut okayyyy. Never have I ever being played, lose of virginity. Sweet cute lovey dovey sex. Madi is the “bad” guy but like I had no other girl to make it so it had to be her. No hate to her tho at all.
Song for the imagine: In my room- Chance Peña
The triplets had asked me if I wanted to join them on their trip up to the cabin up in Cape Cod, of course I agreed I would never miss a trip to the Cape, but slowly I was getting a little nervous wondering if they had asked any other girl up to the cape with them. I was relieved when I found out it was only Madi, she was my only girl friend I had. Most girls the triplets would be friends with never liked me, so it made it hard to have friends. I never really cared because most just wanted to fuck Chris or matt, and they were soon dropped which made me laugh.
We had just got to the Cape on a chilly Friday night, and we immediately ran into the house, getting a fire started, and choosing our rooms. I picked the room with one bed, while Nick bunked with Madi and Chris and Matt bunked together. I enjoyed being alone, but sometimes that loneliness felt like seclusion. Madi was their friend first, and introduced me to them so I was close with them, but not as close as she was.
Although she was close with Nick I always felt this vibe that she might’ve liked matt. And it hurt after a while when I started to catch feelings for Matt. He was always there for me, and me and him were always together, that is until Madi comes around then I seclude myself not wanting her to think I wanted Matt. Although they never had anything going on I always knew how she truly felt.I never told her because Matt would never go for a girl like me when Madi was far more gorgeous.
I settled into my room deciding to unpack a few things, and I decided to turn on my Roku tv and cast my Spotify to the screen so I could blast Olivia Rodrigo. As I was unpacking and jamming out Matt came into my room
“Yooo” he said as he threw himself on my bed
“Sup Matt” I said lowering the volume on the tv to hear what he has to say
“We ordered some wings and fries from that spot we drove by on the way down here” he said watching as I put my makeup on the dresser
“Oh nice I’m so hungry” I said looking a him
“Yeah Chris took Madi with him” he said looking down at his phone with a blank stare.
“Oh cool” I said not really caring to respond to that
“So I figured I come chill with you” he said locking his phone and looking at me
“Ouu glad I’m an afterthought” I told him jokingly rolling my eyes
“What no..you just always leave me when Madi comes over to me” he said closing his eyes pretending to sleep
I went to answer but we heard Nick call us down to come eat. We both ran downstairs and sat at the table beginning to eat. As we ate we joked and laughed. My eyes kept wandering over to Matt and seeing Madi looking at him and chatting with him made me a little sad. God I wish he could look at me that way was all I could think.
As I’m continuing to glance at them I see her touch his hand in a flirting way, and this immediately made me lose my appetite. I loudly slid back from the table grabbing my plate and standing up.
“Done already” Chris asks looking at everyone else still shoving food down their throat
“Uhh yeah I uh just got really full” I said looking down at my plate that had four wings and a few fries eaten. He looks at me a little confused and just nods his head
I decided to clean up my plate and drink some water in the kitchen watching them as they engaged in conversation.
“OH MY GOD GUYS!” Nick yells loudly
“It’s a cabin tradition! We have to play never have I ever” he said giggling like a schoolgirl.
“Nick…what are we 10” Matt says shaking his head
“Nah this will be fun” Chris said laughing as he wiped his fingers
After everyone finished dinner and cleaned up we all showered and changed and went back to the living room. Madi had Matt help her start up a fire in the fireplace again after the first one went out. While Chris was grabbing a Pepsi before heading over to the couch. Nick was already sitting on the couch waiting for the fire to start. I was the last to join because I could care less about playing never have I ever. I wasn’t too fond of playing a game that ended in people being embarrassed and exposed.
I grabbed a water bottle and headed over to the couch to sit next to Nick.
“The queen joined us” Nick said hugging me
“Oh I couldn’t miss playing this middle school game” I said giving him a sarcastic grin
“Hey! This’ll be fun” Madi said, smiling at me, and I smiled back. I could never be mean to her. She was my closest friend, but man when she was all over Matt I never wanted to look at her again.
I just smiled at her, a weak smile that I hoped she picked up on, but knowing her she didn’t
“Alright bitches who’s going first?” Madi asked
“I say Nick goes since this was his idea” I stated looking over at Nick giggling slightly.
To this he just rolled his eyes and mumbled a ‘fine’
“Alright, never have I ever shit my pants” he said laughing and we all just rolled our eyes. All of us putting a finger down.
“Never have I ever stood someone up” Chris asked, every finger went down but mine.
“Y’all are cruel” I said shaking my head, and to this they laughed shouting out little excuses
“Ouuu never have I ever farted in a public place’’ Matt said laughing, once again all our fingers went down as we died in laughter… “ouuu stinky” Chris said in a funny voice.
Two rounds later I saw Madi’s body shift, and I knew this shift meant intense questions were coming.
“Let’s spice it up. Never have I ever made out with an influencer of some sort at a party” Hers and Nicks finger went down
“Never have I ever got caught during ‘me time’ Chris asked. My finger was the only one to go down. My eyes bulged out in embarrassment.
“Explain” Madi said laughing at me
“Well I was about 17, and I thought I was alone in my house, but uh turns out my grandma heard some things” I said covering my face in embarrassment as everyone laughed.
“Never have I ever kissed someone” Matt said, and once again my finger was the only one that didn’t go down.
“Never have I ever messed around in your parents house” Nick asked, and not a shocker my finger was still up.
“Never have I ever given head” Madi asked. Are we shocked that my fingers are still up??
“Never have I ever gotten head” Chris asks, wiggling his eyebrows. To no surprise the finger is still up.
“Never have I ever given a hickey, '' Madi asks, and now I’m starting to think she's picking up on my lack of experience because her eyes are starting to twinkle with an idea.
“Never have I ever had sex” I keep my fingers up with a long sigh and an annoyed expression
“Never have I ever hooked up in a car” Now I’m just staring at the floor wanting to die.
“Never have I ever not done a single sexual thing” Madi asks laughing
“Alright now you're just being mean” I finally snapped looking at her with a hard glare
“WHAT?? I’m just messing around with you” she said still laughing
“Yeah embarrassing me is so funny” I said giving her a sarcastic smile
“I didn’t embarrass you…technically you did that yourself” she said looking down. I just scoffed and got up
“Goodnight! Glad I could be the center of the ring for you guys” I said grabbing my phone and my water and turning around
“Wait don’t go” Matt said sounding bad for me, I just shook my head and kept walking upstairs to my bedroom
It was now 3am, and everyone had called it a night by 10 because of how exhausted they were from the drive here.
However I was wide awake replaying the embarrassing event that occurred a few hours prior. I was so annoyed that Madi would say such a thing. She was supposed to be my best friend, and those weren’t the vibes I was getting. I decided to head downstairs to sit in the living room, and clear my mind.
I headed downstairs, and started a small fire in the fireplace, so I didn’t have to keep the lights on, and potentially wake one of them up; because I really wanted to be alone right now. I sat in front of the fireplace with a blanket wrapped around me. Just staring into the flames, and letting my thoughts run clearly. I felt a tear slip down my face as I felt all the embarrassment and shame wash over me.
Just sitting asking myself why. Why in the world would she ask those questions knowing my answer. I felt betrayed and like a fool. I shouldn’t be embarrassed of my lack of experience. I'm only 21. This is very normal, but I just hated how I felt, and I wanted to crawl into a dark hole and disappear. After wiping my tears and collecting myself I just stared into the fire letting the flames reflect off my brown eyes
Suddenly I heard a door creak open from upstairs, and feet shuffling. I was really hoping one of them were just going to the bathroom, so I can bask in my self hatred a little more. Unfortunately I heard the stairs creak loudly under the pressure of someone’s feet, but I refused to look over my shoulder.
I felt a presence next to me, and suddenly they sat down next to me, and only then did I finally look over, and to my surprise it was Matt looking into the fire. I watched the reflection of the flames make his icy blue eyes twinkle. When he decided to speak up “I don’t think you deserved that” was all he said still looking at the fire
“Thanks, but I’m used to being the embarrassed one” I said quietly
“Doesn’t matter. It was fucked up, and uncalled for. Plus she’s your best friend. I have no clue why she'd say such a thing. I’m not too sure what’s gotten into her lately” Matt said, looking over at me. This made me turn to look at him, giving him a small smile
“She likes you” was all I could say as I searched his eyes for an answer, or a glimpse of hope that they’d scream “i don’t like her” back at me
“Likes me?” He said with a confused look
“Yes Matt…you are so blind Madi is head over heels in love with you” I said in a nonchalant way
“She’s like my sister….I have never expressed any other feelings other than a family type of relationship with her” he said rubbing his eye
“Yeah well she might not have gotten that. Don’t you see the flirty looks, the flirty touches, the comments trying to embarrass me infront of you” I said looking him dead in the eyes
“Is this why you leave my side when she comes around?” He asked staring back into my eyes
“Well yes. I don’t want to be the punching bag, and I can’t stand watching her trying to get with you” I said slightly looking away from his gaze
“I would never get with her” he said almost laughing a little bit
“Why not? She’s gorgeous, long hair, beautiful face, thin, sweet, funny and nice” I said turning back to look at the fire
“This is crazy” he said still looking at you
“Is that all you took away from what the fuck I just said” Still not looking at him
“It’s crazy that even though she embarrassed you and always does you still have nothing but nice things to say about her” Matt said, waiting to see if I’d look at him
“Jesus Matt!” I said a little more loudly finally turning to look at him
“I’m sitting basically professing my love to you in such a vulnerable way, and all you can do is mention her” I said shaking my head
“Mentioning her? In case you haven’t noticed I’m mentioning you….haven't you seen all along?? The looks? The touches? Always running to you for opinions? Always looking for you? Always wanting to be near you? And all you did was run away from me every single time” he said looking hurt
“Didn’t you notice the captions on my instagram posts?? They would be finishing every sentence you would say. You pay attention to the little things, so I thought you’d catch on” He said shaking his head
Everytime Y/N would post on Instagram it was always a song lyric.
Y/N caption: she thinks it’s special
Matt’s caption: but it’s all reused
Y/N caption:Think I’ll miss you forever
Matt’s caption:Like the stars miss the sun
Y/N caption:I’m trying to be brave
Matt’s caption:Stop asking me to stay
And Y/N’s latest post even had some fans questioning what was really going on being her and the young boy.
Y/N caption:Just put your hand on the glass
Matt’s Caption:I’ll be there to pull you through
Their posts had been matching up for some time now, but neither of them would say a thing.
I just stared at Matt dumbly because I genuinely had not paid any attention to our captions. I couldn’t allow little small things to alter my brain, and make me think we had a chance
“Y/N you’re my everything. You have always been since the moment we shared a Twix after Chris stole mine. I saw how giving you were, and how you cared to everyone, and that made me fall head over heels in love with you” He said searching my eyes for an answer
“Matt you have been my everything since the moment you complimented my hair and makeup after Madi told me it was too much. Right in that moment it gave me so much hope you saw me differently” I told him looking back into his eyes
Without a warning he just pulled me in for a kiss. I have never kissed anyone before so I was shocked, but when I finally got the hang out I could feel butterflies all in my stomach, and the weight of 1,000 pounds being lifted off my chest.
“I have wanted to do that for so long” he said after pulling away, and all i could do was stay there starstruck and as red as a tomato
I just pulled him back in for a kiss, and this time it got more heated. I had wrapped us in the blanket when I started to lean back onto the floor as he started to hover over me.
“Wait I don’t want you to think I’m just doing this to do this” He said pulling away from the kiss
“I would never think that, and if I wanted to stop I would’ve” I told him shyly. He continues to kiss me slowly going down to my cheek, then my jawline, and then down to my neck. Peppering light kisses to my neck on both sides. This made me let out a few sighs as I ran my fingers through his hair.
“Matt, can you take my virginity?” I asked him bluntly. He pulled back and looked into my eyes once again searching for any sign of discomfort
“Are you sure?” He asked me looking down to my lips
“Yes Matt. This is all I’ve ever wanted” I told him shamelessly. He nodded and began to kiss my neck again. He decided to take her shirt off, and continued to make out with me while I got more comfortable.
“Matt, I want to take off my shirt,” I said, pushing him back a little bit. He nodded and let me remove my shirt. I was completely bare in front of him. This made me a little shy, and he took notice
“God Y/N you’re so gorgeous” he said as he went down kissing both boobs, and slowly taking one nipple into his mouth while he kneaded the other one. I let out a silent moan and ran my hands through his hair. This action alone was making me so aroused, and I was starting to ache with an undeniable want for Matt
“I have to stretch you out a bit before I can have sex with you” he said after pulling away from my breast, and running a hand down from the valley of my beast to my lower abdomen.
“Do whatever you want to me Matt” I said looking at him
“This might hurt, and you have to promise to be quiet. We don’t want to wake them up” he said, kissing my lips. I nodded and bit my lip
He slowly removed my pants, and then along my underwear followed.
“You’re so fucking gorgeous with the fireplace reflecting off your skin” he said feeling up on my body as he stared at me
“Matt please touch me I want you so bad” I said to him, and to this he nodded
He started to kiss my neck and the valley of my breast as he started to travel his hand down to my pussy. Collecting my arousal and spreading it around some more
“God you’re so wet” he said as he continued to rub, and all I could do was moan and whimper lowly for him
He pulled his fingers away and spat on them to lubricate them some more. He placed them back on my vagina and continued to rub my clit as my legs spread wider for him
Slowly he pushed his middle finger in. As it kept going in I felt the burn from the stretch of his finger. I had fingered myself before but this was a different stretch. Matt’s fingers were thicker and longer
My eyebrows furrowed in pain and pleasure as he got his finger all the way in. Slowly he started to go in and out pushing up against my G spot in a come here motion
“Fuck Matt” I whimpered lowly
“I know baby” he said, kissing my lips as he slid the second finger in. This one I felt the pain the most. I gasped loudly and bit down on my hand
“I’m sorry. It will go away pretty girl” he said pushing both fingers in again.
Matt was taking his time fingering me and stretching me for him. I told him I wanted to cum on his dick, so to not take the fingering too far
“You think you’re ready for all of me” he asked as he pulled his fingers out
“Yes Matt” i told him running my hands down from his chest to his bulge and giving it a light squeeze
Matt had removed his pajama bottoms and his underwear. He pumped his cock a few times, and then lightly spat on it to lubricate it some more. This made Y/N even more wet just watching this beauty of a man touch himself infront of her
“Okay baby this will hurt, but it will go away, and if it’s too much I’ll stop okay” Matt asked rubbing her cheek with his hand
“Okay Matt. I trust you I’m ready” she said as she held onto both his arms as he leaned over her.
He brought one hand down to guide his dick to her entrance. Slowly he pushed his tip in. Y/N let out a small cry in pain as this was a new stretch for her
“Fuck Matt this hurts” she said opening her eyes to look him in the eyes
“Do you want me to stop” he asked her, looking back at her. She shook her head no, and he slowly kept pushing himself into her while kissing her so he could silence her winces
At this point Matt was all the way in and was getting adjusted to Y/N. She nodded at him to let her know he could move
So Matt started slowly moving in and out of the girl. Allowing her to feel all of him as his dick hit her G spot
“Fuck Matt” she whined as he hit her g spot once more
“Shhh baby i know” he said breathing heavily
Matt was continuing his slow and steady strokes. He moved a little faster, but mostly he was focusing on slow deep thrusts to allow Y/N to feel the most pleasure. At this point Matt was sweating and breathing heavily. He really wanted to be a moaning whimpering mess for her, but he couldn’t risk waking anybody up. He snakes his hand down to her clit to allow her more pleasure so she could cum.
Y/N let out a loud moan and Matt quickly put his hand over her mouth to silence her, and to this she moaned again letting her eyes roll to the back of her head as he kept pounding into her and rubbing her clit
After 10 more minutes of deep strong thrusts Matt started to feel her clench around him, so he knew she was close.
“Matt I’m going to cum” she said looking up at him all fucked out. Hair sticking to her forehead and her body glistening with sweat
“I know baby. I know” Matt said rubbing her clit faster and thrusting deeper and harder
“Fuck Matt fuck fuck fuck” she said as she clenched down harder, and with this she came all over his cock. Her brows were furrowed together and her mouth was hung open as she let out silent screams. Her body was shaking and trembling, her thighs were shaking as she saw white flashes of ecstasy. She slowly came down from her high with heavy breathing and Matt pulled out. Stroking his own cock over her
“Can I?” He asked her as he was stroking harder
“Please Matt cum for me” she said to him, and that was all it took for his brows to furrow and his mouth to fall slack as his lower abdomen contracted, and he was painting her stomach with white hot strings of cum.
As he came down from his high his breathing was deep and shallow. He grabbed his shirt and wiped her stomach clean. Falling down to the left of her and allowing the blanket to cover them.
“God Y/N you’re so gorgeous I’m in love with you” Matt said as he looked down at her. Propped up on one arm as he looks into her eyes wiping the hair off her forehead
“Matt this was all I could ever ask for. I love you so much” she said weakly looking at him
“I love you too” he said, giving her a kiss on the lips.
She turned into his chest, and they eventually fell asleep together
Around 8AM Nick and Chris came downstairs and walked to the living room to see a sizzling out fireplace, and a naked Y/N and Matt sleeping together wrapped in a blanket. They both looked at one another wide eyed
“MATT WAKE UP” Chris said kicking Matt’s foot, and to this he jumped up to, also waking up Y/N
“OH SHIT” Y/N said covering herself with the blanket
“What the fuck happened here” Chris said
“Uhhh” Matt said looking over at me
“YALL WAS FUCKIN” Nick said trying to contain his excitement
“I fucking knew y’all liked each other” Chris said kind of jumping like a kid
“Although this is so cute and yall are so cute together. Please get up and put some clothes on” Nick said laughing
Chris went to grab Matt’s shirt when Matt interrupted him
“DONT touch that shirt” Matt kind of yelled
“Why not?” Chris asked scared and concerned
“It has my cum all over it” Matt said bluntly
“MATT!” Y/N said smacking him on the arm
“DUDE WTF” Chris said running away
“That’s actually disgusting” Nick said giggling like a little kid and kicking the shirt away
Matt and Y/N got up to get cleaned up and ready for the day, and finish the rest of their weekend get away.
The End
I think my next ones going to be a Nick with a female reader but it’s going to be a friendship imagine🥰🥹
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thir10th · 2 months
52 pick up - Emily Prentiss x Fem!reader
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Summary: So basically this is a Emily x reader one shot based on ep 4x9 because I really wanted to read one but I could not find ANYTHING so I guess I had to write it myself *sighs*
TW: spoilers for 4x09, Fem!reader, (very poorly written) smut, mutual masturbation, fingering (this might be so bad I’m sorry in advance if it is) I think that’s it but let me know if I miss anything
A/n: very new fanfic writer so please be gentle and any feedback is appreciated 🙏 English is not my first language so sorry for the possible mistakes
“we need to study his style up close and personal. It’s gonna take someone that he’s already attracted to” Spencer says, raising his eyebrows in a suggestive tone, soon enough, Morgan and Hotch are also looking at Emily, and you are too, only to realize what they’re trying to say
“oh… oh this is really gonna suck” Emily complains when she realizes she’s the one who will have to approach Viper.
You really didn’t like this idea. You weren’t obviously happy to let your girlfriend get in the line just to be approached by that same asshole who had already been extremely inappropriate to her, objectifying her, suggesting he could “make her do whatever he wanted”. Only if he knew if there was anybody in the world capable of making Emily Prentiss do anything was you.
All of that was true, but why was also true, and you wouldn’t admit, was how unreasonably jealous that thought made you.
You knew for sure Emily would never cheat on you, or do anything to deliberately hurt you in any way, and there was also the fact that she was a lesbian, so there is no way she would be attracted to that guy in any way, however it did make you feel jealous, just the idea of your beautiful, sexy girlfriend walking into that bar, as a literal decoy, her, all dressed up as any other night she would do, to go out with you and the rest for a BAU party night, but instead getting there by herself just with the aim to be eye-fucked by that disgusting misogynist of a man.
“ok but you’re not going by yourself, I’m going with you. It could be more effective is we approach him as a couple, isn’t that what our unsub has been doing anyway?”
You wait for your boss’ response, he frowns as he considers the idea
“You’re right, it could be more effective that way. Go get ready” He finally admits, and you go get your go bag
You enter the room while Emily is already changing in, opening the door slightly just to take a peek so you can surprise her. She is already unbuttoning her work shirt.
“would you like me to finish that for you?”
You ask her, a she startles
“jeez y/n! you scared me, I didn’t know you were there!”
“Sorry, honey” you say as you enter the room and close it behind you
“are you excited to go clubbing or are you mad that I offered to go with you? I just really hated the idea of you approaching that asshole by yourself” you walk up to her, surrounding her waist with your arms, resting your hands on her sides, softly caressing the skin there
“yes…well about that” she surrounds your neck with her arms, twirling little strands of your hair with her fingers there
“you actually got mad?”
“no, no it’s not that… Hotch just came in and we talked about Jordan, and I kind of suggested she came with me”
“so basically I’m not going?”
“it’s just…she’s really trying hard to be a part of the team, and I can’t help it”
“you see yourself in her? Ems…” you knew how good she meant but you couldn’t help to think that she was being too nice to her, plus you weren’t so sure you liked Jordan that much. Maybe it was because you missed JJ, or maybe you just didn’t really like the way she looked at her sometimes.
“I just don’t want her to feel left alone now”
“I know, baby and I love you for that, but you were not like her, you did your best ever since the first day, you never needed to prove yourself by lying or anything like that
“Yes, but I did feel very left out at times, and I will never forget how comforted it made me feel that you included me and asked me for help at times”
“yes, but that was because I was trying to get in your pants” she laughs and closes her eyes slightly as in “I can’t believe you’re saying that” way.
It’s sometimes surprising how shy Emily can get specially considering her confidence in the bedroom, and also how she would slip some suggestive comments about your relationship in front of the team from time to time mostly to surprise them, but you loved both sides of her, and you though her shyness was adorable, so you laugh with her.
“I know it’s important for you, and it’s just so cute how you want to help her, so I’ll forget about it and just stick with Morgan and Reid, but if he touches you, remember I’m armed.”
She smiles, softly, looking at your lips, and she kisses you softly, and you gently kiss her back.
“I promise I’ll compensate you”
“I will hold you on for that one”
It can feel strange to be dressed in your casual work clothes in the middle of a bar but there you are, handing in flyers with Morgan and Reid, you can’t help but to look among all the faces trying to find Emily, completely aware of how bad this could affect her cover, but you can’t help it.
She should be here already, what’s taking her so long?
Someone is suddenly standing behind you, you turn hopeful to see Emily but disappointed to see it’s just Morgan
“is pretty girl looking for her girlfriend?” he teases you
“shouldn't they be here already?” You ask him, ignoring the teasing
“relax beautiful, or you’re gonna blow up their cover, and even Pretty boy here has handed in more flyers than you, don’t get so distracted” he advices you, but you don’t really listen, you just keep walking around until you catch a glimpse of someone standing on a table, you can instantly recognize Emily, wearing a beautiful black dress that hugged her curves perfectly, accentuating her breasts and making her look more beautiful if that was even possible already.
Almost immediately you can see Viper approaching her, he looks so confident in his “alpha male” appearance but you’re certain it will take Emily mere seconds to destroy him.
Then Jordan arrives, she has also dressed up for the occasion but she doesn’t look nearly as hot as your girlfriend. They both engage in a conversation with Viper, visibly suggestive. At the beginning you can tell his confident, he has done this a million times, but as time passes, and the conversation goes on, every time one of her talks he also gets more and more insecure.
You observe how Emily teases him, at one point she gets so close to his mouth you actually believe he’s going to kiss her but she just laughs it off and his body language changes again.
Looking at your beautiful girlfriend interacting in this way from afar was making you feel more and more aroused it even embarrassed you that it was turning you on, but you couldn’t help it. I mean, how could you when she just looked like that? You couldn’t even blame yourself every time you looked at her mouth and how her lipstick suited her perfectly.
Everything happens quicker than you thought, first thing you notice is how their face expressions change, and suddenly they’re walking away, leaving Viper there, and picking up the phone probably to call Hotch. You look for Morgan and Reid and tell them it’s time to leave.
Back at the precinct you catch Emily when she’s entering the changing room again, you check that Jordan isn’t inside too, and get in with her.
“you look… wow” it’s the first thing you say to her. She’s looking straight at you, with a smile on her face, hinting she probably has something in mind for you
“you liked it?”
“Em, you look so beautiful”
“I could see you there in the back you know?” she grabs you by the waist, gently pushing your back against the lockers, you surround her with your arms for support, she keeps talking seductively, with her face so close you yours that your lips could crush if you just moved a bit closer. Instead you both just remain there, as Emily talks, just millimeters away from kissing
“really?” you ask, it’s a stupid question but you’re too surprised to say something coherent right now.
“really, yeah, you were practically drooling, was I doing that to you baby? “
“yes, god Emily yes”
She closes the space between us, her lips crashing against yours, practically devouring you, softly, full of lust.
Emily’s kisses were like that, no matter how much they lasted she always left you wanting more.
Her hands pull your waist to hers, grabbing your flesh desperately, anywhere she could find it. You run your finger through her soft black curls. Her tongue finds yours in a matter of seconds and suddenly the kiss turns into something bigger, her hands travel down to find your ass giving it a gentle squeeze because you know how much I love that she grabs your ass and how much it turns you on
You hear a knock on the door interrupting the scene, and you fly away from each other in less than a second
“Come in!” Emily just says a bit too loud. Her cheeks are red, and when Jordan enters she notices
“sorry, am I interrupting something?” she says, but it’s not a real apology
“no, sorry I was already leaving” you reply maybe a little too fast, and with one last look to Emily, you leave.
After a case is closed you always feel like an eternity has passed. You are way so tired you can barely stand anymore, but at least you’re glad you got there in time to save the last woman the unsub had taken before something horrible happened to her.
You enter your hotel room, the one you shared with Emily. You started sharing rooms during cases after you made your relationship public, Hotch thought it was for the better since you wouldn’t be sneaking out of your rooms every night, and technically you were saving money.
“my feet are killing me, maybe those heels weren’t such a great idea as I thought” she sits on the bed, and you help her take her shoes off
“if I remember correctly, you had promised something to me” she grabs you by the waist, getting you closer to her, looking up from where she’s sitting
She simply smiles, looking up at you
“you know me. Im a woman of my word” she starts unzipping your pants, pulling them off your legs, she leaves a little kiss right on top of your underwear, she grabs them and pulls them down just like she did with your pants.
You start unbuttoning your shirt, and she does the same thing, but before she can finish you interrupt her
“you’ve undressed many times today already, let me be the one who takes you clothes off now” you move to sit next to her and you take her shirt off, then to unzipping her pants. It doesn’t take muck more for Emily to take the lead. She pushes you down so your back is laying flat on the bed, just to finish unbuttoning your shirt and opening it to discover you’re not wearing a bra underneath
“look at what we have here!” she teases you
“you look beautiful like this baby, did you enjoy the little act on the bar today? Because I think it turned you on, you couldn’t take your eyes off of me could you?” she says positioning herself on top of you, straddling you, lowering her face to kiss your cheek, then your neck, leaving soft and wet kisses all over your jaw.
“Yes, Em god yes” you say completely out of breath
“was my baby jealous?” she asks, alternating kisses between words
“I was” you admit, completely at her mercy, and very turned on by how her fingers trace all around your stomach, your chest, how she whispers in your ear and kisses everywhere she can reach.
“you’re mine, baby” she whispers in your ear, and moves to bite of on your earlobe
“I’m yours” you answer, and you can feel her smile forming on her lips against the tender skin right behind your jaw where she was kissing you
She started her trip down your body, leaving wet kisses all along your skin, stopping suddenly when she reached the hemline of your underwear. She put her hair between her ears and instead of going on to where you wanted her, she began kissing her way up your thighs, nipping the sensitive skin there which you were sure will leave small purple marks tomorrow that you were too ashamed to admit you loved carrying with your for the whom day, watching them on your own reflection on the mirror, tracing with your fingers the same path her lips had made hours ago.
She reached closer to your centre, lingering right where your thighs ended and met the elastic on your underwear. This had you bucking up your waist to her face, which caused a giggle from her
“someone’s eager”
“Em you’ve teased me enough already, just please” you say out of breath, begging her to get where you wanted her the most
“I can’t say no to you” she kisses you right in the middle of your underwear, the sudden contact making you moan in pleasure
“Fuck. Em” your hands practically flew to wrap your fingers between her hair.
She uses her own mouth to lower your underwear with her teeth, and taking them all the way off using her right hand, the other one never leaving its place. Other times Emily would simply move your underwear enough to get exactly what she wanted, but tonight she needed you naked, nothing more than you on her head.
Before you could complain on her slow pace, her lips crashed against yours, she moaned in your mouth and you did the same, simultaneously she cupped you, a slight cry in pleasure leaving your lips
“Emily please, just ple-“ Emily cut you off by burying two fingers inside you, the sudden pleasure causing a long, loud moan escape your lips.
You were both always so vocal about your time together even when staying at hotels, so you could count that Morgan would be teasing you about it tomorrow since he was the one sharing a wall with you. But you could not be bothered.
“Am I hurting you?” She asked with genuine concern on her eyes.
“No, it’s perfect just don’t stop” she smiled against your lips. You decided to take advantage of the situation, and moved the one hand that wasn’t wrapped on her hair, to meet her centre, and gently run your finger through her.
“Fuck. Don’t stop” she breathed before kissing you again.
She continued to move her fingers inside of you and you met each thrust but you almost fell apart when she pressed her thumb against your clit and rubbed
One last hard press against it had you coming undone, Emily let you ride your orgasm, although it doesn’t take her long to reach her high as well and she comes apart collapsing on top of you.
The heavy breaths filled the silent room, you caressed her hair, and she gave you a last peck on the lips before getting off of you, moving so you could face each other, she wraps her arm around your waist and brings you as close to her as possible.
“I couldn’t stand the way she was looking at you today” you admit
“How she looked at me? Don’t you mean he?” She asks
“I mean both of them, Viper and Jordan”
“Oh c’mon, you’re not being serious” she laughs it off
“I’m serious, I really think she’s into you”
“You’re not even jealous anymore, you are being completely unreasonable now”
“Ok, whatever you say, just remember, my gay radar never fails” you tell her to make her laugh, but you’re not totally joking
“Just so you know, Viper was right. I did have someone in my mind”
“Oh? And who might that be?” You say teasingly
“Try and guess” she says, going for another kiss that you reciprocate with a big smile on your lips.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:
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anonymousewrites · 3 months
Nature of the Human Soul (Book 1) Chapter Ten
Platonic! Hazbin Hotel x Teen! Reader
Father Figure! Alastor x Teen! Reader
Chapter Ten: Deals and Darling Overlords
Summary: After a disastrous meeting with Heaven, Alastor offers Charlie a solution to the extermination problem. (Y/N) meets a new overlord.
            The portal to Heaven opened up again, and everyone looked at it expectantly. Charlie and Vaggie stepped through, one after the other. Instantly, everyone frowned. Charlie was refusing to look at Vaggie, and Vaggie looked uncomfortable and gazed at Charlie sorrowfully.
            “What the fuck happened you two?” asked Angel, as tactless as ever.
            “The, uh, meeting with Heaven didn’t go well,” said Vaggie quietly.
            “What?” said Husk, frowning.
            Charlie crossed her arms, looking down. “The extermination is still coming, and Adam is coming for the hotel first.”
            “He’s what?” said (Y/N), blinking.
            “And I just discovered I’ve been lied to,” said Charlie sadly.
            “Charlie—” Vaggie reached out.
            “You should have told me!” said Charlie.
            “Uh oh,” said Angel, looking between them.
            “I wasn’t sure how to,” said Vaggie.
            “You were an exorcist!” said Charlie. She turned away. “And you didn’t say anything to me.” She ran up the stairs before anything else could be said.
            Vaggie looked down sadly before glancing up. She cringed as she felt the weight of everyone’s eyes on her.
            “You were an exorcist?” said Husk, narrowing his eyes.
            “I was,” admitted Vaggie. “But I…I stopped. I couldn’t hurt someone, and I was punished for it.” She touched her missing eye for a moment. “I don’t regret it, though. The exorcists…they’re in the wrong.” She looked at the group. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell anyone. I wasn’t sure how. But I swear, I’m here to protect you and help you. You’re my friends.”
            “…Okay.” (Y/N) nodded.
            “Okay?” repeated Vaggie.
            “I believe you. I don’t think you’d still be here if you didn’t really believe in Charlie and the hotel,” said (Y/N). “So I believe that you know you were in the wrong as an exorcist.”
            Husk shrugged and crossed his arms. “You’re intense and mean as fuck sometimes, but you’re not that bad.”
            “I agree!” said Pentious.
            “I guess you’re fine, toots,” said Angel. “And who hasn’t done some bad stuff? We’re in Hell for a reason.”
            Vaggie smiled slightly. She was still accepted.
            “So, like, where are your wings?” Niffty went straight to her own curiosity.
            Vaggie deadpanned. “Niffty, I don’t have—”
            “Did you ever think maybe she’s sensitive about her lack of wings, just like her lack of tits?” snickered Angel. He was right back to making fun of Vaggie.
            “Yeah. Where are your tits?” said Niffty, attempting to look down Vaggie’s shirt.
            Vaggie sighed, back to being annoyed by everyone. “Any other questions?”
            “I got one.” Husk had settled in a chair with a drink. “How come every time Charlie talks to Heaven we get in deeper and deeper shit?”
            “It’s not her fault,” said Vaggie. “Angels are just—”
            “Jerks?” suggested (Y/N).
            “—difficult,” said Vaggie. “But Charlie’s trying her best.”
            “That’s turning out real well right now,” muttered Husk.
            “And what is Miss Fearless Leader doing? Is she running away from the situation? Should we be doing that?” said Angel. “Or is it time for another ‘doomed-to-fail’ plan?”
            “She’s coming up with something, I’m sure,” said Vaggie. She frowned. “In our room. Alone.”
            No one noticed Alastor melt into the shadows.
            “What could she possibly be coming up with this time?” said Husk. “The exorcists are coming sooner than ever. They’re coming for us. There is no way to fix this.”
            “I’m sure there is,” said Vaggie. “We just haven’t found it yet.”
            “I have a question,” said (Y/N).
            “What?” said Angel.
            “Does no one ever fight the angels?” they asked, twirling a vine around their finger.
            “Angels can’t be harmed. They can give us our final deaths, and we can’t do shit to them,” said Angel, rolling his eyes.
            (Y/N) frowned. “So we’re just supposed to sit here and die?”
            “That’s what Heaven wants,” growled Husk.
            “That’s super shitty,” said (Y/N).
            “Life is shitty,” said Angel. “And the afterlife.”
            “At leassst our sssituation can’t get any worssse,” said Pentious.
            On cue, a green light enveloped the entire hotel. Voodoo symbols glowed on the roof, and magical energy hummed in the air, ominous and foreboding.
            “No, no!” shouted Vaggie worriedly, running upstairs towards her and Charlie’s room.
            (Y/N) didn’t waste a second and ran up after her, determined to understand what was going on. They arrived at the hotel room a moment after Vaggie. The green light had subsided, and Alastor was walking out with a self-satisfied grin.
            “Ah, (Y/N), perfect timing,” said Alastor. “You and I are running an errand with Charlie.”
            “What happened in there?” asked (Y/N), frowning.
            “Just a little deal-making,” said Alastor cheerfully. He tapped (Y/N)’s head with his cane lightly. “Now turn that frown upside-down. We’re never fully dressed without a smile, remember?”
            “Right, right,” said (Y/N), putting on a smile.
            “Good,” said Alastor, leading the way downstairs.
            “What errand are we running?” asked (Y/N).
            “Exorcists can be killed with angelic weapons,” said Alastor.
            I knew there had to be a way to fight back, thought (Y/N).
            “We need numbers to fight, so that’s what we’re going to get,” said Alastor. His grin widened and became genuine. “We’re visiting an old friend of mine.”
            (Y/N) was about to ask if this friend would cause trouble like Mimzy, but Charlie’s voice cut through, first.
            “We have a job to do.”
            Alastor and (Y/N) turned to see Charlie emerging from her room.
            She looked back at Vaggie. “You with us?” Charlie didn’t wait for an answer and turned away. “Are you ready, Alastor?”
            “Of course,” said Alastor. “And (Y/N) is coming with us.” He neglected to mention he had decided they were.
            “Let’s go,” said Charlie, nodding firmly.
            It was time to start the preparations for one of the biggest fights of their afterlives.
            (Y/N) glanced at the sign saying “Cannibal Town” as they walked with Charlie and Alastor in. They really shouldn’t be surprised, it was Hell, but they learned and saw new things every day in the afterlife.
            Speaking of learning new things, (Y/N) was learning about Charlie’s current relationship issues as she rambled.
            “Three years,” groaned Charlie. “Three years I’ve been sharing my life with her. And I tell her everything. My hopes, my dreams, my insecurities, my embarrassing habits. What fucking deodorant I like. And she keeps something like this from me. Why would she lie for so long? Does she think I wouldn’t accept her? What about me, me, says un-understanding…misunderstanding? Disunder—wait, where are we?”
            “Cannibal Town!” said Alastor brightly. “There’s a friend of mine I think you two should meet.” He linked arms with Charlie and (Y/N) and escorted them towards an emporium.
            “In Cannibal Town? But it’s…” Charlie looked around and watched everyone going about their day with more decorum than many other places in the Pride Ring. “It’s…surprisingly nice here.”
            “I like how calm it is,” said (Y/N). Compared to so many other places, it really was nice.
            “Isn’t it, though?” agreed Alastor. “And it’s all thanks to a very special someone.” He pushed the doors of the emporium open, and the three stepped inside.
            “Well, who hasn’t thought about eating their first husband?” A charmingly dressed demon with skeletal features laughed lightly. “I certainly would have if he didn’t taste so bad!” She smiled at her customer. “I tell you what. You bring old tall, dark, and armless to me, and I’ll straighten them right out, okay, sweetie? Now, here’s my card, and—” She noticed Alastor. “Oh my stars. Do my eyes deceive me?” She smiled with genuine joy.
            Alastor waved, and (Y/N) noticed that he seemed truly pleased to see her.
            “Alastor? Alastor!” The woman ran up. “Where have you been?” She grabbed Alastor’s shoulders, and he smiled as she spun him around affectionately. “These halls really lost some of their sparkle without your lively presence and—” She noticed Charlie looking around. “Oh. Who’s this you brought with you? Come now, Alastor, she’s much to young for you,” she teased before laughing. “Oh, I’m just kidding. I know you’re an ace in the hole.”
            “A what now?” said Alastor, completely clueless.
            (Y/N) perked up. Alastor was asexual, like they were. That was…nice.
            The demoness woman saw them behind Alastor, and her smile widened. “And you brought another friend? Alastor, you’ve been so sociable!” She grinned at (Y/N). “You’re adorable! Look at those roses—can I touch?” she asked.
            “Uh, sure?” said (Y/N).
            The demoness gently traced a rose on (Y/N)’s head, and (Y/N) felt a smile appear on their face. She was soft and kind. “How sweet! Oh, I love roses.”
            (Y/N) really liked her energy. She felt comfortable to be around, calm and warm.
            “But where are your manners, Mister?” said the woman, putting her hands on her hips and looking at Alastor. “Introduce us, why don’t you?”
            “Ah, yes, Charlie, (Y/N), this is Rosie,” announced Alastor. “The most darling, delightful, and dangerous Overlord this side of the pentagram!”
            Rosie curtsied. “Oh, always such a charmer.”
            “And, Rosie, it’s my pleasure to introduce you first to Princess Charlie Morningstar—” Alastor pushed her forward “—daughter of Lucifer and heir to the throne of Hell!”
            “How do you do?” said Charlie nervously.
            “Well, well, isn’t this a regal surprise?” said Rosie, smiling. “And what about the little rose demon?”
            “This is (Y/N),” said Alastor. “My protégé.”
            “Hi,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “A protégé?” Rosie raised a brow, running through all of her thoughts and opinions on that before smiling. “How nice! Alastor needs to make more friends. Now, come in, come in.” She pulled (Y/N) and Charlie farther into the emporium. “Can I offer you something to eat? I’m sure I have a leg around here or something. Oh, what am I thinking, that’s too heavy. How about something lighter on the stomach? How about some nice pinky fingers?”
            “Um, no, no. Thank you, though,” said Charlie, staring at the pinky fingers.
            “I’m alright, thank you,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “Oh, look at you two, so polite!” Rosie patted (Y/N) and Charlie on the head. “Alastor, you could learn a thing or two.” She pulled (Y/N) and Charlie to a sitting room. “Well, sit down, sit down. Tell Auntie Rosie what she can do for you.” Charlie sat down like a client, but before any business, Rosie grinned at Alastor. “You know, Alastor, I got a primo connect on a guy with about eight blocks of territory and not enough goons to run it. Prime pickings for a deal to be made.”
            “I appreciate the offer, but we’re here on business of another kind,” said Alastor, gesturing to Charlie.
            “Well, don’t keep me in suspense,” said Rosie. She picked up her teacup. “I’m a very busy woman.”
            “Well, as you know…” Charlie cleared her throat and broke down into panic. “The extermination is coming early. It’ll be here in a month. And they’re coming for my hotel and my friends first. And I-I-I—”
            “We need your help,” said (Y/N).
            “Your cannibals’ help, at least, to fend off the attack,” added Alastor.
            “Wow, when you ask a favor, you don’t start small, do you, Your Highness?” said Rosie. Charlie’s face fell, and Rosie smiled comfortingly. “Oh, now, don’t fret. I didn’t say I wouldn’t help, but I assume there’s more to this plan than a bunch of unarmed cannibals.”
            “Oh, your people will be far from helpless when we’re done with them,” said Alastor. His grin sharpened. “And by the end, they will be able to eat their fill.”
            “Well, in that case, sure. Why not?” chirped Rosie.
            “Really?” said Charlie, eyes wide.
            “Thank you,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “What can I say? I like your moxie, girl, and you’re just so sweet, darling,” said Rosie, smiling at Charlie and (Y/N). She grinned at Alastor, and the genuine friendship between the two was palpable. “And old Alastor has never done me wrong before.”
            “Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!” said Charlie.
            “Yes, thanks,” agreed (Y/N), smiling. They might have a chance as long as they got the cannibals completely on their side and armed them.
            (Y/N) had a chance to keep their family.
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theemporium · 1 year
Pretty sure you asked for this!
Blurb choice one: Sirius jealous cuz reader on a date with some other marauder!
number two: reader doesn’t like marauders but meets up with their anamiguis forms a lot. Doesn’t know identity of animals.
I’m so bad at spelling, no pressure to do one, love your writing!
these are both so cute but i just had to do the first one!! thank you for requesting!🖤
“Is he still glaring?” 
“Oh yeah, he’s pissed.” 
“I think he’s planning how he’s going to kill me.”
You couldn’t help but let out a snort. “He brought it on himself.” 
And Remus Lupin couldn’t help but agree with you. 
He adored his friends, he truly did. He loved them with each and every single one of their flaws. He would always love them no matter what. But sometimes—just sometimes—they needed to have their buttons pushed and their stubbornness challenged. 
The friend in question being none other than Sirius Black. 
Sirius was known throughout Hogwarts for being a charmer. He was a flirt, a huge one even. He would flirt with anything that moved and most people knew it was harmless, that it was just a part of his personality and it became something that people adored him for. However, the second Sirius caught actual feelings, he would shut down. 
And that was exactly what happened to you.
It was like a flip that switched overnight. One day you would be sitting next to each other in class, giggling and whispering and sending each other notes to make the other one laugh until a professor told them off. And then the next day he was avoiding you like a plague, shoulders tense and face stoic whenever he spoke to you. 
Sirius wasn’t good at dealing with emotions, especially when they were as strong as he felt for you and he would panic. He would shut down, almost like a survival mechanism to stop him from getting hurt. 
But he didn’t realise you got hurt instead. 
That was why Remus stepped in, because he saw what his friend was doing and he knew nothing he said to Sirius would make him change. He needed a push, he needed something to fuel him. And what better than jealousy?
It was why Remus brought you to the Three Broomsticks, telling you his plan as you both slid into a booth that was directly in Sirius’ line of view. It was why Remus had made a show of putting his arm around you, whispering in your ear about how red in the face his friend was. 
It was why Remus took you out on the makeshift date in the first place, if not to push his friend then to at least cheer you up.
However, the final button was pushed the second Sirius saw Remus twirl a strand of your hair around his finger, a smirk on his lips and his eyes slowly moving down your face—and it was too much. He needed to step in. 
“You two look cosy!” Sirius commented, a false smile on his face as he stood in front of the booth, staring down his friend. 
“We are, thanks,” Remus replied, biting back his laughter when he squeezed you closer to him. “It’s probably one of the best dates I’ve ever been on.” 
Sirius narrowed his eyes. “Really?” 
“Totally,” Remus smiled. 
“You’re gonna make him pop a blood vessel,” you laughed as you playfully smacked Remus’ chest, missing the way Sirius’ jaw clenched at the action.
“What? It’s not like Sirius has a problem with our date,” Remus mused, a knowing glint in his eyes as he looked at his friend. “Right, Pads?”
Sirius scoffed. “You’re a bastard.” 
“That’s not an answer,” Remus sang, enjoying the way his friend squirmed on the spot. 
“Just fuck off already,” Sirius huffed as he nodded towards the table he had been sitting at earlier, where the rest of their group was watching the interaction in amusement. 
Remus didn’t say anything but the smug look on his face said more than enough as he slid out of the booth, patting Sirius on the back before he headed off. Sirius, though, was still pouting as he slid into the booth next to you. 
“You’re lucky you’re still pretty when you pout, Black,” you teased lightly, nudging him with your elbow until he turned to face him. 
“You think I’m pretty?” Sirius murmured, his cheeks flushing. He was aware he was attractive, he wasn’t stupid. But for some reason hearing you say it made his stomach erupt with butterflies.
“The prettiest,” you nodded. “Even if you can be a bit of an idiot.” 
“Let me make it up to you,” Sirius said, his friend now the last thing on his mind as he reached to take your hand in his. 
“You’ll have plenty of dates to redeem yourself, Black,” you assured him, the promise of multiple dates in the future making him smile.
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choco-ochako · 26 days
OMG HII!! I'm also a new writer alsooo! So I want to request you:3!!!
how about some deku x FEM/AFMAB!reader? pro hero deku and him talkiing to his wife after defeating a villain! her being worried and him wanting to jump make her feel good? THNX ٩(๑> ₃ <)۶♥
HIII!! EEKK! I’m SO excited about requests! Consider your wish granted! Enjoy!
PS! Go check out Luvvy! She’s such a great writer!! ♡︎
Pro Hero Deku x Fem reader !!
Genre: Fluff + Smut !!
~ !Sub Izuku x !Dom fem reader ~
Warnings: Breeding, Oral, Blowjob, tit fuck, grinding, slight overstimulation, pleading/obeying!
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You were pacing back and forth in your living room, eagerly awaiting your husband's return.
The time was dragging on, and it was getting late. Earlier, he had sent you a message saying he would be home by 8pm, but later you received a text saying he would be later then planned due to work and apologizing.
Being married to the top hero in Japan had its perks, but also it’s flaws. Balancing his hero duties with your relationship was challenging, but you knew he was giving his all for you.
He made efforts to spend time with you, but sometimes work got in the way. You tried you best to not let it bother you, but sometimes it hurts.
Izu💚: “Hey honey, I’m so sorry. I won’t be home til late again. I thought I’d be home by 8, but the agency wanted me to go out. they found these specific villains we’ve been trying to find for months. Don’t worry, I’ll be home soon and I’ll make it up to you soon, I promise. Love you <3”
You: “it’s okay Izu, I know your work is very important and difficult. I won’t make it a big deal, just stay safe and I’ll be waiting for you, love you too. 💗”
[ Izu💚 Liked your message ]
You didn't want to cause him concern or show him that you were truly disturbed. You placed your phone on the coffee table and relaxed on the comfortable couch while watching your favorite TV show.
You ended up falling asleep on the sofa. Soon a gentle voice softly called out your name, being careful not to startle you.
You slowly opened your eyes and were greeted by your husband. As soon as you recognized his face while still half asleep, you hugged him tightly.
He sighs and returns the hug, making an effort to provide you comfort. You don't want to inconvenience him, but you always find yourself feeling anxious.
“Baby, I’m okay see? Still in one piece. I’d never ever not just come home, I’ll always come home to you. That’s a promise. You are my wife, I’d do anything for you and to keep you safe, make you happy, whatever you need. I’m so sorry I’m not here as much as you wish I was.”
The guilt look on his face deepened, you knew you weren’t upset with him deep down. He kissed your hand politely. Such a gentleman 😭💗..
“What happened out there Izu? I know you do everything you can, I’m sorry I get so worried, you are the best hero out there. Sometimes I forget I’m married to him. I just wish the agency didn’t need you as much. They shouldn’t keep relying on you all the time.”
The silence was loud until Izuku broke it. He felt bad but, didn’t know what to exactly say, not that he didn’t agree, cause he definitely did.
“That’s true, I’ve tried to point that out to my boss, but clearly that doesn’t always work. I really wanna work less to be with you hun, work on our own personal lives and have a family at some point. It’s all I ever want love.”
He’d caress you cheek gently while speaking.
“I missed you too, the villain I had to deal with was a pain in the ass to say the least. But we eventually got him taken care of, and he got arrested. We’ve been looking for him for months, so it’s about time he got what was coming. I just wanna keep everyone safe, most importantly you safe.”
You humbly accepted his apology and kissed him softly. You felt safe to say the least now, and happy he’s home now.
“It’s okay, I forgive you. It’s not even your fault, just jobs being jobs. So I don’t take it personally babe.”
You smiled at him and sat into his lap hugging him. Eventually you pulled away from the embrace and put your hand on his face gently caressing his cheek, with your other hand on his shoulder, almost around his neck. The slow movements and missing your beloved husband made you get aroused.
You just wanted to make love with your husband you hardly see anymore. Gently grinding on him at first. Izuku knows exactly what you are doing, but won’t complain. He loves it when you get like this, especially if it’s been some time since you’ve both even remotely spent time together sexually or not.
“Aha, I see you really missed me huh? Don’t think I don’t see what you’re doing hun.”
He laughs eventually putting his hands on your waist. His hands slowly going down grabbing your ass, cupping it firmly. That makes you squeak slightly but you loved it.
You both knew what was about to happen, so you both went for it. You leaned into him kissing him firmly. Izuku kissed you back while cupping your ass once again.
You loved it when he’d touch you like this, you’ve been wanting it for a while now. Sloppy moans filling up the room by just kissing and grinding, you both knew you wanted to take it further.
You eventually stood up just to get on your knees in front of him. He knew what was next and honestly, he’s still pretty shy til this day about you seeing him naked. You find it cute, who wouldn’t? Being married for so long and still embarrassed is just so adorable.
You slowly unzipped his pants and took them off, he helped with his belt, and just like that. You could tell he was hard even before you took his pants off, but damn he was seriously hard for you.
The bulge peaking in his boxers made you wanna hurry, but you didn’t. Taking your sweet time with him. You took his boxers off. Izuku blushed heavily, his dick just inches away from your face.
You immediately stared at it and started stroking him. His silent moans from this made it even harder for you to not rush this.
“A-ah.. baby.. please.. use your mouth, I-i need you.. hah..”
He pleaded like a puppy, you thought it was just the cutest thing, so obedient.
“Don’t worry izu, I’ll make sure you’ll get everything you deserve.”
You took your shirt off carefully, he watched your movements. Seeing your laced bra was doing the trick, taking that off as well throwing it behind.
Your chest was bare, izuku looked flustered as usual seeing you shirtless, he loves it desperately. Carefully, you lined up your boobs against his cock to do a nice tit fuck, maybe even using your mouth as well.
His moans being so pure to the moment, the friction between the both of you.
“Fuck.. babygirl, your tits are so soft.. ah.. hah..”
You giggled at this and while giving him a pleasant tit fuck, you put his cock in your mouth. Making him a little overstimulated, you loved it. You were taking a nice bit of him down your throat while using your soft chest to your advantage.
“You think you can do two rounds baby? I really want you to cum all over my tits and face.”
He’d talk in between moans.
“I-I can.. hah.. I’d love to cum right now, b-baby please faster, I’m almost t-there..”
You loved his pleading, but because you loved it, it was time you gave him this opportunity to cum all over you. You starting going faster and eventually he came just like that all over you.
“C-cumming.. f-fuck! Ahh..hah.!”
Strings of sticky hot cum was all over your body, you had stuck out your tongue as well and caught some. You were a mess, he loved it do desperately.
“Ahh.. s-sorry baby.. I didn’t know how much I-i”
You stood up immediately and kissed him, during the kiss you sat back in his lap. Moaning in between kisses, gasps for air. Eventually you pulled off for a moment and giggled.
“It’s more than okay babes, I love when your this pent up, makes it’s more fun for the both of us, more cum for me to enjoy.”
Caressing his cheek, you slowly took off your bottoms and panties. He helped you ever so slightly, grabbing on to your body.
Slight moans fill up the room, kisses all over the place as you undress. You both have needed this desperately.
“You do things to me babygirl..”
You giggled once again at his words again. Once you got all your clothes off, you straddled his hips and positioned yourself onto him. Slowly going down on him. It felt amazing.
“H-ah.. b-baby… you’re so t-ti-tight…I can’t re-restrain myself.. hah… p-please m-move…”
The pleading made this even more enjoyable, to the both of you, he knew it excited you. With a simple nod of your, you moved your body up and down slowly continuously on his length.
The sounds of your wetness, Izuku’s cum along with your saliva made the sweetest plopping sounds. He eventually moved his hands back on to your lower waist grabbing it firmly and also slamming you down on him
Moans filled the room, and you just loved seeing his lewd face, seeing your husband, again the number one hero at your mercy.
You could just cum right now thinking about it, but the fact it’s happening right now and better than ever made hanging on for a while longer so much more enjoyable. Eventually the pace increased.
“F-fuck! I-izu.. a-ah.. har-harder!”
Moans, whimpers and groans echoing throughout the house. He took your request to heart and started being more rough while pounding into to you. He loved watching your body move on him, especially seeing your chest bounce in his face.
Getting fucked like this was a dream to you, Izuku is definitely not as dominant as he seems to be, but man did you love it when he had this pent up energy to just rail you, but also doing so while you are in charge still.
“I-izu! I-I’m about— t-to cum..!”
You yelped while continuously going up and down on his cock, but also with Izuku moving his hips and slamming you onto him with great speed and force.
“C-cum with me b-baby.. hah… do it for me sweetheart..!”
Higher pitched moans filled the room once more and one loud moan released from the both of you. He came inside of you, and you came on his cock. He loved it just as much as you did. He’s never bred you before, but he knew it’s something you wanted to happen.
“Ahh.. hah… I-Izuku… I- I missed you.. so.. so much..”
Hugging him while he was still inside of you. He giggled and comforted you with a warm and gentle hug back.
“I-i.. missed you too my love, I promise we will have our own time more often.. hah..”
Both of you still out of breath from the hottest sex you’ve both had in a long time with each other.
“I love you, so much.”
He kissed your forehead moving your hair out of your face.
“Let’s get cleaned up, and we can relax. This will be our time babe, I’ll be taking tomorrow off.”
He smiled at you, he felt bad for taking to much time away from you. He loved his job, it’s something he’s worked for, for most of his life.
But it’s good to put the important people first, take the chances you can with that special person. You smiled and nodded at him.
You eased yourself off of him and both of you started walking to the bathroom to take a nice relaxing shower together.
“Can we watch a Disney movie!! There’s this one film that I’ve seen on Disney plus but never sat down to actually watch it.”
Excitement you felt just remotely spending time with him. He laughed and felt so lucky to have you as his wife.
“Haha! Of course babe, anything for you.”
— [ Time skip after the shower! ] —
You both dried off and got some comfortable pjs on, of course you put on only some panties and one of Izuku’s all might shirts, it was pretty big on you but that made it even better.
As soon as you both get settled down, you both laid in bed snuggling together while watching [Fav Disney film] basically though you fell asleep half way through the movie.
Izuku was still watching until he noticed you were out. He laughed to himself in awe and kissed your cheek and turned off the TV.
“Good night sweetheart..”
And just like that, a night I’d say successful in a wholesome and sexy way…
————- ♡︎ ————-
A/n: I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS!!! My first actual smut on my blog!! ^w^ I love me some Izuku content <3
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fishsticksloser · 1 year
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Hobie x gn!reader
Warnings: swearing, angst, comfort, slight open ending (but I have a feeling I know what most people will pick)
A/N: I didn't expect part one to be so loved. Wow. I'm stunned and just... Really flattered. Thank you guys so much. Apologizes, I don't use text talk at all, I text like I would talk in person. Also! You can now request Spiderverse characters (as long as they're on my masterlist)
Preface  |  Bad
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It's been months since Hobie dumped you. You tried to move on, but it was difficult. You had a box of his things to give back, but yet you couldn't part with some of them. The feeling and smell of his hoodies were a comfort, but you knew you had to give them back. Hobie hadn't spoken to you since that night. You texted to ask when and where he'd pick up his things, but got no answer. You missed him. you weren't sleeping, your eating schedule was also messed up. But you didn't blame him or yourself. Sometimes things are just destined to fall apart.
You hear his car outside, which comes as a surprise. He’s never come back here before. The knock on your door echoes throughout the house, sending goosebumps down your body. You approach the door, heart in your throat, and open it slowly, finding Hobie. His face is guarded, eyes downcast, his usual smirk replaced with a tense expression. He holds his keys in one hand, a duffel bag in the other, and your hoodie, freshly laundered. You can smell the detergent, but it doesn’t get rid of his unique scent.
"I'm guessing you're here for you things...?" You ask softly, not expecting him to come here. You step aside for him to come in.
"We need to talk," he says, stepping inside slowly. You’re not sure if you like this new serious vibe of his. It’s almost as if he’s a bit... frightened? He’s always been so sure of himself that seeing this side of him almost makes him feel like a stranger. He shifts his weight nervously and looks at you expectantly, waiting for you to respond or say something first.
"Okay...?" You mumble, closing the door behind him. You turn to face him, waiting for him to continue. He stares at you for a moment, biting his lower lip unconsciously before he speaks again.
"I miss you." It’s simple, blunt, and leaves you speechless at first. You know you’ve missed him too. He must have noticed that you hadn’t responded to his texts. "It hurts to be without you... And the more I think about it, the more I realize that you’re important to me." He takes a deep breath, looking down at his jeans for a moment before he looks up. "I don’t want to lose you."
You tug on your clothes anxiously, having not slept well since he dumped you and eating less. "You should've thought of that before you dumped me... And said all those things."
"I know… I’m sorry, Y/N. Fuck... I really am." He takes a deep breath before continuing. "I made a mistake, okay? I’m here to fix it. Let’s just start from the beginning, we don’t have to go any further than that. Just, please… give me another chance."
You’ve never seen him this serious before, the gravity of his actions seem to have finally hit him. The usual arrogance he exudes is completely gone, instead replaced with humility, and his eyes are softer than you’ve ever seen them. It’s almost hard to be angry at him—he looks so vulnerable.
"Hobie..." You shake your head and step away, your back against the door. "You-You can't just expect me to welcome you with open arms. You hurt me... Badly..."
"I understand I hurt you. Please, just… let me make it up to you." He continues. “I don’t want anyone else. I want you, Y/N.” His eyes are filled with emotion, raw and vulnerable. Everything inside of him aches knowing that he could lose you because of his stupidity. He reaches out towards you, his hand outstretched, and his gaze is desperate. "What do I have to do to prove to you how much you mean to me, Y/N?" He asks, his voice breaking slightly.
"If you actually wanted to change and try again, you have to do it yourself." You don't move away from his outstretched hand. "I'm not going to tell you how to fix things, you have to do it because I tried... So many times..."
He looks like he’s about to say something—then thinks better of it, looking down. "You’re right." He says finally, nodding slowly. "What do you need from me… to show you that I want this?" He looks up nervously, waiting for your response.
"Show me that you want to try again... And do it right..." You wrap your arms around yourself. "We aren't together anymore, so... Do what you'd do if you wanted to date me... Like when we first met."
"I’ve missed you so much and I know I hurt you… But I promise to make it up to you in any way I can." Hobie glances into the box of his things, the Spider-Totem still poking out from the pile. He smiles and pulls it out, offering it back to you with a sheepish grin. "Do you mind if I have this back?"
"I gave that to you... it's yours." You nod, holding the box out for him to take. "Everything in this box is yours." He takes a moment to look at the box—memories flooding back as he looks at all the things he had left behind. He nods and accepts the box. "Well... You have my number, so... Whenever you decide, let me know."
"I will." He responds, taking another step towards you. This is an important moment for him: he wants to make sure that he gets it right and doesn’t lose you again for his own stupidity. He reaches out for you again, smiling warmly, with that same boyish earnestness he always wears around you. "I promise to be the best partner I can and make it up to you in any way I can."
"Remember... We're starting over... Like the last 3 years didn't happen..."
"'Starting over, from the very beginning'—I know. It means so much to me that you’re giving me another chance.... And I won’t screw it up." He says with a warm smile, stepping through the doorway and waving back at you as he leaves. "I’ll message you soon."
You watch as he walks away—his black hair glinting in the sunlight, as he heads towards his car with the box of his things under his arm. You shut the door once the last of his things are outside and take a moment to consider everything that just happened. Starting over... Starting over. Which means another first date, another first kiss... So many firsts you get to have another try at. And hopefully this time, he stays. It looks like he really is taking you seriously, and you can’t remember the last time you’ve felt so loved and appreciated—even if there’s something in the pit of your stomach that’s telling you to be cautious. It feels good to feel wanted for a change…
It takes almost a week, but finally, you get a text from Hobie.
🕷🖤: Hey! I was thinking maybe we could meet at that cute café we used to go to? I figured it’s a safe, easy place to talk. Does that sound all right with you?
You: Sounds good. What day and time?
🕷🖤: How about tomorrow afternoon? Like… 2 o’clock? I was hoping after that we could take a walk… Is that okay with you?
You know that he’s been busy recently, so you didn’t want to ask for too much of his time.
You: Sounds good to me. I'll meet you there.
The next morning flies by in a whirlwind of anxiety and excitement. It feels like you’re seeing Hobie for the first time all over again. You feel so nervous just thinking about it—the possibility of it finally working out is so much to handle.
You head over to the quaint little café he had suggested, eager to see him. The café has an outdoor seating area that looks pleasant, and you find an empty table. You take a seat and wait for him, fingers nervously fidgeting on the tabletop. After a few minutes, you see him walking in through the cafe’s front door. He looks over at you, and the corners of his mouth turn up in that signature smirk that you never knew you missed. He walks over and takes a seat in the outdoor diner across from you, looking you over and admiring your appearance before smirking again.
"Hey," he says, holding the menu up for the waiter. "You look nice." He adds quietly, with a shy, boyish smile.
"You're late."
"Am not!" He replies, slightly defensive. You can tell he’s not really upset, but he’s clearly trying to hide his embarrassment and cover it up. He tilts his head back and checks his watch before rolling his eyes. "Yeah… you might be right, actually." He scoffs, shaking his head with a smile. You’ve never seen him look quite this… cute.
"10 minutes." You tell him, pushing his coffee to him. You'd ordered it, knowing what he preferred.
"Alright, alright," he says, chuckling. "Just don’t rub it in. I know I messed up." He takes a small sip of his coffee, watching you over the rim of his cup. The shyness he’s showing is very much out of character for him, and his sudden shy demeanor is almost… endearing? You can’t help but notice how handsome he is. The afternoon sunshine hits his gorgeous face in a way that makes you think, Maybe things really will work out this time.
After you finish eating, you go on a walk. You don't hold hands, you don't touch each other at all in fact. Just two friends out for a walk. Two friends that have a bit of history between them. And two friends who might just be trying to rekindle that lost spark.
You wonder if he notices that you’re keeping your distance, too—he’s been pretty careful not to break that touch barrier. He wants to prove that he’s changed, so he’s trying to play it cool at the moment. As much as it’ll eat him alive being so patient, if he wants things to work out, he’s going to stay on his best behavior.
You two walk past a bench in the park, and he gestures to it softly.
"Wanna take a seat?" He asks quietly, sitting down on the bench and spreading his legs out in front of him. He glances at you, a little curious why you’ve been so quiet—usually, you two have small talk for days. Is something the matter? He seems to ask, through his expression alone.
You take a seat next to him. You're not sure what to say. He watches you carefully, waiting for you to speak. You can see the tension rolling off of him by now—he expected a talk here, and he wants to get it over with. He’s been on edge all day, waiting for you to confront him about... something.
When you remain quiet, he looks away slightly, glancing out at the park around you while he waits for you to speak. "If something’s wrong, we should talk it out." He says after a few minutes, his voice quieter than even it was at the coffee shop.
"What you said really hurt me." You confess, looking down as you fidget with your hands. "You told me that your activism and band were more important than me, that I was second place. I guess... I guess I'm have trouble getting past that."
His head drops a little, and he sighs. "I know I have a habit of saying whatever I’m thinking at a certain moment." He explains quietly. "Without thinking about the consequences of… how I word things." He shifts slightly, resting his elbows on his knees as he lets out a sigh. "I guess what I… should’ve said in that moment was that I’m always going to fight for what I believe in, no matter what. But that doesn’t mean I care about you any less…"
"But you thought I was less than." You mumble, not looking at him.
"…You’re not," he responds immediately. His voice is soft, and it’s obvious that he really means it this time—like he’s being completely sincere. His feelings for you are real, true, and as deep as ever. "You’re my partner," he continues. "My soulmate. You’ve always been more important than anything else in my life—I just didn’t see it that way, before. You’re right that I prioritized the wrong things, and I’m sorry for making you feel unappreciated."
"I didn't just feel unappreciated." You shake your head, sighing. "I felt unwanted, unworthy..." Then you whisper. "Like maybe it was because you'd found someone else...?"
"God, no, I didn’t!" He replies, shaking his head and looking at you in shock. If he had known that his neglect would make you think that, he swears he would never have acted that way towards you. He regrets being so self-absorbed—he wishes he could take it all back, but he can’t. All he can do now is show you that he’s changed. "I love you," he says, his voice still quiet, as though it might break if he says it any louder.
You look at him shocked. Those 3 words. He'd never said them before. Those 3 stupid words that you'd always wanted to hear him say. He waits for you to respond, his heart pounding in his ear—he can’t believe he finally said it. He really, truly loves you, and hearing himself say it out loud to you is… so freeing. He just wants to feel your arms around him right now. He hopes that you feel the same way about him, too.
"I love you," he repeats, more clearly this time. He can’t help the smile that spreads across his lips, though it doesn’t fade his nervous expression as he awaits your response. He’s never that before, though he always felt it… now, it’s just nice to be able to say it without any hesitation.
"I love you too..." You answer, still shocked. He smiles, seeming surprised that you answered so quickly. Though the nervousness is still there, he looks like he’s more at ease now. You can see the light in his eyes come back—he still has a long way to go to earn the trust you once had in him, but maybe his feelings are genuine after all—and that makes it easier to believe in him again.
He reaches out to hold your hand. It’s subtle, but something about it is really sweet. He wants to show you that he cares for you. You take his hand without hesitation, your fingers folding together with his. His hand feels warm against yours, and the way the sunlight glistens off of your skin makes you feel all tingly inside. Something about the way he looks at you… as though your relationship was always going to end like this… it makes your stomach twist in the best way possible.
It’s the first step towards getting you back into the place in his heart that you deserve. At least now, he finally knows where his priorities should be. You’re his top priority—always.
You lean forward slightly, an invitation. Yes... Again, you'd made a deal to start over. But after 3 years... Was that really possible? Especially after Hobie finally said those 3 words.
You lean a little closer, and so does he. He looks at you as though he would die if he didn’t kiss you right now. He kisses you tenderly, his other hand coming to rest against the small of your back, holding you close to him. The kiss is gentle, slow, and passionate. At first, neither of you wants to pull away, but as the moment draws to a close after a few minutes, you both part, breathing heavily. God, you could kiss him forever… and you never want this moment to end.
Maybe it really is possible. You always heard that people who loved each other would be able to stay together no matter what—and now, you and Hobie get to put it to the test.
"Do you think we could try again...?" He asks softly, smiling at you. You always knew he was good with his words, and he knows damn well how pretty he looks at the moment. That charming smile of his would be enough to charm anyone, you’re sure of it.
🕷ᵗᵃᵍᵍⁱⁿᵍ: @xxmadamjinxx │ @abbiejoker10 │ @freeingrebels │ @xoxobabe │ @jojo-munson │ @maya-custodios-dionach │ @wisteriaflowersss │ @aaura3 │
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 10 months
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Sugar and Spice: Part 2
(E.M. x Fem!Reader x S.H.) Part 1 Series Masterlist.
Summary: You come to terms with your feelings for both boys, movie night with the gang brings out some jealousy, and Steve finally gets the courage to ask you out. 18+MNDI
Warnings: Eventual smut, Angst(Minor..For now.), Reader Steve and Eddie all having thoughts of self doubt, hurt/comfort, No upside down, mutual pining, eventual Steddie x Reader, No use of Y/N so a ton of pet names (Eddie calls reader “Bunny” and she calls him “Teddy” there’s a cute little backstory behind this that I’ll explain in a later part). I will update each chapter but I think that’s it for this one, lmk if I missed any! WK: 6.3k
A/N: thank you for all the love on part 1 of this fic!! I know it took me a lil longer than I intended to get this part out, I had it all mapped out in my head but I was having a hard time actually writing it down. It definitely took a different direction than I intended but they should be coming out faster now! At least once a week. Next part will have some ✨spice✨ divider by: @firefly-graphics
“You like Steve, right?” Robin reiterated
“W-why would you say that? Like what brought that on? I thought we were talking about Eddie.” You tried to keep your voice even but they could hear just the tiniest shake in it when you spoke.
“Well… you know how I asked what you would do if you met someone you really liked? It’s kinda because I figured you liked Steve. There’s just a vibe there.” She shrugged.
“What do you mean ‘there’s just a vibe there’ I feel like he and I are pretty neutral with each other. I don’t know where you got this idea in your head that I LIKE him, I can barely tolerate the guy.”
“Suuuure, is that why you’re always making goo goo eyes at each other? Or what about when you sit on his lap? Or when he’s all ‘I got you honey’” she said that last part in an attempt to sound like Steve which made you snort. “And you’re all ‘oh Stevieeee thank you soooo much’ kinda seems like a little more than neutral if you ask me.”
“Okay so say I did like Steve? Which I fucking don’t, but if I did it wouldn’t matter anyways. He would never go for a girl like me.” You made sure to let out a laugh that you hoped was convincing enough to hide your slight disappointment at your own words.
“Pft! That’s a joke right?” Nancy said.
“No? Why would I be joking? He literally thought my entire friend group were a bunch of satanist freaks in highschool and I’ve seen the kinds of girls he dates. I mean, look at YOU, I’m nothing like you. But it doesn’t matter either way because I. Don’t. Like him.” You were trying your best to keep up your facade but they could tell you were cracking.
“Well, then you’re just blind. Steve ALWAYS liked you. Even when we were together I’d catch him gazing at you sometimes, and when all of his friends would shit talk you? He would stand up for you. JUST you. ‘She’s really not that bad guys seriously, she just doesn’t surround herself with the right people’” she did the same terrible baritone impression of Steve that Robin did, making you laugh this time.
“Whatever, there’s no fucking way. I don’t understand why we are even still talking about thi-”
“STEVE LIKES YOU! HE TOLD ME!” Robin blurted out before covering her mouth with her hand, her eyes wide. She was fully in meddling territory now and there’s no going back.
You looked back at her with a similar expression, your jaw dropping. “What…?”
“Oh my god ROBIN! Why would you SAY that!?” Nancy snapped at her and you know Robin was responding to her but all you could hear was the blood rushing through your ears. There was no way you heard her right. Steve couldn’t like you?… could he?
A hand waving in front of your face snapped you from your thoughts “HELLLOOOO? Anybody in there? I know I definitely shouldn’t have said that… but you were so sure Steve could never like you that you weren’t even entertaining the idea and you said your thing with Eddie wasn’t official and isn’t going to be so even though I definitely told Steve I wouldn’t meddle I wanted you to know that he does like you because you were so insistent that he didn’t and it just kind of came out and-“
“ROBIN!” You grabbed her shoulders and shook her slightly to get her to look at you. “Can we just calm down for a second? I can’t even compute what’s happening right now. Just take a deep breath.” You started taking a breath in and she took the hint and inhaled along with you. Once you had both taken a few deep breaths you dropped your hands from her shoulders and looked at her.
“You good?”
She nodded in response.
“Okay, so, Steve likes me?..”
“Yes! He does! And Nancy was right, he has always liked you. He’s got this like total schoolgirl crush on you dude. It’s honestly pretty cute how he talks about you.”
Steve talks about you? Steve actually likes you? That can’t be true. But why would Robin lie? She’s his best friend she would know more than anybody..
“Hey! I can see you spiraling, don’t. I’m not lying or whatever reason you’re trying to come up with to convince yourself it’s not true, he actually likes you.”
“That’s… fucking horrible news, FUCK!” You dropped your face into your hands and groaned.
“What!? From how you were talking I thought you were finally going to admit you liked him too!!”
“Robin…” Nancy said before turning to you with a sympathetic look on her face. “I think I get it. You like Steve right? But you never thought he would like you back so you figured it didn’t really matter, you could push it to the back of your mind. But now that you know he does like you, you can’t do that. Which in a normal situation would be a good thing. But this isn’t normal, is it? Because you love Eddie?”
“What, are you a mind reader or something? UGH! This is so fucking stupid. This is exactly why I didn’t entertain this! THIS right here! I don’t want to think about this, I don’t want to think about if Steve likes me or not because then I have to think about what would happen with me and Eddie and that’s the last thing I want to think about EVER! So can we just please watch the fucking movie now!?”
You threw your head back against the couch cushion and sighed. “Fuck, I’m sorry for snapping. I just… can we not talk about this anymore right now or preferably ever please?”
Robin came and sat right next to you, resting her head on your shoulder. “Don’t be sorry babes, I’m sorry for pushing. We don’t have to talk about it anymore, but just know if you do want to, I’m here okay?”
Nancy patted your leg on the opposite side of you “Exactly, you can talk to us any time. We aren’t just Eddie’s friends, we are yours too. Maybe even more so now. We love you. Now let’s look at Patrick Swazye’s ass in those tight jeans…”
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You haven’t seen Steve or Eddie since your conversation with the girls but tonight was movie night at Steve’s house so it was pretty much inevitable unless you decided to veto going all together. Which you knew wouldn’t go over well because if you faked being sick Eddie would come check on you and see that you were in fact, not sick. Then he would ask you a million questions about what’s wrong and know if you were lying, you wanted to avoid that. If Eddie noticed you were acting weird he would get it out of you one way or another and you absolutely did not want him to find out about your feelings for Steve.
So as you got ready, you mentally prepared to be around them both at the same time. It was already almost unbearable before but now that you have spoken your feelings out loud you had no idea how to act. Eddie was picking you up and would be at your apartment any minute so you checked your outfit in the mirror a final time before taking a deep breath and going to the porch to wait for him.
You only sat there for a few minutes before you heard him speeding down the street, metal music blasting through his old vans speakers. He pulled into your driveway with a screech before hopping out to greet you.
“Hey Bunny!” He said as he bounded over to you, extending his hand to help you up off the porch steps and pulling you into his arms. “I missed you.” He mumbled into the hair at the crown of your head, placing a small kiss there.
“Hi Teddy, I missed you too. Even though I saw you two days ago.” You chuckled, nuzzling your face into the soft material of his worn out Black Sabbath tee. A wave of calm washed over you as his familiar scent filled your nostrils. You could do this, it was just like any other movie night you’ve had with the gang since you’ve been home.
“Two days too long!! I always miss you the second I’m away from you.” He looked down at you smiling, placing his hands on either side of your face before nuzzling his nose against your own.
“Can I take you home tonight?” Fuck. Maybe this wasn’t going to be as easy as you thought.
“Y-yeah of course, I always want to go home with you.” You smiled sweetly at him, it was the truth after all.
The drive to Steve’s was like every other time in the car with Eddie. Both of you singing along to and yelling over his music to talk, giggling at each other's dumb jokes. When you pulled into the driveway you didn’t bother getting out, letting Eddie come around to open your door. “Princesses don’t open their own doors.” He would always say.
“After you, your highness” he bowed dramatically as you exited the car, making you laugh.
“Why thank you, muh lord!” You both giggled at each other as you walked up to Steve’s door.
Eddie made sure to grab your hand and place a kiss on it, he wasn’t planning on letting you out of his grasp or sight tonight. Not after that conversation he had with Steve. It’s been eating away at him for days. Was he seriously going to ask you out? Would you say yes? He doesn’t think he could handle it if you said yes. You don’t know it but Eddie has been trying to think of a way to bring up being official to you for weeks now. What Steve said only lit a fire under his ass. Why the fuck did he tell Steve he was scared to be with you? He should’ve just been honest, he probably would’ve backed off. It’s not too late to tell him he was full of shit. Maybe he would let you out of his sight tonight just once, so he could talk with Steve.
The door opened before you could knock, revealing Steve, looking as fine as fucking ever with his hair perfect as always, his stupid fucking red crew neck and jeans fit him perfectly and you wanted to scream. Why did he have to be so goddamn pretty all the time? If he could just be ugly, or even maybe if he would be an asshole like he used to be you wouldn’t have to feel so torn looking at him. You wouldn’t feel like Eddie’s hand suddenly felt heavy in yours.
“Hey guys! You’re the first ones here, I saw you drive up.” He smiled at you as he walked over and when you reached him he grabbed your hand and pulled you by it causing your opposite hand to fall from Eddie’s, wrapping his arms around you in a welcoming embrace.
“Hi Stevie, it’s nice to see you.” You wrapped your arms around him and squeezed, his scent invading your nostrils. It was comforting, not in the same familiar way as the smell of Eddie, but still comforting nonetheless. Eddie noticed the way you leaned into Steve, how the hug lingered just a little too long and he felt like someone poured acid on his insides.
“It’s nice to see you too honey. You look really pretty today.” He smiled down at you, still holding you in his embrace.
“Oh, thank you Steve.” You felt your face warm at his compliment, ducking your head into his chest in embarrassment.
“Hi Harrington.” Eddie sounded anything but pleased and your stomach whirled with a combination of anxiety and excitement. Was he jealous?
“You gonna stand there and flirt with my girl all night or are you gonna let us in?” His girl, it wasn’t the first time you heard him say that, and you knew it wouldn’t be the last, but god did it make your heart skip a beat. This time for more reason than one, you felt Steve tense at Eddie’s words and something in you wanted to comfort him, tell him you weren’t Eddie’s girl. But at the same time, you couldn’t, because it was kind of true, wasn’t it? You were his girl, in a sense.
“Your girl huh?” Steve snorted, but didn’t elaborate. Instead he released you from his hold and stepped to the side to make room for you to come in. The minute Steve let you go Eddie grabbed onto your hand again, dragging you inside behind him.
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Steve was nervous to see you, he'd been rehearsing how he was going to ask you out for days. Robin told him a little bit about her conversation with you (yeah, she totally abandoned the prospect of not meddling in this situation at this point) at first he wanted to freak the fuck out on her for telling you that he liked you but when she further explained he was almost thankful. She didn’t tell him everything, but she told him enough. Enough to give him hope he had some semblance of a chance with you. When she told him that you thought he would never like a girl like you he felt like shit, because who wouldn’t love you? But of course you felt that way based on his track record. He wanted nothing more than to prove you wrong. He wanted to show you how amazing he thought you were, how amazing he always thought you were.
When he heard Eddie’s van drive up he peaked out the window and instantly almost wished he didn’t. Eddie was opening the door for you, bowing dramatically and making you giggle in that cute way that Steve had committed to memory at this point. He grabbed your hand and kissed it, you smiled up at him with a look of love in your eyes. God he wanted you to look at him like that. He decided not to waste anymore time stewing and walked over to the door to open it before you could knock. When he did, he suddenly forgot who Eddie Munson even was. You looked beautiful, you always did, but he had never seen that skirt before. It was the cutest baby pink mini skirt that had little bows on the sides. You were wearing a little white tank top that had a pink bow that matched the color of your skirt, the cutest white and pink thigh high socks, and of course your big chunky boots and studded choker that made the whole look uniquely you.
He couldn’t help but pull you away from Eddie and into his arms. He couldn’t help but tell you how pretty you looked. He had to at least say that instead of dropping down to his knees and worshiping you like he really wanted to. He also wanted to tell you how fucking good you smelled but he stopped himself, not wanting sound like a creep. He probably hugged you for a little too long, but you didn’t seem to mind. He was so lost in you he totally forgot Eddie was even there for a second before he shattered his illusion with those two simple words “my girl”.
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“You got any beer Harrington?” Eddie held your hand tight as you trailed behind him towards Steve’s kitchen.
“Yeah dude, in the fridge.”
You went to release his hand so he could get his drink but he held on tighter as he used one hand to open the fridge, grab a beer, and open it. When he was done he released your hand and you started to walk towards the living area to set your bag down and check out what movies Steve got for tonight but he laced his arm around your shoulder before you could even move and tucked you into his side.
“Eddie, I’m trying to go put my stuff down, why are you being weird?” You laughed and tried to walk off again but he didn’t answer, just held you tighter. “Oh my god Eddie, seriously what’s going on??”
You looked up at him and his jaw was clenched, brows furrowed, eyes set into sluts, glaring. You followed his gaze and saw Steve looking back at him with a very similar expression.
“You guys? What the hell is going on-“ you were cut off by the sound of the doorbell and a chorus of knocks. Steve didn’t say anything, just turned around to open the door.
“UGH! What took you so long!?” Robin groaned when Steve swung the door open, she walked in followed by Nancy, Jonathon, and the kids.
“You were knocking for like two seconds and you rang the doorbell once.” Steve rolled his eyes at his ever dramatic friend before turning to greet everyone else.
Snacks were handed out, drinks poured, and pizza ordered. Everyone was cozied up around Steve’s living room on various couches and bean bangs. You of course ended up on the three person couch between Steve and Eddie and you couldn’t decide if it was a blessing or a curse to have them both this close. All that was left to do was decide on what movie to watch, which was always a battle on nights like this.
“DUDE! You made us watch freakin Pretty In Pink last week and we’ve all seen it a million times, I’m NOT watching Ghost.” Eddie rolled his eyes at Nancy and shot daggers at Steve. He was not going to sit in a room with you and him and watch another fucking romance movie. Pretty in Pink was bad enough, he’s always hated that movie because he disagreed with the ending but now that he felt like he could end up just like Ducky he despised it even more.
“Okay well it’s not up to you MUNSON. If everyone else wants to watch it then you don’t get to bitch about it.” Steve scoffed. “You literally only ever pick horror movies and don’t give any of the other ones a chance because of your pretentious bullshit.”
“Okay well if you didn’t want to watch a horror movie why the hell did you even rent any!?” His voice raised a bit at the end, a little more than it would with their usual banter and everyone felt the tension immediately.
“Umm because she likes them, dumb ass.” Dustin butted in, pointing at you. Steve’s face went red and Eddie’s jaw clenched, the veins on his neck protruding. You felt an outburst coming on and you were not about to let him ruin movie night with his dramatics and what has become apparent to you now, jealousy.
“Okay okay how about this…Steve, you want to watch Ghost, right? And Eddie, you want to watch Child’s Play 2 since it just came out and you’re excited?” They both just nodded, like puppies listening to their owner tell them what to do. “So how about we compromise, since Steve wants romance and Eddie wants horror… How about we watch Edward Scissorhands? It’s got a little of both and I missed it in the theater so maybe we could watch that one?” You and everyone else in the room looked between them expectantly, just wanting to choose a movie at this point.
“Fuckin fine.” Eddie grumbled, crossing his arms and borrowing deeper into the leather of the couch cushions.
“Okay honey, if that’s what you want to watch I’m sure we will all enjoy it.” Steve smiled over at you, placing a hand on your knee before getting up to put the movie in.
“‘Okay honey if that’s what you want’ mehmemehe shut the fuck up.” Eddie mumbles loud enough for only you to hear.
“Oh my god, are you seriously mad right now because he agreed to stop arguing with you? I was literally about to tell you we should ask him if we can take child’s play and watch it back at your place later but if you’re gonna be a dramaaaa queeeen about it then I don’t knowwww” you said playfully rolling your eyes, trying to lighten his mood.
“Okay, fine, but only because I’m the one that gets to take you home and devour you later…” he said the last part in a hushed voice, breath tickling your ear causing a shiver to run down your spine and straight between your legs. Fuck.
Steve came and sat back down and you swear they were both sitting as close to you as possible. Steve’s Jean clad thigh is pressed up against one of your bare ones, Eddie’s on the other. Eddie has his arm around your shoulder and he’s absentmindedly playing with hair at the nape of your neck and the tips of the fingers of the hand on Steve’s thigh keep grazing along your skin. You felt dizzy, and maybe a little sweaty. You couldn’t even focus on the movie you’ve been dying to see, hyper aware of every move they made. Eddie’s hand trailed down your shoulder to caress your collarbone and he accidentally bumped Steve’s arm, noticing his hand touching your thigh. His nostrils flared and he held back the possessive growl that was building in this throat. He brought his hand under your butt and scooped you into his lap between his thighs causing you to let out a little yelp in surprise and look at him wide eyed.
“Mmm much better, just where you belong my lil bunny.” He wrapped an arm around you and possessively gripped onto the thigh Steve had been touching. You look up at Steve and he looks pissed. His breath is ragged as his eyes stare daggers into Eddie’s. Eddie just looked back at him smugly, like he was daring him to say something.
Okay something is definitely up with them and you didn’t know how to feel. Your fight or flight activated and in that moment you chose flight.
“I need to go to the bathroom, don’t worry about pausing it, I can just watch it again later.” You said abruptly getting off Eddie’s lap and dashing out of the room.
“Nice job, idiots” Nancy rolled her eyes at them.
“Yeeeahhh dude… kinda not cool.” Jonathan agreed, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Pause the fuckin movie Steve.” Max scoffed.
“WHOAAAA LANGUAGE!!” Steve shouted.
“Well? You guys are idiots, she really wanted to watch this movie and you’re both silently fighting over her like we don’t all see exactly what’s going on!!” Max was not only the most upfront of the kids (aside from Dustin), but she was your kid. You and her had bounded instantly and felt very protective of one another.
“Fighting over her? What do you mean? She’s mine, there’s nothing to fight about.” Eddie said matter of factly.
“Dude!! No she fucking isn’t!! You don’t get to just-“
“Annnd there you guys go AGAIN, Max is right, we all see it and it’s getting in the way of movie night now so you guys need to figure it the fuck out! And stop fucking messing with her!!” Dustin snapped at his two older friends. The ones he’s supposed to be taking girl advice from, and here he is, giving it to them instead.
“Steve, you should go talk to her.” Robin hinted, wiggling her brows at him.
“No the fuck he should not! I’M going to talk to her because she’s MY bestfriend!!” Eddie started to get up but Steve was faster, pushing him back down by his shoulders and running down the hall after you.
“Eddie… you are always always there for her, and you introduced us to her so she would have some other people in her life that would be there for her too. Maybe just let Steve take this one, yeah?” Nancy tried to reason with him as he stood up to follow after Steve.
“That’s not what he’s doing though! He isn’t there for her as a friend, he wants more than that! She needs me right now. Her best friend, I always make her feel better.” The way he said it was like a child who got their favorite toy taken during recess.
“Now maybe it’s time to share that burden, don’t you think? Steve’s got this, just let them talk.” Robin smiled at him with what he thought was supposed to be reassurance but he felt anything but. This is exactly what he was trying to avoid all night, Steve getting you alone. Would he be better at making you feel better than he is? Was he going to ask you out? Were you going to say yes? If you did, what did that mean for you and him? He was spiraling fast.
“Whatever. I’m going to smoke.” He snapped before going out the front door and slamming it behind him.
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Steve knew you didn’t really need to go to the bathroom, he’s spent enough time observing you at this point that he knows you were just overwhelmed and needed to get away. He walked past the downstairs bathroom just to be sure, but just as he thought the door was cracked and the lights were off. This had happened once before when everyone was over, it was a bit bigger of a get together, some coworkers and friends of friends so you didn’t know everyone. He could tell you were nervous from the beginning of the night so he kept an eye on you and at one point it had been a while since he’d seen you so he went looking.
He found you that night just like you are right now, sitting on the back deck on the ground, back leaning against one of his moms over expensive lounge chairs. Your legs tucked up under your arms, chin resting on your hands. You were staring off in the direction of the pool but he could tell your mind was elsewhere. He stood there for a moment, allowing himself to just admire you.
“I can feel you staring at me Steve.” You chuckled but didn’t look over at him.
“I- how did you know it was me?” He asked as he walked towards you, sitting down next to you with his legs crossed.
“I could just sense you with my super secret Steve detector, obviously.” You snorted out a laugh.
“Really? I thought I was the one who had a device to detect you, didn’t know the feeling was mutual, babe.” “Oh my GOD Steve, that was so fucking cheesy shut up.” You playfully smacked his arm. “I saw your reflection in the pool, nerd.” You pointed toward the pool, the glare of the back door shining on top of it.
“Oh, well I meant it. I feel like I can just feel your presence. Even if that’s cheesy.” He shrugged and gave you a nervous smile. “But I came out here to see if you were okay?”
It took you a second to process what he just said, did he really feel that way? You’re starting to notice how perceptive he is of you, maybe Robin and Nancy were right. “Oh uh- yeah… I’m all good. I was just getting kind of warm and overwhelmed, needed a second to myself.” You smile at him, but it doesn’t reach your eyes and of course he notices.
“If there’s something else bothering you, you can tell me, you know that right? I know we weren’t always… friends. But I’d like to think we are now, and I like to be there for my… friends.” You don’t miss the way he chokes on that last word.
“I guess I’m just… confused? You and Eddie are being really weird, that’s not just me right?”
“Yeah.” He sighed. “I guess we kind of are being weird. I’m sorry.”
“What’s going on? Did something happen with you guys? Did I do something?” The look on your face broke him, you looked so confused and honestly a little bit hurt by their actions.
“No honey, you didn’t do anything. Maybe I did? I think maybe it’s my fault. I… I told Eddie I liked you, and I don’t think he’s very happy about it.” He didn’t look you in the eyes when he said it, he couldn’t, he didn’t want to see your face when you inevitably rejected him.
“I kind of figured it was something like that. Fuck.” You put your face in your hands and sighed.
“Hey, it’s okay if you don’t like me back, I totally don’t blame you if you don’t. Plus Eddie told me you guys kind of have a thing going on and I’m not going to get in the way of that. But I do like you. A lot actually.”
“God fucking damn it Steve, you just had to say it didn’t you?” At first he thought you were about to go off on him but before he could apologize you continued talking “Of course I fucking like you! It’s just- it’s complicated, okay? I’m so afraid to like you, first of all. I know you aren’t who you used to be, I know that person was never even the real you and I know you’re a good kind hearted man. But I’m still scared, I still have the memories of the things you said to my friends, and I’m just like them. How could I not think you think that way of me? Even still? It terrifies me. And then there’s Eddie… I don’t think I even know where to begin with that.”
“You like me?” He was smiling like a kid on Christmas, did he not hear anything you just said?
“Is that all you got from that? Because I said several other things after that.” You huffed.
“No I heard you, but I don’t care about any of the other stuff. All I care about is that you like me back, that means I have a chance.” He smiled at you sweetly, eyes full of hope.
“Why are you making this so much harder? With your stupid pretty face and your dumb sweet words, always checking on me and shit. UGH!” You threw your head back against the lounge chair with closed eyes.
Steve honestly loved it when you got irritated like this, even at him, he wanted to kiss your grouchy lips until you smiled.
“Listen… I know this is a complicated situation. I know Eddie like loves you or whatever and I know he’s going to get pissed off at me for telling you I like you but I don’t really care. If he isn’t going to make you his girlfriend I’ll do everything in my power to make you mine.”
Your eyes widened at his statement. I’ll do everything in my power to make you mine. And Eddie loves you? You know he does, but does he mean that he loves you for real? Did he tell him that? Fuck.
Steve noticed the way you were picking at your already chipped sparkly black nail polish, while you chewed your lip so hard it looked like you were going to break the skin, the moon reflecting off the pretty little rings that adorned your fingers. Some silver, some starting to bronze from how long you’ve been wearing them without taking them off.
“I can see you thinking from here.” He grabbed both your hands in one of his, stopping your movements and running his thumb over the back of your hand, soothing you. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Do you want to go to the bookstore at the mall with me this weekend? I know that new Anne Rice book you wanted to read just came out and we could get some trashy food in the food court. Maybe even catch a movie if there’s anything good. Whatever you want.” He continued rubbing your hand, grounding you.
“Like a… date?” You looked at him with raised eyebrows, was he seriously asking you out after all of that? And he remembers the book you mentioned weeks ago in passing? Fuck. You were so fucked.
“Yeah honey, like a date.” You opened your mouth to respond but he brought his finger to your lips gently silencing you. “Let me finish before you answer, please?”
You just nodded at him.
“It doesn’t have to be anything serious if you don’t want, it doesn’t even have to be a date, would I like it if it was? Yes. But ultimately I’d like to get to know you, for you to get to know me, just us. We can figure out all of the other stuff later. Just give me a chance to show you how much you mean to me. Please?”
Well how were you supposed to say no to that?
“Okay.” You grabbed his hand and smiled at him, this one reaching your eyes. “Let’s give it a try, one date, and we go from there.”
“Okay sweetie, whatever makes you comfortable, I’ll do it.” He smiled back at you, his eyes flashing down to your lips for a moment and you were sure he was going to kiss you. You wanted him to, so you started to lean in and just as you felt his breath against your lips you heard it. Eddie’s voice.
“Are you guys going to come watch the movie or what!? We paused it for you!!!!” He did not sound very happy. Steve stood and offered you help up, walking towards the house with you following behind him. Eddie stopped you before you could walk into the living room, grabbing you by the hips.
“You okay bunny? What was that about? I was worried.”
“Yeah Teddy, I’m okay, just got a bit overwhelmed.” You decided to wait to tell him about your date with Steve until after you left, the night was already drama filled enough. He studied your face like he didn’t believe you, but he didn’t say anything. For now at least.
“Let’s go finish this movie so I can take you home and we can ‘watch child’s play 2.’”He rolled his eyes. “Yeah riiiight, you know the only thing you’re going to be watching is my head between your thighs.”
Your breath hitched as he placed a gentle kiss on your jaw, cheek, and then finally your lips. He deepened it and you immediately fell into him, letting out a little moan. You let yourself get lost in it for a second, not wanting to think about anything other than kissing Eddie. But he broke away before you felt ready, and your face fell.
“Don’t worry bun bun, there’s plenty more where that came from when we get back to my place later.” He winked at you and placed a final kiss on your lips before gesturing you back toward the living room. Now all you had to do was sit between him and Steve for the next hour without acting like you were about to spontaneously combust and then go home with Eddie and tell him about your date with Steve.
When you walked back into the living room Steve patted the middle seat on the couch and smiled up at you, his caramel eyes twinkling like you hung the moon.
“All good honey bee?” He set his hand on your thigh and ran his thumb over the skin there and smiled at you sweetly. Honey bee? Jesus Christ, that was new.. he was officially trying to kill you.
“All good.” You smiled back and patted his hand before letting it drop at your side. But his hand didn’t budge, resting right on your thigh like it belonged there. It kind of felt like it did, if you were being honest.
Eddie walked in the room seconds behind you and sat down next to you, putting his arm around your shoulders with a huff. His eyes shot daggers at Steve’s hand on your thigh before he brought his that wasn’t around you to your opposite thigh, but much higher up. His pinky played with the hem of your skirt while he squeezed the meat of your thigh. You looked down at your lap with wide eyes and your mouth agape. Two large veiny hands rested on each of your legs, one adorned with the rings you loved so much, the other decorated with an over expensive wrist watch and the weird thing was that it felt so right. You felt like your whole body was on fire, subconsciously clenching your thighs together while you let out a shaky breath. Praying neither of them noticed.
But they definitely did, you felt both their hands tense in that exact moment. Steve let out a shaky breath through his nostrils and Eddie groaned slightly in the back of his throat. You refused to make eye contact with either of them, eyes glued to their hands on your thighs, entranced. Eddie ducked his head into your neck so he could whisper in your ear.
“You like this don’t you princess? Both of us touching you like this? I can tell. You’re clenching your thighs and breathing in that way you do when you’re turned on.” Oh fuck. You don’t know what you were expecting him to say but it most certainly was not that.
“I think you do, you like the thought of us both touching you, huh?” Steve must’ve heard him because he’s whispering in your other ear and you can’t even comprehend what’s happening right now.
They’ve been at each other's throats all night and now they’re ganging up on you? You honestly don't know which is worse. Now all you can think about is both of them all over you, not that you haven’t thought about it before but in this moment you had never wanted anything more than for them to just take you. A few minutes ago your head was swimming with thoughts of anxiety and now the only two thoughts you can form in your head are their names. Eddie and Steve.
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casanovawrites · 7 months
random sentence prompts  ━ from various tv shows, part 5
i’m sorry i wasn’t here, not just tonight, but every day. i haven’t been here. i know that now.
i know that you just needed me to listen, to hear you. 
maybe you should take a break. and… get help.
where did you find that kind of courage?
i thought if i just kept my head down and followed the rules, everything would be fine.
these people kill with false hope.
sometimes what's painful in the moment is what gets you where you need to go.
i enjoy being better at things than everyone else.
i haven’t felt at home in this world.
remember, i’m still betting on you.
okay, but what about me? i’m not ready.
i would give anything to not give a shit, but i do.
time to forgive yourself, kid. you got a future. you gotta see that now.
some nights are so damn dark. and then they still manage to get darker. 
every time i try to make something right, i always hurt someone.
it’s like i was living for the first time. and once you feel that, you’ll do anything to keep feeling it.
i don’t want you guys to die for me.
i got my rep as the strong, silent type to think about.
we have to be brave in this life we have, simply to exist now.
they can’t hurt me. there’s no one left that i love.
fuck you, you really hurt my feelings.
all we have is what we carry on our backs.
do you trust me or not?
that’s the thing. if they don’t know it was a lie, they get to just live.
i wanted to be brave. i wanted to be more like you.
i’m not brave. i’m a shit person who does shit things because i don’t give a single shit about anything.
so you feel like you didn’t do enough then, now you have to do everything for everyone.
your head is shoved so far up the future’s ass, you’ve completely abandoned the now.
i haven't had a family in a long time, but i have one now.
i fucked it up because i’m fucked up.
you want me to be scared of you. but i’m not.
you shouldn’t come in here. it’s not safe. i’m not safe.
you’re like the most put together person i know.
you can be charming when you’re not angry or hungry.
i didn’t ask for you to rescue me. you did that, for you. 
i’m normal. this is what normal looks like when you’ve had my fucking life.
i don't think it's something you get away with. you still have to live with what you've done.
i’m in this now, and i need to know everything. you owe me that.
how come you never choose me?
you had the guts to do something brave. 
people go through all sorts of stuff, bad things, and they don’t tell anybody.
i worry myself, too.
i just know that i need to make my life count. it’s all i can do.
might’ve been shitty parents, but they’re still your parents.
when we get there, we’ll be different. we’ll be ready. 
you missed me that much?
a lot of hope is dangerous.
i don’t wanna be who everybody thinks i am here. 
it’s the things we love most that destroy us.
you're a good person even with all your bad qualities.
see? we’re good together.
you really think the world’s gonna end?
i’d like for the time i have left on this earth to mean something.
i don’t give a shit anymore. i just want to be a good person.
what if you just want something, and you want it so bad?
i guess we both got what we wanted.
you’re a fucking creep, i’m a fucking catch.
we walked into the darkest place there was, but we did it together.
you’re not bored. your heart’s broken.
i don’t pity you, like at all. i wish i was like you.
she took me straight into the fog of war.
you don’t know everything. and you can’t control me.
you can lie to everyone else, but you can’t lie to me. 
you’re fucking badass.
i love you. can you handle me saying that?
i make a habit of expecting the worst so i won’t get hurt.
i know this is too little, too late, but i’d really like us to be friends.
i sure hope you catch me when i fall. 
why focus on what’s wrong and not what’s right?
your lies, you can’t even keep track of them.
love is a kind of killing, and none of us get out alive.
maybe something good can come from something bad.
there’s something dangerous about the boredom of teenage girls. 
remember half an hour ago when you wanted to murder me? 
that’s all we are the whole time, shells with nothing inside.
please, can you just talk to me? anything you need, just say the word.
i keep blaming everyone, but it was me. it was my fault.
yeah, maybe fire and gasoline can hang out.
it is so easy to find yourself in dark places.
what’s right is that i feel something for you that i just don’t feel anywhere else with anyone else.
i’m going to have to take that risk.
you said it yourself, you don’t remember what happened. is it so hard for you to believe you might be innocent? 
you know what the worst part is? i really thought i had good instincts.
you’re right, you don’t owe me shit, but i’m asking you anyway. 
i could’ve been nicer. i could’ve been less of a monster.
we grew apart from each other. we’re two different people now.
you’re both sad and lonely. you’re a perfect match.
maybe we just needed to work through the bad to get to the good.
you were right. everything is cursed.
god, you are so gruesome. 
you take me for everything i’m worth.
it’s okay if you’re scared.
are you trying to get me to forgive and forget?
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camsthisky · 10 months
I love your writing so much, I’m so excited for this event! How about “Tell me who did this to you” from the protective/loyal prompt list, with Jason and hurt!Dick? Thank you!!
Dick has the absolute worst luck.
Sometimes he wonders if there’s just something about him that screams hit me with a dump truck full of baddies and throw me into the river to drown, because this is the third time he’s been tossed into the water this year.
The moment he’s airborne and heading towards the water, Dick is hitting the panic button in his glove and praying that he’s going to be able to survive this attempted drowning as well as he did the other two.
The tricky thing about this time, though, is that he’s been tied up, and while Nightwing has been in some sticky situations, Dick isn’t sure that he’s going to come out of this one whole and hale.
Because, come on. Chains? Really? The baddies this time had slapped manacles on him and wrapped him in chains and tossed him into the dirty river and Dick is pretty sure he’s going to die if he doesn’t find a way out of this. Quick.
At least if they tied him up with rope, he’d probably have a much better chance of surviving. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have a handy dandy pair of bolt cutters in his utility belt. If it’s supposed to be there, then that was a lesson Dick had missed during vigilante lessons.
At some point, Dick blacks out, and as his vision goes dark, all he can think is, “I didn’t get to tell Damian that I love his new suit design.”
He wakes up choking on water. Dirty Gotham river water. Gross.
“Breathe, dammit!” someone yells at him, and miraculously, as he’s turned on his side, Dick manages to cough out the nasty water taking up the space in his lungs where the air is supposed to be. Someone thumps his back, and—
well. Eventually, he sucks in a huge heaving breath and coughs out some more. His throat is absolutely ripped to shreds and he’s still chained up.
But! He’s not underwater anymore. Which is a major plus. And Dick can mark a three-for-three on his score of surviving being thrown in the Gotham River. So take that, bad luck.
“What the hell, ‘Wing?!” that same someone—Jason, Dick realizes. No helmet, but anger and spite in spades—bites out. “Are these fucking manacles?!”
“Yeah,” Dick croaks. He’s exhausted, and Jason is leaning over him now, flipping up the lenses in Dick’s mask to check his pupils. “Not my century of style, I know. But I think I pull them off pretty well.”
“You’re a fashion disaster,” Jason mutters. “Who the heck even managed to catch you like this?”
“Oh, you know,” Dick says, very expertly avoiding answering the question directly. “I’m just a magnet for trouble. All the weirdos are out to kill me in the most ridiculous ways. Including manacled river drownings like we’re in medieval times. Gotta love Gotham.”
Jason flips Dick’s lenses back down, and gives him an unimpressed look. Even with Jason’s mask still on, Dick can see the sheer unimpressibility—is that even a word? Dick’s brain is not operating at full capacity—in Jason’s face based on his micro expressions.
“Tell me who did this to you, Dickhead,” Jason says, hauling Dick to his very uncoordinated feet and then swinging him up over his shoulders.
Someone needs to tell Jason to stop growing. Or not. Growing means Jason is alive, after all. Even if he is taller than Dick by a good few inches.
“We gotta tell Oracle that there’s some loser chaining people and throwing them in the river to drown. God, why couldn’t it be ropes? You could have cut the ropes and I wouldn’t have had to save your stupid ass.”
“My ass is not stupid,” Dick wheezes as he hangs from Jason’s shoulders. He’s pretty sure Jason’s dumb body armor is digging into his stomach. “My ass is amazing.”
Dick can practically hear the eyeroll.
“Give me their names, Nightwing.”
“You sound like B.”
“And you sound like someone who doesn’t know what’s coming to him,” Jason says. “The hell are you so reluctant for?”
“So,” Dick says, still kind of sounding like one of those stupid rubber chicken toys if it had gone through ten rounds with Titus and was on its last freaking leg. “I may or may not have figured out who chained me up and threw me in the river.”
Jason groans. “I am so angry at you right now.”
“Cool,” Dick says, and he’ll come back to Jason’s emotions later when he has the brain capacity to actually deal with them. “You got any bolt cutters?”
“Why me,” Jason complains.
“Why me?” Dick throws out, a little offended. “I’m the one who almost drowned.”
“I’m honestly having second thoughts about saving you.”
“No you’re not.”
Jason sighs, finally setting Dick—chains and all—on the ground. They’re a couple blocks away from the river now, and the streets are deserted.
“No,” Jason admits, exasperated. “I’m not. Why are you so annoying?”
“Older brother privileges,” Dick tells him, blinking rapidly to try and reduce the fuzzy feeling in his brain to maybe zero. That’d be great, yeah. Zero is a good number.
Another eye roll. Probably. Dick can feel it in the universe, even if he can’t actually see Jason doing it.
Dick must lose time at some point, because when he blinks next, he’s on the couch in Jason’s apartment, dressed in a t-shirt and sweats, and miraculously unchained.
His head is a bit floaty, but he’ll take all the wins he can get tonight.
“—dumbass who got himself manacled, for fuck’s sake,” Jason is saying as he walks back in the living room. They make eye contact and Jason scoffs into the phone. “He’s awake, so come get him before I throw him back into the river and let him drown for real.”
Jason hangs up and throws his phone onto the coffee table.
“That was mean,” Dick says. “Even if B’s an ass, it’s mean to say things like that.”
“He was pissing me off,” Jason mutters, but he plops down on the floor in front of the couch. “He’s gonna be here in twenty to pick your sorry ass up for a medical check. Pretty sure you have a concussion.”
“I didn’t hit my head?” Dick asks more than says.
Jason snorts. “Yeah, sure. That explains why there’s a knot the size of a walnut on the back of your head.”
Dick blinks. “Oh.”
“That’s the only reason I’m letting you off the hook about not knowing who those guys were,” Jason tells him.
“Sure,” Dick says, eyelids feeling heavy again. “Whatever you say, Jay.”
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melozykizzes · 1 year
broken promises ; part 2 (last part?)
warnings; technically cheating, she/her pronouns are used. zhongli x reader
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he’d finally been called off the mission. after 1 year.
he didn’t want to do it, he really didn’t. but, he had signed a contract. once you are called into a mission, you must commence it until it is over. and it can take up to weeks, months, sometimes maybe even years. in this case, it had been a year. of endless fighting to keep up with the balladeer, not once did he catch up with the balladeer, he had just been defeated. he disappointed the tsaritsa. the fatui. his position. most importantly you. he kept trying to brush you off, because he knew it was slowly eating him alive the way he had left things off with you.
now, it was time for him to go home. it has been 2 weeks since he was called off the mission, he explored liyue, camped out in the mountains, slept at the Inn, but he knew that he would have to eventually have to return home. he does miss you, but his pride and ego gets in the way with that. the day he left you, he was so focused on completing the mission, getting validated by his higher ups, admiration from his peers, that he had completely forgotten how this would effect you the way he acted.
he sighs “i really don’t want to do this” he mumbles to himself, he doesn’t want to see you hurt, especially caused by him. he stares at your guy’s “shared” house. then he looks at the door and clenches his fist with sweat rolling down his face. “fuck.” he gives in and rings the door bell. soon then seeing a shadow come from the other side of the door
“zhongli? come in! i told you, you didn’t need to ring the doorbell anymore!”
the door opens up quick. a moment of staring at eachother silently. your heart sinks. your eyes widen “a-ajax? what- what are you doing here?” he takes a step inside as you take a step backwards. “sweetheart!” he takes another step, pulling you into a hug as he closes his eyes as yours are petrified, staring at the blurry outside of your house. “i missed you so much, my lovely Y/N. oh how good it feels to say your name aga-“ before he finishes you push him off from you. making him perplexed. you take a step back and look at him. “what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” you spit at him. he gives you a pitiful look in return, still partly shocked from the sudden action. “hahahah.. what are you talking about? i’m seeing my wife is that a crime?” he chuckles under his breath as his smile fades quickly. you feel yourself fill with anger as your eyes fill with tears “ajax. it has been one year, and 5 months. you have no right showing up here as if nothing happened. and oh! my bad ajax, i forgot you go by tartaglia.” you snarl at him. he just stares at you “n-no i didn’t mean it like that i just-“ you clench your fists “you- you promised me, you promised you’d never treat me like the others did, never hurt me nor leave me” you say, as now tears are strolling down your face “please Y/N, i wasn’t in a good mood. can we please just go back as things were? i promise i will-“ you rub the tears off your face as they keep strolling. “childe. i’m going to need you to get the fuck out of my house.”
“Y/N, honey is there a problem?” childe turns around as he sees the man he was once best friends with, zhongli. his face, once shocked turns into sadness. “oh, it is childe.” zhongli says with a hinting annoyance. he walks in past childe and walks up to you, you run into his arms and hug him and hide your face in his chest as you let the tears start sobbing down your face. he turns his head over to look at the face of betrayal on childe’s face. “excuse me for my behaviour, but what makes you think you have the right, the authority to show up to our house. can’t you see you’ve already hurt Y/N enough?” he looks at childe with, pure anger painted on his face. “wh- what do you “ours”? what the fuck.. no please don’t tell me” childe looks at the floor, slowly beginning to feel all the shame, regret from all the things he had said to you. “childe, are you aware? aware that there was countless days i had to rush over to Y/N’s house because she hadn’t eaten for days? each time i found her, she was one the floor, twitching and sobbing. why? oh i have plenty of reasons for that, childe.” he says as he raised his voice. his eyes darkening. childe looks at you, sobbing into his chest as you have your arms wrapping around his back. he was hoping that it’d be like that when he came back. a tear rolls down his face. “she waited every day for you to come back, or to hear anything from you. she isolated herself. someone had to help her eventually, so why are you surprised childe.” childe let’s out a chuckle as more tears start rolling down his cheeks. he turns around, not wanting to see you with another man, yearning for zhongli’s comfort any longer.
he had fooled himself into making himself believe nothing had happened. he believes that this is the most effective way to deal with things he has no control over, though he could’ve made a change. he realizes, that he was the one that cared too much, not you. he deserves this. he turns around and looks at you and zhongli.
“i always knew i was meant to be alone, instead of having been worth of their love.”
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icallhimjoey · 1 year
That's It
♥ ♥  rockstar!Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: Steve is there to stay, and you fall into a new routine together, the three of you, old buddies back to their old ways. Except, no, this is actually nothing like your old ways, is it?
CW / disclaimer: 18+, language, fem!reader, angst, brief mentions of substance abuse and addiction, mentions of smut, sort of cheating? not really... you'll see
Author’s note: Eddie had good reason to freak out a little over you and Steve getting drunk together. Learn why! Also, we're headed into... new territory. Hope you enjoy!
Wordcount: 6.2K
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(find all other parts of this story here)
You were shocked awake because Steve jolted. Spazzed like he dreamt he was about to fall off a cliff.
It immediately made you very aware of how your bodies were positioned; you on your side, facing the back of the couch, leaning into the little crevice of darkness that it created. And Steve was on his back, right alongside you, and he had you in the crook of his arm, your head on his bicep as the rest of it curled around the front of your shoulders. Like you'd been spooning, but the spoon had fallen open.
You felt how the alcohol consumption of the night before had affected your body, but wanted to ignore it. To sleep more. Steve was pleasantly warm and the couch was comfy, but Steve had jolted in shock and immediately moved to sit up. However, just as quick as he’d awoken, he was coaxed back down by Eddie’s whispering voice.
“Shh shh, no it’s OK, sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,”
You felt Steve move slightly, and it felt like he checked on you before he relaxed back into his position.
“Hung over?”
“Hmh,” was all Steve managed.
He felt awful.
So did Eddie, though.
“What time is it?” Steve whispered, his voice barely there. “It’s light out.”
You heard Eddie chuckle softly and knew he had probably sat down on the coffee table, like he would sometimes do when you were pulling yourself out of a nap and he had to put his shoes on before heading out somewhere.
“It’s just past 7, sorry,”
You heard Steve try to say, “Sorry about last night,” through a yawn, but Eddie was quick to dismiss him.
“No, don’t,” Eddie whispered, “I didn’t– you did nothing wrong, I just freaked out,”
“I shouldn’t have taken her to–”
Steve stopped talking. You didn’t hear why, but imagined either Eddie held up a hand or made a face.
They both knew you. There was no need for Steve to lie about who had taken who to a bar.
“Ok but... this was my fault,” you felt Steve shake a little, and pictured it was his other hand gesturing from you to himself a couple of times.
“Honestly,” Eddie whispered, pausing a second before carrying on, “I’m glad she didn’t have to sleep alone,”
Pretending to sleep became more difficult by the second.
“I scared myself and didn’t know if I could... I didn’t know how to face it,” Eddie explained, but Steve stayed silent.
“It’s so fucked up, and I really didn’t expect it, because when you called, it was funny to me – I was glad to know where you were, because, you weren’t here when I got back, and then I didn’t hear from you for the rest of the day,”
Yeah, you should’ve at least maybe called him beforehand. Let him know where you were at. How long you were going to be.
“And it was funny, you were–” Eddie stopped to huff a laugh through his nostrils as quietly as he could manage it. “You were slurring, like, I’ve not heard you talk like that since we were... what, twenty? Twenty-one?”
You remembered times where Steve and Eddie used to get high together on bad weed, two lanky teens who didn't know how to talk to girls without hurting their own feelings, and then they would go see a movie where they’d come to buy popcorn from you, and you had to pretend to take their money before you just gave it back to them in change.
Then after they’d napped in their seats and missed most of whatever movie they hadn't paid money to see, they would stay to clean up all the popcorn they’d spilled and would wait out your shift to go out together.
Man, you used to go out and drink together, all three of you, all of the time. That really seemed like a lifetime ago.
“But then when I saw you – her, mostly when I saw her, I really scared myself,” Eddie continued whispering.
You felt your throat tighten and laid as still as you could still. Tried to focus on your breathing.
“I really wanted to kiss her,”
That wasn’t what you expected.
“Just to get a taste myself,”
That sounded more like it.
Awful. Obviously, this was awful. But it made sense to you.
Eddie shutting you out and leaving you to fend for yourself with Steve’s help made sense given Eddie’s history. You disliked everything about the reality of the situation, but you appreciated the logic. It settled within your system fast, and you hardly reacted to it. Immediately thought of how this was something that needed rules and talking through and for you to keep in mind for the future.
“It’s so gross, she threw up, and I just wanted to kiss her more,” Eddie whispered, and you could hear he almost made himself stop talking just before the confession. Then he said, “Sorry,” and you thought maybe Steve was grimacing at the visual.
“But those are my issues, man. ‘S got nothing to do with you, and you looked like you needed a fucking drink yesterday,” Eddie’s voice had shifted from whisper to a low, hushed baritone.
Your hip started hurting from laying on it so still for so long, but you didn’t want to interrupt the boys, so you decided to bear it for as long as you could.
“You okay?”
Steve sighed, and you heard his hand fall onto his leg, or maybe his stomach, with a soft slap.
“I’m getting a divorce,” Steve spoke softly, now also not whispering anymore.
“Yea, it’s... I don’t know, looking back, I honestly have no idea what I was thinking,”
You were glad your back was turned and neither of them could see your face as it frowned deeply.
“I thought I could make it,” Steve said, and it got followed by a silence.
This is also what Steve had said to you, but he hadn’t elaborated then.
“I thought that if I tried to see someone through eyes, through this different lens, that I could just... I don’t know how to explain it without sounding stupid,”
“Story of your life,”
They both snickered a little. Boys. Idiots. It made enough noise for you to stir a little. For your throat to escape a small little noise. Steve froze immediately, breaths were held, and the room got overtaken by silence.
They were trying not to wake you. After shifting enough to get more comfortable on your hip, you sighed deeply and relaxed again. It occurred to you that maybe it was strange that you were asleep in Steve’s arms – not curled into him, or too on top of him, but, this had every potential to be weird. Especially with Eddie sat on the coffee table, talking to the boy that held you as you slept.
Except, it wasn’t weird.
It was nice. Felt natural. You were just you, Steve and Eddie. The forever tripod. You’d fallen asleep in between Eddie and Steve plenty of times, so it had never really been weird. You just hadn’t expected it to still feel so normal now that you were all either already or almost thirty years old.
And, you know, married. Steve, at least.
When enough seconds of you not moving had passed, their conversation resumed.
“This doesn’t help,” Steve said, now back to whispering again and you could hear the humour in his voice. “The expectations you’ve set are too high, man,” Steve complained.
“What do you mean?” Eddie sounded genuinely confused.
“Being around the two of you for so long? It’s set the bar too high,” Steve huffed another soft laugh, but Eddie didn’t join him.
“Are you... Steve are you jealous?”
You felt Steve attempt a shrug, and your cheeks flushed at the idea of Steve being jealous of the relationship you had with Eddie. It somehow made your heart swell for Eddie because you loved him so, and you felt a little proud of that fact that you fit together so nicely. It took a lot of work, and it surely hadn’t been easy, but you both put in effort and now Steve was jealous of it.
But it also made you feel insanely guilty. Made you want to just be friends, the three of you, for a little bit. Pretend that it was all just platonic, and Steve had nothing to be jealous about.
“Wow,” you heard Eddie get up and take a few steps. “Steve Harrington? Jealous of little old Eddie Munson?”
Oh no. Eddie was going milk this for years.
“Okay,” Steve regretted even bringing it up. “It’s not like that,” he backtracked, but Eddie wasn’t having it and you knew exactly what smug little expression he was currently wearing.
“No, no, I get it, I mean, look around. Got the big house, the cars, the job, the–”
“The pinball machines,” Steve added.
“The pinball machines, did you– did she play you?”
“She did,”
You weren't even facing him, had both your eyes closed, pretended to be fast asleep still, but you could feel Eddie grin. Knew he loved it when you showed interest in whatever his current hyperfixation was.
“Man… I really do have it all, don’t I?” Eddie softly mused, almost sounding a little shy. Bashful. Like he couldn't believe his luck and having Steve confess he was jealous of him kind of brought it all into perspective for him.
“Got the girl,” Steve added, leaving his tone up as if to continue the list that Eddie had started.
But Eddie didn’t continue the game, and instead repeated, “Got the girl.” definitively.
That was the end of the list.
Even though there were many more things to be added, like the band, the support he needed from his label, the creative freedom he felt in collaboration with his producers, the mental clarity he'd always be left with after speaking to his therapist, or the way he'd feel like he could concur the world after an AA meeting – all of these things were important, but the girl was the most important. The thing that really mattered.
With full attention on you, you held your breath in anticipation of what was going to be said next.
“Got the best, the kindest, sweetest, hottest, sexiest, ugh,” Eddie groaned, and Steve chuckled at the theatrics. “So talented, so supportive, so smart, so beautiful, and so… so awake right now,”
“So, so, so very awake,”
Yeah. You'd been caught out.
You felt two hands squeeze you, and you flinched at the sudden contact. Eddie leaned over Steve and found your face to press a kiss onto, making you hum in acknowledgement.
“How long you been awake for, huh?” Eddie cooed into your ear, and you turned over a little to face him.
“The whole time,” you confessed with a sleepy smile, and you felt Steve tighten his grip on your shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” Eddie whispered, knowing you understood what the apology was for, and followed it with a kiss to your lips. Several. More until he got your teeth because you couldn't help but laugh a little awkwardly.
You were on top of Steve and Eddie was kissing you, and with Steve just having confessed he was jealous of whatever you and Eddie had, it felt a little like shoving things into his face.
“That’s OK,” you dismissed it and moved to sit up. Thought you could talk about it later when your body wasn’t pressed into Steve’s.
You turned to look at Steve, gave a slight smile as you squinted and offered, “Breakfast?”
It had been a while since you'd seen Eddie be useful in the kitchen. Ever since you'd moved to LA and he'd hired chefs to come and do all the work for you, he'd barely touched the stove to begin with.
When you wanted to get up to help out, both boys refused and turned you away. Said you could just sit and drink your coffee, or, as Eddie suggested, go brush your hair since you'd just let it get wet in the shower last night and hadn't touched it after.
You commented, “You go brush your hair,” jokingly glaring at Eddie, but were already on your way out because he was right, your hair was a whole bird's nest that needed tending to.
When you returned, looking a little more presentable than before, Eddie and Steve had been joined by the personal chef who was teaching Steve how to do things.
That had never occurred to you.
Eddie had hired all these people to take every single job out of your hands... but you could've just... done them with them. Joined in. Learned from them.
You knew Eddie probably also wouldn't like you doing that, hiring people to do jobs and then having you do them with them wasn't exactly the point, but seeing the chef teach Steve how to hold a knife properly opened a bunch of doors inside your mind.
“Don’t even think about it,” Eddie snuck up behind you, and Jesus fucking Christ, had he turned into some sort of mind reader? Or was the hungover version of you just that easy to read, somehow?
“Eddie,” you tried.
“Nope.” he shot you down immediately, his hand trailing over your lower stomach. He kept it there a second. There, where all the important things were stored, and you got it. Got what he meant.
This could be another thing you were going to talk about later when Steve wasn't in the room with you. You understood why Eddie wanted you relaxed. Free of burden. Mind at complete ease, no stress, no worries, no nothing.
You got it.
But you also thought Eddie was taking it a little too far, maybe.
Over breakfast, Steve asked if it was okay if he would really stay for a month. When he had mentioned that the day before, he hadn't been joking. Apparently he'd gotten all the paperwork signed for his divorce and had immediately gone to catch a flight afterwards. “Got it done, and got out,” he said and he kind of laughed to hide the hurt. Of course he could stay for a month - hell, Eddie said, stay for fucking ever, he didn't mind, and neither did you. The guest room Steve used would just be Steve's room now. He was free to use your house as his own - no problem.
Steve mentioned rent, but Eddie swiped it off the table immediately. When Eddie didn't look, Steve signed and made eyes and you knew he meant, we'll figure something out behind his back. And you did. Steve had savings and even though you didn't want him to pay you for his stay, he said he'd feel bad if he'd freeload.
Eddie had his moment alone with you, told you other reasons why he spiraled after seeing you drunk, and you'd unnecessarily apologised a million times. Because what if you had been...? You weren't. You knew you weren't. But what if you had been? Eddie hugged you for long, and then asked, “No ragrets?” in a silly voice and you smiled through a sniffle and answered, “No ragrets!” in an almost upbeat scream - an inside joke that would never get old, that instantly lightened the mood every time.
Steve made himself useful. Became friends with every single person that set foot into the house. Let the chef teach him about cooking every single day. Learned how to clean a pool properly, how pool pH levels worked and stuff. Got to learn about various gardening tools and what plants were planted where and why, because of the sun and the shade and the position of the house and Steve loved it. Really kept himself busy.
You loved it too.
You still had Eddie's agenda to fret over, and with the upcoming release of a new album, there was lots to keep track off, but there was still a lot of free time, and now you had a buddy to spend it with whenever Eddie would be busy.
You took Steve hiking a lot, and Steve would challenge you to lap races in the pool all the time. You went to see the secret Corroded Coffin shows together and wouldn't be stuck by the side of the stage, but would be in the crowd with Steve. Mingling with fans. They'd come up to say hi, and Steve was an expert in exuding that's-enough-vibes and rounding-off-conversations-with-a-smile. Eventually you'd be left alone and you'd get to watch the band play fan-favorites and test out new songs.
For a few weeks, a new routine had settled into your system, and the new routine merged with one old one; sex every other night.
Eddie had looked it up and had shown you, “See, not every night. Every other night. Got to give my swimmers a break, give them a moment to collect themselves and listen to their trainers before I shoot them off to find the target,” Eddie had said, using his hands to really paint the picture of sperm cells swimming with laser focus.
“Wow, you really know how to make this romantic,” you'd joked, and Eddie had stored that comment away in his to-remember box inside his head, because every single every-other-night, he'd known exactly what to do to make it special. To get you in the mood within an instant.
Sometimes it was cliché shit, like rose petals and candle light and soft music and massage oil in hotel rooms.
Other times it was soft and slow touches on the couch that played and teased and wouldn't progress until you'd sling a leg over him to take matters into your own hands.
Sometimes it was hot shower sex.
Sometimes it'd be a quickie on a lounger out by the pool.
And sometimes, Eddie turned the insecure days and turned them into the best days and he'd try to start something on a day in between and you'd be like, “Every other day, Ed,” and he'd whisper something like, “I'm keeping my guys inside, don't worry,” and it'd just be all about you for a few hours.
You'd been going for months.
And every single pregnancy test you'd ever taken had come out negative.
It was a slap in the face every time, so after a while, you stopped doing them, because you'd rather wait until you'd missed two periods entirely than have a little piece of plastic ruin a full week of your life again.
“Let's not worry about it,” Eddie would always say. “Let's just have fun.”
You'd agreed on a year of just trying. Seeing what would happen. Just going with the flow. A full year, and if a full year of unprotected sex still wouldn't have done the trick, you'd go see a doctor together.
Eddie was a rock. Your rock.
But he'd also say things like, “You need to relax more,” and, “You can't overthink, you'll just stress yourself out,” whilst simultaneously beating himself over the head, because he was failing, wasn't he? Not able to get his girl the baby she wanted. That was on him. Of course it was.
But that was a difficult truth to face.
“Let's just have fun.”
And so fun you had.
Loud fun.
It took Steve two weeks to make a comment about being kept awake most nights.
“So um... you've got excellent stamina, I hear,” Steve tried subtly over breakfast one morning, speaking into his coffee mug before taking a sip. Eddie immediately understood what he meant and couldn't help the shit-eating grin that spread across his face.
“Damn right I do,” Eddie said, shoveling a spoonful of cornflakes into his mouth before reaching over to squeeze your shoulder.
It took you a little longer to get it.
“Kind of have to with this one,” Eddie said, head rolling back to smirk at Steve, and Steve seemed a little uncomfortable, but not crazy awkward. There was humour there, but it was something you were missing, so you frowned at their interaction and narrowed your eyes suspiciously.
“And on a tight schedule too,” Steve commented, getting up from his seat and making his way over to the coffee pot for a refill. “Every other day?”
You were just about to have a sip of coffee, but you choked on it and sprayed it right from your mug into your face.
Oh my God.
“Babe,” Eddie moved in with some kitchen roll, laughing, but you'd already hidden your face into the crook of your elbow resting on the table.
“You can hear us?” you'd never been more mortified in your life.
Now, listen.
You didn't care about Eddie's band members hearing you get a little too cozy in one of the bunks on the tourbus at all.
You didn't care that they would comment on it whilst it was happening - that had only just made you giggle and had made Eddie grip onto you tighter.
You didn't care that the pool guy had walked in on you naked in the pool once - mostly because you'd been wrapped around Eddie's and so you'd had all of your bits covered. But you didn't care about being caught like that, and hadn't cared when Eddie had shouted, “Sorry, dude, give us twenty minutes and this space is all yours,” through a smile.
But Steve?!
Steve trying to get some peaceful sleep in your guest room whilst he was going through a divorce being kept awake deep into early hours because he could hear you being fucked into the mattress by Eddie?!
No, no, no, no - no!
“You. He can hear you.” Eddie made it worse, and you shot eyes towards Steve by the coffee machine who sort of... nodded, apologetically so, but he was having way too much fun making you go through it, and you wanted to die.
“Oh, God,” you groaned, face covered with both your hands as you tried to process the humiliation.
“No, it's more like, oh, oh, God, fuck, Eddie,”
You launched yourself at Eddie to make him shut up, spilling more coffee in the process of climbing onto his lap, grabbing at his head until you had his mouth covered with one and his eyes with the other.
“Steve, you're moving into the downstairs guest room,” you stated matter of factly.
“Yea, 'cause she's not going to quiet down, she's not–” Eddie spoke through your fingers until you shut him up with a kiss, the only thing that would really make him stop talking.
“Capable,” Eddie finished with a stupid grin once you pulled back.
“No, it's okay, your housekeeper left me earplugs,”
So the housekeeper knew too.
Life was so great, wasn't it?
Ugh. Fucking hell.
You were going to bury yourself alive that afternoon, you decided. And you'd make Eddie help you out.
“No ragrets?” Eddie asked softly when you got up from his lap, and you sighed, “No ragrets,” back in response. Eddie looked at you a little pleadingly, and then shot eyes towards Steve who sat back down with a full mug of steaming coffee before he looked back at you.
Eddie was asking if he could tell Steve.
You hadn't told anyone. You barely liked talking about it outside of the upstairs bathroom, where you'd initially had talked to Eddie about wanting a baby, maybe, and where Eddie had promised to put one inside of you right that second. It was also where you'd taken every single pregnancy test you'd ever taken, and it felt like that room had become the one place where you got to sit inside your feelings about it not working out. The second you'd leave it, you'd step back into the day, into reality, where there were meetings to be had and there was music to be made.
“No ragrets.” you said again, sweeter and softer this time as you answered Eddie's unspoken question, but leaving the room as you did.
Eddie could tell Steve without you there.
You don't know why it felt so weird to you, but you felt embarrassed enough as it was and wanted to go for a shower anyway.
Steve didn't look at you weird after. Didn't bring it up either, which was nice. He was just his same old self when you sat around the pool and talked about Robin together, you with a foot in the water as you sat on the edge, both boys spread out on loungers
“She says they're not really together, that it's more of a friends with benefits situation... but, they're basically dating, anyway,” Steve explained.
“She deserves the best fucking girlfriend in the world,” you said, and Steve grimaced a little, and said, “This might not be her,”
“So, friends with benefits it'll be, then,” Eddie chimed in, but immediately chuckled after. “I'm saying that like I get to decide,”
“Can Robin not come out here too for a bit?” you asked.
Steve just shrugged, unsure if he really needed Robin all up in his business about his divorce right now. You and Eddie had been exactly what he needed in the fact that you never brought it up. Pretended it wasn't even happening somewhere in the background of Steve's life, even though it was definitely happening right up in the forefront of it.
“Do we know anyone? Can we set her up?” you asked Eddie, who replied with a shrug as well.
These boys were of no help to you.
“Friends with benefits,” Eddie mused after taking another drag of his cigarette. “If you think about it, Steve is sort of our friend with benefits,”
Eddie was about to say something stupid to embarrass you again, wasn't he?
“Or wait,” Eddie retracted. “We are Steve's friends with benefits,”
Oh, God. You were already groaning.
“But the benefits aren't exactly sexy, he just... gets to stay here,” Eddie laughed, and you sighed a breath of relief. Saw Steve drop tension from his face too.
“Maybe not friends with benefits,” Steve chimed in. “But definitely more than just friends I'd say, no?”
“Steve,” Eddie grabbed Steve's shoulder, clearly ready to make fun of the dumb thing Steve just said, already laughing.
“Like, family, you idiot,” Steve argued, making Eddie's laugh burst and you couldn't help but chuckle at the two of them.
Just two friends in the sun who didn't know how to describe what they really were to each other. It felt sort of endearing.
“It's stupid that more than friends immediately means romantic, doesn't it?” you thought out loud whilst looking at your foot that swirled in the water.
Having a pool in a warm climate was so nice.
You were so blessed and this was one of those moments where you could really feel it in your bones. Sun on your back. Foot in the water. Eddie there. Steve there.
“I'd say we're more than friends,” Eddie agreed.
You looked at Steve who quickly looked away from you, like he'd been caught staring, and said, “Definitely.”
And that had left you feeling a little funny.
Not that you had much time to dwell over it.
“We definitely are more than friends,” Eddie had said pointing a finger straight at you as he got up, and before you knew it, Eddie was flying over you, monster diving into the pool and splashing you where you were sat.
You were just about to scold Eddie for jumping into the water in his clothes when he pulled you in by the foot. You didn't stand a fucking chance, you were in and under within a fraction of a second.
“Get in, Harrington,” Eddie called when you found your feet and came up sputtering.
Before you'd even gotten the hair from your face, Steve's cannon ball splashed a new wave right into your face. You used your hands to splash back, ducked under water and came back up face first, hair all dragged out of your face, and saw Eddie smile and jump to swim away quicker from Steve who seemed ready to fight him on something.
“It's so fun being thirty,” you pointed out dryly, because this was quite honestly ridiculous.
“Thirty-one,” Eddie corrected as he fled towards the other side of the pool from Steve who'd started the chase and fucking hell, yes he was thirty-one, but look at him.
Look at them.
Chasing each other in a pool in full outfits because one probably said something silly about the other and now it was time for pay back in the form of repeated dunks under water.
These were little children you were watching.
Fuck, you loved them so much.
You were quick to climb out of the pool, quick to leave the boys to play whilst you slipped inside and left wet clothes by the door before you went to find a towel and a dry outfit to change into.
When you stepped back out with a pile of towels, Eddie called, “No ragrets!” and you huffed a laugh at the confused face Steve gave just before Eddie jumped up and pushed him down and under by the shoulders.
“Okay, I gotta ask,” Steve said after he'd come back up, now swimming towards the edge closest to where you sat down on a lounger.
“You do realise you keep pronouncing regrets wrong, right?”
Eddie made eye-contact with you before he threw his shirt onto the tiles besides the pool which landed with a wet slap.
“You tell the story,” Eddie said, because he didn't know how to tell it without sounding like an arrogant asshole and a huge dumbass at the same time. He pushed off the edge whilst Steve climbed on top.
“So,” you started, unable to hide your smile. This was a fun story. “One time after a gig, you know how sometimes fans wait by stage door? This time, there were maybe eight people, small little group, but one of them was this huge dude. Massive tree trunk of a guy, a real unit, covered in tattoos, head to toe, but he was squealing like a nine year-old girl about to meet The Backstreet Boys,”
“She's not exaggerating,” Eddie called from the other side of the pool, now floating on his back in just his jeans, soaking up the sun. Meanwhile Steve was wringing out his T-shirt before moving to come sit next to you on the lounger, using the other to spread his T-shirt out to let it the sun dry it.
“And he's telling Eddie all about how he loves Corroded Coffin, loves them so much, that he's seen at least seventeen shows, and he asks Eddie to sign his arm,”
“I found the one empty spot between all the tats, just large enough for a signature and a little message,”
“But Eddie's talking, and saying that he must have spent a fortune on concert tickets, and this guy goes, no regrets, man,”
“No regrets!” Eddie shouted, one arm up in the air, making you giggle.
“So Eddie writes, no regrets, signs the arm and that's that... but then, like, three weeks later? Three weeks later Eddie meets this guy at another show and he's gotten it tattooed,”
“Oh no,” Steve caught on. Knew where this was going.
“Yep. He showed Eddie, all proud,”
“Your dyslexic ass, you wrote no ragrets?!” Steve was shocked.
“No ragrets!” Eddie shouted again, louder this time, that same arm punching the air again, making the both of you laugh.
“Now it's a thing.”
With Steve in on the joke now, the conversation naturally went onto other stupid shit Eddie had written in the past. Like when he'd misspelled his own name when he'd tried to do a cool graffiti drawing of it in class that one time. Or when he'd written his own sick note, and the office had called Wayne to verify that Eddie really did have diehareeyah.
Eddie fired back, mentioned stupid shit Steve had done before, like trying to climb out of a window that was right next to an open door to not be caught by Wayne after having secretly smoked weed with Eddie. Or how he'd once fallen asleep at the movies, like he always fucking did, and had tried to roll over like he was in bed and had promptly fallen out of the seat, right onto the floor, where he just continued his slumber.
Or what about you, when you...
Eddie and Steve looked at each other, and Eddie frowned a little.
“When you...” he thought a second longer, then shook his head. “Shit babe... what's something embarrassing you've done?”
“Why can't I think of anything?” Steve had his eyes narrowed at you.
You just smirked.
There was plenty of embarrassing shit you'd done, but you were glad none of it had stuck with them.
“There isn't anything, I'm perfect.” you joked, feigning a casual confident shrug.
You expected them to fight you on it, but instead Eddie said, “She's right.” and you gave him a nose-scrunch which he immediately returned.
What a guy. So sappy.
You loved it.
Steve announced he was also going to get out of his wet clothes, and you were reminded you had just left yours in a wet pile by the door. And so, as Steve went inside to dry off, you went inside to collect wet clothing items for the laundry.
Upstairs, you called for Steve to put whatever clothes he had into the open washing machine, expecting him to do so once you'd left.
Instead, Steve walked out of his room, wet clothes in hand, and his wet underwear practically transparent.
That was his full penis.
You pretended not to see. Maybe Steve didn't know he was on show like that.
“Oh, thanks,” you avoided any and all contact as Steve dropped his clothes in and you prepared it for a cycle. Kept your eyes and hands busy with detergent and fabric softener and you expected that by the time you'd have turned the machine on, Steve would be behind the closed door of is bedroom.
But instead, he stayed put beside you.
“Hey, um,”
Oh no.
“Eddie... Eddie told me that you were trying to get pregnant,”
Steve your full dick's out, you thought, but just nodded.
“And that it's not... going well? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable this morning,”
Steve you're making me uncomfortable right now, you though, but just said, “No, don'y worry about it, you're good,”
“I don't know, I felt bad anyway. Can't be easy.”
It wasn't. It was very difficult, in fact.
But talking to Steve who had his own equivalent of a wet T-shirt contest going on right beside you was even more difficult.
You guessed Steve saw you grow more uneasy by the second, saw you avoid any and all contact as you rushed to turn the washing machine on, because what he did next made you freeze on the spot.
“Hey, come here,”
Steve reached a hand, touched your shoulder and turned you towards him before he bent down to hug you.
Steve was stood in a wet pair of boxers that showcased his penis perfectly and hugged you because his best friend wasn't successful at knocking you up.
What the fuck was going on?
You didn't hug back, held your arms straight down by your sides, and Steve mistook it for something else being wrong.
“Oh, honey,” Steve hugged tighter and then, just before he pulled back entirely, he pressed a kiss to your cheek.
That's what you told yourself.
Just a kiss to the cheek.
Friends could kiss friends on the cheek.
Friends kissed friends on the cheek all the time.
You ignored how it touched the corner of your mouth.
You ignored how it lingered there for a little too long, and when Steve broke it, his lips stayed close for a few seconds longer. Too close. Nose nuzzling close.
You ignored how neither of you had pulled away. How the air had suddenly become tense in a different way. How Steve's hold on you suddenly felt electric and on fire and you couldn't help the thick swallow that followed, even though it was just a kiss to your cheek.
Steve loosened his grip, and in a dumb stroke of whatever the fuck came over you, you grabbed his arm and held his in place. Around you. Where you wanted it.
Oh no.
This was it.
You couldn't help the way your eyes shot down at Steve's lips, and you knew that Steve noticed. Knew that he must have seen that.
More than friends echoed in your mind. Steve had said that. And you'd agreed.
You moved like you were about to kiss, heads tilting and moving in, but then you stopped. You both stopped.
Good, you thought. Smart.
But your breath shuddered, and then Steve inhaled deeply and softly said, "No regrets," the normal way before he backed away turned and slipped into his room.
Oh fuck.
That was it.
Yes regrets.
Future regrets that you could see on the horizon. Staring at you. They were everywhere. Regrets fucking everywhere.
The Taglisted: 
@ghostinthebackofyourhead @dirtyeddietini @jasminearondottir @freckledjoes @cancankiki @sidthedollface2 @dylanmunson @munsonsgirl71 @thefemininemystiquee @alana4610 @emmamooney @thatonefan-girl @paola-carter @figmentofquinn @haylaansmi @thewondernanazombie @munsonmunster @kellyxo1 @chaoticgood-munson @sherrylyn628 @bdpst-massacre @05secondsofsexgods @lovelyblueness @adoreyouusugar @nadixq @prozacandnicotine @roosterisdaddy36 @alwayslindie @breddiemunson @eddie-joe-munson @ali-in-w0nderland @pepperstories @phyllosilicate-s @thebellenouvelle @luvrsbian @joesquinns @choke-me-eddie @alizztor @jnnyrd @did-it-work @capricornrisingsstuff @quinnsmunson @frogers @kennedy-brooke @daleyeahson @eddielives1986 @harringtonfan4 @sadbitchfangirl @emma77645 @tlclick73
(taglist currently full, sorry)
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helyiios · 27 days
Frosted tips and friendly political terrorism
Or that one time Benji got butthurt and almost made British Intelligence collapse in return.
“Yeah, yeah,” Luther says, “I did hack into some pretty important databases back in the day. Still do sometimes, when I’m really bored.”
“Have you ever done that, Benji ?” Ilsa jokingly asks to her friend, staring at him over her pint of beer. “Is it a hacker, huh, tech thing, to hack into, I don’t know, the Pentagon ?”
Benji stares back, mouth barely open. He’s thinking deeply about her words, considering his options. He could lie and brush the question off, or he could humour them. And anyway, he was already more than a little flushed, so his usual restraint regarding his past was down. Not smart, but funny nonetheless.
“I tried to get into MI6, when I was 20,” he offers, voice light. That seems to take his friends aback.
“Really ?” Ethan asks, “I didn’t know that.”
“It was a little before I worked for the weaponry tech firm, I think, two years before ? Something like that.”
“And you didn’t…stick to MI6 ?” Ilsa wonders, an eyebrow raised, “what a miss, we could’ve maybe gotten to know each other.”
“No, I didn’t manage to pass one of the tests,” Benji replies, the picture perfect of casual.
“Weapon evaluation ?”
“How do you manage to fuck up a psych exam ?” Brandt snorts, albeit not unkindly, “all you have to do is agree with the examiner and maybe lie a little.”
“Well,” his friend shrugs, downing a good portion of his beer, “I was 20. I was young, unstable, and overall very angry.”
“When aren’t you ?” Luther jokes.
“Oh, you’ve not met little me. I was a shit show, if I’m honest. Anyway, I got rejected from MI6. It really, really hurt my ego.”
Ethan laughs into his glass, cheeks and ears nicely reddened by the alcohol. It was so rare for the younger man to admit to having an actual self-esteem, but it wasn’t all too bad.
“So I hacked MI6,” Benji finishes off, shrugging again.
“You what ?!”
“Yeah, yeah. Fucked with their access codes, made them even more encrypted, and then I leaked private information from really well secured and hidden chats. There was a lot of dick pics in there,” he laughs. “There was also some talks of treason, I think, but it’s not like I remember it perfectly. I was just wounded in my pride, so I leaked everything to the, huh, agents and workers at MI6. Then I erased my traces, and never looked back. Really fun times, it was when I had frosted tips and an eyebrow piercing.”
He looks at the table again, taking in each of his friends’ reactions. Brandt and Luther were smirking like idiots, Ethan looked genuinely impressed, and Ilsa was…
He frowns.
Ilsa had blanched, and looked like she might faint at any second.
“You good, mate ?” he asks worriedly, reaching out to pet her hand, “you look a little unwell.”
“Benji, tell me you’re joking.”
“Huh ? About what ? The private chats thing ?”
A nod.
“What ? No, I’m not. Why would I lie about that ? It’d be lame.”
“You did not,” she starts, clearly struggling with finding her words, “cause the Great fucking Leak.”
It’s his turn to look surprised, looking at the others for precision.
“What, it has a n—you guys named it ?”
“Oh, I remember it !” Ethan suddenly exclaims, “I was a bit new to the IMF too, but I’d heard of it. MI6 was furious, apparently. Someone had hacked into their system and the IMF and them couldn’t work hand in hand for a little while. They also had to fire and disavow a bunch of agents, I think ? Made a lot of noise, in the milieu.”
“And you’re telling me, the author of one of the most massive MI6 fuckups is you ?” Luther says, barking out a proud laugh at Benji, shaking his shoulder happily, “man, we’re in the presence of a celebrity !”
“I wasn’t at MI6 when it happened,” Ilsa adds, still very pale, “but it drove my superiors mad that they never caught the person who did it.”
Benji pouts, leaning back on his seat, arms crossed.
“Well, Jesus. I never knew you guys got so pissed at my little joke.”
“It has nothing of a joke !”
“I mean, the IMF knows,” he still protests, “I had to mention it when they recruited me.”
“Hunley knows ?!” Brandt yelps, “that’s crazy, man.”
“Hunley, Brassel, Kittridge,” Benji doesn’t appear too phased, “they actually kept me in the basement for a little while when I got given the Choice.”
“You mean, with the other techies ?” Luther asks, “I mean, I do recall meeting you there.”
“Yeah, yeah. After the weapons disaster I caused at the firm, and when they learnt for MI6, they told me to keep it on the down low. They actually insisted that I stayed on L-2 clearance for a bunch of years,” he sighs, “so I was just,” he gestures vaguely, his beer held safely in his left hand, “doing boring shit for some time. That is, until you and Ethan came to me asking for the Rabbit’s Foot, an’ all.”
“What,” Ilsa frowns, “was the IMF scared of you, or what ?”
“I mean, I tried to look as unassuming as possible. Fat, bald little technician,” her friend grins, eyes mischievous, “I mean, it’s not like I had killed anyone.”
He grimaces.
“Not directly, at least.”
“Sounds like they tried to contain you to low ranking tasks in case you’d feel yourself get bored enough to hack into our databases,” Ethan notes, slightly turned on by his boyfriend’s revelations. “How come they let you join the field agent program ?”
“I told them I grew a conscience after meeting you,” Benji laughs, and they all know he’s only half joking. “No, more seriously, I was way more stable by then. I pinky promised them I’d be a good boy, and that I’d listen to orders. I mean, have you seen yourself, E ? Thank God I’m here to hold you back, am I right ?”
“What I’m hearing is that we have two manic freaks in our team,” Brandt supplies, cheek resting limply on his closed fist. “Benji, be a sweetheart and keep your prescriptions up to date.”
“Oh, bugger off. Being L-2 was boring, though, y’know ? I was obviously better than the other technicians, so I sort of ended up doing my own stuff in my little corner. They said they found me broody,” he groans, rolling his eyes. “I’m glad I don’t have to talk to them anymore. Hey Will, did you know I fucked with the CIA’s codes during that time Ethan was away ? I kept it lowkey, but remember how you guys kept having connexion problems, and identification issues, especially with our passes, and rem—oh, oh !” he yells excitedly, pointing at him, “remember that time Hunley turned his work computer on and loud porn sounds came out ?”
“What ? That happened ?” Ethan worries, a little grossed out, “in public ?”
“Yeah ! And it was me ! I created him a whole file of porn with the nastiest things out there, there was some piss king, incest, grandma stuff and all—not that I’m judging, in there, it took them a week to clean his computer completely !”
“I’m starting to wonder if you’d taken your meds, during those six months,” Luther snorts. “Wish I’d seen that, though.”
“Yeah, no shit you failed the psych exam,” Ilsa grumbles. “Remind me to never annoy you. Ever.”
“I’m just a tech guy,” Benji unashamedly lies, smiling wide, fangs sharp. “Say, who’s up for round four ? It’s on me,” he adds, getting up without waiting for a response and trotting up to the bar.
The remaining agents stare at each other, a little disabused.
“Your boyfriend is terrifying,” the British agent says flatly, looking at her friend. “What is wrong with him ? I’m saying this with all the love I have for him.”
“The word you’re looking for is batshit crazy,” Brandt supplies with a cackle. “The whole porn thing was actually insane. I wish I’d taken a video.”
“That’s part of the charm,” Ethan simply replies, eyeing his partner up and down, watching him collect their drinks, his gaze setting on the other’s rounded ass. Mm, those pants really shaped it nicely, he thinks. “Anyway, don’t be mean to him when he’s paying for drinks.”
“I wasn’t,” Luther calls out, index raised. “I think it’s thrilling, that he’s that weird. What a fun guy. We’ll have to exchange anecdotes more often.”
“He’s not wei—“
“Eh, sort of.”
“I mean, aren’t we all ?” Ilsa offers graciously, “it’s sort of part of the job.”
There’s a contemplative silence.
“Hey, did I mishear or did Benji say he used to have frosted tips ?”
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amethystunarmed · 2 months
What Do You Say?
Word Count: 1753 AO3 Part 1 Written for Hatchetfield Rarepair Week Day 3: Memories Duke and Ted work on the case to get Ted custody of Peter. Duke gets a very normal migraine and Ted has a very normal reaction.
“I got your abomination of a drink,” Ted tells him. He’s only twenty minutes late to their meeting, which is honestly a record for him. Duke has started scheduling everything at least a half hour before he actually intends on starting. “Why on earth you need to add four sugars to a fucking white chocolate mocha, I’ll never understand.” Ted continues, taking a swig from what Duke hopes is his own cup. “Fair warning, it’s from Beanie’s, so it probably sucks.”
He places the cup in front of Duke, and falls into the chair for his clients on the other side of the desk. Ted says “Nothing can replace Miss Retro’s,” just as Duke picks up the cup and says, “Thanks darlin’.”
And something in Duke’s brain snaps.
It almost makes you forget about all that.
It’s all static. 
It feels nice to be the hero, for once. 
Miss Holloway had a good run. 
Forget, Douglas Keane. 
That’s not fair.
F O R G E T.
I couldn’t forget you, even if I tried. 
He hasn’t forgotten anything.
I’m trying to say good-bye.  
There is nothing to remember.
Can I?
So then why does it hurt so goddamn bad. 
When he next becomes aware of something other than the splitting pain searing his skull, he realizes he is no longer sitting in his chair. There is a steady hum of noise in the room. He’s on the ground, on his hands and knees. They’re warm and distantly achy. He realizes he is sitting in a puddle of hot coffee, that he must have spilled it when the migraine hit. The bizarre flare of pain recedes as quickly as it struck, just like they always do. With the migraine gone, Duke is able to parse out that the stream of noise beside him is Ted cursing.
“Oh fuck, oh shit, what the fuck, come on, man-”
“I’m fine,” Duke interrupts, voice sore. He pushes back on his hands so he can sit against his desk. The pain may have already faded, but the migraine has left him disoriented and breathless. They don’t happen often, but they leave him off-kilter. Sometimes he feels out of it for days after a bad one.
And this, this was a bad one.
“No you fucking aren’t!” Ted yells, voice squeaky with panic, “You just had like, a seizure or something. Have you had one before? We need to call 911-”
Ted pulls his phone out of his pocket like a man on a mission and Duke can’t believe he seems to be trapped in some weird temporal flux that makes Ted Spankoffski give a shit about other people. And, despite how much he would love to encourage this odd change in behavior, he  really doesn't want to go to the hospital. “Ted. It's really, really fine. It wasn't a seizure.” Ted glares at him, clearly doubtful. Duke bites his lip. “I get... Migraines.”
“Dude, that was not a migraine. You fell to your hands and knees and started screaming.” 
“That happens sometimes.” 
Ted gapes at him like he has absolutely lost his mind, and Duke supposes that, in a way, he has. 
He swallows. He doesn't like talking about it. He doesn’t think it’s anyone’s business. Right now, only three people know about his episodes: his general physician, Miss Holiday, and Duke himself. But most people haven’t seen him collapse on the ground and go nonresponsive. Most people haven’t seen the worst episode he’s ever had in person.
Ted apparently takes Duke’s silence as a sign of something further being wrong, because he unlocks his phone. “Fuck this, I’m calling an ambulance.” Duke sees Ted dial “9” and the thought of seeing an ambulance makes the static swell in his brain. 
He reaches out and places a hand over Ted’s phone. “Really, I’m fine. It’s already passed.”
Ted gives him a look of blatant disbelief.
“Look,” Duke says, “I...” He quickly thinks of a half-lie, something that will explain without going into the empty hole that Miss Holloway has left in his life, about the debilitating grief he can barely feel for a woman he hardly remembers. “I was... in an accident, a while ago. My doctor knows about these attacks, and I have been checked out for them, okay? I’m fine. That was just... a bad one.” 
“Okay...” Ted says, sounding like he isn’t okay at all. “...Are you sure we shouldn’t call someone?” He flips his phone anxiously in his hand. He has that panicked look, the same one he got right before asking Duke for help all those weeks ago. And suddenly Duke realizes he is missing something. Something important.
“Ted...” Duke says slowly. He has a feeling that if he gets this wrong, whatever moment is developing will crumble like sand. “Is something else going on here?”
“Psh, no,” Ted scoffs, “You must have hit your head when you fell.” He flips his phone quicker. He reminds Duke of the cagey high schoolers he is called to help, the ones who think they are too cool to show actual emotions. It almost makes Duke grin.
“You know, it’s fine if it scared you,” Duke reassures him, “Especially if you haven’t witnessed a medical emergency like that before.” 
Ted barks out a startled laugh. “It’s kind of the exact opposite.”
Duke frowns at him, any amusement he was feeling rapidly evaporating. “What does that mean?”
Ted sighs. He tucks his phone in his pocket and leans back on his hands. There is something intimate, the two of them sitting on the floor beside Duke’s desk. It makes Duke lean in, like he is privy to something special. But still, he is not prepared for the words that come out of Ted’s mouth.
“Peter had a seizure. Came over for dinner and we ended up spending the night in the ER. Apparently our parents didn't have time to pick up his insulin refill and he didn't want to 'worry me.’” He rolls his eyes. “Yeah, that didn't work. Fucking moron.” His voice is calm, but he brings his knees to his chest and hugs them, tightly. Duke can see the tension in his arms. “I thought he was dying.” The unspoken I thought you were dying, hangs in the air. “I thought my parents had finally killed him.” Ted chuckles, like that can disarm the absolute bomb he just dropped. “But at least he didn’t have to go to Abstinence Camp? So that’s something. We both missed out on the Honey Festival though, so, you win some, you lose some.”
It’s supposed to be a joke. An out Duke can take to make light of the situation. Duke doesn’t take it. He can’t imagine just continuing and making light of this situation, like it was something normal, a wild weekend that could be mocked. 
Duke could have passed their room in St. Damien’s when he went looking for Miss Holloway’s body in the morgue.
So instead, Duke doesn’t say anything. It’s a helpful trick he has learned over the years, to just let a silence be. He reaches up and grabs some napkins from the drink tray. He begins mopping up the coffee he knocked over, and lets Ted sit.
(Besides, he doesn’t know what he would say anyways.)
“Our parents... They're not bad people. They're just distant.” Ted continues after a few minutes, almost defensively. It feels involuntary, as innate a response as shivering in the cold. Duke wonders how often he's told this lie, that he truly believes it. “So for an independent kid like me, it was fine, you know? I took care of myself when I needed to.” 
And Duke has words to say about that, has heard plenty of hurt kids say the same thing, but Ted just plows through before he can get a word in. “But Peter... Peter isn't the kind of kid you can half-ass. He's too fucking good to die because my fucking parents can't bother to drive to the pharmacy. He needs someone who can actually take care of him.” Ted laughs bitterly and gives Duke a self-deprecating smile. “Guess he really inherited the Spankoffski luck if he's stuck with me.”
“I think he's plenty lucky,” Duke says without thinking. He means it though. Peter is lucky to have someone like Ted looking out for him.
Ted blinks at him, seeming utterly dumbstruck. He blushes, a bit, and isn’t that a wonder. Ted Spankoffski. Blushing. He clears his throat. “Well, you'd be about the only one.” 
Duke smiles at him. “Let's get back to work so you can show the rest of Hatchetfield then, huh?” With the information Ted just gave him about Peter’s health, Duke figures they would have a pretty solid case for medical neglect. If Peter was taken to the children’s ward, Duke may be able to have Becky Barnes come in as a witness. She has always been a fantastic resource for him in past cases-
“Oh no,” Ted says, interrupting Duke's train of thought. He clambers to his feet, and holds out a hand to help Duke up. “You are going to take a fucking break, that’s what is about to happen!” 
Duke blinks at him, even as he takes Ted’s hand. “Ted, I told, you, I’m fine-”
“Can it,” Ted interjects, and pokes his finger at Duke’s chest. “We’re not fucking up my little brother’s life because you were too out of it to file the proper paperwork. We’re stopping until I’m sure you’re not about to keel over.” 
And just a few weeks ago, Duke would have been annoyed. But somewhere along the line, Duke has realized that Ted is physically incapable of being emotionally vulnerable, even about his brother who he so clearly cares for. Most of his worrying about Peter comes out in complaints and bitching. And Duke thinks that, maybe this is just Ted’s version of caring.
He finds himself oddly touched. 
Duke feels a fond little smile creep onto his face. “Sure,” he says, “Seems like we need to pick up more coffee anyways.”
Ted looks down at the puddle of coffee-soaked napkins at Duke's feet.
“To be honest, this is probably for the best. I think both our drinks had spit in them. The baristas at Beanie's do not like me.”
And, for a brief, impossible moment, Duke finds himself wondering why.
“I mean, the crabby one is not NEARLY hot enough to be as mean as she is.”
Ah. Right.
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ghostphobic · 1 year
 ╼ born to die
abby anderson x reader
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cw - heavy angst , talks of death , actual death / implications of suicide , implications of anxiety , mention of hyperventilating , not a happy ending in the slightest.
a/n - got hit with another wave of inspiration. most of my writing is heavily influenced by songs im listening to. my favorite type of fics to read are angst with a happy ending, but i’ve always liked writing angst with no happy ending. i’ve just never ventured this far into it, so it’s a little bit experimental on my part. enjoy ! 
(disclaimer) : this has not been proofread 
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You were an optimist. Well, as optimistic as one could be living in a world where infection and death lurked at every corner. 
Abby was a pessimist. She looked at things realistically and logically, but negatively. 
The two of you were different, but the balance worked well. She kept you in check, and you kept her in check. Rarely did it ever cause one of you to upset the other, but there was one night when your optimistic outlook struck a nerve in Abby. 
"Sometimes I feel like dying wouldn't be so bad." You had said one night while the two of you were lying next to each other. Her hand, that had been aimlessly playing with your hair, halted its movements. You feel her lean up and then her face comes into view. 
"Where the fuck did that come from?" She asked. Her tone sounded... annoyed? Maybe a little bit angry? You couldn't pinpoint what it was exactly, you just knew she wasn't happy. 
"It's nothing, Abs. I was just thinking out loud. I didn't even really mean to say it." 
"No, no." She said, leaning up further to create more distance between the two of you. "It came from somewhere. I want to know what you mean." 
You decided to sit up, realizing this conversation had taken a more serious turn. "I guess I just... God, Abby. I don't know. I wouldn't even know how to describe it. It was just a thought. That's all. 
"Do you feel like you don't have anything to live for?" She asked.
You could tell where she was going with this, and you were quick to try to repair it. "No. Not at all. I have plenty to live for. I have you, and that alone is enough." You sigh, trying to figure out how to word this so you don't hurt or scare her any further. "Me thinking that is just my own way of coping. We face death every day, so if and when my moment comes, I don't want to feel scared. That's all it is. It's just my way of thinking positively, even if it sounds dark. Even if it doesn't make sense." 
She still seems uneasy, so you reach for her and guide her to lay her head on your chest. "I have no plans to leave you, nor do I want to. I love you more than I can put into words. You will have me as long as I'm alive, and you'll have me long after that if I have anything to say about it. It's you and me, Abs. Always." 
Abby had gotten over it quickly, having not thought about it in the several weeks after. But she's thinking about it now. It's playing over and over again in her head, as her eyes flit from your face to the bite mark on your shoulder. It had happened so quickly. Regular patrol had the two of you venturing into a seemingly harmless abandoned building, and briefly separating. You had screamed, Abby had ran towards the noise and shot the infected on top of you. It all happened in the span of, maybe, 10 minutes. All it took was 10 minutes for her worst nightmare to come true. 
"No." She says. "You're fine. You're fine, and we're going to leave here and everything is going to be okay." 
It's irrational and desperate. She knows it. You know it. 
"Abby we're not going anywhere." You say. Your voice is calm and steady, because you're also thinking about that conversation. You realize you feel exactly the way you want to feel. You feel calm. You feel a sense of peace. You also feel a sense of overwhelming sadness, but you're not scared. 
"This can't be happening." 
"Say goodbye to me, Abby." 
"Are you fucking kidding me?" She says. Her tone is angry, but you don't miss the way her eyes shine from unshed tears. "You're just gonna give up? You're telling me this is it?" 
"I love you. I'm asking you to make this easy on the both of us." 
She lets out a sharp exhale of breath and presses her hands to her knees in an attempt to calm herself down. You know you have to initiate the goodbye, so you tilt your head up towards the sky and let a few tears slip out. 
"Loving you has been a privilege." You say. "It's been the only thing that's kept me going, and I wouldn't trade that feeling for the world. Say goodbye and leave me. If it were you, you'd be telling me to do the same thing." 
She looks at you, takes a deep breath, then steps towards you. Her hand comes up to you cheek, and you feel how much she's shaking. She presses a kiss to the top of your hairline. "You will never know how much I love you. It's me and you." She says, echoing the words you had said to her in that previous conversation. "Always." 
She steps away from you, making her way out of the abandoned building with her fists clenched tight. 
Once she's out she leans against the building, and harsh breathing turns into hyperventilating. She can't leave you. She won't leave you. She'll stay until she knows you've done it, because she can't leave you alone while you do this. Even if you don't know that she's just outside. 
She's not sure how long it is before she hears it. The gunshot. Her ears ring. Her body goes numb. Bile rises in her throat. She can't move. 
She stays there until morning turns to afternoon, until afternoon turns to night, then until a few of the others come find her. 
She can't speak, the only thing she can think about is you. How much she loved you. How much she misses you. How you took a piece of her with you, and how she'll never get it back.
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h4rring1on · 2 years
hurt/comfort with steve x insecure!reader who finds out that her friends talked bad about her behind her back and she completely breaks down before he finds her? love your writing <3
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warnings: swearing, mean things are said about reader, tell me if i missed something!
pairing: steve harrington x reader
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your friends weren’t always the best, steve told you many times that you shouldn’t hang out with them much. but you never listened
steve only said that because he knew, toxic could recognize toxic. his toxic days are over and he’s a much better person now, but he could still notice it and your friends were the definition of toxic
you never listened though, you were 18 and steve was 19. he wasn’t with you at school, so you had to find someone to hang out with, and even though they can be a little judgmental sometimes. you still found yourself hanging out with them
but this time, when you were walking towards them to say hi. you heard the mentioning of your name. they were all crowded around each other so they couldn’t see you
“she’s so annoying it’s actually really fucking weird”
“she’s really ugly too”
“she’s always so quiet it’s actually creeping me out”
“so pathetic”
more and more words were consuming your ears, you slowly walked away, trying to blink so your tears don’t slip, but to your luck, they did, and you just had to get out of there
how could they be so mean? weren’t they your friends? why—just why would they do this?
you ran off to some place away from school, not knowing someone watched the entire thing
“steve!” robin said through the phone
“oh my god for the last time robin i don’t wanna come see vickie—“
“it’s y/n” robin said
“what? what about her?” steve said, genuinely concerned now
“she—well, i was putting my stuff in my locker like my walkman and my book and—“
“get to the point, robin!”
“right! so—some of y/n’s friends…well they’re not really her friends anymore—anyway! they were saying some pretty shitty things about her and she just ran off, i can’t find her but she didn’t look okay—i think she needs you”
before you knew it, steve put a ‘closed’ sign on the front door of family video and got in his car, driving to your school
robin was waiting out front, and told him how she looked everywhere you weren’t there
but robin didn’t know you like steve did, steve knew where you’d be. he drove to the spot where you and him shared your first kiss, it was where you’d go whenever you felt upset
he could hear whimpering, and it broke his heart when he heard them coming from you. you were curled up in a ball, and sobbing right in front of his eyes
“oh my—baby” he ran to you, you were a bit startled for a second, but when you knew it was steve, you melted into his arms
“steve—they said…my friends—i thought they liked me” you cried out and steve could feel his heart ache, he had never seen you this upset, he wanted to give those girls hell, but you needed him right now and that was all he cared about
“it’s okay, peach. i’m here, they don’t matter to you anymore” he said as he rubbed your back in comfort
“stevie…” you sniffled, “they said i was—ugly, and pathetic and annoying—and—i just wanted them to like me” you cried harder into his chest
“nothing those girls said is correct, they’re just jealous, sweet girl. it’s okay, we don’t care about them anymore, i’ve got you, baby” he said, stroking your hair and placing a kiss on your forehead
“really?” you said as you looked into his eyes
“of course” he said and smiled at you, “you’re pretty, you’re smart, you’re such a sweet girl, nothing, nothing is better than you. you’re perfect just the way you are and if they don’t like that, then their loss because we don’t care. besides, they’re probably just jealous that you’re the most beautiful and perfect girl in school” he chuckled, and a little giggle slipped from your mouth
you were sat in his lap, and he was holding you tight, “thank you stevie…i love you” you said as you leaned your head on his shoulder
“anything for you, pretty girl. i love you so much more than you know” he said as he kept holding you
nothing ever mattered when you were with steve
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