#anyways the lighting was nuts so i tried my best
love4hobi · 5 months
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real-life angel 🪽💋
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pawtistictails · 1 year
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I was in the shower thinking about @caffeine-clouds fic when the song popped into my head and put me in a chokehold; I couldn’t even read the next part until this was done. It’s even funnier because when I looked up the lyrics it turns out this is a One Direction song (relevant to the fic in terms of funnies).
(Sorry about the placement of words on that second part I didn’t realize where the tree was overlapping until it was too late)
[ID: Three panels of a lyric comic on a blank sketchbook page. The first panel is of Shadow the Hedgehog's reflection as he stares at the mirror, confused. He’s wearing a loose, long sleeved white shirt, a black corset, small gold earrings, and sparkly red eyeshadow. The lyrics are written in metallic purple: “Everything that you’ve ever dreamed of/ Disappearing when you wake up”
The next two panels are of a scene in a park, where Sonic and Shadow were dancing. There’s a shaded tree on the left, and in the upper-right a fountain. In the middle, a wide winding brown path. The first panel, where two tiny figures are dancing in the middle of the path, is shaded with red-violet and reads, “Does it ever drive you crazy,” while the second panel follows with “Just how fast the night changes?” and is shaded with a much more blue-violet as Shadow stalks away from Sonic. Sonic’s eyes are intentionally scribbled out and he stands with his hand behind his head as he looks away from Shadow. End ID]
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writingonleaves · 3 months
understated, overwhelming (life is always best when you're around) - nico hischier
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pairing: nico hischier x self insert gender neutral reader
warnings: swearing, fluff, nothing much else!
title: "float" by HARBOUR
word count: 3.6k
author's note: hi hi hi!! tried something out of my comfort zone with a self insert reader. also tried my absolute best with a gender neutral reader but if i made a glaring mistake somewhere, please call me out! this is my entry for @callsign-denmark 's Luck of The Puck Fic Exchange written for @selfindulgentpoorlywritten !! andi, i'm so sorry this is a bit late but hope you enjoy this little piece as much as i enjoyed writing it (:
You consider yourself a pretty nice person. 
You try to do your day job well, even if your supervisor drives you nuts from time to time. You call your mom every week, even if she thinks it should be more. You always help your elderly neighbor with their groceries if you happen to be outside at the same time. You foster dogs, mainly because your family has been doing it since you were young. 
But right now, as music is booming through the walls that is most definitely not the music you have softly playing on your speaker, you’re not feeling very nice. It had been a tiring day at work and all you want to do is snuggle up in your bed with a book. Whatever rap music is playing through the walls from your neighbor isn’t helping. 
You’re debating about whether you should say something. Firstly, you’re 90% sure it’s coming from the apartment across from you whose inhabitant you actually have seen the least. It’s not like you’re stalking your neighbors, but after living here for over two years now, you’re familiar with the faces. The only thing you know about the person who lives in 1708 is that there are two of them and that they look related. But that’s not even a sure fact.
All you know is right now, they’re getting on your last nerve. 
You scratch behind Boba’s ears, the Jack Russell Terrier you’re currently fostering, and pat his head before you decide that you have to go say something. You gain some courage before opening your front door. 
Turns out, you don’t even have to knock on your neighbors’ door. More accurately, it’s already open as a guy around your age, maybe a bit younger, says goodbye to the guy you’re almost positive lives there. Both the guys’ eyes slide to you and you fight the urge to shrink. 
“Hi,” the guy with his hand on the doorknob says, not unkindly. “Can I help you?”
You blink, “Hi. Listen, I really don’t want to be a bitch, but could you turn your music down? It’s a weeknight and I have to work in the morning.”
To his credit, his eyes widen apologetically. “Shit, yeah, of course. Sorry. I didn’t realize it was so loud. We’re about to wrap up anyways.” You wave him off as he sticks his hand out. “I don’t know if we’ve met. I’m Jack.”
You offer your name with a tight-lipped smile before shifting your eyes towards the other guy, floppy hair almost covering the amused glint in his eyes. He’s been leaning against the wall this whole time and he’s really fucking cute. “And you are?”
“Nico,” he nods with a shake of your hand. “I’m also sorry about the noise on behalf of Jack, even though I don’t live here.”
“It’s fine,” you hear Boba’s paws trotting on the hardwood floor and you stick your foot out to prevent him from running out. “Well, it’s nice to meet you both.”
Jack’s eyes trail down to Boba, who's looking at the two new voices with curious eyes. “And who’s this?”
You hold in a sigh, picking up Boba in your arms so he doesn’t start running down the hallway. “This is Boba. You can pet him if you’d like. He loves people.” Jack needs no further invitation and reaches to scratch behind his ears. Nico is a bit more hesitant, but the grin threatening to spill out of his lips has you softening. 
After more pets, Jack apologizes again and you bid them goodnight, ushering Boba back inside and turning off your lights. You hear no music, thank goodness, as you climb into bed.
A few weeks later you’re waiting for the elevator after a walk with Gretchen, a golden retriever who drives you nuts, when Nico runs in just as it closes. You don’t expect him to remember you, but he does, saying your name softly paired with a nod. 
He gestures towards Gretchen, who’s nipping about at your feet. “That’s not Boba, is it?”
“No, it’s not,” you say. “This is Gretchen. Boba got adopted last week.” He opens his mouth but you beat him to it. “I foster dogs. None of them are mine. Just, you know, giving them a home when they need it before they find their permanent home.”
“That’s very sweet of you.”
You shrug, because it’s not that big of a deal. To you, at least. “My family did it growing up, still does. So it’s a part of me now, I guess.” You switch the topic. “What are you up to on this sunny Saturday?”
“I, uh, working, I guess.”
You raise an eyebrow. “What do you do?”
Nico clears his throat and now you’re intrigued. “I play hockey. Professionally. That’s how I know Jack, actually. And his roommate, who’s also his brother. We’re all teammates.”
You squint a bit, eyes scanning over Nico’s face before nodding slowly. “That somehow makes sense. That would explain the weird hours.”
“You keep track of Jack’s in and outs?”
“Considering I didn’t even know his name until the night we all met, no,” you snort as you both step into the elevator. “I just hear their door open and close at weird times. So, working today?"
“Yeah. We have a game tonight.”
“Gotcha.” You press the button for ‘17,’ not expecting Nico to lean over and press ‘21’ himself. 
He must see your confusion. “I also live in this building,” he explains. 
You blink. “How long?”
“A little over a year now, but as you figured out, it’s weird hours.”
A beautiful man like him has been living in the same building as you for that long and you haven’t ever run into him? 
You nod, watching the handsome man bend down and coo at Gretchen, who licks his hand, that traitor. You did notice the first time you met him that he was really cute, but you were also really tired and cranky because of the noise. But here in the daylight, with a black beanie tossed over his hair and kindness in his eyes? 
You need to get out of this elevator fast before you say something stupid. 
Luckily, the pinging sound lets you know you’ve arrived on your floor. You give the leash a gentle hug before trying to give Nico a genuine smile. “Good luck at your game tonight.”
You rush out before there's even a chance for him to reply, Gretchen trotting along happily beside you. 
Something that sounds an awful lot like a smoke alarm going off greets you as you’re walking down the hallway to your place after work. It’s coming from Jack’s apartment, causing you to snort. You decide to knock on the door to make sure everything is alright. 
It’s not Jack or his brother you have yet to meet yet who opens the door, but Nico. Over his shoulder, you see someone who looks a lot like Jack fanning a pillow. You do hear Jack cursing and you can’t help but chuckle. 
“Hi,” you say, amused. “You don’t live here.”
“Ouch.” He teases back. “That’s no way to treat a neighbor.”
“I think it’s quite nice of me to check up on my neighbor when I hear their smoke alarm going off, actually,” you shoot back. The playfulness in your voice surprises even you, but there’s something about the brown-haired man that makes you immediately comfortable. You feel like you’ve known him for years, even though you really don’t know anything about him. And you don’t count the things you had found when you searched “jack nico new jersey hockey” after you ran into Nico in the elevator.
(Finding out that you live across from one of the seemingly most skilled players in the NHL and that you also met the captain, another highly-skilled player, was a moment that had your head spinning. You had to shut down your laptop and play with Boba afterwards to get yourself togetherr)
The alarm stops beeping and Jack’s head pokes up behind Nico’s shoulder. “Hi neighbor!”
You can’t help but laugh at his boyishness. “Hey Jack.”
“Everything alright?”
“I think I should be asking you that question. I’m just coming back from work and I heard the alarm.”
Jack grimaced, casting a look back into his apartment. “Yeah, I don’t think dinner will be salvageable but that’s alright.”
“No it’s not,” the guy you presume is Jack’s brother grumbles. 
Jack whacks him across the stomach. “Shut up. This is Luke, my younger brother.”
You nod with a smile. “Nice to meet you, Luke.” An idea pops in your mind. “I was gonna try a new lasagna recipe today. Do you three wanna come over in a bit?”
“You don’t need to do that,” Nico assures. 
But you wave him away. “I never proportion my shit right anyways, so you’d actually all be doing me a favor. It shouldn’t take too long either.”
“Nico’s right,” Jack says. “That’s a really nice offer, but-”
“I won’t set off the smoke alarm,” you sing playfully. That seems to do it, as they laugh. They still seem hesitant, so you compromise. “How about this? Got any vegetable dishes up your sleeve?”
Jack brightens up. “I was gonna make a greek salad as a side before we almost burnt down the apartment.”
You beam. “Perfect. You guys can go make that while I get started on the lasagna.”
Before you can turn on your heel, Nico pipes up. “I can help you with the lasagna, if you want?” He casts a look at Jack and Luke. “I don’t wanna be around in case they somehow mess up the salad.”
The brothers start protesting as you laugh, slightly nervous at the prospect of spending some decent alone time with Nico. “Sure. It’ll probably go a bit faster with a set of extra hands.”
With that, Jack and Luke head back to their place while you fiddle with the key to yours, feeling Nico’s presence behind you. You push open the door and kick off your shoes as he does the same. He surveys your apartment as you hang up your coat. You pat yourself on the back for actually cleaning it yesterday rather than flopping in bed like you had initially wanted to. 
As you start gathering ingredients, you let Nico explore, his eyes darting around your living space. You wonder what he thinks about the pictures you have on your wall of your family and friends, half expecting him to ask about them. But he keeps quiet as you turn on the stove, meandering over and waiting for instructions. 
He’s a good sous chef, all things considered. Not that lasagna is particularly a hard recipe, but there’s something quite intimate about cooking with someone you barely know. Though, as you’re cooking, you tell Nico about your job, your background, how you didn’t necessarily think you’d end up in Jersey but that you’re happy to be here anyways. In turn, he tells you about his family, Switzerland and hockey, though you can tell he purposefully glazes over the latter. Judging from the basic research you’ve done — and whatever praises your hockey-loving cousin drawled on about over the phone yesterday — you immediately conclude that Nico is humble, always turning the conversation back to you. 
It’s quite lovely, even if unexpected. The lasagna is almost done by the time Jack and Luke knock on your door. 
For a few brief moments, you panic, wondering why you thought this was a good idea. What do you have in common with three pro-hockey players? But that panic quickly dissipates, Luke seeing the tiny Ohio State magnet on your fridge (your uncle’s, not yours) and immediately lightheartedly trash talking you as Jack and Nico take over setting up the table and plates. 
You close your front door that night with three new numbers in your phone and an unofficial promise from you to catch a game in person sometime. 
You love Gretchen, you really do, but damn, she’s a lot of work. 
You’re lucky that your job has flexible hours, because Gretchen’s barking would probably drive your neighbors insane if she was left alone in your apartment all day. She’s starting to drive you insane. 
Somehow, she was well behaved at the outdoor market you went to today, so you give her a few treats to nibble on as you go back downstairs to grab everything else. As you’re shutting the door of your car, a bag slips out of your grasp and everything spills out, causing you to groan. 
“You alright there?”
You look up from where you’re bending down to grab your things to see Nico briskly walking over from his car, an amused look on his face. You chuckle a bit. “Yeah. This bag decided just to crap out on me. Luckily, there’s nothing really breakable in there.”
He picks up some bath bombs and a loofah in minor confusion. The furrow in his eyebrows is kinda adorable. “What’s this for?”
“One of my coworkers is about to get married so all of us pitched in to get some spa products. I volunteered to put it together to make a gift basket of sorts.”
He hums, swinging the now-filled bag over his shoulder and walking alongside you as you head into the building. “That’s really nice of you. And a good idea for a gift too.”
“Yeah. To be fair, the spa stuff wasn’t necessarily my idea. I just had time to buy them today and I have a knack for making pretty baskets.”
“I should take some notes,” Nico says. “I have a couple friends back in Switzerland getting married soon and need to get them gifts.”
“You wanna come up and help me put it together?”
Nico visibility hesitates as you two wait for the elevator. “I don’t want to intrude in your plans.”
“I have no plans,” you deadpan. “It’s a Sunday. I’m surprised I even got myself to go to the market today.”
He laughs. “Well, in that case…” he presses the button for your floor, but not his. “Any dogs you got in your home right now?”
“Still Gretchen,” you say. “She’s being extra bitchy today though, so sorry in advance for all the barking.” You guys walk into your apartment, and Gretchen barks once before perching her head, begging for pets. Nico gives them to her and she curls up against him. You snort. “Oh, I see how it is, Gretch. You see a cute boy and suddenly you’re well behaved?”
Nico looks up from where he’s crouched to pet Gretchen. “You think I’m cute?” Oh. Shit. You just glare at him as he smirks, nodding at your bags. “What else are you putting in the basket?”
“A bunch of soaps, a really fluffy bathrobe one of our other coworkers found on Amazon, some candles, these facemasks I ordered from Korea…all the good stuff.”
He watches as you take out the empty basket, some wrapping paper, and a few colorful ribbons. You honestly don’t consider yourself very crafty, but after doing a few gift boxes like this in your life, this is something that you pride yourself in doing decently well. 
“Can you reach into the drawer across from the sink and hand me the scissors, please?” You ask. Nico abides, sliding the scissors across the counter. 
“I think the same, by the way.”
You blink, measuring out the length of the ribbons correctly. “Hm?”
“I think you’re cute too.”
It takes all your control to cut the ribbon carefully before looking up at him. You see him swallow, confident with a hint of hesitation. You look down and try to steady your hands. “Well, depending on how good you are at cutting wrapping paper, I might have to keep you around.”
“Helping you out with dinner that night wasn’t enough?”
“The real test is seeing if you know how to wrap gifts.”
“I don’t.”
You can’t help but snort. “Figures.”
“So, what?” You look up to see Nico giving you a look that makes your stomach flip. He tilts his head to the side, trying to find something in your face. You’re not sure what. “You’re gonna kick me out?”
One side of your lips quirk up as Gretchen barks. “I guess I’ll keep you around.”
You and Nico become fast friends. To be honest, it’s not like you see each other all the time, with your normal work schedule and his abnormal one. But more often than not, when Nico asks if you’re around, you usually are. It starts with more homecooked dinners, which turns into trying new restaurants because it’s more reasonable to go with someone else so you can order more at a time, which turns into you seeing some new event happening or shop opening up and thumbing over to your text thread with him asking him if he wants to join. Nine times out of ten, unless he’s on a road trip, he’s free. 
Sometimes Jack and Luke join. Most times they don’t. You’re not offended. Jack and Luke are a bit younger and have their own friends. They remind you of your younger cousins.
The thing is, you just enjoy Nico’s company. You learn about his goals, his insecurities, the things that bring him joy. He’s kind, considerate and so incredibly interesting. You feel so comfortable around him, whether you’re yapping away about childhood stories or in silence walking around the streets of Newark. 
When you finally take up your neighbors’ offer to go to a Devils game after many nagging texts for the Hughes brothers, Nico knocks on your door within minutes, unexpectedly pulling you into a tight hug. You’re taken aback, but his dimpled smile is worth it. 
You take one of your closest friends and have a wonderful time. You’re not much of a hockey fan, but your friend is, happy to talk you through icings and delayed penalties and offsides. Your eyes track 43 and 86 as your friend raves about the “Hughes skating.” But most of the time, you’re eyeing the one with the 13 and the C, who takes a deep breath before every face off. 
For your first game, it’s a fun one, a nail biter that ends in a 4-2 win against the Minnesota Wild. You shoot Jack, Luke and Nico all a text congratulating them on a good game.
It’s when you’re in bed that night do you really thumb through their replies, Nico’s simple heart emoji making you fall asleep with a smile. 
Besides being a nice person, you also consider yourself to have a decent memory. 
Until there’s a knock on your door that has you confused. You put down your tea, petting Moose, the dalmatian you’ve been looking after recently, as you walk to the door. 
Nico looks so cozy, a black Kith sweatshirt with a beanie over his hair. He blinks at you. You blink back. 
“Hi,” you say, amused even if a bit confused. “What’s up? Did we have plans tonight?”
“No, well, not pre-planned.” Nico bends down to pet Moose, who he met yesterday when you guys went to a new coffee shop. “You busy?”
“And what if I was?”
“You’d cancel for me anyways,” he teases. 
And the thing is, he’s right. You sigh playfully. “Fine. Gimme a few minutes to get dressed.”
Nico grabs the leash off the hook. “Moose is coming too.”
He flicks his hand. “Go get dressed.”
“Bossy,” you comment, before walking to your bedroom. 
It turns out your plans are a newly opened dog park that you’ve heard about but haven’t gotten the chance to check out. Moose is immediately excited, and your heart does something funny when you see Nico calm him down so he doesn’t run anyone over. Nico told you he hadn't grown up with dogs, but you wouldn’t know with how gentle he is with every dog you’ve fostered during your friendship thus far. 
After playing with Moose for a bit, he collapses on the grass, allowing you and Nico to sit and also relax. 
“You look happy.”
You turn to Nico with a smile. “I am.”
“Good. All I want is for you to be happy.”
You swallow and take a deep breath. “Nico.”
“You can’t just say things like that.”
“Why not?”
“Because,” you whisper. You swear the space between you both has decreased. 
“Because what?”
You huff. “Are you really gonna make me say it?”
You roll your eyes fondly, staring down at the grass for a few seconds before looking into his eyes again. “You can’t say things like that because then you’ll make me believe that I have a chance to be with you. To be more than friends.”
“And why is that so hard to believe?”
“What?” You ask. 
“Is it such a hard thing to believe?” Nico asks gently. His cologne is filling your senses now and you’re so overwhelmed. “The chance to be with you would be an honor.”
“You’re fucking with me.”
He chuckles, “I’m not.” He leans in to place a chaste kiss on your cheek and you kinda wanna die. “So, what do you say? Wanna give it a shot?”
“Are you sure?”
“Never been sure of anything more in my life.” His confidence is back and it makes you wanna kiss him silly. 
You take his hand and squeeze it in yours. “Okay.”
“Okay, yeah. Let’s give it a shot. On one condition though.”
“You’re helping me with all these dogs. I still don’t know how you got Gretchen to like you. She barely liked me.”
Nico laughs loudly. It makes you grin. “What can I say? I must be special.”
You bite your lip. Yeah. He really is. 
You watch as Moose suddenly has energy again and trots between you two, licking Nico’s face. He scrunches his nose in delight and you feel like the sun is suddenly shining brighter. 
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lu-lus-duckies · 2 months
You all need sleep and I may not be the best sleeper but here's some tips. these especially go out to @xxx-angie @nunalastor and @the-aprilfools-bitch . I will be in your closets making sure you all get good sleep >:(
rest your eyes from tv and phone. Just blue light in general. instead you could listen to music or podcasts. those are much better.
try sleeping between 2-4 PM at the latest (which means either that or EARLIER). your body produces the most melatonin (the thing you need to sleep) at those times. It will be much harder to fall asleep later than that
Take a warm bath or shower. If I didn't have a bad relationship with liquids, I would be doing this all day. the warmness helps drop your body temperature and generally lower temperatures signal to the body that it's nighttime and consequently bedtime.
no coffee if you drink some, unless you got ADHD (angie). I've heard caffeine works backwards for people with ADHD
If you grew up in a home with the TV on constantly or just generally had some noise around you in your childhood whenever you went to bed, TURN ON SOME NOISE. It is what happens with me and I can't sleep without some noise.
It would be nice if your bed was only used for sleeping, but I know that's not happening lmao
midgnight snacks disturb your sleep. try to avoid those, since your body starts metabolism during nights. it doesn't need more food to process. but if you must grab a snack, it's best to choose something that's easily digestible and maybe even increases the production of melatonin. some of these are milk (obviously), bananas, nuts, eggs, tea, vegetables and such.
Don't rely too much on meds, otherwise your body will get used to it and will depend on it for you to go to sleep. Instead you could try pavlov effecting yourself with something similar that can always be available. For example, before going to sleep, perform a certain action (I used this method in school and my version was patting myself on the head or touching my cheek with the hand opposite to it). once you've done this enough times before sleep, your brain will associate that action with sleep and you'll get a little sleepy if you do it again. This takes a long time though, A month maybe I have stopped doing this, but if nothing else works this can be an option. Though this isn't perfect lulu side rant: tried to condition myself with a ring once. was really bad with doing homework on time, so everytime I was doing homework I would switch a ring I wore to my forefinger. And this was only used for that situation. I never moved my ring to my forefinger for any reason at all. Thought this would work, but the only conditional response I got was that everytime I moved that ring to my forefinger I started thinking about homework and not really doing it.
If that doesn't work, try changing your enviorment. It doesn't have to be drastic. for example: sleep backwards. lay your head where your feet usually are and your head where your feet usually are. or maybe try sleeping on the floor. I am paranoid about sleeping in other peoples houses but this is the reason I tend to fall asleep anyway
If your lack of sleep is caused by anxiety (like intrusive thoughts or thinking about the future), try listening to a mindless podcast or a youtube video. It will help distract from your thoughts and give you something to focus your mind on, plus most content these days tend to try and turn your mind off to get that sweet sweet watchtime.
If all else fails, you can try to tire your brain out I guess. that's my method for extemely bad sleepless nights. I start reading because that's the most tiring activity I can do in bed and usually I fall asleep in the middle of it.
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kingdaddydaichi · 2 years
Need a quick break from writing for Daichi. Let me get this out of my system then I'll go write another 10k words for my King Daddy...
k. bokuto x reader (fem)
nsfw. mdni. size kink.
I just KNOW Bokuto has a size kink! I’ve always hc’d that he likes short girls. And I don’t mean just girls who are shorter than him bc that’s…well pretty much all of them. I’m talking about girls who are like 5’4” or less. The closer to 5’0” the better in his book.
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Bo thinks it’s the cutest thing when you tug on shirt and pout up at him when you want to give him a kiss.
His heart swoons when he leans down to kiss you and you stand on your tippy toes bc it shows him that you’re doing your best to meet him halfway.
The first time y’all are at a concert together and Bo can see over everyone’s heads, and he notices you standing on your tip-toes, craning your neck this way and that trying to see over people’s shoulders. Then he squats down so you can sit on his shoulders with the back of his neck between your legs. And when he slowly stands up to give you a better view, your eyes light up and you're like Princess Jasmine when she sings 🎶 IT’S A WHOLE NEW WORRRRLD 🎶 “so THIS is what the world looks like from almost 9 feet up!”
In typical himbo fashion, Bo has been known to scan the area wherever y’all are, looking for you and when he calls your name, you flatly say, “down here, Bo.” And he looks down while the biggest grin graces his sweet face bc he’s just so happy he found you. “Hey, baby! I thought I lost you there for a second!”
When he’s hitting it from behind, it turns Bo on to no end to be able to hunch all the way over you and give you little love bites on the back of your neck. He can kiss you without straining with his arms right next to yours, your fingers interlaced together. It makes his cock throb inside you when you moan in his mouth, his big hands pressing yours into the mattress while he slaps his strong, wet hips against your ass.
Missionary is a little awkward with Bo because your face is level with his chest, but it does provide the perfect opportunity to tease his nipples with your tongue. Mans has the most sensitive nips so when you lick and gently nip at them, Bo's pretty golden eyes roll back while his whole body shudders with pleasure. But he does try his best to kiss you while he's making love to you. You're making him feel so amazing all over, he doesn't even notice the discomfort in his back from forcing his spine to arch into an unnatural position sksskkksss. Then again, his back is pretty damn flexible. Have you seen the way it curves when he goes for a spike? 👁👄👁
Leaves you breathless when he's about to cum bc he throws his weight against you, fucking into you harder. He just doesn't know his own strength? But you don't mind bc the grunts and groans that leave this man's lips when he's about to bust a fat nut inside you give you life, and you swear you don't need to breathe anyway.
Is there anything sexier than making a brick shithouse of a man whimper your name when your orgasm hits and your tight pussy clamps down on his monstrous cock? No. No, there isn't.
Let me tell you, getting railed against the wall by Bo is a religious experience. The way he's effortlessly got your relatively tiny body pinned against the wall with your legs dangling over his forearms? His cock hitting spots that it just won't reach in any other position? His long fingers squishing into the fat of your ass as he guides you up and down all 9 inches of his slippery dick. And you're babbling between whimpers of his name while he presses his forehead to yours and grunts, "I'm so in love with you, baby owl. Always gonna take good care of you and treat you right," the force of his thrusts audible in his needy voice as he desperately tries to fuck all his love into you. He'll have both of you seeing the promised land. 🙏
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There. I feel better now. This list is by no means exhaustive, but at least I got some of it off my chest. Thanks for listening.
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tagging my fellow bokuhoes: @yuujispinkhair @luvkun4 @briokayama @chaoskrakenuwu @crystal-lilac
bokuto mlist | haikyuu mlist
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gaybananabread · 2 months
Ooh Lego Monkie Kid? Don't mind if I do!
Do you have any headcanons for the Stonefruit Trio (MK, Wukong, and Macaque)?
⁠☆⁠—⁠⁠LMK Stonefruit Trio Tkl Headcanons—⁠☆
~Sorry this took me so long to get to! School is finding new ways to kick my ass every day istg- ANYway, it felt good to write for these goobers again! Thank you for requesting!~
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Sunshine boy is definitely a big fan of tickles. Laughing at just a few touches, bonding with his friends, watching them let their walls down for the sake of silly happiness? Yeah, count him in.
He likes both sides, though being tickled does have a special place in his heart. He’s a lee-leaning switch, but not by a whole lot.
He can only say the t-word on special occasions (extreme confidence, other lers/lees in it with him, drunken boldness). 98.71% of the time, he’ll go beet red at the attempt.
When he gets lee moods, everyone around him will know. He can sometimes just ask for help if it’s someone who’s used to his silliness, like Red Son or Mei, but other than that, it’s tacit signals.
He’ll run a hand through his hair a lot (exposing his side in the process), get way more fidgety than normal, speak in a higher pitch, and very nonchalantly stare at his friends’ hands. Not that hard to get the message.
Kicks, flails and squirms when tickled. He really tries not to, but his nerves pretty much go nuts. It’s best to pin him or get him from behind if you don’t want an accidental bloody nose.
Worst spots are his navel and lower back. He absolutely loses it whenever anyone so much as pokes there.
Melt spots are his palms and shoulders. Tickly massages and palm kisses leave him a puddle of giggles.
Really bright and bubbly laughter when you get him going. When it’s light, lots of little squeaks and half-hearted “no!”s
Sickly sweet while also a teasing mother-trucker. If you think that’s confusing, imagine how the lee feels-
The sunshine boy definitely has a fiery side, so watch out
“You’re ticklish here too? Seriously, this is adorable. You’re adorable.”
“Holding it in, huh? I think it’d feel a bit nicer if you let out that laughter. Don’t you?
“So many good spots, so little time… Guess I gotta get to work!”
“Your blush is so pretty! I think I’m gonna paint my nails that color…”
He’s incredibly considerate of boundaries, even if you’re obviously okay with it.
Checks in wherever you seem to be laughing a bit too hard, though you’ve only just got done giggling. It’s smart to set up a safeword so he actually does know when to keep going.
Confident lees will love him. He’s easy to fluster if you can say the t-word enough times, and he nearly dies if someone confidently asks him to tickle them.
An aftercare master. He makes whatever your favorite drink is, gets snacks, makes a cuddle nest and just hangs out with you. If you’re not big on touch, he’s fine to just watch some YouTube videos and chill out.
🍑Sun Wukong☀️
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We can all agree that he’s a straight-up switch. Loves wrecking people, adores being reduced to a giggly puddle of mush.
However, he refuses to admit any of that
He likes the feeling of being vulnerable around his friends, but the thought of saying that is terrifying for him (again, good luck getting him to say that. The great Monkey King allegedly has no fear)
He’s giggling like crazy before you even touch him.
If you even give a small hint of what you’re gonna do, get ready for him to run.
When you do catch him (he will eventually let you), he curls up like a pill bug and rides it out. If you mention his tail wagging, he’ll let out a string of adorably squeaky profanities.
His actual laugh is a lot less obnoxious than his “Monkey King” one. It’s bright and bubbly, full of squeaks and the occasional snort.
His worst spots are his ribs and his lower back, specifically the base of his tail. Good luck keeping him still if you go there.
Melt spots are his ears and hips. His hips are a bit of an obscure spot, but he will dissolve if you trace them.
Once you’re done wrecking him, he becomes a cuddly, sleepy little mess. Be ready to stay with him for at least an hour afterwards.
He’s such a chaos goblin I swear-
Loves the “Tickle Monster” trope. He can and will use his power to make clones of himself and/or shift his appearance for optimum tickle-ability
If he’s the one doing the tickling, he can say the t-word. This is a power he always abuses.
“The Tickle Monster’s gonna getcha, kid! Better run~”
“Oh sorry, couldn’t hear you through all that laughter. Did you say ‘keep going’? Perfect!”
“You know, I could stop, but where’s the fun in that? I think you can agree, can’t ya?”
“Your laugh is so fun! I could listen to it for centuries… But I think I can settle for five more minutes.”
It takes him a bit, but he does try to check in and see when you need a break. It’d be a nice idea to set a safeword or a clear tap-out beforehand, just in case.
He’s actually really good with aftercare. He makes the best lemonade tea, and he’ll attempt to make a good snack. Just watch out for any of his “inventive” cooking/baking methods.
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He acts like he hates it. If you don't know him all that well, he'll seem genuinely done with it.
If you do know him, however, he has tells. The way his tail twitches when the t-word is said, the way just a hint of pink settles on his cheeks, the way his arms just barely clamp to his sides…
Yeah, he's not as slick as he thinks.
Prefers being tickled most of the time, but he isn't afraid to wreck a bitch just because.
He will fight and deny it until the day his immortality runs dry, but he loves it.
Until you actually start, he'll act like he doesn't want it. Kicking, hissing, running, the whole nine.
The minute those wiggling fingers touch down, though? He melts.
All protest disappears, the only thing close being small “no”s through his laughter. His tail will wag adorably (be careful if you mention this).
He could just shadow-travel away, but conveniently “forgot because of the literal torture” he was experiencing or “couldn't focus enough” to do so.
Worst spots are his knees and his back. Him and Wukong share the infamous I-will-die spot at the bases of their tails, though this boy's is significantly worse.
Melt spots are beneath his chin and his ears. It is the cutest thing to just scratch beneath and hear his little purrs while he tries not to giggle.
Puts his villain experience to use
He'll use his shadow travel to sneak up on you/cheat in a chase. Nobody said he had to play fair…
He definitely makes clones to help himself. One to hold your arms up, another to grab your legs, and a few to get the more annoying spots.
Teasing in a playful-yet-asshole sorta way. If you're feeling shitty, he'll be such a sweetheart, but he's a shit 80% of the time.
“Wow, ticklish here too? You're just a walking tickle-spot at this point.”
“You think this is bad? Just wait till I call in the cavalry~”
“It must be hard, being this ticklish and all. How have you survived so far? Thought you'd have laughed yourself silly.”
“Just a few little pokes and you're down for the count. Would suck if some of the villains found out…”
“Worst spot, huh? Better buckle up~”
Somehow knows exactly when to stop every time. You don't even have to say anything: he just knows.
Masterful aftercare. He honestly loves cuddling with his lee afterwards, so you're getting some unless you specifically tell him no. He'll send a shadow clone to go get you a drink and some snacks if you want. Peaceful music listening and most likely a nap (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
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12romy · 6 months
Hi I know this I cheeky…but I failed my driving test and have had food poisoning this week. Is there anyway I could ask for a little Chewis prompt to be written? ANYTHING you like? It would cheer me up so much!
Hi darling!!! It's no problem at all, don't hesitate to ask! It always makes me happy to write prompts, and never hesitate to ask for specific stuff, too, if you want to!
I'm sorry you had such a back week, I hope you're feeling better... And I'm sure you'll pass your driving test next time!
I didn't really know what to write so, this is in the change of habits verse, end of season 2023! No real plot, just a fluffy slice of life ahah
Charles steps inside the silent house, dropping his bag and suitcase in the hall, and goes to faceplant on the couch as soon as he's out of his shoes and coat.
The season is finally over, thank god. Of course, he'll have to go back to Maranello, soon. Back to work, back to a shitty car and a shitty team. He'd rather not think about it right now.
He's tired. He hates himself for wishing he were in another team next year.
He doesn't know how long he stays on the couch, brooding, but soon enough the door opens. He perks up immediately, like an eager puppy when his owner gets back.
He rushes to the door, and literally throws himself in Lewis' arms. His boyfriend catches him, dropping bag and suitcase to do so, and makes them spin as Charles wraps his legs around his waist.
"I missed you!" Charles exclaims. He tries to kiss Lewis, but aims wrong because of the motion, and only catches the corner of his lips. Lewis stops spinning them around, and allows Charles to kiss him properly.
"It's been three days, darling," he chuckles.
"We've seen each other from afar in the paddock, it doesn't count," Charles pouts. "We didn't have any time for ourselves since Vegas!"
"I did miss this," Lewis nods, kissing him again before putting him down - or rather, tries to. Charles doesn't want to let go, and Lewis giggles at the way he's gripping onto him. "Fine, fine, I get the message, we're gonna cuddle. Can I just take my shoes off, first?"
"Fine," Charles agrees, sulking a little as he lets go of Lewis.
"How about we take a shower before cuddling? I smell like sweat and the inside of the airplane, not the best combo," Lewis suggest, and Charles has to admit he has a point.
"We can take a bath, instead," he offers. "That way we can get clean and cuddle at the same time."
Lewis has always been a pro at self-care, and so he draws them a warm bath, adding all sorts of products in it - all 100% plant based and organic - that smell amazing. He also lights up candles and incense sticks, and even adds actual rose petals to the water. Charles has no idea where they come from.
In the meantime, Charles prepares them some snack. Nothing too grand, just some fresh fruits and an assortment of dry nuts. He then puts on some jazz, a kind of music neither of them listens to much except when taking baths, and they settle in the tub. Lewis is resting his back against him and his head is on his shoulder, which allows Charles to wrap his arms around him.
The next couple of hours, after the bath, are used to undo each of Lewis' braids while distractingly watching a movie.
Charles realises Lewis fell asleep once he's finished, and smiles to himself. He manages to take a selfie with Lewis sleeping against him, and make it his new wallpaper.
He wonders what to do, then. Whether he should get up to make dinner, or maybe wake Lewis up.
He decides to do neither. He stays right there, half-sitting-half-laying on the bed, with Lewis pressed against him. They both could use the rest. They'll figure out dinner later.
He thinks distantly that going back to the factory will be even more painful, since it means leaving all this behind.
Better not to think about it, he still has a few of weeks in front of him. They're going to celebrate Christmas with their families, first in Monaco then in England. After that, they're going to America for the new year, before coming back home for Lewis' birthday.
He should look forward to it. So why can't he stop the anxiety rising in him at the thought of going back to Maranello?
Lewis makes a small noise in his sleep, and Charles is pulled out of his own mind immediately. Right. Lewis is here, with him. As long as they'll be together, he will be fine.
He can face anything.
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hentai-dreams-shop · 2 years
what the hxh main 4 and adult trio do for first dates!
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gon freecs
〆 parks.
〆 gon will bring you to the greatest natural park there is—whale island. he’ll pack a picnic basket and you guys set off on a full day camp. gon will plan your itinerary, but in a way that makes it seem spontaneous
〆 picking flowers? check. nuts and berries? check. romantic fishing on the lake? check. gon loves nature, and in this way he hopes he can get you to appreciate what he loves too
〆 you and him end off the day toasting s’mores and marshmallows by a campfire and watching the stars. it’s been a fun day, and you are more than ready to go to bed in gon’s arms
〆 p.s. gon definitely asked killua for relationship advice
killua zoldyck
〆 killua is a great date, so when it comes to the one he loves most, he’ll definitely do his best to make sure the day goes perfectly fine
〆 mf’s rich af, so whatever you want, he’ll buy it for you. bubble tea, Gucci bags, and everything in between. “You want that? Get it, here’s my card.”
〆 he isn’t like gon in the sense that he’s openly heartfelt, but you can sense the tenderness behind his aloof facade. his cheeks are slightly pink throughout, and he insists on carrying everything you bought. killua isn’t very big with pda, but he will give you the occasional peck on the cheek, or brush of hand to hand
〆 most likely he will take you to a skateboard park too, to teach you how to skate if you don’t know. killua loves praise, so he’d show off a couple cool tricks with his skateboard. clap loudly, he loves that
〆 ends off the day with a rooftop dinner alone, just the two of you and the starry night sky
kurapika kurta
〆 kurapika rarely takes the day off, but for you, he practically begs light nostrade to give him an off day so he can spend time with you
〆 kurapika’s a dinner date guy. he’ll show up to your house at 6, maybe rent a limo or something because he’s sweet like that. he’ll dress formal, in a sharp black suit and tie, so you should too because if you’re dating kurapika you’re going somewhere formal
〆 he’d take you dancing. no, not nightclub twerking, actual ballroom dancing. kurapika’s actually a great dancer, and he can’t wait to show it off to you
〆 he’d bring you to this fancy ass French restaurant and order the 200k dollar meals. no matter how many times you protest, he insists on paying for everything, smiling softly across the table as he takes your hand into his
〆 the full package. candlelit meal, romantic rooftop dinner, privacy, classical music humming softly in the background. you end off the day with fireworks exploding in the night sky
leorio paladiknight
〆 leorio isn’t a very romantic person, not like killua or kurapika. leorio, however, is rich, so he spoils you in your first date with exactly that
〆 he’s not smooth, but he tries. leorio is the type to think up cheesy pick up lines (chemistry pick up lines) and rattle them off with you. it’s not very charming, but it’s cute
〆 he doesn’t prepare much for the date, and ngl your dinner will be at some random eatery or bar. but he pays for all your alcohol, and gets drunk right along with you
〆 conclusion, your first date is kind of messy, but you enjoy it all the same
〆 I hope I spelled his name correctly
illumi zoldyck
〆 illumi never thought dates were necessary unless it was to gain information or assassinate someone. so when you pulled the date idea, he deadpans at you with the most emotionless face known to man.
〆 he doesn’t really understand why you wanted one (he probably just thought you’d get engaged and marry him without him going out of his way to do something special). anyways, illumi has absolutely no idea how to plan for a fucking date and when he finally agreed to it, he wondered what he was getting himself into
〆 illumi is totally the type that googles dating plans and tips because he doesn’t know how to do them himself
〆 illumi would memorise a list of tips and do every single thing. from spoiling you to complimenting you, he does everything. he’s not fond of pda, so he avoids that
〆 it’s kind of mechanical tbh
〆 but illumi would buy you a good meal at the end and watch you enjoy yourself eating. he isn’t really an eater, and he much prefers to watch you eat
〆 “did you enjoy yourself?” in his signature deadened tone
hisoka morow
〆 this guy. where do I even begin with him 💀
〆 you probably met via some kidnapping or an epic Nen battle. to date hisoka, strength is a prerequisite, or he won’t even look at you
〆 this guy’s idea of first dates would be going out on a lovely joint mission for the phantom troupe, murdering some people and having a perfectly bloody time, and after which you guys head to a nightclub where hisoka gets you drunk and fucks you
〆 hisoka wouldn’t be a good date. just saying
〆 he’s probably in it for the sex, or to fight you one day. this guy has sadistic tendencies, and when I say so, he has a lot
〆 nightclubs and bars. hisoka would take you to these places. he’d buy you all the tequila shots you want, but mf is definitely looking to get you drunk
〆 flirts a lot during the course of the whole mission
〆 the rest is self explanatory
chrollo lucifer
〆 tbh, chrollo, killua, gon and kurapika are the only decent dates here
〆 chrollo is a lot like kurapika. he’d take you out for a nice formal dinner, with great wine, great music, the whole package. difference is, chrollo enjoys long quiet hours where you two just read and enjoy each other’s presence
〆 he’d pause phantom troupe activities and leave pakunoda and shalnark in charge of the gang. they won’t question him, but they admit it is strange for the boss to take a break for a date, especially if he has no ulterior motive
〆 long walks in the park after the rain. coffee and croissants in quaint cafes. library dates. there’s a good chance chrollo would plan these dates for the both of you
〆 he doesn’t talk a lot, but you feel perfectly safe with him. the occasional compliment, a sweet smile. chrollo is the type that loves long discussions about books, and he loves it if you’re familiar with ancient poetry or literature too
〆 overall chrollo’s a great date
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detailtilted · 3 months
Next Enhanced Video In Process - CHICON 2008
WARNING: Heavy camera flashes below.
I thought I'd post an update in case anyone's curious. After finishing Comic-Con 2008, I moved on to CHICON 2008. The videos for the main panels are decent and they're upscaling nicely, but you'll all hate the quality of the Breakfast video. I'm doing that one first.
I made some improvements to the originals which are explained and shown below, but I couldn't upscale them. Jared came out ok, probably because he was closer to the camera, but even the most light-handed approach distorted Jensen's features too much.
However, one thing I improved were the flashes. The original videos are nuts. Flashes have been bad on other videos too, but I think the lighting in the room made them stand out worse here. I was afraid they'd give someone a seizure or something so I found a way to reduce them. I probably won't do this again on other videos because I used a free trial that expired and I've already put way too much money into software for this pet project. I don't think it'd work as reliably on the less dramatically flashy videos anyway, but I may reconsider the purchase if I encounter more videos like this down the road.
I also tried to do some color corrections, but it's erratic. Suppressing the flashes doesn't change the real life effect they had on the lighting in the room. Maybe that's why the color correction settings I applied didn't have consistent results throughout the video. I separated out some longer segments of drastically different colors and fixed them independently, but there was just too much fluctuation. Individually analyzing and correcting all 37,440 frames is way beyond the scope of this project (and my patience) and would probably require more lifetimes than I have.
Anyway, I wanted to post a short comparison video so people can see the difference. I think when people just see the enhanced video by itself they'll be like, "this sucks!" I was hoping people might not hate it as much if they've seen how it originally looked. I think the "enhanced" version, once I publish it, will be the best version that's been posted to date, even if it's still crappy.
This video has three 30-second samples:
Original version of Breakfast video.
My modified version.
Sample of upscaled main J2 panel to prove it will get better again after the Breakfast video. (No flashes removed. You can see them, but I think they're less painful.)
I've also made other adjustments that aren't seen in that sample:
The best-quality video has interruptions because the video taker also took pictures. This caused the frame to freeze and the sound to cut out. When possible, I edited in an alternate lower-quality video at those moments. I also edited in the alternate video to cover brief segments missing in the main videos.
The only other video that has the 1st two minutes is one where the video taker was scared to be too obvious about what they were doing and so recorded their legs and random non-J2 objects instead. 😂 But it was still helpful, because I substituted that video's audio in for the sections that cut out on the primary video due to the picture taking. We'll still have a few freeze frames in the first two minutes, but at least we can hear what was going on.
Speaking of hearing, there were some truly ear-shattering screams when Jared and Jensen first came out. I lowered the volume a little in those moments to save your ears some trauma.
This breakfast video will be the next one I release, but my video releases will be increasingly slow. I have something going on in real life that's eating up most of my spare time and will probably continue to do so off and on for most of this year. Nothing bad, just very time-consuming. This is a shorter video though, and I'm already well into the work on it, so hopefully it won't take too long.
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canonically47 · 4 months
here we go...
DCAS episode 3 thoughts
(no duh.)
first of all, somebody spoiled in chat that lake would be the vote, so i’m pissed off enough as it is
patrons... when i catch you patrons...
seriously fuck all of the leakers & patrons that spoil stuff. i hate you guys. hope your pillow is hot on both sides
anyways!!! genuine opinion time
tom, my baby, my love, the light of my life, you did a good job voting for lake. this might be controversial but i think that, out of everyone, she is definitely someone to get out early. maybe there will be some sort of comeback challenge that she’ll win, because i don’t feel like her story is fully over yet, but for now, i’m satisfied she was the one to go.
connor and riya make me more uncomfortable by the day, but thank you to riya for putting an end to their situationship. not looking forward to connor doing pathetic puppy eyes and sighing broken-heartedly throughout the challenges though. and just between you and me, i truly hope one of them is the next vote.
also why did she say "i’m not your daughter" when they’re supposed to be interpreted as a couple/situationship thing... isn’t that a weird writing choice... or is it just me skull emoji fire emoji
on the note of another weird couple, yul is showing his true colors. i told you it was only a matter of time before he showed his true colors... grett, baby, you deserve so much better. i hope when this ship inevitably crashes that grett kicks him in the nuts at one point. she deserves to crush his balls. as a treat :3
love to see a potential alec-fiore-miriam alliance, and miriam back on her gaslighting shit. i have the feeling she might make the merge, but ellie will have her revenge against her and get her out by exposing her somehow. but for this to work, we would need someone dumb enough to vote for her, and i really wonder who- nvm jake is still in the game!! (and tom could probably be manipulated ORRR he could change his priorities and realize that jake and miriam ain’t shit
DEREK AND TREVOR ARE SOOO FUNNY derek’s voice actor is the best of the bunch and i am dead serious. he is sooo funny his deliveries are always so good (compared to many of the others that i would be burnt at the stake for giving the names of lol) derek forgetting THEY are the interns made me laugh so hard i love them
ashley please stop fueling jake’s dumbass fantasies he’s bad and fucking stupid enough as he is
jake can you just accept some people can be friends or are you going to be arophobic this entire series /hj. only a joke because of the arophobia but has this man never heard of platonic male relationships? not to be mean but [CENSORED] [CENSORED EVEN MORE] [CENSORED AS IF IN THE COMMUNIST ERA] [MY LAWYER ADVISED ME TO DELETE THIS ENTIRE SEQUENCE]
fuck jake
fuck riya
fuck connor
fuck jake
fuck yul
fuck jake
fuck yul
oh and how could i forget?
sorry i know he didn’t do much this episode i just hate his ass
tess was really smart with her vote tbh... love that for her. she gets it
fuck jake
fiore deserves better, she hasn’t even done anything this season, why will nobody give her a damn break lol? ashley and jake when i catch you...
hunter fuck you. you know what you did
ally-hunter-fiore alliance getting out jake WHEN WHEN WHENNNNNN!!!!!!!! not a want but a NEED!!!
fuck yul
fuck jake
also fuck riya and connor and their stupid ass drama
and fuck yul
but how could i forget? fuck jake
that’s all :3
(fuck jake btw)
placing my bets for the next episode...
ally-hunter-fiore alliance blooms but hunter is visibly hesitant about it. thank god he doesn’t have to vote, or he’d have probably already betrayed the alliance...
tom-aiden bonding, tom reluctantly accepts ellie as an ally, and gabby tries to get the two closer to each other, at least to work together if not to be friends
yellow team loses. riya goes home (more of a hope than anything though, realistically i think hunter and/or ally have good chances of leaving...)
alec-miriam-fiore alliance also blooms. throw connor in there too, but only as an ally of alec’s. alec is the one to convince connor to vote for riya.
jake explodes and fucking dies
yul explodes and fucking dies
riya explodes and fucking dies
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xxdragonwriterxx · 2 years
hello, can i please, please, PLEASE ask for a sequel to „stupid prick”?? i’m obsessed with medic!reader and grumpy and vulnerable levi 😭 can they meet in the survey corps headquaters, where he has to be patched up after a dangerios mission and she is the new best medic around? and they recognize each other and hanji sees that and tries to lowkey get them get together and release the pent up sexual frustration from years back? bc wveryone around sees what is happening 🔥🔥and bc they obviously have the hots for each other his recovery process is getting more and more steamy ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 i love your writing so much, thank you for all you do 💕💖💕
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A/N: Hey guys!!! I’m finally back!! WHOO! 😂😅 It feels so good to be posting a fic again, I just hope tumblr doesn’t eat this one like it usually does 😑 I actually wanted to post this one last night instead, but I ended up extending it and writing like four extra pages in the middle and at the end so I wanted to take today to edit it and make sure it actually sounded okay lol. But I really hope this is what you guys were looking for!! This one has been a popular demand so I really hope I did it justice! I don’t feel like it is my best piece, but it was really fun to write anyway! Also, since you didn’t necessarily specify in the ask, I just went ahead and made this a full NSFW, so warnings for that will apply, but it’s not til the very end. Okay, now enough bullshit from me, here is the sequel to “Stupid Prick”! Thank you so so much for your sweet compliments, they seriously make my day 🥺❤️ I hope you guys enjoy!!
(Warning: NSFW!! Minors DNI plz! It’s not super nuts but I would like to point out that this fic features unprofessional conduct and misuse of a hospital room and certain medical supplies. Plz never try this at home, it is fiction and even though I tried to make it as realistically applicable as possible, it’s still not something you should try lol)
🐉 Song Recommendation: “Lost With You” By: Patrick Watson  🐉
Word Count: ~10.8k
Part 1 is here!
🔥 Damn Idiot 🔥
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What time is it?
The sky was dark, swallowing the moon whole and leaving nothing but the weak, distant light of the stars to combat the shadows of the night. A soft breeze was rustling the leaves outside, flowing in through the cracked open window of the lead medical office, filling the space with a gentle coolness, one that sent pleasant tingles down the spine but failed to coax goosebumps to the surface of skin. The flame of the lone candle sitting on the largest desk in the room fluttered in that breeze but did not die out, casting dancing shadows along the walls as its warm, golden hue was toyed with.
It must be late, I should go to sleep soon.
As if the room itself could hear her thoughts, a tall grandfather clock in the corner of her office, a gift from her old master, started to chime. (Y/N) groaned as the somewhat dull sound, one she was usually fond of, clanged through her head. It sounded louder all of a sudden, making her skull pound with even sharper pulses than it had before. She laid her head down, resting her throbbing forehead on her crossed arms, silently counting the number of chimes.
1… 2… 3…
She counted until the clock slowed to a stop, the final clang ringing in her ears long after the pendulum had ceased moving.
Damn it.
It was four in the morning. (Y/N) knew she needed to sleep, needed to be sharp so she could do her best to heal the soldiers of the Survey Corps when they came back from their week long expedition, but she felt too restless. She had tried everything from teas to calming creams to soaking in a bath. Nothing had worked to settle her frazzled nerves, to quiet her overactive brain.
The worst part was, she didn’t even know why she was feeling so bothered. It had been years since she’d escaped from the Underground and made it back to her healing center with her old master. She had long since completed her training and had been with the Survey Corps ever since. She was used to seeing the worst injuries imaginable. At least, as used to it as one could be when faced with tragedy and misery. She had seen everything from bodies ripped in half to faces that were no longer recognizable. On several occasions, she had beared witness to the death of a comrade shortly after their arrival to the infirmary, their wounds too severe for even her to fix, despite her reputation.
But something was bothering her. She couldn’t pinpoint it exactly, but something felt different about this expedition, and it was making her nervous. She had thought that maybe catching up on some of the paperwork waiting for her on her desk would help distract her, but all it had ended up doing was give her a headache and a sour attitude.
Get a grip, (Y/N), you’re a medic for the Survey Corps for fuck sake. You can do this. Just go the fuck to sleep.
Forcing her head up from her desk, (Y/N) stood and blew out the candle beside her before turning on her heel to head to her bedroom. It was attached to her office, a door connected just to her left, but the walk felt as if it were miles long, her feet dragging across the wooden floor with every step. By the time she collapsed face first into her bed, her very bones were aching with exhaustion but her mind still refused to settle, making her feel jittery despite herself. She gritted her teeth, clenching the sheets in her fists as she tossed and turned, trying to beat her bed into submission, as if that would somehow cure this never-ending insomnia.
“God damn it!” (Y/N) growled when sleep still refused to come, pushing herself up onto her elbows so she could hang her head over the pillow, trying her hardest not to scream out in frustration.
“Calm down, brat. You’re already an annoying pain in my ass, no need to make it worse.”
(Y/N)’s head jolted up in surprise, the voice so clear, so close in her ear that she could’ve sworn he was right next to her.
It had been years since she had last seen him. Since she had escaped from the human trafficking operation with him and brought him back from the edge of death. It had been years since she had made the promise to see him again.
The thought made a pang of guilt rip through her chest. She had never forgotten him, not even for a second, but that didn’t mean she didn’t still feel as if she had betrayed him. She had tried her best to make it back down to the Underground, against her better judgment, but by the time she had finally made it back to that filthy, dilapidated house on the corner, they were already gone. She had searched for any sign of them, of the grumpy raven, the bright redhead, and the charming blonde, but it was almost as if they had never existed. She had left the Underground that day distraught and wondering if it all really had been just a dream, something her brain had conjured up as a way to cope with the trauma of the human trafficking ring.
But then why did his voice sound so real? So familiar? She could picture all of them so clearly, and a part of her could almost still smell the fresh linen scent that always radiated from Levi, even when he was laying in a pool of his own blood in the dingy basement of a madman. They were real, she knew that. They were also most likely dead. She knew that too.
Rolling onto her back, (Y/N) rested her laced hands on her stomach and stared at the ceiling, considering what she would say back if he were sitting beside her in that moment. A tiny quirk to her lips appeared as she remembered the way she used banter with the three of them, but what really made her smile was when she imagined Levi’s annoyed scowl, aimed right at her whenever she sassed back at him. She would’ve never told him to his face but she had loved riling him up with snarky comments and teasing remarks. His scowl was just so adorable sometimes, especially when he was wrapped in bandages and lying helplessly in his bed. It made him look like a pouting child who didn’t get his way, rather than the dangerous criminal she knew he was.
But that was what made it all the more thrilling, all the more enjoyable when standing by his side. He was the most feared thug in the Underground and yet he lowered his walls for her. It made her giddy, remembering the way he had briefly embraced her before she left, giving her a light squeeze, as if afraid to let her walk out the door.
Until the thoughts of their empty, abandoned house flashed back into her mind, reminding her that maybe he had been right to be afraid. It was almost as if he had known he was never going to see her again, but had let her walk out the door anyway, not wanting to drag her down with him.
Gods, she missed them. She thought it was pretty ridiculous to miss them as much as she did when she was only with them for a couple of weeks, most of which was spent in silence and dark tension as Levi’s life hung in a delicate balance, but she couldn’t help it. She just wanted to know that they were okay, and maybe, selfishly, get to see them one last time.
Closing her eyes, (Y/N) let the wave of grief wash over her before rolling onto her side and pulling the blankets up to her chin, burying her face in the warm sheets in a desperate attempt to seek comfort.
“Goodnight Levi, goodnight Farlan, goodnight Isabel,” (Y/N) whispered into the empty room. “Wish me luck tomorrow.”
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(Y/N) was already standing and in the process of slinging her medical bag over her shoulder by the time Squad Leader Hanji kicked open her door to slam against the back wall. Hanji had always been known for their hyper, messy qualities, their energy always giving them an air of optimistic insanity, but one look at the scientist made adrenaline pump through (Y/N)’s veins, her heart pounding against her chest. 
Hanji was breathing so hard their voice came out brittle, their eyes wide and their hair yanked messily from their bun, the blood and dirt caked strands falling to leave dark streaks on their cheeks. They were leaning heavily against the door frame, their knuckles bleached white from the force with which they grasped the wood, forcing themself to stay standing despite their obvious pain and exhaustion.
“I’m here, where am I needed?” (Y/N) asked, whisking past Hanji only to pause and offer the squad leader a shoulder to lean on. They tried to wave (Y/N) off but the medic refused, allowing her comrade to lean heavily against her as they made their way to the infirmary.
“Emergency ward,” Hanji coughed. “Humanity’s Strongest is down; needs immediate care.”
Alarm flashed through (Y/N)’s system followed by a wave of dread. Humanity’s Strongest Soldier? She had never met the man, never even seen him in action or otherwise. All she had ever known of him were the rumors that had made their way to the infirmary or her office from her fellow medical staff and the patients who stayed for longer than a day in the infirmary wing. And now she was expected to heal him, the most powerful soldier in the Corps, the one man who holds the hope of all of humanity in his palms. If she were to fail in any way…
(Y/N) shook her head, forcing the negative thoughts from her mind. She had to focus, if she went into this unsure of herself, she’d never be able to succeed. “Thank you Hanji, don’t worry, I’ll take it from here. All I need you to do is get some rest and focus on healing, okay?”
Finally reaching the emergency wing, (Y/N) settled Hanji into the first empty bed she found, making sure the Squad Leader was properly tucked in with their leg supported and elevated before reluctantly leaving the rest to another doctor so she could find the one who needed her help the most. Turning around, (Y/N) spotted the bed in the next cubicle over, the white curtains drawn in front to cover the patient lying inside. She didn’t need another doctor to tell her who was behind those curtains.
Taking a deep breath, (Y/N) made her way over to the bed, shoving her nerves to the bottom of her stomach so she could focus solely on healing her newest patient. No matter his  status, his role in the war, his importance, he was still a human like any other, a human who needed her help. 
I can do this.
Giving herself one last moment to feel grounded, (Y/N) finally pulled the curtains aside, allowing her eyes to scan over her newest patient to assess the extent of the damage done to his body. Only, she didn’t get very far in her analysis before her jaw dropped, her eyes widening in shock.
It was Levi, her Levi, right in front of her.
After so many years apart, she couldn’t believe he was sitting right here, in the flesh. It was almost as if history was repeating itself. The sight of him laying in a bed, unconscious, already wrapped in bandages, made her think back to when they were in the Underground again, bundled into his old bedroom as she fought to keep him breathing.
It sparked her to jump back into action, fear flooding her system as she realized the  extent of his injuries. He looked so battered, his face bruised and bloodied. Pulling back the sheets revealed a hastily bandaged torso, blood already soaking through the creamy white fabric in several places. The skin of his legs was less damaged than the rest of him, but she could tell his femur in his left leg was fractured, several violent purple bruises blooming on the surface of his otherwise clear skin.
Swallowing thickly, (Y/N) forced her concern down as far she could to rest with her nervousness and snapped into clinical mode, her shaky breathing the only indication of her stressed state.
“Hang in there, Levi, I’m here. I’m gonna make you feel all better, just like I did last time, I promise.”
Nobody bothered her as she got to work, only interfering to hand her the tools she needed as she requested them. She didn’t speak unless she had to, focusing on carefully removing his bandages so she could get to work on stitching him back up. She paused for a second once the cloth had been stripped away, her fingers drifting softly over the puckered skin of the scars from the wounds she had healed in the past, before quickly shifting her attention back to the problem at hand.
She worked meticulously for hours, reminding herself to remain calm as she slowly threaded the stitches through his skin, taking special care to do it just as well, if not better than the first time she had ever stitched him up. She was grateful for her access to proper medical supplies, a tiny smile teasing at the corners of her lips as she thought about when she’d had to use ripped up old sheets for bandages that she’d then had to wash in a well several streets over.
Her back started to throb, sweat beading on her forehead as she finished closing the last of his open wounds and moved to work on setting his broken leg properly, but she barely even noticed the pain and exhaustion, her focus lasered on the man laying in the bed in front of her. A few doctors even tried to take over once his condition was no longer in the critical range, but (Y/N) refused without a second thought, unwilling to be moved from the person she had ached to see for so long, the person she thought might’ve been nothing more than a ghost.
Finally, as the sun was starting to sink behind the walls, casting the room in vibrant splashes of pink and gold, (Y/N) finished with the last bandage, gently placing the cloth underneath the silver bar of Levi’s new leg brace, tugging it gently to make sure it was securely fastened. Once she was sure nothing would come loose in his sleep, she leaned away, her hands on her hips as she arched her back in a stretch. Her eyes never left him. They constantly roamed over him, as if still disbelieving that he was here and alive and healing.
“Hey Doctor (L/N)!”
(Y/N) jumped out of her skin at the loud voice sounding behind her, whirling on the spot with wide eyes, as if she had been caught doing something she shouldn’t have.
“God, Micah, you can’t fucking scare me like that! What if I had still been working on the Captain?”
Micah, a spritely young nurse-in-training assigned under (Y/N)’s command, smiled widely at her in response, his arms coming up to fold in front of his chest. “Oh don’t worry, Teach, I knew you were done with him already. If I had thought you were still working, I never  would’ve considered sneaking up on you, but since you were just staring at him, I figured you might need someone to snap you out of it.”
(Y/N) blushed, both embarrassed and slightly annoyed. She loved Micah, she really did, he had always made sure to keep things interesting in the clinic. He never let things get too dull despite their already hectic careers, but sometimes he could be a little too perceptive. He was a smart kid, in spite of what his chaotic energy seemed to suggest, and he knew how to use it when least expected.
“I wasn’t staring at him, I was just making sure I did all of the stitching and bandaging right. You know how high profile he is, what if I messed something up just because I was being careless right at the end?” (Y/N) said, busying herself with cleaning the leftover supplies to avoid having to meet her pupil’s gaze.
His cheeky grin suggested she didn’t need to make eye contact for him to see right through her lie. “Sure you were. I bet you were also making sure none of his abs were damaged on the mission, right?”
(Y/N) sent a dark glare his way but couldn’t stop the slight twitch of her lips. She couldn’t help it when she was around the kid. He could definitely be annoying at times when he wouldn’t mind his own business, but he always knew how to make her laugh.
“Ah hah! I knew I was right!”
“Shut up, you don’t know what you’re talking about,” (Y/N) snapped, her blush now extending to the tips of her ears.
“Hey, I think it’s cute that you have the hots for the Captain!” Micah said with his hands held up in defense. “I don’t know how you plan on getting his attention though, he’s never been one for relationships as far as I’ve heard. But no matter what, I’m here to support you every step of the way, Teach!”
(Y/N) bent over Levi to tuck the covers underneath him and hide the genuine smile that  graced her lips at Micah’s comment, making sure to wipe most of it from her features before turning to face him. His eyes were still glittering warmly when she walked by him, so she made sure to give him an affectionate slap on the arm as she passed, smiling wider at the snicker he let loose in response. They were just about to leave for dinner, to take a break before getting in the shower and heading to bed when (Y/N) paused, casting one last glance over her shoulder at the comatose Captain still sleeping soundly.
“You know, I think I might have a few ideas for this one.”
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“Four Eyes, get out of my way, I’m fine.”
Hanji scoffed, placing their hands on their hips as they met Levi’s glare with a menacing look of their own, refusing to back down from their spot in front of the emergency ward door.
“Absolutely not, Levi. You have to stay in bed and rest, doctor’s orders.”
“You’re not in bed resting,” Levi bit back in annoyance, his brows furrowed.
“That’s because I had a badly sprained ankle and was suffering through a burnout from the lack of food and hydration. I was released after a couple days of rest and nutrients. You, on the other hand, have a broken leg, several sizable gashes, and a concussion, there’s a difference.”
“I said I feel fine.”
“I don’t care how you feel, the doctor said you have to stay in bed so you are going to stay right here until they deem it appropriate for you to leave. Until then, if I have to tie you down to the headboard, I will.”
Levi raised a brow, “Sorry, Shitty Glasses, I’m not into that kinky shit.”
Hanji snorted, “Since when?”
Levi sent a dark scowl her way and once again attempted to stand up, only to get forcefully shoved back onto the mattress by a gleeful Hanji.
“It won’t matter if I get hurt walking around if all you’re going to do is break more of my bones shoving me back into bed,” Levi grumped when the impact of his short fall made him wince with the jolt of pain to his leg.
“If that’s what I have to do to get you to stay put, then I will.”
Levi gave Hanji a choice hand gesture in response to that one, only to have them stick their tongue out in return, making his nose wrinkle at their childish antics.
“Who the fuck confined me to this bed anyway but isn’t brave enough to tell it to my face? Which doctor is supposed to be assigned to me?”
Hanji opened their mouth to answer but was promptly interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat behind them, prompting the scientist to move aside. Levi’s frown suddenly relaxed, his expression giving way to one of pure astonishment as he took in the sight of his doctor leaning against the door frame, her arms crossed over her chest and her eyes sparkling with unfiltered joy.
She looked good, he realized, healthy, so different from how she had looked after spending so much time in that filthy house the human trafficking ring was held in. Her hair was full of volume and color, and looked so silky his fingers were tempted to run themselves through it. Her skin appeared soft and damn near glowing, completely devoid of the dirt and blood that had covered it for days in the Underground. The only thing that hadn’t changed was her eyes. They were still so full of hope and a brightness that not even the darkest corners of the Underground were able to smother. The same brightness she had turned to him with whenever he grew too pessimistic, eager to show him the glass half full. It was never a naive hope, she was never clueless to the dire nature of their situation, but she had always had that spark in her gaze, the one that still haunted Levi’s dreams to this day.
He realized after a moment that he was staring and quickly averted his eyes, trying to hide the fact that he had not heard a single thing that was spoken since she had entered the room. Her smile only got wider at his bashful expression, her arms unfolding as she pushed away from the doorframe to shuffle further into the room.
“I don’t think you heard me, I said that I am the doctor who confined you to this bed and will be looking after you for the next few weeks of your recovery.”
Levi nodded slowly, his words lodged in his throat, feeling as if his mouth was stuffed with cotton. He knew Hanji was staring at him, confused at his strange behavior, but he couldn’t find it in himself to slip his mask back into place, even to hide from the infinite teasing he was sure would come later from the titan freak.
He couldn’t help it, the woman he had been dreaming about since the day she had walked out of his house was right in front of him, in the flesh, alive and healthy. He didn’t think he would ever see her again, despite his promise to Farlan. He felt as if he were looking at a ghost. A very physical, happy, living ghost.
(Y/N)’s smile turned softer, almost a little melancholy, as if she could also see the memories that were flashing across his mind rapid fire, rendering him speechless. “Hello, Levi.”
Swallowing thickly, Levi raised his head and met her gaze, his hair raising uncomfortably at the way she made his heart pound against his ribcage.
“Hey, (Y/N).”
Hanji’s loud squawk of surprise and indignation broke the spell in the room, making Levi’s scowl return full force.
“Wait a fucking second, you know each other!? And you didn’t tell me?”
“It wasn’t as if we had the chance, Four Eyes, stop shouting.”
“B-But you guys know each other!”
“Yeah, and?” Levi grumbled, crossing his arms stubbornly over his chest.
(Y/N) chuckled at the raven’s pouty expression, the bright, lovely sound he hadn’t heard in so long making his frown relax slightly.
“Well, how did you two meet? How long have you known each other? What drove you two apart? How do you feel now that you two are back together again? Holy shit, were you two lovers!? Does that mean you-”
“Shut. Up. Hanji!” Levi snapped, a foreign panic rising in his chest as the scientist continued to ask him questions rapidfire.
Thankfully, (Y/N) merely laughed again at Hanji’s overexcitement and intervened before Levi could blow a gasket. Sending a reassuring glance his way, she moved from behind the scientist to stand by Levi’s bedside, fiddling with the supplies on a nearby tray table to make sure they were all organized for when she would need to use them next.
“No, no, Hanji, it was nothing like that. I met Levi when I was brought Underground by my master to learn how to treat leg injuries. He was there for me when a group of thugs thought it would be a fun idea to jump me when my master and I got separated. Ever since then, we’ve interacted a few more times, but my training as a medic and Levi’s new ranking as Captain kept us from seeing each other too often.”
Levi frowned as Hanji tittered happily at the story, a beaming smile on their face as they stopped teasing him and left with a departing wave, finally giving the pair some privacy.
When the door to the private room was closed, (Y/N) turned back to Levi, finally allowing the tears she had been holding back to flow down her cheeks.
Before he could react, she threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around him as gently as possible despite her obvious excitement to stay mindful of his healing injuries. His eyes widened, his hands hovering in the air over her waist, twitching nervously as his brain  short-circuited and he fought to regain control of himself. He was still trying to process the fact that he was being hugged for the first time since his friends had died when (Y/N) pulled away, not minding his frozen state of shock. Wiping away her tears, she sent him a sympathetic smile.
“Sorry,” she mumbled, now concerned she had overstepped some boundaries, “I’m just… really glad you’re alive.”
Levi finally managed to reboot his brain and shook himself out of his stupor, mentally slapping himself for letting himself be so affected by this woman. “Why did you lie?”
“Huh?” (Y/N) asked, confused by the sudden change in topic.
“To Four Eyes just a minute ago. Why did you lie to them about how we met?”
“Oh, that.” (Y/N) said, turning away from him to check his chart, “I knew if I told them the truth that not only would they tease both of us, mainly you, but that it would also spread like wildfire. I enjoy Hanji’s company and I think they are a very sweet person but they aren't the best at keeping secrets. I figured getting credit for something I was happy to do anyway wasn’t worth possibly tarnishing your reputation.”
Levi shook his head, “But you saved me, not the other way around.”
“You saved me more than you think, Levi,” (Y/N) mumbled quietly as she faced him again, reaching out to gently rotate his non-broken leg to check on a gash he had sliced along his calf.
“I said that maybe I’ll tell her the truth someday, when you’re all healed and have a chance to escape from her jokes and teasing remarks,” (Y/N) said in a louder voice for him to hear.
He still looked skeptical but dropped the subject, grateful for her consideration of his feelings even if they didn’t sit right with him. Leaning back on his palms, Levi reclined against the feeling of her soft hands on him and sighed. Gods, he had missed the way she touched him.
That sudden thought made him jolt slightly. What the fuck?
“Oh, did that hurt?” (Y/N) asked, pulling her hands back in alarm, afraid she had pressed too hard on one of his wounds.
Levi quickly waved her off and forced himself to relax again, trying his best to ignore how good it felt to have her touching him. It was quiet for a long moment, the air thick with unresolved tension as (Y/N) worked on cleaning his injuries and replacing his old bandages with fresh ones. He felt as if he had so much to say to her and yet had no way of forcing them off the edge of his tongue. A muscle twitched in his jaw as he ground his teeth together, trying to pin at least one thought down, something, anything he could use to fill the tense atmosphere.
“I’m glad too,” Levi eventually said, “that you’re alive.”
He immediately wanted the ground to open up and swallow him whole the minute the words left his mouth, his breath catching in his throat when (Y/N) paused in her efforts to patch him up.
When she finally looked back up at him, she had more tears in her eyes, but a large, watery smile tugged at her lips.
“Thank you, Levi.”
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After that first day, (Y/N) spent every moment she could with Levi. While part of that was due to the injuries he sustained and her duty to heal him to the best of her ability, it was clear that wasn’t all there was to their time spent together to anyone who was paying attention. Especially when she spent even her free moments and breaks by his side. He had tried to convince her that she didn’t need to spend every waking moment with him, afraid she was wasting time she could be spending doing something relaxing or productive, but (Y/N) held firm, refusing to leave him unless she really had to. Thankfully, due to Levi’s importance, her duties were almost completely relegated to his care for the time being, so she didn’t have to worry too much about the other patients in the infirmary, trusting her fellow colleagues to take care of them for her while she worked on Humanity’s Strongest.
She felt especially compelled to stay by his side when she learned of the deaths of Isabel and Farlan, the pair dying to an abnormal titan during a severe thunderstorm just three months prior. It killed her to learn that the sweet redhead and charming blonde were gone, but she couldn’t even begin to imagine the kind of pain Levi was in. He had tried to put on a brave face, a mask to hide his pain, but (Y/N) saw through it as if she were looking through glass, possibly the only person who really could.
Grieving together had been a testament to the strength of their friendship, the pair only growing closer as the days passed and they learned to cope through each other and the time they spent together. 
The thought brought a smile to (Y/N)’s face as she made her way through the near empty halls, her arms full with the tray of food she was on her way to bring to Levi from the dining hall. She normally would’ve asked someone else to do this for her so she could continue to stay by Levi’s side, but she needed to stretch her legs a little and she trusted Levi enough at this point to stay put when she asked him to.
He had fought her on that the first few days of his healing process, just as he had in the Underground when she was healing him so many years ago, but she found he couldn’t really say no to her when she asked him nicely. She knew he was getting restless, eager to rejoin the ranks and start up on his training routine again, but she also knew he would only injure himself further if he rushed into things. Shaking her head at the thought of the grumpy, energetic man, she shifted the tray to one hand so she could use the other to dig through her pockets for her keys.
Levi had been moved to her room just the other day. It had been Hanji’s idea, the brunette suggesting the arrangement with unbridled glee, much to Levi’s chagrin. It was a sound idea and made sense given the situation, but (Y/N) couldn’t help but wonder if the scientist had an ulterior motive based on the near feral smile they had flashed at Levi when (Y/N) had agreed. In the end, the arrangement had worked out. Having him in her room proved to be better functionally, giving her plenty of time and room to focus on nothing but his improving health.
Fitting the keys into the lock, (Y/N) pushed the door open with her hip and fought to keep a disappointed expression when she found Levi standing in front of her bookshelf, his piercing eyes flitting over the many various titles. It was endearing, almost a little charming to see the fierce captain of the Survey Corps idly standing in her office, waiting for her to return. It was almost as if he was supposed to be there, as if he belonged there. It was oddly domestic.
Shoving that thought to the side, (Y/N) placed her tray of food on her desk and made her way to his side, placing her hands on her hips in as stern of a manner as she could. “You sir, are supposed to be in bed resting. What are you doing up?”
Levi at least had the decency to look a little cowed despite the scowl he threw in her direction. “I just wanted something to read. I’ve got to have something to do when your annoying voice isn’t here to keep me constantly distracted.”
“First of all, my voice is not annoying,” (Y/N) said with a huff, ignoring the way he playfully scoffed in mock disbelief. “Secondly, if you really wanted something to read, you know you could’ve asked me. You just wanted an excuse to ignore my orders.”
He shrugged but didn’t deny it. For a fraction of a second, (Y/N) almost thought she saw the corner of his mouth twitch up into a smile, but it was gone just as quickly as it had come. Maybe it had just been a trick of the light.
“Either way, you still need to get back to bed. Your body won’t heal any faster if you spend all your time undoing my hard work with your incessant need to be entertained.”
Levi’s nose wrinkled as he finally turned to face her, begrudgingly following her back to her bedroom. “I don’t need to be coddled.”
“Hm, are you sure about that?” (Y/N) asked with a soft cackle when she glanced back to see the aghast look on his face. “Come on, doctor’s orders, which means you have no choice but to listen to me if you wanna get back out in the field.”
Levi didn’t respond but eventually crawled back under the sheets of her bed, batting her hands away when she tried to help him. She giggled at his reluctance to accept her help, even after all this time, and busied herself instead with grabbing the tray of food from her office. Once he had settled himself back against the pillows, (Y/N) placed the tray on his lap and perched on the edge of the bed so she could ensure that he ate properly. He rolled his eyes at her mother henning tendencies but didn’t push her away as he dug into the vegetable stew and bread she had brought for him.
“Just out of curiosity,” (Y/N) asked after a few moments of silence, “what book were you interested in reading when you were looking at my shelf?”
Levi glanced at her over his bowl of soup, taking his time to swallow the bite in his mouth before responding. “There’s the sequel to a horror novel I was reading before the mission. I was thinking of maybe finishing the series now that I’m being forced to relax against my will.”
(Y/N) beamed at him with the most smug expression she could manage, her smile only widening when he gave her an unimpressed look. “Well, you said earlier that my annoying voice is a good distraction. Would you let me read to you? It’ll help pass the time.”
She could tell he was thinking about it, debating on whether or not it was safe to admit that he liked when she read to him. She could almost see the gears turning in his head as he considered her proposition, before he eventually nodded. She was out of her seat before he had even finished giving her an answer, rushing back into her office to grab the novel of his choice.
(Y/N) knew she was probably being a little unprofessional, she hardly ever read to her patients unless she knew they weren’t going to make it. But she found she didn’t care as she plopped herself down beside Levi once more and peeled the book open to flip to the first page. She knew she was probably being a bit selfish as she scooted closer to him after the first few chapters, leaning into him just the slightest amount to absorb the heat that seemed to radiate from his body. But she found she didn’t care about that either as Levi leaned back into her touch just an inch, almost to the point where she couldn’t feel it. But she knew, she knew in the way the blush rose back into his cheeks, in the way his muscles relaxed just a tad, in the way his heart sped up against her shoulder.
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Levi didn’t talk to her much, but (Y/N) felt closer to him than she ever had before. Although the pair slept in different rooms, him on her bed in her bedroom and her on the couch in her office, there was something inexplicably intimate about sharing living quarters. She was constantly around him, slowly but surely getting to know Levi all over again. His recovery time seemed to rapidly decrease with every passing day, the strong young man healing way faster than anybody other than (Y/N) was prepared for. She knew any day now he would be cleared for duty once more, and the two of them would go right back to their own lives, their separate daily routines.
The thought sent a spear of something sour to (Y/N)’s stomach but she refused to acknowledge it. She was unwilling to let her own feelings for him get in the way of his recovery. She was happy for him, he would finally be free from her constant nagging and be able to live his own life for the first time in weeks. Swallowing the bitter taste in her mouth and pushing away all selfish thoughts of wanting to keep him by her side, (Y/N) prepared to enter the infirmary where she would be getting the results for Levi’s final physical examination, proof that he was finally fully healed of all injuries.
“Doctor (L/N)!”
(Y/N) turned at the sound of Micah calling her name, surprised to see the young nurse standing beside Squad Leader Hanji, both of whom were wearing what looked to be shit-eating grins, even from their current distance. (Y/N)’s eyes narrowed but she made her way over to the pair.
“Micah! What can I do for you?”
“I was just coming by to give you the good news! There was a slight mix-up in the scheduling, so now you will be conducting Captain Levi’s final examination!”
(Y/N)’s brow raised as she turned to Hanji, looking for further explanation. The scientist’s expression was immediately sheepish, a hand coming up to rub at the back of their neck. “Heh, sorry, (Y/N). It was my fault, I didn’t realize I had a meeting scheduled for this time today, I thought it was going to be tomorrow. Would you mind performing the exam? Shorty will probably prefer to have you touching him anyway.”
“What?” (Y/N) balked.
“Nothing, nothing,” Hanji said with a dismissive wave of their hand, “I just mean he doesn’t like people getting close to him, especially me. He’ll prefer it if it's someone he trusts.”
“Oh,” (Y/N) said, beratting herself for thinking Hanji’s words could mean anything other than something innocent. “Of course I’ll perform the exam, thank you for the heads up!”
“Sure thing, boss!” Micah said, clapping a hand on her shoulder before striding away with Hanji, the two darting around the corner as if they had stolen something. (Y/N) watched after them for a moment but figured their odd behavior could be addressed later. For now, she had a very important patient to take care of.
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Levi was sitting at the edge of the infirmary bed in nothing but his boxers when the door clicked open. It made sense, he was supposed to be having a full body physical examination to make sure he was properly healed for duty, he just wasn’t expecting to come face to face with the very woman he was in love with. He fought the urge to blush as (Y/N) stopped short in her tracks for a fraction of a second, her eyes giving his exposed form a quick once over before she seemed to remember herself and averted her gaze with an embarrassed cough.
“I-I’m sorry, I thought… Shitty Glasses said they’d be back in a moment and to get undressed for the exam,” Levi mumbled, cursing himself when he stumbled over his words.
(Y/N) waved her hands in front of her face, “Not a problem at all, Levi! You’ve done everything right, there was just a change of plan, that’s all! Squad Leader Hanji had an impromptu meeting to go to so I’m going to be giving your exam instead.”
“Of course they did,” Levi muttered. “Figures.”
“What was that?”
“I said let’s just get this over with.”
(Y/N) nodded once, dragging over a tray of tools to get started. His eyes never left her, watching her every move. Even so, the first touch of her hands against his cheeks made him flinch in his seat. Thankfully, she ignored the impulsive movement and instead focused on checking his eyes, a small flashlight held up to examine them.
“Your pupils are quite dilated, are you feeling okay?”
Levi hummed an affirmative and even though she didn’t look entirely convinced, it wasn’t long before she moved on, running her fingers as gently as possible down his jaw and throat, massaging along his collarbone to test for soreness or unaccounted for aching. He grunted at the feeling of her magical fingers ghosting over his skin, but was otherwise unreactive, sitting as still as possible to avoid getting in the way of her work. No matter his feelings for her, this was her area of expertise, her passion, the last thing he wanted to do was inhibit that with his stupid emotions.
A light pinch to his nipple snapped him back to reality, a choked noise wrestling from his throat without his permission at the unexpected touch. “Sorry! Sorry! I thought I saw a scratch and I wanted to make sure it wasn’t bleeding. It’s just an old blood blister scar.”
Levi nodded woodenly, suddenly a lot more aware of her touch as she continued to descend down his chest. Her fingers brushed over his pecs and down his abs like water, making his whole body shiver. But it wasn’t until she kneeled to the ground, her hands gripping his thighs and massaging along his calves that he felt himself start to lose control, his pants tightening under her delicious attention. His eyes widened in horror, but he had no way of fixing the situation without drawing attention to himself.
“Levi? Are you alright? Your face is a little flushed, I’m not hurting you, am I?”
Levi shook his head fervently, not trusting himself to speak. (Y/N) scrutinized him, once again not sure if she should believe him or not. He looked unnecessarily flustered, and she couldn’t figure out why. Was she making him uncomfortable? She was trying to be as professional with her touches as possible but maybe that didn’t matter. Hanji had said he hated when other people touched him.
“Okay then, I’m sorry if I’m making you uncomfortable, we’re almost done.”
Levi nodded stiffly again, too focused on how to get out of this situation with his dignity still intact to correct her. His legs shook, his breathing labored as she finished off with his feet and moved back up his legs, since they had received more damage than some of the other parts of him in the fight. She was reaching his inner thighs again, opening her mouth to ask him to turn around, hoping to finish up as quickly as possible for his sake when she saw it. She couldn’t help the squeak that fled from her mouth when she finally realized what was bothering him so much.
What had once been a tense but calm atmosphere suddenly turned to chaos as Levi reacted instinctively, pushing (Y/N) away from him with one hand while his other flew in front of his crotch, his face flushed such a deep red, (Y/N) would’ve been worried about him having a fever had they not been in their current situation. She fell back against the floor, her palms flying out behind her to catch herself as she stared with wide eyes at the normally stoic man and the way he refused to meet her gaze, his free hand moving up to cover his mouth in pure mortification. It took her a moment for her brain to work properly, but once it did, she reverted once more back into a more professional mode, knowing that if she didn’t do something to comfort him, the situation could end in disaster.
“Hey, Levi, i-it’s okay! It’s not your fault!”
“What do you mean it’s not my fault!?” Levi spat. “You didn’t ask for this, I just couldn’t- it happened but-”
Levi cut himself off, moving the hand that had been in front of his mouth to cover his eyes instead, unable to even think of facing the woman in front of him. He had never felt so embarrassed in his life. Not only did he manage to ruin the one special connection he had in his life with the single person he always wanted to be around, but he reacted by shoving her to the floor the minute he fucked up. He felt like bolting, his legs tensing and ready to spring. Or throwing up, his stomach squeezing painfully tight as the thought of what just happened replayed in his head over and over. 
The feeling of a light touch on his knee made him shudder, but he refused to knock her hand away, not after his earlier reaction had sent her sprawling to the ground.
“It was my fault, Levi, I shouldn’t have been touching you so lightly or so much. I was just trying to give you this physical exam but obviously I wasn’t being careful or aware enough. I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”
Levi shook his head but didn’t respond, keeping his eyes hidden behind the comfort of his palm. He knew it was childish, hiding from her, he was going to have to look at her at some point, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He had never been in a situation like this before and he was scrambling. He was tempted to search for the nearest knife and slit his throat, hoping that in doing so, he’d finally be able to escape the horror of the situation.
But he couldn’t move, frozen by the hand burning his skin where (Y/N) touched him. She wasn’t letting him go and he was too mortified to speak and ask her to move. He didn’t want her to anyway, a small, selfish part of him chided, making him press his face even further into the comfort of his own hand.
“If it’s any consolation, Levi, I didn’t exactly hate it. I find it flattering, even, that you enjoy my touch.”
“It’s only yours,” Levi mumbled, still unable to look at her. “You’re the only one who makes me feel this way.”
(Y/N)’s smile could’ve rivaled the sun even though he couldn’t see it. Her heart was pounding, both from the nature of their situation and the weight of his confession. His words filled her chest with so much warmth, she felt as if she had already melted into liquid gold. “You’re the only one who makes me feel that way too, Levi.”
That got his attention, his hands dropping from his face so fast, it was clear he even forgot about his embarrassment. It made (Y/N) giggle at him, her hand reaching up to cup his cheek. He hesitated a moment before leaning into the touch, his eyes glittering with something akin to hope.
“Really? Are you sure?”
(Y/N) leaned forward, making sure to look him in the eye and give him time to pull away before gently connecting their lips. He shivered under her touch, just as he had always done, and only took a moment to swallow the shock in his system before meeting the coupling of their mouths with more enthusiasm. She nearly purred in response, tilting her head to slot them closer together.
Levi figured he must be dreaming, there was absolutely no way that the woman he had been pining for ever since she had left the Underground loved him as much as he loved her. It just wasn’t possible for someone so amazing, so compassionate and beautiful to love him like that. But here she was, kissing him senseless, and dream or not, he was going to take full advantage. Pressing closer, Levi snaked his tongue out to lap at her bottom lip, his body damn near vibrating at the lustful groan she let out in response, not hesitating to let him into her mouth. Her tongue tangled with his, fighting him for dominance as she pushed herself up onto his lap while he scooted back on the bed to give them more room. The hand that wasn’t cupping her jaw rested against her waist, pulling her into him as they continued their lip lock until he was lightheaded from the lack of oxygen.
They were both panting for air, but they refused to move too far from each other, resting their heads against one another as they soaked in the intimacy of the moment. Forgotten was the physical exam, the infirmary they were in, the people probably waiting for them outside, the world had narrowed into nothing but the two of them, basking in their feelings for one another.
“Do you really mean it?” Levi whispered, unable to hold himself back from expressing his biggest concern.
(Y/N) scoffed good-naturedly and leaned back to look him in the eye. “What about that kiss told you I wasn’t serious?”
As if to solidify her statement, she leaned in for another quick kiss, swiping her tongue across his lips but pulling back before he could pull it into his mouth to suck. He pouted at her but was quickly satiated when he felt an unbearably warm palm cradle his clothed cock, giving a gentle squeeze for good measure. (Y/N)’s smile only widened at the groan of pleasure he let out in response, his hips canting once into her palm before he could stop himself.
“You know, I still technically have to finish giving you a physical exam. Just to make sure you aren’t still injured. I think it would be best to thoroughly check as many places as I possibly can.”
His blood heated at her words, and although he longed to lunge forward and capture her lips in another intoxicating kiss, he decided to indulge in her charade instead. “I agree, in fact, there is one particular area I’m especially worried about.”
Rocking his hips up, Levi rubbed himself against the hand still resting over his length, turning his voice whiny with a desperation that was only half exaggerated for her benefit. “Please, it hurts…”
(Y/N) felt as if she could fry eggs on her cheeks, but refused to let her embarrassment get the better of her, focusing more on the immense excitement flowing through her veins at the whimper in Levi’s usually stoic tone of voice. “Well, what kind of doctor would I be if I just let my favorite patient suffer? I think I know just the thing to cure this ailment of yours.”
Levi couldn’t hold back the wave of pure electricity he felt spider down his spine as (Y/N) slithered off his lap to kneel on the floor, her hands moving from the tent in his boxers to his thighs. She ghosted her fingers over his skin, reveling in the gooseflesh that littered the trail of her hands, and moved to pull the fabric from his hips. She kept her movements slow to give him time to change his mind, but Levi eagerly lifted his hips to assist her. She looked up at him, only to bite her lip at the hungry desire in his gaze, his bangs falling over his eyes to give him an even more dangerous look. She pulled his boxers all the way down his legs before tossing them somewhere uncaringly behind her, drawing her attention instead to the scarlet, leaking cock right in front of her.
“My, my,” (Y/N) hummed, “This is worse than I thought.”
Levi flushed darker but didn’t comment, merely reaching down to stroke himself twice in front of her, impatiently waiting for her to do something, anything. He choked back a growl of impatience when she just continued to watch him, her hands tickling his inner thighs as she considered something to herself. He wished he had a bit more self control, the last thing he wanted to do was come off as pushy, but he was quickly losing the ability to keep himself in check, not with her looking at him like that.
Just as he was about to say something, (Y/N) raised her hand and motioned for him to turn around, a sly look of something positively mischievous in her eyes. Holding back the whine that threatened to pry from his lips, Levi did as he was told, turning around so that he was facing away from her with his legs tucked beneath him.
(Y/N) was quick to bring her hands up to his back, raking her fingers down his muscles as she pretended to look for more injuries on him. He had to bite his tongue as her fingers gently skittered over his shoulder blades and down his spine, her nails coming to curl against his lower back, just above his hips. By the time she had made her way back up to the nape of his neck, he was squirming in his seat, his skin tingling with sensitivity despite his every effort to come off as unaffected. 
He’d had no idea he was even sensitive on his back, but every light scrape of her nails, every ghost of her fingertips along his ribs or down his spine made whimpers squeak out of his throat. His dick weeped at the attention, throbbing with every light scratch she inflicted on him until her hands suddenly wrapped themselves around his waist to rest on his stomach. She was teasing him, testing the limits of his barely-held-together patience, and he didn’t know whether he loved her or hated her for it. She pressed her chest to his back, resting her chin on his shoulder so she could bite and lick at his throat while her hands creeped their way down to his groin.
“You’re all clear on your back, baby,” (Y/N) purred in his ear, stopping just shy of his weeping sex. “You can turn around whenever you’re ready.”
Levi snapped, all of his usually impenetrable patience lost as he whirled around and latched onto her hips with a bruising grip, yanking her back onto his lap before she could get a word in edgewise. She squealed in delight, her hands reaching out to smooth over his chest and shoulders affectionately. He paused only for a moment to grab the lotion originally meant for soothing his muscles off the tray table, pouring a healthy amount into his hand to stuff into her needy cunt with two long fingers. She responded with a fiery kiss to his lips, using her free hand to drag her skirt and panties down her legs until they were far enough down for her to kick them away. The sloppy sounds of her pussy were audible as he pumped his fingers in and out, but she still appreciated his thought to use lube considering how little time they had for actual foreplay.
He was a little clumsy, his fingers exploring a bit aimlessly to find the spot he knew would make her taste the stars, but she found that he was a quick learner, immediately responding to any sign of pleasure from her until he was curling his fingertips perfectly against her spongy g-spot.
“Fuck! Levi… Levi, I’m ready. I need you inside me, now.”
His cock twitched at her breathy command but he didn’t let up for a few strokes yet, making sure she was soaked to his liking before sliding his fingers from her. She watched in lustful disbelief as he brought his hand to his lips, licking her slick clean from his skin. He held her gaze with a look full of dark promises, refusing to break it until he had sucked the last of her from his fingers, closing his eyes as he slurped with a final satisfied flourish.
“Delicious,” his voice was the crunch of gravel in the middle of the night. Rich lust gulped down his irises until there was nothing but a slim ring of silver left, completely enraptured by the stunning woman on his lap. (Y/N) was speechless, her mind a soupy mess of desire, but she wasn’t helpless. Levi let out a hiss when her supple palm wrapped once more around his length, angling him toward her entrance as she rose to her knees, straddling him more suitably now. He brushed his hand against her hip, stopping her just long enough to bore his final ask of consent into her. When he found nothing but a mirror to his own eagerness, he replaced her hand with his own and guided himself up, slipping easily into her velvety heat.
The two moaned out in unison as they were joined for the first time, attacking each other’s lips and devouring each other’s sounds until they were drowning in their need for air. Levi couldn’t wait, but it seemed as if (Y/N) was a bit more impatient than she was letting on, because she provided no resistance when he started to move inside her, swirling his hips up into her so that his cock nudged against that pleasure spot deep inside her. (Y/N) gasped and trembled, leaning her head back to give him room to explore. While he licked up the side of her neck, sucking dark bruises into her otherwise unblemished skin, (Y/N) dragged more trails of fire up his back, clawing him up like a cat as each thrust into her pliant body picked up in speed and intensity.
“God fuck, you’re so tight,” Levi murmured into her skin, nipping at her earlobe before soothing the sting with his tongue.
(Y/N) keened and removed her hands from his back, instead scrambling to rip at the buttons on the front of her shirt. Levi leaned back when the sound of tearing fabric sounded throughout the room, his eyes widening at the sight of her bare breasts teasing him through the ruins of her uniform.
“Damn, no bra? You were just waiting for this to happen, weren’t you, kitten? So eager for my cock, and I’ve barely even started.”
(Y/N) moaned, her jaw dropping as each thrust forced the air from her lungs until she was gasping. “B-Been waiting for this for a long time, Levi. Ever since t-the Underg-ground. Besides, don’t act like y-you’re above this, you love b-being inside me too, don’t you?”
Levi’s breath hitched, his eyes widening at her confession before he began to ravage the woman on top of him. He couldn’t believe it, hadn’t even dared to fathom that she could’ve had any feelings for him when she left. She was a goddess who had healed him out of the goodness of her heart, that was all. There was no way such a fantastic person could’ve ever loved the criminal rat from the filthy Underground sticks. But here she was, confessing to the very thing he had always hoped for but never allowed himself to entertain.
“Oh fuck, is that even a question? I love your pussy, my new f-favorite place to be.”
Thrusting somehow faster, his nails digging into her ass and the bottoms of her thighs hard enough to make crescent shapes dot her skin, Levi breathed back his own secret. “I’ve been waiting for this too, made a promise to Farlan that I would be with you one day.”
(Y/N) immediately latched onto Levi’s skin, kissing and biting sloppy marks up and down his neck to smother the sound of her obscene moans as she came all over him. Her body shook on top of him, her pussy clenching him hard enough to have colors exploding behind his eyelids. He busied himself with ducking down to roll his tongue across her pert nipples, sucking and nipping at the soft mounds as he rode her through her climax and started to chase his own.
“~Hah, hah, hah…” Levi panted as he broke away from her skin, a string of saliva connecting him to her now mottled flesh as he pistoned harder, flesh slapping loudly with every scoop of his hips. He was so fucking close, he could almost taste it. (Y/N) was still shaking in his hold, her fingers refusing to loosen from the muscles in his back as his continued motions started to bleed into overstimulation. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, landing like raindrops on Levi's neck as he was thrown over the edge, his back arching as a wet gasping noise tore itself from his throat. His hips jerked as he spilled inside of her, painting her already dripping walls white with his release.
It was only after he had spurted the last few ropes of cum into her pussy that Levi finally stopped, collapsing against her with his arms lazily looped around her waist. (Y/N) grunted at the sudden weight pressing against her but didn’t push him away, merely scratching the coarse hair of his undercut before moving up into his silkier raven strands. They fought to catch their breath, ghosting their lips over one another every once in a while as they allowed the silence to permeate the space.
“Did we just-?”
“Yeah,” Levi grunted.
(Y/N) chuckled, warming his heart and chasing away any possible doubts that could’ve surfaced in his mind. “Looks like you’re all better now, no notable injuries. At least, none that will hinder your physical activity.”
Levi snorted, giving her waist a spiteful squeeze, “Yeah, except for the new ones you left on my back and neck, brat.”
(Y/N) swooped in to press her lips to his kiss-swollen ones. “Well, I happen to know a pretty good doctor who might be willing to help you with those.”
Levi grinned at her, “Send her to my office later tonight, I might have a few ideas on how she can make it up to me.”
“I will, but only if you promise to take her out to dinner sometime afterwards.”
Levi nodded and held her close. Who was he to deny such a request? Afterall, he had a promise from Farlan to keep, and he’d be a damn idiot to let the chance pass him by.
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kindredcookbook · 2 years
this is quite lovely! simpler recipes for a sweets-loving angelkin, mayhaps? <3
(clears throat)
from one sweet-toothed angel to another, here are some of my favourite recipes and sweets!
angel delight - now, this isn’t a recipe. it’s a dessert mix that comes in little packets. but i love this stuff! it’s very fluffy and light! it might be tricky to find or slightly more pricey outside of the uk, but if you can get your hands on some, try adding sprinkles and strawberries (cut into heart shapes if you’re feeling fancy) or banana pieces to the finished dessert. 
greek yoghurt with honey - ohhh. oHHHHHH. the joys of a simple bowl of green yoghurt with honey! the best part about this dessert to me is that you can add anything you want, really. this recipe uses walnuts, but if you don’t like walnuts (or just don’t want to use them), try banana, oats, berries, sultanas, plain pumpkin seeds, or other kinds of nuts!
warm milk - you don’t need a recipe for warm milk, but let me give you mine!
heat milk over the stove (not in the microwave). heat on medium-low until you can put a spoon in the pot and see steam rising off the milk when you lift it. do not let it boil!
while milk is heating, stir in a pinch of ground cardamom and/or pinch of nutmeg. you can play with the quantities here, and substitute spices for what’s on hand, so long as it is a spice that tastes good in desserts! 
when the milk is done, turn off the heat and pour carefully into a mug. 
add a generous swirl of honey and stir until it is dissolved. (personally i love lavender honey in warm milk, but any honey tastes just as good!)
sprinkle cinnamon on top and enjoy! if you heated the milk just right, it should be just the right temperature to drink right away!
of course, there are many, many ways to make warm milk, and many ways to enjoy it! so experiment and have fun! i think that adding a trace amount of almond flavouring and a small layer of frothed milk on top could really elevate this... mmmmmm.... (and since i love warm milk, here’s another recipe anyway). baklava - a little less simplistic, requiring baking and some prep, but still easy for even beginner bakers and with a nice, simple, sweet taste. rich, honeyed, dreamy baklava is probably one of my all-time favourite desserts. if baking it feels beyond you, you can order this at most greek and turkish restaurants! kunafeh - this has a similar taste to baklava, but it’s made with cheese. it also has rose, which i see as a very angelic flavour! it’s harder than the baklava recipe, because the ingredients are likely to be harder to source unless you are lucky enough to live near a mediterranean or middle eastern supermarket.
angel food cake - another baking recipe, the clue’s in the name when it comes to angel food cake! it’s light, airy, and feels like eating clouds! make sure to add a generous amount of strawberries! BONUS: white christmas martini - it’s sparkly, it’s shiny, it’s purely angelic! i haven’t tried this cocktail myself but i fully intend to once the winter holiday season hits. of course, this is very alcoholic, so not a drink for fledgelings! of-age angels only, ya hear? darn kids and their fancy dyed feathers and their BibliTok....
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racoonkal · 2 years
two cups – (h. sero x fem!reader w/ character flaws)
c: ANGST, so much. also this whole thing is the result of an ambiguous angsty scene that im too lazy to write, making this whole piece very ambiguous and slow paced imo. but as always, enjoy.
sfw // best friends with a slight hint of something more 
it was a Saturday morning
and you felt like shit.
well physically you were fine, but your mind couldn’t stop replaying the events caused by your attitude yesterday.
“oh, piss off. it’s not like anyone pays attention to people like us anyways”
“can you stop being annoying for like—two fucking seconds?”
“i can’t wait to leave everyone in this goddam school.”
you had been a total bitch for reasons you couldn’t decipher. maybe it was your declining grades, or your dick of a teacher, or the fact that your friendships with everyone had been anything but steady these past few months, but regardless, you never intended to snap at Sero.
and now it was 7am on a saturday morning and you felt like you had just kicked an orphan in the nuts. (what a great analogy).
again, you felt bad.
so you tried to compensate. you went for a run during the ripe 6am sunrise.
it didn’t work.
you read a book for an hour while the 7am light shined through the large glass windows of the dorm.
still nothing.
then 8am—you made breakfast
and 9am—you took a shower.
and guess what? you were still a piece of shit.
but then 10am rolled around, and you felt your eyes and conscious start to drift away.
“you are…. unbelievable.”
“you sound just like everyone else, you do realize that, right?”
“this isn’t worth my fucking time. you’re not worth it.”
you strangely found that you couldn’t sleep. there was a monster at your feet, sliding it’s way into your stomach and up your throat. you were going to suffocate in the black pit of tar that was your guilt.
you pushed yourself off your bed (the cushions this particular morning felt like rocks) and dragged your feet out to the hallway. your groggy eyes looked up and focused on something that was outside of your control for the first time that morning. the epitome of your anxiety stared back and smiled. she waved her hand as a sign of “good morning” to you. your stomach was at your feet now, consumed by the monster.
you flashed a lopsided grin and waved back.
“she’s such a two faced bitch.”
“her boyfriend thinks i’m some maniacal, narcissistic, demon. and don’t even get me started on the rest of that friend group”
“i hate everyone at this fucking school. and i’m positive those feelings are mutual, so don’t even give me that ‘everyone loves you’ bullshit cause it a fat lie, Ha-”
correction: you hated almost everyone here.
you escaped the dangerous corridors with your sweatpants and large t-shirt still intact somehow. you stared at the empty kitchen and sighed.
you hated coffee, like absolutely despised it.
so you made coffee. you made more than you could ever drink, and poured the amount between two cups. not evenly, of course. one cup was practically milk and foam. the other maybe had a teaspoon of sugar. it made you want to vomit a little bit.
grabbing the wonky tourist mugs that held both cups of coffee, you walked out the kitchen and to the indoor lounge. you weren’t expecting to stay there very long, but your destination had brought himself to you. he was sitting there, and he—surprisingly—seemed very awake. and now the second cup seemed pointless.
he was never awake before 12am on a weekend.
and right now, he was studying. Hanta Sero, of all people, had an open textbook and papers full of notes littered on the table. and he was by himself.
you had really fucked up.
you sucked up your pride though, like you’d never done before, and started walking, hoping the monster would let you go somewhere along the way.
it didn’t.
you placed the mug on the empty space to his right, but didn’t take a seat. your presence had been replaced with his floppy back-pack in the chair. you couldn’t look at him.
“coffee.” that was painful. coffee was painful for you to say. you were absolutely pathetic. Hanta looked you up and down, subconsciously looking for your angle. he didn’t know what you were doing. that made two of you though. you cleared you throat and shifted to try and regain confidence, but your eyes were fixated on anything below his gaze. “i made extra, and remembered how you’re a freak and actually like the taste of coffee, so here: coffee.” you thought saying the word the second time around would be easier, but it still got caught in you esophagus and made your tongue burn. he looked at the warm cup and then at you.
“why where you…” he started and trailed off (but was most likely going to ask you why you were brewing coffee). an instinctive laugh left the back of his throat before he decided to let you into his thought process again. “you don’t like-” but you cut him off from his statement that would’ve most likely regarded your distaste for the drink.
“just take the the coffee, Hanta.” your eyes squeezed shut at the statement, like it was sour on your gums. “look, i’m a bitch–okay?–and the only way i can apologize is by giving you this shitty coffee i made while i was half-asleep. so just take the coffee.” you rushed your naked expressions out in one breath, hoping he would figure out how awkward this made you. and how terrible you were when it came to waving your white flag.
he tentatively brought the coffee closer to him. you’re not sure what you were expecting. silence, backlash, a rejection even, but not him smiling. it was very small, of course, and you knew it wasn’t meant for you, but it didn’t fail to make your shoulders drop and your breathing to soften.
“can you just... say that again?” he asked with almost defensive mannerisms. to most, this request would seem like Sero was trying to milk your faint-hearted apology, but it was more just from his inability to process your admittance to the fact that you were in the wrong.
“which part? the whole thing?” you asked, preparing to be annoyed if he responded with a yes.
“nah, just the part where you say you’re a bitch.” there he was. you were starting to wonder when Hanta Sero would make an appearance. you scoffed through your nose and a half-hearted smirk flashed over your face.
“i’m a bitch,” you repeated. “i’m the bitchiest bitch there is. and... i’m petty and narcissistic and have never been good at this part,” you motioned back and froth through the space that separated the both of you. whether your hand was referring to your apology to him or the strange and totally romantic tension you and Sero constantly choose to ignore was up for him to decide. “but i want to be. i want to be better,” you clarified. “i don’t know why i’ve been so snappy. it’s not a girl thing or whatever, i’ve just been….” your mind trailed off. 
“if it’s so hard for you to be friends with the both of us just fucking leave already. just go! i don’t give a shit anymore.”
“....i don’t know.” there was no way to conclude or even put into words what you were thinking. but whatever you were expressing was how you truly felt, and it left you completely compromised. 
it was Sero’s move now.
he sighed and pushed himself out of the chair. this monologue of an apology was a sight to behold, but he could tell you felt awful about everything that had happened. at least, that small part in him filled with nothing but the best of him had hoped you did.
you looked up at Sero and realized how you enjoyed talking to him more when you were the only one standing. maybe it was a power thing, or maybe you just enjoyed having his deep brown eyes staring up at you. now the roles were reversed, and you were starting to wonder if he had always towered over you like this.
your eyes darting around his features, you thought you knew him well, but this was disproven from the fact that you had no clue what he was thinking. was this it? would this be the end? 
his arms wrapped under yours and his height was now pressed into you. you hadn’t even realized it yet but you were holding him too, your face in his shoulder and hands gripping to the back of his shirt.
this wasn’t real. he couldn’t be real right now.
“i don’t want to pretend like i understand you,” Sero mumbled into your neck. “but i do care, a lot more than i think you want me to.” he was bashful about that last part. and it was–by anyones standards–embarrassing to care this much for someone who tried to glue you back together with a cup of joe. but he didn’t care, or he didn’t want to care.
you pulled back from his embrace. it didn’t matter that he was the most important person in the world to you, your body still somehow made hugging him in public and awkward thought.
“you’re too good to me, Hanta,” you solemnly respond, your side profile facing him and arms crossed, rubbing your triceps. “i don’t deserve it,” you look at him and force a smile.
“you really don’t sometimes,” he shakes his head and tries to lighten the mood before sitting back down at the table. “you can earn it though by helping me study for this economics test.” he bit his pencil and narrowed in on the pages he desperately wanted to understand. 
you leaned over his shoulder to see the material better and pointed at the areas he should focus on more. he asked questions and you explained, not afraid to correct him when he wasn’t on the right track to getting the answer. but you weren’t as ignorant to the vultures as he was. they would pass by and look at you like you were roadkill. 
“i can’t fucking take it with them anymore! i just cant. they look at me like im a piece of meat–in more ways than one. it won’t be long before... before you start to look at me that way too.”
so you let things happen naturally. it’s crazy to think how the simmering water cooled down so quickly once you stopped texting him first. the day you didn’t walk to class with him like you normally do, the nasty glares ceased to exist. in fact, without Sero, you seemed to be invisible to almost everyone. at one point, even to yourself. of course he noticed your absence in his life and in his messages. but when he texted you it was complete radio silence. he tried to approach you but you’d cut the conversations short or had a some god-awful excuse to leave.
he confided in his winged, meat-eating friends and they told him what they knew. you were weird and unsocial and you were probably still mad at him for something. the details didn’t matter, really. but he started to understand. you didn’t care for him, not really at least. maybe you were just bored or were trying to get a little more than a hug from him. it hurt him to know that version of the truth.
the spacious days, turned into lonely weeks that turned into the rushing months before graduation.
you celebrated on your own, before moving far away to a city no one had ever heard of or had the effort to learn about. your social media died off and became ancient, and eventually, so did you.
and you never had to drink another cup of coffee again.
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ninthhousedyke · 1 year
Nona the Ninth Live Blog - The FINALE
Wow so I’m finally finishing Nona after Jod knows how long since I started it because I’m an awful reader and I accidentally left the book at home when I moved back to college after break….oopsie! Anyway we’re starting at John 5:4 and going straight to the end even though I already know most of what happens but I love my girls and wanna catch any details I missed from reading spoilers.
John stop making sex jokes I SWEAR THIS IS SERIOUS!!
Ooo there goes the façade! John just wants revenge on Blood of Eden for being the descendants of the escaped trillionaires when the trillionaires have been dead for thousands of years. He can’t let go of his anger because it’s the only thing keeping him alive or else he’ll have to feel that guilt he’s so insistent on removing from everyone.
Harrow calling The Body a God is delicious.
Harrow is on her way bitches!!
Chapter 30:
Is that a TOWER icon?! Have we seen this before?? Harrows walking toward a tower in the River and Nona plus company are in the River…is Harrow finally going back to her body!?!
Still not used to Paul, never will be.
“It takes more than this” oooo fuck I love Kiriona.
Paul’s eyes are weird….
Kay so there’s the tower that Harrow went after in the River, but wtf is it for?? Is it another manifestation of a Resurrection Beast? Is it part of the River falling apart? Is it something holding the River together? Varun is still talking through Judith and he says that John and Alecto left “them” too long. Is “them” the tower(s)? The resurrection beasts? What is HAPPENING? Harrow is clearly returning to her body with how Alecto’s mind is scattering.
Fuck all the people; we’re choosing to live for a dog. Is now a bad time to mention I’m a cat person?
All jokes aside, the line of reasoning that “everyone I love is either gone or will never be the same again, and I will never be the same again so it would be best to die here” is such a relatable feeling? Not just as someone who was suicidal for years, but just any huge transitionary stage of life means you’re leaving behind who you were and who the people around you were for a new chapter, and sometimes you just don’t want that? Like I hardcore relate to Alecto’s feelings here because even she, the literal embodiment of Earth, is just tired of losing people.
Chapter 31:
Kiriona calling the Ninth “home sweet home” is so eerie to me but more importantly I am frothing at the mouth to see what has become of the Ninth since our girls left. Like shit had to have gone down right? John sent souls to replenish it but who tf is in charge?
Okay so if Pyrrha says the tower wasn’t a resurrection beast then I believe her but if Pyrrha doesn’t even know what tf the tower was then I’m very scared.
Aaaaand there goes Kiriona charging into the darkness. Glad to see John kept the dumbass parts of her personality.
WAIT if they landed at “top tier, shuttle field” does that mean they’re at the same shuttle landing Gideon tried to escape from in the first book??? Tamsyn did you leave that extra kick in the nuts just for us?
“She always said the skull was the least interesting bone.” Okay but now I NEED to know what was Anastasia’s favorite bone.
Oh my god could you imagine the Ninth with fairy lights strung everywhere?
Crux is here….yay
Okay but like he’s really just not questioning Gideon in Cohort and royal garb like…at all?
This does not feel like we have one book left in the series because how is Tamsyn hitting us with both a brand new tower AND brand new zombies which are apparently soul corrupted people? It’s also so weird for GIDEON to be the one to know things. Fuck the Ninth rebuilding because these zombies are just clearing them out.
This Aiglamene reunion is everything I need
“That’s where my heart used to be” I WILL NOT CRY I WILL NOT CRY
I WILL CRY OHMYGODDDDD! Why is the end of this chapter so damn emotional? Alecto knows she’s going to comeback different and she doesn’t want to! She wants to remember the love she hasn’t had before! Pyrrha promising she’ll never lose that love! You can’t take away loved ahhhkjhsgdjssj
The moustache ride shirt holy shit now I’m laughing and crying simultaneously
Chapter 32:
The open tomb symbol ITS HAPPENING
“The Reverend Daughter has no cavalier living” oh just step on my heart Tamsyn
Ianthe has been on page for exactly a page and already her tension with Kiriona is delicious,her attitude is delicious, and she is delicious. Creepy rat with hygiene issues but a baby nonetheless.
Gideon calling John “Dad” is both heartwarming and depressing. She’s never had a Dad in any sense but he’s JOHN and therefore not doing his best on a good day. There’s a desire for love in that word but Gideon isn’t getting any love from John Gaius.
Gideon doing massive 180’s from doing what Ianthe wants to doing what she herself wants is so funny. She’s got her own agenda and it just so happens to sometimes help Ianthe but no matter what Gideon has her own agenda.
Friendship bracelets….bantering…laughing….touching one another….”good to see you” (quite kindly) oh jod, these two are fucking.
“You overgilded doorknob” my baby I love you
Oh baby…Gideon you want so badly to belong to someone that you’ll do anything, even for a man like JOHN??! Even Ianthe sees it. Ianthe is sympathizing with it which is scarier.
“The good son” I love the gender of the locked tomb
Both Ianthe and Gideon rushing to Harrow’s body as it begins dying is so strangely cute because it’s so obvious how whipped these two are.
“Wake made that for me…Or I stole it from her…same difference.” Pyrrha I love you and I want a whole spinoff of what your relationship with Wake was like because hot damn.
Gideon offering to die AGAIN for the thanergy bloom to save Harrow….girl, baby, sweetie, just write love poems like a NORMAL PERSON
Oh jod Gideon’s in so much pain that not even killing Crux, telling him she’s the daughter of the emperor, can make her feel better. She’s so empty and cold. Harrow come get your girl!!!
Anastasia’s bones casually guarding the rock to the tomb….ooo girl that’s gonna come back to be important later.
The idea that Alecto doesn’t remember first entering the tomb as being forced tells me that maybe there’s something more to the tomb and her imprisonment than we’ve been led to believe, which is the case for literally everything in this series.
Just yeet Ianthe into the River, hell yeah.
Not Harrow immediately asking Alecto to kill her for not being worthy. Girls, therapy is a Thing and you all need some like last year.
Aaaand there’s the weird bite-kiss
Gideons like “only I offer my weird dead services to Harrowhark, and I will fight the literal soul of earth and source of God’s power to prove it.”
*gets stabbed* “oh hey babe, good morning.”
“Hell will break loose in Alecto the Ninth” okay but considering there’s an ACTUAL hell in this world, I’m taking this literally. WAIT what if the weird possession zombies are from hell?? That would make a little sense. Okay okay no theorizing here.
Wow so…it’s done. That was a wild ride. I’ll miss Nona a little but damn am I happy to have Harrow and Gideon back (ish). Whole gang is here to either fight God, fight some zombies, or whatever Pash is doing. Still can’t believe Harrow has kissed Ianthe and Alecto, but not fucking Gideon.
Alecto The Ninth is gonna break us all……
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capriciouswrites · 1 year
Good day. I just read watch the ripples change their size and wanted to know if there's a continuation to it? How do they talk about their bond? How/do they end up together? What happens next? I am so enamored by this idea of soulmates. So unique. And I love how you wrote it.
wait, hold on, here's the link for anyone who wants to read/refresh before dealing with my rambling: watch the ripples change their size
Then the rest under a cut b/c fic spoilers.
Okay so! There is not a continuation to it -- originally it was going to be the start of a much longer work, but tbh I am not so great at the long works and it felt 'complete enough' to be a stand alone for fictober. I don't have any intention of writing more in this verse at the moment, but lord knows I've been bit by inspiration at weirder times -- and I was thinking about doing another month of daily fics this month...(Can't be October tho because I'm traveling).
But that's not what you're asking about, so!
Wait, shit, okay first thank you so much for the ask! I really appreciate it and super appreciate the compliments. I love soulmate aus and I love coming up with weird ones and ATLA had just so many soulmate possibilities that I went a little nuts.
Now, to answer your actual questions: at first they don't -- as of the timeline of the fic they haven't actually spoken about it. They both know, and they both know the other knows -- but I think for each of them there's a small belief that maybe, maybe, maybe it's a different water/fire bender. (Neither of them actually thinks this, but they're both young and have doubts). So they don't actually talk about it, they just make sure the other one knows how to handle if someone tries to use the other's powers against them.
And then they go to face Azula, because that's still the path they're on. Only -- and gosh I have like three different ways the Azula fight could go and you know what, here are some options:
Azula sends lightning at Katara, but Zuko doesn't lunge between them -- and Katara redirects it at Azula with one hand and directs a shit ton of water with the other -- and Azula is still twitching from electric shock long enough to get her chained down.
Zuko recognizes that Azula is going to send lighting at Katara and blood bends her so she can't, and then they chain her down.
Azula sends lighting at Katara -- and it doesn't hurt her. Which shocks Azula long enough for Zuko to win the battle and get her chained down.
Some combination of those three options.
Anyways, they win without anyone needing a ton of healing (which kind of makes me sad tbh I love the sacrificial scar, but needs must), and then not thinking about it Zuko takes Katara's hand and they stand there victorious and it's a moment, okay. They have a moment.
They still haven't talked about it tho, because of course they haven't.
But then Aang comes back, and is all "we can be together!" and Katara is just like "oh but I have a soulmate? and it's not you? it's a firebender?" and that's the first time she's actually said it and, well, Aang loves her and wants her to be happy, and so the fact that she says that and then has a panic attack about the fact that she said it means he's more concerned with making sure she's okay then being hurt. And then they talk it out and he's just like "yeah of course it's Zuko" and she's all "it might be!" and he's just like 'bitch please' (except not really b/c it's Aang and that's definitely more Toph).
And then Katara is all 'doubt' and "well he's going to be the firelord so he can't marry me anyways" and that's just her insecurity talking, but Aang thinks maybe Zuko has said something -- so he rushes off to tell Zuko not to be an idiot and he has to accept his soulmate and he's telling Zuko this in front of a bunch of his new advisors who are all heart eyes and THE NEW FIRELORD HAS A SOULMATE THIS IS V. AUSPICIOUS YES THE BEST NEWS EXCELLENT AND SHE'S A BENDER PERFECT and the pr people and ambassadors are crying in gratitude b/c honestly this is like perfect press and is going to make stepping back their, oh you know, crazy conquesting thing a little more reasonable.
And so they get married without having actually talked about it, but it's fine b/c they actually do really like each other, and then they get to have a sups awkward talk that's all "check yes if you like me" and "if I said I liked you would you say you liked me I'm just kidding unless..." on their wedding night and it's v. sweet.
And once they really accept each other into their hearts they do get full access to each other's powers plus some, and holy shit are they stupid powerful.
The end.
Thanks for the ask!
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lozeyart · 2 years
5. ☄️ - If you were a god what would you be god of?
Oh god I'm so predictable, I'd love to be the god of cats, anything feline, I love cats so much, any cat, any kind
13. 🌬️- The loving passionate rant you’ve been wanting to give?
Okay so I actually really want to rant about Pouncoffelees and I'm using this to do it. My HC for their romance is super generic and I don't care you have to put up with my lack of imagination
Misto and Pounce were childhood best friends, they grew up together, so they're really, really close. In my HC of their age, they're older teens, around 17/18 years human equivalent. Anyway. They grew up together, running amok, causing some mischief with the other kittens. Eventually, they go their own separate group of friends. Pounce got his pals, Misto got his. Misto would hang out with Pounce and his friends, but Misto wouldn't hang out with Pounce's friends if Pounce wasn't around, same goes for Pounce. Eventually, Pounce starts getting feels for Misto. Maybe one day they're hanging out on a roof or something, and Misto smiles at Pounce a certain way, or says something with a look on his face, and Pounce thinks "I would like to kiss him." and it SCARES him, because Misto is his best friend! His closest friend! He can't have feelings for him, it could ruin things! So he immediately shoves those feelings under a rug. He just won't think about it! But thats kind of hard when him and Misto hang out all. the. time. He can't get over these feelings. He really wants to hold Misto's hand.
I should say that him and Misto are very casually intimate with each other. Arms over shoulders, light touches, they tend to sit rather close together all the time, they're very touchy with each other, which is starting to be TORTURE for Pounce. Shove shove shove those feelings!
Anyway, eventually Pounce kind of starts drifting away from Misto intentionally because he can't come to terms with these feelings. He really likes Misto, but he doesn't want to ruin the friendship they have. Eventually, Pounce basically ghosts Misto, which breaks Misto's heart obviously. Misto tries to talk to him, ask him whats wrong, but Pounce is like "I don't know! Stop looking at me! Bye!" (doesn't know how to deal with his feels).
Hey, you know whats around the corner? The Jellicle Ball!
Pounce realizes he's been a complete ass by the time the ball comes up and wants to apologize to Misto, but every time he tries, he chickens out. No one likes to admit they're wrong, and he's really scared that Misto will hate him after this.
So its the night of the Jellicle Ball and Pounce is going nuts trying to get to Misto and talk to him, but in all the mayhem and craziness, its really hard for him to do that. Finally he has an idea, he's going to take Tumblebrutus's place in the Ball and dance with Misto instead of Tumble dancing with Misto. He finds Tumble, begs him to trade (With some bribing, Pounce now owes Tumble all the treats his owners give him for the next three months) and takes his place in the ball where he dances with Misto. So he does, and it catches Misto by surprise for sure, but he's a professional, he's going to dance and not let this get in his way. At one part of the dance, Pounce holds Misto's hand and squeezes it, a silent apology for the way he'd been acting, a plea to hear him out. And Misto squeezes his hand back, a faint smile on his lips, because he's missed his best friend, and he's just happy that Pounce is here with him right now, on this night, dancing with him.
After their number ends and they run off together for a brief moment before they have to rejoin the dance, Pounce pulls Misto to the side and apologizes with his words this time. He's sorry he was being such an ass, he's sorry for ignoring Misto and avoiding him and not talking to him. He's sorry because he fell in love with Misto, and he doesn't know how to handle it, and he didn't want to ruin their friendship, and he didn't know what to do and-
And Misto cuts him off with a laugh and holds his hands, he brings Pounce's hands up to his mouth and kisses his knuckles and he's blushing like crazy right now, but he looks at Pounce and tells him he likes him too, he fell in love awhile back, but he also didn't want to ruin the friendship. And now Pounce is laughing, and he's blushing too, and they press their foreheads together and they're laughing together and Misto cups Pounce's cheek in his palm, and they stop laughing, and they press their lips together softly, and before either of them can say anything else, they have to rejoin the dance, they can talk about this later.
ANYWAY. Thats.... THAT
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