#and like. miles knows that going alone through life isn’t really safe for someone like him and why would he when he has so many people
milimeters-morales · 1 year
one thing i really like is when Peter is good at networking in the 70’s show, like either by luck or just having it as a skill because of his job and how he’s living, and especially since he doesn’t really use spider-man for it. like yeah, he’s saying “oh spider-man told me / me and spider-man figured it out” a lot and he does solve mysteries/stop crime as spider-man, but he’s usually getting into those places and meeting those people in the first place as Peter. do you get what i’m saying?? anyways, i apply that to Miles too because it’s just a good skill to have and he’s my fav, but i also think it would make sense because of how connected he is with his community and several other groups of people bc of his hobbies, lifestyle, how he was raised, etc.
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5ivebyfive · 8 months
whumptober, day 3: “Like crying out in empty rooms; with no-one there except the moon.” canon: power rangers 2017 characters: Trini, Kim plot: Trini alone in her room after the campfire, until someone knocks on her window. The prompt kinda got away from me, but this is what I came up with.
Trini slips out of the night through her bedroom window and sits on her desk just below it. Tears are on her cheeks and she wishes they would stop. She brushes them away. With her new powers she tried something different and rode around on top of the city bus for a while, but it didn’t help. It really just made her feel worse and more alone. 
She isn’t alone anymore, and she knows that. She has her new friends who already feel like something of a family to her. But she’s not used to having that. She’s not used to letting people in. And she’s really not used to opening up to people the way she had that night at the campfire. Why had she even spoken up? She’s always the quiet girl, but something about that bonding made her feel safe for the moment. Now she feels stupid. Had she actually expressed to them that she thinks she likes girls? Even if not outright? Yeah, she had. She has never told anyone that. She’s still warring away inside herself over if it’s true or not.
Okay, it’s true. She can deny it and shove it down all she wants, but it is. She doesn’t even think she’s remotely interested in boys. She never has been before. But she knows that her mom won’t accept her being that different. Her dad probably would, but he always sides with her mother on everything no matter what his own thoughts are. 
And she told the other Rangers. She slams her palm on her desk in frustration at herself. She doesn’t want to be different anymore than her mom does. Because she’s always been different, hasn’t she? She’s never conformed like her mom wants her to. She’s never wanted to. She wants to wear comfortable clothing that she feels good in. She wants to listen to her heavy metal. She wants to not have to speak if she doesn’t want to. And she wants to kiss a girl, but she never knew how to. Okay. She knows how to kiss. Despite not wanting to kiss boys, she has. What she doesn’t know is how to go about knowing a girl who wants to kiss her back and making the move. Or even how to know if a girl wants to kiss her. And it’s because she’s so messed up. She knows it. It shouldn’t be hard. She’s known plenty of out people in her life, and they have it figured out. At least they seem to. Maybe they don’t any more than she does. 
All she knows is that she feels ridiculous and scared. And she hates feeling this way. Suddenly, there’s a knock on her window that makes her jump a mile. She turns around and sees Kimberly’s face in the window. She’s in the shadow of the moon, but Trini notices that she looks troubled. Trini frowns and pushes the window back open. 
“What are you doing?” She asks.
“Not going to invite me in?” Kim asks. Trini was right. Kim looks like Trini feels.
“Oh. Sure.” Trini hops off her desk and motions for Kim to come in. Kim does, and she lands on her feet and looks around the darkened room.
“I like your room,” she says.
“Thanks. What are you doin’ here?” She asks again. Okay, maybe she’s sounding a bit defensive. She’s not used to having a girl in her room. Or anyone at all. She crosses her arms over her chest and steps back to put more space between them. Kim moves and sits on the edge of Trini’s bed which feels like a violation, but it’s Kim so she doesn’t say anything.
“I…I don’t know,” Kim says, not meeting Trini’s gaze. “You seemed…I don’t know. Off I guess. After the campfire.”
“How do you know where I live?”
“Not hard to figure out.” She looks a little shameful and ducks her head. “I followed you.” Trini’s eyes narrow.
“I didn’t come straight home.”
“It’s hard to follow a bus on foot.”
“You know this is really creepy, right?”
“No it’s not. We’re friends.”
“Right,” Trini drawls. 
“Look, I uh…I needed someone to talk to and you’re the first person I thought of.”
“What’s wrong?” Trini asks. Kim’s hands tuck between her legs and she continues looking around, almost anxiously. 
“I think…I think it’s my fault we can’t morph.”
“Why would it be your fault?” Trini sits beside Kim on the bed with plenty of space between them.
“Because I shouldn’t be a Power Ranger. Someone made a mistake.”
“Why would you think that?”
“Because I’m not,” Kim’s voice shakes. “I’m not a good person, Trini.”
“We’re all messed up,” Trini says quietly. 
“I did something. That’s why I couldn’t talk at the campfire. I did something bad and I’m…” She shakes her head.
“What’d you do?” Trini asks. She’s forgotten her own worries for the moment. Kim seems too upset, and Trini hasn’t seen her this way before even in the short time they had known each other. She glances over and watches Kim take a deep breath.
“I punched Ty Flemming in the face because he said I’m the meanest person he’s ever met…and he was right.”
“I…doubt that’s true,” Trini says. Sure, Kim had dragged her off a cliff, but meanest? 
“It is.” Kim takes her cell phone out of her pocket and taps on it. She stares at it for a moment before holding it up for Trini to see. Trini looks and sees a picture of a girl in a lace bra and panties. And Trini knew who it was. Amanda Clarke. The actual meanest girl in school. The girl who made Trini’s life hell with her teasing and pranks. 
“Whoa,” Trini says, diverting her eyes. “What is that?”
“Amanda took this of herself and she shared it with me. Privately. She trusted me.”
“And I sent it to Ty. With a text that said, ‘Is this the girl you want to bring home to your mom?’.”
“Why…why would you…” Trini’s confused. This doesn’t seem like something Kim would do. Not that she even knew Kim. And to be honest, she’s a little disgusted. Kim must see it on her face, because she quickly defends herself.
“Ty and I had been dating for two years. He cheated on me with her. I was so…so angry, you know?” Kim’s voice was getting emotional, her eyes misty. “I wanted them to feel like I felt.”
“So you…sent a revenge pic?” Trini doesn’t realize the judgment in her tone. But she sees how it hits Kim. Kim drops her head and sniffs. 
“I went to the principal’s office and sat there with Amanda and her father as Mr. Detmore showed him this picture and…the way Mr. Clarke looked at me…” She swipes under her eyes. “I could see, for the first time, who I had become. I tried to blame everyone but myself and I…I wanted to die.” Trini’s heart clenches. No matter what Kim had done, no one deserved to feel that way. She opens her mouth to say something, but Kim goes on. “So when it was my turn at the campfire…I couldn’t. I couldn’t tell you guys that -- the worst part of me. I…I don’t know why the coin picked me, Trini.” Trini is quiet for a while. She doesn’t know what to say. Having been bullied most of her life for being the new girl, Trini doesn’t like bullying in any form. And to do it in that way… Kim jumps to her feet and paces. “You think I’m awful.”
“No,” Trini says slowly. “I don’t. I think you did something awful, but that doesn’t make you awful.” And she realizes she means it. She sees good in Kim, and she doesn’t get why Kim would act the way she did, but she doesn’t think Kim’s a bad person. 
“I punched Ty’s tooth out!” Kim says, spinning around to Trini.
“I heard they put it back,” Trini replies. Kim shakes her head.
“I shouldn’t be a Power Ranger and because of me we can’t morph.”
“It’s not because of you,” Trini insists. “Come here.” Kim stares at her for a moment before reclaiming her seat next to Trini. “Feeling shitty about ourselves is normal. I…” She starts to say something about herself, but she can’t. “Look, there’s tons of photos like that going around school. Even I’ve seen them.” It isn’t an excuse, but it’s true.
“I care about this one,” Kim stresses.
“If you think telling the others about this will help us morph…they’re not gonna judge you.”
“They will,” Kim says.
“Then don’t tell them. We’ll get there. We’ll morph.”
“It’s funny…” Kim says, with a dark chuckle. “For some reason…you’re the first person I wanted to go to…but the last that I wanted to know about it.”
“I don’t-I don’t know,” Kim answers with a shrug of her shoulders. “I guess…since we’re the only girls on the team.” Trini isn’t sure if that’s really the reason or not, but she takes Kim’s word for it.
“Maybe you need some sleep.”
“Can I stay here?” Kim looks at her with a hopeful gaze.
“Yeah…sure,” Trini nods. “I’ll get you something to sleep in. They…may be a little small on you.”
“That’s okay,” Kim says. Trini gets up to go to her closet. “Thank you,” Kim adds on. Trini looks back at her and nods.
“No prob.” 
Once in pajamas they crawl into Trini’s bed and lay down with as much space between them as they can manage. Kim turns on her side to face Trini while Trini lays on her back with her arm behind her head. She’s a little uncomfortable sharing her bed with a girl, especially Kim for some reason. 
“Trini?” Kim asks.
“Why were you crying?”
“I wasn’t,” Trini says defensively.
“I know you were.”
“I, uh…it was just a lot. The campfire,” she says vaguely, hoping Kim drops it.
“You mean…telling us that you might be gay?” Kim asks bluntly.
“Yeah,” Trini answers honestly. 
“You know none of us will think differently of you if you are, right? We’re not like that.”
“Right,” Trini says. She isn’t sure she believes it. Even if Kim is speaking for herself, how can she know the others won’t?
“No one cared when you brought it up, did they?” Kim asks.
“No…” Trini admits.
“And you don’t have to tell anyone else now. Even when you have it figured out. It’s no one else’s business.”
“I know.” Trini sighs and closes her eyes. She hopes Kim will drop it now. She’s not comfortable talking about it or her emotions. Kim must pick up on it because she goes quiet, too. 
She must fall asleep, because what feels like moments later she’s awoken. By drops of water on her face. In the same instant, she opens her eyes and hears Kim shout. “Trini!” 
Rita Repulsa is falling from the ceiling on top of them. Trini’s eyes widen in horror as Rita laughs and yanks Kim up and throws her across the room into the wall. Kim crumples to the floor and doesn’t move. “Kim!” Trini yells. She wants  to get up and go to her, but Rita picks her up and slams her into the other wall, pressing against her.
“Hello, Yellow.”
When Rita is gone, leaving behind her threats and her nail marks on Trini’s neck -- among other marks -- Trini bends over gasping for air. She looks over at Kim on the floor, who still isn’t moving, and rushes to her side. “Kim! Kim!” She shakes her friend, fearing the worst. She’s scared. Rita came after her, clearly not expecting anyone else to be there. And if Kim’s hurt badly because of her…she’ll never forgive herself. “Please wake up!” Kim starts to move a bit under Trini’s touch. She groans deeply. “Yeah, yeah, Kim, come on. Wake up.” Trini watches Kim’s face scrunch up as she opens her eyes.
“What happened?” Then her eyes go wide. “Rita!”
“She’s gone,” Trini says. “Can you sit up?”
“Yeah.” Kim sits up and holds a hand to her head. “Okay, everything’s spinning.”
“Shouldn’t your powers have made it harder to knock you out?” Trini asks. After all, Kim was out for a while while she fought -- or tried to fight -- Rita. 
“I don’t know,” Kim says. “My head hurts.” Then she gasps. “Trini, your neck!” She reaches for it, but doesn’t touch it. “You’re bleeding.”
“It’s fine,” Trini says, shrugging Kim off. “Let me get you something.” She goes to her bathroom and gets the cup she keeps in there, fills it with water, then reaches under the sink where she keeps her medicine. She gets something for Kim and carries them back to her. She sits on the floor. “Here.” Kim pops the medicine in her mouth and Trini helps her drink the water. “Good?” Kim nods.
“We have to take care of your neck,” Kim insists. “It could get infected.” She gets up to her knees and pauses before climbing to her feet. She wavers a moment before collecting herself. “Do you have hydrogen peroxide?”
“Yeah, under the sink.”
“Sit on the bed.” Kim goes into the bathroom and Trini moves to the bed. A moment later, Kim comes out with the bottle and a towel. She pours quite a bit of the peroxide into the towel then comes over and holds it to Trini’s neck. Trini hisses at first at the contact, but it goes away immediately. Kim sits next to Trini, still holding the towel to her neck. “What happened?”
“Rita played with me like a ragdoll,” Trini snorts. She nods towards the walls that Rita threw her against. They look as bad as the wall Kim hit. Chunks of wall were missing all over Trini’s bedroom. There were cracks and holes in them. 
“Did she say anything?”
“Said she could kill you without a second thought if I didn’t do what she said.” Trini doesn’t want to share the whole encounter with Kim. Doesn’t want Kim to know how scared she had felt, how freaked out she currently is. 
“She said…she killed the last yellow Ranger. And that she’s going to destroy Angel Grove. She wants me to find out where the Zeo Crystal is.”
“Fat chance we’ll tell her.”
“Kim. We have to text the others. We gotta meet them.” She tosses the towel aside and looks at Kim. “Are you good?” 
“Yeah, I’m good. I’m a Power Ranger, remember?” And she smiles. Trini nods. 
“Yeah, you are.” She’s glad that Kim remembers that and takes pride in it in that moment. Trini needs her to. She takes out her phone and sends a group text to the guys telling them where to meet the girls. Then she stands up. “Kim?”
“I believe in you, you know.” Trini meets Kim’s eyes. She wants Kim to know that no matter her past, Trini will fight beside her. Kim nods.
“I believe in you, too, Trini.”
“Now, let’s go stop this crazy woman,” Trini says, teeth clenching.
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santacarlatourism · 2 years
summer break for vigilantes - pt. 1, welcome to santa carla
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This fic is also posted to my Ao3 Rating: Mature Pairing: Poly Lost Boys x (Nonbinary) Reader Chapter word Count: 2.6k Fic Warnings: Major (OC) character death, stalking, manipulation canon-typical depictions of violence, death, sex, drug use, etc. Reader is nonbinary but sometimes assumed as female by those who don’t know them. [Subject to updating/change] Summary: You: Sheltered high-school graduate who's moved several thousand miles to Santa Carla. Reason? One-part college, one-part freedom. Michelle: Your rebellious, impulsive, and passionate roommate, who your parents don't know you have. Eric: Michelle's boyfriend, who goes missing within the first week of your arrival in town. The murder capital of the world, as its known by the locals; Santa Carla's police department seems woefully either unequipped or unconcerned with the high rate of missing person's cases in town. So when your roommate's boyfriend goes missing in the weeks leading up to the Emerson's arrival, the two of you take matters into your own hands to try and piece together the mysterious circumstances under which he vanished. Along the way, you keep finding yourself in the path of a local biker gang that you want little to do with. [Next Part]
College, for Y/N, had represented a safe haven. A paradise of sorts that they spent their high school years diligently working towards. A combination of good grades and spotless behavior had reaped rewards: Y/N had been able to convince their parents to let them take advantage of a scholarship that allowed them to move away from small town, southern nowhere, to attend college in San Jose, California.
And sure, San Jose was a bit of a commute from the cheap apartment Y/N managed to acquire in Santa Carla, but the drive was under an hour and rent and gas were cheap enough at the time. And since they would only have classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, it made everything rather tolerable.
The first day waking up in their apartment after their parents had gone home– Y/N’s first time waking up alone– was a bit nerve unsettling. They had never really lived alone before, even if it would only be for a few hours. They didn’t realize how late they’d woken up, but after the hassle of getting the key from the leasing office and moving their belongings inside the previous day, it made sense that they’d sleep in. It wasn’t every day that you moved for the first time in your life, after all.
Y/N sighed, stretching: their roommate was supposed to arrive sometime today, and so the place wouldn’t be empty for long. They hoped they would like Michelle for the whole semester as much as they had the first time the two met, and in the discreet phone conversations the two had had together. To back out of the lease would involve Y/N having to confess to their parents that they had gotten a roommate without telling them, and that would be a whole can of worms. But living alone as a college student was hard, Y/N had justified to themself. They had money saved up from working during high school and through the summers, and in the form of graduation gifts, but they knew that would go a lot further if they were only paying half the rent and utilities. Especially since they jumped on the opportunity to go on and move in June, rather than waiting till the start of school in September.
And besides, Michelle was cool. Michelle was, Y/N had reasoned before making the official decision, the kind of person they needed in college. Someone who could help them loosen up, really see the world outside of their small hometown. A place that, should the next four years treat them kindly, Y/N hoped to never have to move back to.
They shuffled to the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee, taking the place in. The apartment was pretty sparse at the moment, but Michelle had promised that her boyfriend had a truck and would help them find some furniture at thrift stores. Or via dumpster diving.
“Isn’t that like… illegal?” Y/N had asked, with a slightly worried look.
In response Michelle had just laughed. “Trust me. No one around Santa Carla cares if you pull something out of the trash.”
In the present, Y/N sighed because they hoped Michelle had been right. That would make getting some chairs a whole lot fucking easier.
It was about one in the afternoon before the door finally swung open. “Y/N! I’m home!” Called an elated voice.
Y/N, who had by then retreated back to the only sitting surface in the house they had, their bed, emerged again from their room to greet their roommate. “Michelle!” They greeted as the girl grabbed them up in a big hug.
“Y/N, this is my boyfriend, Eric. He’s brought his truck and everything, if you’re ready to actually fill this place up.”
Y/N waved at Eric, who nodded back. He seemed nice enough. And that was a tempting offer. “Fuck yeah. Let’s ride around,” They agreed to Michelle’s delight.
Riding around town with the two, Y/N would find, also provided them an opportunity to see the parts of Santa Carla they would have actively tried to hide from their parents. That’s not to say Santa Carla was pleasant on a surface level glance by any means, but as life-long citizens it was apparent that Michelle and Eric knew their way around.
“This place always has the best stuff,” Michelle declared, looking over the passenger’s seat at Y/N with a grin as Eric’s truck pulled up to a Kmart that was in severe need of a pressure washing, and then went around to the back.
Y/N squirmed in their seat. “And you’re sure this is fine to do in broad daylight?”
“Of course,” Eric chimed in. “Trust me, this place has three employees working on a good day, and at least two of them are always doped up. They don’t care.”
Y/N found that odd. The Kmart back home was a rather big deal, but they figured in a city like this– and this close to somewhere like San Francisco– maybe people just had better options for shopping. So they tried to swallow their worry as the truck pulled up to the dumpster.
Michelle and Eric seemed attuned to Y/N’s nerves, even if the two felt them unfounded, and were at least somewhat compassionate, as Michelle spoke: “Eric and I will climb in and hand stuff out to you. Just make sure it gets into the bed without getting broken.”
“I can do that.” Not having to climb into a dumpster seemed like a good course of action to them. Especially on a day like today: As the three opened the truck door and got out, the heat of the sun mixing with the scent of the dumpster created quite an unpleasant smell even if it was more filled with unsold furniture than foodstuffs. And so over the course of the next thirty or so minutes, they helped load some chairs, an end table, a DVD player, and a couch (piece by piece, with Eric climbing out halfway through lifting it to help load it up). The only thing they actually ended up going inside to purchase was a TV for that DVD player, which ended up relatively cheap with all three of them putting money into it.
“See! And people would spend a good couple hundred on this much good furniture,” Michelle said as they walked through the parking lot back to the truck, which Eric had brought around front. “And we got almost all of it for free.”
“You’re pretty strong,” Eric commented to Y/N, hopping in the driver’s seat as they and Michelle also climbed in. “Michelle can help toss light things out but usually can’t help me lift.”
“Yeah, because that’s what I have you for,” Michelle laughed. “Anyways, we’re making good on time. We can all unload this shit, shower off, and then hit up the Boardwalk tonight. It’s your first night in Santa Carla, Y/N!” Michelle looked over her shoulder at her friend. “We have to take you to the Boardwalk.
Y/N couldn’t help but grin. “Yeah?” Admittedly, they’d been hoping to get to see it sometime within the next few days. The only amusement park they’d ever gotten to go to before was Opryland, and they’d never been on a beach before. The ocean, they imagined, was quite different from going out on the river with their cousins. After unloading, a series of quick showers, and a fifteen minute drive, and soon Y/N was at the boardwalk with Eric and Michelle.
The sun was nearly set by that point, and so the lights around the rides and various signs had been switched on. Y/N grinned with delight. It was so big! Their eyes darted– which way to go first? They didn’t have long to think, though, before Michelle was pulling them towards the roller coaster which, all things considered, was not a bad way to start their evening. “Come on, you’re gonna love it.”
“But we didn’t get our ride tickets,” Y/N said, looking at the ticket booth behind them that sat at the boardwalk’s entrance.
“Don’t gotta,” Eric shrugged, pulling a wallet out of his pocket that had a good few tickets in it. “I come up here to see the music some nights. Pick up tickets I spot on the ground. People get tipsy or distracted and trop them all the time.”
The three had arrived just as the Friday night crowd was starting to trickle in, before pouring in, so there wasn’t a huge wait for the coaster when they got in line. By the time they got off, though, it was completely dark out. Michelle already had five other rides mentally lined up that they just had to take Y/N on. By the end of the hour, the three were stumbling off the rotor ride and Y/N was stumbling along. “You okay?” Michelle asked, laughing, arm draped around Y/N’s waist to help steady them.
“It’s just been awhile since I’ve been on anything like that,” Y/N admitted, laughing nervously. “A little motion sick–”
“Ew, well, keep it in,” Michelle teased, grinning at Y/N. At this point Michelle was a little tipsy, and Y/N was a little dizzy, and as a result the two almost stumbled right into a group before Eric grabbed them to pull them back.
“Fuck, last time I buy you beer. Watch where you’re going,” Eric said to Michelle, half teasing. Then he looked up at the guys before them and tensed, just a little. “Sorry about them.”
Y/N swallowed, gaze pulled forward as well. They weren’t the tallest guys in the world– only one, it looked like, beat six feet of height. But they had a big presence about them all: long and shaggy haircuts, predominately black attire, the way they were looking at Y/N, Michelle, and Eric like they were prey.
“It’s all right,” The one with the shorter, straighter blonde hair at the front of the group spoke. “Had a bit too much?” He asked, making eye contact with Y/N. He had blue eyes in the icy-cold sort of way and it made Y/N want to shiver, but they didn’t.
“This one? Nah,” Michelle laughed, before Y/N could even fail to answer the question. “Just a bit of a rough time riding the Demon Hole.”
This earned a snicker from the other guys behind the platinum blonde; he himself smiled in a way that looked almost pitying. “Well, then, I’d invite you to grab a bite with us, but you probably don’t want anything on your stomach right now.” He glanced from Y/N back to the other two– “Later.”
With that, the four guys moved past the three of them. Y/N, being far less inebriated than Michelle, noticed Eric’s tension. “You know them?” They asked, after a moment.
“Yeah, they’re some bikers known for causing trouble on the boardwalk. Don’t know how many times they’ve been kicked off,” Eric frowned, “When Michelle almost crashed you both into them I was worried they were going to try and start shit,” He gave his girlfriend a disapproving nudge.
She whined in response. “You know I don’t hold my beer well, babe.”
“Yeah, well, maybe you should learn how to if you’re going to drink in public.”
Y/N looked back over their shoulder again, as they watched the boys disappear into the crowd. They’d already gotten the impression that Eric and Michelle didn’t mind getting into a bit of mischievous trouble– those four must be actual bad news, if they were avoiding them.
Despite Eric’s annoyance he did grab Michelle another beer, which she was now working on as the three continued down the boardwalk. Y/N’s motion sickness had mostly subsided, causing their appetite to come back. “Any food nearby?” They asked.
“Yeah, there’s a stand that sells nachos a bit further down,” Eric replied, “Hungry?”
Y/N nodded. “Oh, shit, why don’t you grab us a movie to rent? Break in that new TV. Eric and I could run ahead and get the food,” Michelle suggested. “I would come with you, but…” She held up her beer can. The video store they were in front of had a NO OUTSIDE FOOD OR DRINKS sign plastered on the glass. Y/N assumed it was one of those signs that was put up following an inciting incident.
With a bit of an indulgent smile, Y/N agreed. “Sure, yeah. Can’t promise I’ll pick something you like though,” They pointed out, as they waved a temporary goodbye and dipped inside the video store. It was nice, momentarily being out of the packed boardwalk crowds. Y/N wondered if it was always this busy on Friday nights or if there were simply a lot of high schoolers and recent graduates celebrating the start of summer. They slowly looked around, trying to get a feel for the store– were the tapes organized alphabetically, or perhaps by genre first? Where the new releases were, and all that–
“Can I help you find something in particular?” A man behind the counter asked, leaning forward.
Y/N looked back to the center of the store, smiling politely at him and slowly stepping up to the counter across the bright and surprisingly clean carpet, “Oh, not really, um, my friends just asked me to come in and pick out a movie.”
“Ah, yes. Friends.” The man glanced up to the glass door. It took a moment for Y/N to realize he was indicating that he had seen Y/N with those aforementioned friends outside. “Your friends do have a tendency for getting into a bit of trouble, you know,” He raised his eyebrows a little, and it appeared that he was trying to be good-natured even while reprimanding Y/N’s choice in company. “You seem like an honest individual, though. More so than many of the sorts I usually see around Santa Carla.” Y/N presumed this was in part based off of their appearance. While they actually quite admired many of the black outfits and colored hair and chains they’d seen worn around the boardwalk, they had just been dropped off by parents that had quite conservative ideas about dress and conduct. So their closet wasn’t exactly full of pieces that Y/N found more exciting. “A little bit of an accent too, are you new here?”
Y/N didn’t think their accent was all that thick, but they supposed it wasn’t surprising that over a thousand miles would make a difference in the way one spoke. Not thick for a rural town might be quite thick for a city like Santa Carla. “I am, yes. I’m going to college over in San Jose.”
“A college student. Quite impressive,” The man behind the counter smiled, seeming pleased. “I’m Max,” He extended a hand over the counter to shake, which Y/N took and introduced themself in turn. “Well, if you happen to be in the market for a job, pay for those textbooks, we are usually hiring,” Max said.
Y/N smiled. “I’ll think about it.” They didn’t want to commit to a job they were being offered by a total stranger on their first week in town– but also didn’t want to completely ruin the opportunity.
Max smiled. “Well, I’ll let you get back to picking your movie out– I’m sure you don’t want to spend all night talking to an old geezer like myself. Just do be careful, the sorts of people you associate with around here,” He gave Y/N a knowing look, as if somehow he was acutely aware of their earlier dumpster diving activities.
“I will.” Y/N nodded, before dipping off to peer through the racks of VHS tapes. Maybe they had a copy of Labyrinth.
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agonyaster · 1 year
Last Words of a Doomed Man
His day of reckoning is finally upon Simon. Unfortunately, he has a few visitors before the UR-1 incident can finally be laid to rest.
complicated sibling relationships my beloved… bad ending au’s for simon are such a silly thing to think about
prefer ao3? read here!
It’s probably a strange feeling to know the day you’re going to die. Simon isn’t too sure, he’s known for so long that he’s a bit desensitized. Now that the day of reckoning has finally come, he can’t say anything feels any different. His life has been largely the same for the past seven years; the only difference now is that he won’t be waking up tomorrow.
Though he must admit, spending his last few months on this earth prosecuting is a nice way to put an end to it all. He’s still not sure why exactly the chief prosecutor allowed him to in the first place.
Simon remembers when Edgeworth came to visit him. The man looked surprisingly at home in a prison, and didn't even bat an eye at Taka. Simply scratched under her chin and made a punchy comment about someone named Roland; the guard in the corner choking down a laugh at it.
There’s plenty of reasons the new chief prosecutor would reinstate him. An attempt to salvage the reputation of the office, maybe. Phoenix Wright’s name has been cleared, it only makes sense that more steps would be taken to try and end the Dark Age of the Law. Pity, maybe, but Edgeworth doesn’t seem the type to extend kindness to criminals.
The paranoid of him worries that the chief has it all figured out. Miles Edgeworth isn’t stupid by any defintion of the word: he could’ve reinstated Simon to keep an eye on him, because he knew that he wasn’t really a criminal. Not much is left to learn from the seven-year-old case file, but with two of the most important figures in the same place at the same time… 
Athena’s eighteen now, she’ll be tried as an adult even though UR-1 happened seven years ago. She likely would’ve been tried as an adult back then— it’s why he had to do what he did. 
The more rational part of his brain fights back. There’s something more personal at stake for Edgeworth, he’s sure of it. As a professional he’s hesitant to jump to conclusions, as an inmate he hungers for it. Every little thing; the way he speaks, the strange jacket framed on the wall of his office, the way he clutches at his elbow when deep in thought, the avoidance of elevators. It all speaks to something larger.
So maybe Edgeworth is onto him. Probably not. He hopes not. Because today is the deadline for any turnabouts in this case that really matter; anything after this Simon doesn’t really need to worry about. Still, he prays that this is all left alone after his death, he doesn’t need Athena getting punished for this after all he’s been through to keep her safe. 
Simon’s seen a lot of different inmates through the years. Some left because their sentences came to an end or were overturned, others because their execution dates caught up to them. Either way, he doesn’t think anyone’s ever been as calm as he has. 
“You’ve got a visitor,” a guard calls. Simon says nothing. “Come on, don’t make this any harder than it has to be.”
He sighs, but stands and follows the guard anyway. It’s not a surprise to see Athena on the other side of the glass, but he debates turning around anyway— this is the last thing he wants to do right now.
“Don’t you dare leave.” Athena stares him down, her jaw tight. “You can’t run away from me anymore, Simon.”
She’s right, in a way. Stubbornness runs in her blood, he’s surprised that she didn’t come back into his life even earlier than she did. He sighs and takes a seat, suddenly struck with just how small she looks. Athena’s grown since she was eleven, but not much; even sitting down Simon towers over her. 
“Why are you here?” he asks, voice dull.
“You know why.” Athena’s eyes are filled with fiery determination. “You didn’t do it and this is your last chance to admit the truth.”
This again. Simon scoffs and rolls his eyes. “But I did. Shouldn’t you hate me? I killed your mother and ruined your life. You should be celebrating today.”
“Maybe I should hate you, but I don’t and there’s a reason for that. I’m sure of it.”
“It’s because you’re blinded by your delusions of grandeur. I’m not the same person I was seven years ago.” That much is true, at least. He hates lying to her.
“I’m not the same person either, now I can help you— really help you. Back then I knew you were innocent. I saw something, I know I did-”
He remembers a trembling Athena on the witness stand, shrinking under the gaze of everyone in the room. “We see how well that turned out.”
She lets out a groan of frustration, but stays seated. Simon wishes she would just leave already. “Goddammit Simon, do you want to die here?”
“It’s not like there’s much I can do about it anymore.”
“We can get it overturned-”
“In less than an hour? I doubt it.”
Athena swipes at her eyes, shoulders trembling with anger or sadness; he can’t quite tell which. He remembers when she was young, curled up into a ball with hands clamped over her ears to block out all the emotions. He used to comfort her, back then, when Metis wasn’t around. It’s okay though, she’s got Juniper and WAA, even Widget can help calm her down if she really needs it.
She doesn’t need him anymore, hasn’t needed him for a long time.
Before either of them can say anything, the door to the visitors room swings open and slams against the wall with a harsh sound that makes Athena wince, Widget going yellow on her neck. The guard already has a hand on his holster, but pauses when his radio crackles the information over. 
“Get out, Princess,” Aura snarls, glaring down at Athena. She looks like she’s come straight from her lab, hair matted and machine oil smeared on her cheek.
Athena bristles, rising up out of her chair. “You can’t tell me what to-”
“He was my brother before he was yours— get out before I do something I’ll regret.”
Hesitantly, Athena exits the room, casting one last worried glance over her shoulder before pulling the door shut behind her. Aura doesn’t bother to sit, simply crossing her arms and glaring at her brother through the glass.
“I’d say it's good to see you, but it’s really not,” he jabs.
“Fuck you, Simon.” She sounds tired. Angry too, but she’s angry more often than not nowadays. 
“No, really. Fuck you,” she spits, face twisting. “Fuck you and your stupid fucking savior complex-”
“It would be a martyr complex, actually.”
Aura groans, raking her hands through her hair in frustration. “This is exactly the shit I’m talking about— you’re too damn smart to be here.”
“Obviously not.”
“Don’t give me that. If, and I mean if you killed Metis, you would’ve gotten away with it. You’re not stupid enough to forget about the security cameras.”
She’s right, of course she is. Laughing at criminals for forgetting about cameras was one of his favorite things to do as a kid, curled up on the couch with Aura as the culprits quaked onscreen. 
“Most murders are those of passion.” It’s a weak defense, but it’s not like that’s his job.
“We both know that you cared about Metis too much to kill her.”
It’s an argument they’ve had dozens of times before. Simon’s a little glad this’ll be the last time; he’s put his sister through enough. She deserves to move on from this, UR-1 took so much from everyone at the station, but her especially. Maybe he can convince her to move to the east coast, as his last request. He doubts it.
“I’m not the person you thought I was.”
“I fucking raised you, Simon. I know exactly who you are.” 
He refuses to look her in the eye. Aura’s too damn smart for this, she’ll get him caught if he’s not careful and it’s been too long to let that happen. “So? I’ve changed.”
“You could never change that much; it’s why you treated that Woods girl the way you did. Barely even talked to her back then and you’re looking after her just like you are the brat.”
“I was doing my job.”
“Yeah. Sure.” Aura rolls her eyes. “God, I wish I could hate you.”
“No, really. It would make my life a hell of a lot easier.”
“After today, you won’t have to worry anymore.”
Aura lets out a choked sound at that, somewhere between a laugh and a scream. “Goddamnit. Why do I have to lose you again? I- you- it just isn’t fair. It isn’t right.”
He wants to smirk and laugh at her for getting so sentimental after so many years of anger, but he can’t bring himself to. Some part of him aches to see his big sister like this; she was always so strong. The only time he can remember her crying like this was when he was little. Their father did… something. He was too young to know what and Aura never told him.
“I don’t know what else to tell you.”
“I know.” She exhales, long and low and heavy. “I know Simon, I know.”
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puckinginsane · 2 years
Just a little one shot
Is he the one who got away or the one who left? Is there a difference? What we had was great, when he wanted it to be. He was a little moody and a lot stubborn. Ok, most would say he's a lot moody too. I would have spent the rest of my life with him if he wasn't so scared of finality. It hurt. It hurt like nothing hurt before in my life. It kinda came out of nowhere, but kinda didn't. I noticed him being more distant, but I chalked it up to just him being in one of his moods. He'd want to be alone from time to time and that didn't mean he didn't want me to be around, it just meant he needed his space. I respected that. He was honest with me about that when we first started dating. I admired the fact that he didn't always need me around. I've been with needy people before and I hated it. This was different, though, I'd soon come to find out. He was pushing me away not because he needed his space, it was because he didn't want to fall for me any more than he already did. I wanted more and he wanted to stay the same. I wouldn't have pushed if I knew.
He doesn't go out much, but when he does he goes to the same places. He's a creature of habit and has his comfort zones and rarely goes out of his comfort zone. Avoiding him has been easy because of this. It's not because I've been dwelling on our relationship, I really haven't, but whenever I see him or his name comes up I feel my heart breaking all over again. It's been hard to move on in the sense that I haven't been able to allow myself to get that close to someone again. I can't handle putting my time and effort and emotions and love into someone else, only to get tossed aside. I've been successful at avoiding running into him until today. Right now. This moment.
My heart beats faster as soon as I see him. I can't believe that he's here. So many questions flood through my brain. Why is he here? Is he here with a girl? Does he miss me? Does he ever think about me? Has he seen me yet? Why can't I just turn around and walk away instead of staring at him? Why does he have to look so fucking good? Why can't I just let him go?
Even after a year apart he still makes my heart skip a beat. I want to talk to him, but I know that's a bad idea. Any progress of getting over him would fly right out the window. He looks happy, smiling and laughing with his friend Justin. Of course he's here with Justin. I need to turn around and leave so I can continue to move on from him. My body won't let me, though. He still has that magnetic pull on me. It's like I'm hypnotized, I can't turn away. I can't even look away. He used to be my happy place, my safe place, my home.
I breathe the most dramatic sigh when we make eye contact. Fuck. Neither of us look away. Double fuck. He starts to walk towards me. Triple fuck. I take a deep breath. I can handle this. It's gonna be fine. I'm gonna be fine. He's just Jamie. That's a lie. There's no such thing as just Jamie. He was my everything and everything doesn't mean nothing so quickly. Not for me, anyway.
As he walks towards me I can hear him telling me "it's over" in my head. Why does it feel as if he's walking in slow motion? He's only on the other side of the room, but it feels like he's 50 miles away. "It's too much." Each reminder of our last conversation is a dagger in my heart. "I can't do this anymore." I try to shake away the memories but I only hear his voice louder. "This isn't what I want." I stood there with my world crumbling around me, trying to find the right words to say to make him stay and ultimately not being able to say much of anything at all. "I have to focus on my career." Maybe I can't do this. Maybe I am not ready to talk to him. It's too late, though, he's standing right in front of me now. "Goodbye."
"Hi." His voice is just as soft as I remember it. He looks happy to see me, I think, maybe that's just what I'm hoping for. There was a time that I knew him better than I knew myself, now I don't know what to believe anymore.
"Hey." I can't believe I am able to speak. I have to take another deep breath to keep my emotions in check. I don't want him to see that he still can affect me this way, even after all this time apart.
"How are you?" He has his hands in his pockets, fidgeting. I don't even have to look to know he's fidgeting.
"Good." That's not a lie. Things are going pretty well in my life, other than not being able to trust myself to fall in love again. He doesn't need to know that. Maybe he does. I don't know. This isn't the time or place to have that conversation, though. "You?"
"The same as always." He looks down at the floor. "It's nice to see you."
I manage to grit out a tight lipped "you too." I'm not sure I mean it.
"You don't have to lie."
"I'm not." I might be.
"Squish, I know you."
I never was good at hiding my emotions from him. He could always read them all over my face. Hearing the nickname he gave me come out of his mouth again actually stings. It once was endearing, affectionate, special.
"It's fine. Just don't call me that. I can't…" handle it, finish this sentence, move on with my fucking life. 
"Yeah. I know. I'm sorry. Old habits."
"I should get going."
I start to turn but he reaches out for me and stops me. "No." I look back at him, stunned. He pulls away, realizing that maybe he overstepped a boundary. I'm not his to touch anymore. "I mean, not yet. Please?"
"Jamie, I really can't do this."
"Are you happy?"
I take a beat to think. Am I? I think so. "Most of the time." Just not when it comes to him, or love in general.
"I'm not."
I shake my head. "Please don't do this to me."
"You always wanted me to be honest. I'm being honest. I fucked up."
"And now you have to live with it. Once I'm out of your sight you won't feel that way anymore."
"That's not true. I miss you every day. I kick myself every day for what I did."
"That was you being honest. You don't want me. You're only saying these things because I'm right here in front of you."
He takes his phone out of his pocket. "That's not true. Read my texts with Courts, with Jord. I tell them all of the time." He sticks the phone in my hand, forcing me to hold it. "Read them."
I roll my eyes. "I'm not gonna read them." None of this matters. Too much time has passed. I really need to get out of here.
I go to hand him his phone, but he holds his hands up. "I'm not taking it back."
"Don't be a child."
"I need you to know I'm serious."
"Maybe if you would have said them to me and not them…"
"Would you have believed me?"
I sigh. He's so fucking frustrating. "I don't know." I can't let myself get wrapped up in the hope that we can be together again. I gave up on that hope a long time ago. 
"Can we get together and talk?"
“I really don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“What are you afraid of?”
“Are you fucking kidding me? You breaking my heart again, you fucking asshole.”
“I’m sorry. That was dumb.”
“Yeah. It was. I gotta get going. Thank you so much for coming over here and opening up old wounds. It’s been really great.” I’m sure at this point there is steam coming out of my ears. I am livid. My heart feels like it’s going to beat out of my chest. How dare he?
“I love you.”
“Fuck. You.” It’s a little louder than I wanted it to be. We’re in public. A few people turn their heads to see what’s going on. My face feels like it’s on fire. Before I can escape he grabs my face and kisses me and doesn’t pull away until I feel just how much he means what he’s saying. I hate that I’ve missed the feeling of his lips on mine. I slap him as soon as he pulls away. “I hate you.”
He. Smiles. Which turns me into mush. I could never resist that ear to ear smile that would only come out for me. I can’t help smiling back. I am incredibly mad at myself. It shouldn’t be that easy. I’m mad at him. He’s the worst. I sigh as I look into his eyes, which are pleading with me to tell him I love him back. I can’t. Not yet. He still really hurt me all because he was scared of his feelings. He says it again. “I love you, Squish.”
I shake my head at myself. I can feel my defenses crumbling. I am weak. He makes me weak. “Jerk.”
“Can we get together and talk?”
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joelxharvey · 1 year
Tempers and Contemplation // self para
Joel knew he told Boone that Gabriel’s apartment was his next stop, but one text message from the man forewarning him of Gabe’s privy to the mission as well as Lady’s perilous circumstance meant the sheriff thought it best to watch where the chips landed. There is a line an officer and those they helped were never supposed to cross, true, even Joel held friendships with anyone who came in asking for his assistance, but Lady and Gabe? That boy only had eyes for her. It concerned him slightly to say the least mixing business with pleasure, still, any growing feelings would need to be placed on the backburner both from Joel’s perspective and Gabe’s.
Joel sat at his desk, rifling through the copy of notes from his meeting with Maddox and jotting down a few within the margins after Nathan stopped by to inform him of what he saw coming from miles away. The kid wanted in on the action, risking his sanity and emotional state by spending more time with Robin than what could drive a person bonkers. From what he understood, Nate clearly weighed the risks in his mind and came to the conclusion what he could provide cemented his mother’s dark destiny ahead. The Sherriff barely ran through the thoughts properly before the sound of the door opened without any invitation, barreling in a determined Gabriel who looked as if he was seconds from raising hell. “Why are you putting Boone and me on protection detail?” Were the first words from Gabriel Carson’s mouth.
“Nope.” Joel immediately lifted a hand and jabbed his index finger towards the door, “If you’re going to come marching into my office and bombard me with questions, you better walk your ass back through that door and learn to knock, Carson.” A pet peeve of his, really, when someone couldn’t even find the manners to announce themselves politely. Most officers at the precinct knew what happens when no one follows that one simple rule and Gabe typically followed the rules by the book, but he may as well expect the man to rip the book to shreds if anything involving Lady rose in the topic of conversation. “Try again.”
“I’m not in the mood for your sarcasm, Sir.” Gabe shut the door behind him, feeling his courage falter slightly, but still retaining the confidence to ask what he came to this office to ask. “Boone’s more than thrilled to follow orders without questioning the reasons why, I however, am not. You don’t go to him first with this and then assume I’ll react in the same manner absent of any hesitation. It isn’t my hesitation for the job, I would do it a million times over, I’m just not laying down and keeping my mouth shut.”
Joel sighed, leaned forward in his chair, “Okay, first of all, did you forget whose name is still on that door? Did you forget I outrank you, Gabriel, and can throw you and your partner any mission I want? I do it because it’s my fucking job. I did it because I knew you wouldn’t trust anyone else to protect her other than Boone and yourself. I took everything into consideration, Lady’s safety,” He began counting the reasons on his fingers, “Bellamy, your unrelenting neuroticism when it comes to this woman. I mean, you go fucking feral any time someone speaks one single bad word about her. Now, I can’t tell you who to like and not like or who you can’t spend your time with, but do you know what I can command?” The older man raised a slow brow, “To keep your mouth shut, to not ask questions. I’m asking you to please shut the fuck up about this and go keep that girl and her daughter safe.”
“If you were taking Lady’s safety into account, I need to know what I’m protecting her from.” Maybe Gabriel lost his cool around anyone even breathing with ill-intentions in Lady’s direction, the realization he was no longer alone in his feelings worsening the protective nature, “You can’t just ask me to stay silent when you know how significant Lady is in my life. How much I would do anything to prevent history repeating itself. I respect you, Sheriff,” He inhaled a gulp of air to calm himself down, finding the attempt useless. “I’ve always followed instructions to the letter and never questioned your judgement as my boss and greatest role model, but I’m not leaving here until you give me an explanation. You owe me that much.”
“I don’t owe you shit.” Joel could feel his temper rising with the anger. He forced a damper over it to little avail, reminding himself people behave idiotically in the face of their deep personal feelings like back-talking a superior officer that normally resulted in reprimanding consequences. Even with that reminder floating at the back of his mind, nothing rarely ceased the spillage when the sheriff flew into his rages. He could hold patience like a saint when the situation called for a level-headed leader, but this? Borderline insubordination despite circumstances? Joel was already under the pressure. “Don’t cross this line with me, Gabe. I mean it.”
Gabe heard the note of implication behind his boss’ words and while he tended to heed on the side of caution when the flares occurred, knowing the growing signs, he possessed no choice but to force it out of Joel. Boone would tell him not to agitate this further than he should if his partner was here speaking moral compass reason. “Does this have something to do with Brody?” He pressed, stepping forward. Boone wasn’t here to chastise him, jab him in the side, or any other method to lock away this newfound stupidity and toss the key. “Is he getting out? Is someone who knew him coming after Lady? Should I be concerned about my safety or Bell’s?” Gabriel shot off question after question in rapid fire, “Why send us her way at all if he’s an eternity away from getting out? If that’s the reason, why keep it a secret at all?”
“God damn it, Gabriel, I’m warning you.” Joel hissed between clenched teeth as his fist wrapped around the pen he was holding tightly, feeling the cheap material begin to crack under the pressure. A white hot flush crept along the back of the older man’s neck and encapsulated his already reddening face. Despite that, Gabe was going to continue jamming the buttons, even he could sense the game being played.
Gabriel blurted one more question in the form of a statement with exasperation, “Joel, just fucking tell me who’s threatening Lady.”
“THE MAYOR!” Joel bellowed as he rose from his seat, slamming his fist hard along the top of the desk and sending the wheeled chair flying backwards against the wall decorated with his awards behind him. The roar reverberated through the listening ears of the precinct, from every detective and officer, to every recruit and receptionist. The man’s chest heaved up and down while his body attempted to slow the heart rate. It took him a minute, both for him to calm himself and for the shock to cross Gabriel’s expression. “And she’s not the only one, I promise you that.” Joel’s hands pressed against the table surface before he pointed to a chair, “Sit down. Sit your ass down.”
Gabe scrambled to a cushioned seat as his thoughts fired at a mile a minute in the same vein his questions had, unable to retain the very idea mayor Robin Finley, the holier than thou woman in charge of each department and every person in Little Oak Harbor. He heard rumors, of course, Robin wasn’t too fond of her son and Lady’s friendship, although he couldn’t understand the reasons why. Yet, a threat serious enough to involve the sheriff and warrant protection? Something wasn’t right. “None of this makes any sense. You’re telling me the mayor, our mayor, who I already know doesn’t hide her dislike for Lady, is somehow threatening other people? Why haven’t we heard a rumbling of this until now?”
Joel nudged his chair back into his proper position, slowly lowering himself now that the wrath has passed. Though, it left a terrible vile in the back of his throat. “She went after someone who wouldn’t keep quiet, plain and fucking simple.” He shook his head with closed eyes briefly before opening them, “Robin planned on releasing Brody if she didn’t stay away from Nate.” He immediately held up a hand the minute the rage touched the younger man’s features, “I was taking a precautionary measure with you and Boone in case Robin chose to set him free anyway. That’s one of the reasons why I didn’t tell you.”
“Oh my god.” Gabriel leaned forward as he placed his face in his hands, brushing the digits through his locks incredulously. Robin targeting Lady, Robin owning the connections to release a monster, and sending a man capable of murder after his ex wife and their child. This didn’t sound like their mayor, couldn’t be what their town has come to. Blackmailing and cold-hearted leadership. He leaned back again and looked his sheriff straight in the eye, “What was the other reason?”
A pause, a remembrance back on what Maddox suggested. Careful who you tell. Joel eyed the other warily, wondering if Gabe was someone Robin could secretly have in her back pocket, but he wasn’t that good of an actor, not when his emotions controlled him. “There’s a case being built, I didn’t want to compromise it. We have a plan in motion that’s going to send Mayor Finley to prison for a very long time. Already have the chess pieces at the ready, I’m just waiting for certain people to play their part.” Joel clasped his hands together. Considering Nathan’s sacrifice and the role he handed over for Peyton, the puzzle fit nicely. “This is going to change everything about this town, Gabe. Anything you knew, anything you grew up with, that shift will effect everyone. Robin made her bed and she’ll fucking sleep in it if I don’t smother her with that pillow first.” Tempting. Truly tempting.
“Okay.” Gabriel nodded, repeating to himself and towards the man in charge, “Okay. Okay.” He could truthfully share in Joel’s sentiment, nothing on earth compared to how much he wanted to kill Robin than in this scenario. She comes after the residents living their lives in this town, guns for a kind baker who didn’t do anything wrong but be the friend to her son, and he wanted her to burn for it. He did not actually believe he was apt of murder, but threatening Lady in particular was threatening him. It reminded Gabriel of the poison that was his parents, taking and taking until he had nothing to give. Bellamy deserved a better world than this one. So did Isa. “How can I help?”
“Already are, kid.” Joel gestured with his hand between them, “You guard Lady with your life and you keep your head down. I don’t need you catching Robin’s attention and giving her any funny ideas with the knowledge you’re friendly with her sworn enemy.” He shot him a serious look no one ever dared mess with, “Don’t breathe a word of this case with a single person. You can tell Boone now that the cat’s out of the bag with you, fucking thanks for that, but no one else. Not even your brother. And keep your shit locked up tight too, I don’t want to hear back from anyone that you went off on that woman. You got that, Carson?”
Gabe’s head bobbed up and down again in understanding with a long sigh, “Yes. I get it. Do what I have to do and let you handle it.”
“Good.” Joel grunted and waved in the direction of the door dismissively, “Now, get the fuck out of my office. I obviously have work to do without you hounding my ass all day.” He heard Gabriel rise from his chair and move toward the door while he pretended to pay more attention to his paperwork, “Gabriel,” He called out, gaze lifting to rest on the man as he stopped just at the doorframe, “Don’t lose her.”
The words struck a chord in Gabe’s heart like a flame arrow, setting his resolve on fire and repeating it with the fervor of a silent mantra. Don’t lose her, don’t lose her, don’t lose her, the prayer bounced in his skull while he gave a nod of conformation and left the office behind with the weighted knowledge he was now carrying.
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moemoemammon · 3 years
Do you mind if request headcanons for the brothers where MC is just a lovable idiot and the brothers realize they’re moronsexual?
Lovable Idiot MC!
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
He saw your carefree airheaded-ness from a mile away, from the moment you popped through that portal and your reaction was.... well, it was definitely enough for him to get a rough estimate of your IQ.
And honestly? He didn’t expect you to last long, yet by some literal miracle you’ve survived. If anything he thought you'd have wandered into a demon's clutches by now, so maybe you've got extraordinary luck?
A moronsexual in denial, he'll be damned if he said you didn’t somehow...grow on him..... He REFUSES to acknowledge how he finds your clumsy but earnest attitude endearing as hell. The way your brain finds the most obscure ways to solve problems is adorable for sure, but kind of reminds him of Mammon.... ugh...
You're going to give him new grey hairs, you know that? The stress of being surrounded by seven idiots was enough, but EIGHT?? Lucifer needs a vacation. Of course, he'll happily invite you along, too (paired with a child leash).
Eyyy same brain 🧠🤝🧠 With your two brain cells combined, it's a wonder the House of Lamentation hasn't burned down yet. You both seem to cause chaos wherever you go, like some kind of cursed dynamic duo.
But seriously, that numbskull of yours is gonna get you eaten some day! Guess the Great Mammon has to do his best to keep you out of the clutches of nasty demons! But his services don't come cheap, understand?
You thought Mammon was protective before, just wait till he realizes how scatterbrained you can be. Won’t let you out of his sight, INSISTS that you summon him to accompany you when you go somewhere, even if it means he's gotta wait outside the bathroom for you. And don't think of saying no!
He's never had to work this hard in his life! He swears keeping you alive is like trying to brush Cerberus's teeth! But... it's kinda nice having someone around that he can get along with so well! Seeing as he isn't the only dumbass (affectionate) around.
Was an ass when he first met you. There was no way he’d let a klutzy human like YOU anywhere NEAR his room, let alone his precious merch collection! Go put your normie brain to use and binge watch TSL! THEN he'll be willing to talk to you!
But then he realized that you were kind of m-moe, in an annoying way.... You might not have understood anything when he suddenly dumped mountains of TSL trivia on you, but you were happy to listen anyway! It was like your smile was giving him the strength to keep info-dumping... 👉👈
He’s watched enough anime to know someone in need of protection when he sees them! And you’re definitely the 'lovable, airheaded sidekick/fan favorite’ character trope! If he's not careful, you'll fall into the evil clutches of someone horrible when he's not looking-!
Levi’s not usually into those types because of the cliches, but there’s no way he can resist the goofy smile on your face when you agree to play video games with him....
Satan would’ve ignored you in the beginning had it not been for how... spacey you could be. And being the bastard man he was, his first idea was to see what kind of trouble he could get you into. You seemed the easy type, anyway.
And yet as time went on and he started actually caring about you, he realized that you were just... a little.... uneducated. Luckily for you, Satan has enough knowledge in his nog for the both of you! He wouldn't mind teaching you a few things?
Aaaand that's a bust. He can't seem to get anything to stick in that thick skull of yours, but he can't be annoyed when you seem to be giving it your all. You're really determined, and that face you're making while you study is...
Ehem. Maybe that's enough book work for the day? He'd much rather learn the wonderful things about you, and enjoy the things you like to do. Teach him carefully, okay?
You’re Asmo’s favorite kind of person! To manipulate- So soft and innocent, and he finds you absolutely ADORABLE! He can’t get enough of your cute, dazed looks! Ah, the way you stare blankly at people when you don’t know what’s going on... So cute! ❤️
Having a thing for corruption means you’re the apple of Asmo’s eye. But as he starts liking you more, he realizes that you... get into trouble a lot. You're way too gullible for your own good! You should realize how dangerous it is to be that cute!
At this rate, ANYONE could gobble you up and Asmo would die! He's got to make sure his cute little MC stays safe and sound, so he spends lots of time making sure to leave his mark on you one way or another, be it the lingering smell of his perfume, or other more.. physical marks. That seems to keep the nasties away!
He doesn't mind being a moronsexual. If anything, he's an everyonesexual. Now come to his room! He's been missing your terribly, so why don't you tell him about your day?
Beel isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer to begin with, so it takes him a long while to realize that you aren't either. What makes it obvious is how much of a knack for trouble you seem to have. It's almost like you're doing it on purpose... but at least you're nice..?
You only seemed like an easy snack to him at first, but now he finds himself saving you constantly from getting yourself into dangerous situations. Like when he caught you standing at the top of the stairs, probably contemplating whether or not you could jump to the last step.
Get used to Beel just picking you up all the time. He'll carry you away from danger and keep you close like the overactive toddler you are. He'll offer to do little tasks for you, too.
He's not saying he's worried that you're somehow hurt yourself using the microwave, but…he's worried that you're somehow hurt yourself using the microwave-
He can only think that your personality is exactly what made you such an easy target. Who in their right mind would trust a shady guy in the attic anyway, let alone set him free? YOU, that's who. You were so naive, it was hilarious!
But now it's not so hilarious unless he's e one teasing you. You seem to fall for ANY prank, and while he thinks that's cute, it's also worrisome... He knows there are demons that'd love to eat you, so what if they tricked you into going with them?
Guess he's gotta go to school to protect you.... Jk. He'll just keep you from going! You're much safer if you just nap all day with him, right? Ah, he and Beel were gonna play video games together. Wanna join?
Oh yeah, and don't think you're safe from still being harassed. It's all harmless fun but he can't get enough of how easy it is to trick you. The kind of bastard to tell you to go into the auto-shop and ask for blinker fluid. He loves you though! ❤️
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ahundredtimesover · 3 years
Inevitable (Prologue) | JJK
Pairing: Jungkook x (f.) Reader (ft. ot6)
Genre/Tags: exes au, parents au, baseball player!JK; angst, fluff, smut (18+)
Series Warnings: foul language, alcohol consumption, minor character death, explicit sexual content in future chapters (oral, unprotected sex but be safe please!)
Prologue Word count: 2.2k
Summary:   You convinced Jungkook to break up years ago so he could pursue his lifelong baseball dream. Now he’s back home, staring at you, and the little boy next to you who looks unmistakably like him.
A/N: I’ve had this story in my head for months and I’m glad I finally got to put this into writing! This little family was such a joy to write, and I thank the sweetest soul, Ava @btstannies for letting me gush over this trio and hyping me up everyday! Also, my baseball knowledge is pretty shallow so please forgive me!
Listen to: Walking By by Something Corporate
Series Masterlist || Next
“We’re here.” 
The deep voice cuts through the numbness you feel, blowing life into your body that’s chosen to block out the pain for now because you know after this, it’s going to hurt a lot more. 
You taste iron on your lips. You feel the sting in your eyes. You see the crescent nail marks on your palms. Then you slacken your jaw and try to breathe.
“You can cry, you know?” But Taehyung knows you won’t. Not in front of him. Not in front of the man whose heart you’re about to break. 
Your best friend knows you, knows you’ll only cry when you’re alone - under the covers, in the shower, on your bedroom floor. You don’t let anybody see you like that. It makes you feel like you don’t have control, and control is the one thing you need to have right now.
“I will.”
“You also don’t have to do this.”
But Taehyung also knows you still will. It’s a decision you made on your own and he knows you well enough that nothing - no one - will make you change your mind. 
“I need to.”
He hums; it’s a battle he won’t win. So he exits the car, opens the passenger seat door, and pulls you out. “I’ll be here when it’s over.”
When it’s over. Over. That’s what it’ll be after this.
You ring the doorbell and hear the faint footsteps get louder. The door opens and joyful onyx eyes greet you, a contrast to your tired brown ones. He takes it for something else, perhaps stress, since he doesn’t say anything about it.
Jungkook pulls you in a hug and you will yourself not to bask in his sweet scent, not to let his soft giggle on your neck and peck on your cheek and whisper of “I missed you” make you forget why you’re here in the first place. 
He tugs you inside the apartment, the one the team offered him because he couldn’t abide by the university dorm’s curfew, being that he trains too early and finishes too late. It had been a blessing to you both, as in the course of your over two years together, you’d taken advantage of the privacy and solitude it provided. 
You can’t imagine what it would give him after this. 
“I’m sorry, I’ve been so busy. All these calls with the Dodgers’ owner, then manager, then coach. You think they’d all just call at once but they’re in different cities, I guess,” he shrugs and turns to you. “They’ve been excited,” he continues, his smile reaching his eyes. 
It’s never pained you until now. 
“As they should,” you try a smile. “They’re lucky you signed.”
He chuckles at this. He’s always been amused at your oblivion with how these things work. He’s lucky he even caught the eye of a scout, lucky they even paid attention, lucky that the LA Dodgers wanted to give him a shot with their AAA affiliate team in the minor league. 
If he’s even luckier, maybe he can get to the major league in three years; two would be a miracle. It’s what he’s worked so hard for, it’s why the decision to move thousands of miles away was a no-brainer. Not everyone gets a chance to play in the most popular baseball league like this.
But Jungkook doesn’t know any better, doesn’t know that you know how these things work. You wouldn’t be doing what you’re about to if you didn’t. 
“I’m glad you called, though,” he says, nerves teeming with excitement at his news. Well, proposal. It might be a difficult sell with you but he knows it’s not impossible. 
It came to him one day, in the middle of a conference call with the owner who kept raving about his soon-to-be home. 
“Oklahoma City is great, Jungkook. You’re gonna love it there,” the man had said. Jungkook wasn’t completely sold on the city but he knew you’d enjoy the museums, knew you’d enjoy watching the OKC Thunder play - you were always more into basketball than baseball, anyway. 
Everything had been so fast - from the meetings to the contract-signing to the planning of his move to the US - but he couldn’t imagine starting his life there without you and he just knew he had to have you there with him. 
He could help you find a job or you could do freelance work; what he’d earn could be enough if you both plan things out well, he thought. He was smiling like an idiot during that call, thinking about the next phase of your life together and he couldn’t wait to tell you. 
You’d been caught up with your final projects and school events and he’d been caught up with his papers but you’re here with him now. 
“So I was thinking and—.”
“We should break up.”
You say at the same time. For the first time, his wide eyes mirror yours - sullen and dark, but glassy, too because he did not just hear you tell him that you two should end this. 
Everything had been going so well. You’d been so excited when he got signed to the Minor League, was celebrating with him in all ways you both knew how. There were no talks about breakups, no ending things. It seemed like a given that you’d both stay together; long distance relationships are hard but there are ways to manage. He knew that. He thought you knew that, thought you felt the same, too.
He stares at you, unable to make a sound, to form words that would be remotely close to what he wants to say. His heart is breaking by the second and you stare back at him. There’s no sign of guilt. You’re not taking it back, you’re not saying anything. 
“You don’t mean this, ___. Tell me you don’t mean this.”
“I do,” you sigh. “I just think it’s best if we end this.”
He wishes you had not said anything at all. 
“Why?” He stammers, willing himself to face whatever fucked up reason you have for wanting to break up. It doesn’t seem real. He’s suffocating with how forward you are, with how unbothered you seem while he feels his world slowly crumbling. “Did I do something wrong? Do you not love me anymore?”
“I just don’t think it’s gonna work out.”
“We haven’t even tried. I mean, I’m not leaving yet, we have a few more months to figure it out.”
“It’s months enough to get over this so we can move on. It’ll just be harder then. We know it’s gonna happen anyway,” you lie. 
You see the shock on his face, the disbelief in the words coming out of your mouth. This isn’t the woman who he laid in bed with just a week ago, naked, giggling, kissing him. 
“Babe, you can’t do this. I want you—no, I need you to be with me,” he continues, voice strangled, the thoughts of asking you to come with him drifting away.
“I don’t.” It’s another lie, but it’s one you need to tell. 
You’re uncompromising, resolute in your decision. Your almost emotionless face - tightened features and completely dry eyes - is a contrast to his. You can’t break. You can’t back out from this. 
He muffles his cries, heart breaking at the coldness of your words. 
“You’re all you need, Jungkook,” you continue. “There’s nothing else I can give you that you won’t get there.” Another lie. You know that no one could love him as much as you. It’s why you’re doing this.
“Don’t do this to me, please.”
“Don’t do this to me, too, Jungkook. You have an entire life to live out there. You’re the one leaving and I’m supposed to just stay here and wait for you? Until your dream is enough? Live my life in limbo until we can be together again in god knows when? Expect that video calls will make up for the distance? What about me and my own life? What about my needs?”
It’s messed up but that’s what you do when you love someone, right? You hurt them? And you let them go? 
You can only hope that one day, he’ll understand; that one day, he can forgive you. That one day, he’ll accept that you had to do this. It’s that hope you hang onto - that you’ll hang onto for years to come - just so you won’t fall apart. It’s only that hope where you can derive your strength from because you’ll have to be strong for someone else now. Someone who isn’t him.
“We— we can work it out. We’ll try, okay?. We’ll figure something out.” He stutters, still unbelieving that this is happening, that he is begging you to be on the same page with him, begging you to fight for this with him. 
“But what if we can’t? What if it becomes too much? You know what it would take to make it and I can’t hold you back, Jungkook. My life is here, my family and my friends are here. I have a job waiting for me, so you can’t hold me back either. It’s unfair to both of us.”
He’s looking at you, desperate to find a crack, to find an opening. But there’s none.
“Baby, please—” he cries, arms out to hold you but you step away, as if his touch could burn you. His heart is already shattered, why are you still breaking it? What’s left to break when you’ve taken everything away from him with just your words?
“Jungkook, think about it!”
“I am, and you’re not making sense! I know we haven’t really talked about it—“
“Exactly. Because there’s nothing to talk about. You don’t need baggage when you’re over there, you can’t be thinking about anyone else, especially one who isn’t there. You need support and more patience and understanding and… I can’t give you those. Not anymore. I’m tired. I’ve been tired. It’s gonna be even more tiring when you’re gone.” 
The lies don’t stop but you know they’re necessary, that this is how you convince him, that this is how he lets you go.
Jungkook doesn’t think there’s a worse way that you can hurt him. He’s always admired your decisiveness, but right now, he hates it, hates everything he loves about you - how strong you are, how persistent you are, how uncompromising you are. Your words are ice, as cold as the December evening. You’re unmoving and he knows you well enough that you won’t take it back. 
“Fine,” he relents. “You want to break up? Then we break up.” He wipes the tears off his face, trying to be brave, trying to salvage the remaining dignity he has left. “We end this right now, like you want.”
This is what you came here to do. This was the goal. And you’re absolutely broken. 
You turn away, knowing any more second of looking at his clenched jaw, balled up fist, and unblinking eyes will make you give in, will make you take everything back.
“Don’t reach out, okay? Don’t call. Don’t make this harder than it already is,” he states. “You wanted this.” 
You nod because he’s right. You’ll lose all rights to him after this. He’ll get over you, he’ll be okay. You’ll let him know the truth when the time is right.
“Goodbye, Jungkook. Good luck out there. Your father is very proud of you.” 
You turn and head out the door, the bang not as loud as your shattering heart. And just like that, it was all over. 
You stand motionless outside his apartment, unable to make a step to make it all final. 
You hear a thump. Then a sob. 
“Please, don’t go,” he whispers, as if he knows you’re still there, and even during the final moments, he’s still begging for you to change your mind. It’s faint but you hear it and you step away this time before you walk back in and take everything back.
Taehyung starts the car as he sees your figure approach. You head to the back, behind the driver’s seat, a hand over your mouth to suppress your sobs. 
“You can cry now,” he says, as he steps on the gas and turns up the volume of the radio until it drowns out your sounds. You let yourself go and weep, throat aching at the force of it all, chest tightening at the overwhelming emotion of what you’d just done.
It hurts not like you expected. It hurts even more. 
You ground yourself before you lose more of you as the seconds go by and cradle the soon-to-be-there bump on your stomach. 
You need to let them know it wasn’t their fault, that they’re a blessing either way, but that it’s just hard right now. You don’t want them to feel the grief, the ache of a love that had to end, the love that created them. 
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart,” you whisper and trust that this tiny little being can hear your words. “But we’re gonna be okay, alright? Mama’s gonna be okay.”
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wallflowerimagines · 3 years
oh hello!! i found your blog and i’m so amazed at what you write! i’m unsure if i’ve asked here before, or if this is my first time. how would the lords react to a young F!reader who has liquid mercury wings, and also doesn’t know how to smile (yet)? lil ‘kuudere’ mercury angel lmao. i hope this isn’t too much to ask ^^ tysm and stay safe!! 💛
Thank you! 💛 This is my first time getting this ask. I've interpreted it as more of a child/young teen reader, let me know if you envisioned it differently!
Alcina Dimitrescu
Congratulations! You've just been adopted! 🎉🎉🎉
All of Alcina's mom instincts just clicked on the minute she saw you. You're so small. So cute. She felt the same instant connection to you as she did to her three daughters.
Without even being able to really process it, you're given a room, an entire new wardrobe, and three older sisters who adore you just as much as their mom does. Honestly, it's a little disorienting.
Alcina is a little worried about the fact that you seem to have no real emotions, but she's a patient lady who believes firmly in communication. If you like something and tell her, she believes you. Some people just don't emote that well, after all. She gets used to it very quickly.
(And if anyone even so much as makes a snippy comment about your face or tone, they're straight up dead.)
She is the kind of mom who wants ALL the pictures of her darling children, and makes you sit for many, many formal portraits--some of which she even paints herself.
She likes incorporating Angelic imagery in all of your portraits, too. Your wings are beautiful, and she wants to make sure that you never have insecurities about your appearance or your abilities. If she can show even 1/10th of how perfect she finds you, she calls it a mission accomplished.
Alcina never expected you to smile for her, honestly. You had limits, and she respected them. But when she unveiled the newest family portrait--with all of her children featured prominently--to her surprise she spots a small, trembling smile on your lips.
And when you say 'Thank you, Mother'? Alcina gets really emotional, and even a little teary eyed.
She Immediately drops to her knees and pulls you into the BIGGEST hug. You are always welcome.
Donna Beneviento
But if you're baby, and I'm baby, then who's driving the bus?
Donna does not know how to interact with you. She's already quite inexperienced with social interaction, and without the feedback that she normally gets from people's facial expressions, she's left floundering.
She's really trying her best, too! It's just, your voice doesn't even have the slightest bit of inflection. Are you happy? Sad? Give her a hint she is suffering.
Your deadpan tone just CRACKS Angie up, though.
Angie bridges the gap in your relationship. She is talkative and wacky, which fills the awkward silences between you and Donna very easily.
Similar to Donna, you find it very easy to talk to Angie! She doesn't force you to smile, or talk, or do anything you might be uncomfortable with. She's playful and loud, so you don't have to try very hard around her.
Eventually you two reach a peaceful, relaxing medium. Donna slowly accepts that your words are meant to be taken at face value, and with that realization a lot of the stress between you two melts away.
Also, if you let her make you clothes? She👏is👏 LIVING👏
She loooves to make things for you, and the wings only offer a welcome challenge. She's never worked with anything like that before, and she's so excited!!!!
Angie also wants you to fly around with her in the yard! The three of you actually have a lot of fond memories of outdoor tea parties where Donna primly sits in a chair, watching with a small, happy smile on her face as you flutter through the air with a SCREECHING Angie in your arms. She's having a BLAST!!
It's the first time she sees you smile, too, and it just makes her own smile grow. She never thought she'd have another sibling, but life really is full of surprises, isn't it?
Salvatore Moreau
Salvatore is SO concerned...
You're really young, left alone, with an obvious physical difference that can be spotted a mile away. Someone could target you very easily, and despite your wings he doesn't know if you could safely defend yourself. He really wants to help you out, but uh...
Kids are consistently terrified of him? He doesn't know if you would accept his help or run away screaming.
...but your clothes are so ratty, and it's so cold outside...
Moreau decides to sneakily leave you some cheese and a spare scarf on a rock in plain view. When he sees you put the scarf on and absolutely DEVOUR the piece of cheese, it steals his resolve.
He winds up leaving you a small trail of cheese pieces that lead to his home, and sets up a small separate nest like area for you. It's entirely enclosed, warm and far enough away from his room that he hopes it won't spook you. This will work great!
Little does he know, that you were only a few paces behind him the entire time, and when he finally finished with the setup, he turned around to find you hovering in the doorway, expression blank as always, and mouth full of cheese.
Moreau screamed
You seem happy enough with the new setup, though, and begin to follow Moreau around like a baby duck.
Dr. Moreau Time: He does give you the occasional exam to test your reflexes. He's worried a little bit about the composition of your wings--Mercury is a chemical that is known to cause madness and nerve damage with extended exposure, especially in young children.
He wants to ensure that you're safe from harm, both physical and mental!
One night, many weeks later, when you two are seated side by side watching a movie, you flop into his side with a small smile on your face, and fall asleep. Moreau tries not to wake you up with his overwhelmed sobbing.
Karl Heisenberg
Hello?? Child?? Why are you here???
Karl doesn't quite know what to do with you, at first. He's not bad with kids, per se, but it's suspicious for him that you just so happen to have a variant of his metal powers and were found wandering around outside the Factory.
He suspects Mother Miranda immediately--are you a spy? Another one of her victims? He doesn't know, and until he does you will be fed, clothed, and kept at arm's length.
Once he confirms your lack of involvement in her schemes, he engages with you a lot more.
Initially, just kind of baffled by the fact you don't emote, but upon further thought he totally gets it. Emotions suck, man. You don't gotta express more than you have to around him, he's cool with it.
He's more used to being a Fun Uncle rather than a dad (he's totally helped Alcina's daughters sneak out and cause mischief before this), so he only vaguely knows that you should probably have a bedtime, regular meals, and a social circle? He'll halfheartedly try to enforce stuff, but if you push back at all he just let's it go.
He, uh, will also let you help him mess around with corpses for the soldats? Definitely not age appropriate, but still, he wants to share his passion with you and teach you a little bit about metalwork.
One day, he does a little metal bending trick in front of you and makes you a flower, just to show off. Your eyes just LIGHT UP and the tiniest little smile shows up on your face, and when you reach your hands out to grab it--
Something deep in his chest just seized up all of a sudden. Shit, that's cute.
Shit, does that mean he's attached??? FUCK, WHEN DID HE GET ATTACHED??
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unwantedtomost · 3 years
it had been months — sebastian stan
Tumblr media
sebastian stan x fem!reader
word count: 4,401 words
summery: it had been nine months since you and your first real long term boyfriend broke up. but as they say, time makes the heart grow fonder ... and it also made the lust build up.
warnings: angst, smut, thigh riding, cheating, kind of a breeding kink at the end, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it)
a/n: i have never actually posted a whole thing on here before, so i hope this goes well. i know my writing can improve, but it’s pretty good i would say. enjoy!
It had been months since you had broken up with your long-term boyfriend. Your first long-term boyfriend you had since you arrived to the Hollywood scene. Nine months, to be exact. The same amount of time it would have been to carry a child. A hypothetical child. The same hypothetical child that ruined your relationship in the first place.
“You don’t want kids?” Sebastian questioned as soon as you entered the shared apartment. The topic of children came up at dinner with your shared friends. You, offhandedly said: “God, no,” with a laugh, not giving it a second thought. Not till now.
“Not really,” you said as you unzipped your heeled boots. “I never really have, not since I was younger.”
“Never?” He asked, heart starting to beat heavier.
You looked up to him, concerned when you saw his face. It was the same face he had on every time you guys got in a face, mixed with disappointment, maybe even hurt. You smiled, trying to lighten the situation.
“Maybe not never,” you said, putting your shoes away. “But not at least for ten years, maybe even longer. I mean, I am only twenty-two. I would like a good life without children before bringing them into the mix.”
Your warm smile and calm demeanor did nothing to elevate the tension, something inside you saying it did the exact opposite. He looked serious and upset, a combination you never saw much.
“In ten years I’ll be almost fifty,” Sebastian states.
“So? Guys never really stop shooting out good rounds. All my parts will still be intact by that time too.”
“That’s not the point.”
“Then what is it?” You were confused. Why was he acting like this?
“I shouldn’t be old enough to be the kid’s grandfather.”
Anger started to bubble up as well. This tone that he had made you pissed off. He was talking like you were stupid like you didn’t get what he was saying. The brassiness you had in general not helping your temper.
“Maybe you should have thought about that before you started dating someone sixteen years younger than you,” you shot back.
Then the yelling started. Something that could have been a deep, meaningful conversation (one that frankly should have been had way before this point) turned into a full-blown fight. You both started going in at each other, picking at old scabs that you knew would hurt. That was the point, after all, you just wanted to hurt each other. Because you were mad and upset, you guessed, but by the end of it, you weren’t even sure.
The fighting ended two hours later, you sat, slumped on the couch, huffing. You tried to catch your breath from all the yelling. Your throat was hoarse, your cheeks sticky from dried tears.
“It seems like we’re not gonna work out then,” you said, numb.
“Seems so.”
And you left that night, grabbing nothing but your phone before making your way to your closest friend’s house.
After that, you cried for two months straight. You really thought that Sebastian was endgame. That you would be together forever. That you would be happy. Ever since you caught sight of him at your first audition, you felt that he was the one. Then the universe laughed maniacally as it showed you just how fucking wrong you were.
In the past nine months, you had seen him approximately sixteen times, most being in passing, a few being at parties, and one time being at a coffee shop that you both loved. You started to frequent it less after the breakup, too scared to bump into him. Little did you know, he was doing the same thing. The day you two saw each other was both of your first times in three months.
It was all stupid small talk until it wavered, forced laughs and fake smiles fading as the reality of the situation simmered in.
“Look, y/n—”
“Don’t,” you interrupted. You knew what he was going to say, and you didn’t want to hear it. You simply couldn’t. “It was nice seeing you again, Sebastian. I hope you have a good life.” You took a few steps before turning back around for a moment. He looked at you like he was expecting you to run into his arms and make everything go back to normal. “And I really hope you meet a girl that can give you what you need.”
He tried to reach out to you, but you wouldn’t let him. You simply walked away and left him, alone. That was the last time you had spoken to him.
It was five months after the breakup until you let your friends talk you into going out again. And that night you had run into none other than the Timothee Chalamet. Numbers were exchanged then the next thing you knew, you were naked in his hotel room. After that, you went through a bit of a “hoe stage.” Every two weeks you were on a cover of TMZ, E!, or any other celebrity gossip magazine that existed with a “possible new thing.” The people ranged from Tom Holland to Madison Beer, and no one knew what was true or not. After the first few batches came out, you stopped giving a shit. You were allowed to rebound with whomever or however you wanted to, and you were taking full advantage of that.
You were so busy juggling so many people that you hadn’t even thought about Sebastian. Not till right now. Your eyes catch his from across the ballroom that you’re currently in. Your pulse quickens rapidly, you feel like you might even faint. If it wasn’t for Timothee’s hand on your waist, you were sure you would have collapsed on the spot. You watched as Sebastian’s jaw clenched just like it did whenever you did something he disapproved of. Just like it did every time he gave into himself and read one of those stupid gossip sights and saw you all over whatever arm candy you had chosen for the week.
“I’ll be right back, okay babe?” Timothee said, kissing you on the cheek. He waited for you to nod before making his way to one of his friends.
You don’t know what to do and those beautiful blue eyes you fell in love with all that time ago refuse to leave yours. You feel like you want to cry, or scream, or throw up, but you know that you shouldn’t actually do any of those things. You’d draw attention and you don’t want any more people talking about you.
Luckily, one of your best friends, Elizabeth, pulls you into a tight hug and brings you back to earth. Her body feels warm and it makes you feel safe, the smell of her strawberry shampoo bringing you comfort.
“I know,” she said before you spoke. “I saw. Are you okay? I’ll leave with you right now if you want to.”
It takes you a minute to process everything, and even though you’re running everything through your mind, nothing really sinks in.
“I’ll be fine,” you say with conviction, though you don’t know if it’s true at all. “Leaving wouldn’t accomplish anything.” You stop talking for a minute before smiling at Elizabeth. “Now, let’s go give the people what they want and take some pictures together.”
It had been two hours and the event was finally coming to a close. No more than forty-five minutes and the place would be cleared out. With that knowledge, you went to go take advantage of the free bar stocked up with expensive liquor. After schmoozing with people you did not even want to interact with, you deserve it.
“Two shots of tequila and a rum and coke, please,” you say to the rather cute bartender, shoulders slumping.
As soon as the two shot glasses were in front of you, you downed them. It burned like hell and you could only imagine the ungodly face you made. You tried to chase it with the rum and coke, but it didn’t help much. You heard a gruff voice beside you order something, one that was very familiar. When you heard a chuckle, you knew for sure who was right next to you. You froze again, that same dizzy, sick feeling coming back. You turned your head slowly to see those big blue eyes for the second time tonight, your heart surely beating loud enough that anyone in a mile radius could hear it.
“You look beautiful tonight, y/n,” Sebastian said, leaning against the bar, facing you.
“You do too,” you blurt out. Face turning red after you realized that you’re fucking stupid. “I mean, you look—shit. You look very nice, Seb—Sebastian.”
You’re so flustered and red, you want to simply sink into the floor. For a moment, you wonder why he isn’t acting the same way. It could be that he had already had some to drink or maybe he was just better at controlling his emotion. And the thought that makes dread flow through you is that maybe he is just over you.
“Are you going to an after-party?” He asks, sipping from his glass.
“I don’t think so,” you say. You were supposed to go to one with Timothee, where you were finally going to announce that you two had become official, but now you just want to go home. “Are you?”
“Probably not,” he said simply. “I’ll just have a few more of these back home and go to bed.”
“Drinking alone is no fun,” you say, hinting. You know what you are trying to get across but you don’t know why. It’s like your mouth was moving before your brain could understand what you were doing.
“It’s not ideal,” he said. “But I really don’t have a date to drink with, unlike you.” He pointed towards Timothee talking to a director you hastily met.
“He’s not my date,” you shot out. “I mean, he is, but we’re not like, dating.” Why the fuck are you talking!?!?
“It’s none of my business,” Sebastian said. He didn’t sound mean, he sounded like he was trying to comfort you.
“I know … but we’re not … if you were wondering.”
He chuckled, placing a hand on your elbow. “It was nice to see you again, y/n.”
He turned to start walking away but you called after him, making him turn back around. “Wait!” Once he was facing you, you felt like you were in a movie. “I could go for a drink.”
Sebastian smiled but his eyes dismissed you. “What are you doing, sugar?” He warned.
“I don’t know,” you said honestly. “But don’t shut me down.”
With a shared smile, he took your hand and you both left the party. On the car ride back to his apartment (that used to be your apartment), you thought briefly about how you would explain this to Timothee in the morning. Then you turned off your phone so you didn’t have to feel guilty if he decided to text you. Neither of you spoke much on the way. His hand never left its place on your thigh before you were finally there.
When he opened the door, you stumbled lightly into the apartment. Sebastian caught you by wrapping his arm around your waist. He lightly sat you down on the chair by the entrance (the same one you had sat at nine months ago). Once he had closed the door and put his things down, he came back to you to help slip off your heels.
“Are you already drunk?” He chuckled.
“No, just a wee bit tipsy.”
“Your ‘wee bit’ is usually a lotta bit.”
“Not this time, I really mean just a wee wee bit.” You suddenly burst out laughing at the fact you just said wee wee, giving away the fact that you are indeed close to being drunk.
“Maybe you don’t need anymore to drink,” Sebastian said.
“C’mon, Sebby, take that stick out of your ass,” you say, making him laugh. It makes you feel lighter like you weren’t fucking shit up again. Like you weren’t making a mistake you would regret in the morning. 
You watched as he made his way into the kitchen, pouring both of you a glass of red wine. Your favorite and most expensive red wine, the one that you had left at the apartment after the breakup. You wondered if it was the same bottle, or if he had done the same thing he was doing with you with another girl. When he came back, he handed you the glass which you placed down on the coffee table, realizing you were still in a designer white dress that you didn’t own.
“Shit,” you muttered after your realization.
“What is it?”
“This isn’t my dress.”
His eyes wandered down your figure as he thought. “You can take that off and I can hang it up for you. I’m sure there’s something here you can wear.”
You nodded before he was walking towards the bedroom, the one you once shared. You followed after him through the small hall. You looked around the room, noticing how boring it looked now. None of your decorations you had were up anymore, but the small mural you once painted in the middle of the night was still in full view. Did he think about you every time he saw it? If he did, why didn’t he just paint over it? 
Sebastian placed one of his shirts (that was your favorite one to wear) and a pair of shorts you had thought you lost on the bed.
“Well, you can get changed in here,” he stated before going for the door.
“Actually,” you called out, stopping him from leaving. “Can you unzip me please?”
He paused for a moment before nodding, slowly making his way back to you. The room went silent as he softly collected your hair and moved it to one side. Heat started to rise through your body at the close proximity he held. His hands grazed your shoulders momentarily before he steadily unzipped the expensive dress. You caught his eyes in the mirror in front of you, your cheeks immediately burning red. He finished unzipping the dress before helping you slide it off your arms. You had to cover your breasts with your arm since you hadn’t worn a bra. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen your body before, he knew his way around there better than you did, but not covering yourself just felt inappropriate. But, to be fair, the entire situation felt inappropriate. The dress fell to a pool around your feet, leaving you in nothing but a pair of lace black underwear, ones that Sebastian had bought for you one month before you broke up. You stepped out of the dress, eyes never leaving his. He bent down to pick it up, blue orbs never leaving your eyes.
“I’ll go lay this on the guest bed,” Sebastian said plainly before leaving the room and closing the door.
Your heart was beating out of your chest as you let your arm fall. Even though you hadn’t even had a conversation with Sebastian in six months, being in that moment felt more intimate than anytime you had sex with Timothee—or anyone, for that matter. You pulled on the worn-out gray tee shirt that vaguely had ‘Coca-Cola’ printed across it before going out to the living room where you found Sebastian sipping on his wine, now dress in an old tee and grey sweatpants.
The next hour felt like a blur, it was filled with giggles and stupid comments. By the end of it, the wine bottle was empty and you two were officially wine drunk. Now, you were slumped on the couch (the one that you picked out), leaning towards Sebastian, hand dancing along the cushion space between you two.
“Have you realized we never had a goodbye?” You ask, breaking the silence.
“What do you mean?” He asked, not wanting his guess to what you were talking about to be right.
“I mean, we had a fight and I left then we were done. There were no ‘this is for the best’ speeches or attempts at a goodbye kiss. One day there was an us and the next it was … nothing.” You looked up at him, an innocent yet quizzical look on your soft features.
“We don’t have to talk about this,” he said.
Not this shit again. “I know,” you said, “we don’t have to talk about anything. We’re not together anymore. We don’t even need to acknowledge each other’s existence anymore. But tonight, you did, and now we’re on your couch.”
“I don’t—” he started, but you wouldn’t let him finish.
“We don’t have to talk about it then. But, I do have another question. Did you ever fuck anyone here?” The words flowed out before you could think any longer, nothing but courage and alcohol running through your body.
“It’s pretty self-explanatory, Sebastian. I just want to know if you ever fucked someone in my—our—this place.”
His eyes bore into yours as he spoke, voice sharp and clear. “No, y/n, I have never fucked anyone in this place. No one but you.”
That answer made you happy. This place, your place, was still pure. No random hookups had tramped through the place where you lived.
“Good,” you accidentally said out loud, making him upset.
“Why does it even matter? It’s not like you weren’t fucking those young things you were all over in public.” He started to get angry at the thought. “Who are you to question me about my sex life after you broke up with me then pranced around tabloid covers for months with different people each week?”
“Because this was our house, I just want to know it wasn’t tainted by blonde bitches with names you didn’t even remember in the fucking morning.”
“Sorry to disappoint, but you’re the only blonde bitch I’ve fucked.”
Suddenly, your hand was moving and your palm was connecting with his face. It shocked both of you, making you both freeze in place. It took ten seconds before Sebastian grabbed the wrist you hit him with, yanking it so you were closer to him. So close you could feel his breath on your face.
“Slap me again and see what fucking happens, I dare you,” he spit out.
Then your heart was in your ass as your stomach erupted with butterflies and your panties soaked with arousal.
It was almost like you lost all control over your body as you smashed your lips against his. Your hands went to the back of his neck, pulling him in closer and tugging at the hair there. The intentional scruff on his face was harsh against your smooth skin, but it only elevated your pleasure. Sebastian’s hands went around the sides of your neck, one kind of cupping your face while the other was closer to the back to pull you closer. You felt like you needed to get closer to him, get as close as possible. You needed every single inch of him over every single part of yourself. Your leg swung, straddling him.
Without thinking, you rutted yourself against his thigh, a guttural moan coming from your lips as you did. It’s not like you hadn’t been touched in a while, you just got fucked a few days ago, but you hadn’t experienced something as hot as this in so long. It was rushed and needed, you felt like you would die if he stopped. Your hips absent-mindedly grinded down against his thigh again.
“Fuck, ride my thigh baby,” he ordered. You listened, slipping into your old ways. You continued to rut against his thigh as you kissed. He knew you were getting close by the moans you were letting out into the kiss. He pulled away from your lips, watching as you were losing yourself. “I want you to cum for me, sugar.”
Your hips slowed as your mind raced a mile a minute. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of making you cum from just his thigh. What would that do to his already inflated ego? It sounded like bullshit to give into him.
“No,” you mumbled out, your hips threatening to halt their movement.
“No?” He repeated.
You sat there for a minute, silent as his eyes frantically studied your face to see what the point was. He wondered if you wanted to stop, he would understand completely, but he knew that wasn’t what it was by the way you keep clenching your thighs together. Sebastian smirked as he realized what was really happening. He grabbed your hips and started to push you down on his thigh. The problem was that you wanted to cum, but you didn’t want to cum for him. Too bad he was determined on it.
You moaned loudly as he started to drag your hips. You were inching so close, the fact that you didn’t want to give in to the feeling made it feel like it was only becoming stronger. Your hands grabbed his old t-shirt as you frantically moved your hips back and forth. Your nose scrunched and your eyes shut tight, your mouth letting out a whisper of “oh fuck”s on a loop.
“That’s it,” you heard Sebastian say even though his voice sounded like it was miles away. “Cum like a good girl.”
Suddenly, all the pressure that was building up deep within your tummy snapped and you were on cloud 9. Your heat pulsed as you road out your orgasm, Sebastian's hands helping you immensely. It took a good minute of pants as you caught your breath before you opened your eyes and came back to reality.
“You’re a fucking asshole,” you muttered to him when you finally made eye contact again.
“I know,” he smirked. “Now be a good girl, sugar, and take off your pants.”
You questioned arguing with him more, but you decided not to. You wanted him, you wanted him so fucking bad. You stood up and pulled down your shorts, doing a little spin so Sebastian could marvel at how wonderful you looked.
“As beautiful as those look on you, darling, they’d look better on the floor.”
You playfully rolled your eyes as you stripped out of the underwear as well, leaving you in nothing but an old grey t-shirt. You went back to your place on Sebastian’s lap, pulling him in for another passionate kiss. You felt like you were melting into him entirely as everything snapped back into place. Your hands roamed lower, palming him through his grey sweats. You smirked to yourself at the realization of how hard he was already and at the fact he wasn’t wearing boxers. He lifted his hips to help you pull down his pants. Just as you were getting ready to place his member in the place you wanted him the most, he halts your movement by grabbing your wrist.
“Shit, I don’t have a condom, y/n,” he warned. You frowned, upset that he had stopped you.
“I don’t care.”
“But you still have that IUD in, right?”
You grimaced because no, you did not. Your five years had run out two months ago and you hadn’t gotten around to making an appointment for a new one. You shook your head slowly side to side before he sighed. He went to pull you off of him but you stopped him by holding onto his shoulders
“I don’t care,” you repeated.
“Y/n, you know why can’t.”
“Why not?”
He looked at you in disbelief. “Besides the fact you could get pregnant?”
“I don’t care,” you said one more time. “I want you.”
He looked into your eyes, trying his best to decipher your intentions.
“Y/n …”
“Get me pregnant, Sebby,” you said, meaning it too. “I want you, I want your kids. Fuck, I want us back. I don’t care if that means kids and a white picket fence. I just want you.”
“Are you sure?”
In response, you slowly leaned down and your lips touched. It was nothing like the kisses you had shared preferably, it was slow and soft. He pulled you closer, finally letting you lower yourself down on him. You both let out loud moans as you sink down on his member.
It was like you had forgotten what making love felt like, probably because you did. In the past nine months since you had split, you hadn’t made love with anyone once. It was all just meaningless sex or hot fucking, but there was no love behind it. You didn’t love Timothee, you hadn’t loved any of your flings. Maybe it was because you never stopped loving Sebastian—you were almost sure it was because of that.
You moved up and down whilst Sebastian thrust up into you. The room was filled with moans, grunts, and praises from both ends. He started to kiss your neck as his thumb started to rub your clit. The multiple amounts of stimulation only brought you closer to your climax.
“I’m gonna, fuck—I’m close.”
“I know, babygirl,” he cooed. “Look at me.” You looked into his blue orbs, feeling your climax inching ever so closer. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, yes, yes,” you whined out as your hips moved faster. “Cum inside me, Sebastian. Get me—fuck, god—put a fucking baby in me.”
With your confirmation, he flipped you on your back, thrusting harder. The hand that wasn’t toying with your clit interlaced with yours. Your grip on each other squeezed harder as you neared your finishes. You wrapped your legs around him as his hips started to stutter.
“Cum with me, baby,” Sebastian groaned.
You finally let the coil that built inside of you snap with his permission. Moments later, he busted inside of you, making you both yell out. He collapsed on top of you, trying his best not to crush you under his weight. You both panted for minutes before you finally spoke up.
“I love you,” you said. He lifted his head, looking into his eyes. “I never stopped.
“Neither did I,” Sebastian said. “Did you mean it, you want to have kids?”
“I want to do anything if it means I can be with you. Anything.”
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twiceasfrustrating · 3 years
I'm sorry if I already requested this of you I honestly have the memory of a walnut. But can I request headcannons of the boys + dia who find out MC has an emotionally abusive husband? Like fluff with some murder maybe?
thank you
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandom: Shall We Date?: Obey Me!
Characters: Lucifer (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Mammon (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Leviathan (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Satan (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Asmodeus (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Beelzebub (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Belphegor (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Diavolo (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Main Character (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!)
Additional Tags: abusive relationship mentioned, some are a bit murdery, I don't know how to write fluff for such a situation but I tried
A/N: If you are in an abusive situation in the USA and need to speak to someone, please call 1-800-799-7233. If you cannot call, you can also text “START” to 88788. If it is safe for you, you can also go to the website directly. Abuse takes many forms, but it is always about control.
Feel free to add the numbers/contact for other countries if you have them.
He got upset at MC once and they flinched when he yelled and they started apologizing like there was no tomorrow. That was how he found out something was wrong. They wouldn’t say anything, but he could tell that something was deeply wrong. Perhaps he had never noticed before the formation of their pact how MC shuddered around him whenever he got upset, but now he did.
He is very careful not to yell again and when he does he is quick to lower his voice the second MC shows distress, reassuring them that he is not angry at them and would not harm them. It sounds almost hollow after how he acted when they originally met, but he means it.
There was one time MC dropped a dish on the floor while cooking and it broke, spilling hot food everywhere. They started picking up the pieces in a hurry, not even paying attention to how the hot shards burned and cut up their hands.
Lucifer was quick to pick them up off the ground and tend to the fresh injuries, all while they kept apologizing and saying that they would clean it up as soon as they could and saying they would make something else. Lucifer forbade them from doing either and cleaned the mess himself. He did that a lot. Took care of their ‘mistakes’ and cared for them. They would almost believe he wasn't the same terrifying man they had first met.
It takes a long time for MC to get used to their new relationship with Lucifer and once they do they are far more comfortable and less skittish.
He is not pressuring the story out of them. He can wait, as difficult as it is, for them to open up. However, he is no fool. He knows who is to blame, and that man should be very afraid should Lucifer and he ever meet.
MC always spoke so well of their husband when they first met the brothers. Mammon was actually jealous and wished MC would talk about him that way. They would always say how kind their husband was and how he loved them and how he wanted the best for them. It sounded like some kind of cheesy romance novel.
Things started to get weird though when he and MC started to get even closer. He would invite them out, only to hear “I don’t think my husband would like that” or “I shouldn’t be alone with you”. It was weird the first time, but it quickly became a pattern. A very worrying pattern. Mammon knew abuse when he saw it. He was the family butt monkey and a witch punching bag, after all.
The difference is that he’s a fallen angel that is used to such treatment and, as a demon, the things done to him do very little in the long run. Humans are far more fragile though; their minds, bodies, and hearts. And then Mammon started to hate MC’s husband with a passion that could not be matched.
He cared less about making that bastard pay and more about taking care of MC. Such treatment can ruin a person, especially good people like MC. He would do anything to show them that they deserved better than that man, whatever that eventually meant.
He and MC have a little too much in common for his taste. It is actually almost disgusting how little self-worth they seem to have, but he can also see how that was trained into them.
They play down their worth a lot: “It’s nothing”, “It could be better”, “I failed again”, etc. They never say anything positive about themself. They are really good at picking out their flaws, but almost incapable of pointing out their merits.
It goes against everything Levi believes in, but he has to start praising them since they won’t praise themself. He likes hanging out with them, the stuff they make is nice, they are a really quick learner. It feels weird to praise someone, but it’s nice to see MC start to feel a little better about all the things they do.
Although, he also has the mild thought of showing MC’s husband that there are more terrifying things in the world than the horrors a human is capable of. After all, Levi has seen the monsters that dwell in the deep; he is one of those monsters and there is a reason humans fear the darkest depths.
There are some wonderful upsides to being the avatar of wrath. Normally, Satan wouldn't be so crass as to give into them, but sometimes humanity is just so vile that he can't help himself.
One of those upsides is a mind filled to the brim with the instinctual desire to rip and tear anything he can get his hands on to pieces. It's an instinct he fights off constantly with his centuries of training and self-discovery, but just this once he doesn't mind becoming the beast he was born as.
MC's husband squeals like a stuck pig throughout the entire night, only the winds, spiders, and Satan being able to hear and appreciate the sound. And appreciate it he does, until the screaming stops and his hands are drenched with blood.
He really needs to get himself cleaned off before he sees MC again, otherwise they will be terrified. He needs to look his best when they come running to him worried about their missing husband. It’s sad how much they worry about him despite everything.
MC was always so calm and docile when he wanted to spend time with them. He didn’t really get it at first but it was easier to dress them up and take them out, so he didn’t question it. At least, not until someone (read: Solomon) not so subtly pointed out that it is unusual for someone to be so passive, almost to the point of being doll-like.
Asmo didn’t believe it at first. How could anyone treat someone as sweet as MC so cruelly, especially someone that is supposed to love them? But from that day onward, his eyes were opened up and he started to notice things.
The way they didn’t put forth their own opinions and let him take the lead on everything, how they stuck close to him when they both went out, the subtle way their fingers reached out then drew back when they liked something.
“Do you like it?” He would ask and their response was “do you?”
It was so difficult to get them to start putting their own wants and desires above what they thought he’d like. When they showed interest in something, he would fawn all over it. If they liked something, he liked it too. He would buy them things they even glanced casually at, told them they were worthwhile and lovely, anything that other man would never say to them.
He tore them down so completely, but Asmo would work tirelessly to build them back up.
He is the softest man in the world, and sometimes MC just lets things slip out. He’s very easy to open up to and they don’t think about what they say. He was the first person that they opened up to about what was happening to them.
Suffice it to say, Beel was shocked when they mentioned how terrified they were for the exchange program to end. Despite everything that they had been through over the past year, they didn’t want to go back.
Beel had only felt so powerless one other time in his life. He couldn’t go with them to protect them and they couldn’t stay in the Devildom forever to stay safe. It was painfully cruel just how much he couldn’t help them.
All he could do was hold them and listen to them get everything off of their chest, dreading the day that the exchange program would end.
MC has to hurry up and learn how to summon him, because he wants to keep them safe from that awful situation. He would never allow another person it the world to hurt them again.
Belphie likes exactly one human in the three realms and every other one is none of his concern. Or, they wouldn’t be his concern if it weren’t for the fact that the one human he cared about was the victim of this particular instance.
He’s not like some of his other brothers. He doesn’t do comfort and he isn’t the best at torture, prefering to get everything over with quickly so he doesn’t have to expend all the extra energy. But, for such a special occasion, he is more than willing to put in the effort.
Humans really do create their own worst fears. Their minds run a mile a minute and they have the strangest way of finding how their own terrors can overpower what little defenses they have.
He may not be able to touch MC’s husband, but he can certainly return every slight against his favorite human. Long, sleepless nights wracked with unending horrors that only that man can truly appreciate.
All the while, he will gladly hold MC when their own nightmares overtake them, trying to put their mind at ease for just this moment. How he wished that his powers could control the waking world as well as their dreams...
“Don’t go back.” It was the first time Diavolo had brought up the idea. It was one he had been considering for a long time, knowing that it was extreme given that MC was a human and had to live in the human realm. However, he couldn’t live with himself knowing the kind of life MC would return to once they left.
The shouting, the insults, discarding everything MC liked because their husband doesn’t care for it… Diavolo would never feel right knowing he sent someone dear to him back there.
He had the means to help them get literally anywhere but back to that man. Diavolo could help set them free from that life, even if they didn’t want to stay in the Devildom. He knew MC would have the support of everyone they had met.
All they had to do was say yes and he would move the Devildom itself to get them out of there.
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ttuesday · 3 years
Hiiiiii hru doing? I love your blog sm u stg I check it everyday keep up the amazing (you even inspired me to start writing for rdr)
Anyways Can I request how would the VDL boys act if say the O'Driscolls or lamyone raiders kidnapped their S/O who already has some past trauma?
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Arthur thought you would’ve been back by now. Usually whenever you go into town to buy supplies, you’re back in camp within the hour. He could sense something was off but it was when Kieran mentioned seeing O’Driscoll’s in the area did he realize what had happened.
On the inside, he’s very scared. You could be dead by now and that terrifies him. Arthur wastes no time, shouting across to Dutch that you’ve been taken as he runs to his horse.
After a quick shootout, he finds you locked in a small room. Thankfully they didn’t have much time to harm you but nonetheless Arthur fussed over you, checking you over and over again for any injuries.
He pulls you in for a tight hug, burying his head in your hair as he mutters “Everything’s alright, I got you now and that’s all that matters”.
When you didn’t return to camp, Dutch knew something was wrong. This isn’t the first time Colm has taken someone Dutch cares about, so he got a sort of hunch that they had grabbed you.
Within 5 minutes of initially getting this hunch, he gathers up some of the other fellers and they ride off to the O’Driscoll’s last known location.
Dutch doesn’t think about the worst case scenario. He forbids himself from even considering that possibility, mainly because he knows he’ll break down if he thinks of it.
After finally freeing you, Dutch tells you to ride with him. He brings you on a scenic route as the other fellers head straight back to camp. With remorse in his eyes, Dutch sighs “This shouldn’t have happened, I… I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you”.
Charles didn’t think too much about it when you weren’t back at your usual time. He knows you’re adventurous and that you like exploring so he thought that maybe you got side-tracked doing that.
But when Kieran mentioned it to him that O’Driscoll’s were nearby, Charles saw red. He was angry that he wasn’t there to protect you and that this had happened to you of all people.
He only takes a small handful of people with him on this rescue mission. John offered to go as an extra gun and Arthur wanted to go in the hopes of calming down Charles on the way there.
When Charles sees that you’re alive and thankfully not badly injured, all that anger turns to relief. “I won’t ever let this happen again,” he promises as he holds you close “I can’t let this happen again”.
Micah was subtly waiting for you to come back from the supplies run. He always acts like he doesn’t care but secretly he pays attention to stuff like this, especially when you’re involved.
When he overheard Kieran say he saw O’Driscoll’s... well shit, it’s a miracle Micah didn’t kill Kieran right there and then. He was furious that this had happened, blaming whoever he could (besides himself).
Micah didn’t care if the others followed him out to the O’Driscoll’s camp. He was in such a rage, the only thing he was focused on was killing anyone wearing green and finding you.
Micah’s still angry when he finds you. He breaths a sigh of relief but he instantly starts to berate you for not being careful enough. “You ain’t leaving my sight for a month after this, y’hear?” he scolds. Micah cares, he just doesn’t know how to show it.
It takes Bill a few seconds to comprehend what’s after happening. He hears Kieran telling him about the O’Driscoll’s being around but his brain doesn’t want to admit that you’ve been taken.
He’s scared shitless and if anything bad happens to you then Bill won’t be able to forgive himself. He yells at the others to hurry up as he quickly runs to Brown Jack.
As they shoot any O’Driscoll they see, Bill can feel his hands slightly tremble as he fears for the worst. You mean so much to him, if something happens to you, he doesn’t know how he’ll cope.
Bill doesn’t let you go when he finds you. “You ever go on another supply run, you come get me,” he says “hell, you even leave camp for a peaceful piss you best come get me”. Yep, he’s appointed himself to be your new bodyguard.
John was laid back when you mentioned you were doing a supply run by yourself. He knows you’re capable and good with a gun so he didn’t worry about it.
But when he realized O’Driscoll’s had taken you, he hated himself for being so relaxed about it. He hates that that might be the last conversation he ever has with you.
John wastes no time mounting his horse and galloping off. Some of the other fellers follow him but they can’t keep up with his speed.
After killing every O’Driscoll in sight and finding you, John feels his knees go weak as all of his anxiety fades away. “You really scared me for a second” he tries to smile though you can see a gleam in his eyes.
Javier is so goddamn determined to get you. Kieran hadn’t even finished his sentence about seeing the O’Driscoll’s and Javier was already sprinting towards the horses.
He doesn’t care how far he has to go to get you back, he’s willing to do it. It doesn’t matter how many O’Driscoll’s he has to fight or how many miles he has to gallop, Javier is determined..
Javier doesn’t wait around for the others to come with him. He prefers to do this alone and it’s easier for him to take a stealth approach this way too.
You didn’t even realize all the O’Driscoll’s were dead. Javier simply pushed the door open and told you that you’re safe now. “How about we spend the night away from camp, hm?” he asks, subtly looking you over to make sure you weren’t hurt “I don’t want you to get overwhelmed back at camp”.
Hosea’s been through a lot in his life and at a certain point, he starts to pick up when something isn’t right.
He wasn’t sure about you going on a supplies run alone in the first place so when he heard about O’Driscoll’s being seen, it didn’t take long for him to put two and two together.
He gathers up some of the fellers and head off. Hosea knows what he’s doing and he knows the best plan possible so if Dutch tries to take control of the situation, Hosea immediately cuts him off.
After a brief shootout, Hosea finds you and quickly runs over to you. He asks if you’re alright before asking Arthur to go get you some water. “Are you ok? You’re very strong for getting through this, you know that? So strong”.
Sean has a lot of emotions. He’s angry that this has happened, scared, nervous and he’s pumped full of adrenaline.
You know Sean’s come to rescue you from the amount of shouting outside. He makes sure every O’Driscoll knows he’s there for you and continuous tells them they shouldn’t have messed with you or ‘Deadeye MacGuire’.
When Sean finally gets to you, he flings his arms around you and doesn’t let go. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I should’ve been there, I should’ve…” yeah Sean goes on for a while, listing off all the things he should have done differently.
Even when y’all are heading back to camp, Sean makes sure you ride with him so he can keep his arms around you. He doesn’t want to let you go for a long, long time.
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Draw your swords, pt. 10
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Summary: Haunted by her own mind, Y/N isn’t sure what to do with the information she uncovered. On the other hand, the Darkling felt a growing distance between them, allowing himself to admit something he never thought he’d say.
Warnings: angst, swearing, fluff, sexual innuendos 
Part one // Part two // Part three // Part four // Part five // Part six // Part seven // Part eight // Part nine   
A long time ago lived a young boy with the power of saints. He held the darkness at the tip of his fingers, capable of forcing the day into an eternal night. Back then, he made all the wrong choices for all the right reasons. To protect the ones he loves, he allowed the shadows to consume him. Cursed with immortality, he walked the earth ever since. Forever alone, hurt and betrayed, the Darkling's heart no longer beat as it turned to stone. No longer did he suffer, no longer did he feel pain or anything at all.
Until now.
There was no escape from emotions when he looked at her. Even in the darkness, she had the ability to set his world on fire.
A single badly made decision in a moment where everything feels more important than love can make your entire life feel like a failure. He would never make the same mistake again. 
This lifetime he gives to her – wholeheartedly.
When they stopped for the night, he had felt uneasy as Y/N conversed freely with everyone but him. It seemed like she’s on edge and not knowing why gnawed at him. Once night came and they settled in their tent, the Darkling couldn’t contain himself.
"I sense some...hostility."
Scoffing, she rolled her eyes, "Oh, how observant of you."
"What happened?” He asked, “Did someone at the Palace do something to you? Was it Genya?"
"And what if she did?” Tilting her head ever so slightly, she neared him. “What would you do?"
Without thinking, he answered, "I'd protect you."
Inhaling sharply, she raised an eyebrow. "And what if it was you?"
Pausing, his eyebrows furrowed as he unclenched his jaw. "Is it me?"
"If it was you who upset me, would that bother you?" Y/N pushed further, genuinely wondering if he cares for her as much as she thinks. After all, who’d believe the Darkling has a heart? She was still trying to convince herself it’s real when he kisses her temple when he thinks she’s fast asleep.
With her hands on her hips, she narrowed her eyes at him. "So, how would you protect me from yourself?"
Letting out a heavy sigh, Aleksander ran his hand through his hair. "I'd let you decide."
Closing her eyes in frustration, her lower lip curled inwards as her front teeth sunk into the flesh. A part of her wanted to ask him about being the creator of the fold, but it was an advantage that would be unwise to let go of. 
"Why are you being so agreeable? Is it because I spread my legs for you now?"
"I've never known you to be so crude." The muscles in his jaw tighten as he squints at her and it’s taking everything in her not to smile because she absolutely loved when he’d look at her like that. It felt more natural than the soft, wistful looks he’d send her way.
"And I never realized you could be so easily tamed”, she remarks, her voice louder than before.
Chuckling in disbelief, the Darkling shrugs off his kefta without breaking eye contact. "You believe that you've tamed me?"
Pinching the bridge of her nose, she shut her eyes. Her face is flushed, her head spinning and she has nothing concrete to tell him. She can’t make sense of anything anymore, the image of him in her head changing with every passing minute.
"I don't know what to believe anymore."
In two strides, Aleksander found himself before her. Cupping her cheeks, he tilts her head up to face him and when she opens her eyes, she’s lost in the universe that’s captured in his eyes. She loved the night sky littered with stars, but she never truly knew what it means to stargaze until she met him.
“I’ve discovered I love you.”
Raising her eyebrows, her jaw slacked. “When have you discovered that?” Her voice is high, tone defensive, but his smile grows because it wouldn’t be her if she didn’t fight him even when he’s trying to admit to something he long forgot exists.
“When all my decisions started to revolve around keeping you safe.”
Shaking, her eyes widened. “That’s impossible! You hate me!”
Placing a hand over her mouth, he used his other to press his index finger to his lips. “Shh”, he chuckles, “You’ll wake the others.”
Rolling her eyes, she licked his hand.
“Really? I’ve touched you in a way that made you scream long into the night”, he deadpans, “Your tongue can’t possibly disgust me.” Smirking, he leans in, “On the contrary.”
Slapping his hand away, she turned away from him. Grabbing her head, she sat down with her thoughts running so fast, too fast for her to pick one out to decide what she thinks, feels, wants.
Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her back flush against his chest. “I know you hate me now, but I’m a patient man. I won’t give up on you.”
He held her for a while, too long for either of them to realize the night had slowly trickled away from them and given way to dawn. Their journey wasn’t quite as long anymore. Soon enough, they’ll be at the fold and Y/N didn’t know what to do.
Should she tell him? Ask him for an explanation?
Would he kill her even if he said he loves her?
She still felt his kisses as he laid her down beside him. For the first time since they made love, they didn’t initiate any physical intimacy. Instead, they simply stared at one another.
She’s not for feeble minded people, there’s no doubt about it in his mind and if anything, Aleksander was more determined to love her because of it. She tested him in every way possible and while she was incredibly frustrating to argue with, Aleksander refused to give up on her. She’s difficult to understand to ordinary minds, but he isn’t ordinary.
His love will conquer in the end, he truly believed that. He could have continued on like nothing changed between them, but he could not be silent any longer. After all the time he’s spent in vein, all the years he wasted and lives he’s lived, Aleksander never found someone who gave him a reason to believe. Not until he met Y/N.
While she remained silent, stunned by his admission, he spoke of the day he first met Ivan and Fedyor. He spoke of their adventures, of their silly mistakes and she found herself smiling at first. Soon, she was laughing with him, and though she had no courage to admit it yet, she fell asleep thinking about him. Their knees were touching and her heart was racing, but the world never felt so right as it did when she was next to him.
Once on the road, she took the reins once again.
Kirigan ignored the whispers about her riding his horse, choosing to glare them into silence. No one dared to speak of it after.
Stopping a few miles short of their destination, Y/N drew a shuddered breath. The sight is hauntingly beautiful, a nightmare come alive. Swallowing thickly, a faint line formed between her eyebrows as they furrowed.
How could Aleksander be the Black Heretic? How is it possible for him to live so long?
“I’m here”, he whispers in her ear.
Goosebumps rise across the back of her neck as his warm breath dances across her skin. And there he is again, with her when she’s looking for solitude, offering his hand to hold and shoulder to lean on even when she least expects it. The worst thing is that she’s actually becoming dependent on his help and that scares her most of all, because what is she supposed to do when he decides he never did love her and all of it was simply an obsession fueled by her rejection. 
She’s still a novelty to him, that will wear off eventually.
“I’m not afraid”, she remarks, “I’m-“, she pauses in an attempt to find a better word, “Admiring it.”
“Admiring”, he repeats in surprise. “Most people find it absolutely terrifying.” 
She wondered if it frightened him. What would happen if he went in?
Turning her head to the side, she caught a glimpse of his parted lips. She felt ashamed how it caused her heartbeat to quicken, how it ached for a taste.
“I’m not most people”, she reminded him. And he knew that well. The Darkling would never fall for an ordinary woman.
“What I want to know is what went through his mind”, she grips the reigns tighter.
“Of the black heretic?”
Feeling his hands tighten around her waist, she nods. “I wish I knew what led to the creation of the fold. Why did he do it?”
“Maybe he just couldn’t help himself”, Aleksander’s voice is strained, “Maybe he’s just pure evil.”
Leaning the back of her head on his shoulder, she looked up at him. She longed for him, for an earnest conversation with their souls laid bare, but would she live long if she unveiled what her mind’s been tormented by?
“I don’t believe that”, she says softly.
Their eyes meet in an instant, the closeness forcing them both to hold their breath and look at each other silently. Looking at her, he touched her cheek gently with the back of his hand.
“Why give him the benefit of doubt?”
Aleksander’s free hand gently moves along her arm, finding its rightful place at the side of her neck, touching her skin so tenderly she felt blissful and it reminded her of that night where he unraveled her, made her scream in pleasure she never found before.
There was no denying it, Y/N had a weakness for his hand on her neck and his words in her heart, neither of which she had any willpower to refuse, especially not when she couldn’t breathe when he looked at her with such longing, shameful lust and indisputable passion and understanding.
It took everything in her to find the strength to speak again without her voice cracking under the pressure of her own emotions. 
“Because darkness doesn’t equate evil, just as light doesn’t equate good.”
Without a warning, he kissed her fiercely, violently, leaving her raw. She didn’t move away, she didn’t make a sound. All she did was close her eyes and part her lips and in that fraction of a second, she allowed herself to get lost in the beauty of a lover’s touch for when his lips claimed hers, nothing mattered anymore.  
When he broke away, she was breathless and undeniably his.
“What was that for?” She raised an eyebrow, a shadow of a smile forming on her bruised lips.
She shuddered, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip ruthlessly as Aleksander’s breath caressed her skin. It felt so right, too right to resist his advances. She lived for those long nights in their bed, those thick with lust and romance and naked kisses.
Aleksander shrugs, “I wanted to.”
Lips parted, she didn’t know what to do with that. He told her he loves her, that he’d wait for her to love him back and most women would fall at his feet. Something inside her refused to do so. To admit her feelings out loud would be the end of her. 
If she allows herself to love him fully, how could she possibly be the cause of his downfall? 
What would be left of her if she took his love and used it against him in the most cruel way possible?
She’s losing who she is around him, but it hurt so much more to reject his love. Hating him, pretending her heart isn’t a feeble muscle where he resides is exhausting.
Truth is, he doesn't make her feel safe or comfortable as she once believed a man should. He makes her feel like she's teetering at the edge of a cliff and she's getting addicted to that feeling. She’s getting addicted to him – his scent, his touch, his handsome smile and devilish smirk and most of all to the way his darkness drives away her demons.
Love has to come at once, with thunder and lightning like a hurricane that wreaks havoc on your life, to shake you up and break the heart like leaves off trees, to drag it into the abyss - abyss he created. 
She used to fear the dark, but now she found herself running into it.
In that moment, she smiled. 
Perhaps the darkness is not so bad if he’ll be there, holding her hand.
A/N - So, I literally wrote this in about two hours and I’m about to pass out. I wanna thank you for Eid Mubarak responses and especially for the feedback, I was just reading through them and they made my day so much better. I’m seeing some interesting theories too, some paragraphs you loved or just thoughts about the characters and IT GIVES ME LIFE. I’m so, so grateful for it all.
Tags: @bruxa0007 @rangotangomango @kaitlyn2907 @thestoryofmylife9 @shelivesindaydreamswme @hxrgreeves @safetyhtom @kaqua @savannah-elliott @all-art-is-quite-useless  @azure23x @girlmadeofavocados @ashdab2611 @acciorudolphx @ladyblablabla @wckedheart @xceafh @sanna2020 @tarkanelima-blog @takethee @mellifluous-cosmos @marvel-ousnesss @tea-effect @starlightofsolaria @p3nny4urth0ught5 @blackbirddaredevil23 @sarcastic-and-cool @slytherinsbiggestproblem @within-thehollowcrown @notthatchhavi @musicconversedance @freakytillthemoon  @lgkoval @honeyofthegods @queenmalhinewahine @misselsbells06  @whatthefluffrichard @aami98 @britriestbr @itsfangirlmendes @padme-parker @readingsssssssss @runawayolives @thehighladyofasgard @emlynblack @keithseabrook27 @dailydoseofchoices @deceivedeer @olympiacosplay @pansysgirlfriend @extrakyloren  @daybleedsintonightfa11 @thoughts-and-funnies @weirdowithnobeardo @folkloresworld @remugoodgirl​ 
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angeli-marco-writes · 3 years
Harry Holland - Polaroids
A/N & WC - I do not know Harry or the other people mentioned in this fic, nor do I claim to; this is a work of fiction. 3.9k.
Warnings - Swearing, mention of food, smut: depictions of oral (m+f rec), penetrative sex, use of toys, bondage & bdsm, photos being taken in the act, mild exhibitionism and definite voyeurism (not Harry or reader) 18+.
Summary - You and Harry have an exciting intimate life to say the least, and he rather enjoys taking photos of the two of you in compromising positions. However, in his sex-addled mind, one vital fact is let slip when he allows Sam into his room unsupervised.
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“BUD, WHERE ARE THOSE PHOTOS you took of my food the other day?” Sam asks.
The sizzling of pancakes overlaps the conversation, and you mussing up Harry’s hair distracts him, his attention drawn to more important matters than his brother. Harry barely swallows his giant mouthful of food before speaking.
“By my bed there’s a huge pile, they’ll be somewhere,” he answers flippantly.
Usually so cautious and so organised Harry lets one thing slip his mind for five seconds, and his life is going to fall through the cracks. His reputation will be utterly destroyed. Just with his brother, but it still stands. Sam is… more innocent than Harry has ever been. And Sam will also tell the others, and likely their friends…
“Remembered something, baby?” you muse sardonically from beside him, your hand halting its movements as you cup his jaw, turning him to face you.
The second his green eyes meet yours, you watch the world crumble in his eyes. You’ve never seen him scramble up from his seat so quickly. His bare feet slap on the tiled floor violently, thudding sounds echoing through the house as he blunders around, swinging around the banister with the force and elegance of an elephant.
“Sam! FUCK— Wait!”
“Don’t look in that pile of photos,” you add in a feeble shout.
It’s not like what Sam’ll find there is any secret. You’ve been together a long time, you and Harry, and everyone knows full well that you’re shagging, but that doesn’t mean you necessarily want them to know exactly what happens in the bedroom, in your most intimate, secret moments together. That’s sacred, even if it seems like sacrilege to so many.
No matter how quickly you hear Harry legging it upstairs, his lean legs carrying him up the stairs perhaps three at a time, his curly hair even more unruly than before from the exertion, you know he won’t be fast enough, and that Sam is an insolent bastard when he wants to be. You’ve lived with them all long enough and have had more than your fair share of near misses: no chance will you not be found out, this time you’ll be caught. Better than the alternative and the other times, you suppose, as you cram one more syrup-drizzled and strawberry-covered pancake into your gob, reluctantly trudging your way upstairs to the hive of fun.
It’s chaos by the time you get there. Dozens of artfully-taken photos spilled out onto your duvet, Harry’s freckled face paler than you’ve ever seen it, his hands tugging at his pyjama shirt convulsively while Sam stands on the other side of the room, his dark eyes wide, his expression agog, his jaw unhinged, staring blankly and pointing at whatever the most incriminating thing is he sees next. You just hope he doesn’t go ferreting through your drawers, because then you’ll really be in trouble.
“What… the fuck.”
You come up to Harry’s side, and wrap an arm around his slim waist, lending a weak, “Surprise?”
It’s their fault if they haven’t guessed, frankly.
You can’t draw your eyes away from the pictures, so many of them, all displaying different aspects of your sex life at varying degrees of explicitness. You can even recount the minutes and hours of pleasure that led to the photos, each occasion etched into your mind. Sure, you and Harry go at it a lot, but you don’t always go the extra mile, hence why these commemorative photos of your special nights are so treasured. And private. Or, were.
The first one… oh boy, that takes you back to the most far-out, extreme experiment you tried—the most recent, as well: just this past weekend. You’re still covered in rope burn from it, though that could’ve been prevented if you hadn’t writhed or wriggled about so much while in those bonds. The amount of attempts it took, the sheer number of YouTube tutorials you had to watch, but it was definitely worth it. The intricate patterns the ropes formed all across your body, creating braids down your back, suspending you prone with little movement in your arms or legs. It was heaven to have Harry tugging on the ropes, contorting you into new and wonderful positions for his own delightful access to all of you. Perhaps it’s not something you’ll gravitate towards again, but it was fun while it lasted, and it’s another thing to tick off your list of fun, kinky bedroom experiments to try. To be fair, even though the swathes of soft, rose-coloured rope, intricately woven around you were a lot, you certainly wouldn’t be averse to trying something else with rope. Less shibari, perhaps just normal levels of bondage. You can feel the skin on your arms prickling with heat: Harry feels it too, winding his fingers into yours, holding on tight as he struggles to suppress a smirk.
The next set is interesting, and rather common. Harry’s freckled, ring-less hand is unmistakable in the dappled light as it grapples with the handle of a leather whip, or a paddle, even his belt, bringing them down harshly onto your ass cheeks, already reddened with hand prints, purple from bruises. In one of them, your skin is even glistening with his release, and another, your hands are suspended behind your back. Harry’s always been one for spanking, and the rest of them know it. Even before you were sleeping together he’d playfully smacked your bum, and he certainly hasn’t stopped even with the sexual connotations it now conveys between the two of you. As though he can read your mind, he snakes a hand down and pats you on the bum; his wink telling you it’s just for good measure. Cheeky shit.
One in the dead centre brings shivers throughout your body. Not because it wasn’t fun or pleasurable, but because of the way it made you feel afterwards. Yes, you’d talked through it in thorough details—as with everything the two of you do—how it made you feel going in, throughout, and you’d got a safe word sorted, but perhaps you hadn’t discussed all the long term risks of it. The pretty pink collar, the satin blindfold… The whole subservient thing is a big turn on for Harry, and you played into it, you always do and you naturally fall into a position of less power in your relationship because of the way you are, but being degraded in such a way isn’t for you. You can’t help but feel a sting of shame ricochet through your heart. Harry must feel it this considering how reactive he is: he leaps towards the bed and snatches it up, shredding it before your eyes, chucking it into the bin, and curling another protective arm around you.
“Look,” you whisper to Harry, turning his attention elsewhere as you point to the bottom few: your favourite photos of all.
Despite the disarray, they’re all together, and they remind you of an incredible night. Your anniversary, and what a special day it was. Butterflies swarm you at the sight of them again, but it feels strange for someone else to be looking at them. Not that you or Harry are exactly in a fit state to be proactive about preventative measures now Sam’s seen them all. His eyes bulge from his face, his mouth going dry as he swallows viciously, suddenly having to shift his already apparently tight shorts. Again.
“You’re so sexy in those, baby,” purrs Harry.
He’s damn right, you do look incredibly sexy. And though the first one in the chronological series is you mostly covered, you can remember how hard his dick was at the sight alone, salivating, clenching his fists to stop from ripping the lingerie from you piece by piece. You wanted to put on a show for him that day: who was he to deny you?
On top of your bra, panties and stockings was a nightgown, and above that, a dressing gown. Each image shows you in a further state of undress. It was a deep burgundy lace set of negligée with soft satin straps that pushed your boobs together, lifting them up, the lace hooked together with a single eyelet on your spine, whereas the panties, though half covering your cheeks with dustings of lace, hid nothing while they sat high on your hips, revealing your entire upper thigh where a matching satin garter sat with tiny lace bows. The entire thing cost a fortune. You forked out a damn arm and a leg for what you got, even with a discount included with a certain toy you bought.
First went the dressing gown, letting it fall from your shoulders, allowing it to pool around your feet as you showed off the skimpiness of the silk slip in a series of flourishing twirls, much to Harry’s delight. Next went the slip, and you honestly wish you’d taken a picture of his face utterly agog—as you stood there in stockings held up by garters, barely there panties and a push up bra. There’s one shot of his rough fingertips playing with the trim of the stockings delightedly, like a kid in a candy shop. Next went the feeble scrap of fabric that you dared to call a bra, barely covering your nipples, allowing your breasts free, spilling into Harry’s awaiting hand. You remember the next part vividly, because he was just about to peel the panties off when you laid a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“I’ve got a surprise for you, babe.” you cooed.
His twinkling eyes grew as wide as saucers, and you dared to card your fingers through his curls as you settled yourself over his lap, letting him keep his camera in one hand while leading the other down, down, a little further…
He’s never since made a sound quite like it, so visceral and animalistic, so ready to devour you, to come on sight. He’s never been as hard as he was in that instance.
“You’re gonna be the death of me,” he moaned, a deep groan released from him the second his fingers slipped through your folds to find dripping arousal all ready for him. “Just—wait a minute…”
You followed his every instruction for the next few moments, finding yourself standing up in a good lighting position, Harry strategically beneath you as he snapped a particularly incriminating (yet oh so sexy shot) of your bare pussy in crotchless panties. Harry’s never recovered. He’s already openly admitted that he uses those particular photos more than any others to get himself off whenever you’re away from him. However, the creases and folded corners of one particular photo can’t be blamed on him, since that’s the one you use when you're away, two of his fingers plunged knuckle-deep inside you in those exact panties, from that exact angle, desperately trying to replicate the irreplaceably pleasurable feeling of him within you. He took a good few more than had to be thrown away. Spillages are awfully unfortunate… He fucked you that night with the panties, stockings and garters still on. Twice. Then without the panties, then without the stockings, then nude at last at some ungodly hour of the morning when he took you at last as the sun rose. You didn’t sleep a wink.
There are more of you with lingerie on, nightgowns and matching sets, scraps of silk and strange one pieces that took you hours to get on, but they’re bound to make a sort of book, stowed away neatly (mercifully) beneath his bed.
Sam still hasn’t moved from his state of paralysed shock, and though you should probably clear the photos up from where they’re dumped, you feel a filthy swelling pride within your chest, a glean of risk as you watch Sam rove his eyes over some more, these all involving toys. If only he knew where you hid them. One his eyes focus on is you with a thick purple rubber dildo deep inside you, a rabbit vibrator stuck to your clit. Your body is but a blur, writhing around for Harry, your hands cuffed before you and not released no matter how much you moved. Harry wouldn’t let you stop coming for what felt like hours: it was the first time you squirted for him as a cry tore from your heaving chest, drenching the bed with your fifth orgasm of the night. Harry vowed he’d be the only one to make you squirt after that, no toys involved, and he’s stayed true to his word.
There’s a few more, and Sam seems to be furrowing his thick brows at the sight of the Polaroids. Glass wands, spreader bars, clit suctions (that admittedly look like they’d be used in a spa for a facial). Poor boy is being corrupted...
Good God, you need to get those toys out again.
With his twin's attention diverted, you snake your hand down the front of Baz’s shorts, wrapping your fingers around his already hard member through his boxers: he seems to be enjoying this as much as you are.
You point out one of your favourite pictures, a debauched mess that shouldn’t be viewed by anyone else, frankly. Harry was reluctant about hurting you or pushing you too far, but you begged to be gagged. You meant just by a tie, maybe his bandana—which features in many images in many different manners: as a bind for your hands, tying you to the bed, keeping your ankles together, even wrapped lightly around your neck, but never as a gag—but he went all out. When you got home, he was waiting in his room with a leather-bound ball gag.
“You begged, baby,” he said, and you couldn’t refute. You had begged, but this was above and beyond. You complied with his every wish that night, and though you’d do it again in a heartbeat, Harry wasn’t a fan of not being able to shove his fingers or cock down your throat at any given moment. He liked hearing your whines and moans and hushed curses, prayers of his name. He also liked hearing your bratty, belligerent rebuttals when he took on a dominant role. You enjoyed it more than a little, but only now can you see how much of a mess you were, messy hair and tears spouting from your eyes, drool down your chin...
Given the chance of the slightest spark of stimulation, you’ll be coming on the spot.
There’s a scattered pile of the two of you in just about every position under the sun, every shape in the karma sutra, fucking both inside and out, al fresco sex beneath the big oak in the garden, anyhow, anywhere and everywhere you could fuck safely and privately, you would, and you didn’t even realise Harry had snapped some of these shots after consenting to him taking them at any time. Your eyes squeezed shut as you peaked, Baz’s palm kneading your chest, your skirt hiked up around your stomach while your jaw was agape, your pussy exposed and glistening slick in the mirror, penetrated by Harry’s cock. That was a good day, mirror sex, and definitely something you’ll try again. This time with your own mirror... There are a few snapshots of oral, perfect Polaroids of Harry’s nose nuzzled into your pussy, his tongue deep in your core, his lips on your labia, all of them for your sake whenever he goes away.
“Gonna recreate that one tonight,” Harry husks, pointing towards one image in particular of you sucking him off.
His huge member down your throat, you’d trained yourself to breathe solely through your nose, but the neatly trimmed patch of hair there tickled your nostrils. Harry’s talent for photography reveals your doe eyes were red rimmed, saliva trickling from the corner of your mouth matching the mascara tracks down your cheeks. You’ve never looked so fucked out, and Harry couldn’t believe you remained in that innocent façade, rosy cheeks and a coy expression even with his dick rammed down your throat, making you gag.
However, the one you’d like to recreate is one he picks up on, surreptitiously moving a hand to your chest, his fingers hovering over your peaked nipple.
“Reckon we can go again the second Sam fucks off?”
“Yes,” he eagerly exhales.
You don’t blame him, especially not when both twins are staring at the same image of your tits, pushed together with Harry’s dick between them, fucking your chest despite the fact his come already painted your chest in hot white strips, a beautiful painting you’d always wish to frame. He certainly has an obsession with your boobs so there are a couple like that, his hands all over them, the tip of his member tapping them, but the debauched one is by far your favourite. Similarly, there’s one of you tied to the bed, completely spread eagle, his dick resting on your stomach while your belly is coated in his come once again.
It seems, however, that’s what snagged Sam’s attention and has his face a ghastly shade of grey because it's so pale, is the one photo Harry never wanted anyone to see. You leap and snatch it up in one fell swoop, and Harry draws you into a bear hug within his arms, kissing your temple affectionately in thanks as you stow it away for safekeeping. Though Harry naturally carries the more dominant title in your relationship, you always like to shake things up, hence why this photo (and a series of others he already has hidden) depict Harry as your submissive. You walked around as the picture perfect dominatrix in stilettos, carrying a whip while Harry lay there with his hands bound, a blindfold on in some photos (you took them so they’re not as great, but he still looks damn sexy) with a vibrating cock ring wrapped snugly around his girth. He’s never come so hard or so much after you finally removed it and cuffed his hands to the bedpost and began to ride him. You can still feel the warmth of him climaxing within you if you close your eyes and clench your thighs.
“I promise I’ll touch you later,” boy do you hope he sticks to that promise he whispers while nibbling on your earlobe, “but Sam’s coming out of his daze in 3... 2... 1...”
“Okay, I didn’t see that coming,” he remarks breathily, hazel eyes wide as he pivots, met with two incredulous stares. Tom’s cry wakes Sam up right on cue.
“Harry! What the fuck?!” Sam demands, his voice a bellow, horror and disgust and... something unattainable just emanates from him. “Why do you have three porn mags worth of your girlfriend down here? That’s fucked, mate.”
“No it’s not. We just like to have photographic reminders of all our... sexcapades.”
Sam is, unsurprisingly, retching, now finally turning his head away from the pile without even bothering to pick up.
“This was cool until you called them sexcapades,” Tom chimes, smacking Harry upside the head as he swaggers over to the bed, fishing a few photos up before tossing them back down.
Sam's horrified attitude doesn’t seem to be spreading thankfully, but you and Harry are understandably rooted to the spot, stuck to the carpet, just biding your time until this is over. Then again, you can’t really tell, since no one is saying anything. You nor Harry want to be the ones to break the silence, though, and you can tell with the furtive and expressive stares you’re sharing that his anxiety is increasing the more people are seeing this.
Momentarily, you think someone may remark about your silent communication, your fixed glances and speechless conversation, but instead, Harrison comes up to you both, a sly smirk etched onto his pretty model face as he clasps a hand around one shoulder of yours and one of Harry’s.
“Harry Holland, you kinky fucker,” he praises.
You definitely feel a swell of pride at that. And the fact that Tom is trying desperately hard not to look at you while also trying to hide how flustered he is, somehow still abhorred by the sight. Harrison’s intrigue is palpable, gnawing on his lower lip as his lithe fingers trace you on the polaroid's, whereas Sam? He can’t decide whether to cry or scream. Harry huddles in closer and cuddles you, ensuring you feel every part of him, just how much he wants this lot to leave to finally have you at his mercy once more.
“So you two are shagging,” Tom observes.
You and Harry nod between kisses.
You nod again, though this time a little reluctantly.
You expect Harry to nestle down with you again, but instead he detaches himself, unravelling his arms, and shoulders past Tom and Haz. He gives Sam a death glare as he piles up all the Polaroids and shoves them deep in a drawer for him to organise later, away from prying eyes and judgemental comments.
“Really, though?” Sam bursts out, flailing his arms before grasping Harry’s collar. “I thought you’d just handcuff her and give her a smack at most, very vanilla.”
As much as he tries to fight it, Harry’s face flushes bright red, leaving no visible distinction between his forehead and hairline. “I think those photos, erm, tell a different story.”
He rocks on the balls of his feet, tugging himself out of his brother's grasp, only to fall into another, saved by Harrison’s scowl at Tom.
“Can you lot bloody get out? Please? I’d like some alone time with my girlfriend after that sodding invasion.”
“If you’re having alone time, we’re leaving the house for a while,” Tom jokes, “how long?”
You smirk, striding over to meet Harry, eyes fixed on him as you press onto your tiptoes, wrapping your fingers around his shoulder before kissing his earlobe. He wilts into your touch.
“Two hours should be enough time. Scram.”
They do, gladly, and you slam the door shut as their scurrying footsteps down the stairs recede. Harry’s grip increases around your waist, a growl escaping him as he pushes you onto the bed. You gasp when your back hits the mattress, his lips instantly attacking your jaw.
“Which of those polaroid's do you wanna recreate first, baby?”
It’s hours later, and you're all around for your weekly dinner at the Holland house. You and Harry, having some ‘business’ to attend to before leaving the house, are the last to arrive, and Paddy, poor unfortunate Paddy, has the delightful job of letting you into the house.
“Sam asked me to give you this,” he says barely before you’ve entered the porch.
Harry’s face pales as he unravels the small piece of paper bundled into his hand by his younger brother, but you could swear all blood drains from him the second the words sink in.
‘You took them, you lost them, you collect them. What would mum and dad say, Harold?’
“Harry, what’s happening?”
“That utter wanker stole the polaroids as revenge for scarring him. He’s hidden them around the house. We have to find them before mum and dad go looking. You in for the ride?”
“Only if Haz can join us tonight,” you tease, and after calling a hello to Harry’s parents, you follow him around the house, detaching all the pinned photos.
Harry's learnt a solid lesson today: hide his damn Polaroids better from now on, away from the prying eyes of his bloody brothers. But, he thinks with a smirk, by no means will the two of you stop taking them.
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backtobackbakubabe · 3 years
Speak Easy Part 13
Dabi x Reader , Bakugo x Reader
Words : 3125
Reader has a siren quirk and has spent the past several years of her life as a captive being experimented on by “heroes” Now that she’s out she needs protection and safe place to heal. Who will be the one to put her pieces back together.
Words with ‘this’ is dialogue written in her journal rather than said out loud and and words with ~this~ is dialogue said in sign language rather than out loud.
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You watched as Dabi paced in front of you as you hugged your knees to your chest. Shoto had come to sit next to you and you were grateful for his calming presence. He kept giving you a weird look and then looking at his brother. He obviously wanted to ask what was going on between the two of you, but you mouthed, “later” at him and he shrugged it off.
“Ok. So what? He has a list of my safe houses. That’s okay… That’s arguably a good thing actually.” Dabi was thinking out loud trying, and even though his voice sounded calm, you could see the way his hands balled into fists so tight his staples were pulling.
“No one knows about this place. This is the safest house out of all of them. I bought it after I left the League, it’s in the middle of nowhere, and the security is the best money can buy.” He stopped his pacing and looked at his brother, “So…”
Shoto draped a lazy arm around you and you released a tense breath you hadn’t realized you were holding. He quirked his head at his older brother, “So…? What? Why is that a good thing?”
Dabi’s eyes got this scary look. They practically glowed and you could tell whatever he was thinking probably wasn’t good. “It means we can pick them off. Set up traps for them at my other safe houses. It might take some time… we won’t know what houses they’re targeting so at first it’ll be a lot of guess work.” You could see a scheme hatching behind his eyes and for once he truly looked like a villain. “You said Bakugo was already out looking for them, right? I can meet up with him! They’re my houses after all, no one knows them better than me.”
He took off towards the bedroom mumbling something about needing to pack. Your wide eyes connected with Shoto’s, “How long before he remembers he’d have to leave me behind and panics?”
Shoto hummed, “I’d say about thirty seconds after he’s done packing.” He shrugged, “It’s not a bad plan honestly. I see he’s gotten rather attached to you lately though.”
You could hear the unspoken question and you weren’t sure you were ready to jump into that conversation just yet. It was bad enough that Katsuki knew. You shrugged and averted your eyes back to the door Dabi had disappeared behind. “We’ve gotten pretty close. You learn a lot about someone when you’re stuck in a house with them.”
Shoto sighed, “Sounds like he just remembered.”
Dabi stomped back into the living room and stopped a few feet in front of you. His stare was intense almost like he was trying to see through you. You could see his frustration growing as he battelled internally over what he should do. “I can’t leave you here by yourself… I don’t want to leave you at all. But- But I can’t take you with me either.” You could see his mind running a mile a minute trying to come up with a solution.
“You can leave me here, I’m not totally useless. I have the collar, so you can call me, check on my location and vitals and all that creepy shit.” You gestured to the younger Todoroki sitting next to you, “And I’m sure your brother and Izuku are dying to have some time to catch up. They can keep me company. Kiri too if need be.”
Dabi kneeled in front of you and laid his arms on either side of you, caging you in. “It would drive me insane leaving you here.”
You brushed your thumb over the spot between his eyes, smoothing out his worried expression. “More insane than if you stayed here and let Katsuki handle this on his own?”
His body sagged and he leaned his forehead onto your shoulder. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say it sounds like you want me to go.”
You leaned your head on his. “Of course I don’t want you to go idiot. But I hate to break it to you, I know you pretty well… And I don’t think sitting here day after day listening to you complain about how you could do it better, sounds like fun.” He groaned because he knew you were right. “So, go ahead and go. I’ll be fine here I promise. Go catch some bad guys with Katsuki.”
“Ugh don’t say it like that. You make is sound like a cheesy buddy cop movie. I just hope your little hero friend isn’t squeamish because I’m not going to hold back.”
Shoto cleared his throat, “Some of us… little heroes… have seen enough shit to last a lifetime. Bakugo’s the hardest working and grittiest out of us all, so believe me when I say you don’t need to worry about him.”
Dabi narrowed his eyes at his brother who he had just realized was practically cuddling with you. “Seeing death and dealing it out are two different things. I know he’s capable of killing someone, but mentally I don’t think he could cross that line.” He held a hand up to stop Shoto from arguing with him. “And I don’t care if he doesn’t want to get his precious hero hands dirty. Because that’s what I’m here for, and I’m honestly looking forward to it.”
You huffed, “Listen, I really don’t like the look you get when you talk about killing people. It’s sick… killing isn’t supposed to be fun you psychopath.”
His eyes shifted back to yours, “Baby girl. I want to make something clear. I will find the sick fucks that kidnapped you. I will torture them in the most painful and humiliating ways possible. By the time I’m done… they will welcome death with open arms. I’ll be doing them a favor.” His forehead pressed against yours. “Unless you’d rather I save them for you…My destroyer of men.”
You hit his shoulder, “I’d rather you let Katsuki arrest them! You know how I feel about killing villains.”
His hand gripped the back of your neck hard to force you to look at him, “…No. You know I can’t do that. The sooner you accept that, the easier all of this will be.” His thumb rubbed your cheek, “I know it sucks. But this is the world you live in now. We can’t trust anyone but ourselves.”
Shoto cleared his throat, “Listen I don’t know what is going on between the two of you, but I would appreciate it if you refrained from being kinky in my presence.”
Dabi growled, “Fuck off! You literally let yourself in unannounced… When all of this over I swear we’re leaving the fucking country. I’m so sick of you brats just coming over whenever you feel like it. We’re gonna leave and you’ll never see us again.”
Shoto quirked an eyebrow, “So… Even after all of this is resolved… you plan to still live with y/n?” You could see the gears turning in his head as he pieced all of this together. “Hmm interesting.” He got up and stretched. “Well I guess I’ll give you guys some alone time to… do whatever this is… just without me having to witness it.”
“Hey before you go… You sure you’re okay with keeping an eye on her while I’m gone?” You hadn’t heard Dabi sound so uncertain before. Usually he carried so much confidence that it was overwhelming. But now he sounded lost.
Shoto nodded, “Yeah it’s not a big deal. Izuku and I can take shifts. Kirishima will probably take over every now and then depending on how long you are gone… But we don’t mind. Y/n was right when she said we’d like to catch up with her.” He gave you an awkward wink that was completely out of character for him. “You’ve been hoarding her all to yourself for months now.” He walked down the hall and shouted, “Try not to be too loud. I’ll just pick the room that smells the least like sex.”
“Good luck! I’ve fucked her on every surface of the hou—” You slammed a hand over Dabi’s mouth to cut him off.
You hid your face in Dabi’s shoulder to stifle your laugh. “I love your brother so much. He has no filter and it’s honestly so refreshing.”
A quick slap to your thigh had you gasping, “I don’t appreciate you talking about my brother that way.” He nipped at your earlobe harshly, “Especially after I just agreed to let him stay here while I’m gone.”
Before you could respond he was standing up and throwing you over his shoulder, “I think I need to remind you who you fucking belong to.” He slapped your ass as you shrieked, “I might be gone for a while, so I think I need to give you something to remember.”
“You are so ridiculous! He’s literally in a committed relationship with another man!”
Dabi tossed you onto his bed and immediately fell on top of you. “He’s also my brother and I know that slut swings both ways.” He bit down hard on your shoulder, “I’m going to leave my fucking mark all over you before I go.” He sucked a bruise into your neck, “Tonight… I’m going to claim every fucking inch of you.”
He had you naked underneath him within seconds, kissing down the column of your neck. He continued down to suck a nipple into his mouth and you had to bite down on your lip to keep from screaming.
“Come on baby, let him hear you. Let him hear how good I treat you. Let him know that there is only one Todoroki for you.”
You wanted to argue with him. There was no way Shoto was interested in you at all. He’d been in love with Izuku since high school. But you were also enjoying the way Dabi was marking his territory. There was something so peaceful about giving up control to another person, especially someone you trust.
You let him kiss and suck and grope every part of you. In this moment you were his to do with as he wished. You didn’t care he was leaving mark after mark on your skin. He was claiming you, he was daring others to lay a finger on what it is his. And you fucking loved it. You loved the peace and the comfort that came with the idea of him declaring that you are his. The security of knowing he wouldn’t let another soul touch you.
He bit harshly into your inner thigh, making you yelp and buck your hips.
He chuckled darkly as he came back up and rubbed his nose against yours. “Baby girl, just look at your face. I haven’t even touched your pussy yet and you already looked so fucked out.” He dragged his fingers lightly over your stomach, across your ribs, over your breast, and finally let them settle on your neck.
You shivered and closed your eyes, “Dabiiii, stop teasing me.”
His fingers tightened around your throat. “You said some shit earlier that really got under my skin. And now I can’t decide if I should punish you or not.”
Your head spun as it tried to think about what you possibly could have said to upset him. “What – what did I say?”
Dabi leaned in sucking your bottom lip into his mouth before biting down hard. “You said…. You loved my brother.”
Your heart pounded in your chest and you felt an intense heart overwhelm your face and neck. Was he saying what you thought he was saying? Was he jealous? Did he want you to say you loved him? Is that really what he wanted to hear?
You hadn’t noticed him pulling his own pants down until he was thrusting into you. “I’m a selfish man y/n. I’m greedy. I don’t share. And hearing those sweet little words said about someone else.” His hips snapped into yours harder, as his fingers got even tighter around your neck to the point where you were sure there would be bruises.
His pace picked up and you could feel the sweat dripping from his forehead, “I wanna hear you say it. Who do you love?”
Your eyes rolled back as you croaked out a horse “you”
“That’s not good enough doll. I said! WHO do you FUCKIN LOVE?”
His fingers let go of your throat and as intense pleasure washed over you, leaving your legs shaking, “YOU!”
He fucked you through your orgasm before he followed right behind you, “That’s what I fuckin thought.”
He only parted with you long enough to clean the two of you up. He wandered to the bathroom to get a warm, wet towel. You hummed contently as rubbed it all over your body, especially over the sore new marks he had made on your skin. When he was satisfied, he tossed the rag to the floor to deal with later and rejoined you in bed. He pulled you to him, your back to his chest, and let out a huge sigh. “I’m really nervous about leaving you here. And it honestly makes me angry. I’ve never cared about another person like this, hell I’ve never even cared about my own well being this much.” You could feel him resting his chin on your shoulder, “It makes me feel weak and I hate it.”
You intertwined your fingers with his that were wrapped around your middle. “You know what they say about bravery right? Bravery isn’t not being scared. Only stupid people aren’t scared of anything. Bravery is being scared of something and doing it anyway.” You sank further into his embrace. “If it makes you feel any better, I’m scared too. Which is equally as frustrating.”
You could feel him kiss your shoulder, encouraging you to continue. “I used to be incredibly independent. I lived alone, I worked alone, because of the classified nature of my job I was pretty isolated. I didn’t need anyone, and I was more than happy to get shit done on my own…Now the thought doing anything without you gives me anxiety.”
He sighed, “If anything that makes me feel worse… I believe we have a classic case of codependency… it’s your fault by the way. For sucking me in to your annoyingly needy arms.”
“Says the guy who has his arms currently wrapped around me like a vice.” You wanted to stay in this sweet moment. He was never this open with you, never this soft. “And even though it’s not my fault, I will admit that I did kind of need you for everything when I first got here.” You felt his chest rumble with silent laughter. “But you never really complained, did you? To be honest I had thought you would have been… I don’t know… a little more… cold I guess.”
His hands heated up as they rubbed circles into your stomach. “To anyone else I definitely would have been.” He turned you around so he could pull your chest to his and rolled onto his back, tucking your head under his chin. “I was fucking toast the second you fell into my arms though.” He groaned, “UGH! I sound like such a pussy. I hate it.”
You pressed several kisses to his chest, “Well I don’t hate it.”
There was a long stretch of silence in which the two of you just held each other, not wanting to burst your bubble.
Dabi cleared his throat and you knew he wanted to talk about it. “Listen… While I’m gone all of the laws are still valid. You still need to take care of yourself. Just because I’m not here to force you to eat lunch doesn’t mean you don’t have to.” His fingers rubbed up and down your spine. “I’m sure if you ask the guys, they’ll work out with you, but they need to keep their filthy hands to themselves.” His hand stopped at your collar, “And as much I hate saying this. Don’t call me.”
You lifted your head and gave him a confused look, “What? You worried your side chicks will hear?”
He reached down and slapped your ass, “Shut up. I literally live with you and we never leave the house. That jokes not even funny.” His hand started to rub the same spot he had just slapped, “I’m being serious though. I don’t want you to call me. If something happens and they get my phone, or hell if they somehow capture me, I don’t want anything tying me to you. Shigaraki suspects you’re with me otherwise he wouldn’t be going through my safe houses. But he doesn’t know you’re with me, and I want to keep it that way.” His voice got quitter as he mumbled into your hair, “Besides… I think if I heard your voice I’d give up and come home.”
You froze, “Okay, that is officially the softest thing you’ve ever said to me… and I love it.”
He growled low in your ear, “That’s it, I’m going to start calling you whore, and making you call me sir. I’m losing my damn edge.”
You just giggled, knowing he was bluffing, but then again… he did get you a collar.
“I’m going to miss you… sir.”
“I’m gonna miss you too… my special little whore.”
You sarcastically beamed at him, “Aww you think I’m special?”
That night, you barley slept. You were so worried he’d leave without waking you up to say bye. So, as a consequence you woke up several times throughout the night and every time, he’d pull you closer and mumble a sleepy “still here.”
When morning finally came you sat on the bed with your kneed tucked under your chin as you watched him finish getting ready. Your eyes followed him as he walked around the room, taking his time. He knew the sooner he got dressed the sooner he’d have to leave.
Finally, when he had no other choice, he laced his boots up and looked at you. “Come here…” He held his arms out to you and you quickly slid into his embrace. “You be a good girl while I’m gone, okay?” He kissed the top of your head. “Listen to Shoto and try not to give him too much shit. Follow the laws, don’t watch any of our shows while I’m gone, if there’s any big emergencies have one of the guys call Bakugo.”
You nodded and looked up into his bright blue eyes, “You be safe, and don’t do anything stupid. Come back preferably in one piece please.”
He chuckled, “I will do my best doll.”
Tags: tags: @falling4fandoms @wifunozomi @here-in-never-land @whore-for-anime @klecksstorys @aurorahoneybuns @theunknownrandom @insane-without-delirium @frenchsfryys @officiallydarkgeek @neofixcs @music-is-all-i-need @katsuki-bakubabe@unadulteratedtastemakerpoetry@dabislittlemouse@aimee1602@pinkhatlizzy @kunaigirlx44 @nii-sanfucker@bestgirlb @silver-stardrop@bakubby99 @squichymochi
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vvideonasties · 3 years
11 or 15 for Jmart?
things you said with too many miles between us
Jon sorely regrets not taking advantage of Elias’ credit card and splurging on a better hotel. At least one with a toilet that doesn’t take more than one use of the handle to flush. 
The springs in the bed dig into his thighs as he sits down and he grimaces, placing his small suitcase by his feet then promptly flopping backwards. He winces at the way it creaks beneath him - if he were only a little bigger, he imagines the thing would buckle under his weight. The flight to America was unpleasant, leaving him with an aching back and knees that practically groaned in protest every time he took a step. Unfortunately, it’s only around 6pm, so not late enough for him to justify falling asleep yet. 
He busies himself with checking the sheets and pillows for suspicious stains when there’s a familiar buzzing sensation in his pocket. The screen reads Martin, and he almost resents the smile that instantly blooms on his face (as well as how fast he accepts the call).
“Oh- hey!” Martin sounds almost surprised he answered, but his voice is warm and kind nonetheless. 
“Hello.” Jon sighs and sits back on the bed, cradling the phone between his ear and shoulder. “I’m finally at the hotel.”
“You don’t seem too pleased about that,” Martin replies, amused.
“Well, when I considered leaving the country for the first time I never imagined it would be so...” He squints at the little machine on the wall and his eyes widen with horror. “Oh, christ, I think there’s a coin acceptor for a vibrating bed in here.” 
Martin immediately starts giggling, the sweet sound coming through loud and clear and causing Jon to laugh himself. 
“That’s- I didn’t even think those existed outside of the movies! I bet your face is a picture right now.” He laughs a little harder, and Jon instinctively almost curls around the phone, trying in vain to bring Martin closer to him despite it being impossible. His nose is probably all scrunched up like it gets when he finds something particularly hilarious, and Jon aches to be able to see that in person again. Jon didn’t leave all that long ago, and they’ve been in touch daily, but in all that time he hasn’t laid eyes on Martin once.  
“A free holiday is better than no holiday, I guess?” 
“If you can call it that,” Jon grumbles. “Seems like more of a posthumous game of cat and mouse to me.”
Upon being reminded of that, Martin’s laughter ceases. “Yeah. I suppose.”
“Plus, it’s not...very nice. Doing this all alone,” he admits, cheeks burning with the honesty of it. “There’s something quite gloomy about it all. More so than usual.” He tries to play the last part off as a joke, but his tone doesn’t sound right for it. 
“Oh,” Martin says softly. “I’m sorry.”
Jon waves a hand dismissively despite him not being able to see it. “It’s fine. I’m busy enough that it’s not a problem.”
Martin hums as if he doesn’t believe him (which he probably doesn’t, and rightly so), but thankfully chooses to change the subject somewhat. “I’ve actually always wanted to go to America. See the biggest ball of twine in the world, all that jazz.”
“You like that sort of thing?” A small smile creeps back onto his face. Jon likes learning little things about Martin, stores them away for later - almost like an archive, if he’s going to be twee about it. A lot of the facts probably won’t be useful in everyday life, like how he hates the smell of lavender and lilies make him sneeze, but they’re nice to know all the same. 
“Yeah! It’s a bit naff, but...fun? I never really got the chance to go on holiday as a kid, what with- yeah."
He makes a noise of understanding, not pushing Martin to elaborate on anything he doesn’t want to.  
“Well, who knows,” he muses, pulling off his shoes and leaning against the headboard, “maybe if we somehow manage to get out of this mess we could have a proper holiday.”
There’s a bit of quiet over the line. “We?”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean- poor choice of words. We could go on holiday separately, I’m not...inviting you to go away with me or anything.” He cringes, holding the phone away from him and covering his face with his palm. “The jet lag has me all funny.” 
“Right, yeah! Of course.” Martin actually sounds disappointed, and Jon really doesn’t want to think about what that means right now, so it’s his turn to change the subject once more. 
“What are you...” He checks the time on the screen. “Martin, it’s midnight, what the hell are you doing awake? You’re not still working, are you?”
“God no,” Martin says. “It’s just that- well, I have your flight info, so I thought that I’d...stay up and wait until you’d landed to check in on you. Make sure you were safe and all.”
It’s ridiculous how pleased he is by this answer, the way he wants to actually bury his face in a pillow and sigh dramatically like he’s in some teen movie. “Oh. Thank you. That’s very kind of you, really. But you should get some sleep.” The last part he grits out reluctantly - he doesn’t want him to leave, he misses his voice already even though he’s still on the other line. 
“I guess so.” Martin sounds just as reluctant to go, and Jon’s grip on the phone tightens involuntarily. “Get something to eat, okay? Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” he echoes softly. 
The call doesn’t end for another five seconds or so, Jon’s finger hovering over the red button but not pressing it. It’s only when he hears a sharp breath on the other end as if Martin is about to speak again that he does it in a panic, not yet wanting to face what might be brought up. This comfort that they’ve found in each other’s company over these few months, the private lunches and now, international calls. Not for work purposes. Just to be together. 
He doesn’t end up getting something to eat. Rather, he succumbs to the fatigue that’s been plaguing him for hours, his arm reaching out across the bed for the shape of someone who isn’t there. 
send me a ship and a prompt and i’ll write a mini fic!
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