#alpha reading service
miyamiwu · 22 days
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Miya’s Alpha Reading Service
Hello, hello! After months on break, I am finally reopening my fiction service, but this time, just the alpha reading one and none of the more rigorous book editing.
I used to host my service on Fiverr, where I offered three levels of review and editing. It was fine and all, but the 20% fee that Fiverr would take, plus the occasional rude messages from buyers trying to lower my already very low prices, made me put the service on-hold and rethink how I go about it.
This time, I’ll be hosting my service on Ko-fi Commissions, where the fees are lower. I also decided to make the listing much simpler:
I will alpha read any story, with a maximum of 2k words, for only $5.
Since I’m just starting out, the price is quite low. I may increase that price in the future or lower the word count limit, but for now, take advantage that it’s only $5!
I also offer a Reader Report add-on at only $3. The Reader Report is a separate document, of at least one page, where I summarize the strengths and weaknesses of your story. This will come in a PDF.
I will be working on your story in Zoho Writer because I find their review features a lot more stable than in MS Word. I can also work in Google Docs, but only upon request (more info under the cut).
You can find the full terms and conditions of this service on my blog page:
If you’re on the mobile app and the link above doesn’t work, please copy and paste the link in your browser instead.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask! You can also email me at [email protected]
Update: I just a made a page for this on my blog. Same info as above but with a little more. Check it out here:
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If working in GDocs:
Indicate in the Ko-fi form that you want the work to be in GDocs.
You will still have to upload a DOC/ DOCX file in the Ko-fi form. I’m not gonna work on the same GDocs file you own.
I will convert the DOC / DOCX file into a GDocs file that I own.
When I’m done, I’ll transfer ownership of the GDocs file to you.
After confirming that you can access the file, I will forfeit my access to the document. I won’t entertain any follow-up questions in the comments.
You also acknowledge that by working in GDocs, the final output you receive is only the Google Docs file. No more DOCX and PDF.
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sunset-a-story · 11 months
Hey, folks! I just had to quit my new job. Its "flexible hours" (a requirement for my physical disabilities) were actually over-managed deadlines that required a 7-day work week and it was untenable. So! As an income-less person, I'd like to put this out there:
I'm Offering Alpha & Beta Reading Services
Why me? I have a degree in Creative Writing. I was gainfully employed as a professional writer for 6 years. I have been published in literary journals and was a founding editor of a literary journal that I helped run for years. I have a 1,200+ page serial that will start to be released in the next 6 months and I just plain love stories.
Alpha Reading
Alpha reading is geared toward Zero Drafts or First Drafts where the creation process is still a work in progress. I'm reading as a writer who wants to help make your story work. As an alpha reader, I'm not worried about your grammar or spelling--just the content. My job is to cheerlead you through this first draft while giving helpful, gentle notes as a fellow writer. We'd nail down exactly what sort of comments you want or don't want but it can look like feedback on:
Plot structure
Setting/world building
Spotting plot holes/continuity issues
You can also request no critique if what you really need is just someone who will read your draft, leave encouraging comments, and get excited with you.
Beta Reading
Beta reading is for more polished drafts from writers looking for constructive criticism on how their wip reads. I'm approaching your story less as a writer and more as your test audience. I will be honest but kind about issues and genuinely excited about your victories. Again, exactly what you're looking for can be nailed down on an individual basis so you get the type of support you want. (Note: I am not a line editor. I can point out obvious errors but that is not what I do.)
As far as pricing, $0.0015 USD per word seems like the lower end of the industry standard and, while I have alpha/beta read before, I haven't been paid for it yet so that feels fair. That works out to a 25K word story being $27.50.
Thanks, all! Please DM me if you're interested.
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
I know I have NO right even thinking about picking up another fic but I got the nibbling urge to write a continuation of my Alpha-17/Shaak Ti escaped Order 66 and hid on Felucia raising Jedi children in secret fic.
I had a passing mention about Shaak Ti being interested in finding and raising a rancor as a war mount and I kinda want to write that because I just picture Alpha seeing her looking majestic and deadly on the back of this towering monster and being horrifically turned on because holy shit she is so hot and clicks ALL his competency kink buttons.
And maybe I will shoe-horn one of the other Alpha ARC's there who will also have their jaw on the ground realizing she is majestic and Alpha is just gonna be SO chuffed cause she chose his miserable ass and don't you even get any ideas, that's his wife Jedi.
That's it, that's all I want to write. Just Alpha lowkey drooling over how Shaak Ti is the hottest woman in GFFA and honestly? That is a MOOD I understand and respect, sir.
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jess-will-write-stuff · 10 months
I know I need to get an alpha reader if I'm ever going to actually finish the fan fics I've written (because I'm terrible at decision making), but I'm also freaking out about the prospect of asking around.
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stevieschrodinger · 4 months
I don't know, ficlet AU sort of thing.
Alpha Steve has a YouTube channel that, kind of, started by accident. Steve is not the most confident reader, like, at all. The words get kind of muddled and he got into a habit of just sort of trying to rush it, figuring he was going to mess it up anyway, so get it over with, right? And then he just sort of stops reading, even though he enjoyed it, because he couldn't get his brain to slow down and the muddling got worse and...yeah.
So one day, his platonic soul mate bestie suggests he read out loud. To someone. If he reads every word out one at a time, knowing it has to be clear enough for the other person to follow, that'll slow him down.
So, he tries it, but only for Robin. And it sort of works, kind of, and then she hits on him using something so he can only see the line he's reading, like a bit of card with a letterbox cut in it, and...Steve is on fire.
The words don't get muddled up so much, and his reading is slow and even, and he needs to read to someone, and Robin can't always be there. It becomes his own pet project, he reads out little bits of books he likes, parts of articles he has enjoyed, poems, whatever, and starts his own little you tube that has like, five followers, and they're all people he knows.
And then suddenly, almost overnight, Steve finds himself with four thousand followers. A very large portion of them are very clearly Omega, from the comments, and Steve suddenly finds himself with a lot of fans who are using his videos for white noise. He's literally reading thousands of Omegas off to sleep.
Which is...nice. Steve likes it. The hits and followers on his videos seem to settle down after a couple of weeks, and then, after having so many comments about how settling Steve's voice is, how the Alpha is relaxing and safe. Steve thinks fuck it.
As a test, he makes a ten minute video directly for that audience. He builds a nest, films it POV. He films the view of someone walking through the bedroom door, of what they would see as they climb into the nest, then resting the camera on his own chest.
Then he starts talking. Tells the omega how perfect they are, how much he cares for them, wants to protect, keep safe. How soft they are as he pets them, how warm and cosy they are in their nest. How snuggles with the omega are Steve's favourite thing.
He deliberately keeps everything as vague and gender neutral as he can. The video fucking explodes. Goes viral. Millions of hits, thousands and thousands of followers. Robin and the kids think it's hilarious, and encourage him to keep going, claiming he's doing a public service.
Hundreds of copycats spring up, but no one pulls it off quite like Steve.
He knows there are Omega out there getting off to his videos, despite there being absolutely nothing sexual about them, but Steve figures, whatever makes people happy.
He gets so many positive comments, omega telling him how much comfort he brings them. He has some regular commenters that he gets to know, too, which is nice. Sometimes he even takes requests, small things, the colour of his shirt, the time of day he shoots his videos, certain words and phrases.
One supportive commenter always stands out though : EdDio86. Steve's pretty sure he's male omega, and he's always so grateful when Steve posts a new video. The guy clearly has a lot of trouble sleeping, and apparently Steve really helps. They have a little back and forth in the comments, learning little bits about one another. Steve likes this omega.
Steve also gets the impression the omega is sorely lacking any comfort in his life. Considering the length of his comments, the guy never asks for anything.
Until he does.
At the end of a comment, always ever so politely thanking Steve, EdDio86 admits he's 'in a bit of a pickle' and could Steve, please, do a video where 'the omega' is with pup? Could Steve tell the omega that the pup is fine, and healthy, and that the omega is doing good and the pup is okay and everything will be okay...but cool if not. Bit of a weird request, I know, sorry to be a bother.
And Steve suddenly doesn't give a shit about the consequences of just,,,dropping his personal email out into the world like that, because he wants to tell this guy these things personally.
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silken-moonlight · 21 days
Older Alpha x Human Waitress Series (Work title)
Based on this idea.
A/N: This is the very first part of the promised series! I hope that you will enjoy it. The older Alpha will have a name, and there will be some description about Y/N (You), but I will try to leave the reader's description as vague as possible. The first part will be written from Desmond's perspective. Desmonds own introduction will be found here. Also here we have the moodboard and Introduction Post .
Have fun reading!
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His day had been too fucking long. Not only did Desmond have to travel to another city to be part of some meeting, it had to do with the land his Pack lived on and the land of the neighboring Pack. He drove five hours to reach this city: Greenshaven. It was a fast growing city. Far to noisy for him. These days he prefered the quietness of nature.
It was only the first day of his three week stay and he was already mentally exhausted. Placing more than 6 alphas and their betas into a room was not a good idea. There had been arguing, growling and almost a fight.
So when Desmond finally arrived back at his hotel, he wanted to order something from room service...only to be disappointed. Today, there couldn't be any room service provided due to some problem. He was done; he grabbed his coat and went out, walking around the city to find a restaurant that was still open. It took him some time, and he found a little restaurant near the port. It was both a restaurant and a bar, nothing too fancy. Named: Sailor Boy. Desmond scoffed at the silly name. His werewolf senses cold smell the old oil from the kitchen. However he decided to walk in, purely out of the lack of alternatives.
A young man greeted him, escorted him to a table, and gave him a card. He informed him, "The kitchen will close in twenty minutes, so if you want something to eat, you'd better be quick!" Desmond simply nodded, quickly scanning the menu and deciding on a burger and fries. There wasn't much variety: burgers, salads, fries, and grilled sandwiches. At least they had a big selection of alcohol. He decided on a lemonade and a glass of whiskey. The waiter took his order after a few minutes. The werewolf Alpha was glad that he had found something to eat, though he did not expect much from this restaurant. The interior was in need of some renovation, and that desperately. However, it would be okay for tonight, and maybe the food was good. Taking out his phone to check his texts, his beta just sent him a short report of the day. Also, he asked him how the first meeting was. Desmond typed a short reply, thanking his beta, Isaac, for the report and answered that the first meeting was tense. After that he asked if there were any news of his brother, who had been seen around the city Desmond was in.
His brother was a great concern to him. William was his younger brother and had suffered because of Desmond's parents' favoritism. William had been an accident, not really wanted by his parents. While Desmond had been the golden child, William had been the black sheep. As a child, Desmond hadn't really understood what his parents were doing. That had completely destroyed any bonding between the brothers. As a teenager, William had become a very rebellious and provocative person. No one was safe from his wrath and mischief.
"Good evening. I have your drinks for you." A soft voice said, pulling him from his thoughts. A heavenly smell enveloped Desmond. His gaze snapped up to the woman before him. Something clicked inside of him as he stared at her. His mouth was as dry as sand as he croaked, "Thanks." His heart pounded too fast, and there was a strange itching beneath his skin. A word manifested in his mind and soul: Mate.
The werewolf inside him growled and whined when the young woman walked away again after she set down his drinks. Desmond stared after her. So many thoughts filled his mind at once. Who was she? Was she a wolf, too? Did she feel it, too?
Needs arose at the same time. Desmond was thankful for his self-control. Otherwise, he would have grabbed the girl and given her the mating mark right there in public. Another far more primal need arose in him, one that made his pants far to tight. He cursed internally.
He took a couple of breaths, but it didn't help; her scent lingered, making his mind fuzzy and his thoughts dirtier. His eyes drifted toward her. She was so beautiful, so pretty, so adorable. Suddenly, the depth and responsibility of this situation hit him...He could smell that she was just a human and not a wolf. That meant this all would be more difficult. He couldn't just walk up to her, throw her over his shoulder, and take her home. There were werewolves, especially alphas, who had done that with their human mates, and it never ended well. Desmond wanted her to like him, to love him. Quickly He texted Isaac the news.
Alpha Desmond: I have a Problem. I just found my mate. A human woman.
Beta Isaac: Thats great news! You deserve it!
Alpha Desmond: Its not that easy. How am I supposed to...do this.
Beta Isaac: Well, try to flirt with her? I don't know but I will ask Jordan tomorrow. Enjoy your time with your mate!
Jordan was the only other wolf in the pack who had found their mate. Mates were rare, something that didn't happen that often. Mate bonds were complicated, especially now. Desmond could feel how hot he grew, how he wanted her already. Gods, this would be the greatest challenge in self-control he would ever have to take...Once again she returned with the food tray for him. Desmond's eyes almost rolled back in his head when she walked to him. Her hips swayed slightly, he was hyper aware of how her breasts moved, the curve of her neck and the polite smile on her pink lips. "Here you go, have a nice meal." She said kindly and their gazes met.
Those beautiful eyes will haunt his dreams from this day on. Desmond ate slowly, watching her the whole time. Since there were not many guests, she talked to her coworker. The young man who took his order. Desmond guessed his mate to be in her twenties, he cursed again, he was almost forty. It surely would seem strange if he would flirt with her too much.
When he was finished, she came to him to take his empty plates. Desmond spoke up, his voice smoother and deeper than usual: "I am sorry for being so curt and rude earlier. I just had a rough day." His mate met his eyes, an honest smile on her plump lips now. "Oh, don't worry about that. I absolutely didn't take it personally. Also, I don't know what is happening in the guests' personal lives or why they don't feel talkative." She answered. Desmond was already in awe with her, such a sweet answer....She will fit perfectly into his Pack...
"That's really kind of you. I had to travel here from another city for a business trip. The first meeting was...a fight of wolves." He said to her and it made her chuckle. "Sounds like you've had enough already." His mate said. He nodded: "I had enough before it even started." This made her laugh, and internally he rejoiced. They had a similar sense of humor. She was perfect, and he already began to relax in her presence. How long had it been since he had been calm and relaxed? Once again she walked away, brining away the plates.
Desmond stayed until they closed, his heightened senses allowing him to listen to her conversations. Her name was Y/N, and she was a server here who seemed to still live with her parents. She didn't like the pop music they played in the restaurant. Atleast that were the few things he had heared from his seat.
The Alpha had to leave eventually, leaving a big tip. He would definekty return tomorrow as soon as he could. The werewolf needed to be near his mate, but he wanted to do it the right way. The slow way. Even as his cock ached. As soon as he was back in his hotel he jerked of to the thought of his loveley little human....
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ceilidho · 3 months
Beta forced into omega behavior is one of the only ‘right’ ways for me
Like I’ll read reader insert omega verse but beta forced into omega (or omega doing their damndest to present as beta) feels right. Feels organic to my experience/personality
Ghost meeting a standoffish beta who wants nothing to do with alphas and deciding she just needs an alpha to guide her through her first heat- despite, y’know, not being an omega
See I completely get this because I also very weirdly identify with the idea of being a normal beta but somehow forced into being an omega. This makes noooooo sense since it’s a completely made up fandom thing but god if something about it doesn’t feel relatable.
Anyway I’m thinking a lot about Ghost two decades into service, on military grade suppressants that have sort of fucked up his instincts because he doesn’t follow his physician’s recommended biannual break to go through rut (he thinks it’s a waste of time and energy when chemical blockers exist aplenty now) and his sense of smell has been permanently damaged from breaking his nose too many times and inhaling countless toxic fumes out in the field.
So when he starts treating the little beta civilian admin worker like an omega that he’s courting, people take notice but no one really wants to say anything or get involved. Everyone just kind of tenses up when he scents you in public or rubs his wrist against your neck - and you maybe have a basic understanding of alpha/omega courting behaviour, but it doesn’t hit you right away what he’s doing because surely you’re just reading into his actions. Surely this beleaguered, decorated alpha lieutenant doesn’t seriously think that you - so obviously a beta that it feels redundant to let him know - are an omega?
Meanwhile Ghost is putting in leave for the two of you and coming off his suppressants cold turkey even though anyone with half a brain could tell him how bad of an idea that is. And you’re going to pay the price for it.
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sprout-fics · 9 months
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Poly TF141 x Omega! Reader
(Poly TF14 x F! Omega Reader)
(Part Twelve: Pillow Princess)
Tags: Omegaverse, Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics, Hidden designations, Alpha! John Price, Alpha! Simon 'Ghost' Riley, Beta! Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick, Omega! John 'Soap' MacTavish, Omega F! Reader, Poly TF141, Slow burn, Heat cycles, Smut, Beta! Gaz x Omega! F Reader, Date outings, Courting gifts, Cuddling, Service Top Gaz, PiV sex, Praise kink
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You get a text from Gaz a few days later
“Shopping date? :)” 
You look despairingly at the mountain of intelligence reports Price has dumped on your desk for mandatory reading, and the thought of playing hooky has never been so appealing 
“Can you sneak me out?” You send back, and imagine Gaz’s mischievous little smile at the request
“I think I can manage something.”
Half an hour later and with Price occupied by a convenient distraction, you’re dressed in civvy clothes as Gaz drives down the highway, humming along to music on the radio
You sneak a side glance at him, seeing the pleased tug of his lips, his worn blue cap shading his gaze from the afternoon sun. You look away before he can catch you, shift a little in your seat with a rush of affection and shyness
You’re not sure where he’s taking you, and are entirely surprised when he parks in front of a home goods and furniture store
“Gotta make sure our girl is all set up for her heat.” He explains as he opens to door for you, one hand at the small of your waist as he escorts you inside and directly to the pillow and blanket aisle
Your self consciousness fades away the moment you lay eyes on the wealth of throws and pillows, gleefully holding each item aloft for his approval. You relish the way his eyes light up, boyish smile curved up towards his ears at your clear delight
You take turns consulting over various blankets and pillows, discussing textures and sizes. When you shyly toss a stuffed bear in the shopping bin, Gaz retrieves it and imitates an impression of Price’s surly tone that makes you giggle behind your hands
It doesn’t take long for the shopping cart to fill up, and as you retrieve your wallet Gaz beats you to the punch and swipes his own card much to your surprise
“Consider it a courting gift.” He tells you with a knowing smile, and even the cashier seems taken aback by his statement
By the time you haul the bags back up to your room you’re both exhausted, flopping on your bed amidst the cushions and blankets with jokes and laughter and forms pressing together
“I’m glad I did this.” He confesses to you when you lay on your sides, face to face. “We all want you to feel comfortable with us.”
Your eyes soften at that, at the gentle entreaty from the sergeant that speaks volumes as to his care for you. This profound gesture says so much about him, you realize
He’s the gentleness that abates the primal instincts of his mates, the soothsayer that sees the things that need to be done and tries to quietly undertake them. The endearing warmth of him charms his way into your heart, tempers the men around him into a tenderness shared by them all. 
If Price is the sharp, protective gaze that watches over his mates, Gaz is the gentle, nuzzling touch that reminds them that they’re home.
It’s with a tender smile that you roll over onto Gaz, only to shiver at the hunger clear in his smiling stare as he gazes up at you
“Look at you.” He murmurs gently, raising a hand to cup your face with beloved tenderness. “Pretty omega.”
His eyes are blown dark with desire, the clear indication of his arousal hidden only by the knowing tug of his smile
“Heard Soap treated you well.” He murmurs huskily, stroking calloused knuckles against the soft flesh of your cheek. “Wish I could’ve been there to see it.”
Your eyes flutter shut at that, a sudden rush of arousal racing southward and alighting your spine with desire. You brace above him, feel his chest rise against yours as he finally whispers: “Can I kiss you?”
You lower yourself to his mouth as an answer, feel him sigh against your lips until you part with a small, wet noise
“You can do more than that, Kyle Garrick.” You offer coquettishly, and feel the electricity of his grin travel up the length of your spine
You giggle when he flips you under him, hauling you to him as you fall into a tangle of limbs and gasping little breaths. He kisses you like he needs it to breathe, pauses between breaths with little offerings of endearments and affectionate rasps
“Feel good? Yeah? You should see yourself, see how gorgeous you are, doll. We’re so so lucky.”
It makes you squirm under him, a little overwhelmed, but he merely chuckles and winds his fingers with yours, nuzzles against your scent gland to leave a reminder of himself there
When you feel arousal trickle down into your panties, he pulls away and inhales de
“Nuh uh” He teases, gently pinning your wandering hands to either side of you in the pillows. “Been wanting this for ages, pup. Gonna take my time with you.”
And he does. Gaz is slow and thorough as he appreciates every part of your body that’s revealed to him. Your hazy eyes rake greedily over the expanse of his chest, a touch of coiling dark hard on display between his pecs. When you place your hand over it, you feel his heartbeat
You squirm when his hands find the bare dip of your waist, ticklish and sensitive. Your fangs scrape gently on your lower lip, a tell-tale sign of your arousal, and when you look up you see Gaz is the same
He hasn’t stopped smiling
When Gaz at last makes his way between your legs and you pant at him “Gaz, please, need you-” He swipes his fingers through your folds, collecting the slick there that pools as a tell tale sign of your arousal. You don’t expect him, however, to lift his fingers to his lips and suck.
“Christ, Gaz-” You mewl, throwing a hand over your face abashedly. 
“So sweet.” He purrs, and when you whimper, feel your legs clench he only tuts at you. “Don’t worry doll, gonna make you feel good.”
“Then get on with it.” You hoarse, only for your voice to crack in your throat as he spreads you open on his fingers
Just like the rest of you, Gaz takes his time finding the part of you that makes your breath stutter in your chest, makes you whimper and claw the sheets as white-hot pleasure laces through your veins. He’s disassembling you, putting you back together, instrumentally taking you apart to find the thing that makes you tick
You’re helpless against it, and every time you try and reach for him, encourage him, try to even kiss him, Gaz only hushes you back into the pillows with a deep, rumbling purr that scratches at your hindbrain
“Just let me take my time.” He tells you, nips at the inside of your thigh cheekily. “Sweet pillow princess.”
“I’m not a p-pillow p- A-ah! Fuck…” You try, with no success, at last resigning yourself to his ministrations 
When Gaz is finally satisfied with your entirely debauched state, he at last frees himself with a relieved sigh. He’s long, slightly curved, flushed a dark shade of pink at the top in a way that makes your mouth water
“Are you sure?” He asks again as he kisses you, and he hums in satisfaction when you give him an eager nod, chest rising and grazing your nipples against the soft tickle of hair on his chest. “Tell me to stop if you need to. Want to make sure you feel good.”
He’s slow as he sheathes himself inside you with little resistance, and you throw your head back into the pillows, groan openly at the warm, pressing fullness of him that stretches you comfortably around his girth. When you gasp his name, he’s quick to breathe it in, pressing fluttering kisses onto your cheeks with reverent reassurance
He’s achingly tender with you, pausing between breaths to check once more, asking you again and again and you distantly realize it feeds his ego to see you get impatient with him, glassy eyes and brow scrunched and ordering him to move-
Yet when Kyle snaps his hips forward, your biting little pleas die down to soft mewls as he finally delivers the delicious friction you’d been aching for. You open up gentle and sweet for him, relishing the scarcely contained groans and pants he showers down on you with endless, sweet praise
“Feel so good, sweetheart. Taking me so well. Feels like I’m losing my mind-”
You flush under his endless endearments, feeling the rough rasp of his voice travel straight downwards to the joining of you both. You arch against him, urge him deeper, and Kyle is more than happy to oblige
Eventually his words drop off into quick little pants and groans, arms shaking as he braces himself over you, chest rising and falling quickly with uneven breaths
The sounds are enough to undo what little restraint you have left, wet, gasping sounds that drop from his chest breathlessly, dog tags swinging between you both
“S-shit, it’s good. Hah, yes- fuck. Just like tha- hnmng-”
He fits seamlessly into you, and you clench eagerly around him with every precise, rolling push of his hips. When he at last finds the bundle of nerves that makes you gasp wetly, he hones in on it, relishes you writhing under him in unrestrained desire
His sweaty forehead is braced against yours, pausing to deliver eager, passionate kisses and then pulling back so you can see his beautiful russet brown irises eclipsed with dizzying desire. The mere gaze of him swoops low in your belly and settles between your thighs, culminating in the desperate wheeze of his name as you cling to him, the intense and slow roll of your orgasm pulsing through you
When it abates, you realize he’s still pulsing inside you, achingly hard and desperately breathing through the squeeze of you on his cock, arms shaking with the effort. 
“Fuck me.” He wheezes when your arms loosen, and you laugh breathlessly, press a nipping kiss to the underside of his jaw
“I just did.”
He pulls back from you, and your heart flutters at the sudden wickedness of his grin
“Sweet omega.” He purrs, depositing back so you’re flat against the bed. “I’m not done with you yet.”
It feels like hours later when he finally pulls away from your boneless form, face down in the sheets and clutching limply at your bedding. You’re weighed down with blissful aftermath, warm and sated and just a touch fuzzy around the edges. It’s not a whiplash exhaustion like it is with Soap, but more a slow, gentle release that drags every part of you into total, soft content that leaves you heavy and sated
Gaz lays at your side, trails a hand from the swell of your ass up to your shoulder over and over again. He doesn’t need to ask anymore if you’re satisfied, judging by the all too pleased sprawl of his smile. Instead he continues to shower you with kisses, the tickle of his mustache prickling against your skin as he moves you so he presses himself flat to your back, a mess of heavy, tangled limbs. The pillows are strewn around you, and you know his beloved scent will linger on them for a time to come, will cradle against your dreams
You think, in all his breathless endearments, that he’s said all that needs to be said. Yet when he nuzzles against your scent gland once more with a purr, it’s the aching affection of his words that guide you to blissful rest in his arms
“Going to treat you right, sweetheart” He whispers lovingly, soft enough to make your chest flutter with untamed emotions. “Promise.”
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seventhcallisto · 6 months
Chapter VII — "your best girl"
Deep down.
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Toc/cw: MDNI!! MATURE CONTENT!!! lots of cursing oops. Threesome. Wooyoung steals panties. Use of sl-t (used 2-3 x). Fingering. Dirty talking. Spitting. Saliva. Grinding. Masterbating. Spitting. Unprotected sex(Dw. There's birth control for men.) Cumplay. Plugging(?). Lots of orgasms. Somewhat wooyoung centered cause he's loud. Knotting. Bratty mean dom woo. Service dom yeo. Bulge mention. Slapping(once). Squirting. Begging. Biting. Pinching. Overstimulation. Use of 'I love you' during sex. Aftercare. Praising. Lots of kissing and fluff. More 'I love you's. Kinda ooc jongho. DONT READ IF UNCOMFORTABLE!! JUST BLOCK OR SKIP ☆ thank yew. Also, completely fiction.
pet names/nns: omega, pretty star, pretty girl, gorgeous, sweetheart, good girl/perfect girl, baby, jagiya, sl-t(Yours). woo, alpha (Wooyoung). sangie, yeo, alpha (Yeosang). Joongie, babe (Hongjoong). Hwa (Seonghwa). Jongie(Jongho).
wc: 9.0k
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The kitchen is quiet besides the occasional bubbling of questions that one or the other might add on about preparing for dinner. When mingi pokes his head out every so often to check on the living room.
You've moved spots, no doubt overheated and beginning to feel the symptoms of your heat coming to front. And last he checked you were lying against wooyoung's chest as he stroked your back, sandwiched between yeosang as you all watched wooyoung's phone.
There's the distant sound of a movie playing on his phone. Even though the TV is right there to use, you're all too lost in each other's embrace. You wiggle ever so often, and since you began doing that, Yeosang has had to pull himself back a bit so you aren't accidently bumping and grinding.
Wooyoung's hand wanders, he couldn't help it. He strokes his finger over the gap in your shirt and pants. The skin there is almost as hot as your forehead, no doubt starting to feel too heated for your own liking. You've already stripped your socks off due to the heat. He and Yeosang are already too distracted to watch the movie on his phone.
“how're you feeling, pretty star?” The nickname wooyoung uses catches your attention as a cramp passes through you, you groan. Pained. Yeosang’s hand comes to wrap around your midsection, attempting to ease the hurt with the messaging of his fingertips.
It doesn't help much, but you lean into his touch anyway as the last of the cramp seizes you. Sighing heavily afterward. Your forehead scrunches as you pout heavily at the alpha you're leaning on.
“s’not good.” your words make both of the alphas frown. “You need help with it?” Yeosang offers gently. You don't feel completely compelled by the heat, but it's creeping. And you don’t want to worry woo and yeo about it. You whine into your words as you speak again.
“Not yet, I can hold off” cause you don't want them to feel obligated to give you what you really want. You're content with them just being here. It feels like they've done so much for you already. Wooyoung shifts, and you're slipping between the spot and in the space between them. Wooyoung's phone lands with a thud by your head. Completely disregarded by the alpha who lays his hand on your hip, facing you towards him.
“are you sure? You're sweating” wooyoung lays a cold hand on your head. It's a relief to how hot you were before. you shake your head, whimpering softly, there's the urge to rub your legs together, drawn by the way you shifted. It's so sudden you're not realizing how close the next wave of your heat is already here.
Yeosang is shifting to the back of you, pulling your hair into his hand and using the scrunched up hair tie that was loosely hanging from the edge of your hair to tie your dyed hair away from your neck. It's a relief, too, not so hot on your sweaty neck. Making you realize just how sweet they're being.
“m- i” you can hardly get out, eyes squeezing shut tightly. Your hands reach for him, screw your pride. You need a filling. Now. You pull wooyoung down onto you, capturing his thigh between your legs. His hand falls next to your head to hold himself, a soft thump of his other knee hitting by your own. His other knee bumps against your butt and you audibly gasp into his ear when his thigh pushes against where you need him most.
“Need it, now, please, please” you whimper into his ear. He takes a harsh breath into his lungs, looking up at yeosang. Yeosang is equally as surprised, it's the first time they're both with an omega in heat, not something they're used to. And you being forward is adding onto the shock. It's a huge turn on.
Wooyoung ruts up on your thigh once when it skims his cock through his sweats, a covered sigh falling past his lips. He's so hard, it's really ridiculous how fast you have him going.
“fuck, you need to come first don't you?” wooyoung asks, more like himself, he's genuinely sure he's going to cum in his pants if he gets to put his fingers inside you. But he wants to hold off, it's hard being so infatuated with his member who he completely would cum to at night unbeknownst to her, his own dirty secret that really shows with how eagerly he's pulling your pants off.
Or- seonghwas pants. Yeosang has fully pressed himself against your back, in it for the long run as his other member slowly loses himself to the pleasure of it all. It's amusing, watching his bratty and teasing friend give in just because you said please.
Yeosang takes the hem of seonghwas sweater and strips it off your hot skin, the exposure of your scent has him already attaching his lips to your neck. The salty taste of your sweat lingers on his tongue even as you throw your head back against his shoulder.
Wooyoung rearranges your legs. When he pushes them together, he doesn't miss the way your pretty panties stick to you and leave a dark stain from the wetness. He'll have to thank seonghwa for picking that pair later.
“look at you, so fucking pretty” he moans when he talks, eyebrows pulling at how strained he's finding himself in his sweats. He's expertly pulling them off your legs and shoving them into his pocket.
Despite the stench of his other members cum lingering on it, your smell is most prominent, the slick still sticks to the side your pussy sits. You can call him a perv for taking your panties and he'll definitely say ‘only for you’. The cold air does nothing to relieve anything other than the sweat prickling against your thighs.
Yeosangs hand trails down from where they were on your hips, finding your clit easily, his fingers circle, only two calloused tips applying pressure. Wooyoung is catching his eyes, theres a silent message that pases between them, yeosang pulls back and it has you whining at the lost.
But the sound of wooyoungs lips smacking has you staring when a wet glob of his saliva falls on your clit. Yeosang angles his fingers back down to gather your slick and brings it back up to circle your clit again, mixing woo’s saliva with your own juices. “You okay jagiya?” Yeosang asked, his sweet lips pressing to your shoulder. “i- ‘m good, please don't stop” You mewl, head falling back against his shoulder once again, his name a silent sinatra off your tongue.
Wooyoung is freeing himself from his briefs, tugging his hard dick into his palm before he lets it angle against his stomach. As if yeosang knows what he's doing, he uses his free hand to grab your jaw. “Open jagi, woo needs your drool” he mentions with a hard tone as his fingers continue their heavy back and forth over your cunt.
You easily comply, lulling out your tongue and bubbles of spit forming when you stick your tongue out to let the drool seep off. Wooyoung easily catches it, his fingers rubbing around his palm. He stares so hard that you feel your cheeks heat up worse than they already are.
“such a slut, wide open for me huh?” he bites his lip back as his fingers slip into your open mouth, why have it so wide open if he can't use it. He's got his two digits rubbing against your tongue to get that feeling memorized, he can't wait to have his dick in your mouth at some point or another.
You close your mouth around them and suck, eyes scrunching as yeosangs first finger slips inside you. It's an easy fit cause you're wet, unbelievable so. Wooyoung's choked moan has you moaning with him. Yeosang breathily groaning by your head as he ruts his cock in his tight pants against your back.
Wooyoung can't take it anymore, he pulls his fingers from your mouth with a dirty pop. His hand grabbing his dick and tugging, and fuck, he already feels so close when he looks down and sees yeosangs fingers prod into you and pump slow.
He's pumping his fingers around the length of his cock with yeosangs strokes. You're watching wooyoung get off through heavy eyelids. His mouth already lulled open as he whimpered incoherently to himself. Mumbles of praises that you can't distinguish but still squeeze Yeosangs fingers at.
You reach back for the quiet alpha, palming against his pants the best you can, you're telling him you want to pleasure him too, you hold eye contact as you spit on your hand. A quiet curse slipping his lips, he's still got his fingers buried inside you when he uses his free hand to unbuttons his pants.
Your hand replaces his as you slide it down, squeezing his member in your own smaller and wet hand. It's already dripping, throbbing against your fingertips as you stroke from the angle. Attempting to recreate the way yeo works his in continous pounding fingertips. Every time he presses your g-spot, you squeeze him a bit too hard by accident. He doesn't mind the way his breath hiccups in his throat. There's the squelch of you getting wetter and wetter. Clenching around his fingers.
“She's close.” He warns wooyoung whose fist is equally working as hard to bring his own climax. Woo nods, tongue sticking out to lick his dry lips. His eyes dont disconnect from the space yeosang keeps covering, giving him the perfect angle. "Come on jagiya, Make a mess on my fingers, be a good girl” yeosang edges you on, kissing against your sweaty shoulder. You whimper, finally forming a sentence.
“You're going to ’cum- with me right?- Please come with me- please please alphas,” you choke on a whimper. There's a string again, pulling thin. Wooyoungs hand splays across your thighs to keep you parted and open for yeosang. Your own hand working against his throbbing cock.
“fuck” wooyoung whimpers as he cock throbs one last time and he's spilling his load over your pussy and yeosangs fingers. Gasps and sobs slipping past his lip as he flicks his wrists a couple of more times around his sensitive tip to squirt out the last bit onto you, ropes of cum landing on your stomach and everywhere else down. Thighs, cunt, ass, you name it.
Wooyoung has built himself so much he's cumming and bucking still when you start cumming too, a strangled whine crawling out of your throat when yeosang keeps pumping his fingers, your head thrashes against him, mouth lulling open.
You try to shut your thighs, but wooyoung and yeosangs grip keeps you spread wide open for them as your orgasm hits you hard, coating yeosangs fingers with clear slick. That leaves you gasping for air and squeezing yeosangs cock too tightly, he ruts his hips into your palm a couple of times when you stop, creaming against your fingers as you hook them around his cockhead.
Choked sighs and gasps fall off his tongue, his hips bucking a few more times. He's lapping at your neck with kisses and tiny nips as you all come down from your highs “still okay?” He asks, a perfect kissed place to your jaw. You nod, dazed. Wooyoung is slinking forward, his head falling in the free part of your neck that isn't being used by yeosang.
Heavy pants coming from both of you, all the while yeosang covers his as he works hickeys into your untainted skin under your jaw. Wooyoung nips the otherside, sloppy kisses along your collarbone. “such a pretty omega, so good for her alphas” wooyoung sweetly says, pecking up to catch your lips in a lazy dance against his own.
He's swallowing your needy moans with his own overwhelming breaths, his hands gripping your thighs. He's pulling away from your mouth to look down at the mess yeosang keeps plugged up. His fingers are still buried to the hilt inside you.
“Tell me if it's too much,” Wooyoung says as he pulls his member's fingers. Yeosang huffs at the slow descent out, letting his member drag him until only the tip of his finger prods. You whimper at the sensation. Wooyoung's hand reaches back behind you and you realize when yeosang groans that he's tugging the member's cock to get the cum off his tip. Gathering the mess on his stomach and clothes.
Wooyoung scoops it up with his own cum on your stomach. Pulling out yeosangs hand so his fingers squelch. Wooyoungs fingers slide in easily, pumping you with the cum from both of them.
He's already circling your clit with his thumb, shoving his fingers as far as he can reach into you. You gasp and shrug away into yeosang who holds you there for wooyoung.
“Need to fill this pussy up so bad” wooyoung hums, leaning forward to plant a kiss to your lips. “You'll let me yeah? Please say you'll let me omega, wanna feel you so bad” he whimpers, digging his palm into your clit instead, a slap of his fingers makes you shudder.
“Alpha please yes- ack!” You cry out when he's ripping his fingers out, replacing it with his already hard cock, the tip is bulbous and pretty, already soaked with precum as he strokes the base a few times. He positions it in front of your hole, sending a sweet kiss down on your lips. He eats you as he pushes his hips in. Stuttering at the squeeze. A moan falling into your mouth at the tight fit.
Wooyoung is on cloud nine. You're perfect. This is everything he's been hoping for, he might actually cum on the spot and when you take his knot he's gonna bite you so fucking hard that you'll ask for him whenever you think about it. Fuck. The thought already has him throbbing against your walls.
“Fuck, fuck. So fucking tight” he moans, gripping your waist, the dig of his fingers so hard against your waist. “Yeo” wooyoung tugs on your bra. “Take this off” he huffs. He knows it must be uncomfortable to have on so yeosang does anyway without correcting the member about manners. Easily guiding the straps off and unbuckling the back. It's gone as soon as it's mentioned. And when it is wooyoung is staring, mouth lulled open as he pumps his hips in a slow start, fuck he might actually drool. Your tits are perfect too. You're a goddess in his eyes. Wooyoung's hot tongue pressing over your hardening nipple. You yelp when he tugs with his teeth as he thrusts in.
Wooyoung's pace is sloppy, his hips slapping against yours and pushing you further into yeosang. Moans that reverb against your chest has you squeezing him so tightly he's starting to see stars. He's heavy as he leans over you, knowing you can take the full weight of him. Yeosangs hand slips down over your stomach grazing his finger against your clit.
You buck, shaking your head. “Too much! Please!” You cry and beg, yeosang shushes you softly. He knows you can take it. Wooyoung unlatches himself to take your other nipple on his tongue, he's drooling on you, bucking whenever he hears you babble. “Woo!” you cry when his tip hits that gummy spot in you. And with yeosangs added fingers playing with your clit. You find yourself crying and whimpering as you come to that ledge.
“Let me cum inside please” he asks so sweetly, choking on a gasp. “Fuck m gonna give you my knot and we'll be together” he hiccups as another overstimulated throb pulses through him. His thighs slapping against yours as you bend over his lap. His hand placed right next to yeosang on the floor whilst his other angles your thigh up to meet him.
It's heaven, truly, you in your nest. Letting wooyoung have his way with you, letting yeosang bring you close again with his fingers. Tears streaming down your face. He's not even thrusting hard, just enough that there's an audible squelch and slap. It's ridiculous how hot wooyoungs find this. His face scrunches up when his knot grows, he can't slow his pace or stop it from growing cause it's so good and so hard to control. He just can't.
“you gonna let me knot you? Fill this pretty pussy full of my- my cum?” He says between moans, choked sounds and gasps falling off his filthy tongue, his eyes shift from your pussy and then too your fucked out face. Your eyes are just about clenched close. When wooyoung's hips snap one more time, he gets as deep as he can.
“m cumming- come with me omega please- fuck” He hiccups “I- love you, love you so so much oh-” He sobs, knot popping and tying you both down. Yeosangs fingers work against your bundle faster, You bite your tongue as you moan, shaking as your orgasms come to front. There's the heat of something passing between you, thighs clenching around wooyoung's waist. Something wet, warm, and hot splashing from you and soaking the both of you entirely. It's entirely draining. Stealing all the energy you had left.
You're hardly breathing when you finish and wooyoung's member pulses in you, white flashes across your vision. Your throat burns as you suck breaths into your lungs. His face holds shock when he stares down at your interlaced section. You tremble against yeosang who's breathing heavily and hard into your ear. Fingers grazing away from your oversensitive bud.
“that was so hot” he mumbles, hands raised up and off of you. He scans his clothing, he's soaked. You're both soaked, the floor under you is soaked. Yeosang presses sweet kisses along your face as you pant, nuzzling into him. “Do it again, please” wooyoung begs. Yeosang slaps his hand away before it can reach your clit.
“She's sensitive” he strictly says with a draw of his lips. “You made her squirt. She needs a break” Yeo huffs. “We made her squirt” wooyoung corrects, his fuzzy eyebrows pulling down when he stares over your cunt. Flutter of drops cascading down your lips and cheeks. Messy all over, and yet he's still inside you. With his knot deflating. He really shouldn't pop a boner, but you're already there and he's already hard again. His pride is thoroughly stroked.
He pistons in slowly, tugging his knot with him when he pulls only halfway out. You squeeze your thighs, whimpering. Yeosang sends wooyoung a look. The other member smirks to himself. He can't help it. Really. “Think you could take one more?” Wooyoung hums, cut off halfway with a moan when your walls squeeze.
His eyes scan your own, you turn into yeosangs shoulder, pouting. “You had-ah -your turn” you mumble, jutting away from his palm against your stomach. Wooyoung stops his slow thrusts, a cocky laugh falling out of his mouth.
“Is it Sangie's turn now then?” He asks, leaning down to kiss along your sweaty neck. Locking eyes with his friend. Yeosang sucks a breath in as he goes to tilt your head, catching your eyes in his own dark ones. “Think you could take it, jagi?” He presses a soft kiss to the hand he collects, his eyes softening. “We don't have to-”
“No!” You wiggle, pouting. “Need both. please?” You beg so politely. Who is yeosang to deny you? “move” Yeosang sighs when he catches the smirk on his friend's face. Yeosang turns to lay you against the pillow, slipping himself from under you, careful with the section you and wooyoung share. Wooyoung shakes his head. “Can't, still deflating” his joke makes yeosang shake his head with a breathy huff. “You're annoying”
Your back hits the soft ground. From the angle of your hips bent over wooyoung's thighs there's a definite curve to your back. A noticeable bulge poking from your stomach. Your finger trails down over it, the tips pressing around the length of it. Wooyoung shudders, confidence falling. “Dont- dont- I'll get hard again” he pleads. When you smile, cheekily, he snickers. Woo leans down to kiss your mouth into his, sucking on your bottom lip softly. Your eyes are dazed, blinking back up to watch the alpha. You're so fucking pretty, covered in his cum and with his knot buried to the hilt in you.
“God, I love you” he hums when he pulls away. Who gives a damn if he's saying it too early. He loves you. He's loved you for so damn long. He's loved you for years. This is his cloud nine. “Love you” you whisper back, dazed eyes looking up at him. He whimpers into his hum, eyes locking down as the rest of his knot deflates. He's pulling out slowly. Agonizingly slow, just to gawk at the way his cum starts pooling out.
Yeosang's hand comes to cover your hole, scooping the glob of woos cum and plugging his fingers in, you twitch. “Keep it in” he demands softly, glancing up at wooyoung who's tucking his dick back into his sweats. “pick her up” He commands. It's not like yeosang has to ask twice, it wasn't a command, command. Just something he tells him in mutual understanding.
Wooyoung pulls you to sit up, helping you lean on your knees, you fall into his shoulder. Digging your chin there in his sweat and slick covered hoodie. He peppers kisses to you easier now, body trapping you against him. “Come on gorgeous, open your legs” He encourages, yeosangs fingers keep a tight hold the entire time, like he's your personal plug.
You bite against wooyoung's hoodie covered shoulder. “Come on omega, present” yeosang commands with a coo of his tongue. And something in you clicks. Spreading your knees and arching your back towards him. Head falling over wooyoung's shoulder to show off your neck. Yeosang lets out a satisfied hum. Free hand pulling at his pants again to whip himself out. He doesn't touch you for a solid two seconds. You're already wiggling your hips. Anticipating what's to come.
Yeosangs hand comes down against the bottom of your spine, stopping you. “Don't move so much” he warns, the tip of him prodding against where he keeps his fingers. He takes them out quickly and replaces where they were with the tip of his cock, covering the tight ring of your entrance so as to make sure nothing leaks.
You whimper, watching him work behind you best you can, wooyoungs hand strokes over your sides every so often. Watching yeosang work himself in as well. You clench when he digs in, dipping his thumb under to softly circle your clit. “Relax” he reminds you.
You sigh, wiggling back against him again. Wooyoung slaps your hip, clicking his tongue. “Don't. Move.” wooyoung hums into his words. Yeosangs hand softly rubs over the reddening spot. You whimper when he lays a kiss at the base of your spine. “listen to woo darling” His voice pitches. As if saying ‘told you not too’.
He edges himself in with more rocks of his hips, breathy groans and praise falling off his tongue when he draws tight circles around your sensitive clit. You try so hard not to move, not to make a sound when he sheaths fully inside you. His cock has an upturn angle to it, already scraping against you in the best way. You moan into wooyoung's shoulder, the man just stares down at where yeosang has you. Ass parted for him as he pressed in from the back.
Yeosang's cock pulses. Throbbing against your cunt, the way you suck him in so good has him airily groaning. By the time he's fully settled into you, he's pulling all the way back until only his tip stays in, gauging your reactions, then he's ramming into you. Setting a brutal pace you whimper at. A heavy, thumping pace compared to wooyoung's sloppy thrusts. He keeps pushing you into other male, brutal. You're completely stripped down and complying to the alphas' whims while they still have their shirts, pants and hoodies on.
You whine and moan against wooyoung's shoulder, holding him tightly in your grasp. His mouth is open, piercing eyes watching yeosang disappear into you. The soft prod against you is no doubt wooyoung's cock erect again. Getting off on his other member fucking you. Yeosangs fingers dig so good into your waist, pulling you back to meet every single snap of his hips. Groans and low pitched moans ringing in your ear when his head falls on your shoulder blade.
Wooyoungs hand cups your breast first, breaking you out of the trance that yeosang is sending you too. Moans getting cut off by his hips snapping every second into yours, he's so deep and being so rough, it's hard enough to make you feel like you need to sob. Wooyoung twists your nipple and you yelp, trying to tug away from him. He's so mean, he laughs. “Poor ‘mega, needs two cocks to get off” wooyoung says with a fake tone. “isn't that right yeo? She's such a slut” he looks up to the other member. A sight built to be put in a museum. His muscular arms poke out from under his shirt, holding you tightly, his pants are pulled just over the curve of his ass, enough to have his dick out. He's got an eye on the way he slips in and out.
“right- Mm” he groans, snapping up again, you whimper falls into a moan. Wooyoung's hand splays down and moves closer to your clit, pinching it between his fingers. You choke and pull away, shaking your head. He laughs, loud and mean. Cooing at the tears falling from your eyes. “Do you even deserve to have yeo's knot?” wooyoung asks between heavy pants, hand shoved down his pants when he finally decides it's time to pay attention to the throb. Words falling short from your tongue. Wooyoung's free fingers dig into your clit, ruthless and brutal as he tries to push you to the edge. With the added pressure of yeosang pounding into you, you think you're going to break.
“Please please! I'm good I promise’ i- ah a-ill be good!” You hiccup, “please cum, in me- cum in me” you whimper as you're forced over the edge again today, hot spurts of wet sticky fluid splashing across the floor, yeosang, wooyoung and you, as you squirt for the second time. Yeosang is grunting through closed lips, eyebrows pull taunt. Wooyoung is managing, stroking himself so hard you can hear the stickiness of his dick. Whines and moans falling off his tongue as he brings himself over way too fast to not overstimulate himself. Watching as tears stain your cheeks.
Yeosang is spilling next, clenching your hips and rutting up into you, his teeth mark down hard against your shoulder blade, too overtaken by his orgasm to care where he plants his teeth, you cry out when wooyoung follows him next. Even harsher when he bites against the free and prominent spot on your shoulder, next time he'll have your primary glands, and he'll be the perfect alpha. He cums with a strangled moan against your stomach and his, trembling as he leans against you. Yeosangs soft breaths pant hard against your sweaty back. “so proud of you” yeosang says, gulping into his breaths. Knot pulsing.
“You took it all so well” yeosang kisses against your spine. “Our pretty omega” he adds on sucking against the bite he created. You whimper, sliding down onto your shaky shins. “Whoa, hey, stay with us” wooyoung coos softly, caressing against your back.
Your eyes are sleepy, slinking close. “I didn't mark you” your lip trembles, emotions high. Wooyoungs eyes shoot open. “You can still mark us pretty star, come on” he beckons you on, pulling part of his hoodie to the side so you have a view of his neck. “Go on gorgeous, mark your alphas” he encourages.
You're kissing the spot before your teeth sink in, a pained groan coming from wooyoung's throat as it bobbles when he swallows. When you pull back, you're satisfied, licking the spot with kitten licks and holding his jaw in your hands so you can kiss him. He leans down to kiss you, helping you out the best he can since you both are jelly.
You turn back to yeosang to pull him into a kiss, his hands pressing into your hips as he eagerly waits for the moment quietly. Soft, dainty pecks lay across your cheek and the corner of your lip, yeosang tilts his head down so you can reach a part of him to mark, it's a little awkward but you get the top swell of his shoulder between your teeth where his shirt had fallen. Deep enough to leave a mark. You're satisfied when you pull away and hum. Finally letting all of your muscles relax. Yeosang catches you in his strong grasp against him, wooyoung holds your shoulders.
“Love you” you mumble to yeosang this time. Yeosang kisses the crown of your head. Nuzzling into you gently. Although he isn't one to say he loves easily. It isn't hard to say it to you. “Love you too, Jagi” he quietly adds, caging you against him. Your head leans to the side, and wooyoung catches your face in his palm before it's uncomfortable.
“I think we overdid it,” Wooyoung says, in a bit of a panic. Yeosang scans your completely lax face, he's got an edge to his voice when he talks. “She can take it, she'll need a lot more than this” yeosang gestures to the two of them with his eyes. Your eyes are completely shut, sleeping against yeosang as his knot slowly retracts.
“What do you mean?” Woos eyebrows furrow. “Nothing. Nevermind.” yeosang nods into his words. Wooyoungs got some clue of what his member was trying to say, but it still left him wondering.
There's no awkward tension, no weird feelings. Just the three of you, who love each other. At some point yeosang would have been disgusted in the face of anyone saying he'd do things to you with his best friend. There really is no weird will or intentions now though, he's seen wooyoung naked before and he has seen him, they're comfortable. You on the other hand, he's never laid a lustful eye on you except for that one time. Maybe he had that wet dream about you, but it really wasn't on purpose.
The moment feels feverish. He rubs your side gently, still unsure of how to move when his knot is tucked into you. Wooyoung laughs lightly, enjoying the way his friend struggles. “Just wait, I'll get us something to clean up with” yeosang hums to confirm he heard him.
“Don't forget a pair of clothes” he calls after wooyoung. Wooyoung throws his hand back, he hears him.
And even as he looks over your sleeping face gently, and your comfortably naked body, he can't help but think this is something he wants to see every day. When he thinks wooyoung would be there too, or any other member for that matter. He doesn't feel uneasy, it feels right. Like it was always meant to happen.
There's been that distant memory of you in the back of his head. When he first met you, Wooyoung introduced him to you. Your face was shiny from the rain as you stepped into the practice room door. Peeling your jacket off. You smiled so brightly at him, giving him attention when wooyoung said his name. Your eyes always peeled back that layer yeosang would quietly hide behind.
You had turned to him as you finished up, handing him a snack. It was so simple. So random too. You spoke in your native tongue when you tried to word out what you were saying next. Face contorting as you searched for the right word in Korean. Lips pulling together unsure. You were trying so hard, and he was being so patient. Hand fiddling over the snack.
“Mate” you had simply said in his language, confusing him, the word was weird coming out of your mouth, confusing it for something else. You obviously don't know what that word means in his language. It means life partner, and he truly wonders if that is what you meant to say. He could tell you felt embarrassed the second after, biting your lip and looking away. You bid your goodbye to wooyoung quickly, waving at yeosang over your shoulder, still smiling.
Wooyoung is back quickly and when he is he's leaning you back on him and passing the towel to yeosang. His knot has retracted, once he slips out he's gathering the gloop of cum that's spilling. Wiping as gently as he can although you're sighing as you sleep, still sensitive. He's comforting you with a caress of his lips on your shoulder, even if you're asleep it seems to ease you back into wooyoung's arms. He holds you delicately and easily, head nuzzling on top of yours.
As he finishes and tucks himself back in, he's gathering the pair of clothes Wooyoung brought. A mix of their clothing, fresh and full of their scents. Just a pair of comfy short shorts, which happens to be yours. Wooyoung's shirt, Yeosang’s hoodie and lastly a pair of socks and underwear, yours too. Yeosang's slipping the shorts and underwear on you the best he can. Taking over so wooyoung can slip the shirt and hoodie over you.
You're stirring, head falling over the pillow when yeosang props you on it, holding your calves as he slips your socks on. “Hey” wooyoung is the first to notice, tilting his head down to catch your blurry eyes in his own dark orbs, his hands landing on your hips, kneading you over the fabric. You greet him back with a nod, reaching for his hand. He lets you, interlocking his fingers in yours.
“Talk to me boo bear, tell me how you're doing” wooyoung nudges his nose into your cheek, smiling softly at his own nickname for you. You grin softly. Reaching out to hold his waist. “Miss you both” you sigh with a pout, still sleepy as you try to reach your other hand out for yeosang when he massages your shin. He grabs your hand as soon as he sees it, crawling up and kissing your knuckles when he does so. “We're right here sweetheart” he mumbles into the curve of your neck as he slots himself down next to you.
“We didn't go anywhere gorgeous” woo finishes for him, leaning on his arm as he takes your otherside. Although you know they're there. There's still an urge in you to have them closer. “Need you closer” you add, “please?” wooyoung shushes you through his smile. Using the same hand he holds you with to smooth back your hair from your forehead. “You don't have to say please. God. You're such a good girl, our good baby, perfect omega." Wooyoung's compliments and praises come easily. Just as Yeosang works his lips on your shoulder, his lean arms wrapping around you comfortably.
“our perfect girl” Yeo hums softly. Head pressing over yours when he slots it above you, laying a kiss on the top of it. The scent of the two of them combining makes your head fuzzy in the best way, yeosang takes your other hand, folding it in his own and kissing your wrist before he tugs it down around your waist to hold you as close as possible. Wooyoung scoots in, peppering your face with his kisses softly, giddiness building on each one.
“Love you perfect girl” you hum into your smile, sobering up from the cramp and wave of heat that has passed. “You don't mean that” you mumble behind sleepy lids. Wooyoung squints his eyes. “I do, yeo told you there's no getting rid of us” he scoffs, shoving his face into your neck. Sucking harshly. You grumble, sensitive. “Say it back.” he says between a particular hard suck, littering your neck and scent gland with hickeys. It's not like he can mark you with his teeth there, but this gives him the way of feeling possessive over you enough. “You -”
Yeosang grabs your chin. Turning your head towards him. “We all love you. Make sure you know that.” he trails off as he talks, rubbing his fingers under your chin. “Promise you'll remember that.”
You know what he's hinting at, even as wooyoung distracts you with his plump lips sucking your skin and nipping. You know what he really wants. He wants you to remember this, how doting they are, how they can take care of you, cause truly they can, they can provide and be perfect. They can stick with you 24/7. Cause it's not like you're away from them for long if you all end up on break. Your eyes feel droopy, heavy with emotions as yeosangs flicker back and forth.
“I love you too” you say through a shaky breath, staring him directly in the eyes. You squeeze both of their hands. Yeosang leans down to capture your lips softly, a gentle dance that tells you he means it.
Wooyoung is satisfied enough to leave your neck alone, pecking your lips as soon as yeosang pulls away. Woo slots his head where his mouth was. Breathing your pouring scent in gently with wide takes.
“Are they done?” Seonghwa clears his throat as he asks from over his shoulder, mingi stands flush, one ear bud slipped out of his ear as he's propped against the opposite counter, an attempt to distract himself with his phone. “They were done a while ago..” jongho trails off for mingi, sat on the stool next to hongjoong, the said alpha with a pair of headphones on after he realized what was happening.
San is missing, no doubt working one out in the bathroom. Jongho is equally flushed, its not like you lot were particularly quiet. Especially not wooyoung. Seonghwa scoots a glass of ice water across the counter, catching everyone's attention.
“Bring that to her please” seonghwa gestures, yunho scoops it up before anyone else can.
“I got it” he says as he leaves.
Yunho is presenting the water to the three of you, foot tapping against wooyoungs clad sock. “You smell like cum, did you change?” yunhos nose scrunches. Above it all is your scent. “Nope” wooyoung pops the ‘p’. Not even bothering to pull away enough to see yunho eye to eye.
Yeosang pushes his friends shoulder, sitting up from your sleepy arms. He places a kiss to your cheek as he gets up, and a few more on your knuckles when he takes his hand from yours. “We'll go change now” he looks to wooyoung pointedly. The other member groans. “Fine. Fine. Jeez.” He mumbles, kissing your nose as he goes, then your interlocked hands as he pulls away.
You turn to look at yunho, arms opening for the taller guy. He smiles gently, slotting to his knees to sit next to you in your arms. “Drink baby” he tells you as he hands you the glass cup. You chug it down greedily, just so you can lay in his arms after. His hand encases your back, palming up and down softly. Your head hits his peck when you hand the cup back to him.
“Thank you,” you tell him. “Don't thank me” he tells you once again. “a kiss for your feelings?” He smiles into his words. You laugh. “I'm good, tired. But I'm feeling good.” you nuzzle into his shirt. He hums when you talk, listening. “Do you need anything? Food? More water-” you stop him with a gentle tug of his head into your shoulder. “hugs. comfort. Don't go too far.” even if you're foggy from the amount of times you came. You're still needy for affection. Yunho indulges you, caging you against the floor with his bigger body.
“anything for you” he whispers into your shoulder. Eventually time passes like that, curled up under Yunho's lanky arms. You take a minute to invite Yeosang back in when he comes back over. Sitting next to your head and threading his fingers into your hair. He's slipping down so he’s holding you but from a distance so he's not taking Yunho's space. Comfortably slotting behind you once again.
It's not long, perhaps half an hour later you wake up in yeosangs arms, yunho had left. Possibly to return your empty glass. Yeosang has you placed against his side, head on his chest. He's napping comfortably, soft breaths rising from his chest and parting from his lips. Your arm wraps around his waist. For a second you retract your arm, laying a quick peck to his cheek as you stand up on wobbly legs.
The hallway is quiet, comfortably so. Your arm reaches around in the kitchen, holding yourself against the cool wall as you peek your head in. The first to see you is Hongjoong, opposite of you. He sits against the counter, working away at his laptop.
“my pretty girl” he stands up, face brightening. He wraps you in his arms. He smiles brightly as he takes you. Kisses upon kisses laid on your face. You smile, arms wrapping around his neck. “my joongie babe” you hum, glancing around the kitchen. There's Yunho and Jongho, doing dishes. Seonghwa sat next to Hongjoong, gathering papers and notes that Hongjoong left strewn about.
“seonghwa” You pout, Hongjoong sways you in his arms, turning his head over his shoulder to the member. Seonghwa hums as he picks his head up, coming over at your call. He grabs the hand you place out for him, wrapping himself around your back.
You grab his cheek with the same hand, rubbing your thumb against him softly. “that's better,” you sigh. Drowning in some more of your boys. Joong giggles quietly, glancing to hwa. “Missed us?” joong asks. Hwa snickers softly, head slotting over your own. “Mm yeah” “how're you feeling now?” hwa speaks up, swaying you back and forth with hongjoong. You lean your head between their chests.
“Less groggy,” they each hum. “Think you could hold a conversation?” Your eye peeks up to look between the two. “Depends on the conversation” you smile warily. Seonghwa smooths his palm over your shoulder, turning you gently in Hongjoongs arms to face him.
Hwa looks to hongjoong one more time, sighing softly. “There was a problem with your heat sanctuary booking. It got mixed up.” He pauses to breathe, scanning your face for a reaction. “I have another place on standby, but.. we wanted to ask if you wanted to wait your heat out at home? With us, here” he fiddles with his hands, leaning on his feet.
Even if it was hongjoongs idea, seonghwa is asking you. Genuinely wanting you to answer, nervously biting his lip as he looks back over your shoulder at hongjoong, the captain smiles gently. Encouraging, seonghwa takes a breath.
You're sober enough to realize what seonghwa is asking. He wouldn't be if he knew you weren't capable of saying what you truly think without interference. You swallow. Hwa continues. “You don't have to answer now, we can talk after you eat dinner-”
“No, no. I want to be here.” You confirm, glances between the two. “I want to be home, I don't see myself anywhere else during this.” you confirm with a strong nod.
Seonghwa seems to heave out a breath of air, hongjoong swings you around to lean his body on yours in a tight, fluffy hug, a giggle falling from both of your lips.
Dinner was perfect. But there's always something going on. At some point cola got spelt. No one knows whose cup it was. Or, no one will own up to it. So, one of your favorite blankets was soaked. As soon as you started getting upset about it, San offered to replace it for now with himself. He's gonna be your blanket for the night.
You huffed out a laugh as he pulled you into his lap, interlocking himself around you. You finished your food like that, eating in sans lap whilst he ate with you. Every so often he'd press a kiss to your head. And finally when everyone got done eating. You all had to get ready for bed. You didn't want to get up. Didn't want to leave your sacred circle.
“Nooo” you whined as jongho attempted to raise your hips to pull you up, you slumped, lying face down. He huffs, calling your name with a click of his tongue. “You have to get up” he tries again gently, he can easily, but he won't drag you from the comfort that's your circle. You shove your arms under the pillow joong brought out for you. Digging your face into it. Jonghos legs are placed either side of your thighs, he's standing, as he attempts to get you up. Your hips are wiggling away from his hands whenever he tries. And at some point you laugh, because you're a bit ticklish now. You throw your head over your shoulder at him, lifting your legs up between his thighs. There's a graze and he pulls away with a huff, hands on his hips.
You're a little shit. You know that. He knows that. But you can't help but tease your younger member. Smiling like the devil behind a pair of pretty lips. “You're ridiculous” he groans. “You love it” you say, satisfied with your tone. “Didn't say i didn't” he reaches your arms, and tosses you over. It's quick and for a second you forgot jongho can deadlift you. He pulls your arms up over his shoulder as he bends down close to you. Carrying you easily now over his shoulder. You're faced with jonghos lower back, more specifically his sculpted butt In a pair of tight sweats. Jonghos view is the same, your shorts fit really well on you. Like, really well. His hand holds your uncovered thigh tightly so you don't slip.
“You can't escape now,” he says, sing-song like. You laugh as he spins you back and forth. “You can't hold me forever” you huff, poking his side from the angle you're at. “hey!” He twitches. “Wanna bet?” He takes an experimental step out of the nest. Gauging your audible reaction. You sigh, and pat him to say go ahead. Smoothing your hand over his wide back. The loose shirt he has on does nothing for his muscular figure. He's so pretty, he just doesn't show skin, and that's okay.
The trudge to the bathroom is funny enough when somewhere on the walk, a palm scans your upper thighs. You jump and audibly call out to whoever did it. You know it's wooyoung when he's laughing. Jongho whines at how provocative it is, pulling you away from the other member. The last ones to brush their teeth are jongho and you. Jongho is hanging back so he can have that time with you. When he sets you down, he's already got your puffy headband in hand. Smoothing it over your hair and smiling proudly.
Skincare is everything before bed. You feel refreshed as soon as you're done. Applying toothpaste to your brush. Jonghos behind you, glaring at his teeth in the mirror and occasionally rearranging the things on the counter as he focuses on brushing. You're too busy staring, his dewy face catching your attention. Shiny from the water.
His hand leans nearby, coming to snake under yours at the counter as he leans over your shoulder behind you. His chin falling on your head. His eyebrows furrow. “Did you grow shorter?” he mumbles through a mouthful of toothpaste. Did you? You scan yourself in the mirror, glancing down at your sock clad feet. “Maybe?” You huff. You haven't been wearing platform shoes recently. It's rare you don't. You always have to wear some type of heel to match the height of the guys for events or filming.
Jongho hums over your head. Leaning over to spit the toothpaste in the sink. You do the same. Rinsing the rest with mouthwash. Your scent is all you at the moment, calm and collected. Pure and simple. Jongho has a question on his mind. And it's possibly the best moment to ask just as you wash your toothbrush off.
“When your heat is over, do you want to get something to eat with me?” He nervously asks, a pitch to his voice. He rinses his toothbrush off. Avoiding your pretty eyes. The pricking of sweat doting his forehead. Or is that water? “Yea, that sounds nice,” you smile, he lets out the breath he was holding. “Where do you want to go?” You finish, turning around to face him. He places his toothbrush in its spot on the side. Hands coming around to lean on the counter on either side of you.
“Wherever you want to go” he nods, a smile coming across his features. You copy it. “I asked first” your hands wrap around his shoulders, palming his cheeks. The contact makes his heart skip. He thinks about it for a minute, eyes flashing over your features. “can you guess where I'll take you?”
You laugh. Light and airy. Jonghos smile widens at the sound, it's memorable. Something he wants to hear all the time. “I know what you're doing” you shake your head. Eyes scrunching. His hands come around your waist, smoothing against your back. He gives in, lips pursing. “Okay okay, uhm. There's this new exhibit, I know you like those” he mumbles at the end, as if attempting to reassure himself. “It has dining and art” he goes on, rocking on his feet.
“Mhm?” You encourage him. “it has a visual thing, I forgot what they're called” you smile so brightly, jongho sucks a breath in. “That sounds really nice. I look forward to it.” you stare at him for a second, jongho does the same. You're so pretty in his eyes. Soft and comfortable in his arms. You have the younger alpha wrapped around your fingers. He never thought he'd see the day you reciprocate his feelings. He's been head over heels for you since he knew you.
His eyes glide down to your lips. Red from how aggressive you brush your teeth with the minty toothpaste. He's leaning in before he can think about it, taking your breath away with his own. And for a second, he thinks you're heaven on earth. Clinging to his neck and pushing up on your feet into him. His arms are strong and heavy against your waist. A soft build up of sticky lips and mint interlacing between the two of you. A rise of heat floating to jonghos cheek. He's actually kissing you. He's so lucky. Omega sex aside, jongho just wants you, soul, body, spirit. And he can have it. Just have you if you'll let him.
He's leaning down now, more eager to just have you. To breathe you in and cherish your lips whilst he has them in his. A shuddered sigh being pulled from his lungs when you bite down on his lower lip. Your tongue prods his bottom lip. Asking for entrance. You don't have to ask twice. Jongho indulges the taste of you, caressing your tongue and swallowing your needy gasps with his own quiet moans. His hand finds its way up, and around. One digging onto your hip and the other holding the back of your neck to draw you closer.
Your hip brushes against the sink as he leans you back, pulling away with a groan. You chase after him with your own swollen lips, and he keeps pulling back. You’re pleading for more as you grip his shirt tightly in yours. “jongho” you whine, lip pouting out. Jongho smiles, a slight chuckle arising and brushing across your sulky face.
He's got composure, yes, but you're so pretty and he wants you. Both of you tensely staring in the bathroom where he just asked you on a date. He's skipping steps, it's not very gentlemanly, but... He can't help it. You're everything. Your scent is suffocating in the best way. He knows you are in other ways too. You're wiggling and pouting. Purposefully trying to get him to give in. And maybe he worked you up a little too much, cause your scent is the only thing he can smell. And your pupils dilating are the only thing he can see.
“Jongie, in the nest. please?” You beg, looking for his hands with your free one. Whilst your other crawls along his shoulder blade. “in the nest? Jagi..” he coos, a false comfort to you, as he slips, interlocking your hand in his. The one that so desperately seeks him. He pulls you into him, guiding your arm over his shoulder. “You want to be where everyone can see us?” He bends his head down to lock eyes with you, there's a glint in them. “don't you?” Your face is downturned, eyes looking up through pretty eyelashes that part. He watches you bite your bottom lip. He hums for an answer. Urging you on.
“How about we do it in here, huh?” He goes on, slipping his knee in-between your legs as he pushes you against the counter. “hide away, keep you to myself” he mumbles. Hands gently caressing over your waist, fingers fiddling with the drawstrings of your shorts. You look down at his hands, and God is it a sight. You can see the intricate details of jonghos hands, but the most prominent thing that catches your attention is the way his member imprints in his sweats. Already waiting for attention.
You swallow thickly. “What do you say, omega? Wanna sneak off?”
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Roof roof grr roof roof BARK BARK. Sorry. Half proofread. Comments keep me MOTIVATED. Let me hear yall be unhinged lmao. Thank you all again! Shoutout to my pookie @hhoneylix ily thank u for listening to me ramble abt these two teehee.
taglist: @lelaleleb @bratty-tingz @0325tiny @smilefordongil @atinytinaa @yunholuvrsblog @ja3hwa @stopeatread @sousydive @voicesinmyhead-rc @giiouis @c4tboyxiao @eastleighsblog @doggopepper @uhhheather @hyukssunflower @hhoneylix @tunaasan @satsuri3su @acescavern @edusweah @silentcry329 @silentreadersthings @ldysmfrst @idfkeddieishot @zdgx1 @lomons @rln-byg @mommahwa1117 @ddaeing @chngbnwf @mentoslol @spooo00oky @dawn-iscozy @ateezima (thank u all! If the tag isn't working or i forgot to add u, please let me know strike thru means I can't tag u for some reason ♥︎ if you want to be added to the taglist comment here -> ★ )
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ldysmfrst · 25 days
American Mate (7) - Is This a Joke
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Paring: Hybrid!BTS Ot7 x Plus-sized Human FemReader
Status: Ongoing series
Chapter number: 7 of unknown
Word count for Chapter: 7391
Work count for Story: 31,321
Genre: Hybrid Playmate Au inspired by works created by @yoongiofmine
A little about the author: I am a mother of two beautiful children. One of which is special needs, and on 3/28, they lost 75% of their vision. I started a Patreon if you feel the heart to donate towards helping with the medical costs of appointments, medication, and modifications to the house, which insurance doesn't cover.
Warnings: (I am not good at this, but I will try. Let me know if I missed anything!!) NOT BETA READ!! This story will have a bit of angst, fluff, smut, f/m, m/m, and m/f/m. This chapter does have Anxiety, arguments, comfort, Alpha Space, close proximity, and scenting.
Story Summary: The Hybrid K-pop group BTS is on tour in America; of course, things don't start out the way they should, but after an encounter with Y/n, things change but will everyone follow Fate?
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Total silence.
No one was breathing. Hell, your heart even stopped. Did he seriously just tell you to become a playmate? How can he think that is even a possibility? It is not like one can just become a playmate.
Unknown to you, the pack's eyes shoot to Namjoon, just as shocked as you because he never shared this proposition with them before making it. That is not an option that they thought of.  The scents in the room turned this way and that with confusion, shock, and concern.
Why would he suggest that they limit their actions to only what a playmate can do? You are their mate. You are not a toy to play with. How does this promise anything besides you having to stay near them and service them as a companion?  
The whole idea of a playmate was to take care of them, be their friend, help them relieve stress, or become a rut fuck buddy. Playmates were never meant to be a long-term commitment. While they wouldn't mind you doing any of that as their mate, the title of Playmate would make you think of everyone as only a job, right?
Giggling rings in the room, and the sound causes everyone to snap their eyes at you as their thoughts come to a halt. Under normal circumstances, such an angelic sound would have them cooing. This time, it has their ears standing straight, their hackles raised, and their Alphas pacing in their minds. 
Your giggling bubbled to outright laughter as you looked at Namjoon with a slightly crazed look on your face causing his smile to change into confusion as his confidence in his choice melted away. 
"You're joking, right? Hahahaha. Pft... haha… playmate… me!" You looked around the room to see you were the only one laughing, which only caused you to laugh even more. Your scent was spiking in so many ways that the boys were getting dizzy from it.
"You have GOT to be kidding me. This is … am I a joke to you?" You stand abruptly and stomp closer to Namjoon and Seokjin, making the boys startle with your movement
“Do I look like a Playmate?” you ask while gesturing to your whole body and spinning around to accentuate your point.
"I have been doing nothing but abiding by Yoongi’s and the pack’s wishes since I got hurt,” with a deep breath, you close your eyes and stand as tall as your scent shuts off like it was never there to begin with.
“And now you are toying with me." Shaking your head, you mumble, “Just like everyone else.”
"Miss Y/n," Namjoon starts trying to explain himself, but all you can think of is excuses and lies which you have heard before that he might come up with if you let him keep going. 
"No," snapping your eyes open and pinning them on the Prime Alpha. 
"No excuses,” you step back.
“No lies,” another step.
“No more playing fun and games.” You turn to Jungkook with wide, panicked eyes, and you demand, “I need the address of this Airbnb so that I can call Derek or Evie to come and get me.”
“I want nothing to do with this sick joke,” voice cracking at your declaration. You must get out of here before you start crying, which is your next step. 
You really want to cry out of frustration because you thought they would be different. You may not consider yourself Army, but Lily was, and with how highly he talked about the kindness of BTS, you thought they would be different. 
Then again, it's you, the plus-sized four-eyed nobody. Why would the hottest band in the world treat you as anything other than entertainment to just pass the time.
You see Jungkook, one of two who actually helped you calm down before, ignoring you and nervously picking at the rip in his jeans. Then you finally notice that everyone is actively avoiding looking at you and realize that no one is coming to your aid. You stand tall and steel yourself to find someone who will, like their manager.
“I am going home.” Heading towards the hall, you are stopped by your black tail leash and a hand on your good wrist.  Taking a forceful breath, "Mr. Min."
You turn to face him, only to be met with powerful golden-yellow eyes that stop you in your tracks. You have seen them before, but they have never been this close. The molten gold bleeding into a darker brass surrounding the oblong jet-black pupil.
He steps forward to where you stand, making you practically nose-to-nose with the Alpha jaguar. His eyes searching yours. 
His scent crashes over the room like a storming ocean wave. Yoongi may not be the Prime Alpha, but he is strong enough to be one if he wants to be. It is this strength and dominance that cause the members of the pack to hold on to each other, waiting for his next move.
He slowly reaches up and wipes away a tear you didn’t notice was falling. Bringing the tear to his lips, his tongue darts to taste it, and his face scrunches with deep concern.
"Y/n scent gone. Tastes hurt. Pain," he says as his hand returns to your face, cupping your cheek. The warmth only makes it that much harder for you to keep your tears at bay. 
Yoongi moves to leave the living room with you in tow. He takes hold of your good hand and says, "Come. Keep Safe. Promise. "
You don’t answer, glancing down at the hybrids within your view. After a few more seconds, he looks past you with narrowed eyes at his Prime Alpha. 
“Leave alone." Making the decision for you, Yoongi, gently but without room for struggle, walks you out of the living room. 
Stopping in the hall, he looks at the door in front of him and then at the staircase down the hall. He turns to you. "Room?" He points to the closed door and then to the stairs. "Den?"
"Umm.." you look at the door, the stairs, and then back at the entryway to the living room. Looking at Yoongi, all you can think of is to get away from them all so you know your answer. "Den."
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One moment is desperation. Next is shock, betrayal, anger, hurt, and now you shut your scent off. So many emotions in so little time, ending with you being pulled away by the protective jaguar from his packmates. 
The next thing Namjoon knows, a pillow hits the side of his head from an unknown packmate. Turning to look for who it was, he gets hit by another. This one, however, ends up landing on Seokjin as well, causing the shock that had settled over the room to break.
"What the hell was that?!?!" Seokjin demands after hearing you go upstairs with Yoongi. Standing up, he walks over to the other side of the room. 
"Prime Alpha, with all due respect… have you lost your mind?" questions Taehyung, leaning back on the couch with arms crossed as he does his best to hold his Alpha back from taking over and storming up the stairs after you.
"Guys, think about it! She can pay for her flat and keep her independence. Come on… just think, it would require her not to leave our side for the length of the contract," Namjoon defends himself.
"Yeah, the contract! That is all she will think it is—a contract. A job. We will only be a source of income for her, Hyung," Jungkook complains, his legs jumping with nerves. Throwing the pillows did his anger no good.
"Namjoon, you know the rules and regulations that fall on Playmates. You know that she won't qualify, and I am not just talking about the ridiculous physical standards that they have in place. She is supposed to take care of us and be there for us. There is cooking, cleaning, and stuff. How can she do that with a broken wrist, huh?" Hoseok chimes in. “How can you ask that of her?”
Standing from the chair, Namjoon circles around it. Gathering his thoughts, he rests his hands on the back of it, almost like it's a wall between him and his mates. "She will be able to care for us. Listen. Rules of a Playmate are pretty much what you said, Hobah.”
“Don’t you Hobah me right now, Namjoon! You are on thin ice. If you cost us our mate, you will not find yourself having a good time—at least not from me any time soon.”
“Sorry, Hoseok-hyung,” Namjoon says, his scent filling with a slight smokiness as he starts to understand just how much he may have messed up. 
“But really, think about it. The contract requires her to be with us at the packhouse or when we go somewhere, correct?"
Seeing his packmates nod, he continues, "This, technically, does not mean she has to do anything other than physically be there. No typing, cleaning, cooking, or labor of any kind. She isn’t required to do it unless we ask for it."
"She will take care of us by letting us care for her. All of our Alphas will be happy to do so while she is healing. We all know that Yoongi-hyung will not be able to perform or do anything well if he is concerned that Y/n is not healing well.”
“She already is instinctually being a mate, by allowing our Alphas to act on their instincts. Having her as a playmate will also be the best way for her to care for herself without financial stress. She is independent, and this way, she can keep that while learning to depend on us as mates."
"During that time, we will care for her and follow our instincts. We must show how well we can provide for her by tending to her needs, protecting her, and loving her as only her mates can."
"You want us to court her while she is our Playmate?" Jimin asks, watching the Prime Alpha nod. He looks around at the others, who now have contemplating looks on their faces. “I don’t get how this will work.”
"Namjoon, I can see what you mean and this may work, but what if she doesn't let us?” Hoseok questions.
“I want to cuddle with her, feed her, and feel her, but she wouldn't even take a bottle of water. She tried to run to a solo seat in the van to keep her distance from us. What makes you think that she would feel comfortable accepting our courting gestures?" Hoseok continues challenging the Prime Alpha. "What happens when we interact with each other? How will she be comfortable joining in or being around that?"
"Do what you did with me," Jungkook says shyly. "Show her that we are in it for more than just her being our playmate. That the companionship declared by the contract is required is not what we are wanting because we are wanting something so much deeper and stronger.”
Looking around the room with his big doe eyes, he continues, “She doesn't seem to mind cuddling with me. Next time we cuddle, maybe someone else can join. Or Anyone can try to just cuddle with her, and then if we are cuddling with each other, we can invite her to join in."
"Jungkook is right. Baby steps are our best bet," Namjoon smiles knowing he has the youngest on his side now. “She may not even know what hybrid courting looks like.”
“Y/n has seen plenty of playmate and client interactions. Two of our mates already connect with her on an instinctual level. Since none of us use playmates for our ruts, that won’t be required for her as our playmate.”
“She doesn’t know that though, Hyung,” Jimin whines, “How do we let her know that part but also that she isn’t going to be a regular playmate for us, like the one who left us?”
Silence fills the room as everyone is deep in thought. 
Hoseok jumps up, “What if we showed her the other contracts we had had? Show her that we are exclusive to packmates for our ruts. This way, she doesn’t think we just want her for sex but for friendship to start with?”
Smiling at his words, Namjoon adds, “Good. Now, we just need the rest of us to follow Yoongi-hyung and Jungkook.  We need to find ways to deepen our connection with her. Show her how we interact as mates, then our desire for her and what we are meant to be for her.”
"Wh… What happens when the contract ends?" Taehyung worries. 
After a beat of silence, Soekjin speaks up while looking down the hall, "When the contract ends, we hope she understands that she is our mate and we did our job to prove we are the mates she deserves."
“But first, we need her to understand that she is worthy of being a mate, to begin with,” Hoseok adds.
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‘Become our playmate... become our playmate… Our Playmate.’ The words are replaying in your mind. His look of confidence is seared into your brain. Pressing your palms to your eyes as hard as possible, you try to think of what is going on in his head to propose that idea. 
The door opens, and you drop your hands to see Yoongi standing a little to the side. “Den not…um… no time but ready,” he says, looking around the room and then back at you.
“I understand you haven't settled in yet. Alpha, may I come in?”
At his nod, you went into the room. It looks similar to the guest room, but it is a bit larger. There is a bed on each side of the room, with a lovely natural wood shelving unit splitting the room in half. There are plenty of windows to brighten the space on both sides.
On one side, luggage lies unopened on the bed. On the other side, luggage is opened on the ground, and some clothes are tossed around. Looking over your shoulder at the Alpha, you hug yourself and wait for him to tell you where to go. 
Yoongi notices your hesitance and starts gently pushing at your upper back. He then guides you past the bed to the attached bathroom you didn’t notice.
Inside, the marble on the counters and walls is beautiful black, white, and gold. There is a double sink, a shower that looks like it has enough shower heads for an entire house and a large jacuzzi tub. 
You get lost in wonder at the richness of the bathroom alone, and it also allows Yoongi to hug you from behind, catching you off guard. 
“Y/n, sorry. Pack, sorry,” he says softly as he rests his head on your shoulder. “Take bath. Relax. Then talk. Towel and clothes on toilet. Outside. I will guard.” 
With that, he leaves and shuts the bathroom door. 
Well, that apparently was not a suggestion, but a bath does sound nice, and it would be the easiest way of keeping your brace dry. Moving to the tub, you turn on the faucet and take notice of the different bath salts, scrubs, and bombs.  
After picking a violet and vanilla bath bomb, you slowly undress. Yeah, buttons are not your friend anymore. Slipping into the bath, you think about your day. So much has happened in the last 24 or so hours.
1 - BTS shows up two weeks early when the big shots are still gone. 
2 - They hate all the playmates we offered for whatever reason.
3 - You (and they) sent mixed signals from the moment of arrival.
4 - Yoongi and you got into an accident.
5 - You broke your wrist, which will take forever to heal.
6 - They want you to be a playmate.
Now, you are kicking yourself for not attending some of the seminars on the second gender of hybrids. You essentially learned what you do because you grew up with Evie and her pack.
Your mom had moved you and your brother to California when you were still in elementary. Your brother, however, was in high school already and had a tendency to travel whenever he could. You might as well have been an only child. 
When you were unloading (getting in the way of) the moving truck, the neighbors noticed your attempts to help and decided to have you come over to their house. Once the beta Tabby hybrid noticed you ‘helping,’ he introduced you to Evie, and that was it. The two of you were hardly ever separated to the point Evie’s family included you in some of their pack trips. 
The only thing was that Evie’s pack didn’t have an Alpha, so you never got a chance to learn anything about them. With how strong Evie’s dad, Earl, was, the pack never sought out an Alpha. You didn’t have much exposure in Colorado, and as far as you knew, Alphas were not very common to run into. Plus, you were human, so why would it be something to worry about to begin with?
Well, apparently, you should have learned something when you took the job at PMS because now you were surrounded by Alphas with little… actually, let’s be honest, no knowledge aside from what you have learned since they walked through the office doors.
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“Manager-nim, we need your help. Miss Y/n’s wrist is broken, and she cannot use it for upwards of eight weeks.”
Taking a sharp breath, Manager Sejin starts formulating options: “How did she take it?”
“Well, she took that rather well. She is rightfully concerned about how to function in her day-to-day life without her dominant hand. Also concerned with her… umm… her employment,” Namjoon beats around the bush, not wanting to get yelled at by his manager for his proposal like he was from his pack.
Silence is what comes from the other side of the call. “Manager-nim?”
Placing the container, he is holding down and braces himself against the counter. Manager Sejin has been with the pack since the beginning, and he knows when Namjoon isn’t saying what really needs to be said. “What did you do, now?” 
“I offered her to stay at the packhouse as I should, being the Prime Alpha. Told her we would care for her til she healed and that she would not have to worry about paying for anything while she was here. She did bring up concerns about her flat and other bills,” he paused, taking a breath, “ so … itoldhertobecomeourplaymate.”
The next thing Namjoon hears is animalistic chattering intermixed with very human cursing. Yeah, that’s not a good sign. The manager is skilled at keeping his hybrid hamster behaviors at bay unless there are very strong emotions involved.
“Manager-nim, you see, it would keep her with us so that we can fulfill our responsibilities as Alphas. It would allow for her to still work, keep her flat, and not compromise her finances. Plus it will allow her to get to know us while convincing her that she is our mate.”
A deep sigh is heard, “And how did she take that?”
“Umm.. not well, actually,”
“I can tell I am going to get a migraine from this,” Manager Sejin rubs his temple. "Continue.”
“She laughed, but not in a ‘that is funny’ kind of way but more of a ‘that’s crazy’ kind of way. She flat-out refused and wouldn’t let me explain before she basically said we were playing a mean joke on her.”
“Let me guess– none of the pack tried to help convince her of this GRREEAAT option of yours?”
“They didn’t know. Actually, I just kind of blurted it out,” Namjoon sighed. “I was panicking.”
“It serves you right to have her refuse you. Hell, I would have, too, if I were her. Namjoon-ssi, you should know better! For someone so intelligent, sometimes you are…” sigh. “Never mind. Where is she now? Do I need to get a van ready? Do I need to get the lawyers ready?”
“No, no van or lawyers. Well, she did threaten to call her friends, but that was before she left with Yoongi-hyung.”
“SHE LEFT WITH YOONGI!!” Sejin jumps up from leaning on the counter and dashes towards the front door.
“NO! No, no, no… he went back into Alpha Space. He told me to leave her alone and took her up to his den.” After a brief pause, he said, “It sounds like she is taking a bath. Hopefully, she is calming down. Jin-hyung is going to go and talk with them.”
Putting his keys back down, Sejin sighs in relief. “If anyone can get you out of this mess, it’s going to be him. Namjoon-ssi, I think you are an amazing Prime Alpha, but you always get weird when you get a new mate. I thought by now you would be better at it.”
“Namjoon-ssi, I am going to look into how to modify their contract with our lawyers. IF, and this is a big if, she agrees, then you may have something. Is that okay?”
“Please, Manager-nim. Maybe if she sees what we mean written down, it will help as well. Oh, and the pack wants her to see our previous agreements with other playmates.” 
Namjoon takes a deep breath as he ends the call. He nods to his mates to confirm that their manager is working to help make this happen, allowing the pack to relax. 
The turning on of a shower indicates that you are most likely just rinsing off from your bath and should be out soon. The pack turns to Seokjin as he narrows his eyes at Namjoon.
“You need to find a way to apologize. You need to apologize to all of your mates for springing this on us and be ready to work your ass off trying to prove yourself to her as a mate.” Standing up, Seokjin takes one last look at the hopeful faces of his loved ones, “Let me try and fix this.”
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Looking at the clothes that were left for you to change into, you debate on even trying. You are not sure if they would fit but you remember seeing the random lives Lily has shown you and note that Yoongi tends to wear baggy clothes. 
You also know that whenever you are around Derek, and he is in one of his moods, he always feels better when you and Evie wear clothes he keeps in his apartment for the two of you that he has scented or has worn himself.
The struggle to put on your undergarments with damp skin ends in frustration. You give up, and they join the bundle of your clothes on the floor next to the sink. So, you go ahead and wear the provided sweatpants and hoodie, which luckily fit sans underwear. 
The smell of petrichor surrounds you, making you smile. Your family and friends always thought you were strange for loving the smell of fresh rain and wet earth. 
Looking at yourself in the mirror, you are happy at how soft and comfy the clothes are. The pants were tight on you but not comfortably, and the hoodie was long enough to cover your backside, so no one would be able to tell you weren’t wearing anything under them.
Wait… what does the big V stand for on the hoodie? You were curious enough to look at the tag, which proudly states that you are now wearing a Valentino Hoodie, of all things. 
Fuck! Why can’t he have a normal person’s hoodie for you to wear?
This is totally not like the Walmart sweater you lounge in at home. You don’t even want to try to figure out where the pants are from. For all you knew, you could pay rent with the money you were wearing.
Walking out of the bathroom, you have tried to twist a towel around your long hair and toss it on top of your head to reveal that Yoongi is no longer alone in the den.
“Welcome to our den, Y/n. Sorry, it was not ready for guests, but well, you know. We all got here at the same time,” Seokjin says with a shy smile while Yoongi’s eyes roam your form covered in his clothes.
“Oh, I understand, Mr. Kim. I am sorry for coming into your den without your permission. I didn’t realize it was a shared den until after I was inside,” you bow slightly in apology, sending your hair towel spiraling to the floor. 
Grabbing the towel and standing up, you look around, not sure what you should do since Yoongi and Seokjin have taken the bed, and there is no other seating on this side of the room. Looking back at the two Alphas, you smile shyly. 
“Come here, dear. Let Yoongi-ah dry your hair while we talk.” Seokjin pats the bed between the two of them, and Yoongi holds up a hair brush.
“Yes, we do need to talk,” taking a deep, calming breath of petrichor, you move to sit cross-legged on the bed with your back to Yoongi. His hands go to your waist to help you scoot into the right spot.
“Yes, Alpha. Thank you for your help, and don’t worry about brushing too hard. I am used to having a multitude of knots that won’t come out.”
You don’t get to see Yoongi's look of confusion, but you do see Seokjin’s concern. “My hair likes to curl when wet, and so it knots up really fast. I washed my hair this morning, so it's just wet from lying in the bath. There are no products in it.”
Seokjin chuckles, “Y/n, you are more than welcome to use anything we have while you are here. Yoon offered you a bath, which means you can use anything he has to offer.”
“I used the violet and vanilla bath bomb. Yoongi said to relax, and the smell of vanilla always helps me do that.”
A bright smile graces both of the Alpha’s faces at your confession. The mate scent is a comfort for you and that makes them feel more at ease.
“Dry and brush now. Relax more. Time to talk,” Yoongi says as he starts to gently dry your locks with the towel you brought out with you. 
“Are you okay if we talk, Y/n? I know today has been a lot for you. I will respect your request to leave you alone if you really want,” Seokjin calmly states, but the pained worry in his expression has you nodding your head for him to continue. 
“I will not excuse what Namjoon did. He didn’t talk with the rest of us before he proposed what he did, so we were shocked, as you were.”
“He didn’t? Is that why Yoongi said the pack was sorry?”
“I am sure Yoongi heard us confront Namjoon once we knew you were upstairs. So yes, the pack is sorry that the idea of you becoming our playmate came out so… abruptly.”
Narrowing your eyes at his choice of words, you state, “But you are not sorry that he went for that option in the first place.”
Taking your good hand, Seokjin pushes out his cherry scent along with the vanilla to help keep you calm as he continues to try to salvage the offer.
“Y/n, I am going to be straight with you. Our Prime Alpha will have a lot of begging to do to be back in the good graces of the rest of the pack for how he handled this, but what he offers… makes sense.”
When you hear this, a scowl grows on your face, but as the scent of cherries, rain, and vanilla fills your lungs, you pause. “How? Why? I mean, like… really, how?”
Pulling your hand closer, Seokjin focuses on rubbing his thumb on your forearm, his wrist brushing on yours. His eyes focused on the movement while trying to think of the best way to explain the situation. 
Yoongi takes this moment to rest one leg on each side of yours and scoots closer, “I brush your hair.”
“What do you know of the Playmate contracts?” inquiries Seokjin.
“Oh. Ah… Well, I know there are two kinds: Companion or a friend contract and Partner or rut and heat-based sex contract. Both can be done individually, as a group or as a sub-group. Doctors, lawyers, and managers are also involved. Honestly, that is all Derek’s department. I just schedule meetings and set up health screenings, and such. From my experiences, most of the American Hybrid Idols only take partner contracts.” 
“You are not wrong about the types, but it seems you don’t understand their limits or allowances. Also, what one idol does will not imply what others will do.”
“I get that, but Derek said that due to hybrid health, most, if not all, companion contracts will have to include some form of partner option for heats and ruts.”
A soft huff is heard from behind you. You start to turn to look at Yoongi, only to have one of his hands slide around your shoulder and up your neck to your jaw. Your breath hitches at the movement, and you will yourself not to melt into a puddle. 
“Keep looking at Jin-hyung, Y/n. Your hair is almost done.” Yoongi orders before moving his hand away and goes back to brushing the last bit of your hair. 
Blinking your eyes open you see a smirk on Seokjin’s face as his white little fluffy ears twitch around in amusement. “Sorry, Alpha.”
Looking past you, Seokjin says, “Welcome back, Yoongi-ah. Is your Alpha settled now?”
“Yes, Hyung. She smells like me, and that calmed him down quickly, though her own sweet pea scent has not come out yet.”
Looking at your injured wrist, it dawns on you that you must have turned off your scent again. “Sorry– again. I seem to do that without knowing sometimes, but it will come back eventually.”
“No worries, dear. Anyways, back to the contacts. Our Prime Alpha is having our previous playmate contracts brought over for you to review.”
This comment has your eyes snapping to Seokjin quickly, as those are normally kept quiet, “We want you to see that we have never taken a playmate for more than a companion. All ruts are handled within the packmates because we are a mate-bonded pack.”
“Oh, so when he suggested I be your playmate, it wasn’t a sex-driven thing…” you nod in contemplation, “but that still doesn’t explain why. I mean, it explains that you aren’t taking advantage of me, but still…”
Pulling you against his chest, Yoongi hugs you close. Leaning to where you can see his face, he smiles, “We would never take advantage of you and do not think that because our past playmates were not a sex-driven thing we do not find you appealing.”
You blush at the implications of his words. Unable to hold his gaze, you try to clear your head and look to the older Alpha, “How can I be your playmate?”
“Simple. Care for us.”
“Like it is that simple. I have a broken wrist.”
“Caring for us, for a pack of Alphas, is different from how you have to care for your family pack.” Seokjin explains, “You were injured in an accident involving this pack. We all know that you are going to need assistance not only in caring for yourself but also for your things.”
“As a respectful and responsible pack of Alpha’s, we are following our instinct and culture, to provide for you during this time. As Prime Alpha said, while you are with us, you will pay for nothing. If you are contracted as a playmate during that time, it will also allow you to pay for your personal debts.”
“Y/n,” Yoongi calls for your attention as he hooks your legs over his and turns you to see him better. “We… actually no. I will speak for myself. I will not be able to function well knowing that you are on your own trying to make things work.”
With his eyes flashing to his Alpha briefly, “My Alpha and I are not going to be able to go about our schedule without worrying about you all the time. At this point, I would prefer you to stay as close as you can to me or a packmate. I can understand that it can be a bit much.”
“Having you by our side,“ Seokjin chimes in, “granting our Alphas to express the instinct to care for you will be your way of fulfilling the contract.”
Looking between them both, your head swims, “What about the domestic stuff? I hear about playmates talking about laundry, making sure their idols eat, and stuff like that.”
A clearing of someone’s throat quickly draws your attention to the den door. A few other packmates are shyly standing just outside the threshold. 
One of them, Jungkook, says, “You won’t have to do any of that. Y/N, we just really want to take care of you. We want to treat you right. We want to support you.”
“Come in, my loves,” Seokjin calls. At his permission, Jungkook bounds forward and kneels on the floor at your feet, resting his head on your knees again. Taehyung joins him on the floor and leans against Seokjin. Hoseok and Jimin also sit on the floor. 
Looking toward the door, you wait for the Prime Alpha to come in, too, but no one else does. Confusion and almost a hurt look come to your face for a moment before you look at the boys present. 
The next to speak up is Hoseok, “Namjoon is waiting for Manager Sejin downstairs. He didn’t think you would want to see him right now. He knows he went about this the wrong way, but let him come to you, and don’t go easy on him. His Primeness can be on his knees and grovel a little, it won’t hurt him.”
This causes you to blush and giggle, causing the whole room to smile. The scents of cherries, rain, snickerdoodles, ebony, oranges, and lilac fill the room like potpourri with a warm vanilla underneath. Slowly, you start to relax a little more as the scent of your (unknown to you) mates rolls over you.
You lean into Yoongi, “Thank you all for coming up here. Seokjin explained to me what Prime Alpha did was a surprise for all of us,” you look around at the boys on the floor as they nod.
“It is just so much right now for me. I am overwhelmed. I know now that it wasn’t meant as some big joke, and you are trying to follow instincts—instincts that I don’t know anything about. So, if you would explain to me what you each would be expecting, I think that would help.”
With a soft bump of his nose on your cheek, you look at Yoongi, “You already know where I stand. My Alpha made that clear outside on the deck before this whole mess.”
“I want to make sure that you are eating well so that you can be healthy and happy,” Seokjin claims.
“For me,” Hoseok says, “I want to help keep you laughing during the hard times.”
“A friend. I know you have your family pack, but I hope to be your friend while you are with this pack. Be someone you can go to,” Jimin shyly says while looking around at his mates and then you.
“Expression: I hope to help you find a way to express yourself with confidence around me and others,” Taehyung adds.
“Cuddles, pets, scratches, umm... More cuddles. Just think of me as your personal stress ball or life-sized stuffed bunny,” Jungkook purrs as you run your fingers through his hair.
“I will be whatever you need me to be,” Namjoon says from the hall just out of the doorway. "And I will do what needs to be done to earn your forgiveness and your trust as Prime Alpha, even if I have to borrow some knee pads.”
Namjoon looks around the room with a hesitant smile and settles his gaze back on you. “Miss Y/L/N and mates, please join me and Manager Sejin downstairs. We have some things to discuss.”
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“He wasn’t lying.”
“Who?” Manager Sejin asks.
“Seokjin. I mean, Mr. Kim… he said that they never took a playmate for more than being a companion. None of these have the rut clause, and to top it off, most have a clause to ensure that the playmate understands it is not even on the table for discussion.”
“That is correct, Bangtan only satisfies their ruts within their mate-bonded pack. They ask for playmates to have someone other than their mates to find friendship with and hang out around. It can be a bit much, even with them being mated, to always have a bunch of men around.”
“Friendship, I can do that, but I cannot do all the other services listed in these contracts. Manager Sejin, how will this even get approved by PMS? I don’t qualify to be a playmate.” 
“Miss Y/n, sit down and let us go over the contract that Namjoon-ssi and I had drafted for you. Maybe that will help if you see the modifications which have already been approved by your employer.”
Taking a seat, the two of you go over the contract clause by clause. It broke down to basically say,
1—You wouldn’t be expected to do any housework, cooking, lifting, working out, driving, or video gaming (Manager Sejin said it needed to be in there because of the maknae line) until medically cleared.
2—The Prime Alpha himself would pay for all of your personal expenses while you were staying at the pack house during the contract period.
3—BigHit would grant a salary that was more than enough to pay for your flat, utilities, and other regular bills. To be honest, it was enough to pay off your useless student loan, too.
4—The contract lasted for 8 weeks and can be extended or modified at your request and the Bangtan Pack's agreement.
But what caught your attention the most was they had left out the clause regarding ruts. 
“Manager Sejin, What about the rut clause?”
“Ah yes, let me get Namjoon-ssi for that one,” he says while getting up and retrieving the Prime Alpha from the living where they were all waiting.
“Hello, Miss Y/L/N, Manager Sejin said you had a question about the contract for me?” Namjoon questions as he takes a seat on the other side of the table next to said manager.
“Yes,” you sit up, trying to maintain professionalism. “I have gone over the contact, and while your manager has done well explaining it, I have one that, apparently, you must answer.”
Looking him dead in the eye, which causes the Prime Alpha to shift in his seat, you ask, “Why is there no rut clause in the proposed contract? I thought you said that was in it?”
It was cute how red his face became when you asked, “Umm… well... There are a couple of reasons.” Licking his lips, Namjoon glanced at Manager Sejin, who only looked amused and couldn’t wait to hear what he would come up with.
“Firstly, right now, none of the pack are set to have a rut within the time that Dr. Blackwell said you would need to heal. However, and I guess this is more of the real reason why some of the mates have expressed a concern… well, the pack is not…”
“Prime Alpha, I get it. The elder Mr. Kim and Yoongi expressed that I may be appealing,” you smile only to cover the small pang of hurt as you say, “but that doesn’t mean any of you would want me that way.”
Manager Sejin shakes his head as confusion fills Namjoon's face, ”No, no… God, why am I so bad at this?” Namjoon says, running his hands over his face.
“You are appealing, very much so, and the rut clause is not in the contract because the pack doesn’t want you to think that skinship is off the table,” Jungkook startles the three of you from the hall.
“I'm Sorry, Joonie-hyung. We could all hear you floundering, and I couldn’t take it anymore,” he says, walking in and sitting next to you.
“Thank you, Kookie. You all know that I can get lost for the right words sometimes.”
“Mr. Jeon, why would not having the rut clause in the contract make you think that?” you ask, turning to give him your full attention.
“Skinship consists of many things: hugs, holding hands, sniff kisses, pecks on the head or cheeks, massaging, cuddling, and scenting, to name a few. At this point, you and I have done a few of these. You also have done some with Yoongi and…”
Jungkook takes hold of your good hand and brings your wrist to his nose. Sniffing, a smile beams on his face, and his leg starts to bounce, “Yep, and you were also scented by Jinnie-hyung.”
“Miss Y/L/N, many playmates take these actions as openings or requests to have intercourse with us. That is not what we have wanted from any of them. Therefore, it is why that rut clause is always added to their contracts,” Namjoon adds. 
“Oh. I am not used to skinship outside of my family pack,” glancing at Namjoon and then at Jungkook. “But… It did feel comforting with Yoongi’s hugs, your cuddles, and the elder Mr. Kim’s scenting. While I am not used to it, it does feel nice.”
A slight blush heats your face and neck. Thinking back to the comfort of Yoongi holding you, the calmness Jungkook and Seokjin brought you, and the warmth you felt in Hoseok's arms. All the men in the room smile at your confession.
“Good, I would have been very sad if I had to stop cuddling with you, Y/n,” Jungkook says while playing with your fingers. 
“Miss Y/n,” Manager Sejin calls your attention, “Does that mean you will sign the contract?”
Your eyes drop to the paper in front of you, the empty line above the word ‘playmate’ waiting for your signature. Taking a deep breath, you smell the vanilla again, this time mixed with a leather-like smell and cookies.
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“What happened?” asked Taehyung.
“Did she agree?” inquired Jimin.
“Don’t tell me – we lost her already,” demands Seokjin.
Yoongi stands from his seat and makes toward the dining room to try one more time to talk you into staying. However, he stops when you enter the room, holding a packet of papers.
“Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung, Jimin,” you call their names as your eyes look over the room and come to an end on the last one, “Seokjin.”
The boys and their Alphas shudder at having you say their actual names. Each step forward, like you are taking a roll call as they wait for some indication as to what is going on.
With a deep and respectful 90-degree bow, you say in Korean, “My name is Y/L/N, Y/N. I put myself in your hands as your new playmate.”
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ladykailitha · 7 months
Not All That Glitters is Gold Part 1
I fully intended to put out the next part of Well Met, but I got a really bad cold and didn't get far enough into the next chapter to post it, so I'm putting out this one. It's based on this idea here. It is spoilery, so if you don't want to be spoiled, you can read it after the story is done.
I've tagged my regulars as well as those that expressed interest in the original post. If you don't want to be tagged in future parts, just DM me and I'll remove you.
Eddie IS in this just not for awhile. And Steve does have sex with other OCs, the only sex shown will be between Eddie and Steve.
Summary: Steve is an escort with Starcourt Services, who provides omegas to alphas with the money for all sorts of accommodations: arm candy at social events, rut servicing, multiples (including orgies), and sometimes, just sex. Steve is highly sought after, but after a run in with Corroded Coffin frontman Eddie Munson at a fundraiser for a US senator, his world is turned upside down.
No monsters/omegaverse AU. Rockstar Eddie/Sex Worker Steve. Mature (especially in later chapters).
When Steve presented as an omega at the age of sixteen his parents were thrilled. They were going to throw lavish parties of all the best alphas in the state. Well, the appropriate ones, anyway. The good ones from conservative families of wealth and breeding.
Steve wasn’t looking forward to any of it. Which is why he breathed a sigh of relief when the doctors tested his fertility they told him he was infertile.
There was a couple other tests they could have preformed but his parents weren’t having it. How dare he be infertile! How were they going to recoup the cost of having an omega for a son, if he couldn’t have been an alpha?
The doctors informed them they had three choices. To the Church where he would be celibate and never seen or heard from again. This is what his mother wanted, but the Church wouldn’t give the money they so desperately wanted.
The second option was as a nursemaid for wealthy omegas who didn’t want to breastfeed their own pups. It had no real financial security because it was dependent on the elite needing a nursemaid in the first place. As callous as the Harringtons were, they didn’t want him to starve.
The final option was Starcourt Services. An elite escort service that would buy infertile omegas to pimp out to single alphas. They had a whole range of services. Rut servicing, gang bang and multiples (including orgies), and cherry popping.
The last one was how the Harringtons would get their money. Whatever the bid price was for an alpha deflowering Steve would be how much they would get for him. Then Steve would work for Starcourt until it was paid off. Then it would be up to Steve to decide what he wanted to do after that.
Most omegas would then go into nurturing fields, like teachers, nurses, and counseling. Not all of them did though, there were some really famous omega escorts in their fifties and sixties. Not even the best paid actors and musicians got paid as much as these escorts. They were lavished with everything they could ever want. Clothes, jewelry, trips to anywhere in the world. You name it, they got it. And they were paid handsomely by Starcourt on top of all that.
There was this really famous male omega simply called Roxie that Steve had on a poster on his wall. His contract had been offered to be bought out a record number of twenty-seven times during his career. People like politicians and diplomats, rockstars and A-listers, the elite and the powerful. Rumor had that one of the princes of Saudi Arabia had offered three times, but Roxie turned them all down.
Steve wanted to be just like him. But he knew that if he voiced that he would be whisked away to the monastery before he could even blink. So threw his lot with wet nurse lot. Saying that it wouldn’t be that bad, he could still save money to go to school and become a teacher.
It was the teacher part that really got Clint Harrington. No Harrington omega had ever been a teacher in their great history and he was going to let his son become the first.
So Starcourt it was.
When he turned eighteen he would be sold off to the highest bidder to take his virginity.
When the time came, Steve was one of the highest cherries ever sold by Starcourt to the tune of one million dollars. His parents went away with their money and Steve got his back blown by a thirty year old pop princess alpha, who still hires Steve to service her ruts on occasion if she’s in town.
Steve loved his job. What he loved even more than that was his beta handler, Robin.
“Hello!” he greeted warmly as she slip into his penthouse suite in the morning with his favorite coffee and muffins.
“Good morning!” Robin greeted back. “How was your night with Sir Kensington the third?”
Steve shrugged. “Boring. I loved the gala, but he just kept going on and on about how his estates had a water drainage problem and it kept flooding the basement. The first time I was sympathetic, the second time I was sincere, all the times after that? I could barely keep my eyes open! And! It strictly social, no sex. I would have tolerated it if there was at least the promise of mediocre sex afterwards.”
Robin winced. “Do you want him on your black list?” she asked, pulling out her tablet.
“Yes, please,” Steve said, pulling on a silk robe and sliding out of bed. “Send the usual black orchids and note.”
Robin nodded, making a note on her tablet. “And what do you want it to say?”
“When you take out a premier escort learn better material then irrigation. It was an irritation. If you want that kind of talk, get a mate for fuck’s sake. Passionately, S. Harrington.”
“Ooh,” Robin said with a grin. “It’s bitchy, succinct, and the most beautiful fuck you imaginable.”
Steve grinned back at her. “Thanks. I do so love to be bitchy. So what’s on my docket this week?”
“So you have a rut servicing with movie star Dillon Forrest starting tomorrow,” she said going through his schedule. “His ruts last three to four days and tends to get hungry right around day two. He hates cereal and protein bars or anything that ‘tastes like dirt’.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “As if that isn’t subjective as hell. And of course he doesn’t like the one thing that is the easiest to eat while literally out of his god damned mind.”
Robin hummed in agreement. “I’d try shakes, toss the protein powder in that.”
Steve nodded. “Make sure he’s house is stocked with fresh fruits and vegetables. Add some steaks or whatever to throw him off the scent. I’ll pack the protein powder in my kit.”
She nodded. “Next, you have the New Yorker charity gala with journalist Nancy Wheeler. She wants you in a tux, so I send in Pedro with your tuxes. Her dress is a metallic gold sequin slip dress with black lining.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “I hate it when she wears metallic colors, it makes me looked washed out in comparison.”
“Sometimes I think she does it on purpose,” Robin groused.
Steve sighed. Nancy and he had dated briefly in high school before he presented as an omega and she an alpha. She actually had a mate, but Steve looked better on her arm at galas and charity events. That and her mate, Jonathan didn’t like the attention. He preferred to be behind the camera and not in front of it.
“It wouldn’t surprise me,” he said. “Put her on the pre-check list.”
Robin nodded. The pre-check list was a way to give the escorts a chance to decline an offer before it was set in stone. Usually the handler did that, but there were some cases where an alpha would pull shit like what Nancy did it was good for the omega to get a feeling of the event before the contract was set.
“Wear the dark blue jewel tone jacket with the black button up. That will prevent you from looking washed out, it’ll complement the dress and you get to one up your ex.”
Steve grinned. “Thank you, darling!” He leaped up and kissed her cheek. “You’re the best.”
“Also a heads up about the gala,” Robin said. “Tommy’s been tapped to escort talk show host Billy Hargrove.”
Steve flopped on the sofa dramatically. “Argh! Tommy’s going to be insufferable.”
Robin nodded. Tommy and Steve were “rival” escorts (it was mostly in Tommy’s head) who competed for the best clients. A three-time Emmy award winning talk show host was more “prestigious” then a one-time Pulitzer winning investigative reporter. Especially since that reporter was Steve’s ex.
“And with Nancy trying to sabotage my look for the night, he’s going to be gloating the whole time!” Steve continued.
“Well, thankfully you have a handler that thinks of these things before hand,” Robin said, rolling her eyes. “If Tommy gets in your face about it, ask Billy when was the last time he had person of color as a guest.”
Steve sat up on the sofa. “He’s never had, as far as I’m aware.”
Robin shook her head. “He does the ‘pandering’ thing around award season to make sure the Academy doesn’t notice his blatant racism.”
“Oh,” Steve said, his eyes glittering with mischief, “that would be a terrible embarrassment if someone were to bring that up at gala for people in news hosted by a black alpha, wouldn’t?”
Robin grinned. “It would be a damn shame.”
“You really are my platonic soulmate!” He jumped off the couch and flounced off to the bathroom. “Anything else for this week?”
Robin shook her head. “The schedulers were wanting to keep this week a bit thin because of how busy next week will be.”
Steve glared over his shoulder. “Don’t remind me. Two multiples and a rut servicing.”
“At least the first one is just a threesome,” Robin said with a wince. “Two alphas that want a cute little omega to freshen up their sex lives without looking to bond.”
He rolled his eyes. “Yes, but the other is some manager of a rock band ordering a gang bang for them because their shitty song went gold or platinum or whatever.”
Robin grimaced. “Yeah, that is pretty tacky. What’s worse is that they are all alphas.”
Steve dropped his robe with a heavy sigh. “Who’s the rut for?”
Robin looked through her tablet again. “Oh well that’s something at least. It’s Lonnie Goodwin.”
“That is a relief,” Steve said, shimmying out of his white silk briefs. “Lonnie’s good for a laugh. Do you want me to see if I can get you and Vickie tickets to his next Netflix special?”
Robin lit up. “Hell yes. He’s Vickie’s favorite comedian and her birthday is coming up next month.”
“Done, darling.”
He got into the shower and turned on the water as hot as it would go. He needed to warm up his muscles to be nice and limber. He got out and dressed in exercise clothes to go for a run. He put in his earbuds and turned up his music. He stretched and warmed up before heading out.
Walking out of his apartment building, he waved goodbye the doorman, Keith and set off down the road. He was listening to the band who was requesting the gang bang. Steve knew that the best way to get over an awkward beginning was to talk about things they were interested in.
So as part of his prep leading up to a client Steve liked to go through their social media, if they were famous any interviews they’ve done. Watch any movies or shows they’ve been in. Just really diving deep into their lives so that it was less a transaction and more like a date.
It was why Steve was so sought after, he never made his clients feel shame for hiring him.
Unfortunately that didn’t always go both ways. An escort at its core was still a sex worker and people still had problems with those. Even the ones doing the hiring of said escort.
But that’s why each escort had a handler. A beta that could come in and break up anything that might go wrong. Which is Steve loved Robin. He had seen her take down a raging alpha like it was a Sunday afternoon walk in the park. She looked thin and scrawny, but she was scrappy and tenacious.
When he came back from his run he showered again to get clean and then he slipped into some comfortable clothes to lounge around in. He could have done anything today. The Starcourt management team was intent on making sure their omegas had plenty of time between clients to rest, shop, hang out with their friends.
Starcourt omegas were some of the best kept omegas in the country, and it showed.
Steve would have done those other things if tomorrow wasn’t a rut servicing. They tended to be heavy on the exhausting side. Both physically and emotionally.
Because despite being infertile, they still experienced all the things that fertile omega did. Scenting, bonding, heats all came with being an omega whether you had the capability to have pups or not. There were always going to be times an artificial bond would occur, even with all the blockers they were on.
The bond would fade after a couple of days, but it was still hard on the omega when it happened.
Half way through his binge watching of the latest Netflix K-drama, Pedro came in with the tuxedos. They were blue jewel tones of varying shades and styles.
Once they had decided on a short jacket and necktie combo, his assistant Janica came in with accessories to chose from. Once everything was picked out, they went away again.
He debated going out to eat over making himself dinner. A couple of the omega escorts he knew had a professional chef, Tommy chief among them, but he liked to cook his own meals.
He decided to go out to eat, because he was going to be locked up in a room for the next few days and needed to get out for bit.
He got dressed in his favorite blue jeans, a blank tank top, and white short sleeved button up, that was left unbuttons. He pulled on his Nike’s and grabbed his cell phone and keys.
There was a taxi waiting for him by the time he got to the lobby. He loved his job.
He picked a nice restaurant near his place and sat down for a damn fine hamburger and fries.
At the end of the meal the waiter came up to him.
“Just charge the Starcourt account,” Steve said with a wave of his hand.
The waiter’s eyes went wide and he scrambled to do as he was told.
Steve left a hundred dollar tip on the table and then wandered back to the front of the restaurant where the same taxi took him back to his building. Where he finished the series with a tub of cookie dough ice cream.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17
So much world building in this. Which is why it takes so long to get to Eddie. But have no fear, none of what I'm putting in the next chapters is fluff. It will all make sense once we get to the Eddie chapters.
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @lexirosewrites @goodolefashionedloverboi @messrs-weasley @maya-custodios-dionach @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @itsall-taken @bookbinderbitch @redfreckledwolf @littlewildflowerkitten @vecnuthy @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @genderless-spoon @yikes-a-bee @anne-bennett-cosplayer @awkwardgravity1 @irregular-child @nburkhardt @apomaro-mellow @yellowdevilkitten @lingeringmirth @rememberthatiloveyou @demolvr
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allwaswell16 · 2 months
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A fic rec of my favorite One Direction alpha Louis omegaverse fics as requested in this ask. If you enjoy the fics, let the writer know by leaving kudos and comments! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
- Louis/Harry -
🌰 Light, Spark and Fire (series) by green_feelings / @greenfeelings
(E, 239k, CEO Louis) Life’s pretty ordinary for Harry. He lives with his best friend, got into university just like he’s planned, and manages to support himself just fine for an unbonded omega. If he sustains that lifestyle by getting paid to help alphas through their rut every now and then, that’s nothing to be hung up on. Until he’s hired by an alpha that turns everything upside down.
🌰 Say Something by @kingsofeverything
(E, 105k, age difference) At fifty years old and recently divorced, Omega Harry Styles isn't interested in dating. When his doctor suggests a heat and rut matching service, he signs up out of necessity. It’s the only use he has for an Alpha in his life. Twenty-eight-year-old Alpha Louis Tomlinson aims to change that.
🌰 Ace of Spades by @allwaswell16
(E, 78k, pirate au) Louis is a pirate, Harry is his captive, and no one is who they say they are.
🌰 These High Walls by LarryAlways28
(E, 68k, CEO Harry)  when the older, and wildly attractive Harry Styles offers him a deal in exchange for saving his family's legacy- how could Louis ever refuse that?
🌰 Unveiled by @phdmama
(M, 65k, royal au) There are no robes. And not a single one of them is veiled.
🌰 and i would search the night sky to find you by devilinmybrain / @thedevilinmybrain
(E, 56k, boarding school) Harry Styles is a high class, well-bred Omega attending Bosworth Academy - a prestigious boarding school looking over the small town on Kinsey. He has his whole life already planned for him, learning his place as the potential mate for an important Alpha, practicing his home making skills, and be obedient above all else.
🌰 Just for Tonight (I can be yours) by @sadaveniren
(E, 42k, royal) Harry, prince of Cestrescir, has been betrothed to Ludvic, prince of Yorvik, since birth. He'd accepted a loveless marriage as his duty to his country, until an accident threw him in the path of a gentle alpha
🌰 You're Not My Type (still I fall) by Imogenlee / @imogenleewriter
(M, 38k, farm) He's been in stickier spots; he reminds himself. Way stickier. This is just a bit of rain; it'll blow over. Then Harry will just... well, alright, he isn't entirely sure what to do when the rain stops because he'll still be stuck and lost.
🌰 Endgame by @brightgolden
(E, 38k, royal) Where omega Crown Prince Harry Styles is trying and failing to get pregnant for four years, but all that is about to change when courtesan alpha Louis Tomlinson comes into the equation.
🌰 The Risen (series) by @creamcoffeelou
(E, 28k, cult au) In search of the next breaking story, Harry goes off to do something no one else has been able to do: get the scoop on Louis Tomlinson and his devoted group of followers.
🌰 Keep Me Closer by zanni_scaramouche / @zanniscaramouche
(T, 18k, uni au) Louis expects Harry to react poorly, maybe even file a formal complaint and that’s gonna suck ass but Louis won’t say shit cause he knows he deserves it, so he prepares an apology before Harry’s even turned around.
🌰 Single Bells Ring by nonsensedarling / @absoloutenonsense
(M, 16k, alpha/alpha) A holiday singles event is not where Louis wants to be tonight, but there he is, helping his best friend find love.
🌰 Prince Harry and the Expert in Motorcycle Maintenance by @juliusschmidt
(E, 15k, fairy tale) a cinderella au in which prince harry rides a motorcycle and louis, a simple mechanic, fixes it.
🌰 Bentley Station, Now Arriving by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup
(T, 13k, space) There's a ball coming up, and Harry is going to attend. Niall will make certain of that.
🌰 It's Been Ages by @2tiedships2
(NR, 13k, friends to lovers) Louis shook his head in exasperation. “If you’ve been watching, you would see that Harry is interested in, like, alpha alphas. Not me.”
🌰 I’ve Always Liked the Fireworks by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird
(T, 12k, football) When alphas and omegas reach the age of twenty-one they are required to attend a Proving Day ceremony. Omegas watch as alphas do their best to compete in events, show off their skills, and prove how good a mate they can really be.
🌰 Come In and Change My Life by lightswoodmagic / @lightwoodsmagic
(E, 12k, neighbors) Harry and Louis become friends when Harry looks after Louis' cat during away games, until one night at a party changes everything between them. It's just a shame Louis' going to be away for the FIFA World Cup for three months.
🌰 Just Jump by @jaerie
(E, 9k, heat) “Hi!” The alpha said again and Harry took the hand he offered and shook it firmly. “I’m Louis from Omega Services. It’s nice to meet you.”
🌰 a body wishes to be held & held by @turnyourankle
(E, 9k, heat/rut) Harry wants to return the favour after Louis helps him out with his heat.
🌰 A Silver Lining In A Storm (You Were Lightning, I Was Born) by @fallinglikethis
(E, 6k, arranged marriage) after the death of his first fiancé, a man who turned out far worse than Harry thought possible, his subsequent marriage to the man's brother leaves Harry finding it difficult to trust that everything will work out
🌰  a rose by any other name by delsicle / @eeveedel
(G, 3k, Victorian) Harry is a sheltered omega who is the pinnacle of good breeding, but the flowers in his family’s garden – and the alpha gardener who keeps them – prove to be his greatest weakness.
- Rare Pairs -
🌰  That Don’t Define Who You Are by @lululawrence
(NR, 7k, Louis/Harry/Nick Grimshaw) the one where Harry is a licking omega with a broken bond who helps heal a fairly hapless beta with a folding bicycle. When Harry also meets the beta's alpha, things start to get... interesting.
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shamrockqueen · 2 months
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Omega Retreat : Chapter 3
Pairing : Alpha Bucky x Omega reader
Warnings : R18, Eventual Smut, reference to physical ailments
Word count : 2083
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Summary : As an unmarked and lonely omega you find a flyer for a service called The Omega Retreat.
You are paired with a compatible alpha to spend your heat or just a week at a luxurious cabin at a forest resort. Amenities and Utilities included. Enjoy the beautiful scenery, fresh air, as well as the company of an alpha of your choosing. What could possibly go wrong?
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You tried to focus on your work, but you found yourself losing focus time and time again. Your eyes kept leaving the dull glow of your computer monitor to steal glances at your phone.
“You seem distracted.”
Her tone was playful, but the abrupt interruption still had you jumping in your seat. Your boss had snuck up behind you easily as you were rechecking your email on your phone.
“Geez, we’ll have to string a bell around you if you're going to sneak up on people.” You laughed back, reassured by her coy smile.
“Something’s got you in a good mood.” She hummed behind you.
“Oh, yeah I guess.” You try to hide your pink cheeks, too embarrassed over getting caught texting a new flame like a love-struck teenager.
“All the girls can smell the change. Even the betas, dear.” She sang back.
“Who is he?” She tried to hide her beaming smile behind the back of her hand as she leaned over on the wall of your cubicle.
You scoff, trying to cover your warm cheeks as you answer. “You sound more excited than my mother was.”
She gasped with a wide smile, like a schoolgirl getting gossip from a friend. Omega’s always connected more closely, and it warmed your heart that she could be equally happy for you. So, when she leaned in for a hint of another scent that may have been left to linger on your skin, you quickly answered the anticipation in her eyes.
“We haven’t met in person yet; you're not going to catch a whiff of him, so don’t bother trying.” You laughed up at her before she pulled away.
“No fun. You could at least tell me what he is.” You knew it had to be the question bugging her the most.
You hesitated for a second, biting back on your lip before whispering back, “An alpha.”
“I knew it!” She nearly jumped with delight, leading you to try and shush her before the other cubicles were privy to your personal business.
It made you happy that you could feel like you had bonds even at work, and we’re thankful for her gentle omega nature.
“Keep your voice down.”
“I’m sorry; I’m just so happy for you. After everything, I just..”
You didn’t want her to finish that sentence. Luckily for you, she wouldn’t, looking back into your saddened eyes instead. “I’m just so happy for you.”
“Thank you.”
“You think you’ll meet him soon?”
You chuckled alongside her, glad to have the conversation shift back to a lighter tone.
“We’ll see. We’ll see.” You shoo at her, hoping to get some of the work she’d given you done today.
She gets the message, realizing she’d been gushing for too long and had work of her own.
“Fine, but I expect an invite to that wedding.”
It was the last you heard of her before she walked back to her office.
You smiled back at your computer, a drab Excel sheet still painted over its background. You sighed back at it until a telltale ding rang across your previously ignored phone.
A relationship with an alpha was still scary, but Bucky seemed to dampen those worries every time you looked at his photo blipping over your screen.
You pulled the phone towards you to glance over the notification of Bucky’s message.
“I wait to see you tonight.” You read along with the small message box.
You ran your fingernail along the power button before pressing on it, letting the passcode window light up the screen before tapping on a handful of numbers.
You looked back at the few cubicles behind you, making sure you had a moment to answer.
“Me either. I can’t focus on work,” you typed fervently.
“I’d rather meet you in person, Omega." The message pops up in the next second.
You let out a breathy chuckle with a smile, still in disbelief that you could be his omega even in text.
“I know. Hopefully soon, but I’m excited about our video date.”
You were more than excited; it was all you could think about as the hours ticked away slower than they normally would. When 5 p.m. finally rolled around, you nearly lept from your seat. You nearly forgot to shut off your computer before grabbing your stuff and rushing away.
A giddy drive home was a delightful change of pace, spurring you to drive just a tick above the speed limit as you neared your little house.
You fly through the house, letting the door slam behind you before tossing your purse over the couch. You stumbled past the mirror, only to twist back towards it after catching sight of your messy hair.
Your fingers only tangle into it as you fight to take it out of its messy bun. You only tied it up halfway through the day for a little comfort, only to ruin all the work you put into it that morning.
You didn’t have any time to fuck with it now, yet you continue to burn through the few seconds you have left trying to tame your tired looks. Could each flyaway be seen through your laptop's webcam?
You stopped for a second, closing your eyes and sucking in an uneven breath before looking back up at your reflection.
You looked red—nothing new, of course—but not a face you wanted him to see, and yet there wasn’t anything you could do to fight it except to finally calm down.
Your hair wasn’t bad, and your reflection wasn’t meant to scare you, and as you continued to breathe, that red blush began to fade. You can do this.
You leave the mirror, setting your eyes on the laptop still sitting on the coffee table. You lowered yourself to the sofa to sit as comfortably as possible before pulling the computer to your lap and switching it on.
A brief photo of you with your arm wrapped around your mother’s shoulder flashed in the background of your screen before you set up the video call.
It was just more of those bouncing dots with a different ring as it all danced along a blue screen. You held your breath, waiting patiently for his image to take over. Yet, when the square zoomed over the page and movement took over your screen, every ounce of air seemed to force its way from your lungs.
He was there, tucking his hair behind his ear and smiling at his own screen as you gave a shocked smile.
You mouthed back an overwhelmed ‘hi’ as you watched him intently. Your mouth moved in an attempt to form words, but you were far too mesmerized by the real alpha on your screen. That is, until his smile fell.
“Is your sound on? I can’t hear you.”
“Yes!” You were quick to reassure him, wanting desperately to see that smile set upon you again.
Just as you hoped, it was back in an instant after hearing your voice.
“Sorry, I was just a little speechless for a second.” You blinked at his image, wanting to make sure it was real as you spoke to it. “It’s amazing to finally see the real you. Not that I thought your photos were fake..uh it’s just.” You fought your way through your ramblings as he chuckled at your giddy and nervous demeanor.
“No, I know what you mean. It’s so exciting to finally see you, Omega.”
It was like a dream, finally laughing and talking where you could see one another and study each of his expressions as he took each word that left your stuttering lips. Hours pass, and the conversation continues to burn through the night as it’s carried happily between the two of you.
It was so much better, but not nearly enough. A frustration shared by both you and him began to show as the veneer hiding it broke away.
“But, I wanna bury my face in your neck.” His voice deepens, showing a glimpse at a small possessive side. It was something you’d initially feared from an alpha.
“I gotta see you for real.”
It’s so sudden, you could hardly believe it would always be like this for omegas, but how could someone who had shut themselves away for so long really know?
You think back on what others spoke of during their tales of pleasure and even the more harrowing words from your physician only a few weeks prior. They’d cut off your suppressants ‘for your own safety’, and urged you to seek a sexual partner in the most blatant terms. But, they weren’t wrong, and with another possibly fatal heat on the horizon, you had to make a very difficult choice.
“Maybe we should. It's just...” You stopped for a second to calm yourself. “It hasn’t been very long, and you're already..so smitten.”
“Can you blame me?” His voice rang low over the speaker yet still sang through your worries so melodically.
His tone drops, becoming more serious and heavy, so much so that it only echos the ever-grave voice that bounced around the back of your mind. “What are you scared of?”
It hit close to home, like he could be looking right through you and seeing every mounting fear you tried so hard to bottle up.
“It's just, with a heat coming in a couple weeks..” you tried to ignore the breaking of your own voice as you spoke. You didn’t want this to be the reason why, and you didn’t want it to be so soon that you two had to meet or finally be intimate. “...and I just don’t want to rush things. But I agree; maybe we should consider meeting in person soon."
You fought not to let your true emotions show and not to let your true fears come to light in front of him. It was a relief when his face lit up with so much joy. He just stared back at you, his eyes beaming through the screen.
You could nearly cry. After ripping off this first bandage, it was such a relief that you finally felt you could breathe properly. You chuckled happily together, taking in each other's joyous reaction when he finally spoke again.
“I can send you an invitation right away. I can be there for you.” He spoke so passionately, looking at you with big, wet blue eyes before typing away at the keys on his keyboard.
“W-what invitation?” You nearly coughed on the words as they left your throat.
You do think back on the vacation packages on the original website and how they boasted about safety as well as elegance. The thought of having that kind of special getaway with the Alpha often, finally seeing Bucky where the sun could hit his skin instead of in the glow of your laptop monitor.
But, he was still technically a stranger, in spite of the two of you consistently sharing messages over the course of several weeks. Running away with him seemed, in the most juvenile sense, stupid. Yet, a twinge in your stomach urged you to leap at his offer.
“It is such a beautiful resort.” You chuckled nervously. You recalled all the photos you’d scrolled through before he’d matched you on the website.
“I’ll meet you anywhere you want me to, Omega. I just want to feel you so bad.” The low drag of his voice wasn’t unfamiliar by now, after having heard similar sentiments during a steamier exchange over a phone call. You felt a little embarrassed as your skin started to flush again.
“I don’t want to make you spend that much money on me.”
"This is not about money. I just want everything to be perfect for you.”
You try to force yourself to speak, but each word falls flat on your tongue. He was offering you what felt like a lifeline with open arms. You never wanted something like this to progress so damn quickly, but maybe you were really that desperate. Maybe you were really that scared.
It was so nice to be wanted, and by him especially, an alpha unlike any other you’d ever met. You still wanted time to think about it, but what time do you have left before a possible disaster? The date of your heat was growing closer, but you had to afford at least a night to ponder something like this.
“C-can I have a few days to think about it?”
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Chapter 4
Tag list : @serendipitouslife90 @unicornicopia1 @bethyruth @scott-loki-barnes @wintrsoldrluvr @buckysdoll85 @lendeluxe @meowmeowyoongles @heletsmelovehim @mcira @buckysbaby-doll
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
i love ur virgin om head canons! When you unlock a devil’s flower you technically deflowered him and I love that. Want to make Diavolo cum until he cries and manhandle and pound Lucifer until he passes out💗
⚠️🔞NSFW (18+) MDNI
Virgin Diavolo HC/Imagine (Obey Me!)
When you put it like that, yeah I guess we de-flower them. 😂 Oh reading Dia crying did things to me ty anon, like:
Imagine a virgin or newly de-flowered Diavolo sitting between your legs with his back pressed against you. Your arms reach around him, your hand pumps his cock as he moans and thrusts into your hand trying to reach that blissful high. ♡ "Please! Let me cum! Please!!!" Your hand moves quicker and grips him tighter and he continues thrusting desperately into your hand, finally reaching his high, letting out a loud groan. Ahh...but your hand doesn't stop. You continue milking the virgin prince out of every.last.drop. Diavolo starts crying how it feels so good, how you make him feel so good. His cock continues twitching and his face is a wet mess from being overstimulated. You kiss his forehead and tell him he did so good, being so obedient for you. ♡
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⬦You might also like: Virginity︱Alpha (Dia)︱Supreme (Dia)︱Sunday Service (Dia)
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pedge-page · 5 months
Plushies 5 - Piggy
Joel Miller x F!Reader
Plushies Series Masterlist but Can be read as standalone
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^^Story is not nearly as serious as the gif--its just the knife bit that counts.
Summary: Date night starts with being hungry--but ends with a different kind of hunger.
Warnings: Plushie humping, unconventional toy in the bedroom, unprotected sex, daddy kink, doggy, cowgirl/riding, degrading and praise, lots of giggles at the end, mentions of a fight, cum eating, creampie, a little Protective!Joel, comedic dumbassery for these two as usual
18+ ONLY
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When you and Joel occasionally decide to treat yourself for an all out dinner, sometimes it’s a lovely table service, nice dress occasion, with a sexy glass of wine and 5 pieces of cutlery—and other times it’s at the Hungry Pot with a giant cheese smothered greasy loaded brisket and bottomless coke/root beer floats. Tonight was a Hungry Pot night. And while you were excited to indulge Joel’s starving belly after a long and physically taxing day, having him nearly start a fight at the bar only 10 minutes after the two of you were seated wasn’t exactly the date you wanted.
Not that the night was ruined at all. It’s not his fault you get so wet when he goes alpha mode.
“Bed. Now,” you command. Your warm hands force him into your room. The two of you had whisked out of there before the food was even ready. Not really because he was worried about being kicked out, but because he could see the look in your eyes and knew this was going to be a different kind of date night.
 He could barely keep his hands off you in the car, and the wet throb pooling between your legs didn’t help either.
He plops his ass down on the cushion, famish gaze looking up to you tower over him between his thighs. It’s one of the few times Joel obeys you. You push him back, climbing over his waist as his hands go to their usual spot on your sides.
“My hero,” you charm. Your lips devour his, tongue poking through his teeth. His neck strains to keep your mouth on his.
His hands move to your upper back to hold you close but you immediately grab his wrists and pin them to the bed. 
He smirks. 
“Ya like being in charge?”
You shake your head bashfully, nipping his lower lip. “Just want you—and you’re taking too long.” His ravenous eyes piercing yours then down to your lips.
“Jesus. Like watchin’ me get all riled up in front of you? Bet you do. Makes that little pussy gush, don’t it?” He greedily sucks your tongue back in his mouth, hips grinding down against his poking bulge. “My perfect, sinful angel.”
Your digits slide upwards, entangling your fingers together as the two of your hands move up along the bed, over his head while you continue to make out.
There’s sudden movement—and Joel immediately tenses, hands escaping yours—“Thefuck—what”— and he’s karate chopping something alive in the mess of your plushies that goes flying out of the bed and into the corner of your room violently. 
“S’something movin’! Get back!” He orders.
You feel your entire body being hoisted up on to your feet, Joel protectively guarding in front of you. arms holding you close as bay behind his massive figure as he scans the room ready to pounce again. 
The two of you can hear the faint lively buzzing of the thing that was living in your bed. And you finally sigh in relief. 
"Joel! That’s Mr Oinkers!"
Joel has an incredulous look back at you. Now you want to scold the man trying to protect you for yoinking him so fucking hard. You brush past the brown bear of a man despite his worrying stance and retrieve the poor squished pig from the floor. He’s got a big dent in his poor face—Joel’s punch right on target even when it surprises him. You refluff the pink piglet gently to his original rounded and exceedingly huggable shape. 
You hand it to Joel, now more curious than defensive. His large hands tentatively engulf its entire body, sending it into a little spasm of vibrations.
He stares at it with a mixture of disgust and amusement. “What the fuck."
"It vibrates when you hug it."
"Where the fuck you huggin this, between your legs? They sell this to kids?"
“Oh my god, It’s not THAT kind of toy.” Who gave this man such a dirty brain? “Besides, it doesn't have that level of power. Just give it a regular, loving squeeze and it vibrates a little. Like an interactive teddy bear when you hug it?"
His eyes don’t really say much. He twists it like a wheel, inspecting the underside, gauging the weight of the battery pack safely snuggled inside. It’s gone still in his hand, but when he gives it a firm squeeze, the little jiggles come back to life, humming in the quiet room. A small, yet distinctly Joel, smirk begins to tug at the corner of his mouth.
And--oh fuck—you know that look.
It’s the look of ‘Kiss this plushie’s virginity goodbye’ look—so oddly specific and yet so trademarked by your boyfriend now. 
He practically holds Mr Oinkers hostage for the next hour,  cradling it under his massive arm as he sifts through your kitchen drawers. You hover around him, partially unsure what he’s up to, but also for poor Mr Oinker’s safety. While you love Joel being rough with you, you don’t like when he gets too aggressive manhandling your poor little squishes. They have to live at least until you die and that means coddling them with delicate, loving embraces, sweet kisses and regular poofing—.
The horrid sound of scratchy tearing of fabric rapes your ears like nails on a chalkboard, and you instantly go to seize the pig from his grasps.
But Joel yanks it just right out of your reach, your hand closing around thin air.
“Ah! Don’t play around when Daddy has sharp tools.”
“Fuck off, Joel, you just ripped my plushie!”
He brushes you off. “Mr. Piggy—“
“—It’s Mr. Oinkers.”
“—The pig—is just havin’ a bit of surgery—“ his  fingers dig into the fresh hole, pries apart the back flesh of the pig even more, making your ears twinge with pain at the continued horrors—“gonna sew him back up, sweet pea, don’t worry.” He looks at your bewildered and near crying state and chuckles. “Jesus. I PROMISE—gonna make him just like new okay? Now please stop worrying?” He caresses your cheek with soft grace, thumb soothing over the redden state of your eyes.
You nod, refusing to cry over it. “Okay...” you whisper, adding a quick “fucker,” and calm down now that you’ve uttered the necessary retort. “Please—be gentle…” you say meekly, eyes trained on the gash in Mr. Oinkers once smooth body. The cotton filling practically gushes out, wanting to escape like pussing blood.
He kisses your forehead. “I promise. Now go take a shower, and let me finish with my patient here, yeah?”
With a final little kiss to your forehead, you do as he tells you. 
Afterwards, you can’t help but anxiously pace, peeking towards the harsh light of the kitchen where Joel works. He had splayed out more tools found in your apartment—a litany of batteries, thread and needle, a screwdriver, the fished out battery pack from deep inside the plushy’s wound.
True to his word, Joel keeps a surprisingly gentle touch. He carefully removes and replaces the batteries with a different—more sinister pair, places the cotton filling back in, glasses perched on his big nose as he holds the fabric close, sewing little strokes with the thin thread like an expert ancient seamstress, quiet and concentrated in his habitat.
And despite all his intimidating physique and attitude, the thing that you loved about him so much was that he was just as delicate. He fucks you like rag doll one minute then is tending to you with the softest, sweetest touches and kisses. The man is practically a walking paradox.
It makes you wet all over again.
So when he tells you to get naked on the bed and straddle the now recovered from surgery Mr. Oinker’s, you don’t even question it. You so badly want to please him again and again.
Joel settles right behind you. Your bare crotch hovers just over Mr Oinker’s poor squishy face—but what’s one more sacrifice to the Pussy King’s use? 
You feel hot open mouth kisses along the length of your spine, his fingers curling around your sides, gliding up your breasts with smooth, ticklish haste. 
“Go on, give ‘im a big hug,” he whispers to the shell of your ear. “Between your legs,” he adds with a chuckle.
You sink down your knees a little further, feeling your dripping entrance make contact with the soft, stuffed plush. The pig jolts to life with a violent seizure—far more aggressive than it ever did before.
“Oh!—OH god!” You moan, instantly wanting to pull away, but the firm press of Joel to your back prevents you from going anywhere. The plush vibrates extra violently between your legs, nudging your little clit repeatedly. 
“Feel good, baby? Gave him a stronger dosage.” You feel the hard press of his bare cock humping along the crack of your ass, his arms draped over you with palms flat into the mattress—caging you between himself and Mr. Oinkers. 
“Lay forward. Let me and the Pig do all the work.”
He presses his forehead on your upper back, forcing you down until your face is relaxed into the pillow. You barely hum a “Mr. Oinkers” to correct him. Joel shakes his head, unresponsive.
The new position pushes your clit even more snugly into the lively Pig’s jittery tummy. You moan out loudly, your clit sucking up the pleasant sensation.
You hear him laugh a little at the state of you: ass up, face down with a fun little vibration toy wedged in your slit. He pumps his hard cock in his hand a few times before sighing. 
“Put it in f’me,” he says.
You don’t hesitate—reaching your trembling hand, so shaken with pleasure, behind you to grasp his throbbing length, pulling the bulbous tip closer so that it parts your petaled folds. Joel grunts at the feeling of the plushie vibrating along the underside of his balls. He thrusts in slowly, stretching you wide to accomodate his thick girth.
“Fuck me with a hoe, baby girl, you’re so perfect f’me,” he moans. 
Joel pauses, savoring the mix of vibration and tight squeeze of your cunt sucking him in. 
“Joooooeeeeeellllllll,” You whine desperately. You try to wiggle your hips to incite movement but he holds you still.
“Sorry baby, man’s gotta enjoy what’s his.” 
Your heart swells, resigning to his desire. Hishishishis, rolls over in your mind like a placate spell. I’m his.
You feel the warm weight of his belly conforming to the arch in your spine, his hot breath tickling your ear once more with a sweet kiss. “Piggy treatin’ you real good down there?”
“Ah—mhmm—it’s s’good. So good, Daddy.”
“Yeah? Smother him with your cute little nub. He’s so excited to get a taste of ya pussy. Just like me.”
You bury your face into the pillow—Joel’s deisgnated pillow. His scent fills your nostrils, the hot stretch of his cock fills your cunt. All while you can’t help but start grinding your sopping pussy against the plush, effectively touching your clit with mad vibration while also fucking yourself on to Joel. 
“So hungry, babygirl,” he grunts. “Told ya, let Daddy and his new friend help ya. Just stay still like the good girl I know.” Hot paws wrap around your hips as he begins to work a steady pace, thrusting in and out of you while also pressing your ass down into the piggy’s face. He watches his cock disappear into you before emerging with glistening slick of your sweet juices, so wet pent up and needy for him all night. 
And the damn PIG between your legs just happily jittering with violent spasms nonstop makes it impossible to ignore the knot growing in your lower belly.
Joel can feel it too—the way your walls are closing in on him. 
“What does my babygirl say?”
“T-thank you—Daddy!”
“Wrong.” He starts a quicker pace, making you cry into the pillow with each unforgiving rut. “Give ya a hint—the cow goes moo, dog goes bark—what does the piggy say…?”
“I—I don’t—”Oh god, he can’t seriously be asking…
“Oink for me.”
“Ugh—Joel—no, fuck—I’m close. Right there please!”
But right as you’re on the cusp of your orgasm, he pulls back, lifting your hips with him so the Pig just barely graces your folds as he shallowly grinding his hips against your ass.
“Cmon, make the little guy between your legs proud. And the big one inside you too. Do it for me,” he repeats, a hint of sadistic satire dripping in his voice. “Oink like a pig.”
But you groan in frustration again. His hands keep you pinned high, locking you uncomfortably, unable to leverage your knees to fuck yourself back onto him and finish the job. You so badly need to cum, the persistent hum on your inner thighs making your legs quiver, practically begging to have the wet animal feasting on you again. 
The consideration of embarrassment over your release only washes over you briefly before your opening your lips and bubbling his wish from deep within your throat:
Snort—“O-oink,” you cry meekly. “Oi-nk”.- Snort— “oink!”
He stops moving entirely. You almost want to cry, because what the fuck—he said he’d let you cum! The room is silent minus the persistent buzzing muffled just out of reach under you.
Then you feel little shakes behind you, like something caught in Joel’s chest. The shakes grow, rippling through his body— until you can hear him— laughing out uncontrollably with tears in his eyes while he’s still buried balls deep inside you.
"That's... That's not funny Joel!"
"I'm sorry I just didn't think you'd actually do it!" He slips out of you and sits back on his haunches, arching backwards as he clutches his chest from wheezing so hard.
And he’s still cackling, hardly noticing he’s the only one laughing, nor the lack of mirth in your body language, the shift in your positions as you roll him on his back and straddling the big hunk of giggles. And it’s only when you’re lining his dick along your wet pussy that his amusement goes stale.
“—Hah!—oh—oh shit." 
His hands instantly seek purchase on your waist, mouth parted ever so slightly with eyes glued to the space between you where his tip just barely begins to poke your folds.
You hover over him for an agonizing amount of time, refusing grant him entry.
"You... told me to,” you say, face red and hiding from him. 
While he was so hyped up on the adrenaline that you were finally going to take charge in this rare moment, he now sees it in you. Yes—you were embarrassed. But yes—you wanted to please him so badly that it was worth the shot. He can feel himself swell in your hand, precum and your juices coating his dick proudly because this is his girl.
Joel grips your hips and starts rolling your pelvis into his, sinking himself into you and taking charge again. You gasp out, hands on his chest to steady yourself as you both rock into each other. 
His eyes are darkened again, movement purposeful. “I know. I know, babygirl. That's what I fuckin’ love about ya. You'd do anything I ask you, huh baby? Humping your squishy piggy just cuz I told ya. My Little cum hungry, greedy girl.”
You lean back, bouncing on his cock with little slaps of your ass clashing down. That delirious feeling of Joel—his voice, his touch, his cock—JoelJoelJoel—filling your every senses once again, mugging your brain as you ride him to your hearts content. “I’m Daddy’s c-cum hungry greedy—girl,” you moan, brain so turned to mush so quickly that he can’t help but smile.
 “‘At’s right. There’s my girl. Didn’t even have to ask ya.” He plants a wet kiss on your knuckles, and you can feel yourself shudder at his lustful gaze. “Keep goin’. Just like that. Ride me. Fuck me.” 
He slaps your ass with encouraging stings, begging you to bounce along his shaft harder, faster. 
And in true Joel fashion, he fists the nearly forgotten vibrating plushie and shoves it at the crevice right between your pelvises.
You cry out pathetically, riding Joel faster. The pig’s full belly wedges between the two of you, jittering against your abused clit and a bit of Joel’s unsheathed cock with violent rhythm. He groans out, fucking up into your tight heat harder.
 “Say ‘Thank you Mr Piggy’,” he commands, his voice straining with the impending proximity of his own orgasm.”
"H-hjs name is —mmmmm—Mr. Oinkers.”
"Well I'm the one fuckin’ you right now and I'm telling ya it's Mr. Piggy.”
While Joel’s lips curl into a snark, so desperate to have you cum, your mouth parts so heavenly, eyes heavy with lust as you chant. “T-Thank—you MR! Mr PPIGGY! Ahh—ah huh—for—fucking me—my-mm-my clit—hungry pussy—fuck Joel!—needed Daddy’s filling—wanted to fuck you—Piggy kisses my cum hungry—pussy—so good—oh fu-FuuCCCkkKK I’m cumming—I’m cumming on my Piggy! Thank you, Daddy!” You cry with a pained smile, letting go as pleasure washes over your entire body, shaking with the same lack of control as Mr Oinkers has been showing you all night—and Joel doesn’t let up. Fucking you through your orgasm with one death grip on your hip and the other ramming the plush between your sweaty bodies, biting your swollen sensitive nub as he canters up into your womb.
“Yeah fuck—fuuck that’s it-there’s my girl—gonna let Daddy make you his cum dump? Huh? You want that? You do—you fuckin’ do—dirty girly—shit—Daddy’s gonna give it to ya.” 
You fall forward, your breasts smushed against his chest as he continues to rut into you. You let him use you. Let him dominate your body and own you because it feels best when he does. 
He’s gritting his teeth, the plush absolutely pancaked between you and sputtering along his pelvis, sending shockwaves down from his base to his balls. “Oh fuck—Mr Piggy—givin’ it to me too shit—shit baby! here it comes!”
 He growls when he cums, pouring buckets of cum from his tight balls and releasing inside you with each spurt. And the soft cushion of the pig between you rumbling only prolongs his orgasm, ropes after ropes filling your gut like a four course meal until he’s over sensitive and yanking the soaked cotton mess out and tossing it to vibrate helplessly in the corner of the room.
He cradles your neck close, breathing in the sweet smell of shampoo from your partially damp hair. Soft strokes along your spine comfort you as you both relax in each other’s embrace.
As you rest on top of him, you pull your head out of the nook of his shoulder, his eyes falling to yours as you two lie staring at each other.
“Why’d you get so mad at that guy at the Pot?”
Joel scowls at the memory: “He asked if you were single—said I looked too old n’ that ya needed a real man to satisfy your appetite.”
You hold your breath with him. Then you snort—like a real, genuine and uncontrollable snort. “And you didn’t laugh your ass off at him?? Oh my God, Joel! That’s fucking hilarious!”
His fingers curl around your soft hair, a half hearted smile on his adoring face.
Your eyes become serious again. “You didn’t actually believe him, did you?”
“I did. For a minute. Till we got home, and you showed me how hungry you were for me. Needed to take ya right then.”
“Proved him wrong.”
“No,” he shakes his head, sucking in a big breath. “No, just did it because I wanted ya so badly for so long. Who else is gonna do this crazy shit, fuckin’ stuffed animals like the weird little freak you are?”
Your jaw drops in astonishment, sitting up on your elbow. “The plushie fucking is YOUR idea! I have never humped any of these bitches in my life until you!”
You can feel his chest rumbling, eyes crinkled with subdued laughter. 
“You fucker,” you croak, voice cracking with a giggle. 
You both hear Joel’s tummy growl. “I’m still hungry, didn’t get to eat our Pot, remember?”
“That’s funny. I’m surprisingly full. Thanks to you,” you hum, kissing his lips. 
He accepts, making out with you unhurriedly until he’s rolling you over to your back and gliding down your body, pressing his chapped lips between the valley of your breasts, down your naval, and over your sensitive clit. Your legs spread on instinct. Joel’s eyes never leave yours as he presses his nose to your slit, inhaling the succulent scent of your mixed cream. “Gonna make my tummy happy too?”
 His tongue laps up at his cum dripping down to your crack back up to the source, making you grip his curls. “I s-still ha-haaaven’t forgiven you for —urgh Daddy—r-ripping Mr. Oinkers apart.”
“So? Made him better, didn’t I?” He continues to suck up his cum clean from your entrance. “I ripped Mrs. Oinkers apart just now too.” He buries his nose into your cunt and snorts: “Oink—oinkoinkoink!” 
You yank his hair harshly off of you and kick him to the couch for the rest of the night.
Until an hour later, you’re waddling wrapped in a big comforter and curling up against him on the thin sofa and spooning him. He wraps his arm around you with a kiss to your neck before falling asleep again.
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eetherealgoddess · 4 months
ꨄOur Alphaꨄ
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Oneshot - Yandere Celebrity/Omegaverse Au
❦You have to survive as a maid in a celebrity omegan mansion❦
Sano Manjiro, Hanemiya Kazutora, Sanzu Haruchiyo & Haitani Brothers x Reader
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Not fully proofread
I know there are different variations of omegaverse with sub gender roles. For this specific story, female alphas are not likely to get pregnant but it’s still possible, the omega males are usually the ones to nurture the child, traditionally. Y/n will have female genitalia. Basically omega females will be impregnated, alpha females may get pregnant by alpha males as well as omega males but omega and alpha males cannot get pregnant. Omegas of both genders get heats while alphas of both genders get ruts.
In this world, omegas are at the top of the hierarchy in sociatel terms because of their divine energy. They’re the nurturers while alphas are seen as aggressive and easy to sway, only thinking with their genitals which is seen as weakness even though omegas can be manipulative and murderous. Alphas are basically used to breed. For heats, alphas can be used but if not then omegas help each other, without the markings and ruts.
✩Y/n is 18+. I picture her as a black female but you can see her however.
✩Some parts of the story may not be realistic or factual. After all, this is a work of fiction.
✩Although it's a dark 'romance,' I do not condone any of the behavior displayed.
✩Dark content such as: gore, violence, triggering topics, graphic scenes, vulgar language, explicit sexual content, etc.
✩There may be scenes that involve non con and/ or dubcon so don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable
✩That being said, this story is for 18+ only.
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Our Alpha
Being an alpha in this world can be challenging. Constantly having to prove yourself no matter the circumstances in which you find yourself in. You could be murdered by an omega and still get blamed for whatever happened to you. Some omegas have even falsely accused alphas of terrible behavior, winning in the process while the alpha gets the most gruesome punishment. Alphas are almost always classified as low class citizens, getting the scraps that the omegas may or may not give.
Sure, there are successful alphas out there but only the few favored by omegas, gaining their way to the top by bargaining their own bodies. Regardless, it’s very dangerous to be an alpha involved with an omega, even if traditionally your instincts yearn for it. Tying yourself to an omega is a life sentence of becoming a slave considering once you bite them, you’re tied together by a bond for life. This is why you have made sure to steer clear of omegas of any gender, getting through your segregated schooling as well as gaining a decent job to survive.
You’ve only had romantic and platonic relationships with other alphas and betas, experiencing sex as any person would without the sub gender roles considering there were no enticing pheromones that could put you in a hypnotic trance. Omegas are naturally pretty creatures, ethereal beauties that can lure you into their traps. You despise their power. You despise your own subgender; to be so easily swayed is embarrassing.
Everything was going well until you got laid off by your job, an omegan bar replacing the building as they always do to alpha companies. It’s as if they’re trying to rid all of the alphas' abilities to live a substantial life without the help or permission of omegas. It was frustrating. You became desperate considering the lack of alpha owned businesses in your area. You had no choice but to find an omegan business that would hire you.
Unfortunately, the only job placement you’d be hired for is a maid, some kind of servant, or sex slave. So you decided to post an offer of your services, desperate for income to be able to afford your small apartment. The only response you received was to become a house maid for the sons of the omegan stars who needed a new maid. Although you’d be living in the mansion, you couldn’t pass the pay that was offered. Considering how high it was, you could live there for a few months and be able to move out on your own when you’ve made enough.
Once your bags were packed you traveled to the area in which you’d be living, passing by beautiful scenery that the alpha territories lack. Alpha areas are very dull and dim whereas the living quarters for omegans were pigmented and beautiful. Once you arrived at the mansion, you were guided by one of the beta butlers to your designated room, setting your luggage down as you were handed your uniform that consisted of black pants and a white shirt. Very plain but convenient for cleaning. Your room consists of a twin sized neatly made bed and a window, along with a desk and dresser. The room is also connected to a small bathroom.
Considering you don’t start until tomorrow, you begin to settle into your new living space, sighing once you are through. Deciding to take a shower, you set clothing to change into on your bed before heading to your shower. After you were done, you wrapped yourself in a towel before walking out of the bathroom, only to be startled by the presence in the room. You stare in shock as the blonde male eyes you as he sits on the bed in a crisscrossed position.
“U-uh can I help you?” You attempt to ask politely.
Having never been around an omega in your lifetime, you instantly could tell that an omega sits in front of you by the sweet smell radiating off of his form. A smell you’ve never had the privilege to sniff. Your body is tense, not wanting to make the wrong move as you know how unpredictable they can be. You keep your anxiety levels low considering they could smell fear a mile away. You’ve taken time to study the ‘predators’ though you’ve never seen one in person which is why you know so much.
He hops off the bed and walks toward you, staring at you with intense black eyes as he studies your form. You shift uncomfortably as you keep a hand on the towel wrapped around your figure, your skin moist from the residue water from the shower.
“You smell sweet for an alpha.” He says with his head tilted, leaning in as your eyes widen. His face stops near your neck as you hear him sniff slightly before pulling back. You wanted to reply with a smart remark but held back, not wanting to risk your life over something so petty.
“Y/n?” You nod.
“Mikey.” You already know their names, their parents are known for being famous as well as their children. You damn near grew up together through the screen, always seeing them on your timeline no matter how many times you blocked omegan accounts. There were even alpha owned accounts who were smitten over the pretty boys.
Without another word, he walks out of the bedroom, not bothering to shut the door. You huff as you shut the door and lock it, although now you know the lock doesn’t really matter. Once you were dressed you went to bed and scrolled on your phone until you fell asleep. Your alarm woke you up at five in the morning, hopping out of the bed reluctantly as you did your morning routine and put your uniform on.
The head beta maid met you at your door right before six o’ clock. You noticed that she wore an actual maid’s dress and not the cheap attire you have on, not that it bothered you. She went over the rules as well as the to do list for each day. She guided you to the cleaning supplies, showing you where to find everything as well as touring the rooms, not entering the male’s rooms considering they were still asleep.
Once she left you on your lonesome, you walked into the living space, dusting the windows and wiping them down with a cloth and cleaner. You dust wipe down the lamps and the light fixtures, moving onto the baseboards and window frames. Once you turned around to continue, you were startled once more, facing two of the males who eyed you. You eye the twins, purple orbs studying you before smirks grow on their faces. Their sweet scent meets your nostrils as you stand there.
“Looks like we got a new plaything, brother.” The shorter one states, hands in his pockets with a mischievous glint in his eyes. You tense as they walk towards you. The oldest one slightly leans over.
“Did you hear about what happened to the previous alpha who worked for us?” He questions with a sly smile. You shook your head in response, curious to know though dreading the response.
“She was such a dirty pervert, spying on us while we undressed.” They slowly circled around you like predators would their prey. Your grip tightens around the dusting brush, eyebrows furrowed as you follow them with your eyes.
“She even watched us while we were in heat. There were more problems before she finally got castrated.”
Castration happens when an alpha is accused of perverted behavior. For the male the penis will get detached as well as for the female's clitoris. It’s a horrific punishment nobody wants to go through. Although there are cases where alphas broke the law and gave into their instincts in a disturbing way, a lot of the times they get falsely accused.
“You know how alphas get when they can’t contain themselves. After all, you are one of them.” Rin says before he stops in front of you along with Ran.
“Not all alphas are the same.” You rebutled with irritation. Of course they would generalize the sub gender.
“No?” Ran chuckles, “I guess we’ll see.” He says before walking away, Rin stops by the window and rubs his hand along the glass, the sound causing you to flinch as you see the smeared handprint form.
“Missed a spot.” When they exited the room, you groaned, spitting a few curses as you got ready to re-wipe the window. You had a feeling that spoiled omegans were going to be difficult.
Hours pass and it’s time to clean their bedrooms. Apparently, they should all be out at this time, working on whatever projects or endeavors they’re famous for which is why you were surprised when you walked into the spacious bedroom, and saw piercing blue eyes narrowing at you. The sweet smell contrasted with the aura of the platinum haired male.
“Get out.”
You didn’t hesitate to comply, saving the room for later and heading to the bedroom next to it. You walk into another spacious bedroom. You could hear the shower running through the door of the bathroom. You decide to rush through the already semi cleaned room so you could get it over with considering you already had another bedroom to come back to.
Tidying the spaces that needed a touch up, you pause when you hear the click of the door opening, not noticing the shower had stopped a few minutes before.
An instant sweet aroma mixed with a fresh scent fumed into your vicinity as you turned towards the male who was holding a towel around his waist. You yelp once he removes the towel, rubbing it against his hair as you turn to grab your equipment.
“Sh-! Uh… I’m sorry!” You say as you rush to the exit, only for a hand to grab your wrist. You kept your gaze down toward the door, not wanting to catch a case.
“Hey, wait. You’re Y/n, right?” He questioned with his index finger and thumb rubbing his chin. His grip only tightened when you nodded your head, gasping as he pulled you into a moist hug. Your eyes are wide as you pause in surprise, the warmth of his body radiating off of him as well as the fumes engulfing your nostrils. His arms snaked around your waist as his face nuzzled in your neck. You ignore the feeling of his limp bulge against your covered thigh. You stare at him with disbelief once he pulls back with a closed eyed smile.
“Kazutora.” He says before he turns around, towel still in hand as he walks to his walk in closet, disappearing into the smaller room. You breathe out heavily as you run out of the room, face warm as you place your hand on your chest.
You couldn’t believe how close he got to you, naked and all. How familiar he acted even though you only just met. You rub a hand over your head as you wipe off any residue shower water, your shirt slightly stained. Once you finished the other bedrooms, you pushed your anxiety to the side to knock on the scarred man’s door. When he didn’t answer after the third knock, you entered anyway. Eager to get done with cleaning for the night so you could eat dinner.
When you saw the room was empty, you began your process, unknown to the prowling eyes on you from the cracked door of the bathroom. You could smell him but you thought it was because you were in his bedroom. You jump when you hear something break. Turning around you eyed Sanzu with confusion as he stood there with his arms crossed.
“Why did you break that?” Your eyebrows furrowed.
“You know I didn’t break that.” You say, missing the glint in his eyes towards your response.
He walks over to a pillar and pushes the vase off. You gasp as you look back at him.
“You’re not a very good maid. So clumsy.” He hissed before yelling for the head maid.
“Yes!” She says when she all but runs to the doorway.
“Look at the mess your new maid has made.” He points to the broken objects. She apologizes on behalf of you before she walks to the storage room to grab a dustpan and broom. You glare at him when he glares at you.
“Such vile creatures you alphas are.” He says before walking out of the room. The head maid runs back into the room, handing you one of the brooms and a dustpan.
“Don’t take it to heart, they taunt the new alphas everytime. You just have to be careful so you don’t end up like the last maid.” She informs you.
“Didn’t she spy on them?” You question as you sweep the mess. She shakes her head.
“Oh no. She wasn’t like that. Not at all. They… well… just be careful Y/n. Try not to gain any more attention than you already have.” You pause from her vague response.
“Can you please tell me? I need to know what to look out for.” She looks up at you before sighing.
“Alright, but you didn’t hear this from me. Apparently, much like you, an alpha was hired as a maid. Unfortunately, they didn’t seem to like her, not that many omegas like alphas initially. Instead of firing her, they made her job harder any chance they got. I guess they got bored of their game considering they set her up, resulting in castration and jail time.”
You gasp. You knew how omegas were but to be at such a risk was terrifying.
“There’s not really a way to dodge them once their minds are set but just try to stay in your lane and just get your job done.”
After dinner, you head to your room to shower and get in bed, searching for the old maid as you feed your fears. You fall into darkness, awaiting for a new day.
A couple weeks pass and time goes smoother than you thought. Besides a little teasing from the twins, you survived two weeks of living in this mansion. Nobody seemed to bother you thankfully. You continued to dodge the men as you completed your daily chores. Having succeeded for the two weeks you felt as though you finally had a little room to breathe. Although you weren’t bothered, you couldn’t help but feel eyes on you everyday. You always ignored the feeling.
The day was finished and you went to take your routined shower, basking in the warmth of the water with your eyes closed. Once you were finished, you turned the faucet off and pulled the curtain back, screaming once you pulled it to cover you once more. Your hand trembled as your eyes were wide, the intruder’s hand gripping the curtain to pull it back as you kept it in place.
“Hey, what are you so shy for?” Kazutora questions with a chuckle.
“What are you doing in my bathroom?” You exclaim, smelling the scent he’s letting off as he fills the room. You cover your nose as you gripped the curtain harder. You yelp when you see him pulling it from the other side, snatching your towel quickly as you cover yourself and hop out of the shower.
“Well, I was bored.” He shrugged as he looked you up and down. “
“C-can you get out? Now!” You growl, frustrated with the situation as you cover your nose once more.
“Why?” His smile drops. “What’s up with the tone?”
You pass him as you walk into your bedroom, turning back to face him.
“K-Kazutora, can you please leave? Just let me change real quick.”
His smile returned, “You’re kinda cute when you’re all flustered. It’s only fair I get to see you naked since you walked in on me.”
“You know that was an accident. That’s not even how it we-. Okay, just please turn around if you’re going to stay here.” You say. He sighs before placing his hands on his hips and turning in the opposite direction.
You quickly dried your body as you frantically put your pajamas on.
“Alright, I’m done.” He turns back around to face you. “Now, what can I do for you?”
Before he answers, Mikey walks into your room as Kazutora hops on your bed. The blonde follows behind.
“What the h-! What is going on? Why are you both in my room?” You had to keep your nose covered from the aroma covering your room by the two men, as if they were scenting your room.
“For you to entertain us.” You shook your head.
“I don’t know what you want me to do so there’s nothing I can do. I have to wake up early to complete my job so…” The door opens revealing another blonde who enters your room, sitting next to Mikey as he leans his head on his shoulder, another smell adding to the fumes.
Following after him were the twins who strolled into the room, one sitting at your desk while the other sat on the dresser. You cover your nose with both hands as you eye the newcomers.
“Look, I know you all probably don’t like me and want to get rid of me like you did the other maid. I can stay in my lane and we don’t even need to cross paths.”
“Are you telling us what to do?” Rin asks in an accusatory manner. Your eyes widen as the omegans glare at you.
“No! I-I’m stating my peace! I’m just trying to work.”
“Why should alphas like you get to work? You’re nothing but breeders.” Sanzu hissed as his fumes became higher. Your face becomes warm as you begin to feel light headed.
“You’re all such weak little things. Look at you.” Ran says as he gives off more of his scent. At this point you’re beginning to see stars as you try not to lose to your instincts, fighting off the rut that’s beginning to come forth.
“What’s the matter, Y/n?” Kazutora questions with a fake look of concern, fumes adding to the rest of the scents as you could barely breathe, sweat dripping down your skin.
Mikey gazes at you quietly with narrowed eyes, studying your movement as your vision becomes blurred.
“It’s only a matter of time before you pounce, so just give in.”
You immediately dash out of the room, running down the hall to the maid’s floor as you remove your hand from your mouth, stopping in front of her door to knock frantically. She opens it, gazing at you with concern. You pant heavily as your hands are on your knees.
“They scented my room. Where else can I sleep? Fortunately with her being a beta, you both switched rooms for the night. You didn’t sleep much, too caught up with your thoughts as you couldn’t believe how you almost went into a rut just by the intense scents. You looked up different rut suppressants, ordering some over the counter after a late night trip to the nearest store. Once you took it, you were finally able to fall asleep.
Few more weeks passed and it’s finally been a month since you moved in, the suppressants helping whenever they used their scents against you. No doubt it caused frustration for the men. They made more messes as well as just being plain rude. They switched the liquid of your cleaners with juice as well as causing messes where you already cleaned. They finally left you alone when they saw none of it was working.
Thinking they gave up, you continued on with your job. Dodging them every chance you got as well as getting used to their schedules so you didn’t run into them. You kept reminding yourself that the pay was worth it until it’s time to go. If only you would’ve noticed the way some of your dirty clothes would disappear or the pairs of eyes on you while you slept. You thought the little knick knacks or random clothing that showed up mysteriously in your room was from the maid, never really having that happen before. You didn’t really know why the other maids began to distance themselves, unknown to the threats that would occur whenever they would come too close.
“Y/n, I need to talk to you.” The head maid states, pulling you to the side out of the kitchen with the chefs.
“What is it?” You ask.
“Y-you need to watch your back.” Your eyebrows furrow. They’ve been leaving you alone so you have no idea what the problem is.
“I think the guys are courting you.” Your eyes widen.
You didn’t know much about courting except that it was a way for alphas to show affection to omegans. Traditionally, not the other way around though it does happen. Omegans have only been doing so to other omegans.
“What? How? Why would they do that?”
“I’ve caught them in your room while-!” Her name was called from a distance.
“I-I’ll tell you later. Just be mindful of your surroundings.” She says before walking off. Your eyebrows furrow as you follow her figure, standing in place.
The next day, her body was found on the ground next to the mansion in a bloody puddle. It was deemed a suicide considering the open window. You mourned for your one and only friend of the house, surprised when a hand was placed on your shoulder as a way to comfort you by Mikey.
One day, your suppressants went missing, causing you to not take them for a few days because you never had time considering you would immediately go to bed after you showered when the chores were finished. Considering they stopped messing with you, the need for the suppressants went out the door. You think back to what the maid was trying to tell you from time to time, not really believing that omegas could have a crush on an alpha like you. There was no reason too, especially since they’re celebrities.
You had just finished showering and getting dressed for bed before a knock on your door echoed. When you opened the door you eyed the omegan maid in confusion.
“Come with me.” She states as she walks off, you following behind.
When you stop in front of the door, she giggles.
“You’re a very lucky alpha.” She says before she opens the door and pushes you in, shutting and locking it behind you. You fall, kneeling to the ground as you look up. Your hands cover your mouth and nose as the fumes take over, the sight in front of you causing your eyes to widen.
The sweet mix of different aromas meet your nostrils as it goes straight to your clit, the intensity of the smell overwhelming you as the air is thick with omegan heat fumes. Panting men lay on a large bed in front of you as they desperately touch themselves, loads of slick everywhere as you hear moans and whimpers.
You’ve never experienced anything like this, desperately clawing at the door as you stand up on your trembling legs. You turn around, kicking the door as you struggle with opening the knob.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck! Let me out, please!” You realized you’ve been set up, now afraid of castration as you try to keep yourself under control.
“Alpha?” Your breath hitched at the soft voice. Now that you’ve been noticed, you repeatedly kick the door harder as you try to break out.
The scents thicken as you avoid turning around, too scared to eye the vulnerable men. Your head hits the door as tears fall out, sliding down on your knees as you try to keep it together. You jump when a wet hand touches your jaw, forcing you to look into dark eyes.
You tense as you smell the residue slick against your face, tightening the grip over your nose and mouth as the fumes become stronger from Mikey’s closeness. He uses his thumbs to wipe away the tears as he pants, face red with sweat wetting his hair.
“Stop crying.” You want to move his hands away from you and try to break the door down, but if you move your hands you will surely go into a rut.
You hear a moan coming from the bed, the scarred man fingering himself fast as you could hear the squelching of his wet anus.
“Touch me, Alpha!” He demands with his head fallen back. You bite your lip under your hands, pressing yourself against the door as you smell Sanzu’s fumes become stronger, an attempt at luring you in. It almost works, his voice going straight to your core causing an ache to form.
A pain forming from kneeling, you plant your bottom on the floor, preparing to cover your whole face until Mikey pushes his body in between your legs, his hands grabbing your wrists as leans over to your ear.
“I want you to mark me, alpha.”
You shift your gaze to the loud moan coming from the bed, Kazutora face down, ass up with his head looking behind toward you. His heavy lidded eyes are feral as he stares at you, fingers engulfed in his hole as he tugs his hard on, milking his cock as you watch the slick drip on the bed that you now notice has some of your clothes.
You turn your gaze to Ran who is gazing at you while sitting on the bed, rubbing his cock as he bucks his hips, panting with an aroused expression. You could smell all of them from where you sat. Rin kneels in front of you as he hugs your waist before picking you up, carrying you to the bed as you struggle against his grip, tossing you in the middle as you're surrounded by the men in heat.
You shut your eyes tightly, your hands being ripped from your nose and mouth by him.
“You’re taking too long.” He hissed before he pinned your wrists above your head.
“Stop! You don’t want this!” You yell as your shirt is torn by Sanzu, your pants being tugged down by Mikey.
“Please! I don’t want to be castrated or binded!” You exclaim, tears falling as you feel your rut being triggered by all of the overwhelming fumes.
Two palms grab your face from behind as you gaze above you with teary eyes, residue slick from his hands rubbing against your face.
“We’ll protect you, alpha.” Kazutora gives a dazed smile before his lips meet yours, your eyes wide as his neck blocks your view. The color in your eyes dim as you fight off the rut to the best of your abilities, the instincts taking over as your pupils dilate.
Once Kazutora pulls back, you gasp at the feeling of a thick girth entering your pussy. Glazed over purple eyes stare down at you while his hips pull back before shoving back into you. Ran leans over as one of his hands reaches behind your neck as his face nuzzles on the opposite side.
“I couldn’t wait, alpha. S’ fucking good.” He rutts inside of you, not bothering to go slow as you grunt and moan, eyes shutting closed tightly. His beautiful moans reach your ear as well as the other omegans who were touching themselves by the heated sight, waiting their turn. Kazutora and Rin grab your hands, circling your fingers around their cocks as they thrust desperately against your hands.
After a while, Ran pulls out of you, picking you up before you are turned over on all fours. Sanzu positioned himself under you as he forced you to drop on his cock. Ran’s wet cock easing into your ass as it stretches, the slick on him making it less painful. They both release moans as they buck their hips. You pant against Sanzu’s neck, trying not to lose it.
“Bite me. Make me yours alpha.” Sanzu says against your ear as he moves your hand to wrap it around his throat. Your fangs come out, biting your lip to prevent yourself from tying any bonds no matter how tempted you were to do it. Blood drips on his shoulder from your lip as they accelerate their speed.
Your hand grips his neck causing him to moan out your name. You curse as your body rocks in between them, both men going harder as the slick oozes out of your holes.
“God, you want it so bad Y/n. I can smell it from you.” Kazutora groans as his head falls back, his hand tugging his erection as he breathes heavily. Mikey shifts to kneeling beside your face.
“His neck is bare for you. How could you pass the opportunity for such a pretty omega?” You whimper against Sanzu’s skin, whispering, “Fuck!”
“I’ll be so good for you, alpha.”
“Please!” You beg for them to stop with their words.
“Come on, Y/n. We’re giving you permission.” Rin breathes out as he rubs his wet cock. Finally, your eyes darken, panting, you insert your fangs into Sanzu’s neck, drawing out a loud whine from him.
“Yes, alpha!”
By the end of their assault, you had ended up losing your senses to your rut, marking each of their necks as they all pounded into you. You were knocked out, lying in the bed full of nests made by your own clothes mixed in with theirs. You were scented as you breathed heavily stuck in a deep slumber. They are bound to you forever as you are to them. Your position as a maid was dropped now that you are living with them for good. Your worst nightmare came true and now you’re stuck to be the omegan’s alpha. Your own freedom has been ripped from you, though at least you weren’t castrated.
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