reluctanttrabbit · 6 months
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and you still want it
the inner sanctity
and it's an evil
but the evil is necessary
alt w/o the reflections in their eyes :}
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shadow and bone s2e4 reaction
everyone's reactions to the engagement 😳
zoyas back to herself hahah
bitch ass...she is not ruined (she is ruination)
damn...openly kissing right after your engagement announcement?? 👀 yes...I see nothing going wrong
ope...guess who was right and who's brother saw that!!
what is this boy doing??? (baghras finger) God damn
they really made baghra a better (nicer) person in this version though...
"it'll give me some comfort to know you're with me" is the nicest thing kaz can say hahaha
"if the plan goes awry" ...book kaz's plans never go awry...they just turn into plan f
"kinda like your face" IS THAT THE RIP-OFF "maybe I liked your stupid face" !?!?! IT BETTER NOT BE
ok jesper guessing what kaz is gonna say was amazing top notch quality...one of my new favorite moments
...this is also crooked kingdom...(the costumes)...it SCARES ME
...ope...nina is in this plan...she might ruin it (she hasn't really been a CROW yet...she cares more about Matthias at the moment and Pekka can give her that)
anndd...that happened sooner than I expected
it took kaz almost a whole book to forgive jesper for ACCIDENTALLY telling people they were leaving town...idk how he's gonna forgive nina for PURPOSELY doing this
love alina learning the cut...get it girl
also Tamar and Nadias chemistry 👀👀 I see you (ps Tamar is so gorgeous how do I focus with her on screen 😭)
David's actor is so good! the pain in his voice when he mentions genya 🥺🥺
"I share no bond with kirigan" 😳 girl is done with him
"it's a little unsettling how you talk about him like he's someone else" get it mal! I love that line
please be a kaz plan please be a kaz plan please be a kaz plan please be a kaz plan
inej saving the people on the ship 😭😭 I love her so much
again I say...please be a kaz plan please be a kaz plan... how else does he forgive nina?
this is literally crooked kingdom...the fake plague?
wylan 🥰 (it was such a short scene...I just love him)
jesper in his costume brooo
hell yeah I love crazy kaz
"you'll never find your son in time" badass shit
start begging Pekka. start begging.
honestly...not mad that they moved this plot up sooner cuz there is still a lot that happens in six of crows and crooked kingdom with van eck and the ice court...this gets Pekka out of the way
aahhhhhh freddy is an amazing kaz!!!!
right after his big Pekka throw down he looks at jesper and nina like he was ashamed he learned his secret and it just ahhhhh
tolya and his poetry hahaha loovee
damn nikolais brother whose name I forgot! rude!
Vasily...it was said
ew...don't kiss her hand vasily...nasty
his son being okay gets me though 🥺 the little boy didn't do anything wrong and kaz knows that
"you could come with me" for being so good at flirting with everyone...i love how bad he is at it with the people he actually likes
"I can't make you any promises, or predict what might happen between us. but I can tell you that, I'd like to find out." CRIES 😭😭
ok imma be honest...I got a bit of wesper in e4 spoiled for me because I opened tumblr and THERE IT WAS and was SO UPSET because I love their slow burn
it just seems like they rushed it...they barely know each other...GIVE ME MY SLOW BURN
but also this scene is really cute
...I went back and rewatched the scene because as I said in a previous post...I always rewatch wylan scenes and
kaz being mad at inej but just because he was worried about her 🥺
"weak link" this bitch is so bad at feelings...we all know you love her
I just know that if we could see in his head like the books he'd be yelling at himself
I love nikolai "wear it that is...not punch me"
this scene is like word for word! love!
Vasily gives me slimey vibbeess
I'm so excited for this scene
darkling really just walked past alina like 🚶‍♂️
I love the darklina scenes thouggghh they're done so well to the book!!
is it bad to say that I expected genya to be...worse than she is??? 👀
like girl was described as missing an eye and basically looking almost non-humanlike due to the torture she endured
but now she has like some scratches on her face
"do you see him?" 👀 same alina...same
(imma just put this here in my small shameful way but...the darkling looks really hot when he's trembling with anger 😗...)
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eruden-writes · 2 years
I was tagged by @vaya-writes and my words were: decadent, delight, and dread.
Excerpts under the cut!
DREAD: This was a roleplay (that never went further than the first posts lol) using my half-orc knight, Sir Rask. Since I do have some plans for Rask, I just used this. :P
Something was wrong. Sir Rask could feel it in the air. A sizzle of nerves and anxiety weighed down on the inn. At first, he assumed it was the other contingent of knights, the ones from Flandia, their prior enemies. The men weren’t used to a half-orc being among them, let alone as a leader. You’d think, after a few days of travel, his compatriots would get used to his seven foot self. But all they saw was the moss green skin, the yellow eyes, the tusks jutting from his lower jaw. The training exercise earlier in the day hadn’t helped, either.
It was no wonder nerves were high. He’d been less than gentle with the men and it had genuinely been a warning to any of the once-enemies to behave. There’d been too much bickering among the ranks as they rode with the royals.
The tension in the air had only increased as the night grew darker. Dread twitched along his arms, forcing Sir Rask to move toward the prince’s room. Instinct or paranoia drove his movements as he trod silently along well-cared for floorboards. Even his armor didn’t clatter as he made his way through the shadows, natural dark vision lighting his way. 
DELIGHT: This is a WIP I started around Valentine's one year. The love interest is a goblin/drow that offers to drive the main character home from the carnival, once they close up shop.
The February sun was oddly out and shining, feeling more like a very enjoyable spring day than winter. Which was expected when the Carnival of Enchantment came into town. As the name suggested, the Carnival not only brought magic, happiness, and delight, but warmer weather, even in the dead of winter. At least for a week.
It just so happened that the Carnival’s appearance in Nathaly’s neck of the woods coincided with Valentine’s Day. Well, not quite her neck of the woods. She still had to travel an hour and a half, but she and her friends were going to have a great time! 
For the most part, the Carnival was one of the highest tier in their genre of entertainment. Really, it was more like a nomadic theme park in quality and shows. The CoE company could convert a small acreage with rides, games, and stages in fewer than twenty-four hours. Magic helped, of course. The few times Nathaly managed to go in the past, every moment was filled with delightful memories full of mysticism, tantalizing food, and more.
She’d hoped to create more memories with her friends. But one key component completely ruined the day.
Now, she found herself alone behind a line of booths, nudged against a treeline for optimum privacy. Her heart pounded and tears swelled in her eyes. Why had they invited him of all people? A warm droplet coasted down her cheek as she sniffled, thumbing through her contacts on her phone. There wasn’t anyone she could call to come get her, either. 
Nathaly was so focused on scrolling through her phone, she didn’t notice someone nearing her hiding spot.
“Are you alright?” 
DECADENT: This one is from Something Primal, which is available on tumblr or wattpad. Menstruation smut.
Tension wrought along her muscles and her core, making her center feel tight and throbbing and ready to break. Shudders racked her body, before everything pulled taut with her back arching and toes curling and fingernails digging into his scalp. The pressure exploding as she cried out, bliss slicing along her tender body. Rowan gave a guttural, happy growl, his hands holding her jerking hips in place as he continued. As if possible, he pressed further against her pulsing pussy, lapping everything up.
Her taste intensified on his tongue, becoming even more decadent and addicting. His own loins tightened, wanting so much more but content to stay put at the same time. 
Hazel gasped down breaths, the heat in her body threatening to melt her very bones. The more his tongue cleaved through her sensitive folds, the more pleasure blossomed over her senses. It wasn’t long until she writhed and moaned and tears formed in the corners of her eyes, residual orgasms lapping at her sensitive body. The intensity became too much, edging toward pain.
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canofhappy · 1 year
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I posted 1,558 times in 2022
That's 1,239 more posts than 2021!
93 posts created (6%)
1,465 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,546 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#reblog - 1,383 posts
#the amazing devil - 111 posts
#video - 100 posts
#undescribed - 92 posts
#artists on tumblr - 55 posts
#hap's happenings - 48 posts
#fanart - 48 posts
#hap’s happenings - 47 posts
#described - 41 posts
#no image id - 39 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#because in the carboniferous era there wasnt like. fungus that could break down the lepidodendrons (the trees all the rage at the time)
My Top Posts in 2022:
sooo i couldn’t reblog the post i made talking about this, and idk if it’s polite or not to tag everybody who interacted with the og post?? here, i’m tossing this to the fandom with the disclaimer that it is not of ~quality~, it’s just me being Head Full Many Thoughts. love y’all <3
39 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
my party trick is being in fandoms where you have to think a bunch -- but the trick is i don’t think about the content at all and take it all at face value 😎
43 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
do you fellow TAD fans think that at the end of “welly boots” when there’s that repeated I know you’re strong enough / I know you’re strong enough to do this on your own where madeleine hyland comes in to wail + also repeat the sentence, do you think that’s the child’s mother? like what if both of this child’s parents died but their mum died first and that’s why her voice is fainter, but she still always believed her baby would be strong enough to face the world on their own?
109 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
wild blue yonder: Those songs we sung, those words we flung / For fear of sound
inkpot gods: And what you hear is not silence
👀👀👀 anyone?
115 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
madeleine hyland and joey batey are geniuses. we as a fandom know this. but i just uncovered something about ruin (the song). so i was thinking about those piano covers done by “cress” on youtube, and they’re extremely talented, go check them out if you haven’t!! but i was wondering when they would post a cover of ruin, right? and it got me thinking.
i did piano for about two-ish years, enough that i can tell you use two hands for the backing track of ruin. then you’d have to have a third hand for madeleine’s initial melody. plus another for joey’s interjections.
DEAR HEARTS. YOU NEED TWO PEOPLE (four hands) TO PLAY RUIN ON THE PIANO. it’s exactly like the message of the song! you need four hands to complete the whole thing which can be messily connected to completing a relationship. because you need equal amounts of work to do it. ahhhh i think i did something.
344 notes - Posted May 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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believinghurts · 3 years
Their Daughter
Authors Note: I swear I posted this before, but I can’t find it anywhere on my account so I’m thinking Tumblr deleted it. I did add a little onto the end if this part so if you have read I would advise to read it again. Please don’t copy to other sites.
Warnings: yelling, crying, uhhhhh
The week and a half at Malfoy Manor passed way too fast for Ali’s liking. In all honesty, she wasn’t looking forward to spending the rest of her summer with the Weasley bunch and Potter. School started in three weeks as it was and she knew that she would be seeing plenty of them there, and spending even more time with them made her want to vomit. She felt like she was able to breathe when she was with the Malfoys. She missed her Uncles but spending so much time with Narcissa and her friends helped take her mind off of everything.
After their first trip to Diagon Alley, they want another time just Narcissa and Ali to spend some quality time together and that’s how Ali was ending up with a trunk so full she and Draco had to sit on it to close it, her friends were around the Manor a lot more. Pansy, Theo, and Blaise had stayed the night after their families had dinner together meaning that they all slept in the living room after talking late into the night. Ali was woken up by her aunt shaking her awake, telling her that if she wanted Blaise to stay breathing she needed to move. Somehow that night the two had ended up right beside each other with Ali’s head on Blaise's right arm while his left was under his head. This was something that Draco now used to blackmail Ali into doing things he didn’t want to do since he knew his father would murder any boy that so much looked at Ali.
Ali sighed before calling the house-elf to take her trunk downstairs. Doing a quick once over of her royal blue bedroom she grabbed her wand before making her way down the stairs. She left to go back home today and as excited as she was to see Regulus and Remus, the knot forming in her stomach at seeing Sirius made her ill. Her confidence had grown some after talking with Narcissa about what was going on at home. Cissa assured her that Sirius was just being Sirius and not seeing the hurt he was inflicting. Ali wanted to believe her aunt's words that he would come around more when he knew that the Malfoys were not a threat. She had made sure Ali knew that she was just as good if not better than the Potter boy because she didn’t judge anyone no matter their house. Draco was livid when he found out what was happening between Sirius and Ali, blaming it all on Potter for being the snake that he feared Draco was so much. Draco had made her swear that if Harry or anyone said anything to make her upset that she would write Draco right away and he would be there in a heartbeat.
“I knew that dress would look stunning on you,” Narcissa stood as Ali entered the living room. Ali smiled at her aunt as she kissed her on the cheek. She did a little spin when Narcissa motioned her to do so causing the dark blue dress to flare out at the bottom right above her knees. Cissa had insisted she bought it even if it wasn’t something Ali would have normally worn. She had paired it with her favorite white combat boots and black tights making the little white spots on the sleeves stand out even more. Narcissa hugged Ali once more, and Ali knew she didn’t want to send her back to Grimmauld Place, but school started soon and Ali wanted to spend some more time with Regulus and get her stuff ready. “We are going to miss you so don’t forget to write, and we will see you at the train station.”
Ali nodded, hugging her aunt close before moving onto Lucius who kissed her cheek wishing her good luck at home and to write if she needed anything. Draco was last, he tried to act indifferent, but Ali knew he didn’t want her to leave. She stuck her hand out causing him to roll his eyes before pulling her into a hug. Draco had grown quite a bit the last couple of years making Ali eye level with his shoulder. “Write to me the minute something goes wrong, and I’ll be there to save you. Potter be damned.”
Ali giggled, “Of course, Dray. Behave for mother, and make sure if you see our friends that you tell them I’ll see them soon.”
Ali grabbed her trunk while Lucius called for Winks the house-elf to come apparate Ali back home. She gave her extended family one last smile before grabbing Winks's hand. They landed across the street of Grimmauld Place, Ali gave Winks a bar of chocolate out of her pocket before bidding goodbye. She walked in the door hearing noise coming from the living room and dining area. It was just after lunch so she assumed everyone was still hanging out there. She debated going straight to her room first but decided not to. She pulled her trunk behind her till she reached the dining room. There everyone was, immediately Ali wished she was back at the Manor where it was peaceful and she wasn’t getting stared at like she was right now. She pulled down the sleeves on her dress a little more not noticing how big of a mistake that was.
She saw Regulus standing in the corner, he smiled at her. Regulus was happy that Ali got to stay away for a little bit. He was able to give Sirius a piece of his mind, which happened often, without Ali overhearing. Screaming matches could be heard coming from the study more often than not after someone made rude comments about Ali or her friends. Sirius still had acted like Ali was staying with the Dark Lord himself instead of family and it had pushed Regulus to the edge more than once. Regulus knew that Remus was on the same page as him, he was over the comments from Sirius. Regulus had noticed that Harry didn’t say anything bad about her or Slytherins if Remus was present. He had taken a liking to the oldest two Weasleys and Fleur, they were nice to Ali and Fleur often defended her by saying kind things. Regulus knew that Fleur stuck out in the Weasley family, he had seen the looks some of the younger ones would give her. He felt bad for her and often tried to make sure she felt comfortable, much like he knew she did for Ali.
Ali hugged her uncle tight, she had missed the safety feeling that came from burying herself in his chest. Remus was quick to join the two, squeezing Ali to him before kissing her head. Ali quickly tucked herself back into Regulus' side. His arm wrapped around her shoulders, “How was it? Did you have fun?”
Ali smiled at him and Remus, “I did. Pansy, Blaise, and Theo stayed over after we had dinner with their families. Cissa took me shopping, twice mind you. Draco almost made the house explode with some potion he was trying to make to dye Theos hair. It was supposed to change with his mood, but instead, it ended up all over the ceiling. Aunt Cissa didn’t stop yelling at him for an hour,” She laughed at the memory of Draco’s face while his mother yelled that he had ruined her ceiling. “Um, what else?” She knew Regulus wanted to know exactly what she did. He was always interested in her life often making her tell stories from school in detail. She was never allowed to leave with just a generic ‘fine’ that some teenagers got away with. “Oh Lucius took us to Hogsmede, claiming that it was to get Cissa some sugar quills, but the number of chocolate frogs said differently. Oh, Cissa told me to tell you that she ordered me new school robes and that you needed to pick them up or she could bring them to the station.”
“You didn’t tell me you needed robes?” Regulus raised his eyebrow, surely she would have told him if she needed something like that.
“Oh I don’t, but Draco did since he grew again and Cissa said I should just get some so I have extras. I-”
“Why don’t you just brag some more,” an icy voice cut her off. Ali looked to see Sirius standing behind Harry with his hands on his shoulders. She hadn’t noticed him when she came in so she was wondering what all he had heard. She wasn’t bragging about anything. She knew the Weasley’s had financial problems, but this was her home. She was allowed to talk about things she did with her Aunts even if it was out spending an obscene amount of money.
“I-I wasn’t bragging,” Ali stuttered, “I just was telling Uncle Regulus what I-I had done.”
“Oh yeah right. You had fun, right? That’s good,” Sirius walked around the table towards Ali who naturally stepped closer to Regulus. Her uncle tensed when he saw that Ali was scared of his brother. “So why are you wearing long sleeves? It’s like 80 degrees out. You must be warm in them.”
“Sirius,” Remus’s tone was a warning. He knew what Sirius was thinking, but he had hope that Sirius knew not to do it.
Sirius ignored Remus continuing to walk towards his brother and daughter. “You decided that you wanted to match Regulus too? Spend some time with the Dark Lord the past couple of weeks?”
“Sirius you stop this instant she didn’t do anything,” Molly spoke up for the girl while pushing the other children out of the room. She tried to get Harry to leave but gave up after he insisted he stayed where he was.
“No, Molly, cause you to see Regulus was her age when he got the mark. And I’m starting to wonder if Ali doesn't have it as well. Spies the both of them. Playing the part of perfect uncle and niece. Show me your arm, Alianova.”
Ali stayed where she was, not moving an inch. She felt her breath pick up as Sirius walked closer. “Ali, I said show me your arm.” She shook her head no. She didn’t have anything to hide, but she didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of listening to him. He hadn’t earned her trust or respect at this point. Sirius reached out and grabbed Ali’s arm. That was when all Hell broke out.
Sirius had enough time to push her sleeve up before he was shoved back by Regulus. Ali cried out when Sirius’s nails dug into her skin hard enough to bleed. Remus grabbed Sirius, pulling him back while he stared in shock at Ali who had tears streaming down her cheek staring at him in disbelief.
Regulus lunged at Sirius only to be held back by Bill Weasley, “Stop. Stop, Regulus. Ali needs you. Go.” He lightly pushed Regulus back towards Ali. Regulus felt this heart crack in his chest when he saw that Ali sitting on the floor holding her arm to her chest. Her tears dripping down her chin as she watched Remus pace in front of Sirius who was still looking at her.
Regulus knelt beside Ali gently pulling her arm to him revealing the four scratch marks on the pale flesh. Each had drops of blood running down the sides. Regulus grabbed the tea towel off the counter-pressing it to the wound. Ali leaned into his shoulder letting her tears catch on the fabric of his shirt. She was trembling from the shock that someone who was supposed to love her could hurt her like this. She had always known of the Black Temper; it was famous really. But even when she saw her grandmother and Regulus angry, they had never hurt her. Sirius was her father; it was his job to protect her was it not? She understood that he never wanted her, she was a mistake. Ali had come to terms when that a long time ago, but for him to actively hurt her shook her to her core. Ali was focused on Regulus, but from the corner of her eye, she could see Remus shaking with rage at Sirius. Regulus cupped her cheeks in his hands wiping away her falling tears. “Are you okay?”
She numbly nodded at her uncle. ���Ali, I am so sorry-”
“NO,” The venom in Ali’s voice shocked those that were in the room as she stood with Regulus’s help. “No. You don’t get to apologize. You knew what you were doing and you didn’t care! You never have. And never will. I get it okay?” Ali walked towards Sirius so she was a couple of feet in front of him, but near the stairs to make her exit if she couldn't handle it anymore. “I know that I wasn’t planned or wanted. I know that I’m not Harry Bloody Potter, but you know what I am? I’m YOUR daughter. That doesn’t matter, does it? You don’t care that it's your job to raise me and protect me and love me. You never did it. I have no memories of you. Not one. My uncles told me how good of a parent you were when I was little, but I don’t believe that anymore. Hell, if someone told me you put me in a room and left me there it would be more believable.”
She pinched the bridge of her nose letting out a sigh. She never stood up to people much, but she was sick and tired of Sirius thinking he could act like this towards her. “I used to look up to you. I never listened to the bad things people said because I thought you were good. I wanted to make you proud of me even if I never got to meet you. Then you got out. But instead of coming for your flesh and blood, you came for him,” She flung her arm in Harry’s general direction. “You were never there for me. That’s fine too. Wanna know why? Because I have people who are always there for me. People who love me unconditionally, and make me see that I am enough. Do you know who those people are? A big chunk of them is the Malfoys. I had a lot of fun staying with them, but one of my favorite parts was when Lucius told me that even if you didn’t see how great of a daughter I was that he and Regulus did. The Lucius Malfoy made ME feel better because you treat me like rubbish.”
Ali walked closer to Sirius. The only noise in the room was coming from her, and if she stopped talking a pin dropping could be heard. Regulus was stunned by her outburst but knew deep down that it was coming. Sirius had pushed her too far, and once Ali was done it was going to take a lot more than Bill Weasley to hold him back. “I have never called anyone else ‘Dad’, but now I regret it. Regulus is more of my father than you could ever be. I hope you have fun with your son.” She spat looking Sirius in the eye before turning on her heel fleeing up the stairs. Tears fell again as she shut and locked her door behind her, sliding down the other side of it. Even if what she said was true it didn’t mean that it hurt any less knowing that Sirius would never choose her.
Downstairs Regulus was fuming. He was shocked that Ali called him ‘dad’ even if he had wanted that for as long as he could remember. But the other part of him wanted to break Sirius in half. He felt the rage coming back from when he was a child. He felt the urge to kill but knew that he wouldn’t. He couldn’t think of himself, he had too much at stake. He hadn’t been able to think of himself for the last fifteen years. Sirius had done a lot of messed up things in his life, but this took the cake. Regulus forgave him a long time ago for him leaving, and for the bullying that he did to Regulus through school, but this was unforgivable. Ali was a child who didn’t understand why she wasn’t good enough or why her father was hell-bent on her being on the side with the Dark Lord when she was the furthest away from him.
Regulus stood brushing off his hands on his pants before stalking towards Sirius how a predator stalks its prey. He saw Bill and Arthur move forward a few inches more than likely ready to intervene if needed. Remus’s eyes had a little more green in them than normal probably due to the rage he was feeling and the fact that the full moon was less than a week away. It was honestly shocking that Remus hadn’t thrown Sirius into the wall yet. Regulus stopped when he was toe to toe with his brother.
“How dare you do what you just did to her! She is a child, Sirius. She is supposed to be your child,” Regulus’s voice was eerily calm when he spoke making the hairs on Remus’s neck stand from the amount of venom present. “Frankly I have no idea how she is half you. All she wanted to do was get away from all the stress that has come from living here the past couple of months. She has been a shell of herself since you came back really, but when she came through those doors I saw her coming back to herself. That couldn’t happen though, could it? Had to accuse her of having the Dark Mark, which she didn’t, but when she refused to show you because she doesn’t owe you anything you hurt her. You made her bleed. She is your daughter and you made her bleed. Do us all a favor and leave her alone. I opened this home to you and the Order because it was the right thing to do. Ali agreed that she wanted to help, but this can’t keep happening. I can’t put her at risk anymore. So leave her alone and if she sheds another tear because of you then you will leave.”
Sirius stood stunned. His younger brother hadn’t stood up for himself even when they were children. That was the most he had heard Regulus talk in his life. He felt bad that he had hurt Ali, he never meant to, but he has to protect Harry and the Order. He doesn’t trust the Malfoys and Ali had been there. How was he to know that she didn’t have the Mark? All she had to do was show her arm. Simple really. He glanced around the room as Regulus walked away not waiting for his response. Sirius knew that Regulus meant what he had said. Molly had started cleaning up the kitchen with a sad look in her eyes, while Arthur and Bill had left the room. Remus met his eyes but shook his head at him disappointed. “Come on, Harry. I need a walk.”
Ali wasn’t sure how long she had been sitting on the floor of her room. It was quiet downstairs which was concerning, but she didn’t think much of it. Hopefully Regulus hadn’t killed Sirius, but if he did she wouldn’t blame him. She had cried herself numb. She didn’t have any tears left, her throat was scratchy from the sobs. Part of her wanted to go back to Malfoy Manor where she was safe and welcomed, but the other part of her wanted to find her uncle and have him read to her like he did when she was a child.
A knock at her door pulled her from her musings. “Al? Open the door darling. It’s just me.” Regulus’s voice came from the other side.
Very slowly Ali stood up leaning onto the table by the door for support. She turned the lock and instantly Regulus opened the door. He kissed her forehead before leading her to her bed. Ali had yet to change out of her dress, but she didn’t really care. Regulus snagged the blanket off the foot of her bed before gently pushing her down into it and covering them both with the blue and silver blanket. Ali positioned herself with her head on Regulus' shoulder. Exhaustion weighing down heavy on her. Even though it was early she could feel her eyes droop as he carded a hand through her hair. “Thank you, dad. For loving me.”
Regulus’s heart swelled and broke with those words, but he didn’t get a chance to respond before her soft snores filled the room.
Regulus wasn’t sure how much time had passed as he stroked his niece's hair. He was mad at his brother for basically throwing away the only good thing that had ever come from the Black family. Sirius was too blinded by the past to see what was right in front of him. As children, Sirius often told Regulus that he was their family's favorite and that it bothered him, but if he knew what it was like to be less loved then how can he love Harry more than Ali? He understood that Harry was Sirius's Godson, but couldn’t he love Ali and Harry equally. If Sirius made the effort maybe Ali and the other children could even be friends. His heart ached from the emotional battle that Ali was going through right now. Even if Sirius didn’t see it, he and Remus did. Ali’s light was dimmer than before and just when she was lighting up again Sirius snuffed it out.
Carefully sliding out from under Ali and placing a pillow under her head Regulus left the room. He shut the door behind him casting a locking spell so she wouldn’t be bothered. He needed to speak with Remus first before doing anything. They needed to decide what to do about Ali. As much as Regulus wanted to spend time with her before she went back to school he didn’t want her to be this upset anymore. He walked into the study to find Remus and Nymphadora sitting near the fireplace.
“How is she?” Nymphadora blurted the question as soon as she saw her cousin. Remus had owled her after Ali had gone to her room. The older sister in her wanted to go up to Sirius and give him a piece of her mind, but she knew that it wouldn’t do any good.
“She’s asleep for now. All the fighting has exhausted her. I honestly don’t know what to do. I want her here this is her home, but if Sirius doesn’t stop acting like the brut that he is it is going to hurt her more. Speaking of Sirius, where is he? It’s quiet.” Regulus flopped down on the chair across from Remus and Nymphadora raking a hand through his hair. His worry for Ali was causing him a headache. On one hand, he wanted to send Ali to stay at the Malfoy Manor for the remainder of summer, but on the other, he wanted to hold her close and have her stay in her home where she belonged.
“Sirius left with Harry after you went upstairs. He hasn’t been home since. The Weasleys stepped out to Diagonal Ally to get the kids stuff for school.” Remus replied. He was secretly thankful that the house was mainly empty. This way at least Ali could come down if she felt like it without the chance of someone bothering her. Remus was having the same thoughts as Regulus about keeping Ali at home virus's sending her to the Manor. HE just wanted his niece happy. The hope that he had of Airius and Ali having the father/daughter relationship was gone. If only Remus could get Sirius to open his eyes to the pain he was causing to the girl, but Sirius was nothing if not stubborn.
“I think I am going to write Cissa and see if she can keep Ali for the rest of summer. If that’s what it takes for her to be happy no healthy then so be it. We can see her off at the -“
“I don’t want to leave,” Ali’s voice interrupted. “I want to stay here with you. Please don’t make me leave. I can handle it, I promise.”
Ali knew that she and regulus were going to have to talks about the fact that she called him dad, but that was a private conversation. Right now she needed to convince the adults in the room that she didn’t need to leave. She could take Sirius. Yes the words that he had said hurt her and the actions he did tonight furthered that hurt in her heart, but she was done. She didn’t owe him anything, and it was clear she knew that he didn’t want to be her father. She had meant what she said to regulus. He was her father in all the ways that counted. He loved her unconditionally, was always there for her, and protected her.
She went and sat on the couch in between Nymphadora and Remus who wrapped an arm around her pulling her close to his chest. “It might be best if you went and stayed for the rest of the summer at the Manor, Al. This isn’t good for you mentally. We all can see how drained you are.”
“No, this is my home. I can handle it. I have you all plus the older Weasleys and Fleur. You all protect me and if I need to get away for a little bit I’ll owl Blaise or Draco to go to Diagonal Ally or something. I want to spend time with you. Times are hard right now and you never know when you are going to lose someone and I would like to have as much time with each of you just in case.”
Regulus leaned forward taking Ali’s hand in his, “nothing, and I mean nothing is going to happen to us. I love you more than you could ever imagine and if you want to stay here you can.” Ali smiles brightly at that before Regukus cut her off, “but you have to tell me, Remus, or Severus, if anything happens. And you have to come out of your room. I am not having you locking yourself away again. Got it?”
Ali pounced on Regulus hugging his neck tight. She was excited to spend some more time with her family. She had meant what she said about never knowing when something was going to happen. Wizards had been disappearing all over London and she was genuinely scared something was going to happen to her loved ones. She was going to make it a point to take plenty of photos and make enough memories to last a lifetime the next couple of weeks.
Regulus held his niece tight, fighting back the tears when she whispered, “Thanks, Dad,” into his ear. He had been called a lot of things in his life, but this was one title he was going to wear proudly.
Remus’s voice interrupted the moment, “wait for a second, why are you going to owl Blaise? We have an agreement young lady no boys till your thirty!”
Ali’s giggle was music to those in the room with her, and for the first time that summer they all saw Ali smile at home the brightest she had since everyone arrived.
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genesisrose74 · 3 years
Christmas with the Karasuno Boys (HC’s)!!
Part 1: Daichi, Suga, Asahi, Nishinoya, Tanaka, & Ennoshita
Part 2 (Kageyama, Hinata, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Kinoshita, & Narita) here!!
A/n: Tumblr said my word count was too much so I’m splitting this bad boi up into two parts :p Enjoy!!
A huge romantic during Christmas, 10/10 quality cliche times spent together
You wanna go ice skating? Hell yeah sweetheart, he will make it the most beautifully romantic thing you’ve ever seen
Like straight out of a holiday postcard type beat
Istg the rink he takes you to looks like a more heartwarming version of Rockefeller Center
He’s a big keeper of tradition when it comes to making plans, but doesn’t mind a bit of nonsense fun when everything falls into place
Which is why you love to bring the team along on adventures because they make everything all the more entertaining
At first he’s confused like ??? You don’t have to do that just if they’ve been pestering you about it
But then he realizes you care as much about them as he does (hint: a hell of a lot) and they’re thus invited along for some stuff
Of course y’all also get some quality time together on dates with just you both
Anyways you and Daichi have talked a lot about traveling and how he was really interested in seeing new places
So as his gift you got him a carved map with a roll of red string and thumbtacks, so that he could plan out all the places he wanted to visit
You know how when Kiyoko found the “Fly” banner for Karasuno and all the boys cried?
Like that but with lots more hugging and laughing
“You know you’re gonna have to help with mapping this out, right?”
“Is that an invitation I hear?”
“Oh, that’s a promise”
Please I love him; he is so damn sly and sassy I will die with this headcanon
I swear on everything that Christmas with him is equivalent to a Hallmark movie
It smells like joy and warmth wherever he is, and this season only amplifies it
He is such a cheeseball without even having to try
But it’s in the really endearing and heart-melting way,,, just MMM PERFECT
He’ll take you on a walk through those neighborhoods with those crazy light decorations in the front yard and buy you hot chocolate
If he sees a group of little kids gaping at all the lights, he’ll leave them starry-eyed with stories of magic, reindeer, Santa and so-forth
“You know, I’ve heard that Rudolph’s nose is supposed to be brighter than the world’s most powerful Christmas light”
Good heavens, children absolutely adore this man
Anyways he’ll make it a little game as y’all walk around this beautifully lit neighborhood, both of you with a different assortment of bingo squares printed on paper
First one to bingo chooses a movie to watch after getting back to Suga’s house
Will wrap a big fluffy blanket around you both and pull you into his chest while watching the movie
For his gift, you got a star named after him
It’s because y’all alway go stargazing for dates every month, just to sit out, talk and cuddle
Suga gave you the SOFTEST look after opening your gift and this cute little card you made 🥺
“Lets go try to find my new favorite star”
“Right now? Koushi it’s 11:30 pm”
“Just for ten minutes, and then I’ll get you home”
So y’all spend the rest of Christmas Eve on his roof, sipping warm tea and attempting to locate Star Suga
Cuddle bear alert ‼️‼️
It’s basically hibernation time for him, because he’s not the biggest fan of cold
That’s alright with you though 😌 more coziness for you
Lots of quality moments indoors means more creative dates
A whole day devoted to chill present wrapping? Hell fuckin’ yeah
Nice music, pretty wrapping paper, shiny bows, maybe a little Christmas rom-com playing in the back — the whole shebang
You find out pretty quickly that despite how it sounds, it’s actually quite a satisfying and enjoyable pastime
Practically had to drag him out of your living room to secretly wrap his own gift
As much as he’s the king of timidity and soft™, he can be very playfully stubborn when he’s comfortable, hence why he was such an ass to get out of the room
I have no doubt that Asahi would melt for the most adorable, cheesy shit
So you not only bought him some really reliable headbands for volleyball use, but you also made a little coupon booklet
He can basically cash in paper promises for certain things, like getting to choose the next date idea, picking a movie to watch without any objection, having you make his favorite food, etc.
There’s one that he can exchange for a full out spa day trip, because good heavens he’s a sucker for those
Massage and exfoliation and everything — it makes him feel ✨refreshed✨
He was ecstatic fam, I don’t even know what to say
Like a puppy who just got a bunch of toys and a new backyard to play
Mans cashes in one almost immediately, and at first you’re confused
Like it’s Christmas time bubs, what are we gonna be able to do when most places are closed and it’s the holidays?
Then you read the paper
“Free hug (can be used and renewed <3)”
He uses that one a lot throughout the upcoming days, to the point where he just keeps the paper on him for fun
“You realize you can just ask me silly, you don’t need to keep carrying the coupon around”
“Yeah, but it’s entertaining”
Cute little cheeky bastard
You know the 12 Days of Christmas? The song??
He gets you a small present EVERY DAY for all 12 days
Not to mention he has a big present that he saves for the actual holiday
Y’all are the type of couple to get ice cream in the middle of winter
Nishi loves his cold snacks any time of year, and you’ve thus picked up a similar taste
He will consistently pester you about what kind of present you got him
Gets pouty when you don’t tell him, but in the back of his mind he’s glad because it would ruin the surprise
Anything you get him instantly becomes his most prized gift tho
It could be a literal rock with googly eyes and he’d put it in a protective glass case for preservation
But of course you get him something better than that because he only deserves the best
He’s got this specific assortment of products to maintain his spiky hair and to make sure it’s healthy, but they’re pretty expensive to buy when he runs out
When he tore open your present’s decorative wrapping to discover a huge basket of basically every hair product he ever needed, he got wide-eyed
There was also a booklet of little notes you’d kept throughout the month that listed all the little things you noticed and adored about your precious boyfriend
He nearly CRIED reading them
“Baby, you didn’t have to do all that for me”
“You act like you don’t deserve all of it and more, Nishi”
Refuses to leave your side after that
Holding your hand, hugging you as tight as he can, etc.
He is head over heels idc idc
Another man who is obsessed with the holiday season and everything that comes with it
He is the biggest sap for this shit istg
Will spend hours trying to get you the best present of all time
And he succeeds exceptionally
Mistletoe? He’s got an ABUNDANCE on hand at any time, just to make sure he can get fair share of his kissies 🥰
His signature beanie appears in full force during winter
Sometimes you’ll pull it over his eyes before giving him a peck on the cheek and dashing off in the school halls
“I’ll see you after school, babe!”
Speech = jumbled + incomprehensible
“Uh hUh, you do that~”
He’s: adorable
I just know that he melts for really sweet and thought-out gifts
Like anything you give him he’ll adore, don’t get me wrong, but the ones done with special care and love are just his kryptonite
He brought you into a massive bear hug and spun you around when he opened a photo book of old pictures taken together, complete with lots of cute messages and anecdotes written alongside them
You and Saeko may have also gone in on another present for him without his knowledge
And on Christmas Eve, you dragged a curious Tanaka into his front yard to the sight of a shiny motorbike
It was Saeko’s old one that she’d held onto for a while, and an old schoolmate offered to fix it up nice in time for the holiday at a discount, so y’all decided to divvy up the lowered price and got it done for Ryu
Sweet boy was taken aback, with his hands clapped over his mouth and everything
Saeko patted him on the back as he stood there in shock, giving her baby brother a sweet smile
“All yours, little bro!”
Ya, Saeko fucking loves you 😌 and so does Tanaka
Overall very lovely, would cry to be loved by the Tanaka siblings
After spending past Decembers with his fellow second year classmates (namely, the very enthusiastic Noya and Tanaka), he’s grown to know quite a bit about the different holiday events that go on around town
Still, Ennoshita is a pretty simplistic guy and is content with simply spending time with you
So when you recommended going to pick a Christmas tree out for your place together, he’s totally down
As long as he gets to help decorate too ☺️
Y’all end up picking a beauty of a tree ngl
And a super stronk friend — fit for the most heavy duty of ornaments
It takes some damn work to get that bad boi inside and upright after driving back to your house
But like hell did that stop you
Now that it was all set up, sturdy, and given plenty of water, decorations were brought into the equation that same night
No rest until it’s all set up and looking mighty beautiful
Okay maybe some coffee breaks in between, but other than that the grind don’t stop ✋😤
Ennoshita is an expert at making Christmas trees look absolutely immaculate
Idk if it’s because he’s had to deal with cleaning up disorder for a while now?
Looking at you, ya second year loons
He just has the touch, fam
He’ll of course let you have input on which light colors, what type of ornaments, and so on
But honestly it’s really fun seeing him fully concentrated on making your tree the best it can be
He lets you on his shoulders to put on the tree topper 🥺
For his gift, Ennoshita really loves books, so you decided to get him 12 different (hardcover!!) stories — one for each month in a year
Along with a small sticky-note blurb on the covers of each to explain why you chose it, and to give similar title recommendations if he ends up enjoying
He was so surprised with how thoughtful and extensive it was
Loved it so much that he immediately started to read the first one, with you sat in his lap
“Chikara, you realize you’re meant to start this one in January?”
“Shh, I’m getting a head start”
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depressedacadamia · 3 years
How do you passive aggressively say ‘Fuck you’ in flower? Part III
Summary:  New owners, new friendships and new beginnings... but maybe there's a linger of old history there aswell.
A/N:  Helloooo!! It's writers month starting August so I've posted all the prompts and there are also the fandoms you can request. Please send a request, its always fun to interact with the readers and hear what content you want to see!! That said, here is chap 3!! I hope you enjoy and make sure you comment and enjoy!! <3 from phi phi!!
Read on A03              Read part I on Tumblr               Read part II on Tumblr
Will couldn't believe his luck. Of all the things he could have been told, it had to be this.
He held the printed note in between his thumb and forefinger as he grumpily read aloud the note hidden inside the fortune cookie. Calypso looked excited as her hands gripped the side of the table with passion.
“So? What does it say? Are you going to marry skull boy and live happily ever after with a cat?”
Wills scowled. “ No, that’s ridiculous. I hate cats. Maybe a dog. Or a goldfish.”
“Yeah, but goldfish don't live for as long as a cat could,” Calypso pointed out, her pinky finger pointing towards Will. “Now read. I want to hear your fortune.”
“Ugh. You aren’t hesitant to take what you want but sometimes you lack intuition; try and be more intuitive."
Calypso looked at him, with disappointment ranging across her face before shrugging and returning to her food. Will, who was expecting a much larger reaction, was offended.
“Excuse me? You begged to hear my fortune and now you just ignore it? You’re a terrible friend. I bet you wouldn’t run into a fire to save me.”
“You’re right. I wouldn’t.”
Will gasped. Calypso continued her sentence, with an overall sense of coolness. “ I’d send the fucking fire patrol, police, moutaion resucuers, heck, I’d send the grandma next door to me if she had even a slim chance of getting you out of there.”
“Awwww, You do love me!”
Calypso grunted. “It’s only because I refuse to let anything other than myself kill you. Now stop hugging me and scram; you’re ruining my course of digestion with how hard your arms are wrapped around my stomach.”
But Will refused to oblige as he wrapped his arms around his best friend's stomach, listening to her complaints and completely ignoring them.
“What do you think it means?” Calypso spoke over a mouthful of food.
“The fortune cookie thingy. What do you think it means?”
“It means I should be more intuitive, that's what it said.”
Calypso facepalmed, now understanding why the fortune cookie told her best friend what it told them. Even to the most oblivious person, it was obvoius that what the fortune cookie had told Will was not to simply be more intuitive but instead to -as the author would say- Open your fucking eyes and see what’s in front of you . But, as the author, I can tell you that William Andrew Solace is such an oblivious character that if I were to shout that at him, he would simply stare at whatever was sitting in front of him.
The next Saturday
“Are they coming?” Meg tugged on Will’s sleeve. “ Will, are they going to come today?”
It had seemed that, surprisingly enough, Meg had taken a great liking to Will’s so-called new ‘friends’ and in particular- Nico, which just so happened to be perfect for Will. It was already terrible that Will had to deal with them showing up only once in his beloved shop, let alone the idea that they may come again the next weekend and ruin it entirely for him, like the previous.
“I don’t know Meg, why do you care?” Will asked, his tone slightly agitated, out of all the people who had visited him at the shop, Meg just had to take a liking to these.
“Because that Nico guy is super cool. But don’t tell him I said that- and you guys can’t make out in my shop, no matter how cool he is.”
“This isn’t your shop and it isn't Calypso’s either, Dya know that, right?” Will reminded Meg as she went on about the new customers.
A sharp jab, that Will could now confidently identify to be Calypso’s elbow, hit his side. “Oi, What do you mean it ain't my shop- it basically is. It’s not like the previous owner ever cared about it.”
Will’s ears perked up at the words ‘previous owner’. “What do you mean Previous owner? Do they not own it anymore?”
“Did you not hear?” Calypso stopped braiding the rose into Will’s hair after seeing his surprised expression. “ We have a new owner. They offered the old one loads, and I mean loads of money for this shop. Apparently it’s this young sophisticated woman who just throws money whenever she wants.”
“Why do you sound so happy?”
Calypso’s finger’s in Will’s hair stopped braiding for a second. “What do you mean why do I sound so happy? We have a new rich owner. That means we will get better conditions. Imagine all the better quality wrapping we can get for the bouquets!”
“But if they're the kind of person to just throw money about, will they really take care of what's theirs? Or will they just send their own cronies to keep everything tidy, while paying them the minimum possible? And in this case, those cronies are us!”
“You’re imagining the worst of the new owner.”
“No, I’m not! Why am I the only one who hates the idea of a new owner!” Will yelled, grabbing the rose in his hair and ripping it out, throwing it at the entrance of the door. Will wasn't one to raise his voice but he couldn’t help but feel frustrated- why was everything changing so much!
Maybe it was fate, maybe it was destiny, or maybe Will was just that unlucky, but in that very moment, Nico and his friends all walked in.
It seemed they had all been causally conversing as they walked in.They were quickly silenced by whatever was occurring within the florist; Percy was halfway through grinning and dropping his jaw at Will's sudden outburst. Afterall, the last time he had seen Will this agitated was in middle school when he stole Will’s plastic stethoscope that his father had supposedly gotten him.
“Are we interrupting?'' Frank asked. He may have been on Nico’s side but he figured that perhaps barging in on an argument wasn’t the most respectful thing one could do.
“Trouble in paradise?” Nico smirked as he picked up the ruined rose that Will had thrown to the floor in a rage. He twirled in between his fingers and looked at the shade of pink; he glanced back at Will and decided it greatly complimented his skin tone and the cute blush he’d get whenever he was angry.
He frowned at the ruined rose and placed it on the counter before walking back to Will.
“The trouble only started when you set foot into this shop,” Will retorted, very much unappreciative of his presence at this moment. He still couldn't believe that the shop was getting a new owner! Sure, the old one had barely shown up and basically left Calypso entirely in charge but how could Calypso be so casual about it?
Nico ignored his attempt at a snide comment and walked past him, gesturing with his finger to follow behind him. “I want a flower. The one you threw. What was it, a Rosa Ausrumba?”
Will, slightly surprised that Nico had managed to identify the binomial name for the rose, raised his eyebrow. “Yeah.. how did you know?”
Nico shrugged, not offering an explanation as Will went ahead and fetched him a packaged gentle hermione rose. As he handed it over, he couldn’t help but let his mind wonder who the rose was for. It was a soft pink, the same type of rose that Calypso insisted he wear everytime he worked at the shop. Will knew that pink roses symbolised a lot of things but the question was, what exactly?
Was there anyone Nico knew who he’d give that rose to? It wouldn’t make sense for it to go to Leo, afterall, it wouldn't compliment his hair or skin tones: rather, it could work with someone like Hazel- since she was his sister, it would make sense for Nico to give it to her.
Calypso had always forced Will to wear that species of pink rose because she said that he had the hair for it and his blush and the colour of the rose were indistinguishable but most of all, it was the friendly gesture she had made when he first started working there.
He felt Nico’s fingertips brush against his as he handed the rose and a jolt of electricity sparking between them.
Shit, static shock.
“Ow!” Will jerked back, dropping the rose and rubbing his hand. He was about to ask Nico what the hell before he realised that the rose was on the floor. It wasn’t like the rose was going to be ruined or destroyed now it was on the floor or that it particularly angered Will to see the rose there. It simply saddened Will so much that he felt compelled to pick it up; maybe it was because he was so used to being forced into wearing it everyday or maybe because it was meant to be Nico’s, either way, he bent down to retrieve the flower.
It seemed that Nico had the same idea because their heads collided and Will was sent stumbling backwards onto his butt.
“Ow!” He cried again, rubbing his head. Nico felt his eyes widen at Will’s words and quickly he grabbed the rose and kneeled in the space between Will's legs, with his hand scanning Will’s face of any injury.
“Are you okay?”
Will frowned at the considerate question, wondering if Nico was mocking him or not. “Why do you care?”
That question threw Nico off guard. Why do you care? Why did he care? That was a good question he had yet to ask himself. Why did he care so much about Will? Why did he decide to come back? Every week nonetheless.
“No reason.” Nico shrugged. ” I just wanted to make sure your clumsy ass didn’t break anything.”
“Your head hit mine!”
“Yeah but it was you who decided to go after my flower,” Nico argued, clutching the rose in his hand. He started peeling off the wrapping until he had the rose alone in his hand.
“What the hell are you doing? You haven’t paid for it yet!”
Nico ignored him as he handed Will the rose. Obviously, Will took the rose from Nico’s hand and held it. Why did Nico want him to hold his flower for him?
“What?” Will was confused. “Why am I holding your flower?”
“Because I gave it to you.”
“To do what with?” Will inquired, his eyes oblivious. For someone who slept around, Will was not one who knew much about romantic rituals.
Murmuring something under his breath, Nico tilted his face away and let the loose strands of his black hair fall over his eyes elegantly. Will didn’t know if he had hit his head too hard but he could have sworn that Nico was slightly blushing.
“What? I didn’t catch that.”
“I said,” Nico took a dep breath, “The flower is for you and your stupid hair.”
Will must have looked relatively confused because Nico kept on talking. “Because you wear one whenever you work here? And when you threw a fit, you also threw your rose and it got ruined.”
Will, dumbfounded, simply stared at Nico. It wasn’t like he could braid his hair right here; Was this where Will was meant to thank him?
“Uh… thank you? I mean I could have easily gotten Callie to do my hair again but thanks anyway.”
Will realised that he was still sitting on the floor and immediately got up, still clutching the rose firmly in his hand, like he was afraid that the wind may just carry it off and he may never see it again.
In silence, him and Nico walked back to the counter, where surprisingly enough, everyone was getting on quite well. Percy and Frank were challenging Piper and Hazel about some vague petty thing,while Leo and Annabeth spoke to Calypso and Jason told Meg about Nico.
Annabeth had noticed quite quickly that Calypso had a crush on Leo and it seemed that Leo was aware as well. However, despite that, he didn’t let it get in the way of the conversation or the potential for a very beautiful friendship. He didn't like Calypso in that way. It was true that he had many previous lovers both men and women but Calypso was his friend, nothing more.
Nico noticed that Will was simply holding the rose and not wearing it like he intended him to.
“Why aren't you wearing the rose?”
Will stuttered, his face burning up slightly from embarrassment. “I..uh,well...I can’t really, um, braid my hair.”
Will was waiting for the insult. For a laugh, maybe a jeer. Instead he was surprised by the reaction that met him.
“I do. Give me the rose and sit in that chair.” Nico pointed to the chair behind the counter. Will, oblivious as ever, took a seat. He didn’t expect to feel familiar hands working on his hair. It felt like deja vu, feeling Nico’s fingers weave themselves into his hair, it felt like they were in that storage room all over again, making out on the small couch.
Wondering if Nico was also reminiscing that moment, he turned his head ever so slightly and caught Nico’s eye.
Nico turned Will’s head. “Stay still, I can’t do your hair if you keep on moving.”
Do my hair? He’s going to do my hair?
Will anxiously sat in the chair, fiddling his hands as Nico sectioned his hair into 3 parts and slipped the stem of the rose into one of the sections. He began braiding Will’s hair, slowly softly, dare I even say- Lovingly.
Will almost shivered when he felt Nico’s fingertip graze his scalp. His fingers braided like magic and within a matter of seconds, it felt like he had finished. Nico walked in front of Will to have a look at his handiwork from the front and reached forward. His finger brushed the side of Will’s ear and for a second, Will thought that Nico was going to gently cup his cheek and kiss him.
Instead, he reached and pulled free a small lock of hair from the front of his face so it dangled elegantly and complemented the rose that lay in his hair.
Will gulped. “ How did you learn to do hair?” His voice was extremely hoarse.
Nico’s voice seemed lower when he spoke. “My sister. I used to do her hair sometimes when we were at camp.”
Will nodded absent mindedly and focused on why his heart was beating so fast. The only reasons he knew why his heart would ever beat fast near a person would be if they scared him, forced him to exercise or if he had just slept with them.
Since Nico hadn't made him run, and they weren't sleeping together and Nico didn't make him fear for his life (yet), he was purely confused as to why his heart felt like it was a butterfly fluttering and any second, his ribcage may burst open and let it fly away and with it, his heart.,
He stared at the back of Nico’s head as he walked back to his friends who were now arguing about the difference between a white and an ivory rose.
Will did not not see Nico on Sunday at the flower shop. Nor did he see any of his friends.
Friday, Next week.
“Will, put that beer bottle down!” Calypso yelled, her entire state chaotic. There was flour everywhere and Will couldn’t tell where the kitchen started and where the mess ended.
This is what happened when he offered to babysit.
It was one thing to babysit a teenager or perhaps a 10 years old but a 7 years old? A seven year old and a 5 year old? A combination from hell itself. Overly energetic, disrespectful and disobedient, seven years olds were the worst kind of children to babysit.
It had started a while ago when his mother’s friend who’s name actually was Karen had to leave in a rush for some emergency (although Will had highly doubted it) and left her kids with Will's Mother. Being the wonderful woman she was, Will’s mother held onto them for as long as she could but she had a job, as most people did and unfortunately it was a job that required her to not enjoy her Friday nights.
This had led to her leaving the children with Will. Afterall, he was a responsible adult.
Okay fine, scratch the responsible part. She had left the children with Will because Calypso had promised to be there and in all blatant honesty, it was obvious that without Calypso, Will would be the biggest mess out there.
It seemed, however, that babysitting children was harder than both of them had anticipated.
“Callie, I give up. These kids are the devil's spawn. If they die, then tough luck for them.”
Calypso groaned and slammed her head onto the table before perking up with excitement. She grabbed her phone and dialed a number. Will overheard a vague conversation and simply watched, very confused.
Calypso set her phone down. “Okay so I have figured out how to fix this.” She pointed to the massive mess in their apartment.
“You’ll see.”
Will didn’t trust the mischievous smile that came across Calypso’s face.
Nico was chilling on his bed with his phone in his hand, hovering above his face. He did not really have much to do so here he was, scrolling through social media. He was meant to be doing something with Percy or Jason or maybe Hazel- he really couldn’t remember and he couldn’t care less.
That was until he overheard a conversation from Jason that he could only describe as interesting. Only a few minutes later, Percy showed up very begrudgingly muttering I’m only coming because I wanna see where the little fucker lives.
As far as Nico was concerned, there was only one person who Percy called ‘the little fucker’ and why were Jason and Percy paying him a visit?
“Wait-” Nico threw his legs over the side of the bed, sitting up.”-Where are you guys going?”
“Calypso’s place. She needs some help babysitting? Or something like that. Annabeth’s call was kinda vague.”
“You’re going to Calypso’s place because Annabeth told you to?” Nico tilted his head, confusion evident in his voice. Jason took a deep breath before explaining.
“Calypso called Piper who gave the phone to Annabeth who called me to tell us and Hazel to go to Calypso’s place and help her and Will with whatever they needed help with.”
“Why is Will at Calypso’s place?”
Percy quickly interjected. “ They live together.”
That statement alone was enough to make Nico choke on the air he was trying to peacefully breathe.
“They what?” He managed to wheeze from in between the heavy coughs that racked from his chest.
“They live together,” Jason repeated innocently. “ Why?”
“Yeah,” Percy smirked, figuring out the reason behind Nico’s coughing fit. “ Why do you care, Nico?”
“No reason. It’s just a bit out of the blue.”
“So you don’t deny that you care!” Percy yelled excitedly pointing his finger at Nico. Nico grabbed it and twisted it with such ferocity, there was a crack and Percy let out a cry and pulled his finger back pouting, blowing on it like it was a hot dish.
“I twisted your finger, stop blowing on it like it’s a hot potato and let's hurry up and go please,” Nico groaned, rolling his eyes at Percy’s dramatic overreaction.
Percy, under his breath, murmured,” Somebody’s desperate.”
Nico slapped his shoulder.
When Will opened the door to his apartment, he didn't really know what he was expecting. Maybe someone like Thalia Grace or Reyna- a close friend of Calypso.
He certainly was not expecting his arch nemesis and his cronies to show up. He wasn’t in the best state of mind and he felt like any moment now, his feet may fail and he’d be out cold on the floor.
What was worse was the fact that Hazel had already arrived- without Frank as he said he ‘wasn’t the kind who liked children’. So now Will was here having to behave himself as if he were some host and they were his guest
His brain told him that this was exactly what this was.
But another part of Will didn’t agree. It was more, there was some more sinister motive behind why they were here. Sure, Annabeth had told them to come and god forbid someone disobey Annabeth but they clearly came here with their own reasons. Whether all their reasons were the same or not, Will did not know.
“What do you want?” Will deadpanned as he held the door halfway open- just like his eyelids. He was already considering shutting it in their faces. However, it seemed that Nico wasn’t having any of it as he simply pushed his way past Will, into the half cleaned up apartment.
“Oh, Nico! You’re here!” Hazel whisper-called out from the living room . She had the 5 year old’s head resting on her lap as it dozed off and the seven year old lay next to her, their eyes drifting off to sleep.
“Yeah, I’m here. What about it?”
“I thought you might want to cook something? I’m really hungry and I’m pretty sure Calypso’s been running around on an empty stomach trying to keep 2 children and a drunk person under control.”
Nico paused before wrinkling his nose. He walked forward to Will and moved his blonde hair out of his face to get a better view of his eyes.
“You’re drunk?” Nico looked around the kitchen and spotted the beer bottles. “Jesus, are you a lightweight or something? This shit ain’t even strong,” Nico grunted as he grabbed a very much incoordinate Will to the kitchen and sat him down at the counter. He got him a glass of water and rolled his sleeves up before quickly sifting through the fridge and cupboards.
“What happened to him?” Percy asked, walking slightly at the blushing Will sitting at the counter sipping water out of a straw.
“Hehee, Nico has very warm arms.” Some water dribbled out from the side of Will’s mouth as he giggled.
“He’s… wasted?” Jason squinted his eyes. “ I thought people with blue eyes were meant to have the highest tolerance to alcohol.”
“Nooooo,” Will whined. “ That’s not it. Blue eyed people are moree likeleyyy to have a dependency on alcohol. We did this in class-”
He was cut off by his own hiccup.
“Fucking hell,” Nico muttered as he pulled out ingrediants. Hungrily, Jason and Percy eyed the food.
“Whatcha making?” Percy asked, slinging his arm over Nico’s shoulder. Immediately, Will got out of his seat, objecting to this. However, before he could do this, he tripped and fell on his butt and in turn knocked his head into the floor. He was out cold within seconds.
“Did he just pass out?” Percy asked, poking at Will’s body with his foot only for Nico to be outraged and push Percy with such vigour, he ended up splayed onto the floor. He quickly kneeled beside Will and shook him gently, trying to wake him up.
“Flower boy? Hey, wake up. Will? Get up. Get up right now Will.” Nico began shaking him, his voice starting out in small quiet whispers. The alarm in Nico’s voice called over Calypso who batted her hand and laughed.
“Oh you have nothing to worry about. He does this everytime he gets too drunk. He’s a real lightweight, trust me.”
After much chaos and argument, everyone calmed down and Nico got cooking. As someone who was majoring in food tech, Jason and Percy would always make him cook meals for them. While Nico always pretended to be bothered and annoyed by this, he secretly loved it, meaning that he could make his friends smile with something he also loved- food.
Sure, he sometimes skipped meals or didn’t have time to actually eat, but he was constantly surrounded by food and making it was so chaotic but he enjoyed it and he enjoyed the rush of serotonin he’d get when he tasted the final dish.
“Food’s ready!” Nico called from the kitchen. Will had been moved to the sofa because Calypso had been told that under no circumstance was anybody to ever go into Will’s bedroom. Jason came in to the table and started laying it, as their usual routine went. Percy brought cups and Hazel, who normally did not dine with them, was talking to Calypso. They took their seat at the table and waited for the boys to finish laying it and serving food.
Nico glanced at Will who was dozing off on the couch peacefully. “ Is he not going to join us?”
Calypso shook her head. She knew when Will was feeling the way he was today, the only thing he could do was sleep it off. Nico had to admit, he was disappointed; he was hoping to see Will’s reaction when tasting the food. In fact, he had put extra effort into making it perfect just based on the possibility that Will may have been joining them for dinner.
They ate silently, with only the sound of the occasional collision of the fork against the plate echoing into the apartment.
“This is a nice place…” Percy started, trying to ease some of the tense silence away. Calypso gave him a short nod.
“Yes. It’s mine- Will and I share it.”
“Why?” Nico asked, his jealousy overtaking his actions. Was he really at liberty to ask such a question? No. Was he going to anyway? Absolutely.
Calypso raised an eyebrow at the question, while she slowly raised the fork to her mouth. “Does it matter why?”
Nico, staring at his food, paused. “No,” He sighed. “ I guess it doesn’t.”
Hazel, who wasn't allowing this, quickly intercepted. “It doesn't matter but that doesn't mean we wouldn’t like to know? Right guys?”
“Yeah!” Percy agreed a bit too passionately. “Tell us Calypso. How is it that you- someone of your high standards is living with somebody like… Will.”
Percy's abrash statement was rewarded with a hard smack to the back from the Italian boy sitting next time, glaring at him enough daggers for Percy to become Pinhead. Percy, midway swallowing, began coughing frantically which despite the urgency of the situation earned no sympathy from Nico who sat there as Percy choked and Jason gave violent slaps on his back.
“Ugh, well. We’ve known each other…” Calypso stopped. “ Are you sure you’re okay?”
Percy, almost red in the face, nodded frantically and mimed with his hands to keep talking. Jason reached over and poured Percy another glass of water.
“Uh, well… We work together but we’ve known each other for a long time.”
“How long? I don't remember Solace ever mentioning you.”
Calypso smiled slightly. “ If I’m correct, you two weren't and still aren't really on the kinds of terms where you discuss your personal life.”
“Still… I would have thought that… forget it.”
The awkwardly silent dinner continued with the clanking of cutlery against plates. Secret glares were passed along with uncomfortable shivers but all in all, the dinner managed to run smoothly. The guests helped clean up and finally, late into the night, they stood at the door awkwardly, as Calypso dismissed them.
“Are the children… staying?” Hazel innocently inquired, her eyes falling on the small children who lay asleep on the sofa behind Calypso.
Calypso scratched her head- slightly unsure herself. “Uh, I guess. Until they get picked up at least.”
“Oh… I guess I should stay to help out then?”
“No! Please, I don't want you to ruin a good night's sleep over this. I’m sure I can handle this. It wouldn’t be the first time.” Calypso reached for the door. “Get home safely.”
Jason and Percy, who realised that they were no longer welcome, did not hesitate to leave- the same couldn’t be said for Nico.
He didn’t know why he was hesitating- it wasn't as if Calypso and him were friends in any way. However, it seemed that for some odd reason there was a connection between the two that they both strongly cared for a certain blond headed lightweight. But they also both cared for a certain grinning engineer who spoke Spanish.
With his hand shoved in his pockets, he slowly turned his heel as if a magnet from afar was tugging on the metal heartstrings with his heart. His head was bowed towards the floor as he muttered the words under his breath.
“Tell him to call me when he wakes up tomorrow… We should probably talk and get everything out of the way.” Nico’s hair fell in front of his face, his eyes darting anywhere but Calypso’s face as to avoid her seeing his expression.
“Are you dating Leo?”
The abrupt question had Nico’s head snapping upwards so fast that I- the author- feared that he may have broken his neck had he moved any faster. The obvious answer was ‘no’. They had broken up long before Nico had even known someone like William Andrew Solace even existed; however, he didn't know if he could give such an honest answer so freely.
It was clear that Calypso was not just asking Nico this question for the sake of fun. She liked him.
And for some reason, Nico did not like that.
Leo wasn't his. He had his own feelings and decisions to make. But Nico didn't think she could handle the idea of Calypso being able to have both Will and Leo in her life- whether any of the relationships were platonic or not.
He had Leo, she had Will. It was only fair that it should stay that way.
But that said- If, if, he ever dated Will… would he give up Leo for the sake of fairness? Life isn't meant to serve everyone with equality. You get what you get and the rest you must fight for; Life was clearly a capitalist.
“Why does it matter to you?”
“Because,” she paused as if her reasoning was obvious. “If you are, I can’t let you play with Will or Leo like that.”
Nico snarled. “ Who said I was playing with either?”
“Isn't that what it's called? When you date two different people behind their backs?”
“I’m not dating Leo!” He yelled in frustration. Perhaps it was the wine. Or watching Will pass out on the floor and Percy poking him with his foot like an animal. Or maybe it was the fact that Will never tasted the food, but for some reason whether it was unbeknownst or not, Nico snapped. “Happy?”
Calypso smiled. “Very.”
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mythicamagic · 4 years
19 for spots to kiss?
19: a kiss on the side of the neck.
This is a continuation of prompt 29 which you can find here: link
Rated too hawt for tumblr bc smut so again, it’s under the read more line. 
Kagome eyed him with confusion. Since when had the mighty Lord Sesshoumaru deigned to proposition her with anything? She'd had scattered conversations with him since returning from her era but they weren't exactly 'friends.'
Still, she'd be lying if she said she wasn't intrigued.
"I'm listening."
His lips twitched. "Clearly you are dissatisfied with your first sexual experience. I, therefore, extend the offer to bed you."
Kagome choked on her own spit. "E-excuse me?!"
"You are excused."
"No, I mean- why would you ever offer me that?"
He looked rather magnanimous, sipping his saké with relaxed features. "No reason. I desire company tonight. If you are not averse to it, then accept."
He said it so simply. As if he extended such offers every day. Maybe he did. He had the looks and status to do so.
Sesshoumaru's mouth turned down. "This one does not offer such things easily."
Kagome jolted, wondering if he was a mind reader. "O-of course not," she took a moment to steady herself, considering. "But don't you hate humans? I mean, I know you don't hate all of us, since you care about Rin and Kohaku. This is another thing entirely though."
Sesshoumaru inspected perfect nails boredly. "By no means will I ever revere humans as a whole. However, 'hate' is a strong word. Putting that aside, my business is not with the human race tonight, it is with you," his attention slid back to her. "And past interaction between us hints to me that we would be...compatible in the bedroom."
Kagome felt faint. Like those swooning women in period piece movies. Except she wasn't swooning from any crush, more like her corset was too tight.
"Oh really?" she said thinly. "What tipped you off? The arrow I sent to your face?"
His brow rose as he gave an indulgent chuckle, "power calls to power. You were a brat- but so was this one, to an extent. I desire strength, beauty and will. Are these not qualities you possess?"
Heat bloomed upon her cheeks and Kagome reeled. She couldn't believe she was seriously considering it. Inuyasha would be hurt if he found out. Kagome frowned and curled her hands resting upon her knees into fists. 'It's not as though he has any say in this.'
There was one thing still bothering her though. "If I agree to this, would it happen just once?"
Golden eyes visibly darkened as a foreign expression tightened his jaw, muscles becoming tense. Kagome almost thought she'd angered him before a velvety tone revealed his true emotion; "this agreement may happen as many times as we wish. Over a period of time. Weeks, months if need be."
He was hungry. She realised. Into it. Into her? "S-slow down! We don't even know if we'll enjoy it enough to do it again yet!" she squeaked. "Besides...a secret fling, no strings attached…" Kagome had never thought she'd be the type. "Using you for pleasure, is that really fair to you?" she murmured.
Sesshoumaru let out a noise of frustration, and she found her vision swallowed by silver as her back hit plush furs, sinking into their cloud-like softness as he bent close. His body had never been so near. She could practically feel the heat radiating off him.
"Must you be so vexing?" dark tones purred, a nose grazing hers. "This arrangement is mutually beneficial. We both take. Moreover-" claws skimmed Kagome's waist- her damp sweater clinging to her frame. She shivered violently, heart stuttering. "I am a demon. There is no danger of wounding me emotionally- for I am beyond your reach. So be selfish. Greedy. Be every ugly thing you have repressed, miko- for it can exist here without repercussions. That is what it means to indulge baser urges."
Inexplicably, tears pricked Kagome's eyes again. It was the strangest thing anyone had ever said to her. But wonderfully attractive. She wanted it. She wanted to massage her wounded ego with wicked lips and all the licentious attention he could offer.
Carefully, as though raising a tentative hand to a wild animal, Kagome lifted her palm. Touching his striped cheek and feeling its warm smoothness, the contours of his handsome face- she exhaled in a rush, acknowledging the true weight of the action. "So it's...it's just casual?"
Pale, long lashes slid half shut. Sesshoumaru leaned a little closer but ultimately waited for her to make the first move. "Just casual."
Kagome nodded slowly and brought another hand to his shoulder, feeling the muscle there, before hesitantly pressing a kiss to the side of his neck.
She felt him swallow against her lips. Those claws at her waist bit in through the thick material. Lifting her head- Kagome accepted his heated kiss, falling deeper into the mass of endless furs.
They were not gentle nor sweet that first time. Rather, there had been an endless blur of fangs scraping, sinking into flesh- nails dragging and lips colliding in desperate fervour.
Kagome's legs locked around his waist, back arched and chest bared when she surfaced a moment from their lust ridden haze to note the bizarreness of watching Sesshoumaru lick and suckle at her nipple. She tangled shaking hands in sublime hair and rocked her hips needily against his.
"Do it now- don't mess around," she grit out, soaked from a few ministrations of his fingers. Kagome never thought the day would come when she'd dismiss foreplay. But the demon tortuously undid her, cruelly denying her by coaxing desire higher and higher- her thighs were hitched up over broad shoulders as a sinuous tongue lapped and roved and played inside her.
Kagome choked and sobbed her rapture, trembling beneath him as she came against his mouth.
Blue eyes flashed then and the miko yanked her legs away, squirming and righting herself. Sesshoumaru blinked- before he was shoved back. Kagome stood with him, placing a hand on his chest.
"You said I could be selfish," she grit out, red-faced. "Why didn't you just take me as I asked?"
His lips- covered in a faint sheen of her juices- curved up at the edges. He licked them slowly, slit pupils dilated. "This one also said our symbiotic relationship would benefit me as well. I am also allowed to be selfish."
Growling, Kagome grabbed his shoulders for leverage, dragging him down to her mouth and kissing him hard. She bit his bottom lip and sucked, tasting herself lewdly. Sesshoumaru shuddered and panted, cock straining against her.
The miko pushed herself up on her tiptoes and wrapped both legs around his waist, forcing him to stagger back just as the carriage lurched mid-air from a harsh gust of wind. This resulted in them careening back- Sesshoumaru landing against the shutter that burst open, letting cool night air swamp their rutting bodies. Hands scrambled and pushed clothing aside- the demon sinking inside her with some difficulty despite how slick she'd been rendered.
Twin groans were stifled in each other's necks. Kagome had never once been so overcome with lust that she disregarded everything- didn't pause to shut away the chilly draft, didn't wait to ask permission to begin- her hips greedily moved of their own accord. She sank herself down on him and let out a keening noise, mouth falling open.
"C-call my name," she blushed, gritting her teeth. "Please say my name."
His hands locked beneath her thighs to keep her in place, back against the partially open shutter. Sesshoumaru hissed and snarled, his own hips undulating with hers.
Cruel lips pressed against the hollow of her throat. "Kagome," he breathed and kept on repeating it like a mantra.
Something wounded and fragile unfurled within her heart.
It wasn't like how it had been with her ex. In fact, Kagome wagered the powerful thrusts and erotic graze of sharp teeth had ruined human men for her forever. Only demons would likely satisfy her now unless she wanted a life of paltry blunt canines and smooth nails with no dark aura to latch onto. His youki practically drowned her, seeping down her throat and causing her to choke and push out holy powers.
Hands scarred with marks from archery slid over his chest, leaving trails of steam. Sesshoumaru groaned- gaze flashing red, and their harsh, frantic movements combined with lusty cries reached a crescendo. He pushed her down to the floor and slammed inside her to the hilt. Kagome threw her head back, screaming.
The rest was mildly difficult to remember. She was fairly certain, however, that golden eyes had been surprisingly gentle when he'd caught her glazed blue gaze once more. It was only later, when he dropped her off at the edge of Inuyasha Forest, that Kagome pointed out his missing earring.
Sesshoumaru had hummed, removing his remaining pale one and handing it over to her.
Kagome understood what it meant. An agreement, a promise that this was theirs; and theirs alone.
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teaandatale · 5 years
Steggy and 'I Didn't Mean to Turn You On'
86. ‘I Didn’t Mean to Turn You On’
Ummm… You definitely meant to get a 2k+ fic out of this didn’t you? Omg. Anyway.
I’m not sure if you meant to pick a second AU or if this onewas good enough but if you’d like to send a follow up for another “I didn’tmean to turn you on” that you’d like to see paired with another AU feel free tohit me up again 😊
Here is what my brain jumped to and please please thank @dorrinverrakai1 for being a muse extraordinaire and making this become what it did. (There is quite a bit of backstory that goes to this that didnt make it into the ficlet fyi.)
I’m placing it under a cut because again… This grew legs from just being an answer to a tumblr meme…
Phillips’ annual Christmas party is a thing of legend aroundthe office. It’s always a grand affair, hosted at his mansion and everyoneknows that if you want to be someone in the company, if you show up, make agood impression, compliment the host and his wife’s hospitality, you have areal good shot at a corner office sooner or later.
For Steve, who was ambitious enough, but didn’t feel theneed to grease palms solely at a company party for his own selfish benefit, itwas an opportunity to spend some quality time out of the office with the girlof his dreams.
But the evening hadn’t gone on like he had planned, not afterthe flirtation between him and Peggy the day before back at the office. Whereshe had mentioned she had bought a spectacular new red dress just for the occasion,and then inquired about what he was going to wear. And how he promised her adrink. And that if there was dancing maybe a dance or two to go with that. And herlips had turned up and she said nothing for a moment as she regarded him.
“I will see you tomorrow night then Steve,” she said inpromise.
He’d never been so thrilled. He and Peggy had become goodfriends, and he was pretty sure their interactions would be considered flirtingon several occasions, but he’d never really had a good chance at pursuingsomething more.
But then he doesn’t spot Peggy at the party right away. Andwhen he finally does, she’s standing in a corridor whispering hurriedly with Phillips,and at her side holding her hand was a young girl of seven or eight years old. Thegirl teeters on her heels and leans her head against Peggy’s hip. He knows Peggywas close to Phillips and his family, he thinks that her parents were closefriends of his. The scene doesn’t seem like one he should interrupt soreluctantly he turns away and heads toward the catered food.
He doesn’t spot Peggy again for another half an hour, butshe’s over talking to several of their important German clients so he knows hecan’t interrupt that either. A bit disappointed, he decides to take a little tourof the place and heads up the stairs where one of the bar stations was set up,but heads towards the giant Christmas trees that flank a large bay window witha lookout. He’s passing the bar he overhears something that makes him stop inhis tracks.
“Can you believe she would bring her kid to an event likethis?” It’s Thompson, his least favorite guy in the office, talking with DanielSousa, both men holding generously filled glasses of whiskey.
He’s filled with rage at the dismissive and insulting tone ofthe comment.
“It’s a little embarrassing…” Sousa agrees, somewhat reluctantly.
“A little embarrassing? For fuck’s sake, you don’t bring yourkid to a company event period. And you definitely don’t saddle the fucking CEOof the company with your brat because you remembered you have to network with yourmost important clients.” He was ready to punch Thompson right then and thereeven before he hurled another blow that surprised Steve. “Classic Marge. She’s alwaysgetting a little too big for her britches. She should really learn about babysitters.”
He knows Thompson’s reputation for talking shit, so though thesurprise stuns him, he knows better than to believe gossip from his mouth.Still, he’d have felt the same way if it was Peggy’s child or not.
“That’s very wise advice from you Jack,” Steve says, “assomeone who doesn’t have kids, and given the way you talk may never findsomeone who would choose to have them with you.”
Thompson snorts derisively. “I don’t suffer from lack ofinterest unlike some people Rogers. Anyway I wasn’t talking to you.”
“Doesn’t matter who you were talking to when we can all hearyou badmouthing a coworker. Real classy. Definitely the way you’re going toearn brownie points in the office. And don’t pretend you know anything aboutchildcare or shame someone for doing the best they can to take care of theirchildren. Parenthood doesn’t just stop because you have to work. Do you knowhow many times I spent at the hospital when my mom was on shift because she hadno alternative? Parents do what they have to. I’m sure if there was a better orsafer option it would have been taken. And even if it wasn’t, it’s not ourbusiness. It’s not like anyone is asking you to babysit huh?”
“Fuck off Rogers.”
He rolls his eyes. “Original. Do me a favor and don’t let mehear you say shit like that again. I’m prefer not to ruin your night becauseyou can’t shut your mouth.”
He storms past not waiting for Jack’s response. It’s notuntil he’s right next to the ornate Christmas tree that he realizes the baywindow is occupied. On the wide cushioned seat, sits Phillips and at his sideis the little girl with a book. He doesn’t mean to interrupt but Phillips makeseye contact with him and it would be rude not to say hello to the host.
“Mr. Phillips,” he says, voice still a little surprised. “It’snice to see you.”
Phillips smiles at him. They’ve gotten along the few timesthey’ve interacted. “Steve. Are you enjoying the party?”
He nods. “You’ve got a beautiful house. It’s so warm andfestive.”
“I like all the Christmas trees,” the little girl saysproudly. “There are eight in the house this year because I’m eight years oldthis year,” she tells him.
“Wow! You must be very special to get as many Christmas treesas your age,” Steve tells the girl who grins at him. “Which one is yourfavorite?”
She stands up from the seat and bounces on her heels thenpoints below past the ledge that looks down at the first floor. There in themiddle of the large dining room is the largest Christmas tree in the place.
“The big, big one! How tall was it again Grandpa Phillips?”
The man chuckles. “Sixteen footer. The tallest we’ve everhad you my girl.”
She grins at him. And the sight is a wonder to Steve who hasnever quite witnessed Phillips act so soft. It’s sweet. “We’re reading aChristmas Carol. Do you know it?” The girl asks Steve.
“Oh yes! I know it well. My mom and I used to read it everyChristmas together.”
“Used to? You don’t like to read it anymore?”
He hesitates. “Oh no I would. I do. Except, my mom… She uhpassed away a few years ago. I still think of her every time I read it though.”He hopes that’s not too heavy for an eight year old.
The girl’s eyes widen and she nods very seriously. Then she grinswidely at him again and jumps up from the bench. “Well then you can read itwith me! I’m a very good reader for my age.”
Phillips laughs. “Yes you are Maggie girl. But I’m sureSteve is interested in getting back to the party darling.”
He’s about to retort when Phillips’ wife rushes over. “Thereyou two are,” she starts. “Honey, I know you asked not to be bothered but Zimmermangroup has arrived and there’s the toast to be given.”
Phillips and his wife exchange a look while Maggie flipspages in her book.
“I’d be happy to keep Maggie company,” he finds himselfoffering. “She did promise me we could read a Christmas Carol together.”
“Oh that would be lovely! You’re Steve yes? Steve Rogers?”Phillips’ wife asks with a bright, relieved smile.
“Are you sure Steve?”
“Of course.”
“I’ll be back in half an hour Maggie my girl, okay? Youthink you can entertain Steve here for that long?”
The girl nods and shoves the book into Steve’s hand. “Is yourname short for anything Steve?” she asks him once the Phillips’ are gone.
He laughs. He likes how bold the girl is. “It’s short forSteven, but no one really calls me that.”
“My name is short for Margaret. Margaret Jr. to be exact,” shetells him with a smile.
Steve freezes for a moment. Can she really be Peggy’s daughter?Had he really never known that Peggy was a mother? He panics as he tries to rememberif she had every told him that information before. But he doesn’t have muchtime to ponder it as the girl demands he help do the voices. So he findshimself crying out “Bah Humbug” at increasingly dramatic tones once he findsMaggie finds it hilarious. Her little sweet giggles are infectious. So theyread, and occasionally Maggie will stop to ask questions about a hard word, orwhat he thinks of Scrooge, or to tell him what she wants for Christmas. He losestrack of time.
It’s definitely more than a half hour that’s passed whenfootsteps approach them. It’s a wild-eyed Peggy and she seems at a loss forwords.
“There you are my darling!” Peggy calls out, and Maggierushes towards her in a massive hug.
“Steve and I were reading together,” she tells Peggy. He noticesPeggy is staring at him.
Before he can say anything or explain, a second womanapproaches.
“Mommy!” Maggie cries out and rushes for the other woman.
“Hiya Margaret my baby girl. Did you have fun at GrandpaPhillips’ party? Oh Peggy I can’t thank you enough again. Wait who is this?”
Peggy, who had still been staring peculiarly at Steve,clears her throat. “Sorry, Angie. This is Steve. Steve Rogers. Steve this is mybest friend Angie.”
“Ohhhh!” Angie grins and throws Peggy a wink. “Steve Rogershuh?”
Peggy ignores her. “Steve was very generous enough to sitwith Margaret.”
Little Margaret bounces on her toes excitedly. “Mommy! Hisname is short for Steven. Did you know that? Steven.” She repeats his full nameas if enjoying the sound of it. It makes him smile. “And he does really goodvoices. Almost as good as yours mommy.”
“Now that’s a high compliment from my baby girl,” Angietells him, this time winking at him.
“That big of a compliment huh? Well I’m honored,” he tellsMaggie.
“Baby tell Peggy and Steve goodnight, it’s way past your bedtimenow.”
She hugs Peggy first, but then Steve is surprised to findthe girl come rush over to hug him. “Thanks for being my friend Steve. Maybe wecan read together again next year.”
“You got it,” he swears, because how could he not?
He notices Angie shoot Peggy another look before the twodisappear. He then notices that Peggy is back to staring at him. And this timehe thinks he realizes what kind of a stare it is she’s giving him. He feels alittle warm in his suit all of a sudden. He needs a way to break the silence.
“I didn’t mean to turn you on,” he finds himself sayinghelplessly.
It’s the strangest, boldest statement coming from him. But onelook at Peggy’s face and he’s a helpless mess. Her stare is so pointed and fullof heat he’s pretty sure he’s blushing. Her interest is so open, and full of…he feels like a fool but he hopes he’s correct recognizing it as desire. Theway that she bites her lip, the way her pupils are dilated and how she keepstracking not only his face but lingering all over his body.
“I—“ he tries to backtrack but his mouth is so dry and hergaze only seems to grow darker, her tongue flicking out to wet her red lips andSteve is unable to breath. He swallows hard. Who is turning who on exactly?
He finally gets a chance to take a good long look at her,something he’s been dying to do all night. Her dress, a deep red that matchesher lipstick accentuates every curve in her body in a way that makes Steve’sbreaths a little quicker. He can’t stop looking her over. She is magnificent. Agoddess. And it makes him giddy, as her presence has always made him. He wantsto feel the fabric of her dress, wants to see if it’s soft or silky.
“Oh you weren’t, were you?” she asks, her voice laced with disbeliefand amusement. “You mean to tell me that you didn’t get dressed in that well-tailoredtux and choose a red tie and pocket square?”
He gulps at the way she looks him over once more. “Well youmentioned you were going to wear red… so…”
“So you took it upon yourself to remember that fact and considerit when getting dressed.”
She looks so pleased that he’s confused for a moment. Ofcourse he listened to her. And if she was going to wear red why wouldn’t hewant to match her?
“And then you didn’t just so gracefully offer to reprievePhillips and watch my beloved Goddaughter and have her so enjoy your companyshe now calls you her friend?”
He clears his throat. “She’s a great kid. I didn’t know shewas your Goddaughter.”
Peggy takes a step closer. “You do realize that only makes youeven more attractive?” Her voice is lower and deeper and she’s close enough nowthat he could count every one of her eyelashes.
He licks his lips. “I um… Well… For a while there I thought shewas your kid. And didn’t know if I had forgotten that you told me you had adaughter.”
She laughs, the sound still low that it leaves him longing anddesperately he wants to lean into her, breathe her in.
“That wouldn’t be because Thompson was gossiping huh?”
He freezes. “How did you know about that?”
“Jarvis overhead him at the bar. He told me you gave him atongue-lashing of spectacular proportions.” He can only shrug. “So you can’timagine that a well-dressed man that I was already fond of, not only deftly defendedmy honor without making it about me, but spent time at a company Christmasparty making Maggie giggle uncontrollably.”
She’s standing so close, as close as he had fantasized abouthappening at this party.
“I…” He bows his head. He wants to believe her, wants to believethat any of that would make him attractive in her eyes. But she’s Peggy and asuperstar in her own right, and she’s oh so pretty he could cry. “If you likethat sort of thing,” he mumbles.
“I do,” she murmurs, tilting her head, her left hand coming upto press against his jaw. He can feel her body against his. “Now kiss mealready.”
There’s no refuting that. He flicks his gaze down at her,the adoring smile, her wide pupils. He places both hands on the back of herneck and kisses her hard, hard enough to make her gasp. The hand at his jawwanders up and cards through his hair. And oh he has never kissed anyone quitelike this. Full of fireworks and wonder and longing for more and more and more.She presses herself closer and they don’t stop kissing. He never ever wants tostop.
Eventually they part, both gasping and catching theirbreaths.
“Well…” she starts, still steadying her breathing, handsstill tracing over his face and neck, “I really thought we were going to needmistletoe to get you to kiss me tonight.”
He grins and pulls her in for another kiss.
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A Helping Hand (Yoongi x angel!reader)
Summary: While tending to your earthly duties, a small mishap leads you to cross paths with a pleasant mortal 
Word count: 1.7k
A/N: (I pulled an all nighter to write this omg) This is what happens when you look through the “Angel core” and “cottage core” tags on Tumblr for an hour straight! I wrote the reader’s narration as proper as possible to kind of capture how I believe the angelic point of view would be. I hope you all enjoy! Likes are nice but Comments & Reblogs are very much obliged! (Disclaimer: This is completely fictional and not meant to hold religious/biblical value)
A/N pt.2: To make it fun, take this quiz to find out your angelic name and what kind of angel you are!
Song Rec?: I hiiiighley suggest “As the world Turns” first, then “This Time Around” & “Here my Love”. As a matter of fact...any song from Quiet Signs (all by Jessica Pratt)
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You enjoyed your journeys on Earth, very much so. From the moment you were a cherub you were appointed an angel of Flora and Vegetation. You absolutely adored plants and could name every species that was ever created. So when you began your duties of seeing to the well being of vegetation on Earth, you were beyond pleased! Out of all of the worlds in which you’d visited, Earth was by far your favorite. 
It was the vernal season, the time in which the plants and such were in full bloom so you set out as soon as the dawn peaked on the horizon. You glided across the lands two feet above the ground. You also made your wings indiscernible so to not scare any grazing animals that may witness. you didn’t think to travel by foot only because flight was more convenient for a brisk operation, leaving more leisure time for you to wander in meadows and such. As the day continued, you found yourself flying to your favorite spots once you finished your task to enjoy the various prairies and forests and rivers and streams lined with beautiful foliage, relishing in the beautiful amenities that nature had to offer. 
Wanting to make another stop, you landed in a spot not too familiar within your usual wandering grounds. Overlooking the land you gasped in amazement seeing a beautiful garden! Filled with various flowers, plants fruits and vegetables, positioned in an orderly manner with added details such as stone pillars and a large statue that seemed to mimic what you look like, and a small pond with a steady fountain of water cascading into it, it was all so breathtaking! You set yourself on the ground so you could walk by foot as you approached the beautiful setting. 
Passing the orchid arch, you were then able to see the full garden in all of it’s aesthetic qualities. Scanning the area you then noticed a cottage. Man made. Built from stone. Although you had seen mortals while flying several feet above them, you’ve never built up the courage to approach one as other angels have expressed how insufferable they can be. Ignoring the subtle lodge you continued to wander about the garden, walking across stepping stones and making a flower crown from peonies. One for yourself and a little one for the angel statue in which you’ve came to quickly favor. 
Fixing the crown on the statue, you didn’t notice the sound of growls coming from behind you. Once you turned around, you where met with a four legged mammal of the Canidae family. A Border Collie to be exact. You couldn’t help but feel uneasy as you tried to distance yourself from the mammal only for it to close the space between you, 
“Ne attingas.”  You uttered out in hopes that it wouldn’t come any closer. To your demise, the mammal began belting out sharp explosive cries that I am sure would alarm whoever dwelled within the cottage. 
“Tace!” You quietly chant now feeling lost and in a sense of peril. In attempts to scare the mammal away, you wave your hands at it, assuming it will run off. Instead it began to charge at you. You scream as you run away from the four legged beast through way of the garden circling around the pond twice eventually flying across it to lose the mammal. Once landing you began to run on foot, accidentally colliding with and knocking over the angel statue. 
Now on the ground, you weren’t fazed by the fact that you had acquired a wound on your arm and leg, or the beast that hadn’t yet let up on his previous actions, but more so on the fact that you had destroyed the angel statue, as the little flower crown you had made for it rested there among the severed pieces maimed and unraveled. You felt disheartened, completely saddened at the scene before you. 
Before the beast was able to charge again, the door of the cottage opened as a figure emerged, approaching the garden while calling to it. The mammal then retreated, running to the figure to lead them to the entrance of the garden near where you were, on the ground still mourning the demise of the poor statue. 
“Hello?” The voice calls out to you as you attempt to catch your bearings,
“Are you alright?” The voice asks, slowly approaching you as to not make any vast or sudden movements. 
You then look up to the figure as they crouch down to get a better look at you. You gaze upon them in awe as you take in their natural beauty up close. For the first time, you’ve come in contact with a mortal! A Human! 
“Are you alright?” They ask again, this time more concerned.
“Es homini!”  You exclaim almost too enthusiastically, seeing all that had just taken place. 
“I’m sorry I don’t understand,” he says shaking his head while offering an apologetic look. Interesting, you can understand him, but he can’t understand you. Finally taking the time to examine the situation before him he notices the broken angel statue around you and the mangled flower crown, also noticing the corresponding one atop your head as some of the flowers have fallen off. “It looks like you made a mess,” he said letting out a small laugh while examining you for injuries. Sure enough, he spots the cuts on your forearm and shin. “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.” He says, helping you up and towards a stone bench in the garden facing the pond. He disappeared into the cottage momentarily with the Border Coley following close behind. He returned with a tin as the dog stayed inside. He sat facing you on the bench and placed the tin of first aid materials between you both. Holding out his hand as if to ask for yours, you place your arm out in front of you for him to take and start tending to. 
“That’s a pretty nasty cut you got there,” he says while dabbing an alcohol soaked cotton ball on your forearm wound. You gasp at the stinging pain but it quickly subsides as he applies ointment and a bandage.  
“My name is Yoongi, by the way. This is my garden.” he says gently letting go of your arm as you focus on his features. Why, this human...Yoongi...is just as beautiful as the garden he created. 
“Amo hortis.” you say intrigued by this peaceful soul, “really?” Yoongi answers back, not understanding a single word you’ve just uttered but not wanting to seem rude. He then moves the tin and pats the space motioning for you to place your leg onto the bench so he can take care of it as well. 
“I see you liked the angel statue,” he says while following the same procedure for your leg, and you nod in agreement. “I made it. Took me six months.” Oh no, months of intricate labor destroyed by your reckless actions. “Et sentiunt reus.”  You say, a stint of sadness quite evident in your voice. He was able to pick up on that from your instant change in body language, “Fortunately I’ve made it before, so I can make it again. No big deal.” He says issuing you a reassuring smile, you smile back at him as he finishes your leg with a bandage and rests it back down comfortably. He looks you over to see your distinct features and rather unique and flowy clothing that he hadn’t noticed before. “I’m sorry I never got your name,” he said looking between you and the chrysanthemums that bloomed behind you, “Meum nomen est Y/N.” you say still enamored by his kindness and captivating features, “Okay. Y/N, where are you from?” he questioned enraptured by your soft yet mysterious presence, “Ego de caelo!”  you respond, more than happy that he doesn’t quite understand you. He would probably find you odd. “Hmm, you understand me. I wish I could say the same.” he said, taking a hold of your hand as you both sat together in his garden. 
Within that moment of solace, you were truly able to appreciate the world in all of it’s entirety with a mortal in which you favored spending time with even though you’ve only known him for a small amount of time. You’ve sentenced his poor angel statue to ruin and he still showed mercy and kindness towards you, it’s truly beyond you how he could be so welcoming. “Gratias tibi.” you say as a quick acknowledgement to the human. “Gratias......Gratias?........Isn’t that thanks?” he asks. You look at him and nod, not truly sure on what he is trying to make sense of, “Hold on, I know the phrase....I think I know the language too.”, perhaps he is trying to decipher something? “Non intelligitis,”, “Wait here I’ll be right back.” 
Yoongi ran to the cottage and later returned with what seemed to be an object to scribe with and another object similar to the composition of a bible, yet slightly thinner and smaller in size. “This, is a Latin-English dictionary.” he explained very invested in getting his point across. He then began flipping through pages as if he was searching for something, eventually using the inscribing tool to mark something onto a page of the book. After a few moments he turns the book to face you, showing what he had just done.
“Et nunc non possumus communicate.” your face immediately lit up and you clapped your hands amazed by what was taking place! Yoongi smiled completely smitten by your adorable actions. You couldn’t help your urges as you felt the sudden need to pull Yoongi into an embrace. He obliged and hugged back just as excited as you were. “I think we can get to know each other after all,” he said catching the flower crown that had finally fallen from your head. “Possumus esse amicos!” you tell him as he picks from flowers and vines around you to reassemble your crown. “Yep!” he answered back, still clueless for the time being. 
“Benedictus es domine.”  You said as your final word of order before settling in to finish enjoy the presence of his beautiful garden.
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phanchester · 5 years
gen z baudelaire children headcanons
violet baudelaire
- age: 16
- good at drawing
- cries in movies
- asexual af 
- called herself a lesbian for years until she started dating a boy lmao
- dating quigley quagmire
- doesnt define herself as a single sexuality so she just calls herself queer
- has an instagram account for aesthetic things and another account for weird selfies
- has a studyblr account as well 
- pretend shes organised but really is not
- loves dodie and tessa violet
- makes slimes and squishies and somehow all of them are perfect?? like the slime never sticks to anyone’s hands and get stretch a lot and the squishies just never break down
- is really bad at baking 
- tried to make klaus a birthday cake but failed and handed in slush
- she ended up buying cake from the local bakery but accidentally spelt klaus wrong so it read “happy birthday klauz”
- loves everything to do with japan but constantly denies the fact that shes a weeaboo
- dressed up as jiro from my hero academia one year
- obsessed with princess mononoke
- loves all the tech in tokyo
- listens to paramore religiously
- liked one direction when she was a lot younger and cringes about it
- used to have long hair but she cut it when she was 15 and now she has the bisexual haircut
- has a really good sense of fashion although she looks pretty in anything
- loves sherlock way too much for it to be healthy
- was obsessed with tom hiddleston in 2012
- got raped when she was 14
- still goes to therapy to repair all the broken things which came out of that
- very passionate about feminism and is pro-choice
- got called an sjw in public so she gave the man a whole rant about how her being raped ruined her entire life
- lead the tech box for the school musical in junior school despite these annoying teachers telling her she should be on stage with her pretty face
- gets cat-called in public which she absolutely hates but she just ignores them
- loves doing her own makeup
- people who dont know her call her the shy nerd but people who know her things shes insane
- resident IT kid at school
- knows for forever from dear evan hansen off by heart but refuses to listen to any more songs despite klaus’s protests
- really good at football and baseball
- super good at science
- loves everything to do with inventing (obviously lmao)
- dressed up as tinker bell when she was 4 and as annabeth chase when she was 12 for halloween
- good at sewing and making costumes
- made her own computer out of spare parts when her mother (beatrice) put screen time on her school laptop
- had an emo phase but constantly denies it
 klaus baudelaire
- age: 14
- a huge fanboy over practically everything except sports
- family thought he was gay for years, turns out he was a bi disaster
- peace-signs bisexual but also finger guns
- had a crush on isadora and quigley when they first met in seventh grade
-  now only has a crush on isadora and boy is oblivious to how lovestruck isadora is for him as well
- knows every starkid musical off by heart
- has a super popular tumblr blog with a hell lot of followers as well as an anti-onision side blog
- has probably every social media known to man
- rumours say that he even has a myspace account?? with this boy who knows
- hair is always messy no matter how many times beatrice tries to tame it
- always dresses up as harry potter for halloween because he looks exactly like the description
- obsessed with lord of the rings
- use to have a booktube but then deleted it a day after he posted a video 
- has mild anxiety and depression
- also sees a therapist (someone help these chirren they need help)
- memes and vines are his source of energy and without them he would probably die
- knows like every single vine somehow
- loves thomas sanders
- has a diverse set of subscriptions from really small but high quality youtubers to these huge popular ones
- once this random youtuber liked his reply on twitter and he actually flipped out
- has a crush on brendon urie (“i’d fuck that forehead any day” - actual quote by klaus baudelaire)
- skipped year 4 so he is one year younger than the people in his grade
- can eat until he dies
- was super small but then had a huge growth spurt so now hes a lot taller
- practically blind without his glasses
- once violet stole his glasses for a prank and klaus sat on the family cat
- the cat was thankful still breathing after the traumatizing experience but died the year after
- these events are not confirmed to be connected
- definitely a feminist and is super protective over his sister so he  a t t a c k s  anyone online who normalizes and tries to justify rape and/or pedophilia
- hated olaf from the second he met him
- super judgemental over people which he knows he needs to stop but he cant help it
- only person he didnt judge was lemony which beatrice took as a good sign when they first got together 
- hardly remember bertrand as he died when he was like 1 (and violet was 3) but from photos he knows that he was a good person
- loves croissants and meat pie
- actually really likes bread for some reason no one knows why but he just really likes bread
- good at every single subject except for pdhpe (or rather pe)
- running joke in the family that hes trash at sport
- actually likes the concepts of most school subjects but he hates some of his teachers (like his maths teacher and his geography teacher)
- has really trash handwriting
- has the weirdest search history known to man
- “im a writer” but never writes
sunny snicket 
- age: 4
- not at school yet but still super smart for her age
- klaus read the hobbit to her and she really enjoys it and wants to watch the movies (but beatrice wont let her because theyre rated m)
- lost her first tooth recently because she kept on wobbling it and just pulled it out
- never cries when she falls over or scratches herself or shit
- uses klaus as a chair and violet as a pillow
- once pulled all of beatrice’s flowers out from the garden to give to her
- beatrice got really mad at first but when sunny started crying and saying that she just wanted to give her mummy a present beatrice melted and brought sunny to the florist to buy flowers
- kept on asking how babies were made and didnt believe the stories she was being told so lemony just straight-up told her to shut her up and now she is traumatized
- watches movies which are way too old for her age
- loves baking with her mum and is very good at it (better than violet lmao)
- beatrice doesnt allow her near the oven so she constantly makes peanut-butter sandwiches
- suffice to say, the house is never out of peanut-butter sandwiches
- loves dogs
- has way too many toys to count
- wants a pet hamster, fish and/or sloth
- hates shoes so constantly walks around barefoot
- blames everything on her invisible snowman friend called ojo
- hates being called cute but really is adorable
- likes blueberry muffins and vanilla cupcakes
- never ties her shoelaces
- loves the incredibles
- really likes all frank sinatra songs
- has a pink radio which allows cds
- has lazy eye
- taking piano lessons but wants to learn the cello
- pretends to be a detective all the time
- tried to catch the monster under the bed so she could talk to it
- loves talking
- loves chinese food
- tries to write in cursive
- sings very loudly around the house
- always sneezes at least 5 times in a row
- scared of swallowing pills for medicine
- can quote child-friendly vines
- loves dressing up in dresses but hates makeup
- heard someone (probably kit) say “no shit sherlock” so says that on repeat under every circumstance
- finds writing capitals rs and 4s interesting so she has a notebook dedicated to that
- loves the mii and kahoot song (probably because of klaus)
- has an interest in sharp-toothed creatures like snakes, sharks and alligators
- pretends to have a british accent sometimes and its very cute
- hates her hair in pigtails
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imacrowcawcaw · 5 years
@oblvions @shes-outta-sight @lazingonsunday @karrotkate @satans-helper thank you all for the tags 💗💕
A buttload of info about me:
Last thing I read: "Lovers" by @satans-helper 😍😍😍
Favorite Book: The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood by Howard Pyle
Favorite Movie: Beetlegeuse
Dream Date: Imagine this: a nice, plush couch, covered in down pillows and fluffy blankets. There is a fire in the brick fireplace, the wood smoke combines with the scent of Nag Champa incense and the homemade treats that cover the low table next to the couch. There are brownies, bread rolls, cheeses, bowls of fruit, dipping sauces, cakes, sandwiches - a whole feast of my favorite foods. My partner and I would cuddle up on that couch, listening to my favorite symphonies on the record player in the corner and talking for hours. This isn't really a first date thing, more like an established relationshil date, but god I'd love to just spend an afternoon surrounded with my favorite things and my favorite person.
Do I have a crush?: Not really. There are people I find very very attractive (a friend, Sam Kiszka, Duff Mckagan in his 20s, Lucy Lui) but nobody that I'm actually romantically and sexually into.
Hobbies: Swimming, observing nature, browsing Pinterest, daydreaming, writing, reading, making art, singing, listening to music, love to cook
My favorite time of day: late afternoon, right before the sun sets. I'm usually free to do what I like, the temperature starts to drop, I can watch the sun... it's nice
If I could choose what I looked like, anything, what would it be?: I want tattoos, and more piercings, I'd love to change my hair color again - it's been natural for awhile but I think I want either burgundy or bright blue. WINGS! I kind of want giant, strong fairy wings, and maybe glowing eyes, a forked tongue, and tattoos that move and change (kinda like Maui lol)
Am I romantic?: Yeah, I'd say I am. I love to treat people, friends and significant others, but I'd be especially affectionate and romantic for a partner. I'm constantly buying gifts and things that remind me of them, cooking for them, planning dates and buying tickets for things I know they like, quietly taking care of stuff I know they need to do, cuddling, complimenting... I love to shower my partner in affection 24/7
My favorite kind of weather: Late Autumn, generally. About 55ºF, cloudy but not raining, windy
What do I like to talk about?: Lol I talk a whole lot and I've probably talked about everything at some point. One of my close friends and I particularly love to debate religion, mythology, magic, history, and the intersections of those. We also regularly plan heists and crimes lmao
My turn-ons: Long eyelashes, pouty lips, dirty hands (motor oil, paint, flour, etc), sarcasm, seeing someone get excited about something, compassion, casual physical affection
My turn-offs: Nastiness without a reason, knees (I just think knees look weird idk), Trump supporters, 100% pessimism (I understand being depressed or doubtful or being generally a pessimist, but if you adamantly refuse to see anything in a good light and try to ruin it for others f u c k y o u)
If I got a tattoo, what would it be and where?: ohhh I want tattoos so bad but I'm saving up and I'm not certain about some yet.... but I know that I'm getting a tree of life matching with my mom, I want mushrooms, pine trees, lavender, wildflowers (all for personal reasons). I'd also like to make maybe a charm bracelet of sorts with little charms for my favorite bands, books, movies, and other peices of media. I know that interests change and I might not like something in 30 years, but I see my life in periods of interests and I want to catalogue the things that shaped me
My pets: I have 3 cats - Pumpkin Pie, Lady, and Sweetheart
My dream job: I just want to live a free life doing what I want. I want to grow my own food for the most part, and raise animals, and paint, and write, and play music, and go on random adventures, go antiquing, decorate my home from my travels, learn without expectations - I don't want to exchange a fulfilling life for financial security from some mundane modern job.
My dream place to live: Secluded, in the forests of Oregon (or maybe Pennsylvania idk) on the bottom third of a mountain, on my own little farm
My dream vacation: I just wanna go explore historical landmarks and buildings
My dream house: A beautiful historical house -- like an 1870s American farmhouse, or a craftsman cottage, or a Victorian painted Lady, or maybe a New York brownstone -- filled with antiques and records and books and artifacts that I've collected. I LOVE antiques so much, everything would be of fine craftsmanship, it would be lavish and inviting and packed with interesting items at every turn (I want my house to be a curios shop lol) I also want a big ass kitchen and nice woodwork, I literally get horny over original built ins
My piercings: Sadly, I only have my standard ear piercings right now, but I think I'll get more soon. A nose ring, eye brow bar (yes I know that's so 2000s but I like them), probably 4 more on each ear, navel, nipples
If I had kids, what would I name them?: I love older, interesting names, so - Euphemia, Hartford, Monroe, Malory, Louise (me lol), August, Fredrick
My worst traits: I'm incredibly stubborn; I love talking to people but I'm awkward; lazy and don't care; I'm a bit of a collector/hoarder; I bottle up any anger or sadness I feel so I don't inconvenience others
My best traits: I love to give and help; I try to make people comfortable around me/in my home; I have excellent taste; I appreciate quality, culture, and creativity; I have many interesting interests that I'm eager to share and learn more about; I'm very creative
My worst fear: a painful death - I'm not afraid of dying, even though I'd rather not, I just don't want it to hurt
What do I want to eat right now?: Well, considering that I just ate my first bit of solid food in 3 days and immediately had to run to the bathroom... nothing
My favorite vacation memory: *blushes* my first kiss AND nearly my first time (we went like halfway): making out with this dude, son of my mom's friend, at my family cabin
My favorite city: I really don't know. Timber, OR, let's say
My favorite social media platform: Tumblr or Pinterest (does that count?)
My favorite article of clothing: My leather motorcycle jacket. I can't actually ride a motorcycle (trying to remedy that because *sexy*) but I got it a few years ago and it makes me feel so fucking badass. It's heavy, about 15 pounds of good quality leather, has lots of secret pockets in the lining and some cool looking zippers and studs, but nothing crazy. It's hella warm and comfy, I wear it everyday it's cold enough to
Do I play any sports?: pfft no. I like to swim, and I'm interested in baseball and tennis, but I suck at them and also I just don't like team sports
My favorite meal: What I order when I go to Buffalo Bills - a pesto/feta/mozzarella/Italian sausage/basil/tomato/garlic pizza, with homemade potato chips and chunky blue cheese dressing for dipping. If I had room, I'd finish with Marionberry cheesecake pie from Sherri's (but I am incredibly sick and have no faith in getting better enough so I feel like I'll never be able to eat like this again)
What am I excited for?: The winter holidays! I'm atheist, so Christmas is all about the personal stuff and non religious family traditions for me. I love the decorations, the music, seeing my family, baking, giving and receiving presents, it's all just so fun
What am I not excited for?: Cleaning my room, it really really needs it though. Also just continuing to live like this. I'm not suicidal, I'm just in a lot of pain constantly and I don't know what to do
When was the last time I cried?: an hour or so ago, I'm in loads of pain right now
What is something I hate about the world?: There's too much to choose from
What is something I love about the world?: children and nature
My favorite scents: vanilla, lavender, pine, Nag Champa incense, BBQ meat, pizza with basil, rosemary, my Dad's cologne
Cats or dogs?: kitties 💗
What kind of sleeper am I?: A weird one lol. I can't lay on my stomach for more than 15 minutes without it making me incredibly nauseous for the rest of the day, but it's also my favorite way to sleep cause its comfy somehow... I can't lay on my back without a pillow either, 30 seconds in and the nerves pinch so bad I'm screaming. I snore, and I sleep deep, but it takes a long time to fall asleep and usually only beeping or banging noises wake me up??? Like I said, I sleep weird
How long would I survive in a zombie apocalypse?: I really don't know. I have some skills and the drive to learn to fight, but I am currently, as I'm sure y'all can tell, very sick and I don't think I'd be able to live with so much movement and so little medicine
Am I trusting?: Generally, I probably trust too much but I'm not gonna stop
What fictional characters do I identify with?: there are many I like but none I identify with
My most common labels: Mom friend, butch, that weird fat chick (doesn't bother me tho), the well behaved daughter, old soul
My life's anthem: I really am not sure if this is a good anthem song but I love it so so much... Take Me In Your Arms (Rock Me A Little While) by Kim Weston - you see where I get my love of long titles lol
Problems I'm dealing with: my health and whatever painful sickness is wrecking me, figuring out what to do with my life, saving money, getting my anxiety under control, getting the house to actually heat up because I'm cold as fuck
How can someone win me over?: let me express my interests and feelings, show kindness, be funny
What is something people don't know about me?: Idk
Not tagging anyone, this took over an hour
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rankakiu · 5 years
Thoughts of the Droid: Joker (2019)
Hello people from Tumblr! How have they been in all this time? As always, I hope very well. I will begin by saying that it was really in my plans to see the film of It: Chapter II; however, due to various circumstances, I could not see in the cinema. However, I compensated, watching another movie that shares a feature with It: both films have a clown as a great antagonist. Only the latter is more disturbing, since it does not need an extra dimensional being, but a human disguised as a clown, which in itself is more disturbing. On this occasion I bring to you all my impressions and opinions of the Joker movie, the second film that Warner and DC have released this year and which (obviously) has a plausible origin for the villain and nemesis par excellence of Batman.
Could it be that this movie continues with the hit streak of DC and Warner? Or is it a movie that had a very high expectation and ends up disappointing own and strangers? Stay in my review to find out.
WARNING: NOT SPOILER-FREE. Read at your own risk.
To start, what did I think of the movie? Short answer: simply magnificent and fascinating. Now let's go into the review in more detail. 
Characters: What to say about this thing? Each of the characters has been thought carefully and although we do not see much of them, at least they fulfill very well their function of being support characters and even some of them serve as a catalyst to further explore the mind of our protagonist. None of these characters will leave you indifferent and also make the movie a more pleasant experience, due to their good performances.
Of course, I could not ignore our protagonist, Arthur Fleck, played by the great Joaquin Phoenix, who once again consolidates himself as an actor of excellent quality, in addition to demonstrating his talent to his full potential.
In this movie, he interprets (as I mentioned lines above) a man in his forties named Arthur Fleck, a poor unhappy man and that life does not treat him at all well. To top it off, he suffers from a peculiar disorder: he laughs uncontrollably when he suffers certain levels of stress and / or anguish. Basically, when he laughs, it is when he ironicly manifests his pain and suffering. And certainly, in the scenes where he laughs that way, it is where Phoenix's acting quality is most noticeable, since while he laughs, his face is disfigured in gestures of extreme bitterness and pain.
If there is something that the film does quite well, it is to explore the tormented psychology of the character, while offering a possible origin and reason why it became the iconic “crime clown” of Gothic City. Throughout the film, we see him resisting as much as he can the attacks and ill-treatment he suffers from a society that cannot and does not want to understand him; we see him slowly succumb to his madness and dark desires, pushed more than anything for days full of disappointment, bitterness and disinterest on the part of his fellow men. Thus, the film knows how to balance these two aspects that manage to give the character its own mythology, while paying a well-deserved tribute by taking certain elements of comics and stories that are already legendary in their own right.
Story: A story, which despite a somewhat slow pace, manages to keep the viewer's interest for about two hours. And it is not for less, since the history has been meticulously planned and well conceived and carried out. It's a story that doesn't bore you at all, and that really leaves you wanting more. It's funny, since, even long before the trailers, we all knew in advance that it would be a story of the character's origin, so we knew that eventually Arthur Fleck would become the Joker. What really left us intrigued and made us go to the movie theaters was the premise of seeing how he became the clown of crime, whose motives he had to let himself be carried away by his madness and had such a unique metamorphosis. Again, the film tells that story precisely and brutally.
And how to start a story with so much potential? Simple, through a scene, where we see Arthur make up as a clown to go out on another work day and while preparing, we see our protagonist break emotionally for a few moments, where he forces himself to smile and while he smiles he spills a Treacherous tear, shows palpable suffering that has to deal with daily and somehow manages to resist almost heroically. But reality and life constantly inflict wounds on his being.
Throughout history we see many evidence of this: we have that, while Arthur does his job, a band of brats steal a sign and Arthur pleadingly asks people for help, who ignores him in that dehumanized way and not according to that, the same band of brats beat him up.
Or how about the scene where one of his co-workers, Randall, gives him a gun so carelessly and that he lost his job - that despite everything, he loved - and his partner decided to wash his hands , before admitting his mistake?
We also have the case in which Arthur fervently tries to fulfill his dream of being a comedian and unfortunately not only does not succeed, but also Murray Franklin, his idol and role model openly mocks him.
But without a doubt, the hardest blow he suffered was when he learned that everything, ALL OF HIS LIFE, until now had been a lie. Finding out that he was adopted only to satisfy a narcissistic desire of his adoptive mother, that his own guardian allowed him to be abused in various ways and that his origin is completely uncertain create an emotional dent in him, since it has been given realize that his life - in his own words - has been a joke in its entirety. In my opinion, this is one of the most emotional and heartbreaking scenes of the film, since that is where we see Arthur laugh more uncontrollably than ever, while shedding tears and his gesture is of such extreme disappointment and pain, that one as a spectator, you can feel a total empathy with the character, despite knowing that he will become a murderous villain.
Another scene to highlight in the story, is when Arthur, already become the Joker, is featured in the show of his now former idol Murray. That is where The Joker, stopping to read for a few seconds a thought he wrote long ago ("I just hope my death makes more sense than my life"), is that he finally decides what he wants to do and what being he wants to become .
And is that previous scenes, Arthur is seen rehearsing his entrance and his act to the show, where we clearly see that he aimed to commit suicide in order to end his life so tragic.
In my opinion, when he reads those lines of his thought, he changes his mind and decides that he will now be forcefully heard and will do what he pleases and brings his own happiness and control of his life. It is also in this scene where there is a monologue that seems quite interesting to me, since Arthur rants against society that abandons not only the patients with mental disorders, but also the poor and the most needy people. It is, in its purest sense, a passionate speech, full of anger and resentment against society that, unconsciously, led him to become an executioner, now free from the bonds and ideas of good and bad with what society intended to retain him. And now the executioner intends to torture this society, which ironically now cries out for mercy when never had it in the first place with a human being like him.
Also in this scene is where the Joker gives another equally interesting speech, and it is that to some extent he is right in describing society as easily manipulable, since in his own words, that society was shocked by the death of the three Wayne business employees, without even knowing how they really were. Recall that behind the scenes, the three subjects were behaving like real patanes, harassing an innocent woman. In part, their deaths are brutal and to some extent an exaggerated punishment. But this must also be considered: at what point would these three have reached if Arthur had not been present? What limits would have been exceeded? An interesting reflection that gives a lot to think about.
Another point in favor of history, is that it not only focuses on the psychology and evolution of the main villain, but also manages to sustain, showing a dark side of society and especially the eternal struggle of social classes, especially The poor against the rich. Just remember that in the movie, these social classes make their position very clear: the rich condemn the crimes that they have done against them. The poor are full of joy for those acts that they consider pure and expeditious justice.
Did it really happen everything that defined Arthur as the Joker?
Because in fact, in the same movie (and in various theories hanging around the internet) there are several clues that would confirm that the whole story we witnessed as spectators would be false. Some say that all their history is false and others maintain that only parts of it. And one might think that that little detail ruins the movie completely.
In this case, I would not think so.
And it is because of how the character is designed from the beginning. Basically the Joker is one of those characters who, as long as we knows less about his past, is much better, since it is part of his essence, being an entity of chaos whose origin is enigmatic and mysterious, a whole unknown. And if in truth his whole story is ambiguous or it didn't happen the way him told us, his past doesn't matter. What matters is precisely that we have been shown how his madness dragged him into becoming a criminal.
The story definitely gives a lot of fabric to cut from and is very worthy of analysis in many facets. The story, along with the characters - especially the protagonist - is the best of the film, and therefore it is a film that has no waste of seeing again and again.
Action and Visuals and special effects: Well ... where to start? Because if you ask me, I doubt that this film has been a great edition of special effects. I do not deny that I have one or another, but most of all the film is beautifully guided with the environments, the color palette and lights and especially a great script, so it is not necessary great effects. As for the action, the film has good sequences but they are very scarce and when they occur they are usually ephemeral. But do the film need action? Of course not, since it focuses on the character and his circumstances.
In conclusion, Joker, is a film very worth seeing and that has already become one of the best DC films, showing that in truth, when they want, they can achieve these wonderful results and that even overshadow their eternal rival Marvel. Therefore, I give this movie 4.5 out of 5 jokers. Beyond that, this film presents a new scheme that, if exploited in a good way, will create a genre in the superhero films: supervillain movies. And that is one of the greatest achievements of the film.
Definitely a highly recommended movie to watch and a very deserved achievement for DC and Warner. Hopefully they stay on this good path.
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blurry-fics · 5 years
December: Part One
Pairing: Previous Tyler Joseph x Reader, Unnamed OMC x Reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of breakup, drunken behavior
Word Count: 1706
Request: do you think you could do something with tyler based on the song december by neck deep ??? same person who sent the december by neck deep request, could it have a happy ending ??? p.s just read all of promises and cried sksksks 🖤love your writing -Anon (just wanted to say thank you so much! i’m really glad you liked promises :) also i fell in love with this song, thank you for introducing it to me!!)
Author’s Note: This is the first part of a two-part miniseries! That wasn’t my original intention, but there were so many elements in the song that I wanted to include that it ended up being too long for a single fic. Also, I won’t be posting links to the song since Tumblr is weird about that kind of thing, but this is based on December by Neck Deep (a really good song!) I hope all of you like it :)
Tumblr media
“Come on, please… pick up,” Tyler muttered.
He wished that he had brought a jacket with him when he went out to the bar. The mid-winter Ohio air was cold on his bare arms, and stumbling around plastered wasn’t really helping his mission of getting back to the apartment in a timely manner.
“Y/N,” he whined, staring down at his phone screen as if it would somehow make her pick up.
Her answering message played out into the quiet night.
“Hi, this is Y/N. I can’t come to the phone right now, but leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.”
He listened as Y/N giggled at something that he had said in the background of the message before the familiar voicemail tone sounded.
“Hi,” he murmured into the phone. “I know I’ve called a lot, but you haven’t picked up.”
Tyler was struggling to form words in his drunken state. Everything coming out of his mouth just felt wrong.
“I just wanted to tell you that I miss you. And I love you. Wait, maybe I shouldn’t say that.”
He pulled the phone away from his ear and stared down at the screen, squinting a little as he did so. His fingers looked a little bluer than normal. He wondered how long it had been since he left the bar.
“Um, sorry for calling,” he slurred. “Bye.”
He somehow managed to hit the end call button before slipping his phone back into his pocket. The street that he was on seemed unfamiliar and he had no idea where to go to get home.
His phone started to buzz in his pocket. Hoping it was Y/N, he quickly reached for it and answered. The idea of hearing her voice again was already making his heart flutter.
“Where are you, man? My phone says you’re on the other side of town.”
“You’re not Y/N,” he sighed.
“No, I’m not,” Josh answered. “Are you drunk?”
He scoffed, “Hardly.”
“Just stay where you are, ok? I’m coming to get you.”
It took Tyler a moment to register that Josh had ended the phone call. The world was spinning a bit more than it had been a moment ago, so he took a seat on the curb. A few flakes of snow were beginning to fall from the sky.
Josh pulled up against the curb some time later. Tyler wasn’t sure how long he had been sitting there. Time didn’t really feel real to him right now. Josh parked the car and hopped out.
“What are you doing out here?” Josh asked, grabbing Tyler’s arm and pulling him up to a standing position.
“I was walking home.”
“Where’s your jacket?”
“Don’t have one.”
Josh sighed and pulled off his own sweatshirt. After a bit of struggle, he managed to get the sweatshirt over Tyler’s head. Tyler rolled his eyes, but the blue tint to his lips suggested that he was probably more thankful for the warmth than he let on.
“Let’s get you in the car.”
Josh looped an arm around Tyler’s waist and walked him over to the side of the car. He waited until Tyler was securely in the passenger seat and buckled up before he got into the driver’s seat himself.
“Do you want me to take you home or should I bring you to my house?”
“She doesn’t care about me, Josh,” Tyler whined as he leaned his head against the window. It was cold, but he didn’t care. “She just left me alone.”
“Come on, Tyler,” Josh said, giving his friend a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “You’re just drunk. You’ll feel better in the morning.”
But Tyler knew that wasn’t true.
*     *     *
The sunlight streaming in through the window woke you up on Saturday morning. Next to you, your boyfriend was still fast asleep, snoring softly. You took a moment to admire him before reaching for your phone and checking your notifications.
There were three voicemail notifications, all from Tyler. He had been calling you at least once a day for the last week, but you left every one of them unanswered. Tyler was a part of your past that you would rather not think about right now.
And yet, your curiosity was getting the better of you.
You slowly got out of bed and walked out into the living room of your little apartment. Your boyfriend’s cat was sitting on the windowsill, basking in the morning sunlight. He turned to look at you as you walked into the room.
“Good morning, Pudge,” you smiled at him.
You took a seat just below the window where the sunlight was pouring in. It was warm on your back, but you knew that it would be cold as soon as you walked outside. That was the weird thing about winter.
Your finger hovered over the voicemail for a moment as you debated whether you actually wanted to listen to what he had to say. For all you knew, he could be cussing you out and telling you how he had never loved you. Did you really want to risk ruining your memories of him with that?
You decided that your curiosity overcame your fear, so you hit the small play button next to the first message.
“Hey, Y/N. Um, I know you’re in an entirely different state now, but if you’re willing to talk about everything that happened, that would be nice. Uh, call me back… if you want. Bye.”
You couldn’t deny the way that your breath still caught when you heard him say your name. The decision to break up had been yours and you knew it had been the right call, but it didn’t mean that you no longer had a place for him in your heart.
You hit play on the second voicemail.
“Hi again. I hope you’re doing well in your new place. It’s really cold in Ohio today. Anyway, I’m getting off topic. I’d still like to talk, if you’re up for it. Thanks. Bye.”
His words had been a bit more slurred in the second message than the first one. You wondered if he had gone out; he had never been big on drinking while you were together, although he was known to do it from time to time. That would explain all the voicemails.
You listened to the last one.
“Hi. I know I’ve called a lot, but you haven’t picked up. I just wanted to tell you that I miss you. And I love you. Wait, maybe I shouldn’t say that. Um, sorry for calling. Bye.”
You pulled the phone away from your ear and stared at the screen for a moment. Tyler was definitely drunk, there was no denying that. You hit play and brought the phone back up to your ear, just to make sure that you had heard him correctly. There was no way that he could have meant what he said.
“Good morning,” your boyfriend smiled.
You looked up from your phone, hastily closing out of the phone app. He slowly walked over and took a seat next to you on the ground.
“What are you doing down here?”
“Just sitting in the sunlight and spending quality time with Pudge.”
He reached over and brushed a strand of your hair out of your face, “Your face is bright red.”
“Did you just expect to walk in here shirtless and not make me blush?”
He laughed quietly and leaned closer to you, “I suppose not.”
You pulled him closer so you could place a gentle kiss on his lips. He ran his hands through your hair and deepened the kiss, but you pulled away shortly after.
“Breakfast?” you smiled.
His smile faltered for a moment before he answered, “Sure.”
*     *     *
Tyler’s hands were wrapped tightly around his mug of coffee as he sat in the window seat, looking down at the street below. Y/N had always loved sitting at the window seat. She would call out different cars that she saw to Tyler as he sat in the office, practicing piano or ukulele. He had never understood her fascination with it.
Now that she was gone, it was all he seemed to do.
He wondered what Y/N was doing now that she was off in some other part of the country. They had spent countless nights talking about their plans for the future, mostly places they wanted to go and things they wanted to see. Y/N had always loved the idea of watching a sunset on the West Coast.
He wandered into the office and grabbed his notebook. There were so many thoughts bouncing around his head that he needed to write them down somewhere. If he was lucky, it might make a good song once his head was clearer and he could actually begin to piece together melodies.
Tyler found that his eyes kept wandering towards the cars that drove past below. There was something almost relaxing about watching them whizz past, going about their daily lives. He thought he might be beginning to understand why Y/N had liked it so much.
His mind began to wander back to the night of the breakup. Y/N had brought it up out of the blue right after they finished dinner. He had tried to get her to tell him why, but she wouldn’t. She eventually packed up all her things and left, leaving him frozen in place on the couch. He had spent the rest of the night thinking of countless things he had done wrong that might have made her leave.
When he went to see her a few days later, he was informed by her landlord that she had moved out and left the state. He had tried to get in touch with her since then, but she never answered his calls. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t seem to get over Y/N. All he needed was some way to get in contact with her.
“That’s it,” Tyler smiled, immediately turning back to his notebook and scribbling down some lyrics.
I wonder if you’ll ever hear this song on your stereo.
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hightress · 5 years
As If He Had A Choice (Bakugou x Midoriya)
This is my gift for the sweet @brown-rice on tumblr fo the @bkdksecretsanta event. Hope you'll like it, sweetheart, it was a pleasure writing it for you!
A03 link
Relationship: Bakugou Katsuki / Midoriya Izuku
Tags: Fluff and Humor, Christmas Fluff, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Pro Hero Bakugou Katsuki, Pro Hero Midoriya Izuku, Established Relationship
Word Count: 2.2k
It wasn't fair.
It wasn't fair how that freckled idiot could just grin at him in that annoying way of his - all wide, pearly white teeth and freaking dimples showing - and ask for something, no matter what, expecting Bakugou to say yes to any stupid idea of his. And then get exactly what he wanted. Like what the fuck?!
Bakugou was strong enough to say 'no'. Shout it even. Repeat it again and again and again until it got engraved over his moronic forehead. He was good at this, did it every day, with anyone.
Anyone that wasn't Deku, of course.
"We're not decorating the entire house," were his words every single time Deku asked. "I don't give a rat's ass if it's Christmas or not, I don't need or want to waste time putting up things all over the goddamn flat only to waste even more time taking them down." All rough words, all clear. Should've sent the message across but, judging what followed next, wasn't the case.
"But, Kacchan, it'll just be a tree. Please..."
Big eyes, green and shiny and pleading, hoping and waiting for Bakugou to give in.
"Don't give me that shit, Deku. Why the hell would we even need a tree?" They were both in the hallway, fully dressed in their hero costumes, ready to go. Someone was in danger a few streets away from them and here they were, proper, licensed heroes, talking about freaking decorations.
"It's traditional. Besides, everyone will have one." A short pause before he moved his eyes to the floor and his smile turned into that curve of insecurity and awkwardness that Bakugou could not stand. "And...I thought  it would be nice to have one as well"
He hated that look. Despised seeing Deku make himself smaller instead of looking right up into Bakugou's eyes, shouting and demanding loud and clear what he felt like he deserved. He wasn't a kid anymore. He wasn't Bakugou's inferior like, maybe once, they felt he was. He was a hero in his own right and he was strong. Incredibly so. If he could stand up against an army of villains, he sure as hell could stand up for himself in front of Bakugou for some stupid tree.
Not that Bakugou would make things easier for him. "I don't care what the others are doing. This is my flat."
It wasn't a fight, just a mere discussion. It was constructive - for both of them, it always was. They stopped fighting for real, leaving all that toxicity in the past.
"This is also my flat and I want a Christmas tree, Kacchan," replied Izuku, his eyes staring at Bakugou steadily, holding his gaze with confidence. "So I'll be getting one."
That's what Bakugou liked to see. Sometimes it took some time for Izuku to speak up properly, even with him, especially to him, but he was getting better. That 'I'll be getting one' was a statement. It didn't leave any space for rejection or doubts. It wasn't as if Bakugou could just say 'No, you're not' or 'I won't let you'.  It was Izuku's decision. Bakugou had no power over him or over what he wanted. And, to be honest, he quite enjoyed having Izuku in charge from now and then, even if for something as trivial as decorating the flat.
He didn't say anything in return to Izuku's words, but a tiny, tiny smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.
That small gesture was what did it. Made that contagious grin resurface, just as blinding as always. And, just like that, the word 'no' disappeared from Bakugou's vocabulary completely. There was going to be a tree, end of story.
Damned be that smile. Damned be the way it made Bakugou feel. And damned be the fact that he didn't regret it one bit.
Thankfully, they had to go, leaving behind this whole discussion for a bit. Bakugou might've agreed to the idea but he sure didn't want to say it out loud. Some things were meant to be kept inside. Besides, Deku was smart enough to understand him properly.
Most of the time.
Stubborn was a good word to describe Izuku - stubbornly ambitious to be exact. That's what brought him to UA and what made him surpass every single obstacle life has thrown his way. Bakugou remembered himself laughing and mocking that ambition constantly, not being able to understand him or accept those qualities. He couldn't get how someone could be just as ambitious as him, maybe even more so, while still staring at him and everyone else from thousands of steps below with an almost frightening determination.
The same stubbornness was what made him bring up the Christmas tree problem again later that day, as soon as they saw the two villains they had to take care of locked up appropriately.
He was taking off the gloves of his hero costume, still covered in mud and slightly burned at the edge of his index finger when he asked: "Do you want to buy it on our way back or during the weekend? They might be cheaper now."
Bakugou stopped what he was doing and looked at Izuku, a blank expression on his face. "It's not even December." Then, he moved his head to the side, not meeting Izuku's eyes, and muttered: "Besides, we're not buying one."
Disappointment hit Izuku instantly. He opened his mouth to protest, but he only managed to let out a cried out "Kacchan, we've already-" before he got interrupted by Bakugou.
"We'll be building the shit."
If Izuku seemed confused before, his confusion only intensified after this. It was clear in his posture.
And, this once, Bakugou didn't waste any more time waiting to explain himself.
"We can't just use a tree some barbarian cut from the forests, Deku. Fucking hell, I like the smell, but I refuse to destroy the future of our goddamn planet for some shitty tradition. And the plastic ones are just as bad for the environment."
For the millionth time that year, Izuku rolled his eyes fondly at Bakugou's antics, a small, soft smile, curving the edge of his lips. Because of some documentary they have watched a couple weeks after they moved in together, years after they left UA behind and started their careers, Bakugou became obsessed with the idea of preserving the nature, recycling and, as he, himself, would've said it, 'all the other crap.' It shouldn't have surprised him, especially considering how he always went way out of his way when something interested him. And since he had started focusing more of on helping people rather than his own pride and desire for a position that mattered less than saving lives, Bakugou did the same thing. He didn't limit himself to wanting to protect citizens. He also used his energy to save the very earth they walked on and everything in between.
Because, as he liked to say, 'what was the point of rescuing them now if they were only going to suffer and live in ruin in the years to come?'
A valid question and one that many heroes never came across even after decades of calling themselves pros.
"How?" asked Izuku, smiling at him, all traces of confusion and doubt gone. Because despite how practical Bakugou's idea seemed, they were both disasters when it came to building things from scratch.
They rarely had the patience to stay put for more than a couple of minutes and they both knew it.
"Hell if I know," admitted Bakugou. But, somehow, this time there was a light in his eyes that told Izuku he was more than a little excited to try. After all, there were few things in existence that Bakugou loved more than a good challenge.
Gathering all the materials for it took less than they expected. In just two days they had an entire bag full of paper, ready to be painted, cut and reassembled. They had only needed to send a message to one of their old UA chats, asking for any kind of unwanted paper they might have around the house and in less than an hour, they had both Kirishima and Kaminari donating every single one of their notebooks and test papers. Which was a lot.
"Why are you donating them all, dipshits?" Bakugou had asked them when they met personally to give them to him.
"We just wanted to help, dude," answered Kaminari with a shit-eating grin and with the most innocent look in his eyes. But all three of them knew better than to believe that lie.
"Just take them, Bakugou. And send us all a picture when the tree is up," said Kirishima instead, beating Bakugou's back twice before saying goodbye, hurrying to get to his own hero agency.
Painting every single page in green took the longest. It was horrible and unexpectedly expensive. Bakugou almost gave up twice, growling at the paint, before remembering that he couldn't ever give up on anything. Just looking at him exhausted Izuku sometimes.
How Bakugou could manage so much energy was one of his life's biggest wonders.
They stopped from time to time for a snack or to stare at the old tests in their hands, remembering fondly (or pridefully, in Bakugou's case) the old days in which passing a harsh test with flying colors had been one of the most stressful things they had to deal with. Of course, Kaminari's answers on certain tests made them both laugh whenever he tried to answer a question by inventing equations or formulas.
"Oh, Pikachu, this symbol doesn't even fucking exist," smiled Bakugou, his eyes moving over the page. There was such an unguarded expression on his face, just looking back at messed up things their friends (God, how long it had taken for Bakugou to acknowledge that fact) used to do back in the day. Having him on the ground, in his socks and the embarrassing t-shirt and pants that were too worn up to wear outside but Bakugou refused to give up on, holding those papers, some filled with greens, some barely touched by paint, and with that smile all over his features, made Izuku happy. Truly, stupidly happy.
So happy that he wanted to jump on him in a less than elegant way and kiss him profoundly until Bakugou had no other choice but to step back, his cheeks tainted with that soft pink that Izuku adored.
He wanted to do it, so he did. And the result was just as wonderful as he had expected.
It has taken them a week to complete the tree. They had used some YouTube tutorials in order to learn how to create origami for the decorations and that brought them close to tears after the 43rd crane they had folded, their hands tired and full of cuts, but the end result had been worth it.
It was standing confidently in the middle of the room, neon colored bits of paper in the shape of animals clearly seen between the two shades of green they have chosen for the tree. Of course, it wasn't perfect - the position not straight enough, the paint job messy in certain places, the paper folded asymmetrically in some cases - but it was theirs. And it wasn't like they were perfect either.
They shouted at each other often, said things they regretted due to pride and fear. But when they stopped to think, hours after, the end result was the same. They'd come together right there, in the living room, either shouting apologies at each other - often full of curses in Bakugou's case - or showing their remorse through touch alone. And every single time, they'd end up cuddled on the couch, too close for comfort on that tiny piece of furniture, a superhero movie displayed in the background that they rarely paid attention to. Instead, they listened to each other, their own heartbeat, their rhythmic breathing.
They grounded each other. And the tree showed their story well enough.
As they stepped back to look at the construction, pride rang loudly in their hearts.
"Can't wait to put your gift under this fucking mess," said Bakugou, turning towards Izuku, one of his rough hands searching for his.
(The greens of his fingers blended with Izuku's own orange ones, creating a mix of brown that should've been muddy and disgusting but, instead, looked warm and complex.)
Izuku held his hand tighter. "I'm sure mine will be better this year."
God, how they loved to compete over the smallest things. Affection often ended up being the one they played around with the most.
"You're fucking with me. There's no chance you'll win this time." So quietly whispered. So aggressive in wording but so completely different in message.
Izuku smiled, letting his head rest on Bakugou's shoulder. "We'll see."
It wasn't fair.
It wasn't fair how Izuku only needed to look at him once and ask for what he wanted, leaving Bakugou no possibility to deny him anything. It wasn't fair how he could use this weakness anytime, anywhere, and Bakugou would still say yes on every occasion.
The small twist he came up with didn't change reality at all.
The worst part? That Izuku could one day ask for the very last bit of Bakugou's heart that he hadn't owned yet and Bakugou... Bakugou would have no choice but to give it to him - without regrets, without any hesitation.
And he'd still find more to offer.
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meeresnaechte · 5 years
Get To Know Me Questions (Very long)
1. What is your first name? Justine
2. What is your nickname? Jess
3. What is your zodiac sign? Gemini
4. What is your favorite book series? I do not really have a favorite book series since I actually do prefer shows or video games to get lost in. However, I once read a "self published" ebook by an unknown author called "Human" which is actually a fanfiction but it was SO well written and it made me more emotional than any other book ever could.
5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Yes I do believe in such things. I often experience sleep paralysis and get visited by someone- or something. I can see a person who's not actually there and I do believe it's a lost soul or the ghost of the person which committed suicide in my apartment before I moved in. I believe in demons and posessed things, I am really scared of dolls but I think not believing in such things would make life more boring.
6. Who is your favorite author? I do not have one.
7. What is your favorite radio station? I don't listen to the radio.
8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? I like any flavor except sweet flavors like vanilla or else.
9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? Pure. It's one of my favorite words. I often like to refer to my best friends as pure.
10. What is your current favorite song? Anarchist by Yungblud is a really good song at the moment.
11. What is your favorite word? Pure in english or Bettgeflüster in German, I'm sorry but the sound of that word is just so beautiful ahhah
12. What was the last song you listened to? I write sins not tragedies by panic at the disco. Definitely one of the best song ever made (Also Brendon is especially hot in this one)
13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? How I met your mother (very life changing) & Stranger Things
14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? The perks of being a wallflower. It changed me and my perspective on life completely.
15. Do you play video games? Yes. I love them, especially Fable 2 and Bioshock Infinite.
16. What is your biggest fear? The ocean. I love the beach but I am really scared of deep water because my father and I had to save a man from drowning when I was maybe 7 years old. He experienced a stroke and only his little daughter was with him.
17. What is your best quality, in your opinion? I can be very interesting to talk to because I love getting into depth about everything.
18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? My self confidence and my mental illness. It ruined and continues to ruin many things for me. It took my youth away.
19. Do you like cats or dogs better? I cherish dogs so much, they make me so happy.
20. What is your favorite season? Summer or winter. (Fall is quite awesome too, it's kind of spooky)
21. Are you in a relationship? No.
22. What is something you miss from your childhood? Not being afraid of anything. Being free, not being judged for what I do and who I am.
23. Who is your best friend? I have more than one. Someone I met through the internet in 2013. Someone I've known since kindergarten and suddenly met again 15 years later. Someone I've been deeply in love with for 5 years & Someone who's always been there but never really got the courage to be around until last year.
24. What is your eye color? Green.
25. What is your hair color? Blonde.
26. Who is someone you love? My best friends & my lovely grandma.
27. Who is someone you trust? My best friends.
28. Who is someone you think about often? I often think about someone I haven't met yet. Someone who will change my life forever.
29. Are you currently excited about/for something? I am truly trying to live in the moment. I'm not excited for something, but scared of the future because I have to move abroad next year and leave everything behind.
30. What is your biggest obsession? Fable 2, Dan and Phil and Stranger Things.
31. What was your favorite TV show as a child? Spongebob or Max & Ruby
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? All except one person of my best friends are my opposite gender and I can tell them anything.
33. Are you superstitious? Yes
34. Do you have any unusual phobias? I don't know if they are unusual but the ocean, dolls, funfairs, bugs and speaking in front of people (except acting)
35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? In front of it. My greatest passion is acting and I've always wanted to become an actress.
36. What is your favorite hobby? Acting.
37. What was the last book you read? It's been a long long time. I have no clue.
38. What was the last movie you watched? Annabelle 3. Yesterday at a drive-in cinema with my best friends. One of the most special moments I've made so far.
39. What musical instruments do you play, if any? I can play the piano. I would love to play any instrument.
40. What is your favorite animal? Dogs, wolves and red pandas.
41. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? I don't have a favorite.
42. What superpower do you wish you had? Time travelling, being able to read people's minds and heart.
43. When and where do you feel most at peace? At the beach, listening to the sound of the waves. I tend to forget everything during those moments.
44. What makes you smile? When people aren't afraid to show me that I mean something to them. Not only words.
45. What sports do you play, if any? Football, Basketball, Badminton.. did I forget anything? I like all sports except gymnastics.
46. What is your favorite drink? Water or Iced Coffee (it's so bad for my skin)
47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? This month, I believe. It was a letter.
48. Are you afraid of heights? Yes, but I still manage to push myself to do things that involves heights. I just recently climbed up a 80 metre high building with my friends at night to get a nice view of the skyline. Almosy shit my pants but I am still alive. Little did we know someone killed themselves by jumping off that exact building at the exact night.
49. What is your biggest pet peeve? Screaming. I hate it. I love chill people.
50. Have you ever been to a concert? Do little concerts count? If not, no.
51. Are you vegan/vegetarian? No.
52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? I've always wanted to become an actress or a police officer.
53. What fictional world would you like to live in? Albion from Fable the video game.
54. What is something you worry about? My future.
55. Are you scared of the dark? I love the night and being outside during the night but I can't sleep without keeping my little light on because I tend to get sleep paralysis when my room is all dark.
56. Do you like to sing? I wish I could sing
57. Have you ever skipped school? Yes
58. What is your favorite place on the planet? Wherever I feel happy and where I can connect with the people I love the most.
59. Where would you like to live? California.
60. Do you have any pets? No.
61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? Night owl.
62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? Both. Sunsets are like a beautiful ending, they make me believe that no matter how hard things are at the moment, they will pass, but the bittersweet feeling of the ending of my best memories comes after. Sunrises feel like a new beginning after the dark.
63. Do you know how to drive? No, I'm currently doing my car and motorcycle driving license though.
64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? Earbuds for music, headphones for gaming.
65. Have you ever had braces? Yes, I want them again, I'm not satisfied with my teeth.
66. What is your favorite genre of music? Rock
67. Who is your hero? Daniel Howell. I've never met him, but I saw myself in him. He saved my life. I feel like I've known him before.. in a different life.
68. Do you read comic books? No
69. What makes you the most angry? Negative people who always complain and never see the beauty in certain things or moments.
70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? A real book.
71. What is your favorite subject in school? Sports.
72. Do you have any siblings? No
73. What was the last thing you bought? Film for my polaroid camera.
74. How tall are you? 5'4ft
75. Can you cook? Not really. I can make pancakes, that's about it.
76. What are three things that you love? Dogs, nature, video games
77. What are three things that you hate? Negativity, hatred, self-centered people
78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? More male friends.
79. What is your sexual orientation? I don't care who I fall in love with, but I don't know how to label myself. I'm in love with the feeling of love.
80. Where do you currently live? Germany but I'm moving to London next summer.
81. Who was the last person you texted? One of my best friends.
82. When was the last time you cried? This week
83. Who is your favorite YouTuber? Dan and Phil.
84. Do you like to take selfies? I take like 2 selfies each year so, no.
85. What is your favorite app? Twitter or Tumblr
86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? Not very good. I feel pressured most of the time and can't connect to them on an emotional level. It's even harder now since they got a divorce. I love my grandma so much.
87. What is your favorite foreign accent? American.
88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? New Zealand, Norway and Canada
89. What is your favorite number? 24
90. Can you juggle? No
91. Are you religious? No
92. Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? Outer space. I'm scared of the deep ocean and I don't even know what's down there.
93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? Not at all
94. Are you allergic to anything? Wasps, dust
95. Can you curl your tongue? Yes
96. Can you wiggle your ears? No
97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? 50/50
98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? Both.
99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? "Cut the seed before it grows"
100. Are you a good liar? I hate lying and being lied to.
101. What is your Hogwarts House? Slytherin
102. Do you talk to yourself? A lot
103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Introvert.
104. Do you keep a journal/diary? I use my Tumblr as my diary since 2013
105. Do you believe in second chances? Yes
106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? Search for an ID and try to reach out to the person who lost it.
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? Not really..
108. Are you ticklish? Yes
109. Have you ever been on a plane? Yes
110. Do you have any piercings? Yes
111. What fictional character do you wish was real? Reaver from Fable, I'd like to marry him
112. Do you have any tattoos? No but I'm planning to get three.
113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? To keep going.
114. Do you believe in karma? Yes.
115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? Either I wear glasses or go through life blind lmao
116. Do you want children? I'm not sure, but I prefer to adopt.
117. Who is the smartest person you know? Daniel Howell
118. What is your most embarrassing memory? I reject them lmao
119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? When haven't I?
120. What color are most of you clothes? Black
121. Do you like adventures? I love them.
122. Have you ever been on TV? Yes.
123. How old are you? 18
124. What is your favorite quote? So many. I really like "Irgendjemand liebt dich immer" a lot these days, it means "someone will always love you"
125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? Savory. I hate sweet.
I tag @ludicrousperson
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