Game time with friend irl as an innocent look into a new game (it turns out it's over 4 years old) turns into consuming the entire night
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Gosh there's so much this made me feel that I am. Not coherent enough to get down tonight
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mishietishie · 13 days
Gojo as your bf headcanons!
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Includes: fluff, lots and lots of fluff, Gojo being silly, mention of having kids and possible spelling errors
So let's start off with how you two lovelies meet :)! You're probably a new teacher who got transferred from the sister schoo Kyoto to Tokyo because of your skill and prowess as a Jujutsu sorcerer. While principal Yaga gives you a tour of the school, you meet the strongest sorcerer, Gojo Satoru. He'd get all into your personal space, getting a good look at you before a smile crept up onto his face, greeting you with an enthusiastic smile.
"Hey, heey! You're the new teacher from Kyoto, right?~ Welcome to Tokyo!~ You know me as Gojo Satoru, the strongest, what's your name, newbie?"
Before you could properly introduce yourself, Yaga gave Gojo a good smack on the head, telling him to stop bothering you and act a bit more professional.
While Yaga started walking to continue the tour, you looked at Gojo who gave you a sheepish smile.
"Heeey, I still didn't get your name!"
You laughed and told him your name was L/N Y/N, which earned you a toothy grin from Gojo
"L/N.. I like that name! Say, do you wanna get a bite during lunch? My treat~"
And that's how it kinda all started!
let's just say that ever since you began working at the Tokyo school, the students started to absolutely adore you! Especially Nobara and Yuiji find you absolutely awsome! Megumi found you quite the Jujustu Sorcerer, though he didn't really let it show.
Okay, onto the actual headcanons lolsies
Gojo randomly barges into your office at whatever time. Either telling you about the latest gossip, bringing you mochi he bought from the sweetshop, or to complain about the higher-ups. He somehow always finds a way to be near you and spend time with you instead of doing his paperwork.
He likes to try out different foods with you! Whenever the food is too spicy, he'll give it to you wether you can handle spicy foods or not. (If you can't handle spicy food, you'll both be burning your tongues)
We all know Gojo is too rich for his own good, so what's a better solution then to let his amazing partner spend his money! Whether you use it for clothes, shoes, accessories, vehicles, hobbies, etc.. He doesn't care, as long as his pretty/handsome baby is happy, he is too!
He totally pranked you once by picking you up in his arms and flying with you in the air when you were still asleep.
He really likes playing with your hair! Sometimes he makes little braids in your hair (or atleast tries to) when you guys are just chilling in the comfort of your home.
He'd be totally down to wear matching outfits/shirts with you!
When you're both seperated because one (or both) of you are on a mission, he totally spam texts/calls you at any given moment. Sometimes even when he's fighting! (He is the strongest after all!)
Would be totally down to put a ring on your finger and make you Mr/Mrs/Mx Gojo Satoru
DEFINETLY wants kids, like he wants an army of babies that look like him and you!! His heart melts at the thought of it :((
If you can't get kids then he's always down for adoption! But if you don't wan't kids then you two can always adopt a few cats/dogs :)
Totally NOT a morning person, you seriously gotta drag him out of bed bc his ass is NOT MOVING (unless you're not a morning person either, then you're both stuck n late)
Ya these were the headcanons, thank you for reading to the end!~
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maple-writes · 5 months
WHG 21 - The Big Day (Viper and Honey)
I have once again failed to come up with a title for these instead of using the prompt titles.
tagging @concealeddarkness13 @pen-of-roses @ratracechronicler (let me know if you would like to be removed, or if anyone would like to be added)
Somehow ended up being a bit over 2k words.
POV: Viper
The sun had yet to peer over the horizon at the hour I roused Honey, sleepy-eyed and sluggish but who knew better than to argue. The rest of the Aristata were still sleeping, deep enough that no one stirred as I waited for him to ready himself. As the youngest, and the newest, it wouldn’t hurt for me to pick on him a little bit with the occasional early morning chores. He followed me quietly through the dawn, slipping out of his tent and falling in at my side like a good dog trained to heel, yawning like a teenaged boy woken up too early.
Which he was, but I found no harm in letting him think I believed him when he had claimed to be twenty years old. Or that his given name was truly Honey Davis. Who was I to judge? He’d been trustworthy so far and so why bother questioning his motives.
It wasn’t like I’d ever let anyone know who I once was, where I came from, anything more than a few years before Winter and the others found me and freed me. Ever since Stark had dubbed me Viper the name stuck and so I became her.
Honey pulled his jacket tighter around himself, breath fogging slightly in the chill morning air. “Hey, Viper?”
I hummed and looked to him as we reached a small barn, a dim silhouette against the pale sunrise peering over the mountains far off to the edge of the valley. Dawn wind blew cool through the desert and in the distance a band of coyotes loped off to some unseen destination after their night under the stars. Everything seemed as it should be, but at my side Honey grew tense.
“I… I have a bad feeling about today.”
Pausing by the door to the barn Lady Alabaster had allowed the Aristata to use for our horses, I turned back towards him. Nothing had seemed out of the ordinary when everyone went to sleep last night. Lady Alabaster’s boy was still gone, but nothing new had come up about him in days now. Nearly a week.
Honey had recently been apprentice to a mortician mage. They were known to occasionally have premonitions, if the gods favored them so. Perhaps he’d been shown something I’d missed.
Pulling open the door to the barn I waved him close enough to hear me whisper, “think we’re in danger?”
He paused, eyes wandering from the ground in front of his feet out to the desert and the indigo-blue sky lightning minute by minute. In the low light his eyes reflected bright and green like a cat in the night when the torch by the door caught his face in it’s glow at just the right angle. Not for the first time. Odd perhaps, but he’d proved trustworthy so it was none of my business to grill him on it.
“I… I’m not sure.” Honey mumbled, soft and private in the quiet air. “I can’t think of anything that’s happened, but I’m nervous. I had a dream last night.”
Oh? I leaned against the doorframe, dark skin and hair half blending with the sturdy wood of the barn. I tilted my head, crossing my arms. He ducked his head and rounded his shoulders and I raised an eyebrow. He shouldn’t have brought it up if he was going to be shy about it. Unwilling to take a non-answer I stood waiting and watching, letting him shift uncomfortably under my gaze until he took a long breath and stood up straight.
“You were there.” He swallowed. “You gave me your heart and let me eat it.”
I scrunched my face, eyebrows furrowing and my heartbeat suddenly louder and more noticeable in my ears. Sometimes mages would receive messages but if this were the case, what was I supposed to think of this? Goosebumps ran up my arms and I shivered in the wind.
I pushed the door open wider, my whisper coming as a hiss, “keep your guard up for now. Could be nothing, but after those wolven came after you I don’t want to take chances.”
He nodded and slipped inside behind me into the dim barn. Faint light shone in through high windows, catching specks of dust floating softly through the air. I took a long breath, taking in the warm, familiar scent of hay and livestock. Opening the lower windows brought more clean white morning light through to the inside of the barn. At the other end Honey slipped out with a bucket already knowing I would have sent him out to the well first thing.
Dull sorrow sunk aching in my chest. He was too young for this, for what would come of him if he stayed here. The boy was no mercenary. There was hope still for him to finish his training, but who was I to tell him that? Winter thought he would make a good addition. Who was I to disagree?
In a moment I would have to get started on cleaning and feed but first I stopped by the stall where my Cinnamon stood waiting for me. Lean and long-legged, I’d bought her off a sweet but clueless man who’d wanted a graceful horse for his young daughter and got in over his head with her stubbornness and antics and refusal to work nicely with his daughter. It wasn’t the girl’s fault, she was young and inexperienced and Cinnamon could be a challenge sometimes even for me.
I smiled as I stroked her nose and cooed warmly to her. Sometimes I got the sense that she pushed me on purpose, tested me just to see if she could, but she worked hard and listened when it mattered and had to be my best horse yet.
A low nicker behind me made me turn halfway, snorting at Platinum, the horse I’d trained for Winter, stretching her head out from the stall as far as she could reach towards me.
“Be patient,” I whispered, leaning over to give her a pat. “I’ll get to you don’t you worry.”
Gunshots rang out loud and sharp and I whirled. Just outside the barn.
“Viper! Viper help!”
I ran at the door, pistol drawn and ready. Etched with the snarling face of Raesi, dog spirit of protectors, it glinted in the morning sun as I slipped out of the barn. Around the corner of the barn I found him struggling against the grip of two young men, his gun knocked to the dusty ground and arms wrenched and cuffed behind his back. His cheek was red and he winced when they jostled him and sneered.
I whistled sharp and quick, raising the barrel of my gun and glaring at his captors. Shooting would be risky with his head so close to theirs, and his body overlapping the other two, but they didn’t need to know I would hesitate.
“And who might you be?” One of them, the taller of the two, gestured lazily towards me. “Do you know this monster?”
I swallowed, throat and chest tight. Even if I tried to speak it would only end up caught in my throat, the words blocked somewhere between my head and my voice. So I stood, unwavering, giving only a tilt of my head to acknowledge I’d heard him.
There were only two of them. If I were quick, and if I shot true maybe I’d have a chance but they could move or my hand could shift or my aim be off but just a touch but enough to hit Honey instead.
The tall bastard snorted. He grabbed a handful of Honey’s hair and forced his head back drawing a surprised yelp from the boy. “I don’t know what he’s told you, but this runaway is Rantha Cathartes. He killed five good, upstanding young men and women in Wayton taking them from this world and their families forever.” He craned Honey’s head farther back, leaning in to snarl in his face. “Guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree with this one after all, eh? He’s a demon parading as a mage and this is what happens when no one has the guts to step in until it’s too late.”
Anger surged inside me and I hissed, my finger twitching on the trigger. Honey caught my eye, pale faced and scared but with a tiny shake of his head. Cathartes or not I couldn’t throw him aside like a scrap carcass to be chewed up by scavengers. It wasn’t his fault what his mother did. It wasn’t him who pulled the trigger to kill my parents and countless others who tried to stand up to her and her followers.
“You’re wasting your energy.” The other peacekeeper huffed, pushing Honey to turn and walk. “But don’t worry, as much as we’d like it he’s not coming back to face up to what he’s done in Wayton. It was good timing figuring out where he’d run off to and the request to send someone chosen to compete against the best of the best.” His eyes narrowed cruel and vicious. “So Rantha naturally won’t stand much of a chance.”  
The both of them laughed and I raised my gun. If they turned just a little more I had a clear shot but only one turned fully to force Honey to move. Hissing sharp under my breath I stalked towards them. If they wouldn’t give me a good shot I would just have to make one.
A hand closed on my wrist from behind and wrenched my gun from my hand and my arm behind my back. The pressure on my wrist made me freeze, stiffening long enough for them to snatch my other wrist and force cuffs around both. My heart picked up, racing in my chest. I yanked and pushed at the cuffs but they held tight, unmoving. Hard and inescapable. Dark and cold and damp and trapped. My skin crawled, crawled, up and down my arms my back.
A hard punch in the stomach snapped me back. I gagged and gasped for the breath knocked out but he, the taller vagrant, struck again harder than the last time. Pain ricocheted through my body and I spat up watery vomit. It dripped from my mouth as I fought and coughed, trying to catch a breath.  
“Not so tough now are you?” The taller laughed, shaking out his hand as my head fell forward.
“Stop! Don’t hurt her!” Honey sounded farther than he was and out of the corner of my eye, clouded and dizzy he struggled uselessly against his captor’s grip. “Please don’t!”
The remaining man shoved him roughly and forced his head down. I fought for breath and sucked it in just in time to glare at the fucker standing in front of me and sucked in enough breath to raise my head and spit at his face.
“You stupid bitch!” He struck me across the face with the back of her hand, pain stinging my cheek and stars dancing along the edges of my vision.
The one holding me tight leaned forward, his head next to my ear in a way that made my skin crawl and nausea churn in my gut. My chest tightened and my body stiffened like a rabbit caught in a coyote’s gaze.
“Since this one seems so keen to look out for our little runaway,” he smirked at his partner, voice low and dangerous. “Why don’t we let her go with him? Friend of mine said they’d been given a similar request down in Alekton
The taller one grinned. He reached forward and caught my jaw in his hand, forcing my head up. I glared but my mouth went dry and my legs shook. My wrists ached, a phantom of pain of skin chaffed and raw. Of rope and chain and cuffs and hands…
“Not a bad idea.” His eyes flicked up to the other with a sick smile. “You can take her to Alekton,” he chuckled, “and if they don’t want her you could always give her to that friend of yours.”
My throat cinched and my eyes narrowed. I jerked my head and lunged for the hand before me, snapping my teeth on the empty air when he just barely yanked his hand back in time.
“On second thought I’ll go with you. Doubt that Martin will need my help with Rantha.” He turned and waved back at me and the other. “Come on, let’s not waste anymore time here.”
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Bakugou, Shinsou, Todoroki, Dabi and Shigaraki checking out their s/o
Request: Pretty pls hcs for Shinsou, Shoto, Dabi, Shigaraki, and Bakugou getting caught checking out their s/o? thank you! - anonymous
Pretty boys you’ve got there sweet anon. Pretty boys with a capital P. Love yaa. 💖💖💖
warning: some suggestive thoughts, swearing
Bakugou Katsuki
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-Bakugou doesn’t like showing his feelings. 
-Like to no one. 
-Not even to you sometimes.
-So when you started to officially date you understood why he would want to keep our relationship a secret.
-He was good at keep it that way.
-Like really good.
-You got no extra attention or special treatment, he never lost his poker face around you and would never NEVER stare at you.
-So you never really checked on him to see if his eyes wondered to ...places. 
-Today your skirt had ridden up your thighs while you were bouncing around the room along side Mina.
-Your favorite band was coming near you guys since they were on tour and you both were ecstatic. 
-The skin of your thighs looked so soft and plum who wouldn’t stare?
-You did mind when people stared at you but now dealing with your excitement was a priority. 
-Your boyfriend had gotten excited by something else though. 
-His eyes were glued to your thighs, his red orbs following your every movement.
-Kaminari and Kirishima were telling him something about Mineta but he couldn’t focus on them. 
-His head was constantly turned to you to the point that Kaminari had to shake his shoulder to get him to look at them.
- “Yo what are you looking at?”
-His head was again turned to you his eyes widening only by a fraction while he mumbled something to the two boys. 
-Kaminari followed his gaze and his own jaw dropped for a moment before a smirk formed on his face. 
- “Well he IS drooling over Y/N like a dog.....”
-At the sound of your name on Kami’s lips, Bakugou’s attention was fully on the boys his right eye twitching at the comment. 
-He let out a snarl and raised his hand creating a few small explosions. 
- “And what if I am drooling sparky boy?? She wouldn’t mind me looking anyways.” 
- “And why is that Bakubro?”
-His smirk widened as he said proudly. 
- “Because she’s my fucking girlfriend.”
-Way to be secretive Bakugou.
Shinsou Hitoshi
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-Baby doesn’t want to show his true emotions to the outside world. 
-Heart been broken too many times.. *isn’t that how the meme goes?*
-He shows it to you because you are HIS and he adores you. 
-He knows you won’t hurt him so he gives you his all.
-Such a sweetheart OMG!!!!!!!
-While you two are in school grounds there is not many things that would indicate that you two are together. 
-People would have to watch closely to see the sings of your relationship. 
-How he sits really close to you during lunch. 
-How you tend to come to school sporting his hoodie during cold days. 
-It’s all cute and fluffy but so so on the down low. 
-Yall are out on a date and you decided to go to the arcade.
-You convinced him to have a dance off with you and now you are both sweaty and panting while you are jumping up and down to the rhythm of ‘Party anthem”. 
-Shisnou kinda gave up after a while and he is now just staring at you. 
-You on the other hand are giving it your all trying to get everything right. 
-You are sweaty and feeling gross which is not cute at all since you are on a date but he promised you ice cream if you beat him with a significant difference. 
-You are not letting this slide. 
-Hitoshi’s eyes are on your chest that is em...going along with your jumping. 
-He is stuck and he is already dreading that you’ll look at him and call him out.
-But he can’t stop. 
-He really wishes you were at your dorm right now, the things he would do. 
-His blush is getting darker as his thoughts are getting dirtier by the minute until the music stops and you are left panting. 
-There’s another thing to add to the list of things to add to his small fantasy. 
-You notice that he has been silent for some time now and you try to meet his eyes but you see where they are glued. 
-Waltzing up to him you leave a kiss to his cheek and another right under his ear, making him shiver. 
- “Stop being so dirty we will be back soon.” 
-Winking you walked out of the arcade leaving a very turned on Shinsou behind. 
Todoroki Shouto 
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-Baby boy is slow.
-Yall aren’t together yet.
-He really can’t understand what is going on whenever you enter the room.
-His heart starts to race, his palms get sweaty and he has a weird tendency to smile. 
-He wants to be the reason you are laughing. 
-He wants to talk to you non stop.
-He wants to be around you 25/8, 366 days a year. 
-But he doesn’t understand why this is happening so he just plain out ignores it. 
-You have a massive crush on him so it kinda hurts when he doesn’t take any hints. 
-You dress up just a little bit while you are out with your friend group since he is part of it. 
-You cook for him.
-You offer help or ask for help with studies.
-But nothing. 
-You were chilling in the common room.
-You were spread out on the couch, your t-shirt exposed your stomach as you were hanging half off the actual couch and just a pair of short shorts underneath. 
-Shoto was coming back from his father’s agency, his nerves were everywhere and his mind wouldn’t shut you out. 
-Your soothing voice was there when his father yelled at him that afternoon and even though you weren’t there you helped him get through the day.
-So when the poor thing walked through the door and was met with you hanging off the couch in such a suggestive position, his mind ran wild. 
-He couldn’t stop the blush that irrupted on his face as his cheeks and ears became the same color as his scar. 
-He almost choked on his spit when you giggled at something on your phone. 
-Midoriya came through the door next and was shocked when he saw his friend beat red and eyes wide. 
- “Todoroki-kun are you alright?”
- “She’s hot- It’s IT’S hot in here.”
-You turned at his voice, sitting up as your shorts rode up your thighs ever so slightly. 
-Todoroki saw and he couldn’t take it any longer, covering his red face with his hand as he mumbled a small ‘excuse me’ and left the room. 
-He certainly had an image that would get him through the night.....
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-Salty boy™.
-Him and Tsukishima would have been best buds I swear. 
-He is VERY vocal about his attraction to you. 
-Like legit non stop flirting even after you are exclusive.
-Compliments, dirty remarks, dirty promises, dirty actions, dirty dirty dirty things in general. 
-He won’t hesitate to make a dirty remark in front of the rest of the league. 
-He has NO shame whatsoever. 
-Look he finally grew the balls to make you HIS okay?
-He wants to show off. 
-But he knows when to not look at you like he wants to devour you. 
-He is respectful of Kurogiri so he isn’t a horny bastard while he is around. 
-But one day he slipped. 
-His hold on his horniness snapped. 
-Poor guy. 
-Actually scratch that poor you, you are the one who is gonna get it rough later so yeah. 
-You had just returned from a mission that had gone sideways.
-Your clothes were ripped and your pants were half burned off. 
-Your pretty face had smudges on it and you looked exhausted. 
-Immediately you went to take a shower not letting Dabi ogle at you.
-When your shower was over you came back downstairs and order a strong drink, rubbing your temples in an attempt to ease your headache. 
-Your hair was wet and sticking to your shirt making it wet and Dabi could SENSE that you weren’t wearing a bra. 
-That’s his sixth sense. 
-The shirt was black so nothing showed. 
-That’s why you couldn’t understand why Dabi was giving you that smirk and glancing down your shirt. 
-You rolled your eyes at him and shoved him away from you only for him to grip your waist and set you on his lap. 
-He left a kiss on your neck and smirked as you shivered. 
-His eyes were right on your chest since he could see EVERYTHING from this angle.
-That’s when Kurogiri stepped back in the room, the drink you ordered in hand. 
-He almost YEETED you off of him as a blush bloomed on the few patches of unscathed skin that he had. 
-Kurogiri *being the Nomu he is IFHOQOASB I RUINED IT* didn’t really respond to the position you were in. 
-He just gave you your drink and went back to polishing the shot glasses. 
-Dabi wanted to crawl into a whole and die even though Kurogiri said nothing. 
-Poor guy every thought and scenario he made about that night was out the window. 
-He cuddled you to drown his shame. 
Shigaraki Tomura
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-I dare you to try and make him check you out in public. 
-Sure he might stare at you ass in the DIM LIT bar yall are staying in but that’s just because no one can see his eyes. 
-He is beyond shy when it comes to these matters and unlike Dabi even after you are together he wouldn’t stare at you like a crazy person. 
-He is very very careful with his glances and calculates when would be the right time to stare. 
-Meetings are easy.
-You all are sitting down so how hard could it be to keep his horny side in check?
-Well most of the time is easy. 
-You are usually wearing your civilian clothes which are very casual and comfy. 
-Nothing is showing and nothing really makes him want to rip your clothes off. 
-He wants to cuddle at the sight. 
-The problem appears when one day you had to go out on a mission and were called into an emergency meeting by Shiggy. 
-Your costume is um... sexy to say the least. 
-Everything you are wearing is hugging your body in all the right places and the mask you wear shades your eyes just right. 
-You look seductive as hell. 
-Shiggy rarely sees you in your villain costume. 
-He sees you while you are getting ready and might make a comment or go for a quick round. 
-But now it was unexpected. 
-He didn’t remember you were to go on a mission. 
-Totally forgot. 
-So when you come down and since all the seats are taken you have to stay standing, Shiggy is in trouble. 
-His eyes won’t leave your thighs and he can’t really form coherent words.
-Dabi is drooling over you and so is Toga. 
-They keep pointing out how good you look and how sexy your costume makes you. 
-More than you already are. 
-Shigaraki has to really one up his self control and not cancel  the meeting and drag you to the nearest closet. 
-He’s so disoriented during the meeting. 
-Kurogiri points it out after the meeting ended and you left for your mission. 
-Shiggy had the darkest blush the LoV had ever seen and he had to leave the room. 
-Took a cold shower afterwards. 
-Waits for you like a lost puppy..... which turns feral once you step into the room. 
@iwaqchan​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​
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itsbeaconhillsbaby · 3 years
(cruel) summer || tom holland x reader
a/n: well...this took me a lot longer than I expected. I can only apologise for how long this has taken, especially since the absolutely wonderful @glahmouur​ requested it so many months ago. I hope you’re still excited to read, and that I’ve done it justice for you. clinging onto the last of these summer vibes before my favourite time of year - and hopefully plenty more writing to come over the next couple of weeks! I’ve missed you all so very much. enjoy x  word count: 3735 (oops) warning: swearing, gross paparazzi, little bit of angst summary: it’s the summer of your dreams with your favourite people, something was always going to try and ruin it
The trip had been booked for months.
Tom, Harrison, Harry, Tuwaine and yourself. Mexico. 
Two whole weeks. 
No interruptions. No work. Just pure bliss. 
And, it was shaping up to be the most perfect break.
The first couple of days since you had landed included a lot of amazing food, sightseeing around the quaint picturesque villages and cultural landmarks, tackling hiking trails and joining in on the sports activities set up for you and the boys on the crystal white beaches. 
Your favourite part however, was the amount of quality time you got to spend with Tom. Both of you were considered workaholics, and you loved your jobs, but it meant that for the majority of the year you were in separate locations working on your own individual projects.
You both deserved, and needed, this break.
The timing couldn’t have been better, as across the two weeks you would be celebrating your 23rd birthday. Birthdays weren’t always something you and Tom could share together in person, but you would always make it work with FaceTime calls and the promise of a do-over when you were together again. 
You tore yourself away from the soft paperback that was resting warmly against your thighs.
You look up at your boyfriend, strong arms hauling himself up against the hot paved edging of the pool. He shook his wet curls out of his hair, droplets springing from the tips. Tanned, freckled shoulders peeked out from beneath the water. The sun, strong and intense, commandeered the bright blue skies. A far cry from the cold, rainy weather you’d left back home in the UK. You were unwilling to make your way back to your hotel room in the sticky heat for your forgotten sunglasses, and were instead using your hand as a shield from the glaring rays. 
“The water looks good on you,” you flirt, smiling across at him from your position on the reclined sun-bed. 
He grins back at you, cheekily. 
“It’ll look better on you. Aren’t you coming in?” 
You pointed to the book nestled between your legs, “I’m reading, plus the water is freezing.” You teased him, training your eyes back onto the page. You heard brief splashing alongside the laughter of the boys as they continued to play their water basketball game. 
A shadow blocks out your sun, dripping water onto the hot concrete. 
“Yeah, no. Sorry, but that’s just not going to cut it birthday girl.” 
Before you had a chance to take in his words, Tom had scooped you up from your position on the sun-bed. The light droplets from his wet, messy hair chilling your tanned skin. 
“Tom! No! Put me down! What are you doing?” You laughed, lightly kicking your legs, “Wait, at least let me put my book down first.” 
You felt the grumbled laugh against your body, as you gently tossed your book onto the lounger. 
“Okay, go ahead.” 
He pressed a sloppy, wet kiss on your mouth - your hand knotted in the back of his wet, tangled hair as you pushed for more.
“Love you.” He said, before dropping you into the pool with a splash. 
“You suck, Holland!” You shouted back to him, once you’d come back up for air, shaking water out of your ears and trying to scoop your tangled web of hair out of your eyes as he laughed, eyes twinkling. ****
You continued to watch from your perch on the side-lines, legs tracing patterns in the water whilst the sun beat down across your back and shoulder blades. The boys continued to mess around in the water. Your book had been long since abandoned on your sun lounger, pages now curling with the heat. You couldn’t contain your laughter when Tuwaine jumped on Tom’s back, Harry on Harrison’s so the two teams could race from one end of the pool to the other, legs peddling in what seemed like slow motion under the water; raucous fits of laughter emanating from both parties as your cheered on your boyfriend.
You couldn’t help but be automatically drawn to Tom, his smile so wide and eyes creased with laughter as Tuwaine casually slung his arms over his shoulders. His hair was completely dishevelled from the water’s attempts to flatten it entirely. You could see a smattering of freckles breaking out across his nose, complete with a small shock of pink on his cheeks as he was officially branded by the sun. 
“Hey, pretty girl – forgive me yet?” Tom whined, swimming up to the edge to meet you. He gently pulled your legs further into the water, sliding himself between them, wrapping his arms around your waist as your legs wrapped themselves around his. 
You laughed, pushing against his broad shoulders.
“Not sure yet. I’m thinking about it.” 
He gave a toothy grin before peppering a small cluster of kisses against your lips, “You look so good.” He mumbled quietly against your mouth.
You rolled your eyes at him, before returning the kisses.
“Oi, get a room you two!” You laugh as Tom covers the front of you, ultimately taking the hit of water from Harry.
He gives you a light squeeze round the waist, and a soft kiss on the cheek whispering a quick, “Hop on.”  
Wrapping your arms across his warm shoulders, you eased yourself fully into the water, feeling the immediate chill up your sides before wrapping your legs around Tom’s waist. Leaning forward against his back, he held onto the backs of your thighs – propelling you both through the water.
As you arrive next to the boys, you lightly floated away from Tom and were pulled into a one-armed hug by Tuwaine. As Harry held up a fist for you to bump against, you flicked your wrist just under the surface of the water – splashing him as payback.
Tom tread water with the cheesiest grin on his face as all the boys’ eyes immediately trained on you.
“Come on then, what’s this ‘mermaids’ game you were talking about – and how do we play?” ****
The air con hummed lowly, wispy curtains gently blowing in the cool breeze from the open balcony doors. The ocean twinkled in the late afternoon sunshine. You were sprawled out on the large king-sized bed wrapped in one of the hotel’s fluffiest white towels, legs dancing in the air behind you. Lounging on your front, wet curls drying in the cool air you could hear the faint sound of spraying water from the en-suite shower. It soothed you as you continued to follow the written words on the pages of your, now slightly wrinkled and rough to the touch, paperback.
Your phone vibrated from the opposite side of the room, plugged in and charging atop the rustic, vintage vanity table where your new camera, battery pack and Tom’s wallet had all been left.
The camera had been a special gift from Tom which he’d surprised you with on your birthday, celebrated only the other evening. He’d been so giddy the morning of. The carefully, yet haphazardly, wrapped parcel had protruded just slightly from under the bed in the hotel room you shared, where he’d attempted to hide it. You pretended you hadn’t noticed. Puppy dog eyes shone as he eventually handed it across to you, surprising you in bed as the sun was going down, casting golden specks across your bodies, as he whispered a soft ‘happy birthday’ against your lips. Beaming at you once he saw your sheer shock and joy at his thoughtful gift, he had kept the first photo you’d taken in his wallet from that evening. Just the two of you - both sleepy shadows, full from all the sweet lemon sponge cake that has been especially ordered up to your room - cuddled together, legs entangled as you fell into each other’s embrace.
You’d all taken a boat to one of the smaller islands for a special celebratory dinner the next evening; where Harry had surprised you with the battery pack, his smart quick-thinking leaving Tom with a pink blush upon his cheeks. You thanked him with a smile, the rest of the crew spoiling you rotten with drinks and food. As the boys parted ways, you and Tom had waited around for the sunset, high off the sparkling, sweet tasting wine you’d both consumed all evening – bewitched by each other’s titillating company. A small wrap was knotted around your waist, as you had all stayed in your beachwear, black bikini top on show as a server snapped a picture of you both with your new camera per Tom’s polite request. The sun burned low behind you both, it’s vibrant orange glow glistening across the water towards the cove. 
Posting the photo in your wine induced haze, you captioned it with a simple 23 and a golden heart before tagging Tom in the blurry, sepia quality polaroid.
You knew the vibrating would be your phone going into overload. A common occurrence that happened anytime you posted a photo with your boyfriend, the hordes of fans coming in full throttle to interact in some way.
Leaving it to buzz in the background, you turned your attention to the bathroom door opening. Tom stepping out as he shook his wet hair, towelling it dry as it stuck up in multiple directions haphazardly.
“Come here.”
You sat yourself up, legs crossed beneath you as he walked over to you – that soft smile high on his lips.
He sat on the end of the bed as you brushed through his temperamental curls, “Please leave it curly,” you murmur, pressing your lips to his tanned shoulder blades, running your hands through the brown locks.
“We’ll match.” He said, turning to you as your hands fell back into your lap.
“Would it be too much?” You asked, as he gently tucked a rogue drying curl behind your own ear.
“Oh definitely. But I love it.”
With that, he pushed forward. Noses brushed as you both relaxed into each other’s embrace, mouths eagerly seeking out each other, the sweet smells of lotion and ocean spray engulfing you both.
“Right, it’s my round! Get your orders in!” 
The whole group hollered at Tom, who pressed a firm kiss onto your forehead as you tilted it upwards towards him, his two hands cradling either side of your head. Your eyes closed involuntary at the warmth before you turned to watch him leave the table and join the small crowd up at the bar. Dressed in a tropical patterned shirt, unbuttoned and billowing just slightly due to the aircon, you took a minute to admire him from afar. He worked hard to look the way he did, muscles contracting and relaxing again with each breath. 
You pulled the thin material of your summery dress down further, eager to cover up some of the bare skin you had on show after seeing Tom’s. You paled in comparison to the web-slinging actor, and sometimes if you focussed on it too much you couldn’t understand why such a gorgeous man would be interested in you. 
“Hello. Anyone in there?”
A hand waved in front of your eyeline. Shaking your head, you returned your attention back to the table where the boys were trying to mask their laughter. 
“She can’t take her eyes off him for two minutes. Outrageous.” 
“What? I’m on holiday, leave me alone!”  
Tuwaine smirked slightly, as Harrison patted your arm reassuringly.
“Why did we agree to have a couple on this trip again?” Harry complained cheekily, grinning his cheesy grin at you. You reached an arm across the table and pushed a hand against his forehead, playfully shoving him back.
“Shut up, you love me.”
As Tom came back with the tray; a colourful array of cocktails, shots and ciders, the group continued to laugh and joke around, cheers-ing to your recent birthday and to the remainder of their holiday under the heat of the Mexican sun. 
**** “Uh oh, incoming Tom.”
Everyone was rosy cheeked as they tumbled out of the restaurant, laughing and giggling as the sun cast its low golden glow over the glistening blue waters. Waves gently caressed the edge of the shore as you revelled in the drunken clinginess of your boyfriend, and the support and love of your friends. 
You walked with Tom - the pair of you in your own little bubble, as he tucked you into his side, his arm slung casually across your shoulders as you wrapped yours around his waist. You could hear the thumps of his beating heart beneath the now buttoned up fabric of his shirt.
As the words spilled from Harry’s mouth, catching you all off guard mid conversation, Tom whipped his head round; immediately sobering up as his arm tightened around your shoulders. You peeked over his.
Behind a cluster of people, the striking black camera was obvious as the paparazzi pushed forwards, eager to catch a glimpse of the web-slinger himself.
You felt a brush of cold air sweep over your body, the hairs on your arms rising like tiny pinpricks as little goose bumps littered your skin. You straightened up, unwrapping yourself from Tom’s side.
“You okay?” He murmured into your ear, eyes hardening as he focussed on the path ahead of him whilst navigating the drunken, bustling crowds.
You nod.
“How did they even find us?”
You could sense Tom’s frustration and anger at the situation, resting a comforting hand on his arm. You knew what this meant, if the paparazzi had caught wind of where you all were, it wouldn’t be long before they figured out where it was you were staying and you couldn’t imagine that they’d leave Tom alone for the rest of his trip.
“I posted a photo the other night. Someone could’ve recognised the restaurant.”
It was during your worried ramble that the shouting started, camera-wielding men desperate to get a photo of Tom.
“It’s okay, it’s not your fault, okay? Let’s just head back.”
Your heart was racing as you were led through the dimly lit cobbled streets of the small village, losing Tom’s hand you were flanked by Tuwaine and Harrison – Harry hurrying up ahead with Tom. The camera shutters were getting louder and louder, the constant clicking ricocheting off the stone walls surrounding you as you attempted to block out the shouting and the grabbing hands of the people around you. The once happy, bustling streets now felt claustrophobic.
It was so easy to forget who Tom was in regards to his public image and celebrity status when you were together. Forcing you to recall that he wasn’t just your boyfriend, he was suddenly an A-list celebrity, ‘Spider-Man’ himself. Back home you could easily be together in public without too much attention – only having to accommodate for the occasional fan photo or dinner interruption. Premiere’s and special events weren’t so bad because the press was supposed to be there, and whilst extremely intimidating, you understood it was part of the job.
You noticed Tom and Harry slip down a small alleyway to the right, a blink and you’ll miss it move – as you and the boys continued up the cobbled paths to the main street. It was a distraction technique discussed every time the five of you went out together and had to deal with any irritating situation.
“They said they’re getting a car, and they’ll meet us back at the hotel.”
As Harrison organised your transport, you reached the main road – twinkling lights from the city and the roaring of cars sweeping past you. The paparazzi slowed behind you, their shouts less desperate now that it was obvious Tom was no longer with the group. Their frustration was obvious as they all grouped together, scanning through the photos that they had managed to sneakily take.
Then there was a stupid comment.
As the paps brushed past you all, one leaned in far closer than you had anticipated, stabbing a pointed finger straight into your chest and leaning in close.
“Think you’re so special. Girl like you. So many other beautiful girls out there.”
Whilst the language was slightly broken, you pieced enough together before Tuwaine stepped in front of you both.
“What the hell man! Fuck off, you’re just a bully, why don’t you just leave her alone, yeah? Pick on someone your own size!”
You grabbed at Tuwaine’s arm, shaking your head in silent surrender.
“Just leave it. It’s okay. It’s not worth it.”
“I just hate them so much. Never let anyone have a bit of privacy. Constantly looking to bring people down, and start fights - assholes!” He shouted down the road at the small cluster of men as they continued on their way, “Are you okay?”
You nodded, “I’m fine. They’re just mad they didn’t get their picture. Let’s just get out of here. Should probably make sure that they don’t follow us back to the hotel.”
Harrison came jogging over, hand beckoning to follow him to a sleek black car parked just around the corner.
“Car’s here,” He paused for a minute. Noticing your smaller stature and Tuwaine’s puffed out chest and frown, he tilted his head, “We all okay?”
“Yeah, we’re good. Let’s go.”
Smiling a small, grateful smile you gave Harrison’s arm a comforting squeeze before sliding onto the black leather seats.
***** “Can’t even give us a couple weeks off. I love this job. But I would pack it all in if it meant that paparazzi just fucking left us alone.”
“Tom. Think we should call it a night.”
Harrison nodded over at you. Whilst your body was curled into Tom’s frame, your eyes unfocussed, having found a spot on the wall to gaze into as the boys all had a drink in the private hotel lounge.
You didn’t want to admit that the photographer’s words had any impact. And you really didn’t want to bring down the light-hearted, fun energy that your vacation had been full of. You were usually so good at brushing off any unwarranted comments, which were usually inevitable seeing as your boyfriend had such a large fanbase. There was no way everyone was going to like you, and you could cope with that. It wasn’t like you hadn’t been doing so for ages now. But whether it was the alcohol you’d already consumed, or something else – you just couldn’t stop thinking about what the man had spat at you.
Tom’s body shifts beneath you, holding out a hand for you to take as you both rise from the luxurious chaise. Shaking your head out of your daze, you smile softly as you grasp his hand and haul yourself up.
“We’ll see you guys tomorrow okay. Thanks for tonight boys, and sorry for ruining it.”
“Tom, you didn’t-” Tom waved them off with a shrug, before sliding his arms across your shoulder and entwining your fingers at the other side.
“Night guys.” It came out as more of a whisper, as you processed to walk with Tom up to your floor, your head nestling gently into his collarbone.
The hotel room was suffocating.
You lay on your side, facing the firmly locked balcony doors. The room was cold. The air conditioning incessant with its obnoxious whirring. There was a rustle. The thin cotton sheets slide across your body as Tom hops in next to you.
“I’m sorry.”
His soft words caused your entire tension-filled body to exhale.
You turned to face him. His eyes were closed, tiny creases etched into the space between his eyebrows. Tom didn’t like being vulnerable, you knew he was staving off his true feelings – the striking anger that was coursing through his body. Gently smoothing the creases out with your fingers, he leaned ever so slightly into your touch.
“Don’t be sorry, it’s not your fault.”
You pressed a soft kiss on his brow bone before settling in next to him, bodies warm to the touch.
“I love you. You know that, right? Whatever they’re all saying, it’s rubbish.”
The lump in your throat that you had been impressively swallowing down all evening came back to the surface, the pressure building.
“How did you know?”
He shrugged.
“I saw some of the comments.”
The pictures had been released pretty quickly. By the time you had all arrived back to the hotel they were already circulating across the internet, which people took as the perfect opportunity to hurl insults at your social media pages.
He shifts his head to the left to look at you, eyes softening.
“Hey. You can let it out. It’s just me. C’mon.”
You curl further into him, as his lips caress your forehead.
“People suck.” You mumble into his chest as he wraps himself around you, lightly trailing his fingers up and down your arm, the skin bursting with tiny goose bumps. You revelled in the soothing comfort.
“Sometimes I just forget. I forget that there are thousands – maybe even tens of thousands - of people out there who just don’t like me,” Tom squeezes you that little bit tighter, “And it’s okay. I don’t mind, really. I just wish they didn’t have to be so vocal about it – about how I look, how I act, how I dress. About whether I’m good enough.”
“You are good enough. You’re more than good enough. You’re amazing.”
Your lips pull up into a small smile as you look into those concerned brown eyes.
“You’re biased.”
He let out a small huff, chest vibrating beneath you, “Am not.” He sighed, those fluffy brows saying a thousand words, “I’m supposed to make all that crap better, not make you feel worse because of some so-called fans on the internet, and those stupid idiot paps; I’m so sorry.”
“Maybe if you just…weren’t so damn attractive. That would help.”
You both laughed.
“Oh, really?”
You nodded, as he pulled you in, peppering more soft kisses along your temple until he made his way down to your mouth.
“You’re ridiculous. And beautiful.”
Another kiss.
“And smart.”
Another kiss.
“And kind.”
Another kiss. “And I am so in love with absolutely everything about you. You’re enough. You’re everything.”
You felt your eyes glossing over. Scrunching your nose to avoid an onslaught of overdue tears, you felt Tom move beneath the covers – his arms wrapping around your torso, his curly messy hair resting on your stomach.
“I love you too.”
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crazyfreckledginger · 3 years
Jason Todd x Reader - “In The Pale Moonlight”
After a one night stand, Jason doesn’t seem to be able to get his mind off you. Desperate to get you out of his head, he hesitantly agrees to go to Wayne Enterprise with his brothers for work, as a response to scrutiny from the general public. What happens when the person he was trying to erase from his memory pops right back into his life?
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Requested by anon and on Wattpad: “Can I request one where reader and one of the boys are dating but they act like they still trying to get each other so they flirt a lot and stuff even if everyone knows they’re together”/ 
“And other one where the reader is feeling herself and singing “Meet me in the pale moonlight” by Lana Del Rey in front of one of batboys and they’re like wow she cute and kiss the readeeeeeer (they’re dating and they’re teenagers)THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU 💕” /
“haha well I have another which was that the reader is harley and Bruce's kid and she meets  batboys but jason since she knew before she left  for the first time since she was away for wayne industries business meetings”
A/N: I hope you guys don’t mind that I tweaked it a little since these requests don’t have alot of depth individually!
“I’m just here for a drink.” the girl smiled politely even though she was extremely uncomfortable. 
“I am too, can I have it with you?”
“Oh for crying out loud leave her alone, don’t be such a creep.” The man at the end of the counter groaned.
“Mind your business.” the creep gritted his teeth.
“Your disgusting aura is polluting my drink so it makes it my business.” (Y/N) watched as he stood up and walked towards the pair. Now that he was closer, the woman could see how attractive he was up close, stunning eyes, sharp jaw, tall and a streak of dyed white hair, “Fuck off will you?” 
“Who do you think you are?” 
“Sorry, I forgot a world, fuck off please.” The stranger shot the man a terrifying glare and without another word, the man studded away, like a dog with its tail between his legs. 
“Thank you mister, but if he laid a hand on me I would have sucker punched him.” 
“Mister huh?” he smirked, sitting beside her. 
“Well what’s your name then?” 
“Jason, pleasure to meet you.” 
“This is your place?” she hummed, fingers running through his soft hair as his lips trailed down her neck, pulling her legs around his hips.
“Mmh hmm,” 
“You rich or something?” the woman breathed out as he sucked on her skin. 
“Something like that,” he murmured, pulling away to tease her lips with his. Jason stared deeply into her eyes.
“What are you waiting for, lover boy? You brought me here.” (Y/N)’s arms hung loosely on his shoulders, occasionally touching the back of his head.
“Yes ma’am,” he smirked, hooking his hands under her legs and carrying her to his bedroom.
Glancing at her side to the soft breathing of the naked man beside her, she shuffled, stretching and yawning. What a night, she tried moving her legs but winced, what a night indeed. 
“Good morning princess,” his morning voice was incredibly attractive as his arm slid around her waist, pulling her flush against him.
“Mmh, good morning,” the woman squirmed in his grip as he nipped at her ear teasingly with his teeth, “what time is it?”
“You have someplace to be?” he murmured, hand caressing her naked hip.
“Yeah, I have work.”
“On a Saturday?” 
“Self employed.” 
A month or so later, Jason was frustratedly sitting in the meeting room, chewing on his lip in boredom as Bruce brought all of them to a meeting at Wayne Enterprise for less scrutiny from the public eye. 
“The person we will be working on for the new design is going to arrive soon so I need you all on your best behaviour.” He glared at all the boys. 
“Yeah yeah, can we just get on with it so I can leave?” The second oldest rolled his eyes. 
“Mr Wayne?” as if on queue, the person knocked on the one-way privacy film that covered every window of the room, the blurred figure waiting patiently on the other side. 
With a last scolding glance to everyone, Bruce strutted over, opening the door and smiling.
“Good morning Mr Wayne.” the woman greeted with a polite smile.
Jason’s eyes widened, and stayed that way even when he made eye contact with the girl. She responded with the same reaction, but quickly regained her composure and greeted the other boys. 
“Oh hey (Y/N),” Dick waved to his roommate, “you look great.” He flirted.
“...Um hey,” she greeted hesitantly, feeling a little uncomfortable with his usual ways in the professional setting.
“Shall we get down to business.” Bruce glared at his eldest son.
“You don’t have to act so grumpy.” Jason rolled his eyes as they finally arrived at their hotel in Europe after an excruciatingly long flight. 
“I’m tired, I need sleep.” Not wanting to address the elephant in the room, especially when she was this exhausted, she scurried to the bathroom to slip into comfortable pyjamas and landed right into bed, “I’m having this conversation tomorrow, good night.” 
The next day came quickly and (Y/N) opened her eyes reluctantly, wanting to melt in the comfortable double bed she was in. Discreetly, she peeked at the double bed facing her diagonally. 
The woman frowned, it was empty.
“I’m right here.” the man voiced from behind her as he exited the bathroom.
“Jason!” she screeched, “what the hell! Don’t creep up on people!” 
“Well don’t try to spy on people when they are sleeping!” he threw his damp towel to her.
“Ewwwww!” she grimaced.
“Chill, I was drying my hair with that.” he walked towards his bed, and she only now noticed that he was naked -- with a towel around his waist obviously. Steam was emitting from his skin as it glistened still.
With warm ears, she pulled the covers over her face, eyes peeking out discreetly.
“We’ve seen each other completely naked, I don’t see what the problem is, if you’re going to look, be shameless,” he moved his butt from left to right teasingly, “you can see this regularly if you want,” he chuckled.
With a sigh, she buried herself under the covers. 
“I haven’t changed my mind Jason, I’m sorry, I’m not interested in commitment at the moment.” 
She felt a weight on the bed and hesitantly took a peep out. Jason was laying on her bed, shirtless but with some underwear on.
“At least give me the benefit of the doubt for this trip.” he gave her the puppy eyes. Eying him suspiciously, she sighed.
“Alright, fine, don’t disappoint.”
A few months or so later into the relationship with Jason and gotten closer to his younger brothers, (Y/N) slipped on a comfortable T-shirt, watching herself in the mirror as she tidied her hair a bit and examined the hickey on her neck.
Swaying lightly from side to side to the song that was stuck in her head, she hummed softly to herself, setting out her clothes for the day.
“You don't have to give me anything
Just put your sweet kiss kiss on my lips now baby”
Walking back to the mirror, deciding on whether or not jewelry was necessary, the woman continued.
“Think about you almost all the time, all the time and-”
 “I love you so much baby,” he breathed out from the other side of the room. 
“Hmm?” she glanced in the mirror. 
“Keep singing~” 
“No,” she stuck her tongue out playfully, “are you ready?”
“Do we have to go?” Jason whined, marching up to her, slapping her ass and squeezing it before hugging her from behind, nuzzling her hair, his warm skin against her.
“Baby of course we do, we have to hide the fact that we’re together, plus they are fun, we’re all friends here.” she rubbed her butt against his hips and he bit her ear. 
“No teasing,” he whispered in her ear, turning her around and pushing her against the dresser, “or else.” 
“Or else?” the woman chuckled, “but seriously though,” her hands cupped his cheeks as he stared at her lips, “we can’t act like a couple, it’s unprofessional,” 
“Technically I don’t work at the company,” 
“And the person I’m working with is your dad.”
“Adoptive, you have nothing to worry about.”
“Just a coffee, maybe a lunch, and then we can come straight home.” 
“Mmh, okay,” he pouted, holding her tightly as she kissed his lips and pulled away. “You sing beautifully, please do it more for me.” he pouted. She chuckled, shaking her head slightly in embarrassment.
“Put a shirt on and let’s get ready, I don’t want to be late!” (Y/N) ushered, “and the sooner you’re out of here, the less anxious I’ll be that your brother unexpectedly enters his own home and sees you in it.”
When they were ready, at a somewhat reasonable time, they drove there as quickly and responsibly as possible.
“Why is your hand still on my thigh?!” (Y/N) jumped once she realised he had discreetly snaked his hand back on her thigh when he was parking the car on the side of the road, in a surprising proximity. Slapping his hand away and giving him a look, the woman slipped out of the car and walked up the stairs, ringing on the bell.
Jason scurried up beside her, slapping her butt playfully before pushing the door open. 
“Hey guys!” she grinned, not having the time to scold her boyfriend once again as she was greeted with welcoming smiles. 
“How have you been?” Dick teased, having seen her just yesterday.
After playful banter, and not-so-playful for the brothers, over a nice hot drink, a new topic came up.
“How was the party yesterday (Y/N)?” Jason inquired, knowing fully well about it but trying to seem inconspicuous, “I hope no one stole your heart, that’s for me!” … or not.
She paused, giving him an unimpressed look, reluctant to answer “It was great, and no.” 
“No what?” he smirked. Her cheeks burned, she did not like being put on the spot to lie, especially since this was incredibly unnecessary.
“No one did anything.” 
“To who-”
“This is embarrassing, we know you two are a couple,” Damian nearly gagged. 
“Huh?” (Y/N) turned to him, feeling her soul leave her body.
“How do you know?” Jason looked at him.
“It’s been a while.” Dick chuckled.
“We been knew 💅,” Tim rolled his eyes.
“Someone left someone’s underwear in an awkwardly obvious place when I came around… and you slapped her butt before you came in here, everyone saw it.” Dick explained, watching his brother.
“I didn’t- wait, how do you know that it’s her underwear???”
The eldest’s expression fell and he blushed. 
“I might have um-” 
“He accidentally came in when I was packing my bag to leave for the business meeting in France okay?” the woman spluttered. 
“You did WHAT?”
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Want to be tagged? Let me know in whichever way you are the most comfortable with!
Tagging: @lumifuer​ @ijustwantmyshipstobehappy​ @plethora-of-things @xlatinaaxx​ @lostnliterature @batette​ @schweeeppess​ @gearsinice​ @mizmahlia​ @tina8009 @disa​ @caswinchester2000​ @brooklynalpha​  @jason-todd-squad @vix360​
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garbagevanfleet · 3 years
Brightest Blue (series)
Pairing: Josh x reader Warnings: light sexual content, feelings Summary:  Things are changing. New state. New school. New roommate. You just pray things are going to click into place.
Notes: SURPRISE! My depressed ass is back and I missed fawning over this fic. Thank you to everyone that stuck around. I love you guys.
Big thanks to my girlfriend and beta, @lantern-inthenight​ <3
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taglist: @valleyd0ll @satingrass-maidensfair @guitarfingers @thebohemianpenguin @peaceisouranthem @oblvions @hansonobsessed @myownparadise96 @anditsmywholeheart @kill-fear-the-power-of-lies @bigblack-catattack
When you woke the next morning, it was to the sound of a muffled melody. The room was cast in a fiery orange glow as the rising sun peeked in through the window. You sat up in bed, straining your ears to listen. 
Noticeably missing, was Josh - the side of the bed he had been sleeping on was turned down, but you placed your hand on the sheets to find them cold. 
The chill on the hardwood made your toes curl as you padded across it, first to your bedroom to pull on a pair of sweatpants, and then back to Josh’s room to slip one of his sweatshirts over your bare chest. 
Once you were no longer naked, and a little more awake, you quickly figured out that the music was coming from under the closed bathroom door, and you stopped in front of it to have a listen. 
The sound of Josh’s voice carried well into the hall, though he was keeping it quiet, probably for your benefit. 
You placed your fingers over your mouth absently as you listened to the notes rise to a lovely height and then dip down again. You couldn’t quite make out the words, but you didn’t need to. 
It shocked you enough to make you flinch when he opened the bathroom door abruptly - you had figured he was just taking a pause in the song. 
When he spotted you, he jumped back, letting a curse fall from his lips. “God, I didn’t think you’d be awake yet - you almost gave me a heart attack,” he blurted through an exasperated smile. 
“I’ve never heard you sing before,” you said, just above a whisper in the quiet space. “Your voice is so lovely.”
He looked you up and down for a second, his face turning peachy. “I haven’t wanted to for a while. Outside of school, anyway.”
You let a smile find your lips at the implication of his words, and it fell silent between you again. He was standing, posture unsure as he, undoubtedly, tried to gauge whether everything was still okay after last night. 
The temptation to touch him was too much, especially once you realized he probably needed all the reassurance you could give. His skin was warm as you reached out and ran your fingertips lightly over the pink skin on his cheek. He careened into your touch, turning his head just enough to press a kiss into the meaty part of your thumb. The gesture made your chest feel tight. 
“Come back to bed,” you suggested through a whisper and watched him suck his bottom lip into his mouth, teeth visibly pressing into the plush skin. 
“I can’t,” he replied breathily as you took his chin between your thumb and forefinger. “I don’t have the time.”
You nodded back at him with a teasing smile. “Sure you do.”
“Don’t tempt me, babe,” he pleaded from low in his chest. “I have a show at noon.”
You breathed a laugh, threading your fingers through his hair. “Call me that again,” you said against his ear. It was you dragging your teeth over his earring that made him groan. 
“Please - for the love of god - keep this energy for when I get back tonight.”
You hummed, pressing a kiss to the peak of his cheekbone. “Okay. Can I help?”
“Oh, yeah, for sure. Just wait for me here - it’ll probably help save time if you’re naked ahead of time-”
You smacked his shoulder, pulling a delighted laugh from his chest - always excited to say something stupid. “With the show.”
 “If you’d like to, I’d love to have you. But you’re going to have to hustle and get dressed,” he instructed. 
You scoffed. “Not the noon show-” You turned back towards his room and looked back over your shoulder. “No, right now I’m going back to bed.” 
You hadn’t put any thought at all into what you’d wear for the other two shows you’d be attending - you knew you could recycle the dress once on Sunday if you paired it with something else, but for Saturday evening’s show, you were stuck crawling to the only other person you knew whose clothes would fit you. 
This time when you approached Kate’s house, you had come prepared with a milk-bone, which was good, because it was her huge dog that greeted you. When he stood up on his hind legs, he was able to look directly into your eyes through the glass on the door, his tail wagging. 
You watched Kate round the corner into the entrance hall, wearing a knee-length black robe, the silk shining as she moved in the sunlight. She gave you a puzzled look, cracking the door. 
“Sorry to show up unannounced,” you said with an insincere smile. “Can I give your dog a treat?”
She laughed at you, opening the door the whole way and letting you slip in. 
“I’m going to assume that you’re not just here to make Yeti fat.” Her voice sounded a bit too knowing for your taste. 
“You’re right! I’m also here to raid your closet, if you’ll let me,” you replied. “I need an outfit for the show tonight.”
She started down the hall and towards her room, ushering for you to follow. “You’re going again?” 
You nodded, though she wasn’t looking directly at you. “Yeah, of course.”
When you got into her room, you sat on her bed, and you absolutely wouldn’t have noticed Jake if Yeti hadn’t instantly trotted over to him to sit by his feet. He was sitting at a little circular cafe-style table in the corner of her room, a mug of something hot in front of him. 
You glanced over at him and were met with a cheeky little smirk. 
“You - uh. Yeah, I’m going to help with the show tonight,” you said after you decided you weren’t ready to address that situation yet. 
“Ah,” she started, and though she was facing away from you into the closet, you could hear a matching smirk through her voice. “I really only have clothes that match my style, which I would define as ‘mildly tramp’.”
You hummed contemplatively. “Let’s start with the most professional ensemble and then work our way back. Maybe something you’d wear to a wedding?”
“You don’t want something I’d wear to a wedding,” she teased but pulled out a few garments all the same.
“So, uhm. Am I interrupting something?” you finally chanced, sneaking a glance back at Jake. 
“Not at all,” Kate replied, unhelpfully. “Now go try some of these on and tell me what you think.”
In the end, the only thing she owned that you deemed acceptable - and also even remotely your style was a thigh-length, black dress - form-fitting. 
You stared at it dubiously in the mirror. 
You’d have to put a coat over it, but you thought you could make it work. 
“Are we going to talk?” Kate asked, a little smirk playing on her lips as she held her nails out to inspect them. They were unpainted but perfectly manicured.
You chanced a glance over at Jake - who was now sitting on the floor with Yeti nearly in his lap. He was working his fingers through the thick, white fur as he met your eyes. 
“Yeah, let’s talk about it,” he agreed, flashing you his teeth. 
Luckily enough, you found the moment more humorous than embarrassing, so you just scratched absentmindedly at the back of your neck. 
“Well,” you started and then paused as you tried to figure out how much was appropriate to disclose. “I’m going to his show again tonight. And tomorrow.”
Kate huffed, feigning impatience. “Yeah, okay, but that doesn’t tell me anything because you’d do that anyway.” 
You gave her a playful shrug. “That’s all I got for you right now. But I’ll tell you all about it when I’ve processed everything.”
“Ooh, shit. That sounds juicy.” Her eyes lit up as she spoke, making you chuckle. You turned your attention to Jake again then. 
“And I’m sure you’ll hear all about it,” You flicked your eyes back over to Kate in an accusatory look. “One way or another.”
That night you sat in the audience alone - well, not alone, but without Kate or Jake. Most of the seats were filled again, at least partially with faces you remembered seeing the night before. 
The show was just as fun and entertaining as the last, except this time, when Josh walked out onto the stage at the end, he met your eyes for a moment, letting them linger before tugging a couple of his kids into a side hug and smiling wide for all the parents. 
As soon as most people had dissipated, he met you at your seat, but before he could even open his mouth to greet you, a parent of one of the kids was shaking his hand. The dad poured his praises, thanking Josh for working with his daughter - you guessed maybe it was Alice, but you had nothing to base that guess on. Josh handled it effortlessly, charming as ever. 
By the time the parent had left you, you and Josh were some of the last people still lingering. 
“I’ve gotta grab my stuff backstage,” he informed you, tiling his jaw up in that general direction. “Wanna come?” 
With a smile, you nodded an agreement and let him offer you a hand as you made your way out of the tight seats. 
Backstage was infinitely more chaotic than it was when you’d last seen it. Set pieces were strewn about - not unorganized, but everywhere. You had to weave through them to get to where his backpack was propped against a folding table, costume accessories spilling off the surface of it. 
“Do you want me to help clean up back here?” you asked, eyeing the messes. He hummed through a smile. 
“Nah, I’ve got a system,” he informed you, and then after you gave him a doubtful look, he added, “Seriously. And until you’re directing a cast of children in a play that you produced, I don’t want to hear your objections.”
His teasing tone made you bite back a grin. “It’s amazing - really. I’m just offering my help.”
The backpack looked heavy as he slung it over his shoulder, holding the strap across his chest with both hands. “Then take me home,” he requested playfully, flicking his eyes to the back exit. 
On Sunday, after the very last matinee show, you spent an hour helping him sort all the costumes - every tiny piece in a garment bag and labeled accordingly.  The rest, he insisted, he would work on during school hours the following day. 
You suddenly wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a hug, resting your temple on his shoulder and taking a moment to relish in the fact that you’d taken him by surprise.
 “I want to take you out tonight - a congratulations of sorts,” you said as you leaned back far enough to see his cheeks flush a flattering peachy color. 
“Only if you want to.” You paired your sentence with a casual shrug. 
He flashed you a pleased smile. “Of course I want to. I’d love that,” he agreed. 
You let him pick the place, and in the end, he landed on a hole-in-the-wall diner that he swore was the absolute best place to get pancakes in the middle of the night. Even though it was close to nine, you both sipped on coffee as you waited for your order. 
“I can’t believe it’s over,” he said as you watched his fingers idly rub across the ceramic mug in his hands. “There was so much lead-up and drama that it feels weird for it all to be behind me.”
“It was really incredible, Josh. I honestly can’t believe that you pulled it off with all that went wrong.”
He looked up at you through his fan of lashes. He looked tired, but not uncomfortably so - just enough that you knew he worked his ass off. 
“We pulled it off. I could have never done it without you,” he stated, charmingly earnest as always. 
You huffed a humorless laugh. “That’s not true - If I hadn’t moved in, you’d never have lost your assistant in the first place.”
His expression melted away until his face was blank. “I-”
He paused, visibly trying to figure out how he wanted to word the next line out of his mouth. “That wasn’t your fault. I didn’t really know what was happening until it was too late to change it.”
“I know, I just. I’m happy that it ended up this way, I just wish it hadn’t almost derailed your whole production.” You could feel your features slip into something mournful, making him frown. 
He was quiet for a moment before speaking again. “How do you even know about that?”
You hummed. “Kate told me. Jake told her.”
He glared off into the distance, but on him, the look was completely unthreatening. It was so out of place that it made you giggle.
“I’m not sure I like how close they are,” he grumbled through a smile he couldn’t hold back. 
“Yeah, I hear you. I went to her house this morning to rummage for this dress-”
He cut you off, eyes raking over your form. “You look amazing, by the way.”
You gave him a pointed look and a little eye roll, though you had to admit you were flattered. 
“Yes, well, Jake was at her house this morning. Petting her dog.”
His eyebrows lifted, lashes blinking a few times in surprise. After a moment, he cleared his throat and spoke again. “Well. I suppose you got what you wanted then, right?” 
The irritation that was evident on your features was unwarranted - you knew that in your heart, but it didn’t stop you from letting out a childish huff. 
“Yeah, but I didn’t think you and I would be-”
You cut yourself off just as his eyes flicked up at you over the rim of his mug. 
“You and I would be what?” he asked coyly. You took a moment to admire the fact that his cheeks and the bridge of his nose were still a bit tanned despite it now being well into winter. A little like a bronze statue. 
“I didn’t think you and I would be...a thing,” you finished simply, keeping your tone light. 
He quirked an eyebrow at you, all too suspicious for your liking. “No?”
A puzzled look flashed across your face. “No,” you agreed. “Why? What does that mean?”
He took a too-long sip of coffee, holding your eyes just to fuck with you - you were sure. He cheekily bit his bottom lip as he figured out how to word what he wanted to say. “Nothing really,” he assured, though you were unconvinced.
You were going to press the topic further, but your thought was cut short when the server showed up with a tray of your food and another carafe of hot coffee. He made light conversation with Josh as he filled both of your mugs near to the brim, and you watched the steam rise off of it as you pondered which flavored syrup you’d drown your pancakes in. 
The sound of the little metal cup of creamer being slid across the tabletop toward you got your attention, and your eyes lingered on Josh’s hand as his fingers brushed past yours. 
“Cream, babe?” he inquired, though he was well aware of exactly how you took your coffee. 
Your heart skipped a beat as you processed what he’d said. That was the second time he’d called you that in the months you’d known him, and it had the same effect on you this time that it had the last time. You met his eyes, catching his fingers with yours for just a brief second, forcing a mischievous smile to his lips. 
You poured a bit of cream into your coffee and stirred it until it was a medium brown. 
“You can’t help yourself, can you?” you asked fondly and watched him bite his bottom lip absently to try and keep his smile from stretching into a grin. 
“Help myself from what?” His tone was cheeky, informing you that he knew exactly what you were talking about. It was evident that the two of you were playing a game now - something light and coy. You paused to take a bite or two of your food, happy enough to leave him in suspense for a moment longer. 
“Calling me that.”
He hummed, low in his throat. “Is that not alright?”
“Doesn’t it seem a bit out of place?” You watched as he reached across the table to stab at a piece of your pancake, bringing it to his mouth and chewing it before giving his answer. 
“Why would it? Are we not on a date right now?” 
A look of genuine shock flashed across your features. Not caring how rude it was, you asked through a mouth full of food, “Are we?”
There was a long pause in the conversation as he ate, and you wondered for a moment if you had upset him until he looked back up at you. He was biting back a smile as he leaned back in his seat. 
“Back before the musical, you were complaining about the cold - do you remember?” 
You frowned in concentration as you searched your brain. “Which time? I pretty frequently complain about the temperature here.”
He breathed a laugh. “Yeah, you do. I thought you were going to freeze to death at first. But there was something you said that glued itself to my frontal lobe.”
You gave him a questioning look, prompting him to continue. 
“You said, ‘if we move away from here, can we move somewhere warm?’.” He just held your eyes for a moment as your heart beat suddenly inched toward erratic. “We.”
You took a deep breath, suddenly feeling a little jittery and took another bite of pancake before you could say something truly stupid. 
After a moment of silence to let you process, he spoke again. “So, I think maybe you knew we would end up being a ‘thing’, right?”
“I don’t know a whole lot, Josh,” you admitted, reaching out and placing your hand on his and lightly running your fingers over his skin. “But, I do know that since the moment I met you, I wanted to be close with you. You’re magnetic. I truly think you could have anyone you wanted if they listened to you talk - just once.”
Despite having been the one to start the whole conversation, a peachy pink tint surfaced across his cheeks and nose at the compliment.
Clearly not interested in continuing such an intimate conversation at a busy diner, he placed his palm flat on the table and asked,  “Are you ready to get out of here? I think if I drink any more coffee my heart might give out.” 
“You could just switch to decaf,” you suggested, smirking at him as he squinted back at you like you had personally insulted him. 
He stood and leaned across the table until his face was only six inches or so from yours. “I’d rather die, thank you.”
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thefallennightmare · 3 years
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Summary: 1940'S Bucky Barnes x Reader/ Present Bucky Barnes x Reader.
Words: 1087
Warnings: angst, fluff, swearing, some smut at some point.
Summary: Before the war, Bucky and Reader had the picture perfect life together. When she lost him, she thought that she would never find that kind of love again. However, someone from a different time returns to give her that love once more. Will she follow them through the unknown or come to terms that her once in a lifetime love is truly gone?
A/N: I got my mojo back, y'all. Here is the prologue for my new Bucky fic! The first handful of parts will take place in the 1940's. Tags will be open for this story! Also, I suck at summaries so I apologize.
TAGS: @overthinkinggotmedrinking @igothroughphasesalot @veralyonn @shannonleanna182
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APRIL 23, 1945.
The small group stood around the large hole in the ground and the noise of quiet sobs and hushed voices filled my ears. I sat on my chair keeping my eyes trained hard on the casket in front of me. It was closed, not having a cold body lying inside of it, but it still did nothing to my breaking heart. Even though his body was never returned, mostly because it hadn’t been recovered, I could picture him laying in there; eyes sewn shut with his arms over his chest, clutching his dog tags in his hand.
I would like to think that there was a picture of us in the other.
Spring time in Brooklyn had approached fast and the sudden chill and shift in air caused me to pull my jacket closer to my chest.
“He loved you so much, Y/N. You were his everything.”
His mother’s words were deep in my mind, those words replaying over and over. She had been the only thing that kept me going during this hard time, knowing that I had no one else.
“Y/N, honey, it’s time.”
Turning my head up towards the familiar voice, I gave a small smile to Winnifred and with a quick nod, I stood on shaky legs as I made a few steps towards the casket.
My fingers sprawled over the cold wood and even though his body wasn’t physically with me, I could feel his presence around me.
“If only we had more time together. You promised to make an honest woman out of me when you returned. I promise to look after ma and the girls for you as long as you promise to stay with Stevie. I know he changed and doesn’t need you but we don’t know what it’s like on the other side.”
A loud sob got caught on my throat, realizing that I not only lost the love of my life but also my best friend in the matter of a few months.
“I love you so much, James. I’ll see you again soon my love.”
With a soft tap on the casket as a final goodbye, I gave a longing hug to Winnifred, promising to visit her soon, and made the lone walk towards my car on the other end of the parking lot. Thoughts of how much my life had changed the last few days swirled in my mind.
Winnifred had waited months after hearing of Bucky’s death before having a funeral for the hope of receiving his body. We both didn’t want to bury an empty casket but after another night of no good news, I convinced her that we needed to put his soul to rest.
In that time, I had found out that Steve had passed as well in a plane crash. The two most important men in my life were gone so close together and my heart couldn’t take the break and hurt any longer.
“He never had a choice,” I sobbed to myself. “He didn’t want this.”
Bucky never had a say in fighting in the war against the Germans, being drafted. But that didn’t stop the proud smile he wore when he received the news.
“The 107th. I ship out to London first thing tomorrow.”
The night before he left was spent with family and closest friends before it was the two of us, in his twin sized bed. We had to be so quiet so his younger sisters couldn’t hear us. That night he promised to make me an honest woman when he returned; buying a home, getting married, and having a family.
Nothing about his death made any sense to us. The military only said that he had died in the line of duty while working a secret mission that he and Steve had been working on for months prior. Everything about both of their deaths rang a large questioning bell in my brain but I had been overtaken with so much grief that I hadn’t thought to ask more questions.
Rain had started falling from the dark clouds above, mixing with my tears, and as my body continued to shake with the sobs, I heard a loud crack behind me. I didn’t bother turning to look, thinking that it was thunder, but when I heard his deep voice my feet froze in fear.
“Stevie?” I asked through my broken sobs. I hastily wiped away the tears from my eyes, wondering if what I was seeing was actually in front of me.
Everything about the man standing in front of me looked familiar only older; so much older than the last time I had seen him in that bar. Before his life with The Howling Commandos began.
“Wha-? How can you be here?”
“Y/N, you can’t get in that car,” Steve reached for my hand.
I smacked it away, fear of how Steve was standing in front of me. We had buried him and Bucky mere hours ago.
“You look like Steve. But you’re much older than the Steve I know,” I stared at him, puzzled.
“It’s me, Y/N. I’m here to take you home.” This Steve vowed. “You have to come with me, quick.”
I furiously shook my head. “How do I know it’s really you?”
My back bumped into the car and my shaking hands reached for the handle. Steve gently placed his hand over my own, forcing me to look at him.
“Please, you can’t drive away from here.” He begged. His bottom lip trembled slightly.
“Why not?!” I bellowed.
Older Steve shook his head, “I can’t tell you but you have to trust me not to get in that car.”
“I must be imagining this. It’s a side effect from the grief.” I rubbed my eyes, the exhaustion weighing me down.
“I can take you to him but we have to go now. Bucky’s waiting for you; his girl.”
With the mention of his name, I looked at Older Steve dumbfounded. The wet strands of hair stuck to my face as I stuttered over the words that fell from my lips.
“You can take me to him?”
Steve nodded. “We have to leave now. I don’t have much time to explain everything to you but once we’re there, I’ll explain it all to you.”
I shook my head confused. “Go where?”
“A different time,” Steve admitted, quickly grabbing my hand.
Our bodies were sucked through this kind of vortex and I felt myself flying through darkness.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 3 years
A Little Bit Stabbed
Jake Gets Stabbed Miniseries: First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth
CW: Discussion of past child abuse/domestic violence, description of stab wound, painkillers/drugged but in a good way, brief IV needle reference, some short references to Jake’s religious trauma, some trauma response stuff
“Took four of us to get you onto the couch, you know,” Kauri says, fingers moving gently to brush Jake’s short hair back off his forehead. There’s a hint of humor to his deep voice, but Jake catches the tremor in it, too. “You’re heavier than you look.”
“Must be… pretty fucking heavy, then,” Jake manages, voice slightly thin. They gave him something - Nat’s EMT friend showed up with IV supplies while refusing to tell anyone where they’d gotten ahold of everything from, except to repeatedly reassure all of them I know someone, it’s taken care of, I probably won’t go to jail for this. Besides, I’ve been in jail before.
Jake might not have found it very reassuring if he wasn’t halfway to unconscious from the pain alone at the time.
Now, though, there’s a needle feeding a steady supply of something wonderful into his bloodstream, holding the worst of the pain at bay. All he can feel now is maybe a little bit of an itch he knows better than to scratch, and a heaviness to his limbs that keeps them limp and relaxed. 
“We had to turn the stupid thing into the pull-out bed just to make sure your feet wouldn’t be higher than your head.” Kauri smiles at him, but there’s worry in those warm blue eyes, and Jake uses every ounce of strength to lift his good hand, the one on the uninjured side, and take Kauri’s, pulling his knuckles to his lips to brush against them. 
“I’m okay,” Jake says softly. “I am, Kaur. It’s not so bad.”
“It’s not-... you got fucking stabbed in your own kitchen, Jake.” Kauri’s lips thin and he looks away, over towards the TV, playing Clue.
Funny, Jake thinks, woozy and untethered to any kind of focus. My mom used to play Clue when we were alone, after. Made her feel better for a while.
“Just a… a flesh wound,” Jake manages in a terrible approximation of a British accent.
Kauri just looks at him, expression serious, and leans over until their foreheads touch. He’s warm, and Jake’s eyes close, basking in the body heat that comes off of him, surrounds them both. “Don’t,” Kauri whispers. “Please don’t make jokes. I thought-”
“It’s okay,” Jake murmurs. 
Eventually, he should probably tell someone he can only sort of feel the hand on the injured side. But not now. 
“It’s okay. It’s not s’bad. I got the good drugs, right?”
“Antibiotics and…” Kauri squints at the label on the bag attached to the IV, then winces and shakes his head. “Sorry. Can’t read today. It, uh. It kind of comes and goes when I’m worried, and today-”
“I get it. But… you don’t have to worry about me, Kaur. It’s over, it happened… I’ll feel better pretty fast. It’s okay.”
“It’s not,” Kauri says softly, but he relaxes beside Jake, keeping a hold of his hand. His fingers are slightly chilled, but they warm against Jake’s. The two of them settle into silence for a while, a woman in black on the TV with eyes blown wide in comic exaggeration of anger speaking in a blur of sound Jake knows by heart but can’t really pick apart from anything else, not just yet, not right now. 
He knows this movie by heart. He and his mom used to curl up under a blanket while she closed her eyes and prayed for things to get better and Jake prayed for his dad to die in a car accident or some other terrible way, and make it slow, and then pray with terror not to go to hell for thinking like that.
If men like his father go to heaven, Jake would rather burn in hell.
At least my favorite bands would be there, he thinks, and laughs to himself, shoulders shaking a little, sending a ripple of pain down his arm and spiking into his skull. He winces, but the thought still strikes him as too funny to quit circling woozily around his mind, and he keeps laughing a little.
Kauri turns to look at him, eyebrows raised. “What are you laughing at?”
Jake blinks over at him, those wide blue eyes. It had been hell not to be able to hold him for so long, with eyes like that. Real hell, the kind where you spend your days wishing for a connection that seems too hard to make. “Nothing, just… thinking about shit with my dad,” He says, finally. “My mom and I used to watch Clue all the time. It’s her favorite movie.”
“Yeah?” Kauri looks over his shoulder, back at the television, and Jake’s eyes move lazily over the slight bump in his nose where it was broken by someone years ago, the dip of his lips, the roundness of his chin, angling a little with age. The way his neck would feel to trace with just one fingertip, how he smiles when Jake does it, asks him what the fuck he’s looking at when there’s way more to Kauri that needs attention right now than just his face.
There’s a lazy wave of warmth in Jake, a steady thrum of something that goes much deeper than arousal, at the memory.
“Yeah,” He says, softly. “She’d put it on when he left the house, we’d make popcorn and watch it. Saturday night special, popcorn and a movie, Mom and Jake.”
“Where’d your dad go?” Kauri asks, then the answer catches up with him, and he winces. “Wait, sorry. I think I know where he went.”
That is clearly not what Kauri expected to hear. “I-... what?” He turns back to Jake, eyebrows furrowing. “I thought-”
“Nope. He went to church. Fish fry on Saturdays, he volunteered.” Jake is dimly aware that this might be more than he’s ever told Kauri about his father, at least more than he’s ever said that wasn’t laser-focused on the hurts, the bruises, the concussion, the ER visits where Jake learned to lie. “He was a magician with a deep fryer. Best fucking fish I ever ate.” He laughs, then coughs a little against the new round of ache in his shoulder. 
Kauri is quiet for a moment, his eyes searching Jake’s face, maybe looking for an idea of how to respond the right way. Jake knows that look - he’s seen it less and less over the years, but it never fully stops.
Kauri never stops looking for the safe answer, the one that won’t get him hurt. Jake never stops being ready to fight his way out if it happens again. Kauri is still ready to say what the abuser needs to hear, placate and please and keep himself alive.
Jake is still ready to pick up a weapon and use it if his father ever comes near he or his mother again. Not that he ever will. Not that he even wants to, sixteen years after Jake last saw his face. 
But he’s still built, deep within, to fight the threat. And so is Kauri, in his own way. 
“I love you so much,” Jake says softly. “I hope you didn’t pull anything dragging my ass around.”
“Mmmn, guess I’ll find out,” Kauri says softly, snuggling back up to him, then. “Should we change the movie? If it’s, like, a thing for you-”
“Nah.” Jake smiles, slightly. He feels pleasantly drunk, on whatever the painkiller slowly drip-feeding into his arm is. A little woozy, a little bit in love with it. “It’s like a comfort thing, really. I should call my mom-”
“I already did,” Kauri says, gently pushing him back down as Jake tries to make himself sit up. “She’s driving up. She said she’ll get here in the morning, she had to find someone to watch her dog.”
Jake blinks twice. “Mom has a dog?”
“I think it’s new. But, um. You can’t exactly meet her at her hotel, Jake. She’s gonna have to come here.”
Jake feels a rush of old nerves prickling along his arms, the hair of his neck trying to stand up. He closes his eyes, tries to push it back down. “I’ve never given her my address. It’s not safe for us. What if-... I don’t know. I’ve just never… I’ve always worried that if he found her, you know, that he’d… convince her to tell him where I live. He’d turn us all in just to feel like the big righteous moral hero all over again. Probably hard to feel that way when you’re hitting a teenager. Easier when you’re turning in vigilantes with stolen property.” He spits the words, and Kauri flinches a little. “Shit. Sorry, Kaur.”
“No, it’s. It’s okay. I get what you mean. But I don’t think your mom would do that. She loves you.”
“She does.” Jake exhales, closes his eyes. Inside him there is still an angry child that wants to point out that it hasn’t always been enough. But there’s a grown man, and a decade of fucking therapy, telling him there’s a whole lot more to it than that. “And she’s finally come around to understanding why I do this. Yeah… yeah, we’ll tell her where I am. It’ll be fine. Honestly, it’s not so bad. Jameson really did a great job on the stabbing.” Jake tries to laugh again. “Fucking surgeon with a butcher knife. He managed to miss every fucking bit of me that would have killed me.”
“Except for if you bled out,” Kauri points out, voice small. 
“Yeah… but I didn’t.” Jake thinks of Antoni’s face, the focus in his dark eyes, the quick movement of his hands, the blinding agony of the cloth being forced into the wound to soak up the blood, the way Antoni had leaned all his weight forwards to put enough pressure to staunch the bleeding. Jake had never felt pain like that before, and he’s not sure he could handle feeling it again. “Ant was there. It’ll be okay. Where is he?”
“In his room.” Picking at the heavy thick blanket laid over Jake, not quite looking at him now, Kauri asks, “How are you so calm about this?”
“Drugs,” Jake answers right away. “Like ninety percent drugs.” He groans as a throbbing ache travels from the stab wound, up into his skull, all the way down to his toes. “Fuck. The… whatever’s in there helps. But also…” Jake sighs, letting his eyes drift to the ceiling, over the popcorn-texture there. He’d meant to scrape it clean and smooth, when he bought the house, but other stuff kept taking priority, and he hadn’t gotten around to it yet. “This isn’t th’ first time, you know?”
Kauri frowns. “Jake, I have licked just about everything on your body, I’ve never seen a scar from-”
“Not… not stabbed. But… stuck here, on a couch-bed, tryin’... tryin’ to heal from shit. That’s not new.” Jake exhales. Above him, the blades of the ceiling fan circle lazily, and his eyes follow the movement of the shadows. 
“No, I guess not.”
“In any case… I haven’t s-seen… Jameson’s upstairs, right? Can you get him down here?”
Something passes over Kauri’s face, a shadow, a discomfort and darkness that Jake can’t quite read. “Jameson’s not in the house, Jake.”
“What? Why?” Jake starts trying to sit up again, and this time Kauri’s gentle push isn’t enough to get him back down. He grinds his teeth against the pain and forces himself upright, trying to shift his legs over the side of the bed. The room spins around him, dizzy-sick flip in his stomach, but he ignores it. He’s felt worse than this and kept moving before. “Shit, fuck, I should’ve made sure he didn’t leave-”
“He didn’t. I made him go.”
The look Jake turns on Kauri is baffled, but there’s anger, too, welling up inside him. “You what?”
“I told him he can’t stay here if he’s a danger to you and the others,” Kauri says, but he cringes back from Jake’s expression, instinctive fear. Jake hates how he looks like his dad - huge and muscular, a threat inherent in his existence that he might not give off if he were smaller. But his bulk and his strength is also the thing that makes him capable of withstanding the danger he puts himself in for them. It’s the reason he could come home and pick Chris up with a broken rib and carry him after they raided the last safehouse he’d lived in. It’s the reason he could finally fight back with his dad. It’s the reason the kids at his new schools, one after another after another as he and his mom moved constantly to try not to be found, left him alone. 
“Kauri, he can’t-... Jameson’s not. He can’t live on his own.”
“That’s a lie,” Kauri says, lips barely moving. “That’s a lie they tell us-”
“No, that’s not what I-... Jameson’s like Chris,” Jake says, softly. “Like Chris used to be. He was treated like an animal, Kauri. He didn’t get to use fucking utensils to eat in the last two places he was held, he told me himself. He can’t live on his own yet. If you kicked him out… Jesus Christ, Kauri, do you not remember how it felt when you were kicked out?”
Kauri looks like he’s been slapped. “Wait, Jake-... I didn’t mean-”
“We found you half-dead under a goddamn bush, Kauri, you can’t do that to someone else just because I got a little bit stabbed! Shit. Fuck. I gave him a burner phone, if he’s still got it on him, maybe I can call-”
“Jakob fucking Stanton!” Kauri yells so rarely, and Jake goes still, turning to look at him, seeing the anger written across Kauri’s face. Kauri angry is electric, and immensely sexy, and something Jake had gone so long thinking he would never see unless Vincent Shield showed up with a new idea for how to make up for all his failures by forcing himself around someone who hated him. “Will you fucking listen to me?!”
Jake just sits there, staring at him. He can’t even find the words. Eventually, he just nods.
“I didn’t kick him out on the street, I’m not that awful, and fuck you for thinking I am and we’re going to talk about that later when you aren’t half off your head from painkillers. I don’t want him here until you’re feeling better in case it happens again, so I-... so I sent him home with Nat. She doesn’t have anyone living with her right now, and she said okay, so he’s going to stay with her.” Kauri swallows, reaching slowly out to lay his hand on Jake’s leg. “He and I talked. He said it’s always been men, Jake. All of the ones who hurt him were men, one of them was... was really big like you, I guess. So I thought-... if he’s with Nat, maybe it won’t happen again for long enough for him to, to work it through in therapy and Dr. Berger maybe can give him, give him s-something to help. So maybe he won’t, um, hallucinate or… or w-whatever the next time.” Kauri’s eyes well up, glimmer with tears that don’t fall. “I was trying to help. I thought he’d feel safer with only a woman, maybe, and I sent him alone so that he’d know he can’t hurt Allyn, he was really scared of that, and…”
Jake’s mouth hangs open.
Kauri slumps over, his forehead slowly resting against Jake’s back where he sits slightly behind him now that Jake is nearly off the bed. “I had to make sure everyone’s safe. I didn’t know what else to do. I sent Chris to stay with Laken overnight but he’ll be back tomorrow, Antoni’s fucked up but he’s in his room and he’s safe, and all the rescues promised to stay in their rooms and Allyn tried to go with Jameson and I think they hate me now because I said no, but I didn’t-... I tried to think of what you would do, if it had been Chris or me he’d hurt. I was trying to be like you. I’m s-sorry if I fucked it up, I’m sorry, please, I thought you were going to die, please don’t be mad at me-”
“Kauri.” Jake turns, and uses his good hand to lift Kauri’s chin, meeting his eyes. 
Blue on blue, always. 
“I’m not mad,” He says, gently. “Not… not now. You’re right, I shouldn’t have… just been a shit deciding what you did without asking. I’m sorry. So, let me just… you spent the last couple of hours really fucking busy, huh?”
Kauri nods, kissing Jake’s fingertips, one by one. “I’m sorry,” He whispers. “I’m not… I’m not good at this, I’m not... not... I was so scared. I didn’t know what you would do, Jake, and Nat said she thought it was a good idea, so-”
“It is. It is a good idea.” Kauri blinks, surprised, and the tears that have been threatening finally run, clear as crystal, down his flushed cheeks. He looks like a fucking sculpture, Jake thinks to himself, like some artist’s idea of the perfect beautiful person. “Kauri, just. Now that I get what you were trying to do… Shit. That’s really smart.”
Kauri huffs a laugh, a kind of half-sobbing sound, and shakes his head. “It’s just, I was just guessing-”
“That’s all we ever do, too,” Jake says, voice soft. “We guess, at what we can do to help. Nat always says we make the hard choices when nobody else can. Kauri, that’s the smartest fucking idea. I’m… that’s some grace under fire shit. That’s amazing.”
“It… it is?”
“Yeah.” Jake kisses him, and Kauri tastes like mouthwash, like mint, kisses back with desperate intensity. “Yeah, Kaur. That’s even better than what I would have done. You’re so fucking smart. What made you decide to slum it with me?”
“You have a really good d-dick and I don’t w-w-want to lose access,” Kauri says, and he’s crying or laughing or maybe both. “You’re my eye candy.”
“You’re my Einstein.”
“Fuck you.”
“Fuck me yourself,” Jake says softly. 
“Heal a little first.” Kauri sighs, half-smiling, pulling Jake back into the bed to lay down again. “Everyone’s safe, Jake. At least for now. Everyone’s okay. You need to rest, and everyone’s going to be okay.”
Jake lets his head be maneuvered back onto the pillow, feels Kauri settle back down next to him, pulling the blankets back up over them both. He’s silent for a while, lets the soft sound of the end of the movie wash over him, showing the different endings.
“I love you,” He whispers. The way the adrenaline is fading makes him sleepy, drifting in a new drowsy haze, ready to dose off again. “So much.”
“Love you, too,” Kauri murmurs. 
He knows this - the couch-bed pulled out, watching movies and stand-up comedy at a low volume, a throb of pain somewhere that will heal only with time - by heart.
With Kauri’s weight and warmth beside him, it feels entirely, completely new.
@astrobly @burtlederp @finder-of-rings @whump-tr0pes @raigash @moose-teeth @orchidscript @doveotions @pretty-face-breaker @eatyourdamnpears @boxboysandotherwhump @whumptywhumpdump @whumpfigure @outofangband @downriver914 @justabitofwhump @thehopelessopus @butwhatifyouwrite @yet-another-heathen @nonsensical-whump @newandfiguringitout @gonna-feel-that-tomorrow @oops-its-whump @cubeswhump @whumpiary @endless-whump
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
Like You
Trequel to Half Of and The only ghost in Amity Park
“We need to talk, Fenton,” Valerie hissed, slamming Danny’s locker shut in his face. He pursed his lips and lowered his gaze but said nothing. Manson scoffed and stepped right up, putting her finger in Valerie’s face.
“He doesn’t owe you anything, Val so lay off. If he wants to talk to you, he will, not because you demanded it.” Val grabbed Sam’s wrist, strong but still such delicate bones. The goth flinched a bit as Valerie applied pressure.
“Only my friends,” Valerie hissed with a hard look over at Danny, “get to call me Val. But I guess we’re not friends if you kept something like this from me.”
“Val...erie, let her go,” Danny mumbled quietly. “We’ll talk after school, meet me by the equipment shed behind the football field.”
“Alone,” Val said, flicking away Sam’s wrist. “None of your adoring, enabling entourage, new or old.” 
“No way in hell,” Sam said, clearly resisting the urge to hold onto her injured wrist. “Like we’d trust Danny with someone like you.”
“What? Human?” Valerie asked back. Danny stuck his hands between them and forced them apart. Now that Val was looking, the entire hall was watching them. Whatever, they didn’t matter. 
“Cut it out,” Danny frowned, looking over both of them. “Sam, I’ll be fine talking to her alone.” He turned back to her with his blue eyes. As long as she’d known him, Danny’s had a presence about him. She took it as growing up in such a strange house and later her growing crush. But there was no way to explain away the icy, electric feel of his gaze holding her own. “3:30, equipment shed, just talking. Okay?”
“Fine,” Valerie said, turning and stomping down the hall so she had the last word. The rest of the day passed slowly as she gripped the sides of her desk and bounced her leg, thinking about Danny Fenton. How long had Danny been a ghost or half of one, how was that even possible? Had he always been that way and she simply hadn’t noticed? Her? The best ghost hunter in Amity? How much of Danny was real and what was just a cruel ghostly joke? That’s the question that burned the most. Danny seemed to be the only one who liked this new, more grounded Valerie. What would she do if her closest friend was just messing with her?
Finally, school ended and she stalked purposefully towards the equipment shed. Interesting choice of location, it was almost never used since most every day sports gear was stored in the locker rooms. Did he chose it because it was isolated? Danny didn’t seemed worried about confronting her alone, what abilities could he have that he wasn’t scared of her? That made her pause once the shed came into sight. She’d only heard about Danny’s powers, never having ever seen them firsthand. Valerie took an ectogun from her bag and slipped it in back waistband of her skirt. Just in case.
Danny was sitting on the roof of the shed, weirdly enough. It would be next to impossible to climb so he had to have flown. She’d already heard of him floating but the idea of Danny Fenton and superpowers still didn’t add up in her head. He was rubbing at a tear in his jeans when she approached. Danny gave a little awkward half smile that, a few days ago, would have sent her stomach into somersaults. Now seeing it just made her sick.
“Are you gonna hide up there all day?” She asked curtly, hands on her hips. 
“You could always join me up here,” Danny shrugged, getting more comfortable on the roof. Val raised a disbelieving eyebrow, eyeing the lack of handles and the broken splinters on the old shed. “We’re far enough away, no one will see you use your hoverboard.” Just when Valerie thought he was done being surprised. She gaped open mouthed at Danny who got nervous and rubbed his hands anxiously. “You uh you wanted to talk so I thought we ought to lay all our cards on the table.” He took a deep breath, “I know you’re the Red Huntress Val...erie.” 
“How!” She demanded, activating her board without thought to get to the roof. She grabbed Danny by the shirt and hauled him forward until their faces were inches apart. His body radiated a soft chill that brushed against her skin. He held up his hands in surrender.
“Since the start, Sam and I, we saw you in the park, remember? You caught us uhhhh,” Danny trailed off, looking away with a blush. It took Val a minute but she remembered one of her first outings with the suit, she was chasing Phantom and his stupid dog only to find Danny and Sam kissing in the bushes. She hadn’t cared about the love lives of losers at the time. It had only become relevant when she started catching feeling for Danny but he’d assured her multiple times that he and Manson weren’t a couple. “It wasn’t real, the kiss I mean. It was Sam’s idea, you surprised us and we didn’t have time to hide so you didn’t...” he trailed off.
"Didn’t, what?” She demanded. Valerie gasped when Danny simply phased out of her grip and assuming his previous position on the roof. She stared for a moment at her hands before looking up again at Danny who was back to fiddling with his clothes. There it was, irrefutable proof that Danny wasn’t human. It felt like her heart was being chipped away with a hammer. 
“Look, this has been kind of a hard week for me,” Danny groaned, raking his hands forcefully through his hair. “I get my powers outed, I need to convince my parents not to kill me the rest of the way, keep the ghosts off my back for a period, get the government to acknowledge my existence all the while dealing with everyone’s stares and questions at school.” He tucked his knees closer and flopped his face into them. “I said I would be honest with you and I’m trying but I’ve already had to give so much of myself this week and... I don’t know, what do you even want from me?”
“I want answers!” Valerie tried to demand but it came across as more whiney. She pushed back any tears that were threatening to come. “I want to know what was real! Was our friendship real? Our feelings? Are you even real? And if you knew I Huntress all this time then why... why would you even talk to me? Were you just playing with me? Spying on me? What did you want with me?”
“I’m real, Val, I promise,” He held out his hand and she reluctantly took it. His hand was chilly but there always where, it was also solid with knobbing bones and ropy muscles. Beneath it all, there was a sluggish but persistent pulse. She squeezed his hand, it was a human hand and yet it had also passed right through her. How could he be real and not real at once?
“As for what I wanted, just a friend really,” Danny said, keeping his head on his folded knees but turning towards her. She read nothing but sincerity in his eerily blue eyes. “Sam, Tuck and I, we have serious history. We know each other inside and out. But you, you were someone new. I loved hearing about your interests, your dreams, finding out who you were as a person beyond that jerk who made fun of me the second week of Freshman year for wearing my dad’s jumpsuit to school. I liked being able to be a normal person with you, I think I had started to forget with the whole ghost thing going on.”
“What happened?” Valerie couldn’t help but ask.
“Lab accident,” Danny said quietly, “Sam and Tuck were there, wasn’t pretty. Thought I was goner for sure. I survived somehow but I got some freaky powers out of the deal. There’s downsides but some sweet benefits,” he tilted his head back and looked longingly up at the sky. “Flying is the best.”
“Yeah,” Val couldn’t help but sigh in agreement. She could almost the feel the sensation of the wind whipping against her suit. Hear the roar as she soared through the clouds. It was hard to imagine Danny flying but his eyes shined with understanding she usually only saw in the mirror. “So why did you hang out with me knowing I hunted ghosts?”
“It just sorta happened, You obviously sensed that Sam and Tucker weren’t too happy about the risk.” No kidding, Val had gotten warmer welcomes from freezers. “But you were cool, Val. Plus you,” he paused and seemed to consider his words. “I felt like once we got over the hump you would get it in a way the other don’t. You know what it like to balance two lives, to have insane power at your fingertips, to feel like if you take even a second break that the ghosts will overwhelm the town. It’s just... a lot to deal with alone, Sam, Tucker and Jazz, they try to understand but they just don’t.”
He looked over at her, “I guess it was nice to know that there was someone like me out there,” he blushed, “and that someone uh liked me. For being me, y’know?”
“Clearly I didn’t know everything,” she grumbled watching as Danny winced. Val frowned, she probably wasn’t being entirely fair, she hadn’t exactly been honest with Danny either. 
“So you fight ghosts, huh?” Valerie couldn’t help was ask with a little smile. Trying to picture it. The Danny she thought she knew wouldn’t but this Danny... “Is that why you’re always running out of class?”
“Isn’t that why you leave?” He teased back hesitantly. “I’m honestly a little surprised no one figured me out before. I was really bad at hiding at first. Of course it’s only when I get the whole ‘secret identity’ thing down that I get exposed.” He huffed, the ends of his hair lifting out of his eyes. 
“Secret identity, so you can turn into a ghost?” Danny was silent. “Have I seen you out there?” More silence. “Have I... have I shot at you?” Everything seemed quiet save for their asynchronous breathing. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
“It stung but not enough to keep me down for long,” Danny said, flexing his arms but his smile was strained. There was something about it that was haunting, familiar. She turned to look at the woods because if she stared any longer she’d realize which ghost Danny turned into and neither of them was ready for that right now. 
“So now what?” She asked.
“I don’t know,” Danny sighed. “I’m kind of taking it one day at a time. Mom and Dad are nervous, jumpy, I’m not sure if they’re more scared of me or of themselves and what they did. My sister and friends are being annoyingly overprotective. People who hated me last week are suddenly in my face asking questions and demanding demonstrations. The government wants to kill me but,” he snorted a little, and tilted his head towards her floppily. “I'm also talking to you about this part of my life for the first time. Lying was a necessity I never grew comfortable with, I think I could do with a bit of honesty.”
“Yeah me too,” Valerie said, straightening up and looking Danny in the eye. “I’m still not sure how I feel about this. I don’t like ghosts and I likely never will. I’m going to continuing being Huntress and keeping the town safe. But I’m willing to give you chance, give you time to open up completely. It’ll give us both times to come to terms with everything, and maybe then we can figure out where we stand.”
“I’ll take it!” Danny beamed, “I was worried you were coming here to off me with that ectogun you have stashed in your skirt so this is much better!”
“How did you-” She gasped.
He winked and tapped his forehead, “I’m pretty sensitive to ectoplasm, especially out here in the real world. Gotta admit sometimes when my energy was low, I sought you out. Did you know your suit radiates a low level ectoplasmic field, even when you’re not wearing it?” He twisted his face in thought. “Now that we’re talking-talking, I should warn you what side effects excess exposure to ectoenergy can cause.” He twisted his hand and a small green ectoblast formed in his palm briefly before dissipating. “If that worries you, my parents can hook you up with some sweet ghost hunting equipment that won’t contaminate you.”
“So I could have powers like you one day?” She asked carefully, looking over her hands thoughtfully.
“Maybe, I don’t know. Mine was a kind of one in a million accident, well, two,” he made a face. “That’s whole other story, don’t ask. But we could maybe find out together, Val,” he winced. “Valerie.”
“Val is fine,” she said quietly, still thinking too many things. “We have a lot of things to figure out but in the meantime, you can keep calling me Val.” 
“I’d like that,” he smiled. “So uh, do you want to come to movie night tomorrow? It’s at my house this week. I uh always wanted to invite you before but Sam, Tuck and I usually end up talking ghost stuff during the movie so we couldn’t before but if you’re interested... could be fun to have you there. We’re watching The Shining.”
“That movie is like a billion years old,” Val laughed with an eyeroll.
“It’s a classic, I was named after the kid in that movie!” Danny defended. “I’ll text you the details but its up to you. Either way, we’ll uh, we’ll keep talking. See you around, Val.” And just like that, he vanished. She swiveled her head around but Danny Fenton was truly gone.
“Jerk,” she grumbled but there was no heat to it. She heard a giggle above her and knew Danny, in his secret ghost form, was probably flying. And it was too nice a day to walk home. She activated her suit and took to the skies herself. Valerie didn’t know if Danny was with her or not, she just turned off her brain and fell into the motion of aggressive loops and high speed dives around her town.
 Everything had turned upside down with the knowledge that Danny wasn’t who she thought he was. But again, things had been crazy since the ghosts first came to town. So she and Danny were at a stand still, not friends and not enemies, not open but not secretive either. It was a weird state to be in but Danny was probably used to being in a state of half life himself. But she’d worry about all that later, for now it just her and sky. 
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astranva · 4 years
Dad!Harry having all daughters and all of them are either doing his hair or putting makeup on him while asking him silly questions about himself 😙
Title: Beautiful Chaos
Word Count: 1.9k
Category: dad!harry fluff
Warnings: Not proofread but none other than that.
That was lovely to write, too, my heart is about to buRST although I couldn’t find a suitable photo for the Instagram post I add at the end oops
There were a lot of things that your husband, Harry, enjoyed. Like, you spooning him after a long day at work, like smelling your coconut scent through the house, and like the fact that he was a father of 3 healthy girls.
Perla, Emerald, and Ruby were 3 girls whom Harry could go to hell and back for, not to mention you, but it had always been like that since the moment he met you.
Perla, being 7 years old, frequently took pride in her “big sister” title, wearing it like a sash around her and especially at her school and around her friends. Out of her sisters, she was the most protective of her family and it was something that had never failed to make you and Harry melt.
Harry even often found himself going on his phone, watching a video he had discreetly recorded when she was only 2. She was sitting on one of the kitchen stools, her eyes following your every move as you made her a sandwich with your baby bump showing, in your 9th month.
“careful, mummy.”
“Mummy, careful!”
“Thank you, mummy. Thank you, little baby.”
She had said during the video, adding a kiss to your bump after her last sentence.
Then Emerald came into the world, and Harry sometimes found himself wondering if his heart had doubled its size to fit all the love he had for his family.
Being 5, Emerald – or Emma as you all frequently called her – was quiet. She was a collected, flexible child who enjoyed art. Harry’s music? She would be listening carefully to it, saying comments that not all 5-year-olds would say;
“I like the piano here.”
“Uncle Mitch did a great job here!”
“Daddy, the bass is so low.”
And it only made sense that yours and Harry’s phones were full of pictures of her with her toy guitar around her shoulders, strumming as she cutely sang Harry’s songs or even some Fleetwood Mac into her green microphone.
And then came your youngest, being 3 – Ruby.
Ruby was a funny and hyperactive child. No hairstyle could sit still for her and more often than not, she sat with messy and chaotic brown hair, clothes a little disheveled. She was definitely more of a risk-taker than her sisters.
You remember only months ago at the beginning of the year, before the pandemic outbreak, when you and Harry were visiting a friend of yours from work and they had a big dog, a Great Dane, Perla and Emerald hiding behind you and Harry as they saw the dog but Ruby thrashed in Harry’s arms, demanding he put her down so she can “play with the puppy.”
And the one time you were at Anne’s, Ruby had curiously poked Dusty’s stomach, which the cat didn’t like to defend itself, it scratched 2-year-old Ruby’s hand.
Everyone stared in shock, waiting for Ruby to break down and cry but were surprised when she stared at her hand with a frown before looking at Dusty who walked off,
“Sorry!” She had only shouted at the cat before standing and grabbing a grape to eat.
With the pandemic outbreak, your family of 5 was quarantined in your London home. Refusing to leave the house unless it was absolutely necessary, you had guided your daughters to understanding how important it was to wear a face mask while outside because it was their duty towards all people, you and Harry included.
But with the pandemic, you and Harry were busy at creating ways that would keep the kids busy as well. From movie nights to activities, you both had tried to keep the kids entertained as well as aware of what was going on as best as you could.
It was one day when everything was just slow-paced, quiet, and chill. Harry had shaved his beard and left a mustache, one that your daughters were very amused by and had been all week.
You sat with your laptop on your lap, earphones connected as you watched The Good Place, but keeping the sound low enough for you to hear what your kids were conversing about.
Harry sat beside you, reading a book he had picked up a couple of days ago, his hand behind your back, fingers gently and mindlessly caressing your back, stroking it up and down in a comforting and soothing manner.
Perla and Ruby were sat together, coloring the most recent sketched you had printed them, while Emerald was sat on the floor against your legs, trying to make you and Harry a beaded bracelet from the toy set Harry had gotten her earlier.
“Mummy, does this look nice?” She asked, turning to look at you as she raised a pink-beaded thread string.
You lowered your laptop screen, looking at her. “It looks very nice, baby. Do you want me to tie it?”
“Yes, please.” She stood, handing you the string and watching you in awe as you did as if you were doing pure magic. You tied it in the way you had learned years ago, when friendship bracelets were a thing, making sure that it can get tighter or looser, however the wearer wanted.
“There you go.”
“Thank you, Mummy.” She grinned as she took it before moving to Harry, attempting to climb him which earned her a giggle from him as he helped her up, putting his book aside before mentally cursing himself because he didn’t know where he stopped.
“Look! I made you this!” Emerald grinned as she handed Harry the bracelet, watching excitedly and waiting for his reaction.
Harry gasped dramatically, “Woooow!” He looked at the bracelet lovingly, feeling like his heart was about to burst as he put it on, vowing to never take it off to himself. “I love it, Em. Thank you so much, baby.”
Emerald grinned bashfully, raising her shoulders closer to her cheeks as she did, Harry grabbing her to press a kiss against her hairline.
You watched with pure love, show long forgotten as you paused and gave your full attention to the scene.
Noticing what was going on, your oldest and youngest paused their coloring to approach you and look at their dad’s new jewelry.
“Good job, Em. Can you make me one?” Your oldest, Perla, asked excitedly as she eyed the bracelet before grinning at her shorter sister, who excitedly nodded at her.
“Me, too!” Ruby chimed, “But blue!”
“First, Mummy,” Emerald pointed at you, “Then Per,” she pointed at her older sister, “Then Rube.”
“Starting a business, aren’t you?” Harry joked, bringing her close to his chest as he playfully gnawed on her cheek, smiling as she squealed out in laughter.
As if the idea had been in her mind for a while, Perla suddenly blurted out a question:
“Daddy, can I put makeup on you?”
You grinned, looking at Harry and waiting for his reply.
He looked at you quickly before moving back to Perla, “I don’t see why not. Go on, get the stuff you need.”
“Ruby, you think we can paint daddy’s nails?” You asked your youngest with an excited grin, hearing your husband laugh.
Ruby nodded with a squeal, holding your hand as you stood up before Perla ran in front of you, you and Ruby following her as you ran towards yours and Harry’s room to get the stuff needed.
“Blue!” Ruby pointed at the blue nail polish bottle while Perla stood with your makeup bag, “And pink.”
“Yellow, too,” Perla added.
“How about we take the whole thing.” You chuckled as you gathered the box in your hands, walking behind your squealing, excited daughters.
At the sight of you, Emerald lit up, “I’ll do daddy’s hair!”
“You girls are giving Daddy a whole makeover, huh?” Harry laughed lovingly, welcoming all the attention.
You sat on Harry’s right, Ruby on his left with the blue nail polish bottle in her hand as she sat on her stomach with Harry’s hand waiting for her. Perla sat on Harry’s lap while Emerald climbed and seated herself on Harry’s shoulders, scrunchie around her wrist as she played with Harry’s hair.
Harry would have been lying if he said he didn’t enjoy how everything was right there and then. His wife was painting his nails in pink, pastel yellow, and baby blue while his 3-year-old was having her go with his other hand, getting polish on his cuticles but trying nonetheless. His oldest daughter brushing his cheeks with her mom’s blush brush, while his 5-year-old was gently pulling on his hair.
“Okay, done,” Perla closed the blush before moving to choose a lipstick, ending up with your red Mac one and opening it, “Daddy, do like that.” She instructed, puckering her lips. So Harry did, looking up as he did and trying to stifle his giggles as she put on lipstick on his puckered lips, “Okay, no more.” So he set his lips back, Perla continuing on applying the vibrant red color.
You hunched a little forward, a smile making its way to your lips, “Looking beautiful, baby.”
He hummed, his chest shaking with laughter as he felt the lipstick above his upper lip before Perla pulled back and looked back in the bag to apply anything more. He looked at you as you painted the last nail in pink, keeping only his middle finger’s nail in pastel yellow while his thumb and index were in baby blue, his ring and pinky’s being in pink. “Feeling so, too.” He said as he closed his eyes and raised his eyebrows, letting out a sigh of contentment for emphasis, overly dramatic, making you laugh.
It was 20 minutes later when his girls were done with their work and pushed him towards him and his wife’s bedroom, where they had a full-body length mirror.
He looked absolutely chaotic, and he loved everything about it. While his hair stuck in all directions, some lockets were collected by Emerald’s peach-colored scrunchie, one hand was nicely painted – which was painted by his wife – while the other was an absolute mess of blue but you can spot the attempt and it was nothing a nail polish remover couldn’t fix, his eyelids having some glitter on them, red lipstick nicely put except for a smudge right above his upper lip, cheeks too pink.
“What do you think?” Perla asked excitedly.
“Wow!” Harry breathed out, moving closer to the mirror, “I look glamorous!” He put his hands up in a peace sign, puckering his lips and popping up a leg as he posed, making his family laugh.
“Wait, let’s take a picture.” You grinned, raising your phone up as everyone got into a spot; Emerald had her arm thrown on Ruby’s shoulders as she smiled, Ruby sticking her tongue out, Perla choosing to sit down in front of her sisters, crossing her legs as she grinned with her eyes closed. You stood behind the hugging sisters, against Harry’s chest. Harry wrapped one arm around your shoulders from the back, the other around your waist as he smiled into the mirror, his head leaning down to press his cheek against yours. You held your phone with one hand, the other reaching up to hold on to Harry’s arm around you as you grinned before taking the picture.
“Let’s frame that.” Harry whispered to you in bliss, looking at the photo from behind you before moving to wrap both arms around your waist, “Thank you, love. For making me the happiest man alive.”
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writingsbychlo · 3 years
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home for christmas | mitch rapp
word count;  10,665
summary; mitch is happy to settle down with the simple life, and he just wants to celebrate christmas with his fiancée, for the first christmas he’s had home since before he joined the army. 
notes; I know this isn’t stan’s farmhouse in the movies, but this is the kind of farmhouse I picture them having, so you’re just gonna’ have to use your imaginations!
warnings; smut, thats about it.
“Mornin’, soldier.”
Mitch simply huffed, a smirk forming on his face as he rolled over, raising his brows a little, sleep still evident across his face, the crease from a pillow being pressed into his cheek, the red mark disappearing into the dark stubble-smattering on his jaw, and you reached out a hand, rubbing over it as he blinked himself a little further awake. “Not anymore, sweetheart. You think if I was still a soldier I’d be getting to sleep in this late with a pretty woman by my side?”
“I should hope not, you were with me for the most part, so if you had another pretty woman in your bed, you should fess up now. I’d hate for that to come out on the altar.”
He growled, rolling you over until you were pressed back into the bedding, nipping a little at your shoulder as you broke out in a fit of giggles, albeit strained as the weight of his frame pressed into you, 200lb of solid muscle crushing you lovingly. “Don’t even insinuate it.”
“Yeah, I know.” You mumbled, a hand threading into his hair, and the teasing nips became soft kisses pressed to your bare skin, and he eventually gave up, rolling onto his side, and letting you cuddle up into his side a little, exhaustion no longer claiming either of you, but laziness in the bliss of the morning was. “Merry Christmas, Mitch.”
“Merry Boxing Day.”
“Technicalities.” You whispered, pecking at his cheek, the closest spot you could reach, before you were pushing yourself to it up a little more, legs crossing on the mattress, and stretching your arms up above your head to loosen the muscles.
“What was that?”
“What was what?” You repeated, head rolling from side to side, before you were shaking yourself down slightly and revelling in the numbness slipping out of your bones and muscles as energy surged through you instead.
“That pathetic excuse for a good morning kiss.” He tapped at his lips, pouting them slightly, brows raising as he watched you move to press your feet to the cold floors, standing up only a moment later. “Where do you think you’re going? Get back here and kiss me!”
“Nope. If you want kisses, you can come and get them.”
He gaped, watching you disappear into the bathroom, and you ginned to yourself, hearing the floorboards of the bedroom creak from a room over, running your toothbrush under the tap as you squeezed a dollop of the paste onto the bristles, raising your eyebrows at the man behind you. He had braced himself on either side of the doorframe, large shoulders and tall stature all but filling it, messy bedhead and unshaven jaw making him a vision of morning laziness, and he raised his brows at you as he returned your stare, a smile on his face as you scrubbed at your teeth.
Pacing across the bathroom, he pressed you up against the counter from behind, hands finding the edges of the sink as your hips pushed up to the cold porcelain, and he hooked a chin over your shoulder. One hand came up, on the other side of your jaw, twisting your face towards him, and you lifted your brush down long enough to press your lips against his, hearing him hum happily finally got what he was after. Your lips moved softly against his, a slight foam build-up getting stuck in his stubble as your mouths worked together, but neither of you could find it within yourselves to care, the first kiss of the day still feeling just as special as it had the first night you’d stayed a night together, all those years ago.
When he pulled back, he licked at his lips, wiping away the froth stuck on the spiky hairs around his face, grinning a little, and pecking a kiss to your temple. “You taste minty.”
“Of’ious’y.” You mumbled, the word getting confused in translation through the workings you were doing, but he raised his brows at the sass, gasping slightly, and you grinned, spitting and rinsing, before turning to look at him “Captain Obvious over here.”
“You’re sassy this morning.” He teased, pinching at your ass and snickering as you yelped, smacking away his hand and fixing him with a false glare. “Don’t be so sassy on Christmas.”
“I thought it was Boxing Day?” You retorted, watching him roll his eyes fondly, and as you wandered back into the bedroom, you noticed that he’d made the bed, blankets pulled straight, and you appreciated the gesture
“It’s our Christmas Day. Is that really what your Christmases were like these last few years?” His hand found yours from the second you had a jumper pulled on over your shoulders, tugging you toward the staircase and down the rickety steps that were in urgent need of repair, but those weren’t on the list yet.
So far, the two of you had made some pretty grand progress on the house that you were now calling your own. Your father had returned to duty, and you were in charge of renovating an old farmhouse, and making it truly liveable once again. The broken pipes, squeaky doors and splintering panels were no longer cutting it, and in the couple of short months since your lover had returned from the front lines, and stayed here with you.
The first week after your father had left, had been entirely spent in bed, properly celebrating the engagement you’d made, the way it should be celebrated when you were young and in love. The following month and a half leading you up to where you were now had been spent planning, clearing out the junk of old furniture and stripping the insides of the house, all the work you couldn't do alone, finding yourself now with a partner.
The porch was being extended into a wrap-around, and the outside had been stripped. The flaking paint had been sanded off, the wood underneath smoothed and repainted, before the weather had turned too cold and wet, glazed over and perfected, an off-white colour that complimented the darks of the landscape around it. Mitch had spent almost a week straight fixing broken and cracking tiles on the roof, a week when your heart had leapt into your throat every time he went up the ladder, fearing that he’d fall or injure himself, and yet the real injured had come inside.
As the final fall warmth had slipped away and the bitter and biting cold had started to come in, you’d thrown out all the moth-bitten and broken furniture inside, plans to replace it all, and sell what you deemed worthy, raising funds for the major project you’d undertaken. Splinters, torn nails, and grazes from tripping over and scraping your knees and elbows on rough flooring. However, it had all been worth it, and you shivered a little as you stepped into the kitchen, feeling the squeeze on your hand, before looking up to the man standing behind you.
“Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts. What dd you say?”
“I said, is this how you always spent your Christmases for these last few years?” The sounds of the kettle filling up as it sat on the top of the old gas stove sounded the metal clanging a little as it filled, the two of you waiting patiently over the racket, before settling it over the flame to begin heating. “Y’know, celebrating late, the video calls, all that?”
He was referring to the real Christmas Day, yesterday, having been spent waiting for the time when you’d get to talk to your father over a somewhat glitchy video chat call for your twenty-minute slot, having no idea when it would actually be. “Yeah, pretty much. Except, for the last few years, I had to do it twice.” You poked at his stomach as he stood before you, a grin on his lips, before he was catching your hand, pulling it up to press a kiss over the ring shining on your finger.
“Funny, to think that for years, I’ve been excitedly waiting to facetime my superior’s daughter, just to get a Merry Christmas and a kiss through the screen while I was out in the middle of God knows where, defending our country, and we never even knew.” His arms looped your waist, pulling you in close against the cold of the late December chill in the air, and your own arms wrapped around his neck. You leaned in, enough that he thought you were going to press a kiss to his lips, before you were lifting yourself up, and standing on his feet, grinning when he grunted, before he was looking at your curiously. “What’cha doing, kitten?”
“The floor is cold. I don’t want to stand on it.”
“Well, it would be considerably less cold if someone had just picked which tiles they wanted before the store closed over Christmas, I could be getting on with installing them, and we would’ve had heated kitchen flooring by New Years.” He tutted, lifting you to sit on the counter as the kettle began to whistle, and he worked around you to fill up the teapot on the side with the perfect brew, two mugs being gathered from one of the cupboards, before it was being pressed into your hands.
“I wanted real stone! All the samples of tiles just didn’t seem right, and-”
“And you want to have a rustic and authentic farmhouse feel, I know.” He finished your sentence for you, heat flushing your face at just how many times you must’ve said it for I’m to have memorised the statement, and he chuckled, letting you hope down and back onto the cold and stripped flooring of the kitchen to make your way to the table. The scraping of the wooden chairs over the flooring rang out, and you sat in beside him, blowing the steam away, and picking up one of the catalogues that were stacked up, opening it up to the last dog-eared page and taking a look at it all. “What do you want for breakfast?”
Despite asking the question, Mitch was already rattling around in the drawers for a frying pan, seeming to have made up his mind on what he was going to eat, and so you hummed a little, sipping at the herbal mix in your mug. “Whatever you’re having is fine.”
“Eggs and bacon it is, then.”
You only nodded, unsure whether or not he could see you, but you weren’t looking at him, falling into a comfortable science together as you examined the conversions and extensions laid out on the glossy pages before you. The sizzling and popping of the eggs and bacon faded into the background, ideas swirling in your mind as he worked, the cogs brushing off the dust as you took in what you were seeing.
Most of them were small conversations, sheds and garages, all with ideas on how to save heating and conserve energy, but your mind was wandering your own home. You’d already done so much, knocking through the wall of the small guest bedroom beside your own to turn it into a closet, and tearing up the flooring in the downstairs of the house, to replace it with newer and polished solid oak slats. How much harder could be building a wall, and converting something a little bigger than a shed?
A plate landed in front of you, making you jump in shock, before the magazine was being pulled away from you, and the smell of the meal was enticing you in. “Should I be concerned that you spend more time looking at renovation magazines than wedding ones?”
He was smiling as he spoke, no heat to his words, but you scoffed nonetheless, tapping your finger against another pile of magazines, and you felt as though your entire house was spilling over with them, filling the house in piles from top to bottom. You had more magazines than yo id furniture at this stage, the small and slightly dull Christmas tree in the corner being a sad excuse, an old TV propped up on cardboard boxes and cushions along the floor with a blanket put down, the rest of your ‘living room; being barren, waiting for its decorating to be complete.
“Have you even chosen a dress, yet? I already have my suit.”
“I’m excited to marry you, Mitch, I really am. I couldn't imagine anything that would make me happier, but that is one day of our lives. The best day, but just one day. This house is where we’re going to live, it’s the future you want, and where we’ll grow old. If something goes wrong on our wedding day, that sucks, but we’ll fix it.” He paused his chewing, staring at you with wide eyes across the table, before swallowing his mouthful thickly and reaching out with one hand to lace your fingers together to sit atop the wood. “I want our home to be perfect.”
“It will be, we’ll take our time.”
You smiled, letting him mirror the action, squeezing his hand in your own, before pulling your hand back to pick up your cutlery, and beginning into the meal he had made. “For the record, I have a few dress ideas.” You tapped the cover of one of the furthest magazines from yourself, the pages worn and folded, evidently having been used, and his brows shut up, a grin on his face as he ate.
“Can I see?” A few crumbs flew from his mouth as he spoke through the food stuffed between his cheeks, and you tried to hold in your chuckle at the sight.
“Please don’t do that at our wedding.” You grimaced, and he swallowed his mouthful, sticking his tongue out at you childishly, the playful manner between you both being more than comfortable, it was perfect, and you kicked at his shin under the table as he wiggled his brows cheekily. “No, you can’t look at them, it’s bad luck.”
“Don’t be superstitious.” He scoffed, pulling the magazine over to himself, and holding it out of your reach when you leaned across the table to snatch it back. “Besides, it’s bad luck to see the bride in the dress before the day, not to see some random model in a dress.”
“Yeah, well, don’t you want it to be a surprise?”
His eyes flicked down, smirking a little at the swell of your breasts hanging from the robe your wore that was falling open the more you reached to get the brochure back, and you gave up on that tactic, rounding the table instead to try and grab it from him. He scooted back, the chair legs scraping against the bare concrete floor, a loud laugh on his lips to match the giggles you were letting out as the war became a game.
“Mitch! If you keep this up, I’ll purposefully buy a really awful dress! Something from the eighteen hundreds with frills and layers, and I’ll look like Little Bo Peep!”
“Baby, I’d marry you even if you were wearing a potato sack.” As you reached for the folds of paper, he snatched your wrist in his other hand, tugging you into him until you were perched across his lap, a leg dangling on either side of his on the chair, and he wrapped that same arm around your waist, connecting them behind your back to hold you securely, and your own looped his neck. “But, please don’t wear something with frills and layers and a thousand buttons, because it’ll make it way harder to have our first dance if I can barely reach you over a puffy gown.”
“I’ll wear something a little bit more modern, then. I’d hate to miss our first dance.”
You brushed the tip of your nose against his, lips brushing together as he smiled, and you heard the magazine drop away to the ground, before both hands were splaying out over your back, and pushing you closer, until your chest was pressed to his, and you were looking down at him, sharing a breath. “Besides, kitten, don’t you think you should wear something that I’ll be able to get you out of easily when we get to be alone, afterwards?”
“Well, I think I should get something cheap, because I have a feeling you’re going to rip it.”
He growled under his breath, catching your lip with his teeth and tugging gently, before pressing a kiss to the edge of your mouth, hands moving down to sit on your ass, as he pressed another kiss to your jaw, and then your cheek. “Don’t tempt me.”
“Not tempting, I just know you too well. If previous experience in pretty gowns is anything to go on.”
He chuckled, nodding his head, before wrapping his arms around you fully, face resting in your neck as he settled in to hug you, prompting you to squeeze yourself a little more firmly around him in response, a hand coming up to brush through the long and messy tendrils of hair on his head. “I love you.”
“Love you too, Mitch.”
Your food was growing cold, half-eaten and still sitting out, but you were much more invested in soaking up every second of the loving embrace he was offering you, and so you were more than happy to remain this way, wrapped up in his arms, for as long as he would take it.
The time slipped by, mumbled conversations taking place, and the hands on the clock ticking over the o’clock marker and beginning the afternoon, the late lay in that the two of you had indulged in giving a glorious delay to the day. Lazy and relaxed, it was exactly how you wanted to spend your late-Christmas, and when he finally shifted to check the clock himself, he merely huffed, the hot breath fanning over your neck and making you twitch a little as it tickled, and he loosened his hold on you to let you go.
“Do you still want to have a Christmas lunch? I can set everything off, but it’ll be more like dinner with this timing.”
“I think it’ll be fun to have it later, we can eat while watching movies. We can drag all the blankets and cushion we still have down onto the floors and make it cosy.” He merely nodded, before standing with you still in his arms, stealing a final kiss from your lips as you giggled, the grip on your thighs loosening as you sank to the ground, finding him now looking down at you, lips pressing to your forehead once he let you go. “Go light the fire in the living room, it’s a little cooler today. We should get the heating going earlier.”
“You got it, soldier.”
He smiled bashfully, nudging you towards the empty doorway, knocked through to make it all more open plan, and you could feel his eyes still lingering on you a little as you wandered through to the main room. Settling before the cold fireplace in a comfortable position, you assessed what you were seeing before you, noting that it was filled with old ash, days having passed since the two of you had emptied it. Dragging out the collecting tray underneath, you tipped it into the bucket, the edges stained, trying not to let the dust escape into the room too much, and tipping it carefully so that it didn’t cloud in the air.
While the house did have heating, it had all been disassembled and the heaters taken from the walls for the renovations, the two of you seeming to have missed that when planning your work to take place inside over the Christmas period, leaving the house cold unless you lit the fire.
When the grates were clear once again, You began to scrunch up the pages of the old newspapers and letters that were no longer in use, creating a range of tight and loose balls of paper form them, and beginning to stack them in the fire. Small kindling followed, twigs and little chunks of wood, coal to follow, to keep the heat going for longer, burning quietly. It didn’t take much longer of patting around yourself and searching to find the matches, the almost empty box being revealed to you, and with a single strike, a flame was taking up at the end, and you buried it within the pile. The newspapers took a light quickly, flames roaring up within seconds as they burned brightly, the paper becoming ash after only a minute or two, but it had been long enough for the smaller wood to catch.
The flames were duller, but the heat was already beginning to pour off of the fireplace as the smaller wood caught fire, crackling a little as it went, the black chunks of coal starting to smoke slightly, turning ashy grey where flames touched, and there was no way it would go out now. Adding some logs on top for a longer burn and more enjoyable smell, you deemed it a job well done, wiping your hands clean on the rag hanging beside the fireplace, and placing the grate over the front, hauling yourself up to stand.
Eyes closing in on the ash bucket, you were tempted to leave it there, but foreseeing the accident of tripping over it and spending house cleaning up ash was more than enough to motivate you, the images flashing behind your lids when you closed them. Mitch was tinkering in the kitchen, the dull clashes of pots and pans, the sink occasionally switching on and off, hearing him shuffle around and chop as he prepared you both a meal, and you moved across the room, swapping your robe out for one of his hoodies and a coat to combat the cold air.
Grabbing the bucket and taking it with you, a shiver ran down your spine at the cold air that swept over you from the second that you stepped out and onto the porch, the swing bench squeaking as it rocked in the slight breeze, and you looked around for a pair of boots. Tugging on wellies for the trek through the slippery mud and frosty grasses to the compost pile at the end of the first field, you set off towards it, arms tightly wrapped to your body to seal out the heat.
A short walk all things considered, but it felt like miles in the biting cold, and your fingers were trembling against the cold metal of the bucket as you tipped it all out, stomping it down a little with your foot and covering the dry dust over so that it wouldn't blow away all over the place, knowing just how good it all was for the fields.
The two of you hadn't quite decided what you wanted to do with the land yet, but you still had plenty of time to make up your minds. Mitch wanted to go for the full traditional farm life, with animals and agriculture and the whole shebang. You wanted to take a more modern turn, with pretty gardens and orchards, maybe grow fruits and vegetables, something simpler but not requiring the work that potatoes and pigs would take. After all, it was just the two of you, right now. That little collection of books and leaflets was still sitting unopened, the two of you having agreed to leave that decision until after your house was finished, and everything else was settled, instead of burdening yourselves with too much at once.
As you made your way back, you took in everything around you. While the area may look a little barren and empty right now, you had big plans for it all, the house being the main feature, standing out like a sore thumb as it looked beautiful and prominent with all it’s redecorating in opposition to the abandoned and somewhat desolate landscape around it, even the barn still needing redoing.
Placing to bucket down on the edge of the porch, you spun, hands tucked into your pockets as you considered the tall wooden structure.
It hadn't been used much since your grandparents had owned the farm and all of the land around it, keeping it traditional, back when there had been a tractor and plough that would park inside with hay bales and spare supplies, all of which would contribute or the farm, but had eventually broken or been sued up, never replaced. You could barely remember what it was like inside now, not having been in there since you were a child, your father telling you all about how he’d play and hide in here when he was a child, but your memory was fuzzy.
As you approached it, you found chains locked tightly through the weakened handles on the chipping wood, a large coded padlock keeping them closed, and you smirked to yourself a little, lifting the freezing metal up to examine it. The numbers were almost worn away, yet still just enough visible for you to work with, and you tried your birthday on it, finding that the lock didn’t budge. Your birthday had always been your father’s passcodes and passwords, a fact you’d discovered when you were twelve and never told him about, so you had unimpeded access to everything, but clearly not this.
Despite your peaked curiosity, you had almost given up, before remembering that this was your grandparents’ barn, and likely still had their code on it unchanged from when they realised their son was going into the army, and wouldn't run their farm. Trying your dad’s birthday, the lock popped loose, enabling you to untangle the chains and leave them hanging open as a muffled ‘aha!’ fell from you. The doors were heavy as you pulled on them, large wooden frames that were stiff from years of disuse. The hinges were rusted, and so you were just about able to get one open enough to slip inside, the musty smell of farms and equipment overwhelming your senses, bringing back memories you didn’t know you had forgotten from when you were a child.
There was lighting, but you didn’t think it would still work, flicking your hand over the switch, and as expected, they didn’t light up. The stairs were damaged, floor was strewn with old hay and broken equipment, useless bits of equipment, and you could see just enough of it all from the gaps in the wood that served as windows. It was large, even larger than you’d remembered, the wooden framework appearing smaller on the outside than it was on the inside, and the pipes along the walls were broken.
Following the trail along, they met at a sink in the corner of one room, a large bathtub that was caked in mud, and you assumed that it had always been the place where your grandparents would wash up after a hard day’s work, before going back up to the little farmhouse, as not to trail mud through the home. The wood of the walls rattled slightly, doing nothing to keep out the cold as some wood even began to give way, looking as though it was in desperate need of repair, but a little TLC would go a long way into transforming the space.
Upstairs was far more exciting, or it had been, when you were younger. The balcony overlooked the lower floor, a higher platform where the centre missing to look down on the main floor, and you’d loved to play hide and seek up here when you were barely above hip-height on your father, feeling like an adventure just for going up the steps. The bannisters and barricades were snapped and broken now, years of misfortune taking them, but it was a simple fix. The space would be infinitely better once all the leftover crap had been hauled out of it, and it was stripped bare for renovations.
You were wound up in your thoughts, jumping a little as the main door scraped some more, your lover squeezing his way inside, looking around the lower floor, before dragging his gaze up to find you at the top of the steps. A warm coat wrapped around him, feet shoved into wellies like your own, pyjamas pants ruffled from the action and he looked adorable, a grin taking over his face as he looked at you.
“Thought you’d be up in your closet sorting out our clothes and keeping warm, or something. Didn’t expect to have to hunt you down in a barn when the temperatures are dipping so low.”
“It’s freezing out here, right? There’s absolutely no insulation in here.” He chuckled, unsure of where that statement was going but watching as you came darting down the steps, and meeting you halfway, producing a hand from his pocket to take your own, fingers weaving together, before he was hiding them both back in the warmth it had once been, holding you tight to his side and following your gaze to look around. “It would be better, with some insulation and panelling.”
“Much better, I agree.”
“If we did it up real nice, painted it like the main house, it’d make a pretty great living space, don’t you think?” He hummed, eyes narrowing as he looked around, clearly not seeing the same thing you are but not wanting to voice it, and you grinned, the hand that wasn’t joined with his and tucked in his pocket waving in front of yourselves. “It has a water supply, so there could be a kitchen and bathroom down here, in the far corner, and some couches. A TV set up, a little coffee table, a whole load of nice rugs to keep the floors warm. Upstairs, a bed, and all the storage, a simple but effective living space.”
“I guess so, but we don’t really need it.”
“Of course, we don’t.” You bumped your shoulder against his, and he lifted his arm up, keeping his hand held with yours but letting you snuggle under his arm, instead, drawn close to his body for warmth. “But, it would be great for dad. He’s not home a lot, but it would be a great place for him to know he can come back to when he’s not on deployment, and inevitably retire to.”
A warm laugh bubbled up beside you, the man shaking a little as the sound rumbled from him, and you turned to face him, quirking a brow. “We’re kicking your dad out of the farmhouse, now? He’s not gonna’ like that.”
“Yeah, well, we’re going to need privacy when he’s home.” You poked his side lightly, watching a cheeky expression filter over his features as he stared out at the barn, cogs working inside his mind as he began to picture it like you were, and you turned to look at it all yourself, mentally constructing the perfect home for your father. “Besides, his room and the guest rooms might want to be something else, someday.”
You heard his breathing hitch, his gaze locking not you, and two fingers hooking under your chin to turn your gaze back to him. He choked down the lump in his throat, seeming a little nervous, nibbling on his lower lip before finding the words. “Do you mean as, like, baby rooms? Nurseries and kids rooms?”
“Yeah, I do.”
He let out a shaky laugh, sniffling a little as tears lined his eyes, your brows furrowing as you twisted to face him, bringing your hands up to his cheeks and cupping them, using your thumb to wipe away the first tear that fell. “We’re going to have our own little family? I get to have that, with you?”
“Oh, ‘course you do, honey.” His vulnerability was making you emotional yourself, tears burning in your eyes at the bright expression on his face, and he pressed a series of needy and quick kisses to your lips, between short gasps of breath, wet cheeks and lashes sticking together as he did, unable to contain his smile.
“I’ve always wanted kids, my own family, to be a dad.”
“I know.” You whispered, fingers stroking delicately over his skin as he still trembled a little under your touch. “You okay?”
“I’m so much better than ‘okay’. Every moment with you just gets better and better, I’ve never been this happy before.” You stood for a few moments longer, before the chill was becoming too much, and he was dragging you back to the main house, pausing only to redo the lock and chains on the rickety barn doors. It had a lot of work to do, but you had more than enough time, not planning to have a baby any time too soon, too much for the pair of you yet to do, but the day would come along one day, and now, you had a plan.
As you reached the door, kicking off your boots together and standing them up neatly, he took your coat for you, hanging it up inside and sealing the door against the cold, your skin tingling ad the warmth of the house embraced you, and he rubbed his hands up and down your arms, pressing a kiss to your head as he stood behind you, warming you up a little, and you wiggled your toes in your socks as you regained the feeling within them.
“We have a couple of hours to kill before dinner is ready.” He mumbled, the feeling of his voice vibrating along your skin making you grin a little, ticklish assault drawing giggles out of you as you tipped your head back a little further for him. He took the access granted to him, wet mouth closing further over soft and exposed flesh, his teeth beginning to join the mix, scraping enough to make you shiver. “Any ideas on what we could do?”
“Yeah, I have a few..”
He hummed happily, hands on your hips to turn you around, until your nose was bumping against his, and he could flick his tongue out just enough to tease at your lips, a smirk forming on his face. “What did you have in mind, kitten?”
“Something dirty, we haven’t done it in a while. We can get all the stuff out.”
“I like where this is going.” He whispered, leaning down to catch your lips with his, whining when you pulled back enough to keep him chasing, puckered lips forming a growl as you denied him affection. You gave in, leaning in enough to peck at his lips, dragging your kisses along his cheeks as you cupped his face in your hands, and he let out a soft and breathy laugh as you did.
“Is that a yes?”
Your lips were brushing the shell of his ear, and you flicked your tongue out a little, just over the shell, feeling him tremble slightly underneath you in response, fingers flexing against your hips. “Absolutely it is.”
“So, you agree? We should do some cleaning?”
He huffed, pulling back, an unamused look on his face as he stared down at you, and you beamed up at him, thoroughly entertained by the way a moody was look was flashing over his features, and he pouted, not wanting kisses but instead wanting attention instead, and his hands pulled away, dropping down to his sides as you laughed at him.
“Oh, c’mon, baby. I’m just messing with you.”
“It’s Christmas.” He mumbled, grouchy as he tried to readjust himself through his pants, an uncomfortable look passing over his face as he did, and it only made you giggle more. “You’re not supposed to be a tease at Christmas.” You dragged your hands over his chest, pushing one up until it was tangling in the grown-out hairs that were deeply in need of some brushing and cutting, nails scratching at his scalp. Despite how much he wanted to keep up this act, he was already beginning to crumble, head leaning a little to press into your touch, and features softening the more you soothed him.
“It’s always a good time to be a tease, I have to keep you on your toes. Keep it exciting!”
He chuckled, rolling his eyes and bringing his hands up to find your cheeks, pulling your mouth up to his. It wasn’t the kiss you were expecting, it was a lot softer, more romantic and passionate, his tongue never dipping out to find yours, but simply your mouths working together in sweet and delicate exchanges. Thumbs were brushing over your skin, rubbing calming patterns and you sighed out happily against his mouth, stepping in closer until you could feel the warmth radiating from him, barely an inch between your bodies, and you wondered how it was possible that after all the time you’d been together, he still managed to make your heart race like this.
“I love you, Mitch Rapp.” Your words were whispered into his mouth, and he nodded his head, not breaking away long enough to return the words, before everything about the moment was changing. Sweet and romantic was crashing into a burning inferno of passion and need, teeth nibbling at your lower lip as he tempted them apart, wet articles tangling together as the desperation between you arose.
Hands were circling around to your back, lower and lower along your body, until he was taking handfuls of the fleshy mounds of your ass, pulling you in so close that your breath was knocked from your lungs at the impact of colliding, arching up into his chest with each drag of blunt nails over your covered skin. His bruisingly tight grip was making you whimper just at the touch, and his mouth continued to dominate over yours, a delicious attack that was leaving your lips stinging and raw as you kissed him back with equal force.
The moment that his hands slipped to your thighs, his legs bending as he braced himself, you took your queue, familiar with the unspoken signals between you both by now, and your legs wrapped around his waist as he lifted you into his arms, your own looping his neck. He was able to navigate the home expertly by now, knowing his way around without even a single hitch, and the first you knew of it was when your back was meeting cold sheets.
You gasped, arching up into him, and with the break in the frantic kisses came hickies along your neck. A wet mouth, descending along your skin to suck at your neck, teeth teasing and lips sucking until you were so tightly wound up with need that you thought you may burst at any moment.
He took his time, marking you up as though the two of you had all the time in the world, and while technically you did, you wanted to rush through to the main event, the drawn-out build-up making your head spin as it drove you wild, needing to feel him more than you wanted to simply imagine it. There were times when the foreplay excited you, when you’d spent hours kissing him, teasing him, rocking your hips down into his lips he was doing to you now until every part of you was sparking with excitement, making every touch he gave you even more thrilling.
This wasn’t one of the times, though. This was a time when you needed him now, when you needed to be joined to him in the most intimate way that you possibly could. You weren’t sure why, maybe it was just because it was the most wonderful time of the year, festive activities and jovial emotions heightening everything. Or, maybe it was the revelations that had come to you today, the two of you planning for your future always made you overflow with adoration for him, because he was committing himself to you in every possible way he could.
Every inch of your skin felt itchy, like you craved to be connected to him with every fibre, each cell in your body lighting up with the need to connect, and with your legs locking around his hips, you flipped him over, until he was staring up at you through wide eyes, cheeks flushed and a smirk painted in place of his usual endearing smile.
Your hands found the hem of your jumper, tugging it up and over your head, throwing it away to the floor as you felt like you were burning up with heat, and he sat up quickly enough to be able to help you with your t-shirt as that was next, lifting over your arms once you had it over your head.
“Y’know, I usually like to be the one getting to undress you.”
“You were taking too long.” You retorted, your hands dragging along his stomach, finding the hem of his shirt, and he raised his arms up over his head to let you peel it from his skin, hot to the touch as your fingertips as you traced the faint scars and hairs littered along and between his pecs. The muscles jumped under your touch, and you pushed him back down into the bedding, a breathless chuckle sounding from him, and he bent his arms, propping them under his head. The veins along his biceps made your mouth feel dry, and you leaned down, the tip of your tongue tracing along one until it disappeared at his shoulder, and you placed a kiss there, feeling him twitch a little at the featherlight touches.
“Forgive me, darling. I was trying to make it romantic.”
“No, you are getting back at me for being a tease.” You whispered, using one finger to push his head to the side, and he growled a little as you did, the sound cracking and breaking off as you sucked against the pulse point on his neck. His heartbeat was racing, the patch of skin throbbing as you worked to leave a large mark on his skin that would glow dark purple for days to come, and his breathing went shallow as you worked at the patch.
It was rare that ever let you have control enough to leave lovebites on him, the marks you littered on his skin were usually red marks along the skin of his back or nail prints on his shoulders, bite marks littered along his flesh as you tried to quiet yourself. It was the same way he would to you when you got so desperate that he’d fuck you wherever you were the honeymoon phase of your relationship lasting right up to your actual honeymoon, the two of you still driving one another crazy by a single lingering glance.
It was exactly how you knew that he was the one, that he meant the world to you and would always be your other half, because no matter what, the love and passion between you never dulled.
“Maybe I was getting back at you a little bit, but does that make you think you can take over?”
“Maybe it does.” His hands found your hips, and you rocked in his touch, grinding yourself back along the strained length that was tenting his sweatpants, and he bucked up into you as you did. Every roll you made back along his length, he met you with an equally forceful thrust, moans beginning to leave you as the pace picked up, and your fingers were curling into fists within the bedsheets as you simply tried to control yourself. “Fuck, Mitch..”
“Well, that’s exactly what we could be doing.”
He flipped you back over, and undignified and unaccepting sound on your lips as he took the power once again, the battle between you both becoming more erotic with every twist and turn of your bodies. He kissed all the way along your chest until he could sip his tongue below the hem of your pyjama pants, hot breath fanning over your skin, before he was peeling those down your legs.
You stood, sinking to your knees slowly as you dragged his sweatpants and boxers down his body, hands massaging your way back up his legs, fistfuls of his round ass making him jump, groaning under his breath and cheeks flushing pink at the attention that you gave to his body, the blush spreading right along to his chest. Kissing along his hips, he tangled a hand into your hair, stealing your thunder because as the strands were tugged, stinging against your scalp, you were putty in his hands once again.
Instinctually, your mouth fell open, a wicked look flashing across his features as he pushed the head of his cock between your lips, that dripping tip being all he let you have to begin with.  Sealing your mouth around him, he let out a string of appreciative noises in the forms of curses praise, your tongue dragging over his slit, a moan rippling through you at the salty taste of his precum spreading through your mouth.
You focused your attention there, tongue swiping and circling him, making sure his skin was soaked, and as you made to sink down further, he pulled away, wet cock smearing across your cheek and his thumb slipping into your mouth instead.
As you suckled on the digit, his fingers spread out over your neck, tips digging into the flesh, and your thighs clenched together, rubbing needily to try and quell some of the fire threatening to burn you up.
“You horny, baby? You need my cock, hm?”
You nodded, knowing he didn’t want you to use your words to reply, and he let out an approving sound as you did, pulling his thumb back, and sinking his index finger between your cheeks. This time, as you lapped at the finger, he continued to go, prodding back until you were gagging around him, tears lining your eyes and you were certain that the panties you were wearing would be ruined, because the feeling of being so completely and utterly under his control was something that always made you crazy.
He cared for you, he was dedicated to you, and every single time that the two of you had been together, he’d given you his sole focus, making you the most important thing in the world to him at that time, giving you everything you wanted, and now, you wanted to care for him.
“Want t’ make y’ feel goo’.” Your words were muffled, his brows raising, and he pulled the wet finger back, trailing over your skin and leaving it wet as he tipped your head up to look at him. He was prompting you to repeat yourself, and you licked at your lips, smiling at him a little as you tried to steady yourself. “I wasn't to make you feel good.”
“Trust me, kitten, I always feel good.” There was a smirk on his face, and despite having no instruction to do so, you scratched your way lightly up his thigh until you were taking his cock in your hand, pumping him slowly. His jaw dropped, eyes fluttering to half-lidded when you squeezed, and he thrust lightly up into your hand to meet you. “Mhm, good girl, just like that.”
You grinned, hand shifting further down, and you took him back into your mouth. The hand in your hair loosened a little, going lax as he relaxed under your touch, eyes sliding closed as your mouth worked along his length, sinking further and further down with every bob of your head. When you no longer needed to pump him, reducing him to a grunting and moaning mess above you, your hands were finding his thighs, gripping on tightly enough to leave imprints of your nails in the solid muscle.
Your cheeks hollow, sucking along his length tightly, and the vein along the underside of his cock throbbed along your tongue as you flattened against hit, a moan echoing through you and vibrating along is length, the fingers in your hair twitching. “Touch yourself, baby.”
Your eyes snapped up, finding that at some point he had lifted his head to look down at you, brows raised, and he lifted one heavy arm to brush the hair back out of your face, gathering a more competent ponytail out of your hair, a firmer grip, and he began to control the speeds of your movements once again. You adjusted yourself, legs widening when his foot tapped against the insides of your knees, and your hand slipped down to prod at your folds.
You moaned around him once again as your fingers brushed over your swollen clit, his hips bucked up and into your face and making you gag around his length, and he nodded approvingly as he watched you begin to please yourself. Working slow circles over the nub, electricity shot through your body, and you let him guide your head slurping and sucking at his cock, wet and filthy as you pleasured him, and the sounds he was making above you were enough to fuel your own bliss.
Working your fingers in tandem with the pace of his bobbing, the feelings racing through your veins was enough to dull the ache in your jaw and hide the tears beginning to spill down your cheeks as he tapped continuously at the back of your throat. Wetness was building up, slick pools within the cotton of your panties that were making it hard for you to move as the material restricted you, and you whined at the lack of available options, wanting more but unable to obtain it.
“As much as I love getting to watch you swallow everything I give you, that’s not right now. I want to fuck you first, kitten. Get up here.”
As he pulled you off of his cock, your head tipped back to face upwards, strings of saliva snapping as his shining cock pointed upwards, angry and red and needy for a climax, and you took gasping breaths, clambering to your feet on shaking legs as he supported you. Hooking his fingers into your panties, he snapped the elastic against your skin, and you grinned, turning in his hold and ignoring the huff he made, because he was moaning loudly a second later.
Pressing up and into him, you bent at the waist as you dragged them down your legs, wet core rubbing along the length of his cock, and he gripped at your hips, one hand smoothing across your back halfway through standing up, keeping you bent over. “Y’know, I was going to do this romantically. Fuck you real good, wrap you around me, kiss you while you came. But now, I think I want you on your hands and knees.”
He placed a rough spank to both sides of your ass, a cry sounding from you before he was pushing you toward the bed, and you stumbled a little, kicking off the panties wrapped around your ankles to be able to crawl back onto the bed. The mattress dipped underneath his weight as he crawled up onto the space behind you, groping at your ass, the head of his cock sliding through your folds and gathering in your wetness.
He lined himself up, cock stretching your entrance as he sank into you, and your forehead dropped down to your folded arms, a loud whine of his name being all that sounded out into the room to accompany the dragged out sound he was making, pleasure surging through him.
As soon as he was fully encased within your walls, he gave you a moment to adjust, and when you were ready, you began to rock your hips back into him. It was slow movements at first, rocking your hips into him, small circles as you adjusted. His large girth always required you having a minute to acclimate, and he was more than happy to waist, but by the flexing of his hands on your waist, you could tell he was scarcely holding himself back from going wild.
“You can go. Please, Mitch, I need it.”
He chuckled, pulling back almost entirely out of you, setting a slow and steady rhythm. “I know you do, sweetheart, I can feel it. You’re clenching around me so tight.” Your walls fluttered at his swords, the raspy voice in which he praised you was enough to make you whimper, sounds muffled as you bit down on your lower lip, and he tutted. “Did I tell you to be quiet? You know how much I love to hear all those pretty noises you make.”
He pinched your side, making you squeak a little, before a hand was wrapping around your middle, and pulling you up until your back was pressed to his chest. Fingers spreading out wide over your stomach, the other slipped up to your throat, pressure being applied lightly, and the rhythm of his hips was becoming more aggressive and deep with every second that passed. You were squeezing around him, every roll of his hips that slammed into you with enough force to drag against your sweet spot made broken calls of his name sound out.
“If you want to be quiet, though, maybe I’ll keep you quiet, huh?” His fingers tightened, squeezing enough to make your vision spot, and you cried out his name, but it was barely a whisper when it was voiced.
You tried to move back into him, meet his pace, but he was slamming his length in and out of you with motions that you couldn't keep up with. Your eyes were rolling back in your head, no thoughts able to be processed as the inside of your head was chanting a mantra of his name, alongside begs and please that you weren't even sure what for.
Reaching a hand up behind you, you held onto him, hand in his hair and tugging, until you could twist your head to catch his lips. It was a messy and rough kiss, all tongues and teeth, pent-up need and pure love shining through as the two of you fucked your way right through your connection. You almost missed the hand on your stomach slipping lower, until he was rubbing uneven and jagged patterns onto your clit, your entire body jerking as you crashed into your orgasm.
He choked on his breath, biting down roughly on your lip as you clamped around him, and the peak caught you both off-guard. You Cried out, both in pleasure and pain, and he released your lip from his touch, licking soothingly over the patch and whispering an apology into your mouth while his eyes rolled in his head. Your foreheads were pressed together, and when you became too weak to hold yourself up anymore, your body dropped forwards.
Your cheek pressed to the mattress, and he followed after you, one hand beside your head curling in the sheets as the other held onto you with a vice-like grip, sloppy pounding and erratic thrusts making you claw at the bedding. The overstimulation was too much, and tears were once again finding your eyes. Those screams you’d denied yourself earlier were coming to claim you in full ails now, his name a loud sob on your lips as the coil in your stomach continued to wind up, fire burning over you.
Your entire body was sparking with energy, and as he stiffened above you, pulling himself out, you collapsed down into the bed. You were still twitching, body hanging on the precipice of your second climax, and you were granted it only moments later.
Two fingers, slamming into you without warning, pumping so quickly that stars flashed behind your eyes, and your throat was raw with the sudden scream that you let out. Our legs thrashed, arms cramping and knuckles aching with how hard you gripped into the bedding, riding through your peak on his hand.
“Mitch! Hold on!”
“Again.” He hissed, giving you only a seconds reprieve as he flipped you over, a hand on your stomach to hold your hips down, wet fingers finding your weeping hole again, and your cheeks were stinging with tears as a pleasure so strong began to wash over you that you forgot how to even breathe. “Are you going to come? You are, I can feel it, walls like velvet grippin’ me so tight.”
“Please what, kitten? You want my cock, that how you want to come? Want me to fill you up, fuck this pretty little pussy full of cum, huh?” You let out a ragged moan at his words, barely able to nod your head, and he pulled his fingers back, hands spreading over your thighs to push our legs apart, settled back into the dip and sinking his cock back inside of you. Your legs wrapped around his waist, his hand trapped between your body as his fingers, soaked with your arousal stayed nestled against your bud, rubbing frantic circles onto it as you ascended into the clouds.
“Oh, fuck, Mitch!” With a final shout, you came, the bedsheets around you soaking as you gushed, hips bucking up wildly and body spasming in the bed, his form crushing you as he found his own high. Bliss was encasing you both, a bubble that only the pair of you existed within, and as ropes of hot cum filled you, he collapsed down on top of you.
He licked at your earlobe, lips brushing your ear and you shuddered, whimpering at the electric racing through your body from the action, your fingertips tingling, and he was still sitting snugly within your walls, throbbing and leaking with the aftermath. “I love you too, kitten.”
Your heart beat strongly, arms wrapping around him as you laughed weakly, catching his lips in a light kiss. It was gentle, just enough to confirm everything that had been shared between you both, before the sticky and wet feelings around you both were growing uncomfortable. He lifted you up, your body shaking as he slipped out of you, an ache that you were accustomed to taking place, and he pressed a kiss to your shoulder before standing up. He offered you his hands, helping you to stand too, and your knees almost gave out on you as you peeled yourself away from the sodden covers, the remnants of your final orgasm still dripping down your thighs.
“Go clean yourself up, baby doll, I’ll grab you some clothes.” Heat flushed along your body as something thicker than your own cum was leaking along your skin, smearing between your thighs with every small step you took, and you could hear mitch shuffling in the bedroom. The wooden floors were cold under your foot, every foot chilling you back down a little more, shivering a little with goosebumps, and your body was relieved to sit back down as you reached for the paper roll, cleaning yourself up and slumping into the seat.
Washing your hands and smoothing down your hair, you felt considerably cleaner, almost as though you were drunk as you continued to float through the skies on the high that being with your fiancé had given you. When you returned, still a little wobbly but much more stable, he had stripped the bedding and replaced it, a more Christmassy set than before laid out in its place, and he had pulled on some clothes.
Padding his way over to you, you raised your arms lazily, letting him pull on a fresh set of clothes, before shimmying you into some pants, giggles and laughs muffled between kisses and gasps when you stumbled, before finally, you were cosy and dressed again.
“That was awesome.”
“Bet your cute little ass it was.” His hand found yours, tugging you along behind him and into the corridors, the smell of the meal that was being made for the two of you floating around, and you let out a groan as yous stomach rumbled. The scent grew stronger as you moved through the house, enticing you deeper and deeper, and you stood beside him as he began to check everything over, leaning against the kitchen counter. “I had a thought about the wedding.”
“You could sound more optimistic about that.”
He chuckled, shaking his head and pecking your lips in confirmation. “I can’t wait to marry you, love. You know that, I’m just not sure how you’ll react. I know you’ve been looking into places for the wedding, and we’ve gone to look at a few venues, but none of them really felt right. Right?” You hummed, eyes narrowing to him a little, and he busied himself with poking at the turkey to check whether it was done, nudging the over door closed again. “Well, what if we had it here?”
“Like, the farmhouse here? Because it’s kinda’ in shambles at the moment. A lot of work left to be done.”
“Well, yes and no.” He sighed, still avoiding your eye a little, and you tried to shuffle a little closer towards him as he worked. “Not in the farmhouse, but what if we had a summer wedding? Something simple. We could have it outside, picnic benches in the fields when they fill up with daisies and dandelions. You’ve sent me some pretty pictures of those fields before. We could do it picnic style.”
His voice trailed off a little as he spoke, and you could tell he was beginning to doubt himself, and so you pressed up behind him, arms around his waist and pressing a kiss to the patch between his shoulder blades, feeling him relax a little under your hold. “I love it.”
“You do?”
“You’ve let me make every decision about our wedding, our house, and our future so far. You deserve an equal say, and if you want a picnic-style wedding on the farm, then that's what we’ll do. I think it sounds lovely.” He twisted to face you, hands holding onto your cheeks and thumb smoothing over your skin, a stare fixed on you that felt as though he was boring into your soul.
“I just want us both to be happy. I don’t have an opinion on a lot of it, my interior design choices are limited to bunk beds and camo.” His joke made you scoff out a laugh, brushing your lips against his.
“That’s okay, soldier, I can make the tough choices on paint colours.” He rolled his eyes, closing the gap for only a moment, and you relished in the loving touch he held you with. “Oh, my bad. You’re my farmer, now.”
“That I am.” He mumbled, a few more shirt kisses pressed to your lips, before he was pushing you backwards. “Go choose a movie, I’ll plate us up some dinner.”
You lit up, and he seemed to see it sparkling in your eyes as his lips pursed. “No.”
“You said choose a movie!”
“I meant a Christmas movie! I’m not watching ‘The Mummy’ again this week.” Your arms folded over your chest at his words, a pout on your lips and he frowned, holding sting for only a few seconds before he was whining, turning away from you to reach for plates. “I know the whole script by heart now. I’m growing to hate that film.”
“Yeah, but you love me!” Your words were sung a little as you made your way through to the living room to load up the television, hearing him mumble his reply, words you couldn't really hear, but you knew he was only confirming your sentiments. As the Christmas lights twinkled, the fire still burning and in need of new logs, the television flickering to life as your soon-to-be husband served up dinner in the farmhouse kitchen, you knew there was no place you could possibly be that would make you any happier than right here.
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cocastyle · 4 years
Robin — FOUR
Paring - Joel Dawson x reader
Word Count - 5,264
A/N - another update! sorry it took so long! I’ve been sooooo busy and it’s finals week so I’m closing up the semester. I hope to start getting into a regular—ish schedule soon!
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⭒❃.✮:▹ FOUR   ◃:✮.❃⭒
"Weakness: dogs," Joel muttered, his eyes flickering over the page he was working on. On it was a small picture of Boy attacking the creature they had fought yesterday, but his gaze fell upon the drawing that he had added at the last moment. One that looked a lot like the girl that was currently still sleeping beside him and was holding katanas in the air. Smiling softly, the boy scribbled down another word before whispering, "And Robin."
Joel glanced over at his best friend at that, his eyes slowly tracing over her face while his smile softened a little at the sight of her. He stared at her for a moment longer before turning his attention over to Boy who was watching him. "That's you," Joel said as he gestured towards the dog drawing in his journal. "It's a little rough around the edges, but that's what I get for attempting to draw with one arm."
Joel looked back at Y/N at that, smiling softly as he glanced down at his arm which she was currently resting on. He hadn't wanted to move it in fear of her waking up, so he had just been very careful and maneuvered his body so that he could draw with just one hand while the girl slept.
Boy titled his head and Joel chuckled softly as he closed his book and set it aside. "You wouldn't happen to have a power source to a ham radio in here, would you?" Joel asked as he peaked over the girl's shoulder at the dog, making sure to talk quietly so he wouldn't wake Y/N up. "'Cause I have a. . ." Boy lowered his head and the boy frowned. "Never mind."
Joel laid his head back against the pillow again, letting his other arm wrap back around Y/N’s waist as he soaked in the moment for a little bit longer. He wasn't sure how long it would be before they were able to find another place to rest that had a bed or a couch. Maybe that's why he had let Y/N sleep for as long as he had. It's definitely not because he liked getting to have her this close.
Nope. Not at all.
Although he would be lying if he said he hadn't gotten the best sleep of his life last night.
Soon enough it would be Aimee he would be sleeping with like this, Joel reminded himself. And at that thought, he knew it was time to get up and moving again if he hoped to be reunited with Aimee soon.
Sighing, Joel let his gaze fall upon Y/N once again and he smiled as he reached over and gently poked her face like he used to when they were younger. "Robin," he whispered. "Wake up." She let out a small groan and turned before nestling her face against his neck, an action that made him freeze momentarily while his cheeks became a tinge pink. "Robin, you got to get up. We need to get going."
Y/N let out a small sigh, her breath fanning against his neck and sending chills down his spine. "Not a morning person, remember?" she muttered.
"I know, but the sooner we get going, the sooner we get to Aimee," he reminded her. "And the sooner we get to Aimee, the sooner you can get back to sleeping in."
Y/N leaned back at that and opened an eye to look at the boy. Their faces were mere inches apart and she felt her heart skip a beat because of the fact, but like always, Joel didn't seem fazed. "You make a compelling argument," she finally said before letting out a sigh. "Fine. I'm up."
Joel grinned at that and Y/N let out a huff as she sat up and stretched, the movement finally allowing Joel to move both of his arms once again. The two pulled themselves up off of the makeshift bed after that and they got ready and picked up their things.
It wasn't long before they were both standing in front of Boy with their backpacks on their back once again. The dog looked back up at them, his eyes never leaving their own which made Y/N frown slightly. She bent down and Boy trotted over to her, allowing the girl to pet him while Joel watched with a soft smile.
His eyes flickered around the bus one last time before hesitating on a small object laying on a table. He was quick to pick it up, his smile widening as he said, "Huh. Look, Robin. Lipstick."
Said girl looked up and hummed in response before getting distracted by Boy once again, the dog licking her face while Y/N softly laughed. Joel continued to look at the lipstick before saying, "Aimee. Hey, would you mind if I kept this?" He looked to Boy who merely glanced at him before turning back to Y/N. "Thanks."
"All right, well. . ." Joel began, letting out a sigh as he shoved the lipstick into his bag. "This is it. Thanks for having us. I should. . .stop talking to a dog."
Y/N chuckled and looked up at Joel. "Probably," she teased earning a playful glare from the boy.
Joel held his hand out and Y/N took it before he helped her back up onto her feet. He squeezed her hand once before letting go and giving Boy a small wave. "Okay. We'll see ya," Joel said. He then began to walk towards the bus door, Y/N smiling one last time towards Boy before following after her friend.
Joel opened the bus door and hesitated as he looked out. Y/N stuck her head out beside him, the two both looking around before she said, "Looks clear." Joel nodded in agreement and hopped out of the bus. Y/N right behind him.
They started to walk off in the direction they had been heading the day before, but Y/N couldn't help but glance back at the bus with a small frown on her face. Joel noticed this almost instantly and frowned as well before gently nudging her arm. "What's wrong?" he questioned, his eyes flickering over her face in concern.
"I'm just. . ." the girl hesitantly flickered her gaze back towards Joel and sighed. "I'm just going to miss Boy. It was kind of nice being able to see a dog after all this time."
Joel gave her a sympathetic smile. "I know what you mean," he told her before wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her close to him as he squeezed her comfortingly. "After we get to Aimee's colony I'll make it my next priority to find a dog just for you, okay?"
"Cause finding a dog will be that easy," Y/N muttered with a small roll of her eyes and the beginnings of a smile starting to appear on her face.
"All I need to know is that the dog will be for you and it'll be easy no matter how long it takes," Joel assured her. "If Boy could make it this long, then there are bound to be more. Besides—"
However, Joel was quickly cut off by the sound of the bus doors opening up behind them. The two friends froze and Joel let his arm drop back down to his side as they turned to look back at the bus where they could now see Boy sitting in the entrance. He barked instantly and their eyes widened in alarm.
"Oh, hey, hey, hey!" the best friends exclaimed, both of them putting their arms up in alarm as they attempted to hush the dog.
"No, no, no. None of that," Joel insisted. "Something might hear you."
Boy stared at them for a moment before exiting the bus and walking over to them. Y/N glanced towards Joel, the two sharing a look before looking back at Boy.
"You. . .you wanna come with us?" Y/N offered, her eyes flickering over the dog who titled his head and sat down at her words.
"Okay. You can come," Joel replied, smiling softly before glancing towards Y/N. He gave her a small wink. "Found you a dog, Robin."
Y/N rolled her eyes and playfully shoved the boy making him laugh while Boy just watched them. "Let's go," Joel said after he managed to calm down his laughter. "Come on."
Y/N and Joel both turned to begin their walk once again, but Boy ran back into the bus. The two hesitated, turning back to the bus in confusion before Boy came running back out with the red dress in his mouth. Y/N put a hand over her heart, her gaze turning towards Joel who momentarily locked eyes with her before looking back down at Boy.
"Yeah, we can bring that. You want me to put it in my bag?" Joel questioned. He reached down to grab the dress but Boy instantly growled. "Okay. It's okay. I'm gonna keep it safe. I promise." Boy reluctantly let go and Joel nodded slightly before stuffing it in his backpack. "Going in the safe backpack. See? Okay, you ready?"
Boy wagged his tail and Y/N instantly smiled before kneeling down on the ground to pet the dog and give him a hug. Boy began licking her face and Y/N let out a small laugh while Joel watched them fondly. "Let's go. Come on," Joel told them. The girl looked up at him and he smiled before holding his hand out. The girl took it and he helped her up onto her feet before they began walking off once again, Y/N swinging their hands between them in an exaggerated way while Boy barked happily and followed behind them.
"Okay, that's really gonna have to stop," Joel insisted as he glanced back at the dog. Y/N chuckled and Joel looked her way, his eyes flickering over her face before down to their hands which she was still swinging between them. "I've said it before and I'll say it again, but we're kind of like Batman and Robin. I'm obviously Batman, but don't worry. Robin's pretty cool too."
Y/N playfully rolled her eyes and let go of Joel's hand in order to wrap her arms around his shoulders in a small sort of lazy hug as they walked, a thoughtful look upon her face as she asked, "What does that make Boy?"
Joel glanced her way and she let one arm drop in order to gesture towards the two of them. "If we're Batman and Robin, then what does that make Boy?" she repeated, now pointing towards the dog who was happily trotting along beside them.
Joel hesitated a moment before asking, "Have you ever heard of Bat-Hound?" Y/N shook her head, her arms falling back down to her side as she walked beside the boy. "Bat-Hound isn't really well known anyways, but he was in a few things. He was the canine crime-fighting partner of Batman and Robin for a little while. So Boy could be our Bat-Hound."
Y/N smiled softly and looked down at Boy before whispering, "Batman, Robin, and Bat-Hound." Her gaze flickered up to Joel who turned his head to look back at her. She flashed him that smile of hers before saying, "I like it."
Joel smiled back at that, his hand gently reaching out to grab ahold of her own and give it a small squeeze. Batman, Robin, and Bat-Hound.
He liked the sound of that too.
- - -
As time began to slip by, Y/N found herself feeling happier than she had in a really long time. They may have monsters to stay away from and they found themselves having to fight, but they were back on the surface. They were together and they had Boy. It was almost like she was back in the good old days before the apocalypse and Aimee, the days where it had just been her and Joel.
Sometimes she wished she could go back to those times. Everything had been so much simpler then.
Her heart hadn't been broken yet.
Y/N had to remind herself every once in a while that they were traveling so that Joel could reunite with Aimee, but when she wasn't thinking about that, she was enjoying the time she had left with her best friend. The conversations that they had, the moments where they took a break just to sit and pet Boy while they softly whispered to each other, the adrenaline coursing through their veins as they ran hand in hand to hide from monsters before bursting out into laughter once they realized how ridiculous they were. It all made her wonder why they hadn't tried living on the surface years ago.
"Robin," Joel said, elbowing the girl in her side and managing to throw her out of her thoughts. The girl winced slightly and looked to Joel who gave her an apologetic smile. "Sorry, look." She followed where he was pointing to a bush of berries. Her eyes widened while Joel was already jogging over to them.
He picked a few off and tossed them to Y/N and whispered, "Sustenance. Perfect." He began to try and peel off some more while Boy nipped at his leg and Y/! stared at the berries in her hands. "Ow. Ow! Ow!" Boy grabbed his pant leg and began pulling on him. "What. . .What are you doing?" Boy let him go and started barking while Joel furrowed his eyebrows and stared closer at the berries.
"But they look so good." Joel held it up to the light and frowned at the sight of the dark lines within. They were poisonous. One bite and he would die without question. "Yeah, you know what? I don't think I should eat these."
"Shit, Boy. He was so close to eating those. Why'd you stop him?" Y/N asked in a teasing manner, having already dropped hers once she noticed the way Boy was acting. Joel feigned hurt and threw a berry at her which Y/N quickly dodged.
She stood back up with her mouth open in surprise before saying, "Joel, did you just throw poisonous fruit at me? I thought we were best friends."
Joel just rolled his eyes with a small smile on his face as he dropped the rest of the berries and began to walk away. However, he didn't get far before something hit the back of his head. Joel stopped instantly and frowned as he turned around to see a berry now on the ground beside him.
Joel glanced up at Y/N who smirked as she wiped off her hands and said, "Now we're even." She then walked pass Joel without a second though and called out, "Come on, Boy." Boy was quick to run after her and Joel stared after the two for a moment before smiling softly and shaking his head as he jogged after them.
"Hey! Wait up!"
- - -
Dear Aimee,
Guess what? Robin and I got a dog, and he's the coolest. His name is Boy.
He helped Robin save my life from a giant frog in a pool who tried to eat me with his tongue. And then we hung out on his bus.
Man, do the three of us make a great team.
We found out we have like a ton in common too. Boy fits right in with me and Robin. I feel like the three of us can talk about anything.
You got to see us out here. We're like this iconic trio.
I don't know. Feels like when we're together, we're unstoppable.
It's crazy the things you forget about the world. Like the smells. The grass, the trees, the flowers. I had almost forgotten what Robin was like outside the bunker. But seeing her out in the world again, the sun lighting up her eyes while her personality flows around her like the wind in her hair. I hadn't realized how much the bunker seemed to suppress who she really was. And seeing her back to herself is something I would never want to see be taken away ever again.
I mean, sure, you get the occasional bloody corpse, but—
Joel let out a yell of surprise as the floor suddenly gave way below him. Before he knew it, he was falling down and hitting the ground with a loud thump, his notebook which he had been writing in going flying down beside him.
"Joel!" Y/N yelled out, Boy barking alongside her as the two scrambled over to the hole and looked down. Joel let out a groan from where he was laying before blinking his eyes open.
"I'm okay," he muttered, slowly pulling himself up onto his feet and wiping the dust from his clothes. He stuck his notebook into his backpack before taking in his surroundings, a frown appearing on his face as he whispered, "Oh, no. I fell in a hole."
"You'd make a much better Captain Obvious than a Batman," Y/N stated, a teasing smile playing on her lips while she pulled her backpack off and began rummaging around for something she could use to help the boy.
Joel sarcastically laughed from below. "I always did love you for your humor," he shot back earning a wink from the girl in response. Joel looked away at that, the corners of his lips tugging up into a small smile. "Okay, I just gotta. . .climb out. I can climb out."
"You work on doing that while I actually try and find something to pull you out. I could've sworn I packed some rope. . ." Y/N muttered. She then hesitated before whispering, "Or was that on the last hunting mission?"
"Uh. . .Robin," Joel called out, his voice pulling the girl from her thoughts as she hummed in response. "Are there any monsters that dig holes like this one? Maybe some that dig a series of holes connecting together?"
"Yeah?" Y/N said in a confused voice before her eyes widened in realization. "You're not alone down there. . .are you?"
"I don't think so," Joel admitted, his voice a little softer. The girl was quick to peak over the side of the hole, her eyes scanning the area with more attention than she had before. She could see a system of holes all connecting to the bigger one that Joel had fallen into and the closer she looked, the more she could see the dozens of bones lining the floor.
Y/N’s breath hitched in her throat and Joel tensed a little at the sound. "Joel," she whispered, her voice a little shaky. "Don't move."
"Don't move? Why? What's happening? What's down here with me?" Joel asked, his voice growing more panicked by the second.
"Joel, you need to calm down. Don't worry. I'm going to get you out of there," Y/N assured him before disappearing from up above.
Joel looked up with a panicked look flashing across his face. "Robin?" he asked, his voice growing shaky as he felt his anxiety start to take over. "Oh, no. This is bad." His eyes locked onto Boy. "Oh, this is so bad." Boy began to bark and Joel's eyes widened, "Stop. Stop it! Shh. Stop it!"
He could hear the rustling of a creature at this point coming from one of the holes right in front of him. His hands shook a little as he turned his gaze towards the hole. "Robin?" he called out again. "Please, come back. Batman kind of needs his backup right now!"
The rustling suddenly grew silent and Joel froze, his eyes flickering over each of the holes before he felt the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. The sound was now coming from directly behind him and for a moment Joel felt as if he might pass out.
He didn't know why he did it, but Joel found himself turning to look at the very hole that the noise was coming out of. Before he knew what was happening a worm looking creature came lunging out at him and Joel had to quickly jump out of the way before its teeth could sink into his face.
Joel fell to the ground and against the pile of bones. "Robin!" Joel yelled out as he desperately grabbed ahold of one of the bones before getting back up onto his feet. He could hear the noises all around him now and his hands shook due to his own nerves. "Y/N!"
Then, right as a few of the monsters were about to jump out at him something fell from up above and wrapped around his hands. Joel let out a yell and tried to get whatever it was off of him, but stopped as soon as he got a closer look at it. It seemed it be—
"It's a rope, you numbskull!" a male voice yelled out causing Joel to blink in surprise before looking up. He could now see Y/N up above with a young girl and an older looking man.
"Joel!" Y/N exclaimed, her eyes wide with fear. "Put it around your foot and grab on! Hold on tight!"
Joel did as she said, his eyes widening as the worm creatures began piling out of the holes without hesitation. "Okay, come on! Hold on!" the man told him as he began pulling Joel up. "Pull up!"
Y/N was at the top with her crossbow in hand. Her breathing was heavy, her heart beating erratically in her chest as she started shooting at the creatures that got too close to the boy for her liking. As soon as Joel had grabbed ahold of the land up above, Y/N was pulling out her katanas and jumping over him in order to slice at the few worms that had managed to make it out.
The man pulled Joel further back and exclaimed, "You wanna look at 'em? Oh, shit! That girl of yours is slicing them up like their sushi!"
Joel managed to look up, his eyes locking onto Y/N as she sliced through each of the worms as if it were nothing. One flew by her, but the man pulled out a machete without hesitation and sliced through it, nodding towards Y/N who quickly returned it while the young girl ran over to the two with a small object in hand.
"Minnow, finish 'em off," the man said. The girl nodded and threw the object into the hole before grabbing ahold of Y/N’s hand and pulling her back.
"One, two, three, four and. . ." Minnow fell silent as an explosion rang out from below, throwing dirt and work guts up into the air. Joel's eyes widened as he realized it had been a grenade while Y/N began to grin.
"Are we. . ." Joel began only to get a chunk of worm guys tossed at his face. He hesitated and spat it away.
"Always count to five," Minnow told him while Y/N rushed past her and over to Joel. She knelt beside him on the ground and chuckled softly as she reached out to pull the worm guts away from his face. She tossed them to the side and Joel gave her a thankful look.
"You okay?" she whispered, her hand reaching out to gently rest upon his shoulder. Joel's eyes locked with her own for a moment before he nodded his head. Y/N let out a small sigh of relief and squeezed the boy's shoulder once before looking back towards Minnow and the man.
"Was that a samurai sword?" Joel asked, his eyes narrowing at the two strangers while he sat up and leaned closer to Y/N in an almost protective manner.
"Why'd you fall into a Sandgobbler's nest?" Minnow questioned.
"I didn't mean to, you know. I was just. . .I was walking," Joel replied.
"He wasn't paying attention," Y/N clarified, winking playfully at the boy as she pulled herself back up onto her feet and shoved her katanas into her backpack. "Too busy writing letters in his notebook to see the big hole in front of him."
"Hey!" Joel complained.
"What's your name?" the man asked.
"Y/N L/N," the girl replied with a soft smile.
"Joel," the boy replied. "Joel Dawson."
"I'm, uh, Clyde. This is Minnow," the man told them while Minnow gave them a small peace sign in greeting.
"You're lucky we weren't monsters. You were yelling like a girl," Minnow said as she gave a pointed look towards Joel. "Oh, this is bad! This is so bad!" she mimicked in a high squeaky voice.
"Okay, I don't sound like that. My voice is not that high-pitched," Joel insisted.
"Yeah, it is."
"Yes, it is."
"It was higher than mine, and I'm eight," Minnow commented.
Joel frowned and looked to Y/N who just looked away without saying anything. His frown deepened. "Robin," the boy complained. "You're supposed to be on my side."
"Robin? I thought your name was Y/N?" Minnow muttered.
"It is," Y/N replied before holding a hand out for Joel to take. The boy quickly grabbed ahold and she helped him to his feet.
"I just. . .I. . .uh. . .call her Robin," Joel explained, wiping the rest of the monster guts off of his shirt.
"What in God's name are you two doing up here alone anyway?" Clyde asked.
"We're not alone. We have each other and we've got Boy too," Joel insisted as he pointed towards the bush where Boy was currently hiding.
Both Minnow and Clyde were quick to raise their weapons in Boy's direction. "Woah! Hey! No!" Y/N exclaimed as she began running towards Boy.
"Oh, wait, no! No, wait, wait!" Joel cried out, his hands up in the air while he glanced back at Y/N who had now reached the dog. Boy was hiding in the bushes, but as soon as Y/N reached him, he was quick to hurry to her side where the girl began to pet him.
Minnow dropped her weapons almost immediately. "Oh, my God, it's a puppy!" she exclaimed happily. Y/N looked back at the young girl and smiled before gesturing for Boy to go ahead. The dog ran over to Minnow without hesitation and Y/N watched with a fond smile as the young girl began to pet the dog.
Y/N returned to Joel's side with a small sigh of relief while the boy ran a hand through his hair. He looked her way and muttered, "They almost killed our dog."
Our dog.
The words seemed to ring through his head almost instantly and he hesitated as he realized he had just referred to Boy as being their dog. However, a smile was already beginning to take over his features at the idea of Boy being their dog and Y/N was already smiling a little too, her eyes not leaving Boy and Minnow.
"I wouldn't have let them. No one hurts Bat-Hound on my watch," she whispered, her words making Joel smile even more.
"So, uh, what happened with your colony, man?" Clyde asked. "They kick you out?"
"No, I actually left on my own," Joel explained. "Something I had to do."
"And I followed him," Y/N added.
Clyde's eyes flickered over to Joel and he gave him a pointed look. "You stole food, didn't you?" he asked.
"He's a food stealer," Minnow said.
"Yeah," Clyde agreed.
"No, I didn't steal any food," Joel insisted.
"Right," Clyde muttered while Y/N tried to hold back her laughter. Joel nudged her side with his elbow and she just gave him an innocent smile that made him roll his eyes.
"Me and my colony were really close. Like family. Okay? They were super upset that we left. Y/N knows. Ask her," Joel told them.
The two looked to Y/N and she opened her mouth before saying, "He stole food."
Joel's eyes widened in surprise while Minnow held Boy closer and whispered, "I knew it." Y/N let out a loud laugh and leaned against Joel's shoulder while the boy pouted beside her.
"Oh, come on. I'm just messing with you, Dawson," Y/N insisted, winking at the boy and reaching up to fix his messy hair while he looked away with a small blush dusting his cheeks.
Everyone fell silent when a loud noise filled the air. Y/N instantly went rigid, her hands reaching out to grab the hilts of her katanas while she surveyed the area with narrowed eyes. Joel just looked around confused beside her while Clyde and Minnow both straightened up.
"Time to go, Minnow," Clyde said, nudging the girl softly. She quickly rose to her feet and began to walk after Clyde, the two walking away and leaving Y/N and Joel to share a small look.
"Time to go? Why?" Joel asked.
Y/N rolled her eyes. "Why?" she mimicked. "Did you not just hear the ominous noise that filled the air literally a couple of seconds ago? There's obviously a monster on our tracks."
Joel shot her a small look before gazing back in the direction of the noise. "So, what. . .What, uh. . .What was that? What's going on?" Joel asked as he looked back towards Clyde and Minnow who were still walking away. He quickly grabbed Y/N’s hand and dragged her along while Boy ran beside them.
"Could've been a lot of things," Clyde replied.
"Tree Flamer. Herd Stomper. Rockdiver. Limbsnapper. Limpcrusher. And my favorite. . .the Chumbler," Minnow listed off as they began to walk further into the woods.
"Okay, I get it. A lot of. . .A lot of names," Joel muttered.
"Whatever it is, it took your screams for the dinner bell," Clyde explained. "If it's got your scent, it's gonna be on you for a while."
"Shit," Y/N muttered seeing as that wasn't exactly the kind of news you wanted to hear on your journey on the surface. "I told you to stay calm."
"You left me," Joel retorted, pointing at the girl. "How was I not supposed to freak out?"
"I was trying to find you help," Y/N insisted. She looked towards the boy, her eyes locking with his. "I wouldn't have let anything hurt you." Joel watched her for a second, his shoulders relaxing a bit for he knew the girl was right. She never had let anything harm him.
Reaching out, he gently took ahold of her hand and gave it a small squeeze before looking to Clyde and Minnow. "Hey, maybe we could, like, I don't know, come with you guys?" Joel suggested.
Minnow and Clyde both stopped in their tracks before turning around to look at them. Joel was quick to wrap an arm around Y/N’s shoulder, giving the two a big smile while Y/N smiled softly beside him.
Clyde and Minnow looked between the two before glancing towards one another. "Which way you headed?" Clyde asked.
"West," Y/N replied.
"To the coast," Joel furthered. "Jenner Beach."
"Yeah. We're not cutting north just yet," Clyde agreed.
"Not cu—Not cutting north just yet," Joel muttered.
"Come on. Come on," Minnow told them.
Joel's eyes widened in surprise and he smiled before squeezing his arm around Y/N in a small hug of excitement. He then quickly cleared his throat before saying, "Uh. . .yeah. Whatever you want. You guys want us to come, we'll come."
Y/N chuckled softly and shook her head at the boy. "Come on, Batman," she muttered before hurrying after the two.
"Okay, but does my voice really sound like a girl?" Joel asked after her, hurrying behind her with Boy on his heels while Y/N’s laughter filled the air.
And with that, the two were on their way once again, this time with three new members than they had initially started out with.
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jae-daddy · 3 years
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im jaebum mini series ft. jinyoung
one / two / three / four / five / six (final)  masterlist
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pairing: jaebum x reader x jinyoung  genre: friends, angst, jealousy  plot: you and jaebum have been really great friends. things have been going smoothly because neither of you were in a real relationship, flings? sure, but girlfriends/boyfriends? no. so when Jaebum starts going out with Emma (a bitch), you can’t help but act out <3 a/n: I'm contemplating making this a jinyoung fic lol. hope y’all enjoy. thanks for all the love and support <3
Normally, people have a grand gesture or a classic tale of how they gained their best friend. You knew this because people love the tales of first meets. They love flaunting that badge of “we connected right away” or “I hated you at first, but now I can’t imagine life without you” bullshit and of the titles they give each other.
Okay, so that was a little hypocritical.
You had called Jaebum your best friend, but technically, you had thought it. Thinking it in your head shouldn't count, saying it out loud, on the other hand, should since it's disgustingly cringe.
But it was a fact, he was your best friend. However, there was no interesting story of your first meet or the moment you became friends. It just happened.
One day you went to a party, Jaebum was a friend of a friend. You met again at other parties, exchanged socials. You posted a picture of your now-dead dog, Jaebum replies saying “cute dog, but cats are better.”
You met up for drinks, talked, had fun.
And there, you both were now best friends.
You hated it when people asked for stories. You can’t remember the first moment you met everyone. There is no way anyone could ever possibly walk into a room, look at a random good-looking guy and be like-
“Yup, that’s the one, there’s the man of my dreams,” Emma swooned as she squeezed Jaebum’s hand on the dinner table lovingly. Jaebum glanced at her offering her a smile. His eyes met yours but didn’t stay because he could read your face, and just know that you were having none of this love at first sight bullshit.
“Jaebum told me that he felt the same way when he looked at me too,” Emma added, haughty. Her blue eyes gawked at you, smugly, showing off this apparent love of the century.
You bit your lip to stop the laugh threatening to come out. You turned your gaze away from her to Jaebum who looked away as soon as his eyes met yours. A small chuckle left you, “Did he?”
Sweet Jesus, he was such a fucking liar. The party they met, he was trying to hook up with Sarah from France. He’d only ended up with Emma because Sarah had chosen Jackson over him.
Love at first sight, sure.
“Oh that’s lovely,” the male beside you said. You turned to him, your lips in a thin smile as you gave him the eye.
“I thought I said no talking,” you leaned, whispering into his ears with a smile.
“Oh, don’t be ridiculous,” he chuckled back, pecking your lips.
Ew. PDA.
“You’re so funny,” he smiled at you.
Dickdown 9/10 really needs to stop acting like he is your man. This is not a real date. You had told him that when you told him to come and eat with your friends. You were careful not to use the word ‘date’ and had reminded him all through the car ride.
But it seemed like playing boyfriend was his dream.
“Aww,” the evil witch cooed from the other side of the table. She looked over at Jaebum, who glanced straight across at you. “Aren’t they just adorable babe?”
Jaebum gave her halfhearted snort-smile combo, but Emma ignored him and continued. She looked at Dickdown 9/10 sitting directly across from her and asked, “So how did you both meet?”
“We’re just hooking up,” you cut him off before he could begin. “You asked me to bring someone because apparently seeing me coming here by myself makes you feel so sad. So I have bought someone, a friend-”
“We fuck,” Dickdown objected from beside you.
“A friend who I fuck,” you added, shrugging still looking at her. “Don’t make this more than this is.”
You gave her a beautiful smile.
She smiled, reflecting the same energy back.
“I hope you find a love divine as Jaebum and I did,” she smiled at you.
“I hope I fall in love with a random hook up one day, too,” you smiled back. You held up the beer in your hand, “For falling in love with trivial one night stands.”
“To finding love,” Jaebum gave you a stern look, as he lifted his glass. He turned to Emma placing a kiss on her forehead. “Wherever destiny takes you.”
“Oh baby,” she cooed, and you almost threw up in your mouth.
“I liked your toast better,” Dickdown smiled at you, and you saw the image of riding him on top the table flash through your mind.
“You are getting your dick sucked tonight,” you told him through your eyes. You didn’t know if he got the message, but the promise was already made.
Jaebum chortled from across the table. You turned around to face him, quirking your eyebrows at him. Jaebum just snorted as he shook his head.
“See that was fun, wasn’t it?” Jaebum jeered as you stood outside the bar waiting for Dickdown 9/10 to come back with his car. He was being responsible and did not drink; a true gentleman.
“Yeah, so fun! I am absolutely devastated the night has come to an end,” you pouted at him, making him roll his eyes. You shook your head as you faced the front.
“This is going to be the rest of your foreseeable future, you know,” you told him, as you turned to look at him. He stared at you, intently, but you didn't look away. Instead, you peered into his eyes, trying to tell him to snap out of it. “Are you sure you’re going to be okay?”
“Yes, I am okay.” He grinned at you, as your face dropped, disappointed.
You were hoping that would scare him, but he didn’t mind this dull life.
“This is what your fun night looks like now, and statistically, it will only get worse, unless you bring in a third party for fun.”
“Are you volunteering?”
“Make it just us two and I’ll make it the perfect fun night.” You smirked back. Your breath quickened as his brooding brown eyes dropped down to your lips. You licked it instinctively.
Jaebum’s eyes met yours, flickering down to your lips once more before he smiled, rolling his eyes as he looked away, “Stop that.”
“Stop what?” You smiled, innocently. You knew exactly what you were doing, but you didn’t care.
“Stop flirting with me.”
“Such accusations,” you gasped.
You winked.
“My god, you’re such a flirt,” Jaebum laughed, looking out to the road. “This is why Emma worries when we are together. She just doesn’t get that this is a joke.”
What joke? You mean it.
“Emma would be jealous of a coconut tree if you stood too close to it, Jae,” you retorted, making him give you a pointed look. “That girl is loco.”
“You think too badly of her,” he smiled, nudging his shoulder against yours. “Once you get to know her, she’s not bad. You would like her.”
“I’m sure if people spent enough time with anyone, they’d start to like them. It’s probably a minute form of Stockholm syndrome,” you shrugged at him, facing the front. You noticed as Dickdown 9/10 bought the car around. “You couldn’t get away from her, so you decided to like her.”
“You’re crazy,” Jaebum told you, a smile on his lips. He watched as you walked away from him, towards the car. He followed a few steps behind you, “This guy seems like a dick. Who the fuck doesn’t drink at bars?”
“A responsible dick who has to drive me home, and will be rewarded with very nice dominated sexual acts,” you laughed when Jaebum grimaced. “Yeah, he’s a bit of a wanker, but he isn’t too bad.”
“What’s his name?” Jaebum asked. The car stopped a few feet away from you, you turned to face Jaebum with wide eyes. When you didn’t reply he smirked, “You don’t know his name.”
“I do,” you argued.
Fucking shit, you didn’t. He was Dickdown 9/10.
You cursed yourself, you should’ve listened when he introduced himself when you both walked in.
“He’s just a friend, Jae,” you drolled, giving him a shrug.
“I’m just a friend and you know my name.”
“But that’s cause I love you my pumpkin pie,” you gave him mocking smile, as you brought your hand to your heart. “Now, bye.”
“Text me when you get home,” he called out as you opened the passenger seat.
“You too!” You stuck out the window and waved him bye.
“They were nice,” Dickdown 9/10 said as he drove away. You turned over to him, a small smile on your lips.
You reached over undoing his pants.
“And you were a good boy tonight,” you leaned over, kissing his neck, “such a good boy.”
You leaned down, wetting your lips before it wrapped around his cock.
“Fuck,” he groaned.
Was this a bad thing that bad people normal did? Definitely.
You knew that you didn’t need another person’s advice or a search on Google to know that this was a bad idea. Out there in the world of other judging people, you would be called a home-wrecker, a whore or something along those lines of insults.
You would have been affected by those words if you were say, five years younger. But when they were the actual and honest truth, why not take it with grace.
It wasn’t like you were actually going to try to break Jaebum and his lovely bitch of a girlfriend Emma up. You were just going to like him and wait for them to break up, which they will inevitably for sure.
Until then, you just need to relax and chill.
And that started with getting rid of the arm wrapped around your waist so early in the morning.
You stared at your reflection in the mirror as you lay there with his front pressed against your back.
You should’ve gotten rid of him last night.
But he was so good at dinner, you felt bad telling him to go after he did that and lived up to his nickname, so you let him stay.
Still, it was time to wish him bon voyage.
But you had too. You couldn’t do relationships.
It’s better to end it now before he starts to think this is more.
“Next time just find someone on Tinder,” you thought to yourself as you glared at your reflection. At least if it is a stranger on Tinder you wouldn’t be losing the best dick you got after dinner with your friends. But it was time for all good things to end.
You removed his arms off you and sat up on your bed staring at him. He stirred a bit at first, and then went back to sleep.
You sighed, getting up from your bed. You grabbed a t-shirt lying around that ended on your mid-thigh. You looked around for something, and decided to open the curtains was the most annoying thing you could.
“What?” he groaned, his voice all sexy and sleepy. You turned around with the light streaming in from behind you. It was a wonderful sunny day, and his voice was making you want to get back in there and have good and deserving good-bye sex.
But you stood your ground and folded your arms across your chest, “Time to leave, bud.”
“Wow, no good morning,” he moaned, but got up nonetheless. You grabbed his clothes and handed them to him.
“Thank you for the wonderful times, you were amazing.”
“This sounds like a goodbye,” he snorted putting his shirt over his head.
You looked at him with a sad smile, “This is goodbye, forever.”
“Woah,” he frowned as you gave him his wallet and car keys.
“I think it’s only fair for you to know,” you gave him a supportive smile, “You were a solid nine out of ten. A true gifts from Heaven.”
“Why not a ten?” He asked, and you frowned thinking about it.
“You were great, so I don’t think the missing point is your fault,” you bit your lip contemplating.
“Maybe its cause you’re dead inside?” He smiled like he had done something.
You nodded, agreeing, “That’s probably it. Your dick is missing that one point because it couldn’t bring me back to live.”
“Well,” you kissed his cheek and pushed him out of your room. “Bye-bye.”
You closed your door and patted your back, “That wasn’t bad. That was very good.”
“Where’s your boy toy?” Jaebum asked as he paid the cashier for his coffee.
You frowned, “You’re making me sound like a cougar.”
“And that’s bad?”
“Definitely not, that is goals. But I am still in my twenties. If I was a cougar at this age, that would be illegal.” You told him before turning to the barrister to place your order.
“Hi, how may I help you?” The perky girl said, not looking up from the screen.
“A caramel Frappuccino,” you sang, rolling your tongue.
“God, you’re embarrassing.” Jaebum sighed from beside you.
“That’ll be 7.50,” she pointed to the EFTPOS machine. You placed your card on it waiting for the beep. You looked up at the girl, getting the receipt, “Thank you.”
“How come you wanted to hang?” You asked Jaebum as you settled on a table towards the back of the cafe.
“Can't I just casually want to have a chat with you?”
“We’ve met three times already this week,” you rolled your eyes at his pout. “And asking me for coffee? That’s a bit formal.”
“Well, it is formal business,” Jaebum placed his intertwined fingers on the table with a proud smile. “I wanted to formally tell you that my book has been approved for a second viewing.”
“Oh my god!” You gasped, your eyes widening. You froze for a second, before chuckling, tears in your eyes. “Oh my god, that’s amazing. I’m so proud of you. You worked so hard. Oh my gosh-”
“I know,” he clasped your hand in his. He looked into your eyes, his eyes glistening as he gave you a sincere smile. “Thank you. I couldn’t have done it without you.”
“All I did was get you drunk,” you breathed, chuckling as you wiped your eyes before the tears ran free.
You were not going to cry in a cafe, no matter how fucking happy you were.
Jaebum just laughed, throwing his head back. He sobered and started explaining how he got told the notified, and what changes they wanted to make to the book.
“They want to change Persephone?” You frowned, she was your favourite.
“They said something about Greek mythology-”
“And something about it being impressionable to young readers,” he bit his lips.
Before you could say anything, the waitress came with two cups and a piece of chocolate cake. You looked at her, managing to give her a tight smile, “Thank you.”
“Thank you,” Jaebum smiled at her, before looking at you. He stared at your frowning face and passed you a spoon. “Here.”
You took it off him and took a bite of the cake.
“I’m not going to let them,” he said after a moment.
You looked up, staring into his eyes as he looked at you with a knowing smile.
“I’ll go to another publisher if I have to, they can’t take her away.”
“Jae,” you sighed, moved by his words. Persephone was your character; the one you had helped build. She was like your child and fictional form at once. “You just saying that is enough. You don’t have to for me-”
“She was is my favourite, y/n,” he held your gaze, and your heart swelled. “It won’t be the same without her. I can’t.”
“It’ll work out,” you patted his hand. You spooned a piece of cake and held it to him. He took the bite, licking his lip as he leaned back into his seat.
“I hope so,” his eyes darted to the doors. He held up a hand as if to grab someone’s attention. You turned to find a very attractive male walking in. Jaebum continued from behind you, “That’s why I invited the editor for a meeting.”
You turned to Jaebum, wide-eyed, “What?!”
“Smile, he’s here.” Jaebum gave you a knowing look. “You helped build her, maybe your views and ideas would persuade him.”
“Hey, Jaebum,” the good-looking editor held out his hand. Jaebum got up shaking it.
“Mr Park,” Jaebum smiled politely.
“Jinyoung is fine,” he smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
He was cute.
“This is y/n,” Jaebum gestured towards you. You just smiled, not sure if you should get up too. Jinyoung smiled, nodding, as he seated at the end of the four-sided table. “Have you ordered?”
“Yup, just as I walked in,” his voice was deep and soothing. “Do you want to talk around or get straight down to it?”
“Straight to it,” Jaebum snorted, both of them relaxing into their seats. The waitress placed the drink in front of Jinyoung, a blush blooming on her cheeks as he thanked her with a sweet smile.
You just sat back and watched him.
“I heard you have a problem with my suggestions?” He pulled out a few papers from his suitcase.
What a cunt carrying a suitcase, pretty handsome though.
“Well, that’s only because you want to get rid of arguably the most important character,” Jaebum laughed, but his tone tight.
One hour, a whole hour of going back and forth. You spent a good ten minute on a monologue of exactly why Persephone was a good character, and a great role model for young readers; especially girls.
“But would parents be comfortable with letting their kids read about a female-”
“Who fights, swears and chooses her sexual partners?” You cut him off raising an eyebrow at him. Jinyoung smiled at you, arrogantly, like what you were saying was of no value. “How are her actions any different to the male main character? Xavier does the same if not worse.”
“But parents, Miss-”
“Y/n is fine,” you smiled and continued. “Don’t be a pussy, Jinyoung. Parents don’t read books before giving them to their kids. And this is young adult, not primary school kids.”
You saw Jaebum still as he licked his lips, holding back a smile.
“Parents follow reviews,” Jinyoung’s smile grew as he leaned towards you, “Good parents do, at least.”
Red. You saw red.
“How about a compromise?” Jaebum said, making you both turn towards him. “Persephone stays, but only two partners; the rest stays the same.”
“I could convince the Board with that,” Jinyoung nodded, he glanced at you his lips quirking up. “Feminism sexuality isn’t defined by the number of people someone can sleep with. It’s about owning it. A smaller number but the same attitude will still get the same message across.”
You didn’t say anything.
What he said did make sense.
Shitty cunthead.
not edited
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maybanksbitch · 4 years
Hole (2) || JJ Maybank
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* this is not my gif; all credit goes to the owner
pairing: jj x reader
mentions: john b, pope (briefly), sarah (briefly), kiara (briefly)
prompt: jj finally shows his face after what he’s done.
requested: yes, by lots of you
warnings: language, angst, fluff (at the end)
a/n: someone said they wanted to see reader lose her shit on jj so i did my best. i didn’t want this to be too long so if you want a part 3 let me know.
part one
John B gave JJ the ass beating he deserved and your friends found you on the side of the road, knees bloody and soul broken. The blonde was gone from the Chateau when they took you back and cleaned you up.
Sarah went home and John B let you sleep with him. He was your best friend and they both knew you needed him. He held you close to his chest, thumb brushing comfortingly over your shoulder. You could hear Pope snoring from the pullout couch and Kiara occasionally waking him to make him turn over.
Your fingers brushed over John B’s injured knuckles as you started to drift off. He had a nasty bruise forming on the bridge of his nose where JJ managed to get a punch in. You felt horrible that they’d fought because of you, but you knew John B wasn’t going to let him get away with doing what he did unscathed.
Your sobs woke the brunette in middle of the night. You were sitting up on the bed, head in your hands, shoulders shaking. He sat up slowly and rested his hand on your arm.
“Why did he do this to me?” you choked out through small cries.
John B sighed and rested his cheek on your shoulder, shaking his head the tiniest bit. “I don’t know, (Y/N). I don’t know,” he muttered quietly.
The two of you didn’t sleep after that. You watched the sunrise out on the hammock.
It had been almost a month since you’d seen JJ; since all of you had. Your friends had started to grow worried. You had too, despite what happened, it wasn’t like him to just disappear for that long.
You were sitting on the couch on the screened in porch, fanning yourself with a magazine. Pope and Sarah were down at the dock fishing. Kiara got stuck helping her dad at work.
“(Y/N), want a beer?” John B called from inside the Chateau.
“Yes please!” you shouted back, desperately wanted to press the cold beverage against your hot skin.
You sat there and waited for John B to come back, smiling as you watched Sarah excitedly reel in a fish. You heard the front door open and your eyebrows furrowed.
“Get out,” you heard John B demand.
“John B-” you knew that voice. A chill ran up your spine.
“No! Get out!”
You stood quickly and walked into the house. John B was standing in the middle of the room, blocking the back door. You caught JJ’s eye over your best friend’s shoulder.
He looked like shit; absolute shit. He had dark circles under his red rimmed eyes. His lips were chapped and bruised, a split going down the middle. His cheek bone was swollen and bruised around a cut. You knew where his injuries were from and your heart beat just a little bit faster.
“(Y/N), please. Can we talk?” JJ’s eyes were on yours.
John B side stepped in front of you, hands clenching beers at his sides. You stepped forward slowly and placed your hand on the brunette’s shoulder. He turned to look down at you, jaw clenched, heavy breaths leaving his nose.
“It’s fine. Go to Pope and Sarah,” you muttered softly.
John B glanced back at JJ before his gaze returned to you, “Are you sure?”
You gave him a small smile and nodded your head once. He let out a deep breath and gave JJ one last look before turning and heading out back.
You waited until John B made it to the dock to turn back around to the blonde. He was staring at you, hands shaking and tears already brimming in his eyes. You walked over to the fridge and grabbed two beers. You walked back across the room and set one of them on the kitchen table in front of JJ.
He took the can hesitantly and you cracked them open at the same time. You quickly downed a quarter of the beer to ease your nerves. You stood on the other side of the table, making sure to keep distance between the two of you.
“You wanted to talk? Well then talk,” you said, running your fingers through your tangled hair.
JJ let out a sigh and sat down in one of the wooden chairs. He took a drink of the beer and set it back down then clasped his hands together in his lap.
“I’m sorry,” he said softly.
You were quiet for a minute, waiting for him to continue. When he didn’t, you let out a scoff of a laugh and shook your head.
“You’re sorry. That’s great.”
“I am. I’m so, so sorry, (Y/N). I wasn’t thinking straight. My dad got in my head and I was being stupid,” JJ’s pitiful eyes met yours.
You looked away quickly. You weren’t going to let his poppy dog eyes get the best of you this time. He didn’t deserve your forgiveness just yet.
“I think that’s bullshit,” you replied, staring at a picture on the wall across the room.
“I’ve have always been there for you, have I not?” you asked, seeing the blonde nod out of the corner of your eye. “I’m the one who cleans you up when your dad beats the shit out of you. I’m the one who holds you when your night terrors wake you up. I’m the one who has your back when you get in stupid fights with Kooks!”
“I know-”
“Then why did you cheat on me?!”
JJ’s first came down on the table loudly. He stood up so fast the chair scraped against the floor and tumbled over. His blonde hair hung down over his eyes as he shouted, “Because I love you okay?!”
“Oh, bullshit, JJ!” you immediately fired back. “You don’t do that to someone you love!”
“I was scared! I was scared of what I was feeling for you. But it’s true! I’m so madly in love with you I don’t know what to do with myself,” his shaky hands pushed his hair back as he rambled.
“You don’t think I wasn’t scared?! I still am! God, everyday has been hell for me because I shouldn’t still love you but I fucking do!” you were borderline screaming now, needing to get all of this off your chest and make him understand that what he did wasn’t okay. Your eyes started to burn with tears but you held them back. “I still love you even though you broke me!”
JJ clenched his jaw and dropped his head, a few tears falling from his eyes and onto the table. He wiped them away quickly but you saw.
“You know, Sarah said we’re like soulmates. She said she could tell we were in love when we looked at each other. Said she’d never seen two people go together so well,” your voice was significantly softer as you leant against the wall. Your head rested back against it and you stared at the ceiling.
“I don’t deserve you.”
You chuckled and shook your head a bit, closing your eyes, “She said that too.”
JJ picked up the fallen chair and set it back in its place, slowly sitting down again. He rested his elbows on the table and dug the palms of his hands into his eyes.
“I want you, and only you, (Y/N). It took me doing a really, really fucked up thing to realize it. I lost the best thing that ever happened to me,” JJ sniffled and dropped his hands, crossing them over his chest and grabbing the opposite shoulders. He stared at you from across the room. “Can you forgive me?”
You slowly opened your eyes and looked over at the blonde. His eyes were bloodshot from crying, yet you saw nothing but pure honestly swimming in his blue irises. You felt your heart tug. Wanting to go to him and feel yourself wrapped up in his arms again. You were like magnets pulling together.
“I need time,” you answered, turning to look at your friends through the open door. They all turned away quickly when they saw you looking. “We have to build that trust again. I have to heal,” you explained and looked back at JJ.
He nodded and rested his chin on the joint where his arms were crossed. He looked out the open door as well and watched as John B started making his way back up towards the house.
“Think there’s any chance he’ll let me stay here?”
You smiled softly and pushed away from the wall. “I’ll talk to him,” you assured the blonde boy.
You walked out and met John B halfway through the yard. There was a small argument but eventually the brunette caved and went inside to welcome JJ back home. He didn’t apologize for busting up his face though, and the other didn’t expect him to.
You sighed and looked out at the water, watching it dance in the sunlight. It felt like the weight on your chest had lifted slightly and you could breathe again. That hole in your heart closed the slightest bit as well and with time, maybe it would close completely.
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roxiestranger19 · 3 years
OBX2 spoilers ahead this is your warning‼️‼️
(also apologies i don’t know how to do the read more thing)
k so i really liked this season! except in the beginning i didn’t really like how it was mostly focused on john b and sarah like i get it, they’re trying to get the gold and it’s important but i mean my jj baby wasn’t there so it was low key boring for me💀💀
but anyways, YALL i realllly loved seeing the pogues in school like idk it just made me really happy seeing there dynamic in school and how they just give zero shits about what anyone thinks about them😁😁
k but i literally nearly had a heart attack when sarah got shot and basically died like my girl flat lined and somehow survived?? seriously she is immortal my god. and taking her to that sketchy ass doctor 😬😬not the brightest decision and when they just lost the gold all together made it seem kinda pointless
i really loved the whole thing with pope and the cross and stuff. like pope isn’t really my favorite character but i liked the plot line and it gave them something else to solve, though the creepy crutch lady (i forget her name lol) i did not fuck with her, she and renfield were not it for me
ok but literally everyone almost died multiple times and that really gave me so much unnecessary anxiety like i knew no one was gonna die because i just don’t think they would do that but some parts were pretty close. like sarah got shot and died and got resurrected, kie got stuck in the sewer thing, pope and the bees, john b nearly died in prison and my baby jj nearly drowned🥺🥺seriously i knew he wasn’t gonna die because of the scene in the trailer but it was close man 😬😬
ok while we’re on this let’s talk about kie and pope vs kie and jj. y’all when i tell you i cringed during the kie/pope scenes i- 🤮🤮 however, kie was being such a bitch to pope- like using him for his body and shit! really pope had a reason to be mad at her but i’m glad they “broke up” it was so awkward and i hated seeing jj third wheeling the whole time just like 👁👄👁 ok kie and jj😍😍honestly the jiara moments were pretty slim this season 😭 i loved the part when jj saw his dad and stuff it just reminded me of season 1 and it put me in my feels and like kie being all protective of him 🥰🥰 like every time they were together i was squeeling so hard!! omg when they were forced to stay in the crate together i was really hoping we would get a confession or something! but no, they really be doing this slow burn shit😩😩but i do think it’s good. it would be weird if kie jumped from every guy in the group all at once but jiara is endgame no denying. and obviously i LOVED the boat scene at the end- kie was so worried for him (SO WAS I OMG) and yeah
CLEO YALL I LOVED CLEO she did not get NEARLY enough screen time. she’s always just vibing and hanging around and just doing whatever tf she wants. a literal queen i love her so much. i’m so happy that she decided to help the pogues and go with them at the end and i really hope we get to see more of her in future seasons
ok but i HATE WARD AND RAFE (everyone does) but like i knew ward didn’t die like it was just too easy but i hate that he came back and just kept going on and on and on and on and on like god just stop PLEASE and rafe 😡😡😡i hate him SO much like just stop y’all are already rich as hell just like chill out for real i hate them
i was so frustrated tho when they lost the gold and then just gave up and started focusing on the cross and then lost it too. like it was all so pointless and frustrating and kinda got boring after awhile ngl i just hope in the next season we see more of them just vibing and chillin and being normal and causing normal teenager trouble on the island and then maybe the gold gets back to them somehow idk (also jj didn’t get his dog which was very disappointing my baby just needs something)
in conclusion i thought the season was good! the humor was there and hilarious and it wasn’t super cheesey or anything and i didn’t cringe the whole time (except for pope and kie🤮🤮🤮) 10/10 in my opinion thanks for listening to my rant ❤️❤️
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