#Mother of Dragons Tony.
re-bee-key · 1 year
2023 is a great year if you love Bards
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The fact that they are all so different is really amazing. More diversity in Bards! More love to Bards!
2023 the year of Bards!
(Add in the comments any bards I forgot or dont know! I love bards!!)
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Tag List Registration
Requests are always open and well appreciated.
So, if anyone wishes to Request something for the characters and celebrities mentioned below, feel free to go.
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Daemon Targaryen
Realm's Desire
Honour of our House (Sequel to Realm's Desire)
The Present as It Is (Sequel to Honour of our House)
Dreams and Dragons
Dancing with Dragons
Never Yours
In The Stories
Blessings of the Goddess
In the Silence
The Dragon of North (Sequel to Never Yours)
False Accusations
For Your Sake
For Them
Without Him
Aemond Targaryen
Not in Our Destiny
In the Darks of Night (Sequel to Not in Our Destiny)
Rage of a Mother
The Crimson Lady
The Crimson Queen (Sequel to Crimson Lady)
Twisted Feelings
Twisted Love (Sequel to Twisted Feelings)
Beloved Sister (Platonic! Also, Aegon x Reader)
Fire of Desire
You Love Me Right?
Being Rhaenyra's Daughter and taking Aemond's Eye Part 2
Being Reborn in Wizarding World with Aemond
The White Dragon (Also, Cregan x reader)
Cregan Stark
The White Dragon (Also, Aemond x reader)
The Dragon of North (Sequel to Never )
Being Cregan Stark's Young Wife Would Include
Aegon II Targaryen (Only on Request)
For A Better Future
My Gorgeous Princess
Beloved Sister (Platonic! Also, Aemond x Reader)
Helaena Targaryen (Only on Request)
Ecliptic Wedding
First Meeting
Being in an Arranged Marriage
Defending Your Honor
You are a Foreign Delegate
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Tony Stark
A Woman of a Kind
Steve Rogers
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Peculiar Thing
Doctor Stephen Strange
Bucky Barnes
Broken Beings
T'Challa Udaku
Something New
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Carlisle Cullen
Marry Me
Edward Cullen
Jasper Hale
Under the Moon
Aro Volturi
Marcus Volturi
Caius Volturi
Demetri Volturi
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Draco Malfoy
The Kiss of the Dark
Tom Riddle
Percival Graves
Albus Dumbledore
The Fate Awaits (Sister!Reader)
Grieving the Dead (Sequel to The Fate Awaits)
Gellert Grindelwald
The Fate Awaits (Wife!Reader)
Grieving the Dead (Sequel to The Fate Awaits)
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Aleksander Morovoza
Nikolai Lantsov
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Robert Downey Jr.
Chris Evans
Is Air Conditioner Working?
Tom Hiddleston
Beautiful yet Broken Doll
Crazy Cravings
Matt Smith
Indian Dinner
Robert Pattinson
Rami Malek
Sebastian Stan
Mistakes Are Common
Tom Felton
The Harry Potter Reunion
Ram Charan
Ben Barnes
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ichorai · 1 year
BROKEN MACHINE ; the series.
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a series based on the album broken machine by nothing but thieves for our 6k milestone! fandoms included ; marvel, house of the dragon, the walking dead, the boys, game of thrones, and succession.
main masterlist. wasteland baby! series. dear science series. about me.
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ONE. i was just a kid ; (marc spector) 6.6k ↳ khonshu wanted you dead. marc just wanted you.
TWO. amsterdam ; (jacaerys velaryon) 4.7k ↳ prince jacaerys velaryon traveled to the eyrie to secure aid for his mother's cause. he didn't at all expect to fall in love an arryn while he was there.
THREE. sorry ; (daryl dixon) 7.9k ↳ you were on your knees, and daryl was too. he wouldn’t look at you—he couldn’t—terrified that negan would bring that bat down on your head if he noticed.
FOUR. broken machine ; (miles morales) 5.1k ↳ stuck in a time loop, miles had to witness the one thing that he dreaded the most in life over and over again: your death.
FIVE. live like animals ; (kimiko miyashiro) 1.0k ↳ you try and frenchie try to show kimiko how to have fun on a day off.
SIX. soda ; (aemond targaryen) 40.3k ↳ he flinched away when your fingers brushed against his eyepatch. despite this, you reached out once more to pull it off, your touch ever so gentle—and this time, he let you. you whispered that he was beautiful as your lips grazed against the marred skin of his cheek. aemond didn’t believe you, but he let you say it nonetheless.
SEVEN. i’m not made by design ; (jaime lannister) 47.8k ↳ wolves and lions tend not to be friends, much less lovers.
EIGHT. particles ; (peter parker) 2.8k ↳ tony gives peter the dreaded 'dad' talk.
NINE. get better ; (hobie brown) 5.5k ↳ electric guitars and strawberries, leather jackets and quilted skirts, city spiders and cottage spiders. the two of you were perfect for each other.
TEN. hell, yeah ; (roman roy) 91.5k+ ↳ pain was an old friend for the both of you.
ELEVEN. afterlife ; (yelena belova) 1.9k ↳ her sister was dead. she’d lost everyone she’d ever known. and she didn’t know you—at least not as well as she’d like to know her sister’s spouse, but yelena wanted to try. that was the least she could do.
TWELVE. reset me ; (wade wilson) 1.3k ↳ charles sends you to recruit deadpool into the x-men. expectedly, the bastard tries to weasel away from you—and when that doesn’t work, he resorts to his most lethal method: flirtation. that, and taping a kick me sign on your back.
THIRTEEN. number 13 ; (rhaenyra targaryen) 5.4k ↳ in another life, she could’ve been with you, she was sure. a life of bliss and a life not ruled by the laws of men.
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cassieb1617 · 1 year
Listen to the sound of your voice💌
Pairing: Pietro Maximoff x fem!shapeshifter!reader
Summary: Pietro found himself enjoying your voice the most, especially on Valentine‘s Day. 
Warning: just a bunch of fluff, reader opens up about an insecurity but it‘s all good in the end, language (swearing)
A/N: I was having a Scream marathon while writing this and it was really confusing at times to write fluff and watch a splatter movie next to it. By the way, I have no idea how to properly celebrate Valentine‘s Day so bear with me in this one. 
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February 14 was the most wonderful day for some people. The sun was shining just a small tad brighter on the day of love, waves were more peaceful and the sky was clearer. Flowers were wilting less fast and were gifted from one person to another. Little gifts formed in hearts are ready to be bought from every supermarket and expensive jewelry was promoted on every website known to men. Pietro never enjoyed Valentine‘s Day since the incident in Sokovia. Sure, he had a date sometimes but nothing was ever coming out of it. He‘s always remembered of his parents on Valentine‘s Day, as he was younger he always got to see his parents relishing their love. His father always brought his mother flowers and his mother always made him his favourite food. They didn‘t have much money growing up so the presents were small but Pietro had seen that they meant the world for each other. 
Now years later Pietro was a part of the Avengers and Valentine‘s Day never quite lost its touch. Tony Stark was always someone to buy presents to show his love and Pietro had seen him more than once on Armor‘s day giving Pepper an expensive bunch of flowers, a bracelet, watch or anything else. Vision and his sister Wanda had decided to take the whole day for themselves and Pietro didn‘t want to know what exactly they were doing. Bucky and Steve went out to enjoy a day as a couple, something they couldn‘t do back in their days. Bruce and Natasha didn‘t plan something bad, as far as Pietro knew, but he knew that they had a table booked at an expensive restaurant. Sam was off on a date with a girl he met a few weeks ago and Thor wasn‘t on earth. It left Pietro and you alone on love‘s day at the compound and Pietro thought that that was just perfect. 
To be honest with himself, Pietro has never been truly in love with someone. Sure, he had a few dates here and there and there were some flings he had but he was never in love. The girls he dated were never girls where he thought they were the one and it may not seem like it but Pietro truly believed that every person on this planet, no matter how cruel, has a person that is made for them. The people just have to find their own way of making it work. 
„So, it seems that it‘s just the two of us, uh?“ Your voice cut through Pietro‘s trail of thoughts. He looked at you and Pietro could swear you had a small glint of disappointment on your face. „You got no date today?“
Pietro smiled slightly at her and bowed his head a bit in mock offense, „You act like I got a date everyday, dragon.“ You smiled at the blonde man in front of you, the nickname for you falling effortlessly from his lips, „I changed into a dragon for you once on your birthday, will you ever let it go?“
Pietro chuckled at your words as he shook his head, „Never. But anyway, why are you not out? Everyone else is, I thought I got the compound for me.“ The smile on your face didn‘t falter for a second but Pietro noticed the slight fall of your shoulders, „Valentine‘s Day isn‘t something for me, y‘know? I never really go on dates much anyway, I‘ve got an important job to do.“ Your explanation didn‘t really make sense for him, sure being an Avenger was important but going on dates was still possible. 
„Well then it seems like it‘s us then, eh? Seems like we‘re going out on a date then?“ Pietro knew that this was a big shot and he didn‘t know if you would agree but damn, he wanted you to agree so badly. Despite his serial dating, his interest in you never once reduced. You had this big impact on him that you didn‘t even notice. Pietro could write a novel about the many times the team noticed Pietro being smitten with you and you being oblivious. Steve liked to tease him about it, he always said that Bucky was the same back in the day. 
„I guess it means that we‘re going out then, what‘s your plan then?“ Pietro laughed slightly before shrugging, „Well, how about we go to that café nearby and we get the most delicious strawberry cake there is? I know that that‘s your favourite and that the barista there keeps a piece for you.“ The smile on your face couldn‘t vanish if someone tried removing it from you. 
„No flowers? Oh, Pietro, I thought you were at least a gentleman. You need to step up your game.“ Your teasing made him chuckle as he leaned forward to take your hand. „You just wait, Dragon, I‘m gonna give you the best Valentine‘s Day ever, I promise.“ 
Pietro was right, the barista did leave a piece of strawberry chocolate cake for you. „How do you know that that‘s my favourite?“ Pietro gave a nonchalant shrug, his eyes never leaving the street before them.
„You know, just hearing it here and there.“ It wasn‘t a complete lie, he did hear it from his sister. But Pietro also knew that the strawberry chocolate cake from that üparticular café was your favourite because Pietro was infuriated with you. He may have never been in love but he knew he felt something for you that he didn‘t feel with anyone else. He thought about you all day long, he woke up with the motivation of hearing your voice, when he was on missions he got home for you and every time he sped to a market to get something it was for you and only you.
And you? Well, you never truly noticed. Of course you knew that you and Pietro were more than friends. Your constant flirting was definitely something that wasn‘t unintentional from both your sides but you never noticed that Pietro did most things for you. In your eyes, Pietro did these things for the rest of the team as well. He noticed the small details and things about you as much as he did the rest of the team. 
„You may be the only person I can actually stand seeing on Valentine‘s Day.“ Pietro laughed slightly before shaking his head in disbelief.
„Seriously though, how come you don‘t have a date today?“ Your smile was slipping for a second and Pietro was afraid he had ruined the mood but it came back as fast as it slipped, „I do have a date today, we‘re out right now, aren‘t we?“ Your voice was playful but Pietro could still hear the sadness that lingered in it. The look on his face told you that he didn‘t believe you so with a sigh you went on. „It‘s not that easy to find a date as me, you know? I mean, it never gets past the first date. Most of the guys I go out with are intimidated because of my abilities or my status as an Avenger or they are just going out with me in the first place because I‘m an Avenger. They don‘t really care about getting to know me.“
Pietro‘s shoulders slouched slightly and he had an irritated look on his face. „Well, then I‘ll make sure that you have the best Valentine‘s Day today! Come on, there is a flower shop nearby, we‘re getting your favourite flowers.“ You chuckled at his enthusiasm but took his hand nonetheless, „How do you know what my favourite flowers are?“ Pietro‘S teasing smile was addictive and you had to smile as well, „I know a lot of things about you that you have no idea about.“
The day with Pietro turned out to be really great. The two of you did all the things a couple would do, you got ice cream and shared it with one spoon, you went out to eat at a restaurant and you bought each other a present. You got each other matching jewelry, a necklace with your initial for him and a bracelet with his for you. You were back at the compound now, a movie playing in the background as you were talking about the most obscene nonsense. It was quiet as you two just looked into each other’s eyes, both wanting to make the next move but also not wanting to be the one doing it.
„I don‘t understand how they don‘t want to get to know you.“ Pietro‘s statement caught you off guard as you looked at him with confusion written in your face. „I mean, you‘re so much fun and you‘re so easy to talk to and, God, you‘re so pretty when you‘re getting mad about something. I‘d listen to you talk about anything anytime if you asked me to.“
„What do you mean?“ Pietro chuckled at the tone in your voce, just like a confused puppy. „You said they never truly listen to you but I don‘t know why, I can listen to you talk the whole day.“ Pietro could feel your nervous breath on his skin, a slight blush forming on his cheeks. „Have you ever been in love?“ Your question caught him off guard but he answered anyway, „Not that I know of, no. You?“
You smiled at him, „I don‘t think so but I‘d like to find out what it feels like, will you- eh, try to find it out with me?“ Your voice was trembling slightly and Pietro wanted nothing more than to take all your nerves away from you. He answered your question by leaning in and kissing you, your lips moving in sync and Pietro could swear that there were butterflies in his stomach. „Does that answer your question?“ You had a teasing smile on your face as you replied, „I don‘t know, you might have to do it again, just to be sure.“ 
Pietro smirked and that was how you spent the rest of your first but certainly not last Valentine‘s Day together. Kissing, cuddling and even cooking together while scaring the Avengers as soon as they got home. 
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ekat-fandom-blog · 10 months
Personal canons are the canon everyone has created based on the canon and fanon content they've consumed.
Expansion not necessary. I just wanted to add my thoughts.
1. Examples range from wanting to wrap his drinks in a web before drinking them to wanting to fall asleep curled up in the back corner of his closet. No, it doesn't matter which Spider-Man.
2. This one is just my perception of the two. There's nothing I can actually tell you about this other than the vibes seem to match.
3. The headcanon of Poison Ivy eating mostly meat is fun. (Not fully carnivore because I think she'd also eat plants because it's necessary to eat both to be a healthy human and can be healthy for the environment if done in moderation). I decided to combine it with Danny Phantom for this because I haven't seen anyone do it before. So, Ivy being mostly carnivorous and Sam being ultra-recyclo-vegetarian would be appalled at each others diets.
4. Cyborg's connected to a supercomputer created by a more scientifically advanced society, while Barbara is a human (I specified her because she's the best Bat at hacking.) Her being the best hacker in the universe is a stretch at best. There's gotta be computer languages she's unable to decipher because it's so different to any on earth. (I don't think anyone from earth should be able to hack cyborg or the mother/father boxes.) If your supercomputer can be hacked by the equivalent of a preteen with a 2010 samsung who doesn't even recognise the coding language you used, then you didn't create a supercomputer. (Mother/father boxes are sentient, autonomous computers btw.)
5. Young Justice was good. Great. It just seemed to stop caring as much about having the new audience learn about the characters after season 2. I wouldn't know who Razer is if I didn't watch Green Lantern: The Animated Series. I stopped having emotional connections with the characters by season 4 and they stopped wrapping up storylines in an emotionally fulfilling manor after season 2. As someone who never read any comic books except for Spider-man/Deadpool and a few green lantern ones and one batman and spider-man crossover, I don't care about the characters they shove into the show and expect everyone to care about.
6. I get it. The "he won't stop if he does it once" was only in one comic (apparently) and the comic was written by someone that (apparently) most of the fandom doesn't like. I don't care. Every reason he has for not killing is valid and coexists. He collects reasons to not kill like it's gold and he's a dragon. The only reason that is invalid and can't coexist is that he doesn't care enough about the people that could get hurt or killed to permanently stop people like Joker, Bane, or Scarecrow.
7. It makes sense if they were the two to get touch starved easily. Dick grew up in a circus where everyone was presumably pretty tight knit and Tim grew up in a home where appearance mattered more than feelings. But also they happen to be the characters I like to torture.
8. Strange is petty and I 100% believe that Tony started it. (Stephen is finishing it though.)
9. Freddy Freeman can't walk without crutches and flies in the comics. (I haven't read them, tho) I feel like it's erasing disabled peoples' struggles when they just give him the ability to walk in his hero form. Let him be a little flying guy who never touches the ground.
10. It's a comic thing again. I just think it's more interesting. (I found pages of captain marvel comics in google images and tumblr.)
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resident-wof-expert · 13 days
Yo I haven't read wings of fire in many years
Couple questions
Aren't ice bitches overpowered with the insta kill ice breath?
Also what's up with animas? No limitations, can make anyone else animas whenever, can enchant shit with no limitations, can un-animas other dragons, and go insane just from the power itself, and you can't loophole your way out of it
Also, why don't the moon motherfuckers have mind reading and shit anymore (except for that one)
Also what's up with the fruit eating jungle lazy motherfuckers, I genuinely don't remember shit about them
Also if you don't give a shit, don't be pressured to answer
I feel like I'm being questioned by Tony Soprano.
Anyway, in order:
IceWings are very powerful enemies that most tribes will go out of their way to avoid fighting, for any number of reasons.
Animus magic is the most OP shit ever, and the only reason the world hasn't been destroyed by it is because most dragons that have it are either too polite or too stupid to use it to its fullest extent.
The NightWings gain their powers on the night that they are born, based on how many of the planet's three moons are shining in the night sky on the night that they hatch. The NightWings moved to a volcanic island thousands of years ago out of fear that Darkstalker may someday return, and all the volcanic ash covered up the night sky, preventing any more NightWings from gaining those powers. The reason that Moonwatcher has NightWing powers is because her mother took her egg into the rainforest for her to hatch safely, and she hatched on a night with two full moons.
The RainWings used to be just as dangerous and feared as any other tribe, but a very long time ago one of their queens decided to implement new rules in place because they kept killing their queens and nothing was getting done. These new rules made way for a much more laid-back and peaceful culture for them, leading to the sleepy, fruit-loving RainWings that we know today.
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junkh3ad · 5 months
Can you share more of your teen/ SnB Pickles headcanons pls?
OHHHOHOH ANON I LOVE U, I’ll start off with teen pickles
He’s ambidextrous! I feel his mothers a religious type so she’d try to ‘beat the devil out of him’ (whacking his hand with something when writing left handed, which would have been common practice for his generation. It happened to my dad as a kid!) and Pickles quickly finds he can write with both hands, So he switches a lot. Lefty when he can, Righty so he doesn’t end up with ruler marks on his hand.
He’s scared of the dark when he’s a kid, before the garage incident because Seth use to scare him in the middle of the night. He gets a night light and becomes a light sleeper to keep an ear out for him.
As a teenager he’s really into drawing, he draws Wizards and Dragons and listens to Led Zeppelin on his walkman.
He starts smoking at like 13, Cigarettes and Weed along with his drinking. This is where that Punk ass look comes from, i think he’d go to a lot of basement punk shows and mosh and get fucked up.
Snakes N Barrels
Since he’s 16 when he leaves home, i think it takes about a year or so for him to find Snakes N Barrels. He uses a fake ID to get his audition. They don’t find out he lied about his age until he’s already 21 and they’re like…you’ve been 21 for 5 years? what?
He’s on a lot of drugs dude (canonically) but he’s really deep in the trenches (H*roin was big in the 80s/90s) which we know drugs had a lot to do with the downfall it SnB but i think Tony’s the one who gets him hooked on the harder things.
I think he cross dressed A LOT in SnB. Mini skirts, brallets, thongs, the whole nine.
He doesn’t talk about it but he doesn’t care who he sleeps with, at all. Men, Women, as long as they’re over 20. He had to do a lot of shady shit to get to where he is, so he’s got somewhat of a head on his shoulders.
When it all ends he buys a shitty van and drives his way cross country to Florida, having his fun along the way (see this post i made if u want more context on what i mean) before he meets Nathan and everyone else.
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The Fate Of A Fae - Part 5
Marvel AU
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader x Steve Rogers
Soulmate Match: You know on sight. Friends also know when they meet you if you're a match for one of their friends.
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Summary: Natasha Romanoff is a meddling, pain in the ass Sprite, who you wrongly thought would leave you alone once you introduced her to your best friend, Darcy. News flash, she doesn’t and she won’t. Not when she thinks you’re a perfect match for two of her best friends. Could she be right? Maybe. Just don’t tell her that.
“Never tell Natasha Romanoff she was right” - Clint Barton
Chapter Summary: We see a little of Bucky's perspective.
Chapter Warning: Mentions of past historic abuse and blood.
Bucky Barnes was born with dragon's blood running through his veins. His mother and father both from the purest dragon stock that still survived.
His American father had met his American - Russian mother whilst serving in the military, and they had known the moment they set eyes on each other that they were a match. Days of the Cold War surrounded them and Bucky's father, George, was concerned as to how his family would react bringing home a wife and mate that was part Russian but once his family and friends had met Winnie, and discovered that she was also from a strong dragon bloodline, hers even with a smidge of Russian royalty, there was nothing to worry about. George and Winnie had let this acceptance of themselves set the tone for how they accepted their children's presentations and that of their soulmates.
Nearly two weeks ago when Bucky had rushed into their home, his phone in his hand saying he'd found his soulmate, there had been a flurry of excitement. His niece's had squealed when they'd heard him mention you were a fairy.
"How are you gonna play this son?"
"Natalia will arrange something to introduce us, hopefully in the next couple of days."
"Don't come on too strong." His sister Becca had interrupted.
"Nobody asked you Becca." He grunted.
"I'm just saying....."
"NOBODY ASKED YOU!!!" He replied, raising his voice.
"This is exactly what I mean."
Bucky went towards her only to be stopped by Winnie's hand softly going to his chest.
"Sit down Yasha."
Bucky sat down with a huff and Becca pulled a face at him and stuck out her tongue.
"Rebecca Barnes-Smith may I remind you that you are not a child and you don't actually live here anymore, go home and make dinner for that very patient husband of yours." Winnie said, not even needing to turn to know her daughter was trying to provoke her eldest child.
"Now, as much as it pains me to say this, your sister does have a point." Winnie said, watching as Bucky rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Look son" George started "your mother and I know how much you want this. How much you want to get settled, be bonded, start a family, move upstate and all of that, but"
"But what?"
"But you're a dragon and we tend to be possessive of our things. Fairies are different to us. You come on too strong and she'll flit off, and I know how meddlesome sprites are. Don't let Natalia get too involved."
Bucky didn't listen and two days later he was walking into Natasha's Brownstone after you'd point blank refused to meet him or Steve.
Steve had taken your refusal a little too well for Bucky's liking, saying they should take this slow and let you come to them. Damn griffin, what did he know anyway? In Bucky's eyes, he'd given up way to easily as he'd left to go on an art finding trip for Tony and Pepper. But this also left Bucky almost unsupervised in his pursuit of you.
And it wasn't going well. You weren't talking to him or Nat. Steve on the other hand received a very short message that said you were fine and asking him to tell Bucky to back off.
Bucky hated being wrong and had a continued in his chasing but it wasn't working and he'd tried plenty. Gifts, that you sent back. Messages, that you ignored.
But today something was off and Bucky was going to come to your apartment, not just watch you from the rooftop across the street, whether you liked it or not.
Steve had tried to talk him out of it, even going as far to ask Tony to talk to you instead. You'd briefly worked as an office temp for Stark Industries and Tony and Pepper had grown to know and like you whilst you covered for Pepper's assistant whilst she took an extended honeymoon. They'd also sensed you'd be a match for their friends but decided to not play with the fates and let things take their course. Unlike a certain Natasha Romanoff.
Bucky had contemplated waiting for Tony to speak to you but before he'd even had a proper chance to, he felt a need to get to you. That something was wrong.
As he ran up the stairs of you apartment, the smell of blood wafted up his nose and his dragon knew immediately that it was yours, and Stark was with you.
What the fuck was going on? He slowly opened the door, leaning in to see you curled up on the floor with Tony. The latter making eye contact and signalling for him to wait.
“That the asshole family had something to do with your lacking of wings and pointy ears.”
Fuck. Bucky hadn't even noticed. So caught up in his pursuit of you, in his possessiveness to have you, he'd not even noticed your hair always covering your ears and that none of the photos he'd seen of you, hundreds across your social media hadn't shown your wings.
“They won’t want me Tony. They won’t want me when they know.”
Bucky was torn between comforting you and flying off to confront your family. It'd probably only take one call to Romanoff to find them. Right now though, his dragon made the decision, he wanted to hold you, to clean the cuts on your legs and feet. The possessiveness wanted you out of Tony's lap.
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h4venpha · 1 year
↳ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐆 — vash the stampede
fluff, slight domestic fluff, gender neutral reader, reader w a younger brother
bc i cant stop thinking abt vash and tonis’ interactions ^^
idk if i should tag this as modern au or not bc trigun literally takes place in like the year 2500+, normal au i guess ???? LOL
cw also mentions of reader and vash having their own kid, no specific mentions of pregnancy though!!
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you pull into the familiar parking lot of the preschool while vash squirms with excitement in the passenger seat. and he has been squirming, practically squealing over it for the past ten minutes.
“why are you so excited, idiot, he’s not even your brother!” you laugh softly as notice vash took off his seat belt even before you could even park the car.
“i dont know!” he admits honestly with a genuine smile on his face as he steps out of the car. “maybe it’s just the fact that we’re doing this instead of studying.” he jokes, looping his arm around yours as you walk to the front of the building.
usually whenever vash visited your place it was before your mother got home and before your little brother finished with school. today was different though: apparently your mother had an extra errand to run and couldn’t pick your brother up. vash, over hearing the entire conversation over the phone, was eager to declare that he would pick him up for her! (of course without telling your mother that it was to get out of studying.)
“‘kay, just don’t make trouble for the teacher.” you say sternly as he walks up ahead. and he’s got this smug, sweet smile on his face as he shrugs while politely swinging the door open for you.
as soon as you step in, it’s so loud. children running around and screaming over toys and games, anything to fill their freetime while they wait for their parents. the teacher catches sight of you almost immediately, completely used to the chaos of the afternoon.
“ah! y/n, there you are!” she drops students’ work of scribbles out of her hands before walking over and wrapping you in a friendly hug. she used to be your preschool teacher as well. “i was wondering when you’d show up,”
“ah, yeah, i got a little caught up with this one,” you sheepishly chuckle, pulling away from the hug to motion to the eager puppy next to you. and before she could even say anything, vash was reaching out.
“hi, i’m vash, y/n’s boyfriend!” and he’s got this warm, welcoming smile as he shakes the teacher’s hand. you could see the way she smiled sweetly back, as if she had known him for years. vash had a way with people. he could brighten up anyone’s day with just a couple words and a few charming smiles. it’s one of the things you admire most about him.
“he’s just tagging alone, trust me, we won’t stay long,” you interrupt with a small laugh, hoping not to add to the chaos already unfolding in the classroom.
“oh, pshh!” the teacher laughs and brings you both in, “it’s fine, stay as long as you want!” she exclaims, mostly to vash when she notices the way he’s already beaming at the children staring at him with big curious eyes. vash gives you a quick glance with a mischievous smile before he’s walking over to the nearest group of children. the teacher waves you off as she returns to her desk.
you walk up them and vash is already squatting down, meeting the kids face to face. they ask about his prosthetic arm almost immediately. they call it weird and strange as they watch him flex his fingers, asking why he even has it in the first place. and of course he laughs it off and claims he fought a big dragon that bit it off, and the children go screaming and laughing at how impressive and cool this random guy is. vash lets their little fingers touch along his palm, choruses of wow’s and woah’s as their little brains barely wrap around the idea that he’s missing his real arm.
more of the children come over and they want him to play trucks with them. little hands waving plastic toys in front of his face and of course with a smile, he takes them and starts rolling the trucks along the ground. and the children are laughing at the silly sound effects vash makes, and it causes you to giggle lightly along with them.
somehow, in the midst of the loud classroom, you find yourself thinking about living in your own house with vash while a little boy or girl runs around your legs. its embarrassing, but how could you not when he acts like this with little kids? when he speaks softer and plays with them
at some point, he ends up pretend-wrestling with the little kids. he claims his arm has evil powers as he just barely grazes the children with his fist while exclaiming, “haha i got you!” in his impression of a “villain” voice. and he’s rolling around on the carpet when their little fists punch him back, groaning and crying out in fake pain. it makes you laugh to yourself as he lays their with his tongue out in defeat by a bunch of four year olds as if he doesnt bench press over 200.
after almost 30 minutes of horsing around, most of the children leave, except for a few others. vash finally has to leave the kids alone as their parents come to pick them up. he ends up trudging over to where you’ve been standing to wrap his arms around your waist and rest his chin on your shoulder.
“y/n…” vash starts in a whiny voice.
“i swear if you tell me you want a kid all of a sudden-“
“no! no, no, no that’s not it,” he lies and you can tell. “they’re just so cute aren’t they?” vash mumbles softly, waving to the last of the kids as they leave.
you hum, lost in thought, “i guess so? sure playing with them is fun, but i have more than enough to take care of already.” your voice turns stern as you mockingly glare at him. and he’s all shits and giggles.
“cmon y/n, you know i was just playing around with them! and the teacher didn’t even to tell us to quiet down!” he giggles while pressing closer.
“yeah, but i bet she sure as hell wanted to-“
“if you wanted to play too, you could’ve just joined, you know,” he teases as he tenderly kisses your cheek.
you scoff and roll your eyes at this playful comments. and yet, you can’t help the way the domestic thoughts come flooding back as you watch as your little brother walks beside vash to the car, his small hand wrapped around vash’s index finger.
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stevetonyweekly · 4 months
SteveTony Weekly - February 11th - Week
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I’m traveling this weekend for my niece’s quinceanera so I’m sharing a list of my favorite fics that I posted on twitter last year. It’s still some of my favorite fics of all time, so this week go show them some love or send me some of YOUR favs, and I’ll be back next Sunday with our regularly scheduled weekly reading. 
Open Field in Front of Him by orphan_account
Steve Rogers's football season is functionally over after a loss to Rutgers, but he finds a distraction in Tony Stark (yes, THAT Tony Stark). A college AU Stony fic.
In Trouble Deep by FestiveFerret, SirSapling
"Whoever did this has a reason, and Stark needs to be with someone who can protect him. He won’t exactly be able to protect himself like this.” Fury looked at the baby consideringly. “No, it’s you, Steve. Besides, he likes you. Suck it up, soldier, you’re stuck with him.”
The Twice-Told Tale by arysteia
For someone he'd hero-worshipped for so long, Steve Rogers in the flesh is a pretty big disappointment. For one thing, he keeps looking at Tony as though he reminds him of someone else, and even if he never says anything, Tony's pretty sure it's his father. A lifetime of not measuring up to Howard's expectations is more than enough, thank you very much, and he's certainly not going to make an effort to live up to any of Steve's. Steve's pretty clearly failed to live up to his expectations, in any case, and that's not hypocritical at all.
Bulletproof by foxxcub
At age fifteen, Steve Rogers had been in love with Tony Stark.
By age twenty, he’d (mostly) gotten over it. And then he promptly became Tony Stark's fuck buddy.
dick drunk by mistymountainking
“I’m going to fuck you stupid,” Steve says, pulling away only a fraction of an inch to say it, a promise as deep and certain as the look in his eyes, “and you’re going to take it. Aren’t you, Tony.”
Tony wants a drink. Steve gives him something else.
Sixpence In His Shoe by scifigrl47
Steve and Tony should really read the fine print on what they're signing. Then again, some mistakes are not really mistakes.
Straight on till Morning by Sineala
Tony Stark resigned his commission in Starfleet five years ago, after a disastrous away mission, and he swore he'd never go back. He just wants to be left alone to build warp engines in peace. But the universe has more in store for him than that, as he discovers when Admiral Fury comes to him with an offer he could never have expected and cannot possibly refuse: first officer and chief engineer aboard the all-new USS Avenger, a starship of Tony's own design. What's more, the Avenger's captain is Steve Rogers, hero of the Earth-Romulan War. Believed dead for over a century, Steve is miraculously alive... and very, very attractive.
But nothing is ever easy for Tony. As he wrestles with his secret desire for his new captain and his not-so-dormant fears, another mission starts to go wrong, and Tony becomes aware that Steve has secrets of his own -- and the truth could change everything.
For the Love of a Dragon by Captain_Panda
If it was between you and your dragon, who would you save?
Deep in the Heart of Me by Finely Honed (jaqen_hgar)
Veteran single dad Steve runs a tattoo shop. Pepper arranges for Tony to get that tattoo he always wanted, and he winds up with the mother of all crushes instead. Jumping out of airplanes is one thing, but love requires real courage. Steve struggles with letting someone into his life. Tony tries to keep his heart intact while Steve works on his issues.
Craving a realistic depiction of a romantic relationship featuring PTSD, mental health issues, and characters who discuss their problems? This might be for you. No magic fixes here but a happy ending is guaranteed!
Never Too Late for Love by Sineala
Steve has always believed that a soulbond is a blessing -- a rare and beautiful miracle, joining the thoughts and feelings of two people forever, from the first time they touch. Steve knows he's not going to be one of the lucky ones. He knows Gail isn't his soulmate. But he loves her, even if they're not soulmates, and he's going to do right by her. After the war's over, he's going to marry her, and they're going to settle down. They'll buy a house. They'll have children. He'll see his family again. Maybe Bucky will live next door. It's going to be a good life. He doesn't need a soulbond. He'll be fine without one.
Then Steve wakes up sixty years in the future to find that his wonderful life has moved on without him. His family is long dead. His fiancée married his best friend. And the only purpose he has left is leading the Ultimates, a misbegotten team of superheroes with flaws too numerous to count. Steve hates everything about the future -- but most of all he detests Tony, flashy and flirtatious, who embodies everything Steve hates about a world he never wanted to live in.
And, oh, yeah, Steve has a soulmate after all: Tony fucking Stark.
Toy Soldiers by copperbadge
When Steve Rogers, five foot four and a hundred and ten pounds, met Tony Stark in a bar, he didn't expect it to lead to a relationship. Or that Tony would find out he's not an art student during a SHIELD rescue mission in Afghanistan.
there are still beautiful things by meidui
The day Tony takes Steve home from the New York Army National Guard is the best day of his life.
I've got you under my skin by sirona
Five times Beijing 2008 Olympics Gold Medalist Tony Stark thinks it's going to be no more difficult a job to get ready for London 2012, than what he has just achieved. That is, of course, before Coach Fury comes to visit, and offers him a once-in-a-lifetime chance to be a part of something much bigger than himself. Swimming AU.
The Foodieverse by copperbadge, scifigrl47
It's an AU where everyone works in the food industry. That makes total sense and is definitely not wildly irrational on any axis.
do you fondue? by calciseptine
Tony has done crazy things in the name of food, but falling in love with Steve Rogers really takes the cake.
Homefront by copperbadge
Steve Rogers is a capable leader, a kind and cheerful man, a good friend, a strong role model, and a loyal soldier. He's also teetering on the edge of suicide.
stress relief by romanoff
They don't love each other. They barely even like each other.
The Jar by Sineala
The Avengers are ridiculously competitive people, and what starts out as a silly late-night team discussion quickly becomes a contest: their names. Not the code names -- the nicknames. Who can go the longest without using them? They pledge to spend a week not nicknaming each other, and they'll pay up every time they mess up. This hits Tony the hardest, and not just financially. Tony's got a lot of nicknames for everyone, but most of all for Steve -- and when Tony can't use the names he's already got, the names he uses reveal feelings he had no idea he had.
Celestial Navigation by sabrecmc 
Celestial Navigation: 18 year old Omega!Tony finds himself Bonded to Captain Steve Rogers. He isn't happy about it until he is.
By request, here is CN in one place without other stories and artwork.
ad astra by Areiton 
The first time he kissed Tony Stark, the stars danced overhead.
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nrpony · 11 months
My Little Pony: The Movie (1986) Press Kit Scans Post 3
I apologise in advance for the wonky scans. I was trying to figure out a good way of doing it without creasing the corners and some of them turned out kind of messy. I’ll include a transcription of everything below the cut.
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Directory (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
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At the annual Spring Festival in Ponyland, all the little ponies celebrate the end of winter with a happy pageant of song and dance. But, while they revel, the wicked witch Hydia (Cloris Leachman) and her equally nasty daughters Reeka (Rhea Perlman) and Draggle (Madeline Kahn), hatch a plot to turn peaceful Ponyland into a dark, dank and dreary wasteland.
During the festival, Lickety Split, a well-meaning but self-centered little pony, inadvertently ruins the show. Humiliated, she runs away, accompanied by her friend Spike, the baby dragon.
Meanwhile, back at the Volcano of Doom, Hydia, Reeka and Draggle busily conjure up evil spells. When an initial attempt to flood Ponyland fails, an enraged Hydia decides it’s time for the Smooze.
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She sends her daughters out to collect the necessary ingredients: mold, mildew, muck, mire, fungus, slime, rust and phlume.
The evil witch sisters collect everything except the dreaded phlume, but they don’t tell their mother, who happily creates the Smooze, (Jon “Bowzer” Bauman). Soon the purple ooze bubbles over the lip of the volcano and heads towards Ponyland. “Nothing can stop the smooze now,” cackles Hydia.
Warned of impending disaster, the little ponies prepare for the oncoming Smooze. Wind Whistler and North Star fly over the clouds, bringing Megan, Molly and Danny, along with the Rainbow of Light.
As the Smooze rolls across Ponyland, it traps Lickety Split and Spike in a cave, where they encounter the Grundles, ugly but friendly little creatures who have lost their kingdom to the Smooze. With the aid of the Grundle King (Danny DeVito), they escape.
During a tremendous showdown, the Rainbow of Light manages to stop the Smooze, but in the process, the Dream Castle is covered over, the rainbow is trapped in gooey muck, and the little ponies are forced to evacuate their beloved home.
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A shocked Hydia forces her daughters to admit that they omitted the phlume from the Smooze formula. Furious, she sends them out after the dreaded ingredient. Mission accomplished, the phlume is added to the dormant Smooze, and it springs back to life.
Desperate at this point, Megan, Wind Whistler and Fizzy visit the wise old Moochick (Tony Randall), who provides them with an ancient map leading to the Flutter Ponies, magical little winged ponies who might be able to stop the Smooze.
Lickety Split, Spike and the Grundles have a series of misadventures as they outrun the Smooze. During their travels, they rescue Morning Glory, a tiny gossamer-winged Flutter Pony, trapped in a well. A grateful Morning Glory offers to lead them to Flutter Valley.
Meanwhile, back at the new pony home, Paradise Estate, the little ponies, the Bushwoolies and other woodland creatures huddle together helplessly as the Smooze oozes towards them. The witches gloat triumphantly atop their Smooze boats!
Just when all seems lost, the sky fills with tiny Flutter Ponies who shift into Utter Flutter, creating a tremendous wind when they flutter their wings in unison. The sound is like a thousand tiny wind chimes and the force sweeps the Smooze all the way back
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to the Volcano of Doom, uncovering the Dream Castle and freeing the Rainbow of Light. Hydia, Reeka and Draggle are dumped back into the volcano, along with the last of the Smooze.
With new understanding about the meaning of friendship, the heroic Flutter Ponies return home. As thanks for saving Lickety-Split and Spike, the Ponies give Dream Castle to the Grundles. Happiest of all is Baby Lickety-Split, glad to be back home with the Little Ponies where she belongs.
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bittenbyyou · 11 months
Inferior Flames (3)
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MCU!AU | MCU!Peter Parker x Stark!Reader | MCU!Spider-Man x Stark!Reader
genre: enemies to lovers, angst, slow burn, some comedy
description: Now it was Peter’s turn to keep an eye on you, much to your dismay. 
word count: 6.8k
warnings: betrayal, cussing, arguing, lil bit of fake dating, OC’s background story, spying, fight scene
a/n: Yes, there will be a part 4, darlings! Please reblog and lemme know what you think. It’s highly motivating to all writers and I do read every comment. :)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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“Hey kiddo, F.R.I.D.A.Y tells me you missed school. Are you okay?”
“Dad, are you in the middle of a battle?”
The hologram projection glitched when sounds of explosions and distant chaos filled the air. Your father’s face remained focused on you rather than whatever was going on, his armor glinting in the background. 
“It’s fine, I called a timeout,” he said, looking around and assessing the situation. “Why aren’t you at school, Firefly?”
I don’t want to see Peter and a three-headed dragon wants to eat me. 
“I’m overwhelmed with this test coming up. Wanted extra time to study.”
“You sure? You sound a bit off.”
You smiled weakly. “I’m sure, Dad. Focus on the battle.” 
He blasted an enemy beyond the confines of the screen, and the screech sound it let out was dreadful. 
“Alright, kiddo. If you need anything, Happy is around if I'm not available. Don't hesitate to reach out."
“I know, I know. Love you.”
“Love you too. Oh! Has the Spider-ling done anything I should know about?”
“Nope, not at all. I got to study. Bye!”
You ended the call on the control panel, blowing a raspberry to release some tension. Keeping secrets from your father was not on your to-do list, but divulging the truth would unleash a Pandora's box of complications you weren’t quite prepared to face. If Tony Stark couldn’t know, then it was a definite no-go for your mother and Happy.
This was a task that weighed solely on your shoulders, one you couldn’t rely on anyone else to complete. Deep down, you recognized the cliche and absurdity of the situation, the immense pressure you were putting on yourself. But this villain was anything but ordinary. Only you could vanquish it, but that meant risking the only tangible connection to your birth mother—the pearl. 
Rather than studying, you used today to research leads on the three-headed dragon man known as Triroth. This power-hungry demon hailed from your village and had an insatiable appetite for devouring others. The enhancers were nothing more than a cunning ploy to attract formidable challengers, a way to entertain and satiate himself, absorbing their strength and amplifying his own power. 
You were almost certain he had died. But here he was, back from the abyss in some inexplicable fashion. Determination fueled your every step as you mapped out a plan to shake up an old contact who might just hold the key to uncovering the truth.
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Meanwhile, Peter’s mind was in a frenzy, unable to focus on anything at school. His gaze was fixated on your empty chair every class, his mind racing a mile a minute at the possibilities. What if you decided to take on the dragon by yourself? What if he captured you? What if, heaven forbid, he already ate you? It was driving him nuts. 
“Peter? Peter. Peter!”
The boy looked up from his lunch tray to see a concerned Ned and MJ. “Yeah, what’s up?”
“Are you good?” Ned asked. 
“Yeah, you’ve been a little off,” MJ pointed out. 
“Sorry, I was wondering where [Y/N] was.”
“Ah yeah… choir was a disaster without her.” She looked around the cafeteria as if someone could potentially be eavesdropping before adding on, “The girls can’t sing.”
“I’m sure she’s fine. Maybe she’s sick?” Ned said. 
“I hope so. Maybe I’ll swing by and see how she’s doing.”
MJ had an amused expression on her face. “You know where she lives?”
“Ooh, we should all go together!” Ned suggested. Peter’s eyes widened as he shook his hands in refusal. It’s not like he could take them to the Avengers Compound and reveal that you’re one (or not one). 
“No! Th-That’s not a good idea.”
“Why not? Since when have you and her gotten that close? I don’t even know where she lives,” MJ said, narrowing her eyes in suspicion at Peter. 
“I meant I’ll swing by the internship and see if she’s there.”
“Ah, their little Stark ‘internship~’,” MJ said in a sing-songy voice, air quoting the word “internship” with her fingers. Ned did the same voice and copied her fingers, the two of them laughing at themselves.
“Guys, come on,” Peter said, chuckling at their silly behavior. “It’s a serious internship. Hopefully it’ll soon lead to a real job with them.”
“Oh yeah. Sure,” MJ suddenly drops her smile, staring at him, eyes filled with suspicion. “What are you hiding, Peter?”
He forced a nervous laugh, attempting to mask his anxiety, but it came out slightly strained. “What are you—what are you talking about?”
“She’s been absent for one day,” Ned lifted up 1 finger like he was her partner for a class presentation. “And you’re worried about her. If I didn’t know any better… I’d say you care about her.”
Peter was speechless until Ned interjected with, “No. They’re rivals. Peter just wants to keep tabs on her.”
“Yeah, she told me about that. What, you can’t stand that a girl has a higher position than you in the internship?”
Again, Peter’s lips opened but no sound came out. Suddenly, MJ’s face broke out into a grin. 
“I’m just kidding, I don’t care. I just like seeing you sit there like a gaping fish. Later losers, I gotta go to the restroom.”
As soon as MJ was gone, Ned immediately started rapid-firing questions at Peter. “Dude, did something happen? Did [Y/N] get hurt? Is she captured? She’s captured, isn’t she? I thought you said the mission went well!”
“Stop, stop, she’s fine. But… I upsetted her and I need to apologize for it.”
“What did you do?”
“I’ll tell you later. Lunch is over.”
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Once Peter got home, he nonchalantly hung his backpack over the back of a chair. A cloud of smoke greeted him, launching a surprise attack on both his lungs and Aunt May’s, whose culinary experiment failed yet again.
“Hey Peter,” she said from the kitchen. He went over to her to ensure he didn’t need to grab a fire extinguisher. “Meatloaf’s a little…”—she coughed—“burnt. Do you want Thai again?”
Peter chuckled through his cough and nodded. “Yeah, May. Sounds great.”
Aunt May knew her nephew was Spider-Man, their special bond based on a foundation of trust and openness. Peter had confided in her about many aspects of his life as the friendly neighborhood hero—which recently involved you. However, he had kept his most recent mission under wraps, for obvious reasons. 
As soon as she returned with the take-out, her keen intuition immediately picked up that something was wrong.
“You’re awfully quiet,” Aunt May said, setting her chopsticks down. “What’s going on?”
Peter poked at his food mindlessly, racking his brain on the best way to communicate his feelings without giving too much away. “Um… do you remember me telling you about [Y/N]?”
Her eyes lit up with excitement. “Oh yeah. The girl who can breathe fire and took your spot on the Avengers team!” Peter gave her a look. “Sorry. Sore spot, huh? You know, I haven’t met her yet.”
“Well yeah, she’s upset at me right now.”
She leaned back in her dining chair, crossing her arms over another. “Uh huh. Why?”
He set down his chopsticks. “I… made an assumption about her and I was wrong. Completely wrong. And it upset her and I wanted to apologize, but she told me to leave her alone.”
“Was it your jealousy? Did you say something petty? Because I know I taught you better than th—”
“No, May. It was something else. I’m worried about her. I think she’s going to do something dangerous by herself.”
She leaned forward, her elbows finding a cozy spot on the table. “You know, when you became Spider-Man, I worried about you facing danger everyday. But it made me feel better knowing that Mr. Stark was looking out for you. He’s out of town, right?”
“Then maybe you can be her person. The one that looks out for her. If it’s as dangerous as you say, then she needs help. And who knows? She might forgive you.”
“Thanks May.” He quickly slurped his food, causing him to momentarily choke. May rushed over and started patting his back, trying to dislodge the stubborn bite. He thanked her between coughs, then planted a swift peck on her cheek. With a playful grin, he darted off towards his room where his suit and mask awaited him. 
“Hey Karen.”
“Hi Peter,” the AI replied.
“I need you to track someone. Her name is [Y/N].”
“I’m sorry, Peter. I am unable to process that request.”
“What, why?”
“It is against my protocol.”
Peter’s hands flew to his head, alarmed and bewildered. “Can you give me any information about her?”
“It depends. You do not have authorization for certain information.”
His hands dropped back down to his sides. “Don’t have authorization? Why can’t you… wait a second. Whose authorization do I need?”
“You would need Tony Stark’s authorization.”
“Karen please, I need to find her. She could be in danger. Can you give me her phone number at least?”
“That is one thing I can do. Shall I call her for you?”
“Yes, please!”
He waited patiently for you to pick up but after the second ring, it went straight to voicemail. “It appears she is unable to take your call. Would you like to leave her a message?”
“Yes!” He heard a beep. “Hey, Ember, it’s your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man here. So, uh, listen, if you’re going after dragon man, you gotta let me help you. Please.” There was a moment of silence before he continued, a touch of vulnerability creeping in his voice. “I don’t want anything bad to happen to you. Stay safe.”
“That was very sweet, Peter.”
“Thanks Karen.”
“Is there anything else I can assist you with?”
“Yes. Call Ned.”
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“Peter Parker is calling you.”
“Thanks D.A.W.N. Ignore it.”
“Got it.”
“Is there a chance he can locate me?”
“The chances are low. Your father put strict protocols on anything that would invade your privacy. However, having your phone on means he could potentially track it.”
“Turn it off for now.”
“Got it.”
You had tracked down an old contact at an enormous animal shelter on the east side of town, determined to find some answers. As you approached the facility, the darkened surroundings and the faint glow of the moon added an air of mystery to the scene. Searching for a way in, you scoured the perimeter of the building, checking doors and windows. Eventually, you discovered a slightly ajar maintenance entrance, providing an opportunity to slip inside unnoticed. Carefully, you crept through the narrow opening, ensuring not to disturb anything or set off any alarms.
Once inside, the shelter appeared deserted, its corridors dimly lit by sporadic emergency lights. The smell of animals lingered in the air, making your nose scrunch at the unfamiliarity. As you navigated the hallways, the soft sounds of animals rustling in their enclosures reached your ears. The glow of the overhead lights illuminated the rows of cages that lined the walls. Dogs barked softly, and cats meowed curiously, their presence creating an atmosphere of both serenity and longing.
Continuing your search, you followed the distant sound of feline purring and came upon a room filled with cats of various breeds and sizes. The woman you were seeking was standing before one of the cages, affectionately talking to a small tabby cat and stroking its fur.
“I need information on Triroth,” you said, pointing your spear at the back of her head. The woman’s lips curled into a subtle smile, having not heard her native language in years. 
“Please. Not in front of my kittens. They’re innocent.” 
Only after you lowered your spear and secured it on your back did she bother to turn around. 
“Very well.”
You trailed behind her, weaving through the winding corridors of the building. The array of cats and playful puppies greeted you with excitement as you passed, their wagging tails and joyful barks exuding an air of anticipation. 
Yet, as you left the company of the animals, there was a subtle shift in their behavior. The once-friendly chorus of barks and meows gradually morphed into an unsettling cacophony of growls and hisses. As if they sensed something unbeknownst to you—an unseen presence. 
Your guide was unfazed by the animals’ hostile display, guiding you forward with an unwavering calmness. Finally, you arrived at the grand entrance of the main lobby.
“It’s been years, Ember. You certainly have grown up,” she said, her voice carrying a slight accent. With a dramatic turn, she faced you, a forced smile gracing her lips. “Are you here to kill me?”
“No, Kura. I need to know what Triroth is doing here and where to find him.”
“And if I don’t tell you?”
“I have ways of persuading you,” you said, getting into a fighting stance.
“Tsk. You haven’t changed a bit.”
“Just taking extra precautions. Tell me where he is.”
She scoffed, her lips curling with a mix of disbelief and amusement, yet her eyes portrayed sadness. “That maniac killed my sister. I have no interest in suffering the same fate.”
You snapped your fingers, your helmet vanishing on command to reveal your shocked expression. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
“Of course you didn’t. After he tossed me aside, he went after my sister who foolishly fell in love with him. The bastard then sacrificed her life to regain his powers.”
“What the fuck…”
“Believe me when I say I want nothing to do with him. Now please leave.” With those words, she averted her gaze, indicating her desire for you to depart.
“No please,” you begged, rushing over and placing a hand on her shoulder. She went on the defensive, the air crackling with tension as your actions triggered a fierce hand-to-hand combat. With a blend of grace and determination, you dodged her attacks and striked back with precision and agility. 
Yet Kura’s eyes gleamed with a twisted delight, relishing the challenge that was you, her thirst for battle having not been satiated for a long time. Her every movement exuded a dark elegance, as if she danced with the shadows themselves. Her strikes were ruthless, each blow infused with a raw power that threatened to overwhelm your defenses. 
The clash intensified, the echoes of grunts and exertion reverberating through the room. Kura wasn’t backing down, seeming invigorated by the fierce resistance. As the battle reached its climax, you seized an opportunity and skillfully maneuvered her, pinning Kura against the wall. 
You pressed your spear against her throat, the cold metal creating a stark contrast against the skin. 
“Please,” you whispered, a flicker of sorrow in your voice. “All I want is to stop Triroth and I know you were close to him once before. Anything would help.”
She hesitated as you pressed the tip of the spear closer, grazing the delicate skin of her throat. 
“I spared your life once. You owe me,” you reminded her.
“Fine. But you already know what he wants.”
“The pearl.”
“Precisely. All he’s ever wanted is power and who better to drain the life force of than humans? They’re stupid and in abundance. He won’t stop until you hand the pearl over.”
“Where is he staying?”
“I already said I don’t know!” She mustered all her remaining power and unleashed a desperate counterattack, launching a powerful energy blast that sent you flying backwards. You lifted your body off the ground, letting out a faint “ow” before chasing after Kura, who was trying to escape. It was then you saw a web had been casted around her body, immobilizing her in an intricate pattern of sticky strands. She fell down like a log, wiggling around like a fish out of water. “Get me out of this!”
“Hey Ember.”
The hairs on the back of your neck stood up and you whipped around quickly, spear ready for battle only to see the sight of the iconic red and blue hero, gracefully suspended upside down.
“What the heck, don’t do that!” you yelled, lowering your weapon. 
Peter detached himself from his web and landed on his feet. “Sorry, but I—”
“You aren’t supposed to be here.”
“Well I was in the neighborhood—”
“I don’t want to hear it. “
“And you weren’t at school so—”
“And now I gotta hear it.”
“I wanted to make sure you were okay.” Peering over your shoulder, he caught a glimpse of Kura, seeing the fear in her eyes. “And you’re kinda scaring her…”
With a mischievous grin, you confidently brandished your weapon, savoring the momentary flicker of fear that danced across the arachnid superhero's eyes. However, you decided to lower the spear, loving how easy it was to tease him.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were so great at interrogation. Please, by all means. Go ahead.” You gestured your arms over to Kura, challenging the hero.
“Okay. Should be easy.” He jogged right over and crouched down to her eye level. “Hi, I’m Spider-Man,” he held his hand out for her to shake, only for her to look up at him with a judgemental gaze. “Oh, my bad. You’re webbed up. Sorry about that, but my friend needs information.” 
“We’re not friends,” you corrected. 
Peter pressed a hand against his mouth, mimicking a makeshift wall to shield his voice from you. 
“I guess I’ll have to return the matching best friend bracelets,” he whispered, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Kura let out a chuckle in response before saying something in her native language, smiling brightly at Peter. 
“Hey, I think I’m getting somewhere!” Peter exclaimed. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes, placing one hand on your hip.
“She says she’s curious to see how delicious spider flesh is,” you translated. 
The white of Peter’s mask where the eyes were widened significantly as he backed away nervously. You laughed, bending down to Kura’s level. Peter watched as you said some things to her in a foreign language, unable to decipher any part of the conversation. Kura seemed unsure at first, but eventually, she uttered something that brought a grin to your face. In that moment, you and her wore matching smirks and glanced at Spider-Man.
“Ember…?” he stammered, taking cautious steps backward with his hands raised in surrender. You swiftly rose to your feet, wielding your spear with determination. In a swift, controlled motion, you tore through the intricate webs that bound Kura, setting her free. 
“Thanks for the intel, Kura. Have fun.”
With another snap of your fingers, your helmet appeared on your head and you flew out of the shelter at the speed of light. Peter stared at Kura, letting out a nervous laugh to quell the tension he sensed in the air. 
“Hate to leave a lady hanging, it was nice to meet you!” Peter shot a web and attempted to swing his way out when a long, bushy fox tail snaked around his foot. “What the…?!”
Another tail wrapped around Peter’s torso, yanking him to the ground with an earth-shaking crash. Struggling to free himself, he glanced back in astonishment, his eyes widening at the sight before him. Kura had not one, not two, but nine tails fanned around her like a peacock spreading its feathers. 
“Well, well, looks like we've got a real 'fox'-y situation here,” Peter quipped. Kura smirked, clearly enjoying her little game. She launched another tail at his free leg, deftly pulling him closer with a sly grin. “Oh my god! Ember! EMBER YOU CAN’T LEAVE ME, SHE HAS SO MANY TAILS, WHAT THE FUCK, AHHH!”
You were outside the shelter on the rooftop, peering in through the glass ceiling. 
“He’ll be fine,” you told yourself, chuckling afterwards before heading home.
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The next morning at school…
“Can we talk?”
“I would rather do literally anything else,” you said, closing your locker shut after pulling out the textbooks you needed for class. You began striding down the bustling hallway at a brisk pace with Peter trailing close by your side.
“You left me with a nine-tailed fox demon!” he hissed, the sound of students chattering providing a convenient cover for your conversation.
“You survived. Kura isn’t a threat. She just likes to play with her food,” you taunted.
“She had nine tails. Nine. All on me. I’m pretty sure I still have fur on my…” He shuddered at the memory. 
“Ew, ew, ew, shut up.”
“I ran out of webs just to tie her up! How could you leave me?”
“Well, she thought you were cute.”
“She did?” A faint blush crept onto his cheeks, and you couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, giving him a knowing look. 
“Stop following me.”
“I was worried about you.”
“Yeah, no. That needs to stop. Go back to hating me.” Peter stole your textbooks from you, effectively stopping you from going further. “Hey!”
He slyly concealed the books behind his back, leaning against a locker to sandwich them and making it even more challenging to reclaim your possessions. When one of your hands got too close, he snatched your wrist with his free hand and pulled you close. Your eyes locked in an intense gaze as you found yourself face to face with him.
"I don't hate you," he whispered gently, his words hanging in the air. You stood there, frozen in place, caught off guard by the unexpected sincerity that resonated in his voice.
“... Maybe you should start.”
“Is there a problem here?” As your gazes shifted, you caught sight of Flash glaring at Peter. “Is Parker bothering you? Dude, let go of her hand.”
With his quick thinking, Peter blurted out, “Why should I? She’s my girlfriend.”
“I’m your what now?”
He went from holding your wrist to enveloping your hand with his own. “Girlfriend. She’s my girlfriend. You got a problem with that?”
Flash responded with a dismissive 'pshhhh' sound, clearly not convinced by Peter's bluff. In that moment, you were left speechless, unable to find the right words to respond. Sensing the tension, Peter quickly sprang into action, guiding you away from Flash with a victorious grin stretching across his face.
“With us dating, it won’t be weird if I’m always around you,” Peter said with a certain gleam in his eyes.
“Yeah, ‘cause that’s not creepy. I swear I’m going to kill you,” you muttered, trying to shake off his grip, but he wouldn’t let up.
“Not before we hunt down that dragon, babe.”
He gave your hand a gentle squeeze, sending a wave of butterflies through you. Against all reason, you found yourself allowing him to keep hold of your hand as you walked together, all the way until you reached your classroom. 
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“Man, I knew you were hiding something from me. I was going to ask you to be my wingman and it turns out you were your own wingman and now I’m wingless!”
“What?” Peter asked, laughing at his friend’s rambling. Ned slammed his lunch tray down, the milk carton almost toppling over, and took a seat.
“You’re dating [Y/N]!”
“Oh… Oh! Oh, that. Come closer,” Ned leaned in from across the table. “There’s a mission that she’s keeping from me and I need an excuse to be close to her so she’ll let me come,” Peter whispered. 
“Oh~!” Ned said, relieved as he sat back down in his own seat. “I see you, Peter. Nice.”
“I knew you had a thing for him,” a female voice said in the distance. Ned and Peter followed the sound to see you and MJ heading their way. 
“MJ, we’re not dating.”
“That’s not what it looked like. He held your hand to every class, I think that counts as dating~.”
“The boy is obsessed with me, I don’t have the heart to reject him.”
“Oh honey, don’t go down that path. I’ll reject him for you.”
MJ and you sat down, but once she saw you were sitting next to Peter, she raised an eyebrow. “Peter…”
“Yeah?” he said, sipping his chocolate milk. 
“[Y/N]’s not interested in dating you. She’s too nice to say no, so I’m doing it for her.”
“God, MJ,” you covered your face, mortified at her brutally honest nature. Peter draped his arm over your shoulder, pulling you close. He smelled pleasant, like a mixture of calming eucalyptus and gentle florals. 
“Did she tell you that? The truth is she’s too shy to admit she has feelings for me. She was following me at one point.”
“Peter!” you exclaimed, pushing him off you. “Will you shut up?”
He pointed his thumb at you like he was doing the “get a load of this guy” meme.
“Yeah and why wouldn’t she like Peter? He can recite the entire periodic table backwards. What a guy.”
All three of you took a look at Ned, confused as hell. “Thanks Ned.”
He gave him a thumbs up, oblivious to the weird dynamic he created. 
“Okay, you two aren’t telling us something,” MJ deduced. “Come on, Ned. Let’s let the two love birds figure their stuff out.”
The look you gave MJ screamed for her not to leave, but she only smirked in response as Ned got up and followed her, making sure to give Peter another thumbs up. As soon as they were out of earshot, Peter slid his lunch tray out of the way and faced you. 
“What did Kura tell you?” 
“Like I’d tell you,” you said, stabbing your food with your fork aggressively. “I’m imagining this as your face by the way.”
“Yikes. I’m the first victim of the Fork Assassin.”
“You’re so annoying.”
“Tell me.”
You set your utensils down and faced him, wearing an expression of exasperation. “You’re really not going to stop, are you?”
“I want to help you.”
“I don’t want your help.”
“Fine. I’ll just call Mr. Stark and tell him what you’ve been up to.” Your instincts betrayed you, your eyes widening more than you wanted him to see. You tried your best to keep your composure, but he saw right through you. 
“Don’t. He can’t know.”
“Then are you going to tell me?”
You reluctantly nodded. “Fine. But not here. Meet me at the school’s rooftop around midnight. Now, will you stop with the whole fake boyfriend thing and tell MJ and Ned to come back?”
“Sure thing, darling.”
“That’s it!”
You grabbed your fork and Peter shielded his body with hands. “Not the face, not the face!”
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You arrived at Midtown High earlier than midnight, wondering if this was a good idea. 
“Hey Early Bird. Or should I say Ember Bird?” a friendly voice said from above. You noticed Spider-Man at the top of the school’s tower, jumping down to get to your level. You got comfortable and sat criss-cross, patting the spot next to you.
“Hi Spidey Bird,” you said, mirroring his lame joke. “Join me.”
Spider-Man took the seat beside you before taking off his mask and revealing his warm smile. He noticed the package of colorful treats in your lap, pointing to them. 
“Are those gummy worms?”
“Yeah. Want some?” you asked, offering him the bag after tearing it open. 
“Sure, thanks,” He popped one in his mouth, chewing with a giddy smile. You threw one up in the air and caught it in your mouth, earning an eye roll from him. “Showoff.”
Once he finished swallowing the sweet gummy, he blew a small raspberry with his lips. “So… are you going to tell me what you know?”
“Yeah, I suppose I have to. Kura told me my pearl can track Triroth’s mystical energy.”
“That’s great! Let’s come up with a plan and take him down.”
“It’s not that simple, Peter. If the pearl ends up in his hands, the consequences could be catastrophic. And… it’s the only memory I have left of my birth mother.”
You hugged your knees tightly, feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders. Peter noticed your distress, shifting out of his criss-cross position. With one knee bent, he leaned back and used his hands to support his body, creating a relaxed yet attentive posture. 
“Do you want to tell me about her and your family?”
“Well, my background is… complicated.”
“I’m willing to listen.” You gave him a grateful smile. “For the whole package of gummy worms.” 
“Ugh.” You threw it at his face and, to your surprise, it actually hit him. 
“Sorry!” you said, unable to contain your laughter. “I thought your Spidey Sense worked.”
“It does. But not for gummy worms!” He held the treats hostage. “They’re definitely mine now. Now talk.”
You delved into the story of your origins, telling him about how you had come from a tiny village a long ways away from New York. Your parents were remarkable beings bestowed with extraordinary powers. They spoiled you rotten, believing you could do no wrong and letting you get away with just about anything.
However, your mischievous tendencies took a wild turn once you reached ten years old. You couldn’t resist using your powers to play pranks and torment others for your own amusement. Little did you know, your misbehavior caught the attention of the Goddess of Mercy herself. She revoked your powers until you learned how to behave. 
That’s when you learned the hard way about how actions had consequences. With the tables turned, you found yourself defenseless, becoming the target of others teasing and bullying. You suffered a great deal, learning about doing what was right and how to treat others kindly. 
It was during this difficult time in your life that you first encountered Triroth. He stormed into your village, seizing control with an iron grip. Your righteous nature couldn’t stand idly as innocent townsfolk faced his wrath. In a valiant attempt to protect them, you found yourself kidnapped by the wicked demon. He held you hostage, demanding that your mother surrender her precious pearl—a source of great power that fueled her formidable weapon. 
The Goddess of Mercy, ever watchful, returned your powers when least expected, but it was too late. When your parents came to your rescue, they instructed you to save yourself, but you ignored them. If only you had listened to their words and escaped, perhaps they could have emerged victorious instead of worrying about your safety.
Triroth killed your mother, who shielded your body when you decided to fight back. Your father, filled with unwavering bravery, confronted the demon and dragged him to an endless abyss. Yet, in a cruel twist of fate, Triroth pulled your father down along with him, their fates seemingly sealed. 
Both of them died, or so you thought, until now. Triroth had returned and was still fixated on obtaining your mother’s pearl—a relic that could be catastrophic in the wrong hands.
“I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have assumed you two were related.”
“It’s okay. You didn’t know.”
“No, it’s not okay. He’s a monster, he took away your parents and killed innocent people. I can’t even imagine what you’re going through.”
“I’ll be okay once he’s been defeated.”
“I agree. And we can do it together.”
“No, Peter. I have to do this myself.”
“What? That’s stupid.”
“So… I’m stupid?”
“What?” You swore you could actually see the gears in his head turning. “No, not you, um. You’re not stupid, fighting alone is stupid because… it’s not smart…”
“Nice save.”
“It sounded better in my head.” You bumped your shoulder into his in a playful manner, letting him know you weren’t upset.
“Peter, do you know why I’m not an Avenger?” He didn’t say anything and waited for you to continue. “Because I’m scared.”
“What? What do you have to be scared of? You’re powerful. You can defeat him, I know it.”
“Maybe. Maybe not. I’m scared… of dying.”
“Well, that’s normal.”
“No. I’m so terrified of dying that I will choose to save myself over anyone else.”
“What? That’s not true.”
“It is. Why do you think I was so upset that night at the club?”
“Because you didn’t want me to get hurt?”
You shook your head. “Because if it comes down to saving either you or me, I will choose me.”
Peter was rendered speechless at your blunt words. “Whoa, hold on. It doesn’t have to come down to that. We’re in this together.”
His insistent need to do this with you was tiresome, so you got up and walked over to the ledge of the rooftop overlooking the city.
“You don’t get it. I’m not the self-sacrificing type, Peter. I fight for myself. Not for you. Not for the people in this city. I don’t care for anyone but myself.”
Peter rose to his feet and stood near you, casually resting his forearms on the ledge as he stared at your side profile. “You say that, but who would risk their own life to battle a demon?”
“I’m avenging my parents.”
“But if you were scared of dying, you wouldn’t battle Triroth in the first place.”
“I can if I knew I was alone. My parents died because I didn’t save myself, so from now on, that’s what I’m going to do.” You slowly turned to face him, a fierce intensity burning in your gaze. “So don’t get in my way. You’ll just be a burden.”
Despite Peter's patience and understanding of your pain stemming from past mistakes, your words pierced deep, leaving him feeling as though all his efforts on your behalf had been invalidated. 
“You think I’m a burden?” He nodded silently, his lips pursed, and took a few steps back, his hands raised as if he were saying, “Okay, I got the message.”
A wave of guilt washed over you, but instead of speaking up, you remained silent. 
“You wanna know why I saved you at the club?” He clenched his jaw, trying his best to remain composed. With his hands firmly planted on his hips, he bowed his head, contemplating the perfect choice of words.
“I never asked you to,” you remarked. He snapped his head up to stare straight into your soul, eyes ablaze with anger. 
“Because that’s what being Spider-Man is all about. I saved you because I won’t stand by and allow someone to suffer by doing nothing. You’re wanting to go into battle against a demon with no backup.” Frustration washed over him, evident as he ran his hand through his hair, massaging the back of his head with a hint of exasperation. “For someone who’s scared of death, that honestly sounds pretty stupid.”
“So you’re definitely calling me stupid now.”
“Yes! Because you won’t let me help!”
“I don’t need your help!” you exclaimed, placing a hand on your chest. “I never did!”
He took a sharp inhale and closed his eyes to find his happy place, briefly resting his forehead on his hand to collect himself before speaking again. “You’re being so annoying right now.”
“Good, I love being annoying.”
Peter let out a “gah!” sound, holding his face in frustration before walking back towards you. “You’re so stubborn.”
“Another thing we can agree on,” Your heart pounded in your chest, and a cold sweat coated your palms when you realized he wasn’t stopping. You stepped backwards to distance yourself until your back met the unyielding surface of a wall, leaving you with no escape route.
“And you want to know the worst part of all this?” he asked, not breaking eye contact. 
“Do enlighten me.”
“You’re selfish.”
“Yup, sure. Love that for me.” You tried to leave when he extended his arm out, effectively blocking your way. “You know, girls don’t find this as attractive as movies make it out to be. It’s kinda cliche.”
“Will you shut up for one second?”
“You gonna make me?”
“And you wanna talk about cliches.” Unexpectedly, he shot a web at your wrist and you freaked out.
“What the hell, Peter?!”
“What, you expecting a kiss?”
“You wish, webhead. You seriously have a thing for tying up women. Is it your kink or something?”
A flush of pink dashed across his cheek. “S-Say what you want, but you’re going to stand here and listen to me.”
You attempted to pull your wrist free when he added on, “And if you don’t, I’m telling your dad.”
That ceased your attempts of escaping. “... My dad…?”
“Mr. Stark adopted you. Didn’t he?”
“How’d you—”
“Karen told me.” Your perplexed face made him quickly realize he needed to elaborate. “The suit lady.”
“Your AI?”
“Well, she didn’t really tell me, I figured it out.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“When I asked her to find you, she said I didn’t have the authorization to track you. That I needed authorization from Mr. Stark. The only reason she would say that is if he wanted to keep your privacy, well, private. And with what you told me today, everything lines up.”
“Fuck…” you breathed. “Please don’t tell him. I don’t want my dad to worry.”
"You know," Peter remarked, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of his lips, "I have to admit, you're really not in the best position to ask for favors. I mean, let's recap, shall we? You pretended to be an Avenger, completely humiliated me in front of everyone, and oh, did I mention you're Iron Man's daughter? Yeah, it's quite the resume you've got there." He crossed his arms, unable to suppress a chuckle as he savored the moment.
“Peter, I swear… if you tell him, I will never forgive you.”
“Tell me why I shouldn’t.”
“I lost one father. I can’t lose another.”
“There. That’s the real you. So selfish.”
“You talk about the possibility of losing others. But have you not once considered how he might feel? You’re actively putting yourself in danger behind his back. He wouldn’t want to lose you.” His gaze softened, his voice sincere. “I… wouldn’t want to lose you.”
Your breath caught in your throat as Peter's words washed over you. The anger that had consumed you moments ago dissolved into a bittersweet realization. His concern, his unwavering support, it was all driven by a genuine fear of losing you.
No. You couldn't allow yourself to be vulnerable, to let him see the turmoil brewing within you. It was easier to bury your feelings, to push him away, even if it tore you apart inside.
“You’re a liability.”
“Don’t do this.”
“Stay away from all this. Stay away from me.”
He leaned in closer, gently pressing his forehead against yours. His voice was so broken, barely audible, as he pleaded, “Please don’t push me away.” 
You closed your eyes, fighting back the tears, the ache in your chest matching the ache in your soul. Your mind raced, torn between your desire to protect Peter and the overwhelming weight of your own fears and doubts. You had convinced yourself that pushing him away was the only way to keep him safe, but now, faced with his vulnerability and plea, your resolve wavered.
A tremor passed through your voice as you tried to steady yourself, to keep your emotions in check.
"I have to, Peter," you whispered, your words laced with a mixture of sorrow and determination. He intertwined his fingers with your own, shaking his head. 
“Please don’t go.”
Taking a deep breath, you released his hand, your resolve hardening within you. The weight of your decision hung heavily in the air as you prepared yourself for what had to be done. It pained you to hurt him, but you knew it was the only way to keep him safe.
With a sudden swiftness, you struck at the precise pressure points on his body, rendering him temporarily paralyzed. His eyes widened in shock, a silent plea for understanding and answers. Before he could utter a word, you swiftly pressed another pressure point on his neck, muffling his voice and preventing him from moving.
Guilt flooded your senses, but you knew this was necessary. You had to go alone, to face the danger that lay ahead without burdening him with your choices and risks. It was a sacrifice you were making to protect him, even if it meant breaking his trust.
As Peter's eyes conveyed a mix of pain and betrayal, you couldn't help but offer a heartfelt apology. "I'm sorry," you whispered, your voice heavy with remorse.
With a practiced touch, you ignited a tiny flame on your index finger, using it to burn through the webs that bound your other hand. The strands disintegrated, freeing you from their constraints. Peter's eyes followed the flickering flame, pain etched across his face.
"I have to do this on my own," you explained, your voice tinged with determination. "You'll regain control of your body in a few hours. It's for your own safety."
Before leaving, you carefully donned Peter's mask, shielding his identity from prying eyes. With a heavy heart, you carried him back to his apartment, gently laying him on his bed.
“I can’t lose you too.”
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Tagging: @elicheel | @ifilwtmfc​ | 
Thank you for reading and loving my ideas! I really do appreciate every reblog and every hashtag. Feel free to send me an ask if you’d like!
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eljeebee · 4 months
OC Questionnaire
Tagged by: @pralinesims thank you so much Evan!!!! I'm doing two people today 😉
*clears throat* Ahem. *whips out the lore folder in my computer that contains Priscilla and Tony's dossier* Let's start shall we?
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NAME: Priscilla Wuest (soon to be hyphenated Harrison again lmao) NICKNAME: Pri, Precy (usually by me; it's the Filipino nickname for Priscilla), Imera (codename) GENDER: Cis woman STAR SIGN: Cancer ♋︎ HEIGHT: 5'6 (167 cm) ORIENTATION: Demisexual NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: American FAVORITE FRUIT: Dragon fruit (she loves getting those from the Philippines) FAVORITE SEASON: Spring and Summer FAVORITE FLOWER: Baby's breath FAVORITE SCENT: Citrus, Tony's perfume that she's dying to know (but he's not telling her because he made it himself for fun while practicing his magic), Tony's musky scent after his workout (ahem) COFFEE, TEA, or HOT CHOCOLATE: Prefers tea, but indulges in hot chocolate from time to time AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: On mission days, around 6. On a regular day, 8. DOGS or CATS: She doesn't mind both, but they currently have a cat named Moumou! Also does well interacting with farm animals (Lucio Ranch, remember?!) DREAM TRIP: Somewhere tropical, beachy. Somewhere she could wear the hottest head-turning bikini ever, which would make Tony's ego so big NUMBER OF BLANKETS: 1 and warm arms around her RANDOM FACT: Through her biological mother, she has the blood of a Filipino. She only found out when she was bored and used her security clearance to search anything related to her through The Director's terminal. She didn't mind them not telling her, since she doesn't want to know anything about her birthmother.
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NAME: Anthony Harrison NICKNAME: Tony GENDER: Cis man STAR SIGN: Aquarius ♒︎ HEIGHT: 5'11 (180 cm) ORIENTATION: Heterosexual NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: American - British citizenship, born British FAVORITE FRUIT: Cherries FAVORITE SEASON: Summer (for bikini season ahem) and Winter (to warm Priscilla) FAVORITE FLOWER: Rose, Orchids, Baby's breath FAVORITE SCENT: Fresh linen, floral, Tom Ford Black Orchid (Priscilla's perfume) COFFEE, TEA, or HOT CHOCOLATE: TEA AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 7. Unleashes deep snores that Priscilla uses her power to bend reality in a miniscule level with practiced precision to silence him every night which she had to stop when she saw him choke on his sleep so she learned how to live with it. He's now a white noise machine. DOGS or CATS: Cats DREAM TRIP: Doesn't mind beach vacations (he loves the way Priscilla dresses up for it and would throw himself to her every time) but he'd love to travel somewhere snowy and cold. Like going on Ski resorts! NUMBER OF BLANKETS: 1. He can keep himself warm with his magic, and loves it because Priscilla often throws herself over him when it's winter. Walking heater. RANDOM FACT: He was born on 1987. A little older than Priscilla? Ahem, ahem. (How is this a random fact though?)
Tagging: @changingplumbob @igotsnothing @damseljamsel @kimmiessimmies @nocturnalazure @tedsies @buttertrait @morningglory-sims @holocene-sims and if everyone sees this feel free to be tagged by me! Of course, if you don't feel like it, feel free to pass!
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zagreuses-toast · 5 months
My Vimes playlist! I have many thoughts and feelings about him... this was the first Discworld playlist I put together and I started it after reading that dinner party scene in Men at Arms, which is why Your Racist Friend is the first song. some of these songs are ones Vimes himself would hate deeply but the energy or lyrics persuaded me to put them in. If you're interested in the reasoning behind the song choices, I'm putting that under the cut.
Thee Vimes song , just Him:
Get Better by Frank Turner
Being a watchman and The City, always The City:
I Predict a Riot by the Kaiser Cheifs
The Ankh Morpork Night Watch by Louie Zong
London Calling by The Clash
Shes Always a Woman by Billy Joel
All Along The Watch Tower by Jimi Hendrix (a conversation, Vimes gets the cover by Jimi hendrix which is rawer and darker than the original, Vetinari gets the BSG cover)
We Live In a Dump by They Might Be Giants
Sam and Sybil feelings (from vimes's pov mostly):
Synopsis for Latecomers by They Might Be Giants
The night Chicago Died by Paper Lace
Hey Julie by Fountains of Wayne
Work Song by Hozier
A Hard Days Night by The Beatles
Waterloo by Abba (for the whole describing sybil in military terms of it all)
I Walk The Line by Johnny Cash
Uptown Girl by Billy Joel
Answer by They Might Be Giants
Once in a Lifetime by Talking Heads
Hopeless Bleak Despair by They Might Be Giants
Fat Bottomed Girls by Queen (couldn't help myself sorry)
Next To Me by Imagine Dragons
Never Knew Love by TMBG
Vimes is powered by pure Rage and a drive to be better than he was:
Heel Turn 2 by The Mountain Goats
Believer by Imagine Dragons
Old Pine Box by TMBG
Can't Keep Johnny Down by TMBG
Hand Me My Shovel I'm Going In by Will Wood and The Tapeworms
Lets Get This Over With by TMBG
Demons by Imagine Dragons
Eight by Sleeping at Last
The Body Is A Blade by Japanese Breakfast
Hes also an ex-alchoholic
The Lady and the Tiger by TMBG (thinking of the summoning dark)
My songs know what you did in the dark by Fall Out Boy
Brain Problem Situation by TMBG
I think about Night Watch a normal amount (everyday all day)
Tubthumping cover by TMBG
Bringing Home The Rain by The Builders and The Butchers
Zombie by The Cranberries
At The End Of The Day from Le Mis
All the Little Angels (rise up) by DJ Boogie (fav interpretation of the song)
Prelude/ Angry Young Man by Billy Joel (this is a reg show song but I don't have a reg playlist, it fits Vimes too tho)
Empty Chairs at Empty Tables from Le Mis
the Communists Have the Music by TMBG
Cable Street by The Young'uns
Cap In Hand by the Proclaimers
Nina Cried Power by Hozier
Fortunate Son by Credence Clearwater Revival
You Already Live in Tomorrow by Fauxny
Vimes and Themes/Motifs mainly Dogs and fire (hes an arsonist and I think about this often, We all know the rain/water themes for him but can we talk about FIRE):
Hey Bulldog by The Beatles
The Angriest Dog in the World by The Superman Revenge Squad Band
Burning Pile by Mother Mother
Arsonists Lullaby by Hozier
Burn it Down by Vixy and Tony
You're On Fire by TMBG
Vimes has daddy/fatherhood issues
I Earn My Life by Lemon Demon
Cats in The Cradle by Harry Chapin
this is also why theres intentionally a lot of what I consider Dad music on this playlist, based mostly on my own dad's music tastes
Confrontation from Jekyll and Hyde ( because of the whole Summoning Dark thing)
Facade also from Jekyll and Hyde (his reaction to rich people, also for the Boots line)
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xoxobuckybarnes · 1 year
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February 2023 Stucky Fics
Heroes are Easy, People are Hard (series) by Halberth / @histrionic-dragon & art by Lorien / @drjezdzanyart
Heroes are Easy, People are Hard (Rated: T, Words: 152K)
Summary: Shuri and Wanda cleared Bucky's triggers shortly after Killmonger's attempted coup, and he and Steve went on the run. But it turns out there's more to "fixing Bucky's head" than "getting Hydra out of it." When a group of rogue scientists manage to neutralize the serum and make Steve very sick--pre-serum "this is bad" kind of sick--and they're cut off from contact with Wakanda, Bucky knows only one person with resources to help. He calls Tony and surrenders on the condition that Tony tries to help Steve. From there, it's basically three variously messed-up guys’ trajectories from "This Is Fine", "Reasonably Speaking I Know It’s Fine", "I Will Be Fine With It" to actually being fine, guest-starring a far-better-adjusted teenage boy who climbs walls, a 1957 Ford Thunderbird, two women with a keen sense of the absurd, and Bruce, the Zen master of “it’s fine that it’s not fine.” Add in the fact that Bucky's been secretly in love with Steve since the thirties and things only get harder. Learning to be a person is the hardest thing Bucky Barnes will ever have to do--but he's got company along the way.
Post-Credit Scenes (Rated: NR, Words: 2K)
Summary: “Hi.” Bucky ran his thumb around the edge of the shield. “I’m, uh. Not dead.” Takes place immediately after the end of Heroes are Easy, People are Hard.
More than the Sum of our Faults (Rated: T, Words: 15K) by Oh_i_swear / @oh-i-swear-writes & art by lemonadehearts / @lemonadeswift
Summary: When Steve Rogers adopts a dog he rescued from a collapsed building he realizes that due to the nature of his job he needs a dog sitter. Enter Becca Barnes, owner and sole proprietor of Happy Hounds, a dog walking and sitting service that comes Sam-Wilson-approved. What Steve didn’t bank on was the gorgeous owner of his dog’s best puppy pal who happens to also be Becca’s older veteran brother, and he certainly didn’t bank on running into the man - quite literally, let alone falling completely in love with him.
Another Song, Another Spring (Rated: T, Words: 46K) by somanywords / @somanywords
Summary: Bucky smiles into his phone. “Yeah, thanks, Mom. Actually, I had a few questions? What age do babies start mimicking language, aka cussing? And what age do they start walking?” “Is this for your book?” his mother asks suspiciously. “Yes,” Bucky says, staring into the eyes of the baby on his couch. “Yes."  
On The Back of A Raindrop (Rated: E, Words: 52K) by musette22 / @musette22
Summary:  Despite the fact that Steve Rogers’ life hasn't always been a bed of roses, he’s fortunate enough to have a lot of good things to call his own. He has a loving mother, two wonderful kids, marvelous friends, and a beautiful house with a big, sprawling yard, to name but a few. One thing Steve does not have, however, is green fingers. One late spring morning, Steve decides to call in the help of a local gardening company to restore his yard to its former glory. When gorgeous gardener Bucky Barnes shows up on his doorstep the next day, he unwittingly upturns not only Steve’s yard, but his life, too. Over the course of the summer, it’s more than just the garden that begins to blossom.
Atoms (Rated: M, Words: 49K) by Andrea1717 / @andrea1717 & art by kahey2804 / @kahey2804
Summary: After a hard year and the end of both his military and his short career as a personal bodyguard Steve Rogers did not expect the call from his best friend and ex- colleague Sam Wilson. He offers him a job, full time and long term, starting on the next day. At first it sounds perfect to finally move forward from the devastating events in his past career and life - being one bodyguard in a group of four for a rich kid from a famous lawyer. How hard can that be? What Steve didn’t expect was the kid - Bucky Barnes, twenty two, traumatized from his dark past, devastatingly beautiful and a real brat. After a while on the job Steve not only discovers that Bucky seems to play a role most of the time, he also discovers that parts of his heart who seemed to be dead for a while are very much alive.
honey don’t feed it, it will come back (Rated: M, Words: 18K) by thedoubteriswise / @thedoubteriswise & art by ellebeesknees / @ellebeesknees
Summary: He lets out a long sigh and watches Bucky. Back home he was always too vain to let more than a day’s worth of stubble build up, but now he’s got about three days of scruff on his chin. He shouldn’t look handsome like this. His eyes are shut, but Steve can tell by his breathing that he’s still awake. The cat is curled up on his stomach and purring like an idling motor.“ He’s actually pretty cute.” Bucky smiles softly, too sleepy to make whole faces.“ Damn right,” he hums. He’s stroking the cat’s fur, which is soft and fine now that it’s clean. He looks so open and inviting. Steve doesn’t close his eyes, watching Bucky’s gentle fingers and trying to come up with a plausible excuse to go touch him.
I was never cool (and all I wanted was just to have you) (Rated: E, Words: 2K) by dreamsinthewitchouse / @dreamsinthewitchouse 
Summary: Bucky is slouched behind the circulation desk, chewing on a pen and staring morosely at the computer screen. He’s wearing headphones, his head just barely moving to whatever he’s listening to. Steve is halfway across the room before Bucky notices him, startled into dropping his pen. “Oh. Hi.” Bucky straightens in his chair, pulling the headphones down to his neck while his face does something complicated. “Why— is there something you needed?” “Um, yeah,” Steve says, his chest suddenly tight. “There’s this book I really wanna read?”
***This fic is complete, but the series (booksmart) is not***
He’s All That (Rated: T, Words: 88K) by crinklefries / @spacerenegades​ & art by fingersnaptothat
Summary: “That one,” Tony says gleefully. “I pick him.” “Him?” Bucky hisses. “Steve Rogers?” “Bet’s a bet,” Tony says smugly. “Make Steve Rogers the class president by the end of the year.” “Motherfucker,” Bucky curses. Then he takes a fortifying breath. He can do this. He’s Bucky Son of A Senator Barnes. He runs a hand through his hair, messing it up in the front just the way he knows men and women like it. “Fine,” he says. “Okay. By the end of the year. Easy.” *** When Bucky Barnes--son of a state Senator, future president of his fraternity, and co-captain of his college’s soccer team--gets unceremoniously and very publicly dumped at a party, his entire reputation hangs on by the thinnest thread. Drunk and humiliated, he does the only thing that makes sense--he makes a bet with Tony Stark. Now Bucky has the length of the school year to take Steve Rogers--small, asthmatic, environmentally-conscious art nerd, political activist, and complete social disaster--and turn him into the student body president. How many misunderstandings, shenanigans, and college tropes will abound before Bucky realizes that Steve Rogers, well, he’s all that?
Treading Water (Rated: M, Current Words: 76K) by sparkagrace / @sparkagrace & art by Dyslexic_Fetus / @reagy-jay
Summary: Olympic swimmer Bucky Barnes always believed that when the time came to retire, he would walk away with his medals and world records firmly in the history books and never look back. He never thought the water would leave him first.
***Be sure to check out the rest of this amazing series : Lane Lines: Lane Lines (Rated: M, Words: 132K), Lumière (Rated: M, Words: 5K), & New Traditions (Rated: M, Words: 6K)***
An Appropriate Omega (Rated: M, Current Words: 195K) by BeauRadley
Summary: Steven Rogers, the Duke of Brooklyn, is in a bind. The provisions of his father’s will mean he must marry before his thirty-fifth birthday or lose his mother’s inheritance. The catch? He has to marry a suitable omega. James Barnes is the third child of the impoverished Barnes family. If he or his sister don’t marry before the season is out, their family will fall further into poverty. If he doesn’t find someone else soon, he’ll be forced to marry the sinister Lord Pierce. The two men realize they can solve each other’s problems, but will their marriage of convenience turn into something more?
Dichotomy (Rated: E, Current Words: 4K) by papesdontsellthemselves / @turtle-steverogers 
Summary: After getting signed to SHIELD Audio Inc., The Commandos have been taking the world by storm. Industry golden boy, Bucky Barnes, is just happy to have a chance to share his music. However, his world threatens to get turned on its head when The Commandos get sent on tour with the Howlies, where Steve Rogers spreads into his life like wildfire, waiting to burn.
Targeting (Rated: E, Words: 149K) by queenmab_scherzo / @queenmabscherzo
Summary: Steve and Bucky end up playing for rival college football teams.
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