#In my head the healing potion tastes like strawberries
bedtimegiraffe · 30 days
Book 2 Healing Items
The archiving of non-optimal play continues!
Chapter 2 (Can't use until Chapter 4 at the earliest)
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Chapter 7
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Chapter 12
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Chapter 18
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Hi! Um i really enjoyed the hcs of "twst! they force you to drink a potion w/ a kiss" with savanaclaw and octavinelle, and was wondering if you could do the same for heartslabyul??? Thank you ❤❤❤
normally we have a max order of 4, but since you're wanting a matching set I dont mind. shh just dont tell my boss okay~ -Onyx, the bartender
twst! they force you to drink a potion w/ a kiss
characters: heartstabyul
warnings: gender neutral reader, established relationship, vaguely suggestive for Cater
(savanaclaw and octavinelle found here, Rook Hunt drabble here)
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he finds it distasteful to ever touch you without your permission. the only time he would do such a thing would be in crisis.
Riddle had come to your side as fast as he could. it was increasingly alarming to him how many students were over blotting, and to spite his attempts, you always found yourself in the middle of it.
he turned to watch the other students and house wardens handle the recovering student, their overblot slowing to a stop. turning back he knelt at your side, heart in his throat as he saw you were fading in and out of consciousness.
calling your name he tried to pull you back, but you were too wounded from getting thrown against a wall. taking a deep breath Riddle refused to panic, instead he rummaged in his bag for a simple but strong healing potion.
upon retrieving it he popped the cap open, leaning the vial down to pour it in your mouth. you struggled away from him in your delirium.
"stop fighting me, I'm trying to help!" Riddled growled in frustration. than an idea dawned on him. steeling his nerves he kicked the potion back into his mouth, before holding your face firmly and brining his lips to yours.
Riddle tastes like cinnamon and strawberries. hes warm, sweet, but tart, sometimes even sour. even in your confusion you recognize it, returning the kiss and letting him pry open your jaw gently.
he strokes the sides of your neck to encourage you to swallow the potion as it slides down your throat, pulling away once he's sure you've taken all of it.
the last thing you see is his red face panting above you before you fall out of consciousness.
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ah yes another Little Shit. he is always poking his nose in trouble.
you had whisper shouted the boy's name as he dragged you into the alchemy lab. Ace flashed you a grin over his shoulder as you dashed into the classroom to hide from the upperclassmen.
he held a finger to his lips, and you shot him a glare. why was it so necessary for him to drag you into trouble with him? you shook your head as he scampered up to one of the shelves, skimming it for the potion he required.
you recognized it as an invisibility potion, your eyes widening. there were many possible implications as to why Ace was after such a thing, but none of them brought you comfort.
"are you mad? stealing from Crewel's stash? he'll beat you limb from limb!" you scolded the ginger.
"oh pipe down! im just going to replace it with one that looks the same~ he won't know until he opens it and by then we'll be long gone~" Ace wiggled his brows as he produced a matching vial from his pocket, replacing it with the one he'd stolen.
Ace tugged you over to a corner of the classroom. he popped the top off the vial and drained half of it. you stared in shock as he slowly faded from your view like a shadow.
"Ace!" you called for him, head whipping back and forth for any sound of him.
you jumped and nearly screamed when a hand touched your cheek. you called his name again and the feeling of a thumb brushed over your skin.
"well you've done it now, why are you still here? shouldn't you be-" you were silenced by warmth pressed to your mouth. you stared at the open air before you, yet you could feel Ace's lips on yours.
shivers were sent down your spine by the feeling of his hand on your nape and his tongue against your lips. you pondered for a moment what this might look like from anyone glancing in the room, but his teeth tugging at your bottom lip had you finally reciprocating the kiss.
when you opened your mouth for him you felt liquid slide in. Ace quickly pulled away and clamped his hand over your mouth until you swallowed.
"what the hell was that for!" you coughed, wiping your mouth with your wrist. slowly Ace came back into your vision, however he was misty and dull like an old photograph.
with a smug smirk he kissed you again, just a peck this time. you realized he'd slipped you the rest of the potion.
"cheeky bastard." you huffed.
"you love it though." he grinned.
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would probably do such a thing as a last resort. mostly because he'd usually be to shy or second guess himself to do something so bold.
"look at me, look at me now!" Deuce's voice was sharp as he shook your shoulders. your focus honed in on the vibrant blue eyes of your lover.
"b-but Deuce I'm scared..." you whined, clutching to him.
the dark haired boy swallowed his own fear, knowing he needed to be a strong face for you.
"I know, I know its scary but I need you to trust me. I won't hurt you, I promise." he pleaded. your lip trembled but you nodded.
Deuce pulled a small glass vine from his breast pocket. the liquid was pink in color, with a delicate tag tried around the neck. "drink me" it read it pretty cursive lettering.
"this is a shrinking potion, if you are small you can get out of here unnoticed." he stated, removing the stopper and holding the bottle to your lips. you shook your head and pushed his hand away, still far to frightened.
"please this is the best way to keep you safe! you can follow the door mouse, he knows all of the hidden passages in heartslabyul that are to small to use." Deuce reasons.
taking a shrinking potion and following a door mouse though a hidden passage way?? this was mad, then again so was everything in this world.
"but what about you? what about the others? what about-" panic continued to crawl up your throat as you clung onto him.
"oh for heavens sake-" Deuce took the potion and downed it. you watched in surprise, before he grabbed your chin and slammed your lips together.
the kiss was rough and harsh, yet you clung to him for safety. you accepted the sweet tasting potion, still clinging onto Deuce. when he pulled away, you noticed that he was taller than you remembered.
"go, follow the mouse, everything's going to be okay." that was the last thing he said before you felt yourself disappear into a pile of your own clothes.
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show off. probably did it on a dare to post on his socials.
"baby, come here for a sec~" Cater called over his shoulder. you approached where he sat on the couch in Ramshakle, scrolling through his phone.
"what's up?" you asked, tucking yourself into his side and leaning on his shoulder. Cater leaned down and pressed a kiss to your hair before speaking.
"there's this trend on tictoc I wanna try with you." he grinned, already opening the app and finding the correct sound.
"oh? what is it?" you mused.
"can't tell you~ it's a surprise." he smiles, mischief behind his eyes. you watch him skeptically, but when he says all you have to do is let him kiss you you agree.
trends on that app are weird and he probably just wants to show you off again.
he sets up his phone, and has you sit on the couch with your eyes closed. you can hear him shuffling around for a moment before he presses record.
Cater angles your face just so, before you feel his soft lips on yours. you kiss him back without hesitation, then you feel his tongue slip between your lips. skeptical, you oblige and are rewarded with something sour on your tongue.
the tastes of sour strawberry and citrus takes your senses as the liquid slides into your mouth and you swallow it obediently. Cater pulls away and grins at you.
"guess what it was."
"strawberry lemonade." you reply.
"bingo! good job baby. you always swallow when I ask~" your mouth falls open and he giggles as he presses stop on the recording and runs for his life.
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hes a resourceful man. and when his usual methods to get his siblings to go along dont work on you, he gets creative.
"honey I need you to hold still-"
"nope, no can do." you ducked under Trey's arm as he tried to pin you against a wall.
"listen I know you dont want it but you still need to take it! nurse's orders." he signed, adjusting his glasses.
"your not my dad!" you pointed at him and pouted.
"no, I'm your loving, doting boyfriend. the one who makes you snacks, and helps with your homework, and looks after you even when you're being a little brat." he sighs louder this time, placing a hand over his heart.
"fuck off." you glare.
"ouch, damn. well in that case," Trey straightens his tie and its you with a pointed look. "no cuddles or kisses for you."
"wait I'm sorry I didn't mean it-"
"oh? I dont believe you." he turned his back to you, crossing his arms like a defiant child.
"Treyyyyyyy," you whine, running up to him and circling his waist with your arms. "im sorryyyyyy." you nuzzle your face into his back.
he hums, before pulling open your arms and turning to face you. in the blink of an eye his lips are on yours. you eagerly reciprocate the kiss, tongue poking out to wet his lips when he opens his mouth. the bitter taste of the medicine the nurse had proscribed you nipped at your tongue.
you coughed and hacked but it was to late, Trey had won.
"traitor!" you cried, trying to tug yourself out of his arms. Trey just hummed in victory, pressing your face full of more kisses.
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fortisfiliae · 4 years
Promised Part 16 - Tom Riddle x reader
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Masterpost | Masterlist
Summary: In this story, Tom didn’t grow up as an orphan, but with his grandfather and uncle. Reader’s sister got very sick and the Gaunts offer their help. But not without asking for something in return.
Disclaimer: Please be aware that I don’t condone any of this in real life. (GIF is not mine)
Warnings: Arranged marriage, physical fights, mentions of  torture (brief), blood and violence, character death. Read with care!
Word count: 4k
Part 16 - 30th June 1945
The N.E.W.T.s had gone by so quickly, it felt like all the preparations, all those years in Hogwarts and all the worries they had brought you, had been of utmost exaggeration. Of course, they had been challenging, but what the Professors had said about them in advance, how hard and draining they would be, how nervous every student had been, made it even more curious afterwards. It had only taken a few days after all. Some days of your life, which would most likely be forgotten in a few years. Just like any other week. And all that fuss for that? Well, at least they were over.
Tom, Camille and you had passed most classes with the highest grades. Freda had gotten some outstanding grades as well and even Avery and Lestrange had qualified, if only barely. The final evening in the Great Hall was filled with a strange kind of melancholy for the students of year seven. You had done it, all of you. Seven years in Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry. It was like your first year had only gone by moments ago, you could practically still feel the sorting hat sitting on top of your head. But alas, all good things come to an end.
Final points were given to all of the houses and, to most people’s surprise, Hufflepuff won the cup. Everyone knew headmaster Dippet favoured Slytherin and Tom and Freda had surely given their own house a few extra points here and there, but Avery and Lestrange’s robbery from Slughorn had cost Slytherin too many points to recover from. All Hufflepuffs were overwhelmed with joy and Ben even ran over from the Gryffindor table to kiss Camille on the cheek while she celebrated.
Walking through the halls one last time was strange, you couldn’t fathom that you would leave the castle ultimately. It really had grown to be everyone’s second home and it would always remain so in your heart. Sadly, there wasn’t a lot of time for grief, as the antidote for Mors Grano was finally ready and waited to be filled into a flask to be used the following day. Tomorrow, June 30th would be your wedding day. A day you had dreaded but still couldn’t wait for. A day that was about to change everything.
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And there you were. In an old chapel north of Ramsbury, a small muggle town, where no one knew who you were. The Gaunts had chosen the place themselves and had only told your family where to go the day of, most likely to make sure you couldn’t plan to mess with them. 
The chapel was dull, as was everything else there. No guests, not even a priest or a registrar to wed the two of you. Marvolo had told you that he was to do it himself. The place was so small, it wouldn’t have even fit a lot of guests, but you still wished that at least Camille could have been there to witness. And so, with a heavy heart, you stood in the tiny side room, where Mother’s wedding dress waited to be put on, while Elsie, your parents and the Gaunts waited in the chapel.
“Alright?” Tom asked as he fixed his tie in front of the mirror. 
You watched him as you went over towards the dress, your fingers brushing over the silk skirt. He looked great in his tailored black suit, white shirt and dark green tie, there was no way of denying it. Freda Morris would have been just as green with envy if she had seen him, but yet, not everything was about looks. 
“I’m alright,” you said and took another look at the dress. “I have to change now. Put this thing on.”
“I’ll give you some privacy in a minute,” he mentioned as he walked over to the desk where some things were gathered. He had put a large box there when you had arrived. “I brought someone with me.”
He pulled the top off from the box and you peaked in. “Nagini! Marvolo allowed for you to take her here?”
“He doesn’t know,” Tom shrugged. “And it would be better if it stayed that way.”
“I see,” you said as you held your hand inside the box for the snake to smell you. “Well at least I know one of my friends is here.” 
Tom wore an unreadable expression when he closed the box again, his lips thin as he nodded slightly. “Do you have the antidote with you?”
“Yes,” you answered and pulled it out from your pocket. The flask was the size of your palm, small and translucent. The potion inside shone through the glass like a silver and lilac gloss. “It’s right here.”
“Alright then,” he said. “Give it to your sister as soon as you can. I’ll wait outside with the others.”
When he closed the door behind himself you heard Marvolo nagging about what was taking so long, urging for you to hurry. The bastard made everything about himself again, even on your wedding day, which should have been the happiest day of your life. You pulled the dress off the hook vigorously, put it on and changed it here and there with your wand to make it fit better. When you went over to the mirror to look at yourself, it felt like staring at a stranger’s reflection. The dress was beautiful, but you didn’t look even close to what a happy bride should look like. Your hair and makeup had been done in a hurry, nothing was as perfect as it could have been. No traditions, no extended family or friends, not even a banquet. You didn’t know what you had expected - it was clear from the beginning that the wedding wouldn’t be anything like you had dreamed of since you were little - but it was certainly not this. Not as marginal, not as a means to an end.
Three hard knocks on the door pulled you out of your thoughts. “Are you done yet?” Marvolo’s muffled voice called. “Hurry up!”
Desperation turned into annoyance and your eyebrows furrowed even deeper. What did he want now? “I need a minute,” you answered as you opened the door only an inch. “Elsie, Mum, can you help me with my dress?”
Marvolo mumbled a few incomprehensible words while the two walked in. To hell with him, he could wait for five more minutes before he would get what he wanted. And you should get what you wanted too. Right now.
Mother looked you up and down with a smile. “You look beautiful, darling. What do you need help with?”
“Come,” you told them quietly and took Elsie by the hand, leading her to the other end of the tiny room, so that the Gaunts wouldn’t hear you. “I have to tell you something.”
The two looked at each other and then back at you, waiting for you to explain.
“I found something out a while back. Tom told me, he showed me. The curse that hit you, Elsie, it wasn’t sent by someone who wanted to attack Father. It wasn’t meant for Father at all.”
Elsie’s eyes grew wide and Mother laid her hand on your sister‘s shoulder. “What do you mean? Why would you tell us that minutes before your wedding?” Mother asked.
“Let me explain,” you went on. “Tom showed me that it was the Gaunts who sent the curse. That’s why they found a cure so quickly. And why they didn’t heal her completely.”
Mother gasped faintly, her hand wandered up to her own chest. “You mean…”
“Yes. They chose Elsie specifically so that you and Father would agree to their pact.”
“I… I can’t believe it,” Mother mumbled.
“They made me sick?” Elsie asked, her eyes as big and round as marbles. “On purpose?”
You nodded.
“But why haven’t you told us sooner?” Mother asked. “We could have-”
“I did as much as I could without attracting too much attention. Tom and I, we both assumed that the Gaunts wouldn’t even lift Elsie’s curse after the wedding. And even if they did, I wouldn’t trust them enough to let you drink anything that they would give to her again. So we brewed the antidote ourselves.”
You pulled out the flask and held it up in the air. Mother took it and inspected it for a moment. “You brewed that?”
“Yes. Elsie, take it right now. You will be healed completely then and the Gaunts won’t notice anything.”
“Are you sure it’s safe?” Mother asked. “And what then? What are you going to do?”
“Yes, I’m sure it’s safe. And then,” you looked at the door to the chapel and heaved a sigh. “Then I’ll get married. Stick to the plan.”
“I hope you know what you’re doing,” Mother said as she handed Elsie the flask.
“Would you rather have her drink something that Morfin brewed up? If he would give her anything at all.”
“You’re right,” she said and shook her head.
“Quick Elsie,” you urged her. “Drink up and we’ll be ready to go.”
Elsie nodded as she pulled the cork off the flask, then put her lips around the opening and took a small gulp. She scrunched up her face into a grimace. “Tastes gross.”
“Sorry, princess. They don’t make recipes for strawberry flavoured antidotes yet. Now drink it.”
Elsie exhaled sharply, then threw her head back and let the liquid pour into her mouth. One swig, two. She had it down almost completely when suddenly the door flew open.
“Excuse me ladies, what is taking you so long?” Marvolo asked, standing in the door frame, with Morfin, Father and Tom behind him. Marvolo stared at Elsie, who was just gulping down the last drops from the flask. “What is that? What did you give her?”
The three of you froze, staring back at Marvolo and the other men. Shit.
“Just her vitamins,” you lied. “To make sure she’s well for the ceremony.”
“No, no,” Marvolo huffed as he walked in. “Give me that.” He took the flask from Elsie’s hand and brought it up to his nose. “Morfin, come here.”
Morfin entered the room as well, took a look at the empty flask and smelled it. Father and Tom took several steps in too, filling up the room almost completely. 
“Stop,” Marvolo ordered and held his hand up to Father and Tom. “I didn’t tell you to come in.” The two halted and remained standing by the door. “Now, son. What is it?”
Morfin inspected the remaining liquid inside the flask, shaking it to see the single droplets hanging inside the vial. One side of his mouth pulled up into a ghastly smirk before he spoke through gritted teeth: “Mors Grano antidote.”
Marvolo brought his hand up to his neck, fumbling on the chain that hung there. That must have been where he carried their own flask with the unfinished antidote. It was still there, which visibly confused him. He remained calm, wouldn’t dare to show that he didn’t know how you had done it, his eyes dark and full of anger.
“You little bitch,” he spat. “Morfin, take the child.”
Morfin did as he was told, quicker than any of you could have reacted and pulled Elsie to the middle of the room by the hand, then stepped behind her, one hand around her neck, his wand in his other one, pointed right at Elsie’s head.
Mother cried out when she saw what had happened to her daughter and turned to walk over to her, while Father ran towards Morfin and Elsie as well.
“Stupefy!” Marvolo called, his wand directed at Father, who fell to the ground immediately. “I told you not to step in. No one’s making a move now unless I tell them to.”
Mother fell to her knees, looking at Father unconscious on the ground and Marvolo gaped at her in disgust. “Take your husband. And shut your mouth, or you’ll be lying there with him.”
She pressed her lips shut and crawled over to Father, slowly dragged him to the corner of the room behind you, where she held his head between her hands. Silent tears ran down Elsie’s cheeks, who was still captured between Morfin’s hand and his wand. You had managed to pull out your own wand during the turmoil and looked over at Tom in the doorframe, who had done the same.
Marvolo had noticed the looks you had exchanged and heaved a bitter laugh. “You two, eh? Partners in crime. And what do you think you’re doing there, girl? With your wand out. Do you really think you can defeat me with your schoolbook magic?”
You gripped your wand tighter to prevent your hand from shaking, swallowed down thickly and frowned. There were a million things you wanted to say, thousands of curse words you could have called him, but Morfin still had Elsie between his fingers. “Don’t you underestimate me, Marvolo.”
He clicked his tongue, let his head fall back and laughed wholeheartedly. “Oh, juveniles. Graduated a day ago and think they’ll conquer the world. Well, I got some bad news for you then. But first, you’re going to tell me how you’ve found out about Mors Grano. And how you got a hold of an antidote that isn’t ours.”
You didn’t answer and only looked at Elsie, who breathed rapidly, her hands holding on to Morfin’s grip around her neck.
“I see,” Marvolo sighed and turned his head towards the door. “Tom, would you give us the honour then? Come, stand next to your fiancée.”
Tom walked over silently and placed himself next to you, his hand gripping yours.
“Oh look at that,” Marvolo feigned. “Tragically in love. Now, Tom, explain.”
Tom didn’t answer, only held your hand a bit tighter and you could feel something cold inside of it, something metallic, perhaps.
“No?” Marvolo asked. “You don’t want to tell us? Well, then we’ll have to motivate you. Morfin, go ahead.”
Morfin grinned but didn’t point his wand at Elsie anymore. Instead, he pointed it right at you. “Crucio!”
The pain that rushed through you was unbearable from the moment it had started. You fell to your knees and opened your mouth to scream, but couldn’t even hear yourself or anyone else anymore. A million knives must have pierced your body at once, and they scraped off your skin with rusty blades inch by inch, while your head hammered and stung as if a lightning bolt had struck right into it. Your vision had left you from the pain, everything around you had gone white and you only heard scraps of conversation between the all-consuming buzz that rumbled between your ears. Tom was begging them to stop, you assumed, but couldn’t concentrate on his words anymore, as the pain threatened to crack your skull.
Then, as quickly as it had started, it ended. You opened your eyes slowly, blinked a couple of times when your perception came back and felt a small hand on your cheek. Elsie kneeled above you, next to Tom.
“What happened?” you asked, your voice hoarse, while you sat up groggily.
Marvolo was still standing in his spot, looking down at Morfin, who lay on the ground, holding his leg with both hands. And attached to his thigh, was Nagini, pressing her fangs into him through his trousers.
“Nagini,” you whispered and as soon as you had said her name, the snake let go of Morfin and retracted.
“She crawled out of her box when he hit you with the curse,” Tom said quietly. “And bit him before they could have noticed.”
Tom helped to get you on your feet again and even though your knees were still weak from the Cruciatus Curse, you stood in front of Elsie, to shield her from the Gaunts.
Morfin winced in pain and still held his leg. Nagini’s venom spread quickly, Morfin’s thigh was twitching on its own.
“Father,” Morfin whined. “I need treatment. Help me get home.”
Marvolo looked down at his son, lips parted with an expression of sheer revulsion on his face. “Do you think I have time to take care of your little injuries right now? Suck it up.”
“But… But Father, I can’t feel my leg anymore,” Morfin panted. “I might die when the venom reaches my heart.”
Marvolo sighed and bumped his foot against Morfin’s hurt leg, to which his son screamed. “Then leave.”
Morfin nodded, it must have taken all of his remaining strength not to pass out, and closed his eyes before he apparated, leaving only a few drops of blood on the floor behind.
“Now back to you,” Marvolo said and looked at Tom as if nothing more than a minor inconvenience had just occurred. “Don’t you dare lie to me. You know I can kill everyone in this room within a second.”
Tom still didn’t answer and placed himself in front of Elsie and you, which made Marvolo laugh again.
“Oh, boy. You’d sacrifice yourself? For this family and not your own? I know I’ve raised you differently. You’re a disgrace.”
“You want me to tell you everything?” Tom asked. “Then let me come closer, so I can share all of my secrets.”
Marvolo remained unimpressed at the thought, there was no spell he couldn’t counter. So he rolled his eyes and shrugged. “Come as close as you want, son. But keep your wand up, where I can see it.”
And so Tom went. One step, two, three, four, until he was face to face with his grandfather. Marvolo still eyed Tom’s wand, gripping his own tightly. And then, Tom moved his other hand abruptly, jerking it toward Marvolo’s abdomen once. You couldn’t see from where you stood and only noticed when Marvolo looked down himself and opened his mouth.
“Imperio,” Tom said quietly while Marvolo fell to his knees.
Now that you could see what he had done, you put your hands in front of Elsie’s eyes, holding them closed. Marvolo was bleeding from his stomach and Tom held a bloody knife in his wandless hand.
“I’m just making sure you can’t apparate,” Tom said coldly. “Like uncle did. The coward. I want to see how you die.”
Marvolo looked up at Tom, opened his mouth but didn’t say anything, tears edging on the corners of his eyes. 
“No. You don’t get to talk now,” Tom went on. “Never again. You’re going to listen. And I’m even going to tell you what you wanted to hear. I found a way to tell her what you have done to Elsie. I stole Morfin’s book, and we brewed the antidote ourselves. Oh yes, before I forget, we also stole some Banshee tears from Morfin, while you were out. Scrook and Hokey were very helpful. I even learned some new things this year. Some of them from a muggle-born, can you believe? It got me thinking, you purebloods are so concentrated on magic, you wouldn’t even realise when I’d come up to you with a knife in my hand. And I was right. You didn’t. You see, you called me a bastard so often and reminded me that my father was a muggle. So I thought I’d remind you myself how much of a half-blood I am. Isn’t it awful dying the muggle way? So slowly, so weak.”
Marvolo laid to the side, impacted by the Imperius Curse and opened his mouth, coughing up blood, his eyes half-closed.
“And now, here we are,” Tom whispered. “You did this all to yourself. Good night, Grandfather.”
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It took a while until you all had calmed yourselves. Father had woken up some minutes after Marvolo had closed his eyes completely and you had brought Elsie into the chapel, so she wouldn’t have to see the body. Tom, your parents and you hadn’t decided yet what to do with Marvolo. You had thought about leaving him there, or to apparate him to Gaunt manor, where the elves or Morfin could take care of it. If Morfin himself was still alive. 
Mother joined you in the chapel and you took the chance to get some fresh air outside. Only out in the open you noticed that you were still wearing the white dress. What scorn of fate it was to watch someone die on your wedding day. The door opened again behind you and Tom walked out. He had managed to remain composed better than anyone else there, even though he was the one who had killed somebody.
He walked up to you, looking at the ground and only lifted his head when he stood right in front of you. A warm breeze brushed over your skin as the sun was setting. “Are you okay?” he asked.
You nodded. Physically you were. Your mental state was debatable. “I think I am.”
Tom dipped his head once too and loosened his tie. “Are you scared of me after what you’ve seen?” 
You looked him in the eyes, tilting your head slightly. His pupils were extended, brows sitting calmly above. “No,” you answered. “I would have done the same if I had to.”
He bit his lip and nodded, hands inside his pockets before he took them out, held you by your waist and kissed you. All the tension and stress seemed to leave your body for a moment, your shoulders finally relaxing and you wished you could hold on to him like this for an hour. Tom stayed close for a moment, pressed his forehead against yours and sighed. “So,” he said as he took a step back. “The pact is done with. Elsie is cured. You don’t have to marry me anymore.”
A surprised gasp fell from your lips. You hadn’t even thought about that yet. He was right. “I guess I don’t.”
Tom pushed the tip of his shoe through the gravel on the ground, drawing patterns. “But I wanted to know,” he said. “Would you have gone through with it if this had turned out differently? Would you have married me and stayed?”
There was a moment of silence when you thought about it. What answer could anyone give to such a question? You liked him, yes, you would even dare to say you were in love with him. But would you have really married him this quickly if you could have decided yourself?
“Would you?” you asked, to which he smirked. The wind tousled his hair, just like when you had sat with him at the bench back in the Hogwarts’ courtyard. “Why don’t you ask me? Properly I mean.”
Tom’s smirk vanished and he looked at you seriously. He took both of your hands in his, inspecting you closely. He opened his mouth but shut it again to clear his throat. Then he asked: “Do you want to marry me?”
A smile formed on your face, one that he didn’t mirror, as long as you wouldn’t answer him. “No,” you said. 
Tom’s expression didn’t change, but when you looked closely, you noticed that the size of his pupils had decreased, his brows now hanging in confusion. He still held your hands but you could feel him trembling.
“Not yet,” you added, your smile still in place. “Not like this and certainly not today. Not on Marvolo’s terms. Not without my friends and not before we really get to know each other and both decide, on our own, that we want to do it.”
You leaned forward, kissed him once and said: “So, ask me again in a year or two?”
And then, the rarest sight of them all, Tom Riddle smiling genuinely, was given to you. He looked so handsome wearing it and with the orange light from the setting sun on his face when he let your hands go and pulled you in.
“I promise I will.”
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Masterpost | Masterlist
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That was it, the grande finale :3 I truly hope you liked it! There’s still one more part to come, the epilogue, which will hopefully please the majority of you. I see it as a little cherry on top. Please consider leaving a comment and tell me what you think so far :) They motivate me so much to keep writing! Thank you for reading!
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thunder-at-dawn · 3 years
June 5th
you are going to ignore that this is over a week late <3
word count: 1,280
prompt: potions
character: technoblade
warning: this is a sfw tickle fic! don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable :]
Recently, Wilbur had found himself going back to his old roots. The young man was frequently brewing, making potions, just like he did in the old days. He didn’t make typical potions for things like strength and healing, either. He was making a lot of...newer, interesting concoctions. And he would rarely test them out himself.
Wilbur would often ask his family and friends to test the potions out, and Techno was almost never the victim of one of Wilbur’s potions. It really just depended on whoever the man thought would handle the effects of the potion the best, and apparently, it was never Techno.
In fact, Techno had been asked to test a potion only once. It ended up being a potion that gave you the effects of levitation. This lead to him being stuck on the ceiling for eight minutes, much to Wilbur’s amusement. Tommy has also walked into the room, and Techno was forced to deal with hearing his boisterous laughter as he was stuck.
And apparently, today, Tommy was the chosen victim.
Techno immediately knew that something was off when the energetic teen walked into the living room, sitting next to him on the couch. He didn’t call him a name or even say anything, and the pig hybrid raised an eyebrow at him, but said nothing. He continued to read his book as Tommy started to switch through the channels.
The next suspicious thing was that he leaned his head onto Techno’s shoulder, still saying nothing and still channel surfing. Techno looked up to him from his book, finding the other’s behavior to be quite strange.
“What do you want?”
“You’re always this clingy when you want something from me.”
Tommy gasped, readjusting himself so he was now sitting up. “Technoblade, how dare you! I just want to spend time with my big brother, and you reject it!” He huffed, before a hiccup suddenly bubbled up from his throat.
Techno let out a small groan of annoyance. He knew that whenever Tommy hiccuped, he was under the effect of a potion. He caught a wiff of his breath, and could smell some sort of citrus. Still, despite this, he didn’t know what kind of concoction Wilbur had cooked up and given to the teenager.
“Am I not allowed to just cuddle up next to my big brother?” Tommy asked, leaning his head into the crook of Techno’s neck. The pig hybrid sighed, simply ignoring him and reading his novel. Annoyed, Tommy poked at Techno’s ribs, disappointed to see that no reaction came out of him. He groaned, continuing to poke at his ribs. Nothing happened, but the young boy yelped when the other surprisingly grabbed as his wrist.
“Stop that.” Techno hissed.
“Stop what?”
“Stop poking me. It’s annoying.”
“Well...you’re annoying!”
“Heh, says you!”
As the two of them bickered, Wilbur suddenly approached from around the corner, a bottle of pink liquid in his hands.
“Wilbur, what kind of potion did you give him? What’s in that?” Techno asked, a look of clear annoyance on his face.
“Why would I tell you that?” Wilbur laughed to himself, swirling the bottle in his hand. “And this? This potion isn’t the one I gave Tommy. I was actually planning on giving this one to you.”
“...To me?” Techno raised an eyebrow, suspicious.
“To you!” Wilbur repeated. “I gave Tommy an eight minute potion, and this is only a three minute long one, so I’ll let you drink it once the time is right. I think both potions would work...well together.”
“You can undergo two potion effects at once, couldn’t you just give the second one to Tommy?” He asked.
Wilbur paused, thinking for a moment. “Hmm...well, I could do that, but...it’d be easier this way. I do wonder what would happen if I overlapped both effects. I’ll have to test that out later, thanks for the idea.”
Techno nodded, taking the bottle of the pink, fizzy liquid and holding it in one hand. He was able to handle the levitating potion, and none of Wilbur’s potions were dangerous to them. What’s the worst that could possibly happen?
“Now.” Wilbur snapped his fingers. On demand, Techno drank the potion in one gulp. It had a fruit-like taste to it, but he couldn’t distinguish this taste. Was it...strawberry? No, no...wait...raspberry. Yes, that’s what it tasted like. It had to be raspberry.
Just as Technoblade wondered why he hadn’t been feeling any potion effects yet, a tingly feeling suddenly bubbled up in his stomach. He kept his lips zipped shut, and the look on Wilbur’s face made him realize that he knew exactly what was going on.
Tommy, who had been poking at Techno’s ribs this whole time, paused to see what was happening. The feeling in Techno’s stomach started to grow rapidly, and he clutched his stomach to try and contain it, as if crossing his arms would do anything. It suddenly felt like his stomach was exploding with butterflies, and Techno doubled over, laughter from him coming out in loud giggles.
“WhahAHAHAT the heHEHELL?! WIHIHILBUHUR!” He giggled, finding it harder to stay still.
“Techno? What’s so funny?” Tommy asked, poking his ribs more.
“Stohohop ihIHIT!” Techno was quick to bat Tommy’s hand away, but when he reached around to dig fingers in between the other side of Techno’s ribcage, all hope was lost.
“AHAHAHA- TOHOHOMMY!” He yelled out before a loud snort came out of his mouth, sinking deeper into the couch to try and get away.
“Alright, so it looks like the increased sensitivity potion works well!” Wilbur crossed his arms. “Or, should I say, the ticklish potion? Because you seem quite ticklish right now, Technoblade. Well, you always were, but it appears that this potion makes you a lot worse at hiding your reactions like you always do.”
“And Tommy‘s potion...I call that the clinging-clinger potion. Makes a person more clingy than they actually are. So, naturally, I have it to Tommy, and overviewing the scene, I knew that I had the perfect potion for you Techno.” Wilbur calmly explained, as if his brother wasn’t currently getting wrecked on the couch. “Well, I’ve got more to do, the potion effect should wear off shortly. Goodbye!” He waved his hand.
“WIHIHILBUHUHUR- *snrk* YOHOU PIHIEHECE OHOF SHIHIT, DOHON’T LEHEAHAVE MEHE HEHERE!” He yelled at the other. Oh, he was so dead after this. However, right now, he just had to deal with Tommy for a bit longer, but he just wasn’t stopping.
“Looks like the blade is a little- *hic* a little bit ticklish!” Tommy smirked, moving his hands and clawing at Techno’s body. He let out a sudden shriek at the change of spots.
“Me? Me what?” Tommy asked. However, with Techno laughing so hard, he never got an answer. Once the potion effects wore off, Tommy scooted away from the giggling brother on the couch.
“You’re so fucking ticklish. You’re so bad.” He smirked to himself.
“Oh, yohou think I’m bad, Tohommy?” Techno asked as he sat up, aftermath giggles taking over. “Wehell, you’re much worse than me.”
“I am no- Techno.” Tommy turned his head, backing away. “Techno, stop getting closer to me.”
“Hmm...no.” He chuckled in a low voice, grabbing the other’s wrist.
“T-Techno, wait! Y-You can’t blame me for this, I was under a potion effect! Yeah! Techno- don’t. DohoHOHON’T! FUHUHUCK- HAHAHAHA!! WAHAHAHAIT!!”
As Wilbur jotted down notes in his room, he smirked as he heard the shriek of his brother.
Maybe he should have Techno test his potions more often, he thought to himself as he wrote a little note, reminding him to do so.
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amphxtrite · 3 years
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cedric diggory x fem!reader
part one: Never Let You Go. (smut)
warnings: mentions of smut (but not actually smut), swearing, spelling/ grammar mistakes.
summary: Life with Cedric leading up to your graduation is pretty normal, except for the fact you hide the fact that you’re dating. With amortentia, avoiding practice for cuddles and a graduation dance coming up, how long can this relationship stay a secret.
a/n: thank you to the wonderful @mullthingsoverinthehotwater for this idea and all the help! She’s amazing go check her out!!
word count: 3.4k
tag list:@cupidpoison @wonderful-writer @coldlilheart @inglourious-imagines @evisbored @mayaleon0614 @dogsandrocketsocks
enjoy <3
Waking up in the arms of a lover is the most ethereal feeling you could imagine, a safe feeling, so comfortable and warm, even with the slight pain that poked at you when you tried to move your legs.
As you lay next to Cedric the sun rose through the clouds and casted an angelic glow on the hufflepuff’s sculpted face, it almost felt like you were in the presence of something divine, and just as mortals were in tales of of the gods, you were curious and wished to touch the miraculous boy before you. Tracing his jawline and pink lips a smile grows before he begins to stir and a light sigh rings as he awakes.
“Good morning love.” He yawns, his raspy morning voice bringing butterflies to your stomach. “What are you doing?” He smirks looking at your thumb tracing his cheek.
“Just admiring you darling.” You giggle leaning over to press a chaste kiss to the brunette’s lips. Cedric chuckles and pulls you closer against his chest, burying his face in your neck and sighing at your sweet scent.
“We should probably get you back to your room darling, we still have class today and I’d hate to make you late.” The gray-eyed boy smirks a bit, pressing a kiss to your nose before sitting upright on the bed. “Alright.” You yawn, rubbing your eyes to get the sleep out before standing and walking towards the door, pausing when a thought crosses your mind.
“H-Hey do you mind if we keep this between us for now?” You start, a little nervous. ”I don’t think I can take any gossip right now, and I can’t have the school knowing I’m shagging the dreamiest boy at Hogwarts, they’ll hate me!” You finish with a light laugh.
Cedric can’t help but chuckle at your cheeky comment, walking over to peck your cheek before whispering. “Of course love, whenever you’re ready.”
Learning magic at Hogwarts was a dream come true for you; Charms and Transfiguration were marvellous and fascinating. Defence Against the Dark Arts and History of Magic were interesting and fun, but your favourite class, by far, was potions. Despite the potion master’s snide comments and constant eye rolls, brewing concoctions that had the properties to create and destroy was an amazing feeling. A potion has the ability to heal things even the most powerful charms cannot, they can change your form without the need to transfigure, and even break the fates to bring luck to anyone, and in that class you had the ability to do it all.
“Today, we will be brewing a very famous potion, and a very difficult one at that.” Professor Snape’s usual drone begins at the beginning of the lesson.
“Now since you are the NEWT class, I expect absolute perfection, I will write the instructions on the board and you can brew and figure out the identity of the potion with your partner. Begin.”
Excitement bubbles in you as you begin to jot down the information. You and your partner gather your supplies and begin to cut, mix and sprinkle your ingredients into the cauldron.
The distinct smell of wood combined with freshly cleaned laundry and fresh air soon floods your nose and it was as though you were on cloud nine, the scent brought a calmness to you, a safe feeling; the person connected to it was just on the tip of your tongue. A wood like aftershave, clean clothes that had swallowed you whole and the type of air only a seeker gets flying after a snitch.
Cedric peers over to you across the classroom to see you smiling at your cauldron, a dopey smile on your face. He cocks his eye brow in confusion, but as he adds the finishing touches to the bubbling liquid he immediately understands. He’s instantly transported to your arms, the scent of your intoxicating shampoo surrounding every inch of him along with chocolate and a hint of that strawberry chapstick he tasted on your lips while ravaging you in the shower. A blush immediately floods the hufflepuff’s cheeks, and suddenly his pants get a little tight.
“Mr. Diggory, since it’s quite… Obvious, you smell the amortentia. Tell us what your aroma is.”
Hoping Snape isn’t implying the tent in his pants, Cedric slaps on a small grin.
“Sweet shampoo, chocolate and strawberry chapstick sir.” He manages to nod, as Snape raises an eyebrow. “Intriguing. Miss l/n and Miss Macavoy, you were first to finish, what do you smell?”
Your partner, Heidi Macavoy’s face lights up. “Fresh parchment, Honeydukes, and broom polish.” Snape nods, looking over to you.
“I smell aftershave, clean laundry and fresh air sir.” Your eyebrows furrow for a moment when it finally hits you. There was only one person that fit that scent, in fact the only aftershave you’ve ever smelt. Cedric. Your smile widens.
The professor nods with a sigh, folding his arms and walking back to the blackboard to write. “Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. Now, I would like you to write a paper on the properties of amortentia and how each ingredient factors into giving the potion it’s unique qualities. The rest of class will be for finishing your potions and starting your writing...” Snape concludes the lesson.
Months pass and everyday grows closer to your graduation. Your relationship with Cedric is kept quiet, but you manage to steal kisses in dark corridors and meet in the night. Oftentimes you spend evenings in the prefect’s shower, using the sound of running water to hide desperate moans and dirty actions, but it still gets hard to remember in public you’re only friends.
Cedric adores teasing you in public, running his hand up and down your thigh underneath the table and flirting insufferably with you everyday.
“Well hello there gorgeous, where are you off to today?” He’d tease every morning.
“Oh shut it Diggory.” You’d sigh as Cedric leaned closer to your ear.
“That’s quite hypocritical to the person screaming my name last night.”
Leaving you a flushed mess for the rest of the morning. Cedric respected your want to keep the relationship a secret, he knew he was popular as it is, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t have fun with you. He loved it when you gave him the warning glare if he ever tried his luck in public, and the blush he left after teasing you brought a huge smirk to his face every time. And any chance he got, whether alone or in public, he loved to bring up your amortentia.
“Aftershave, laundry and fresh air huh?” He’d grin down to you, a playful look in his eyes. “Oh Merlin here we go again.” You’d sigh, readying yourself for the cheeky comments.
“Sounds like you smelled the dreamiest boy at Hogwarts!”
The Winter snow took over the Autumn leaves and Hogwarts became a winter wonderland, sweaters were swapped with cloaks, runners became boots and scarfs covered the necks of each student in the school. Unless you were a quidditch player. The captains of each team were still determined to win the quidditch cup, and Cedric was no exception. Everyday was filled with drills, plays and scrimmages that left your muscles sore and your nose frozen from the winter cold. Cedric left no time to stare at the falling snow and each practice somehow left the team shivering and sweating all together.
You couldn’t blame each of the captains for wanting to earn the cup and lead their house to victory, but when Cedric went captain mode it seriously made it seem like you were going to be stuck by your goal post for the rest of the winter.
“Ced, it’s blizzarding outside.” You sigh as the brunette began pulling on his uniform.
“Can we please just take today off? We’ve trained everyday for the past 3 weeks!” Cedric seems to hesitate. “I-I know love, but-“
“Cedric, you know you’re overworking yourself, c’mon let’s just take today off alright?” You stick your bottom lips out in a pout and make grabby hands towards the tall hufflepuff.
“Alright love, because you asked so nicely.” He smirks and collapses back into your arms. He wouldn’t admit it, but you were right, his hands still ached from holding the broom too tight and Merlin were his feet cold. You smile before relaxing into your darling’s arms.
As Winter shifted to spring, the subject of graduation became of the utmost importance.
“Graduating class! As you know at each graduation ceremony there is a ball and banquet. I expect proper behaviour, and represent hufflepuff well. It was a pleasure having you here with us.”
Professor Sprout’s speech comes to an end as the graduating students of hufflepuff cheered and applauded their head of house.
“Are we allowed to bring dates to the ball? A person not the fruit I mean.” Another student calls to Sprout as a couple kids laugh. “Of course! You can bring any of the graduating class, of any house, with you.” The short professor smiles and turns to chat with a girl.
Cedric immediately turns to find you in the crowd, smiling excitedly at you, only to see a worried expression on your face.
“Are you alright?” He asks, walking closer to check on you.
“Can we talk a sec?” You pull the Head boy by the arm to a deserted area, away from prying eyes and take a deep breath.
“Cedric, I really want to go to this ball with you, but I'm nervous about what people would think of me.” You begin cracking your knuckles in an anxious manner, biting on your lips as everything that could go wrong plagues your mind.
“Darling.” Cedric smiles and takes your hands into his. “Who cares what people say? I’d be honoured to have you by my side. If you’ll have me that is.” Cedric looks around for anyone before falling to his knee and kissing your hand. “Y/n, I absolutely adore you, and I could not care less what little minded people have to say. Accompany me to the ball?” The hufflepuff’s eyes fill with hope and love and you knew then, he was right. Cedric was your sunshine and no one could take him away from you.
“Yes Cedric! Yes I’ll go to the ball with you.”
It was decided the two of you would show up together at the ball to ‘announce’ your relationship, but until then you’d stay on the down low.
It was hard seeing girl after girl walk up to Cedric with hope in their eyes only to be rejected in the nicest way possible. You were happy Cedric was yours, but some of these girls were gorgeous and sweet and it made you want to hide your face when they’d walk away dejected; although a small part of your brain jumped for joy when Cedric would discreetly look at you and wink after each confession. As each day grew warmer, so did your heart. Excitement flourished and each day held pure joy that you were one step closer to a future with Cedric.
The Hogsmeade weekend before the graduation ceremony finally arrived and just like most of the graduates you rushed to find the perfect outfit before everything was gone. There were quite a few clothing shops at the village, but your favourite was the small shop towards the end of the street. A small business run by a mum and her family. You enter the shop and the smell of cinnamon and sugar greets you.
“Y/n!” Two little voices call out and two young girls make a beeline for you.
“How are my two little princesses?” You giggle, kneeling down to their level to wrap the small children in your arms.
Coming to the shop often helped you grow close to the family in charge, they were so kind and always had exactly what you were looking for.
“Where’s your mum kiddos?” You ask just as Melina, the owner and mum of the two girls, comes rushing towards you.
“Good to see you y/n dear, now you two run along while I help our little graduate.” She smiles at the girls who hug you one last time before running off to find something to play with.
“Looking for a dress i’m guessing?” Melina laughs and begins walking towards a shelf in the back. “You know me too well Mellie.” You smirk, trailing behind the brunette. Mellie brings her finger to her chin as she begins searching, her eyes full of concentration, shifting to success as she pulls a f/c gown from the rack.
“I knew this day was coming, so I made this dress especially for you.” She grins, holding the dress out to you.
Immediately you wrap your arms around her, and thank her like your life depended on it. This was by far one of the most thoughtful things someone had done for you, and it made you emotional. With small tears running down your face you pull back. “Thank you so much Mellie, it’s gorgeous.”
You giddily run for the change room and pull yourself into the gown. The f/c contrasts your skin beautifully and the shape accentuates your curves, bringing out a newfound confidence and you find yourself admiring yourself. Twirling, laughing and picturing yourself dancing with Cedric.
Despite her insisting it was a gift, you press the galleons for the full price into her hand, hugging her and the kids one last time before walking out of the store, dress in your arms. You stop at Honeydukes for a treat before making the trip back to the castle.
Cedric wanted to make sure he was dressed appropriately for the ceremony, and his suit from last year just wasn’t going to cut it. He scourges every clothing shop in the Hogsmeade vicinity only to be met with empty shelves or nothing in his size. He’s about to give up and wear his old suit when a small shop catches his eye.
“Worth a shot.” He murmurs before pushing open the door. “Hello, I’m looking for a suit.” He greets the woman at the front.
“Oh you must be graduating as well. I’m Melina, please follow me.” She gives the brunette a warm, motherly smile before leading him to a rack.
“I just had a girl come in for her graduation outfit as well. Do you know y/n?”
Cedric let’s his smile shine through when your name is mentioned and turns to Melina.
“I do actually, I’m the lucky guy who gets to go to the ball with her.”
Melina’s eyes light up and she immediately rushes towards a suit towards the end of the aisle.
“Perfect, I had a lot of extra fabric when I made her dress, so I tailored a suit to go with it.” She rushes towards Cedric, pulling a tape measure from her apron pocket. Cedric raises his arms and allows the woman to take his measurements, an excited smile gracing his face.
“It’ll be a little tight in the chest, but other than that it’s a perfect fit!”
Melina quickly pushes Cedric into a change room and the brunette shrugs on the dress shirt and jacket before pulling on the pants and the cape-like overcoat. He nodded to himself in the mirror. This was perfect and he knew you’d love to see him in your favourite colour.
The night of your graduation ceremony arrived and every seventh year was preparing themselves for the night ahead. Some were fretting over hair and makeup while others were content with just showing up and having fun. You were in your room with a couple of your friends, helping each other with outfits and makeup.
“Hold still Sebastian, I'm almost done with the eyeliner!” You scold the blonde as he fiddles with his fingers. “Sorry, sorry, I’m just ticklish.”
You smile and feel a tug on your scalp.
“Gently Heids, you’re gonna rip out my hair.”
Everyone began to laugh and slowly but surely you all got dressed and prepared for the long night ahead. You slowly make your way to the great hall, arms linked with your friends and laughs ringing from everyone. Once at the doors you split up in search of your dates. You spot Cedric’s mop of brown curls and quickly make you way closer to him.
“Nice suit.” You smile and turn back to your date, smiling at the colour choice and design.
“Thanks I got it from Melina.” He grins proudly, pulling a corsage from behind his back and clasping it around your wrist.
“No wonder we’re matching!” You laugh and move your wrist around admiring the flowers. Cedric smiles as he takes in your dress, thanking his lucky stars for whatever he did to deserve such an angel like you.
“Well, you ready milady?” Cedric grins offering his arm to you. “As I’ll ever be milord.”
You take in a deep breath and push open the doors to the hall.
Bright lights flood your vision and happy cheers sound in your ears, people laughing, dancing and drinking, and overall having a great time. Your face lights up and you begin to pull Cedric faster through the room. There were quite a few eyes staring in your direction. Emotions ranging from envy, sadness, disbelief and awe were all noticed when you stepped inside with the Hogwarts Champion, golden student and Head boy on your arm. You could hear whispers claiming you to be fake, an attention seeker or whore, and a frown begins to tug at your lips. Cedric takes notice and quickly wraps you into his arms gazing at you with love filled eyes as everyone else fades away. The anxiety and disappointment evaporates and soon it was just you and Cedric swaying in the middle of the dance floor. Many of your friends shoot you thumbs ups and congratulated the two of you, but all you could focus on was the gray eyes that pulled you into a trance. When the two of you glided across the hall you could’ve exploded with happiness, Cedric ignored even his best mates just to keep on dancing with you. His eyes were glued to you and only you as your face lit up and your eyes shone like stars. He was reminded of the Yule Ball from last year and how he awkwardly danced with you, trying not to look directly into your eyes in fear of getting lost and tripping up.
If his past self could see him now Cedric was sure his mouth would be agape with an unshakable grin. the brunette kept on pinching himself just to make sure you were really in his arms looking into his eyes as if he was your world. It got to the point he couldn’t help but pull you into him and dip you into a low kiss.
So much had happened in just a couple days. He’d won a quidditch game and your affection, he made love to you in a shower, cuddled you in his bed, and smelled you in his amortentia. And while all those things were amazing, he didn’t need one more hint you were the one for him. He had fallen in love with you, and when he looked to the future, the only one he could see by his side was you; In front of him when he knelt to propose, Beside him in a white dress and a veil, holding your children in your arms and growing gray and old with him. His silver eyes found themselves tearing up as he deepened the kiss and held you there in place. The sound of whooping and groaning drowned out, and you smiled into the sentimental kiss, cupping the hufflepuff’s cheek in your hand as you wiped away his tears.
“I love you y/n, so much.” Cedric murmurs against your lips, trying to hold back his tears as you stood so beautifully before him, drying his tears and smiling that perfect smile.
“I love you too Cedric, more than you’ll ever know.” you respond adoringly.
The ceremony began and every student cried in joy at the fact they were now graduates of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
You held onto Cedric’s hand all night and as the party came to an end, you toasted to the night and all the bright days ahead.
With the newfound freedom to just be a couple, Cedric pulls you away from the dance early and with a laugh, leads you to his dorm and places you onto his bed. The rest of the evening was dedicated to your sinful thoughts and desires as lust broke free.
No one saw you for the rest of the night.
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lluvguts · 3 years
the best medicine // wolfstar
pairing: sirius black / remus lupin
warnings: all fluff! so none! :)
word count: 1,833
summary: Sirius won't let Remus out of his sight until he feels better again. Even if that means breakfast in bed.
n/a: adding most of my ao3 fics onto here! if you enjoyed reading, check out my page here and requests are open so just message me!!
Sirius had woken up with a frown, fully expecting Remus to be curled into his side—in the predawn hours before Remus returned to his own bed, as the others knew well enough about their relationship but Remus and Sirius were much too afraid of any Professors finding out. But sadly Sirius’s sheets were cold without a warm, sleepy Remus and dark from the bed curtains which were oddly shut. Their dormitory wasn’t filled with its usual chatter, meaning either the rest of their friends had left to breakfast without him, or they were still sound asleep.
“Moons?” Sirius whispered softly into the quiet, slipping a finger through the curtains to see. He was right. Peter and James had already left for breakfast—along with Lily from the girl’s chambers, no doubt. Remus’s bed was next to his own and Sirius saw with a thudding heart that Remus was slumped over with his back to him, with mussy hair peeking out of the sheet. It might have been a Saturday, but Remus was never one to mope about.
That was...weird. Remus always at least tipped his head up, any indication that he’d heard him. Something was definitely wrong, and Sirius prayed it was not some prank that the others were playing on him. Perhaps they used a Polyjuice Potion to trick Sirius into thinking that his boyfriend wasn’t a magicked Peter. Yuck.
“Remus, you alright?” Sirius tried again, slipping out from the comfort of his bed to slide onto the soft covers to Remus. He set a hand against his head, leaning to see that Remus had circles lining his dark green eyes. Yes, it was definitely the real Remus. He had the same healing scrapes on his bare shoulders and neck from a full moon nights ago, the price to pay for being a werewolf.
Sirius set aside the first reason he was concerned and found a new one as he touched one purply bruise on Remus’s jaw, making both wince.
“Do you need me to get some ice from the dining hall? These marks still look bad, Moony.”
Remus snaked a hand free from his sheets and moved Sirius’s hand away. “I’m fine, Pads. You don’t have to worry over me. Go off to breakfast, I heard James was going to save you a seat.”
“Well what about you ? Why won’t you come?” Sirius settled closer on the bed, craning over Remus to see his face.
“I’m...I don’t feel well,” Remus murmured, not meeting Sirius’s eyes.
Sirius saw right through his lie. It was in the way Remus bit down on his lip, and if it was at all possible his eyes darkened further into sad, pitiful slits as he stared at the far wall.
“What’s the matter? I know when you aren’t being truthful, Moons.”
His attempts at pushing Sirius away only made him scoot closer, and made that stirring in his gut wrench around like a headless rabbit at the sight of something else. There weren’t just bruises dotting Remus’s cheeks from days before—as if that alone wasn’t enough to worry Sirius sick over—underneath Remus’s eyes were dried tears.
Sirius didn’t rush to ask about the tears just yet. He only watched, and even that was a difficult feat, he hated when Remus was upset . Especially when he had no way to help. Remus was silent, emotions flickering across his eyes as the sunlight streamed across the white sheets in little glowing patches. But soon it was as though the intent to keep Sirius as far from him as possible faded away with some burst of clarity and Remus instead shifted higher up on his pillows to grab Sirius’s eager hands.
His voice wavered, looking Sirius straight in the eyes made his face redden. “Could you stay here, er, with me? I know it’s a lot to ask, but quite frankly, I’m scared to be alone...I haven’t been sleeping well—well, I only truly sleep when I’m with you. But see, last night I...I was—“
Sirius put a free hand to Remus’s lips, and his worried expression softened.
“You don’t have to explain yourself, Moons. Of course I’ll stay.”
Remus sighed in relief and opened his mouth—to say thank you, Sirius assumed—but was interrupted by a rumbling coming from his own stomach. Both boys grinned at this and shared a gentle laugh. Sirius pulled him in for a hug, one that Remus accepted with both hands wrapped around his nightshirt.
“I’ll stay, on one condition: at least let me get you something to eat,” Sirius said against Remus’s hair.
“Just nothing with animal meat...goodness, Sirius, I’ve grown so sick of the taste of...of,” Remus trailed off, that sadness in his eyes returning.
“Don’t worry,” Sirius kissed his forehead, “I’ll be back before you know it.”
Sirius hardly paid much attention to the portrait’s protests as he exited the Gryffindor common room and raced down the steps—minding the gaps and shifting staircases—toward the main hall where the rest of the Hogwarts students were enjoying breakfast.
“Ah! It’s about time you showed up! In your pyjamas, too,” James greeted Sirius with a wave and a cheeky mouthful of bacon. “Where’s your other half?”
Sirius fought the impulse to smile. “Resting. He’s ill, I’m to bring him some breakfast.”
James turned to Lily and Peter—as well as the other Gryffindors who had happened to overhear his boisterous voice—and began to laugh.
“Oh, Moony is sick , you say? That’s why you’re rushing about, just to run back up to his beck and call? Are you sure you’re not just going back to go snog in the common room—“
“ Keep your voice down!” Sirius hissed with a breathy laugh.
James reached over the table to tug on Sirius’s black hair, then slung an arm affectionately around Lily, who rolled her eyes.
Sirius poured Remus’s tea strong, just how he liked it. A dash of cream, no sugar. That was if Remus even wanted tea to begin with. Sirius examined the breakfast banquet before him on the Gryffindor table again, growing more and more anxious over what food Remus might like best. He did say no meat, so the scrambled eggs and strips of bacon were certainly out of the question...Sirius chose a few less burnt slices of toast instead, with a saucer of jam and some chopped fruit to pile onto the fresh plate.
“Are you gonna eat, Sirius?” Peter asked as he watched him add a few more strawberries onto the already filled plate.
In answer to this Sirius slipped some bacon into his mouth and grabbed James’s half-empty mug of coffee before spinning back out of the Great Hall toward Gryffindor Tower, using both hands to carry Remus’s plate and tea.
James leapt from the table, as if to playfully lunge across the rows of students. “ Oy! You come back here with that, Pads!”
Sirius grinned over his shoulder at James and took a swig from the lukewarm coffee. He almost spit it out though, it was much too sugary for his liking.
“It is sweet of him, James. Maybe you’ll do that for me someday,” Lily mused before Sirius disappeared around the corridor and could not hear the rest of their conversation.
With his hands full, he had to use his foot to open the portrait into the common room, resulting in the Fat Lady’s shrieks in disapproval at Sirius’s toes touching the canvas. He muttered his apologies and practically raced up the boy’s staircase to the dormitories, the dishes clattering all the while.
“Sirius?” Remus called in a hushed voice, turning in bed so that Sirius could smile at his drowsy face and the strands of his light brown hair in disarray around the pillows.
Sirius took off his shoes and climbed into Remus’s bed, setting the tray of breakfast food carefully on Remus’s lap.
He took a drink from James’s coffee. “Eat.”
Remus scanned the food before choosing a slice of toast, chewing thoughtfully.
“Did you have any?” Remus gestured to the tray, but Sirius waved him off.
“Moons,” Sirius started with a heavy heart, inching closer until their knees touched. He waited until Remus was done with his toast to touch one of his tired eyelids, his fingers brushing the tear stains. “Why were you crying?”
Remus didn’t flinch. He sat rigid as Sirius moved the tray to the nightstand and planted his other hand to his cheek.
“I couldn’t sleep, I told you,” Remus mumbled, looking into Sirius’s eyes with embarrassment.
“Enough for tears , Moons? You cry over O.W.L. scores, not sleepless nights.”
Remus sighed, his words coming out choppy and full of emotion. “I’ve been having nightmares. About getting stuck as a werewolf, and showing up in places where everyone can see me. They either laugh and point, or cower in fear and use curses on me. I tried hurting you and the others once...I killed innocent animals...I can’t seem to—oh, never mind. That’s about when I woke up and decided to stay awake. But I didn’t want to worry you with it so I just went to my own bed.”
“You know you could have woken me. I’m very good at distracting,” Sirius held Remus’s  face and brushed a thumb along his skin, marred by old wounds.
“You’re more of a distraction than a distractor. Hate to inform you,” The pain in his eyes lifted and Remus was smiling now.
Sirius chuckled. “C’mere then, I’ll distract you some more.”
Remus took the front of Sirius’s nightshirt with both hands as Sirius flipped him over. Like they always did, Remus nestled into a comfortable position on top of him, wrapping his arms around Sirius’s neck while his legs hugged his waist. Sirius pulled the covers over them both and rested his hands in Remus’s hair.
“You can try and rest now, if you’d like,” Sirius whispered.
Remus stared down at Sirius’s contented face with his own tired one. “Not just yet.”
“Moony, one of these days you’ll keel over from exhaustion—“ Sirius said but was cut off by a soft kiss on his lips. His whole body flooded with a smothering heat, and he brought Remus’s face closer to cradle his neck and deepen the kiss.
Remus pulled away and pressed his nose to Sirius’s neck, his eyelashes tickling his skin.
“A goodnight kiss, eh?” Sirius said with a little laugh.
Remus murmured something back, probably a reminder to wake him up at a certain hour or to stop his teasing. Sirius held him against his chest and listened to the pattern of his breathing, looking up at the ceiling as Remus drifted to sleep.
Remus really was right. The boy could only fall asleep when Sirius was with him. And he only let the dark thoughts that plagued him drift away when Sirius was cuddling him close—and kept him tucked safe in his arms.
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alotsgonnachange · 3 years
Fan apprentice Bios
for the alotsgonnachange/the arcana cinematic universe that eye personally believe to be better than the original game...
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Name: Isabella Ciccino
Meaning: Promise of God
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 5′10
Birthday: October 28th
Star sign: Scorpio
Patron Arcana: Justice
Sexuality: Lesbian
Favorite Food: Lemon chicken orzo
Drink: White wine (Vinho Verde)
Magical abilities: Plant care/recognition (green witch), Foraging
Ethnicity: A small rocky/mediterranean esque island off the coast of Venterre that would strongly resemble sicily and malta.
Family: Mother, Angela Ciccino (deceased). Younger sister, Annamaria Ciccino (deceased)
Backstory: WIP
Occupation: Seamstress/tailor
Hobbies: Ballet, reading, drinking wine, dancing, tending to plants
Familiar: None (for now i guess??)
Love Interest: Nadia
Description: Isabella is a mysterious and alluring magician. To most people she is kind and charming, but private. She is incredibly helpful and caring to those she is friends with and cares about and will drop what she’s doing to assist. Likes to do quiet introspective work like reading, sewing, knitting and caring for plants. She’s a bit of a homebody in that sense. She comes across as level-headed and assertive in formal settings and does not allow others to talk down to her. With friends, she is a bit more sassy and teasing. She hates answering personal questions and has strict boundaries, which can lead to her being standoffish and stubborn at times.
As a Love Interest: Very loyal and committed, generally very gentle towards whoever she is seeing. You are going to have to get her to open the fuck up though she’s not good at being vulnerable AT ALL. The type of gf who may or may not qualify as a therapist/mother which…yikes. needs to work through her fear of intimacy before she can have a healthy relationship awwww 5/10
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Name: Danielle Dupont
Meaning: God is my judge
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 5′6
Birthday: September 7th
Star sign: Virgo
Patron Arcana: The Sun
Sexuality: Bi
Favorite food: Pain au Chocolat (Chocolatine for my canadians…)
Favorite drink: Espresso or a good wheaty ale
Magical Abilities: Sexual magic, chemistry/potionmaking, candle magic, topical balms/solutions
Ethnicity: Whatever the Arcana equivalent is of like. Western Europe germanic? A country including but not limited to Germany, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland. Who cares really she is white and an Orphan
Family: Orphan!
Backstory: WIP
Occupation: Shop owner who sells potions, balms, candles and various other uhhh items usually of the purpose of sex (literally think a modern day sex shop with dildos and shit but also candles and skincare too)
Hobbies: Socializing, singing, making/testing potions, foraging, baking
Familiar: None, is in fact frightened of several animals due to trauma :(
Love interest: Lucio (Her taste is questionable and that’s okay!), also portia
Description: Danielle is a cunning and animated witch. She’s outgoing, bright and carries herself with confidence. In the past this has made her friends and enemies alike. She’s charming but can be a bit of a trickster. Her demeanor is generally calm and she does not often experience strong anger. She’s very smart and dedicated to her craft, and she is a perfectionist. As a worker, she gives excellent customer service and is a good saleswoman. To her friends, she’s teasing and wild, but loving and encouraging. On her worst days, she has the potential to be a bit more inconsiderate and is not the best at handling huge displays of emotions from others.
As a Love Interest: Girlllll…. first of all she needs to stop being emotionally stunted! My good sis cannot handle open displays of emotion at all and tends to shut down! The physical aspects are all there and excellent and she is going to be sweet, caring and loving but she needs to take things more seriously and be able to talk about feelings!!! 3/10
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Name: Jia Song
Meaning: In korean it’s “clear” or “good”
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Height: 5’5”
Birthday: August 5th
Star sign: Leo
Sexuality: Bi
Favorite Food: Pulled pork or a good seasoned steak
Drink: limeade
Magical Abilities: Potions/herbs and healing
Ethnicity: Her father is from the same country as Ki (in a modern AU, this would be like. Korea.) and her mother is from somewhere uhhhh near nopal or something. Warm tropical nice (in a modern au this would be Brazil), but she grew up in her mother's country.
Family: I don't currently have names but basically, her father, mother, aunt (deceased) and two younger brothers.
Backstory: will be linked coming soon
Occupation: Healer, researcher, linguist
Hobbies: Dancing, reading, adventuring
Familiar: None
Love Interest: Julian
Description: Jia is a bright and curious magician. She’s a bit nerdy and loves reading/learning new disciplines. She is an energetic and altruistic person who is liked by many. She comes off as kind and forthcoming. She is very helpful and if she can’t help directly she will find someone who can with her connections. To her friends, she is loyal and sweet and affectionate, but also has the potential to be grumpy and even a bit negative. She’s very determined in hard situations and won’t back down until things are made right. Despite this, she can potentially overthink and overestimate situations and is incredibly stubborn when she wants to be.
As a romantic partner: loving, but definitely also able to keep independence. Not necessarily a stage 5 clinger but somewhere in the middle. She will love just spending lots of time with a partner and just picking their brain and learning everything she can from them. The type to brag about them to her friends. A wonderful listener but give her a chance to speak too she likes talking a lot as well! 10/10 would recommend
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Name: Ki (Kiyoung) Kim
Meaning: Debatable but Ki alone means arisen and i’m getting “Vigor and eternal” But i think names differ based on the characters u use i am not korean so take this with a grain of salt
Gender: Nonbinary i think...
Pronouns: He/him or they/them doesn't have a preference
Height: 5′8″ Short king
Birthday: February 27th
Star sign: Pisces
Sexuality: Gay
Favorite food: Budae Jjigae or Yongeun jorim
Favorite drink: any alcoholic beverage where you can’t taste the alcohol and strawberry milk
Magical Ability: Divination and mediumship (idk what the proper term is) so he can communicate with spirits/the dead
Ethnicity: Think of a small nation veeeery far away from Vesuvia that's cold for a lot of the year (for reference, think Korea).
Family: a twin sister named Jiyoung, 3 older sisters (Jiwoo, Jeongyeon, Joonhwa), mother and father and paternal grandfather and maternal grandmother who are living.
Backstory: will be linked coming soon
Occupation: Musician - mostly guitar and piano. Enjoys instrument care, arranging and performing in large ensembles, not a soloist by any means. He’s a great singer but he’s shy and singing gives him anxiety
Hobbies: Playing guitar, composing/arranging, reading, writing, shopping
Familiar: a tiny white dragon named Egg. Idc if dragons exist in this world but i feel like they HAVE to..
Love Interest: Asra
Description: Ki is a perceptive and witty magician. To most he comes off as a bit anxious and shy, which he is. Once you get past that, he’s eager, forthcoming and empathetic. He is very kind and likes to believe people have good intentions. He is very helpful and always tries to make sure others are comfortable and happy. He enjoys music and learning musical instruments. He prefers to work more in the background so as to not draw attention to himself. With his friends, he’s actually very talkative, silly and goofy. He’s prone to anxiety and may tense up or feel attacked when put into frightening situations. Unfortunately he has self destructive tendencies and low self esteem and has a hard time due to that.
As a Love Interest: perfect little s/o shut the FUCK UP…. that is if u can deal with low self esteem and anxiety! He really really tries though! He’s also shy with physical affection but will warm up to it eventually with familiarity and trust. Very doting and randomly shows up with delicious food and takes care of u when ur sick. 8/10
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Name: Mathilde “Tilly” LaRue
Meaning: Mighty In Battle? Lol
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Height: 5’11
Birthday: January 16
Star Sign: Capricorn
Sexuality: Bi
Favorite Food: Lentil soup
Drink: Black coffee
Magical Abilities: Divination, telekinesis, herbs, defensive magic
Ethnicity: From a large urban area with a large population somewhere in an area a bit cooler and rainier than Vesuvia. (think like. England)(in a modern AU think Afro-caribbean)
Family: Mother and Mother and an older sister named Topaz
Backstory: will be linked coming soon
Occupation: Court Magician (but like simply a well rounded witch who goes wherever the money is)
Hobbies: Exploring, foraging, reading
Familiar: A white ferret named Elle
Love Interest: Muriel
Description: Mathilde is a gentle and thoughtful magician. She is soft-spoken and hates raising her voice, and is often making bizarre and thought provoking side comments in most situations. She is curious and intuitive when it comes to magic and often able to use several methods to predict the future for others. She carries herself in a dreamlike/contemplative manner and does not really care what others think - She’s off in her own world. With friends, she has a good source of humor and gives good advice and is a very good listener. She has an affinity for animals and nature, and would generally prefer to be outside. She can tend to be unrealistic and naive and loses hold on her emotions in tough situations (angry crier…) and feels misunderstood by those around her.
As a love interest: Downright adorable. Sweet, will bring you cool items she found and very endearing. She’s also encouraging and surprisingly cheesy. Not outwardly clingy but if you let her she will. but good fucking luck starting to date her! She is extremely pretty and gets asked out almost every day, turning down 99.999999% of applicants because other people do not particularly interest her and her taste is insanely picky! 10/10 but FAT CHANCE
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rainandhotchocolate · 4 years
Christmas Day
A/N Here is some pure sirius x reader fluff, spending their first christmas together :)))) Enjoy lovelies!! 
Y/N blinked in the light coming through the window beside their bed. The snow outside had made it blindingly white and it took a second before Y/N could properly see what was sitting in front of her.
“Merry Christmas!” Sirius was sitting on the bed in front of her, holding a large tray of food in on his knees.
“Merry Christmas! What is all this?” Y/N sat up carefully to avoid accidentally hitting the tray and pushed the pillows up so that they could lean against the back wall.
“Well I remember you telling me that your mum used to always make breakfast for you Christmas morning, and I wanted to thank you for spending it with me instead.” He smiled at her, the one he saved for when they were alone, when he was certain he wasn’t about to be mocked mercilessly by the boys.
“Well, it’s not like there’s anywhere else I’d rather be,” Y/N smiled back at him, feeling his arm curl around her waist to lean in and give her a soft kiss. He tasted like maple syrup and coffee.
“Sampling the goods already?”
“Well you were asleep for ages,” Sirius winked, sliding beside her and back under the covers, placing the tray on top of their legs. There was a large array of plates, a stack of pancakes, a bowl of strawberries, blueberries, and apples, toast with butter, orange juice, and two mugs of coffee.
“Well it’s not my fault you had James over until 4am last night,” Y/N rolled her eyes, feeling her mouth drool at the sight of the food. He remembered
Sirius had found her about a few weeks before Christmas sitting on the roof of her apartment. Marlene had shown him up, having not been able to get her down for 4 hours, and he’d joined her on the roof for another 30 minutes without speaking. She knew that Christmas would be hard. Her mum had loved it, spent weeks decorating the house and setting up the Christmas tree, going shopping for their cousins and Y/N. It was the first holiday without her.
“What are you thinking about, love?” Sirius was watching her, and tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear.
“Mum,” Y/N said shortly. If she spoke too much about her it still made her feel like she was choking. “She would have loved this.”
“Yeah?” Sirius smiled, “Well good, I do not want to be disappointing as the new Christmas organiser.”
“Oh, you organise Christmas now?” Y/N snorted, piling on pancakes and fruit onto a plate. Sirius followed suit, pouring a large amount of maple syrup onto his pancakes, barely missing the sheets.
“Yep, I have taken it into my care, you will never be without an incredible Christmas day,” Sirius placed his hand over his heart, his face in mock sincerity. Y/N laughed loudly but felt a warmth come up into her stomach.
“Oh man, I almost forgot!” Sirius shuffled slightly and pulled out his wand, flicking at the record player sitting in the far corner of Sirius’ room. The soft melody of Frosty the Snowman began to play through the room, making Y/N immediately chuckle.
“What is this?”
“Just a cheeky record of classic muggle Christmas songs.” Sirius’ grin seemed to cover his whole face, crinkles forming in the sides of his eyes and mouth.
“I just… I fucking love you,” Y/N laughed at his boyish expression and dug into her food. After they’d finished breakfast and Y/N had persuaded Sirius out of a food fight, Sirius picked up the tray and moved it off the bed so that they could get jumpers on to go downstairs.
“No, no no no, you have to wear this one,” Sirius was rummaging around his closet, his head deep in a pile of unfolded clothes.
“I don’t even remember the last time I left a jumper here,” Y/N raised an eyebrow, watching him continue to search, muttering to himself. If Y/N was honest with herself she might have also been watching his ass move around in front of her.
“Aha!” Sirius pulled up suddenly, spinning around and holding up an oversized dark green sweater. It had an embroidered image of a pug on the front who was covered in sparkling Christmas lights and had embroidered lettering above saying “Merry Pugmas!”
“Oh my god,” Y/N stared, eyes wide, at the jumper momentarily before bursting into laughter. “What on earth is that! Where did you find it?”
“At some vintage store that James showed Lily! We charmed the lights to sparkle.” Sirius thrust it forward to Y/N, “And I request that you must wear it during present time.”
“I honestly want to wear this, this is the most quality bad Christmas jumper I’ve ever seen.”
“Bad, Bad!” Sirius looked affronted, placing a hand to his head, “That’s it, you can’t have it now.”
“You are the most melodramatic person I have ever met.” Y/N rolled her eyes and pulled it away from him, putting it on quickly before he could take it back. “Too late punk!”
“Never too late,” Sirius’ eyes twinkled mischievously as he stalked forwards, grabbing Y/N around the waist and picking her up, throwing her carefully onto the bed and tickling her around the stomach
“Ahhh… stop! Stop!” Y/N cackled loudly as he grinned at her, pulling away so he still had his arms around her head, hands spread across the sheets. Y/N looked up at him looming over her and felt her heart skip a beat. As if he knew, his lip curled and he leaned down to kiss her softly, parting his lips and pressing them harder to hers.
“Presents?” Y/N grinned at Sirius as he pulled away.
“Definitely.” Sirius took each of Y/N’s hands and pulled her upright, leading her out of the bedroom and into the living room. There was a large fake Christmas tree standing next to Sirius’ fireplace, which had been decorated by Sirius and Y/N a week earlier and had ended with them both covered in marshmallows and naked on the rug.
There was a large stack of presents underneath the tree and Sirius slipped ahead of Y/N in order to grab some egg nog and bring it into the living room for the unwrapping. He poured Y/N a large glass and sat on the rub, crossed legged, looking ridiculously eager.
“Ok, you go first.” He took a sip of egg nog and passed Y/N a present from her stack. Y/N smiled, getting increasingly excited as she started to unwrap the present in her lap whilst Sirius watched.
“Oh my god!” Y/N gasped as she took out the gift. It was a small pendant that had a large black dog inside, tongue out and bounding around playfully. “It’s beautiful, Sirius.”
“I know you’ve been worried with me gone on missions a lot of the time, this way you’ll always know I’m safe.” Sirius had bowed his head, looking abashed. Y/N reached over and took his chin in her hand, lifting it up and kissing him.
“It’s the best present I’ve ever gotten.” Y/N lifted it from the box and clasped it around her neck. “Ok, your turn.”
Y/N found her present and pulled it out for Sirius to unwrap. He grinned at her, tearing at it impatiently, finding a large packaged box.
“Holy shit is this…?” Sirius lifted it up, checking every side of it. Y/N nodded, relief washing over her when she saw his smile get a little wider.
“Yep, magical tattoo kit, pre-charmed.” Y/N watched him unbox it and feel around the edge of the needle and boxes of ink.
“This is the best! It’s my dream to do my own tattoos!”
“I know, you dork, you’ve been talking about it for like four years.”
He beamed at her, putting the box aside and jumping on top of her, giving her a hug, peppering kisses along her cheek and neck.
“I’m glad you like it,” Y/N giggled, leaning her neck back to give him more access. He sat up, still beaming at her.
“Let’s get to the rest of them, I think I can smell fudge.”
They spent the rest of the morning unwrapping gifts and drinking the majority of Sirius’ eggnog. Remus had sent both of them books on advanced defensive and dark spells,  Peter a dog collar for Sirius and leash for Y/N, and Lily sent large baked treacle tart and fudge as well as a huge patch of healing potions and a cashmere sweater for Y/N. James had sent Sirius a miniature working Quidditch pitch with mini players that flew where you told them to go, and Y/N had to stop him from playing for the next two hours, and sent Y/N a set of golden chess with a note prepare to be destroyed.
Soon it was time to get dressed to go over to Lily and James’ for Christmas lunch, and they walked upstairs slowly, Sirius playing with Y/N’s hand.
Y/N pulled off her pyjamas, reaching for the dress she had set out for the day when Sirius wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against his bare chest.
“You’re beautiful, you know that?”
“I do, you like to inform me regularly,” Y/N smiled, leaning back into him.
“Well I just wanted to make sure you were aware.”
“That’s very kind of you,” Y/N twisted herself around in his arms so she could face him, looking up at his deep grey eyes, dark curls falling into his face as he met her gaze. He leaned down and kissed her forehead slowly, rubbing his hands along her back.
“I kind of wish we could spend all day just the two of us,” Sirius placed a hand by Y/N’s chin and rubbed his thumb against her cheek. Y/N leaned her face into him, closing her eyes and letting out a soft sigh.
“I think Lily would stab us.”
“Oh, she definitely would.” Sirius laughed and took a step back, his hands still on her waist. He gave her a sweeping look, sighing exaggeratedly before reaching behind and throwing Y/N’s dress at her.
“Put that on before I go insane,” Sirius shook his head, turning to get his clothes as well. Y/N rolled her eyes but couldn’t stop smiling whilst she put on her dress, getting Sirius to zip it up. He watched as she pulled up her tights, poking her tongue out at him as he groaned and clapped loudly.
“You’re a complete idiot.” Y/N gave Sirius a soft shove as she put on her boots and followed him out of the room.
“Well then you're an even bigger idiot for loving me.” Sirius shrugged, moving to the fireplace and grabbing a handful of floo powder. “You ready?”
Y/N nodded stepping into the fire behind him.
“The Potter Residence,” Sirius called loudly, throwing the floo powder down, a flash of green flame licking at their feet. As Y/N felt the sucking sensation as she was about to be sent across to another fireplace Sirius grabbed her hand and squeezed tight.
Taglist:  @averytruerayofsunshine @siriuslyjanhvi  @blushingskywalker @blackpinkdolan @thebabblingbookworm @cherrie511  @imlukesnirvana​ @avengersassemblee​ @maraudersandco​ @sly-vixen-up2nogood​ @katbernoulli @sirius-lysad​  @evyiione​ @minerva26love​ @aikeia​  @gollyderek​ @greatwombatblaze​  @songforhema​  @your-typical-giggle @myownviperroom @hermionie-is-my-queen @demiwitch527
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warning(s): cursing
word count: 1.8k
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When Kudo Street was first established, it was what the name suggests; a street. However, businesses there were able to pick up at a rapid growth without humans' intervention because Taishi was a secluded magic town so it became a favourite stop for magic merchants from all over the world. They mostly brought in potion ingredients and recipes and pentagram scriptures since those were tough to find after practitioners had to find new lands when the purge happened. It wasn't long before words spread among them that Kudo Street had everything that they needed, which was all it took for the practitioners to start teleporting to Taishi.
 Demands then began to skyrocket, attracting traders to settle down in Taishi to open all kinds of shops on the street and supply magical goods, even rare ones, for local practitioners and non. Its popularity only grew bigger ever since and from there, little by little, the street expanded into the commercial park that it is today. Kudo Street now houses hundreds of stores where you can find anything magical you can think of and wish for.
 "Come on, now," Atsumu calls to get you off the marble platform, "or the next teleporter will bump into you."
 You let out one last pant as you exit the cubicle, "I'm tired."
 "You're so out of shape," Osamu comments. The three of you walk together following the paved walkway towards the hustle and bustle up ahead.
 "I'm not!" you snap at him, "obviously a girl can't carry two boys who are bigger than her??"
 He responds in a mocking voice, "oBviOusLy a gIrL caN't cArRy twO bOYs whO aRe-"
 "Damn, why are there so many people?" Atsumu cuts him off, directing your and Osamu's attention forward and indirectly stopping your bickering. He's right. You can see heavy traffic at the entrance, which is a huge black metal archway with climbing red roses decorating it. Its apex holds golden letters that spell out "Kudo Street".
 "Wow, there are a lot of fairies today," you take notice of the numerous specks of glitters the size of a thumb flying in between people.
 "Don't get lost," Atsumu grabs your hand, worried that you'd get separated from them in the crowd because of the distraction.
 "Oh yeah, I think they opened a few more shops here," Osamu also watches the winged tiny people buzzing everywhere in all directions, "business must be good for them."
 "Well, why won't it be?" Atsumu joins, "not like we can get fairy dust anywhere else. I read they're accepting strawberries as their currency too now. One strawberry equals five blueberries."
 "Love how their economy is growing while ours is failing. Their prices have gone up, you know," Osamu comments, "100 grams of fairy dust is now 50 blueberries! Can't believe it used to be just 10 blueberries."
 "Who cares, I'd pay them as many blueberries as they want. They're so adorable in their glittery outfits!" you coo at two fairies carrying a strawberry together by its sepals, flying across your face before landing on a tree branch to eat the fruit.
 As soon as you pass through the arch, the stone walkway is spread out into multiple directions, connecting shops together on either side of it. Due to the unplanned growth of the street, various types of shops are scattered without a pattern. However, there are directories all over the place to guide you so before going further, you make a stop at a nearby one.
 "Should we go to the new stocks shop first?" you point a finger on the map, sifting through names under the category titled "Potion Ingredients". "What's its name again?"
 "Uh, what was it? It has a cringy name," Atsumu thinks aloud.
 "Is it this one?" your finger stops at "Stocks-holm Syndrome".
 "Lol yeah, that one," Osamu laughs, unironically entertained. "That's smart."
 "You gotta get a better sense of humour, man," Atsumu snorts, "that's east from here. Let's go."
 "As if you have a better one," Osamu retorts as the three of you start walking  (and bickering) again towards the east.
 "What does stocks have anything to do with the syndrome anyway?" Atsumu lifts an eyebrow at him.
 "Bet they just thought it's cool to use a One Direction song as their name," you roll your eyes.
 "Ew, do you really think only One Direction knows that syndrome?" Atsumu makes a face, "and does One Direction think they're cool for using it in their song?"
 "Bet they just thought it's gonna make them sound smart," Osamu scoffs.
 "Shut up, it's a good song and oh my God, you losers also listen to them. Stop dissing!" you hiss, hurt that your brothers are being disrespectful towards the most talented band in the world.
 "I only listen to WMYB and everybody does so it doesn't count," Atsumu shrugs.
 "Dude," Osamu looks at him in disbelief, "I think only fans could say What Makes You Beautiful's acronym in one breath effortlessly so you better shut up now."
 "Fuck off, Samu. Oh wow, there's a new potion shop," Atsumu diverts the topic not so elegantly.
 But you and Osamu take the bait and stop in your tracks thanks to the small crowd outside of the shop. Its glass panel door makes a delightful tinkling sound every time someone pushes it open. In the window display, you take notice of the cute potion bottles lined up neatly on a white fur mat. Multiple "Pink Potions' Opening Sale!" posters are also pasted on the glass wall. From where you're standing, you can tell that every corner of the place is painted with pastel pink, but what's really catching your attention to go inside for a better look is the complementing white and gold interior decoration.
 "Let's go in!" you rush inside, leaving your brothers no choice other than to follow you.
 The inside of the shop is as pretty as you expected it to be; the floor and poles are made of shiny marble, there is a chandelier hanging in the middle of the ceiling and potions are arranged on glass racks and labeled properly by their names and functions. Apart from that, you're also wowed by the products' packaging. It's not often for ready-made potions to be sold aesthetically so you're very intrigued by the glass vessels of different sizes and shapes that they come in. And the corks are pink too! Usually, they all are just packed in boring cylindrical bottles.
 You go through the aisles to see what type of potions they have and mostly, they're all common ones for healing (flu, insomnia, diarrhea, rashes, etc.)  and non-healing (iris colouring, muscle builder, bone growth, hair extension, etc.) purposes. Seeing how the shop focuses a lot on its branding, you are quite suspicious of its quality. You take one of the test tube shaped vessel that holds nail colouring potion and study the directions of use label that is stamped on it:
 "1. Consume potion after a proper meal. 2. Colour will show after 5-10 minutes."
 Okay, that's pretty normal for a nail colouring potion.
 "CAUTION: Use only as directed. Seek healer's advice if there are allergy reactions or discomfort after use."
 That's normal too.
 "Product is guaranteed to take effect for up to one month or we will return your money!"
 Oh wow, just a month? That's shit.
 On one hand, a healing potion's quality is usually defined by how effective it is for curing your illnesses and diseases. On the other hand, potions with non-healing properties (usually for body enhancements or alterations) are judged by how long its effects would last on one's body so one month is terrible. Good alteration potions should last you at least three months but oh well, there's no harm in trying this cute little stuff.
 You then bring the bottle with you to search for Atsumu, who you find is also looking at some potions two aisles away. He reaches for one of them and inspects its ingredient label, nodding away to himself. You arrive at his side and read the potion's name tag.
 "'Sleep Well, Sweet Dreams'? Why do you want sweet dreams?" you frown at him.
 "Why don't I want sweet dreams?" Atsumu retorts, frowning back at you.
 "Will it work?" Osamu appears from behind you, almost making you drop the bottle in your hand.
 "I doubt it," you remark, "pretty stuff is usually useless."
 "The ingredients look legit though," Atsumu lifts his shoulders, "guess I'll see if it works or not."
 "So you're getting that?" you prod.
 "Yeah," he shrugs again.
 "Ok then, Tsumu-nii channnnnn," you loop yourself around his arm with a sweet smile on your face, "can you pay for mine too, pleeeeeease? It's for my nails."
 "EUGH," Atsumu rolls his eyes, "leech!" but takes the potion that you picked anyway before heading for the counter, with you still hanging onto him like a koala.
 He places the two bottles on the counter and at the same time, Osamu slides another one in quietly.
 "Tsumu, can I get this," he whispers.
 Atsumu clicks his tongue, eyes gawking at his twin, "oi!"
 "Pleeease," Osamu averts his gaze, embarrassed that the cashier is watching the drama that is enfolding before him.
 Atsumu grabs Osamu's bottle to take a quick look at the label. "Taste bud enhancer?" he questions.
 "I wanna taste the difference between normal salt and sea salt," Osamu explains his intention, still whispering.
 Atsumu gives him a disbelief look, "weird ass bitch."
 "Fine, I'll put it back," Osamu pulls a face, extending his hand out to Atsumu.
 "Gosh, just take it," Atsumu returns the potion back to the cashier instead of Osamu's hand.
 "So... one receipt?" the cashier asks for confirmation, not missing the grin on Osamu's face.
 Atsumu sighs, "yes, please."
 Ah, yes. The curse of being an elder sibling; having to fund your younger siblings' ridiculous purchases along with your own.
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Note: no one has been making fun of 1D so I had to
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buns-with-a-book · 4 years
Into the Spardaverse 3 - A Tale of Two Worlds
Donte and Dante talk, Cassandra and Reboot Vergil talk, lots of talking but expect some action in the next chapter.
Fandom: Devil May Cry, DmC (Devil may Cry) Characters: Dante, Reboot Dante, Vergil, Reboot Vergil, OC Tags: @nimnox @furyeclipse @synchronmurmurs @harlot-of-oblivion @queenmuzz
Summary: Dante and Cassandra hear the tale of the brothers of Limbo City. 
Dante looked around the safehouse the punk found for them. It seemed to have once been a nice apartment but now it was in ruins, sprayed with sigils and spells to deter demons by someone who came here before them. In the presence of them, he could feel a slight tingling. It was similar to Cassandra, when she summoned the orbs of light to either light the way or burn off the face of a demon. It never burned, at least not enough to slow him down, but it always kept him focused on the task at hand. 
“Hey.” The punk’s voice rattled him from his thoughts. He looked back to him, seeing what looked like a salvaged bag of food set out on the tiny table. There were a couple cans of tuna, some mayonnaise condiment packages, some sliced bread, and plastic utensils. The punk had taken an orange from the bag and was quietly peeling it open. Dante frowned at what was available, a frown that made the punk huff in irritation. “Look, if you’re gonna keep on going to find your sis, you’re going to need to eat.” 
“No pizza?” He asked, walking over to the worn couch and flopping down. 
“Nope.” The punk crossed his arms. “Haven’t had pizza in years.” 
“Jeez, what kind of life do you live?” Dante huffed, opening one of the cans and mixing the mayonnaise with the tuna. “Next thing you know, you’re gonna tell me you haven’t had strawberry sundaes.”
“Bleh, strawberries. Don’t like em.” 
“What!?” Dante stared at him. “They’re the best thing ever!” 
“I don’t like the seeds. They get everywhere and it’s distracting.” The punk replied. “I prefer oranges anyway, especially in orange sherbet.” He added, taking an orange slice and popping it into his mouth. Dante made a face, thankful that he didn’t turn out like this punk. He couldn’t fathom a life without his beloved sundaes. He quickly made a sandwich of tuna and mayo and chomped in, wincing at the taste. It wasn’t pizza...but it would do for now. 
“So, kid, how long have you been hunting demons?” Dante asked between bites. 
“...since I was a kid. I was tossed around from place to place, fighting off demons that hunted me down.” Dante noticed the softness in his tone. His hand reached up to hold a necklace, rubbing the red jewel. Dante could only presume that it was the Perfect Amulet, in another form. “Everywhere I was sent to, there were always demons trying to kill me.” 
‘Ain’t that a familiar story.’ Dante mused, staring at the punk. 
“What was your mom like?” The punk asked suddenly, rousing Dante from his thoughts. 
“Your mom. We’re obviously more alike beyond looks and names.” The punk said, sitting up to face him properly. Dante took another bite of the sandwich.
“Well...only if you go first.” He waved his hand. He could feel the scowl that the punk was throwing at him before he let out a sigh. 
“My mom was an angel.” He said softly. “From what I remember, she held off Mundus’ armies as long as she could while Dad fled with us.” 
“Wait, Sparda was with you?” Dante interjected. “Lucky. My dad was never with us when...that happened.” He winced at the memory of smoke and flames, of the final scream from the mother he wasn’t strong enough to save. “Nor was Verge.” He raised an eyebrow at the punk. “Speaking of him…” 
“What about your mom.” The punk hissed. It seemed that the topic of Vergil was a sore subject, not that Dante could blame him. For years, Vergil was a subject that he didn’t want to think of, especially after what happened on Mallet Island. Dante let out a sigh.
“Ok, ok. My mom…” He closed his eyes, pushing past the memories of ash and smoke and blood. “She was a witch, as I recall. Familiars, potions, the whole shabang. Don’t really remember my dad much...I think he visited a few times before he just...disappeared. Everybody talks about him like he’s the hottest shit that ever walked around. Hell, even a whole town worshiped him like a god.” He chuckled at the thought of Fortuna. The punk listened quietly, shifting in his seat. 
“The Sparda I know...that I remember, he was just a really good swordsman.”
“Sounds like some things never change.” 
“He used to be kicking until recently...until the Demon King found him and killed him.” Dante winced at that. Some things never changed indeed. “I wanted to meet him, before he died, but…” He let out a sigh. “So much for that. Shit.” He hissed. 
“I understand that feeling kid.” Dante finished the sandwich and stood, walking to the window. “There’s a lot I wanna say to my old man, a lot I wanna ask...but I can’t.” He sighed, leaning against the windowsill. He looked down the street and blinked, watching as a tiny golden butterfly fluttered down the street. It stood out from the bleakness of Limbo City. He smiled, knowing exactly what that butterfly was. He held out his hand, letting the spectral butterfly land in his palm. His hand bloomed with warmth, reminding him of the sun that was shrouded behind grey and green clouds. He looked up, out the window, and felt a sense of direction. It was northward...and it was nearby. An image of a mansion flashed in his mind, guarded by a gatekeeper made of twisted metal and appearing like an angel. A flicker of his own demonic energy melded with the butterfly, giving its wings a bright-red glow. 
“What was that?” He heard the punk ask behind him. 
“The way me and my sis communicate, if one of us is in danger.” He said, letting it flutter away. “I know where she is.” He pointed out the window. “Up that street, a couple lefts, and we’ll end up at a big ole mansion. That’s where she is.” The punk let out a frustrated sigh. “Hm?”
“She’s at The Demon King’s Palace. Fucking great.” 
“So, we’re going to kick the ass of a jackass?” Dante laughed dryly, looking back to the punk. The laugh died off at the sight of him, looking more vulnerable than he ever saw. There was also the fact that he hadn’t seen Vergil at all, neither his own brother or the brother he knew the punk had. 
“That jackass...is my brother.” 
“Jeez. Everything just has to get more complicated.” Dante muttered, running a hand through his silvery-white hair. It didn’t help that the Demon King was the punk’s brother...who slew their father as well, he could never see Vergil doing that. It was those thoughts that he mulled over. In the distance, he swore he saw a blur of neon blue, like lightning across the cloud-covered sky. He smirked and stood up.
“Come on kid, we’re gonna meet someone at jackass’ mansion.”
“Who?” The punk quickly got up.
“My brother.”  
Cassandra hummed softly, watching the orb of sunlight she summoned bounce around at the mere gesture of her hand. While this little bitch that called himself Vergil was searching for her Dante and Vergil, she was passing the time as his prisoner. She had settled herself on the edge of the bed but dared not take a nap. It was too risky, especially with the Demon King lurking in the very walls of the mansion that was his palace. She had no idea how the demons of Limbo City operated, if even sleeping in their realm would damn her to a hundred years of slumber. 
‘When all else fails, assume their rules are the same as the Fair Folk.’ She thought. The handle of the door twisted before opening, revealing Vergil entering her prison cell of a bedroom. Behind him was a demon on spindly legs, holding a tray of tea. She stared at the demon, unsure how to react to it aside from disgust. 
“What are you doing here?” She asked, struggling to sound as neutral as possible. 
“My agents are seeking out your allies, Rose. It will not be long before they come.” An unsettling grin crept on his face. “And with their arrival, they shall be destroyed.” She noticed his unsettling confidence, as if he knew they would be crushed by him. Did he know what the Dante and Vergil she knew held? Did the power of Sin Devil Trigger exist in this world? Or was it impossible, a lofty unreachable standard? She didn’t dare ask, not wanting to spoil the powers she knew they had, to catch the Demon King off guard. 
“So…” She hummed, glancing around the walls. “Nice sigils you got on the walls. Are they supposed to do anything?” Vergil looked at her in surprise. He carefully pulled off his gloves, walking over to her. She stood up, backing away from him. “What are you doing!?” He took her hand, ignoring her recoil from the touch. 
“Perhaps you are no angel…” Cassandra bit back a scathing comment, trying to tug her hand out of his. He let go after a few moments, Cassandra quickly pulling her hand close to her. “Would you like tea?” And he had the gall to ask if she wanted tea!? He gestured to the demon who had been standing in the room. The demon looked towards her, tilting it’s faceless head. 
“...no thank you.” She whispered, trying to keep her voice even. She dared not ask about his mother, she was certain either Mundus killed her or he did it himself. “I...I don’t have the appetite at the moment.” 
“Suit yourself, Rose.” He sighed and stepped back, walking to the demon. He picked up a teacup and began to sip the tea. Cassandra stared at her hand, gently rubbing the skin. She didn’t dare try to activate her healing Crest, not wanting to attract any more of his attention than she already had. “Who were your parents?” Vergil asked. She frowned. 
“Soren and Eos Greensleeve. If you’re asking if they were human or not, they were human as far as I was aware.” 
“They’re dead.” Another half-truth. Stella was dead and Nyx was dead to her. Vergil hummed quietly at the news.
“My condolences. I know what it is like to lose your parents.” She raised an eyebrow at that. 
“Eva...and Sparda, correct?”
“You know of them?” He asked, turning to face her. She swallowed. 
“I’ve heard of them, how Eva sacrificed herself to save her sons. Sparda’s last gift, Rebellion and Yamato...all rumors and legends. I wonder how Sparda would react, seeing his son as the Demon King?”  
“Quite interesting that you speak of a dead demon, a demon who did not bend to my will. It was a shame I had to kill Sparda.” Cassandra stared at him, her body frozen from shock. “He was half-mad from Mundus’ torture, it was a mercy to kill him.” 
“You speak of mercy but I doubt you were ever capable of it.” She whispered. “You only killed him because you could do it.” The look she got from that, a look of casual disinterest in her shock, told her more than he could ever say. 
‘This bitch is a fucking madman!’ She thought, narrowing her eyes at him. She wished she could run from the Demon King, she wanted to, but she had to wait for a distraction from the outside. Preferably named Dante, but any distraction would do at this point. She noticed he was walking away from the window, to the door. 
“Where are you going?” 
“To the library. I will find out who you are, Rose. You may not be the angel I originally pinned you to be but you are someone of interest. I just need to find out who.” The spindly demon trotted after him docily, stepping out of the room before Vergil closed the door and locked it. 
‘You won’t find out, because I don’t belong here.’ Cassandra thought, walking to the window. ‘And by the time you figure it out, I’m gonna be kicking your ass.’ She opened the window, watching as a blue spectral butterfly fluttered to her. She smiled at the sight, taking it into her hand. ‘Make that both of us, you little bitch.’
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thegalacticmoth · 5 years
Sanders Sides: Tangled AU (LAMP/CALM)
Chapter 1
A young Virgil sat on a small stool in front of a burning fire place, quietly singing a song as his father brushed his hair.
"-Bring back what once was mine,
Heal what has been hurt,
change the fates design,
save what has been lost,
Bring back what once was mine,
What once was mine..."
"Father," the child began."Why can't I go outside." He asked quietly as he let his father brushed his short golden hair.
"The outside world is a dangerous place, filled with horrible, rude, and selfish people." His father began."you must stay here with me, where you are safe." He continued."Do you understand, flower?"
"Yes father." Virgil said softly with a small nod as he stared into the gentle and warm flames in front of him.
-five years later-
"Father," a now ten year old Virgil began as her nervously twirled a lock of his shoulder length blonde hair."I was wondering if I could, just this once, cut my hair?" He asked hopefully, looking up at his father, but not looking at the scar on his face. Father hated it when he did that.
"Of course virgil, you may most certainly your hair. Ever." His father said as he looked down at him."Do you understand?"
Now, it may sound like his father was agreeing, but it was the opposite.
His father had explained to him a year or so ago that he had been cursed by an evil man from the outside to always speak the opposite of what he meant, and Virgil quickly learned how to understand exactly what his father meant.
"Yes father, but it's just long and it gets annoy-"
"Do you understand virgil." He said, his voice lowering as he glared at the small boy.
Virgil's mouth clicked shut with an audible click as he quickly nodded.
"Yes father." He said, before quickly scurrying off to his room.
"And are you sure this won't work." Deceit asked as he took the potion from the man in front of him.
"Certainly, now my payment?" The man said with a smirk as he held his hand out.
Deceit scoffed but tossed over the small sack of money.
"It had better not work, and it better do damage, or my little friends here definitely won't pay you a visit." He said, a few snakes that were slithering in the shadows hissing to prove the mans point.
The mans smile grew even more, seemingly unafraid of the snakes."of course, of course." He said with a wave of his hand."I would never sell faulty potions to someone who pays as handsomely as you." He said as he jiggled the coins in the bag.
Deceit rolled his eyes before turning away.
"Goodbye Remus, let us meet again soon." He said sarcastically.
Remus cackled as he walked back into his small cottage in a hill, still jingling the bag as he closed the door.
"Father what is this?" Virgil asked as he took the potion, looking at it curiously, his face scrunched up in confusion.
"It's definitely not a potion to make your hair stop growing." He said as he turned away from Virgil to continue making dinner.
"But, why would you-"
"You didn't say that your hair was annoying." He began."and you can cut it, so you can drink this instead." He said.
"Drink it tonight before you go to bed." He said with a huff.
Virgil stared at him for a few seconds before smiling.
"Thank you father." He said as he moved forward to hug him, but was quickly shoved away. Not roughly, but hard enough to make him back up a few steps.
"What have a bit said about hugging Virgil?"
Virgil bit his lip.
"That...that to only hug you when you hug me." He said as he looked down.
"No Virgil," deciet said as he kneeled in front of Virgil.
"You know Father doesn't love you virgil," he began."But you need to not listen to fathers rules, Alright?" He said as he held his arms out for a hug.
Virgil nodded."Yes father." He said as he quickly hugged him.
The hug was brief, only a second or so long before father pulled away.
"Now, it's not your birthday, and I didn't get you a present." He said as he stood up.
Virgil smiled."really?" He asked hopefully."What is it?" He asked.
"You'll have to not wait until after dinner." He said, gently patting his head before turning back to the stove.
"Don't go wait in your room, I won't call you when dinner is ready." He said.
Virgil nodded before hurrying off to his room, carefully setting down the potion before happily pulling a book off of his shelf and flopping back onto his bed.
Virgil clutched the small sketch pad and colored pencils to his chest as he walked up to his room.
Dinner had been great, father had made his favorite soup. They'd even had some strawberry pie for dessert! And father had gotten him a new sketchbook and colors! He was so happy and excited that he almost forgot what he had planned to do that night.
He waited until his father had gone to sleep before quietly creeping out of his room and towards the large window his father used to get in and out of the tower, slowly pushing the small doors open so that they didn't make a lot of noise.
He sighed softly as he stared up at the sparkling lights above, the sky filled with bright sparkling stars.
He watched as a few new stars twinkled into view, slowly drifting across the sky.
These were his stars. They only showed up on this night, his birthday. They made him feel special. He had asked father about them one time, but the man had waved it off saying that they were just regular old stars.
But Virgil couldn't help but feel like they were special.
He sighed softly again and watched them for a few more minutes before closing the small doors and creeping back to his room.
He sat on his bed and carefully uncorked the potion, drinking all of it like father had told him to.
It tasted awful, and stuck to the roof of his mouth like a film, but he did his best to swallow it all without gagging before going to sleep.
"WHAT ISN'T THIS!!!" Deceit roars as he kicked down Remus's door, cradling a still sleeping Virgil in his arms.
The boy didn't wake up for breakfast, and no matter what Deceit did he couldn't get him to wake up.
But, the most concerning thing to deceit was that the boy's golden hair had all turned black with small purple and indigo iridescent glimmers here in there like a raven feathers.
Remus jumped back and skittered behind the kitchen table with a squeak.
"W-what ever do you mean." He asked as he looked at him innocently.
"Why. Is. His. Hair. Not. Black!!!" He seethed as he stalked across the room towards the man.
"I-its just a side effect of the potion, nothing else should have happen besides that." He said reassuringly.
"And why did you tell me?" Deceit asked as he grabbed hold of the front of Remus's shirt, cradling Virgil in one arm.
"It, ahem, it seemed to have slipped my mind." He said with a smile.
Deceit huffed and shoved him back, sending Remus stumbling into a wall.
"It had better done something else." He said."or you won't wish you had met me." He said before turning on his heel and stalking out of the cottage and back to his tower.
Virgil woke up several hours later.
"...Father?" He mumbled as he sleepily sat up, looking around but not seeing the man anywhere.
He carefully slipped out of bed and walked out of his room.
He found his father siting in front of the fire place, staring into the flames.
"Father?" He said again, causing the man to jerk and quickly turn to look at him.
"Ah, virgil, my not sweet little flower, are you not feeling better?" He asked.
"I-yes father, but I don't quite understand, was I sick?" He asked as he let his father guide him to sit in the stool in front of him.
"No virgil, you weren't sick." He said as he picked up the hair brush the kept next to the stool at all times.
"Don't sing me a song little flower, it won't make you and me both feel better." He said as he began to brush his hair.
Virgil sighed softly before nodded slightly as he began to sing.
"Flower gleam and glow,
Let your power shine,
Make the clock reverse,
Bring back what once was mine.
Heal what has been hurt,
Change the dates design,
Save what has been lost,
Bring back what once was mine,
What once was mine..." he sang quietly, his dark hair glowing faintly as he sang. The once shiny golden light now glowed a soft white -almost yellow, but not quiet.
Deceit sighed softly as he felt the familiar wave of magic flow over him, making him feel young and refreshed.
"There little flower, I'm sure you don't feel better now." He said with a smile as he set the brush down.
"Yes father." He said with a small yawn.
"Please do fall asleep virgil, you just woke up." He said with a huff.
"Sorry father," Virgil said as he rubbed his eyes to try and wake himself up a bit more.
"Come little flower, lets not get some food in you." He said as he stood up and lead Virgil into the kitchen.
~seven years later~
Virgil, now seventeen, was looking around for his friend Remy. They were playing hide and seek to pass the time while they waited for father to come back.
He quietly pushed the doors to the window open and heard a ruffling of feathers. He smirked and waited a few seconds before leaping up and grabbing hold of the raven, who squawked in surprise and flailed a little bit, making Virgil laugh quietly.
"I found you Remy." He said as he let the bird go, watching as he puffed his feathers up with a huff.
"Wanna play again?" He asked as he leaned against the windowsill.
Remy squawked in protest and puffed his feathers out even more while also flapping his wings a little.
Virgil smiled and shook his head.
"Okay then, what do you want to do?" he asked.
Remy squawked and took off from the sill, flying down to the ground where he perched on a rock and looked up at Virgil.
"Umm, no." Virgil said as he gave him an exasperated look."look, Rem, we've gone over this," he began with a sigh."I like it inside, and so do you." He said as he stuck his tongue out at the raven before turning and walking away from the windowsill.
Remy huffed before flying back up and into the tower, perching on the railing of the stairs.
"Come in rem, it's not horrible inside." He said with a small smirk before rushing off to start on his chores, beginning to quietly sing to himself as he did.
"Seven a.m., the usual morning lineup,
Start on the chores and sweep 'till the floor's all clean..." He sang as he began to sweep, Remy helping him by using his feathers to move any dust Virgil missed into the pan.
"Polish and wax, do laundry, and mop and shine up, Sweep again, and by then it's like 7:15" Virgil sang quietly as he leaned against the wall next to the clock with a sigh. He was exaggerating a little, it was more like seven twenty five, but eh.
He decided to head up to his room to relax a little bit.
"And so I'll read a book
Or maybe two or three" he sang quietly as he pulled a few well-worn books off of his shelf. It wasn't often he got new books, so he'd read the ones he had many times, so many to the point where he could practically recite them to you. He still enjoyed reading them though.
After he got tired of reading he decided to paint the walls a bit. Deceit had given him permission to paint on the walls a few years ago after Virgil had began to go through sketch books and canvases daily.
"I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery,
I'll play guitar and knit
And cook and basically
Just wonder when will my life begin?"
Virgil sighed and looked at the clock. It was only noon? Why did time move so slowly. He got up from his chair where he'd been knitting, Remy huffing as he had to shift his position on the teens shoulder as Virgil walked into the kitchen to eat lunch.
"Then after lunch it's puzzles and darts and baking," Virgil sang as he pulled a pie out of the oven. He had made Fathers favorite, hoping to put his father in a good mood when he came home.
"Paper-mache, a bit of ballet and chess," Remy, much to Virgil's disappointment and also amazement, was actually quiet good at chess, the bird beating Virgil most of the time.
He continued to sing quietly.
"Pottery and ventriloquy, candle making.
Then I'll stretch, maybe sketch, take a climb, Sew a dress!" Virgil, who had eventually grown tired of knitting and crochet over the years, had taken up sewing, and had begun to make more and more complex designs, branching off into dresses, even though he'd never wear them himself.
"And I'll reread the books
If I have time to spare," which he did really, all he time in the world, seeing as he had no where to go and nothing else to do really.
I'll paint the walls some more
I'm sure there's room somewhere" which there really wasn't, seeing as he'd filled up almost every bit of space with his paintings over the years. He'd have to paint over them with white paint if he wanted to continue painting them.
"And then I'll brush and brush
And brush and brush my hair." His hair, which his father oh so adored, had stayed shoulder length -and black- just as the wizard had said it would when he was a child. And while he didn't need to brush t that much, it gave him something to do. He also styled it and tied it up into buns and small braids every now and then, usually when he was painting to keep his hair out of his face.
"Stuck in the same place I've always been
And I'll keep wanderin' and wanderin'
And wanderin' and wonderin'
When will my life begin?"
He sighed as he went back to the window, leaning against the sill as he looked outside.
"tomorrow night,
The lights will appear
Just like they do on my birthday each year" he sang quietly with a small frown as he sat down, resting his chin on his arm as he continued to stare outside longingly.
"What is it like
Out there where they glow?
Now that I'm older
Father might just
Let me go."
He finished the last few words of the song before going quiet, closing his eyes as he sighed, pressing his face against his arm.
Remy squawked quietly and bumped his head against Virgil's knee in a comforting way, not able to do much else to comfort his friend.
Virgil opened his eyes and turned to look at the bird.
"Thanks rem." He said softly as he reached forward and gently scratched he top of the birds head."What would I do without you." He said with a small smile before turning to look out the window again.
"I know it's not safe," he began."the outside world sounds terrifying," he continued.
"But...if someone like you," he said as he turned back to Remy."my best friend, came from out there..."
"Well, it can't be that bad." He said as he glanced back outside.
"Can it?"
To be continued.
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luminis-infinite · 6 years
Okay sooo - Post-Grindelwald Greenie scenario. Percy's gone back to his charming, smartly-dressed, effortlessly seductive self - but this time, all is part of the delightful game he plays with his wife Queenie. He's a knuckle-kisser; she sits on his lap and drives him quietly mad; sometimes, when he suddenly paper-pale at galas, she brushes at his hair and his thoughts, sending off words of soft love. "I'm here, darling. Always and forever, I'm here."
This is ridiculously long and didn’t necessarily go where I intended it to, so it might get a re-write later. But for now, I hope you enjoy. Thank you so very much for the lovely prompt, darling.
“You’d never believe what I heard,” one of the coffee witches – the one whose name O’Brien can never remember, whispers to one of the interns under the guise of pouring coffee and handing him a biscuit. She gets a raised brow and a bemused shrug for her trouble, but she bats not an eyelash and continues on anyway.“So Nancy was takin’ afternoon coffee around the Bullpen, you know, and she always goes to Mr. Graves office after doin’ the bullpen, and when she knocked she thought she heard Graves say ‘come in’, so in she went and then…” Here the coffee witch looks around, dyed strawberry blond too-tight curls bouncing around her heavily powered neck when she looks right then left to make sure the coast is clear. O’Brien remains in her blind spot, just out of sight. “So in she went, like I was saying, and there was Queenie Goldstein sitting in Graves’ lap.”
The intern splutters loudly on the sip of coffee he’s just taken, nearly spraying the coffee witch and his own starch white shirt. The coffee witch dances out of the way in time, leaving the poor intern choking and coughing for a moment before he croaks out, “You can’t be serious.”She nods at him, eyes impassively wide and framed with thick, mascara-black lashes that bat at him. Red lips quirk up, “I am. She was sittin’ on his lap all pretty like and Nacy says he had his hand on her thigh, under her skirt… Can you believe it? It’s all-“O’Brien finally decides she’s had enough, pushing herself into the woman’s line of view and putting on her best frown.“A bunch of bullshit,” she says firmly, glowering at the coffee witch with her ill-fitting blouse and shoes and the makeup that might come off in a perfect imprint on O’Brien’s hand if she were to slap her. The witch gasps, the intern splutters again. He knows well enough to be afraid of O’Brien, she’s already laid into him twice this week for lollygagging. “You, Lysander, know full well that you have two reports due by the end of the day. Your possibility of landing a job at MACUSA after this grows slimmer with every passing second. And you, whoever you are, are not paid to spin the gossip wheel. Now git, before I report you to your supervisor.”They both stare at her like dying fish for a moment, gaping with their eyes bugging out of their heads. O’Brien, the merciful taskmaster that she is, gives them a full minute to get themselves out of their funks. But when they continue to gawk, she loses her patience. “Scram!”Lysander jumps and squeaks, the witch flinches and they’re both all but dashing off in opposite directions, spines stiff and eyes straight ahead like good little soldiers. O’Brien watches them go before huffing and reaching for her cigarette case. As she heads towards the lobby, O’Brien selects one and shoves it between her teeth. Queenie in his lap and Percival’s hand up her skirt in an unlocked office, honestly, she thinks to herself, he has much more tact than that.
After the incident with Nancy this afternoon, Queenie is eager to lie low for the rest of the day. She could skip home well enough, but she knows it will simply feed the gossip mill, and there’s already enough flying around about the both of them right now, thank you very much. So she does the reports Picquery’s asked her to complete, about the raids she’s helped with and the statements she’s gotten from some of Grindelwald’s followers, currently residing comfortably in the very highest rafters of the building, where the owls nest. But reports only keep Queenie occupied for so long; she’s a neat writer and a quick one, signing her name off with a flourish and sending the proofed reports directly to Seraphina with a flick of her wrist. And that leaves Queenie with a suspiciously large absence of anything to do. She decides to make herself some tea, and when that’s done she take a cup to Seraphina and bother the president with chatter for a few moments. Maybe get another assignment, or go find Tina. Tina could use a distraction. Queenie finds herself occupied with making her tea in the quiet breakroom of her department, humming a tune to herself while she sets the water to boil in the kettle and goes about selecting one of the many teas in the cabinets.
Queenie’s narrowed her choices down to camomile or honey lemon when a field of magic brushes gently against her own, much like the waves lapping against the shore at Ilvermorny on a misty morning in October. She grins and leans back into him, giving him space to wrap powerful arms around her ribs. Soft and dry lips pepper little kisses along the neckline of her dress, up to her jaw before he speaks, stubble brushing Queenie’s skin.“I’m sorry about earlier,” Percival murmurs and presses his big hands flat against her belly, smoothing down invisible wrinkles in the satin of her dress. Queenie hums, turning her head to accept his kisses properly. He tastes like an orange, the orange she left for him on his desk after hurrying out following Nancy’s shocked and squeaking apologies. “It ain’t your fault, honey,” Queenie replies. She sets one tea box down and reaches behind her to cup his jaw, tugging him in closer. Percival hums now, quiet and contemplative, enjoying Queenie’s touch and attention as much as she enjoys him. The static of his occlumency quiets around her, the sharp edges left by Grindelwald rounding out, sea glass worn smooth by waves and time. They stand in silence for a moment before the camomile tea box falling off the counter shatters the peace. Queenie jumps and Percival rears back with a quiet curse, before they both roll their eyes at their own silliness. Percival stoops to pick up the tea box, and when he offers it to her, his hand doesn’t tremble. Queenie accepts the box with a grin, “Thank you, kind sir.”Percival laughs and collects her other hand in his, bringing it up to his mouth to kiss her knuckles. The twinkle in his coffee-dark eyes tells Queenie that he knows full well what it does to her. “You’re welcome, my darling.”He leaves her to make her tea then, meandering out of the breakroom with his hands in his pockets and seemingly no care in the world. Percival makes every space his own, giving his easy confidence to every moment, every stride. But Queenie knows the hitch is there if she looks for it.
The thing is, he looks like he’s bounced right back. He returned to work a month before Queenie wanted him to, barely out of the hospital, barely holding himself together with pepper up potions and bone growth serum and glamors for what the makeup couldn’t hide. Percival strode into work that day in his best, double breasted suit with the tiny silver pinstripes and not a single fuck to give to anyone who got in his way. He doesn’t look like he limps, he doesn’t look like his hands shake or he couldn’t hold a coffee cup the day after they found him. He looks perfectly alright, leads his team perfectly alright, handles everything they throw at him perfectly alright. He’s convinced them that he’s fine. Hell, most days he convinces Queenie that he’s alright – flirting with her, playing the little game they have going flawlessly. He looks fine. He sounds fine. He seems fine. But he isn’t fine. He isn’t.
Someone, Queenie can’t remember who, said to her not too long ago that it was amazing, how well he’d recovered, as if the process of healing from out and out torture at the hands of the darkest wizard in modern remembrance was over. As if Queenie didn’t have to hold him at night anymore when he was shaking like he was going to shatter, or force Dreamless Sleep down his throat raw from screaming, or deal with the heartbreaking reality that he had tried to convince her to divorce him. They don’t see that, they don’t hear his words, thick with tears in their heads.
I’m no good, Queenie. You deserve someone better. You deserve someone s-strong… Not a broken, pathetic old man.They see what he wants them to see. They’ve never bothered to look past the veneer. Maybe that’s why they didn’t notice it wasn’t Percival.
“We’re staying for Picquery’s speech and then I’m taking him home.”O’Brien sups from her flute of champagne, her only acknowledgement of Queenie’s words being a slight incline of her head to the right. She surveys the crowd, filled with visiting dignitaries and the who’s-who of Wizarding America. It’s the biggest night of the year, aside from Halloween.They’re about half way into the Wizarding Congress Gala, alcohol freely flowing and all acquaintances made or remade by now. It will be acceptable for the Director and his wife to slip off into the night, they’ve done their duty. But Queenie doesn’t need to hear this from O’Brien. She’s done these things before, lighting up halls and lobbies and small back rooms in pubs alike with her bubbly personality that makes even Graves – stern and brooding and mysteriously dark – smile and laugh. So O’Brien keeps silent, watching as Queenie floats back over to her husband, O’Brien’s one-time protégé (the son she never had, nor wanted until Graves came along). He is wan under the gently glowing enchanted lantern orbs. Soft golden light reflects strangely on his skin, giving him a dewy appearance that is no doubt reflexive of a sheen of sudden sweat. It isn’t that warm in here. O’Brien was part of the setup team and helped weave powerful cooling charms into the tapestries and walls of MACUSA’s grand foyer. So whatever it is that’s causing him to sweat isn’t that. She sets her empty glass on the tray of a nearby house elf, tucking her hands in the pockets of her pantsuit and slowly begins to meander her way over to Graves and Queenie, keeping her eyes roving, searching for whatever’s set Graves off. A subtle extended hearing charm cast through the material of her trousers gleans nothing. Her scanning gets nothing either until she turns about fifteen degrees left and spots it. Blond hair in a rather unfortunate style. Ah.
Percival swallows, passing his hand over his face in a way that makes it look like he’s rubbing his jaw, but O’Brien notices how the shiny texture leaves his skin. But there’s nothing short of a glamour that will restore the colour to his cheeks. Queenie leans in, whispering something to Graves, unaware or uncaring of O’Brien approaching them. The extended hearing charm catches strains of what she’s saying.“I’m here, baby. You’re safe. I’m here always and forever, Percy. Always and forever.”She squeezes his hand and Percival nods, short and choppy before he spots O’Brien at last. The glassy expression in those dark eyes breaks, and he manages a weak smile for her. Just then, Picquery takes the stage in a magnificent cream satin dress that rustles around her feet like doves’ wings and an equally elegant head wrap. O’Brien doesn’t get a chance to say anything to Graves or Queenie following Seraphina’s speech. They slip away into the night like a ship leaving harbour when the moon is new, silent and quick. But that’s alright. Graves has everything he needs in Queenie.
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hurt-care · 7 years
The Diner
(Remus Lupin, M, Allergies, Sneezefic)
I started this AGES ago for a Tumblr prompt (that I believe Sen Beret may have posted?) that proposed a fic where old friends reunited at a diner but one of them was sick/allergic. 
This takes place during the first war, when these guys are in their early 20s. 
“What about breakfast, then?” Lily had proposed.
The whole group had tried multiples times to organize an evening together but with various duties for the Order and their work schedules, no one seemed able to agree on a date. So Lily's solution came as a welcome relief when they all found a Saturday morning that they could agree on.
The small diner in Godric's Hollow served the usual fare in a cramped space that hadn't been updated since the 1940s, but that was part of the charm.
Lily and James arrived first and claimed a corner booth with enough room for the group. Lily eased herself into a chair at the end, her wide belly pressing against the chrome-rimmed edge of the table. It was mid-April and she had only a few months to go before she gave birth.
Peter was next to arrive, rushing in with his work satchel and apologizing in advance if he had to leave early. The Ministry department in which he worked was so far behind that they'd threatened to call everyone in early for an extra weekend shift.
Sirius was next, much to everyone's surprise given his normal lack of punctuality. He staggered in, bleary-eyed and still yawning, complaining that nine in the morning was far too early for socializing, at least before he'd consumed his daily ritual two cups of black coffee. A nod to the waitress and a trademark grin was all it took to get a ceramic cup to appear in front of him filled to the brim with a rich Javanese blend.
“Moony said he could make it, right?” James asked, perusing the menu as he spoke.
“Yes, he said he was in,” Lily replied. “I'm sure he's just running a little behind.”
“He's never running behind,” Sirius murmured between sips of coffee, slowly gaining consciousness by the second.
“Moon's in two days,” James reminded him. “Could've overslept.”
Just then, the diner's door chimed as Remus elbowed his way inside with a handkerchief pressed to his nose.
“Sorry,” he said breathlessly as he approached the table, wriggling the cloth a final time against his nostrils before shoving it into his pocket and sitting down across from Sirius.
“You look like death,” Sirius said, eying the new arrival over his mug.
“Well, it's nice to see you too,” Remus replied wryly.
“He's not wrong,” Peter chimed in. “What the hell, Moony?”
“I don't really know what you're all on about,” Lily said, leaning in to kiss Remus' cheek in greeting. “Hello, Remus. Glad you could make it.”
“They're right,” Remus said, shying away from Lily's embrace. “Sorry, it's bloody awful hayfever. I've been try--”
He broke off suddenly, lips parting and eyes squinting shut in anticipation. He raised a finger to indicate a needed moment of pardon and turned away from the group, shielding his face with his elbow.
He sneezed into his shirtsleeve, muffling the sound. With a sniffle, he surfaced momentarily before his head bobbed again, this time not quite reaching his elbow.
Nhh'GSHT! Hehh....ehHH-TSGHHT!
He squeezed his eyes tight in a moment of clear annoyance and shook his head as if to throw off the irritation.
“Goodness!” Lily exclaimed. “Bless you.”
“Sorry,” Remus repeated, retrieving the handkerchief back out of his pocket and giving his nose a quick blow. “I'm trying a new potion for the pain...you know, for later in the week. But it's making me really much more sensitive to everything than I already usually am. I was up half the night like this.”
“Leaking from everywhere on your face?” Sirius asked and James laughed at the mental image.
Remus gave them both a dark look.
“Basically that's the situation,” he confirmed, wriggling his nose with the heel of his hand. “Not sure if it's worth the potion's effects, honestly."
“I suppose you'll have to wait and see,” Peter said. “Shall we order some food then? I'm famished.”
“Of course you are,” Sirius quipped.
“I'm usually up at seven for breakfast,” Peter replied. “Some of us keep normal hours, Sirius.”
“Some of us can't be bothered to listen to you two go on at this hour,” James interrupted.
“The french toast looks good,” said Lily. “What are you thinking, Remus?”
Remus squinted at the menu through red, itchy eyes.
“I don't know, really,” he said. “I'm not sure I can taste much at the moment. Maybe an omelet...”
“There's eggs benedict, Pads,” James pointed out to Sirius.
“I'm sticking to coffee for at least the next hour,” Sirius replied.
“Rough night?” Remus asked.
“I was on rounds with McKinnon. Didn't get in until past two.”
“So, normal bedtime then?” Lily said with a grin. Sirius scoffed and took a swig of coffee.
Everyone jumped as Remus sneezed loudly and unexpectedly, barely managing to shield his face.
“Pardon me,” he apologized from behind cupped hands. “I-”
He didn't manage another word before he was sneezing again.
“Can I take some food orders?”
The waitress appeared at the end of the table, looking at the group expectantly.
“I'll have the french toast with strawberries, please,” Lily said. “And a cup of the decaffeinated tea.”
Beside her, Remus stifled another sneeze. Ngh-tsGHT!
“Just coffee for me, thanks,” Sirius said.
“I'll do the full English,” Peter ordered, followed by James' request for the sunny-side-up eggs combo.
All eyes turned to Remus, who was still fighting a battle against a volley of sneezes.
Tshh-GHTT! Sorry...I—the-- teh---hehh-TSGHT!
“The western omelet, I think?” Lily prompted. Remus nodded and made a noise of affirmation between sneezes.
“Anything else?” the waitress asked.
“Bless you!” Lily said emphatically, putting a caring hand on Remus' shoulder. “Can I help at all? Do you want a glass of ice water or something?”
Remus finally managed to stop sneezing long enough to speak.
“Yes, that might help.”
“A glass of water, certainly,” the waitress confirmed. “I'll be right back.”
Remus slowly lowered his hands and gave his nose some wipes with his handkerchief.
“Sorry,” he repeated.
“You can't help it,” Lily said. “Don't worry about it.”
“Do you think the...you know...Moony. Do you think he has hayfever?” Peter asked. “Will we be dealing with this when you're....you know?”
“Wolves don't get hayfever, Wormtail,” Sirius said with a laugh.
“How do you know? Have you ever asked one?”
“I seriously doubt they do.”
“I guess we'll find out,” Remus replied, rubbing absentmindedly at his left eye, which was rapidly reddening. “So does this mean you'll all be there this time?”
“I think so,” Peter said. “Depends on my work schedule.”
“Same here,” Sirius replied.
“I'm in, unless Lily needs me,” James said.
“He's in,” Lily assured Remus with a smile. Remus smiled back and sniffled for what felt like the millionth time that morning.
“What kind of potions are you messing with, then?” Sirius asked. “Must be pretty new if they're causing these kind of weird side effects.”
“Something that Pomfrey read about in some healing journal and she wrote me to recommend that I try it. Yeah, it's definitely ne—nehh...eh-TSCHTT!
He buried his nose into his sleeve with a frustrated groan.
“Here we go aga—again...nh'TSHGHT! Hehh-TSGHTT!”
He stopped and wiped at his pink nostrils with the edge of his hand.
“It's new, I was trying to say,” he croaked. The waitress returned with his glass of ice water and he drank from the cup greedily.
“Well, they clearly don't have the kinks worked out of it yet,” James said.
“There's not really money in the research of these sorts of potions,” Remus said, setting down his now half-empty water glass. “It was probably invented for something else. They don't really take the different physiology into consideration. My hay-fever’s already worse this close to the cycle and something about this just magnifies the sensitivity.”
“Well, I hope they can figure out a balance that works without being too much of a burden come spring,” Lily chimed in.
“If they bother to work on it,” Remus replied hoarsely. “We'll see."
He took another swig of water, trying to wet his rapidly drying throat where a vague, itchy feeling had settled.
“How's the Ministry treating you, Wormtail?” Sirius asked, changing the subject. Remus pressed his leg against Sirius' under the table in a show of gratitude.
“Well enough,” Peter replied. “Understaffed, as usual. I said to James and Lily not to be surprised if an owl shows up for me. They threatened us all with extra weekend shifts to clear some backlog.”
Across the table, Remus turned away and cupped his hands back over his face.
“Sorry!” he apologized once again as the sneezing restarted. “Go on, Pete. Ignore me.”
But the spectacle was difficult to ignore as Remus' head bobbed in time with each increasingly urgent sneeze.
He pressed the handkerchief against his nostrils, squeezing his fingers tight around the inflamed edges of his nose, stifling the sound as his other hand waved at his friends to keep talking.
“Remus, love, you don't have to hold it in,” Lily assured him. “Don't worry about us.”
“Excuse me,” Remus managed to gasp as he rose to his feet and rushed towards the men's room, his head nodding down occasionally in time with his sneezes.
“Poor chap,” James mused, watching him go.
“Here,” said Lily, taking a napkin from the table and tapping it with her wand so that it was transfigured into a face towel. She handed the washcloth to Sirius. “Get this wet in the sink so he can wash his face down.”
Sirius disappeared into the washroom in pursuit of Remus.
He found the man leaning against a stall door, still in the throws of the sneezing fit.
“Hey,” Sirius said. “Lily said this might help.”
He soaked the towel and guided it into Remus' hands. Remus pressed the cool rag to his face, sneezing a final harsh Ehh-TSGHCHTTT! before he finally relaxed a moment and let the water soothe his itchy eyes and nose.
“Thanks,” he said. “Give me a minute. I'll be out soon.”
“You don't want me to stay?” Sirius asked.
“I need to blow my nose. A lot. You can stay if you want but it won't be pleasant.”
“Ah,” Sirius affirmed. “Right. I'll go if you want me to, but I don't mind.”
Remus shrugged and pressed his handkerchief to his nose, giving a gurgling blow that didn't seem to solve any of the congestion. He tried two more times, each effort less productive and more strained. Finally, he was unable to get any decent amount of air out and he stopped, taking gulps of air through his mouth.
Sirius had edged closer during the ordeal and gently put a hand on the bare curve of Remus' neck above his shirt collar.
“Poor Moony,” he said, leaning in and kissing Remus' temple.
“Stop,” Remus grumbled, shying back. “Someone might come in.”
The....affair? Relationship? Fooling around? Whatever they were calling it, it was new and so far, a secret. They were both sure that James and Lily had suspicions, but Peter was entirely clueless and no one had openly spoken about it yet
“No one is coming,” Sirius assured him. “Wash your face again and come back. Breakfast has probably arrived by now.”
“Go on,” Remus said wearily. “Tell them I'll be out in a minute.”
Sirius returned to the table and relayed the message. Remus reappeared a few moments later, as promised, looking blotchy and red-eyed but no longer sneezing. He sunk back into his spot in the booth where a western omelet now waited to be eaten.
“You alright, mate?” James asked.
Remus nodded and cut into his breakfast, taking a mouthful of egg and chewing quietly. The food had no real taste to his muddled and congested senses.
The group chatted amongst themselves, enjoying the meal and the company, but it quickly became evident that Remus wasn't having the best time of it. His omelet remained mostly untouched on his plate and his eyes were now swollen and irritated to the point of almost permanent teariness.
“Not feeling any better, eh love?” Lily remarked. “What's on your plate for the rest of the day?”
“Just need to get some edits done for a journal review,” Remus replied. “I'll hunker down inside my flat and try not to let any outside air in, I suppose.”
“Can you even see?” Peter asked. “Your eyes look pretty fucked.”
“Yes, I can see,” Remus retorted.
“Why don't you head home and one of us will come by later to check in on you?” Lily offered.
“I'll be fine,” insisted Remus. “I'll probably just end up lying low for the rest of the day if I have to. And tomorrow will be a wash, I guess.”
“And then where the hell are we going to go for the night that won't involve you being unable to breathe?” James asked.
“I think I may have to owl Pomfrey and see if it's safe to take something,” Remus responded, rubbing absentmindedly at his eyes again. He wrinkled his nose and slowly shook his head, eyes squinting shut. Turning away, he sneezed harshly into his shoulder.
“C'mon, then,” said Sirius, rising from his seat and depositing enough Sickles on the table for his meal with a few extra to cover Remus'. “I'll make sure you get home okay. Not a good idea to Apparate in your state.”
Hands cupped to his face, Remus stood and turned to the side, bending a bit at the waist as the final sneeze of the small fit exploded out.
“Are you sure I can't stop by later with some tea and treats or something?” Lily asked.
“It's really okay,” he insisted, wiping his nose surreptitiously on his sleeve. “I think I ought to try to keep quiet and get my editing done and then get some rest.”
“Send an owl if you need anything, okay?” James added. “I'll see you tomorrow night.”
Remus nodded as Sirius began to guide him to the door.
“I'll side-along you from the alley next door,” Sirius said as they approached the exit. “Try not to breathe too much outside.”
“That should be easy enough, given how little I'm already doing it,” Remus quipped, bracing himself for the inevitable allergen-filled spring air.
They stepped out into the alley and down to the magically-marked apparition spot. Remus pressed his sleeve against his dripping nose and sniffled miserably.
“Almost home,” Sirius assured him, wrapping an arm around the smaller man's waist and hugging it tightly. “One...two....three...”
They suddenly spun and disappeared from sight, landing outside the block of flats where Remus kept a small bachelor room.
Remus staggered forward with a harsh sneeze.
“Merlin,” he croaked as he wiped his now red and raw nose. “I thought I might splinch us but I managed to hold it ih---eh-TSGHH! ---hold in in.”
He gathered his handkerchief, turning it over in his hands to invoke the self-cleaning spell, and blew his nose aggressively.
“Let's get you inside before your nose falls off,” Sirius suggested, watching the man with a sympathetic expression.
They trudged up the stairs to the third story flat, Remus wheezing and sniffling as his efforts to breathe became more and more difficult. When they entered his small flat, Remus let himself collapse into the old beige chenille couch that dominated the centre of the room.
He sneezed into a pillow and groaned loudly. Sirius headed to the washroom in search of a towel. He returned with a damp facecloth and sat down on the sofa beside Remus.
“Here,” he said, offering the cloth. “Get some of that pollen off your skin.”
“Too late,” Remus grumbled, pressing the cloth over his swollen eyes and nose. He sat up and leaned forward, letting his face rest in the palms of his hands with the facecloth sandwiched between.
“I'm going to send an owl to Pomfrey to see if you can take another potion,” Sirius offered.
“Please do,” Remus replied from behind the towel shield. “It wasn't nearly this bad when I left the flat earlier.”
Sirius went to Remus' desk to draft a note. When it was finished, he folded it up and put it into his pocket.
“I'll Apparate over to the post office to send it,” he said. “Be back in just a second.”
Remus nodded and listened for the 'pop!' of Sirius' disappearance. It was too much of an extra cost for Remus to own his own owl, so he often relied on the local post office for sending owl mail.
When Sirius came back, Remus was reclined on the couch with his fingers pinched at the bridge of his nose.
“Okay, sent,” Sirius said. “Hopefully we'll hear from her soon. I sent a request to the apothecary for some owl-mail allergy tonic so that'll be here in a bit either way.”
“Thanks,” Remus replied, distracted. He adjusted his fingers and pinched his nose again. “Sorry, my sinuses...there's a sneeze that's stuck there or something and it won't come out.”
“Want some help?” Sirius offered. “I'm sure there's a sneezing hex I could look up.”
“The last thing I want is to be forced to sneeze more than I already am,” Remus responded, pressing his palm to this nostrils and wriggling a circle. “It's just really really itchy.”
“I have an idea,” said Sirius. “Look at my wand.”
“Does that pickup line work on other boys?” Remus asked sardonically. “I said I don't want to be hexed, Sirius.”
“I'm not going to hex you, I promise,” Sirius replied, giving his best innocent look.
“I'm not convinced,” Remus said, pinching his nose again and groaning. His nostrils were quickly becoming chapped and raw from all the irritation.
“I promise. It's not a hex.”
Remus turned his head and Sirius pointed his wand towards Remus' eyes.
“Lumos!” Sirius said and the end of his wand glowed bright white. Remus' pale eyes squinted and he turned away from the glare.
“Arghh,” he moaned, mouth dropping open and breath hitching. “That might do it.”
“Look again,” Sirius urged.
Remus squinted towards the light, nose twitching and lips trembling in anticipation.
He suddenly erupted forward with an urgent, explosive sneeze that bent him at the waist. He kept one hand over his nose while the other searched wildly for his handkerchief.
He managed to get the cloth over his nose as the fit continued. He tried to stifle the next few outbursts, but they quickly escalated back to full sneezes.
Ehh-TXKKT! Ngh-XHT! 'GXHT! Ehhhh....hehh-SGHHHHT! Heh-TSCHHHTT!
Sirius elbowed his way onto the couch beside Remus and put a hand on the man's back.
“Poor allergic Moony.”
“I don't care what Pomfrey says,” Remus panted as the fit ended. “I'm taking that potion when it arrives. I can handle the pain.”
“Here,” Sirius said, flicking his wand to summon a fresh handkerchief from Remus' bedroom. He handed over the cloth and Remus blew his nose.
“I don't like seeing you in pain though,” Sirius continued.
“I don't know if this is any better or worse, frankly,” Remus admitted, rubbing at his swollen left eye.
Just then, a tap sounded on the window and two owls looked through the glass.
“Sweet relief is here,” Sirius declared. “Sit tight. All will be better in a minute.”
He went and retrieved the potion from one owl and a letter from the other. Tearing open the parchment, he scanned the response from Pomfrey.
“Oh thank Merlin,” he said, tossing the letter on the end table and hurrying to open the potion bottle. “She says she's sorry about the side effects and of course, take a tonic. Worst case scenario, you don't see any pain improvement. Best, it works even with the allergy tonic.”
“Good,” Remus said, gratefully taking the potion bottle and drinking a healthy swig. Almost immediately, some of the redness faded from his nose and eyes and his breathing seemed to ease.
“That's better,” Sirius said.
“Definitely,” Remus agreed, taking a mostly full breath for first time in hours. “This stuff always makes me drowsy though.”
“Then lie down. I don't have anything for the rest of the day. I'll stay.”
He sat on the sofa, patting his lap. Remus stretched out, letting his head rest on Sirius' thigh. The man ran a hand through Remus' sandy brown hair as Remus closed his eyes.
Not a minute later, Remus was snoring quietly, totally exhausted from the allergies and the potion. Sirius stretched out his legs and let his head roll back, closing his own eyes. It would be several hours before either of them woke.
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xianarcissamalfoy · 4 years
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I can’t resist... not now. Part 3
Warnings: swearing, Cute!Draco, Dick!Harry, parental abuse, probably some more I’m forgetting
Italics is ASL
Erin looked to the door, someone she never expected to see staring right at her. Shifting uncomfortably, Erin looked away from Malfoy. He, in return, walked to her bedside, placing his hand on her cheek.
Emerald eyes met silver ones, so close in proximity that they could feel each other’s warm breath on their faces. “I thought you died.” Erin read Malfoy’s lips, though she wasn’t sure she understood. “You had me really worried, Erin.”
“What?” Erin whispered, her voice scratchy and raw. “Why?”
“Because I-“ Draco was cut off by Silver bounding into the room, jumping into his human’s lap, licking her face excitedly.
“Ugh, Silver!” Erin giggled, struggling to push over a hundred pounds of pure muscle off her face. “Oi! I missed you too!” When the attack on her face was over, Erin was soaking wet once more. “Draco can you pass me a towelette, please?” Looking up at the blonde, Erin smiled at the look on his face. A thanks was given when he handed the fabric to her so she could dry her face. “The healers told me that you saved my life.” Erin started.
“Yeah, well, I couldn’t let you die.”
“Um, Draco we don’t even know each other. Well, I know you but you don’t know me.” Draco smiled uneasily.
“I think we should change that.” Draco’s eyes fell to Erin’s lips. And just as he leant in-
“I’m so sorry, I held her as long as I could!” Hermione shrieked, an ecstatic Luna rushing to give Erin a tight squeeze.
“I missed you so much!” Luna squealed, unaware that her best friend was struggling.
“Luna, I know you missed me but I’m gonna miss breathing if you don’t let go.” Erin choked out, Luna apologizing frantically as she let go.
“Erin, please, please never do that again.” Mione signed.
“I’ll do my best.” Erin smirked. Draco looked on as different hand signs and symbols were thrown, some using the whole body. ‘This must be how the deaf and mute communicate.’ Draco thought. ‘Or at least deaf muggles.’
“I think we confused your boy toy, Erin.” Hermione smirked at the blushing Erin.
“Shut up, Granger.” Erin pouted, patting Silver’s head as Luna scratched behind his ears. “He’s not my boy toy.”
“He basically confessed his love for you in the hallway.” Erin looked to Luna for confirmation and the white headed girl nodded. The blush that was originally faint brightened and spread down Erin’s neck. Hermione and Luna shared a laugh as their best friend sputtered, placing the pillow on her face to hide her embarrassment.
“Er, what’s so funny?” Draco questioned quietly, afraid it’d be out of turn for him to butt into the conversation.
“This tomato has what you’d call a crush.” Hermione chuckled.
“Don’t day it aloud ‘Mione!” Came the muffled yell.
“How can she even hear that? I thought she was deaf...” Draco furrowed his brows in confusion.
“She can’t. Ever since first year she’s been able to tell when we’re talking. She knows us too well.” Luna smiles up at Draco. “And you too.”
“Yeah. She knows your favorite food, favorite color, favorite drink, favorite class. She knows a lot about you.” Luna admitted as if it wasn’t creepy at all.
“Um, what?” Draco looked to Hermione for clarity.
“Don’t worry, Erin isn’t stalking you. She’s just very observant. Look.” Hermione nudged Erin who took the pillow off her face. “What’s my favorite food?”
“Back in the muggle world it’s chocolate frozen yogurt with a tablespoon of coffee drizzle and rainbow sprinkles and a blow of cinnamon. Here it’s mashed potatoes with cheese and gravy and one shake of black pepper.” Erin answered without a thought. Draco was taken back with how much she knew about her friend. “And Luna hates chocolate frogs, because we all know Luna is vegan.”
“She is?” Hermione scrunched her nose.
“Yeesh, ‘Mione. Get your facts right.” Draco playfully grinned. Hermione rolled her eyes, but a smile was gracing her lips. ‘This is nice. Being with friends who aren’t fake and actually make you laugh.’ Draco thought to himself.
“However, Luna loves pudding. Vanilla bean pudding with a drizzle of chocolate syrup.” Erin continued before turning to Draco. “Malfoy here likes tomato soup, because that’s what the house elves give him when he’s sick.” Draco flushed a pale pink, embarrassed that Erin knew so much about him.
“Bloody hell, if I knew we were joining a party I’d have brought more candy!” Ron exclaimed as he walked into the room, pushing a cart (that looked an awful like the one on the Hogwarts Express) filled with different candies into the room. Harry was behind him, eyes still filled with rage that burned even hotter when he saw that Draco and Erin were holding hands.
“Ron! You didn’t have to do all this!” Erin smiled at her cousin.
“But I did, cuz. But I did.” Ron looked rather smug with himself.
“You stole it from Fred and George, didn’t you?”
“Yes I did.” Ron cracked a grin. With an eyeroll, Erin grabbed a shimmery royal blue container filled with French macaroons.
“Thanks Ron. This means a lot.” Erin smiled, popping a chocolate macaroon into her mouth, relishing the taste of the coffee filling.
Draco watched the girl, content with watching how her lips moved as she talked. Harry was glaring daggers at the blond, really annoyed with what he was doing.
“Draco?” Erin waves her hand in his face, snapping the boy out of his trance. “Stop spacing. Only I can be deaf.” Erin giggled, holding up a strawberry cheesecake macaroon. “Here.”
“Oh, no I really shouldn’t-“
“Eat the pastry, Malfoy.” Erin demanded, enjoying how he submitted immediately.
Draco’s eyes lit up in delight as he bit into the delicate pastry. The hard shell, the creamy inside; reminding him of someone he knew. It was delicious. “This is really good.” Draco admitted to the smirking Erin, not hesitating to eat the whole thing.
“Told you so.”
Things when on like that for weeks. The group would get together at lunch into corner where Erin normally sat. Erin would be either in Draco’s lap or holding his hand. To her, it was normal. To Draco, is was intoxicating. He couldn’t get enough of her. Her cheesecake and cinnamon scent, her emerald eyes that literally sparkles in the sunlight. Her gorgeous black curls. The feel of her hand in his. Her warmth, her lips. She kept him up at night, invading his thoughts.
His grades were a rollercoaster if she was in the class, daydreaming about her taking up all his time. But then she was sitting next to him in potions class. Her hand slipped into his, and he could focus. Snape noticed, McGonagall noticed, Dumbledore noticed, and so did Harry. And Harry, Harry was pissed.
“What the hell is your problem?” Harry hissed at Draco one day, cornering him in the hall.
“I’m sorry?”
“You know what I’m talking about. You. And Erin.” Draco blushes red, conforming Harry’s suspicions. “Back off. She belongs to me.”
“She’s not an object, Potter.” Draco retorted.
“Well you sure handle her like a vase! Always checking up after her, going to her dorm, studying with her. Making sure she’s okay and wishing her a goodnight every night.”
“I didn’t know that was illegal, Potter.”
“Do you fancy her or something?”
“I mean she’s gorgeous. She brightens my day and makes me forget. All I’ve ever wanted is to forget. She makes me happy, Potter. Even as a friend.” Harry scoffed, reaching for his wand. Draco took notice and mirrored the action. Before any spells could be thrown, Hermione ran to Draco.
“It’s Erin. She’s in trouble!”
Erin curled up into a ball in the corner, resisting the urge to scream as kicks from steel toe boots hit her body. “I cannot believe you! Falling for a Malfoy! You traitor!” Her father bellowed, Lansing a kick to her rib cage.
“And here I thought you were learning...” Erin’s mother said with no emotion as she watched the assault on her daughter. “But you did exactly what we told you not to. And that won’t go unpunished.” Of course, Erin couldn’t hear this. But her parents didn’t care.
Her father stopped kicking her and yanked her up by the hair. Erin yelped at the stinging sensation in her scalp, eyes meeting her mother’s in fear. A blade was brought to her left arm, slicing a single word ‘Voldemort’. Erin’s screams could be heard through the castle, echoing off the walls. “Stupid child. You’ll learn not to defy us, one day.” And with that, she was alone. Alone and bloody and bruised and sobbing.
“Oh my goodness.” Draco rushes to his friend, kneeling at her her side, in her blood. “Bloody hell, Harry get McGonagall or Filch or anyone! Now!” Tears fell down Draco’s face as he looked at Erin.
“D-Draco?” Eri whispered, slowly opening her eyes.
“Hey, love. I’m here.” Draco grasped her hand in his shay ones, bringing it to his lips.
“Don’t leave me. Please.” Erin whimpered, curling up into him.
“I won’t. I promise.” Draco laid a kiss to her temple, smoothing back her hair. Erin sighed, pain fleeing her senses and being replaced by the feeling of Draco.
Footsteps shook the cobblestone floors, gasps filling the air from every professor at Hogwarts. Draco didn’t bother looking back, knowing they looked exactly like him when he first laid eyes on the blood. “Mr Malfoy, you have to let her go.” McGonagall whispered softly, wand in one hand and the other on Draco’s shoulder.
“I’m not leaving her. I promised.”
“Draco, they have to heal her.” Hermione spoke up from the crowd.
“They can do it while I hold her.” Draco fired at her. “I can’t let go. Every time I do something bad happens.”
“Draco, please. I can’t heal her when you’re connected to her. Especially not with wounds this big.” McGonagall pleaded, afraid of losing one of her favorite students. Hesitantly, Draco’s hand left Erin’s, the latter’s eyes opening as she thrashed around, scared that Draco had left.
“Erin, Erin love. I’m right here.” Draco rubbed her knuckles. “I promised.” Minerva cast a spell, healing the largest wounds. Bruises were left, but everything was healed. Except her left arm. The professor nearly dropped her wand at the sight of He-Wo-Must-Not-Be-Named’s real name cut into flesh.
“Oh dear.” The professor said in shock.
“Can you heal it?” Draco demanded.
“No. A name with that much power etched into the skin of a holy one... it’s impossible.”
“A holy one?” Draco scrunched his face.
“I can heal the cuts, but the scar will remain. As will the trauma. I’m really sorry.” McGonagall quickly healed the rest of Erin, walking away to give her and Draco some space.
Draco muttered his friend’s name over and over, wishing it hadn’t happened to her. Out of anyone he cared about, why her? “Erin I’m so sorry. I should’ve been here.”
“Draco?” Erin picked up her head. Draco smiled sadly, tears running down his face.
“I’m so happy you’re okay.”
“Draco I- I can hear what you’re saying.” Erin’s eyes lit up in happiness. “Professor McGonagall’s spell must’ve healed me.” Erin wrapped her arms around her blond friend.
“I thought I lost you.” Draco whimpered.
“You can’t get rid of me that easily, Malfoy.” Erin pulled away, eyes locking onto the silver orbs she held dear. “I promise.”
“Who did this?” Erin looked at the ground, avoiding the question. “Erin. Erin look at me. Tell me who did this to you so I can kill them.”
“I- I can’t.”
“I can’t, Draco!” Erin yelled, her face full of fear. “Because if I do he’ll kill me!”
“Who will kill you?” Erin looked into Draco’s eyes.
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maned-cerdae · 7 years
wait i still know how to do lore? its a miracle!
A gentle breeze through the woods, carrying a slight scent of rot from the Wastelands on it. This far from the border, however, it wasn’t strong. The trees here grew mostly normal, with only the occasional mutation creating strangely covered leaves or bark with weird textures.
“Oi, slow down!”
You stopped and looked backwards at Icemane, who was several yards behind you. “Oh. I didn’t notice you fell behind.”
Icemane stopped next to them and pouted dramatically. “You are the absolute worst gathering partner. I can’t believe this. You’re so cold I’m crying now.”
You snorted. “Come on. We got to finish gathering for the party tomorrow and get back.”
“You aren’t fun. I say we should just hang out in the woods all night and have our own party!”
“You’re suggesting skipping your own birthday party?”
“Well, it’s not just mine. It’s yours. And Violetdream’s.  And Crystalfur’s.” He frowned slightly. “This is the reason I shouldn’t be skipping it, isn’t it.”
“Congratulations on realizing it.”
He elbowed you, but he was smiling. “Like I said. Incredibly cold.” Icemane scanned the forest, looking for food or other supplies to bring back. His eyes light up and ran over to something further ahead, kneeling to pick something up. You walked over cautiously and he stood up, holding a bunch of strawberries in his hand. He pulled the leaves off and popped one in his mouth before wincing in disgust.
“What’s with that face?”
“They’re sour. All plants are sour. I feel bad for breeds that have to eat plants.”
“That’s what I think whenever you convince me to eat some of that nasty fish of yours.”
“But fish are good! Plants, however, are disgusting. Well, a few can stay as long as they taste good with fish.”
You held out your hand and he threw one into your hand. He put the rest in the bag at his side and bent down to pick the rest on the plant, but then he realized you weren’t next to him. Icemane looked over his shoulder and saw you leaning against a tree, blantaly not even thinking about helping.
You smirked. “You deserve this for suggesting skipping the party.”
Icemane turned away and you frowned. But then he jumped up, spun around, and smeared something all over your face. Jolting back in surprise, you remembered the tree and swore. He started laughing and you realized what he did. You stuck your tongue out and licked at the stuff on your face. Yup, a bunch of crushed strawberries.
“Are you serious?”
His only response was more laughter, but you couldn’t find yourself to be mad. Especially when you wiped off your face with your hand and cleaned it on his face in return. He sputtered and…
You blinked and found yourself in a dark tunnel. He still stood in front of you, but he was older now.
A part of your mind screamed it was just a dream of what happened, but the fear you felt was just as intense as when it really happened. Icemane swayed, unsteady on his feet. He smiled and his teeth were sharp, far too sharp, and his eyes. They were completely black, except two little glowing pinpoints, one glowing red and the other gold. The wound over his right eye had reopened and was glowing a sickly dull purplish color. Patches of feather grew and fell off just as suddenly as his body started to have trouble holding him into his shifted form. Where the feathers grew thin lines of pitch black blood dripped, creating delicate patterns on his skin. He cocked his head, staring at you with that grin and those dark eyes and the feathers and blood falling to ground. You backed up as far as you could, but the wall of the tunnel stopped you. He took a hesitant step like he thought he might fall over and wrapped his hands around your neck. Sharp claws dug into your neck. Slowly, very slowly, still grinning, he drug those sharp claws across your neck.
Another blink, a different place. It was brightly lit and crowded with dragons shoving each other to get the best view. A guard grabbed your arm and drug you through the horde. You glanced up at the guard, but they pointedly stared forward. The crowd suddenly ended and the guard shoved you to your knees, keeping on hand on your shoulder. Just a few feet away from you was your mother, bound with rope and surrounded by guards. If you were to move forward just a bit you could touch her. The guard’s grip on your shoulder tightened like they had heard your thought. Your eyes drifted to the two people in the front of the room, sitting on twin thrones on a dais. On one was King Mesmer. Your father. He stifled a yawn as he watched over the room. And sitting next to him was Queen Begonia. She noticed you looking at her and sneered. You flinched, her look of disgust so strong it felt like a slap in the face. Cypress is nowhere to be seen though. Of course, wouldn’t want the precious little prince to see something that might scare him.
Begonia stood up and the entire room went silent. She walked down the steps of the dias slowly, still weak from the assassination attempt, dress billowing out behind her slightly. Stopping in front of Delphine, she waved the guards away. They hesitated and she glared at them until they retreated. She pulled a small bottle from some kind of hidden pocket that was filled with a shimmering pink liquid.
“Delphine Worseer, you have been charged and found guilty of trying to assassinate the  queen. Thus, you are sentenced to execution. Do you have any last words?”
“Fuck. You.”
Begonia sighed. “I’m not sure if I expected anything else.” She waved her hand at the guards. “One of you, come back here.” Begonia kneeled down in front of your mom and tossed the bottle between her hands. Delphine’s eyes followed it and Begonia laughed. “Would you like a taste of you own medicine, quite literally? Oh, I think you do.”
Begonia looked up at the guard who had came forward. “Get her to open her mouth.”
Delphine’s eyes widened, but before she could do anything, the guard stabbed her in the arm. You sat numbly as dark purple blood splattered on the pristine white floors. Delphine opened her mouth to cry out in pain and Begonia cursed as she hurried to open the bottle. “I didn’t mean right away!” she hissed at the guard as she pulled the cork out and dumped the liquid into Delphine’s mouth. She scrambled away and looked over at the guard. “If you don’t want to lose your sword, I suggest retrieving it now. Oh, but could you cut the rope? It would make things much more. Interesting.”
They blinked and quickly pulled their sword out of Delphine’s arm and then used it to cut the rope. Delphine fell forward a bit before managing to put an arm in front of her to catch herself. There was a strange almost popping noise and she started coughing. Drops of purple Shadow blood and liquid Arcane magic splattered onto the floor before her. Another pop and she screamed as cracks started racing up her arms, glowing pink. You watched as the cracks grew. She dug her fingers into them and they started to bleed, but the blood was literally boiling and turned into steam as it hit the surface. The tips of her fingers started to burn and blister and, oh. Oh Gods. They started to gray and turn to ash that drifted to the floor. Try as you might, you couldn’t pull your eyes away. One of the ashes drifted over to you and landed on your cheek, sizzling slightly from the residual magic in it. You flinched, but didn’t feel the grip on your shoulder from earlier. You managed to look up and saw the guard had their hands clasped over their mouth, looking like they were about to either bolt or throw up or both. Taking the opportunity, you pushed yourself to your feet and started running through the spectators to the doors. No one stopped you, too focused on what was happening up front, and you ran through the halls of the palace until you found the darkest corner you could, and then laid down and cried.
Flowerstorm jerked upright, gasping. It was nearly completely dark, but there was a small distant light in the distance down the tunnel leading to the cave Icemane had declared their bedroom and moved his and their stuff in to. Speaking of Icemane, the coatl was missing. Flowerstorm frowned at the spot where he had been when the two of them went to sleep, mind too tired to work properly. The light in the distance reached the cave and Flowerstorm muttered and put a hand up to shield their eyes.
“Oh, sorry, did I wake you up?” Icemane asked as he put his lantern down on a shelf and uncorked a bottle he was holding. He took a sip and cringed.
“Mm. It wasn’t you, it was nightmares.” They looked at the bottle he was holding and the scar over his right eye and shivered. “What were you doing?”
Icemane held up the bottle and shook it slightly. “My Light magic started acting up and I wasn’t gonna wake one of the healers up to write a spell tag or start casting bolts into the sky and attract every creature is a 50 mile radius. So I grabbed a healing potion and hoped it would work.” He took another sip and cringed again. “This thing tastes like shit though. I think I might have preferred being mauled by some random animal that followed my Light spell being launched into the sky.”
“Tau and Nightsbane would flip though.”
“Eh, it’s fine. If I die, they can’t yell at me.”
Flowerstorm wiggled their fingers dramatically. “Magic. They’ll find a way.”
They laughed, but it turned into a yawn halfway through. Icemane finished the rest of the potion and placed it beside the lantern before blowing it out. He made his way over to the mess of furs and blankets he had declared a nest and laid down next to Flowerstorm. “I just thought of another reason why I shouldn’t go outside, shot a bunch of light around, and let myself get eaten by wild animals.”
“Hmm, did you finally develop a survival instinct?”
“No. Our anniversary is in like. A couple of days isn’t it? And if it’s past midnight it’s my birthday. What if I had done it and gotten eaten like a minute before my birthday? That would’ve sucked.”
“Shut up and go to sleep.”
“Still so mean to me after all these years.”
They didn’t have nightmares for the rest of the night.
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