#I’m afraid that you secretly don’t like me but you’re too polite to say anything
animatedtext · 1 year
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
Hi 😊
I love all your fics!!!! Wondering if I could please request imagine Evan Buckley (911) shy girlfriend reader and both your infant son is a mommy boy. Pretty adorable like every single day walking around the station visiting Buck all day just being both his good luck charms. 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
love grows (where my rosemary goes) - e.b
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summary: request :)
evan buckley x reader
a/n: what a fun little gif of buck, i appreciate the request; this is a short one because i wanted to get is up asap for you <33
walking through the garage at the 118 firehouse, y/n walked in with her son on her hip, spying out for buck. he had asked them to come stop by before she had to go to work since he wasn’t able to spend as much time with them last night.
they were his favorite people in the world. he was a whole new version of himself and y/n was the reason for it. she gave him the gift of real, permanent love, as well as a son to go along with it. he feels nothing but radiant joy when they come around, and it is so obvious to everyone when y/n and their little boy walk into the room.
y/n meshed in well, being the complete opposite of buck. buck isn’t afraid to show himself off to impress people, but y/n politely keeps to herself a lot of the time. new people made her nervous sometimes, so buck never really pushed. he let her take her time and didn’t force her to do anything she was uncomfortable with. when she finally met them, she realized they were such a comforting group of people. y/n adored the 118 as much as she would be quiet. buck had told them she was a shy soul, so they tried their best not to come off too excited when they finally met the girl.
roaming through the firehouse, trying to point out buck with her child, y/n practiced what to say in her head if someone spoke to her. that was a common theme for her, always thinking before she spoke and buck secretly loved that about her. it was an anxiety response, but it taught him an important lesson, too.
buck peeked himself over to top of the balcony, waving to y/n and calling her to come upstairs. normally, the 118 bombards people who come in to say hello, but they keep calm around y/n to not freak her out. “hey, bud!” he says, taking the boy out of y/n’s arms while giving her a kiss. “hi, honey. you headed to work?”
“yeah, i get off a little early today so i’ll be home with him for a bit,” she replies.
“i’m sorry we didn’t get a lot of time together yesterday. it was a wicked long day.”
“don’t worry about it. you’re being a hero, don’t apologize for it,” she reassures. eddie and hen came into the room, greeting their son and y/n before going off the polish the engines and organize the ambulance compartments.
buck needed to see them before he went to work. he felt out of place if not, always receiving a pick me up from y/n’s voice and smile. the man buck had grown into had been all of y/n’s. she was a radiant inspiration to him, all of the time. they’d dated for a while, then she got pregnant, and buck always wants more. he thought about the small box in his locker, for safe keeping here at the station. buck was ready to be a true family. he wanted to finally put that shining diamond on his charm, now that he has two of them.
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lowlifetheory · 2 years
See the thing with Bucky; he’s shameless. You heard of it, he’s probably tried it.
A lot of people in his life assumed he was a broken recluse when he finally started to get his life back but that wasn’t so.
A lot had changed since Bucky had last been a part of the dating scene. He could get pornography at his fingertips, he could buy sex toys in specially designated stores, but the change he appreciated the most? Fucking a guy he had the hots for wouldn’t make him a criminal.
See Bucky liked people; girls with tits that spilled over his fingers and soft thighs that cradled his hips and boys with defined abs and peachy bottoms. He liked tiny tits too that he could fit into his mouth and a soft belly to sink his teeth into.
It had all started as he grew up. Bucky was a friendly, popular guy. He didn’t judge or shame and he wasn’t afraid to ask for what he wanted. He wasn’t afraid to ask for feedback either, because what’s the good in doing all of this if you can’t improve.
He’d learned a lot in Wakanda, where love was free and encouraged. He’d seen and done a lot too and most of all, when he got back, well, he just went on ahead and explored some more, though acceptance and love wasn’t as freely given, so Bucky had to search for it.
So this game of Never Have I Ever he was caught in, well, let’s just say this Asguardian liquor was about to test his limits. Or his honesty.
How they’d gotten here he had no idea. Tony had leftover booze from some gala he’d hosted and half the team were snarky, the other half were moping. Who’d have thought that Thor burying Stormbreaker in Thanos’ skull would have been anticlimactic?
So eighteen months later here everyone was celebrating Peter Parker starting at college and getting an internship with Tony, as if that was ever a question.
The boy in question was currently sitting next to Bucky with his chin resting on his knees and a bottle of beer in his hand. Everyone had various drinks and he had been teased a little about being underage but he’d just flipped anyone who tried to make him awkward the bird, then apologised for being rude, then asked them politely to stop teasing him and promptly sat down.
‘Leave the kid alone,’ Steve had frowned in that Cap way and Peter had preened under his noble protection.
After explaining the rules of the game they started with the typical childish ones before Natasha, getting comfortable with a glass of wine, turned the conversation to naughtier topics.
‘Spanked someone,’ Natasha smirked as she took a sip.
Bucky took a drink. Pepper, Maria and Clint took a drink too. A few of the group teased Steve, assuming that the old “Steve and Bucky are secretly fucking” was about to finally be revealed. Steve went bright red and spluttered at the assumption but Bucky just shrugged and smirked.
‘In this room,’ Clint joked.
Bucky took a drink. Natasha and Pepper took a drink as well.
A lot of people muttered but no one gave anything away other than Tony trying to scoff away his red face.
‘Never have I ever…been rimmed,’ Tony teased. Almost everyone in the room took a drink, including Steve.
‘Wow Cap, you like to be treated right,’ Natasha nudged him. Steve blushed again.
‘I- it was ah,’ he licked his lips and looked at Bucky.
Bucky for his part held his hands up. ‘Hey don’t look at me Pal, they think I’m the one who rimmed you.’
Steve spluttered again and Bucky laughed. ‘Never have I ever rimmed someone.’
At Bucky’s words everyone took a drink. Including Bucky.
‘You’re getting hot there too kiddo,’ Tony winked at Peter who flushed and shrunk back into the cushions.
‘Never have I ever watched porn with someone,’ Scott said.
Scott, Tony, Pepper, Thor and Loki took a drink, as did Bucky. Peter did too, and it didn’t go unnoticed. He got some gentle teasing before the team dropped it to move on.
‘Never have I ever watched a dirty video I made myself,’ Maria said.
Peppers poor face beamed red as she took a drink, while Tony proudly puffed his chest out and took his own drink too. Bucky took a sip, and Peter, face as red as Peppers, took a drink too.
‘Had a lap dance,’ Loki said. Almost everyone took a drink, Peter closed his eyes as he joined them.
‘Gave a lap dance,’ Wanda said. All the girls except Maria took a drink, most with red cheeks. Thor, Bucky and Peter took a drink too.
‘The little spider is a kinky one!’ Thor declared as Loki smirked at Peter, wiggling his eyebrows. ‘Never have I ever used a dagger sexually on a lover.’ Thor boomed as he took a drink.
Bucky and Natasha took a drink.
Steve’s face scrunched up and Thor laughed again, slapping Steve’s back almost knocking him off the sofa.
‘Never have I ever dominated a lover while blindfolded,’ Wanda said smugly.
Bucky took a drink.
‘Mother- is there anything you haven’t done?’ Sam asked. Peter shifted uncomfortably beside Bucky and glanced up at the man.
Bucky shrugged. ‘Try me.’
Sam leaned forward and everyone else looked on with interest. Bucky filled his glass then mirrored Sam’s pose.
‘Never have I ever fucked without my prosthetic on.’
Bucky took a drink.
‘Never have I ever fucked in public.’
Bucky took a drink.
‘Never have I ever fucked on a boat.’
‘Had sex under the stars.’
Sam hesitated and glanced around the room, and Natasha leaned in to help him out.
‘Had sex with a man and woman at the same time.’
‘Been fucked with a strapon.’
‘Been deep throated by someone with no gag reflex.’
Bucky swirled the liquid in his glass and took a drink.
‘Had someone call you daddy.’
Another drink this time with an eye roll.
‘I knew he was a total Daddy,’ Wanda muttered and Pepper nodded in sage agreement. Tony made an affronted noise.
‘Had a lover wear a sex toy in public.’
‘Fucked someone while they wore a chastity device.’
Bucky refilled his glass and took a drink.
‘Bottomed,’ Sam smirked and Bucky rolled his eyes.
‘You already mentioned a strapon,’ Bucky pointed out as he took a drink.
Sam scowled and Natasha took over again.
‘Fucked in cosplay.’
Bucky made a face. Then took a drink.
‘Bucky,’ Steve gasped. ‘I don’t even know what half of this stuff is!’
‘And yet you still did it,’ Clint laughed.
‘No!’ Steve looked at him with piercing blue eyes. ‘It wasn’t - I didn’t!’
‘Oh my god you are all so dense!’ Peter suddenly cried. All eyes landed on him as he launched himself onto Bucky, knocking the bigger man onto his back on the sofa.
Bucky laughed as his hands curled around Peter’s slim waist but the sound was cut off as Peter kissed Bucky. It was chaste only for a moment then the adrenaline and alcohol caused them to deepen the kiss, licking into each other’s mouths. Peter moaned and rocked on Bucky for a moment then they parted, their foreheads pressed together.
‘Hey,’ Bucky whispered his hand coming up to stroke Peter’s cheeks.
‘Hi,’ Peter murmured. ‘I got jealous. I’m sorry, I know we haven’t discussed telling.’
‘It’s okay,’ Bucky stole another kiss.
‘No!’ Tony’s voice boomed around the room. ‘Have you- all of- with him!’
‘Tony,’ Pepper’s voice was calm as Natasha and Scott started to giggle.
‘What’s cosplay?’ Steve muttered to Sam. ‘And how can you uh, fondue, in chastity?’
‘It’s called a cock cage Pal, and you need to stop saying fondue and start saying have sex, you’re one hundred and two,’ Bucky looked over his shoulder and up at Steve. Peter buried his face in Bucky’s shoulder as Steve’s face contorted trying to imagine what Bucky had just said.
‘Done. This party is done. Get out!’ Tony cried as he got up and hurried out of the room leaving most of his guests giggling and laughing.
Pepper smiled apologetically, ‘Tony’s just a bit…jealous,’ she said with a shrug. ‘Stay as long as you want but I best go check he’s okay.’
Bucky sat up but kept a strong arm around Peter not letting him move an inch. Now that everyone knew he had no intentions of letting his darling spider out of his sight.
‘Why’s Tony jealous?’ Peter asked Bucky softly as they got comfortable together.
‘Could be of our adventures in and out of the bedroom,’ Bucky mused.
‘Or maybe he’s jealous of Bucky,’ Natasha suggested as she poured herself another wine.
‘Or Peter,’ Loki added with an innocent look.
Bucky’s arm tightened around Peter and he pressed a kiss to Peter’s hair in reassurance.
‘So how long?’ Sam asked Peter.
‘Long enough that I should be as drunk as Bucky,’ Peter flushed remembering some of the things they had talked about. Some of the things he and Bucky had tried and enjoyed.
‘Well congratulations,’ Natasha said and everyone joined her in well wishes. Peter blushed and ducked his head into Bucky’s shoulder and Bucky played his fingers through Peter’s hair.
‘That’s barbaric!’ Steve suddenly cried from the sofa where he was staring at Sam’s phone in horror while everyone else laughed at his reaction.
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deltaruminations · 1 year
i love putting deltarune characters in the most mundane Situations. toby fox gives us a brand new vibrant imaginative fantasy world every chapter and im like that rules but also holy shit the light world is a recognizable modern earth society? humans and monsters live together on the surface without significant political strife or prejudice? hell yeah im having characters take a bullet train to some unnamed hybrid of seattle and portland and dicking around Uwajimaya. i’m giving grillby a bun and on-trend mixology pop-ups. im pondering the potential frustrations of being the only person with blood in a tiny town full of magic-dust fucks and needing to buy goddamned tampons. im toiling deep in the dark shitpost mines contemplating crucial worldbuilding questions like "how often does rudy take his daughter(s) camping?" (at least once per season before dess disappeared, once or twice a year after that until… well, you know. gotta take it easy while the doctors run all those tests.) and "where do they go camping?" (varies, but the consistent annual spot is in the berry fields in the mountains two hours out of town. they usually go just before or after the peak of the season, when the crowds are thinner but there are just enough mountain blueberries ripe for the picking that they can harvest a ground coffee can’s worth over the week, griddling them into pancakes and snacking on them fresh while dipping their feet into the clear, cool lake at the center of the campsite. the picking isn’t quite as good in late summer, and the sun burns a little hotter, but the water is warmer and the mountain flies are too lazy to bite. go early, and the lake swarms with frisky damselflies and youth camp kids on canoes and, more than anything else, wriggling black clouds of tadpoles suckling at the shoreline for tiny flies and detritus and bumping indiscriminately into whatever young girl’s hooves happen to get in their way. when noelle was still fairly small, in her first early season, she screamed upon seeing them, sobbing profusely and refusing to join her sister and dad in the crawling water. it took them half the trip to coax her past them, dess bringing her palmfuls of the little things in various stages, rudy pointing out their tiny developing legs and eyes and saying, see, sweetheart? they’re just like little baby froggits. don’t tell me you’re afraid of froggit now, too! how am i s’posed to explain that to them at the next sunday service? and he tipped his head back and laughed as the girls giggled along in suit, sincere in their ease but secretly exchanging glances, aware of how noelle used to shiver and hide behind her parents’ legs upon seeing froggit at the socials after church, recognizing how she still to that day would startle at every sudden jolt from their otherwise friendly, bobbing calm, put off by their too-high hops, the too-fast snap of their tongue as they grabbed another donut from the box. in truth, maybe the tadpoles were easier to tolerate, moving predictably in linear swim, paddling little leggy fins, blowing kisses at the surface of the water and tickling her ankles with their… thin… wagging tails… she let any thoughts of resemblance to horrible, slippery mice scatter away like the frightened proto-froggits around her legs as she finally waded into the water, into her sister’s ecstatic embrace and the clatter of whoops and cheers bouncing across the surface of the lake from their dad, paddling in toward them, his voice betraying a slight break, maybe a choke, before he wrapped his arms around them both and held them close.) and most importantly "does the tv show jackass exist unchanged in this universe?" (yes)
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Hi MB! 🥰 Could I please request number 50 (“I’m dying to know if it’s killing you like it’s killing me”) for elucien for the tswift lyrics prompts 🥺 no pressure though! If you have one you’re secretly hoping to receive instead, i am open and willing to receive anything you gift us with! ♥️
I’m Dying To Know If It’s Killing You Like It’s Killing Me -Elain x Lucien (722 words)
Don’t leave, don’t leave, don’t leave—Lucien’s thoughts were a near constant refrain of those two words as he walked Elain back up the drive to the River House. Back to her sister, back to Velaris, back to the life she’d lived before their little adventure. Feyre had sent Elain to accompany him to the other courts, to study being an emissary. Elain had taken her sister to heart and though their start had been rocky, Lucien thought they’d made good progress. Great progress, even.
He was in love with her. If he’d been a better, braver male he would have told her before they left Summer Court. He was too afraid she felt nothing beyond friendship, that it was her polite nature that allowed him to walk her this far. They reached the porch, door firmly shut though Lucien was sure Feyre was snooping from the other side.
“Well…” he trailed off awkward, facing her down. What did he say? Don’t leave me, I love you. “This was fun.”
Elain nodded, biting her lower lip. “It was. We should do it again sometime.”
Dread coiled through his chest. “Of course. Whenever you need me.”
Lucien forced himself to turn, to take his eyes off her beautiful face before he did something truly terrible like beg her not to leave him. He told himself he ought to be grateful she liked him at all. They could still have their terrible, uncomfortable silence. 
Lucien made it all of four steps before Elain’s voice stopped him. “Lucien?” she yelled, walking the two steps towards him. She faltered and Lucien knew it would have to be him who put himself out there. 
“Elain,” he replied, closing the distance between them. “Tell me just one thing before you go. I’m dying to know, Elain. Is this killing you? The space, the wanting you so bad I feel insane? I don’t want you to go, I…it’s killing me. Tell me. Please.”
“Don’t go,” she breathed as she reached for his hand. There was no hesitation in her words, nothing but hope shining in her rounded brown eyes. Lucien pulled his hand from hers so he could cup her face, his thumb brushing against her cheek. 
“I’m going to kiss you now,” he told her, letting her consider his words. She could stop him, if she wanted. He’d let her. Lucien had waited this long, what was a little longer? Elain tilted her head towards him, her breathing shallow. 
“Finally,” she murmured, words teasing. Part of him wanted to pull back and demand to know when, exactly, she’d begun hoping he’d kiss her. All she’d ever had to do was ask. Lucien would have been happy to oblige. Her lips were far too close to his for him to ask her anything at all.
Was it a coincidence that the sun peeked from beneath the thick blanket of clouds overhead the moment his mouth pressed against her own? Lucien didn’t think so. It felt like a sigh, as if the kiss itself were blessed by the holy Mother. He only cared in so far that the warmth on his cheeks now matched the heat blooming in his chest. 
He’d spent weeks wondering what her mouth would feel like against his own. The fantasy hardly lived up to the real thing. Elain pressed her body against his own, arms wrapped around her neck. Lucien held her there, pulling her off her feet so she was just a little taller. 
One kiss slid into another, the feeling almost maddening. He couldn’t help but lick along the seam of her lips, hoping she might offer him a taste of her. Elains lips parted, deepening the kiss as her own tongue darted forward, meeting his between their two mouths. The touch inflamed him, made him suddenly hungry and desperate. 
He had to set her back to the ground before he did something unforgivable on Feyre’s front lawn. Elain was flushed, eyes bright. She smiled at him, grabbing his hand for the second time that day.
“You’ll stay?” she asked breathlessly. “I…I’d like to kiss you again.”
Lucien nodded, running a hand through his hair with a wildness he was sure she’d noticed. 
As if he could leave her.
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kanaesparadise · 3 years
How would the valo agents react to s/o surprising them with Romance (roses petals on the bed, candles, chocolate dipped cherries, the works)?
Ok i can write this but it would be bad because i'm not a romantic person and i don't know much about stuff like that. I tried to write as many characters as I could, I hope you like it dear <3
-Sage isn't used to this kind of thing and she would be quite surprised if you did, but she would be really happy if you did something for her.
-She may not be able to romanticize the way you do, but she tries to do things with you that she likes to do.
-You can have tea with Sage in the garden of the base, or she can take you to a nice place where you can have a picnic alone before sunset.
-Even though she doesn't like extravagance, she would be grateful to you for the effort you put into her.
-Killjoy is a very busy woman and she doesn't want to waste her time on this type of romance.
-Under normal circumstances, it's pretty easy to keep Killjoy happy. You just need to say a few nice words of encouragement and make frequent physical contact with her.
-She has enough time for little things like this anyway. If she has that much time, she would rather hug you and sleep. That's why she doesn't like big events and surprises.
-No matter what, even though she doesn't like what you do under normal circumstances, she tries to keep up with you as much as possible.
-She really doesn't want you to feel bad for doing something for her.
-"Oh, thanks for all of these thing sweetie but can't we just cuddle and sleep together? Sleeping with you is enough for me."
-She would openly tell you that she finds such things unnecessary.
-Although Viper is not as busy as other agents, she is a woman of simplicity. Instead of these romantic surprises you will do, she can spare time for something better.
-But she wouldn't have told you that in such a rude way, she cares about your feelings no matter what.
-"I don't like surprises like this, but thank you for your effort, dear. How about something to eat outside?"
-If you persistently ask her to look at everything you have prepared, she will fulfill your request, even if for an hour, because she cannot break you.
-Reyna finds everything you prepare for her very cute.
-Reyna is a woman who likes luxury and she has a really unique stance. Usually, no one can predict how Reyna will react, so you thought you were actually taking a risk while making these plans.
-But Reyna didn't think so. No matter how much she disliked something, you were very precious for her. In order to make Reyna love something, it will be enough to do what you are trying to make her like. She finds your effort very cute.
-"Aww, thank you darling. You're really so sweet~"
-Jett doesn't quite know how to react to this kind of romantic stuff, but her eyes will sparkle if you make some good snacks for her.
-"Oh. My. God. These chocolates are legendary! How well my precious darling knows her girlfriend!"
-If you want to feed her yourself, she will eat from your hand without any objection.
-Even she might like it.
-She will definitely do something to make up for it. She will most likely try to put together everything you love in one day.
-Although she was embarrassed by your other romantic gestures, she would act as if she thanked you frequently during the day.
-"Thank you babe, you don't need to do all of these things for me."
-He could hardly react to your preparations, as he could hardly remember human feelings anymore.
-He tries to be as polite as possible, if he unintentionally says something hurtful, be sure he did it unconsciously.
-He would be very happy if you did something with the knitting techniques he taught you. Using something he happily shows you makes him emotional.
-He may not be able to figure out why some of the things you have prepared for him were made, but he will not say anything because he is afraid of misunderstanding and hurt you.
-Instead, he stares at that thing for a long time.
-When you tell him everything, he will be grateful to you for seeing him so valuable.
-"Thank you so much (Y/N) for treating me like I'm still a human being. My only fear is to lose a precious person like you."
-He thinks that he is too old for such activities, but if you have worked for him, he will not let you down.
-He can only make annoying jokes sometimes but not the kind of jokes that will hurt you.
-While you show him everything excitedly, he listens to you smiling under his mask.
-He'd take off his hat and lay it on your head when you'd shown Cypher everything and then turned to see how he would react. He would take off his mask and kiss you passionately.
-"Thank you for everything darling. You're really very considerate of me."
-Yoru finds most romantic things absurd. According to him, there are much better activities that you can do together.
-He may have a slightly negative reaction at first, but when he sees you are upset, he suppresses his own thoughts for a while and just listens to you.
-Even if he doesn't like these kinds of things, seeing your excitement makes him smile.
-"I think this kind of romantic stuff is unnecessary- I'M SORRY I DID NOT MEAN IT, IT'S ALL SO GOOD! God, you can be so scary when you want to."
-If you get angry with him, then he doesn't say a word and listens to you.
-He actually likes it secretly, he's just embarrassed.
-He would be abnormally happy. He would be very emotional because no one gave him such surprises.
-Because he loves surprises and likes to surprise his other friends.
-It doesn't matter what you do for him, just caring for him and preparing something is enough to make Phoenix happy.
-"My beautiful angel is the best lover in the world! I can't believe you're trying to do this much for me! This is all just for me, right? I won't share it with others, only you~"
-He couldn't understand why you did all these things.
-"I don't understand why you did all this. Is today a special day or something? If so, why didn't the other agents come?"
-You need to explain him why you do all of this. After you explain he try to understand this acts.
-"If I'm right, you do these things for me, right? And its name is affection or romance."
-After explaining everything to him, he would be quite surprised. He was a robot, he didn't understand why you were treating him the way people are treated. But deep down, he had a deep affection for you, and he was sure of it.
-So at least Killjoy told him it was true.
-It would be like Omen, but more curious about these things and more trying to learn. Only for you!
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comfortwriting · 3 years
A Triwizard Baby Part 2 - F.W
Masterlist, Writing Prompt Masterlist, Requesting Rules, Taglist
This is Part 2 of The Triwizard Baby Series, you can read part 1 here.
Want to be tagged? Let me know!
Fred Weasley x Fem Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Pregnancy, Mention of Abortion, alcohol.
"Oh come on, Y/N." Fred begged again "Please!"
"I said no!" You hissed, slapping Fred's hand away from you, storming past him and hurrying to the bathroom, feeling more nauseous than ever.
Clutching your stomach, you fell down onto your knees and hurled yourself over the toilet, vomiting up your porridge and pumpkin juice. At the moment, mornings were cruel to you - your stomach would churn and you had to endure feeling sick, and most often vomiting up your food. You didn't think anything of it, you told yourself you got food poisoning, or one of your potions had bad side effects, but in reality, as you discovered, food and potions weren't responsible for your morning sickness - Fred's baby was.
"Miss Y/L/N, it appears that you're pregnant." Madame Pomfrey announced, handing you the strange plastic stick, pointing at the tiny circle window with a plus sign inside that stared up at you.
You put your head in your hands and sighed, starting to shake, tears filling your eyes.
"I-I don't know what to do."
"Do you want to keep it?"
"I don't know"
"Do you want to terminate the pregnancy?"
"I-I don't know, just give me time to think."
Wracking your brain and trying to think of how you could explain this to your parents, and thinking about your future, Madame Pomfrey walked across the room, sorting through various potions, you could hear the glass bottles knocking over and clinking against one another. Walking back over to you, she handed you a deep purple potion that was misty and looked sparkly when hit by the light.
"Take this once a day, each morning until you know what you want. This potion will hide any indication of pregnancy as the weeks pass by. You'll still experience the usual side effects, but the most this will do is hide your growing bump."
"The usual side effects?" you scoffed "You're saying this as if this has happened to me before, I-"
Madame Pomfrey shook her head at you "You're in here, in a complete pickle on your own because of Fred Weasley" she said quietly, in case any students were now inside the hospital wing.
You swallowed hard, was your love for him that obvious?
"You're not the first girl of his to end up here" she grumbled "And I doubt you'll be the last!"
Fred knocked other girls up? Who? Did you know them? Did they secretly keep the baby?
Everything started to make your head spin, even more, you pulled the top off the potion and necked a tiny drop down, it tasted bitter yet spicy, you could feel a tingling in your tummy.
"If you run out, you know where to find me," Madame Pomfrey said, ushering around you, fluffing up pillows and making the beds "Now, you better be off!"
You were in shock - not just about being pregnant and hiding it, but the whole night in general from what you could remember. One minute you were snogging your best friend, being cheered on by everyone around you, the next minute you were having sex, then you woke up in the morning with a pounding headache and a hangover from hell - which led you to this moment: you were already one month into your pregnancy, and no one aside from Madame Pomfrey and Dumbledore knew.
You didn't want to terminate the pregnancy, but you didn't want to raise the child either, you felt lost and afraid, and you had no one to talk to - but in the next week or so, you would either have the support of your family or you would be disowned.
"What's up with her?" George asked Fred, looking around after waiting for you to return to the great hall.
"I don't know, Georgie." Fred answered, feeling pissed off "She's been more distant, after the first task she just.. she's changed."
Fred couldn't remember anything from that night, the next morning he woke up and you were already out of his bed, and no one mentioned what happened because they were going through hangovers from hell too - what did they expect? you were the master of drinking games, and no one could ever keep up with you.
You couldn't face Fred after the night you shared together, your brain warned you to stay away from him, to run in the other direction - screaming, whilst your heart cried for him, calling out his name and screaming at you - begging you to run to him with open arms.
You were frightened, alone, and felt ashamed, how could you bring a child up so young during your studies? how could you tell your best friend that you were carrying his child? how could you explain that you were now forever tied to him whether he liked it or not? You decided that you shouldn't and wouldn't tell him, from what you knew of - Fred couldn't remember what happened that night and you were satisfied, the least he could remember the better.
"Probably her time of the month or something, Freddie, don't overthink it."
Fred sighed "Well I’ve been planning to ask Angelina to the ball, I thought she'd get jealous when I took my time to ask her, but she didn't care."
George nodded, trying to think about what could have caused you to be so distant and moody, even George knew your periods and mood swings weren't that bad.
"I'm not giving up on her though" Fred continued, crossing his arms "by the end of the week she'll be on my arm, I can't turn up to watch the Yule Ball without a lass now can I?"
Tomorrow was The Yule Ball, a formal dance held on the evening of Christmas Day. Before realising you were pregnant, you had picked out a dress, you even got excited with the possibility that Fred would ask you - but now you needed to avoid him at all costs, seeing his face and turning him down once more would hurt your heart more than it deserved.
After taking a shower, you stared at your tummy through the mirror, realising that in a couple of weeks time, it would become more obvious that you were pregnant, and remember that you would need to rely on the potion to keep things a secret.
"Okay" you whispered to yourself "Don't forget, don't let the brain fog get you into trouble."
Drying yourself, you pulled on your clothes, constantly repeating the potion, and your plan in your head.
Walking out of the common room and down the stairs, turning around and walking down the hall, a loud whistle made you jump, Fred was following you.
"Don't ignore me, love, you know it's rude."
You glared at Fred, your heart and head both at war just by the sight of him and the sound of his voice.
"The answer is still no Fred, just leave me alone."
Don't look at him, don't get attached to his baby - stop it - just keep walking.
"Is it seriously too much to ask?" Fred hissed "It's just Yule Ball, not a bloody date!"
"I'm aware, Fred!" you raised your voice, feeling stressed, sick, and drained "No, I'm not going with you, just please - leave me alone."
Fred didn't chase after you, he stopped in his tracks and burned holes in the back of your head. He didn't understand, why were you avoiding him? why did you suddenly hate him after being best friends, inseparable for so many years? did he say something wrong? did he look at you funny? he didn't know, and he couldn't put his finger on the strange feeling clawing inside him.
Fred’s heart split in two, and he wouldn’t let you get away with doing this - he would get you back in the cruellest way possible, he had to make you jealous.
“Fine!” he yelled at you “I’ll ask someone else! Someone worth my time!”
The Yule Ball was underway, Fred had managed to ask out Angelina, Hermione with Krum, everyone with a partner - even those who weren’t happy about it, like Ron and Harry. You, however, were sat in the empty Hospital Wing, with Madame Pomfrey and your parents.
The huge lump kept forming in your throat, no matter how many times you kept swallowing it down. You couldn't keep still, your feet were tapping against the floor and you kept picking at the thread on your skirt.
"So what seems to be the issue?" your mum asked politely.
You stared at the thread, avoiding all eye contact.
Madame Pomfrey cleared her throat "Well, Mr and Mrs Y/L/N, you have been called into this meeting today as you need to be made aware of something that involves your daughter, Y/N. This matter will give us all plenty to discuss, and plenty of choices for Y/N to decide."
"What is it, sweetheart?" your dad asked, holding the hand of his wife.
Tears welled in your eyes again, your vision going like Harry's before the Gilliweed would take effect in a few months time.
"Please don't get mad" you croaked, finally looking up at your parents, staring at their concerned, soft faces "I-I'm pregnant."
Your parents went quiet, exchanging looks, appearing to be concerned, and quite shocked, but they understood - and they were going to get you through this.
“I know you’re scared, Y/N,” your mother said softly “You’re so young, raising a baby whilst being a baby - our baby - yourself.”
“We were young parents,” your father added quietly “it wasn’t easy, but we pulled through, we will support you, please don’t be ashamed.”
“The worst thing is” you choked, tears falling onto your skirt “I don’t even have the heart to tell him, he can’t remember what happened.”
Your mum got out of her seat and hurried over to you, pulling you into her arms, stroking your head as you wept, reassuring you.
“Is Fred the father?” Your mum asked under her breath, hoping her husband wouldn’t add him to his hit-list.
You nodded your head “yes” you sniffled “he is.”
“Now,” Madame Pomfrey huffed “I don’t want you going to that ball, you need to keep yourself safe, the baby needs to be safe.”
Well, you can’t join the dance or drink the spiked punch, but that doesn’t mean you can’t watch from a distance, does it?
Sitting down at the table behind Harry and Ron’s, you watched everyone dance with smiles on their faces, falling in love with their date for the night. You felt left out, quite bummed, and worst of all, you now had to watch the love of your life, the father of your child, mess with you on purpose.
Fred’s eyes meet with yours, his pained heart softens for a moment before remembering what you had done to him, and how you would get what you deserved. Dancing with Angelina, Fred gripped her hand, smirking at you before pulling her in for a deep, passionate kiss.
It felt as if time had stood still, your heart - like Fred’s - split in half, tears formed in your eyes and you felt sick, mortified, and betrayed. Pushing your chair out from the table, you got to your feet and ran away, leaving everyone behind as you rushed to the common room.
How could he do this to you? Why would he do this!
You felt stupid, you were getting attached to his child when you wanted nothing more than to be free - but this baby was the only piece of Fred you could ever have, and for all his faults, and mind games, you wanted to be close to him in any way that you could, no matter what.
Bursting into the common room, George gave you a sympathetic look, stopping his conversation with his friend Matt.
“You alright love?” he asked, his ginger hair lighter from the flickering flames.
You wanted to tell him, tell somebody, you couldn’t hide this anymore.
“Are you?” you asked, walking over them, sitting down on the floor by the fire.
“Not really, no” George replied “My twin brother is dancing with the girl I love, bit shit really.”
“Why have you been so distant?” Matt asked, “George and Fred are worried about you.”
This was it, you had to tell them, your words coming up like vomit.
“After the first challenge, when we attended that party when Fred and I kissed - that night went much further - I’m... I’m pregnant with his kid.” You admitted quietly “I don’t know what to do, I’m in love with him, and he can’t remember a thing, and he’s dancing with Angelina - he snogged her infront of me knowing I was watching him!”
You started to cry, hurt and fury ignited inside of George, everything starting to make sense - your absence, your morning sickness, you constantly clutching your tummy in protection when people bumped into you.
“Are you going to tell him?” George asked.
You shook your head “No, and the both of you aren’t going to tell him either, you need to promise me.”
George loved Fred, hell, twins are inseparable for crying out loud, but right now, George didn’t care about his loyalty to Fred, he hated him, he fucked you over and will most likely be fucking his crush tonight.
“I promise” he muttered, “it’s no one else choice, but yours.”
“That goes for who you tell, and for what you decide is best for you and the baby,” Matt added.
Feeling slightly better, you got to your feet and pulled Matt in for a quick hug, and then pulled George in for a close and warm embrace “thank you” you whispered in his ear, nuzzling your face into his neck.
Now three months pregnant, you were heavily reliant on the potion that deflated your bump, the only person to see it was George - who teared up and rested his hand upon it, wishing you were with someone better than his stupid brother.
Fred leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, staring at you and George talking, why was it that you acted as if he didn’t exist yet you were all over his brother? Was he fucking you behind his back? Did you prefer the twin you didn’t know as much over your best friend? Is this why his twin avoided him at all costs?
With the second challenge only a day away, Fred wanted to patch things up with you in time so he wouldn’t have to go to the second challenge alone, although he asked Angelina to the ball - and they had a good time - she wasn’t you, and he missed you more than he would like to admit.
Walking past to go to Divination, Fred stepped out in front of you, stopping you from getting past.
“Quite fond of Georgie now, aren’t you?”
“Let me through, Fred, I don’t want to be late.”
“Only if you go to the second challenge with me” he smirked, getting his hopes up.
You scoffed “Looks like I’ll have to skip this class then.” You turned your back on Fred, walking away from him, leaving him to feel frustrated and pissed off.
Missing out on the challenge, you went through everything you needed to buy for the baby and everything you would need to learn to make sure you were the most amazing mum. You were content with your decision to keep it, that little piece of Fred you could nurture forever.
With Harry succeeding down to moral fibre, you knew there would be endless parties tonight - Fred fucking another girl, probably getting her pregnant as he did you, just to not remember and move on to the next girl.
You loved him so much, but you hated him at the same time.
Feeling yourself finally doze off to sleep, the lights in your doom room flicked on, and heavy feet thundered into the room, startling you and waking you up. Your best friend and her mini group brought the party to you, holding a bottle of fire whiskey with your name on it.
“Get up Y/N!” she yelled, jumping on your bed and bouncing, the other girls cheering and laughing in the back.
You clutched onto your bump, the potion wearing off as it did in the night.
Sitting up in your bed, your best friend got on her knees, opening the bottle and shoving it in your face, the scent of the drink you swallowed down like water making you sick to your stomach - reminding you of the night you had too much.
“DRINK! DRINK! DRINK!” Your friends chanted.
“No!” you hissed “I can’t!”
The rim of the bottle hit your lips, and you couldn’t take it anymore.
“I can’t!” you yelled, silencing them “I’m pregnant!”
The girls stopped and stared at you, fire whiskey spilling out of the bottle and onto your bedsheets. Your heart thumped, your best friend’s eyes were wider than you had ever seen.
“Y/N is having a baby!” Katie squeezed in excitement, jumping on the bed, clapping her hands.
Thanks to Katie, the shock dissipated, and your friends were now supporting you, rubbing your back as you cried, and going through the list of baby things you needed: clothes, nappies, bottles, food, a crib, a pram. They were more excited than you, already arguing over whether it would be a girl or a boy, and who would be the better auntie.
They had a feeling that you didn’t want to tell them everything just yet - and luckily enough, they didn't make you, for now - they just wanted you to know that you weren’t alone, that you were surrounded by help if you ever needed it.
Fred stumbled into his dorm room, fire whiskey on his lips, and red lipstick marks on his neck. His brother George, and friend Matt sat on their beds and glared at him, the two of them looking so angry Fred was convinced they were going to rip his head off.
Fred shrugged his shoulders and got into bed - he had the worst night imaginable - every girl he kissed wasn’t you, his heart didn’t mend - it just broke even more, and from what he gathered - you and George were seeing each other behind his back.
He closed his eyes, drifted off to sleep, and met you in his dreams - holding you close, and swearing that he would never let you go.
taglist: @amourtentiaa @horrorxweasley @alwaysnforeverfangirl @reeophidian @inglourious-imagines @sebby-staan @onlyfreds @pandaxnienke @xmalfoyweasleyx @manuosorioh @cosmiccomicloverqueen @the-romanian-is-bae @fhhsposts
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thepremedthatwrites · 3 years
Insufferable (pt.2)
request: Hi lovely, can you do Peter pevensie x reader imagine, please? The reader meets Pevensies in Narnia, but from the beginning she and Peter can't get along together, lots of arguments, while secretly and slowly developing feelings towards each other they don't want to admit, lot of sexual tension before smth happens but eventually they'll end up together. you can include some smut stuff. Thanks xx
part 1 | part 3
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I woke with a start as someone pulled back the blanket.  A pair of warm brown eyes were looking back at me, a soft smile on their face and their curly brown hair hanging down freely.  “Who are you?” I asked, pushing myself up and away from the person.  As I took them in, my eyes caught sight of two small horns sprouting on top of their head and just peeking out of their hair.  “What are you?” I added, my eyes now wide in shock.
“I am Daisy, a faun,” she said, a soft smile on her face.  “High King Peter has requested that I prepare you for breakfast today.”  She put out her hand and I slowly took it as she led me out of my bed and towards another section of the room closed off by deep red curtains.  My shock grew as I saw a pair of goat legs attached to Daisy’s human-like top, her hooves clicking on the stone floor.  The faun grabbed a bucket of water that sat next to a tub that was already halfway filled with water.  “Get undressed,” she commanded as she poured the rest of the water into the tub.
I hesitated, not wanting to expose myself to a complete stranger, especially a stranger that wasn’t human.  “No,” I said, crossing my arms.  The faun let out a sigh as she put the bucket back on the floor.  “I can wash myself.”
“That is not what the high king wants.  He specifically ordered that I wash and dress you.”
“Then I will take it up with him,” I said before turning around and making my way to the door.  Daisy hurried to follow me as I entered the hallway, trying my best to remember the way to King Peter’s room.  
“Miss, you don’t want to do this.  The high king will be very upset,” Daisy started as I reached the double doors that were guarded by two men.  The guards watched the scene unfold as I banged on the wooden door.
“I don’t care how he may feel.  He has no right making me get naked in front of a complete stranger,” I replied.  The door swung open to reveal King Peter who was only wearing brown pants, his top half naked.  I did my best to avoid his toned body, but my brain still subconsciously noticed his strong arms and tight abs.  I focused my eyes on his blue ones as I spoke, doing my best to concentrate on my anger.
“How dare you!”
“How dare I what?” he asked, an amused smile pulling at his lips as his eyes studied my face.
“Do you really think that I would be willing to undress in front of a complete stranger when I hardly even know where I am?  I can take care of myself, thank you very much.”
“There’s no need to be so angry, darling.  This is only routine for visitors of the royal family.  And if your hair is any indication of how you take care of yourself, I do not think your claim is as true as you believe it to be.”  My hands flew to my hair, combing my fingers through the knotted locks.  King Peter let out a chuckle at this before leaning on the side of the doorway, his arms crossed.  We were only inches away now and I could feel his body heat radiating off of his bare skin.
“Well I,” I started, getting slightly distracted as I felt his eyes watch me intensely.  “I don’t need someone to help me take a bath.  At least let me do that by myself.”
“Alright,” he said to my surprise.  “You can do that by yourself.  But let the faun dress you at least.  You need to look somewhat presentable in public.”
“Fine,” I said.  I turned around to face Daisy, taking a few steps toward her before stopping.  “Daisy,” I said, turning my head to face King Peter.
“What?” he asked, his eyebrows furrowing together.
“The faun’s name is Daisy,” I explained.  “It might do you some good to know the names of those who serve you, your majesty.”  I turned my head back around before following Daisy back to my room.
Daisy waited in the area of the room with the bed as I bathed behind the curtain.  It felt nice to wash off the dirt and grime that had accumulated from the night before.  As I got out, I grabbed the robe Daisy had laid out for me, tying it tightly around my body as I emerged from behind the curtain.
“You didn’t have to do that,” Daisy said as she brushed my hair.
“Do what?”
“Tell King Peter my name.  I’m not important enough for him to know my name.”
“That’s nonsense,” I said as Daisy put down the brush, her fingers working on putting my hair into an intricate braid.  She would pause every now and then to weave white flowers in with my hair before continuing with the process.  “You are just as important as a guard or even King Peter himself.  Without you, the castle wouldn’t function as smoothly as it does.  Just because you don’t wear a crown doesn’t mean you’re less than.”
“Thank you, miss,” Daisy said.
“Please, call me (y/n).”
“Of course, (y/n).”  Daisy stepped back, handing me a handheld mirror so that I could get a good look at her work.
“Oh Daisy, it’s beautiful,” I said, my voice soft as I admired my hair.  Daisy only nodded, walking over to the wardrobe where I had grabbed the robe the night before and pulling out a purple dress.  
“I’ll wait by the bath while you put it on,” Daisy said, already making her way towards the curtain.
“Thank you.”  I waited till she was behind the curtain to take off the robe and put on the dress.  It hugged my curves before falling down to the floor.  The material was so soft and light that it barely even felt like I was wearing anything.  I let out a small grunt as I tried, and failed, to tie the strings on the back.  “Daisy,” I called out.  She peeked her head from behind the curtain.  “Could you help me tie the strings on the back?”  
Daisy made her way to me, expertly tying the strings, her fingers brushing my bare skin every now and then.  “Thank you,” I said as she stepped back.  “Do I go to join the royal family now?”
“Yes, I’ll lead you to the pavilion.”  I followed Daisy down the hall and out of a door that led out to a beautiful garden.  Butterflies hovered over flowers and green foliage spilled out onto the stone path that led to a small pavilion where a round table sat.  The table was small, only allowing around five people to sit comfortably at it.  I saw Edmund and King Peter sitting there, along with two girls.  Daisy led me down the path.  We came to a halt as we reached the pavilion.
“Thank you for bringing her, Daisy,” Peter said.  I felt my heart warm as I walked to the empty seat between Peter and the girl with long, brown hair.
“It’s my pleasure, your majesty,” Daisy replied, a large grin on her face as she curtseyed before turning around and making her way back to the castle.
“I was starting to worry you weren’t coming,” Edmund said, a large grin on his face.
“I would never offend his majesty like that,” I replied, matching his grin.
“I hope there weren’t any other complications with getting dressed this morning,” King Peter interjected.  I felt my face warm as the grin fell from my face.
“No, there weren’t.”  Edmund looked at both King Peter and I quizzically, but didn’t say anything.
“I’m Susan,” the girl I was sitting next to offered.
“And I’m Lucy,” the other girl said.  “It’s so nice to see that you’re okay.  I was picking flowers in the meadow to make flower crowns and found you laying in the grass.  I was afraid you were dead and ran to get Peter who carried you to the castle.  I apologize for not checking in on you last night.  I was waiting with Peter for you to wake up, but it was getting late and Peter made me go to bed.”
“Thank you for finding me,” I said, offering a small smile.  “And there is no need to apologize, I would hate to have been the reason for you staying up so late.”
“Peter said you are from Earth, is that true?” Susan questioned before taking a bite of a strawberry.
“Yes,” I replied, stealing a glance at Peter who was watching me.  “I didn’t realize you were all talking about me.”
“You are all Peter has been talking about,” Edmund said.  Peter shot him a look before turning to me again.
“I wanted to assure them that you aren’t a threat,” he explained.  I nodded.
“Peter, the king of Telmar is visiting next month.  I have been writing to him for a while, but it seems he does not want an alliance with us.  Perhaps you could talk to him for us and convince him,” Susan said.  I was thankful that the conversation had turned away from me.
“Yes,” Peter said.  “I’ve been thinking of what to do with Telmar.  Maybe a marriage would be the best chance of peace with them.”
“You mean an arranged marriage?” I interjected.  I wanted to laugh at the idea.  “Surely you are joking.”
“Why would I joke about that?”
“Because marriage is supposed to be the joining of two people who are in love, not some political power move between two nations.”
“It’s politics (y/n).  Not everything is going to be pretty in politics,” Peter said.
“It’s stupid is what it is,” I mumbled, playing with the food on my plate.
“Well then, let’s all be grateful that you aren’t a queen.”  I glared at Peter who stared back at me.  His bright blue eyes were slightly narrowed and a hint of amusement shone in them.  Behind that amusement there seemed to be something else, though I wasn’t sure what it was.  At first I thought it may be fear but that wasn’t it.  No, it was curiosity.  As a high king, nobody questioned him so now that there was a random girl in his castle questioning his every move he seemed intrigued, curious.  
I looked away from his eyes as they had become too intense for me.  My heart seemed to be pounding in my chest as my eyes flickered to his nose which was slightly flared, before traveling down to his full lips.  They were a luscious pink and I subconsciously licked my own lips as I looked at his.  I could feel his eyes tracing my own features as well, and I knew his siblings were still there but for a moment it was only me and him.  
It was when I heard a fork clatter with a plate that I broke from the spell, ripping my eyes off of him, instead looking around the table to see both Susan and Edmund wearing large grins on their faces.  “What is it?” Peter asked both of them.  I turned to Peter to see his cheeks were a light pink.  I then turned to Edmund and Susan, Edmund shaking his head as Susan took a long sip of her tea, her eyes darting between Peter and me.
“Nothing,” Susan finally said as she placed the teacup delicately onto the saucer.
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xiaomoxu · 3 years
Victor’s Mind Quest: Preference
A date from CN server which hasn’t been released on EN server yet. Might contains some spoiler.
This date is so LONG, so be prepared! XD
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The car stopped in front of the familiar white villa, Li Zeyan and I picked up gifts from the trunk and rang the doorbell.
The door was quickly opened, and Li Zeyan's aunt poked her head first.
Aunt: Oops, you guys are finally here!
Li Zeyan: Aunt.
MC: Hello, aunt! I'm bothering again.
Aunt: Don't mind it, come in quickly.
Walking into the living room, a faint fragrance of tea wafted, and news was broadcasted quietly on the TV, everything was exactly the same as in memory.
Aunt: Brother, Zeyan and MC are here!
MC: Happy New Year, Uncle!
Father Li put down the teapot, smiled and nodded at us.
On the eve of the Spring Festival, aunt called and invited Li Zeyan and me to go to the neighboring province for the New Year.
The last time I accidentally celebrated the Chinese New Year at Father Li's house is still vivid. Thinking of this warm memory, this time I carefully selected gifts before setting off.
We exchanged greetings for a while, and while the aunt was going to fill the teapot with water, Father Li got up and called Li Zeyan.
Father Li: Zeyan, help me move something to the balcony.
Li Zeyan: Alright.
Li Zeyan responded and looked at me again. Before he could say anything, aunt took my hand.
Aunt: Go ahead, I will chat with her.
Aunt leaned over to see them walking away, and smiled.
Aunt: Let me take a closer look, I feel that the complexion is much better than last time, have you adjusted it yourself?
MC: Thank you auntie, It’s probably because I ate better recently.
Seeing aunt looking at me with some doubts, I smile embarrassedly.
MC: Li Zeyan cooking is delicious, I eat very well every time...
As soon as I finished speaking, aunt patted the back of my hand and laughed.
Aunt: Don't be polite with him, just let him do more if you like it!
Aunt: So it seems that Zeyan doesn't bully you anymore?
MC: Thanks to him, he used to bully me and now I am not afraid of anything.
Aunt: This child has been like that since he was a child, but if he gets used to it, he is quite cute.
MC: Well, although occasionally the tone is not very good, he never really disliked me.
MC: In fact, most of the time, he took the trouble to help me. The big things and small things in life, he always worry about me.
MC: I always feel at ease with him by my side.
The air was quiet for a few seconds. I subconsciously raised my head to look at aunt and found that she was looking at me with surprise.
I reacted with hindsight, and the temperature on my face immediately rose.
MC: Sorry auntie, did I talking to much?
She was about to say something when there were footsteps behind her. I looked back and met Li Zeyan's gaze.
Li Zeyan: It seems that I interrupted you.
Aunt: No, we're just talking.
Aunt: Brother, don't bothering Zeyan, and let them young people talk.
Aunt winked at me, got up and pushed Father Li away. Li Zeyan walks towards the kitchen naturally, and I stand up
Li Zeyan: Then I will go prepare dinner first.
MC: I'll help!
When we got to the kitchen, Li Zeyan handed me a vegetable.
Li Zeyan: Have a good chat with aunt just now?
MC: Well, I talked about some topics about you.
Li Zeyan: Someone is always flaring his teeth and claws, but now she is talking good things.
My hand washing vegetables shook, and I looked up at him with some guilty feeling.
MC: Did you hear it all?
Li Zeyan: Just a little.
MC: How does it feel to hear such sincere praise?
Li Zeyan: It is indeed an evaluation that only you can give.
Li Zeyan: But most of them are facts, not compliments.
I looked at the faint smile in his eyes, and curled his lips unconvinced.
MC: It seems that I have said too much good things, and you are used to it.
MC: Before, you would be surprised and ask me if I was sincere.
Li Zeyan: Someone’s thoughts are written on her face, of course I can tell.
He glanced at me pointedly, not to mention I know how hot my face is now. But Li Zeyan didn't seem to respond to my words, and he still looked calm.
Perhaps it is because he can always understand my thoughts, even if I occasionally prepare surprises, almost all of them are in his expectation.
Thinking about it this way, it seems that I haven't seen Li Zeyan who would be shy because of me for a long time.
I snorted and shook off the drops of water on the leaves.
Is too unfair if I am the only one who blushes because of him.
A new year and a new start, I must find a way to see the other side of Li Zeyan!
🍷 - At the Balcony before
Father Li: Just put it here.
Father Li: Thank you, Ze Yan.
Li Zeyan: It's okay, your knees aren't in a good condition for moving such a heavy thing.
Li Zeyan: Just call me from now on.
Father Li: This pendant on your key.... is very unique.
Li Zeyan: ....
Father Li: Is it from MC?
Li Zeyan: Yes.
Li Zeyan: She always likes these strange little things.
Father Li: Wouldn't it be nice for her to give you something she like?
Father Li: Actually, I'm calling you over is just to spend the time together.
Father Li: Just now I saw that she had carefully prepared so many souvenirs, must be hard.
Li Zeyan: Since aunt called, she has started choosing gifts, and she feels more caring than her work.
Father Li: Why, you're jealous?
Li Zeyan: Dad.
Father Li: Okay, I won't say anything.
Father Li: Anyway, you must know these things better than us.
Father Li: By the way, didn’t you say that there was a problem with the plumbing at the suburbs house? My contact has repaired it.
Father Li: The house has been vacant for a long time. I will have someone clean it up by the way. You can check it again when you go back.
Li Zeyan, Alright, would like to stay there for a few days?
Father Li: It's more convenient for me to stay here when I can't go away year after year.
Father Li: You take MC, there is good sunshine, quiet, and more comfortable than in the city.
Li Zeyan: Alright.
Father Li: Don't always talk about works.
Li Zeyan: .... I got it.
After a while, aunt walked in and put the wine and decanter on the bar.
Seeing Li Zeyan was busy cutting vegetables, I took the initiative to take the wine bottle and preparing it.
Aunt watched my movements and leaned into my ear and whispered.
Aunt: You little girl are very skilled!
MC: Learned from Li Zeyan.
Aunt: Do you like to drink?
I subconsciously looked back at Li Zeyan, he didn't seem to pay attention to our conversation.
MC: Actually my drinking capability is not very good. Aunt: It's okay. Let's drink later. Don't be too restrictive during the holidays. MC: But.... Aunt: Don't be afraid of him, this time aunt will covers you.
Aunt patted me, and quickly left the kitchen, leaving only the tiny grunt of soup bubbling in my ears.
I looked at Li Zeyan across the bar and deliberately brought up the topic just now.
MC: Aunt said that we can drink together today.
Li Zeyan: Okay.
MC: I promise to drink only a little bit, it will not be ashamed.
Li Zeyan: Didn't my aunt say to cover you? No need to report to me.
MC: ....
Nothing can escape his ears!
I secretly slandered, and I saw Li Zeyan picking up a few rock candy from a glass jar and adding it to the pot.
There were just a few wine glasses on hand, and I rolled my eyes, ready to try to take this opportunity to win a round.
I picked up a wine glass, poured out a little bit of wine in the decanter, and handed it to Li Zeyan.
MC: Would you like to taste it?
Li Zeyan: You only stay sober for less than five minutes.
MC: Is Mr. Li still can't stand sour alcohol?
Li Zeyan looked at my provocative expression, took the wine glass and shook it.
Li Zeyan: Why? are you afraid that you will be laughed at when you get drunk, and want to get me drunk first?
MC: It's just a little, you will not get drunk.
Li Zeyan looked at me for a while, and drank the wine in the glass.
Seeing him frowning slightly, I took one out of the rock candy can he had just opened, bit it between teeth, stepped on the foot, and put it to his lips.
Li Zeyan: !
Li Zeyan was stunned for a moment. I raised my hand and pushed away his hand holding the cup, and then moved closer to him.
The padded ankles began to sore, but the person in front did not bend over to cooperate with me.
I struggled to maintain the balance under my feet and winked at him threateningly.
Li Zeyan raised his eyebrows and finally bowed his head and approached me.
I raised my head to meet him, but accidentally hit the corner of his lips that wanted to bite the rock candy in desperation, but only a little sugar residue was left between the teeth.
The rock candy fell from among us and fell to the ground with a "pop".
MC: ....
Li Zeyan: .....
We looked at each other for a few seconds, I deliberately ignored the almost burning cheeks, and took a step back with pretending to be calm.
Picking up the rock candy on the ground and throwing it into the trash can, I turned back to the sink, turned my back to Li Zeyan, and ripped up the cabbage wholeheartedly.
Li Zeyan: MC.
Without waiting for Li Zeyan to say anything, I immediately raised my hand behind me to stop him.
MC: You let me calm down, I now-
Before I finished my words, my wrist was suddenly pulled, and a tremendous force pulled me back.
I opened my eyes wide and looked at his face so close to mine.
The warm lips contained my exclaim, and his breath instantly covered me.
My brain went blank, subconsciously trying to push him away
Li Zeyan held me tightly, with one hand behind my waist, making me unable to move for a while.
Li Zeyan: The wine is not good, the sugar is not eaten, you want to run like this?
MC: Wait, uncle and aunt are still in the living room!
Li Zeyan: I thought you remembered this when you bite that rock candy just now.
He almost said this sentence against my lower lip, and then the warmth continued to cover it.
The faint fragrance of the red wine entered my breath, and all the sound in my ears disappeared, leaving only the rumbling heartbeat.
The world seemed to no longer flow, as if no one would know what was happening in this quiet corner.
The little sweetness of rock candy left on the lips and on the tip of the tongue was repeatedly plundered, reminding me of the meaning of this sudden kiss.
His movements are slow and gentle, but I taste a hint of greed.
Until the tip of the tongue starts to tingle slightly, the cool air re-entered between us.
Li Zeyan rubbed my cheek with his palm and suddenly smiled slightly.
Li Zeyan: It seems that your drinking capacity is same as your IQ.
Li Zeyan: Why did you blush after a bite?
The sly tone in my ear made my sanity quickly returned, and I took a step back hastily.
MC: This is not the same thing at all!
MC: ...You, you are a foul!
Li Zeyan: The wicked complain first.
Li Zeyan: Not remember what you have done all of sudden?
MC: Iㅡ
Before I had time to speak out, the sound of my surroundings suddenly reappeared in my ears.
But Li Zeyan still held me in his spare time, waiting for me to finish speaking.
Faced with his visibly shifting gaze, I panted for a long time, and finally didn't say a word.
The awkward confrontation was broken by the sound of footsteps outside the door, and the aunt's voice rang.
Aunt: MC, come and rest for a while!
MC: O... Okay!
I was shocked, and immediately got out of Li Zeyan's arm.
Obviously it was a temporary intention, but I was the only one who was embarrassed, and he was still at ease.
I was a little upset in my heart and beat myself up again for this "overweight" behavior.
Feed rock candy, the plan failed.
When aunt Wang walked into the kitchen, Li Zeyan was seriously handling the shrimp thread.
Hearing the footsteps behind him, he looked back and said hello to Aunt Wang.
Aunt Wang: I heard MC is coming, so I came to help.
Li Zeyan: Thank you. For your hard work this year, and stay here to help during the New Year.
Aunt Wang: Why are you polite? Anyway, I am alone, and it's very lively to stay with your family.
Aunt Wang: And you're good at it, I just give a little help.
Li Zeyan: You flatter me.
Li Zeyan: What I prepare are the dishes that this family loves, and they liked it.
Li Zeyan: Besides, I don't have many chances to come back. I should cook a meal.
Aunt Wang motioned to him in the direction of the living room and whispered
Aunt Wang: I heard that you will come together this time. Your father and your aunt are happier than ever.
Aunt Wang: Your dad also bought a new pot of flowers and put them in the living room.
Li Zeyan: Maybe he wants to grow flowers.
Aunt Wang: But I heard people say that growing flowers at home is helpful for fondness.
Li Zeyan smiled and did not answer Aunt Wang's words.
Aunt Wang: You don't believe it? Look, isn't that good luck is coming?
Aunt Wang said with a smile and pointed at the corner of Li Zeyan's mouth.
Li Zeyan was stunned for a moment and wipe it with back of his hand, and a faint red trace was on the back of his hand.
ㅡIt's a lipstick that has not been wiped off.
Recalling what happened in the kitchen just now, Li Zeyan coughed slightly unnaturally.
Li Zeyan: Aunt Wang, don't tell my dad.
Aunt Wang: Oh it's normal for young people.
Aunt Wang smiled and suddenly lowered her voice.
Aunt Wang: By the way, Zeyan, have you ever cooked for little miss?
Li Zeyan: Have.
Li Zeyan: She is usually busy with work and her own cooking skills are not good, so she takes every chance to come to me.
Aunt Wang: She must like it very much, right?
Li Zeyan smiled lightly.
Li Zeyan: She is not picky eaters, she says everything is delicious.
Li Zeyan: When she's hungry, she may still complain about this and that, and forget everything when she's full.
Li Zeyan: It’s so easy to be satisfied...
The soup on the stove boiled, and the sound of bubbles bursting, interrupting Li Zeyan's unfinished words, and suddenly realizing something.
He turned his head subconsciously and saw Aunt Wang looking at him with a smile.
Li Zeyan: Aunt Wang, Iㅡ
Aunt Wang: It is fine, don't be embarrassed!
Aunt Wang: You are very attentive in everything you do, and she will definitely feel it. That's why you feel satisfied.
Aunt Wang: I don't understand any principle, but I think it is very happy to make food for the people that you care about.
Aunt Wang: If she happens to like to eat too, it is double happiness, dont you agree?
Li Zeyan retracted his gaze and nodded.
Li Zeyan: Well, you're right.
He didn't say anything, and took care of the last shrimp, and then suddenly smiled to himself.
He turned his head and looked in the direction of the living room. A ceramic flowerpot was placed facing the sun, and several small flowers bloomed on the tender green stems and leaves.
Many people hope that important things can have good thoughts. But he knew that even without this thought, he would hold her hand well.
Li Zeyan: Aunt Wang, what flower did my dad buy?
Aunt Wang: It's an orchid, what's wrong?
Li Zeyan: It's nothing.
Li Zeyan: He can keep it if he likes it.
After dinner, we played mahjong as usual.
After a few rounds, the elders seemed a little sleepy and got up, left the table one after another.
Before going upstairs, Father Li turned around and exhorted a few more words.
Father Li: MC, the guest room has been cleaned up. If you are sleepy, just go there.
MC: Yes, thank you uncle!
Worried about disturbing them, Li Zeyan and I go upstairs to rest as well.
When I came back from washing, I passed by Li Zeyan's room, and a faint light leaked from the open door. He seemed not to sleep yet.
I knocked on the door lightly, opened the door and took a look.
Li Zeyan was sitting on the sofa looking at the tablet computer. He seemed to be passing the time. When he saw me, he got up and put down the tablet.
Li Zeyan: Come in.
Li Zeyan: After drinking tonight, is there anything uncomfortable?
MC: No, today's wine is delicious. Sure enough, the sober time you suggest is the most appropriate.
I closed the door and looked back at his room curiously.
The rooms are neatly organized, but there doesn't seem to be much living traces.
On the desks and bookcases are placed many objects unique to the school days, and there is a skipping rope tied up on the storage box on the side.
All this seems inconsistent with Li Zeyan in front of me, but it makes people feel vaguely traceable.
MC: Li Zeyan, did you live here before?
Li Zeyan: I have always lived in Lianyu City.
Li Zeyan: After my dad moved here, he put my things when I was studying here.
MC: In other words, is this one of your "warehouses"?
Li Zeyan: More or less.
I walked to the desk, looked at the neatly arranged books, and carefully touched the decorations on the table.
MC: It turns out that Mr.Li lived a similar life to me when he was studying.
Li Zeyan: Isn't it obvious?
MC: It’s obvious that we all take the same class, how come we grow up so much difference in the future?
I looked up with a bit of resentment, and saw a few thick dictionaries on the upper shelf of the bookcase.
The red-covered dictionary of idioms was on the outermost side. Suddenly, I came to my spirits, cleared my throat pretentiously, and looked back at Li Zeyan.
MC: Li Zeyan, let me test you.
MC: What is the fourth idiom on page 16 of the idiom dictionary?
Li Zeyan: What are you saying?
MC: Because you love to use idioms when speaking, I once thought that you had memorized the dictionary for you.
Li Zeyan: ....
Li Zeyan's heavy sigh was heard. He did not respond to me, and took me to the sofa to sit down.
MC: What's wrong?
Li Zeyan: Sure enough, you're drunk.
MC: I'm not drunk!
Li Zeyan: All drunks say so.
I looked at him unconvinced.
MC: You drank a lot with uncle during dinner. Are you drunk?
Li Zeyan: No.
MC: All drunks say so.
I used his tone to return this sentence to him intact, and Li Zeyan took a silent glance away from me.
Li Zeyan: If I get drunk, who will take care of you?
MC: Could it be... you haven't slept because you're waiting for me?
Li Zeyan: Just realized?
Li Zeyan:I know you won't go back straight to your room, it is better to leave a door open.
There was a hint of warmth in my heart, I smiled and held Li Zeyan hand.
MC: Are you going to let me stay with you?
Li Zeyan: As long as you don't get drunk, it doesn't matter if you want to stay.
MC: I'm not drunk, how can I be drunk!
MC: And this room is full of your past, I really want to get to know it.
He stared at me, and finally squatted down in compromise, holding my hand back.
Li Zeyan: Come on, what else do you want to know?
I raised my head and looked around, and pointed to a medal standing on the desk.
MC: What is this, what award have you won?
Li Zeyan: Award of Model United Nations General Assembly.
MC: Amazing!
MC: I have heard of this kind of society, it is very difficult to join, even win the award.
Li Zeyan: Thinking about it now, they are all naive proposals, but they are a bit helpful for training thinking.
I curled my lips secretly when I spoke to this kind of academic bully, and pointed at another thing.
MC: What is that dark blue notebook?
Li Zeyan: From the school. It should be the work log of the Student Union.
MC: As expected of Mr. Li, I feel that you have been a leader since childhood.
My eyes continued to wander, and suddenly I saw an unexpected object in the corner. A certain memory in my mind was touched, and I opened my eyes in surprise.
I walked to the glove box in the corner, picked up a leaky football from the inside, and proudly held it in front of Li Zeyan
MC: It seems that you really like playing football, and you still keep it.
Li Zeyan: I just liked it when I was young.
MC: But thanks to this football, I can eat your pudding.
Li Zeyan: You just remember the pudding?
MC: Of course not, I still remember many details!
MC: For example, the look of the sand castle that you kicked, the weather that day, and the water cup under the tree in several colors...
I suddenly thought of something. I squeezed the football into Li Zeyan's hands and held his face in both hands.
MC: However, what I remember most clearly was you who were a little nervous and at a loss.
MC: At that time you were not such a serious Mr. Li.
MC: The height almost as tall as your chest now? Your hair seems to be a little curlier than it is now, and your face is a little fatter.
MC: It's the lovely brother Zeyan! (Zéyán gēgē!)
As I spoke, I made a circle on his face and laughed foolishly. Li Zeyan looked at me silently, without responding in a long time.
The temperature under my palm rose a little, and I approached him with some doubts and saw his pupils shrink for a moment.
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MC: Li Zeyan, what's wrong with you?
Li Zeyan seemed to have finally reacted from his shock, took a step back hastily, and threw the football back into the glove box.
Li Zeyan: ... I'm fine.
Li Zeyan: It's late, you should go to bed, and we will be back to Lianyu tomorrow.
MC: Can I sleep on your sofa?
Li Zeyan: No, go back to the room to sleep.
MC: You just said that I can stay...
Li Zeyan: I changed my mind.
I watched him avoiding my gaze, and vaguely understood something, so I turned my back to him on purpose.
MC: You are shameless.
MC: Someone doesn’t often say, “If you want to persuade others, you have to give a reasonable reason.
Li Zeyan: ....
MC: But if you feel embarrassed, I can understand.
Li Zeyan: What am I embarrassed about?
Hearing his awkward tone, I secretly curled my mouth and turned to hold him.
MC: In that case, I will treat it as if you promised to accommodate me once.
I heard slightly heavy breathing, as if he was holding back something.
I turned my head and saw the complex and turbulent emotions in his eyes.
Just for a moment, his embrace entrapped this emotion and shackled me on the bed.
Li Zeyan: You want to stay.
MC: Iㅡ
Li Zeyan: You talk a lot today.
As if chattering to me was unbearable, he lowered his head and held my lips like punishment.
The teeth ran across the corners of my lips, I hummed in pain, Li Zeyan loosened me a little, and pointed his finger on my lips.
Li Zeyan: Shh-
Li Zeyan: My dad sleeps lightly, don't wake him up.
I was stunned for a moment, and then realized that a bedroom was not far away, and my face flushed instantly, covering my mouth and complaining softly.
MC: You, why didn't you say it earlier!
Li Zeyan: Now you know.
I stared at Li Zeyan angrily, but this did not sway what he wanted to do.
He broke off my tense hands, put one hand under the back of my neck, raised my head slightly and then pressed it down again.
This time his movements were lightened a bit, and the tip of his tongue brushed my lips, igniting an uncontrollable swipe and then following his deep into more corners.
Lips were sore and numb, the warm mouth was wet with breathing, and the oxygen seemed to become thin.
The slight dizziness made me subconsciously want to seek support and grabbed his shirt indiscriminately with both hands.
The body was shackled, I passively followed him, and gradually fell into it.
The sound of the clock is still heard. He didn't pause time as calmly as during the day, and at this moment, I didn't care about the world around me.
The menacing lingering crumpled each other's clothes, the pendant between my neck also slid to one side onto the bed, making an undetectable muffled noise.
As a reminder, he finally slowly ended this silent but intense kiss, with his bridge nose pressed lightly on my cheek.
Except for the unresolved breathing, there was no sound in the silent night. We looked at each other in silence for a while, and Li Zeyan suddenly looked away and got up.
Seeing that I was still holding his shirt, he paused, took my hand and gently pulled it off the shirt.
MC: Li Zeyan...
Li Zeyan: Go to sleep now.
MC: ..... What?
Li Zeyan: You sleep here, I'll go to the guest room.
Li Zeyan didn't give me time to react. After speaking, he hurriedly left the room without looking back.
I froze for a while, slowly got up from the bed, and looked at the door in a daze.
I opened my palm and recalled the heat when my palm touched his cheek.
Was he.... shy just now?
Was it because of this kiss? But during the day, he was still quite comfortable in the kitchen.
Although I haven't figured out the reason for the time being, I am still secretly proud.
MC: It turns out that you are still shy.
The morning sun fell on my face through the car window, and I subconsciously raised my arm.
Last night I couldn't sleep but recall the shy Li Zeyan. The more I think about it, the less sleepy I feel. The sleepiness has accumulated to this day, and I have to sleep on the way back.
Is rare seeing Li Zeyan didn't despise me, and just playing soothing music all the way.
I don't know how long it was driving, the car finally stopped. The warm light on the eyelids disappeared for a moment, and the familiar breath approached me.
Li Zeyan: MC, wake up. We're here.
I lifted my heavy eyelids and looked out the window, only to find that the surrounding scenery was not familiar to me.
A small single-family building is located on a quiet roadside, and a fence at the door encloses a small garden with greenery.
If you look closely, there are almost no leaves and weeds in the garden. It seems that it has just been trimmed.
MC: Where is this? Aren't we going home?
Li Zeyan: I live in my house on the outskirts of the city, and my family will live here when they come to Lianyu City occasionally.
Li Zeyan: My dad asked someone to repair the pipeline a year ago, and by the way, he cleaned it and asked me to take you over to rest for a few days.
Li Zeyan opened the door, and I looked at the room in front of me with some surprise.
The decoration is still simple, but the colors are softer than Li Zeyan's home, and there is a sense of warmth everywhere.
The sunlight poured in through the floor-to-ceiling windows almost without obstruction, warmly wrapping every corner.
Looking out from the window, the greenery covers the field of vision, and a few undefeated roses dotted it, giving me the illusion of being on vacation.
MC: It's so beautiful. Thank you Uncle and Mr. Li for your hard work.
After I finished speaking, I couldn't help but yawn. Li Zeyan pulled my suitcase and took me to the bedroom.
Li Zeyan: You can wait until your eyelids stop fighting.
Li Zeyan: Go to bed first, call me if something happens.
MC: Alright.
I simply packed up and opened the suitcase, but did not find my pajamas.
I thought back to the situation when I packed my luggage in the morning, but at that time, I hardly had any impression.
MC: I slept in Li Zeyan's room last night...Did he accidentally put the wrong luggage?
Thinking about this, I decided to ask him directly.
MC: Li Zeyan, where are you?
Li Zeyan: Here.
His voice came from behind a door not far away. I stepped forward and pushed open the door in front of me. After seeing the scene inside, I was completely stunned.
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In front of me is a walk-in cloakroom that is almost only seen in movies. The clothes are neatly stored in a cabinet surrounded on three sides.
Li Zeyan was standing in front of one of the closets, and his profile was illuminated by the light from the spotlight.
He changed into a loose dressing gown, and his belt was casually tied around his waist.
The soft cloth was attached to him, clearly delineating strong lines.
Before he had time to arrange his collar, the collar was wide open, revealing his large tight muscles, which formed a sharp contrast with the dark morning gown.
The heartbeat speeded up uncontrollably, I stopped where I was a little bewildered, but my eyes were surely stuck to him.
Li Zeyan: What's wrong?
Hearing his voice, I regained my senses a bit, swallowed my saliva and then spoke.
MC: Um. I didn't find my pajamas. Maybe I put it in the wrong suitcase.
Li Zeyan: Let me check my suitcase.
Li Zeyan turned and walked out, and I caught a glimpse of a stack of shirts neatly stacked in the closet.
A thought suddenly came to my mind, I subconsciously stopped Li Zeyan.
MC: Wait!
MC: I, I suddenly remembered that I accidentally soiled my pajamas, can I borrow one from President Li?
Li Zeyan: You won’t sleep well wearing them.
Even though he said that, he rummaged in the closet, picked out a white shirt and handed it to me.
Li Zeyan: This one is a little softer, try if it's comfortable enough.
I took the shirt and compared it quietly to myself. I just placed it on my thigh. The light fabric was slightly transparent.
MC: .... Is it a bit too short?
A touch of heat climbed to the tip of my ears, and I looked at the mirror with some hesitation in my heart.
But when I thought about Li Zeyan's shy look last night, I built my courage and planned to try again.
I hugged the shirt in my hand, turned back and walked out, thanking him.
MC: Then I'll try it. Thanks Mr. Li!
Li Zeyan pulled out a pair of summer shorts from the bottom of the closet, and was about to pass it to the girl behind him, only to find that she had hurried away.
He looked at the direction the girl was leaving, and sighed softly.
Li Zeyan: Not even let people to finish talking.
He simply cleaned up the messy clothes, remembering that the girl hadn't eaten breakfast, and then went back to the bedroom door and knocked gently, plan to ask her if she is hungry.
There was no response from the room, and he opened the door somewhat suspicious.
Li Zeyan: MC.
Li Zeyan: ....!
Although a short time has passed, the girl has fallen asleep holding her pillow, and the shirt she borrowed from him just now is loosely wrapped around her.
She did not cover the quilt and forgot to close the curtains. The sunlight spread across her back, faintly reflecting the lines hidden under the shirt.
He stood on the spot awkwardly, holding the doorknob in a dilemma.
She seemed to be not sleeping well, spit out a few small babbles, and buried her face in the pillow again.
Li Zeyan sighed, walked over lightly, closed the curtains, and covered her with the quilt.
Then he reached out and gently pushed her forehead, lowering his voice to remind her.
Li Zeyan: Don't bury your face in the pillow.
MC: Hmm.. Li Zeyan.
Li Zeyan: Yes?
MC: ...lovely...
Li Zeyan: ....
He looked at her smirk in her sleep, the same expression she had when she said the name last night.
Unspeakable emotions came to his mind again, he immediately got up and left the bedroom, leaned against the wall and took a deep breath.
Li Zeyan: Dummy.
When I opened my eyes again, the sky was already dark.
I looked at the tightly covered quilt and rubbed my head with some annoyance.
I wanted to change into a shirt and wait for him, but the bed in the bedroom was so comfortable that I fell asleep after lying down for a while.
I sat up and looked up at the long sleeves.
Probably because of his breath enveloping me, I can sleep so peacefully.
Although a little unwilling, I understand that this is how Li Zeyan expresses his feelings.
MC: Li Zeyan, you are a fool.
I couldn't help but murmured, but my heart was warm
Fragile noises came from the kitchen downstairs. I felt my flat stomach, changed my clothes and ran downstairs.
Li Zeyan turned his head when he heard the sound, still with a familiar expression on his face.
Li Zeyan: Finally woke up, I thought you were going to sleep till tomorrow
MC: How could I miss the dinner you cooked?
MC: But speaking of this, I also want to thank Mr. Li for helping me cover the quilt.
Li Zeyan: You're welcome, I just don't want to turn the vacation into taking care a fool who caught a cold.
I curled my lips secretly, but I got close to him and looked at the food in the pot curiously.
Seeing me poking my head aside, Li Zeyan stuffed the spoon into my hand.
Li Zeyan: Come and help if you want to eat early.
The warm yellow light illuminates this corner, Li Zeyan and I are standing side by side beside the flow desk.
Although the pajama plan has also failed, I am still very satisfied to have a vacation where I can see Li Zeyan as soon as I open my eyes.
I temporarily leave those careful thoughts behind and earnestly enjoy the peaceful time with him.
After dinner together, I began to wander around the house curiously.
Perhaps it is because in the suburbs, the night is extremely quiet, and there is no large light source when looking out from the window.
I was about to go back to find Li Zeyan, when I heard a "pop" in my ear, and the light in front of me went out for an instant.
MC: What happened?
Li Zeyan: MC!
Li Zeyan's voice sounded not far away, and a beam of silver light quickly lit up in the darkness.
Li Zeyan: Stand still, I'm here.
MC: Alright.
I watched the beam approach, stretched out my hand forward, and was quickly held by the warm palm.
Li Zeyan: It must be a power failure. The line has just been repaired and may be a bit unstable.
MC: Fortunately, we came together, otherwise we would be a little scared in such a big house alone.
Li Zeyan: What's so scary?
MC: Because it's so quiet here, it's dark at night
MC: And most of the plots in the movie that went into the room at midnight to commit crimes started from a sudden power failure.
I just wanted to make a joke, but after I finished speaking, I felt a little nervous and subconsciously hugged Li Zeyan's arm.
MC: Well, we should close the doors and windows, right?
Li Zeyan: I checked it while you were asleep.
Li Zeyan: Someone slept recklessly from day to night, but now she thinks of it and worry.
Thinking back to the shameful experience of falling asleep in bed, I smiled embarrassedly.
MC: I was so sleepy at the time... but Mr.Li is so attentive!
Li Zeyan: Enough with your random thoughts, let's go. Let's take a look for the switch.
I followed Li Zeyan to the gate. He used a flashlight to illuminate the switch on the wall, and the master switch pointed to "OFF".
He closed the switch lightly, and the lights in the room turned on again, and I squinted uncomfortably.
Li Zeyan: Alright, don't be afraid now.
MC: Okay.
Li Zeyan: I will check the electrical appliances again.
MC: Okay.
Li Zeyan: How long do you want to hold like this?
I was stunned for a moment, only to realize that I was still holding his arm.
Li Zeyan looked at me with some amusement. I tried to ignore the heat on my face and hugged him tighter.
MC: That's my intention, I want to go with you.
Li Zeyan: Why, stick to others without drinking today?
MC: It has nothing to do with drinking!
MC: Just in case the power goes off again, I can also help you with the flashlight.
I just made up excuses, Li Zeyan glanced at me, but put the flashlight in my hand.
Li Zeyan: This excuse is stupid, try another one next time.
MC: But you still accepted it.
Li Zeyan: I'm afraid that certain someone wouldn't sleep in the middle of the night and think about it.
MC: This is not something I can control.
MC: But if you are by my side, I have no time to think about other things.
Li Zeyan's movements seemed to pause for a moment. I didn't look up at him, but heard a deep smile came from him.
Li Zeyan: This excuse is good, I accept it.
The overlapping arms made the two of us close together, and the familiar temperature seemed to iron out all the anxiety in my heart.
Being able to stick to him with this confidence is a rare privilege.
When there are only two of us, let me use the privilege a few more times.
After yesterday's restorative sleep, I finally regained my energy this morning, and Li Zeyan's door was still closed when I got up.
It's rare that I got up earlier than him. I sneaked into the kitchen and pulled out some simple ingredients from the refrigerator to make breakfast, intending to surprise him.
As soon as I put the sandwiches on the table, I saw Li Zeyan buttoning his shirt while walking towards me.
MC: Li Zeyan, Good Morning!
He seemed stunned when he saw me and nodded slightly
Li Zeyan: Morning.
MC: Thank you, Mr. Li, for taking care of me yesterday. I will take care of today breakfast.
MC: You sit and wait for a while, it will be done soon.
I eagerly pulled the chair away, but Li Zeyan didn't sit down, just leaned against the table and watched me busy.
I made up the ice coffee, walked back to the table, and handed one of them to Li Zeyan.
This is the recipe I just learned a few days ago. Let's start with new flavors in the new year!
Li Zeyan looked at me, then glanced at the messy table, and sighed helplessly.
Li Zeyan: It seems you are very familiar no matter where you are...
MC: Hehe, because this is your home. Besides, I am very interested in the places related to you.
MC: The day before yesterday, I met my friend, Xiao Li. Maybe I can meet a different person today.
Xiao Li means Little Li, I'll just use Xiao Li since it sounds cute LOL
Li Zeyan: Then you may be disappointed.
Li Zeyan: I haven't come to this house much, and there is nothing to be curious about.
MC: Then... let's create more memories here!
MC: But in this case...
MC: Whether it is Xiao Li, Mr. Li or ordinary citizen Li Zeyan, can I have them all?
Li Zeyan was silent for a while and walked to me.
Li Zeyan: Don't you want them all? It seems you miss one. Right?
MC: Huh?
I was stunned for a moment. I didn't expect him to be more serious and had to think about his other identities seriously.
MC: Also.... Chef Li?
Li Zeyan: Wrong.
MC: Teacher Li?
Li Zeyan: Wrong
MC: .....It can't be Yan Yan, right?
I spoke carefully, and as expected, I received a merciless glance from Li Zeyan.
He leaned over and stopped me at the table. His narrow eyes looking me tightly.
Li Zeyan: Are you really stupid or pretending to be stupid, you mentioned it the day before yesterday, and you forgot it today?
I blinked and recalled the conversation from that day over and over again.
In addition to visiting his old things in his student days, there seems to be some important details that I have overlooked...
I looked at the face right in front of me, and there was a vaguely blushing face in my mind that night, holding the football I gave him in my hand.
It seemed that a corner of my heart was suddenly lit, and I suddenly realized what he was referring to.
Seems to know the answer, my heartbeat started to speed up somehow. But instead of answering directly, I suddenly wanted to tease him first.
MC: I was drunk that night.
Li Zeyan: Who said she wasn't drunk that night?
MC: Don't all drunks say that?
Li Zeyan: .....
Li Zeyan exhaled slowly, pinching my waist with one hand along his side.
Li Zeyan: Well, since someone chooses to forget, then I will help you remember.
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The next second I suddenly felt like my feet were vacant and I was hugged by Li Zeyan.
Before I could react, the slippers slipped off the back of my feetㅡ
He hugged me to the dining table behind me. My skin suddenly touched the marble countertop. I couldn't help but exclaim in a low voice.
MC: So cold!
I subconsciously curled up to avoid the cold table, Li Zeyan took my ankle and pulled forward.
I almost plunged into his arms and hurriedly stepped on his legs with my feet to control the balance.
I held the glass in my hand, and was about to check whether his clothes were soiled, when a shadow suddenly covered me
Li Zeyan leaned close to me, blocking the sunlight from the skylight behind him.
Li Zeyan: I remember someone said the other day, drinking just a little alcohol will never be ashamed?
MC: I really didn’t drink a lot! It’s just my energy is a bit extra.
Li Zeyan: Well, it seems that I still remember this words.
As if giving a reward, he sent a soft kiss on my forehead.
Li Zeyan: Because the energy is a little bit extra, instead of going to bed, you ran to my room.
MC: I just want to see if you sleep or not.
Li Zeyan: By the way, you also saw all the corners of the room. The beautiful day is to know my past.
I smirked and hid back, Li Zeyan reached out and held my waist.
Li Zeyan: Don't remember this?
MC: I do! You have a lot of books, won a lot of awards, and keep a diary of your work.
Li Zeyan: Anything else?
MC: And also...
I deliberately looked around and my eyes slipped from his face to other places.
Li Zeyan made a move at the back of my waist, and I straightened up immediately and ran into his dissatisfied gaze.
Li Zeyan: Answer the questions.
MC: I, I can't remember!
Li Zeyan: Really? I can give you a hint.
Seeing Li Zeyan get closer and closer, the glass in my hand slipped, and I hurriedly raised my other hand against his chest.
MC: Wait a minute, the coffeeㅡ
Li Zeyan: Then don't move.
He put his arm around my hand holding the glass, I can neither put down the glass nor avoid him.
I raised my head in surprise, and my cheek immediately touched a warm breath.
Li Zeyan: There is a football in the corner of the room.
Li Zeyan: You seem to be particularly interested in it.
The soft lips rubbed the skin of my cheek, and I took a quick breath.
MC: Football? Isn't that what you liked to play when you were young?
Li Zeyan: Hm.
Li Zeyan: The football broke a fool's sand castle, and she cried her nose for a long time.
Li Zeyan: She couldn't coax it well, but when she's mentioned about food, she left the sand castle behind.
Li Zeyan: But it is excusable, because the dummy was only five years old at that time.
He didn't seem to want to say any more, he just looked at me quietly, and his fingers stroked the back of my hand unconsciously.
I don’t know if it’s because my side is wrapped in sunlight, or because I realize I’ve stepped into his trap
I actually feel that every skin that hasn't been touched by him is oozing thin sweat and evaporated into my brain.
I thought I caught a handle that would make him shy, but now I also put myself in it
I deliberately dragged the name that I didn’t want to say, I’m really embarrassed to say it at the moment.
I squeezed his shirt tightly, bite the bullet, and stretched it.
MC: .... and then?
Li Zeyan raised his eyebrows, but was not annoyed, else he took advantage from it and moved the ambiguous kiss to my lips.
Thick eyelashes fell on my cheeks, and all the details about that night burst in my mind in an instant.
Li Zeyan: Then, this is what happened next.
The sun set a bright outline around his body, but fell into the shadow of his forehead, rolling the familiar desires of his eyes.
He held my hand and pulled me towards him, my body shook, and I had to clamp his waist with my knees.
Li Zeyan: Need more hints?
Without waiting for my response, Li Zeyan once again rubbed my lips unhurriedly.
I made a vague protest. He raised his eyelids and glanced at me, but did not stop.
How does this make people answer!
I became angry and raised my head and took a bite to his lower lip. Li Zeyan finally stopped, with a slight smile in his eyes.
Li Zeyan: Learn to bite?
MC: you did this on purpose!
Li Zeyan: You know the answer is still hidden, didn't you also do it on purpose?
Li Zeyan: The best way to deal with an idiot is to give a tooth for a tooth.
MC: ....Li Zeyan, you bad at it!
Li Zeyan smiled lightly, and didn't seem to mind my completely unreasonable accusations.
I looked at his calm look and sighed in frustration.
MC: ... After all this, can't you just be shy?
Li Zeyan: Who do you think I am doing this for?
I was stunned for a moment and saw that he narrowed his smile and looked at me earnestly.
Li Zeyan: I said how you always do strange things these days.
Li Zeyan: Deliberately deceive others to drink, not pretending to be drunk, and have to wear other people's clothes.
Li Zeyan: What's plan do you have?
My brain was in a mess, and I simply said what I was thinking.
MC: Because you are always calm, I also want to try if I can make you shy once.
MC: Although I may often do stupid things, I don't want to be treated as a child by you.
MC: After all, I’m not that five-year-old idiot anymore. I want to see you blushing and thumping heart for me.
I took a look at Li Zeyan, then buried my head on his shoulder a little embarrassedly, and mumbled.
MC: And, you don’t know how cute you are when you are shy.
MC: No one else has seen it, only I will see that side of you.
Li Zeyan was silent for a moment, he sighed slightly.
Li Zeyan: Have you seen who would invest five hundred million for a child?
MC: ....
Li Zeyan: From the first time I saw you, I have never treated you as a child.
Li Zeyan: Calling you a dummy is also because the childish things you do are indeed not suitable for your age.
I lowered my head and hummed slightly.
This person really does not let go of any opportunity to complain about me...
Li Zeyan: Also, the same goes for you.
MC: Huh?
Li Zeyan: You are cute when you do these silly things.
Li Zeyan: However, you don't need to do these as well.
I was stunned to feel the temperature coming from my cheek, but the sound of my heartbeat clearly betrayed my surprise.
I couldn't help but raised the corners of my mouth and straightened up to say something.
MC: Li Zeyanㅡ
Li Zeyan: Wrong answer.
The person in front of me frowned slightly, and I swallowed my saliva carefully. It turned out that this matter hasn't passed yet...
MC: Have you called it so many times when you were a kid?
Li Zeyan: it's different.
Li Zeyan: I want you to answer now.
Li Zeyan: Finally, I give you a chance.
I took a deep breath and was about to speak when I suddenly felt cold in my thighs.
The iced coffee in my hand made the glass frost, and cold water drops on my lap.
I subconsciously wanted to lower my head and wipe, Li Zeyan quickly pinched my chin.
Li Zeyan: Don't be distracted.
MC: I just....
Li Zeyan: Answer me, which Li Zeyan did you miss just now?
Drops of water slip off the skin, leaving a slight itching along the way.
The voice of the person in front of him was low, with a hint of coaxing, like a light rain gradually dripping underneath his heart, and every drop of rain was tickling.
I opened my mouth, my trembling throat almost couldn't control my voice.
MC: Brother Zeyan... (Zéyán gēgē…)
The air seemed to be quiet for a second, then the coffee in my hand was quickly evacuated, colliding with the cup and plate behinds, and Li Zeyan pushed it away.
I almost stared at the person in front of me, but he suddenly avoided my gaze and spoke in a low voice.
Li Zeyan: Close your eyes.
MC: Why?
Li Zeyan: No reason.
He leaned over and kissed my eyes lightly, which forced me to close my eyes obediently.
A generous palm supported the back of my head, and then a very nostalgic kiss dispelled all my doubts.
Even if I can't see his expression at this moment, I can clearly feel his unspoken mood.
That piece of debris that had floated many years ago was finally firmly embedded in the last vacancy, full of joy called "consummation".
I tentatively reached out my hand to find his shoulder and caught his neck.
The overlapping arms are like a lead, burning the entanglement between the lips and teeth to more corners. The scorching breath keeps falling, scorching the warm and cool skin.
The warm palm steadily supported my body, and aroused an unbearable tremor at the touch.
I tried to hold back the warmth that I wanted to overflow between my teeth, and secretly opened my eyes to look at him.
The sun honestly illuminates his reddish face, and a pair of eyes that are always unpredictable are also shining with some simple satisfaction.
I couldn't help but stretched out my hand to stroke his cheek, his eyes met my gaze, unexpectedly showing a trace of helplessness.
Probably didn't expect that I would take the opportunity to take a peek, and Li Zeyan's ears became red.
MC: Haha.
Li Zeyan: What are you laughing at?
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MC: It's nothing, I just think your shy look is really cute.
Li Zeyan: ...
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Li Zeyan: Your wish came true, happy?
MC: Happy!
Deliberately ignoring Li Zeyan's slightly dissatisfied gaze, I squeezed his cheek lightly, and then actively pressed down the back of his head and pecked at his lips.
This person who has always loved a poker face from childhood is have a warm and soft touch.
My heart was filled with unspeakable tenderness, and I couldn't help but kiss him again.
The voice falling in the ear hides an unexpected tremor, I smiled and let go of him.
MC: Thank you for letting me know you more.
MC: Sure enough, no matter which side of Li Zeyan it is, you’re still my favorite.
Li Zeyan looked at me for a while, then suddenly smiled.
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Li Zeyan: Are you telling the truth?
MC: You can tell it all.
Li Zeyan: Indeed.
Li Zeyan: Then let me listen to this truth.
The sun shining from the skylight hung his shadow on me, and slowly overlapped with my shadow in the afterglow.
His fingertips, his palm rubbed against my hot heart, as if he was trying to vain all my thoughts.
Time is stretched infinitely in the lingering breath
And what melted in time was his long and stitched response.
🍷 🍷 🍷 END 🍷 🍷 🍷
I’m sorry if there’s some mistranslation. Kindly tell me if you found some :) thank you for read it~ ^^
Notes from me:
No plan for translating other dates after this
 ─=≡Σ((( つ><)つ
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lunaekalenda · 3 years
💖🚗 With Reiner, Reader, and Armin as the main characters. For the plot; Reiner has a huge crush on the reader, who is super quiet, sweet, and a total bookworm. Reiner has no clue how to even talk to her. He learns that Armin is friends with the reader and talks with her everyday at the library. So Reiner asks Armin for his help in asking his crush out. -> requested by @venomhound
thanks for your request and i really hope you like it! <3
romance + modern au! + crush feat Reiner Braun.
Maybe it was destiny.
Reiner remembers the day he saw you for the first time. He was working on the cafeteria in front of the local library. He was serving a couple that sat near the big windows, from where he could easily see the entrance of the library and the child park in front of it. He looked through the window while taking the couples orders, and he saw you.
Maybe you where running late, your hair moving softly with every fast step you gave. You have some books against your chest, and you walk as fast as your shoes let you. Reiner got lost in the way you walked, in how you were smiling with that quantity of books in your arms. 
“Sorry, do you noted that?” The client asked. No, he didn’t. 
He tried to talk to you for months, but he was afraid to disturb you or be too repenting. 
Armin usually goes for a coffee at evening, right after ending his study session in the library. Reiner knows him since high school, and now they also share some classes on uni. That’s why Reiner usually talks with Armin when he goes for his coffee. They’re like friends, kind of. Today, you don’t have your english class, so you can stay a little bit longer searching a good book to read. Armin is there, sitting, studying. You walk closer to him and whisper.
“Min, do you know any good book to read?” you ask. Armin takes his blue eyes away from the book and fixes them in yours. He smiles.
“Yes, come.” he stands up and starts to walk around the library. “Oh, after studying I’ll go for a coffee, wanna come?” he asks. You sigh. You have to work. Since you entered the arts school to specialize on writing skills, you started to work on a restaurant near your apartment to get rid of bills by yourself, without needing your parents’ money.
“I have to work today.” You say. Armin pouts and takes a book out, giving it to you.
“When will be the day I can go for a coffee with my friend?” he sighs dramatically. You laugh quietly. Armin  gives you another book, this time, a manga. You take it as well while you follow your friend around the library. 
You’ve met Armin casually in the library, when he wanted to read a book that you took the week before. He was really desperate for reading it, and you overheard that it was for an exam. Even when Armin is really responsible and he always has all the exams noted, that one was an exception. He didn’t heard the date clearly and thought he had one more month to read it. 
“Please, I really need that book...” You passed by and saw he was looking for the one you were about to give back.
“Sorry, do you talk about this book?” you asked, showing him the cover. He smiled so brightly you thought he was maybe too centered in his studies. He nodded and you gave the book to him, that thanked a hundred times. Since that, he always smiled at you on the library, and you started to talk with trivial things as “the weather is rare today, isn’t it?” and ended becoming almost besties.
 It’s time for you to leave, and also Armin’s. He gets all his things and stand up next to you. You two leave the library and he asks you, once again, if you want to pass and have a coffee. You nod again, leaving. Armin walks towards the cafe, were Reiner is looking surprised how his friend says bye softly to his crush.
He never thought Armin will get his dreamed girl for himself. Like, it’s not like Reiner showed Armin that he’s secretly liking you through a window, but he didn’t expected to be Armin the boy you talked to. Armin enters and sits near the bar, behind the one Reiner is taking a cup to make Armin’s coffee.
“Do you know her?” he asked first. Armin looked at his friend concerned. About who is he talking? “With who you walked out of the library”
Armin looked at the boy before laughing. “Oh, Y/N?” he says. “We’re friends. Library friends. We met on the library and that’s why we came together.” he says. Reiner looks at Armin’s blue eyes directly. 
“Friends? Nothing more?” he asks, nervous. Armin knows exactly what is happening.
“Do you like her?” he asks. Reiner blushes and looks to the little cup. 
“Could you help me? I feel really ashamed every time I want to talk to her.” Reiner says. Armin raises an eyebrow. He never acted as a matchmaker. But he would be glad to help, since he knows what type of people you like and what type of person Reiner is. He knows you’ll be a good couple. 
Anyway, he’s not going to force anything. He’ll just help Reiner to meet you, and whatever happens next is all your thing. Armin smiles.
“I’ll invite her tomorrow. She said she doesn’t have to work so we can go out of the library earlier. It’s friday, so I don’t have to study that much.” Reiner’s thankful eyes look at Armin. He smiles. “Now prepare a coffee, I’m about to sleep sitting here.”
❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁ ❁❁❁❁
Reiner is so nervous. He tries to put his hair in a different way and use more rings, but discards all. That’s not his style, and rings could be uncomfortable to work. He sighs. Will he cause a good impression on you? He decides to take only a ring he puts on his middle finger, a ring he bought on his last trip to the city where he grow up. 
At afternoon, he’s already on the cafe, starting his turn when you enter the library. Armin is there since 4. He smiles at you.
“Hi, Y/N” he says. You smile back to him, taking a seat in his table. “You don’t work today, don’t you?” You shake your head. Armin smiles. “We’ll leave the library earlier, I’m going to invite you to the better vanilla frapé you’ve ever tried.” You laugh a little and nod.
Reiner knew you were going to leave earlier, but not that early. He got surprised when you entered the cafe, dressing so casually yet so beautiful. Armin was behind you, and he waved his hand towards the blonde bartender. You knew him. You see him every morning, when you go to uni and he goes to his. You liked how he looked always so polite and sweet, how he didn’t care to wait with a little boy that lost his mother on a park until she came back. You liked those little details of him. You acted quite shy.
“You know him?” Armin nods to your question.
“I’ll introduce you to him, he’s my friend from uni.” You nod and walk to the bar, following Armin. He takes sit in front of the boy. You smile at him. He gives the gest back.
“Okay. He’s Reiner, my uni friend. Reiner, Y/N, my library friend.” he says. You bow your head a little for him and he does the same.
Pretty awkward. Armin smiles to Reiner, the typical evil smile.
“Reiner, could you talk to my friend a little? I forgot a book. Be right back.”
Armin leaves you in front of him. He smiles and dries a cup while he talks to you. 
“So, you like reading?” you nod. Reading has been your scape way since you’re little. You kept the interest in it, and even thought about writing your own book. “I saw you a couple times in the main entrance of the library.” he says. A couple? You don’t know, but he saw you almost every day. Not in a obsessive way. Just by chance. He worked there, develop a crush on you, and you passed in front of him every day. It was almost destiny.
"Do you like to read, Reiner?" you ask. He nods shyly.
"I do, but since i have to work and study and that, I don't have too much time to read lately." he says. He leaves the cup and takes a sit in his chair, inside the bar. "Oh, sorry, what do you want to drink?" he asks.
"I'll wait for Armin better. We can talk while he isn't here." You were praying that he says yes, and he does. He puts both of his hands in the table, next to yours. You see the ring.
"Oh, you have such little hands!" he says. Was it a coincidence? Did he read your mind?
"Yes." you agree. "My ring is a couple times littlest." you take of your ring and so does he, giving it to you. You put it in your middle finger, where it hangs. You two laugh. "It's so big." He looks the ring between his fingers. It looks so little... He gives it back to you. You give him his.
Armin was taking so long to take the book, but the cute girl on the last floor was really nice to him.
"Oh, Armin met a girl and he's helping her. He says we should drink without him." He said she was called Annie. Reiner looks to his clock. "End of my turn. Do you want to have a coffee here?" you nod.
"Yes. I would love to try that vanilla frapé. But I thought you were the one making it. It would taste better." you say. How did you became so unashamed? He laughs a little.
"Don't worry, I'm sure I can prepare it to you any other day."
He was right. That late conversation sharing a coffee was the start of a friendship that both of you knew it will grow to a healthy and beautiful relationship. He prepares you coffees when you arrive late and his morning kisses taste like cappuccino. You're kinda thankful for the book Armin left, even when you two know that that book was in his backpack all the time.
Maybe it was destiny, but sometimes even destiny needs a little push.
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sincerelystranger · 3 years
not enough 2
Jiang Fengmian falls into a fitful sleep. He dreams of Wei Changze. Dreams of one of their last conversations.
“I plan to marry Cangse Sanren,” Wei Changze says, a rare soft smile on his lips. His eyes are warm and his face is as handsome as ever.
Jiang Fengmian is so filled with rage and despair – he wants to hate him. How could you marry? He wants to ask. Sure, he’s never told Wei Changze that he loves him but… He must know… He must…
“I will prepare a house for you,” Jiang Fengmian says lowly, clenching his fist to keep his emotions at bay. A man needs a wife – of course. Wei Changze can marry. That’s fine. As long as he stays with Jiang Fengmian. That will be fine.
Wei Changze looks away then, the smile slipping off his face. “You’re too generous… but…”
Jiang Fengmian stares in disbelief. It can’t be, he thinks faintly. His heart beats loudly in his chest, disbelief claws at his throat. “Come now,” he says, a weak smile on his lips, “You plan to stay–” with me, he wants to say, “–here, yes?”
Wei Changze takes a step back and gives Jiang Fengmian a respectful bow.
Hurry, Jiang Fengmian wants to say. Hurry and tell me I’m wrong. Tell me that of course you will stay with me. Tell me!
“I will follow my future wife and cultivate freely,” Wei Changze says.
Jiang Fengmian thinks he stumbles back a few steps. The world seems wrong. That wretched woman, he thinks faintly. That wretched woman with her laughs and beauty and talent. Stealing away what was his…
“Have I not treated you well?” he asks faintly, and his question seems petty even to his own ears.
Wei Changze straightens up. He reaches a hand out and places it on Jiang Fengmian’s shoulder. His shoulder burns at the touch. He feels greedy and desperate and he wishes he could glue that hand onto his shoulder and keep it there forever.
“I could never want for a better master,” Wei Changze says earnestly, “It’s been my pride and honor to serve you.”
“Then why?” Jiang Fengmian asks, and his voice is weak and whiny and he hates himself at that moment.
“My future wife does not have the temperament to serve another,” Wei Changze says. He pauses then and brings his hand back to himself. “And as much as I have enjoyed serving you… I want something different for my future child. Something more.”
Something more, Jiang Fengmian thinks numbly.
Jiang Fengmian’s whole world was this man in front of him and he wanted…
Something more.
“Fine, do as you please,” Jiang Fengmian says tersely. He turns and walks away before Wei Changze can say anything else.
Something more, he thinks irritably. Jiang Fengmian had given him the best of everything he had to offer. The best room, the best clothes, the best hunts – whatever Wei Changze had wanted, Jiang Fengmian had given… But he wants more…
Jiang Fengmian awakes with a troubled mind and heavy heart.
He realizes now what Wei Changze had wanted for his child. He realizes now what he meant by something more.
A well-kept, well-loved servant was still just that – a servant.
A sob rips from his throat as guilt wracks through him. All these years he had fancied himself doing justice to his old love’s wishes. How foolish. How prideful.
And for his stupidity, he will never see that face again.
They stay in the hut a few days to regain their strength. His wife’s great aunt tends to them as secretly as she can, and when they are recovered enough, they take a small flat boat up the river to Lanling.
His old friend, Jin Guangshan welcomes them warmly.
The air about him is grave – an expression Jiang Fengmian has never seen sits on his face.
Sect and Clan leaders from all over are gathered in Lanling.
Nie Mingjue sits at the center, rage almost visibly rolling off him. “How fortunate that you and your family survived the Wen-dogs,” Nie Mingjue greets solemnly.
Jiang Fengmian bows in return. “Only by a great sacrifice,” he replies. His hands threaten to shake at the thought of Wei Wuxian. His heart threatens to fall out of his chest.
“Mm,” Nie Mingjue nods, “I heard about Wei Wuxian – I am sorry for your loss. I know he was a disciple you looked upon favorably.”
Like a son, Jiang Fengmian wants to reply. Like the only connection I had left to the only man I’ve ever loved. Like my only chance to right my wrongs.
“Yes,” he nods instead, afraid that he might admit too much if he says much else.
Jin Guangshan enters the hall then and the hall quiets.
It is of decided opinion that the attack on Lotus Pier is the final straw. The Wens must be stopped.
They talk of war.
War is a strangely normal as everything else – and without a sword, Jiang Fengmian finds himself with too much time to think.
He’s tormented by nightmares as of late – Cangse Sanren finds him every night and asks him how he could throw away her son like that.
Wei Wuxian begs for him to save him. “Uncle,” he cries, bloody and beaten, “Uncle, please.”
Wei Changze torments him by not appearing in his nightmares.
Yanli and A-Cheng are quiet when he is awake. They do not mention Wei Wuxian and Jiang Fengmian can’t tell if it’s because they’re too heartbroken to speak of him or if they’re afraid of their mother’s ire.
Jiang Fengmian finds that war suits his wife.
It suits her so well that the woman that fell to her knees and implored him to stay in the hut seems almost imaginary now.
“A-Cheng will join the Twin Jades in their attack of Qishan,” his wife says over breakfast. Her tone easy and uncaring, as if she’s talking about her son going on a night hunt, instead of preparing for battle. “They plan to retrieve their swords.”
“The Twin Jades?” Jiang Fengmian hums, “A-Cheng will be with good company.”
His wife nods her approval.
War is strangely normal.
One of the Twin Jades comes to find him after their successful attack on Qishan. The younger one, Jiang Fengmian deduces based off of his cold expression.
“I congratulate you on your successful mission,” Jiang Fengmian greets politely.
The Lan-er says nothing and just bows politely in return. He stands there for a long moment, his eyes down, looking pensive. It seems to Jiang Fengmian that the Lan-er has something to say to him but is having trouble finding the words.
It almost reminds Jiang Fengmian of…
“Wei Wuxian,” the Lan-er says finally and slowly raises a familiar sword to Jiang Fengmian.
“Oh,” Jiang Fengmian replies stupidly. He can’t seem to find it in himself to take the sword from the younger Twin Jade. His hands shake at his side and he’s reminded of how delighted young Wei Wuxian had been when Jiang Fengmian first gave him this sword – Suibian.
Seeing Suibian now seems to make Wei Wuxian’s death seem too real.
Take it away, Jiang Fengmian wants to say. Let me ignore it just a little longer. He can’t be gone from me – he can’t be.
The Lan-er seems to read Jiang Fengmian’s hesitance and brings the sword back to his side.
“The soldiers at Qishan informed me that Wei Wuxian was dropped into the Burial Mounds,” Lan-er says softly.
It takes everything he has not to stumble back or fall to the ground like some woman.
The Burial Mounds.
Oh god.
It would have been better if they just killed him at Lotus Pier.
The Burial Mounds.
“Thank you for the information,” Jiang Fengmian says numbly.
The Lan-er studies his face for a long moment and nods once before bowing and turning to leave.
He takes Suibian with him and Jiang Fengmian is too ashamed to be thankful.
His wife is furious with him when Jiang Cheng mentions the sword at dinner that evening.
“Get it from the Lan-er this instant!” she seethes. “You’re swordless and you let that Lan-er just walk off with one you bought yourself?”
“It’s Wei Wuxian’s,” he says softly, mechanically putting rice into his mouth to avoid eye contact with his wife.
“He’s dead,” she says coldly. “If he can no longer be of use to us, the least you can do is use his sword when he cannot.”
Use, Jiang Fengmian thinks faintly.
All this time, he had fancied himself raising Wei Wuxian like a son. Wei Changze would have wanted him raised like this, he had thought to himself.
He hadn’t realized that he was raising him like a cow for slaughter.
Suibian is by his side when he awakes the next morning.
He takes it in his hands and stares at it a long while before trying to unsheathe it.
It refuses to open in his hands.
“Ungrateful wretch,” his wife hisses.
“Thank you,” he whispers to Suibian, letting out a sigh of relief that he hadn’t known he was holding.
The war continues.
Nie Mingjue beheads Wen Xu at Hejian.
The Sunshot Campaign moves ever westward. Strange things begin to happen as they move closer to and closer to Wen Ruohan.
They easily pass towns where hundreds of Wen soldiers have already been killed. Strange energy surrounds them, dark and hungry.
“What could be doing this?” Jiang Cheng asks over dinner.
“Perhaps an immortal has come down to join us,” Yanli offers.
Doubtful, Jiang Fengmian thinks to himself. The only immortal he knows can’t even be bothered to come down to save her disciples. As selfish and proud as they are, it is doubtful that any one of them would come down to help their cause.
“Keep away from it, if possible,” his wife says sharply, “Whatever it is may be on our side for now… but I don’t trust it.”
Jiang Fengmian nods in agreement. The energy is dark and strange and the way it kills is…
“Well I hope it stays away from Wen Chao,” Jiang Cheng says, “I will not have it take away my satisfaction from killing that sniveling Wen-dog.”
His wife taps the table irritably. Her face betrays no worry, but strangely enough, Jiang Fengmian can read it on her. She’s nervous, he realizes. Scared.
He reaches a hand out and places it on Jiang Cheng’s shoulder.
His son. His only son.
His son looks at him in surprise, something young and vulnerable in his eyes.
“Don’t do anything rash,” Jiang Fengmian says firmly, “If Wen Zhuliu is with Wen Chao, come back. Do not face him alone.”
His son looks at him for a silent moment before he turns his head and nods. “I won’t disappoint you, father,” he says quietly.
Just come back alive, Jiang Fengmian thinks tiredly. He isn’t built for war, he thinks. He’s already so tired of losing.
Jiang Fengmian has realized two things about war.
It’s strangely normal
there are no winners.
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sixteenthshen · 3 years
i need help
I read a post on Zhihu last night - “How to evaluate the finale of Word of Honor?” The top commenter’s writing just killed me.
Heavy spoilers for episode 33/34. There’re no spoilers for the episodes after that, but I can’t guarantee this if there are replies.
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The rest hidden behind a cut. 
I don’t need help explaining the finale or the happy ending, bad ending whatever it is, I’ve found my own way to come to terms with it. But I can’t accept what happened in 33/34 and the lack of follow up on the core of the issue, and that’s blocking me from enjoying the “HE”. To be fair, I think I may be a bit hormonal? Because this is really making me feel like crap. 
This is a comment made by a Chinese user on Zhihu: 
I only want to say; the show might as well have ended when A-Xu jumped down the cliff after WKX. Even though it's a bit lame, at least the soulmate feelings were still there.
The grand finale basically destroyed the soulmate bond built up over 20+ episodes. The essence of it is gone; all of the "candy" and "knives" feel like they've been stripped away.
I've written so much about WKX & ZZS and how they were both falling for each other, saving each other. And now it all looks like a big joke.
It turns out ZZS's soulmate is ZZH, not WKX. The mountains and rivers in the world can't compare to meeting my soulmate. Since my soulmate is gone, I might as well die. (Play on the quote from the drama, instead of why should I live, it becomes I should just die)
(The poster starts talking to ZZS directly - referring to him as you) You're really a mistreated (tortured?) concubine, aren't you? Once you decide to give your whole heart, whole person away, you somehow always end up meeting some fake evil bastard (reference to Farewell my Concubine, basically that ZZS always ends up being suckered)
When you first fell into Prince Jin's trap, it's because you were young and not yet wise to the ways of the world, and believed in the grand words of your cousin and got conned into the world of politics. Sinking into the dirtiest, muddiest of marshes.
You plotted tirelessly for 18 months, suffered through 18 months of pain from the 7 nails, and finally exchanged it for 3 years of freedom. But when you met WKX, you fell right back in again.
Heraclitus said, "You cannot step into the same river twice" <<(I think this person mixed up the meaning of this quote, cause it doesn't fit, but basically intends to say people shouldn't make the same mistake twice)
The first time you stepped into the river, you got away with only half your life. The next time you stepped into the river, you nearly lost your life 4x (under YBY's sword, when you jumped off the cliff to your death for love, pulling out your nails, exploding the mountain to cause an avalanche + suicide), in the end you became a living dead person on Changming mountain.
I don't know if I should call you a living dead man, anyway, in my heart, once you pulled out the nails from your body, cutting off any other alternative you had just to help WKX take revenge… while WKX came back from the dead, and worked with everyone present at the scene to give the performance of a lifetime, you were already dead.
What a mockery, a farce.
You gave up everything but in the end, you were nothing more than a spectator.
He wanted you to give him face, to let him go home to explain things. You quietly stepped aside and gave him the stage. He wanted your baiyi sword to demonstrate his family's sword technique, to prove his identity. You gave it to him without a second word. He cut Zhao Jing's arms and legs tendons, crippled his martial arts, finally took revenge. You were happy for him despite everything.
When Mo Huaiyang accused him of being the Ghost Valley Master, he openly admitted to it and said the entire first part was just an act. You stood in front of him, to protect him. Said he is your shidi, and stood with him without any reservations.
But he had secretly already reached an agreement with Ye Baiyi. He knew YBY wouldn't hurt him, but you didn't know and yet you still shielded him. So terribly afraid that YBY would hurt him because of his identity. 
Everyone knew this was part of the scheme he laid out, everyone participated in his scheme. Only you didn't know. Only you foolishly believed that he wouldn't be alright without you, that he needed you to help him take revenge. That he had his difficulties so he couldn't confess the truth to you, as long as he did, then you would be the first to know everything. That he was your soulmate. This word "soulmate", if said enough times, it would even be real. In this life, right up until the end, we can't even fully understand ourselves, how do we talk about others?
the source is the top voted answer here. I like this poster a lot, she shared some great things throughout the course of the drama, 3 of which were the base of poems-related posts I’ve made here. I was doing fine before, but in the course of translating this answer for a friend, I made myself feel worse.
She later forced herself to look at it from WKX’s perspective and wrote a piece on it as well, but it... was very forced and I’m not too sure she even believed it herself. She ended that part with - “this made her feel very keenly that no matter how similar two souls may be, in the end, they are still two souls. He isn’t you and he will never be you. You can work endlessly and tirelessly to be closer, but your souls can never meet.”
I... I’m too sad to translate the WKX part in order to be fair to WKX in this post (if I feel better about it, i will later? but it didn’t make me feel better at all tbh) 
Can someone who can articulate well and believe that what WKX did was right, please help to make me understand episodes 32-34 from his perspective?
My main issues are:
We never got a proper 1-to-1 discussion between WKX and ZZS over the issue. At first, they were celebrating as a group, I can accept it. There wasn’t a time or place.
But when ZZS went back to his room early and sober, when everyone else was still drinking and having fun, I felt so bad for him.
When WKX came into his room, looking for ZZS when drunk, I know it isn’t supposed to be like this - but I can’t help but feel he didn’t dare to talk to A-Xu 1-to-1. Instead he went when he was drunk to spill his heart. It can be thought of as sweet, because the first person he thinks of when he’s drunk is A-Xu... but I can’t help but find it very selfish, because it leaves A-Xu with no way to talk about things. If you’ve ever talked to a drunk while sober, you would understand what I mean, it’s a one-way conversation, you can’t get anything through.
But that conversation left A-Xu with enough guilt that he can’t come clean to WKX about what he did. How can he tell WKX that he pulled out his nails, and is about to die. To take away WKX’s happiness, when Lao Wen just told him about how happy he was to have him in his life?
Lao Wen had 0 intention to be cruel, but it ended up being more cruel. And this lack of a proper discussion between the two of them, makes me call into question the whole thing about soulmates. I believe Lao Wen loves A-Xu the best he can (with his somewhat emotionally stunted self), but he’s not putting himself in the other person’s shoes to care for them. 
Love =/= care. And by not caring enough in this matter, I feel it’s thrown him into OOC. Where is the WKX who cared so much for ZZS at the start? Where is the tenderness? 
The drama never properly addressed why WKX faked his death and not tell A-Xu. The only reason they gave was that A-Xu was heavily injured (through Wu Xi). WKX just admitted he was wrong (and should drink). That’s all.
Please don’t preach to me about the happy ending or talk about the finale. I personally can’t resolve 32-34, I have found a way to accept the ending as long as I can accept these 3 episodes.
I may not be able to immediately accept your POV but I will force myself to try to find something that fits. I want to keep shipping wenzhou :( 
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tsunonotarou · 4 years
Being Childhood Friends to Lovers with...
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notes — Bro I fucking THIRST for this man he can rip me open
— Also I think I’m gonna start this series called “Being Childhood Friends to Lovers with...” because childhood friends to lovers shit is my kind of shit
— We’re debuting this series with Leona 🥳
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He cherishes you a lot even though he might not show it
You’re the first ever person who acknowledges him, first ever person who approached him first and talked to the second son
He thought you were strange at first, because why would you talk to a mere second born when the first is right here with you? So he distances himself and avoided you at first, thinking you have ulterior motives
You got the signs and didn’t pester him after that—which he is glad for—but he find himself secretly looking at you or purposely look for you in the castle whenever you come visit (let’s say you’re a royalty too and your parents’ are good friends)
It was when he saw you sulking and pouting by yourself, he felt bad and maybe, you just wanted to be friends
The servants always prepared your favorite sweets when you come visit but you didn’t want any after realizing that he’s ignoring you
So he took some, went to look for you and threw them at you
“H-Huh?—“ you got startled and quickly looked up, seeing his neutral expression on and looking down on you
“So, your parents bought you that whatever thing you want, and then what?”
The way he remembers your one-sided conversation with him before honestly made you tear up, you didn’t think he was listening
From then on, you were also excited to visit the king’s castle because you get to see him, and you made sure to bring various of things over for him and you to play
There was one time he accidentally overheard some servants of yours “advising” you to stop hanging around with Leona Kingscholar, saying how he isn’t worth your time and shouldn’t be influenced by him
Though he was sure of your loyalty and friendship with him, he still has his doubts, maybe, you secretly dislike him too
He waited for your response, your silence only made him more anxious as time pass by
“...Hey.” He bit the inside of his cheek, awaiting for your answer
“I’m gonna ask my parents to fire you all.”
His eyes were wide as ever, and so were the servants’
“B-But please, Princess/Prince Y/N-“
“I will not tolerate anyone who badmouths my friend, moreover, who do you guys think you are? Telling me who I should be friends with now?”
As much as Leona tries to stop it, his eyes watered, lips quivering at your words
He never told you how he eavesdropped your conversation with those servants, because eventually it’ll lead to how he reacted, and he’s never going to tell you he almost cried
He taught you how to roar once, got super red when he himself haven’t even mastered it yet
Glares at your form rolling on the floor laughing
He is two years older than you, so he got enrolled into Night Raven College first, during the times he was at the dorm you were bored to death
One of the main reasons (probably the only reason) why he’d go back home during breaks is because of you, he could care less about the grand welcome back party—which he was sure the servants were forced to put up—and the fake smiles from relatives, but he had to see you
Is always prepared for the uncalled tackle hug from you but somehow you always manage to knock him off balance, causing the two of you to fall down onto the sandy ground
You rambled and rambled, he listened but solely focused on how your features changed, you definitely grew up, got more attractive, too
Oh fuck
He mentally cursed when he finally realizes how his heart is beating in an unusual pace, feeling his cheeks warm up and how he felt like melting right there and then
Buried his feelings deep down because of his insecurities and acted as normal as he could with you after
You have never seen him panicked so much, got so angry and frustrated before, it happened once, when the topic of arranging a marriage for you and his older brother, Farena, was mentioned
He strongly opposes the idea but reminding him that he is only a second son, hence have no say in this matter was enough to shut him down
You tried to go after Leona who stormed to his room but decided you have more important matters at hand, matters that you need to clarify first
Politely declining the marriage and telling how Farena is a good person, but you have eyes for someone else
Everyone in the room (which consisted of both your parents and Farena) knew who you were talking about, and they were shocked, to say the least
You can clearly see the discomfort in yours and his’ parents faces, but you also can clearly see Farena’s secret wink towards you, telling you he approves
You and Farena never had any romantic feelings for each other anyway, and he was always teasing about you and Leona when you two were little
Knocking on Leona’s room softly then creaking it open, you peek your head inside to see him lying on the bed on his side with his back facing you
He winces and jolted up after you slapped his arm
Snaps and growls at you, rubbing the spot where you attacked earlier
He was all grumpy and upset until you tell him you rejected the marriage
Stares at you for a good ten seconds before sighing, slowly resting his forehead on your shoulder and wrapping his arms around you
You two have had naps together, held hands when you were little but have never been this physically close after you two grew up, you two are the best of friends but there are boundaries as friends, so this was new to you, naturally, your cheeks bursted in all shades of red
“I’m glad...” you can hear him mumble, placing a hand on his soft hair and patting it before give it a stroke, calming him down
You teases him so fucking much about being a dorm leader, like- how??? He’s just so lazy and unmotivated to do anything that you’re impressed
Surprisingly takes very good care of you both as a friend and a senior, it was surprising for the Savanaclaw dorm members to see Leona actually giving fucks about someone, a freshman no less, so they got interested in you very quickly
Which resulted in Leona scaring them away because they’re too close for his liking
He always suggests you to take naps and laze around with him though, so it’s no good since you have to get good grades
You’re the one who’s always dragging him to classes (if you’re lucky to get him to move)
You two never bothered to tell anyone that you’re childhood friends, it didn’t seem to have the need to
So everyone thought you two were dating because of how close you are 💀
Definitely got jealous at how you made new friends
He doesn’t mind if you have new friends, it’s natural, it’s only concerning if you don’t have any
But if you’re spending more time with them than with him? Best know that he’d trap you in his room and never let you go out
This won’t stop until you figure out why he’s like this and promise him he’ll stay as number one in your friendship list
You really shouldn’t be but you’re still laughing at how he’s repeating school years to this day
But you’re also kind of glad that he’s still here with you, it’d be boring if he weren’t
Plus, Leona wouldn’t leave you here alone anyway, there’s too many people he can’t trust and he just generally don’t wanna leave you alone
The confession was surprisingly normal and quick, no stutters or nervous twiddles of fingers from him
He kinda just, got tired of you being so physically close and attached to everyone else that he want to call you his and his only
He’s the type that’d suddenly pin you down on his bed while you’re talking about what you and your other friends did that day
Enjoys the deep blush and lip quiver on you as he finally confesses his feelings for you, leaning down onto your ear and whisper huskily about-
His arms quickly wrapped around his stomach and coughs as your strong kick jerked him back, he ended up kneeling on his bed, hunched over as he groans
He thought he invaded your privacy and made you uncomfortable so he quickly look up to check up on you, afraid of the terrified and disgusted look on your face, but what greeted him was a hot, hot face as you refuse to look him in the eye
He stared, and stared, a small blush slowly coming up to his own cheeks before a pillow was thrown at his face
Seeing you so flustered reminded him of the past few days when he debated with himself whether he should go for it or not, he might seem smug for now, but before this cocky smirk appeared he was a nervous wreck
So the two of you kinda just stayed like that in his room, freezing on your spot with dead silence
“A-At least give me an answer...damn it.” A miracle that he stuttered
He watches as you fiddled with your finger, looking down with mumbles he couldn’t make words out from
“I...I like you too.”
This is so lame, you two are like middle school kids confessing your love for each other and yet, those simple words made his heart flip like crazy
Now that he’s confirmed your answer, prepare for a wild but sweet kiss from him
It was a little bumpy at first, mostly from you though, because you’re just so used to being “just friends” with him that you don’t know how to act as his lover
He didn’t change much, maybe a little bit sweeter and considerate than before but he’s just the old Leona you know, which you’re glad for, you didn’t want him to change
He’s more protective now since you’re finally his, and he made sure to let everyone know that
Doesn’t really have a say on PDA, he’s fine with or without it, but he would definitely shove his tongue into your mouth right on the spot if someone even dare to look at you in the wrong way
Really likes wrapping an arm around your waist and put his whole weight on you because he’s lazy and tired of walking
Will actually fall on you when you’re in the botanical garden so that you couldn’t get up and is forced to take a nap with him
Play with his hair!! He loves it to death, though he might grumble and say he doesn’t, we all know he’s lying
You have to reassure him that he’ll always be your number one, he’s already suffered enough, if you end up leaving him he doesn’t know how to cope with it
Cuddles, cuddles and cuddles 24/7, he will not let you go
He sometimes just stares at you as you talk or do your own thing and think about how lucky he is to have you, it might not seem possible but literal hearts appeared in his eyes
If you ever catch him staring at you and tease him for it he’ll growl and pounce on you, how dare you make fun of your king like that? Prepare for a punishment my friend ;)
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jimlingss · 3 years
Member: Any genre: angst, angst, angst. AU: joseon?? Sentence: any Prompt: any
Man, you know I historicals are weakness, don’t you? hahah and angst, angst, angst?! Three times?! Don’t blame me if I don’t hold back.
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↳ Lotus Blooms in Mud
2.3k || 100% Mild Angst || Park Jimin || Historical!AU
There is nothing safe within the palace.
Inside the four stone walls, where every commoner can only dream of entering, kindness is weakness. Compassion leads to another getting ahead instead of yourself. The only shields are silk, gold, and extravagance as the higher the status, the more power one can wield. 
Inside the palace, nothing is safe. No belonging, possession or secret. Not when every maid, minister and eunuch have ears open wide and eyes that wander. Not when anything can be taken at a moment’s notice. Even kings are killed. Kingdoms are conquered. Dynasties fall. 
But you will protect what is yours.
“Your Highness.”
Seohwa, Minister Kim’s daughter, bows to you with one mere servant behind her. You’ve seen her many times, enough to recognize her face and know who she is. Your eyes flicker down her frame to notice her pink and white hanbok that’s clearly been newly tailored with the best silks. You don’t miss the golden ornament on the side of her braided hair either. Or the rosy colour on her cheeks that’s also pressed onto her plush lips. 
“Are you here for His Majesty’s banquet?”
Her head delicately lifts and her eyes meet yours. “Yes, I am.”
“You came with Minister Kim?”
She nods. “My father thought it would be good to visit the grand palace to learn more.”
The two of you walk alongside one another with your entourage of servants trailing after you at a distance. You stop by the lily pond and take her hands within yours, offering a warm smile. “Then he made a good decision. There’s not enough girls my age at these banquets and I’ve been in need of a friend for a long time.”
Seohwa visibly brightens. “Then, if you are willing, I could ask my father if I could come more often, Your Highness.”
“Yes, of course. That would be nice.” Behind the two of you, the drums start to resound through the courtyard. “It looks like the banquet’s about to begin.” 
“Shall we?” The girl looks to you, excitement clear on her features.
You nod, but your lips remain in a tight line. “I wish I didn’t have to.”
“Why?” The girl is genuinely perplexed. “Aren’t the banquets supposed to be the best celebrations in the kingdom?”
“They are. But His Majesty is expecting me to perform today. I hurt my ankle while practicing and now I’m afraid I’ll have to disappoint him.” You sigh, but then your eyes flicker to her. “You dance, don’t you?”
Seohwa grows shy. “Only a little.”
“You’re being modest. I’ve heard from Minister Kim that you’ve been performing since you were young.” You step towards her. “How about you take my place?”
“C-Can I really?”
“Yes, of course, and His Majesty should be very happy with today’s celebrations. If you do well enough, he’ll reward you with anything you want.”
“His Majesty is generous and kind. Surely he will be able to grant you anything you desire,” you tell and she seems to contemplate whether to accept or not. Your gaze turns desperate. “You can do this favour for me, right, Seohwa?”
She nods after a second. “Yes, I would be happy to.”
The entire court gathers in the throne room. Each person is seated on cushions with tables of lavish food in front of them. The ministers are having their alcohol poured while Emperor Park looks out at his court on the highest seat in front.
Your eyes travel diagonally to Crown Prince Jimin who’s dressed in red with the gold emblem of a dragon on his chest. In spite of the extravagance, his smile is still sweet and his eyes are soft. But they don’t look at you. No. You catch his gaze fixing onto Seohwa down the hall all too easily. Said girl is all too bashful as well with his unspoken attention and affection.
There are no secrets in the palace. 
You have long known their tenderness to each other.
“Princess Y/N,” the Emperor pipes up as the drums cease. You re-direct your attention to him with a perfect smile, posture straight and character poised. “You have promised a performance for me today?”
Several of the men around the room murmur, nodding in anticipation.
Your voice is clear and crisp as you speak, “Yes, I was. Unfortunately, Your Majesty, I have recently gotten injured but I have found my replacement. Lady Park Seohwa is a much better performer than I. You will not be disappointed.”
“I see.” The older man’s eyes look towards the girl seated farther than you are. Then they trail to the older man beside her who’s beaming proudly. “I did not know your daughter could perform, Minister Kim.”
“Yes, she can do many things. Hopefully you can find enjoyment out of her skills.”
Seohwa stands, bowing her head towards the Emperor before she comes to the middle of the room. Your eyes narrow in on the way she glances at Crown Prince Jimin and how he shifts with a gentle smile, anticipation alight in his features.
The zither is plucked. The flute is blown. A drum keeps a steady beat.
Seohwa smiles and lifts her arms gently. She steps forward and twirls. Her skirt moves along with her body. 
Other than the music, there’s not a single sound. Breaths are held and as you look around the room, you find each and every person has become enraptured by her performance, from the Emperor to Jimin himself. He smiles and it grows wider by the second. The girl’s own expression starts to ease. Their eyes are connected to one another’s.
Once the dance ends, there is resounding applause and nods of approval from the men.
“Very good!” the Emperor praises with a bellowing chuckle and she bows. “Minister Kim, I didn’t know you had such a talented and beautiful daughter.”
“Thank you, Your Majesty.”
“For your performance, I would like to grant you one reward.” He turns to her and her head lifts, youthful eyes brightened. “Is there anything that you wish for?”
Seohwa glances at you, recalling your words and seemingly gathers her courage. “There is one thing, Your Majesty, but I am unsure if I will be allowed to have this wish.”
“Nonsense.” He gestures to her. “There is nothing the Emperor cannot give to you. What is it?”
She bows her head deeply and reverently. “Please allow me to stay by Crown Prince Jimin’s side.”
Instantly, there are murmurs that ripple throughout the entire room of court ministers. Jimin is wide-eyed at the bold proclamation. You conceal the smirk sneaking up on your lips. 
What a fool.
The Emperor slams his hand down on his armrest and she jolts. “How imprudent!” he shouts. “The Crown Prince has been betrothed to Princess Y/N before you were even born. How dare a measly girl like you get in the matter of politics for your own greed!”
“I...I…” Seohwa’s eyes are rounded and she stumbles back.
It’s your time to act.
Immediately, you stand. “Your Majesty!” You round your table and come beside her, only to fall to your knees with your forehead pressed to the ground and the sleeves of your hanbok out in front of you. You lift your head. “Please forgive Seohwa! She only said such a thing because she wants to be in the palace and continue performing for you and His Highness.”
“Hmph.” He looks at her. “Is this true?”
She frantically nods. “Y-Yes, Your Majesty.”
“Rise, Princess Y/N,” he says and you get onto your feet. The Emperor shifts to Seohwa and exhales steadily. “You should thank Princess Y/N for speaking on your behalf. I have no plans on punishing anyone when this is supposed to be a joyous occasion. I will forget what you said.” He motions to the girl. “However, if that is the true intention behind your wish, I will still grant it for you.”
The Emperor exhales. “I do agree that your talents would be wasted outside of the palace, so I shall bestow you the honour of entering the women’s internal court as my new concubine.”
At his declaration, Seohwa’s head snaps upwards. You mask the smirk tickling on your lips. 
Jimin has a horrified expression and he opens his mouth, moving to speak, but he’s interrupted by Seohwa’s father, Minister Kim. “Your Majesty!” 
He stumbles forward beside his daughter, pressing a harsh hand on her shoulder and the two of them drop to a kneel. “I-I’m afraid my daughter is not suited to palace life. She’s much too clumsy and young. I haven’t taught her well enough yet.”
“Nonsense. There is nothing she will not be able to learn inside the palace.”
“Your Majesty—”
He slams his fist against the table. The both of them flinch. No minister, servant or eunuch dares to speak or utter a single word. “You dare refuse a generous offer from the Emperor? This is a higher status than you could ever ever obtain on your own!”
“Father.” Jimin clears his throat, expression composed and he turns to the Emperor. “Don’t be angry. I understand Minister Kim’s worries. Perhaps she can stay in the palace, but she may be suited to wed someone younger.”
“Who? You?” He chuckles. “You are betrothed. You cannot have a consort already.”
You look over to Jimin. 
His lips are drawn in a tight line, the furrow of his brow deeply set, and after a moment, he sits back. Jimin is a coward who cannot conjure persuasive words or change the mind of the Emperor. He doesn’t even try to.
“A father must let go of his children eventually, Seokjin. No good will be done by holding onto them.”
Minister Kim stays quiet and then raises his head. In a quiet voice, he responds. “Yes, Your Majesty.”
In one single command, servants come to take Seohwa to prepare her for tonight. The Emperor says he would love to see another dance — a private one. And that implication is enough for you and a few others to secretly snicker.
She, however, is on the verge of tears. She calls after her father who doesn’t answer. She looks to Jimin who has diverted his vision. And then she shifts to you.
You hold Seohwa’s stare, watching as she’s taken out of the doors.
Then, you smirk.
The moon hangs high above the horizon. The warm candlelight illuminates your room and you listen to the sound of the brush stroking against the parchment, watching as each flicker of your wrist leaves a trail of ink. 
You’re interrupted by a servant girl coming in. “ Your Highness, His Royal Highness, the Crown Pri—”
Jimin enters, steps heavy and firm, gaze darkened.
You look to the servant. “Leave us.”
She bows her head, stepping backwards gingerly until you hear the doors shut.
You set the brush down, half-way through copying the poem, and a soft smile graces your features as you gaze at him. “What’s the matter? It’s not like you to visit me so late.”
“Why did you do it?” His voice is thick and you notice the clench in his jaw, the burning of his eyes.
“I don’t understand.”
“Don’t pretend you’re stupid,” Jimin spits, “You are the one who set Seohwa up! It was you!”
You scoff, unable to believe that he came all the way here for her when you thought he was coming for you. You should’ve known. “She brought it onto herself. Who told her to be that foolish?”
“You told her to perform at the banquet. It was you who kneeled in front of the Emperor and said she wanted to stay in the palace—”
“It was her fault for trying to take what wasn’t hers! She is greedy, stupid and small-minded.” 
Nothing you said is wrong. She jumped at the opportunity to show off her skills without thinking twice. She wanted attention. She carefully picked out what she would wear today, from tailoring new attire to the ornament in her hair that you strongly suspect Jimin gave to her.
His jaw is set, frame rigid. But Jimin’s glare is unmatched to yours.
“Did you really think I wouldn’t know about your feelings for one another? How that wrench was trying to take you away from me? Who does she think she is.”
“Don’t you dare speak about her like that!” Jimin shouts and seethes, “It’s your fault. It’s because of you— because of you that she has become my father’s concubine!”
“And you think you’re blameless?! You’re the only one who could’ve saved her and you didn’t. You couldn’t.”
You’re close to him, a crazed look present in your eye. Guilt flashes across Jimin’s face underneath his boiling anger. In spite of his status, he is as weak as you are. In this palace, you have to grasp onto what you can. You have to protect what is yours closely before it’s taken away. It’s a hard lesson you had to learn and one he will have to learn as well. Even as the Crown Prince.
“I will never love you.” It’s a simple whisper that befalls his lips. His expression glosses over into impassivity. “Not when you do the things that you do.”
Your heart drops to your stomach. It aches, feels like your heart has been torn from your chest and crushed in his cold hand. Your rib cage is left bruised, hollow, and tears well into your eyes.
Jimin turns around, but before he gets to the door, you make your last words known—
“You can have as many concubines and consorts as you want. You can take maids and court ladies in. But none of them will ever last.” It’s a vow you swear aloud, as strong as Heaven’s Mandate and one you will write in blood instead of ink. “I will always be by your side. Nothing will change that, Jimin.”
The doors slam open and shut.
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fandomwriterstuff · 3 years
Traumtänzer (Pt. 2)
Rated T
German Translations:
Mein Gott - My God
Der Herr de Ringe - The Lord of the Rings
Il Principe - The Prince
Part 1
Part 3
“So… He went back in time to meet up with a woman he kissed once and who was happily married with children?” You asked skeptically. That didn’t sound like the Steven you’d known. But then again, you hadn’t known him all that well.
“It’s confusing, but that’s the gist of it,” Sam interjected, taking a sip of his tea. The four of you were getting cozy in your living room, though it was a bit small. Sam and James shared the couch and you and the Baron found yourselves in arm chairs.
“Why are you so willing to stick your neck out for him?” James asked, looking for more information.
“He,” you paused. How much should you say? “He helped me out when I had nothing,” you shrugged and looked down into your empty teacup. Chamomile had always been a favorite of yours.
“That explains why you owe him a favor, but you’re really going out of your way. You know we’re harboring a criminal,” James nodded towards the Baron. You squinted your eyes at him, wondering if he could be trusted.
“He kept my secret… He found out my background and he didn’t turn me over to the authorities or insist I go get tested on,” you could tell you’d piqued their attention with that one. It was true, what you’d been thinking before. You didn’t tell anyone about your background, but Wanda had seen you and told Steven, and he helped you get off the grid. “How do I know I can trust you?”
“You don’t,” the Baron finally spoke up. “But we’re not in a place to be helping SHIELD out considering the circumstances, so we have no real reason to turn you over.” You accepted his answer with a frown. It wasn’t a lot but he was right.
“I knew the Maximoffs when they worked for HYDRA because my parents were secretly HYDRA agents,” you looked down into the teacup again, fighting the tensing of your muscles and the urge to run. “They sent me in to be experimented on by the-” You lost the word for scepter. Damn it all. “The thing, you know.” You rolled your eyes and growled, swearing in Sokovian. The Baron smirked at that. “ The scepter, god what’s the fucking word,” you mumbled in Sokovian. You knew James and Sam wouldn’t understand but the Baron was Sokovian and should be helping you out. “ Help a girl out,” you pleaded in Sokovian, and you could tell he was holding back a laugh.
“The scepter?” He added in English.
“Yes!” You exclaimed. “They experimented on me with the scepter!” You were so excited to have found the correct word, you didn’t notice the silence or meaningful glances James and Sam sent each other. “So I got some cool powers, they ran a lot of tests, terrible time,” You continued quickly, wanting to get this part over with. “Steven knew this, and helped me get off the grid. I owe him more than a favor, I owe him my freedom, my life,” you said emphatically.
“So you’re HYDRA?” James asked, tensing up. You glared over at him.
“I do not associate myself with Nazis, James,” you were cold, but this was a tough topic. “I was forcibly experimented on for years, and you think I would willingly associate myself with them? You should know better.”
He had the self-awareness to look a little ashamed, though you couldn’t care less. You didn’t need his shame or his pity.
After a brief pause, you sighed. “You can stay here for a little bit. Where are you going next?”
“Madripoor,” the Baron answered smoothly, and you choked on your own spit.
“ Mein Gott,” you mumbled. “Why on Earth would you want to go there?”
“We have business there,” he said, noncommittal. You raised your eyebrows, so it was top secret. Interesting. You stared at each other for a moment, unsure where your next words would lead you. You didn’t want to push too far but your curiosity was burning.
“I suppose I will prepare dinner,” you finally said after losing a staring contest with a criminal.
It was an uneventful night. You prepared food and you all ate in silence. It was only later when you were sitting in the living room reading Der Herr der Ringe that things got weird. James was sharpening a knife while Sam fiddled with some electronics. The Baron was reading your copy of Il Principe quietly.
“ What is your superpower, then? Wanda has her mind tricks and Pietro had his speed,” the Baron was speaking in quiet Sokovian, though he didn’t even glance up from his book. You noticed James side-eye him, but he left it for the moment.
“ I hardly think I should tell you,” you huffed. He raised a single eyebrow, still looking down at the book.
“ Indulge a poor curious man,” he finally looked up and caught you in his gaze. You felt pulled towards him, like his fluent Sokovian was a homing beacon and you just wanted to be near him. It was dangerous, but you hadn’t spoken Sokovian in ages, nobody here knew it and it was becoming a dead language.
“ They called me a dreamwalker,” you whispered in your native language. “ I don’t know why I’m telling you this,” you frowned at yourself. You couldn’t trust him. But he was right, who was he going to tell? Alerting the authorities to you would also alert the authorities to him. You kept eye contact with him this time, tilting your head.
“ Tell me, Maus. How does dreamwalking work?”
“ I-”
“English please,” Sam groaned. You pursed your lips and made a quick decision to lie to him. He would have no such issues alerting the authorities. He was an Avenger.
“I was simply telling the Baron about my book. Der Herr der Ringe. The Lord of the Rings,” you replied smoothly.
“What’s so interesting about it?” James asked, this time genuinely curious. Though what was more curious was the small smile the Baron was giving you. You felt your cheeks burn at the attention and tried to hide it by glancing back down at your book.
“It’s the follow on to The Hobbit and follows the third age of Middle Earth,” you began, but James’ jaw had dropped.
“There was a sequel to the Hobbit and you didn’t tell me,” he glared at Sam, who only raised his hands placatingly.
“Dude, I didn’t know you were so into fantasy,” Sam raised his eyebrows.
“It’s actually three books,” you added. “Not just a sequel.”
“Oh man,” James shook his head. “I have been missing out. Is Gandalf still in it?”
You nodded, smiling. The previous topic was forgotten, you started telling him about the movies and how they helped you learn English.
All throughout the evening though, the Baron was glancing at you, trying to figure you out. You were sure he was curious about your powers, though you were sort of afraid to tell him. At the same time… It would be such a relief to talk to somebody about it.
You retired early after setting up the pull out couch and allowing the three men to figure out where they would sleep. They agreed that Sam and James would share the couch and the Baron would take the single bed in the guest room. Their explanation was that they’d be closest to the door if he tried to escape. You couldn’t sleep though, images from your past running through your mind.
It was nearing four when you simply decided to get up, make some tea, grab your book, and return to your room.
However, when you got to the kitchen, the Baron was sitting quietly at the table in the dark sipping on some tea.
“ Good morning,” you whispered in Sokovian, trying not to wake the men in the next room over. The Baron tilted his head towards you and smiled softly, the dark shadowed his face but you could see his features fine. You’d always preferred the night time and the darkness that came with it.
“ Couldn’t sleep? ” He replied in the same language. It must be nice for him to be able to speak it again, just like it was for her.
“ No,” you sighed. “ My mind was racing. And on top of that I’m not used to having guests.”
“You’re uncomfortable being vulnerable around us?” He asked softly, but you shook your head.
“ That’s not it.  I don’t want to accidentally walk into one of your dreams. I’m out of practice.”
He nodded sagely, it would make sense. You seemed like a polite girl and you likely wouldn’t want to intrude.
“ Tea? I made extra,” he gestured towards the teapot where steam was still rising and you smiled, smelling the chamomile.
“ Thank you,” you murmured and poured yourself a cup before sitting down at the table with him. “ You couldn’t sleep either?”
“Too much to do and plan,” he replied with a shrug of one shoulder. “ Will you tell me about your powers?”
You sighed, resigned, and nodded.
“ I suppose it wouldn’t hurt. I can walk through dreams and change them. It works for daydreams too, when people are in ‘the zone,’”  you explained. “ Though it’s harder then, when people are awake.”
I can also project my thoughts into other people’s minds you spoke this time directly in his head and his eyebrows shot up.
I haven’t figured out how to read minds per se, but I’m hoping I can learn.
“ Fascinating. Absolutely sensational,” you blinked and blushed at the praise, hoping he wouldn’t notice in the dark room. “ You’re incredible, Maus. Is there anything you can’t do?” He chuckled and you ducked your head, looking up at him through your lashes with a small smile. “ Oh, that’s not all, is it?” He wondered, a slow smile spreading on his face when you nodded your agreement.
“ It’s new… I have only developed it since my time in this flat. But just as I can project my thoughts, I can project my body. Sort of like teleporting,”  you murmured, smiling again when he looked at you, astounded.
“ You truly are wonderful,” he praised you again, this time noting your reaction. You spoke with him for a little while after that about the places you’d teleported to, but you found you’d drifted off when you ‘awoke’ in the dreamscape.
It looked like a forest, this place that your mind conjured. In the forest were many trees and shrubs but also little glimmering puddles. Those were the dreams. You walked as if in a trance, sometimes you had no control in the dreamscape. The puddle nearest to you was dark and murky, you were frightened and your chest tightened up, but you couldn’t hold back as you dipped your toes in and were immersed in the dream.
It was dark. It was always dark at first. But then there was a light and a voice.
You searched and walked around, looking for it, but you regretted entering this… this… this nightmare.
It was James as the Winter Soldier on a dark, cold night. You watched the scene as if in slow motion, and screamed as he killed his friend and his wife.
He jerked back to look at you, noticing you for the first time, and stalked towards you.
“You’re next,” he growled at you, but you scrambled backwards, trying to find your way out of the dream. You tried to conjure something to snap him out of it. You could usually do whatever you wanted, so you changed the scenery. You were on a hot beach, white sand beneath our bare feet, and the Winter Soldier kept stalking towards you.
“Let me out!” you screamed at him. “Let me out!”
You gasped and fell from your chair, and the Baron shot up to catch you.
“ Maus? Are you alright?” his arms were warm around you as you shook off the last of the terror. You were afraid of dying in a dream. You weren’t sure if you’d wake up.
“What the fuck?” James growled from the door frame, rumpled and angry.
“I am sorry,” you choked out. “I did not mean-”
“Stay out of my head,” he cut you off and retreated to the couch, where Sam sat, confused.
“ You might want to stay out of his dreams,” the Baron whispered, arms still caging you in, but you appreciated the strength as tears pricked at your eyes. You hated when people raised their voices.
“ I can’t always control it. I couldn’t get out,” you choked on the words. You huffed a ragged breath and righted yourself, finally pulling away from the Baron. “ I’ll start breakfast,” you mumbled and turned away from him so he couldn’t see the few tears you allowed to fall from fear and apprehension.
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beelspillowpet · 3 years
If your requests are open and your willing to, would you be able to do the brothers reacting to a trans MC? 👉🏻👈🏻 preferably female to male, but either way is fine! Sorry if your not comfy with this type of request >~<
Anon, just because you were afraid that I would turn down your request, I am going to PROVE to you how much it doesn’t bother me I'm going to do the 7 brothers AND the side characters. Because you BETTER BELEIVE we have a cast of supportive people!! Yessir!!!
I myself am the twin sister of my late twin brother, who was also FtM! I’ll be using his memory as inspiration, if you do not mind? Thank you for requesting this!
At first he presumed you were just not girly. He didn't really mind your behavior or way of dressing, so long as you got your tasks done on time and were on your best behavior.
When you cut your hair and stopped wearing that nail polish (despite Asmo’s pleading) he still thought nothing of it. You wore pants, and started trying your best to drop hints, and thankfully, Lucifer isn’t an idiot.
So what you’re telling me is that we’ve made you uncomfortable when referring to you as a woman? If that is the case, MC, then we would be more than happy to refer to you as anything you request. You only need to say the word.
He is dedicated to making sure you’re happy and comfortable here. He and his brothers may be demons, but they aren’t heartless. They were once angels too. He goes through the process with you, if you were shaky or unsure of what to do in the past. If you want HRT, surgery, need a new wardrobe, he and his brothers will be the first to provide. Whatever to keep you happy in your skin.
Oh. Honestly speaking, he’ll still love you regardless of what form your body takes. He liked the way you looked, but secretly he can’t wait to see how you’ll look after you transition.
Before we even get to that point though, it takes a lot of hint dropping for him to get it. And even then, he has to go and ask the others what you’re trying to tell him. Of course he gets picked on a little bit for it, but once he figures it out he’s really happy you were comfortable enough to tell him.
Hell, he might get a job just so he can help you be able to afford all the things you’ll need to properly transition. Some of the details make him blush quite a bit, and if you’re uncomfortable with touches or any signs of affection during your process of transitioning, he will politely refrain from making his human uncomfortable.
He’s taking you to Majolish and you are going to get your ENTIRE wardrobe redone. Courtesy of The GREAT Mammon! You should feel grateful that he’s working this hard to make you happy. I mean c’mon, he LOVES you! He can’t wait to love you more after you’ve become the man you always were deep down inside.
He does notice that you act different from other women. Not that he minds it, not at all. His Henry is still the same old Henry. Just a little bit different. He’s a little bit different too, there’s nothing wrong with that. Right?!
It’s when you start preferring to be called Henry as opposed to your birth name, do the cogs start churning in his brain. He would have suspected at first that maybe you just were very good friends with him and loved TSL almost as much as him.
He’s seen a few heart-warming anime about it. Specifically one about a girl becoming a boy, and the struggles he went through while attending school. The title wasn’t too important to him, but now that he had a reference for what you were dealing with, he was a bit happy. He just wanted to wait until the moment was right to bring it up to you. Perhaps his Henry was really a Henry after all!
When the moment comes, he’s proud to say the least. He throws his arms around you happily, and promises to be there by your side every step of the way. He’s not exactly rolling in money, but an Otaku finds a way. The Lord of Shadows is your best friend ever, and he can’t wait to see the before and after pictures of your full transition!
It started with a book you read with him. He didn’t fully comprehend your situation, but he knew you didn’t act like normal girls. It reminded him of a character in a book he read a few weeks ago. The guy didn’t really act like a girl.
While sweet and thoughtful, this character didn’t hit the nail on the head in some ways. When talking over the book with you, you explained just as much to him. The energy was there, but it was backwards for you. He picked up on it immediately.
So what you’re telling me is, you understand this characters struggle with themselves, and can relate to it. But something about it is backwards? A little smile appears on his face as it fully dawns on him. MC, I think I’ll be able to assist you in any way you need.
With Satan’s wonderful connections across the entire Devildom, it wasn’t long before you were getting some of the best treatment possible. The prices seemed a bit scary, but he assured you everything was being taken care of behind the scenes. If you needed to worry about anything, it would be the tiring, long process to come with transitioning. He’ll be sure it goes relatively smoothly for you, though!
Oh he gets it immediately. Darling why didn’t you just say so in the first place?
He’s dragging you back to your room, rambling the entire time about how he can’t wait to take you out and go shopping. He puts together a devious little page to gather up donations and the like to support your transitioning. His fans would be HONORED to pitch in, right?
In the mean time, he stops pampering you with makeup and his other routines that you used to tolerate for the sake of being cordial. He still pushes for the nail polish, since gender is simply a social concept and he’s ready to crush it into dust any chance he can get. But it’s not about him, it’s about you.
Soon your room is painted a new color, your dresses and skirts and frilly outfits are tossed out for more appropriate attire for your sex, and he’s taking photos for his Devilgram page to show everyone how beautiful you are, even while going through the long process!
You and Beel got along fabulously. He seemed astonished that a female was interested in all these manly habits he indulged in. He heard from some of the guys on his team that you were interested in playing Fangol. As evidenced by how you always showed up to his practices and games, no matter if they were home or away.
He figured you were just a really big fan of sports. But then you even started working out with him, and giving him suggestions and tips on how to get even more out of his workouts at the gym. You were really passionate about this.
Let’s not kid ourselves, he probably does not pick up on any of the signs. You have tot ell him, and you have to tell him firmly. You are a man, just like him. When you do tell him, however, he’s eager to help you transition. Imagine having another guy in the house who loves Fangol as much as you do!?
He isn’t much aside from emotional support through the transitions, and he coddles you when you have those bad days. If you want to eat something, he’ll rush to the kitchen and cook you a full meal before you move an inch. You’re allowed to lay in bed today. Let him handle the heavy load of work for you.
Oh wow, look at that. He picked it up almost immediately.
I mean, there’s no way a girl would act the way you do, right? Dress the way you do. Be the way you are. He doesn’t care though, and just wants you to be happy. If that means you transition into a man, then hell, he’s on board with you.
He may be a lazy bastard, but he knows when it’s time to get up and work hard to get something. That was what he was like as an angel, anyways. Working at Hell’s Kitchen is the worst, and you hear him complain about as much, but he smiles and assures you that it’s all for a good reason.
His final gift to you to apologize about the Incident, is money. Now at first glance it seems like something Mammon would do. Probably. In reality though, this is the money that will be going towards your HRT. He doesn’t know if you want to fully transition or not, but if you want that top surgery, he can help pay for that too. He’ll do anything to make sure you’re happy and healthy in your own body.
It really is a house of men, isn’t it?
He’s glad though, truly, that you were comfortable coming to him about it. Don’t bother ever opening your wallet to pay for any therapy, medication, or surgery. As the Prince of the Devildom, he would be more than happy to get you doctors of all sorts to help you. No questions asked!
It might be a bit overwhelming at first, but the news is exciting. If the Prince accepts you so readily, it gives you hope that other demons will as well. Pretty soon you’re going through your processes, and Diavolo couldn’t be happier to see it happening.
You really is a wonderful guy, and he’s glad he’s getting to experience the changes you take in your life. 
To say he didn’t suspect this would be an understatement.
Ever silent and respectful though, he never spoke a word of it. You are probably uncomfortable with people assuming it, even though it’s true. An insecurity that humans seem to deal with, although unfortunate.
However, when the news is broken during a meeting between you, Lucifer, he, and the Prince himself, a smile creeps on his face.
He’s happy to hear that you are so comfortable speaking about this sort of thing. He knows it must be tough, having hidden your true feelings for so long. He prepares a delicious tea with small treats, to celebrate your coming out, and transitioning.
Simeon (and Luke)
Oh dear. God loves you, still. Don’t worry about this. He doesn’t see you as an imperfection.
They assures you constantly that you have their full support, and that will never change. You are not broken, you are not unwanted, and you are not strange. You are a regular trans man in their eyes, and they will defend you on that.
Simeon almost takes on a fatherly role to you, wanting to make sure everything goes as smooth as possible. He probably has done a bit of research in preparations for your transition, and all the nasty little side effects that come with it are worrying him.
However, once it’s all over, Luke and Simeon are glad you came out on top. And my, what a handsome man you make!
He figured, but didn’t want to assume. I mean, who the hell is he?
He’s got a few spells for this though, make it quick and painless. One wave of a wand and POOF! Woman no more!
Oh but that’s probably dangerous. The shifty bastard. You would much rather do it the regular way; and not have your insides and outsides shifted around by some crazy sorcerer.
He doesn’t protest much, but that does suck. Hehe. Oh well. You can count on him to support you through it all!
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