#I can’t believe I actually kinda finished this one before abandoning it
seancefemme · 2 years
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two dead men
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sapphirerubycreates · 6 months
Septictober Day 16: Hostage
Part of my Missed Messages AU
Content warning: torture, electrocution, gore?, stabbing/knives, violence
Author's Note: Yeah, I think I got kinda dark in this one. Sorry it's late too. Only got it last night, and just got finished editing.
Not even ten seconds after he’d slapped them awake, and they were already screaming and struggling uselessly. At least the duct tape made the noise bearable. “Scream all you want.” Anti sharpened a knife in his hand. “We’re in an abandoned building with nothing around for miles. And I will cut out your tongue if you annoy me too much.” He made a point of making another pass to sharpen the blade, trying to really drag out that metallic noise. At least that seemed to quiet them for now.
Anti walked round to his chair-bound hostage, a twisted smile on his face. They struggled against the ties, tried to plead through the tape, begged with their eyes to be let go. But Anti wasn’t having that at all.
“You know,” he flipped his small knife about on his hand, playing as he mulled over his plan, “I’ve been learning some anatomy, and I think you’re the perfect person to help me test my knowledge. And I promise, if you stay still, it’ll only hurt a little.” He casually sauntered to the back of the chair, whistling all the while. Lifted up the guy’s shirt to expose their back.
“Let’s see...” Anti trailed the knife in an S shape down their spine to the sacral vertebrae. “This section...” he sent a shock through the metal that was hopefully targeted enough for his goal. His subject jumped at the electrocution, but he was just getting started. “... I believe that was supposed to make you impotent.” Anti peaked his head to the side and looked at the man in the chair. “Does it feel any different?”
His hostage gave incoherent, muffled pleas, but Anti just went back to his work. “Up here...” he tried to be a bit more precise with his guess, but the curves of the spine weren’t so exact with someone writhing against him. Another jolt, another cry. “Your lower legs should be paralyzed.”
Anti dragged the knife tip slowly up the spine, sending small electric impulses the entire time. Then they shifted too far underneath him, making his blade brush off the spine and hit another section of the lower back. He stopped shocking the man, but not before he’d hit something inside that wasn’t in the spinal column. Anti growled at that annoyance.
Why did they always misbehave? He had to go around front to address him. Tears on the man’s face didn’t garner any kind of sympathy. “When I ask you to stay still...” Anti swiftly plunged the knife into their right thigh, all the way down to the handle. Didn’t think he hit an artery, and even if he didn’t, he wasn’t ready to take the dagger out yet. “Stay still. Or do you have a death wish?” The man shook his head, struggling less now. “Good.”
Anti went back around, having to resort to using his fingertips now. “Now where was I... Ah. Here.” Upper legs gone. It was easier to feel the vertebrae, but he didn’t leave those pretty burn marks. The whimpering was getting to be a bit much. “C’mon. You can’t even feel it now.” He was sure about that at this point.
“But that’s just a warm up. Paralyzing you isn’t enough. Let’s see. If I go up here... That should be your stomach. You feel that pit in your gut? Or actually...” Anti walked his fingers down the spine, “Maybe intestines? Yeah, she said intestines were where the pain was. And actually, I know you don’t have ovaries, but kidneys are close to the same area, right?” Another shock to mess with their function. “Sorry if I got that wrong. This is all new to me.”
“Oh, also, is it pain, or just a numbness? Because I don’t think it’d be fair if you aren’t feeling a fraction of the pain you’ve caused. Actually. Hmmmmm. I usually do this from the front, but hey, we’re trying new things today.” Anti tried to find the T2 and T3 vertebrae. This one had to be careful and controlled. Didn’t want full cardiac arrest, just distress. But the brat just kept squirming and trying to move Anti’s hand out of position. Anti sighed, having to teach them another lesson.
Another knife plucked from the table, but no theatrics this time– just straight into their hand (and wooden chair arm) without hesitation or prelude. “Be glad I didn’t stab you in your left, since that’s the one you write with it.” His hostage just looked at Anti with such shock and horror. “Oh, I’m not a stalker. She noticed. And it’s such a small thing to notice. But she did. So what kind of blind man do you have to be to not see how you made her suffer day in and day out. Actually, that gives me an idea.” Anti looked at the open book on his table. “Hmmmm. You know what, I’ll chance the deafness.”
The jerk struggled against the restraints after that. And of course he would. Nothing about this kind of thing was ever that easy. No one ever took punishment well. “Seems we’re doing this the hard way.” Anti pressed his hands on either shoulder and sent a pulse all the way through both arms. The squirming finally stopped. “And I had so wanted to see if I could do that from the spinal column.” Anti sulked. “Do you know how useful that knowledge would have been?”
Anti laid a hand on the back of his subject’s neck, but the ass just kept thrashing about so Anti couldn’t be precise with his shock. See no other choice, Anti clamped his other hand around the front of their neck. Leaned close to the dick’s ear. “I’d rather not kill you,” he hissed, “but I have no problem doing it. So just sit back and relax. This will all be over soon.” He felt the gulp, but the man tried to pin his captor’s hand with his chin of all things. Another small jolt through his spine, and the struggling stopped. Finally Anti let out a sigh of relief.
“Was that so hard now?” And Anti was going to reposition himself to try again, but then there was gasping. Wheezing. He put two fingers on their jugular, and it wasn’t pulsating. Anti growled in frustration at this, because this wasn’t the plan. “You stupid prick.” Anti tore the tape off, trying to give them a larger airway, but that didn’t help. Wanted the bastard to suffer, not die. He came round to work on their chest, knowing at least how to restart a heart without a pulse.
 “Just a little blindness.” He placed a hand over top their heart. “Was that really too much to ask?” A shock to the muscle. Nothing so far. “It’s not like you didn’t have it coming.” Pressed in and gave another shock. “Would you have preferred I break your back?” A third one and it still wasn’t enough.
“Jeez!” Anti went around to his back, a little more frantic now. “Cause that would be too easy, you know?” Tried to spike the T2 and T3 nerves, but he still wasn’t breathing. “You work her to death, so you deserve a little death too.” Maybe his C-spine again? “Not actual death.” A big shock down the entire spinal column to try and get everything working again.
It was almost a relief to hear that gasp for air. Almost. “Goddamn bastard,” Anti breathed out. “Making this harder than it has to be.”
“You’re. Insane,” his hostage coughed out, still barely getting a handle on his restarted lungs.
“I’m insane. Really?” Anti walked in front, wanting to see the liar’s eyes. “You beat her spirit down to a pulp and spat on it. Sure it’s not physical abuse, gold star! but it’s hell nonetheless.”
“What–” he hacked up a lung trying to catch his breath. “Are– talking?”
“Oh, you don’t remember me do you?” Anti questioned playfully. “You’re such a self-important egomaniac, why would you? Let me sum it up then. You met me the other night. I stopped my brother from punching you in the face. And spoilers, I didn’t do that cause I’m that nice.” Anti laid out an unsettling grin, waiting for his victim to remember. And it was amazing to watch the eyes grow wide at realization.
“Mmhm!” He was so proud of himself. “Neither of them know what proper revenge is.”
“Revenge? It’s just a project. You’re insane!”
“Maybe a little.” Anti put the tape back over his mouth, not interested in his excuses right now. He went back to his table of knives, thinking about going with one of his old, reliable methods of pain instead of trying out this new stuff. He picked up a knife and started turning it over in his hands, thinking about where to go first. “But mainly cause I actually let you torture her for the whole semester instead of beating you to a pulp after that first stunt you pulled.” He stopped musing and pointed the knife at him. “And I do mean that literally.” He paused a moment, thinking about carving up that flawless face of his.“But Robin convinced us that she couldn’t do that entire project on her own; that she needed you. And it turns out?” He made a little laugh for emphasis at this crazy situation, wanting to see the man’s pathetic face. “She did it all on her own anyway! And you were never punished for any of it! Just took credit for her hardwork and peddled it like you were the brains of the operation. Well, even if I didn’t do this soon enough to prevent her from breaking down...” Anti twisted and dug the edge of his blade into the worm’s left shoulder blade. Boy was he a screamer, even with the tape. “... I can at least make you feel some of the pain she did. Too little too late, but we’re gonna try and make up for it, yeah?”
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digitalgate02 · 2 years
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Let’s try to finish this series of posts about this unnamed AU setting. I said we will TRY, so i can’t promise if this will end right here.
The rest of the post will be in a “read more” format to prevent one of my friends who didn’t watch Hunters yet to see the spoilers of the actual canon. But keep it in mind this is an AU and nothing else.
Quartzmon starts forcing the legends to attack innocent hunters, Daisuke learns the truth behind the hunting and who the mysterious ol’ man is. But also, Tagiru gets attacked by a fake Daisuke and then forces the real one to reveal himself to Taiki in the attempt of forming an alliance with the heroes of that world.
Taiki and the Xros Heart Blue Flare Alliance team up with Daisuke, and then plan a risky move of using Taiki as intel. Things were going kinda fine until the time Daisuke and Tagiru had to face Taichi and Taiki in a battle. But, miraculously Daisuke and V-mon (who evolved into Magnamon via XW’s “Super Evolution” method) manage to bring Taichi and Agumon back into their senses.
Now only Knight, Warrior and Fighter are left to be rescued... Plus unmasking the fake Daisuke as well.
Taiki’s Investigation:
Now that they got Taichi & Agumon on board, Kiriha and co. immediately interrogated him. Daisuke also wanted to know anything Taichi could report them, despite being ultra irritated by that attitude of that world’s children.
Taichi’s memories were foggy and it wasn’t like he could remember hurting people before. But one thing or two were clear in his mind: Someone pretended to be Hikari calling for help and he went to save her. But no Tailmon around and Hikari had... Red eyes. Tagiru then says the fake Daisuke had red eyes too, so this led Yuu to believe this was an important detail of the shapeshifter enemy.
The other thing was... Someone had a weird alien-like robot digimon using some brainwash technique on him and Agumon. This led Akari and Zenjirou recognize said described digimon as EBEmon. Taking this info in consideration, the group realized maybe the rest of the kidnapped heroes are under EBEmon’s control as well. But... who are those other three? 
This is when the ol’ man (Bagramon) appears in front of them, revealing who else they had to rescue from the hands of Quartzmon. But none of them knew those people so how could they find a way to make them stop and talk instead?
Taichi calls their attention and then tells the group he got a plan.
Meanwhile Taiki kept working inside the enemy’s territory, learning about more and more about Quartzmon’s plans. That this digi-villain copies data from its victims and takes its body later, and some of those victims were... a group of EBEmon. Also a few children he and the others had met before too. But the legends were kept somewhere in this abandoned mansion in the depths of the DigiQuartz. He watches one of the legends go outside, one with yellow goggles and a red dragon-like digimon after hearing to go after “Sun” (who’s Taichi, btw)
Taiki immediately retreats and contacts Kiriha, giving him more details and being informed about things told by that weird ol’ man. Also feeding them with updated regarding Quartzmon’s identity (sadly, he still did not know much...)
The Dreaming Knight:
According to the ol’ man, the Legendary with a red dragon digimon is Matsuda Takato, a 20-21 year old from another world. He’s called by “Knight” because of his partner evolving into Dukemon, and his title being “The Gallant Dreamer” -- those info were totally useless right now, as Daisuke put, but they had no other choice rather than try to rescue this kid first. But how?
So now that they learned Quartzmon ordered to get Taichi back, they had the idea of using Taichi as bait. He didn’t mind either, and it could be handy.
Taichi and Agumon were left on the loose, while Tagiru, Yuu and Daisuke waited in silence in a corner. Kiriha and the others were also around but pretty well hidden. The moment they saw Takato approach... Tagi-Yuu-Dai leave they spot and face him. Taichi tries to prevent a battle but Takato still under the control of an EBEmon evolves into Dukemon with Guilmon. That wasn’t totally expected for anyone, because if the kid and digimon can fuse... How can you talk without battling them? And Daisuke was so much confused about how can this kid do this and he’s stuck with that world’s rules. Other than that, Taichi is able to warp evolve Agumon into WarGreymon as well.
They try to separate the kid and the digimon first. Nice, good plan. But how. Is this like a toku where if you knock the transformed hero out their transformation is undone?? Who knows! Well, let’s try it huh?
After a good amount of time wasted in a battle... Taichi, Daisuke and the young kids from that universe knock Dukemon down and this makes Takato and Guilmon split. More than that, seems like just knocking them down was able to undo the brainwash. When an EBEmon -- which was hidden somewhere -- was aiming at the small group to hit them with another dose of brainwash... Kiriha’s MetalGreymon destroys it. Right in time.
The Knight hero was rescued.
The Hot-Blooded Warrior:
With Takato on their side now, they learned another similar case happened -- A friend’s of Takato named Juri was asking for his help and when he finally found her... Her eyes were red and glowing in the dark. Later he remembered seeing the same digimon who brainwashed Taichi & Agumon. Guilmon added he sensed some human nearby... Everyone looked at Taichi, who definitely growled “I didn’t do anything, I was captured as well!”
Suddenly, Kiriha received another message from Taiki. Saying another hero went somewhere to the east area, and the group thought it could be a good opportunity to bring whoever was back to their senses. Taiki then sent another message meaning this legend hero had no digimon with him, unlike the other one. With this, Ol’ man was asked about this particular person:
The only Legendary Hero to not have a physical digimon was Kanbara Takuya (19-20yo), also known by the tales and myths as the “Warrior” and has the title of the “Fiery Warrior”. The reason Takuya’s partner wasn’t “visible” is mostly because he’s from a world where he became the new Warriors of Flame, Agnimon and Vritramon. To sum up this story: Takuya and his other five friends had been selected to evolve into ancient warriors in his world.
Taichi, Daisuke, Zenjirou and Tagiru were too impressed by this and imagined themselves evolving into a digimon... But their conclusion is it would be too strange since they have digimon partners after all. Takato, however, thinks it’s interesting. Kiriha then just goes straight to the point: They need to knock down Takuya in order to talk to him.
Slide Evolution is annoying, it was Tagiru’s complaints. Arresterdramon is quick (so do Tsuwamon and Magnamon) but not powerful enough to deal with Vritramon. Tagiru then decided to use one of his digimon from a previous hunt and... Summons Sephirotmon by thinking it was strong enough for that and without the consequences it could bring. Daisuke and Yuu just go “Are you SURE about this!?” and he nods. Sephirotmon counterattacks with Vritramon’s own power, making him weak. Then the trio -- Arresterdramon + Tsuwamon + Magnamon -- finish the battle knocking Vritramon out, who reverts back to Takuya and is caught by Daisuke’s arms quickly to not hit the ground.
Once again, the opponent is free from the brainwash thanks to the battle. Nene (who was around and hidden, in case something going bad) spots an EBEmon and Mervamon destroys it before it could do any harm.
The Strongest Fighter In Town:
After the shock caused by Tagiru pulling a digimon species who had caused a ton of trauma and bad memories, Takuya was able to talk with the group and the other rescued legends. His story was also similar to them. Takuya says he saw his little brother running into a corner and asking to follow him. He had no idea what was going on but found odd the way Shinya’s eyes were red and glowing. Then he got knocked out and the last thing he saw was Agnimon and Vritramon in front of him trying to help, but being... Beaten!? By some creepy digimon. They returned to spirit-like stage and Takuya’s phone turned into a D-Scanner all again. But after that? He had no clue.
Takuya has some beef with Tagiru because of that trick for a moment. Oddly, he was kinda sentiment, and this made Yuu wonder if EBEmon’s power has a limit by time or range. Kiriha and Nene then talk about spotting EBEmon in the previous fights with Takato and Takuya, so clearly they were there to give them another shot of their power to keep them under control.
They were interrupted by Taiki’s new report: Quartzmon had gone mad and ordered him and the Fighter to track down them all and take them back. By “Fighter” he meant Daimon Masaru (18-19yo), the “Banchou Savior” -- according to the watchmaker man (aka “ol’ man”, nicknamed by both Daisuke and Tagiru)
Masaru is a fighter who even challenged a deity before and unmasked its farce in his world, so they don’t think this one would listen to them easily if he’s under Quartzmon’s control. Kiriha decides to take part this time, and let Nene care about securing the area. Akari and Zenjirou, who were busy searching for the fake Daisuke guy, are concerned about Taiki right now due to a strange feeling Akari felt.
Masaru, brainwashed as any other legend they fought was, wasn’t fighting at full power. Instead of ShineGreymon, he was just using GeoGreymon for this. Kiriha also wasn’t using all of his strength, but just a single MetalGreymon Xros Up. The rest were confused a lot, but it could mean Masaru and his digimon wanted Kiriha to beat them quickly. Tagiru didn’t get it, but then Daisuke commented of being able to understand it, and Yuu reminds them about EBEmon’s power having some limit at this point.
Kiriha realized that already, hence why he asked to personally handle this. And then MetalGreymon beats GeoGreymon as Kiriha throws a punch on Masaru’s face. They did not get knocked out, but just doing this seems to break EBEmon’s control over them.
With all of the kidnapped legends rescued they... OH NO.
Taiki’s... Betrayal?!
Somehow Akari & Zenjirou’s concerns were right. Soon or later Taiki would be caught, or rather, be discovered. Even if Taiki were an excellent spy, he’s still human and could mess something up by accident. Turns out the rescue of the heroes was also a plan to gather them all in one place. But Quartzmon did not expect for one thing: Aonuma Kiriha.
While Taiki was ordered to keep feed them with info and reports after he got discovered after they rescued Takato, Kiriha could spot the difference between a normal Kudou Taiki and one under mind control. Because... Taiki stopped reporting details about the investigation on Quartzmon’s identity after all.
This means they had to fight Taiki in order to bring him back to his senses, and Tagiru couldn’t get to do it. Suddenly, he spots some younger version of Daisuke and alerts the real one. Daisuke does not think twice and runs after it, with Tagiru coming after. Taichi shouts to them stop but it was too late. Yuu informs that he’s receiving a good number of EBEmon around the area. Kiriha then orders the rest to destroy the EBE-mon before they could catch them all while he would handle Taiki all by himself.
In the meantime, the fake Daisuke leads Daisuke and Tagiru to another area.
The Bagra Empire’s Ex-Soldier:
The kouhai duo stopped in front of of the fake Daisuke, who was smilling and his red eyes glowing. It was indeed a terrible scene, and V-mon & Gumdramon jumped from the Xros Loaders and stood in front of their human partners. Now Daisuke starts yelling at the faker, who kept playing with them, changing its form into other people they knew: Daisuke’s sister Jun and Tagiru’s classmate Takahashi Mami, respectively. This enerves them. V-mon and Gumdramon then realize the shapeshifter is a digimon, but not much stronger. They and the mysterious digi start a fight. The faker reveals his original form -- Lightnimon -- and uses a Darkness Loader to summon Black Imperialdramon.
Daisuke knows how bad this fight got right now, and tells Tagiru to call for help. Tagiru tries, but Yuu says they’re too busy with the EBE-mon ambush and Taiki is still under their control. The duo look at each other and feel there’s no way they could solve this by themselves... Only to meet the watchmaker again and him use Clockmon to stop the time. Tagiru and Daisuke realizes that man morphed into a big buff guy with a skeleton heand, and punched the foe Imperialdramon into a gate opened by Clockmon. The time is running again and the ol’ man was in front of them. Lightnimon recognizes his previous master and immediately begs for forgiveness. Bagramon sighs and then tells Tagiru and Daisuke to go help the others. They go, while Bagramon just... reverts Lightnimon into a Digiegg form, hunting it with his own Xros Loader.
Quartzmon’s Final Step:
Kiriha was the only one able to brawl Taiki, meanwhile all legends and the Xros Heart Blue Flare Alliance were destroying the good amount of EBE-mon they could. Once ZekeGreymon managed to take OmegaShoutmon down, Kiriha grabbed Taiki by his shoulder and punched him. Taiki and a devolved Shoutmon get back to normal and he immediately warns Kiriha about the plan of using the Legend Heroes’ powers when they’re all together.
Only to.. Daisuke and Tagiru come back and hear that part. Oops, so...? Better they get back to their worlds now? They all agreed with this, and the old man comes to tell them one more mission: beat Quartzmon. But how!? they don’t know who he is, and the memories of the kidnapped legendary heroes were foggy about anything during the strong effect of the brainwash ray. But Taiki... He knew.
When he was still working as the Alliance’s intel, Taiki was surprised by some other children referred to a masked kid by ‘master’... And Said kid had a Psychemon on their side, plus a green Xros Loader. Tagiru immediately remembered someone with a green device before. He never completely met them personally, but it was the first time he met Gumdramon.
But the ol’ man knew who was now. And quickly tried to send the legends back... Only to have the DigiQuartz start to consume the human world. Takuya exclaims “WHAT’S GOING ON HERE!?” just like the others. Suddenly Taichi, Takato, Takuya, Masaru and Taiki end up reverting to the age they saved the world for the first time... Except Daisuke.
Daisuke asks why the heckie this is not happening to him, and then the old man reveals it’s because of him having his D-3 transformed into a Xros Loader temporarily. Taichi then asks if this means everyone’s safe but Quartz-Kid (as in, the kid who’s the vessel for Quartzmon) just appears in person with Miho in his hands, ordering Bagramon to free Heart’s power or else... Daisuke clenches his fists, how did he know...!? 
Taiki and the Alliance exclaims about the watchmaker’s identity. Only to have Hideaki touching the Twin Spear on the masked Quartz-Kid’s back. He calmly says to the kid leave the girl alone. With that order, Quartz-Kid throws Miho from that high height and Daisuke quickly orders Magnamon to save her. With the girl on Magnamon’s hands, the golden armored digimon leaves her in Akari’s arms, following’s Daisuke’s rage and going after the kid. Bagramon immediately attacks Magnamon, saying this reckless attitude could put the innocent Mogami Ryouma’s life in danger.
Ryouma, yes. The first kid he recruited after realizing the kid had a pure heart and had admired Taiki since he faced Shoutmon X7 SM at Tokyo Bay. But seems like Quartzmon had obtained the kid’s body as vessel. Yuu then asks how can they separate Quartzmon from the kid, and then Bagramon looks at the Legend Heroes. Quartz-Kid realizes what they were planning to do and manipulates the DigiQuartz to change its form, and then kicks Hideaki out of his way, making him morph into DarkKnightmon and land on the floor in front of everyone. At this point the XW universe’s kids are completely confused but they got no time for this.
The Spiral World:
Somehow, the power of the Legends being partially activated made parts of their worlds blend into the DigiQuartz. And with this, some old faces had appeared in it -- data of the enemies the Legends had faced before. Except, of course, for Bagramon and DarkKnightmon -- because their data weren’t stolen. The enemies were: Diablomon, Gulfmon, Ornismon and Algomon (Ultimate) -- no one knew how this could be possible, but it was probably some data stolen from the kids’ memories. As to why Daisuke’s memories hadn’t been scanned (because he also asks WHY), Bagramon repeats about him having a Xros Loader at the moment. It was the only way to “seal” his power.
In order to reach Quartzmon and free Ryouma from him, they all needed to pass all those enemies... But more villains from those scanned memories began to appear. Kiriha then tells Taiki to go, and let Nene, Akari, Zenjirou and Yuu handle this. DarkKnightmon also offers to help, despite everyone being wary of him. Tagiru asks if they’re forgetting him, but Bagramon goes back to the ol’ man form and tells he has not been forgotten and he should go with the Legends too. Tagiru then asks why, and Bagramon says because he is the key.
With no idea what that meant, the Legendary Heroes and Tagiru move to the first area: Diablomon’s nest. There he just teamed up with Taichi and Daisuke, using WarGreymon and Magnamon as support. Once they beat Diablomon, they reached the next area -- Gulfmon’s nest. There, Tagiru teamed up with Takato, who matrix evolved into Dukemon. After beating Gulfmon, they were sent to another area. On Ornismon’s nest, Tagiru was teaming up with Takuya (Aldamon) and Taiki. Since Aldamon is not strong, Taiki offered some support. Once they finished that battle, they went to the next area. They reached the Algomon’s nest. Where Masaru was the support for this battle. Once they beat Algomon... Each nest’s battle resulted in a particular new power for Tagiru: the Superior Mode for Arresterdramon... And a weird Skeleton Arm which Tagiru heard in his mind to be called “The Brave Snatcher”
Now all the six legends and him were in front the final area -- Quartzmon’s nest. It was indeed the final battle. They had to save Ryouma and beat Quartzmon as soon as possible.
The Last Legendary Power:
Somehow, Quartzmon had obtained enough power to become a tough enemy. Arresterdramon SM was powerful but not enough. Tagiru looked at the weird Brave Snatcher and there’s some symbols on it: Six types of digivices -- the OG Digivice, the D-3, the D-Ark, the D-Scanner, the Digivice Burst and the Xros Loader. Despite he not knowing anything about those sans the Xros Loader, all those lights where shining except for the blue one which he quickly notices it represented Daisuke.
He realizes the only way to beat Quartzmon’s using that thing. Or else why would need it? To scratch your back? Tagiru looks at Daisuke, and says him to unleash his power. Daisuke is confused about how and also thinks it’s a bad idea because it would make Quartzmon more powerful. Taiki then comments Tagiru might have a plan, and the others now notice the flashing lights from the Brave Snatcher. Daisuke sighs, and then grabbed his Xros Loader and closes his eyes. Some light come from the device and it returns to its original form -- the Blue D-3. Daisuke also notices he’s shorter than Tagiru now, so basically he reverted to the age he fought BelialVamdemon and saved the world.
The Brave Snatcher is now complete, however it also gave Quartzmon’s the ability to finally scan Daisuke’s power and memories... BUT!
Tagiru then hears something saying him to Xros Up the Brave Snatcher with Arresterdramon SM and use it in the fight. Then he raises the crimson Xros Loader, making all legends powers drive into the Brave Snatcher and DigiXros Up it with Arresterdramon, as the voice told him.
Now he got more power and enough to beat Quartzmon. But, to beat it he had to separate him from Ryouma. And then two kids stood in front of him: Airu and Ren. Tagiru tells them to get out, but they decide to battle them with their partners, Cho-Hakkaimon and Yaksamon. This is where Yuu and Miho appear, with Tsuwamon and BloomLordmon. Apparently, Miho got a Magenta Xros Loader and partnered with one of the digimon from Bagramon’s backup arsenal. They keep Airu and Ren occupied while Tagiru just goes after Quartz-Ryouma.
Once Tagiru uses the Brave Snatcher to separate Ryouma and Quartzmon, the battle is over. Airu,Ren and their digimon also stop fighting, like if some mental control had been stopped. Ryouma’s partner, Astamon is set free from Quartzmon’s body as well and he grabs Ryouma before the boy collapses on the floor. 
The world is saved.
The Birth Of A New Legend:
After the battle, everything started to go back to normal, the Legends are sent back to their worlds, the DigiQuartz is finally extinguished and Quartzmon’s data is sealed in a Digiegg. Shoutmon takes the Digiegg and brings it back to the DW.
Before everyone returns to their respective worlds, Daisuke just puts a hand on Tagiru’s shoulder and says he’s a strong kid. Tagiru smiles, but notices Daisuke is actually on his toes to do that. He starts laughing because really? Daisuke is THAT short!? Daisuke growls, and then points out Taichi’s even more shorter, only to have Taichi roll his eyes and say he’s still older than him. Daisuke panickly apologizes to Taichi, while Masaru declares Tagiru is a strong man. Takuya and Takato agrees about it, and kinda apologize for the chaos they all caused. But Takuya is still salty about Tagiru using Sephirotmon against him, and they all laugh. Bagramon appears and says it’s time for them to return to their worlds.
A few months after this whole adventure, Tagiru is so bored he misses so much the digimon and such. Then, Bagramon (in his human form) just pops from nowhere and he says the Crimson Hunter is needed again. Tagiru frowns, “Crimson Hunter?” and then he learns he was called by that in the newest version of the Legends’ mural and tales had been running through the Digital World. But why is he needed again?
Taiki and Yuu comes in, and they see Bagramon. The ol’ man says he called them for a special mission: There’s still digimon lost around the world, some how actually escaped from the DigiQuartz before and couldn’t be sent back to the Digital World normally. He wanted them to hunt those digimon and bring them to him, so he could open a gate to the Digital World and sent them home.
Tagiru grins and says they accept the job. So now, once again, Tagiru, Gumdramon, Taiki, Shoutmon, Yuu and Damemon join to protect the digimon and people.
Tagiru’s had been recognized as the “Crimson Hunter” and codenamed the “Superstar” by the new legends of the Digital Worlds.
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froggi-mushroom · 1 year
Ok ok I want to hear your version of engport and also pruk if you've thought of them enough
Thanks for the ask!
I love pruk I just never finish any of my ideas for them 😭
Ask game can be found here
Putting it under the cut cuz it’s quite long
Engport (Arthur and Gabriel cuz I have different hcs for Edith and Joana)
Gives nose/forehead kisses:
Gabriel likes forehead and temple kisses, Arthur likes nose kisses
Gets jealous the most:
This really depends on the time period tbh but I’d say generally in the modern day, neither tbh
Takes care of on sick days:
Both take good care of each other, they’re both a little bit stubborn with others but I think they’re so used to being together that they’re less inclined to argue with one another and they know what each other need so well that looking after each other comes more naturally
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day:
Neither, they’re both lovers of the sea, you have to drag them out of it if anyone
Brings the other lunch at work:
Both tbh, Gabriel likes to to force Arthur to actually take a break whilst they sit and eat together, Arthur does as an excuse to spend time with Gabriel without having to ask explicitly
Tries to start role-playing in bed:
Arthur because he is a Shakespeare fanboy at heart, but quickly abandons it cuz neither of them can take it seriously (plus I don’t think either of them get off on it tbh)
Embarrassingly drunk dancer:
Both, oh my god they both do stupid dad dancing
Firmly believes in couples costumes:
Both of them, they are such nerds together, they’d love it
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas:
Neither, like a lot of old couples, they don’t tend to go all out on gifts because they’ve been together so long, historically, that’s a different question entirely but I won’t get into that too much
Makes the other eat breakfast:
Gabriel, he wakes up before Arthur on their days off so makes them both breakfast and sits Arthur down to eat or else he literally won’t eat anything all day until dinner
Remembers anniversaries:
Arthur, he’s very good with dates
Brings up having kids first:
In a human au, neither
Kills the bugs:
Neither, they both set the bugs free
First to define them as a couple:
I don’t think either of them do, they just kinda end up together, though Francis or Antonio are the most likely to point it out to the two of them
Who hides their guilty pleasures longer:
Arthur obviously, he’s a Brit we’re all like that
Snorts while laughing:
Arthur, and Gabriel finds it adorable
Gives nose/forehead kisses:
Arthur loves nose kisses, Gilbert loves forehead kisses to flex how much taller he is than Arthur
Gets jealous the most:
I feel like Gilbert’s more prone to jealousy, but only a little bit
Takes care of on sick days:
Like engport, they’re both stubborn however, unlike engport, they have to wrestle each other to stay in bed when sick, but aside from that, they’re both about the same at looking after each other, I think Gil is slightly better though
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day:
Arthur cuz Gil can’t really swim all that well
Brings the other lunch at work:
Both do!
Tries to start role-playing in bed:
Gil does, it goes so bad, Arthur never lets him forget it
Embarrassingly drunk dancer:
Both of them, though Gilbert has more rhythm
Firmly believes in couples costumes:
Again, both of them
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas:
Neither, they’re both too pragmatic to do that
Makes the other eat breakfast:
They’re both awful at actually eating breakfast tbh, but I think Gilbert’s more likely to make them both eat breakfast
Remembers anniversaries:
Both do, though Arthur’s a little bit better
Brings up having kids first:
In a human au, neither
Kills the bugs:
Arthur let’s them free, Gil grabs a slipper to kill them
First to define them as a couple:
Gilbert, goes around proudly calling Arthur his boyfriend whilst Arthur’s still a little bit confused
Who hides their guilty pleasures longer:
Both of them, though Gil holds out a little longer
Snorts while laughing:
Both do, they have such goofy laughs that they make each other laugh with them
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erenaeoth · 2 years
10, 14, 19, and 21 for the meta writer asks >:)
10. How would you describe your writing process?
Organised chaos. I'll usually have one idea. Then let it grow for a bit. If it excites me, I'll start writing. I usually know what sort of length story it will be before I start writing. If it's going to be a multi-chapter story, I start planning once I've got enough of an opening down that I think I'm not going mad and it looks like it might actually be a plausible idea. Then it's a case of playing off sketchy plan against spontaneous writing, interrupted far too periodically with research ventures that take up far too much time for very minor throwaway sentences. Eventually I finish it and I'm really pleased. Then I come back to it the next morning and can't believe I let myself think this was good. I clean it up for a few days and at some point I'm happy enough that other people are allowed to see it.
14. At what point in writing do you come up with a title?
Either immediately, so that it's partially what inspired the story, or about a minute before I post the thing. Some story titles just write themselves and others I've agonised over and still think they're pretty bad. Black Ice was like a triple pun and catchy, came up with it very quick. Sparrow in Winter included the main character's nickname and was about his fragility during the hardest period in is life - also pretty spontanous. Zen Gardens of the Heart. no. I'm still wondering why i went with such a pretentious title. Took me months. i wanted it to be about cultivating love so i guess thats vaguely what it sounds like but im still salty about the title that took me so long to get to and its still kinda lame.
19. Is there something you always find yourself repeating in your writing? (favourite verb, something you describe ‘too often’, trope you can’t get enough of?)
SO MANY THINGS. Probably my biggest bane is "slightly". Now that I've let you know, you're going to see it everywhere. CRINGE. I always have to go back through and edit some of them out. The trope I can't get enough of though is grumpy brothers who'd actually do anything for each other. I seem to flit between fandoms just writing about that. I will not apologise for this. They're also all gangsters. Not going to apologise for that either.
21. What other medium do you think your story would work well as? (film, webcomic, animated series?)
My large (and largely abandoned) fantasy story began life as a webcomic. There were some things I lost as I moved it from comic to text only, but they're very minor compared to what it gained. And I'm also thankful to no longer be writing, drawing, inking, and watercolour painting a page every week. Some of my stories are homages to some film genres, like Black Ice was a homage to HK crime movies, and my upcoming story Killing Hawk is a homage to Korean gangster and crime tv dramas, which means I think they could maybe adapt to those mediums because they already drew from them. In general though, I think written fiction does best in the art form it was originally intended to be. I certainly think lots of the things I hope a reader would take away from my writing doesn't just boil down to what would be there in a visual adaptation of it.
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televinita · 2 years
ABSURDLY pissed off right now,
gonna yell into the void until I feel better.
So, although Tumblr and YouTube are finally starting to make with the Claire/Owen/Maisie content, for the last few days I’ve had my heart set on celebrating the end of this project by going to see JWD again, specifically for $5 since I have already spent an absurd amount on tickets out of desperation and stupidity (aka letting other people do my ticket research).  Here are all the things that went wrong, without me realizing they went wrong until it was too late, in the last 48 hours to prevent that from happening.
(so I am now really fucking frustrated that I have ten days off before going back to a Hard Project, and absolutely feral about how much I want to see this stupid movie again, in a way I do not often feel about media anymore, but now can’t do for at LEAST another four days if not six, and there were SO MANY MINOR THINGS THAT WOULD HAVE MADE ALL THE FUCKING DIFFERENCE.)
+ I found out on Tuesday night that the nearby theater I abandoned years ago, when they switched to reserved seating and higher than average prices at all times including matinees, has temporarily gone back to their $5-any-time-of-day pricing on Tuesdays. [edit: oh man, apparently the other local theater that I abandoned for the same reasons now has that too!] But there was something else I had already planned to do on Tuesday:
+ I went out on Tuesday after work (at 5) to take advantage of their once-a-month free admission to a regional park -- side rant on: its own separate issue of rage, because I have already paid thirty fucking dollars to have unlimited access for a year, but that was 5 weeks ago and I never received the permit in the mail even though they sent it twice, and I am on the verge of crying right now on that because I have no idea how I’m supposed to convince them to either send it again (and again, and again?), or refund $30 so I can buy it in person when for all they know I’m just pretending I never received it to get a free pass /rant-- but even though the weather was perfect and a hundred percent of the forecasts said no storms and minimal chance of rain, the sky was a foreboding Dark to the south and west and kinda green tinged also, and I just could not believe a tornado would not blow up while I was in the middle of the woods, so after driving halfway there I gave up and went home. But of course nothing happened except a light smattering of rain for at most 20 minutes between 8 and 8:30.
+ This is relevant both because it’s one more thing that went wrong in this crap week, and because I went to the store to buy a little Treat for myself to feel better, and this will be relevant later.
+ Then I was so excited about finally!! going to see this movie on $5-any-time-on-Wednesdays-at-the-faraway-theater that I couldn’t sleep. I was already running on like 6.5 hours of sleep after the fireworks on Monday night, but then I was awake until 2 AM on Tuesday night, and I had to be up at 8 for work.
+ Work finished early on Wednesday!! (noon) I had the option of going to a mid-afternoon or an evening showing. But I was exhausted and couldn’t keep going; also I really really needed to wash my hair before I went out in public, so I collapsed in bed to nap first. I didn’t actually fall asleep until almost 2pm.
+ I did get a solid hour’s sleep! I woke up, having missed the afternoon showing at this point, but figuring I could still make the 6:10. I got up, took a shower...and immediately collapsed again, worn out. My eyes were sore and tired and I needed to sleep, and I knew I wouldn’t enjoy the movie as much like this, whereas tomorrow (Thurs) there are showings at 11:55 and 3:20 for $7, a bit more than I wanted to pay but better than the $9 they’ll be after that, or the $10-11 they’ll be Friday through Sunday here, or today at the local theaters.
So I went back to bed, resting but not sleeping all that much until approximately 6:30pm, when I felt well enough to get up.
+ Wednesday night, continued: I actually was tired at this point. Really tired. But somehow fucking insomnia?? hits me and it is THREE THIRTY AM and I’m still awake. So now the only way I am going to make it through a 2.5 hour movie and actually enjoy myself is if I just sleep as long and as late as humanly possible.
+ I wake up at noon and my eyes are too sore to stay open until 12:30, so the first showtime is gone. But 3:20? I can make 3:20!!
+ Now fully dressed and ready, I contemplate whether I should plan to leave early and go shopping/to the library/generally enjoy myself before the movie, or do it afterward, so I don’t have to drive home in rush hour traffic.
Note that leaving early and going to a store/library would have made all the difference today -- but no, I decide I’ll do it after in case I end up at a grocery store and want to buy something perishable.
+ Time to leave! I grab my purse, make sure I’ve got a notepad and pen this time, as well as my phone and even some water to make sure I don’t get a headache, and then I impulsively grab one of my shoulder bags too, because those are helpful for carrying anything I might buy. I leave about 20 minutes earlier than I need to, and on the way there I pass the library and once again ask myself whether I should stop here first or just -- nah, I brought earbuds, so I’ll just get to my seat early and enjoy my audiobook for a bit; I’m finally really getting into it.
+ Pull into the parking lot, which is a roughly 20-minute drive from home, at 3:10. Ten minutes before the movie and close to twenty before the actual film starts post-previews. If only this were the local theater, close to home, because then I...
+ Proceed to realize I don’t have my fucking wallet. Because it’s in the other shoulder bag, which was right next to the door, because that’s what I went shopping with on Tuesday night, but that one’s slightly smaller so I ignored it today. I don’t even have any fucking cash, because even though I normally stash some everywhere like a squirrel for times just like this, last week was the mega-neighborhood sale and I pulled every bill I could find and put it in my wallet to make sure I wouldn’t run out or find myself in situations where I had to either overspend at any given house, or force individuals to give me $18 in change.
Pound steering wheel, scream and cry and want to throw up. Can’t even do anything else in the area because the weather is too hot to enjoy walking this time of day, I’m too enraged to relax and enjoy window shopping, and I didn’t bring any physical books with me (listening to audiobooks while sitting still but not comfortably lying down w/ my eyes closed is BORING) .
It’s been an hour and fifteen minutes and I am still FURIOUS. I suppose I could grit my teeth and spend $9*** to see it at 6:10 tonight, but I don’t want to do that because I already did that on June 23rd, when I decided at the last minute I simply could not face work without all the shippy content fresh in my bran.
(something I would not have had to do if Tumblr had been making gifsets at its former speed, which I realize is real #ChoosyBeggar of me and I’m sorry about that, but also I am MAD because two weeks ago all I wanted was the content, but at this point I am desperate specifically to have a Full Day Fun Theater experience, with the going out and the big screen and the doing fun things in the area afterward. and $5 is the only reasonable price point because our original tickets were so absurdly expensive that at this point I have spent close to forty damn dollars on this stupid dino film and don’t even own it yet. Excluding the price of gas to drive 12 miles each way to this theater, twice now, once in vain)
***On second thought, actually, no. I wouldn’t enjoy the film as much knowing I’m overpaying, so even that avenue is closed to me now. All that remains is Rage and Wrath.
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hoffthechain · 3 years
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kimnjss · 3 years
boyfriend material | kth
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⤑  series: kinda hot
⤑ pairing: campus flirt!taehyung x sweet girl!reader
⤑ genre: fluff !! // nd some smut!
⤑ rating: explicit
⤑ word count: 6.7K // unedited.
⤑ warnings: cursing, dirty talk, biting, spitting, fingering (f. receiving), squirting, hair pulling if you like squint.
⤑ A/N: hiiii! this is wicked late nd i’m lowkey annoyed bc i did not plan for it to be - buuut i really hope you like it . as usual let me know what you think !! x
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FEBRUARY 6TH, 2021 | 17:40
“This is for you,” Tae's grinning on the other side of the door, an assortment of flowers in the shape of a teddy bear held out in front of him. You're cooing, eyes focused on the gift. “It's cute!” The pure gleeful tone of your voice has a chuckle passing his lips.
Taking the bear from his grasp, you lead him inside your house. Jimin is sat in front of a muted TV, doing a terrible job at pretending he wasn't listening to everything the two of you were saying. Luckily, Jungkook had stepped out to pick up their dinner – no telling how much more obvious he'd be.
Setting the bear down on the counter, you're finally taking in Taehyung entirely. Handsome. Not like that was much different from how he normally looked. But handsome with effort tonight. He even went so far as to put some product in his hair, defining the permed curls that usually laid messily.
“You put on a suit!” Hands curling around the lapels of his pale mint jacket as your fingers smooth over the fabric. Standing this close to him, you can clearly see the blush that darkens his cheeks. A bit surprised at the new effect you have on him, but you don't let it show.
Fingers steadily bouncing up his chest until your able to tap your index finger onto the tip of his nose. “You look adorable. Let me go get my bag,” With you no longer clouding his senses with your sweet lavender scent. Positive it's the body wash lotion set he bought you for your birthday last year.
Yet, he doesn't remember it smelling this intoxicating in the store.
He had been so flustered before that he neglected to tell you how beautiful he thought you looked. Nearly lost his balance when you were opening up the door, standing a few inches above your normal height. Makeup done nicely, he's spent enough time on FaceTime watching you practice to guess how hard you worked on this look. And it paid off.
“Are you nervous?” Jimin's carries from the living room, proper up on his knees to look over the back of the couch.
Taehyung lets out a tsk, hands sinking into the pockets of his dress pants. Leaning back slightly, feigning nonchalance. What did he have to be nervous about? The facade only lasts two seconds before his shoulders are slumping and his brows are furrowing. “Is it obvious?”
Jimin's barking out a laugh, head tilting back as the sound of his laughter fills the room. “Oh, unbelievably. You can relax, though. She's excited,” That was the truth. Despite the fact this date wouldn't be something you'd chose for yourself, you were still excited to be going out with Taehyung.
And the fact that he had put so much effort into at least trying to impress you was reason enough for you not to complain. He was trying! Exactly what you asked him to do. It was going to be a learning process for both of you, but it would be fine. Determined to have a good time with him, no matter what.
“Okay. I'm ready to go!” Stretching out the last syllable of your words, hopping from the second step to the landing. Taehyung is straightening at the sight of you, plucking up your jacket from the back of the couch and draping it over your shoulders.
You thank him with a smile, stepping in front of him. “Bye, Jimin! Tell Jungkook to stay out of my room!” Blow a dozen kisses over your shoulder at him while Taehyung leads you out the door with a gentle hand on your back.
He's parked in front of your house, moving quickly to pull the passenger's side door open for you. Just from a quick glance, you can tell that he's cleaned up his car a bit. The small pile of empty water bottles gone from the backseat, his scattered gym clothes tucked neatly in his duffle bag. He even went as far as to vacuum the seats!
Dark eyes trained on you as he leans against the side of the door, his lower lip tucked into his mouth, tongue running over it. “You look gorgeous, Tiny.” He says with a slight nod of his head, eyes traveling from your face to your shoes. “Breathtaking, actually. It's insane,”
The giggle you let out is real and one hundred percent involuntary. A weird warmth spreading throughout your body at his compliments and the way he's looking at you. He just might drive you mental before you're even your driveway. He takes your flushed expression as your thanks, pushing your door closed with a large grin.
“Play something you like,” He's handing his phone over to you just after securing his seatbelt around his waist. Quickly tapping his code onto the screen and watching while his apps fall into place. The playlist that he with all your favorite songs is still saved among the rest of the lists.
So of course you're hitting shuffle on that. 
He's whooping at the starting notes of the first song that plays, both of you passing lines of the song to each other as he turns on to the highway. He breaks into a fit of laughter as you breeze through the chorus, letting the whole highway know exactly what WAP stands for.
Laughter and screeched lyrics fill the car, you find his look of accomplishment each time he's finishing a verse oddly attractive. He's skidding to a stop fourteen minutes later and you're taking a moment to glance around outside. A look of confusion taking over your features. 
“This isn't the restaurant?” With squinted eyes you're taking a better look at the building, turning to look over at him. “This isn't even a restaurant,” An abandoned building from the looks of it, a few stories tall. He doesn't seem as confused as you are, no, he's actually getting out of the car, pulling your door open.
You take his hand as he offers it, allowing him to pull you from your seat. The largest of grins on his face as he sets his hand on the small of your back. “You know I can kick your ass, right?” A little reminder as he leads you into the dark building. He's laughing, hand gliding from your back to your hand, loosely holding on to your fingers.
“Relax. Just trust me,” And because you'd follow Taehyung... well, into a creepy abandoned building, you let him lead you all the way to the old-fashioned elevator. He's pushing a few buttons and pulling a lever before the thing is rattling to life.
Shaking as it goes up and you lean against the railing to keep from tumbling over. His hand is reaching out to steady you, secured around your waist as he pulls you into his side. “Where did you even find this place?” It's way too comfortable in his arms, you don't move even when the shaking stops.
“It used to be a hotel... or a brothel or something,” He says with a shrug.
The elevator carries you all the way up to the highest floor and he steps out in front of you. “Wait, we're eating at a brothel?” Despite the begging questions begging in your mind, there's a laugh mixed in your words as he takes hold of your hand again.
“Something like that,” And that's all he says as he leads you down a narrow hallway, to the door at the end of it. He's pulling it open to reveal a set of stairs, gesturing for you to walk ahead of him.
He's all smiley and giddy, rushing you to get to the top of the stairs. And when you are, you sure the grin he's looking at you with could split his face. His hand on the doorknob as he bounces on the soles of his feet. “Are you ready?” Not even sure for what, but you're nodding.
No idea it was possible, but his smile grows as he pushes the door open. He's cute. Full cheeks lifted, both rows of teeth showing, his lips forming that boxy smile on his that you liked so much. With a sideways step, he's revealing what has had him bouncing since you pulled up to this place.
The first thing you notice is the lights. Dozen little fairy lights strung along the ledge of the building. There are candles too, lit and scattered around the floor and the edge. Flower petals scattered around, adding pops of color to the warm glow. A neatly set table in the middle of it all, besides it a cart holding a bucket of ice. You don't even have to look to know he's got your favorite drink cooling in there.
“You did this?” Right in front of your eyes, but you still can't believe it.
He's pulling you further on to the rooftop, stunned that you almost forget to move. Never has someone ever done anything like this for you. It was so simple and so nice. Private in a way you thought a dinner date should be, you couldn't believe it. “Did you really think I'd take you to some stuffy restaurant?”
You're sinking into the seat he pulls out for you, peaking down at the menu that's placed on top of your empty plate. “Tae's Five Star Restaurant,” You read the bold print out loud, gawking at the fact that he even printed out his own menu. Albeit, there was only one item to choose from, but still, this was amazing.
“I promised you five-star dining and I don't lie to you,” He's flicking the page open to point at the one item listed: 'Yn's Specialty Sampler'. “Entrées are small here too, but that's only because it's all your favorite foods,” He looks so proud of himself.
And you're in complete utter shock. “You made all of my favorite foods!?” Honestly, any more of this and you might burst into tears. When did do all this? How and why? What made him want to do this... for you?
The large plate he sets in front of you is exactly as he described it, a small taste of all the foods that you've ever told him were your favorite. From noodles to nuggets. He has his own personalized dish ready for himself, it's almost identical to yours considering you share a lot of the same favorites.
“I know you hate surprises, so I told Jungkook. I'm surprised he didn't spoil it,” You're thinking back to how adamant he was to keep you from saying anything to Taehyung about this. How he hammered in the fact that Tae should figure it out on his own, all while knowing that Taehyung had already figured it out on his own.
Props to Jungkook for keeping this one to himself. “I'm glad he didn't spoil it. I like this surprise,” You say with a smile that has the corners of his lips lifting, eyes squinting into his grin. It doesn't falter when he's leaning down to take the first bites of his food. 
You're doing the same, surprised at how good it all actually is. Taehyung wasn't really the best of the best when it came to cooking, he had one really good dish and everything else was edible at best. So many times you've tight-lipped smiled through a meal he wanted you to try.
This was nothing like that. “This is wicked good!”
“Right? Jin helped me,” Something about him going to one of your friends for help putting this together warms your heart. A certain type of care that was tied into the simple action that has you swooning, eyes no doubt in the shape of hearts as you watch him from across the table.
He's focused on mixing his noodles around, brows furrowed and nose scrunched to make this real cute look of concentration. He's pushing a large bite into his mouth, lips poked out in a tiny pout as he chews. 
Tongue poking out to lick his lips before he's reaching for his glass to gulp down some water. And you're staring at him the entire time like he's hung the stars. You realize after a moment, shifting in your seat and turning the focus on your own plate again.
“What should we talk about?” Silent moments never really happened between the two of you, not even the comfortable time. Both of you always had something to say and there was always a rebuttal follow after. 
Maybe it was just you, but sitting across from him in this romantic setting, full knowledge that you were on a date... like a potential boyfriend date, had stolen all the conversation topics straight from your brain. It had been different when you were in the car, it was light and friendly, platonic. But sitting across from him, being forced to take him in as a man made it feel awkward(?) for some reason.
He's shrugging his shoulders, lifting a napkin to wipe at his lips while he leans back in his chair. “Why don't you tell me something new about you?”
“There's nothing new,” Soft laughter breaking through your words. “You know everything about me,”
Taehyung is sitting up in his chair, elbows resting on the table and chin finding his palms. “Tell me twice then,” He knew there were quite a few things missing in his mind when it came to knowing you. Of course, he knew the obvious things, your favorite foods, favorite movie, embarrassing middle stories, but he was quickly finding out there was a lot that he overlooked.
He wanted to know that.
It was oddly endearing to hear. Seeing how interested he looked, ready to hang on to every word of yours, even if he's heard it already. So you're quickly searching your brain for something to tell him, something that he may have been oblivious to.
Face lighting up when you're thinking of something. He had been with Ailee at the time, in the early stages of their relationships when she was able to convince him to 'back off' with spending time with you. That entire week was filled with so much recklessness one would not believe.
“Did I ever tell you about the time I got banned from a Cinnabon?”
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FEBRUARY 6TH, 2021 | 19:18
Okay. So there was a lot Taehyung didn't know about you. The tiny bit of exhibitionism laced in all of your stories was something he was quickly picking up on. Actions screaming 'look at me' in such an obvious, he couldn't believe that he didn't notice until now.
He shares a lot of things about himself too. The shit he and the guys get into when you're not around to be the voice of reason (the job usually falls on Joon, but he's nothing with a few drinks and Jin on his arm). Drag racing to the edge of a cliff would be where you'd draw the line.
The look of pure horror on your face as he recounted the events is funny to him. 
Dozens of stories follow all the way through your meal and moments after. It's comfortable. But the obvious drag of the toe over his shin keeps things from slipping too far into the friendly side. You play with the idea of going higher, wondering how his reaction would change the higher you go. But, you keep it in your head.
Barely halfway through the date, you couldn't just be jumping his bones because he impressed you with dinner.
“So what's the romantic walk in the park?” You ask when you're riding back down in the old elevator. Tae's got an arm slung over your shoulders again, using the rattle of the machine as an excuse to hold you close.
With the surprise turnaround of dinner, you're excited to see what else he's put together. Almost feeling bad that you had complained about tonight before it even happened. So sure that it was going to be something to roll your eyes at, but you were thoroughly enjoying yourself.
Which was inevitable whenever you were with Taehyung.
“You'll see,” He says in a sing-song tone, taking your hand and leading you out of the building. Fingers wrapping around yours the entire walk to his car where he's pulling the door open for you and guiding you inside.
He's moving to the backseat once you're door is shut, rummaging around on the floor before he's pushing the door closed. Sliding in beside you with a pair of your black platform sneakers in hand, extending them out to with a simple nod of his head. “Put these on,”
You're in shock because these are the same shoes you saw Jungkook take out of your room this morning. Ignoring you when you asked where he was going with them. And now you can't help but wonder just how many of your friends he recruited to make this date happen. It was sweet.
“Did Jungkook give these to you?” Speaking while undoing the tie on your boot, tugging it from your foot with ease.
Taehyung nods, hands moving to push the car into gear. “I asked to grab them after he said I should be sure walking around was comfy since you get grumpy so easily.” It's pretty obvious that Jungkook delivered your message about not wanting to walk around a park in heels in the most subtle way he knew how.
“I do not get grumpy easily,” You're saying with a roll of your eyes, bent forward to tie the laces on your sneakers that you miss the look on his face. But you hear the unconvinced scoff he lets out. “You threaten to beat one of us up at least three times a day,” He's pointing out with a chuckle.
You ignore his fact, extending your leg out in front of you to admire the shoes on your feet, twisting your ankle to give yourself the full view. “Well, you guys always deserve it.” Dropping your leg back down, you turn to face him. Arms crossed on the middle console, face leaned toward his. “So when you say romantic walk do you mean like a string quartet following our every step? Or have you arranged for dozens of shooting stars to appear at the end of our trail?”
Tae's letting out a laugh, hand lifting so he can use his finger to push your face away from his. “Yeah, cause I control the stars,” Forcing his attention to stay on the road to keep the urge of wanting to kiss you at bay. Something that he has been doing for the majority of this date. Date Yn was cute in a whole different light.
Alluring beyond imagination. He nearly lost it when he first felt the tap of your foot against his leg. Not wanting to make a huge deal out of it, so he sat there silently wishing you'd push it up higher. Putting way more focus than necessary on the words that were coming from your mouth.
And now you were leaning in close to him, intoxicating him with your sweet scent and soft voice. Trying to guess what awaits the two of you, each idea more outrageous than the last. You're moving closer with each one until your nose is pressed against his cheek. Car pulled to a stop at a red light, so your lips are puckering brushing against his skin.
“Tell me?” He's shaking his head, lips tucked into his mouth. The lips of your fingers bouncing from his wrist to his bicep, poking at it gently. “Please?” He thinks the pout on your lips is adorable and insistent way you press your lips to his cheek has his brain short-circuiting.
Not used to you like this. But not complaining in the slightest bit. He liked Date Yn. Although, he couldn't help but wonder if this was you on a date or you on a date with him. He doesn't think too hard on it, letting himself enjoy the feeling of your lip on his skin. Breath hitching when your mouth is reaching his neck.
You notice the sigh he lets out, just as your teeth are scraping against his skin. Tongue smoothing over it slowly and it has his fingers tightening on the steering wheel. You're pulling back with a laugh, head tilting up to look at him. Jaw set and eyes glued to the road in front of him.
“Please?” He's a bit ashamed of how his pants tighten at the sound of the begging in your tone. Ignores it as he ignores you, hiding the smile that pushes on his features as he's pulling into a parking spot. “You can relax, we're here.” He says it but doesn't mean it.
Seriously considering taking a few laps around the block if it meant having you kissing up on him like that. Your attention is shifting from him to where he's brought you. Which looks more like a normal park than anything. Before you can pester him for more answers, he's slipping out of the car, going around to open up the door for you.
Within the park is a bridge, couples scattered along it. Walking and holdings hands, sitting close and leaning over the trailing to look at the water. Street lamps creating a pretty glow underneath the night sky. The warmth of Taehyung's arm circling around your waist spreads throughout your body.
Easily being tucked into his side. “There's no crazy surprise, just thought you'd want to look at the water for a bit,” He's walking the both of you to the railing, arm dropping from your body to hold on. Peaking over the edge, you spot a few turtles paddling through the water.
“You know they scream when they fuck?” He's pointing ahead of you at the turtles in the water. “It's like...” He's imitating the loud screechy squeal they let out, loudly. Stealing the attention of some couples close enough to hear.
Hand punching against his chest as you shush him, the sound of your laughter pulling a soft giggle from your lips. “People are gonna think I'm out with a weirdo,” His smile is the prettiest thing you've ever seen. 
His arm drops onto your shoulder to tug you toward him. “You are out with a weirdo,” He didn't even say anything particularly suggestive, but the tone he uses and the look in his eye has a chill running down your spine. Tae takes his time looking you over now that you're much closer to him, eyes scanning over your features.
“Did I already tell you how good you looked?” Arm looped around his and head tilted up so you're getting a better look at his face. “You might've mentioned it,”
Soft lips curling into a smile, he's reaching up toward your face, pinching your nose gently. “Good, then I only need to tell you that you're my best friend,” You're interrupting with a large smile. “I already knew that too,” He's used to the smart-ass look on your face, never knew how attractive he found it until now.
“And... there's more,” His arm is moving from your shoulders, fingers lacing around yours. “You're my best friend and I like you a lot. You know that too, but I meant it when I said I'd make it easy for you to see that. You're special to me and I'm not going to mess this up,” He's got this look on his face that you've never seen before.
Riddled with seriousness, not an ounce of playfulness hidden in his features. He was being genuine. And you could feel it, in some unexplainable way you knew he was telling you the truth. Not sure if it was the pretty dinner he had set up for you or being under the night sky and stars, but you could feel your guard melting away.
You don't bother to talk yourself out of it as you're leaning up on your toes, nose nudging his as your arms wrap around his neck, easily pulling him down to press a kiss to his lips.
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FEBRUARY 6TH, 2021 | 20:59
You're walking back to his car hand-in-hand. Back pressed on the door while his hand rests above your head. Face inches from yours and it takes a lot of willpower not to lean up and kiss him. His hand glides up the side of your body until he's able to grasp your hip, pushing your hips back slightly.
“Should I take you home or do you want to spend more time with me?” The two of you had spent a gross amount of time walking along the bridge. Switching from holding hands, to linking arms, to being attached to each other's sides. Kissing breaks against the railing mixed in.
Now he's offering to drive you home, but you've had such a great time with him tonight that's the last thing you want to do. “I don't want to go home yet,” Mouth forming into a slight pout, your hands lifting to link wrists behind his neck.
His lips are sticky with your gloss, forming a slight smirk as he steps in closer to you. “So then that means....?” His brows lift expectantly, waiting for you to fill in the blank. “I want to spend more time with you,” 
Pretty dark eyes shine at your words, even though he knew they were coming. Hand dropping back to curl around the door handle, he's carefully pulling the door open, moving you to the side. “I was hoping you'd say that,” He's ushering you back into the car before moving to the duck in on his side.
It's another fifteen-minute ride back to the abandoned building from earlier. You're way less sketched out this time around, following him in without a bit of hesitance. Cuddling close to him as the elevator rattles up and leading him up the stairs to the roof.
The lights are still up, sparkling prettily against the cloudy sky. Candles blown out, but the flower petals are still scattered around. The table is gone and in its place is an assortment of blankets laid out on the floor in front of it a projector propped on a few boxes. “Tae. There's no way you came up here and did this without me knowing,”
He's grinning from ear to ear, obviously proud of himself as he pulls you further out. “I had Hobi come and do it. He helped set up for dinner too,” There's a laptop set up beside the projector which he's walking to, fingers typing against the keyboard before the title screen of Howl's Moving Castle is appearing.
Standing straight, he's calling you over with a wave of his hand. And you're letting out a sound that would be embarrassing in front of anyone else, excitement building throughout your body as you bounce over to him. Both of you getting comfortable on the sheets as the movie starts. 
You last a good twenty minutes.
His arm had been set behind you, your body cuddled into his side but you're deciding that's not enough. That you want to be closer. It starts with your arm wrapped around his torso, but a few minutes pass and you're not satisfied. So you're moving to sit between his legs, which is better.
Much better. Long legs caging you in and arms wrapped around your waist. You can feel the hammer of his heart against your back. He's trying hard to focus on the movie to not think about the way your ass is smushed against his dick and one wrong... or right move would have him standing at attention.
Just as he's finished his silent prayer that you don't move again, oblivious to your true intentions, you're shifting. Twisting in his arms until you're facing each other, legs spread and outstretched over his thighs. His eyes drop, catching a glimpse of your cotton panties, visible because of how careless you're being in your skirt.
“I've seen this movie a million times,” Hands slipping underneath his jacket to travel from his chest to his neck. He's kicking it into gear the moment he's seeing the look in your eyes, hands dropping to rest low on your hips. “Me too,” He's agreeing, visibly having a conversation in his head before he's letting his hands drop.
Watching your face as he squeezes, the flutter of your eyes, and the drop of your jaw does something to him. Effectively setting his body on fire and it only gets worse when you're leaning down to suck his lower lip into your mouth. “Wanna make out?” You're asking, but not really, tongue already toying with his lip.
“Yeah,” He breathes, just to hear the pretty moan you let out. Attaching your mouth to his, tilting his head back as you shift onto your knees. It's extremely hot how in control you are, never would've expected it coming from you – but he was learning to expect surprises when it comes to you.
You've got a fistful of his hair, swallowing every grunt he lets out into the sloppy kiss. Free hand reaching back to take hold of his, dragging it all the way up to your chest. Hand over his, you're closing his palm around your boob. His hand is much larger than yours, it's an obvious difference. 
He's boldly swiping his thumb where he suspects your nipple to be, grinning against your mouth when he's sure he's found it through your shirt. His other hand moves quickly from your ass, secured around your waist as he easily whips your body around. Loud laughs leaving your lips as Tae swiftly flips you onto your back, positioning himself between your legs.
Large hands gripping the edge of your shirt, hurriedly untucking it from your skirt. His mouth is quickly finding your ear, teeth nibbling at the skin. You're not sure if you should concentrate on that or his hands slipping underneath your shirt. Mind made up when he's wiggling his underneath your bra, tweaking the nipple he had just teased.
“You looked so pretty, tonight. Who'd you get all dressed up for?” The answer to his question so obvious that it could be rhetorical. But, you know better. The breathy deep tone of his voice pressed right against his ear, being one indicator.
Tae pulls a moan from you by sinking his teeth into the little juncture between your jaw and neck. Nipple pinched between his middle and index finger and your eyes are fluttering, legs spreading. “You, Tae.” Sighing, your head lulls back as his tongue swipes against your skin. Hand moving to continue his assault on the other side.
“Just me,” He's mumbling, so you wouldn't have heard him if he wasn't so close. His head lifts to get a better look at your face, watching the way you bite back your moans as his fingers toy with you. “My tiny,” Leaning down, his nose bumps against yours, just before he's pressing a soft kiss to your lips. “I want to hear you,”
His hand glides down your stomach, fingers meeting the piece of jewelry attached to your navel. It's just a thought, a passing one that he laughs at the moment it's popping into his head. But he checks anyway, shocked to see he was right.
Years and years ago, when you had just turned sixteen – he had gone with you to get your belly pierced. Joked about you getting a 'T' piercing since he was the one that drove you and paid for it. He bought it, as a joke of course. Asked you why you never wore it, still as a joke. But here you were six years later, wearing it. And just from the instant way his body reacts, he knows it was never a joke.
“God, you're fucking perfect.” Head lifting so he can see your face when he says it. The blush that takes over your features, that wasn't there when he had his hand up your shirt. Only appearing when he complimented you.
That's cute. 
With a hand buried in his messy hair, you're pulling him down toward you, mouth capturing his again. Tongue pushing in his mouth just as he's slotting his hand between your legs, feeling out the wetness. “Shit, you're fucking soaked.” His words come out more desperate and needy than he intended, plagued by thoughts of how it would feel to be inside you. 
“Bet I'd slide right in,” The tip of his finger traces over your entrance as he speaks, poking at the fabric just enough to have you thinking he'd finger you that way. “Think you'd be able to take all of me?” He's pushing his hips forward, hard cock pressed against your thigh. 
Hips slowly rolling just so you can feel the entirety of him. “Fuck, please. Tae,” You gasp, lower back arching off of the blankets. “Shh, baby. I got you,” Easily nudging your panties to the side, the first thing he does is find your clit. Circling around it with the tips of your fingers as you squirm, screeched moans filling the air.
Neither of you hears the first crack of thunder. Barely notice the first few droplets that hit your bodies. He's more focused on slipping a long finger past your walls, to the knuckle. “Oh, fuck!” Body moving like a jolt as he curls his finger inside of you. Only pulling back to slip another one in along with the first.
He's picking up the pace, pumping his fingers in and out of you while quickly circling your clit with his thumb. The droplets of rain that have soaked his hair, rolling down his face is what has you realizing that it's raining. The thought knocked out of your head when he's pushing a third finger in, the slight pain of the stretch mixing with the pleasure beautifully.
No one's ever looked hotter, you're sure of it. Hooded eyes zeroed in on the movement of his fingers, teeth cutting into his lower lip. Hair damp and sticking to his forehead, the steady flex of the muscles in his chest is visible through his soaked shirt. A soft groan leaves his lips when he feels your walls squeezing around his fingers.
Dropping back down to pull your lips into another desperate kiss, teeth, and tongue clashing as the strokes of his fingers grow bolder. Shoving you toward the orgasm you're chasing. Your hips lift to grind into his hand, fingers curled around his ears to hold his head steady against yours. He's swallowing every gasp and whimper that leaves your mouth, grinning because he knows he's the cause of them.
“You wanna cum, baby? All over my fingers.. do you want me to make you cum?” It's almost like he's taunting you, tips of his fingers teasing that rough patch of skin deep inside of you and ripping a strained cry from your throat. “Please!” He's pressing down harder on your clit, thumb matching the pace of his fingers.
So close you can almost taste it, but it's quickly melting away with the slow of his fingers. Hands shooting to wrap around his wrist, keeping him from pulling all the way out. “Please, what?” He prompts with this maniacal look and you feel like your head is about to explode.
“Please, please make me cum, Tae. Please, I need it... wanna cum all over your fingers,” You hear him curse under his breath before he's pressing his mouth to yours again. It only takes a few strokes of his fingers, thumb pressed against your clit to make you fall apart.
Mind turning to mush, incoherent sentences flying from your lips as your hips grind into his hand. Riding out your orgasm and his fingers don't stop, in fact, he's pushing deeper inside of you, teasing your g-spot.
The dull pressure in your stomach intensifies, spreading throughout your limbs. It's not until his thumb is quickly moving around your clit do you realize what he's trying to do. Eyes going wide as the second wave rips through you, leaving your body in a stream that's forcing his fingers from inside of you.
He almost came at the sound of your scream, the breathless giggle that follows, a sound that he's not even sure you're aware you let out. His fingers are covered with your arousal, so of course, he's pushing them into his mouth to suck the taste off. You watch through hood eyes, the hollow of his cheeks as he sucks, pink tongue slipping out to leak between them.
You're reaching for him with weak arms, mouth open to silently ask for a taste. You half expect him to kiss you, but he's full of surprises tonight. His jaw moves and lips pucker, a glob of spit slipping out and landing on your tongue. Finger tapping at your jaw and you're quick to clamp your mouth shut, swallowing with your eyes on him.
Making a show of opening your mouth to flaunt its emptiness. He's laughing, even more, convinced of your perfection. Lips nearing to pull you in for another kiss, only to be interrupted by the quick shove against his chest, head bowing as you sneeze.
Once. Twice. Three times. He had noticed the rain before, but only now is he putting together how soaked you were... not in the good way. The tip of your nose red from the cold, hair that you spent an hour straightening falling in wet waves.
“Aw, baby.” He coos, reaching to pushing a few damp pieces of hair out of your face. “Let's get you out of the rain.”
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FEBRUARY 6TH, 2021 | 22:37
“You sure you don't want to come in? You can change and spend the night,” Taehyung denies with a shake of his head as his car skids to a stop in front of your house. He'd want to fuck you if he was coming up... spending the night. Safe to say you want the same with the way you haven't let go of his thigh since he's started driving.
Not a complaint. 
Fucking you was something that he wanted to do. Thought about it more times than he'd like to admit. But he had a small listen of things he wanted to do first. Tonight wasn't planned but could be excused because it was about you.
He had more things set in his mind to do to prove that he was boyfriend material. To you and to himself. He wanted to get this right. Needed to because it was you. You deserved the best, more than that. You deserved perfection. Because that's what you were.
“I'll call you tomorrow morning,” He promises.
Your face beams, not even bothering to mask your excitement. “Okay,” It's cute how giddy you are at the promise of a phone call.
Tae shoves the car in park so he can lean back to reach into the backseat. Rummaging through his gym bag, presenting a towel after a few minutes. Slightly used, but dry enough to shield you from the rain. He's handing it off to you, just before you're pulling the door open.
“Use that,” It smells like him. It surrounds you as you drape it over your shoulders, head tilting to look up at him. 
He's close, large hand at the top of your head and thumb stroking soothingly against your scalp. “Bye,” He mumbles, but doesn't give you any space to move. And you're just as bad because you repeat his words, but don't make any moves either.
Just sat there staring at each other with these lovesick doe eyes, not saying anything. And it's not weird, or awkward. It's comfortable. Comforting. You don't want to move.
“Wanna go on another date?” Taehyung is the one to break the silence, a question that has your stomach filling with butterflies. Despite the fact, you've just ended a date with him. Haven't even left the car. “Can we go tomorrow?” It's eager and needy, but you don't care.
Care even less when he's nodding. “Yeah, okay. Bye.” He still doesn't move and neither do you. Correction, you do move, but only to get closer to him. Your goodbye dying on his lips as you pull him in for another kiss. 
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— you’ve always been cute, soft, tiny in taehyung’s eyes. but that’s changing one night when you’re accidentally sending him a naughty picture. forcing him to realize, maybe his best friend is kinda… hot?
⥫ masterlist ⥭
taglist: @agustdef @smoljams @jaiuneamesolitaiire @hehehehahahohohuhu @houseofarmanto @preciouschimine @chocobetterknot @kookiesjoonies @ashleyjoyx @thia-aep @jinhitwhore @silentlyimpractical @acc3ssdenied @triviasjms @joonies-babyy @bangtansonyeondayyyum @bangtan-noona @mipetronella @lilacdreams-00 @665-321 @strawberryforever25 @tae165 @jikooksgirl19​ @dee-ehn @butterflylion @alterlovess @joontopia @my-odd-mix​ @yeontanie21​ @sw33tnight​ @softlyjeon​ @daydreambrliever​ @purplellie​ @hellotherehoneybee​ @bangtansbun​ @taefect94​ @tricethecharm​ @pjmcth​ @0xmysticx0​ @samros95​ @codeinebelle​ @vmin-soulmate​ @bluewhale52​ @thecityrain​ @rageyoudamnednerd​ @kookoo-kachoo​ @diminieshoe​ @kelitt​ @soulstaes​ @ayyyocee​ @betysotelo18​
taglist: @elephantdoors @amour-quinn @gemad08 @yoooonie @bloomtilweache @ambersaesthetics @peachy-tata @moonlitmyg @trinityxsope @jellyeater @miagracegrande @taeshuworld @tom-hollands-wife @loveyoongles @seokjinslittledumpling @kerikaaria @ggukkieland @gwsyoongi @salty-for-suga @beeeb05 @dionysusrage @jungkookspromise @princecalpal @agustneeds @neverthefirstchoice  @agustdakasuga @veronawrites @muniimyg @agirlintheparkjimin @wildly-lost-lantern @goldenkookietae @ephyraaaa @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d @sungieshines @embrace-themagic @aqtkookie @yukiehyukie @kim-ji-hyeons-world  @mrksmrks @hyunjinhasmyheart @paddingtonrue @itsrapmonstanotdancemonsta @veryuniquenamegoeshere​ @niieceyy @lowlifeoeuvre @lee-karliah @angiexyoung @marifujioka​ @softlyjins​ @mochibabycakes​ @producerjk​ @hqtetsurou​
taglist: @heyitsbreeeeee @munkey888 @bbyjoonies @prdshobi @myworldisgone11 @kthvol6 @soloikeadates @illwritetomorrow @mysugarkoo @parkjammys @mypurplelamp @hansolsrightnut @vanillabrightlightning @huhuehuey @jiminshibaby @rjsmochii @certifiedcrazycatlady @jayyayyy17 @my-current-mood-is @btsbed @definitely-not-tina @jeonsbae01 @metaethically @kb-bangtanenthusiast @ardenlovesyou @simplymemyself @jin-from-the-block @janieooo @xxstrangegirlxxx @pastelbleuet @pxjiminsi @ruinsofangels @ladyarmanto @bloopkook @hopiebabie @bigimpression @xinyourdreamsx @hisunshiine @uxwi @yayo-kittty @taejinminsu @miss-jupiter @btsbangtanbois​ @yoobijin @pjminmin @yoongiofmine @kim-jias-den @imezz @itookallthejamsbruh​ @kimsouthjoon​
taglist: @ephyra1230​ @awhnamjoon​ @jkismyasmr​ @eyereen​ @gldnrecs​ @jiminddaeng​ @morndas​ @daebakrex​ @getmemyfries​ @v3nti​  @iridescentstories​ @cheesecakes-randomshitz​ @jakiki94​ @tatajoonie​ @weasleyswizarding-wheezes​ @shadowhale​ @kuggnuj​ @cynicalitys​ @saymynamewithluv​ @kooafraid​ @milkteade​ @revehosh​ @gguksfilter​ @jai-namu​ @vantekoos​ @xxsunny-side-upxx​ @jeonkookiebangtan​ @sweetforsuga​ @strwberry-jam​ @ssyubb​ @paolandotcom​ @marvelous-capsicle​ @letmebreathepls​ @rlynotme​ @bunny-meowmeow​ @bbybubbles​ @chxcolxtemilk​ @hobiheavenly​ @cyb3rbab3​ @hobiismyhopeu​ @namjoonrkive​ @avipshamitra​ @seolarsyj​ @bitterly-sweet​  @knjkitten​ @taescckookies​ @frompeaches​
taglist: @redluvletmain​ @onlythehobi​ @napalmskiez​ @catpersona​ @moonagii​ @bunny-on-crack​ @tinyworldsblog​ @xiaokoo​ @morseszn​ @itsyourimagines​ @beetle-koko​ @despressowhatelse​ @evabobeeva​ @erraaxh​ @foodwaterbangtansonyeondan​ @angelsuni​ @tonightletspretend​ @outroknj​ @lovelysmp​ @missmadwoman​ @futuremrspcy​ @tetsuswhore​ @bombardia​ @seokjinsearth​ @woopetals​ @jeonsshadow​ @jwlmnbt​ @hoefortaeshands​ @yoongiwithglasses​ @ardoren​ @giveortake​ @virtualkissy​ @kthstrawberryshortcake​ @alytavzla​ @mellygallagher​ @stcrwhiz​ @ot7lonelylover​ @fleurni​ @vantaescupid​ @coolcoolyz​ @soobreadforever​ @americanowithsuga​ @nightapple4jk​ @smol1​ @super-btstrash-posts​ @shiro-blank​ @kosmicbomb​ @luminousrecs​
taglist: @tanumiki @midotori @multihoneyfairy @hoseokstrashcan @miriamxsworld @laurynne5 @hantaev @taebae19 @lustremyg @tsorns @jaerisdiction​ 
taglist: @kimtaetae @themanip @kimsamsoon95 @localjisung @lovingyu-04 @taexmichi @gyukult @lowlifeoeuvre @ilillyshadow @lejindari @lochness-butmakeitsexy @xtrataerrestrial @taefilm @impossiblewritingrebel @tenmonthsjay @milky-way-bitch @taehyoungmoney @imluckybitches @powerfultaekook @winterbear-itselira @casspirit0705 @madjanmil @depressedirishgirl @yoontaethings @alexxcorona113 @turquoiseandplaidinautumn @hisbutton-nose @bellexwriter @oofimdumb @ladyartemesia @catboyggukie @topangascory @lidda @taesdior @vickysees @mei-core​ @ivyschim @thisetaernallove @kkodzvken @kawennote09 @imadeyouamixtape88​ @green-keys-3​ @calumsphile​ @svftbaby​ @richkookie​ @shameless-army​ @taejinverse​ @nanied93​ @infernal-alpaca​ @chai-tealattae​
taglist: @selfconcitedslut @li-moonchild-il @yerjin @uwu-babie-bangtan @acsycharm @yoontaethings @annawolfhard19 @anarmycalledaoife @taes-titaes @heavenspidey @museeeiicc01 @bonnyskies @zaedynnn @daddypkj @somewhereofftheglobe @miraclecircles @eatjeanjin @bts-bay-bee @anonymous-appreciation @perseephony @serendipitysev @samshoua @imluckybitches @dingzerenistall @okaysoplshelpme @notvantaes @endeavors-big-dick @j1h0p3 @youisamaze @revehosh  @needingyou2 @cinnamonlattae @vantxx95​ 
A/N: timestamps make sense throughout the fic. if u want to be added to the tag list, send me an ask! + if you’ve asked to be on my permanent taglist, you do not need to ask to be added to this one !!
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kittydemon9000 · 3 years
The Beginning of Heatstroke, aka Red's Villain Origin
* crashes down from the ceiling * I HAVE FINALLY FINISHED ONE OF MY 5+ CURRENT WRITING PROJECTS! BEHOLD, A WRITTEN VERSION OF THE 'Red's Villain Origin AU', also known as RVO / Heatstroke AU
To summarize the AU for SPBNR for those that don't now it: 
“Who'd be the biggest conspiracy theorist out of the M!Ninja? The one who drinks 5 hour energy at 3am and spits off the craziest theories and then actually gets it right but nobody gives the theory any merit because the rest of the theories are too crazy?”
The answer: Red / M!Kai
Red: Okay hear me out: Smith is actually an alternative version of one of us sent here from another dimension.
The other M!Ninja: You’re just saying that because Smith’s cool and you want him to be your counterpart
Based on the M!ninja making red cork boards trying to figure out ‘What Is Up With Smith’: Red gets increasingly accurate and nobody will believe him (all pre shogun reveal) and he eventually snaps and takes up a secret villain persona to fight Shogun like 'if they won't believe me I'll do it myself' and it gets awkward when he accidentally does too much damage and catches not only Shogun's attention like planned, but also the rest of the Ninjaforce, and now he has to keep his own identity a secret
So, without further ado, I present... Heatstroke
Red blamed the 5-hour energy coffee blend at 3:00am for this.
It was no surprise that between ‘Operation: What’s Going on with Smith’ & the sudden appearance of Shogun that the resident Bounty red-stringed ‘joke’ cork-board doubled in size and seriousness. It also was no surprise that Red had a corner all to himself and that his theories were… in the words of the others, ‘wildly inaccurate and implausible’.
But this time, he was sure he’d gotten it right.
Smith is Shogun sent here from another continent/planet/dimension with the goal of protecting Ninjago City.
The latest string of laughs and scoffs at his theory was the last straw. He’d show them. He’d prove it!
Which was why he was currently standing on the roof of a noodle house, awkwardly adjusting the spare motorcycle helmet he’d ‘borrowed’ from Nya and painted black and orangey-yellow (red had seemed too obvious). He’d exchanged his Ninjaforce outfit for a soot-burned cross between a bomber jacket and a leather jacket. Down his back jutted a row of flames like the spines of a monster, courtesy of one of Nya & Jay’s unfinished inventions Red had modified- surely nothing bad would come of that!
For tonight, the Red Ninja was off-duty. For tonight, it was Heatstroke’s turn.
He fiddled with one of the weapons he’d ‘lent out’ from Master Wu. It resembled a small arm canon, like a smaller version of the Ultimate Weapon. The plaque under its post had read ‘Elemental Focuser’, which, in cryptic Wu speak, probably translated to ‘you can use an elemental power like something out of Avatar: The Last Airbender’. So far he’d only figured out how to activate a focused jet of fire. Well, at least it was on brand. He hoped it would help him catch Shogun’s attention so he could unmask him.
He’d tried confronting Smith at school, of course. But there were only so many ways of saying ‘are you the new vigilante helping the ninjas’, and Smith has a genuine talent for dancing around the topic. Red could confront him with the name Shogun to get a proper reaction, but that would mean explaining how he knew the name and outing himself as the Red Ninja.
So fake villainy really was the only way.
His plan was to use the Elemental Focuser to cause some minor petty damage, just enough to attract the new vigilante. Perhaps set a trash can on fire, block an alleyway with rocks (if he figured out how to change the setting from fire to earth), small things that could easily be repaired.
Of course, plans were never actually stuck to. One way or another, something was always improvised.
Red’s improvisation just happened to involve him accidentally setting the entire alleyway on fire.
He’d only been aiming for one dumpster, honest! And maybe he’d spotted a couple fliers for a SoG meeting on the ground and happened to burn those too. And a newspaper article blaming Lloyd for the recent Garmadon attack, again. And an article about those ‘Damn Ninja Menaces’ by a S. Sonah Sameson. And-
Okay, so maybe Red had aimed the fire at a few small targets. But just a few! And with good reason and good care, but…
Well, fire liked to burn. Give it enough kindle and it’ll continue to grow, stretching like reaching branches towards each other to join in a massive bonfire. 
So now the entire alleyway was on fire, and Red was panicking. 
He’d luckily chosen an abandoned part of town near the beaches where Shogun sightings seemed most frequent, but with the stupid Elemental Focuser not switching from fire mode to water mode or ice mode or something that didn’t have the potential to burn Ninjago City to the ground, Red had no way of stopping the flames.
And more flames meant more destruction which meant a bigger audience.
Which was why his previously muted comm suddenly flared to life, the only warning Red had before Nya’s water strider mech slid around the corner.
Red scrambled onto a roof as the mech drove past, spraying water at the bonfire to dose it. His sigh of relief was just as quickly dosed as Lloyd’s voice came over the comms; “Status, Grey?”
“Flames are out,” Nya replied. “Pursing the joker that set it ablaze.”
Uh oh. Red took off across the roof, leaping from building to building. Tiles creaked, pebbled and dust scattering underfoot. The sounds of the mech’s engine roaring behind him echoed through alleyways below to create the illusion the mech was everywhere at once. 
As the chase grew on, more mechs started to join in. Red ducked into a narrow avenue to avoid Zane’s tank, then under a cafe overhang to throw off Jay and Lloyd. His heart hammered in his chest and he groaned, filling the inside of the motorcycle helmet with steam. Saying this was going ‘bad’ would be the understatement of the century. 
What had he been thinking? Oh wait: he hadn’t. Seriously? ‘Oh I’ll just pretend to be a villain real quick, that should get Shogun’s attention and not the attention of literally my entire team of fellow ninjas!’ Stupid, impulsive, this was why everyone was always calling the red ninja the ‘hothead’ when he really tried not to be- Lloyd’s voice over the comms snapped him from his thoughts. “I can’t catch them! It’s like they know our every move!”
Red winced as he climbed up a banister and leapt from balcony to balcony. Sorry, Lloyd. 
He didn’t miss how the others asked Nya where Red was. And how she made up excuses the others bought so easily- granted, he’d told those excuses to his sister before setting his plan into motion, but still, ouch. They acted like he was simply being at best too busy and at worst lazy and selfish.
He just wanted them to know the truth! Why couldn’t they at least try to believe him when-
Of course, that was when Shogun dropped out of the sky and tackled him.
Red shouted with surprise as he tumbled down from the second floor, slamming into a few softer bags of garbage to break his fall before rolling and slamming into the unforgiving concrete. A crack formed in his vision as the visor of his motorbike helmet smacked into the concrete ground. One of the fire jets on his back sputtered and sparked, sending a thin wisp of smoke into the air.
Shogun pinned his wrists to the ground and growled. “Who are you?”
Red tried to break free, agony turning his muscles and bones to fire with the movement after his fall, but the vigilante was too strong. Damn, how often did this guy train?
“Who am I?” Red said, a nervous tinge to his voice. He quickly smoothed it over with faked confidence. “Who are you? Who are all of us, really?”
Shogun narrowed his eyes behind his hood. “Did Garmadon send you? Or someone else?”
Red sputtered. Really, the nerve! Garmadon? The thought turned his insides to disgusting mud. “Nobody sent me!”
“Then why are you here?” Shogun spat.
“Why am I here?” Why was he here again? Oh right, the bright idea on how to reveal that Shogun was Smith. “It’s, uh… a valid reason! That I don’t have to tell you!” He tried for a villainous laugh. Stay in character, don’t blow your cover, you got this!
Shogun was unimpressed. “Nearly burning down my home was a valid reason?”
“Well, I wasn’t trying to set everything on- wait, WHAT?” Uh oh. “You LIVE here?”
Now it was Shogun’s turn to look uncomfortable, though the expression was quickly wiped from his face. “Nothing wrong with this district.” 
Red nodded. “‘Course not. Uh, sorry about that… wasn’t my intention, I swear.”
Shoot, he could hear Jay’s jet getting closer. He had to get out of here, but Shogun, annoyingly, didn’t seem to be in the mood to simply let him go. “Then what is your intention?”
“Well, for starters, it’s getting out of here. This really isn’t going to plan and I’d rather just be home right now, or even inventing a time machine like in that book ‘Hands of Time’ to slap my past self in the face for even thinking about this stupid idea in the first place-“
Jay wasn’t the only one that could ramble under pressure, it seemed.
Shogun leaned closer. “What idea?”
Red shrugged as best he could with how he was pinned to the ground. “Well, for starters, I just wanted to prove to my friends that you’re Smith, and things just kinda escalated from-”
The words were out of his mouth before he realized what he said. 
Shogun lurched back, letting go of him. His eyes betrayed a kaleidoscope of emotions; surprise, worry, suspicious, hurt, fear, realization. 
Well, f!ck.
Red was about to badly attempt to bullsh!t his way out of his identity reveal before it suddenly dawned on him that Shogun had not denied his theory. 
Which meant Shogun was Smith.
And it also meant Smith instantly recognized him as Kai, which, considering his disguise, was aptly concerning. Sure, he was the first one in his group of friends people would think to do something this extreme but give him some credit! Zane was a regular detective, he’d do the same if it meant answers! Or, well, at least something similar. And Nya could be an adrenaline seeker. And Lloyd- well, maybe not Lloyd. Or Jay, either. Cole had his head just enough on his shoulders that he probably wouldn’t do this either.
But come on, instantly guessing it?
Well, at least Smith/Shogun didn’t know Kai was the Red Ninja. That would be a catastrophe.
Right. Back to the current catastrophe at hand.
Shogun- Smith- still had a look as if he’d been slapped, and Red hated it. He hadn’t meant to hurt his friend. Shogun… Shogun hadn’t wanted them to find out his identity. And then Red had gone and done it, just to prove that he could be the smart one, or a leader, or the protector so they didn’t get hurt, or literally anything but just the ‘hotheaded one’. 
…And he’d done it in the most hotheaded, impulsive way possible.
He really was an idiot.
The cracked helmet hid the look on his face, a twisted mess of distraught and shame. But it didn’t help hide how he took stumbled to his feet and away from Smith, nervous that any second he’d spill another mistake and mess up again, like how he always freaking messed up on everything. Don’t pick this fight, interject there instead, no, not there, idiot, there, FMS why are you so useless-
Focus, focus.
Lloyd’s voice, sharp in the intercom and full of static from his tumble, snapped him from his thoughts. “Anyone got eyes on the arsonist?”
Red caught Smith’s eye as he raised his hand to his own communicator. He was so screwed, so busted, so doomed… Smith would report it, and the others would know, and they’d think he was just messing around in an alleyway with some stolen devices and weapons out of curiosity or rage, - and-
“None yet, still looking.”
Smith stared at him, gaze searching. He looked shaken, more so than Red- who’d just taken a fall from a second story, mind you, it was a miracle he wasn’t more injured than a couple small scrapes and some future bruises-, yet everything from the set of his jaw to the softening of his furrowed brows suggested a change in emotions. Well, not quite change; more like repress and replace.
“You wanted to prove yourself, didn’t you.”
Red flushed, hand instinctually clamping into a tight fist at his side. The still-working fire jets on his back ignited without him pressing any buttons; faulty activation from the fall or something. 
Palms up and hands raised, Smith silently asked to defuse the situation. “Didn’t mean it as an insult. This wasn’t about venting some anger, was it.”
Red’s lack of response only confirmed it. Smith continued. “I won’t say anything about this if you don’t tell anyone my identity. Deal? I know finding it out was important to you, but-“
“Deal,” Red interrupted. Guilt ate away at his core, like a wave of water dousing a candle. “Smith, I-“ He swallowed hard and stared at the alley floor. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to… to…”
Smith’s hand was suddenly on his shoulder and he flinched before relaxing as Smith didn’t move further, nor did the grip tighten. “I’m a little hurt, you’re right. But I’m not mad. And I won’t tell the others, so you can relax. But you better get out of here and get yourself an alibi. We can talk at school or something.”
Wow, he was handling this rather calmly. Red was struck by the sudden memory of- what did Jay call the word? Right. Compartmentalizing. That… wasn’t healthy. But at the roar of Lloyd’s mech somewhere nearby, he didn’t comment further. Instead, he shot Smith a grateful nod and ran down the alley, sticking to the shadows and blind spots of the flying mechs and the tight alleyways where the land mechs couldn’t reach him. 
When he got home, miraculously without further incident (though Shogun leading the others on a wild goose chase over the comms certainly helped there), he ditched the outfit in a bag hidden beneath a loose floorboard in the shed. He’d return the weapon to Master Wu’s ship later, and… well, hope Nya never searched for the missing supplies. There wasn’t a way of fixing it without involving her or Jay, and neither was an option.
Heatstroke was back off duty, and so was the Red Ninja.
For now, he could just be Kai Smith. And there wasn’t any issue with that.
and ah yes, good ol trauma and compartmentalizing, we love to see it
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y0itsbri · 3 years
Hi Bri 🥰
C-16 if you'd like to 👀
Coffee dates and disasters
au with college!lip and barista!mandy where ian is a frequent visitor at the campus café and meets mickey under rather unfortunate circumstances. don't cry over spilled milk, buddy.
which also fits under a.u.gust for @gallavichthings
words: 2.4k
"never would have thought you the type to come to one of these places," ian mused, looking around the small café with only lamps and string lights illuminating the space. "can't believe college changed you, man," ian clutched at his heart dramatically.
"don't worry. 'm still the annoying bastard you love so dearly," lip squeezed ian's shoulder before he sauntered up to the counter.
the barista's bored expressed brightened when she saw them. her perky demeanor was matched by a high pitched voice, "hey lip," she smiled, dark lipstick striking. she appraised ian with a somewhat predatory eye, "hello, lip's friend."
"uh, brother," ian coughed.
lip rolled his eyes, "and he's gay so don't even try it, mandy."
she pouted and flicked her hair behind her shoulder, "not that it's any of your business, anyways."
ian chuckled besides him, drawing another smile out of mandy, this one kinder, sweeter.
"what can i get you boys?"
the pink highlights glistened in her dark hair as she whipped up lip's cold brew and ian's caramel macchiato, then proceeded to insist that this one is on the house. neither of them argued, but thanked her before they settled down in some stools by the window.
"fucking the barista privileges?" ian asked, raising his eyebrow at his slut of a brother.
"i think of it more like fellow south sider charity," he rubbed his bottom lip, "but yours works too," lip smirked around the edges of his coffee cup.
"you're an idiot."
"can a man who got us free drinks really be deemed an idiot?" lip philosophized.
ian paused, taking a moment of thorough consideration. he looked lip straight in the eyes as he answered, "if that man is you, then without a doubt."
lip tried to knock ian's cup out of his hand, but failed at his attempt. ian thanked his well-practiced jrotc skills and a lifetime experience of growing up in a house packed with annoying siblings for his victory.
they chatted about the robotics classes lip was taking, how he got full-time access to one of the labs, and his weird ass roommate who may or may not be gay if ian is at all interested. ian scrunched up his face. after hearing so many horror stories about the guy, ian didn't want anywhere near him. he wasn't that desperate yet.
the second that lip was out of his seat and heading to the bathroom, the beautiful mess that was mandy descended.
"hiiii lip's gay brother," she leaned against the table.
"it's ian," he spun his empty cup in his hands. he couldn't help himself from smiling at her charisma.
"well hi, ian, i just wanted to say sorry if i spooked you earlier. i just had no idea lip's brother would be so cute!"
"his ugly mug's not too hard to beat." ian laughed. "he got the short end of the gallagher stick, literally."
"cute and charming. you're funny, ian gallagher, i like you." she placed her hand on his shoulder for a moment, a movement so soft compared to her rather frantic appearance. "come back here anytime and it's on the house, yeah? i work most evenings after three."
"oh. uh- okay," ian scrambled for words, "thanks."
she squeezed his shoulder once before lip returned with a rather obnoxious entrance.
"ayo mands, stop harassing him!"
ian ducked his head in embarrassment.
"oh, shut up! i'm just clearing your cups," she winked at ian as she left.
mandy was something else. but she was kind and good company. ian could get used to the chill atmosphere over the chaos of the gallagher house anytime. he might just take up her offer.
"you'd think with all the time you spend here, you'd be offered a scholarship or something by now." mandy sipped on her chocolate frappuccino as she laid her feet across ian's lap. he always made sure to come visit during her breaks at least twice a week during the past couple months.
ian shrugged, "guess they only had room for one gallagher."
mandy hit his arm in a way that hurt. lip was fucked if he ever broke her heart.
"does fiona even know that this is where you sneak off to?"
"yeah." mandy's look said she didn't believe him. "well, kinda. she thinks i'm visiting lip, brotherly duties and all."
"yeah? how are those brotherly duties?"
"fuck if i know."
she laughed.
"i still think you should apply here for next fall," she encouraged, "could take some art classes."
"i suck at art."
"failed that."
"yeah, no thanks."
mandy flipped him off, "fine. botany?
"ya know what? sure." he had always wanted to grow tomatoes.
"heart wants what it wants, mandy. we can't all be psychology brainiacs."
"brains and beauty, what can i say?" she teased. ian laughed, eyes glistening towards his friend. mandy made things better.
"hey," she continued, "there's this concert on the main campus lawn this weekend, you should totally come!"
"isn't that just for students?"
"they don't card, dummy."
"right, right, i knew that."
"sureeee. you in?"
ian mentally checked his work schedule.
"i'm in."
lip and ian strolled into the café a few days later. okay, maybe ian had felt a bit guilty for abandoning his brotherly duties lately, but at least this way he could hang out with both his best friends. well he could have if he remembered the fact that mandy had the day off for her behavioral neuroscience midterm. they had literally spent her previous shift reviewing the terms, he should have known.
ian's couldn't help his face from falling as another blonde barista took their orders, mostly eyeing lip the whole time.
"hi lip," she smiled a little too sincerely, "what can i get for you today?"
ian had ordered something new at the recommendation of the blonde and he was not a fan. and to make matters worse, he had to actually pay for the atrocity that he wouldn't even be able to finish.
"so how's your little coffee dates with mandy?" lip asked over his cup.
ian nearly choked on his god-awful americano. "how'd you know?"
"please. she's obsessed with you. every time i see her, it's 'ian this,' 'ian that,' 'ian might apply here in next year.'"
"yeah, oh. when were you gonna tell me?!"
“it’s all mandy’s idea, i’m not even sure i want to,” ian muttered, refusing to make eye contact.
“dude, i’ve literally shared a room with you since the day you popped out of monica’s wretched womb, you think I can’t tell when you’re lying?”
okay maybe ian had been getting increasingly more excited about the idea of attending school and actually learning things that he wants to learn. something that might actually lead him somewhere real since rotc was looking more and more like a poor man's fantasy the more that he thought about it.
“I was gonna tell you, swear on it.” and he was. once he convinced himself that lip wasn't going to straight up laugh in his face. but the look in his eye seemed genuinely supportive.
“mhm, i gotta catch my english lit class," lip stood up, swinging his tattered tan backpack across one shoulder. he patted ian's shoulder in his big brother ways, "don’t be a stranger, yeah?”
“yeah, yeah for sure! have fun learning a language you already know!” lip flipped him off at his smartass remark.
soon after, ian stood up to return his drink to the counter, the anxiety from the conversation making him entirely lose whatever appetite he might have had. plus, it wasn’t the same here without lip or mandy. he just wanted to be wrapped up in a cocoon in his own bed. but that was so far away. maybe he could catch an early ride—
ian crashed into a guy’s sturdy body.
the remnants of his shitty drink spilled in an americano nightmare over both of them, ceramic pieces shattering on the floor in a truly horrific manner.
ian yipped and the other man let out a grunt of irritation.
they were fucking soaked. well, at least the coffee wasn't hot? ian tried justifying the situation, but, nah, this was bad.
"shit! i'm so sorry, lemme," ian reached out and the shorter man flinched away.
they were now far enough apart that ian got a good look at him. a leather jacket.. now covered in ian's drink -- shit. and shockingly piercing blue eyes that lingered too long on ian's before his cheeks turned a shade of pink that made ian's stomach flutter.
he might have seemed cold if he didn’t make ian feel so warm.
"it’s cool, man. i gotta go, uh," and he walked out of the café without looking back.
ian smelled like coffee the entire train ride to the back of the yards. he laid in his bed regretting his entire life.
no mandy. no lip. no dignity.
the day of the concert that mandy had invited him to rolled around. ian wouldn’t admit it, but he was nervous to spend a coffee-less evening with mandy, their entire friendship built inside that one room. his little bubble of safety was bursting.
well, to be honest, the bubble had burst the moment that his disaster of a coffee was spilled onto one of the most ridiculously pretty guys that he's ever seen. every time he closed his eyes, he remembered the guy’s face shift from hostile to something else. he was torn between wanting to know the his name and also on never seeing him again in fear that he would simply pass away of embarrassment.
hopefully mandy hadn't heard about it. they may not have been friends for a long time, but he already knew that she would never let him live it down.
"hey ian!" her familiar voice called. that sounded promising.
his face fell with relief as he finally spotted her at the corner. she embraced him in a warm hug before pulling back and giving him a once over.
"huh, could have sworn you'd still have coffee behind your ear or something after the description karen gave me of your little disaster the other day." she smirked, quite literally double checking behind his ears as they turned hot under her gaze.
"ugh, fuck, how much did she tell you?" he itched his forehead and scrunched up his nose.
"oh, calm your tits, it's funny as fuck." she giggled, punching his arm in a way that still unintentionally hurt.
"whatever. are you excited for the concert tonight?"
their reunion conversation lulled eventually, and ian noticed that they weren't necessarily standing alone.
no. fucking. way.
just his luck, if he was being honest. he probably deserved this.
there he stood. the man that has plagued his dreams the past few days. in a light wash jean jacket that was a little tight on the biceps, leaning casually against the wall, kicking the pebbles on the ground with his boot.
"uh, what's he doing here?" ian gestured towards the victim of The Coffee Incident.
“what, you know him?” mandy asked, walking them towards him.
“vaguely.” if that wasn’t the understatement of the year.
"huh. i didn’t think my idiot brother had any friends."
brother? how did ian not realize she had a brother?
"what, did you think i was going to babysit you all night? i can't let everyone here thinking you're my boyfriend, no offense or whatever, but you're in good hands!" she kissed his cheek, clearly not helping her own not-looking-like-her-boyfriend rule.
ian eyed said brother's good hands only to see the faded letters of FUCK U-UP on them. oh.
mandy pushed ian over to her brother, "ian, mickey. mickey, ian," she introduced before pushing and shuffling her way through the crowd of college students to find herself someone’s cheap ass fruity alcohol to mooch off of.
mickey. ian's brain repeated over and over, a chime against the murmuring sea of voices they found themselves enveloped by.
"nice jacket," ian pointed out, an awkward attempt to converse before shoving his hands back in his pockets.
"it's my second favorite." the corners of his mouth lifted like there was more to the statement. ian took the bait, as if he could resist.
"what's your first?"
"first is still airing out the fuckin’ coffee smell," he smirked as ian groaned. "oh c’mon, man, don't go crying over spilled milk."
how could he not? on the bright side, he didn’t seemed to hate ian for it.
“if it was anyone else,” mickey drawled, “they’d have to get a beat down for it.”
“why do I get a free pass?” ian mused.
“well, you’re mandy’s friend, right?”
“yup,” ian tried to suppress his disappointment. he really did. but fiona always told him he wore his heart on his sleeve.
“yeah, that ain’t why, though,” his eyebrows waggled suggestively and ian nearly felt his heart drop out of his ass.
ian blessed whatever coffee god was out there for sending him both mandy and the beautiful man in front of him.
“you wanna go listen to the band?” ian nodded his head towards the stage with passionate players jumping around like they were playing lollapalooza or some shit.
“lead the way, stud, just try to keep your drinks off of me this time,” mickey knocked into ian’s own flannel covered shoulder.
yeah, ian couldn’t believe his luck. maybe karma was finally on his side.
mandy smirked at her brother and best friend not-so-subtly checking each other out over the course of the night, bopping their heads to the music and downing whatever free booze they could get their hands on.
she hoped that adding mickey to the equation would be enough incentive to convince ian to stick around. things were better when he was near.
the way that ian followed mickey around like a lost puppy with that dopey moon-eyed look, it seemed like her hopes would come true.
and when both ian and mickey strolled into the café to come visit her at work the next week, mickey in his worse-for-wear leather jacket and ian in borrowed denim, she thanks the coffee gods for her luck.
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You Live In Sweatpants And Hoodies (GeorgeNotFound)
pairing : georgenotfound / george x influencer!reader. 
summary : george and your fans realize that under all the sweaters, you have a body. 
a/n : if you are wondering what dress i was talking about, search up jennie short black dress :)
before social media, you studied law and got a degree in it but ended up not using it due to your social media career sky rocketing. 
but you never thought studying was a waste, that could be your backup, after all. social media doesn’t last forever. and you were ready to accept any difficulties since you knew you had plan b. 
you, till this day, could not describe what you do on social media. it started with tiktok. everything nowadays started with tiktok. but you were one of the first people who was on it. 
and then tiktokers would make their way onto youtube to sustain their “career” and grow. so that’s what you did. you never abandoned that app, though. especially not now, everyone on that app is seriously hilarious. 
your content on youtube was all over the place. once, for a video, you talked to weird men on omegle and tinder. another time, you would try different aesthetics on yourself. 
but here’s the catch, you’ve never really worn revealing clothes. your mum had always told you to never deprive yourself from what she says “fun young girl things” which is dressing up, or down, in her say and go have fun with your friends. 
but since the pandemic hit, you have had no where to go anyways, and you never really liked to show off your body. it’s not that you felt uncomfortable doing it, it’s just that you’ve never had the reason to. 
you also didn’t grow up girly. you hated dresses, especially short and tight dresses. and you weren’t a fan of wearing shorts either. you always opted to go comfy. 
whenever you post a tiktok, you always wore your signature hoodie and sweatpants that were clearly sizes too big for you. but you liked it, it’s comfortable to sleep in. 
and whenever you had to pan down to show your outfits on youtube, you were always caught wearing jeans and a baggy shirt, just styled differently, according to the aesthetic of the video you were filming for. 
you heard your phone ring from the couch. you picked it up, knowing who it was anyways. “morning, cutie.” you stared. 
“morning b.” george greets you, hair everywhere, clearly just woken up. 
you and george met on tiktok, just like all good friends do. he had duetted a tiktok of yours and you found him hilarious. you quickly followed him on every single social media platform he was in. you even set an alarm in case he ever streams and you’re asleep. 
you two are close. some would say you two are dating, but you two haven’t figured it out yet. you two didn’t really want to disclose it anyways, you two knew your not so secret feelings for each other, anyways. 
remember when he called you ‘b’? yeah that stands for ‘bub’. he thought it would be cute for him to have a different nickname than the usual “baby” or “babe”. 
you two actually live very near each other, making it way easier as a couple, but since england was put into a quarantine order, you two didn’t meet often. 
some would probably ask why you’d have to set an alarm when he streams when you two clearly are in the same timezone? well, that boy had no sense of time and a terrible sleeping schedule. it amazed you at how early he got up today. 
that facetime call lasted about half an hour before you told him you needed to stream on twitch today, to which he responded to you that he’s watch it later. 
today, you had a surprise. for the world. you can’t believe you even thought about this but it was about time you showed off to the world what assets you’ve been blessed with. 
speaking of showing off. no, you weren’t a particularly insecure person, you were just comfortable in the clothes you’re in. but celebrating the long time you’ve been on social media, and it being your birthday, you thought it might be fitting. 
george and you agreed to not make anything special about your birthday. you hated parties and large gatherings, and since you were still in the middle of a pandemic, you used that as an excuse to not go out. 
you spent the longest time searching for a good enough outfit for this day. and you found it. you decided to pick a pretty simple dress, a black short dress that went to your mid thigh, that showed off your waist, spaghetti strapped and a little backless. 
you walked out the shower, your robe on as you walked to your bathroom counters to dry your hair. you didn’t really bother to style it, just leaving you straight long hair down. 
you put on the most basic white sneakers you could find to still make it casual, and you thought it went well together, anyways.
you finished you makeup and took a good look at yourself. you had been aware that you only wore baggy clothes, so this was a huge change. you twirled yourself, feeling confident. 
you couldn’t wait for people to have heart attacks. 
you sat on your gaming chair, getting ready to start your stream. 
before you started your stream, you made sure you left your facecam turned off first. 
you went live. chat was confused since this was the first time that you’re not on facecam. all they could see at the moment was the caption “IT’S MY BIRTHDAY!” that you typed on your notes app on your computer.
“hi, chat.” you said, to calm them down a little. 
you heard your phone go off, a text notification. which you knew was george since he had a special notification ping on your phone. 
it said “did you forget to turn on your cam?” 
you laughed at that. “no, chat, i haven’t forgotten to turn on my facecam, just wait for a sec, please.” 
you felt giddy, excited for the reactions. 
instead of wearing your cute cat headphones, you wore your airpods instead to get the whole look going. 
you let out a sigh before moving your mouse cursor to linger on the ‘start recording camera’ button. you clicked on it, before moving your chair back to fully say hi to your chat. 
you brought your hands up to wave to the camera. you tilted your head slightly. “soooo, it’s my birthday.” you said. 
chat was going crazy so you stopped reading them so you wouldn’t get a headache. the donations went crazy too, but you tried your best to read them all. 
you thanked the people who subscribed to you or gifted you subs. 
“360 of this dress? sure, i’ll give you a twirl.” you replied a dono. 
you stood up, and rolled your gaming chair away so that they can see your whole outfit. you spun around once, quickly telling them where you got the dress from. 
you tried to hold your foot on one hand, balancing yourself to show them that you could go casual in this dress too. 
what you noticed was that, your phone hadn’t stopped beeping from a text notification, which belonged to the one and only georgenotfound. 
and since maybe he noticed that you won’t check your phone, he sent a donation instead. 
“WHAT THE FUCK.” the monotoned voice read out the donation, which was from george. 
you facepalmed, knowing exactly what his reaction is like at home. 
“I’M COMING OVER.” the voice said again. you laughed at his antics. 
“see you then.” you replied, laughing, knowing he was joking around anyways. 
she thinks i’m joking, isn’t she? 
well, she gave me her spare key for a reason, and this would be the best reason. 
i knew i wanted to come around anyways. just after her stream. i promised her no going out, but not no gifts and ordering in. 
sneaky, i know. 
i had a plan brewing in my mind. to walk in her house as quietly as possible, to surprise her. 
after seeing her in that dress, i don’t think i can stand our fans not knowing we aren’t dating. 
i know, i haven’t really asked her out, but we kinda both agreed that there was no use, knowing each other’s feeling was good enough and that we didn’t need to do anything extravagant. 
i don’t know what she’s tell her fans but i’m sure i hadn’t disclose our relationship. the fans shipped us, sure, but i don’t think i’ve ever said it out loud. 
we knew we’d have to say it someday. so i thought, why not today? as i surprised her at her own house. 
her fans watching her stream are tweeting at me like crazy. no one had seen her like that. she practically lives in sweats and hoodies, constantly. 
the most fitting thing i’ve seen her wear is skinny jeans, but she would always wear a baggy top with it. people always say she drowns in her clothes, but i never complained, she looked good either ways. 
but seeing her in that dress, damn. i needed to be there and hug her, kiss her. i couldn’t wait to see her in that dress, right in front of my eyes. 
our observant fans or close friends have asked if she dresses the same at home, and my answer always stayed the same. that she lives in baggy clothes. 
there are some creepy people out there who would ask that question in a sexual way. thinking i’ve seen her in less. but truthfully, i haven’t. we’re not pass that stage, and we prefer it this way. 
what the fans see is what i see on the daily, too. 
and no, me going to her house to see her more clearly in that dress doesn’t mean we’re doing anything. i just want to observe her beauty. see what she’s hid from me. 
chat was going crazy over george’s donation. but you still laughed it off. it’s all a joke anyways, him coming over. 
he was coming over later, after noon, so he wouldn’t just drop everything to see you right now. 
“geez. chill out, chat, george was joking.” you told them. 
you sat on your gaming chair more comfortably as you started playing a couple rounds of among us with your fans. you told them not to cheat and watch your stream as they’re playing ad lucky you, they listened. 
for some reason, your chat still kept blowing up with george comments. maybe they were still caught up on that comment he said earlier. 
but you hadn’t thought that he’d be behind you the entire time, telling the chat to not make it obvious. 
“happy birthday, b” you heard a very familiar voice from behind you. 
you almost had a whiplash from how quick you turned your head to see who was behind you. 
you stood up to hug him, almost falling to the floor, stumbling on your own feet.
with the way you ran to him, he almost fell to the floor. “you’re here, you’re here.” you kept repeating it to him, not believing that he actually came. you knew he’d come later, but not this early. 
george moved you back gently to see your full outfit. you two were aware that the facecam is still on, and pointing to you two, seeing every move. 
“come here.” he whispered to you before grabbing your waist, to kiss you. 
you two took a little while enjoying each other’s company, still in front of everyone on twitch. 
he moved you back a little, turning you to face your gaming monitors. “MY GIRLFRIEND, EVERYBODY. isn’t she so hot, oh my god.” he said to the stream. 
you laughed at his stupid antics, covering your face with your hands as you blushed. 
your chat didn’t stop talking about the interaction, not believing that their ship was finally sailing. 
you played a couple more rounds of among us with them, george taking over sometime or making funny comments to entertain your chat while you played. 
after the stream, george and you took time to enjoy the time alone, ordering in your favourite food and opening gifts that he bought you. 
you forgot to mention that both of your twitter was blowing up too much that you had to mute it for a while. you knew that a lot had screenshot the cute moment. 
you took note to screenshot some of the photos on twitter later. 
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Dear wendy, im sorry for being a whore but 👁👄👁 … I kinda want a smut where reader is a milf a mom of geto’s friend… a lot sexual tension would be great 😳
YES AND — my mind instantly said “hey this is how that will play out” and LOW KEY I’ve been waiting for this moment because I, too, am I whore.
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Milk and Cookies: Geto Suguru x Fem!Reader
WC: 1.9k
Tw: NSFW (Lactation kink, unprotected sex)
The chimes and tinkles of the doorbell make you look up from the dirty dishes in the sink, and you pad over to the wooden door, peeking through the peephole.
Your son's friend, Geto Suguru, stands in the entryway, holding a bag as he pushes his hair back over his shoulder, and you instantly open the door for him. God, if he was as old as you, you'd have him snatched up and pinned to a bed. "Hello, Suguru! Just so you know, Kai won't be back for another hour or so. He and his grandfather were caught in traffic on the way back from fishing," you tell the man, and he smiles at you brightly. Your legs want to go weak, but you keep your composure and smile back at the twenty-two-year-old.
"No worries, Mrs. L/n. I'll just wait here until they get back. Do you mind?"
"Not at all," you reassure him and walk past the door to let him in. "The baby is with his grandma, so make yourself comfortable in the living room. Let me know if you want anything to eat." Geto nods at you, then opens the bag he brought.
"I brought some cookies that my mother made for you. She said after having a baby, these really help with your... uh... hormones, I think." You examine the offering when he passes it to you, and take one out of the little box. The oats and dark chocolate pieces melt in your mouth, and you hum in delight.
"These are delicious, Suguru. Tell your mother I said thank you. Did you help her make these?" The grown man shuffles about for a second, then admits his involvement. "You're incredibly sweet," you mention, and a blush creeps up his neck. "You both did a very good job." He looks up at you, dumbfounded, then smirks.
"Wasn't too hard to follow directions. Plus, I love baking. Would love to help you bake sometimes if you'll let me."
"Just let me know when and what you want to bake," you reassure him and he nods, taking a seat on the couch.
When you finish the cookie, you turn back to the dishes and begin to wash them as the TV flicks on in the living room. You're lost in thought about the kindness of Suguru and his mother when you feel the sharp stabbing sensation of a knife poke you in your hand.
"Ah!" When you bring your hand out of the water, you see that the knife sliced the palm of your hand a little, red blood forming along the cut.
"Mrs. L/n, I'll help." Suguru appears out of nowhere and reaches above the microwave to grab the first aid kit from a cabinet. While he does that, you run the palm under water, hissing as it stings but then drying it on a paper towel. Suguru takes a bandaid and places it over your cut hand, then wraps gauze over it. "You should be more careful," he chastises, and you hum in response. "Would hate to see a pretty hand like yours get infected. I'll finish the dishes for you; just sit on the couch and relax." You begin to protest, but Suguru silences you with a five to your lips, pulls you toward the living room, and sits you on a recliner before he leaves to go finish the dishes.
The TV is tuned to HGTV, and you watch Chip and Joanna renovate homes while the man finishes, glancing over at him every so often to see if he's having any trouble. But he looks as studious as ever, hair dangling over his shoulder as he finishes his task. Well, your task, actually.
When Suguru's done, he joins you in the living room, sitting in the closest seat to your recliner. "Tell me about your weekend," he begins, his black eyes staring at your face. You eye your velour tracksuit with disdain, noting that you hadn't even had a chance to get out since the baby was born a month ago and the father had been absent for much longer than that.
"Oh, just cleaning and making the house neat. You?"
"That's all you've done? What about getting a babysitter to watch Kaneda while you go out and have some fun?"
"Um..." How could you explain to the man that you don't have any friends to go out with? "Well, that would be nice."
"I'll ask my friend Shoko if she'll come by. She loves kids." He pulls out his phone and begins to type out a message, then focuses back on you when he's done. "Any news from Mr. L/n?"
"No," you answer quickly. "He's sent his monthly allowance for me and Kai, but that's it."
"Has he seen Kaneda at all?"
"No." Geto lapses into silence, eyes looking down at the carpet.
"I normally don't speak on matters that don't concern me, but fuck him," he mutters, and you look up in shock. "If I had a wife like you, I'd take you out, show you off, make you happy, and keep you satisfied. I'd never--" Suguru clenches his jaw when you touch his hand, a small smile on your face.
"You're too kind. Things between Mr. L/n and I have been rough, but I'm sure he'll come around soon."
Suguru shakes his head, then shifts out of your grip. "I would treat you better," he murmurs, then looks over at you. You swear the flutter in your chest isn't from any feelings and just because of his pity. But when he gets up and cradles your face like a lover would, you break. Tears fall from your eyes rapidly, and he brushes them away with the pads of his thumbs, cooing at you like you're a child.
"You deserve better. Say it."
"I..." But do you? You heard rumors about Kai's mom and how she was abandoned in the same way. Was this your fate, too?
"Say it. Maybe then you'll believe it."
"I deserve... better."
"Good girl." The fluttering feeling returns and your lips part as you inhale sharply. "Now, will you let me give you something better?" You nod immediately, feeling something pool between your legs. When you realize it's heat, you're shocked, but Suguru leans in to kiss you, smoothing the shock away.
"Suguru," you murmur. "We shouldn't--"
"How long has it been since your husband touched you?" You fumble for the time, knowing it hadn't been for over eight months.
"Um... that's--"
"A long time, hmm?" Suguru's eyes roam over your figure. "Then let me satisfy you, just once. If you don't like it, we can stop and I'll never touch you again, I promise."
"Suguru, I--"
"What harm will it do? If you like it, I'll make sure I come by often enough to have you seeing stars once a week. We'll never speak of it again if you don't want to do it anymore."
The deal is a good one, you think. "Well, maybe just this once."
"That's all I need." He unzips your jacket and frees your swollen breasts, rubbing them tenderly and kissing each one with a peck. "First things first, you need some relief from all of this build-up." When he latches his mouth onto your right nipple, you moan loud enough to overshadow the sound of the TV, and you feel milk flowing from your breasts rapidly. Suguru hums, drinking from you greedily, a small river of milk flowing from the corner of his mouth. You feel a tingling sensation, then exhale deeply, closing your eyes as he massages the other breast slowly.
"Oh, that feels good," you whisper and he unlatches from your right breast to your left one, fitting himself onto the nipple perfectly. You hiss in pain for a few seconds until his tongue swirls over the nipple easily. A sudden realization that this is wrong washes over you, but Suguru is tightly latched onto the bud, suckling eagerly. "Suguru..." you whisper, and he opens his eyes, but doesn't stop. "Suguru, this is wrong. You're my stepson's best friend and I--"
"This isn't about him. This is about you," he mutters, swallowing the last bit of milk before he removes his shirt. "Besides, you taste so delicious. I'm sure the rest of you tastes even better." As he removes your track pants, you bite your lip, wanting this so desperately. He spreads your legs and dips a finger into you, stroking your insides gently. "Oh, you're ready."
"Please fuck me," you whisper. "Just do it." Suguru removes his pants and palms himself, his cock rock-hard and standing at attention. The red tip is already dripping with pre-cum, ready for you to take in. He pants a little, lifting you off the recliner and moving you to the couch, where he lays you on the comfortable fabric before parting your legs again.
He runs the tip up and down your slit before sliding into you, his tip caressing long-neglected parts of you. "Su," you whine, and he kisses your cheek.
"Tell me if it hurts, baby." You clutch onto him as he pushes into you again, digging your nails into his back and moaning. "You're so damn tight."
"Feels so good..." You feel the sensation of being stretched to the brim, and wonder where in the hell Sugurus been all of your life. When he picks up his speed, he clutches onto your asscheeks and shifts you up so your knees are touching your chest. As he holds them against your breasts, they begin to leak and stain the fabric beneath them. You gasp and pant wantonly, hoping the sounds out spur him to go faster, go deeper; maybe if you allowed him to--
"Turn over for me." You obey, and he slides two fingers between your pussy lips, bending down to whisper in your ear. "Gonna make you cum in a minute. God, I've waited for this pussy for so long," he moans. "Such a good girl; waiting for months to get fucked. So patient." You whimper, and he removed his fingers, replacing them with his cock head. He slides into you again, and you exclaim, bucking your hips up to meet his. "Such a beautiful pussy, too," he grunts, smacking your ass with a heavy hand.
Then Suguru begins pounding into you wildly, rocking you back and forth on the couch without restraint. You hiss before you feel the familiar build-up of an orgasm, and call Geto's name out before you begin to shake, losing all sense of time and place.
"That's it, baby. Cum for me," Suguru breathes. "You're doing amazing."
"Oh my god," you gasp, cunt clenching around his dick. "I can't--" Another orgasm builds on top of the one you already experienced, and you grip onto the fabric tightly, shaking as you cum again. "S-Suguru, I--"
"Fuck," he whispers in your ear. "Gonna cum too. Where do you want it?"
"Wherever," you pant, and he instantly lets himself go inside of you, groaning loudly.
"God, Mrs. L/n, that was amazing," he whispers, chest heaving up and down. "What'd you think?" When he realizes that he has to remove your hands from the fabric, he chuckles. "You liked it." You nod, feeling his cum leaking out of you. "Let me clean you up, sweetheart." You expect him to go to the bathroom and search for a washcloth, but he pulls your hips up and back, so your knees are on the carpet.
It's only then that he begins to lick you clean, slurping up his cum and your juices. When he's done licking you clean, he pats your ass and you turn over, eyeing the man cautiously.
"I'll come over next week if you want me to. I'll make sure you're satisfied for the rest of your life."
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jackrrabbit · 4 years
be a little bad /// Hawks x f!Reader (18+)
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Summary: College AU 🍺 Frat boy Keigo pours you your first drink and decides he’s going to help himself to more of your firsts.
A/N: Hawks just makes so much sense as a frat bro 🤧 @koiibito​ thank you for working through ideas w/ me…& remember when I told you this was going to be short?? whoops 🤡
Tags/warnings: dubcon/coercion, inexperienced reader, fuckboy Hawks, overstimulation, alcohol, inebriated sex, problematic frat culture stuff, idk what to call it but peer pressure? to drink etc., all characters are adults
How long have you been sitting here?
You feel like there’s some kind of immense weight holding you down, making it impossible for you to stand up off this ugly couch that’s been crammed into the corner of the room to make space for the dance floor. You and this couch have become good friends over what you think has been the past hour—at first you occupied yourself by looking at the people playing beer pong, but after the fourth time you had to decline one of the players’ offers to join, you decided to stop making eye contact. So you sit on the couch, you stare at your phone, and you wish you were back at your dorm—or, better yet, back in your hometown with all your high school friends.
But you’re not. You’re here, multiple time zones away from anywhere you can call home, and all of your high school friends are asleep. And the one person—the one person you’ve managed to make friends with since orientation is the one who dragged you to this freaking frat party and then proceeded to abandon you. Apparently he didn’t feel the need to tell you that as a new pledge of this frat, he’s going to be on “door duty” checking ratios and giving sardonic responsibility talks for the next two hours.
Which leaves you here, sitting on the couch and trying to avoid the more questionable stains that you can barely make out in the seizure-inducing strobe lights. There’s a can of beer icing down your palms and you adjust your grip so it doesn’t leave a damp spot of condensation in your lap. It was your friend who gave it to you before he disappeared (“you don’t even have to drink it,” he’d said, “just hold it and no one else will pressure you to get another drink”).
It smells foul. You’ve had sips of beer before, and you can never understand why people drink it voluntarily. But maybe…maybe now that you’re in college, maybe now that you’re an adult, you’ll enjoy the taste. You raise the can to your lips and chug down a heavy gulp.
Ugh. Still gross. You wince and wipe your mouth.
“Not a fan of natty, huh? Good taste.” A hand appears out of nowhere to pluck the can away from you and you jump, nearly smacking your forehead against the stranger’s chin. He pulls back. “Whoa! Careful there.”
“…That’s mine,” you say half-heartedly as the guy tilts up the beer—your beer, your decoy drink—and takes a long draught.
“You’re not missing out. This stuff is piss,” he says, grinning down at you.
He’s not the first guy to hit on you at this party (what is it about lost-looking girls that draws frat boys in like moths to a flame?), but he is the best-looking. Long, swept-back blond hair; equally long eyelashes; a hint of scruff on his chin—he’s pretty and masculine at the same time. You let him take the seat next to you and lure you into a conversation, and he’s nice, too—laughing with you about how bad the beer tastes and sympathizing with your criticisms of your first experience at a frat party. You fall over yourself apologizing when he lets slip that he’s a brother (“social chair, actually, so if the party sucks it’s on me”) but he tells you it’s okay, that no one likes going to parties alone, not at first.
His name is Keigo Takami. He’s a junior, a marketing major, and he joined the frat in his first semester. According to him, the fraternity is a great group of guys (“I mean, they’re a bunch of jackasses, sure, but they’re well-meaning jackasses for the most part”) and all the rumors about frat parties are overblown.
“Seriously, you’d be having fun if you were drinking,” Keigo tells you. “These parties aren’t intended for a sober audience.”
“Sure,” you scoff, but it’s not serious. You are having fun, talking to him.
He gasps, mock-offended. “Don’t believe me? I’ll prove it to you. Stay right here, okay—don’t move a muscle.”
When he gets up, the dense crowd on the makeshift dance floor parts to let him through to the stairs leading into the upper floors. It’s kind of amazing. Everyone else (yourself included) has to wade through, pushing and shoving past the teeming throng to get anywhere, but for Keigo it’s effortless.
He’s back in just a few minutes, holding—oh god, how typical—a red plastic cup filled with a kool-aid red liquid that smells sickly sweet. Is it actually kool-aid? You take a whiff and can’t detect the tell-tale bitter alcohol fumes. “Is this…?”
“Mm, that’s jungle juice. The frat’s secret recipe. It’s good, try it.”
You raise the cup but hesitate. Is this really a good idea? You’ve been warned about stuff like this so many times. You don’t have to do it just because everyone else is.
Keigo catches your hesitation and frowns. “What’s up?”
“It’s nothing, I just…haven’t…”
“Hm? Don’t tell me this is your first drink? Aww, little freshman baby.” He’s mocking you, looking down on you, and you hate it. You’re not a baby. You can play with the boys.
You make eye contact with him before you tip back the cup and gulp down the juice, letting the full contents slosh down your throat. It’s syrupy-sweet and tastes like fruit punch and oranges so it goes down easy, a lot easier than you thought it would. A drop slides out of the corner of your mouth but you lick it up when it runs over your lip.
Keigo whistles. “Damn, down the hatch. That was…that was kinda hot.”
If you’re blushing, you hope he thinks it’s because of the drink.
He’s faster when he gets you the second cup. It doesn’t even taste like alcohol. Keigo won’t tell you what’s in it or how much (“secret recipe’s gotta stay a secret, y’know? It’s in the bylaws”). Halfway into the second cup you start to feel dizzy, which Keigo says means it’s working. He pulls you up off what you’ve semi-affectionately begun to think of as your couch and guides you onto the dance floor. The music is heavy and blaring loud, thudding through the speakers and making the walls shake, making you shake as it travels through the sticky floor up into your body. You sway haphazardly but Keigo’s got you by the arms, pulling you out of the way of the crowd, pulling you into him.
“Looking a little unsteady there, baby,” he says, and—and, you hear him, you do, but he’s talking to you from underwater (or, no, that’s just what it sounds like? or—) um. Beaming his voice into your brain or something?
Keigo laughs and you giggle and it feels good. “Better finish that or you’re gonna spill it,” he says, putting his warm hot hand over yours, guiding the cup back up to your face so you can finish off.
You’re in the middle of the dance floor surrounded by writhing bodies so it shouldn’t surprise you when someone’s elbow smacks into your back and jostles you so the jungle juice spills, spills out of your mouth dripping down your chin onto the dress. You process the interruption a second too late and the sticky red liquid is already staining your skin. …Feels good, you think first, because the drink is cool and refreshing and it’s so hot in here, steamy warm, everyone pressed up against everyone else like you’re pressed into Keigo, and then oh no—oh no your dress—but at least it’s a dark color, at least the stain won’t show—
“What did I tell you about spilling?” you sort of  hear Keigo say, and then you sort of feel the weight of his hand wiping away the juice from your mouth, and then he sticks his face up close to yours and oh my god oh my god he’s kissing you.
There’s something indescribably weird about it, his tongue thrashing over yours like he’s trying to lick the juice out of your mouth while you try not to flinch back from the taste of the beer he was drinking earlier. But he’s so solid, so steady, the only still thing in a room full of movement—when your eyes move away from him into the twisting mass of bodies and flashing lights you feel dizzy, so you keep your gaze locked firmly on him. He wraps his arm around your back and you instantly feel better and lean into him, lean into the kiss.
You’re drooling by the time he stops kissing you. “So sweet,” Keigo says, wiping a pearl of saliva off his mouth. “Little sloppy, but I can work with that.”
You don’t get it. You don’t even know if you would get it if you were sober. What you do get is Keigo’s hand wrapped around your upper arm, pulling you through the crowd to the staircase. Once again the people move aside for him, like the Red Sea for Moses, you think with a little laugh and he looks back at you and raises an eyebrow questioningly.
You stop, halting at the base of the stairs and squinting up at the bright yellow light in the stairwell, so invasive and clinical after the strobing darkness of the bottom floor. There’s something hard pressing into your side when you try to lean on the wall. There’s a name for that thing, isn’t there? B…ban…bannister, right? You grip the bannister with one hand to hold yourself still and resist Keigo tugging you higher up the stairs.
“W-Where’re we going?” you ask. It’s weird—your voice doesn’t sound like drunk people in movies. It’s not slurred or unintelligible. To your own ears, it just sounds high, and fast, and…nervous.
“Going upstairs,” Keigo says patiently, still pulling gently at your arm. “Gonna get some air, ‘kay? I’ll show you something cool.”
“O-Okay…” Something cool? You want to see something cool, even if you’re practically tripping over the stairs trying to stumble up them.
One of the brothers is guarding the entrance to the upper floors (no doubt ensuring that wayward attendees don’t try to take the party upstairs into the personal bedrooms). He nods at Keigo when he passes, but when he catches sight of you—you with your hair mussed, lipstick smeared, flushed cheeks and wobbly steps—his eyes narrow. “She good?”
Even in your boozy haze, it doesn’t escape you that the question isn’t directed toward you. He’s asking Keigo.
“Her? She’s fine, she’s fine.” Keigo throws his arm over your shoulders like you’re old buddies. “I’m taking her to my room, it’s so fucking hot down there I can’t breathe.”
“Yeah…” the other guy says, gaze still focused on you, but he doesn’t move to the side to let you through.
“Oh, come on.” Keigo steps up onto the same stair as him so he can look him in the eye. “I said she’s fine, didn’t I? She’s having fun. Aren’t you? Tell him you’re having fun, (Y/N).”
His tone isn’t any less sociable than before, but—are you imagining it?—he’s not really asking, is he? “Um, I’m having—having fun?”
Oh. Oh no. Why did that sound like a question?
The brother waits a moment, and then shrugs and steps aside. “Whatever, bro.”
Keigo’s bedroom is on the third and highest floor of the sprawling mansion where the fraternity makes its home. Flags are pinned to the walls—one with the colors of your university and one with the fraternity crest—and on top of his desk there are trophies lined up in meticulous rows: track and field, swimming, cross country, fencing. The bedroom is a rare single, one of only a few in the crowded house, which Keigo explains is because he earned it as a member of leadership when he was elected social chair (“it was unanimous—well, almost, a couple of the douchebags voted for themselves but—“)
You’re trying to listen, you really are. But your head is spinning. Now that you’re out of the feverish swampy heat of the dance floor downstairs, you feel marginally more sober—and also more aware that you’re inebriated. Keigo’s voice is steady and soothing like the rest of him. The timbre, the intonations, the casual lilt and dip of his speaking make more sense to you than the words themselves.
“Here, have this. It’s rum. Tell me what it smells like…” Keigo puts something in your hand—a tiny little cup, a plastic shot glass—and you have to use all your concentration to hold it still enough to let him fill it with red-brown liquid out of an unlabeled bottle.
When you carefully lift it up to your face, you can smell the alcohol. It smells sweet, too—like vanilla, vanilla and something fruity and heavy. Bananas?
But mostly it smells like alcohol.
“It smells like banana bread, doesn’t it?” Keigo asks, pouring himself a shot too. “Try it.”
You take a tentative sip but even that meager amount is sickeningly bitter in your mouth. You hold it on your tongue for a second trying to taste the ‘banana bread’ and then swallow a few moments too late, hoping you don’t look as disgusted as you feel.
“Not like that,” Keigo laughs, tipping his own shot back and downing it in a single go. “Like this. Your turn.”
“…Keigo…” You’re not sure what you want to say. You don’t want the shot, it tastes bad and you’re already drunk. You’re a smart girl, a careful girl. You should know better. You do know better. But it feels like—it feels like, even though he’s not making you do anything, somehow it’s too late to say no.
“C’mon, (Y/N). It’s just a little shot.” He taps his empty glass against your almost-full one. “And look, if you don’t want to, I’ll just take you back downstairs…is that what you want?”
Back downstairs. Back to sitting by yourself and waiting for your friend and turning down offers. Is that what you want?
Keigo’s gaze dips down to the ground and he shifts a step forward. “Now…maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think you want that. ‘Cause when I saw you sitting on that couch, you didn’t look like you were having such a good time, hm? Am I right?”
“…um, I guess?”
“Yeah…you looked so sad and lost and lonely I couldn’t leave you alone. Admit it...” He reaches up and tucks a wayward lock of hair behind your ear. “You were waiting for someone to catch your interest. You were wishing a guy like me would come rescue you. If I’m wrong, I’ll take you right back downstairs and leave you by yourself for the rest of the night, okay? But if I’m right…”
You can smell his hot breath on your face—vanilla and sugar and bananas and rum.
“…take the shot.”
It’s not so bad the second time. You’re quicker and you don’t bother holding it in your mouth. The liquor sears your throat clean and when you get over the unpleasantness, it really does taste kind of like banana bread.
“Ohhhh… Not so bad, is it?” Keigo takes the glass from you. “God, you—you complain, but you really take it down like a champ.”
“Alcohol tastes nasty,” you reply, wrinkling your nose. “Why’d people do this for fun?”
“It’s not about the taste, not at first,” Keigo laughs. Weird. It’s like he’s always laughing.
“Then what?” At your next exhale, you squeeze your eyes shut and reopen them. Ah. Ah. The room is moving again, spinning, contracting and dilating. There’s something relaxing about it, like you’re being rocked on gentle waves in the ocean. You feel floaty, comfortable, pleased.
“Well…it’s nice, isn’t it? Isn’t this nice? Helps you not think so much, not worry about the consequences.” Keigo’s arms are wrapping around you again, anchoring you in place. His torso is warm and hard against yours. “Lets you be bad.”
“Mmm…” You blink up at Keigo, admire his jawline and his lashes and his pretty gold eyes. He looks like a boy you would’ve had a crush on in high school, an older boy who never would’ve given you the time of day.
His hand is rubbing circles over your back, shifting the fabric of your dress along with his palm. “So what do you say?” he murmurs. “Wanna be a little bad?”
You do. You want to be bad and naughty and reckless. You want to make dumb, drunken decisions that you’ll laugh about with your friends in a few years. You want to do things you’ll regret, because you’d rather regret the things you had the guts to do than the ones you were too scared to try.
You inch your arms up past Keigo’s shoulders and tangle them in his fluffy hair, tugging gently at the different strands until you work up the nerve to pull his head to your level and kiss him. Even though you initiated it, he immediately takes the lead and the force of his mouth writhing against yours has your neck twisting back to accommodate. His tongue pushes against yours again but you don’t mind it this time. Your spine is arched and you’d probably be falling backward if his hand wasn’t bracing your lower back before sliding down to grab your ass.
“God—“ he breaks the kiss— “goddamn, look at you.” He’s gripping your dress, lifting it, pulling the fabric up over your hips and up to your waist at the same time as he showers kisses over your cheeks and your jawline and your neck.
You lift your chin (how strange that you’ve never done this before and still it feels so natural) to let him bite and suck scarlet marks onto the thin skin of your throat. “Keigo—“
“Baby,” he sighs, his breath stirring the hair falling over your neck. “You’re gonna be a killer, I can tell… You’re sweet now, but fuck, you’ve got no idea.” His hands are under the hem of your dress giving your ass another squeeze before he pulls the skirt up.
“Killer? What do you...” He’s backing you onto the bed, kicking off his shoes, and you do the same.
“Shh, that’s for me to know and you to find out. Arms up,” he tells you, and you slowly comply, letting him take the dress off your shivering body to leave you in your panties—no bra, not in this dress. Keigo holds the dress in his hands for a second before he drops it to the floor. “This—you know what, this is how I knew you were a virgin, this little dress, who the hell wears a dress to a frat party—“
“A virgin?” Hearing him say the word hits some kind of trigger in you and your eyes go wide. Without thinking, you fold your arms over your breasts and pull your legs up to your chest.
“Not a virgin virgin, it’s just what we call freshie girls who’ve never been to a party before—“ Keigo starts to clarify, but when he catches your reaction (your overreaction), his eyes narrow and he sits on the bed over you, knees straddling your legs. “Wait. Are you—you’re not actually a virgin, are you?”
You look to the side, cheeks hot, wanting to deny it but knowing there’s no way you’ve got the mental fortitude to really convince him.
“Fuuuck,” Keigo breathes, leaning over you and framing your face with his hands. “Baby. You just keep getting sweeter, don’t you?”
“Shut up,” you whine, covering your face with your hands. “’s embarrassing…”
“You should be glad I asked, or you’d be…like crying and bleeding and stuff, right? God, it’s been a while since I had a virgin.” He scratches his forehead and then his hand comes down to absently stroke the soft inside of your thigh.
It tickles. It tickles and you feel goosebumps rising to attention on your leg and a silly little laugh bubbles out of your throat. An involuntary shiver passes through you.
Keigo smirks and ducks down to kiss the skin of your inner thigh. It’s light—it’s nothing—but the rough stubble on his chin scratches over your skin and you giggle again. He nudges up higher on your body, so close you can feel the heat of his breath through your panties, and his hands grip around your waist to keep you in place.
Everything’s moving so quickly. You wonder in the back of your mind, the tiny part that still has a decent grasp on sobriety, if you’re ready for all of this. Then you wonder if anyone’s ever ready. How are you supposed to know? When it’s the right time, are you not supposed to be nervous? You are nervous, but the liquor is taking the edge off, making you more comfortable, maybe even keeping your mouth shut when the sober version of you would’ve stopped this a long time ago. You don’t know.
But what you do know—what you do know is that Keigo is easing your panties down off your legs and then nosing back in to kiss up your thighs and latch his mouth over your pussy.
“Mm—oh, fuck—“ What are you saying? You’re not a moaner, you don’t even say ‘fuck’. You’ve always been able to keep quiet when you’re by yourself. It’s like Keigo’s tongue flicking over your clit is pulling the voice out of you.
He wriggles the tip of his tongue over that sweet spot and the breath falls out of your lungs in what is undeniably a whimper. You feel so tense with the effort of keeping still, blood rushing to your pussy, and your thigh spasms where it’s nestled next to Keigo’s cheek. “You ever done this before?” he hums between licks.
“Ever cum?” His tongue returns, licking you up and down in lazy strokes, spreading your juices all over your dripping cunt.
“…hahhh, yesss…” Yes, you’ve had an orgasm before, in your own bed on your own fingers. When you do it to yourself it’s detached and methodical, a means to an end. You keep your mouth closed and you barely move and you get it over with. It’s not like this, wet and sloppy and out of your control, teasing, giving you almost exactly what you want but not quite.
You’re moaning. You’re moaning. You can still hear the throbbing music of the party downstairs, and you’re moaning your little heart out, whimpering, crying with little ah-ah-ah’s that anyone who can hear would recognize immediately.
When you do it yourself, it’s not like this. It’s never like this. Keigo moves from slow to quick unpredictably, always pulling you down right when you feel that pressure building in your core. It feels good enough that you’re annoyed—no, not annoyed, downright pissed when he sits back up on his heels and licks the wetness off his own lips.
“What’re you—I was, I was gonna—“ you start, trying to organize your thoughts. It had felt good. You’d wanted it, wanted more, and now your pussy feels all warm and wet and needy, pulsating with the lust he stirred up in you.
“Gonna cum?” Keigo leans down and kisses you, long and slow. “Sorry…but I’m selfish. When you cum, I wanna feel it.”
His arms flex in the yellow lamplight as he pulls the collar of his shirt over his head. You’re sprawled over the sheets on your back, not sure what you can say so you just watch. It helps that there’s plenty to look at—the hard planes of his abdomen forming the tell-tale dips of a six-pack, perfectly-formed lean muscle (all those sports trophies, you think to yourself), and the V of his hipbones disappearing under the hem of his pants…which he’s currently taking off as well. There’s something to be said for the benefits of spending more time at the gym than you do at the library.
Every part of Keigo Takami is impressive—he’s a work of art in human form. And when he pulls down his boxer briefs and his cock springs out to bob against his stomach, you’ve gotta admit that that is pretty impressive too.
Impressive…and intimidating. You bite your lip looking at it. Keigo pumps himself up and down, and every time his fist moves down to expose the thick pink head, you wonder the same thing: how is that supposed to fit!?
Keigo must see the sudden anxiety on your face, because he smiles (reassuringly? arrogantly? or is he just delighting in your discomfort?) and lifts you like a kitten with his hands under your armpits. “Up, up, on your knees, legs together—perfect. Now turn and put your hands on the wall.”
It’s so much easier to follow his instructions than try to consider what would happen if you said no. His callused hands petting over your waist make you feel like you’re doing the right thing. But—still—the nagging anxiety of having something so big in your pussy doesn’t go away.
You hear a drawer opening, and you turn away from the wall to see Keigo squeezing a clear liquid from a bottle in his hand and spreading it meticulously down the shaft of his cock. Lube? That’s good, you’ve heard from your more experienced female friends that it’s good to be extra wet the first time…but there’s something else, something you’re missing, isn’t there?
You try to think, try to ground yourself and understand, really understand what’s happening to you. What are you missing? The bed is squishy and soft under your knees, the air is windy somehow (is there a fan on? you hadn’t noticed), and the music downstairs is so loud you can feel the vibrations through the wall you’re pushed up against. And. And. You try to think. What are you forgetting that you’re not allowed to forget?
You can feel his cock, too. Keigo’s hands grip the flesh of your hips and he leans his chest into your back, brushing your hair over your shoulders so the two of you can touch skin to skin. The head of his cock bumps against your mound, raw and hard and heavy. Skin to skin.
Skin to skin.
It hits you in a wave of panic and you whip your head around and push desperately back at Keigo’s solid shoulder. “Wait! Wait, Keigo—the condom? Are you wearing a condom?”
His hand wraps around your wrist and pins it back against the wall, and he bows down to nip a a little spot on the crook of your neck. “Calm down, we don’t need one.”
“No, we—we need it, I need it!” you squeak out, trying to push away from Keigo but he’s got you sandwiched between him and the wall and those perfect muscles you were admiring earlier are definitely not just for show.
“I said calm down. I’m not gonna go inside.”
He rocks his hips forward and his dick bumps up under your pussy again. “Ever heard of thighfucking?”
No, you’ve never heard of thighfucking, but you’re an intelligent girl and you might be drunk but you’re not so drunk that you can’t piece together what he means. Your interpretation is reinforced when you feel Keigo slathering liquid—lubricant—over the lips of your pussy and between the tops of your thighs. It feels cold and weird—slippery slick, like lotion—but even the barest second of his fingers brushing over your clit reignites the need from when he ate you out and you shudder.
“Keep those knees together for me, baby,” Keigo says, and with no further delay he pushes his cock in between your thighs, aiming it perfectly to slide between your pussy lips so the head will bump up on your clit.
“…ahh, Keigo, wait—oh!” The full weight of Keigo’s body shoves against your back every time he thrusts. You’re too weak for this, too delicate to stay in position. Your elbows buckle under the pressure and your face is about to smack directly into the wall until Keigo laces his fingers in your loose hair and yanks you back from it.
He’s got no trouble holding you down, keeping you perfectly posed with your soft thighs molded tightly around the cock driving between them. Your head is craned back from his hold on your hair and he lays hungry kisses over your mouth, your cheek, your neck, anywhere he can reach. He’s right—he is selfish, and you know that this position is about him, not you, so it takes you by surprise that the longer he fucks his cock between your thighs and your dripping slit, the more heat you feel rising up in your cunt.
It’s not right. It’s not supposed to be like this. Your first time doing anything with a boy isn’t supposed to end up with him using you like he’s humping a pillow, thrusting his slippery cock into your thighs and groaning in your ear. It’s all wrong, and it’s definitely wrong that you’re getting off to it.
But now you know why he ate you out and left you high and dry (well, not dry) without making you cum—because the heat and the friction and the feeling of every ridged vein sliding over your clit, his hips smacking with a wet slap against yours, the smooth head grinding over your pussy—all of it is making your thoughts swirl like your brains are sloshing around in your head, and not just because of the alcohol.
“Fuck,” Keigo purrs, ducking forward to bite the shell of your ear and then running a soothing tongue over it. “Fuck, baby, you like that? Is that virgin pussy getting all wet on my dick? You’re twitching, I can feel you…”
“…Mmph, ah, I, I—please—” You can’t really talk, not when he’s knocking the breath out of you with every thrust. But you need more. It’s not fair, having to make do with the uncontrolled jerks of his cock over your upper thighs and the outside of your pussy. He’s fucking you like he couldn’t care less about whether you get to cum—which, if you had the ability to think about it, he probably doesn’t. Certainly not as much as he cares about your soft, lubed-up skin squeezing so deliciously on his cock.
You grind your hips down a little, sticking your ass back toward him to get a better angle and—ugh, ugh it works, the pressure on your clit increases, and you keen desperately, begging him to fuck your thighs faster harder deeper. He yanks on your hair, snapping your head back so your whimper chokes up into a squeal, and—god, are you imagining it?—but you swear you feel the stiff length of his cock throb in between your legs with the head nudging on your belly.
“Uhnn…baby, baby, baby,” Keigo chants in your ear. His voice is heavier and jagged with the puffs of breath that are coming out in time with the roll of his hips into yours. It sounds…needy, almost. “G-Good girl, keep those legs tight, just—just like that…my good little sweetheart, angel, virgin. Gonna make me cum? Yeah? Make me cum with these pretty fucking thighs?”
“—Keigo, I’m—mm!” You can’t say it, even the thought of announcing you’re cumming like some kind of pornstar makes you cringe, but even if you don’t say it, there’s no way he doesn’t feel the electric shock that passes through you, sending tremors through your body.
You’re crying out, loud, louder than the music downstairs maybe (or at least it feels like it). There’s nothing you can grip for purchase so one hand just scrabbles against the bare expanse of the wall while you curl the other into a fist and dig your fingernails into your palms.
Fuck, is it the alcohol? Is it the liquor that’s making it feel like this, so overwhelming and heady you don’t even know where you are? You vaguely try to remember how you got here (something about blond hair, an easy laugh, and sugar-sweet liquid coating your tongue), but it’s not important, who fucking cares when the cock pistoning between your thighs is still rubbing up on your clit, still stimulating you, still sending sparks of heat up through your spine and making it impossible for you to breathe without moaning, much less think.
“Keigo…Keigo I came, please ahh—it, it hurts,” you whimper, trying to shift your hips up off his cock to relieve the pressure on your sensitive clit—but he won’t let you.
Keigo’s grip on your ass digs in deeper, harder so he’s probably leaving bruises, and the hand in your hair pulls your head back toward his. His voice is a growl, so low and scratchy that it sends a chill up through your body. “Don’t move. Don’t you—don’t you fucking move. Stay right fucking there.”
It scares you.
It scares you, but his dick is rocking over your pussy, making you crazy, making you lose your grip on whatever other physical sensations you can still feel. You’re limp except for your thighs pressed into one another as tightly as you can manage, letting Keigo hold you up. It doesn’t hurt, not really—but it’s horrible, it’s too much, it’s like you’re trapped on the edge, cumming and cumming and cumming and cumming while you squeal like you’re being tortured, and you are, you are, you are, you are—
—it's torture.
But not pain. It doesn’t hurt. It’s mind-bending, oppressive, awful, you want it to stop but—oh god oh god—you’re helpless and you don’t get to make it stop, you don’t get to make that decision, it’s up to him. He decides, Keigo decides, and Keigo decides to keep fucking into your thighs, keep spreading your pussy lips apart and teasing your clit, so you just roll your head back and stop trying to convince yourself it doesn’t feel incredible.
You barely notice him speeding up—you probably wouldn’t notice at all if you couldn’t hear the beat of your moans, paced in time with his body slamming yours against the wall, increasing in frequency. He releases your hair (you swear you can feel blood rush back into your head when you’re finally able to lean forward) and his hands go back to your hips, guiding you to rock yourself back on him so his last few rabid thrusts finish with the head of his cock rubbing firmly against your stomach.
“Ugh, goddamnit fuck, baby, yesss, stay still, stay right there,” Keigo groans, and you’re so blissed out from the overstimulation that you barely even feel the twitching of his cock between your legs and the spurt of thick, hot liquid on your stomach.
Oh god.
When Keigo finally picks his hands off their bruising grip on your ass, you drop directly onto the bed, barely remembering at the last second to roll over onto your back so his semen (his semen, which is spread over your lower belly like a Jackson Pollock painting) doesn’t stain his sheets.
You stare at the ceiling and what do you know, there is a ceiling fan, blades spinning in lazy circles that make you sick when you try to follow them. So you close your eyes.
What are you feeling? What are you supposed to be feeling?
Anger, probably. Fear? Well, you won’t deny that there are hints of both of those emotions swimming underneath the hazy surface of your drunken psyche, but they’re overshadowed by what you’re really feeling, which is relief, relief that the stimulation is over, relief that it felt good, relief. And—since you’re too out of it to stop yourself from admitting it—satisfaction.
There’s a rustling, paper slipping against paper, and then you can feel Keigo wiping his cum off your bare stomach with a tissue and then dabbing at the smears of wetness between your legs. When he’s satisfied that you’re clean, the bed creaks as he lays down next to you. He’s panting.
Reluctantly you open your eyes and roll onto your side, propping yourself up on an elbow so you can look down at him: golden hair spread out in a halo around his head, pale lashes and brows, a healthy glow of sweat over his forehead. You hadn’t seen it before, but there’s a tattoo curling over his biceps from where it must originate on his back—red feathers, wings, inked permanently into his skin.
Angel, Keigo called you earlier. But really, between the two of you…he’s the angel. In appearance, if nothing else.
His eyes drift open and the corner of his mouth tilts up, pleased to see you inspecting him. “How was that? Did you have fun being naughty?”
You and him both know exactly how much fun you had, and if you said it you’d just be stroking his ego. “You’re not a good guy, are you,” you say instead.
“Never said I was.”
“Then why didn’t you…have sex with me? For real?” you ask after a beat. The question’s been weighing on you.
“Don’t tell me you’re complaining.” A hand comes up to comb through your mussed hair unhurriedly.
“I’m not…” You still want to know, though.
“Mmm…baby. You didn’t want this to be your first time. Believe me, you’re not supposed to lose your virginity to a guy like me. No—don’t pout, come on. Your first time is supposed to be, like, soft and special and romantic, right?”
The girl you were one month ago, before you moved away from your hometown to come to college, she would have agreed. But you’re not that girl. You’ve been to your first college frat party, you’ve had your first drink and your first shot, you’ve kissed a stranger and you’ve done…sexual things with a man for the first time. And you’re okay with it. So you roll your eyes. “I’m not some fourteen-year-old drawing hearts in my notebook. I don’t need soft,” you tell him, hoping you sound bold and sarcastic.
Keigo chuckles and pats you on the head. “Don’t knock soft fucking, it’s got a time and a place like everything. I just couldn’t do it. Not when I saw you sitting there looking so lonely—you were like, hmm…like a rabbit in a den of wolves. You looked delicious.”
Oh god, you’re blushing again. This isn’t good for the nonchalant cool girl persona you’re trying to cultivate for yourself.
He cups your chin and runs his thumb over your lower lip. “I don’t think I could’ve been soft with you if I tried.”
A sharp rap on the door has both of you tensing, and Keigo only has a second to yank a blanket up from the foot of the bed over your naked bodies before the door is slammed open so hard that it bangs against the adjacent wall. “Jesus, get the fuck out!” he barks to the intruder, and it’s weird to hear the authoritative note in his voice reminding you that within this house, he’s someone who commands respect.
You tuck your face into Keigo’s chest and hope wildly that the person who just walked in 1) didn’t see anything and 2) isn’t the friend who brought you to the party, because if word gets around that you’re the girl who ‘slept’ with an older frat boy at the first party of freshman year, you’ll never live it down. Regardless of your own sexual liberation or whatever, you’re well aware that this isn’t the kind of reputation you want to start your college career out with.
“Sorry Kei! But we need you downstairs, we’re out of alc and the music stopped and no one knows how to fix the speakers!” the brother says, shielding his eyes with his hand, but he doesn’t leave the room. At least it’s not your friend—you breathe a sigh of relief and Keigo automatically smooths a hand down the back of your head in response.
“I’m kind of busy,” he seethes, and—you’ve gotta admit, there’s something marginally funny about seeing him caught off guard like this. You bite down on a laugh and he looks at you curiously, one thick eyebrow quirked.
“I’m really sorry, man, but the President said you’ll be on puke clean-up duty tomorrow if you don’t get your ass down there. His words, not mine.”
“Tomura, of-fucking-course…shitty incel has it out for me…” Keigo curses under his breath. “Give me five minutes.”
As soon as the door is closed, you’ve got your feet on the floor, groping around the discarded articles of clothing for your dress. You smooth down your hair with your hands and hope you look like any other tipsy freshman instead of a girl who just got pseudo-fucked. Keigo winks at you and taps his cheeks under his eyes; you take the hint and wipe away the smudges of mascara and eyeliner that migrated out of place during your…activities.
Your phone is safely in the pocket of your dress and you’re all but ready to leave the room (hopefully there won’t be anyone in the hallway to see you) when Keigo, still pulling on his pants, tugs you back by your wrist.
“Hey,” he says.
“Hey,” you reply uncertainly.
“Aren’t you going to give me your number?”
What? Really? You’ve heard plenty about how frat guys like him operate, and nothing Keigo’s done (except the whole ‘no penetrative sex’ thing) has led you to believe he doesn’t fit the stereotype. And the stereotype doesn’t involve sleeping with the same girl twice, especially if that girl is an awkward freshman who is apparently too innocent for him to get his dick wet with. “What do you want my number for?” you ask.
“Do I have to spell it out to you?” Keigo’s fingers lace with yours and you stumble forward into him so he can kiss you.
It’s light, chaste even, but it’s not fair because he knows, of course he knows—a kiss like that is going to leave you wanting more. “Yes,” you tell him, just to be contrary.
Keigo laughs again, and you do your best to memorize the sound of it. “It’s so the next time you decide you want to be a bad girl…you know where to find me.”
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raineydays411 · 3 years
You will remember my name
      Part 2 of Ember
A/N: Hello everyone! I’m so stoked y’all liked my first fic! I really appreciate all the love and support you guys have no idea. (This might have to stretch to three chapters lol)
Tony Stark X daughter!reader
Tonys pov
A tense silence filled the halls of the Avengers tower. It’s been a week since Y/N left the tower in tears. It’s been two days since anyone has seen the girl to think of it.  The first few days it was thought the girl was just staying with a friend while she cooled off. But after the third day, a bad feeling settled in the stomachs of the heros. By the fourth day, they asked some of Y/Ns closest friends. 
No one has seen her.
Pepper called her aunt, Pamela Isely, but the women said that the last time she spoke to her god daughter was a week before this whole mess happened. 
By the time the week was over, it was concluded that Y/N Stark was missing. 
Tony Stark was not a perfect father. He knew that, of course he knew. I mean, he didn’t exactly have the positive male role models growing up other than Jarvis. He knew he wasn’t going to be a perfect father. He just never thought he’d screw up this badly.
He found out he had a daughter four months after the Battle of New York. He had gotten the news that an old fling of his had died during the attack. leaving behind a daughter. Feeling bad for the kid, he began to set up a college fund for her, as he knew what it was like to lose someone in a tragic way. At first he thought nothing of it, just simply seeing it as a good deed. But then one night, during one of his restless nights, he began doing the math and figured out that the age of the girl was just about nine months off from when he had...met her mother. Needless to say Pepper was shocked when she woke up to Tony passing out.
After a few minutes of being yelled at by Pepper and another hour of coming to terms with this discovery, Tony made plans to find the girl.
Y/n pov
After explaining your situation with your father to the boy, you realize that you still didn’t know his name. Turning to him you ask for it. 
“Oh, my name is Daniel, Daniel Winston.”  You snort as you realize the irony of this ghost boys name. 
“You mean to tell me that your name is Daniel, and you’re a ghost with white hair??” He glares at you for a second then a small smile creeps on his face, “Well, despite the circumstances, it is kinda funny.”  You hum in agreement and let a comfortable silence take over as you try and figure out where you are and if you’re even in New York.
“Hey Danny?” You ask, “Where are you from?”  
“Bludhaven, I was walking home from school when I was taken. Why do you ask?” 
“Because” You reply,” I was taken from New York.” A heavy silence falls over you both as you realize that you’re both unfamiliar with your surroundings. There weren’t any markings to indicate where you were. The base was nestled in a corner of abandoned buildings that looked like factories. The sky was dark and you couldn’t see any stars. There was a strange scent in the air that you chalked up to air pollution. You both continue walking when you see a building with its lights on. 
“Danny, that’s the only building so far that has any lights, we should go check it out.” He looked hesitant, and he wasn’t wrong to be. The building was an old shoe factory, it was dark and looked as if a sneeze could take the whole thing down. Whoever was in there probably wasn’t good company.
“ Are you sure you want to go in there?’ Danny's voice full of doubt, “Maybe we should keep going till we actually get into town.” While his idea was the more logical one, you were starting to get tired, blowing up a building with freaky ghost powers takes a lot out a a young girl.
“I think we should go, I need to rest up and we don’t know how far the town will be. We don’t even know what town this is.” And with that, you start to make your way to the building, a hesitant ghost trailing behind you.
Tony's POV
Tony realizes locking himself up in his lab really isn’t going to help find his missing daughter. He just can’t believe he screwed up this badly. His own child, thought she wasn’t loved. He did that to her. A rage filled his body as he angrily swept everything off his work table. The clatter of wrenches and pens filled his ears as he stared at the wall.
The sound of the door opening caught his attention. He turned to see Steve Rogers walking in with a box of chinese food and a stern face. Quietly, the blond man took a look at the state of the lab, shook his head and placed the food on the table.
“We picked straws to decide which one of us had to come convince you to come out.” Steve said breaking the silence between the two men. Tony said nothing as he continued to look at the wall.
“You know, you have some nerve to lock yourself away.” Tony jerked his head over and stared at the man . “ What did you just say?” 
“You damn well heard what I said.’ Steve shot back. “ Your daughter is missing. She disappeared into thin air. And you’re in here doing what? Throwing your tools around?” 
“Are you going to lecture me?” Tony said in a bored voice.” Because of you are, i want to take notes” 
“You know this is your problem. You don’t care.” Steve said angrily. “ You don’t care that your daughter is missing. You don’t care that for eight years, the longest conversation you’ve had with her was when you were introducing her to this team.” Steve stood up from the table and walked back to the door before Tony could say anything. “It’s been a week Tony. She’s been missing for a week.  We need to find her.” He walked out without another word.
And again, Tony was alone. Alone with his thoughts, and alone with his regrets. Then he realizes, if he wants a chance to make up all those years, he’s going to need to find you first.  
Y/n POV:
Getting into the factory wasn’t too hard, considering you can just walk through walls now. The real hard part finding someone to help, as there was no one in the building. In fact, the only living thing in the factory was the surprising amount of vines and greenery over taking the space. 
“hey, Y/n.. maybe we shouldn’t be here...” Danny whispered, ‘” this place is creeping me out.” 
“D, you don’t have to whisper, I’m the only one who can hear you.”
 You answer as you look around, the room you were in seemed like an office of some sort. Then you noticed something.
“Danny, those vines...they lead out of the room” 
And with that you start walking towards the door, but before you can make it you hear loud voices, two women from what you can tell. 
“....mmy you can’t keep doing this to yourself....”
“i....never let her go with him....”
You can’t hear what they’re saying, you take a step forward and accidently step on a vine. 
“wait...there's someone here.” 
Oh shit. You look at Danny in surprise as there was no way these people would have known you were here.
Then suddenly, the room of plants came to life. Vines started thrashing around, searching for the intruder. 
“WHAT THE FUCK” Danny yelled as a vine goes through is body. “Y/N lets get out of here!” In your panic, you forget you can literally turn into a ghost, so you look for a window to get out of. Before you can climb, a vine suddenly wraps around your leg and pulls you out of the room.
You thrash as you are pulled down the hallway, around corners, and painfully down stairs. You scratch at the floor, desperate to find something to cut the vines.  Then your eyes start glowing. Your skin melting to a pale blue. You blast through the plant as you start floating upwards. You shoot the plants around you with a blue mist like energy.
“What is that?” “Aye whatta you doing here?”  Wait. You know that voice.
Looking up, you get distracted and a vine wraps around your body, restricting your movement. You struggle for a while till you hear it. 
“Y/N?” You stop and look up. You change back to your normal appearance, shocked.
“Aunt Pam?!”
After Steves not lecture, Tony got to work. He had FRIDAY look for anything suspicious in and near New York. By doing that, he found out that there has been an influx of missing people ranging from ages twenty to fifteen. They were going missing from three specific cities: Bludhaven, Gotham, and...New York. Seeing this had Tony's heart sink. He ran into the conference room where the rest of the team was conducting their own investigation. But before he entered, he stopped to listen to the teams conversation.
“How can she just...disappear into thin air..” Sam said in a sad voice. The rest of the team sat in silence. 
“Maybe we missed something. There has to be something there.” Natasha said with a desperation no on has heard from her. “It’s been a week Steve, she wouldn’t just leave like that.” And that when Tony decided to make his presence known.
“Maybe she didn’t” He said making everyone jump, “There has been an increase in missing person cases in the cities of Gotham, Bludhaven, and New York. All around the same age as Y/N.”
“So,you’ve decided to step up” Clint said sarcastically. “Where have you been this past week Stark?”
“ Look I know I haven’t been the best parent” Tony said.
“that’s an understatement”, grumbled Clint.
“I love my daughter. I hate the thought of her not knowing that.” Tony finished looking around the room to see the disapproval of the team.
“Fighting isn’t going to find her.” Wanda said quietly. “We need to work together.”
“Wandas right.” Steve said, “FRIDAY ,can you find any abnormal activity in any of the cities?”
“I did a widespread search specifically in the Gotham bludhaven and New York areas. A building in the indrustrial area in Gotham spontaneously collapsed. When authorities searched through the rubble, they found bodies of thirty out of the ninety reported missing people.”
“Was there anyone matching Y/N description,” asked Natasha anxiously.
“FRIDAY bring up the missing kids files”
A long minute went by, and all the files uploaded. The Avengers were all on edge as they flipped through the thirty files. They were relieved when they realized that Y/n was not part of those thirty kids.
Tag list: @big-galaxy-chaos
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yeetwinchester2 · 3 years
The Son He Never Got...
Pairing: Steve Rogers x daughter!reader, Bucky Barnes x Rogers!reader (platonic), Peter is there but no real relationship between the reader and him.
Warnings: abandonment-ish??, ✨daddy issues✨, angst, more angst, thoughts of not being good enough, blah blah blah, I think you get it. steve's not really the good guy here. Bucky fluff
Requested: yes/no "Prompts 1, 2, 13 and 14 with Steve Rogers x daughter!reader" #1: "Why would you do that?” #2: “I can’t believe it...” #13: “I hate you.” #14: “Go to Hell.” I don't think I included all of the quotes that were requested... but they'll be there in the next part or two.
Summary: When a boy named Peter Parker shows up as a new recruit, Steve starts spending more time with him. The reader notices, but Steve doesn’t. Bucky is helpful :)
A/N: Thank you for the request!! This is (maybe) the second request that I’ve actually completed :) I hope it's alright!!
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Turning off your alarm, you get out of bed and get dressed for school. Today you were supposed to have a father-daughter date with your dad after school. You decided to wear a plain black flowy shirt, a pair of skinny jeans, and your white Doc Martens.
Throwing you backpack over your shoulder, you head down to the kitchen to get some breakfast and tell everyone good morning before you leave for school. "Mornin' everybody! Hey, dad. Did you pick out where we're going today?" you say with a toothy smile.
"Hey, sweetheart. What're we going out for, again?" he sounded confused, but you just ignored it.
"For our father-daughter date, dummy." you said, jokingly punching his arm. Not that it'd hurt him. He's a super soldier for crying out loud.
"Oh, yeah. About that... We're gonna have to reschedule our dinner tonight, hun. We can do it another night. The team and I are going to meet the new recruit tonight. You should meet him too!" he was rubbing the back of his neck, hoping that you wouldn't be too upset.
"But we've always had our dates on the first Friday of every month. We can't just skip this month!" He's not seriously going to reschedule dinner because of a new recruit... he wouldn't do that to you, right?
"I know, I know. Can we please just have dinner another night? This new recruit could be some serious help for the team."
"Yeah, okay. Whatever. I've got to get to school. I'll see ya when I get back." He's seriously gonna choose the recruit over me, his own daughter? No, maybe it's just more important than I realize.
"Y/n, its probably nothing. Maybe he just needs to talk to some new people. Being stuck in ice for 70 years and all, he doesn't have many friends," your friend, Milo, tries to reason.
"The recruit is my age. He's a highs schooler. My dad isn't gonna make friends with some high schooler. I don't know. I guess we'll just wait and see." It's nothing, he needs to get to know the recruit anyways...
After a long and tiring day at school, you get home to see you dad and the new recruit going over what you're guessing is paper work.
"Hey, dad. Hey, new recruit. It's nice to meet you, I'm y/n." you say, holding a hand out for him to shake.
"I'm Parker Peter. I-i-i mean, Peter Parker." he says with a wide smile. You can see his cheeks become a little more red.
"Well, it's nice to meet you Peter. How long do you think you'll be staying tonight? I can't have you stealing my dad from me already!" you say, jokingly. The three of you let out a short laugh.
"I'm not sure. I guess I'll leave once I've gotten the tour and we've gone through all of the paper work." Peter says. Why does he need a tour? He's only here to train, right?
"Sounds good! I'll be in my room if y'all need anything." you say, adding a fake smile. Turning around, you head to your room. The rest of the night, you do nothing but homework, completely forgetting about Peter.
The next few days consisted of the same exact thing. You'd eat breakfast, go to school, come home and greet your dad and Peter, and go do homework. Had your dad asked you how your day was during the few days? Not once. Had he asked Peter how his day was? Yep. Did your dad ask if you needed help with homework? Nope. Did he ask Peter? Of course he did. Every day. I can't believe it... Is my dad replacing me with Peter? No, he's just helping him out, right? Right.
The next day was Wednesday, which meant you got to workout with your dad and Peter. 'Oh boy. I get to train with two abnormally strong superheros. Yay.' you thought sarcasticly. You went about your day as you usually do. On the way home from school, you texted your dad to let him know you might be a little late because of traffic. You When you got home, you changed into workout leggings and a sports bra, and headed to the gym where you usually meet your dad for workouts. You then realized that your dad hadn't texted you back. When you walk into the gym, you figured out why. Him and Peter were already halfway through the workout that y'all were supposed to be doing together.
At this point, you're starting to realize that your dad is actually replacing you with Peter. Peter's like the son he never got. He's been pushing you and the plans you've made to the side. He's been making Peter his priority.
Walking up to the two sweaty guys, tapping them on the shoulders to get their attention. "Peter, I hate you. No offense though. It's not your fault. Dad, can I talk to you? In private, please?" You do hate Peter, but not because he did anything wrong. He didn't. He's a real good kid. But he's you dad's favorite now. He replaced you, but he didn't know it. So, by default, you hate Peter.
"Hey! Don't talk to Peter like that! He didn't do anything wrong. You can't just walk in here and tell him you hate him. That's not how it works," he practically yells. Your dad never yells at you. The harsh reaction cause tears to swell up in your eyes.
"Dad. I need to talk to you. In private. Away from Peter."
"It can wait. Let us finish what we were doing. Then, we can talk. Got it?" he said sternly.
"Yes sir." you say, holding back tears that you knew would fall as soon as you turn around. And you were right. As soon as you turned around to go to your room, the tears fell, and they wouldn't stop. It only got worse when you got to your room. Forgetting to ask F.R.I.D.A.Y. to soundproof your room, you continue sobbing, yelling every now and again. Bucky, in the room next to yours, heard your crying.
Bucky was always there for you. He had been since the day he met you. His face when he found out Steve, THE Steven Grant Rogers, had a daughter. You and him have been close ever since. He's more like a best friend than an uncle if you're being honest. You go to him for everything. Well, almost anything. You hadn't told him about what was going on with you and your dad. You knew he'd be pissed about how your dad was treating you and go argue with him about it. You didn't want to make a big deal of it or anything at first, in case it was nothing.
Bucky, hearing you crying, run out of his room and to your door, softly knocking on it. "Y/n? Hun? Can you please let me in? It's Bucky."
You slowly stand up and walk towards the door, opening it. Looking up at him, with red eyes and mascara running down your checks, you move back to the bed. Bucky closes the door and sits next to you. "You wanna talk about it?" That's always the first question either if you ask when one of you is in this kinda situation.
"I don't know. I don't know, Buck." You lean into his shoulder, crying again.
"That's okay. Take your time, y/n/n. I'll be right back." he says, standing up from the bed. You see him walk into your bathroom, knowing exactly what he's doing. The two of you have a good routine for these kinda nights. It's usually always the same, but it works. When you're crying like you are now, you get horrible headaches. So, Bucky will always get you some ibuprofen and water to help. When he gets back from the bathroom, he hands you a two small pills and a glass a water. Without a second thought, you swallow the pills and some of the water. You thank him and set the glass on your nightstand. Pulling the covers up over your shoulders, you lay back down.
"Thank you.."
"Mhm. Are you gonna sleep first? Or talk? You know we're gonna talk about it at some point."
"I know, I know. Can I sleep right now? We can talk about it another time. I'm exhausted."
"Yeah, of course. But you're not getting out of it, and I'm not giving you the whole 'Its not healthy to keep it all in' lecture. You've heard it enough, so have I."
"Thanks. Mucho appreciated, old man."
"No problem, kiddo. Get some rest, we'll talk tomorrow. 'Night, sweetheart."
"Night, Buck."
A/N: Cool. This is part one of this. Yes, I will (eventually) finish part two of Excuses. I have no idea when, but eventually. Same goes for part two of this one. But I really like this first part, so I think it'll continue. Thoughts? I hope y'all like it :))
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kenganparadise · 3 years
Heyy! May I request a smut scenario where Raian's animalistic S/o is in heat and breeds them?
OH YES THANK YOU!! I‘ve actually been working on this for a little bit then I got this request!
Warnings- Omegaverse elements, rough sex, breeding kink, dirty talk, doggy style, mating press, it gets NASTY.
Word count- 2258
I’d like to personally apologize to every person who reads this. I’m sorry for being fucking ✨G R O S S✨ and ✨H O R N Y✨
It was quite unbearable to say the least. It was almost painful between your legs. Your heat was torture, especially since your mate has been out on a mission. He wasn‘t here to help you out. Your legs were crossed tightly. The ache had spread from your core all the way through your abdomen, it just barely pricked your lungs. There was an intense throbbing. You are quite literally a bitch in heat, and you hated it.
The pulsating between your legs was enough already, you sauntered to the fridge to get a cold bottle of water. You cracked it open and brought the bottle to your lips. You gulped down as much as possible. Your eyebrows were tightly knit together. Your phone was plugged in, though it was turned completely off. You knew if you didn’t you’d call your mate and sob for him to come home. He’s somewhere unknown, you know he’d only rile you up and make things worse. Your panties and a portion of your pants were soaked with slick. It made it uncomfortable to sit or even lay down. It a little too late to take your heat suppressants. They could help alleviate some of the symptoms, however you ran out a while back and had yet run to get some more. The empty box was sitting on the stove, practically mocking you. You didn’t feel like leaving your warm home, so stuck you were to deal with your own hormones. Your whole body was sticky with sweat, you felt feverish almost. The fact that it was also the middle of summer didn’t help at all. You sauntered back to the bedroom and plopped face first into the bed. You shoved your nose Into the blankets. It didn’t help that the bed itself reeked of Raian. You couldn’t stop your body as you crawled to his side of the bed. You pressed your nose into mattress and inhaled deeply. His sent was thick, musky, pungent, and overwhelming. Your instincts kicked in harder. You pressed your face into his pillow. You wrapped your arms around it, unable to control your movements. You inhaled again and again trying to take in as much as possible, only making your heat worse. An idea springs into your head and you shoot up. You abandon his pillow, You crawl off the bed and land on the ground and scramble to dresser. You no longer have control of your body. You pull out t-shirts and hoodies, Pants, socks, jackets. You press your nose into each one. You strip off your sweat-soaked shirt and pull on Raian’s. You take off your shorts and panties and put on a pair of his boxers. You throw on one of his track suit jackets he likes to jog in. His overbearing scent is all around you, eloping your body. His disgusting sweaty scent is beautifully overwhelming. The heat between your legs is very overwhelming as well. This only managed to make things worse. You scramble back to the bed carrying a load of his clothing In your arms, as much as you can carry. Your body is moving completely on its own, you lay in the pile of blankets, pillows and Raian’s clothing. You hug Raian’s pillow to your chest again, burying your face in it. You can’t control yourself, you buck your hips forword into nothing. You squeeze your thighs together, the slick makes them slide against each other. You try to get something. You can’t get the thought of Raian out of your head. Your hand makes it’s way between your sticky legs. Your fingers are already pushing inside. Raian made it clear to you already that he wants you to bear his children. At this very moment you want that more than anything. You’d want to be swollen with his pups, you’ll give him as many as he desires. As of right now you are at your most fertile, he could easily impregnate you at this very moment. And good god does that turn you on more than it should. You know it’d turn him on too. Your hair stands on end just thinking about how that would excite Raian if he knew. You know he’s just itching to fill you up.
Unbeknownst to you, Raian is coming home early. He finished up and is eager to come home. He tried texting you... and calling you, but he got no reply. He was quite frustrated. He hated when you didn’t answer him but it was in the dead of night. You are most likely asleep. He fumbles to get the door open. When he does finally swing it open, your scent hits him. He breathes in deeply. Your pheromones fill his nostrils and penetrate deeply into his lungs. The scent of your heat alone is enough to get his blood pumping. He pauses in the door frame, then he closes the door and locks it behind him. He can practically taste you on his tongue already. You don’t hear him as he rips through your home to your bedroom like a madman. It’s not till he grabs your wrist and rips your hand away from your throbbing core. You flinch, getting surprised that he’s actually standing before you. His chest his heaving, his mouth is salivating just at the sight and smell of you, his cock is already itching to be inside you. You almost can’t believe he’s actually standing here before you. He is with you now. To anyone the sight of Raian in this very moment would be a terrifying to behold, but to you it’s something you’ll treasure. “R-Raian!” You call out his name, tears prick your eyes. You throw your arms around his torso and burry your face in his chest. You can’t believe it, he’s actually here. Raian is startled to say the least, normally he’d just tense up when you hug him, but he places a hand on your shoulder. The desire in his body grows. He grips your shoulders and pulls you away. Your hurriedly wipe the tears from your eyes. “Rai-Raian I need- I need you please!!” There’s a feral look in your eyes, its the only thing you can think about. “Fuck, babe, you want me that bad-“ “Raian!!” Your eyebrows are knit tightly together. “Just fucking hurry up!” You order him. Raian is once again taken aback, your heat must be really bad. He just chuckles and unzips then takes off his track jacket. He pushes you down on the bed, taking of his shirt before climbing on top of you. Your lips are already on his neck, biting at the skin. His hand travels to between your legs. “Holy shit, babe, you-“ “Shut the fuck up, Raian!” You’re not in the mood to hear his smart mouth. Raian just brushes you off. He kinda feels glad he doesn’t have to do any foreplay to get you all hot and bothered. You’re already wanting him desperately. You bite down on his neck again, he hisses. He kicks off his pants along with his boxers, he sits back on his heels to pull off his boxers that your wearing. He lifts them up, pulling on the waste band, before can teases you, you smack his chest lightly “Will you just fuck a baby into me already?!” You yell at him, not realizing what you’ve said. He freezes, slowly his facial features change. A wicked smile spreads across his face. You can see almost all of his sharp teeth as he laughs wickedly. “It’s about time.” He says darkly. “A baby? Is that what you want? You want me to fuck you full of my pups now, don’t cha?” Is eyes are full of a dark feral look. Before you could say anything Raian snatches your hips turning you over on your stomach. “I’ll fuck you till your nice and round! Is that what you want?! You’ll be my own personal cumdump!” He sneers in your ear. “I’m not stopping till I knock you up, bitch.” He lifts your hips off the bed, shoving a few pillows underneath them to keep them nice a propped up for him. The blunt end of his cock prods into your opening, he snaps his hips forward. Your back arches feeling his cock all the way inside of you. “Raian!” You cry out, your fists are full of the sheets beneath you. Both his hands are by your shoulders. He dips his head down, you feel his teeth sink into the flesh of your back, right by the nape of your neck. He begins a brutal pace, the sound of his hips slamming against your ass fills the room. He begins littering your back with bite marks, he sinks his teeth into whatever flesh he can find. You stuff your mouth with the blankets beneath you, trying to muffle your cries. Raian is fucking you like an animal, he’s almost feral. 
Your heat most likely forced him into his own rut. You feel his hot wet tongue on your neck, he growls. “Missed you. So much.” Is all you can make out. He lifts your hips up higher. His hands are full of your ass and he pushes your hips back onto his. He trusts up to meet them. All you can do is lay limp and let him pound away into you. Your first orgasm nears, it’s going to be one of many tonight, the knot ties in your stomach. Raian’s hips hurry against yours. His pace is still brutal. You feel a sharp sting as Raian laughs. He smacks your ass again and again. You scream into the sheets. Raian’s fingers tangle in your hair, his nails digging into your scalp. He yanks you back, pulling your head out of the sheets. “Can’t hear you, Kitten! Louder!” He screams from behind you. You reply with a loud groan. Raian laughs again. His hips stutter, he pushes himself as deep as possible inside you. He grips your hips, pulling your ass flush against him. His cock sputters, the feeling of him filling you up with his seed- its a familiar one. Your womb is being filled to the brim with another of Raian’s massive loads. He lets out a guttural sound, like one an animal would make and not a human. He pulls his cock out and flips you on your back, he forces your legs apart. You feel a little disappointed feeling your orgasm being forgotten. He points your aching pussy toward him. Slowly his cum begins oozing out of your gaping pussy. He’s got a wicked, feral look in his eyes. He take his thumb, pushing his seeping seed back into your fucked out hole. He shoves his index finger inside. Every time his cum threatens to leave you, he fingers it back inside. He’s feeling quite generous in this moment, his thumb brush’s over your clit, rubbing quick tight circles. That along with his fingers knuckle-deep within you is enough to have you moaning again. His white cum coats his fingers. His refractory period is close to over, you can see his dick twitching back to life, almost ready to go again. He pulls his fingers out of your pussy. He points them toward your lips. “Suck.” He commands. You obey him. You take his fingers into your mouth and lick them clean. His cum mixed with yours is bitter, metallic, and disgusting but you love the gross taste. His cock is hard again and itching to be in your pussy once more. He’s inside you again. Rain pushes your legs against your chest. His hips pin yours down, he’s trying to get as deep as possible. His hips snap against yours in short, deep thrusts. Raian rarely ever does missionary, let alone mating press. Not only that but he’s still thumbing your clit. It must be the excitement that you’re hopefully to be pregnant, maybe its got him feeling generous. His face is inches from yours, he’s still got his signature sick smile. “Ughhh I can’t wait to breed you.” He growls as his hips quicken. “I can’t wait for everyone to see you all swollen.” He continues, that feral look has yet to disappear. “I’m gonna dump my cum in you over and over and over again, till you’re crammed full~” His thumb quickens. The knot that was once abandoned reforms. Your orgasm approaches rapidly. Raian’s nasty words along with his cock making short thrusts and the way he touches your clit is completely mind-numbing. Your face winces as the knot finally snaps. You let out a high pitched cry as your orgasm racks through your body. Your legs shake uncontrollably, your gut churns, your pussy clenches hard around Raian. Watching and feeling you cum is enough to spur on another orgasm for him. You barely feel his though your own. Slowly you come down from your high. Your legs still twitch and shake. He’s wary not to overstimulate you, you’ve got a long night ahead of you. Raian pushes off you. “Fuuuuk babe! That was hot.” He chuckles. You feel too full, Raian stuffed you up good. The look in his eyes tell you that he wants to go again. Well, At least your heat is being taken care of. You place a hand under your swollen tummy. You can already imaging it being fuller. Raian leans down to kiss the corner of your mouth. “Now.. let’s find something to plug you up with!” Raian says as he barks out another laugh.
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