#Athena x Reader
aphroditelovesu · 5 months
I hope I’m not asking too much but can you do a Yan!girlfriend Athena headcanons please? I LOVE your work just as much as I love Athena and I’d really appreciate if you could do it ! 🫶🏻
❝ 🦉 — lady l: aaah, here! I hope you like it because I love writing for her!! Forgive me for any mistakes and good reading! Also, thank you.❤️
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, mild stalking, mention of deprivation (punishments), toxic relationships.
❝🦉pairing: yandere!athena x gender neutral!reader.
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Athena never thought she would actually get involved with someone, much less fall in love. She always remained faithful to herself and her alone, there was no room for others, much less romantic companions. Not just because of her vow of chastity, but because Athena had never loved anyone romantically.
That said, Athena remained this way for centuries and millennia to come, until she laid eyes on you. She didn't understand why she couldn't take her eyes off you, but she decided not to question it. It had been centuries since any human caught her attention. She didn't think much about it, figuring it was just another innocent interest that would quickly fade away. How wrong she was.
As time passed, Athena couldn't take her attention away from you. She didn't understand why she couldn't get you out of her thoughts. There was something about you, something that attracted the attention of the goddess of wisdom. And when a human catches the attention of a deity, their life will be doomed.
You lived your life as you always did, your days peaceful and ordinary. Except for the fact that you didn't know a goddess had her eye on you. You went out with your friends, lived with your family and worked/studied. And it was during one of your outings with your friends that you met a particular woman.
She introduced herself as Athena and was very beautiful. When you said her name was after the Greek goddess of wisdom, she laughed. A low, delicious laugh to hear. You spent the rest of the night talking, the woman being very impressive and polite. You found yourself wanting to see her more often.
You and Athena met other times and with each meeting, the goddess' desire and obsession grew more and more. She knew there was no turning back, she was too involved. You were very involved in her life and she was very involved in yours. She would have to face reality, she was in love. Athena decided to act quickly, she confessed to you and hoped you would accept her. You would do it anyway, it was the safest option. Rejecting a god is never a wise thing to do.
Athena is very pleasant to have around, she has the natural ability to make everything more comfortable and fun. Although she is serious, she still has a fun side that is only shown to you. She loves reading and painting with you.
As she is also the goddess of handicraft, Athena would love to teach you everything about the subject. She will teach you how to weave and will praise your work with great conviction. She is very proud of you, of the things you do. She will praise you and encourage you and be your number one fan of everything you do.
Athena is a proud goddess and does not accept being offended and her punishments for offenders are always very harsh. And that includes you, if you offend her in any way, no matter how small that offense is, she will punish you. Her punishments towards you are milder, however. Athena prefers to punish you by depriving you of things, of everything that is good for you. If you take medications, you will no longer take them. All you need is her. She will definitely try to make you as dependent as possible.
She is extremely possessive and manipulative, always manipulating you in a subtle way. Athena will never share you, you are hers and what belongs to her is hers alone. Any foolish attempt to flirt with you will result in harsh punishment, from blinding them to death. It all depends on the mood of the goddess.
Athena defends you fiercely and everyone knows not to mess with the King of Olympus' favorite daughter. Speaking of which, Athena will be adamant about keeping you away from the other gods, especially Ares, Poseidon and Zeus. She doesn't want her rivals around you and she doesn't want her father's roving eyes on you. You are hers and must remain that way.
She will spoil you only if she thinks you deserve it. If you are good to her, you will be spoiled without hesitation, whether with material things or with gifts that she can give you. Athena wants you to be perfect for her, even if that means she has to mold you. The romantic partner of the goddess of wisdom must be similar to her and share the same ideals.
Athena tries to be a good girlfriend and she is, she supports you and will always be by your side, but she is possessive and manipulative, and can incite distrust. She can easily be dominated by jealousy and insecurity and this will hurt her pride, which makes her dangerous. But it's okay, you just need to stay with her and you will be rewarded for your loyalty and love.
And even if you deny her in any way, Athena will never take no for an answer. You discovered this when you disobeyed her once and woke up in an ancient temple alone. It was a threat and a promise. Athena was warning you to never cross her again or she won't be so kind. After all, you are hers and she is a goddess and she can do whatever she wishes with you.
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dollycxre · 4 months
yandere PJO! athena x demigod! darling 🗡🦉 - general hcs
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!!WARNINGS!!: yandere, obsessive and stalkerish behavior, manipulation, really harsh and cruel punishments, Athena loves watching you suffer, clinginess, possessiveness, isolation, deceiving, jealousy, threats, mentions of violence, she's slightly toxic but her immortal heart is in the right place, I lied she's really toxic please don't ever get in a relationship with someone like her
pairing/s: yandere pjo!athena x demigod!darling
A/N: there wasn't enough athena content so I decided to do it myself :) also, this is my first fic and English is not my first language so I apologise for any spelling errors and such!
• you were a demigod who had somehow survived and become an adult, which now meant you had to find something to do. After the roman camp, camp Jupiter and your own camp; camp half-blood had made peace, the older campers from your camp had started going to the college in camp Jupiter. You were bored and decided that it wouldn't hurt to go to college and find something to do after the war against Gaia
• so you started studying harder in the mortal school you went to, preparing to apply to the college. it was a little hard to concentrate, with all the monsters attracted to your scent who had decided that you would make quite the tasty demigod snack and all the jobless mortals who somehow didn't find the time to grow up and instead decided to make your life as hard as possible
• you decided to drop out and study on your own instead, knowing that there was an option to take an entrance exam instead, something you found out from Chiron during an orientation Mr. D reluctantly conducted after mixing several ounces of wine into his diet coke
• to make your task easier, you went to the smartest people you knew; the athena campers, to help you study and of course they were more than happy to. And so, the daily visits to their cabin began
• and that, is when you caught the eye of the very goddess of wisdom and war who the cabin was dedicated to; Athena herself
• at first, she didn't think much of you, just another demigod in her cabin, probably to consult with one of her children, quite a common occurrence, considering how smart her children were, a trait they got from their mother
• but as you started to visit her cabin more and more frequently, she couldn't help but pay attention to you. to her surprise, you wouldn't leave her mind. you always occupied her thoughts and she found herself unable to concentrate
• at first she dismissed it, she always had mortals and demigods alike peak her interest but they faded eventually
• however, no matter how hard she tried, she found herself watching you for hours, learning everything about you and observing your smallest habits
• once she learned about your ambition to go to college and the reason why you visited her cabin, she used her powers to encourage you to focus, allowing your brain to learn easier and faster
• when she couldn't take the unhealthy way you invaded her thoughts anymore, she decided to act on it. she visited her demigod children in their dreams and told them to act as if she was a regular demigod when she showed up at camp. her children, confused but unable to derive their mother's true intentions and wanting to please her, agreed
• the next day, a well dressed yet stand offish girl, about your age, with stunningly intelligent gray eyes approached you outside your cabin and asked you to accompany her and show her around. you were a little stunned since you weren't popular or well known enough in camp to be actively sought out but agreed and started showing the mysterious girl around
• once you finished, she was claimed by athena and you lead her to Cabin 6. you found it odd how everyone in the cabin seemed to stress about her and flinch as if she was liable to burst into flames at any moment but you dismissed it.
• after all, even you felt the very clear aura radiating about the strange girl, the way she talked as if she was much much older and mature than she let on and the pure air of intelligence that seemed to hang about her, the way her piercing gray eyes seemed to calculate every move you made and how her thoughts seemed universes ahead, beyond human comprehension
• she made you lightly uneasy but you soon found out she was the only one who truly understood how your brain worked. with her, your studies went better than you could have ever imagined and you finished your work effortlessly with her. the athena campers however, still seemed jumpy around her, particularly Annabeth, the head counsellor and one of the seven to save the world against Gaia
• you dismissed it again, choosing to turn a blind eye to the girl who had caught your heart. it was almost impossible not to fall for her, the way she made you laugh just with her brutally honest yet knowledgeable words, the way her beautiful gray eyes picked up on every thought that passed in your head and the way she noticed and admired all your little mannerisms
• this girl was, of course, Athena in disguise, choosing to make you fall in love as an ordinary demigod as she knew that claiming you as hers would be a much easier task if your heart was already hers
• once she was positive that she had you wrapped around her finger, she immediately revealed her true form and confessed boldly to you and of course you accepted, mostly out of fear of what would happen to you if you rejected a goddess, not to mention one of the most powerful ones
• Athena, being the goddess of wisdom, is the smartest of the yandere gods. Once she has you, she won't make you immortal like other gods would, instead, she binds your life force to hers, which allows you to function as an immortal but feel pain like a mortal
• she loves using this against you for punishment and her most common punishments are letting you teeter on the brink of death while you suffer in pain and misery
• she's a paranoid goddess and keeps you far far away from the other Olympians. She knows that the minor gods are too terrified to try to cross her or even look in your direction so she doesn't worry about them. She's mostly worried that someone (*cough cough* aphrodite *cough cough*) will take your heart and the casualties of the wars that would follow would have a devasting effect on your mental health
• she only trusts Hestia and occasionally, Artemis with you
• Hestia because she would probably love and take care of you like a daughter in her hearth and Artemis because she would be too busy to pay enough attention to you for you to fall for her, only giving her attention to make sure you were alive and in one piece
• she will also sometimes drop you off at her cabin in camp half-blood, partially so you can reunite with your friends and visit the camp which had been your home for so long and partially so that her children can keep an eye on you
• she warns her children not to let you out of their sight and as a result, you are constantly tailed by atleast 2 of the cabin 6 campers, eager to please their difficult mother and earn her favor
• anyone who hurts you or dares to fall for you is in for a nasty fate
• Athena may not have as much power as Zeus or as much time to craft her punishments like Hera but being the goddess of wisdom and war comes with the additional perks of being able to think up one of the most horrible punishments ever known in a matter of rage filled seconds so most of the campers tend to stay out of your way, which is both depressing and a relief
• she wants you to be the perfect partner for her, someone gullible and dependant so she'll break you with no remorse or hesitation, knowing that you'll imerge from the trauma as her perfect lover
• if your godly parent dares to try to help you escape, she will find out and she will make sure you regret ever getting the ridiculous thought of leaving her
• if your godly parent is a minor god, they wouldn't dare help you, even if they feel pity for you or anger at Athena. She is not a force to be reckoned with and with love influencing her moves, she will make sure they wish they never even tried
• if your godly parent is one of the olympians, they would probably be more defiant and against your relationship but they would still be too scared to try to act too much on it. Athena is a ruthless goddess and though the most rational, for you, she would willingly start a war without caring for the casualties. They may try to help you escape but Athena is always several thoughts ahead. No matter which scenario, which plan, she's already thought about it and prepared for it accordingly, even preparing the horrifying punishment she will inflict upon you for going along with it
• she loves to use the powers you got from your godly parents against you, just to show you how helpless you are even in your own parent's domain
• her child of Hephaestus s/o was sent a bunch of material and celestial bronze by their father so that they can build something to help them escape? she will personally use those very materials to craft the most terrifying monster she can think of at that moment and let you fight it till you almost die from exhaustion, your only weapon a sword made of celestial bronze while she watches with cruel amusement as you scurry about like a rat in a maze
• oh you're a child of Poseidon who was visited by Poseidon in their dreams and advised on how to best use their powers to escape into their father's territory and claim his protection? she will drag you by your hair to the Underworld and throw you into river Styx and let you dissolve and drown in as you pointlessly fight for breath in what should be your area of expertise, your brain in too much pain and too panicked to think straight, until she's thinks you've learnt your lesson
• Athena has already memorized all your habits and routines. she knows everything about you and will instantly notice if even the slightest thing changes. Thats when she goes on panic mode and isolates you completely, not letting you see anyone but herself and spending time with you until she's convinced you've gotten all other thoughts but her out of your mind
• in short, if you want life to be as easy as you can possibly have it when your fate is entangled with an immortal, you should give in to her completely and as soon as possible which would make life a lot less painful for both you and her
• on a softer note, Athena is very proud of you and shows you off to everyone she possibly can once she decides you're too deeply in love with her to ever fall for anyone else
• she's your number 1 supporter and loves watching you work on your hobbies, praising everything and giving as much helpful criticism as she can
• she'd be delighted if one of your hobbies was also one of hers, such as reading or weaving and loves quietly reading to you in her calm, deep yet soothing voice while you play with her hair or weaving you the most gorgeous tapestries of you to make you feel as confident about your self as she can
• she knows exactly what to do to cheer you up and knows enough about you to know what you need through all your emotions which means that she's always comforting to talk to when you're going through difficulties. she's an amazing listener and will quietly listen to your problems and advise you on the best ways to deal with them
• she can easily make you laugh or cry with her words, her knowledge of you letting her know what evokes emotions in you and what doesn't which allows her to manipulate your emotions with ease, letting her twist you into whatever she wants
• Athena has never been a touchy-feely kind of goddess, nor has she ever wanted it. that is, until she met you, of course.
• she is surprisingly clingy and attached to you and definitely has separation anxiety. she loves having you touch her, the contact alone is enough to make her shudder in happiness and relief
• she feels like your affection is a drug she's addicted to and as a result, she's very needy, demanding that you go everywhere with her and will always have her hand around some part of you, making sure everyone knows who's you are while satisfying her need for your touch
• she may decide to immortalize your closest friends and family if you really desperately ask beg for her to and if you behave well for her
• however, from then on, her neediness increases tenfold. she believes that since she's done you such a huge favor by allowing you to have your loved ones coexist and keep you company for eternity, you should always be ready to drop everything and come running to her when she feels like she wants or needs it
• doesn't really care about the possibility of one of your friends falling for you, she knows both of you will be too scared to ever act on it and if it goes too far, she always has the cruelest punishments prepared for both of you, a message that comes across plain and simple: don't take what's hers.
• she could quietly stare at you and study you for HOURS because no matter what you're doing, she finds you to be the most gorgeous and fascinating person on the earth, a creature so perfect, they managed to catch the attention of the goddess who always believed that she was completely immune to the magic of love, someone who relied on rational thought rather than feelings
• every time she looks at aphrodite, all she sees is you <3
• well you if you were a self absorbed, cunning, well dressed, 7 foot tall goddess
• the point is, she loves you, she has never and will never love anyone like she loves you and you will be her pride and joy, always by her side, till the end of time, living with her and loving her till existence itself crumbles to dust.
A/N: heyyy, so this turned out longer than I thought it would but the amount of ideas I kept getting made it kinda impossible not to add but yea :) I hope you enjoyed!
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zafirosreverie · 6 months
Their favorite thing about you (DLH)
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Your eyes.
He loves your eyes, because that's how he met you. You were just one more small human of the thousands who came to ask for his intervention, one more and that's it. At first glance you didn't have anything special and a god shouldn't be attracted to you the way Ares was.
But no other god had seen what he saw in your eyes (or else a war would have been fought on Olympus for you by now). It wasn't just the beautiful color of your orbs, but the way they glowed with intense passion, deep rage, and endless bravery, that finally made the god of war fall for you. Even today, so many years later, Ares loves looking into your eyes, where there is still an intense fire that he knows will never fade.
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Your curiosity.
The goddess was used to receiving thousands of questions and pleas for help from mortals, who in these more modern days used to come to her only as a kind of living encyclopedia.
But you didn't. In fact, she had never even seen you set foot in her temple before. You were a completely different creature, full of curiosity about all the creation of the world, everything was fascinating to you, and she loved your questions, especially the simple ones, because they didn't come from a need beyond the simple fact of wanting to learn. It was something the world needed, and she was willing to protect you for it.
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Your patience.
She knew, she was more than aware, that she was not the best partner, especially for a mortal like you. She carried too many wounds, from a time when humanity didn't even exist, wounds that even other immortal beings didn't want to deal with.
But you do. You had opened for her not only the doors of your house, but of your life, you had welcomed her and accompanied her, you had taken care of her and, for the first time in centuries, she thought that perhaps healing was coming her way. Arce didn't want to exhaust you, after all, the wounds of a being like her were too big and heavy for a mortal, but your infinite patience gave her hope that you would at least stay with her for as long as your finite lifetime allowed you.
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Your laughter.
She is the goddess of the harvest, she creates life wherever she goes. Strong and imposing trees, flowers more beautiful than the stars, unique and precious plants. But all that, paled and remained small before the perfection that was your laugh.
Demeter loved that sound, he loved the way your eyes and nose crinkled, how you showed your perfect teeth, how your stomach bounced slightly with the force of your joy. It was the sound of life, and she swore to protect it until time took it to infinity and the silence of death replaced it.
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Your nose.
Listen, she's a simple goddess, okay? Does she like something? It's hers, period. And that goes for your beautiful and perfect nose too. Don't ask why of all your beautiful face that's her favorite part, just accept that you're going to have a very amused goddess pressing it like a little round button at all hours.
Hestia also loves your brilliance and sense of humor, which usually helps enhance her blackmailing pranks on the other gods, but that's another story.
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Your hands.
Hades loved your hands, not just because of how beautiful they were or how soft your skin was, but because of everything they represented to him. He was the god of death, he was used to ending things, destroying them, reducing them to nothing. But you? you created, you used your hands to bring new objects and ideas to life, you were the opposite of him and that never ceased to amaze him.
He loved your touches too, of course. He was used to the tedious humid heat of the underworld, the kind that is terribly unbearable, that makes you sweat and your clothes stick to your body. But you had shown him another kind of warmth, a soft and gentle one, that ran through his body like a calm light every time you caressed his cheek or took his hand.
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Your kindness.
It is not a secret to anyone that the goddess tended to be reserved and quiet, like a shadow that no one spoke to if it was not necessary. That is why she appreciated your warm and compassionate heart. She loved to see you interact with other beings, because your words, your gestures and movements were always charged with a deep love and respect for life.
After centuries of living in her sister's shadow, of being ignored by her mother no matter how hard she tried to be the best supporting goddess for her, Despena appreciated your kindness knocking on her door, showing her that she didn't need to be better than anyone, just be the best version of herself.
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Your calmness.
As the herald of the gods and the fastest god on Olympus, Hermes was used to a hectic, fast-paced life with chaos always following him wherever he went. That's why it was a huge surprise to everyone when he introduced you as his partner, because you were the complete opposite of him.
However, it took Apollo and Athena only a couple of minutes to realize why Hermes loved you so much. You were perfect for him, precisely because you balanced him, because in the midst of all his chaos, you were always standing there, ready to be the immovable pillar, the security and stability that he needed so much. It didn't matter if you treated him like a little boy from time to time, he loved it.
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Your hair.
It might sound simple and almost comical right? That the goddess of magic, someone who could create absolutely anything with the snap of her fingers, would be so fascinated by something as simple and vain as mortal hair.
But it was precisely that simplicity that drew her. Hecate was aware of the wonders she could do and why mortals came to her daily, but that you let her play with your hair allowed her to anchor herself to the world, to the fact that she could be more than magic, that's why she loved so much spending hours brushing it while you worked your own magic on her, the simple one that only required a smile and a cup of tea.
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Your vitality.
She was used to the cold of Helheim, to the thousands of lamentations of the souls in pain and to the feeling of loneliness that always nestled in her chest. That's why she loved so much when you went to visit her.
You were always smiling, you were always happy, your voice traveled to the last corner of the gloomy place and your presence seemed to radiate a warm and comforting light, the souls seemed serene and almost happy while they played with you. You were life itself arriving at the place of death, and Hela loved you for it, enough to push the fear of the day that light went out to the back of her mind.
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starless-nightz · 1 month
Hcs for Athena and Hera with an s/o who has gift giving as their love language (giving, receiving can be whatever you prefer)? Thanks! <3
Athena and Hera with a S/O who likes to give them gifts
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warnings -> none.
content includes -> fluff.
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Athena finds it cute that you give her gifts, even tho they arent lavish or anything she still likes them
If you give her any type of weapon she would 100% use it at least once, and if its any trinket she would either always bring it with her or display it
Athena is greatful for all your gifts, especially when they are the latest books, even tho she is the goddess of wisdom she still enjoys reading
While your gifts arent lavish or anything, Hera still loves and appreciates them, they are a sign of your love for her, and thats enough for her
She loves and charishes all the gifts you give her, unlike the gifts her poor excuse of a husband gives her, yours are actually a sign of your love for her, and even tho they arent grand like her husbands she preferes them over anything the man gives her
Hera love to wear jewelry that you gifted her, often admiring them or figeting with them when shes nervous, she loves looking at them when she misses you
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frickingnerd · 1 month
being the new lawyer at the wright anything agency
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pairing: phoenix wright x apollo justice x gn!reader x athena cykes x trucy wright
tags: newbie lawyer reader, wholesome fluff, platonic
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athena is so happy that she isn't the newbie anymore, when you join the wright anything agency!
apollo and trucy both try to help you feel as welcome as possible at the agency, though athena and phoenix do their best too, of course!
trucy knows every nook and cranny of the office, so she's showing you around, while apollo adds important details that trucy forgets to mention
phoenix is the one who helps you with all the paperwork and gives you much needed pep talks before all your trials!
phoenix, apollo and athena are always there for you during trials! during your first few trials, phoenix is the one by your side. but later on, apollo and athena join you as well and you switch around who your partner is for you current case
after every trial won, all five of you get invited to a bowl of ramen by phoenix, to celebrate your victory! and you never miss a victory celebration!
outside of work, you often get roped into trucy's magic show and need to help her out with her tricks! athena is relieved that as the newbie, you're now the one trucy asks for help, instead of her…
trucy also loves to gossip with you in secret, telling you about everything that happened before you joined the agency!
you get to know everything about the three prosecutors related to the other three lawyers at the wright anything agency! and you can't help but wonder if you'll have a prosecutor rival as well some day…
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Good Enough (Chapter Ten)
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Imagine: Imagine leaving LA after feeling like an outsider in your relationship with Bobby and Athena as they seem to pull away and distance themselves from you. Only to find that it is almost impossible to actually walk away.
Warnings: Angst with happy ending, AU, Bisexual Athena, BDSM
Pairings: Bobby Nash x Reader x Athena Grant
Word count: 3,945 words
Universe: 9-1-1
Reader gender: Female
Tagged: @graniairish @madhatter-crazyasahatter-blog @4everflowercore @blueskyredrosegrey @agathaharknessfan96 @ljej95 @yoshinorecommends @horsedragonllama @forever2ne1 @clayzayden @multifandomlesbianic @thepotatoislost @tvshowmasterlistblog @guardianangelsblog @unkindn3ss-of-rav3ns @cptn-nash @originalsoulcollector @ateandleftnocrumbz @911readercollection
Part: 10/10
“I desperately wanted to hate what I could see growing before my eyes, whilst I felt the sting of bitterness deepening within the very depths of my soul.
I was being pushed but I just couldn’t hate such tender love, pure and healing those festering wounds within you both. I knew there was no way forward. This was my out and I had to take it before those dreaded dark seeds blossomed. I could not be the one to tear down love as beautiful as yours.”
The sound of silence was almost deafening in how all-consuming it was, as you stood straight ahead. You had brought the axe down hard, cutting the conversation dead in its tracks. What else could be said after such a heart-breaking confession left your cracked lips? Your mouth was dryer than the Sahara desert as you waited for the oppressive atmosphere to pass. 
You would have regretted the moment those words crossed your lips if they had been a falsehood, a lie to distract from the truth. However this was your reality, this was how you truly felt. You watched as Bobby’s hope deflated as he began to disappear into himself once more. This cut deeper than anything else, as you witnessed his confidence and self-worth shattered into a million differently shaped pieces. This was now what you wanted but a by-product.
No matter how you phrased it, no carefully thought-through planned statement could have stopped the blunt force of agony that swiftly followed. It was a hard pill to swallow but you couldn’t skirt around what this was. This was the end of the road when hearts got broken, where feelings were pushed out of the way for the cold harsh light of day. This was a break-up, one that had been long coming. You had heard the deafening sirens in the distance but ignored them for as you as possible. You had wanted this to work, you had wanted them in your life as your romantic partners. 
This was failure plain and simple, no matter how it was presented even neatly with a bow tied on top. This attempt at an unconventional relationship, a throuple had crashed and burnt in a way that you hadn’t given a second thought to. Yet here you were with an increasingly despondent Bobby. Athena had held steadfast to her second amendment rights, falling silent and staring anywhere to avoid your gaze.
You felt as if you had been caught with your hand in a cookie jar when you had been told no treats before dinner. At this moment, shame and guilt were the most prevalent emotions but shades of regret and the anguish of waking up alone tomorrow were starting to manifest, mixing in. The weight of this new dawn was unlike what you had experienced before. You had navigated through both messy and amicable breaks but this felt beyond different.
This would be a whole new scenario to manoeuvre through, the various twists and turns that encompassed the maze that you standing in with walls that stretched as far as the eye could see. Your reality had somewhat shifted, changing the illusionary location rapidly. In a blink of an eye, the interrogation room melted away. This was what your mind replaced it with. An inescapable maze, that you rushed through but constantly failed to find the correct path that would lead you out.
This was your anticipated worst-case scenario in one way but yet things were not playing out as you initially imagined. It was a hell of a lot worse than anything that your twisted mind would conjure up. You should feel relieved as the pressure on your chest was finally released as you spoke what had been lingering in the back of your mind. That dejected look in Athena’s eyes stung more than ever thought it might as if that knife you used to cut the thread connecting you to them had been turned around and thrust into your chest.
It twisted left then right, damaging just enough with each turn of the wrist knowingly to leave a mark behind. A reminder whenever you dared to glance into the mirror at your reflection. There it would be, a figurative wound, raw and never truly closing for all your days to come. A fractured heart, aching to be healed but the missing piece could never be reclaimed. This was the price too high that would be paid here and now. The piper was calling and this was your reply.
What else was there to be said? The ball was in their court, you just needed to be patient and wait to see what happened next. Bobby Nash, Fire Captain of Firehouse 118 stood off to one side contemplating how small his world had just become. In a few short minutes, his happy little world had frozen over as feelings of failure, inadequacy, confusion and grief overtook his peripheral vision. Sliding over him like the visor clicking down on his helmet. 
This felt like a step to the side, not a step backwards into the darkness. He wasn’t alone in his despair this time. He had a partner along for the ride-sharing the load as he felt Athena slide along before placing her hand into his. An act of comfort, this was what he needed. Tears would come but not quite yet. He had cried enough for more than one lifetime. Athena barely contained the sorrow as it quelled beneath her simmering fury. 
The storm had come and gone, brushed aside in the heat of the moment. A numbness soon followed, settling over the two of them as they took their first steps back into the world, their hearts bruised and cracked but holding firm. Knitting the threads that held them together tighter than before. This had tested them, pushing them to the edge, only to pull them back again. 
One where things hadn’t worked out when they tried taking a different path, was by inviting one another in and opening up their cosy relationship. It had been one hell of a ride, where flames of passion smouldered. However, ultimately the spark dimmed as that once fierce blaze cooled down until three had disappeared right back to the beginning. Where a couple stood there, watching as the third left. 
Had the right person stumbled in at the wrong time? This bizarre thought dared to cross his mind. Maybe this was simply poor timing and ill planning. He had nothing but time to run all the questions, the what-ifs and the rabbit holes that it might lead him down. Athena would be there to set him straight when he’d evitable delve too far into the depths of his mind, becoming lost in the dark. She would be the light to emulate the path hidden from his sight.
This was both the end and a new beginning. It would be an uphill battle, only this time he would have someone else along for the ride. “This was never the plan when Athena and I opened up our relationship, to invite you in you for a time and then to push you right back out into the cold” He started as he worked through his thoughts, trying to vocalize his rapidly shifting feelings. 
He was everything all at once. A perfect storm locked away in a glass flask but the fierce winds were steadily calming. Athena was another story together as she had remained tight-lipped. All her words were locked away in a vault, under lock and key. There was no doubt that she would make one hell of a poker player, as she masked through each time she bluffed about the cards in her hand. Winning round after round with ease. Burning holes in various pockets and wallets like a seasoned pro. This was different, this was her vanishing beneath her mask and simply walking away.
Storm Athena had vanished in a blink of an eye but was it for the better? That would be the question you were battling with in the days to come. Overanalyzing all the little details of this moment, trying to find sense and logic in her actions. Trying to almost read what was happening within, to hear those precious few thoughts that indicate her next play, the steps that she would inevitably take.
Would things ever truly be amicable? You hoped that would in time but that’s all you could do. Hope that the day would crest over the horizon sooner rather than later but you wouldn’t push. They deserved all the time in the world as the walls sheltering their little piece of paradise began reconstruction. As their battered and bruised hearts started on the next stage of their healing journey without you. Athena, I know that you don’t want to talk to me. Hell, I don’t expect you to even respond or read this but please know that I never meant to hurt you or Bobby. I saw the door start to close. 
I should have tried harder to reach out, to be heard but we are long past that. I don’t know if I’ll be back this way but please know that I did cherish the time that I was there standing toe to toe with you and Bobby. I would never want to stand in the way, have that loving affection turn sour and embittered by the very experience of having a front-row seat to a show that slowly capsizing.  
You deserve better than this, you both do. The dear John letter was a stupid and careless idea that I never thought all the way through but please know that I will never freeze out the lines of communication if you ever think of me and want to reach out for that long overdue talk. I will say this one last thing, 
I did deeply care about the pair of you, you meant the world to me but this was not our time. This was not ours around but it is yours and Bobby’s. I saw that secret smile whenever you locked eyes with him and vis versa. A love story in motion but I was grateful to have been a part of it. I wish you nothing but all the happiness in the world for all that is to come. 
Clicking send hadn’t been the hardest part, as you sat in the seat of the Grey Hound bus heading out of town. The hospital had arranged transport to the bus station then the rest had been up to you. Your one-way ticket was tucked firmly between the pages of the cheesy romance book you had picked up in the little shop at the hospital on your way out. Something to keep your mind preoccupied. 
You had let yourself chuckle softly when you had first pulled it out of your bag. You hadn’t even checked the title when choosing between the limited range and selection starting up from the shelves. The three different books to choose from, you had split down the middle and just gone for door room two which had turned out to be the only romance-heavy option. It was truly karma in action, a borderline cruel reminder of what once had been yours. 
An epic love for ages, well it might have been if the fire hadn’t been blown out. You had been one to finish off those embers, never once giving them a chance to reignite. Now as you sat staring out of the window watching the world rush past. A sense of conflicted peace rolled over. This was a new beginning, a chapter closing as you started on a new adventure into pastures unknown.
Whether the grass was greener on the other side, you’d soon find out as the bus turned the corner and headed out onto the freeway. You had crossed the point of no return more than once in the last few hours. Or so it felt but there was no point in looking backwards, no matter how much it hurt to admit.
Silently you muttered a single word, finally cutting the tattered remains of the thread that held you in place.
It had been a rollercoaster of ups and downs in the years since you had last dared to step foot in Los Angeles. Both professional and personal. You pushed any thoughts of those failed relationships and the dead-end jobs that landed at your feet when you had struggled to find a home. 
Home had found you when an unmissable job opportunity crossed your desk one fine day three months back. It was almost impossible to stop your fingers from typing up and updating your resume. Before you had known it, you had completed the application and clicked the send button launching into the depths of the electronic superhighway that was the internet. Regret did not follow in its wake. You had anticipated some awkwardness resonating within you but nothing occurred.
You had expected nothing to come from it, it was almost a complete shot in the dark. Yes, you had the skills and the experience in a similar field but would that be enough? As you worked your shoes off day in and day out, you had pretty much forgotten about that one particular job application sent three weeks beforehand. 
You had long since concluded that if you hadn’t heard by now then you were highly unlikely to hear anything at all. You pushed forward with the daily grind. Going to work and then back home. Rinse later and repeat. 
Until that one notification last thing on Friday night shook things up. An interview then a second and a third soon followed after. Before long an offer of another job, a chance to spread your wings and take flight back to the City of Angels manifested. All that you needed to do was simply say yes, well that and find a place to set up shop. Apartment hunting pre-pandemic was hard enough but this was a whole new ball game. Virtual viewings were the done thing in the post-pandemic world.
Viewing a possible home through the screen of any available device, a tour at your fingertips allowed you to go from room to room as you tried to ascertain whether this one, the third tour of the day was the one. Whether it met all your basic requirements. Was it too far from your base of operations? Was it located in a reasonable neighbourhood? Were there good transportation links into the city itself?
Question after question arose as you continued to scroll into the next room. This seemed a lot harder than all the times before when you had needed to go apartment hunting. It was turning into a headache, they all could easily be made to look rather simpler with the click of a well-positioned camera lens. 
As text came through lighting up your phone screen, you paused the video for a moment. The name displayed above the message knocked you for six. You hesitated opening it, for it could easily go one or two ways. For this moment in time, you were solely existing in Schrödinger's cat type of scenario.
It could both be a harmless conversation starter, cracking open what once had been slammed shut or yet it could be something that held steadfast to the notion of flogging a dead horse. Or it be both at the same time but until you dared to look inside that box, you wouldn’t know. Without a second more to mull it over, you clicked upon it. You held your breath as the message revealed itself to your increasingly growing anxiety that bubbled within.
After all this time, Athena responded and replied to your mammoth message sent. Your olive branch to do right by her, to have the chance to sit down and talk like adults. To see if it was truly possible to let sleeping dogs lie and move forward as friends. You hated the idea of completely burning that bridge and cutting her and Bobby out of life because of your mistakes. There had been the building blocks for a stable foundation which you have decided had been cracked.
In the time since then, you had searched through every avenue of what had been. Through rose-tinted glasses, you had viewed the long hours, the lapses in replies and the never-ending chain of cancellations and rearranged dates in haste. They were a part of the daily up and downs when dating two first responders. You had acted with the emotional range of a moody teenager. You hadn’t taken the time to consider what it meant for them, who you were at the end of the day.
You were meant to be their safe harbour, away from the multiple emergencies that lingered on the other side of that door. When it slammed shut, you could have their light in the dark leading through the long nights. Instead of salving to heal their wound, you had ripped them wide out, tearing out their hearts, watching as bled at your feet when you had penned that letter without giving each of them a second thought.
It had all about you. You had changed and grown as a person since then learning more about how to navigate a relationship. The many twists and turns that came and went day in and day out and learning from your past indiscretion when it came to communication lay at the heart of every relationship. Looking back, it hadn’t been your finest hour the last time you were even in the state. You had run away, tail tucked between your legs across several state lines under you found yourself darkening your brother’s door. He had been expecting you. 
Only a few weeks later than initially planned. You had kept him updated from your hospital bed, your ear red raw from his worried rants stuck on repeat like a broken record. Each time you called, He softened his tone and inclination and by the time you arrived. The once bare-to-the-bone wire-like threads that had once connected you had begun to heal, deepened as that proud man opened his heart and mind to welcome home the sibling that had been pushed away. It had been a challenging climb but he had been by your side, walking in tandem.  He had grown as a man, as a brother and as a human being. 
One relationship had flourished, whilst another faded away. However this message, oh how it made your heart skip a beat. Anxious laden but still hope began to flutter its paper-thin wings as it flicked back to life.
I will not deny that your action hurt, not only me but Bobby too. It has taken me years to come to terms with how things went down. I’m ready to talk, understand and move forward completely then we can go from there. 
It had been frank and straight to the point like the woman behind those words but it was a chance. One that won’t waste this go around. It was hard not to smile, to fight back those feelings that you long since buried. Soon enough those dreaded butterflies would take up residence within your stomach but you won’t let them consume you. This was a fresh start, not a blank slate. 
Athena, thank you for this. Let me know when you are free to speak. I am ready to answer all the questions you have. I’m sure that there are plenty, I will be nothing short of completely honest with you
You watched the screen, waiting for those two little ticks to appear. The sign that the message had been delivered then you’d have to kill time until the colour changed from grey to blue showing that Athena had read your message. You placed your phone down as you couldn’t be glued to that device like a lovesick fool. The ball was now in her court now. 
When the message arrived, it was simple. Date and time staring up at you. A question then arose in the back of your mind, who would be the one to initiate the phone call in question? However, before you could even type out a response, another message appeared. She would be the one to call you. It felt damn near bizarre finding yourself in a situation such as this. However, you’d pushed on through if it meant salvaging a relationship from the wreckage. Even if it would be nothing but wholly platonic or not in the long run.
As you typed a quick reply, you smiled softly feeling happier than you had in months, as a sense of peace washed over you as you made your way of the room. A list as long as your arm began to form in your mind of all the possibly questions that might soon be coming your way. 
“It’s a start, the best that I could have hoped for” You softly repeat like mantra as you considered the next steps. Whatever they might be. The bounce in your step would come in time but still each stride no longer felt like you were walking in treacle. Weighed down with the guilt that you had long since carried upon your shoulders. 
Peace was just the beginning if things truly went well. This was only the first of hopefully upon this new trail off the beaten path. 
New memories to be made once you had truly arrived but you shouldn’t get ahead of yourself. One foot in front of the other, never pushing forward unless the opportunity presented itself. You finally could let go of that aching sense of guilt that hung deftly around your neck. The hangman’s noose tightened of its own accord through the day, worsening when you were lying alone at night, clock-watching until sleep overtook you. 
Pushing away the persistent thought of what if, what if you could go back and change the order that events had played out. You simply couldn’t but it was in the past, finally buried when Athena knew the truth behind your actions. The why, the how and the emotions that drove your hand when drawing the next card from the deck of life. 
When you drew the next one, it would be the one that changed your tomorrow into bright light that you’d lovingly thrive to keep joyfully humming in all the days that came after. Through the many ups and downs as you rode through the hard and trying times, through the days were sun shone brightest as if it was only illuminated for you and the ones you loved.
The hours seemed to rush past waiting for the sun to slip beneath the horizon. As day seamlessly melted away as night took hold. You stood silent as a mouse, staring out at the night sky smiling to yourself as innocent enough thoughts overtook as you pictured a new dawn. This was only the beginning, to gain Athena’s forgiveness, trust and friendship was a road that needed to be walked. A journey that you had started, crossing the threshold when you had offered an olive branch.
You had gained ground but that conversation was all that mattered. You wanted to make good on your promise. Tomorrow was now more than just another day, one to toil through the hours until it was time to head home. Athena then maybe one day you could bring yourself to face Bobby.
As you rebuilt your world, one thread at a time. It would not be the same as before but still, it would be home.
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oneshotnewbie · 5 months
hii!! can i request a athena grant x reader where in reader fell asleep waiting for athena?? i hope you have a good day!!
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The clock ticked incessantly as you desperately tried to pass the time that remained before Athena returned from her shift. It was well past midnight and you had decided to keep yourself busy, so you sat alone and visibly restless on the sofa of the Grant House in the cozy living room, surrounded by a sketchbook, a novel and a laptop that was in vain tried to get your attention with your favorite series.
You mechanically flipped through the pages of a novel, trying to read a few pages and immerse yourself in the story, but your mind kept wandering and the words blurred in front of your tired eyes. The rain pattered against the window panes, the rhythm seeming to increase your nervousness. Athena had promised you that she wouldn't be home too late. But the hours passed, and each minute seemed to last an eternity, merged with the fear that something had happened to her. And with the materials around you, you tried to keep yourself busy, trying to drive away the impatience and worries that were beginning to arise within you.
Reaching for the sketchbook, you began to draw with the pencil in your hand. Lines and curves melted onto the paper and you created abstract shapes of your lover's face but it seemed to challenge you more than it ever did. Your concentration simply wasn't centered and minutes later your gaze fell back to the series, waiting to come back to life with the start of a new episode, but the screen progressively darkened until the screen saver came on.
With a sigh, you resolved to continue drawing. Perhaps your favorite feature of Athena's face first, expressing all your thoughts and feelings in detail in her beautiful eyes that flooded you every time you looked at her. But despite your efforts, time moved painfully slowly and the form and radiance did not come smoothly; the details remained half-formed in your head.
You peeked at the clock and noticed your eyelids growing heavy. The room was silent, only the gentle ticking of the clock breaking the silence. An incessant calm that only increased the tiredness. Without further ado, you decided to make some tea to keep yourself moving around the apartment.
The tea kettle whistled in your ears as you rested your head on the counter and dozed off for a moment, before pouring yourself another cup. You began to sip the hot water while staring absentmindedly out the window. The clock ticked relentlessly in your head.
To distract yourself, you turned on the music quietly, hoping the rhythm would get you going. You put down the hot cup and began to glide around the room to the beat of the music. For a moment it felt good to let the energy flow through your body, but soon your movement was lost in complete exhaustion. You fell back onto the sofa and made another attempt to focus and catch the shine in your girlfriends eyes given how they actually shone.
The sheet of paper filled with more lines and shades and you poured your feelings and longings to soon be able to see them in reality again, into this sketch. The night progressed and the tiredness continued to eat into your body. Despite your struggle to stay awake, your eyelids feel increasingly heavy. You rub your eyes and try to keep concentrating, but the exhaustion slowly overwhelms you and you lean back. The eyes closed to rest briefly. The exhaustion took over, conspiring minutes into hours.
You fought the urge to fall asleep because you really wanted to stay awake to greet Athena when she finally came home and to fall asleep with her in her arms. But your body didn't obey you and your surroundings blurred as your consciousness went against your will. Your head tilted to the side, your fingers that were gripping the pen slowly letting go and it slipping from your hand, the sketchbook sliding gently to the floor. Your head finally rested on the soft back of the chair.
Sinking into an involuntary sleep, your breathing had become calmer as you reflexively curled up on the sofa. The clock continued ticking and the rain outside was easing as the darkness of sleep took over you relentlessly. In the distance you barely heard the sound of the key in the door and Athena quietly coming in and strutting down the stairs when she spotted you sleeping peacefully on the couch.
A warm smile spread across her face as the policewoman saw the drawing she had started on the floor and picked it up. "My little illustrator," she spoke carefully before carefully placing a soft blanket over your body and placing a kiss on your cheek before sitting down and watching you. You woke up through the movement of the soft velvet beneath you and the gentle caresses on your leg. „´thena,“ you whispered with a scratchy voice, clearly seeing the silhouette of your girlfriend, smiling tiredly at the sight of her in Uniform.
„I am sorry it took me so long to come home. I had another mission shortly before I wanted to leave,“ she spoke sadly, knowing she had kept you waiting for so long. But especially without a call that she would come later. She had been completely prevented by a road closure due to a traffic accident and was unable to write you. "But now I'm back and you can go to sleep in peace."
You nodded and put your head back on the pillow before you even put your legs on her lap and she wedged them tightly under her arms until you fell asleep and she could get ready for bed. When your breathing became shallower and noticeably slowed down, Athena knew that you had drifted back into a peaceful sleep. "Sleep well, my love."
Athena was finally home, but you were sleeping soundly, surrounded by the traces of your hours-long battle against tiredness and the unbearable waiting.
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Girls Castellan might like
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Pairing: Luke Castellan x Athena kid!Reader
Summary: After talking to Annabeth, you try to figure out who Luke likes. And what would be the best way to do this other than a list?
Warnings: fluff, english is not my native language
Word Count: 2.6k
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First when you had arrived, Camp Half-Blood sounded like a dream. A place where you were finally safe, thanks to Mr. D. the weather was always good and there were many activities. But after some time, doing always the same stuff got boring. Learning ancient Greek, cleaning stables, Pegasus riding, picking strawberries, Sword and archery training, Volleyball, Capture the Flag, swimming in the lake, and campfire singalongs. Every week it was the same. Thanks Aphrodite, you were all hormonal teenagers and at least there was sometimes exciting drama at camp.
Like right now, you were sitting at breakfast, and you couldn't help but notice, that Lucy, Daughter of Aphrodite, was glaring holes in the back of Luke Castellan’s head. Clutching the knife firm that her knuckles were white, she looked as if she was about to jump up and pounce on the Hermes cabin counselor. A big contrast to yesterday, when they couldn't keep their hands off each other around the campfire. So, what happened in the darkness of the night?
"You see it too?”, you asked your half-sister Annabeth curious, who already had assessed the whole situation.
“It’s not surprising, she isn’t his type.”
“Not his type?”, you echoed taken aback.
Before Luke and Lucy were a thing, only for ten days but still a thing, he had something with one of Lucy’s half-sisters. There had been a lot of drama, when Luke had ended things with Stephanie and was seen kissing Lucy three days later. It had been a lot of fun, maybe except for Luke, Stephanie, and Lucy. But back to the actual situation, after this story, everybody, you too, though that Luke’s type were beautiful girls, preferable daughters of Aphrodite. And who could blame him? They were otherworldly pretty.
“He likes feisty girls who are good fighters”, Annabeth told you unaffected while picking at her bacon with her fork.
“How do you know that?”
Annabeth and Luke were close, like siblings. But you couldn’t imagine neither Annabeth nor Luke lying down on one of their beds and talking about girls.
“Because he is so obvious.”
If she said so. You hadn't noticed it yet, but maybe you hadn't looked closely either. You had wanted to spare yourself the pain.
“And who does he like?”, you dared a short look at Luke, who was laughing about something Chris had said. Seeing this, you couldn’t help it, your lips pulled up to a small smile. Next to you Annabeth rolled her eyes. But you only had eyes for the pretty head counselor of cabin 11.
“Won’t tell you”, astonished you teared your eyes of Luke and looked to your little sister. A smug smile was dancing around her mouth. “You always complain that you're bored.  Perhaps finding it out may help you battle your boredom.”
You immediately regretted complaining to her about your boredom at the start of your breakfast. This was now her revenge.
“Can you at least tell me if it’s a girl or a boy.”
“A girl, that's the only tip you get.”
Like every organized person you started your research with a list. Your list with the very fitting title ‘Girls Castellan might like’ included every girl at camp, except the ones who were too young and the girls you knew, were bad at fighting.
Next your research led you in the arena, where Luke was teaching sword fight. Clutching your list, like it was your most prized possession, you searched for a good place to keep an eye on everything. With a little bit of luck, you would be able to watch, how Luke was interacting with some of the girls on your list and could draw further conclusions from this.
You weren’t the only one, who came just to watch the practice. A few seats away sat a few daughters of Aphrodite. And you quickly understood why.
Holding a sword Luke was a force to be reckoned with. His movements were smooth as butter, and you couldn’t help noticing his muscles tensing under his shirt as he performed various exercises. Your gaze unconsciously slipped to his large hands, which were loosely holding the sword. After years of wielding a sword, they must be covered with calluses. How would it feel, if his callused hands would wander over your body, cupping your hips to pull you closer to him?
“What are you scheming?”
An all too familiar voice snapped you out of your daydream. Caught like a deer in headlights you looked up to Luke Castellan, who was standing right in front of you. Just looking at his hands, you could feel a blush slowly creeping up. Damn hormones.
“I’m not scheming”, you protested while stuffing the list hastily in the back pocket of your jeans shorts.
“Sure, that's why you're hiding the note”, amused Luke’s brown eyes sparkled. And what beautiful eyes he had. Stop! You had to concentrate! “Besides kids of Athena don’t just sit around and watch people, you lot are always scheming.”
“If you say so”, trying to seem cool, you shrugged your shoulders. “But that’s not why you came here.”
“Always so wise, fancy a fight?”
„There is no way I will beat you with a sword.”
And why fight if you already knew that you would lose? That wasn’t your style. You and your half-siblings knew better than that.
“What about hand-to-hand combat?”
Now you were talking! In hand-to-hand combat you could stand a chance.
“So desperate to lose, Castellan?”, you teased trying to drive away the nervousness that had settled in your bones. Sometimes you hated the nervousness Luke Castellan made you feel in his present, but looking at him, you knew, that you could never hate him.
“When it comes to you, I’m always desperate”, there was a time, were words like that form Luke’s lips, had made your heart flatter. That was before you realized that he was just a big flirt and wasn’t serious. But now, older, and wiser, you just rolled your eyes, before you motioned for him to follow you down in the arena.
“Flirting will not help you to win.”
Luke just shrugged, “Doesn't hurt trying.”
Yours and Luke’s hand-to-hand combats were famous around the camp. Luke had quick reflexes, was tall and full of muscles, while you were a strategic mastermind, always three steps ahead. And none of you shied away from getting down and dirty. Therefore, it was no surprise, that a ring of onlookers had already formed before one of you could throw the first punch. Besides, you were too focused to really mind it. You had already fought against Luke so often, that it felt more like a rehearsed dance than a fight. Maybe this was your way of dancing. While the Aphrodite girls danced around the bonfire, you danced in an arena to the music of your own heartbeat.
Like always it was Luke who opened the fight. With one large strike he closed the distanced between you and tried to punch you in your face, so your hands would go up, and he could kick you in your belly. Seeing this coming, you caught his hand with yours and while he lifted his leg, your swiped yours under his other one to bring him down. Letting go of his hands, you watched with a smile, how the tumbled down to the floor. But instead of going after him, you gave him the time you stand up. He was stronger than you, so you wanted to avoid wrestling with him on the floor so early at all costs, it would only end badly for you. First, he had to get tired, and none knew better that you how to wear down Luke Castellan.
His next three punches you easily dodged and then you stroke. Letting go of a flurry of blows it was Luke’s turn to block. For a moment you just exchanged blows, neither of you managed to blow the other's cover. But then Luke clipped the side of your face and while hot pain shot through your left cheek, you stumbled back. However, as fast as he punched you, you recovered. Dipping under his outstretched arm, you twisted said arm in a painful angle. You could hear his sharp inhale. And maybe it brought you a little bit of joy. But before you knew what happened, Luke had knelt and thrown you over his shoulder. To everyone's surprise, including yours, you somehow managed to land on your feet. Taking advantage of the chance that his face was still near your knees, you rammed your knee into his nose, drawing first blood. Both of you watched stunned how it dripped down from his chin to the floor, where it mixed with the sand. You had won sooner than any of you thought.
“It was a good fight, sorry about your nose”, you winced, but Luke just waved you off.
“It’s fine.  I would have preferred it if you had won the fight with a tackle, but that's the way it is.”
Before you could respond a pretty girl from cabin 10 rushed to Luke with a handkerchief in her hands, and you were forgotten. Not wanting to watch Luke soaking up her attention, you retreated.
Only when you had left the arena and wanted to reach for your list, you found it missing.  As if struck by lightning, you froze. You were pretty sure, that you didn’t lose the list. If it had fallen out of your pocket, you would have seen it lying on the floor, you were sure of it. That could only mean one thing. Just thinking about it made you wish the ground would open up and swallow you. Hot panic shot up your back and you felt like screaming. Someone had stolen your list, without you even noticing.  There was only one person who got close enough to you to do this and at the same time had the nimble fingers required, Luke Castellan.
At dinner, you were sulking in self-pity while you were trying very hard to look everywhere except at a certain table. Maybe if you would not draw his attention for a week or maybe two, he would forget about the list. Or at least you could pretend that he forgot. The other option was, that you would flee from camp and never look back. Considering the monsters that lurked outside the borders for young demigods, the first was clearly the safer option.
The fear that he would share the list with all the campers, and they would laugh at you, gnawed at you, that you couldn't swallow a bite. Your throat felt like it was tight up, yet it was your hands who were tight up. You couldn’t do anything besides waiting for the storm to blow over, and you hated it.
Your thoughts got interrupted by a paper plane which landed perfectly in front of you. Surprised, your head shot up, and your eyes locked with a pair of dark brown ones. Sending you a wink, Luke dived into conversation with his siblings, and you couldn’t help but groan. His father was the messenger god, if Luke wanted to convey a message, he could do it by paper plane without any problems.
Torn you looked at the paper plane. Did you really want to know what he had to say? What if he just wanted to make fun of you? But if not? With shaking hands, you picked up the paper. Your mum was Athena, goddess of war, you wouldn't hide from Castellan, you would face this fight. Determinedly unfolding the paper, your eyes scanned the list spread out in front of you. You knew this list; you had written this list. Everything was how you had left it, beside one thing. Luke has crossed out the ‘might’ in the title and had replaced it with a ‘doesn't’ in his scraggly handwritten. Now the new title of your list read as ‘Girls Castellan doesn't like ‘.    
A few days passed and you weren’t wiser. There must be a mistake! The list you made included every girl, that could fight and wasn’t a child. If Annabeth wasn't wrong, Luke had to like one of them. And Annabeth was never wrong. Crouching on your bottom lip you looked down on the list in your hands.
You were sitting in the grass near the strawberry fields, the sun was warming your face. When you weren't busy avoiding Luke, you were thinking about the list and its meaning. By changing the title Luke hinted, that he didn’t like any of the girls on the list. You had double and triple checked it, you hadn’t forgotten anyone. But Annabeth couldn’t be wrong, that had never happened before. It was maddening. It was like a riddle you were too dumb to solve, and you hated it. You were a daughter of Athena for god’s sake. Right now, you were possible one of her greatest shames, if she was interested enough in you to know what you were up to.
Before more negative thoughts could fill your mind, a shadow appeared over you. As you looked up, calluses hands stole the list out of your fingers. Groaning you faced none other than Luke Castellan.
“Still trying to find out who I fancy?”, he asked with a shit eating grin, and you couldn’t help but blush. But before you exposed yourself any further, you went into offense. As well known, attack was the best defense.
“You mislead me intentional”, you accused him. “The list includes every girl from camp. If Annabeth not wrong, you must like one of them.”
And you both knew Annabeth was never wrong.
“Actually, you forgot one person on your little list.”
That couldn’t be. You checked the list, more than once. You hadn’t! But it wouldn’t hurt to check the list another time.
“Give me the list”, you demanded, but Luke just hold the list over his head out of your reach. This was how he wanted to play it? Fine by you. Springing to your feet, you reached for the list, but Luke was taller than you. Tiptoeing you unconsciously moved closer to Luke. You first realized how close you were, as he wrapped his arm around your waist. Fighting a blush you hold your breath. You were so close, that Luke could certainly feel your heart almost jumping out of your chest.
“You are missing from the list”, he whispered, and you just could gape. That was too good to be true. That must be a dream.
“Because you can’t fancy me.”
“Why not?”
Truly confused, Luke furrowed his brows. Never had you seen him like this, and slowly you realized that he wasn’t joking. He didn’t want to trick you, and you didn’t know how to feel about it. Had you not wished for this for a long time?
“I’m not pretty like the Aphrodite girls you dated”, you confessed your insecurity. But Luke didn’t want to hear anything about it.
“In my eyes you are. You are tougher, braver, smarter, and far more beautiful. You are perfect. Can I kiss you?”
Lost for words, you could just nod. Carefully taking your face in his hands, he stroked back your hair, before lowering his lips to yours. The kiss was sweet, slow and everything you ever wanted. Sadly, it was over way too fast.
“I’m very glad Annabeth told me to help you with your project, on the day we fought. Otherwise, I wouldn't have stolen your list”, Luke confessed, still caressing your face. Oh, you see what she did there.
“Seems like she did set us up. Should we prank her for this?”
“Did I already tell you, that you are perfect?”            
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emmanotfunny19 · 5 months
medusa telling annabeth that they're alike and foreshadowing the parallel in episode 4 is so insane, annabeth was devoted & loyal to athena just like medusa and like medusa she was the one getting punished for somebody else’s impertinence (they both get punished by sea gods) this just shows athena is not a good god, and doesn’t punish men?😭
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aphroditelovesu · 14 days
Who do you think would win if it was aphordite and Athena competing for your love? On one hand athena can just use her logic to win you over (or just use Zeus favor to kidnap you hahaha) while Aphrodite could also just seduce you but would she be able to hold you hostage with Athena manuiplating you?
For my love, it would be Aphrodite because I love this goddess but I confess that I have a soft spot for Athena. 😛
But to answer your question in general: it depends on some factors.
Aphrodite is the goddess of love and, as you said, she can use her powers to enchant you, make you love her, in addition to counting on the help of her son Eros. She can seduce you and, being honest, probably will if you don't achieve the results she wants.
Athena is the most rational, the most logical of the gods and she always has a plan. She knows that Aphrodite may try to seduce you and the goddess of wisdom already has something prepared for that. And she has the matter of Zeus's favor on her side. Being the favorite daughter of the King of Olympus, Athena can have whatever she wants and if she wants to play dirty, she can simply ask her father to give it to her. And Zeus will probably agree with that.
Although Athena is the goddess of wisdom, Aphrodite is very cunning and intelligent too, although in no logical way who Athena is, she will use her attributes, both physical and seductive, to attract you into her arms. And, let's be honest, you would hardly be able to deny her.
Athena will indeed manipulate you, making up your mind, but Aphrodite's charms may be stronger than Athena's hard looks, so I would say that Aphrodite would win the love but Athena would probably be the one who would have you in the end, even if involuntarily. She might just kidnap you and keep you as her prize.
Will Aphrodite accept losing you to Athena? No, definitely not. And she's going to do something about it.
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bellamysnatblida · 9 days
percy jackson is sea green, teal-ish blue, but jason grace is baby blue. that’s it, that’s the post
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vibraniumavenger · 1 month
TW/CW: Car accident, injuries.
Pairing: Evan Buckley x Diaz!Reader
You smiled to yourself as you walked beside Christopher, your nephew. You had watched him in the morning while your brother was working, and Carla was attending an appointment. You didn’t mind though, you absolutely adored him, and he enjoyed spending time with you. 
You had an hour to kill before dropping him off to Carla, and heading off to work yourself, so you decided to swing by the station to have lunch with the team. It was quiet when you arrived, indicating the team were on a call. You took it upon yourself to make lunch for everybody, knowing it would be a relief to them when they got back. Chris was sat at the table on his tablet, in a world of his own, allowing you to focus on the food. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself as the sound of the shutters opening filled the station followed by heavy boots thudding against the floor as each firefighter jumped out of the truck. The footsteps got closer, the faint smell of smoke mixed with a familiar aftershave filled your nostrils and you instinctively lean back into the body that is now behind you as arms snake around your waist. “Isn’t this a nice surprise?” 
You turn towards the voice, and smile, “Apparently, I can’t seem to stay away.” You lean up to kiss Buck, causing Chris to pull a disgusted face. This seemed to amuse Buck, and he kissed you again. Eddie appeared in the kitchen, and made his way over to his son, visibly happy to see him. “Come on guys, get a room.” You rolled your eyes playfully at your brothers comment, and pulled away from Buck. 
You dished up the food for the team and took a seat, eager to hear about the call they had just been on. You listened intently as you ate, your complete focus on Buck as he spoke passionately about the call. Your heart warmed as you watched his face light up, he loved how much you genuinely enjoyed hearing about the calls, and how his day had gone. Chimney was the next to speak up, “It was a good call, except the part where Buck was playing hero and nearly got himself killed.” Bucks eyes widened and he turned to look at Chimney, giving him a look that immediately stopped him talking. Chimney, trying to help, began speaking again, “Don’t worry, it’s nothing out of the ordinary. It wasn’t any more dangerous than a simple call, the risk is always there. Besides, it was probably one of the safer times Buck tried to save the day, you should’ve seen him on the call last week.” 
“Chim, stop talking.” Buck, who was now visibly on the spot, turned to face you. He studied your face, working out how to approach this. He opened his mouth to reassure you, but you beat him to it, “I thought we spoke about this…” Buck knew you understood that no day was guaranteed, and that saving people on calls was something he would always try to do, even if it put him at risk. He also knew that he had a habit of jumping the gun and putting himself in dangerous situations without thinking it through. “I’m sorry…” 
You checked your watch, and stood up. “I just wish you’d be more careful, Buck.” Chris stood up and hugged Eddie goodbye, and you did the same. “Later bro.” You said goodbye to the team and walked back to the car with Chris by your side. The breeze hit you, and you took a deep breath. Maybe you were overreacting, maybe not but you just needed a moment. You helped Chris into the car and got in yourself, turning on the radio. The short ride to Carlas mostly consisted of Chris laughing as you sang along to the music, and the occasional conversation when Chris wasn’t overly engrossed in his phone. Carla was there to greet you when you pulled up on her drive, Chris was extremely excited and practically jumped out of the car to hug her. Carla gave you a hug, “Y/N, it’s so good to see you!” You smiled and hugged back, “It’s been a while, huh? Life has been hectic.” Carla laughs at this, “You’re telling me, your brother told me all about you and Buck. Moving in together? That’s a big step!” 
“We were practically living together anyway, and if I’m being honest, Eddie is probably just relieved to have his couch back. I was starting to get on his nerves.” You explained to Carla, and she chuckled. “Well, I wish you all the best. I’m gonna get Chris inside, and I’ll let you run off to work. It was lovely seeing you.” You hug Chris goodbye and bid farewell to Carla before getting into your car and beginning your journey to your place of work. In front of you, the amber light turned to red and you stopped. You could see that traffic was beginning to build up on the other side of the junction, and you didn’t want to be late. You sighed, and made the decision to take an alternate route, so when the light turned green, you indicated and pulled out to begin taking your turning. You let out a sudden gasp before you could even properly register the car coming towards you. All you could do was attempt to brace for the impact, and so you did. 
A loud crunching sound surrounded you, followed by the feeling of being thrown as your car was barrelled into. You closed your eyes tightly, scared of what was next. You didn’t have the courage to open them again until the car steadied. The first thing you could see was the airbag in front of you, despite not feeling it deploy moments before. You could smell the burning of the tyres, outside of the car, you could hear the panicked voices of bystanders, but all you could focus on was the blood that was now spread across your arms, unsure of where it was actually coming from. You weren’t in pain, at least you couldn’t feel any in that moment. Is that what shock feels like? You couldn’t think, but your eyes got heavy and you fought your hardest not to succumb to the darkness. 
Back at the station, the call was only just coming in. The alarm blared throughout the station, alerting the team to the call. They were quick to jump into action, grabbing their gear and piling themselves into their assigned trucks. Eddie and Buck sat beside each other, speaking casually between themselves about what had happened earlier. “Just give her some time, she’ll come around. For her, two of the people she loves most are at risk everyday, you’ve gotta imagine it can’t be easy. It’s a risky job as it is, and when you put yourself into riskier situations without needing to, it decreases the chance of making it home at the end. She’s scared. Just talk to her.” Eddie attempted to reassure Buck, who was feeling terrible. He couldn’t shake the image of your face from his mind, the face that showed disappointment in his actions. Before Buck could respond, the truck halted and the team jumped out, ready to give help where needed. Buck stopped in his tracks as an all too familiar car was crushed before him. He tried not to panic, hoping that his suspicions were wrong. His eyes flicked to the number plate and his heart stopped. His feet were moving before his mind could catch up. He shouted your name, drawing Eddies attention. It took Eddie a few seconds to process what was happening. You had not long left the station, it couldn’t possibly be you. Right?
Buck arrived to your car first, nausea washed over him as he caught sight of your injured body. “Y/N? Hey, it’s me. I’m here.” You weren’t completely aware of what was happening, your eyes opened with a struggle. Your movements were weak as you turned your head to look at him. “Buck?” You spoke quietly, not completely aware of the situation at hand. “Don’t move, try and keep still.” He tried to remain as calm as he could, he didn’t want to scare you any more, he was terrified himself. Eddie ran right over to the car, his heart racing as he feared what he would find. His first instinct was to check the back seat, relief finally washing over him as he saw no sign of Christopher. Still, he needed to make sure, “Y/N, was Chris in the car?” 
You shook your head, “Carlas.” Eddie felt a weight off his shoulders, knowing his son was safe. The weight soon came back when he saw the condition you were in. Your eyes rolled back, and you fell into unconsciousness. Bobby was running the scene, assigning Hen and Chim to medically assist you, and he grabbed the gear to support Buck and Eddie in freeing you from the car. Buck didn’t want to let go of your hand, but he knew he had to in order to get you out sooner. The team worked tirelessly, ensuring to be as careful as possible. Bobby handed the halligan to Buck, “Buck, you focus on getting the doors open. Diaz, grab the saw and be on standby.” 
Buck groaned as he tried to pry the doors open, with no results, “Roofs too dented Cap, I can’t get it open.” Bobby nodded, and turned to Eddie, “Saws it is. Get in there Diaz, Buck, you too.” The roof was off in no time, Hen and Chim jumped straight in and equipped you with a neck brace, and got the back board in place to move you. Hen checked your vitals quickly, trying to make sure you were steady enough to be moved. “I’ve got a faint pulse, we gotta move.” They moved you out of you car quickly, and transferred you to the ambulance. “Trauma to the abdomen, possible internal bleeding. I’ll let the hospital know we’re en route.” Buck jumps into the back of the ambulance with Chimney, and instantly takes your hand in his. Hen places herself into the drivers seat, putting the ambulance into 911 mode and begins the journey as fast as she can to the nearest hospital. 
Buck hated seeing you like this. He was filled with anxiety, the nausea constantly there as he studied your visible injuries. His heart sank with every second that went by, the more he thought about you laying there almost lifeless, expecting you to flatline any second now. “I’m sorry baby, we can’t leave things like this. I need you to get through this so I can apologise to you. I know I’m not the easiest person to love, and I also know that I’m the biggest pain in the ass, but I love you, and I need you. Please.” Buck sobbed as he held your hand tighter. Time seemed to be going extremely slow for Buck, yet moments later Hen was pulling up at the hospital. You were rushed in, Hen spewed all your information to the nurses as you were wheeled in and handed over. Buck, Hen and Chimney stood there as you were wheeled out of sight. One of the nurses stopped Buck from running after you, and he sat defeated in the waiting room. The rest of the team arrived soon after, Eddies face was similar to Bucks. Eddie spoke first, “Any update?” The lack of response from Buck had him on edge, fearing the worst. Luckily, Chimney filled the silence. “There’s no update, but no news it almost always good news.” 
Eddie placed his hand on Bucks shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze before sitting down next to him. “How’re you holding up?” Buck didn’t look up, instead he kept his head in his hands. He couldn’t respond, he couldn’t trust his voice not to give out. His leg bounced anxiously, and despite not talking, his feelings were painfully obvious. Eddie could empathise, he knew exactly what was going through Bucks mind. It was happening to him too, but he concealed it as much as he could, knowing Buck needed him. “You know, each time we’re sat in these chairs, it never gets easier. You don’t have to talk, I get it. I think you should know that I’m right here for you, I understand. Y/N is going to be okay, that I have no doubt about. She’s my sister, and us Diaz’s, we don’t back down. We fight.” Eddie continues talking, and he’s not sure whether he’s trying to convince Buck or himself. 
A few hours go by, and the team are waiting as patiently as they can for an update. Maddie had arrived some time ago, and was sat with Buck. She was not only there to support her brother, but also her brothers girlfriend, who Maddie had claimed as her best friend shortly after meeting her. Bobby hands a coffee to Buck and Eddie, who hadn’t moved from their seats since arriving. This changed moments later as a nurse approached, making them stand. Buck felt as if his legs were going to give way any second. The nurse cleared her throat, “She’s stable. She’s incredibly lucky to have made it out with the injuries she did, it could’ve been a lot worse. She’s awake, if you’d like to go see her.” 
Buck didn’t stick around to hear whatever else the nurse had to say, he darted through the corridor until he got to your room. He stopped to take a deep breath, and stepped inside. He was scared to look at you, all he could picture was you covered in blood still. His head shot up as he heard a voice, your voice to be exact, “Buck?” 
He was by your bedside in a blink of an eye, taking your hand in his. His eyes wandered over your body, taking in each of your injuries. His heart broke a little more with each one. He finally looked you in the eyes, and that’s when it hit him. His eyes filled up with tears, “Y/N…”
“Hey, don’t cry. I’m fine, see. I’m right here.” You gave his hand a squeeze, trying to give him the reassurance he needed. Buck took a seat close to your bed, your hand in his and against his lips. You move your hand up to his cheek and wipe his tears, Buck practically melted into your touch. “I really thought I had lost you.” 
“I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere. I need to apologise for my reaction earlier, that could’ve been our last conversation earlier and left without saying goodbye, or telling you how much I love you.” 
Buck shook his head, “You have nothing to apologise for, I’m the one that owes you an apology. I’m sorry that I’m not more careful when I’m out on a call, I shouldn’t be that reckless. I’m sorry that I can’t promise to walk through that door every night, safe and unscathed. I can appreciate how you feel now, and I promise I’ll try my hardest to be more careful. I love you, and I don’t want you ever feeling anything close to what I’ve felt today.” You wince as you sit up, making Buck panic. You push through the pain, and pull Buck to you. “Come here.” He stands from his chair and leans down to kiss you quickly. He carefully moves your hair from your face, ensuring he doesn’t touch any of your cuts or bruises. 
“I love you too, and even though I’m petrified that you won’t make it home one day, I trust that you’ll try everything in your power to make sure you do. I’m proud of you, Evan.” As you spoke, Buck smiled to himself. A sense of relief washed over him. Before he could respond, you continued. “So… does this mean I can finally get a new car now?” 
Buck chuckled, “You’re a pain in the ass, Diaz.” 
“Takes one to know one, Buck.”
A/N: So, I think I rewrote this like 10 times. Its been a while since I've done any writing, so please bare with me while I figure out my writing style again. Any criticism is welcome, I appreciate the feedback.
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starless-nightz · 19 days
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frickingnerd · 1 month
being in a poly relationship with phoenix, apollo & athena
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pairing: phoenix wright x gn!reader x apollo justice x athena cykes
tags: polyamorous relationship, wright anything agency, mentions of trucy, wholesome fluff
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all four of you are dating each other!
though because of the age gap with phoenix, plus him being apollo & athena's boss, he often feels a bit out of the loop
apollo, athena and you are super close and constantly spend your time together, while phoenix only occasionally gets the chance to join you
oftentimes, you have to pay phoenix visits late in the evening at his office, to find any time for dates. he's always so busy…
you might not be working at the wright anything agency, but you're always there!
you always bring phoenix, apollo and athena some home cooked lunch, to make sure they eat healthy and don't skip meals
and oftentimes athena and apollo rope you into helping them with work when you visit them
they'll practically beg you to accompany them to crime scenes and everyone they're working with knows who you are already, since you often tag along!
you get along great with klavier, ema and simon, due to how often you run into them, thanks to dating apollo and athena
you're also familiar with miles, gumshoe and maya, thanks to dating phoenix! but you see them less often, due to phoenix usually separating work and private life
the one person in phoenix's life that you get along with the most is trucy! she views you as a parental figure, while she views apollo and athena like her siblings!
speaking of apollo and athena, the two of them are very openly affectionate, always clinging to you in public and holding hands
phoenix on the other hand is more affectionate behind closed doors! he'll give you a forehead kiss when nobody is looking, but usually keeps his hands to himself!
phoenix also isn't very jealous. he doesn't mind if you spend more time with apollo and athena than you do with him! he knows he can't always give you the attention you deserved, so he is happy to let others fill in that spot!
athena is occasionally a bit jealous of phoenix and apollo, as she feels like she can't live up to them
meanwhile apollo is the most jealous when it comes to people outside of the relationship! he really can't stand anyone flirting with you, aside from him, athena and phoenix…
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Good Enough (9-1-1) Part Nine
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Imagine: Imagine leaving LA after feeling like an outsider in your relationship with Bobby and Athena as they seem to pull away and distance themselves from you. Only to find that it is almost impossible to actually walk away.
Warnings: Angst with happy ending, AU, Bisexual Athena, BDSM
Pairings: Bobby Nash x Reader x Athena Grant
Word count: 2,434 words
Universe: 9-1-1
Reader gender: Female
Tagged: @graniairish @madhatter-crazyasahatter-blog @4everflowercore @blueskyredrosegrey @agathaharknessfan96 @ljej95 @yoshinorecommends @horsedragonllama @forever2ne1 @clayzayden @multifandomlesbianic @thepotatoislost @purpl3-menac3
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Part: 9/10
The five stages of grief could be seen as a series of rooms that all would pass through one day. Yet here the three of you were, stuck in different rooms with the doors thrown open. Staring through the passage, trying to make sense of this new world that emerged and encompassed you in a blink of an eye. 
You stood in acceptance, a warm and homely space with its eggshell white walls decorated to the nines like a log cabin from your youth. With a crackling log fire in the furthest corner from the entrance. It was as if this room was a perpetual state of your favourite memory of Christmas morning. One that brimmed with joy and childish delight, where anything was possible. A point to step off from into a new beginning.
Athena stood firmly a few rooms back, in the dark red shades of burgundy, scarlet and sangria with veins of oranges and purples dancing through. Sharp edges filled the space, reflecting the pain that lay at the heart of it. The walls pulsated like a heart skipping a beat before cracking creating a unique jigsaw. This room was Athena, her anguish and fury. This was every argument at 3 am, every screaming match over the small detail. That sudden rush of betrayal that came when discovering that you had been wronged, that desire to have the answers to the questions regardless of the pain that would inevitably follow. 
Bobby, he was starting on the outside looking inwards. Trying to make sense of what was playing out between his two lovers. He held none of the cards, and had no real answers to thousand or more whirling and desperate questions piling up. More appeared with every new facial expression or slight change in non verbal cues that were missed by most. He himself would readily admit that they would slip right past his gaze if he wasn’t completely laser focused but here was, gaze fixed flicking from one to the other. He noticed, he saw but at the same time, Bobby knew that he was missing vital information. There was more to the situation than a simple hit and run. He had been left out of the bigger picture and that Athena had discovered.
As the penny began to drop, he edged closer into Denial. That bland void of a room where the dusky grey walls gleaned. The furnished by a small moth eaten patchwork chair. The once thick foam had seen better days and the worn down barely brown carpet badly needing replacing. It felt foreign, disconcerting almost as if you had entered the wrong room but yet this was where you were meant to be? A room that easily generates follow on questions and what if statement at the drop of hat. That can of worms had been opened, stomped on to the point of obliteration. Nothing remained. For now there was no way for Pandora to now close that box and stuff back in all the horrors that had been unleashed.
This was a moment that he had never fully considered. Medical emergencies were given in his and Athena’s line of work but not hers. No, this had barely crossed his mind. He worried for sure, that was a daily occurrence. In those times when he was home alone, the darkness would encroach into his apartment. A heaviness would settle in like a fine mist blowing in from the sea and that inner doubtful voice would return.
Bobby could not deny that such abhorrent negative thoughts had passed through his mind at his lowest. Hitting rock bottom staring down at that bottle of liquor tempting him to drink away all his woes and simply forget. Forget that they were going to leave him, it was inevitable. Just over the horizon, there was someone better, someone young and not so broken as he. Yet here he was facing it down. His face paled, all whilst hiding by his mask but god was he scared for what came next.
Athena’s rage burnt hot, fast and was all-consuming. It was comparable to flash fire, that sudden chemical reaction that created an intense flame. It was there one moment then gone once it had rushed through the source of combustion. Right now, you were that primary source at the heart of the chemical mixture. 
The spark that had ignited her ire, whipping it until it had exploded. Once it  had drawn you in, like a moth to a flame but now you had to stand strong as you walked into the bowels of hell. The intense heat biting at your flesh, daring you to keep your distance. This was not the time to keep yourself at arms lengths, for that time had long since passed. This was a moment to remain as cool as ice, you were riddled with a multiple of negative emotions, each fighting to burst through. Guilt by far, was one of the strongest, second to acceptance which led the charge.
This was your internal struggle, one that could wait until you were by your lonesome self, grieving this loss in a darkened room miles away from this place. Full well knowing that you had haphazardly chosen the cowardly way, thinking it was the best option at the time. In the back of your mind you had never considered that all your running would lead you straight here directly into the heart of the furnace, into the very depths of your own personal hell. 
As you stood there, growing ever more anxious as each passing second ticked by. It echoed loudly in your ears, a constant reminder of the passage of time grinding to any of an almost standstill. Each second felt like an hour, an hour felt as if a lifetime had passed you by. Yet here you were standing still almost as if you were made of marble, frozen in time.
Even though this was the true heart of the storm, as the fast, razor sharp winds whirled around you cutting off any thoughts of escape. There was no way back, only forward. This would be far from an easy conversation. One that most feared as relationships formed, flourishing before obstacles presented themselves.
There were many moments that peppered each lifetime that were difficult to face. They had to be faced one way or another. You had chosen to take the easy path as you stood at the fork in the road but ultimately it had looped around, rejoining the harder path. A road unwalked, unpaved and full of tough choices. Ones that you wished and pleaded like a desperate coward stood in front of their executor crying out for mercy, but falling upon deaf ears.
Oh where to begin? As an impossible stream of starts to an inconceivable number of sentences and statements whizzed through your mind. It was a dizzying reality to beyond but this was yours and yours alone. Your anxiety creeps higher and higher with each silent moment. Soon one of you would have to break through, for it was palpable enough that it might be cut with a knife. 
“Ideally, this isn’t the best place for the three of us to talk but this can’t wait” Bobby steely and more serious than you had ever seen him before. The point of no return had truly been crossed. For now, you were standing face to face with Captain Nash and Sergeant Grant not your lovers. The mere experience was both terrifying but yet pleasing. As a redness began to blossom upon your cheeks, equal parts embarrassment to lust. God, you should not be turned on by but it was so damn difficult not to be.
With your lower lip rotating in your mouth, tentatively biting down each time that the soft flesh made contact with your teeth. You needed to remain calm, level and completely neutral if you were going to smoothly navigate through the murky waters that you were sinking deeper into.
You need to think before speaking, treat this like an interrogation. The world melted away as you imagined yourself seated on a cold steel chair, with arms resting upon the smooth metal top of a table bolted down to the floor. You were in her wheelhouse now. As the stern and unwavering eyes of Sergeant Grant met your own, nervously flitting from one spot to another. You catch sight of Fire Captain Nash just beyond, with his back firmly pressed against the wall silently observing the room. 
“You hold all the cards, it’s time to show your hand” The Sergeant firmly spoke, edging closer as she leant forward no more than an inch. It was hardly enough to be noticeable but yet your mind briefly wandered, removing you from your own perfectly constructed fantasy for a fraction of second longer than you desired. 
“Then ask your burning questions Sergeant Grant'' You shot back as you fell right back in, unpausing the overly dramatic scene as you leant back into the chair, feeling its sharp edges start to dig in. It was truly the most uncomfortable seat that you had the displeasure of being forced to use. Silence followed, with only the steady beat of your own heart to keep you company as you waited for the next question to arrive. 
“I’m waiting” You teased, prodded the quietly fuming Officer to see if she would take the bait and bite back. She remained silent, as the cogs within her mind churned, creating and then breaking now the questions that formed. As she worked through until she found the perfect opening line of enquiry. You would wait but he wouldn’t be the silent partner for a second more than necessary. It was hard to miss the rage circling within, fighting to break free and scorch the ground beneath his feet. 
In the way, he clenched his fists so tightly that the tips of his fingers blanched or how the facial muscles tightened as he barely held back his tongue lashing out with the strength of his conviction fought back, lashing out with the intensity of the tempest that lay within. God, he was ready to break. Captain Nash was dancing on the edge of a blade. One wrong move in either direction then all hell would break loose. 
The very thoughts of being on the receiving end of that explosion shook your world three inches to the left. It wasn’t something you had considered until this very moment. You were reaping what you had sown. With your focus fixed upon him, you had failed to notice her watching you watching him. 
It was only for a fraction of a second, the briefest of moments before you pulled your gaze away from his. Just add another string to your bow, staring at one of your interrogators. This was far more awkward that you would have considered it to be but then again, you never thought that a situation like this would occur. Yet here you were. 
“I didn’t wake up one particularly grim morning and say to myself let’s cut my losses and get out of this town as I lay there alone in my bed. You spoke with a waiving confidence that you feared would soon break but you needed this. To get what weighed heavily upon your heart off your chest. You continued on.
“Daring to hope that my phone would surge into life. For I knew what I was getting into when this all began but this went well beyond that” You paused to gather your thoughts before speaking once more. Athena however beat you to the punch, finding her voice. Her frustration is more prevalent than ever before. It was in the way she sat, back firmly pressed against the back of the chair. 
"Yet, there is no clear example of you reaching out, trying to raise the issue with either parties"  She said through gritted teeth, biting back. Her words awash with razor sharp accusations. For she had one firm goal in the forefront of her mind. That was to cut down to the core of it, get the accused to confess and admit the wrongdoings that lined with the story the evidence told. To see that bleeding heart and reach the truth that was desperately required for peace of mind, to move forward from here. Throughout, her face remained neutral, a blank slate that revealed nothing of storm brewing rapidly within.
The trap had been set, the bait firmly in place. All Sergeant Grant needed to do was to be patient and wait. The temptation to react, to bite back would be too much to completely resist. How long would it take? A few minutes or maybe as long as an hour? She simply could not say or predict when the cracks would start to form as your resolve chipped away. She was waiting with bated breath for your mask to finally drop then she would have what she was after but would it be truly worth it?
For that was the one question that she could not predict what. It twisted like a knife to the gut would as she lingered upon it longer than she necessarily needed to. She pushed aside but would not go away so easily, haunting her like a dark cloud on a sunny day. Ready to spoil the mood at a moment's notice. Was she really ready for the next words to fall from your lips? 
Athena held steadfast to the belief that she was but a sliver of doubt remained within, tainted this burst of certainty. Captain Nash noticed this momentary blip, this slight hesitation that fell over the surefast and confident Sergeant as her body language altered just enough to reveal her broken heart. It was only for a split second, there one moment but gone in the next but he noticed.
The Fire Captain abided by his promise, keeping silent in the background as Sergeant Grant conducted the integration. However there would come a time when he would enter the fray and say his piece. This was not the right moment, not quite yet but soon. His frustration weighed heavily upon his chest, his confusion at what he had missed. Professional pulled at core pushing back the overwhelming emotional centre of his being that bleed through the seams of stitches that held him together. Would this be the moment when his broken heart shattered upon the cement floor beneath his feet? He hoped that it wasn’t. Once had been more than enough.
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oneshotnewbie · 2 years
Athena grant and f reader. Reader has worked with athena for years, but unknown to athena, is being hurt by her girlfriend. Athena figures it out, and confronts reader, promising to protect her, and helps her leave her abuser, letting her stay in the grant home. Athena admits to Michael that she's always loved reader, which is why she's so protective. Reader overhears and admits her feelings as well?
BTW you are the only one who writes for athena....you are my new favorite human
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A/n: First of all; I love to be a new favorite human!🥹Secondly; thank you for requesting for it, I really like writing for her! Third and last- This story takes place at a time when Athena and Michael are still together and Michael is still unaware of his attraction to the same sex. Hope it is okay for you! ♥
When you woke up, you already knew what had happened and why you were in a bare room that smelled of nothing but disinfectant and rubber gloves. You could still clearly remember last night when you came home from work exhausted and already were frustrated at the front door about how the apartment looked like, knowing that you still had to clean up the apartment after your hard shift.
It started with a little question about the simple why and eventually, a trifle ignited an argument. Unstoppable screaming that started with yelling words at each other intended to hurt the other turned into an even more reckless verbal assault from her.
She was about a head taller and stronger than you, and even if you tried to fight back, she would be brutally pinning you against the wall in no time. You could fell bruises everywhere instantly when your back hit the wall and angry flashing eyes looked down at you. From then on, the blue miracle began.
You shook your head roughly to free yourself from the memories of the previous night and slowly, you turned to the side and narrowed your eyes sharply as an unspeakable pain ripped through your body.
You closed your eyes and tried to focus on your own heartbeat as your hearing prioritized the voices outside the door. You were able to sort out agitation and irritability in the individual voices and listened intently.
"You are not authorized to enter the room. You are not a relative. In addition, the condition of my patient.." the doctor said in a shrill voice and you heard the material of her smock scratching on the door- she probably had her arms crossed and demonstratively placed herself in the doorway to your room.
"I am Athena Grant, I am working as a field sergeant at the Los Angeles Police Department. She is my partner and I want to see her." stated the policewoman hard, raised her eyebrows defiantly and thus interrupted the doctor´s sentence.
This, who was hardly older than 40, sighed hard and watched her opposite with a look. She was almost intimidated by the self-confidence that oozed out of Athena and she nodded with defeat. "If so, I will let you in. But I cannot promise you she will be awake. She is badly injured."
She hastily pushed herself past her and entered the room with caution. The door creaked shut, despite the effort to close it quietly and she cursed herself under her breath.
"Y/n.." the black haired walked over to your bed and carefully grasped the hand that was resting on the side of your body. You slowly opened your eyes and blinked several times. Your gaze was blurred and limited, but you recognized the special way her fingers danced on the back of your hand immediately. "…thena."
She swallowed hard at the sight of you. Your left eye was completely swollen shut and blue, your lip was split and a scratch ran down your cheekbone to the center of your jaw. Your arms were covered with bruises that shone in all colors on your skin- fresh as well as already healing ones and your torso, which was fixated with tape, indicated that you had at least one rib broken. "What the hell happened? Who was that?"
You kept staring at her, your mouth opening and closing. You knew there was no point in lying, she was way too good at her job for that. You carefully lifted your head a little to look into her eyes. A few moments passed before your facial expressions changed an tears welled up in your eyes.
"My girlfriend.." you stammered, but the lump in your throat choked off any voice. "She did that."
Athena´s jaw dropped and she looked at you in shook and disbelief. "How long?"
You sighed softly and closed your heavy and tired eyes; the images from all the times your girlfriend had hurt you coming up again and finally letting the tears flow. "A few months."
"Sweetheart.." she held your hand even tighter, stroked the back of your hand soothingly and sat down on the free space at your waist. "I will make sure you are safe from now on. I will help you get away from this woman and I will protect you at all cost with my whole life. You are not alone anymore."
Alone. That was the cue. You had felt alone, lonely and cold but it felt good and right to be able to tell the truth to your best friend. You trusted her with your life.
After days of being tied to the bed and feeling like you were in prison, you were finally released with a clear conscience and Athena took you home. But not back to your apartment, no. It was her house you found yourself after you felt asleep in the car, where you should stay for a while as long as she wasn't sure that the person who did this to you would be charged and stand trial.
Even when you asked her to change the locks on your doors and be allowed back into your own apartment because you didn´t feel comfortable sleeping at hers when she had a family to care of her own, she strongly said no and you felt defeated.
There was no point in arguing with her. The woman remained stubborn.
Michael had suspected it, always known it but never wanted to believe his own thoughts.
The tall man sat uneasily at the kitchen counter, tipping down a much too generously poured glass of scotch, that he desperately needed now, while staring at his wife, which was leaning on the stove in front of him and biting her lip anxiously.
He knew the alcohol didn´t solve his current emotional state and situation, but it did help him get over the news.
"Michael, I really love her and I have realized that now." The bald man gave a short snort, shook his head and took a long gulp of the burning alcohol. Just thinking about his wife having a crush on her partner and letting her throw away 14 years of marriage hurt him so much that his soul could not get enough of that tanned, hard liquor in his hands.
He had always expected it, repetitive when Athena became a completely different and brighter person with you, when she always stood next to you at parties and celebration and gave you the same look she had given him years ago when she still was in love with him.
There had been indications of this so often and he had disregarded and suppressed them every time. "When I saw her in the hospital, my heart broke into a thousand pieces and I realized my love for her. I did not want to admit it to myself, tried to suppress the feelings but I cannot do it anymore."
Michael wasn´t angry. Rather he was delighted to see the person he valued the most in life happy. Even if it wasn´t with him.
"When are you going to tell her? You can´t dance around each other for life." he asked and his gaze turned once more to his wife. She looked at him questioningly as if she didn´t know what he meant by his previous said sentence. "Around each other? What do you mean?"
"Tell me, are you blind? The feelings are not one-sided. She has feelings for you too and has been for quite a while."
A short but deep silence settled between the two. Athena closed her eyes and shook her head, unsure of the truth of his observation.
"He is right." It was not a second before her head snapped in the direction of your words, startled, and she bit the inner of her cheek as she realized what the two of them had revealed through their conversation. "How much did you hear?"
"I am standing here long enough to confirm that your feelings are not the only ones." The black haired woman, who had recently confessed her love to you unnoticed, looked at you with big dull eyes.
"We have known each other for so long and I still remember exactly how we met back then. You were and still are perfection in my eyes and it might sound surprising to you because I never showed it to you because I was afraid of destroying your marriage but I have loved you for what seems like forever. I am not sure how to put into words how I fell about you but god damn, I love you so much."
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