#(but like really dude. fuck you mean flowers grew inside of you because your love is so big but unrequited- SIKE
aromanticannibal · 3 months
aromantic writes hanahaki fic call that aromatic herbs..?
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billyharringson · 4 months
@101maverick I've put this in a separate post so my original one doesn't get too long but here is your ficlet with tattoo artist Steve and florist Billy.
I really enjoyed writing this and might expand this into a proper fic at some point.
"just go talk to him, dingus." Robin said, causing Steve to tear his eyes away from the window.
"Just go talk to him? Do you hear yourself Buckley?" He asked, returning to his spying as their newest neighbour continued moving about his own shop, carrying a large bucket filled with brightly coloured roses. He gestured behind Robin to the whiteboard she'd hung there a year ago. "You said so yourself, I can't flirt for shit."
Robin glanced at the board, at the 10 tally marks under the 'you suck' column. "I didn't say flirt, I said talk. Go and talk to him."
"What would I even talk to him about?" Steve whined, leaving the window and flopping over the reception desk. "Why would a god like that even speak to me?"
Robin rolled her eyes with a heavy sigh. "Jesus Steve, keep it in your pants okay? Besides, he's tatted to fuck, you've already got something in common." She gestured around at the shop when Steve simply looked blank. "Tattoos dude, he's covered in 'em, you do 'em. Use that as a jumping off point."
"But..." Steve trailed off when the bell above the tattoo shop jingled. He turned to greet whoever had come in and promptly had a minor panic attack.
It was the florist.
Standing there in his tanned, tattooed glory. His golden curls piled on top of his head in a messy bun, a pair of stonewashed dungarees and no shirt, the man didn't even seem to realise that he was a walking wet dream, or that Steve was having trouble breathing.
"Hey." The man said, his smile blinding as he raised a hand. "I'm Billy. I moved in across the road last week, got the flower shop just there." He jerked his thumb over his shoulder, his smile dimming somewhat when Steve didn't respond.
"Nice to meet you Billy." Robin said, shoving Steve forward. "The mute here is Steve, he owns the place. I'm Robin, I help his dyslexic ass keep the books."
Billy laughed, walking further into the shop, holding his hand out and beaming when Steve took it. "So, you're the artist huh? I've been admiring your work since I got here." Billy pointed to some of the framed sketches that lined the walls. "What's your waitlist like?"
"Oh, uh... Depends what you want really." Steve finally found his voice, this he could talk about. "What do you have in mind?"
Billy leant against the reception desk, tugging one of the dungaree straps down, exposing one of the few bits of unblemished skin just above his right nipple. "Here I think." He said, tapping the skin. "Another flower, about this big." He circled the spot.
Steve nodded along, pulling his sketch pad towards him as he continued to stare at the exposed skin. "Which flower?"
Billy's grin grew. "What do you know of flower language?" He asked.
Steve blinked, caught off guard by the question. "Uh, I know it exists but I don't know that much about it. Roses mean love though right?"
"Red roses do." Billy agreed, nodding his head. "Or more specifically they mean passion, romance." He traced a beautiful watercolour rose on the inside of his wrist.
"Was it a rose you wanted?" Steve asked, trying to steer the conversation back to safer waters, his cheeks were warm and he was sure he was pink despite the fact that this conversation seemed completely innocent.
Billy shook his head. "No, not a rose. I'd like a green carnation." He said with a wink.
Steve was now certain that he was glowing with how red he must be, because he might not know about flower language but he knew enough LGBTQ history to know what that meant. "A green carnation." He repeated.
"Yup." Billy popped the 'p', his grin just as cocky as it had been since he'd walked in. "You like green carnations Steve?"
Steve nodded, swallowing loudly as he tried to come up with the courage to say what he wanted to. "I do." He said quietly. "Do you like trilliums?"
Billy's face lit up. "I love me a good trillium."
Steve smiled bashfully, looking down at his sketch pad. "I can book you in on Friday, last session of the day."
"Perfect." Billy stepped closer, leaning in and whispering his next words into Steve's ear as he slid a business card across the desk. "That way I can take you out for a drink after, can't I my pretty trillium?"
For info green carnations are a historic symbol for gay men and trilliums are a slightly more recent symbol for bisexuals.
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nojey · 3 years
reminiscing (fans 2)
dreamwastaken x streamer!reader
genre: angst pronouns: they / them word count: 2.1k warning(s): failed relationship, cursing
fans (part 1)
synopsis: after taking 6 months off from social media, you finally explain to your fans why you took so long and why you needed it.
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go live. *click*
you watched as your chat strolled in and viewer count go up. your computer screen illuminating your face in the dark room as your webcam caught the nervous look. you were shaking your leg up and down, a habit you caught whenever you tried to calm yourself down. 
“hi everyone, it’s been a while since my last stream, huh?” you dryly chuckled. “it’s been about.. 6 months since i last streamed and at this point i think i’ve taken enough time to correctly word how i’m going to tell everyone why i decided to take a break from streaming.” you said looking down at the ground and fiddling with your fingers.
“uh, donation notifications will be off for this stream and chat will be on emotes only because i really just want to focus on getting this out. but if you plan on donating, thank you so much, really, it means the world to me.” you said finally looking at your webcam and smiling a bit. you read a chat and answer, “yes, i’m doing okay. i just have a big announcement i want to say after i tell you guys why i took a break.”
you took a deep breath in and started. “ over a year ago, almost 2, i met this guy through a friend and we started talking. it was very little at the beginning but as little as it was, his texts always made me smile.” you scratched the back of your neck. “and as time went on, we started talking more and more and he just became part of my daily routine. when i woke up i’d see a good morning text from him, we’d spend most of our day being on the phone with each other, i was even on facetime with him most of my streams but i had an airpod under my headset so you couldn’t really see it, i almost always fell asleep on facetime with him. i really fell for this guy.” you fondly smiled, looking at your desk, where your phone used to be propped up and you would see clays face just looking at you.
“then we started streaming together. ‘omg he’s a streamer too’ yeah, and a lot of you probably know who i’m talking about at this point but i still won’t disclose who it is. i uh, got a lot of messages from you guys telling me that i looked super happy that stream and i was. i was always happy when i talked to him. but along with those messages i also got a lot of hate, telling me to stay away from him. it didn’t really bother me because i always get hate when i stream with my guy friends; i was used to it.” you said, taking a sip from your water then wiping the side of your eye as it teared up. 
“and today... i’ll be going on the dream smp! with the man himself, dream. dream, say hi now.” you introduced, you waited a few seconds but was only met with silence. you grabbed your phone and sent him a voice message, “clay! you’re on deafen! introduce yourself!” you screamed into your phone. dream then took himself off deafen and said. “hi (y/s/n)’s chat! i’m dream, i’ll be showing (y/n) around the smp today and we’re gonna get started on their house.” you smiled fondly when you heard him speak. “yeah! what dream said!” 
so you both logged into the dream smp, said hi to sapnap, and dream gave you a tour. you then started building your house in a forest, quite far from everyone else, “i don’t want anyone bothering you or ruining your house when you’re not on.” he explained. you told dream you wanted to build a cottage so if anyone does end up stumbling upon it, it looks welcoming to them. so dream started building your house for you even though you insisted you do it together. “dream! let me help, this is supposed to be my house.” you dragged. “well we can both decorate inside and make it our house.” you started blushing. “i guess..” you mumbled. you then started adventuring out to look for flowers and some things to decorate the house with.
you started placing flowers down into flower pots when you noticed something. “dream there’s only one bedroom.” you mentioned. he slowly turned around to look at you and quickly turned back and placed two beds next to each other. “this is our room, dumbass.”
later that night you checked your twitter dms and saw many people telling you to stop talking to dream and that you weren’t good enough to even know him. you sighed and powered down your phone.
“i think a few weeks after that he asked me if i could fly out to him and we’d meet in person. i was so excited i immediately started packing and i met him. it was amazing! i got to meet the guy i’ve been in love with for the past few months. i think it may have been a year already. but yeah, i finally got to meet him and being in his arms was the best feeling in the world, i felt so safe being with him.”
“it was the day after that, when he asked me on a date and i, of course, said yes. like who would say no to the person they fell in love with... so we went on a date and at the end of it we were just sitting on top of the hood of the car, eating dinner, watching the sunset and talking about a future we wanted together. and it may seem like we were moving fast but i knew 7 months into talking to him that he felt the same way about me. no matter if either of us disclosed it. i could tell and i knew he knew the same about me. then i went home and everything was perfect, i wasn’t his girlfriend yet though because we wanted to wait a bit.”
“that’s when everything went downhill, i think” you looked up to try to stop the tears from going down your face, but they fell anyways so you just let it be.
“we started streaming more and more and i started getting more hate than i usually got, this time getting death threats, people threatening to leak my address if i didn’t stop being friends with him. it was crazy but i was willing to endure it all for him. who cares what people on the internet are going to say to me? i really didn’t because i was happy enough with him that, that happiness overcame whatever type of hate i was getting.” tears kept falling from your eyes but you didn’t bother to wipe it, knowing it would just keep happening.
“dude you’re so annoying! you definitely cheated!” you screamed as you died. through your headset you could hear clay wheezing. “there was no way i was cheating!” he said through his laughs. “ask my chat, they saw the whole thing.” you breathed out, not wanting to believe him till a dono was sent to you, “yeah, (y/n) you just suck at this game,” you gasped, your jaw hanging then you started pouting. it was clipped and one of your viewers sent it to dream. he suddenly started laughing harder and you asked him why he was laughing, with a pout still on your face. “even your chat knows i didn’t cheat!” you started laughing too, till you read a message in the chat saying, “ew, their laugh is ugly. i don’t know why dream likes them.” you stopped laughing but kept a fake smile on your face.
“then he called me and he told me that he didn’t think we should be dating anymore, or even be friends. and i think it was because he saw the hate i was getting and he didn’t like that. he told me a different reason as to why he didn’t think we should date anymore but i didn’t believe it, but i let him go. because i was not going to force him to be with me if he really did mean it. “ you said, sniffling after so you didn’t sound too congested as you spoke.
after you hung up, you curled into a ball and cried. you cried, and cried, and cried. the feeling in your chest hurting more than you could ever imagine. you just lost the guy you wanted to marry, the guy you had spent over a year going to because of your problems, the guys you saw having kids with, the guy that made everything worth it. he was the only person on your mind as the pain in your chest grew. you tweeted and powered your phone off straight after. you didn’t want anyone messaging you asking what was wrong, knowing your friends they would do that. 
“so the reason i took a break from streaming was because of that. because i resented the people that sent me hate so much i couldn’t bring myself to stream. i didn’t resent them because they sent me hate. i resent them because the hate they sent me caused the guy i really wanted to be with to make me believe he didn’t love me like i love him.” now, you were sobbing, letting your cry’s out because you had been holding them in for too long. 
it had been a few months and you were on snapchat, seeing that you had a memory a year ago today, you checked it. “i think i literally met my soulmate.” with a picture of you and clay in a discord call. your breath got caught in your throat and your breathing became labored. your eyes started stinging as the tears started falling. it’s happening again, all the pain from the day you stopped talking to him came back and once again, you were crying into your hands and you couldn’t stop.
“i had always known that becoming a streamer i would get hate, but i never thought that i would get enough hate to prevent a relationship i really wanted to work. now all i do is reminisce of a guy i wish could be mine”
“streaming has brought me so many opportunities and i am so grateful for everything you guys have done for me, and for me to be able to do something i love and make money from it is insane to me. you guys have given me everything i ever wanted in life up until that point and i am so grateful and appreciative of that. you guys gave me friendships that i will never lose and never forget. so many of you have told me that i’ve saved you and changed your lives but trust me when i say you guys have saved me and changed my life too. i hope i repaid you back by making you smile, being your comfort streamer, and being a support system for each of you. but i think this is my end of the road. i fucking love streaming, i love you guys. but every time i click that “go live” button or even try to, all i think about is him and that’s too painful for me right now. maybe in the future i’ll find my way back here but i can’t promise that.”
“thank you guys, so, so, so, so, much for every single opportunity given to me, for everything. i love you all. my dms are still open. and this was (y/s/n), signing off for possibly the last time. goodbye everyone.”
end stream. *click*
a tear rolling down his face and falling onto his keyboard as he watched you finally say goodbye to your stream. it all just felt like you were saying your last goodbye to him again. 
for the last 6 months all clay could do was think about you and how he wished he just messaged you and told you he was sorry and didn’t mean what he said. that he misses you and he would quit streaming if that meant he could be with you. that all he wanted was to feel you in his arms again and just live out the future you two planned together. 
but if you just said goodbye to your chat for your last stream because you couldn’t stand the thought of him whenever you tried to stream. how could you ever forgive him?
the thought of never speaking to you hit him once more and again, he cried, sobbed, screamed, threw things, and even then, he knew.. you would never be coming back to him, with every fiber in his being, wishing you would.
taglist: @loxbbg @bozowrites @noahsfag @sparklykeylime @bi-narystars @axths @cheybaee @letsloveimagines @meatte @julesamen21 @classyunknownlover @bad268 @strawbrinkofdeath
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bluejaem · 3 years
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❝ The seven things I like about you. Your hair, your eyes, your old Levi's. When we kiss, I'm hypnotized. You made me laugh, you made me cry, but I guess that's both I'll have to buy. Your hand in mine when we're intertwined, everything's alright. I wanna be with the one I know. And the seventh thing I like the most that you do. You make me love you. ❞ — ♫ 7 things by miley cyrus
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↳ PAIRING — jaehyun × gn!reader
↳ GENRE — tooth-rotting fluff lmao, slight angst in the end, post-break-up!au
↳ WORD COUNT — 2.16k ; « 8 min »
↳ WARNING/S — a kiss, mentions of food at one point, like one curse word ig
↳ PLAYLIST — paris in the rain by lauv :: fly away with me by nct 127 :: king of my heart by taylor swift
↳ A/N — perhaps I fell in love with jaehyun while writing this fjsnfjdjf. low-key plagiarised some of my own works while writing this lMaO. Anyways, I just hit my 3-month mark with this blog on this hellsite. So this is a celebratory work ig?
↳ SYNOPSIS — Sure, he broke your heart. But you still weren’t over him. No matter how much you tried, he was the only one in your heart.
And here lie the 7 things you love about jaehyun.
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the first thing — your eyes looking in mine
“Ooh, do you remember this one? We took this on our first ever date. You were so cute then — not that you still aren't—” you pulled out the polaroid picture of the two of you from the album and showed it to Jaehyun, who was sitting beside you.
But he turned out to be staring at you.
His eyes were like an empty canvas, gradually being painted with love after every moment that passed. His eyes were always gentle. They looked at you with a softness you had never encountered before. The gaze that was filled with nothing but warmth and fondness. His eyes that spoke a thousand words at once. With a thousand tales to tell.
You were lost.
Lost in his eyes. For who knows how long. But all that mattered was that he was too.
“What?” you giggled when you saw him smile. “nothing, you're just really endearing,” he gushed.
This statement was soon followed by a shy smile taking over your face. He couldn't help but chuckle at this sight. How you'd always shy away whenever he complimented you. Or how you'd try to be the flirty one, but when he said something next, you'd be the flustered one.
He loved the fact that he still had the same effect on you.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
the second thing — your smile
“hi bubs, and what's your name?” you crouched down to talk to the little toddler holding onto her mother's hand. “I'm Zoey!” the girl replied. 
“Hi, Zoey! I'm y/n!” you flashed her your sweetest smile and put your hand forward for a handshake. She returned your smile with the same amount of affection and shook hands with you.
“And this is uncle Jaehyun,” you take Jaehyun by his hand and make him crouch down beside you.
“Hi, Zoey! That's such a pretty name!” Jaehyun cooed with delight. “Thank you,” the girl giggled, and you did too.
The way his smile grew wider, the dimples making an effortless appearance. He adored you so much, and you had no idea about it.
“Bye!” you waved Zoey and her mom goodbye and turned to look at a smiling Jaehyun.
His eyes, his lips, and his spirit all at once smiled at you. He paints a ray of sunshine all over his face. His smile lights up your world — always. His smile was one of happiness growing, much as a spring flower opens. You could see how it came from deep inside to light his eyes and spread into every part of him. In his sweet smile is all the love you'll ever need.
And there you went, falling for him all over again.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
the third thing — your hand in mine
“Do you trust me?” he asked as he finished tying the black cloth on your eyes.
“with my life,” you replied, feeling the soft fabric of the clothing on your eyes.
“Well, then,” he smiles, taking your hand in his as he leads you to a surprise that awaits you.
The warmth of his hands penetrating through your skin. The way your hand fit perfectly in his. The feeling of his fingers intertwined with yours was one that couldn't even be described in words.
It felt like holding onto your world at your fingertips and never wanting to let go of it.
“And we're here! Please don't open your eyes until I tell you to do so,” he untied the cloth and ran to the other side.
“Can I open my eyes now?” you snickered because you kind of knew where this was going.
“Yes!” that was the last thing you heard before opening your eyes to a smiling Jaehyun holding a huge card that read, "”ill you be mine again?”
You slowly made your way to him, a candle-lit pathway made just for you. “happy 1st anniversary, love” he gave you a peck on the cheek as he kept the card down.
“you didn't have to do all this?!” you let out a shocked chuckle as you looked at the rest of the decoration. “Now you're making me feel bad that all I did was gift you a bottle of perfume!”
He smiled at your comment and took out something from his pocket. He went behind you, and you felt a cold chain making contact with your skin. He locked the necklace from the back and made you turn to face him.
“Don't feel bad — your presence itself is a gift from heaven above.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
the fourth thing — your ears when you're shy
You woke up to the sound of the sizzling of eggs on the pan. You broke into a big yawn as you sluggishly made your way towards the kitchen.
“Good morning to you too,” he chuckled when he looked at you barely able to open your eyes.
You instantly found yourself smiling when you heard his voice. You walked up to him and hugged him from behind, resting your chin on his shoulders as he continued cooking.
“we're eating eggs again?” you groaned out of boredom. “What did you want to eat?” He snickered.
You wore a sly grin as an idea hits you at the right moment, "I want you.” you whispered in his ear. His eyes slowly grew wide, processing whatever the fuck that you just said.
He turned around — only to see you, a laughing mess. And as soon as you saw that smirk on his face, you knew it was time to run.
“aww, your ears are turning red. What happened, loverboy? Were you flustered because of what I said?” You teased him as you both were waiting for the other one to leave their side of the couch and run.
It was one in a million moments when jaehyun was the flustered one, and you were the one who provoked him to be. And so, these moments really had to be the most memorable ones.
“Jae, no–” you sprinted to your room as he followed you. “Let's not–”
Your legs hit the end of the bed, and the next thing you knew was that you had fallen on the bed and jaehyun got on the bed with you, tickling the life out of you.
“Wait, do you smell that?” you said as you sniffed dramatically. Jaehyun stopped tickling you for a moment, and the look on his face when the realization hit him was honestly the funniest thing you had ever seen. You let out the weirdest chuckle when your heard him shouting in horror,
“my eggs!”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
the fifth thing — your lips when we kiss
"”want a sip?” he offered you his coffee while you were sipping on yours. “How'd you know I wanted to try it?” You let out a soft chuckle while you take his coffee to try.
“I mean, even when you're sipping on yours, your eyes were on my drink. What else should I decipher it as?” he continued walking along with you, smiling when he saw your reaction to consuming his cup of coffee.
You let out a dissatisfied cough after drinking a little bit of his coffee. You hand him his coffee back. “How do you drink that stuff, dude?” you gulped hard, trying your best to get rid of the bitterness by taking long sips of your drink.
“Not like yours is that great,” he said in his cockiest tone in an attempt to provoke you.
You stopped on your tracks, disbelief was written all over your face, “Excuse you, for this is my best buddy!” you scoffed. Well, almost choked, but we won't talk about that right now.
“Then let me try yours—”
“Nope, sorry. And now you've lost the both of us.” Sure, you were fighting like an elementary school kid at that point. But in your defense— yeah, no. You were just being petty, and Jaehyun was just playing along.
You walk ahead of him while he stood there, trying to think of how to get back at you. An idea perks him as he looks at your figure slowly getting smaller the further you walked. He quietly jogged his way towards you, wearing a smug smile on his face.
Oh, dear y/n. You signed up for something you didn't know was about to come.
When he finally caught up to you, he tapped on your shoulder. As a reflex, making you turn around to look at who it was. But instead, you were met with a pair of lips on yours. Not just anybody, but the only guy ever, Jung Jaehyun.
Resistance — was something you were always pretty bad at. And especially when it came to Jaehyun.
No matter how hard you'd try, you always end up giving in. And as a matter of fact, that's what happened then too. He smiled in between the kiss, knowing very well that you had once again given in to him. Your other hand runs through his hair while he pulls you closer to himself, closing any distance between the two of you.
God, you missed kissing him.
He finally broke from the kiss, and started walking, leaving you totally confused. He wore a smile of triumph as he said, "I never liked Mocha anyway," not once did he look back at you before saying that.
For a hot minute, you were pretty confused as to what he meant by that. And that's when you understood that he was talking about the coffee.
You stood there, totally baffled — screaming on top of your lungs while he still kept walking,
“Get back here, Jung gorgeous-ass-man-who-just-tricked-me-like-that Jaehyun!”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
the sixth thing — your voice when you call out my name
“you coming?” you shouted as you got out of the water, walking your way up to where jaehyun was standing. He seemed to have been writing something on the wetter side of the sand.
“And, done!” He presented you with the small surprise he had prepared for you. You smiled when you saw what it was. He took you by your hand, giving it a kiss before making you stand beside him.
“Jaehyun + y/n forever” he read it out loud while pointing at the sand.
The way your name rolled off his tongue so easily, yet giving it its own unique color. It felt foreign but at the same time, it was so familiar and resounded through your whole self. No matter how many times he calls out your name, something about it still gives you a sense of serenity and you could never get tired of it.
“you plus me forever indeed,” you softly said, burying your head in the crook of his neck as you hugged him.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
the seventh I like the most that you do — you make me love you
“This is the last one for today, I promise,” Jaehyun said as you both climbed up the stairs of an unknown building. You both entered what looked like an empty terrace with a bench in one of the corners.
He sat on the bench and signaled you to sit beside him. “We're ready!” he shouted.
You were kind of confused by whatever that was going on at that moment. “For what?” you looked at him. Anticipation getting the best of you when you saw the proud look on his face.
“For that,” he put both his hands forward, pointing at the other side of the terrace, basically the wall.
And that's when the led lights lit up, and you could see some words coming the other way like a long led banner.
He read, “There are days when I feel down, and there are days when I feel joy, but the best part of it is going through it all with — you. I know what I'm going to say next is kind of cheesy, but”
This time he turned to you, reaching out for your hand “— will you be my once upon a time?”
It was like the flower of love bloomed once again. There’s something about him that you find so intriguing. Something to his aura that never fails to bring in pleasant surprises. It was like this weird force of attraction that never failed to make you fall for him all over again — if that was even possible. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
But as history has seen it before, every story has an ending. And the one of yours and jaehyun's was of no exception.
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© BLUEJAEM, 2021
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Tysm for reading! Feedback is very much appreciated <33
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petri808 · 3 years
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Nalu Yakuza Au *cover art by @jmoart214 💜
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
The tit for tat game was well known to both of their top confidants and lieutenants because it had been going on ever since Natsu and Lucy broke up. Plus, it was hard to get around such knowledge considering most of them came from the same neighborhoods. These intrigues ebbed and flowed like waves. Months could pass by without any interactions between the two, at other times they’d go back and forth continuously until one of them finally gave up, and on the odd occasion ended in a huge fight that led to another round of ignoring each other. Up until now, it had been kind of amusing to watch them torture each other because it was better than a drama shows on television. But that didn’t mean Natsu, and Lucy’s friends didn’t worry about one or both being truly hurt one day because of it.
“It’s fine,” Natsu rolled his eyes as Gray chastised him after the soapland incident. The two men were at Natsu’s home after work hours and supposed to be relaxing. But clearly his friend didn’t want to drop the subject. “What’s the big deal?”
“Dude, you let yourself be blindfolded in a public space! Have you forgotten what kind of business we’re in? What if it had been an assassin instead?”
“Oh, that’s just ridiculous. We’re talking about Lucy’s company, and I trust their security measures because she has just as much to lose if a hit took place there.”
“Still, you should be more careful, at least take a bodyguard with you…”
Natsu’s eyebrow twitched in irritation. “And what, so they can watch the show? We got any voyeurs on the payroll? Cause I can’t think of anyone here who’d wanna see another guy getting his balls fondled!”
Gray ran a hand down his face. “So not the mental image I wanted. You’re missing the point.” He sighed. “Natsu you are the head of this clan, and your safety is my top priority.”
“I get it, I get it,” Natsu drawled.
“And frankly,” Gray continued, “you’ve become distracted by her lately.”
“Tch! No, I haven’t!”
“Yeah, you are. You think I haven’t noticed? I know you drive by her place sometimes. I know you’ve followed her to that coffee shop she likes to frequent. But ever since her employee was robbed, things have escalated again.”
“You’re imagining things and apparently spying on me. I’m just keeping an eye on the competition.”
“Watching over you is my job! That’s not spying.” Gray crossed his arms. “And oh, it’s no doubt that you’re keeping an eye on her. That’s why you went to Katsunuma’s party and to soapland too. The problem is you’re getting sloppy and sloppy gets people killed.”
Natsu groaned. “Are you done yet? We’re supposed to be enjoying the baseball game, not psychoanalyzing my life.”
“Almost.” Gray placed a hand on his friends’ knee and leaned in. “Natsu, you’ve been chasing that tail since high school, just lock her down and convince her to work together already.”
Natsu snorted a laugh. “Gray we all grew up together, so what in all these years makes you think that’s a possibility? You know damn well Lucy’s not a woman you can control without her consent.” Natsu knew that, and frankly he loved that part of her. In fact, it made him even more fired up whenever he thought about it, just like a treasure you don’t just find but must win at the end of a game. “I’ll find a way, some day.”
“Well until that day arrives, could you promise me you’ll be more cautious?”
“Fine, fine,” Natsu waved his hand. “I’ll back off of Lucy for now.”
“Good.” Gray relaxed back onto his recliner thinking the drama was over.
“However, there is a new guy I want surveillance placed on.”
“The bartender from the party.”
Gray groaned. “Seriously? Why? He’s just a bartender!”
“I don’t trust him.”
“Was he spiking the drinks or something? Dealing drugs at the party?”
Gray huffed. “You really gonna try that? Do I look like an idiot? This is just straight jealousy talking.”
“I don’t care! I want someone to dig up what they can on the guy!”
“No, what you wanna know is if he fucked Lucy that night!”
Natsu jumped up with his fists clenched. “Fuck you!”
“Fuck you too!” Gray stood up and matched his boss’s energy. “Unless you give me a damn good reason to check into him, I’m not wasting my guy’s time! You might be the boss, but don’t you fucking forget who you’re talking to! I’m not some punk off the streets!”
Realizing he was taking things too far, Natsu sat back down. “Sorry.”
Gray sighed and plopped back down too. “I only joined because you asked me to and you’re my best friend, then I helped you build this new empire, so I’m just as invested in protecting it as you are. But Natsu, personal emotions have led to the downfall of many in this business, and as a friend, I’ll check you any time I think you’re going to far.”
“You’re right…” Natsu sighed too. “She just gets me so worked up.”
“Don’t I know it,” Gray laughed, but stopped when Natsu glared at him. “Sorry, it slipped out.”
“But I swear, there’s something suspicious about him. When he saw me, I thought he just reacted because he thought I was Lucy’s boyfriend or something, but the more I think about it, he might have recognized me.”
“Well, that wouldn’t necessarily be suspicious either.”
“True. But the look in his eyes just made me wonder.”
“Alright…” Gray groaned, “if it’ll make you feel better, I’ll have someone do some digging. So, you said he has orange hair and glasses, and the name on his tag was Loke?”
“That’s an unusual name, shouldn’t be too hard to check on.”
Over the course of a couple of weeks, Gray sent out feelers for any information on this Loke guy. Katsunuma junior gave them their first small lead that the bartender had worked the party through a local food catering company. That catering company was a legitimate business who had both full-time staff as well as independent contractors brought in per event as needed. Loke had been one of the latter. From there Gray obtained a last name, de Lioncourt.
According to his sources at the local precinct, Loke de Lioncourt had no rap sheet, no prior dealings with police, and for all they knew was an average citizen. The man’s Line blog profile listed him as a 28-year-old, Japanese/French American, model and bartender, and it was filled with pictures from events, parties, as well as many gorgeous women— none of which contained Lucy. But as Gray trolled through the man’s feed, he did come across one person he recognized and passed the information along to Natsu.
“Wow, she’s in a bunch of photos,” Natsu mumbled as he scrolled through the blog.
“Well, considering Cana’s reputation are you surprised. Parties and alcohol are the two things that woman lives for.” Gray laughed. “Now see, this makes sense to me. Lucy and him, not so much.”
“Tch… still pisses me off he even tried.”
“Lucy’s a free woman, she can go out with whoever she wants to.”
“We’ll see about that,” Natsu mumbled low.
“What was that?” Gray asked with a raised brow.
“Better be nothing, cause this is a dead end. He’s just a flirty bartender. It’s how they make tips.”
“Yeah, yeah, fine.” Natsu sat back in his chair. “So, back to business. What this I heard about some missing stock?”
“Oh, right. One of the warehouse clerks noticed a shortage, but when I checked with Yura, he said the books were fine. I had him show it to me, and it appears the numbers were just inverted by accident. So, instead of 185 kilos, it’s supposed to be 158 kilos.”
“Did you talk to the clerk again? Does he have any history of messing up like this?”
“Nah, he’s one of our better clerks.”
“Just keep an eye on it.”
“Sure thing, boss. By the way, have you seen Gajeel today?” Gray questioned. “I haven’t seen him.”
“He called me this morning said he wasn’t feeling well, thinks he ate something bad for dinner last night.”
“Tch, seriously? Thought he had an iron stomach?”
Natsu shrugged. “Must’a been some bad sushi or something. We ain’t got much happening today, so it’s fine. Anything else? I got some stuff I need to finish.”
Gray tapped his chin. “Just a reminder you have an appointment with our tech guy dropping by later this week to go over some upgrades on the system.”
“Like I’m supposed to know anything about that stuff, it’s what I pay him for.”
“You still gotta approve it,” Gray shrugged and took his leave.
Once the man was completely out of the office, Natsu opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out a nondescript box he’d hidden inside. He grinned to himself. It was time to make another special delivery. Even though he’d told Gray he was backing off the whole Lucy and Loke subject, there was no way he was gonna let it slide. Natsu didn’t care if the man seemed legit, and he wasn’t the first nor would probably be the last that he’d eventually scared away. And besides, being a Yakuza boss had a lot of down times too, easily filled with having a little fun.
Today’s little care package was being sent to Lucy by a courier service and Natsu just had to drop it off to the delivery company. Just a normal company like Kuroneko Yamato so it wouldn’t rouse too many suspicions. It was turning into a fun game for him just coming up with ideas of what he could do to rile Lucy up or irritate this Loke guy. Natsu chuckled to himself. So far, his favorite prank was a box of small sized condoms and a bottle of enhancement pills that he’d had delivered to Loke while on the job at another party. He’d even snuck in to watch it delivered, gaining a good laugh when the man took a peek in the box and frowned at its contents.
It was childish, but Natsu didn’t care. Every day for two weeks now, something new was sent to Loke. Random gifts like children’s candy to a toy gun, a big bottle of lubricant wrapped in a bow, a week’s worth of meals sent for lunch one day, even an empty box with rocks inside it just to drive the man crazy wondering who in the world was sending them. Lucy too wasn’t immune to his pranks, though hers had a different feel to them. Flowers with no note attached. Tickets to a canceled show he made up. A supposed dinner invite from Loke that wasn’t real— okay that was to test her, but she didn’t fall for it. And today’s little care package fit right into his prank scheme.
Natsu dropped off the package at a Kuroneko Yamato office with the address instructions already filled out and paid the company’s employee extra to keep their mouths shut. ‘She’s gonna kill me one day,’ he laughed to himself as he rode back to his office. ‘If it’s suffocation by her boobs it wouldn’t be a bad way to go!’
“Anymore stops sir?” The driver asked Natsu.
“Nope. Back to the office.”
He looked at his watch. The package should be arriving at Lucy’s office within the hour. Give or take another to open it, and by 4pm he would be receiving another phone call. Maybe he won’t answer it. Oh, that would piss her off even more! ‘Well, if she’d just take the hint...’
The afternoon was supposed to be mellow at headquarters that day. No shipments, and no appointments. But when Natsu got back, another general in the organization named Jellal Fernandez came to his office to inform him of a problem. One of the new local restaurants in their territory was refusing to cooperate and he wanted to know how Natsu wanted it handled. They were right in the middle of discussing it, when Natsu’s office door flew open with a loud bang!
In stomped Lucy who immediately threw a box at his head, causing Natsu to duck and Jellal to pull his gun.
“Don’t!” Natsu screamed at his general and motioned for him to stand down, to which the man complied. “Do you have a death wish Lucy!”
“Get. Out.” She snapped at the general. “Get out! This is between me and your boss!”
Jellal looked to Natsu, who nodded his head to scram. “I got this, don’t worry.” The man holstered his gun and left, but Natsu could see he’d stayed right outside of the now closed door.
“I take it you didn’t like the gift,” Natsu pretended to stay calm.
“Gee, me throwing it at you give you that impression? I know it’s you sending all these damn deliveries to me and Loke. That needs to stop now!”
He crossed his arms and scoffed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Play dumb all you want. Just stop! Why are you even doing this?!”
“Take a guess,” he sneered back.
“I could’ve sworn we were adults now, but apparently I’m the only one who grew up. Stay out of my love life Natsu!”
“So, you admit you’re sleeping with the guy!”
“That’s none of your damn business! I can fuck whoever I want!”
“Not as long as I’m alive,” Natsu growled back.
Lucy crossed her arms. “That could be arranged.”
“Is that a threat?!”
“Yes! If you don’t stay out of my love life!”
“A woman shouldn’t be sleepi—”
“Don’t you finish that sentence!” Lucy grabbed a stapler that was within reach and chucked it at Natsu’s head. “Stop trying to control me!”
“Are you crazy?!”
At that moment, Gray barged into the room. He’d heard the screaming from the other side of the office, and when he got close enough to see Jellal standing outside the door, he became alarmed. Why would a general leave Natsu vulnerable! The man told him their boss told him to leave, but as the sounds inside escalated, Gray couldn’t wait anymore.
“Stop it!!” Gray got between them. “What are you two doing! Lucy you shouldn’t be here!”
“Then tell your damn boss to leave me the fuck alone!” Lucy spat back. “Ask him how he’s been harassing Loke and me!”
Gray turned to his boss with a groan. “Natsu, we talked about this!”
“Tell Gray what you been doing!” Lucy pressed. “Show him the stupid packages you send!”
“What packages?” Gray looked to Lucy, then repeated the question as he stared at his boss. “What packages?”
“Tch,” Natsu crossed his arms, “it’s not even that bad.”
Lucy stomped over to where the box fell and picked it up, pulling the contents out. “Bullshit!” She snapped as she held up a very racy, red nightie with flame prints, a pair of fluffy handcuffs, and a large dildo. “See this shit?!” Lucy shook the floppy latex toy at Gray before chucking it to the ground again. “He includes messages too,” then handed the man a folded piece of paper.
Gray read it aloud, “to make up for what playboy lacks. Had it custom made to my size wink wink. Ugh, seriously man,” he tossed the letter.
Natsu shrugged. “I was just having fun.”
“This is the yakuza, not a daycare!” Gray snaps. “I’m not here to babysit the boss so he stops harassing the competition! There’s more important business to worry about!”
“That’s right listen to Gray,” Lucy sneered.
Gray turned to her. “Oh, you ain’t innocent either, so don’t even try it. You both do things to purposely rile the other up and get mad when there’s consequences. Stop it!” He looked back and forth between the two. “Just stop it already!”
Natsu and Lucy looked away from the man with scowls on their faces. Neither wanted to admit he was right.
“Jellal,” Gray called out. When the man entered, he instructed him to escort Lucy out of there. “Next time, just call me instead. It’s best you two just stay away from each other. Got it?!”
“Yeah,” Lucy grumped.
“Got it?!” Gray questioned his boss.
“Yeah,” Natsu mumbled.
“Fucking like high school,” Gray ran a hand down his face in irritation. “You two need therapy.”
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dabisburntsack · 4 years
False Alarm
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Pairing(s): Shigaraki Tomura x GN!Reader
Genre: Fluff !
Synopsis: When your long time gaming partner brings up the topic of May Day you can’t help but romanticise the olden holiday with your ever growing crush on him.
Wordcount: 1784
This is apart of a sfw flower collab done with the bnharem discord server! I loved the prompt for this collab and can’t wait to see how everyones fics turned out!! Special thanks to @pluviophile-imagines for helping my ass through this as I had a mental breakdown٩( ᐛ )و
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Tumblr media
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
⇾  signifies texting
May Day was a traditional holiday, one you wouldn’t have really heard of had your long time online gaming partner not brought it up in discussion as you fought against him to bring down the zombies on your screen.
“Yeah you pretty much leave a basket full of flowers with different meanings to them hanging on a loved ones door”
“I would have never pegged you for the romantic type” You replied amused.
“I’m- well, I’m... I would never do it-”
“You wouldn’t?”
“Pffft no, of course not”
“Shame, I think it's really romantic!”
The line went quiet, the only audible sound being the cock of guns and explosions going off in the game. You readjusted your mic wondering if he’d cut off when his voice came again; though quieter than the usual responses you would get.
“You think?”
“Yeah! Come onnn, tell me that isn’t the cutest thing ever”
The line paused again for the briefest moment, but when he finally continued speaking the conversation switched back to gameplay as if the short discussion about May Day had never occured. You shrugged and went back to chatting aimlessly about zombies yourself, though a small part of you may have wanted to carry on with the romance talk.
You had known the player ‘Decay_God’ for going on 3 years now and were as close as online friends could be. From what you’d gathered over the years, Tenko worked at a bar and had a shit ton of roommates. Though he constantly went on about how annoying they were, you could tell he cared deeply for them. He was passionate about what he did, whether it be his job (you didn’t know what exactly it was, just that his mood in your games would be whether or not he had received good news from his end) or his game play.
In the beginning, you didn’t really like him or his attitude; both being highly ranked in the gaming community you would constantly butt heads and his childish behaviour of when you would steal a victory off him annoyed you to no end. But as it went on, his temper tantrums died down and once you got to know him, you found his quips and wit to be quite entertaining. Now two years later, you would look forward to getting home from a stressful day at work to endlessly chatter about whatever topic was of the day.
You couldn’t lie, you had garnered a bit of a crush on him.
You didn’t even know what this man looked like. He could be a catfish! An old perverted dude! Hell he could even be a criminal and you’d be none the wiser! Although, if you were being honest with yourself… you couldn’t help but make the obvious connection to a certain infamous villain. One that happened to have pale blue hair and a decaying quirk. Even in personality they seemed interchangeable, from what you had seen on the news he was also akin to throwing childish temper tantrums and scratching at his neck when frustrated (a habit you regularly scolded Tenko for when you heard the telltale sound nails scraping along side the column of his neck.)
Whenever you did think about it though you stopped yourself, come on as if you would be gaming with Shig- no, you weren’t even going to say his name. So they had a few similarities, this was a whole villain compared to your sweet gaming partner. Dumb conspiracy theories aside, you couldn’t help the small flutter of your heart when he would say your name in a teasing manner or when he praised you for a particularly hard kill.
As you logged off for the night you laid your head against the wall your bed was propped next to and stared at the blank ceiling, your mind drifting back to the May Day conversation. A blushing Tenko came to your mind, his face obscured by a large hood, nervously rubbing at the back of his head before handing you a large bouquet of flowers. Your cheeks flushed and you slapped at them to stop yourself from heating up, vanishing the mental image mid thought.
Okay, so maybe it wasn’t as much of a small crush as you wanted it to be.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
After having a three day break, getting ready for work so early in the morning proved more effort than it should have been. Still trying to blink the sleep out of your eyes, you dragged your dazed body to your front door. You checked yourself for your belongings as you unlocked it, but as you took your first step out your foot landed in...ash?
You lifted your shoe to inspect the little decaying bits stuck to it, looking down you realised there was a pile of decayed dust on your doorstep.
You paled.
Instantly you were on high alert, tearing your foot from the contaminated shoe and snapping a picture of the evidence. You placed the shoe in a bag for further examination and bolted your door before texting your boss, the number four hero: Edgeshot.
Having the job of a personal assistant to such a high ranked hero meant you were used to lives being threatened. So far it had never happened to you and although this was small you could never be too sure. With the inside information you had, Edgeshot had always told you to be aware that someone may pull something sooner or later. It wasn’t completely out of the blue.
After seeing your message to your boss had been delivered, you reached out for the metal baseball bat you kept in the storage cupboard under the stairs, your quirk not really suited for defence purposes as it was made for technological aspects.
Checking every nook and cranny of your small apartment you didn’t see anything out of the ordinary and flopped back onto the sofa. Sighing, you ran a hand through your hair before going through your phone, checking the news, any odd sightings, anything you should possibly be alert for.
However crime rates seemed to be low and the only recent stories were from three days ago. Still not having received a text back from Edgeshot, you automatically switched to your messages with Tenko to type out the events of your morning.
I think I just got threatened lol
Instant response.
If you don’t hear from me in 24 hours call the police :DD
Ok okaY, damn you’re such a buzzkill
There was a pile of ash on my doorstep this morning, with my work you know I can never be too careful 
I’m fine though, I already told my boss
You waited as three dots appeared signifying he was typing but after a while they stopped. You furrowed your brows as they started up and stopped multiple times. After a full five minutes (during which time you grew bored and changed apps) a ping popped up.
With how long he had taken to type you were expecting a lengthy paragraph, what you weren’t expecting was a simple:
Oh? That’s all?
You placed down your phone before another ping sounded out.
Are you sure they weren’t flowers
How the hell did you come to that conclusion
The typing ceased once more and you were left to your thoughts. What the hell did he mean by that? How did he come up with flowers out of all things like-
May Day?
You leapt from your seat, stumbling to look at the calendar attached to your kitchen wall, scanning the dates crossed off before turning the page and realising it was indeed the first of May. It surely couldn’t be a coincidence Tenko had brought up the holiday just yesterday. So he’d brought you flowers, because you said it was romantic… and he’d… dusted them. Dusted them, with his quirk, because he was…
Tenko could not be Shigaraki Tomura.
You did not have a crush on Shigaraki fucking Tomura.
Luckily at that moment the chime of your phone's ringtone going off distracted you. Looking at the caller ID you breathed a sigh of relief to see that it was Edgeshot. You could finally get to the bottom of this instead of drawing up ridiculous conclusions.
Edgeshot’s calm voice came through the other end of the line, stern but familiar. It seemed you’d been right to take the situation seriously, or so he assured you. But even as he talked to you, asking if you’d seen anything or if there was any other evidence of someone watching you, you couldn’t shake the feeling that it hadn’t meant anything at all.
Of course, if your gut instinct was right and you’d been gaming (and falling for) Shigaraki Tomura for three whole years and he’d been trying to romance you then that was. Definitely something. You just weren’t entirely sure what that something was.
You’d been talking to Edgeshot for nearly two hours when a knock sounded on your front door. Had he come by? What was the point of ringing, then? And wouldn’t he have told you?
You made your way over to the door and opened it expecting the sight of your boss, but instead you were met with a large bouquet of flowers perched on your doorstep. You looked up just in time to see a mess of unruly blue hair tucked into a black hoodie turning rapidly round the corner.
“False alarm,” you said quickly, ending the call on pure impulse and making a dash after the stranger.
You weren’t entirely sure what the plan was. It seemed more and more likely that you were right with each new development. What were you going to do if your gamer buddy really was an S-rank villain? Would you still be interested? Would he? He’d gone through the trouble of  getting you flowers not just once but twice, and honestly… the idea that he’d been so nervous the first time was kind of endearing.
That was a cute image, him standing at your door, so worried that he didn’t even notice he’d dusted the flowers in his hand as he set them down, probably running away quickly so you wouldn’t see him.
You reached out to grab the sleeve of your fleeing visitor and as they whirled round your suspicion after all this time was proven correct. You were speaking the moment his eyes met yours, all hesitation suddenly gone.
“You can’t just leave me flowers and run off like that, what if I thought it was another threat?”
Shigaraki’s scarlet eyes widened as they met your own.
“Hey Tenko” you grinned.
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bella-donna418 · 3 years
Cottagecore Family Life
A/N: I really wanted to do this headcanon lol
I'll continue living in this life of delusion don't @ me
Best place for this will be Switzerland like cottagecore let's go! (also bcs of this LOL LIKE THE BIO IS LITERALLY JUST 😂😂😂)
The nature around them is just filled with pretty flowers and butterflies could be seen especially in mornings and birds love singing at their place
Eren and Mikasa just looking after their child, especially Mikasa.
Also they'd probably have 2-5 children and they'll be so pretty and cute 🥺🥺🥺
Their children's energy are basically Eren and Mikasa's staminas combined (ultimate energy here)
Eren would be chasing the ones running and oh boy.
An unattended child has found an axe—
Mikasa walks right on the spot and sees their child about to get a hold of it so she immediately runs to them (luckily the baby is asleep inside the room she came from)
She'll scold the child in a gentle but stern manner be like, "No touching your dad's tools, understand?"
The child would just nod while looking down.
Eren joins in the scene with their other little one and oop—
His eyes almost popped out of their sockets as he saw what's going on (especially that they're near the axe)
Mikasa looks at Eren—sighing and said, "You should keep your tools somewhere where they can't see or touch them."
He'd nod slowly, "Right. I forgot about the axe here..."
He then puts down their little one and it immediately runs and hugs Mikasa's waist.
During bedtime, they love watching their parents dance to a music box (given by Annie as a gift for Mikasa when she heard the news she was pregnant)
Sometimes they'd sing a lullaby in duet and their children would slowly fall asleep (JUST IMAGINE THEM SINGING REMEMBER ME FROM THAT COCO DISNEY MOVIE OK?)
But sometimes Mikasa's on her own making the children fall asleep (when she forced Eren to take a rest lol)
Like imagine her singing the chorus part of "safe and sound" by Taylor Swift 🥺🥺🥺
Everytime they get nightmares they'd run to their parents' room and Mikasa will be the one to get up and open the door.
She'd be like, "Why up so late in the night—wait, why are you crying?"
Then the child explains and Mikasa just picks the smol child up and goes to the couch in the room with books at the table beside it.
She'd then read her a funny story and then the kid/s would just laugh.
Eren's a "deep" sleeper sooo....
Mikasa then sings the lullaby she'd sing when she's on her own to make the children sleep.
The child falls asleep and Mikasa acknowledges this and carries them back to the kids' room and settles them in their bed.
Mikasa would finally go back to bed—thinking Eren's still asleep.
But then Eren's like, "You're voice sounds like an angel's."
She'd find herself smacking a pillow at him and he just chuckles.
Mikasa would now lay down and Eren turns around from his position and cuddles her.
Their children are always curious.
They'd go outside and play, pick some flowers and make flower crowns, or read some books (most were sent by Armin), run around to catch butterflies, and more.
As they grew up, the girls would always be with Mikasa if they want, and the boys would stick with Eren (it actually depends on whether they're a daddy's or mommy's girl/boy)
Overall, their children would learn how to cook, do embroidery, chop wood, doing custom house decorations, and more.
During birthdays, they'd be visited by their uncles and aunts along with their little ones—if they have (you know who they are 😂😂😂)
The children would receive so many gifts—heck, they'd all be spoiled by them especially by Zeke (best uncle award)
They'd also play with the others' children (like they'd always play tag outside while the parents are indoors having a chat 🥺👉👈)
Their teenage years were quite more chaotic than their childhood (curse of puberty)
At random times, they'd argue to each other and Mikasa will just look at Eren and be like, "You're turn to break it up."
Eren would just sigh and try to break the bicker up and Mikasa would just stand by the door and watch.
He'll approach them and be like, "What are you fighting about?"
The bickering two would look at him and start pointing at each other and start shouting then glaring at each other—debating again.
Poor Eren gotta deal with this and Mikasa couldn't help but snicker at her spot.
Personality-wise they got the temperamental attitude from Eren while the calm demeanor from Mikasa.
Eren would look at the door and see Mikasa standing and giving her an 'um, help?' look.
Mikasa deciding to be mean, smirks and leaves to go to the kitchen and cook.
Eren felt "betrayed" because of her actions (your guy gotta deal with 2 hot headed teens in a phase arguing for some reason)
But Eren managed to calm them down.
They're all calm and collected, the 2 are no longer screaming and Eren began asking questions.
Mikasa decides to take a peek inside to see what's going on now
Eren would be like, "Ok, what's the real matter why your fighting? Don't yell, I'm asking you calmly."
They'd then start talking about who's wrong and all, and giving a few more minutes, they finally got along.
Eren internally was like, 'Fucking finally.'
Mikasa, seeing this, can't help but smile so she finally decided to come inside then looked at their teens and was like, "Glad you got along."
Eren just looked at her—not even bothering to ask why later since she looks happy about it.
Ooooh of course, their reactions when Eren starts snaking his arms around Mikasa's waist and just resting his head on her shoulder in front of the kids.
When they were young, they were just giggling.
But now, oh god it's so funny (not really lol)
They're literally like "👁👄👁 uhm you're gonna flirt in front of us?"
The two would just look at each other and laugh knowing how much they've grown.
In times of comforting children when it comes to love issues.
Best love expert award goes to...
Lol sorry it's Zeke.
Sometimes Zeke visits and if he sees one of them looking sad or something, assuming it's about love and all, he'd go up to them and be like, "You know, there's a quote that says; there's many more fish in the sea."
The teen would look at him surprised he knew and be like, "Yeah..."
And then there goes all things about love to Zeke.
If uncle Zeke ain't around, Mikasa would be the one dealing the problem.
You wonder for Eren? Pfft- he'd always be like, "Uhh... Ask your mom I guess..." (Please don't laugh at Eren 😂😂😂)
But in terms of practical things, Eren's the best at it.
They also taught their children self-defense so when they need it, they can use it.
In terms of their girls entering a relationship with a guy...
Overprotective dad mode on for Eren and be like, "Who's the guy? I need to talk to him."
Mikasa would just smile and instead, congratulate them and give advices.
Since Eren told their girl to bring her "boyfriend" he'd have an intimidating aura and the guy is just scared shitless (poor dude)
But in the end, Eren would just sigh and be like, "Just... don't hurt her, ok?"
To be honest, Mikasa is the one more relieved than their girl 😂😂😂
But living a peaceful life, they watched their kids grow into who they are and damn they're the prettiest beings ever (their genes are just ✨✨✨)
And when they get old, their children would always make time to visit them and at least take care of them.
Especially when it's their birthdays, they'd ALL come back at the home where they were raised with love and care 😭😭😭
It's the fact their children just cares for them even if they had their own lives/families.
To make me even cry more, Eren and Mikasa would be playing with their grandkids while their grown up child is just making some meal for all of them. (Old and gray EM with their grandkids, anyone?)
Ok ngl this looks like the most decent headcanon I've ever made 😭😭😭
And fun fact: I cried while making this
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fvrxdrm · 3 years
I Like The Way - Songfic (Jesse McCree x Reader) {Part 1}
Yes, it’s another Against the Current songfic. Deal with it!
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Pairing: Jesse McCree x F!Reader
Warning(s): None except for lazy writing lol
Setting: Post-fall and Pre-recall of Overwatch
Song: I Like the Way by Against the Current
Jesse plucked the last string of your guitar as his song ended with a dramatic twang in his voice, before he averted his gaze towards you with a smile on his lips, one corner curling a bit higher than the other.
“So how was it?” He asked. Though he knew the answer already (he was one cocky son of a bitch after all, but hey, that’s our himbo right there), he wanted to hear at least a praise from you personally because your cute little compliments always made his day.
“Well…” You trailed off.
“That didn’t suck.” The cowboy’s simper grew smaller at your words and you couldn’t help but chuckle at how he wilted like a dying flower on his spot. Well, that was a first. He slumped against the tree behind him with a defeated sigh, his arm limping against the body of the guitar as if he went boneless all of a sudden.
“Really? That’s it? Ah didn’t suck?”
“Dude, I’ve told you this a million times before: you’re fucking great at everything you do and you’re perfect. Do I need to say that again?”
McCree rested his prosthetic arm behind his head and closed his eyes for a moment. “Well, it never hurts tuh hear it again,” he drawled. You reached over to him to grab your guitar and was about to pack it inside of its bag when Jesse’s voice stopped you from doing anything.
“Can you play somethin’ for me? Ya know, ah haven’t heard you play anythin’ with yer guitar an’ you keep talkin’ about this band called…what was it again?”
“Against the Current?” McCree’s tongue clicked against the roof of his mouth with the snap of his fingers, and he beamed.
“That one. Can you play one of their songs fer me? I wanna know this band, ya know.” He smirked as he faced you. He was teasing you, you knew that, and it was true that he hadn’t heard you sing or play before since normally when you did it was always in private, the reasons being: you’re shy and your anxiety always kicked in in front of somebody and you’re shy and your anxiety always kicked in in front of somebody, (duh).
You slowly turned to where he was looking at you, guitar in hand, before placing the wooden instrument in your lap. “Yeah, I-I can warble a tune.” Your fingers strummed a few chords (totally not pretending to check if everything was set because bile was starting to rise up your throat), the cowboy humming in content at the familiar vibration of the strings. After a few more picks on your guitar, your voice began ringing in a mellifluous way that almost had the wind dancing with your hands.
I like the way that you look in my headlights
Climbing off your balcony
We drive away, like you're earning that Lucky Strike
Hanging in-between your teeth
This song meant a lot to you - and when I say a lot I mean A LOT – merely because it reminded you of every second you whiled away with the gunslinger; from when you globetrotted from every state, every country, to when you laid underneath a constellation of stars while talking about the stupid things you did in the past. From eating apple pies in that one diner on Route 66, to pretending to be a nearly-wedded couple just to eat free cakes in bakeries.
It's not a lot but it's sweet when it's simple
Don't overthink it, just dive in and let go
Don't complicate, I like you babe
It felt like you were young and relentless again. You two shared foolish memories together, but you guessed you deserved it after being chained in the cages of Blackwatch for a handful of years. You needed a break, goddammit!
Frankly, you caught feelings along the way. It was unexpected as you swore to yourself you only saw him as nothing more than a friend, but you’d already spend too much time with him – a little too much, perhaps – and so it became inevitable.
I like the way my car smells with your cigarettes in my ashtray
I like the way that sun belt when it rolls over the freeway
So I turn to you and say "Can you promise me now
That we're never gonna settle for settling down?"
I don't wanna think about the rest of my life
I just want the things I like
I found a burnt CD-R in your visor
From back when you were in a band
You laughed so hard it hurt
But I like how that guitar looked when it was in your hands
A sweet-talker the Deadeye was. He was blunt when it came to flirting with you and it only ran riot whenever he became pissheaded. And damn, when I tell you you always turned into a tomato at his words, that might be the biggest fucking understatement of the year.
It's kinda sweet how you ramble when you're drinking
So, stay with me, I'm addicted to this feeling
Don't complicate, I like you babe
His words of flattery were one, but when he throws you those cheesy-ass nicknames? Ooh, you best believe you might as well had exploded.
You looked at Jesse through your lashes and saw him with his ears pricked up attentively, seemingly besotted and love-stricken with you and your every word. He was listening to an angel, he thought.
I like the way my car smells with your cigarettes in my ashtray
I like the way that sun belt when it rolls over the freeway
So I turn to you and say "Can you promise me now
That we're never gonna settle for settling down?"
I don't wanna think about the rest of my life
I just want the things I like
I Like the Way was an alternative/indie/pop-whatever song that was lively in terms of tune and it affirmed the message of it. But then you turned it into an acoustic version of your own and it brought light to the lyrics in a different way, nothing bad though. With the slowed pacing and the soft falsettos you delivered, it struck him right in the heart and he hung onto every lyric that you sung.
You sang the last note with a delicate strum of your fingers before you looked up at McCree with a chary smile on your lips and asked him, “so, how was it?”
I like the way my car smells with your cigarettes in my ashtray
I like the way that sun belt when it rolls over the freeway
So I turn to you and say "Can you promise me now
That we're never gonna settle for settling down?"
I don't wanna think about the rest of my life
I just want the things I like
McCree was speechless. He felt like he got what you were trying to say and before you knew it he was already cupping your cheek and kissing you.
“I hear ya, pumpkin.”
Do yall want a part 2 of this where it’s just all smut? Lemme know.
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91percentpynch · 3 years
the cut that always bleeds - kevaaron au pt 3
kejerejean stans? this one is for you. no seriously this one is out of jean‘s point of view? cuz honestly i love that hoe so much. as always get your tissues ready guys. this is actually kinda long? and a mess? and no one beta read it so if there are mistakes or it doesn‘t make sense i‘m sorry!! this is not that sad? tw: mention of murder, mention of physically hurting someone, mention of stabbing, mention of the nest, mention of trauma
check this out to find the other parts:)
Jean has always been a light sleeper. He had to be in order to survive the horrors of Evermore.
So naturally the sobs - as silent as they might have been - woke him up. His eyes opened at once, he sat straight up. Almost automatically he got to his feet and left the room to get to Kevin.
After all, comforting Kevin was like breathing to him.
Jeremy followed Jean, because he would always follow Jean. Jeremy was like a moth and Jean was the light. Wherever he went Jer would follow.
So they went to Kevin‘s room. The striker laid in his bed, curled up, phone in his hand, uncontrollable sobs escaping his mouth.
„I see you took the call this time“, Jean said, surprisingly gentle.
„I wanted to end it. I wanted to have a clear cut. So tell me, why does the cut still bleed?“, Kevin whispered, his voice barely audible.
„Because it‘s a cut that always bleeds“, Jeremy told Kevin as he came closer, carefully and ever so gentle placing his hands on the other boy‘s back.
„He said he wants me to come back to him“, Kevin whispered while holding onto himself as if to try to stop himself from falling apart. „He told me he misses me. That he only gets high when he misses me“
It was quiet in the dark room, shadows were dancing, just as Aaron and Kevin used to dance in the dead of night underneath the night sky.
„You did the right thing Kev“, Jean replied in French while he got into the Bed behind Kevin. Just like they used to do in the Nest.
When Kevin was in his arms he began to hum a French lullaby into his ear.
Jeremy joined them after a second of admiring his beautiful boyfriend and the broken boy in his arms.
„Dude, do you want something? Hot coca? A special Knoxian hug? Us to get Andrew to gut that bastard? Wait, hold on. I forgot. Twin brother. Well, I can gut him for you? Andrew and this is a word by word quote told be once ‚You‘re like a little unicorn in a world full of wolfs with razor sharp teeths, learn to gut the wolfs, stay safe‘, so he taught me how to stab someone? Yeah okay that is not the topic right now, I can still gut Aaron though. I mean Andrew would try to hurt me, but then again I‘m his best friend so he does not have the rights to gut me, right?“, Jeremy offered him a toothy grin, while his hand wandred to his neck rubbing it nervously.
„Can you please not gut him? First of all: Andrew already tried to choke me once when Josten was in danger and I told them where he was, cause apparently yOu DoN‘t KeEp ThOsE tHiNgS tO yOuRsElF yOu FuCkInG mOrOn. I think you do keep those things to yourself if the other option is to get fucking murdered by the mafia??? But what do I know, am I right? After all I‘m just a narcistic, Exy-obsessed asshole without a personality. Bonus I have anxiety, panic attacks, probably depression and I‘m unlovable“, Kevin mumbled into his pillow, the voices of the other foxes, of the other teams inside of his head.
„Did they tell you that?“, Jeremy asked, not quite able to hide the sadness and pain in his voice.
„Doesn‘t eveyone think that?“, Kevin asked. „I mean I think they tend to forget that the woman who gave birth to me, the last woman who geniuely loved me besides maybe Abby, invented the job. I think they tend to forget that the fucking mafia killed her when they found out I‘m not theirs by nature, so the only solution was apparently fucking murder. Then they kidnapped me, brainwashed and tortured me to the point where all I knew was Exy. Oh and maybe they also tend to forget that Ravens were only ever allowed to do Exy, if you were privilegded enough sleep, and do more Exy“
„Kevin you are so much more than that“, Jean whispered into Kevin‘s ear while pressing him against his chest. Just as they used to do in the Nest. „I might be mad at you, because you left me alone with those psychopaths. I used to think you didn‘t care about me. But you were just like me, okay with less scars and less you know. However I cannot say I wouldn‘t have done the same. I understand you now, Kevin. And please, please stop saying those things. And now let us cuddle you and let Jer go through his ridiculous post break-up list. We‘re gonna cuddle you and all you have to do is trying to fall asleep. Used to help me when I was alone at USC. Could only sleep properly when someone held me. Well, Jeremy. Tomorrow we‘ll shove unhealthy food down your throat and watch Downton Abbey or whatever those historcial dramas you love so much are called. While stroking your hand or whatever you‘re into big boy. Afterwards we‘ll take the dogs out and force you to watch the fucking sunset. And I‘ll hold your fucking hand“
Kevin supposed the middle of the night was the time of long lost truths. „Okay“, he mumbled while he moved closer to Jean. Replacing his smell with Jean‘s. It took him a while to fall asleep but he managed.
At the same time Jeremy said „Mi amor, I love you, I really do, but that was literally the most romantic thing you said in the past two years? That is way more romantic than ANY date you ever planned for me? Rude? The audacity?“
„Moi soleil, you don‘t have the ‚cult kidnapped me and tortured me‘ card you can pull, you get the bonus treatmeant of any other people. Besides I literally have matching tattoos with you? I drew you like multiply times? I wrote like a dozen poems and at LEAST one short story? I wrote you a fucking lullaby? You have no right to complain right now, or you‘ll loose your kissing privileges and I give them to Kevin“
„Eww gross“, Kevin mumbled.
„I don‘t remeber you saying that back in the Nest“, Jean replied, poking his cheek.
Kevin didn‘t have the energy to answer. It was a long day. Sleep could have him for the day. Death’s little sister might claim him for the night.
This night he dreamed about Aaron. Strong arms around his waist. Golden eyes locking with smaragd ones. They were on some lonely beach, kissing lazily while the water kissed their feet. It was a beautiful day. Not as beautiful as Aaron, but then again nothing would ever be as beautiful as this specific piece of art. Everything was alright. Everything was good. Why couldn‘t it be the real Aaron and the real Kevin on that beach.
At about noon Kevin woke up to a drooling Jeremy on his stomach and the smell of waffles and soft French swearing in the kitchen. Softly Kevin woke Jeremy up.
„Sorry I always end up on weird angles and drooling on random guys. Jean used to get so mad when I fell asleep in his lap. But you can‘t take him serious when he looks with you with heart eyes trying to be Mad, can you? Anyways we should probably go to him and help him? Oh wait hold on a hot second there. I‘m banned from the kitche, so we can sleep? Right? Right?“
„I hate to break this to you Jer, but it‘s noon. So, no we cannot sleep. You can choose my clothes, though. I know you love going through my stuff and playing dress the doll, Kevin Day edition“, Kevin almost smiled at Jeremy, when he looked up at him pouting.
Then he remembered another blonde boy, pouting at him when he told him no. Another constellation of freckles around another, straight, perfect nose. Sinful lips softly turned up, trying to look mad. Hazel eyes instead of ocean blue ones. Messy blonde curles, instead of soft badly dyed ginger ones. Strong arms instead of lean ones covered in flower tattoos. God, Kevin missed his Aaron.
No, not his. Not anymore
„Okay, but you have to wear to fab outfit I‘ll throw in your face“, Jeremy gave him another easy, toothy grin.
Slowly the other boy got out of bed and went over to the cabet. Slowly Jer went through Kevin‘s cloths. After a while he slowly turned around, holding a jersey that is obviously by far too small for Kevin in front of his face. „What is that? Why do you still have his jersey? Babe, you gotta get rid of that, rather sooner than later“
Jeremy had the weird habit of calling his friends babe, baby, dude or bro. Before Jean he called his boyfriends bro or dude as well, but Jean was so confused by it he quickly stopped doing it.
„First of all: I‘m a weak ass bitch, it smelled of it. And secondly maybe I wanna stab it once I‘m over the phase where I‘m like madly missing him?. I‘d just put it into a pillow, stab at it like a maniac and then set it on fire. I didn‘t grow up with a psychopath as my supposed best friend for nothing Jer“
„Okay? Well I got your clothes. And you‘ll look amazing, cause it‘s the FOX ONSIE I GOT YOU!!! I‘ll wear my onsie as well, and I‘ll force Jean to wear his one as well!! Much fun!! Much wholesome!!“
So that‘s how Kevin Day, queen of Exy, landed sandwiched between his childhood crush and long life crush on their couch, watching Downton Abbey with a plate of waffles on his lap. This was nice. He might had actually enjoyed it, if this wasn‘t his and Aaron‘s show. They used to watch it, cry over it together, make out while watching it.
Thank God didn‘t actually touch him while watching Downton Abbey, he was good at daydreaming. Kevin would just had preteneded that it was Aaron and he thought him breathing Aaron‘s name was the last thing any of them needed today.
After their Downton Abbey marathon they ordered pizza, against Kevin‘s better judgement. Another traditon Kevin shared with Aaron. At finals Aaron would often forget to eat and Kevin was too big of a mess to be bothered to cook so he would end up ordering something every single day and feeding it Aaron while he studied on the floor. Occasionally he would earn a soft kiss, growing hungrier when the night grew darker. God Kevin missed the soft lips on his own.
Kevin would have enjoyed the beach, wouldn‘t he be dressed in a fox onsie, holding hands with a 6“5 guy who looked like he both could and would kill you in a unicorn onsie holding two tiny dogs in his other hand and with a 5“4 dude in a matching unicorn onsie with two dogs that were almost bigger than him.
At least this didn‘t remind him on Aaron.
Well, actually. The way the ocean softly kissed the sand, reminded him of his dream. And of the endless trips to the beach, sleeping in the car, Aaron on top of him. Lazy kisses and warm hugs. It was the first place Aaron took Kevin after their rehab. It was the first night they spent together, as sober men. Well, not sober per se. But drunk and high on each others love. It might had been the most painful memory of the day. God he missed those strong arms around his waist.
Nontheless the pain got less, he felt almost numb. Kevin liked feeling numb. Nothing hurt when you feel numb.
The sunset was beautiful. It reminded him of golden hairs, freckles standing against golden skin, soft lips at his ears, his neck, the corner of his lips.
„Aaron you‘re supposed to look at the sunset, you shithead“, Kevin used to smile down at him. „But I‘m already looking at the most beautfiul thing this world has to offer“, Aaron replied smoothly, locking eyes with Kevin.
When the moon took the place of his long lost lover they decided to go back.
It was safe to say that no one dared to think that someone would wait for them there. Especially not the one person they tried to avoid by all means the entire day.
„You said to stop calling. Never mentioned face to face conversations“, a husky voice said. And Kevin‘s world stopped.
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loser-writings · 4 years
Theyre an Omega || Omegaverse
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Dabi hated the fact that he was an Omega. Originally, it was because his father couldn’t handle the fact that his first born wasn’t an alpha. As he grew older, he hated his status because of a variety of reasons, the main one being how people seemed to underestimate how dangerous the man could be as well as the standards that society claimed he had to follow. 
Before joining the league of villains, he made do with popping suppressants, using scent blockers, and even using his quirk in order to cover up the smell of toasted Marshmallows. His own scent disgusted him since it was just so sweet, but once he managed to befriend you, he seemed to not mind it as much due to you allowing him access to your room as well as your cologne which masked his scent fairly well.
He covered his scent so well that the majority of the league believed that he was a Beta. Toga had originally claimed that he gave “Mega alpha vibes” but he just assumed that was because she was a young omega who really wanted an alpha. He understood the desire for an Alpha, but at the same time the thought of being vulnerable like how an omega was made his stomach roll. 
He did have a nest in his bedroom, but it was tucked away in the farthest corner of his closet and he would only go into it if he was having a particularly hard day or he could feel his cycle coming up. Despite the suppressants, his heat would come in very minor ways. He would be much more obedient to the alphas, not bickering as much with them, his scent would be a little sweeter and it never failed to have one of the alphas doing a double take, just assuming that he had just fucked around with some poor omega instead of the actual truth, and he did seem to be a bit clingier with you. 
You had even fallen for the Omegas’ act until one day it was just the two of you at the hideout. Shiggy had decided to go out to buy some new game and the other members were doing their own thing, so that left the two of you to chill on his bed and snuggle while watching some random horror movie. He managed to convince you, the alpha he had managed to take interest in, into his bed as well as in his arms. He almost cooed at the thought of having his bed smell like you, remembering that he would sleep well before you yawning brought his attention to you. 
“Hey Dabi?” You mumble, eyes never leaving the TV. “Yeah, doll?” He cooed back which only made you chuckle. “What are you? Like are you an Alpha or a Beta?” You asked and moved to hug him a little tighter which only made him blush. “Why are you askin’ that?” he mumbled before rolling his eyes which only caused you to grin. “Well I need to figure out how to court you. I sure as hell ain’t going to just say ‘I think you’re a badass and you’ve been my partner in crime ever since we met, so why not be my mate?’ I think that is kinda lame since it is my job as an alpha to express my interest.” 
Dabi instantly rolled his eyes before flicking your head. “Fuck what you’re supposed to do. Just do what you want.” You chuckled and rubbed your head before sighing, snuggling into his scent gland which made him blush since he knew your scent would be stuck to him like glue. “You didn’t answer me. Are you an alpha, or a beta?” Your tone became a bit more dominant and he could feel his inner omega coo at your dominance, but he had to keep that to himself. 
“I’m an Omega.” he admitted, unable to lie since you had expressed your interest in him. You blinked for a moment before sitting up, chuckling softly. “Dude, Stop fuckin around. I’m serious I want to court you and I need to know the truth-” “I’m a fucking omega you dumbass.” He responded once again in a harsh tone, not meaning for it to come off as hostile as it did. You sat for a moment before tilting your head to the side in confusion. 
“But...You’re all tall and muscular and dominant?” He scoffed once again, the sweetness in his scent turning more like burned sugar with each passing second. “Do you seriously fucking believe all Omegas are little feminine brats? Hell no.” You just continued to watch him before smiling a little. “Well...Then can I scent something of yours for you? Like I dunno if you have a nest or somethin’ like it, but I want to court you properly and I guess that means I should ask to scent something!” 
His face turned bright red at your optimism before he just sighed, moving to sit up and kiss your head as he stood to go to his closet. He couldn’t deny that he wanted to start tossing out his clothes for you as well as the items in his nest, but he settled on one thing for now. He came out of the closet holding a large blanket, folding it up as he sat beside you. “This is my moms’ blanket. She gave it to me before she was sent to the hospital…” Your eyes widened as you looked down at the beautifully crochet blanket. “She told me to have someone I trust scent it for me. Someone who wouldn’t hurt me  the way my dad hurt her.” His hand raked over the delicate pattern before he moved to sit it on your lap slowly. “So...just scent that for me. I know you won’t hurt me, and I trust you.” 
He watched as your eyes lit up as you nodded, carefully unwrapping the blanket before rubbing it against your scent glands. He smiled as your scent filled the room which only made him sigh. His omega was content, and so was he. He was about to look over at you only to feel you draping the blanket over his shoulders. “Maybe we could go give your mother a visit, but only when you’re ready. When that time comes, I’ll make sure to be there for you, Okay?” he nodded instantly, pulling the blanket closer before yawning sleepily.
“Dabi, let's take a nap.” He just nodded before moving to lay where you had been moments before, shoving his nose in the pillow as you got up to lock his bedroom door and turn off the lights. After a minute, he felt the bed sink beside him as your arms wrapped around his torso, pulling him closer so he could sleep against your chest. He had yawned but wrapped his arm around your waist. He couldn’t help but smile as he heard you softly whisper “Goodnight, my omega.” in his ear. “Goodnight Apha, don’t think this means everyone needs to know-” “Don’t worry. No one will know. Now sleep, you need it.” He simply nodded before shutting his eyes, letting your scent lull him to sleep.
Hitoshi Shinsou
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Shinsou was always told that he could never be a hero. That his quirk would instantly make him a villain instead of a hero, and that there were hardly any successful Omega heroes. Yet he managed to get into UAs’ General Department 1-C on his own. He held his own on the sports festival and even caught the eye of the class 1-A teacher, Pro-Hero Eraserhead. Now, he had been told that he would be able to join the Hero Course. To say that he was proud was a damn understatement.
Yet he couldn’t help but be upset when some of Class A found out that he would be joining. Sure, he didn’t assume everyone would be supportive of this choice, but he didn’t expect it to go this far. 
It started with Bakugo grumbling about how it was stupid to have omegas in the heroes course since no one in the top ten were alphas. Both Izuku and Aizawa were quick to mention that there were omega heroes that were very well known, the best example being best jeanist. That was when you hopped into the conversation and reminded him that he had understudied under Jeanist, so the alpha was weak against the omega. That promptly caused him to blow up at you since you had “Insulted his strength.” Safe to say that Aizawa had kicked him out  of the class before going back to teaching.
Then it turned to how Omega heroes had some benefits due to their heats and possible pregnancy benefits. No one really said anything that was rude, but the fact that the Omega heroes had more benefits because they are “Weaker” pissed him off. He wasn’t weak and some acted as if Alphas didn’t have time off for ruts too. It just seemed like there was a double standard.
It seemed like every time the Sub-Dynamics were mentioned, Shinsou found a new reason to be irritated. Sometimes he took out his frustrations while training with Aizawa or when he was with his friends, but it normally didn’t help much since he was tired of people judging him for being an Omega, not for his actions.
Courting was something he had thought about from time to time, but his determination to be a hero outdid any want for a mate, yet he couldn’t help but be intrigued by the small vase of colorful orchids that sat on his desk when he walked inside. Others were also surprised and wanted to know who left them there since this was the first display of courting in the class, but couldn’t think of anybody who looked suspicious.
Shinsou couldn’t help but think of the meaning behind the orchids that night in his dorm. As they sat on his desk, he looked up the meaning of the colors.White ones were positivity and safety, purple were independence, Blue were faith and wisdom, orange were determination and success, and red were passion as well as love. He hated to admit it, but he was interested in the other person's intention behind the flowers because it seemed like they were extremely positive.
The next day he was shocked to see a leather notebook on his desk as well as a beautiful fountain pen. The girls swarmed around his desk, wondering if it had anybody's scent on it yet Shinsou just shook his head. It just smelled like leather and ink. Everybody had failed to notice their teachers smirk since he knew exactly who it was. Of course he did, He was the one to give them the key to his room after they asked permission to court him which Aizawa instantly deemed mature. Not to mention, he just seemed to like you more than a few others in the class.
These courting gifts continued on through the week. A cat pillow which he instantly put in his nest, a hoodie that was dark yet had a nice graphic design on it, and the final gift was a note that was beside a handmade bracelet. The girls were so confused since no one seemed to have that talent or had been working on a bracelet, and the note had been printed instead of handwritten. Shinsou sighed softly and moved to open the note when he was alone, seeing that it had asked to meet at the nearby movie theater that night to go see the new horror movie. Of course, it was one he had mentioned previously. This alpha listened. He approached Aizawa after class and told him that he was accepting the offer and would be missing out on training tonight. Aizawa instantly nodded and ruffled his hair. “It’s alright Sinsou. Have fun.”
That night, the violet haired male wore the hoodie the alpha had given him as well as the bracelet. He couldn’t help but imagine who could have weaved something so intricate, but the fact that he was gifted it made him smile to himself. About half an hour before the movie started, he left his dorm to see if he could find who it was that kept leaving him the gifts. 
He was surprised to see you inside after he walked to the theater. You were looking down at your phone before running your fingers through your hair to calm yourself, clearly nervous. He couldn’t help but find it charming as he slowly approached only to sit next to you. “So, it was you who was courting me?” You blushed slightly but nodded. “Were they all okay? I tried to think of things that seemed to remind me of you or were related to your likes.” He instantly nodded before looking at the bracelet. “Did you make this?” He asked before you nodded. “My dad always told me that if I were to ever court somebody, that I should always handmake something for them since handmade gifts are cherished.” 
He couldn’t deny that. He truly adored the purple and grey threads you used to weave the design, black there to make the few colors pop even more. “It’s lovely. Thank you so much for making it for me.” He smiled at you before you gasped softly. “Oh, I also got this for you.” You reached in your wallet before pulling out his ticket. His eyes lit up and he grinned before taking it from you. “Thanks, you didn’t have to pay for it you know.” Your small chuckle only made his heart flutter before you stood. “I wanted to. And I’ll pay for your snacks too okay? This is my treat.” 
He had followed you into the movie, smiling as you carried the popcorn in with your drink. He held all of the candy as well as his own drink before looking at you. “Uh...Where should we sit?” he asked as he looked at the empty theater. He assumed that you would want to sit in the middle so you could get a good view even though the back was his favorite place to sit. “You lead. I want you to be comfortable, okay?” Your smile made his heart flutter again before he moved to walk up the steps before sitting in the middle of the farthest row. 
Once you both settled in, you grinned at Shinsou who seemed to be excited. You could tell from how he grinned and sat in his reclining chair. It was laid down most of the way, but he had moved the armrest up between the two of you to sit the food down. He curled up into the hoodie, but he huffed softly and moved closer to you.
“It’s a horror movie, and I want to make sure you don’t get scared.” He joked to see if you would be insulted, but you just chuckled and moved to wrap an arm around him instead. “I appreciate it. I dunno how scary this movie will be, so If I text you at 3 in the morning, then I’ll deem it a success in its goal.” He only grinned and moved to lean on you a bit, happy in your embrace. 
As the movie played, it wasn’t exactly scary. A couple of jumpscares had got you, The omega beside you only chuckling before taking your hand after each one. By the time it ended, Shinsou was smiling and you weren’t too shaken up. “That wasn’t that bad.” the boy said to you as he picked up the wrappers from the snacks. You nodded and smiled at him before taking the trash. “A lot better thanks to you. It was nice to have you to hold on to.” He chuckled and followed you before sighing softly. “We should do this again. I really enjoyed being with you.” You raised an eyebrow and grinned a little, liking the sound of it. “So...should it be a weekly date?” The boy nodded and moved to grab your hand after you tossed the trash. “Of course. I think it would be stupid to turn you down.” You smiled bigger before lacing your fingers together, happy that he seemed to enjoy you.
Toshinori Yagi
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Everybody assumed that the number one hero, All Might, was an alpha due to his strength, speed, and natural charisma, but the truth was that Toshinori Yagi was just a quirkless Omega, given his quirk by his wonderful Alpha mentor. In his hero form, he appears to be an alpha due to the quirks that had been passed from one to another but in his true form, he was skinny, frail, and weak. His scent of matcha green tea deepened in his hero form, turning more musky yet the tea smell still lingered. He honestly was quite conflicted when it came to himself. Not many Alphas would turn their head at the sight of him, not to mention he was a bit older than what most desired. 
He didn’t intend on ever finding a mate, yet he would occasionally find himself daydreaming about you, a fellow pro hero and teacher in UA. You had been in the same class as Hizashi and Aizawa, so you were a little younger than him, yet you never failed to greet him and hold conversations with him when he walked in the building every day. For the first few weeks, he would only talk to you in his hero form. It was only after the fight against the league of Villains, when he was completely spent, did he reveal his true form to you. 
He expected slurs and degradation, yet was only met with praise as you bandaged up the lanky man. You treated him the exact way as you would when he was in his hero form and it made his heart flutter. You did make a comment on his sweet green tea scent, blushing dark after you told him that it was almost intoxicating. Once you finished patching him up, you helped him stand with a small smile. “I think it is safe for you to go home. Rather that, or we can go to your classroom until we are ready to go home.” He openly expressed that he preferred the 2nd option. As you both walked back to the school, you both talked. Well...You did most of the talking since Toshi was still hurting and pretty exhausted
Ever since then, Toshinori didn’t mind having you see him in his natural form. You would bring him lunches to make sure he was eating, bring him small gifts since they made you think of him, and you even made him a blanket for his house! He sleeps with it every night in his nest since it smells like you and makes his aches almost go away. He was completely oblivious to your courting attempts, but he never turned them away. It wasn’t until he noticed students courting each other when he started to get the feeling that you were courting him. 
He sat in his nest after class one day, huffing softly as he looked at the large blanket you had made for him, thinking about the possibility of you courting him before just thinking that he had no chance. He whined and pulled it over his body before feeling himself sigh under his breath. It was losing your scent and he couldn’t have that happen, so he decided to ask you to re-scent it for him. In a way, this could be a way to see if you were courting him since he was aware of how to court an alpha. 
He ended up bringing the blanket with him in his bag, sighing softly as he put it in the teachers’ lounge so he didn’t have to worry about the students finding it before asking him a thousand and one questions he couldn’t answer if he tried. Aizawa had noticed it and raised an eyebrow at the older omega, yet didn’t say a word before hearing the bell ring for the first period to start. Toshi thought about it for a moment before sighing, He would have to wait till lunch to ask you to scent the blanket.
He was surprised to see a lunchbox on his desk as well as a note for him when he walked into his classroom, yet he couldn’t help but smile as he read that it was from you again. He opened the box to notice an All Might inspired bento that you had made. Sure, it was a little clumsy but he loved it just the same.
When lunch finally came around, Toshinori quickly grabbed the blanket out of the teachers room before joining you in your classroom, smiling as you ruffled the hair of Izuku before looking at Toshinori. Toshi had already told you about Izuku and you had instantly took a liking to the sweet boy. Once Izuku saw Toshinori, he instantly bowed before rushing off to lunch to leave the two of you alone. 
He raised an eyebrow at you as you chuckled and rolled your eyes. “He was asking me about some extra credit. Don’t worry.” He hummed and moved to attempt to sit at the desk before you scoffed. “Toshi, just sit here.” you said and stood from your desk before bringing another chair to your desk. He chuckled and nodded before moving to sit beside you. “Thank you. You always seem to go out of your way for me.” He smiled before moving to sit the lunchbox on the desk, opening it up to grab some of the food to eat. You shrugged and moved to eat a bit of your own lunch. After a moment, you noticed the bag he brought. 
“Toshi? What is in the bag you brought?” You asked before noticing the red covering his cheeks. “O-Oh..” he moved to cough a little against the back of his hand which made you reach over and grab a water bottle and push over the tissues. He smiled a little before taking them both. “It’s the blanket you gave me.” he said with a small smile. “It actually is loosing your scent, and I wanted to ask if you could scent it for me since it makes it much easier to sleep in my nest.” Now it was your turn to blush, but you nodded with a smile. “Of course Toshi. You don’t have to ask for me to scent something for you, just bring it to me and I’ll do it in a heartbeat.” He felt himself getting flustered again before pulling the blanket out to hand to you. “Thank you. I was hoping you would accept since I wasn’t really sure about how you would react.” You laughed before taking it with a grin. “Well, seeing as how I’ve been courting you for a while now, Why would I turn you down?”
Cue him coughing up blood once again. You laughed a little and moved to rub his back. “Hey now, Don’t die okay?” You joked as he calmed down, clearing his throat before sitting up a bit straighter. “I apologize. I guess I really was oblivious since I just assumed you were being nice.” You grinned and moved to hold the others large hand. “Don’t. I really enjoyed the courting.” You felt him lace your fingers with his, a dark blush across his face. “Ah...well I enjoy it too, but I honestly didn’t think that you would like me back.” You smiled before shrugging. “Well honestly, I like you for you. You may be older than me, and way taller and stronger than me, but I think you’re still the most handsome omega I’ve ever seen.” He felt himself blush darker before hiding his face from you. “I swear...You are going to kill me.” 
You laughed before moving to wrap the scented blanket over his shoulders, smiling sweetly as you watched him relax before snuggling into the fabric. You grinned bigger and moved to softly wrap your arms around him. “I love you, Toshi.” You said softly as your hand tangled into his blond hair. For once, he didn’t react to it dramatically. No blood was coughed up and no nervous laughter was heard, but you soon felt his arms wrap around your waist before he moved to kiss his cheek. “I love you too...Hey can you maybe come over for dinner?” He asked as his thumbs massaged into your hips. You just grinned before nodding. “Of course, darling. Let me cook though. I still want to spoil you.” he nodded and grinned happily, refusing to leave your arms till the bell was close to ringing, and even then you had to remind him that you both had class which was only met with whines. The second you pecked him though, he was quick to scamper off with the blanket, still as bashful as the day you met him.
Yugi Aoyama
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Not to just say that he is a clingy omega, but he is such a clingy omega. Not because he isn’t independent, but because he just enjoys the affection. Clinging to other omegas, betas, and alphas was something everyone had gotten used to with him.
God can this man make a nest. It takes up almost his whole bed and looks very aesthetically pleasing. When he works on his nest, me makes sure everything inside is not only comforting, but matches the aesthetic he strives for. Fairy lights hang on the wall above it, the pillows are a beautiful creme color, and the deep purples with hints of gold made his omega howl in pride. If only he had an alpha to share it with.
Sure, he had thought about his options. He had a notebook under his pillows with the pros and cons of each person, but he did have a desire for an Alpha specifically. With Deku, he was kind and sweet but Aoyama wasn’t sure if he would be willing to focus more on family than hero work. Bakugo was strong, protective and could give the best hugs, but his affection was too aggressive and god forbid Aoyama start whining when Bakugo is around. There were a few others, Kirishima, Tokoyami, Iida, Sero, and Momo, but none of them peaked his interest. He had originally forgotten that you were an alpha altogether.
It wasn’t until you weren’t in class that he realized you were an alpha as well, gone because of your Rut. That night, he filled a page completely dedicated to you. You were willing to be a hero, and even encouraged Aoyama to do the same despite his status as an omega, and had discussed with friends how you had wanted to have a family one day too. The thought of having pups with you made him whine softly as he pulled a pillow close to snuggle himself against. It was while he was laying in bed after writing down your interests, likes and dislikes, and more when he realized that his omega had chosen who they wanted to be with.
Once you had come back from your heat, he instantly noticed how you seemed to glow. Have you always been that attractive? He continues to try to answer that question until he notices how the other omegas started checking in on you. He couldn’t help but feel a bit of jealousy as he moved to sit in his spot, looking at you from afar before daydreaming about a future he could have with you. His hand carefully moved into his bag, moving the lunchbox he had made for you before stroking the soft stuffed rabbit inside to calm himself before the class bell rang.
His attention would randomly turn towards you once class had begun, huffing softly to himself as he doodled in his notebook, nothing more than childish love doodles. On one side of the page was Present Mic’s english notes, the other his plan of action. He wrote it all in french just to make sure that no one would read it and understood what it said, just in case someone ruined the surprise or told you about his feelings.
It was later that day when he finally started his plan, approaching you slowly at lunch only to notice that you had forgotten your lunch back at the dorm. His omega perked up and he offered you the one he had made. When you opened it, your eyes lit up seeing your favorite comfort food. You thanked Aoyama over and over and gave him a large hug, unaware that the other was purring from the affection.
Once back in the dorms, he asked if you wanted to go to the store with him since he didn’t feel like going alone. You, of course, agreed and grabbed your bag before you both walked towards your destination. The only thing that was odd about it? Aoyama had hardly spoken a word since you left, seeming to be in his own head. 
“Yuga, can I ask what’s on your mind?” Hearing his first name snapped him out of his thoughts and he looked at the ground in an almost shameful manner. “Ah...It is nothing really...I suppose it might just be puppy love.” His normal scent of roses turned almost burned sugar as he felt himself becoming insecure. Yet you managed to make him smile when an arm slipped around his waist and pulled him closer. “Hey! If you have feelings for somebody, then I wouldn’t say that so negatively.” you cooed before letting go to hold his hand. Of course, you knew affection would make him feel better.
“I just doubt they would want me. They’re such a sweet alpha, so why would they want some weird omega who can’t even fully control their quirk.” He scoffed, scent getting even stronger. “Hey, stop that.” you scolded and stopped walking before moving to grab his chin so he would look at you.
“You aren’t a weird omega, you are a beautiful and heroic one that I think anyone would be lucky to have.” You let go before squeezing his hand to reassure him. “I think your quirk is insanely strong and you, as a person, are so sweet and kind. Yeah, you do put on a show for others, but I know the real Yuga, and I think he's really cute and sweet and that any Alpha would be lucky to call themselves yours.”
Aoyama felt himself tearing up as you released his chin. He quickly moved to hug you and hide in your neck which only made you chuckle as you pulled him out of the middle of the crosswalk so you weren’t in anybodys’ way. His eyes shut and he purred when he felt your hands massaging his hips. His nose subconsciously found its way to your scent gland, snuggling into it as he calms down completely thanks to your scent.
You chuckle and hold him tight until he pulls away, wiping at his eyes before smiling bright at you. “Thank you...I really needed to hear that.” You grin and kiss his forehead before taking his hand again. “Of course Yuga. You deserve the world.” He blushed as his scent turned back to normal. “Hey...I actually don’t need anything from the store, but I do want to ask you something else when we get to my dorm room, okay?” You smiled and nodded before you both started walking back to the dorms.
Once you both got back to the dorms, he pulled you into his room. The only time you had seen it was when everybody first moved in, but it was much more tame than that day. He had his nest in his bed and you couldn’t lie, you were a bit jealous of whoever got the honor of laying in it with him one day since it looked so comfortable.
Your attention went back to Aoyama when he opened up his school bag to reveal the rabbit plush. He slowly brought it to you and smiled. “I uh...Would you scent this for me?” he asked and held out the rabbit, feeling hopeful and bold after your little pep-talk to him earlier. His cheeks were pink and his omega stood on high alert, waiting for your answer impatiently as you examined the stuffed animal. When you finally realized what he was really asking, your eyes widened and you nodded, bowing as you took the bunny softly. “I’d be honored to.” 
He couldn’t hold back his joy as he started bouncing happily on his feet since you accepted his attempt at courting. Once you were finished, you carefully handed the rabbit back to Aoyama who had the biggest smile. He hugged it tight to his chest before pressing his nose to it, taking a deep breath of his calming scent before giggling softly. Seeing him so happy made you feel proud in a way since you had been the one to cause his joy. When he looked back at you, he just smiled and moved to kiss your cheek before walking over to his nest and crawling inside to sit the rabbit down inside. That’s when you spoke again. 
“Love, do you have anything else you want me to scent?” You had asked as you approached the area, stopping at the edge of his nest. He felt himself grin at the new nickname before he nodded. “Mhm, but wouldn't it be easier if you just laid in my nest with me? I think that would be nicer for the both of us.” Now it was your turn to grin, but before you could enter, Aoyama gasped. “Hey! Shoes off first! And can you turn off my light? I have these ones that are bright enough for me.” 
You smiled at how the omega had chirped at you and obeyed his requests, apologizing about your shoes as you crawled in his nest after. “It’s okay, but I can’t have this get all dirty after it smells like you.” He said and moved to lay down, holding the rabbit happily in his arms. You grinned before laying beside him, pulling him close before kissing his head softly. “You sleepy?” The blond shook his head. “Nope..Just happy to have my Alpha in my nest with me..” You chuckled and moved your hand to his waist, rubbing it softly before hearing him purr at the touch. “Well, my darling, just tell me that I need to be here from now on and I will be, okay?” He nodded and giggled softly before kissing your cheek softly, happy to have the attention of you to himself.
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idreamtofthereaper · 4 years
And So, I’m Here (XIX)
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You are 23 and never had a boyfriend. Which you can’t understand because your mom keeps telling you you’re pretty and beautiful and all that mom stuff.
You got tired of waiting, and even looking for one (especially since you have your best friend pushing you to get one) so instead, you made your own. The problem? Your imaginative boyfriend is very real and has some questions to ask.
pairings: wayv/nct’s ten x reader
genre: social media au ig
warnings: possible mature content
note from the author: If you want to be on the tag list, reply here or message me or something. Also, I’m sorry for the slow updates :(
Taglist: @chunbyun @nshitae @bestof99s @vinmylife​ @diva-skywalker-af @animegirl366​ @bbyyangiex2​
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“What do you mean you hate fruits?”
“It’s exactly what it means, I hate fruits.” Ten said a matter of factly. He took another handful of popcorn and stuff them inside his mouth. The movie playing now becoming a simple background noise.
You looked at him weirdly, Ten doing the same with you. “What? Do you have some obsession with fruits or something?”
“You’re weird.” You replied simply and shook your head. Pushing your legs to stretch and put it on top of Ten who has his on top of the table. 
You asked him to come over for lunch after he announced he got in, specifically telling him to wear comfortable clothes. Ten thought you were joking or setting him up for a prank, so he came in wearing slacks and a polo shirt.
But when he opened the door and saw you lounging on the couch with some pasta you made in your baggy clothes, he knew you were definitely not joking.
“You look fucking ridiculous.”
But all was solved when you lend him some of your baggy clothes too, which doesn’t fit him as baggy but wasn’t too tight for his comfort. When he emerged from your room, his old clothes neatly folded on your bed, you greeted him by holding up a bouquet of flowers in front of him.
He stood staring at you with a glowing expression as he examined the flowers. “I don’t know if you like chocolates, I hope you do or you have allergies or we really can’t be together. I don’t know if you would appreciate bears and I don’t know what else boys like-” you stopped rambling for a bit and thought about it “As a matter of fact, I don’t know much about you-” with this, your sentence really wasn’t finished. 
He pushed the flowers aside and grab your face, staring at you for a moment before dipping down to give you a kiss. Unlike before, this time around the kiss was welcomed.
If it wasn’t for his hands clasped around yours, which was holding the flowers, the bees would be very mad right now. His other hand in turn held your face gently.
His touch was gentle, it was like a feather is just pressed on the side of your face. It was obvious he doesn’t want to push it too much, a small space was still between the Two of you and the kiss was the only thing connecting you.
His lips kissed you gently, but when you responded, his kiss grew more. It wasn’t a lustful or heated kiss, the kiss the both of you shared was held back for days, weeks and for Ten’s end, months. 
As the kiss prolonged, his hands moved down to your waist as the flowers was now on the floor. With his entire body, he pushed you to the door and the gap that was between the both of you earlier was now history. 
His hands gripping tightly on your hips, yours moved to his arms to the back of his head. You grab bits of his hair as his hands now traced the skin inside of your waist.
Feeling his skin on yours, you decided to pull back a little. The action wasn’t jittery, but it still alerted him. His head pulled away from you as he removed his hands from you as well. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know until where, I, was I too much? I shouldn’t have pushed that-”
“You’re good, just not right now” You replied, grabbing his hands and pulling him close to you, your foreheads touching with each other. 
He released a sigh of relief but then nodded, smiling at you as hos hands went back to your waist to pull it closer to him. “Whenever you are. You’re a lot but waiting for you will always be something I won’t regret doing.”
You stared at Ten again as you found him asleep. His arms wrapped around your curled body as the other one was resting on the pillow. His head slumped to the other side as the hood of your his hoodie did little to help him cover his eyes.
It was already the 3rd movie and the pasta was nowhere to be seen, the popcorn gone and the 3rd movie was nothing but a lackluster as well.
Boredom finally getting the best of you, you decided to grab your phone and lower the volume of the movie to let Ten sleep more, remembering he allegedly haven’t gotten a decent sleep because of the movie.
You smiled to yourself and even let out a few chuckle as you looked at the photos from earlier. A photo of Ten at the kitchen trying to replicate your pasta and some more of the both of you just goofing around.
A particular photo caught your eye, it was earlier when he was zoning out while you were explaining how to make the pasta sauce.
“Dude, you’re not even hiding the fact that you took the photo.”
“Bro, you’re not even hiding the fact that you weren’t listening.”
You decided that your Ten needs to be flexed a little, so you post that specific photo on your private instagram account, where you were only following some friends and others.
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You felt Ten stirred behind you, causing you to exit the app for a while and look at him. 
After a few grunts and some eye squinting, his eyes immediately looked for you. “Oh, you’re still here.” He muttered with a rough voice.
“This is my house, idiot.” You answered, sitting up for a while and made yourself comfortable. Letting Ten put a pillow on the end of the couch as he slumped back.
His arms opened at you, which then you crawled towards him and place your body beside him, letting the couch and his body sandwich you. His arms again wrapped around you as the other was hanging off the couch.
“Hmm?” You asked, looking up at him, who was already looking at you.
He only stared for a while before shaking his head with a smile, placing a kiss on the top of your head before his eyes began closing again. “Nothing.” 
You only laughed at his actions before wrapping your legs and arms around him, placing a soft kiss on his hands before following through. 
Just want to let everyone know that the next chapter will be the last chapter of this story. Thank you guys so so much for spending your precious time reading this story and I know this is not the best and I’m so sorry for that, I will definitely make it up to you guys in a different way.
Thank you guys so so so much for all of the love and reactions this story has received. I am in awe, I hope to still see you guys around <3
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What were the octopus and the spider doing?
Characters: Remus, Virgil (Sanders Sides), Janus mention, Roman mention- minor spoilers for SvS Redux
Tw: cursing, blood, slight gore (it’s Remus, what do you expect)
Relationships: platonic Dukexiety because it’s my JAM bro
Genre: Idk man, fluff? Something like that but not quite as fluffy? Just...my boys doing shit together
Like, dudes, I love these two idiots, they’re my boiis and I would kill for them. Enjoy...this and I apologize for any mistake that was made by me being a clueless Europian Who’s shit with English spelling. Especially double letters. Ugh.
Virgil was laying on his bed listening to one of his playlists and being really bored. He didn’t wanna show face up there because everything hurt (physicaly, for once) and he just wasn’t in the mood to deal with the others’ shit right now. He fucking hated everything. The wedding was a total disaster and he had to keep Thomas’ head down during it, so he was tired. He very well knew that the callback would’ve been a better choice, but that would be siding with Janus and he kinda hated him. A...lot of stuff happened between the two of them and they had a falling out a few months back, so they acted like bitches around each other now. So, thanks to that, he was exhausted, everything hurt and he was done™️, all because he held a grudge. He sometimes really hated himself. So he just started singing along to the songs and pulled out his sewing kit and a dress he was working on right now and just got himself into work. He was so lost in the music and work that he hadn’t heard another side pop up in his room. And so he was notified of Remus’ presence only when he threw a hand on him. Just. A hand. He screamed and fell off the bed. “Jesus fuck!”| “Remus would be just enough Virgey.” answered Remus with a smug smirk. “Oh fuck off bitch! And why are you even here? Shouldn’t you be, like, driving Deceit crazy or laying in a ditch full of mud and blood by now?” Remus snorted as he leaned down, grabbed the hand of off the bed and placed it back on his wrist, moving it around until the bone clicked back. “Well, I don’t know what you’ve been doing down here, but Double D went up there,” he said pointing towards the ceiling, “and laying in a ditch seems boring, so I came to either A: annoy the shit out of you; or B: beat your Just Dance high score. It’s up to you emo.” Virgil rolled his eyes snapping his fingers (placing his dress safely in the closet) and stood up, dusting his hoodie. “That ain’t fair Dukey, you’re gonna annoy me whatever I choose. So, I present this: we beat Janice’s high score in Just Dance, since he’s still better then the both of us, and if they ain’t done by then I’ll show you a few pieces of clothing I’ve been working on recently and we’ll have a show. How ‘bout that?”| “Great ideas Virge. I approve! And...I’ll be there first!” he screamed and took a running start towards the door. Virgil yelped and ran out behind him. They raced down the hallway towards the Dark Side commons and it looked like Remus was winning, but there was one place where they needed to turn left and since Remus was running really quickly, he rammed right into the wall whilst Virgil summoned his spider arms and swung like Spider-man around the corner, landing in front of the sofa. Remus groaned and got up from the floor stumbling over to Virgil and patting him on the back before colapsing on the floor again, face down this time.
“Yo Re, you alive?” asked Virgil poking him with his foot. “Ughhhhhh, fckng waaall, tht wsn’t fairrr.” could be heard from Remus. Virgil turned him around and helped him get up, laughing out loud when he noticed that he broke his nose. He grabbed it and with the words “Dude, don’t cum please.” snapped it back into position. Remus groaned, but thankfuly obliged Virgil’s request. The two of them were playing Just Dance for the next half an hour or so until they FINALY defeated Janus’ high score by switching when one of them got tired in the middle of the song. They cheered and then a loud bang could be heard from upstairs. They screeched like the demons that they were and jumped onto each other. “What the fuck was that?!” Virgil screamed as soon as the sound stopped, his voice warped. “I don’t have a fucking clue, but I sincerly hope that Jany deals with it before it comes down here and eats us alive like fucking oysters leaving only our skin!”| “That isn’t helping you cunt!”| “I know! Sorry, defense mechanism.”| “I know, sorry, I’m KiNdA stressed right now!”| “Please stop screaming.”| “Sorry...”| “Yea...could we maybeee go to your room? It’s a bit more soundproof then the commons.”| “Oh sure! Let’s go.” Virge said and teleported them.
He exhaled with relief when they landed in his room and went to the closet. “Let’s just do this shit. Still better then going up there.”| “Agreed. And you are actually really good at making clothes. What am I gonna wear? Skin? Uncleaned fur? Dead bees?”| “No. You’re gonna be wearing a dress Rere. I’m not making them out of dead bees. If you’re a good bitch and don’t rip them/ cover them in blood or any other substances, I’ll let you do my nails after. Deal?”| “Deal! Oh! Are they long? Maybe I could use them to scare the shit out of Roman in his beaaauuutiful castle...I should write that down!” Remus said and snapped a torn up notebook into his hand along with a pen. He poked himself in the thumb with said pen and used his blood as a filling, writing down three or four lines. Virgil could see only a few words (Remus wasn’t known for his amazing handwriting), but even with the words he did see, he knew that maybe he should stop by Roman’s room afterwards and tell him that he probably shouldn’t stay in the imagination during the next full moon. He pulled the dress out of the closet and checked them. Everything seemed to be fine, but one can never be too careful, so he checked the inside as well and grabbed a tape measure, measuring Remus’ chest, hips and waist. After he was sure everything was fine, he gave him the dress. Remus looked at them and actually stayed silent for a while, so Virgil counted it as a win on his part. Remus then jumped into the dress and got tangled up in the cloth, falling to the ground. Virgil snickered, helped him up and untangled him, moving the dress so that they would fit better. After he was done he turned around and gave Remus a pair of shoes to go along with the dress and when he put them on, turned to look at him. He nodded to himself. Re looked good. The dress was made from a lot of different layers of green cloth, each of them in their own shade of the colour. They were short, only going down towards the knees, but one part of the dress were black leggins, which went all the way down. The skirt was layered and looked like a flower, with multiple layeres of green in the bottom and a black overcoat on the top; the top of the dress was made from black leather with neon green laces tightening it. The sleeves were puffed and made from two types of cloth - a silky dark green that made up the sleeve and a seethrough lime green on top, slightly scrunched up. Neither the sleeves nor the skirt would be restraining any movement, so they were both pretty and practical. The boots that went with them were tall and black going almost all the way up to the knees and they had neon green laces - they looked the same as the top of the dress. They had platforms, but no heels, again, made to slay with style (and slay dragon witches without tripping over something, it is Remus we are talking about). Remus’ eyes actually sparkled when he saw how he looked in said dress and he twirled around, laughing when the skirt spinned. Yes, he was obnoxious, loud, had a very specific style and most of his thoughts and ideas were gross, but that didn’t mean that he hated looking cute. He was actually very soft, but he rarely let anyone see that. Virgil been knew tho. Like, what would you expect? He grew up with him and even though they were supposed to hate each other now, they were still best friends. And that won’t change. There was this one night, a pretty long time ago, Virgil still lived with the ‘Dark Sides’ and he and Remus were sitting in a tree, laughing about some new prank they pulled on Janus (hence why they were in a tree and not inside), when Remus looked at Virgil and told him: “You’re my brother, right? You might not be Roman, we might not be related, but you’re my brother!” And Virgil, even though he was a bit surprised by this, responded with a “Yep!” And that hasn’t changed.
Tags: @nyamafriend @exhaustedauthor @definietlynotsatan
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Except For You
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Embry x reader: Except for You
Warning: Death, Emotional support and control, CPS/fostering/adoption/homes.
Y/n was an easy-going kid growing up, full of life, happiness, and all things of that. It wasn’t until the tragic accident happened that landed you in foster care. CPS searched high and low for a family member to take you in. But to no avail, you were still in the system from the soft ages of five to 15.5 years (to be exact). It wasn’t the easiest, nicest, and not the most pleasant, but you survived and that’s all that mattered. At least, that’s what you kept telling yourself.
You were taken in by your great aunt when you were eight, but by then, the damages had been done. You were distant, hesitant, and deemed as an “aggressive” child. The only life form you ever let get close to you was the dog of the house, Manny. As soon as you entered the household, Manny was your comforter, protector, and your emotional and mental support. Your great aunt and uncle realized this and let it be. It wasn’t until another accident occurred that resulted in Manny’s death did you end up in a group home. The pain was too much, and because you weren’t properly taught how to express your emotions healthily, it resulted in a few tossed dishes, runaways, holes in the wall, and nights of screams and cries that could be heard for miles. Ever since, at the tender age of nine (at this point), you wouldn’t allow any form of being near you. The thought of going through that pain again only would hurt 20x more than the time you lost your family and Manny. And that wasn’t worth it.
That is until you were fostered by a couple who wanted to adopt you in the small town of La Push. You had met your foster mom, Emily, at the group home she volunteered at and for once grew attached to someone. It took a while, but something about Emily gave you a sense of home. She reminded you of your mother. Or what little you had of her. All you had of your family was pictures and trinkets you hid from the other kids, so they don’t mess with it.
You and Emily grew close. So close that Emily had to stop volunteering at the group home. Regret consumed you until you had a potential parental meeting to be adopted. When you walked into the room, the first person you saw was your caseworker, Lilly (the bitch), and then you saw her…Emily. You ran to her as fast as you could, hugged her with all your strength, and cried.
“What are you doing here?” You cried into her shoulder.
“I’m here to take you home Y/n/n.” you looked at her confused. She smiled and continued,
“That’s why I stopped volunteering. It would have been a conflict of interest and unethical to continue to work here and then adopt you, sweetie. So, I talked to Jessica and Leo,” the group homeowners, “and they said I would have to stop for a given month, place in an application, allow CPS to check if we’re acceptable to be able to be a contender. But Jess and Leo somehow convinced them to speed up the year process to five months. I’m so sorry Hun, I didn’t mean to be away for this long.” She said with tears forming in her eyes.
“You want me?” I said in disbelief. She smiled and looked up at a man I didn’t realize who was there. Big ass dude who looked to be “6’4”, broad shoulders, buff, and looks like he could intimidate and scare off anyone in his path. He grinned down at Emily and looked towards me. He held out his hand and introduced himself.
“I’m Sam, Emily’s husband. She has told me nothing but great things about you Y/n.” I hesitantly but confidently shook his hand and from then forward, I was accepted into their close little family. And to be honest, I wasn’t that was surprised at how easily I had grown attached to the two.
Six months later
I was in the garden with Emily fixing the flower beds when I heard the guys come from the forest. Emily and I looked at each other and went inside to clean up real fast and prepare for their ultimate feast. The guys had been training for some vampiric war due to this incompetent girl who can’t get herself out of trouble.
It was on accident really, how I found out what Sam and the guys are. Two things happened, one, Embry imprinted on me, and two, I was there that uneventful day, the first day I met Bella, where her dumbass punched Paul. Not only did I see Paul, but I also saw Jake transform.
Living with Sam and Emily for a month and a half
“WHAT THE FUCK!?” I yell at a distance, Embry, my imprint before I knew what it was, Quil, and Jered all turned to look at me.
“Fuck.” Sam said, he turned to look at me, but I took off. I didn’t know where I was running, but I ran. I wanted to go home, but I couldn’t. I didn’t know if Emily or Leah did the same thing. So, I just ran, ran until I got to First beach. I fell to the sand to catch my breath and just looked out into the ocean. I felt someone sit next to me, without even looking, I knew who it was. The second and last person I’ll let come as close as they were to me; the only other male to be within proximity of me. Enough to where our shoulders touched.
Embry. The cute and idiotic boy I took to instantly the second we met. I never understood or knew what it was about him, but whatever it was, I tried to fight it at first, but it hurt more than I thought it would. Emily said to just let it happen, let yourself feel, and not resist. It was hard, but after some time, he somehow looked like it affected him more than me, which worried and hurt me. Without a second thought, I accepted and allow myself to the possibility of gaining a closer friend. And since, he has been one of the closest people I have ever taken to. More so than Emily, and that says a lot. I broke the silence.
“Why didn’t you tell me,” I said without looking at him.
“I figured you’d want to get adapted to living here before you found out that our legends are true Olives.” I roll my eyes at the nickname he gave me as soon as he found out that I despise Olives. I looked at him and looked down as our knees were leaning on one another.
“You still could have said something…I don’t know. Anything. You know I hate secrets, especially coming from you Cilantro.” He wrapped his arm around me, and I easily gave into him. It used to bother me how easily I took to him being close to me, but now, I don’t fight it.
“I know, and I’m sorry. No more secrets, I promise. Unless I have to protect you, but I promise, I will try to keep you out of that situation Olives.” I looked up at him, I couldn’t look away even if I tried. His big soft brown eyes carried the light from the sun as if it was a sea with quiet waves. A whirlpool of honey mixed with chocolate. The boy had a grasp on me, but I wouldn’t break what we have for some weird crush. But apparently, he would because without a second thought, he leaned in and I felt two warm lips against mine. I did nothing at first, but when he pulled away, I leaned in and caught his lips to mine again to show him how I felt back. After that, we leaned our foreheads against each other and smiled. Thus, resulting in him to tell me about imprinting. Now, that, I understood why he held back from telling me. Thinking back on it, the ways the pack responded to us, it made sense.
“Awe, look at the married couple.” -Jared, when we were eating.
“You guys want us to leave while you have your privacy, or are we welcomed into the conversation?” -Brady, when we were hanging out at the beach.
“Get a room!”- Paul, when we were doing nothing but making stupid faces at each other.
Everyone knew I hated being touched or having someone too close to me, except for Emily. So, when I allowed Embry to do so, that brought on more teasing. And it wasn’t big stuff like wrapping an arm around me. It was small things.
When he’d sit next to me at the table, he would be close enough for me to cross my legs and rest my foot behind his calf, yet far enough so no one would be able to notice.
Sometimes Emily and I would be sitting at the table when the guys come in. He would purposefully be last so that when he came behind me, he would glide his finger softly at my exposed skin. At one point, he didn’t care, and Emily saw him do it then saw my reaction. She was happy to see my reaction but said nothing to me.
When Emily and I are cleaning the kitchen from cooking and the guys come in to eat, he’d get the silverware and slightly brush his shoulder to mine. Then bump me with it and head back to the table. I would do nothing but smile, which caught Paul’s attention, who then pointed it out. Asshole.
After that, Embry said, “fuck it!” and just found a way to get close to me. I didn’t mind. But it was moments like these, on the sand, with his arm wrapped around me that no one saw. It was something that wasn’t worth showing. Something that I was not comfortable showing. The slight touches, I’m ok. But PDA, I can’t do. Thankfully he understands this.
Present Day
Just as the boys were entering, Emily and I just took the food out. Like normal, the boys set the table and for some reason, Embry came up to me first, kissed my cheek, grabbed the plates, and went to the table. I was shocked, but I wasn’t mad. No one saw it, so that put me at ease.
After eating and relaxing, Embry and I went to his place to just watch a movie. It was times like these did he love the most. Why? Because I was always attached to him. With Embry, I can get lost in time and can easily feel physically deprived from. So, when we are behind closed doors, I basically turn into a big baby. Another thing that has scared me. But I am learning.
With Embry, I am learning a lot about myself. My boundaries, comfort zones, and what I want. With Emily and Sam alone, I learned what I want, Manny proved that to me too. With my great aunt and uncle, I learned what I didn’t want. At the group home, I was taught how to survive. With all these lessons, I learned a great deal about myself. And all of it came into play meeting up to the love of my life. And every day, I am grateful.
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt.20
Lance wasn’t in the mood for Keith when he walked out of the conference room. Guilt gnawed at every part of his being that wasn’t currently dying of embarrassment. He’d turned into a bat again. He’d turned into a bat and cling to Keith. He could remember the way the man held him to his chest, the sound of Keith’s heart beating strong and fast beneath his warm skin. Fighting with Luis again had shaken him. Keith had... Keith had been like an anchor, Lance feeling drawn to the familiarity of his scent, his presence normally left Lance in some kind of internal chaos. Keith seemed to think they were some kind of rivals, demanding to fight him every day no matter the hour. Maybe they were rivals? They were on the wrong sides... Why did have to be Keith?! Big, dumb, emo, Keith. Who was now caught up in his business...
A breeder. What... how... how did that even happen? He’d never heard the term before and now Coran was telling him he could make babies. A real baby... and have a real family... a family he couldn’t have because he was a vampire... and even more of a freak than he’d ever thought possible. Coran had assured him that he wasn’t, that they’d get through this, that... that they were gone. No one else was listed in line Garrison is as something listed other than human... now he had a hunter to deal with... and Matt... The Matt he’d never met. Shiro was bringing him home. Shiro was convinced Lance would help him. Lance couldn’t even help himself. His presence as a danger to his friends, to his town. Coran was too lenient with his life. Nothing could be done about that until he’d changed internally... But he’d always have the memories of becoming something more twisted and weird.
“Are... are you okay?”
Keith had waited for him. Leaning against the wall, he had his arms crossed, expression and face echoing Lance’s
“What do you think?!”
Snapping, Lance immediately felt bad. Taking a deep breath, he released it slowly
“Sorry. Sorry. You never asked for any of this. You never asked for this burden at all. I’m sorry you had to take care of me. Thank you”
Keith seemed as if he had something to say, instead he looked away at a spot on the floor
“It’s kind of my fault”
“Dude, don’t go there. I don’t regret saving your life, but it’s still a little too raw to talk about”
“You’re changing, because of me”
“Thanks for the reminder. Blame won’t change things”
“You’re not okay. How are you so calm?”
Lance wasn’t calm. He was a hairs breath away from freaking the fuck out very publicly. He didn’t want to drink more blood. He didn’t want to be further away from being human. He didn’t want this weird body of his. He couldn’t go back in time, and as much as he wanted to rage at Keith, Keith had helped him when he wasn’t able to help himself
“We can’t go back in time. If we could, I would have stopped you from injecting yourself to begin with. You wouldn’t have had to worry about being turned, and you’d be with Shiro now. I understand if you don’t want to come back to Garrison. I’m sure I’ll be able to handle myself...”
“Excuse me”
“Coran said we have to stay together. We can’t let you fall into the hands of other vampires. It’s my job to keep you safe. I have official orders now”
He was a job. Simply a job. The dynamic between he and Keith had changed again. Now they were allowed to train either. And he was supposed to start having urges. Going through puberty once was bad enough. He was 44. He didn’t need random boners at inappropriate times all over again
“You’re the idiot who thought he was still a vampire”
“You’re the idiot who turned into a bat”
Touché. He’d been so upset, desperate not to break in front of Luis
“For how long?”
“How long was I a bat?”
“Three days”
Keith had been forced to baby him for three days. An embarrassed groan escaped his lips, before his heart gave a flip. His Mami was still in hospital. He’d abandoned her for three full days. She must be in so much pain and so confused... and then there was Blue. His precious princess didn’t love being alone unless it was on her terms. He’d totally skipped out on Pidge and Hunk. Though hopefully Hunk was too busy with his new girlfriend to notice. He’d called Lance after his date, talking about how perfect Shay was for near on two hours. Lance had been so happy for him. He’d tried to pay for everything, only for Shay to shoot him down. She had her own money to spend on the things she wanted, and she’d wanted to pay her share of the date now that it was finally happen. They’d had their first kiss on her doorstep, Hunk so sweet as he described the way his heart raced, and how he was so scared that he’d kiss her wrong. Shay was now in their group chat, she and Pidge got on so well that they might as well have been sisters. Hunk didn’t stand a chance when they teamed up together, Shay was exactly the type to bring him out of his shell, and him with her. That kind of thing he resigned himself to never having. He’d been pretty popular when he was younger... and in college... and not now in his 40’s mentally. He’d been known as quite the playboy but he liked to think of those days as well and truly being over. Starting something new, letting someone in, he didn’t know how to do that anymore.
“I’m sorry. Let’s... let’s get some flowers and see Mami, then head home. Garrison is pretty safe, so you don’t have to worry about the hard stuff like shopping”
Keith wrinkled his brow
“That’s what you’re thinking about right now? Shopping?”
“You need human food. I mean, I eat because I like too, but you need to eat properly. I’m sorry Coran put you in this position. I’m sure once Shiro returned you‘ll be able to return to your normal life...”
“I bet you’re itching to. I mean, you’re pretty much stuck in the country, out the way of everything...”
“And I know it’s not fun for you...”
“Lance! God, listen to me. I don’t know what to do or what to think. You’re right, currently we’re stuck together, but right now all you want to do is see you mother. We... we’ll work something out when we’re back home, okay?”
Home. His home felt so distant from Platt that it might have well have been on another world. Three days felt like 3 years and then some on top of that. Keith couldn’t be taking any of this well. He needed to shut up and keep his head down. Get his affairs in order... then figure out his next step. Now Keith was calling his house home and Lance felt kind of hopeful that it’d keep being his home. Not Keith’s... he’d be leaving, but Matt was coming now... Something must have happened with his girlfriend... or Lance was about to be sharing his house with two dumb hunters and a pair of love wolfs.
“Yeah. Yeah. Just... I’m still sorry about all of this”
Lance expected some kind of bite, instead Keith sighed at him
“I’m to blame too. I used the wrong needle that night. The needle I used was meant for you”
“That doesn’t make me feel any better”
Mercury would forever be a no go, humans were so much smarter now they knew the risks of its use. Still, it would have been better to take the injection, at least then it wouldn’t have been tainted by Keith’s gross blood. The idea of feeding from Keith was definitely not appealing. At all. Not in the slightest. Nope. He didn’t want to sink his fangs into that flesh... no matter what his body might say...
“I wasn’t saying it to make you feel better. It’s the truth. Now let’s get out of this place. I don’t like it here”
Lance doubted there was anywhere Keith liked to be. Personally, if he hadn’t had other commitments, kicking Keith out and just staying inside for the rest of his life would have been his go to plan.
Lance insisted on driving. Keith losing at rock, paper, scissors, and being forced to keep his mouth shut in as he sat in the front passenger seat. They’d driven to three different florists before Lance was finally happy, a large bouquet of weird white and red roses sat in his lap, making Keith’s nose itch. Lance was trying too hard. Too hard for a man who’d been told he was some kind of vampire baby maker. It was enough to make Keith wish he still drank like a moron. Being drunk would make the whole thing make sense, then it’d all disappear into a drunken blur. Lance’s stupid humming was fooling no one, not even himself.
Arriving at the hospital, Keith was left to play catch up as Lance strode on ahead. The overcast day probably provided him with protection, seeing he was really very underdressed when compared to normal. Following along, Lance charmed his way back to his Mami’s room, where his Mami was sleeping peacefully. It was there the vampires steps grew hesitant. A stranger sat beside Miriam, her hand in his, the man’s eyes spoke volumes as the nurse left them to find a vase for the flowers Lance had brought
“What are you doing back here?”
“She’s my Mami too, Luis”
Luis. The older brother. Followed by Veronica, Marco, then finally Rachel. Keith had read Lance’s file, then promptly pushed them to the back of his mind. Lance was the only non-human in his family, meaning the rest didn’t matter. If Keith remembered correctly there was 12 years between Luis and Lance. A big gap for a human, even bigger when your brother barely looked old enough to be classed as an adult.
“And? What? Did you call the hospital to check if she wasn’t dead? Show up because she wasn’t? Walking in here thinking all was forgiven? You left her when she needed support”
This dude was seriously a dick
“I was busy...”
“Busy stalking your next victim? Figuring out who’s life to ruin next?”
“I couldn’t come back any sooner... things happened...”
“How convenient for you”
Luis wasn’t just a dick. He was a whole douche canoe... Fuck, now he was picking up on Lance’s vocabulary
“It wasn’t like that. I would have been here if I could have been, and I didn’t come to fight. I came to see Mami”
“You shouldn’t be here. You should be gone”
Lance’s eyes widened, a bitter laugh that rubbed Keith the wrong way fell from his lips
“Wow. You really did it. Thanks a lot, Luis”
“Did what?”
“Reported me. God. I don’t know how I didn’t see that coming. You’re supposed to be my brother”
Keith clenched his fists, a sick feeling in his stomach. Luis had tried to look surprised, but guilt was all across his face. Who the fuck sold out their own brother?
“My brother died when you took over his body”
That was totally uncalled for. Lance had been turned by two particularly nasty vampires from the sound of things
“I’m still me. You would know that if you weren’t too busy being scared. Never once have I hurt any of you, never once did I ask for this, and you know it. I know we drifted apart, but I never wanted things to be like this. I never wanted any of you to have anything other than the normal life that I couldn’t have. So screw you. For Mami’s sake, I’m not going to say something I’m going to regret, but thanks to you my whole life is a mess”
“Don’t play the victim. You suck the life out of everyone you ever met”
Keith moved before he knew what he was doing. Placing himself between the fighting siblings
“That’s enough. Lance has been ill. But not once did he not want to be here with Miriam. How can you turn your back on your brother when he’s suffered through so much?”
“And who the fuck are you?”
“The hunter you called in. I’ve seen some pretty messed up things and I can say that Lance is so stupidly human that it’s honestly tiring. My job was to eliminate him, but even knowing that, he still stepped up and put his own life in danger. I know if my brother was turned, I wouldn’t be treating him the way you do. And what about your mother? How old is she now? How long has she had to live with your hatred? If... if my mother was here, I would be ashamed to show my face acting like this”
Not that Keith knew much about his mother... He did however enjoy the colours that Luis’s face went. The draining of the colour, then the slow creeping in of red until he looked as if stream was ready to start pouring out his ears
Lance reaches out, fingers wrapping around Keith’s wrist
“Keith, that’s enough. He’s scared. You get used to it”
How could Lance be defending Luis? Shiro had done some crazy stupid things including going missing for what felt like a year, but he was still his brother. He’d always be his brother...
“That shouldn’t matter! He’s your brother!”
“And I ruined the lives of my family that day I turned. Everything changed for them. I’m leaving flowers for Mami, she already knows where I’ve been and what’s happened. I don’t have to explain to you, because all it would do was make you hate me more. I love her. She’s my Mami and I love her. I’m going to stay with her until the end. I don’t ever want her to see us fight like this. Don’t forget that, Luis. Her life is more valuable to me than my own, even to a monster like me. The nurse is bringing a vase for these flowers. Please don’t throw them out”
Keith was forced to loosen his grip on Lance’s arm, Lance walking over to place the roses on his mother’s side table, before leaning down and kissing her forehead. Luis looked ready to grab the hand sanitizer from the end of the bed and wipe Miriam’s forehead the moment Lance was done
“Te amor, Mami”
Reluctant to leave his Mami, Lance slumped for a moment before straightening himself up and walking right past Keith, Keith having to jog a few steps to catch up with him
“I know what you’re going to say, but not now. Death is in this place. It’s best we leave”
“Not her. She’s still very much alive. But we shouldn’t distress someone who’s about to lose someone they love by arguing here. You should probably drive home”
Keith wasn’t good at feeling helpless, not that he did. He was annoyed. Lance’s stupid brother had caused this mess and Lance had rolled over. Not that they could fight in front of Miriam, but how did... Keith could never turn his back on Shiro. Shiro wouldn’t turn his back on him, no matter how far he pushed him.
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juliandev0rak · 4 years
From the get to know my character questionnaire, 1 for all of them (bc I know you named stella after alcohol but i wanna know about the rest lmao), and 7 and 27... also for all of them? i just love them all, hit me with the lore. —leila-of-ravens
ahh thank you for asking about all of them I have way too much fun writing character lore 💗💗💗 @leila-of-ravens
from these asks
these will inevitably get long so I’m putting the answers under the cut!
01. What does your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did you just like the way it sounded?
Beatrice started off as a self insert character so I gave her my name and started playing the Arcana as “Bea”, but I soon decided I wanted to make her much cooler than I am lol, so I changed a lot of her personality and named her the longer version of Bea, Beatrice. I also love the name because it reminds me of Beatrice, Dante’s muse in Dante’s Inferno. He travelled through all of the levels of hell to rescue her and it just seemed to fit with the story of the Arcana. Long story short, I sort of named her after me lol.
I chose her last name Viano from googling “Italian last names” and choosing the one I liked the sound of best lol, there’s no deep meaning for that. 
I named her Freya because I love the name, but after looking up its meaning I felt it fit her really well. It’s a name from Norse origins and means “a noble woman”, and Freya’s whole aesthetic was built off of her being very dignified and elegant. She’s the type of person you’d expect to be nobility, even if she isn’t.
I googled “space names” because I wanted her to be star inspired and found the name “Astra” which means “of the stars” in Latin. I decided to go for Aster instead because I love the way it sounds. I also like how similar it sounds to Asra, I just think it’s cute that they have similar names lol. 
I decided not to give her a last name because I couldn’t find one I liked, and because I thought it would be an interesting part of her background. She doesn’t remember her family at all, and that includes not even knowing her own last name. 
I chose the name Camellia because I had the idea of all of Cam’s siblings being named after plants because they grew up on a farm. Camellias are one of my favorite flowers, and I like the way it can be shortened to Cam. Cam is nonbinary and basically defines their gender as “whatever feels right in the moment” lol, so having a name that can be less overtly feminine, like Cam, was important to me. I think both their full name and their nickname really suit them!  
Their last name is Giardini which means “gardens” in Italian, I chose it because it goes along with the gardening / farming theme of their background.
I know I’ve explained this before but here’s the full story: It was a Friday evening in August, I poured myself a glass of Stella Rosa Black, my favorite red wine, and started playing Lucio’s route for the first time. I knew I wanted to make a new oc for his route because Beatrice would really hate Lucio, so the idea of Stella was born. I just thought it would be funny to have a character based off of alcohol, who lived at a vineyard, and I think the name Stella is very pretty. 
I debated naming her Willow for a while because I wanted her to have a nature themed name, but I decided I like the sound of Willa better. It’s a sort of delicate sounding name which fits her. I chose her last name Clary because Willa is Irish-coded (because of course, there’s no Ireland in the game lol), and I thought it sounded good with her first name!
07. Is there a catchphrase or sound that they tend to make a lot (likely without being aware of it)?
“Oh dear” is basically her catch phrase, she doesn’t curse much so it’s kind of her go to “oh no” phrase if something goes wrong. 
She has a very particular sigh that basically means she’s annoyed, she tries to keep her composure in front of people at all times so her annoyed sigh is the only sign she actively hates whoever she’s talking to.
She curses pretty much constantly but she throws in all sort of non-curse words, for example while fighting the Devil she turned to Asra and said “Fucking gumdrops my dude, this sucks!” which, although confusing, did make sense in the moment. She also says “oh worm” a lot ever since she heard Vlastomil say it. 
They have a very distinctive laugh which usually turns into snorts if they’re laughing super hard, which is pretty much always. 
She rolls her eyes a lot and says things like “Oh sure..” in a sarcastic tone of voice under her breath. You can’t blame her, she is dating Lucio after all which means she has to deal with him, and the courtiers, more than any one person should have to. 
Willa prides herself on being an “active listener” which means that if you’re telling her something she’ll be nodding her head and saying “Uh hu” to let you know that she’s listening. She also calls everyone “sweetie”.
27. If your character was going to get arrested, what would be the most likely reason for it?
“I would probably be arrested for aiding and abetting fugitives. I’ve met a lot of people at the Rowdy Raven who are supposed to be behind bars- but I’ll never tell.” 
“Tax evasion, money laundering, insider stock trading.. these are just examples of crimes not ones I’ve committed. I refuse to discuss this more without a lawyer present.” 
“It would probably be for the time I let all of the palace horses loose in the city streets.. or maybe when I accidentally set a building on fire.. or maybe from the time I helped pirates smuggle in certain illegal goods.. well let’s just say it’s a good thing Nadia granted me immunity :) ”  
“Hmmmm.. I stole a book once when I was a teenager, it was way overpriced and the merchant was super rude so I just took it when he wasn’t looking. The guilt has haunted me ever since...”
“I broke into Valerius’ house last weekend. It was for a valid reason, he stole something from my brother and I needed to get it back. Valerius called the guards but I just portalled out of there, he knows it was me but he can’t prove anything...” 
“I smuggled all of the vampire eels out of the city, they weren’t happy living in the canals! They need open water to thrive, everyone knows that!” 
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xnovamore · 5 years
Part 2 of my previous entry for the Home for the holidays event run by @femslashfairies and @ftmlmages
Gratsu and Lucana, mentions of past Graycana
Gray entered through the door of his house quietly hoping to slip in past his parents. He threw one more desperate glance at his phone screen, yet it still remained blank. Mentally cursing his boyfriend, he rushed towards the stairs leading to his room only to be stopped by a booming voice in the kitchen.
“Gray! Did you get our drinks?”
Cursing once again, Gray walked towards the kitchen where his parents sat at the head of the table.  Their frown at his empty hands turned into a worried look once they saw his face. He must have looked as panicked on the outside as he felt on the inside because her mother walked over speaking in a concerned tone.
“Gray? I haven’t seen you look this worried in a long time! Did something happen?” She placed a hand on chin twisting his face around as if looking for an injury.
“I’m fine mom!” He stepped away from her hands. “But uh…Gil-I mean Mr. Gildarts invited me over to his house for dinner-but I don’t have to go if you want to eat together like we usually do! I can just tell him I can’t come and-”
“Nonsense!” Silver barked slapping an arm on his son’s shoulders. “You haven’t had a play-date with little Cana in forever! You two used to be so close until you started college. What happened?”
Chucklingly nervously, Gray avoided his parents gaze. “We just grew apart is all.”
They eyed him suspiciously before Silver shrugged. “Well it happens, but that’s no excuse to keep avoiding her. Your both adults now. it would be good for both of you to reconnect.”
At that moment, Gray’s phone went off in a familiar buzz. Moving away from his parents he quickly glanced at his phone and confirmed it was the man he’s been waiting for to text him. His parents suspicious looks doubled as he stuttered out an excuse of needing to change before running off to his room.
Gray slammed the door shut behind him letting its slam echo down the halls. His fist connecting to the brown wood came next. He hated this. Hated the constant fear and anxiety and lying whenever he talked to his parents about these things. Not only did they not know about Cana, they didn’t know about anyone he dated. From high school till now, Gray never said a word about any of his partners to his parents. He’s never been in a relationship as far they know. He’s not even sure what he’s so scared of either. Before, he never told them because he was still unsure himself, then he never said anything because he didn’t think the small number of relationships he had after Cana were substantial enough to bring home. Well, until now that is.
Gray pulled out his phone and eager to read Natsu’s response. Like magic, all the anxiety and fear he was feeling at the moment vanished as his lips twitched into a smile.
Im confused
Am I the girlfriend orrr??
Cus if I am fuck u snowflake
Chuckling Gray hit the ‘call’ phone.
“No you fucking idiot.”
“Oh shut the hell up! First you didn’t text me back when we were talking about your parents dick then Erza made me help her clean her apartment! Now I’m sore and Happy’s upset cause he’s home alone again since you’re not here. Then you texted me weird shit”
That’s right, Gray had texted him before leaving to the coffee shop. Before he started driving he texted Natsu a very important question that he has yet to read the answer to. “Oh yeah…my bad. Something came up and I didn’t read your reply before texting you again.”
“Dude what happened? You sound all weird.”
Rolling his eyes at his boyfriend’s vocabulary, Gray flopped down on his bed. “You remember my ex-girlfriend I told you about? The one that lives across the street from me?”
“The one into tarot reading? Yeah.”
“I ran into her dad. He wants me to come over to dinner…tonight.”
Gray retold the story with wild hand gestures and dramatics Natsu couldn’t see but the man knew his boyfriend well enough to envision. It took about 5 minutes and various threats for Natsu to stop laughing. It was moments like these Gray wished Natsu was there so he could punch him. “Natsu your still as annoying as when we first met!” He hissed into the phone.
“Calm down ice princess! It’s just funny you got so worked up. Didn’t you say you grew up together? What’s the big deal about going to dinner?”
“Because we dated! And we broke up without ever really talking about everything.”
“She doesn’t know your bi?”
“I told you Natsu no one here does. She knows I’d been with a guy but I wasn’t sure about my sexuality back then.”
“But you asked me if I wanted to meet your parents earlier?”
“Yeah I know…” Gray closed his eyes thinking about the text he hastily sent before leaving for the coffee shop. “I meant it. I’m tired of keeping this from his parents. I want you to meet them Natsu-that is if you want? I actually haven’t read your response.”
“Of course I do!” Natsu snorted as if the question was ridiculous. The words sent warmth throughout Gray. The knowledge that Natsu wanted this too, was just as serious about them as Gray was, made him swoon every time. Not that he’d ever tell Natsu that, of course.
“But only if you go to that dinner tonight.”
“What? Why!”
“Because she’s important to you Gray. Someone doesn’t need to leave your life permanently after a breakup. You can be exes and still care for each while just being friends. Look at me and Erza! Breakups aren’t always a bad thing. Sometimes you are both good people that are better off not dating.”
Gray took time to think it over as Natsu stayed uncharacteristically quiet over the phone. Gray couldn’t lie, he did miss Cana. The two years not speaking to her had always weighed down on him. He had met a lot of wonderful people at university, but none of them knew him and his history the way she did. Every semester break he would glance over at her house and imagine walking over to say hi, but he could never get the courage to do it. Gosh he wanted to though. “You’re not bothered by this?” He asked Natsu softly.
He could tell Natsu was rolling his eyes at him. “Are you bothered by me and Erza hanging out? No, I trust you idiot.  Buy her flowers, go to dinner, and get your friend back. Text me your address tonight and we can handle you coming out to your parents together.”
It was moments like this that he was so thankful Natsu had thrown up on him during their first day of university. He didn’t know where he’d be without his pink-haired fiery tempered little punk. “I love you. I love you so much.”
“I know, I love you too. I’ll see you tomorrow Gray.”
Gray had been mentally crafting a script of what he was going to say since he left his house. Armed with bouquet in hand, he approached the Clive-Alberona house only to freeze once reached the stairs. There leaning against the wall was the girl whom he’d been thinking of the entire day.
She smiled at him causally as if they were 16 again and Gray was coming over as always after school. Her hair was shorter than he remembered, maybe she cut it? And she had a tattoo on her wrist of what looked like keys but that was the only difference he could see. She still had the same chestnut brown hair and leather jacket she loved wearing when it was cold out. Still wore her blue jeans over thigh-high that he once told her made ass look great.
Still wore the silver necklace he brought for her 18th birthday, the last birthday they spent together.
“Hey.” He said when he finally reached her.
“Hey stranger.” She said back. Her eyes roamed over him the same way his did her before stopping on the banquet of irises.
He quickly jerked them towards her. “These are for you!”
She blinked in surprised before taking them hesitantly. Her fingers ran across the petals as she looked at the bouquet like it was mystery she needed to solve. “Thank you?”
He nodded and walked to sit on the stairs. She followed. They spent of few minutes in quiet until she broke it. “Why flowers Gray?”
“It just seemed like the right thing to do.”
“Why? You don’t…you don’t want to get back together do you?”
“What? No! It’s not that type of gift!” Gray waved his hands around in exasperation then tried to take the flowers back when she laughed.
“Sorry I was just making sure! I didn’t think you would avoid me 2 years if you wanted to get back together anyway.”
The silence came back.
“I thought you were avoiding me?”
She shrugged looking away. “Maybe I was.”
Gray wasn’t sure what to say to that. He tried to search her face but keep her head turned away. Instead his eyes were once again pulled to her tattoo. Now that he was closer, he could see that is looked a group of tiny keys held together by a golden string. The string made a loop with what looked to be like initials inside.
“Cool tattoo.”
Her hand covered it almost instinctively. The small smile that overtook her face immediately caught his interest. It was soft, loving almost. He had only seen her look like that when they had found time to sneak off and just be them.
“Is it for someone special?”
She turned back towards him examining his face. Whatever she saw, or didn’t see, seemed to make her relax. “Maybe. Would it bother you if it did?”
And he meant it. Even after these years, he could still read Cana and that small smile spoke a thousand words. The thought of Cana being happy in a relationship with someone else brought him nothing but joy. He felt the panic from earlier completely disappear. He was so stuck on viewing Cana as an ex that he forgot she was also his best-friend. And he wanted nothing more than for his best-friend to be happy. He now understand what Natsu meant during their call. He was going to get his best friend back.
“I’m glad Cana, I mean it.”
She smiled she gave him was a large one filled with unspoken warmth and relief. “Thanks Gray, that means a lot.” She bumped his shoulder with hers. “What about you? I don’t believe you’ve been single all this time.”
“Yeah well I uh-…” He paused taking a breath. This was far from his first time talking about his sexuality. All his friends at college knew he was bi and dating Natsu. And this wasn’t just anyone, this was Cana. The person who, once upon a time, knew him better than anyone. He smiled into her brown eyes.
“My boyfriend was the one who told me to buy you flowers.”
“Oh?” She didn’t even seem surprised. “Well tell him I said thank you. He seems like a great guy; you were never this sweet to me before.”
Its like a weight was lifted off his chest. He threw his head back in laughter. He laughed and laughed until he felt tears bristling to the corners of his eyes. “You’re such a lair Cana. You never liked this kind of stuff anyway. Does your boyfriend buy you flowers?”
She gave him that soft smile again. “Not a boyfriend. Lucy.”
“Lucy then.” They bumped shoulders again and Gray knew they were going to be alright.
Lucy, it turns out, was a bubbling blonde with a big smile and a matching tattoo of keys and initials on her wrist. She was also a frequent dinner quest at the Clive-Alberona household and Gildart’s proud future-daughter-in-law (both she and Cana went red when Gildarts said that making Gray laugh so hard he didn’t mind Cana’s punch to the gut). Lucy was also sweet. She didn’t look at Gray with any hint of malice and made an effort to make sure he was included in all of their conversations. She had pulled him aside before they sat down to eat and told him she was so happy he was back in Cana’s life.
“It doesn’t bother you?” He asked her the same question he asked Natsu.
“No way! You’re good for her. She doesn’t open up easily to people and I know she missed you. I’m glad you two and can move on together as friends.”
He decided then that he really liked Lucy. “I’m glad she has you too. I can tell she really loves you.”
Throughout the dinner Cana’s gaze never strayed too far from Lucy. It was on her hands when Lucy was helping serve the food. It was on her mouth when Cana told a stupid joke just to make her laugh. It was on her lips when Lucy caught her staring and threw a small smirk Cana’s way. It was on the tattoo when Lucy laced their fingers together and let them rest on top of the dinner table. Gildarts caught his look and gave a knowing smile. It made Gray wonder if Cana told him about them, but that was a conversation for another time.
Lucy turned bright red and gave him a wide twinkling smile. “I love her too, more than anything.”
It was after dinner that Gray and Cana headed back outside to together in front of what used to be their treehouse. They had talked about everything in lives from their high school graduation until now. They filled the time until the sun set and the sky darkened into night with tales of their college adventures and plans for their holiday break. It wasn’t until the topic of Natsu meeting his parents that they paused.
“I could come with you, if you want.”
The words were quiet but sincere. He knew that she meant it, that if he asked she would be there at his doorstep by his and Natsu’s side as he opened up to his parents.
His smile stretched wide wondering once again how he got so lucky to still have her in his life. “I think I’d like that.”
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