#unnecessary jester tag
riddlrz · 10 months
The jester sighed. He rolled from side to side, trying to close his eyes. It didn't matter that his mattress was rock hard and uncomfortable- the castle staff didn't get very good accomodations, but the man managed to get used to it. He couldn't sleep because of all the noise. The maids were working their backs off, cleaning the ballrooms before tomorrow's big party. The king was supposed host a ball to find someone worthy of marrying him and continuing the legacy.
Blah blah blah
Noel didn't care about all this stuff. His job was just to entertain, not to make sure his superior gets lai...
Suddenly, the man's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door of his bedroom. He growled.
- John, is that you? It's past midnight, for crying out loud!- Jester called out, standing up from his bed. John was a knight, who often took on night guard duties in the nearby hallways.
When the man reached the door, he opened them, sighing again. His jaw dropped when instead of the friendly soldier he saw no one other than the king himself. His head wasn't accompanied with the crystal crown, instead he wore a purplish night gown, which nicely brought out his features. His strong jaw, delicate brown irises, dark curls, small scars from training, oh he was just...
- Noel?
-...- The man was caught off guard by the kind calling out his name. He snapped out of his mind, blushing in embarrassment.- Your highness! What are you doing here, at this hour?
Khari slowly walked into the room, closing the door behind him. The jester furrowed his eyebrows. At this point panick settled in him. His Majesty NEVER came to him. Especially not in the middle of the night. Not so defenseless.
- You know about the ball tomorrow, don't you?- The king began, looking around the small bedroom. He seemed surprised by how poor it was, definitely nothing compared to his luxuries.
- Of course I know, sir. What about it?
- This is gonna sound weird...- The bigger man sighed, thinking for a moment.- You need to embarrass me in front of the guests.
The jester looked up at his king, confusion painted on his face.
- Say I'm bad in bed, whatever! Something that will make the damsels not want me!- The king explained.
- Excuse me? Your majesty you...- Noel thought for a moment.- You don't want to get married.
Khari sighed.
- Yes. I don't.- The king admitted.
- Why?- Jester asked, without a second thought. But after a moment, he bit his tongue.- Sorry, I shouldn't ask.
- You shouldn't, yes. Promise to do this for me?
- I can try.- Noel said, looking down.
- Thank you! This stays between us.- Khari blinked, and smiled. With that, the king turned around, opened the door and left the room.
The jester stood there, flabbergasted.
What was that? The king doesn't wanna get married? He trusts the jester to do his secret deeds for him?
Noel blinked a couple of times, his tiredness seemingly returning after that moment of adrenaline. With a yawn, he returned back to his bed, laying down. The noises upstairs continued, but the jester managed to fall asleep. That night, he dreamt about a man with soft, brown eyes.
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popcornforone · 12 days
From the Marcus Pike Fan Fic Diary
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Sorry you were meant to get this a few weeks ago & then I had an idea so delayed this, but the diary is still going strong. This is more about their relationship than the sex, but it’s still there.
Synopsis:- Marcus plays in a band & you always tag along to see them perform at the local bar.
Word count:- 1850
Warnings:- DO NOT READ IF TOU ARE UNDER 18! Established relationship, pining, swearing, admiring, anal sex, other sex implied as well, alcohol, being a muse. Yea I think that’s it. If you’ve read any of the 4 chapters before this you will know what this diary is like.
Thanks as always for the read peoples, I hope you enjoy.
I love band night. Our local bar every Wednesday puts one on. We’ve seen loads of acts that have made it big over the years. It was the third night that Marcus & I went to this that he popped to the toilet & left me at the bar. The bartender knew what was about to happen, they winked at me as the mc took the stage & then on walked Marcus & his band “So Selfish”. My jaw hit the floor, my panties damp instantly as he strummed that base guitar. We’d only had sex a few times & I wasn’t sure exactly how I truly felt. Safe to say that night, he strummed me like a man possessed . So in the zone. It was the first time I ever squirted as that thumb & fingers had me quivering in desire.
So last night I knew he was playing. I no longer have to turn up with Marcus when he played. The staff knows when I get here what my drinks order is & where my favourite spot to watch him from is. I want the correct amount of reverb from his voice. I know how he’s gonna sound smooth then rough & then smooth & it’s gonna make me feel all unnecessary when he screams the word “& I know you’ve gone all naughty just for me” I know it’s about me. He is the only man I’ve left fuck my arse & he knows that there’s a huge chance that this happens after band night. I turn into a little groupie for Marcus & he can have a back stage pass.
On he & So Selfish walk. Gone are his agent clothes, replaced by a lose grey tshirt that will stink of sweat by the time I peel it off his body tonight. His jeans dark charcoal & those doc martin boots peek out below them. The hair is ruffled but it’s not quiet bed hair. His belt buckle in silver & black has a snake on it. The eye a red gem. Keeping its eye on the crowd. His arms are bare from just above the elbow, his wrists have bracelets & ties on them. Who’d have ever thought soft little Marcus, the worlds best & most professional agent, would be a rocker like this for peoples enjoyments every couple of months. I notice the brackets & see there is one that’s slightly different, it’s glistening white & blue when the rest are black or red.
“What’s up the jesters” he grabs the mic & says & its meet with a very large cheer. The bar is always packed on Wednesdays for band night. “If you don’t know us by now we are So Selfish we play soft indi rock & for 90mins tonight we are here for your entertainment, so please try not to get drunk until our third half an hour.” It’s met with laughter & Marcus scoffs & he looks up to see me. I do a shy wave. I’m not meaning to match him but I’m in my long floaty grey vest top which has a butterfly embroidered on it. My pale blush wash jeans & my converses can’t be seen bellow the counter I’m leaning on. There’s about 10 rows of people between Marcus & I but I don’t care. I see his little smile. He knows where to look for me & I raise my glass of whisky to him & wink. His eyes dazzle & he smiles. “Right let’s get to this our first song is Ruined” he turns to his band who i know all to well by now & they all nod. The drummer counts in & they begin their first 30mins at 7:30pm.
During their second 30mins a group of girls, very blonde giggly & busty make their way to the front to cry & catch Marcus eye. I’m happy for him to look but I know he’s not gonna touch. On a normal day none of these girls would give my man the time of day. He’s said before he met me, that being the lead singer in a band meant he got attention but they just wanted the fling & he’d always been after the real thing. They might stand inches from my man screaming wanting him to drip sweat on their boobs but they will never get the satisfaction I get from him. I can still smell him from here. His scent is extraordinary anyhow, but when his adrenalin pumps & he’s in the zone, it’s a real turn on. My pheromones go into overdrive & always make me broody. He entertains the girls a few kisses are blown as he sings “but you’re just trouble”.
Before the third & final 30mins he & the guys hit the bar & I order 2 double whiskys, with a dash of water on ice. As they both arrive at where I’m sat, a large firm hand graces my waste.
“Handsome” he nuzzles his head into my neck as he says this & I gasp. His lips pepper me with kisses making me turn red & close my eyes as I start to moan. I flinch when he retracts.
“How’s it going so far?” His large fingers trail around the rim of his glass.
“Phenomenol as usual Marcus”
“Well you always say that”
“It’s the truth”
“Is it or are you just addicted to the lead singer?”
“Maybe” we both take large gulps of our drink. “I mean he’s so sexy, & not just tonight” we both smoulder at each other, our lustful gazes not dropping. Eyes only close when he takes my lips deeply. The way that hand feels against the side of my face & neck. I hear a few people murmur about the kiss but it makes Marcus go deeper. A kiss of lust, sweat, whisky & love connecting two people who feel so alive.
“God I love you” he whispers in my ear.
“Right back at you Marcus” I say & grab his hand, stroking over those fingers. I then feel him shuffle off the new bracelet & slide it onto my wrist.
“Don’t look at that until the time is right baby, you’ll know when” he downs the rest of his whiskey & we kiss once more before he & the band get ready for the third round.
The temptation to look at what he’s put on my wrist is huge. It feels like beads, as I run my hand around it. But I don’t. He always has little Easter eggs in his shows for the select few who know the band. Today is obviously a joke about us.
I sit there in awe during them performing. They don’t want massive fame. They are happy playing a gig every couple of months just here in dc. They are all just good friends who like to play & are decent. I sit there sipping on my next drink & smile at him. He is definitely getting a back stage pass tonight. He sings the song about that & then they pause. He looks at his lead guitarist. The way the sweat drips off his head when he is in side profile is so sexy. I’m so turned on. My man looks so hot, so rough. He’s my sweet little Marcus who calls me his good girl, but tonight he can choke me out & call me a slut.
“Before we do are normal last 3 songs I want us to do a cover song if that’s okay, we only rehearsed this recently but it means a lot to me & someone special in the crowd tonight.” My eyes widen he isn’t is he “so if she looks down at her gift, she will know this song but to the rest of you just enjoy.”
I look down. It’s a blue & white friendship bracelet. A black & a pink heart are on two beads with the letters YOYOK & then blue & white beads. It’s my favourite Taylor Swift song & Marcus has always laughed that I love my rock & proper music & then that I’m a Swiftie. But tonight he’s singing it. The band play it & I try not to cry, stroking the bracket for comfort. My man & his friends are playing something so personal to me & I sit there trying to be calm. Inside my body my heart races. My brain is screaming. Everything is shivering. This is so personal but also so much more than that. I eventually give in & let the tears fall down my face especially when he winks at me. I’m an emotional wreck.
The rest of the gig is a blur I was in a trance, but I remember kissing his lips like I needed it more than water after the show. He squeezed by arse & the way his sweaty hands roamed across me gave me a sensual sensation. I don’t remember the drinks afterwards or the taxi back to our place. The first thing I remember is him sucking my nipples.
“Marcus” I moaned. My own hands inside his boxers getting him harder, precum staining the insides. We didn’t even make it to the bedroom. I was naked & on all fours as he licked away at me & then growled as he eventually rubbed his throbbing head against me.
“Back stage?” He slapped my arse.
“VIP my sexy rock… OOOOOHHH GOD!” I screamed. He’d lubed me up before this but he didn’t go slowly. Marcus was rampant, my arse was filled to the brim as I gripped onto the sofa with all my might, trying to catch my breath.
“Like that baby”
“Fucking love it” I moaned back his base fingers are holding one of my hips while the other strums my clit, I know how fast those fingers go.
“Mmm mmmm Marcus”
“Fuck baby” he has never been so rampant in his life. I didn’t know anal could feel this incredible but it does. He didn’t even tease with his fingers to open me up like he usually does. He’s balls deep pumping away into my arse as I screamed for more.
“Fuck oooh fuck yea baby, it’s so fucking good”
“Fuck oooh fuck, why is this even tighter than your cunt.”
I have no idea how long it lasted but I know that when he’s about to cum he takes his penis out of my arse, slotting it quickly inside my quivering pussy. I’d had multiple orgasms & he knew I wanted the ultimate satisfaction. He then fucked me until we both couldn’t go anymore, in a sexual haze we drifted off.
We both were late to work this morning we’d both passed out after our exertions on the sofa & our phones battery had died. It was a major panic suddenly hear Marcus shaking me going fuck baby it 9:30. There wasn’t even time for a shower for either of us. We had to be out, & at work, but was it worth it for last night with my rockstar & the special treatment we both received? Fuck yes.
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e-m-p-error · 14 days
In Battle, Your Muse... - Valentino
bold what applies - italicise sometimes. repost, don’t reblog.
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fights honorably / fights dirty
prefers close-quarters / prefers range
chats during / goes silent
low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance
attacks in bursts / attacks steadily
goes for the kill / aims to disarm / fights defensively / strikes first
is provoked easily / provokes their opponent / teases
gets visibly frustrated / shouts while attacking
uses strategy / focuses on the battle / experiences conflicting thoughts during battle
rushes in recklessly / tries to read their opponent before engaging / fights wildly / fights calmly / fights apathetically / fights with anger / fights with excitement
fights because they have to / fights because they want to
fights without regard to wounds / runs away when wounded / hides wounds / takes a blow to protect another
prefers a blade / prefers a gun / prefers hand-to-hand combat / prefers a bow / prefers a shield / prefers a personalized weapon / prefers magic alchemy or spells
their greatest weakness is physical / their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional
transforms for battle / fights as they appear
relies on strength / doubts their strength / relies on speed
uses everything they have / proceeds with caution / hides their full potential /
exhausts quickly / has high stamina
behaves arrogantly / brags after landing a hit / belittles their abilities
uses psychological tactics / uses brute strength
avoids civilians / strikes down civilians
damages surroundings / avoids damaging surroundings
signature fighting style / makes it up as they go
mastered skill-set / learning their skill-set
messy fighter / elegant fighter
accepts defeat / refuses defeat / begs for mercy
compliments their opponent / insults their opponent
uses unnecessary movements / moves efficiently / barely moves
prefers to dodge / prefers to block
defends their blindside / has no blindside / leaves blindsides vulnerable
uses all available advantages / strictly uses one main method
plays around / holds back / fights ruthlessly / shows mercy
waits for an opponent to be ready / strikes when opponent isn’t ready
fears death / fears pain / fears killing
has ptsd / avoids fighting
has lost a fight / has won a fight
has killed / refuses to kill
wants to die standing / would succumb slowly
Tagged By: @hellsmayflower
Tagging: @overangeled, @voxiiferous, @videokilled, @rocxyoulikeahurricane, @peppy-jester, @infernal-feminae (Carmilla), @alteredassistant
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garthcelyn · 4 months
OC In Fifteen
thanks for the tag @doublegoblin!
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
Raelyn Godrick
(shoving so much unnecessary things in her suitcase, lowkey annoyed that it doesn't fit) “it just comes down to organisation. We can do this.”
“Let’s just say that I have a score to settle with history and leave it at that.”
(upon hitting the love of her life/ex girlfriend with a car. Hard.) “Okay, die then I guess.”
“You look like shit" (again, after hitting her ex with a car.)
"I’m sure your organs aren’t right" (said with hands currently in her best mate's open stomach. Love her for that)
“I don’t need you to understand family, Cooper.”
“Can I study you?”
“That little bastard. Fuck Barnaby, I’m killing Ellys.”
“Be careful, Coop, you’re starting to sound a bit gay.”(super into whatever's going on)
(Upon witnessing her mate kill someone) “Regretfully, I’m military, I’d be a hypocrite.”
(post-bang) “Remember when we first met? I thought you were such a stuck up prick.”
“Gods, Alek, we’re not keeping a woman who smell like the wrong end of a barn”
“I fucking love you, Alek, By Luka, I think I have for a while. But we both have people to go home to, and I’m not letting you die here.”
Tagging(with no pressure): @jezifster, @dandelion-jester, @writegriffinsect, @athenswrites, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @mecharose, @forthesanityofstorytellers and @blind-the-winds
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deviljesterlamb · 6 months
🐑 About The Writer 🐑
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Jay/Jayden/Jayce, 30, genderfluid and pan, gray-ace, abro. Latino/hispanic, pronouns he/they.
My MC(s/i basically too) goes by my same name(s) and pronouns(unless I change them since I do shift around often). Though they mainly will be referred to as Jayce here.
;mc jayce 🐑 will be used in tags to differentiate their posts from my personal ones, or whenever they're mentioned in them.
Then I have a OM oc named Ambrose(Eros). His tag for posts will be ;oc ambrose 😈.
While for personal posts or me speaking directly, ;jester sheep speaks ☕ will be used in the tags.
Also Asmo is my number one demon, so will be spoiling him more with special love and attention. 💖
Don't expect characters and all to be completely in canon here. I'm writing just for fun.
Also please refrain from trying to bring up any ship drama or unnecessary drama in general on my posts here. Or I will block you.
Likes will be from my main blog(arklayraven).
Note for Canon Character(s) x Reader posts: Reader(Y/n or MC) is most often gender neutral in my writings. Even if I don’t state it in the posts.
Other OM writing blogs:
purgatoryjestersheep (18+ writings)
For any generous support you want to send for the silly things I make and share here. ☕💜
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Blank blogs with default icons who follow here will be blocked fyi.
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hellsmayflower · 15 days
In Battle, Your Muse...
bold what applies - italicise sometimes. repost, don’t reblog.
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fights honorably / fights dirty
prefers close - quarters / prefers range
chats during / goes silent
low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance
attacks in bursts / attacks steadily
goes for the kill / aims to disarm / fights defensively / strikes first
is provoked easily / provokes their opponent / teases
gets visibly frustrated / shouts while attacking
uses strategy / focuses on the battle / experiences conflicting thoughts during battle
rushes in recklessly / tries to read their opponent before engaging / fights wildly / fights calmly / fights apathetically / fights with anger / fights with excitement
fights because they have to / fights because they want to
fights without regard to wounds / runs away when wounded / hides wounds / takes a blow to protect another
prefers a blade / prefers a gun / prefers hand-to-hand combat / prefers a bow / prefers a shield / prefers a personalized weapon / prefers magic alchemy or spells
their greatest weakness is physical / their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional
transforms for battle / fights as they appear
relies on strength / doubts their strength / relies on speed
uses everything they have / proceeds with caution / hides their full potential /
exhausts quickly / has high stamina
behaves arrogantly / brags after landing a hit / belittles their abilities
uses psychological tactics / uses brute strength
avoids civilians / strikes down civilians
damages surroundings / avoids damaging surroundings
signature fighting style / makes it up as they go
mastered skill-set / learning their skill-set
messy fighter / elegant fighter
accepts defeat / refuses defeat / begs for mercy
compliments their opponent / insults their opponent
uses unnecessary movements / moves efficiently / barely moves
prefers to dodge / prefers to block
defends their blindside / has no blindside / leaves blindsides vulnerable
uses all available advantages / strictly uses one main method
plays around / holds back / fights ruthlessly / shows mercy
waits for an opponent to be ready / strikes when opponent isn’t ready
fears death / fears pain / fears killing
has ptsd / avoids fighting
has lost a fight / has won a fight
has killed / refuses to kill
wants to die standing / would succumb slowly
{{ took this. }} {{ Tagging : @hells-greatestdad @hellsdisneyprincess @a-hazbin-spider @e-m-p-error @overangeled @peppy-jester @alastors-radioshow @strikers-saloon @the-delightful-temptation @murderous-rodeo-imp666 and so many who see this. }}
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anagnorisisis · 5 years
“They have an individual who reaches out to me, very much in the same way that your Jester has.”
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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cis-picious · 6 years
Hhhh im kinda especially frustrated with chat this session, there are a lot of ppl being dicks and criticizing characters/people for no reason. Hopefully chats just tired & cranky 😪
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whack-ed · 4 years
“Just Friends” (Fred Weasley x Reader)
Synopsis: A halloween party was what it took for you to finally do what you wanted to do with Fred.
Warnings: make out; underage drinking and extremely flirtation.
Reader: Female
World Count: 2.5k
A/N: I'm sorry for the delay, I had some personal problems to solve, but here I am! this is a oneshot for the special A very Harry Potter Halloween by @masterofthedarkness and @eleven-times-lively​. This one is for the 30th with the prompt Halloween Party! Hope you like it :)
tag list: @nebulablakemurphy​ @jamilelucato​ @inglourious-imagines​ @acciotwinz​ @clarissaxpearce​ 
if you want to be tagged, send me a ask!
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Finally October, the favorite time of year for Y/n. For various reasons, fantasies, sweets, the weather, absolutely everything Y/n loved most was present in October. But probably the thing the girl liked the better was the Weasley twins' Halloween party. And this year promised, it was the twins' last year at school and they promised the best Halloween party this school has ever seen.
Usually Y/n knew everything the twins were preparing, since they were a quartet. The twins, Y/n and Lee. These four names together gave chills to any teacher. But not this time. This year it was just Fred and George who were looking for trouble. The twins didn't let Y/n and Lee participate at all, the surprise was for everyone. And of course, Y/n's anxiety didn't leave the twins alone for a minute.
"Please Fred, tell me at least the color of the glasses!" Y/n insisted on Fred saying at least a little detail about the party. The secret was complete.
"I already said that I don't speak a word to you, Y/n" The redhead replied laughing.
They were in a history of magic class, automatically nobody was paying attention. The twins sat in the last row, Y/n and Lee just ahead.
"What are the drinks going to be, that's no big deal!" Lee asked as curious as Y/n.
"Not a word, Lee," George replied with a sly smile on his face, the same as the one on his brother's face.
"I hate you both" Y/n said irritably and turned forward.
Fred who was behind Y/n leaned forward and rested his head on the girl's shoulder, whispering her ear. Fred's proximity to Y/n's ear made the girl get goosebumps and close her eyes while the redhead spoke. "You don't miss out on waiting, baby"
George and Lee exchanged a look that they knew well what it meant. Y/n and Fred have always had this relationship ... doubtful. Nothing but indirect flirtations happened between the two, there was never anything else. George and Lee always questioned the two of them if something happened in the backstage that they didn't see, and of course, the answer was always the same "We are just friends". Only friends my ass, George thought. The boy knew his brother well to know when he was lying.
Fred then returned to his seat and Y/n kept her eyes closed digesting the sensation she had just had, wishing it had lasted a little longer. She opened her eyes slowly and blinked several times, returning to reality.
"My God, the sexual tension between you two can be cut with a knife," Lee said making the three friends laugh.
"We are just friends, you know that" Y/n replied and noticed that this time Fred's laugh was not genuine. Apparently George noticed it too. But of course it could only be Y/n's head.
The class passed slowly as usual, but amid laughter, scolding from the teacher and notes on the parchment, time finally passed. It was already lunchtime and Y/n couldn't be more thankful for that. Her thoughts could go from Fred to the mountain of mashed potatoes that awaited her.
Weeks passed and the twins had not yet given any information about the party. It wasn't just Lee and Y/n who were looking forward now, all seventh graders as well. The fact that Umbridge was taking care of the school, making so many rules, only made things more exciting. The twins couldn't be loud ... At least not in theory.
Now everyone was in the common room, some doing their homework and others just hanging out. Everything was calm until the most beloved twins in the world came in doing what they do best, drawing attention.
“My dear student friends" George was saying.
"Me and my dear brother, we finally have the invitations ready!" Fred completed.
"And what does that mean, bro?" George asked doing a theatrical pose.
"That not even the pink toad was able to stop the Weasley Twins!" Fred completed again by opening his arms also in a theatrical way.
“But it’s worth remembering that the party is only for people from the fifth year upwards” Some sad moans were heard from some students from the fourth year downwards “So my little grasshoppers, you who didn’t taste one of our Halloween parties, will have to look for that taste in our store! ” George announced and the sad moans automatically turned into happy faces.
“That's right! We believe that very soon, our store will have a physical point and will be 100% prepared to serve all of you little pests! ” Fred said laughing and started handing out the invitations.
The invitations were not common, as nothing the twins did was common, no one was surprised, just curious. They were orange sweets in the shape of mini pumpkins.
“But is this sweet? How should we know where and when to go with a sweet? ” Ron asked as soon as George handed him one of the pumpkins.
"I suggest taking a bite, little brother," Fred said mockingly, handing one to Y/n. "I made this one especially for you" And winked at the girl. Hers was Y/F/C , your favorite color. As soon as the girl saw the candy she smiled at Fred and got a little flushed.
As soon as Ron took a bite of the fearful candy, sparkles that resembled fireworks with a date, time and place emerged from the pumpkin.
"We just suggest that you don't eat it whole, eating the other piece makes you invisible for 15 minutes, so you can go to the party without drawing unnecessary attention" Fred said with a smile on his face, proud of what he had done.
It was amazing how these boys were the life of the party wherever they went. Y/n smile so proudly for the boys. After the euphoria of delivery of the pumpkins, the boys sat on the sofa with only a few students in the room, most of had already gone to sleep. Y/n was in an armchair by the fireplace, reading a book. Fred settled on the floor in front of the girl and rested his head on her knees. George sat next to Lee on the couch.
"Okay, now that we have everything set up, what will your fantasy be?" George asked to his friends.
"I was thinking of going as a werewolf" Lee replied playing with the hem of his shirt.
"What a cliché, Lee" Hermione who was finishing up her homework said from across the room. She, Harry and Ron were actually finishing up their homework. But everyone knew that the boys were just waiting for Hermione to finish copying hers.
"You're right, he should go as you Hermione, who knows, maybe someone will put limits on this party?" Ron replied laughing, immediately regretting because of Hermione's furious reaction.
"And what are you going to be dressed up for?" Y/n asked lowering the book, she had stopped paying attention long ago.
"Us? Secret too" Fred replied to the girl.
"You guys are getting unbearable with this, you know?" Y/n said looking at the twins.
"Just noticed now?" Lee said sarcastically.
Y/n snorted angrily and pulled her legs up so that Fred could no longer lean on them, causing the boy to turn his head to her laughing.
"You look so beautiful when you're mad" He said and stood up and give her a kiss on the cheek. "I think it's past time for us to go to sleep, we need energy to organize what comes tomorrow, Georgie"
George got up too and agreed with his brother, so the two went up to the dorm wishing everybody a good night.
"I'll see if I can get anything out of them before bed, good night, Y/n" Lee said and went after the twins.
Harry was already drooling at the table, Ron was almost, only Hermione was still focused. Y/n got up and headed for the girls' dorm.
"Good night, Mione" Y/n said.
"When are you two going to assume you have more than a friendship, Y/n?" Hermione asked before she went up. The girl laughed and shook her head.
"We are just friends"
The following days passed with Y/n listening to discussions to see what would be the fantasy of her friends. Lee really was a werewolf, Hermione was from an important witch that nobody really understood who was just that had something to do with defending giants, Ron was going as a auror, Harry as a  quidditch player, and of course the fantasy of Fred and George it was still a secret.
At breakfast on the day of the party, everyone was euphoric. The whispers came not only from the Gryffindor table, but from all of them, even some Slytherins were excited.
And because she kept her head elsewhere, Y/n ended up forgetting to think about her fantasy. Then, taking advantage of having a visit to Hogsmade that day, she asked Hermione for help in choosing a costume. The girls went to each clothing store until they found the perfect costume. That was it, they thought. It perfectly matched Y/n's personality.
The hours passed and now it was only an hour before the twins' Halloween party. The girls in Y/n's room were euphoric. They had pirates, healers, vampires, it looked like a children's book in one room. Y/n was finishing her makeup and would already be ready to leave. The outfit she had chosen was nothing less than court jester. Not a dull court jester, according to Hermione, and here I quote her words, she was a “sexually desirable jester”. A colorful short dress, socks to the thighs one of each color, hair tied with colored ribbons and a cute clown makeup. It was perfect.
"You look perfect, Y/n!" Angelina said to the girl with colored ribbons in her hair.
"You too, Angie, wonderful by the way!" Y/n said to her friend that was dressed as a fairy.
The two then descended together, meeting several people in costume in the main hall. And in the sea of mummies and mermaids, Y/n spotted the werewolf she was looking for.
“Lee! Lee! ” The girl called and Lee turned to see her.
"Y/n ... Bloody hell woman, now I understand what Fred talks about so much" Lee replied looking Y/n up and down.
"What does Fred say?" Y/n asked frankly eyebrows.
"He keeps saying you have phenomenal thighs," Lee replied, staring at her legs.
“Hey! Lee! Eyes up here! ” Y/n responded making the boy automatically look embarrassed, but then laughing.
"Let's go then?" Lee asked Y/n and she nodded.
The two then ate all the pumpkin and automatically the picture of the fat woman opening, looked like a passage of ghosts, no one was seen, all you could hear were footsteps and some muffled laughter through the corridors.
Finally, after walking a lot trying to make a minimum of noise, they reached the precise room. The door opened and the legion of students entered the place. When Fred and George said it was going to be the best Halloween party this school has ever seen, they weren't kidding.
There were already some students in the room, but the decor was clear. They had colorful and noiseless fireworks shining on the ceiling tirelessly, they seemed bewitched to last all night. The smoke on the ground made it look like a swamp, you could barely see people's feet. The tables set with various sweets with different shapes and a large bowl with punch, certainly alcoholic. The walls decorated with purple and orange ribbons all over the place. Of course, cobwebs, skeletons and pumpkins were placed in every corner. The music was loud, but it was not heard outside, they had also bewitched it. The only strange thing was that Fred and George were not yet in place.
More and more people were arriving and none of the twins. Y/n was having fun with Lee and other friends, but missed the redheaded duo. While some students were kissing in a corner and others were stuffing themselves with food, Y/n was dancing with a glass in her hand, like there's no tomorrow. She moved her hips from side to side without caring if she was drawing too much attention. Tonight was really for that.
The only part of the place that no one had understood was the stairway in the corner of the room that led to a balcony and a small door that nobody could open. After a while, Y/n ignored the stairs, and suddenly after the girl's third glass, the door made sense. It had opened up and the music had turned down the volume. There they were, Fred and George came out of the door in the costume of Kings. Y/n laughed with them and stopped dancing, looking at the boys.
"Feel free, my subjects, the party is yours today!" Fred said raising his hands.
"And remember, if you are not going to party like us, you can leave" George added.
"And let the party really start!" Fred shouted and everyone shouted in agreement.
The twins then descended the stairs, as if they were true kings. Strangely, their fantasy matched the boys perfectly. Y/n after seeing that the boys were already enjoying the party normally, she took another sip of her drink and started dancing again.
The music playing was sensual, and it is clear that the girl, with the courage that the drink gave her, took advantage of the moment. She had wanted to do this for years, and the opportunity never came, but now? Last year, she was going to do what she wanted without fear.
Y/n started to dance to the music, as sensual as the beat of each note. She knew they had several pairs of eyes on her, but only one interested her. Then the girl turned to where Fred was and she couldn't be more pleased to see that he was looking at her like a dog is looking at a piece of meat, with pure desire. She then danced looking directly at him.
Fred couldn't hold on any longer, he dodged the crowd and came very close to Y/n, grabbed her waist tightly and without thinking, he kissed the girl. It was as if everyone in the room had disappeared. They were just there, Y/n and Fred. The girl returned the kiss at the same time her lips met, placing her hands on the boy's neck.
The two separated only because they were forced to breathe. Keeping foreheads glued together. Smiling broadly. And you can hear George and Lee in the background shouting "Finally!" "Just friends, my ass!" And things like that. But Fred and Y/n couldn't care less.
"So.. hm, I think we're not just friends after all, huh?" Fred says laughing still being very close to you.
"I don't think we ever were just friends"
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 2 years
Misfortune, Tea and Anonymity
Misfortune, Tea and Anonymity by Mossy Jester
There are a lot of problems in the world: discrimination runs rampant, leaving those in need to rot; obsessions with superiority lead to unnecessary suffering; and the heroes in the world don't seem to understand that they are the reason for villains.
The reality of most cannot be reached by the reality of others, but one person may be the bridge to a better future where both realities are within reach.
Hopefully those with an ideal reality don't burn that bridge before it's even built.
Words: 1749, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: Gen
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Nedzu, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Everyone, Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: Other Additional Tags to Be Added, General Education Department Midoriya Izuku, Vigilante Midoriya Izuku, Coffee Shop Owner Midoriya Izuku, Good Parent Midoriya Inko, Dead Midoriya Inko, Protective Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Protective Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Parental Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Married Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead and Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic Adopt Shinsou Hitoshi, Quirkless Discrimination, Quirkless People with Extra Toe Joints Wear Custom Sneakers | Red Shoe Theory, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38478595
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wendimydarling · 4 years
Henry's characters as Greek/Roman Gods 😆
OKAY girl. I’m finally getting around to this. I did a lot of research as I’m not superly familiar with all of the greek gods and their stories, but I did a pretty good job I think, and I ran the list by @littlefreya and @agniavateira; they stan (for the most part)!
All of my info (including the quotes I will use) I pulled from this website, so if anything isn’t accurate, I’m sorry! Here we goooooooo!
Stephen Colley
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Stephen Colley is Aristaeus, minor patron god of useful arts, such as gardening and hunting. I’m basing this off of who he was and his role to the family, NOT on the sudden acting career that was thrust upon him.
“In Greek mythology, Aristaeus was the god useful arts, such as bee-keeping and cheese-making, olive-growing, herding, and hunting. He was a rustic god, a god of the countryside and pastoral places.”
Aristaeus also would visit cities, see the problems, and find a solution, which is basically what Stephen did for the bitch he was in love with, to the detriment of his own heart.
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Mikey is Momus. the god of Mockery and Satire.
“Momus is typically depicted as a man lifting a mask from his face. In more modern art, he is depicted as a fool or king’s jester.
Greek tragedian Sophocles wrote a satyr play called Momus. Satyr plays were tragicomedies with choruses of satyrs. The plays were often full of drunkenness, sexuality, sight gags, and other forms of merriment.”
Mikey loves a good joke and to fool around. He didn’t take life seriously, he wanted to have fun. 
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Melot is Dinlas, god of chaos and hatred. Dinlas was abandoned by his mother and banished to the underworld where Hades discovered him and turned him into an agent of darkness, similarly to how Melot wasn’t as well received by his uncle as Tristan was, and so was taken in by Wictred and used for evil.
Hades gave Dinlas a job that seemed right and good, much how Melot thought that he was doing what was best for the kingdom. Both of them sought acceptance and love wherever they could find it, and for both of them it was ultimately their downfall. 
Evan Marshall
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Evan is the god Paean, physician to the Olympic gods. Paean treated everyone from Ares to Hades, he didn’t differentiate. This may seem like an obvious choice, but it goes a step further.
“The name “Paean” was also commonly used in a general sense to refer to anyone who could save people from evil or calamity.”
This is Evan. He was brought in by his brother to save their home from the evil that resided in that bunker, and he did what he had to, wishing to save not just his family but the family that lived there, regardless of what his brother thought. He didn’t differentiate, same as Paean.
Charles Brandon
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Charles is Kratos, god of strength and power. I’m basing this off of the myths that include his lineage as the son of the Titans Pallas and Styx, which makes him a relative of the Olympian gods but not one of them directly.
“In this form, Kratos is seen as a companion of Zeus and the guardian of his throne. He is usually one of Zeus’ primary enforcers and is an extension of his will.”
This is Charles. Friend of the King and Enforcer of His Will, even when it means carrying out unnecessary vengeance, similarly to how Kratos was required to chain Prometheus to a rock to be tortured for all eternity after Prometheus stole fire for humans.
Clark Kent/Kal-El
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Clark is Atlas, who was a Titan instead of a god. This might seem like an unusual choice, but hear me out. Atlas chose a side and lost, and because of it was forced to carry the weight of the heavens on his shoulders for the rest of his life. Clark too was forced to choose a side, and though he didn’t necessarily “lose”, he still had to carry the weight of that burden on his shoulders for the rest of his life.
“Atlas was known as being ‘stout-hearted,’ strong, resilient and only a little gullible”
Clark is all of those things. And when I say gullible, I more just mean that he’s so good, so innocent, people have been able to take advantage of him before. 
Napoleon Solo
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Napoleon is Hermes, god of trade, thieves, travelers, and border crossings, guide to the Underworld. 
“Hermes was known to be quick and cunning and had the ability to freely move between the mortal and divine worlds. 
In some myths Hermes is also depicted as a trickster where he would outwit the gods either for the good of humankind or for his own personal amusement and satisfaction.
Both Homer and Hesiod portrayed Hermes as the author of skilled or deceptive acts, and also as a benefactor of mortals.”
This depicts Napoleon to a T. He played both sides to his benefit, and often “went against the man” if it benefited the greater good or if it amused him.
Captain Syverson
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Captain Syverson is Zeus, god of law, order, and justice.
“Hesiod described Zeus as a god who “brought peace in place of violence” and referred to him as the “lord of justice”.”
There are many different character traits of Zeus that Syverson embodies: hospitality, willingness to avenge wrong, keeper of oaths, and he struck terror in his enemies. 
“According to “Work and Days” by Hesiod (line 59), Zeus was a carefree god who loved to laugh out loud. He was regarded as wise, fair, just, merciful, and prudent. He was also unpredictable – nobody was able to guess the decisions he would make.”
This also seems to me like Syverson. Although we don’t see him laugh much in the film, we do get a snippet of that smile when he greets Mahmoud.
“He is often described as a strong, imposing man with a regal body and long, often curly, hair. He usually had a short beard or scruff and carried his trusty thunderbolt at all times.”
Syverson is all of this except the long curly hair. His thunderbolt is the Beretta 92FS he’s always got tucked into his belt.
August Walker
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August is Hades, god of the underworld. 
“Hades was depicted as stern and unyielding, unmoved by prayer and sacrifice.
[He] had a cap or helmet that made its wearer invisible.
His wife was Persephone, Demeter’s only daughter, whom he kidnapped and made his queen.”
August’s mission is his manifesto. He is unyielding in that sense; he will do whatever it takes to accomplish that goal, unmoved by the opinions and pleading of others. He worked for the CIA and they had no idea of his true intent, which makes him pretty invisible, and he would absolutely kidnap a woman to make her his bride (Trapped, anyone????). Although I think he would make her fall in love with him first.
Walter Marshall
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Walter is the Hypnos, the god of sleep. Again, seems like an unusual choice, but hear me out. 
“Hypnos is said to be a calm and gentle god who helps mortal humans in their time of need.”
This is Walter. He is a gentle giant, who aids people when they need help the most. This is his job, this is his life. Hypnos lived in the underworld, in a cave that received no sunlight or moonlight. Walter lives his life in a similar darkness, his mind engulfed in the horrors of his job. Hypnos’s cave was surrounded by poppies and other plants that produce sleep, which explains why Walter always looks so tired. *cue laughing emoji*
Geralt of Rivia
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I see Geralt as Heracles (Hercules). He did not choose the life he was given, but he used it for the good of people. 
“Heracles was known for his extraordinary strength, courage and cleverness. When his brawn would not suffice, he would call upon his wits...”
Hercules also had his Twelve Labors, which I equate to Geralt running around slaying monsters. Hercules often acted impulsively, and though done out of love, it would get him into trouble. Geralt does this too, though he would never admit it. His love for Jaskier, Yen, and Ciri gets him into heaps of scraps and trouble, which he is then often forced to serve his way out of. 
Thanks for this ask, @wondersofdreaming! Sorry it took me so long; it was a bit of a research project and I felt like I was in school again! 
Fan Club: @littlefreya @sciapod @thiccgeralt @fucking-hell-cavill @brexrif @peakygroupie @viking-raider @constip8merm8 @daniig95 @elinalfrida @hell1129-blog @oddsnendsfanfics @agniavateira @dearlybelovedluke @sofiebstar @wanderinglunarnights @mary-ann84 @nuns-and-roses @luclittlepond @thekingstachemademedoit @iloveyouyen @lestersglitterglue @funnygirlthatgab @wondersofdreaming @yoursecretsmutblog @valkavill @kevia1000 @trippedmetaldetector @lifeofrileyp @captaingothgirl1996 @sasusakubae @princess-of-riviaa @vivodinson @paradisecitychild @stuckupstucky @speakerforthedead0-blog @aletheladyinred @madbaddic7ed @magdelen69 @emelinelovesjc @msblkfire84 @mstgsmy @harlotforhenry @daddys-littlewhitegirl
(If your name is crossed out I couldn’t tag you, check your settings!)
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justaweirddruid · 3 years
I say this as a Fjorester shipper who is 100% ambivalent about W*dojest — I genuinely am, I’m not trying to pull some fake fandom credentials for credit — but your post about Liam was needlessly antagonist, and really not fair
Liam has done nothing disrespectful to Fjord or Jester, or to Laura and Travis. He has never tried to take a Fjorester moment and make it about Caleb — even when he saw them cuddle for the first time and acknowledged it, the Fjorester moment was already over and it was fine, it was fair game for Liam to say that (WJ shippers, on the other hand, are *constantly* making Fjorester moments about Caleb, but I’m not talking about them) Caleb has never once implied that Fjord and Jester shouldn’t be in a relationship together, and neither has Liam. And Liam has confirmed that he had no intention of having Caleb pursue Jester romantically, so it’s not like there’s a secret plan for Caleb to break up Fjord and Jester. And really, Liam was so excited and proud of Travis in episode 118! He meta-teased them in episode 119! Liam is happy and approves of Fjorester.
Yeah, it’s easy for Liam, speaking for Caleb, to gush about my Beauyasha! It’s easy for Caleb to be happy for them. His feelings for Jester (which themselves are not disrespectful in anyway — Jester treats Caleb with kindness and love and consideration, because she treats all of her friends that way, and Caleb is/has been deprived of that kind of attention — it’s not some weak excuse made by Liam to create dramatic tension to say that Caleb has developed feelings for Jester) and even his arguable attraction to Fjord make things more difficult. And that’s totally fair.
And unlike Beauyasha, Liam had no reason to describe his feelings about Fjorester on Talks Machina! The Beauyasha date already happened, and it was a lovely and grand moment — while Caleb had yet to talk to either Fjord or Jester about their relationship, so Liam has no reason to go in depth about his feelings for his friend’s fake relationship on Talks. It would be much more impactful to address it in character, during the game, and as far as I’m concerned, that discussion will happen. So long as there are no surprising perma-deaths that make that discussion impossible, Liam probably wants Caleb to talk to one or both of them about it. We have been inundated with emotional conversations lately, we’ll have a dozen more before they fight the Tombtakers, and it will be fair game for Liam to talk about it as much as anyone wants him to on Talks after that.
I know that there are people who hate Liam no matter what he does, and take all of his choices in bad faith. I’m not one of them, I love Liam, but you might be one of those fans — idk you, I just saw your post in the fjorester tag and thought, wow, that’s not at all the interpretation I made at all. Your post might have just been your form of venting, and you almost certainly weren’t expecting an anon to write an essay in your asks, so feel free to delete this without any guilt. But I feel like your post really missed the mark and implies that Liam isn’t a supportive friend or player at the table, and imposes fan-created ship drama onto the players
Hey anon
I wrote a long post replying to all the things you mentioned because I disagree with most of them, but I decided that I don't wanna add to the discourse today because I know we won't change each other's mind.
So just the most important points:
- I'm not a Liam hater, although I'm not surprised you said this because since the campaign started every time someone tries to criticize Liam or Caleb, people try to discredit them as just mindless haters that complain about everything they do.
I like Liam as a person, I like him in every other CR content, I liked Vax as a character and the twins were my favorite part of vox machina. I just don't like his playstyle when it comes to romance (since C1) and I was never a big fan of Caleb (since way before wj was even a possibility)
- Second, the thing that bothers me is not the ship itself. But the fact he made a point to show Caleb acknowledging fjorester (aka Jester's choice when it comes to her romantic relationships), but still didn't change the way Caleb behaves with her. That moment would've been the perfect way to close this chapter in Caleb's story in a meaningful way.
I know feelings don't simply disappear, but is it really necessary to bring them up all the time now? I mean, just look at Pikelan in C1, Scanlan never stopped loving Pike, but when he realized things needed to change, he stopped bringing it up all the time and focused on other important things for his story. 
I know both ships are completely different, but you can understand what I mean. If Caleb is aware he needs to move on, than why bring it up all the time? Or at least have him *talk* to someone (not fjord or jester because I think this would be even worse) about it instead of just narrating everything in an unnecessary way, have it be a way to show growth instead of being a weird guy in a corner staring at an unaware woman. 
- Finally, I don't think Liam is doing this in bad faith, maybe he's not even aware. Media spent decades showing these type of stories. How many movies and tv shows do we see where a guy showing affection for an unavailable woman is portrait as the highlight of romance? I'm not surprised one of them thinks this too and chose to include it in his character story.
My only comfort is knowing Critical Role is not a scripted show, otherwise we know how this would end.
I just wish people respected a woman's choice to pursue romance with whoever she wants and realized that a grown ass man pinning for his friend for a year while fully aware she doesn't feel the same is not romantic.
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IronStrange with 68, 69, 91 and 92 ^^
68. “Uh oh, I know that look. What do you want?”
69. “Let me help you with that.”
91.“It was always you.”
92.“I love you in every possible way.”
*One morning, Tony was going for a jog and he found a box of abandoned kittens on the side of the road. He had to take them home. He couldn’t just leave them behind! He was a little worried about what his husband would think, but he had a plan. If he played his cards right, Stephen couldn’t say no.*
Tony: *entering the house and hiding the box behind is back* Good morning, handsome! I can see you are awake. 
Stephen: Yes, what do you want?
Tony: Have I ever told you that I love you in every possible way? It was always you. You’re the only one for me. You are my life, my universe, and my everything.
Stephen: Uh oh, I know that look. What do you want?
Tony: *pulling the box out from behind him* I found a box of kittens. Can we keep them?
Stephen: Tony! 
Tony: I know, I should have asked you, we can’t handle one more responsibility, kittens are a handful, I get it. But they were all alone out in the cold and I couldn’t just leave them there! 
Stephen: *sigh* We have a teenager, a four-year-old, a team full of out of control superheroes, and an entire planet to take care of. We are taking them to the shelter. 
Morgan: *running into the room* Daddy! You’re home! What’s in the box? 
Tony: Kittens, but your father here says we can’t keep them. 
Morgan: *turns to Stephen and gives him the puppy eyes* Can we keep them? Please? Pretty please, with sprinkles on top?
*Stephen tried to resist Morgan’s puppy dog eyes, but once Tony started doing them too, it was all over.*
Stephen: Tony?  Let me help you with that. We can go to the pet store later and get them some toys. 
Morgan: Yay! *runs up and hugs Stephen* Thanks, daddy! 
Tony: If you want, I can go shopping right now.
Stephen: That sounds good.
*While Tony was at the store, Morgan, Peter, and Stephen worked on naming the kittens.*
Stephen: Okay, Tony said the calico needed to be named turtle. What should we name the grey one? 
Morgan: Stormy! 
Stephen: Wow, Morgan! That’s a great name! Stormy it is! 
Peter: Can we name the orange one Julius? 
Stephen: You want to name a kitten after Ceaser?
Peter: Haha, yeah. That’s why.
Stephen: Okay, one more kitten. What should we call the black one?
Peter: Hocus pocus! Pocus for short.
Morgan: Midnight!
Stephen: Okay, why don’t we try to agree on a name? How about Midnight Pocus? That way, Morgan can call her midnight and Peter can call her Pocus! 
*The kids liked this idea. A few hours later, Tony got back from the store and he had more bags than Stephen thought he would.*
Tony: Okay, so I got four food bowls, four water dishes, four collars, four tags with the names you sent me, six scratching posts so we can have them all around the house, some jingle mice, some dangle toys, a kitty condo, two litterboxes, four cheeseburger beds, a kitty lobster costume, a jester hat, mittens, tutus, a knight costume, a dragon costume, cat treats-
Stephen: Tony! Did you buy a bunch of unnecessary things we don’t actually need? 
Tony: No. We need all of this.
Stephen: Why?
Tony: Who doesn’t need a cheeseburger bed?
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baldwin-montclair · 4 years
Baldwin’s Nightingale (Part 14)
Characters: Baldwin Montclair/OC
Timeframe: After the S1 Finale, TV Show canon MOSTLY with some S2, Shadow of Night and Book of Life.
Summary: With just one day until the wedding, Alisha grapples with sceptical sisters-in-law, procedure and a deepening mystery.
Tag requests: @christi14 @poemfreak306 @pookie-cleary @hofficoffi @stormyheart326 @theshiningc @wonderlander594 @madamquacklemore
The Story So Far
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“She’s very pretty,” Stasia interrupted Verin’s focus on the doe she had in her sights, “pretty and sweet, like a little piece of cake!”
Verin knew when she was being baited and her sister had been prodding her since they saddled up their horses for the morning hunt.
The previous night’s dinner had been tense yet uneventful, filled with inane pleasantries between the myriad creatures taking residence in their family estate.
“It’s none of our business.” Verin shrugged instead, feigning disinterest.
“Quite right, and I think Ernst approves.”
“He loves music, he found an old violin piece online and she happened to be able to imitate it well enough.”
“More than well, she was very good I thought.”
“She is a daemon.” Verin practically spat the word like it left a bad taste in her mouth.
“That she is, and I believe father forbade us from straying from the Covenant, I doubt he’d be too please with one of his children mating with a daemon...or a witch.”
“If you are going to talk this whole time we should abandon the hunt and return the horses!” Verin snapped and Stasia simply gave her a wide-eyed look of innocence.
“My apologies, I have not seen my sister in so long, I was excited at the prospect of some conversation.”
Verin sighed, doubting her previous assumption and blaming it on her preoccupation with the state of the family.
“You’re right, I am sorry I snapped.”
“Understandable, Baldwin did choose Freyja, of all of us, to house-train the stray.” Stasia grinned.
Verin allowed herself a smile at their sister-in-law’s expense before regaining her propriety.
“You must not let him, or anyone, hear you speak about her in such terms. Whether we like it or not, she is still Madame de Clermont, God help us!”
“Baldwin is not here, it is just you and I.”
“In that case,” Verin shook her head, “I must confess that I believe our brother has contracted whatever madness took the she-wolf’s mongrel.”
“Matthew was never exactly stable Verin, you know that.”
“Then what is Baldwin’s excuse?” Verin asked.
Verin snorted in derision.
“Our brother loves nothing. He appreciates a vanquished battle field, a brutal merger, a good vintage. But, he will do anything he can to protect our family, for whatever reason, it’s why father chose him.”
“Bound by-” Gallowglass started reading the embroidered letters on the piece of light blue ribbon Alisha was working before she turned it over and placed her hands over the words.
“Gallowglass,” she greeted, hoping her face was not as red as it felt, “I thought you were going hunting?”
“With Verin and Stasia?” He asked with incredulity as he took a seat opposite the daemon at the table of the small sitting room.
“They seem nice.”
“They’re not but they’re family.” He corrected.
“And Marcus-“
“He left this morning,” Gallowglass noted her troubled expression, “he’ll be back for the wedding tomorrow.”
“Good,” she nodded with relief, “need all the friendly faces I can get.”
“What is that anyway?”
“My motto.” She shrugged nonchalantly.
“We already have one and that is not it.”
“No, it’s mine.”
“Oh, okay, they’re usually in Latin, or French.”
“I cant read or write Latin, or French.”
“I could translate for you if you want?”
She realised that he was honestly trying to help, not poke fun, he’d clearly not managed to read the whole thing.
“No, thank you,” she covered, “I’m almost done and will not have time to make another.”
The last thing she wanted was for her nephew, regardless of his age, to translate words into latin for a wedding night surprise from his aunt to his uncle.
“Shouldn’t you be helping with wedding preparations?” He asked.
“I was,” she shrugged, “Ysabeau banished me for not making decisions quickly enough.” She smiled.
“Best leave her to it.”
“I’m getting that,” she agreed, “oh, and you’re being drafted in tonight, waltzing lessons.”
“I’d love to but if I so much as touch you there’s a good chance Baldwin will actually kill me tomorrow, which would put a dampener on the whole thing.”
“Don’t worry, demonstration purposes only. Nathaniel’s also being subjected to it.”
A beep alert went off on Gallowglass’ phone and he checked it before placing it back in his pocket.
“The groom has arrived.” He smiled.
“Baldwin, he’s here?” She jumped from her chair with excitement.
“Literally have never seen anyone so happy about the prospect of him entering a room!”
“Of course he’s not at Sept-Tours, he’s twenty miles away at one of his many properties. I told you, you can’t see him until the wedding.”
“Right.” She nodded and sat back down.
“Oh hell,” he swore, “have you talked to him?”
“Auntie, you need to know that lying to a vampire is pointless at the best of times but you are one god awful liar, a human could tell.”
“Fine, yes, I spoke to him once, last night.”
“Who gave you his number?”
“Nobody, Nathaniel gave me the new phone and Baldwin called me.”
“He called,” Gallowglass stared at her in disbelief, “Baldwin called you?”
“Fuck,” it was her turn to swear, “I should not have told you that, should I?”
“Relax, my lips are sealed.”
“Thanks but, why is it so surprising?”
“He makes rules but he also follows them, it’s too easy to hold oneself to a different standard, he doesn’t, usually.”
“Usually,” she smiled teasingly, “oh you mean by marrying a daemon”
Gallowglass shook his head in frantic disagreement.
“Wait, no, that’s no what I mean, I-“
“Gallowglass, I’m messing with you!” She assured him.
“And I though Stasia was the family jester.”
Knowing that Baldwin was relatively close-by, twenty miles was not so far as before, somehow made her feel slightly more secure and able to enjoy the more jovial atmosphere of Ysabeau’s waltzing lessons.
Both Verin and Stasia had declined to attend, the former having left the estate and the latter choosing instead to remain in her tower.
The remaining residents had been trying for around an hour, getting progressively less serious and more giddy as the time wore on. Sarah and Em were easily garnering the most praise from Ysabeau, followed closely by Gallowglass and Sophie.
“Hamish,” Gallowglass exclaimed as a Daemon entered the main hall.
“If I’d known there was a party I would have come here first!” He commented, Alisha noting the accent to be Scottish.
“Believe me,” Ysabeau started with pained irritation, “this is pretty far from what I would call a party.”
“Nope,” Hamish gestured to the thickly bound leather folder in his hands, “lot of paperwork, much farther from a party than this.”
His eyes sought out Alisha and gave her a smile as he approached, offering his hand which she shook.
“Hamish Osborne, I come bearing gifts of signature related carpal tunnel.”
“You’re a daemon too,” she stated with surprise, “I’m sorry, it’s just, I’ve literally never met so many daemons in my life.”
“Hamish has been dealing with our legal requirements of late.” Ysabeau explained.
“Might I borrow the bride?”
“I suppose.” Ysabeau agreed, giving him an indulgent smile, she clearly liked this daemon.
“What even is all this?” Alisha asked as Hamish sat opposite her in the sitting room, the table between them and a pen beside the open folder.
“Most of it? Transfer of deeds, property, stock, patent of nobility-“
“Wait, what?”
“Both yourself and Ysabeau hold the title of Madame de Clermont but also Marchioness de Clermont.”
“I don’t know what that is.”
“Purely ceremonial, it’s the rank of a Marquis’ wife and the de Clermont head is automatically granted the rank of Marquis and those under them Chevalier.”
“I’m no history expert but I thought that France had that whole thing where they like, killed all of the nobility?”
“It’s not French, it’s Papal.”
“They were given the title by the Pope?”
”Yes, for service to the church the de Clermont’s were granted this hereditary title to always be able to defend it. Pretty sure the actual land is in Tuscany, we’ll get to it.”
“Okay, let’s get this started.” She picked up the pen and Hamish opened the page to the signature line. She noticed Baldwin’s name was signed on the line just above.
Hamish picked up on her pause.
“Everything okay?”
“Mm-hm,” she glanced up before signing her name underneath.
Hamish was well organised, having small stickers on the pages that needed to be signed, he made quick work of getting through them all.
“I didn’t know Baldwin had any daemon friends.” Alisha commented after the last signature was complete and balled her fist a few times to stave off hand cramp.
“Baldwin? Hell no! I am a family friend but through Matthew.”
“Oh, that makes more sense.”
“Sorry, that was unnecessary,” he shook his head, “I’m sure he’s very kind to you.”
“Matthew’s my best friend and your fiancé is not exactly kind to him.”
“I understand.”
“You do?” He asked doubtfully
“Not about their relationship, he doesn’t really talk about his family. But, I get to see a different side of him than you do, than Matthew does, or his enemies. I know he’s killed and that he can be cold, cruel, violent, he wouldn’t still be alive if he wasn’t.”
Hamish said nothing but the look he gave her was one of understanding. Knowing Matthew’s history and loving him anyway was something he knew not many people would understand.
“I’m not excusing the hurt he’s caused Matthew or anyone else, either in defence or malice, and they have no obligation to believe in a side of him they have never seen or think he is anything other than what he’s shown them he is. But, for the record, he is kind, and attentive, funny and incredibly sweet, surprisingly affectionate and very generous. He’s a good man, I believe that.”
Hamish shook his head with a sigh.
“It’s not easy to love a vampire, even less so a de Clermont I think, and I love Matthew like he’s my own blood...” he trailed off thoughtfully, “despite what he’s done, either in defence or Malice.”
She smiled a little at his repetition of her words.
“More than a few of our kind have shared their opinion on our friendship over the years.” He admitted.
“So you understand?”
“Unfortunately I think I do.”
“How...is he?”
“Baldwin?” Hamish asked and received a nod.
“Honestly, distracted. I don’t know him well, I’ve met him a handful of times but he definitely has something on his mind.”
“About time brother!” Verin called from her place on the reception room sofa as Baldwin returned from his post-hunt shower.
“What do you want Verin?” He asked wearily as he watched her get up from the chair.
“Freyja, really? You don’t say as much as three words to one another one year to the next and you trust her?”
“Her methods are more appropriate for the situation, Alisha is not a vampire!”
“No, she’s a daemon, she-“ she stopped, looking around, “is she here?”
“She’s not here Verin, you just left her at Sept-Tours!”
Verin looked around and located the source of the scent, a small box on the table.
She opened the box and went to touch the silk ribbon inside when Baldwin caught her wrist.
“Do not touch that!” he replaced the lid and stood resolutely in her path until she broke off to retake her seat.
“So that’s how you’ve managed to stay away. I was worried,” she stopped herself, “hoping rather, that the whole mating thing was a mistake, that you could be separated because she’s not your mate.”
Baldwin watched her before taking his own chair.
“She is-“
“A daemon, what would father say?”
“Verin-“ he warned.
“You’ve lived by his rules all your life, why now, why her?”
“A human, you mated with a human, Matthew with a witch,” he shook his head, “why is a daemon the line in the sand?”
“This is about her.”
“Of course it’s about her, it’s who we’re discussing.”
“Not ‘Alisha’, whatever manner of name that is-“
“Verin,” he cut off her meandering, “who are you referring to?”
“Oh, I see how mentioning a daemon musician might give you pause, should I narrow it down for you?”
Baldwin always had a soldier’s posture straight and solid, even seated, but her words made this even more inflexible and she questioned her decision.
“What is it you think you know?” He asked, his voice low and foreboding.
“The little Venetian spy, you were fond of her, I saw you both disappear together before the poor scribe was found dead. What did I hear you call her,” she made a performance of thinking, “Oscine, that’s it!”
“Fond,” he shook his head dismissively, “I had never met her before that night.”
“Oh, I know, but you wanted her, and would have had her, had the crime not been discovered. I would say that she wanted you too but, you know, Venetians, of course she did. Remember who found you both, brother.”
“You prevented nothing more than my hunt for some sport, you know how tedious those treaty negotiations could be!”
“I agree, they were infinitely tedious. For me! You loved them, which is why it was a surprise that you would miss the last one, to dally with a daemon.”
He didn’t respond, simply kept his breath and heartbeat steady, a very effective tactic in back footing an opponent.
“I was also surprised when I found you both in that store room, you left the party some time before I thought you would at least be caught in some kind of compromising position, but you hadn’t even persuaded her to take off that mask yet.”
“Given your particular skill set, sister, surely you would understand the value in taking one’s time.”
The barb was well executed and Verin felt her hackles rise before forcing herself to calm upon seeing the flicker of amusement in his eyes.
“To be fair,” Verin continued, “she was just about to take the mask off when I interrupted. I wish I’d been a bit later, so curious about what she looked like, weren’t you?”
Again, no answer.
“Two outcomes. Either she wore the mask because she was unbearably ugly, in which case, brother, you were taking a risk-“
“Or, and much more likely, she was beautiful and the mask was to protect her from the attentions of unscrupulous admirers, like yourself!”
“Does this have a point?” He asked steadily, giving nothing.
“Yes, I told father about where I found you, and with who.”
“I guessed as much.” He shrugged.
“You’re not angry at being sent away?”
“No, had I not been sent away I would not have found Miyako, nor would I have a daughter, besides, I was distracted by my desire and I deserved my exile.”
“Punishment, that’s why you think you were sent away?”
“Speak plainly sister, my patience is not infinite!”
“Father thought you were developing the mating instinct, for beautiful Oscine.”
“That’s ridiculous, she was-“
“A daemon?”
“Someone I met in person once!”
“In person yes, what about all those letters before that when she was just a spy reporting to you.”
He knew she was fishing, she had nothing and he wasn’t about to confirm anything.
“Alisha is my mate, not some long dead spy whose face I never saw!”
“She was bitten, by Guillermo?”
“Is that why you won’t drink from her heart vein or is there some other reason?”
Baldwin’s eyes darkened and his nostrils flared, giving him the appearance of a bull about to charge.
Verin knew she had pushed too far. The joining in blood was a more intimate act for a vampire than sex could be for a human. Vampires, however, only shared this with their mate and it was not a matter to be discussed with other vampires.
“Go back to Sept-Tours,” he spoke through gritted teeth, “and never, on pain of exile, bring up the spy to me or anyone else ever again, am I clear?”
“Yes Sieur!” She answered with the faintest him of sarcasm before leaving him with her words.
Rest well, it will be a long day tomorrow, and an even longer night!
Alisha, alone in Baldwin’s tower at the time of the message, smiled at his text and punched in a reply.
I look forward to the second more than the first. Can’t wait to kiss you again. Xx.
She realised just how excited she was to see her husband, after just a couple of nights apart. He was definitely mistaken about the effects of the mate bond.
“Alisha,” the knock and voice belonged to Freyja, “can I come in?”
“Uh, yeah,” she quickly slid the phone under her pillow, “come in.”
Freyja opened the door and looked her up and down.
“You‘ve spoken to him again, haven’t you?”
“I have not spoken to Baldwin today.” She answered truthfully.
“Hmm,” the vampire considered the reply, “well I know he doesn’t text...”
The tiniest inhale of breath from Alisha gave her away.
“We really have to teach you to lie better.”
“What, now?”
“No, I’m here to escort you to your ladies in waiting.”
“The witches and the daemon, it’s customary for you to be chaperoned the night before the wedding, prevents any romantic rivals from stealing the bride.”
“Okay, besides maybe Count Dracula, who’s going to scale the outside of this fortress, full of creatures, by the way, and essentially kidnap me?”
“Obviously it’s not a problem the de Clermont’s have but it’s tradition, and I believe the group have devised some ‘fun’ activities.”
“You’re coming too, surely?” She asked Freyja.
“If you wish me to?” She sighed with a roll of her eyes.
“Of course. Should we invite your sisters?”
“Stasia has declined the invitation and I have no idea where Verin is.
“Okay, lets go!”
Alisha made it to the door.
“Wait,” Freyja called after Alisha, “I wasn’t snooping but I managed to see a letter on the desk, in father’s writing.”
“You can read it if you want, I don’t mind.”
Alisha wasn’t about to deprive Freyja of unread words from a deceased father as she was sure the daughter had read everything the father had written, probably more than once.
“Thank you but, it’s not that, I wanted to ask if you would like me to translate it for you.”
“What?” Alisha’s brow furrowed in confusion.
Freyja picked up the paper and carried it over to Alisha.
“Latin, but I’m sure you’ve probably translated it yourself using an online translation service already. I doubt it could convey the proper nuance Far intended.”
Alisha shook her head absently and looked at the words.
Not in English, just as Freyja said. The letters she initially studied as though deciphering hand-writing were actually written in an unfamiliar alphabet. However, with concentration she found the meaning became clear although the words themselves did not.
“Yes, I um-“ she started, thinking, “I used Google translate when I got the phone, I know what it says but, thanks.” She managed a smile.
“Alisha, what’s wrong?”
“Hmm,” she shrugged and took the letter, “just tired, distracted probably.”
It wasn’t a lie, she’d barely managed more than a few hours since Baldwin left and she could think of little else. Her sudden ability to read Latin was a mystery that could wait.
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youarejesting · 4 years
BTS365 Prompts.Week 41
[Full Masterlist] [Prompt Masterlist] [Tag yourself here]
Please tag me in your work if you use my prompts. I want to see your work. Ever your Jester. Tell me your birthday and I will tag you on your special day!
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           Oct 8st - 14th
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Kim Seokjin - curious
Jin never thought he would ever get dirty, that he would ever go somewhere so foreign to him. But here he was in the ridiculous yellow suit and hat provided to him by the staff and producers. The others looked cool in their outfits and colours and he just looked like a banana. The others teased him and he tried to force the redness from his face, neck and ears.
They started the safari, walking around when something dropped on his shoulder. Seokjin froze and the monkey crawled around his body sniffing and looking for the snacks Seokjin had in his pockets to feed said monkeys when they reached the enclosure.
“That’s our monkey George he loves the colour yellow, we named him after curious George” 
“That’s who you look like!” The boys all cheered, making Jin’s ears turn red once more.
Min Yoongi - party
Yoongi didn’t like parties, he didn’t like the volume, the capacity he didn’t like dressing up and dancing and yet he was always trying to please his friends and go to the parties anyway. Today he couldn’t take it, he thought about somewhere to hide and thought perhaps a room, but people would wonder why he is sitting around and he would have to awkwardly explain himself.
He could hide in a closet but people would most likely think the room is empty and then if they found him they would think he was waiting to peep on others. He looked around a room about to leave when he heard a giggle from out the window. Ducking his head out he didn’t see anyone but he heard another giggle this time from above. He turned his head up to see two feet dangling off the edge of the roof.
Climbing over the edge he saw you lying there looking at your phone and giggling. “Hey are you okay?”
“Yeah, just uh… escaping,” You smiled “I don’t like parties, too loud and awkward”
Jung Hoseok - old
“Harabeoji” A small voice shouted and footsteps patted across the front porch, where you and your husband were sitting softly on an outdoor bench swing. “Harabeoji look what I drew at school today?”
“What did you draw my son?”
“I drew our family, look mum dad and then there is you and Halmeoni?” You looked over at the picture and laughed.
“What are these lines?” Hoseok asked, pointing at the picture.
“Wrinkles because you are old?” Your grandson laughed
“It’s okay my love, you may be old. But I still love you?” You chuckled “We have been together for sixty years now, and you are still my hope”
Kim Namjoon - farmers
He knew nothing about farms but his grandfather gave one to him in his will, he could inherit all the money as long as he lasted one whole year living on the farm. He thought it would be easy. He was wrong. 
What started as a dream holiday became a nightmare in moments, no electricity, no hot water, no internet. But this little farm has something the city didn’t. It had you. 
Park Jimin - lace
The fans were going off thanking you, the head stylist for Jimin's latest outfit. You smiled, they thought you were doing it for them, the fans when really you also wanted to see them wear these things. But you couldn’t just start putting them in risky outfits all the time or they would suspect so you saved them for special occasions. 
You were planning the next outfit sketching it out and sighed the boys in crop tops and some in skirts. It was a fantasy come true. You knew you couldn’t, but you set about making the outfits anyway. 
A week later the boys were going to a gala and you grabbed the bags with their names on it and handed the items to them. Each one got changed and stepped out for you to help them with their suits before heading off to the hair makeup artists. 
“Ah Noona, I think you gave me the wrong outfit”
Jimin stepped out blushing, he was in a lace crop top and a skirt and you felt heat in your face. It was so hot Jimin shouted “Noona your bleeding”
Kim Taehyung - skeptic
Taehyung was your business partner, and the two of you were pretty famous on youtube. You were a ghost hunting duo called the ‘Spooky times’. Where the two of you would travel around the world to some of the most haunted locations and try to find evidence of ghosts and other paranormal creatures.
“Hey rollerghosters welcome back to another BOO-tiful location, today we are at the LaLaurie Mansion in New Orleans which is one of the most famous haunted locations. And we are going to find ourselves a ghost” Taehyung smiled into the camera and you laughed from the corner of the screen you were dressed especially cute today. 
Everyone within the fan base knew you were not afraid of anything, you would also encourage Taehyung when he found something. Talking up every whisper and creak that it could in fact be a ghost. Taehyung wasn’t scared either, finding everything rather amusing and wanting to speak to a spirit was his ultimate goal.
The cameraman Hoseok and the Sound guy Yoongi were two of the jumpiest in the group. The two crew members were fan favourites, Jhope was known for his extreme reactions, once or twice throwing the camera and running out of the building. Yoongi was rarely ever seen but often heard his slow drawl when he complained about having to take eight flights of stairs in an old hotel because someone had been complaining about walking in the attic. 
There were many compilations of the cast and crew on youtube . Some of your favorites include Yoongi, trying to fist fight ghosts and Hoseok’s collection of funny noises. Of course you and your co-star had your fair share, most were shipping videos but there were one or two of Taehyung being adorable, funny or sexy and some of you staring and talking to ghosts.
The fans believed you could see them, and they weren’t wrong. What they didn’t know was that you were a high ranked demon, old and powerful. As you stepped into haunted buildings you could see other ghosts and entities within and glared down any who got too close to your friends.
This had resulted in a few clips of you talking to nothing, but you just made the same excuse that you were documenting your surroundings and noting the architecture of the building. They would never know.
Jeon Jungkook - intergalactic
You were the only humans on the ship among a few species of aliens, well aliens from your perspective you assumed as to them you were the aliens. You were sitting next to an Alzothian named Daa, he was bigger and had more advanced optical nerves. All round the Alzothians had amazing eyesight, it had freaked you out at first as they could see, xray, infrared, ultraviolet light and more things that you hadn’t the science to comprehend.
“You are blue eart’ling, what ‘as caused you to feel the emotion you ‘oomans call sad” The deep voice spoke the vocal cords and lung capacity of the Alzothian were minimal. It meant the H sound was tiresome so they skipped it when they could, preferring to speak further back in their throats to prevent the unnecessary exhaling.
“I am just feeling lonely,” You sighed, “I get like this sometimes, when I miss human contact, do not worry”
“You are not alone, I am ‘ere” Daa gestured to himself and you gave a short laugh. “And your eart’ling friend mister goo as you call ‘im, is on the ship to, I will call your ‘ooman companion”
“Hey, what is going on?” Jungkook appeared with another Alzothian; this one was Crolyt who was learning about human anatomy and biology and the bodies limits.
“The female Eart’ling is feeling the emotion sad and needs ‘ooman contact.” Daa spoke
“Do you need a hug?” Jungkook asked you and you blushed but nodded wrapping your hands around his waist and pressing your face against his chest. Jungkook hugged back his arms around your shoulders gently rubbing your back.
“Success you are no longer blue” Daa smiled
“Daa we should leave from what I ‘ave gathered this seems to be the beginnings of their mating ritual” Your cheeks went bright red and when you looked up you saw Jungkook’s ears also crimson kissed by embarrasment.
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florenceisfalling · 4 years
31. “I’m not superstitious.” with Henrik and whoever!
hfkljsdklf im still not sure how i feel about this?? but might as well stop procrastinating it haha, hope you like it!!
this is my second request for 31 so sorry if its a lot like the other one fksdjfl
Marvin leans over and nudges Henrik’s smallest potted plant to the side, lifting the key underneath. He shoves it into his coat pocket and rolls his eyes. After all the wild things they’ve been through, most of the egos let Marv make better places for their keys and important belongings, magic hideaways only designated people could access. But not Schneep - “unnecessary,” he said. His stubbornness has a tendency to override his intelligence.
Bracelets clang and jingle together as he lifts his arm to the keyhole. With a creak, the door opens, and the sound of shattering soon follows.
Mild panic, if that’s the term for it, tugs at Marv’s features. “Henrik?” he calls out, letting magic start to rush to his fingertips.
All that comes in response is a string of German curses, ended by a grumbled “Marvin.”
The magician compels his hands, and the power within them, to cool. “Henrik.”
Once again, the door has creaked closed, and Marvin makes his way to the source of the noise.
Still wearing the clothes he slept in, the doctor stands in his bedroom, rubbing at his eyes and making incoherent noises of frustration. Beside his feet, a hand mirror sits in broken pieces on the floor.
“How’d that happen?”
“I… I punched it.” Henrik mutters, while setting his glasses back on his face. “Aiming for my alarm clock. Off button.”
Marv bursts into laughter and puts his arm against the wall to stable himself. “Oh my gods. Not quite sure if punching is the suited word for that, but- oh my gods.”
Henrik gives him a gentle shove, before running calloused fingers through his own hair to fix the disheveled look. It does not help.
“You know, Hen,” Marvin begins, “I was simply dropping by to return your books, but now, I figure I might have to stay a while, lend you some help.”
“Why’s that?”
“You broke a mirror, of course! Plenty of bad luck for you, sir.”
Schneep groans and pushes past him. “I do not believe in that.”
Marvin giggles, following his friend into the kitchen. “What, Lady Luck? Or just in this circumstance?”
“I believe you’re a… jester?” Henrik tries, glancing back at Marv. The magician seems to be almost glowing, his eyes shining. His colorful sweater and excessive jewelry are a sharp contrast to the kitchen, which is cast in blues and devoid of any sort of decor. Distracted, the doctor snaps back to his focus on name-calling. “Wait, wait, no. A fool, that’s it.”
“How unkind,” Marvin sarcastically responds as he grabs two coffee mugs.
“Hm, but maybe I could incorporate some jester aesthetic into my next stage outfit, channel some Harley Quinn, I’m sure Jackie’d love it…” he jokes, pushing a mug into the doctor’s hand. “Oh, Henrik, bless you! My muse!”
Henrik chuckles, making the coffee, and Marvin hops up on the counter to watch. It smells amazing, and he rests his head gently back against the tiles on the wall. Peaceful.
“Doc, I believe there is a severe need to redecorate this place.”
“…Yes.” Carefully, he hands Marv a cup, and leans back on the counter beside him.
They both take slow sips. “You never answered my question, before. Do you not believe in that kind of thing, darling doctor?”
Schneep chuckles. “Nein.”
A wink, and then illusions are dancing along the magician’s fingertips, like tiny fractals of fireworks. “Are you certain, love?”
Henrik grumbles into his coffee mug, and follows with a nod.
The colorful lights vanish in a flash. A playful smirk spreads across Marvin’s face as he bounds across the house to the living room couch. “What is this, then? What are we who are ego, character, fiction?” His tone lightens as he obnoxiously flails his arms. “Dimension-hopping? An anomaly in space-time?”
Henrik is silent, but a smile starts to grace his features as well as he leaves the kitchen and sits on the sofa next to Marvin, rolling his eyes.
Marvin breaks into a dramatic falsetto. “Tell me! Have pity on my foolish mind, and give me a glimpse into the genius mind of Dr. Henrik von Schneeplesti-”
One more well-meaning shove from the doctor, and Marv ungracefully tumbles from couch to floor. Luckily, his coffee is sitting on a side table, rather than now spilled out across the room.
“What, magic man? All your power and you can’t fly?” Henrik kids, before reaching out a hand to help him up from his predicament.
Marvin hangs his head, admitting mock defeat. “Perhaps not.”
As they sit together, awkwardly sprawled out across the cushions, Marv yanks Henrik’s smudged glasses right off his face, intent on cleaning them.
Schneep sighs, blinking, letting his eyes adjust while his guest scrubs away at the lenses he holds.
“I never said I do not believe in… whatever you are,” Henrik sighs. “I just do not… I am not su.. supernat- no, wrong -”
“Superstitious?” Marvin offers, inspecting the glasses in the sunlight that streams through the shutters.
“I am not superstitious. I do not think that black cats make life difficult, or anything of that sort.”
The magician laughs, sloppily planting the glasses back on Schneep’s face. “Black cats are only bad luck if you’re cruel to them. That’s why I’m so lucky: I’ve got all those sweet little kittens I take care of.”
“You are not lucky, you are stubborn for what you want.”
“You’re one to talk!”
Henrik snorts and straightens his glasses. “Maybe.”
“But no, you’re right, you’re right,” Marv admits. “I don’t think the universe decides our fate based off such little things, either. Mirrors, numbers, umbrellas… they’re insignificant compared to the course of life. I believe everything happens for a reason, a real reason. A scheme, if you will.”
“I do not understand that,” Henrik speaks, his voice suddenly low. “What about th- the time I spent gone with… h-him - or… or Chase’s… incident? Everything… awful. What kind of reason fixes those? Not fair.”
Marvin draws closer to his friend. “Never said it was a good reason. The universe often can be cruel and uncaring, and the exchanges aren’t always fair. But the reason’s still there, and you’re still a part of it. It’s comforting, I think, to know you’re important - even if it’s the unpleasant kind of important.”
Henrik fidgets with the tag on the edge of one of his throw pillows. “Maybe, sure. Important.”
“You’re important to me, at the very least,” Marvin sighs, then grins again. “Maybe you need a black cat, Henrik. One to take care of, see if Lady Luck really does watch the little things.”
Henrik proceeds to violently swing the throw pillow at Marvin’s face.
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