#trying to figure out what anything was purposed for is a lost cause because they have like literally none of that left anymore.
gay-artificer · 10 months
Basically everything we see in RW is a direct descendant of heavily modified organisms, with a bit of a split between fully organic genetic modifiers to the introduction of foreign parts. This is undeniable. However I'm begging people to understand that nature routinely produces weird shit on its own and that's so much cooler than just 'anything slightly weird must be the result of modification and meddling in the process'
Please have some whimsy!!! bioluminescence!! Tool use!! Communication via static electricity! Electrical shocks as an attack method!! Beetles that spray caustic acid that can burn skin! Lizards that fire slime out of their tails!! These are all real things that are on this earth just because nature gets weird with it!
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dmercer91 · 1 year
i would, lh43
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you and luke really like to piss each other off.
four times you and luke almost kiss and the one time it finally happens
this is toxicity, angst and a little fluff all rolled into one. enjoy! <3 (7.6k) this is very much not proofread
you were sure luke hughes was one of life’s greatest mysteries. to put it lightly, he was sweet until he wasn’t. 
you’d warned him before the two of you started dating in your shared freshman year that you’d been through a lot.
you warned him that sometimes you needed a minute alone, that sometimes you could self-destruct, and that sometimes you lost yourself in your brain and that someone else would take over for a while
he promised you that he’d work with you, that he understood what you were explaining and that he could surely handle it. 
he promised he’d do anything he could to help you get back into your head whenever you felt out of it, that he’d keep his head on straight for the both of you so that the two of you could work through rough stages.
clearly you hadn’t prepared him well enough, or clearly he overestimated his level headedness. 
it sucked for the both of you that you still had to see each other every day, regardless of whether or not he was on the road, cause you’d be there too. 
you’d been warned by every girl in every stage of life that dating in the workplace was a horrible idea. you promised them it was hardly work, you weren't even around that much. you were wrong again.
when the two of you broke up, you opted to stay with the team as the media intern. after all, you agreed to be friends. 
that went sour quickly, because all the arguing that took place in the confines of his dorm or your sisters apartment carried onto your friendship, and consequently in the halls of yost.
the more the two of you would argue, the more you both got petty. 
today was no different, and you weren’t trying to work him up on purpose, but when the opportunity arose you took it and ran.
a trend on tiktok had started, talking about red flags. the monday question you chose was something along the lines of ‘what is your weirdest / stupidest red flag’ 
most of the players responded as you expected them to - something like mixing jams on their toast or putting hot sauce on their bagels.
you weren’t even expecting him to acknowledge you, because since the breakup, luke had avoided monday questions, as well as your camera, altogether. 
you weren't sure what had pissed him off today, or what was going through his brain when he decided he was gonna be sour right off the bat, but his response was surely something.
“my ex girlfriend is an obsessive bitch,” you covered your mouth to keep yourself from laughing. you knew he was just being an asshole for the purpose of trying to get to you, but the words truly sounded unnatural coming from his mouth.
luke figured you would delete the video and move on with your day, get back at him with some mean comment another time, but instead you decided to take it a little further than he was intending.
after practice was over, you sat in the cubby a few down from his and began to edit the videos you’d taken of the boys together, and you saved it. then, you took the new video and added the clip of luke to the end, playing on full volume and repeating itself as you pretended to adjust the beginning to the previous clip of dylan running away.
the few guys that were left in the dressing room looked at eachother, and luke was already staring you down.
the rest of the team had learned to tune the two of you out. seeing as you were friends with most of them even before you dated luke, none of them chose sides and they all believed that eventually the two of you would get tired of pissing each other off and quit it. alternately, luke would just leave for jersey and peace would be restored. 
“what? why are you looking at me like that?” you mumbled defensively, eyeing him like he was a weirdo.
“you’re putting that in the actual video?” you raised an eyebrow, smile etched onto your face like it was drawn with a sharpie. what you weren’t expecting was for luke to take a deep breath, and look away.
you continued to edit the clip, up until the remaining players had all left yost and you felt luke’s eyes burning into your skull again.
he stood up calmly, and walked over to you.
you looked up at him and stood as well, slowly backing out of the doors in the dressing room. he followed, speeding up to keep you at an arms length
“delete that, y/n, i swear to god,” you realized he was trying to corner you, and though he physically outmatched you any day of the week, he was failing spectacularly at it.
you did your best at playing keep away with the umich media phone, and backed your way into the visitors dressing room.
“delete it? fat chance. i was actually thinking i might put it up, i can never seem to get content of you unless-“ you groaned as your back hit the wall, luke holding you against it with his hips
“unless i’m too pissed to shove the phone out of my face?” you grinned, slinging your arms around his neck and leaning into his touch, your chests pressed taught to each other so you couldn’t slip from his grasp.
“you know, if i get early onset back pain, i'm blaming you. now can we quit it with the dramatics? i have a very charming video of you to edit for the tiktok page” luke just pressed you closer to the wall, ignoring the grin you gave him to show how much you’d actually been liking the closeness.
“you wouldn’t,” he tried to grab the phone from your hands, placed behind his neck, but you were quick to tuck it into your bra so he couldn’t access it.
“i would.” his jaw clenched and you kept straight eye contact, loving how irritated he was getting so quickly.
“baby,” he stated, taking a deep breath.
“i was being a dick, and i’m sorry. but we don’t need to make that a public thing,” you bit your lip, pretending like you were contemplating it before you replied to him
“we’re using baby again?” he licked his lips, grabbing your hands from his shoulders and holding them.
his eyes softened and he paused before using what was probably the sweetest tone you’d ever gotten from him
“if you want me to use baby, yes, i’ll call you whatever you like”
“i’m not falling for that,” his soft, convincing face fell flat and his eyes went from hopeful right back to angry and endlessly frustrated
after a few moments standing there waiting for him to find a new game plan, you bit your lip and started messing with a few of his curls
“you ever miss me, lukey?” he pulled his head away from your hands, the gentle aspect of your touch giving him an unneeded reminder of  the fact that you could be a sweetheart, you were just choosing not to be
“not a chance in hell” you smiled to hide the pang in your chest, but he saw through you, holding the back of your head
“you’re always right here annoying me, hm? no time to miss you” he corrected, tracing circles on your scalp with his thumb. you poked your cheek with your tongue, looking down for a quick second before ultimately looking right back into his eyes, trying to read what he was thinking
this is what you assumed he was talking about when he used to always tell you he’d figure things out, that you’d always make up after a fight - that he’d look at you like this and see that you were struggling 
that he would feel what you were feeling for even just a split second and correct himself, even if he was lying, just to cover up the ache in your chest.
this, to you, was confirmation that he could read you like that. that he can see through any mask you put up and had truly just given up on you. 
he sighed, and you saw his eyes move to your lips, then back up to your eyes. he was leaning forward, and just like that, he was pulling away and clearing his throat.
“could you please delete the video for me? m’ sorry about how i spoke to you” your entire body felt cold without him against it, and you wished whatever thought in his mind that made him want to kiss you would’ve fucked off, so the two of you could’ve stayed pressed up against each other forever.
“i’m not that mean, lu. i’ll delete it” he smiled and ruffled your hair, walking away as quickly as possible.
it bears repeating; you were sure luke hughes was one of life’s greatest mysteries.
your favourite part about going to michigan, as well as being close with one of the sports teams, was the parties. 
you weren’t even sure how they pulled it off, but you couldn’t think of a single time you’d been invited to a umich party and didn’t have a night worth remembering (even if you could barely remember it).
tonight was no different, and it started with mark and ethan fighting over who got to be your partner in beer pong. 
you decided it would be a best of three challenge, and the loser was stuck with luke, who was notorious for only having aim once he was plastered enough to faint. the winner got to be with you, who had the ongoing win streak among the sophomores.
first was a game of rock paper scissors, that was promptly won by ethan, seeing as mark always went rock. 
he’d even mentioned before the challenge that he always lost since he always picked rock, so you’d told him to simply not pick rock - he did it anyways.
the second round was seeing who could shotgun the fastest, which was ultimately taken by mark when ethan got cocky and gave him a three second head start.
safe to say, mark had been almost done by the time ethan even had his lips over the hole in his can.
the third challenge was a headstand contest, mostly because you just wanted to see the two of them try to uphold a headstand for more than five seconds.
mark took that one on the guise that ethan had cheated and used the wall to keep himself up. if you could have made them both lose, you would have.
however, when you decided that ethan was in fact a cheater, mark cheered and tossed you over his shoulder, leading the group of you back to the beer pong table 
ethan was pouty about having to pair up with luke, and luke was pouty about having to be around you, but you and marks energies were off the charts regardless.
you all decided that you’d have to drink ethan’s cups, mark would have to drink luke’s, and vice versa.
luke started, and sunk one ball, but completely missed the other. 
mark quickly downed the drink and took the balls, missing the first off the rim of a bottom row cup, but sinking the second one perfectly. 
luke drank nonchalantly and handed the ball from his cup to ethan, who just barely missed both of his shots. you grinned to yourself, centring yourself to the table before taking your shot.
your turn was similar to marks, but your first ball had bounced just before the cup at the top row and landed into luke’s hand.
ethan drank the cup you got for your second shot, sending you a playful glare. 
“this should be you right now, marky. nobody said we couldn’t use the wall” you rolled your eyes, feeling mark sling his arm around your shoulders 
“i won fair and square, eddy. you’re just butthurt cause you suck at shotgunning and got too cocky” luke quickly took his turn so you’d all shut up, missing horribly on both shots.
you raised an eyebrow at him, silently wondering how his on ice hand eye coordination translated this horrendously in throwing a ping pong ball 
mark got two of his shots, but none in his balls back attempt, and luke quickly drank, a little more urgently this time around. 
ethan got one this time around, and you happily drank the contents of the cup, licking the foam of the beer from your lips once you were done. 
you also sunk two balls, but you got your second shot with balls back, leaving three cups on ethan and luke’s side and eight on yours.
ethan pouted before drinking his first cup, taking a short pause before cramming the next two one after the other. 
he caught his breath before looking over at you with beer dripping from his chin 
“i should’ve made hughesy drink your cups,” you giggled, and luke slapped him on the shoulder with a glare.
when the game came back around to you, they only had two cups left, and you got them both.
mark cheered loudly, rattling you around by your shoulders as you laughed at his reaction. 
you and mark had always been close. something about his energy just gave you the sense that you’d never have to stress about him. you were very much the ‘call each other babe platonically’ type of friends. 
he was easygoing and he just wanted to have a good time, but he was still a good friend if need be.
luke apparently hadn’t caught that memo, cause he looked like he was about ready to stab his teammate.
his jaw was clenched tight and he was just watching the two of you celebrate with complete dread on his face, while ethan finished off his beer
you picked up on it right away, and decided you’d chance luke being unbelievably pissed at you if it meant he might admit to himself he still had feelings for you.
“are we playing again?” you asked, looking up at mark who shook his head, pulling you away from the table.
“what? you want to get up to something else?” he grinned, earning a soft smile and a push to his chest.
“dance with me?” he nodded, grabbing one of the remaining cups from your side and pulling you towards the group of students essentially using the living room of soph house as a make out spot.
luke wasn’t one to dance, but mark was too drunk to care and you didn’t think he’d be leaving your side anytime soon, so you took advantage
he wasn’t half bad, the two of you mostly feeding off each other rather than the music. that was until his drink ran out, and he wanted another one.
“you want a beer, babe?” you nodded softly, tilting your head up and leaning it on his shoulder.
he smiled, kissing you on the cheek and noting that he’d be right back, quickly disappearing into the swarm of bodies towards one of the coolers.
“mark? really?” it was luke.
rather than bite back, you went with it, knowing he might be more annoyed if he thought you were genuinely going out with mark
you hummed, turning to face him. “he’s a sweetheart. maybe you could learn a thing or two” both of you knew that what you were saying was utter bullshit. regardless, luke was irked.
“are we thinking of the same mark?” he slid a finger into the belt loop of your jeans and pulled you forward, keeping you close to him and simultaneously letting you know his strength.
“handsome? fluffy hair? pretty solid with his mouth?” luke scoffed, looking behind you to make sure mark wasn’t almost back.
when his eyes came back down to yours they were dark, and he was wearing a harsh glare.
“you wouldn’t. you’re not” you smiled, almost giggling at him
“yeah, but i would, though. is your new girlfriend not at this party? thought i saw her working one of the football players. is this your thing? getting one upped by other athletes? is there an embarrassment kink im not aware of?”
before you could say anything else, his hand was over your mouth and he was grumbling at you to shut up
“not that it’s any of your business, i broke up with her. you need to start watching your fucking mouth” you pulled away from his hand, but he still had a tight grip on your jaw.
“if it was full maybe i’d stop talking,” you smiled, your facial expression almost challenging him
he licked his lips, thumb swiping over yours slightly in a way that made your heart jump out of your chest
he was leaning in and pulling your face to an angle where he could connect your lips, before his eyes flashed up and he saw mark coming back with a beer in one hand and a full bottle of liquor in the other.
“maybe your sweetheart mark will be up for that” he gave your jaw a squeeze before pushing your face away from his and walking off.
you put on a smile, turning around to see mark taking a swig of straight vodka.
“my lady,” he grinned, handing you your beer
you bit the cap off, drinking some of it before you hummed, pulling him towards you by the collar and resuming your dancing, back to his chest
“gimme some of that,” he giggled, putting the bottle in his hand up to your lips and guiding you through your swig
“luke came n’ saw you?” you nodded
one of your favourite things to do in your free time was barge into soph house with absolutely no warning.
today, it was cause you and your other roommate had been momentarily kicked out of yours and your older sister's shared apartment so she had it to herself for her one year anniversary.
you announced your arrival when you walked in, your friend trailing behind you awkwardly while the boys shouted simultaneous greetings from the living room
“i brought a friend. it’s my sister's anniversary and there’s a metaphorical sock on our door,” your comment earned you chuckles from the group, and when you walked into the living room you scanned the furniture to see if there were two open spaces.
luke had been sitting by himself, mackie and dylan were sharing the loveseat, and ethan and mark were sharing the bigger couch. 
you tilted your head and squinted at ethan, who had been taking up two and a half cushions. he grinned in return, further stretching himself out so he’d been getting into marks personal space as well.
you opted to physically drag ethan from his spot, over so he’d just been taking up one cushion instead
he glared at you playfully, fighting back against your pushing until you were stuck pushing back against each other, causing the both of you to break out into laughter and for you to fall onto the couch
“scootch, edwards,” you worked out in between giggles, finally getting him to move over and sitting up yourself so there was some room for your friend 
when she sat, it was almost on top of you, since the couch wasn’t meant for four, and you could almost sense luke’s ears perking up like a dog being offered a treat
“you know if there’s not enough room over there i’m more than happy to share” he patted his lap, looking right at your roommate with a smirk playing at his lips.
you were quick to glare at him and shut the idea down, while mark pulled you into his own lap so your friend would have enough room, and hopefully so you and luke would drop it. 
your friend adjusted and then eyed luke, and then you
“i take it that’s luke,” you immediately slapped her arm and glared at her, knowing this would give luke enough ammunition to piss you off for however long you were at sophomore house 
you couldn’t even properly find time to warn him to forget he ever heard that before it started. 
“aw, baby, you tell your friends about me?” you smiled sarcastically, feeling mark grab the back of your shirt so you didn’t lunge at his teammate
“fuck right off, warren,” luke’s jaw ticked, and he opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by dylan 
“i’ll sit on your lap, lukey!” the group laughed, and luke tried to hide his smile. 
the sophomores had become extremely accustomed to changing the subject or interrupting you and luke when the two of you fought, seeing as you were over most days of the week
now that the room had become less tense, everyone was partaking in their own conversations.
you, ethan, mark and your friend had been talking about a class the four of you shared, while mackie, dylan and luke talked about the upcoming series against minnesota.
that continued until you felt your phone go off in your back pocket and pulled it out to see a text from your sister, telling you that you could make your way back to the apartment.
below it, to your shock, was a silenced text from luke.
from, luke hughes → kitchen?
to, luke hughes → ?
you looked up at him, eyebrows furrowed and heart pounding, and he was already looking at you.
you blinked and moved your eyes away, turning your head to mark who’d been deep in concentration listening to ethan.
“hey, my sister texted, we’re gonna get going” that caught the attention of dylan and ethan, which made mackie turn his head, and, well, luke had already been staring at you.
mark frowned, caging his arms around your waist to hug you. 
“it’s still early, you can stay,” you heard a jumble of voices agreeing with mark’s statement, and you could feel luke’s gaze burning through you.
you looked down at your roommate and she shrugged, since she’d accustomed pretty well to the sophomores already and wasn’t exactly dying to leave
“i’ll stay for free beer?” luke smiled to himself and made his way to the kitchen quietly, knowing nobody would really notice him while they were cheering at your words
you offered to go get everyone their bottles and got up, ruffling marks hair slightly before you walked over to their fridge and took out six beer, luke already sipping on one.
“you ask me over here to argue without getting interrupted?” luke grinned softly, taking three of the bottles and setting them on the island along with his own, nodding for you to do the same with the other three
you complied, and as soon as they hit the counter you were being backed up into it, his hips pinning you and his arms locking you in place 
“i just wanted to talk,” he explained, looking down at you with a sweet gaze that made your stomach turn 
“you know, you could’ve had mackie or duker sit on the other couch, fuck, you could’ve even pulled up a chair from the island or sat on the ground! but you just let him pull you into his lap like you're his?”
you rolled your eyes, trying to push his arm off the counter so you could squeeze away from him and bring everyone their drinks, but his grip tightened. 
“i’m talking to you, y/n,” he added pressure with his body so he could use a hand to make you look at him.
“how many times do i have to tell you i’m not sleeping with any of your friends?” you defended and he shrugged 
“i never said you were, i just pointed out that you two seem real fucking comfortable with each other lately,”
you sighed and cupped his neck with both hands, thumbs messing with the curls that fell behind his ears
“lu, nothings happening. nothing's going to happen. im not fucking mark just like you’re not actually gonna fuck my roommate,”
he didn’t react much, just kept staring into your eyes. 
“if not my friends then who are you with?” you smiled and shook your head 
“none of your business, hughesy.” he laughed dryly and moved his hand from your jaw around to the back of your neck, your faces so close his nose was brushing against yours.
your eyes both drifted to each other's lips, and you cleared your throat and backed your head away before he could kiss you. 
he moved off you and grabbed his beer, standing on the other side of the kitchen, now.
“maybe i’ll see you around your place, y/n,” he smirked before looking over at your roommate who was laughing at something dylan had said, and heading back to the living room 
“you wouldn’t,” you yelled after him.
“i would!” he called back, leaving you to groan to yourself and pick up the beers for everyone 
“adam! shea!” you smiled, trying to stand up off the bench you were on to go greet your friends, but tripping over the air and immediately deciding that you would be staying on the bench.
the two boys gave each other weird looks across the street from you, deciding to make their way over.
the two boys being luca and shea, who were obviously quite confused.
once they made their way there, they came to the conclusion that you were incredibly, extremely, outstandingly drunk.
“i want whatever she’s having,” luca chuckled, knowing he and his brother did not look alike in the slightest.
seamus slapped him up the back of the head, helping you to sit up properly and then taking his own place beside you to support your torso.
“dude, shut up. call mark, or eddy, even. we don’t know how long she’d been here” you were looking up at him, absolutely delirious and telling him about your childhood pet hamster that was named casey (like him!)
mark was down at the bus stop you were all sitting at in record time, now kneeling in front of you and trying to get an answer out of you as to why you were mind-blowingly wasted at two pm on a tuesday
when you just continued to murmur about nonsense, luca spoke up
“maybe we should bring her to luke?” seamus and mark both turned their heads to him very slowly, eyebrows raised and annoyance glaringly obvious in their eyes, and he lifted his arms in defence 
“i’m just saying! notice how all of their arguing is like, ultra petty? he never says anything that actually means shit. he definitely knows what's going on with her,”
they both thought about it, ultimately coming to the conclusion that it couldn’t do anymore harm than good - luke wasn’t a big enough dick to punch down, so maybe luca was right.
they looked at each other, “this is the worst idea anyone has ever had in the entire history of the university of michigan,” shea stated, already helping you onto your feet and having luca hold you up from the other side
“yeah,” mark nodded, texting luke a very vague message so that he’d be home and in the living room once the four of you got to soph house.
when you did, it was safe to say luke really did not want to have any part of it.
“no.” he shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest while he watched you fuss with seamus when he tried to set you on the wrong couch cushion, apparently. 
“wh-” mark tried to plead his case, but couldn’t even get a word out.
“no. not a chance, mark, just have her sleep it off, or something,” the two of them watched as luca brought you a water and you tried to convince him that you did have a water, only for him to open the lid and be hit with the smell of liquor. 
“hear me out,” mark started, giving luke a hopeful look and earning a confirming eye roll in return
“your friend needs help, and-” 
“your friend”
“fine, be like that! your ex, that you’re still in love with, by the way, needs help, and you’re the only one of us that has a chance in hell at knowing what it is that made her drink away her brain on a random fucking weekday, by herself, on the street,”
the room went silent, and even you had stopped rambling upon hearing the tone mark was using.
“so, if you could please just fucking talk to her for a minute to see if she gives you an idea? something? tells you what’s up? that would be glorious, luke,” 
luke clenched his jaw but looked over at you for a quick second, caving and nodding slightly 
“i’ll talk to her. alone, though,” he grumbled, and mark patted his shoulder, nodding to luca and seamus to go over to the kitchen 
he sat next to you, and you looked up at him, bringing your knees to your chest. 
“are you okay, y/n/n?” he asked softly, tilting his head at you. you blinked, clearly on the verge of blacking out
“luke,” you stated simply, earning a sad smile from him 
“what did i tell you about drinking to forget, hm?” he reached around you, burying his hand in your hair and massaging your scalp gently 
“said no,” you replied, barely above a whisper. you were hiding from his gaze, now.
he watched you for a moment, trying to see if there was anything on you to help him out. 
his eyebrows furrowed at the sight of your phone case, the polaroid that had been in the back of it since before he knew you now flipped so you couldn’t see what it was.
“can i see that?” he asked, pointing to your phone.
you handed it to him reluctantly, watching as he peeled the case off and slid the picture out from under it.
it was a picture of you and your father. you were just a baby, and your dad had been wearing a party hat and feeding you a bite of cake 
the back read; dads 31st birthday! 02/07/04
he turned your phone around and knocked his knuckle against the screen, reading the date once it lit up
tuesday, february 7
“oh, baby. cmere,” he mumbled, pulling you into his lap gently and holding your head to his chest.
your body shook against his as you sobbed, still painfully aware of the occasion no matter how inebriated you were
he held you still until you calmed down, and when he opened up the shield he’d made with his arms he found that you were sound asleep against him, face beet red and soaked with tears
he adjusted you slowly, lifting your arms around his shoulders so he could carry you without waking you up.
he looked over to mark who nodded with an appreciative smile, then carefully carried you upstairs and towards his room.
he set you down and took off your shoes, then grabbed a water bottle and some medicine for you, setting them down and slipping into bed next to you. 
you found your way to his chest and slept peacefully while he zoned out, brushing his hand through your hair soothingly.
when you did wake up, it was slowly and difficultly. it had been a few hours, your mouth felt dry and your head felt heavy.
you felt dizzy, but not from the hangover. from luke, holding you close to him.
you let out a noise of confusion, and luke stiffened, looking down at you.
rather than pay mind to the millions of emotions coursing through him, he decided to focus on sitting you up and getting you to drink some water.
you just listened, waiting to ask what the hell had happened until after you were feeling a little less undead.
“uh, luca and shea found you by one of the bus stops. you called luca adam, so they came up to you, n called mark” you looked down, tears brimming your eyes.
“oh.. okay,” you whispered, fidgeting with your own fingers awkwardly.
he gave you a minute to compose yourself before setting the polaroid on your lap 
“he would’ve been fifty today,” he stated softly, looking at where your eyes would have been had you been facing him.
you wiped your face roughly, groaning to yourself while luke silently begged you to look at him
“maybe we can take a little trip to go see him, yeah? i’ll stop at the store and we can get him a card n’ some flowers,” he offered, rubbing your upper back soothingly 
“you’d do that for me?”
“i would. or i can explain everything to mark, and he can take you, if you wanted?” you shook your head quickly 
“no. no, uh,” you sniffled, taking the water he’d gotten you from his night stand and sipping carefully from it 
“the whole reason i like being around him so much is that he doesn’t know everything, and he doesn’t need to know everything,” you explained, finally looking up at him with glossy eyes and a red nose
“i can zone out for a minute and he won’t ask me if i’m okay, he’ll just slap the back of my head and tell me i need a nap,” you chuckled 
you’d made it a point to keep the shitty aspects of your life away from mark. 
he knew you’d been through a lot, but he didn’t know any details and he never asked about it, respecting your boundaries 
“it’s easy around him, you know?” luke nodded slightly, a questioning look in his eyes 
“i wish it could’ve been that simple with you, but there are things that cant be kept from a partner the way they can from a friend, it’s different,” 
the two of you sat in silence for a minute, luke having opened the bottle of ibuprofen for you and handing you two to take 
once you sipped away the weird feeling in your throat with water, you gave him a hopeful look
“are you still up to take me?” he smiled sadly and nodded, slowly moving from his bed and over to his closet.
“here,” he handed you a hoodie and his varsity jacket, nodding in a way that told you to put them on. 
you stood carefully and put the sweater on, overwhelmed by the smell of him lingering on the collar 
the jacket was both too big on you but a perfect fit, the bottom landing a little above your knees and the sleeves covering up to the tips of your fingers 
you put your shoes back on and gave him a look before going over to the bathroom, scanning the counter until you found something that could suffice as a face wash 
you pulled your sleeves up and washed the mascara from your cheeks, then grabbed a clean towel to pat your face dry.
you went to go cup your hands under the cool water to drink before some mouthwash, but you spotted the toothbrush you kept here while you’d been dating luke in his corner of things 
your lips parted and you blinked, almost thinking it would go away once you opened your eyes again. 
when it didn’t, you took the cover off the top of it to find it in the same condition you left it, so you rinsed it well before using it. 
luke walked out of his shared room, now in a hoodie of his own, and froze when he saw you
you avoided his eyes, pulling your hair from your face while you spat out the toothpaste and then rinsed your mouth with water. 
you pulled your sleeves back down and walked over to where he was waiting on the stairs, flicking the light off and keeping your head down 
“i, uh, just kept forgetting to toss it,” he cleared his throat, eyes flashing over to you and quickly moving away
you just nodded, making your way down the stairs and seeing the three boys who had brought you home playing video games on the couch
shea was the first to notice you, smiling to himself at the sight of you drowning in luke’s clothes.
he nudged marks knee with his own to grab his attention, nodding over to you and luke who’d been awkwardly standing there
mark looked up and grinned at you, setting his controller down and getting up to trap you in a bear hug
“how’s the head, dumbass,” you smiled bashfully, resting your face against his chest and hugging him back 
“throbbing. thanks for coming to get me,” he hummed in response, ruffling your hair and moving away from you 
“you’re bringing her home?” mark asked, eyes directed at luke
he looked at you and you answered for him
“we’re going on a little road trip. be back in a few hours,” mark tried his best not to let glee take over his face too obviously.
he sent luke a knowing look, a callback to their earlier conversation where mark had outright exposed him for still being in love with you
you smiled and waved to shea and luca, who returned the favour, luca yelling after you as you walked away with a “you kids have fun! wear protection!” which earned him a slap on the head from seamus. 
the drive to the grocery store was quiet, luke’s bluetooth playing quietly through the speakers of his car and you humming along to some of the songs you knew.
the two of you opted to grab something to eat from the deli as well, and luke offered to pay for both the meals and the card and flowers you’d gotten for your dad.
you were reluctant, but he had blocked you away from the debit machine when it was presented to you, so you settled for slipping a twenty into the pocket of his jacket so he’d get it whenever you took it off and gave it back.
you weren’t opposed to the silence, but sharing it with luke did make it a little more uncomfortable than it should’ve been.
you were dreadfully aware that the two of you did need to have a good talk, and work out whatever it was that had torn your friendship to bits after the breakup, but maybe that's better off happening later on.
when he pulled into the parking lot at the cemetery your dad had been buried at, you looked over at him before getting out
“thank you for doing this for me, lu,” he nodded sweetly, mumbling a soft “of course, baby,” in response
your heart fluttered at his tone, as well as the genuine use of ‘baby’, and you gave him a close-lipped smile before opening the door to his car and grabbing your things, waiting for him to get out with you.
the two of you walked to your dads headstone, sitting on the grass by it and laying the flowers and the card.
“if you want a minute by yourself, i can-” you grabbed his hand before he could move to stand up, shaking your head and looking up at him with teary eyes 
“just, stay,” you breathed out, and he nodded, wrapping his free arm around you and squeezing the hand that he’d been holding 
you cried silently, staring at the stone with tears streaming down your face, leaving lines of red from the irritated skin.
you felt luke start to gently brush his thumb along your knuckles, and you grimaced to yourself, looking down into your lap to try and keep yourself together 
luke frowned, pulling you into his lap and cradling your head, one hand still holding yours 
you took a deep breath, torso shaking as you squeezed his hand like you’d been getting your first tattoo.
when you looked up at him, you saw the luke you knew at the beginning of your relationship, and not the one you constantly bickered with. 
he pushed his nose next to yours, lips nearly brushing against each others, but he waited for you to initiate it. 
instead, you pulled away and tried to move away from his hug, heart aching in your chest and guilt taking over your head 
“i’m sorry,” you whispered, opting to lean your head into his neck since he hadn’t loosened his grip. 
“no, it’s.. it’s okay, y/n,” he sounded unsure, but the words eased your mind nonetheless 
“i can’t go through what we did again, i can’t keep going in that circle, luke, we suck for each other,” you explained, pulling your hand from his and beginning to mess with the sleeves of his jacket 
“i can be better at that, y/n/n, i want to help,” you shook your head, finally managing to move off him 
“you said that last time, and you lied. i don’t blame you, luke, i was shitty too. but i think we’re better off as friends,”
he pursed his lips, nodding. he knew you were right. 
+ one
“have you ever been to an nhl game before?” ellen asked, getting soup ready for quinn, who was recovering on the couch. 
“uh, no, and i hardly had time to pay attention to any of the wolverines games, i was always editing,” you chuckled awkwardly, knowing your knowledge of crowds at sporting events was very limited and you’d likely be caught sitting with jim looking incredibly confused. 
you knew you would feel out of place, especially at a playoff game. 
luke wasn't even aware that you were in new jersey, let alone that you’d be in attendance to his first playoff game.
you had finals and things to do for the team’s media page during his first nhl games, and though you weren’t dating, you knew he wanted you there for them due to the devils jersey he had sent you after he signed his contract.
not only did you still have things to do in ann arbor, but you definitely could not afford a place to stay or plane tickets to new jersey.
then, ellen had messaged you with the news that she’d be stuck babying quinn for the next while, and offered you her ticket to the game along with help for your plane tickets.
truly, it was the least she could do, as her son hadn’t shut up about you since the moment she got to newark, and she could no longer stand hearing him complain about how much he missed you, only to correct everyone when they referred to you as his girlfriend.
the game could not have been anymore hectic. it ended 8-4 devils, but with four combined short handed goals, the canes rookie goalie being subbed in, and luke getting two points.
the rock was loud, but the energy felt less overwhelming over time and you got used to the cheers and yelling eventually.
you went with jim to wait for jack and luke, neither of which were expecting you.
jack came out first, and completely neglected his father as he greeted you with a hug, asking how you’d been and when you got to town.
you were still hugging when luke made his way out, eyebrows furrowing at the sight of a pair of arms around his brother’s waist.
when he got close enough to see that it was you, you were promptly pulled away from jack and lifted into luke’s arms, feet a few inches off the ground from how tightly he’d been hugging onto you.
“oh, jesus. hi, lukey,” you giggled, squeezing him back just as tight. you hadn’t been wearing the jersey, knowing the broadcasts had a tendency to pan to jim up in the stands and not wanting to make a big deal out of it
“how long have you been in jersey? how did you get here? where did you get the ticket, y/n, what the fuck” he rambled, a big smile etched onto his face during the whole ordeal.
he set you down but kept his arms around you, rocking the two of you back and forth while his older brother and dad watched in amusement.
your face went completely serious, and you tried to keep it that way as you spoke “oh, well, i came down to help with quinn after his tonsils and your mom offered me her ticket,” luke shook his head, ruffling your hair and holding your head to his chest 
“i hate you,” he mumbled as you laughed against him.
“no, you don’t” you pulled back a few inches, grabbing his wrist and leading him to the exit jack and jim had already started making their way to.
“no, i don’t,” he pulled back on your wrist, bringing you back into his chest so the two of you were looking at each other.
he lowered his face and kissed you, and for how long overdue it was, he was very tame.
it was gentle, and slow, and he’d been gliding his hands up and down your hips soothingly. your hands came up behind his neck to mess with the hair at its nape and you pulled away for air, but went right back in.
when the two of you finally pulled away completely, luke was blushing madly and you were hiding away in his neck.
“that’s.. certainly one way to prove it,” you breathed out, chuckling slightly.
“can i prove it some more on the way home?” he raised an eyebrow, tilting your head back up to face him.
“with your brother driving us? you wouldn’t,” he grinned, shaking his head.
“i would. you underestimate how long i’ve been waiting for that,”
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reveluving · 1 year
moments that matter ; bruce wayne x batmom reader
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warnings: pure fluff!
a/n: I got nothing to say, I just wanted to give battinson!bruce a try!
check out my batmom m.list!
it's hard for people to believe that he's a married man, let alone a father.
out of everyone in the family, many wonders how bruce had not only proposed to you, but also fathered the former acrobat. at first, they thought its cause the boy lost his parents, just as bruce did. and with dick's more upbeat energy, it's understandable that he likely takes it from you than bruce.
but then, bruce adopts another kid.
and another.
and another.
... and another.
and everyone starts asking themselves if this was all his idea or yours.
oh, if only they knew.
if only they knew your struggle to resist those sad eyes he'd give you.
you just wished the public gave him so much more credit when it comes the kids. you don't think you could even handle the life as a mother without bruce.
and as much as your kids love to joke about bruce's 'teenage phase', one can only imagine the sheer gratefulness they had for him and you.
the perfect balance to this cruel yet sweet world.
it doesn't take long for people to figure out that your children's compassionate side has to come from you, which they weren’t wrong. even bruce himself acknowledged it.
but bruce is anything but heartless, no no. would he even consider taking any of them under his wing if he was? no!
and the idea of fatherhood came easier because you were by his side. so what if he now has eight kids? why would he want to imagine what his life would've been without them?
without the texts from dick, who's all the way in bludhaven, to take breaks?
without jason's interferences when he's outnumbered by a number of gangsters?
without the sounds of tim and damian arguing over the littlest things, only to hilariously end it by shaking hands when you give them 'the eye'?
without attending cass' recital with you, your boys and even alfred, steph, babs and kate as she's the main dancer?
without terry being matt's assistant as the latter tries to treat bruce's so-called ouchies?
without living this life without you?
no. it was impossible to imagine the other bruce wayne.
the bruce wayne he didn't turn out to be.
but hey, speaking of yourself, wanna know a random fact he loves about you?
your style!
whatever your aesthetics may be, he loves you for it! who was he to say otherwise, when he doesn't really take his own into account anyway?
you're in all-black too? that's great! no one's here to judge—not him, not alfred, and certainly not his kids. you're the one able to mix and match like a true professional!
but say your sense of style falls under the bright/pastel/fairycore-like category! gotham's pretty depressing, including the manor itself, so he appreciates it when he's suddenly slapped with a sight of his wife donning her soft pink dress.
bruce finds it endearing that you actually wore the shades he bought for both you and himself. he thought he was being silly at first, wondering if you'd actually wear it, so imagine his surprise when just days after, you decided to match with him when he found the time to take you out to dinner.
he's even more surprised when one day, duke tells him that you've been under the weather because you lost the shades.
instead of waking up to your husband the next day, you find a glasses case on his pillow, complete with a golden ribbon.
he's bought you a new pair, the same kind, but this time, bruce purposely ordered it so that 'mrs wayne' was written next to the frame name.
he comes home, feigning ignorance by raising his brow, though he knew good and well why you were practically blinding him with your smile before you peppered his face with kisses.
˚ · . f i n . · ˚
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ilguna · 1 year
☼ breathtaking pt2 (Finnick Odair) ☼
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summary; you thought that you were going to go into the arena without ever meeting your soulmate. little did you know, he's been next to you the whole time.
warnings; swearing, gore, death mention
wc; 2.7k
part one.
There’s hope that you’ll make it out of this alive, after all. 
While you and Finnick were discovering you were soulmates, the Capitol anthem was playing its last few notes, when they began to shut off the cameras. And further, the lights that lit up the stage, in a final attempt to cut you off from the outside world, and the audience that sat feet away.
They were entirely too late.
It was pitch black on the stage, causing confusion and minor chaos as all twenty-four of you struggled to make it to the elevators. You lost your district partner in the mess, you think he let go of your hand on purpose to try and make it out of the crowd faster. Which you would be mad about, if it weren’t for Finnick holding onto you tightly, guiding both you and Mags to the elevator, where Johanna managed to slip in just before the doors shut. 
Inside, Finnick didn’t waste any time, grabbing your shoulders to tell you that he’d find you inside of the arena. If he didn’t, then you’d need to find him. There was a bigger alliance, and you’d be safer if you joined it. He didn’t have time to tell you who exactly was in it, before the elevator doors opened and he left with Mags.
You’ve been thinking about it since.
Finnick cares that you’re his soulmate, enough to the point where he wants to protect you inside of the arena. It wouldn’t be such a heinous idea, if it weren’t for the fact that you thought that Finnick was already taken, especially with that poem he did during his interview. Unless, it was meant for his soulmate, who he knew was watching at that moment, but unaware that it was him.
As for a bigger alliance, you have no clue what that means. You spent all three training days trying to figure out who was going to ally with who. The only alliance you managed to figure out was the most obvious one: the careers. As for everyone else, they’re some gigantic mystery.
If you had to guess now, you’d say that Johanna, Blight, Finnick and Mags are together. Which is a regular sized alliance, it’s not big by any means. You’re not entirely sure who else would be inclined to join something like that. Johanna and Finnick are intense people to be around, inside of an arena, it’s got to be worse.
At that rate, you’d say Katniss and Peeta, but they were entirely uninterested in Finnick and Johanna the whole week. You can’t see them all deciding to survive together in the arena. Unless, that’s what they want you to think, because they’re all similar in some way.
Still, that’s not necessarily a bigger alliance. That still falls under the career category, which means there are more people. You couldn’t even guess who they are, if you wanted to.
It doesn’t matter, you’ll be finding out in a few minutes anyway.
You fix the wetsuit on your body, straightening it to feel more comfortable. When you’re done, you pull your hair out of your face, knowing that it’ll give you a clearer sight above. You’re really hoping that it’s not going to be anything too extreme. You don’t want the desert, but you don’t want a frozen tundra, either. And you sure as hell don’t want the same nightmare arena that Haymitch lived through.
“It’s time.” Your stylist tells you.
You turn towards the cylinder that’ll raise you to the surface, stepping onto the metal plate. You take a few deep breaths to calm the anxiety that’s beginning to rise in your stomach. You did this one, which means that you’ll be able to do it again. You can do this. 
The glass door slowly slides shut, sealing you inside of the tube. You turn away from your stylist to face the wall, and then close your eyes when you begin to get lifted.
A warm breeze washes over your skin, telling you to open your eyes to see where they’ve placed you this year. When you do, you’re met with a white light, blinding you instantly. You spend several vital seconds blinking away the sun.
“Ladies and gentlemen, let the Seventy-Fifth Hunger Games begin!” 
A tight pain strikes your chest when you realize what you’re in the middle of. You slap both of your hands over your mouth, taking half a step backward, when you realize that you can’t go any further without accidentally killing yourself. You’re completely surrounded by beautiful blue water, before it would be grey.
You look over your shoulder, and you let out a breath of relief when you see a beach, and beyond that, a dense forest. No, not a forest. It’s much too lush and crowded to be just that, and the trees are too tall to compare to anything from home. The higher the branch, the bigger the leaves. That’s a jungle. A vibrant and healthy green jungle.
You turn back to face the golden cornucopia, and the island it sits on. From what you can tell, there’s twelve spokes coming out of the island, which means two tributes toa  wedge. All you do is glance to your right, and you’re met with the girl from Six, who’s hugging herself right now, bony hands pulling her shoulders inward.
What are the chances she’s a part of the alliance? Does she know that you joined last night? No, how could she? There was no way to communicate after the interviews. If she’s not, will she pull herself together long enough to come and attack you as soon as the gong sounds? If it came down to it, you’d be able to kill her, considering she’s barely on her feet.
You angle yourself away from her and toward the spoke, not willing to even take the chance that she’s on your side. 
You can’t imagine how Finnick must be feeling at this moment. He’s got to be ecstatic over the fact that he’s got the advantage this year. He’ll have no issue cutting through the waves. While you’re going to struggle to get to the spoke without drowning.
Fortunately, you know how to swim, you’re just rusty. It’ll all come back to you once you’re in the water, you just need to have a little hope. Although, the more you stare into the blue, you’re not sure if you can even bring yourself to get inside. Who knows how deep it goes beneath you?
The gong sounds, and you don’t move from the metal plate because of the paralyzing fear that’s telling you the water is too dangerous to get in. You watch as Six girl jumps into the water without hesitating, splashing around in the water until she gains momentum, heading to the spoke on her side.
When you look up, you’re met with the sight of a few other victors who also don’t move from their plates. 
Well, if Six girl hasn’t died yet, that means you won’t either. You suck in a deep breath of air before you dive into the water. You’re pleasantly surprised that the water’s warm, but it’s salty. The moment it hits your eyes, you can’t see straight anymore, and you rely of blind faith to get you to the rocks.
You know you’re pointed in the right direction, so you do your best with swimming that way. You know you’ve got to look ridiculous, but there’s got to be other victors that are embarrassing themselves more. You’re sure there’s a good number of them that don’t even know how to. You’re one of the lucky few that got taught in Five when you were young.
It feels like you’re in the water forever, until your hand hits the rock. You pull yourself out of the water, wiping at your eyes to get the saltiness away. You cough out the taste, face twisted at how gross it is. 
You get to your feet, eyes searching the open cornucopia mouth. All you can see is Katniss, a bow in her hand, digging through a pile of golden weapons. There’s got to be a knife in that pile with your name on it. That would be a good start to the Games, if you had something to defend yourself with.
As if Katniss is reading your thoughts as they come through, her head jerks up. An arrow is on her bow in the time it takes you to blink. You let out a panicked noise, covering your head as you drop to the rock to avoid being pierced. You can hear the whistle of the arrow flying over you.
“Fuck.” You murmur, daring to look up to see if she’s got another arrow for you.
She’s gone, though. And so is the theory that she’s part of the alliance that Finnick was talking about. What are the chances that Finnick was bluffing to you about that alliance to make you feel better about joining him? Did he really think you had anyone else to join?
Your chances at getting that knife are gone, the careers will be at that cornucopia in a matter of seconds, now. You get off your stomach and book it down the rocks, before careful not to trip on the way to the beach. You need to find Finnick. You’re completely weaponless, and there’s safety in numbers, usually.
Your shoe sinks into the sand, you stumble for a few steps before you catch your footing. Everything in you is screaming to run into the jungle, because you know that you’ll be hidden from the victors that specialize in long-range weapons. If you stay here, it’ll be easier to pick you out to kill.
You don’t move though, hesitating like you did on the metal plate, watching and waiting. You’re not even sure what for. You jerk away from the spoke when you see the careers picking through the weapons on the ground, but you don’t move from where your feet are planted in the sand.
That’s when you see them, three victors running into the jungle, a fourth one with grey hair being carried. The infamous trident that got him his win in his hand. 
You start running down the beach, arms pumping at your sides as you take short and quick breaths. You need to catch up to them before they get lost in the jungle. You need to be with Finnick if you plan on making it out of this alive.
You cross five spokes in the matter of two minutes, which you're sure will be some record. You swing yourself around the same tree that you saw them pass by, putting you on the right track. The adrenaline that you had used up until this point is dissipating the further you run up the hill, sucking all of the energy from your body.
It’s too hot to be going at this rate, it would be smarter to pace yourself. Especially with how badly you’re sweating, you don’t even know where the nearest fresh water source is—and that’s assuming the arena has one. 
The good news is that the path that Finnick is taking becomes clearer the further you go. The vegetation is harshly cut in odd ways, which means they must be swinging at it to make it easier to get through. If they’re traveling this quickly, that means you have to, too.
You’re not sure how long you’re running for, or why you’re still so far behind that you can’t even see them a little. It gets bad enough to the point that you begin to doubt that you’re even following the right path. What are the chances that someone else picked up a trident and you’re ignorantly following them?
You swear you saw Mags—
A sharp pain slices through your cheekbone, your head whips to the left, following the momentum of the weapon. You twist, tripping over your ankles as you fall to your knees, one hand cupping the fresh wound, and the other catches you from falling any further down the hill.
“Stop!” A familiar voice shouts, “Katniss—don’t!”
You’ve done it this time. Katniss already wants to kill you, and you’ve just managed to chase her a whole mile into the jungle without even knowing. What are the chances you can explain this and get away with it?
You turn to see who’s with her, and you’re relieved to see that you’ve been following the right people, after all. Finnick’s coming down the hill, curls bouncing with every step. “It’s just (Y/n), she’s our ally.”
“Ally?” Katniss echoes, she doesn’t look very happy.
“Yes.” Finnick doesn’t seem affected by her tone. 
He stops in front of you, offering his hand. There’s a small smile on his face, pleased that you managed to find him. You take it, allowing him to pull you to your feet. He gently moves your hand away from your cheek so he can get a look at it for himself, thumb rubbing underneath it.
“It’s not deep, she grazed you.” He tells you.
“Another couple inches and I’d be dead.” You murmur.
“That’s what you get for trampling through the jungle.” He laughs, “You’re not very discreet.”
“You’re lucky I caught sight of you, at all.”
The two of you wander up the hill, where you find Katniss, Peeta and Mags. Your theory about them being allies wasn’t so far off, it looks like. If it keeps going like this, you’re sure Johanna and Blight will join, and then you’ll be at seven. The numbers will probably stop there, you can imagine.
“Well, you two are close.” Katniss says bitterly, “Didn’t even know you two knew each other.”
“Well, when you’re soulmates, it’s almost like your whole world view changes.” You say.
Katniss nods slightly, “I’m going to climb a tree, get a better view on the cornucopia.”
“We’ll be down here.” Peeta says.
You take a seat next to Mags in the shade, trying to get your breathing back on track after running for so long in this heat. For a minute, you were sure that you were going to pass out.
While other victors might’ve trained for this day, you didn’t bother. 
“How—?” Finnick manages to get out, before the tinkling noise of a sponsor gift silences him. 
The four of you look into the air, curious on where it’s coming from, and who it must be for this early on. Normally, when you’re mentoring, you try to hold onto the sponsors until the most important moments. Every penny counts. However, you guess that the gifts are so cheap right now that it won’t even make a difference.
The medium-sized container lands right in front of you. You share a look with Finnick, unsure about opening it. 
“It can’t hurt.” He says.
You reach forward, moving the parachute out of the way before you pop open the lid. In the middle of the container sits a small slip of paper, with the word ‘congrats’ written on it. There’s a knife beneath it, beautifully carved with a sharp and curved blade. This is meant for you, there’s no question about it.
You begin to inspect it in your hand, when the sound of tinkling begins again.
“What’s happening?” Peeta asks.
“Congratulations gifts.” Finnick says, he catches this one in his hands. When he opens the lid, he lets out a laugh, “Water.”
You’re on your feet in an instant to see for yourself. There’s five bottles inside of the container, one for each of you. You take one out, and laugh for yourself, because they’re cold. You press the bottle to your forehead for a minute, before opening it and taking a few sips.
Peeta gets to his feet, coming over to grab one for himself. You move around Mags, grabbing Finnick’s shoulder to make him lean in your direction. You cup your hands to block what you’re saying from the Capitol, “We’re going to play this up, aren’t we?”
Finnick turns to you with the biggest grin, eyes dancing over your face, “You know it, darling.”
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woneuntonzz · 4 months
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what's it like to love ? 𓇢𓆸
anton lee x afab!reader (part 5/5)
• part 1
• part 2
• part 3
• part 4
warnings: cussing!
genre: fluff -`♡´- highschool love
word count: 2.8k words!!
[note!!: hiii i'd just like to quickly say that this is my first post ever and i'm still a bit insecure with my writing, and english is not my first language so bare with me now 🙏 open for any forms of feedback
please do take note that i will take longer to update/respond to anything because of school, thank you!!! ]
[Day 99]
It's been a few weeks since your senior year began, though, the path to take after overcoming highschool is still a little unclear to you. Still, you don't rush yourself. 
“Psychology's quite interesting.” you said as your fingers glided through the array of vinyls.
“You wanna be a therapist?” Anton was at the other side of the tall steel shelf that divided the two of you.
Your fingers stopped on a vinyl of your favorite The Smiths song. You walked over to the record player, just in time when Queen had sung the last lines to Don't Stop Me Now.  Anton crept up behind you and laid his hands on your shoulders.
“That song reminds me of the time when I first fell for you.” he would whisper in your ear.
You turned your head and looked up at him with raised brows. “Really?”
“Yeah. I've liked you since freshman year. I can remember very vividly. I felt so tired from training at the time and kinda hated that I still had to go to school the next morning. I was sleeping in the classroom during lunch time, and, like, I had my head down and couldn't see anything, then I suddenly heard you singing 'There's a light, and it never goes out'.” Anton sang the last part right into your ear.
When the record started to play the song, you turned around to face him.
“How'd you know it was me if you couldn't see?” you posed him a question followed by a low chuckle.
“That's the thing. I wanted to know who it was so bad, but I didn't know how. I'm still a total loser at the end of the day.” His words got you shaking your head at a mild pace, laughing. “I guess it took me about 3 weeks to figure it out. You would always sing it randomly. At some point I thought you were doing it on purpose to get to me.”
Disbelief was displayed on your face as you looked at him. “Wow, I can't— why would I even try to 'get to you' when you never even talked to me unless you really needed to.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. It's just that —well, I just thought you were like the other girls back then that snuck love letters underneath my desk and stuff.” your smile grew to a cackle that infected him.
The sweet sound of your harmonious laughter and the music marked another halcyon for the two of you to look back on.
“Okay 'Mr. Chick-magnet'.” you joked as you hugged his waist and buried your face in his chest.
As a response, he wraps an arm around your body, and the other would reach behind your head, caressing your hair as the two of you slowly and subtly swayed to the music. 
You two have been together for almost 3 months now. Not much has changed since then other than being more open and touchy with each other and no longer caring if people gave you piercing looks for being so enamored towards each other.
The record store would end up being a hotspot for you two —though, it would only be when you weren't able to go to your grandfather's flower fields. The record store owner grew fond of seeing you and Anton lost in each other's visage, and the music. He saw the way you would stare into each other's eyes and wondered what kind of film played in them to cause so much immersion from the two of you. 
“I thought it was easy to play the cello.” you mumbled against his chest.
“Yeah. It is, you just don't know how.” you giggled at his light-hearted retort.
You looked up at him with gleaming eyes.
“Am I a bad teacher?” he asked softly.
“No, not at all. I guess I'm just really distracted.” a chuckle escapes his mouth by the end of your answer.
“Distracted by what?” he prodded at you with his words, and his eyes as he pressed his forehead against yours.
You grin knowing both you and him already know the answer to that.
“By you.”
He took you to his house after another one of his swimming matches. Well, it was actually his mom who had asked you to come to their home for dinner and drove you along. Anton wordlessly thanked his mom for inviting you over, he wanted to do so himself, but he got scared you would decline. 
After dinner, he took you to his room and there you finally saw the cello that would always be in the background when you two facetimed, that he sometimes would play to you through call. He played you your favorite ballad and asked you to sing to it. His mind would adrift from the walls of his room and would follow the mist of your dulcet voice. You loved the way he closed his eyes as he played, and how he'd slowly flutter his eyes open to meet yours. His sobriety shattered as he got drunk in your grace and how your head would tilt to peek in his reverie, and it almost slipped out of his mouth —I love you, but something held him back.
After a while, he would go on to teach you. He'd position himself behind you, and guide your hands with his own. His hands would linger on your skin which made you unable to follow his directions or comprehend anything he said clearly.
After everything that went down, he truly never wanted to let go of your hand as you stepped into the gate of your own home. His smile urged you to drag him along with you, but you resisted, and gave him a quick peck on his cheek before saying goodbye.
“You know when you'd always lecture me on the lessons I can't understand?” 
You and Anton were now seated on the little sofa in the store, you laid your head on his shoulder as he played with your hands.
“Hmm~ what about it?” you asked him back.
“At some point I constantly lied about not getting it so you can teach me over and over again.” he says, almost in a laugh, laying his head against yours.
“Are you saying that because I jokingly called you stupid one time…” you felt him frantically shake his head.
“No! I'm being for real.” he laughed.
“Yeah, okay…” you kept your wary tone from which he dragged your hand near his mouth and bit it lightly. “What are you doing?” 
You two were giggling against each other. It was only with each other that you reached true serenity. You were lucky to have the record store all to yourselves. It would always be empty —at least at the times you'd visit— as if it was being reserved for the two of you. 
————— ୨୧ —————
You sat on your desk, typing out an essay given by your English teacher as an assignment to be submitted the next day. You hopped on a call with your friends who were given the same assignment.
“Our essay topic is just 'memories', she just gave us that word, said nothing else about it and left!” Yuna grumbled.
“Tell me about it. Anyways, what topic was given to your class Y/n?” Liz asked.
“Love. Just love.” you replied, continuously typing on your laptop.
“Dang. That's kinda easy.” you couldn't help but grin at the slight frustration in Liz's voice.
“'Memories' is not that bad. You're both school journalists, you can do it!” you gave them words of encouragement in hopes that they'd start to restlessly type too.
“Okay, okay. Game mode on.” 
You couldn't stop your lips from forming a smile as you read through what you had already typed. The only reason this was easy for you was because of the given topic. It gave you the opportunity to give an answer to the life-long question you've had in your head. 
“Finally finished! I feel so tired. I'm gonna head out first, I might bang my head against my desk if I don't go to sleep, bye lovies! See you tomorrow!” Danielle yawned before leaving the call.
“Me too guys hehe.” Yuna spoke. 
“Y/n? you're still not done?” Xen asked.
“Yep. Just doing revisions. I'll be done in a few minutes.” you were in fact not done, not doing revisions just yet, you just had a lot to say.
“Well, let's end the call and get some sleep. Go to sleep as soon as you finish, yeah?” you looked over to your phone screen and gave Xen a dozy nod. “Okay, bye babes!”
“See y'all tomorrow!”
You turned your attention back to your essay, deep in thought. An idea suddenly crossed your mind. You would finish your essay, but would end up sleeping way later as your head ran with thoughts about tomorrow.
————— ୨୧ —————
[Day 100]
You woke up to your mom assisting you to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Your temperature spiked up and you felt light-headed the whole time. It was still early in the morning, but you were already receiving sought messages from your friends, including Anton. 
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You chuckled before getting up from where you sat. You realized it would take you all the strength you had to get to your room to retrieve your laptop, still, you persisted and was back in the kitchen with your laptop within minutes. You hurriedly sent him the file, but then you remembered. You had intended to give it to him after it had been graded by your teacher —as a love letter. It sounds cheesy, but there's more to that. It contains your genuine thoughts and feelings, the big and the small that you languished over, and most importantly, it contains the words both you and him have yet to utter. 
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It was really only recently when you'd find yourself thinking about it. Maybe it's too early —was enough to shut down your thoughts. It had only been 2 months, but you happily embraced his affection, his words, his voice, his touch, every moment with him felt enchanting to you. You were certain he felt the same and he would often express it with his eyes and the placement of his hands and indirectly if he was being vocal. The shared passion for one another was undeniable, and it only seems to be growing more and more as time goes by that even after the first heated argument you've had with him a while back, you two were able to recover and came out better than ever. 
“Eat well hun'. It's better if you lay for the rest of the day.” your mom went over to you to caress your hair.
She had decided to call in sick for work to take care of you today, and you couldn't be more thankful.
You did what your mom advised you to and the whole day, you laid on your bed as you listened to the playlist Anton put together for you for your first monthsary to help you sleep or relax yourself. 
————— ୨୧ —————
When you woke up, the sun was already setting. You weren't feeling any better from when you had fallen asleep which frustrated you a bit. You stood up and stayed there for a little bit, feeling dizzy. You suddenly heard a knock at your door. You weren't sure if it was your hazy mind making up the sounds or if it was real, but you still took weak steps to the door to answer it.
“Tonii?” you were engulfed in Anton's arms the moment you opened the door. “Why are you here?”
Anton didn't speak and led you back to your bed. 
He had that look in his eyes again. It was the same eyes you saw that night at the flower fields. 
“I love you too.”
Your heart was throbbing loudly and it was the only thing you could hear right after Anton's voice faded into your soul. 
He didn't wait for you to respond as he knew you were feeling too weak to continuously speak, and so he cupped your cheek with his hand, while the other held your hand as he leaned in for his lips to slowly collide with yours.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
It was Anton's first time going into the student council office without you. He stood by the printer quietly trying to brush off the student council officers eyeing him as if he was eating up all the printing paper. He immediately rushed out once he got your essay printed. 
He still couldn't believe the length of your essay as it was three pages long, even then, he was intrigued and wanted to read what you had put that made it so lengthy. 
He decided to stay back in the classroom a little longer when lunch came around. He sat on his seat with his back against the wall next to him and started to read. 
What's it like to love? an atypical query to have as a child, as you would think most in the age of innocence could only make time and thought for leisure and the attainment of joy, but young minds are always curious. The very first time I caught a glimpse of love was in the form of a field of flowers…
Anton was hooked and mesmerized with your potency.
…It was from it that I realized that if you truly loved, any ounce of pain, blood, or sweat will be overlooked. I failed to completely understand it back then, throughout my years of adolescence, I've had my fair share of misfortunes when it came to love. I was easily convinced that what I was feeling during those times were love despite the lack of sincerity from those who had taken my heart for granted. It took some time to accept that being 'young and stupid' is not just a phrase being thrown around as an excuse, but it's an indication of vulnerability. I had my time to heal and embarked on a journey to self-betterment, and I thought maybe love is waiting for me at some other point in my life, and this thought would later be contradicted…
Anton flipped over to the next page with a vivid mind.
…I am admittedly afraid of what the future holds. This man that had me smitten was one I never even acknowledged fully until much later. I had no idea what took so long for me to see him when he's been around since I've begun recklessly handing my heart out to others. To think back, if I had handed him my heart back then, maybe I would've been spared from all the tears I have shed because I know he would hold it dearly, close to his own…
…feelings I have never felt before, that I never even knew of, are now all I yearn for when the sky's painted black. It was with him that I understood what it was truly like to be appreciated, to be loved with no conditions. It's a pain to think that it could all disappear with a blink of an eye, but when he holds me close and looks into my eyes, I am assured. What's it like to love? to love, is him. It is he, my love, my one and only. I had liked you for 100 days, and today I declare, I love you, Anton Lee.
Your words plunged deep into his heart. Seeing his name after those words made him feel dazed, warm and just so, so in love. He wanted to see you, to feel you. He looked over to your empty desk and could see the specter of your smile against the light of the sun.
It had seemed as though you had written him a love letter with not much intention of receiving a high mark for your sleepless effort. But even if this task was not assigned, you would still plan on expressing everything you had written to him directly, for the 100th day. 
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
You pushed Anton away gently, and very weakly so. You weren't able to actually make him back away, but he got the message and pulled back. 
“You're gonna get sick too.” you faintly voiced out your worry. 
Anton bit his lip and proceeded to make the heat in your body rise even more as he smiled. He gently pulled you closer to him, laying your head on his chest and wrapping you with his warm embrace.
“I love you so much.” he uttered under his breath, burying his face in your hair.
You just remained quiet, and snuggled even closer to him. Your arms would lazily make their way around his neck, and you would look up and express your love with your lips once more.
Anton went home with a sanguine tint on his cheeks, feeling so warm and fuzzy inside. Let's just say the warmth would become more literal than figurative, and you would definitely be the one to visit him the next day.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
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munsonsmixtapes · 2 months
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Lost Number pt. III
Eddie Munson x Plus size!f!reader
Part one part two
Word count: 9,210
Summary: Little glimpses of your life with Eddie after your first date
CW: MDNI 18+ smut (p in v) hair pulling, Eddie calls reader a slut and whore, mention of pregnancy and difficulty getting pregnant, mentions of depression and anxiety, please let me know if I left anything out!
Your home, Staten Island, 1994
The bathroom floor was cold against your bare legs as you and Eddie huddled together. The silence was deafening, neither of you knowing what to say to fill it. One of the light bulbs had been flickering which only made your anxiety worse. There was a lot of riding the situation and you weren’t sure that you could sit through the entire three minutes. You just wanted to know the results already.
The only sound that could be heard was the ticking of the kitchen timer that had been sitting on the counter. Eddie had purposely put the thing out of your line of sight so you couldn’t stress out by watching the seconds tick by. It was even worse hearing it ticking and not seeing how much more time you had left was killing you.
Eddie held onto you, pressing kisses to your temple. He didn’t have to say anything for you to know that the kisses were saying “I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.” He was a nervous wreck. He had wanted a baby just as much or maybe even more than you did. He had no idea what was going to happen, but what did he know was that he was going to be there for you every step of the way.
Your apartment, Manhattan, 1991
You stood in your closest, trying to figure out what you were going to wear on your date with Eddie. You actually weren’t sure what he had planned. He had just called and told you to put on something that you’d be comfortable in.
You had decided to go with a dark blue midi dress paired with a black cardigan and tights because it was November in New York.
There was a knock at the front door and you ran to answer it but Hannah had beat you to it, the other girls standing behind her to get a look at Eddie. They had seemed more excited for the date than you were with them waiting by the door. They were all giggling to each other while you got ready. They were just so happy that you were going out with someone who treated you right.
You pushed them out of the way to get a view of your date. He was dressed in a pair of jeans and band t-shirt that was under a denim jacket. A cigarette was hanging between his lips and he smiled wide when he caught sight of you, causing the cigarette to fall between the two of you.
“Whoops,” he chuckled and bent down to pick up the thing, fiddling with it between his finger awkwardly when he stood back up.
“You look-“ he cut himself off, his mouth almost dropping as he eyed your outfit. “Fucking killer, angel. Shall we?” He asked, offering you his arm.
“We shall,” you nodded, looping your arm through his. He led you down the hallway and to the elevators that were actually working and you stood there, waiting.
All of your previous anxiety had vanished now that you were with Eddie. You had nothing to be nervous about. You just hadn’t been on a date since the new decade had started and wondered if dating in the 90’s had been any different.
Eddie on the other hand, knew exactly what he was doing. He had never been so sure of himself in his life. It helped that he knew that you actually liked him back. He couldn’t believe how many people had agreed to go out with him just to get a free meal.
The elevator opened and the two of you stepped inside and Eddie was quick to pull you to his chest, pressing his lips to yours. He hadn’t been able to in over eighteen hours so he needed to make up for lost time. He licked into your mouth, your tongues swirling together.
“I thought you were supposed to kiss me after the date. That’s the traditional thing to do, right?” You were going to kiss him if he hadn’t gone for it first and were just in the mood to tease him. You knew that things between the two of you had been far from normal with how quickly your relationship had developed over the course of twenty four hours.
“Sweetheart, I literally ate you out the day we met. I think we’re past traditional at this point.” He had a point. But you liked the way things were progressing. Eddie was the only person you could see yourself having a future with. He was the perfect partner with knowing exactly what you needed before you did. You knew that you could come to him with anything and he’d help you not matter what it was and he wouldn’t ask questions.
“That’s fair,” you shrugged before wrapping your arms around his neck. You were about to press a kiss to his lips when the elevator doors opened. You pecked his lips quickly and the two of you exited hand and hand.
Eddie led you to a car that looked nothing like the ones that had been taking the two of you where you had needed to go. This one was bright red and definitely cost more than you had ever made in your life. Eddie had opened the passenger car door for you and you slipped inside. He closed the door then rounded it to get in on the driver’s side, putting the keys into the ignition.
“You’re driving?” Eddie hadn’t driven at all in the time you had known him. You supposed that when you were as famous as him, you didn’t have to.
“You got a problem with that?” You actually didn’t. You were interested to see how he drove. Something told you that he liked speed and you were pretty sure that you were right in thinking that.
“I just wasn’t aware you drove. Are you sure you remember how?” Eddie found your little jabs funny, appreciating that you felt comfortable enough with him to do so. He hoped that you’d have more once you got closer.
“Haha,” he replied sarcastically then turned the key in the ignition. He put his foot on the gas and backed out of his parallel parking spot very before taking you to your destination.
It took everything in him not to floor it but he didn’t think that was right considering the precious cargo he had in his passenger seat. The car was also a rental and he wasn’t in the mood to have to pay for any damages. Rick would have definitely chewed him out and he wasn’t in the mood for that either so he just went the boring speed limit.
Eddie’s free hand rested on your thigh and you loved how comfortable he was with doing it. It seemed like he thought that he had to touch some part of you when the two of you were together and you ate it up every time, especially since you had been so attention starved. Eddie had been as well. Starved for your attention, that is. Considering his fame, he always seemed to have men and women buying him drinks or writing their phone numbers on napkins for him, but he had denied them all, knowing that you had been waiting for him.
Even though you hadn’t been dating, he still felt gross for sleeping with or even looking in the direction of another person. He had tried to get over you by getting under someone else, but all he could picture was the look of betrayal on your face. He had to fake a stomach ache because he was too embarrassed to tell the truth and went back to his hotel room to sleep alone. He hadn’t slept with anyone since, afraid that the same thing would happen again. He denied all of the advances towards him and would go back to his room and just stare at the phone, desperately wanting to call you. He didn’t care if he was becoming the kind of guy he used to make fun of. He had just wanted to hear your pretty voice and hold you in his arms.
The car pulled up to a restaurant that you had become very familiar with over the years. It had been the spot where you had spent a lot of drunken nights and hungover mornings with your rotating circle of friends. It had become the only constant in your life and if you couldn’t count on anyone, at least you could count on Rowan, the owner, to give you free fries and a shake with a bright smile on her face.
Eddie opened your door and offered you his hand which you gladly took. The two of you entered the restaurant and Rowan came running up to the host stand to greet the two of you. Her face lit up when she saw you and she was quick to pull you into a hug. You knew that Rowan treated all of her regulars like that but you were going to pretend that it was just for you.
“I’m so happy to see you, baby. You haven’t come in a while. I was starting to miss your sweet face,” she squeezed your cheeks then turned to Eddie. She gave him a hug as well and you were beginning to think that he knew Rowan like you did.
“And you,” she smiled brightly at him. “You’re not too famous for me?” Eddie didn’t think he was too famous for anyone, especially not Rowan.
“I’ll never be too famous for you, Rowan.”
“Glad to hear it. So you’re here together?”
“Yep,” Eddie nodded, smiling at you. “We’re on a date, actually.”
“Well, would you look at that? Two of my regulars on a date. Y’all follow me. I’m gonna give you the best table.” She didn’t even bother grabbing menus since she had committed your orders to memory and sat the two of you at a both that was more secluded from the other tables. You both sat on either side and Rowan just beamed at the two of you.
“Let me see if I have this right. A bacon cheeseburger for my sweetpea,” she pointed at you. “And the Eddie special for the rockstar.”
“Yes ma’am,” Eddie nodded.
“You’ve still got it, Rowan,” You replied. With that, she turned and headed into the kitchen, leaving the two of you alone. You couldn’t believe that the two of you had frequented the place over the years and somehow hadn’t crossed paths. It wasn’t very big and even with it packed, it was still easy to see entire place anywhere you sat.
You wondered if you actually crossed paths but just didn’t remember. You both had been going there quite sometime so it wasn’t totally out of the realm of possibility. You also wondered if he would have liked you back then. Back when you were still with Chris and so insecure that you’d cover up every inch of your body to hide the shape of it avoid unsolicited comments.
You were pretty confident that Eddie would have worshipped you and made you feel confident with his sweet words. He would have definitely fucked you and been nothing but complimentary while he did it. Telling you that you were beautiful and that he had loved every inch of you, kissing all over your body.
“So the ‘Eddie Special’, huh?” You laughed. Of course Eddie had his order on the menu. Rowan knew what she was doing with that one.
“It wasn’t my idea,” he put his hands up in defense. “Rowan insisted.”
“I’m sure it was. We all know you love being the center of attention,” you winked and Eddie felt his cheeks blush. You always knew just what to say to make him feel flustered. Eddie did like being the center of attention, especially if it was the center of yours. Even if it was a look or simple touch, he always ate it up. He was falling deeply and hopelessly in love with you and he actually was letting himself. God, Wayne was going to be so proud of him for letting himself feel something other anger. He had been bitter about his past life back home for so long that he hadn’t really been living. But you changed that. With you, he felt like he could finally get his life right.
You grabbed hold of his hand, rubbing the back of with your thumb, wondering what was making him smile like that. Okay, you didn’t have to wonder, but you wanted to hear him say it. You loved hearing him voice how he felt about you. It never ceased to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Like being wrapped up in a blanket that was fresh from the dryer. And he always knew exactly what to say to make you melt. The exact words that made you want to cry because of how sweet it was or make your panties so wet that you had to have him right then and there. He was so good at both.
Rowan came out with your orders and you didn’t miss the milkshakes and extra fries that she had brought along with her. She was always spoiling her regulars. It was her favorite way to express how grateful she was to have them pick her little old restaurant over anywhere else in the city. You and Eddie were quick to dig in, laughing, joking, and just genuinely enjoying each other’s company while you ate.
Everything was so easy with Eddie. He wanted to talk to you about what was going on in his life and wanted to know about your life in return. He wanted to know your struggles and how he could help. He wanted to take your baggage and help you carry it to lighten the load. He just wanted to make sure that he was there whenever you needed him. And you wanted to be the same for him.
After dinner, you ended up going to a movie that was still an inside joke between the two of you because of how bad it was. Eddie had snuggled up to you as close as he could, him practically ending up in your seat. His arm was wrapped your shoulders and he couldn’t even get himself to watch the movie. He just wanted to look at you. His pretty girl. Your intricate eyeliner and your glossy lips. Especially your lips. If the theater hadn’t been so packed, he would have just kissed your right then and there. But he didn’t want to be that couple, so he just sat there, settling for holding you.
You turned to Eddie and gave him a smile. All he was thinking about was how good you looked with the light of the screen reflecting off your face. He didn’t think that was possible, but of course you looked fucking amazing in any lighting. He didn’t think it was fair.
You couldn’t take your eyes off of Eddie, the movie completely abandoned. You reached up and pushed some hair behind his ears. You loved his hair, but sometimes, you thought it overshadowed his facial features and wondered how it would’ve looked pulled back.
Your hand rested on his cheek and Eddie noticed that you were pulling his face to yours. He knew that he said he wasn’t going to kiss you with that many people around, but he was a liar. He just couldn’t say not to you and he definitely couldn’t resist your lips. You mouth attached to his and he rested his free hand on your hip while yours moved into his hair.
Eddie’s hand slipped under your dress up to your thigh, afraid to go any higher since you were in public. He gave it squeeze as his tongue slipped into your mouth. You gave his hair a tug and he let out a whimper that was a little too loud.
The two of you had been so caught up in each other that you had barely even noticed the flashlight shining down on the two of you. You pulled away to see an usher and everyone else in the theater looking at you in disgust.
“I shouldn’t have to tell you that that kind of behavior is prohibited in this establishment. I’m going to have to ask the two of you to leave.” He pointed to the exit and the two of you took no time to head in that direction.
You giggled all the way to Eddie’s car, finding the whole thing hilarious. You were both howling with laughter to the point where you could hardly breathe. Of course you’d get kicked out for making out in the theater. That sounded about right for the two of you since you couldn’t seem to keep your hands off of each other.
You got to the car, your laughter having died down and Eddie was quick to pin you to the car, his mouth on yours. The kiss was rough and hot and he was quick to slide his hands up your dress, giving your thighs a squeeze. He pulled away and opened the door to the backseat, holding it open for you.
“Get in,” he pointed to the interior of the car. His voice was so low and authoritative that you felt yourself get even more wet between your legs. You took no time to crawl into the backseat, Eddie getting in right after you.
His lips attached to yours again and he slowly lowered you down onto the seat. He pushed your dress up to your waist and you lifted your arms for him to take it off. He slowly slid the dress off of your body and it landed in the floorboard. He then removed his jacket and his shirt before diving back in for more. His trailed kissed all the way to your chest, his fingers slipping under the straps of your bra.
“Fuck angel, when did you get this?” He admired the blue lace that matched your dress. This one was more scandalous than the one you had worn the night before. It was lacy with bits that were see through and it was driving Eddie wild. He ran his fingers lightly over the thin fabric, just enough to make your nipples harden.
“Yesterday.” You tried to keep calm, trying to not let out a moan as you spoke, Eddie still grazing your bra with his fingers.
“Oh?” A devilish smirk broke out on his face.
“I bought it for you.” You had been embarrassed at first, but you knew that Eddie would have loved to know that fact. That you had gone shopping for lingerie just for him.
“For me?” He put his hands up to his chest in feigned shock. “Sweetheart, I’m flattered.”
“It’s a set,” you nodded your head down the that matching thong and he follows your eyes.
“Thought you’d get lucky tonight,” he teased.
“Maybe,” you replied. “But here we are in the back of your car so I guess I thought right.”
“I guess so. Can’t resist you, honey.” He kissed the spot right above your bra. “Can I remove this?”
“Please,” you begged and Eddie was quick to unhook it, pulling it from your body and tossing it on top of your dress. He kissed down to your nipple and ran over it with his tongue, causing you to let out a moan.
“I still remember what you like,” he liked another stripe along the sensitive spot. “This drove you fucking wild.” He took your nipple between your teeth and pulled, hearing you make the exact sound he wanted.
“Oh, Eddie,” you whined.
“You like that, princess?”
“More,” was all you were able to reply and Eddie tugged on the skin again, harder this time.
“Eddie, please.” He moved to the other nipple, licking and biting. You grabbed onto him, digging your nails into any skin you could find, needing somewhere to put your hands. “I need you inside me.”
“Well, if that’s what you wanted, all you had to do was ask, princess.”
“Eddie,” you stared at him with a look in your eyes that he couldn’t quite make out. It was darker than any other look you had given him. “I want you to fuck me.”
Eddie pulled something out of one of his front pockets and set it aside before removing his pants and tossing them over the driver’s seat. You thought he was taking too long and tried to help him remove his underwear.
“What are you doing,” he chuckled, looking down at your hands that were gripping the waist band of his boxers.
“You’re taking too long.” The words sounded so desperate and whiny and it was doing wonders for his cock.
“Someone’s a little eager.” Now he was just doing it for fun. He loved riling you up, getting you all hot and bothered.
“Yeah, I am.” You hadn’t fucked anyone since Chris (if you could have even called your most recent time in the bedroom with him fucking) and you couldn’t wait anymore. Your vibrator could only do so much and now you needed to real thing. “Take them off.”
“As you wish, princess.” He removed the boxers as slowly as possible, a devilish grin on his face as he did so. He watched your eyebrows furrow and knew that he was getting the exact reaction that he wanted.
He slowly moved the fabric down to his thighs, completely revealing his cock to you and it had definitely lived up to what you had hyped it up to be in your head. Maybe even bigger.
Once his underwear was removed, he reached for the condom and slowly ripped it open, watching you as he did so.
“Eddie,” you whined. “Forget the condom, please. I need you right now.”
“Sweetheart, we both know I’d love to knock you up, but even with our unconventional relationship timeline, I think it’s a little early, don’t you?”
“Hurry.” Your whining was only making him even more hard. He loved seeing you like this. Needing him, all undone from his touches and filthy words.
“You can’t rush things like this, honey.” He finally got the package open and slipped the condom onto his dick, making sure that it was good before lining himself up with your pussy.
“Eddie, just do it.” He took no time and pounded himself into you and you let out the loudest moan. He grabbed hold of your waist, his fingers digging into your skin as he continued to thrust.
“Eddie, fuck,” you whined and that only encouraged him, making him thrust into you even harder. “Right there, baby, yeah.”
“You like that, princess?” His voice was raspy and rough and it was making you even more wet.
“Eddie,” you slurred. “You’re being too nice.” You liked all the cute nicknames but they weren’t doing it for you in that moment. You needed something more degrading.
“Call me a slut.” Eddie loved seeing this side of you. He loved hearing you boss him around. All you had to do was tell him to jump and he’d ask you how high.
“Oh, you’re that kind of girl, huh?” He asked, slamming into even harder. You let out another moan which only encouraged him. He thrusted and thrusted, hearing all of the beautiful sounds come from your pretty lips.
“Call me a slut, please.” You knew that hearing the word would really make you come undone. You needed to hear him degrade you.
“Look at you, taking it like a good little slut.” That unleashed something in you. You grabbed onto his back, your nails digging into the skin, dragging them up.
“Oh, you like that, slut?” His nails dug further into your skin and he pounded into you once more. You could feel his nails practically breaking the skin but you’d have been lying if you said you didn’t like it.
“Eddie, please,” you moaned and he thrusted faster, making you realize that was the way you liked it. Fast and rough. You had had sex more times than you could count and were just now realizing what you liked because Chris had never given you a chance. It was all about him and his needs.
“Faster, Eds,” you commanded and he obeyed, thrusting the fastest that he could, hoping that he wasn’t hurting you. He looked at you to make sure that you were okay and could see the absolute bliss on your face. Knowing that he was the cause of it made him even harder.
“Going the fastest that I can, sweetheart.” He had never pegged you as the kind of girl who would have been into rough sex. He thought that you would have liked it soft and sweet.
“Then go harder.” He slammed into you the hardest that he could, hearing the loudest moan yet. He repeated the action and you made the sound again and again.
“So good, Eds.”
“Yeah? You like that whore?” You let go of Eddie and pulled back to look at him, your eyebrows furrowing. He had upset you. He had upset you and you were going to leave and never want to speak to him again.
“What did you just call me?” Your tone hadn’t sounded offended but Eddie was still afraid that he had gone too far.
“I’m sorry. I thought that since you like being called a slut that-“
“Say it again.” Your voice was so demanding and hot. He had to do what you said.
“What was that, sweetheart?” He had heard you perfectly but just wanted to be bossed around some more.
“Say it.” Your words were so forceful that Eddie had no choice but to comply.
“You’re a whore.” Your eyes darkened at the name and you looked at him with lust.
“That’s right, baby,” you pressed your lips to his, sticking your tongue into his mouth and swirling it around. “I’m your whore.”
“You’re mine,” he emphasized the word and thrusted into you again.
“All yours,” you whined and dragged your nails down his back again. He thrusted again and again and you let out even more moans and whines, loving what he was doing to you. You were coming undone he was eating up how well you were taking it.
He noticed that you were fading out, the words you were saying not being coherent. They were slurred and sounded like gibberish. He hadn’t expected you to fade so soon. he was just starting the fun. He needed to stay with him.
“Come on, sweet girl, don’t go dumb on me,” he took your face in his. “You’re doing so well, need you to stay with me.”
“I’m here,” you slurred, a stupid smile on your face. He was just now getting to the good part and he couldn’t fuck you when you weren’t lucid enough to consent.
“Come on, honey,” he rubbed your back while trying to hold your head up. “We haven’t even gotten started yet.”
“Then what was that,” you let out a giggle and he couldn’t help but laugh as well, finding the whole thing amusing.
“That was just the appetizer.”
“Don’t know if I have any more in me, Eds.” You looked so tired and despite him wanting to continue, he decided that you should’ve called it a night.
“That’s okay, sweet girl. Let’s get you home, alright?”
Eddie pulled out and disposed of the condom before getting dressed. He then cleaned you up with some napkins he had in his glove compartment. It wasn’t what he would have preferred, but he made do with what he had. He thought you deserved better even though you were so out of it that you hadn’t cared.
He helped you put on your bra and thong and reached for your dress.
“Alright. Arms up, sweet girl.” You put your arms in the air and Eddie put it over your head before reaching for your arms. He put them through the straps and pulled the rest of your dress down your body.
You watched Eddie the whole time and despite the state you were in, you were sure that you were in love with him. What other man would have helped their date put their clothes back on? And who would have done it so gently with their sweet words?
He picked you up and carried you to the front seat, not taking the chance of letting you walk. You opened the door for him and he gently set you in the seat before buckling your seatbelt for you.
He then pressed a kiss to your forehead then closed the door and headed over to his side. You felt your eyes start to shut but you fought it off. You couldn’t be the loser who fell asleep before the date was even over because the sex wore you out.
Eddie slamming the door closed caused you to jump, the sound feeling much louder in your head. He chuckled at your reaction and turned on the ignition before reaching your for hand. He intertwined your fingers before bringing it up to his lips, pressing a kiss to it.
You looked over at Eddie and he turned to you briefly before turning back to the road. You had a goofy grin on your face and he smiled to himself at how cute you were.
“I love you,” you slurred and Eddie almost slammed on the breaks at your confession but kept his cool. He knew he shouldn’t have taken the words to heart considering the state you were in, but he couldn’t help but feel like there was a hint of truth to them. You had been telling the truth and the date really solidified your feelings for him. The way he made you feel could only be described with the word and shit, Eddie loved you too. He’d have been an idiot to deny it.
“I love you too, sweetheart,” he kissed your hand again and the two of you continued on your way to your apartment, knowing that whatever was going on between you two was really something beautiful.
Your home, Staten Island, 1994
“What if it is,” Eddie whispered, his lips pressed against your forehead. You had been having the same argument, going back and forth for far too long that the words that were starting to lose their meaning.
“What if it isn’t?” You pulled back to look at him, your eyebrows furrowed. Eddie reached up and pushed down on the crease between your eyebrows, something that started as a joke, but now it helped calm you down.
“But what if it is?” He pulled you to his chest and you couldn’t help but rest your head against his shoulder. He turned his head and pressed another gentle kiss to your forehead.
You knew that he was just being optimistic, but you had done this whole thing so many times before with no results so you were starting to lose hope. You knew that there was a possibility that it could be what you were hoping for, but you just didn’t have it in you so Eddie was going to have to be hopeful enough for the two of you.
Eddie hated seeing you like that. You had been depressed with all your failed attempts and it had been taking a toll on you mentally. He immediately noticed that the normal light you had to you had disappeared and had even suggested that the two of you take a break from trying, but you insisted. You just wanted to take one last gamble and now here you were, hoping that you were successful.
Eddie’s home, Brooklyn, 1991
As expected, you and Eddie went on a second date after your very successful first. He didn’t even have to ask you to be his girlfriend, it was just understood that you were together and in the way he introduced you as such to his bandmates. You loved the way the word rolled off his lips and the way he smiled when he said it.
After a few weeks of being attached at the hip, he approached you with a key to his house since you had spent so much time there. He thought it was only right that you could come and go as you pleased even if he wasn’t there. So you spent any spare moment there, taking no time to make yourself at home with your own belongings and decorations. You could see yourself living there even though you already practically were. So that prompted Eddie to drunkenly suggest that you move in with him.
You didn’t care how quickly your relationship had been progressing, you were the happiest you had ever been and you had Eddie to thank for that. He had been the light at the end of the tunnel you had been in for far too long and despite your relationship insecurity, you knew that you deserved him. You deserved someone who brought you flowers just because they thought you would like them. You deserved someone who would take you on dates to places that he thought you would like.
You moved in the next day and you spent the next few unpacking, laughing, and sharing plenty of kisses while Eddie blasted different metal records so you didn’t have to work in silence. It was like you were meant to be there with the second sink in the bathroom and the empty side of the closet that Eddie had insisted that he didn’t clean out for you, even though it was very obvious that he did because of how his clothes were smushed together, no space between the items. The man definitely had more clothes than you did.
The two of you were snuggled up in your bed, both ready to go to sleep. Well, as far as being dressed for it. It always took the two of you a long time to actually go to sleep because things would either get too heated or you were both laughing at things that definitely stupid. This was a night that was filled with giggles. You had to be up early for work but Eddie had some time off so he was only enabling you. You really should have been asleep since it was after midnight, but there you were, laughing your heads off at the stupidest jokes that only the two of you found funny.
“Eds,” you giggled. You were straddling his waist and had his arms pinned to the bed. He knew he wasn’t going to get lucky since he had kept you up doing that exact thing the night before, causing you sleep in and be late for work. It been the first time you had been late like that, but you weren’t trying to make a habit of it. “We have to go to sleep. I have to be up at six and you know that.”
“One more kiss.” This was always his trick and you weren’t going to fall for it this time. No matter how inviting his lips looked. No matter how easy it had been to convince you in the past.
“Not tonight,” you shook your head and tried to roll off of him, but his grip on your thighs tightened so you couldn’t move.
“You’re mean,” he pouted and you just laughed. He was always so dramatic.
“And you’re a baby,” you shook your head.
“I’m your baby,” he correct and you resisted the urge to throw up.
“Ew gross,” you rolled off of him and laid by his side. “Not tonight you’re not.”
“Mean,” he stuck his tongue out at you. Real mature.
“Yes, I’m so mean because I want to go to sleep.” Eddie wasn’t really mad at you, he just liked to get under your skin. He liked to say things he knew would make you mad but not enough to actually upset you.
“I’m just kidding, sweetheart,” he rested a hand on your cheek, rubbing it with the pad of his thumb. “Let’s get some rest.”
He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you to his chest. Yours went to his middle and you tangled your legs with his. It was what you did every night and you always looked forward to it. You never would have pegged Eddie as the kind of guy who liked to cuddle, but he loved it. He loved snuggling up with you after a long day of recording to watch a show or a movie. His favorite place to be was right there in your arms.
Your home, Staten Island, 1994
“Let me at least see the timer, Eddie,” you begged. Eddie just shook his head, letting out a sigh.
“No, honey. You know how you get with a countdown.” You tried to stand up to see it, but Eddie just pulled you back down into his lap. “Angel,” he said with a warning. “You’re just stressing yourself out.” He rested his hands on your cheeks and forced you to look up at him. “No matter what it says, you know that I’ll still love you, right?”
“Of course I do.” You rolled your eyes. You couldn’t believe he was even asking you that. He had loved you when you were at your happiest and he had loved you when you had fallen into your deepest depression. He was never going to leave your side no matter what you were going through.
“Good,” he pulled you in for a sweet kiss. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in for another kiss and Eddie chased your lips when you parted, pulling you back in.
“You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” He said the words with such sincerity that you felt tears welling up in your eyes. He was always saying things that managed to either render you speechless or make you teary.
“You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me too.” He pulled you in for one more kiss then rested his forehead against yours, closing his eyes. You closed yours too and took his hands in yours. His thumb ran over the ring on your finger and you two looked down at it, both smiling at what it represented.
Your home, Brooklyn, 1992
The house was empty when you entered it, Eddie nowhere to be found. He was usually home by that time so you wondered where he had been. You went to check the answering machine but there was nothing there either. You checked in the living room and the couch that he was usually lying on was empty. You checked the bathroom to see if he was in the shower and you had no luck there either.
You finally entered the bedroom and surprise, surprise, he wasn’t there. You tried not to panic, but you couldn’t help it. This was so unlike him. You took some deep breaths to try to calm yourself down. Your boyfriend was missing and you had no way of contacting him. You were going to have to wait for him to get back. If he got back. You then remembered that you both had gotten pagers for moments just like this.
You sat on the bed and took out your pager to send him a message. You waited a few seconds only to hear a beeping sound coming from somewhere inside the room. You looked around and noticed that it was the loudest when you stood by Eddie’s nightstand. You opened the top drawer and there was his pager along with the other cluttered things like his journal and few cigarette cartons and a ring box. A ring box? Where had he gotten that and what was in it?
You knew you shouldn’t have snooped, but you couldn’t help it. Eddie wouldn’t have cared anyway. What was his was yours. You had to know what was in the box. Curiosity was eating at you so you slowly reached for the box. You opened it and sitting inside was the most beautiful ring you had ever laid your eyes on. It was a silver band with a beautiful diamond in the center. It must have cost Eddie a fortune and you wondered just how much money he had dropped on it. When had he bought it? When had he planned on proposing?
“Whatcha got there?” You turned and there was Eddie, propped up in the doorway, holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers. He looked pretty happy for having just caught you going through his belongings.
“Nothing.” You hid the ring behind your back even though he had already seen it.
“So you found it, huh?” There was hint of humor in his voice but you couldn’t help but feel like he was still mad at you.
“I didn’t mean to. I was trying to page you since you weren’t here and-“
“Hey,” he set the flowers on the bedside table and reached for you. He rested his hands on your shoulders, giving them a squeeze. “I’m not mad at you. In fact, I’m glad you found it. I’ve been wanting to propose to you for weeks but I couldn’t find the perfect moment.”
“Sorry I ruined it.” Eddie hasn’t thought you ruined anything. He was actually hoping you’d find it so he could finally get the balls to ask you.
“You didn’t ruin it, honey,” he shook his head with a laugh. “There wasn’t a moment to begin with.” You pressed a kiss to his lips smiling against them, thinking about the velvet box in your hand. He smiled as well, wrapping his arms around your neck, pulling you even closer to him.
“You want to marry me.” You were grinning and it only made the statement more true. He wanted to see that smile every single day of the rest of his life.
“Yes I do. I want to marry you so bad.” He was practically begging you and it made you want to agree even more.
“Then marry me.” His face lit up at your words and it was the cutest thing.
“So that’s a yes?” You couldn’t believe that he even had to ask. If he hadn’t, you sure would have.
“That’s a fuck yes.” He was quick to pull you into a kiss then pressed a few more all over your face. You let out a laugh as he did so, only making him do it even more. Your giggles were infectious that he couldn’t help but laugh as well.
Your home, Staten Island, 1994
The timer went off and your heart rate accelerated as Eddie got up to turn it off. He then sat back on the floor and gathered you up in his arms. He was ready to see the results but he knew you weren’t so he was going to hold you as long as you liked.
You looked up at him and he could see your face getting pale. It was as if you had just seen a ghost. There was so much riding on the situation and you were so nervous that you almost didn’t want to know.
Eddie on the other hand, couldn’t have been more excited to see what the results were. He had a feeling that it was going to be positive and was trying to fight back a smile thinking about. How you were going to celebrate. How you were going to tell your friends and family. He was just so fucking excited for his future with you.
Central Park, New York City, 1993
You stared at yourself in the mirror as your hair was being styled. Your makeup had already been done and you had to admit that you had outdone yourself. It was the best work you had ever done.
You watched your mother help the girls with their outfits through the mirror and your heart warmed at how well she got along with them. You hadn’t wanted a bridal party, but the girls still wanted to be in the room with you while you got ready for your big day. They were all smiles and were all talking about how excited they were for you to take the next chapter in your life.
You weren’t nearly as nervous as you thought you’d be on your wedding day. In fact, you weren’t nervous at all. You were so excited. Excited to marry the man that you loved. Excited to see him up there in his tuxedo and the inevitable tears that were going to fall when he saw you.
Once you got your finishing touches from the girls, they exited the tent to head to their seats. It was then that it was your turn to walk down the aisle. You decided to walk by yourself, insisting that your father sit, and headed down the aisle as your small audience stood for you and the music began to play.
You walked slowly, trying your very hardest to not step on your dress. You looked at Eddie and both of you stared at each other in shock. You had never seen him in a suit considering his very low-key style was and the look really worked for him. His hair was pulled back into a loose bun, some strands hanging around his face that had fallen out. His hands were locked together and he couldn’t take his eyes off of you.
Eddie had always thought you were the most beautiful woman he had ever laid his eyes on, but seeing you in that moment, really solidified it for him. Your dress hugged you in all the right places and your veil had hung so gracefully around you.
You got to the alter and you didn’t miss the misty look in Eddie’s eyes. Seeing him cry made you tear up as well, which always seemed to happen when you saw other people cry.
Eddie was quick to hold you by your hands and you stared at him, admiring the way that the sunlight made his dark brown eyes seem lighter. That was your favorite feature of his. You loved how expressive they were. That little twinkle that was always there unless he was talking about something serious. That was always his telltale sign that he was being truthful.
You could hear the officiant speaking, but you couldn’t quite make out what he was saying. You were too focused on Eddie and his pretty face. Just by looking into his eyes, you could perfectly imagine your life together. You had still wanted the dog and kids and the cute house with the picket fence and Eddie was more than willing to give those things to you.
Eddie hadn’t been paying attention either. He was also imaging his future with you and it was the exact same as yours. He could imagine your children running into your bedroom to wake you up. The two of them shamelessly getting into the bed with you, the dog not far behind. You’d all then go to the kitchen and you’d make the kids breakfast because Eddie couldn’t cook to save his life. And he’d watch you as he drank his coffee, wondering how the fuck he got so lucky to have you in his life.
You put your rings on each other’s fingers and Eddie found himself staring at his. If anyone had told him three years prior that he’d be getting married, he would have laughed in their face. That was never in the cards. First of all, until he had gotten famous, barely anyone had spared him a second glance. He couldn’t see himself with anyone and that was the way he liked it.
But then you had come into the picture. You were beautiful and smart and clever and you liked him. Out of all the men you could’ve had in The Ruby Room, you chose him. He was the one you made out with in the bathroom. He was the one who got to take you home and did things to you in that hotel room that made you feel more pleasure than anyone else had. You had chosen him and he couldn’t have been more grateful.
“You may now kiss the bride.” Eddie didn’t need to be told twice. He pulled you into his arms and planted one on you. He tried his hardest to keep it PG since you had an audience even though he really wanted to stick his tongue in your mouth. He was just going to have to save that for the honeymoon.
Your home, Staten Island, 1994
Eddie and you were still on the floor of the bathroom, the test still sitting on the counter unread by either of you. It was too scary. You had been trying to have a baby for close to a year and with the not missed periods, timing the sex just right, and the multiple doctors visits, it was taking a toll on your mental health.
The doctors had told you that because of the shape of your uterus, it was going to be difficult, but not impossible to get pregnant. And if you did get pregnant, it still had a high chance of being a very healthy baby.
You tried to be happy, you really did. But you couldn’t help like it was all your fault. Eddie had done everything right and even after multiple attempts, you still hadn’t gotten pregnant. That very much sounded like your fault to you. The doctors had told you that there was nothing wrong with you and that sometimes it just takes a few tries. Well, how many tries was it going to take?
You stood up from the floor and turned your back to Eddie, covering your face with your hands. He was going to have to read it because looking at yet another test and seeing the negative sign was just going to make you sick.
“You read it. I can’t look at it.” Eddie slowly stood and stared at you, feeling his heart break at how tired you seemed.
“Are you sure?” He wanted to be absolutely positive. He knew how quick you were to change your mind sometimes.
“Yes, please. Just do it.” Eddie moved to the counter and picked up the test, holding it delicately in his hands like he thought it was going to break.
His heart raced as he looked down at the little window to see the results. Right there smack dab in the middle was a pink little plus sign. He slowly looked up at you, trying to hide the grin on his face, but failing. Your back was still to him, your hands still covering your eyes.
“Honey, can you look at me for a second?” You ignored him, your chest getting tighter, your anxiety at an all time high.
“Honey, please. Need to see that pretty face.” He rested a hand on your shoulder and you slowly turned to face him, removing your hands from your face. You were looking down at your feet, afraid to look up at him, afraid to finally know if you were pregnant or not. Eddie hooked his finger under your chin and forced you to look up at him. He held the test up for you to see, a huge grin on his face as he did it.
“Angel, it’s positive,” he told you and you quickly took the test from him, wanting to see for yourself. Sure enough, there was the little plus sign staring back at you. You really are pregnant. It wasn’t the dream you had been having since you had started trying.
“We’re gonna have a baby,” you said in shock, your eyes wide. You almost couldn’t believe it, but false positives weren’t very common so it had to be true.
“We’re gonna have a baby,” Eddie replied, pulling you into a hug. You found yourself tearing up and Eddie wasn’t far behind. You both had wanted this baby so badly and now you got it. They were years of pure joy.
Eddie pulled back to look at you and couldn’t help but pull you in for a kiss. You couldn’t keep your smiles off your face as you did so, your teeth constantly knocking together. But that didn’t matter. You were just too happy that you couldn’t stand it.
Eddie reluctantly pulled away from you and took you by the hand, pulling you into the bedroom. He went through his drawers clearly looking for something and stopped when he pulled out your Polaroid camera. He stood next to you and pointed the camera at your faces, making sure that the test was in the shot. You both grinned and he snapped the photo, waiting for it to print.
He set the picture on his bedside table and sat down on the bed, pulling you to him. He lifted your shirt and rest his hands on your stomach, tears welling up in his eyes again. You rested your hands on top of his and look down at him, knowing that he was going to be a great fucking dad.
He pressed featherlight kisses to your stomach, wanting the little one to know just how much it was going to be loved by the two of you. Especially you. You had been wanting this baby for so long and the fact that you were actually going to have it was a goddamn miracle.
Once the Polaroid was developed, Eddie grabbed and pulled you to the kitchen, the two of you practically running because of how fast Eddie was going. You got to the fridge that was littered with different Polaroids you had taken over the years. You and Eddie at that Halloween party all those years ago. Sheila had insisted that you have it considering how much it had meant to you. You and Eddie snuggled up in your bed, looking at each other with so much love. You and Eddie on your wedding day, sharing your first kiss as a married couple. And now the one of you and Eddie holding the pregnancy test already looking like proud parents.
Eddie stood behind you and rested his hands on your stomach as you looked at the photos of the life that you had created together. Unconventional, maybe, but it was still beautiful. All the moments you shared together that were frozen in time forever. You could look at them anytime you wanted. And you’d have your kids up there as well. By the time they grew up, you’d need an entirely different space to hold the photos.
Eddie turned you around to face him and pulled you in for another kiss, this one deeper than this others. This was one where he was pouring out his love for you. And goddamn did he love you so much. He then reached around you to grab the phone so you could tell your parents and Wayne that you had some very good news.
taglist: @josephquinnsfreckles @maskofmirrors
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igotanidea · 5 months
Sous chef : Sam Winchester x reader cook AU (part 1)
sous chef fr): works directly under the head chef 
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Request: Sammy has his own restaurant, he is a Chef, he works in the administration almost always and usually cooks once a week at the place, he falls in love with the reader. Age gap but everything legal, he cooks for her, she falls in love with his food! and the excellent sex with him (played with it a bit, hope you'll like it anon :)
Before we start this story we have to make one thing clear.
Y/N was not a silly teenage rom-com heroine.
Did she watch them? Yes. Did she read them? Yes, absolutely.
But only for the funsies.
It was not like the “To all the boys I’ve ever loved” plotline.
Not like she was only living the fantasy inside her head, too scared to act on her own feelings.
It was not – god forbid – like the After plotline and Y/N was not the good girl focused only on her school stuff not wanting to have anything to do with the bad boys and boys at all.
No way in hell.
She had her own amount of love drama and with the slightly wild character she was more than ready for a new chapter in her life.
Parties, boys, skipping classes and making out in the toilets, sneaking under the professors’ nose.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, let’s talk reality.
She was a nice girl. A kind spirit. A dreamer.
With a vision, sharp tongue and good priorities.
Not a pushover but also not the most popular. Not the sharpest crayon in the box, but street smart. If you asked Y/N Y/L/N how she classified herself she would probably answer in the middle. She could get lost inside her own head trying way too hard to figure things out instead of just letting it unravel and go with a flow. Dead set on putting some sort of label on herself to find out where she belongs. Which was still  bound to happen.
She has just moved to the new city to college and what was better way to get acquainted with the surroundings and fellow students than –
- having a little trip? (I’m pretty sure you thought party, huh?)
 In her defence – she tried partying, but seeing her college friends drunk dancing and throwing up because they actually wanted to let loose and have a big opening of the year was a bit too much. Therefore, she grabbed her girls, completely ignored their whining about ruining the mood and baptized as Y/N, the destroyer, dragged them out into the city.
That’s how they found this little nice restaurant in the suburbs. Nothing too fancy nor too expensive for a students’ budget but good enough for a group of young adult women who just started living (almost) on their own.
It was nice to have a ladies’ night. At least until the door to the restaurant opened and a representative of the opposite sex entered causing all the females to raise their gazes. A little rascal definitely noticed the sudden commotion in the henhouse cause he shot them a teasing gaze and winked in a flirtatious manner before heading towards the counter smiling widely at the other man standing there.
“Is he gay?” Y/N asked, barely holding back a chuckle, while observing the whole scene
“That guy who just entered!”
“What?” her friends laughed  collectively “Dean Winchester being gay? Damn Y/N. He had more girls in his bed in last two months than any of us will have in our whole life!”
“Are you a lesbian then, f/n?”
“You said he had more girls than any of us-“
“oh shut it! Slip of the tongue, you know what I mean!”
“so not gay?”
“who’s the other one then?” Y/N took a sip of her drink pointing out behind her back.
 “yes he! Do you see any other good looking guys around?”
“That’s Sam.” f/n replied and went quiet teasing Y/N on absolute purpose.
“Care to elaborate or are you too busy foaming at the mouth while checking out that Dean guy?”
“Can you blame me? Damn, have you seen his-?”
“face! Have you seen his face?” Y/N rolled her eyes in frustration. “they are brothers. Obviously. Sam’s a chef and Dean ... well, I am not sure what he does for a living but I’m all up for the bad boy style and attitude.”
 “dare I ask?”
“you better not. I see that little blush on your face so enjoy your little teenage rom-com moment.” f/n laughed sipping her drink though the straw purposefully making it loud to get the man’s attention and be the eyecatcher on Y/N’s behalf.
“stop it!” Y/N shushed suddenly feeling eyes on her back, almost burning the hole and – ironically – do making her blush.
“and what if I don’t?”
“you’re crazy!”
“and you’re too shy for your own good. Come one, live a little. Have a hot, steamy romance. Free yourself! Burn the bra!”
“It’s a figure of speech!”
“I know what it means!” Y/N laughed and shook her head at her friend’s stupidity. However, instead of leaving or making  a scene she just raised her own glass in a celebratory gesture “cheers!”
And now – tell me, in your honest opinion, don’t you think that few ��young woman in an almost empty restaurant at the very late hour, laughing and acting the way young carefree girls should, would get some looks, even if covert?
Once the academic year got off the ground the time seemed to pass in an accelerated speed. Before anyone noticed the beginning of October turned into November and then everyone started slowly thinking about actual work and getting some work as a source of income.  
Y/N was no exception to this rule. Between mingling, being a  socially engaged person, going out with friends, studying, preparing for exams, finding little time for her hobbies and currently fighting for an internship, her life was simply crazy.
So she wandered around the city alone to get at least a bit of peace of mind. Not having any specific destination in mind, just letting her feet lead her to whatever place she might find herself in. Just being and floating in space, allowing her imagination and creativity run free, unrestrained by a rigid schedule.
The old bookshop looking like it was taken straight from the Harry Potter universe might have been a spot where she’s been spending most of her time, to such extend that the owner learned her name. moreover, she even started helping him in running the business which was quite good practice given the fact she was studying business and economics. And for one more reason too.
“I’m here, sorry for being late! Bus was delayed due to the weather and –“ she walked through the door shaking of the snow not realising that there was a client present and Bobby was nowhere to be found. That meant she was supposed to serve the man standing by the counter, whose face she could not see at the moment. “Morning sir. What can I help you with?” swiftly she hung her damp coat and hat on the hanger and approached him. “Sam?” the name escaped her before she bit her tongue.
“Hi. Do I know you?” the man frowned in confusion, but it was not a confused expression of someone offended by being called by his given name, rather a sympathetic question of someone trying hard to refresh his memory.
“No.” she shook her head with a smile of embarrassment “no you don’t, not really. But my friend got eyes for your brother, you should warn him about a feisty female sharpening her claws.”
“I am pretty sure Dean can handle- wait, you’re that girl from the restaurant.”
“Good memory. Surprisingly good, actually.” She reached her hand towards him “I’m Y/N Y/L/N. It’s only fair to tell you my name since I already know yours.”
“Nice to meet youY/N. You work here?”
“More like volunteer. Full time student, part time bookseller. Doesn’t seem like a match made in heaven, does it?”
“Well, I bet you wouldn’t expect to see a chef searching for a book, will you?”
“I’m not judgmental.” She shrugged taking a look at the pile of volumes in his hands “but choosing modern sci-fi crime and mythology books is a bit surprising. For a guy in general.”
“It’s just side interest. And actually I was hoping Bobby would find something that would be more complex than a manifestation of the author's exuberant and non-realistic imagination”
“Wow, now that’s the wording.”
“for a chef?” Sam smirked.
“For a person. Anyone else would just say the book was fucked up.”
“Thought you weren’t judgmental?”
“I wasn’t.” Y/N shrugged and grinned at him “till you said that you’re pretty much looking for fantasy book with no fantasy in it.”
“Then why do I get the feeling you know perfectly where to find one?”
“Challenge accepted Mr. Winchester.”
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loxalotl · 7 months
Piltover is the problem (*Arcane S1 spoilers*)
Throughout Arcane, Jinx is torn between Vi's "Powder", and Silco's "Jinx". Both love her, but neither accept who she is until Silco's final realistion where he switches from "Jinx is perfect" to "You're perfect." 
Something he was desperate to hear from Vander, who gives up on Silco, betrays him and leaves him for dead thinking he doesn't have the capacity to change. But Silco proves him wrong: "Is there anything so undoing as a daughter". Jinx did what Vander couldn't. Gave him something else to believe in. Focussed that anger and injustice.
And Silco did it. He paved the way for peace. And had a good argument for not handing in Jinx for the murder of a couple of guards when Piltover has been systematically murdering hundreds of children and adults alike in the mines etc.. Oh, but it wasn't them directly, so doesn't count? No. Their inaction was what pulled the trigger. And Jayce doesn't even consider being held accountable for the murder of that boy (again, irregardless of all the out-of-sight so out-of-mind deaths). If brokering peace is enough for him, it should be enough for Jinx and Silco too, particularly when Piltover's body count is so much higher.
When it comes down to it, Piltover are the worst kind of abuser. They're the government who acts all nice and shiny and righteous while quietly enforcing child labour, enabling destruction of the environment, gas-lighting anyone who speaks against them, and promoting an unsustainable and lavish lifestyle based on self-interest at the expense of others. The quiet, deep-rooted, insidious evil that points it's finger at any opposers screaming "look, big bad thing threatening our civilised way of life!"
And Vander and Vi are not the "good guys" either. They're another kind of toxic. The "normal" people with a saviour complex who don't understand/accept anyone different, and part of what pushed Silco and Jinx over the edge (because, yes, Silco and Jinx have crossed a line, there is no excusing that). Neither are the Firelights necessarily the "good guys". They are so focussed on infighting in Zaun that they seem to have forgotten about the root cause of their problems. You know, Piltover? The people who have been quietly murdering your families and loved ones for the past X number of years??? Jeez. Remember the bigger picture guys.
Now, we may have been robbed of the "Silco figuring out how to properly dad" in Season 2 as it doesn't fit into Riots universe (looking at you, AO3), but I can only hope it doesn't turn into the "Vi fixes Jinx" show. Jinx doesn't need fixing. She needs people to accept who she is, and access to mental health care so she can focus that brilliance into productive things. People can be not okay but still valid. Yes, Silco was a "bad guy", but he was also a product of Piltover's exploitation, suppression and abuse (hello? Can we address this please?), as well as Vander's betrayal. He was very deliberate in his cruelty. It all had a purpose. Zaun needed someone to step up as nothing else was working (hello Jinx). Was it the right thing to do? Morally, no. But was it the lesser evil that would overall result in the fewest deaths? Who knows.
The key takeaway for me is that Runeterra DESPERATELY needs access to good quality, free mental health services (as do we all). Also, the world could also come a long way if we a) try to be nicer to each other and b) take a closer look at those really in power ('cos there is a whole lotta grey out there).
But that's how I see it. And I think one of the great things this show has done has sparked these discussions on acceptance, equality, mental health etc. It's okay to not be okay. You're not alone, so just be nice to each other. We're all on this lump of space rock together, and for anyone out there who feels lost, I'm sending all the love and hugs in the universe💜
And yeah, watch this show. It's perfect.
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freesia-writes · 8 months
accidental first kiss with Rexy-boy!! god I love that man with my whole heart! (Ps, this request is from @snippy-tano, this is just my main blog)
Yayyy @snippy-tano -- Here ya go! <3
Rex x GN!Reader Word Count: 1.3k
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Amidst the bustling corridors of the Republic starcruiser, you were going about your duties in the med bay, tending to injured soldiers as the Clone Wars raged on. The constant influx of casualties was a grim reminder of the galaxy's turmoil. As a medic, you had become accustomed to the chaos of the war, yet it was the healing and saving lives that gave you purpose and perseverance. 
One day as you worked diligently, a familiar authoritative voice disrupted the typical clamor as a few orderlies accompanied the new arrivals. Captain Rex, the steadfast leader of the 501st, had been brought in with a minor injury. The proximity of such an iconic figure in the Grand Army of the Republic gave the room an electric charge, and it wasn't just from the buzzing medical equipment. Your position as medic had allowed you a variety of encounters with the clones, and there was one who had always stood out to you. Not that you’d ever expect him to actually notice you, considering his position and yours, but the short conversations you’d enjoyed had always been laced with a surprising depth that drew you to him like a magnet.
"Captain Rex," you acknowledged him, your voice maintaining a professional tone while your heart raced. His handsome face was marred by a jagged cut from his eyebrow to his hairline, dark with dried blood. "What happened this time?"
Rex offered a half-grin, a mix of pain and amusement in his eyes as he answered, "I think a clanker was trying to kiss me." His tone was playful, but his words brought immediate *thoughts* to mind, and you pulled the flimsy curtain closed behind you as he sat on the exam table, muttering “I don’t blame it,” under your breath.
There wasn’t any way to stand in front of him that didn’t feel awkward; you didn’t want to put one of your legs between his, so you shuffled to the side to lean over his head, which was just below yours in his seated position. You swallowed as you tried to remain nonchalant, reaching a hand to his chin to gently tilt it upward for a proper assessment. Maker, his amber eyes reflected every light in the room, and you found yourself lost in them for a split second before jerking your gaze back to his head. You left your fingers on his jaw and placed the other hand on the side of his head, his blond hair bristling beneath your palm. 
"You're fortunate it wasn't more severe," you commented, seeking anything to discuss to take your mind off of his proximity… his quiet gentleness… his broad shoulders... You cleared your throat, “You could have lost an eye.” 
Rex's gaze was unwavering, filled with respect for your dedication and an unspoken admiration that ran deeper; it was something he had held for a while as he watched you go above and beyond in your care for the endless stream of injured troopers. He chuckled softly, the sound resonating in the small space. "Yeah, I suppose I am. But if it gives me a little time to… ah… hang out here… then it’s not all that bad.”
The compliment caught you off guard, and you couldn't help but blush slightly as you began to clean the wound with delicate hands. The war had left little room for such conversations, and this unexpected exchange felt like a breath of fresh air. Especially from him. 
“I mean,” he continued, “because you’re… you’re such a skilled medic. No one sprays that bacta quite like you…” He faded off at the end, cringing at his own words and causing you to wonder if he was so quick to correct himself because he would never want that sort of assumption… 
“Yes, that is pretty much all I do,” you said, intending it to be light and playful but realizing as it came out that it could be interpreted as indignation or sarcasm. Before you could clarify, he had already jumped in.
“No! No, I know you do more. You do… a lot! So much more… Ah, kriff,” he finally declared, and his earnest floundering made it impossible for you to hold back a giggle. How could someone be so fearless, commanding, strategic, and… awkward? 
“I was just teasing,” you offered, giving him a wink as you sprayed the all-purpose bacta. He closed his eyes at the cool sensation, and you released your gentle hold on his chin, allowing him to lower his head. You bent closer to ensure adequate coverage, resting a hand on the outside of his bicep. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about touching his arms before… gliding your hands across the scars and muscles as you lay in his embrace, listening to his smooth voice in your ear as he shared more of himself with you than he’d ever allowed to anyone else… 
You noticed suddenly that some of the silky liquid had gathered on the edge of his eyebrow, threatening to drip into his eye. Without thinking, you wiped it away with a brush of your thumb that lingered on the edge of his face for a moment longer than was medically necessary. At the same time, he was opening his eyes, and they widened at the sight of your face so close to his. You couldn’t pull your hand away, resting bent fingers against the side of his head and staring at him like an idiot. Gods, he was enrapturing – an inexplicable combination of competence and humility.
He lifted his face to yours, moving suddenly and deliberately as if you’d given him an order. His hands were tightly gripping the edge of the bed on either side of his legs; you could feel his knuckles pressing into the side of your thigh as his nose touched yours, lips slightly parted. As if in a dream, you closed your eyes and met his mouth with your own.
Fireworks exploded across every inch of your skin, and you dropped your hand to his shoulder, tilting your head to meet him more fully. You were frantically trying to memorize every detail of this moment, because you were positive that you would wake up soon and none of it would have really happened. His lips were so soft, yet pressed against yours with a firm resolve. The scent of his face and the sound of his breathing were intoxicating, and you felt as though you were drifting on a cloud. 
As quickly as it began, it was over, both of you pulling back with shock and awe painted across your faces. Your mouth remained slightly open as you stepped back on wobbly legs, and he lifted a hand to his own mouth in disbelief. 
“Is that… That wasn’t what you were… You weren’t going in for a kiss, were you?” he stuttered, muffled between his fingers as his face blossomed red. Your heart swelled in your chest at his reaction, and you couldn’t resist touching his cheek one last time with a shaky, adoring hand. 
“No,” you admitted shyly, “but that was… amazing.” Your voice was quiet and breathy as it carried your vulnerable admission, and his mortified expression began to melt into one of unsure curiosity. 
“I’m sorry, though…” he continued, “I didn’t mean–”
“Please,” you interrupted, “Don’t be sorry. You don’t need to say anything. Just… thank you.” 
He rubbed the back of his neck with a hand as you stood up straight again, and he rose to his feet beside you, eyes unable to leave the ground. He chuckled as a preface to his next words, “Head wounds, you know…” Your sudden laughter brought his gaze up to meet your own, and you couldn’t hide the affection and admiration on your face. 
“Head wounds,” you echoed with a smile. 
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sunnylands-world · 1 year
something really angsty like make me sob buttt a happy ending💀💀💀💪🏻💪🏻😘😘
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It cuts deep
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Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Harry Potter sister reader
Summary: you've lost your only family and the boy you loved may have been the cause…
Word count: 998
Warning: death, slapping, mentions of blood, reader gets depressed, angst to fluff
Universe: Harry Potter
A/n: sorry this took a bit I was trying to figure all of it out 😕 but here it is!! 🤍
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It was like a barrier of safety broke, everything you knew was right, comforting was gone and burning at your feet. Your eyes watered, maybe you didn't want to accept it but there it was… he'd killed your only family, your brother, Harry. It hurt More because you got to look into his eyes as he choked on the blood in his throat and you tried to paint the image pretty, see a day where he was smiling on the train and fixing his glasses or winning in quidditch but you couldn't because you could hear him suffering, nearing the end.
The closer he got the more you realized there'd be no more memories. You'd never see him at the table for breakfast or with his friends. There was a hollow in your stomach like it had dropped. The tightness in your throat and the heaviness in your chest as you tried to breathe filled your ears with it and you couldn't hear anything around you. Your body was weakened as someone pulled you from him as he was gone now and you'd shut down completely.
It didn't take long for Draco to appear trying to talk to you. A soft knock came to your door as you stared into the space. You didn't answer. The door opened and he entered looking like he'd just been heartbroken, told he wasn't needed.
"[Name] i-"
"Get out" you say calmly but he tried to push it, when you repeated it you screamed like you were warning someone to run as you stood slamming your fist against his chest tears leaving your eyes like water from a fossiet only you couldn't turn it off, you never had been able to. Your aggression turned soft as he grabbed your wrist.
"I understand your upset but you need to let me explain what happened before you ran in." He says pulling you Into his chest; and as your headrest against him you quickly become enraged again. It felt repulsing, disappointing, being against your brother's killer even more as you remember that night. You pushed yourself from him regretfully, eyes filled with fire and you could burn him to the ground since there was no water to put out the heated flame.
"Explain that you killed him! Left him to bleed in my arms!" You questioned and he didn't respond. you scoffed, tongue poking the inside of your cheek as you nodded in understanding.
"You know what Draco Malfoy, you're no different than your distasteful father. You practically become him. You don't care about anyone's feelings, you hurt people inflicting pain on innocent people for no reason at all. Are you power hungry as well? Want everyone to feel intimidated by you? Well guess what?" You walk towards him whispering in his ear.
"Everyone knows you're a coward who cries in your mother's arms about your problems because you're no man." He reacts to it like he's never done before, slapping you across the face making you stumble backwards holding your cheek. His eyes widen for a second but he shakes his head leaving you. You stay in that room rotting away feeling like life has no purpose. You're close to resembling a skeleton as you ignored the rumble of your tummy, too afraid to Conquer the world, Knowing that if you go out he won't be there.
You haven't left your bed either.
You can't care about hygiene now. You never want to see the light of day again, it feels easier to give up than to deal with anything else. You're not sure how long it's been and your only source of knowledge comes from the light coming through your window and the switch to dark, though sometimes you don't sleep anymore.
Maybe it's been weeks, possibly months but one of the days a knock comes to the door, but like before you don't answer. It opens and Draco comes in, only this time you don't fight him.
He walks to your bathroom and the sound of running water follows him. He's in there for awhile before he comes out taking you from the bed. He places you on the toilet seat pulling your dirty clothes from you. You look dull and almost like you're paralyzed not moving brarly blinking as he puts you in the water. It steamed as your body relaxed. He grabs your body's wash and hair soap, brings them to the side of the tube and takes your place on the toilet.
"I didn't kill your brother," Draco says, pouring the liquid on a cloth.
"I was coming to save him when the others got to him first and I…I ran. after I found him dead I was…was afraid of what you'd think and I'm sorry, I'm sorry for slapping you, I'm sorry for everything I just need you to forgive me please." He said bring the cloth across your back the hot water making you shiver. You didn't know why you would need to hate him if he didn't do it but a part of you wanted someone to blame and have punished for it; But he didn't do anything so he didn't deserve this.
"I forgive you," you whispered. He sighed, massaging the shampoo in your hair as your eyes fluttered.
"I love you and I'd never do anything to hurt you, you know that right?" He asked and you nod inhaling.
"I know, and I'm sorry too, I just- I just didn't know I was so angry after everything I turned my back on everyone" you explained. He places a gentle kiss on your shoulder blade.
"You don't have to explain yourself [name]. I didn't think you hated me otherwise you would have put me out now, but I know you can't resist me. I'm a sexy angel." he teased and you let out a small laugh
"You're the devil." you giggled feeling a bit lighter now that he was here…innocent.
he grinned "I know."
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Draco's lovers and requests
@alexxavicry, @sarahthehuffpuff, @supercoffeeblogs, @thatwattpadobsessed, @amyclare04, @kyracanwrite, @animeloverfreak310, @imafangirl22, @phildunphyisadilf, @jac1ndaa
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bi-bard · 10 months
We Ain't Angry at You, Love, You're the Greatest Thing We've Lost - Dream of the Endless Imagine [The Sandman]
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Title: We Ain't Angry at You, Love, You're the Greatest Thing We've Lost
Pairing: Morpheus | Dream of the Endless X Dream!Reader
Based On: You're Gonna Go Far
Word Count: 1,638 words
Warning(s): Morpheus being a dick, mention of bullying/mistreatment
Summary: After the events with the Corinthian and the Dream Vortex, many thought that Morpheus may have run out of any remaining kindness and leniency. However, they were gravely mistaken. It simply took a well-intentioned dream to prove it.
Author's Note: I think I've changed this song's story about four times. I'm sorry. Everything just felt repetitive.
After Morpheus went missing, I had been consumed by a deep fear that I would never be able to find a sense of purpose for myself.
It wasn't until a few years later that I finally allowed myself to leave the Dreaming behind me. It was terrifying at first. It was still largely unknown to me. I had to adjust and learn. However, once I started to do that, it was as if all of the puzzle pieces snapped into place.
I had never known peace like I did during my time on Earth.
For nearly a century, I had crafted myself a perfect home. I had established relationships and connections. I had become a fixture.
For the first time, there was a purpose for me that did not feel forced. One that did not leave me feeling burnt out or angry. I was able to merely exist and be enough for those around me.
Yes, there were hard times. I didn't age like humans did. There were times when I would need to move in order to avoid them figuring that out, but then I got to find a new web of people to connect myself to.
It was everything to me.
I had thought about what my life would have been like if I hadn't been confined to the Dreaming, but getting to actually experience it was... perfect.
It was a shame that my perfection was so cruelly interrupted.
I had no indication that anything was wrong as I walked into the small place that I had grown to call my own.
Maybe that was my fault. Maybe I hadn't been paying enough attention. Maybe spending my time in this realm had left me blind to the signs of my old one.
That was the only explanation I had for not being prepared to see Morpheus standing in my living room.
I jumped when I saw him. It had been a century. I had been under the impression that he wasn't coming back. I had convinced myself that I was perfectly safe here because Lucienne hadn't tried to stop me and I had spent so much time here.
It may have sounded foolish, but I wanted to believe it.
"Morpheus," I said quietly, still trying to grapple with the fact that he was alive and standing before me.
"Hello, (Y/n)," he replied.
I stepped inside quickly, shutting and locking the door behind me. "What are you doing here?"
"You abandoned the Dreaming."
"So did the Corinthian," I countered as I set my stuff on the dining room table. "Surely, he is of more importance than I am."
Morpheus's jaw clenched. "I have a plan to take care of the Corinthian and the harm that he has caused."
"The Corinthian has done nothing short of living up to the limits and purpose that you defined for him," I continued. "His work extended to the world of the waking, but you are the reason that he has been able to do such a thing."
"He is not important at this moment. You returning to the Dreaming is."
"Did you not also abandon the Dreaming," I asked, ignoring his statement almost entirely. Delaying the inevitable, but I had no interest in calling it that at the time.
"I was imprisoned," he corrected. "I had no escape for a century. You chose to run out of selfishness."
"Yours was due to imprisonment, mine was out of necessity,"
"Lucienne was watching over the realm. You were safe there."
"I was not when you were in power. Your absence did not change that for better or worse. All that changed was the crumbling of buildings."
He paused for a moment. "I do not understand."
"You never wanted to," I muttered. I crossed my arms and stood in front of him.
"Explain it to me. Tell me why you felt it was so necessary to abandon any and all responsibility that you had."
"Your other dreams and nightmares tormented me as much as they tormented the humans that they had been assigned to," I said bluntly, stepping forward as I did so. "Are you truly shocked that I decided to leave when I knew that it would be safe for me to do so?"
Morpheus had no answer to my question. His jaw merely clenched and his back straightened, as if making himself taller would cause me to step down from this argument.
I shook my head. "You need to go-"
"Regardless of the reason, you have a purpose in the Dreaming," he replied. "You will not abandon it."
"You have been gone for a hundred years, you have no right to demand things of me-"
"It would be wise of you to remember your place," he cut me off. I felt as if the blood in my veins ran cold. "You may return on your own or I will ensure that you do."
"Lord Morpheus," I scoffed. "How could you possibly be so selfish-"
My words were cut off as a cloud of sand surrounded me. It felt as if I had no opportunity to realize what was happening before I was suddenly standing back in the Dreaming.
It was darker than I remembered. Colder. It was clear that some work had been done since it had started to crumble to pieces years ago, but something was still very clearly wrong.
I would have been more worried about the state of the realm if I had not been so consumed by my anger.
I still had a million things to say to Morpheus. Explanations and accusations and pleas. All of them equally important... and all of them going equally unheard.
I had relented to bothering him and Lucienne. I had been told over and over that there was no time. That I needed to get back to what I had been created for.
But I had experienced so much beyond that now. I couldn't just let it go.
I was upsetting them. I knew it. It was a shame that I didn't feel any guilt over that.
It wasn't until the dust settled around the Corinthian's actions and the Vortex that Morpheus ever decided to speak with me.
I walked into the main hall with my heart almost in my throat. I tried to calm myself down. It wasn't going well. I had been so angry before this. So focused on his refusal that now that I would be able to talk to him, I lost every argument that I wanted to make.
Terrified felt like both a word that was too intense and not intense enough.
When I made it there, he was standing at the top of his stairs, staring up at the large stained-glass windows in the room. I took a deep breath.
"You asked to see me, sir," I called.
Morpheus turned around and began walking down the steps. "Yes. There is a discussion that needs to be had."
I furrowed my eyebrows. "What about, sir?"
"About your place here in the Dreaming," he replied.
"When I sent you back to the Dreaming, I was focused on rebuilding the realm," he explained. "It had fallen apart during my absence, and I knew that returning the dreams that had escaped would aid in returning it to where it was meant to be.
"I understand now that my actions were selfish. My assumption that the world would be the same as it was before my imprisonment led me to ignore the wishes and knowledge of those who cared for me and the realm as a whole. The results were heartless. Blind."
I didn't respond. I was still uneasy about the meeting. He stepped forward a bit.
"The Dreaming was never as kind to you as I wished it to be," he muttered. "I am sorry for not addressing that. For not protecting you as I always should have."
"Thank you," I murmured. Having him acknowledge it would have been enough for the time being. However, that was not the only thing that Morpheus had to say.
"I wish to send you back," he continued. "Back to that life that you had made for yourself in the waking world. If you will allow me to do so."
I felt tears fill my eyes. "Sir, are you being serious?"
A small grin formed on his face. "Yes."
I let out a breathy, shocked laugh before quickly moving forward and hugging him as tightly as I could. I had forgotten any formal behavior or respectful actions in that moment. I almost pulled back and apologized but was stopped by him hugging me back and chuckling to himself.
"Thank you," I murmured.
"You have nothing to thank me for."
I stepped back slowly, smiling fully at him. "When can I leave?"
"Whenever you are ready."
"Are you ready now?"
He reached into his pocket, pulling out a handful of sand. "Well, then I believe that the only thing left is to wish you good luck."
"Thank you, Lord Morpheus."
He nodded to me once before holding out his hand and blowing a handful of sand at me.
I closed my eyes as the sand swept up around me. As the wind died down, I opened my eyes again. I found myself in the hall of my apartment building.
I smiled again before rushing to the door. I found my spare key under the welcome mat and quickly made it inside.
I let out a sigh as I looked around. Everything was exactly how I'd left it. It was all perfect. Not a speck out of place.
I chuckled to myself as my tears filled my eyes.
I had never known peace like that before.
And I would never be more grateful that I was finally given the chance to experience it.
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merakiui · 7 months
I know you talked about the eels being the world’s greatest uncles, so I gotta ask, where were they in your yandere Azul fic in His Blueberry Eyes? I know for narrative purposes you wanted to isolate the reader, but I gotta know: did they know that Azul pushed reader down the stairs? Were they present over the pregnancy? Whenever they had to babysit the reader when they moved to the city, did they ever ask her how she was feeling or if she was willing to try again? I don’t know, I still have feelings for that fic and I’m craving fluffy platonic Jade and Floyd who desperately wanted to coddle a baby tako.
The tweels were going to be excellent uncles in HBE, but Azul tries to keep them at arm's length from you. >_< part of me likes to imagine the twins catch on to his obsession in its early stages, but they don't say anything because they know how sensitive Azul can be and they both note how obviously happy he is with you (and surely Azul knows better than to let his attachments spiral into something unhealthy, right?). They're not going to coddle him; he can take care of himself.
This also isn't their marriage, so marital problems are between you and Azul. It's not something the twins want to involve themselves in, lest they risk complicating matters or unintentionally causing more rifts. I think it's a difficult tightrope to walk because they try to tell him he needs to relax and stop being so controlling and manic, but Azul is stubborn and insists that the twins don't know anything; they have no room to say anything about his marriage because it's not theirs.
The main issue is that Azul can't keep anything from the twins even if he wanted to. They read him like a book. So even though Azul never admits the real reason for why you lost the baby, the twins can read between the lines and suspect the truth hiding behind layers of lies. It hurts because the twins were very supportive and excited when you were pregnant, but Azul sort of,,, shut them out during that time because he was so worried and anxious and self-conscious. He also just doesn't like the idea of other people, even his close friends, being within your proximity when you're pregnant.
As for when they'd look after you, I think neither of you talked about Azul. Most of all, the twins wish for your happiness and if Azul's an unhappy subject they'll make the day all about you to put your mind at ease, if only for the afternoon. I imagine Floyd and Jade took you to all of the places you'd like to go to but never could because of Azul. Sure, he wants you to stay home, but that's so boring. When you're with the twins, you can do whatever you want and be free and safe and happy.
Maybe they dropped little hints about the main issue at hand. I imagine both of them (in the days leading up to the scene in HBE where he kills you) put the idea of divorce in your head in hopes that it might help you figure out what to do or where to go from there (though they really couldn't have imagined Azul could be capable of something like murder; that surprises even them). Maybe they pulled you aside and simply told you, "Whatever you choose to do going forward, we're here in case you need us," or something along those lines to let you know you're not alone in this and that you have their support. Because it's painful to see both you and Azul suffering in different ways, and the twins value family and friendship so much. It's unhappiness all around. T_T
Even though they are only mentioned in the fic, I imagine Jade and Floyd were quite fond of you. Perhaps it's a platonic fondness (or a romantic fondness if you would like to read it as such), but they really do care for you. If I were to ever write more with this universe, I'd like to include scenes in which the reader interacted with them or what they do now that Azul is in custody. There is a lot that could be expanded upon.
And maybe the "hotel" Reader mentions staying at is actually the code word for Jade and Floyd's place. Maybe that was her safe haven. :( maybe the twins and their visits were what kept her sane for such a long time. In the aftermath of everything, Jade and Floyd miss you. The gutting thing about loss is that, even though they know you're never going to return, they still wait for a phone call from you or a text from Azul telling them to go look after you. Without you or Azul around, it's going to feel empty and lonely for a long time.
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c-rose2081 · 4 months
The Mal and Audrey swap AU is so interesting, I have so, SO many questions about it. Does Mal know she's actually Maleficent's daughter? If not, how does she handle the revelation? How will everyone else handle it? Will she actually go along with her bio-mom's evil plan? How does Mal and everyone else, including the VKs, feel about and treat Audrey? Do they think Audrey is Maleficent's daughter? If so, does Audrey correct them? Even though Audrey knows she's not Maleficent's daughter, does she know she's Aurora's daughter? If not, how will she find out the truth? How is everyone going to react when they find our Audrey is Aurora's daughter? Will finding her real mom be what pushes Audrey to stop Maleficent's evil plan, or will it be something else? Is Mal gonna change her awful ways? If so, will she have a similar arc to canon Audrey (losing her social status to Audrey, becoming a villain, getting defeated and repenting) or will it be different? Sorry, I know that's a ton of questions, I just gotta know how all this plays out, especially how both Mal and Audrey will develop as characters and how the events of D2 and D3 will be affected, since Ben will still wind up with Mal despite the role swap
Woof, that is a lot of questions XD, but I don’t mind. I’ll go over some of the basics for you:
1.) Audrey knows she’s not Maleficent’s daughter because Maleficent told her so (she has more dignity than raising the child of her greatest enemies as her own). Audrey doesn’t know where she comes from, as far as she knows her birth parents are long gone and Maleficent ‘saved’ her from dying as a baby. She has no clue she’s actually Aurora and Phillip’s daughter. She doesn’t even know her full name, which is why she goes by Auds or A. However, she is very aware that Maleficent’s actual daughter is in Auradon somewhere, just not exactly where she is/who she was raised by.
2.) Mallory doesn’t know either. This is due to a very strong glamor spell Maleficent cast when the swap was made. It’s so strong that no one questions why Mal doesn’t look anything like her parents, and keeps her from wondering about it too much. She’s happy with her life and has no reason to question it. Her magic was explained away as a weird side-effect of Aurora’s time in the enchanted sleep.
3.) Audrey is basically an observer in D1’s main plot, a bit like a background character. On the Isle of the Lost she is a nobody and is treated as such. She’s a servant to Maleficent and bullied by the other VK’s. She takes orders without question, stays out of other people’s way, has no allies or friends of her own, and doesn’t interfere with Maleficent’s plans unless specifically told to do so.
When she gets sent to Auradon, for all intents and purposes she is Maleficent’s daughter (she would never say otherwise). She’s there to deliver Maleficent’s spellbook to Mallory, her one order, while the other VK’s are tasked with turning her evil. The story progresses similarly to canon, VK’s trying to get to the wand, spelling Ben with a cookie to try and fix his and Mal’s relationship, ect. ect. but Audrey is a passive observer to the entire thing, with her own little story on the side where she starts to make some friends (or rather, Jane and Lonnie start trying to be friends with her) and even has a romance with Mr. Chad Charming (I’m a Chaudrey shipper, sue me!)
4.) The glamor begins to wear off once Auds and Mal are in the same place for long enough, which is when people start to figure out something’s up. Queen Leah at Family Day really breaks things open, as her lack of time in the glamor made seeing Mal as an untrue heir easier to accept (she and Mal still don’t get along). Leah recognizes Audrey at family day, which spooks literally everyone and sends everything into confusion.
5.) I’m not spoiling endings or full realizations yet (mostly cause I haven’t decided what I want yet)
🥲 I hope this helps with some of your questions!
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absentia-if · 1 year
Last Words
Got this idea because of @heleneplays reblog for this post and I couldn’t not do it. I know some of you have been wanting some Kidnapper content and I thought I’d oblige by doing this.
“Oh, little dove,” they sigh, an almost gentle touch threading through the grime-encrusted strands of your hair— blood and mud dulling the usually vibrant colors that lay beneath. “I did warn you how this would end, didn’t I?”
The gloved hand, warm against cooling flesh, shifts to your cheek, long fingers turning your gaze to their unmasked one. A dangerous beauty lurked within the darkness of their eyes— unhindered by a dark cowl, by the shadows they usually stand within, you could see the monster that had finally stepped out.
You hated how much you found them breathtaking. That the danger, the darkness, they offered still enticed you so because they didn’t pretend to be anything otherwise— they may put on a mask, to appease the general public, but they never denied the demon that lurked just beneath the surface of the angelic facade.
Forcing your lips to work, trying to ignore the growing numbness spreading through your limbs like molasses, you speak. “W-Why?”
They don’t say anything in response to your question, an almost stony look flickering across the expanse of their face before the calm neutrality— with just a hint of arrogance— returns.
“Because it’s who I am.”
The response, and the meaning of the words, so much deeper than what they appeared to be at surface level, causes your breath to stutter; darkness begins to leech out from your peripheral vision.
Because it’s who I am.
They were words you had gotten used to. Words, within an elegant scrawl, that were etched across your right side; ever since the day you had been born into this world. The last words your soulmate would ever speak to you.
You couldn’t find it within yourself to open your mouth and say anything else— to find the strength that had left you so long ago while you lay on the grimy floor of a long abandoned warehouse. Nothing else mattered as the world around you began to fade, your heartbeat growing slower and slower as each moment passed, and the only thing that remained was the gentle touch once more at your head.
Even as you slipped away into nothingness.
Such a simple question. One that every child got the grasp of rather quickly. Why do we have to go? Why do those people not like ice cream? Why can’t I go play outside?
Those three letters, that simple question, had become something so much more during their life. Becoming the most complex equation that would follow them as they grew, and they became what they are now.
As the red on their hands grew to such a dark crimson it almost matched the blackness of the gloves that usually adorned them.
Because it’s who they are. They’re a monster, a beast that had been let loose from hell to rain agony on the purgatory of life. Their purpose, their only purpose, was to hunt from the shadows to snuff out the light, which means they never gave the tattoo situated on the left side of their chest any thought. Didn’t think about the being that lived out there— unaware of the monster that forever stained its darkness onto them.
Ignored the possibility of their happy ending. Monsters didn’t get one— evil didn’t know how to love. All it knew how to do was consume and conquer, it didn’t know the softness of a lover's hand or the gentleness of its warmth.
“It’s who I am,” they murmur, hand finally stalling its repeated motion within the dirty strands of hair. The vibrancy of the strands was lost when the figure was too. “It’s who I am.”
Even if sometimes I wish it wasn’t…
Evil didn’t know how to love, but they might have made the exception this one time to learn.
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xhanisai · 1 year
mute adrien au?
So, in this AU, the sudden disappearance of Emelie causes a huge bout of stress and shock for Adrien, causing him to develop vocal chord dysfunction (VCD) which in turn makes him mute. At the time, no one knew it is VCD and believe it was because he was traumatised and having a hard time adjusting to the loss of his mother that he lost the ability to speak. Gabriel gives him a very, very hard time and Adrien's mentality crumbles.
Thankfully, he discovers a ring that grants him the power of destruction along with a tiny little God that is obsessed with cheese and becomes a superhero by the love of his life, Ladybug's side. He even got to make a wonderful, beautiful friend too after he presented her his mother's umbrella and life started to get a little better.
Little did he know, that friend is also his partner and she's figured out his identity- she's determined to ensure that he's well-loved and cared for on both sides of the mask and that he's always smiling.
Here's a snippet:
"-uWAAAA! A-A-A-Adrien!?" The sight of seeing his good friend jump up as high as his alter-ego's namesake had the boy stifle a mischievous smile, eating up the way her face bloomed with that adorable shade of sakura which made her baby blues sparkle under the curtain of her midnight hair. Her flustered expression then quickly changed into a pouty scowl and she planted her hands on her hips (in a very familiar, deja-vu-like way). "You did that on purpose, didn't you? Sneaking up on me, again??" Her tone was dry and for a split second then, he almost braced himself for her to flick his nose softly but he was quick to brush it off, his brain reminding him that right before him was Marinette Dupain-Cheng and not Ladybug…(right?)
Pushing that thought process in the backburner for the umpteenth time, he felt his mouth quirk up into a softer smile this time round and he brought his phone out, gesturing it towards her.
"Oh- you texted?" She whipped her phone out carelessly, almost dropping the device onto the floor but she managed to catch it just in time. She directed a bashful grin to her companion who simultaneously reached for the phone too and he found himself mirroring her cute expression. "What's this? 'Did you drink half the bottle of water by now?', 'Have you taken your ADHD medication before coming to school today?', 'Look at this angry cat picture I found. This will be you if you haven't eaten your lunch. Eat on time'." All of the sass and composure seeped out of her tiny being the more she read through his barrages of texts, feeling a little bad for not checking her phone sooner but the overwhelm of his clear concern and affection for her practically made her speechless.
Adrien came closer, his gentle fingers caressed the side of her face sweetly and he handed her a bottle of water, beckoning for her to drink and ignoring (or trying his best to) the way her pretty pink lips pooched at the sight of the beverage.
Thank you for the ask! Feel free to ask for more about this AU or anything else <3333
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Chapter 17
The conversation continues...and a revelation happens..
“Which is?” Astaroth queried with a touch of hesitancy in his voice, wondering what his wife had in store for him now.  A zoo’s worth of animals on the island? Another island paradise to hideaway in? A mountain one this time?  A baby?  Primus Sator forbid!
Taking a deep breath, since she felt kind of foolish for asking, but that seemed on par for the course of the evening, “Could we try a first date again? Maybe just the two of us? You know, since I ruined this one.” Yara looked away from him, trying to keep the tears from building in her eyes.  The thought of how to ask, or even how to plan it on her own, had been what was keeping her awake.  She wanted to have a romantic time with her husband.  She wanted to show him she wasn’t a lost cause.
If Yara had been trying to hide how nervous she was to ask that question, she failed spectacularly.  Astaroth was impressed she wasn’t physically trembling in his arms when she asked though, as bad as her voice shook and cracked.  That was tempered with pride in her for being able to actually get it out instead of hiding her thoughts like she had a habit of doing. Her looking away didn’t bother him, he’d rather her look away and be able to speak her mind than them keep tripping over one another.
Gently, he used two fingers to tip her chin so that she was once more looking at him in the very low light.  “Do you mind if I change it a little?  Make it so we both have a better time and are more relaxed?”  His fingers gently caressed the edges of her face as he looked at her adoringly.  There were mistakes that he had made that he didn’t intend on making again. He was learning he rather enjoyed having his wife in his arms, and the sound of his name rolling of her tongue. “Whatever you want, but I just…” Yara paused as she nodded, she honestly didn’t care.  It could be a completely different type of night, she just wanted a second chance.  He already meant something to her, and was beginning to mean a whole lot more, she didn’t want to drive him away or to actually look at someone else longingly because she was an emotional mess.  The thought of that was killing her, even with his promise that it would be just the two of them.  “I just want a special time for us, and not to ruin it this time.”  Her head pressed firmly against his chest, her eyes closing.
He tsked her, shaking his head slightly, before kissing her forehead.  “You did not ruin it, Papilio.  You learned that you are cared for, and will never be abandoned or rejected.”  He held her tighter and sighed.  “Life is not an all or nothing, with me, not for you.  We will learn one another, and things will get easier.”  Another kiss was placed on her forehead, as he tried to figure out how to better comfort her, and also wondered why it was that her upset troubled him so deeply.  This whole relationship was a new experience.
“Dinner was amazing, but you know that the rest was not what you had envisioned, or what we could have had.”  There was an undercurrent of sadness and remorse to her voice that displeased him. There was no reason for it.  Yes, she had misunderstood the situation, but she had not done anything to purposely ruin the night. Her sitting there silently was the exact opposite of how he would have expected her to react to seeing someone flirt with him, and assuming he was receptive.
“True, but such is life.  So, we shall have a second date.  I do want to keep my wife happy. I wouldn’t want her eyes or heart to wander to someone else.  After all, she is becoming very important to me.” The seriousness of the conversation gave way to a slight tease in his voice. 
“Asti….” She scoffed and lightly thumped his chest with her hand, looking up at him like he’d just told her that Lucifer was a fluffy bunny. Still, she had not missed his last statement, and it hit her deep.
“I do love it when you say my name….” That wasn't a lie, which the deepening of his voice and the darkening of his eyes gave credence to. There were even times he wished she said it more.  He had to be losing his sanity, but for the moment he didn't care.
“Astaroth…” Yara’s voice lowered and became husky, his name becoming an almost purr that reverberated against his neck before she placed a soft kiss there.  To find out that she had an effect on him emboldened her, and gave her a newfound sense of satisfaction.  The woman at the bar might have been more seductive than she was, but it was clear that she hadn’t affected Astaroth.  If Yara was able to with just his name, well that was definitely a bonus in her favor.  
“Keep doing that and I might keep you in bed all day tomorrow, Papillio.”  His own voice lowered as well, his wife's seduction working fully on him. Even tired after an emotional evening, he would not refuse her.  Not with the new feelings taking root in his heart, and how enjoyable their first encounter was.
“Is that a threat or a promise, love?”
“Both.” Astaroth kissed her lightly, enjoying the tease and seduction of the moment. Fingers sinking into her dark locks, he pulled her closer for a deeper kiss before pulling back to look into her eyes.
“Te amo, Astaroth Anthas, Mortem meam.” (I love you, Astaroth Anthas, my Death.) Yara slipped into Latin as easily as she breathed. For some reason, saying the words in that, instead of Demontongue, was easier. The admission that she had already fallen in love with him, since the moment he had learned all about her past, yet had not pushed her away like the others, terrified her. She had handed him the instrument of her own destruction. 
For a full beat, Astaroth was convinced he'd translated what she'd said wrong in his head.  There was not a possibility that she could feel the same for him. He knew her doubts and fears, her insecurities; but he also knew that after their conversation earlier, she would not say such things lightly or in jest.  His belief, once more, that the Fates were involved in whatever was transpiring, seemed confirmed. 
Yara had felt like she couldn't breathe, maybe her heart didn’t even beat, while she waited for him to say something.  Once she had said it, it was too late to take it back and the expected rejection was causing her to want to run from the bed and the room. Even though she knew he would not be cruel or mean, that almost made it worse. He would be kind in his denial of mutuality.
The last thing Astaroth was going to do was leave Yara wondering his reaction to her admission.  Rolling over so she now was the one on her back, and he was looking down into her soulful eyes that he adored, he gave her his answer. “Te amo, Yara Anthas, amica mea papilio et amator animae meae.” (I love you, Yara Anthas, my darling butterfly and lover of my soul.)
Her eyes searched his for any sign that he was just placating her, her heart trying to escape her rib cage as it thundered inside. If he had not been so close, his eyes capturing hers with their intensity, she would have sworn she hallucinated those words, those words that no one had said to her before in her life; and they came from the only man that would ever matter to her for the rest of her life,
Astaroth truly loved her. Her, the daughter that no one wanted. Death loved. In some way it was poetic, but in every way it was perfect. As they came together once more, sealing their bond and their love, both felt whole for the first time in their existence; like they had truly found the part that was missing.
On Olympus, Clotho sat back from the pool and looked over to Atropos with a smirk. Both Fates had worked hard for this day, this hour, this minute. More was coming, some dark, some light, and a lot bloody. Lachesis came with the wine and goblets and they looked over at the twelve tapestries with threats binding them. It was coming together. Soon the Primus Sator would summon them, and it would begin....
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