#the worst is when they try to bring maths in to it. these bitches are so bad at math. theres a bloke upstairs furious his rent is going up
beeseverywhen · 1 year
The good thing about living in a block of flats is when your neighbour is irrationally angry about something you have no control over you CAN just ignore them and in no time they'll find a new neighbour to get angry at instead, allowing you to just stand by the door and get the news without being directly shouted at
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kolkaslove · 6 months
School's been wild.
First had people from my grade spreading actually insane rumors about me, the ones I know of are
I collect blood and tears (how lmao 😭😭😭😭)
I bring a knife to school (it is a paper craft knife that literally snaps when I try to cut card)
And I asked someone for a lighter in Math (I asked if SHE was the one who brought a lighter into school a few weeks ago 😭😭😭😭)
Oh also apparently people from the main class(green) that was spreading all that weird shit about me are 'afraid' of me???? Like bffr if you're afraid you wouldn't say that shit you see me as just someone who's an easy target to spread gossip about and bully just because I'm different to you and hang out with people from different grades because so many of the people in my grade are actually awful 💀💀💀💀.
Then when he had a 'friendship workshop' got real fucking upset because was (mobbed???? Surrounded????) By bunch of people from Melly's class and shit just beforehand and was forced to work in groups with people from my class. Right after was told off for wearing eyeliner and was threatened with either in school isolation/exclusion or being sent home immediately (note that the isolation/exclusion is the same punishment for vaping in the school bathrooms or having a fight). Then when was sent to my school's (councilling???? I don't think that's the right term but it's close enough can explain more in detail in another post) office the "pink lady" tried to force me to talk when visibly upset and shit, then told me off for "aggressive tone"/"raising my voice at her" when I was literally just trying to speak louder. After that broke down and started crying real heavy and shit and she just did not care.
She tried to force me to speak and then tried to force me to go back to the workshop/hall right after I told her being there stressed me out and like???? Do you just not care???? Am I too much of an issue for you???? I hope I'm the worst fucking headache you've ever had to deal with you selfish self serving bitch.
Anyways after what she pulled obviously didn't work and ,as I told her I would, I ended up causing somewhat of a scene since I was crying so heavily for at least 10minutes , wouldn't stop and had people turning around to gawk at me was sent to the "calm room" by my teacher. Was so fucking pissed off. Cried for two hours straight until lunch, whenever I heard the footsteps of who I even thought was "pink lady" would start crying heavy again.
Hate her.
More recently have been targeted for????? I'm not really sure. Basically a racist, transphobic,homophobic fatshaming dude wants pictures of me because some random girl in my Math class called me "clapped" 💀💀💀💀.
Also those people kept calling me "it" to dehumanise me and are the worst people I've encountered so far????? Like they've don't more to me but they're actually so wild 💀💀💀💀
Like wtf do you mean the gal who apologised for being homophobic to me and dehumanising is friends with the fucking racist and says "yea it is" reffering to me when asked if I was clapped a literal day after she apologises to me BY PROXY through a friend of mine.
LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK (⁠´⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠ω⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠`⁠)(⁠´⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠ω⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠`⁠)(⁠´⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠ω⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠`⁠)(⁠´⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠ω⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠`⁠)
Anyways with the bitch that wanted to take pics of me whilst I'm unaware I'm making sure to sign her up to a bunch of spam websites and shit just to bother her, gonna make sure to put nsfw ones too so she gets in a fuck ton of trouble.
If I report it I doubt anything would be done tbh. After all of the shit that's happened recently I really doubt my school would do anything about it so I might as well take it into my own hands.
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lfc21 · 2 years
Holiday packing
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You and Trent had planned a week away to ibiza for a break during his time off. You didn't always admit this but trent was in need of a break more than you had ever been. His mentality stopped him from realising what was best for his body and it had taken him two weeks to realise he didn't need to wake up for training every morning and pack an over night back for away days. The anticipation off the holiday was riding through your house at a high speed but as was the horrors of packing.
"Babe I need all your t-shirts your bringing" you shouted as you pushed the suitcase onto your large shared bed. You knew it would be a task and a half packing your suitcase but leaving it till the night before made matters much much worst.
"Erm ok" trent shouted back acting as if he hadn't thought of one outfit for the days away in the sun, you knew he hadn't. Trent had never been particularly great at picking outfits as chucking on the first items of clothing he sees was just about good enough for him. "Do you mean shirts, polo's and sweatshirts for the evening or sports tops you know for more of a casual look?" Trent asked popping his head out of your shared closet. A laugh escaped your mouth by accident at how dopy your boyfriend actually was to you especially about the simplest off things.
"Both" you replied back with a smile as you looked up from the bed into the boys lost eyes at what clothes he was supposed to pick out. You unzipped the large case as you listened to your boyfriend talk to himself about what shirts he was picking out for the trip.
"Got them!" Trent shouted as he walked into the room with a huge smile aswell as his impressively large pile of clothes.
"Babe where going for a week" you said with a high pitch and shocked expression. "Hang on how many have you got?" You asked whilst pulling the shirts from his arms and counting them one by one (maths had never been your strong point so estimating werent ever going to go to plan).
"you have picked 12 shirts babe where there for 7 nights, what about your t shirts? you need them for the day" you rambled on as you where in disbelief at how strange he was acting.
"Oh yeah" he bluntly said with a giggle as he grabbed more t shirts from his closet. You knew he was stressful when it came to packing but this was another level. You started to place some of your things into the case until a huge pile of trents t shirts where smothering every piece of your clothing.
"Please tell me your joking Trent" you dryly said as your eyes where still looking down at the case, a small giggle was his simple reply causing you to launch one of his under armour shirts as his head.
"Oh you bitch" trent jokingly said trying to be as mellow dramatic as physically possible. He launched the shirt right back at you not until you threw two more back at him. Before you knew it you where in a full blown fight with your boyfriend using nothing but t shirts.
"Stop stop stop" you repeated with a laugh as you couldn't bare to throw anymore back as you where well and truly loosing. Trents eyebrows raised coupling with the smug grin on his face at his now position as champion.
"Campione! Campione!" Trent shouted whilst standing on your bed with his hands in the air. You crossed your arms looking up at him like a disappointed mother but you weren't his mother infact you where quite the opposite but most of the time the wild right back needed bringing back to his humble ground.
"So cocky" you mumbled with a laugh as he jumped of the bed whilst you started folding up a pair of his shorts.
"What was that babe?" Trent asked whilst his arms wrapped around your small frame and his head rested gently in the cruck of your neck planting soft kisses to your bare flesh causing the pair of shorts to gently crash onto the ground.
"Your cocky" you bluntly reply with a tight smile as you where trying everything within your power to not give into your boyfriend. His fingers became more spread out across your stomach as he spun you around and placed you onto his shoulder causing your head to be placed on his hard back. "Fucking hell trent" you shouted as you weren't expecting to be fireman lifted onto his back.
"Say it again" trent ordered with a laugh as he felt your fingers press into his back as you tried to steady yourself on his frame.
"Say what again?" You shouted back as you started kicking your legs in order to get down.
"That I'm cocky" he replied back with a smug grin at his next ideas.
"Your cocky" you innocently said with a giggle as he brought you back over his shoulder and placed you gently on the bed with his one leg inbetween both of yours.
"Am I?" He asked with his eyebrows raised as his hand came to the side of your neck whilst his lips delicately pressed onto yours.
"Maybe, I don't know" you said with a panic followed by a laugh as his dominating behaviour sent you into nothing but nerves due to how sexy it truly was.
"Well we can find out" trent mumbled with a smile as he continued his adventure with his soft gently lips. Maybe the packing could wait as things seemed to get ten times more interesting.
I hope you liked this! Please leave comments and feedback as it is greatly appreciated. Remeber my requests are open so feel free to send me any requests as I am happy to do them. @prettylittletrent @cornertakenquicklyyyy @trentsko @trentshoe @trentalexanderarnold @robbo38 @robbothegoat @kostasstsimikass @chelseamount @chloereddy @hnrfc @tsimikas2l @avenirdelight @blueathens @jordanhendersunshine @mrs-henderson @thatonesexycancerian @henderson1truelover @nyctophilic0vitnir @peekapeaches @tsimikxs @tsimikostas @trentalexarnofan @leddows @moneymasnn
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laladellakang · 2 years
Wait can u post it again I’m here 24/7 the second I leave you post sth I’m gonna cry 😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
y'know what? i'll post it here and delete this once the full fic is out 😌
"Fuck! Dumb bitch," I face-palmed when I idiotically replied to Jay.
"Why? What's wrong?" "You good?" two of my friends asked while the other one just raised his eyebrow.
We're currently chilling in the school's empty library. One of them is my classmate who is also on her period and the other two just wanted to bail.
"I said something in the group chat," I groaned, covering my eyes with my arms. Why am I so stupid?
"Jake used to go here, remember? He knows that I'm supposed to be in class right now," I turned to my side on the bean bag. This somehow makes my ovaries hurt more.
"Oh shit- well.. Maybe he'll think that you're just opening your phone in class," one of the guys said.
"Orr worst case scenario, just tell them the truth. You skipped math cause your vagina walls are shedding and it hurts like shit so you can't get yourself to deal with more torture," the other guy said.
"But I just got into a fight with Heeseung and Jungwon yesterday so I really don't wanna get scolded again," getting scolded is nothing new to me, but when it comes from any of my boyfriends (or parents)... It just hits more.
And my currently sensitive, thick, hard-as-hell-to-achieve ass won't be able to take it. Just like what happened yesterday with Heewon.
"It's not like they've never ditched before, no?" the same guy raised his eyebrow.
"Dude, we rarely go to school and hardly ever stay for the whole day. Last time any of them ditched was probably in their trainee days," I ran a hand through my bangs."I just hope that Jake doesn't- shit! I was just about to say that I hope he won't snitch!"
"He said 'shouldn't you be in class right now?' oh my God," I groaned again.
Jake fucking Sim. I swear to- I mean, it's not his fault, it's mine but I'm feeling real petty so, JAKE FUCKING SIM.
"Well, Delle," my girl-friend snorted at the unintentional rhyme she made. "Good fucking luck."
I took a deep breath before tapping in the combination to enter the dorm and entering carefully. I didn't even announce my arrival like I always do.
"Della? Is that you?" Sunghoon called out.
Woo! My eyes are already glossing over! Hold them back, Lala. You're good at this. You've been doing this for years.
"Yes?" I tried to not sound nervous. Trust, Delle, trust. It's okay. They shouldn't be too mad.
"Come here," oh my God, now I'm even more anxious. The one who called wasn't Heeseung. The others have never told me to 'come over' with that tone.
"Yes?" I said in a small voice, barely entering the kitchen. There were only two boys there- Jayhoon.
"Did you skip class?" Jay asked calmly. I couldn't bring myself to verbally answer so all I could do was nod. "Is this the first time?" he asked next, to which I also shook my head to. "As of debut, I mean?"
Does purposefully joining a class late count..?
"I've only joined a class late. This is the first time," thank God my voice didn't shake.
"Often?" Jay went again. Shit- I know being cool is his thing and all but it's making him seem even more intimidating.
Once again, I couldn't bring myself to answer so I just nodded.
"Della, you know that we rarely go to school, right?" Sunghoon stated. "-and we almost never stay for the whole day, right? Not to mention that this is your last year," well here comes the stupid waterworks.
Please don't cry. I don't want them to think that I'm trying to manipulate them.
"Look- I know that you're struggling and trying your best but you can't ditch like that, babe. It's only for a couple of hours," Jay said. "Coming in class late? Well.. fine- at least you weren't called to the headmaster's office, right?"
"I don't give a shit about you coming in late but Della, you really shouldn't skip classes. You need to make up for your lack of attendance and you shouldn't... add more to that," Sunghoon's voice softened drastically when (I'm guessing) he saw my unpreventable glossy eyes.
"Yah! Park Sunghoon!" Jay immediately went into protective mode and got up to pull me to his chest.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! She doesn't normally cry if we argue," I felt a hand (that wasn't Jay's) brushing through my hair. "Della, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry."
Guess what this hormonal bitch did upon hearing that? I cried harder, of course.
"Della! Oh my God- I'm so sorry I was really harsh and didn't even ask-" Sunghoon suddenly cut himself off. "Wait... You're on your period, right?"
"Oh my god! Is that why you bailed?! You were in pain, weren't you?!" Jay grabbed my face so I would look at him. His eyes were filled with worry.
"Della, I am so sorry!" is Sunghoon crouching down so he can hug my waist? "Ahh, Heeseung-hyung!"
Two days in and my period had already caused so much dumb drama. What else is going to happen down the line?
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suzuka-akira · 2 years
(click here to read on ao3)
The first time they communicate, it’s on paper that they do.
If you’re planning on cheating in this exam, I’d suggest you refrain from going along with your plan, because I saw what you brought into the exam hall and I think I know what you’re about to do.
- From the student who sits in front of you
That day, Kurusu doesn’t manage to submit what she’d planned to write on the exam paper.
The second time they communicate, a fire almost breaks out between them.
“Thank you so much, you damned son of a bitch.”
Kurusu sticks her leg out in front of her to stop him in his tracks, and the boy in glasses almost trips. She doesn’t care - it’s her final year, and he was the one who, of all things, just had to trip her up on her chances of graduating.
“Did you know that you just cost me my grades?” Kurusu doesn’t even try to conceal the anger in her voice.
“I don’t know about that, but I do know that you almost cost yourself your continued enrolment in the university,” is all he responds. He looks her straight in the eye without so much as a strand of sympathy, and her rage threatens to spill over into her words.
She opens her mouth and it almost does, but he beats her to speaking first.
“I can help you study, though.” He smiles, and Kurusu almost can’t tell if he’s joking. “It’ll cost you nothing.”
A fire had almost broken out between them, but the only fire remaining at this point, is the flush on Kurusu’s face.
The third time they communicate, Kurusu asks a question amidst the math questions on paper they’ve been attempting to solve together for the past hour.
“If you saw me bring in the handwritten notes into the exam hall, why didn’t you tell on me straightaway?” The curiosity spills over from Kurusu’s lips onto her words. “Why did you give me a chance?”
He smiles, and Kurusu can tell he isn’t joking.
“Because I’m a pretty good judge of character, and you don’t look like one to do things without reason.”
A brief silence; eventually, “Thank you so much,” is all Kurusu manages to utter, really meaning it this time.
The fourth time they communicate, no words are needed.
Something green and small is taped to Kurusu’s exam paper; on closer inspection, Kurusu realises it’s a four-leaf clover.
No words are needed, but Kurusu hears his well-wishes loud and clear.
Five minutes till the exam ends, and Kurusu thinks a miracle has occurred.
First of all, she’d actually finished her exam paper ahead of time. That hasn’t even happened on the days she’d cheated.
Secondly, she’d actually knew how to do the questions. Without cheating.
Thirdly, if she hadn’t been designated to sit in this seat, they’d never have met. Maybe she would have been caught cheating the previous round, and expelled immediately. She wouldn’t have found a great study partner (though he really was more a tutor to her than her study partner).
She wouldn't have found the kindest person to ever exist, and she knows she'd be a fool to let him go.
They’d never have met, and the seeds would never have sprouted in Kurusu’s heart.
Thank you so much, are Kurusu’s only thoughts, and they’re her silent words of gratitude to whatever higher being exists - to Fate, to Providence, to the Universe, to Chance, for having let her have the miracle of such a chance encounter; for giving her a chance, as he had, just one semester ago.
They'd met, by a random stroke of chance, and Kurusu almost can’t believe her luck.
Five minutes after the exam ends, a slight commotion seems to be going on behind her.
She thinks it’s just the noise of post-exam discussion, but before she can get up from her seat (eager to thank her Well-Wisher in person), the chief invigilator, an old and high-ranking professor, seems to be…
…walking up to her?
Beside the invigilator is a girl she recognises, and not in the best of ways, because all it does is bring the worst of memories to her recollection.
They’d been in high school when it occurred.
Minami was her best friend - or rather, Kurusu had thought Minami was her best friend, so she trusted her, and told her about her plans to bring her notes into the examination hall. “Maybe I wouldn’t even need to use it, and it’ll just be a good luck charm,” Kurusu had joked.
Turns out, Minami was not her best friend after all, and although Kurusu ended up not using her cheat sheet, her grades were halved thanks to Minami’s report, which is why Kurusu is in a university far from the university of her dreams, in a course far from the course of her dreams. 
Of course she’d struggle in university - mathematics was never what she wanted to do. She'd even had to resort to cheating, for real, and, well, joke's on Minami, the perpetrator of her self-fulfilling prophecy. Three years in, and Kurusu is struggling to graduate. 
More precisely, Kurusu was struggling to graduate, but a miracle had occurred, allowing her to meet Kurata Takezou, her benefactor-turned study partner and tutor, who’d given her a chance; who’d allowed her to give herself a chance.
And before she knew it, she was no longer struggling, and Kurusu almost can’t believe her luck.
She was thriving, and so were the flowers that had started to bloom in her heart.
And no way is she intending to give up this chance…
…but a dark shadow now looms over her and her future, in the form of a girl she recognises from high school, in the worst of ways.
Kurusu can’t believe her luck.
The chief invigilator, accompanied by a girl she wishes she doesn’t know, is walking up to her.
“This student claims she caught you bringing your notes into the exam hall, but dropped in on the ground right before it started.” He brandishes a stack of paper in front of her. Her full name, Kurusu Hiro, is written on it in black pen, and she doesn’t even recognise the handwriting.
“Those aren’t my notes-” she tries, but before she can continue, the professor stops her, not even giving her a chance.
“She said you’d cheated before in your high school final examination. This gives us reason to suspect that you’d do the same, in your university examination-”
A hand smaller and slimmer than his suddenly takes the papers from his hands, and he recoils in shock.
“What are you doing-”
“Those aren’t her notes,” Kurata repeats Kurusu’s words for her, not even giving him a chance to continue speaking. “This is not her handwriting. Also, she doesn’t use black pens. And she’d never write her full name on any paper that isn’t an exam paper.”
Kurusu doesn’t know what to say; not even she had noticed those things about herself.
“She isn’t lying,” comes a voice from behind them - it’s another invigilator, a young professor that Kurusu recognises from one of her Psychology electives. “And neither is he.”
And the chief invigilator argues no further, even if the one who had just spoken is a junior professor, because even he knows better than to go against the better judgment of Takinami Suzuka, aspiring star in the field of criminal psychology and body language, lovingly nicknamed “Prof Lie Detector” by his students.
The fifth time they communicate, it’s after the graduation ceremony that they do.
It’s spring and the cherry blossom trees have bloomed, and so have the flowers in Kurusu’s heart.
But if there is anything more fleeting than cherry blossom flowers, Kurusu doesn’t know what it is. A thin, pink piece falls from above her, landing beside her foot. She fears her chance may suffer the same fate.
There’s a lot she means to tell him - more than thank you and how can I ever repay you and can you continue to spend time with me and I don't think my life will be the same without you and I don't think I will be the same without you and I don't think I can do without you and I want to do something for you and I want to do many things for you, and -
“Will we ever meet again,” is the only thing that escapes her mouth, but her hands speak for her, because she grabs him by the wrist, lest her chance disappears like cherry blossom petals from a tree branch.
(The fifth time they communicate, Kurusu is determined to not let it be their last.)
“Of course,” He smiles, and Kurusu can tell he isn’t joking this time either. He interlaces their fingers together, and Kurusu can’t believe her luck.
“Because I’m a pretty good judge of character, and I'd be a fool to let you go.”
(The fifth time they communicate, is far from their last.)
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t-h-i-n-g · 2 years
Can I please request an I was made for lovin’ you :)
i hope this is enough to work with!! im a capricorn sun and a ravenclaw and my pronouns are she/they!! im bisexual with a woman/feminine presenting pref and im half puerto rican half white!! im 5'0" and i have pale skin with freckles. I have shoulder length, wavy dark brown hair with an undercut and dark brown eyes. i also really want to deck out my ears with piercings one day.!!! i can play clarinet and am trying to play the ukulele. I like cooking, but i also really like food in general, im down for almost anything as long as i can eat it ( i have celiac disease) I have an obsession with lizzo ( along with bad bunny, steflon don, and ajr) i love writing it’s my favorite thing ever!! ive got notebooks upon notebooks of writing. ive played soccer since i was 4 but I also enjoy martial arts a lot. in my free time i normally draw, read, workout, or attempt to ride a skateboard!! i also have one dog whose name is bear!! I can literally never not be anxious, its like its built into my system lmao. im fairly laid back, but i get really tense around people i don't known well. im also known to have a resting bitch face, so a lot of people think im scarier or tougher than i actually am. I really enjoy laughing at stuff, and i like to think that im pretty funny. Im also smart, but i always have to work a little but harder to understand stuff, specifically in math, which makes me a little frustrated. i have pretty bad insecurities about my body, but most of the time i pretend they don't exist lmao. i do really enjoy fashion, and i could spend hours trying on clothes. im empathetic, and i tend to mold to whoever im talking to at the moment. there are few people i can be myself around.. i try not to get to attached to people i might date, but deep down inside i am the worst hopeless romantic the world has ever seen. sorry if this is too long and tysm!! <33
If you could ship me with someone from either avatar the Last Airbender, twilight, percy jackson, marvel, or Harry Potter that would be great!
Congrats on 150 followers, u deserve it! <3
Ello Ello!! Ty for requesting! The more information the better of an idea of you to ship you with so it's completely fine :))
I ship you with Hermione Granger! I could see you definitely part of the golden trio. And as like the civil mind of the chaotic group. It may have took some coaxing but they got you to warm up to them. Yours and Moine's relationship would be a slow start. Maybe sometime around year 3 or 4 at Hogwarts did you finally start eyeing each other. With little glances to each other throughout the day. wich then sprouted into one on one time without the boys. Starting with little study dates and branching out to meeting each other in the mornings and evenings. She's very observant and could sense the obvious connection to one another but would wait until you felt ready enough to act on it. But at the same time put a slight pressure on you with it. Just brushing her hand against yours or even holding it at times. As well as complimenting your outfits whenever you weren't in your school robes. And showing she's paid attention to your interests. Asking if she can see some of your writing, giving affirmations on how well your grades are doin and and offeringl help if you needed it, and attempting to bring your nerves down when you get a little too anxious. When you do become official, her and you find comfort in each other. Wether it be ranting or expressing your insecurities. She's always there for you. Making sure youre alright and seeing if your taking care of yourself. Hermione was glad you fell for her. Even if you drifted away at first, she's so so great full you came back to her.
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wolferine · 3 years
Heart Skips a Beat - Part 4
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: Natasha faces her worst nightmare when a rescue mission goes wrong…
Warnings: Violence, blood, torture
Word count: 2843
Part 3
Tags: @blkmxrvel @blackxwidowsxwife @marvelwomen-simp @phoenixofash @marvels-bitch-boy @when-wolves-howl @bitterlime13 @hallecarey1 @orangewheein @unexpected-character
AN: I apologize if some tags don’t work! Tumblr can’t find some of your usernames.
After listening to Steve’s plan, all four of you—technically five, since Bucky had to tag along—take the Quinjet to Siberia. The goal was to break out the five soldiers in Bucky’s former task force and bring them back to the Avengers Tower, where there was the technology to free their minds from HYDRA. 
Each of you were armed with a mask which would spray a powerful sedative into the face it was applied to, keeping the victim unconscious until it was removed. It was the simplest solution to taking down the super soldiers—when Bucky had been skeptical, Natasha had slapped a mask on him and he was out before he hit the floor. You were pretty sure you pulled a muscle from laughing so hard.
Now, you and Natasha sat in the cockpit while the others sat behind you.
“Hey, Y/N,” Bucky says suddenly.
“Yeah?” You don’t even look over your shoulder.
“I’m…sorry for shooting you.”
“Twice,” you clarify. “I didn’t forget the count.”
“Sorry,” he repeats.
“Well, as long as you don’t mistake me for Steve again, I’ll be okay,” you say with a chuckle.
“So, just to reiterate our plan, Bucky will be with me and Clint, and Nat, you’ll be with Y/N,” Steve says.
“Even Captain America knows better than to break up the power couple.” You grin and reach over to put your hand on her thigh. Without taking her eyes off the controls, she takes your hand and interlocks your fingers.
“Yeah, so you two just do your thing—” Steve catches himself. “Wait, not that kind of thing.”
Clint explodes into wheezy laughter and Natasha shakes her head, her cheeks reddening. You’re not embarrassed like she is, but you’re still quick to defend yourselves.
“It was one time!” you protest. It had been a mission where everything that could’ve gone wrong did, and you and Natasha were convinced it would be your last. You two decided to end it wrapped around each other, but then the rest of the Avengers had barged in and said there had been a miscommunication and it wasn’t the end of the world after all. It was the one mission you would never live down.
“Just keep it professional, please,” Steve begs. “No matter what happens, we’re all going home alive, okay?”
Bucky looks completely lost.
Natasha lands the Quinjet in a flurry of snow and all of you exit the warmth of the plane.
“I should’ve brought one of your hoodies,” she mumbles, walking as close to you as she can without tripping you. 
“It would’ve clashed with your uniform,” you say, putting your arm around her waist. The super soldier serum in your veins causes you to run a higher-than-average body temperature. You feel as comfortable as if you stepped out of hot shower.
The facility is the only building for miles. It looks big enough to fit a space rocket and has a dull, concrete exterior. The only security is a chain-link fence with a frozen padlock that Steve breaks open with his shield. You file through the gate, and Bucky inputs a code into the door to grant everyone entry. The interior is just as disappointing as the outside. Nothing but a maze of concrete halls with metal doors. The ceiling has dripping water stains and an uncomfortably musty, moldy smell hangs in the air.
“I bet you’re really glad you escaped this rust bucket,” you say to Bucky. He only shakes his head.
“Stay alert,” Steve advises. “We’ll split here. Keep us updated on your position and if you find anyone.”
“Copy that.” You and Natasha turn right while the others turn left. She finds a flight of stairs and you follow behind her. You unholster your gun, holding it at the ready by your side. Natasha makes random turns and ignores every room you walk by. You listen intently for any sort of noise that would indicate a person lurking in the shadows, but so far, there’s nothing.
“Do you even know where you’re going?” you ask.
“Do you?” she snaps.
“Hey, I’m just following you.” You back off. Even though you know this is no time to be making jokes, you still can’t help yourself. High-stress situations make you nervous, especially when you’re with Natasha, because anything that could happen to you could happen to her.
When you pass by a room with its door open, you see a large glass tank big enough to fit a human and filled with murky green water. For a reason you can’t explain, you feel yourself drawn towards it and you step into the room, a chill raising goosebumps on your skin. You reach out to touch the tank’s wall and close your eyes.
You’re floating in a tank of your own, tubes running out of your nose, mouth, and down every limb. You jerk around wildly in the water tinged pink with your blood. Your lungs seize for air, but every breath you inhale is wet and salty.
“Shall we go another round?” you hear someone on the other side say.
“Might as well. No pain, no gain, right?” someone replies.
You want to bash your hands against the glass, but you’re too weak to have any control over your movements. You feel a sharp pain in your lower back, at the base of your spine, and your body arches as more drugs are pumped into you. You have no breath to scream with as your body twists in agony. It feels like a fire eating you from the inside out, burning through your bones, and you want nothing more than to wither away to ash...
“Hey.” You jump when you feel Natasha’s hand on your shoulder. “What are you doing in here?”
“Um, I…I thought I heard something,” you lie. Natasha frowns. Like Steve and Bucky, you had been a lab rat yourself, although not to SHIELD or HYDRA. You had been passed around other government agencies—at least, that’s what you think. Most of your memories of that time were fuzzy, which you were fine with. The ones you did remember weren’t worth reliving anyway.
“Y/N.” Natasha looks concerned.
“We’ll talk about it later, okay?” You don’t want to interrupt the mission with your personal problems.
She knows better than to push you, especially at a time like this. “Okay,” she says, leaving the room. You take a minute to collect yourself. When you finally turn around, you see a black-haired woman, shorter than Natasha even, standing in the doorway in the same vest Bucky had worn the first time you met him.
“Hello,” you say, holstering your gun. You’re not going to shoot someone who looks like she’s barely of age. “You must be one of the super soldiers Bucky told me about. Who was your target supposed to be? Romanoff?” you tease.
“Thor.” The woman’s voice is dainty. Her body is literally the size of one of Thor’s arms. There’s no way she’s telling the truth.
You laugh. “That’s cute. But this is no place for a kid,” you say, walking towards her. But she sees that you’re too casual, your guard let down too low, and takes advantage of that. “Now all I need is for you to put this mask on and—”
The woman launches at you with a speed you don’t even process. She swipes your legs out from under you, causing you to crash on your back. Then she’s on top of you, hands around your throat. You reach into your pocket for your knife, all jokes lost with her attempt to take your life.
You flip the blade out and swing at her face, but she’s quick to dodge and rolls to the side. You jump to your feet, wondering where Natasha is. But you’re too embarrassed to call for her help, even if this soldier claims she was given the task of taking out the god of thunder.
The woman is impossibly fast and she lands blow after blow on you while you stagger back and slash out helplessly with your knife. When she kicks you in the stomach and your back collides into the water tank, you’ve had enough. 
You switch your knife to your left hand and aim for the woman’s neck. She grabs your wrist and twists it around so the knife turns towards you. Your eyes widen as she puts her entire body weight behind the knife. The blade sinks into your shoulder.
“What the—” You don’t even register the pain, more upset that you’ve been harmed with your own weapon. The woman grins, distracted, and you punch her in the throat as hard as you can. Her eyes bulge and she coughs, her hands flying to her neck. 
You take the mask out of your pocket and shove it onto her face, hearing the hiss as the sedative is instantly released. The woman immediately goes limp and you have no problem letting her drop to the floor.
“Y/N!” You look up and see Natasha staring at you, arms crossed over her chest.
“I got one.” You puff out your chest proudly.
“Why didn’t you call me?” Natasha comes over and inspects the soldier’s limp body.
“I didn’t need to. I handled her all by myself,” you say, a little annoyed by her doubt in your abilities.
“Is that a knife in your shoulder?” she asks.
“I…Oh, yeah—” 
“Is that your knife?” Being called out hurts more than the actual pain of having the knife in your shoulder.
“Uh…maybe…” You can’t even look her in the eye.
“Y/N,” Natasha growls. “Here, let me take it out.”
You back up until you hit the tank again. “Wait, shouldn’t we—ow!” you yelp as Natasha jerks the knife out.
“You’ve been through worse.” She tries to hand you the knife, but you shake your head, too embarrassed to continue carrying it with you since you obviously can’t be trusted with it. She shrugs and pockets your knife, taking out some gauze and tape to patch up your wound. You rotate your left arm in circles; besides an uncomfortable twinge, it works fine. 
“So, what do we do with her body?” you ask.
“We’ll come back. We need to find the other three first.”
“Three? I thought there were four.” You try to do the math in your head. Bucky had said there five super soldiers, and you had just defeated one, meaning there were four left—
“Three,” Natasha repeats and you look at her in confusion. “Mine’s outside.” Unlike you, there wasn’t a single scratch on her. Together, you leave the room and find a man slumped on the floor, a mask on his face.
“When did this happen?” you ask.
Natasha shrugs, but you can tell she’s extremely proud of herself. “When you were busy dealing with that little girl.”
“Excuse me. According to her, her target was Thor,” you say. “So, I just took out the soldier who was supposed to take down the god of thunder.”
“Yeah, you can keep telling yourself that.” Natasha nudges you playfully.
“Whatever.” You roll your eyes.
“Hey, are you two okay?” Steve asks in your earpiece.
“We disabled two soldiers on the second floor,” Natasha responds.
“Perfect. We got two down here as well.”
“Who did you take out?” Clint asks.
“This tiny woman and a guy,” you answer.
“How big was the guy?” Bucky asks.
“Maybe around your size?” you estimate, staring down at the soldier Natasha subdued.
“Okay, because the two we took out were also average-sized dudes. The last one—I was hoping it wouldn’t come down to this—he’s an absolute beast. I think he’s almost seven-feet tall and could bench press a plane with one hand,” Bucky says.
“So whoever takes him out wins,” you say. Between you and Natasha, you were certain you could win any fight.
“You’re on,” Clint says.
Natasha and you leave the soldiers where they lay and search the rest of the floor. This time, you take the lead, a little more cautious since you know what to expect. You head up to the third floor, expecting the last soldier to jump out at any moment. The tension of waiting to find him is almost unbearable and your muscles ache from being coiled so tightly.
“You guys find him yet?” Natasha asks through the earpieces.
Suddenly, a moving shadow catches your eye and you throw out your arm to stop Natasha. A man steps out from around the corner and Bucky wasn’t lying about his size. He’s so tall the top of his head disappears behind the ceiling beams and he looks like he would sweep any bodybuilding competition he entered.
“Never mind, we found him. Third floor,” Natasha mumbles.
“Don’t engage him alone.” That’s Steve’s voice. “Try to stall—”
“Too late” you want to say as the man charges towards you. There is no way you two are taking him down without the use of any weapons; plus, you don’t have any more masks to use. But if you punched or kicked him, you wouldn’t be able to reach his face without catching airtime. You run backwards, fumbling with your options. An idea pops into your head.
“Maybe he has a safe word, too,” you say, crashing into Natasha and shoving her back. “Lizzie! Karen!” you scream the first names that come to you. “It could be a guy’s name—can’t assume anything, right? Chris! Tom! Mark!” The names have no effect other than making you look like an idiot.
“Shut up, Y/N—” Natasha hisses.
The man roars and reaches out, grabbing a fistful of your shirt. He throws you like a javelin and you can’t believe how far you fly, landing on your stomach and skidding another 30 feet.
Natasha tries engaging him, and although she’s faster than him, any punch or kick she lands goes completely unnoticed by him. The man flings her aside like a sack of flour and comes towards you.
You reach for your gun, but before you can bring it up, he kicks it out of your hand and stomps on it. The barrel literally flattens before your eyes, and you roll onto your back to face him. He lifts his foot, which is easily as big as your calf, and brings it down on your right knee.
The pain of your leg snapping in half is so blinding and nauseating you don’t even scream. It feels like someone is holding a blow torch to your bones and your entire body starts trembling in shock. The man scoops you up with an arm leveraged underneath your chin, and once you’re upright, you feel the lower half of your right leg dangling like a broken branch.
He lifts you high enough so your feet don’t touch the floor, leaving you scrabbling at his arm and choking on your saliva. Your vision flashes white and you feel the overwhelming urge to vomit as he spins you around to face Natasha.
She has her gun out, pointed at his head. “Put Y/N down,” she orders.
“And what if I don’t?” the man says in a voice that sounds like it came from the depths of the ocean. “You think you can shoot me before I can break a neck?” He squeezes you harder and you whimper.
Natasha pauses to think, and her eyes dart to the side before looking back at the man. “Okay, okay.” She sets her gun on the floor and raises her hands. “Just please don’t—”
“Kick it towards me.” The man crushes your windpipe like a straw and your eyes water.
Natasha reaches out with her foot and sends the gun spinning towards you and your captor. Suddenly, the man tosses you away and when you crumple on your broken leg, you swear you see purgatory. 
“Get on your knees,” the man tells Natasha. She doesn’t obey. “I said, get on your knees!” Very slowly, with a defiant look on her face, she drops to her knees one at a time. The man picks up her gun and holds it in front of her face. “I’ve been waiting years to finally meet you, Agent Romanoff.”
“Well, sorry for not coming around sooner.”
“My comrades may not have been successful in eliminating their targets, but I don’t fail,” the man says.
Natasha looks away from him to you. “I love you,” she calls, as casually as if you two were lounging on the couch watching a movie together.
You blink away tears to make eye contact with her. You can’t move, you have no weapons, and he has a gun pointed at her head. The complete helplessness you feel hurts more than your broken leg, more than Bucky’s gunshots had, more than any pain you’ve ever felt before. There’s a thousand things you want to tell her, but you only have time to say one.
“I love you t—”
But there isn’t even enough time for you to finish your sentence, because suddenly Natasha’s face is covered in blood.
Click here for Part 5!
179 notes · View notes
phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Thoughts on “Auntie Soka and Little Leia” now that I’ve actually got it posted:
Call it a director’s cut! The process of actually writing the thing, and also jokes made along the way. Link to the actual fic.
Unfortunately, I don’t have the energy for image descriptions, even the text screenshots. Might come back that later. Most of this was DMs with @atagotiak​.
This was an entire thing before I even started writing:
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Before I decided on ages and stuff Ahsoka, to Jango, who has had zero contact with Kaminoans: Okay I know I'm a Jedi kid so you hate me but this toddler is your clone from the future. Jango, tired: What the FUCK are you talking about. Rex, barely able to talk: Don't you dare leave me with him, Commander! Ahsoka: I'm not going to leave you I just--I'm so tired I'm so fucking tired I haven't slept in five days and someone tried to kidnap Leia two days ago I am so fucking tired I need help
Ben: [twenty years of depression followed by a 'now I'm safe' breakdown over the course of weeks] Sokari: [whatever the FUCK this mess is]
When Ahsoka mentions there only being three other Jedi at the time of her death,  I was thinking Kanan, Yoda, and Obi-Wan (Leia told her about the latter two living past her). She's not counting anyone that received training after the Temple fell, and she didn’t know about Cal.
When Leia says  “I was adopted and raised by one of the founders of the rebellion, a movement built on the desire to instate freedom and democracy in a galaxy that had lost even the pretense.”
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Depa: I'm no therapist but I diagnose you with "incredibly fucked up." Ahsoka: yeah, that’s fair
"Why did you pick Depa for--" She's pretty and I'm gay. Also because of the Kanan thing But mostly I'm gay "It's not a visual medi--" GAY
Empty of context beyond general post-fic AU: "Hey Sokari, we need to engage in psychological warfare against this individual and--" "I'm going to break into his office and leave a threatening note on his desk and leave no other sign that I was there. He'll see that his security is nothing and the only reason he isn't dead is because I'm too nice to kill him." "...okay, not what we were planning, but that works. Why is that your first choice?" "I really like breaking and entering, it's soothing." Ben just standing there with a bland smile like This Is Normal.
"We need someone to infiltrate a highly guarded facility in hostile territory." "So we're sending the Torrent kids?" [sigh] "We're sending the Torrent kids."
Rex and Sokari insist on both going by "Torrent" even though Rex could be a Fett. Jango really wants him to be a Fett. Rex has too many grudges to agree to being a Fett for... a while.
I really hope it's blatantly obvious that Ahsoka's not a reliable narrator for some things Ahsoka: Fett could care less if I died Jango: jfc even if you are older than me I can see you're fucked up. Drink your hot chocolate. Hells. She's got good reason to expect him to hate her as a Jedi! BUT. THAT IS NOT REFLECTIVE OF REALITY
We don’t get a lot of actual characterization for Jango, but the way I played him out here is he has never really parsed that Jedi are people before all this. It's a lot harder to treat them as a monolith when the traumatized former child soldier is having regular breakdowns in your shitty little kitchen
Fett: I respect you Ahsoka: No, don't do that
Ahsoka’s vigilantism is something that, in my mind, she's associating heavily with Zygerria and then the clones.
I figured that she never bothered to learn Quinlan’s teacher’s name but in the process of looking up some basic facts (whether he had a surname), I found that Wookiepedia was forced to give us a VERY wide range of possible death in Legends.
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Please take a moment to imagine Quinlan's FACE when Ahsoka initially dismisses him. Quinlan has put a lot of effort into being rogueishly charming! It's very useful for his line of work! He knows to expect either irritation or a return flirtation when he acts like this with people his own age! Ahsoka is not flustered OR rolling her eyes and insulting him, she's just ignoring him and it's a bit of a blow to the ego
This just makes me really happy:
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This was the initial comment I made, as a joke What if Maul is just. There. On one of the planets they make a pitstop at. What if Maul exists as the walking problem he is, but fifteen, and Ahsoka immediately tries to kick his ass and drag him back to Coruscant. I do not have room for this plot but What If
Despite not having room for this plot, I proceeded to write this plot.
Maul is kidnapped and it’s the best thing that ever happened to him HE'S FIFTEEN HE'S DUMB AS SHIT AND HAS A BAD ATTITUDE AND YEAH HE'S A DARKSIDER BUT HE'S FIFTEEN
Ahsoka: I sense... Maul [takes off sprinting] Rex: [immediately takes Jango's blaster and runs after her] Jango: Wait who Tholme: Who Quinlan: Who Jango: [looks at Leia] Leia: I don't know who that is either! Ahsoka, already wrestling a teenager to the ground: Oh no, you're a child, REX STUN HIM AND GRAB THE CUFFS, I'M SURE FETT OR THOLME HAS SOME
Fighting him isn't even legal, they have NO evidence of criminal wrongdoing, so first she needs to yell until he admits to something she can fight him about
Ahsoka: When I see Maul, it's on SIGHT Maul: WHO ARE YOU
Ahsoka: The Force didn't give me hands just to NOT throw them when I run into That Crafty Son Of A Bitch
Ben, when they arrive, after the tearful reunion: You... you brought Maul. Ahsoka: Well, yeah, he's fifteen and kinda dumb. I figured we could drag him here and force him into therapy, see what happens. Ben: I can't quite tell through the gag, but I think he's threatening to feed you your own spleen. Ahsoka: Lol, yeah.
Ben is absolutely on team "get Maul therapy" and will fight the Council on rehabilitating the baby Sith But also it's like. Here's your daughter! And your niece! And your daughter's QPP! Also your best friend, but baby, and his teacher, and the biological origin of a number of people you cared for deeply! AND ALSO THE GUY WHO SPENT LITERAL DECADES CRAVING YOUR DEATH, FOR SOME REASON
I just really want Ahsoka lovingly bullying Maul She gives him noogies and the horns don't protect him because girl has reinforced gloves
Maul's only allowed a low-power training saber and his fights with Sokari involve Much Taunting by her and Eventual Screaming by him, and everyone pops by to see: 1. Sokari doing the most absurd flips, for fun. 2. The bullshit that is ataru-shien reverse-grip jar'kai in the hands of someone who makes it work 3. What a Sith lightsaber form looks like 4. Just the general nonsense that is the way these two fight
Tia said “Wrt ridiculous flips. I'm remembering that time she beheaded four Kryst'ad at once.” and I just Rex brings up the quadruple beheading at one point to get someone to stop asking questions and the awkward, horrified silence almost makes him regret it. And then Sokari just snorts and makes a joke about how Rex once speared a slaver point-blank and everyone's just like hello??? "are you two okay" "no"
Maul absolutely starts crushing on Sokari after a 'sword under chin' moment and she's just very "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you're fifteen, bye" GO MAKE PUPPY EYES AT OBI-WAN OR SOMETHING
The crushes are the worst part of everything, really, she's an attractive young woman that can kick a lot of ass, and a lot of people are into that! Unfortunately, most of those people are a decade younger than she is, mentally, because all the people her actual age look at her and see a child on account of the 17yo body.
It’s almost a good thing she’s in no place mentally for a relationship.
I just want Ahsoka to wear beskar.... I think that would be Nice........
This AU is also what caused this post.
I'm deeply enamored by the idea that Ahsoka can win fights against "older" padawans pretty much unilaterally, even when they team up 2v1 And then she offers to fight 5v1 "But only if I have permission to fight dirty." Ben approves it, a horror show full of "I fought many wars and will scream in your face or kick you in the balls if that's what it takes" follows She wins. There are no permanent injuries, but her reputation certainly gets weirder. Nobody under the rank of Knight agrees to let her fight dirty again. She just lets that stand because, well, she's not actually a padawan, she's thirty-three.
I’m not going to write this but my brain was EVIL and suggested it:
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IT WOULD BE REALLY SAD IDK maybe 9yo Anakin has nightmares about what's happening to baby Ahsoka because bullshit about time-traveling force bonds IDK ANYWAY he cries to Sokari about the nightmares and she's like "oh shit" and it's time to go rescue herself from motherfucker unlimited
It's either that or she's like, expecting to welcome mini-me aaaany day now, for like, several months, before she realizes Something Went Wrong. Anakin’s dreams could even start right as she’s starting to realize something’s off.
Obi-Wan has never had a padawan that doesn't at some point bite Even Luke will, when pushed
OH also once the twins get Baby's First Lightsaber (training sabers, not real kyber), Sokari begs to borrow them for a dumb joke and tells Rex to get on her shoulders for a "Grievous Greeting" and they do The Thing
Jango and Ahsoka wrt Quinlan is just “Do I need to beat him up for you” “You realize I’ve beaten up sith lords before?”
JANGO'S TRYING He's just. "Can we be friends? Can I--can I be the guy that just noticeably gets in the way of a creep on the subway so you can be more comfortable without someone making a scene? I'm fucking trying here, give me a hint."
We didn’t actually figure out Jango’s age until this point. The only reason Fett's age matters is for Quinlan making a Wild Oats quip after Jango says he didn't know about Rex until a few weeks ago, and Fett going "How old do you think I am? And how old do you think the kid is?" and Quinlan getting Very Awkward as he does the math. Rex overhears and lets Quinlan sweat for a bit before saying "I'm a genetically-modified clone someone grew in a tube, he didn't know or have reason to know until he saw me with Sokari." Which is like. Eight additional layers of WTF, obviously, but at least Jango gets to avoid awkward wild oats jokes
Like, you’d expect the rebuttal to be ‘he’s my brother just with a biiig age gap’ or ‘he’s my nephew’
I find it very unfortunate for Quinlan that I've decided his defining characteristic in this context is going to be repeatedly putting his foot in his mouth
He’s trying so hard but "That sounds like a cool thing, maybe I'll ask ab--and it's another fucking trauma."
I'm doing Ahsoka&Jango t w i c e (there’s another fic where I’m doing it)
It’s just a fun dynamic! So much resentful respect.
Like she's twenty seconds away from calling him a bitch at any given time and he's just there like "I don't like you but I do see you move like you're about to tell an entire building to get on their knees with their hands in the air and I can respect that" Also she's probably much less judgmental about using blasters than Obi-Wan is The Maul subplot actually started with me daydreaming about Ahsoka grabbing a blaster for Reasons
I like the idea of Jango just deciding the most Useful thing he can do is help teach the Smol how to fight. He's AWKWARD around Rex and Soka because he doesn't know if there's anything he CAN teach them.
I didn’t actually plan for Tholme to figure out the age thing, he just SAID it and I had to sit there like Wait.
Ahsoka, Rex & Leia: ahhh, children Tholme: you say that like you aren’t children
I liked getting to write Rex's little "I have worked with all of them, and they're all Terrible" He loves them But They once got stranded on a planet that didn’t exist and Ahsoka died and Anakin killed a god.
There was research and discussion as to whether Ahsoka could win against Tholme but seeing as she held her own against Vader, and fought Grievous at that physical age without dying, etc.... yeah, the only thing holding her back was her body not being what she was used to, and she’s had a few weeks go adjust.
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“I miss being able to just jump off skyscrapers” is such a jedi thing
Jango: I'll take the gun back if he tries to leave, they can't get far before--WHAT THE FUCK He knows Jedi are scary but he’s still not really used to just how over the top ridiculous they are He knows how to deal with Jedi in battle, not Whatever The Fuck These People Are Doing
Rex isn't even a Jedi, he's just so used to working with them. “Oh yes time for free-falling without a parachute again, same shit as always.”
Tia: I’m imagining Jango freaking out and Quinlan and Tholme being like. Concerned but mostly exasperated Clearly if they’re jumping off buildings it must be serious? But jfc they could’ve maybe communicated a bit more?
Leia: I want to finish my juice Tholme: Quin, stay with her while we go figure out what those two are doing. Quinlan: Wait what
Jango: Oh now he’s jumping off a building too??? Tholme: Sokari, you are not registered! You can't legally jump out windows yet! Jango: What the hell is going on? Is this normal?
We don’t necessarily know how often Ahsoka and Maul ran into each other after Mandalore. There was the later thing on Malachor, but other than that I'm just going with the idea that they ran into each other every year or two and just went for the eyes like feral cats
Ahsoka: I need to kick ass and you're coming with me. Rex: Yeah, okay. [several minutes later] Rex: Whose ass are we kicking?
Ahsoka and Rex
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Neloms aren’t a SW fruit to the best of my knowledge, I just wanted to mess around with lemons/melons
Jango: you didn’t think any of this through, did you? Rex: you were there, you know we didn’t "When the Jedi says to jump out a window, I jump out a window."
Tholme’s real composed about stalking the ancient nigh-mythical enemy of his people, very “Life is already so goddamn weird”
This fic has been so heavy on the trauma but then I introduce Maul and suddenly it's the worst kind of comedy Nobody is competent, everyone's a little dumb, the bad guy is just grocery shopping
My propensity for banter has turned this into a six-person buddy cop comedy about Maul buying grapes They spend a significant amount to time ineffectually stalking Maul before Quin suggests the sensible option Quinlan just "You remember this is my literal job and specialty right"
Ahsoka sees Maul and all her brain cells go out the window except "Fight good" Usually she doesn’t need to worry about doing things legally. Maybe she needs to worry about someone seeing her do illegal things but she spent the past 15 yrs in a place where her existing was illegal
I feel like he’s also maybe kinda wanting to reassert that yes he is competent. Bc like. Ahsoka’s been kinda condescending this whole time and also can beat everyone up so. It's not his fault that he's actually the youngest person there, but.
Jango is finding this whole being friendly to Jedi thing a lot more overwhelming than he thought it would be. And overwhelming in different ways.
Maul usually signifies things getting worse and more horrifyingly tragic but he's just a dumb teen that they needed to arrest for his own good.
Quinlan: Look, I'm useful! Ahsoka: I've been through hell, wanna hear? Quinlan: NO. I DON'T. WHY.
Quinlan: I understand the concept of joking about your traumas, I do it sometimes myself! But sith hells that’s a lot of trauma.
Quinlan just wanted her to treat him as a Competent Individual, and here she is whipping out stories about Dying and Gods and the Force insists it's the truth and he just???? And apparently emo darksider over there is a Sith. And just, sure. Why not
A lot of people’s interactions with the time travelling disaster lineage is just
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Tholme and Fett arguing and  Ahsoka's just waiting for a moment to pop in with "Hey, when's the last time either of you worked with the other's culture before this mess? Yeah, that's what I thought."
Much like Leia and Ahsoka hurting each other earlier, and Tholme figuring out the de-aging, we ALSO have Fett’s confrontation with Ahsoka being something the characters just did, rather than something I planned.
FTR the only time I managed to trigger myself while writing this fic was the “your behavior isn’t actually acceptable and we’ve all been trying really hard to give you room to recover but you have to at least make an effort to not be a bitch”
Writing about people having PTSD and symptoms of such: Yay! Writing about people having PTSD and engaging in toxic behavior to cope: Shit Ahsoka had... basically my exact reaction. It's "remind yourself that you're in the wrong, that they have a point, and then be overly formal in the apology because fuck if you accidentally make them feel sorry for you when they're the injured party"
Quinlan: Can we be friends? I mean, you're an asshole, but you're really cool. Let's be friends. (He MIGHT be nursing a crush) (Neat mysterious girl who can beat him up.)
Also he realises she's probably nicer when not having a slow-motion breakdown He's like "Huh, you'll probably be less of an asshole once you've gotten therapy."
...also, she pretty and got Nice Biceps
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I love writing a good mental breakdown
I was so close to including a "he tried to kill me" just early enough for Jango to wildly misinterpret as her thinking Quinlan tried to kill her. He'd have been very confused, considering Quinlan's the one that called them down in a panic and currently has Ahsoka having her massive breakdown in his lap But
Tia:  I could see Jango interpreting it as idk, Quin resembling someone or for a moment acting like someone who tried to kill her and she had a flashback or something like that
There's absolutely room for a couple reasonable interpretations there And "trapped in a flashback about someone who tried to kill her" is absolutely what's happening! Just. You know. For a different reason. Jango probably wouldn’t assume Quin would hurt her, for one thing he seems to like her, for another even if he did he’s smart enough to pick a way that wouldn’t be so likely to get him caught
I had to step back and actually say “Also I'm just. Wow. I'm really just shoveling QPP Rex&Ahsoka at full speed”
Me, a few weeks ago, joking: Two halves of the same idiot black ops specialist Me, now, entirely seriously: Two halves of the same idiot black ops specialist
Me, belatedly: Oh, Ahsoka being joyfully mean to people was a form of mania she was unconsciously using to build a barrier between herself and her impending meltdown
She went from "just died" to "in charge of Rex and Leia" in like. Two minutes.
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Confession: I've been delighting in the mental image of this whole Mess leading Jango to try to retake Mandalore, and Ahsoka loans him a saber for a 1v1 to get the darksaber.
“Can’t I just fight him barehanded? That’s how I did it on Galidraan.” "But the drama, Fett!"
Probably Rex has learned how to use a saber as well, because you never know when you have to borrow a weapon
I later changed my mind to Jango asking her to help, rather than her just sneak-teaching him, but it was funny.
Background nonsense to all this is Ahsoka and Rex, despite Rex being as force-sensitive as a lump of coal, having developed a process where she can extend her sensitivity to him mind-to-mind for weird symbiotic battle trance that scares everyone around them. It’s very similar to Battle meditation.
CONTEXT FOR LEIA BEING WORRIED ABOUT THOLME HIDING THINGS: Tholme is hiding the fact that the Council reached out and told him that the people he picked up might be connected to Ben and Luke, who showed up after the Depa thing but a solid week and change before Jango's ship makes it to the Temple. They asked that he not share that information to avoid getting anyone's hopes up in case the two situations aren't related. Ben and Luke haven't shared enough information for anyone to really be sure if the other three are connected Because the info Tholme has isn't quite the info Jango has, etc. And they can't just say Ben is a future Obi-Wan over comms
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I just have a lot of feelings about people trying to do something right and just. Nobody's at fault! Not really! It's just complicated!
Tia: I like how when Ahsoka isn’t doing maladaptive trauma response stuff she’s very mature. And of course she’s had to be but it’s a good like, contrast. Where when she slows down to think about things she’s very sensible
Jango just spends most of this story lowkey wanting Ahsoka to Be His Friend but there's too much baggage that he's only metaphysically responsible for
Local aroace(?) has a squish
Ahsoka: He just wants to get on my good side because of Rex. Jango: I'm pretty sure you could kill an entire army without trying but you wouldn't because you have actual morals and stuff... and when I met you it was because you were killing yourself trying to keep (what appeared to be) children safe... you seem cool please be my friend.......
Ahsoka’s #1 weakness: mountains of trauma Ahsoka’s #2 weakness: she just doesn’t get why so many people think she’s cool and want her to be their (girl)friend
Jango, a 27yo massacre survivor who's killed Jedi masters with his bare hands: [gets lectured on various government structures by a tiny girl that's missing several teeth and needs to sit on books to see the table properly]
Ahsoka was raised in a religious meritocracy but developed all her opinions during a galactic war and then became a vigilante spy, Rex comes from a military cult, Leia is from an inherited monarchy that participates in democracy, Quinlan was originally from what appears to be a dynastic dictatorship, and IDK about Tholme other than that he is also from the religious meritocracy. And in legends Quinlan came to the religious meritocracy after his aunt sacrificed his parents to a vampire cult and then forced him to experience the psychometric echoes of that. There's just. A lot going on.
Leia at least has knowledge about structure and admin in theory that isn't based in either the military or populations under 10k
Jango: I want to be your friend. Ahsoka: Sounds fake.
I am unfairly fond of "Rex destroys a conversation by bringing up his own horrifying childhood and calling it a cult"
"Why does Sokari call you 'Rex'ika'?" "Because she's older than me." "...can I--?" "No."
Nickname privileges are extended ONLY to Ahsoka and older clones. There are no more older clones, so it's just Ahsoka.
Me joking about Star Wars AUs: Would you like a crackship? Me writing actual Star Wars fic: My favorite character type is apparently “too traumatized to have a relationship” so this is at least 90% gen.
I had to pull a scene opening at one point because Ahsoka's skill with not getting shot is actually much less useful than Tholme's clearance levels.
Now I really want a team-up of Ahsoka, Rex, and Jango where they do have to get in a dogfight of the "she flies, we shoot" variety and Fett just has to scream because the speeder thing to catch Maul was one thing, but this....
Ahsoka, before TCW: I know all the traffic rules but I'm not that great at flying! Ahsoka, after TCW: I'm great at flying but if you let me behind the wheel we are absolutely getting arrested.
She went from "knows the rules but doesn't have the skills" to "has the skills but primarily in the form of not getting shot" which! Is delightful! "Bet I can get us through that alley--" "DO NOT"
Jango and Ahsoka are both just very "Is this friendship? Is this camaraderie? My heart's been fried on platonic love by so many murders that I'm not sure anymore." "I've lost a lot of friends. I kind of forgot how to make those."
I have no idea if "hasn't been closer than Alderaan except that one trip to Chandrila" is canon-compliant but ehhhhhhhh It feels plausible enough?
Belatedly realized that I could just explain my optimal Rex&Ahsoka dynamic as just... drift compatible. It's vague enough on the specifics while still digging into the meat of what they mean to each other and how they work together. The terminology is already in existence. I can just use it.
Romantic? Platonic? Familial? Doesn't matter! They're drift compatible.
They are important to each other and that is what matters
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I really like the Leia&Quinlan thing. He's just like "This small child needs a friend that isn't super depressed," and decided he's going to be her friend. I keep trying to toss in "Quinlan volunteers to 'baby'sit." She's not much older and she has a Baby Brain, it works out
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There's a running bet as to whether Leia will leave the Order the second she turns thirteen, or if she'll let Sokari "train" her for a few years first. And... that’s how I came up with Leia Antilles, Senator of Serenno.
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They'll be bullshitting Ben as her new master to "finish out the padawanship" since they can't tell everyone she's really in her thirties and he's conveniently there and already knows everything and was half her master anyway. Like Ben was planning on taking on Luke, but Luke is "six" and even he can't swing that as old enough to be a Padawan, and it's not like Sokari will take more than a handful of years to justify knighthood, sooooooooo
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ravenadottir · 2 years
just give s4 a go. you’re gonna eventually run out of things to write about for s2 and it’s not that bad tbh. fusebox was just as bad as they were when you played s2.
when you try to convince someone by using the phrase "it's not that bad" you know it's pretty bad.
but here's the thing, season 4 is pretty warm to cold from what i've seen, except for the mistakes they made. i've had over 20 asks talking about the mc's customization alone! like, mate, it's a sign. i'm not even counting the many i got about the problems they've encountered so far, whether about the plot, the characters, the mc's storyline in general.
i have daily asks complaining about s4. if you're curious about it, under the cut contains spoilers for what anons have been bringing to me, or things i learned on youtube playthroughs.
mc has the worst customization.
not worse than season 1 from but comparing one with the other, and the thought of one being almost 4 years ago??? it's worse. they're moving backwards.
black hairstyles behind a paywall?
blantaly racist. i don't care if they released them now; it happened later and that really says black hairstyles was an afterthought. fuck that asbolutely.
mc is the bombshell and her first contact with the boys is to dance on their lap for a challenge.
plus, HOW FUCKING AWKWARD is that? i'll tell you, a lot! rebecca did that on season 6 and i was so uncomfortable by proxy because you could see no one knew what to do. that's not hot nor it's exciting, it's just stupid.
first of all... WHAT? if priya had done that everyone would call her names that i abstain from saying. the first time you're having an interaction and it's grinding on someone? without even knowing their names? and them not knowing yours?? fusebox really went with it for shock value and it didn't go anywhere did it?
there's a girl that legit tells mc to back off from her couple, menacingly.
what people thought hope was on s2 but i don't see anyone calling this lexi out anywhere. GEE, WONDER WHY.
you have to steal someone from a girl and she's left single and pissed (?).
so that's a good thing. but apparently handlebar is not an option so why am i here?!?!?! plus, if you go with will, he'll dump you and go with a girl named thabi.
that's FUCKING AWESOME, it's the best part! i reckon people are complaining but if mc was an og and her boy had dumped the bombshell to stay with her, will would be a hero, but mc is not og so he's a monster? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE, because the math ain't mathing!
AND people gave graham much more shit for a BOAT tattoo but this bitch ass doesn't get anything? again, make it make sense! the dude looks like a public restroom wall, please i'm so tired of the tattoos fusebox decides to give them.
there's two new guys who are boring?
at this point we had bobby, gary and ibrahim, and lucas and henrik were just arriving. now i see people in my inbox absolutely fuming because these new guys couldn't be worse... LUCAS AND HENRIK WOULD NEVER SUCK THIS MAJORLY.
also, i saw the white hair dude and all i could think of was sam winchester's bad wig saga:
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someone had their period and talked about it.
i actually like that! more of period problems because it's 2022 and it has been happening since fore-fucking-ever. i support that!
they didn't make any effort to compensate what people spent on gems in the old platform. they announced the new app WAY later than they should've and that caused people to spend money on the wrong app. now they're bucks shorter and there's nothing fusebox wants to do about it.
the bad publicity has definitely taken a toll on their online presence, consequentially on the volume of players.
the matchmaker look on the islanders is absolutely uncanny valley in the worst way possible. imagine if these hot ass islanders were made into s2 style. nah don't say anything, just picture it! i've seen a playthrough on youtube, they don't emote like they should, like they think something's funny but they don't laugh or smile, it's very weird. and the way they smile or move is just very sophia the robot. i'm not wanda maximoff, i don't fucks with emotional machinery.
the animation is so... meh. it's there, no reason to make a fuss about it because it doesn't make a difference in my opinion. they shouldn't even brag about it.
it's a general consensus that there's only two hot people in there and they're girls. judging by this whole will ordeal i reckon we won't have a girl couple for a very long time, which is... 300 steps backwards.
there's a page leaking everything and i fucks with that.
i would have to be at least ok about playing this shit but i'm really not. i feel more dead inside about this than i felt when i saw s3's art.
this season is not even average, and if it's possible it's just as bad as s3 or worse.
the reason why i'm not talking or playing season 4 is because i don't have anything good to say. for every 1 (one) good thing they did there's a thousand wrong. it becomes aggravating when you see the same person shitting all over something (even though that thing absolutely deserves it), and i don't want to be so negative.
plus, i would rather respond asks about s2 than playing s4, it's pretty simple. there's absolutely no joy in playing season 4 for lots of reasons but the main one? it doesn't look worth my time.
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kim-chann · 3 years
       ❝   Siblings  ❞        --       Chef’s Special
            - - - | Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Nobara Kugisaki, Satoru Gojo
                                 Synopsis ;; being siblings with some of my favourites
                                                           ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏ $ 0.00
               - - - Includes slight manga spoilers - - - 
༺ Chef Note: Another Chef’s special! This has been on my mind for quite some time. This is some just some indulgent stuff cause siblings relationships are so fun but the worst at the same time lmao. 
Also!! I’m going to reopen matchups soon once I hit only 5 left. Currently, I have 7 left to write. So if I finish two more today, they’ll reopen later today!
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༺ Chef Note: Adding a border, cause this is quite long...
〄          ⤷ Yūji Itadori | 虎杖悠仁 - - - 
       ☉ Being Yuji’s sibling is a wild game, jesus dude
       ☉ It doesn’t matter if you’re older or younger than him, he’s still as wild as ever
       ☉ Yuji is such a brat, he pulls pranks on you, blasts music in your ear when you’re sleeping, uses your stuff without permission, and overall, just plain rude...
      ☉ Just kidding!! (but he will do those stuff listed above)
      ☉ Being his sibling is the two of you guys being stupid as hell
      ☉ And siblings fights! He’ll always win whenever the two of you guys are wrestling and might accidentally hurt you, and will profusely apologise 
      ☉ Hurting you is the last thing he ever wants to do
      ☉ He’s the type of sibling to throw things at you just to get your attention instead of calling your name
      ☉ Whether it’s from a snack that he’s eating, or even a rock
      ☉ “Heyy, heyyy, I said hey!!”
      ☉ Once Yuji gets bored, he will barge into your room and bother you until he finds something better to do
      ☉ If you’re on a call with your friends, he will embarrass you. I feel like it’s always a siblings job to embarrass the hell out of each other 
      ☉ Yuji will start spilling your deepest secrets in front of your friends and tell the most embarrassing stories about you when you were younger
      ☉ Also! He always does head pats and ruffles your hair whenever he walks past you and doesn’t care if you just fixed your hair or not
      ☉ He will always ruffle it, and there’s nothing stopping him
      ☉ Yuji is also the type of sibling to accidentally break your door down
      ☉ “It was locked!!”
      ☉ “But you didn’t have to kick my door down!”
      ☉ “I didn’t mean to!”
      ☉ That’s... not even an excuse, Yuji
      ☉ Sometimes, he’ll ask for your opinion on a subject cause he trusts your words of wisdom
      ☉ “Hey, (nickname), do you think that my muscles are getting bigger?” He flexes his biceps and even invites you to touch it
     ☉ Once you say that he’s fine, and tell him the answer that he expects, he’s self esteem will boost (honestly, positive comments from siblings just feels more genuine, ya know?)
      ☉Yuji will always ask for homework help and is ass at math
      ☉ “Help meee, I don’t know how to do Geometryyyy” 
      ☉ Yuji is always whining 24/7, which he redeems to be a puppy 
      ☉ If you don’t know how to do geometry either, or forgot, then the two of you will struggle together. 
     ☉ “If I’m going down, you’re going down with me.” Yuji whines
      ☉ Can I also say that he will cook for you? (And it’s always delicious, might I add)
      ☉ Be can try to cook you anything you want, by researching recipes, then improvising to make it “tastier,” according to him
      ☉ But somehow, it always tastes better than you expected?? What kind of sorcery does he possess? cursed energy
      ☉Overall, being his sibling consists of the two of you going wild and him making fun of you
〄           ⤷ Megumi Fushiguro | 伏黒恵 - - -
       ☉ Being his sibling is him being protective of you
       ☉ Like Yuji, he doesn’t matter if you’re older than him or not, he will always protect you because “you don’t know what could happen,” Megumi says
      ☉ It’s really sweet, but sometimes, it can get pretty annoying whenever he walks you to a friends place and he makes sure that you get in the house before he leaves
      ☉ Going somewhere? “Let me come.” Leaving the house? “Where are you going?” Eating food? “Can I have some?”
      ☉ Even though it seems like he wants to protect you 24/7, he wants to be with you because honestly, he can get lonely
      ☉ Megumi didn’t really have many friends throughout his life, and since you’re always by his side, he just thinks that you’re his best friend/sibling 
      ☉ He thinks that protecting you is sibling bonds, but if you’re uncomfortable with him doing so, let him know and he will stop
      ☉ Megumi isn’t one of those mom’s who uses an app to track you down and sees whatever web browser history you go through, cause that’s honestly fucked up
      ☉ Megumi respects your boundaries and wants to make sure that you’re comfortable and safe 
      ☉ Sometimes, he’ll even wake you up in morning so you can go on walks with him and even summon his Divine Dogs to have them stretch and walk
      ☉ Since he’s a jujutsu sorcerer, you know about all the curses, grades, and schools around Japan
      ☉ Even if you’re cursed yourself and can see curses or not, Megumi will educate you about them 
      ☉ He’s really reliable on information cause I always see him as a smart boy
      ☉ Need help with homework? He’s got you covered
      ☉ Sometimes, he’ll even offer to do it for you if you’re too tired to (Which is really sweet not gonna lie)
      ☉ He’ll make you coffee in the morning and occasionally cooks for the two of you, and makes sure that you’re okay and well taken care of 
      ☉ Since the two of you didn’t have parents to look up to, he’s basically your sibling and parental figure 
      ☉ He basically raised you, per se
      ☉ Overall, he’s a great brother that just wants to see you happy and safe. Cherish him!
〄           ⤷ Norbara Kugisaki | 釘崎野薔薇 - - - 
      ☉ Nobara is a wild sister to have, oh my god
      ☉ She’s pretentious and wants to be the one that’s basically worshiped in the family
      ☉ Nobara hates you with a passion
      ☉ She’s like a spoiled sister that wants everything, and if you ask to borrow something that she has, she’ll say, “Who’re you?”
      ☉ She won’t let you borrow anything and always gets mad if you just go into her room
      ☉ “I can’t talk right now, I’m doing hot girl shit.”
      ☉ Nobara always gives you the stank eye or rolls her eyes whenever you ask her to do something, “can’t you do it yourself? I’m on my phone right now.”
      ☉ “I literally hate you, get away from me.” 
      ☉ Will only do what you say if she’s in a great mood
      ☉ She’s a sister that bullies her older or younger siblings all the time, but will stop if they start to cry, but not with her saying, “don’t be such a baby. Grow up!” 
      ☉ However, if someone is bullying you or made a snarly comment about you, she gets all defensive like she’s the one who got insulted
      ☉ “Excuse me? The hell did you just say?!”
      ☉ She’ll argue towards the person that insulted you, even complimenting you to counter the comment that was made against you
      ☉ Nobara is only allowed to bully you, nobody else!
      ☉ If necessary, she’ll even throw hands against that person to prove that you’re not what they say you are
      ☉ Don’t worry about Nobara losing. Every time she fights, she will win 
      ☉ After the fight, she’ll walk back to you with ruffled clothes and a bloody nose, and say, “If they bother you again, let me know so I can kick their ass.”
      ☉ Sometimes, Nobara spoils you (keyword: sometimes)
      ☉ She’ll buy you something that you’ve been wanting to have, like a new phone or something
      ☉ Once you thank her, she’ll be like, “Yeah, yeah, it’s nothing.”
      ☉ Nobara doesn’t hate you, despite her bullying you in every way possible, but it’s the littlest things she does for you that proves that she loves you as a sibling that she adores
      ☉ Overall, you got a bully for a sibling but makes sure that you’re actually loved 
〄           ⤷ Satoru Gojo | 五条悟- - - 
      ☉ I-- dear lord, how do I even explain this?
      ☉ It’s a bit tough being his sibling at the beginning 
      ☉ So I’m going to explain something else for a minute 
      ☉ When you were born into the Gojo clan, the family often discriminated you because you were an accidental pregnancy 
      ☉ So you were often discriminated as a child instead of getting worshiped and praised by the clan. You were practically a servant to the clan (like Mai and Maki)
      ☉ However, Gojo was always there to protect you because he was worshiped for inheriting the “six eyed,” curse 
      ☉ Gojo has been protective of you ever since you were a child and even helped you with your duties as a “servant.” 
      ☉Even if you inherited a technique or not, the family still looked down because you were not the “six eyed” curse
      ☉ Gojo wouldn’t be surprised if you hated him as a child because the family always compared you to him 
      ☉ So once Gojo was legible to attend Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical High school, he made sure to bring you with him
      ☉ It took his family a lot of arguing and convincing, but in the end, you got your bags packed up and ready to leave for the school
      ☉ If you don’t have cursed energy, and you’re younger than him, you can be trained how to defend yourself along with your brother for you not to get left out (like Maki)
      ☉You’re going to be a first year way earlier than other students, but like what Kamo said, “age doesn’t matter in Jujutsu.”
      ☉ Gojo will sometimes tease you as the two of you are students, but he’s a great mentor whenever you need help about something 
      ☉ Suguru and Shoko will also be your best friend too!
      ☉ Currently, Gojo is still a protective older brother, but goddamn he’s such a tease and a bitch at the same time
      ☉ “(Nickname)~~, what’re you doing?”
      ☉ Like every typical sibling, he can get bored and he will bother you, even if you’re busy
      ☉ If you become a teacher like him, he will randomly interrupt your class and sit down in one of the empty seat and act like nothings wrong 
      ☉ He’ll even act like a student by raising his hand and answering the question
      ☉Gojo disrupts a lot of your activities quite often just because he wants to and sometimes enters your room, stares at you for a few seconds, then leaves
      ☉ Whenever the two of you are free, he’ll invite you to go have some lunch or dinner to take a break from the school
    ☉ Expect him to order a lot of desserts too lmao
      ☉ Gojo honestly pays for anything, even your groceries, necessities, etc
      ☉ Gojo is literally rich, rich, and doesn’t care about his spendings sometimes, and will buy you anything if you ask him
      ☉ He spoils you a lot, to secretly redeem his forgiveness for how the both your parents treated you
      ☉ Overall, he’s a great brother and he’s really fun! Being his sibling is just him being himself, but extra protective 
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༺ Chef’s Note: Trying my best to clear my inbox. I have 7 matchups left, wish me luck!
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Lovedust Pt.3 || Peter Parker x Stark Reader
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Summary: Y/N catches the eye of one of her male classmates who invites her to an upcoming party. As she weighs her options, Peter takes her out for a treat but old history comes back up. 
Word Count: 4.1k
Author’s Note: I hope everyone is safe during this crazy time. Remember: Wear a mask, wash your hands, and only leave your house for necessities! You can literally stay at home and read fanfiction all day and you would be saving lives! I introduced a new male character and I’ll be real, Joshua Bassett needs to be appreciated so I put him in! However, for the character Josh you can think of any celeb or crush you have if you want! 
Warnings: Adult language, mentions of sex
part one || part two || part three || part four || part five || part six || 
part seven || part eight || epilogue
When Monday rolled around, all you wanted to do was stay home. You felt that there was too much going on to just go on autopilot for eight hours at school when all you could think about was how to fix Peter.
While you had decided that you would at least be nice to him, there was still a small part of you that was worried about what would happen if he never got better. 
How much of your relationship would change and worst of all, what would happen to his ‘superhero’ duties?
If you were really the only thing running through his mind, how would he even function saving lives?
As much as you wanted to sit and worry about him, you knew you needed to get your own life together before you started fixing other people like going to school.
You went to college-prep academy which really just meant that everyone had to wear uniforms to kill all individualistic forms of expression and pay ridiculous tuition to learn. 
You really didn’t mind since most of your classes were ridiculously easy but a lot of your classmates were spoiled monsters who liked to flaunt their rich last name.
Lucky for you, Stark was pretty hard to beat.
Once you slipped your blazer on, you grabbed the straps of your backpack and walked out into the kitchen to pack your lunch where Peter was already awake, making breakfast.
Usually, by this time, Peter would already be on his way to school on the subway but your dad and Banner thought it would be best for him to stay at the complex so they could run more tests on him.
Peter took his attention off of the stove and drew his eyes towards you, his face already flushed red as he tried not to stare below your skirt,” Y/N! You look really pretty in your uh- uniform.”
At this point, you knew that whatever words that came out of Peter’s mouth wasn’t his fault so you decided to roll with it. You were so used to him always giving you snarky replies about your school uniform but now, you didn’t have to waste your energy thinking of a comeback.
You hummed as you leaned over the kitchen island to grab a piece of bacon that was off to the side,” And you look really pretty in your pajamas Parker. How are you holding up? Are they getting any closer into figuring out how to stop your chest pains?”
Ever since Peter first made contact with the lovedust, he had been complaining about how tight his chest was feeling. It seemed like a normal side effect since it would happen whenever you were close to him but as days passed, his chest started to hurt more every time you weren’t around.
You felt guilty knowing that you going to school would literally cause him pain but at the same time, you couldn’t adjust your whole life around Peter.
Peter shook his head as he swallowed hard,” No not yet but I’m sure they’ll figure out something soon... I packed your lunch by the way. It’s over there by the sink.”
You looked over towards the sink and sure enough, your lunch bag that you hadn’t used since freshman year was neatly packed. You didn’t have the heart to tell him that your school had really good chicken pesto on Mondays so you gladly looked through the lunch bag to see what was inside.
As you looked through it, you could see a white piece of lined paper folded and taped against a small packet of Oreos. Peter noticed that you had found the note and this time, his face grew redder.
“ You can throw it away if you want, I thought it would be nice or whatever,” Peter said quietly as he walked over to where you were standing.
He reached for your lunch bag but you tensed up, pulling it towards your chest,” Aw, come on Parker, please? Technically, this note is like mail and you know it’s a federal crime to tamper with it.”
Peter bit the inside of his cheek and nodded as he rubbed his sweaty palms on his thighs. You had never seen Peter ever this flustered before and a part of you felt guilty that you were the reason he was so nervous but a part of you liked the attention.
You had to remind yourself that once Peter was cured, it gave him free rein to possibly be the same dick as before. At least for now, you liked being friends with Peter.
“ I gotta go now but I’ll see you after school,” You finally said as you put your backpack on and walked over to the elevator,” try not to die or anything.”
“ I’ll do my best, have a good day,” Peter smiled as he suddenly remembered something,” oh, make sure you bring an umbrella, it’s supposed to rain today.”
You checked your phone to look at the weather for the afternoon but saw that it was supposed to be bright and sunny all day,” I’m sure it’ll be fine, bye Parker.”
Once you made it all the way downstairs to the main entrance, you looked behind your shoulder to make sure no one was behind you before rummaging through your lunch bag. You took out the note Peter had written to you and even though you didn’t even open it yet, you already felt your stomach twisting and turning.
You had a feeling it would be him saying how pretty you looked or how much he loved you since he was under his lovey trance but when you opened up the note, you felt yourself smile.
Thank you for not being weird about everything that’s going on. I’ll make it up to you, I promise. P.S I love it when you call me Parker
School dragged on and on and by the time the last bell had rung, you felt like you were on the verge of dropping out.
Any of your STEM classes weren’t as interesting or as challenging to you anymore, especially since you had a whole floor in your own house that was just laboratories filled with people who have actually won Nobel Prizes.  
Once you left class, you made your way straight to your locker and put your math textbook into your backpack. When you shut your locker, you looked up to see your friend Kim holding up her phone towards your face.
“ Hello to you too, what am I looking at?” You asked as you took her phone to get a better look at the screen,” is this a Snapchat invitation?”
“ Good, you can read,” Kim teased as she adjusted the straps of her backpack,” Amber is throwing a party on Saturday and we have to go!”
You furrowed your eyebrows as you handed the phone back to her. You didn’t hate parties but you much rather preferred smaller functions with all of your friends than a room filled with total strangers your age.
“ I thought we hated Amber and I’m pretty sure she hates us. She literally called you rat face when you were doing your presentation and you pushed her into the trashcan the other day,” You reminded Kim as your mind thought back to how much you disliked Amber.
If your school was the chocolate factory, Amber Kennedy was Veruca Salt. Anytime she pouted and whined about whatever new golden ticket she craved, she got it.
While Amber never anything specific towards you, anyone who disrespected your friend was an enemy in your book.
Kim rolled her eyes as the two of you made your way down the hallway,” Okay that’s true, I hate that bitch with every fiber of my being but I just need a mental break from school. Plus, it’ll be good for you to get yourself out there. I heard a certain lead singer in a band is looking forward to seeing you there.”
You knew right away who Kim was going on about but you only shrugged,” I don’t know who you’re talking about...Is it raining outside?”
Of course, she knew you were lying because there was only one guy you ever mentioned around her when you weren’t complaining about Peter.
Joshua- or Josh- was one of the few guys in your life who managed to not piss you off completely but that wasn’t the only thing you liked about him.
“ Let me refresh your memory; dark brown, curly-haired genius who sits behind you in Anatomy and according to you has ‘perfect brown eyes that make me want to jump off a bridge’?” Kim reminded you as you playfully hit her shoulder.
You were never the type to be boy crazy and you weren’t one of the girls who felt their knees buckle every time they saw him, but whenever he would wave or smile at you in class, you had to physically stop yourself from blushing like a schoolgirl.
In all honesty, you wouldn’t say you and Josh were friends, a better-suited term would be classmates that occasionally talked about things outside of school ever now and then. 
“ Look, as much as I would love to go to a party where I know no one and where the host hates me, I’m not going to go to a party just because Josh is going to be there. I don’t care how cute he is, I’m busy dealing with you know who,” You said as you heard someone chuckle behind you.
“ You think I’m cute?”
Your heart dropped to the floor as you turned around to see Josh standing behind you with a wide smirk on his face. You could feel your throat hitch as you quickly looked Josh up and down to make sure he was not a figment of your imagination.
It was nearly impossible for anyone to look good in a school uniform but of course, Josh managed to pull it off every time. His tie was loosely undone around his white collar and his sleeves were rolled up all the way to his elbows and you were 100% on board with it.
For a moment, you felt actual sympathy for Peter because now you understood how he must be feeling.
Without a second thought, you felt your binder slip out of your hands and once it hit the floor, your notes came out of the binder pocket.
You both took a moment to stare at the papers on the floor but Josh was the first one to bend down and pick some of them up.
You snapped out of your daze and kneeled down in front of him awkwardly as you helped him pick up your notes,” I’m sorry, you just startled me.”
Josh let out a small laugh as he shook his head,” Well, I didn’t mean to scare you. I was hoping to do the opposite actually. I was calling your name earlier but I guess you were too busy talking about...me.”
You pressed your lips together as you tried to avoid his gaze, as if that would help the blush fade away,” Yeah, about that, Kim was just telling me that you were planning to go to some party this weekend. Apparently, your band is playing right?”
You looked over your shoulder to look up at Kim but she was nowhere to be seen. Coward.
“ Amber’s party, yeah,” Josh said as you neatly put your stack of papers into your binder,” I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but were you saying that you aren’t going?”
Your heart skipped a beat as you looked up at Josh and you felt stupid for feeling so nervous around him.
 By all means, you were not in love with him and saying that he was your crush was pushing it a bit.
All you knew was that apparently, Josh had been asking about you and that alone made something inside of you click.
You cleared your throat as you nodded, tearing your eyes away from his,” I mean, I would love to go but I might have plans.”
“ That’s too bad, I was kinda hoping I would see you there,” Josh said quietly, his face slightly flushed,” but don’t worry about it. I’m sure whatever you have going on is more important than just some party.”
You didn’t even realize you were both reaching for the same page of notes until his hand rested against yours for a moment. Your heart stopped as you waited for him to pull his hand away but he kept it on top of yours.
After a few seconds passed, Josh held your hand tightly as he helped you stand up again. He gave your hand one last squeeze before he let his hand fall to the side.
What the hell is happening?
As much as you wanted to go to the party, all you could think about was Peter. You knew that more than ever, he needed you and if your dad needed your help in the lab, you wanted to be there.
Then, as if your mind was telling you to reconsider, it pushed forward the conversation you had with Peter before he made contact with the lovedust.
“ You wasted your whole high school years on never accomplishing anything. You never went to a single party, you never passed your drivers test, and you’ve never even had a boyfriend before.”
A part of you couldn’t even believe Peter would ever say something like that because of how obsessed he is over you. Yet, that memory of Peter was only a few days ago.
You couldn’t just let it all go, you knew he was capable of saying hurtful things and for once, you didn’t want to worry about someone else.
For the first time ever, you were going to be selfish.
“ Maybe I can stop by to say hi or something to listen to your band,” You said as you watched him smile back,” but I can’t promise anything.”
Josh flipped his blazer over his shoulder and smirked,” Too late, I’m already looking forward to seeing you there.”
Josh gave a small wave before walking back over to his friends who were leaned up against the lockers. As you walked away, you felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of your shoulders.
When you got to the front doors, you looked out the windows and watched the rain quietly. Of course, Peter was right.
You had planned to walk to the subway station after school since you knew your dad would be too busy fixing Peter to pick you up but if you would have known it was going to rain, you would’ve asked Kim to take you home.
You opened up the glass doors and held your textbook over your head, thankful for once that Mr. Carter had assigned homework from this mammoth of a book.  As you made your way down the stairs, you spotted a familiar face waiting on the bench in the courtyard with an umbrella.
“ Peter?” You called out as his head snapped up to see you,” what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be in the lab?”
Peter stood up and held the umbrella closer to you so you wouldn’t get wet and rubbed the back of his neck.
“ Your dad and Banner have been running tests on me all morning so they sent me to my room to rest for a bit. But then I saw that you forgot your umbrella and I didn’t want you to walk to the subway in the rain,” Peter said as the two of you shared the umbrella,” so here I am.”
“ You didn’t have to come all this way...but thank you,” You said as the two of you walked out the gates. 
Peter smiled as you interlocked your arms with him to get closer. As the two of you made your way across town, you both exchanged how your day went but when it came to talking about yours,  you purposely left out the part about Josh and the party.
You didn’t know why you would even keep it from him but you just kept telling yourself that what Peter didn’t know, couldn’t hurt him. Plus, if Peter found out about your interaction with Josh, there could be a possibility that he would be on a whole other level of jealousy and frankly, you didn’t have the time.
“ So, I read your note,” You said as you felt Peter tense up beside you,” you said you’d make it up to me and now I’m intrigued. What did you have in mind?”
“ A lot of things, if we’re thinking about someplace romantic there’s this-” Peter stopped himself and shook his head before taking a breath,” sorry. I’m just trying to get better at controlling what I say around you. I was just going to say that there’s this place around the corner that makes really good milkshakes and I thought it would be a nice date- as friends! Just friends. Unless you want to- fuck! I’m sorry Y/N, I’m just going to shut up now.”
You couldn’t stop yourself from letting out a small laugh as Peter shook his head,” You’re such a sap, Parker. It really is never a dull moment with you.”
Peter opened up the diner doors and as soon as you stepped in, you felt like you had been transported back in time.
The floor was sketched in the iconic black and white checkered print and the platinum bar had bright red stools along the outside. 
Just from your spot in the front, you could smell the peppermint disinfectant that they used to wipe down the tables but you were most focused on the jukebox in the corner as a Ritchie Valens song started to play in the background.
“ How did you find this place?” You asked as Peter led you to one of the booths in the corner of the diner.
“ I always knew about it but I figured it wouldn’t be fun without bringing someone along,” Peter admitted as you looked around at the old, decorative records across the wall,” I know how much you like those old movies so I thought it would be nice to take you back to the fun part of the 50s without the, you know, racism.”
You shook your head laughing as you turned your attention to the menu,” Nothing says the 50s like institutionalized racism and systemic oppression of women.”
Once the waitress arrived at the booth, Peter ordered a milkshake for the two of you to share and while you felt yourself falling deeper into the cliche, you couldn’t oppose since he was paying.
When the waitress left, Peter turned back to you and rested his hands on the table nervously. You couldn’t even imagine what he was thinking about but that in itself made you stand up straighter.
“ Can I ask you something? You don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to but I’m just curious,” You asked as Peter nodded enthusiastically.
“ What does the lovedust feel like?” You asked as Peter raised his eyebrow,” I mean, how does it make you feel... about me?”
Peter felt the inside of his mouth dry up as he croaked,” Do you mean- are you asking me what it feels like to be in love with you? Because honestly Y/N,  it feels so weird-”
“ Being in love with me is weird?”
“ Well yeah! Wait no! No, it’s not weird!” Peter stammered as you watched him get more and more nervous,” it’s not weird to love you but my body feels weird around you. My hands are constantly sweaty and clammy and sometimes it’s hard to even focus on small things like breathing. I can’t even shower without thinking of you- not like that- well kinda like that- but every time I have a quiet moment to myself, all my mind wants to think about is you. When your dad was running tests on me this morning, all I could think about was how you two shared the same last name and one day-hopefully-I can change your last name to Parker- okay see I can’t stop what comes out of my mouth when I’m on a roll!”  
As your mind started to break down every sentence he said, the waitress gave Peter a strange look before placing the milkshake in front of the two of you.
“ Wow, okay that was... a lot. You could’ve left out about half of that but I’ll give you a pass because I feel sorry for you,” You admitted as you took the paper wrapping off of the straw and dipped it into your milkshake,” but is there anything else? Like is there any part of you that still hates me? Or is it all gone because of the lovedust?”
Peter furrowed his eyebrows as you leaned over to take a sip,” Hate you? I never hated you Y/N.”
You pulled your lips away from the straw and sat back,” What do you mean you never hated me? I’m pretty sure you hated me, we were so mean to each other. Like our relationship was toxic as hell.”
Peter lightly banged his straw against the table and tore off the paper around the straw without looking at you.
“ I never hated you. Was I a huge dick to you? Of course I was. Was it entertaining watching you air out your room after I left smoke bombs in it before your friends came over? Kinda yeah. But I never did it because I hated you. I would never do those things out of pure malice but...it’s hard for me to look back and imagine us hating each other when I’m head over heels for you now,” Peter sighed as he started playing with the wrappings of the straw.
It was hard to believe that after all this time Peter never hated you because there were countless times for you where you really hated him and planned to murder him in his sleep without a second thought.
“ I’m not going to lie, I hated you. Some days, you made me feel so shitty about myself that I would cry underneath my covers so no one could hear,” You revealed to him as Peter felt a wave of sadness wash over him,” After a while, I wasn’t even sad anymore I was just so exhausted. I felt like I always had to be on my toes around you just in case you would pull something on me and to make sure you would never make me cry again, I knew I would always have to have the upper hand.”
You watched Peter almost sulk back into his seat, his mind swarming with memories of how awful he really was to you,” Y/N, I am so sorry I ever treated you like that. I never knew I made you cry. I know I’m sick with the powder but even if I wasn’t, I would still feel as miserable as I do right now...I’m a monster aren’t I?”
You wanted to be as honest as possible with Peter but in the state that he was in at the moment, you weren’t sure if he was in the right mental headspace to hear any harsh criticism.
“ We were both monsters...but now we’re different. This is the first time in years where I’ve actually enjoyed your company and while I’m not ready to start picking out baby names or whatever you’re trying to do with me, I like what we have. I just hope that when you get cured, things don’t have to change, you know?” You said as you reached across the table and opened up your hand.
You never knew how important starting over was until now and you knew that no matter what, Peter would always be in your life. The only question was what he really meant to you but at this moment, you didn’t have an answer and it was okay.
Peter looked down at it and hesitantly held it, his fingers caressing over your knuckles lightly as he inhaled deeply,” As long as you’re in my life, things don’t have to change.”
You squeezed his hand as you leaned in to take another sip. When you pulled away, you leaned back into your seat as you playfully sighed,” You know, I can’t decide if I’m weirded out or flattered by your comments lately but at the same time, I kinda wanna just open the flood gates and see what kind of crazy stuff you say so I can blackmail you later on.”
Peter only shook his head as his face started to grow flushed,” Y/N, please,  if I could control my mouth, I would. Once I start talking, every single thought in my mind surges with your face and how I feel like how fucking amazing you look in your uniform-”
“ Nope, nuh-uh, we can stop it right there pervert.”
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7wanderingpaws · 3 years
Captain Bucheon 02
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Pairing: Baekhyun x reader (Lee Nari)
Genre: policeman AU; enemies to lovers AU
Warnings:  langauge, mentions of drugs
story masterlist masterlist
<-- first -- next -->
tags: @wooya1224 (if you want to be un/tagged let me know! I forgot to ask last time lol)
Second: Fears and Desires
Rushing out of the building, you made a quick run for the closest bus stop, trying to supress every urge to look back in case someone could be following you. With their identity being unknown and the box being successfully delivered on your behalf meant huge trouble for you and it left you incredibly nervous to stay in the same place as that anonymous. For whatever reason someone decided to deliver the box. Who could it be?
With your heart racing all the way in your throat, you thought that this situation would be the worst. Turning a sharp corner that led to the main road, you collided harshly with a sturdy chest, the person's arms flying out to catch your falling figure. Hands slid around your waist and steadied you up carefully.
Realizing your eyes were squeezed shut, you opened your eyes to be met with familiar ones. You slowly died inside.
“Careful,” he murmured as he took in your scared expression.
Stepping away from him, you tried to brush off the feeling of pining. You'd been working way too hard to avoid him for you to meet him exactly when you were running away red-handed. “What are you doing here?”
He shook his head gently as his gaze slowly took in your features. It made you shudder. “My workplace is not far away, remember?”
Gulping, you nodded, letting out a breathy snort as you looked down on the pavement. “Right. Silly of me to ask.”
“Are you okay?”
“I missed you,” you blurted at the same time and looked up at him. “Oppa.”
Baekhyun was frozen just for a moment before he stepped closer to you with the gentlest of smiles. Slowly, he reached up with his hand and cradled your cheek. “I missed you too, pretty.”
Pretty. Ah, how you missed that nickname.
“Then kiss me,” you let out boldly and you expected him to be surprised or even scold you for being so demanding but he surprised you.
“Oh, yeah,” he murmured, leaning in. “I will, now that you're finally here.” You helped him out by standing on your tip-toes while you let your arms circle around his neck, and his hands slid back to your waist. His lips touched yours gently, carefully, before you hummed and pushed yourself more into him, urging him to deepen the kiss.
He growled when he felt your chest press up to his and his grip tightened while one of his hands came up to your neck, tilting your head so he could have better access. With a simple lick of his tongue, he was inside and you were whimpering, gasping, panting. So, so needy for him. You groaned, feeling the strong attraction you both shared. It seemed that no matter how much you hated him, it was always present. You would always be bewitched by Byun Baekhyun.
He was still hungrily claiming your lips when he reached up for your arms and brought them down until he had your hands in his. He fumbled with them for a while and you smiled, expecting him to intertwine your hands. Just the feeling of his smooth hands on yours made the butterflies in your tummy flutter their wings.
Then you heard a click.
Baekhyun kissed you one last time, his lips puckering, before slowly leaning back and taking in your scared eyes when you felt cold metal around your wrists.
“Lee Nari,” he breathed, the puffs of hot air on your wet lips, “I arrest you for illegal drug distribution.”
Gasping loudly, you sat straight up in your bed, the aftermath of your nightmare still present and fresh in front of your eyes while you tried to shake off the dread and the terrible pull in your lower tummy. Why the hell were you sexually frustrated when he arrested you again?
“What is it?” you heard from beside you, a confused and sleepy Yuyeon. “Nari? Are you okay?” she was next to you within a second, the early morning sun lighting up the room softly through the light curtains. She saw you touching your lips while tears were rolling down your cheeks. “Goodness, was the dream that bad?” she asked again carefully and sat on your bed.
You whimpered, still shocked, and reached out for your best friend, wrapping your arms around her to get a feel of reality. “Just… it was ridiculous. So ridiculous, Yuyeonah,” you muttered, sniffing, flashes of Baekhyun's face ever-present and lively. That was certainly not how you imagined the first meeting with him to go. 
“It was just a bad dream,” consoled Yuyeon gently, rubbing your back in circles. “None if it is real, Nari.”
You nodded and pressed your lips together. 
Just a bad dream.
“Are you okay?” Someone muttered to your ear, successfully scaring the living daylights out of you.
You heard that sentence in your dream.
Turning around abruptly with wide eyes, you spot Chul who was smiling at you cheekily.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. You just look a little absent-minded,” he explained, scratching his neck as he looked at the ground.
You sighed. “I’m fine. But thanks for worrying.”
He nodded and wanted to say something before hesitating. You raised a questioning eyebrow, silently asking him what was up.
“Was everything fine after I left?”
Oh. You completely forgot to let him know the mission was successful since you were so freaked out by the unexplainable events. “Yes!” you squeaked. “It went perfectly!”
“Great! I received the confirmation text but you never followed up with an update.” He laughed. “Then we can focus on your run in the festival!”
You groaned and started stomping towards your classroom. “I really, really like REALLY don’t wanna do it.”
He followed you, snickering. “You’re our ace, Nari.” He hugged your shoulders with his arm and pressed you to his side. “If you won’t attend, nobody will come and watch!”
Puffing your hair out of your face, you silently fumed. “I already said okay to the darn MCing with that bitc- singer.”
“Were you just about to call her a bitch?” asked Chul, shocked as he maneuvered you through the crowded corridors. Students were giving you looks, some whispering when they spotted Chul, the famous boy.
“Ah, no, not at all,” you grumbled, not bothering to hide your sarcasm.
Chul chuckled and you stopped in front of your class. “You can be so feisty. Either way, bring this spirit to the running track. We are starting from today!”
“But-but I want to go out to the bar-“
Chul clicked his tongue. “I will gladly take you to a bar if you come to the practice.”
Not even stopping to think it over, you quickly complied: “You’ll buy me a drink, right? Oppa?” you added with a mischievous glint in your eyes.
He observed you for a moment, an amused smile splayed on his face. “Sure, Nari. A drink it is.”
“Faster, Lee!” shouted coach Lim when you finished the second round, heaving loudly like a horse. “If you want to win an award for us you will have to do better than that!”
With bitter realization, you noticed how he reminded you of your beloved math teacher back in high school. Unfortunately, you weren’t that good at sports but you were still better than math.
“Okay, got it,” you exhaled harshly, coming to a full stop.
You saw the sun already setting, the cold air turning your hot breaths into condensation. You could practically feel your nose turning red.
“Hey, Rudolf!” Chul.
You snapped your head at him, glaring. “Do not mock me. You’ve dragged me into this yet you seem very unaffected.”
He laughed, walking over to you. “You already forgot why I am the president of the student council?” He quirked an eyebrow at you. “I’m good at everything.”
You rolled your eyes. “Okay then you win the award for us.”
“Nuh-uh. It’s gotta be you,” he winked at you.
Too tired to bother fighting with him, you quickly went to change into your clothes, deciding you would take a shower once you got back from the smelly bar. Surely you stinking wouldn’t bother people too much. Plus, it wasn’t like you were trying to impress Chul anyway.
Meeting the senior outside, you headed for the closest bar, bickering on the way. Once inside he bought you a drink just as promised and you were fast to gulp down half of the cocktail.
“So, I’ve been wanting to discuss some matters with you,” started Chul, looking at you in amusement when you took another big gulp. “Just some other stuff that has to be taken care of about the festival.”
You whined and leaned your forehead into your palm. “Why now? We should do that at the student council.”
“You’re my right hand, Lee,” reasoned smoothly Chul and took a sip of his beer. The frothy foam left a small white mustache and it made you giggle. You motioned for him to get rid of it and he quickly licked it off. “Anyway,” he started with a laugh, “you’ll take care of the security team of the festival. Make sure to book the bodyguards and police guards around. We will have famous artists there so security should be our number one priority at all costs.”
You hummed, faking thinking. You ignored your rapid heartbeat at the mention of police, some flashbacks of your dream quickly chasing you down. Nodding, you hid your face behind the cup as you took another sip and looked around the place as if expecting to see the familiar face in the crowd just like you did on the night you met him.
“I kind of want to pass on this one,” you finally replied as you put down your glass.
“Why is that?”
Sighing, you pursed your lips not wanting to elaborate on your actual thinking pattern. “Just feels weird to talk to the police and blah blah blah,” you rolled your eyes. “I’m already doing so much for the festival, Chul, don’t you think?”
Chul observed you for a moment. “I’m sorry. I feel like a total jerk for always throwing all the responsibilities at you but I really am only giving you those tasks that require the most able person.”
“Oh.” You didn’t think about that. After all, Chul was right. You were kind of like a right hand to him, doing a lot of jobs in the behind the scenes whenever there were events happening at the school.
“And I heard that you might have connections at the police so I thought we could use that to our advantage,” he continued, hesitating when he noticed your sour expression. “Am I wrong?”
Your slight scowl turned into a frown. “Who the hell told you that?”
He blinked a couple of times. “Well, she told me it’s a secret so…”
“Yeah,” he looked at your hard expression, prompting him to answer you. You swore you would kill Oh Sehun, you were sure it was him.
“Yuyeon. It was Yuyeon.”
Your mouth opened in shock. You thought you heard wrong. “What? What did she tell you though?” And why would Yuyeon talk to a person she didn't like? You knew her well and she voiced, or at least showed, how she didn't like Chul. In her opinion, he was too friendly with everyone.
Chul laughed unsurely, a little perplexed at the change of your behavior. “Nothing! I mean... she mentioned a boyfriend-“
“I never had a boyfriend at the police station,” you declared quickly. “I hardly know anyone there so I don’t think I can help you in this matter.”
Chul nodded, immediately complying while his hands played with the cup in his hands. “Right, sorry. Maybe I’ve heard wrong. You’d be too young to date a police officer anyway.” He took note of your sudden unreadable expression and when you didn’t reply, he added: “Then I don’t see a problem why you can’t take care of the matters! Since you don’t have a boyfriend at the station.”
You sucked your lips in, mulling over his words. It wouldn’t hurt if you’d ask for favors from Yuyeon or Sehun, right? They could call in with your name and that way you wouldn’t have to worry about the possibility of accidentally talking to Byun Baekhyun. Either way, it was hard to win an exclusive chat with the big captain himself, so eventually, you didn’t see that much of a problem with it. And, it was a must that nobody could find out about any kind of connection with him. People would know you were underaged or could think you were too easy and had a beneficial relationship with him. That could totally ruin your image — because you didn’t care about his for sure!
“Okay,” you agreed with a timid nod, avoiding Chul’s eyes. “I’ll do it.” Managing to fake a strained smile you finally looked up to catch him studying you.
“If it makes you uncomfortable—“
“No, it’s absolutely fine,” you chirped in and threw the remaining cocktail into your mouth. If you pretended it was hard alcohol maybe you could slowly start swimming in nothingness and forget about him.
It was unfair that he’d been chasing you in your dream. It felt so real. Even the kissing was so believable it made chills run down your spine. “I’m gonna order another one,” you decided, already standing up. “I need it.”
Chul nodded slowly, hesitantly, and shook his head when you asked him whether he wanted another one.
Walking over to the busy bar, you caught the waiter and ordered yourself another cocktail when a tall figure appeared next to you.
“Is this your fourth already?” He asked nonchalantly, looking around. He was one head taller than you so it wasn’t like you were obscuring his view. “Jez, woman, when was the last time you took a shower?”
Rolling your eyes, you waved your hand to finally bring his attention to you. “You don't even pay attention to me but dare to comment on my hygiene.” You clicked your tongue disappointedly. “I’m right here, Sehun, and no it isn’t my fourth. But I’m getting there,” you rumbled and tapped your fingers impatiently on the worn-down surface of the wooden bar table.
“Why are you here with Chul?”
“Cause you didn’t ask me to hang out,” you pouted and innocently blinked a few times.
Sehun elbowed you gently. “I was meeting someone else today. And anyways, you’ve been always busy during a weekday - you don’t have work tonight, right?”
Making a grimace at the mention of your work, you turned back to the barista, watching him mix your cocktail. “No, tonight I’m free. And I had my first training, Sehun. I will die if I have to continue preparing for that damn race,” you whined, turning abruptly to him.
“I’ll help you with the training. I promise I’m more fun than coach Lim! I hear he is rather hot-headed,” he said with a glint in his eyes. “You know I won’t scold you.”
You frowned like a kid. “Run the race for me then.”
Sehun sighed and when the barista brought you your cocktail he quickly ordered two whiskeys.
Your eyebrows shot up to your hairline. “You’re going hard tonight.” Immediately you took a sip of your drink and felt an instant relief. While still playing with the straw, you looked up at your friend. “Who’re you here with anyway?”
Sehun gave you a look. “Uh, just a friend.” He shrugged. He was thankful for the crowded bar tonight. “We are just catching up.”
“Great!” You smiled brightly and put your cocktail down. “Do I know him? Or her?” you winked.
“Eh—“ Sehun hesitated and his eyes fell on someone behind you, following the person with his eyes for a moment. He then quickly took your cocktail and pushed it into your hand. “Nari, you shouldn’t have Chul wait for you. I’ll see you at school.”
You pouted, frowning. “Yah, are you trying to get rid of me?!”
“No, I'm really not but just go. I’m doing you a favor here.”
You were about to scoff and retort to him something ugly for daring to kick you out like that, when another figure appeared next to Sehun. “I have an urgent phone call. I’ll be back soon, Sehun.”
You stared at Byun Baekhyun with your mouth hanging slightly open. His hair was pushed from his forehead, leaving space to admire his handsome features and the wrinkle-free forehead. His jawline was sharp and you zoomed in on those lips and the way they showed his lower teeth whenever he opened his mouth. He was absolutely breath-taking and he kissed you last night in your dream. He arrested you, too.
Baekhyun finally looked at the person Sehun had been chatting with, intending to acknowledge their presence but maybe he shouldn’t have. Having Lee Nari staring at him that way still pulled on his insides.
It was exactly three seconds and you sensed Sehun nodding to himself awkwardly, obviously thinking well, I told you to leave, but he didn't have to speak indirectly no more. You dashed. You literally dashed along with your cocktail, not bothering about spilling it all over yourself in the process, not bothering to say bye to Sehun, let alone acknowledging Baekhyun's presence. You swore you wouldn't do it. So you didn't.
Your heart was wild and scarily loud as you hastily approached Chul and slid down into your chair, bringing breeze along with you. He locked his phone he’d been playing with while you were away but when he saw your disheveled state, he blurted: “Nari? What happened? Are you okay?”
You were staring at him, desperately trying not to look where Sehun and Baekhyun were.
“It’s fine.”
“Did someone try to do something?” He looked back over his shoulder and he directly spotted Sehun and he must have seen Baekhyun, too. They had their heads connected now, an intense talk going on. “Hey, that’s Oh Sehun with someone.”
“Yeah, I chatted with him for a moment. Anyway, I’m here now. Let’s continue the talk.”
Chul took a moment longer before he finally turned around and faced you. He caught you gulping down half of the cocktail and sighed. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yes, I am.” Your eyes wandered on their own accord and you caught eyes with Baekhyun as he was leaving the bar. He was carefully making his way through the crowd, his phone in his hands, most probably tending to that urgent phone call he mentioned. He must have still been a workaholic.
To your utter horror, he wasn’t a coward. You should have known better than to follow him with your stare, for Baekhyun kept his look on you, observing you expressionlessly until he couldn’t do so anymore and until he was out of the bar.
He would hunt you all the time.
And you, as mature and as confident you acted a year ago when you told him there might be a chance of you two starting over again, you realized you probably matured backwards during that time. Anger, hatred, passion - they were all burning up inside of you and all the unwanted memories came flooding back.
Biting down hard on your lip, you willed away the tears. Lee Nari was not someone who would cry just over anyone and she wouldn't get fooled twice.
It was just the realization that you would never be able to build your bridges up with him again that made you want to weep. Even though you wanted to, you found it almost impossible in that moment.
A/N: Whew. I had a little bit of a rough time with this one because it is so slow-paced and already a little complex (in my head). What did you think? I got you fooled there in the beginning heheh It was just a dream in case you are still not sure! Though you never know with Captain Bucheon, hm?
Please let me know your thoughts!! :) 
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guqin-and-flute · 4 years
the real question is - in the 3zun Raise A-Fu AU which of that generation's dads has the worst dad jokes? or do they all just have different flavours of dad humour? I feel like Mingjue has the most classic Dad Vibe(TM), but if Zixuan has more kids on the way then surely at some point he will succumb to dad-isms...
(Now, now these are vibes and not necessarily 100% accurate to the universe)
Nie Mingjue Dad Vibes™ -- ‘Are ya winnin’, son?’, [glowering intimidatingly at your romantic partners when they first meet], Most likely to accidentally break something while playing, s h o u l d e r  r i d e s, will not stop cracking his knuckles, most likely to stub his toe and yell ‘GOOOD DAMMIT’, fucking loves grilling shit, most likely to turn into a mischievous Bad Ideas Man when tipsy, will try to cook something experimental and get the family to eat it while eagerly insisting ‘it’s good!’, big hands, always smells like he was just tending a fire and doing yard work but in the good way that smells like grass and sunshine and woodsmoke, misuses memes to make you squirm, most likely to suggest that he goes to ‘talk to’ your bully, LOUDEST fucking laugh, banned from helping with homework--gets too frustrated
Lan Xichen Dad Vibes™ -- [puts on glasses to look at thing you handed him], ‘hello, ___, I’m dad’ when you’re is whining about something, ‘Oh, well if your friend is having trouble, they can just come stay with us!’, most likely to laugh at his own jokes, The Peacekeeper, ‘I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed’, gets very enthusiastic about his hobbies, The Snuggliest Dad, gets excited when your friends come over, will let you sit on his lap to see what he’s doing, Giggly Drunk Dad, will immediately let you sleep in his bed if you have a bad dream, Sweater Vests and Glasses Chain Gang™, 'you should know better :(’, puns accompanied with wide eyed innocent look of barely contained laughter when he’s glared at, all the other parents have a crush on him regardless or gender or sexual orientation, teaches you math and never gets mad
Jin Guangyao Dad Vibes™ -- Usually living a Fun Dad Life but when he is mad it is terrifying, most likely to embarrass you in front of your new friends by telling a story about when you were young and adorable and probably doing something stupid, In front of the kids: jeez-o-Pete In Front of his partners: Son of a bitch, Dad alone at the party holding beer he never drinks while he vaguely and benignly interacting with the kids as the other dads stare. They are confused. Does he think he’s too good for them?? (yes), the best at playing pretend, ‘well I guess we don’t need dessert, then :) ‘, most likely to Full Name You, squints at memes and just shakes his head, complains about your homework because they’re teaching you the Wrong Way
Jin Zixuan Dad Vibes™ -- Gets really into woodworking there for a while??, ‘Go ask your mother’, initially really self conscious about being seen being cutesy in public but turns into a baby talking, crying-about-the-flowers-in-his-daughter’s-hair, ‘yes we are princesses and this is a tea party, do you have a problem?” Dad about 6 months in, is so awkward around your friends--he tries he really really does. what do kids like nowadays? Pogs?, slightly grudgingly lets you braid his hair. might bring it up again sometime. not that he wants you to or anything you just probably need the practice, most likely to be horrified at the behavior of people in prank videos, puppet shows for life lessons, Does NOT Get Memes Will Not Get Memes, 10,000 pictures of his phone of his kids and half of them are blurry and he never deletes any of them, ‘Take Your Kids to Work Day Is Important’, is so confused by your homework--did we learn this? we never learned this. honey what the hell does this mean?
Lan Wangji Dad Vibes™ -- all your friends are scared of him, just has to say your name calmly to make you cut that shit out, Eyebrow Raise, ‘it’s the dollar store. how good can it be?’, never has to give you a lecture--you already know what you’ve done, ‘your child punched someone!’ ‘did they deserve it?’, all the other parents at the science fair get very flustered by him, ‘dad can I do this?’ ‘*shrug* sure, I trust you.’, catches you breaking the rules and shakes his head--do better next time. what were you thinking? socks are much sneakier, sits in silence at your extra curricular activities but paid attention the whole time, crosswords, ‘Isn’t my baby cute?’ ‘....sure.’, hates parent teacher conferences, does not have a lot of time for kids not blood related to him, weirdly competent? at everything?, grimaces at your homework. says you should go in early and ask the teacher
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flyingupward · 3 years
critical role - vox machina chapter 4 - attack of the conclave
all sentences taken from episodes 39-56 of the first campaign of critical role. feel free to change pronouns, phrasing etc. to fit your needs!
“All this time, you’ve been trying to kick my teeth in and your true enemy was right over there.”
“That’s good. Moving is not my forte.”
“We’re in a hentai. Make it go away.”
“Not all short people look alike.”
“God, I wish I was not made of farts.”
“We live in a cold, cold world. No one deserves anything.”
“You chose so poorly. It is truly impressive how poorly you chose.”
“Stay away from all men. Forever.”
“I’m glad I came in handy for that field trip.”
“I hate your friends!”
“Little do they know I shop for everything at Home Goods so joke’s on them.”
“It’s just radioactive material in the basement. It’s fine.”
“Somehow the coffee has not been poured on your head. That’s the greatest magic trick I’ve seen all morning.”
“Everything else was dragons. Why wouldn’t it be dragons?”
“Sorry, I was so caught up in the fact that I’m literally going up against death incarnate.”
“You’re a magnificent handsome bastard. Don’t die.”
“Do not go far from me.”
“He’s just a sociopath, that’s all.”
“There are dragons outside and we’re playing rugby with a fucking skull!”
“A simple mind is looking for a simple solution to a complex problem.”
“I’m a firm believer that there’s always a way to victory if we’re smart about it and we’re quick about it.”
“We either stand now or we might as well be dead.”
“We try, we mostly fail, but occasionally we get it right.”
“It was such a bad deal I said no. Can you imagine how bad of a deal it must have been?”
“No offense darling, but you look like shit.”
“If we’re going to be roaming about the streets, I’d like you to not fall open like a can of baked beans if you don’t mind.”
“Let’s not get overexcited about the sudden realization that some of us can be a bit iffy.”
“Thank you for that smattering of applause.”
“I have one of those terrible ideas I get on occasion.”
“This is politics. You’re not supposed to like them.”
“You can talk my fucking ear off in a moment. Shut up for a second.”
“If the parasite hasn’t a host to feed on, the parasite dies.”
“I never forget that when I rule, I rule these people as well.”
“One day, you’re going to stop being afraid of me and I hope that day comes soon.”
“There’s no swinging by, that’s a caper.”
“It will be built back better than before. That’s what we do.”
“We have a lot of Pop Tarts, but not very many gold pieces.”
“This is where I live. What are you doing here?”
“I’m cold and I still haven’t been paid.”
“We’re not trying to score points. We are trying to do right.”
“This is fucking happy fun bunch over here. They bring death with them everywhere they go.”
“And to think I might have briefly missed you.”
“You have to find the no name guy who’s going to help you find the stuff that’s hidden that nobody knows where it is or what it is.”
“What do you want to do? Do you want to stay here while the world burns?”
“World’s always ending, baby.”
“It would be wondrous, after we complete this transaction, that we never meet again.”
“Oh my God, I just buy healing to save my life, what a waste.”
“I’m going to stand over here and fail to stay in character, okay?”
“Let’s all have a toast to the inevitability of the universe.”
“My God, I love other people’s problems.”
“Are we sober yet?”
“I think her foolish impulses are exactly what we’re looking for.”
“Better to die a fool for something than live in regret for doing nothing.”
“I think we want her to do her stupidest.”
“You’re… brooding.”
“I tend to glaze over when he’s talking.”
“Lead the way, shitkicker.”
“A lot of your friends are very weird.”
“I would just like to point out that I’m mostly sober.”
“That’s okay because remember, I’m me.”
“I’d like to stand up, please.”
“I’m scared to death which is why the math is so bad.”
“I’ve met few as unremarkable as you in my travels.”
“Well then, we’re in trouble. I have an attitude about everything.”
“Yeah, there’s like 37 things we have to do before tomorrow so… ”
“She’s not really gonna care about court so much as ripping the bones from your back.”
“I thought you were gonna tell me a dirty joke or something. When you say, ‘Come here,’ that’s usually what that means.”
“It doesn’t matter if it’s going to be daylight if we’re underground.”
“I’m really hoping that it’s the worst decision we make because then everything’s uphill.”
“I like who we are together and I think that that’s important.”
“Dying in slow motion over here.”
“Oh good, more darkness.”
“Oh my God, you’re going into a special section of your book. That’s never good.”
“I’m very aware that my greed killed me.”
“Oh, I must have missed it because I was dead. That’s right.”
“Do you have feelings and did that hurt them?”
“I’m pretty tired after dying.”
“I think I love you too. I’m just terrified to allow myself to.”
“We are a city of seasonal affective disorder.”
“So I heard a rumor that you sort of saved my life in a really creepy sort of way.”
“By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you my Pokemon.”
“Your secret is safe with my indifference.”
“I always fucking hear you in my mind. It’s very quiet in there these days.”
“If it becomes a problem, just raise your hand and scream.”
“Our lives are so bizarre now.”
“Why is my brain tingling? Is someone noodling around up there?”
“You know what? It’s just fire. I will be on fire.”
“Did someone lose an orb?”
“Are we really about to pretend to do CrossFit?”
“Not enough spit takes in the world for this moment in time.”
“Beyond it being an engineering issue, it might be a greed issue first.”
"She's an adult. Deep levels of arrested development, but an adult nonetheless."
“Retroactively, you’ve never been seen in your entire lives.”
“You take everything good away from all of us.”
“It’s not one problem, it’s a very large problem and a massive problem.”
“Those that give a fuck, speak up.”
“We’ve lived half our life in the shadows. You’ve made them your home.”
“I love my reckless brother as much as he hurts my heart.”
“Duck hunt’s a bitch.”
“This is so dumb. Why am I doing this?”
“Congratulations, you’re creepy as fuck.”
“Give me this you fucking hoarder. What’s the matter with you?”
“I will smite you.”
“I was born to shove things in holes.”
“Knowledge is power, for reals!”
“Are we time bandits now? Is that what’s happening?”
“I hate time travel. I hate time travel so much.”
“No worries. I didn’t need to live anyway.”
“Perhaps it’s time to be a better badass.”
“It’s been a traumatic five minutes.”
“Like any good plan, everything will go wrong.”
“Oh well, I’m fucked then.”
“Oh, tiny dancer, you are fucked.”
“He died as he lived: Deeply unimpressed.”
“Don’t you dare die happy.”
“I like that we managed to make solving problems with violence into an ABC afternoon special.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone say, ‘At dawn, we plan.’”
“I genuinely don’t understand the place you come from.”
“That is the weirdest coping mechanism I’ve ever heard of.”
“Maybe we should just sleep together and see what happens.”
“Thank you for telling me the truth after you sort of lied to me.”
“Yeah keep twitching, twitchy.”
“We totally planned at dawn!”
“Everything is terrible. Our lives are terrible. They are way worse than they were six months ago.”
“You are a fucking madman, but I’m glad you’re here.”
“I’m fucked. I understand I’m fucked. It’s fine.”
“This was all part of the plan, the hastily smushed together plan.”
“He’s a liar and a bringer of death and he’s smiling at you while he does it.”
“Bravery means nothing. Survival and victory mean everything.”
“Oh shut up, you flying suitcase.”
“You don’t need inspiration, you’re fine!”
“If I move, he’ll kill me. So I won’t.”
“Cursed Lizard! We’re going to give all your gold to the poor!”
“Don’t be so glum you old fool! This is a day of glory!”
“We will all die. It just depends on cost.”
“Oh, wow. You just said a lot of things in a very short amount of time.”
“You are the worst of us.”
“If there’s a dare involved, that’s completely different.”
“I don’t like wanting things.”
“Is it the people or is it the fact that you have finally realized how pointless it all is?”
“I feel like I’ve been lied to my entire goddam life and it’s all crashing down upon me right now.”
“The thing is you’re not wrong and you’re not crazy, but it’s not hopeless either.”
“Even surrounded by friends, I often feel so alone.”
“Thank you for being a friend even though we just met.”
“The terrible woman may have a point.”
“Woo! Good leadership!”
“The awkward woman makes a fine point.”
“It is not about idolizing ourselves, it is about a very long story which we are a very small part of.”
“I’m doing something very stupid now with my friends. We’re going to try to save the world.”
“I admire everyone in our band of misfit toys, but you most of all.”
“You are all kinds of fucked up all the time and that’s why we love you.”
“We’re all all kinds of fucked up and that’s why we all are together.”
“That’s all we can be is ish.”
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cascadingdreams · 4 years
kirby characters and their college majors
 literally nobody asked for this
kirby: culinary arts and hospitality management 
the only valid person in the friend group bc they’re always bringing food from technicals and single-handedly saving everyone from overpriced cafeteria food
always suggests going to the mall to hang out then spends all their time at williams-sonoma sighing over stainless steel cookware and mini cocottes
sends rly niche spinach memes to the groupchat—you know the ones
meta knight: experimental physics and engineering 
experimental physicists are the chads of the physics world and you all know it
prefers practical applications to theory; would probably challenge a math major to a duel of honor on the quad 
jenga night on the halberd is the worst bc everybody on the fuckin ship is either in engineering or mechanics so it becomes less jenga tower and more tower of babel
dedede: fine arts (concentration: fashion design)
this seems out of nowhere but i’m Obsessed w/ the light novels’ characterization of dedede tbh
truly massive portfolio, forever forcing everyone else to model his designs and accidentally on purpose sticking them w/ pins when they complain
puts the fear of god into the athletes when they timidly ask if they can put the game on the dorm tv just for a little while when it’s fashion week and NO because i can’t just MISS the new christian siriano line because some JOCKS want to watch a bunch of IDIOTS running around after a BALL
bandana dee: english (concentration: creative writing)
he’s a Romantic what can i say
has cried over joy harjo’s poetry no less than nine times
was in a peer workshop class w/ dmk once and the passive-aggressive sniping back-and-forth was fuckin unreal; dmk keeps trying to convince ppl that bandana’s a stone-cold rude Bitch but no one will believe him and no one ever will
daroach: art history
wardrobe consists of looks that range from “aspiring jewel thief” to “i eat oil paintings when security’s not looking” 
interns at the local museum; all of his snap stories are of him posing w/ various exhibits and saying “this is mtv welcome to my crib” and talking mad shit about del sarto
has joked enough about camera angles and patrol schedules that he’s definitely on a watchlist somewhere
dark meta knight: english, performing arts minor 
look at him. just fucking look at him
he wants to be hamlet so bad but he’s jaques at best
the only english major alive who’s willing to physically throw down with a stem major instead of just talking shit behind their back—he can and WILL do both
marx: clown school performing arts
you’d think he’d be on stage, but he’s actually in the major from the production side
fucks w/ lighting and audio during rehearsals to piss off the lead actors but makes sure everything runs perfectly opening week, even if he has to terrorize the freshmen to get it done (and he does. happily.)
regularly steals boxes of cheez-its from the campus store
susie: business, economics minor 
president of the student business association, has an intense rivalry with the entrepreneurs club and is constantly looking to one-up them (oh, you’re selling boba outside the dorms?? we’re selling it outside the library at a mark-up during finals week)
has never paid attention in an ethics class in her life
both a great and terrible person to have on your side in a rhetoric/debate class; she’s an excellent speaker but her politics are just.....the worst
magolor: business and communication studies
treasurer of the student business association and getting firsthand experience in small-time fund embezzling
also has never paid attention in an ethics class in his life
determined to figure out a way to get a cut of the profits the girl scouts who sell cookies on campus make (or at least manage to buy a box of samoas before they’re sold out)
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zinnia-the-rabbit · 3 years
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Bakudeku oneshot: How could I forget someone like you...?
•No au•
•Basic explanation: Izu gets hit by a quirk that that makes him forget the person loves the most•
This is a looonngg one, so it's gonna be in two parts!
•°•"K-kacchan, wait! You're running way to fast!"
" Shut the fuck up, Deku! Just hurry the fuck up! We need to stop this god-damned bastard!"
Izuku looked around as he ran behind Katsuki. Screams here and there as they ran. No, not those of pain, but of fear.
There was debris everywhere. Destruction and fire any place you look. Smoke blocked their view, only being able to see about six feet ahead of them.
The league of Villains had attacked again..this time, they had new recruits.. they were way stronger than the last times they attacked.. though, they league didn't try to kill anyone exactly..
They just started destroying buildings, causing mass panic..
Katsuki and Izuku were busy chasing one specific member of the league. His name was Forgetmenot. Like the flower. No one had any idea why.. considering he was a new villain.
They were only chasing him because he attacked Kirishima. And it pissed Katsuki off.
I think we all know why..
Now, Katsuki and Kirishima have never said they were together.. but c'mon! Do they think their friends are all that stupid!?
"There he is, the fucking bastard!" Katsuki shouts, speeding up.
Forgetmenot was a bit taller than Katsuki, and had a better build too. He had jet black hair with pastel pink streaks going through it. A sharp, attractive jawline and pearly white teeth. His skin was pale. Very pale.
But, the thing that stood out the most..his eyes.
They were an amazingly beautiful baby blue, his pupils a bright yellow.. just like a blue Forgetmenot.. but, just because your eyes resemble something, doesn't mean you make that your title!
So, it had to be something to do with his quirk..?
"K-kacchan! Wait! I don't think you should try to fight him when we don't know what his quirk is-!"
Too late. He already starting attacking him.
Izuku couldn't really tell who was who as they both ran further into the smoke. He tried keeping up.
When he finally caught up, Forgetmenot was standing a few feet away from Bakugou, a glow coming from his hands.
It was all pastels. Pinks, purples, blues. It was absolutely breathtakingly beautiful!
Just as the villain was about to blast Bakugou with the mesmerizing colors that emitted from his palm, Izuku jumped in the way, ignoring the calls for him to stay back.
He took a painful blow to the chest, falling back against Katsuki.
He started coughing violently, seeing the pale male starting to flee. Izuku went to stand, but a sharp pain shooting through his back and chest held him in place.
"Deku! I told you not to get in the fucking way! I said stay back!"
Izuku looked looked up at the boy he had fell onto, though his eyes were very blurry from the pain, tears rolling down his cheeks.
"You fucking idiot!"
He let his eyes close, feeling sleepy.
"Don't you fucking dare, Deku!"
He opened his eyes for another second, before starting to doze off again.
"Deku, if you fucking die, I swear to God!"
He looked up to see an ash blonde he didn't recognize.
"I-i'm sorry...who are you..?"
The last thing Izu saw was those piercing red eyes widen with shock and sadness before letting sleep consume him...•°•
      Beep......beep......beep...... beep......
      I woke up with the worst migraine I've ever had. My chest burned and my arms and legs felt so weak..
      When I opened my eyes I immediately had to close them. All I seen was white. Bright, blinding white. I blinked away the pain before being able to look around.
      A hospital room..?
      I tried to sit up, but the aching in my body held me restrained, captive against the bed.
      I looked over and seen I had an IV on my right wrist. Both of my arms had cuts and bruises. Nothing too serious. They'd heal in a few days..
      I finally forced myself to get up, letting out a pained hiss as I did.
      The heart monitor started going off as I took the finger clip thingie off my middle finger.
      My eyes shot up to the door as it slammed open.
      My mom and a nurse rushed into the room. They both seemed relieved.
      "Izuku, my baby! Are you ok!?" She rushed over and hugged me, which I happily returned her warm embrace.
      She started sobbing in my shoulder.
      "Izuku, Izuku, my poor baby! Are you ok?!"
      "M-mom, I'm fine..my chest and back just hurt really bad.. what happened..?" I asked as I rubbed her back.
      " You were hit by a quirk, dipstick! I told your fuck ass to stay back! But, no! You just had to jump in front of me, Deku!"
      I looked up at an ash blonde with spikey hair, who I didn't know, walk into the room. He had beautiful red eyes that were narrowed at me. He had a sharp jawline,and a pretty impressive build.. he was also way taller than me.
      "Wh-who are you..?"
      His eyes twitched as he started walking twords my bed.
      "Cut the shit, Deku! You know exactly who I am! It's me, Katsuki! Or, as your bitch ass calls me, 'Kacchan'!" Katsuki shouts.
      " I-i don't know anybody named Katsuki! And I've never called someone Kacchan?! I have no idea what you're talking about!" I protested. I know I looked scared. I was. There was a complete stranger walking twords me.
      "Izuku, honey..how could you not know Katsuki..? You've both been friends since you were five.." My mom said, almost in shock.
      Since we were...five...?
      After a few hours I finally got discharged from the hospital. The doctors told my mom why I only forgot who Katsuki is.. though I still couldn't believe that I actually knew the guy.
      When I asked her what the doctors said, she said she couldn't tell me..that I might freak out with the new information..
      I was forced to stay home until my injuries healed. That took about a month..
      So, during that time, I wasn't allowed to go UA... No training.. No going to see my friends.. I couldn't even go to the store.. just stay home..
      Kacchan came by everyday, though. He would bring me my work, and even his own so we could work together. He even came by on the weekends just to hang out.
      According to Uraraka, he was really bummed out that I forgot who he was.
      She said his usual mean and outrageous behavior had almost ceased to exist.
      She said that instead of yelling at everyone ,he would barley even talk at all. Instead of calling his friends by the rude nicknames he had given them, he was calling them by their real names.
      "I asked him about it..",she had said during one of our many phone calls.
      "He said he just couldn't understand why you had only forgotten him.. the person you've know your whole life.. he said it hurt him.. he wouldn't tell me why though.."
      "Didn't you say that he was always really mean to me?" I asked, jotting down an answer to a math problem I was working on.
      "Mhm!", Ochaco hummed back.
      There was a knock on my front door. Kacchan had come over to sudy. 
      I stood up from my seat in the kitchen, walking twords the door.
      "If he was so mean and hateful twords me, why should he care that I forgot him...?"
      I heard Uraraka hum in thought as I opened the door and let Kacchan walk in. He seen I was on the phone so he just walked into the kitchen. I closed the door, and followed behind him.
      "I dunno, Deku... maybe... maybe he was just acting that way? Maybe he just.. didn't want you to know he actually liked you?"
      "...that makes a bit of sense, I guess.."
      I sat across from Kacchan, him already flipping through the pages of his math book to find the assignment we were supposed to work on.
      "Well,I gotta go, Uraraka. Kacchan is here to work on our math. I'll talk to you later." I smiled, seeing Kacchan glare at my phone.
      "Alright! Have fun, Deku! Love you!"
      "Love you too, Ura." We both made a little kiss noise before I hung up and put my phone on the table.
      "Really? Talking to fucking mochi cheeks, when you could be talking to me?" Kacchan huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. He was basically pouting.
      "Don't act so jealous." I giggled.
      He stared ranting about how he wasn't jealous, and how he just thought it was rude I was ignoring him, the guest...
      I rolled my eyes and found myself lost in thought.
  How Could I Forget Someone Like You...?
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