#and one of them brings me presents home from the dump
tired-fandom-ndn · 2 days
your post on the extended abernant family and will readings is making me want more on the abernant family as a whole not just adaine, aelwyn, and the parent’s whose names i cant spell if i tried
just adaine and aelwyn having an extended stay in fallinel because word spreads amongst the family that the two nieces/how ever many great grandkids have returned home after so many years
and they just have a small (actually quite large) and impromptu family reunion
where the sisters tell their tales of solace and in return they get a general info dump of their family members they havent seen since they were quite small
and oisin is getting a shovel talk in the corner by their dragon born cousins and after that they start binding over dragon things like their hoards and etc. while the elves catch up
They get a letter from a great great aunt just complaining about how they were in Fallinel and didn't even visit their family except for their useless father??? The fact that they were in PRISON is not relevant, their aunt would've posted bail for them if she'd known! Anyway the whole family is getting together for a reunion and they HAVE to come, obviously, grandma's been asking about them for AGES and don't they want to see everyone and meet their new baby cousins??
Adaine and Aelwyn aren't given the chance to argue, they're just told a time and place (their grandma's castle, the same one she'll eventually leave to Adaine) and invited to bring any friends/partners/children (their family does not understand how old they are). Adaine drags Oisin with and maybe the Bad Kids if she can convince them; maybe even Ivy if she and Aelwyn are a thing. They have to have a powerpoint presentation for everyone going with, covering all the most important people and explaining to Oisin why exactly there's a giant fucking dragon skeleton so that he's not caught off guard or made to feel threatened.
There are. So many fucking elves. And half-elves and silver dragonborns and a scattering of other races from marriages. But just A LOT of elves with very long names who are all speaking different dialects of Elvish and still seem to understand each other somehow?? Adaine and Aelwyn are both MOBBED by family members they haven't seen since they left Fallinel (or even earlier, I could see their parents isolating them from the family) and even by family members they've never met; there's an uncle who left to become a forest hermit and that reunion is the first time anyone's seen or heard from him in 300 years.
They get people picking at their hair and complaining about how much fashion has changed (that cousin still wears their hair in styles that were popular 1,000 years ago), older family bragging about being related to the Elven Oracle, teen cousins wondering why they weren't sent to Kei Lumennura too, their grandma praising them for being so lovely and intelligent and good and how on earth did her useless grandchild (I can't decide if I like Angwyn or Arianwen being the Abernant more) produce such wonderful children, and lots of baby cousins getting shoved into their arms. One of their uncles asks why Adaine didn't just talk directly to their cousin in the Court of Stars about being paid and she's like what fucking cousin?????? They get passed around the reunion for hours and spend what feels like every possible moment of the days (and weeks?) following telling every single family member stories about their adventures and life in Solace; their little cousins play games about their adventures, pretending to defeat the Nightmare King and slay Kalvaxus.
Meanwhile YES, Oisin has absolutely been cornered by a dozen or so silver dragonborns (maybe with a scattering of other colors) to interrogate and threaten him, which would be a lot more effective if they weren't speaking a mix of a Fallinel dialect of draconic that Oisin can only understand every other word of and a variety of dialects of Elvish (which Oisin can barely speak) while Oisin's Solesian dialect of Common is difficult and confusing for the other dragonborns. They eventually figure out a system of communication though and Oisin happily hangs out with them (and away from Adaine's more intimidating family members) until he sees Adaine holding one of her baby cousins, a tiny silver hatchling snoozing in her arms, and he needs to be next to her IMMEDIATELY.
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beeseverywhen · 1 year
The good thing about living in a block of flats is when your neighbour is irrationally angry about something you have no control over you CAN just ignore them and in no time they'll find a new neighbour to get angry at instead, allowing you to just stand by the door and get the news without being directly shouted at
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heartfullofleeches · 25 days
Coworker: Why is every demon, monster, ghost, whatever here obsessed with you of all people??
Fast Food Reader: ....
Bathroom Succubus - high off her ass: Fuck, Fuck, Fuck- I'm scared, Y/n!
Fast Food Reader - possibly stoned as well: We do this together on the count of three... 1...2...3... Bloody Mary
Fast Food Reader, dumping a box of bracelets they made during their shift in the ball pit: Made some more bracelets for you guys- Don’t fight over them or I won't bring more tomorrow-
Fast Food Reader, scrubbing blood out the mascots fur: I know I can't really stop you from butchering people, but could you please stop bathing yourself in their blood??
[Lambchop quietly stands up - dunking their head in the bloody water so Reader has to start over]
[Fast Food Reader places a cup full of mop water on a customer's table]
Customer: What the fuck... What the hell is this??
Fast Food Reader: The dirty water you're going to drink. Right before you apologize to our janitor for that shit you pulled with them earlier.
[The Janitor runs off to the janitorial closet to write another love letter they'll never give]
Fast Food Reader: Happy birthday, Twister!
[Throws a gift box in the clown's party room and sprints off]
Twister: A present? For me???
Deer Kidney Guy/The Weeper: So cold....It's raining again.....I miss you....Please let me in...
[Fast Food Reader throws a blanket, an umbrella and a picture of themselves out the drive-through window]
Fast Food Reader, carrying a box of stickers and magnets to the ice cream machine: Since I don't really go home anymore I brought you some stuff I used to hang on my fridge- Thought you might like some decoration, R.
Ice cream machine Ghost: heheh.... Hell yeah
Fast Food Reader, laying their head on the Storyteller's lap: Could you tell me the one about the overworked cashier who finally gets some sleep without a nightmare for once again?
Fast Food Reader: ......Fuck if I know.
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pseudowho · 3 months
The Rebounds
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When your boyfriend dumps you, Maki and Yuuta know exactly how to cheer you up.
I don't normally write "aged up" fics but...here we go.
Warnings: 18+, soft!Dom Yuuta and less-soft!Dom Maki (bit of a drill sergeant really), lingerie, sex toys, threesome, double-penetration, alcohol use
"You're...breaking up with me? After everything I've done for you-- don't you dare hang up-- bastard!"
You flung your phone across the sofa, burying your face in your hands, barely suppressing a tearful, infuriated scream. He was shit, but he was yours, and he had the audacity to toss you out like yesterday's newspaper--
A knock on your door. Not caring who it was, you snapped, shouting.
"Fuck off! I'm not home."
"Hey! Lose the attitude." Your door swept open with a bang, rattling against the wall. Maki stepped in without apology, dropping a bagged Cursed weapon on your doorstep, "You're the one who asked me to bring this--...what's up with you? Are you crying?"
Yuuta peered in behind Maki, dark hangdog eyes spotting you, concerned; "Crying? Hey, what's happened?" Yuuta nudged past Maki, stepping over to you, and grasping your shoulders, soft calloused hands surprisingly strong against your skin.
Arms around your knees, you hid your face, ashamed for being such a blotchy mess; "He dumped me. Just...called me up, and dumped me. Like I'm trash."
Yuuta's face crumpled for you, the briefest flash of anger, overlaid with sympathy. He opened his mouth to speak, Maki interrupting.
"Finally. That piece of shit was never worth yo--"
"Maki," chided Yuuta, still stroking your shoulders, gripping and possessive. Maki tsked, arms folded, turning aside, hovering between you and the door.
"...you shouldn't waste your time worrying about that guy," Maki offered, voice tight but softer now. She was silent for a moment, and Yuuta looked to her, silent agreement passing between them.
"She's right," offered Yuuta, bright, wiping the tears from your cheeks with his thumbs, cupping your tearstained face. Yuuta looked to Maki again, a glint of something odd in his eyes. Maki nodded, barely perceptible.
"...in fact, you should come with us. We're going out! Dinner, drinks...we'll show you a good time instead, yeah?"
You prickled with shame again, eyes squeezing shut as Yuuta shushed you, pulling you to your feet, pushing you to Maki who began to bustle you to your bedroom while you argued weakly; "--...no, guys, I-- I'm not third wheeling, I don't need you to take me with you out of pity-- I'm interrupting--"
They spoke over you, Yuuta still holding you by the shoulders from behind while Maki perused your wardrobe.
"--'third wheeling', psh--"
"How could we ever pity our lovely friend--'
"--not interrupting anything, what do you think this is, huh--"
"Just some drinks, some dinner, maybe a bit of shopping..."
Maki held up a little red dress, looking to Yuuta; Yuuta nodded. Maki flicked her hand at Yuuta, banishing him from the room, before stepping to you, brandishing the dress.
"Get changed," she ordered, "or I'll do it for you."
You pouted, grumbling, beginning to strip while Maki rummaged for shoes. She pulled out some trainers, comparing them to your dress. Her eyes narrowed at you, half dressed, turning aside again and holding the shoes out to you.
"These. You'll look...cute." You scoffed, brushing your hair, making yourself presentable.
When you stepped out, Yuuta looked you up and down approvingly, catching Maki's eye again with that same unreadable glint; "His loss! You're our pretty girl for today then, huh?" You blushed, churlish that their attempts to cheer you up were working.
And treat you well they did, knowing you as only old friends do. Within a few hours, you found yourself smiling again, laughing alongside them as you ate, all of you handsy and affectionate; Maki, feeding you as Yuuta took photos of you both, eyes soft and full of love; Yuuta, reaching over to whirl little circles on your inner wrist; both of them, leaning in close, pressing against you as you broke down, sobbing quietly into your soju.
You hiccuped, the floral alcohol cut with your salty tears; "I just...I just don't understand why...why I'm not good enough..." you gulped, knocking back another shot.
"You're beautiful," Maki snipped, bluntly refilling all of your glasses, "and he couldn't see that." She slipped an arm round you from behind, her fine slim fingers coiling over your hip, stroking you.
"But we can," Yuuta cooed, "and we'll treat you like you deserve to be treated...because you are beautiful." His fingers continued to draw soft circles on your palm, your inner wrist, heading up your soft sensitive forearm. You shivered, the alcohol making your nerves electric, receptive. Yuuta smiled at your shiver, face leaned on one palm, eyes dark as they trailed, intoxicated, down your body. He sighed.
"I don't think she believes us, you know," he said to Maki. Maki huffed, her fingertips kneading at your hip as she tugged you closer. She took another shot, refilling her glass and pressing it to your lips.
"Open up," she commanded, smirking as you swallowed, some of the sweet wine dripping down your neck and breasts in your haste. You felt Maki's breath catch as her eyes followed the droplet.
"You're all sticky," Maki chastised, her finger grazing the drop away, pressing into your mouth so you could suck it off her finger, "...messy girl." Your skin burned, feeling like forbidden fruit beneath their touch. Yuuta watched you suck the soju off Maki's finger, the strange glimmer in his eyes growing deeper as his head dipped downwards, fringe flicking forward over his eyes.
"You're right," he hummed to Maki, whirling his glass, eyes still dipped and flinty as he took in Maki's arm around your waist; the way she pressed a kiss to your temple; how you slumped against her, supple and seeking warmth; how your fingers twitched as his drew hearts over your inner arm.
"She is messy," Yuuta continued, finishing the last of the soju, "we should...get her cleaned up, huh?" Maki smiled into your hair, humming, laughing as you trembled under her warm, botanical breath.
"Guys," you hummed, swoopy and warm with the drink, "you don't have to do this--"
"Have to?" Yuuta laughed, pulling you forwards by the forearm so you were nose to nose with him for a moment, close enough that his lips brushed against yours as he spoke, farqq enough to almost be an accident; "We don't have to...we want to. You deserve the best date. Right, Maki?"
Maki was already up, a smile at the corner of her mouth as she helped you to stand. You blushed, sputtering.
"--a date, I--guys--"
"Friends can go on dates," Maki insisted, her arm round your waist as Yuuta loped beside you, bopping his forehead to your shoulder, "but while we're here...there's something I'd like to get. Come on."
You were steered into a lingerie shop, suddenly surrounded by fragrant musk, silk, lace and erotica. You laughed as Yuuta gripped you by the waist, twirling you in the low lights. He smiled, pulling you into his deceptive softness, penetrating your defences. He dipped you back to some unheard tune, leaning down to bracket you, whispering;
"See anything you like?"
With his gaze fixed firmly on you, your eyes caressed the bras, chemises, the beautiful indulgent treasures. Yuuta saw your eyes linger on a set, and nosed your jaw;
"That one, huh? You're so pretty anyway, and that one would be..." Yuuta left the sentence unfinished, and you became acutely aware of his closeness, body flush to his lean strength, something so dangerously hypnotic about him. You felt undressed, already, in his arms.
Maki had reappeared, a subtle paper bag in her hands. She communicated wordlessly with Yuuta, again, following your gaze. Rifling through the rails, and casting an appraising eye over your body, Maki settled and headed to pay. Opening your mouth to argue again, your breath caught as Yuuta pulled you up from your dip, the drink and attention rushing to your head once more, feeling so loved, so wanted. Maki cast her eyes up and down you both, slow, predatory.
"Home?" So much unspoken promise, from just one word. Maki's eyes lapped at your body, enough to make you tremble. Yuuta and Maki held you between them. You could hardly remember the journey home, their touches edging you somewhere between uncertainty and euphoria. You accepted it without question, as you had always accepted their love.
Stepping into your apartment, Yuuta closed the door behind you. He stayed with his back to you, fingers tapping against the door handle. You had leaned, head tipped back against the wall, sighing, softly drunk, heartbeat between your legs. You tipped your head to look at Yuuta questioningly as he spoke, his voice quiet and measured.
"Hey, Maki...go and get set up, yeah? I don't...I don't think I can wait any longer," he finished weakly, laughter on his breath. Maki smirked, her burns like a bed of rose petals in the low light.
"Alright." Maki leaned in, pressing lingering kisses to your forehead, your nose, hovering just so above your lips. Her fingertips brushed your jaw, and she whispered; "Yuuta's gonna get you warmed up, okay baby?"
Maki walked away, taking your breath with her. Yuuta filled the gap, and you burned alive under their attentions, his hands pressed to the wall either side of you, trapping you in his gravity.
"What do you deserve, pretty girl?" He whispered, shaky with restraint. All the wrong answers tried to claw their way out of you; Yuuta's eyes beseeched you to choose better for yourself, his lips achingly close to yours. You bit, to Yuuta's satisfied smile, choosing better.
"Y-you," you stuttered, meltingly desperate, "I deserve you."
Yuuta responded with a kiss; his self-restraint snapped, and he overlaid your body with his against the wall, melding to you as his hands tangled into your hair and his mouth to yours. You could taste the soju on his tongue, and you moaned softly, opening your mouth to him. Yuuta responded in kind, tilting your head to the side, his palms cupping your face, lips wet and trembling.
You could feel the breaths caught in his chest as his tongue stroked against yours, fingernails scratching at your scalp, hot and needy. Yuuta shunted his knee forward between your thighs, pinning you against the wall, one hand dropping to your hip, brushing under the hem of your dress to yank you down, pussy flush against his wiry thigh.
Pulling back, panting, Yuuta squeezed your cheeks in one hand, forcing your lips into a pout. Gritting his teeth, growling softly through them, he gave your face a gentle affectionate shake; "You taste like peaches, cutie, I always knew you would."
You squirmed, rutting yourself on his thigh, eager for relief in your aching core. Still squeezing your cheeks, giving them one soft slap, Yuuta tipped your face so you looked down at his thigh, his cock straining against the material of his trousers.
"I'll be honest...we've been waiting for you to break up with him. Even better that he ditched you...should we send him some pictures? Huh?" Reaching into his pocket, pulling out his phone, Yuuta turned your squished pouting face to the camera, and, pressing his lips hard to your puffy cheek, took a photo.
Yuuta groaned to feel you still humping him, desperate for friction. His hands dropped to your hips, rutting you against his thigh. He bit his lip, breathless, shaky as he tucked up your dress, watching your wet underwear barely covering your pussy, sliding against him. He laughed, soft, barely holding himself back from lifting you up and taking you against the wall.
"Oh baby," he teased, "not like this-- you deserve better--...and Maki's feeling left out, right?"
You jumped to hear Maki's voice to your right, head tipping as Yuuta lapped lazily at the fabric covering your nipples, spit seeping through, warm and wet; "I dunno...you two are putting on quite a show. Come to the bedroom. Date's not over yet." Yuuta moaned against your breasts, feeling their plush heave against his lips, his cock jumping against his thigh.
"Come on, peaches," he whispered, breath cooling your spit-wet breasts, "You've got a pretty outfit...it's Maki's turn with you...and I wanna watch."
Yuuta drew back from you, panting, gripping his cock through the light fabric of his trousers. If Maki hadn't stepped in, lifting you, wrapping your legs round her waist, your trembling knees would surely have given out. Nuzzling her nose against your mouth, stealing light kisses along the way, Maki chuckled, smirking; "You taste like Yuuta." You bit your lip, suddenly shy, nuzzling your face into Maki's neck as she laid you down softly onto your bed.
The room flickered with dulcet candlelight, smelling something fruity and familiar. Maki stood over you, taking a sip from a bottle as Yuuta crept in behind you, settling in an armchair beside the bed, still pawing at his aching cock.
"Wait-- Maki-- don't swallow...you should let her have a taste," Yuuta pressed, watching with hungry, hooded eyes as Maki hummed, smiling down at you. She leaned over you, one knee pressed between your thighs, one arm over your head, and pressed her pursed lips to yours. Kissing deeply and forming a seal, Maki slowly eked her tongue between your lips, drops of warm peach soju moving from her mouth to yours.
The body-warmed fumes rose up your nose, filling you with sweet botanical delight, bringing you back to the hazy drunk warmth you had felt during dinner, as Yuuta had stroked your arm so sweetly. Maki deepened the kiss, thrumming with excitement as she heard Yuuta unbuckle and unzip himself, letting his cock fall, hard and twitching, onto his belly.
Maki pulled your dress down your shoulders, trapping your arms for a moment, until they released, the red fabric sliding all the way down and pooling over your lap. Maki grasped your underwear with it, shooting Yuuta a wicked look; "Don't look-- she isn't dressed yet."
Yuuta laughed, one hand lazily pumping his cock, and he brought the other up over his eyes, still grinning. You couldn't take your eyes off him, stroking himself to Maki kissing peaches into you, masturbating to her rolling your clothes down off your body. Yuuta listened instead, his hearing piqued to the soft fabric rustle of your dress hitting the floor, and Maki lifting the dusty-rose chemise out of the bag.
"Taste like a peach...look like a peach," she pressed, brushing the chemise over your bare breasts, mouth watering at how your nipples pebbled and peaked under the sheer chiffon. Maki leaned into you again, ghosting her lips over yours; she caught your eyes, dragging your gaze over to Yuuta, biting her lip-- "If you think Yuuta's cock looks pretty now...wait until you're all dressed up."
"Maki!" Yuuta whined, his cock pre-cum-wet and twitching in his fist, his eyes still covered, "Stop. You'll make me blush." He paused, his hand and breath hesitant, "Is she...is she watching me?"
Maki grinned, wicked; "mmmmmhm." Yuuta groaned, long and anguished, squeezing the base of his cock again to stop himself from spilling over his lap, squeezing the hand over his eyes. Maki only laughed, standing back, pacing like an animal as you slipped into the pink chemise, split at the front, lighter than blossoms.
"Oh, Yuuta...you should see her," Maki praised, and you blushed, feeling so much more desirable under the gaze of a beautiful woman over a man, "she really is lovely." Yuuta had slowly dropped his hand from his eyes, hand cupping his cockhead with a shiver as he drank you in, supple and glassy-eyed beneath Maki, who rolled two pink rubber buds between her fingers.
Taking another sip of her soju, leaning in to kiss you again, you felt Maki graze something over the barely-there fabric covering your nipples. Suddenly so thirsty, lifting your hands to tangle in her short hair, Maki moaned into you as you kissed harder, drinking from her, desperate for more. Finally, you spoke.
"Maki, I-- don't leave me like this, give me something," you whimpered, your clit throbbing and needy, knowing you needed the barest of touches to bring you to completion.
"Don't be a brat," Maki chastised, making you blush and bite your lip up at her, "Or can you not wait? Do you want me to stop? Yuuta, shall I stop?"
"No!" You cried, you and Yuuta simultaneous in your desperation, him edging his weeping cock so fervently, you thrumming with the need for release, the day's little touches and promises and drink, all rolling into the slowest orgasm you had ever had built.
Maki smirked, and abruptly clamped two rubbery clips over your nipples, pinched hard beneath rosy fabric. You squealed, and cried out, bucking as she switched them on, sharp vibrations shooting through your nipples, tugging like a fishing line, making your clit throb with need.
Maki watched you writhe, slowly stripping her own clothes, hesitating for a moment as her burns became bare in the candlelight. Yuuta felt her, shaking with closely controlled restraint as he looked at her and you, eyes sticky-sweet.
"--my two beautiful girls, huh?" He grinned, circling his cockhead with a wet thumb, "...how did I...ever get so lucky?" Maki blushed, biting her lip as she finished stripping, looking down at you, mewling and squirming, in awe. She knelt down over you, smiling, a long, vibrating dildo at her fingertips.
"Yeah...you're right. We struck gold." Maki watched you, captivated as you babbled, whimpering, begging, tears streaming down into your hair. Yuuta felt a drip of sweat run down his chest, unbuttoning himself, letting his top sit open, releasing his cock with clenched knuckles, eager not to spend himself until he could be inside you.
Maki squeezed lube onto your glistening pussy, making you jolt and shiver with the sudden cold, until Maki shushed you again, kissing you firmly; "Be patient...I'll warm it up." You and Yuuta moaned, both twisting in divine bliss as Maki slipped her slim fingers between your folds, finding your clit with the expert precision of another woman, circling it with two delicate fingers, alternating pressure, toying with you.
"Inside," Yuuta barked, authoritative in his desperation, huffing, his cock twitching against his belly, "--tell me-- tell me how she feels, Maki." Maki obliged, her fingers dipping lower, grazing over your entrance, covering you with cum-slick lube.
"...silky..." Maki described, to Yuuta's chipped groans, "...and..." Maki hit your knees with her own, spreading your thighs wide, baring you to her, and she plunged two fingers deep inside your fluttering cunt, gasping with delight, "...tight...like wet velvet."
Yuuta cursed under his breath, his head tipped back, hand clasped over his mouth as he began to pump his cock again, jerking himself back to the edge. Maki pumped her fingers into your sloppy pussy, bringing one thumb up to work on your clit.
You came embarrassingly fast, the accumulated touches throughout the course of the day too much, and you felt your arousal trickle out over Maki's fingers. Her eyes furious with focus, Maki continued to thrust her fingers in and out of you, her thumb moving to stimulate your clit from another angle, expert in her gentle overstimulation.
Maki bit her lip, thrilled by her own unmet need, throbbing under Yuuta's obsessive stare. The self-denial while watching you fall apart beneath her was delicious. You cried out, clutching her arms, trying to wiggle your hips away from her as she yanked you back to her, hushing you.
"Come on, baby," she pushed, "just one more...then you can have Yuuta's cock, 'cos he can't last any longer." One sideways glance to Yuuta, arched backwards and serene with the edge of his orgasm, sent you over the edge again, and he gripped the base of his cock once more as you arched, crying out, lights popping in your vision and fizzing down your body.
"Maki--" Yuuta urged, voice brittle with need, "--my turn-- need her now--" Maki huffed at Yuuta's lack of self-restraint, smirking at him, whining, hand wet with pre-cum. Maki lifted you up off the bed, soft and floppy, knees still hanging over the edge, and Yuuta slipped underneath you, mirroring your position, eagerly lining the tip of his cock up with your entrance. As he moved to push into you, his arms gripping you from behind, an arresting clasp across your chest and belly, Maki gripped him by the cock, stopping him as he cried out, voice hoarse.
"Hey, did I say she was ready?" Maki sniped, rolling her eyes as you and Yuuta moaned and argued with her. Her hands still covered in lube, she took the vibrating dildo she'd been fingering for so long, rolling it in lube and your generous, sticky cum. You trembled, reading Maki's intent immediately.
"Maki, I-- they won't-- won't both fit," you squeaked, Maki humming at your meagre protests as she rubbed the dildo at your entrance, switching on the vibration and edging it slowly past your swollen, puffy entrance.
"I dunno," she mused, "I wanna see how fast Yuuta cums like this." Yuuta shuddered, his cock still gripped in Maki's hand, Yuuta squeezing you harder above him as you trembled and shook, the dildo hitting your cervix, sending vibrations deep into your belly.
Maki stroked Yuuta's cock, throbbing in her hand as he bucked, teeth gritted, sweating with restraint; "Maki," he snapped, "let me fuck her-- I swear to god I'll kick your--"
"--careful special grade. Don't threaten me with a good time." Yuuta coughed, tormented, blinkered by his own impending orgasm as you writhed, blinded by your own pleasure in his arms. Maki was almost overcome by the sight of you both in blissful agony beneath her, almost cumming untouched, the tension of the build-up so much better than the payoff.
Maki finally released him, dropping to her knees between yours and Yuuta's. She lifted your legs, draping them over Yuuta's thighs, and pushed Yuuta's knees, forcing your legs to spread. She kept the dildo vibrating inside you, juddering with incoordinate twitches now, floating above yourself.
Finally released, Yuuta bit into your shoulder, groaning in your ear as his cock started to press into you alongside the vibrating dildo, stretching your pussy more than it had ever been stretched, so full, from cunt to belly; "Just hold onto me, peaches, yeah?"
In one swift thrust, Yuuta bottomed out, shouting and cursing, his cock gripped by the slick, impossibly tight heat of your pussy, the dildo vibrating relentlessly against the underside of his length.
"--oh my--shit, Maki, 's too muc, fuck! Ohhh fuck-- fuck-- fuck--"
Maki leaned in, two fingers rolling over her clit as she lapped yours into her mouth, flicking her tongue across you, sucking, nipping, tasting the peach lube she had covered you with. Lost in this semi-drunk haze, she continued to edge herself to the sight of you, spasming in forced orgasm after orgasm, under her mouth.
Yuuta rutted up into you helplessly, arms shaking around you. His seed spattered your cervix and the dildo white, cumming so violently that he curled in on himself beneath you, forcing you to curl with him. Maki watched it all, pupils blown, stroking her clit just enough to keep herself from orgasm.
You continued to pant and whimper, still so full, your pussy clenching urgently, wildly overstimulated. Maki took pity on you both, switching the dildo off, slipping it out of you and letting it drop with a wet cum-splatter. It pulled Yuuta's dripping cock out with it, and you whined, suddenly so empty, Yuuta nuzzling and kissing your cheeks, trying to bring you both down from your high. He chuckled, breathless in your ear
"What a date, huh? You should get dumped again, sometime."
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 months
Treat You Better IV
Laia Codina x Reader
Summary: The Conti Cup
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“Keep winning the- Y/n!”
Lessi flinches as you dump ice cold champagne down her back before spraying it in Vic’s face.
You laugh and so does Alex. You wiggle your way between Fara and Lessi as Alex calls for you before you leave.
“Good game, y/n,” Alex says and you grin at her.
“Great game. Love winning some silverware at the end of it.”
You’re on such a high as you hold the now empty champagne bottle in your hand.
“Obviously, Victoria and Alessia were saying about how much the match meant to the club and the fans but you had an absolute stunner of a game. You picked out Foord, who picked out Blackstenius. Tell us about it.”
You shrug. “Yeah, I don’t know what to tell you. I was running, I felt the defender at my back and passed to Foordy. She deserves all the credit for getting it to Stina and Stina, of course, for winning us the match. There’s not much to mention. The Conti Cup’s back where it belongs.”
Alex laughs. “Would winning be your favourite moment then?”
You shake your head. “Nah, it was seeing Laia running around in one of my spare boots.”
That shocks a laugh out of Fara too. “It was your boot?”
“Yeah. I always bring spares in case my sole breaks. Just lucky that we’re the same size.”
“And it looks like Codina’s waiting for you now. I’ll let you go, y/n.”
You wave goodbye and immediately crash into Laia. She laughs as her arms wrap around you, leading you back to the rest of your teammates. You lean into her easily. You know that tomorrow, you’ll be achy but you don’t care right now. You’re pumped up on adrenaline and high on life and the sweet smell of Laia’s perfume.
“Winning looks good on you,” You say to Laia,” No matter how many times you you do it.”
She grins at you, a soppy, puppylike smile that has you cradling her cheeks softly.
“I think I prefer winning with you then with anyone else.”
You grin right back at her, winking. “Obviously the Conti Cup is far superior to the World Cup.”
She laughs. “That’s right! It is!”
Laia looks the most pretty when she’s smiling, you think. You can spend hours just watching her smile. It didn’t matter where. She was stunning even when she ranted about her farm back home and her cows.
You make your way back to the others, weaselling your way closer to Caitlin and Katie. As expected, Katie’s found an Irish flag from somewhere. It’s draped over her shoulders as the cup is passed around.
She flings one right at you and you knot it around you like a cape too. Laia reaches out to adjust it and you peak down at her mismatched shoes.
“They’re comfy, right?”
She rolls her eyes. “Yes, they are. I might take them back to Spain with me.”
“Oh, yeah? If you’re taking my shoes, can I take yours?”
She pretends to think for a moment before teasing,” I suppose you can. If you score then it’s like I scored, right?”
“I’ll dedicate my next goal to you then, luv.”
The crowd is roaring and there’s still adrenaline in your veins so you lean closer and kiss her. Your relationship wasn’t a secret, not really. Not if people really looked. You had no issues with kissing Laia in public.
Everything was perfect. You would be returning to North London in red with the almighty Conti Cup in your possession and your girlfriend in your boots.
The cup was placed in your hands after you and Katie had run up to present it to the fans together, twin Ireland flags flapping in the wind.
You looked at her in confusion.
She rolls her eyes and very pointedly raises her brows towards Laia.
You know what she means now and you grab Laia’s hand. You force it around the other handle of the cup and start to run.
She’s dragged with you for the first few metres before she’s sprinting forward with you. The wind blows in her hair and your flag fans out like a cape.
The fans are chanting your name. They’re chanting Laia’s name too.
They’re chanting your names together as your thrust the cup skywards.
You’re grinning at the crowd before you’re pulled into a kiss right in front of them.
You kiss back and you don’t even care when Katie sprays you with champagne.
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jaylver · 1 year
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SYNOPSIS: growing up, you've always known this one boy who was your father's best friend's son. as you grew older, you watched the girls come and go, at the same time, you somehow got closer to him as well. feelings sparked and you progressively found yourself liking him. what were you going to do? kiss him.
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PAIRINGS: childhood friend!jay x afab!reader
GENRE: childhood friend to lovers, romance, a pinch of angst
WARNING(S): profanities, two of them being a bit dumb
WC: 3049
AUTHOR NOTES: i'm in a jay brainrot and after hearing miss swift's newest song, i knew i needed to write something. it isn't the best i admit, i rushed it HEKSJ but i hope you'll like it! PLEASE GIVE SOME FEEDBACKS THANKIES 🫶
masterlist | © jaylver 2023 all rights reserved
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Ever since you were a kid, you knew this boy from your father's best friend. Park Jong Seong, also known as Jay. He was the son of your father's life long best friend, but unlike them, you and Jay didn't happen to be as close.
You were six when you first met him. It was his birthday and your dad had dragged you over to his house against your will, typical. You didn't have any high expectations for him as a kid, just wishing he had some legos for you to play.
Up till the moment you were facing him, your fathers introducing you to each other, you only realised how cute he was. Yes, little six year old you might've had a love at first sight moment. You can't blame yourself, his chubby cheeks and shy demeanour made you more curious.
You handed him his present silently, watching as he accepted it and in the next moment, his face broke into a small smile, grabbing your wrist and bringing you into his playroom.
Unfortunately, you and Jay barely met up after that, both of you having busy lives and your parents having no time to bring you to playdates either. You didn't think much of it as a kid, thinking of him as the funny boy who had tons of legos and that was it.
You figured you'll never see him again despite him being your father's best friend's son, but you were wrong. In the next few years, you would always go over his house for birthdays and the new years, it basically became a tradition. 
Of course, only seeing one another once or twice a year, each year would be a different version of him, and you began noticing the big change he went through when you were sixteen. 
Jay was much taller, voice deeper, his hair parted in a different way, his style evolved and the way his face had changed too … lord, he evolved like a pokemon.  
You being a sixteen year old teen wasn't helping either. It was the prime year for a girl like you to be having crushes, chasing after guys, basically overwhelming hormones that had you thinking Jay was cute. Cute cute. 
On that specific new year, you remembered having to do a double take when you entered the Parks' house, not realising he was, in fact, Jay. You hid the shyness and did what you always do whenever you're around for New Years Eve. 
But that night, both of your parents were out for a party, in their words 'a party for adults', dumping their kids alone at home instead. It was awkward to say the least, having to sit on the far end of the couch with a movie playing in the background, Jay seeming half entertained by it.
"Hey," he scooted over and you turned over to see him inching close and closer until his shoulder was against yours.
"Yeah?" He can't be trying to hook up, right? You can't help but think, nervousness creeping up your throat.
"I heard there's a New Years party in town, let's sneak out?"
"Do you trust me?"
"I–I guess?"
"It's a 'yes' or 'no', Y/N,"
Panic and adrenaline rushed over you, fearing your parents would beat your ass knowing you're sneaking out, but it was Jay. You couldn't really say no. "Yes, fine,"
Jay replied only with a happy grin, snatching your wrist and switching the tv off, dashing out into the garage. "Don't worry, I've driven before,"
"If you crash, I'll kill you," you hissed but Jay ignored your threat, blissfully driving to the town.
Along the way, it felt like a scene from a coming of age movie. The radio was turned to the fullest volume, the two of you screaming your lungs out to the lyrics and having the windows opened, wind blowing against your faces. 
The ride was quite short but memorable, your hand was in Jay's the whole time as he led you through the fun fair, the whole town alighted with bright lights and loud music. 
The clock was ticking and Jay had finally dragged you to a specific spot. The place was empty and quiet, but the sky was clear and there weren't any buildings to cover your sight.
"This spot is the best for fireworks," Jay mentioned, sitting on the ground, which you followed suit.
"Yeah, my friend's brought me here once,"
"That's … cool," you said uneasily, an awkward tension unknowingly settled between the two of you.
"How's life for you?" Jay glanced at you, a hint of genuine curiosity in his eyes.
"It's fine. Typical highschool stuff. A guy did confess to me once, but I didn't feel the same," you found yourself babbling secret information, unsure why you were suddenly so comfortable with Jay. Maybe it was his presence, or maybe it was just him in general.
"You're amazing obviously, I'm not surprised he confessed. Just a shame it wasn't mutual," Jay said and your ears perked up.
Jay thought you were amazing. 
"Right," you choked out, slightly flustered. "What about you?"
"It's chill, not much going on," Jay was fidgeting with his fingers, chewing on his lips. "I'm in a band with my friends though,"
"Oh! That's really cool,"
"Yeah," you repeated. "I'm sure you're super good. What position are you?"
"I play the guitar,"
"You should teach me someday,"
"You should come by more often," he confessed, gulping a little after realising what he had said. "It's been a long while since we've met,"
"You're right, come pick me up then,"
"Only on nights my parents are out," he laughed, pausing for a second. "Come to my show one day,"
He wasn't asking, he was making it clear he wanted you there. 
"Of course, I'd love to."
The night faded off into colourful fireworks, small jokes that would soon be inside jokes in the future, and tired laughs rang into the quietness.
This was the only time you were sixteen and doing something wild, considering you would never ever have the balls to sneak out, but you were glad you did it that night, and all of it together with Jay. 
Your lives went on and though you and Jay barely kept in contact, his request rang in your head from time to time. You felt like you've known him all your life, yet you knew completely nothing about him at the same time.
Around April the same year, you went over to his house to celebrate your birthday together with him since you two shared close birthdays and it pretty much became a tradition by now. 
Upon arriving, you awkwardly stepped into the house, your parents too busy talking with Jay's parents out in the garden. Everything was familiar to you, but also unfamiliar as you've never travelled further in, feeling slightly tense while you sat yourself on the couch.
You turned your head around, meeting Jay's eyes, his body leaning against the wall. He smiled at once, approaching you and taking a seat next to you, he was a little too close.
"Jay, hi," you breathed out, blinking slowly. 
"How have you been? We haven't seen each other much lately, but you do seem like you're having fun in your stories," for a moment you've forgotten you and Jay were following each other on Instagram, having the access to view your day to day life.
"Oh, it's nothing, just a girl's trip," he was referring to the day you went out of town with your friends, quite surprised he somehow took note of it.
"Sounds fun," he mused, nodding a little. "By the way, my girlfriend's coming, I hope you don't mind,"
You totally just experienced whiplash, completely bewildered that he had a … girlfriend?! You weren't surprised since he's cool, tall, handsome and super smart, but you hadn't expected it this early.
"I'm chill with it," you laughed it off, trying to seem nonchalant. "I didn't know you had a girlfriend,"
"Oh, yeah, we met at a gig of mine," he gave you a half grin. "Which you should totally come and get blown away by my skills,"
"As if," you giggled. "Send me the place, I'll pop by soon,"
"You promise?"
"I do."
Your sixteenth birthday definitely did hurt more compared to your past ones and it had a simple reason behind it. Well, it was because of Jay. The same Jay you couldn't help crushing over despite having the slightest contact with, but you didn't care, you knew him all your life, and he's the Jay you've always recognized, the same sweet and caring one.
Seeing his girlfriend's birthday card that was written for him on the table had you swallowing your cake sadly. Hearts were drawn around his name in her handwriting. Totally cool.
You kept your promise to Jay and stopped by one of his gigs without letting him know, which surprised him. On the other hand, you were the one who's more surprised. He did live up to his expectations, charming you and the crowd with his guitar skills and honey vocals. Gosh, whatever you were feeling for him, forget it, it's not dissipating.
To repay your kindness, Jay promised to turn up to one of your football games and you just laughed it off, waving your hands, but you knew for a fact that once he had said it, he was really going to do it.
And so he did. He was a man of his words. Luck was on your side too, winning the game victoriously and seeing Jay running up to you once the game was over, the biggest grin plastered on his face. He was practically telling you how good you were that day, bringing you for ice cream after.
Ever since then, your relationship with him grew unexpectedly. You were 17 together, then 18, watching the girls in Jay's life come and go, but the moment you had a boyfriend yourself, he wasn't the most keen on it.
You told yourself he was probably just protective, going through a phase where you thought he just "wouldn't get it". Oh how terribly wrong you were. He did get it, and your first boyfriend ended up breaking your heart.
You cried over a boy whose name you couldn't remember now, hiding in the bathroom until Jay had to drive to your house and slammed your door repeatedly for you to get out.
You said nothing, just falling into his chest with a thud and crying your eyes out. You knew he had a secret 'I told you so' in him, but he didn't say anything, keeping you in his arms until the sun had set.
21, college and being legal enough for alcohol, you and Jay explored frat parties, both being single and available, it was a hidden opportunity. Shots were downed into your throats and thankfully, you shared good alcohol tolerance levels with Jay, meaning it would be a long night ahead.
Someone had brought up hide and seek as the night's party game, and you initially thought it was stupid, but once you heard the winner getting a deal of a 100 dollars, you were in, partnering with Jay naturally.
On the count of ten, you dashed around the frat house with Jay's hand in yours, him following behind like a lost puppy. You entered someone's bedroom, finding a lucky hiding spot in a closet, pulling Jay in.
You closed the closet door shut, not realising how tight the space actually was, your chest pressed against Jay's, heat radiating off of each other's body. You've officially dug yourself a grave.
"Hi," Jay whispered, his gaze soft paired with a childish grin on his face.
"Hi," you smiled back at him, your eyes wandering all over his face, scrutinising his features.
"It's a little hot in here," Jay fanned himself a little awkwardly from the limited space. 
"Definitely," you looked away for a second before staring back at him. "You have a really nice mole here," your finger grazed against his face, but he didn't flinch, accepting your touch.
"Do I?"
"Yeah," you murmured, your fingers moving to the side of his face, gently brushing loose strands of hair away from his face. He was so painfully pretty, you quietly thought in your head.
"You're really pretty, Y/N," he said out of the blue, causing you to freeze, catching you completely off guard. "I don't think I've said it once, but I've always thought you were pretty, beautiful even,"
Uh oh, you're falling in love.
"I don't know what to say," you said truthfully, gulping nervously. "I'm flattered, really, I—uh—thank you," you laughed, your cheeks getting unbearably red.
"You're flustered," he leaned in close to you, his eyes not leaving yours. He was inches away from you, his cologne infiltrating your senses, the scent a little too familiar.
Oh no, you're falling in love again.
"Shut up," you punched his shoulder. "You're such a tease,"
"You love that about me," 
"Sure," you rolled your eyes, ignoring his piercing gaze.
"Can I kiss you?"
"Will you regret it?" Uncertainty laced in your tone, scared, anxious, that you'd ruined something between the two of you.
"No," he answered with a certain sureness in his voice, his eyes truthful and honest. "Will you?"
"If I do, I wouldn't be doing this—" you pulled him in close by the back of his neck, pressing your lips onto his, your brain turning into mush. 
His lips reciprocated back, kissing you deeply and having to place his hand on the side of your neck for some stability. The kiss was more than just a simple one, not the kind that would be forgotten easily, there was something more to it.
It felt like aeons before you finally broke apart, panting heavily against each other's lips, your hands still on his shoulder; his hand now on your waist. 
Oh, you're falling in love.
There were many things you've regretted in life, but this? You would do it over and over again if you had the choice to, and maybe you do.
"Is there anyone here?" A voice came from the outside and the two of you froze, hoping it wasn't the seeker. "The game's over," the person yelled out before you heard the door shutting.
"We survived it," you muttered cheekily, trying to ignore Jay's gaze.
"Yeah—uh—" he brushed his hand against his pants, the tension in the air thick enough to be sliced by a knife. "Should I drive you home?"
"Please do."
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Ever since that night at the frat party, you've been on and off with Jay. You were caught up with work and Jay was busy, but the part where he said he was having a date did set you off completely.
None of you talked about the kiss. You didn't like the fact that you didn't, waiting for him to speak up about it first, but you hated the waiting game, yet you still couldn't make the first move. Jay seemed like he was about to talk about it every time he hung out with you, but he never did.
Days turned into a week, having only seen Jay once or twice, you figured you were avoiding each other. You hated the feeling, you were dreading it, dreading the fact that one day something like this would happen, and it did.
The silent treatment ended the moment when you were forcefully pulled into his dorm room when you passed by one day. Letting out a yelp in fear until you realised it was Jay. 
"Hi," he gave you an apologetic smile, holding onto your hand softly. "I—uhm—figured we have to talk … about that night,"
"Are you avoiding me?" He cut to the chase, shocking you a little.
"No, I thought you were,"
"I wasn't," his eyebrows were furrowed, a quizzical look on his face. Were you two just in denial?
"Look, you asked me if I will regret the kiss and up until now, no, I didn't," sincerity shone in his eyes, his chest heaving. "But did you?"
"Of course not," you breathed out truthfully, noticing a sign of relief in his features.
"Good, because I like you, Y/N," Jay confessed, his gaze dropping to the ground to avoid your wide eyes, hands squeezing yours gently. "All of the girls that I've had in my life, they couldn't compete, you were the only one who mattered most to me. I never realised that, I admit, until I found myself trying to find a little bit of you in the girls I've dated, but none of them could ever compare to you."
You were stunned speechless, your heart twisting and pounding hard against your chest.
"I didn't want to repeat the mistake of doing all the avoiding, it's dumb, so I just want to talk to you here, one on one," he continued. "I'm sorry it took me years to realise. I was in denial that I liked you, I was scared you didn't, and the date I went to, I just couldn't stop thinking about us,"
You resisted the urge to smile, watching as Jay rambled in panic. "I like you too, Jay, ever since we were kids," you shook his hand, trying your best to put on the most reassuring smile. "To be fair, I'm in the wrong too, I didn't really have the balls to say anything either, but I'm just glad we're here now,"
Jay processed your words, features twisting from shock to relief, clear euphoria in his gaze. "Can I be your boyfriend?" 
"I thought you'd never ask,"
You pulled him in by his collar, pressing your lips onto his and you let your hand wander into his hair, feeling him smile against your lips at the gesture. You grinned into the kiss, eliciting a small laugh from Jay in between. You wished to stay like this forever with him.
The stars were aligned, your past and his were intertwined to bring the both of you together. All of the girls he's loved before, forget about them, they made Jay the man you've fallen for in the end, and you're thankful for that, loving him a lot. More than anything and everything.
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( © jaylver all rights reserved. do NOT copy, plagiarise or edit my work and repost whatsoever. once discovered will be exposed and blacklisted. )
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minty364 · 4 months
DPXDC Prompt #136 part 1
Danny felt disgruntled as he slowly came back into consciousness. He was in the middle of the Observants going over some of the new factions that have been growing since he became King. A sudden surge of power flung Danny through a portal and he tried to escape or make sense of what happened but he lost consciousness soon after. 
Coming too Danny was a lot smaller than what he thought he should be. His body had a different feel to it and he could tell he was turned into something that walked on all fours. He lifted his head and took in his surroundings. He was in a field, a field of wheat. He couldn’t even see anything besides the wheat and the sky. The portal that dumped him here was no where to be found either. He was going to have a hard time getting back home, especially in his new form. He could still feel his core but the transformation had done a number on him and he felt exhausted.
Suddenly he heard the wheat snap to his left and he whipped his head around to find a person carefully leaning down a few yards away from him. They seemed to analyze his body movements a little bit before he held out his hand that had a small piece of sausage in it. Danny knew not to take food from strangers but it honestly smelled heavenly and he doubted Sam would ever find out, so he hesitantly walked over and gave it a sniff. After he had taken it from them, they started petting Danny on the head. 
“You're an adorable little puppy aren’t you!” Ah so Danny was apparently a puppy, he probably should try to find a way back home but maybe being a dog for a while wouldn’t be too bad. He hasn’t had a break in a while and the Observants are so damn pushy sometimes. The stranger continued, “I’m going to take you to Damian, he knows a lot about pets. I feel like him and I got off on the wrong foot the other day and I think you’d be the perfect gift.” 
Danny wasn’t sure about being given away as a present but he supposed he had no where else to be and if Damian knew his pets as well as this guy said then Danny would be well cared for.
He was picked up and after a bit of walking they arrived at a farm house. Danny was better able to assess the size of the person holding him and they seemed around 10-12 years old. The kid ran excitedly into the kitchen of the house holding Danny out to an adult that, much like the kid, had black hair and blue eyes. 
“Dad! Look I found a puppy!! Can we bring him tonight to the Watchtower meeting so I can give him to Damian? I think he needs a friend and I want to apologize for how I acted the other day.” The kids dad seemed to give Danny a once over before responding.
“It’s probably fine but let me talk with Bruce first and make sure everything’s OK. We don’t want to force a pet on them even if Damian is good with animals.” He finally responded, he gave the kid a hair tussle and then continued, “Jon, why don’t you give him a bath upstairs while I give him a call, I think I still have some dog shampoo from last time I gave Krypto one.” 
The kid apparently named Jon ran up the stairs with Danny clutched against his chest. Soon he found himself wet in a bathtub, and then he was dried. He was finally able to get a good look at himself in the mirror, he looked like a miniature husky with white fur and dark black patches along his tail, back, and head. His icy blue eyes were piercing and he could see why someone would think he were cute, in fact he was down right adorable. 
After that Jon brought him to a bedroom he assumed belonged to Jon. It was a very basic kid’s bedroom and Danny found himself sprawled on the bed along with Jon. Jon spoke very fondly about Damian and the more he spoke the more Danny got the feeling Jon had a little crush.
Soon Jon’s dad came into the room to tell him that Danny could be given to Damian at the meeting tonight. Danny didn’t know what sort of work Jon's dad did but it sounded like Jon’s and Damian’s dads worked together. He wondered what kind of place the watchtower would be but he didn’t have to wonder for long. 
He also realized how different this world was from his own. Jon and his dad could fly and they wore these skin tight suits, honestly they looked like superheroes which was probably exactly what they were. They flew through the air and eventually they were in front of these tubes Danny honestly didn’t know what they were. Jon and his dad did though, and apparently it was teleportation. Danny was awestruck at the site in front of him, the Watchtower was in space and he could hardly keep in his excitement. 
Master Post:
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copias-girl · 1 year
To Catch a Cardinal: Chapter X
This is the song playing at the beach! <3
A/N: Ok it’s finally here!! Get ready for some fun in the sun! ☀️ Also fun fact I’m a certified lifeguard and trained in first aid and CPR so everything in this is actually accurate! Except for the fact that I made it ridiculously horny lmaoo
All chapters here <3
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You’d finally arrived at the beach, you and your friends scrambling to get out of the car and grab your things from the trunk.
Copia was slower than the rest of you due to being so self conscious after Rob’s comments about him in the car. He was apprehensive to be in the pit of snakes that was your friend group, however he didn’t want to disappoint you.
Like a good trooper, he took a breath before getting out of the car. He carried his boombox and the black and white striped umbrella, and once you found a good spot, he stuck it in the sand. Rob put the cooler in the shade, and you all began laying your towels down side by side.
Taking a deep inhale of the balmy sea air, a bright smile spread across your face. It was so wonderful to be back by the ocean.
The last time you’d been at the beach was the previous summer, when the Papas were going and Terzo insisted on bringing you along. You smirked to yourself at the memory; of how Terzo had faked drowning so you’d rush into the water and save him. You had worriedly dragged the unresponsive man onto the sand, beginning to perform CPR on him. However, as soon as your lips brushed his to give him mouth to mouth resuscitation, you felt two arms snaking tightly around you while Terzo stuck his tongue into your mouth in a passionate French kiss.
Surprised, you had squealed into his mouth, swatting at him as you tried to pull away.
“You pervert! Get back here!” You shouted once he had finally released you, laughing and chasing after the man as he ran for his life, wearing the smallest speedo you’d ever seen.
“Fratello, tu coglione! Stop harassing Sorella or she’ll leave the ministry because of you!” Secondo barked at his brother, crossing his arms and flicking his shades back on in annoyance.
“You’d really miss little ol’ me?” You giggled, huffing in exhaustion as you and Terzo stopped chasing each other around and sat back on your towels with the other Papas.
“Of course. I’m not losing my favourite Sorella just because questo carciofo can’t keep his hands off her.” Secondo sniffed, not taking his eyes off the book in his hands. As much as he tried to act serious and scary, he just couldn’t hide his soft spot for you.
Primo had spent most of his time in the shade, slathered in sunscreen and trying to shoo off seagulls when they tried to steal his peach slices. However, his mismatched eyes lit up in interest each time you came back from the water, dumping a bucket of seashells and sea glass next to him so the two of you could sort through them together.
Coincidentally, you’d found a green piece of sea glass which you gifted to Secondo, a violet one that you presented Terzo with, and a red one that you excitedly gave to Primo. To this day, they all still had the little pieces, keeping them on their desks as a reminder of you.
Overall, the four of you had a ridiculously fun day, and you wondered why you didn’t go to the beach more often. Perhaps it was because of the terrible sunburn that Terzo developed after that day.
“I told you not to use all that tanning oil!” Secondo had scolded his younger brother as he drove you all home.
“The Emeritus bloodline does not tan well.” Ghostly pale Primo solemnly nodded in agreement from the front seat.
“Come fottutamente ovvio! I think I fucking know that now! Ow, cazzo!” Terzo groaned while you comforted him, the two of you sitting in the back seat.
And for two whole weeks you’d been assigned to slather aloe vera all over Terzo while the cheeky bastard coyly smirked at you. You always wondered if he got that sunburn on purpose.
“Where’s your towel?” You asked Copia, noticing he didn’t have one with him.
“Ah, shit…” He mumbled, averting his gaze shyly. “Ho dimenticato…”
“You could share with me. I didn’t realize this was a bigger one when I grabbed it.” You offered, gesturing to your big square beach towel, the black one with the white grucifix on it.
“I-I don’t want to pester you, Sorella.” The Cardinal shook his head timidly.
“Nonsense! Otherwise I’ll be lonely on this big towel all by myself.” You giggled. Everyone had taken their clothes off, having their swimsuits underneath, and Copia began to do the same. He anxiously took his hoodie off, then his sweatpants, then pulled his t-shirt over his head and sat down on your towel to remove his shoes and socks. Funnily enough, the man looked the most bashful when he removed his gloves. Copia felt terribly naked without his gloves.
You gaped at him for a moment, having to hide your grin. Your friends were already snickering to each other about it, and you didn’t want the poor man to think you were laughing at him too. But sweet Satan, he was wearing one of those old fashioned black and white striped men’s one-piece swimsuits. It was basically like a tank top with shorts attached. Of course Copia would wear one of those. Part of you was disappointed that you didn’t get to see the man shirtless, but you were also delightfully amused at how on-brand it was. Besides, it was fairly tight, and obviously allowed you to see much more of him than his cassocks did.
Before you could study Copia any further, your friends were all chanting for you to give them a fashion show with your new bikini.
“Alright aright, gimme a second!” You laughed, going behind the umbrella to undress. You shoved your clothes into your beach bag before stepping into view.
“Well, here it is!” You shrugged, giving them a little twirl.
You looked like an infernal goddess. And the tiny black bikini hardly left anything to the imagination. The top- with ‘See you in Hell’ cheekily written on it- cupped your breasts perfectly; barely containing them as they slightly spilled out, creating a delicious cleavage. And the bottoms- if you could even call them bottoms- were basically just a little black thong with the grim reaper on the front.
Rob wolf-whistled as your girlfriends hollered and cheered at you, causing you to laugh at their reactions.
“Unholy moly, settle down!” You giggled, turning around and giving them another view of your voluptuous ass, coyly looking over your shoulder before beginning to laugh.
“Unholy moly is right…” Rob murmured with a smirk.
“Haven’t you guys ever seen a girl in a bikini before?” You asked in amusement.
“Not like you! Ugh, body goals.” Mable sighed dreamily.
“I know right? What was the Dark Lord thinking when he made you??” Lilith added.
“Speak of the Devil, when we get home I’m going to make an offering to Satan so he’ll make me look like you!” Ava beamed.
“You guys are too much.” You giggled, waving them off. You noticed how Emily was a bit quiet, side-eyeing Rob while he drooled over you.
Your eyes finally flicked to Copia, but you were immediately alarmed as you saw blood gushing out of his nose while he stared at you, his cheeks red and his wide eyes trained intensely on you.
“Cardinal!” You gasped, rushing to kneel beside the man. “Are you alright?”
Copia was unresponsive, continuing to gape at you; his lips parted, eyes practically popping out of his skull. He was under your spell, totally and utterly entranced by your body. Had he died? Was this chthonic paradise? It felt as though Satan had rewarded Copia for his unholy works, bestowing you upon him as a gift; the prettiest little succubus in the whole inferno.
Reaching into your bag, you grabbed a tissue before worriedly turning back to the man. Meanwhile, Rob and your fellow Sisters of Sin sat on their own respective beach towels, gawking at Copia in a mix of confusion and amusement, exchanging hushed, speculative whispers of judgement.
“Cardinal, are you okay??” You fretted, placing a gentle hand on his cheek, wiping drips of crimson blood off his moustache, lips, and chin.
“I-I-I’m s-sorry, I-” The man shook his head, trying to snap out of it. “I-I don’t- ehm-” He couldn’t help it; his painted eyes roamed your body as he stuttered out nonsense. He had never seen a girl so undressed before, especially not so close to him like this. And, Hell, this wasn’t just any girl. This was you. Copia never ever thought he’d get the chance- the privilege- to see you with so little clothes on. However, he felt ever so disgusted with himself for making such a big deal about it. He really was a depraved pervert, wasn’t he?
It dawned on you then, with the way he was uncontrollably ogling you. And when you stole a glance downward, you bit your lip at the sight of the very visible bulge in his swimsuit, the black and white striped fabric only accentuating it.
You had literally just given this perverted old man an anime nosebleed.
You had to hide your smirk, wickedly snaking an arm around his shoulders as you moved to straddle his lap.
The Cardinal’s breath hitched in his throat as he bit back a moan; the feeling of you seated on top of him like this was sure to make him pop. He felt hot, too hot; but not from the scintillating sun beating down on him, no. You put the sun to shame, your radiant beauty beaming millions of times brighter than that pendant of fire in the sky.
“Poor little mouse. Let me help you.” You cooed, leaning in close as you gently dabbed away the blood. Rob’s eyes widened at the sight. Was this how you were acting at the sleepover? Why were you indulging the dirty old man in his sick fantasies?
“G-g-g-grazie, Sorella, m-mi dispiace…” Copia stammered quietly, embarrassed. He prayed to Satan below that you wouldn’t be able to feel his cock hardening and straining against the thin fabric of his swimsuit.
You could.
“Why do you think that happened, hm?” You asked.
“I, ehm… I-I don’t, eh- …ehm..” Copia mumbled, his astonished gaze fixed directly onto your tits, which were dangerously close to his face now that you were perched on his lap.
“Because he’s a dirty old pervert who’s never even seen a girl in a swimsuit before!” Emily interjected, crossing her arms with a scoff.
“Gross.” Lilith wrinkled her nose.
The Cardinal’s cheeks burned with shame, the lines on his face deepening with guilt as he knew their words to be true.
“I mean, I’m pretty used to seeing girls with little on, but…” Rob sniffed. “your body is fire. Kinda takes a man off guard, ya know? So give the depraved virgin a break.” He smirked.
Impressive, Rob managed to compliment you and insult Copia all in the same breath.
Your poor Cardinal flinched and averted his mismatched gaze as Rob prodded at his virginity, which was obviously a very sensitive topic for Copia that caused his self esteem to plummet. Finally finished wiping up the nosebleed, you removed yourself from the man’s lap and sat on your towel next to him.
You scooted a bit closer, snaking an arm around Copia’s neck to pull him towards you. His eyes widened, alarm flashing in those beautifully odd irises as you leaned in in in, your lips ghosting over his ear and causing him to shiver.
“Between you and me, I wouldn’t ever want a man who’s been around the block as much as Rob claims to have been.” You whispered with a little smirk before pulling away.
Copia only stared at you, a pitiful look on his blushing face as he mulled your words over in his head. He didn’t want to overthink things, because he knew you definitely didn’t mean anything by your remark. You were just a kind Sister of Sin who took pity on an old man. You were simply trying to make him feel better after Rob hurt his feelings. Copia stared down at his lap; he would be a fool to think that someone like you could actually like a man like him.
All settled in and enjoying the hot sun, you opened the cooler, everyone grabbing an ice-cold bottle of cherry coke.
“Salute!” You chirped, holding your drink up, the glass bottles all clinking together as your friends toasted with you.
“Salute, Cardinale.” You giggled softly, warmth in your eyes as Copia gave you a shy smile and clinked his bottle of coke against yours before taking a sip.
You reclined back on your towel as Florida Kilos by Lana Del Rey filled the sweet summer air, playing from Copia’s radio. You flicked your bat wing sunglasses on, taking the opportunity to really get a good look at the man.
He was pasty pale- obviously from constantly being covered up in his cassock- with a smattering of endearing little freckles on his flesh, matching the ones on his face. Your eyes scanned over his form, biting your lip before taking another sip of cherry coke. What a treat, the swimsuit had a crew neck collar, so you could actually see his neck and a little bit of his collar bone! Oh how you longed to kiss and bite at his neck, leaving dark hickeys there while he made love to you, laving your tongue over the bruises later as you both relaxed after several orgasms. You’d ask Copia to give you matching ones, begging him to mark you as his.
Your hungry eyes trailed lower, then, taking in the way his waist pinched in and the softness of his tummy. And of course, the very nicely sized package between those surprisingly muscular thighs. Your gaze followed his hand as he nervously ran his fingers through his greying hair, and oh what beautiful hands your Cardinal had. They were just perfect. You licked your lips, salivating as you imagined them inside you; two of his elegant fingers down your throat and two stuffed in your tight, wet pussy as you moaned and mewled for him.
“You know, you’re pretty modest for a Cardinal of the Satanic Church.” You remarked, hooking your finger in the collar of his swimsuit, giving it a teasing little tug.
“Eh? Oh.. W-well, there is, ehm… T-there is not much to show…” Copia responded timorously with a sad little chuckle, gesturing to himself.
“Don’t be so hard on yourself, Cardinal.” You responded softly, causing the hot blush on Copia’s cheeks to spread to the tips of his ears. He stole a shy glance at you, then another, followed by another. Satanas, the man couldn’t seem to keep his eyes off you. You could feel his gaze all over your body before studying your pretty face.
Copia was entirely in awe of your beauty, so needy for you. He longed to kiss your fruit punch lips in the bright sunshine. The poor man wanted nothing more than to work up the courage to pull you onto his lap and share cherry cola kisses with you until the sun was smouldering low in the sky. He inwardly cursed himself for being far too diffident to do so.
Releasing a sigh, he tried to relax, taking another long sip of his coke.
“Have you ever had sex on the beach?” You asked abruptly.
The Cardinal gasped, then immediately began sputtering and coughing, choking on his drink as your friends stifled laughter. He wiped his mouth on the back of his hand before looking at you incredulously.
“N-no, I have obviously never… done that anywhere…” Copia murmured.
You burst out into giggles. “I meant the drink, silly! You know, a sex on the beach?” You clarified. “I think we’ve already established that you’re a virgin, Rat.” You added with a kittenish little smirk.
Copia’s cheeks burned with shame. “Ah… W-well, no, I have not had the drink either…” He responded.
“Maybe next time we could have sex on the beach together.” You offered. “You know, the drink.”
Copia’s eyes widened, nearly getting whiplash from how quickly he turned to look at you. Alarm coursed through his veins as he felt his cock beginning to harden again.
“You naughty devil, you!” Lilith laughed. “You’re almost as bad as Papa with your innuendos! And you aren’t even old enough to drink!”
“Naughty? Me?? Never!” You giggled coyly. “Besides, I’m not making any innuendos, that’s just what the drink is called! And what about the unholy communion wine every black mass? One drink wouldn’t make a difference!”
“Why would she be making innuendos anyway, Lil? It’s not like she actually wants to fuck a 50 year old virgin who literally looks like a rat.” Emily laughed, causing you to frown.
“Hey, rats are cute!” You pouted, throwing your arms around the humiliated Cardinal and giving him a squeeze. Oh, this man was so cute with those big mismatched puppy dog eyes, his lower lip flushed from biting it out of nervousness. You swore he’d probably squeak like a chew toy if you hugged him too tightly.
Copia tensed up, heart rate rising and gaze darting all around at the sensation of your soft, bare flesh pressed against him, but the contact was a soothing balm to the hurt he was feeling at your friends’ cruel words. The Cardinal knew he looked like a rat; that was a comment people had often made throughout his life. He was already so self conscious about his looks, why did your friends feel the need to constantly point it out, especially in front of you?
Emily rolled her eyes. “Get your eyesight checked then.” She murmured.
“My eyesight is perfectly fine.” You quipped, mindlessly petting Copia’s hair and scratching at his scalp. Lucifer, he really did feel like your pathetic little pet, helpless and piteous while you defended him.
“Well maybe you have heatstroke and it’s causing you to not think straight, babe. The sun beating down on you like this could fry your brain like an egg, ya know.” Rob suggested with a grin, earning a cacophony of giggles from the other sisters.
You gave them a dirty look, opening your mouth to respond snidely, when you suddenly pulled away from Copia. “Oh shoot! Speaking of the sun, I almost forgot to put sunscreen on!” You gasped, rummaging around in your bag and pulling out the bottle of coppertone.
You flipped the lid open and began squirting the white liquid onto your arms, legs, and chest; the distinctive, synonymous-with-summer smell delighting your senses.
Copia awkwardly sat next to you and watched as you began to rub it into your skin. Biting his lip, he tried to focus on anything else but you. The sky, the sand, the ocean waves. But his gaze just kept getting pulled back to your stunning form, and the way you were almost sensually working the sunscreen into your smooth, supple flesh. He tried- Satan knows he tried- to ignore what the white cream looked like. Poor Copia tried so hard not to imagine you signing in delectation while being painted with a big load of his hot cum, gazing up at him with those pretty bedroom eyes of yours.
His lip quivered and his cock twitched at the mere thought, saliva pooling in his mouth as he imagined capturing you in a deeply passionate kiss. The Cardinal craved you, he needed to taste your sweet lips again. And Copia was ashamed to admit that he was also thinking about tasting you in different ways too.
He swallowed thickly, attempting to control his indecent thoughts; but there was just something about the balmy, halcyon summer air and the sultry vision of you so close to him wearing that sinfully small bikini that nearly drove him mad.
“Don’t you have anything better to do than leer at an innocent young girl?” Emily glowered, startling Copia from his thoughts.
“Oh! I-I-I- N-no, I was just- eh-” Copia stammered, mouth hanging open in surprise.
“Well obviously he doesn’t have anything better to do, Em. I think being a pervert is his hobby or something.” Rob sneered.
“Close your mouth, Cardinal, you’re gonna start drooling any second!” Mable added, causing Lilith and Ava to burst out laughing, making comments about how hilariously shocked the man looked after being called out.
Copia not only felt humiliated, but also utterly disgusted with himself for being such a lecherous creep. He could feel tears pricking at the corners of his eyes from the embarrassment, his face flushed and pyretic, chest tight with shameful anxiety.
But then you were gently tapping his arm, drawing his attention back to you.
“Could you get my back?” You batted your thick eyelashes at him, holding the bottle of sunblock up to him.
The snivelling Cardinal’s attention snapped to you, staring at you with an expression comprised of both shock and panic.
“I gotcha, babe!” Rob interjected, beginning to get up, but you only waved him off.
“Don’t trouble yourself. Like you said, the Cardinal doesn’t have anything better to do.” You stated with a smirk. “Right, Co-Co?”
Copia glanced uneasily at the now vexed Rob before turning back to you and nodding quickly, trembling hands taking the bottle from you.
The other sisters looked at you like you had spiders crawling out of your eye sockets. Who on earth would simply wave off the opportunity to have dreamy, handsome Rob rubbing you down??
You removed your sunglasses and flipped over, situating yourself on your stomach and resting your head on your arms, giving the sweet man a delicious view of your ass.
Copia looked utterly dumbfounded as his pitifully wide eyes scanned over your perfect curves. He no idea what landed him in this golden position. Copia felt as though he had no charm, no charisma, and that his looks were quite laughable. And yet here he was, squirting an ample amount of sunscreen into his palm, nervously licking his lips and unsure of what to do next.
“I don’t have all day, Rat.” You glanced back at the poor man with lusty eyes and a playful smirk. Before laying back down, you reached around and untied your bathing suit too, leaving your back completely bare for Copia.
The Cardinal sucked in a sharp breath. Somehow, the absence of that thin little strap going across your back made the situation all the more obscene, forbidden, naughty. Shaking the perverse thoughts from his mind, the man hastily rubbed the cream between his shaking hands before gently pressing his palms against your back.
Slowly but surely, he began smoothing the sunscreen into your silky flesh, being mindful to not touch you too excessively. He didn’t want to mistakenly enjoy it too much; didn’t want to take advantage of you like that.
“Mmm, that feels good.” You sighed sensually, and Copia’s heart skipped a beat at your praise. He truly wanted to make you feel good; he really wanted to be the one to make you feel good.
Gaining a bit more confidence, he smoothed his hands over your back a bit more firmly, but murmured pitifully desperate apologies whenever his fingertips brushed against the sides of your breasts. Copia tried in earnest to do his best for you, giving you a sort of massage while he worked in the cream; sweeping up up up to your shoulders and down down down, a hot blush burning on his cheeks as his hands timidly ghosted over your lower back.
“Ah~!” Your breathy moan was almost obscene, causing Copia to stutter in his movements. He was in such a daze that he had nearly forgotten the two of you weren’t alone; and when he stole a glance upwards, he was met with the judgemental countenances of your friends glaring right at him. Especially Rob. That dangerous look of envy in the boy’s eyes frightened Copia.
He stared at them like a deer in the headlights before you grabbed his attention once again.
“Cardinal, you’re so good with your hands.” You purred. “Keep going?”
Your praise stoked a hot fire of desperation within the man, so eager to please as he immediately continued his ministrations, deciding to ignore your friends. After all, you wanted him to do this for you, and Copia was beyond happy to obey your wishes.
His cock jumped with each little moan that tumbled from your sweet lips, and soon, you were murmuring something about going lower.
“Eh… M-mi dispiace, Sorella. Ch-che hai detto?” He asked quietly.
“Can you go lower?” You asked again with a another deeply relaxed sigh.
The Cardinal remained silent, warily moving to rub his hands along your lower back, his thumbs pressing into the dimples there as he moved to gently knead the flesh of your hips. The man bit his lip, shaking his head slightly and letting out a shaky exhale as he caught himself relishing in the moment far too much to be appropriate. He lessened his grip on your hips just as you began to murmur something else.
“No, like… Go lower.” You told him.
“S-Sorella, forgive me b-but… If I go any lower I… I-I’ll be…” He stammered awkwardly.
“Yeah go ahead. I didn’t get my bum earlier and I’m too comfy to move now.” You replied nonchalantly.
Copia’s mouth went dry, his head spinning and heart pounding violently in his chest as he hesitated. A million thoughts were going through his mind at once. He had never touched a girl there; or anywhere for that matter! And he had never even thought it possible since everyone found him to be so revolting. What should he do? What would he do? What if he accidentally orgasmed in front of you and your friends?
He mistakenly came when you were sitting on his lap in the car that one time, but he was thankfully able to hold in his moans and disguise the audible ones as being gasps of surprise at the terribly bumpy road. But this time- Oh, Satanas- he wouldn’t be able to hold anything in; he’d be a pathetic, whimpering mess. You’d all laugh at him and call him a dirty old man. You’d never speak to him again. You’d be disgusted by him just like everyone else.
Copia could already feel his sensitive cock filling out more and more at the thought of getting to feel you up like this.
Bracing himself, he grabbed the bottle of sunblock and squirted some more into his palm. And then, slowly and carefully, the Cardinal placed his quivering hands on your ass, one on each cheek. He bit his lip so hard he tasted blood, swallowing back a moan that threatened to erupt from his mouth as he felt precum beginning to ooze out of his cock.
“What a fucking creep. I think I’m gonna puke.” Emily shuddered.
Copia was frozen in place, the whole world having had fallen away as he stared down at the sight of his hands on your perfect ass, almost in disbelief at the reality of the situation.
Not wanting to keep you waiting, he timidly began to grope your plump flesh, so smooth and soft and round, blushing furiously at the fact that your bikini was practically non-existent in the back. He rubbed his hands in slow circles, only pausing his ministrations to wipe away the sweat that was beading on his brow.
He fought to stay level-headed, but in all honesty, Copia felt like he was going to pop a vein any second. Lucifer, he hoped he wouldn’t have another nosebleed; one was embarrassing enough.
Rob looked as though he was actually turning green with envy, watching with crossed arms and a scowl tugging at his features as the pathetic rat man worked his hands down to your shapely thighs, squeezing slightly before going back up to your voluptuous ass, your girlish sighs only seeming to encourage the man to continue fondling you. Rob clenched his jaw. Was the Cardinal abusing his position as a higher member of clergy to take advantage of you? Why else would you let such a disgusting little man touch you like this?
And just when Rob felt like he was going to snap, the timid man pulled his hands away, wringing them nervously in his lap before speaking up.
“Well, ehm… I-I think you’re all set there, Sorella…” Copia murmured once all the sunscreen was soaked into your skin.
“Mmm, thank you so much, Cardinal! That was a dream!” You sighed with a smile, turning over onto your back and stretching. “You give a great massage. I’ll have to return the favour sometime.” You grinned up at him wickedly before sitting upright, looking like some sort of Satanic pinup girl. “I know sitting at a desk doing paperwork for all those hours must not feel great on your back.” You pouted, ghosting your fingertips down the poor man’s spine and causing him to shiver and flinch, his gaze darting all around as he stammered out a bunch of random syllables in an attempt to respond to you.
“I- w- eh- th- ehm- I-I- eh, w-well, y-y-y-yes b-but, ehhh… heh heh, y-you don’t have to, eh-” He stuttered horribly, but you only giggled.
“I insist!” You chirped.
“Ya know, it’s not just sitting at a desk that’ll ruin your back. It’s also probably because he’s so old. Greying hair, wrinkles, sore back, etcetera. It all sorta goes together.” Rob chimed in casually, trying to disguise his jab as a helpful observation.
Copia’s shoulders slumped in self consciousness; he hated his age being pointed out to you. It seemed as though your friends had quite an impressive knack for sniffing out his biggest insecurities and waving them around right in front of you.
“Well, all the more reason to do it!” You didn’t miss a beat. “I guarantee you’ll feel like a million bucks after I’m done with you.” You grinned naughtily.
Before the pathetic man could respond, Ava spoke up. “Didn’t you bring the camera? Let’s take some pictures!” She beamed.
“Yup! Here you go!” Mable replied, fishing the Polaroid out of her bag.
The sisters took turns snapping pictures of each other and Rob, and soon you were in the middle of a little solo photo shoot, striking cute pinup poses in your teeny tiny bikini. For a few of the shots, you even used your bottle of cherry cola as a prop, the striped straw suggestively between your glossy, pouty lips.
“Papa’s gonna love these.” Lilith chuckled.
“You wouldn’t!” You gasped, moving into another innocent-yet-sexually-charged pose.
“I will! I’m gonna put them under his napkin at breakfast tomorrow and watch him spit out his coffee!” The girl responded, laughing.
“Lilith no! You’ll give poor Papa a heart attack like that!” Mable giggled.
Copia shyly sat to the side during all this, mindlessly poking his fingers into the warm sand, watching you through his lashes. He felt a pang of jealously stab through his heart at the thought of Terzo getting pictures of you. He tried to shake it off, but it was enough to make his lower lip quiver and his eyes well with hot tears that threatened to spill onto his flushed cheeks.
“Rat man! Can you take a group picture of us?” Emily waved the Cardinal over as you all got into position. Copia sniffled, blinking wetly before pulling himself to his feet and taking the camera. He focused on your gorgeous, smiling face as he looked into viewfinder, snapping the picture. Once it exited the slot, Copia pulled it out and waved it around so it could develop, but Rob plucked it out of his fingers before he could see it.
The Cardinal turned, dejectedly trudging back to his spot, but that’s when your sweet voice called out to him.
“Co-Co, come here! Take a picture with me!”
The man turned, gazing at you with those sorrowful puppy dog eyes. “M-me?” He asked pitifully.
“Yes you, silly. Come here.” You grinned, beckoning him closer with a come-hither motion.
Copia’s freckled cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red as he frantically smoothed his hair back, wanting to look his best.
“Do you want him in the group pict-”
“No, I want it to be just me and the Cardinal.” You cut Mable off with a smile.
“Ehm… Okie dokie..” Copia hesitantly shuffled over to you, his hands anxiously clasped in front of him, making him look even more like a pitiful little rat than usual. You rose to your feet, biting your lip coyly and grabbing the Cardinal’s lovehandles, pulling him closer until his hips were touching yours. The man released a trembling exhale as his cock pressed into you, his painted eyes glued to where your bodies were connected.
“Let’s do one like this.” You decided. Copia stiffly stood facing the camera, and you took his arm and placed it around your waist while you wrapped your arms around his middle, looking back at the camera with a coquettish smile. Yup, a shameless ass shot. But who could blame you when you looked that good? With the pretty ocean view in the background, Mable snapped the picture.
“Take another one!” You said, and with an additional bright flash, the auburn-haired sister captured an additional photograph.
You took the Polaroids from her, waving them around until they developed. You studied them closely, a grin spreading across your face.
“Do I… ehm- D-do I.. look okay?” Copia murmured nervously.
“You look very handsome, Cardinal.” You giggled, handing him one of the pictures. You loved the nervous, deer-in-the-headlights look that Copia had in the photos, his cheeks flushed bright red as he awkwardly stood there with his arm around you.
“T-thank you, Sorella, a-although I would beg to differ…” Copia shook his head, incredibly flustered at your compliment, his eyes widening considerably when his gaze scanned over the picture. With your ass towards the camera and your kittenish smirk, the Cardinal felt as though he was seeing something he shouldn’t. He tried to hand the Polaroid back to you, but you shook your head.
“One for each of us.” You told him.
The Cardinal looked at you with those big, eager puppy eyes and parted lips, a spark of excitement coursing through him. He followed you back to your beach towel, studying the precious Polaroid intently before tucking it away safely with his things. He would definitely be looking at it every night before he went to sleep and every morning before he pulled himself out of bed.
You sat down, watching as the other sisters carded through the pictures from your little photoshoot.
“Wow, these turned out fantastic!” Ava commented, with Rob leaning over her shoulder to get a closer look.
“Yeah, I’m sure Papa will appreciate them!” Lilith giggled wildly, reaching to grab as many as she could.
“No!” You laughed, scrambling to grab the rest of the Polaroids before she could get them.
Lilith smirked triumphantly as she tucked away half of the photos into her bag, causing you to roll your eyes. You looked over your copies before handing them to your dear Cardinal.
“Ehm- Wh-”
“You can keep them. They’re all just ones of me anyway.” You shrugged before turning back to your friends. “I’ll take one of the group pictures though, for my diary.”
“The one you write in with the pink glitter gel pen?” Mable teased.
You gasped at her spot-on guess. “Duh! What else would I ever use?” You giggled.
Copia’s expression was priceless as he flipped through the photographs, his feverish flush spreading to the tips of his ears and chest as he bit his lip, taking in your flirtatious expressions and seductive poses. Sweet Satan, he’d cherish these forever!
The Cardinal decided then that he would make it a nightly routine to raptly examine every detail of these pictures before he fell asleep. That way- he hoped- he’d dream of you. And perhaps he’d also… No, no, he couldn’t. Copia couldn’t possibly pleasure himself to your image. He couldn’t bring himself to take advantage of your kindness like that; he didn’t want to act like a depraved pervert. But lately at night Copia had been feeling so hot, so needy, utterly consumed with thoughts of you. He desperately sought some sort of satisfaction, sometimes even thrusting against his mattress while he muffled his whines with his pillow, tears pricking at his eyes while they rolled back in his head. He tried not to finish- although a few times he accidentally blew his load- because he didn’t want to tarnish your image by cumming to the thought of you. The poor man just needed a few thrusts to alleviate the throbbing ache in his hard cock, just enough to satiate him through the night. It always left him whimpering and febrile as he drifted off to sleep.
“What, don’t I get one? I’ll trade you!” Rob asked, gesturing to the photos you had just handed to Copia.
“If you wanna play Pokémon cards with my swimsuit pictures, you’re more than welcome to do so with the Cardinal. And Papa I guess, whenever Lilith gives him his stash.” You smirked, causing your other Sisters of Sin to laugh.
“Sorry Rob, but I doubt the Cardinal would ever give those pictures up. You’d probably have to pry them out of his cold, dead hands.” Emily remarked in amusement.
After realizing he had been intensely staring at your pictures for an inappropriate amount of time, Copia scrambled to deposit them in his wallet along with the one of you and him, careful not to bend or crease them in any way.
After a while, you stood up, your pouty lips quirking upwards into a kittenish smirk as you caught Copia staring at your buxom figure, practically drooling.
“Well, I think I’m gonna go for a dip in the water!” You announced. “Care to join?” You asked, your eyes catching Copia’s.
“S-Si…” He nodded, rising to his feet and trailing alongside you as you waded into the sparkling, viridescent water. It was refreshing yet still warmly inviting, lacking the usual cruel bite of chilliness that the seawater sometimes had.
“Oh, it’s wonderful!” You sighed, taking a deep breath and relaxing into the water. You stole a glance back at Copia, pleased to see that he was enjoying himself, a small smile having crept onto his countenance. After being so hot and bothered by you, the man gratefully welcomed the revitalizing sensation of the ocean.
You made your way into the water until you were about chest-deep, the two of you sharing a comfortable silence as you both swam around a little bit, dipping under the water and splashing around. You taught Copia how to do a somersault, giggling at his attempts and cheering for him when he finally got the hang of it.
You admired Copia as he slicked his wet hair back, the sultry summer weather making you feel frisky.
“Thank you for bringing us here, Cardinal.” You gazed at the man with your big doe eyes, drifting closer to him.
“It- ehm, i-it was nothing, Sorella… T-Thank you for having me.” Copia shook his head, nervously running a hand through his hair.
“Aah!” You suddenly yelped, jumping into the Cardinal’s arms, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist.
“W-what??” Copia asked you worriedly, his hands subconsciously finding your waist as he held you protectively.
“I felt something touch my leg!” You told him. You knew it was most likely a clump of seaweed, but being in your darling Cardinal’s arms made you feel safe and warm, among other things.
“W-well, don’t worry, Sorella, ehm, I’ve got you.” Copia reassured you, his deep blush quickly returning. You only tightened your legs around the man, stifling a pleasured gasp as you felt his stiff throbbing and twitching right against your clit.
“What if there are sharks?” You mused, brushing a stray lock of wet hair off the man’s forehead, noticing how the lines on his face began to deepen as he let out a strained exhale.
“I-I-I will p-protect you, Sorella.” He nodded, doing his best to dispel your fears while also trying so hard not to moan or grind against your core. With each flowing ocean wave, your body was pressed against him more, shifting back and forth deliciously. Your touch was enough to drive the man insane; he was hyper aware of all the places that your body was connected to his.
“You’re going to protect me… from a shark?” You smirked, raising an eyebrow, shaking your arms around his shoulders just a bit tighter.
“Well, I- Ehm-” The Cardinal suddenly felt silly.
“What if it takes a bite out of you?” You asked. “Like this?” You leaned in close, grazing your teeth against Copia’s neck, giving him a gentle nip.
“Ah-!” He whimpered, his arms encircling your waist even more tightly, drawing you impossibly closer. You met his eyes once more when you felt his big cock jump.
“Are you alright, Cardinal?” You giggled seductively. “Is everything copacetic?”
Copia nodded, dazed by you, intoxicated by your close proximity.
And you, well you had to admit that you weren’t in much better shape. You couldn’t help the excited little gasp that tumbled from your lips at the feeling of the Cardinal’s thick cock pressing into your hypersensitive clit.
“Poor Cardinal.” You tutted. “Here, you can get me back for biting you.” You grinned, moving your hair away from your neck and offering yourself to Copia.
He stiffened, then, staring at you with those wide, dumbstruck eyes. Unsure of what to do, he very slowly leaned in in in, his lips hesitantly ghosting against your soft skin. You felt him shiver as he breathed you in, your lips parting in a soft sigh when you felt his teeth cautiously make contact with your neck. He lingered there for a moment, but the feeling of his thin moustache against your sensitive flesh had you suddenly squirming.
“Your moustache is tickling me!” You let out a squealing giggle and he pulled away bashfully, unable to meet your gaze.
“What the fuck are they doing?” Rob asked, squinting as he tried to make out what you and Copia were getting up to.
“Ew. I literally have no idea.” Emily responded, equal parts disgusted and confused.
“Well come on, let’s get in the water! It’s so hot out here!” Ava chirped.
You pulled away from Copia once you spotted all your friends joining you, leaving the man craving your closeness once more, hungry for your touch.
“The water’s great, isn’t it?” You beamed before turning back to Copia, but before you could vocalize what you were going to say to him, you felt someone tugging the strings of your bikini top. Before you could reach for it, the small top sprung off you as it was pulled undone, landing somewhere in the water and leaving your breasts exposed. Your arms flew up to cover yourself, but Copia had already caught a glimpse.
He flinched, mouth hanging open, eyes wide as pies as another spurt of blood gushed from his nose.
You turned, casting a dirty glance at your perpetrator, which happened to be a hysterically laughing Rob.
“You scoundrel!” You tried to smack at him with the arm that wasn’t covering your tits, before you tried to locate your bikini top in the water. You frantically searched before a dazed, blushing, and bloody Copia nervously held up the small scrap of fabric, holding it out to you with shaking hands. You gratefully took it from him, your own eyes widening at the stream of scarlet oozing down his face for the second time today. The poor man’s mismatched eyes couldn’t help but remain trained on your barely-covered breasts as he gaped at you. And thank Satan the waist-deep water obscured his lower half, because his cock was now fully hard and would probably be embarrassingly noticeable.
“You rotten boy, you!” Mable scolded Rob as she rushed over to help you tie your top, while you moved to cup Copia’s face in your hands.
“Oh, Cardinal, are you alright??” You looked him over worriedly, wiping his blood away and splashing some seawater onto his face.
“I…… I-I-….” He stammered, seemingly paralyzed. Copia couldn’t seem to get the brief image of your bare breasts and pert, pink nipples out of his head.
Once Mable was finished securing your bikini, you moved a bit closer to the Cardinal, only to find yourself being poked by something big, thick, and hard.
You gasped and looked downward, heat pooling deep within you when you realized it was Copia’s impressive length that was poking at you.
You stepped forward, closing the gap between you, a coy smirk gracing your features at the way Copia bit his lip to stifle a moan, a shock of pleasure coursing through him as his cock fully pressed into you.
“Well, it seems like you enjoyed that eyeful, you perverted little rat.” You whispered into Copia’s ear, your hands snaking up to his freckled shoulders.
The man stiffened, his blood running cold as you acknowledged his obvious arousal.
“S-Sorella, p-please, I- M-Mi dispiace, Sorella, I didn’t- I-I didn’t mean to- I- P-P-Please forgive me.” The pitiful man quietly pleaded, the pretty lines on his face deepening significantly with guilt and shame, his eyes filled with doleful contrition.
“I forgive you.” You replied, your smouldering gaze burning into him, so close that the tips of your noses were just barely brushing together. “I won’t blame you for being a depraved virgin.” You bit your lip.
The Cardinal released a piteous whimper, his eyes fluttering closed momentarily. You felt his cock jump against you as he gasped out another quiet apology.
With a devilish little smirk, you regarded the man through your thick lashes.
Copia strained, every muscle in his body longing to rut himself against you until completion, but every voice in his head screaming at him not to do it. He one hundred percent; absolutely; in no way, shape, or form, could ever do anything like that to you. He couldn’t let you think he was a dirty old creep. But Satanas, you had such a profound effect on the man. Copia couldn’t take it anymore, not when you were gazing at him with those pretty fuck-me eyes, your delectable body pressed against his.
Oh, how your heart swelled for your poor Cardinal. You wanted him, you needed him, you wished you could have him right this instant. For a brief moment, you leaned a bit closer, craving Copia’s inexperienced lips once more.
The man’s eyes widened considerably. Were you going to- Could you be…? Kissing him?
But then your name was being shouted and just as you turned, a black and white beach ball was soaring through the air, headed straight towards you. It narrowly missed you, instead hitting the Cardinal in the head and bouncing off him to land in the water.
You were unable to stifle the giggle that erupted from your lips, and the Cardinal blushed shyly with an awkward smile, nervously running a hand through his damp hair. He loved making you smile that beautiful smile, even if he had to be made a fool to achieve it.
You all stood in a circle and volleyed the ball around for a while, which Copia was actually surprisingly good at. You were terribly competitive, and you made a good team with your Cardinal. You even managed to spike the ball, causing Rob to miss a handful of times.
After you reached 13 points- your lucky number- you pulled Copia into a congratulatory hug.
“We won!” You squealed, giggling as he timidly wrapped his arms around you too, a little grin finding its way into his handsome features.
And after a while of frolicking around in the glimmering water some more, you decided to sunbathe again, beginning to swim to shore. Copia obsequiously trailed behind you, following you like a lost puppy because he was so eager to be near you. You ran to your towel, picking it up off the ground and wrapping it around both you and the Cardinal to dry off.
The man blushed as you drew him in close, allowing himself the pleasure of gazing at your splendorous beauty with needy eyes; his lips twitching, aching to be kissed. Ever since he got a taste of you at the sleepover, Copia had been fiercely desiderating you. Every moment without your lips on his felt dull; as if things weren’t as they should be.
“You look like a drowned rat.” You commented softly, reaching up to his pretty face and wiping away some wet streaks of black paint that were beginning to drip down Copia’s freckled cheeks.
The Cardinal sighed quietly, leaning into your gentle touch. “W-well, eh.. Y-You look just as beautiful wet as you do d-dry, Sorella.” He dared to say, nothing but earnestness in his mismatched eyes.
“You like me wet, Cardinal?” You asked coyly, batting your eyelashes at him.
Copia’s breath caught in his throat as he realized the double entendre. “N-No, I! I didn’t mean, I-I was t-trying to say-”
You giggled. “I know what you mean, Co-Co, I’m only teasing.” You smirked, placing the towel back onto the sand before laying down on it, allowing the hot sun to warm you.
“Oh.. Heh heh… Ehh, good one.” Copia sat beside you with a nervous chuckle.
Your friends joined you shortly after, catching some rays and talking amongst themselves.
That is, until Rob started impressing your sisters by doing pushups.
“Wow, you’re so strong!” Emily beamed, clasping her hands together excitedly.
“That’s nothing, ladies! Watch this!” Rob chuckled, beginning to do one-handed pushups.
“Oh my Satan, that’s incredible!” The other sisters squealed in unison, causing you to roll your eyes so hard you thought you might tear your optic nerves.
“Hey. You work out, Rat Man?” Rob asked, coming to stand in front of the two of you, not-so-subtly flexing his muscles.
“Ah, no, I… I, ehm… I don’t…” Copia responded self consciously, timidly shaking his head.
Rob looked the man over. “Well… you should. Might help you out with the ladies.” He shrugged. “Y’know, I do 666 pushups every morning for the glory of Satan.” He bragged, his chiseled chest puffed out like a proud peacock.
The inhibited Cardinal folded his arms over himself, his self esteem nosediving even more than it already had. He remained meek and quiet, unsure of what to say. Surely, he was no match for the boy. Copia felt silly for desiring you so madly when, in reality, you would probably fancy someone younger, better looking, and much more socially apt; like Rob.
But while Rob was boasting something about ‘pumping iron’ and how much girls like ‘swole guys’, you scooter closer to Copia, cupping a hand over his ear.
“Don’t let him bother you. He’s just jealous that I kissed you at the sleepover.” You whispered with a smirk.
Copia’s eyes widened and he turned to look at you, the tip of his pointy nose gently bumping into yours. “D-Davvero..?” He asked, his face reddening as you brought up the best moment of his life.
“Uh huh.” You whispered into his ear once more, pulling him close and hooking your other arm around his neck. “I know the girls told him all the juicy details. He’s probably so mad that you got to have something that he wants but can’t have. You know, I wouldn’t even kiss him if I was dared to.” You giggled quietly.
The poor Cardinal felt as through he’d faint. What was that supposed to mean? You would be willing to break the rules of truth or dare to get out of kissing Rob, yet you didn’t do that when you were dared to kiss him. Could that mean…? Copia inwardly scolded himself. No, no, it couldn’t possibly mean you wanted to kiss him. Surely, you just held more pity for him than you did for Rob. You probably figured that Rob had the potential for other prospects, whereas Copia was a loser who would never be kissed otherwise. It was an act of charity. Nothing more.
“S-Sorella you.. You don’t need to flatter me…” He murmured, looking at you through his lashes, and you only had the chance to grin at the man flirtatiously before you were being interrupted.
“What are you whispering about?” Rob asked once he realized you weren’t listening to him, crossing his arms.
“Oh, just something that happened at the sleepover.” You stated casually. “You wouldn’t understand because you weren’t there.” You articulated with a coy little smirk, causing Rob to let out an annoyed huff.
Copia stared at you in awe. Rob was actually envious of him? Surely, anyone would be envious of the person who got to kiss you, however, Copia wasn’t at all used to the thought of others being jealous of him. Even his high rank in the clergy never compelled a single soul to covet anything about him.
Rob sniffed indignantly, passively muttering something under his breath, trying to act casual and save face as he sat back down in his spot.
“Ew, are you actually having a conversation about your little spit-swapping sesh?” Emily scoffed.
“Yeah, maybe.” You shot back with a sly grin, thrilling Copia with your temerity.
“Giving him some tips, perhaps?” Lilith joked.
“Hmm, I could tutor him. He could be my little pet project.” You hummed, thoughtfully placing a finger to your chin. “I’ll make him the best kisser in the whole damn ministry.”
“Even better than Papa?” Ava giggled, egging you on.
“Yeah, even better than Papa. Don’t tell him I said that, though.” You giggled.
“And how do you expect to turn that,” Emily gestured to the pathetic Cardinal, “into the best kisser in the whole damn ministry?”
You shrugged. “I dunno, but I always heard practice makes perfect.”
You devil, you. Copia stared at you in shock, his breath catching in his throat, chest tightening, face going scarlet. Sweet Lucifer Morningstar, he was- Well, aside from extremely flustered, he was impressed. Copia often wondered where you got so much moxie at such a young age, because, despite being a fifty year old man, he would never have the nerve to be so bold. The Cardinal quite admired that dauntless, borderline reckless quality of yours. He only wished he could be so audacious, but his near-crippling introversion always prevented him; so instead he lived vicariously through you in such moments.
“I like your freckles.” You murmured endearingly. “It seems like there’s more of them now.” You remarked, looking over the smattering on his sun-reddened shoulders and the bridge of his nose.
“O-Oh, g-grazie, Sorella…” Copia’s eyes flicked down to his lap, bashfully wringing his hands together while his poor heart skipped a beat. But… More of them? Oh, for the love of Satan, he forgot to-
“Ah, shit!” Copia huffed out, urgently searching for the sunscreen. “I-I forgot to- to put this on…” He squirted some into his palm, smearing it onto his exposed skin.
“I-I don’t tan well… I just get red and, ehh, a lot more freckles… and I burn.” He explained, rubbing a healthy amount down his legs.
You caught yourself staring at his thighs and the… hefty package between them. Licking your flushed lips, you squirmed in your spot a bit, becoming painfully aware of the blisteringly hot, needy ache deep inside you. Sweet Satan, you were horny for this pitiful little man. As much as you flustered Copia, he somehow managed to have the same maddening effect on you, winding you up with indescribable lust; igniting a whorish spirit in you.
However, despite your flirtatious and sexually confident behaviour towards the Cardinal, you had only ever been with one man; someone in the ministry, someone much older than you. But… it wasn’t a Sibling of Sin. It was short lived, just enough to allow your sexual awakening to blossom, enough to allow you to realize the profound effect you had on others. It was just enough to prepare you for Copia, and now you were ready for him. You wanted him. You wanted to ravish each other in ways that would make Lucifer himself blush.
Shaking the thoughts from your head, you composed yourself and calmed your heaving breasts, inching a bit closer to your Cardinal.
“Oh! Well, we can’t have you burning! Here, you helped me earlier, let me return the favour.” You offered, reaching over and smoothing some cream onto his shoulders, calming the fretful little rat with your enchanting touch. He sighed while you smoothed your hands down his arms before gently dabbing some onto his cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead, taking extra special care of his pretty face.
“There. You’re all set.” You smiled, placing a hand on Copia’s thigh, not missing the way he flinched at how your fingertips almost brushed against the spot where he needed you most.
“W- Eh- G-G-Grazie, Sorella…” He stammered nervously, looking slightly alarmed as he gazed into your eyes.
“No problem.” You murmured, keeping your naughty little hand there for a moment longer before pulling away and laying down to sunbathe.
After a while of relaxation, you suddenly sat up, regarding Copia.
“Hey, do you know CPR?” You enquired.
“Oh, ehm, n-no I don’t.��� The man shook his head.
“Want me to teach you?” You offered. “It’s an important thing to know in case of emergency.”
“O-Okay.” Copia nodded, seemingly impressed by your skill.
Smiling excitedly, you pushed the Cardinal down to lay on his back, kneeling beside him and leaning over to look into his anxious eyes.
“Alright, I’ve just pulled you out of the water. You’re unconscious.” You stated. “First I’ll listen to see if you’re breathing.” You leaned down further, waiting ten seconds.
“Am… Am I breathing, Sorella?” Copia whispered.
“No, you’re not.” You giggled. “So now I’ll start CPR.” You interlocked your fingers together with one hand on top of the other, beginning to mime chest compressions over Copia’s sternum.
“The compressions can’t be too high or too low, just right in between the nipples.” You said, noticing the way Copia’s eyes were fixated on your bouncing breasts. “And the ratio is thirty compressions to two breaths.”
Copia nodded, attempting to stay focused and retain the information. After counting thirty, you halted your movements and gently lifted the Cardinal’s chin, looking into his eyes.
His heart began to hammer wildly in his chest as you dipped down, slowly pressing your lips to his.
Copia gasped against your soft lips, and you stayed there for a moment before pulling away. “One.” You whispered, before placing the second kiss to his open mouth. “And two.” You pulled away, regarding the confounded man with a small smirk on your face.
“There. Did I revive you?” You asked dreamily. Before Copia could nod, you spoke again. “Or.. do you think you need another round?”
Were you saying what Copia thought you were saying? Were you asking if he wanted you to kiss him again?
“W-Well, ehm… P-Perhaps you can, eh, show me again?” The Cardinal warily agreed with you, thinking it too good to be true.
“If the victim remains unconscious, you’ll have to keep doing this until paramedics arrive with an ambulance.” You said, beginning the mock chest compressions again. And although your movements were quick, thirty went by slowly for the Cardinal while he tried not to leer at your breasts and eagerly awaited your lips.
Sure enough, right on cue, you were gently grasping Copia’s chin and dipping down again, your parted lips against his.
Copia sighed in ecstasy, tasting your fruit punch gloss as his painted eyes fluttered closed. And- was it just his imagination, or were these kisses longer than the last ones?
You pulled away for a brief moment before repeating the action, and Copia had to stop himself from wrapping his arms around you. These weren’t supposed to be actual kisses, and he was supposed to be unconscious anyway.
“Are you alive now?” You murmured against the man’s lips, pulling away just enough to look into his pretty mismatched eyes, which were now gazing up at you.
“I-I think so, but… I am not so sure…” He responded quietly. “Because, ehm, w-well, it seems as though I am looking at a b-beautiful fallen angel, si? Perhaps I died and went to paradiso infernale after all…” A shy smile crept onto his face, his blush deepening.
You grinned. Your little rat was getting daring.
“Are you flirting with me, Rat?” You questioned quizzically.
“Eh-! I-I am just telling the truth, Sorella.” Copia faltered, casting his gaze off to the side.
“Hm. You’re sweet.” You smiled, stroking a finger down the Cardinal’s cheek and under his chin, causing him to release a little sigh.
“What in Satan’s name are you even doing?” Emily interjected.
“Teaching Co-Co CPR. Duh?” You shrugged, sitting upright.
“Yeah, no shit, but last time I checked you don’t have to literally kiss while demonstrating it.” She countered, looking disgusted that your lips had actually touched Copia’s, voluntarily this time.
“Yeah, you never did that for me when you taught us how to do it.” Rob smirked. “Maybe I need a refresher, how do you do it again?”
“You literally just got a refresher right now. Don’t think I didn’t see you staring.” You shot back with a smirk of your own.
“Why does he even need to learn CPR? He’s never around anyone and I don’t think it works on rats.” Lilith chimed in, earning giggles from your other friends.
“Well what if something happened to you and no one was around? In case of emergency, he’d know how to do it.” You argued.
“I don’t know about Lilith, but I think I’d rather die than let him do mouth to mouth on me.” Emily scoffed. “So, Rat, if you ever see me passed out somewhere, just walk away.” She laughed.
You rolled your eyes, placing a gentle hand on Copia’s arm while he dejectedly stared down at his lap, averting his humiliated gaze from everyone. He didn’t want them to see the hurt in his eyes while they openly discussed their disgust towards him.
“It’s my turn. Are you gonna revive me?” You whispered close to his ear.
Copia met your eyes briefly and nodded, causing an excited grin to bloom on your pretty face. You laid down on your back, closing your eyes and appearing as insensate as possible. “Alright, I’m unconscious.”
“O-Oh! Ehm!” Copia exclaimed, leaning over you, unsure of what to do. “Ehhh….”
“You have to listen for my breathing first, remember?” You whispered, eyes fluttering open. Grabbing Copia by the collar of his swimsuit, you pushed his face directly into your tits, grinning when you heard a muffled gasp coming from your cleavage.
“Am I breathing?” You asked.
“No…?” Copia responded, his face still pressed against your breasts. Unholy Satanas, what a dream! His heart was pounding in his ears, cock throbbing as he melted into you.
You bit your lip to suppress a giggle when Emily muttered something about the whole situation looking like the beginning of a pornographic film.
“Okay, so you can start CPR now.” You instructed, releasing the man.
Coming up for air, Copia was dazed, his mind blissfully blank as he attempted to regain his composure. He could have kept his face buried in your perfect tits for eternity. And if he would have suffocated? Oh, what a way to go!
Clearing his throat, he interlocked his fingers together just as you had done, getting into position, and-
“That’s too low.” You interrupted, taking Copia’s hands placing them on your breasts, his fingertips brushing against your nipples through the thin fabric of your bikini top.
“S-Sorella, I-!” Copia gasped, eyes widened in alarm, and you slowly dragged his hands across your chest to meet in the middle.
“Right in between the nipples, remember?” You reminded the poor man, and he nodded quickly, biting his lip and lacing his fingers together over your sternum.
Oh, but how could he possibly concentrate when he felt so dirty? You were trying to teach him a valuable skill, and yet here he was being a little creep about it. He hoped you wouldn’t notice, and if you did, he desperately prayed you wouldn’t hold it against him. It wasn’t his fault he was so touch-starved, so deprived of anything close to affectionate all his life. And it also wasn’t his fault that you were so gorgeous. No man would stand a chance against your infernal beauty.
Straightening his arms, he began to nervously practice the chest compressions, counting quietly in Italian under his breath.
“You’re doing very good.” You commented, causing the Cardinal to falter slightly in his movements, his face turning bright red at your praise.
He grew more and more anxious as he approached thirty, knowing what would have to come next.
“Ventotto.. ventinove.. t-trenta.” He finished, staring at you almost fearfully once he was done.
You looked at Copia expectantly, but the man was frozen like a deer in the headlights.
“What, do you forget what you’re supposed to do next?” You questioned. “Were you paying attention while I was teaching you or were you just staring at my tits the whole time like a dirty old man?” You smirked.
Copia’s eyes widened, his lips twitching. He knew what he had to do next but… yes, he had, in fact, been ogling your breasts. Could you blame the poor man? The view had been simply breathtaking.
“I-I-I know w-what to do, eh-”
“Then do it.” You told him. “Come on Rat, resuscitate me, I can feel myself slipping away. I think I see Satan waiting for me at the fiery gates!” You giggled.
Copia sucked in a breath, leaning over you and tilting your chin up with a gentle yet shaking hand. He kept repeating to himself in his head that was just CPR. Nothing more. But his hot flush only worsened when you parted your delectable lips for him. The humid summer air was only made thicker with tension as you gazed up at the Cardinal with those pretty fuck-me eyes, waiting patiently for your salvation.
The pitiful man ever so slowly closed the gap between you both, your senses electrifying as his lips touched yours. You couldn’t escape the small hum of satisfaction, and Copia accidentally released a whimper.
Maybe you weren’t all that different from Terzo after all, because you were so incredibly tempted to snake your arms around the Cardinal and turn mouth-to-mouth into a passionately sinful tongue-kiss.
You had far better resolve than your Papa, however, so you remained still. After all, you loved teasing him like this; allowing him to almost kiss you, but not quite.
Copia pulled away for half a second before eagerly pressing his lips to yours once more, so needy for any sort of contact with you. And you, you were needy for this too. The way his thin moustache tickled your face, the intoxicating scent of his cologne mixed with the fresh smell of sea water, the way he was tilting your chin up so delicately, as if you’d break if he handled you too roughly. What a sweet little mouse; Copia touched you as if you were a priceless treasure.
Reluctantly, he pulled away for good when he heard your friends making comments about how he was a pervert. About how he was enjoying this way too much.
But as soon as he was back in his place, you made a show of sitting upright and falling happily into his arms.
“My hero! You saved me.” You sighed dreamily, wrapping your arms around his neck and brushing a handsome lock of hair from his forehead.
Cupping his jaw in one hand, you pressed a rewarding kiss to his lips. Copia swore he heard the sound of a tea kettle whistling while stars painted his vision; his heart hammering in his chest, hearts in his eyes, and cock throbbing, nearly driving him to insanity. It was lucky that the kiss was brief, otherwise he would have started thumping his foot like an excited dog.
You grinned naughtily at him while he stared at you in giddy awe, huffing out a little chuckle and looking like the happiest man from here to Hell.
Your friends rolled their eyes at your theatrics, muttering things amongst themselves while Rob crossed his arms, trying not to look, but failing. They just couldn’t wrap their minds around the fact that the most popular girl in the ministry would ever waste time with a loser like Copia. They were still waiting for the other shoe to drop, holding onto their theories that you were planning to break his heart eventually.
“Hey, Rattie?” You nudged Copia.
“S-Si, Sorella?” He looked over to you attentively.
“Do you see that little snack place over there?” You pointed to a cute little shack not too far away. The man glanced to where you were directing him, then turned back to you and nodded.
“Could you see it in your heart to get me a soft serve vanilla ice cream? Pretty please?” You pouted.
A handsome little smile found it’s way onto Copia’s face. “Of course, Sorella.”
“Satan bless you, Cardinal!” You beamed. “Here, I still have the ministry credit card that Sister Imperator gave me.” You said, fishing the rich black card out of your bag and handing it to him.
“Wait, you’re getting ice cream?? I want some too!” Ava whined, followed by the rest of the sisters agreeing, all shouting their orders at the same time.
“S-So, eh, let me get this straight, si? Vaniglia, eh, sorbetto all’arancia, fragola, ehh, cioccolato, menta, e nocciola?” Copia asked, pointing to each person when he listed off their order. Surprisingly, he got it all correct, and began to walk to the snack stand. You giggled to yourself, hearing him quietly chant the string of ice cream flavours over and over again so he wouldn’t forget.
Copia returned after a while, carefully balancing two trays of ice cream cones in his hands, careful to not let them fall over. Rob, in a surprising act of charity, jumped up and helped the man distribute the cold treats to the other sisters.
The Cardinal was making sheep’s eyes at you while he handed you your cone, which you excitedly thanked him for.
He had gotten the same thing as you- vanilla soft serve- and he was just about to take his first lick, when Rob patted him roughly on the back, causing him to drop the entire thing into the sand.
“Thanks for the ice cream, Cardinal!” Rob said before sitting back down with your friends, not even noticing what he had done.
“Rob, you just made Co-Co drop his ice cream!” You scolded him.
“Huh?” Rob looked over. “Oh, sorry dude.”
“Eh, t-that’s okay, I go get another one, si?” The Cardinal nodded, turning just in time to see the ice cream man walking away after placing a sign on the bar that read ‘Gone for lunch.’
Sighing defeatedly, Copia sat down next to you.
“Share with me, Cardinal.” You offered, holding your cone out to him.
“No, no, I-”
“Oh, won’t you please, Cardinal? It’s so big and it’s already melting. I won’t be able to finish it in time anyway.” You insisted, already moving closer to him.
The man finally gave in with a timid nod, wrapping his hand around yours that was holding the cone, and swiping his tongue through the cold dessert.
You grinned, licking your side of the ice cream and enjoying the sweet taste.
However, your frozen treat was no match for the sweltering sun, and soon, melty white cream was dripping down your and Copia’s wrists. You made quick work to lick it off of yourself, only for more to trickle back down.
Stealing a glance at your Cardinal, you couldn’t help but giggle at the sight of him. He had ice cream dripping down his lips and chin; and he tried to eat faster, but the poor man was being overwhelmed.
“Cardinal, you’re a mess.” You giggled softly, gently cupping his cheek with your hand, grabbing his attention. You moved closer to the blushing man, his mismatched eyes following the drops of ice cream that began to drip onto your breasts and cleavage, a few even falling onto your thighs. Copia swallowed hard, a wave of guilt washing over him as he imagined laving his tongue over your supple flesh, worshipping every inch of you.
You took him by surprise, then, leaning in and licking his lips, causing his widened eyes to snap up and meet your half-lidded ones.
“You’re a sticky mess.” You whispered against his lips, your naughty little tongue teasing at the corner of his mouth.
Copia’s lips parted in a quiet whimper, a pitiful gasp leaving him when you gave him another little lick. Lucifer, he was even more delicious than the ice cream.
“I, ehm… I-I don’t t-think you’re too much better, Sorella…” Copia replied nervously, struggling to meet your gaze.
“You’re right. I guess we’ll just have to lick each other clean.” Your sultry giggle made Copia’s cock twitch. With the ice cream you were holding now almost completely melted, it freely dripped onto the both of you. However, it still wasn’t quite as drippy as Copia’s throbbing cock.
Giving the ice cream one last lick- and accidentally drenching yourself in the process- you tossed the soggy cone into the sand and brought your little hand up, sucking your fingers clean one by one.
Your eyes never left Copia’s, and the man almost seemed hypnotized by the movement of your lips and tongue. You could practically read his mind; you just knew he was imagining you sucking his cock and finally giving him the release he so desperately craved, hungrily drinking down every last drop of his cum.
Biting your lip, you released another naughty giggle as you snaked an arm around the Cardinal’s neck, your parted lips ghosting along his jaw and chin under the guise of licking ice cream off him. He sighed, leaning into you, heady excitement bubbling inside him as your lips just barely touched his. It’s as if you were teasing him, taunting him, daring him to just let go of his inhibitions and kiss you. To kiss you how he really wants to; deeply and passionately and needily.
But the shy Cardinal restrained himself, not believing that’s what you truly wanted. He suspected that his perception of your playful behaviour was clouded by his own fantasies and yearnings. However, he still enjoyed your closeness, small sighs escaping him as his nose brushed against yours.
Copia wrapped an arm around your waist when he felt you tipping backwards, but you only pulled him with you as you laid back on your towel, and the man fell slightly on top of you, stuttering out timid little apologies while you grinned up at him adoringly. He was slotted right in between your legs, fitting together with you perfectly.
Running a finger through the melty cream on your breasts, you licked your fingers, snickering at the Cardinal’s pitifully concupiscent expression while you mercilessly teased him.
Copia blushed furiously. You were laughing at him, weren’t you? Laughing at the way he was so helplessly enthralled by you. Laughing at the way he huffed out quiet little whines every time his cock pulsed. And- oh, how embarrassing; he realized
you could probably feel his thick length throbbing against you, hot and hard and heavy with sheer need.
But his addiction to you mixed with the debilitating summer heat rendered him unable to move. He just laid there, staring down at you with blown out pupils and parted lips.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pulled Copia closer closer closer, so close that your sticky lips were just barely brushing against his. Every nerve in the man’s body was alit with fiery anticipation, wondering if you were going to kiss him.
“Move. I’m gonna go for a swim to rinse all this ice cream off, if you wanna come.” You murmured.
Disappointed, Copia only swallowed nervously, blinking silently at you.
“Do you want to come, Cardinal? Hm? Do you want to cum?” You smiled innocently, but that naughty gleam in your eyes glinted dangerously.
“Y-yes please, Sorella.” He nodded eagerly, utterly entranced by the sight of you underneath him, your hair spread all around your head like a halo.
“Then get off me, you little creep. I can’t move otherwise.” You giggled softly and rolled your hips against him to snap him out of his trance, causing the poor Cardinal to flush an even deeper shade of red, a strangled moan catching in his throat.
“M-Mi dispiace…” He mumbled, scrambling to get off you. You stood, taking his hand in yours; a soothing balm to his humiliation.
“Where are you guys going?” Rob asked.
“We’re gonna go do 69 behind the snack bar.” You deadpanned, completely shocking everyone, including Copia, who- once again- nearly got whiplash from turning to look at you so quickly.
“We’re going for a swim, duh, what else would we be doing at the beach?” You scoffed, huffing out a light laugh. “We’re all sticky from that melty ice cream and we need to wash off.”
“Oh, thank Lucifer! I thought you were being serious about doing 69 for a second!” Ava laughed, causing the other sisters to titter in amusement. Copia sniffed, feeling sensitive; feeling despondent at how the thought of doing anything intimate with him was used in jest.
“Maybe I wasn’t joking.” You shrugged mindlessly, driving the lot of your friends mad with your arbitrary capriciousness. The Cardinal looked to you once more, a glimmer of hope in his mournful eyes; that little spark of hope soon growing into a roaring wildfire when you took his hand once more and firmly pulled him along in the direction of the snack shop.
“Oh come on!” You heard one of your friends call after you, but you only walked away with greater determination, tugging the dazed Cardinal along with you.
Copia nervously licked his lips once you arrived behind the small building, his anticipation becoming too much to handle as you leaned up against the cool brick, pulling him closer.
“You look scared, Rat. Don’t worry, I won’t deflower you.” You smirked kittenishly, toying with the collar of the man’s swimsuit.
“You.. Eh, y-you won’t..? T-then, ehm, w-why are we..? W-won’t your amici think…?” He questioned, trying to conceal his utter disappointment behind a veil of lighthearted curiosity.
You shrugged. “Let them think what they want. If they want to imagine us devouring each other in the throes of passion, they’re more than welcome to.” You giggled nonchalantly, strategically planting the maddening image in Copia’s mind, and you swore the man was stifling a needy whine.
You gazed at each other in comfortable silence, enjoying the alone time, away from the condemnatory stare of your friends. You could see the yearning in the Cardinal’s mismatched eyes, and you were longing for him too. You were just having way too much fun to do anything about it for now. After a few tension-ridden moments, you took Copia’s hand in yours, pulling him towards the water, looking back at him and flashing him with your pretty smile, causing butterflies to erupt in the man’s stomach.
“Come on, let’s go for a swim!”
You sighed contentedly, the gentle waves rocking the two of you as you playfully splashed around. You could tell Copia was comfortable in this moment, because your friends were far enough away on the shore, unable to berate him or give him dirty looks.
You enjoyed seeing him like this; a relaxed smile on his handsome face, a healthy pink glow of bashful fondness painting his freckled cheeks every time your body brushed against his.
Suddenly, you spotted something in the crystal clear water, nestled into the ocean floor. You dipped underwater, snatching it up before the current fully buried it in the sand. Inspecting your find, you gasped in delight. How brilliant, a piece of sea glass! But this one was a marvellous cobalt blue in colour.
Reminded of how you’d given pieces of sea glass to the Papas, you waded over to Copia, excitedly presenting him with it.
The Cardinal glanced at the piece of glass, then at you. A gift?
“F-for me?” He asked.
You nodded. “I know it’s not your colour, but I think this is the prettiest one I’ve found so far.” You responded. “It reminds me of you.”
Copia blushed, graciously accepting your gift and taking his time to carefully admire it.
“It’s beautiful, Sorella. S-so I am not sure why it reminds you of me, heh heh..” He chuckled timidly. “I, eh, I quite like this colour actually.”
You smiled endearingly at how delicately Copia handled it.
“Maybe, ehm, maybe this will be my colour. Do you think it suits me?” A little grin tugged at his lips while holding the glass up to his face.
“I think it suits you very well, Cardinal.” You giggled.
“Well, now I feel bad, Sorella, I-I don’t have a gift for you.” The man nervously ran a hand through his damp hair, his painted eyes looking around, searching for something he could give you.
“Ah! Ehm, c-close your eyes please?” He asked, and you eagerly did as he told you, waiting patiently.
For a while, you could only hear the sounds of water, and you wondered what he could possibly be doing. And finally, you felt something wet splat on top of your head.
“No peeking, Sorella.” Copia hummed when he saw your eyelashes fluttering open for a moment.
Whatever he put on your head, he was arranging it around into some sort of-
“Apri i tuoi occhi ora.”
You opened your eyes, bringing your hands up to feel around your head. You smiled brightly, realizing Copia had given you a crown of seaweed.
“Ogni principessa merita una corona..” Copia shyly explained, wringing his hands together trepidatiously.
You fished around for more seaweed, gracefully crowning Copia with it once you’d found a clump.
The man looked at you, appearing slightly confused.
“Allora… Anche ogni principessa merita un principe.” You said, eyes twinkling playfully.
Copia’s love-stricken flush only deepened at your words, shaking his head softly and biting his lip in thought. “Non sono un principe, sono soltanto un ratto.” He smiled sadly.
“Mi piace ratti. Puoi essere il mio principe di ratti.” You giggled softly.
Copia smiled while looking down at the waist-deep water, fiddling with the piece of sea glass in his hands. His painted eyes flicked to yours momentarily, nothing but adoration in them. You truly knew how to make him feel like a prince.
The two of you made your way back to shore, joining your friends who were clearly in the middle of some gossip, because they all stopped talking as you grew nearer, clearing their throats. Their lively tittering turned into a few hushed snickers while they judgementally looked at Copia.
“What, did you guys get married or something?” Emily questioned.
“No,” you shook your head in amusement, “we just… crowned each other prince and princess of the ocean, I guess.”
“You kissed a rat and he turned into a prince, huh?” Lilith chimed in.
“Something like that. Although I think he’s sort of the perfect hybrid of both.” You giggled, affectionately twirling a lock of Copia’s hair around your finger before laying down on your towel.
“What’s that?” Rob asked, pointing to the sea glass Copia was fidgeting with.
“Eh? Oh, ehm, f-from Sorella.” He responded, a hint of pride in his wavering voice.
“And she didn’t get me anything?” Rob pouted. “Give it here.” He held his hand out.
“No, it’s Co-Co’s!” You placed your hand over top of Copia’s. “I gave it to him because I want him to have it.”
“Yeah and you also wanted him to have those Polaroids of you. Even though he’s probably gonna be a major creep and jerk off to them every night like a lonely virgin. Better stock up on tissues, y’know, for all the nosebleeds he’ll have.” Rob retorted with a shrug.
Copia’s face grew red hot. He’d never! ….well, perhaps one should keep in mind Charles Dickens’ famous saying, ‘never say never.’ But he would genuinely try very very hard not to! Of course, he planned to admire the pictures more often than would be considered appropriate, but he had already previously decided that he wouldn’t befoul your sumptuous image with sordidly perverted activities.
“Is that jealousy I’m sensing, Rob? You’re still salty that Cardi got all those good shots of me and you didn’t get any? Don’t be so petulant.” You teased, your tone an enigmatic mix of lighthearted and snide.
“Of course I’m not jealous of him…” Rob grumbled under his breath, running a hand through his sandy blonde hair, blue eyes rolling in annoyance.
The Cardinal found great solace in you defending him; he knew you probably recognized the fact that he was often too timorous to stand up for himself, so he appreciated your support more than you’d ever know. Perhaps he should put in a request to make you his assistant…
Tucking the little cobalt treasure away with his things, he gave you a grateful smile, his heart fluttering when you gave him a playful wink.
The sun was just beginning to smoulder low in the sky, its warm rays casting a pinky-orange glow over the whole beach. You’d all ended up going for one last swim before deciding to pack up and head back to the abbey. After wrapping yourself and Copia into your large towel and drying off, you and the other sisters made the boys face away and cover their eyes while you all peeled off your wet swimsuits and put your clothes back on.
“Oh, I didn’t bring any panties because I had my bathing suit on underneath earlier!” You remarked with a giggle. “I guess it doesn’t matter because we’ll be home soon and I’m going to shower straight away.”
Copia perked up at that, biting his lip at the thought of you in those tiny shorts with nothing underneath. Oh, what he’d give to
join you in the shower back at the ministry; kissing feverishly under the warm stream of water, bodies slippery and glistening with soap bubbles.
Once everyone was dressed, you all packed up your things, bringing them to Copia’s car before getting in yourselves. You sighed peacefully, resting your head on the Cardinal’s shoulder and nuzzling into the soft fabric of his hoodie.
“I’m gonna sleep sooo good tonight.” You murmured sleepily, earning sounds of agreement from your friends.
“Will you be okay to drive?” You asked, gazing up at Copia through your lashes, noticing his eyes appeared tired- and not just because of the dark paint he wore around them.
“Si, Sorella, I will be okay.” He reassured you with a nod, starting the car and taking off. With the radio playing low, the drive home was quiet, with you leaning comfortably against Copia on the bench seat of his car, periodically glancing up to admire him, grinning when you caught the man staring at your bare thighs.
You arrived back at the abbey, carrying your bag inside and bidding your friends a good night, before climbing the large staircase that would lead to your room. Copia’s quarters were also up the stairs, so you slowed your steps, allowing for a precious moment alone with the man.
“Thanks for driving us today, I had a really good time.” You said softly.
“I-It was a pleasure, Sorella. We will have to do again, si?” The Cardinal responded.
“Maybe just us next time.” You mused out loud.
Copia’s eyes lit up with excitement in the low light, his heart beating fast. You wanted to spent time alone with him? He exhaled shakily at the thought, but you didn’t let him think too much about it before you spoke.
“Buonanotte, Principe.” You beamed before turning and walking towards your room, a smile spreading across your face when you heard the blushing man utter a soft, “Buonanotte, Principessa.”
Slinking into your room, you couldn’t wait to take a warm shower and crawl into your plush bed. The only thing that would be missing? A shy Cardinal to snuggle with, of course.
Oh, if only the ministry’s old heating system could fail!
𖤐 to be continued 𖤐
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blueicequeen19 · 1 year
Can you do a JJ one where they use like whipped cream or chocolate syrup or something? Because ohhh mah lawwdd that would be hot. 🥵
Kiss The Cook
Warnings: none, just fluffy smut
It was your three year anniversary with your boyfriend. You dreaded the day because it came with a lot of unspoken expectations. You both still had to work so you agreed to celebrate that night. Most likely with dinner and lots of sex. JJ Maybank was a romantic at heart but he was still a man. He did most of his thinking with only one head.
Regardless of what day it was, you were still excited to get home and see your man. You wished you'd had the opportunity to shower and doll yourself up but he'd beat you home. Plus you knew he didn't care about those types of things. He wanted you no matter what you wore. Half your time at home was spent in comfy clothes with a messy bun. Tonight would be no different.
You enter your apartment, smelling the delicious scent of a seafood boil. Your favorite food. Your mouth practically watered as you slip your shoes off and set your purse down.
"Babe?" JJ calls from the kitchen.
"Yea! It's me!" You take a few steps towards the kitchen when he rounds the corner, making you laugh out loud at the sight of him in an apron that says kiss the cook.
"You're cooking?" You tease as he wraps his bare arms around you. Your hands find his bare back and you quickly release his nude aside from some black boxers that are covered in pink hearts.
"Hell yea, I'm cooking for my girl. You deserve it after three years of putting up with me. Now give me a kiss." JJ brings you in for a passionate kiss while you let your hands slide down his muscular back and squeeze both ass cheeks.
"Watch it," He warns, his erection starting to tent through the apron, "You don't get that part of your present yet."
"I get more than one present?" You giggle like a schoolgirl before he kisses you again, his own smile peaking through.
"You get lots of presents tonight. Most of them start with an O and end with my name but I know you won't complain." JJ nuzzles your neck, sending chills and fire through your body. You were on the verge of saying forget dinner when he pulled away, leading you to the kitchen. You gasp at the sight before you, glancing from the kitchen to the rest of your open floor planned apartment.
"You cleaned too?" Like you could be anymore turned on. The man was notorious for leaving clothes everywhere but the entire place was spotless. Even the kitchen despite the stock pot full of yummy food you could smell. The small two person table was covered with saran wrap with a couple of forks laid out like you'd seen done at the local seafood boil place you both loved to go to. They didn't give you plates or anything. They just dumped the contents of the boil on your table and you dug in like savages. Lit candles also decorated the various countertops around the kitchen and a dozen red roses were perched in a vase.
"I know, I know. I tend to overdo it." JJ kisses your cheek before moving to the stove. You didn't know whether to look at the romantic set up or his tight ass. Both were tempting.
"JJ Maybank, I think I want to have all your babies." You tease, sitting down at the table as you watch him. He sends you a flirty look before pulling a bottle of wine from the fridge and pouring you both a glass. JJ brings it over, clinking your glasses before you both take a drink.
"I want you to have all my babies." JJ winks at you before the night continues into a peaceful setting of your usual banter and good food. By the time you're done, your eyes are almost heavy from your food coma and you're both buzzed. JJ's face is beat red from laughing and the alcohol, your feet propped up on his knee as he massages your soles after cleaning up the table.
"I could go for something sweet." JJ murmurs, sitting your feet down and going to the fridge. He pulls out chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and a tub of ice cream.
You look away from him, the emotions making your eyes water as you take a second to appreciate what a good man you have. Sure, he's sometimes childish and he can't load a dishwasher and he leaves his clothes scattered through the apartment but he's good and he loves you.
"This is the real gift." JJ announces. You look up just as he sits a hefty bowl of ice cream in the middle of the table. It's piled high with scoops of ice cream and perfectly topped with chocolate and whipped cream. But something sparkly catches your eyes on top and you're almost convinced you're seeing things before it slowly comes into focus. You suck in a breath, your eyes widening as you look to him for confirmation.
"Okay, so maybe I should've thought that through a little better but," JJ plucks the object from the top of the dessert and licks the ice cream off it before dropping to one knee, holding it out to you.
"Y/F/N, you are the love of my life and I'm so thankful to have spent the last three years with you. You've been my best friend for over half my life and I'd like to spend the rest of it with you by my side, as my wife. I know I can't offer you much and I'll piss you off more often than not but you have my heart and I promise to always treasure yours. Please, marry me?" So much emotion washes over you that for a moment you can't do or say anything but stare at him. He cocks his head at you, slightly smirking before you snap out of it.
"Yes! Oh my god, yes!" You cry happily. JJ beams, sliding the ring onto your finger before you throw yourself into his arms. You don't realize you're crying until you pull away from his neck and he looks down at you with so much love and admiration, gently wiping your tears.
"I love you." JJ whispers, tucking your hair behind your ear.
"I love you, too." You breathe, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him in for a hard kiss. JJ immediately scoops you up, turning to sit you on the counter as your kisses grow feverish. He shoves your thighs apart, rubbing his hard length against your crotch as he takes your hair down and fists the nape of it. You moan into his mouth, letting his tongue dominate your own as you grind back against him. You wanted him now more than ever. You were engaged. JJ Maybank was your fiance.
Your clothes end up on the floor along with the few articles of clothing he has on. You reach between your bodies, stroking him before guiding him to your entrance when he stops you, pulling away and shoving you down on your back. JJ snatches up the chocolate off the counter and immediately begins to pour it over your breasts and down your stomach to your mound.
"JJ!" You gasp, just as he picks up the whipped cream next and covers your pussy with the cold substance. Your body breaks out in goosebumps as you laugh, feeling his tongue find the trail he left on your stomach.
"I'm going to get sticky!" You giggle, laughing as he climbs on top of the counter and expertly licks the chocolate off your nipples. You moan, tugging at his hair as he licks and sucks you clean until your entire body is a trembling mess.
"That's the idea." JJ smirks, working his way back down your body and sliding to his feet after leaving you a panting mess. Your clit was throbbing, begging for the relief of his mouth.
"You're so goddamn sweet." JJ's voice is deeper now, the lust engulfing him as he licks a stripe up your slit, locking eyes with you as he coats his tongue in more whipped cream.
"JJ." You moan as he continues to lick and lick until you're squirming, your clit throbbing painfully. Suddenly, he buries his face in your pussy, eagerly consuming you as your back arches off the counter.
It was going to be a long, sticky night.
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suzdin · 10 months
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Two For One
(Dave York x Max Phillips x f!reader)
Summary: You move from Texas to Boston to live with your boyfriend, but he dumps you soon after the move, and you’re forced to find your own place and get a job. You meet two men a few months later, Max Phillips, a regular at the coffee shop you work at, and Dave York, your neighbor. Things begin to heat up soon after.
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, pre-vampire Max, pre-Equalizer 2 Dave, small age gap (unspecified), no use of y/n, some angst, mention of self-unaliving, mention of divorce/familial trauma, mention of weapons, romance, no fluff, alcohol use, drug use, smut, graphic depictions of sex, rough sex, bondage, degradation, dubcon?, dom!Max, spanking, fingering, public masturbation, stalking, I’m not used to doing warnings I’m sorry if I missed anything, Max is an asshole and Dave is creepy, forgive me idk what I’m doing 🤷‍♀️
Dave York is an empty husk of a man ever since the divorce. Even more so since he had sunk all of his life savings—what little was left of it, after all was said and done—into some shitty, grossly overpriced apartment in Boston just so he could give Carol and the girls the space his ex-wife had specifically requested.
He wasn’t fool enough to believe he and Carol could somehow recuscite what once was there and now lost. That was a bridge that had been crossed and burnt to cinders years ago, little more than dust in the wind at present.
In spite of himself, the desire was still there on the longest, loneliest stretches of nights, lingering; hardly a flicker, but it was there.
Not to mention his girls. He missed Mollie and Alice so goddamn much. Twice a month visitations were not enough to diminish his need to be near them, protect them. It was even harder on his daughters, which was plain enough to see by their tear-streaked faces at the beginning and end of every weekend, with the middle being some kind of hazy, unsatisfactory torpor.
If not for them, he would have chosen somewhere cheaper to live. Mexico, maybe.
But he hadn’t. He’d chosen Boston, because it was just close enough to be within a day’s drive of the home they once shared in Virginia, but far enough for Carol to be satisfied that he wouldn’t randomly show up outside of scheduled visitations.
The reality of it all was enough to make him want to say fuck it and put a gun in his mouth. He’d do less damage to the girls that way, he thinks. A one and done.
That was until he met you.
He first noticed you at the bagel shop across the street, smiling pleasantly at the man handing you your everything bagel with extra cream cheese. Then again at the laundromat down the street, trying but failing to hide your lacy underthings from view; he was impervious to stop himself from stealing a glance at them when your back was turned.
It didn’t take him long to deduce that you lived in the building next to his. It was smaller, with only eight units, unlike his, which happened to be twelve. He’d learned that you lived on the top floor, in the smallest unit: a studio apartment at the end of the hall, which faced the street.
You were always so polite. Buttoned up, almost. You weren’t the typical, loud, crass Bostonian he was used to: you weren’t a local. The slight sweetness to your voice suggested maybe you were from somewhere in the south. It was faint, but it was there.
He would catch you carrying in groceries to your building sometimes. He always asked if you needed his help, but you never did, because you never had more than one or two bags worth. He never saw you with anyone, and the meager amount of groceries you had only cemented the idea that you lived alone.
He would occasionally find you bringing home liquor bottles, usually tequila or vodka, but even on those nights…it was only you.
In fact, in the weeks since he had first laid eyes on you, he hadn’t recalled ever seeing you with anyone.
It unsettled him to think of you up there, in your tiny studio apartment, drinking alone. Was there something—or someone—you were trying to forget?
He should be the one drinking with you.
There’s a small window in his bathroom where he has a scant view into your apartment, facing your front door. There isn’t much to see—fleeting glimpses if anything, a blue wall with pictures he can’t quite make out—but it’s enough for Dave. He likes to watch you leave for work, as he can often see your hand reaching for the keys you have hanging by your front door.
He’s gotten himself off a few times just seeing your soft, lovely hand, imagining how it would feel wrapped around his cock.
Dave doesn’t think he’s wanted anyone as much as he wants you.
You work at a coffee shop about three blocks from your home called The Beanery.
A dumb name, in your opinion.
You’ve only been working there about six months, but you’ve already been promoted to manager. It isn’t exactly the lifestyle you had envisioned when you made the trek from Fort Worth to Boston, but it pays your bills.
You’d been forced to get a job there when Jonathan—whom you’d moved to Boston for not even a year ago—had left you for another woman in upstate New York, leaving you to fend for yourself in an unfamiliar city.
You were only working there until you could make enough money to move back home. That’s what you kept telling yourself, anyway. It was hard to save when rent in this city was astronomical.
Dave is on one of his early morning runs past the coffee shop the day he finds you telling a man in a cheap looking business suit, in no uncertain terms, to fuck off.
Until now, he had never worked up the courage to go inside; to talk to you. He often saw you behind the counter, toiling away, a look of rumination gracing your features, as if you’d rather be somewhere else.
He’d always wanted to go in and order something overpriced that he didn’t even want…just to have the chance to talk to you more than a few mumbled words at a time.
But he never had, because he didn’t want to be a burden to you. Another faceless customer to make your day feel longer, harder.
That was until he saw you confronting a man who was easily twice your size. You were on the other side of the counter now, staring the man down, a fire blazing on your countenance that Dave couldn’t deny made him want to make the man disappear for good.
He’d made many men disappear. Men who were far more dangerous and terrifying than whoever this pathetic excuse for one was.
He’d never seen you this worked up before. You were always so quiet; so polite and unassuming.
You’re pointing at the door and telling the man to get the fuck out and never come back.
The man—whoever he is—squares up to you. Leans over you, trying to intimidate you as you stare each other down. His face is close to yours—too close.
It makes Dave sick. He wants to break the fucking man in half.
“What do you plan on doing about it, sweetheart?” the man asks you. Challenging you, with a crooked, shit eating grin on his face.
That alone is enough for Dave to do something about it. His need, his desire to protect something, someone—which he hasn’t been able to do in so long—now focused into a tight arc, right at you.
He swings open the coffee shop door, little bells chiming from somewhere above him, and closes the ground between himself and the other man faster than you think should be possible.
You see Dave before Max does. You recognize him from your neighborhood, and from all the times you’ve watched him jog past the coffee shop. You’d swear he had a crush on you, if you didn’t know any better.
He grabs a fistful of Max’s suit and yanks him back. It’s absolutely effortless for him—you’ve never paid much attention before now, but he’s tall. And broad.
It makes your breath catch in your throat.
He spins Max—who is now furious—to face him directly. Max looks as though he wants to throw a punch…until he gets a good look at Dave.
“Hey! What is your fucking problem, pal?” he fumes.
“I think the lady asked you to leave,” Dave states plainly. There’s an edge to it.
Max scoffs, inclining his head toward you now, smirking. “Is this white knight your boyfriend, or something?” he asks, his tone thick with consternation.
“No. Just…a friend,” you say, looking at Dave, who still has Max in his clutches. Dave stares back. You swear there’s something there.
“And if I don’t leave?” he asks, and you’re not sure if he’s asking you or Dave. You answer him anyway.
“I’ll call the cops,” you reply. Dave nods in silent approval.
Max rolls the edge of his tongue over his perfect white teeth, holding up both hands in defeat. “Alright, alright. Don’t have to ask me twice,” he says with a sardonic grin, turning to leave. “Coffee tastes like shit anyway.”
Dave releases his grip and Max turns toward the door. The two men shoulder each other as Max passes, and for a moment, you think there may be a fight. They stare at one another, sizing each other up; Dave’s face is stone while Max smirks, tauntingly.
It makes your skin prickle and your core flush with heat all at once, watching the two men posture like animals right in front of you.
Thankfully, they manage to restrain themselves and Max leaves without another word; you release the breath you realize you’ve been holding in all this time.
Dave’s face softens as he steps towards you, raising his hand to brush against your upper arm in consolation. He thinks nothing of it—an instinct from having maintained a protective role for so long—but the small touch causes you to flinch away.
“Sorry,” he says softly. He wishes he could touch you more; pull you into his arms. “I just— Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you answer. Physically, you’re okay. Mentally, however, you still want to murder someone.
You look over your shoulder in time to see Audrey—your new hire, and the reason you forbade Max from ever returning—push open the door to the back room, wiping her face as she does so.
Max had made her cry, and you couldn’t afford to lose another barista.
“I’m sorry, I need to handle this,” you tell Dave. You look to Vincent, who’d watched the whole thing unfold from behind the counter without so much as an offer to help, but you suppose he isn’t paid enough to care. Hell, you barely are.
“Let, um…” you look at Dave, gesturing at him with a flat, open palm, and you hope he understands what you’re insinuating.
“Dave,” he replies.
“Let Dave here order whatever he wants. On the house,” you tell Vincent, who nods.
“I’m sorry again, but it was nice to meet you, Dave,” you say, introducing yourself, as if he can’t read your name tag. “Thank you so much…for helping.”
You smile meekly and wave goodbye to Dave as you head to the back to hopefully calm Audrey down before she quits.
Your back is turned by the time Dave proffers his own weak smile and wave. He watches you go, mapping every delicate curve of your backside with his eyes.
He doesn’t take you up on your offer of a free item.
He has a man to track down.
You find Audrey in the back room, hunched forward on the edge of a metal folding chair, palms pushed into her eyes.
You really can’t lose another barista. You’re overworked as it is and Maurizio cut everyone’s hours a couple of months ago, causing several of your best workers to quit, bringing you back around to square one. If she goes, you’ll have to work doubles for the unforeseeable future and, well, that wasn’t exactly ideal, considering Maurizio was constantly bitching at you about overtime…as if you could even help it.
You’d quit yourself if that was in the cards right now.
“Hey…” you offer, softly. “You okay?”
Audrey has only been working for you for three days; Maurizio hired her. She wouldn’t have been your first choice, since she was a little slow to pick things up, the job itself seeming to overburden her—but you couldn’t afford not to give her a chance. You need to tread lightly to keep her from bolting.
“Hey,” she replies back. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to lose it like that. It’s just—well, I’m going through a bad break up right now…” she admits, raking thin fingers through bright pink hair. “And him yelling at me about his drink being wrong was just…y’know. Last straw,” she laughs nervously.
You nod, feeling a little bad about passing judgment so quickly, knowing you know exactly how she’s feeling, since that was you only a few months ago. Still is, probably.
“I understand completely. I just got over one of those myself,” you confess, crossing your arms. “It’s fine if you need a minute. Vincent and I got the front,” you say, trying to articulate things in a way that will make it less likely she’ll walk—at least, that’s the hope.
You had been here since 4AM and your head was steadily pounding. You hadn’t had a cigarette in hours. And then Audrey had gotten the drinks mixed up—it happens—causing Max to lose his temper and call her a string of things you didn’t want to repeat, even in your mind.
Max had been a regular as long as you’d been employed, but he was also an asshole. A regular asshole. You wouldn’t miss him, his tacky suits, or his penchant for cutting in line anytime soon.
You had to admit it gave you a little thrill to finally stand up to him, the pull you felt between your legs an undeniable tell. You think he felt it, too. Not that it matters.
Audrey nods, rubbing at her eyes again. “Yeah. I’ll be up in a bit,” she says, and you try to hide your sigh of relief. “It’s just—is it okay if I um—take half an edible? To take the edge off?” she asks.
You could give two shits what people do in their free time, but at work? You almost say no—almost—but change your mind quickly when you see the grief still playing on her features.
Truth be told, that sounds nice right about now.
“Sure,” you tell her. “But only if you give me the other half.”
Blessedly, Audrey doesn’t quit. The edible elevates her mood—like, a lot—and yours, as well. You feel great the rest of your shift, finally getting off work at two, when Sarah relieves you of your managerial duties for the day.
She notes your change in attitude, which you have to admit has been pretty dour these past few weeks. You lie and tell her it had been an easy going day, purposely neglecting to mention Max. No need to bring your elation back down.
You gather your things to leave, exhaling a long, exasperated sigh as you go. You’re going to enjoy the fuck out of this.
As an added bonus, you have tomorrow off, which you’ll undoubtedly spend sleeping in. And tonight—drinking your weight in alcohol, most likely.
Whatever passes the time.
You’re almost all the way to your apartment, puffing on the cigarette perched between your lips, slipping into the breezeway that shoulders your building, when you hear a voice from behind you that you could discern out of a line up.
Dark, crooning, dripping with condescension.
“Hey, sweetheart.”
It’s Max.
You almost think you heard wrong, your mind still hazy from the cannabis in your system. Surely it isn’t him—that would mean he followed you here, which is just goddamn creepy.
Yet you’re not at all surprised when you turn and see him standing there with his hands in his pockets. He’s shed his jacket since you last saw him, now clad only in a crisp white dress shirt, gray slacks and yellow tie, the look finished off with some plain brown dress shoes.
You aren’t sure what Max does for a living and you’ve never cared enough to find out, but he has all the characteristics of a corporate vampire: nice pressed suits, pristine grooming, preternatural cunning and arrogance out the ass.
You find yourself palming the pepper spray you keep in your purse. You’d bought it after Jonathan had left. You had yet to use it, but today might be the day.
“Max, I’m sorry, my decision is final—“ you start to say.
“Is it?” Max asks you, cutting you off. “Because last I checked, the shop belongs to Maurizio, not you, darling,” he says, sauntering steadily closer.
“And I don’t care. I’m the manager, I have the right to ban you,” you respond, trying your damndest to cling to your convictions.
“Uh huh. We’ll see what Maurizio has to say about that,” he replies, grinning crookedly as he stares down at you with shimmering dark brown eyes. You aren’t sure when it happened, but somehow Max has gotten a lot closer, the wall of the building almost at your back.
He holds up his cell phone so you can see the screen: Maurizio Bernardi, saved as a contact, plain as day. You feel your face go slack with realization.
“You… how do you know Maury?” you ask, flabbergasted. Your head swims, and everything suddenly feels bright and fuzzy at the periphery of your mind; you must be coming down from the THC.
“We went to school together! Isn’t that wild?” Max responds with a snorting laugh, slipping his phone back into his pocket. You’re fully pinned against the wall now by his breadth alone, and he hasn’t even touched you.
You could end this easily in two seconds flat with a blast of pepper spray straight to his face. There might be some blowback with the light breeze whipping through, and you’d most definitely lose your job since he’s friends with Maury, but it would be worth it knowing you put Max in his place once and for all.
He’s so close that you smell the faint scent of cologne mingled with the underlying odor of sweat. You feel your heart beating at your temples. You hadn’t been with anyone since Jonathan left, and you couldn’t deny you were touch starved. You swallow and stare back, your eyes searing into him.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” he says, softly gripping your arm to remove your hand from your purse, as if he’s reading your mind. Your fingers go slack around the can of pepper spray.
“Wasn’t gonna do anything,” you snip, yanking your arm out of his grasp. “Can I go home now?”
Max crowds into your space, pushing you into the wall, gentle enough not to hurt but forceful enough to press your back to the rough of the brick. He plucks the now neglected cigarette from your other hand, which is burnt nearly to the filter.
“Filthy fucking habit,” he chides, placing it to his lips and taking a drag before discarding it between the two of you, where he snuffs it out with the sole of his shoe. “Didn’t figure you for the type.”
“You know nothing about me,” you retort.
“I know you tried to humiliate me today,” he says quietly. “I don’t appreciate being humiliated.”
“I don’t appreciate you yelling at my workers,” you bite back. You aren’t going to give him the satisfaction of intimidating you. “Do you know how understaffed we are right now as it is? I’m exhausted!” You attempt to duck under an arm; he blocks you.
“You manage—what? Six, seven people?” Max asks.
“Four,” you correct. “Because we’re grossly understaffed.”
He smirks. “That’s cute. Try three hundred. Then we’ll talk.”
“Okay, I get it. Point made. Can I go?” you ask, attempting to duck him again. He grabs your wrist this time.
“Not until I humiliate you like you humiliated me,” he threatens, locking eyes with you. His other hand drifts to the curve of your waist, almost swallowing you with the size of it. Your breath catches. He takes that as invitation.
“And just how do you plan on doing th—“
Your words dissipate mid sentence when aforementioned hand untucks your shirt from your pants, creating just enough of a pocket for it to slide in between.
You take in a deep breath as his fingers slowly glide up the plane of your stomach and rib cage; he reaches the swell of your breast, not hesitating at all to grab you there, reveling at the soft depth of it against his wide palm.
It’s fucked. Utterly fucked. A small part of you wants to kick him in the balls and run, but you can’t help but go boneless and pliant like fresh clay under his touch.
If you’re being honest with yourself, as much as you loathe him, it isn’t like you hadn’t thought about Max before today. He always looks so nice and sharp in his business suits; not to mention it’s been so long since anyone has put their hands on you. Your toys just aren’t doing the trick anymore.
You whimper and arch involuntarily into him. Judging by the flash of triumph in his eyes, he liked that.
“By making you scream my name so loud right here in the street, the entire state will know who I am by the time I’m done with you,” he taunts, accentuating his point with a tug of your nipple through the fabric of your bra.
“M-Max, I…” you half protest, half moan.
You what? You can’t? You don’t want to? You can hardly remember to breathe at this point.
“Yeah. Just like that,” he laughs softly. “You’ll be reduced to a quivering puddle by the time I’m through.” His other hand toys dangerously close to the waistband of your pants.
Your eyes flit to the street, which isn’t even twenty paces from where you’re wedged between him and the wall. No one is currently paying either of you any mind, but you have no doubt that would change if what he’s saying is true. You have zero reason not to believe him.
“Max, we can’t do this,” you say, finally able to find your voice. “Not here,” you add, so that he understands that you do want it, regardless of how fucked it may be.
He pops the top button of your pants. You do nothing to stop him.
“Then say the word, sweetheart. Tell me I’m not banned,” he whispers into your ear. “You’ll do that for me, right?” His hand skims lower, undoing a second button.
“You s-said… Maury…”
“I need to hear you say it,” he responds pointedly, grinding his pelvis into yours; the firm press of his cock dividing you at your center, pushing against your clit.
“Jesus… fuck…” you babble, your head falling against the wall with a painful thud.
You don’t need Audrey, right? Or time off, like…ever? The extra pay from overtime is nice…and Maury can bitch about it all he wants, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s his fault, anyway. Not yours.
Nothing matters right now aside from the man rutting deliciously into your lap.
You aren’t sure what’s come over you. It could be the THC still firmly rooted in your brain, or the stress of the job getting to you, or both. Whatever the reason, you’re impervious to resist him and his off kilter, douchey kind of appeal.
“Say it,” he whispers, tongue flicking out to taste the salt of your flesh.
“My apartment is up-s-stairs,” you reply. He snaps his hips aggressively into you in retaliation, and you squeak.
“Say it,” he growls.
“Shit, Max! Fine! You win, you— You aren’t banned.”
“Good,” he responds with a wry smirk, dark eyes sparkling with gratification. You only just realize that your hand is twisted up in his tie, and his gaze follows your grip, fingers brushing along the inner line of your wrist. You shiver.
“Take me to your apartment,” he says. You let the words hang in the air between the two of you, eyeing each other; silently scrutinizing which one will break first.
Of course it’s you.
You don’t worry about fixing your clothes as you make a beeline for the side door of the building, Max trailing closely behind. They won’t be a problem in just a few minutes, anyway; hopefully you won’t run into anyone in the hall on the way up.
His hands are on you again by the time you reach the elevator, pushing under your shirt, pants riding down your hips when they have nothing to cling to. He presses you against the far wall of the elevator, teeth raking over your pulse point and bearing down. You moan.
“Knew you were a dirty fucking girl,” he groans into the curve of your neck.
You reach for his tie again, the other hand absently dragging his thigh for purchase. His hands squeeze your breasts, rolling them under the flat of his palm. You can barely breathe, let alone speak; you’ve never let someone manhandle you so brazenly before. And you kind of like it.
Finally, the elevator dings for your floor; Max pulls his hands free of your shirt and grabs you by the wrists, yanking you into the short and narrow hallway. You fall into his chest and he steadies you, hands bracketing around your hips.
“This one is mine,” you say, pointing to the faded green door over his left shoulder. For a moment, he steps back, allotting you the space needed to access your apartment.
You can barely get the key to slide into the lock you’re shaking so fucking bad, but you eventually get it to work.
Your apartment isn’t exactly tidy. You’ve never had company over before in all the time you’ve lived here, much less unexpected—you suppose it doesn’t matter, as he probably won’t even notice, or care.
You flick on the light and the small space is illuminated in dull fluorescence, revealing the whole 322 square feet of it, save for the bathroom. You toss your purse onto the couch, turning to face Max.
You start to open your mouth to offer him a drink—an engrained habit leftover from your upbringing—but he stifles the words before they can even be borne on your lips, a hand coming up to loosely circle your throat as he walks you backwards to the bed, his eyes hued inky black with lust.
It’s not at all surprising that he isn’t a man of formalities if his presence at the coffee shop is anything to go by. You would wonder if he’s this ruthless at his job if you didn’t already have a good inkling about that.
You jolt when your legs make contact with the mattress. He doesn’t waste time in removing your clothes once he has you there, beginning with your shirt, relieving you of the burden. Your bra is next, and as his eyes hone in on the hardened peaks of your nipples, you think to yourself you’ve never seen him look this pensive before.
“Fucking — perfect,” he whispers, rolling his thumbs over the stiff buds, eliciting a moan from somewhere deep in your chest.
The rest is a blur up until the moment he’s almost pushing inside of you, so desperate in his need to remove any offending article of clothing he somehow manages to do so in the space of a few seconds, your mingled clothes a discarded pile of rubbish on the floor next to the bed.
He’s more fit than you expect, the bulbous cut of his arms leading into sharp lines of pectoral muscles. His stomach is defined enough, in your opinion—a man doesn’t need rock hard abs to get you off, after all—the lower half of his torso curtained in a swathe of dark pubic hair.
His cock hangs low amid his thighs, already fully engorged, the head an angry shade of pink and weeping for you. You try to tear your gaze away as you take in the sight of him, and are only vaguely aware that he’s asking you something.
“—I said, do you have any condoms?” you realize.
Odd time to worry about condoms, when he had plenty of time to stop at the store on the way to you. It’s fine, though — you have some left over from Jonathan.
“In the drawer behind you,” you tell Max. He reaches around behind him, pulling one out a moment later, breaking the wrapper open with his teeth and rolling it over himself with expert finesse.
You scoot back on the bed, every nerve ending in your body on fire, your head falling back into one of your pillows as Max mounts and straddles you, caging you in with his long limbs.
He peers down at you, eyes shining dark with desire, his mouth so close to yours you can inhale his breath if you were so inclined; you want him to kiss you, to bite your tongue and lips with those perfect white teeth, but he seems to be intentionally avoiding doing so.
Keep it business. Keep it casual.
“Roll over,” he says softly, moving off of you, and for a fleeting moment, you’re nonplussed. You note a faint flash of yellow at your peripheral, and it takes you a moment to register what’s happening; you crane your neck over your shoulder to confirm your notion, spying the pale yellow shine of his tie unraveling between both fists.
“Cross your wrists at your back,” he quietly commands, his voice low and even, leaving no room for debate. A man skilled in so few words in the art of persuasion—of seduction.
You’ve never been tied up or restrained before—much less by a man you have absolutely no sexual experience with, one you probably shouldn’t put any faith of your safety in at all—but you obediently lattice your wrists at the bend of your spine, taking in a prolonged breath as your core thrums in anticipation between your legs.
Although you can’t see him, you can practically feel Max grinning at your back. You hear the smooth slide of silk between his fingers. A moment later, he’s slipping the tie under your linked arms, spiraling it deftly around your wrists until you’re completely bound together and the grip holds true.
You flex your hands against the makeshift cuffs, testing them. You’re surprised at how comfortable it is and how you can still rotate your wrists; only your arms are immobile—which is exactly what he wanted.
“On your side now,” he commands coolly. You don’t dare dawdle, scooting to one side as best you can, albeit with some added effort without the aid of your hands to push you over.
He slides into the bed next to you, pushing himself as flush as he can against your back since your arms are now in the way, pulling your leg up and over his hip, butterflying you open.
He reaches around to cup your sex, middle finger riding your seam until he reaches your expectant opening, pushing himself in to the first knuckle. He slides in easily and you can’t hide the fact that you’re already soaked.
“Fuck,” he whispers raggedly, his voice thick against your ear. “Somebody wants this.”
His erection drags over the hill of your ass. You’re breathing hard and your heart is racing a million miles an hour. You feel as though you could combust at any moment.
His finger slips further into your depths, languidly pumping until your arousal coats all the way to the final knuckle. He adds a second finger then, breathing heavily into the shell of your ear.
“You ready to take me, sweetheart? Fair warning—I don’t do soft.”
As if you had any other expectations after he just finished binding you with his fucking necktie.
“Y-yes,” you whisper, hoarse and oh so needy. His hand snaps against your exposed ass, your body recoiling at the sudden lance of pain.
“Beg me for it.”
“Please, Max, I need it,” you plead, your voice feeling small in your throat. You writhe against him to accentuate your point, your wrists flexing against the binds.
“Good,” he says softly, spitting into his palm and coating himself with it, sliding the head along your folds and notching himself at your entrance.
Your breath stalls when you feel him. He isn’t even in and it already seems like too much.
“Breathe,” he tells you, giving you a moment to pull fresh oxygen into your lungs. When your response is sufficient enough for him, he’s suddenly pushing into you, cleaving you in two; there’s a dull sting from how much he stretches you apart, and you’ve already lost your ability to think, to power your lungs.
“Breathe,” he says again, a venomous edge to his tone. “Don’t need you passing out on me.”
Cue your surprise when unresponsive isn’t really his thing. You’d always figured him as a much bigger creep than this, despite the fact that he literally has you pinned like prey.
You suck in more air as Max buries himself all the way to the hilt, softly spurring his pelvis deep, deep into yours from behind. “So fucking tight,” he rumbles against the rim of your ear, teeth scraping along the ridge of your jaw.
And then the onslaught begins. He’s right—he doesn’t do soft.
The first few gyrations, he’s pulling almost all the way out, only to crack his hips back into you as hard as he can, the head of his cock bumping the sensitive flesh of your back wall with each ministration. The sound that resonates is louder than expected and more than a little obscene, strangled whimpers escaping with each snap of his pelvis, skin slapping skin.
Each time the room goes silent in those void spaces between utterances, you almost think you hear something—or someone—in the hall just beyond the thin barrier of your door. Your neighbor, Mrs. Tobin? Hopefully she hasn’t heard anything. She’s already reported you in the past for watching your movies too loud—
But just as swiftly as the thought occurs to you, it’s just as easily dissipated, Max’s fingers digging into your hip to hold you in place as he begins to rail you as hard and fast as any man reasonably can, his breath hot and wet against the nape of your neck, every rough smack of his hips into yours a thinly veiled threat to unravel every last fiber of your being.
The sounds that you make in return are not human.
His other hand comes up to cradle your chin, bowing your neck to a barrage of pearly whites, bearing down on the delicate crossroads of your neck and shoulder. The sting of incisors making purchase with your flesh causes you to yelp, your head misty from the feeling, toeing a line between pain and pleasure.
“Good girl, sweetheart. Taking me like a champ,” he growls breathlessly.
The hand riding your hip slithers around to where he’s currently splitting you open, gathering your natural lubrication on the pads of his fingers as he begins to slowly admonish attention to your sensitive bundle of nerves.
“Oh fuck!” you yelp, bucking involuntarily as you chase the feeling. That solicits a laugh from Max, who seems quite pleased with himself.
“You like that?” he asks you, all the while still pumping into you from behind with everything he can muster; you have to admit his stamina is admirable.
You make some kind of inhuman mewl in reverence. His touch stokes fire deep within you, your pleasure mounting to dizzying heights, and you can’t remember the last time a man made you feel so coveted.
You can’t believe you could have been doing this all these long and lonely months. You should bar him from your shop more often.
“Kiss me, please,” you whine, folding your head behind you to lounge against his shoulder. The grip on your chin tightens, fingertips digging in, almost painfully so; there might be bruises there later.
“You take what I give you,” he tuts, gnashing his incisors along the soft of your throat.
If it’s possible, his grueling, punishing speed increases to near paralyzing, and you’re close to seeing stars. His fingers swirl lazily around your clit by comparison.
And then, without preamble or warning, he stops, pulling himself free from you. You chirp in protest at the loss, your walls clenching around nothing.
“What? Max…”
“Face down,” he instructs. “Quickly, now.”
You shoulder the mattress for stability as you roll yourself over without use of your arms, hands straining against the necktie still spooled around your wrists.
He enters you from behind the moment you assume the position, pumping into you at a far more leisurely pace than only seconds ago.
The wide breadth of his palms splay across your ass cheeks, spreading you apart as he watches you swallow him from behind. He’s much deeper at this angle, the head of his cock kissing your g-spot with every slow thrust.
You flinch when you feel his thumb graze against the muscular ring of flesh between your cheeks. He chuckles darkly.
“Bet you’d let me fuck your tight little asshole, wouldn’t you? Such a supplicant little cock sleeve for me.” You moan at the derision. “Yeah, you are. Glad we agree.”
His hands bracket your hips with stupefying strength, which will most assuredly brand you with the lines of his fingers, but you’re sure that’s what he wants. He pulls you back into him, spearing you onto his length. The new angle makes you scream.
“That’s it. Take it all,” he rumbles, resuming the previous breakneck speed, railing you with such ferocity there’s no way in hell half the city isn’t aware of Max’s presence in your pussy right now.
“F-fuck, Max—“ you bite, the mention of his name only furthering him along.
He rewards you by moving his hand back to your swollen clit, fingers flicking over the sensitive nub until you’re gasping for air, a string of curses and otherwordly noises escaping your lips. You’re staggeringly close.
“That’s it. You gonna come for me? Come on me, sweetheart. I need to feel you.”
He impales you with uninhibited exuberance from behind, your bed shuddering from each impact, and you know you’ll be feeling him between your legs for a week.
A few more hard, rough administrations and the tether abruptly snaps, your orgasm washing over you, ripping through your entire being with a scream-strangled-moan that your neighbors will definitely hear if they happen to be home.
It doesn’t take Max much longer than you to come apart in your wake, his breath stuttering in his chest and a loud, guttural snarl bursting forth, and for several prolonged seconds as he milks the remaining traces of himself into the condom, you can hear just how easily he fell apart inside of you.
You press your face into the cool of the sheets beneath the pillow, breathing hard, waiting for Max to untie you as he pulls himself out of you with a grunt.
You think you hear a faint noise in the corridor again; it almost sounds like the squeak of sneakers on linoleum. And then it’s gone.
You really, really hope it wasn’t your neighbor.
Dave doesn’t have to track Max down; the contemptuous man practically delivers himself to your front stoop.
How convenient.
He first hears you in the small slice of courtyard that divides your buildings, his window always propped open at this time of day so he can watch for when you inevitably return home from work.
The sight of him instantly makes Dave bristle; moreso when Max crowds into your space, and it takes everything in him not to rush to your aid again, saving you from Max for the second time in the span of a day.
But it’s your receptiveness to Max’s attention that gives him pause before he has a chance to act brash. You were ready to string Max’s entrails from the streetlights this morning—and now here you were, moaning and arching into his touch. What changed?
Dave feels a lance of jealousy and in spite of the sweet sounds you’re making, his trigger finger twitches more than a few times.
He keeps his eyes trained on your face as he watches you, studying you from afar; the way your eyelids flutter shut, the small bite of your own lip. The image forever burned into his brain, going straight to Dave’s cock.
He should be the one making you feel good, making you make those pretty sounds; not some guy poorly portraying the role of a cheap car salesman.
He pulls his cock free from his pants while he keeps his eyes locked on you, stroking himself in semi-circular motions as you are subjected to being handled by another man, glimpsing a small flash of skin as Max lifts your shirt to fondle your breast.
Again, it should be him. Dave would treat you right. He would make you come so many times you would forget your own name by the time he was through.
And then you’re disappearing into the confines of your building with Max in tow before he can blink.
It isn’t difficult to get into the building. It’s actually alarming how simple it was for Dave to decipher, simultaneously compressing the pound and asterisks keys on the keypad next to the door until the light flashes green and he hears the click of a lock disengaging.
Too easy.
He finds your apartment just as readily, having memorized its location from watching you as frequently as he does. He takes the stairs rather than the elevator so that the sounds of the rickety old bucket don’t alert you to his presence, pausing at the top stoop of the stairs which just so happens to face your door.
Number 8. Your apartment is number 8.
He listens for any sign that he’s given his location away. When he’s convinced he’s safe from being discovered, he creeps closer to your apartment.
It isn’t what it seems like, he tells himself. He just wants to make sure you’re safe. That this guy doesn’t hurt you.
He wants to be there to protect you. At least, that’s what Dave tells himself.
He sits on the dirty linoleum floor next to your door, his back facing the wall. For the first several minutes, he’s able to contain himself, listening for any signs of distress.
That is, until he hears your sweet moans and whimpers, the sounds of rough sex drifting with very little left to the imagination into the corridor. Dave’s jaw clenches and he breaks into a sweat just from listening to your high, keening revelations of sex.
It should be him. It should be him.
He understands how wrong, how perverse and reductive it is, to be listening to you like this. To impede on your privacy for his own personal gratification. To be so fucking turned on by it. He knows this.
And yet he doesn’t give it a second thought when he slips his hand into his pants to fist himself, pressed up against your door, fucking into his clenched palm like a teenager with their first porno mag, at the lascivious sounds of you being fucked by another man—a man that should be him.
He has enough sense to check for cameras, at least. Doubtful they would even review the footage without cause, but a cursory sweep of the area doesn’t hurt.
There are none. Now it’s just a matter of not getting caught by one of the other residents.
Dave thinks of you. He pictures the face you were making in the courtyard, imagining himself in Max’s stead. He’s getting off to your beautiful noises, and god, are you good at making them. He wonders how high your whimpers could get if he were the one fucking you. How you would look sheathing his cock.
If you were his, there wouldn’t be a single day you didn’t know his touch.
It’s all too much. His head swims, his vision goes white. You make a particularly raucous moan and that’s all it takes, a sound escaping his lips before he realizes he’s making it, thick ropes of spend spurting onto his stomach beneath his shirt. Thankfully, you don’t seem to hear him, his own utterance of ecstasy drowned out by the cacophony of your own and Max’s as you each come mere seconds after Dave does.
He doesn’t have any way of cleaning himself up like this, and a heavy blanket of shame settles over him within moments of coming down from the high of his climax. He does what he can, rubbing the thick globs of semen into his skin until it disperses.
He registers a sound then—someone getting off the bed, he surmises—and quickly climbs to his feet, the sole of his sneaker betraying him in a rush of movement. Shit.
He makes a beeline for the stairs, hoping you didn’t hear. When no one says anything, he supposes you didn’t.
Dave finds you on the street later that night.
He can tell by looking at you that you’re freshly showered, your hair shimmering in the faint glow of the setting sun. You’re dressed comfortably in a plain black tank top that swoops down to reveal the barest hint of cleavage—lest you decide to lean over, that is—and bike shorts that are meant to replicate leopard spots, only in purple.
You have one of your reusable grocery bags slung over your shoulder, the large one with all the pictures of fresh produce printed on it, and Dave can tell by the heft of it that you’ve just come from the grocery store a few blocks down.
He can’t ignore you anymore. Not after rushing to your defense this morning, and especially not after hearing you getting fucked on the other side of the door while he came hard for you. He has to talk to you. He needs to talk to you.
He steps into your line of sight a moment later, apprehensively lifting his hand in a wave. You spot him right away.
“Oh. Hey,” you say. “Dave, right?”
“Yeah,” he says, quietly. His eyes rake over you. You swallow.
“I just wanted to check on you. You know, since this morning,” he continues. “I know we see each other around a lot.”
You nod and take him in; he’s massive this close, with broad, muscular shoulders. He’s wearing a Boston Celtics shirt and loose Nike shorts. Judging by the semicircle of perspiration flowering out from the V of his armpits, you deduce that he’s been jogging again. He does that a lot, you think.
And you would be right. His climax earlier wasn’t enough to quell his desire for you, to hamper the gnawing restlessness he constantly feels. He needed to expend his anxious energy somehow.
Jogging wasn’t working either.
And now that he’s this close, he wishes he could touch you. Pull you into his arms and kiss you—since Max hadn’t.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Thank you for asking…and again for this morning,” you say.
He places his hands on his hips, the ghost of a smile playing on his lips. “Yeah, of course. It isn’t—it’s not a problem,” he says. I always want to protect you, he wants to add.
An uncomfortable silence settles in the space between both of you. You think you should probably leave.
“Would you like to get dinner somewhere?” Dave suddenly blurts out, a desperate tinniness to his voice. He looks at the sad boxes of mac and cheese in your grocery bag—not even name brand, since you’re doing all you can to save money.
You almost say no. Truthfully, it weirds you out that you had sex with another man not even hours ago, and now your neighbor is asking you out to dinner when he’d barely spoken to you before today.
It’s not like the sex meant anything. Max had made that abundantly clear and besides, you still hated his guts. But two men in one day, while still struggling with a messy breakup? You aren’t sure if you can handle that.
You almost say no. Almost.
Dave offers to carry your groceries for you.
You let him.
Part Two
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maxislvt · 1 year
Around The Christmas Tree
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Summary: An omega certainly wasn't on Agatha's wishlist, but she finds herself appreciating you despite her hesitations.
Warnings: smut, omegaverse, alpha!Agatha, innocence kink, knotting, rough sex, oral sex, fingering,
A/N: First time writing Agatha and it made me feel very slutty and breedable
Event Masterlist
Through the years, Agatha found herself putting up with a lot of Wanda's insanity. Cranking out insane contracts or developing something new for a market of consumers every week were the perils of associating with such a young, overarching alpha. Many people praised and congratulated Agatha for her patience with Wanda, some even insist she be compensated for it. Agatha always insisted the money she got was enough, but she started to question how true that was after a while. It was one faithful Christmas day when she concluded that money was not enough to make up for Wanda's insanity. Nothing would be at that rate.
By no means was Agatha a Grinch, but she much preferred quieter celebrations rather than the company's annual Christmas bash. That didn't stop her lovely co-worker from stopping by her house with an uncomfortably large gift box.
"Do I even wanna know what's inside this thing?" Agatha carefully examined the box in the middle of her leaving room. It was heavy and probably something she didn't need. "Are those…breathing holes??" For a moment, she considered sticking her finger through one just to get an idea of what was inside. Then, it dawned on her. Breathing holes meant that whatever was inside the box was alive. "Maximoff, what is in this box!?"
Wanda shrugged with an oblivious smile. "I don't know, open it." The younger alpha sat down on the couch. Slightly drunk and buzzing with excitement. She had taken pity on her fellow alpha. Much older and so stiff she'd barely made any other friends. "I'm sure you'll love them, just open the crate and look in!"
Agatha hesitantly removed the lid only to immediately slam it back down. A small yelp could be heard underneath her. "Wanda, what did you do?" She asked through gritted teeth. If looks could kill, Wanda would be dead four times over. "You can't just buy people mates! That's unethical!"
Wanda rolled her eyes as she got up and removed the lid. "Don't do that, omegas are real sensitive!" She grumbled and opened the box all the way. There you sat, barely clothed and completely unaware of your surroundings. Wanda picked you up and presented you to Agatha like you were some newborn puppy. "They're so cute and they really need a home, just take them!"
Agatha couldn't bring herself to look at you. You weren't ugly, the exact opposite. If she looked into those big puppy dog eyes, she'd never be able to look away. "I don't care how cute they are, you can't just dump a mate on someone like this!" Standing her ground wasn't easy. "Take them back or something. I seriously don't have time for this!"
Wanda looked at you with a knowing smirk. "Alright then," She said with an exaggerated sigh. "I guess I'll just have to take them home with me." Your legs carefully wrapped around Wanda's waist as she walked towards the door. "I just hope Tasha's willing to share with me."
Agatha groaned as she took you from Wanda's hands. "No, absolutely not! The last thing the world needs is another mini Maximoff running around!" She settled you into her arms and began pushing Wanda out of the house. "Now go away, I have to find clothes for this poor thing."
You nuzzled into Agatha's firm grasp. "If it helps…I think your house is way cooler than Ms.Maximoff's." The gentle squeeze of your body made you laugh. You let yourself be carried around the large house. "Do you live here all by yourself?"
"Well, I used to. At least I have an excuse to use one of those guest rooms now." Agatha sat you down on her bed. She glanced over your body a few times before humming. "I don't think I have any clothes that'll fit right so I'll buy you some tomorrow, just find something you like for now."
You nodded and entered the closet. "Wow, this thing is huge! Can I sleep in here?" Never before had you seen a closet so big or so full. Shoes that were at least twice your worth as an omega and brands couldn't even begin to pronounce. "Oh, these are so cool! I want some!"
"I was hoping you'd sleep in an actual bed, but I'm not going to stop you."
After explaining all the high-quality brands she owned and washing you up, Agatha had finally gone to bed. Well, she lay in her bed underneath the covers but sleep just wouldn't come to her. A billion thoughts swarmed in her head about what to do with you. Agatha couldn't comprehend what dubious methods Wanda had gone through to get you. She continued to toss and turn throughout the night. Her brain had been plagued by thoughts of you. It wasn't until your scent filled the air and you entered her bedroom that she calmed down.
"I'm…I'm not used to sleeping by myself." Your voice was incredibly small. "I know you gave me a room and I really like it but —"
Agatha raised the blanket and patted the space in front of her. "Come on, we have a big day tomorrow anyways." Having you in her bed was more therapeutic than she wanted it to be. Her arms possessively wrapped around your body and pulled you close. "Rest up, superstar."
Agatha tried her hardest to keep her distance, but you were far too cute for your good. You were like a cat. Always curled up on her lap or laying against her. Your affection wasn't just physical, but also came in the form of doing things around the house. You'd cook and clean whenever you had the chance. Cookies, cakes, and entire meals were just for you and Agatha to share. Her resolve stood strong for the most part. The two were close enough to keep that beautiful smile on her face but not so close to risk Agatha succumbing to her urges.
However, parts of you were starting to linger. Your scent was all over her bed and the mere thought of you was enough to get her worked up. Agatha was doomed. You unknowingly had her wrapped around your finger.
"Um, Aggie?" Your voice was barely a whisper behind the door. The door wasn't a thick enough barrier to keep you from completely melting on the floor. "I need you. I know you wanna wait but I can't do this by myself. " You mindlessly pulled at the door knob hoping it would bring Agatha to you faster. "It hurts!"
Agatha was immediately drowned in your scent. Slick dripping down your thigh and barely able to support yourself. It was cruelly unfair how cute you looked. "Oh, does my little superstar need help?" Her hands held you like you were porcelain. Hurting you wasn't an option, but she was about to go feral. She carefully laid you over the bed and spread your legs. "We'll go slow, but tell me if it hurts." You tasted as good as you smelt. She buried her face between your legs and ran her tongue up and down your slit.
"Ah, that feels so good." You practically melted around Agatha's tongue. Her long fingers worked you open and stretched you out with ease. Your fingers tangled in her hair and pulled her impossibly closer to your face. "Right there, please. I like that, it feels good.." Your hips had a mind of their own as they rutted against her face. Never before had the stinging lust underneath your skin burned so hot.
"That's my little superstar, don't hold back." Another one of her fingers entered your dripping hole and began pounding into you. When you began to squirm and kick, she simply held you down. She'd spent weeks denying herself of you, and now she had you. "Oh, you're gonna look perfect filled up with pups. Isn't that right," She rasped out.
The mere thought made you whine. "Need your pups!" Your hips desperately followed Agatha's fingers when they pulled away. Being empty and untouched was dreadful. It didn't matter you could see Agatha doing her best to underdress. Any amount of waiting was too much. You helplessly tugged at her belt and pants.
Agatha laughed at your desperation. "You poor thing. You never had an alpha to make you feel better, have you?" It was just teasing. An excuse to see you blush and whine, but having you confirm it was almost like an aphrodisiac. More fuel to the burning fire of her lust for you. She hooked your legs over her shoulders and smiled. "I'm gonna be your first and only. No one is gonna be able to fuck you like I can."
A guttural moan escaped your lips as Agatha's cock stretched you out. It was a long, satisfying pain. There was nothing to compare it to, it just felt good. Being full made your mind go numb. "You're…big!" All the words in your head were disappearing and had been taken over by more primal thoughts. Being filled and owned was all you cared about at that moment.
Agatha tried to go slow. Inching her hips forwards until she filled you up all the way and dragged them back out. She gently pushed her hand down on the bulge in your stomach. "Does that feel good? Is my little superstar cock hungry and dumb?" Your whimpers filled her ears and chipped away at her self-control.
You all but screamed when Agatha began thrusting deeper into you. "More, more please!" You were locked into a full-blown mating press. Agatha's cock practically drilled into you. The swelling of her knot had already started and you couldn't possibly get any fuller. "It won't fit!"
Agatha was practically rutting into you. "I know you can take it! Who's my precious little superstar?" Her hand gently caressed your face. "Don't you wanna feel good together? Just let your alpha do all the work." You didn't exactly have a choice in the matter. Agatha was already in the process of knotting you. Filling you up to the brim with as much cum as she possibly could. "There you go superstar, make your alpha proud."
Your orgasm crashed over you with reckless abandon. It was leg-shaking and left you with much to hold on to. No thoughts or embarrassment, just the feeling of pure satisfaction and desire. "Good, real good…" You mumbled softly, barely conscious enough to say much else.
"Huh, you really aren't one for words." Agatha chuckled as you nodded sleepily. "That's just fine, I'll take good care of my little superstar."
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bruciemilf · 1 year
brain go brrrrRRR buuut... BRUCE being forgotten on the day of his birth <33
Bruce tired from patrol, sore and aching forgetting HIS own day because he has been used to never celebrating it until his children show up.
Granted, Alfred has tried before. Greeting him on the occassion but never pushing, too scared that one day the flighty bat would break once again and he is left with oueces he can't fix.
But anyway, the kids celebrate for him in little ways when they were young. Maybe treats with dick, reading with jason, info dump with tim, art with damian (dami says he sucks btw but is glad for the activity), steph conjures a waffle contest (she wins), just yea spending time as a birthday present is enough just for him and the greetings "Happy Birthday B" or "Your birth old man" even the silent approach of cass's kiss on the cheek. So, he never forgot his day.
Yet lately, everything has been his fault. His relationship with the kids are strained. Everyone else is out of town or offworld or busy for days, weeks or months. Then his day comes, no greeting just a ping on his phone calendar. BIRTHDAY it said, knowing no ither notification will settle on his screen.
So he sits in the cave. Tired and aching, not unusual but the hollow ache of his soul hits him harder than the rough patrol. He finds himself alone, for the first time in a while and he accepts it. Welcomes the dark of his mind telling him what he always secretly believed in growing up from the boy in the alley to a man in a suit.
" YOU make yourself lonely B, WE deserve it but it's okay. Gotham needs the bat more than anyone will ever need YOU."
It aches but it's okay. Everyone forgot, they should eventually. Unable to sleep off the ache of the last minutes of his day he goes back to the grave and it's been so long since he'd done this but-
"Happy birthday" he sings, quiet and low to mama and dad and leaves quiet and empty parting with the words he thought he had long forgotten before-
"just- just another year, so please take me home soon"
*** ANYWAY i needed to brainrot because bruce having thoughts of awe that he lived past the age he thought that it would be the end feels so good, thank ü 😔
When Bruce steps back in the manor, he almost jumps out of his skin.
Jason's much bigger than him now, but he still jumps in Bruce's arms, mirroring his 10 year old self. "Finally! Thought you'd never come back."
Bruce blinks, "Wha..."
Alfred tuts. " Come now, sir. We mustn't let Master Grayson's baking go to waste."
"It's cake mix from Batmart, Baba. I'd rather eat a corpse."
"Come on, Damian! How would you feel if I told B you've been bringing stray cats home for a week?"
"They're my birthday gift. Baba and I will find them good homes, like this one." And bruce just wants to cry. He does. In Jason's shoulder. Even if Jay tells him only suckers cry (he cries in Bruce's shoulder, too)
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percheduphere · 7 months
Loki Season 2 - End Game Theories Part 2
Part 1: (read here)
Part 2:
5.) Mobius's Plotline
6.) Sylvie's Role
7.) John = Mobius?
8.) The Original Timekeepers & Time Paradoxes
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He is so wounded and lost. If he can't get a hug from anybody, he'll settle for something sweet to eat.
As I mentioned in Part 1 of my theory dump, Mobius is narratively positioned to be at his lowest point. Renslayer claims he cannot make the hard decisions or the sacrifices required to do what must be done, Brad accuses Mobius of being a nobody, and Sylvie accuses Mobius for not taking the danger facing the multiple timelines seriously (more on this in Sylvie's section).
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*Sidenote: I bet Mobius has a really common name like John. More on this in John = Mobius? section.
With the latest screen captures of the mid-season trailer, it's confirmed we will see Mobius in his original timeline, but we don't know HOW he gets there. I believe there are 3 possibilities:
1.) The Loom explosion immediately throws everyone back into their original timelines (with possible exception to the gods).
2.) Mobius, with the TVA falling apart, chooses to return to his original timeline, believing that he is not necessary and will only cause more harm.
3.) The TVA and its inhabitants (with exception of the gods) slowly spaghettify and Mobius bids Loki farewell.
The images below suggest #2 and/or #3, but Loki's attire gives me pause. Unless he travels backwards or forwards in time, who would put him in the jumpsuit and collar in the present? Himself via magic, to relive how they first met before a final goodbye? If it is a final goodbye, why are they not embracing like in S1? Because it's too painful?
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I wish I could figure out the timing of this moment because of its impact on the story.
If it happens BEFORE Mobius returns to his original timeline, we know Loki and Sylvie will seek him out.
If if happens AFTER Mobius is returned to his original timeline, then Loki and Sylvie found Mobius, and Mobius chose not to stay.
Regardless, when Loki finds Mobius, he does not expect Mobius to have no memory of him. (Again, sigh)
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Another possibility is that this Mobius is not Loki's Mobius, and that Loki's Mobius will eventually see what could have been his life as an observer. This option, however, lowers the stakes and thus seems unlikely.
Whatever the case, I think we will find that Sylvie's and Mobius's narrative positions will be reversed in the last 2 episodes. Pre-Loom explosion, Loki and Mobius needed to convince Sylvie to join them. Post-Loom explosion, Loki and Sylvie will need Mobius back.
But the cost will be exceptionally high. Mobius was right: he knew knowing his life being incredibly good will tempt him away from the TVA and all the responsibilities, violence, and stress that come with it. He will need to give up his dream job, a lovely home in the suburbs, and family. Mobius won't be the only one challenged by making this choice, the weight of it will fall on Loki's shoulder's, too, and Loki needs to articulate how much Mobius means to him because Mobius has been more vocal and active in tending to their relationship, Ep 2 not withstanding.
We know why Loki would be motivated to find him, but what would motivate Sylvie to bring Mobius back? How can she help Loki facilitate this?
We know that Sylvie has the ability to see other people's memories through enchantment. It's possible she will either share her memories with Mobius directly or act as a conduit between Loki and Mobius. The latter makes more sense since Loki has more positive memories of Mobius at the TVA than Sylvie does. I think she will offer to do this because: 1.) She wants to protect her timeline, and 2.) Like Loki, she will come to realize Mobius means more to her than she thought.
From what we've seen of Sylvie in her 1982 McDonald's timeline, she understandably wants nothing more than to live a calm life and make friends of her own. All of this is perfectly valid, and she is deserving of a peaceful life.
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Her outburst at Mobius during the pie scene strikes me as a projection of her own guilt and feelings of helplessness, which she does not yet have the tools to deal with in a healthy way. Sophia is an exceptional actress: her micro-emotions shift from guilt to anger so quickly it is almost imperceptible if you're not watching closely. Sylvie is very much Loki as he used to be: deflecting responsibility by blaming others, mocking softness as a weakness, outbursts of yelling and violence. She wants to be left alone! And yet ...
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*Sidenote: I jumped out of my seat when I saw that kid's name tag: it says "John", my personal original timeline name for Mobius since forever ago.
This is a lie. Sylvie never wanted to be alone. She wanted a place to feel happy and safe.
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Look at that smile. Are you kidding me? How can anyone hate her? Mobius wants pie and hot cocoa. Sylvie wants a fast food job. Both want the comfort of normalcy. So does Loki. All of them deserve happiness.
She seems to have found a degree of these things in the 1982, Broxton, Oklahoma, Branched Timeline. Someone, however, enabled her to make a living there by getting her a job at a fast food chain ...
JOHN = Mobius?
This theory is quite a reach since the timeline is a branch, but the dates map out just right. If John (Mobius?) can't drive yet in 1982, he'd be 15, which makes his birthday 1967. Assuming this story is set in 2023 and John is Mobius, that makes John/Mobius 56. Owen Wilson is 54. Pretty darn close! I mean, look at that hand-hip pose and brown/neutral color scheme, not to mention his enthusiasm for the menu. The tie suggests he's a shift manager (someone with promising leadership skills), and he has a distinct accent.
If this kid pays off as being teen!Mobius, then I don't doubt Sylvie has a certain affection for him. In the parking lot, she asks if his mom is going to pick him up and he assures her, yes, he'll be okay. He then asks if he will see her at work the next day, and she in turn assures him she will. (If someone can find a gif of this, please let me know!) What was the point of this interaction, if not to show that Sylvie is capable of making friends and showing care towards others? If John is in fact Mobius, then what irony: they will soon create the TVA and work alongside one another again!
Sylvie will likely also feel more compassion towards Mobius if she met him as a teen. She seems to have a soft spot for kids, seeing as she gave a kid a Kablooie! which allowed Mobius and Loki to find her in S1. If John isn't Mobius, then Sylvie has at least 1 person in a timeline to protect, and that will motivate her to bring Mobius back.
They will be friends. We know, based on the image below, that they're going to make amends. We know it's going to be okay. They will unite as the 3 timekeepers because it is the right and hard thing to do. Sylvie will stay and (at least until HWR is dealt with) so will Mobius.
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I've written before in asks to @bebx and @mobius-m-mobius that I believe the story is in a timeloop, whereby killing HWR triggers a series of events which causes Loki (and possibly Sylvie) to recruit Mobius, B-15, and Casey from their respective timelines, which means their pasts. Because the TVA is destroyed by the Loom explosion, the TVA consequently needs to be created.
And I suspect the Loom, which constrains the number of branches that can exist, was put in place by HWR after the TVA was formed by the Loki and Sylvie when they went into the past to recruit the people they've already worked with.
HWR said, "See you soon" after Sylvie kills him.
Because the Loom exploded, the Loom no longer exists.
Since the Loom no longer exists, multiple timelines come to being with variants of Kang.
Loki, Mobius, and Sylvie form an alliance against Kang to protect all timelines.
To do this, Loki and Sylvie must find Mobius in his timeline, which for the purposes of the TVA, takes place in the past.
The TVA is therefore created in a past that is running along concurrent timestreams in which the TVA already exists or is in the process of being destroyed. Remember: branches run concurrently but at different points in time. Sacred Timeline Loki's timestream is ahead of L1130 Loki's timestream; LL1130 Loki is in Sacred Timeline Loki's past before he diverges.
The TVA's original purpose was to monitor for threats like HWR and combat him.
At some point, HWR and Ravonna infiltrate the TVA and wipe everyone's memory. Note that Loki suspects it's happened more than once. They likely do this on a different concurrent timestream while Loki, Mobius, and Sylvie are actively forming an alliance and combating him in another concurrent timestream. This is why the original 3 timekeepers are consistently missing. They are in the TVA's past and future at the same time but never truly in the TVA's present. HWR rules the TVA's present.
They wipe memories once (1) to make everyone forget the original timekeepers (Loki, Mobius, Sylvie) when HWR wants to be responsible for the Sacred Timeline. His image is then brought to the TVA, the Loom is installed, and pruning begins. HWR ensures that only his temporal aura can access systems when Miss Minutes overrides TVA's control.
They do it a second time (2) to make everyone forget HWR when he gets tired of his role and wants to retire via death. The 3 timelords imagery and robots are put in place to create a lore based on fact.
HWR, being a megalomanic, does not want anyone else to govern time even though he's too fed-up with it to do it himself. He will count on another HWR to do this form him.
HWR paving the road for Loki and Sylvie to find him was never about giving them the power to govern time (lies!). He needed them to facilitate a timeloop in which HWR always returns to create and control the sacred timeline in the TVA's present.
Sylvie kills him. The "end of time" takes place. The timelines branch uncontrollably. The Loom explodes. Loki, Sylvie, and Mobius build the TVA in the past.
Rinse and repeat.
The loop in itself calls into question free will.
Loki, Sylvie, and Mobius need to figure out how to break out of the loop.
This is a lot! If you made it this far, thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Let me know what you think!
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writersmess · 1 year
Pairing: Derek Hale x fem!reader
Summary: you and Derek never really argue, but when it happened, it was not pretty.
Warning: just a fluffy family
Word count: +1k
a/n: hey barbies, here i am again, at this point im not sure if i am living or just dreaming about Derek 24/7. Just to remember, english is not my first language so sorry if there’s any mistakes.
You’ve been dating Derek for some years now.
Neither of you was looking for love at the moment. Derek had just received a newborn at his door with a note that it was his son, he was completely lost.
You had been friends for some time before that, after all you were part of the pack. When you realized how desperate and clueless he was, you had no doubts, you had to help him.
Derek had no idea what was going on with him, but every time he caught a glimpse of you with the baby in your arms, putting him to sleep or simply cuddling him, it was as if something inside him became so restless to the point where he felt the need to stand in the doorway watching you, until he was caught by your loving gaze.
A few months later, you decided you should give it a try, you got along so well. In fact, at some point in all of this, you didn’t even go to your house anymore, little by little your things took over some of the empty spaces in the once so empty and lifeless apartment. That place was becoming a home and suddenly a family was being formed.
A few years has passed by, you decided to move to a bigger house so Eli could have more space while growing.
You and Derek learned to love each other, at the point that you could no longer live apart. You completed each other, needed each other.
It was so funny to imagine that one day that lonely wolf would have a family. A happy one. That every Sunday Peter, Malia and even Parish would gather at his house for family lunch, that they would be in the backyard together chatting and watching little Eli run around and have fun with his toys.
Everyone could see the love you felt for each other and the respect you had. You rarely fought, and when you did, it was over Eli’s upbringing and that you soon came to an agreement for the good of the family.
But that was until two days ago.
Derek heard that some hunters were prowling the town in search of some supernatural creature. The pack was no longer around, at least most of it. The Alpha and his friends had left town to go to college, so Derek felt the need to check out the threat.
Without even leaving a note for you.
You only found out when he came home all bruised late at night.
You could not believe your eyes when you saw him like that. You’re so pissed.
He didn’t dare to say a word, he just stood there while you took care of his wounds that was taking time to heal.
What brings you to the present day.
You were having lunch with the Hale’s and Parish, and somehow Derek started bragging about having defeated the hunters all by himself.
That was not like him.
“you must be out of your fucking mind” you couldn't stand it anymore and dumped in the middle of his superheroic stories.
“excuse me?” He looked at you in astonishment and suddenly you had the attention of everyone at the table.
“you have a three year old waiting for you everyday at home, and yet you decide to go out and save the world all by yourself? That was fucking stupid and reckless, Derek” without noticing you were raising your voice as the words were getting out of your mouth.
“oh im sorry if i saved your life, and everybody’s life”
“for fucks sake, are you listening to yourself right now?” you gasped and everyone looked at you in shock. No one had ever witnessed a fight from you before. “im sorry if you’ve only had crazy girlfriends who never cared about you, but I fucking do”
“or maybe you are becoming exactly like them”
“okay that’s enough” Peter got up and broke up the fight, but before he could reach you to get you out of the room you were quicker and got out of there.
Not before Derek noticed the look you gave him. A look he had never seen in your eyes before.
Malia followed you but also gave him that disappointed look.
He knew he had screwed up really bad.
“that was fucked up even for me” Peter said still surprised for what he had just witnessed.
While he was mulling over everything he had said, you were in the room with Malia by your side, trying to comfort you in her own way
“i can just punch him in the face if that’s okay with you, or Parish can just do his fire thing and scare Derek a lit bit, or maybe-“
“im okay sweetheart” you smiled at her, but the smile never reached your eyes. And Malia noticed it.
“no! He can’t say these things and leave it like that. Not to you. Especially not to you.” You felt your eyes watering and hugged her, leaving Malia with no reaction.
“thanks” you meant it.
You let her go and decided it was the moment to take all the doubts of your head.
You left the house with the excuse that you needed to cool down and passed the men in the living room ignoring all their calls.
A few hours passed and you couldn’t get out of the car that was in the parking lot of your old loft. Your hands were shaking, tears were falling from your face, and you felt completely lost.
You didn’t even imagine, but Derek was almost getting out of his mind searching for you. He was so afraid something has happened to you. When he drive past your old loft and saw your car, it was like he could finally breath.
You heard the knocking on your window and when you looked at him and he saw your teary eyes he became desperate.
“what happened, are you okay? Are you hurt? Who hurt you? I’m gonna kill th-“
“Im pregnant”
He froze.
You both were definitely not expecting this to happen right now. Not when Eli was still just a baby.
“i am pregnant” you repeat. Hearing these words getting out of your mouth for the second time ever.
Derek kept looking at you. You didn’t know what he was thinking, you couldn’t read him this time.
“I’m pregnant and you think I’m like your crazy ex girlfriends, how amazing is this”
You left out a muffled laugh and Derek slid into the passenger seat. His eyes never leaving yours.
“im sorry baby, I’m so sorry” he grabbed your face, forcing you to look into his green eyes. “im so sorry I hurt you, I never meant to do that, quite te opposite, I was only trying to protect you. I am nothing without you guys, you gave me a reason to live again, to dream with a family that I didn’t know I could have. I could not just be there waiting for things to happen, I couldn’t leave you unprotected, I had to do something, I had to protect you and now...”
He paused and put his hand on your stomach.
By now you were sobbing your eyes out.
“by the time Eli was at my door I had no idea what I was going to do, how could I be a father to him, or even how to have a solo parenthood and suddenly you were there to help me, to love me, to love us. And now I am here, to show how loved you are, and how good you are as a mother and will be again.”
“i love you” you said in tears.
“i love you so much baby”
You could see his eyes shinning with tears.
“We’re gonna make it, like we always do.”
And you did make it.
You had a perfect little girl, she looked so much like you. Derek couldn’t take his eyes off her.
Again, he never ever imagined he would be in this place, a father to two beautiful kids, with the love of his live by his side.
Derek Hale was completed.
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kasienda · 1 month
Bend the World Around It: Ch 3 - One Day a Week
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Read on Ao3
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(Amazing and Stunning Artwork by @blur0se)
Chapter 3: One Day a Week
They don’t talk about their names and identities. 
He doesn’t ask and she doesn’t want to talk about it anyway. It’ll just make them both sad.
But one night a week, they share an evening together in their shared apartment - their home. 
Alya always covers for her with her parents. Alya thinks it’s for her standing “patrol” night with Chat Noir, but if Alya had noticed that no patrolling was taking place she hadn’t said anything. Marinette isn’t entirely sure why she keeps her new part-time living arrangement a secret from Alya. It all just feels too fragile, like if she breathes too hard the illusion will dissipate like smoke. 
Or an alarm will go off and she’ll wake up from the dream.
Because being transformed as Ladybug while slicing vegetables for a stir fry dinner while Chat Noir observes from over her shoulder feels positively ridiculous.
Ridiculous enough to be a dream for sure.
“So you just wait until the oil is hot,” she explains as she dumps carrots into the pan with a satisfying sizzle. “And then add the vegetables in one at a time. The order is based on what takes the longest to cook.” 
Ladybug stirs the carrots around the pan before adding onions, and then mushrooms. Then she hands the spatula to him. He replicates her work with a level of enthusiasm the task absolutely does not deserve. 
It makes her smile. 
“That’s it?” he asks. “It can’t be that simple.”
She laughs. “I mean, I’m not a professional chef or anything, but basic cooking isn’t too hard once you’ve done it a few times.”
The timer goes off, and she flinches at the sound. Her eyes squeeze closed. It’s the smell of grilled onions that ground her more than anything. Then his hand, squeezing her shoulder. She looks at him and his eyes are so warm. It’s impossible not to smile back. 
She’s already awake. This is real. She doesn’t need to wake up.
“Pasta’s done,” she says, flipping the heat off. “Do you know where I can find a colander?” 
“A what?” he asks, his eyebrows scrunched up in genuine confusion. 
“Umm… a pasta strainer,” she clarifies. 
“What’s a pasta strainer?” 
She blinks at him in shock. “Oh my god! You’ve really never stepped foot inside a kitchen, have you?” 
She yanks open a cupboard, and then another, rifling through pots and pans.
“I've been inside a kitchen.”
She snorts. 
“What?! I have!”
“Clearly very little cooking took place while you were there.”
He grins back sheepishly and shrugs as she places the colander in the stainless steel sink. 
“I can’t believe I married you.”
He pulls away from the stove to step in behind her, his hands resting at her waist as he kisses her cheek. “You don’t even regret it,” he whispers, and she can hear the grin in his voice. 
And he’s right. She doesn’t regret it. 
Not even a little bit.
Ladybug serves out the food on the plates. Grilled veggies and chicken pile up on top of the pasta, and she tops it off with crushed walnuts. Her presentation is as artful as any professional plate Adrien has seen in his very privileged life, and he finds himself doubting that she’s not a professional chef.
He scoops each plate from the counter and brings it to adjacent corners of the small dining table. When they sit, she’s so close their knees bump. He relishes in the contact. 
He taps the side of her knee with his own on purpose. 
Her smile is positively indulgent. 
“You’re like a child, poking and poking for attention.”
“I’m just excited!”
Her cheeks bloom with the color of pink rose buds. “About?” 
“That you’re here! That I can touch you!” He offers his hand, and she takes it instantly. “That we can have this.” 
Her eyes turn glassy. “Me too,” she admits.
Adrien has never had family dinners like these. Not even when his mother was alive. 
He’s never ever going to let them get old. 
Marinette laughs into her cereal the next morning, remembering Chat’s cheeky expression as shared good byes not an hour earlier. She can’t believe it took her so long to let herself love him. 
“You’re in a good mood.”
Marinette startles and looks up into the amused eyes of both her parents, sitting across from her at the breakfast table.
“I am!” she agrees. “I had a really good day yesterday.”
“Anything in particular happen that made it a good day?” her mother asks.
Marinette’s smile wilts just a bit at the edges.
“Nothing in particular,” she says. 
“So you’re going to make me guess,” her papa teases.  
“Go ahead.” There’s no way they could possibly guess that she literally dreamed up a boyfriend for herself and was now living with him one day a week. 
More than anything though, she wishes she could tell them. They would love him. 
Adrien sits across from his father at the long formal dining table in the Agreste mansion. 
Every clink of his silverware echoes throughout the cavernous room. 
They don’t speak. 
Adrien doesn’t bother trying to make conversation the way he used to. He knows from previous experience that initiating conversation often is either pulling teeth or navigating a minefield and he doesn’t have the energy for either.
But it’s hard to sit still, and the hour-long meal feels like an eternity.
There’s no teasing or banter as they eat. His father would never tolerate a game of footside under the table even if they sat close enough to each other for that to be a possibility. He misses Ladybug’s voice and her laughter. Meals are meant to be shared, and Adrien didn’t know what that was like before Jubilation. 
He doesn’t know how to go back to this. 
Being dismissed afterwards to his room offers no reprieve. For all that his room is filled with books, games, a basketball hoop, and a zipline, there’s nothing in it. Not for him. It’s all soulless. 
He doesn’t even want to sit down. 
“Plagg, do you think anyone would notice if I stopped sleeping here?” 
Plagg shrugs.
Adrien takes that as permission and transforms.
He lands on the balcony and slips inside into the living room. She’s not there, but it almost doesn’t matter because the silence here is peaceful instead of oppressive.
And it’s already filled with memories of her. Real memories of her. 
He stares at the blank wall opposite the dining table that used to hold all his mother’s pictures. 
He has an idea. 
Ladybug does a double take as she walks through the dining area. The wall is covered in framed pictures of her and Chat Noir. Some, she recognizes from the Ladyblog. Others are selfies that she knows he captured on his baton. She pulls the Oblivio kiss from the wall, and touches the glass where their hands are joined. 
It’s a kiss that actually happened for all that she can’t remember it. But now, she can remember so many kisses that never actually happened. The first time she saw this picture she wanted to deny its existence. Now, with the way he’s holding her with such care, the way their fingers are interlaced, she doesn’t understand how she ever saw anything in it other than love.
“Penny for your thoughts,” he asks. 
“Why this kiss and not the Dark Cupid One? It was first.”
He shrugs. “I think this one was more special? It looks like it was something we both wanted.” 
“Do you remember it?“
He shakes his head. “Just looks like our amnesiac selves saw something in each other that maybe took us longer to realize.”
“Not you,” she counters. 
He rubs the back of his neck. “I don’t know if that’s true. The way I felt in the beginning and the way I feel now… I don’t know. It’s different.” 
She frowns, glancing up from the picture to him. “In a good way?” 
She takes in the picture for another several seconds. He’s right. 
She places it back on the wall so she can look at it every time she walks past, every time they sit down for a meal together. 
Then she catches sight of the one next to it. 
“No! Absolutely not!” she exclaims, ripping it from the wall. 
“What? Why not?”
“Why not?! It’s a terrible picture!” Her eyes are half closed and she’s making a creepy grin, and his mouth is twisted in some weird way as he’s clearly in the middle of speaking. It flatters neither of them. Its only redeeming quality is that she remembers the patrol the picture came from and they had spent the whole thing laughing so hard they could barely breathe. 
“Why do you want to look at it every day?”
“It’s a real picture,” he says, taking it from her and placing it reverently back on the wall.  
And there’s something in the way he says real that has her eyes narrowing. She wants to ask, but he shakes his head. 
“Please?” he asks. He’s begging. 
It’s a terrible picture. She hates it. There has to be better ones. 
She knows he’ll let her take it down. 
But he has a reason. The picture means something to him that he can’t explain. She can’t take that away without understanding why. 
She huffs. “Fine.” 
He grins in pure delight. “It’ll be your favorite by Christmas.” 
She groans, knowing he’s likely right. 
He laughs, and pulls her into an embrace, kissing the side of her face.
Because she's going to laugh every time she sees it. And like he said, it’s real . 
Unlike the rest of her life.
“Hey cupcake! You okay?” her father asks, poking his head up through the trap door. 
“I’m fine,” she lies. “Why do you ask?” 
It’s a stupid question. She’s wilted over her desk doing absolutely nothing. She doesn’t even have a project laid out or a video playing. Of course he’s worried that she’s not okay. 
She really needs to get better at pretending.
“You’ve just been pining away all day. And it’s the weekend.” 
“I promise I’m not pining.” She can’t be pining over Chat if she and Chat are together.
Sure, she misses him every moment they’re apart. Even his stupid jokes and his total lack of cooking experience–though she’s being unfair. He’s proven himself a fast learner. 
She wishes she could call him or send him stupid texts, wishes that she could bring him over to meet her parents. 
Who is she kidding? She’s totally pining. 
“We’ve just been worried about you. You’ve been really quiet lately, and sleeping maybe too much.” 
She wasn’t sleeping. It was just hard to get up in the morning when everything felt pointless.
“I’m okay. Just… trapped in the routine, I think.” 
“Well, come downstairs and break it up!” her father invites. 
She forces herself to smile, but she doesn’t feel it. 
The bell rings signaling the end of class, and Nino starts to pack up, but Adrien is much slower to move. Was class really already over? Adrien feels like he just got there.
Nino bumps his shoulder. “You okay, mec?” 
Adrien’s eyebrows furrow in confusion. “I’m fine.” 
He’s better than fine! He had low-key moved out of his house, and Ladybug was living with him part time! And sure, he can’t tell Nino any of that. And he can’t share anything about his day with his girlfriend either. He can’t introduce his best friend to his girlfriend or his girlfriend to his best friend. He knows they already know each other, so it seems like it shouldn’t matter. 
And yet, it’s not the same. 
“Do I not seem fine?” he asks. 
“You didn’t take any notes,” Nino points out. 
Adrien blinks down at the empty document on the screen of his tablet. “I just couldn’t focus.” That much is true at least. 
“Anything you want to talk about?” Nino offers. 
There’s so much he wants to talk about. He wants to tell Nino all of it.
But his life is all cut up into pieces, more than it ever had been before, and every way Adrien turns he’s bumping into walls that he never wanted to be there. He feels cut off, like he’s looking at the world through the glass of his bedroom window. He should be used to it. He’s no stranger to loneliness. He’s been lonely his whole life. 
But now, he’s had a taste of something more.
He’s had a literal taste of home cooked meals, been blessed with evenings full of lively conversation and joyous laughter, felt the warmth of Ladybug wrapped up in his arms as they fall asleep. 
It feels so good, he almost can’t believe it’s real.
But there’s no flying alarm clocks here threatening to shatter his dream. 
Just six neverending excruciating days between each glorious evening in paradise.
But even if one day a week is all he can have, it’s still the best his life has ever been. 
“No,” he tells Nino with a smile. “I really am okay.” 
He wills himself to believe it.
She wakes up in his arms. And it’s both the best and worst part of her day. Because she loves being in his arms, loves waking up with their heads pressed and their legs tangled together, loves how warm and treasured she feels in his hold. 
And it’s also the moment when she has to tear herself away to go back to her normal life. 
The life she doesn’t get to share with him.
One day a week is not enough. Not even close to enough. 
She steals his pillow to take home. It’s not quite the same, but at least it smells like him. 
But it doesn’t change the fact that the clock has reset and she’s six long never ending days away from seeing him again.
She trudges to school the next morning. She’s not excited about any of it, but she also has nothing better to fill her time with. 
After class, Rose is talking. Marinette tries to listen. She tries more than once, but she can barely hear a world of it. Something about trying to see a new specialist. And Marinette feels guilty. Rose deserves her attention. Marinette wants to be a part of her life, wants to be a part of all of her friends’ lives. 
But she can’t let them be a part of hers in the most fundamental way. 
And it’s becoming harder and harder each day with all her friends, with the classes she sits through counting down every minute - not until the bell rings, but until her night with Chat Noir arrives. 
For the one night a week where she gets to live . 
“Marinette? Are you okay?” The fact that it’s Juleka asking showcases how distant she must be acting. 
She summons a smile. It might even pass muster. “Of course! Just tired.” 
Four skeptical pairs of eyes peer at her. 
An akuma alert saves her from having to answer. 
But more than that, that alert doesn’t fill her with unease or panic. That alarm sends her heart skyrocketing and her stomach fluttering in the most pleasant of ways. 
That sound means she gets to see him more than once that week. 
“This is not the time for flirting!” 
Chat grins. If there’s one thing he’s learned in the last few years it’s that it’s always time for flirting.
She likes it when he flirts. And the more stressed she is, the more important it is because it keeps her out of her own head. 
And more importantly than any of that, he thinks she’s amazing and brilliant, and he wants her to know it every minute of every day. 
“M’lady! I’m just trying to ensure that if we should fall in battle, the last thing you’ll ever hear is my undying affection for you,” he says while swinging his baton like a bat to reflect the akuma’s powers. 
“Gah! I really can't believe I ever agreed to marry you.” 
He laughs in delight, twisting around her to shield her from another strike. 
Once they’re in the clear, he leans towards her. “You know it was the best decision in your life.” 
Something flashes in her eyes, and she softens. 
“Why is it impossible to stay mad at you?”
“Love you, too, M’lady,” he says cheekily, knowing full well that she wasn’t ever actually mad. 
Despite the one akuma, the rest of the week drags on like one of Ms Mendeleiev’s Chemistry lectures. When school is out, Marinette races home, makes a show of packing a bag “for Alya’s” and is out the door with barely a wave. Ladybug swings through the window an hour early, and somehow he’s beaten her there. Her joy at seeing him overwhelms the slight disappointment that she won’t be able to surprise him with a homemade dessert. 
“Hello m’la–” 
She cuts him off with a desperate kiss. He diligently drops whatever he was holding with a thud, and his arms wrap around her. Her hands tangle into his hair, caressing his cat ears to send him into a purr. She presses every centimeter of herself into every centimeter of him as if she can push hard enough to melt into him so they’ll never be separated again. She breathes in his breath, savors it, wishing she could breathe him in and take a little piece of him with her. 
When he tries to pull away, she kisses him again and again until he’s all she can see, all she can feel. 
“I love you,” he breathes against her mouth. 
“I love you, and I’ve missed you so much. There weren’t enough akumas this week.” 
He laughs. “I never thought I’d hear you say that.” 
“A week is too long.”
“A week is waaay too long,” he agrees. He takes her hand and leads her to the sofa. “I got something for you. Wait right here.” 
She sits as he darts into the other room and comes back with a box wrapped in red paper, decorated with a tiny little ladybug plush and a big black bow. 
“Aww! This is adorable,” she coos at the little ladybug.
“Open it!” he urges, his excitement bubbling over. She tears through the paper rapidly and finds herself face to face with a baby doll.
It’s meant to be a joke. She knows that it is, but she’s stroking the plastic baby’s face and hair, and she’s crying.
“It’s Emma,” she chokes out. And his arms are around her instantly. 
“It’s okay,” he whispers. “I didn’t mean to make you cry. I just — We’ll have an Emma someday. A real baby.” 
And it’s so beautiful. She wants it now.
But it feels impossible. She can’t even tell him her name. 
She clings to him as the tears come. And he holds her, his hands rub her back and he coos soothing sounds and words into her ear. 
He’s so strong. He seems to accept their situation so easily, it’s almost not fair.
“How do you do it?” she whispers. 
“Do what?” he asks softly, leaning his head against hers. 
“Go back and forth?” she says over his shoulder. “Keep this life and your regular life separate?” 
He turns her head to look at his, his eyes swirling in concern.  
“I just— I hate going back,” she continues, desperate to keep talking before the tears overwhelm her completely. “I can’t talk about you, and I can’t introduce you to my parents, I can’t tell you about any of it! And I can’t— None of it feels real!”
Her sobs break past her defense like a dam braking, and he yanks her to his chest once again. 
“I just want this all the time.”
He kisses her head, her hands, her cheeks, and then her mouth, never letting go of her. 
“How do you do it?” she asks again. 
His catlike eyes search her face. 
“I thought keeping everything separate was what you wanted,” he finally says, his thumbs stroking each of her hands. “I can do it because if this is all you’re able to give me, I will take it. But I don’t want to go back either. You broke out of the dream, M’lady. I would have stayed there forever. I survive losing the dream every week because I know it will come back.”
She blinks rapidly, trying to fend off the burn of threatened tears. He thinks she’s stronger than him, but she knows that he’s wrong. He’s always been the stronger of the two of them. He carries so much that always felt She loves him so much. 
“But if you’re telling me this is what you want full time all the time? I will tell you my name right now. Just say the word!” 
Hope bubbles up in her chest, and she nods rapidly. 
They both bolt to their feet at the unexpected voice. 
Bunnyx is standing there in the center of the living room. 
It’s so strange to see anyone there who isn’t them, Marinette feels dizzy. She blinks a few times, and Chat squeezes her hand. She knows he will follow her lead.
Marinette clears her throat. “Why are you here?”
“Ladybug, I’ve told you — you can’t know each other’s identities.”
A rock lodges in her throat, and she blinks back tears. 
Why can’t they know?
“We wouldn’t tell anyone!” Chat Noir insists. 
Bunnyx smiles softly, but it’s tinged with sadness. “I know, but you’ll get caught.”
“Monarch already knows we love each other,” Chat Noir argues back. “He’s seen us together. We haven’t been subtle during the last batch of akumas.”
“He’s seen Ladybug and Chat Noir together,” Bunnyx concedes. “It’s your civilian sides that allow him to figure it out. And then one of you always gets akumatized. And it’s a Chat Blanc situation every time!” 
“Chat Blanc?” Chat echoes.
“Do you want to explain it to him, or shall I?” Bunnyx asks. There’s no bite or malice to her tone.
Marinette turns to him, let’s her finger caress the side of his face. “I told you,” she chokes out, “our love destroys the world.”
He yanks her into his arms, and rocks her fiercely back and forth, shaking his head. “There’s no way, m’lady.”
“I saw—“ 
“He’s right,” Bunnyx tells her with a smile. “It’s not your love. It’s your identities and it’s not anything the two of you do. It’s not your fault. Not ever. Not a single time. It’s Monarch.”
Marinette sobs harder. It isn’t fair. The only thing she and Chat had ever done was try and protect Paris over and over again. She wants to love him with all of herself, she wants to love him openly. 
Why can’t they have that? 
“I think you’ve made your point,” Chat says coldly over her shoulder. “You can leave now.”
“No, wait!” Marinette objects, twisting in his arms to face their uninvited guest. “You said, it’s our civilian side that messes things up?” 
Bunnyx’s answering smile stretches across her whole face. She taps her own cheek. “I did say that, didn’t I?” 
A portal opens up behind her and she backs into it. “Don’t have too much fun, kids!” 
The portal shrinks into a dot and they are alone once again. Marinette turns to Chat, grinning. 
His eyebrows are scrunched up in that adorable way when he’s confused. “I don’t understand.” 
“Ladybug and Chat Noir can date! Outside and in the open! We just have to do it as our hero selves!” 
“We can have more than this,” she says, “if you want.” 
He answers her with another kiss that steals all of Marinette’s breath. 
“I want everything we can have, M’lady.”
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smokersbaby · 1 year
What is true romance for Smoker? If you have any headvanons for it, I'd love to see them!
I loved this simple but adorable request, It was so heartwarming to write and I hope it has the same effect on you just as it was for me.
Characters: Smoker TW: none, just fluff Word count: + 1,1k Author's note: I found some material on the internet about love language, so I decided to write some headcanons for Smoker about it.
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The 5 Love Languages of Smoker
1 - Acts of service: Smoker is for sure into the "act of service" kind of romance: he adores giving his partner his time by doing something that will make you happy for sure (even if it's not that obvious, Smoker is a careful observer when it comes to his s/o and manages to understand what you like and dislike just observing your reactions through everyday life), and above all knowing that he has little to no time, due to his full-time job as a Vice Admiral, makes his actions even more valuable. 
Smoker would find a way to show you their love through everyday efforts, just as bringing you your favourite snack when he sees you in a bad mood, knowing it will cheer you up for sure, or handling you something to drink in the middle of the afternoon without even asking for it, just because he imagined his S/O was thirsty. 
Once, when you were outside doing some kind of everyday commissions, he decided to try to cook your favourite dish for dinner. As you returned, you found out how he failed his task successfully, burning the stoves. He felt so miserable for not being able to give you a decent meal but your heart melted seeing that tough and grumpy man putting all himself into cooking just to put a smile on your face. 
2 - Words of affirmation: let's be honest, Smoker hates catchphrases such as the classic "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?". Furthermore, he's not good with words and prefers to express his affection towards his s/o with actions. But sometimes words of affirmation escape his mouth, and every single time it happens Smoker's words are genuine (and they come out of nowhere, without even realizing that his sentences sound like compliments until he sees you blush after hearing them).
Once, after returning from his job to your shared house, it was impossible not to notice how tired and a bit down in the dumps he was. As he entered the front door, Smoker embraced you in a tight and comforting hug: that simple gesture was all he needed at that moment.
"My home..." he mumbled while caressing your hair and holding your body pressed against his to feel your comforting warmth. 
As he spoke that simple word, you immediately realized that he wasn't referring to the fact that he was finally home, but he was somehow addressing you as his home, implicitly saying that you were his safe place. 
3 - Gifts: thank God he's not the kind of guy who needs to buy you expensive gifts to show you his love. On the other side, if you are accustomed to receiving lots of presents from your S/O, it can be a bit strange for you to understand his way to express his feeling at the beginning of your relationship. 
He may think that expensive gifts aren't a sign of romance if there isn't a true reason behind them, they are probably just a waste of money since happiness doesn't come from this kind of thing for him.
As said before, it's more common for him to make acts of service that can be considered little gifts to make his S/O smiles, such as giving them snacks or something they truly like eating, bringing them to see their favourite places together and enjoying a peaceful evening looking at the sea and drinking beers.
On the other way, if you look for a way to melt Smoker's heart, you can give him any kind of present, even the silliest and simplest one (like a handmade bracelet or a piece of cake) will make him all flustered and a blushing mess because it's his S/O that gave him that. He'll keep that gift of yours forever (not the cake tough, he'll eat that right away).
4 - Quality time: his favourite way to spend some quality time with you it's through cuddling: he'll lay in the bed right beside you, his arms wrapping around your body as he spoons you, making you feel protected in his warm embrace. That kind of safety you feel in his arms it cannot be found anywhere else but with Smoker since in these kinds of intimate moments he just stays silent and enjoys your presence. 
That's also his favourite way to fall asleep since he can keep you close to him and snuggle against your body. It may be difficult for you since he's 209 cm tall, but Smoker adores being the little spoon sometimes, just to understand how his S/O feels when they are in his arms (he won't tell you he likes it though).
But cuddling isn't the only thing that can be called quality time with him, since he's busy with work most of the time when he finds time to stay with you during the day Smoker tries to take you on simple dates, knowing you'll enjoy spending your time with him not only at home.
Once he brought you to a hidden tiny beach where the two of you had a picnic while looking at the sea and as soon as he understood that you loved that kind of thing so much, he tried to bring you there as often as he could (consider that he'll probably propose to his S/O there, in their special place).
5 - Physical touch: as you can already imagine, Smoker isn't the kind of partner that likes to show his love to the world.
For him, it doesn't come naturally to kiss or hug you in front of others, that's because every single touch counts as an intimate and shared moment between you two and he feels uncomfortable knowing that someone else might watch sharing your love. 
That's why other people addressed him as grumpy or rough, but if someone doesn't like to be touched in public it doesn't mean that they're a cold-hearted person. On the contrary, Smoker is a bit of a softie, and when he's alone with his S/O (as soon as he starts to get accustomed to physical touch and this way of showing love) he can become that kind of man that hugs you all the time if he has the possibility. 
Above all, he loves hugging you from behind when you don't see him coming and placing his chin on your head.
Talking about smooching, he loves to kiss your forehead as a sign of protectiveness towards you, he starts to kiss your face all over if he sees you sad or crying, making you all ticklish and laughing because of the way he smooches your face as to say "don't cry, I am here".
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