#another likes to give me lectures on my wasted potential
beeseverywhen · 1 year
The good thing about living in a block of flats is when your neighbour is irrationally angry about something you have no control over you CAN just ignore them and in no time they'll find a new neighbour to get angry at instead, allowing you to just stand by the door and get the news without being directly shouted at
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naughtyneganjdm · 1 year
Summertime at the Cabin - Chapter 2
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Summary: A family "fun" night planned by Rick leads to Y/N missing out on her plans with Negan, but that doesn't keep him away from her for long.
Characters: Negan, the reader (OC), Rick, Michonne, Carl, Judith, RJ, etc.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40856955/chapters/111695953
Warnings: Swearing, smut, etc.
Notes: This is just another dirty chapter. I'm sorry I didn't post it sooner. I fell asleep, so I'm posting it before work again. Enjoy!
With a loud sigh, Y/N looked at her phone again while she sat at the dinner table with her family. Tonight Rick had planned a family fun night at the last minute which really just meant that they ordered some pizza and played a board game at the table. Because of it, she had to cancel her plans that she had with Negan. There was part of her that wished they would just finish the game ahead of time and she would still be able to go out with Negan to do the plans that they had originally, but it was looking less and less likely. Over the last few weeks they had been seeing each other just like Negan offered. Surprisingly she got away with spending a lot of time with Negan by saying she was hanging out with some friends that she had made in the past at this place, but she would just meet Negan somewhere else. Carl kept his mouth shut because of the blackmail she had on him and things were working out plenty fine, but she still would have rather gone on that date that her and Negan had planned.
“It’s your turn Y/N,” Judith called out to Y/N holding out the dice for her to continue the game. “You look like you’re in a daze.”
“I’m fine,” Y/N denied with a shake of her head tossing the dice in the center of the gameboard before making her move. She was half assed at playing the game and she knew that. Hell, she wanted to be somewhere else. A game like this meant nothing to her, but she was attempting to appease her father.
After she made her move, she looked to her phone again and heard Rick grumble from across the table, “I’m sorry, but are we keeping you from something?”
“I just had plans tonight that I cancelled to do this with you guys,” she informed Rick with a simple shrug of her shoulders being honest with him in a sense. “That’s all.”
“You don’t think you’ve been spending enough time with your friends? You’re hardly here to begin with,” Rick snapped making her cheeks flush over with a warmth, tipping her head to the side. “You can take one night to spend some time with your family and actually act like you give a shit.”
“I do give a shit. That’s why I cancelled my plans to stay with all of you,” Y/N defended herself, her eyebrows furrowing when she could tell that her father was furious with her from where he was seated at the end of the table.
“It really seems like you would rather be with your friends. You’re here, but you’re visibly irritated and frustrated. You’re making it obvious you would rather be anywhere else,” Rick lectured his daughter and Michonne reached out to try to place her hand over his wrist.
“Rick,” Michonne stammered visibly confused by his outburst. “She’s young. Give her a break. Most people her age want to go out and live a little.”
“Well this is potentially the last time we’re going to have a family moment like this here at the cabin. She can grow up enough to enjoy some time with her family. Her younger siblings love her and look up to her. Acting like this is a waste of time in front of them is kinda bullshit if you ask me,” Rick chided back making Y/N push back and away from the table. She didn’t even think she was being that obvious that she was disappointed. “You need to stop being so selfish.”
“I think she’s being fine,” Judith reasoned with her father, looking between Y/N and Rick. “She’s playing the game and hasn’t complained at all. Plus, Y/N always makes time to play with both RJ and me. I don’t mind if she spends time with her friends at the end of the night.”
“She’s looking at the damn phone constantly,” Rick piped in making Y/N grumble something under her breath before pointing toward the board.
“It’s your turn and you’re the one that is holding everyone up. If you just played, we would be able to enjoy this game like a family,” Y/N noticed the way that everyone else at the table had gone silent and they were all staring at Rick uncomfortably. “It’s you that is making the situation weird.”
“Give me your phone,” Rick ignored her comments and reached for Y/N’s phone making her laugh when she slid it back toward her. “Seriously, give me your phone.”
“No,” Y/N pushed her phone into her pocket and folded her arms in front of her chest. What she was doing on her phone was none of his business. She wasn’t a teenager anymore and he was acting like an asshole. “That’s not something you pay for dad, so it’s very bold of you to assume I would just hand it over to you.”
“I’m your father and you do what I tell you,” Rick’s voice grew louder, but Y/N continued to shake her head. There was no way that she was giving into this one. “Give me your damn phone!”
“Rick!” Michonne finally spoke up, her face scrunching with disbelief in over how angry Rick was getting with Y/N over her phone.
“Dad, I’ve had my phone out too. What difference does it make?” Carl finally spoke up, his eyes shifting between Y/N and his father. “We’re playing the game just fine.”
“He doesn’t want your phone Carl because you’re a boy and you can do whatever you want. Dad doesn’t care when you go to your friends. He doesn’t mind if you spend the night somewhere or just disappear,” Y/N noted knowing that her father let Carl pretty much do whatever he wanted. “But when it comes to a woman, hell no, dad would never let that happen. I’m old enough to have my own family starting and I’m being treated like I’m fourteen. It’s messed up behavior.”
“You have a really smart mouth lately,” Rick pointed his finger in the direction of Y/N making her clear her throat and shrug her shoulders. “You were the good one. Now all of a sudden you are too busy to be here.”
“I’m still the good one, I just want to have a life of my own too, but I’m making time for my family,” she reasoned with her father feeling Judith sliding her smaller hand in over hers making Y/N give her little sister a weak smile. “We’re all good kids. You’re actually pretty lucky.”
“I agree,” Michonne blurt out before Rick could say anything more and upset the night any further. “Our family is an amazing one and I’m proud of all of our children.”
Rick went to get up, but Michonne reached out to place her hand in over Rick’s shoulder to get him to sit back down. Rick’s face was a bright shade of red and Michonne let out a tense breath before shaking her head, “Why don’t we just sit down and continue the game?”
“Michonne, I appreciate you and I love you,” Y/N began, her eyebrows getting tense when she felt uncomfortable with the way that Rick was treating her. “But I’m going to forfeit tonight fam. I’m sorry, I’m not feeling very good.”
“Sit back down,” Rick demanded snapping his fingers and pointing toward the chair when she stood up from her seat slowly. The way his face got red made Y/N chuckle at his outburst.
“Who are you right now?” Y/N was surprised even with the way that Rick was acting. “What is going on with you?”
“What is going on with you? You aren’t being like you,” Rick ranted flustering her because the only thing she had been doing is actually spending time with people other than being stuck at home the entire time. “Sit down.”  
“No, I’m actually going to go upstairs and lay down. You need some time to calm down and I’m not feeling all that great after this interaction,” Y/N explained, leaning down to give RJ a kiss on the head before doing the same for Judith. “Enjoy the rest of your night.”
“Y/N, damn it,” Rick called out with an angered breath when she headed for the stairs.
It seemed like Rick was going to come after her, but she could hear Michonne trying to talk him down. Moving into the bathroom, she closed the door behind her and tried to take in steady breaths. Going to the sink, she splashed some water in over her face. What really sucked about this whole thing is that she had a generally good relationship with her father. It just seemed like the more she wanted to be her own person, the more he wanted to control her. At this point, she was old enough to be on her own and taking care of herself. And she was. She had her own apartment, job and everything. So this all felt a bit extreme. With the way he was acting, it seemed like he still thought she was Carl’s age and she wasn’t. She was far from it.
After taking some time to just calm down, she headed out of the bathroom and listened for a moment. The tone of everyone’s voice seemed to have calmed down, but she could tell that Rick and Michonne were still talking. It wasn’t loud enough for her to hear as they were being quiet, but she didn’t really care to listen in. Things were just so complicated with her father lately and she was getting sick of it.
Heading into her bedroom, she entered the darkness of the room that was around her and turned around to lock the door behind her when she closed the door. Reaching for the light, she felt someone snatching her wrist in their strong grasp pushing her firmly against the door. Fingers wrapped around her mouth when she felt a warmth pressing in behind her making her tense up immediately. At first, she considered making a sound until the familiar scent of the cologne that she had become familiar with filled her lungs. Keeping up with the game, she struggled a bit when the warmth of the breath lingered over her ear.
“You should always turn your light on first. Someone could be in your room just waiting for you,” Negan’s deep rumble of a voice filled the air around her making her smile against his hand that was over her mouth. “You never know what’s waiting in the dark to take advantage of you.”
“Maybe I want whatever is waiting in the dark to take advantage of me,” she licked her lips when the hand slid down from her mouth to her neck to grab a firm hold of it. A wince fell from her throat when the weight behind her pressed closer into her. “How did you get into my room Negan?”
“Not easily,” Negan firmly turned her around, forcing her back against the door with a bit of force. “I didn’t have to wait as long as I was expecting though.”
“Well, my dad was being an asshole,” she whimpered when she felt Negan’s bottom lip dragging over her lips causing her eyes to close tightly. “I kind of liked this whole scenario we had going with being taken advantage of in the dark.”
“Okay then,” Negan growled, nipping at her bottom lip in a teasing fashion before putting some pressure in over her shoulder to get her down to her knees. Negan adjusted his stance before her and smiled when the moonlight lit up her face in the dark room that they were in. “Open your mouth.”
“Yes sir,” she slurred, getting up on her knees when she felt Negan’s thumb dragging out over her bottom lip making a chill flood down her spine. Wrapping her lips around Negan’s thumb, she seductively sucked at it making him groan. With a purr, she heard him moan and it made her smile. “You won’t hurt me, will you?”
“As long as you’re a good girl, I won’t hurt you,” Negan remarked pulling his hand away from her before starting to pull apart his belt. Instead of rushing it, he took his time drawing it out for her seeing that she was on her knees eagerly anticipating what she knew was coming. Once he had his pants open, he reached inside to grab a hold of his cock, pulling it out into the cool air surrounding them. The grasp he had on the base of it was hard enough to draw attention to his straining, aching tip. Arching his hips forward, he dragged the tip of his cock over her wet bottom lip making her mewl out. “Be a good girl…”
“You’re so fucking hard already,” she commented before flattening her tongue out over the swollen head of his cock making his eyes come to a tight close. Tipping his head back, a moan fell from his throat that burned a fire deep within her. Circling her tongue over the sensitive flesh, she found the appeal of being taken advantage of in this situation. Wrapping her lips around his length, she sucked tenderly at the flesh before lapping her tongue at his flesh. “You can be rough with me.”
“Is that what you want?” Negan inquired, his right eyebrow arching up when she gave him a nod and continued to dote on his cock like it was her own personal lollipop. With the way her eyes were looking up at him, he smirked and sank his fingers firmly into her hair making her let out a wince. Grabbing a hold of his erection, he led it into her mouth and pushed his hips forward making her gag slightly. “Relax your throat.”
Placing her hands on his slender hips, she braced herself while Negan fucked her mouth thrusting his hips forward before pulling back. Repeatedly he carefully went through with the motions, making wet sounds fill the air around them while she attempted to make what he was doing pleasurable for him. With a slurping sound, Negan pulled her from his length and pumped his hand over his body seeing her licking her wet lips. “You’re a naughty girl, you know that?”
“I’m your naughty girl,” she corrected, extending her tongue out for him allowing Negan to tap the tip of his cock against it before she wrapped her lips around his girthy length once more. Negan’s hand found its way against the back of her head to help lead the bobbing motions of her head over his cock making his faint, raspy moans fill the air surrounding her. Digging her fingers into his hips, she closed her eyes and tried to make sure to drag her tongue along his shaft on her pull back. By the way that Negan was panting, she knew that he was enjoying what she was doing. With a gasp, she felt Negan allow her a moment to breathe and she licked at her lips again. “What else do you want to do to me?”
“What? This isn’t good enough for you?” Negan snorted, wrapping his fingers loosely around his manhood while he stroked over it in unhurried movements. With a chuckle, Negan picked her up and pushed her against the door making her grunt when her back hit it. “You want me to eat out your pretty little pussy, don’t you?”
“I mean…it’d help,” she bobbed her head about making Negan smirk before being rough in the way that she wanted him to be in getting her clothes from her body. It had her bracing her hands on anything she could grab when he got her down to her bra and panties. Before he continued, Negan pulled the t-shirt that he was wearing from his body to toss it back behind him. Hooking his arm around her waist, he pulled her forward toward him and fumbled with her bra to get it unhooked. The material was swiftly pulled from her body and tossed aside. Almost immediately, Negan took her breast into his mouth kissing and sucking at the flesh having her head dropping back against the door. His tongue circled her nipple before he nipped teasingly at the small bud. With ease, Negan kissed across her chest and did the same to her other breast while his fingers hooked into her panties. When they dropped to her ankles, she felt the coolness of the air drawing chills to run down her spine. “You know my family is down in the kitchen below us, right?”
“I thought that was part of what was exciting you so much,” Negan dragged his tongue over his bottom lip before letting out an amused sound. Lowering his right hand, Negan reached between them to run his long slender fingers between her folds. It had her tremoring and an amused sound escaped his throat. When the roughness of the pad of his thumb circled in over her clitoris, it had her arching her hips forward to his touch. “You’ve really enjoyed this scenario, haven’t you?”
“Yes,” she admitted, cooing out when his torturous caress continued over her excited body. Biting into her bottom lip, she tried to keep her whimpers silent. Pulling his hand back, Negan shoved his pants further down his legs to his ankles. Stepping before her, he hooked his arm around her again to bring their flesh together. The warmth of his body pressed against hers made her whine. Rocking her hips, she could feel the solid form of his erection just beyond her touch while she tried to rock her hips toward him.
“Nuh-uh,” Negan shook his head with a tsking sound, pulling his hips back just enough to keep himself from her. He wasn’t allowing her any kind of friction knowing that she was desperate for it. “You told me that you want to be taken advantage of. You don’t have any kind of control here.”
“You’re cruel,” she pouted, purring out when he grabbed a firm hold of her jaw. His thumb centered in over the fleshy part of her throat, applying a small amount of pressure making her wince before humming out. “Remind me again why I’m dating you?”
“Do we have enough time to list off all the qualities about me that you are addicted to?” Negan joked, his eyebrows bouncing up in amusement. Sliding his hands in over her back, he slid his large palms down to squeeze in over her fleshy bottom to pull her up close to him. It took her breath away being this close to him and she loved it.
“You’re arrogant,” she tipped up just enough to faintly nip at his bottom lip making him snicker in response.
“And you love it,” he growled, dragging his tongue out over her lips making her smile. “There isn’t one thing about me that I can think of that you don’t like.”
“I don’t like being teased and you tease me a lot,” she whined when she tried to bounce her hips in closer to his, but he wouldn’t allow her.
“Well, tough shit. You gave me the control in this situation and you have it most of the time,” Negan reminded her with an arch of his eyebrow. “You asked me of something and I plan to deliver it and give you just what you want.”
Having their bodies pressed together made her shake when he reached between them to grab a hold of the root to his masculinity. Teasing the tip of his cock through her wet folds had her letting out a whimper. He was finding amusement in this, but at the same time it still made him groan out. It was affecting him just as much as it was her.
Faint kisses brushed in over her shoulder and started to lower down over her chest. With a labored breath, she watched Negan kiss down her body and stop at her knees. When his fingers squeezed over her thighs in a possessive grip, she knew that it was going to leave a mark, but she didn’t care. Negan pushed her legs further apart and got himself more comfortable on his knees before her. Extending out his tongue, Negan dragged it along her center making her reach out to grasp at his shoulders to brace herself. The motions were tempting in the most amazing of ways until he took the small bundle of nerves between his lips to suckle softly at the flesh. It had her hips bouncing forward toward him giving Negan the go ahead to start pleasuring her. With the sounds alone he was making while he pleasured her could have sent her into the purest form of ecstasy, but he was determined to make her come with his mouth. It wouldn’t take much. He knew what to do with his lips and his tongue to make her melt in the palm of his hand. And that’s just what he was doing. The wet sounds actually turned her on more while Negan pampered her with the skills that she had learned his mouth and tongue were very much capable of.
Grasping his hair tightly in her fingers, she licked her lips and felt her body reacting to his mouth in the most erotic of ways. Faintly rolling her hips toward him, she enjoyed the friction that his soft beard caused against her sensitive flesh. It added to the sensation of everything while he focused so intensely on pleasuring her. Negan groaned out and it made her shake. If he wasn’t holding onto her like this, she was certain that she would have fallen over. Her legs were shaking, her heart hammering inside of her chest and she was panting. Negan knew what he did to her body. They had only been dating for a few weeks, but with how often they were together she felt like they had learned more about each other than a couple that may have been together for years. They knew each other’s bodies and knew so much about one another that they had connected on another level than most people do.
“Good?” Negan growled against her flesh after dragging his tongue along the length of her and looking up at her with a mischievous look in his eyes. Hell, he didn’t need her to tell him how he was doing, he knew the signs of how she enjoyed something by the way that her body reacted to him and the way she sounded.
“So good,” she licked her lips knowing that Negan was just looking for praise when he smirked. “Now get back to work.”
“Yes ma’am,” Negan growled making her shudder when it vibrated against her flesh. Between Negan’s mouth and his tongue, she was a shuddering mess before him. The sound of people moving around the cabin was heard and she did her best to keep her mouth shut. Biting into her bottom lip, she could feel her body start to twitch and shake. It was obvious she was about to hit that moment of pure bliss and Negan didn’t let up. His tongue continued it’s talented caress over her clitoris while he pumped one of his long slender fingers inside of her.
“Negan,” she whispered behind gritted teeth knowing that she wanted to scream out when he got her to the brink of her orgasm. Just as it hit, she lifted her hand to cover her mouth to keep herself quiet. It made her eyes slam shut and an amused rumble fell from Negan’s throat when he pulled his mouth away from her body with an arrogant sound. “Fucking hell.”
“I know,” Negan dragged his thumb across his bottom lip before sucking at the tip of it after collecting the taste of her from it. With a moan, he slowly stood up to his feet and felt her reaching across to caress in over the lengths of his chest. Her fingers tugged at the dark curls of hair over his torso and she purred out. “How do you think your daddy would feel about me eating out your pretty little pussy while he’s down there having family night?”
“My dad would put a bullet in you if he knew that you were here,” she informed him with a half-smirk, her eyes visibly amused that he brought up her dad again knowing exactly how Rick would be. “I might do the same if you don’t put that dick inside of me soon.”
“Is that a threat?” Negan questioned with his eyebrows bouncing up showing that he was surprised with her response. When she looked down, his gaze followed when he watched her fingers curl around the swell of his masculinity. Placing his right hand on the door to brace himself while she slowly pumped the length of him in her hand, Negan couldn’t help but find amusement in the situation.
“It absolutely is,” she tipped up on her toes, nipping at his bottom lip and giving it a tug. It made Negan groan before he reached down to hook his arms around her thighs. Lifting her up, he pressed her hard against the door making her wince with the movement. Looking between them, Negan’s lips were parted when she helped to lead his erection toward her entrance. With a roll of his hips, Negan sank his body into hers. When they were joined together, they both let out a pleasured sound that echoed. It brought a sense of fear to Y/N, but she liked it. The cabin was usually quiet and if someone was close enough, they would have heard the two of them. “You need to be quiet or my father will kill you.”
“Daddy will do his best,” Negan mused with a grumble when she tugged at his hair, yanking his head back and making him hiss. With a muted groan, Negan looked down between them as his cock sank further into her depths. The way her warmth enveloped him always felt incredible and he couldn’t get enough of it.
With the first roll of his hips, it made her cry out and it was louder than it should have been. Realizing she was going to be shit with this staying quiet stuff, he covered her mouth with his and kissed her heatedly. Taking his time with his thrusts, Negan tried to find what would work the best between them in this position. When he found it, he pounded into her with reckless abandon. If he wasn’t trying to have her make noise, he was doing a shitty job at that because his thrusts were powerful and felt amazing. Moaning against his mouth, she tried so hard to stay quiet but Negan knew what he was doing. It felt like it was a game at this point.
“Fuck…Negan…” she whimpered, nipping at his bottom lip when her pants filled the room around them. “God, you fuck so good.”
With a worried breath, she heard the sounds of footsteps on the wooden stairs leading up toward the second floor and her hand immediately slid in over Negan’s lips. His movements stopped, but she felt faint with how good everything had felt. Her heartrate was undoubtedly high. With his cock stagnant inside of her, her body was just begging her to move her hips hoping for that sweet stretching feeling that felt so incredibly amazing, but she knew that she couldn’t.
Whining quietly, she couldn’t help but rock her hips the best way she could over his length, drawing him out of her slightly before back again. Negan’s eyes rolled back and he closed them while he allowed her to do this multiple times until the faint knock on her door was heard making her panic. They both froze, his lips still hovering over hers. With a soft smacking sound she covered Negan’s mouth with her hand again to keep him quiet. A tiny laugh vibrated against her flesh when he was entertained with how she had done it.  
“Hey Y/N?” Rick’s voice was heard making her tense up immediately and it made Negan moan into her hand. With her muscles tightening up, she clenched to his rigid form inside of her and it had him reacting even though she didn’t want that. Having her father be right outside the door with Negan inside of her was not the best of situations to be in. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” she breathed out trying to keep it together enough to respond to her father in hopes of getting rid of him.
“Can we talk?” Rick asked of her making her let out an upset sound knowing that this was the worst possible time in the world. “Please?”
“Dad, I’m getting dressed to go to bed,” she lied knowing that things were a bit more extreme than that. “And…I just…”
“I get it, I’ve probably made you feel uncomfortable and I understand that,” Rick began with a long sigh and she heard his hand sliding down the door on the other end. With a gasp, she felt Negan start to unhurriedly thrust his hips again making a panicked sound fall from her lips. “It’s just hard knowing that you are grown up now and likely going to be leaving me soon Y/N. You have to understand that. I know you’re an adult and you can make your own decisions in life, but I’m your father and it’s really hard letting go of you.”
“It’s fine dad,” she dug her fingers into Negan’s shoulders while he continued to roll his hips beneath her. With his movements being so slow, it really enhanced the friction and she was doing everything she could to keep it together. There was amusement in Negan’s eyes while his lips parted and he hovered them just over hers. “I get it.”
“You do, but you don’t,” Rick stammered from the other side of the door and she heard him drop back against the other side of it making her huff. He was likely leaning against the door and it frustrated her that now was the time he decided to grow a conscience. “You’re my first Y/N and you’re my daughter. I love you and I want the best for you, but I also have a hard time realizing that you’re grown up now. I still remember what you were like when you were a baby. So small and depending on me for everything.”
“It’s okay dad, we can have this conversation tomorrow,” she almost begged of him knowing that Negan was purposely doing this. It made her wonder if she drew blood with how hard she was digging her nails into his shoulders, but he didn’t care. In fact, he started thrusting just a bit harder making her bounce with every forward plunge his big cock made inside of her. “Truth be told dad, I’m not really feeling all that well. I’d love to talk about this, but maybe we can do it tomorrow.”
“We can talk more tomorrow, but I just would feel better knowing that you heard I’m sorry,” Rick explained further making her cuss out under her breath. With the deep plunges of Negan’s throbbing length inside of her, she wanted to cry out. She wanted to scream his name, but she couldn’t. And the fact it was such a slow movement in comparison to what they were doing before made the ache so incredibly painful that she wanted more and she wanted it bad. “I’m not trying to be an asshole.”
“Accept his apology,” Negan whispered in her ear, his tongue drawing out over it making her shudder when she felt the warmth of it over her flesh. “He won’t leave until you accept his apology.”
“I get it. Don’t worry about it, I’m not mad,” she did what Negan told her knowing that at this minute, she really could care less about what her father was saying because she had other things that were taking precedence over that.
“Is everything okay? You sound like you’re distracted,” Rick grumbled making her huff when Negan rolled his eyes and lifted her up to pull her in against his chest. Heading over to the bed, Negan carefully lowered her down at the bottom of the bed before crawling in over her. Pushing her hands up over her head, he hooked his fingers around her wrists and pinned them down. With a smacking sound, he entered her again and filled her completely to the hilt making her whimper out. “What was that?”
“I stubbed my toe on the bed,” she immediately blurt out hearing Negan snicker against the side of her neck while he started to casually pull back his hips and then smack forward. She was mortified that her father was outside the door, but it seemed like Negan didn’t have a care in the world. In fact, it felt like he got off on the idea of it and liked it. “I’m just going to go to bed right now. Tomorrow we can talk more about things if you want. I just…God, I’m so…so…”
Dropping her head back, she felt Negan go stagnant inside of her again making her hips arch up and her head fall back against the bed, “tired.”
“Okay sweetheart, just know that I love you,” Rick called out from where he was standing at the other side of the door. When the sound of Rick walking away was heard, she reached her hand up to smack at the side of Negan’s face making him chuckle.
“You sound like you’re distracted,” Negan mocked Rick’s southern drawl making Y/N laugh out at how well he seemed to mimic her father’s voice. Starting to quicken his movements, Negan was bucking up against her with rhythmic, rough thrusts that had her crying out with every movement. “Your dad was being that bad, huh?”
“Huge asshole,” she lifted up enough to meet his lips in a desperate kiss. Her tongue flicked out against his making him moan. “You have no idea how much it hurts after having you just inside of me and not being able to move.”
“You poor girl,” Negan feigned empathy, peppering wet kisses over her lips before pressing his forehead to hers. “How are you going to survive.”
“You dick,” she managed to flip him over onto his back so she could crawl in over him. Hooking her fingers with his, she started raising and dropping her hips over his cock making Negan groan out. His eyes were focused between them while she took his girthy length into her time and time again. “Nothing feels better than having you inside of me.”
“I want nothing more than that,” Negan growled, licking his lips while she dominantly moved over him, having her way with every part of him.
Part of her knew that she was moving too hard and being too loud, but she didn’t care. She was desperate to have that release. She wanted to be fucked by Negan and she loved being loud when she was with him. Negan was a verbal lover and not being able to do that was almost like punishment for her.
“You just love daddy’s cock so much, don’t you?” Negan lifted up enough to suck at her bottom lip, his hips bouncing up toward hers to meet her movements. The muscles in his body were tense while she used him the way she wanted, taking no time in the way she was moving over him for breaks. “Fuck…Y/N…”
“Fill me up with your cum,” she demanded of him, leaning further in over him. Her breasts pressing in against his chest. His large hands cupped her bottom and squeezed firmly at it, helping aiding to her movements over him.
“You’re going to have to do better than that if you want to make me come,” Negan almost egged her on, a wicked chuckle escaping his lips when she started raising and dropping her hips over him in more powerful, faster thrusts. It made him drop his head onto the bed while she took that as encouragement. Smacking firmly over her bottom had her mewling out before her lips meshed in over his. With a few winces falling from him, Y/N felt Negan pull his mouth away from hers and she could see that he was looking between them. “Fuck…”
“Come in me daddy,” she hummed against his lips, sucking faintly at his bottom lip while the smacking sounds of their skin filled the air. Gasping, she felt Negan grabbing a hold of her hips to keep her in place so he could bounce his hips up over and over again into her. From what she had gotten accustomed to, she could see in the way that his eyes looked that he was about to come. Moaning out, she braced herself knowing that he was being rough and fast because that’s what she asked of him. The pulsating of his cock was felt inside of her followed by the warmth of his release, but he continued to work through his orgasm hoping to get her to hers. After a few more pumps of his body into hers, she dropped fully over his chest and rest her head against the curve of his neck hearing him trying to catch his breath. When he gained enough strength, he rolled her onto her back again and covered her so he could pepper her with kisses. “You’re a good boy.”
“I love you,” Negan slurred against her lips, having that sense of passion in the way he was kissing her after he came. Pulling her head back, she shook her head and gave him a frustrated expression. “What?”
“You’re kind of ruining the experience here. Someone coming into my room just to take me and have me any way he wants isn’t going to tell me that he loves me,” she reminded him with an amused sound making Negan lick his lips. His hazel eyes were heavy with lust while he gazed into her eyes. “You’re supposed to use and abuse me.”
“But I do love you and this is fake,” Negan leaned forward to suckle at her bottom lip making her purr before hooking her fingers into his thick, dark hair to pull his head back. “You know you love when I say it.”
“Of course I do,” she grunted, pulling him to her lips to kiss him feeling the softening of his body inside of her because he hadn’t yet pulled out. “I…fucking love you too.”
“Good,” he rumbled, suckling at her flesh before burying his head against the side of her neck while he worked to gather his breath back. When Negan crawled in over her and got comfortable, she stroked her fingers against the curve of his neck enjoying the warmth of his body over hers. “You are everything to me.”
“I know,” she smirked making his head raise, his tired eyes squinting before a half-smile tugged at his lips. Negan shook his head and lowered his head to cuddle it in against her shoulder while she held onto him. It was surprising how fast they had managed to tell one another that they had loved each other. What felt like almost a revenge relationship for the both of them that started out as purely sexual quickly became something so much more between them. Negan was the first one to tell her that he loved her and it came so out of the blue, but she knew that she felt it too. They were together all the time and never wanted to be apart. It wasn’t supposed to be like this, but it just happened. “What are we going to do at the end of the summer?”
“Don’t leave,” Negan whispered, lifting his head enough to stare out at her with his beautiful hazel eyes. Carefully adjusting his weight, Negan laid in beside her so he could stroke over the side of her face and offer up a big cheesy smile. “Stay with me. You can move in.”
“My father would throw a shit fit,” Y/N cuddled in closer to him, enjoying the warmth of being wrapped up in his arms. “He’s going to shit a brick when he finds out that the two of us are actually dating.”
“Tough shit,” Negan growled, nuzzling his nose against the side of her neck making her laugh in response to the tickling sensation. “He can help someone build a house with it then.”
“God,” she rolled her eyes at his joke making her shake her head. “I’m worried about how he will react. Hey dad, guess what? I’m moving in next door with the guy that you’ve hated your whole life and I’m head over heels in love with him.”
“Your dad can’t control who you love,” Negan hummed, peppering kisses over the side of her neck and down over her shoulder before lifting his head again giving her a goofy smile this time. “I think we both entered this relationship out of curiosity. You were looking to rebel a little bit and I…just really wanted to fuck with your father. But…I fell in love with you.”
There was something in the way that Negan stroked his fingers through her hair that was incredibly tender and the way he stared out at her made her feel seen for the first time in her life, “We can run away together.”
“I’m poor,” Negan snorted, his nose wrinkling in amusement when she huffed. “Unless you have a stash of money hidden somewhere, the house that I have is the house that I’ve got. I’m a gym teacher darlin’.”
“The sexiest gym teacher I’ve ever seen,” she assured him, reaching out to cup the side of his face making him smirk. “You know I love your job. I was just teasing. My father can’t take me away from you. No matter how hard he tried.”
“I’m glad to hear that,” Negan traced his thumb in over her bottom lip, his eyes totally enamored with her when he offered up a weak smile. “Nothing feels quite as right as it does when you’re in my arms. Watching you sleep is the greatest gift I’ve been given in so long. You make my heart feel so fucking full.”
“Negan Smith, one hell of a sex God that will fuck your brains out, but also one hell of a man that will hold your heart in the palm of his hand and make you absolutely melt,” she responded making him chuckle before turning into the palm of her hand to kiss over the center of it. “What was the date you had planned today?”
“I can’t tell you,” he hushed her, lifting up enough on his arm to drag his fingertips down over her shoulder, over her arm and over her hip. He drew small designs over her flesh and she found joy in it. “We’re going to do what we were supposed to do today, tomorrow night. So…it still has to be a secret.”
“I like secrets,” she leaned in to kiss him again making him hum against her flesh.
“Good, because this one is special,” Negan guaranteed her making her smile and nod her head. “It is.”
“Every moment with you is special,” she slid her palm up over the center of his chest to draw circles over it, twisting her fingertips through the dark hair that covered his body. “I cherish every moment we have.”
“Smooth,” Negan reached for her to pull her in closely to him and he let out a disappointed sound. “Do you want me to leave?”
“Fuck no,” she immediately shook her head making Negan smile before biting down on his bottom lip. “You’re in my bed tonight and you are staying. You can sneak out in the morning, but you’re not leaving my arms tonight mister.”
“I like the way you think,” Negan cuddled in closer to her, enjoying the silence that fell over them while they cuddled together.
Y/N had fallen asleep first, with her head resting over the center of his chest and it made him smile. Knowing that she felt comfortable enough with him to fall asleep like this made him all the more in awe of her. Closing his eyes, he knew that being with Y/N was the first time that he was relaxed enough to be able to sleep through the night. She was his comfort and he loved her very much. With Y/N was the only time he didn’t have nightmares since Lucille passed and he always slept all the way through the night.
In fact, he slept through until he was awoken by the sensation of the warmth of her tongue circling his nipple before nipping at the taut bud. It made Negan smirk while she palmed down over the center of his chest and he pulled her in closer to him, “You never let me sleep.”
“I want a shower. You want to take a shower with me?” she purred, nipping at his flesh making him hiss out. “We would have to sneak out in the hallway, but there are locks on the doors. You’d have to be really quiet.”
“I can be quiet, can you?” Negan lifted his head enough to meet her in a quick kiss. A laugh fell from his throat when she poked at his ribs making him arch himself away from her. “You know I’m ticklish. Don’t do that.”
“It still kills me that you are this incredibly sexy men that acts all big and bad, but you’re ticklish,” she mused, teasing at his flesh again making him chuckle while he fought to grab her wrists to stop her from doing that. “You’re adorable.”
“Yeah? Well, you’re adorable,” Negan repeated back, brushing his fingers through her hair. There was a sense of joy with the way that he smiled and it made her happy to know that she was the cause of it. Giving him a quick kiss, she carefully got up from the bed and reached for his hand. Leading him to the door, she listened closely to make sure that it was quiet outside of the bedroom. It was early enough that everyone should have been still sleeping. Opening the door carefully, she stepped forward to take a look to make sure they were safe before leading Negan through the hallway swiftly toward the bathroom. Once they were inside of the bathroom, she closed the door quickly and smirked. “I realized I should have grabbed something to put on instead of the two of us just walking in the hallways completely naked.”
“We’ll be good,” she assured him bracing her hands against the center of his chest to tip up on her toes to kiss him. She got so much enjoyment just from kissing him as his hands grasped firmly to her hips to bring them closer together. “Well, as long as we stay quiet. This time everyone isn’t up and moving around.”
“Challenge accepted,” Negan growled against her lips allowing her to slip from his grasps. Heading to the shower, she turned it on and turned to look over her shoulder at Negan who had his eyes on her ass. Stepping forward, Negan reached to squeeze over her bottom before giving it a small smack. “You know, your father needs to really upgrade the showers in here. At least at my place, I’ve made the shower an enjoyable place to be. This is a very archaic looking one.”
“My dad has very archaic taste,” she pointed out with a huff, reaching to pull Negan into the shower with her before grabbing the shower curtain and pulling it closed. With a whine, she watched Negan jump and reach to turn the knobs of the shower. “What?”
“It’s freezing,” Negan grunted, getting the water warmer before stepping in under the stream of water to wet his body down.
“Even worse, when someone flushes a toilet or turns on the sink in this place, it makes the water absolutely freezing. My dad needs to update this place so bad. But I suppose since he only comes here for the summer, he thinks it’s okay. That’s why I like being at your place better. It’s so much nicer,” she commented, joining him under the stream of water. Negan’s hands caressed up and over her sides when he moved in behind her. Closing her eyes, she took in the feeling of him kissing in over her shoulder before moving for her neck to kiss her there as well.
“Why am I not surprised to hear that Rick the prick is like that?” Negan slurred before nipping at the side of her neck making her let out a shuddering breath. “I’d like to think you take more after your mother because I love the shit outta you. Your father on the other hand…”
“The sad thing about the two of you is that if my dad actually gave you a break, I think he’d like you…” she bit down on her bottom lip when Negan’s palm slid between her thighs to caress over the most intimate parts of her. Bracing her hands against the shower wall, she licked her lips and did her best to stay quiet while he kissed over the side of her neck. “He’s just letting a stupid game from when he was a kid ruin his life.”
“Men get very serious about their sports,” Negan chuckled against her earlobe hearing her let out an extended breath when he pressed one of his long, slender digits inside of her. Taking his time, he let her get accustomed to it before inserting another. “His best friend was such an asshole. He got him fueled all the time. Your dad was a follower and his best friend was a fucking dick. That guy always got him going.”
“Uncle Shane?” she questioned looking back over her shoulder at Negan seeing him think back on the name. “My dad is still good friends with him…and he shouldn’t be. The guy is a total asshole. I liked him when I was a kid, but…”
“But?” Negan muttered, his eyebrow arching when she let out a whimper and reached to grab at his wrist when he stopped thrusting his fingers inside of her to listen. Realizing that she wanted him to go back to what he was doing, he snickered and nuzzled his nose against the side of her neck.
“Before my dad got married to Michonne, he was with Lori. They had Carl, but Lori ended up cheating on my dad with Shane. They were doing it behind my dad’s back. There was even a question if Judith was Shane’s daughter, but my dad refused to believe that it was. He knew that they were cheating, but he took Judith on as his own. Didn’t want to question if she could be Shane’s. They tried to stay together for Judith, but he just couldn’t do it,” she gasped, falling forward against the shower when his fingers quickened inside of her. “My dad ended up meeting Michonne before he got divorced and well…”
“And your dad is still friends with the guy?” Negan snorted pulling his fingers from her body. When he did, she let out a disappointed sound. “Listen, you greedy little thing. You’re not going to be empty for long. You’ll get your pleasure back…”
With a whimper, she felt Negan grab a hold of her hips to pull them where he needed them before she felt the warmth of him moving in behind her. Negan grabbed her hips in his and led her back toward him. When she rubbed up against the solidness of his flesh, she wanted to make a noise, but she knew better. Closing her eyes, she enjoyed the way that Negan teased her. The way he traced the tip of his hard cock through her folds made her want everything all the more. It made her ache and want him more than he could ever imagine. When the tip pushed at her entrance, she bit onto her bottom lip knowing that she needed to stay quiet. With ease, he thrust into her filling her completely making her want to make a noise, but instead she reached to squeeze at his wrist knowing that he was certainly testing her in this moment. The pleased sound he made showed her that while she did her best to stay quiet, she was still going to make a few mistakes.
“Your dad needs to grow a sack,” Negan growled against the back of her ear making her jaw clench. The warmth of his breath drew chills down her spine and she tried to keep it together.
“Can we not talk about my dad’s sack while you’re balls deep inside of me?” she begged making Negan laugh out, but he tried to silence himself when he thought of where they were.
“I will happily oblige to that request,” Negan replied, starting to thrust his hips behind her underneath the hot water. An occasional heavy breath or muted moan escaped the both of them while he took his time with her. Negan’s palm slid from her hips so he could caress at her clitoris in tempo of his thrusts behind her. This wasn’t something they were going to drag out considering the situation. With Negan kissing over the side of her neck, she knew that everything inside of her wanted to cry out, but she couldn’t. Even with him, he was grunting and moaning against the side of her neck trying to mute the sounds. “I’m going to come.”
“Me too, just keep going,” she begged hearing Negan’s deep winces filling the air and she rocked her hips against his thrusts making a wet smacking sound fill the shower. Falling forward, she could feel her body shaking against his and Negan quickened the thrusts his manhood made inside of her chasing that orgasm himself.
With a knock at the door, she heard Negan cuss out and felt him smacking against her firmly when he started filling her with his release. He bit at her shoulder trying to keep himself quiet when he started his orgasm, “I’m taking a shower!”
“I gotta take a piss Y/N,” Carl called out from the other side of the bathroom door while Negan continued to pound into her through his release until the very end. Negan dropped his head to rest his forehead against the back of her neck while he gathered himself. “Hurry up!”
“Go downstairs!” she demanded hearing Carl huff out on the other side of the door. “I’m in the middle of the shower.”
“Mom is in the bathroom. I already ran down there,” Carl whined and she heard a rustling with the knob. “I’m popping the lock. I need to go so bad.”
“What the fuck Carl? I’m naked in the shower,” she felt Negan tensing up behind her, his hips pulling back and away from her when Carl started messing with the door. “Don’t be a fucking creep. Go pee outside or something.”
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me,” Carl complained making Y/N roll her eyes and motion Negan to wait in the shower. Getting out of the shower and closing the curtain behind her, she grabbed her robe that was there and pulled it on before opening the door for Carl.
“Make it quick,” she watched Carl quickly run in the direction of the toilet and she turned away letting out a disgusted breath. “I swear to God, you’re a little creep.”
“You gotta go when you gotta go,” Carl finished up, flushing after he was done which made a yelp fall from the shower. Immediately shutting the door, Y/N felt her heartbeat quicken when she saw Carl stop right before the shower to eye it over. “You’ve got Negan in there, don’t you?”
“No, I don’t…I just…” Y/N tried to make an excuse seeing Carl reach for the shower curtain to pull it back swiftly making Y/N let out a frustrated sound to see that Negan was standing there like a statue, his hands doing the best he could to keep himself covered from Carl’s sight, but it made Carl laugh out loud. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
“Yeah, that cold water is a bitch, huh?” Carl joked making the glare on Negan’s face deepen while he stared out at Carl who was making a moment out of all of this. “You’ve got a lot of nerve bringing him into the house when mom and dad are actually here. You know, dad is actually up and moving about. How the hell are you going to be sneaking him out of here?”
“You know kid, I like you, but you’re making it a whole lot easier for me to consider punching a kid,” Negan hissed from where he was standing in the shower making Carl’s eyebrows bounce up. Stepping forward, Carl grabbed the shower curtain and closed it back up making Negan release an annoyed breath from behind it.
“So he’s grumpy in the morning,” Carl commented making Y/N roll her eyes and shake her head.
“You’re just an annoying dumbass and someone can only take so much of it,” she snapped at her little brother making him chuckle.
“Well, I’ll keep my mouth shut, but dad is already moving around and getting breakfast ready. Good luck getting him out of here,” Carl reached out to try to touch Y/N’s shoulder and she pulled away from him. “What?”
“You didn’t wash your hands,” she reminded her little brother seeing him nod.
“You wash your hands and I will knock you on your ass,” Negan warned from the other side of the shower curtain making an uncontrollable laugh fall from Y/N’s lips. “I’m not freezing again in this hell hole of a shower.”
“Yes sir,” Carl held his hands up in the air and moved for the door. “Remind me to stay away from him in the mornings.”
With a shake of her head, Y/N allowed her brother out of the bathroom before closing the door. When she went back for the shower, she could see that Negan was finishing up with getting the soap off his body since he obviously took a quick shower while she was bickering with Carl.
Stepping out of the shower, Negan reached for a towel and wrapped it loosely around his waist, “How the hell are we going to get back to your bedroom?”
“Well,” she looked around before her eyes fell to the window that was there. “You can go out the window. I’ll gather your clothes, escape my father and meet you at your house.”
“I can’t jump from the second floor,” Negan moved over toward the window to look down. “My naked ass can’t do that. I’m in a towel. If someone is down there, they are going to get a whole lot of Negan that they don’t want to see.”
“I mean, you never know,” she laughed pushing the window open to look. “All you have to do is grab the drainage pipe to the gutter and crawl down.  I promise I will be at your house in twenty minutes and then we can share the day however you want.”
“I can’t go in just this towel,” Negan insisted looking down the lengths of his wet, long body. “I know you like what you see, but I’m very likely to get it caught on something on the way down and lose it. While I’m not ashamed of what I’ve got, if your father sees me running around naked outside, he definitely will call the cops on me and because he’s one of them, he’ll get me arrested for indecent exposure. Being that I’m a teacher…that won’t go down very well.”
“Shit…” she looked around the small bathroom before reaching for the remaining robe that was there. Negan gave it a once over and smirked, tipping his head to the side. “Just wear that. It’s my dad’s, but he won’t miss it.”
“Yeah, okay…” Negan dropped the towel that was around his hips and pulled on the navy-colored robe. Tying it securely around his waist and making sure it was closed tightly, Negan gave her a once over and shook his head. “You’re lucky I love you.”
“I know,” she reached out to palm in over the side of his face. Giving him a quick kiss, she watched him work his way out the window. “Don’t kill yourself.”
“I’m working on that,” Negan whispered, adjusting his weight and grabbing ahold of the gutter while he reached for the drainage pipe. When he got one hand hooked around it firmly, she called out to him making him lift his head. With a groan, he felt her pulling him to her to kiss her again making him hum against her lips. “I love you.”
“I love you,” she replied back, watching from the window while he worked his way down the side of her house. When he got close to the bottom, she heard a cracking sound. The same sound drew Negan’s attention when his eyes lifted to see that it was starting to break. “Hurry.”
“Fuck, fuck…” Negan slid down as fast as he could and the sound of the drainage pipe crashing down after he landed on the ground was heard. “I gotta go!”
“Go,” she waved him on hearing her father saying something that was loud enough for the both of them to hear. Swiftly, Negan moved through the yards and she watched from the window to make sure he got into his house through the back. Closing the window, she could see after a minute that Rick was moving around outside. Pulling open the window, she saw Rick stare back up at her with shock. “What the hell happened? I was taking a shower and I heard a crash.”
“The gutter and the pipe broke,” Rick threw his hands up in the air, gazing over the broken pieces that were on the ground. “How the hell did this happen? It didn’t even rain last night.”
“This is an old cabin dad. You have a lot of things that need to be updated here,” Y/N reminded him, trying to hold back the amusement that she felt seeing her father flustered looking at the thing that Negan ultimately broke. “I told you something would break sooner or later.”
Biting down on her lip, she knew that she needed to finish her shower and then grab Negan’s things to throw in a bag. But at the moment, she found herself proud that her and Negan were able to pull one over on her father once more. This was a close call, but it was still amusing nonetheless.
Tags: @slutlanna976​​ @fuckthis-and-fuckthat​​ @jennydehavilland​​ @de-gabyconamor​​ @ibelongtonegan​​ @smallsadjellyfish​​ @labyrinthofheartagrams​​  @msjamesmarch​​ @thebeautysurrounds​​ @hotfornegan​​ @redmercysugar​​ @caprithebunny​​ @tuttifuckinfruitty​​ @emoryhemsworth​​ @a-girl-interupted​​ @akumune​​ @stoneyggirl2​​​ @xsarcasticwriterx​​​  @insertneganhere​​​ @haleygreen23​​​ @xhannahbananax03​​​ @sanctuaryforthelost​​​ @burningredaffair​​​ @killaweiser​​​ @dead-of-niight​​​  @ayumi-wolf​​​ @hollyismentallyillhelp​​​ @nt-multi-fandom​​​ @tone-stark​​​ @chloepricerk800​
186 notes · View notes
axigailxo · 2 years
fix you | jjk
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pairing. jungkook x reader established relationship au
genre. angst, eventual fluff
w.c. 1.6k
summary. Jungkook sings to you in the bath after an argument that lead to you getting wasted and him having to take care of you.
contains. mentions of alcohol, implications of alcohol abuse, explicit language, toxic behaviors, angry jk, caring/soft jk, wasted oc
"It was one fucking bottle, Jungkook."
Jungkook gently shuts his eyes and takes another deep breath as if acting calm and breathing shallowly will potentially ease the bitter mood that's engulfed you both.
This isn't how he had hoped to spend his night with you. The complete opposite is what he originally aimed for. So when he discovered that 'one fucking bottle' carelessly shattered on the kitchen floor when he got home from work, he knew he had to go through another one of these with you.
'These' being a talk, or lecture, where he attempts to calmly and politely ask you to ease down on your alcohol intake, only for you to downplay his absurd accusations and question him for questioning you about something you don’t think is such a big deal.
"Yeah, one shattered bottle. Y/N, you're wasted, you could have slipped and hurt yourself on that glass." Jungkook's tone is of gentle disbelief, angry that you can't see the blatant danger you had put yourself in all while trying his best to remain soft and calm since he knows you're not in the right headspace.
However, you genuinely don't understand why he's blowing it out of proportion. You're not even drunk, you tell yourself.
"Stop talking to me like I'm drunk, for fucks sake. And okay I dropped the bottle? I was going to clean it before you got home, I got dizzy earlier and couldn’t." You get up from your seat on the couch and walk over to the kitchen which is now also known as an apparent crime scene. "Are you even complaining as my boyfriend who cares or a roommate that's upset about the mess?"
His jaw clenched the more you continued to downplay everything, and when he sees you go to pick up another bottle from the wine rack, he ditches that subtle approach he was taking and lets his anger be known to you.
"I don't give a fuck about the mess! I'm upset at how careless you are, always fucking drinking irresponsibly and making me seem like I'm insane for worrying about it. It's exhausting, Y/N. So fucking exauhsting."
You scoff as you take the corkscrew out of a drawer.
"Then you should go to sleep and stop worrying about me if you're so tired and 'exhausted', Jungkook.” You make a petty note to bump into his shoulder as you walk past him with the wine bottle and corkscrew in hand and to the bedroom, the door slamming shut behind you.
Pressing the power button on the remote, Jungkook tosses it back onto the coffee table as he crashes back against the couch with a sigh. He tried to distract himself from the past events, but it’s not working as all he can do is wonder what’s going on in your mind right now.
He’s not even mad, just concerned. He tried looking at it from the perspective of him being wrong, but his pride and overall mind just didn’t make sense of it. He had a right to be angry. As your boyfriend, he’s supposed to get angry at things like that. Especially when you don’t take accountability for it.
He did wonder for a while if he was too hard on you. Was there another approach to take other than accusing you like how he did? Or did he do exactly what he should have? Jungkook narrowed it down to the second one. He nicely tried to start a conversation with you, not an argument. He was concerned and needed to have that conversation. It’s not his fault that you weren’t being mature about it.
And just like that, all thoughts vanish from his once clouded mind as he hears a harsh thump coming from the bedroom.
“Y/N?” he instinctively calls out while jogging up to the door. It’s locked.
Wiggling rather profusely on the locked knob, his other hand goes to knock.
“Y/N, what was that noise?”
He started to become more and more panicked the longer you didn’t answer, so out of options he runs over to the kitchen to grab a toothpick before rushing back and inserting it into the small hole in the center of the knob.
After succeeding, his eyes scavenge the room and when you're nowhere in sight, his heart clenches.
“Y/N!” he shouts as he peeks over the bed, next to the dresser, and every other open space that you could possibly be.
His ears perk up at the vague mumble of his name, rushing into the direction it came from which was the bathroom.
Sitting against the shower door in a soaked t-shirt, your tear-stained cheeks and red nose stand out to him as he makes his way over to you, holding you against him as he frantically checks your body for any major damages.
You continue your silent sob, and he notices as he sits up straight and observes your saddened features again.
His brows furrow in confusion and hurt, hardly able to bear seeing you like this, and just as he gets ready to ask what you were trying to do, you speak.
“I wanted to wash off all the sadness.” you drunkenly pout, head-nodding over to the shower behind you that's still dripping droplets of water out of the shower head.
“Jagi.” Jungkook breathes before shaking his head, palm rubbing at his temple. “You can't do that, okay? Let’s get you up, you need a bath then some rest.”
He’s well aware you’re out of it, the alcohol highly apparent in your breath, and he doesn’t doubt you finished the whole bottle again.
“Did you drink it all?” he asks calmly, almost nicely, as he throws one of your arms over his shoulder to guide you up.
You shake your head no, leaning your weight onto him as he walks you over to the edge of the bathtub.
“I’m s-sorry.” you sob again, this time into his shoulder. He focuses his attention on getting you sat against the tub, your back leaning against the wall as he peels the wet fabric from your body.
“Jungkook, please say something, I don’t want you to be mad. You’re right, I shouldn’t have -”
“I’m not mad at you, Y/N.”
Your pouty lips and wide red eyes find his, and he gives you the smallest smile you think you’ve ever seen.
He’s quick to advert from your eyes, though, keeping himself busy by reaching over to flick the tub’s faucet on. He wants to talk to you about what happened more than anything, just not right now. Especially not when you’re like this.
Despite how drunk you may be, you somehow understand that. You can understand how that’s reasonable, so you close your lips and refrain from shedding any more light on the topic.
Just pretend you never argued.
Pretend as if nothing happened.
Only to wake up and be reminded.
You sob again, your thoughts seeming to be never-ending. Jungkook decides it’s best to just let you cry. He hates it, but realistically there’s nothing he can do.
“Let’s get you in,” he speaks loud enough so you can hear him over your own cries, his hand guiding your arm to slump over his shoulder again as he very carefully walks you into the tub, helping you sit inside as the water continues to fill.
“Is that comfortable?” he asks while stepping out. He takes your new silence as a yes, and just as he believes your okay since you stopped crying, you pull him back in.
“Shit— Y/N!” he exclaims as he falls into the half-filled tub, his once dry clothes now drenched from the waist down.
“Stay in here with me.” you softly plead, like a child who just had a nightmare and wants their parent to sleep with them. He sighs and rubs at his temple, a habit that he picked up just tonight.
He debates in his head for a prolonged moment, not wanting you to cry again but also not wanting to stay sitting in a bath fully clothed. He settles on stripping just his shirt, getting himself as comfortable as possible in the claustrophobic tub before pulling you to lean against his chest.
He turns the nob off, reaches for the loofa, and you beat him to the liquid soap. He halts his pace as you take it upon yourself to squeeze the bottle all over your naked chest.
You sit there frozen and waiting for a second or two before asking him “are you going to wash me or not?”
Your tone wasn’t rude, it was humorous. And Jungkook lets himself smile at it. He’s glad you’re back to being happy again, even if it’s temporary and just a dumb joke.
He brings the loofa to your chest, lathering the floral-scented soap softly along your breasts, then to your neck, then back down your breasts and you giggle when he reaches a certain spot on your stomach.
He can’t help but lightly giggle back, softly apologizing and explaining how he forgot you were ticklish.
As he continues to scrub at your arms and shoulders, he realizes the mood is finally normal. He tries to pretend like nothing else happened tonight except for this moment. He wishes he didn’t fight with you, wishes that you didn’t drink. He wishes he can stay like this forever with you.
But he also knows it was a minor fight and with the right words, you’ll both work it out and use this as an excuse to become even better than you were before. That is the power of love after all.
"Gukkie, can you sing for me?"
A/N: we love a full circle moment 😗 but i’d be lying if i said i didn’t rush the ending bc i have major writers block rn 😭 forgive me lol :/ but in case you did like it, make sure to like, reblog, and send feedback <3
*also this was originally supposed to be a quick drabble for the attached audio but i decided to build it up im sry 😭
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notmagicalstudents · 7 months
TwstOber 2023 Day 21 - Heir
Here is the original TwstOber 2023 prompt by @raven-at-the-writing-desk: TwstOber2023
“Are you seeing someone?”
Leona lets out a frustrated sigh. He usually wouldn’t answer the phone from home, but he got a lecture from his mother last time and didn’t want to deal with that again. Unfortunately, this cut into his down time at the dorm and had no excuse. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be on a video call with his older brother. “I don’t know why you’re even asking that, Falena.” he retorts, shifting in his seat. 
“Because I want to know what’s been going on with my little brother.”
“Even if I did, it wouldn’t be any of your business.”
“Don’t be like that, Leona.” Farena scoffs, looking slightly offended. Leona rolled his eyes.
“That may have worked around our parents, but your pouting won’t get your way with me.” he says. His brother shrugs.
“It’s always worth a try.” If it wasn’t for the fact he was born first, he has no idea why this doofus would ever be king. “If you won’t tell me, then at least confirm or deny things I have heard about you.”
“Like what?”
“Like you have a best friend named Amelia.” Leona froze. How did-?
“...Cheka told you, didn’t he?” he growled. That little furball.
“By your reaction, my information is quite accurate.” He hated the sly grin Farena had on. The first-born, heir to the kingdom, was talking to him like they were gossiping teens. “He told me she was a “very pretty friend of Uncle’s”. Imagine my surprise when hearing my little brother, who refuses to have friends, had someone with that title.”
“Your son has a very vivid imagination.”
“And my brother is a very bad liar when he gets caught.” He narrowed his eyes at his brother. If only there wasn’t a screen separating them… “So, is it true?”
“Amelia is just another student here. We rarely see each other anyway, so we’re nowhere nearly as close as it may have been reported.” He knew he was lying to his brother, but why should he tell him anything? His relationship with her has nothing to do with his family, as far as he was concerned; he knows what the implication his brother presented mean, but he isn’t even thinking about finding a mate. Why bring in a potential Princess when he wasn’t even going to make her a Queen of his kingdom? It was a waste of time.
“I don’t believe you.” As his brother continues to grill him for answers, a text notification goes off. Deciding this has to be better than this conversation, he pulls it up. It was actually from Amelia (scary timing); she sent a message along with two photos. The first one was an open notebook with some writing in it. The second was the notebook closed, which he recognized. It was a navy blue book with a gold sketch of a rose as the cover. He remembered gifting this for her on her birthday, but didn’t think much of it; she complained once about not having a new notebook to write in, so he just picked one from the school shop one day. But it looked like she was using what he got her. He read the message she sent:
“I never got to thank you for giving this to me.”
He gives a short chuckle from that. She didn’t have to do any of this, yet she did just to show that she was using the notebook. She’s such an obvious little mouse.
“Leona?” His thoughts are broken by his brother. When he looked back at the video camera, he could see the sly smile on his brother’s face.
“What?” he asked, annoyed.
“It’s nothing~.” What a liar.
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goldenorangedawn · 2 months
Last weekend was wild and I've finally recovered enough to write down my experiences. Nothing like this has ever happened before.
First I have to tell you about Kay, who i met in the yagoo electronica chatroom. We had been chatting for a bit and it just so happened she lives in castle l**dale so we decided to meet the next time i was there for a rave. We planned to meet at the j** party at the edge. I was just thinking ok I’m going here to make a new friend and meet this person i’ve been really getting along with in the chat, night after night.
I woke up that morning hungover. The night before i hung out with ari and her new gf and we got so fucked up on bottles of red wine. I even puked that night, but i managed to wake up feeling ok, except for a headache.
It was a friday and i called out sick from school, and slept all morning. M* was already out at work. I get up there’s cold breakfast. I heat up a cortadito. Just then i get a knock on the door and it’s mr fortino. I’m in my underwear, but i put on some pants to answer the door. Really playing up that i’m sick. I could tell he didn’t quite believe me and gave me the same lecture about wasted potential, but i told him i’d be ready for the regional finals.
After he left i sparked up using the fabric softener. I passed out for a while, woken up hours later by chris to tell me to get ready because he’s coming to pick me up to go to the edge.
I’m listening to massive attack as i jump out of the shower and dress. It’s already getting dark. I duck out of the house and smoke another joint before chris picks me up with a few of his gay friends.
We have some vodka in the car and also rum. The joint i smoked at the beginning of the night was buzzing in the background. Someone passes me a roll and i pop it.
Once we get inside I’m able to find kay. She has short hair and a really happy, peppy personality, like a lot of people i’ve met at raves. Her friend Jess had cute glasses and was a little more reserved but still nice. I find out that they also took some e. We get excited over the fact that we might all peak together.
I brought Jess and Kay over to my group of people and everyone got to know each other for a bit. After a while I saw they were were talking to each other while the guys talked among themselves. We drifted off but I hoped i would see them later.
The pill started taking effect and it was pretty speedy because we were all so chatty. We decided to hit the dance floor. We danced for an hour and i really zoned out. I left for a minute use the bathroom and ran into kay and jess. Their rolls were going strong too and they were so happy to see me, giving me big hugs. We go on a long journey to the bathroom, talking and laughing the whole time, then we hit the dance floor.
A good chunk of the night passes. The rave is now in full swing. We're all mashed and jumping up and down to trance music. I'm dancing with Kay. She gives me this intense eye contact. We're grinding against each other during the drops, and jumping together during the peaks. She tells me over and over that she's incredibly horny. She kisses my neck.
Later, we bump into some of chris’ gay friends and they dance with us. I am dancing with one guy and he gives me a drink from his flask, and when I notice Kay and Jess dancing together, giving each other intense eye contact. They're looking very sexy.
I start to dance with them both. My arms around both of them as we sway to thumping trance music. Then I start to kiss Kay's neck. I pull up to see Jess smiling at us, enjoying what she witnessed. I gestured to Jess to have a go, she swooped in and started doing the same on the other side of Kay's neck. Afterwards Kay went in for the kiss with Jess. I left the girls to make out for a while and just enjoyed the music. I couldn’t believe what was happening.
After about 30 minutes of Kay alternating between kissing me and kissing Jess while we all danced together, Jess asked Kay if she's like to see her make out with me. She said yes, then told Jess to kiss me. Jess smiled and pulled me in for the kiss.
So now we have a situation where the three of us are dancing, making out sporadically and grabbing each other. We're just generally having a lot of fun. The rest of the rave passes without much more action happening. We're here for the music first afterall, so we just enjoy that while having some light make out sessions every now and again. At one point while taking a breather in the smoking area, Kay mentions that she's incredibly horny.
The rave ends, Kay lives close by and invites me to come over. I let Chris know and kay drives me and jess to her house. Pretty normal conversation during the time it takes for us to get there. No ones home and we go to Kay’s living room and she brings out a loaded bong. We start taking rips. She puts the tv on with no sound and jazzy drum and bass softly playing in the background. The lighting is low, and i’m loving the atmosphere. It’s as if we’re trying to be really quiet. We all start laughing when i say this out loud.
At some point Kay asks me to take my shirt off. And says she’ll take hers off to coax me. We both take off our shirts and she’s in her bra. We go to the couch where I begin to roll a joint. Kay to my left, Jess to my right. We smoke the joint. I get up to pee. When i come back they are making out. I sit down next to them. Kay convinces Jess to take off her short and now we’re all completely bare chested. I strip to my underwear and roll another joint. We smoke more. At this point we’re feeling very free and talking so openly because of the rolls.
Kay reaches at my crotch and i get hard. She asks me to pull it out and i think why not. I do it. But it’s all very casual. We just talk about penises for a minute and my penis. I lose my hardon and start rolling another joint. Jess takes off her jeans and i get hard again. The two kiss more. We keep talking and i tell them i can’t believe this is happening because nothing like this has ever happened before. I tell them I’ve never had sex and they seem surprised and tell me i’m cute. This makes me feel so amazing. They talk a bit about how far they’ve gone and such and they are both way more experienced than me. I’m pretty shy i told them, then i got up to pee again.
I go back to the couch and sit between them, rolling another joint. Kay grabs my dick and starts sucking as i roll the joint. She stops and we smoke and talk. She goes back down on me again in the middle of conversation. We keep talking for a bit more and Jess says she’s getting tired. She excuses herself and goes to sleep in the parents room.
We do some bong rips and then she goes down on me again. I ask her if i can do the same and she says she wants to just focus on me since I’ve never done this. I sit up against the wall on her bed and she goes down on me more. She strokes it with her hand, asking me if i like it. We giggle a bit and she takes off her shorts. She goes back down on me again. Then she gets naked. She lets me touch her butt and asks me to slap it, which i do.
After that we roll over and cuddle and we pass out tiredly trying to hold a conversation, while precum dribbles in my underwear. We basically slept together cuddled up for 4 hours, and the next morning when we had sobered up, we both woke up in our bottoms. For a long time we hung out in bed and talked and kissed. She pulled out my dick and casually sucked it while we talked and kissed. And then I got naked. And we kept kissing and talking, and dry humping each other, and mutually masturbating. She went down on me more but she didn’t want me to go down on her. She did let me finger her. We both came at the same time, me on my back and onto my belly as she kissed me and came. We cuddled a little longer but then I had to go. Chris picked me up and he hadn’t slept at all. He was doing bumps of coke and asked me if I wanted some but I said no, as i just wanted to sleep, and i was costing off the high of my morning with kay.
Overall it was probably one of the best and most eye opening experiences I've had.
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jelleace11 · 1 year
Blog #3
“A major reason why startup fail is because they design their initial product based on assumptions. They assume that people care enough about the problem to pay for a solution.” – Laura Holton
                It’s been a while since we have our discussion on our Entrepreneurial class. One of some worth recalling information during our classroom discussion was when our instructor, Ma’am Rhea, introduced to us the term MINIMUM VIABLE PRODUCT (MVP). Basically, it is a beginning form of product in which Entrepreneurs furthermore develop and assess its potential by using their customers or users’ feedback. I was also amazed how some begin from a simple step which includes the Zappos in which Nick Swinmurn created a web site that offered the absolute best selection in shoes in terms of brands, styles, colors, sizes, and widths after recognizing the point of pain on not being able to find shoes on store you wanted. Ma’am Rhea gave us a simple example to visualize how it works. She presented to us how one should begin from a simple skateboard until it gradually develop into a car rather than slowly purchasing or acquiring some parts of the car. This simple explanation helped me understand that MVP launches a product with significant use in the early phases of a startup and then expanding functionality.
Last April 19, 2023, I attended the lecture series program facilitated by the Business Administration Department faculty at our University Convention Center which aims to give us, the students, an opportunity to hear insights and viewpoints from the invited lecture speaker from their various experiences on industry and academe.
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LECTURE SERIES # 1: Intellectual Property Rights & Technology Transfer
Dr. Gamaleila A. Dumangcas
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“Intellectual Property is the oil of the 21st Century. All the richest men have made their money out of intellectual property.” – Mark Getty
                Intellectual Property is the creation of our mind. This includes invention, literary and artistic works, symbols, names, images, and designs. Thus, it’s essential to secure protection on the intellectual property to be able to transform it into a more tangible product and to secure the ”first to file” basis. Its need for protection requires an attentive measure since having it was like also owning a land property, which demands a regulation, valuation, taking ownership, and monetizing transfer. Thereby, its vital to register first your intellectual property before disclosing it to prevent any competitors from copying your trademark, technology or product; and avid wasteful investment in research. That’s the reason why acquiring intellectual property rights, such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secret, an important move since it’s protected in law that provides the creators a protection on their original works, inventions, or ideas. Furthermore, technology transfer is also an essential process which allow the knowledge developed at one organization to another, with a purpose of commercializing it to be able to manage distribution channels and identify potential markets.
LECTURE SERIES #2: Incubating Innovation: Exploring Start-Up Opportunities in the Philippines
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                Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to listen throughout the said lecture since I had to process my clearance. However, my short participation in the lecture gained me a little background on how it works. This Business incubators provides a support  and resources on start-ups and someone who’s starting their business. I believe this program really help some start-ups at least good starting point of foundation, its like a toddler being assisted by their parent to their following steps in their early-stage.
Ma'am Keren
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                More than a lecture, the speaker had shown to us videos related to some start-up programs and seminars that occur in the Philippines, as well as her various experiences and seminars she attended. I was really eager to take some of notes on some of her videos she presented because I planned to watch and search on my way home.
                Start-up is a company working to solve a problem where the solution is not obvious, and success is not guaranteed. She also shared her experience on how one of her business idea, Alima Home Healthcare for Every Juan − a booking app for nursing which aims to provide healthcare for rural area, had failed because of the pandemic. I was really amazed on her dedication and her ability to cope-up with the failure. I also love how she also said that “it all starts with the IDEA”. I wasn’t really fond on at least considering to be an entrepreneur in the future since my heart already settled for being a Nephrologist, however, learning that her course was actually BS Nursing, I was really amazed on this discovery. In which I realized that anyone could really become an entrepreneur and it will all start with the idea. Especially now where there are a lot programs that would support a new start-ups which includes the start-up grant fund, step up program, Philippine start-up challenge, and etc.
0 notes
kaidenya · 3 years
Getting Caught ✧ MHA
Description: Headcanons for getting caught in a intimate moment with Hitoshi Shinso, Tenya Iida, Mirio Togata, & Tomura Shigaraki
WARNING: NSFW, suggestive content NOTE: This is a repost of an old SHITPOST headcanon I had on my previous account so if this looks familiar I hope you enjoy it the second time around!
“Nobody will know...”
Shinso would go to his grave claiming that you were to blame for this situation
But in all honesty, he had been allowing things to build for far too long
You two weren’t necessarily a secret, but most people just assumed you were bEsT fRiEnDs 🥴
It was an honest misunderstanding
You had decided to keep physical contact to a minimum after an unfortunate attempt at holding his hand left you believing he didn’t enjoy any forms of PDA.
Shinso had just assumed the same about you.
However, as the two of you grew more serious, you found it more difficult to keep your hands to yourself
It just so happened your boyfriend had been working extremely hard in the hero course and it s h o w e d
You had found yourself admiring his changing physique and in turn, found you weren’t the only one admiring your boyfriend.
You weren’t necessarily jealous— you trusted him more than anything, but he tended to be socially constipated
And nobody seemed to know about you. Thus giving the other interested parties an unintentional greenlight to flirt with him. And there was one girl that had stood out among the sea of suitors.
Each time you saw the second-year girl perch next to Shinso it made your skin crawl, but no lines had been crossed.
Until they were.
Your knuckles were gripping the strap of your bag so tightly it ached when you made your way to where your boyfriend was perched outside
The second-year didn’t even acknowledge you as she continued her flirtatious ways and you don’t resist the urge to roll your eyes as you settle into the place next to him.
He had flashes you a lazy smile before focusing back on his phone screen.
Then her hand landed on his upper thigh
Let me tell you: sleepy boy was shocked when she touched him, but he was EVEN MORE SHOCKED when you took her by the wrist and tossed her hand to the side
You waste no time threading your fingers with his, rising to your feet and all but hauling him from his seat
His amusement only grew as he realized just how jealous you had gotten, a smirk forming over his lips as he set to teasing you
‘What’s the matter, kitty? You don’t like anyone touching daddy?’
You have no idea how you ended up on your knees in a supply closet??
Shinso is feeling very sure of himself above you, using the hand that was gripping the back of your neck as leverage to hold you down on his length
k i n g of dirty talk 🤭
Absolutely cannot help himself when it comes to telling you how pretty you look choking on his cock
Honestly doesn’t last long, but what do you expect? Seeing your jealous and possessive response to the girl he had given little to no acknowledgment had lit a fire in his chest
He was desperate to get his hands on you, to remind you that he was just as much yours as you were his.
And when he does— oh MAN he makes you forget all about the second-year girl
He has one of your legs draped over his shoulder as he goes down on you, licking and sucking at you in a way that had you trembling
You accidentally knock over a pile of brooms and mops, neither of you paying them any mind as your head lulled in bliss
If only you had remembered to flick the lock on the door…
Kirishima really thought someone was banging on the door for help. It wouldn’t have been manly— or heroic not to make sure someone wasn’t in trouble
Besides, why else would someone be making so much noise in a supply closet if they weren’t stuck??
So when the door swung open and he locked eyes with you, still panting and moaning as an all too familiar head of purple hair buried further into your heat—
He let out the loudest shout he could muster. Apologies poured from his mouth as he fumbled to shut the door
However, your boyfriend made no move to let you go. Instead, he hummed against your skin, only leaning back to nip at your inner thigh before speaking in a heavy voice
‘Better make this fast, kitty.’
So you’ve tried to keep your relationship on the down-low bc Iida doesn’t want anyone to think he’s distracted
We all know he just doesn’t wanna be called out for his obvious favoritism
Before you got together you were constantly pushing him, breaking minuscule rules in favor of gaining his attention. Nothing too immoral, but enough to get under his skin.
Like slipping into class just seconds after the bell had rung, nearly avoiding Aizawa’s attention, but never making it past Iida.
Or when a class had gotten a bit too stressful, the room filling with hot air as tensions rose and you had to pop open a few buttons of your uniform top
Then there was your favorite offense; desk sitting. If there was one sure way to get a reaction from your stickler of a boyfriend it was to place yourself on top of a desk.
Which is what you found yourself doing at the end of an unfavorable week. The two of you hadn’t gotten a moment together outside of your studies and you were growing needy.
So with a few moments of free time before class began, you decided to chat with Tsu and Uraraka, settling atop the desk between them when you had grown tired of standing
The desk belonging to none other than Tenya
Your ankles were crossed as you leaned forward to speak with Tsuyu and he was beyond s h o o k
Immediate hand chopping.
He’s towering over you, ranting about how your behavior was improper while keeping his hands clenched in an attempt to keep from running his fingertips along your thighs.
When was the last time you were this close to him? It had to have been longer than he realized for him to have such a strong reaction— are you biting your lip??
Any response between you died off as Aizawa addressed the class and you were sent back to your seat, leaving Iida far more frazzled than you realized
The moment class ends he has you tucked under an empty stairwell to continue his lecture
Only he doesn’t get very far
Tenya Iida has an authority kink. I take no criticism.
When you look up at him from under your lashes, muttering the words ‘yes sir’ as he chastised you, his resolve was shattered
Has you pressed against the wall immediately, fisting your blazer as he dips to press his forehead to yours
‘Why must you push me?’
Doesn’t even let you answer before his mouth is covering yours, hips arching to grind his obvious arousal against you
Knowing he had been just as affected by your as you had him was enough to spur a moan past your lips and he takes the chance to slide his tongue into your mouth
Although he was MORTIFIED at the impropriety of it all, he couldn’t resist the sweet noises you made as he expertly worked against you
His hand eventually slides between you, pushing past the waistband of your bottoms and grinding his palm against you teasingly
‘Now, who do you belong to, darling?’
You you youyouyou—
Your hand was rubbing along Iida’s hard cock, his length straining against his pants to the point you’re almost worried they’ll rip
Somehow the two of you had been so lost in one another that you hadn’t heard the door open at the top of the stairwell
Denki and Mineta honestly weren’t creeping this time— they just wanted a snack from the vending machine adjacent to you!
Got a whole ass meal instead 👁👄👁
A moan tore from your throat, quickly being smothered by Tenya’s parted lips as you came on his fingers
You had barely made out the echoing sound of objects clattering to the ground through the ringing in your ears
But your boyfriend had heard
His lips separated from you in an instant, shocked gaze shifting into something closer to anger as he recognized your classmates
Denki began stammering out an apology, looking close to short-circuiting as his attention flickered between you
Mineta had let his gaze linger on you for too long. His eyes taking in the way your exposed chest— Tenya must have pulled the buttons loose
You cringe away from his gaze, post-orgasm haze™ spurring you to tuck yourself closer to Tenya to avoid their stares rather than snap at them
It was your obvious discomfort that had kicked Iida into gear, twisting to thread your button your blouse together before rounding on the others
If embarrassment wasn’t enough, the thought of them having seen you in such a vulnerable position had him seething as he began his lecture
Attempts hand chopping them into submission, but they kept disregarding his words in favor of catching another glimpse of you in a fucked out state
All fondness for his classmates had vanished as he stepped into their line of sight, shielding you from their gazes. His eyes almost daring them to continue
Whatever words lingering on their tongues died off, heads bowing in shame as they agreed to keep the entire situation to themselves
After all, the potential wrath of Tenya Iida was not something to be taken lightly.
Mirio’s love language is touch, without a doubt, so it’s honestly surprising when he’s NOT trying to get handsy with you
He’s always defended his obvious displays of affection by claiming he had so little free time— he’d be a fool to waste the opportunity to touch you!
Mirio jumped at the opportunity to feel you against him. Whether it was a heavy kiss to your lips after walking you to class, a hand slipping under your shirt to caress your back, or his fingers trailing teasingly along your thigh.
However, as much as he was attentive, he was also forgetful.
It was because of that forgetfulness that you found yourself alone in your dorm. Countless boxes of takeout were lined up on your desk and a pre-planned movie was ready to play on your small tv.
After a few hours and countless delivered messages, you succumbed to disappointment.
The following day Mirio can’t seem to figure out why you’re avoiding him, but he refuses to give up without a fight.
Definitely thinks it’s a game of some sort and takes it upon himself to break your silent streak
It wasn’t easy being upset with Mirio. He had an uncanny ability to brighten any room he stepped into and being irrevocably in love with him only strengthened his effect
He’s always hard for you and loves letting you know just how you affect him— so why not place a hand on your hand, pressing firmly against your back when he slips past?
You always look so stunning— why not feed you compliments at every given moment?
How could he not look at you with the most iNTENSE GAZE undressing you with his eyes in front of everyone?
It’s when he realizes that you aren’t reacting to his teasing and flirtatious behaviorist that he caves.
He finds you between classes, stirring you away from the crowd, despite your wordless protests. It isn’t until you’re tucked away in an abandoned hall that he finally asks what was wrong
You had fully intended on dragging it out, allowing anger to push you on. But he spoke to you in the softest voice, looked at you with eyes filled with so much devotion that it was nearly overwhelming
He is shocked when you shove him away— were you tearing up??
Actually gets super defensive because he doesn’t realize HES the one that made you upset
Once you finally cave and remind him about the date he had missed it hits him like a freight train.
The two of you so rarely got time together and he had stood you up.
‘I’m so sorry, baby. I’ve been so busy lately— I didn’t realize I was neglecting you.’
Does not waste time making it up to you. He cups your face in his hands as he starts placing soft kisses on your face, cooing softly as tears roll down your cheeks
Did somebody say praise kink?
How can you stay mad at him when he’s telling you how sorry he is and that he loves you and you’re the only one his dick will get hard for??
It isn’t long before he’s pinned you between him and the wall, hitching your legs around his waist while coaxing you into a heavy kiss
His hips flex to grind against you, his hot length slotting between your thighs as he digs his fingertips into the curve of your ass
Mirio does not care that somebody could see— his quirk leaves him naked all the time and he’s shameless 🥵
But again he’s so forgetful—
And he was meant to go straight to class 1A to talk with them alongside the other members of The Big Three
So when he didn’t show up Aizawa had sent Tamaki and Midoriya in search of their future number one hero
How were you supposed to know they would turn the corner just as you arched from the wall?
Mirio had no idea anyone was there as he used the hand that was wrapped around your throat as leverage to grind you over the edge—
bOY were you embarrassed when you heard the two boys audibly g a s p
Midoriya’s embarrassment nearly gave Tamaki a run for his money. You were quick to turn away, immediately hiding your face in his chest as he greeted the duo in an overly cheerful voice
Absolutely teases the three of you over the incident FOREVER!!
Shigaraki was obsessed with you.
There was no way around how infatuated he had become and it only seemed to grow alongside your relationship
He was touch starved. The moment you began giving him physical affection and attention it was game over
He had no shame, especially when it came to his desire for you, which is how you often found yourself perched on his lap no matter the company.
That being said, the leader of the League of Villains became intolerable when the two of you were separated for long.
And a recent spiral of events has prevented you from returning to the hideout, thus leaving the others to deal with him
You weren’t expected to return until the following week. Aside from texting Shigaraki endlessly (didn’t he have anything better to do?) and assuring Twice and Toga that you’d be returning as soon as possible, you hadn’t had much contact with the League
Shigaraki was wound up tight, lashing out at the others far more than usual. That was how he ended up sitting at the bar, Father concealing his annoyance as Kurogiri took over the meeting.
And suddenly you were walking in, muttering a quick apology before taking the only available seat beside Toga
Shigaraki could not keep his eyes off of you, something that doesn’t go unnoticed by the others. It was the most present he had been since you left.
Of course, that meant Dabi has also noticed and never missing an opportunity to mess with their ruthless leader he shifted closer from his place behind you, muttering small talk into your ear
There is no doubt in my mind that Shigaraki was staring at you both like 😠 behind Father
Luckily the meeting had been wrapping up upon your arrival and the group was dismissed, many leaving to handle their own business.
However, the moment you had leaped to your feet Tomura had vanished from the room
With a sigh you moved over to the bar, sliding into the seat that had once been occupied by your man and Kurogiri placed a drink before you
By the time you had downed the last bit the bar had gotten eerily quiet, though when you shifted to speak to the Misty Man he was already looking over your shoulder. With a single nod, he had left the room.
The moment he was gone leather artist gloves shoved under your top, your heart racing at the all too familiar feeling as a palm settled between your shoulders
‘I’ve missed you, pet.’
There was a harsh tone to his voice, but it was contradicted by the trail of open-mouthed kisses he pressed along your neck and shoulder
Your entire body arched against him, head craning back to catch a glimpse of him, smiling widely as you met his gaze and returned the sentiment
A scoff slid past his lips, though you could see the amusement dancing in his gaze as his hand reached around to wrap around your throat
Despite the gloves, he kept a pinky in the air
His mouth covers yours in a sloppy kiss as his hips jolt sharply against you, knocking you against the countertop
Absolutely cannot control himself as he ruts against you, wasting little to no time in pushing your bottoms down past your thighs
Heat pooled in your stomach as his free hand reached between you to pull himself from his jeans
His dick slid between your thighs, a throaty whine sliding past your lips and despite the slick from your arousal the thick head stretched you perfectly
You had been completely lost in him, moaning and whining freely as he continued to rut against you.
There was a click throughout the room, similar to the door handle being twisted and your attention was adverted to the source
However, Shigaraki was faster.
He grabbed the back of your head and using his hold as leverage to press your face flat against the bar-top while his other hand worked against your sensitive center. A loud moan that was undoubtedly his name tumbled past your lips
‘There’s my little slut— louder, make sure they know who makes you feel this good.’
Unbeknownst to you, the person he wanted to be sure knew you were his had entered the room, Tomura meeting his gaze with a smirk as you began chanting his name like a prayer
A harsh thrust of his hips sent you over the edge as you came on his cock, filthy praises slipping past his lips as his hot release rolled down your thighs
He placed another sloppy kiss on the back of your neck before parting from you.
The moment you lift your head and begin adjusting yourself you lock eyes with Dabi
Embarrassed didn’t even begin to explain how you felt as Tomura let out a loud laugh, reaching down to pull your bottoms up after he had tucked himself away
‘Go wait on my bed while I speak with Dabi and I may let you come on my tongue.’
You wasted no time hurrying away from the two, heart pounding from both excitement and humiliation as you rushed to do as you were told
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violettelueur · 3 years
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↳ featuring : ryomen sukuna from jujutsu kaisen
↳ warnings : mention of sex, mention of hickeys and grammar issues
↳ form : imagine
↳ published : 22 january
↳ pronouns : she/her
↳ word count : 3.7k
↳ synopsis : (modern!AU) after your lectures, you decided to pay your tattoo artist boyfriend a little visit only to then be persuaded to let him draw a tattoo design on you even though you never actually wanted a real one to be marked with.
↳ barista’s notes : just a little gift to you all before today’s episode and the reset the ‘coffees in progress’ list (wip) when i get enough sleep and after my disgusting online classes, i hope you enjoy the free cup of coffee everyone ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡ - also i feel like this is the longest imagine i have ever posted ʕ ㅇ ᴥ ㅇʔ
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Having a morning full of tedious lectures was not someone’s ideal day and it was definitely not yours. Although, there was nothing you could do but pursue them through with as much enthusiasm and determination that you could possibly muster while being impatient about the hands on the clock taking forever to move a single inch.
However, at this moment in time, you were able to escape the suffocating lecture hall after many hours for today and was now walking down the busy streets of Tokyo with a white plastic takeaway bag in one hand while the other was occupied with your tote bag that was resting on your shoulder, which surprisingly kept hold of some of your textbooks as well as your laptop giving you some reassurance that the bag that your boyfriend gave you was going to last for quite some time.
Looking around the busy quarter of the capital, you began to notice a few high school students roaming about here and there with some hanging out with their friends - mostly likely going to a cafe or to the nearest karaoke lounge that they could find - while other were either rushing home as they entered the station or to their part-time jobs that they had managed to obtain for a few extra bucks to save up for their next step in life. Noticeably, there were also a few adults out and about with some working as street-food vendors selling delicious treats that you would be craving if you weren’t so full while others were dressed extremely professional with their laptops out on their cafe/restaurant table to what seemed like they were on their lunch break.
‘He should be on his lunch break right now, but if not, I’ll just put his food in the shop’s fridge’
Continue walking to your destination, you finally reached to a quieter area with the city leading you to then stand in front of a glass order with a ‘closed’ sign in front along with another extremely noticeable sign proudly stating ‘Malevolent Shine’ to which if you had said that to any tattoo fanatic within Japan, they would instantly know what you were talking about.
Opening the door, there was a sudden noise of a ring being heard leading you to immediately look up to see the silver bell that you told him to arrange since he always got annoyed about the number of potential clients popping up without his acknowledgement only to tell him that they didn’t book an appointment at all causing him to become more irritated - and as a matter of fact, you couldn’t blame him at all.
Looking around the tattoo shop that you had entered, there wasn’t a single person in sight leading you to come to the conclusion that you were right about his lunch break since his assistant would be at the front desk if they weren’t. Although there was no one to greet you, the dark atmosphere did. It gave an odd sense of comfort with its hints of red that could calm a customer down if they were worried about the tattoo they were committing to having on their body or if it was their first - especially when it came to him.
“Oya~ ain’t you a sexy customer? But I’m afraid we’re closed, but I don’t mind giving you a private session if you want, kitten” someone smoothly stated, leading your eyes to slowly shift to the person who was leaning against the desk with a confident smirk on his face. There he was, the mastermind behind the whole shop itself.
“Well, I’m not coming in for a tattoo but I am here to give a little gift, Sukuna,” you mischievously stated, as you lifted the white bag with the takeaway you had ordered for the man himself, leading him to look at you in surprised before tilting his head indicating you to come to the back with him.
Following his lead, you placed the bag on his table once you reached the backroom before placing your tote on the floor beside the table’s leg so it didn’t fall, letting any of your precious studious contents to be lost as well as avoiding any damage to your laptop.
“I’m surprised you’re using the bag, kitten,” Sukuna suddenly commented, as he sat on his chair while pulling out the white styrofoam box of Thai food that he always ordered along with a bento box that was wrapped in a black cloth.
“Well, how could I not? You did buy it for me,” you quietly mentioned as you took off your black longline coat before placing it behind your chair since there was nowhere else to put it.
“Did you make this?” Sukuna quickly questioned as he lifted the bento box causing you to nod at his question once you saw what he meant leading you to state, “I didn’t know if you were going to stay back tonight, so I prepared some food for you in case,” causing Sukuna to smirk since you were right about your assumption and it did catch him by surprise since he didn’t mention it to you today when he left your shared apartment.
“Thanks,” he quietly muttered before pulling his chair closer towards you so he could place a lingering kiss on your cheek to show his appreciation towards you. “How was class?” he then asked, as he began to unwrap the cloth of the box to your surprise since you bought his favourite item from the Thai restaurant but made no mention of it.
“Annoying, it was suffocating in there but the lecture was interesting so that’s a plus,” you answered, as you began to scan his messy desk that displayed the many drawings that he was working on. Some of the designs that Sukuna was drawing were almost complete, while others were in the same situation but for some odd reason, it was crossed out as if he was unsatisfied with the outcome that it was going to have which lead you to be perplexed since some of the drawings were incredibly detailed and beautiful. However, you didn’t have the eyes of an artist like your boyfriend did, instead, you had the eyes of someone that was able to analyse things exceedingly well hence why you decided to pursue a career as a criminal lawyer.
“How has the shop been while I was away?” you asked, as you carefully picked up one of the designs that the tattoo artist seemed to have scraped leading him to answer with an annoyed huff. “A pain, there’s been so many dumbass people coming in thinking they could just walk in and get a tattoo done immediately without even booking a meeting,” Sukuna answered before taking a bite of the soy-glazed fried chicken you made as he then continued with, “it was a good idea to get the bell since I could see if it was a customer I knew or not,”.
Looking at your boyfriend, you couldn’t help but smile at the man as he continuously munched the context in the box as if he hadn’t eaten in the past week when in reality he had been raiding the fridge back home only just this morning. Slowly, you turn your head back to the paper that you were holding as you continued to admire the work of art right in front of you. 
To be honest, it was quite simple compared to all the other ones that were lying about on his work desk but that didn’t mean it wasn’t beautiful. The light sketch depicted a short section of a branch or stem decorated with different types of beautiful flowers and next to it was the same design with the only difference of it being coloured lightly in case the client wanted to have options.
“What happened here?” you asked before tilting the paper to the side, letting Sukuna have a glance at the design he decided to discard.
“Oh, the client cancelled since I wouldn’t have sex with her,” Sukuna casually stated leading you to nod before taking another look at the design with a small smile on your face. Sadly, it was such a waste since the design was beautiful and it was disappointing to not see Sukuna put this beautiful art into life.
Some people might wonder why you were so calm about the statement he had just given you, heck even his younger twin brother Itadori Yuji thought it was weird that it didn’t bother you as much as other girls would have been. The reason was that you were so used to him having female attention as well as male attention and it wasn’t a surprise when people would book an appointment with him just for a fling or hoping for something more than just that - and even though you were calm, there was also a hint of jealousy and fear within your heart that you couldn’t help.
It was like the first time you saw him in your second year of high school.
Stretching your arms, you had finally finished the last sheet of the budgets for the school clubs leading you to carefully clip the pile of sheets into the folder as you then stood up from your desk before quickly heading out of your homeroom, so you could give the documents to the student council president, who was a third-year within your school.
However, as you were walking past a few classrooms with some people greeting you with a smile, you came to a sudden halt when you saw a whole crowd of female and males students in front of you leading to a blockage of the halls and a blockage of the classroom you need to go through to hand the documents to your senior.
“Did you hear, I heard he was back?!”
“I can’t believe he’s back, I missed him so much!”
“I like Yuji’s kind and goofy personality, but how could you not love a bad boy like him?”
‘Bad boy?’
Carefully, you managed to find a gap between the sea of students and forcibly made yourself fit within the gap before badly struggling to make it through the arc of the classroom door leading you to nearly trip the second you got the chance to push through the gap to ender the class. Quickly looking around, you found your senior sitting next to someone who looked like your friend and basketball club member Itadori Yuji - well more like a mature replicant of the boy you were used to. However, unbothered by the sudden appearance of the new third-year, you speedily made your way to the council president and handed him the booklet that he needed today leading you to receive his gratitude.
Yet, before you could even take a single step away from your senior, you unexpectedly felt someone grab your wrist causing you to quickly turn around to find Itadori’s replica behind you leading to a few gasps coming from the students from the outside as well as in the homeroom.
“Is there an issue?” you firmly asked, as you looked down at his hand that had a tight grip on your wrist causing you to have a small glance at the two black bands that were tattooed around his wrist - even though it was prohibited to have any in your school, you weren’t the type to scold someone for having them since you weren’t sure on how the teacher’s thought it affected someone’s education.
“Have you ever thought about getting a tattoo?” the salmon-haired third-year curiously asked, as he began to admire your wrist by gently turning it for your veins to come into view before beginning to trace your skin with the tip of his thumb causing a light shiver to go down your spine due to the ticklish feeling as well as his deep voice which was the complete opposite to what you thought it was going to be.
‘So this is the infamous Sukuna everyone was talking about’
“Not really,” you answered as you looked at him causing his eyes to look back at you before you continued with “I don’t think it would suit me at all,”.
“I disagree,” Sukuna counteracted, as he went back to admire the blank canvas of your wrist that he wanted to draw on so badly. No not draw. Mark. “I think you’ll suit something, maybe something on your neck or collarbone at best actually,” Sukuna mentioned leading you to give him a confused expression before he then proceeded with his speech by saying, “I’ll convince you one day and mark you brat”,
“Ah...good luck with that idiot,” you stated in an annoyed tone leading to a few of the admiring student to gasp at your wording as well as sudden confident as they were scared on what was going to happen to you now since Sukuna wasn’t the type to tolerate insults in a nice way no matter what gender you were. However, exceeding the audience’s assumptions, Sukuna began to smirk excitedly at your attitude as he suddenly found you more interesting than any other girl he has met at the back of the school.
“Be prepared, little kitten”
‘That nickname….’
Back then Sukuna was known to be a playboy from what you could recall, every week there was news on the new girl he had managed to convince to meet at the back alley of the school while you were just being a model student with the dream of going to law school. However, during the middle of the school year, you began to realise that the common scandalous news that seemed to be popular enough for it to be on the front cover of the newspaper began to gradually fade as Sukuna slowly pushed himself into your life since you were close with his twin brother due to your friend being part of the basketball team as the assistant coach - she even mentioned that ever since Sukuna came into your life he had stopped his acts and change slightly because of you to which, of course, you denied at the time.
It was during the first term of your third-year that you agreed to give Sukuna a chance since he was constantly annoying you by popping up at the school gate after school to ‘walk you home’ ever since his graduation - when in reality it was to take you out somewhere - without fail even when you had to stay in a few hours. However, you had given him three conditions since you were still conscious of the consequences of dating someone with such a disgraceful built reputation - much to his dismay, he shockingly agreed.
If you are going to have a fling with someone behind my back, don’t think about seeing or talking to me again.
I know you are sexually active, but you have to wait until I’m ready.
Don’t tattoo me.
Let’s just say that Sukuna had managed to keep condition number one in check and you didn’t have to worry about it at all, while with condition number two he didn’t have to wait that long for you to give in to your desires which you could tell he certainly enjoyed when you finally gave him the ‘okay’.
Number three though...
“Do you want to try that design out?”
Breaking from your daze, you quickly turned your head to find your boyfriend staring at you - with the bento box practically empty at this point - while tilting his head to the paper that was still within your grasp.
“I think you giving me hickeys are enough in my opinion, babe” you jokingly mentioned leading to both you and Sukuna laughing at each other slightly.
“I mean, do you want me to draw it on you to see how it looks?” he then asked, causing you to look at the floral design one last time before giving him a hesitant nod.
‘Trying it out won’t hurt right?’
“I need a confident answer little kitten, where did that feisty attitude of yours back in high school go?” Sukuna teased, causing you to give him the side glance before giving him the verbal permission that he wanted, leading him to smirk at you since knew his mockery would get you to give him what he wanted since you were also the stubborn type - a side that he always loved to play with.
Grabbing his pen and a black pot full of his thin-tipped coloured skin markers, he wheels his chair even closer to your before pausing, leading you to look at him in confusion since you had already pulled your wrist in front of him, the same area he had grabbed back in high school.
“You’re wearing a lot of clothing today,” Sukuna muttered as he began to fiddle with the collar of your white silk dress shirt causing you to look at him with extreme confusion before mentioning, “well it is getting colder since the Autumn season is coming around,” leading him to hum in an understanding tone as he continued to play with the smooth fabric.
“I want to draw on your collarbone area, I don’t want to draw on the area where the client wanted it to be,” Sukuna stated as he lightly pushed away your wrist leading you to realise why he paused. “You can,” you quickly mentioned leading the tattoo artist to look at you to see if you were lying, only to see nothing but the light of the trust within your eyes.
Slowly, Sukuna began to reach over to the top button to then unhook it from its loop before continuously doing the same with the others until enough skin of your shoulders were exposed with the top half of your shirt resting on the side of your arms to which then he slowly moved away the right-hand side of your bra strap to fully expose the canvas that he wanted to mark so eagerly.
Admiring the skin that was in front of him, Sukuna began to trace the area with his thumb before leaning in to place a chaste kiss on the same side of your neck before cradling your face on the other side with his other hand - as if it was a way for him to say ‘thank you’ for letting him do this.
Regrettably pulling away, Sukuna quickly grabbed his black pen as he then leaned in towards your collarbone to start drawing the outline of his design on his now favourite canvas causing you to shiver somehow due to how ticklish and weird the sensation felt when the ballpoint pen continuously gently gilded upon your skin. However, what got you shaking the most was the constant feeling of your boyfriend’s breath being felt on your upper body now that your shirt was basically off - it wasn’t completely off to the same feeling when you were underneath him the first time you allowed him to make his claim on you.
“Baby, it feels ticklish,” you commented, the second you felt a different sensation upon your skin leading Sukuna to glance up to check if you were alright like you were an actual client before placing another kiss on your jawline in a way to comfort you since he had switched to his skin markers to colour in the design he had drawn on you.
“You’re being a good kitten though, you’re not moving a lot then I thought you would,” the tattoo artist whispered leading you to quiver as his deep voice was not helping so much with your beating heart - erratic to the point where you thought he could hear or even feel.
Due to Sukuna concentrating, you couldn’t help but keep silent to help him continue with his work causing you to glance around your room with your eyes before landing upon a wall where there was a multitude of messages written leading you to carefully scan the writings that were visibly presenting themselves.
As expected, there were messages of encouragement - not that the arrogant Sukuna needed it to be honest, but it was nice of the client to do so - and a few drawings from other tattoo artists that Sukuna had famously done. However, not to your surprise, there were a few numbers here and there causing you to sigh since you couldn’t help it - you couldn’t blame your boyfriend for being an extremely handsome man.
Unexpectedly, you felt another kiss being placed upon your cheek causing you to look towards your boyfriend with a smile on your face - it was as if he knew what you were looking at. “I’m finished by the way,” Sukuna announced, causing you to look at him with widened eyes since the drawing session was a little faster than you had anticipated.
Reaching over to a drawer in his desk, Sukuna suddenly pulled out a mirror before passing it to you, leading you to lift up the little instrument to see the result that was drawn on your skin.
“You changed the design,” you quietly stated, as you began to tenderly trace the design with your index finger as you began to admire the piece of art that was masterfully drawn on your collar bone. The tattoo beautifully depicted a single strand of a blooming lavender across your collarbone with each petal in different shades of purple while the buds that weren’t in bloom were in a slight pale pink shade making you smile more since Sukuna drew this straight from his head causing you to have a hint of proudness for him.
“I wasn’t going to give you that previous design, it doesn’t suit you one bit,” the salmon-haired artist mentioned as he continued with, “I’m not going to let that disgusting design touch your skin, especially since this is the first time you let me mark you somewhat,” as he then moved behind you before placing his chin on your shoulder to look at you through the mirror you were holding.
“I might let you mark me permanently then,” you suddenly announced causing your boyfriend to look at you with a surprised look on his face leading you to giggle at his reaction.
“Yeah, let’s break condition three then, you can mark me this one time,” you informed him as you turned to look at him, causing Sukuna to give you his classic smirk before possessively grabbing your chin leading him to lean closer to you.
“Let me mark you then”
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© violettelueur 2021 : written and published by violettelueur - do not steal or repost
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yuzukult · 3 years
acquitted love || sjn & reader
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title: acquitted love pairing: johnny suh x reader genre: fluff, angst, co-workers!au, lawyer!au, one-sided enemies to lovers word count: 8.7k warnings: some language/cursing, brief mentions of sex but there's no actual discussions or explicit conversations of the topic, but generally pg-13 prompt: you absolutely hate johnny suh. but when your boss pairs you two up together for one of the highest profile cases, you’re left working close with your enemy but he doesn’t seem to think that way of you. a/n: tada!! i wrote this for the @/ficscafe fic exchange event!! so @urlocalnctstan​ , hope you enjoy this !! i tried to write it according to what you put as your preferences, but honestly T_T it was so hard bc i was just not getting any ideas!! hopefully this is something you’d like :D enjoy !!
“God, isn’t he just… so attractive?”
Along with a click on your tongue, you feign a hit in Hyeri’s direction, whose reflexes have gotten so much faster in the past couple years of knowing you and it shows when she cowers underneath your arm. She gifts you that not-so-apologetic smile, full of mischievousness because she knows no matter how annoying she can be, you’ll still love her nonetheless.
“Why do you keep talking about Johnny? You know he’s banned as a topic of our conversations.”
Hyeri rolls her eyes, crossing her arms over her white frilled blouse. You know that she doesn’t actually inhabit any romantic feelings for Johnny, but she has a problem of thinking without the usage of her brain when she sees a hot guy.
Not that you think Johnny is hot.
“Come on, you can’t tell me you don’t think he’s at least an ounce of smokin’ hot.” She’s unraveled her arms by now, poking your shoulder incessantly to grasp onto your attention as you're tapping on the buttons of the copier machine. “I bet if you asked him out, he’d say yes.”
You briefly glare at Hyeri. “You realize that he and I don’t get along, right? He keeps finding stupid loopholes in the system to win his cases. He thinks with his heart, not his head, and sometimes, with whatever that thing was in his pants.” And, not to mention that he walks out the court with that big grin stretched from cheek to cheek, giving the ‘good news’ to your well-respected boss (who you desperately seek the approval of but that’s a different story for another time). And every single time, she gives him that nod of appreciation, that ‘nod of approval’ if you will, when it should be given to you and not to some asshole who fucks his way to victory.
“But he’s so hot—”
You narrow your eyes at your friend, and with a stern voice, you call out, “Hyeri.”
She shrugs. “Honestly, though, he’s hella smart. He’s got a job here, and works under your boss. It’s Park, Kim & Associates—notice how Park is first, because she’s a fucking genius. She only picks the intelligent ones to work under her. Why do you think I’m still working for Mr. Kim?”
Park Seohyun and Kim Gonghyun—one of the biggest lawyers in the region, decided to join together to build their own law firm from the ground up. They were both highly respected in their field; Kim Gonghyun spent years of his life being mentored by one of the most famous judges, and as for Park Seohyun, she was, simply put, admirable because of the obstacles she has overcome to make her dreams of working in law to be real. Being a woman, young, and beautiful, she’s had her fair share of encounters with people who disregard her potential, that is until she met Gonghyun—who, admittingly is an old man who seems like he’d be traditional, sexist, even, but he proves to also make people realize how wrong they are with their impression of him.
But, as Mr. Kim is getting older, he’s gotten a bit… lazy.
In fact, he’s been slacking so much that he’s gotten a new rep in the office—if he was your direct supervisor, or your supervisor was under him, you were on the side of the office where all the easier, uncomplicated cases were assigned. Which meant that there was a slight possibility that your talents and skills weren’t as sharp and exceptional as you thought they were.
And well, Hyeri works directly underneath Mr. Kim.
Hyeri doesn’t want a heavy workload, despite the fact that there’s a plethora of files on her desk, stacked up one onto another as tall as her PC tower, and they were all open and closed cases—needless to say that she didn’t mind it.
“Okay, but you got offered a position under Seohyun. Do you really think you’re not wasting your potential?”
Hyeri scoffs. “Never. At least, not now. I’m still in my twenties, I’d like to enjoy my youth while I can, for your information.”
You quirk a brow. “And does any of that pertain fucking Johnny? The hot guy, so you claim?”
She immediately has her hand covering your mouth and you scowl. “Shhhhh, he works here!”
You bite the flesh of her hand and Hyeri instantly retracts. “You think I don’t know my archenemy works here? He sits directly across from my office—I get the best view of the guy and I’m not even one of his fangirls.”
“You’re not gonna be one of those girls who claim they’re different because they don’t like him but then end up falling for him anyway… are you?”
Your hand goes up and Hyeri crouches down.
“Stop it.”
“Seriously though! It’s the classic e2l love story,” she has her hands gesturing in front of her like she’s making an imaginary rainbow, “Two lawyers, constantly butting heads, accept each other’s differences and learn to love—“
“The fuck is an ‘e2l’?”
“Enemies to lovers.”
“Are you high? Stop spitting nonsense.” This time, you’re waving the stack of papers that finish printing in front of her face. “Meet me for lunch later. But if you keep talking about my archenemy and I falling in love, you can kiss a free meal goodbye.”
Hyeri gasps.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
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Maybe. Just maybe, Hyeri might be a tiny smidge right when she says Johnny is handsome. Just a bit though, because she can’t get credit for something like that.
He’s dyed his hair this shade of brunette that sort of reminds you of roasted chestnuts on a cold, winter day, sitting inside of a cooker outside of your childhood home, baking along with some sweet potatoes your mom had gotten from a farmer’s market nearby. Johnny has this focused gaze attached to the screen of his monitor; there’s a dip in the fronts of his brows, lips tightened into a straight line, and constant switching back and forth from the computer while taking notes down in a book that’s laid open in front of him.
You wonder what’s running through his mind, or well, you’re more interested in what files he has sprawled out on top of his desk.
Truthfully, if it hadn’t been obvious enough, you weren’t quite a fan of Johnny Suh and it’s mostly due to his work ethic. He’d been notorious for his reputation of sleeping around—especially with the opposing side—so it’s hard to convince yourself that he didn’t win the case because of his actual capabilities, but it’s because he pulled some strings.
And Johnny doesn’t put much effort into denying it either.
Albeit deep down, you were a teeny bit envious of his confidence. He struts around the courtroom with ease, and when he presents his position, there’s no staggering in his voice—it’s always crisp and clean, weighted with nothing but credence, and never straying from his initial perspective. It’s never a lack of poise, it’s consistently the look he goes for; from the hand gestures and the furrowed brows, to the rhetorical questions in the end of certain statements that has the speculators and jury sitting at the edge of their seat, Johnny had a talent for performing in the courtroom, but that doesn’t mean anything when the way he gets to the success isn’t ethical.
Just at that moment, his eyes lift from the screen and meet yours.
There isn’t any hesitation when you scramble to grab the remote controller, and the shades drop over the windows instantaneously.
“Fuck,” you mutter underneath your breath, tossing the remote onto your desk and shaking your hands after. What if he thought you were admiring him? Maybe he didn’t see. Yeah. It was for a brief second, and with how close your offices were to each other, it would be common to accidentally lock eyes… right?
Interrupting your thoughts, the office phone rings and it nearly startles the living soul out of you. But before you reach for it, your head tilts to the side curiously because the extension number is familiar—it’s Park Seohyun’s, your boss.
What could she be calling for?
You don’t remember fucking something up—but to be fair, half the times, you never really know if you’ve actually fucked up until someone with steaming ears and a crimson face comes storming in. So… did you do something good? Again, you don’t think that’s right either, because other people would’ve made comments about it.
Deciding to swallow your nerves, you pick up the phone.
“Hey!” Seohyun never fails to be bubbly, and you could never mimic her energy. You definitely had to be born with that kind of enthusiasm. “I have a favor. Hop into my office.”
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Leaned back in her leather swivel chair, she had her fingers laced with each other while resting over her stomach. Johnny stands beside you (and you do your best to not look directly at him, especially after that weird staring thing), and you both feel like kids being lectured by parents from how still you are. Her office is huge, probably the size of both yours and Johnny’s combined; with ceiling to floor windows, cases of books that line the perimeter, not to mention the humongous ass couch that practically covers the other half of the room, and her desk was so wide, you estimate about four monitors would fit on there with still additional space for work. That wasn’t even the best part—the view of the city looks almost like a generic lockscreen of a Windows computer, and you’re not even sure why she goes home at night when she basically has a penthouse here.
“As you know, I have a favor.”
“Right,” Johnny retorts, mostly as a filler in the awkward silence. “So… what’s the favor?”
She pulls a box from her purse; square, black and made from a leather material with a lock pad stitched into it, something you’ve never seen before, and she slides the passcode in, then it pops the lid open. A key (a… very small one) sits in the velvety cushion, with nothing else occupying the space with it, and it looks comical. She uses this to open the very top drawer of her desk, and as she pulls using the handle, there’s another box inside, but this time, metal instead of leather, but still black.
What the fuck?
It seems Johnny shares the same thoughts, because he sneaks a glance over at you.
“You see,” Seohyun begins, pressing on the digital keys of the box until there’s a beep at the end and the case hisses open. “There’s a lot of security for this. Which means you understand the importance of it.”
Then, she picks up four manila envelopes and lies on the surface of her wooden top desk. “I have a family emergency to attend to this upcoming week. I’m boarding a flight tonight. So I’m leaving the Hwang v. Yoon case to the two of you.”
“The what?”
You and Johnny are sputtering out of shock. The Hwang v. Yoon case is the biggest case that the firm is involved in currently, and the only people involved in it have been Seohyun and Gonghyun. It’s been on every social media platform you could think of; from Facebook to Twitter, TikTok to Instagram—there’s even this weird website for emo/grunge teens or strange kids that like writing fanfic called Tumblr, and whatever that is, it’s discussed on there too.
“What about Gonghyun?”
Seohyun scoffs, closing the drawer and dropping the key back into her special box. Where do you even get a box like that? “He can’t handle this alone. So I’m kicking him off until I come back. I thought about letting the two of you work with him, but his ego is so inflated, it’ll get in the way of our chances of winning. It’s easier if it was just me and him, but seeing that things at home aren’t well, I’m going to need you two to step up to the plate.”
The room goes quiet. The only sounds you hear are the muffled noises of a typical bustling office outside the thick walls of Seohyun’s office, and at first, excitement rushes through your blood because Seohyun thought of you taking over a special, high profile case.
Albeit, another realization gets soaked up, and it’s that Johnny also came to mind, and that because it’s such an important case, the two of you would be… working… many… hours… together.
Maybe you should back out of it—but then again, this is such a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Imagine winning this— it wouldn’t be good for just the law firm, it’d be good for you too. Your name, in articles on these big fancy news websites, perhaps even on new channels, talking about how you, this amazing lawyer, won the Hwang v. Yoon case.
But then you’re snapped back into reality when Johnny leans over to take the envelopes from Seohyun.
If your name is on those platforms, so is Johnny’s.
God, this guy just ruins everything, doesn’t he?
“We’ll take care of it, Seohyun. You can trust us,” he says assuringly, a smile tugging on each corner of his lips with that dazzling gaze. “We’ll be at our best.”
Kiss ass.
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If you had the option, you wouldn’t be spending your Saturday night here at work, in one of those conference rooms with a long table in the middle, a big projector that displays on the wall, and a random black leather loveseat couch that lines the one corner in case there’s too many occupants.
Especially since the person who’s accompanying you is Johnny Suh.
There’s probably a lot of people who would kill to be in your position (Hyeri being one of them), but you dread it. Not to be that person, but what’s so special about him anyway? What? He’s tall, has some muscles, long luscious hair that he can slick back with that sultry stare—wait, what?
“Alright, moving on…” From what? You guys just started? It’d been clear with Seohyun that the mornings would be dedicated to other cases, but nights would be considered overtime and where you’d zoom in your focus on Ms. Hwang’s justice. “Let’s take a look at the facts here.”
Johnny slips off his blazer, hanging it on the back of one of the chairs as you’re seated in another, leaning back comfortably with an arm resting on the table. He loosens the first few buttons of his dress shirt before folding up the sleeves, and that’s when you notice a little thing in the inner crook of his elbow—is that a fucking sunflower? Is that what he uses to reel girls in? That he’s soft enough to have a pretty little flower etched onto his gentle, silky and supple—
“Okay,” he says, interjecting into your thoughts with a laser pointer in his hand. He taps on the space bar of his laptop that mirrors what’s on his screen, but then, that’s when you realize what’s on the slides.
There’s a collage of pictures, mostly street, casually walking themed ones, but the common factor was that they were of Yoon Changmin, the man you guys were up against. They were all paparazzi-like photos, which begs the question, how did he get pics like this, and why did he get them?
“What’s the point of this?” you ask, voice laced with nothing but suspicion.
“We gotta get into the mind of the enemy.” You wanna get into the mind of your enemy, too.
You gesture to the one image of Changmin with an arm around his girlfriend and a finger up his nose. “Seems like he’s trying to reach inside of his head instead of us. These are just everyday pictures, Johnny. What’s that going to do for us?”
“Well,” he begins, turning to look at the wall of ‘evidence’. “You see—wait, holy shit.”
Freezing in the midst of reaching for your coffee, your head jolts in the direction of your partner. “What? What is it?”
“Holy shit,” he exclaims, “Hoooooooooly shit. Why didn’t I see this before? This changes everything.”
Furrowing your brows, you’ve given up getting your drink and dropped your hands onto the table. “Tell me, what is it?”
“This is a game changer.”
“Johnny,” you call out sternly, and his eyes link with yours before he instantly points to a particular picture with his red laser pointer.
“Look at that.” There’s pride saturated in his words, but when you look at what he’s indicating, your body slouches in disappointment.
Why the hell was he directing your attention onto Changmin’s thighs? Surely, there’s no denying that they were attractive—you recall that his alibi was at the gym that very night of the crime.
“What? He’s guilty for showing off his toothpick legs?” They were lean, you never said they were muscular.
“No,” he retorts, slightly irritated by your response as he rolls his eyes. “Look at his pants.”
“They’re jean shorts.”
There’s a pregnant pause, but the expression on your face is so loud it can’t be hidden.
Johnny continues, “That’s a fashion crime.” He says it as if it’s an obvious fact known by many. “Not to mention that it’s fucking raw hem. He should be arrested.”
Suddenly, your opinion of him thinking too much with his heart dissipates because it seems like he’s thinking out of his ass instead. Did he win those cases out of pity? How did this guy even pass the bar? How about law school? How the hell did he even get into law school?
“I don’t think—”
“Listen, alright, just hear me out,” he’s got the palms of his hands resting flat on the surface of the table, doing his best to gain your full undivided attention. “Only assholes wear jean shorts. They flaunt that shit around like they own the place, but they’re horrendous pieces of clothing that should not be on a male’s body. I don’t care what you say, what your opinion is, because that is a fact.”
Puffing your cheeks, you feel at a loss. If Johnny is who you had to get this done, it feels like you’re not going to be finding much evidence any time soon.
“Okay, if… if that’s how you want to play it, then show me the evidence—other than those 2012 cut off denim shorts.”
He reaches over to hit his space bar again, then with a wink and a slide change, he leans closer to you and says with that deep, honeyed voice, “Gladly.”
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You hate admitting when you’re wrong.
Ironically, you concede and will confess when you actually are, but it doesn’t mean that you enjoy it. For example, when Hyeri claims that the intern Mark had a crush on you, you quickly waved her off, stating something along the lines of, “I’m too intimidating; there’s better chances of him being scared of me than ever finding me attractive.” And then a week later, you owed Hyeri free lunch at that hip ramen place downtown because Mark had approached your desk that very morning with a bouquet of red roses flowers for you, a cheeky grin glued to his face with pools of hearts in his eyes, and ready to ask you on a date because it was the day after his internship had ended. Naturally, it wasn’t fun rejecting that poor college boy.
But, you won’t say you find Johnny interesting or handsome. Or that there’s potential when it came to possibly (just barely the slightest smidge) that you’d ever consider asking Johnny out. He’s your enemy here, you’ve mentioned that a multitude of times, and you stand firm on that very declaration, despite the fact that sometimes when he gets too close, your breath gets caught in your throat and you feel like you can’t get whatever’s lodged in out.
Albeit it’s not the whole “you guys are gonna end up together” comment that Hyeri makes and resulting in you denying it afterwards, it’s that Johnny might… be a decent lawyer.
He’s not the best one you’ve seen; the stupid revelation he had on the first day working on the case about the jean shorts is evidence for it, but it’s the days following that were slowly changing your perspective on him.
When you said, “He thinks too much with his heart more than with his head,” it was 100% correct.
When meeting with potential witnesses, you recognized that Johnny empathizes with people often; when they cry and start panicking from being overwhelmed, he's quick on his feet to put an arm around them, share reassuring words, and have them back to normal in record’s time.
And, well… you? You’re the one making them cry in the first place.
You don’t want to fully take the blame for being the cause of their tears, but people need to hear what’s happening, and the very detail that they can’t even handle this information probably means they’re not worthwhile as a key witness.
Johnny, of course, thinks otherwise.
He believes that these people should have a voice (although you’ve alluded that they might be more useless than helpful), and putting them on the stand with Yoon Changmin there would change the view of the jury to supporting Hwang Naeri.
“Listen, if we get these people to sign the form, we’d get witnesses and it’ll help Naeri,” Johnny claims, frantically moving his arms annoyingly as he talks, trying his best to express the gravity of the situation, “and maybe, maybe, money wouldn’t be how Changmin wins, but how he loses. We can’t have another person with jean shorts walking on the streets of our city like this—they deserve to go to prison.”
You scrunch up your nose. “Why does this always revert back to the jean shorts?”
“It always has to do with jean shorts,” he snaps back matter-of-factly. “Any straight guy wearing jean shorts with that much goddamn confidence has done some wrong in their lives.”
“Right, but I’m pretty sure that the crimes he did are mainly the reason why he’s being prosecuted against.”
“Jean shorts are the windows to the soul.”
“I’m almost 100% sure that eyes are the windows to the soul, but whatever. If you genuinely believe that the women we met today would benefit our case, then… okay. Let’s bring them to the stand.”
On the contrary to you, Johnny doesn’t have a hard time convincing witnesses to testify. You see the way that he works; those kind eyes directed at the participants, the pools of chocolate were sweet, saturated in nothing but tenderness and warmth, then he does that weird thing where he reaches for their hands and cups them before the words that escapes from his lips are enough to swoon them to stand in front of a courtroom.
Maybe, just maybe, there’s a method to his so-called madness.
Aggression and bluntness don’t work, it seems, because when you’re the one attempting to convince these people to go against the man that had done them wrong, they’re less willing to do it. Something about ‘moving on,’ and ‘not wanting to relive those memories again,’ but if it was you, you’d want justice. Then again, not everyone is like you, and not everyone thinks like you, and spending this abundance of time with Johnny is slowly getting you to ease into that perspective.
So… the initial impression you had of him may have been wrong.
And maybe, just maybe, you’re developing some feelings for him, just as Hyeri predicted.
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“Do you have a boyfriend?”
His abrupt personal question is enough to have the coffee spill into your mouth to slide down the ‘wrong throat’ because you’re choking, hand on your chest as you’re tackling to regain your breath again and Johnny only stares in disbelief, blinking blankly. “Are… are you okay?”
You glare at him through a hooded gaze. “Well,” you clear your throat once more. “Now, I am.”
“Cool.” He nods, retracting his hand so he could rub your back soothingly, deciding it’s best to stay away. “Are you going to answer my question?”
Quirking a brow, your head tilts slightly in puzzlement. “Why are you asking this?”
Johnny shrugs. “Isn’t it weird that we’ve hung out with each other for a whole week—stayed here for nights and we both don’t know anything about each other?”
Tapping your fingers against the wooden top table, you sigh. Maybe he’s got a point; after all, “Keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer,” right?
“No, I’m single.”
Johnny’s face suddenly brightens, ears perked, and his body straightens its posture in his seat at this revelation. “Oh, uh, I didn’t know that. You seemed busy in your personal life, so I, uh… was just wondering.” He looked anxious, but you couldn’t pinpoint why. “I, um, I’m single too, by the way, in case you’re wondering.” You weren’t.
The plethora of cardboard and plastic boxes scattered across the table was a representation of the night. It’s been long, exhausting, and messy, mostly because it’s a Friday night, the hearing was on Monday, and the two of you were nowhere near close to having enough to present to the court. In fear of disappointing Seohyun, the two of you agreed to stay over the office for the weekend to cram work for the case. There’s no denying that the atmosphere is weirder on the weekends, especially since, well, no one really comes here on the weekends. Johnny had to use the bathroom earlier and ran into the cleaning lady and she nearly shit her pants because she didn’t think anyone was here, so she had music blasting in her headphones.
Johnny is… interesting. He makes you laugh—or well, want to laugh, but you don’t give him that sense of satisfaction—and he’s smart but in his own weird way. He’s not like the other lawyers you’ve met, or any of the law students you attended University with because he’s more lighthearted and free-spirited than the rest, taking life in strides instead of just overwhelming himself in the abundance of stress that work brings.
He’s entirely the opposite of you.
And maybe you could learn something from the guy, but there’s something in you that brews hatred toward him. Possibility that you resent how easy he makes being a lawyer seem when you’re struggling in your day-to-day life to make things work.
But it’s way too fucking hard when he’s just… like that.
Despite all of that, he’s very generous and kind toward you. On rough days, he delivers your coffee order, the one you always get because he remembers what you asked the intern to get for you the last time, and he’s good at identifying when you’re just having that kind of day. You eventually learn he has a photographic memory (fucking show off), so when he saw that crumpled napkin with scribbles of what you want in that dumb intern’s hand, it wasn’t hard to remember. Which, by the way, is how he’s able to get into the most prestigious school for undergrad, manage to pass the bar so easily, and get into law school effortlessly.
And knowing this information sort of angers you more.
You know this isn’t his fault—he’s been blessed with a trait that people desire, one that you also yearn for, but the lucky ones get handed a lot of things in life. You wonder if he’s the type of guy who wins girls easily after matching with them on dating sites because of this stupid ass ‘photographic memory.’ Does he sleep with them right after? Does it ever get serious?
You shrug your shoulders and shake your head. You shouldn’t even let these strange thoughts haunt you, especially when you don’t even like him.
He’s a spoiled brat who gets everything handed to him on a silver platter.
So you’re left counting the remaining days until the trial so you don’t ever have to work with Johnny Suh this closely again.
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Okay, well, it’s evident that bad luck is glued to your side because after you win the Hwang v. Yoon case for your law firm with that asshole, Seohyun is so impressed. So goddamn impressed that she insists that all the high profile cases are to be given to both you and Johnny.
To work as a team.
Jesus, this is Hell for you.
Surely, the promotion and raise that came along with it was definitely a plus, but it has you wondering if it’s even worth it. He’s been your unspoken enemy since the first day, and although you think you’re pretty forthright about your hatred for this guy, he can’t seem to read social cues.
When you’re pushing the double doors into the conference room the two of you often spend working on cases in, you expect Johnny to be ready for another day. But strangely enough, Johnny doesn’t have his laptop out or any of the notebooks sprawled across the table.
“Um,” you slide the strap of your bag off your shoulder and onto the spare chair. “Did you come late or something?”
He takes in a deep breath like he’s been holding back something. “We need to talk.”
There’s worry inscribed into his features; from the crease in between his brows, to his pursed lips, and eyes soaked in concern, almost like he’s got bad news to share and it has your stomach in knots. Was it that the case was thrown out? It couldn’t be, right? You both worked hard, presented your stance to the point that the jury and the judge were in awe with your findings. Sure, you had to cover Johnny’s mouth right before he was about to go off in a tangent about jean shorts, but overall, it was a good win, a hard one to go back on and pull out the wrongs of it. So what was it?
“I’m quitting our partnership.”
You blink. “What?”
He gestures to the room with his hands as if there’s anything out to reference. “This thing. Our work. The big profile cases. The famous stuff. I told Seohyun that I won’t be doing it anymore and she can revoke the promotion and the raise.”
You’re still not catching on. “… Why?” Was it something you did? Yeah, you weren’t a big fan of Johnny either, but were you so bad that he decided to not go through with the raise because of you?
“Because,” he pushes his blazer back, hands sliding into the front pockets of his navy blue trousers. “There’s a policy put into place. Those who are on the same cases cannot have any personal relations with each other that extend past friendships.”
“We’re not even friends?” With confusion written across your face, your head tilts to the side. “I’m not… I’m not catching on here.”
“I like you.”
Startled, the words you want to say are stolen out of your mouth. You’re left with a mixture of perturbation and bewilderment, uncertain where to go from there because Johnny asked for the removal of both a promotion and additional money that could be so good for his career… and it’s all because he has a crush on you?
“You quit the best thing that could’ve happened to you because you like me?”
“Yeah,” Johnny states calmly, sucking in his cheeks for a brief moment. “Ain’t that romantic?”
You scoff. “No. Absolutely not. You’re insane! Why would you do yourself dirty like that? Use your head, Johnny, you’re constantly thinking with that stupid heart of yours, and hate to break it to you, but it won’t get you anywhere.” Combing your hair with your fingers, you let out a sigh. “Go ask Seohyun for the position back. Say you made a mistake and—”
“I’m not asking her for the position back.”
Johnny doesn’t make any sense to you. “What? Why wouldn’t you do that?
“Because,” he laughs in disbelief, not because he thinks you’re funny. “I’m not going to force myself to work with a girl that I keep falling for. That’s self-inflicting, you realize that, right? You’re amazing, but you can seriously be so dense sometimes.”
“I’m dense? You just told one of the best law firms in the city that you don’t want to work on the important cases anymore because you have a stupid crush on your partner!”
“If we were on a team with more people, maybe it’d be different. But it’s just us two. You think I won’t fall any harder? That’s not easy. Every time I see you working, I swear I could be hopelessly in love with you one day.”
Your heart stops for a second.
This is Johnny Suh you were talking about here. One of the claimed best lawyers in your office, one of the most intelligent people that Hyeri has ever met, and Seohyun evidently backs this up because she’s given him so much recognition for his work. He’s the guy who worked with you to win the Hwang v. Yoon case, he’s the one who brought up the stupid jean shorts that seemed so far-fetched at the time, but they were a crucial detail everyone missed—it so happened that when Changmin bought those dumb shorts, there was evidence of at least one of his crimes in that store from the security cameras.
Any cis-gendered male who wears jean shorts can’t be trusted, according to Johnny.
And candidly speaking? You couldn’t even deny that. Your past two ex-boyfriends both wore jean shorts and the one cheated on you and the other one was caught money laundering.
“Listen,” he begins, interrupting your foggy thoughts. “I’m not asking you to tell me you like me back. I’m telling you because you should know, and that I can’t go on any further without letting you know. I’ll, uh, be in my office. Seohyun said she’d find a replacement for me.”
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Hyeri is his replacement.
She’s great company and does a good job of helping you with whatever you need, but that was just it. Hyeri followed you, she never led with you, just as Johnny does. Agreeing with everything you say, mindlessly trailing behind everything you do—Hyeri was smart, but she couldn’t figure out how to think for herself when it came to these bigger cases because she’s never been given such a responsibility. But you couldn’t even blame her because it’s what she was told to do under Gonghyun.
“You said that you think Maeri snatched the bracelet?”
“No, I said if you watched the security video that the jewelry store submitted, it clearly shows that Maeri snatched the bracelet. Not that I ‘think.’ The proof is right there, Hyeri.”
She nods, resuming back to her work on the computer. Truthfully, Hyeri felt more like an assistant than a co-worker, someone to bounce ideas off of and to see from a different perspective. And as much as you hated Johnny, he had decent points. He had ways of making you put yourself into the shoes of people you never thought you were; although the guy was obnoxious, at least he actually was… good at his job.
Deciding you can’t take it anymore when Hyeri asks for the tenth time that hour about your beliefs rather than her own, you abruptly stand from your seat.
“Where are you going?”
“Out,” you reply shortly. “I’ll be back.”
It was just a spontaneous thought. It’s after hours, and although there are some people who stay behind to get some work done, you had your doubts that Johnny would still be here. He seems to have a better grip on that work/life balance thing people talked about (unlike yourself), but it didn’t hurt to check his office, right?
It’s a good thing you went with it. Because right across from yours, there’s Johnny.
There’s one single lamp that shines over the tabletop of his desk, and the other sources of light in his office are from his computer screen and the ones from the city skyline from behind him. It has him seemingly angelic like this, so serene, calm, and collected, only focused on what’s laid out in front of him. The sun has gone down, people have gone home, but Johnny remains, hardworking as always, despite your previous observations that he’s a lazy, unprofessional guy who gets everything handed down to him.
With a knock on his glass door, he flinches, head raising up and eyes meeting yours.
Were his eyes always this sparkly?
Opening the door, Johnny drops the pen in his hand and crosses his arms before leaning back in his seat. “What’s up?”
“You’re here late,” you state the obvious, and Johnny only nods in return, without a rebuttal in sight. “You aren’t normally here late. At least, before the Hwang v. Yoon case.”
“Yeah, you’re right. But Seohyun dropped something on my desk this morning. Wanted to work on it. What brings you here?”
Inhaling in a deep breath of courage, your hands bundle up into a fist by your side. “Please come back.”
Johnny raises a brow. “What?”
“Come back,” you reiterate, this time, it’s less tense and releases with ease. Caving in isn’t usually this effortless to you, but something about Johnny makes you feel… comfortable enough.“Come back and work with me again. Yes, I’m not supportive of how you do things—”
“Then let’s go out on a date.”
You freeze. Legs rooted into the floors of Johnny’s office, you’re left immobile and diffident on how to react next. It wasn’t what you were expecting, although you weren’t quite sure what you were hoping to anticipate, but it most definitely was not this.
“I said my terms,” he retorts, shutting the book in front of him before shuffling up from his seat. He’s leaving, you realize, and Johnny’s ready to head home for the night and you’re not sure if you could handle an entire weekend with Hyeri here. “And, I meant what I said. One date, and if it really doesn’t work out, I’ll stay on the case.”
Chewing on your bottom lip anxiously, the next words that come out are out of character for you. “And… what if it does?”
A soft smile tugs from each corner of his mouth. “Then we’ll figure it out from there. Promise.”
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This is… awkward. It shouldn’t be, but yet somehow, it remains awkward.
You’ve spent weeks with Johnny before, and those moments were in a room, in the middle of the night, and alone. Hours and hours were dedicated to work, yes, but it was just the two of you and nobody else.
So why is it so weird being in a five Michelin star restaurant with him?
Maybe it’s the atmosphere. The dim lights, the white clothed tables in lieu of the scratched up wooden one back at the law firm, and instead of leather seats, there’s a neutral beige chaise cushion for the dining chair, slightly less comfortable because it doesn’t recline like the one in your office. Instead of an array of photos and evidence disseminated in front of you, there’s a laminated menu with a multitude of options of what to have for dinner.
Johnny gets the steak with mashed potatoes and string beans, and you order something similar but seared salmon for the main protein. The waitress offers wine, babbling on about the age of the red, where the vineyard is located, and the dryness to sweetness—to be honest, you could care less; you’d rather have gin and sprite with a squirt of lime. A couple glasses of that and you can almost guarantee that the night would end with a deep slumber.
Oddly enough, Johnny seems nervous. Ever since he pulled up in his midnight black Audi in front of your apartment complex, he’s been acting strange. He keeps wiping his sweaty palms off the material of his trousers, occasionally swiping off the droplets that fall on the side of his face.
“Are you… okay?” you suddenly ask, adjusting your dress in your seat. Deciding to go with a black silk dress with a slit up the leg and your hair let down, it’s not a look you often sport but since you’re going on a date (one you haven’t been on in quite some time), you figured it would be nice to at least play the part.
“I’m, uh, honestly, I’ve never really asked a girl out before.”
You quirk a brow curiously. “What? You’re telling me you never asked a girl out before?”
He lets out a bashful laugh with a faint nod, making an attempt to swallow his nerves after. “Honestly, I’ve always been asked out and not the other way around. Not to sound like that guy, but I never really had to put effort into trying for girls. They kind of just…”
“—Throw themselves at you?”
He beams. “Yeah! Like that. I don’t really know how to react half the time, but it makes the whole dating scene a little bit easier.” Geez, he called you dense, but he’s over here acting clueless.
Either way, it feels like whatever opinion you had about Johnny remained true. He never had to try when it came to the dating scene, and you could only imagine what that means for work and the relationships he has with the women in your career field.
“Mm, does that usually happen with work too?”
Befuddled, Johnny leans back in his chair. “What do you mean by that?”
With a shrug of your shoulders, you’re poking the meat of your salmon that falls off easily. After the first initial bite, the fish practically melts on impact when it touches the tip of your tongue, smooth like butter and bursting with flavor that couldn’t be described by any common person because it wouldn’t do the salmon justice. Johnny seemed to put a lot into this date, and you’re left pondering what the point of this was. Did he actually like you, or was he trying to get into your head? “Just seems like you get a lot of special treatment.”
“Are you jealous?”
“In what way?” you snap back.
“Are you jealous of me because I’m getting this so-called special treatment that you think I’ve always had, or were you jealous of the girls that seemingly got my attention?”
You’re left without anything to say.
It was a good observation he made because truthfully, you never saw it like that.
In actuality, you often saw Johnny as your rival. He climbed the ladder in the field with ease, and it wasn’t hard to quickly blame his success on the fact that he was a guy in a male dominated industry, but the fact that there’s a possible interpretation for your hatred may be from these feelings you might’ve been harboring for him this entire time… that can’t be it… right?
“I mean, look at where you are now,” you begin, trying to defend yourself. It can’t be true that the reason you’ve been bitter about Johnny was because of the girls that got his attention, and one of them not being you. “You got a high position from—”
“—From hard work,” Johnny interjects with his brows furrowed. “I didn’t get to where I was because I slept around, if that’s what you’re insinuating. I knew you sort of always hated me, but I’ve always admired you. I like your work ethic, I like your style, even though we’re both on opposite spectrums, I like the way you think and I wanted to know what it was like being partners with you. Getting to be on that case with you showed me more than just who you were as a lawyer, but who you were as a person. I like you, but I’m trying to put my finger on why you hate me so much.”
“So you noticed.” Sucking in your cheeks, your eyes trail elsewhere—from the fork that lays beside your plate, to the glass filled halfway with wine, to the little candle that sits in between the two of you that flickers the way he has your heart when he expresses once more how he feels about you.
“Yeah, of course I noticed. If you like someone, it’s kind to miss details like that about them. So… you really hated me because you thought I slept my way to the top, huh?”
“I mean…” shoulders dropping in exasperation, you run your fingers through your disheveled hair. “All those rumors—”
“Again, they’re just rumors. I worked hard to get here, you know. And I’m kind of offended that you thought of me that way.”
You scoff. “They’re rumors, Johnny, it’s kind of hard to ignore all the office gossip when that’s all you hear. Plus, it wasn’t hard to believe either, with the whole flirtatious act whenever you encounter anyone who’s breathing and has a vagina.”
“I wasn’t flirting.”
“You need a book for dummies that elaborates on what’s flirting or not, because Johnny Suh, whatever it is you do with your body language in front of that chick who sits by the front door.”
“You mean Siwoo? The pregnant one who’s married to her highschool sweetheart? Also, how do you not know our receptionist’s name?”
You throw your arms into the air. “How am I supposed to know her name?”
He tilts his head to the side, genuinely baffled. “Do you… not talk to anyone outside of Hyeri?”
Your silence answers his question.
“I… honestly, I don’t know if I should be offended or if I should be honored. You think I didn’t earn anything that I have now, you think that everything I have was handed to me. On one hand, it’s flattering that you think my looks and my bedroom skills could do that but at the same time… I’m offended because you think I’m incapable.”
“I never said you were incapable—”
“But you implied it.”
Hands falling onto your lap, it’s your turn to gulp. His words come shooting at you, but you’re without a shield to protect yourself, and with the new experience of working with Johnny, there comes the realization at times that Johnny is a hard worker. There are some things that he says and does that aren’t like the people you’ve encountered, and being put on new cases with Hyeri only proved it. He’s thoughtful in the sense that whenever you’d bring up your stance on something, he challenges you with what the defense might counter.
Johnny makes you want to be better. Not just against him, but to brush off the dust on your skills and enter into the battlefield of a courtroom to showcase them.
“Well, if you’re staying silent, I just want to say that I tried,” the crinkle in between your brows makes another appearance because Johnny is great at leaving you stunned and confused. “I really like you. I love how your head works, and I wanna be with someone like that but I also can’t be with someone who doesn’t respect me.”
Why is it that when you’re in that conference room with him, you’re not afraid and never running out of things to say, but now you’re empty handed?
“I’ll pay for dinner. Grab you an Uber. I honestly thought I could overlook those things, and maybe your perspective for me has changed, but I could see it on your face. It’s the same.”
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After that date with Johnny, his life turns back to normal.
Yours? Not so much.
Candidly speaking, part of you missed working with Johnny. You were wrong about him, so wrong, and even when you wanted to apologize at the dinner for what you thought of him, the pride in you was like a vicious plague that blackened your insides, preventing you from ever saying those words.
Oftentimes, you’d still be able to sneak a glimpse of him in his office with that same look on his face—full of concentration and nothing else in his mind other than the task at hand.
The cases you have with Hyeri entail a head like Johnny’s. Someone who could question you, to protest against your stance when there could be flaws in it. It feels like deja vu each time you think about it, each time you open a new case file and Hyeri sits there, perched in that seat beside yours, eyes sparkling with what you have in mind next, instead of what she has going on in hers.
Although you’ve tried convincing yourself that maybe, just maybe, what you feel for Johnny is purely professional but when you see him standing by the water cooler with a couple of your coworkers, eyes mimicking the moon crescents in the skies, replicating the ways his lips curl in elation—it was beginning hard to believe that it was all platonic feelings.
So maybe you should be bold for once. Pull off that exterior that displays you as someone who isn’t just independent and assiduous, but someone who’s stubborn and aggressive in getting what they want—and not in a good way.
This time, you’ll show it in a good way.
Or at least, you’ll try.
Johnny is a routine kind-of-guy—he grabs an iced americano every morning at the coffee shop downstairs at the edge of the street, he does his daily 11:00AM drop-by at the water cooler to refill his Hydroflask (which was his prized possession, by the way), and parked in the same exact spot in the parking garage of your building, despite there being an abundance of places he could choose.
That’s why you decide to stand by his car after work that day. Bouncing on the balls of your feet, hands shaking because it’s your turn to feel anxious. That blazer that once fit so comfortably in the morning suddenly feels tight and hot in the afternoon, and the weather hasn’t even changed. Your bag slung over your shoulder weighs ten times heavier than an hour ago, and you can’t stop your jaw from tightening.
Before your thoughts could spiral off all the possibilities of what the outcome may be when you tell Johnny how you feel, he’s already standing there, feet away from you with that dip in the fronts of his brows that you want to smoothen out the crinkles of with the pad of your thumb.
“Hi,” you greet, faint and peculiarly different from your other approaches. “Um, I just… was waiting for you.”
“Hey,” Johnny says back, the first few buttons of his shirt already unraveled, his blazer hung over his forearm and the sleeves are rolled up. “I see that. What’s up with you?”
“Um,” your leg was jittery, hard to control so you spat everything you had to say out as fast as you could before he could see right through you. “I just wanted to apologize. For everything. You’re admirable, kind, and I wish I inhabited those same characteristics you have. I think professionally, you’ve got great ideas, one that could be implemented into mine and what we did together for that case was just… yeah. We could do something big if we put our heads together.”
Johnny nods in agreement. The relationship between you two work-wise was obvious, he knew that much. “And what about… outside of that?”
“I like you,” you choked, barely getting the words out. “More than just coworkers, um, I guess, more than friends but I’m not really sure since you walked out on our first date,” inhaling in a deep breath of courage, you continue on, “and I don’t know how you feel now after I’m standing before you like this, asking for another chance and that I’m sorry.”
He stares at you blankly, and it leaves you unsure whether or not he accepts your apology. “You know why we ended that date early.”
“Well,” you start again, “can we… start over and try again? I promise I won’t tempt you to end the date early this time.”
And with that, there’s the signature smile that Johnny sports that swoons girls, makes their knees weak, and heart clench but this time… it’s just for you.
“I’d really like that.”
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roscgcld · 3 years
HEDACANON + NANAMI KENTO || friends to lovers
request: Headcannons for my husband Nanami and a fem childhood friends to lovers? They became friends as children because they were the only ones who could see the weird scary monsters that no one else could see, and he’s very protectice of her! Gojo used to flirt with her in highschool to tease Nanami and get him to finally confess (^_^)☆
note: honey you mean OUR husband nanami - because i love him a lot as well TT and of course gojo will do that lol - he just wants nanami to get off his ass and ask you out before some random ass boy tries to steal you away. but i love this honestly, such a cute request for our husband TT 
pronouns: she/her
note: very long because i love nanami and more people need to give him love 
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you and nanami met in the park one day, and it was because of a weird ability that only you two share that bonded the both of you together
nanami had always been able to see curses, but he hates telling people this; espeically the adults, who just think that he is making things up for attention and will lecture him for it 
so he had learnt to ignore it for awhile now, pretending that he does not see that weird catfish like curse lurking in the pond that he stood next to as he fed the ducks
“h-hey - can i feed the ducks next to you?” a shy and sweet voice had called out, causing for him to look over to see you; dressed in a cute flowery dress and haired pulled back with a matching fabric headband. “i wanna feed the ducks too...but i don’t like the scary monster in the water...”
“...you can see it too?” nanami asked you in shock, having never met anyone who can see the things he does; even his parents were blissfully unaware of the weird creatures and monsters that lurk in almost every corner of the small town you live in 
when you had shyly nodded your head in reply to his words, you had no idea that it was the start of your relationship that will last a lifetime
because you were from the same town, you two basically became the best of friends; going to the same preschool and middle school together, spending most of your free time playing with each other, and always seeking each other out even if you two have different friend groups
when he had developed his technique, he uses to exorcise a few of the low level curses that are in your town - of course he does to quietly and in the covers of shadows so no one will notice
he always make sure that there are no curses near you that can scare you, and if they try to attack you or are scaring you too much, he’d exorcise it - yet at the time he didn’t really know what he was doing
he had remember once when you had come crying into his room, clinging onto him since there were a few fly heads that were terrorising your room - you had no idea how they had managed to enter, but they were knocking things off your shelf and scaring the living daylights out of you
nanami had entered your room and somehow dealt with them, even staying the night by sleeping on the floor next to you on your futon; only to make space for you in the middle of the night so you two can curl up together when you were too anxious to fall asleep
with how small your town along the outskirts of Tokyo is, everyone there is tight-knit and very close with each other; with very strong family-centered and peaceful living values instilled in everyone from the moment they are born
everyone was pretty sure that one day you two are going to marry one another, with how you two come as a package deal as the years go by. even your families have pretty much accepted that fact and just act like they are in-laws a this point
when he was offered a space at Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College for high school, he was hesitant - this will be the first time that he is going to be away from not only you but the town you lived in, and the first time either of you had been separated from one another ever
yet you were the one who encouraged him to go to school there, since he’d be wasting his potential if he doesn’t - you didn’t want to be the reason for him to stay back in your small town
so he had went, and now you two mostly spend time on your phone; calling and texting one another late into the night, even if you have classes the next day
there was once, during your long break, that you had decided to take a bullet train up to tokyo to spend the weekend with nanami and to explore the city that you’ve always wanted to visit
so he had waited for you by the train station, dressed in his simple Jujutsu High Uniform with his then wrapped sward resting in a weapons bag over your shoulders - smiling softly when he spotted you before catching you in his arms when you launched yourself into his embrace to give him a long awaited hug
soon you found yourself standing before the temple that hides the college within, looking around in awe as you latched onto his arm, walking beside him with the most entranced look on your face that had nanami watching you with the softest of smiles
it was there that you had met his small group of classmates - the bright and positive haibara who had stuck to your side to ask you a few more questions about his usually quiet classmate
the second years had just returned from classes, the three of them turning into the main hallway just in time to see you giggling up at nanami at a joke that haibara made; and gojo’s eyes nearly popped out of his head at the sight of his usually cold kouhai smiling back at you so freely
it took him a few seconds to realise that you were probably the reason why nanami spend so much time on his phone, to which he just grinned and rubbed his hands together; this action causing geto and shoko to just sigh tiredly 
operation: getting nanami laid is a go
“kent-kun~ you never told me about your pretty little friend.” gojo called out as he skipped over to his junior, his grin widening at how nanami’s expression dropped as he gave his senpai the most unamused look on his face
yet you were just curious as you blinked up at the tall man, offering a warm smile as you untangled one arm from nanami’s and held it out for gojo to shake. 
“my name is l/n y/n, and i am from kento’s hometown. it’s nice to meet you!” you had greeted him with a wide and warm smile, causing everyone in the hallway to just stare at you before it was wordlessly decided that they were going to protect you from all the curses of the world
saying that, gojo is still going to go ahead with his plan on making nanami confess to you
so the entire time you were there, he made sure to suck up to you, being extra nice to you and giving you a few flirtatious comments here and there - but you just brushed him off with a soft smile, not really interested at his advances at all
but pushing him aside lol - you loved meeting his seniors, who asked a little more about yourself and how you seem so casual with the idea of nanami being able to see Curses
it was then you admitted that you can see and sense Curses as well, but you had no Inherited Curse Technique, meaning that you were just the every day civilian with the exception of seeing Curses
they also took the chance to ask questions about their usually quiet kouhai as well, wanting to know more about his life back home in your town that he keeps so private
usually nanami will be against it, but since you were laughing and giggling at all the fond memories you two share, he decided to let it go for once - even if it’s all at his expense
the rest of the weekend was a blast - nanami brought you about tokyo to see all the tourist sights, visit a few places that he loves to shop at or drop by from time to time, letting you try all the different street snacks and famous restaurant to your hearts content
but it is when you’re in the college that he is the most annoyed with - not at you, no. but at gojo - who kept flirting with you and kept making jokes with you about random things
if that wasn’t bad enough, you had shared a few laughs with the older male, since a few of his jokes were genuinely funny - and that had nanami fuming
geto probably took pity on the dense boy before he started to nudge at him to confess his very obvious feelings he had for you, since it was obvious that the both of you are very much in love with one another
it was either he confesses, or more dumbasses like gojo might try to pull something like this on him and take you away from him 
and even though he was sure that wouldn’t happen, the more he thought about it, the more he realised that geto might be right - and that there is a chance he is going to loose you to someone if he doesn’t act fast
and there is no way he is going to loose to that white-haired ferret - no wat in hell
when he had returned home for the semester break, meeting you up at the train station where you greeted him with a wide smile that you only reserve for him and pulling him into your warm and comforting embrace, he just sighs in relief and holds you close as well, taking a few moments to just appreciate you
throughout the semester, he had slowly build up the courage to confess his feelings to you - making a rough plan of how things are going to go before he went full on ham on the day he plans on confessing
and if we know something about nanami - it is that this man always stick to his plan 
for most of your free days, the both of you are out on dates; visiting old favorites of yours, trying out the new restaurants and cafes that you’ve yet to visit, going to a few arcades, and even a few stores to just do some window shopping together
it went on like that for a few days before he suddenly asked if you wanted to go out to visit the nearby festival that your town is holding - which you agreed with a warm smile on your face before he promised to drop by your home
you had decided that since it was a festival, you’d put on one of your most favourite yukata pieces - a beautiful dark blue one made of silk, with cranes and clouds printed all over the fabric, a simple dark blue obi to tie it all off 
nanami had decided to wear a simple grey kimono, since it just adds to the excitement of going to a festival - so when he saw you dressed for the occasion as well, he smiles and takes your hand in his, telling you how beautiful you looked
while you were still fangirling about the comment, nanami promised your father to bring you home before midnight, to which the older man just smiles and waves him off; knowing that he can trust nanami to keep his word and make sure you’re safe
when you two were there you had a blast - trying out all the different kinds of candies and treats, playing a few games, and visiting a few vendors that have set up shop at the tourist spots as well
nanami had even won you a cute seal plushie, one that you hugged to your chest in delight the entire time with the brightest smile on your face; nanami blushing and rubbing the back of his neck bashfully at how that look was directed right at him 
he had confess that night when the both of you were just admiring the stars and the moon visible in your small town, asking if you had wanted to officially become his girlfriend
when you had agreed the biggest and most happiest smile on your face, launching yourself in his arms with an excited giggle while he smiles and hugs you around the waist, happy that you had agreed
to be honest there was not much of a change between your current relationship and the one you had before - the only difference is the more physical aspects of your relationship, and how open nanami is when it comes to showering you in affection
when gojo had found out that you two finally got together, he just grinned and clapped his hands in delight, happy that nanami finally got off his ass to admit his feelings for you 
and as much as nanami hates that gojo will forever take credit for the both of you getting together, he isn’t wrong either. but there is no way in hell is he going to admit that to the older man 
even when he was a salesperson or return to the jujutsu world after awhile, he is forever going to be the protective boyfriend that he is
an arm around your waist whenever you two are out together, sharp eyes glaring at anyone who stares at you a bit too long or is eyeing you up like you’re a piece of meat
doesn’t stop you from wearing things like short dresses or low riding tops if it makes you happy, but will make sure that you are safe whenever you go out together; tossing a jacket over you if you get cold, and keeping a hand on your thigh the entire time
even now he makes sure that you’re safe, texting you when he gets a mission so you aren’t in that part of town where he is going so you’re not hurt by the curses that are roaming that part of town
by the way, it didn’t take him that long to propose to you and ask if you wanted to get married to him, which you agreed to with the same enthusiasm that you had when he asked you to be his girlfriend all those years ago
and he’s never been more grateful that he gets to call you his
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform
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falconcoast · 2 years
'travel to distant lands with me. get away from this droll land, and traverse nations with me. it doesnt have to be like this. we can escape.'
'...and tear away everything ive ever known? run away from my responsibilities, just like that?'
'ill leave tomorrow, at daybreak.'
send in a trope, and i'll assign a character!
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beidou -
as one of lady ningguang’s secretaries, you have an important role to fulfill for her. you schedule her public appearances, her business meetings, and her leisure time for her
you revere her; she’s the smartest businesswoman in liyue. when your archon isn’t around, she and the qixing guide the harbor into prosperity
so, when you’re sent to go deal with someone causing a ruckus by the docks, you’re more than willing to reprimand anyone who talks bad about the tianquan 
the captain of the crux seems to be the subject of the calamity, and you immediately begin to lecture her on why anchoring her ship is inconvenient for other passing ships, and that the qixing must give a fine
she only shrugs her shoulders, choosing to take a swig of her beverage of choice instead
this only causes you to get more mad--lady ningguang would probably not be pleased anyways. she can only laugh, tossing her head back. you feel like a fool as the rest of her crew joyfully joins in, cheeks heating up
you take one good look at the captain. despite her carefree attitude, her back is still straight. the electro vision on her waist is a sign the gods look favorably upon her. her uncovered are intense but meaningful, and she looks at you intensely.
“find something you like, sweetheart?” she asks teasingly, making your face scrunch up into a frown.
“the tianquan will hear about this!” you exclaim, turning on your heel. 
“yeah, yeah, go running back to your precious lady ningguang,” she calls out. “it’s a shame you’re wasting all you potential on her.” 
when you come back to yujing terrace, you’re still fuming. your superior takes notice when you stubbornly knock on her office door. “y/n, is something matter? you usually handle business affairs for me with ease,” she says, pipe still smoking in her hand. 
“lady ningguang,” you begin, bowing your head. “respectfully, please do not assign me anymore meetings with captain beidou. i fear i cannot hold my composure around her.” 
“oh? i suppose i could let that slide,” she shrugs easily. “so be it. you will not have to meet with beidou anymore. i suppose that no one can deal with her.” 
even though you’re technically not supposed to meet the captain anymore, you find her presence so infuriating that you can’t help but confront her whenever she docks in your harbor. 
docking in the wrong slot, committing public misdemeanors and citations, strolling into the qixing’s headquarters with no scheduled appointment--you are frustrated by it all.
while lady ningguang tells you not to interfere with her on her behalf, this is one order that you will not obey from her
after a while, you begin to look for her more and more, thinking that this is truly the time she’ll get it through her head to comply to the law. and also after a while, she manages to convince you to talk to her after you reprimand her. 
she’s effortlessly charming, turning even the dreary fish docks into a bright place. you can tell she has a strong love for her crew, taking in even the oddest of people for the thrill of it.
she recounts foreign lands to you, and you listen, as you have never left liyue before. fontaine has a city full of fountains, inazuma is home to perpetual thunderstorms, and snezhnaya has some of the strictest export laws in all of teyvat. 
every time you leave, you feel like you want to hear more. you curse yourself for not being disciplined--this is a seasoned criminal you’re talking with. 
but every time that she leaves, sometimes on months on end, you feel like a small part of yourself is missing. another part of you thinks that maybe, just maybe, that she’ll become lost at 
and when she comes back, showering you with random trinkets she picked up, you find yourself coming closer to admitting that she has captured your heart. 
more utc!
you’ve never been on a boat before, but something about it is wondrous and terrifying all at once. the rest of the crew is elsewhere on land, so it’s only you and the captain are all alone. the moon is out, and is reflected upon the crashing waves. you lean against the side of the ship, staring at the glowing lights of the harbor. she comes up behind you, taking a swig out of her flask. “so? do you like the crux?” she asks, standing beside you. 
“it’s fine,” you say, turning your head away from her. “it makes me slightly nauseous, though.” 
“hah! you get used to it when you’re at sea,” she cackles. “speaking of which...do you actually like being in liyue so much? you told me you’ve never left.” 
“i went to mondstadt once.” 
“when you were five,” she counters. “don’t you ever wonder what the world is like?” 
“while you may love to travel, i belong right here. i have a stable job, plenty of friends, and a vibrant culture,” you shrug. 
“there you go again with ‘it’s my duty to serve lady ningguang’ spiel,” beidou rolls her eyes. “do you even like working for her? is that really what you want to do for the rest of your life? are you really that much of a goody-two-shoes?” 
“beidou, seriously...” you begin but trail off, sighing. “i like my life right now. what are you trying to get at?” 
for once, the captain is silent. she plays with her vision a bit as the wind brushed her head. she takes another sip from her flask, before swallowing. “run away with me,” she declares. 
“excuse me?” you ask incredulously. “you’re drunk. you’re ridiculous. you’re drunk and ridiculous. do you hear what you’re saying?” 
“the world is so much more than liyue, y/n. you play it safe all the time! take some risks with me.”
“i can’t do that...” you reluctantly say, crossing your arms. the thought would work in theory, recklessly abandoning your life in favor for some seafaring adventure. but admittedly, you feel like your loyalties have shifted. you can’t believe you’re even considering leaving liyue, lady ningguang, and the qixing for beidou. at the same time, you must confess that you have been charmed by her. 
the boat rocks unsteadily, making you lose balance. you fall into her arms, hands clutching onto her waist. “is that a yes?” she teases and holds the small of your back, but you only make a face. “we leave tomorrow, at daybreak.” 
in a moment of impulse, you shut your eyes and hold onto her even tighter. “i’ll do it.” 
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originally i was going to make this about kazuha but i also was going to make three other prompts abt kazuha so i had to switch it up 
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hpalways · 3 years
Commissions || Childe
UNPREDICTABLE people were like magnets to you, somehow always managing to show up. Usually, you would avoid them at any given chance, preventing further interactions from occurring. As an adventurer, you didn't work for the thrill, but rather for the money. That meant that deep inside, you longed for a peaceful life, which was the main reason why there were certain beings that shouldn't exist in your reality. So how did it go oh-so-terrible with Tartaglia?
You first met Tartaglia -- also known as Childe -- in Liyue Harbor when you were at a stall to buy food. You had a few commissions in tail, waiting to be resolved for the day. But first, food was on your mind. It wouldn't do any good to fight hilichurls and whatnot with an empty stomach. As you were about to dig into your trouser's pockets to find any mora, a man stepped up in front of you, blocking the way. Assuming that he was budging you in line, you opened your mouth to protest, but the words faltered to come out when the male whirled around to face you.
Deep, blue eyes stared into your soul, twinkling mischievously... and somehow, you couldn't read into them. Fiery, orange hair accompanied his features, going unexpectedly well with the blue. Smiling at you crookedly, he saluted you with a gloved hand. A red mask was adorned on the side of his head, matching the red details on his overall gray outfit. He was very tall and attractive -- taking you momentarily off guard. 
"I'll pay for your meal. My treat," he easily told you, making a show of flashing the lump of mora in his hands. He even went as far as to swing his arm around your shoulders like the two of you were friends. The warm, close contact nearly caused you to freeze in place, getting flustered all over. What the hell was happening?
"Oh... sure," you uttered, staring blankly at him. Well, there was no use turning him down. The word treat was enough to hook and wheel you in. 
"What's your name?" he inquired in a friendly manner, lugging you along as if you were a ragged doll through the waiting line.
Hesitating to answer for a second, you were beginning to look stupid under his expecting gaze. There was a reason though: you were wary of strangers, having learned that the hard way when you encountered Treasure Hoarders one time. But seeing how amused this man was by your internal debate, you pushed the doubts away and decided to go for it. "I'm [Y/N]. You?"
"Lovely name befitting for a lovely person," he mused, leaving you embarrassed. "I'm Childe."
It was then your turn to order. Letting his arm around you go, he straightened up and nudged you ahead. The warmth evaporated from you and you suddenly wished for his touch again. Horrified by your thoughts, you brushed them away and stepped up to the front, telling the chef your order. 
Once that was done with and the food was received, you sat down at a table outside. Three whole dishes filled of food, you wasted no time to dive into them, the steamy aroma wafting into the air. Mouthful of food, you almost choked when you found the so-called Childe sitting down in front of you. Coughing for a good minute or two, you suffered as he watched you in enjoyment. When you could catch your breath, you averted your gaze to the table. Oh god, you wished you could bury yourself before you could humiliate yourself any further. He shouldn't have followed you here. 
"I'm surprised you bought three whole dishes for yourself," he pointed out, taking delight in teasing you. 
You scowled and looked at him, the shameful emotion fading away. "Are you insinuating something?" you asked, squinting at him. He rose his brows in surprise, quickly shaking his head to explain he meant no harm. Sighing, you decided to go all out then. If he already knew your name, what difference would it make to share a few more things about yourself? Besides, this was Liyue Harbor we're talking about; no one was that desperate to seek out trouble so publicly. "I'm an adventurer and I also do commissions. Fighting takes up a lot of my energy, so only one meal wouldn't suffice."
Something swirled in his eyes -- unknown and still just as unreadable. However, you paid no mind to it, too absorbed by the food and the conversation to notice. Maybe this was where it went wrong. "An adventurer?" he echoed, his voice breathless. His ears seemingly perked up and he leaned forward in his seat, anxious to hear more. "What would you say if I tagged along with you today?"
It was shocking to hear that, but eventually, you accepted his self-invitation and brought him along to the locations. Setting off by foot, the two of continued onward with full bellies and enough energy to last several hours. The land stretched for miles and miles, scaping the grounds of hills, mountains, rivers, and meadows. Hogs ran through the trees and birds soared in the skies. Monsters rolled around in the dust, waiting to ambush anybody in the way. The sun beating down upon your backs and the weather a little too warm for liking, it was a difficult trek, but nothing close to impossible for an adventurer.
The fighting began when the destination to a pack of hilichurls appeared on sight. Unsheathing your blade, you immediately attacked them, continuously slashing away until they were entirely cleaned up. Breathing heavily with sweat beading your forehead, you did all the dirty work as Childe inspected from the side, his eye following your every move.
It wasn't easy though. You struggled at some areas, sometimes missing them or getting slightly injured by their own weapons. It was sloppy and flawed, for you were not a skilled swordsman, born without the talent and money. Anyway, it didn't matter much; as long as you did the job, that was what mattered. 
The next one took place near the mountains. Insuring that a wagon would be delivered somewhere safely, you had to fend off more monsters, circling around the large transport tirelessly to prevent any damage. While you were doing so, the orange haired male lounged on top of the-said wagon, relaxed and watching the battle beneath him. 
Afterwards, it was of simple commissions, with no sword involved. On the last one and feeding ducks for a little kid you accidentally offended, you let out a yawn, ready to go home and sleep everything off. Your partner for the day was also there, crouching down beside the lake's bank, tossing the wheat to the little creatures. Turning his head to the side, he gave you a small smile. Unlike you, he was widely awake and full of energy -- you expected that much, considering he didn't do anything to help you. 
"I enjoyed traveling around with you today, [Y/N]," he said, straightening himself up until he returned to being taller than you. 
Minus the part where he was completely useless to you, you couldn't help but admit that it was enjoyable to have him him around. His cheery persona helped to distract you from your dislike with the job, filling the silence with easy discussion about basically anything. "It was fun... I suppose," you responded, letting out yet another yawn. 
"You know, you could've asked me help. It would've been less straining for you," he pointed out.
You swerved your head at the mention of this, flabbergasted with your mouth hung open like a gaping fish. "You can fight?!" You shot up from where you sat, stepping up to a half-laughing, half-scared Childe. He nodded slowly and you rubbed your eyes harshly, curses running through your head. "And you didn't think to tell me that until now?"
He shrugged, drinking in your angered expression. No ounce of remorse shown in his features, he was pleased to get a rise out of you. Goddammit, this guy was going to be the death of you. "You never asked."
Not replying to him, you faced the other way and crossed your arms, brooding like a kid after a tantrum. 
"Aw, don't be mad at me," he cooed, petting your [h/c] head endearingly. "Hey, are you thinking of improving your swordsmanship?"
Originally planning to give him the silent treatment, you could barely even hold on to the promise for a minute. His question intrigued you and you began to wonder why he was asking you something like that. "No, not really," you answered. 
"Why not?"
"It's not necessary. My level is adequate for the commissions I take on. It's not like I'm striving to be anything legendary... that's just asking for a death sentence."
His forehead furrowed and a darkened gaze was aimed at you. He seemed to want to say a lot of things, yet couldn't find the words to them. Was he... mad at you for some unknown reason? Almost expecting a big lecture from him, you were shocked to hear what he said instead. "You have potential though."
That was where you parted from Tartaglia that young evening, but by no means was that the last time you were to see him. 
You would run into him at Liyue Harbor, in Mondstadt, or sometimes in your travels as an adventurer. Each time you would welcome him warmly, always glad to have his company. He was seriously growing on you, become a friend that distracted you from the hardships of the cold reality. He brightened the atmosphere wherever he went, always the charismatic type, wooing anyone with a tip of a smile. 
Of course, you knew he was a Harbringer; he never made a show of hiding it, so you were acknowledged of this pretty much immediately. Hearing the gossip and rumors of the Fatui, you understood that the organization was hella sketchy, but it didn't shine a bad light on Childe at all. You wanted to put your hopes in him, to give him the benefit of doubt. He was helpful so far and your life was peaceful with him around -- which was the one thing you wished for. 
Or maybe it was because you had fallen for him already. 
At least for the first month or so, everything passed through wonderfully. The two of you were like partners in crime, back to back and supportive of the other. The amount times you would stroll through the meadows and just talk to the man was becoming countless. It began to be something you were looking forward to: to have the time to get to know him even better, from his family to the simplest of facts about him. 
It was too good to be true. As the saying goes, nothing lasts forever. 
You should have never lowered your guard down. Not when you were found laying on the grimy grounds of a domain, beaten and bloodied. Not when the man you supposedly loved was towering in front of you, his deep blue eyes glowering in lust for violence. Not when your peaceful life was shattered to pieces. Childe couldn't control it any longer that day. He wanted to battle you out, to cause chaos and havoc. Why? You didn't understand... he was your friend. This wasn't what friends do. Nonetheless, he was serious about this declaration. 
He spat at the ground, annoyed you didn't put up a greater fight. Not at all worried about your wounds, he paced around the chamber, pulling at his messy locks. "Didn't I say you had potential?! You should've tried harder."
You soon lost consciousness, too exhausted and pained to do anything else. The next time you awoken, you were in Mondstadt, getting healed by Barbara. Tartaglia was no where to be seen, as he ran off earlier without telling anyone of his whereabouts. That was the last time you saw him for a while...
Everything that happened was the past, occurring a few months ago. And here you were, in the present, back to the same life you had before meeting Childe. You still disliked the same things, whether that'd be fighting, unpredictable people, or your job. Day after day, you worked to gain money for a living, hating every moment of it. It was so normal that sometimes you wondered if you may have imagined the certain Fatui man up.
Walking through the mountainous parts of Liyue, you were on a hunt for resources. Hoping to stumble upon a mine and get done with the work as soon as possible, it was unfortunate that the weather hated you.
Droplets fell from the sky and the clouds darkened the world. Rain thrummed against the earth, soaking your clothes within a few minutes. They stuck to your skin, turning uncomfortable and cold. Wrapping your arms around yourself, you quickened your pace, desperate to find shelter for the time being. Shit, shit, shit. You hated the life of an adventurer so much--
Too blurry to watch where you were going, you hit a hard surface in front of you. Rather than a hard surface, it was actually a person. Squinting and wiping the droplets from your eyes, you cringed when you saw who it was. It was the one and only Childe, looking the same as always.
Wet orange locks somehow making him more attractive than he already was, he was as soaked as you were. The clothes defined his body and you frantically stopped yourself staring at it any further. 
"[Y/N]," he breathed out, looking unsure. The sound of his voice snapped you back to life and fury filled the pits of your stomach. Seething in spot, the hands at your sides clenched tightly. He had taken your trust and ruined it -- he was nothing but a fucking bastard. 
He took a few steps forward, growing nearer, his blue beautiful hues full of regret. You hated that he dared show himself up, wearing that damn look as if you would ever forgive him. Pulling your hand back without thinking, you laid it across his cheek, harsh at the contact. He touched his red cheek in awe, lowering his head in shame. 
"I deserved that," he whispered, smiling at you sadly.
"You do," you muttered. 
Despite how angry you were at him, there was this twisted desire to kiss him. Feelings were confusing, always making a situation more complicated than it should be. 
Leaning forward, you locked lips with his. His body had stiffened in bewilderment, but he soon returned the kiss, wrapping his steady arms around yourself. Digging your fingers into his hair, you sighed in between breaths and listened to your racing heart. He tasted like salt and the soil beneath you. He was the definition of unpredictable, but you couldn't get enough of him. He brought destruction in the paths he walked on and had the continuous yearning for war. He was everything you were not and you hated him for it. 
His lips trailed away from your own, peppering kisses on your jawline, causing you to gulp. He was swallowing you whole, taking in everything about you to memorize. His touch was intoxicating, the finger tips leaving a mark on your tender skin. "Let's never see each other again after this," you told him. He didn't respond as he continued to bruise your neck. "I hate you, Childe. I fucking hate you, you bastard."
Tears welled out of your eyes, mixing together with the tears from the gods, unable to be distinguished. 
He lifted his head and gave you one last long kiss. Your insides were this close to bursting, butterflies fluttering horrendously like a beast within you. Soft lashes flitted and he stared at you with understanding. He was going to listen to your wish; he would never show himself up again. 
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btssaysstudy · 3 years
Cheap Sunglasses || jjk
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook (BTS) x reader
Note: Inspired by cheap sunglasses by John K || do let me know if you liked it :)
Summary: Being a teaching assistant for college definitely has it monetary perks but who knew it had other perks in meeting a potential significant other.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of injury (not the reader), angst, jungkook being an annoying player at times, mentions of over-exhaustion from schoolwork
“Thanks y/n!” Mingyu grinned, reaching out for a fist bump. You laughed, returning the gesture. “No problem, just doing my job.” 
“I’ll treat you for a meal soon, you can count on it! I’ll see you around!” He gave you a quick side hug before leaving the lecture hall. You got up from your seat, packing your belongings to head off for lunch. 
“y/n! Could you help me compile the outline for the chapters to read for the semester?” Your professor approached you, handing you the list of chapters that class had to read. “Sure, when do you need it by?”
“Preferably by the end of this week? No rush! As long as it’s before midterms.”
“Okay, sure!” You glanced at the list, it was the same reading list as last semester, you just had to use your own outline for this semester. You smiled, thankful that nothing much changed with the syllabus so you had less work to do as a teaching assistant.
Your professor thanked you and left the hall. “You know, one definite perk of being a TA is tutoring hot students. Mingyu was definitely hitting on you.”
“No he’s not. We’re friends, I already met him for one of my classes last semester.”
“Mm, yea don’t believe you. Anyway, let’s hurry go, I’m starving.” Sooyoung rubbed her stomach and you grabbed your bag, leaving the hall with your friends. 
One definite perk, which was not what Sooyoung said, of being a TA was that you get paid and you definitely needed the money. It was tough to juggle being a TA at first and you weren’t sure if you were cut out for it, but 2 semesters later, you’ve been a TA every semester and it’s become a part of your schedule.
“Chan-mi!” A loud bright voice called out for other friend. The three of you stopped, turning around to find the boy who was dubbed as the “sunshine” of your college.
“Yes?” Chan-mi clearly unfazed by his loudness. Hoseok grinned, saying a brief hello to you and Sooyoung. “Our club manager just texted me that we have an upcoming gig. Just a little insider info for you, you’re on the performing team.”
Chan-mi nodded her head with a short laugh, “He texted me too actually.”
“What?! I thought i’ll be the good news bearer.” Hoseok pouted, his group approached him, patting him on the shoulder to rush him for lunch.
“I’ll see you at next practice then!” Chan-mi waved goodbye as he was being dragged away by his friends.
His friends. That group.
That group was popular and they knew it. They don’t seem to bask in it but they would slip some of the times — easily charming people to get what they need, having girls praying that they’ll become their girlfriends. It was no surprise that they have quite a list of girls they dated.
Despite the list,their reputation wasn’t that bad. They would make it clear to the girls they take out on dates — that they’re not looking to commit. You figured it was the least they could to do the poor girls who were pining for them, laying out the facts immediately.
“So what are we eating? I’m about to die any second.” Sooyoung grumbled once more.
“If you’d like to book my TA, I’ve sent you an email with a google sheet for you to find a slot. She’s a popular one so better book a slot asap if you need her help.” Your professor announced to the class, making you feel shy from her comment, your eyes glued to your screen as you felt the stares.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t know that you were a popular TA. You did put in the effort to help others since you were being paid after all, so, you did deserve the credit.
Throughout class, you could do your own things since you didn’t need to pay attention to the lesson. Halfway through the class, you clicked on the google sheet link to see that your upcoming week has been almost fully booked.
‘maybe i need a pay raise’ you thought to yourself, opening your own calendar to update your own schedule. Your eyes landed on a particular name, shocked that he even bothered to book a slot. 
Jeon Jungkook.
You stopped yourself from whipping your head around to find him. He was part of that group and known to be the very athletic one. You guessed you stereotyped him to be those athletes that didn’t care about studies. You felt slightly uneasy, knowing his reputation in college and the girls.
‘It’s okay, it’s just one time slot.’
Once you noted the ones who booked a time slot with you the upcoming week, you contacted each of them to settle the venue & confirm the timing.
We can meet at my place :) - Jungkook
Yea, I’m not entirely comfortable going to a stranger’s place - y/n
Relax, it was a joke. How about near your place? So you don’t have to travel so much. - Jungkook
That works fine, there’s a cafe near mine. I’ll text you the address later. - y/n
Once class ended your two friends rushed to your seat. “So how’s your schedule Ms. Popular?”
“Really busy.”
“I saw the sheet, Jeon Jungkook booked a slot with you? Perks of being a TA is definitely helping cute students.” Sooyoung giggled like a little pre-teen girl.
“You don’t even need to be a TA to get cute guys, you have so many admirers.” Chan-mi made a very true remark.
“I’ll admit, you’re not wrong. But y/n’s snagging boys of a different league.”
“Stop idolising them like they’re gods.”
“They’re looks are god-like.” Sooyoung countered.
“You’re unbelievable.”
“Hey,” someone tapped your shoulder, taking out your earpiece to greet Jungkook. “Hey.”
He was dressed in a typical tired college student, in grey sweats and a black hoodie. Yet, you had to admit he looked cute in them.
“Sorry, did I make you wait long?”
“Oh no, I just came early to make sure we get a good spot. Not too near the rest of the customers.”
“I see you want a little privacy.” Jungkook grinned cheekily, clearly implying something else. You raised a questioning eyebrow at him, “Sorry, just kidding.” He quickly apologised, taking the seat opposite you.
“Anyway, we can just begin immediately. Do you have any questions?”
Jungkook nodded his head, taking out his laptop. “I do actually. Quite a long list if you don’t mind.”
“Well you have me for an hour. Go ahead.” 
Throughout the 2 hours, you realised you really stereotyped him a great amount. You assumed he barely paid attention in class but he did — he even had a list of questions to ask. You honestly enjoyed helping these type of people the most, those that made their own effort to help themselves. 
“You know,” Jungkook spoke, coming back from ordering his drink. “For the past hour and a half, I gotta admit, I stereotyped you to be a super uptight and socially awkward person. Then again, having to help tutor a lot of people would need social skills as well.” 
With a chuckle, you shrugged your shoulders, “I stereotyped you too, so I guess we’re both guilty.”
Curious, Jungkook rested his weight on his arms as he leaned closer to you, “Oh really? What did you stereotype me as then?” A playful smirk clearly threatening to appear on his lips. 
“A dumb jock.” You mischievously grinned back at him, his smile dropped, clearly not expecting that answer. It felt good to bruise that ego of his, even if it was just a split second. “Since I’m asking you to tutor me, I’m not gonna argue that.” He leaned back, regaining his composure and confidence.
You could feel his entire presence exuding with confidence, though he did have something to be confident about. In fact, he had a few things to be confident about - athletically gifted, popular and handsome. Anyone would call you a liar if you said you didn’t think he was handsome. 
“If you don’t have anymore questions, we can wrap this up now.”
Jungkook nodded his head, “Thanks for helping me. Appreciate it.” He reached out his hand, offering a handshake. “A handshake?”
“Are you afraid of a little physical contact?” He teased.
Rolling your eyes, you reached out to give him a firm shake. “Glad I could help you.” He gave you a cute bunny smile, grabbing his things and leaving you behind in the cafe. You stayed for a few more minutes before heading back to your place to prepare dinner for your guests.
Cooking always seemed to make time pass by quickly because before you even realised, your friends were spamming your doorbell, rushing you to let them in. “How was he?” Sooyoung questioned the moment she entered your house. 
“I had a good day thank you.” You sarcastically replied, grabbing a cup for them. “He was alright, he actually came prepared with questions.”
“That’s surprising. I honestly thought he booked a slot just to flirt with you.” Chan-mi commented as she helped you set up the dining table. “Come on, he wouldn’t waste his time on me.”
“Why not? You’re a great catch.” Sooyoung argued.
“Pretty sure I give off the vibe of “date to settle” and not “date for the fun”. So obviously, he won’t even bother.” 
“Mm, you do have a point for that.”
“Anyway, enough about my tutees, let’s just enjoy girls night.” You raised your shot glass of soju, Sooyoung grinned excitedly, “Cheers to us”
As every week’s slot was released in the online sheet, Jungkook was always one of the first few to book. You couldn’t help but be surprised every time you saw his name on the schedule. 
“So you picked up the sport by accident?” You clarified again as you took another sip. Jungkook nodded his head, leaning back into his chair. “Seokjin was the one who wanted to learn it, he dragged me to the trial class and the rest was history. He takes credit for it.” He laughed, a reminiscing look on his face.
“From your stories, you guys seem like brothers.” You watched an endearing smile creep onto his face, “They really do seem like it.”
His phone started vibrating and he checked the caller ID before sighing, silencing the call. You furrowed your eyebrows together, “What’s with that annoyed look?”
Jungkook shook his head, running his fingers through his hair, “Nothing much, just someone I went out with a week ago.”
“Trouble in paradise?” You joked.
“There’s no paradise. It was just a date, nothing more to it.” He nonchalantly dismissed it. You felt a bit offended of how casual he was treating their feelings. “If you don’t want to, you don’t have to go out with them, you know? You’re just giving them false hope.”
Jungkook sat upright, “That’s not true. I clearly tell them that I don’t mind going out on a date but that’s nothing. Nothing more than a date out. So it’s on them for still going for it.”
You sighed, “But you already know these people are dating you and hoping that they’ll be the one who will change your mind about the idea of commitment.” Jungkook shrugged, “Maybe that’ll happen one day.”
Narrowing your eyes at the boy in front you, you wondered if that was what he had been secretly hoping for whenever he went out with these girls. “Do you want that to happen? Is that why you’re more than glad to go out on dates?”
He didn’t answer immediately, staring at you as if he was thinking of a reply. Clearing his throat he adjusted his sitting position, “I didn’t say that. I just said maybe it’ll happen.”
“Yea but are you hoping for it to happen?”
Jungkook casted a soft glare, “Okay enough about my love life. How about you? Aren’t you single as well?”
You leaned back, nodding your head, “Yea, what about it?”
“Well, why aren’t you attached?”
Pressing your lips into a thin line as you thought carefully of your answer. “Unlike you, I date to settle.” Jungkook jutted out his bottom lip, internalising your reply as he nodded his head in response. “Interesting. You’ll probably click well with Jimin.”
“Your friend Jimin?”
“Yea, he has the same thought as you. Always nagging at me about the same thing you just did.” Jungkook chuckled to himself, shaking his head as he recalled the countless times Jimin was talking about Jungkook’s active love life. 
“He’s right you know… Doesn’t it get lonely always meeting different people?”
There was a short pause in the conversation, Jungkook’s eyes shifting away, his gaze fixed on the table. “To be honest, yea. But at the same time it’s what keeps me from feeling lonely. Doesn’t make sense, I know.”
You smiled, “It’s cool, I kinda get it. But after our numerous study sessions together, I’m certain you deserve to be in a good relationship.”
Jungkook shrugged, “Thanks but I don’t think I’m cut out for it.”
Confused, you questioned for an explanation. Jungkook’s eyes wandered around as he thought of a response. The athlete randomly took out his pair of shades. “Are the shades part of your answer or something?”
“It’s cheap.”
“Okay?” Your response sounded for confused, wondering if he was trying to change the topic. If he was, it was a very weird way.
“I buy the cheap ones because I know i’m going to lose them sooner or later. Can’t keep the good ones. That’s how I feel about my love life. Sometimes it feels like I can’t have nice things.”
“Man.” You breathed out, leaning back into your seat. “That’s a great analogy and all but don’t be so bleak. Between the two of us? You’re probably going to be first one who gets into a solid relationship.”
Jungkook chuckled, “Thanks for the faith TA. Do you have the same amount of faith in me for this module?”
You pursed your lips jokingly, “I think you’ll need more consultations for the same level of faith.” Breaking into a chuckle right after and so did Jungkook.
The popular athlete reached out his tattooed hand once again, for a handshake. By then, you were used to this gesture, chuckling as you reached across the table to shake his hands. “Tell you what, let’s take a pause on tutoring. You should meet the rest.”
“The rest as in your group?”
“Yea,” He stood up, throwing his backpack over his shoulder and stuffed his hands in his sweatpants’ pockets. You liked his laid-back look, he always wore that similar style whenever he was meeting you and you assumed it was to get comfortable enough to study. 
“Are you going to keep staring at me?” Jungkook smirked. You rolled your eyes, standing up to get your bag. “Come on, don’t be so mean to me.” He playfully pouted and he looked cute. You felt yourself feel shy just from that, “I am not.”
“Yes you are, you always mock me or insult me. Where’s my compliment?”
You pursed your lips, bringing your finger to your lips as you pretended to ponder. “You’re doing well with this class.” 
Unsatisfied, he grumbled, “That’s not a compliment.”
“Of course it is.” You grinned cheekily at him, patting his shoulders. “But alright, you look cute in sweats.” Even though you clearly sounded nonchalant, your heart was racing from admitting that and you hoped that your face wasn’t getting hot. You kept your composure, and made the first move to leave the cafe. 
You realised that you didn’t know where you were going to meet his friends, “Oh yea, where are we going?” You turned around to see Jungkook still standing in place. He cleared his throat and adjust his bag strap. “R-Right, just follow me.”
You didn’t want to tease him further but you clearly saw a pink hue on his cheeks. “Cute.” You muttered to yourself as he led the way.
“You want a snack? My treat, for all the tutoring you’ve been giving me.” 
“Jungkook, you don’t have to—“
“Okay I’ll get you your usual.” He winked at you before heading off to the counter. You smiled to yourself, watching his figure walk away. You continued on your own work as you waited for him to come back. 
Jungkook happily came back as if he won a prize. “Guess who just got free cake? We did!” Jungkook cheered, pushing his stuff aside to make way for the food. “Free cake? Why?”
“So the lady who we always see here apparently owns this place. She’s at the counter today and she randomly gave me this cake for us to celebrate Valentine’s Day.”
Confused, you looked at your calendar. “Oh, it’s Valentine’s Day.” “yea it is, didn’t you know?” “Clearly didn’t.” You shrugged, “But you should’ve told her we’re not together. I feel bad for the free cake.”
“No no, you should feel flattered she called us a cute couple. It means you’re cute.” Jungkook’s body froze for a moment realizing what he had just said. You laughed, “Yea right. Good joke, kook.” 
Jungkook frowned, “I’m not joking. I think you’re cute.”
You pointed your pen in his direction, “You know, when I was young I heard that cute meant adorable but ugly.”
“That’s obviously not what I mean. You’re not ugly, that’s for sure.” Jungkook argued without hesitation. You felt flustered this time, retracting your pen. “T-Thanks, I guess.”
The two of you not only spend weekly 2h sessions together, but also became “study buddies”. Jungkook was unsurprisingly super concentrated whenever he started studying. You realised it was his character to always give it his all even if it was something he wasn’t too fond of — like studying. You also noticed his eyebrows would furrow as he tried to comprehend the materials, or sigh and scold himself whenever he found himself stuck. 
He had a lot of endearing habits while studying, you couldn’t help but smile every time you noticed it. 
“It’s Valentine’s Day, why aren’t you on a date today?”
“Because we arranged a study session today.” Jungkook answered as if it was so obvious. 
“It’s just one day of not studying, you could’ve just told me. Plus, I’m sure many girls were hinting you to ask them out.”
“You’re not wrong about that.” He smugly answered and it made you feel a tinge of jealousy that Jungkook saw these girls as “date potential” while you were just his “study buddy”. “Tone down your ego—“
“But I’d rather study with you than go out on a date.”
You found yourself speechless, not knowing how you should be replying to that. Sensing that you were lost for words, Jungkook smiled, “Did I just take your breath away?”
“Shut up.” You snapped out of it, throwing your pen at him.
Hey y/n! Sorry i’ll be a bit late later, at the clinic so it might take a while before I’m let off! - jk
Are you sick? We can just reschedule! - y/n
No no! Just sprained my ankle during practice, that’s all! - jk
that’s all?! you’re not traveling today. what’s ur address? i can go over instead - y/n
You bit your lip, wondering if you were overstepping by insisting that and quickly sent another text.
if you’re alright w that of course - y/n
sure i just didn’t want to suggest it in case you weren’t, i’ll text u my address in a bit! - jk
On your way to his place, you felt nervous but you shrugged it off, blaming it on your usual ‘first house visit jitters’ — just like any other time you visited a place for the first time. Or so you told yourself. You ignored that feeling as you rang the doorbell, waiting for the injured athlete to answer the door.
“Hey.” Jungkook greeted you with a smile. You took a good look at his casted ankle, his weight resting on his crutch. A wince crept on your face, “Ouch, looks bad.” 
“Thank you for asking, I feel fine.” 
You stepped in, eyes taking your time to wander around his place. It was cozy, not cluttered as you had assumed. Jungkook pointed to the table placed by the window, well-lit for a good place to study or to wind down and have a meal. “Nice place.”
“Thanks. Didn’t have much time to tidy up the place before you came.”
“It’s alright, looks neat to me.” Your eyes glanced back down to his ankle, “Are you sure you want to have this session today? I feel like you should be resting—“
“You’re already here. I can take a little revision. Don’t underestimate me.” He teased, gently shoving your shoulder. With a light laugh, you nodded and sat down at the table. You watched Jungkook as he tried to find a comfortable position for himself, especially with his injury. Dropping his crutch on the floor, he settled down quickly to begin the session.
“So how do I know which case to use?” 
“It depends on the scenario prof sets for finals. Just a tip, prof loves answers that argues both sides. So, it’s best if you argue with both cases but conclude with which is more relevant or stronger for the scenario.”
Jungkook nodded his head, his bottom lip jutted out once again as he took down your response in his notes. “Thanks, I’m glad I started consultations with you since the beginning of the semester. I would be drowning will all these laws and cases if I didn’t.”
“I’m sure you would’ve managed fine. Your friends are managing well too. Jimin’s pretty good with this module.” You made an off-handed comment about Jimin as you started to pack up your belongings. You failed to catch the slight furrow in his eyebrows and that irritated twitch in the corner of his lip at the mention of Jimin. He knew you two would match well, which he should be happy for Jimin, but instead, he felt annoyed that Jimin was having consultations with you.
He couldn’t help but ask, “He meets you too?”
“Oh yea,” You nodded, your eyes still not meeting his as you scrolled through your schedule, “He meets me lesser than you though, just once a week.”
Just once a week. He repeated your reply. That was enough to get close to you. Hell, he meets you three times a week almost every week. One would question if he really needed that many consultations a week. Jungkook would argue against that, defending that he needed it. But deep down inside, he knew he was lying. 
You thought the same. Chan-mi and Sooyoung would make remarks on why Jungkook needed three sessions a week, hinting that he just wanted to find excuses to meet you. You would deny it every time, saying that he would always come prepared for each session with questions, proving that he really took those sessions seriously. But just like Jungkook, you too had a feeling that it wasn’t true. 
“Anyway, hope your ankle gets better soon. I better give you time to rest.” You checked the time on your phone. Jungkook did the same time, quick to respond, “Do you want to stay for dinner? I’m going to be ordering delivery anyway. You know... With my ankle. You could have dinner before you leave.” He shrugged his shoulders, trying to be casual about it. Jungkook wasn’t sure what was making him particularly nervous to suggest that. He normally wasn’t nervous with his dates. Why was he nervous around you when it was not even a date to begin with?
You contemplated, imagining your schedule in your mind. The pause made him grow nervous, “You don’t have to—“
“I’m down for dinner. My schedule’s not too busy tonight.” You smiled, settling your bag down back on the chair. Jungkook returned an eager grin. “My treat. For coming all the way here to tutor me.”
“Enough with the treats—“
“No negotiations on this one. I really owe you for traveling here, especially on such a last minute notice.” Jungkook shook his head, scrolling through the list of possible food options.
“Alright, thanks kook.” 
That nickname made his lips tug upwards as he tried to fight the smile. “No problem. What do you want to have?”
Dinner didn’t take long to arrive, you helped him collect the delivery and set it out on the coffee table. Jungkook had convinced you to watch a movie with him while waiting for dinner. Sinking yourself back onto the couch, the two of you happily enjoyed dinner while watching the movie he had chosen. 
“That’s cute.” You commented as the credits rolled. The movie was a short light one and it helped the both of you de-stress from the upcoming finals season. You really needed that self-care. 
“Thanks for the dinner and movie. I honestly needed it. Haven’t had much time to wind down lately.” 
“Too busy with your consultations?” 
You nodded your head, letting out a long sigh. “Yea, don’t get me wrong. It’s rewarding helping others, especially with the pay. But it’s just during this killer period that makes me regret it.”
Jungkook frowned, sitting upright, “I’m sorry I keep booking you.”
You chuckled, “Don’t be sorry. That is my job anyway. Plus, you’re always prepared for the sessions. I hate sessions when they don’t even know why they booked it. Drives me mad.”
Jungkook hummed, agreeing with you. “That must suck.”
“Yea,” your eyes trailed back down to his ankle once again. “What happened with your ankle anyway?”
“Training today. It’s been tough as well for me. Coach has been increasing the intensity and we don’t really get enough rest with studies as well. I wasn’t in the greatest condition today so I slipped.” 
“Yikes. Hope it heals fast though.” You smiled cheekily, “Do I get to sign it?”
Jungkook laughed, “That’s so childish. No one signs casts anymore.”
“Please? I’ve never done it before!” You pouted, doing your best to convince him to let you vandalize his cast. You didn’t need to do much to convince him, he was willing to give in pretty much from the first time you brought it up. “A-Alright. Just don’t draw a dick or something.”
You hummed, feigning consideration. “I wasn’t planning to but now that you mentioned it...”
He glared, grabbing his throw pillow to toss it at your face. “Don’t you dare.”
“I was kidding.” You laughed, rushing to the table to grab a pen, sitting back down close to him to draw on his cast. 
Don’t flunk my module.
“Done!” You added an “A+” next to it, willing yourself to not draw a heart which you almost did. You pulled away from the cast, looking at your work proudly. Jungkook snorted, “Don’t flunk my module? I won’t. Definitely not after all our sessions together.”
“You better.” You turned to look at him, suddenly aware of how close your faces were next to each other. You watched his gaze drop to your lips before flickering up to meet yours, “May I...?”
You nodded slightly, overcome by the adrenaline and fluttery feeling that was consuming you. You both leaned in, gently kissing each other, making sure you don’t put so much weight against him to avoid hurting his injury. Jungkook’s hand found your waist as he pulled you in, the other cupping your cheek. With your arms snaking around his neck, you both deepened the kiss.
Something in you snapped and made you pull away abruptly. “I-I’m sorry. We shouldn’t have done that.” You quickly got up to take your belongings.
“W-Wait, what do you mean—“ Jungkook called after you, struggling to get up fast with his crutch.
“You’re just going to end whatever we’ll have if we try. We’re looking for different things remember?” You rubbed the nape of your neck, “L-Look, could we just pretend this didn’t happen? I don’t want anything to be awkward between us.”
“W-Wait but...” Jungkook sighed, noting how resolute you were with your suggestion. “If that’s what you want.”
“Thanks Jungkook... Anyway, I should probably go. Get well soon.” You shifted your bag on your shoulder and sent yourself out the door.
After that incident, your schedule you had planned went down the drain. Your brain was foggy and your focus out the window the entire night as you kept thinking about that kiss. How it felt and how happy you felt. But you also reminded yourself that Jungkook was not looking to settle and you didn’t want to put yourself through that. 
You just hoped things would be the same after that day.
I’m guessing the usual cafe? :) - jk
Where else would we go? - y/n
Maybe my place? - jk
Good try - y/n
Worth a shot - jk
You couldn’t help but smile to yourself every time you conversed with him. Your usual 2h slot with him would drag on if you didn’t have anything that day. It wouldn’t drag on because of questions, you two would just be talking and enjoying each other’s presence. Ever since you met his friends, you met him more outside your 2h slot with him. Though, it was always off-campus. 
The incident at his place was as if it didn’t even happen. As if it was just a wet dream of Jungkook. You were thankful he stuck to the agreement and acted as if nothing happened. However, a part of you felt that it was the wrong move. 
You look great today btw - jk
But that doesn’t mean you look bad on other days - jk
Just extra great today - jk
Feeling that familiar fluttery feeling in your heart, you chose to ignore the message, promptly closing your chat. You reminded yourself about their reputation with relationships, they weren’t into a serious commitment. You didn’t want to waste your own time either. For some reason you could feel someone staring at you and you could bet anyone 10 bucks that it was Jungkook. 
After that moment, class went by fast and it was finally time for lunch. “Y/n! Do you want to grab lunch sometime this week? I promised I’ll be treating.” Mingyu flashed a very charming smile that made you smile back automatically. Behind him was Sooyoung and Chan-mi approaching you. 
“You really don’t have to treat me, I’m just doing my job—“
“I insist, yn. I still owe you for carrying me on your back last semester for the other class.” He chuckled. “Come on, you pulled your own weight.” You shook your head with a laugh. You glanced at your two friends who were patiently waiting for you and possibly eagerly eavesdropping. Just as you were about to turn away, Jungkook’s group walked behind them.
You could’ve sworn that you made eye contact when you gave him a smile to which he coldly ignored, looking away and leaving the hall with his friends.
“We can go for lunch but you’re not treating me.”
Mingyu reached out to pat your shoulder, “We’ll see! I’ll get you again soon!” He winked at you and headed off. Your two giddy best friends reached out to pull you along with them. “Is that a date?”
“N-No it’s not!”
“Why are you stuttering?” Chan-mi teased, poking your sides. You took a few steps in front of them, turning around to face them as you walked backwards. “I swear it’s not a date. We’re just friends.”
“Alright, alright, now walk properly before you hurt yourself Miss-I-have-a-date-with-Mingyu.” Sooyoung turned you around by your shoulders. Just as she strongly whipped you around, your eyes met with Jungkook’s.
Your mouth opened to say hi but nothing happened when he once again, looked away, not acknowledging your presence. “Hey y/n!” Jimin happily greeted you, pulling you in for a hug. “Thanks for tutoring me yesterday.”
“No problem, just doing my job.” You grinned at him but your thoughts still on Jungkook ignoring you.
Jimin chuckled, ruffling your hair, “You’re cute when you’re humble. Anyway, see you around!” You said bye to the others, noting that Jungkook didn’t say a single word to you. It was as if you weren’t right in front of you and you felt offended.
“Did something happen between you and Jungkook?” 
“No, nothing happened.” You denied as the memory of the kiss flashed in your mind.
“Are you sure?” Chan-mi questioned and you sighed. “Sorry, can we not talk about him? Let’s just have lunch.”
You didn’t notice your two friends sharing a look before collectively agreeing to drop the topic.
“You’re late.” You commented, staring at your screen as you continued your assignment. “Yea sorry, I was on a date with someone and it kinda over ran.”
Oh. A date with someone. “O-Oh, how did it go?”
“Pretty well.” Jungkook took a sit, taking out his laptop, ready to fire his questions. “That’s good!” you sounded happy for him. You weren’t sure if your eyes were just trying to make you feel better but it was as if Jungkook seemed disappointed with your reply, as if he was hoping for a different reaction. 
“Yea... Anyway, I don’t have much questions today so it should be a fast one. If you want, we could go get an early dinner?”
“I don’t think I can... I have quite a lot of things to do today.” 
“Oh... That’s cool.”
Moving on from the topic, you two went through the questions he had smoothly though there was something nagging at the back of your mind. Why was he so cold towards you that day? Why is he acting as if he wasn’t being such a dick towards you that day? 
“You good?”
“Hmm?” You glanced up to see genuine concerned eyes that made your heart flutter once again. “Y-Yea I’m good.”
“You sure? You seem quite out of it today. Are you unwell? Is something bothering you?”
You shook your head, getting frustrated. “Why were you ignoring me today in school?”
“W-What?” Jungkook pulled away, taken aback by your question. You sighed, “You know what I’m talking about.”
Jungkook shook his head, “I was just having a bad morning.”
“A bad morning.” You scoffed, “Right, so a bad morning would make you ignore my entire presence. I’ll take mental note of that.” Jungkook himself got annoyed, crossing his arms as he countered, “You didn’t seem to care about anyone else either when you were chatting up with Mingyu. Didn’t think my moody morning would even be noticed by you.”
You blinked a couple times, processing what he had just said. “W-What? I was just talking with him. Why are you even bringing this up?”
He didn’t answer this time, sighing as he packed his laptop in his bag. “I’m sorry, I can’t do this.” Jungkook got up and so did you. “You can’t do this? Are you jealous or something?”
“What? Of course not.” Jungkook frustratedly ruffled his hair. Not wanting to cause a scene at the cafe, you took your own stuff, chuckling dryly to yourself. “Well, you need to sort out whatever shit’s going on with you. I’m not here to guess how you’re feeling.”
“You’re not here to guess?” Jungkook whisper-yelled. “You were the one who suggested to ignore what happened. I’m here trying to keep my shit together because of that.”
“Jungkook, look. Let’s not talk about it here. Can we just drop it please?” ”Whatever.”
You walked away, not looking back to see Jungkook’s regretful look on his face.
Jungkook didn’t contact you after that day and you didn’t want to contact him either. Jimin, on the other hand, was trying to find out what happened between the two of you. 
“He always shuts the conversation down the moment one of us brings you up.” 
You sighed, “Nothing serious happened.”
“If that’s true, you guys wouldn’t be ignoring each other like the plague again. I had to lie to him about where I am today.”
A part of you, admittedly, would want Jungkook to reach out to you to just come clean about snapping at you the other day. You couldn’t understand how he could go on a date and then get pissed that you were talking to Mingyu. 
“You shouldn’t have lied to him.”
“It’s nothing.” Jimin shook his head, “What really happened between you two?”
Defeated, you told Jimin what happened that day at the cafe. “You two are just plain stupid. That poor boy likes you. You like him. Case solved.”
“If that’s true, he wouldn’t have gone on a date right before meeting me.”
“Yes, I agree that part’s fucked up. He just sucks at admitting his feelings to himself. Don’t worry, I’ll sort him out for you.” Jimin draped his arms around your shoulder, “you can count on me to give him a good nagging.”
“Thanks Jimin but you don’t have to do that—“
“Jimin? Y/N?”
The two of you turned around, Jimin immediately retracting his arm when you saw Jungkook standing right behind you. “Oh Kook!”
“I thought you said you’re meeting your Tinder date.”
“R-Right about that—“
“No, forget it, it’s clear who’s your Tinder date. Enjoy.” Jungkook shut him down and walked pass the both of you. Jimin sighed, “Looks like it’s time for me to fix this mess.”
“I think he’ll beat you up if you go after him. I’ll talk to him. You’re right, we need to talk.” Jimin gave you an encouraging smile, patting your shoulders, “Good luck.”
You needed that.
You hurriedly followed after him, calling out to him to stop and wait for you. It wasn’t that hard to catch up to him with his injury as well. 
Jungkook looked hurt and cold, as if he was building up his wall against you. “We weren’t on a date. Jimin didn’t want to tell you that he’s meeting me because apparently you get pissed every time you hear my name. I swear.”
“You don’t need to explain anything—“
“Yea of course I don’t, because I should just leave it to you to make wild assumptions every time some shit happens. I don’t get it. One moment, I think you may like me and the next moment you’re out on a date with someone else. Just tell me what is it and we can stop having this misunderstanding.”
Jungkook ruffled his hair, looking around the campus. “Can we talk somewhere else? And not here in public?”
You gestured with your hands, asking him to lead the way. Jungkook led you to a more secluded area, not too far away from where you bumped into him. You both couldn’t take walking together without clearing things up. 
Jungkook didn’t waste any time, immediately diving straight into it. “I do like you. Hell, there’s nothing to even doubt especially after that night. I wanted to kiss you for so long. I never admitted that to myself until that very moment. But then you said you wanted to drop everything and I thought it was just in the heat of the moment for you so I agreed. I rather be friends than back to strangers.” Jungkook breathed, taking a short pause, “But then I see you with Mingyu, with Jimin, and I know these men are your type. The ones that settle down with the right partner. The ones that don’t go on many dates. But that’s been me. So i figured you regretted it when you said that i didn’t want the same things you wanted. But fuck, i want to settle down with you. Take things slow, see where the future takes us. Three sessions with you was over the top for my studies but I did it because I love our time together. I love studying with you, going off topic and talking about other things. I love teasing you just to see your reaction because it makes me smile. I love it when you tease me back just to annoy me. You annoy me but I love it.” He sighed, looking at the floor before meeting your watery eyes.
“But I know I’m not the type of guy you’re looking for. You made it clear yourself that night when you asked to drop it. So there. That’s why I went on that date before meeting you. Because I was so nervous about seeing your face, I needed to get my mind off of you. I admit, I’m sorry for doing that because that just further proves your point about me.” He trailed off, as the realization sinks in of how he had just fucked up his own chances of being with you.
You didn’t bother interrupting him at all, your heart pounding loudly against your chest as you took in every single word he said. Your brain and heart having a civil war with each other. Not knowing what should your next move be. 
“I’m guessing silence means I’m right.” He spoke after receiving no response from you. “I’ll see you around. Take care of yourself.” He gave a pained smile as he headed off back to his place.
Your knees felt weak as you leaned back against the wall that was hiding the both of you from the others. Your hand brought up to your heart. 
What were you going to do?
With a heavy heart, you made your way back to your place. As you settled your dinner, you aimlessly browsed through the shows on Netflix as Your mind was busy thinking about Jungkook’s confession. 
Why didn’t you go after him? Why didn’t you say anything? Were you scared that it was all words? Were you scared of ruining the friendship you two had established? What was stopping you from doing what you wanted?
You knew you couldn’t leave things there. You had to do something before you regret. You liked Jungkook. A lot. You were willing to take the risk with him. Just as he was as willing to prove to you that he’s serious. 
You reached out for your phone and key, making your way out the door and to where you needed to be.
Once you had arrived, you were knocking on the door profusely, “Jungkook!” You called out.
The door opened, “W-What are you doing here—“
“I like you too. You’re wrong. I don’t regret that night. I regret saying that we should forget about it. Because i couldn’t. I didn’t. I thought about it everyday. I’m willing to take things slow with you if you’re willing. I don’t want to regret this as well.”
The smile on his face grew as you admitted your own feelings to him, Jungkook pulling you in with his free hand as the other still held on to his clutch.
“I mean it as well. I have zero intentions to play around with you. I’m serious and I’ll prove it. I’m not going to lose you, you’re not cheap sunglasses to me.”
“I trust you.” You said with a laugh, recalling his metaphor as his grin only grew wider. “You just made me a really happy man.”
“Really? I couldn’t tell with that wide grin on your face.”
“You’re annoying.” Jungkook said with no malice in his tone as he leaned in for a kiss. Both of you had been wanting to do that again ever since that incident. Your leg kicking the door shut as you pulled yourself closer to him. 
“I could get used to this.” You smiled as you pulled away. 
“Well, you should. I’m going to be kissing you for a long time.”
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 3 years
Madam Yu starts loving Wei Wuxian and showing anything like remotely well intended affection toward Jiang Cheng in fix it fics, HAHAHAHAHAHA (breaths) Hahahaha!
After all of that, let me explain why this would not work considering even before the fall of Lotus Pier and her death she had hated Wei Wuxian the moment he had been saved by Jiang Fengmian as well as instilling that Jiang Cheng was only worth as much as his title as Sect Heir of Yunmeng Jiang. They also contrast the ideologies between Jiang Fengmian and Madam Yu that were never understood by the other, mirroring the underlying resentment from a forced bond and the overall message that love can not be the only factor with peaceably accepting another person as your equal and confidant.
Madam Yu convinced herself that Wei Wuxian was usurping the position of power that Jiang Cheng held all because Jiang Fengmian had taken a shine to a child that was naturally good willed and bright. She purposely uses this as a tactic to drive a wedge between Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian.
She derides her son while continuing to insist he is still above others leading to his complex of superiority and his jealousy of never being able to please her or his father. His lack of actual good will towards others (like his mother who ignored smaller night hunts to help commoners) leads to his father's lecture of not understanding what the Yunmeng Jiang motto really is, " 明知不可为而为之". Usually this is translated just as "to attempt the impossible" which is correct technically, but the full meaning of this really works better as "knowing you fight against impossible odds to do what is right".
Jiang Cheng went to her side. Madam Yu squeezed his arm with her slender fingers, then slapped his shoulder loudly, scolding, “There’s isn’t any improvement in your cultivation at all. You’re seventeen already, yet you’re still like an ignorant child, fooling around with others all the time. Are you the same as others? Who knows which sewers other people will be splashing in, but you’re going to be the leader of the Jiang Sect!”
At the same time she also uses these same insults against Wei Wuxian. However, he is confident in his own skills and talents which is a confidence she herself despises thinking he is unworthy as a servant's son or the son of a rogue cultivator with no clan ties to have a right to that level of cultivation and sees it as a slight against her authority. Neither can do right in her eyes whether they listen faithfully or question her meanings.
Madam Yu, “Wei Ying, what trouble are you stirring up this time?”
Wei WuXian stepped forward, accustomed to it. Madam Yu scolded, “You’re like this again! If you yourself don’t seek progress, then don’t drag Jiang Cheng along to fool around with you. You’re going to be a bad influence to him.”
Wei WuXian looked startled, “I don’t seek progress? Why, am I not the one with the most progress in the entire Lotus Pier?”
Young people were never too patient. They wouldn’t feel satisfied unless they talked back. Hearing this, an air of hostility seemed to form around Madam Yu’s brow.
Jiang Cheng wordlessly and obediently takes the reprimand, head down and silent, deferring to her. Wei Wuxian however arrogant it may seem, talks back questioning what she means that he has not progressed when he has the talent to show. This is early foreshadowing to their exact stances during the Wen Indoctrination.
Jiang Cheng held Wei WuXian firmly. Wei WuXian asked with a lowered voice, “What are you holding me down for?”
Jiang Cheng snorted, “Don’t do unnecessary things.”
He didn’t know why, but all of the boys sent from the GusuLan Sect looked somewhat pallid. Lan WangJi’s face was especially pale, but his expression was still as frosted as usual, distancing him from everyone else. The sword Bichen on his back, he stood alone, with nobody around him. Wei WuXian had wanted to go up to him and say hello, but Jiang Cheng warned him, “Don’t cause any trouble!”
MianMian knew that if she was hung up, she probably wouldn’t be able to come back down alive. She tried to run away, but wherever she fled, the people dispersed around her. Just as Wei WuXian twitched, Jiang Cheng held him firmly down. MianMian suddenly noticed that two people remained still. She hid behind their backs at once, shivering.
The two were Jin ZiXuan and Lan WangJi.
With the rescue of Mianmian and Wei Wuxian staying to protect Lan Wangji (who had protected Mianmian in turn despite repercussions) gained the attention of Wen Chao and his ire all of which Jiang Cheng kept ordering Wei Wuxian not to do. Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian are thrust into the role of the Jiang leaders stance of morality. Wei Wuxian, and by mention Lan Wangji, have done a unimaginable feat along with embodying the traits that Jiang Fengmian admires. As both did the impossible along with doing what was right in the protection of MianMian and Wei Wuxian staying to aid Lan Wangji.
Wei WuXian, “Those Wen dogs are talking nonsense, they have no face. Lan Zhan was clearly the one who killed it.”
Jiang FengMian gave him a smile, “Really? What a coincidence. The second young master of the Lan Sect told me that you were the one who killed it. So who was it, really?”
Wei WuXian, “I guess both of us did something. But he was the main one. I only went into the beast’s shell and chased it out. Lan Zhan was waiting for it alone outside. It only died after it dragged on for six entire hours.”
He described to Jiang Cheng and his father the things that had happened during the past few days. Jiang Cheng’s expression was complicated after he had finished listening. He only spoke a while later, “It’s pretty much the same as what Lan WangJi said. So it seems that both of you killed it together. What’s yours is yours. Why would you give him all the credit?”
Wei WuXian, “I didn’t. I just feel that, compared to him, I really didn’t do much.”
Jiang FengMian nodded, “Well done.”
He was able to kill a four-hundred-year-old beast at the mere age of seventeen. It was much more than a ‘well done’.
Jiang Cheng, “Congratulations.”
The tone of his congratulations sounded quite strange.
Jiang Cheng is once again faced with the reality that despite doing as his mother wanted, he is met with the reprimands of his father who does place loyalty and friendship in the face of dangers. Interestingly, the way Wei Wuxian defends Jiang Cheng mirrors the excuses that Jiang Fengmian had given for Madam Yu's harsh words and rumors about himself.
Jiang Cheng, “It served you right to be bored to death. You shouldn’t have played the hero and you shouldn’t have cared for such a hell of a thing. If in the beginning you didn’t…”
Suddenly, Jiang FengMian spoke, “Jiang Cheng.”
Jiang Cheng paused, knowing that he had said too much. He was quiet at once.
Jiang FengMian didn’t look as if he was blaming him of anything, but his expression had turned from calm to more solemn, “Do you know in which ways what you just said is not appropriate?”
Jiang Cheng’s head hung low, “Yes.”
Wei WuXian, “He’s just angry and speaking without care.”
Seeing how Jiang Cheng’s mouth and heart were still at odds, how he still felt defiant, Jiang FengMian shook his head, “A-Cheng, there are some things that can’t be said even if you’re angry. If you said them, it means that you still don’t understand the motto of the Jiang Sect, that you still don’t…”
That "hell of a thing" Jiang Cheng mentions is referencing that saving Lan Wangji was a waste in comparison to an easy get away along with Jiang Cheng. He helped a person that potentially was a future problem for them. A thought that hadn't been on Jiang Fengmian's mind as he praised not only Wei Wuxian's kill but his care in putting others first in such dire circumstances. Understandable praise for decent morals. And then comes Madam Yu,
The harsh voice of a woman came from outside the door, “Yes, he doesn’t understand, but what does it matter, as long as Wei Ying understands?!”
Like a purple bolt of lightning, Madam Yu swept inside, bringing in with her a cold breeze. She was standing five steps away from Wei WuXian’s bed, brows raised, “‘To attempt the impossible’ is exactly how he is, isn’t it? Fooling around even though he knew that it’d bring trouble to his sect?!”
Jiang FengMian, “My lady, what are you doing here?”
Madam Yu, “What am I doing here? What a joke that I am asked of such a thing! Sect Leader Jiang, do you still remember that I’m also the leader of Lotus Pier? Do you still remember that every inch of the earth here is my territory? Do you still remember, between the one lying there and the one standing here, which one is your son?”
Such questions he had heard countless times throughout the years. Jiang FengMian answered, “Of course I do.”
Madam Yu laughed bitterly, “You do remember, but there’s no use if you simply remember. Wei Ying, he really can’t take it unless he stirs up some trouble, can he? If I had known, I would’ve made him stay in Lotus Pier properly and not go outside. Could Wen Chao really have dared to do anything to the two young masters of the GusuLan Sect and the LanlingJin Sect? Even if he did, it’d mean that they ran out of luck. Since when was it your turn to play the hero?”
Do you remember who is a leader? Do you know what's mine? Do you know the worth of people's lives and what it gains me over the trouble of caring for them unconditionally?
Her arguments can be answered already, "Could Wen Chao really have dared to do anything to the two young masters of the GusuLan Sect and the LanlingJin Sect? Even if he did, it’d mean that they ran out of luck."
Yes, as they had already burned Cloud Recesses and physically harmed Lan Wangi once before. Jin Zixuan was expected to die as he had been abandoned in the cave already with no weapon his consequence was already passed. She also says "so what?" if they did retaliate because it was them choosing to play a game of hero and killing themselves for putting their head up against a higher power and baiting more trouble in the future, regardless of the Wen Sect attacking the sects one by one, and Yunmeng the next to be considered the weakest.
All which is parroted later by Jiang Cheng 13 years later when he demands Wei Wuxian beg in front of an altar, to make amends for deaths that hurt Jiang Cheng even when Wei Wuxian died for those once. He deserved to die for protecting the Wens that caused everything. He was shameless for sticking to Lan Wangji instead of honoring their childhood promise choosing someone else over him and loving another from the start. "What did I gain from you doing the right thing?" is the underlying accusation Madam Yu and Jiang Cheng use as a defense constantly.
Jiang FengMian stood up, “Let’s talk when we get back.”
Madam Yu, “Talk about what? Get back to where? I’ll be talking about it right here. I have nothing to be ashamed of, anyways! Jiang Cheng, come over here.”
Jiang Cheng was stuck between his father and his mother. After a moment of hesitation, he moved to his mother’s side. Holding his shoulders, Madam Yu pushed him forward for Jiang FengMian to see, “Sect Leader Jiang, it seems that some things I have to say. Look carefully—this, is your own son, the future head of Lotus Pier. Even if you frown upon him just because I was the one who bore him, his surname is still Jiang! … I don’t believe for one second that you haven’t heard of how the outside people gossips, that Sect Leader Jiang has still not moved on from a certain Sanren though so many years have passed, regarding the son of his old friend as a son of his own; they’re speculating if Wei Ying is your…”
Jiang FengMian shouted, “Yu ZiYuan!”
Madam Yu shouted as well, “Jiang FengMian! Do you think that anything will change just because you raised your voice?! Do you think that I don’t know you?!”
The two debated the issue outside. On the way, Madam Yu’s angered voice was louder and louder. Jiang FengMian argued as well, suppressing his rage. Jiang Cheng stood blankly where he was. A while later, he glanced at Wei WuXian, and suddenly turned to leave as well.
Madam Yu and Jiang Cheng use harsh language, twisted rumors and others that are dead and gone to guilt others into what they insist is the correct way to make amends to wrongs with wild standards. Madam Yu and Jiang Fengmian fundamentally could not work with the other as an equal unit. Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian become the worst of what Yu Ziyuan and Jiang Fengmian had built up before them.
The luxury that was given to Wei Wuxian was that he still had Lan Wangji standing by his side to pull him away from that cycle of continued misunderstandings and refusal of seeing the other as anything other than a person that would be a constant disappointment.
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excitedlysuffering · 4 years
Green With Envy
It’s past 2am and my eyes hurt so it’s unedited for now sorry y’all😅
Original Request (from Wattpad account): What makes the boys jealous, if possible?
Guest stars: Sasori and Sai!
Oh, this boy… he’s too oblivious sometimes he doesn’t even know to be jealous. He was at a hot spring with friends once and someone says, “(Y/N) is so hot…” Naruto just grinned and said, “Yeah, she really is.”
But that doesn’t mean he won’t protect your honor. If someone says something a little too… risque like ‘Yeah, I’d tap that’ for example, get ready for more Narutos than you can count all charging you with a Rasengan.
He will not stand other guys cozying up to you. He’s the one who should be blessed with your hugs and cuddles. Won’t hesitate to cause a scene and yell to the entire world that he loves you and won’t let any other guy make a pass at you.
“Naruto, you didn’t need to go that far! You blasted him through three walls!” He’s endearing, really.
Is jealousy an Uchiha thing or just a Sasuke thing? One of life’s many mysteries. Anywho, unlike Naruto, the second your name is brought up in conversation, he goes on guard and he’s listening closely.
If anything is said that he deems inappropriate, whether it be disparaging or otherwise, Sasuke had better be held back or he just might punch you into next week.
“Sasuke, calm down! He just said I had good taste in clothes!”
Even though he can easily get jealous, he knows the importance of freedom and he trusts you. He won’t come guns blazing (or sword slashing rather) and drag you away unless you need it of course.
The last thing he wants is for you to feel like you’re dating your dad or something. He’s very blunt and if he becomes uneasy with the way another male is talking to you, he’ll let said male know. Maybe after scowling with his Sharingan activated, however.
Neji doesn’t really get jealous per se, more like offended on your behalf. Because of his upbringing, which taught him manners and the utmost respect, he really can’t understand talking about girls like they’re objects? Will never refer to a woman as ‘hot’ or anything like that.
If someone even dares speak of you like that, (even if you’re not necessarily together yet) he will fight them, and they will experience the 64 palms technique.
He especially hates people in your personal space. He really does trust you, just not others. Is not afraid to embarrass someone on your behalf. Half the time his glare is enough to scare them off, but some people are just clueless. (They wake up in the hospital)
“Neji! You can’t just throw me over your shoulder and leave! And that guy looked like he had seen a ghost?!” Needless to say, even cool, calm, and collected Neji has his limits.
Shika is too laid back to get jealous over little things. Somewhat like Neji, he doesn’t get jealous. He might feel threatened on your behalf, but never jealous. He can trust you with his life why shouldn’t he trust you with your relationship?
However, if someone is clearly harassing you or just generally making you uncomfortable, he will not hesitate to step in and make them leave. He won’t resort to physical violence (too much work), but he will intimidate them or put his genius to use and play some kind of trick on them.
He honestly has endless patience and at the same time no patience? Patience with you if you’re having a pleasant conversation with someone, but will go from 0-100 (or 50, really, anything more is a lot of effort) real quick.
“Shika, that guy thought he was really paralyzed, thanks to your shadow possession!” Being jealous is a waste of time, but clever revenge is always a treat for Shika.
So. Jealous. So. Easily. Kiba is naturally animalistic (in the best way) and just like a dog, can be very possessive. If explicitly asked, he will try to tone down his jealous fits, but will still be protective. If he does have free reign, however, oh boy…
No chill at all, whatsoever. Whether it’s absolutely destroying the object of his rage or just simply making out with you right there. No matter how annoyed he may get, he respects you with every fiber of his being and would never tell you to change or try to control you. He wouldn’t ever embarrass you (unless Kiba and Akamaru pummeling a room full of guys is embarrassing).
Just let him FIND OUT someone is making you feel the slightest bit of unease. One second, they’re chatting you up and then BAM! There’s a flash of white and a huge dog ready to maul them.
“Kiba, what do you mean they all looked at me for too long?! We walked in the door, of course, they turned to look!”
Gaara is a bit of a conundrum, but in a way that makes sense? Like, he doesn’t feel the need to get jealous of guys because when you leave, he’s going to be kissing you goodnight, and he’s the one who gets to spoil you.
However, he will get jealous of little things. Oh, you’ve spent a good amount of time playing with an animal/pet? Be prepared to walk in on Gaara giving them a stern lecture on stealing you from them. Gaara knows he has any potential suitors beat, but tiny adorable animals and children? In his mind, he can never be too cautious.
He gets a little pouty but that can easily be cured with cuddles, sometimes with that evil little pet that stole your affections from him. He can never stay jealous for long, he views it as an unproductive waste of time. He could be actively trying to get your attention, but instead, he’s going to be sulking in a corner? Yeah, no.
“Gaara! Stop scolding my cat, that’s not doing anything!”
On the rare occasion that this cinnamon roll gets jealous, he’s confused and shocked. Like just imagine the surprised Pikachu face and that’s him. He knows what jealousy is, he can identify it just fine, but he doesn’t know why he’s jealous.
You aren’t doing anything, all you did was laugh at someone else’s jokes, but still… do you find them funnier than him? Are you going to leave him because he’s not that funny?! Cue the slow onset into insanity… Poor Sai is losing his mind to paranoia and made-up scenarios.
Will most certainly drag you away (gently) from whoever is taking your attention and leave. He doesn’t even bother with a fake smile, they don’t deserve it. He’ll explain to you calmly even though he’s panicking on the inside. Once he is back to normal he’ll show you his nearest artwork.
“What the-! Sai, you can’t just draw caricatures on people’s car!” You don’t even want to know how he figures out which car is theirs...
Too cocky to be jealous. He has the right to be though because one glance at him without his face mask can cause instant pregnancy. Anywho, he knows you love him and some guy trying to hit on you like some high school douche isn’t going to change that.
He does like to intervene, however, just to flex like ‘yeah, I’m the boyfriend, now get lost’.
He’s not big on PDA, so he won’t start kissing you to ward off strangers, but he will wrap on arm around you or hold your hand and ask who your ‘friend’ is.
When there’s that one stubborn person who won’t take a hint, Kakashi doesn’t mind rocking someone’s world or getting kicked out, he needed to perfect that one offense technique anyways. He’s pretty laid back though, so it has to be somewhat drastic for this though, plus he knows you can handle yourself.
“A thousand years of death?! Isn’t it weird to be poking old men in the butt?!
Pfft. Who does he have to be jealous of? He’s a god among mortals, after all. To him, you’re a goddess and as such you belong with someone like him, not the peasants around you.
But on the offhand chance that someone doesn’t heed his godly status, he will not hesitate to pull you into his side and yell ‘Almighty Push’ and totally obliterate that loser. (A/N: Holy crap I think that needs to be a one-shot cuz, wow, Pein being all protective is making me swoon?)
If it’s not a big deal, he’ll easily let you take care of it. If you’re strong enough to catch Pein’s attention, you’re more than strong enough to deal with some lowlife. That doesn’t mean, however, that they won’t feel his wrath too.
If you ever want to witness a true royal rumble, dare someone to mess with Pein’s S/O. It’d be an epic tag team match (slaughter, really) for the ages. One would d be surprised how quick he can lose his cool when it comes to you.
“Pein, that’s the fifth time this month! Kakuzu is going to murder me if I ask for money to fix this wall!”
Need I even say it? Jealous boy all the way. You’re his favorite masterpiece so why should let an uncultured swine who doesn’t even understand your worth touch you? Rhetorical question, he wouldn’t.
He is not above fighting or placing a bomb on someone who gives you one too many glances. He’d make sure they knew it wasn’t art, they weren’t good enough for that, before blowing the offender up.
No one and he means no one gets to talk bad about his S/O. If someone insults you in his presence they might as well as swallowed one of his explosives and trusted him not to blow them up.
Will one 100% hide you from view if you look too appealing. He thinks you look ravishing, but he’s the only one who should be able to think that, in his opinion. Don’t worry, no one’s ever gotten close enough to harass you with Dei around. His one-eyed scowl is a great deterrent.
“Deidara! You blew up my favorite restaurant! He didn’t even say anything to me!”
Would rather die before admitting he was jealous. As adamant about not being jealous as he is about art being eternal. That’s not to say that he won’t take action though. He will use chakra strings to make the perpetrator walk away, meanwhile making them bump into literally everything in the general vicinity.
The two of you don’t leave the base all that often so it’s unusual to see an envious Sasori action, but it’s a real treat when it happens. After he deals with whatever idiot crossed him, he’ll be a bit more affectionate that day/night.
Not huge things, but instead of working on puppets all night, he’d be more apt to hold you that night. Average people hitting on you make him insecure because he realizes he’s not that great at normal relationships but he still doesn’t want to lose you. That feeds into his jealousy and he figures the only way to get rid of it is to make sure those other guys can’t offer anything he doesn’t have.
“Sasori! If you wanted a hug, you could’ve said that instead of treating that guy like a ball inside of a pinball machine!”
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Dear future health professionals and stem professors,
We need a revolution of thought. Only through a renaissance of pure and genuine passion towards medicine and other sciences will we have competent doctors, nurses, other healthcare workers, and teachers. We live in a world where people pursue noble professions for the sake of social and economic advancement. However, we lack individuals who love the process of learning and their career.
I recollect quite a marvelous excerpt written by one of the world’s greatest scientific minds, Albert Einstein. In his book, The World As I see It he writes:
ACADEMIC CHAIRS ARE MANY, but wise and noble teachers are few; lecture rooms are numerous and large, but the number of young people who genuinely thirst for truth and justice is small. Nature scatters her common wares with a lavish hand, but the choice sort she produces but seldom.
We all know that, so why complain? Was it not ever thus and will it not ever thus remain? Certainly, and one must take what nature gives as one finds it. But there is also such a thing as a spirit of the times, an attitude of mind characteristic of a particular generation, which is passed on from individual to individual and gives a society its particular tone. Each of us has to do his little bit towards transforming this spirit of the times.
Compare the spirit which animated the youth in our universities a hundred years ago with that prevailing today. They had faith in the amelioration of human society, respect for every honest opinion, the tolerance for which our classics had lived and fought. 
  I believe that one of the faults lies within education institutions. Educators rely on testing, textbooks, and detached memorized lectures. Lectures lack passion and another essential factor: the real practice. The theory is important but the practice is necessary to understand the theory. But without passion, nobody will learn to love the material being taught. Ibn Sina is known for being one of the greatest physicians and teachers of Islamic medicine. I am not completely sure whether what I am about to mention is true. But I read that when he lectured theory to the medical students at the Madrassa (University) he would show them how it worked. Besides medical history and theory. He also taught physics, astronomy, philosophy, and mathematics. However, he is also famed for being an excellent teacher duly because he would take his students to test out the theories and practice what they have been taught. If they were learning medical theory, they were taken to the hospital to observe patients and their cases. If they were learning astronomy, they would all gather in the evening to look up at the heavens to look at the constellations. Lastly, his passion for his vocation was the final touch. Educators without the drive cannot teach. Learning is about understanding oneself, others, and the world. Learning evolves our minds and our spirits by making us get in harmony with the universe. I believe this ties in with Aristotle’s famous saying, “The unexamined life is not worth living”. Though my interpretation may be a wee bit off, I translate it as thus; we can gather all textbook knowledge as possible but if we do not put into practice the knowledge learned, what is the point? I yearn and I pine to experience all that I have learned. I want to see why the theory makes sense in reality. I want to conduct experiments. So much potential is being wasted. Biology is the study of life. However, when I took the course, it was so cold to a point that it did not even feel like I was studying the human body but something alien instead. There is also such a rush to memorize material within a couple of weeks because of exams that the material ceases to be interesting and becomes more of an arduous chore instead. Our sense of time-shifted completely after the industrial revolution. Perhaps this is a reason why we feel the need to rush through everything and not take our time to study profoundly. 
We need another Scientific Revolution, curious minds thirsting for the acquisition of knowledge and unanswered questions. However, I believe that the leading force behind this is a necessity. I would like to mention an example to illustrate what I mean from a novel I read a while ago called, The Physician by Noah Gordon. A boy from Medieval Europe lost his mother from an unknown disease leaving him orphaned. He then grew up with the necessity to learn what the disease was and how to prevent other similar deaths, so that others do not suffer what he has suffered. He then worked with Barbers (people who performed medical procedures in Medieval Europe). But the medical knowledge these professionals had was not enough to answer his question. Thus, he traveled to Persia where there was a quite renowned and exclusive medical school. He did not have the economic means or previous schooling to attend but he impressed the headmaster with his passion and knowledge. Thus, the headmaster admitted him into the Madrassa. The European boy then invested all his time doing research, dissections and treating patients until he finally found out what ailment caused his mother’s death, side sickness (appendicitis). He figured out a way to treat this illness, removal of the appendix. From his initial necessity which was the driving force for him to pursue a medical career, he became a famous physician and felt that all his suffering and odyssey were worthwhile. The sense of necessity leads to the feeling of passion. It was his love for his mother that made him follow such a journey full of obstacles. I am beginning to apply that to my own life. I want to figure out my necessity which will be the driving force to power through university and medical school without ever feeling burnt out. I want to feel fulfilled. I believe this is what all pre-medical students and teachers should think about. What is your necessity? We are going to be dealing with human life, someone’s mother, father, friend, sister, uncle, lover, husband, or child...It is not something to be taken lightly. I know so many doctors lacking empathy because they went into the medical field with just the intention of being acknowledged as “Doctors” and getting rich. But I feel that even the most apathetic healthcare workers can become great empathetic professionals the moment they realize that something was triggered deep inside them, perhaps a loved one having an unknown disease. This would lead the apathetic doctor to do mass amounts of research to try to find a cure. This feeling becomes a necessity. A necessity to not lose the loved one. A necessity to save lives. Thus, finding passion, purpose, and becoming a better person. Though each person is different, we all share a selfish feeling. Most of the time we do not truly care about other peoples’ suffering until it happens to us. Once we are affected by something, we drive all our time and attention to find a solution or a way to deal with a problem. We become consumed and completely obsessed by it. I regard this as passion. I do not think passion subsides, it lingers on inside us. It is a fire that never burns out. I remember my high school teacher writing in my yearbook:
Remember a few things, BE PATIENT. You are eager and you will accomplish so much. But take your time, you are always rushing. Life is a journey, it is not about the destination. Be picky. You love everything with enthusiasm but enthusiasm can burn out. Find a fire inside yourself that burns for a long time.
We cannot rush our personal legend. I believe it comes to us. It is Maktub (it’s written). But we also have to do something. Imagine you are on a stranded island but you have a machete, a fishing rod, coconuts, a cave for shelter, wood for a fire, an ocean full of fish. Everything required for survival is there, but you simply have to cut open the coconut with the machete, go fishing for food, fire to cook, and warmth. The fish isn’t going to swim right into your hands and the fire will not light itself. We must use our resources and do our bit. The Universe has a lot going on, we must help out a bit.
If you ever think about quitting, try to remember what made you start your odyssey in the first place. I do not know what my necessity is yet but that is okay. I believe it will come to me eventually. So for now, I simply love to romanticize academia. I like to imagine the: earthy tones of the universities archways, cobblestone paths, laboratories with clean Erlenmeyer flasks, beakers, pristine white lab coats, bunsen burner flames changing colors as different salts are added, Bromothymol Blue pen stains, elegant calculations inside a worn leather-bound notebook, formulas scrawled over the blackboard, forgotten cold Irish breakfast tea on the desk, academics discussing theories, applause from a successful experiment, gray rainy days spent inside the lab, Whitman, Hemingway, et Sir Arthur Conon Doyle being read during break, intellectual conversations with professors, chemistry reports being written, molecular models built, volumes of ancient words, fire slowly burning in the stone fireplace, trying to understand, looking at the constellations on a clear night in the astronomy tower, reciting poetry, Tchaikovsky playing whilst completing a long lab report on Lê Chatelier’s theory of Equilibrium, curious minds, sleepless evenings in the library, beautiful anatomical illustrations...Just imagining these things motivate and inspire me to continue my path. Though it may seem superficial, it awakens something inside me. I yearn and I pine to become a Chemistry Romantic. 
I want to conclude this letter by saying that pupils and educators keep ideals alive and can change them accordingly as well. We have the power to become excellent professionals or simply exist and do nothing for the human race. But if you plan on becoming a physician or educator, you must find the trigger which brings your passion to life, your necessity. Once you find that, you are guaranteed greatness and fulfillment. However, do not rush. Perfection takes time. A couple of obstacles should not hinder you from persevering. Many will tell you to give up but do not. That is the Universe testing you. Do your best until you master the topic. Once you know better, you are then able to do better. 
Confessions from a Chemistry Academic
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