#the artists way
jamelalatise · 2 months
Your own healing is the greatest message of hope for others.
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cloctor-doodles · 3 months
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I will never stop talking about ✨️them✨️
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audrinawf · 9 months
guys I’m trying to rebrand “manifestations” I’m done with using my powers to manifest things that only satisfy my ego. and that statement alone means so many different things to different people but I truly believe that all of these videos and posts on “how I manifested my dream car”, “how I manifested 10.000 in 3 weeks” “how I manifested my dream life” is just repackaged capitalism. No hate to anyone who does it cause that has been me.
I’m just calling out to anyone that is on the path of living from flow state which is just this magical state of being where we do not chase our dream cars or try to make a specific person fall in love with us or any other object or status that keeps us stuck in our egos.
So if you’re someone who believes in the magic of manifestations and the law of assumption but you also want to achieve spiritual discipline and learn to live in a reality where you wake up every day and you get to create art, engage in hobbies and experience magic by just waking up and existing then you should follow me and /or reblog this if you’re on a similar journey to find likeminded people.
And also if you’re not there yet then that’s fine too cause manifestations and law of attraction is real and it works and everyone is exactly where they have to be and it’s all in order so please don’t get offended by this.
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“The neurotic, no matter whether productive or obstructed, suffers fundamentally from the fact that he cannot or will not accept himself, his own individuality, his own personality. On one hand he criticizes himself to excess, on the other he idealizes himself to excess, which means that he makes too great demands on himself and his completeness, so that failing to attain leads only to more self-criticism. If we take this thwarted type as we may do for our purpose, and compare him to the artist, it is at once clear that the artist is, in a sense, the antithesis to the self-critical, neurotic type. Not that the artist does not criticize himself, but by accepting his personality, he not only fulfills that for which the neurotic is striving in vain, but goes far beyond it. The precondition, then, of the creative personality is not only acceptance, but it’s actually glorification of itself.”
—Dr. Otto Rank on Art and Artist, found in Anaïs Nin’s Diaries, Volume One
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saintescuderia · 1 month
Overcoming Writer's Block
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It feels like a cheat to be have this cover all the days that I was supposed to be writing and didn't.
There were a variety of reasons why it didn't happen. I was overtired from marshalling the Australian Grand Prix. I had no time because I was marshalling the Australian Grand Prix. I had no inspiration because my life had been on pause after marshalling the Australian Grand Prix. For the four days of March 21st-24th, my life revolved around an orange jumpsuit, a lanyard and standing on my feet for twelve hours watching cars zoom past from behind a metal fence.
It was brilliant.
But, also, I was done.
The recovery had me bed-ridden and trying to acclimatise back to the life I had put on pause. It didn't help that straight after this I had to pull a university student move and complete an entire assessment based on coursework I had yet to even go through. Thus, in short, everything creative was put on an extended pause.
Both good and bad.
It was good in the sense that marshalling provided me a break in a way that I never could've created for myself. For four days, I had no chance to think about anything but cars. Life was on pause. That meant all of life's problems were also on pause. Ultimately, the four days provided a sense of respite that when I came back to everything, it was fresh faced with the metaphorical jug refilled.
However, it also meant that I still wasn't writing. I would stare at my laptop screen and blink at the blank white document with the flickering caret dared me to write a shitty word. You gotta write something, you have your March streak! You gotta get those Artist Way activities done or you'll fall behind! You have to write that Alpine article for the magazine!
So, I left it. Paradoxically, I gave myself the time until I felt that I could write and here we are. If my March challenge has a few days 'blocked,' that's okay because I know it's all worth it. This is part of the progress. I don't think Julia Cameron is going to burst through the door and criticise me for redoing a week of the The Artist Way because I spent a week of my life doing something I love and am passionate about. If anything, she'd probably wrap me in a blanket and give gentle words of encouragement.
And so, let this be a testament to any writer suffering the block out there: it's okay. You'll get through it and it's all just a part of living life as a writer. Be patient with yourself.
Write what you want and not what you think others need.
Or, at least, that's what I'm telling myself.
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I’m not immune to doing what tik tok tells me to do so I picked up The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. I’m surprised how much of it I agree with already and have already practiced within my own philosophy on writing, but one thing I really love is the morning pages.
Morning pages are essentially something you’re supposed to do every morning before you do anything else: open your journal and write three pages longhand—whatever comes to mind, stream of conscious style. And yes, they should be done in the morning. As someone who usually journaled at night I’ve found my thoughts are less clouded in the morning when I first wake up.
Anyway, highly recommend.
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usercannibal · 8 months
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Affirmations from the Artist's Way because there is no god in this house but myself
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novlr · 10 months
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bridgetisthemom · 10 days
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heythereitsace · 2 years
The Spoonie's Way
I've tried/failed at The Artist's Way for several years. I've tried to tough it out on my own (bad choice) and with real life groups (better) and weekly Zoom meets (best). But I've always struggled to keep up the habits I develop over the twelve weeks, particularly things like the Morning Pages, and I think I've realised why:
The Artist's Way is not designed with disability in mind.
For me, specifically, I've got hypermobility. That means my body bends further than it should, and it makes certain things more painful or much more effort. One of those things? Writing with a pen.
The Morning Pages are a cornerstone of The Artist's Way, and right off the bat you're told that they should be done long-hand (handwritten) AND first thing in the morning.
"Just get up half an hour earlier," the book prompts you. "Gift yourself this morning time."
No no no. My poor broken hands means that half an hour is not nearly enough time to scratch out three pages. I need at least an hour, maybe 90 minutes, to get that done. And my hands are RUINED after that. Like, don't ask me to now make breakfast, or drive, or do up buttons. Looking back now, no wonder I couldn't get through these courses! I was being asked to do MUCH more than Julia Cameron thinks she's asking, because I'm not the default body she imagines when she's putting this course together. I don't think it's malicious, I just think it's a lack of thought.
The hardest thing about it (before you realise this course isn't designed with disability in mind) is that the course tells you "This may be tough, but stick with the discipline of it. It's worth it."
That may be true for folks without jelly joints, but this was NOT a worthwhile discipline for me. I threw myself against it again and again, and all it did was hurt me, wreck my mornings, and make me feel like a colossal failure.
So, if there are any fellow spoonies also struggling through The Artist's Way, let me share with you a few tweaks that myself and other spoonie friends have used, so that you can enjoy the challenge without it being impossible.
YOU DON'T NEED TO HANDWRITE YOUR MORNING PAGES. I give you permission. If you've tried it and it hurts, or it puts your body into a bad position, or it takes way too much time out of your day, TYPE THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS. I like to use a website called 750 Words which is inspired by the Morning Pages. It's a really simple writing space which gives you a confetti celebration on the screen when you hit the target, shows you your writing streak, and converts your daily mind-dump into beautiful data which I ADORE. 750 Words is free for the first month and then you pay after that, but it doesn't even need to be that complicated - just write in a Google Doc, or whatever writing space works best on your computer. As long as it's saved and stored in a way that you can find it, and it's not going to be easily accessed by others, you're doing great.
YOU DON'T NEED TO WRITE FIRST THING IN THE MORNING. My partner has ADHD and mornings are NOT his friend. He hasn't had his meds, he's often struggling from coming to bed late, it's just the absolute worst time for him. You know when IS a good time? Writing in the evenings. He loves doing that. Once he gave himself permission to sit down and write in the evenings, he didn't miss a day, and it became an awesome daily wind-down for him. If mornings are complicated for medication or insomnia or neutrodivergent reasons, experiment with writing at different times and see if you can find a time that better fits you. Being able to write regularly is more important than writing first thing.
IT DOESN'T NEED TO BE THREE PAGES. Buy a smaller notebook. Or buy a bigger one and write just one page. Choose your own word count on your digital doc. Set a timer and write until it goes, or write until YOU feel you're finished. This is your space. Find what works for you.
TREAT IT LIKE A SCIENCE EXPERIMENT. Everyone's different, and it might take a few goes to find exactly what works for you. So, by all means, try the Morning Pages as described to start with. But if you find that it doesn't work, rather than coming down hard on yourself for 'failing', treat the whole thing like a science experiment. So, it didn't work today. Why was that? What can I tweak to get a more consistent result? And then try that change for the next iteration. You don't have to keep bashing your head against it hoping for a different result. We spoonies have it hard enough. Mould this creative tool into one that fits your hands, your body, and your life.
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jamelalatise · 1 year
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The Artist’s Way
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unicorntgoughts · 1 month
Things end. And it’s important for me to learn how to let what’s over be over.
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adhd-creativity · 1 month
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I really like this collage I made about where I want to go with my creativity and just the mysteriousness of life in general ✨️🌙
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enchantechante · 10 months
Artist Date W3: Thrifting
And the youtube channel is updated with a mini-adventure to the Thrift Sto'. Who doesn't love lewks for less?
I've always wanted to be a fashion designer and this makes me feel as creative as that life seems.
My wish for myself is that I learn to play with the world around me. That I lean into rest, recovery & finishing this book this Summer (finally!).
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saintescuderia · 1 month
The Artist's Way (pt. 2)
Week 2: Recovering a Sense of Identity
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Maybe it was because there was no Formula 1 this week that it was, well, a ‘bad’ week.
I don’t want to say it was a ‘good’ week or a ‘bad’ week because I could already imagine Julia Cameron telling me ‘no! there is no such thing!’ But I just feel like I really didn’t give it my all this week. For one thing, I broke my streak of writing everyday and after 17 days of posting daily, I decided to instead go two for two and have a big weekend that I’m now paying for on the Monday. Admittedly, that was all an experience unto itself and we shouldn’t negate life’s special moments… but I do feel like shit. 
I knew this week would be a little off because I just felt a little bit off. I was writing for the sake of posting, not actually writing. I think the block was on its way as my nights were staring at my screen half-asleep and willing myself to just put words out so I could tick off today’s March writing! and go to bed. I wasn’t waking up and doing the morning pages. I wasn’t thinking about how nice it was to feel the sun shining. I wasn’t appreciating the little moments or trying something new or reading my affirmations. I wasn’t prioritising any of it. It was just a last minute thing that I tacked on at the end of my day and thought that would be it. 
Even the tasks. I did make time to sit down and go through the tasks and write them down in my journal and reflect on them all… but that it was it. One day out of the seven. One day where I spent a few hours trying to ‘catch up’ on all the little things I should’ve been doing each day. Suffice to say, I felt completely lost and dishevelled.
This is all so ironic because week two is all about recovering a sense of identity and setting boundaries. And given the poetry I was writing this week, there were some big bumps of self-identity occurring (thank you Alice Oseman!) and frank, uncomfortable conversations about boundaries and the people who don’t respect them - who guilt you for setting them in the first place. 
Now I know that not everything is going to fall into place. It won’t just take me one week to figure out who I am as an artist and the boundaries I need to set in place to respect that. That’s a lifelong thing that will extend out beyond even the three months of this The Artist Way journey. However, I do think that I didn’t spend enough time each day considering just what it is I’m actually working towards. That is, there were times where I forgot what I was actually supposed to be doing this for. So, unsurprisingly, I dropped my streak. 
All that being said, it’s not like I’ve kicked the bucket in. I know that this is just one lapse in the journey and that’s what journeys are all about anyway: the ups and the downs that make the path. I know now that I really need to prioritise my writing time and kept it safe and sacred from anything and everything. 
As in, instead of spending an entire evening shopping to look for this one specific Carhartt jacket, maybe go home and write because that’s what I know I should be doing. Especially since it’s online anyway. 
Procrastination is a fire that grows with every breath you give it. 
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dunne-ias · 6 months
I read the Artist's way by Julia Cameron which is supposed to be this masterpiece of creativity and I was so surprised.
. .by how bad and useless it was. I swear every good point can be made in Ten words but Cameron used 1500 words of the usual self-help and religious nonsense you'll find in any book published by freaking Louise Hay or something.
Don't make my mistake. Skip this. Read a summary online instead if you’re really interested.
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