#thanks for the request!!!! and thank you for the kind compliment!!!! im glad you like my art!!!!!!!! :]
versadies · 3 years
currently screaming and obsessing about your househusband au. anyways hc that househusband thoma makes knitted pieces of clothing (sweaters, scarves, etc) for you, taromaru, and him to match even if youre evaporating from the heat coming from him and the dog piling ontop of you with their own knitted items as well as the outdoors. then when you ask him why he does it he says "you just look stunning in everything i give you. youre a gorgeous model <3" oh to have thoma as your househusband <33
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note: im glad u like it my househusband content! but omg how did u sneak in to my drafts 😳😳😳 /j
i super agree with the fact that thoma would make knitted clothing just to match with you and taroumaru together — it should be considered as canon now ✋
he hasn’t knit for such a long time since there was no reason for him to do so back in his yakuza days, so when he saw an opportunity, he couldn’t help but use it.
the first time thoma made one for you was when the both of you couldn’t decide what outfit to wear for your first “family” photo. he jokingly suggested that he could knit some matching sweaters for you, taroumaru, and him to wear in the photoshoot— only for his jaw to drop when you actually agreed to it.
cue him working super hard for the next few days, the image of you and taromaru made him determined to see it becoming a reality.
by the time he was finished, no amount of words could explain how excited he was to see you wearing matching clothing with him and taromaru.
so the moment you walked out wearing the sweater with taromaru on your arms, he thought he was in celestia.
you can guarantee that thoma will instantly fall in love with the finished photo when he got his hands on it — getting himself another copy of it so he could put it on his desk and admire it all day when he wishes so.
“as always, my spouse looks amazing.” thoma said with a huge smile as the both of you stare at the finished photo, your cheeks warming up from his compliment.
“hey, why don’t i make more knitted sweaters and let you wear them all? you’d make a great model!”
you honestly thought thoma was joking about that— until you caught him making more knitted clothes with a giddy look on his face. just thinking about you wearing the clothes that he made made his heart warm up so much!
it started to become a personal hobby of his whenever he’s done with tasks for the day, his feet taking him to the bedroom whereas he can knit more clothes in peace.
as much as you love the clothes your lover made, you couldn’t help but feel bad for not using it so much (thanks to the super hot temperature during summer), so you thought it would make his day if you start wearing it indoors.
it definitely did made his day — but thoma was incredibly concerned from the fact that you’re wearing it at a wrong time.
“y/n, shouldn’t you not wear that on such a hot day?” he asks with a concerned look as he spots you lying down on the couch with taroumaru, who also seems to be wearing the knitted shirt with a satisfied look on its face.
“well i kind of feel bad for not wearing it so much, so i decided to try and wear it despite the heat.” you explained with a cheeky smile as taroumaru barks in response. “besides, i wouldn’t want all of your hardwork to go to waste.”
“whatever you say then.” he said, thinking about the fact that his heart could burst at any moment from your words. since when is his lover so sweet?
you then raise both your arms up, refusing to not stand up from your position. “won’t my dear husband come over and give a cuddle session with me and sweet taroumaru?” you ask in a joking tone.
he lets out a small laugh, coming over to the couch. “and who am i to say no to such a request?”
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f1nalboys · 3 years
Okay, okay! So I love your poly!Ghostface dark/angst, but I wanna see you do some poly!Ghostface dark/fluff too(if that's a thing?)! Still unhealthy/toxic relationship, but one where their feelings are at least actually true and genuine. Trio vs the World shit. Best Friends to Lovers blah blah blah cause you know Im a slut for that lmao. NSFW too if you're willing 👀
AHH so glad I finally got to this request I'm sorry it took me so long :(( HOWEVER i had fun writing it!! i really hope you enjoy (ps, no smut unfortunately i tried to add it and it was coming out wrong ahhh) flashbacks are italicized! 
WARNINGS: toxic relationship, kinda cute moments between the three of you, cursing, little bit of stalking, threats of violence, no nsfw because i was a little lazy sorry :,(
Had someone told you five years ago that you'd be dating not only Billy Loomis but Stu Macher as well, you’d have laughed straight in their face. And yet here you were, curled up on the couch between the two, your legs thrown over Billys and your head resting on Stu’s shoulder, watching a horror movie. You smile softly as you feel Billy’s hand grip your thigh slightly. He never seemed to realize he was doing it which made it even cuter.
“Remember the day I met you guys?” You question, head moving off of Stu’s shoulder when he turns to look at you. He gives you a goofy grin and nods, kissing the tip of your nose. “Sure, baby. Why?”
“Did you think we would have gotten together? Like, back then?”
“Definitely,” Billy says, poking his finger into your side. You raise an eyebrow at him, catching his hand and holding it in your lap. He sighs, grinning slightly. “Alright, maybe not the day we met, but I knew pretty soon. Why? What’s got you thinking about it?”
You shrug, not really sure yourself. Something about the situation you three were in at the moment made your mind drift to those few awful god damn weeks. “You two really sucked then, you know? Honestly, I’m surprised I didn't kill you both.”
Stu gasps, throwing himself back with a hand on his heart. You roll your eyes; ever the dramatic. “You would have hurt us? I can’t believe this… the betrayal!” You elbow him and he sits back up, laughing, and wraps his arms around you, planting a few sloppy kisses onto your neck.
“We weren’t even that bad, babe.” Billy says, eyes widening as you glare at him.
“Not that bad? Do I need to remind you of the first thing you said to me when we met?” You shoot back, sitting up closer to Stu. You had already forgiven the two for how they acted then, but that doesn’t mean you can’t give them a hard time.
The first day you met Billy and Stu, it had started out good. You still didn’t have many friends but that was perfectly okay with you. You were sat in the grass outside one of the buildings where your next class was held, waiting. Thirty more minutes and you got to go to math; yay. You were leaned up against a tree, headphones in, trying to relax, when two men stood in front of you. They were pretty cute. One was tall, wearing a thin sweater and a goofy grin, while the other was shorter with dark hair and a smirk. The tall one's mouth moves and you pull your earbuds out, about to apologize for not hearing him, when the shorter one speaks.
“Pretty stupid to wait for someone to talk to you before taking your headphones out.” His smile was still there but it was clearly masking his annoyance. Your eyebrows raise in surprise at the gall of this dude. You don’t even know him and he thinks he’s owed a conversation?
“Excuse me?”
“What? You’re deaf and a bitch?” The taller one slaps the back of his head immediately and he grumbles, rubbing the soreness. You scoff, shaking your head, fuming. Was it just this dude or were most people here dicks? You didn't want to find out.
You stand, grabbing your bag and pushing past the two, heading towards the building. Your eyes instantly roll into the back of your head when you hear the sound of footsteps behind you. “Hey, I’m sorry about him, really. That’s how he jokes and sometimes it comes across as mean. I’m Stu and he’s Billy.”
Stopping in your tracks you turn to face Stu, the taller one, and take a second to think of a response. Glancing over at Billy, who had finally caught up with you, you can see what resembles regret on his features. “Well, he didn’t come across as mean, he came across as an asshole.”
Stu laughs, nodding. Billy shrugs, giving you that same weak smile he had shown when he approached. You shrug your backpack up higher onto your shoulder, the weight of it starting to get to you, when Billy grabs ahold of it and yanks it off of you. “What the hell? Give me my shit back!”
“Least I can do is to carry it for you. You going to class?” He asks. It’s like he wasn’t taking no for an answer. You give a large sigh and nod, silently thankful for the weight off your shoulders. “Which building?”
“Sycamore.” He nods and begins to walk there, you and Stu trailing behind him. “Is he always so...?” You ask Stu under your breath, trailing off, unsure of a word that could describe the man. He grins and nods. “Annoying? Mean? Stubborn? Yes, yes, and yes.”
Billy groans at the memory, annoyed. He hated when you brought that up. “I told you I was just having an off day! Come on, you’re acting like Stu didn’t offend you too! Do you not remember when you got food with us, like, that night?” Stu punches Billy in the shoulder hard, pissed that he had brought it up.
“Oh yeah! I kinda forgot about how much of a dickhead Stu was,” You say, leaning back against the couch. It really was a shock your relationship with the boys got to where it was now.
Billy and Stu followed you around all day. It seemed they were trying to apologize for Billy’s attitude earlier but, if you were being honest, it was kind of unnerving. After your math class, where they had walked you inside the building and only left when the professor came in, you saw them waiting outside under the tree you had been at.
“Can you guys stop following me?” You had told them the third time you noticed them, this time at the small diner you stopped by after your last class. Stu’s face turned red and he looked behind him as if there was someone else you could be talking about. “Yeah, you two.”
“We wanted to apologize for earlier,” Billy said, motioning for you to join them at their table. You had to choose which one to sit next too and, after your not-so-pleasant meeting with Billy that morning, you sat next to Stu. He sticks his tongue out at Billy who rolls his eyes.
“You already apologized. It’s getting kind of creepy.” You say, placing your elbow on the table. Before the boys could respond, the waitress walks over, placing down their drinks. She flashes you a smile and takes your order, walking off with a sway in her hips, much to the boy's enjoyment.
Stu throws an arm over your shoulder and you shrug him off, ignoring the pained look he gives you. “We just wanted to make sure you really knew we were sorry! Billy here never acts right around a hottie,”
“Stu you fucking idiot.” Billy spits, throwing something at him. Stu laughs, holding his hands up in mock surrender. Billy looks at you and gives you what looks like a real, genuine smile. “Sorry about him; he can’t seem to think with his upstairs brain.”
“Don’t need to when my downstairs one leads me to be sitting next to a smoke show,” Stu says, holding his hand out to you for a high five. Your face flushes and you ignore him, scooting away from him slightly. He was cute, sure, but way too forward. “What? Can’t compliment people anymore?”
“Not when your compliments are preceded by stalking.” You mutter, a part of you hoping he doesn’t hear it. Unfortunately, he does. You see his face change in your peripheral vision and your eyes flick over to Billy. He grins at you, sitting back in the booth, and taking a sip from his drink. He was enjoying this.
“Stalking? You’re fucking with me, right?” His rant is cut short by the return of the waitress who hands you your drink and places the food the boys had ordered onto the table, completely oblivious to your discomfort. She leaves and Stu grabs a fry from his plate, chewing loudly. “We’re not fucking stalking you - trust me, there are better ways to spend our time.”
Billy throws his balled up straw wrapper at Stu, catching his attention, and you let out a soft sigh of relief when Stu’s demeanor changes. He was back to smiling and laughing as if he hadn’t just been attempting to tear you to shreds. “Sorry about that… I’m pretty tired, that’s all.” Stu says, playing with his fingers.
“S’okay, I guess.”
“Why don’t you let us take you on a date? You know, as an apology?” Billy chimes in and Stu grins, nodding. A large part of yourself was screaming no. There was something off about these boys, something dark just under the surface, but you were intrigued. And so you smile.
“Yeah, I guess you two can do that.”
Billy had his arms wrapped around you, laughing at the excuses Stu was stammering out. He was obviously getting frustrated at the memory and you opened your arms to let him join in on the cuddling.
“You know, I really am glad we stuck together. I don’t know what I’d do if it were for our nightly cuddle sessions,” You say, your words muffled by Stu’s sweater. He pulls back and gives you a kiss, Billy swooping in to take one from him as well.
“Yeah, I don’t know what I’d do without our fuck sessions,” Stu hums and you groan, punching him in the shoulder. What a way to ruin the moment. “Wait, let’s not act like you were a saint in all of this! I remember you being pretty awful at one point.”
“What?! No way!”
Billy nods, tickling your sides for a second. “Sure were, babe.”
Two months into the relationship was your breaking point. You really did like, if not love, the boys and yet you were still an outsider. Walking into the shared apartment just for their whispered conversations to stop. Late nights spent in the living room with hushed voices while you tried to sleep. You felt as though you only knew a portion of the two people you had come to like; no, love.
You admit it was petty. It wasn’t the right thing to do in any circumstance, but you did it because you knew it would get a reaction. You had packed a bag and sat in the living room. You wanted them to see you leave. Wanted them to see how much their secrecy had taken. You had been together only a short while and yet you felt so at home with them that the idea of actually leaving, of breaking it off, nearly tore you apart.
The door opens and in enters Billy and Stu, wrapped up in their own conversation. Stu waves at you, carrying on before realizing what he had just seen. “Babe? What are you doing?”
“I’m leaving.” Your voice was confident, not a waver in sight, and you knew it was because you weren’t planning on leaving. Some would call it manipulation, sure, but you were backed into a corner. Stu’s mouth drops open and Billy stares at you, his eyes narrowed.
“What? What do you mean you’re leaving? What’s wrong? Did something happen?” Stu rushes to sit down next to you on the couch, not wanting to accept the idea that you were leaving them on your own volition. His arms wrap around yours and you shove him off. “Babe?”
You shake your head, standing from your spot on the couch, grabbing ahold of the bag. Billy was still standing near the door, his arms crossed, watching you. “Don’t call me that. The two of you… It’s like I’m not even in this relationship. I’m an outsider with the two people I love and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it.”
“Where the hell is this coming from?” Billy questions, grabbing ahold of your arm when you try to walk past him. His voice is thick and you could see the vein in his forehead throbbing. He was angry and you hate to admit it but that’s exactly what you were hoping for.
For the next two hours the three of you talk about your relationship and the future of it. Stu cried, you cried, Billy sniffled a few times, and then you came to an agreement. No more secrets. They told you things that they hadn't told anyone before that they hid behind a vague threat of ‘once you hear this you’re stuck with us,’ and you told them things you had planned on taking to your grave. To say you weren’t shocked at what they told you would be a lie.
Murder wasn’t what you thought they were capable of and especially not murder so gruesome. But, oddly, you felt better about being with them. They trusted you, loved you, enough to let you know their biggest and darkest secret. And you loved it.
Knowing they wouldn’t hesitate to kill for you was a major turn on, which they soon found out.
“Wow, I really was kind of horrible, wasn’t I.” You mutter as Billy recounts the memory with a few interruptions by Stu. You didn’t remember it that way but the more they talked the more you could tell they were being honest. “Well, good thing we stuck together, hm? Would have been pretty bad if we hadn’t.”
“Yeah because we would have killed you,” Billy whispers into your ear and you shiver. He’s telling the truth and that’s what makes the relationship the way it is; they choose to be with you, to keep you around, to love you. “Yeah, we would have given you a call a while ago,” Stu says, his finger making a slicing motion across your neck.
You roll your eyes not because you don’t believe them but because you do. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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allystyles1 · 3 years
May I ask for a Loki x reader: Im going for a "the ugly duckling" or "Cinderella" view in this, Tony makes a bet to some of the guys to find a date for the evening gala that was on within a few hours- without leaving the Tower! Loki happens to bump into reader- she was the caretaker, the person nobody saw, heard or noticed. But Loki was pleased-at least he wasnt gonna loose the bet! Standing in the grand room awaiting his "date", he felt a timid tap on his arm and turns to see a shy beauty...
YES i love this! Also, this is officially my first request on tumblr so i'm very happy😁
i hope it turned out as you wanted it to, happy reading! i didn't mean this to be this long but here we are, there are probably many mistakes, feel free to correct me!
mini note: i think loki can create things, if he can't and i'm wrong, please pretend he can :)
date-Loki Laufeyson x reader
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"Okay so i have Pepper, Clint already has Laura. Does any one of you have a date?" Tony asked the boys. They were all sitting in the living room.
"Do we really need to have one?" Bucky asked, he was still shy to do the dating kind of stuff. He had a small crush on a girl but there was no way he would ask her.
"It would look nice but anyway, it's not like you could find one in a few hours."
"Is that a challenge Stark?" Loki smirked.
"Find one and i'll do anything you want for a day. If you can't, you'll do too." Tony suggested.
"Yup, anything." Tony thought he wouldn't accept it. He was wrong.
"Okay, deal." Loki got up.
"Oh by the way, you have to find someone from the tower." Tony smirked this time.
"You didn't say that before i agreed to do this." Loki was nervous now, he knew Natasha or Wanda would never do something like that.
"You were so confident, what happened?" Tony teased.
"I am, see you later." Loki lied easily and left the room. He went to find the girls to ask if there was a small chance they would agree to this. He was trying to think how to ask them and he didn't look at where he was going so he bumped into someone. She seemed like a caretaker, her clothes were a little dirty and hair was pulled into a messy ponytail. He had never seen her before, she was pretty even at that moment. He thought maybe he would be able to make her agree to come with him so he decided to ask her.
"I'm sorry, i wasn't looking where i was going." he apologised, the girl softly blushed and smiled.
"It's okay i wasn't careful, it's my fault. Sorry." she lifted the book that fell down when they bumped from the ground and fixed her clothes.
"Oh no, please don't say that Lady ..."
"y/n, you don't have to say lady." she smiled.
"Okay, y/n. Nice to meet you, Loki." he held out his hand and she shook it kindly.
"I'll go back to work, have a nice day." she smiled and turned around to leave but Loki stopped her.
"Could i ask you a favour?"
"Of course, what is it?" she was so kind and shy.
"Here's the thing, Tony and i made a bet that i would find a date for the gala tonight, someone from the tower. And since Natasha or Wanda would never agree, would you like to join me? I promised i would do anything for him for a day if i couldn't find a date and i really don't want to lose." She seemed surprised, of course she wasn't waiting something like that. She expected him to say clean the kitchen or something like that.
"Um, are you sure you would want me to come with you? I could tell to the other girls, i'm sure many of them would love to accompany you."
"And why would you do that?"
"Well first of all i don't have anything that nice to wear at a gala. And i'm not really the type to be comfortable around all the cameras and press." she gave him a weak smile.
"Well if the dress is your problem we could fix that easily. And for the press, i wouldn't leave a pretty lady like you alone, don't worry. If you don't want to come it's okay, just say it." She blushed at his compliment and nodded.
"Okay, i can manage for a few hours i suppose. How are we fixing the dress problem though?"
"Could you take me to your room?" Loki asked.
"Uh, yeah sure. This way." she leaded the way and they walked to her room together. She opened the door with her keycard when they came to her room.
"Please don't mind the mess, i couldn't find many time this week."
"It's nothing, i'm sure it's better than mine." he smiled and got in the room.
"Okay so, what would you like to wear?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean your dress. How do you want it?"
"Anything that pleases you works." she smiled. Loki couldn't believe how kind she was. She first accepted his offer and now wanted him to choose her dress.
"Okay, i suppose you'd like this," he made a move with his hands and a dress appeared on her bed. It was dark green with golden stripes on the sides, not too long but not too short either.
"Wow, i uh, i love it. Thank you." she smiled. Loki really liked this girl, she was perfect.
"It's nothing, please keep it afterwards. I'll let you get dressed. Meet me in the grand room when you're finished?"
"Sure, okay. Thanks again." he smiled and left her room, memorizing the door number. He went back upstairs to his room to get dressed but ran into Tony on the way.
"Hey, you found your date yet?" Tony smirked, thinking he didn't.
"I did actually." Loki smiled and kept walking, leaving Tony surprised. He wore a fancy all-black suit with a dark green tie, matching her dress. He fixed his hair and went to the grand room to wait for her.
"What happened to your date?" Tony asked Loki. He really didn't think he found someone.
"I think she'll be here any minute." Loki answered and checked his watch. He thought maybe he would go check on her but his thoughts were cut off when he felt a timid tap on his arm. He turned around and saw y/n in the dress, her hair perfectly styled and with a little bit of makeup. She didn't even need it, he thought. She was absolutely gorgeous.
"Hi." she blushed.
"You look nice." she smiled. Loki held her hand making her gasp for a second.
"You look.." he paused for a second, thinking what to say. "like an absolute goddess." Her smile grew even wider making Loki chuckle.
"Thank you, for the compliment and the dress. It's really comfortable and beautiful. I, uh, never really wore something like this before so it's a nice first."
"It's not the dress why it looks this good, it's you." Loki complimented her again. She felt like she was going to die from happiness and shyness.
"Okay there's no way you found her in this tower. Tell me miss, did he enchant you to come with him in the market or something?" Tony asked.
"No, Mr. Stark, i work here." she smiled.
"Yeah, i'm y/n, Ms. Potts had hired me a few years back."
"We had you in this tower for years and this is the first time i'm seeing you? Wow." Tony smiled with a surprised face.
"Well it's nice to meet you, i hope we'll see you around more from now on." Tony shook her hand and turned around to leave them alone with Loki again.
"Stark?" Loki stopped him.
"I won."
"Yeah i realised that, i was leaving not to embarrass myself more." he smiled kept walking making her and Loki chuckle.
"Are you ready?"
"I'm glad i bumped into you, you are amazing." Loki smiled and held her hand tighter as they walked to the car to go to the gala.
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starglitterz · 3 years
HI DUDHWHWH IT STILL SAYS YOUR EVENT IS OPEN SO I HOPE IM NOT TOO LATE BUT I THOUGHT OF A LAST MINUTE ORDER!!! Can I have a chocolate caramel(celebrity au!!) pudding? (Zhongli, Childe [separately]) The reader would be a normal person, preferably not a fan of the two but happen to get noticed by them? Maybe they come across one of y/ns posts, or they bump into her or somethignjehdh but it’s up to you! Those were just some ideas :3 Thank you!
request; zhongli fluff, celebrity au, normal reader who isn't a fan
childe ver will be posted tmrw and linked here !
please reblog ! it helps a lot :)
( @viagiraffe )
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zhongli honestly has no idea how or why on earth he is so popular, or why he tends to have fans swooning over his incredibly deep voice whenever he answers an interviewer. his manager claims it's because he's the type of guy who seems rare nowadays - polite, kind, friendly, smart... the list goes on and on. zhongli really appreciates the support of his fans, and he knows he'd be nowhere without them, but sometimes it truly does get overwhelming. so today, he's decided he's going to take some time off for himself.
zhongli's at his favourite cafe, it's one he used to frequent back when he was still a d-list celeb who had no chance of being recognised and mobbed. he hasn't been here in ages, and the familiar ambiance washes over him like a warm hug. a sigh of relief escapes his throat, causing him to tug his mask higher up on his face to hide his features. he's really praying that nobody notices him, because he likes the quiet tranquility of this hole-in-the-wall cafe, it's like his little secret which he doesn't want to share, not to mention the fact that he doesn't feel like dealing with the paparazzi today.
"hi sir, welcome to genshin cafe! what can i get for you on this lovely spring day?" you skip up to him and ask, already whipping out your pen and notebook to jot down his order. zhongli holds his breath as he turns to face you, though it's almost knocked out of his lungs as he realises just how gorgeous you are. he thanks celestia the mask conceals his expression, because he doesn't even want to think of how embarrassing it would be if you caught him gaping at you. "i'd like a cup of glaze lily tea and a couple of scones, please," he quickly formulates a coherent reply, hoping you don't mention the pause before he answered. you tuck the pen back into your pocket with a shining grin, "sure, coming right up!"
eventually you come back to serve him the dishes, with a friendly wish, "i hope you enjoy your meal, sir." "thank you, i'm sure i will," zhongli says, smiling up at you before taking a sip of the tea. his eyes widen in surprise, and he files a question away in his mind before starting to snack on the scones. later, as he's paying the bill, he asks, "did you brew tea from earlier?" you ring up the total, glad that he isn't complaining about it, "yup! did you like it?" "honestly speaking, it was one of the best brewed cups i've ever had the pleasure of tasting," zhongli compliments you, genuineness spilling into his tone, "how did you do it?" giggling, you wink, "that's a secret! perhaps you'll be able to find out if you meet me after work."
he laughs, "i think i will," prompting you to chuckle in reply as you hand him the receipt. and when zhongli notices the hastily scrawled phone number with the message 'call me' scribbled onto the piece of paper, he doesn't bother thinking about what his manager will say, or his fanbase, or his co-workers - he's just too full of excitement to meet with you later. was this what those characters he played in his long repertoire of movies meant when they talked about love at first sight?
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quill speaks !
hiii i hope u liked how i wrote ur request ! i think it turned out p cute :]
aaaa i'm too tired to write a long a/n HAHA
sooo i hope you enjoy your stay at quill’s dessert cafe, and do check out the menu if you'd like ! 🍭
© starglitterz 2021. do not repost or modify in any way.
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moonlitmeeks · 3 years
charlie dalton taking care of you on your period !
type; headcanons
warnings; mentions of periods, like one kind of inappropriate joke
request; hi could you possibly do a charlie dalton taking care of you on your period headcanon thingy. i really enjoyed the knox one and would love to see what charlie would be like - anon
a/n; aa yes i most certainly can anon <3 so glad you liked the knox one!!! hope you enjoy and sorry they’re a little short!
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the first time you get your period around him, charlie's a little confused
he's not entirely sure what he's supposed to do, what sort of things you'd need and want and how he can help
he's determined to figure it all out for you though
"hey, y/n? can you write like.. a list or something of things you want? i'm going to the store, so.."
if you’re comfortable, he definitely makes “babe im in the pad aisle, what size pussy do you wear” jokes when he’s buying you supplies
charlie could not care less about how many things you want
he'd buy out the whole store if you wanted
let's say you're craving chocolate
this boy doesn't just buy a bar or two, no
he comes back with about ten different kinds, because he "wasn't sure which one you wanted"
is more than happy to drop all of his plans to cuddle you all day
charlie likes to try to make you smile
so he cracks shitty jokes, compliments you, plays with your hair, little things like that
he'll give you his jumpers so you can be as cosy as possible
the biggest, baggiest ones that feel like blankets
will make you so many cups of tea
he heard it’s relaxing, so
and massage your stomach if you ask
the second you're in pain, he jumps up
"is everything ok?" "it's just cramp, i'll be fine. can you pass me a heating pad please?"
look charlie will wait on you hand and foot if he has to
we all know he loves going above and beyond, and it's no different here
he may teasingly complain about it, sure
but deep down he doesn't mind in the slightest if it makes things easier for you
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again im so so sorry these are short!! thanks for the request though love <33
taglist; @thesilverskull @mendesxruel @pretentious-strikes @yer-erster @aesthetixxluv @lilgayn00dle @tall-my-beloved @caffeineconstellations @star-dust-2317
dead poets society masterlist <3
➵ join my taglist here !!
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manjiroro · 3 years
Hellooooooo💚 I have been following your tumblr a while and your writing it so amazing! Can I please request peh-yan, mikey, Smiley (Nahoya),and chifuyu who has a Fem s/o who is kind and polite who is liked by many she meets and put other people’s needs in front of their own,but they look very boyish and have a very masculine appearance,always getting asked out by girls and people always misgendering them and it makes them very sad ~this is my very first time putting in a request so I would be very happy if you could do it💚
their fem s/o looking masculine
characters: peh-yan, mikey, smiley, chifuyu
content: fluff, fem reader, cursing
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helloo theree! thank you for requesting and thank you so much for the compliment! im so glad you like my writing :3 im so sorry for the delay and i apologise if its inaccurate to the characters and/or if its short but i hope you still enjoy this~ the headcanons are after the cut!
p e h - y a n
we know this man can be direct, but he can be very defensive about his friends
he’s super caring for you like im willing to say this man will do anything to make you happy
he loves how sweet and charming you are, he sometimes wonders how he managed to get you
he doesnt really care of what people think about you looking masculine, he just loves you for who you are
but there was once, the both of you were on a date and all of a sudden a girl comes up to you shyly, asking for your number
to which you decline and explain to her that you are actually a girl and that you’re on a date with your boyfriend
the girl was obviously taken back, but she apologises and quickly ran away
peh yan may not be the smartest, but he could sense that you werent like your usual self
he’s gonna be SUPER concerned
"hey babe, you okay?"
but because you dont want to be a bother to him, you just smile at him and tell him that you’re okay
he'll probably believe you the first time but after a while he noticed a pattern of you being upset when someone mistakes you for a boy
one day, he shows up at your place because you cancelled on a date with him, not wanting to be mistaken for a boy again
he was worried since it wasn’t normal for you to cancel on dates
"babe, you look upset recently, tell me what’s bothering you, please?"
that’s when you pout, with tears welling up in your eyes and you tell him that you feel upset that people keep mistaking you for a boy
after hearing that, peh yan will try his best to comfort you, bringing you into a hug and reassuring you
"babe, what they think doesn’t matter, you’re still my perfect girlfriend in my eyes, if anyone misgenders you, i'll beat them up."
you giggled at him while telling him that it wasn’t necessary to beat them up but you were still appreciative of him
yall will be having a movie date at your house and he'll do his best to make you happy by spending time with you and telling you how much you mean to him <3
m i k e y
mikey loves you so much, he loves your charm and how you mange to make him smile without even doing anything
literally your presence just makes him so calm and happy
a plus is that you’re very caring towards him, he loves it when you would always check and tend to his injuries after every fight
but mikey is very observant and he is well aware of you being upset whenever someone misgenders you
there was once you looked very sad, almost on the verge of tears when you met up with him after school
of course, he was very concerned and tried getting you to talk to him but you would always brush him off, saying that it was nothing serious
he eventually gave up on asking since he knows its useless to keep asking you
he knows you didn’t want to bother him with your problems
that’s one thing he doesn’t like about you, the fact that you place your needs last
so yall will continue hanging out until the day ends but he tried to make you happy by giving you more affection than usual dont worry his usual affection is a lot too
but the next day he shows up at your place with a bag of snacks, sweets and pastries
you’re confused of course, but you still let him in
mikey would probably not ask you what happened immediately. he would make you happy by spending time with you first then once youre all calm, he'll ask
"babe, darling, tell me what happened yesterday please? i'm worried."
you tried brushing him off again but he places his hands on your shoulders, to make you look straight at him
that’s when you accept defeat and tell him about how people keep misgendering you and that you felt upset over it
he sighs and brings you into a hug, he'll lie down so you’re on top of him, and he'll stroke your hair
"babe, don’t worry about them, i don’t care about how you look like and you’re still my pretty girlfriend regardless, if anyone makes such a comment again, i'll fight them."
you sigh and tell him that it wasn’t necessary but his words still comforted you either way and you snuggled into his chest
yall ended up sleeping, afterwards he'll drive you around on his bike to go buy more taiyaki <3
s m i l e y
he’s SUPER protective of his brother so im sure he would be protective of his s/o too
i know he would NOT hesitate to beat someone up for you
since you’re literally so precious to him and he enjoys the attention you give him whenever you’re concerned for him
he knows that you get upset when people misgender you he just doesn’t want to bring it up to make you more upset
one day, yall are out on a date and were linking arms, but you can hear people mumbling if you were a boy or not and if you were smiley’s relative
you were quite heartbroken but didn’t want to say anything since you didnt want to trouble them or make nahoya cause a scene
but the boy heard it anyway and stomped over to the group of people mumbling about you
“what the fuck did you just say about my girlfriend huh?”
there was a noticeable irk mark on his forehead as he cracks his knuckles but still having that same closed eyed smile on his face
the group of people were frightened and they started apologising to him
you had to come in and quite literally drag him away before he starts beating someone up in the middle of a busy street
you managed to calm him down while walking and once he’s calm, he’ll ask you about how you feel immediately
“are you okay? i know you get upset when people misgender you but you’re no different to me. you’re still my girlfriend no matter how you look like.”
you smile at him, feeling reassured by his words
he’ll bring you back to your place and end up cuddling with you to make you feel better
when you guys go out, you have to keep an eye on him or else he’s gonna run off and beat someone up if he manages to hear someone talking smack about you
but you know his intentions were pure and that he just wants you to be happy <3
c h i f u y u
this boy is gonna be very loyal to you
he started tagging you around initially because you helped him in school and he thinks youre a really nice person
he started having feelings for you and he ended up confessing so here yall are
he likes showing you off and likes to brag about how you’re so kind to people and you’re the sweetest person he’s ever met
he loves you for who you are and not looks so he never really noticed that you looked masculine
so he was kind of taken back when he found out you got upset over someone mistaking you for a boy
it happened when the both of yall were out on a date when an elder came up to you two to ask for help
“excuse me young boys, could you help me with something?”
of course you went to help the elder but you pouted and corrected him that you are girl and not a boy
chifuyu noticed how you looked upset and will most definitely do something with you to cheer you up
he would prob bring you to the playground or an empty park to hang out with you and try to cheer you up
the both of you would be on the swing swinging together when he starts to talk
“babe, don’t be upset about it, i’ve never thought about your looks and i love you for who you are as a person”
that cheered you up a little and you felt more reassured by his words
he’s your personal hype man but after that incident be prepared to receive even more compliments
if someone were to misgender you, he would just drag you away despite your protests on how it’s too rude to just walk away
he’ll bring you to your favourite places and buy you your favourite food to make you happy
he tries his best to make you smile at the end of the day <3
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❥ masterlist
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tooweirdforyou · 4 years
Hi, I'm glad your ask box is open I've wanted to send a request in for a while. Your work is so good!! I was wondering if you could have Law, Sanji, Marco and Katakuri reacting to there s/o wearing a cute onesie. Just imagine Law reacting to his s/o in a polar bear onesie that would be cute.
Law, Sanji, Marco + Katakuri Reacting to A S/O In A Onesie
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A/N : I’m so sorry requests were closed for so long, ;-; but thank you 🥺🥰🤍 I hope you enjoy this! This was cute~
Summary : These boys reacting to their significant other in a cute onesie.
“What are you wearing?”
Spinning in a small circle, you lift the hood off your head and smile brightly at Law. “What? I think it’s cute!”
Stretching out your arms and feeling the rather comfortable and fluffy fabric on your skin, you grin at Law and his taken back expression.
“What do you think?”
Law presses his lips into a firm line, just slightly biting his lip at, the possibly most adorable and cute sight he’s ever seen.
“Since when do you wear these kinds of things?” He mutters, trying to keep his voice steady, but honestly, he absolutely loved how you looked in that polar bear onesie.
Pouting at his question, you bring back a soft smile and pull up your hoodie to display the cute ears attached to it.
“I saw it in the last island we were at. It was in one of the stores and thought it looked cute.” You answer, your smile brightening with each word you spoke.
“Come on, doesn’t it look adorable? Bepo seems to think so. And Penguin and Shachi complimented it too!” You excitedly say, bouncing in place excitedly.
Law stares at your excitement, a small glint running through his eyes as he tilts his head in the slightest, feeling a bit of amusement and warmth filling his heart at how joyful you were.
“..it looks nice.” Was all he said but it was more than enough for you. Especially since you could tell he was trying not to expose his pink cheeks.
Smiling at the doctor, you go over and peck his cheek, since you were in his office, and pat his chest.
“I’m glad you like it, I’ll be wearing this more often then~ now, are you almost done? I want to cuddle.”
Hearing your name, you snap your head up a bit too quickly, causing the hood to fall off your head. Looking up to see your lover, you smile brightly and crawl off the bed.
“Kata!” You excitedly call, finally glad he was home as you ran over to him eagerly, spreading your arms wide to hug him.
Slowly, Katakuri returns your hug with the faintest pink tint on his cheeks before he pulls away to look at you and your outfit.
“What are you wearing?”
“A onesie. The color’s cute isn’t it? Looks just like your mochi!”
Taking a small spin in your plain creme-white onesie, you beamed brightly at him.
Katakuri widens his eyes at your comment before he looks closer. Slowly, heat began to rise to his cheeks as he averts his eyes and brought his hand to pull his scarf more over his face.
“..Yeah. It does..”
Katakuri felt shy, that you decided to wear a rather cute little outfit when he got home, and much more of its color resemblance to his devil fruit.
Noticing his small discreet action, you giggle at him and peck his cheek, hugging him tightly before pulling away again.
“I’m glad you like it too then. I’ll wear it more often. Now come on, you were gone for days! Let’s cuddle and tell me about your mission.”
Reaching for his hand, you began to guide him over to the large bed for the two of you and climbed onto the bed as Katakuri hesitantly takes off his scarf and climbs on.
Laying on his back, he pulls you on top of him and held you close.
“Wear this from now on. Whenever I come home.” He mutters quietly and your smile softens, chuckling a bit at him.
Nodding, you snuggle into his hold. “Of course. Now share how your mission went.”
His heart bursted.
Sanji has died.
Recovering from his fainting, Sanji wipes his blood-dripping nose and bites his lip to prevent himself from swooning and gushing at the sight of you.
“Oh, my lovely [Name]-chan! My eyes aren’t worthy to see you in something so adorably cute!” He exclaims dramatically, holding out a rose and averting his eyes, holding a hand over his face.
Having walked into the kitchen to get a glass of milk, you just stood there speechless when you saw Sanji completely passing out at the sight of you before now kneeling before you.
Tilting your head and smiling at the chef softly, you extend your hand to take the rose, the long sleeve of your onesie brushing against his skin.
He couldn’t help but felt feel his heart clenching at your soft touch and adorable sleeve as you stood in front of him, wearing a penguin onesie.
“Sanji, get up. What are you doing?” You laugh softly and held your hand out, your hood up and showing your little penguin beak and eyes on it.
Sanji felt his nose leaking a little more and he saw stars in his eyes at how cute and innocent you looked.
“Come on, let’s get some milk before we go to sleep, okay? Let’s go.”
Pulling him up, you began heading over to the fridge to get your milk, Sanji following after and wrapping his arms around your waist immediately, completely calming down now.
“If you wish, but let me, madamoiselle.” He says sweetly into your ear, gently kissing your temple before grabbing the milk from the fridge, mindful of Brook’s reserved one, and then grabbed a cup from the cabinet.
Smiling at Sanji’s kindness, you walk over and lean into him, letting him feel the soft fabric of your onesie against his skin once more.
Forcing himself to remain calm and still, Sanji could feel his insides about to burst at just how precious you were and in that onesie.
“And to what do I owe the pleasure of seeing this-yoi?”
Chuckling slightly from his desk, Marco set down his pen and leaned on his palm, elbow resting on his desk as he stared over at you from the doorway.
Standing there was you, holding a mug to your lips where a nice warm cup of hot chocolate was inside, and since your arms were up, he could see the feathered wing design of your outfit, you dressed in a little bird onesie.
It was a teal / turquoise blue too. Just like his Phoenix form.
Feeling the curve of your lips move up, you enter further into the office and close the door. “I’m cold, and this is rather comfortable and warm.”
Marco chuckles more at your response and stands up, taking off his glasses and sets it down.
“It looks cute. Did you get it recently?” He hums, walking over to you and took the mug from your hands, bringing it to his lips to drink as well.
“Yeah, the last island we visited. Reminds me of a particular someone.” You grin a bit, turning to let him see the cute little tail at the back and then extended your arms like wings, to show off the designs.
Marco reaches over you to pull up your hood to reveal the cute beak and eyes of the birdie and laughs aloud at it, his heart filling with warmth at how cute it looked.
“How adorable-yoi.” He compliments, amusement in his tone, chuckling even more as he hands back the mug and leans to kiss your forehead.
“But next time, if you wanted warmth from a blue bird, especially a Phoenix, you can just ask me, [Name]-yoi.”
A/N : some of these might not have proper endings because they might be too long- or because I wasn’t sure how to end them ;-;
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angeloroki · 3 years
movie night — s. todoroki
1. « i think i love you. »
3. « you’re so comfy, you’re my new pillow now. »
22. « my heart belongs to you. »
— request ; requesting prompt 1,3, and 22 + shoto todoroki pls and ty muah have a good day/night <33
— genre ; fluff fluff fluff FLUFF
but anyway im so happy to write about my favorite boy <3 thank you for your request hun!!
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class 1 a was gathered in the living room for their weekly movie marathon. today's theme was romantic movies. you know, the cheesy ones like the kissing booth or sierra burgess is a loser. anyway, to your surprise, everyone seemed to enjoy the movies chosen by hakagure, who was a real fan of this kind of film.
sitting comfortably on the couch, you felt your breath catch as you saw todoroki sitting next to you. your crush of over 6 months was going to sit next to you, while you went to watch romantic movies. oh come on, it's so cliché. there were always those awkward moments between the two of you, if it wasn't the other one stammering, it was the other one. or, one of you always has this annoying habit of catching the other one watching.
he gave you a questioning look when he saw you shift slightly.
« do you mind if i sit next to you ? »
you opened your eyes wide.
« of course not, sit down ! »
you even surprised yourself by gently taking his hand so that he could come closer to you.
« oh, great then. thank you. »
with a shadow of a smile on his face, he offered you the popcorn he had made earlier for everyone.
« everyone shut up now, the movie's about to start ! and I don't want to miss any of it », bakugo pisses.
you raised your eyes to the sky, blowing discreetly, and you noticed an amused expression pass over shoto's face at the sight of your gesture.
well, this is going to be a long night.
as the hours passed, and you went through the movies, most of you had fallen asleep. that left ojiro, Mina, eijiro, momo, you and shoto. however, shoto seemed to be this close to falling asleep.
on you.
indeed, you felt his head gently rest on your shoulder. you said nothing at first, thinking he was looking for a new position.
« todoroki ? are you asleep ? » you whisper.
« hmph, no... »
you smile inwardly, avoiding moving too much so that he would be comfortable. but it was a few minutes later that you now felt his head fall gently onto your lap. you said nothing, he must have been asleep by now, and you didn't want to disturb him. your hand came to meet his hair, which you stroked gently. it was so soft, a shy smile came to your face. you were glad that he was relaxing here with all the other people in the class.
« you're so comfy, you're my new pillow now. »
so he wasn't sleeping.
« thank you for the compliment, i've never heard of that one.. » you answer mischievously and discreetly so as not to disturb the others.
you see his lips form a faint smile.
« my heart belongs to you. » he said lowly.
you felt your heart suddenly beat fast. what ? wait, pause. did you hear him right ? he continued, his voice low.
« the girl said it in the movie earlier. to her crush. my heart belongs to you. »
oh, yes, of course. that's right, because you heard it before, in the movie. you hummed to tell him to go on.
« i hope that one day i will be able to say it too to the one i love. »
damn, you loved that boy.
« i'm sure you'll get the chance, todoroki. »
he met your eyes, and a long, comfortable silence settled between you. you felt your heart beat a little faster, and you even thought you saw the young boy blush.
« yeah...»
and so he returned to his original position, his head in your lap, to continue watching the movie. your little chat was not one of those awkward moments you always shared for the last few months. on the contrary, it was intense, short but intense. and yet you couldn't help feeling butterflies in your stomach.
you whispered to yourself the words that were so powerful, and yet you didn't doubt for a second that they were true. you said them, so low, that you were sure todoroki couldn't hear.
« i think i love you, pretty boy. »
and you hope you were not dreaming, but you thought you heard the boy reply, "i think so too".
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could i request shoji, jiro, tokoyami and tsu with a kinda chubby reader, any gender. like where the reader is like chubby but has muscle under so everyone is surprised when they lift something super heavy cuz they just kinda assume? idk if that makes sense but either way i love your blog so far!!
Hey! Thank you sm, im glad you enjoy my stuff so far!
D*rk content/n*fw blogs, do not interact with me at all.
Shoji, Jiro, Tokoyami, and Tsuyu with a chubby s/o (literally all my favs, you’re a godsend sunflower)
Mezo Shoji
He’s like hyper aware of how muscular and strong he is (540kg WITH ONE ARM WHAT THE FUCK) so he’s always been extremely gentle with you
He might actually want a bigger s/o, I think. Like I said, he knows how strong he is and even though he is gentle w/ you, he wants to be assured that you won’t snap like a twig if he fucks up slightly💀
But when you showcase your strength to him during the grip test he’s amazed
Whether this is before or during the relationship, doesn’t matter to him. He will compliment you either way
From there on out, he’s a little less defensive and protective of you; he knows you can handle yourself
He does kind of forget over time because you never really need to use that strength
Kind of hits him like “oh” when you help people move furniture when moving into dorms. You had finished your room and you were helping out some others move their desks and beds
You offered to help him too, but he was already done (we saw his room, we know why🤦‍♂️ dude what the fuck)
HOWEVER he might shut down if you pick him up, no ones ever carried him around like that since he was a toddler
I don’t think he’s exactly opposed to being carried around every now and again
Kyoka Jiro
She probably caught you working out in the school gym
She saw you putting some weights on the bar and got kind of worried; that’s a lot of weight, are you sure you can lift that?
Kind of looks like shocked pikachu when you lift it with little to no trouble
She keeps looking over at you throughout her own workout, she can’t take her eyes off you
Thank god she’s already red from working out, you can’t tell how embarrassed she is when you catch her
Might ask you for help if she wants to start lifting
If you’re deadlifting though
She’s in love, you look amazing and she will tell you later
Fumikage Tokoyami
He already assumed you to be physically stronger than him, he knows he’s a twig. Breath on him weird and he needs to go to the nurse
He probably found out during the villain’s attack on USJ. A piece from a building collapsed and you caught it before it could land on Fumikage and Koda.
All he said was, “thank you”, but he was truly amazed, if he was being honest
Tells you how impressive it was after the fact
He’s short and light, so being able to pick him up isn’t exactly a feat, but it’s enough to fluster him
He’s not too keen on being carried around though, but he appreciates the thought
Tsuyu Asui
She’s very observant, so she might have actually noticed your strength beforehand
Well, maybe not your overall strength, but rather your muscle
She’s always spoken her mind, so she’s not shy to tell you how impressive she finds you
Might let you carry her around if you’ve been together a while (not around school though, she prefers to keep these things private)
But if you’re just hanging out at one of your houses (or in dorm rooms) she’s perfectly happy to latch onto your back and let you lead the way
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blxetsi · 3 years
do you write for zeke? if so could you please do some boyfriend!zeke (modern au) hcs? thanks🥺
tysm for requesting !!!
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modern zeke jaeger dating headcanons
lowercase intended !
zeke jaeger x gn!reader
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- biggest tease ever.
- i think you two wouldve started off as friends to lovers yk 😌✨
- v funny v teasing will make fun of you no matter what
- but its all lighthearted and you can genuinely tell hes joking and doesnt mean what he says
- hes a coffee person. all the way.
- almost always seen with a coffee in his hand
- after you keep stealing sips of whatever hes got he finally just caves in and will bring you your own drink whenever he sees you
- if you dont drink coffee, but prefer a sugary drink or something he'll tease you about it
- hes a very relaxed person and doesnt get jealous, hes not someone that will go balistic and get angry when you hug a friend he doesnt know or whatever
- also would be really cool with your exes if youre cool with them, like "oh yeah i remember you telling me abt them, congrats on your engagement btw" just a very civil man
- if he does have insecurities about your relationship he just kind of, wont say anything ???
- not that he doesnt want to he just doesnt know how to bring it up
- bae pls learn how to talk abt your feelings 😁👍
- anyways after a little bit youll notice somethings wrong, but he'll try and act "strong" bc thats what he thinks hes supposed to be for you
- baby no u can be vulnerable its okay 😐🤚
- he finally lets everything go and has a really long and progressive conversation with you about everything, and you guys work it all out !
- you assure him its okay to be honest and that hes always welcome to talk to you about how hes feeling and his heart just swells
- im also a firm believer in that zeke genuinely doesnt care what you look like, if he finds you cool he finds you cool, he dgaf
- poc ?? he loves you. plus sized ?? he loves you.
- if you even THINK of being like "lol im insecure" hes shutting it down and talking abt how beautiful he finds you
- hes also someone that likes to push you out of your comfort zone, but in baby steps ?? like hes not going to force you to do something when you say "zeke im genuinely not comfortable with this" but if youre very shy he'll try and help you kind of,, not be as shy (hopefully this makes sense 😁👍)
- also loves to cook with you.
- his favourite types of dates are just when you two go to each others' homes and just cook dinner together ?? maybe drink some wine while you chop vegetables and work together (if you drink obv, if you dont he wont drink either even if you say its okay)
- he thinks it makes the food taste better because "it was made with our love" yeah ok ig 🙄🙏
- his family is really cool !! his dads a doctor and his step moms a social worker, and theyre really nice people !! his younger brother is in college but after a while he grows to love you like a sibling
- his mom lives a couple hours away, so he only gets to see her during holidays, but shes a very kind woman who owns an art shop !
- hes a very family oriented man, and really likes that you like his family and vice versa, he thinks its really important that his s/o and family get along
- when hes with you he sees himself being with you for the long run, im talking marriage and kids (if thats what you want) but definitely marriage
- if you two had different friend groups i think it would be hard for either of you to kind of fit in with each others friends, but after a while you two get the hang of it and it gets easier to see them !!
- is the kind of guy who'll wake you up with kisses on your cheek 🤩
- also likes to spoon you or have your head on his chest. will NOT be the baby spoon no matter what.
- also the kind of guy who dramatically stretches and yawns in the morning
- likes it when you hold his hand, even if you guys are just sitting together on the couch watching something, its so simple and subtle but it makes him really happy
- if you have an office at home that you work in a lot, he'll come and check on you when it gets late. will just rub and pat your head and ask what youre working on, and ask if youll be done soon
- if youre stressing on something that needs to be done THAT NIGHT he understands and will just leave you to it
- when you come to bed late it wakes him up but hes glad it does bc then he can pull you into his arms 😌✨
- zeke has very warm hands, to the point where sometimes theyre sweaty and clammy, so when you have a stomach ache or cramps he has no problem just laying down behind you and rubbing your stomach where it hurts
- if you have a weird interest or hobby he wont discourage it as long as its not hurting you or anybody else, he'll try and get into it to but if he cant no harm done, he'll respect it and you
- i think he would have some acne scars on his cheeks from highschool (puberty am i right 🙄😤⁉️) and thats one of the reasons why he has a beard, just to make it hard to see
- its mostly bc hes cool though, and although he started growing it out BECAUSE he found the scarring weird, as hes gotten older he just doest care anymore
- if you think he looks hot clean shaven he'll do it for u, and he loves the compliments you give him
- zeke is the kind of guy that will flip through the tabloid magazines at checkout
- "babe did you know that jennifer lawrence has a dark secret ??" "i- i did not 😁"
- also the kind of guy that will laugh if he sees kids falling in public
- if he was a father he'd help his kid up obviously, but would do it while giggling the whole time
- has dad handwriting (u know what im talking about)
- everytime he calls his brother he answers with "hey asshole" ??? brotherly love 🙈✨
- is very into horror films, but ONLY good ones
- so like hereditary, midsommar, and black swan are some ones he loves
- the kind of guy that has captain crunch for breakfast every morning
- theres this guy at the law firm he works at that he has a "rivalry" of sorts with, his names levi and from what youve been told hes actually very intimidating ??
- loves to read and will read to you if you ask, would have you in between his legs with your back to his chest on the bed, and he'd have one hand in yours and the other holding whatever book you choose
- zeke needs to be in complete darkness to sleep but needs to have a room as bright as possible to be productive. so every morning after he stretches and gets out of bed hes immediately opening his curtains and letting light into the room because "its the only way he'll actually get ready"
- if he was ever to pop the question he'd do it alone at a very mundane time, just like "wow this is the moment" and ask you to marry him. doesnt matter if he has a ring or not, hes ready, and he realizes this, and he finds the beauty in just doing something so simple with you. hes content and happy, and you make him see life in things he hasnt before, and hes ready for the commitment that comes with marriage, and hes in love with you.
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hope u all enjoyed 🤩🤩🤩 asks r open so request if ud like !!! okay love u all stay safe 🤩
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leoneliterary · 2 years
Hello! I love your demo and it also made me hate you a little because I felt like crying after our moms’ stage exit. Which is a compliment. Even if a grumpy one.
I did have a question/request(?): Im a tattoo girl. Could we get one to for our family? Like initials, or a symbol of some kind?
Thanks ily and how you answer so many questions!! & Im sorry I said I hated you a little. I really don’t.
I'm glad you don't hate me too much!!
Super happy that you like the story and as far as tattoos, I figured that since Sutek is so heavily inked, it was only fair to give the MC the option to be too. I was only considering having the only tattoo that was specified to be potentially a guild tattoo (for plot reasons 👀) but you bring up a good point!
I think I'll make the tattoo area of customization a bit more detailed!
Thanks again!
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feifood · 3 years
okay so I’m the anon who sent the request for the elegant fighting s/o I haven’t been on my phone in a bit so I just saw it bUT OMG I LOVED IT. your SUUCH a good writer and the way you hyped the reader up while going along with the writing was just ✨👏🏽IMMACULATE👏🏽✨. so yeah loved it AND YOU💕
now for my actual request:
What would feitan reaction be to reader flirting with him for the first time? And they’re kinda bold about it but also incredibly smooth. “Your face is cute...bet the rest of you is to...” get it cause he covers his whole body? It can be hc, Drabble, whatever you feel gives you the most creativity for this idea.
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cute pic of my favorite boy💗
Flirting with Feitan Boldly for the First Time
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HIII CUTIE OMG I GET TO MEET THE PERSON WHO SENT THAT REQUEST *I’m blushing right now hehe* THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR KIND WORDS IM SO GLAD THAT YOU LIKED IT !!!! It really means a lot recieving compliemtns and y’all make me soft evreytime without a fail
BABES THIS REQUEST IS SO CUTE I only did headcanons on it I hope that’s okay :(( Time is kind of tight right now and this is the best I can do LOLOL BUT regardless I hope you enjoy this piece love and please stay hydrated <33
(he is so pretty please It’s way too early for me to be simping this hard omg)
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He is VERY VERY confused at first
Like you’ve never said anything like this before but now you’re suddenly so ??? bold?? and he’s not complaining
All his replies will be like ‘tsk’ or ‘that was lame’ but in his mind he’s actually taking notes because he thinks your pick up lines are kind of good LOLOL
He’s also kind of flattered because like you? flirting with him? He must be dreaming babes give him a second to pinch himself and snap back to reality 
It’s also making him realize things (HEAR ME OUT)
The majority of your pick up lines that are about his appearance are probably about how he covers up so much of his body constantly or the fact that he basically wears all black and it sends him into deep though after he realizes ‘damn I really have been wearing nothing but black for all these years huh.......’
OR OR he’ll be like ‘when was the last time I changed up my hair style???’ if you compliment his hair
Please give him compliments as well babes he may seem like he hates them but everyone needs to be complimented sometimes :))
Overtime he definitely gets flustered like after he’s grown accustomed to your flirting and he’s starting to actually enjoy it, expect to see him turning away from you more to hide the blush on his face
Phinks may or may not come to you at least once a week just for tips of how to come up with a good pick up line hehe
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volleychumps · 4 years
bro im am: in love with literally everything you put out and i've had this probably really specific, self-indulgent request and am highkey scared it'll flop because not much can relate but it's been living in my mind rent free: remember that one episode where hinata talks to a classmate, saying how it'd be cool to have a band cheer for the vball team?? Well, it gave me an idea, so how about boys of your choice with a musically adept s/o?? she's part of the school band which frequently performs in tournament matches to cheer. her talent made her pretty well-known, though fame can attract both good and bad people—what happens when a guy from the opposing team gets a little too friendly? headcanons or scenarios is also up to you, and feel free to make s/o a crush instead (they aren't dating yet) if that makes the writing process more flexible! thank you so much, and have a lovely day/night!
 VolleyBoys with a Crush on Singer S/O
~ when you come and perform at one of their games in order to give school spirit, you’re approached by someone from another team because of your talent, leaving some less than happy boys
format: scenarios
genre: fluff
- includes: Suna, Semi, and Matsukawa 
Warning(s): slight cursing, possessive volleyboys 
Playing with some characters I’ve never really wrote for before, let me know how I do! 
Suna (main vocals)
“You’re staring.” 
“Go give your attention to someone who cares.” Suna’s lazy tone was a bit more snipped than usual as the cheers from the crowd finally died down, irritation evident in his tone as Atsumu smirks. The dark-haired blocker could pretend to be as uncaring as he wanted, but his tone gave him away. 
“Mad Y/N’s getting all the attention?” 
“Nah, he’s pissed because he can’t hog her all to himself anymore.” 
Suna rolled his eyes, Osamu merely shrugging alongside his brother as the three towel off in the middle of a break point for Inarizaki’s school band to make their performance. He hated that he loved seeing you up there, a light sheen of sweat on your forehead from the performance, your hair tied back with a wide smile on your face- 
he hated seeing everyone see you. 
“Yeah, so how’s that going for you? How are you two not dating yet-” 
“Kita-san, I think Atsumu and Osamu have questions about the play.” Suna cupped his mouth as the twins stiffen.  The dark haired spiker waved mockingly goodbye as his teammates were snatched by the collars, focusing his attention to what he had orginally been quietly watching. He tilted his head as you struggled to open the top of your water bottle, peering at it with a pout before he scoffs, beginning to walk- 
“Need help, sweetheart?” 
Suna stopped. 
You blinked, eyes widening as Kuroo Tetsurou easily twisted the cap off, handing it back to you with a naturally sly grin. He reaches a hand to the back of his neck as you smile in thanks, tilting the water back. 
“So the kitty can sing?” 
“Kitty?!” You choked on your water, noting his school colors before flushing. Why on earth was the Nekoma team captain flirting with the lead singer of the school band for Inarizaki? 
“I’m guessing you liked that.” Kuroo chuckles, patting your back in a more-than-friendly manner as you continue to cough, and your bandmates whistle, pretending not to notice the attractive captain’s advances. 
“Untrue. Don’t you have a game to play or something?” There’s no malicious intent behind your words, so Kuroo’s grin turns into a soft smirk as he begins to lean a little closer- 
“Gross. You’re all sweaty.” 
A towel is pressed to your face, Suna unfazed as you complain against the material. You feel the back of your head touch his chest as Suna pulls you into him with the towel pressed on your face, sharp eyes narrowing ever so slightly as Kuroo’s feral ones remain amused. 
“Looks like this kitten is domesticated.” 
You break free for a second, popping out of the towel successfully. “I’m not a kitten!” 
“Sure, kitten.” Kuroo winks at you again, beginning to walk off before sparing a glance to Suna, nodding once in amusement. You remain distracted, spinning on your heel to face your friend in embarrassment and confusion. 
“Why would you-?!” 
“Hey.” Suna tilts his head, dull eyes staring into yours as you find it a little harder to swallow. 
He bends down to your height, flicking the tip of your nose as you begin to protest- 
“Good performance. Come meet me after I rock this cat’s ass in this match, yeah?” His palm is warm on top of your head as you find yourself nodding stupidly as he brushes past you to a smiley Atsumu, sharp eyes searching for Kuroo Tetsurou. 
“So how’s it going?” 
“Go to hell, Atsumu.” 
“Is he blushing, Osamu?” 
Semi (Guitarist)
“Out of your league.”
“I literally haven’t said anything.” Semi shoots back at the redhead, and Tendou grins as he also watches your jogging-away figure as you head back for the stage. A scarlet bandana was now tied around your wrist, Semi’s eyes darting everywhere as Tendou’s grin turns sinister. 
“Oh? Y/N-chan, will you wear my bandana so I can brand you? I’m begging-!” 
“Do you want to punch him or should I?” Semi snips, and Goshiki slowly stops Shirabu from raising his hand as Ushijima props one eye open at the situation from his concentration. 
“Why’d you give it to her then?” Taichi asks, genuinely interested as you bop your head to the final song atop the stage, fingering the strings of your guitar with a small smile at your new goodluck charm. 
“Are you kidding me? Those two are always joined at the hip, I knew one of them was in love with the other.” Shibraru doesn’t miss a beat as Ojiro chuckles, having noticed that as well. Semi scoffs over the music, as if that were the craziest thing in the world. 
“Y/N L/N? As if.” 
“Have fun convincing yourself.” Ushijima closes his eyes again just as the song ends, and Semi’s cheeks begin to flare up as he grabs his hair in frustration, an annoying pounding in his chest. 
“Well, don’t take too long now.” Tendou sings, looking at an entertaining sight. “If you don’t want Y/N, do you think the pretty boy from Fukurodani wants her?” 
Semi stalls, thinking Tendou was playing another one of his mind games before looking as well, mouth drying at the sight. 
Akaashi Keiji had offered you a hand as you propped your guitar, making your way off the stage easier as you had seemed worried about getting down before. 
The setter’s throat tightened as you accepted, a smile tickling your cheeks as Akaashi helps you off the stage in a gentlemanly manner. You stumble slightly, giggling as Akaashi fondly steadies you by the waist, complimenting you on your performance. 
“I could never do that, L/N-san. You’re very talented.” 
“It’s really nothing...” 
Semi felt it then. Too used to watching from so far away, yet always close enough to keep you in view. 
But you stood close to him. Mere minutes before, excited gleam in your eye as he tied the bandana around your wrist, and you had locked eyes with him. It was only for a few moments, calloused fingers almost inching towards his- 
“Y/N. I give you this crap and you don’t even use it?” Semi was annoyed, dark eyes flaring as he bounds over to the two of you as you blink in confusion, his teammates watching the spectacle with slight interest. You flush as Semi’s eyes harden in the direction of Akaashi, who’s head tilts slightly. 
“Shut it. I’ll do it if you won’t, why’d you even ask?” Semi clicks his tongue as he unties the bandana, pooling your hair into a makeshift knot before barely glancing at the blue-eyed setter, focusing his attention on your hair as he stakes his claim. 
“Something you needed with our band captain?” 
“Nope. Just glad to have been of some aid. Then...” He nodded to you, but Semi could see the slight disappointment in his eyes underneath the cool atmosphere Akaashi held up as he walked onto the opposite side of the court. 
“...Sorry Semi.” 
“For what?” Semi questioned, feeling the embarassment beginning to creep up on him, heat tickling his cheeks as he watches you shuffle a bit from the proximity. He felt you shiver once his fingers accidentally grazed the back of his neck, causing Semi’s voice to get caught in his throat. 
“Not using your bandana correctly...” You mumbled, the tips of your ears turning pink as Semi watches in bewilderment. A lilt tickled the edge of his lips as he finished tying the scarlet material, leaning down from behind you so his forehead touched your shoulder as if he were exhausted. You tensed up before relaxing, enjoying his touch. 
“Don’t worry about it.” 
Matsukawa (drummer) 
“How far do you think I can go to piss off your little fanboys?”
“Why are you even over here?” 
“Moral support, princess.” Matsukawa grinned into his water bottle as you half-heartedly help him wipe the sweat gathered at his neck, your friend flicking off Hanamaki and Oikawa in the distance as they make romantic gestures with their hands as they go unnoticed by you. 
“You look like you’re dead tired and it’s only halfway through the game.” You note, handing him back the towel as Matsukawa grins, leaning a little closer to you from his spot next to you on the edge of the stage. 
“Careful, you might make me think you care about me.”
“Of course I do.” You don’t miss a beat, already distracted with slipping your drumsticks out of your pocket. Matsukawa’s jaw slackens a little as you get up, nudging him with your foot to get off before shooting him an easy smile. 
“We’re friends, aren’t we? Even though you’re kind of an asshole.” 
The brunette recovers quickly, Matsukawa smirking as he slips off the stage as you settle back into your drumset. 
“You love me, princess.” 
“Yeah yeah, go swat a volleyball around.” Your tone is teasing as your bandmates begin to fall back into place, and Matsukawa mockingly salutes you before walking back to his team, ignoring the involuntary replaying of your words in his head. 
Of course I do.
He was oddly quiet as Hanamaki teased him, watching as your band fell into a beautiful rhythm led by your hands. Agitation grew in his stomach as it mixed with his stupid crush on you, wanting nothing more than to let all your little fans to become severely disappointed because of him. 
Matsukawa Issei was a very possessive man, but it was an underlying kind of possessive. The kind of posessive where he silently protected you from those who were attracted by your talent and style, or the kindness in your smile or witty comebacks- 
“Uh, Matsukawa?” 
“I don’t give a fuck if you think you’re going to be the best man at mine and Y/N’s nonexistent wedding-” 
“No.” Hanamaki grinned, jutting his head in your direction. Matsukawa didn’t even realize the song had ended, watching as Atsumu Miya had picked up your hand, bringing it up to his lips flirtatiously as you stared wide-eyed as if you had busted a fuse. 
“Yep. My bad, there will be no wedding.” Hanamaki clasps his shoulder, not realizing the impact of his teasing words. “Because Atsumu Miya’s gonna get her first if you don’t step up your game, bro.” 
But Matsukawa didn’t reply with some witty comeback, still watching as Atsumu brushed a strand of hair behind your ear. He didn’t like it. The embarrassed look on your face, the awkward smile on your lips, the laugh in your throat- all caused by someone who wasn’t him. 
“How about ya show me how to play those drums sometimes?” Atsumu had taken a step closer, and your fists had clenched as you felt yourself at a loss for words. You had opened your mouth to reply, but all that slipped out was a yelp.
Matsukawa easily threw you over his shoulder, grinning relaxedly at Atsumu who’s flirtatious grin had digressed back to a flat line. You knocked on Matsukawa’s back with embarrassment in your stomach, but the brunette made no move to put you down. 
“Sorry, I’m her agent. She’s gotta go meet with her fans.” 
He ignored your chants to put you down as Oikawa and Hanamaki slowly clap as he brushes past them and out the gym doors, a pounding in his ears. 
“Why are you doing this?” You question, now in an empty hallway as you hear Matsukawa scoff, still not answering your question as he continues to walk with you slung over his shoulder. 
“I told you I wanted to piss of your fanboys, didn’t I?” 
“Tell me the truth!” You raised your voice just as he put you down, and Matsukawa looks at you for a second, your back hitting the wall as he towers over you. 
“What?” Your voice was smaller now, feeling like you’ve shrunk under your friend’s serious gaze that was usually anything but. Matsukawa’s hand touches the area above your head, leaning into you so your noses are barely brushing. 
“Tell me, princess. Do you still want the truth even if it ruins our friendship?” 
General works: @takemetovalhalla @kasandrafaye @savemesteeb @dreebbles @yams046 @let-me-have-my-own-name @deadontheinsidebut @lifeisntjustblackandwhite @curiouslilbeast @aprettyfruit @wisepandaslimeland @h0ngh0ngh0ng @lmkjimin @orangegiraffe7 @dai-tsukki-desu @kac-chowsballs @spikertrash @yamaguwuchi @lord-suneater-explosion @nekomawhore @holaaaf@babyybokutoakaashi @lexysclubhouse
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
Im gonna just say first, you are LITERALLY carrying the tbhk fandom at this point n you seem so nice ily keep up the good work!!! Second, could I request headcanons of Aoi (female) and Yashiro with a fem!s/o whos secretly an idol/singer? If that makes sense. Ty ty!!
aoi akane x f!reader, yashiro nene x f!reader
a/n: OANFOINFSDN thank you so much;; <33 I’ve been obsessing over TBHK since the day I read the first chapter, and I honestly don’t think my love for it will die anytime soon, so! I’m glad to provide what I can <3 and thank you so much for the compliment, it genuinely means so much!! Ily ily ily, you’re so very welcome, and thank you so much for requesting!!
warnings: none <3
word count: 1,144
Aoi Akane <3
As if she didn’t think you were admirable before-
Aoi always found you gorgeous, almost too beautiful to be with her- how were you not deemed the princess of the school? Really, she didn’t deserve such a title. It should have gone to you.
Your voice? Angelic. She could listen to you 24/7 if life allowed it. No matter how casual she is on the outside, her heart is constantly skipping beats around you, and she’s mentally all over the place. You’re so talented… so beautiful…… she admires you so much….
So, when she goes to your house and sees a few notes, pictures, and cute outfits in your room, she’s instantly curious. Has her beautiful girlfriend’s talent been discovered? In what? What’s up?
“Oh, well- I’m a singer.”
That’s literally her expression- her cute smile doesn’t falter, but her eyes and eyebrows show nothing but… confusion-? No, she knew you were amazing- she was just… caught off guard? How had she not realized it?
You grabbed a picture of you dressed up, and offered it to Aoi. And, honestly? Her admiration went 📈📈📈 if even possible.
“Why didn’t I find out sooner? That’s incredible, (Y/N)! You look amazing, that’s really incredible!”
Hold this moment dear to your heart, because it won’t be often that you catch her off guard and get her to be this excited. She’s genuinely gawking at the photo, asking you a bunch of questions, and looking at every picture you have around-
A princess (of the school) and an idol… it almost sounds like that Barbie movie- except the two of you are in love-
If you have concerts, you’d better believe she’s attending every. Single. One. Who knows how many she missed before realizing you were an idol!! She’s going, no matter what! Standing there, cheering almost uncharacteristically, and looking at you with such genuine love and admiration.
Watching you sing, be it in your room with her, or on the stage, is one of her favorite things. Your love and passion towards it is so sweet to her, and she can practically feel herself falling harder and harder when you’re singing. Your angelic face and voice… your overall stage presence. She almost envied it, in the kindest way possible- in a way where she only looked up to you more because of it.
Aoi listens to your music constantly after finding out. Genuinely, the moment she got home afterwards, she was searching for your music, creating an entirely new playlist for it. I don’t see her as the kind to make many playlists, so consider it a big honor.
As a singer/idol, you certainly already know how to take care of yourself, and probably have others to help with it. Still, Aoi is making sure more than anyone that you’re staying healthy and happy, and not overworking yourself. She’ll make you tea if your throat gets sore, give you massages if you’re sore, and will be ready to fight anyone if they dare push you past your limit. You’re her beautiful, lovely, amazing girlfriend, and she’s going to make absolutely sure that everyone treats you the way you deserve (and that way is like a queen).
Yashiro Nene <3
To be honest, she’s slightly less composed than Aoi. But, similarly to her, Yashiro thought you hung the moon even before she knew you were an idol.
As a hopeless romantic, she thought your relationship was enough of a fairytale. She and her beautiful, talented girlfriend- it was like a dream, really.
“Hm, (Y/N). She kind of looks like you,” Yashiro would say, pointing at a picture you had from a concert.
“Pff- that is me.”
“H… HUH-?”
Sits there, looking at the picture, then at you, repeatedly for a few seconds. “That’s- that’s really believable.”
Give her a few seconds, just trust me. Once you explain a bit more, showing more pictures and such, she’s practically bubbling. If you look closely, you’ll see the sparkles in her eyes as she brags on you. Calling you cool, telling you how beautiful you are, how beautiful you look on a stage, how proud she is, how talented you are!! She’s so impressed!!! She’s so swooned!!
Yashiro is instantly a superfan. Buys your music, goes to every concert- rambles about you to yourself, since she knows it’s still a secret- she doesn’t want to risk anyone knowing that her girlfriend is an idol… BUT THAT’S STILL SO COOL AHHHH,,,
She compares it to all the romance novels she’s read! Not only does she have a girlfriend, her girlfriend is an idol! It’s like those where the girl falls in love with a famous person- or a secret identity story! Or, even somewhat secret lovers?! She’s openly dating (Y/N), but she’s not openly dating (Y/N) the singer-!
S,,, sing to her. Do it, I dare you,,
Hearing your singing through her earbuds is one thing. At a concert is another. In person, sitting with her in your room, conversation slowly died out as you both pondered what to do. Cuddling alone was nice, but the moment you suggested you sing a bit of a song you liked, she was 100000000% down.
As soon as your angelic voice starts singing the first few words, she’s… there’s no word to describe what she is- flustered? So very in love?? Feeling like she’s dreaming??? On cloud 9?? Yashiro’s sitting there, side pressed against yours, her face practically on fire as her heart does all sorts of flips. In that moment, all she can think of is how cool you are, and how much she loves and admires you.
If you keep any of the dresses from concerts, please please, do a little dress-up with her,,,, let her try on the dresses, and put some on yourself. Even hold little “concerts” that consist of instrumentals to songs you two like, holding hairbrushes and dancing around your room, pretty dresses swishing around.
When the two of you are dueting like that, spin her around a bit, then pull her in for a kiss when the song ends, should you be feeling bold. The look on her face will be worth it more than anything ever was- her red face, as she attempts to hide her expression in your shoulder. “You- You can’t just do that, (Y/NNNNN).... W-well, actually you can… I didn’t mind, b-b-but-”
Sometimes, she catches herself humming your music, and listening to it when she’s feeling down or can’t sleep. Being around you is ideal, but she knows you can’t see her any time she wants to see you- if that were the case, you’d be with her constantly. So, on sleepless nights, or when her mind gets a little too noisy, hearing your beautiful voice singing such catchy songs can usually calm her down plenty. Or at least provide a lovely distraction <3
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mxvladdy · 3 years
heyy i just read your fic Case of the Munchies on ao3 and im Loving it!!!! its amazing!! i was wonder if youre accepting requests and if you haven’t done it could you write the same for the rest: mammon, levi, satan, belphi, dia, barbatos and smth for simeon and luke (ofc platonic) like how angles have a true form and that means they can never relax around mc and how solomon has so much power at his fingertips he can just snap and end them or smth like that? pretty please and thank you!!!!
A/N: Of Course! Of Course! I already did Mammon and Levi HERE so I’ll do the other four in this request! You sent me a lot of good ideas and I’ll sprinkle them out into other requests soon!
Hope you like it!!
Case of the Munchies prt 3!
Word Count: 4.2k
Characters: Satan, Belphie, Diavolo, Barbatos
TW: Mentions of eating and cook humans, very mild gore
As the only full-blooded demon of the seven, he has thought about it...just hypothetically of course. When you were new to the Devildom he did find your scent more appetizing than the others. It’s a good thing he has the most restraint and control of all his kin, especially when it comes to his more base urges.
He doesn’t hide this knowledge from you. It’s readily available in the library and his own room in the history books. He just won’t bring it up. So if you don’t say anything, he won’t either. What would he say anyway? “Yes, I’ve thought about it, up until it was outlawed it was a staple of our diet after all…” Ye, probably not the best thing to say.
When you finally brought it up he was exasperated. Did you have to bring it up during the few hours he had alone with himself? He wasn’t going to lie but the thought of hurting your feelings would just about do him in.
He will alleviate your worries if you have any. If Satan was anything, he was genuine.
Mini Fic
His wine curdles in his stomach, turning sour along with the take-out he had nabbed for the two of you to enjoy tonight. Drinks and dinner were becoming a staple in your T.V. night tradition. If one of you had had a rough day you would drop by your favorite shop of the hour and pick up a meal to share while you vent.
Today in particular had been a shit day for him. Failed experiment after failed experiment, and one bottle that didn’t explode on impact with the potion he dropped. Sigh. At least your comforting words soothed his wounded pride a little. You chuckle at his escapades glad to see he is not hurt at least. It was nice to have someone to see the humor in something that normally would have dampened his mood.
“You’re a pest.” He laughs at you while snapping his takeout chopsticks in half to use. “I need sympathy-hours of work wasted.” You snort into your own bowl of udon.
“You need words of praise like Beel needs another stomach.” Satan gasps in mock insult pointing a sauce stained chopstick at you.
“How dare you insult your host! After I toiled over this meal of-” What did he get exactly? Honestly, when he placed the order he was near boiling with rage at his careless fumble. It was to be a surprise for you, something to give you a bit of magic while supervised by himself. He knew how frustrated you were with your lack of magical ability in class so he wanted to gift you something grand. Now he has to wait months to try again.
Ah, well...nothing ventured nothing gained as they say.
You watch him sulk over his soup dumplings, his mile away from the comfort of your company and his room. “Come on blondie.” You poke him with your foot before burying them under his pajama-clad thighs on the couch. “Eat your ‘hard earned’ meal before I do.” You snatch up his D.D.D forgetting your own food for a moment to set up your favorite streaming service to cast to his small T.V. “Want to watch a bunch of humans fail miserably at baking?”
"I thought you would never ask."
Satan feels you stiffen in his arms two hours into your bake-off marathon. Your takeout boxes are cold and forgotten on his coffee table, a bottle of wine gone between the two of you. He glances down at you curious.
You were transfixed on the screen. The novice baker on screen was struggling to keep his monstrosity of a cake upright. It was the annual Halloween episode and this fool went for a Silence of the Lambs inspired cake. A good concept really, but very poorly executed. The fake body parts and sugar blood weighted the pastry down dangerously. If he were, to be frank, the cake was also tacky as hell. Heh, he'd have to try to make this for Lucifer.
"Does his abuse of the piping gun offend you that much?" He jokes wrapping an arm around you.
Your laugh is breathy and lacks its usual warmth. "It is excessive isn't it?" You look up at him. "Hey, Satan-have you ever eaten people before?"
"Uhh…" Great, how eloquent. This came out of nowhere, did Lucifer set you up to this? No-no you wouldn’t. Would you hate him if you knew? “I have.” He admits through clenched teeth waiting for your reaction.
“Didn’t Diavolo ban it?” He can tell you are doing the mental math in your head.
He chuckles dryly. “Well, you never asked if I did it legally.” You move away from his touch and pause the show. “I mean...I did it legally! ” His mouth runs freely, his brain screaming at him to shut up.
“Satan.” You cross your arms unimpressed.
“It was a new law and I never meant to eat it for the most part. It was at a time where I was still struggling to control myself.” Young and stupid as Lucifer had said defending him every step of the way when he would slip up. Was it sold on the black market now? Yes. Did he know how to get it? Sure, but he would never nor would he tell you about it either.
You nod thinking about his words. “I can empathize.” Oh, thank the Devil. “Have you thought of eating me?”Ahhh. “Oh my God, you have.” You chuck a pillow at him with a laugh.
He catches the pillow and clutches it to his fiery hot face. “Everyone did at first!” If he was going down then he was going to take every one of his brothers down with him. “I wasn’t going to act on it! It was a spur of the moment-why are you laughing!”
“Sorry, sorry.” You wipe at the tears in your eyes wishing you had your phone to take a picture of his blushing face. “I kind of figured you did.”
Satan looks at you incredulously. “Shouldn’t you be a bit more torn up over this?”
You shrug. “After everything we’ve been through? I admit it was a shock to think at first but I mean, you would have done it by now right?”
“Well, thank you?” He flops back on the couch, still clutching the pillow to act as a barrier between you two. He’ll take it as a compliment.
You scoot close, nudging his knee with yours. “You ok?” He nods. “Can I touch you?” He nods again eagerly. You wrap your arms around his shoulders and squeeze. “Sorry, I made you uncomfortable.”
Satan chuckled, dropping the pillow to hug you back. “It’s ok.” He peaks your forehead. “Now, with that out of the way. Shall we finish this?” He swipes up his phone to hit play. You nod, flinging your legs over him to snuggle closer. “Good, I’m dying to know how he tries to save that thing. I’m putting money on icing.”
“You know.” You break the silence once more, unable to stop yourself. “I wouldn’t be opposed to being eaten...in some ways.”
After your first *ahem* encounter, he doesn’t bring up the whole food thing. He is afraid that if you learned about it, it would be the last strike for you and his relationship. Perhaps it’s paranoia on his part but better safe than sorry.
In all honesty, he didn’t eat it that much anyway. Killing humans was something he did often in his youth as a demon. A stupid attempt at revenge on his part. It filled the holes in his hearts to hurt those he believed killed his sister.
But to eat their flesh? Disgusting. He tried it a few times and it turned his stomach with every mouthful. He just hated them too much to even stomach them. He’s mellowed out with time but still never got a taste for it.
When you asked it was a shock but welcomed in a way. Like he could finally get this weight off his shoulders every time he looked at you.
Mini Fic
“It’s gross.” Belphie yawns, jumping up to sit on the high garden wall. He bends down to help you up placing you gently next to himself. The wind catches you by surprise threatening to topple you back from the wall before he rights you. He tosses his sweater over you with a nod of satisfaction.
You snuggle into the fleece lining burying your nose into the fabric. It smelled of elderberries and honeysuckles. Belphie watches you curl up into his side with a fond smile. “Seriously, you all are nasty.”
“Ouch!” You push his shoulder with a grin. “I feel like I should be offended on behalf of all humans.”
Belphie snorts, looking up into the bright colors of the night sky. “Good. Be offended. You, humans, are slimy.” You squawk indignantly. “It’s true, never in all my years would I willingly ingest it.” He shudders theatrically.
“Shouldn’t you be happy? Lest I eat you?” He growls playfully, taking a swipe at you. He pulls you close to kiss the pout off your face. He stops only when your face is hot and your smile threatens to pull a muscle. “I’ll keep you safe, always.” He vows resting his chin on your head.
“Do you think other demons would try to eat me?”
“Have you met my twin?” He teases. He takes your jab to his ribs with a smile. “But if one of those lesser demons even tries to breathe in your direction I’ll kill them.”
“Ok, Mister sleeps till dinner.” You joke. His vow warms your heart a little, chasing away the small bit of fear that had rested itself in your chest. You saw how some demons looked at you at R.A.D, the longing and hungry looks got to be a bit much sometimes. A few older demons would discuss it loudly when they knew you were close by. Apparently, it was a long standing tradition of demons eating humans both body and soul when a pact was concluded.
Imagine what those brothers would do to them…
You shake your head hugging Belphie closer. You had nothing but his word that he would keep you safe, yet that was enough for you. Besides, he wasn’t one to follow the rules even at the best of times.
“I’m serious. You're off limits for everyone.”
You nod into his shirt, closing your eyes to enjoy the peace of the moment. “I’ll hold you to it.”
It is so far from his mind that when you say something it is like a rug was taken out from under him. He could be diplomatic about it, but you deserve better than a half-truth.
He was a wild child in his youth. Sometimes he would overindulge in his father’s heritage and gorge himself on his newfound powers and privilege. He would dine with the elders and eat with abandon under their proud eyes.
He regrets it now, in your company it brings up a slurry of emotions. Sometimes when he looks at you he sees flashes of his past behavior.
The urge is stronger in him than the brothers, a constant nagging tug in his guts, but he is strong. Stronger both in willpower and sheer physical prowess than them so the pull is more of an annoyance than a burning need. He can temper the hunger in other ways if need be *wink*
He fears what you might think of him if you ever found out the truth, but however you take it he will handle it in stride. He loves you too much not to.
Mini Fic
Dinners, when Diavolo could eat alone, were a rare and special treat. The solace of just being allowed to exist without constantly checking his posture or presentation was a blessing, just him, his thoughts, and a good meal. It was nice to have no paperwork to worry about staining this time or a tedious meeting where he couldn’t savor his meal. No, no this was good. He looks down at his heavily laden plate and smiles. Well, almost… Pulling out his phone he snaps a quick picture and sends it to you with a simple question. Join me?
Private meals were wonderful, but with you, they were perfect.
You arrive faster than he expected, flushed face and clutching a stitch in your side from rushing over. He almost felt bad before he saw the eager look in your eyes. Barbatos helps you with your school bags and coat before placing another plate of food across from the young lord. He winks at the prince before disappearing back through the door.
“Thank you for the invite!” You beam taking your seat across from him. “I hope you don’t mind that I'm not dressed for the occasion. I was just wrapping up a study session with the boys.” You look down at your rumpled lounge clothes.
Diavolo waved his hand disregarding your concerns. “I would emulate you if I had the time.” He looks at his own pressed school uniform. He had another meeting this evening, much to his distaste. “You look rather comfortable.” You smile in delight before tucking into your own plate.
You eat in a comfortable silence reading the room well enough to tell that he wished for some company but not needless chitter-chatter. Barbatos arrived moments after you put your fork down and left with the plate leaving behind a delicious smelling hot drink. You couldn’t put your finger on the flavor but it tastes spicy like cinnamon and coats your throat like warm honey.
Whatever was in the drink seemed to work some magic on the prince. His shoulder droop, his back sinking into the chair as his legs stretch out till they are close to brushing against yours. He starts talking over the drink, eyes slowly lighting up with delight. You drink, nodding along with him as he builds up steam. It was nice to see him so unguarded and light. You listen to him talk about simple innocent topics. You knew how he tried to have these conversations with the others to no avail. The brother’s always tried to stay clear of him, and Lucifer simply dismissed these things most days. Barbatos and the angels were a bit better but still listened mostly to placate him.
“Ah!” Diavolo stops mid-sentence as his door opens once more Barbatos holding a small platter in his gloved hand. Dia claps his hands in delight. “I’ve been wanting to have you try this with me for forever. The human palate is so different, but I hope this is tasty.”
“What is it?” You eye the covered plate curiously.
Dia says a word in infernal. It is harsh and guttural in his throat but his delight was evident in his tone. “It is like...a roasted nut? Sorry, it is difficult to explain but it has been a favorite treat of mine since I was a boy. I hope you like it too.” He opens the lid with little ceremony and tilts the bowl to you. Inside were several golfball sized pods piled on top of each other. Even from across the table you could feel the molten heat radiating from the porous black shell. It looked...ugly. Like a hunk of dried lava. You eye it suspiciously as Diavolo picks one up with his bare hands and bits it. The shell cracks under his sharp teeth, a fang catching in a weak spot with a noise that makes you shiver. Underneath the thick casing, you could see a dark red and fleshy core. He hums in delight pulling put the meat of the seed and discard the shell pieces onto an empty plate. He makes quick work of the innards already reaching for another by the time you casually pick up a seed.
The seed itself was dense and warm to the touch. You squeeze it, noting that the porous coating felt like a mass of steel in your hand. “Dia-how do I open it?” No way you could bite it, not without breaking your jaw in the process.
“Allow me.” He takes it from you and effortlessly cracks it. “It is a tradition to break them with teeth, instead of hands or utensils. Something about a show of strength. I just find it fun.” He shrugs, handing you the broken seed.
“Fun!” You marvel at his pearly fangs. “Those are some big chompers.”
“All the better to eat you with my dear.” He chuckles.
You blink in shock, eyes widening. “Would you? Eat me?”
Diavolo’s smile drops. “No.” He lies on reflex, his political nature kicking in. “No-no wait.” He shakes his head. “I...at a time would have without hesitation.” He feels you recoil. “It was common practice back in the day. To the common demon it was a great meal and for the ruling class a show. He looks down at the broken fragments of shell on his plate. Breaking the shell was far too reminiscent of other things. He squashes the unwanted wave of memories coming up. Instead, he looks up at you.
You sit quietly mulling over his words. You haven’t run yet. “Why did you stop?”
He leans back with a loud exhale. Why did he stop? There were many reasons, none he wished to divulge into at the moment, but he had to say something. “I grew up, and began to resent and regret it.” He used to read human stories of demons and his kind. They hurt their characterizations of him and his people. Yet, they had all been scarily accurate. He wanted to prove that they weren’t stagnating beasts, slaves to their desires. Even if it wasn't a popular opinion.
“I see.” You pick up the seed again. “Thank you for telling me. You didn’t have to.”
“But I wanted to, and to apologize… such admissions must have ruined your appetite. If you wish to retire-”
“Is it weird if it didn’t?” You cut him off. You felt-not apathetic to the knowledge but close to it. It confirmed a lot of things for you and put certain things in perspective. You still felt safe with him even with this new bit of knowledge. Without a second thought, you pop the treat into your mouth. You gasp in delight. The flavor and texture were not what you were expecting, but was delicious all the same. “Can you open another for me?” You push your plate over to him.
“Of course!”
The food was as wonderful as his company.
You knew he cooked it. He probably knows a million different ways to prepare a human. He is also very blunt about his dabblings in the market.
He doesn’t eat it, hasn’t ever. He sees no reason to, especially since he doesn’t need to eat anyway there is no temptation. He did find the meals he created beautiful though.
Once he lived for the praises of the courts and his young lord. He was a master at all mediums he cared to work with. Time, decorum, or of the flesh.
He is 100% unashamed of his past with the dark side of the Devildom’s history. In fact, he is damn near proud of it. He is a demon and it was a part of his life, if that frightens you, well there is nothing he can do about it.
He’ll entertain your questions and will try to put any lingering worries at ease. Just don’t expect to be coddled when he does.
Mini Fic
Barbatos had very few personal pleasures in his life. His schedule simply didn’t have the space for such things. So why even bother looking for a pastime. It wasn’t until Diavolo gifted him with an old worn cookbook did he find it.
Cooking was a necessity for his prince, but with that little book, it became something he looked forward to doing. Slowly, he began to seek them out, filling his growing quarters with cookbooks and loose-leaf slips of paper. He enjoys reading them. Each book was a little time capsule into the cook's life and memories. Could a mix of spices really remind someone of the arid heat of their motherland? Or does following a certain way of aging meat really honor the writer's late grandfather’s memory? He tries them all, each recipe a little invasion to a happier time.
He wrote his fair share of cookbooks too in his day. Simple modifications to things the young lord liked to the odd machinations of his own imagination. He got good at experimenting with flavors and textures over the years, mastering certain cooking techniques and flavors just for fun. He didn’t share many of them, a lot of his recipes were just too complicated for most. Luke was allowed to look at his pastry books only. The little cherub was enamored with his techniques and wanted to learn as much as he could in the short amount of time he was in the Devildom. Admirable, but he made sure to keep some of his...less savory books away from the boy. He shudders to think what Simeon would do if he scarred the young angel.
You are the only one who has full access to his collections. Whether you liked to cook was inconsequential to him. He simply enjoyed sharing this interest with you. Some nights you would take it upon yourself to be his “sous-chef”. Which meant you sat in the corner of the kitchen and read out the ingredients and steps for a recipe he knew by heart. Sometimes you would add in extra steps in an attempt to stump it. Cute...but ultimately failed each time. So, most nights when you tagged along to the kitchens you just flip through his collection, reading his immaculate scribblings crammed into the corners of the pages or where he scratched out certain ingredients for more demon-appropriate foods and more sustainable options.
You had gone through many beautiful books before you found it. The cookbook was small and inconspicuous compared to most. Just a simple black cover with a well-worn spine. What made you take notice of it was just how dusty it was. That wasn’t like him to do. Barbatos would never let something get so dirty. You wished you never had opened it. You weren’t stupid by any means, but after reading a few pretty graphic recipes it had unsettled you. So you withdrew from Barbatos trying to forget about the book tucked away deep in the bowels of your school bag.
“You’ve been distant.” You choke, hand flying up to your chest as you swear your heart skipped a beat. Damn demon. Should put a bell on him. “What’s wrong?” His eyes are piercing, cutting away at your feeble defenses.
“Nothing…” You fiddle with your bag’s strap. Your eyes drop to the floor taking in the differences between his polished shoes and your scuffed boots.
“Of course not…” You could hear the skepticism in his voice. “I trust that if there was something wrong you would feel safe enough to confide in me.” His words hit like a ton of bricks on your shoulders. He sighs seeing that his words got no reaction. “Please?”
Wordlessly you rummage in your bag and thrust the book into his chest. “Sorry. It shook me up more than I thought it would.”
Ah. He knew this book all too well. For a time it had been his favorite, one to pull out with Diavolo had guests or a deal that needed to be sealed. He accepts the book, noting how much your hands shook. “I understand.” He slips the book into his breast pocket making a mental note to hide it in one of his lesser used rooms. “Would you like to discuss this? In my room perhaps?” You follow with a timid nod.
“Where shall we begin?” Barbatos asks the moment he closes the door to his room.
“You don’t seem perturbed.” You frown. Barbatos shrugs, pulling the book out and opening it. He had a lot of good memories stored here. Some of these were still considered signature dishes, oftentimes a visiting dignitary would lament to him about the good old days when he could show off his craft when flesh was plentiful. He takes pride in that still to this day even. For as much as he loved you, he would not be ashamed of this.
“I didn’t mean it like that.” You shake your head when he says as much. “It just confused me. Do-do you see me as food?”
“I never saw humans as food, no more than I see demons or angels as it.” He picks at an imaginary bit of lent from his pant leg. “As for seeing you as food no. No matter how sweet your lips are, or how honeyed your words can be.” He smiles, taking impish delight in your squirming. “I merely did my job as a butler for my lord.”
“Oh- sorry for not coming to you sooner.” You felt foolish now. Barbatos waves it off, pleased to have this issue put aside so quickly and cleanly. “Wait-" You gasp as his words finally sink in. “Have you prepared angels before?”
He flashes you a mischievous smile putting a single finger up to his lips. “Perhaps~ do you wish to read that too?”
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wizardcommune · 3 years
can i ask for,,, yubono and urbosa (separately) with a pretty hylian s/o headcanons?
a/n - of course; thank you sm for the request! i’m glad to see other people like yunobo (IM SORRY IT POSTED TOO EARLY IF YOU SAW THAT i didn’t mean to click the post button BFNSMB)
warnings - none !
yunobo’s brain just kind of. shuts down when he sees you for the first time
he doesn’t really know how to react at first, but after a minute he’ll go and compliment you!!
“hello!!! i just wanted to let you know you’re really pretty!! i like your earrings!! where did you buy them from!!”
he gets caught up in talking to you and will forget that as a goron, he can’t,,, wear earrings,,,
it’s okay king
once you start dating, he’s a very sweet partner!
any time he goes to get bludo’s painkillers, he’ll subconsciously look for loose gems or interesting herbs along the paths you might like
yunobo is That Person who talks about you to anyone he meets
“rohan, thanks for helping with this! by the way, have you met my s/o? they’re really pretty! and nice! an-”
they would get mad if he wasn’t so wholesome
it’s definitely not because they also think you’re really cool, of course not, why do you ask
urbosa is the type of partner to show you off
she’d never do it in a way that could make you uncomfortable, though!
but she’ll always have you by her side, keeping a hand on the small of your back
she likes calling you fox, love, darling, etc.
urbosa would like taking you on walks! it’s calming for her
during those, she’d point out flowers or animals that remind her of you
she often compares your beauty to theirs :))
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